#the farmer loves their livestock but they are still meat
canonkiller · 5 months
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"If you must kill me, do it with respect," said the cockatrice. "Look me in the eye, coward."
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obsessive-valentine · 7 months
hi i really love ur work can we have more yandere farmer content?
Dark-Yandere!Farmer x GN!Reader
What if darling found out about the farms dark secret, your kidnapper is much more cruel than you thought. TW Murder, Man-Eating Dogs, Throwing Up, very bad attempt at comfort (in-fact I wouldn’t call it an attempt at all -more like manipulation)
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He was up on one of the pastures again, like every afternoon, pushing a wheelbarrow -spreading hay for the animals. It amazed you that he pushed the bails around with seemingly little effort. Once the barrow was blocking the shed door that was filled with grain for the animals you wanted to feed.
So you went to push it out the way but because it had already been filled with a particularly large bail you almost broke your back trying. It was one of the few times he’d genuinely laughed. You turned to the sound of his amused laugh in shock and saw him jogging to you to move the wheelbarrow for you then letting out a final chuckle opening the shed door for you “sorry love, that was inconsiderate of me”
You know it still takes a lot of effort for him by the way he sweats and grunts and falls asleep the second his head hits the pillow at night, but he makes it seem like a small feat. You turned back to the not so small calf you were keeping company, his mother grazing close by but comfortable with your presence so as the calf who you were there for when he was born a few months ago.
You stroked his nose admiring the adorable creature and cooing at him, you knew you would only have a few more months with him before he was sold. There was no use for him on the farm as you’d been told “as much as I like the fella he’d only drain supplies for no gain” -so when he is old enough he’d be sold to another farmer for breeding purposes or meat.
Today was tranquil, but just thinking that seemed to have jinxed you. There are always a dog or two around, each having jobs on the farm. So it wasn’t out of the ordinary when one of the larger livestock dogs ran past you headed for the tree line in the distance but when it started barking frantically and holding its ground like it was trying to scare off something, you were afraid a wild animal had stalked to close.
Whatever was out there wasn’t leaving and the mother cow seemed increasingly distressed by the commotion. You looked over to the pasture he was working on last, to see him tense up and look over to the fuss. You looked back at the distant tree line and saw a figure emerging slowly trying to manuver around the dog growling and barking warningly.
As soon as the farmer noticed that it wasn’t a wild animal causing the commotion, he dropped the barrow and ran down the field before hoping the fence, he grabbed your wrist and so harshly pulled you behind him you thought your shoulder popped out of its socket.
“The hell you doing here!?” He hollered over to the person in the distance “Can’t you read the signs?!” .......................
“recall your dog, this is the only way through” the intruder finally spoke with a demand, the way his hand tightened around your arm you knew that only made him angrier. But he did just that anyways.
With a sharp whistle the guard dog backed up but still lowly growling “You ain’t coming through turn back around and find a different route” he wasn’t shouting anymore but his voice was eerily dark. “You’ve got to be kidding me, just let me through man” the plea sounded yet again demanding which didn’t bode well for him.
He turned to you not turning his back to the intruder but enough to mumble “Go inside, don’t get nosey just wait for me to get back” he then let go of your wrist and watched you cautiously walk off. A sense of impending doom loomed over the farm but you followed his orders anyways and closed the door behind you.
As soon as the door closed you heard the barking start back up just now much more, the rest of the farm dogs must have made their way over. You became increasingly afraid he wasn’t going to handle this dispute well because you failed to hear him try recall the dogs, all you could hear was the trespasser trying to reason with him.
Until you didn’t hear any talking anymore but instead illegible shouting and struggle, the dogs now sounding more like rabid animals than protectors. You felt weak and your legs shook as you walked into one of the front rooms to peak out the window. ‘Don’t get nosey’ the warning almost made you turn around but curiosity won.
And when you pulled back the curtain just enough to see across the yard, you were sickened. Bile raced up your throat and couldn’t bring yourself to scream or cry but rather just stand there in shock as you saw the dogs in the distance rip at flesh of the now dead trespasser. You were glad you couldn’t see it clearly because your sure you would have fainted.
Broken from your trance when you saw the farmer leave the dogs to it and begin walking towards the house, to you. You ran to the toilet and threw up whatever you had, and then dry heaved further when you heard him enter the house.
You flinched hard when a cold hand rested on your neck slowly and roughly massaging it as you gagged, coughed and sobbed over the toilet “what did I tell you about being nosey?” His voice condescending and irritated, but not angry like you’d expected it to be. You began to sob out an apology still on the floor hunched over the toilet, afraid he was going to punish you in some way, again.
But he interrupted you before you could get out a full sentence “Shut it- you’ve already scared yourself sick” he sighed you heard him shuffle behind you as he sat on the bathroom floor with you “come here” his blunt exasperated tone hadn’t left but his hand now gentle attempted to guided you into his arms.
The closeness to the murderer set you off in a deeper panic, instincts telling you to run if you didn’t want to end up like that trespasser. But when you hands flew out to keep some distance between you both, he grabbed your face with one hand “You don’t want to be in the shed do you? I believe you’ve punished yourself enough, don’t make me regret not punishing you further”. You shook you head desperately and dropped you hands utterly powerless against him.
“That’s what I thought, last warning” his hands became gentle once again, one on the back of your head and the other on your back you sobbed onto his shoulder. But wanting nothing more than to kick, scream and bite, but you heeded his warning.
He ungracefully washed your face by cupping cold water in his hand and wiping it over your face, patting it dry with a near by towel “Had you listened to me we could have avoided all this” he lectured “I’m going to put you to bed early, I’ll clean everything up and from now on you’ll let me handle these ...problems, without causing trouble”
He scooped you up and took you to the bed, he drew the curtains closed to block the sun light and pulled the covers over you “let’s hope you learned your lesson” He grumbled before closing the door.
No matter how much you settled back in, years after this incident, nausea would overcome you for a few moments whenever he tells you to not be ‘nosey’. A dread you can’t explain.
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Season to Taste - 2/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                “What is your name?”
                “Bradley Bradshaw.”
                Leandro blinks at him and he’s not sure if it’s the name or if they simply sound too similar to one another.
                “Hmm. I will call you Lee… like Leonardo. You like pizza too much. And you are American like turtles…”
                “Do you want me to wear an orange bandana while I’m at it?” Bradley jokes.
                Leandro laughs and pats his face.
                “Silly boy. Leonardo wears blue. Michaelangelo wears orange.”
…            …            …
                Filming has wrapped for the morning and he finally gets to walk around without a crew trailing his every step. They’re still taking shots, but they’re not filming him, which he is supremely grateful for because he wants to go back and actually do some proper shopping, not just the stuff for cooking later, but items he saw in passing and knew he wanted to go back and get. He has time. It’s a proper farmers market, there are even livestock for sale off to the side, although he’s been told that’s not every week, more like once a month. He walks without any direction, there are different avenues set up, some with raw produce, meats, baking, candles, soaps, art works and carved pieces of wood. Another with preserves and pickles, little wafers to the side so people can taste them. He takes his time and tries everything he can, loves places like this, everything so fresh and everyone so friendly. Even if they know who he is.
                He’d never imagined that his life would take this many twists any turns, that he’s now a celebrity chef, one everyone considers self-taught, despite the fact he insists that Leandro and Silvia taught him, along with the whole extended Gallo family and their friends. He’s got fifteen years of experience now, the last seven though being the wildest. He’d been spotted in the background of the show with the British celebrity. Sought out and asked if he’d do a little cooking segment, then they’d found out he could do it in multiple languages. He’d been popular. More popular than anyone had anticipated and then he’d been asked to do a longer running show.
                In amongst it all he’d ended up with an agent and a manager. Leandro and Silvia had sat him down and made him plan things out, made him call Ice and tell him. He still hasn’t spoken to Mav, and he knows he’s maybe being immature and holding a grudge but Mav hasn’t ever reached out himself, or apologized or, even better, explained. So, it is radio silence there and he knows that Ice is likely keeping Mav updated with his goings-on, but he is okay with that as long as Ice doesn’t push him to forgive him.
                He’s stepping back from a stall, thanking them when he bumps into someone, apology already on his lips when the other person is also apologizing.
                “No, my fault. Sorry.”
                “Both our faults then,” the man says, and he’s tilting a cowboy hat back and he’s got a fucking toothpick sticking out from the corner of his mouth. He’s also wearing a sinfully tight white t-shirt and tight jeans, which are either old and worn, or just doing a poor job at containing some very nice-looking thighs. Bradley licks his lips. There are other appetites he hasn’t indulged in a while either.
                “You from around here?”
                “Uh. No. Just here for work…” Bradley says, and he can see the guy trying to place him, figure out why he recognizes him. It’s happening more and more often now, people recognizing him in the street and out of context.
                “What’s your name?”
                “Um. Bradley Bradshaw.”
                He’s waiting for the flare of recognition at the name, but there’s nothing and it’s kind of a relief. He’s not quite that famous, not a household name quite yet although the marketing team are definitely working their hardest. He looks at the guys face again does a double take, there’s something about him though which is casting him back nearly a decade, he looks so familiar and the way he’s smiling…
                “And your name?”
                “Jake. Jake Seresin.”
                That is a hell of a coincidence. For him to also be called Jake. And Texan. He remembers the accent. Bradley imagines him nearly ten years younger, a buzz cut and baby faced…
                “You remind me of someone. You ever been to Italy?”
                It’s Jake’s turn to pull back, eyebrow raised and the toothpick does a little twist in and out of his mouth with his tongue and it’s kind of distracting but there is a slow roaming of his face, like he’s looking at Bradley the same way.
                “Yeah. I have. Why?”
                Jake is frowning now, clearly trying to remember what year it was, but Bradley is more and more sure the longer he looks his fill. This is his Cinderella… the one he’d always jokingly said had got away even though he hadn’t expected anything else that night.
