#the doctors said he wouldn't survive this night on his own
kesouu · 3 days
Blue Star☆。⁠*✯゚⁠+*⁠.✧
(⁠☆) Narumi Gen x Oc
(。⁠*゚⁠+ CHAPTER 3 +゚⁠*。⁠)
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(⁠。⁠•̀✧) THIS ONE HAS SPOILERS FOR KAIJUU NO. 8 B-SIDE!!! (In case for people who didn't see my edit last chap, this story is 2 years before the main plot of the show!!)
7 years ago...
"So your saying...THE CAPTAIN OF THE STRONGEST DIVISION WANTS TO INVITE US TO THEIR BASE?! AS IN THE ARIAKE MARITME BASE?!" Hoshiko yells as they exit the hospital, Narumi who walked with her slapped a hand to her mouth "You sure are noisy for someone who was just discharged from the hospital." He complained as a car pulled up in front of them and a tall man exits the car "I am Eiji Hasegawa, First Division Platoon Leader. I'm here to escort the both of you to headquarters."
"Ha-Hasegawa-san...." Hoshiko mutters, her expression displaying pure awe at the person infront of them not minding how Narumi grabbed her arm and pulled her into the car with a scowl on his face. The drive to their destination was short but the boy still slept on Hoshiko's shoulder for the ride. Looking at him, she realized the bags under his eyes have grown darker 'I must have worried him...' the girl thought as she frowned at the thought of Narumi staying up late at night waiting for her to wake up from what the doctors mentioned was 3 days.
Hoshiko stood in awe once more as they got out of the car "It looks so mugh bigger in person!" She gushes at Narumi who rolls his eyes "It's what ever." He says while walking away leaving his friend to catch up. "Were going to run some tests on both of you just to see your unleased combat power, it's not normal for people to just randomly use carcasses that aren't adjusted as weapons" an operator explains to the two as they both laid down on a table as other operators set the devices need for the test.
"The boy's unleashed combat power...is 24 percent?!" Hasegawa explains as he looked at the numbers on the screen "The girl, too has quite the impressive number with 21 percent." The captain, Shinomiya, mentions as well "It would seem their aptitude for Kaijuu cells are remarkably high in general. Also we haven't officially confirmed this yet...but the boy is showing potential aptitude for weapon 1." Silence follows in the room as Hasegawa is the first to break it "Aptitude for a numbers weapon?!"
"It wouldn't be a stretch to call both of them abnormal. It's no wonder they managed to use an unadjusted uniorgan." Shinomiya states as Hasegawa looks at both the teens backgrounds that were in both his hands 'Gen Narumi. He has high academic and athletic marks, but he's been suspended from school multiple times due to misconduct. He lost his parents to a kaijuu cataclysm. Hoshiko Mitsuba, the same as Narumi, high academic and athletic marks but was the opposite of him in terms of conduct. She lost her parents to the incident 3 days ago.' Hasegawa read as he looked at both profiles 'no next of kin, huh?'
"Are we done here? We're busy and Hoshiko was ordered by the doctors to take it easy for a while. If that's all, were going home." Hoshiko nudged his side with her elbow at the disregard to officials "Gen that's rude!" She whispered but the boy payed no mind and brought out his hand-held console while linking his arm with Hoshiko. "You're going home, you say? The facility you were living in has been destroyed, and Mitsuba's house has been destroyed as well. You're two are going to live in the evacuation shelters now that Mitsuba has been discharged, aren't you?" Shinomiya questions Narumi as he replies uncaringly "We dont care where we go." Hoshiko could only sweat drop and stand beside Narumi awkwardly as he answered for her so she continued listening on "It"'s not like I've grown attached to any of the orphanages I've been in so far. All they ever did was pass me off to the next place."
"You've always survived by your own strength. That's what you said back there, correct?" Shinomiya pushed on in questioning "Yeah, I don't have any next of kin. None of my teachers or any of the folks at the orphanages have ever done a thing for me. Hoshiko has been the only one to step up, you guys are no different, right? What good does a test proving I'm abnormal do?" Narumi explained, eyes still trained on his console screen "Mitsuba and Narumi...was it? You two should join the defense force." Hoshiko's is left mouth agape and eyes wide at the proposal 'Captain Shinomiya himself is asking me and Gen to join the defense force?!' she though as Narumi finally lifted his eyes from his screen "Say what? The defense force? Us?" Narumi asks skeptically "That's right. Our objective is exterminate kaijuu. Both of your power will ine day be necessary to protect this nation." Silence flowed through the air as Shinomiya waited for Narumi and Hoshiko's response.
"You're just saying that you want to take advantage of us, aren't you?" Narumi replied with his eyes back onto his game "That all depends of the both of you. We accept anyone who shows skills and results. That's the sort of place the first division is." Hasegawa glances to Shinomiya as he though 'Captain Shinomiya seems to be putting a great deal of stock in these kids.' he stares down at the ground in with a face of frustration 'I suppose I'm no different. There's an air currently hanging over the defense force. Stagnation. Mr. Isao has served as the captain of the first division for a long time. Under normal circumstances it wouldn't be surprising for him to transfer to headquarters now that he’s physically past his prime. Vice captain Itami is in a similar boat, considering his skills and career. The reason is plain and simple. We lack an impeccable ace officer.’
‘Now that the captain of the second division, Hikari Shinomiya, once a shoo-in for taking over as captain of the first divison – has died... there is no one to serve as mr. Isao and vice captain Itami’s replacement. But... I sensed something immesurable from both these kids on that rainy day.’ Hasegawa thinks back to the sight of Narumi holding up the head of that kaijuu and Hoshiko finishing off both kaijuu that had attacked her home as he passed by. ‘Some may call it a hunch. “These two can make big changes in the defense force.” That’s what I told myself.’ Narumi looks up in thought and glances at Hoshiko with a smirk, the girl could only sigh and nod as Narumi answered for both yet again.
“So you’ll accept anyone so long as they show skills and results, eh? Sounds interesting.”
The two soon applied for the defense force entrance exam that year both passing with top marks in all parts, written and physical. Standing atop of corpse upon corpse were them as they personally killed for the second round of the exam that was live kaijuu neutralization. Narumi looks up to the drone assigned to him as he spoke “I’m going to see if what you said was true about the defense force.” He said smiling triumphantly while Hoshiko sweat dropped at what she got herself into, she may had no idea what to do after grad, but joining the defense force to follow the only thing she had left in the world was certainly not one of them.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Note: part 5 of the Mechanic fic. this is just a little short chapter, but hopefully it will please you all the same ;)
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Warnings: very suggestive! 18+.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You have been in France for one month already. Your job kept you busy 24/7 and you desperately missed that hot mechanic you had managed to make your boyfriend before you left.
wordcount: 1,8k
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'I don't care where we are or what time it is, I'm taking what's mine, whenever I fucking want it.'
Sihtric: can I see you? Sihtric: I really need to see you… Sihtric: I miss you Sihtric: PLEASEEEEE call me Sihtric: now??? Sihtric: I'm going to video call you now okay???
'There she is,' Sihtric smiled as you appeared on his phone, 'hey, pretty lady.'
'Hey,' you chuckled, feeling yourself blush at the sight of his mismatched eyes, 'I'm so sorry I haven't been able to call or video chat much, babe. It's been crazy here.'
'I know, don't worry,' he said and laid back on his bed, 'everything going okay?'
'Yeah, it's fine, but how are you? Your hair's getting longer,' you chuckled, 'I like it.'
'Thanks, thinking of shaving it all off,' he teased, 'but things are not bad here, except that I've been in a lot of pain actually,' he grimaced.
'What?' you jumped up, 'why? What's wrong, honey?'
'It's this… aching, you know?' Sihtric said, 'I called the hospital already, but they can't do anything'
'What? What do you mean?'
'It's like… this pain,' he continued, 'I mean… damn, lady, you took a piece of my heart when you left.'
'Sihtric!' you yelled, angry but relieved, 'stop scaring me like that!'
'Sorry, baby,' Sihtric laughed, 'missing you, sweet stuff, that's all. Is your flight back booked already?'
'Yes, I took care of it yesterday. I'll be back in exactly twenty eight days!'
'Can't wait to have you in my arms again,' Sihtric smiled weakly.
'Me neither, love. I hope time goes fast. How's therapy going?'
'It's going,' Sihtric said, 'still got one crutch. I can walk small distances, slowly. It's not much but it's something.'
'Really?' you smiled, 'that's so good. Proud of you, babe! So you'll come running when I arrive at the airport?' you joked.
'I wish,' Sihtric chuckled, 'I would if I could. But, hey, about that… the doctors advise me to pick up work again, and Finan is drowning in work, so I'll start next week. Just a few hours a day, you know? But I probably won't be able to pick you up from the airport. I don't have a car and Finan can't take any more hours off. I'm really sorry, baby.'
'Oh, no, that's okay,' you said, 'don't worry. It was really sweet that Finan dropped me off at the airport, but I can get back on my own.'
'Promise it's fine?' Sihtric asked.
'I promise,' you smiled, 'what other news have you got?'
'Hmm,' Sihtric hummed, 'oh! They found the prick who hit me and drove off.'
'What?! Are you serious?'
'I am, my love. And he's facing some time too. Apparently he was drunk behind the wheel that night.'
'Oh my god, Sihtric…'
'I know, baby,' he said, 'just don't think about it, okay? I survived.'
You nodded with a soft smile, 'I know. I'm happy to hear they found him.'
'I'm going to take all that bastard's money,' Sihtric huffed, 'you know, for physical and emotional damage.'
'What about the motorcycle, I never asked, was it insured?'
'Of course it was insured, lady,' he smiled, 'everything's fully covered.'
'Good,' you smiled.
'Yeah, can't wait to buy a new one.'
'What?' Sihtric frowned.
'You want to get a new bike?'
'Of course,' Sihtric shrugged, 'why wouldn't I?'
'Well… you… I mean…'
'No, no,' he said, 'look, I've been riding bikes before I was even allowed to. I'm not scared and this wasn't my first crash. Yeah, it was my first bad fucking accident, but it's not going to stop me.'
You looked at your screen, not knowing what to say, but Sihtric knew you were upset.
'I know you're worried, I get it,' he said, 'but you can't change my mind about this, I'm sorry, baby.'
'I know…' you sighed, 'when do you think you'll get a new one?'
'Soon. Hey,' Sihtric said and licked his lips, 'I love you, lady.'
'I love you too,' you smiled shyly.
'Come back home soon, okay?'
'I will.'
'I promise.'
'No French mechanics I need to be worried about?' he teased.
'Absolutely not,' you laughed, 'but maybe that guy at the bakery…'
'Hey!' Sihtric chuckled, 'watch it, lady.'
'Or what?' you taunted.
'Or I might be facing some jail time too,' he laughed.
'Oh, please,' you rolled your eyes.
'I've been working out again, lady,' Sihtric winked, 'you don't know what I'm capable of.'
'Oh, really?' you smirked, 'show me.'
'You want me to show you?'
'Well, I haven't seen your body in weeks,' you hinted.
Sihtric grinned, tilting his phone slightly so you could see his covered torso. And he slowly snuck his hand under his shirt, shoving it up, exposing his abs.
'Oh,' your face flustered, 'looking good, handsome.'
'Yeah?' he smirked, 'want to see more?'
'A little more,' you dared him.
But there was no daring Sihtric. The mechanic was a flirt, and a confident one at that. Always had been. He knew he was good looking and he knew you liked it. So he had no trouble setting his phone back against a pillow, so you could fully see how he took off his shirt and then seductively ran his hands down over his muscular body as he bit down on his lip with a smirk.
'Sihtric, stop,' you giggled.
'Are you sure?' he smiled, one hand sliding down into his sweatpants, 'hm?'
Your eyes grew big, 'Sihtric!' you yelled, almost dropping your phone.
'Come on, baby,' he licked his lips, 'don't tell me you don't want some of this?' he winked and lowered his sweatpants.
Your breath hitched upon seeing Sihtric move his hands over his hard cock, still trapped in his boxers, and you couldn't keep your eyes off your screen.
'Are you really,' you swallowed hard, 'I mean... do you really want to have v-video … sex?'
'Yeah, why not?' he smiled, 'only thing we can do now, right?'
'I- I guess,' you instantly became nervous, but you were so aroused upon seeing his almost naked body, you couldn't deny the feeling in your core.
You quickly ran to your bed and got comfortable, and so did Sihtric, as you both stuffed a few pillows against the headboards of your own bed and sat back.
'Uh… now what?' you chuckled nervously.
'It's my first time doing this too, lady,' Sihtric smiled softly, 'I guess… hm, take your shirt off for me?'
You set your phone on your nightstand and wasted no time lifting your shirt up, but Sihtric interrupted you fast.
'Hey, wait,' he chuckled, 'take it off slowly for me, baby?'
You did as he asked, slowly revealing you wore nothing underneath your shirt, and when you looked back at your phone again, you saw Sihtric's sly smile was wider than before.
'Hm,' he hummed, smiling, slowly working his length just out of view for you, 'what I'd give to massage those right now,' he chuckled as he looked at your breasts.
'You mean like this?' you teased, cupping one breast and massaging your own flesh slowly for him.
'Oh, babe,' Sihtric moaned, his eyes intensely focused on his screen, 'yeah, just like that…'
'Hey, you can't just hide all the fun for me,' you frowned.
'Oh, you want to watch?' he laughed while raising an eyebrow, 'you're cheekier than you let me believe, lady.'
You shrugged with a grin, and Sihtric tilted his phone slightly, and you immediately tensed up when seeing his tattooed fingers work his hard cock as he watched you.
'Oh my god,' you sighed, a little lightheaded, 'you're so hot.'
'So are you, lady,' he purred with a wink. 
You were so desperate for his man, and you slid your fingers inside your body. Ever since the first time you set foot in that repairstore, you were ready to drop your panties for him. And you've had a few moments together, but you still hadn't had sex with him, and it was torture.
'I wish I could suck you off right now,' you moaned, remembering how nice that was for both of you.
'Mhm, me too,' Sihtric sighed, 'I can't wait to fuck you when you get back home again, lady.'
'Yeah?' you teased, working yourself as you watched him, 'you think you can handle me?'
'Oh, lady,' Sihtric smiled as he hummed, 'you don't know what I was like before we met.'
'Tell me,' you breathed, 'tell me what you are like.'
'I don't know if you can keep up with my sex drive,' he smiled and exhaled sharply upon seeing your eyes darken on his screen, 'if I'm in the mood, lady,' he husked, 'I'll find a way to get you right there and then. I don't care where we are or what time it is, I'm taking what's mine, whenever I fucking want it.'
'Oh my god,' you whispered, your walls clenching around your own fingers.
'Will you allow me to do that with you?' his voice became more hoarse with every word he spoke.
'Y-yes,' you moaned, 'fuck, I'm close, Sihtric.'
'Me too,' he let out a low groan, 'tell me how you want me to take you, lady. When you're back home, when I'm ready for it.'
'Fuck,' you hissed, 'I don't care baby, anywhere. At work, at home, on the fucking street, I don't care! I just want you so bad,' you cried as your climax approached, 'I wanted you to fuck me in the garage the first time you brought me home.'
'Yeah?' he growled, 'I wanted to, believe me,' his own pace quickened, 'I wanted to bend you over my bike so bad that day, baby. I would've fucked you so good, hm,' he breathed hard.
'Fuck!' you yelled, your climax abruptly taking over when you heard his soft humming along with his heavy breathing, and the thought of being fucked, bend over his motorcycle was too much, and you almost dropped your phone, 'jesus fucking christ,' you laughed.
'I can't believe you finished before I did,' Sihtric complained, teasingly, 'come on, give me some dirty talk,' he laughed, 'finish me off, lady.'
'You know I'd like to finish you off right now,' you purred.
'Yeah?' he bit down on his lip.
'Yeah, I'd suck you good. Taking you all in my mouth,' your voice deliberately more raspy than usual, 'I'd suck your cock real slow, handsome.'
'Ah, please,' he groaned.
'And maybe,' you grinned as you moved one hand up to your breasts, 'I'd let you fuck my tits, babe, would you like that?'
'Fuck!' Sihtric growled, 'yeah, I'd like that, baby. Oh, fuck!' he moaned loudly, struggling to keep his phone steady as he came with a heavy grunt.
You chuckled as Sihtric was trying to catch his breath, and he quickly brought his phone back up so you could see his face and half of his torso. You both couldn't help but laugh when you looked at each other again.
'I miss you,' Sihtric said when you both finally stopped laughing.
'I miss you too, so much, you have no idea.'
'Come back home, baby, I'm waiting for you.'
'I'm counting down the days, Sihtric, I really am.'
'So am I,' he smiled softly.
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edelfan · 1 year
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Trigger warning: suicide attempt
I'm sorry for this. I'm going through a rough time myself and this just wanted to be written.
It was way past midnight and the hallways of the Naval hospital were deserted except for the night nurse who kept making her turns. One room though was filled with people, all gathered around the pale figure lying in the bed and being kept alive by the countless machines he was connected to.
I'm sorry that it has come to this, but then it's not like you guys are gonna miss me anyway.
Admiral Kazansky had used the power of his rank as COMPACFLT to make sure that they could stay with him 24/7 - especially after learning that there was no family or other next of kin to be called.
My father was right. I'm not good for anything, not even when I brought home straight As, not even when I get those meaningless medals.
The room was small. The only two chairs available were occupied by Phoenix and Rooster. The rest of the Daggers were lined up along the walls, Bob having a supporting hand on Phoenix's shoulder. Maverick was standing at the foot of the bed, leaning on the rails as if it was the only thing keeping him upright.
I know I've been an asshole most of the time. It's the only way I managed to survive for this long. Don't show weakness, don't let them come close because you'll only be hurt in the end.
"Anybody, but him... I mean if I'd only known how he really felt," Phoenix mumbled, clumsily wiping at the tears that kept coming. Without saying a word, Bob wrapped her in a hug from behind.
Maverick was right in not choosing me. Rooster was right when he said that I lead people to an early grave. Funny that in the end it seems to be my own.
"The doctors said that the next 72 hours are critical. He needs to start breathing on his own or else..." Maverick sighed, laying his hand on the blanket over Jake's legs in hopes that the young man could feel that he wasn't alone. "Damn it, kid. Not like this, you hear me, son?"
I really thought that I had proofed myself by saving Maverick and Rooster. I had really hoped that I found a squadron, in which I am not the one on the sidelines. I had hoped that maybe we could be friends...
For a long time there was silence in the room - except for the hissing ventilator and the beeping heart monitor.
But I keep fucking up. I keep running my mouth and I keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
"I shouldn't have said those things to him the other day. Hell, I know how it is up there... Fuck, Jake, I'm sorry." Fritz's voice was hoarse as he let himself slip down the wall, ending up in a heap on the floor.
Tell Javy that I am sorry. I'm just too tired.
Javy was standing by the window, looking out into the darkness. Ever since he had helped Rooster and the medics getting Jake into the ambulance, he hadn't said a word.
Tell Rooster Bradley that I am sorry. I am sorry for what I did the first time we met at Top Gun. I shouldn't have pressured you so much into... well, you know what I'm talking about. If only... who knows, we could have been quite the power couple, right? No matter what I said back then, I still love you... so much.
Bradley was a mess. He hadn't left Jake's side since breaking open the younger man's door and finding him on the floor. Sitting next to the bed, he held Jake's hand while also caressing his hair. Too many people had left him behind already, he wouldn't let Jake go, he couldn't let him go. "You damn idiot... Why didn't you say anything? I still fucking love you, too. You can't leave me, baby, please..."
See you on the other side.
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palmtreesx3 · 10 months
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Act 2 - Exploration
Lubrication (Steve's Chapter)
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Summary: (9.3K) While Robin and Alex approach serious relationship territory, Steve still finds himself bubbling around the city solo. Steve is now spreading is wings, nonetheless, finding things (albeit tentatively) that he genuinely is enjoying for himself, not for others. We see Alex and Steve connect and start to build a relationship and loads of supportive friendship from the ladies towards their #1 guy. The antics in the shop are going full force and a memorable night comes from one charismatic customer interaction and more chance meetings with you encourage Steve to seal the deal. Seeing Steve start to loosen up is the name of this game. So slide in and enjoy this chapter of Get Off. 
Warnings: it's a sex shop and generally just NSFW so 18+. Sex paraphernalia, sexual innuendo aplenty, Drag Queen's and LGBTQ+ culture, failed dating, male masturbation, shop talk, porn watching, fluffy f/f affection and one-sided lust.
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The sound of rubber hitting the pavement follows Steve along, while the sun is cresting along Lake Michigan and bouncing prisms off the skyscrapers along the lakeside trail. Sweat is trailing from the hairs on his neck, down the curve of his spine and the wind is whipping at his face. The last three weeks, Steve has taken up running in the early mornings. Something he used to do out of obligation but is now doing by choice. Stripping away the "expectation" of running for distance or speed or endurance and settling into the idea of running for the feeling, the self care.
