#the dragon & the wold
fairykery · 2 years
Anyone remember what happened to that clip of Game of Thrones ending the exact same way only it was Daenerys that was pregnant with Jon's baby(their son/daughter is born sometime after the battle against the night king where Daenerys and Jon gain respect with how many walkers they killed to protect the North)and Cersei is the evil queen that explodes the Entire Kingdom once she realizes she is going to lose to Daenerys. I can't find it.
I also would have added, Varys & Tyrion run away to protect Azhor Ahai(Jon& Daenerys baby)from Cersei, as well as the Dragon egg Drogon laid before his death.
Sansa agreeing to fight Daenerys war as Daenerys is sacrificing her dragons to fight their Northern war, and Daenerys makes her an independent kingdom, just like the Yara of the iron Islands they made a mutual agreement. They become besties & they like each other and make fun of Jon's height.
Also Arya is the one that kills Cersei when she tries to run away (fron what she did to the kingdom and Arya's brother/daenerys) pretending to be Jaime because he is the one that dies protecting Bran (but no one;but Arya knows this as she was also there with bran and she still the one that kills the Night King), the hound finally kills the mountain ending him by throwing him in fire,and Theon leads the battle proving himself to be Brave enough to lead the army, and saves Yara of the Iron Islands and becomes her hand as she leads the Ironborn. Bran becomes king; but only to protect Jon's baby until she/he is fully grown enough to lead and he is in charge of killing all their enemies until he/she can lead again since he(Bran) had said he doesn't want to be king. After he is done he reveals the truth about Jon and Daenerys and their baby, crowns him/her and he sails east to kill the remaining enemies Daenerys left in Slaver's Bay and Mereen to protect his niece/nephew and assure Azhor Ahai is safe. Daddavos, Tyrion, and Varys are part of his/her council and they decide not to hatch the Dragon egg until Azor Ahai is ready to lead.
Missandei and Greyworm free the armies to live where they chose as long as they live life as righteously as she wanted without any reaving, raping, slaving, and killing. Greyworm and Missandei sail to Naath to help whoever they can with the remaining soldiers and they swear to never forget their queen. The end.
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beastren · 2 years
JULIEN IS SUPPOSED 2 BE GERMAN THIS MUST BE SAID mercedes is the french one. she is from hearthstone aka the fantasy france of dragon's dogma. julien is from voldoa which is fantasy germany. at least this is what i have believed and known to be true for over 5 years.
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selfdiscoverymedia · 2 years
AK22-37. Charles Christian the Urban Fantasist
AK22-37. Charles Christian the Urban Fantasist
An Authors Kiss with Sara Troy and her guest Charles Christian, on air from September 6th If you are fascinated by the weird, the unexplained and the bizarre, join author Charles Christian on a fascinating road trip around what he calls the Wold Newton Triangle, where rather odd events have occurred, unmatched anywhere else in Britain. He will talk about werewolves, zombies, vampires, green…
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
Personality ideas for Wild, Ages, and Kingdom (TOTK), respectively. Ages is Wold when pre-amnesia, super quiet and stiff, never relaxed. Goofiness does peak out when with his friends, but in most cases, he's in full soldier mode.
Wild is, well, Wild. Our favorite little Wild boi gremlin!
Kingdom is very close to Wild, but also not. He's stressed out, extremely stressed. And has not slept in weeks. Paranoid, too, the guy had like 7 years to rest, and suddenly everything is WORST, and Zelda got turned into a Dragon! He likes to visit the Light Dragon and collects a mot of her parts by effectively becoming her personal groomer. He's closer to a mix between Wild and Ages but more unhinged. Also, he has even worst chronic pain than Wild did. The dude's arm had to be amputated, so it's bound to ache, magic replacement, or not
I can’t imagine how weird and painful it could be to lose an arm and immediately have another one magically attached. Also he’s stull suffering from gloom effects so yeah, Kingdom would be in rougher shape than the other two. But in terms of his mental health, idk… I feel like he’d be a little better adjusted than the other two. He has far more support. Zelda’s sacrifice would absolutely destroy him, though. But idk. He’d be mourning and honoring her sacrifice, but yeah. He’d be hurting.
