#the dynamic between them just. doesn’t fit anymore
colduncrustable · 2 days
the martin antis working so hard to make waves is so funny. like, you are very much allowed to like/dislike any character you please! but making it your whole personality or acting like you’re cooler for it is a little bit silly. you are not morally or intellectually superior for hating on a fiction character.
not to mention all of the characters in tma are very nuanced and complicated, just like real people (!), and erasing all of that to serve a certain narrative is a complete disservice to the entire body of work. jon and martin’s relationship was never meant to be easy, they first and foremost worked closely together as boss/employee, and in a workplace that was actively putting them in dangerous and horrible situations. the whole point is that they’re both super fucked up but they have each other anyway. they both have flaws, they both have gone through a great deal both with and without each other, but they found love anyway. the idea that the dynamic change in s5 is due to martin just being this villain is so wild? like he’s not a doormat anymore but he also loves jon so fiercely and stands by him over and over again?
jon hated him, jon ignored him, was verbally horrible to him again and again, literally sent him on a dangerous investigation and said if anyone had to die might as well be him, jon accused him of murder, screamed at him, jon was on the run, jon died. martin was his number one defender through everything, even when honestly? he didn’t do a lot to prove he deserved it. but martin was strong in his loyalty and did his best to be a supporter anyway. he picked up extra work, he thought of him kindly when no one else did, he mourned him, and he put himself directly in the line of fire for jon. for everyone, yes, but especially for jon, he says that. because after everything, protecting jon is still his number one priority.
it’s so important to his character that he isn’t s1 martin anymore—that he learns to be a real person who has thoughts and feelings and a backbone. jon wanted that, and does it not say something that they don’t work out until martin learns to have a little bite? there’s a difference between being a real complicated traumatized human person, and just straight up being evil, or an asshole. jon had to learn how to be a lot of softer things but martin had to learn how to square his shoulders and stick out his chin. they had different arcs, and that doesn’t make either of them inherently evil or bad. it makes them real and not perfect and very multilayered, yeah.
martin didn’t handle every choice or action perfectly, he made a lot of mistakes, and he never claims to be the best person ever. but jon also fucked up, a lot. it isn’t a competition or a comparison, that’s really not how that works. but they work because of their flaws. that’s a big part of them fitting together. martin represented the humanity they were saving, with all his good and bad. jon was well beyond that, and while that doesn’t inherently compromise his character, it does mean he’s viewed in a much different light.
(meaning i think jon’s sins are seen very very different to martin’s.) (to be clear i think both deserve to be looked at critically, but hating either of them devoutly seems sort of silly.)
i’m not sure how you can listen to tma and all the ways it dissects and reflects on humanity and turn around and run blogs or make posts in the fandom about how you hate one of the main characters for being all of that.
jon never would’ve made it through without martin, even if martin wasn’t the key to everything, he was the reason to push through and not give up. martin is why jon didn’t go full monster mode, why he held onto who he was and his humanity, even with the whole ‘kill bill’ thing. martin gave him a reason to keep going, to try, to care so deeply. obviously there were other factors but jon says it himself, martin you are my reason.
if you can’t handle the fact that martin isn’t a grade a soft boy by the end of the show that’s a lot more about you than it is about him. he grew and maybe not always for the better but he could be a real person for jon instead of some kind of mirror or blank slate to be reflected on. i genuinely don’t understand how he can be misunderstood so deeply.
they’re both fucked up ! and if they are alive Somewhere Else you bet your ass they’re having long talks and going to therapy and fighting and making up and pacing the floors and figuring it all out together. it isn’t clean or easy or necessarily enjoyable all the time, but humanity isn’t either, love isn’t either. they went through unimaginable trauma, and expecting either of them to be holding it together any better than they already are is wild. context, it’s important. but let’s not turn multi-dimensional characters into flat one word answers.
it’s very human to like and dislike, love and hate based off of bias and experiences and perspective. but also opinion does not make fact. everything is relative, everything is subjective, everything everything everything. it’s an open discussion yada yada idk i’m just screaming into the wall about all the nonsense.
and beyond all of that, discourse is so useless. criticism and constructive conversations are really really important but discourse is pointless! oh you ship these people? well that inherently threatens my ship! oh you like this character that i hate? well that makes me feel invalid for hating them. like what you like, hate what you hate, have your feelings. but if you post shit on the internet you will get people who disagree, sorry, that’s how it is. partaking in little arguments over who is right or wrong when it doesn’t actually have to do with anything harmful or unhealthy makes no sense though. posting on the internet about all the hate you have in your heart when the world is already so full of it doesn’t actually do anything but add more bad to an already very large pile of bad.
things can be discussions not arguments sometimes, i promise. it’s not always tooth and nail, and let’s not forget, most of it is over things that never need to be fought over.
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impossible-rat-babies · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about eyrie and lyse something bad lately omg
#thinking about by virtue of spending time with papalymo they spent time with her#and how she would always try and get them out of their shell. always poke and prod at them with the best intentions#how they would call each tentative friends—if not eyrie was someone who looked out for her#and she knew they were sad and tried her best but it’s the sort of sad they’ve carried for years#but they don’t see each other again until after the dragonsong war ends#and there’s no time for catch up. there’s so much that happens#papalmyo is a kick in the stomach to the both of them#and there’s some bickering there too#eyrie bottling up the grief and the blame#the dynamic between them just. doesn’t fit anymore#neither of them are the people they used to be#and it’s extra sad throughout stormblood that lyse is moving up#and she is so determined and ready to face what is being put in front of her#it will be tough but she will manage#while eyrie is sitting there falling to pieces#they really don’t share any of lyse’s feelings#it is going through the motions. it is I am a tool to be used please use me so I don’t have to think#it’s not until 4.1 where it really clicks for lyse and eyrie how much they have changed#when eyrie kills the Qalyana woman before she can do the summoning ritual#the without a thought split second action they took#they have a nasty confrontation about it#and it’s just this kicker of lyse asking them what happened#what happened to the person she knew?#and it’s a moment where eyrie has it all shoved in their face#of just like. what did happen to them. what happened to the friend lyse had#it’s a bad time#and the relationship between the two of them hasn’t ever really gotten over that hurdle#it’s so much of how time changes the people we care about into what we cannot recognize#and the helplessness and grief that follows it and realizing how things can never go back to how it used to be#oc: eyrie kisne
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theshadowrealmitself · 9 months
Me: Okay, gotta go to sleep so I can wake up early and continue stressing over finals, so I’m gonna think calm scenarios with low stakes to fall asleep to
Me: Like…an older captain having a crush on a younger crewmate that wasn’t even ranked high enough to be on the bridge, so the captain of course never said or did anything about the crush, staying completely professional the entire time, but now they don’t work together anymore
Me: And now the captain is wondering if they should pursue a relationship with them, because they aren’t currently working on the same ship anymore, but the captain is still ranked higher then them overall, and then there’s the issue with the age gap, it’s not really a big one, but it’s still There™️
Me: And several other crewmembers have joked about seeing the captain as a parent figure because they act so professional and competent and dependable and stuff that it just makes the captain come across as way older and oh god what if the crewmate is just horrified to find out the captain has a crush on them??
Me: And they’re wondering if they should just not pursue anything, especially since the crewmate has recently accepted to go on a date with another person, but they also kinda don’t wanna give up because getting to hang out with that crewmate more in non-work settings (cause most of the crew stayed in contact and constantly meet up to hang out) has made their infatuation grow, so they quietly and indecisively pine
My brain, for some goddamn reason: Mhm, and then, it turns out that person the crewmate agreed to go on a date with, is actually a huge creep trying to stalk their poor ex using the crewmate as a coverup (claiming to innocently be on a date, totally unknowing the ex would be there (lies)), so not only is the date really crappy, but because this creep isn’t actually listening to what the crewmate is saying, they tune them out about their deadly allergies
Brain: And then to seem like a good date to keep the coverup going, they stop by a flower shop (still stalking their ex, the crewmate isn’t aware of that, but is aware this date sucks and is trying to think of how to politely leave) rushes in, and then comes out and shoves a bouquet into the crewmate’s face as a “thoughtful” gift, and it’s the flowers they just mentioned being extremely allergic to-
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zutarawasrobbed · 7 months
ALTA Live Action Season 1 Initial Thoughts (Spoilers)
I just finished the season, and holy shit!
Quick things that need to be addressed/debunked:
“Sokka is no longer sexist”
I dont know what people were talking about when they talked about Sokka’s “sexism” being removed. It’s still there! But not in the overly exaggerated comical way it was in the original.
In fact, it’s more in line with ancient practices of indigenous tribes where men are seen as protectors and providers while women are expected to nurture. It’s not the same “boys are better than girls” narrative in the original.
Additionally, Suki still beats the fuck out of Sokka and humbled him really quick. They’re super cute by the way. And I love Suki’s “I like my men a little stupid” vibe. She’s great.
“Aang doesn’t run away like the original!”
That is not true. He does run away, but not because he’s trying to get away from the temple but instead to get some air because he feels overwhelmed. He’s more like taking a quick break and planning to come back. It’s not exactly the same, but almost. It also is done in a way where his guilt feels more justified.
“Katara doesn’t talk about her mom anymore like the original”
This is true… BECAUSE THEY SHOW INSTEAD OF TELL. I was honestly not prepared to see the death Kya in such graphic detail and how Katara was in the room hiding when it happened. It’s honestly really sad and more heartbreaking.
The timeline seems to be ambiguous compared to the original series where it was “end of current year.” In fact, they repeat “three years” a few times, which makes me think if the series get greenlit for more seasons, it would be over a three year period.
Jet is still villainized but given more nuance and not a simple "good v bad" way like the original.
Zuko’s story about how he got his scar has additional lore that makes him come across as even more selfless and compassionate. The additional context of the platoon he advocated for in the war meeting, becoming his current crew, really added to the story.
Eradicated the nepotism baby plot point with Pakku only training Katara when he finds out he used to date her grandma. Instead, Katara proves herself and ends up teaching the other male fighters the techniques she learned from watching other benders use their elements and mimics them.
This season doesn’t have Aang learning any waterbending, but rather facing his trauma and the consequences of his actions. He get roasted by all his past lives. Which is an interesting choice, but I think it works well in how they executed it.
This season seems to actually be Katara focused and her journey of learning waterbending which I honestly loved because it really hits home the element of “water” being the story of an untrained waterbender learning her element. But, I do think Aang could’ve learned a little bending. It felt a little off.
Katara ends up advocating for all waterbending women and ends up leading an army of both men and women during the siege. She’s really bad ass and is given the title of master without being formally trained by Pakku. She made herself a master.
I think the timeline is a little wonky because of how much they had to fit in with the limited episodes they had.
Kuruk is given respect! I loved that.
June actually seems into Iroh which I thought was a funny but cool way to flip the script from the original.
The relationship between Zuko and Iroh is really beautifully executed. I love the depth they added with flashback scenes and their bond prior to the Agni Kai. It also wasn’t as frustrating watching Iroh and Zuko’s dynamic because Iroh communicated with Zuko in a way he could understand with straight answers rather than seeming to actively sabotage him with cryptic puns and shenanigans like the original.
They changed the love triangle with Yue Hahn and Sokka to be very healthy. They gave Yue autonomy and a choice in her relationship- which- again- is much more in line with indigenous cultures. Also, Hahn and Sokka’s relationship is really supportive and full of respect and no ill will.
They way they handled grief and the realities of war with the loss of life was very well done and really drove home the point that this is a war and these are child soldiers.
There’s a lot more but these are my initial thoughts. Will probably post more later.
Kataang is all but removed. Literally DOA. There is no indication of a crust on either side. It’s painted like a sibling relationship, which is like the original, but this time everyone seems to be on the same page. But, I swear the writers had to have read ZK fics because damn.
They canonized a popular Zutara theory/hc about the cave of two lovers and how the crystals would light up once it went completely dark instead of a “kiss” activating the crystal glow.
Speaking of the Cave of two lovers. They keep the Oma and Shu story with red and blue coloring. Making it come across more as foreshadowing than a direct link to the present tunnel story.
Sokka is put in Aang’s place with Katara in the tunnels and turned it into a story about the love of family and sibling bonds. Aang wasn’t even present.
Zuko and Katara share a meaningful look when they first see each other and continue to have a Katara centric scene followed by a Zuko centric scene and vice versa.
The scarf scene. I will not be elaborating further. If you know, you know.
Zuko and Katara fight scene in the North is epic. He still taunts her with almost the exact same dialogue but it’s so sassy- I love the banter.
Suki and Sokka were really cute and the actors had great chemistry. I think Yue and Sokka was really rushed and didn’t really feel anything about them, honestly. But I attribute that to lack of episodes to develop all that plot.
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sxcret-garden · 6 months
Chenle ღ Greedy [M]
ღ NCT Dream Chenle x fem!reader ღ words: ~3k ღ genre: smut (hard dom!Chenle, sub!reader, reader is handcuffed to the bed, spanking, finger sucking, fingering, nipple play, he’s a tease, begging, degradation/degrading nicknames for reader, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, some aftercare) ღ warnings: heavy dom-sub dynamic
Desc.: You’re feeling greedy today and your boyfriend is absolutely here for it.
Author's note: So I wasn't planning on posting this today but I know it'll take me an eternity to do it if I don't do it right away so.... here you go aksdjföklsdf do with it what you want asjdkfjdlösakfa bYE jdkfjlas
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He sits down on the bed next to you, supporting himself on one arm as he leans in, coming just a bit closer so as to get a good look at your face. The deep mischief reflecting in his eyes and the amused smile that just won’t fade tell you he’s ready to play with you, tease you until you can’t take it anymore, like he has done so many times before.
“What do you want, my pretty girl?” Chenle asks, the soft tone in his voice almost making you think he’ll be nice for a change. Your lips part, but you’re unsure what to say, so after a while they close again and you swallow thickly, causing him to let out a soft laugh. Even something so small will amuse your boyfriend when you’re spread out for him on his bed, stripped of all clothes, the thick leader band of the cuffs used to tie you to the bed fitting perfectly around your wrists. He picked them out just for you, made you come along to the shop where he bought them to have you try them on, despite your initial embarrassment about it, but ever since then he’s proven to you more than once that it paid off.
It’s about to pay off again, you know that. The only question is - how much will you have to endure in the process?
“Sweet little kitten, doesn’t know what to say,” he mutters as he pouts at you, reaching out to run the back of his hand against your cheek. “Don’t pretend you’re all innocent now.”
“I-...” you say, but you find yourself hesitating all over again. Hot blood rushes through your veins when his voice drops, barely noticeable, and yet the tension in the air around you rises.
“What?” He withdraws his hand. “Don’t want me to do anything? We can do that too. You just lie there and I watch.” He gets up, and you immediately refute,
“No, I-!”
“You what?” He turns on his heels to look at you, cocking his head to the side just a bit. A smile appears on his lips, one that you know not to trust, and then he crawls onto the bed, hovering above you. His hand grabbing your chin, he makes it so you’re unable to look away when he continues, “Say it, or we’re not getting anywhere.”
“T-touch me…”
“Want you to touch me.” You furrow your eyebrows as you speak the request out loud, but it wouldn’t be your boyfriend if he didn’t use this as an opportunity to tease.
“But I am touching you,” he says, his fingers still holding your chin in place.