                “Yeah… my first time there…”
…            …            …
                Jake steps back, raises his hand to cover the bottom half of the other man’s face, because the guy didn’t have a moustache, and there’s only one guy, one man, that could be asking. The night in question is seared in his mind, his first taste of freedom, his first kiss with a guy and also the overwhelming fear of doing anything more than kiss. And apparently, he’s grown a moustache and changed his name. Only one way to find out.
                “Yeah. Hi.”
                “Holy shit… Oh. You grew up good.”
                “So did you,” Leo (or is it Bradley?) replies, and his eyes show he’s clearly appreciative of how Jake looks. He’d liked Jake plenty all those years ago too. He also looks good, firm muscle and nice looking forearms and they’re both clearly checking each other out and there’s a little thrill fizzing through him because there isn’t any second-guessing his interest, no fear of getting punched for looking at him the wrong way.
                “This is a coincidence and a half. You here looking for me?” Jake asks, knows it’s unlikely but he’s still going to ask. Like he’s worth being hunted down across the world. Leo-Bradley throws back his head and laughs, looks at him and gives him another once over and Jake tries not to preen too much.
                “No. Not unhappy that I bumped into you though.”
                “Hmm,” Jake hums, lips and teeth continuing to play with the toothpick and Bradley’s eyes track the movement. “Neither am I. Although, can I ask why you’re using a fake name?” Leo-Bradley blinks, maybe confused and Jake isn’t an idiot. “Bradley Bradshaw? Really? Trying to sound more American?”
                “Well, you can call me Leo, but I am American and Bradley Bradshaw is the name on my birth certificate.”
                “No shit. Really?”
                “Yeah. Really.”
                “American. Huh. You had me fooled…” Jake murmurs, because he may have been trying to learn Italian for the last few years because of this man. Maybe.
                “I did live there for nearly a decade if it’s any consolation. Just travel quite a bit now. What are you doing here? Work?”
                “Yeah, my sisters are working me into the ground even though I’m on leave. But it’s nice being out in the wide-open space.”
                “I bet. What are you on leave from?”
                “I’m a naval aviator. What do you do?”
                Leo’s mouth drops open, but Jake has gotten used to telling the difference between someone being impressed and someone just being surprised. Leo is definitely more surprised than impressed though, his head shaking but he’s still standing close enough that Jake can feel the heat of his body.
                “What’s that look for? You got something against naval aviators all of a sudden?”
                The laugh that Leo lets out is pitched a little too high and Jake quirks an eyebrow up.
                “I don’t have a problem with it. I just… Shit. Small world I guess. My dad was a RIO in the Navy.”
                “Yeah? What does he do now?”
                “Uh. He died. When I was a kid.”
                “Oh shit. Sorry. Didn’t mean to put my foot in it,” Jake says, pulling a face.
                “It’s okay. You didn’t know. But just a heads up that my mom is dead too, so, maybe don’t ask about her either.”
                “Well. Thanks for the heads up. What is a safe topic of conversation?” Leo smirks and Jake lets out a bright laugh, the message received loud and clear, if the body language wasn’t all telling him the same thing. “So… What do you do for a job then?”
                Leo blinks at him, like he’s not used to such a run of the mill question.
                “I’m a chef.”
                “Cool. Then I look forward to you feeding me…”
                “Oh yeah, I think I can definitely manage that.”
                “Think you can manage a lot more than that.”
                “I’d like to give it a try…”
                “Hmm. Me too.”
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localtelephonebooth · 4 months
Here are my thoughts on the Pokémon wielder twink
Before you read: I did not proofread this. This is Tumblr. We ball. 
Since the recent update to Master Ex’s Mystery Stone storyline, there's been a small influx of people saying Volo abuses or is cruel to his Pokemon because he views them as “tools.” This is arguably wrong because he has so many Pokemon–Togepi, Budew, and Riolu (it can be argued Volo caught his Roserade and Lucario fully evolved, but I don’t think that changes the message of this post by much)–evolve via high friendship. I am not saying he does not treat his Pokemon as tools of sorts, but by no means is he abusive. I would argue that Volo treats his Pokemon like livestock, whereas trainers like Giovanni treat Pokemon as swords that need polishing. 
Farmers have to take good care of their animals to yield good produce. If you starve or beat your animals, the product the animal produces becomes poorer quality. As the saying goes: “A happy cow produces better milk.” I believe this logic can be applied to Pokemon as well. The better you care for your Pokemon, the stronger they are in battle. Volo more than likely understands this logic. Hence why his Togepi is quite happy. However, going back to the farmer analogy, it’s likely Volo views his Pokemon as end products. A farmer in the meat industry knows that their livestock will be sent to the abattoir. Does that mean they treat the livestock terribly because they're going to be slaughtered anyways? No. As discussed previously, treating animals terribly results in poorer quality product. It’s in everyone’s best interest to treat their animals well. Still, demands have to be met. In Volo’s case, the demand is reaching and potentially beating Arceus. I would not doubt that if a few of his Pokemon had to be sacrificed to reach this goal, he would do so without hesitation. That being said, Volo is not a cruel trainer. He’s just not treating his Pokemon as companions like the typical trainer.
Thanks for reading my post! Now, I want to state immediately that I am probably wrong on a few things. It’s possible I have completely misread the dynamic of Volo’s and his Pokemon. If I were to bring a counterpoint to my post, I would say Volo potentially treats his Pokemon like early man did with wolves. Early man domesticated wolves because they helped with hunting and other smaller jobs. The wolves, receiving food and protection, would stay alongside their human companion. I feel this matches the themes of Pokemon as a whole. It also explains why many of Volo’s Pokemon evolved from high friendship. Even if they’re “tools,” his Pokemon still work with him mutually. I feel this more strongly correlates with his sword and shield analogy, and his discussion on bonding through pure survival. Anyways, that’s all I have for now. I would love to hear everyone’s own opinions on Volo! He’s quite an interesting character who deserves more discussion.
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domesticated-feral · 1 year
small town AU where:
Scott and Melissa moved there after losing the house during the divorce and she's working at the rural clinic while he's working under Dr. Deaton.
Stiles is still the kid of a sheriff and the sheriff's department takes care of beacon hills as well as the surrounding other small towns in the county :)
Four words, Livestock Veterinarian Alan Deaton! Four more bonus words Livestock Veterinary Assistant Scott!!! A bunch of more words Deaton and Scott with cute little baby farm animals!!!!!!!!
(if i truly had the energy to do so, i would love to continue writing my livestock vet Scott + farmhand Stiles fic, but that's a different AU)
Derek Hale is a city kid turned farmhand on an old man's farm (the old man in question is Elias, Stiles' grandfather)(and to the question why is Stiles or his father working at the farm is because 1. Elias lets his son work as a sheriff because whatever and 2. Stiles is a walking disaster no way is he letting that boy in charge of farm chores nuh uh not even on a lazy almost fall summer day where there's not much than the usual morning feeding also 3. Derek was only hired after Elias accepted that he was not as young and capable as he used to be and Noah and Stiles put themselves in charge of finding a farmhand)(Derek was the only one to send in a reply to their job ad) and the farm primarily raises sheep for meat and wool but I'd like to think that after Derek started working there a few years back he'd regularly add in new animals every summer or so. Sometimes he'd raise poultry, sometimes it's a small drove of pigs, sometimes it's not even animals but just a crop of pumpkins and squash and tomatoes and cucumbers!!
Derek loves the sheep. He's a shepherd through and through.
Jackson is not a whittemore but a miller, except his parents just died a bit later into his life and he lives with the whittemores on their large scale hay farm where there's an added bonus (to me)! h o r s e s !!!!
(all of this is just a way for me to write my fav characters interacting with my longest running obsession of all time, horses)
Lydia's mother owns the town's bistro/bar, her father owns the lodge built next to it. It used to be a whole business but it split with the divorce but there's still the whole B&B package deal to this day as it's wayyyyy too popular to risk losing business by stopping it.
Allison moved there pretty recently and the guns business her family owns fits in pretty well with the need for safety of the farmer and their livestock from predators and also for the wild game hunters in the late summer through fall hunting season.
Scott and Lydia bonding over being two kids from a divorced family. Scott and Lydia bonding over having pet dogs (Roxy is alive and Prada and her are absolute besties). Scott and Lydia being partners in science projects. Scott and Lydia spending wayy too long staring into each others eyes than how much friends would. Scott and Lydia realizing they want to be more than friends.
Stiles spouting off cool animal facts that Scott 100% already knew but acts like he didn't because both of them are stupidly in love with each other.
Scott meeting Derek when on the job. He can't help but crush over Derek and his enthusiasm over regenerative agricultural practices.
Jackson trying to impress Scott and Stiles by trotting up and down the main street on his horse. (I live laugh love by my Scott/Stiles/Jackson agenda) He also gets his dad to bring his horse over to school so he can just ride on it back home, in hopes of impressing Scott and Stiles but Scott is too invested in Stiles animal facts that they only way Jackson really has a chance was when Scott came over with Deaton for an emergency check up on a rogue cow on their property that was limping bad. Jackson straight up embarasses himself because he's a loser :P but Scott finds the attempt endearing and asks if he'd want to hang out with him and Stiles. It's the beginning of a slippery slope of 'Oh. Oh.' realizations for the three of them.
Scott and Allison meeting each other at the bistro and it starts a blossoming relationship that tugs at the heartstrings. It's cute little notes during class and hanging out at the bistro over hot chocolate even on hot days and going over to each others house to watch TV to cuddle under the same blanket and quick glances at each other and it's so goshdarn cute.
BASICALLY, SCOTT/EVERYONE because I can't choose which ship to go with this au because Scott DESERVES everyone and everyones ALSO DESERVES Scott :D
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amerrierworld · 1 year
Keep Me Close (pt 1?)
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Summary: You have resolved nearly all the problems in the village except one. And she’s unhappy with both you and Alcina.
Characters: Alcina x you, the Lords, the entire village!