 It's not that he's feeling self conscious, really, but the softness around his tummy does make him pause in the mirror lately. He never noticed before how much being truly active made him feel good. That being athletic wasn't just about a big win or suffering through the aftermath of a loss in his living room at the hands of his father. So here Steve is with another new hobby and a little more self discovery, and the time he spends running and thinking allows him to be just a little more level headed than he ever was before.
He's been exploring this idea that he spent so long running from, that being alone doesn't need to be lonely. He's discovered that independence was about surviving on his own and going through life with absent parents - still making it to each game not only on time but early, never missing a doctor's appointment, eating dinner and not surviving on pizza. This is something different. This is doing things alone because you want to, experiencing things for yourself, being comfortable in your interests and and comfort in knowing who you are and who you might want to be. Autonomy, individuality. 
In his post-run haze, Steve is sprinting up the steps after his morning run one day when he's abruptly stopped in the hallway by a swinging door to his face and an angry teenager storming out of it right into his path. He's heard them before - his neighbors - probably the worst part of their apartment living situation was whatever went on over there. The boy, whoever he was, was loud, angry. when he was actually home and wasn't angry, he was blasting music that made the walls shake. He was mean. And most times the girl would not respond. Her voice wouldn't be heard over his. Every so often she'd stand her ground and shout back, but when she did there were always slammed doors, the bang of fits on the wall. All things that made Steve's skin crawl. 
This time, he didn't hear the shouts or the argument but he saw the aftermath. The tear stricken face of the redhead girl who didn't look up from her feet as she stormed out, and walked right into his chest. "Sorry. Fuck. Sorry." She snapped as her striking blue eyes bore through him like he should be sorry for what he said - when he didn't even say a thing. "Hey hey hey… you good?" Steve reaches up to grab her shoulders and look at her directly. 
"Yeah I'm fuckin' peachy. What do you care?" She bites back harder. 
" I- I'm your neighbor, Steve. I mean, I … "
"Oh, so you hear all the shit my brother of the year says to me then, huh? Don't look at me like that." There's that bite again. "I don't want your pity."
"No, no. It's not like that I… I'm just."
He's caught off guard by the healthy eye roll he receives by the young girl who moved to push past Steve, who still finds himself holding her shoulders in place as some form of comfort or grounding. "C'mon, don't be like that. I'm not trying to be an asshole, just… where are you going? "
"Over the rainbow. Fantasia, Sesame Street. Literally anywhere but with that dickwad."
"What about .. would you just come in our place? Hide out there for a while?"
" Are you some fuckin weirdo? I don't even know you. " 
" I know… I know, I just… you shouldn't have to run like that. Just, c'mon. I'll leave you alone, just… come hang out in our place. Robin's in there. We… we can just - please let me help you out." He has no idea why he feels the need to help this nameless girl so badly, he just knows that he does. 
"Listen. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but I don't need you. I was fine before you moved in, I'll still be fine now that you're here." 
Steve knows when to stop pushing, even though his stubborn streak tells him to keep going. This time he decides to bite his tongue and let it go. "For what it's worth, I used to think I didn't need anyone else either." And with that he walked around her and left the girl standing in the hallway. Looking back one last time before walking through his doorway he catches her standing in the hallway for a beat, before storming towards the elevator doors. 
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Things have been slow this afternoon, only the dull buzz of the cc camera system running in the background and the mundane tapping of the duo on the glass case counter. Steve and Robin are killing time behind it, perched on backless stools, legs kicked up along side one another on the glass "Alex is really just...dude. She makes me feel so mature. Like… I don't feel like a bumbling idiot band freak for once in my life. I think this is going somewhere Steve. You gotta meet her. Okay? You gotta. I don't think I can get any more serious with her unless you meet her and like her, too."
"Robbie, just bring her around. Stop over thinking things. Jesus Christ. I love you. I'm sure I'll love her too. Just… invite her over or something. Not everything has to be a big event."
And as if he could smell that a serious conversation was going on without him, Murray busts in to the store floor. "Hey  video store boy, I gotta job for you today!" he tosses a giant box of used porn tapes up on the counter. "These puppies need to be rewound and checked so we can do a discount sale." 
"Ah fuck. I left these days behind me, man? Wait - did you say checked? Like for what? "
"Quality, damage, ya know… .looks like you're watching some porn today, Romeo! You can use the back room, buddy boy. I won't judge you if you want to spank it while you watch ‘em through. S'been awhile, right? Can't let Robin and her little girlfriend be the only one getting off around here."
Steve scoffs at Murray's comment. "The fuck, man? That was uncalled for."
Robin stifles a giggle. "He makes a point, Stevie. You haven't had much luck since nightclub chick on the first weekend. This might be a record drought for you. Are you even trying? I thought you were going out some of those nights? Nothing work out?" 
"Robin. C'mon. I'm not talking about this with you …both of you …now." Steve doesn't want to explain that he's gone on a few dates with the girls he meets out at the bars or clubs, but those nights Robin is out, that's when Steve has been going out, sure, but it's been solo. Sitting at different restaurant bars, sampling new foods, trying to figure his life out. 
And as if the Sex Shop Gods heard his prayers, the bell rings signaling a customer.- the first one all afternoon. "I'll do your stupid tapes after this." He grumbles; a charming customer service voice turned up full throttle after that "Hello sir! Welcome. What can I help you with today? " 
The suit clad man, Steve estimated to be in his mid 40s, joins Steve at the counter and in hushed tones asks for some help picking out a good quality lube. "Yeah man, let's get you hooked up." He claps his hands together and leads the man to the racks across the store.
"Boys sensitive. Still got some shit going on, yeah?" Murray mumbles to Robin. She sighs and just nods in his direction. 
"Yeah, man. I thought he was keeping busy, going on dates or whatever when I go out with Alex but something isn't adding up. He went through a phase where he was striking out with every girl left and right when I met him, and this isn't the same… " she trails off.
"... Prince Charming is still falling short." Murray finishes, as he gazes at Steve across the store. 
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Steve emerges from the back room hours later, rubbing his hands down his face looking exhausted. " Rob, you gotta come back here with me. I can't watch one more of these pornos by myself. I think I'm going delirious - oh shit. Sorry I didn't know we had a customer. Sorry."
"Steve. Dingus. Chill. It's… not a customer. This… uh. This is -"
"Hey, what's up? I'm Alex. And you're Steve. Cuter up close." She winks at him, eyes glistening with mischief as she leans in with an outstretched hand. Her firm handshake taking Steve by surprise. 
"Oh fuck. Hey. It's good to meet you Alex. .. what do you mean cuter up close?"
"Uh yeah. I mean I'm pretty sure I left out that part about when we met. She… she thought you were my boyfriend - "
"Typical. " Steve cocks his shoulder up in a shrug. 
"- Exactly. That's what I said. But anyway. She thought we were dating because she'd see us at the coffee shop and she was… "
"I was admiring you guys from afar. Thought you were the fuckin cutest pair. Called you Coffee Shop couple in my mind." She confidently explains.
"Stalker. " Steve teases. 
"Robs, I like him. Yeah, so until I ran into Robin that day by herself I was just daydreaming of this unattainable coffee shop couple. I guess if you're not real, at least I could settle for half of you,"
"The better half," Robin muses. The twinkle of a Tamagotchi goes off in the background. 
"Go care for your spawn, Robin, or you're gonna owe me another drink tonight." Steve teases. 
"Fuck! I don't have the extra cash to carry your drinking habits this week, Harrington." She shouts as she sprints off to the break room to fetch her keychain. 
"She's something else." Alex says, now left alone with Steve for the first time." Sorry if I came off stalker-y. I tend to come on strong."
"Funny enough, I actually know the feeling. You're fine. You make her happy and that's all I ever want for her." He smiles. 
"You're a good friend, Steve." Alex gets out, before Robin barrels into the store floor again swinging her keychain, shit eating grin on her face. "It lives to die another day! No drinks for you tonight, Harrington." 
"You guys need some company? What's on the agenda this afternoon? I'm free for the next few hours?" Alex leans back on the counter looking between the pair.
"Well …  dingus here just was asking for some company as he reviews the secondhand pornos in the back room. Quality checks on the pros knocking boots. Wanna come?" Robin offers. "I got snacks."
"Oh hell yeah, I'm coming" she responds quickly, grabbing Robin's hand and following her to the back room.
What the fuck, Steve thinks to himself. He's never met someone as bold and free as Alex and he's only known her for 15 minutes. He shakes his head and comes to the conclusion that yes, he's gonna spend his afternoon watching pornos with his best friend and her girlfriend. All for a paycheck. Can't make this shit up. He runs his hands through his hair and follows the pair back behind the drapes. "Alex, as the guest of honor, you pick the next one. Anything on the pile. I'll rewind and get it rolling."
This time it's a totally kitschy plotline where the maid gets herself stuck in the oven while she's cleaning it rolls on the box screen television in the back. Robin is sat on the old couch with Alex next to her, arm tossed over her shoulder rubbing her thumb along her exposed skin. Steve perches himself along the arm of the couch, back to the wall, legs kicked up the trio laid back with a soundtrack of moans and groans in the background. Steve's eyes are flitting between the screen and the two girls on the couch before he breaks the silence. 
"So we're either gonna make this funny, or it might get totally weird, what's it gonna be?"
"You mean you don't want to sensually watch this girl get a banana in the fruit salad while we're both here? Don't enjoy watching some random dude fill the cream donut with your best friend and her girl?" 
Steve groans and her never-ending wild euphemisms for sex before Alex throws a wide, teasing grin his way before saying, "Look at her tits. No wonder she got stuck. They have to be the size of watermelons."
Robin giggles before her own observations come tumbling forth, "Listen, we all know a man is basically the least appealing thing on the planet to me, but that guy's legs look like a chicken. Am I wrong?"
"Nah, he needs to go for a run. Do a leg day or something." Steve laughs back. "I'm surprised he even has any power behind that thrust."
And things go on like this for the rest of the afternoon, fits of sarcasm, giggles, and gaping mouths, especially for Robin as she wails out and hides her eyes every time a guy slips it in on the screen, Alex teasing her relentlessly "C'mon! It's just biological. That guy's dick actually isn't that bad. He's got some girth." A louder groan comes from Robin as she tries to block out the words from her ears. "Robs, it's like… it's probably like when I use three fingers instead of two, you like that."
"Nope! Nope. I'm out. I'm done." Steve yells, throwing his hands up in the air and pushing off the couch arm where he was still lounging. "I don't need to hear that shit. Fuck right off, both of you."
Robin's face is a mix of pure embarrassment intermingling with absolute entertainment. Her shocked face morphing into a shit eating grin at Steve's uncomfortable pacing. 
"You two finish these tapes together. No funny business on that couch either because I nap there. None of this three fingers bullshit. Fuck. ROBIN. I… " Steve's ranting fades off into the distance as he walks through the curtain still blabbering, hands on his hips, leaving Alex and Robin full on cackling in the back room. 
Not twenty minutes goes by before Robin hears the ding of the bell and a voice that's not Steve's shout "What the fuck did you sell me? My dick is falling off!" The pair’s eyes go wide and dart to look at one another and back at the curtain before they both clamber over one another to push through the curtain. Just about the same time, Murray is emerging from his back office to see what the fuss is about. 
"You need to fix this!" The older suited man from earlier bellows at Steve across the counter.
"Dude, I don't know what you're talking about. Do you mean the tingling?"
"Tingling? My dick is gonna fall off, did you hear me?"
"What the fuck, man! Are you having a reaction?" Steve shouts back. 
"You did this to me!"
Steve’s voice wavers under the weight of the unexpected confrontation, stumbling over words as he attempts to respond. "I-I mean, seriously?" he shakes his head, expressing a blend of confusion and frustration. "I.. what-what the fuck. I didn't do anything!"
"Sir, sir, please calm down and explain what your issue is. If my Associate here made a mistake I'm sure - " he glares over at Steve "he will apologize. Right?" 
"Yeah yeah, Christ. Just… your dick isn't gonna fall off man, let's just figure this out."
And before any of them knows it, the man's dick is out of his pants and slapped on top of the counter for the whole group to see. Even Murray is surprised by this turn of events and hesitates before he can come up with anything to say. "Ok, what the fuck, man?"
This time, more calmly, dick still out on the glass, the man explains that he thinks his dick is going to fall off because it won't stop burning. Steve goes on to recount for the group that yes, that probably is true because the man picked out tingling lube, so he should, justifiably expect some tingling. "Why would I want my dick to burn like this? I thought that meant like… a good orgasm."
"No man, when I said this one tingles, I literally meant it tingles."
"So, that's why my asshole is burning, too?" The buttoned up man whispers to Steve sheepishly. "I- I used a lot."
"Yeah buddy. Yeah... That's… wh-why your asshole is burning, too. How about we… get ya a new one and send you on your way so you can shower? How's that? "
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Things go on like this for about a week. Robin and Steve working and Alex popping in daily to spend some time there with them. Murray has taken a liking to her, too. Obviously, with her quick wit and bold nature, they're quite an unruly pair. Robin is often embarrassed as the two of them get into conversation (and sometimes debates) about work, life, Murray's experiences in the 70s, recreational drugs, politics, of course sex and more. Steve often is the brunt of any teasing, which he learns to take with surprising agreeableness, often waving them off as he walks away bitching, but not doing much to hide his smirk at the exchange either. 
In between Alex's shameless flirting with Robin, today's customer comes in and unlike the typical bumbling hesitation so many have when they walk in the sex shop, fresh with the self-perceived shame of coming in a place like this for pleasure, this one marches in with purpose. The man, with perfectly gelled platinum blonde hair and meticulously crafted eyebrows nods at the crew commingled around the register as he beelines it for the BDSM section. 
Its moments later before the man, wearing the tightest jeans Steve has ever seen (and that's saying a lot. He knows his are snug), smacks down the most high end leather whip that the store carries - handles laden in sparkling jewels, the smell of genuine leather catching their noses. "Hey man." He says to Steve, as he waits to be checked out. 
"Bitchin' choice" Robin compliments. 
"Yeah? You like this stuff?"
"Oh fuck no, it's still cool though."
"I gotta be honest, I don't either. But it's not for that. It's part of my outfit - my costume. I do drag and I needed a little something extra for the show next weekend. It just wasn't edgy enough for the new theme."
Alex is immediately interested. "Drag? What's your costume? Do you have a character?" Totally perked up and leaning in to hear more. 
"My drag name is Roxy Royale. We dance at The Rainbow Room downtown. It's a Dungeons and DRAGons show next weekend. I shouldn't spoil it and you should just come to the show to see what I'm wearing!" Emphasizing the drag when he speaks. 
He sees the varying levels of interest on the group's face, ranging from pure excitement to total confusion, the latter of which was written all over Steve's face. "Loads of people come. All different types." He looks directly at Steve and then back to the other two girls, "I promise, it won't make you gay, it's just a good time."
Robin and Alex chime in " .. already there buddy."  Alex looks at Steve, still looking kind of uncomfortable and says "Steve, c'mon. Stop being so Hawkins and let's go." 
Robin hums in agreement before she adds "But you're not wearing a polo." 
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The anticipation buzzed in the air as Steve, Robin, and Alex stood in line outside The Rainbow Room, the venue hosting the Dungeons and Dragons drag show. Neon lights illuminated the night, casting a kaleidoscope of colors on the excited crowd. Steve shifted uncomfortably, feeling a mix of nerves and curiosity as he adjusted the collar of one of the new shirts he picked out with the help of Robin and Alex - his polo traded for a simple black short sleeved button up with a collar, Nikes traded for a new pair of Converse, much to Robin's delight. 
Earlier that night, after taking some extra time getting himself ready, he was nervous for the opinion of his friend. "Dude. Yes. Dude! Did you do that all on your own? Cuff up those pants like that? Hell yes. Let's fuckin' go!" And with just that little praise, he felt a little more at ease, but now standing there after Alex just popped open one more button at the top of the collar to show off a little more of his freckle spattered chest and a wisp of the patch of hair hiding underneath, he's trying hard not to be self conscious. 
This was a far cry from the small town house parties he was used to, and his heart raced at the thought of stepping into this new world, especially in these new shoes. Even those first few weekends out at the huge night club didn’t make him feel quite as nervous. Maybe it was a mix of the fact that he was standing in line waiting for a Drag Show and the fact that he’s wearing clothing that he bought specifically to prove to Robin that he can loosen up a little, but he’s feeling more like he doesn’t belong than ever. 
Robin, on the other hand, was practically bouncing on her toes. She couldn't help but shoot excited glances at Alex, who constantly exudes that confident aura that only amplifying Robin's enthusiasm. Alex's arm was casually draped around Robin's shoulders, and she leaned in to press a quick kiss to Robin's temple, a gesture that grounded Robin's nervous energy and filled her with warmth.
As they finally stepped into the venue, the energy enveloped them like a whirlwind. The air was filled with laughter, and the mesmerizing beat of music. Glitter and sequins adorned every corner, reflecting prismatic light off of every surface. The cocktail waitresses had hair teased high and arches in their lipstick drawn just as dramatically. 
"Wow," Steve breathed, his eyes wide as he took in the exuberant surroundings.
"Oh, I can get behind this! Look at these outfits! Everyone looks so AMAZING!” Robin continues to take it all in.
Alex smirks and leans over into Steve, their burgeoning friendship something Steve has found himself grateful for on more than one occasion already, "Don't worry, Steve. Your sense of adventure is about to level up."
They found seats at a table draped with a sequined tablecloth, the anticipation growing as they ordered drinks - one called Ruff'n'Tough for Alex, a Pop My Cherry for Robin, and Steve's, a Sex Panther, which made the girls grin wide and stifle back giggles when he ordered it from the cocktail waitress. 
Despite its delicate pink color from the grenadine, the zip of bourbon against Steve's tongue gives him some simple comfort. Gazing on at the stage adorned with a dragon-themed backdrop, and the lights dimmed as the emcee, Roxy Royale herself, strutted onto the stage in a dazzling, shimmering gown that seemed to change colors with every movement. The trio cheered loudly as Roxy brandished the recognizable whip during her lavish entrance.  
As the performances began, Steve's initial unease slowly melted away. The performers were masters of their craft and it was way less sexual than he honestly expected. The performers' routines merged fantasy, comedy, and sensuality and clearly took a lot of talent. Robin leaned over to Steve, her eyes showing off just how much fun she was having. "See, Stevie? It's all about embracing yourself. Not one person here is having a bad time. Look at them!"
Steve chuckled, feeling himself relax as he watched a performance that involved a sword fight with inflatable dragons, all set to a pulsating dance beat. He found himself clapping and whooping along with the crowd and he couldn’t even hide the fact that he was enjoying himself if he tried. 
Alex leaned over her girlfriend's lap and into Steve's space, her tone playful when she says "Steve… these performers sure know how to wield their swords, wouldn’t you agree."
Steve's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement dancing in his eyes. He shook his head and laughed, finally letting go of his reservations. "Total experts." He agrees. 
As the night unfolded, their table became a hub of excitement. They exchanged laughs, stories, and delighted gasps, camaraderie growing stronger with each performance. Steve found himself caught up in the energy, even joining the crowd in dancing as sparkling, iridescent confetti falls from the ceiling during the finale, the group clapping along to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer".  The three are shouting into the crowd, truly not having a care in the world.
Once the performances are over, the crowd congregates and enjoys the pumping beats of the music along with the performers on the dance floor. One big syncopated rhythm running through the entire crowd. Steve had shed his initial reservations completely and was now dancing with newfound confidence, amongst his friends and complete strangers, the dip in his shirt opening just one more button now - maybe by accident, maybe his fingers found their way there on their own and loosened it up just one more notch. Steve won’t admit this out loud, but everything here at this place feels so much safer and enjoyable than any night he’s spent with his friends out at the local clubs. 
When the familiar opening notes of "It's Raining Men" fill the air, the crowd erupts in cheers and claps. All the performers on the floor start catcalling all the men in the crowd as the music starts to pick up and the notes crescendo, energy building along with the beat. 
Suddenly, the room dims slightly, and a spotlight shone on a dazzling figure at the center of the stage. The performer adorned in shimmering hot pants, twirling a rhinestone bedazzled umbrella above her head holds the audience's attention. “I got one more for ya, Bitches!” She exclaims and with a mischievous grin, she scans the crowd. And in a flash, her gaze lands on Steve.
"Oh honey, look who we have here!" The drag queen's voice boomed through the speakers, her words carrying a blend of playfulness and allure.
Steve's eyes widened in surprise as he realized he was being singled out and the crowd is cheering him on. He exchanged glances with Robin and Alex, who were clearly delighted by the turn of events, Robin clapping her hands and jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas. With hot pink tipped nails, the performer extends her hand, beckoning him toward the stage with a flick of her wrist. "C'mon honey. Don't keep me waiting."
With an encouraging nod from his friends, Steve found himself moving toward the stage, his heart racing with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness - but he’s surprised to notice it’s not at all the embarrassment he might have expected. The crowd parted like a sea, creating a path for him to reach the stage. 
Steve reached the stage, feigning as much of his King Steve confidence as possible on the way there, the drag queen held out her hand, her smile inviting and warm. "Come on, sweetheart! Let's show them how it's done!"