Age would definitely be in full soldier mode. But imagine what’s going through his head seeing the other two. He’s probably terrified of that happening in his world.
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thenixkat · 5 months
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[ID: A section of Senshi's diary from the Dungeon Meshi Wold Guide.
Text of main diary entry: 3/19 Pot-au-Feu/treated to dinner
I went ahead and harvested all the vegetables from the golems. I may not make it back here for a while. I hope none of them get taken out by adventurers. I don't want their numbers reduced further.
We met the orcs and they gave us a feast. They've been chased out by the red dragon, and times are hard. I tell you, though, Zon's child looks just like he did as a boy!
(Accompanying the entry is a drawing of an orc child interacting with a pair of chickens)
(There is also a family tree for the orc chieftain's family:
Dotoy [deceased]> Gageh [deceased] married to Min> Don [deceased], Ban [deceased?], Leed, Zon [circled, current cheiftan]> Bahay [Zon's child] ) /End ID]
Pretty sure the struck-out names are folks that are dead.
And I will assume that Min is Zon and Leed's mom given the orcs seem more than a tad patriarchal, and Zon since is currently leading, I assume his dad's dead.
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saltminerising · 7 months
my guilt pleasure is to stalk sold dragons. I dont get upset if they are exalted, but I'm always curious to see their outcomes. There's this person that puts a different UMA everyday on one of the dragons that I wold. Idk it just makes me happy. so sugar to this person :)
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redkyrii · 5 months
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"The new species wold probably be a dragon-cat" Still can't believe the designer of Blumaroos said that. I had to make peace with the idea. I call them Purrshans.
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hypersaw · 1 month
re: no scars, a part of me is like, wtf i had a good number of scars as a kid from doing typical stupid kid stuff outside, why limit them? scars are often times just a natural part of life and dont necessarily have to equate to abuse.
but i can also see why they would be limited. from an outsider perspective, a 13+ game having Official Content that depicts literal babies having scars or injuries could be a bit ehhhhhhhhhhhh in the same way they're so averse to skins depicting dragons "in pain" these days. the only workaround i can think of would be to say like, "no excessive scarring" but what wold that even mean. it would be an arbitrary line.
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On my worldbuilding bullshit again
And it's after midnight and I'm way too tired to let anxiety get the better of me and prevent me from posting so here's a worldbuilding ramble!! Settle in if you like worldbuilding rambles.
So this:
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is my latest attempt at making a map of The Domain, (THE GREEN IS WATER and also plant growth stick with me for a minute) a section of the larger wold map of Elewna, here:
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Which is the land of shapeshifters. There's *counts on fingers* ten overarching clans that live on this continent alone and they are:
Onisraeri (with four subclans: The Onishiki, the Arros, the Ooneloah and the Aoni)
BUT there are also two LOST clans that are aquatic in nature that disappeared a long time ago and no one knows where they went which is a given really seeing as how Elewna is an ice planet so where the hell did they go? No one knows, that's why it's a mystery. It's even more of a mystery how they came to be in the first place, but let's not talk about that right now *laughs in worldbuilding hysterics* BUT ANYWAY none of those are the ones Imma focus on right now simply because they don't live on The Domain (the original opening map); that honor belongs to these guys - The Umatoe!!
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(Early work in where I decided to take my cat and my mom's cat and play with forms)
Which, yeah. Essentially to get to an Umatoe you start with a giant (like maybe 7/8' tall) feline that can stand upright. Add in a fin around the tail that can stretch and shrink, a neck pouch that can hold extra oxygen, and variously-sized tusks, and you got yourself an Umatoe. They have a lore about how one of the early Umatoe's participated in a race with the elemental gods and the gods cheated, but the Umatoe still won because she ripped the fins and the neck-pouch from the gods' bodies and attached them to herself, using them to swim faster than the boats the gods had created for the race and she beat them to the world's end and then demanded freedom for all her kind to live without the gods' interference. One of the gods (oh right, did I mention that Elewna exists in a Polythesitic universe where there are actually two different levels of elemental gods, one of which being the ones that the Elewnai have stories about interacting with called Atmu, and the giant creator-gods which are called Masu which are essentially giant Space Dragons) decided that the Umatoe was correct in her demand and so granted her request while at the same time letting her keep her stolen bits. And that's why the Umatoe believe they were born with an affinity to water and the bodily accessories to match.