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None (yet) but might have some NSFW soon. Some angsty stuff coming up. A bit AU/out of character, you might find it a little absurd but I just want them to have a happy ending okay ;-; 
Alcina couldn’t believe you had managed to convince her to throw such a massive party. Somehow, your attempts at making peace with the village and expanding her wine production to more than just humans had paid off. 
Everything was going wonderfully. Until Mother Miranda had shown up. 
The ballroom had been lavishly decorated with candles and drapery. Each of the Lords had shown up dressed to the nines with a little entourage, and Alcina let you handpick staff and villagers to invite that you knew and trusted; friends, acquaintances, you named it, and they were there. 
Karl had accused Alcina of becoming soft with a human at her side. Alcina had smiled and blew a plume of cigarette smoke in his face, neither agreeing nor denying him. 
The truth was, she was much happier this way. You brought joy and delight to the castle. With the weather steadily warming at this time of year, you had even taken it upon yourself to take the daughters outside to blow off steam when they were restless and begging to kill some poor soul at work in the kitchens. 
At one point, they had managed to adopt a young Vârcolac wandering through the woods. You had no idea how, but the beastly canine was now their personal pet, as obedient as a lapdog and as murderous as the lycans. 
Sure, maiming and death still occurred occasionally, but hey, you weren’t a miracle-worker. Trespassers were still killed on sight, traitors and disobedience were awarded with limb-chopping or decapitation depending on the Lady’s mood, but you were quite proud to say that the Castle was much more welcoming, and more importantly, clean. 
You had revitalized Castle Dimitrescu, and had rejuvenated some of the humanity in the Dimitrescu family itself. Gosh, what an accomplishment. Though it didn’t happen overnight. There was enough blood spillage, shouting, skillful avoidance and trickery to last you a lifetime. But after all that, and after a wonderful new deal with the Duke to provide top-quality livestock for fresh blood and meat in the Castle, you felt you deserved a nice celebration. The farmers had agreed to tend to the Castle’s new livestock in exchange for peace. There was enough to feed everyone what they needed, and in return their families and friends were protected. Now, eating human was an occasional delicacy for Alcina and her daughters, and Alcina felt she enjoyed that a lot more than barbaric slaughter and tearing limbs without care. It felt like a luxury and a treat, though a little twisted.
The night you had convinced Alcina of your ways was when Dani, restless and out for blood, had held you with her blade at your throat, screaming obscenities and demanding her mother let her cut your throat so that you would stop meddling in their affairs. She called you a whore for sleeping with Alcina yet going behind their backs to change their way of life. Alcina nearly let her daughter kill you, thinking what’s one more? when three of the maids had burst from the kitchens and cellars, yanking Dani off of you. One lost a hand, another lost her head. Alcina stared in wonder as the women crowded you and declared they’d protect you, because none had shown such care to them in all their time at the Castle, despite being allowed to live. 
It had made Alcina long for love and loyalty again. Ruling with fear only got your so far, and she questioned if her morals were worth thinking about again. And what’s worse, you didn’t want the power over the staff that you had given yourself. You simply wanted things to be quiet and peaceful and good.
And then on the next day, when you made amends with Dani despite her threatening to kill you again by offering a fresh dish of raw meat and blood, Alcina realized she had been falling in love with you all along. 
Now, Alcina watched you from her throne-like seat, leisurely laid back with a fresh cigarette and a newly fitted cream dress adorned with subtle crystals, reminiscent of her jazz performances when she’d be decked out in sequins and dazzling pearls. She had a fur boa draped over her arms, and exuded the power of a rich matriarch. 
Alcina had never seen the grand ballroom like this in all her years under Miranda’s service. As a younger woman before the Cadou, yes, there were many lavish feasts like this. But since the world took a dark turn in this small part of Romania, there had not been this much laughter in a room for decades.
You were swinging from one dancing partner to another. The Duke had provided a lovely band to perform and you took every opportunity to dance with their music. Your shoes were tucked by Alcina’s seat after you complained about your toes hurting. Alcina had smiled and slipped them off for you, kissed your hand, and sent you on your way to the dance floor. You were dancing with the baker now, who had learned to make blood-infused bread specifically for the Castle, and mastered new pastry skills for your sweet tooth alone.
“Oh Mother, this feast is hard to resist,” Daniela groaned pathetically by her mother’s side, pushing her raw lamb around on her plate. “I remember a time when all these people would have been appetizers, dinner, dessert, and then some!”
“Calm now, Dani,” Alcina scolded lightly. “You’ve been doing so well. What is it now, four weeks?”
“Almost five,” she pouted. “Can’t I have a cheat day?”
“If you do, Y/N might be cross with you.”
“Not even one of the mean ones?” 
Alcina scanned the crowd. Everyone was in good spirits and seemingly well-behaved. There was one guest however, that Alcina didn’t like. He was too much of a flirt and far too cocky for his own good. He had tried to charm you on the way in, much to your dismay and to the amusement and jealousy of Alcina. He was properly drunk, hanging by one of the tables with another glass in hand, and not even trying to hide the fact that he was eyeing a few of the maids passing by with plates and glasses, who seemed most uncomfortable. 
“Hmmm,” Alcina thoughtfully blew out a smoke ring. “Maybe that one. But don’t make a scene, Dani. And don’t make it obvious.”
Daniela giggled devilishly and poofed away in a herd of flies.
“Must you encourage her so, Mother?” Bela sighed from her seat at the table. Out of the three, she had been the most strong-willed, coming up with new enticing ways to eat raw meat and blood to keep their appetite up. Daniela, however, always had more of a taste for the hunt than the actual meal at the end, and that was even harder to resist. 
“We both know a cranky Daniela is much worse than a satisfied one,” Alcina hummed, sipping her glass of wine. 
“Perhaps she just needs a lover,” Cassandra interjected. “That should leave her satisfied enough.”
“And who do you suggest is mad enough to put up with our sister?” Bela scoffed, chucking a piece of veggie at Cassie’s face. She burst into a cloud of flies to avoid the impact, and the meagre carrot rolled around under the table. It was just for decoration anyway. 
The Lords each had a seat amongst the Dimitrescus. Donna had Angie perched on her lap, who was tittering away with nonsense and annoyance. The most intriguing guest was a curious masked individual that had come in quietly next to Donna. They appeared genderless, though being clothed in robes of deep, dark blue, and not speaking a word made it hard to decipher what kind of person Donna brought in by her side. Still, Alcina was pleased to see her sister had finally found a partner of some sorts. 
Karl had brought another monstrosity of an experiment that was much more behaved than the last one. It resembled something between a large dog and a small horse, and made no noise. You had made sure the half-mechanical creature was well looked after. Freshly oiled, and freshly fed. 
Sal, poor, lonely Sal, seemed much more in his spirits than usual. You had convinced him to take ownership of his own life, and find something to do besides pining over Miranda’s affections. With your care and attention, you had discovered how much of a romantic Salvatore Moreau actually was. He needed things to romanticize his life. So, to add onto your list of crazy, silly ideas, you helped him find a skincare routine, gifted him a modified typewriter that he could use with ease, and a pile of water-friendly toys to splash around with. 
Alcina had been flabbergasted at the sight of a happy, laughing Sal emerging from his water-filled home. He told them how he had finished another one of his short stories, and the exercise of chasing weights at the bottom of his lake had made him much more content. You had laughed and clapped excitedly for him. 
“I don’t know how you do it,” Alcina sighed that evening as you crawled into bed with her. “You have more positive hope in your pinky than I do in my whole body. What on earth possessed you to give Sal a moisturizer?”
“Hey, those waters aren’t the best for your skin you know,” you tutted. “Sometimes a little self-care goes a long way. Turns our a lot of his moping has to do with those sores and humps -- they’re apparently very painful. Aren't you glad he’s not whining for Miranda and begging for someone to love him now?”
Needless to say, they all loved you. And they were all thriving because of you.
That is why no one has told Miranda about you.
Alcina knew Miranda would find out about the party and that she had not been invited. She’d be in for a scolding of a lifetime, probably a bit of torture, but she knew she could handle Miranda on her own. That wouldn’t be the problem. This way, Miranda’s anger would only be pointed at her, and not you. Heaven forbid the priestess ever found out what hold you had over Alcina. You wouldn’t survive a second in her presence. She begged whatever gods or demons existed that Miranda would never find out about you.
Alcina felt another deep sense of dread fill her, and suddenly had the urge to drag your to her side and keep you close. Perhaps the party was too large. Perhaps not this many people should have come. Perhaps--
As if on cue, you appeared by her side. Face shining with a glowing layer of sweat from dancing, you took her cup of wine and took a deep swig -- the taste of blood no longer disgusted you. Alcina felt her worries melt away and smiled happily.
“Hello, darling,” she said softly, leaning down to greet you with a deep kiss. You giggled as she teasingly nipped at your bottom lip. “What happened to your dance with the baker?”
“Oh, he stubbed his toe. He needed to sit out for a second,” you pointed to where the baker was sitting at a table, who was rubbing his feet with a grimace on his face. 
Alcina chuckled deeply. “No one can keep up with you, can they?”
“Well, one person can,” you replied. “But she’s refusing to dance with me!” You tugged at the boa and she scooped you up to set you in her lap, back pressed against her chest as you surveyed the masses.
“Darling, I hardly have the grace of a dancer anymore. I would knock over at least five dancers in the process. You don’t want to dance with me.”
“What if they all sat down and it was just us?”
“Then I would mess up out of sheer panic,” Alcina grinned. “What if I stubbed your toes? Crushed them? I wouldn’t forgive myself.”
“Ugh, fine.” You turned your head up to look at her. “But you better make it up to me tonight.”
Alcina gave you a chaste kiss and then trailed her lips down your cheek to your neck, as a strong, possessive hand curled around your middle. “It’s a deal. You may live to regret that statement.”
“I doubt it,” you hummed softly, squirming as warmth filled your body at her lips caressing your skin. “Maybe we should just go to bed now.”