Caught up in the moment, Steve took her hand, feeling an unexpected surge of genuine confidence, so he dropped the act, giving her a real, thousand watt beaming smile - the kind he used to use on all the girls back in Hawkins to make them melt. The performer expertly led him into a dance, her movements fluid and engaging and Steve took all the bait. He threw his head back in laughter, matching her steps to the best of his ability while the cheers and whistles of the crowd fueled his ego. 
As the song reached its climax, the performer spun Steve around before twirling herself, their movements synchronized to the music and the crowd roared in approval, the energy radiating through the room.
When the song ended the performer pulled Steve into a theatrical bow, popping her hip out and gesturing towards Steve with open arms, the crowd erupting in applause once again. Steve's cheeks were flushed, happiness painting his expression while his chest heaved up and down from exertion.
After he stepped down from the stage hands reaching out to shake his, clapping at his back out of acknowledgement and camaraderie, he makes his way towards the bar near the back of the room to get himself a drink and take a seat. As he slides out the barstool and slides in, a sweet voice next to him says “Well that was unexpected, Pearl Jam.” 
His eyes snap open, lips barely touching the glass of beer he desperately wants to throw back for hydration, as he looks to his right to find the pretty girl he immediately recognizes from the Record Store. “Pearl Jam? I think that’s a better nickname for you - it’s good by the way. I didn’t think I’d like it, but I’m into it. So thanks, for that.” 
“Hmm, I’m glad you did. I feel accomplished when I do my civic duty and turn random cute strangers on to good music.” You say with a smile, and before Steve can respond, you’re up off your stool and lost in the crowd. Steve is left sitting there sipping his beer, shaking his head with a smile on his lips wondering what your name really is and what brought you here tonight, and only for a split second, did Steve wonder if he's ever run into you again.
By the end of the evening, early morning at this point, the trio finds themselves standing outside The Rainbow Room, faces glowing with joy and a lot of new memories. 
"I can't believe we almost missed this," Steve admitted with a smile, the words carrying a hint of wonder.
Robin bumped her shoulder playfully against Steve's. "Hey, sometimes you just have to roll a natural 20 on your courage check." 
Alex grinned and intertwined her fingers with Robin's. "And look where it took us. An unforgettable night with dragons, glitter, and Steve Harrington dancing on stage twirling an umbrella."
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“Listen, and you’d never believe what happens next…” Robin shouts down the bar. 
“Robin! C’mon.” Steve begs. 
“Oh no, Red, you gotta tell us. Please, tell us what happened next.” Murray encourages. Their boss has joined the pair for a few drinks after a late night closing up shop and preparing for The Hideout’s semi-annual sale, so Murray can make room for new inventory after he travels to the annual Adult Novelty Trade Show in Boston in a few weeks. 
“Fine, let me do it. She….they picked me out and I went up on stage.”
“NO.” Murray gasps. Clutching his hand to his chest like he’s grasping onto a set of pearls.
Hopper is slapping the bar in laughter as Joyce pours Steve a shot “Here honey, it’s on the house for all this abuse you’re taking. If you had fun, that’s all that matters.”
“Hop, you should have seen him. It was amazing.” She shouts as she stands over by the jukebox. Before Steve’s brain catches up to Robin’s antics, he realizes too late what she is doing, and the opening bars of “It’s Raining Men” blare over the speakers. 
“NO NO NO!” Murray chants. “THIS was the song? Jesus that’s fuckin priceless, pretty boy.”
After some back and forth debate on whether or not Steve should give an encore performance on the bar of Bennys, the crew opts to forgo that experience in favor of another round. Steve’s treat if only to “Shut you all the fuck up.” 
The group settles into smaller conversations, Hop and Joyce getting the latest scoop on Robin and Alex and their most recent dates at the end of the bar. Joyce, looking on at Robin thrilled and proud like a mother, would be learning about her little girl’s first love. Murray is still seated next to Steve and, unlike his normal taunting of the boy, he genuinely starts asking Steve about how he’s settling in these days.
“Man, it’s been hard actually. I had no idea how little I had myself figured out until I came here. I feel like a fish out of water sometimes, but it’s kinda been fun trying to figure it all out.” Steve ruminates. “Thanks…for actually asking, though.”
“Red really is the only one lucky enough to bag a girl, though? Huh? I don’t mean to always tease, but what’s the deal? I know you got it in you. A face like that, I know. you know how to use it” He settles back into a slight tease. 
Steve takes a few minutes to tell him about Melissa - oh god, what a jab to the ego that was - and a few other mundane dates he set up with random girls he met the night prior at the club or the bar they went out to over the weekend. But what he can't figure out is why they all fell short. Every single one. Despite their agreeableness to meet him in the daylight, they had no real interest in being on a date with him, they only wanted to get liquored up and dance with him in the dark. He’s been either bored to death or strung up and eaten alive and there has been absolutely no in between. 
“Okay, but…have you ever asked a woman out on a date?” He holds his hand up at Steve to cut off his impending rebuttal “NOT a girl. A woman. And not some small town high school date to the movies or the make out point on the bluff. A date where you do something and learn something about each other?”
Steve opens his mouth to respond, but realizes he has nothing to say.
"Dude you gotta lube 'em up before you slide home. I get that you were prom king or whatever but that's not how the world works. Women. Real women are not going to just throw themselves at you because you can flip your hair outta your eyes. "
They both bring their beers up to their lips and Steve considers the man's advice in silence. “Because it sounds like you're trying to catch yourself a good woman but you're out here using bait for girls. Good women know their value and they don't sell themselves short. They did that. Some twerp like you fucked them up one time and they went on a path of self discovery. So if you're laying down fuckboy shit, that's all you'll get in return.”
Steve nods, taking in what Murray has to say and thinking hard. "Yeah, that…makes more sense than I want to even admit. Especially to you.” The pair exchange a glance and Steve stretches out his beer towards Murray, who bears his teeth wide as he reaches back to clink his glass with Steves.
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"Stevie, c'mere!" He hears Robin call from her bedroom.
"What! Robin. I swear to God you two better be clothed." 
The door creaking open slowly, he's met with Robin and Alex laying with their backs on the floor, snuggled close together, legs propped up in the air on the bed. "Nah, no Afternoon Delight in here today."
"Robin, where in the hell do you keep coming up with these? For a girl who wouldn't talk about boobies with me a few years ago, this is ridiculous."
"What can I say, I'm coming -" she says suggestively with a wink "- into my own. "
"Ok that's enough Sex Talk with Robin, whaddya want?"
Steve jumps onto Robin's bed, bouncing a bit as the mattress settles, legs crossing theirs and looking down on the pair tangled on the floor. After a lead-in of stumbling, stuttering worlds from Robin, Alex interrupts her girlfriend to save everyone from the stress induced misery "As you surely can see, Robin is a little stressed." 
"Yeah, what about, Robbie?"
"This little lady here wants to see if you want to join us tonight."
He looks at Robin and then back at Alex confused "Were not hanging out tonight, it's your weekly date night? " 
The pair go on to explain how Robin is worried because Murray told her he's not actually going on dates when they are out on theirs and it's giving her a complex about leaving her best friend behind. For a moment he's irritated that Murray would open his cocky big mouth like that, but he takes a second to consider that it wasn't to talk about him behind his back and make fun of him. After their heart to heart at the bad, he can see that Murray actually means well. 
"Robbie, look at me. It's okay. I'm not sitting around moping. I… I actually go out on my own. Enjoy a meal, try a new drink. It's nice actually. Did you know I actually like red wine? And.. maybe I'll third wheel on another day - that's NOT your date night. I'll take you to one of the places I found. It's… I promise I'm actually really good with it. I don't feel lonely when you're out together. "And it's the softness in his moss colored eyes that's the only thing that put Robin at ease. She was just so concerned that leaving him alone made him feel the same as he did in Hawkins, but she could see that her friend was being honest. She could see that he meant it when he didn't feel lonely and she believed him. 
And so instead of quietly dusting off on his own after Robin leaves on her date, they get ready together. Alex assuring them that they both look great, Steve needing more encouragement than Robin as he digs into the pile of new clothing again, he eventually just lets the pair pick out his options, leaving him with well fitting black denim, opting for the comfort of the black chucks he's already taken to wearing. "Cuff 'em again, hot stuff. That was a good look for you." Robin mentions as she finishes off his outfit by handing him a deep emerald green short sleeve button up with subtle little vertical stripes running its length. 
"Do me a favor, and leave it open. Don't button yourself up. You get too stuffy." He glares at Robin, getting a little bold with her opinion "... Please." She tacks on with a forced smile.
The three exit the building together and even take the train as a group until Alex tugs at Robin's hand signaling the end of their ride. Steve has a few more stops, so he settles into his seat solo as he waves at the girls, shouting after them to have a good night and stay out of trouble.
The sun is setting over the city now, casting shadows through orange and lavender tinted clouds as he approaches a restaurant downtown that looks interesting and has space at the bar. It's a little more sleek than he normally would pick out, shiny bar laden with expensive looking cocktails and bottles behind the bar, patrons sprinkled through the dining area tucked in close to one another on dates or crowded around raucous tables fill of businessmen after work. Steve's moving his fingers and toying absentmindedly with the buttons of his shirt hanging loose as he slides in to the last open spot at the bar.
After enjoying his meal and having a few glasses of wine, whatever the bartender recommend, he sits back and enjoys a moment of people watching. Considering what kind of stories all of these other people have. If the bartender always lived in the city or came here running away from something; If the two women next to him fiddling with their wedding rings love their husbands at all after overhearing their complaints over cosmos all night; if the men in business suits at the corner table closed a deal today or are just so rich they do this every week.
He wonders if the girl sitting with his back to him is on a first or maybe a third… quickly deciding it had to be a first date by the way they weren't touching and how he saw her leg bouncing. But it's the way she throws back her half full glass of wine in one gulp tells him that she's not having a good time, so with nothing better to do he decides to watch someone else's date go down in flames, and continues sipping while glancing their way. 
Steve noticed that the date, buttoned up and looking a little stuffy with his hair slicked back, almost looking wet, and his fingers tapping along to nothing in particular on the table has not stopped talking - at least since Steve's last glass was refilled. Unsurprisingly, the girl raises to her feet gesturing in the direction of the bathroom, and Steve readjusts to make sure it's not so obvious he's watching. 
But it's on her way back, heels clicking along the shiny tiles of the restaurant that Steve chances a glance and knows exactly who this mystery woman is. Well, not exactly. He has no idea what your name is, but he knows exactly who you are. The girl from the record store. Pearl Jam. And it seems as though you recognize him, too, eyes catching one another just for an instant as you pass.
Now he’s distracted. You’ve never stayed put long enough in the two times you’ve crossed paths previously for him to truly take you in, so he’s doing it now. Drinking you in like the wine in his hand. He can see now, from this angle, the curve of your nose and makes particular note of the way your hair falls. He wonders for a moment what it feels like when someone runs their fingers through it. He sees the deep color of your eyes, and can tell by the way you’re sitting and carrying yourself in the face of a date that looks like a total douchebag that you aren’t easy to impress, nor are you easy to rattle. Stubborn, I bet, Steve thinks to himself.
Looking at his watch, one of the only nice things his dad ever bought him that he chose to bring along in this new life, he decides one more drink is about enough before heading home. Mid-way through his last glass, he sees the table you and the date were occupying is being bussed, presumed bad date over. Steve pays the bartender, and tips well. Probably too well for his Sex Shop Salary, but it’s at least one good habit he learned from his otherwise despicable father. 
Stepping outside of the restaurant, Steve immediately sees you standing near the curb across the street, searching through your bag with a mixture of frustration and annoyance evident on your face. Steve observed from a distance, his curiosity piqued seeing you standing there alone. As you reach your hand out to hail a cab while continuing to rifle through your pocketbook, Steve hesitated for a moment before making a decision. He crossed the street, his steps purposeful. As he approaches, you looked up from your bag, and for a brief moment, your eyes met. Steve offered a friendly smile, hoping to ease any awkwardness.
"Need some help, Pearl Jam?" he asked, his voice carrying a touch of warmth.
You blinked in surprise, then sighed in relief. "Actually, yes. My date's idea of chivalry didn't include paying for the cab fare. Or my meal for that matter. Told me I seemed to be into feminism and all so I should have no problem covering my own meal. Can you believe that shit? So..I think I'm short on a goddamn cab and...." 
Steve chuckled, "Well, that doesn't sound very chivalrous at all."
With a sheepish grin, you shrugged. "Yeah, tell me about it. Lesson learned, I guess."
As the cab pulls up, Steve offers you a solution. “Which way are you going? We can share instead?” and he can see the relief roll off of your shoulders. 
“At this point, I don’t even care which direction you’re going. I’ll join you as long as it’s away from here.” 
Steve's lips twitched with amusement. "Sounds like you're having quite the night."
You rolled your eyes, then glanced at him. "How about you? Just leaving the restaurant? Where's your date?"
"Yeah, just finishing up, and there was no date. Just me." Steve replied. "Honestly, it's been a pretty uneventful evening until now." He flashes a smile.
And as the cab ride continued, both you and Steve found that the conversation flowed easily. Now, to his great pleasure, he knows your actual name. He knows that, though you look too young to be so accomplished, you work at Loyola University and are a professor teaching both psychology and art and blending the two as often as you can in special topic courses. He learns you have been in the city for five years, and you were at the Drag Show with some of your Art Department colleagues. When he realizes you're waiting for him to share the same details about himself, you see the glimmer of something that looks like shame in his eyes. 
"Well, I just kind of moved here. It's… it's going. Not exactly where I thought I'd be with my life so .."
"Steve, it's okay you don't have to be doing big things to be a good guy. You know that right?" You say, hand on his forearm in an attempt to encourage him, but instead its setting off electrical charges he can't ignore. 
"Yeah, I mean… well I was at the Drag Show because one of our customers was the Emcee and invited us. She.. uh, bought her whip from the store my roommate and I work at. It's not a long term thing - God at least I hope it's not - shit. But.. yeah it's what I'm doing anyway so… " he trails off and shrugs. Praying to God you don't think he's some kind of loser. 
And if you do, you don't show it. You don't press and you let him say just as much as he wants. The rest of the car ride is friendly and Steve has coaxed at least three fits of giggles out of you. He makes a mental note that he's done more in the 15 minute cab ride than he is sure your stupid date did all meal. 
As you reached your destination, you paid the cab fare with a grateful smile. "Thanks for the help and the company. You sure turned my date night around. I was so excited for dessert but that guy was so awful I needed to get away as quickly as possible. So I guess this cab ride was my sweet treat. " you said.
Steve nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "No problem at all. Hey, I know a thing or two about ice cream. If you're still in the mood for that dessert?"
You chuckled, the offer catching you by surprise. "Ice cream actually sounds pretty tempting right about now. Might be just what I need to soothe the sting of another bad first date."
"Well, lucky for you, I don't give a shit if you're a feminist, I still won't make a pretty girl pay for it. That's just stupidity."
The two of you walked into a nearby ice cream parlor, the neon lights creating a warm glow on your skin. As you shared stories over scoops of your favorite flavors, time seemed to slip away. You spent loads of time hearing about Robin and their awful job history, and spent some more dissecting each other's musical tastes, promising the boy that you had more albums up your sleeve that you think he'd be into, too. 
After the drag show and the unexpected chance meeting at the restaurant, hanging out with you felt like a natural progression. As you finished your ice cream, Steve looked at you with a grin. "So, now that we've established our mutual fear of bad first dates and love for ice cream, how about we make hanging out a more intentional thing? See if we have even more in common?"
You chuckled, a sparkle in your eyes. "I think I can get behind that idea." 
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Coming up the elevator just a few minutes later, Steve was feeling lighter than air. He paid no mind to the buzzing of the fluorescent lights in the hallways or the predictable shouting from the neighbors place as he approached his front door. Jangling his keychain to get his key loose from the mess he notices that his Tamagotchi is… gone. It's the first one he's lost prematurely since Robin got the stupid things and he rolls his eyes knowing she's going to eat this up when he tells her in the morning. 
Walking into the foyer he notices Robin's shoes and keys on the hook, signaling that she and Alex must be tucked away in her room by now. He honestly doesn't want to hang out with them anyway. He shuffles down the hallway, running his finger along the wall lazily before slipping into his own bedroom. Closing the door behind him and pressing his body up against it, his mind drifts right back to how you looked in the back of that cab. 
God, how could one person he's run into a total of three times be wrapping themselves into his conciseness like a vine. Is this the thing Murray was talking about? The whole woman thing? Because you were not like any of the girls he has been taking to the coffee shop and never seeing again. Not like any of the girls who fawned over his megawatt smile and pulled their panties to the side just for the bragging rights. Not like any of the city girls who take take take at the club only to stumble their way home on their friends arms instead at the end of the night.
The thought intimidated the shit out of him. He could make a list as long as his bedsheets why someone like you shouldn't waste their time on Steve Harrington. Far from a King, yet you still made him feel worth your time. Maybe it was all for show, the guy you conned into paying the cab fare too distracted to notice. And you didn't have to try that hard. He was distracted, that's for sure. 
At first it was seeing your eyes up close. Bright and sparkling, eyelashes batting with just enough makeup to make you look more beautiful, not to make you beautiful. To make the color of your eyes pop. That was nice, but when you touched his forearm in the back of the cab, your skin soft and smelling of lavender and cedarwood, you filled his senses and made him twitch. And then when you leaned over the table in the ice cream shop to offer him a taste of your peanut butter swirl ice cream, the neckline in your silk top dipped low and showed off just a shadow of what you were hiding under there and he felt his heels tap on the floor to get his mind on something else. 
All those distractions were flooding Steve's senses right now, hitting him all at once. He moved away from the doorway and over towards his record player - slipping the only stupid album he wants to play right now out of its sleeve and onto the turntable. Lowering the needle, as the static breaks the air and the first bars of "Ocean" break the silence, he sighs. Leaning over his dresser he looks up at himself in the reflection of his mirror. Murray was fuckin' right. He thinks. He did need to stop being what girls want. He wants to be what you want. What a woman like you even deserves. 
Before Steve even knows it the black of his denim is pulled taught over his crotch and he shakes his head "Ah fuck… I… I gotta… " he whispers out to no one in particular as he unhooks the buckle of his belt, button and zipper following quickly behind. Haphazardly, he pulls the undershirt from where it's tucked in around his waist and frees himself, the throwing his head back to the melodies coming from his speakers, the heavy weight of his cock in his hand and thoughts of you running rampant through his mind. 
Fuck. He doesn't even know you. Barely. But he can't help but run his thumb across his slit all while thinking about that peek of collarbone you gifted him from across the table, whimpering as he gathers the bead of precum gathered there at his tip. Needing more, and fast, he has no time to rummage through his drawers or run down the hallway to the bathroom to find a bottle of sample lube he snagged from work. 
Still leaning over his dresser, arm braced over the top, Steve opens his other hand and brings it up, spitting a large glob into its palm before bringing it back down and around himself, throbbing and angry red with the thought of you. His cool palm finally moving, chasing a relief that he needs more than he knew, he finds himself gasping out your name - the one he learned just hours before - as if you gave him permission. 
It feels lewd. Like he's taking advantage of a woman that's too good for him. Even still, he can't help but close his eyes and imagine it's you burrowing between his thighs. Imagine what the wet of your soft mouth might feel like wrapped around him, or the skin of your palms working him up instead. Steve shivers as he thinks about it, thighs tensing underneath himself - the pleasure growing fast and twisting the knot in his stomach taught. 
It's only been a few minutes but he quickly sheds his button up and undershirt wiping up the sweat gathering on his chest, his neck, his forehead before throwing it to the ground at his feet. His fist is moving, but he's trying to pace himself, taking a slow breath in followed by a calculated exhale through his nose.
His eyes are squeezed shut and head thrown back, sweat dripping down the gullet of his neck, bared to a woman who isn't there to nip at it. Leave her marks. Christ, they would probably be hot. Bruises right next to red lipstick like the one you wore for your date tonight.
Body tensing, thighs tighten under him making his whole self drive against the dresser. He falls forward, forearm resting on the top of the furniture, forehead coming down to rest on his forearm, hand moving along his worked up cock at a feverish pace. Taking a moment to give himself a squeeze along his shaft, he relishes in the tightened grip, then circles his sensitive head before returning to his bruising pace. 
He's chasing that high, gasping out your name, labored breathing and moans Robin and Alex could certainly hear if they weren't up to their own bad deeds in the room next door. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck, fuck. Jesus, I wanna give it to you - shit." 
The warmth is bubbling over from his belly and down through the base of his dick, vein running up the underside pulsing along with his racing heartbeat. The warmth of more precome dribbles out of his tip, baiting him to keep going - not to let up. When his abs tighten this last time, he slaps the dresser in front of him as ropes of come spurt out, once, twice, three spurts covering his hand and dribbling down his crotch and onto his dark denim.
He hasn't come like that in forever. And all it took was a cab ride with you and imagining your mischievous, bright eyes when he came. Once he gathers himself, he glares into his own eyes through the mirror, running his clean hand through his hair as he still grasps his softening, dripping cock and says go himself "I can not fuck this up." 