To the map; Elewna works on an opposite geothermal principal as ours. The higher you go and further from the ice core you get, the warmer it is and vice-versa. They don't have a whole lot of moving storms outside of the mountains so far as I've got so far, but the cluster that's at the top right of the map? All clouds. (AND I MADE THIS WHILE THINKING OF THE RAIN SHADOW but I may not have gotten it completely right, still working on my understanding of the thing, THANKS TUMBLR) That's possibly the highest mountain range on the entirety of the planet (The larger world map doesn't agree yet because I haven't changed it yet, but trust me it's Like That) and everything slopes down from there. So the big greenish looking thing is essentially one of the only spots on the world that is all free-flowing water as it's from the clouds, the storms, and it's high enough to not get frozen over. The mountains around it act like a big bowl so far as I can tell, keeping most of it stopped up with exception to the mountains at the very bottom, where the rivers start to form and sort of give freshwater for the rest of the territory of the Umatoe. Which means the Umatoe are one of the only clans to have actual fresh free-flowing water on the whole of the ice planet. I'm still thinking of what this means in terms of biome. BUT
It also means that the Umatoe culture evolved building things on mountainsides and cities that float. They're very well adapted to their environment, which is a huge mountain pool at the top and slick ice at the very bottom because it's close enough to the lower zones to have started to freeze over but is still high enough that it's more like foggy cold sludge than anything else. AND THEY STILL SWIM IN IT SOMETIMES BECAUSE THEY ARE BEASTS!!!!
I think I'm running out of ramble steam, so here. Have a poem of the race against the gods in their own language because yes I conlanged because I'm insane with translations under each section.
Mauhr-Ro-Mauha, Raistr, Sloa;bolsro Raistr;Punaek Hapro Ain;canani
Uma believe that song and music carry more than words can say They carry out beyond sight, and speak to the heart without knowing
Nheiohmauhr osc Naioh-Ro-Rahisc-Ro-Iea-Ro-Utaiar Niknipa-Ro-Acranipa Atmuad;chaakt kabnikni Bic;naniorapa Utran;Padu-naheakt Bic Rahspr;atmukaac-kabicni
We sing of the AllMother, a song of freedom, of journey, of skill and fireceness. She tricked and stole from Atmu wanting to trick her She beat the ones who made her She befriended the honorable Padu Won the race they set up to lose
Iscipa, raha;naehempra Atnabo-Ro-Boioh, urypa, atmuad Aiakbioh, kabliocalu;loiotpra Aiakbioh, kabasiahac;Iohnirahu Aiakbioh, kabracicca;micalu
Walked a path through the mountain Tore fins and breath from the Atmu to win Was the first to swim through the water Was the first to reach World’s End Was the first to come back to home
Rahspr Paruospa Liocalunai, Umatoe Atmunaini;bolsni Kabumtoaiako, Umatoe Liocalu
Her race was gifted Uma allowed to swim free  No more Atmu control Uma swim to their own destiny
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Imagine op hotties with a S/O who is a ballerina or was a ballerina but still practices their routines. I love ballet.🩰
Kizaru ✨
He watched his S/O practice and doesn’t get enough of how amazing they are. He always praises them for the grace.
He thinks it’s cute and massages his S/O’s feet after they train because he knows how it can be taxing on the body.
Ryokugyu 🌱
He thinks that his S/O is really talented and praises them for it. He helps them stretch and then just watches them practice.
Fujitora 🐅
He doesn’t know much about ballet but he knows that his S/O is passionate about it so he encourages them to continue what they love.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He would take his S/O to ballet performances all over the world so that they could enjoy these performances with him.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He would make sure their dance studio at the palace was designed to their liking so that they always have a special place for themselves.