“And leave all the festivities?” She tutted. “Your guests will be disappointed.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t been thinking about it all night. You always do,” you huffed, your hand grasping Alcina’s. “I’ve been thinking about it too, you know.”
Her hand clutched you more tightly, and a low growl came from her throat just behind you. “Don’t tempt me, dear. I might strip you now and take you right here until you pass out. Wouldn’t that be a sight for them all?” 
The end of her sentence had dissolved into a low, hungry whisper. Possessive, demanding Alcina was always your favourite. You grinned, lifting her hand from your form and kissing along the knuckles. 
“Patience, my love. Before you know it, the night will be over.”
Suddenly, Daniela appeared in front of them, fresh blood dripping from her scythe and mouth, probably from the drunkard that Alcina had pointed out. You were about to scold her for going against her new diet, but her wide, panicked eyes caught both yours and Alcina’s attention first. The night was definitely over now.
“It’s Miranda,” Dani’s shaky voice was unmistakable. “She’s at the door.”
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minnesotadruids · 7 months
@deckdancer and I were conversing this evening, and he had this question about mass farming practices. My response ended up being a little lengthier than I anticipated, but I was also trying to be concise (which is hard for John the Verbose, lol)
I've been having a lot of thoughts about plants and mass farming practices tonight, and while I know horticulture isn't exactly your specialty, I wanted to hear your thoughts on the disconnect between the symbiosis of nature vs the mass farming practices we use today, and their effects on us today as a society?
One thing I've noticed over the last 10 years is how stressed the corn fields look when we've had year after year of drought conditions. The leaves curl along the edges and look like dessicated spears. Corn is a huge water hog, and an inefficient hog at that. Most of the water is ultimately lost to evapotranspiration meaning the water table doesn't even recharge at all from irrigation.
So much of that corn goes to ethanol plants and livestock feed, so it still has a high demand, but many of the crops just die or are stunted before they can be used. Before irrigation technology was widespread, places like Minnesota grew more wheat. Minneapolis was (and still is) where so many big flour mills are, but now the wheat grain comes in from the high plains. Wheat is what we should be growing for our climate already, but corn became popular because of irrigation. Wheat uses much less water, and some cultivars can be harvested twice a year.
Factory farming of corn has changed noticeably in my own lifetime. I remember the rows used to be a bit farther apart. You could run between the rows and pretend to be the "children of the corn." My dad said he could remember when he was younger there were much wider gaps in the rows of cornfields. We've bred them for higher yield and to be planted closer together that both of those factors mean they need much more water than they used to. Some farmers plant rows so close together you almost can't walk between them now.
A lack of diversification is also a problem as well. The past three years have been really bad for corn, but for many farmers, it's their cash crop. Soy beans have become a novelty... alfalfa a rarity... and I'm shocked if I ever see any wheat at all. Monoculture crops (even beyond grains) are begging for any one-off minor catastrophe to jeopardize the whole crop. If a plant disease or infestation pops up, it will spread much faster than if we had varied crops, and of course it would have a more detrimental effect if that one monoculture crop gets destroyed. Palm oil farming is another example of a fragile monoculture.
Diversification is easier said than done though. You can't use a single type of harvester machine for all crop types. The Cherokee would plant things together: Corn, pumpkins/squash, and vine beans. They understood for generations that those "Three Sisters" thrived better together than by themselves. The beanstalks would climb the corn, the beans would put nitrogen and nutrients back in the soil, and the squash/pumpkins would reduce evaporation from the soil. The large gourd leaves would reduce the amount of sunlight on the ground, inhibiting weed growth. All that today would still require harvesting by hand, and unfortunately it is considered too unprofitable. It would be suitable for people with gardens, self-sufficient homesteads, or small-scale farms (and we gotta WANT to get into that, too).
The big problem is (I think) that first we would need a large-scale, multifaceted cultural shift. Ethanol as biofuel is not as sustainable as the industry wants us to believe. As much as I love beef, we gotta reduce our consumption of large livestock. Cattle need a lot of corn and a lot of water. Other farm animals are more efficient in terms of resources required per pound of meat. That's a statement that sounds great for reducing corn and water usage, but other monoculture crops have their own unique pros and cons.
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Kiridai if Kiridai were involved in agriculture
Britain edition because I know little to nothing about Japanese agriculture
Hanamiya Makoto
Large animal and equine vet
The type of vet who sells various prescription drugs under the counter (or, to be specific, from the boot of his car): everyone knows and no one calls him out on it, because cheaper drugs are cheaper drugs
There’s a rumour that he used to be a specialist small animal cardiologist abroad, best in the country, and only moved because he may or may not have made an ethically dubious decision that may or may not have resulted in his breaking criminal law
But he also has a great eye for spotting lameness that another vet would miss, and in general his diagnoses are never wrong, so livestock owners flock to him because one consultation almost always gets the job done, and equine owners flock to him because he always finds a problem to explain their paranoia 
Yamazaki Hiroshi 
Has a flock of sheep in the Uplands 
I.e. he spends lambing season in sideways rain and gales, getting soaked to the skin and swearing that he’ll give up on sheep, and yet he never does and never will
Breeds for meat, but dreams of a world where he could breed primarily for wool and earn a living from it 
Has a couple wethers living in his house full time - all were orphaned at birth and thus hand-reared by him, making him too attached to them to send them to slaughter
Also has a slightly deranged collie that still hasn’t quite figured out why it has to leave said wethers alone but herd all the other sheep
Names as many of his sheep as his memory can manage, even though he knows it just makes the goodbyes harder
Furuhashi Kojiro 
Flower farmer - has some bee hives on the side, and grows seasonal vegetables, but his primary focus/income is cut flowers
Has a good 400 varieties of flowers (everything from Achillea to Weigela) growing on his land for commercial use, most of which he will cut and organise for wedding and hotel arrangements and bouquets
Also grows his own rose breeds (one purple to red climbing rose; one mostly white with hints of purple Damask rose) but he rarely, if ever, sells any of the progeny. They’re practically his children, after all - you don’t sell your children
Some of them will see the inside of rose shows, and the climbing rose has been planted at a rose garden, but otherwise they spend his days in his garden
Meanwhile, the other flowers and the foliage both get sold throughout the year, as does the honey and the vegetables (at the local village market), and, though he doesn’t love cutting them, he doesn’t miss them like he would the roses 
Doesn’t use any insecticide or herbicide and very much judges flower farmers that do     
If he’s not silently tending to his plants for hours on end, then he’s grumbling about the loss of insects, and if he’s not grumbling about the loss of insects, he’s frowning reading the latest reports on climate change
His plans for the future involve an exceptionally sharp pair of scissors and a Bonsai tree
Seto Kentato
Large animal vet
Tried small animal for a while, and then equine, but neither worked because he found the owners talked too much or ‘loved their animals too much’ (aka made them obese). Hence moving onto, and sticking with, large animal. 
The farmers he works with know that he doesn’t like to talk too much, and can be brusque, but none of them care because he’s the best large animal vet in the area
Doesn’t particularly like cows but, for reasons unknown, cows really like him (and bulls despise him)
Can be found sleeping at the back of the clinic whenever he’s not on call
Thinking about getting some training and specialising in large zoo animals, for the added challenge - something about rhinos and elephants is calling his name
Hara Kazuya
He was a man child struggling with boredom and too much money for his own good, who therefore decided he’d try his hand at farming
Wasn’t initially sure what to farm - at one point, he was seriously considering snails - until he read that the ostrich industry had collapsed because no one could figure out how to keep them healthy in the UK. And he took that as a challenge.
Hence Hara, the ostrich farmer.
Went through a phase where he had his hair dyed half black and half white, to rep the ostriches
Keeps saying he’ll get a dangerous animal license, so he can get some pet zebras to continue with “the theme”… the mad* lad might just do it
He’s also the kind of owner to ask whether he can give his ostriches weed to help them chill out “because it works for people in the States”… it’s safe to say that his local vets avoid doing his call-outs as much as possible, 
The ostriches like him though :) 
The business is profitable, the animals are healthy so clearly he’s doing something right
*and by mad, I mean despicable. do not keep wild animals as pets. 
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throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
posting an excerpt from chapter 7 bc i love this group <3
  Emeros left meat for the gathering carrion birds, black wings blotched along the branches and sky above him. Some circled. Some sat still. He tugged the fresh animal skin into a bundle using some twine, and while it wasn't the best hold, he could wrap it up so that it didn't bleed onto his other belongings. He waved to his companions, and before the birds had descended, the trio was on the road again.   As the sun lowered in the sky, the group headed past the bridge, past a meadery and it's low, wooden fence, and into the surrounding farms of Whiterun. Windmills churned in the oncoming late noon, farmers tending to their crops of cabbage and potatoes, livestock wandering their respective farms. The path to the city felt much safer now that they could see the looming fortress towers, the guards patrolling together, and the high walls that surrounded the city of Whiterun.    The three chattered idly while they approached the enormous gates, the path ascending up the hill housing Whiterun. A guard stepped forth, silencing them as he cut in, "Halt! City's closed with dragons about, official business only," he announced, his helmet obscuring all features of his face. The three looked between one another, and before the other two could figure what to say, Emeros stepped forth.   "We bring news from Helgen, it's about the dragon attack," He persuaded, and although none could see it clearly, the guard's eyes narrowed in suspicion of the three Mer.
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petinfosite · 7 months
Bernese Mountain Dog vs Swiss Mountain Dog
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Bernese mountain dogs are one of four canine breeds. They are collectively referred to as Swiss mountain dogs.
What characterizes a Bernese Mountains Dog from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
When adding the component to your extended family. Are you thinking of a Swiss Mountain Dog or a Bernese Mountain Dog? Let's examine the distinctions and parallels between these two outstanding breeds.