Divider by @firefly-graphics
🏷️TAGLIST: @livsters @johnricharddeacy @angywritesstuff @k-k0129 @tisthedamnseason69 @middle-of-the-earth @thebrazilianatheist   @mochminnie @micheledawn1975 @falling-throughthe-hourglass @rafaaoli @ash5monster01 @gabessock @onyxslayss @katie-tibo
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icdrawings · 10 months
Corpse puppet au
By @sketchquill
Chapter 3
Gold's pov
I ran to the bridge tripping due to the dress before finding a small dent to curl up in ad I cried. I cried out of the guilt with the Pillar's, the guilt for wasting the pastor's time, and guilt for ruining my dress, the dress that Jewel had made with her own bare hands, the last piece of artwork that she has made since we were young ruined due to me acting rash. I tried to calm down only for it to get worse when hearing the news spread"Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal in ruins as Van Dort's child caused chaos! Fishy fiance could be canned! Pillar's all fired up as Van Dort ruins rehearsal!" Sadness overtook me as I felt a small dent in the bridges wall just enough for me to curl up in'How could I be such a fool' I said hugging myself tight 'How could I be so idiotic I practiced all those vows day and night' I covered my mouth with my hand trying to stay silent 'How much of a disappointment am I, why couldn't I be happy' I shut my eyes trying to stopped the tears as I tried to suffocate myself 'I could learn how to love him, I can be the perfect lover for him, I JUST NEED TO LEARN!!!'
"There you are" I heard someone walk towards me, I prayed that it wasn't Howdy I didn't want him to see me like this, something so pitiful and disgusting "oh peaches " wait... I knew who it was but my body wouldn't react, it wouldn't let me breath "It's okay now I'm here peaches" I felt a warm hand on my shoulder "you need to breath now Gold, breath" he rubbed my back slowly letting me caln down as I took a large gasp of air, finally looking to my right to see Eddie. Still whimpering reaching out my shaking hands "pa... pa" was the only thing that could come out as he gave me a strong hug, warm with comfort
"Oh peaches I knew that something would happen, what did they due to you, I swear to God so help me if they did something to you!" He said in a harsh whisper "no... it was my... fault" I said as best I could finally letting him go "Gold..." He said saddened before standing up and showing me his hand which I grabbed since I was a bit dizzy due to lack of oxygen before sitting me on the bridge's wall. "You know that I know that none of this is your fault, you were forced to do this" he said with anger "I know but... I'm the only one left! Coin is in the army, Jewel is... Gone, I'm the only one left, I need to do this in order to survive" I said feeling tears falling "it should be up to you for heaven sack, you've only just met the fellow!?" he said "I can learn! You know I'm a fast learner! I can learn... it'll just take some time" I snapped unable to look at Eddie, trying to wipe away my tears as it was quite for a good few minutes
"Do you know how my husband died?" I looked at Eddie "what?" I said confused "Frank, my beloved, died due to illness, when he passed, I kept remembering the doctors trying to help but nothing worked and Frank was already near death's bed so I sat with him..." He took off his hat and took a deep breath "we chatted for a good while, he kept calling me pumpkin I hated that nickname but at that moment it ment everything as he placed his hand on my face before he fell asleep... I waited but... he went cold and that's when I knew that my whole world had shattered and it stayed like that until I met you three" he wiped his tears before holding my hand before continuing "it was only a month later when I started working again that I saw three little kids walking into the Van Dort's house, I remember asking myself 'when did they have kid's!'" we chuckled "I remember being told that I would have to watch you three since nobody wanted so I saw you guys doing house work when normally a maid would do it I knew something was off, I didn't like it, the Van Dort's were cold but never freezing" we giggled more " I noticed how tight your clothes were, how thin you all looked, and how sad you seemed, I hated it so that's when I made it my mission to get you to be kids again and that's when it started with" "the toys and clothes!" I said "yes, loose clothing to run around in and toys to play with and I remember trying to bake y'all some cookies but that turned out to be a disaster" he said placing the hat down to rub his neck "no, no it was a good attempt" I said " those cookies were saltier than the sea yet you didn't want to hurt my feelings and kept eating them even thought I tried to stop you" he laughed "gosh, you were so nice to us we didn't want to hurt your feelings" I said squeezing his hand a bit
"You kids were too kind, the only ones with hope not greed, Everytime I would wait for my breaks just to play with you kids, all those silly little game always made my day, it helped me with a grieving little by little, heck, you kids taught me how to smile again, how to feel joy again, how to feel love again and for that I've been grateful to you kids... but then I learned what happened to you, you kids were too young to go through that it's caused me to go downhill again, I kept thinking 'am I doing enough for youse kids'" he let go of my hand to place his on my cheek "but then the greatest thing had happened" "what happened" I asked "you kids called me 'papa' and I knew that that I meant everything to you as you were to me" he smiled as did I "and that's when I also new that I needed to give you guys some nicknames" he said with a smug look "really?" I said tilting my head a little "yup! Frank would nickname people after a fruit for vegetables so I thought of doing the same as to include him in our found family, so I used your favorite fruits, figs for Coin, cherries for Jewel, and of course peaches for you" he said I said "you kids are my life and I want to see you happy" he said making me smile "thank you papa" I said "anytime peaches now would you like to go over? I can make your favorite soup" he said happily "thank you but... I think I need some time alone" I said looking down "of course" he said as we touched foreheads "just stay safe okay" he said before giving me a peck on the head and then left. We waved to each other before Eddie disappeared
I sighed before getting up and started walking to the forest to practice my vows. "With this hand... I will take your wine, oh no, with this hand... I will cup your-" I realized I messed up again "oh, goodness no... with... this... with this... with this candle, I will... I will... I will set your mother on fire" I walked deeper in the forest trying to recall the vows but I couldn't get it together so I sat down on a broken brach of a dead tree "oh, it's no use" I said as I pulled out the ring 'I have to do this, I need to do this' gaining determination as I sat up and pretended that the forest was the church itself "with this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine" I was making good progress as I started to pretend that a brand was Mrs. Pillar "ah, Mrs. Pillar, you look ravishing this evening" I shook *Mrs. Pillar's hand* going to the dead log "what was that, Mr. Pillar? call you 'father'? if you insist, sir" I ran towards a branch and broke the tip to pretend it was the candle "with this candle, I will light your way in darkness" I *lit* the *candle* and pulled out the ring before walking to a defective branch "with this ring, I ask you to be mine" I placed it on the ring as I finally completed my vows, I smiled sadly knowing that I couldn't avoid the marriage anymore
I was about to take the ring off but hear an fluttering, turning around to see thousands of crows starring right back at me before I could do anything I felt something tug me trying to pull me down as I pulled for it to release until it snapped 'no, no, no, no,' I checked my sleeve and smiled seeing that it wasn't stained or ruined 'I can't get this dress anymore damaged' I then realized that the the tight grip didn't go away finally look to see that a hand no a whole arm holding me tight as I fell down trying to gently remove it without freaking out "let go please" I said hoping it would but and it actually did "oh?" was the only thing I said trying to calm down and process what just happened but then saw that the ground started to open up as a person started to climb up
I froze at what I was staring at, the person was male but something was different, he had blue tinted skin that matched with his hair, he wore a weeding tux all tattered and his left sleeve had been ripped off but was most intriguing was his eyes staring at me through his blue hue vail only for him to remove it to show his face full of stitches
Not once have we broken eye contact, I was stunned it felt like I had forgotten how to breath as I kept looking at him but strangely the only thing that came to mind was 'what happened to him' soon to be quickly snapped out of my thoughts when hear a faint whisper of his voice
"I do"
He offered his hand as I finally gained control of my body and ran "I'm sorry" I apologize even if he is a corpse it still felt rude to rush off but I had to get back. I ran through the forest with ease as it's the same place we're my siblings and I would play in with papa only stopping to see if the corpse was follow and to my horror it was and fast. I was at the bridge turning around to see that the corpse had disappeared. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief only to open and see him right in front of me. I gasped and back away slowly only to be stopped by the wall of the bridge telling me that there was no way out as he came keeping eye contact with me as he stood right in front of me and placed his hands only my face gently rubbing my cheek pouches lovingly
"you may kiss the groom"
In a swift motion he kissed me as a bunch of crows surrounded us making everything go black as I lost consciousness
"A new arrival" someone has said causing me to open my eyes to witness a skeleton and the corpse groom that had kissed me "they must've fainted" the corpse groom said pulling me up to his chest hugging me "what...?what happened?"I asked looking around to witness my new surroundings trying to understand what was going on "by jove! man, looks like we've got ourselves a breather" the skeleton said a bit too excitedly only to be pushed away by a rainbow bird. She had an apron on as both her right leg and side of her face had decayed but what was stunning of her were her feathers, how vibrant they looked, it was mesmerizing "do they have a dead sister?" She asked as I was thrown off by the question feeling sadness somehow the corpse groom could tell and held me tighter but still gentle, it felt nice
The big bird was then pushed aside to show a star like figure wearing a pirate outfit with a sword in her chest "their still soft" she said poking me causing me to whimpered and flinched
She chuckled before standing on the table "A toast, then!" The star cheered before drinking then a skeleton took out her sword and the liquid poured though her chest into their cup as they drank but it went through their body too
"To the newlyweds!" She cheered again that got me confused
"N... newlyweds?" I question what she meant "oh, in the woods, you said your vows so perfectly" the corpse groom said as he wiggled his finger the golden ring on it "I... I did?" I count help but feel bashful due to how truthful the compliment was, I know Howdy complimented me but it was probably due to us soon getting married. Realizing the situation I was in as I pinched my hand hoping that this was a dream but to my horror it wasn't I felt my whole body start to shake as I was led to a table and sat down unable to comprehend what was happening
The bird came back "hello dear my name is Poppy, I will be creating your wedding feast" she said as she grabbed my hand with her feathers that were surprisingly warm "you look so nervous dearie" Ms. Poppy said "th-thank you Ms. Poppy" I said "ah, what a well mannered person you are Poppy is just find dearie" she giggled "thank you... Poppy" I said as I felt myself get lost in her warmth it reminded me of mother until the star pirate came by "wedding feast! I'm salivating" she said as her eye popped out of there sockets causing me to flinch away "SALLY! how rude!" Poppy squeaked at 'sally' as maggot crawled out of there eye sockets "maggots, ha, ha, ha," she tried to lift the mood only for me to be more terrified "oh dearie I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Poppy apologize before rapping me with her wing "ye-yes I'm alright Poppy just startled is all" I said not wanting to be rude even if they were the dead, I was absolutely terrified of what I just saw "I've just got-I've just got some questions that's all Poppy" I said "of course you do ask away dearie" she said "oh, thank you... What's happening? Where am I?" I asked before turning to the corpse groom "and who are you?"
"Well... That's kind of a long story" he replied in a bit of a sadden tone
"What a story it is" we all turned our attention to a big blue dog wearing a clown like outfit with a little that that's ripped and his right eye was missing "a tragic tale of romance, passion, and murder most foul" he continued
"This is gonna be good" Sally said sitting right next to me hold what looks like to be popcorn
"Hit it boys!" The dog shouted as a bunch of skeletons started to play music
🎶 Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer, at least those of you who still got an ear, I'll tell you a story that'll make a skeleton cry, of our own jubilicisious corpse groom 🎶
A spot light was pointed at the groom as everyone started to sing
🎶 Die, die we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, and you might try to hide, and you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah, yeah 🎶
The skeletons uncovered the corpse groom as a skeleton wearing a wig performed a little dance shown by shadow
🎶 Well our guy is a charmer known for miles around, when a mysterious stranger came into town, she's plenty good-looking but down on her cash, and our poor baby fell hard and fast, when his mommy said no he just couldn't cope, so our lovers came up with a plan to elope 🎶
Everyone started to sing again
🎶 Die, die we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, and you might try to hide, and you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 🎶
The skeletons play their music louder as the blue dog pulled me as we dance a bit
🎶 Oh, that's right, okay, oh, yeah, come on, boys, pick it up, yeah, like it, okay, Chancy, take it, yeah, yeah! That's nice, yeah 🎶
They did some more shadow puppetry with the corpse groom
🎶 So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night, they told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight, now his father's wedding suit fit like a glove, you don't need much when you're really in love, except for a few things, or some told, like the family jewels and a satchel full of gold, then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree, on a dark foggy night at a quarter to three, he was ready to go but where was she 🎶
I started to realize what had happened
🎶 And then? 🎶
'The same scenario'
🎶 He waited 🎶
'My big sister jewel'
🎶 And then? 🎶
'Why did that have to happen to you'
🎶 There was a shadow, was it his girl's? 🎶
Tear came down as cover my mouth not to make a sound
🎶 And then? 🎶
'I can't breath'
🎶 His little heart beats so loud 🎶
'It's too much!'
🎶 and then? 🎶
🎶 And then baby, everything went black 🎶
My heart sank as I tried to wipe my tears
🎶 Now when he opened his eyes he was dead as dust, his jewels were missing and his heart was a bust, so he made a vow lying under that tree, that he'd wait for his true love to set him free, always waiting for someone to ask for his hand🎶
The dog pulled me again and pushed towards the corpse groom who looked at my face with a sadden look and wiped away my tears before we started dancing
🎶 When out of the blue comes this groovy young person, who vows forever to be by his side, and that's the story of our own corpse groom 🎶
Everyone started singing again
🎶 Die, dies we all pass away, but don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay, you might try to hide, you might try to pray, but we all end up remains of the day 🎶
The living world
Eddie's pov
'knew I shouldn't have left them, they've been gone way too long, damn it Eddie you knew better but you can't go look for them due to how crummy the weather is, you promised them you'd stay warm, you promised'
Howdy's pov
I kept looking out the window hoping Gold comes back safely "Howdy! come away from that window"mother shouted at me causing me to walk over to my parents and the Von Dort's drinking tea
"Oh, I'm sure they'll be back shortly, their terrified of the dark" Mrs. Von Dort said trying to reassure me "in fact, then they were a young child, they used to cry in their sleep regularly, didn't they, William" she continued to say making me worry more then there was a knock at the door "enter" my father said as Lady Julie walked in "ah, Lady Julie Joyful, I trust the room is to your liking?" my mother asked "thank you, you are a most gracious hostess, which is why it pains me to be the bearer of... such bad news" she said making me more worried 'is Gold alright, did they get hurt, shoot why didn't go chasing after them they looked so scared, it's all my fault' I tried quieting my thought when the crier brought by Lady Julie announced "would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?" She asked"hear ye, hear ye! Gold Treasure seen this night on the bridge in the arms of a mysterious man! The dark-haired mister and master Treasure slipped away into the night!... and now, the weather, scattered showers-" "enough! That will be all" Lady Julie said to the crier before he walked out
'that couldn't be true' I felt my heart break 'Gold... no they are too caring to do this, there has to be a reason' I tried to think positively trying to ignore the acting sorrow I felt
"Mystery man?" Their mother said in disbelief "they don't even know any men!" she cried "or so you thought, do call for me if you need my assistance" Lady Julie walked toward the door before looking straight at me "in any way" and with that she left sending a chill down my spine "good heavens, Finis, what should we do!?" My mother cried "fetch me my musket" my father said to the butler who brought it right away. I was about to intervene terrified of what they might do to Gold when "oh William, do something" I heard their aunt panic "um, the town crier probably just had a slow news day, you know how it is, you need a little something to cry about" their uncle said trying to calm down my father's temper
"Regardless we are one fiance short for the wedding tomorrow... not to mention the financial implications" my father mumbled the last part quietly "a most scandalous embarrassment for us all" my mother said bitterly "oh, give us a chance to find them, we beg of you, just give us until dawn" Gold's aunt begged, my mother was silent for a few moments before "very well, until dawn" she agreed
After that I went to my room and started to pray
"Please Gold forgive me for not protecting you, from my parents, from the pastor, please for me come back safe, I beg you,... please"
Chapter 4
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irenethewoman · 9 months
Mrs. Shelby - Chapter 7 - Ada
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In June 1919, Birmingham,
Last night, at the end of the street by the bonfire, Thomas and I confessed our secret underground love. But because Thomas and I both had beds that were too small and narrow, we haven't moved in together yet. Thanks to these "hard" conditions, I still get a few good night's sleep occasionally. Nights are disturbed by Tommy, and during the day, he's always calculating…
"Can't you give me a break? I want to live to be a hundred!" Tommy never paid attention to my irritable remarks and continued on his own path.
"What have you been doing all day?"
Polly looked up from the newspaper and glanced at Ada. I yawned behind another newspaper, trying to hide my fatigue. It's all Thomas's fault; I'm so tired…
"Get up!"
Polly suddenly ordered Ada to stand up, waking me from my drowsiness. I looked at Polly circling Ada.
"How long has it been since your last period?"
I continued to listen to their conversation in confusion, and it took me a while to react—Ada was pregnant!
Oh my God! If Tommy finds out, it's going to be a disaster! I can already foresee a "world war" about to erupt in our home. What a troublesome autumn…
I bit my lip, weighing my options, and decided to temporarily stand by Ada's side.
That night, I changed into old clothes that wouldn't make me easily recognizable and followed Polly and Ada to the underground clinic.
Ada must really love that man. Even though she stubbornly tried to hide her fear and unease with smoking and tough talk, she refused to consider an abortion, even though the man had left. She still believed he would come back…
Did she really trust him? Or was she unwilling to admit her inner fears and misjudgments?
I had told Tommy at Martha's funeral that I was worried our fate would be like Martha's. It seems I didn't think far enough. Maybe I too could become pregnant before marriage and then be abandoned by Tommy…
I looked at the people walking in the smoky streets, their heads down, and suddenly felt a bitter sensation in my eyes, but not a single tear.
In my upbringing, women were supposed to remain chaste until their wedding night, then spend their lives as wives and mothers, with activities like playing the piano or riding horses serving as mere embellishments to married life. But when I came to Birmingham, I had to rebuild all those rules in order to survive. I loved Tommy, just as Ada loved the father of her child, so I willingly went to bed with him.
But at this moment, I was truly afraid. More afraid than when I worried about Polly kicking me out when I was still underage and wanted by the law.
I didn't know how I would go on if my beloved abandoned me after I became pregnant. Since accompanying Ada to the clinic, I had once again fallen into a state of mental confusion. Although the thing I was afraid of was still a thousand miles away—after the doctor examined me at Polly's strong insistence that day, he said I was healthy but not pregnant—ever since that day, Tommy had been busy and hadn't come to see me at night…
My rationality told me that none of this mattered, that it was all just a coincidence. But I couldn't control my fear.
Tommy was still busy manipulating the gambling games, Polly was worried about Ada, and easygoing Arthur and John were either maintaining their reputation or living a life of debauchery. No one noticed that something was wrong with me.
It was the beginning of the month again, and I had to go to the Garrison pub to check the accounts and help out.
"You don't look well," the blonde Grace seemed to want to strike up a conversation with me, or maybe she was concerned about me, but I didn't have the mood to pay attention to her attentions.
I tried to focus my attention on the ledger, scribbling and drawing in the notebook, but my mind wandered, and I just stared blankly at the floating dust by the door.
When I finally snapped out of it, the barmaid was talking to Tommy by the side door. She was holding a metal bucket—her little tricks were so obvious.
I propped up my chin and watched Tommy from a distance, standing behind the bar.
He seemed to be in a good mood… But my mood got worse.
In the end, Tommy noticed that I had been hiding behind the bar all along.
"Have you finished the accounts?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, probably tired of me only talking about work…
"Not yet." I forced out a smile that was probably uglier than crying because I saw Tommy frown.
"Are you okay?" He walked toward me, but
I quickly retreated.
"It's none of your business! It's been so long since we've spent time together, and you're always busy with your business!" I said, my voice trembling with sadness and anger.
Tommy frowned, walked over to the bar, and called for a whiskey. Then, he raised his hand to signal for my drink. Grace immediately brought me a glass of whiskey, but I just knocked it over onto the counter.
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mandrakebrew · 5 months
JanAUary 5: Monster/human
Words: 1,423 Rating: Teen Content Warning: oc x canon, talk of blood, alcohol
From this prompt list, I will be exploring this au more later on, it's too much fun not to
Transylvania has a bit of a vampire problem. If not for that fact, Skull Face might have perished with the rest of his family when his village was attacked during WWII. He was a child, and in far too much pain to truly understand what he'd been offered at that hospital days later. Now he's stuck somewhere between here and hell. A parasite feeding off others to survive.
However, there are a few things that make him feel alive again. His favorite human, for example.
Who's now currently sipping on a glass of wine, waiting for their commander to arrive. They'd offered him a key, and told him he's welcome anytime. He explained that it wouldn't work like that. Skull Face had to be invited in every time.
One of the annoying drawbacks to being a vampire.
When Palmer finally hears a knock on the door, they go and open it. The crisp winter air blowing inside as they do. The XO is standing on their doorstep. His pale face illuminated by the apartment's light a stark contrast against the night and his dark clothes.
”Evening,“ Palmer smiles at him. They start to lean their body outside, as if going in for a kiss.
As Palmer predicted, Skull Face attempts to wrap his arms around them and drag them outside. However, they jerk back inside, leaving him empty handed.