Benn Beckman 🔫
He does appreciate the grace of his S/O and compliments them even after they have children that they never lost their figure.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He could watch his S/O all day and night practicing or just prancing around in their outfit, he thinks they’re so adorable. (Also I need to see Kata in a ballet outfit, he’s so cute)
He tries to practice with his S/O as he is super light on his feet and getting tips from his S/O makes him a quicker fighter. So he is all for his S/O continuing their favorite hobby/sport/art.
He is very supportive in what ever his S/O is interested in even though he does not particularly like it. He does admire his S/O being such a beautiful dancer though.
King 👑
He make sure when ever he is traveling and find little ballet trinkets, he would get it for his S/O as he knows it wold make them happy.
He incorporates in his rap songs about his S/O being a ballerina and how amazing they are. He will not stop praising them and even has them choreographer.
He loves to learn a new dance style so he would share his knowledge of dance and practices with his S/O too.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
He doesn’t know much about ballet until he met his S/O and he began to appreciate it even more. He likes to watch his S/O dance too.
Oven Charlotte 🍞
He doesn’t know much about ballet but he is very supportive of his S/O and encourages them to teach his younger siblings as they’re so good at it.
He is in awe of his S/O when they first show him they knew ballet and from them he always asked his S/O to pursue their hobby and blushes as he watches them dance.
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
He often reads about ballet since he met his S/O and even attended a performance with his S/O, the look of happiness on his S/O face was priceless to him.
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artist-ellen · 2 years
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Captain Catherine Harcourt of the British Aerial Corps
I'm fairly sure Harcourt is the youngest Captain and Formation Leader in book 1. She is Captain to the Longing Lily who is Temeraire's formation leader and is in the Emergency Training/new Captains trainee group with Temeraire and Laurence.
In the wold of His Majesties' Dragon Longwings - some of the most deadly/instrumental special-ability British Dragons- will only take female Captains, as such the British Aerial Corps have made secret exceptions to Regency/Napoleonic Britain's social norms. So.... yeah I drew a lot of characters from book 1 in very similar uniforms... no time to get better at drawing legs and shoes than the present I suppose. ;)
Please: No spoilers!! I want my friend to go into the series as blind as possible ;D. Like to charge, reblog to cast that we'll get to the end of the series and I can draw amazing characters from all the books!
I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram , Patreon
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
do you have any Charizard facts?
Charizard Facts
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-The genus name for the Charizard line is Dracoaves igna, which roughly translates to Fire dragon-bird
-Charizard are some of the only Pokemon that are in the Draconidae family that aren't dragon types. Researchers are confused as to why they don't have the dragon typing, but they have the dormant genes needed for the dragon typing, which open up during mega evolution. Further research also shows they used to be dragon types in the ancient past
-Charizard have the appearance of dinosaurs, which are the ancestors of a lot of bird pokemon. But Charizard are more related to reptilian pokemon than dinosaur and other bird pokemon
-Charizard will lay charmander eggs in clutches, with only the mothers sticking around to care for them
-Despite their similar appearance, Charizards are not that closely related to Dragonites and are more closely related to Salamence, Sceptile, and Heliolisk
-Like most fire types, Charizard prefer to cook their food before eating it
-When angry enough, the fire they shoot can become blue
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-Charizard are very prideful and like to be around powerful Pokemon, and have been known to ignore the Pokemon (or even their trainers). But they have been known to let that go when being around younger Pokemon, and even sometimes even nerf themselves when play fighting the boost the young Pokemon's confidence
-Despite their warmth, Charizard don't do well in colder climates. Being cold blooded, they became a lot slower and sleepier
-Charizard's flame sac is located near their throat
-There is a breed of Charizard called Airborn Charizard, who were bred to have larger wings for better flying
-Despite Galar's national pokemon being a Galarian Rapidash, a lot of people still see Charizard being the true national pokemon due to the champion
-Unlike a lot of other shiny Pokemon, shiny Charizaed tend to do a lot better on the wold, especially in volcanic environments, where they blend in with the volcanic rocks
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(Art by momota_pen on Twitter)
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10 facts about Jasper and Quinn please!