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has its origins in Julius Caesar's war canines. Which he used to lead his forces across the Alps in an attempt to bring down Europe. These dogs, inherited from Cesar's mastiff dogs, were employed by the Swiss. To pull carts filled with dairy and meat goods up the mountains to the marketplace. Their journey has become known as "the destitute male horse" as a result.
Although Switzerland has produced numerous amazing dog breeds. None is certainly as well-known as the enormous, tricolored Bernese Mountain Dog. These stunning and loving canines are easy. Recognized by their striking markings and size, they are well-suited for hard work. However, there is another Swiss breed that shares its cultural roots and appearance. People occasionally mistake the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, a devoted. And powerful member of the Working Group, for a Bernese. Continue reading to find out how to distinguish between these two Swiss Alps dogs.
Closely linked to the Greater Swiss, the Bernese Mountain Dog is native. To an area of Switzerland well-known for its chocolate and cheese. The Bernese were employed for both livestock and pulling. Both are Saint Bernard and Rottweiler foundation breeds.
A Short History of The Bernese Mountain Dog
The Appenzeller Sennenhund, Entlebucher Mountains Dog, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain Dog are the four representatives of the tricolored species. Of Swiss mountain dogs. In the past, Swiss Mountain dogs served as general-purpose farm dogs. For their families, driving animals, pulling milk wagons. And keeping an eye on the property and wildlife. The Bernese Mountain Dog is thought to have originated from a mix. Of certain native Swiss mountain agricultural dogs and big old Roman military dogs. They were introduced to the region about 2000 years ago. During the Roman conquest of Helvetia (modern-day Switzerland). Large canines with exceptional power and endurance were the product of the cross.
Some referred to them as the Clydesdales of the canine world because of their skill at carting. The Bernese Mountain Dog was originally named the Durbacher after a location. Where the breed's predecessors were most prevalent and preferred. Has a lengthy and fascinating history. They were also referred to as Berner Sennenhunde. Which means "Mountain Pasture dog of Berne" in German. Eventually, the Canton of Berne, a region in Switzerland. Where the type of dog originated, came to be renowned.
In the past, there were many Bernese Mountain Dogs in their own country. Still, the breed's popularity started to decline. It was almost eliminated in the middle of the nineteenth century as a result of changes. In agricultural technology. And a lack of official initiatives to breed. Nonetheless, the breed was saved from extinction by Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib. The popularity of the Bernese Mountain Dog started to rise gradually. Farmers from all over the region began bringing their Dürrbächler dogs to dog shows. At the beginning of the 20th century, they also took part in breeding initiatives to improve the breed. The Schweizerischer Dürrbäch-Klub was eventually established, and the breed's standard was created. It was later established that the proper moniker given to the breed is Berner Sennenhund, and this continues to be how the breed is known in its country of origin. The Bernese Mountain Dog, or BMD as it is called in the West, is one of the most widely recognized breeds in all of humanity today.
An Overview of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's History
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog originated from Mastiff-type canines that were employed 2000 years ago in Roman armies. Out of the four varieties of Swiss Mountain Dogs, they are the biggest and the oldest. They were developed to drive livestock, serve as security dogs, and be draft dogs. Before two specimens were given to Dr. Albert Heim, who identified the breed and had it registered with the Swiss Cynological Society in 1909, this breed was on the edge of destruction in the late 1800s. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale released the first standard in 1939. Because of their dependable, peaceful nature, these dogs are now mostly bred for relationships, but they were once valued for their ability to protect.
Comparable appearance and place of origin
Under the prefix Nashem, Sara Karl, an AKC judge and the AKC representative for the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, has been producing and exhibiting Bernese since 1986. "Only when the Berner is removed from coat," she responds when asked if people frequently mix up the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.
The primary similarity between the two breeds, according to Karl, who has bred over 100 leaders, performance-titled Berners, and two National Specialty winners, is their physical characteristics and traditional purpose. They are equally enormous breeds of canines in black, red, and white. They are both Swiss canines that were created to be used for pushing carts filled with products to markets.
However, Liz Coit, an AKC breeder of excellence and member of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, pointed out that the Berner is a more popular breed than the Swissy and, therefore, more recognizable to most people. Frequently, people inquire as to whether the Swissy is a Berner or, better yet, a shaved Berner. Naturally, when a Swissy is a puppy, it's frequently mistaken for a Beagle, and when it's an adult, for a Saint Bernard. Therefore, I believe the problem is the Swissy's unfamiliarity with the wider population.
Coit, who owns three Swissies, among them Shine, the 2020 Ambassador of the Breed winner, concurs that the breed's appearance and background as farm dogs are similar. Regarding both breeds, she states, "They are recognized for their eye-catching tricolor coats and attitude." They have gone to market and greeted friends and customers who visited the farm, despite being incredibly committed and devoted to their families. Both act as watchful guards, alerting the family to any imagined threats or even just a shift in the wind's direction.
Variations in Coat and Character
Even though many confuse the Swissy for the Berner, there are distinct structural differences. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed guideline states that male Swissies should weigh between 115 and 140 pounds and have a shoulder height of up to 28.5 inches. Male Berners can grow to a height of 27.5 inches and weigh between 80 and 115 pounds. They are slightly smaller than other breeds.
Another notable distinction between the breeds is their coats. While the Swissy has a smaller double coat, the Bernese has a longer one. As Coit notes, both have a dense undercoat, thus a significant amount of shedding is to be expected. She goes on, saying, "There are some differences between the Swissy and Berner standards, such as the markings (which are brown and white) and head form. Compared to Berner breeders, we are more tolerant of marking diversity in Swissies, and naturally, our coat is not as defining a characteristic as it is in Berners.
The Swissy has a more intense industrial temperament than the other breed, even though both are friendly with youngsters and devoted to their families. While the Swissy breed standard refers to them as "alert and vigilant," the Bernese Mountain Dog breed regulation characterizes Berners as "alert and good-natured." Furthermore, the questioning Swissy is more eager to make strangers with new individuals than the aloof Berner. Karl claims that while both are straightforward to train and get along well with people, "Bernese are a little sweeter than the Greater Swiss."
Dedicated and Caring for Dogs
In the Swiss region of Bern, the Berner breed of farm dog was developed for all-around use. Karl claims that farmers employed them for farm security, pulling carts of milk and cheese to markets, and moving milk cows from a particular pasture to another. Possibly because of their history of collaborating closely with farmers, this kind and affectionate breed is committed to its family.
Karl believes that the breed's attributes of beauty, stockiness, and love apply to them. She claims that having a Berner requires a lot of hair loss. She recommends leather seating and an excellent vacuum. She claims that although these dogs enjoy going on walks and travels and enjoying the cold, they don't enjoy being left outside by themselves for long periods. They are also adversely affected by hot temperatures. Although they may survive in warmer climates, you should keep them out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day.
According to Coit, among the Sennehund breeds (Swiss mountain dogs), the Swissy is one of the oldest and biggest. They were also bred to be all-purpose farm dogs, trained to perform duties including herding, transporting milk carts, driving livestock to markets, and simply keeping an eye on the home and property. The Swissy's harsh bark of caution and alertness serves as a sentinel, a legacy of its guardian pedigree.
Like their breed, they are devoted and caring and yearn to be with the people they love. According to Coit, as long as they have long walks in the morning and at night, they are content to laze around all day rather than being busy dogs. They will love it too, though, if you educate them on how to do drafts or herd or take them climbing every day. Since they were bred as shepherd dogs, they tend to gather kids, thus it's critical to teach them how to walk on a slack connection.
For experienced owners or owners prepared to learn everything these huge breeds demand, both types may make wonderful companions. To ensure that the pet you take home is fit and well-bred, though, do your homework on prospective breeders. Karl recommends using Bernergarde.org to look up possible breeders of Berners. And now you can recognize the differences between these strong Swiss breeds, should you be lucky enough to meet one, regardless of whether they're the ideal fit for you.
Lifestyle, Instruction, and Temperament
Because of their affectionate nature and commitment to their families, both kinds are highly valued. In terms of stature and disposition, the Swiss are a little more threatening. They are devoted guardians who are a little darker in spirit but not unfriendly. These strong dogs tend to go through the puppy stage more slowly, and they have a booming bark that your neighbors could not enjoy. Due to their size, they may test a parent's tolerance throughout this protracted puppy stage. At 100 pounds, their ungainly, awkward bodies might make bumps and huge paws too much for them to handle.
It's well known that Bernese Mountain Dogs are more reserved, easygoing, and extremely mindful of their body language when around young children, much like a teddy bear. Although both breeds make wonderful family pets, the Bernese would prevail in the Gentle Giant battle over the Swiss.
When it comes to training, food is a terrific motivation to assist teach positive habits in Swiss Mountain Dogs, which can be a bit more resistant , and should start training young. They pull stronger when wearing a safety harness throughout leash training and don't react well to them unless they are being hauled.
Similar to Swiss dogs, Bernese are intelligent canines that are more motivated to please their owners. They are more vulnerable to criticism and separation because of their loving disposition. If they are left alone for extended periods, they will exhibit undesirable behaviors because they would like to be with the family.
Work out
Both breeds need an average amount of daily activity. They work well for owners who enjoy taking their dogs for peaceful walks or hikes in the outdoors, but they are not the best fit for serious bikers and joggers who like training alongside their pets. Both make excellent camping dogs, and they can even tow children and camping supplies in a wagon.
Every day, the Berner and the Swissy require one hour of exercise. Whether or whether there is snowfall on the ground makes no difference in fact, they would both like it. They require long, leisurely walks through the nearby park or natural reserve because they are big dog breeds. They both enjoy being outside and will develop cabin fever if kept indoors for an extended period.
Due to their huge bodies and joints, neither one of them should be trained aggressively while they are puppies. The best course of action is to completely avoid physically demanding tasks because too much pressure can lead to abnormalities in development.
With less social engagement during the day, the Berner is the more relaxed pup. When his loud breaths begin to reverberate throughout the home, you will know that he is content to nap for a few hours. The Swissy requires a lot more company during the day to get rid of his excess energy. Consider harder play sessions, difficulties, and the requirement for long-lasting dog toys.