They laugh at him, his face quickly turning from surprise to annoyance.
“Something the matter?”
He sighs, “You know what it is.”
”Alright come in then, you're letting in the cold anyway.“
”And here I thought you liked the cold,“ He enters, shutting the door before removing his hat and jacket. Skull Face, lacking body heat, was nice to hold during the summer months. Something Palmer took advantage of often. Apparently he had made a note of that.
”I do, but not that much. My electric bill doesn’t like it either.“
”So, how was work?“ Palmer asked as they walked over to collect their glass of wine they left on their coffee table.
”It was fine,“ He answered following behind them. He sat down on their couch, expecting them to join him.
Instead, they sat in their armchair, outside his reach. They know why he's here. It's been exactly eight weeks since the last time he fed on them. He's a very punctual man, especially when it comes to this.
”What are you doing?“ He is not a patient man, however.
”We have plenty of time, you know. The sun doesn't rise for a few more hours.“ Palmer responds, taking another sip from their glass. Even if that wasn't the case, it wouldn't be the first time he'd slept through the day in their bedroom.
Also the doctor would be lying if they said they weren't testing their own patience right now. Though unlike the commander, they enjoy the building anticipation.
”You don't think it's been long enough?“ It's not their blood that he's after, not entirely. Palmer alone would not be enough to keep him going. Between his position at the CIA and Palmer being a surgeon, getting blood bags wasn't difficult. He also catches the occasional enemy soldier while out on long missions in foreign countries.
No, he's after something a bit more... Tactile.
”Let me finish my wine at least,“ It was the last glass of the bottle.
They had learned if Palmer drinks beforehand, it gets in his system when he feeds on them. The only way he can actually get drunk.
They'd asked him the day before, and he had no qualms about it. Though it had been less his desire to get drunk and more him not wanting to stop Palmer from doing so.
Skull Face huffs, and resigns to waiting.
A small laugh escapes through their nose. They then down the rest of the glass in one go. Their commander's been patient enough, they decide.
Palmer sets the glass down, before going over and straddling their commander's legs. Their shirt comes off before they pull his head forward to kiss him.
Their tongues meet, and Palmer pushes theirs inside his mouth in order to nick it on one of his fangs.
An action that causes him let out a small moan, before gripping their hips and pulling them closer.
After a few moments of this, Skull Face lifts them up and maneuvers them so he's on top of them, supported by his elbows and knees across the couch. His mouth trails down from their mouth to their neck. The faded smell of antiseptic still clinging to them. Underneath it, and more importantly to him, he could smell his reward.
He pulled back a bit, looking at the collection of faded scars from previous feedings. That was another thing about this he craved. Evidence that this had happened. Evidence the doctor was all his.
Palmer felt the same. They were a nice reminder of him on nights they had to be apart. Though it was a slight pain in the ass to cover them in foundation. A small price in their eyes.
Skull Face runs his still gloved hand over their hair before pulling gently to get them to tilt their head. His other hand resting on Palmer's bicep.
Palmer gasps when he begins to kiss their neck again, left arm wrapping around his torso. Their neck was always sensitive, something their commander took advantage of.
The only warning they get is a swipe of his tongue along their neck before they feel two points of white hot pain. But that quickly fades and is replaced with spreading warmth. It's something in the saliva, the commander had once explained to them. The glycoprotein Draculin, or some variant of it that vampires had. Palmer can't really recall at the moment. Not with his body slowly relaxing onto them more, or the small sounds of pleasure he's letting out right next to their ear. His thumb absentmindedly rubbing their arm and his other hand slowly running through their hair.
Idly letting the blood run out of their neck before swallowing, he's in no rush now. Palmer's long since shut their eyes, hand moved to the back his head. A mix of affection and his position as their commander quells what fears they should have. The first time Palmer saw him feed, he was very much not taking his time. In some jungle, Palmer walked in on Skull Face with a soldier's limp body pinned to the wall. It had been days since he last ran out of blood bags and he was desperate. That's how Palmer even learned what he is, his status as a vampire being on a very need-to-know basis.
The XO's head was beginning to buzz from the hot alcohol-laced blood, and the warmth of the doctor's body underneath him made an addicting combination. He feels his body relaxing even more on top of them.
Some time passes, Palmer isn't sure how much, and eventually their commander pulls away a bit before licking the wound with his tongue to clean it. He fully moves off of them to retrieve the first aid kit already sitting out on the coffee table.
Palmer sits up, and feels their blood trickling down their chest.
Before dressing the wound, he moves and cleans the spot again, before placing a square bandage over it. Before he can get to the blood on their chest, Palmer wipes it up with their fingers, before offering it to their commander.
Still high on his bloodlust, and possibly the alcohol too, he has no issues taking their fingers into his mouth. His tongue running over them to clean what little blood is left before he pulls his mouth away. There's a look of hunger in his eyes that makes Palmer shudder. He lunges forward to capture their lips again.
Palmer tastes their own blood on his lips, which only intensifies when their tongues meet. The doctor pulls at him until they're lying back down again, his body weight pleasantly on top of them.
Eventually they both come down from their respective euphorias, save for the alcohol, though that pales in comparison. Skull Face settles his head in the crook of their neck. Maybe it just started, or maybe Palmer missed it before but there's a deep rumbling in the commander's chest. If they dare bring it up, he'll stop.
Before drifting off, they make a mental note to suggest doing this in one of their beds next time, having no desire to move their vampire now.
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creepybunny1999 · 2 months
(Creepypasta X SCP Foundation X Jujutsu Kaisen + Female Proxy Reader)
Hello, my follow readers. I'm here to give you an update on the story. If you're new here, I'll give you a quick summary.
The summary: Y/n is a proxy that goes by the name Princess. The creepypasta family gets captured by the SCP foundation. Y/n got out and ran all the way to Tokyo. There, Y/n hides what she is, only soon to be taken by Gojo to join the school. Creepypasta are Curse Spirits, and so are the SCP. Creepypasta and SCP take place in America. No Jujutsu Sorcerer in America.
Now for the update.
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Okay update
Y/n is a young detective. She graduated high school at a young age, and she took a college test on her first day to graduate. She got the top scores that anyone has ever seen. Her first case was the missing Charlie Matheson JR. It's a cold case.
Y/n took all of her founds about the case and went to get more evidence. She walked in the woods, not knowing she would never come out.
Y/N L/N has gone missing for 15 years. Only to found by the SCP foundation, then taken to the foundation for 2 years only to escape. Running away to Tokyo.
To act normal, she went to high school where Y/n met Yuuij Itadori. To be more normal, she became his friend. At night, Y/n feeds her bloodthirsty by killing curse spirits.
One day, Y/n knew she couldn't hide what she was much longer. Y/n helped Itadori save their club members. Only for it to end with Itadori eaten one of Ryomen Sukuna's fingers. Not look after Gojo showed up. One look at Y/n, he can already tell she was not normal. Besides the marks, he couldn't tell if she was a curse spirit, or she made a deal with a curse spirit.
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Y/N got closer with Charlie than the other proxies. She plays video games, she's didn't know how to play but Ben was happy to teach her how to play. Y/n looks to play with the younger Creepypasta.
When Y/n and Toby met for the first time, Y/n knew she didn't like Toby or any of the so-called doctors or science lab workers.
When Y/n met Itadori, she didn't want anything to do with him. Y/N knew that she wouldn't be normal if she didn't have a friend or two. So, Y/n asked Itadori to be her friend, who said yes.
Y/n join a club with Itadori. Y/n uses the club to find curse spirits to kill.
When y/n saw Gojo, y/n knew she was in deep shit. She was questioned, but y/n never gave them an answer. Gojo thought to just kill her, but seeing as y/n is a friend to Itadori. Itadori would not say yes to the offer that Gojo plans to give Itadori.
Ryomen Sukuna would talk to Y/n every time she was in the same room as Itadori. (More like he would pick fun at her). Itadori shut him up really fast. Itadori saw y/n as he's dearest friend.
Ryomen Sukuna doesn't like y/n. The curse energy around y/n, Sukuna could already know who the curse energy belongs to. It's a bit of Surprise that the faceless walker was still alive.
Toby was pissed that y/n got out to who knows where. Toby worked too hard just to have it come down on him by a stupid little curse spirit woman.
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Ryomen Sukuna wants to know how to use you.
Gojo wants to know what you are.
Itadori wants you to be safe.
Toby wants to put you back in your cage.
Zalgo wants to use you to finally kill Slenderman.
Slenderman wants you to survive.
You don't know what you want.
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That's all I have for this update, I will be back to ask you guys some questions. Have a Killer day. Bye.
Oh yeah, here is a cool edit picture that I did of Female Reader. I don't own the original. I just grabbed a lot of pictures and then edited them to be one.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
I'll Always Find You
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: You are still struggling with the things that had happened lately. Especially with Daryl getting kidnapped by the enemy. When you and the rest of the group pay Hilltop a visit to talk with Gregory and get him to fight alongside Alexandria against Negan and the Saviors. Unbeknowest to you, is a surprise waiting for you in Hilltop...
Set in Season 7!
Warnings: This is actually pure fluff, I'd say, with a touch of angst.
Word Count: 2,8k
a/n: Part Two to this oneshot! I hope you like this big fluffy fic! 😊 I also hope that I get everything right... I'm not a doctor. 😅 Also, we just pretend that Negan didn't take Daryl with him to Alexandria in this oneshot. 🙈
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A soft breeze was rustling through the trees nearby the walls of Alexandria. The sun was on the verge of sinking, dipping the world around me in a beautiful reddish orange. It was, without a doubt, beautiful – but despite the beauty of the landscape, were hot tears running down my cheeks. I was on top of one of the guard towers, staring aimlessly in the far distance. The cruel things, which had happened a few days back didn't let go of me. The Saviors. Negan. How we all were kneeling in front of him. How he crushed Abraham's and Glenn's skull with a fucking baseball bat right in front of our eyes. It was a cruel world. We all did terrible things. We all saw terrible things. But nothing compared to this. The psychical pain I felt that night had been boundless. We lost so much that night. Especially Maggie, Rosita and Sasha. I just hoped Maggie and the baby were alright... The baby... I looked down at my stomach, felt another rush of hot tears wetting the skin of my face. I had to watch, how Daryl got taken away by Negan and the Saviors; had been completely powerless. How they kidnapped him and threatened to hurt and most likely kill him, if we wouldn't cooperate. Alone the mere thought of that made me sick. I didn't know if he was still alive or not. I hoped that he was wholeheartedly, although doubts often crossed my mind. What if he was not? Was our child going to experience the same fate as Maggie's and Glenn's? Growing up without a father? I didn't know, if I could ever cope with Daryl being dead. I highly doubted it. But I also knew that he was strong. I believed in him. He could survive this hell; I was sure of it. Whatever they did to him...
The creaking of wood ripped me out of my thoughts, telling me that someone was climbing up the ladder of this tower. I tried to wipe my tears away, but it was no help. They continued to escape the corners of my eyes. Soon after, I heard steps, before the person leaned against the railing beside me. "Hey..." It was the soft, gentle voice of Rick. "Hey." I mumbled back. "Are you ok?" I huffed out a breath, averting my gaze to the ground beneath me. "Stupid question, I know." I shook my head. "No... 'S not... I am glad you are checkin' in on me." I said, fumbling with my fingers. "Honestly, I dunno if I am okay. Physically I am, I guess..." I saw from the corner of my slightly blurry eyes, how Rick swallowed hard and nodded. "And... The baby?" I placed a hand on my still flat stomach, nodding. "Is okay, as well, I think." "Good." A few silent moments passed, which caused the thoughts in my head to run wild again. Rick's question about the baby took me back again to that dreadful night. I felt the lump in my throat, as I swallowed - and a fresh wave of tears. "I-I told him, Rick." I said, voice already shaking. "I told him that night, in case..." I had to cut off my own sentence to take a shaky breath. "In case we were going to die." I squeezed my eyes shut, while Rick just listened to me, a compassionate look on his face. "H-He was so happy and now... Now everything is... broken. Our life is a pile of shards." Rick shook vehemently his head and reached out to lay his hand on top of mine. "It's not, Y/N. It's not. Yes, we are in a very hopeless situation, but we are goin' to make this. Together. Like we always do." "But what if he's dead, Rick? I can't lose that man. I just can't." Once again the former sheriff shook his head. "Daryl is not dead." "How can you just say that? You don't know." "Negan needs him. He wants him for some reason, but they won't break him. He's way too strong. I know him. He'd anything in this damn world to get back to you. And he will." I looked at Rick through tears, trying to blink them away. "You think?" Rick smiled softly and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Yes. Those bastards can't separate him for long from you. 'Specially not after you told him you're pregnant with his kid." A small smile darted over my face at his words. I rested my head against his shoulder, enjoying the support and comfort I got from my close friend. Rick noticed that and pulled me closer. "Thank you." He gave my shoulders a squeeze. "Always. You belong to my family."
A few days later, after the first visit of Negan and the Saviors, Rick called us together and announced that we are not going to live that kind of life any longer. We were going to end this. End the Saviors. End Negan. With hopefully the help of Jesus and the people of Hilltop. And so, we found ourselves marching towards the friendly community, which was located not that far away from Alexandria...
As soon as we approached the safe walls of the community, the big, wooden gates got opened for us to come inside. The first person I saw was Maggie. She ran towards us with tears in her eyes. She hugged Rick at first, before she saw me and immediately crossed the distance between us, pulling me in a tight hug. "Maggie..." I sighed happily, embracing her just as tight. I was so relieved to see her alive and seemingly safe and sound. "Are you and the baby alright?" I felt Maggie nodding against my shoulder, "We are..." before she retreated from the hug. Still with tears in her eyes, she smiled and grabbed my hand. "You gotta come with me! I have a surprise for you, I-" Maggie wasn't able to finish her sentence, as another voice cut through the air. "Y/N." I lifted my gaze immediately, once the call of my name urged to my ears. What my eyes saw, caused me to almost faint on the spot right then and there. I felt how my heart rate picked up and the upcoming tears in my eyes. Tears of happiness. Only a short distance away stood the man who owned my heart, body and soul. "Daryl..." I gasped in disbelief, but once my brain had processed what my eyes saw – convincing me that this wasn't an illusion, I didn't hesitate another second. I started to run. As fast as my legs were able to carry me - straight into my man's arms. Okay, that was understated. I literally jumped him, wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Daryl." I called his name once again, sobbing. I felt his strong arms coming up around me, holding me securely against his body - and the wetness of his shed tears on my neck. "You are here! You are alive! You escaped!" "Course, sunshine. I told ya that night we won't goin' to die." He started, voice a big shaky. "Told ya 'm never leaving you alone. Certainly not now." I smiled at his words and hugged him even closer, before I pulled back enough to press my lips against his in a much-needed kiss.
Daryl let me down gently and as soon as my feet touched the solid ground again, I instantly gave him a once over, checking on him. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Are you injured? How's your shoulder?" He simply shook his head. "M fine, don' worry." Then his eyes travelled up and down my body, before they settled on my stomach. "What 'bout you?" He cupped my cheek with one hand and rested the other on my yet non-existent baby bump. "Are you 'n the baby alright?" Following his words, I heard a few surprised gasps around us. Well... Daryl didn't exactly whispered those words. He just let the cat out of the bag. While the others were surprised, Rick just smiled knowingly at us. I nodded at Daryl. "We are okay. You-" "Hold on a second... Did you just say 'baby'?" I got interrupted by the surprised voice of Maggie. "You are pregnant?" Michonne asked with wide eyes. I felt a soft blush creeping up my cheeks. "I, uh, well, yes. I-I am." "So, we need to make sure to protect Maggie an you, huh?" Sasha stated with a soft smile, crossing her arms over her chest. I smiled shyly back at her and wrapped both my arms around Daryl's waist for, uh, emotional support, hugging him sideways. "Did you and Maggie make an arrangement to get pregnant at the same time or something?" I had to giggle at Tara's words. "Funny idea, but no. In mine and Daryl's case it just, uh, kinda happened...?" I blushed even more, didn't actually plan to reveal this detail. "Accident or not. It's wonderful. It's our future." Maggie stated, hugging me again - and Daryl. "Congrats." All the others came over to congrat (and hug us) as well. We were, after all, a big family. It seemed like this news was a small sliver of hope for everyone. A ray of sunshine in those dark times. The proof, that there was still good in this sick, rotten world and that love still overshadowed the hate.
"How about you go, see Doctor Carson? He can check on the baby, make sure they're alright." Maggie came to stand beside me, as I watched the sinking sun over Hilltop. "Yeah, I should. It's more than likely not a bad idea." My friend nodded, placed a hand on my upper arm and gave it a soft squeeze, before she disappeared again. The others had left Hilltop already again. Everyone but Maggie, Sasha, Daryl and I. We realised very quickly that Daryl couldn’t come back to Alexandria with us. If Negan found him there, he’d be a dead man. That’s why he stayed in Hilltop for the time being - and I wanted to stay with him.
"Ya should come inside, Y/N. It's gettin' could out 'ere. I don't want ya to catch a cold." I started to smile, knew exactly that he was standing behind me. Without saying a word, I turned around and hugged him; buried my face in his broad chest. I felt his arms enveloping me, pressing my body gently against his. My eyes closed shut. I enjoyed being so close to him again. I missed this. Missed him. "Maggie told me to go, see Doctor Carson, so he can check on the baby." I felt him nodding. "S a good idea." "Thought so, too..." I lifted my head slightly to look up to him, biting my lip. "Will you go with me?" "Ya really want this?" I gasped in disbelief at his words. "Of course I want you to go with me! Baby, you're their daddy!" A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Yeah." I let go of him and grabbed his hand instead. "C'mon then." We made our way over to Dr. Carson's trailer, knocking softly on the metal door. "Come in!" We heard his voice call from the other side of the door, so we stepped inside. "Y/N, Daryl, good evening." Dr. Carson gave us a friendly smile. We knew him, of course, just like he knew us. It wasn't the first time we were looked into each other's faces... "Hi Dr. Carson." I smiled back at him, while Daryl just gave him a short nod. "Is there something I can help you with?" "Uh, yes..." I started, felt the slight nervosity swirl around inside my stomach. "Could you, uh... Could you check on, uh, my baby?" The doctor's face lit up. "You are pregnant, too?" I nodded with a smile. "Congratulations. Of course, I can." He gestured towards the cot. "Lay down, make yourself comfortable." I let go of Daryl's hand to hop on the piece of furniture. After I had laid down, the archer's hand found mine again immediately; his fingers slipping through mine. Dr. Carson rolled the ultrasound scanner over and took a seat beside me. "Can you lift your shirt for me, please?" "Yes, of course, sorry." I let out a nervous giggle, while fumbling with the black fabric. Dr. Carson squeezed some clear gel on my lower abdomen, causing me to hiss slightly at the coldness. "I'm sorry, I know it's cold."
His face was directed on the small monitor, as he rolled the transducer over my skin. "I assume Daryl is the father?" He asked with a smile, not averting his gaze from the medical device. "He is." I answered, squeezing Daryl's hand, who was blushing slightly. There was a moment of silence, before the doctor spoke up again. "Looks like everything is perfectly fine with your baby." He turned around the monitor for us to see. "I'd say you're about... Eight, maybe nine weeks along." I exchanged a look with Daryl; both of us visibly happy. "Would you like to hear their heartbeat?" I didn't have to think long about an answer for this question. "Yes, please!" Dr. Carson smiled and flicked some switches on the ultrasound scanner. A few seconds later, we heard it... A fast, strong thud-thud-thud. I gasped at the sound, felt tears of happiness filling my eyes immediately. My gaze met Daryl's once again. I could see how his lip quivered slightly and how his eyes became glassy. Before the tears could escape his eyes, he lowered his head, burying it in my shoulder, where I felt his hot tears wetting the fabric of my shirt moments later. I brought my free hand up, tangled it through his long, brown hair in order to let him know I was right here with him. It warmed my heart to see the usually so tough archer like this. But he had changed. His hard shell had become soft - and I loved it. Dr. Carson just smiled at us, while he turned off the medical device again and cleaned my lower abdomen. "You should either stay here, just like Maggie, so I can regularly check on the baby - or come to Hilltop a few times..." "I can't stay. The Saviors know I survived. They'll ask where I am - and Rick and the others can't always say I am out on a run..." Dr. Carson nodded. "I can understand that. Nevertheless... It would be good for your and the baby's health." I sighed. "I know, but..." "It's difficult." He nodded once again and opened the door to his trailer for us. "Take care of yourself." "Will do, I promise." Dr. Carson smiled at me, "Daryl." before turning towards the other man. "Look after your lady." "Course. 'S my main task to keep 'er and the baby safe." He gave him a nod, which the archer returned.