“I mean-... more…elsewhere,” you stammer, being vague in your follow-up, because you crave his touch everywhere. But he isn’t satisfied with that, so he gets up on his knees.
“Elsewhere?” he asks, mockingly. “Sweetheart, don’t you wanna get more specific?” The cocky look on his face and the way it’s clear as day who’s in charge here makes heat rush to your core and you gulp.
“Everywhere…” you say, earning yourself a smirk from him. He kneels between your legs, your knees up, and you feel him rubbing his palm against the underside of one of your thighs. Watching each other closely, you suck in a sharp breath as if you knew what was coming, and when you feel the impact against your soft flesh, you mewl from the pain turning into pleasure.
“I give you the option to choose and you immediately become greedy…” Chenle comments. “See? This is why you’re tied up.” He rubs a few soothing circles onto the spot where he spanked you, before lifting his hand up and doing it again. This time as well, a moan falls from your lips, and you roll your eyes back. “But you’re even enjoying it when I put you in your place, hm?” he mutters darkly, and as you glance at him you can see the bulge forming in his pants. 
“Y-yes…” you admit, to his delight.
“Even saying yes… you really want me to know what a little perv you are, huh?” You furrow your eyebrows at his words, an involuntary pout gracing your lips. “Well…” Chenle crawls on top of you again, placing a kiss onto your sternum. “Where should I start then… with touching you everywhere?”
“K-kiss… want a kiss…” you mewl, and you quickly add clarification, “On the mouth.”
“A kiss?” he repeats, before he lets one hand wander to the back of your neck. “I can give you that.” He leans in, lips brushing against yours, and the chaste touch only leaves you wanting more, both frustration and heat bubbling up deep inside you.
“M-more…” you slur as he’s parting from you.
“More? Like that?” He leans in again, this time kissing you properly and you moan into the kiss when he parts your lips with his tongue to slip it inside. He kisses you feverishly, teeth nibbling on your lower lip before deepening the kiss further, and when he suddenly rolls his hips against yours once, his clothed length grazing your folds, you gasp, resulting in you breaking the kiss. “Liked that?” he asks, provocatively. As if the answer wasn’t clear.
“Perv,” he says, before pulling away. “Open up,” he adds, thumb brushing against your lips and you do. Opening your mouth for him, you watch as he puts a finger inside, and you immediately swirl the tip of your tongue around it. “How many do you want?” he keeps going, adding one more. “Two? Three?” He puts inside another one, lustful sparks flaring up in his eyes as he watches your lips closing around them. You begin to suck on them, and again he merely smirks.
“Three? Is that it?” You nod, and your pussy clenches around nothing at the thought of having them inside you elsewhere soon. Coating them in your own spit, you make sure to run your tongue along his digits thoroughly, and when he pulls out there’s a string of your saliva connecting them to your lips, which snaps apart eventually. He smears the liquid across your chest as he draws an imaginary line from your throat through the valley of your breasts and down to your stomach.
“But can you take them?” he questions. “All at once?” When he runs his fingertips through your folds, you gasp in surprise, and you whine when he prods at your entrance, unable to shove all three of them inside you just yet. “Gotta start small… you’re too greedy for your own good.” His words sound almost endearing now, and you bite your lower lip when he slips a single finger inside you. He pumps it in and out of you slowly, his gaze fixated on your face the entire time, and the exact moment he can see you starting to lose patience, he grins at you, and before you can ask for more, he says, “Patience, baby.” Your words get stuck in your throat, and when he takes his finger out only to drag it all the way back up to your belly button, it’s hard to suppress the curse wanting to escape you. He leans in as he removes his hand, licking up a clean stripe where he spread your juices that he had gathered on his digit, and he hums at your taste. For a split second you dare to hope he would let you feel his tongue against your cunt, but when he instead kisses his way up, you immediately let go of that thought. Instead, he wraps his lips around one of your nipples, making you whine as he begins to gently suck on it, only to reach for the other with his hand in order to not so gently squeeze it between his fingers. You moan unexpectedly, the sensation of him tending to your nipples making you become dizzy.
“So fucking cute,” he whispers, licking the sensitive bud once, before sinking his teeth into your flesh right next to it. You whimper at the impact, and the urge to run your fingers through his hair makes you tear at the handcuffs. “Relax, baby,” Chenle mutters in between nibbling and biting until the skin begins to bruise. “We have all night.” And he’s right, you could keep going for however long he pleases - and you know he would never finish a session leaving you unsatisfied. And so his words alleviate the impatience for a little while, as he finishes placing his mark on you, next to the ones he’s left the days before, which are already starting to fade. He brushes his thumb against each one of them, as if marvelling at his artwork, and when he’s satisfied with looking, he continues kissing his way up, this time halting once he’s reached your neck. He licks up a stripe until just below your earlobe, making you shiver underneath him, and then you can hear him whisper,
“Three fingers, huh…” You suck in a sharp breath when you feel him returning his hand to your core, running his digits up and down your folds before burying a finger inside you again. “Beg for it, my pretty girl.” And you do, a string of pleas falling from your lips as you find yourself tearing at the handcuffs some more.
“P-please… gimme your fingers… want them to fill me up… wanna be s-stuffed,” you hickup in desperation, and he doesn’t miss the chance to mock you for it.
“Stuffed with my fingers? Like the little cumslut you are?”
“P-please…!” You cry out, and he brings some distance between your faces in order to take in your pained expression. And then he finally gives you at least a second finger, and the glee behind his gaze is obvious when you let out a broken moan and you clench around his digits. “F-feels good… but… not enough…”
“No, of course it’s not enough for my greedy girl,” he mutters, curling them inside you and pressing his thumb against your clit, drawing slow circles onto it. You know if he keeps this up you won’t last long, so you beg some more.
“M-more… please… w-wanna be stuffed…”
“I know… can’t get enough of them, hm? My fingers in your cute little cunt.”
“N-no…” you mewl weakly, feeling your high building up in the pits of your stomach. And yet you keep begging, you keep asking for more, because maybe he is right - maybe you are a little greedy after all, but so be it. You can’t get enough of all the ways in which your boyfriend pleases you, inflicts pain on you, only to please you even more at the end of it all.
“Fuck you’re so cute,” he praises as he watches, not even thinking about giving you what you’re begging for so prettily. 
“P-please… please… before I cum…”
“Gonna cum on just two?” he asks and you nod, eyes shut tightly now as you’re trying - but ultimately failing - to suppress your orgasm that’s about to wash over you. “You want three but are gonna cum on just two… such a greedy whore.” The second you hear his last word, something snaps inside of you and you cry out. Your walls convulse around him, and as your body is shaken, you can only moan incoherently. But to your surprise he doesn’t stop as you’re coming down from your high. Because now he adds a third finger, making the overstimulation even harder to bear as he isn’t even thinking about giving you a break. And you’re squirming underneath him, whining and whimpering and unable to articulate yourself as he keeps working his fingers inside your twitching cunt.
“F-fuck… shit…” you sputter. “T-too much… too much…!” Tears well up in your eyes as the pleasure burns itself into your bones, and yet you’re not even thinking about calling the safe word. No, you want him to ruin you, want him to see you like this, see what effect only he has on you and no other, want him to get off on your pain.
But he doesn’t touch himself, he’s focused on you and only you, even the strain on his pants must be beyond uncomfortable by now.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty like this,” he hisses through gritted teeth as he keeps going, and you’re about to lose your mind. And then another high takes you by surprise, pain shoots through your wrists and into your arms as you tear at the handcuffs while your whole body shakes under the waves of intense pleasure, and this time when you’re coming down from it, he at least stops his movements to let you rest. “You okay?” he asks, his tone serious and different from how he’s spoken to you ever since tying you up.
“Yes…” you respond weakly, trying to catch your breath. And then you add, “...more.” Chenle huffs at you, the state you’re in, and how you’re asking for him to ruin you further. But you know it’s a request he wouldn’t deny.
“More what? You’re still not satisfied?” 
“F-fingers… want… more… be filled up… completely…” you babble, the blissful afterglow of the orgasm combined with the power he has over you making it hard to speak. He lets out a laugh now.
“A fourth one? You think we can fit four into your tight little cunt?”
“T-try… please…”
“You just can’t get enough, huh?” He leans in, almost whispering in your ear now, “What are you? Are you my greedy little cumslut?”
“Y-yes… am your… greedy cumslut…” you merely repeat his words, as forming any clear thoughts becomes harder. And just as you finish speaking, he adds a fourth finger into your hole, just like you wanted. And it slips in a lot more easily than you had imagined, and that makes him chuckle too.
“You’re taking them so well,” he says as he begins curling them against your walls once again. “Too well, almost.” You squirm a bit as he starts pleasuring you again, but this time the overstimulation is bearable, and is sure to make way for pure bliss soon enough.
“Ch-chenle…!” you cry out his name. “‘M gonna… cum again…”
“Again? This fast?” he mocks you, and you feel yourself clenching around him at the degradation. “Didn’t think you’d be that horny.” And as much as you want to answer, tell him how good he makes you feel, prove to him that you really deserve having him pleasing you like this, all that comes out when your lips part are broken moans and curses. And while he keeps telling you how cute you are, and how dirty you are too, your next high is already approaching at light speed, until…
He pulls out. The deprivation of his touch is sudden, and it makes you gasp at how empty it leaves you feeling. You look at him, only to see him fondling with the zip of his pants, and you hold your breath as him taking them off along with the rest of his clothing feels like an eternity to you.
“Get on your knees,” he says, helping you turn around, and when your rear is facing him, your front pressed against the sheets, you perk up your ass for him a little higher. “Such a good girl,” you earn yourself a praise accompanied by his hand flying to your behind, and the impact makes you cry out, eyes watering. And this time the tears fall, right when he pushes up into you, and he doesn’t hesitate to go hard. “Fuck…” Pounding into you from behind, strings of curses make their way past his lips, and you keep whining at every single time he pulls almost all the way out, only to slam back inside a second later. Your head is spinning as you cry and you whine and you dig your fingernails into your palms, and you clench around your boyfriend’s twitching cock, wishing for nothing but to cum just as he fills you up. 
“Cum for me…” he hisses, nearing his own high. “That’s what you wanted, isn’t it? Cum on my cock, greedy little whore…” His words sting, and they make you dizzy, and as you’re trying to say something that comes out as nothing but incoherent sounds, another orgasm washes over you. Even your moans are slurred now, as he keeps thrusting into you throughout your high, and then finally, he releases inside you, and you almost choke on your spit when his cum fills you up.
He comes to a halt, allowing for you both to rest for just a tiny bit in this position, before he pulls out of you and immediately makes sure to turn you back around, guiding your tired body into a comfortable position. He reaches for the bottle of water he had prepared beforehand, making you take a few sips, and then he cleans you both up with a tissue, careful not to accidentally overstimulate you again with his touches. 
“How was that?” he asks, bringing his hand up to your face to brush his thumb against your cheek.
“...good…” you mumble, unable to muster the strength to say anything else, and it makes him chuckle.
“Good? Is that all I get?” he asks in pretended offense, and you give him a weak smile before he leans in to place a kiss onto your forehead. “Want me to undo them for you?” he then asks, pointing at the handcuffs with his chin. You nod, but he hesitates in order to offer you a second option. “Are you sure? Not greedy anymore?” The expression on his face changes as he poses that question, and despite the exhaustion tugging at your limbs, the implication that he’s willing to give you even more tempts you.
“Am always greedy…” you manage to say, and your boyfriend presses a kiss to your mouth, before crawling back on top of you, his lips travelling down your throat and to your chest.
“I figured you’d say that…” he mutters. “Then let’s see if I feel like giving you another treat or not.”
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year
Beg Me
Fandom: Station 19
Pairing: Maya Bishop x female!reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 4.8k+
Summary: Maya fucked up and let her anger get the best of her. Now you two were broken up and you seemed to be moving on just fine. Only, that’s what you wanted her to think. In reality, Maya was seething with jealousy and you were just pushing her buttons until she finally made things right.
Warnings: jealous!Maya; unhealthy relationship dynamics; possessive!Maya; strap-ons (r receiving); light choking; mutual orgasms; top!Maya, bottom!r; rough sex; name calling; dumbification; breeding kink if you squint; semi-public sex; I probably forgot something…
A/N: as you can see I have a new angry blonde woman to obsess over. Anyways have some shameless smut on this fine Friday afternoon.
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Maya wasn’t sad, she wasn’t heartbroken. No, she was pissed. Only a couple months had gone by and you were already seen spending time with some unknown girl. Maya knew all your friends, she didn’t know this one. So, she felt it was a fair assumption to say the intentions between you two were all but platonic.
Maya wasn’t even sure how you and her broke up. It was a screaming match that she started. Unfortunately, she knew that part all too well. Words were said on both sides. Hurtful words; the kind that doesn’t just get forgotten when the fight eventually ends. Except, this fight didn’t really end at all. To be fair, you tried to settle the fight. You had asked for space and wanted to get out of the apartment before either of you said anymore that you’d regret. 
But then when you said you were leaving for the night, Maya said not to bother coming back. She wasn’t done with this fight and the heat of the moment got the better of her. Those words flew from her mouth before she could even process them. No way in hell did she mean them.They were only said as a means to hurt you. To make matters worse though, was the furious look you threw back at her and the simple “fine then” you muttered as you slammed the door. 
And then you actually didn’t come back. Maya thought you understood that it was said in anger. She didn’t think you’d take it so seriously. There was no doubt in her mind that you’d come back a couple weeks later. But a couple weeks turned into a couple months and she was starting to sweat. 
Lucky for you, the relationship was fairly new when it ended. You still had your own apartment and barely anything at Maya’s place. New didn’t mean it wasn’t serious though. Very early into the relationship, Maya blurted out that she loved you in the fit of a jealous rage when she thought someone was coming onto you. That should’ve been the first red flag: you two were fighting even when declaring your love for each other. 
After the night she told you not to come back, you were so utterly offended that you did exactly that. There would need to be a serious apology from Maya before you even thought about taking her back. Since she was the one to start the fight and escalate it the way she did, you decided it was her responsibility to reach out first. Deep down, you knew she didn’t really mean it, but you weren’t going to bet all your money on it until she admitted that she didn’t. 
Maya could be so fucking stubborn. When weeks went by with radio silence from Maya, you were about to give up. The sting of knowing your relationship was over so soon was there, but even bigger was the frustration that Maya so willingly tossed aside something that could’ve been good. Was all your fighting healthy? No, probably not, but it’s kind of how Maya functions. You were starting to learn that quickly and slowly trying to help her unlearn it. But in the typical Maya fashion you were semi-warned about, she pushed until she took it too far. 
When you started to give up, you also started to meet people. Nothing serious, most women you met didn’t make it past one coffee date. But then there was one girl who was… persistent. It was like she was smitten with you after a few text conversations and two casual dates. You didn’t feel the same, unfortunately. Maya was still very much on your mind and you weren’t over her at all. Giving up on your hopes that she would come to her senses was one thing, learning to unlove her was another. 
Though, this girl wasn’t the worst company. You tried to keep it friendly, realizing quickly she was way more into you than you were into her. She agreed to accept that, but you assumed she had the hopes that your mind would change. Honestly, you hoped for that too. 
She was attractive. You couldn’t lie that you thought that. Did you want to touch her? No, not when the only thoughts of being intimate with someone still led your brain to think back to all the times Maya touched you. But, she was still someone you could see yourself being open about it with. If you ever got over Maya, that is. 