Well-being & Health
Neither the Swiss nor the Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to have any breed-specific illnesses, making them both generally healthy dogs. However, they are prone to health concerns like elbow, neck, shoulder, and hip joint troubles that often affect larger species. Nevertheless, their musculoskeletal health generally looks good overall. Additionally, bloat is a serious medical condition that can affect any large breed; owners just need to understand what to watch for.
The American Kennel Club advises evaluating puppies for eye health issues in addition to elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia. AKC additionally suggests a Von Willebrand's (clotting) Disease DNA test for Bernese, especially. The Swiss Mountain Dog lives eight to eleven years, while the Bernese Mountain Dog lives between seven and ten years.
Grooming and Weeping
Possimply the most noticeable distinction between the two breeds is this. Compared to Swiss dogs, Bernese wear longer, thicker coats, which means they need more maintenance. Naturally, Bernese shed continuously, but their lengthy outside coat and wooly underneath shed severely twice a year. To maintain a glossy and healthy coat, Bernese needs to be brushed once a week all year round and every day during shedding seasons. Owners may occasionally need to use an iron comb or toothbrush to untangle their fur because of its longer length.
Conversely, the Swiss have lower standards for grooming. They require less care and have a double coat as well. A blowout of the overcoat twice a year throughout periods of greater shedding would be beneficial to them. A periodic bath and brushes, however, maintain the Swiss looking well.
Every day, the Berner will drink from three to four cups of food, whereas the Swissy will drink four to five cups. Their age, size, and level of energy all affect how much they eat. They are both prone to rapid weight gain, particularly the Berner with his easygoing disposition, so watch out not to overfeed them. You must closely monitor their dietary consumption since obesity may compound existing health issues.
Both of them needed to be provided with a premium diet that offered them well-balanced nutrients. An excellent meal consists of genuine livestock meat, carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, calories, and elements. Two other crucial components to look out for are chitosan and ibuprofen since they will preserve their enormous joints.
Since they are both huge breeds, they should be provided kibble made especially for them, especially in their puppy years when their development is very quick. These will have the ideal balance of nutrients that they require. This is especially crucial while the project is still under development. According to research, they can aid in delaying or preventing bone problems that both breeds have a susceptibility to, such as elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia.
In conclusion, the background, appearance, personality type, and care needs of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog are comparable and differ from one another. As tricolored Swiss mountain dogs, both breeds have a long history of being used as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland.
Originating in the Swiss Alps and the Roman military, the Bernese Mountain Dog saw a drop in appeal in the 19th century before being saved from extinction by committed individuals. Conversely, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which originated from Mastiff-like canines utilized in Roman forces, was nearly exterminated in the late 1800s but was subsequently acknowledged and documented.
There are noticeable variations in height, coat length, and disposition between the two breeds, despite their remarkable tricolor coats and kind dispositions. The Bernese Mountain Dog is characterized as being more reserved and laid-back, and it tends to be somewhat smaller with a longer coat. In contrast, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is bigger, has a thinner fur, and possesses a more industrialized temperament characteristic.
What makes a Bernese Mountains Dog different from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
Size, coat length of sentence, and personality all differ. The Greater Swiss is bigger, has a thinner coat, and tends to be a more intense dog than the Bernese, which is somewhat smaller and has a longer coat.
What is behind each of these dog breeds from the Swiss mountains?
Both breeds began life as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland; the Greater Swiss descended from Mastiff-type hounds used in Roman legions, while the Bernese mixed military and native Swiss dogs.
What prevented the mountain dog from Bernese from going extinct in the nineteenth century?
By starting breeding programs and creating breed standards, Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib were instrumental in preventing the wiped out of the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Do their looks and functions resemble each other?
It's true that both breeds have multicolored coats and were intended for farm work, such as pushing wagons full of produce to marketplaces in the Swiss Alps.
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historicaldisaster · 1 year
Two worlds I care about a lot right now and feel strongly about on both sides are clashing right now and it’s leaving my mind in a bit of an uproar. So, for the sake of myself I’m just putting thoughts out here.
1. it is a luxury to be able to value animals above the means with which they serve us. As offensive as that is to a lot of people, the reality is that a lot of people are still living in a world where a pet is frivolous and a waste of emotional energy and resources. They cannot afford to treat their dog or cat or any other animal like their furbaby. Most of us, for all our complaining, do not know what it’s like to live a life with few enough resources to consider emotional comfort a luxury, but the truth is that if you have to chose between meeting a physical need like putting food on the table or an emotional need you will need to sacrifice emotion for survival.
2. Because of this, it is incredibly selfish to demand a farmer prioritize your animal sensitivities over their livelihood and that of their loved ones who they care for. when it comes down to it, that farmer is trying to make an honest living in a system that has turned its back on him and doesn’t care if he makes a dime (the corruption in meat processing and government policies towards farmers is unbelievable). To demand a farmer expend necessary time and resources on a luxury for you but which puts them at direct harm, loss, or distress is unreasonable and selfish.
3. All that being said, there is a distinct line between someone who faces animal injury and death with the matter of factness required of someone who lives a hard life and who has to learn how to deal with it practically and without excess emotional distress and someone who has a distinct lack of empathy for anyone or any animal’s pain or suffering. Someone who moves immediately to harming or killing an animal over other equally reasonable means of dealing with an issue has shut off a level of human care that absolutely should not be shut off. Even with the justification of preserving his own livestock’s wellbeing or the wellbeing of the farm, a farmer who cannot mitigate harm to another and do so without some level of respect or care for what they must deal with for the protection of their farm is in the wrong.
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a5wagyusblog · 1 year
Butcher Box
Wagyu Beef is one of the most useful beef that is genetically predisposed to rigorous marbling and makes a high percentage associated with unsaturated fat. It truly is known throughout the world because of marbled texture along with high quality which unquestionably makes it easy to grill and enhances that flavor. Try one of the many Wagyu steaks and you just too would declare the juicy together with tender texture with been the sole source of its great promote value because of its good quality. Many spaces around Japan tend to be famous for the livestock rearing quality where they bear the bands of their areas. These are the famous Kobe, Mishima and Omi beef. A5 Wagyu
The burgers contains high % of Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils which are extremely beneficial for human well-being. The increased marbling also improves this ratio of monounsaturated fats to fatty foods making it healthy dinner for those who wish to think in its flavor. The Wagyu ground beef had originally begun as one of the traditional varieties of meat in Asia but that is not just one abode for this extraordinary type of meat.
Nowadays the Wagyu cows is bred inside not only in Japan terrains but also in the states and Australian parts.
Japanese breeds : The Japanese originally utilized the Wagyu livestock for domestic functions. Be it a means from transport for solutions and people or assisting local farmers to be able to cultivate the almond fields. They were regarded as the best due to their durability and energetic body's and were blocked for eating for quite a while. Farmers were acquainted with give them massages to ease from muscle cramping and also fed all of them with beer to hold their hunger activated. These types of breeding habits were unknowingly your ingredients to the unhealthy delicious Wagyu meat and Wagyu meats that we love.
Nippon breeds are available browning, polled, shortmound and additionally reds with each and every bearing the company name of their origin although the most renowned in addition to famous beef could come from the black color beasts in Kobe. American breeds -- The Americans much too loved the all-natural juiciness and irritated texture of the sugary Wagyu beef. Still they could not stand up the light colour of the meat which is they brought a lot of Wagyu cattle along with crossbred them while using Angus cattle to hold the unsaturated pebble look and prevent the meat red. These people called it a American style Kobe beef and happened marketing it inside their local and more incredibly back to the Japanese real estate markets. However after some time this particular operation too have ceased as the People in the usa were known to slaughter these cattle from half the age of should the Japanese did.
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botfinance · 1 year
5 Profitable Ways to Farm Without Modern Technology
There's no denying that modern technology has transformed agriculture and farming into a high-tech industry. However, did you know that there are still ways to make a living off the land without relying on modern technology? Yes, it's true! Here are some ways to earn money through agriculture or farming without using modern technologies.
First on the list is the age-old practice of beekeeping. It's a rewarding endeavor that involves raising bees and harvesting their honey. It requires very little investment and can be done in your backyard. You can sell the honey locally or use it to make other products like beeswax candles or lip balm. It's a sweet way to make money!
Another profitable practice is mushroom farming. Unlike traditional crops, mushrooms require minimal space, no soil, and no sunlight. You can grow them indoors or outdoors, making them ideal for urban farming. They have a high demand in the culinary industry, and their medicinal properties make them a popular choice in the health and wellness market. With proper cultivation, you can harvest them year-round, ensuring a steady source of income.
If you have a green thumb and love working with plants, herbal farming could be your niche. You can grow a variety of herbs like lavender, mint, and chamomile, to name a few. Herbal teas, aromatherapy oils, and natural beauty products are popular uses for these herbs. The demand for organic and natural products is on the rise, making herbal farming a profitable business.
Livestock farming has been around for centuries, and it remains a profitable venture. You can raise animals like chickens, ducks, and goats for meat, eggs, and dairy products. Livestock farming requires basic equipment like a shelter and feeding troughs. You can sell the products locally or at farmers' markets.
Lastly, there's always the option of traditional crop farming. You can grow crops like fruits, vegetables, and grains using traditional methods like crop rotation, natural fertilizers, and manual labor. It may require more effort and time, but the end result is fresh, organic produce that people are willing to pay a premium for.