After we had left Dr. Carson's improvised 'doctor's office', we strolled in silence and hand in hand towards Daryl's small trailer. Jesus had offered it to him. Later, we laid together in the sleeping cot, Hilltop had provided for the fled man. Well... I was rather laying on top of Daryl than beside him. My head was pressed against his shoulder, while I had my arm wrapped around his torso; legs entangled. "I don't want ya to leave, so that I can have an eye on ya, but at the same time, I know that you can't stay. It ain't good if ya stay." A sigh left my lips. "I know... Both ways are just bullshit - and I don't want to leave you, too, 'cause I just found you again..." I felt how Daryl pulled me closer against his body. "You'll always find me. Jus' like I'll always find you. No matter what, sunshine. As long as our hearts are beatin' in our chests, we are connected to each other. We can't be separated. 'S not possible." I stared at him open mouthed - despite that he wasn't even able to see it through the darkness of the trailer. Where did that just come from?? I never heard him saying something like that... Something so… poetic and philosophic. I was impressed, but especially very touched. My heart literally ached and threatened to burst because of the love I felt for Daryl. "Baby..." I literally sobbed; my hormones taking over once again. "That was beautiful, I- You're so damn right. Gods, I love you so much." Daryl lowered his head to press a soft kiss on top of my head; his palm sneaking between our connected bodies to rest on my lower abdomen. "I love you both, 'n always will."
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kyokittymeow · 1 year
Time Twins Oneshot ~ Reunited
woop woop. another one shot with the boys!
time for a bit fluff and cuteness.
hope you like it!
It was just before six in the evening. Outside, the sun was beginning to set, turning the sky orange.
Today was the day. He had waited so long. Forty horrible years. Forty years have passed since he last saw Acronix. And in a few minutes he would be back. He would return from the time vortex and the brothers would finally be reunited.
Krux paced back and forth, staring spellbound at his pocket watch, waiting impatiently for six to strike.
What if he didn't come? What if something happened to Acronix in the time vortex? Maybe, like Krux, he got lost in it. Or what if he doesn't come back today after all, but on a completely different day?
 Krux wouldn't bear to have to wait for his brother any longer. Four decades had been terrible enough. From day one to this day he had suffered from the loss. He never thought he would ever feel such pain.
Krux has wanted to give up countless times - take his own life. This emptiness in his heart was unbearable. But he pulled himself together and kept going. For Acronix. The hope that one day he would see his brother again was the only reason to go on living.
That, and getting revenge on Wu for everything he had done to them. He couldn't wait to implement his plan and conquer Ninjago together with Acronix.
It was now six o'clock, but there was still no sign of his brother. Krux was getting more and more nervous. He groped his way back and forth in desperation. His footsteps were the only sound that echoed in the empty musum.
"Where are you, brother...?" he murmured worriedly.
Minutes passed and minutes turned into hours. Night had already fallen, the moon shone brightly through the museum windows and bathed the room in a milky light.
Krux sat at the bottom of a staircase, still waiting. But the more time passed, the more he felt that he was waiting here in vain. This realization hit him like a punch in the stomach.
"He won't come..."
That's how it is. Actually, he could have guessed that. Acronix probably didn't survive the time vortex at all. Krux's heart clenched painfully at the thought. If that was indeed the case, then he could scrap the plan to subdue Ninjago. He would never be able to do this without his brother. So he could forget that.
Krux sighed, closed the pocket watch and stood up. He slowly walked through the abandoned museum and made his way to his secret base where he had been hiding for the last decades.
What should he do now? Still impersonating the museum's curator, Doctor Sander Saunders? Or should he reveal his true identity and face the ninja alone?
Probably not.
Without the Time Blades, he wouldn't have a chance. But the blades were lost somewhere in time, as was his brother...
A sound stopped Krux abruptly. It sounded like...footsteps? They grew louder and got closer. He quickly turned and looked in every direction. If it was a burglar, which was not uncommon, he would have to deal with him.
There in the shadows he spied a hooded figure running towards him. Krux threw himself into an attack position, but his breath caught when the person stepped into the light and stopped. There was no burglar in front of him.
"I'm back...brother," he said, pulling back his hood. A smile crept onto his lips.
It was his brother.
Krux couldn't get a word out for the first few seconds. "Acronix...?" he breathed. "Is it really you...?"
Acronix's smile widened, his eyes shone and he nodded before rushing towards him with his arms outstretched and enclosing him in a tight hug.
Krux barely managed to keep himself on his feet as he nearly fell over. He returned the hug without hesitation and buried his face in Acronix's shoulder. He didn't even try to hold back his tears and gave in to his feelings.
"Acronix..." he sobbed and hugged him tighter. "I've missed you so much."
His twin brother whimpered. "I missed you too... I thought I've lost you forever in the vortex...!"
Krux rubbed his back soothingly. How much he had missed being able to hug his brother again after such a long time.
There was nothing in the world he would trade for this moment. He just hoped that this wasn't a dream just a dream.
They lingered in this embrace for several minutes, enjoying each other's familiar warmth. Until Krux let go of him and, for the first time in a long time, inspected Acronix more closely.
He still looked exactly the same as he did forty years ago. Of course he did, after all he hadn't aged a bit. Much less time had passed in the time vortex than here.
"Sorry for showing up so late," Acronix said. "I got held up by some annoying ninja. They weren't too much of a challenge for me though!"
Krux made a disgusted face when he thought about those pesky colorful pajama men. "Don't worry, brother. We'll get those brats out of the way as well."
Now that the twins were finally reunited, nothing and nobody could stop them.
Acronix grinned enthusiastically. "Glad your fighting spirit is still there after all these years. I was worried that you'd turned into a frail, weak man!" he teased.
Krux snorted. "How charming of you." Acronix laughed. Krux smiled softly. As annoying as his brother could be, he still missed his laugh and his silly jokes.
He put an arm around his shoulders. "Come, brother. It's about time that we finally get our revenge."
"Yes," Acronix agreed. "Let's show them the power of the time twins!"
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raptorsaurusmelain · 7 months
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 26
I was a little burn out after my project but @boba-tea-fish comments gave me strength to write a chapter today. It is a mental health centered chapter.
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
It was like a revelation for her. [Of course, that is the only explanation. All those weird whispers, those sounds… Plus, my ex ?? Couldn’t I choose someone else ? Like Morgan Freeman ? At least he could narrate my life with his beautiful voice.]
She sent her crochet flying. She was angry at herself. How could she even let her mental state become this wrecked ?
She laid down. The duvet and bed weren’t comfortable anymore. It was as if she was laying on the ground in the middle of the hallway of Ramshackle. It was hard. It was cold. If it was a sound, it would be like scratching metal. Disturbing. Strident sound. A call for help. What she didn’t know was what aspect this call for help will sound like in real life.
The tonic made an effect a few hours later, allowing her some kind of relief for her neurons. It was a night without any dreams or nightmares. It was just like passing out, like Crewel promised.
When she woke up, she had slept for approximately 5h, which was not a lot for an ill brain.
She stood up. She felt like her body was in a numb state. It was going to be a hellish week to survive until the doctor appointment.
She moved little by little to wear a pair of black leggings and an oversized t-shirt. The bare minimum. She wasn’t feeling like putting on make-up. She would be ugly for a week. Or more, if it stayed. It was going to stay, she knew it, but she was lying to herself because she needed to feel better fast. For Yuu. For Grim. They needed her.
She went out of her room and prepared breakfast. Yuu arrived in their school uniform, Grim by their side.
The woman smiled at the view. “Are you already going back to school ? You could stay a little bit longer at home, you know.”
Yuu smiled in return. “No, I have to go back to school at some point. I want to be able to survive in my environment, so I need to learn as much as I can. Like you said.”
The oldest blinked. [I did say that but I wasn’t expecting it to have an impact on Yuu…]. Victoria nodded. “Alright, if you think so. Who am I to stop you ?”
They went to school, hands in hands. All 3 needed strength in their own ways. Yuu needed help to cross the school gate. Victoria needed help to be able to work for the day. And Grim just needed help with his grade. It was exam season soon, they needed to pass. She needed money to shelter them, so they wouldn't be thrown out.
Before school started, she dropped by Crewel’s desk.
She looked left and right before entering the teacher’s lounge, hoping that Crowley and Trein wouldn’t be there. She didn’t need useless stress or nagging today. Or for a few days. Let’s make it a week.
Crewel saw her doing her little shenanigan. “Searching for someone ?”
Victoria was happy to see him. Like genuinely happy. And it showed on her face. “Dr Crewel ! I wanted to thank you for the tonic.”
He looked at her in silence for what seemed to be hours. She asked, doubtfully. “... Yes ?”
The man asked. “Did you wake up late ?”
The woman blinked. “No… Why ?”
Crewel bent to watch her closely. “You’re not wearing any make-up today. You look… Dead.”
She blanked due to the honesty she was facing. Then Victoria answered carefully. “Yeah, I didn’t feel like a living being today.”
He continued to scrutinize her, until he rectified his posture. “I know you looked cute, with your make-up and all, but despite being bare faced today, you are still cute.”
Victoria blinked a few times before saying. “I thought I was dead ?”
Crewel smiled. “A cute dead.”
Tagged : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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sweetbillwriting · 1 year
Love Just Happens
A New Chapter - Part 4
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Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters.
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on.
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, ageism, all sorts of talk about pregnancy, mental health problems, alcohol, cheating, porn, manipulation, kinks and fetishes.
His hands had been trembling for two weeks now. Small involuntary movements that didn't hurt but made him unable to do anything like he usually did. He had spilled coffee on their light beige rug in the living room, he had nicked himself when he shaved and he dropped his phone causing the screen to crack. His hands made life tough but it was a small thing compared to what had happened to his wife two weeks ago, what had happened to the both of them two weeks ago.
Bill thought back on the moment he had seen the red stain on Aurora's light pink dress while he sat on the couch in their New York apartment. It was bright and sunny outside but the blinds were down in all of their rooms. It had been night for them since they came home from the hospital.
Aurora had cried and blamed herself at the hospital, first at the E.R. then the private practice they moved to. They had miscarried because of the malformation of the fetus so her body had pushed it away because it wouldn't be able to survive. Several doctors had told her this. Several doctors had explained one glass of wine, a silly jump or her own emotions hadn't done this but Aurora didn't want to listen. She continued to say it was that one glass of red wine, the small climb at the talk show or her mixed feelings towards the pregnancy that had created the miscarriage. When she came home she instead became quiet and locked inside her head and after a few days she didn't get up from bed. She had been laying in bed for four days and Bill hadn't even noticed her go to the bathroom. Then it was him. He didn't know what to feel because right then and there it was Aurora he thought about and when he tried to think through his own feelings his brain shut off and rather wanted to think about the practical things like how to tell his daughters, how they would make it all public and when they would go back to Sweden. He felt stupid for thinking about such things when they had just lost a child and Aurora was still bleeding after the accident.
He had told his family what had happened, or he had told Gustaf and Sam who had told the rest. Sam had even offered to talk with Aurora, explain what had happened so she could stop blaming herself but for now she didn't even want to talk with him, her husband. He had also told his ex so she would know their trip would be longer. She didn't make a fuss over it because she also understood this was something really awful for Bill and his young wife.
Bill rubbed his face with both hands and looked tiredly around in the living room. Once again he thought about the practical things. All the stuff, gifts they had gotten for a new born baby. He must make them disappear from the house before Aurora would be home again.
"Hey…" suddenly said a weak voice behind him. He turned around slowly, like it was a deer he didn't want to frighten.
Aurora stood in the doorway to the living room dressed in just one of his black t-shirts, a similar one to the one he wore himself. Her hair laid messy and greasy around her head and she looked tired even if she had more or less slept for four days. Bill felt she looked smaller than usual but it was probably because of her timid way.
"Hey babe…" he said and really tried to sound calm and sweet. Don’t frighten her. Don’t frighten her. He stood up and dragged his hand through his hair. Aurora looked at him. He looked tired, confused and worried.
"Can I get a hug? Even if I haven't showered for… a week or something," she said. She sounded sad but not anxious as before. Bill felt his heart beating hard and how his hope came back to him. Maybe his hands even trembled less. He didn't say anything, just took her in his arms and let her hug him around his waist, disappearing in his embrace. Aurora pushed her nose into Bill's chest. He had showered that morning but didn't care that Aurora hadn't. She maybe was a mess right now but she was his beautiful mess.
"I don't want to do anything else than hug you, Lou. It's the only thing I want."
"I love you…" she whispered and kissed his chest. "I am so hungry…" she said with almost a giggle before Bill had answered her first sentence. He let go of her slowly and looked down at her.
"Then we fix that. Pancakes?" He said and dragged his hair through her hair even if it was unwashed. She smiled a little and nodded. She took his hand to walk to the kitchen and Bill pulled it up to his lips to kiss it.
"I love you, Lou."
It was an approvement. Aurora sat on the couch staring at her nails after they had eaten. She didn't turn on the TV and he hadn't seen her phone anywhere. Bill didn't want to bother her but still be close so he walked around cleaning and pretended to work on his computer even if he just checked her. He looked at her examining her nails closely. He knew her ways so well now he knew she needed a refill. It probably bothered her, she always had perfect long nails. She continued to look at her hair, the long messy hair that needed a wash.
"Do you want me to wash your hair?" He said carefully and made Aurora smile a little.
"Do you think I need that?"
Bill looked at her deep in the eyes from the armchair he sat in and smirked.
Aurora sighed but still wore a small smile.
"Okay… She stood up and walked to the bathroom while Bill stuffed his laptop away and checked his phone. He texted with her mother and was happy being able to say Aurora seemed to feel better. It took a few minutes for him to join Aurora in the bathroom and was met by a sight he wasn't at all prepared for. On the counter laid a long dark ponytail gathered with a light pink hair tie. He looked at Aurora who stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. Her waist long hair was gone and instead she had an uneven cut to her collarbones. Bill watched her in horror. Had she lost it? Must he take her to a mental hospital or something?
Aurora breathed deeply and continued to look at herself.
"A new woman," she said and smiled a little. She turned to Bill and looked at his horrified expression. She knew what he thought but it was far from the truth.
"It's okay. I have thought about it a long time. It's okay. I will go to a hairdresser to fix it, I just… Felt trapped by all the hair? Silly maybe but it feels good, like a new start."
Bill nodded a little and started to relax. He looked at the ponytail on the counter. He would miss it, her long, thick, fairytale hair but he would probably never say that to her. Aurora gave him a small smile and walked up to him.
"This is hard… This is…" Bill could see her eyes tearing even if she was smiling. "Fucking awful but I will be okay. You don't need to worry…"
Bill smiled unsurely and looked between her eyes and butchered hair. Even if she looked more or less like she was on the rock bottom he believed her.
They walked into the shower together, standing close to each other, as close as possible and let the water rain over them. Aurora worried she would bleed again but also knew Bill wouldn't care. He would never be so mean. Bill washed her hair while she pressed her cheek against his naked chest. It was easier to wash now. It didn't get as tangled and he didn't need to be as careful. Aurora breathed heavily and let tears fall but it wasn't anything Bill noticed because everything was already wet.
"How are you? Are you okay?" Aurora asked looking up at her husband when he was finished with washing her hair. Bill looked down at his wife with an overwhelmed expression and for a moment wondered if Aurora maybe felt like she had neglected him in her sorrow.
"I'm okay. I think."
He had been crying at the hospital when it happened. Both with Aurora and alone but since then he had mostly just walked around in some worried daze.
Aurora dragged her fingers through the hairs in his neck and looked at his big telling eyes. She could see he had problems finding his emotions so she pulled his head down so he could lay it on her shoulder. It was probably not a very comfortable position but she knew he calmed down when he could bury his nose in her neck. Bill breathed heavily while Aurora started to wash his hair and when she dragged her nails over his scalp he felt the tears slowly escape from his eyes. They had lost a child. It was never made for life, never even a baby but it was theirs. He breathed deeply and breathed Aurora in. In the middle of the sorrow he also felt fear. Aurora would never want a child with him after this.
Bill wasn't really comfortable with leaving Aurora in New York but knew it was probably for the best. Her mother Melinda had come and would care for her while he could go back to Sweden, to his daughters and explain what had happened and why he and Aurora would be in the USA for a while. It wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to go back to Sweden and to be with his girls but he needed to give Aurora two weeks to heal her own way. Even if it also was his child, she was the one who had been forced to push the fetus out and after that go through the pain and changes in her body. Bill didn't want to be in the US anymore but he wasn't the one that needed the most healing and his girls had been away for long periods of time from him before so it would be fine.
Bill only went home to their house to leave his stuff but then he went directly to his ex. It was a Wednesday at the end of February and Stockholm still had quite a lot of snow. He looked at snow on the rooftops while he sat by his ex's dinner table waiting for coffee.
She looked at him a bit worried while she made coffee. He looked tired and sleep deprived and he played with his wedding rings in a nervous way. She knew what had happened but wondered if this was also the end for his marriage with the girl. It wasn't like she hadn't expected it, they were a weird match and the young girl seemed way too immature and sensitive for Bill who was calm and logical and had always been mature for his age. She put down the beige coffee cup in front of him and sat down opposite him.
"I must tell the girls… And it's probably the best if we are here. At home it's… I just know our manager has put a big package in the garage and the hallway is full with baby things… The dogs are with mom and… It's just a mess…" he rambled and rubbed his eye.
"What will you tell them?" The girls' mother asked carefully.
"That…" he sighed and closed his eyes. "That we lost the baby. That they will not get a sibling…"
Just when he ended the conversation his sixteen year old daughter came home along with his eleven year old. They bickered about something while taking off their jackets. They had just come home from school and didn't expect to see their dad by the dining table. The younger of the girls ran up to him and he gave her a bear hug.
"Hey, why are you here?" Asked his oldest daughter when she hugged him. They had always had a strong bond and Bill wondered if she maybe already had a feeling of what had happened.
"Sit down, please. Tell me about your day," he said and smiled but the both of them could see their dad was distracted. They sat down and his youngest started to talk but everyone in the room could feel Bill's emotions and his youngest stopped talking abruptly.
"Dad, just tell us. Is it something to do with Aurora?" Said his oldest. The younger daughter looked at her sister with worry then at her father.
"Are you getting a divorce?" The younger one said and thought about a girl in her class who had a divorce in her family recently.
"Of course not," said her older sister. "But… Is it the baby?" She asked carefully and swallowed dryly. Bill looked up at her fast and then down in his coffee cup. He didn't want them to see the tears in his eyes. To say it out loud was awful but he must do it.
"It was… Sick so we lost it," he said with a low gaze. His ex put a comforting hand on his but he pulled it away and took a deep breath. His daughters sat quietly.
"I'm sorry dad…" said his oldest but with her own tears in her throat. Bill gave her a thankful little smile and then looked at his younger daughter who sat with her face in her hands. Their mother also cried now while Bill kneeled down next to his crying daughter so she could hug him around his neck.
It was a loss for many but none of them forgot who probably felt the biggest loss.
"How is Lou?" Asked his daughter when she had let go of him.
"She's… Really sad right now and she needs to spend some time in the USA. I really want to be with you girls but… She needs me right now. She's so sad and in pain and…" he looked up at the ceiling so his tears wouldn't spill.
"It's just a couple weeks, then I will be home again," he said truthfully but didn't know if his wife would follow him.
He told his youngest an hour later when she came home from her aunt’s. She was eight and could grasp what death meant but the shock made her forget what had happened so five times he was forced to explain to her that the baby already was dead and they couldn't save it now. Maybe it was good for him too, because if he hadn't been able to accept the truth before he had explained it for himself clearly now too. There wasn't a baby.
He left two days after, those two days went to be with his girls and arrange a storehouse for all the baby gifts that had been sent from fans. Aurora shouldn't see baby blankets with handmade embroideries of chubby elephants when she got home.
He had mixed feelings about going back to the USA, especially when she told him she was in Beverly Hills. She had sent a picture of herself in a pool and he hadn't really looked at her body for some time but was shocked at how fast her body had lost the pregnancy curves. She even looked thinner. He wondered again if he needed to worry.
He felt awful for lying to Aurora but he needed just some time alone. He said he would come the next day instead of the day he actually arrived at LAX and then he booked into a modest hotel. He was awful. If he was a good husband he should be with her every moment he could after this sort of thing, instead he chose to sit alone in a hotel restaurant and eat an overdone steak.
"Bill?" Said a familiar voice and he looked up when he had swallowed the chewy meat. It was Hilma. His ex. She looked like she used to, in a black outfit but with a risky deep neckline.
"Oh hey," he said, shocked and tried to sound polite and happy. He stood up to give her a hug and to his surprise Hilma sat down next to him in the booth.
"Oh it's so nice to see you! Do you still live in Stockholm? I never see you," she said and crossed her long model legs. Involuntary Bill looked down at them. He had always liked long legs.
Meanwhile, Aurora sat on the edge of the pool in the backyard of the house her mother had rented. It was a smaller house than she was used to but the pool was nice and heated. She kicked her short legs in the water and looked at the patterns she created on the surface. It was three hours ago she had texted Bill and she felt worried. She believed he was still in Sweden so it was possible he still was sleeping but something didn't feel right. She couldn't put a finger on what, it just felt like something was off, something wasn't like it should be. She looked at her phone again. She missed him. She missed him so much. He was the only one who could understand how awful the miscarriage was and what could trigger her tears and she just wanted him to be there, close, as close as she ever could ever have him.