Oooh thank you! (under the cut for space)
Is Cajun, but trained themself out of the accent because they were told it was "unprofessional" for nursing
Played clarinet in high school, but quit after only a couple years
Keeps a log of particularly strange or interesting emotions they run into, in the hopes that they'll be able to categorize them eventually
Originally got their signature buzzcut when they over-bleached their hair and it started to break in places
When they were ten, they caught a wild turtle and tried to keep it as a pet
...And did the same with a nest of baby squirrels the year after
Infected insect bites are the only thing that make them flinch/cringe, medical-wise.
Has legitimately wrestled a gator (they were a teenager, it went after their family dog and they tackled it to save the dog)
Chose their first name just off of what sounded good, but chose their middle name as an homage to Florence Nightingale
Very briefly did tumbling when they were a kid, and can still hold a handstand for a solid five seconds when they're lucky
Realized she was trans after going to a drag show in uni
Has a tattoo of the House on the Rock carousel from American Gods (their favorite book)
Is a mild pyromaniac, and keeps a collection of old photos to burn when she's in a bad mood - if she doesn't have the photos, she'll burn pages out of a magazine instead
Naturally has a Cockney/East London accent, but taught herself how to do an American accent as a way to throw people off her trail
As a child, had a pet bearded dragon
Speaks a bit of Punjabi - one of her nurses used to teach her words and phrases as a distraction while she was undergoing unpleasant medical treatments
Can do a perfect French braid on somebody else, but couldn't manage it on herself even when she had long hair
Once watched a cop faceplant straight into the side of a building while chasing her down (Quinn climbed up the wall using a rain gutter and a windowsill... the cop did not)
All of her facial/body piercings were done professionally, but did all of her ear piercings herself
Has two tattoos loosely inspired by Billy - a pair of wolves on the back of her right calf (symbolizing him welcoming her into the "wold pack") and a small seven-spotted ladybug on one of her forearms (symbolizing her "taking his bad luck" when they fell so he'd walk away safe)
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fluffypotatey · 8 months
thinking about how mei could contain the samadhi fire again. like yeah sure it could just be bc of her dragon ancestry like nezha said (its like pokemon logic, dragon type beats fire type). but also what if it's not. what if it's some other reason.
in the s4 openings, mei takes a way more prominent role than she did in the s1-s3 openings, fighting alongside mk. almost like she's gonna have a bigger role in this whole arc or something. mei contained the uncontainable flame and was able to use and withstand it without destroying the world. and now the jade emperor's power doesn't have a vessel, and nezha's seal won't hold forever. are u picking up what im putting down (<- high on copium)
Mei and the Samadhi Fire
aka, something i think about a lot & am hoping to see her wield once more T^T
so, I honestly will be super disappointed if the reason why we don't see the Samadhi Fire anymore is because her dragon abilities "canceled out" the fire (which would diminish the Grand Power™️ of the fire since it's supposed to be an end all be all power that can and will extinguish reality).
HOWEVER! while reading the lmk wiki (something i tend to do if i want to make sure i'm not just pulling stuff out of my ass for nothing) i found this:
The Rings of Samadhi are three special rings that were created by Tang Sanzang to seal away the Samadhi Fire. After the Samadhi Fire was reforged, the rings often acted as Mei's weapon of choice, being one of the ways she can utilize the Samadhi Fire
Pyrokinesis - After Season 3, Mei was able to create common green flames, which succeeded her powers to control the Samadhi Fire, which she, according to Master Subodhi, could no longer wield
Samadhi Fire - At first, Mei had difficulty controlling the fire because of her fear of hurting someone with it. In "Embrace Your Destiny", Mei eventually learned how to surpass her doubts about controlling the Samadhi Fire by being trained by Red Son, and used it to destroy Lady Bone Demon. Because of her dragon heritage, Mei can't be harmed by the fire, but still has to control it through controlling her emotions
so....what the fuck is this?