This girl wasn’t as attractive as Maya though. She didn’t have the smug smile that you loved so much, or the flexing arm muscles that you fixated on, or the cocky attitude that you couldn’t help but love. All you could do was compare her to Maya. It wasn’t all downsides in your mind, though. She was more patient than Maya, more gentle and kind too. It was a breath of fresh air compared to how possessive and quick to anger Maya could get. 
But still that didn’t stop you from wanting Maya. God, how you wanted her. When you two were together, the way she made love to you made you feel like your entire being belonged to her. You missed that so much. There were times, when you remembered the way she touched you, that your resolve almost broke. 
A few times you went out for drinks with friends, you’d see Maya at the bar too. Joe’s was her go to and you purposely picked it so she’d see you and be reminded of what she was missing. Maya usually avoided eye contact with you then, but when you started going to the bar with just one girl instead of your regular group of friends, that’s when it changed. It was after your dates with her and after you asked to just be friends. When you went to the bar with her, it really wasn’t meant to be a date or even look like one. It was also supposed to be just one time, but then that one time turned into more when you discovered you could get a reaction out of Maya. 
The girl would often stand too close to you. She’d touch your arm and buy you drinks, despite your agreement to remain platonic. That first time, Maya passed you by in the bar and finally met your eyes. The fire you saw inside them nearly made you gasp. She seems furious. Even better, though, was that she also seemed extremely jealous. 
After that, you made it a regular thing to grab drinks with this girl. The more she saw you with one specific person, the angrier she appeared and the more triumphant you felt. Only problem was, seeing her like this was threatening to break your own promise to yourself. 
As fucked up as it sounded, it was turning you on. All you wanted was for her to grab you and fuck you in the bar’s bathroom. But that was a dangerous desire to have, so you tried to ignore it and made another promise with yourself: No being alone with Maya until she seemed willing to apologize. If she did actually act on her jealousy and anger and got you alone, then you’d be losing this battle. Not only did you make the “no alone with Maya” rule, but you also limited your visits to the bar with the other girl eventually. Time was stretching on with no apology, and you were losing hope in Maya. This couldn’t be healthy for you, so you decided this little game needed to end and distance would be a good thing.
What you really didn’t need was to be stuck locked in Station 19 with Maya. Of course, that’s exactly what happened when a snowstorm blew out your apartment’s power and even the backup generators too. You and a handful of your other neighbors, plus others in different apartment complexes with similar situations, were then forced to seek shelter and warmth in Maya’s station. It was the closest, after all. 
You weren’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse that the girl you were definitely not dating but spending regular time with was also stuck there. She at least would serve as a barrier between you and Maya. Or so you hoped.
As time ticked by you were getting more and more frustrated and on edge. Maya’s eyes were always on you from the moment she realized you were trapped in the station with her. There weren't enough places to hide from her either. If you left one room for another room, a few minutes later she’d follow. 
It impressed you how neutral Maya seemed, though. What you didn’t know was Maya was seething on the inside, but she had to stay professional. She was captain after all and there were so many other people around. It would not be a good look for her career if she suddenly blew up at you and your new little girlfriend in the middle of the station. 
But she couldn’t stop thinking about the audacity this girl had in touching you so freely. Your hands, your waist, your arms. She was fawning all over you and it made Maya rage. It would be way easier if she just stopped watching you. She could hide in her office and it would fix everything. 
Except, she wasn’t about to take her eyes off the two of you. What would happen if she wasn’t watching? This girl might sneak off with you and do god knows what. Maya couldn’t have that. She wouldn’t. So, Maya kept watch over the two of you and took a small victory in knowing the way her gaze made you visibly uncomfortable.
Even then, as the hours ticked by, this girl was getting much closer. Maya was seeing red at this point. The thin string that was holding her together was about to snap and she wasn’t sure what she would do when it did. She kept trying to tell herself that professionalism was important, but then that fucking girl was whispering in your ear and Maya could’ve sworn you were blushing and then that thin string in side her just snapped. Maya slammed her hands on the desk next to her and caused everyone around to jump. Your eyes were on her now, eyebrows arched in a way that Maya took as your way to challenge her. It wasn’t, but Maya wasn’t exactly thinking rationally now. 
Maya wanted to yell at the person with you to get her damn hands off your body, but Maya waltzed right up to you and grabbed your arm instead. “I need to talk to you,” she said even though she was already hauling you away from everyone. She didn’t even bother to acknowledge the girl with you. Fuck that, Maya wasn’t going to give a shit about her reaction. 
You may have protested a little bit, but Maya didn’t seem to notice. She just kept dragging you through the station until you came to a door that said “off limits.” It was one of the private rooms Maya often slept in at the station during her long shifts. You’ve been in this room many times before. Often stealing moments in here with Maya when no one else was around. 
When she pulled you into the room, you heard the click of the lock. This really was not good. You two alone in a room together wasn’t going to end well. You had to stay strong. You had to keep yourself from falling into her arms. Not until you heard what you needed to hear.
She was rounding on you with such fury in her eyes that it caused you to take a step back. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Maya’s voice was not at all quiet as she took a step forward. 
You backed up and she still followed as she seethed. “She was all over you,” Maya snapped. “Practically fucking groping you in my station.” 
“Maya—“ you were cut off before you could even go anywhere with that. 
“Don’t even start with excuses.”  Maya took a step forward again as you took another back. “I know we’re broken up, but I thought you’d wait at least a little longer before you started fucking someone else.” 
“I’m not fucking her,” you finally snapped back. “It’s not like that.” 
Maya scoffed at that. She wasn’t buying it for a second. “Well, if you haven’t fucked yet,” Maya took more steps into your space until you were forced to back right up against a wall, “then she certainly intends to soon. Probably tonight even, with how her hands were all over you.” 
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I?” Maya was right in your face now. “What did she whisper in your ear, huh?”
“What? Maya— it wasn’t anything.” God, she was testing your patience. “Plus, it’s not any of your business.”
“It is my fucking business,” Maya hissed.
“It’s only your business if we were together, but you ended that.” You were taking low blows now. “Remember?”
This was really testing Maya too. On the one hand, you were absolutely right. On the other, she was still livid that you came into her station and let someone else have their hands on you. “I thought you would come back!”
“Maya, why would I?” Finally, she at least admitted that part of your suspicion. “You told me not to. If you want me to come back so badly then you are the one who has to fix it.”
Maya just stood there in front of you now. Her eyes showed her angry disbelief and you were about fed up with it. Even if it did turn you on just a little. 
“I’m going back out there,” you sighed in resignation, trying to take a few calming breaths. “She’s probably wondering what’s going on.” You tried to take a step and push past Maya, but a strong hand wrapped around your wrist halted you. 
“I’m sorry,” Maya practically growled. Your eyes went wide at that. That was something you really weren’t expecting to come out of her mouth. Sure, her tone was… aggressive, but you knew that wasn’t ever easy for her to say. “I’m sorry, okay? Is that what you want to hear? I fucked up and I took forever to fix things.” 
Well, that was better than nothing, you thought. Maybe later, when this heated moment was over, you could pry a less hostile apology out of her. 
Maya wasn’t done though, still enraged about the evening and that she was having to swallow her pride. “But you owe me an apology for flaunting this girl in front of me. You owe me an apology for even looking for other people to fuck. I didn’t do that to you, I was waiting. I—“ 
“I told you it wasn’t like that.” You really weren’t hiding your frustration in your tone.
“Oh, sure,” Maya snorted.
“Jesus, Maya, it wasn’t,” you yelled. “How could I fuck someone else? How could I even want to when all I think about is you? Not once could I even stomach the thought of someone else touching me like you do. Do you know how hard it was to lay my eyes on you for even a second and not fall on my knees and beg you to fuck me?”
The look in Maya’s eyes shifted at your rant. You knew that look well, it was one that made you squirm where you stood. With pure hunger replacing the anger that was once in her eyes, her hand moved from your wrist to push hard against your shoulder until you were pressed against the wall again. 
She took another step and was right up against you. Before you could react to your back hitting the wall, Maya grabbed your chin and pulled your face towards her with her grip. 
“Then beg,” She said in a low voice. “Beg me.” 
“Maya, is this really the time—“ 
“I don’t give a fuck,” Maya hissed. “I know you want me to give you what you’ve been missing. I know if I slipped my hand into your panties, you’d be wet. Tell me I’m wrong.” 
She wasn’t wrong. Jealous Maya always had you wet. The way she had a hold of your chin and was a breath away from kissing you had quickly broken your resolve by now too. You gulped as Maya’s eyes shifted to your lips before flicking them back up. 
“I said,” Maya’s thumb traced your lips now, “beg for me.”
“Yes,” you practically whimpered. “Yes, Maya I want you. I want you to touch me. Fuck, I’ve missed it. Please– I don’t care anymore. Just fuck me.”
“That’s the good girl I’ve been missing.” Maya flashed you a devilish grin before she pulled your face even closer and smashed her lips into yours. The way she kissed you instantly made you melt. Her tongue pushed its way into your mouth before you could even begin to part your lips. You met hers with your own, both of you moaning into the kiss. 
Maya’s hands moved to your hair and tugged and pulled as she kissed you with a roughness that you knew would leave your lips a little bruised afterwards. You didn’t care though, not when her tongue was in your mouth and her body was grinding on you and pushing you harder against the wall. 
All too soon, Maya pulled away, moving her hand back to your shoulder where she kept you pressed still. “Making me jealous the way you have…” Maya trailed off as she took a few steps back. “You’re going to need to make it up to me.” 
You huffed, but didn’t protest. It was far too late for you to turn back now. Honestly, you had forgotten all about the fact that someone out there might wonder what you two are doing or why you’re gone. All you were focused on was Maya and the way she was looking at you. 
She craved you. It felt like if she didn’t get what she wanted from you tonight in this very instant, then she’d explode. The possessive part of Maya was also still raging, but not at you now. Just at the idea of someone else touching you, no matter how innocent that touch might seem. 
You were going to make it up to her, that she was sure to follow through with. The question was, how did she want you to do that? All she could think to do right now, was fuck you with everything she’s got. She wanted to see you spread open and falling apart underneath her. She wanted to hear you scream her name as she fucked you in a way that only she could. She wanted to make you cum so hard you’d see stars. 
There was only one way to do that. Lucky for Maya, because of how often you two snuck away to fool around in here, she was still prepared. 
“Strip for me while I get something,” Maya ordered before walking away from you and fishing for something under one of the beds. You gave her a skeptical look for a moment, but still did as you were told. Not yet fully unclothed, you heard Maya pop the buttons open to her uniform. Then as you continued to get undressed, you heard some rustling of clothes, and what you thought sounded like Maya struggling with her belt.
When you heard Maya move to one of the beds, you finally turned around. Your eyes immediately met hers as she sat on the mattress. You started to take her in slowly. She was wearing a tanktop now and you admired the way you could see the muscles of her abdomen through the way it clung to her. You shifted your gaze down after a moment and they fell between her legs. When you registered what exactly you were looking at, your eyes practically bugged out of your skull.
“Maya, why do you have that?” Right between her legs was a rather sizable strap on. Maya just looked at you unphased. 
“I’ve had it hidden in here for awhile,” she shrugged. “We just didn’t get the chance to use it… yet.” The “yet” felt very pointed, like she wanted you to know just how badly you had been missing out on all the things she had planned for you. “Now, come here.”
“But what if someone had found that?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Maya huffed, getting frustrated that you weren’t on her lap yet. “Just get on it.” 
“What if someone finds it after,” you hesitated again. 
“For fuck’s sake!” Maya groaned. “Just shut up and ride my fucking cock.”
As much as Maya’s habit to bark orders at you like you were one of the team pissed you off, you did exactly as you were told. The way she said that made it impossible for you not to. The frustration in her voice and her phrasing definitely made you more wet than you already were. It took you two seconds to reach her with how eager you were for what was to come. When you did, you slowly climbed on top of her until you could angle yourself over her strap. Slowly, your body sunk down onto it.
 As Maya watched it disappear inside your pussy, her breathing quickened and she let out a desperate, drawn out “fuckkkk” before her hands grabbed your hips. With just one roll of her body, you felt the head of her strap hit deep inside you couldn’t stop yourself from falling forward onto her. 
When she asked you to fuck yourself on her, you had every intention to obey, but then you actually took her cock in. Within an instant you were too wrapped up in actually fitting it inside your tight pussy that fucking yourself with it too felt impossible. Plus, Maya was way too impatient to wait for you to even adjust to its size before she started to fuck it up into you. 
She loved the way you bounced with each time she thrust up her hips and pumped her cock into you. It was intoxicating, hearing the moans that fell from your lips and watching your body tense as you took it for her. 
“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” Maya taunted as you finally began to move your hips with hers. “I can tell you missed this. Missed me fucking you like the little slut you are.” 
All you could do was whimper as you moved your body faster on top of Maya. You felt her arms flex around you, pulling you in tighter. Your body was draped over Maya as you rode her and the only thing keeping you sitting up was Maya’s strong embrace. 
“But you’re my little slut,” Maya purred into your ear. “You can deny it all you want, but we both know you’re only ever going to be mine.” 
You were speeding up now, desperately rocking your hips into her as fast as you possibly could. Maya met your desperation with just as much force as she kept fucking up into you. Both of you were panting and Maya felt like she could cum just from watching you rut your hips into her to get off. 
The way you could feel her muscles flex and tense as she practically used all her strength to keep your hips rocking was making your head swim. She was practically just using you as her toy at this point. You had long lost the rhythm you started out with and now she was just making you fuck yourself on top of her with the sheer strength of her hold on you.
You buried your face into her neck because it was all you could do to muffle your moaning. It seemed like it should be impossible, the speed she was setting for you, but she just kept it going. As your body shook and your teeth sunk into the skin of her neck you heard her moan your name before she twisted around and fell forward onto the mattress, taking you with her. 
When your back hit the bed, Maya made quick work to grab both your thighs and hoist them over your shoulders. She was pressing your own knees into your chest, the way she had you bent underneath her. 
“Fuck,” She groaned. “You take it so well, baby.” She was fucking you deeper than you honestly thought you could take. The way you could feel her cock hit the exact spot that made you lose your mind was making it harder and harder for you to stay at a reasonable volume. 
The thought that everyone in the station could possibly hear you right now as Maya continued to fuck you into the matttress crossed your mind in that moment. You tried your best to move your hand to cover your mouth, but the moment you tried, Maya’s hand flew up and grabbed your wrist. Her other hand came up to grab your free one as well. She slammed both your wrists back down onto the mattress, holding them tightly there as she kept rutting into you. 
“Let them hear,” she growled, knowing exactly what your concern was. “Then no one will question who this pussy belongs to.” 
“M— fuck, Maya,” you whined. Your eyes slammed shut and your head fell back. All you could do was lay, pinned to the bed, and let Maya keep pumping her strap into you. 
The sounds you were making were getting louder, but so were Maya’s. She was groaning and grunting on top of you, fucking her hips into you harder with each thrust. Your body was shaking and your fists clenched in Maya’s hold.  