Bill looked around in the hotel room. It looked like his own but in his room the pillowcases and curtains were deep red, here they were dark blue. He sat on the couch with crossed legs and played with his lower lip while thinking. He could sense a perfume he recognized and let it fill his nostrils. It smelled really good.
Hilma came out from the bathroom and walked to the fridge and took out two beers. She smiled a little towards Bill while opening the bottles for them. Bill smiled back softly even if he felt his heart beating with anxiety. Hilma gave him a beer and sat down next to him, with her legs up on the couch he felt her toes against his thigh and he moved from sitting with crossed legs to spreading them out. It was more comfortable.
"You still haven't told me why you're here," said Hilma with a teasing voice and moved up her feet against his thigh a bit. Bill looked down at her feet and continued to be quiet. He took a big gulp of the beer in deep thought. Hilma thought he was thinking about her question so she moved closer to him. She smiled and looked at his face. Everything she loved, his uneven nose tip, the full lips, the smooth skin. He didn't look his age. They sat quietly, Bill looking between her hand on his thigh and the ceiling as she was looking at his beautiful profile and the bulge in his dark blue jeans. Bill finally took a deep breath and looked at her.
"I'm sorry I should go… But thank you for… just being there?"
She smiled and nodded a little but looked disappointed.
"Bill… Was that all?"
He had stood up and stood now by the door in his jeans and a gray zip hoodie. He gave her a weird look.
Hilma smiled, strained and crossed her arms. Bill looked down at the floor. Maybe it was weird. He should have known she wanted more while he just wanted company.
"I'm sorry but… You know Lou is my everything, I just needed a friend," he said carefully and dragged a hand over his phone in his back pocket. Hilma sighed and shook her head.
"You're the same… Just thinking about your own needs. Just go Bill. Just go," she said with a sigh and turned her eyes away from him. Bill walked out of the room without hesitation. He did feel bad, but not towards Hilma, but towards Aurora. Why did he do this? He should just go to her instead of passing the time with random people.
Aurora was everything so she was also the only answer.
She was in the pool again. The doctors had told her to not bathe after the miscarriage but the bleeding had stopped and she only had some pain that felt like the third day of period cramps. It wasn't much so she felt it was safe to just play around in the pool a bit. It was just soothing and calmed her, especially now when Bill acted strange. It took ages for him to answer her messages and she got flashbacks to that time he ghosted her while they were dating. Bill was tricky sometimes because he didn't always say what he felt, not because he didn't want to say but because he didn't know himself what he really felt. Maybe he wanted a divorce now but hadn't understood it himself yet. Maybe it would just take some days for him to realize that?
Aurora floated around in the pool, dressed in a black high cut bathing suit. Her hair was still uneven to her mother's horror. She had tried to get her daughter to go to a hairdresser but she wasn't ready yet to be out in public. Hopefully she would feel better when Bill was there again.
Bill parked on the driveway to the house, it layed in a gated community similar to the one Aurora had lived in when they started to date but didn't have its own gate and was quite smaller and modest. He took off his seat belt but then froze. He didn't know why. He missed Aurora like crazy but instead other feelings took over. Guilt, hopelessness, worry. He knew he would see things more clearly if he just saw her but instead he stayed in the car and looked at his broken thumb nail. It would hurt when the broken piece fell off.
He sat deep in thoughts about his thumb nail until there was a knock on the car window. He looked up and out through the window. It was Aurora's mother who waved at him with a smile. Bill smiled back and opened the door and pretended it had been his plan from the start.
"Hey, she's on the backside, in the pool. How were your girls?" She asked kindly while playing with her handbag in a way that reminded him of Aurora.
"Ehh…" Bill sighed and closed the car door behind him. "They were sad. Of course. But I think they understood."
Melinda nodded but seemed to wait for him to say something more and with a look at her he knew what she wondered.
"All of them asked if we will try again…" he said and lowered his gaze. Melinda cleared her throat and was silent for a moment.
"I don't think she wants that… But she's much better now and maybe after some time she will want to."
Bill still stood with his eyes on the ground. He didn't really want to talk with her mother about this, not when he and Aurora hadn't even mentioned it but he also didn't believe Aurora would want to give it a try.
"I'm going to yoga and will be home in like three hours or so."
Bill nodded a little and when they had said goodbye he steered to the house because that was the only thing that wouldn't make her mother wonder, even if it was tempting to go back to the car.
He walked out to the backyard when he had left his things and drank a glass of juice. Aurora had heard him in the house and supported her head against the edge of the pool while waiting on him in expectation. Bill looked at her with wet hair and the bathing suits low back. She was so beautiful and when she smiled he couldn't understand why he hadn't just gone to her at once. His chest glowed by seeing her and he smiled back.
"Join me," she said sweetly and let go of the edge so he could look at her body.
"I don't have any bathing shorts," he said with a smirk but also with a bit of disappointment.
"You don't need any," she said teasingly and Bill laughed. His girl was back. He stood silent for a while before starting to pull off his clothes. To his liking she pulled off the bathing suit and when he finally pulled off his boxers he was half hard. Aurora gave him a suggestive look and for a while stood Bill still with his hands on his hips so she could look at him.
"Hey daddy…" she said and pushed herself up against the edge so he could see her bare chest. At that moment the nickname was just sexual and neither of them were overthinking it. Bill scooted down in front of her with a leg on each side of her so she had his erection just in front of her. She gave his tip a wet lick and Bill expressed a liking before taking a hard grip around her neck, bending down and kissed her so passionately she moaned into his mouth. When he had released her, the both of them were panting a bit before he sunk down in the water. He wasn’t in the mood for a blow job if he couldn't give anything back to Aurora. Her sex was for now a no go zone and he would rather wait for sex until the both of them could get pleasure.
Aurora laid her arms around Bill's neck and her legs went around his waist in the water while Bill held her there. It was really nice being close again, almost as close as they could.
"How are you?" Bill asked lovingly as he dragged his hands over her back. Aurora smiled a little unsure but shrugged her shoulders.
"Okay, I think. It will be a burden to bear for a long time but I am okay. How are you?" She kissed the little bump on his nose tip and Bill smiled with closed eyes.
"I think I'm okay too. But… It is hard."
Aurora nodded and looked him deep in the eyes. She waited for more. Bill took a deep shaky breath because he was always honest with Aurora and was insistent in telling her.
"I met Hilma… I actually was in L.A. yesterday and we met in a hotel…"
Aurora looked at Bill, seeing him lower his gaze and analyzed his words. It didn't sound good at all. She slowly pulled away but Bill held her hard against him.
"Not like that, not like that! By accident," he confessed when he heard his own words. "Nothing happened, I just wanted someone to talk to. I don't know… Nothing happened, I just wanted to tell you."
Aurora was still wrapped around his waist but she just looked down at her wedding rings, twisted them around her finger. She did that often when they had a fight and it always made him nervous. She nodded slowly and dragged her fingers over the diamond. Her nails really needed a touch up.
"Why don't you talk to me then?" She asked without looking up at him.
Bill licked his lips but pulled her even closer to his chest. He didn't even think about her being naked, right over his cock because he just felt worry and shame.
"I didn't talk to her either. I didn't get anything out but… I guess at the same time I didn’t dare to talk to you either?"
Aurora looked up at him, deep in his eyes. Chestnut brown meeting ocean green. They were quiet for a moment because they both knew, just by watching each other what this was about. If they would try again. Aurora lowered her gaze again, dragged a hand over her belly that now was almost as flat as before the pregnancy then she looked at her rings again. Twisted them around her finger in silence.
Their wedding had been small, at a vineyard in Italy on a sunny afternoon in early June. To many's surprise it wasn't the princess wedding they had expected from Aurora. Instead she wore a quite modest maxi dress in creme white with a golden tiara in her long wild locks. Bill wore just a white button up with beige linen pants. The only thing that was really extravagant was the food and drinks but they both felt they couldn't have it any other way. Bill thought about that day when he saw her play with her rings. He had never had high expectations about a wedding day, it was hard to get it as good as you dreamt about but it had topped it. Their friends were way too interesting to not do something amazing, great performances, a short movie in their honor and just dancing and silliness until the sun went up. When they found time to be alone they had made out like teenagers and Bill had realized she wasn’t wearing a bra nor panties. She wasn't a virginal bride even if it was what they pretended that night. His little virgin bride.
Aurora let go of her rings and smiled a little. It was obvious she didn't want to talk about it and that night Bill would have even more questions she didn't want to answer.
They had both gone to bed early to have some privacy from her mother and while Aurora was in the bathroom to get herself ready for bed Bill took her iPad. He often used it, he picked up the one that was closest to him but soon realized he was seeing things he shouldn’t have seen and quickly locked the device for a moment. At first he just thought it was regular porno, which surprised him but then he realized it was actually with the Aurora look-alike. She rode a guy and moaned loudly. Bill paused it in panic and looked towards the bathroom but when he realized Aurora hadn't heard he looked through her browser. She had watched several videos but also read about the group Derwin was a part of and gossip threads about herself. He couldn't really see why she looked at these things, especially the porn. Bill became worried again, if it was some sort of crisis but she was behaving so calmly and healthy again. Aurora had never been the one to dwell over things and didn't seem like she would do that now either in Bill's eyes. He didn't put away the iPad, instead let it lay open with the frozen picture from the porno. Aurora came out in just a crop top and panties and her now shorter hair in two low ponytails. She gave Bill a confused look who looked so serious but then she looked down at the iPad, seeing the girl who could be some morphed version of her. Aurora made a U turn when she saw it, walking into the bathroom.
"Hey, hey, hey," said Bill and ran after her. He held the door so she couldn't close it and Aurora gave him a pissed look.
"Can't I just be curious??" She said angrily.
Bill looked at her, shocked by her anger.
"Sure you can, but your anger is telling me there's something more."
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "It's just a thing for Bodya."
Aurora rolled her eyes again and it irritated Bill so he sighed deeply.
"The group Derwin is in."
"Hang on… He wants you to watch porn?" Bill furrowed his brows and took a harder grip on the door. Aurora looked at her husband with a shameful look. She also heard it could sound weird, especially for a man who was her husband.
"It's about acceptance. That I should watch it and accept it."
Bill was confused but also worried. It really sounded weird and he wondered if Derwin used Aurora's miscarriage to further get her into that weird group. Bill let go of the door and laid a hand over his mouth. Aurora didn't like how worried and sad he looked and pulled on his shoulders so he could lean down and they could hug each other.
"It's just about acceptance…" she whispered and kissed Bill's neck. He nodded a little and kissed her shoulder. Aurora searched for his lips so they could kiss. It didn't take long until they were making out as passionately as they had done at their wedding party. Bill was prepared that she wouldn't want to sleep with him but it was she who took their clothes off and dragged her wet pussy over his erection.
"Fuck me," she whispered while she sat on top of him. Bill sat up with a smile and kissed her. He looked into her eyes so deeply Aurora gave him a blushing smile.
"Let me give you a baby," he whispered. Aurora smiled a little but then she giggled sweetly so Bill's cock twitched.
"Yeah, put a baby in me, daddy."
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winkcats-world · 14 days
My Torchwood AU
TW. Violence, Cybermen, blood, burning, isolation, out of character characters
I will add on more to this btw
I am not a doctor, if you get an electric burn, or a very bad burn, please seek a doctor
Spoilers : Gwen will be returning later
Jack stood on the roof of Torchwood, it rained heavily. The lights in the city glowed in the night, clouds were unseen in the sky. Owen was standing next to him, he had convinced Grey not to explode all of Cardiff, or set off a nuclear reaction. Toshiko was still heavily injured, being stabbed by Grey still.
Recently, Gwen had sacrificed herself to the 4-5-6. they had heavily injured, and even killed people in the building, including Ianto, by releasing a semi-medium leveled virus in the building. Ianto had been injured, they weren't sure if he were to survive.
Owen had been waiting in the Hub, waiting for Ianto and Toshiko to wake up, he just came up only a few minutes ago to the top.
"Are they okay?" He asked, worry quaked in his voice. Owen glanced over at him, and let out a small laugh.
"Yes, they are- they're fine, don't worry," He answered, "please, they're going to be fine." Jack looked over at him, then back at the city of Cardiff.
Jack knew Owen had let down his mask for the past hours, he had one since his own love had died. Jack stared into the ocean, moonlight shimmered in the water.
He felt Owen walk away, back into the Torchwood Hub.
He sighed, and realized that he should probably go back inside as well. He looked around, the clouds still unseen.
He turned around and opened the doors to the Torchwood building, he walked inside.
Owen looked up at him and continued to monitor the injured bodies. He walked over to the library, that Gwen and Tosh had requested, Ianto was going to reorganize the books sometime. He pulled out a dusty light pink book called Luck by the River, it was made by Stacy Young. It was one of Gwen's favorites, for some reason.
Jack only knew it had been a couple hours, he had read all of Torchwood's favorite books.
He got up and walked back over to Owen, he was sleeping. Jack wouldn't scold him, it had been a long four days without any sleep. He let it slide. More minutes passed, and the door opened. Owen walked out, he nodded his head before standing next to him. He looked down at his watch, he glanced back at Jack.
"Give me a moment," He said, before leaving to the Hub again. Jack felt the rain soak his coat, Ianto had loved it so much. The stars twinkled in the dark sky, the moon shone down on the city. Owen stood next to him again, a smile in his eyes.
"Your teaboy is awake, he wants to see you," he added in less then a whisper, "although I feel as if he's more then that now." Jack looked over at him, Owen shrugged, regretting what he just said.
He turned away, a moment later he shut the door behind him. The dark room had gave him quite a scare, but he continued to walk forwards. He spotted Ianto, he was sitting up on a white bed, with a lamp on a bedside table besides him. He could tell by the way Ianto stared at him that he wasn't going to do much of the talking.
Jack didn't hesitate as he hugged Ianto, Ianto tightly hugged him back. They stayed like that for a few moments. A loud thud had Ianto jerk out of Jack's arms, he seemed to shrink two sizes. A Cyberman had blasted into the Torchwood Hub, and was saying "Delete".
"Ianto, don't worry," Jack said, he tried to hide the worry quaking in his voice. He grabbed a bigger gun from a shelf nearby, he only realized it was too late until a beam of blue electric shot off from the Cyberman's wrist blaster into Ianto.
"Ianto!" He called, he stared at the Cyberman before trying to get to Ianto as quickly as possible. Jack looked over at Ianto, who was still staring intently at the Cyberman. He picked him up and turned him around, Ianto still frozen in place.
He had trained Ianto for this, but he didn't think it would actually happen, that he would get shot by a Cyberman. Ianto glanced down at his hands, they were all bloody.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he whispered, softly grabbing Ianto's hands. He looked up as he ordered. Jack noticed Ianto was trembling, with fear, regret, guilt. "It's okay, It's going to be fine, I'm going to be fine, Owen will be fine, I just need you to get to the stairs," He still whispered. He gently put his hands on his face, he kissed his forehead.
Ianto still quivered, but he was calmer now. he gestured towards the door which either lead downstairs or upstairs.
Ianto had been shut out by Jack, he had heard the door from outside open. Owen must have bursted into the room with the Cyberman, with a gun. He heard the head of it fall onto the ground.
He started to walk up the stairs to the ceilings and other floors. He noticed that the Cyberman had blasted from the ceiling, it might not be safe. For him, going downstairs during a Cyberman attack wouldn't be a good idea either.
Ianto realized none of the options he had weren't safe, not any safer then the space he was in. He slid down the wall and sat down. He still had blood on his hands, it was more dry now though. His body ached with pain, the Cyberman had shot him through the stomach.
After a moment he heard Owen's murmuring. Owen softly opened the door. Ianto jerked away from the metal clanking of the door. Owen cursed under his breath, muttering something about the loud door. Owen walked in, looking around carefully before spotting Ianto.
"Jack went up from the outside," he explained, "searching for any more of... Them..." he looked over at Ianto nodding slightly. Ianto's body throbbed, pain striking his stomach. Owen must've noticed his pain, his silent suffering.
"Jack told me you got hurt, Cyberman are nasty things," He finally murmured to Ianto, he pulled out a medkit. Ianto looked at him up and down. He looked straight again, trying to breathe steadily.
"You have that in you regularly?" Ianto asked, Owen looked over at him and nodded. He opened the medkit, hissing when he found out it only had a towel. Owen slid down the wall, sitting down next to Ianto. They say there for a heartbeat, silent.
"Sorry, mate, don't have anything for the pain." He looked over at him, empathy shone in his eyes. They waited a few moments, waiting for Jack. Owen got up, his lab coat peacefully on his shoulders.
"Alright, Ianto, I'm going to go check up on him," he said, looking back at him. "Be safe." He climbed the stairs up. Ianto tried to control his breathing, trying to calm himself down at least a little bit.
A couple moments later, Owen rushed down the stairs.
"Hi mate, get going down those stairs there, I need to get Tosh," he ordered, "don't wait for me." The metal door clanked as he left. Ianto stared back at the door, before looking back at the stairs.
He walked down them, the darkness sending shivers down his back. He shook his head slightly, looking around. The door clanked, he looked back at the room, he couldn't see anything. He heard the London muttering of Owen, and the footsteps that followed. His chest tightened as he looked back at the medic.
"Hey mate," his voice quaked, Ianto realized it was probably for his worry for Tosh. Ianto paused, waiting for Owen to catch up with him, also because of his shortness of breath. Once Owen was catched up with him he continued.
Ianto noticed how irregular Owen was acting, he was kind, anxious for them, and caring. Owen had his mask off, in years he hadn't seen it when he was sober.
He could feel the wound under his suit, he guessed it was blackened already. Owen had noticed his uncomfort when they got to a small basement room. Ianto sat down on an old tattered couch.
"Hey, atleast they might have a medkit in here," Owen murmured, looking over at him. The medic placed Tosh down on an old hospital cot, he found a blanket in a cupboard. Ianto looked around, the room becoming a fuzzy sight. Owen began filling a bowl up with cold water, after he was finished he pulled out a towel that he had in the medkit.
Ianto fought to stay conscious, his vision began intensely dizzying.
It had been 20 minutes, Owen removed the firmly placed wet towel from Ianto's stomach. The young archivist had fallen asleep, Owen was worried at first but Ianto was still breathing.
Owen frantically searched for some kind of Aloe vera lotion, he successfully found a medkit with it in. He softly applied the lotion, not waiting the burn to be dry.
He grabbed gauze from medkit, he wrapped loosely on the wound. The burn wasn't that deep, but it was enormous. Owen sighed, looking back at Tosh's unconscious body. He pulled the cot closer to the tattered old couch, making sure he could see both of his patients.
He realized how kind he had been, he hadn't been like this since the accident. It was the reason why he joined in the first place. He looked over back at the Welshman, noticing the scars he had.
He could recall trying to mend the wounds Ianto had gotten from the cannibals, but there were many others. He inspected the burns marks, which he guessed was from the Canary Wharf.
He took off the coat to the Welshman's suit, and placed it on top of him softly. He got up and looked around, observing the basement. He had been frantically searching for medical care that he hadn't noticed much of the room.
It had a small kitchen involved, with cans of soup inside. He pulled out a small pan and washed it swiftly, setting it down on the stovetop.
Owen hummed to himself, tapping his foot softly while cracking an egg into the pan. He didn't know why he was making fried eggs, he didn't eat.
Ianto felt his head throbbing violently, even the dim light which he thought where comfortable just a moment ago seemed to be blinding him.
Owen was in the small kitchen, humming to himself quietly and quite nicely. Owen looked over his shoulder, his eyes slightly widening at the sight of the young archivist.
Ianto felt his stomach twist, he had realized Myfanwy wasn't there.
"Good morning," the medic murmured, turning around with a plate of food. "Hmm?"
"Where's... Uhh... Myfanwy?" Owen sat down the plate and hesitated to say anything.
"I'll go get her." he finally said, starting to rush, opening the door of the basement.
Ianto waited there in silence, he sat back down on the couch.
Realizing how badly the Cyberman hit him, he put his coat back on.
He looked around the room, Toshiko seemed to be sleeping peacefully. She was curled up in a tight ball on the cot.
After a moment, he heard the shrieking of a familiar pteranodon.
The door swung open, Myfanwy bursted into the room and knocked Ianto down to the floor.
"Myfanwy!" He laughed, stroking her skin lovingly, still laughing. He knew Owen was watching him with amusement, he didn't mind though.
Ianto lifted Myfanwy up into the back of the couch, he pulled out a bar of dark chocolate from his coat pocket.
"Do you always carry that around?" Owen asked, standing next to him now.
Before they could continue their conversation, a loud scream echoed down the hallway outside the room.
Owen looked over at Ianto, he knew the archivist's heart was racing.
Fear reeled in his mind. Owen jumped in front of the Welshman, pulling out his gun.
The door bursted open, before he even knew it was Jack, Ianto rushed towards the man.
Owen heard the low soft murmuring. Owen hesitated before stepping back, putting his gun away.
"Did they kill you?" Ianto's question quaked with worry, the medic stared at the two.
"Yeah," Jack answered, holding on slightly tighter to Ianto.
Owen walked away from the kitchen, and towards the couch.
Toshiko was still sleeping, Owen smiled softly.
After a moment, he couldn't hear the murmuring of the two lovers.