i am so glad you asked, deary >:)
we were already made aware that Mei's miraculous ability to avoid earning irreplaceable burn scars from the reality breaking fire is no thanks to her dragon heritage despite being mortal. this is most likely why Ao Lie was able to withstand the flames that first time thanks to his scales, BUT dragon scales can only do so much. the fire will still fight against it's vessel (host? body?) unless they are able to commune with it and "embrace" the fires.
as Red Son said, Mei is "strong enough to contain" the fire, but with training and meditation, she could be able to wield it. it's similar but also different to when Mei first got her dragon sword. even without its special abilities, anybody could pick up the sword and claim it as their own, BUT only a chosen few are deemed "worthy" of fully wielding the sword in it purposes (protecting one's family and home).
so, yeah, thank you dragon ancestry for preventing mei from burning herself and the wold into a crisp. the rest of what Mei does, that's all her. and i want to focus on something else the wiki says: "the rings often acted as Mei's weapon of choice, being one of the ways she can utilize the Samadhi Fire."
hey what the fuck????
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*coughs* anyway....where was i?
right, so, in helping Mei wield the fire (because i'm assuming just raw-dogging it would be suicidal for any beginner trying to use the Samadhi Fire), she converts their original purpose of containing (since they are no longer the ones that need to hold on to it) and reverse engineers them to help her current the fires to her will???
at least that's what it looks like to me. also, lmk we should absolutely bring this back. Mei with the 3 rings hovering over her whenever she summons the flames. can you hear me lmk, are you listening, can you hear me breathing down your necks as i plead-
but then, after s3....it's like the fire left her??? or is more dormant than before. HOWEVER (i love this word btw) as @gumy-shark said, Mei shows up in the lmk intro more often. so, let's do a comparison, yeah? of s3 and s4's intro (just to show how Mei is being inserted into a more prominent role in the intro itself starting now lol)
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ok, ignoring the beautiful paused piece of MK's smushed face, these 2 pictures occur at the same place in their intros. MK flying into the TEA car, and MK and Mei flying into an ancient Chinese towers while in the scroll. and in the next two,
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their placement ALSO happens at the same time (also the lighting is very similar....huh, i wonder why?). what do we notice? no Mei on the left side of the first pair, and no MK on the left side of the second pair. just MK, our lovely main character (also, has anyone else gotten a kick out of MK being a letter away from MC? no? just me....that's fair) and just Mei, our beloved dragon girl. because while Mei's story was also important in s3, the main plot focused on MK trying to regain his powers and defeat LBD. HOWEVER, in s4, we have both Mei and MK in the scroll trying to save their friends, and when they split up, BOTH characters meet someone important to their past (Subodhi being swk's mentor so like MK's mentor grandpa??? and Mei meeting her literal ancestor, Ao Lie) and BOTH come to learn something new about themselves.
HOWEVER >:) while Mei's encounter leaves her more self-assured and solid about her place and identity, MK's encounter leave shim with more questions, some denial, trauma, and the works (hooray!)
anyway, what can this tell us about the upcoming season? well, firstly, i believe Gumy is right! this is sort of like lmk's "subtle" way of showing that Mei's role will become more important to the narrative. they're telling us, "hey, don't forget about her. don't ignore her storyline just yet." and yeah, we should not :)
we still don't know the whole story on why Mei doesn't wield the Samadhi Fire in s4 (is she scared of it? did she decide it was better to only train and meditate with it? is she even aware that she can still use it? or did she give the 3 rings (now her rings bc she reconfigured them) to Nezha for safe keeping and hope for the best? WE DON'T KNOW!) and that is a pretty significant event to just ignore.
like, yeah, sure, it's brought up by Master Subodhi but all he says is, "as someone who once wielded the Samadhi Fire," WHICH GIVES ME NOTHING! he also mentions that Mei has the potential to be even powerful if she just took a minute to think before letting her impulses rule her, but i'm not mad over that. but, that does give the hope that Mei in the following season will have an arc where she attempts to slow herself down and think about the consequences (and she's done it before!! her actually thinking about how "Wukong knew the risks")
so yeah, i am in agreement. and my theory is, at the end of s5 is when she "reawakens"/summons the Fire once again, now that she is more confident in her powers and strengths and takes the time to consider her options on how to defeat something big (i wonder who 👀)
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rhikasa · 1 month
↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: high & dark fantasy
the old guardians have vanished, slain by the angel of death long ago. memory of them has all but faded from the minds of mortals who have not lived under their divine protection and thus they have fallen to legend, but there are those who hold the hope that someday the old deities will return when the need arises.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy
summary in progress...