The choice to wear this particular strap was intentional for Maya. It was the one that had the base that hit her clit just right. So with each thrust of her hips into yours and with each time your hips bucked and you tried to fuck yourself on her cock too, she felt it. She felt everything. Now, you were getting close and she could tell, but so was she. The idea of you making her cum while her strap was buried deep inside your pussy was driving her to be a little rougher with you; a little more aggressive. 
“You’re gonna cum when I tell you to,” Maya panted as her own orgasm approached. You didn’t react to that, too cock-drunk on her strap to comprehend much else. Maya didn’t slow, but one hand that had a grip of your wrist moved to your chin and jerked your head up. Her eyes met yours and the look she had in them was fierce. “Do you got that?” 
“M-mhm!” Maya’s hand squeezed your chin and you realized she wanted a real answer. “Yes— god— Yes, when you tell me to.” 
She was satisfied with that, but her hand didn’t let you go. Instead, it slipped down and her fingers wrapped around your throat. There was barely any pressure from her grip onto your neck, just the slightest bit of restriction to your airway. That action alone brought you right to that edge. You didn’t cum yet though; you wanted to be good. 
“Fuck, baby, look at you,” Maya moaned. “Gonna make me cum. Would you like that?” Her pace was becoming erratic as she approached her edge too. “Want me to cum with my strap inside you? Bet you do, you fucking love taking it. Fuck, fuck, fuck— cum now. Cum for me!” 
And when you did Maya did too. The way she moaned out your name as you cried out hers had your whole body trembling. She pumped her hips into you a few more times as her orgasm ran through her body. 
When you had finally come down from your high, she followed soon after. Her body collapsed on top of you and you felt her place soft kisses on your neck. 
“Fuckkkk,” She sighed. “That was something. I bet the whole building heard you cum.” 
“God,” you groaned, burying your head in the pillow. “Don’t say that.” 
“What?” Maya smirked. “Worried that girl might hear?” 
“Shut up,” you playfully shoved at her shoulder. 
“Well, if she didn’t…” Maya leaned up to whisper in your ear, “then maybe she’ll hear it this time.” Maya’s tone might have been teasing, but you knew she was only half joking. Waiting out this snowstorm would take god knows how long, but Maya planned on fucking you for the rest of it. 
And she made good on that plan.
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discotenny · 2 months
Fight for you!
How different Hypmic pairs fight for your affection
Samatoki & Sasara, Ichiro & Kuko
Samatoki & Sasara (MCD era)
The pair’s interest in you in undeniable. The two men, at your door, beaten up and bruised in expectation to be treated in your care, is a very- very common sight.
Drinking nights are common with them too, usually having Samatoki as your designated driver since you and Sasara tend to go in over your heads.
You fit into their little duo nicely, and they’re proud to call you something akin to a friend.
Sasara’s the one more open about his fondness for you.
His flirtations are lined with shitty jokes. He’s always itching his neck in your proximity, a sign of nervousness clear as day to anyone. The amount of lame jokes that leave his lips around him drive Samatoki half mad- causing the pair to get into frequent arguments about how Sasara has to tone it down and how Samatoki has to stop being a cock block- all while you watch in the back.
When Sasara gets drunk he gets bold. He’s diving into your lap, sometimes he’s successful, sometimes he misses and goes face first into the floor.
When he is successful though, he makes a big show to Samatoki, complimenting you with no tact and cuddling into your stomach. If you ever want him off, just send a look towards Samatoki and Sasara will be flying across the room.
Samatoki on the other hand, is subtle in his interest.
He shows it through his memory, remembering the most insignificant things about you. Whenever he meets up with you he’s always carrying little packs of your favorite candy, passing it off as “just happening” to have it on hand.
Once, you mentioned offhandedly that your vacuum broke and we’re looking for a new one. All of a sudden there’s a brand new one right in front of your door! Samatoki tells you it was his old model that he didn’t need anymore. Sure buddy, sure.
One tell of Samatoki’s is that he gets so, so flustered whenever you show affection to him. You could fix his jacket and he’d cover his blushing red face. You could wipe some dust off his cheeks and he’d shut down in embarrassment. Not to mention when you patch him up?? He’s blushing and stammering as you wrap his skin, it’s adorable.
The two are willing to share if the opportunity ever presents itself. Nothing much about their dynamic will you will change, after all, aren’t they already treating you as if they’re courting you?
Ichiro & Kuko (present day)
Their rivalry is long gone, any bad blood negated after they've made up. However, the spark of competitiveness still remains after they somehow both catch feelings for you
Picture this right? You knew them from their Naughty Busters days, becoming a close friend to both of them. A classmate to Ichiro, someone who knew Kuko before? It doesn’t really matter.
Anyways, you don’t live in either Ikebukuro or Nagoya, but rather a city close in between. And oh my god to these two boys always have the randomest excuses to visit your city.
Ichi tells you he had a client from your area personally reach out to him. He casually asks if you could spare a room in your house to board him and his bros.
He practically squeals when he sees Jiro and Saburo get along with you- a sense of pride coming inside him knowing his bros unknowingly approve of the person he fell for.
Even after he finishes with his client he asks you to give him a tour of your area, just so he could spend time with you. Even as you point out the beautiful sights of your city, all he can focus on is you.
Ichi insists on buying you everything throughout the day. Your meal, any snacks you point out, any things that catch your interest- hell he’ll even buy you a souvenir even if you live there. You have to stop him from blowing Jiro and Saburo's college funds on your day out together...
Sometimes Kuko doesn't even have an excuse to visit you! He just shows up at your door on some days, looking at you with a cheeky grin and regional snacks from Nagoya.
Has his phone on silent the whole time because Hitoya and Jyushi will be spamming him with calls asking where he's run off to LOL. Kuko usually ends up spending free weekends at your place. Due to his more relaxed life, he ends up visiting you more than Ichiro does.
Due to how much he visits, he has his own travel itinerary that he does and drags you along with him. You ask him why he insists on bringing you to the same places every time he visits and he says everything just feels better with you by his side.
He's taking pictures the entire time you're out. Selfies, shots of you, pics of his food, etc etc. Kuko has so many photos that are basically identical because they're all in the same places with the same subjects but it doesn't matter cause its a reminder he's spent another day with you.
The two will see tells of each other's presence whenever they visit. Whether it be Kuko's photos hanging in your home or trinkets from Ichi strewn about your living space- seeing them just reignites the competitive streak between them.
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩
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googleitlol · 4 months
After Wukong rejoins the group, things between him and Dove get a lot better. Sure, it's more awkward at first, but a whole less violent. They can actually be… friendly with each other? Even though the others get used to it, the change in dynamic is almost unnerving at first. I like to imagine whenever two of them, maybe Pigsy and Sandy have a moment to talk on their own, they make sure what they're seeing isn't some hallucination. Kind of a, 'You see this too, right?' moment.
Anyway, Wukong is having a blast now. Not only is he back, but he also lets himself indulge in teasing/getting payback on Pigsy for the Bone Demon incident. One great example is when he goads Pigsy into patrolling a potentially dangerous mountain. When the pig demon goes to take a nap instead, Wukong makes sure Tripitaka knows just how much effort he put into slacking off before he returns.
And then… well, that's where the trouble begins.
Dove Masterlist:
“Wukong really is in a meddling mood today.” Wujing remarks from where he sits next to you, the two of you basking in the midday sun with Tripitaka and Ao Lie. Your group is stationed by a large tree at the base of a wide mountain, waiting the return of two of the monk’s older disciples. After being warned of the danger posed by the area you all were meant to trek through next, Zhu Bajie was sent to go and patrol the area.
Unfortunately for the pig, Sun Wukong decided to tag along. “It has been some time that we’ve been travelling since our last encounter with a demon. I think the lack of serious threat has left him bored.” You shrug in response to the river demon’s observations. “If anything that old woodcutter told us was true, his boredom may be coming to an end.” He hums, looking out towards where his brothers took off.
“I hope for the sake of my heart, it doesn’t.” Tripitaka shudders, his tired gaze turned skywards. “I have had my fair share of demons trying to eat me, this never happened back home. I just want to get past one mountain without being caught by any monsters or upsetting anyone we shouldn’t.”
You can’t help but feel sorry for the monk. In the time you’ve been in travel with him, the sheer amount of demons that have looked to make him their meal has been problematic. With how much farther you have to go, you feel like saying it won’t happen anymore would be a lie. “If you want, Tripitaka, I can use my gift for a bit while we wait for Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to return.” You offer, getting up to offer him a hand.
The monk shakes his head, swatting at a fly too close to his face. “Thank you, I think I should be able to manage for now.”
You offer a polite smile, mimicking his actions when you hear buzzing by your ear. “Alright, just let me know if–” The insect grows bolder, fluttering about your face. “Ugh! This annoying little…”
You notice the tiny monkey’s tail before the fly lands on your nose.
Sandy’s head tilts to the side when you go silent. “What is it?”
“…Sun Wukong?” You blink, and in an instant, the monkey returns to his form with a jump into the air. The shock of the action is enough for you to shout, falling back as the demon lands.
The Monkey King cackles, crouching down when you sit up. “You caught on faster than Pigsy!” He smiles, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. Maybe Sandy was wrong in calling him meddling. At the moment, ‘rowdy’ fit him better.
“Where is he?” You use your finger to push him out of your face by his forehead, the King cooperating and stepping back to let you up.
“Still rehearsing what to say.” He answers while you dust yourself off. “He decided to take a quick nap instead of scouting, like I knew he would. I left him once he finished practising what to say in case any of us ask what he found.”
The monkey shifts into his younger brother, muckrake and all. “‘There was a rocky cave, with three sections!” He imitates, albeit dramatically. “There are wretched monsters and wild animals at every turn! We better turn back and return home, I’m sure my wife and father-in-law have been missing me.’” Sandy chuckles a little under his breath while you cross your arms. “That’s a bit dramatic of him, don’t you think?” Monkey King shifts back, seemingly still struggling to regain his composure.
It’s only made worse when Pigsy returns, spouting about the very same words Sun Wukong had already shared. He seems quite confident in himself as he prattles on. “There are wretched monsters and wild animals at every turn! We better turn back and–”
“–return home, I’m sure my wife and father-in-law have been missing me.” Wukong finishes in unison with his brother, the pig frowning when he does. The Monkey King scoffs. “Practise really did make those lines perfect, didn’t they?”
“Wha–?! But how did you…”
“Lying about going on patrol?” Wukong crosses his arms, giving Pigsy a pointed look. “I’d say that’s worth three strokes of my trusted staff. What do you say, Pigsy?” The pig demon looks at him wide wide eyes, almost shaking when he mentions his staff.
Luckily enough for him, Tripitaka intervenes. “There will be no beating anyone today.” He looks between his disciples, Wukong looking a bit disappointed while Pigsy sighs in relief. “Bajie, please go out and scout properly this time?”
“Ugh, fine.” The pig snorts, grumbling before he turns to leave back towards the mountain. The disappointment on the Monkey King’s face melts into a smug grin as he watches his brother march back to do his job properly this time.
While he scouts, the rest of you find yourselves waiting by the base of the mountain. You admit, being able to sit for a while instead of marching through trails of wilderness for hours is a nice change of pace. However, it quickly becomes old the longer you have to wait. Sitting with the horse, then leaning against the tree for shade, to the idle conversations that would occur between you and the others, you were getting bored.
An hour drags by, and then another. One can only admire the clouds in the sky for so long before becoming restless. Taking the horse to graze helps alleviate the itch to keep going somewhat, but it doesn’t help for long. You half-wonder if Bajie decided to take another nap somewhere else, but would he really risk getting caught like that a second time? Maybe something worse might have happened?
After a third hour passes, Tripitaka begins to voice your concerns. “Bajie has been gone for a while now. You don’t think something could have happened to him, do you?”
Sun Wukong gives out a hearty laugh from his spot in the tree you sit by with Sandy, resting on a low-hanging branch. “That pig is such a coward, he’d run at the first sign of danger.” He falls back, his tail hooking around the branch to face his master. “If he’s been gone for this long, he must be taking his time patrolling the mountain.”
“Still… something doesn’t feel right.” The monk frowns, his eyes fixed on the mountain. You frown, understanding the uneasiness in your friend. If Pigsy really was fine, would he be taking all this extra time to comb through the path? You half-expected him to return with some haste after being exposed by Wukong, to make up for slacking off.
You look over to Wukong, the monkey quickly catching your eye as you nod towards Tripitaka. “What?”
“Maybe one of us could check on Bajie?” Your brows raise a bit as your suggestion is made.
The Monkey King rolls his eyes, looking back at the worried expression from Tripitaka and quickly letting out a sigh. “How about this? Pigsy likes to move at a snail’s pace on his own anyway, why don’t we all just go and catch up with him?” He suggests, though the annoyance in his voice is far from well-hidden.
Tripitaka hums, glancing at you. “With Wukong’s logic, whatever Pigsy has covered so far should be safe.” You shrug. Even if the path isn’t safe, if something happened to Bajie, Tripitaka still has Wujing and Wukong to protect him. Between the lot of you, whatever potential trouble the pig demon might find himself in can be dealt with swiftly.
The monk frowns, deep in thought, likely thinking over the situation just as you were doing. After a few moments, he relents. “We might as well, it will be better than sitting around doing nothing.” With his word, your group gets to their feet. With the monk mounting the horse and Sandy taking the lead, you set off to begin hiking up the mountain.
A tense silence fills the space between the group as you journey up the mountain. Everyone is on alert, watching for any movements in the shadows of shrubs, listening for footsteps. Each of you prepare yourselves for some sign of your friend, some sign you aren’t alone.
A shudder from Tripitaka makes you glance back at the monk. His eyes look from one side to the next, shuddering again with a worried frown. Sometimes you forget how on edge he can get, especially when told of nearby danger.
You make eye contact with Sun Wukong, nodding over to the monk. He looks back at his master while you shift into your dove form to rest on the man’s shoulder. You do your work, using your gift to put his mind more at ease.
He notices rather quickly, cracking a small smile before Wukong clears his throat. “Master, you needn’t be so worried. You know I will not let anything happen to you while I am here.” He jumps in front of the horse while he speaks, walking backwards so as to not stop the group.
“If any demons dare to show their wretched faces, it will only take a swing of my staff to send them down to the ten kings!” He boasts, taking his staff from his ear and extending it to spin the weapon in his hands. Facing forward, he scoops up a few rocks to throw into the air and uses his staff to bat them all into a tree further ahead. When he runs out of ammo, he throws the staff itself, impaling the tree through completely.
The monk blinks a few times as his disciple retrieves his signature weapon. “I really am fortunate to have him as my disciple, and not an enemy.”
“Take it from someone who has fought him, you are lucky to have never felt the pain from that staff.” Sandy laughs, and you find yourself amused as Wukong returns, flipping through the air.
He shows off a bit more as you continue on the path, showing off kicks and punching the air. At one point, he shatters a boulder you pass by with only his head. Is it a little over the top? Absolutely, but it does wonders to lift Tripitaka’s spirits. 
By the time Wukong is finished with his demonstration, the air is considerably lighter. He takes his place beside Tripitaka and the horse, looking up at you with a smirk. You give a quiet coo in response, thankful for his help in reassuring the monk of their safety. You have to say, with the jabs between you two being less frequent and of a more playful nature, working with the Monkey King is becoming easier than you ever thought it would be. Dare you say, sometimes it was even fun.