He stood behind the couch, looking down at Tosh.
Jack slowly carried Ianto back to the couch, laying him down softly.
Owen felt a kind of guilt he hadn't felt in a while, Jack seemed to read his mind.
"It's alright, I told you to," he reassured, standing next to the medic.
Owen looked at him, then back at Toshiko.
"I still left you," Owen whispered, Jack looked up at him, concern tugging his body, shinning in his eyes. The captain pulled Owen into hug, he stiffened, frozen.
Jack held him gently, rubbing his back in soft, assuring circles, planning on never letting go of the medic. Owen relaxed, melting into Jack's hug.
"It's alright, I'm here now," Jack vowed, "I'll always come back for you, and Ianto, and Tosh."
Owen tried to hold back tears, hugging him tighter. Jack laughed, hugging the medic tighter.
"Who knew our medic was such a hugger?" He chuckled as well, smiling softly.
Owen smiled deeply, letting the tears forming at his eyes fall.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Cold Hearted
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky x reader x Nat(past) Reader x ???
Chapter 3
Warnings:swearing, angst, smut, forced drugging, rape noncon/dubcon
The Snap, 7 years ago
BB was sitting on the couch watching the news in the tiny London apartment she was squatting. Tony Stark and Doctor Strange fighting monsters or aliens in New York City earlier and reports that all of the Avengers were in Wakanda fighting more of them but there wasn't any video of that. As she watched, one of the anchors turned to dust and his co anchor screamed.
BB looked out on the street and there were cars crashed, people yelling and others disappearing. Her heart was racing, what was going on? She tried to call Yelena but there was no answer. Yelena was supposed to contact her in a few days but what if she was one of the lost, or Ana had killed her.
BB cried softly as she curled up on the couch and watched the news reports. Millions, maybe billions of people and animals just turned to dust. Planes crashed without pilots, children were left without parents. The world was in chaos.
BB spent months in that apartment, waiting to hear from Yelena and trying to figure out her next move when she realized Yelena was probably dead. One afternoon as she was gathering everything she had acquired, mostly from looting and picking pockets, there was a news report with a statement from two Avengers, Captain America and Black Widow. It was Natalia, her Natalia alive and well. BB knew the Avengers were based out of New York so started trying to figure out how to cross the ocean. She went to the docks and airport regularly to see if travel was picking up and saw a ship leaving just a couple of weeks ago. She pooled together all her valuable possessions and headed to the docks to see if she could find a ship to take her to the US.
6 months later BB finally stepped off a boat onto American soil. She looked around the terminal to see where to go next. There's a couple of volunteers from one of the organizations that have been trying to help refugees.
One of them approached her "Do you need some help Miss? Have family in the city?"
BB smiled and shook her head "Not in the city, upstate. My cousin works as a nurse at the Avengers compound. She's the only family I've been able to find."
The volunteer nodded "I know where that is. There is a bus that stops near there but the next scheduled departure is in the morning. Do you have a place to stay nearby? Or money for a place? We have a shelter not far from here, give me a minute and I'll see if they have any beds left."
They walked away for a moment to make a call and came back smiling. "You're in luck. They do have room and dinner will be up in about 30 minutes so your timing is perfect."
They wrote the address and directions, signing the paper so the shelter would know he sent her.
"Good luck miss. I hope you have a happy reunion with your cousin. Take care and god bless."
BB nodded and thanked them before heading to the shelter. When she arrived she found that it was nicer than she expected. She had her own little cubicle with a bed and night stand. Dinner was alright, not the best but it was filling and she had survived on much worse.
After a restless night she boarded the bus to make the trip north. According to the map she was given, the compound was just a bit outside of the city so she wouldn't have far to go.
"No, Nat. I'm tired of arguing about it. We need to set an example and-"
He was interrupted by the security system alarm "What's going on Friday?"
"There appears to be someone at the gate Captain Rogers"
"Great, groupies or haters?"
"She doesn't seem to be either. Said she is Agent Romanoffs sister."
Nat looked up "Yelena? Friday, put her on screen"
When she could see who it was Nat gasped "BB! Oh my gosh. Let her in, I'll go meet her" Nat was tearing up as she bolted for the stairs to get to the lobby.
BB approached the building cautiously, not sure what to expect. She hoped Nat remembered her, it seems like it had been ages since they saw each other.
The door opened and Nat came flying out. "BB!! You're alive"
And smothered her in a hug, both women crying, happy to find someone they knew was still here, that they didn't lose everything.
BB tensed when she heard someone clearing their throat.
Nat laughed "Its ok BB. That's just Steve. You're safe here. We'll find a room for you."
Bb pulled back and looked at Steve. There was something intimidating about the man. The height didn't bother her as he was only a few inches taller than her almost 6 feet. He was so muscular that he was almost as wide as he was tall but had a kind smile.
She nodded at him "Hi Steve. I'm BB."
Steve looked at Nat questioningly "She was in the red room with me, Bucky and I trained her"
BB looked around "Bucky? Is he here?"
Nat shook her head sadly "He was fighting with us in Wakanda but didn't make it."
BB teared up "I think Yelena was dusted too. She was supposed to call me and never did. Never answered her phone. I waited but when I saw you and him, I mean Steve, on tv I decided to come here. Took awhile to save the money but I made it.
Nat squeezed her again "at least we have each other. You can make yourself at home"
Steve just stood to the side and watched the women together. BB seemed too young to be a widow but he knew some had some form of super soldier serum. She had such a childlike, innocent beauty he could see how she'd be good at getting close to men who only think with their little head. They probably never saw her coming.
He admired her long and lithe form, so graceful.
Steve felt drawn to BB and tried to spend as much time as he could with her, without seeming like a lovesick puppy. She made him feel alive and hopeful for the first time since the snap. They became good friends and 2 years after she showed up on his doorstep he asked her on a date.
Their relationship bloomed and he stopped yearning for the era he came from because he had a woman who completed him right now. All he needed was to find a way to reverse the snap.
A year later he proposed and BB was thrilled. All she could remember was the red room and she never dreamed she could find happiness like she had now.
Not long after Steve proposed another straggler showed up on his doorstep but this one would change everything. Scott Lang helped them figure out how to bring everyone back.
When returning the stones Steve saw Peggy and stopped in his tracks. He wished he could talk to her, tell her he was ok and give her a hug but he didn't want to risk messing up the timeline and couldn't wait to get back to BB.
BB, Nat and Bucky had a joyful reunion. Bucky and Nat wanted BB to join their relationship like it had been in the red room but Steve was so happy with her that they let her go. Their wedding was the first event the team celebrated when the compound was rebuilt.
A few months after Tony reversed the snap Bucky and Sam went to Europe to deal with the Flagsmashers. They ran into Sharon Carter and with Steve's help convinced the president to pardon her.
The first time BB met Sharon she was reserved. Sharon was friendly but there was something dark that couldn't be trusted. Her smiles and laughs felt forced and insincere. Steve had told her he had a brief relationship with Sharon years ago but promised he wasn't even tempted, BB was everything he needed.
BB trusted Steve, wanted to trust him so badly and against her instincts. She told Steve about her concerns and he reassured her that Sharon had been through some dark times during the blip but was a good person and understood that Steve was committed to BB now. BB caught Sharon staring at her or Steve all the time with a wicked look in her eyes but BB trusted Steve.
One night when BB was gone on a mission with Sam and Nat, Sharon approached Steve in the gym "I saw your girl is gone, want to have dinner with me? I could use the company."
Steve shrugged "Sure, what did you have in mind? There's a diner nearby that isn't much to look at but has great food."
Sharon shook her head "I'm really not up for going anywhere. Why don't I order something and we can watch a movie in my room?"
Steve hesitated "I'm not sure that's appropriate Sharon. I'm engaged you know."
Sharon laughed "Of course I know, she brags about a widow catching Captain America all the time. I just figured that hanging in the common room would invite gossip. Don't worry you can trust me."
"Yeah, I see your point and I know I can trust you. Let me get cleaned up and I'll come by."
Sharon smiled sweetly until Steve turned away and her malevolence shone through.
It was easy enough for her to drug Steve. He was too trusting. Halfway through dinner he sat back.
Sharon touched his arm "You ok, hon? You look a little flustered"
"Yeah, I feel a bit off. Like I was hitting Thor's liquor but I haven't had anything. Is it getting hot in here? Sorry, I need to take my shirt off" he started to remove his shirt then caught himself and blushed "I'm sorry Sharon that was very inappropriate. I better get back to my room."
Sharon smiled sweetly "But Steve, I don't know if you should be left alone right now. Why don't you take your shirt off and lay back on the couch. I'll get you some cold water.
When she gave him the water Steve felt like his skin was burning where their fingers touched. His chest was sweaty and heaving, he could feel himself getting aroused. His erection straining against his pants.
He tried to stand up but got dizzy and felt a rush all through his body.
"I better go, something is really wrong"
Sharon laughed "Don't be ridiculous Stevie. You can barely walk but I'll bet I know something you can do"
She rubbed his crotch, moaning at how hard he was.
Steve moaned "Fuck Sharon I need more"
His hips chased her hand needing that friction.
When she started to open his fly he groaned "No Sharon I can't do this. I love BB, I can't hurt her. Please leave and sleep in my room."
Sharon ignored his pleas, too close to what she wanted to stop now, and pulled his pants and underwear down his legs. She smiled at his cock, red, angry and leaking at the tip. She ran her finger over the tip and he almost came from just that contact. Then she leaned over and took him in her mouth, he groaned, bucked his hips up and came down her throat with a shout.
Steve felt so good, he had never cum like that before but his cock was still painfully hard and he knew what he needed to do, all thoughts of BB lost to the pleasure Sharon was giving him. She took her clothes off and climbed on top of him, sinking slowly down on his cock until he was fully seated in her heat and groaned. "Fuck Sharon, you feel so good. More I need more, ride me hard and fast. Please" he begged her
Sharon did as he bid her chasing her own orgasm because the drug she gave him guaranteed his.
"Oh god, BB, baby. You feel so good" he cried deliriously. Sharon scowled, she was angry that he was with someone else but that would make this all the sweeter.
It took 5 rounds for Steve to finally start to come down and feel like himself again. When he realized what he had done his heart stopped.
"Sharon what did you do to me?"
She scoffed "All I did was help you take what you always wanted"
"No! I love BB, I'm going to marry her. If she even wants me now."
"Stevie?" Sharon asked softly "I have to tell you something. I hope you're not mad but I was with Peggy when she passed. Her last wish was for you and I to marry and fix and lead SHIELD together"
He looked at her with his forehead furrowed "Peggy never told me that."
"Of course not, I was undercover as someone else so couldn't tell you who I was. Everything with Bucky happened right after she died and I never had the chance to tell you. She loved you so much and wanted us to be happy together since you two missed your chance" Sharon explained.
Steve shook his head "I do care about you Sharon and maybe, if I hadn't met BB it would be different but I love her. We're getting married in a couple of months."
"Are you sure about her Stevie? She's a former Black Widow which means no kids. And I can't even imagine what she's done. Captain America is an important role model, people wouldn't understand you marrying a former assassin. I'm just glad Peggy isn't here to see this.
"No Sharon, I'm marrying BB. You can't tell her what happened, it would kill her. I don't know what came over me but we have to just forget this ever happened."
Sharon tut tutted him "Now Stevie. I can't forget and I don't think you can either. What you are going to do is keep your mouth shut for now or I will show her the video."
Steve paled "Video? What are you doing Sharon? Why did you record this"
Sharon bristled "What I'm doing is saving you from yourself. That woman is completely wrong for you. The public will never accept you with someone like her. You will keep this to yourself until it's the right time. Otherwise I'll show her and put the video on the web. Then the whole world will know who you really are"
Steve looked at her in defeat "Why are you doing this Sharon?"
Sharon smirked "That's not for you to know yet but you better keep up the act for now. When I tell you to, you will end things with her and we will marry.
It's getting late, you should go wash the smell of me off of you before your dear fiance comes home" she dismissed him.
Steve rushed back to his room, scared and unsure of what to do. He didn't want to hurt BB but maybe Sharon was right. She would be a better match for Captain America. And he could have the kids he's always wanted.
It's what Peggy wanted after all.
Chapter 4
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grimescum · 4 months
hii here's a whole lotta lore about an oc I haven't talked much about yet <3 his name is caspar freedman. u will never be able to guess what his last name is referencing (its actually a reference and also kind of a pun w lore i still havent mentioned yet)
slight cw for themes of dereality and mentions of feeling as if one is being stalked. this guy starts tweaking for a bit
caspar himself went through several phases of mental decline leading up to his disappearance in the 80s. he was a furniture salesman, one of the few running a small shop in a since abandoned mall, and living a comfortably quiet life alongside his wife and son.
a shipment came to his work one day. an antique chair from an unknown manufacturer, made from a material that was quoted as being "cold to the touch" and "not quite wood". naturally, he didn't think much of it, and had put it on sale for a brief period of time before opting to take it himself - a decision that was questioned by his wife and promptly dismissed by Caspar.
his family began to notice strange behavior not too long after. he'd stay in the chair for up to 12 hours a day and refused most requests for him to move, though heading to work as usual. any conversation made with him during this period wouldn't have rang any alarms, being about as chipper and polite as he usually was, only with occasional odd reference to a company by the name of "Morning star". Questions regarding this were answered with some variation of "i don't know".
Unsure of what to do, his wife left it be, occasionally urging him to visit a doctor if he felt any pain at all. This persisted for a few weeks with no noticeable changes in behavior.
His wife and son woke up late one night to the sounds of construction in their own home. investigation led to the finding of Caspar, panicked and spouting largely incoherent ramblings, nailing boards over their windows. he claimed to have seen a group of men, around 6, staring at him from the outside. he fought and pled with his wife not to go out in vain, only for her to come back with nothing. not a single trace of anyone being there, let alone 6 people.
he refused to go to work the following morning. refused to even go out and seek a doctor. any attempts to phone for help were met with sudden and uncharacteristic outbursts of violence from caspar, shouting something about "them" being everywhere and that his only chance for survival was staying inside. he didn't sleep since then. he sat in that chair all day every day, mindlessly staring at the advertisements playing on tv.
a month of this dragged on until he was gone. all of their furniture, all of their clothes, they woke up to find them wiped clean with not a single trace of caspar in sight. police investigation never went beyond an unsolved missing persons case with no leads, and neither his wife or his son had received any closure, though on occasion his son would confess to seeing him. in the backgrounds of certain advertisements, he saw a man resembling his dad, pale and abnormally tall, staring directly into the camera from a distance. In certain shots, given favorable lighting and distance, he said to have been able to make out a somber expression on the man's face.
as mentioned above, Caspar was granted some sort of psychokenetic abilities following his disappearance. these are best seen during his own advertisements.
alone in the late hours of the night, an ad may abruptly interrupt the current television program running. This ad is said to be staged in a very retro looking mall, set to the tune of relaxing jazz music while a strangely pale man advertises deals on a wide range of products, mainly furniture, for absurdly low prices. it's relatively monotonous, spanning about 2-3 minutes with no major changes outside of the occasional strange occurrence in the background (ie, someone else in an identical suit walking into frame and standing completely still until the end of the ad). the ad closes with an address to an abandoned mall popping up alongside very specific instructions on finding a particular door.
as a side note, others who've walked in during the ads run time saw none of the aforementioned, only static and garbled noise.
if the viewer follows the directions correctly, they will be given quick access to a run down furniture store through the back of the mall and greeted by Caspar, usually after a brief delay in any reaction at all.
He is said to be rather polite and patient with those who enter, reassuring his guest to take their time in their decisions and offering insight whenever prompted. this friendliness is in stark contrast to his abnormal height and proportions, stiff movements, piercing light blue eyes and his unnaturally flat way of speaking, but aside from his appearance being relatively offputting he poses no immediate danger.
all products sold are cold to the touch, feeling as if they were made from some sort of metal and merely painted over afterwards. aside from the name of the manufacturer, "Morning Star Inc.", caspar gives no meaningful information about these objects when asked.
purchases go smoothly. if the object happens to be too large, he'll reassure the buyer that it'll be delivered in time. If they don't, for whatever reason, have the sufficient funds, he'll accept whatever they're able to give. if the buyer doesn't actually buy anything, he may appear slightly irate, but will bid them farewell regardless. they'll continue to get his ads until they eventually cave or until he deems them to be a lost cause. any attempts to visit his store after this are thwarted by a barricaded door.
in spite of how the buyer felt about it beforehand, any furniture bought induces intense feelings of pride and joy in their purchase, making the buyer more likely to brag and advertise the manufacturer to others. they may even interject into completely unrelated conversations just to speak about it.
the second phase is when the paranoia kicks in. the buyer, regardless of where they are located, will constantly feel as if there are eyes on them from afar. they may act irrationally and pin the blame on other people, flee from crowds or develop conspiratorial beliefs about the government or higher entities.
their pleasure with their recent purchase will only grow during this time, being their one and only source of comfort. however, if they or someone else manages to remove the furniture, all will return back to normal.
the third phase is irreversible. the buyer will begin seeing tall, dark figures in the distance, the only discernable features being their pale white faces and the vague outline of a suit. they can and will appear anywhere while outside, forcing the buyer to remain hidden inside their house.
outside intervention has no effect; the men disappear when others come close and leave nothing but footsteps that lead to a dead end.
this phase can go on for days, months, even up to a year in some cases, before the buyer and all of their possessions will mysteriously vanish, leaving an empty home behind.
Caspar is not the only one. In fact, he's one of the few people to be seen in these advertisements. similar phenomena have been reported with radios, videos, essentially any means of audio/visual entertainment dating from modern day back to the early 1980s, all with a different face doing the advertising. descriptions of the individuals seen in the ads have all turned out to be eerily similar to local missing persons cases.
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murderousginger · 2 years
🥳🥳🥳 Oooh yay! 1k! 🥳🥳🥳
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How about a little 😈 ?
"Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?" with whoever vibes with the sentence for you — I love them all and everything you write.❤️❤️❤️
(so so glad I made it back in time to celebrate)
So you're the last one, and you've triggered a story in my head I never thought I'd have. So bravo for that, you made me write Grace in more than just passing reference.
Anyone that's been around here knows I don't like her, I certainly don't trust her, but this is unequivocally her.
And this warrants much more than 5 sentences.
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No one expected Tommy's wife to survive, including the devil of Small Heath himself. He thought he watched her die on the floor of the ballroom, covered in blood and clutching her husband with one hand and the cursed stone in another. Tommy screamed for the finest doctors but didn't really expect them to save her.
They did.
She was placed in a wing of the house that wasn't in use. She had round the clock care through her entire coma. Tommy told no one, expecting her not to survive. Troubled and heartbroken, he carried on with his plans. He did not correct anyone when they called him a widow. Soon he would step into the role, so why not try it on beforehand?
When she woke up, weak and reaching for her boys, Tommy could scarcely believe it. And once Grace had settled into reality, catching up to Tommy's schemes while she was dreaming and healing, she agreed that for the moment she should remain dead. She would make her grand entry back into the land of the living once Tommy had gotten the jewels and the information and left the Russians mourning their choices.
Grace floated through the house, a ghost or a shadow that even the staff did not see. And as a ghost, she was able to see things she otherwise wouldn't have as the mistress of the house. She learned things she otherwise wouldn't have learned. Like her husband kept a diary of plans of sorts hidden deep within the pages of a Latin book in his office.
So she learned about the Russians. And the jewels. And Alfie Solomons. And Tatiana.
Oh, Tommy had much to explain.
Grace always met Tommy in her bed, a weak smile on her face. She pretended to walk feebly. She shook just a little more. How else would she have the freedom to learn all of her husband's dirty secrets?
No wonder Tommy kissed her cheek and patted her hand before leaving the wing to invite Tatiana into their marriage bed. He thought she would never know.
Instead, she watched in the shadows as the raven-haired Russian stalked around her house half naked in the middle of the night, giving orders and nearly shooting her husband.
Grace seethed, but she hid it. There was a time and a place for everything.
And then Thomas handed their child off to a stranger to be taken to a predator. And in his grief he sent his cousin to collect Charlie while he faced his demons to dig for jewels.
When she found her son in bed, clean and angel-faced, she knew Tommy's plans had come to fruition. When she saw the note for the jewel sale in his calendar, she knew he had finally finished his business with the whore.
Then her own plans could begin.
Thomas returned home that evening, humming a tune and a pep in his step for a job well done. He found his wife in the garden, planting a new row of rose bushes, dirt smeared along her concentrated brow. He smiled and kissed her temple and she smiled in return.
"Late in the day for planting, eh?" He hummed. "You should wash up and sit with me for supper."
Grace smiled, nodding as she stood up from her task.
"I would love to," she said. "I'll have someone fetch Charlie and we'll eat as a family."
Grace left for the house, leaving Thomas standing beside the newly planted rose bushes. He teetered on his heels for a moment, enjoying the air, when he noticed a gleam in the dirt.
Thomas leaned down and picked up a familiar ring. He squinted, realizing the ring was not his wife's. He had seen it on his night stand before, the dark jewel glittering in the firelight as the Duchess ran her foot along his groin.
"Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?"
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