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy, science fiction
stolen from her former life, saeth is taken to a wold miles above her own. on the hidden moon of elysium, a secret society has thrived, its populace isolated from those on the hostile planet she calls home. very few in her position refuse their new life of luxury, but to saeth this place is simply a gilded cage.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy
generations ago, the last of humanity was forced to flee into caves far below the land they had once called home. qlthough the first few years were full of struggle to adapt, the magnificent city of eldoris was built. few alive today remember the feeling of sunlight on their skin, and fewer still are aware of the atrocities committed in the darkness that has kept a fragile peace for the residents within.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy, horror, murder mystery, supernatural
the small town of aerilon is left shaken after the discovery of a brutal murder by the river’s edge. disturbing markings upon the victim leave some of the towns folk to speculate this was not the work of another human being, but a nefarious creature hidden in plain sight, only revealing its true existence beneath the light of a full moon: a werewolf.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: portal & urban fantasy
the realm's mages has been decimated, their magic stolen from them by outsiders. when a young girl named julia inherits powers she was never meant to acquire, she is hidden away on earth for safe keeping until she learns how to harness her newfound gift.
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: cyberpunk
summary in progress...
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↳ general tag / characters / excerpts
genre: fantasy
summary in progress...
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the---hermit · 1 year
How are you liking The Priory Of The Orange Tree so far?
Hello anon! I'll take this ask as an oportunity to talk a bit about my reading experience with the book so far (since so many people seem very invested in me reading it, which I'm loving). The overall opinion fo far is very positive. I am genuinely loving this book. As I think I have mentioned I was a bit intimidated by the book because although I am a bit fantasy fan, and my favourite type of fantasy is probably epic fantasy (i'm a lotr kiddo) I have a love-hate relationship with big books. But I rather have a big book than a series (commitment issues I guess), so I ended up giving in. I don't really know what happened to be honest, I had it in my wishlist, I was eyeing it at the bookstore when I last went with my dad (he's the big book loverTM) and he basically persuaded me to pick it up. I am pretty sure he'll end up reading it too once I am done with it, anyway useless informations.
I was surprised from very early on by how easily I was getting into the story. I think the author did a remarkable job at giving you enough informations and repetitions on who is who to make the reader remember about them, but without seeming too repetitive or boring. Does it make sense? I got into the story super easily and the more I read the more I want to read it. I love how short most of the chapters are, it's making it way more approachable for me at the moment. And the switch between east and west is also great. I am really invested in the story right now, I genuinely wish I had a couple of days off from everything and everyone to just sit down with this book and read. I am incredibly interested by this world, I am very easily interested in anything that has to do with dragons, I'm turn into a little kid for dragons, they make me very happy. But as I was mentioning I am really liking the world building. I love how there's some very clear mythology references and I am wondering whether there'll be more and whether there will be some historical inspiration as well. I love when fantasy is very loosely inspired by history and mythology (it was the case with The Wold And The Woodsman by Ava Reid). I am particularly appreciating the little details the author adds, in particular I love when there's mentions of food, because it's a very easy way to tell how these countries have differences both in their nature and their traditions. It's one of those small things that lets me imagine what colours and smells I'd perceve if I were walking in those places, and I love it.
I know you probably would have been happy with the short answer "I'm loving it", but would this be a the---hermit ask if I didn't take way too long than necessary to get to my point? I will of course give more updates as I continue with the book! I hope my answer wasn't to long, have a good day anon!! 💜🌿
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