It isn’t as though you were unaware of his cleverness before– his more impulsive actions sometimes made it difficult to remember– but you find it easy for the two of you to bounce off each other’s ideas. Sure, there are times where his plans baffle you, but you found that trusting his plots usually works out well. Whether it’s in battle or in the midst of a ruse, even with something as simple as how you worked to help Tripitaka, the two of you are surprisingly good at coordinating together.
For some time, the hike is uneventful. There is still no sign of Pigsy, but before you can worry yourself with his whereabouts, you hear a distant cry further ahead on the path. Cries for help.
“That sounds like a man…” Wujing frowns, your group quickening their pace to find the source of the voice.
Up ahead, you spot a bush, an elderly man just behind it. “Someone, please! Save me!” He shouts, groaning in pain as he keeps a tight grip around his leg. The closer Tripitaka rides, the more you can see of him. He’s on his side, his clothing scratched and torn. His grey– almost silver– hair is a bushy mess. His leg looks mangled, twisted in the wrong direction and dressed in blood. “Please, you must help me! I cannot move!”
Tripitaka wastes no time in dismounting, crouching down to the man while you return to your human form. Sun Wukong is quick to join his master’s side. “What happened to you?” The monk frowns, inspecting the elder for any other concealed injuries.
“I am a daoist from the temple just west of here. I was travelling with my disciple before he and I were attacked by a tiger.” He explains, his breathing heavy from the pain of his wounds and spent energy. “It killed him and dragged him away. It left me for dead, but I am afraid it may return. I beg of you, please help me return to my temple, and I will be in your debt!”
“Of course we will help you.” Tripitaka offers the elder a kind smile, turning to call one of his disciples. “Sha Wujing, bring my horse here for this man to ride. We can accompany him to his temple together.”
The man hisses through his teeth, clutching onto his injured leg. “I cannot ride.” He is able to shift over enough to show a gaping wound on his inner thigh, a deep cut that runs down his leg and already looks to be infected.
Looking closer, you take a step to the man. “Here, let me have a look at it.” You move past Tripitaka to crouch down, but a hand grabs you by the arm before you can.
You look back to find Sun Wukong, his glare making you freeze. However, his eyes focus not on you, but the elderly man. He pulls you closer, leaning over to whisper. “The last time you healed anything physical, you were unconscious for hours.”
“You mean when you were blind?” You match his volume, the reminder getting him to actually look you in the eyes for a moment, just to give you an annoyed look. “Why are we whispering?” His eyes narrow at the question, though he turns his attention back to the injured daoist before you can get an answer.
“Don’t waste your talents, Dove.” Is all you get before he crouches down in front of the old man himself. “If he is not fit to ride, let me carry him.”
A chill runs down your spine from his tone alone. His previously relaxed posture is now rigid, hostile. His smile to the man feels more like a threat than an invitation. You, Tripitaka, and Sandy look to each other from the sides of your eyes, even the horse looks concerned.
If the man notices the clear aggression in the offer, he does not show it.  “How kind of you, hairy-one.” Despite how uneasy you feel, you hold in a snort of laughter at the man’s words and Wukong’s look of offence.
“Hairy-one?” He frowns, the old man smiling.
“Yes, please. I would greatly appreciate it if you were to carry me.” He responds, and the monkey demon lets out a short huff.
He reaches down, getting the daoist up and onto his back while Tripitaka gives you a look. You quickly put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll keep watch. If he’s acting like this, something must have tipped him off about this man.” You keep your voice low, the monk nodding in response.
“Thank you, I just didn’t want to leave him on the side of the road. Do you think he might be…” He trails off, looking back at the disciple and daoist.
“You just stay close to Sandy, I’ll call out if anything happens. If I do, ride off as fast as you can and hide.” You instruct, following his sight to the two before Tripitaka gets back onto the horse. You and Sandy were talking about how quiet these last few days have been, maybe some monster overheard you and decided to keep you on your toes.
It’s silent as you continue westward, unease wrapping around the group as you go. You make sure to glance over to the old man every now and then, keeping him and Wukong in your sights. Even when they begin to slow a bit to readjust every now and then, you stay by their side. Tripitaka and Wujing begin to get farther ahead, which is honestly a good thing if this man isn’t who he says he is.
You catch his eyes a few times, giving you a strange look. It gives you bumps along your arms, and you tell yourself not to reach for any of your weapons. He hasn’t done anything yet. You see him give the same look to Tripitaka, making you feel even better the further he and Sandy get from the stranger.
After some time, the monk and his disciple are so far off, they are no longer in your line of sight. Wukong pauses again to adjust his grip on the daoist before humming. “Dove, would it be alright if I bugged you for something?”
“What is it?” You frown, a little put off by his cautious words. It would be more normal if he just told you to do whatever it is he wants.
He matches your pace but keeps his distance. “Sandy is with Master, and they are already so far ahead of us… I don’t want to slow us down any further but I would really appreciate something to snack on right now.”
…Is this some ploy? A show for whoever this man is on his back? “Seriously? I am not your servant–”
“Please, Dove.” You look down as his tail wraps around your arm, looking back up to find a pleading look in his eye. “I think I saw some berries a little further back.” Alright, this is definitely an act. Some reason to be alone with the daoist, perhaps. Why else would he wait for Sandy and Tripitaka to be out of sight before asking? It’s clear that he knows more about the elder on his back than he’s letting on, but you trust that whatever Monkey knows, he can handle it.
“Alright, I will be back soon. Shout if you need me.” You nod, the monkey mirroring your action before you transform into a dove and begin your flight back. All you can do is hope the Great Sage knows what he’s doing.
Surprisingly enough, you do find the bush of berries Wukong mentioned. Maybe part of him really does want something to eat quickly. You start picking the berries, your thoughts drawing back to the strange daoist, the odd way in which he was looking at you and Tripitaka. Usually, it is your friend’s demon disciples that draw the eyes of strangers, not their human travel companions.
There has to be something wrong with that man. You’re embarrassed you didn’t catch it yourself, that it took Sun Wukong stepping in to tip you off. Part of you wonders how he can pick up on these things so quickly. He wasted no time in killing the bone demon when she was disguised. His ability to recognise danger on a whim is quite helpful, but you wish you knew how he did it.
You wonder how long you should take picking these berries, it’s obvious Wukongs wants time to deal with that daoist on his own. Just when you decide to head back, a thunderous boom sounds from the distance. The ground beneath your feet shakes and you stumble back, only just catching yourself. You barely have any time to regain your bearings as a second deafening crash echoes through the land, tremors shaking the earth beneath your feet even more violently than the first.
A tree crashes down to the ground, nearly crushing you in the process before you jump out of the way. What is going on?! What was that, two earthquakes under the span of a minute? Your head immediately swivels to the west, certain that whatever just happened is the result of a certain simian. That’s when you take a moment to blink, the sight before you confusing to look at. You see two mountains where the horizon used to be.
“What the…?” Did they just appear? How?! You could have sworn they weren’t there before, over where you left Wukong and the old man… There is no way this could mean anything good.
To add to your horror, a third mountain materialises before your very eyes, creating a third explosive boom. The ground shakes again, even more forcibly than before. It’s enough to knock you off your feet entirely. Once the earthquake stops, you’re able to sit up again. What the hell is happening back there?! Is Tripitaka okay? Is Sun Wukong fighting the old man now? Why are mountains appearing before your eyes?!
Your questions are put on hold when you hear his scream.
So loud, he’s yelling at the top of his lungs. Dropping whatever berries you had picked, you transform to fly back to where you left the Monkey King. He has to be in trouble, he would never shout like that if he wasn’t.
The closer you get to the spot where you left him, the closer you get to the mountains. The three are practically stacked onto one another in a cluster. They start to tremble, a flock of birds taking off from the trees on one of them when they do. Once the trembling stops, you hear his voice again, a furious howl coming from below.
Following his voice, you dive down. It takes a little while before you’re able to spot him, just his head. You land, rushing to his side before a gasp escapes your lips. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, or… what you can see of him. The Monkey King lays against the ground, his body pinned down by the newly-arrived mountains. Only his head and a forearm are visible. He’s bloodied and bruised, his head whipping around wildly and his breathing erratic.
He grunts, straining as the mountains once again shake. His hand digs into the ground for support, but his efforts are shown to be fruitless when the mountains remain, and he slumps back in exhaustion.
“Sun Wukong!” You call, rushing to his side and kneeling down. If he can hear your voice, he ignores it, his eyes darting frantically to and fro. They’re unfocused, panicked. His breaths are mercurial as he tries again to free himself, each attempt as successful as the last. He’s barely taking anything in. “Wukong– hey.”
You take hold of his swivelling head, working your gift into his mind. “Wukong… breathe.” It takes him time, each breath working to ground himself amidst his panic. He starts to slow, blinking a bit as he looks up at you. His head falls a bit, leaning into your hold as you continue using your gift. “It’s alright, I’m here.”
“Dove?” He frowns, coming back to his senses.
“Sun Wukong, what happened? Where is that old daoist?” You question, looking back behind you to make sure you are really alone, that this isn’t some trap.
Wukong growls at the mention of the man. “That was no daoist, it was a demon. I wanted to get him alone so I could deal with him myself when the coward summoned these cursed mountains!” His fist slams into the ground, the earth quivering beneath it.
You frown a bit, hoping he doesn’t cause the ground to open up under you from unbridled anger. “Why not say anything before?”
“And risk another incident like with the bone demon?” He brings up a fair point, grunting as he plants his palm into the ground and attempts to free himself once more. He grits his teeth, straining with his eyes trained to the ground as he puts his all into lifting the mountains.
You quickly turn his head to look at you again. “Stop, you’re hurt.”
“I have to get out!”
“And we will get you out, but it’s clear that these mountains aren’t moving. All you are doing is wasting your energy.” You point out the obvious, making him groan with frustration. You can’t say you blame him in the slightest. Wukong already spent five centuries under a mountain, you can’t even begin to imagine how much dread and trepidation saturate every bone in his body in this moment, having to relive it all again.
“That demon must have Master by now, and I am stuck under here!” He shouts, clenching his fist.
“Sandy is with him.” You remind the sage, standing up as you begin to rack your brain for your next steps. “I am sure he won’t let anything happen to him. Just breathe, we have to get you out of here first before we can help Tripitaka.”
You try to think of what to do, but what can you do? If the Monkey King is unable to move the mountains, what can your mortal strength do to help him? With Sandy occupied with Tripitaka and the demon on his way to steal the monk away– not to mention the fact that Pigsy is still nowhere to be found– you can’t count on them to assist. You might have to go out and find someone that could help. If this demon summoned these mountains, surely there is a way to send them away, right?
Looking back down at the monkey demon, you notice his breaths becoming irregular and crouch down to once again hold his head. “Monkey, hey. Look at me.” He does as you ask, unable to hide the anxiety in his eyes. You can’t remember a time you have ever seen him like this. You’ve seen him concerned, for Tripitaka, for you, but this is different. This is fear.
You remember a time you thought the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, held no fear in his heart. How wrong you were, then. In his state, how could you go find help and leave him here on his own? “I’m right here. We’re going to figure this out together, okay? I’m not leaving you here, not even for a moment.”
Your words seem to help, his eyes softening. He reaches up to your hand holding the side of his face, taking hold of it with a securing grip. For now, it seems the best you can do is comfort the monkey demon, despite your own worries starting to eat away at you. There is no way you can just leave him here with his anxieties to eat away at him, but how else are you meant to find a way to help him?
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dawnagustd · 2 years
throat goat || jhs
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⇝ title: Throat Goat ⇝ pairing: rapper!hoseok x stylist!reader ⇝ genre: smut | slight frenemies with benefits ⇝ summary: The only thing you and Hoseok can agree on is that you know how to snatch his soul every time. ⇝ rating: 18+ ⇝ word count: 2k ⇝ warnings: unedited | strong language | reader is having a rocky sex life but nothing major | light bickering | degradation | semi-public sex | blowjob | tiddie fucking | reader is a baddie; let’s be real | slight power play dynamics | rude!hobi but he’s just frustrated | hoseok manspreading is a warning | teasing | spit/saliva play for lube | name calling | cum swallowing/eating | a little strip tease | breast fondling/groping | throat fucking | hair pulling | both of them confuse the hell out of me | open ending for those who don’t like those | reader is a “giver” | gagging | some aftercare | mixed emotions i guess | i think that’s all ⇝ author’s note: We’re late, but we’re here. This is my gift to the Hoseok heauxs(myself). It’s unedited but promising lol. You’ll see what I mean. Anyway, please enjoy this pwp. If you aren’t into the degrading stuff please don’t read this because though it isn’t too bad, the way he speaks to her in some moments is out of pocket lol. He doesn’t mean it, though (I think). Banner by @badgalsgetinfree​ (myself) ⇝ playlist: Pretty Girls Walk by Pretty Boss Vette | Slut Me Out by NLE Choppa | Don’t Play With It by Lola Brooke & Billy B
masterlist | permanent taglist form | read on ao3
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“You wanted to see me?”
The door closes behind you and separates you from all the noises outside. All you hear now is a bunch of muffled voices and faint thuds as people move around backstage. It’s a big night, so the entire crew is busy making sure everything’s in order.
Hoseok has toured across the globe, and now it’s time for the grand finale. It’s only fitting he ends the journey where it all started. He wants everything to be perfect, so everyone’s been put through hell today, including you. 
“No. I don’t.” The tone of his voice indicates his irritation. You know it isn’t towards you no matter what he says. He’s just stressed; otherwise, you wouldn’t be in here. “I just want some head.”
Of course, he does.
You give the man a little sample, and now it’s his lifeline. Though you have to admit it’s been satisfying you as well. It’s surprising to you because usually, you get bored quickly, but somehow Hoseok has managed to keep this going for this entire tour duration. 
The first time it happened you were on his private jet. The second time, in the back of the sprinter, while everyone was getting food. 
Anytime the opportunity was given, you’d swallow him up. And now, he can’t get enough.
“What makes you think I have it to give?”
“I don’t have time for this shit,” he gripes.
With an eye roll, you walk over to where he’s sitting in nothing but some boxers, manspreading on the couch as if he has all the time in the world. You look down at him scrolling through his phone while you stand there between his legs.
“I can’t tell.”
“Fuck. Are you gonna do it or what?”
You sigh. “I guess so.”
Honestly, you’re ecstatic deep down. In simple terms, you’re a “pleaser.” You enjoy taking someone to their ultimate high and then seeing them bathe in it while they come down. As for yourself, you’ve never really gotten off from being on the receiving end. You rather be in charge of your own orgasms; that way you’ll come every time. 
You start to drop to your knees, but he stops you. 
“Take something off.”
“You’re running out of time, Hoseok.”
“You get paid to dress me, not manage my time. So maybe you should chill out before that’s not a thing anymore.”
It’s an empty threat. You aren’t going anywhere. No one does this job like you. 
No one.
“Have it your way,” you shrug. You take off your glasses and carefully set them on the small table. Hoseok has finally put his down just in time to watch you unbutton your sheer blouse, revealing your black lace bra underneath. You toss your shirt at him, and he catches it. You don’t miss the split-second pause before he puts it aside, probably wanting to inhale your perfume. “Is this okay?”
You spread your arms, displaying yourself for him, only for the rapper to shake his head. The next thing you take off is your bra, and his eyes begin to twinkle in the dimly lit dressing room.
“What about now?”