In conclusion, modern technology has revolutionized agriculture and farming, but it's not the only way to make a living off the land. Beekeeping, mushroom farming, herbal farming, livestock farming, and traditional crop farming are all profitable ventures that don't rely on modern technologies. So why not try one of these practices and experience the joys and rewards of sustainable living?
agriculture #farming #beekeeping #mushroom farming #herbal farming #livestock farming #traditional farming #sustainable living
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kasplonkable · 2 years
Steven Grant HCs:
Just some small things that I think he does
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wears odd socks. He likes all the fun colours but always manages to lose one of them. He never buys plain black socks, but sometimes wakes up to find most of his coloured ones gone and replaced with them
regularly goes charity/thrift shopping. Not only is it another way for him to be environmentally friendly, but the clothes in there are cheap as chips, which is good for someone on a gift shop worker's salary
speaking of the gift shop, whenever he sees a cool new paperweight, he buys one for Gus' tank. He tries to set up all the things like a real landscape at first, but ends up swapping the decorations around so often that he forgets
always so excited when he sees a school arrive at the Egyptian exhibit for a trip. He always tries to sneak away to explain an interesting fact to a group of (largely uninterested) kids, before he's dragged back to the gift shop by Donna
he also ends up infodumping about whatever product a customer is paying for, before looking up and seeing them impatiently waiting to actually pay for it. Like if they're buying a pharaoh bookmark, he absentmindedly starts talking about exactly which pharaoh it is and how you can tell and the historical significance of it and the reason it's important and th- right they're still waiting to pay
when he got fired from the museum, he started infodumping to Gus instead, because keeping it all in made him feel like he was going to explode (and Gus never gets bored and stops listening)
read The Kane Chronicles and loved it so much that he tried to read Percy Jackson too, but found that the Greek gods weren't as interesting to him as the Egyptian gods, and just reread The Kane Chronicles again instead
I was going to say that he can't put up IKEA furniture, but the amount of care and patience he approaches things with made me change my mind. He absolutely can put a flat pack table together and enjoys every second of it (Marc on the other hand... "Marc just read the instructions" "No Layla, the instructions are wrong, I can do this myself" *proceeds to make a chair when it was supposed to be a chest of draws*)
tried to look after house plants, but there wasn't enough light in his flat so they died. Then tried to look after succulents and cacti instead, but when they died too he just gave up. I do think he just has one stubborn cactus that sits on his windowsill and refuses to die, which makes him smile everytime he remembers to water it
this is such a random one, but I imagine he understands English slang really well (obviously) while Marc is just completely lost, so he tries to translate
like imagine Marc gets into an altercation with a roadman one day and he has to be like "Steven, what does back out the rambo mean?" And Steven's like "MARC HE'S THREATENING TO STAB US!!!"
Idk that's just a funny situation to me
cannot just walk past a bookshop. He tries so hard to just ignore them, but once he sees the books in the window, he's done. He loses hours in there just perusing the different titles and ends up buying like, six new books
he went vegan after seeing a documentary on food production as a kid. Seeing the way farmers treat livestock made him feel horrible, and from then on he avoided anything to do with meat and animals
reading about how cows and bulls were sacred in Egypt only reinforced his decision
I think that's it for now, but I might make a part 2!! I could talk about this show literally forever, so we'll see how it goes. I also want to say that I've never read The Kane Chronicles, so feel free to let me know who you think his favourite character would be! I'm personally a big fan of Norse mythology, so reading Magnus Chase and then trying to read Percy Jackson was a struggle. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed!!
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bonecorn · 3 years
I love your anatomy/references posts & I love skulls and skeletons & I would love to know how you convince people to give you their animal heads to clean. Also any bone cleaning tips for suburban areas?? When I was living on a farm it was easy to leave stuff out and let the bugs take care of it but my parents said hard no to dead things bleaching on the porch
Oh this is very easy!
Find a friend or acquaintance with land and leave your stuff there. Bug cleaning and tub maceration don't need a lot of hands-on attendance so you can check in however often you like.
There's also "hot water maceration" where you simmer (dont boil!) fresh heads in hot water and remove the cooked meat by hand. Make sure you scramble the brains first and then cook away inside or with a camping stove on the porch. And "bleaching" which is done with hydrogen peroxide can be done inside since the skulls are already clean by then anyway.
I don't actually convince people to give me their pets. For livestock, I ask because most people aren't emotionally attached to their livestock.
For pets, I wait to be offered the remains. More on that under the cut.
TLDR: Know the pet owner, wait to be offered bodies rather than asking. Make sure they are always in control. Ask for livestock no problem. Don't let scavengers eat euthanized meat.
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holy crap lol
I don't ask for pet bodies. The trick is to be very open and excited about what you do so that people who know you know about bones and know that you are respectful of animal remains. Then, when a beloved pet dies, they might think about you.
Open up the conversation on death before it's relevant
You can also plant the seed ahead of time during a conversation about bones while the pet in question is alive and healthy. "Sometimes I do pets if their owner is ok with it, though most want to bury. Have you ever thought about that for Baxter?" It's in SUPER poor taste to do this while an animal is dying, when you'll need to be way more tactful.
Know your friend well enough to guess their feelings on it
It SUPER depends on the person and how they view bodies and death. My ex's dog passed away and he was always queasy about corpses. I comforted him and cried with him while his beloved 15 year old dog declined and passed. I didn't ask or even mention it because I knew him enough to know that he would say no, and that asking would be painful and upsetting for him to think about. Same with my dear friend and her 20 year old cat. She had a beautiful pet graveyard with headstones and everything. You just know not to ask some people because traditionally laying bodies to rest is important to them.
Other pet owners are chill about it, ESPECIALLY if they come from a livestock background. Livestock people are used to sending their animals to be recycled into glue and wax when they die, because it's generally not feasible to bury or cremate a horse. If someone does plan to take that on, you know they are absolutely dedicated to traditional burial and won't give you anything.
Make it their choice to offer, rather than it being your request
Anyway. If you know the person, and you know they might be ok with giving up their pet's body due to how they view bodies and death, then you work on making them think about you. First, you comfort and do everything you can to help the person through their grief. If you weren't already planning on doing that, then you have no business asking for their pet. Do not comfort someone in order to get something out of them. That's disgusting. Just straight up ask them for their pet and know that they will view you as tactless and rude, but its better than manipulating them.
What I do is not manipulation, it's reminding people what you do and then letting them make their own decisions. When your friend is feeling a little better and is not crying, you can ask about logistics. I ask "What do you plan to do for burial/with the body?" and that usually makes them think about me and what I do with bodies. If they already have a meaningful spot picked out to bury or scatter/keep ashes, then that means the body is important to them and I shouldn't ask further.
At this point, they should realize what you could use the body for and think about how they feel about that. This is when my sister (who has a livestock background) offered her dog to me. We talked about how she thought of bodies, and she thought that the soul is the only thing that matters and once her dog passes there's nothing important left. I did not say anything to convince her, these were all her own thoughts.
It's very VERY important to respect and love the pet owner because they're extremely vulnerable and emotionally raw. That's why I don't straight up ask, because when you're losing a pet, you don't want to feel like someone is trying to gain something from you.
If your friend says they don't know or haven't decided what to do for the body, you can gently say "Let me know if you want me to help bury it, to take it with me, or to just be there for you." This is a close-ended statement and not a question. A question means that your friend has to come up with an answer right there and then, while an offer is actionable. This puts the power and autonomy in your friend's hands, so that when they make a decision it comes fully from their wants and needs and is not about you and what you want.
Be there for them even if you get nothing out of it
If they don't offer at this point, they're not going to. Now hold up your end of the bargain and continue to comfort and help through the grieving process. Again, if you aren't already invested in this person enough to want to soothe and comfort and be there for the human person in the equation, then you have no business asking for their pet. When a pet dies, your first concern should be to the person. If it's not, then you aren't close enough to ask for goodies.
Helping someone grieve is not payment for their pet's body. If you realize they aren't going to give you something in return for your comfort and so you abandon them, you're a terrible person using their grief to manipulate them for your own gain. Comfort is not payment. Closeness in grief is a metric by which you measure "Do I have any business to ask?"
The pet owner runs the show, not you
Throughout this process, stress that the owner can change their mind at any time. You don't want the owner to think "I hate this but I can't back out now because I promised..." Even when they animal is all wrapped up an in your vehicle and ready to go, quietly tell the owner that they can still choose what happens and if they have second thoughts, that's ok and you won't be mad.
My sister let me be there for putting her dog down and it was all about her and her love for her dog. She carried him out and laid him in my trunk and we stood in the rain and talked and hugged. She then told me she was happy that he could bring happiness to someone in life and now still in death, but that she didn't want to know anything. I agreed not to tell her or post anything about processing her dog, so for her it would be like burial. The same thing happened with my other friend's horse. She spent some time with him and then as soon as he passed she drove away and let me do what I wanted. She didn't want to hear Any of it. Again, I didn't ask or even offer, she came up with the idea of giving me the body all on her own even before I knew he was dying.
Horse people are much closer to pet owners than livestock owners, but they are used to sending their friend's bodies off to a different kind of processing (at Tallow factories, livestock remains are ground up, cut apart, cooked, and spun around to extract various substances that become soap, glue, candles, etc) so they know not to think about what happens after death. It still depends on how well you know the owner and know how they think about death, but if you offer to handle logistics like dealing with the tallow guy, they can actually save money by letting you have it.
You're actually doing livestock a favor
Livestock people are generally chill and have a much more utility/asset view of their animals. If the animal doesn't even have a name they probably don't care what happens when it's dead. In fact, most farmers will jump at the chance to give you their animal for free because calling the tallow company to haul it away costs them money. This is also why in areas with lots of livestock, you sometimes find bodies dumped in ditches or left on the side of the road, because the farmer didn't want to pay to get rid of it so they made it everyone else's problem. Even pet animals like dogs and cats are more Utility than pure companions on a farm, so you might have a better chance of getting remains from a farmer than a neighbor.
One more thing about pets and livestock.
When I find a dead deer, I flay it open and let the vultures eat it. For domestic animals, they are often put to sleep via chemical/drug.
Seriously. If you like nature, you need to protect it. Deflesh it yourself, throw all the meat/blood/offal away or bury it 6 feet down. Idk what it does to the environment so I always freeze it and then throw it away on garbage day.