You squeeze your breasts together, giving him a little show while you wait for an answer. He sits up in his seat and places his hands at your sides. The warmth of his palms travels across your skin as he ventures up your body.
“Yeah, that’ll do it for me.”
Your body leans toward him while he cups your mounds, massaging them in his hands and even drawing a few moans from your lips. His lips delicately graze your flesh, and before he can get too carried away, you push him away.
“If you like them that much, I’ll show you a trick,” you tell him.
You drop to the floor and start pulling down his underwear. There’s not a second to waste. Soon this room will be filled with your team and others so all of you can get him ready for his performance. 
His dick is at attention as soon as it jumps out of his boxers. You lick your lips, already tasting his essence just by looking at the clear substance forming at the tip. Wrapping your hand around his shaft, you position yourself over him and allow a generous amount of saliva to coat his cock. He hisses from the contact, already sensitive and eager to blow his load.
“Hurry up,” he grunts, displaying nothing but impatience. You smirk, knowing you find pleasure in giving him exactly what he’s asking for.
Once his dick is adequately lubricated, you lean forward with mouth already open, and your throat relaxed. You wrap your mouth around the head and take him inch by inch until the tip of his cock reaches the back of your throat. You use the opportunity to coat him with more spit until your lungs are burning from lack of air. You pull off and release him with a pop, repeating the action until you’ve teased him so much that he turns red.
“Bitch, stop playing around,” he growls, gripping your hair. 
Hoseok guides you to his cock, and you don’t object as he pushes your head down. He thrusts inside you, making you gag and choke around his girth. Your eyes begin to water as he penetrates your airways, leaving you lightheaded and gushing arousal into your panties. You’re thankful your shirt is short because the chill in the room is working overtime to cool down the pulsing heat between your legs. If you weren’t planning on using your hands tonight, you’d already have your fingers buried in your soaking cunt.
“Fuck are you doing to me?”
The gasp he makes when you start slurping and sucking him is the highlight of your night. You know he’s amazed by how much of him you can take in at once without needing to breathe, so that’s why you make it a point to show him there are many unlocked levels he hasn’t even discovered yet. Things he’ll probably never get to discover.
Tonight’s the last show. When the tour’s over, you’re taking a long vacation, and Hoseok will be the last person on your mind. This is fun, but you’d rather be doing this on the beach or something.
“Shit,” he whispers. 
You hope he doesn’t think you’re letting him come this quickly.
He gets angry when you release him, but you aren’t done. You poke out your chest and smother his cock with your tits. You watch him unravel as you push them together and bounce them up and down on his dick. The lewd squelching sound of your saliva fills the room and encourages you to keep going.
“Shut up,” he groans, eyes closed as he tries to stay seated. “I don’t want to hear you.”
His nails dig into the couch while he struggles to ground himself.
“Why? Because I make you feel good?” 
“No, you aren’t special. Just convenient.”
“Convenient?” you laugh. “I like it. And you like me.”
“What? No, I–Fuck.”
Hoseok’s cock begins to twitch, and you know he’s at his peak. You switch back to sucking him, and within a few seconds, you’re milking him for everything he’s worth.
He moans and whimpers into the palm of his hand, hoping no one has heard him crying out your name. To save his pride, you pretend as if it never happened, but you definitely heard every syllable each time he called for you.
You swallow every drop and slowly remove him from your mouth. When he softens, you grab the shirt he came in with and start cleaning up the mess on both of you. Hoseok stays in his position, eyes closed as he comes down from his high. 
As much as you’d love to watch him blossom in his post-orgasmic state, there’s no time. It’s time to get ready.
“Hoseok, can you help me up? I’m wearing heels.”
He finally snaps out of it and springs into action. “Oh, shit. Sorry.”
“You’re good. I just don’t want you to be late.”
He helps you up and helps you get your clothes back on. You do it in silence. Neither of you wants to be the one who says something first. Nobody really wants to bicker after something like what you two just did.
“We’re good, right?” he asks after you’ve turned away to retrieve his clothes. “I don’t really remember anything I said.”
You can’t help but laugh. 
“If I didn’t like something, I’d tell you. Trust me.”
You pick out the last outfit on the rack, the one he picked, but when you turn around to take them to him, he’s already standing in front of you. He startles you, and you almost drop the clothes.
“Shit, Hoseok. You scared me.”
“You wanna come home with me tonight?”
You were afraid this would happen. If he’s too attached, then—
“No, I’m not interested in you. I was just…thinking.”
Your head tilts with curiosity. “About?”
“Maybe I can help you with your little issue,” he suggests.
You should have known.
Hoseok has wanted to fuck you ever since you fucked around on the airplane. But you’ve shut him down every time with a “I’ll think about it.” 
You have thought about it, and you can’t lie and say you haven’t been interested. You’re just worried you’ll be disappointed. You don’t want to ruin the fantasies you’ve had about him. What if he can’t deliver?
“Just spend a few days with me,” he adds. “Like we talked about.”
You sigh. “Hoseok, we’ve gotta get ready now.”
You ask him to step aside, but of course. He’s persistent. 
“Look, you can’t gobble me up like that and expect me not to pay you back,” he winks.
You can’t ignore the butterflies in your stomach that flutter at his words, but you’re still tangled up in the worst scenarios. It’s silly; you'd rather be horny than have bad or average sex.
“And what if I’m not interested? What if we don’t get along?”
“I live in a mansion, love. You won’t even have to see me if you don’t want to. Leave when you want, come to my room whenever you want to. Like I said, it’s up to you.”
A knock on the door brings the pressure on. If you don’t answer now, then it’s decided for you because you won’t be able to speak about this. He’ll be busy, and so will you. This is it.
More knocking and voices of people waiting to rush in and prepare for the show. Hoseok tells them he’s getting dressed, but that’ll only hold them for a little bit. Your mind is having a tug of war because you’re so stubborn, but you’re also curious. What if he’s as good as you’ve imagined?
“I’m not going to pressure you if you say yes,” he assures. “If you want it, you tell me.”
“We only have fifteen minutes!”
You know that it’s time when someone mentions the time. You take a deep breath and step out of your comfort zone because maybe it’s the reason you’re so horny in the first place. You have to give someone a chance. And who better than…
“You’re going to kill it out there,” you say to him. 
You’re kind of surprised when he smiles at you because that’s never happened. 
You slip past him and make your way to the door to let in the staff, a growing smirk of your own gracing your face.
“Make sure you save some energy for me, though.”
But something tells you that you’ll be the one who needs to get some rest.
Either Hoseok’s about to rock your world, or you’re going to give each other the biggest headache you’ve ever had.
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dandylions101 · 1 month
Hmmm. Thinking about the Poly Xianle Quartet dynamics post, and I’ve been poking at Xie Lian and Feng Xin’s relationship post-canon. I mean obviously they will be in love, but I’m not sure about the co-dependency anymore. Actually I wonder if they try to fit together like the duo they were when they were younger and find out their edges don’t seem to match anymore. Xie Lian is not the bright, exuberant child anymore. Feng Xin is not the devoted shadow and quiet admirer anymore. Somewhere in between the fracturing of their relationship they both learned to be independent. I imagine that Xie Lian needs time to himself sometimes nowadays, and that’s not a surprise to anyone really. And Feng Xin also needs alone time now. He has days where he goes faring off on some mission. And he didn’t tell them anything besides that he was going. And well, Xie Lian is a little worried, cause this isn’t like his friend. But Mu Qing just shrugs when asked and says “he does that sometimes now”. Hua Cheng obviously doesn’t care much at this point, but does reassure his Gege with “I’m sure he’s not entirely useless at keeping himself alive”. And Ling Wen and the other heavenly officials don’t seem worried. And Xie Lian is finally and slowly coming to the realisation that this boy he’s known since they were children has changed more than he realised. So now I wonder if they actually aren’t codependent. I wonder if when asking Feng Xin to leave, Xie Lian didn’t realise he would be consigning both of them to learning how to be alone. Maybe it threw him off a little, before he observed his friend in that new quiet, steady way of his. It dawned on him that he didn’t mind this new Feng Xin. One that wasn’t a quiet shadow but was the Sun himself, demanding attention when he spoke and drawing everyone around him with his gravitational pull. One that people seek out advice and counsel from, respected and admired as the brilliant Martial God he became. A Feng Xin that was a leader in his own right, with an assortment of deputies he doted on relentlessly, who loved him fiercely and were just as loyal Feng Xin was. That when Xie Lian sent his friend from his side, Feng Xin found an opportunity to become so much more than just his right hand. And maybe in the dead of night, when thoughts of that time hunt him through his dreams, Xie Lian can find some comfort in that something good had come from it after all.
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dokidokitsuna · 7 months
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Fantasy Seal- Incident Resolvers
-I decided to go with the throwing needles as Reimu’s (first) phantom weapon. I’ve just always liked them; they feel like such a unique part of her arsenal, and it makes sense for her to start with a weapon similar to Sakuya’s knives, since he’s the first person she learns from.
-I love it when an anime cast has a variety of school uniforms; it’s such an underrated design choice. ^^ And in this case, it gives me a chance to put the characters in designs with more obvious references to the canon.
-Sakuya’s younger brothers are possessed by a mysterious pair of vampires, who also seem to be siblings in Gensokyo. Most of their ‘incidents’ are fairly harmless pranks involving weather phenomena, doppelgangers, and destruction of private property.
-Remi is the older twin, with a cold and calculating personality. Of the two, he is much more purposeful about embarrassing Sakuya and making their incidents an inconvenience to him specifically.
-Flandre is the younger twin, who is moody and sharp-tongued, but quiet most of the time. He’s a bit of a pushover, and tends to go along with what either of his older brothers tell him to do…unless he gets angry, at which point he becomes very difficult to reason with.
-Sakuya has a bit of an unfortunate dynamic with his brothers (which I’ve definitely only thought about a normal amount): basically, he spoiled them with constant attention for far too long, and now that he’s getting older and doesn’t have that kind of time anymore, they resent him and try to get back at him for “ignoring” them…a development that happened to neatly coincide with the discovery of their powers. The end result is a trio of characters who love each other deeply but simultaneously make each others’ lives hell…so, just a normal sibling rivalry, pretty much. ^^
-Is this actually ‘Sanae’ (as in, not just the name of this representation of the character, but the actual same character with the same backstory)....??? I’m still a little undecided, but I’m leaning towards ‘yes’. ^^ I just think she fits well into this AU the way she is, as someone who’s canonically a human descendant of a god– only in this case, since Gensokyo isn’t a place she can move to, she instead becomes a bridge between the ‘fantasy phase’ and ‘material phase’, who can mediate between the two layers of reality and teach others to do the same.
-Plus, she’s older now! I love aging up characters!! :D Cool old ladies for the win!!!
-Meanwhile, a real incident is brewing at the local university…
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slippinmickeys · 4 months
Prompt: the first time Mulder and Maggie meet in Proof of Life verse (obvs no pressure if you don’t fancy this but I’ve been wondering what she’d make of him once she found out about what happened in room 1055)
Mulder stands on the stoop, holding a bowl of pasta salad with plastic wrap pulled tightly over the top. Scully looks up at him with a nervous smile and presses the button to ring the doorbell. From inside the house comes the sound of a vintage Miami-Carey Westminster chime, muffled by wood and drywall and insulation. Mulder hasn’t been in the US for almost three years, and suddenly he feels launched back into the patrician hallway of his childhood home. But it is Scully’s mother who opens the door, who pulls her daughter into a tight hug. She then turns to Mulder, giving him a long, assessing look. 
“Mom, this is Fox Mulder,” Scully says, pressing her lips together. 
Mulder awkwardly shifts the bowl to the crook of an arm and holds out his hand for a handshake. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Scully,” he says. 
Margaret Scully gives his hand a brief, polite squeeze and takes a step back. “Come in,” she says. “Please.”
The table is covered in classic red gingham, citronella candles guttering in a breeze that curls around the back of the house and through the flowering dogwood trees that are planted beside the garage. The meal is largely over, having hummed along with small talk that waxes and wanes with occasional awkwardness. Though Scully has talked about her family at length, Mulder is still categorizing who these people are; how they fit into his life, and where he fits into theirs. 
“So you were embedded with the 41st?” Bill Scully Jr. asks him, his arm around the back of his chair, his posture artificially lackadaisical. 
“And the 103rd,” Mulder answers. 
In front of them are the remains of an elegant picnic lunch; a pitcher half full of lemonade, salt and pepper shakers, two leftover ears of corn beginning to wrinkle in the shade of Mrs. Scully’s back yard. On the plate in front of him are the oily remains of a charbroiled hamburger and a glob of potato salad he couldn’t bring himself to finish. 
“They saw some shit,” Bill says, a little bit of challenge in his voice. 
“Bill,” Margaret Scully says lightly, scolding him for language. 
Mulder glances at her and turns back to the man. 
“We did,” he says. He might not have been fighting next to the troops he was embedded with, but he saw all the same horrible things they saw.
Bill gives him a tight nod, and Mulder thinks he’s maybe won Scully’s brother’s approval. Or at least they’ve dispensed with the lekking ground enmity of their first 90 minutes. 
“He doesn’t do that anymore,” Scully says from beside him. She’s sitting up straight, and tilts her chin up at her brother. 
“What are you doing now, Fox?” Tara asks from next to Bill. Her voice is bright and conciliatory. 
“Wildlife photography,” he says simply. 
“I’m sure that’s a big change,” Tara says. “Is it as peaceful as it sounds?”
“It’s nice shooting something that doesn’t shoot back,” he says. 
He hadn’t meant to distress anyone, but Mrs. Scully swallows audibly and puts a hand to her chest. Scully takes a deep breath and stands. 
“I’ll go cut the pie,” she says, standing from her seat and brushing her hand along Mulder’s arm. “Is the ice cream in the garage fridge, Mom?”
Margaret blinks several times and then nods. 
Tara stands as well. “We’ll clear the table. Bill?”
Mulder half rises to help, but Tara tells him to sit, and in a moment, it’s just him and Scully’s mother sitting at the outdoor table, songbirds calling to each other from the maple trees overhead. There is a long, awkward silence that stretches out between them, punctuated by cheerful chirps. Mulder doesn’t know what to say, unused to the social graces of family dynamics. Finally, Mrs. Scully rescues him. 
“Dana seems to be doing well?”
Mulder feels a small smile lift his cheeks. “She’s happy,” he says softly. “We’re happy.”
The woman nods, a long, slow, drawn out gesture. 
“For a long time, she wasn’t,” Margaret finally says. So this isn’t polite small talk. It’s something else entirely. 
“And you’re together now, the two of you?” she goes on.
Mulder’s eyes find his lap. He isn’t sure what to say to that. Perhaps the woman is looking for reassurance that he won’t intentionally hurt her daughter after everything she’s been through. If she wants to be upfront and open, he can be too.
“Dana means more to me than anyone will ever know,” he says thickly, looking up to meet the woman’s eye. “I’ll never leave her.” He holds her gaze. “Never.”
The emotions swirling on Margaret Scully’s face are varied and intense. She reaches up to pull on her earring and seems to settle on determined. 
“Then where were you?” she says with a slight tremble of emotion. “Where were you when she came home? She went to a place so dark I feared we couldn’t get her out.”
It’s not necessarily a time he likes to think about. “With respect, Mrs. Scully, I went to that place too.” 
Her face immediately registers regret. “Of course. Of course you did, my apologies.” 
“There’s no need to apologize,” he says, reaching for his glass of lemonade, which bites at the back of his throat when he swallows. 
She takes a deep breath and sits up straighter, holding both hands together and putting them in her lap. 
“Nevertheless. I’m sorry, Fox,” she goes on. “I’m still dealing with everything that happened. It was a hard time.”
“It was hard for everyone,” Mulder agrees, more earnest and honest than he’s been with anyone other than Scully. Her mother loves Dana as fiercely as he does. 
“It’s just that…you were and seem to still be her only lifeline. And I found out about what you were to her on TV.”
Her honesty is straightforward and he feels a connection begin to form between the two of them. “The interview?” he asks.
He sighs, remembering. “I think that interview gave Dana a chance to communicate what she needed to with everyone that was important to her.”
“You think that was her cry for help?”
“I think it was her call to arms,” he says. 
From inside the house, Mulder can hear the gentle clamor of dishes being moved around the kitchen and then Tara’s high, friendly laugh. A bumblebee buzzes lazily over the table, pausing briefly over Mulder’s lemonade before moving off into the yard. 
Margaret Scully looks at him with an emerging respect. She softens and leans forward. “Were you able to get help? After?”
Mulder thinks of his time in Paris. “I was able to reach a place of peace,” he says after a long moment. 
Margaret nods thoughtfully. “Did you have someone to help you?” 
There was Langly. There was Asuka. He gives her a gentle nod. “In a manner of speaking.”
The older woman reaches for her own glass and shakes the ice loose before taking a long drink. “Ethan was…” she starts.
At the name, Mulder pulls back a bit. He remembers the moment he saw the man on the base TV. The way his stomach dropped. He’s never told anyone about it other than Scully. He has to give her mother credit for talking about hard things. It’s something neither he nor Scully are necessarily good at. 
“Ethan was no help,” Mrs. Scully finishes. “I suspect their relationship was done long before Dana was…before you were…before,” she finishes somewhat lamely. 
Mulder merely nods, somewhat stoically.
“What must you both have gone through,” Mrs. Scully says thickly, shaking her head. “I can’t imagine what it must have been like in that hotel room.”
Mulder returns his gaze to her, and after a moment, she looks embarrassed. Margaret Scully knew about her daughter’s miscarriage. She knows what they did in the hotel room, but perhaps not all of what they were to each other.
How to tell her? Mulder thinks. How to tell Dana Scully’s mother that in the dark winter of that prison, her daughter was the ultimate apricity. That he found his salvation in her arms, in her mind, in her quim. The coarseness of the revelation makes it no less true. Without the love they’d found in each other, neither would have survived. 
“Things there were…simple. Barring everything else… things were simple,” he says. 
Mrs. Scully nods at him sadly. 
“And we got out,” he says with finality. 
At this, the older woman’s eyes mist over and she leans forward, reaching for his hand. He has to lean toward her to bridge the gap, but her small hand gives his a hard, reassuring squeeze. They have reached an understanding that will last through all of their days, Mulder knows this somehow, fundamentally. 
The moment, though significant, is brief. The sliding door opens and Tara comes out, followed by Bill and Scully, each of them with small plates in their hands gobbed high with cherry goop and bright white clouds of ice cream.
“Who’s ready for pie!” Tara calls out. 
Plates are passed out and everyone retakes their seats with loud scrapes of metal chairs being pulled across concrete paving stones. 
“Shit, I forgot the forks!” Bill says the moment he’s finally pulled up to the table, and he pops back up. 
“Bill!” Margaret scolds, though with a smile. 
Scully, who had clocked the handhold of her mother and Mulder when she came out the door, holds Mulder’s gaze as she sits down. And, ignoring Tara’s chatter and Bill bumping the table and her mother asking if anyone needs another napkin, Scully slowly leans in and presses her lips to Mulder’s. The world turns, as does everything in it, arcing towards chaos. Arcing towards light.
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cloudlessly-light · 1 year
Hi. I don’t know if it’s your thing but can you consider writing about Emily being Aarons freeuse girl. Like it’s his birthday and her gift for him is unlimited sex for whole day. But we all know that Hotch is too sweet so he uses this access to give her a lot of pleasure. Thanks 😊
Title: No need to take it slow Summary: Aaron hates getting gifts, so each year when his birthday comes around Emily gives him the gift of herself Word Count: 3,6k Rating: Explicit Warnings: Smut, freeuse, power dynamics, oral, anal, multiple orgasms, overstimulation mentions of sex toys, mentions of abuse
Aaron had never really liked celebrating his birthday, disliked receiving gifts even more. It had started when he was still a child. Birthdays and holidays usually overlooked because of his father’s drunken antics or loud fights as his mother placed herself between himself and his father’s fist. When he got older he was the one who took the beatings, protected his mother and Shawn from the anger of his dad.
So Aaron didn’t like celebrating his birthday.
Emily however, loved birthdays, loved to celebrate the people she loved and to shower them in gifts. It was an adjustment when they first got together, Emily taking him out to a fancy restaurant and handing him a wrapped gift with a smile. She could see his unease almost instantly, even though he loved the watch she had bought, wore it every day, there was a tension in his jaw that was rarely there when they were together.
The same thing happens the year after that, but this time Emily can’t keep her mouth shut.
“What’s wrong?” She asked as he stroked over the expensive silk of the tie he had just unwrapped. “You don’t like it?”
“No I do.” He assured her, his hand quickly taking hers and giving it a squeeze. “I’m just… Not used to gifts.” He lies and he can see that she doesn’t believe him, one of her eyebrows arching high on her forehead.
“Honey,” She sits a little closer to him on the couch. “don’t lie to me please.”
He sighs, eyes fitting over her face. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but for some reason he felt like he was letting her down.
“I love the tie, I really do.” He kisses her softly. “But I don’t like getting gifts, I never have.” The way her shoulders slump slightly makes him want to take it back.
“Oh.” She says, her cheeks tinting pink in embarrassment because she didn’t know and she should have known. She thinks back on what he’s told her about his childhood, flashes of him ignoring questions about his birthday at work, how he never really allowed anybody to buy him anything, didn’t really accept any kind of gift except something handmade from Jack. “I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t apologize.” He brushes his thumb over her cheek.
“I feel like an idiot.” She chuckles dryly, the sound catching in her throat.
“Stop, no.” This time his voice is a little firmer, his hand squeezing hers again. “I should have told you last year.”
Emily shakes her head and then offers him a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“You told me now.” She stood up from the couch and dragged him with her. “But don’t think you’re getting out of birthday sex.” This time the smile on her face is genuine, any awkwardness gone as quickly as it came.
“Now that, I’ll never say no to.” He grins and pulls her into a kiss. “We’re okay right?”
“Honey, it’ll take more than you not liking gifts for you to get rid of me.” She teases against his lips, her arms looping around his neck to keep him close.
The year after she doesn’t buy him anything, but instead spends the day screwing him until he literally couldn’t anymore.
“Now that is how I’d like to spend every birthday.” He joked through harsh breaths and she smiled brightly. They were sweaty and exhausted and Emily could see that the tension that had been there previous years, was now nowhere to be found.
And she got an idea.
“Have you ever heard of freeuse?” She asked and she saw his eyebrow arch and a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Like… the sexual term?” He asked and she nodded. “Doesn’t that mean that you pretty much get free reign to do whatever you want to your partner even if their partner isn’t up to it?”
“Yeah, within set limits.” She grinned even wider and moved so she straddled him. “What do you say, that every year for your birthday, I’d be your freeuse girl, 24 hours of my sole purpose being there for every sexual need you have?”
Aaron looked up at his fiancé, naked on top of him, and he thought that he should be awarded for even managing to listen to what she was saying. But he couldn’t deny that the idea was intriguing, more than intriguing if he was being completely honest.
“What do you say honey?” She rolled her hips and felt him react against her.
“There will be set rules, boundaries, we need to talk more about it.” His hands fell to her hips and she nodded in agreement. Then she leaned down, let her hair curtain around them as she kissed him.
“Talk later.” She mumbles against his lips. “Right now I want to ride you.”
Really, how was Aaron supposed to argue with that?
So they talked, set firm limits of what they refused to do, tried a couple of test days to see if Aaron could be comfortable using Emily in that way and to see that Emily felt comfortable being used. It turned out they both loved it and it became something they both looked forward to every year as his birthday approached.
Emily woke up to something nudging at her lips and she stirred.
“Open up.” Aaron’s voice cut through the silence and she opened her eyes to find him kneeling beside her on the bed, cock in hand. Her eyes flittered to the clock behind him on the nightstand, it read 12:00 am, it was officially his birthday.
She rearranged her body on the bed, turned slightly and leaned on one elbow so he could fuck her face easer. Her mouth opened and she stuck her tongue out and he immediately pushed forward. His low groan made her own body feel heated as his shaft moved over her tongue, quickly poking at the back of her throat.
Her hand wrapped around his base, her wrist twisting as she continued to suck him eagerly. His fingers wrapped in her hair, moved her head in time with his thrusting hips as he continued to groan above her. His dark eyes didn’t leave her face, even as they were glazed over with arousal as he watched his wife dutifully do what she was made to do.
“That’s it.” He encouraged her as she swallowed around him, tears starting to fall from her eyes as she gagged repeatedly on him. “That’s it, sweetheart.” When he pulled back she gasped for air, took a couple of breaths before he was back in her mouth, precum leaking from his tip.
Emily moved her hand from his base to gently cup his balls, let one nail softly drag over them and he shivered, hips stuttering.
“Fuck, Em.” His hand tightened in her hair, hips rutting against her face as she choked on him. He pulled back only for her to swirl her tongue around his tip and then took him all the way down her throat again with a low moan. She pulled lightly on his sack, moaned again just because she knew he loved the vibrations against him.
She was proven right when he all but growled her name, hips jerking as his balls tightened. Her wide eyes were trained on him, on how he swallowed hard, his jaw clenching and unclenching, abs tensing, the hand not in her hair gripping the headboard so hard she was amazed that it didn’t break. When he came it was with a sound that made her clit throb, the low groans turning louder as he spurted salty cum on her waiting tongue. She pulled back enough to make sure that she swallowed all he had, her lips wrapped around his tip as she jerked his shaft, her saliva aiding her movements until he let go of her and fell back against the bed with a breathless chuckle.
“Happy birthday, honey.” She whispered against his ear as she pressed against his side.
“Happy birthday to me.” He kissed her, tasted himself on her lips with a sound of contentment. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
She wakes up before him, which was rare. Quietly she dresses in the red lingerie he had decided on, the lace and silk soft against her body and then she sneaks downstairs and puts on the coffee and fixes them both some breakfast. She puts on some music, hums along to the songs as she pours coffee into his favorite mug. When she turns Aaron is standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed as he watches her.
“Morning.” His voice was raspy, like always in the morning.
“Good morning, breakfast is almost done.” She turned back to the counter, ready to flip the French toast in the pan when she feels him behind her, hands on her waist.
“Good, I’m hungry.” His lips are soft against her skin, tongue licking over her neck as his hands roam over her body. “Don’t burn it.” He mutters as Emily leans into his touch, momentarily forgetting the task at hand.
Her hand was shaking when she flipped one of the French toasts, Aaron’s hand moving from her waist and into her panties. His fingers were rough as he circled her clit with lips tugged into a grin at feeling how wet she was. He kept an eye on her, made sure she didn’t burn herself when she flipped the second toast and then pushed two fingers inside of her, making her moan softly.
His fingers moved through her, flexing and pressing against the spots he knew made her knees weak as she tried to focus on not burning their food. She just barely managed to get the toast onto plates before she completely gave up on everything that wasn’t him. His stubble scratched against her skin, the hand that wasn’t between her legs were on her chest, pulling down her bra enough to tug on her nipples.
When she came she was gripping the counter so hard her knuckles were white, her head falling back against his shoulder as her legs gave out. She knew that if it weren’t for Aaron she would have fallen to the floor, the pleasure making her entire body shake in his hold.
She had barely regained control over her limbs when he pulled his hands away from her and his fingers pressed between her parted lips.
“Clean me up.”
She sucked herself from his fingers, mind hazy when she looked back at him. Once he was satisfied he nodded and stepped back from her. He grabbed the plates and carried them to the table, gave Emily a moment to gather herself before she grabbed the mugs of coffee and placed them on the table too.
They made it through breakfast before Aaron was on her again, simply bending her over the table as she was getting ready to clean it off. His cock was always a stretch, and she gasped in surprise when he pushed inside of her. He rubbed her clit with one hand while the other pressed against the small of her back, keeping her in place as he fucked her hard and deep.
“Such a good plaything for me to use, always so ready.” He groaned behind her and Emily whimpered in response. There was no doubt that she always enjoyed this, probably more than he did to an extent.
“Oh fuck…” She grunted as he picked up his pace, the table jolting with his forceful thrusts. She knew she’d be bruised from the how the edge of the table dug into her, knew that she’d press against them with nothing but a fond smile in the next couple of days. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”
“Not gonna stop until you’re all filled up sweetheart.” He rutted against her, forced her to feel all of him and she hissed. “You take me so well.”
It wasn’t long before she was coming with a loud cry of pleasure, her body spasming as he fucked her through it, fingers turning gentle against her clit. She slumped on the table, loud moans turning into softer whimpers as he continued to move behind her.
She knew that as much as they used this day for Aaron’s pleasure, he would take the day to make her fall apart as many times as possible, her pleasure an ego boost to him. It didn’t surprise her that he made her come one more time, fingers insistent on her swollen clit and hips strong as he thrust against the spot only he had been able to find before he gave in to his own pleasure.
He groaned loudly as he came inside of her, spilling his release as deep inside of her as he could, hands gripping her hips hard enough to bruise pale skin.
“Fuck, I love filling you up, sweetheart.” He mumbled, lips soft against her spine as he pressed a couple of kisses against her sweaty skin.
“Me too.” She sighed happily, then moaned as he slipped out of her and made sure her panties covered her again.
“I’m going to shower, why don’t you join me?” He took her hand and she nodded into a kiss.
“Let me just put the dishes in the washer, I’ll be quick.”
He made her two more times in the shower, his tongue buried inside of her as water cascaded down around them. Once she could stand again he continued to run his hands all over her body, teasing nipples and pressing against bruises, new and old as she washed them both off.
After the shower she put on the new lingerie set that he had laid out, a pink set that he knew she’d never wear unless he told her too. The cups were tiny, her breasts spilling over the fabric and the matching panties were crotchless. It helped with the fantasy for both of them and Emily smiled at her own reflection. He would love it.
Aaron had gone to the store, buying groceries for dinner and she took advantage of having a little while alone. She knew that he’d want her every way he could, so she prepared herself with an anal plug, lubed it up and put it inside of her to be ready for when he inevitably wanted her ass.
She was proven right when he came home and immediately sought her out after putting the food away, finding her in their bedroom reading. He quickly rid himself of his clothes and climbed on top of her, throwing her book onto the floor.
“Spread your legs.” He muttered between kisses and she easily spread her thighs wide apart, the metal end of the plug revealed to him. He grinned and pulled it out and then reached for the lube on the nightstand. When he pushed inside her ass it wasn’t slow or careful and Emily hissed in pain but a look between them let him know that it was okay.
He started to fuck her with long strokes, his eyes fastened on the way she stretched open for him. Emily’s sounds of slight discomfort quickly changed to moans of pleasure, her slick shining on her skin between her legs. Aaron sat back slightly on his heels and pushed two fingers inside of her, making her cry out loudly.
“You love being filled up like this, don’t you?” He whispered as he moved his hips and fingers in tandem.
“Yes!” She arched, eyelids drifting closed as Aaron wrenched pleasure from her body. “Baby, please…”
Aaron chuckled, the sound breathless and low as he watched her fall over the edge in record time. He groaned as she squeezed around his fingers and cock, her body trembling, clearly already exhausted and it wasn’t even noon yet. When she relaxed he pulled out and flipped her around, fucking her harder as she continued to moan and gasp into the bed.
He came with a punched-out groan, his own release hard and heavy as he doubled over her body. When he felt like he could move he fell beside her on the bed and quickly pulled Emily into his arms.
“Guess we’re going to have to shower again.” She mumbled into his neck and he nodded.
“In a minute baby.” He kissed her forehead and then stamped a kiss to her lips.
By the time they were having dinner, Emily had lost track of how many orgasms she’d had, her entire body aching in the most delicious way. Her body was littered with bruises, hickeys and bitemarks, so was his, she realized as she looked at him across from her.
“What?” He asked with a teasing grin in between bites of his steak.
“Nothing, just thinking that you’re going to have to be careful tomorrow when Jack is home and on Monday at the office, especially with the scratch marks on your arms.” She smirked right back, eyes lingering on a mark on his arm.
There was something in the darkness of her eyes, something in the flush on her cheeks and Aaron felt the familiar feeling of want stir low in his abdomen.
“On your knees under the table.” He said and Emily immediately put her utensils down and crawled under the table. She helped him out of his slacks and then wrapped her lips around his half hard cock as Aaron continued to eat his dinner. He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy her warm mouth around him.
“Ride me.” He told her later that night, the movie they had decided to watch had barely started before his hand was between her thighs.
Emily could feel every muscle in her body protesting but she quickly straddled his lap anyway, eager to please him. She sunk down on him with a whimper, her center swollen and aching as she started to move above him.
“Good girl.” He muttered, he could see the discomfort on her face, but they had been through this before and as long as Emily didn’t use her safeword he knew she was good to continue, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t want to make sure.
“I’m okay.” She said before he even had the chance to ask her and he relaxed. He leaned into the backrest of the couch, his head falling back as he watched her through hooded eyes as she rode him.
He let her set the pace, only pushing up to meet her hips once she found a rhythm. He planted his feet on the floor, fucked up into her as she rocked her hips against his with breathy moans falling from her lips. After a few minutes his hand moved to grip her hips and he started to thrust harder into her, a satisfied grunt sounding in his chest as Emily’s entire body jerked with the motion.
“Take it, that’s right take it.” He mumbled as he chased his release.
Emily let him use her body to get off, felt his movements get more and more uncoordinated as he groaned filth in her face. When he came she whimpered, the heat of him intense in her swollen skin. She stayed still until his hands turned softer on her body and his eyes opened to look at her. Once he nodded she moved back to her original place on the couch beside him, a soft sigh leaving her when his heavy hand found its way to her thigh again.
Emily was brushing her teeth when he came up behind her and she was honestly amazed that he could still get hard. He didn’t say anything as he pushed his already lubed cock against her ass, a deep growl sounding in his throat when he popped into her ass for the second time that day. She took him easier this time, her toothbrush falling into the sink as he started to fuck her with lazy pumps of his hips.
His eyes were on hers in the mirror, one hand moving to hold her jaw to keep her eyes on him and the other moved between her legs to rub her clit. She whined at the stimulation, her thighs squeezing shut and he gave her a warning look in the mirror. It was another second before she relaxed, let him drag gentle circled over her sensitive clit.
“Jesus Christ…” She mumbled, toothpaste still at the corner of her mouth as he kept her pinned against the counter.
“Just stand there and take it baby.” He whispered against her ear. He continued to move with slow strokes, the day finally taking its toll on him. It didn’t surprise him that he felt his orgasm build quickly, his body oversensitive too. He smirked when he somehow dragged another orgasm from her, the sound in her throat sounding more pained than pleasured as her eyes closed tightly, the flush on her skin that never really seemed to disappear only enhancing as she trembled.
The additional squeezing of her around him caused him to orgasm too and he grunted quietly against her neck, his teeth digging into soft skin. He didn’t move from her until he was slack, wordlessly turning the shower on again and then helped Emily inside as she stood on unsteady legs.
They showered quickly, sated and tired as they finished getting ready for bed. By the time they were climbing under the covers it was almost midnight, Aaron’s birthday officially coming to an end.
“Happy birthday, honey.” She mumbled, the words the same as they had been 24 hours earlier and he smiled into her neck. He had always hated his birthday, but Emily had most certainly changed that.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
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🪷 - fav/least fav ship: give me a fandom - Scream, Criminal Minds, stranger things
Congratulations again 👏🥳
thank you so much!!
fav ship: billy and stu
they’re so perfect together. i love their dynamic, and how utterly crazy they are when they’re together. i wholeheartedly believe they were together in the movie. i mean just look at how stu looks at billy. they were in love, case in point.
least fav ship: amber and richie
i feel like this needs no explanation, but i shall talk about it anyways. richie is an adult. amber is in high school. even if she’s eighteen, richie is at least five years older than her, if not more. that’s disgusting and disturbing and i hate richie so fucking much. even if amber was already crazy, he still manipulated and groomed her, which is not okay.
criminal minds:
fav ship: jj and will
i love these two together so much. i love how much will helps to ground jj, and their bond is just so precious. i love them together and i will always love them together, they’re just so perfect for each other.
least fav ship: morgan and garcia
okay, so i love these two together, but strictly platonically. they have the best character dynamic in the show, and i love these two together so much, but only as best friends. i don’t really understand why people would ship them romantically, specifically because the basis of their relationship is platonic. they’re definitely my favorite ship friend wise, but just not romantically like at all.
stranger things:
fav ship: steve and eddie
i love steve and eddie together. they have such a unique dynamic and a shared parenthood over the kids, especially dustin. the way they look at each other, the tension between them is there. they would just be so cute together, and if eddie didn’t die, i wholeheartedly believe they would’ve ended up together, with dustin probably being the one to make them realize their feelings for each other.
least fav ship: mike and eleven
i feel like a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but i hate mike and eleven together. in seasons one and two, they were great. it was cute and heartwarming and they just seemed like they fit. but then we have mileven in seasons three and four. the relationship gets hella toxic, and mike is weirdly controlling and possessive. it just doesn’t work at all anymore. i feel like they should’ve stayed broken up after el dumped him in season three, and i think the only reason they were pushed back together is because of the diehard mileven shippers who would’ve went ballistic if they stayed broken up.
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mabzgonmad · 6 months
Agent Phoenix head canons (real not fake but cringe)
Hi tumblr. This is my first text post don’t make fun of my poor outlining 💔
ok so i feel i should section this i have a lot to say
hopefully this is entertaining..btw a lot of this is based on my own personal actions when playing as the Phoenix also I’m not completely set on a lot of these
- kinesium and communication
-communication generally
-sexuality / gender
-relationships (still not 100% on these)
Kinesium and Communication
We should note that Phoenix (gonna call him AP from now on for simplicity sake) is completely mute minus a few noises such as coughing or gasping.
Also note that Roxana Prism doesn’t even know the full power that kinesium can have when harnessed by a person such as AP. (We know this from her remark of shock at the very end of IEYTD 3)
The agency being full of people with kinesium in there head giving them the ability to use telekinesis means all of them are connected in a way. AP is able to use the connection of all the kinesium to communicate telepathically with anyone in the agency. The first time they did this is was to The Handler on one of their early missions. They had no idea they could do it and actually they were calling handler a bad name. Once the handler just heard a voice in his head replying to what he said to AP he thought he was going crazy. AP didnt know how they did it and they eventually sat down with handler and they figured it out. AP eventually was able to regularly reply to the handler during missions and communicate with more ease to fellow agency members.
Outside of people with kinesium in their brains, AP uses sign language. Though they will only do this if they absolutely need to talk to someone outside of the agency. When it comes to Zor members they will refuse to reply to them at all. They will make rude hand gestures or faces in response, no coherent replies to anyone.
This is with exception to Dr.Prism. They regularly tried to reason with or converse with her specifically in Mission KBOOM. Dr.Prism doesn’t have kinesium in her head (i think?) so they used sign language to talk to her. She would know ASL because i think id be agency policy for the sake of deaf agents and AP.
Example of AP using sign to communicate. (I think here, they didnt want handler to know their reply but wanted to reply… by thinking of responding to handler he accidentally let him know what they said.. lol)
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Sexuality and Gender
I don’t think AP would care enough to consider labeling their own gender or sexual orientation.
But they know they don’t identify with any gender and are gender less but do not mind being called “he”
So in simple terms they use They/He pronouns
As for sexuality, they like someone romantically once in a blue moon, and even then they arent very expressive about it. They knows from his like maybe 3 crushes in their life, they like whatever and whoever as long as they fit his type (No clue what his type is!! Probably;y more masculine people low key. Men kisser.)
They look like this to me 😍
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Gorgeous ain’t he?
Bullet points for here bc im getting lazy
they’re bestie baes! Honestly best buds! They’d kill for each other !
-John Juniper
any conversation between them would be full of “KYS” “NO YOU KYS!!”
enemies to besties basically
-Dr Zor
violent and evil dynamic happening here. Nothing but hatred between these two.
I care not for thinking about anymore or any other characters!
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vierrel41n · 3 months
The way the dynamics between men and women are portrayed in popular media genuinely makes me so uncomfortable. I could talk about a lot of things
1. The “harmless nerd” trope
In which the man who is usually a social reject (like a nerd or just a quiet kid) engages in stalking and/or persistent pestering of the woman. Ex. Watching her with binoculars through windows, taking pictures without her permission, constantly making romantic advances towards her despite her clearly telling him NO, and so much more. And such behaviour are portrayed as sympathetic or not as creepy as they should be, why? Well he’s a nerd, there’s no way he could do any REAL harm! And in the end, the stalker is almost always rewarded for it in the end by “getting the girl”.
One thing I find really gross is how the movie will show the boys watching the girl in her home and for some reason they’ll have the girl performing strip tease for nobody in her own home?? Like she’s performing FOR the guys watching her and for the people watching the movie. You can obviously tell when the director is a man in these things.
An example of such behaviour is Leonard from the Big Band Theory. While he didn’t really stalk her he just wore her down until she finally agreed to date him. And another thing comes to mind was when they spoke about having kids and she told him she doesn’t want kids but he wasn’t happy about that. Eventually they did end up going through with it I just find it so weird and uncomfortable how the narrative constantly rewards him and all the other guys for their horrible behaviour.
2. The childish girl trope
Okay I think this is moreso a thing in anime but I really hate how the mannerisms, facial expressions, and even the voice of women in anime are meant to sound so akin to children? It’s so weird. And it’s even weirder how they sexualize it.
Like you’ll have girls who are explained by the narrative to be high school age to literal adults and you’ll have them acting like children and in the same way have 700 shots of them shaking their boobas everywhere and I personally think this is really weird. First of all, why can you only find them attractive or dateable if they look and act like a child 🤨? That is VERY odd! Looking at Toradora specifically. Secondly, is it IMPOSSIBLE for you to write a female character who actually acts like a human being? And for the male characters in their lives to treat them as such as well?
Even worse when you see how the male characters are portrayed compared to the women. Male characters are usually written to fit their actual age, they’re drawn to look their age, and others treat them like people too. They’re also usually taken more seriously in universe and by the fans. Girl characters on the other hand are portrayed in ways that are purposefully made to be appealing to guys which apparently means making them seem as young as possible??? And they’re often usually taken less seriously by the narrative and by the fanbase. Like I can’t count how many times I’ve seen guy characters peep at a female character or literally GROPE them and then the narrative plays it off as a joke. And more often than not, they face no repercussions and are also usually rewarded. I will expand on this in the next point.
This is why Studio Ghibli is superior.
You actually sometimes see things like this in western media too but I can’t think of any off the top of my head purely because I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore.
3. Women’s discomfort played off as jokes.
One of my favourite shoujo anime is Yumeiro Patissiere. I haven’t finished it yet but I do like it so far. HOWEVER there are a few scenes that genuinely made me so uncomfortable especially since this anime is marketed towards kids.
There was a scene in which the main character, Ichigo, goes with her classmates to deliver birthday cakes to some kindergarteners since it’s part of the school program. And while Ichigo is standing to the side watching as the kids get their cakes, a couple of the little boys (kindergarteners btw) flip up her skirt to peek. Obviously Ichigo is distraught by this and rightfully gets upset at them. Though the kids face no real repercussions, not even from their teacher who should tell them not to do stuff like that. And throughout the episode, the boys always refer to Ichigo as “strawberry panties” and make rude remarks to her regarding that.
Normally, I shouldn’t have to tell people that things like this are obviously morally wrong but I told someone online this since he kept on saying “it’s not a big deal” and after I said it, he replied “I’m not reading allat just don’t watch it then” 😐
Now such things are extremely common in anime and even in figurines of franchises where the woman is obviously distressed by someone trying to peek at her and it’s just seen as comedic or God forbid “hot”. And as usual, the perpetrator faces no repercussions.
An example I can think of in western media is in the Big Bang Theory where the guys made a robot thingy with a camera and Howard used it to peek up Penny’s skirt. All the guys were aware of it and all that was said about it was “you might wanna wear pants” or something idk. And then a laugh track. And when Penny finally goes off at Howard, as she should, somehow she’s in the wrong and Leonard comvinces her to apologize to him. Why should his fragile ego be prioritized over her literally being treated as a human being?
4. Sexualization of people who don’t want to be sexualized
I think this goes for most women generally though when I say this I mean women who are:
Police officers, nurses or doctors, veiling women like women who where hijabs or niqabs, nuns, flight attendants, firefighters for sole reason, even park rangers?
These are jobs in which women are constantly sexualized and harassed in workplace and society. Just search up “women’s police Halloween costume” or anything of the sort and see what’s there. You see it in films, in shows, everywhere.
But the one that really angers me are when women who dedicate themselves to modesty are sexualized. Like I said earlier, veiling women like hijabis and nuns. It’s the most disgusting and disrespectful thing ever. I see it more often with nuns. If they’re not depicted scary, they’re usually depicted as sexualized with outfits having slits in them or being body contour. Ugh it’s so gross. Literally nothing is off limits.
Don’t get me started on school girls. School uniforms are constantly sexualized in media and it’s genuinely worrying. Connecting this to my earlier point about how childish women are for some reason seen as more desirable, it’s concerning how much more women are portrayed as “sexy” the younger they appear in media. And it’s bleeding into real life too. I’ve seen plenty of stories where adults are disappointed when they find out the girl they’re talking to isn’t in middle school or something :(
Respectful portrayal of both genders really matters in media. Especially when a lot of media is catered towards children who are impressionable. People shouldn’t have to be told that things like this are also morally wrong in media as well but for some reason it needs to be said over and over.
I’ve left out quite a few things because this post would be too long if I kept going. But you can add onto the post if u want.
It’s late I’m gonna sleep gn.
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