Rot bacteria and beetle larvae dermestids don't mind. In fact, dermestid droppings and pupa shells can be analyzed for toxins by forensic scientists to determine cause of death. Neat! Just make sure that if you process outdoors, the remains are EXTREMELY SECURE and cannot be opened by vultures, coyotes, or wild pigs.
Remember the living, human person
I know I look very clinical by picking apart human emotions, but I respond, feel, love, and grieve just like everyone else. I didn't plan how to get any of the animals in the above stories, I just acted on instinct and these are the ones where that paid off well.
Most of the time if I go "huh. I feel that may not go over well" I can then take that feeling apart and figure out why. So hopefully explaining how my feelings work it can help you listen to your most useful and most compassionate ones.
The living person is always more important than a dead pet. Sometimes you can get the dead pet without distressing your friend, sometimes you shouldn't even try.
Respecting the dead
A final note on working with pets vs wild animals. This is someone's family member, so don't play puppet with it like you might with a skunk skin. Don't take pictures of any part of the process until they are rendered to bones. Pictures of dead pet species are even more distressing to the general public than wild animals, and sick freaks might take your photos and send them to people for kicks or attention. Better to just not have photos than for that to happen.
What processing a pet feels like
Working on a pet is always going to be different for you, the vulture, than a wild animal. Everything you see is touched by human hands. My sister's dog was... beautiful. You don't really realize how moved you're going to be by seeing the perfect amount of healthy fat covering, or beautiful muscles that speak of exercise and attention. She rescued this starving pup and turned him into the healthiest animal I have ever seen. She's a vet assistant and the care and love she put into this dog had me sitting there crying while I held his paws; with their perfectly maintained clipped and sanded nails. I'd only met the dog once for a few minutes when he was alive, but his body was a canvas and every inch was painted with layers and layers of love. It made me so, so sad that his neurological issues couldn't be helped because his body was proof of someone who would stop at nothing to cure what could be cured, and that the last months of his life were happier than he ever imagined.
On the flip side, pets whose bodies show signs of neglect and abuse are going to hit you harder than any deer could. The dog I found discarded in a garbage bag on the side of the road had rotten teeth and nails so long they curled over themselves into hoops. An overgrown and suffering deer is just the sign of nature taking its course. An overgrown and suffering dog is the sign of human cruelty, of shirked responsibility.
Most pets you get will between these two dogs. No owner is perfect. Most old dogs have lost teeth to rot, sick cats too weak to scratch properly may have overgrown nails.
Death as beauty
A pet's body usually a beautiful story full of ups and downs; of owners doing things wrong and then doing things right. A vulture or an artist can read a body like rings on a tree and feel the heart beat in their chest that tells them how strong and full of love this life had been. You need to be ready for this part. Every detail is a message from your fellow human and even though we are all animals and we decompose into the same dirt, we're meant to connect to each other here and now.
Keep your emotions open when working with remains.
Listen to what they have to teach you.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea
Star Wars, The Bad Batch Pirate!au (Hunter x Reader
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers dad and bothered are asses.
chapter one
Chapter two: The Stowaway
It is a disgusting day on Coruscant. Hot, humid and you can’t help but feel something sinister in the air. You feel hollow, and it is only partly due to the tightness of your dress. The yellow and green material wraps around you in layers. Your face is blank but your mind is racing, if you cannot convince your father to call off the marriage, how else can you put a stop to this?
Very few people talk about the war, and so how Lord Nython made his fortune is a mystery to you. What you have gathered from whispers of those in your household it was through a lengthy siege that devastated republic and seperatist forces alike.
“And the weather today is perfect for sailing, I bet those ships at the docks will be itching to set off.” Your handmaiden Seil says to you, and you frown, since when did she have an interest in the docks. But she continues playing with your hair.
“I'll get you the most expensive jewelry in the house,” She says with a smile you’ve grown up with. Perhaps carer was a more accurate term, considering she seemed to be the only person in the world that wanted the best for you. She returns with a pouch of all kinds of gold, silver and gems.
“There is a way to the docks, it is so lovely for a stroll. Away from the busy streets and such like.” You frown at her obsession with an area crawling with pirates.
“Seil what in the name-” You start saying, turning around to slip your flats on. And you stop, in her hands are your boots, made for riding as you had done so many times before.
“I thought these would be fitting, as they are your favourite.” She’s talking about all the times you told her how much you love how sturdy they feel around your feet. And how when you would run the fields, how powerful they made your legs feel.
And then it clicks. The docks, the boots. The tears in her eyes. While you were planning on an escape from this marriage, Seil had been planning an escape from every marriage your father would force on you. She ties the boots tightly, and places a hand on your cheek as you both take shaking breaths to compose yourselves.
And with your father still passed out in bed, and the sun barely rising, you slip into the streets and into the areas less traveled, sprinting off towards the ocean.
The docks are infused with the smell of fish, and the workers barely turn a glance your way as you shift through the swarms of people. You come to a halt at a clearing in the crowd, and your brain catches up with itself. What are you going to do now? With no money, skills, or plan, you begin to second guess yourself. You have time to make it back to the household with no one being the wiser. But you remember meeting Lord Nython for the first time.
His hand latched to yours like a monster squid to its prey, you notice that unlike some men he doesn’t ask ‘may I’ before touching you, and you briefly wonder what about you invites his hand onto your own. But your fake smile remains plastered on as he looks you up and down like a farmer regards the sale of livestock.
Your gut had told you then that all he could bring you was bad news, confirmed by rumors and stories of his wartime expeditions, and when he told you about the war, and the pathetic Grand Army of the Republic he spared no detail in his murder of an entire army.
Of course it's not the same as killing someone like you or me, those kaminoans are devils, and those freaks are just the same. Like hunting the same dumb peigion over and over again. We surely must have downed hundreds of them that day, but they are rats you see, you have to kill every last one in order to rid yourself of the infestation.
Education had not taught you about the Kamino Clones, but experience had, every sepratist man who held power despised them. ‘Scum of the earth’ your father had said when you asked about them. Telling you they had their emotions removed, and blindly followed orders given by the highest bidder. And when the G.A.R had fallen, they scuttled into exile.
And now you stand on the docks of Coruscant, two paths in front of you. Surely if you left Nyhon would send someone after you, he never seemed to back away from a fight, and given his reputation for always getting what he wanted, you doubted he’d take to your absence kindly. So that left you with leaving the only home you’d ever known, and given that you cannot sail, nor pay for passage, stowing away was your only option.
You briefly wonder about the procedure of stowing away, does one pick a certain ship or choose at random?
“Can I help you miss?” A Togruta man asks you, only his blue face visible from underneath his hood and cloak, but the markings give him away, as well as the point in the fabric over his head.
“I...I…” you pause to gather yourself. “I’m fine, thank you.” and you quickly turn away from him, walking down the docks at a purposeful pace. There are so many ships all looking to either load or unload supplies, but none of them seem to be leaving shortly. You need escape now, and not later. The longer you dwell the more the bad feeling in your stomach grows. You must lose yourself again because before you know it a man is rushing past you and shouting
“Sorry miss!” as he goes, you catch the clanking of metal and a glimpse of eyeglasses as he disappears up the ramp of a large dark oak ship, the name Havoc Marauder painted in red at the back.
Perhaps you have found your escape after all.
You very quickly decide the ocean is terrifying. After having snuck up the ramp and into the depths of the ship, you found yourself in your current spot. Huddled behind stacks of crates sitting on the wooden floor and being violently rocked around as the water crashes into the side from all sides. More than once you’ve had to close your eyes in panic when something particularly bad happens, but you refuse to appear weak - even if you’re the only person to witness it.
And the footsteps, even though the men seldom come below decks but you can hear them step ferociously above you. They sound like an army and considering you didn’t get a good look at any of them, you had no idea how many people you were hiding from. They’re loud, and kept busy by the Sea, you have no idea where you’re headed, but as long as it’s far, far away from Coruscant you couldn’t care less. And there are no windows here, so you have no idea how long you’ve been traveling for.
Footsteps start to make their way to the set of stairs leading down into your hiding spot, the small nook of the ship that resides in the belly of the beast. The steps you hear aren't as heavy as others, but they seem to keep most of their weight on their toes, you never quite hear their heel make contact against the wood. And you press yourself tighter to the wall, a tall frame passes you by, lean and with ashen hair the man halls a crate away from the other end of the room, and turns to leave. Your panicked eyes can do nothing but stare back at him through the gaps in the boxes, and they watch him squint for a moment, before he turns and heads back up the stairs. Crate in hand, and your heart in your chest. He cannot have seen you, if he had, why turn away? Panic consumes you.
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
“Sarge,” Crosshair says, thumping the crate of bread and dried meat down in front of him. Hunter simply raises an eyebrow at his vod, and it confirms Crosshair's hypothesis. The captain is in one of his moods again, when shaking off the nightmares is impossible and the hate inside him grows and simmers at fantastical measures.
“There’s a woman on board.” He tells him, casually popping a pick into his mouth. And watching as Tech’s and Wrecker’s heads snap up.
“A woman?” Tech asks with judgement. Crosshair rolls his eyes.
“Yes a woman, you know, the things that look almost like you except for their b-”
“I know what a woman is!” Tech cuts him off before things get graphic. His brother never having the politeness nor the decency to hold his tongue.
“There’s a woman aboard the Murader?” Wrecker tries to confirm, and underneath his wide captains hat, Hunter’s eyes darken.
“Listen very carefully.” He growls, the midday sun shining its way onto an unforgiving face. “If there is a stowaway. I do not care if you have to drag her to me with her intestines hanging out. Get. Her. Off. My. Ship.”
“But…” Wrecker starts, taken aback by the aggressive imagery.
“But what?” Hunter snaps, standing up and seeming small compared to his brother, but nonetheless intimidating. “I want her found and I want her off my kriffing ship.” He demands one last time before stalking back to the captains quarters.
Below deck you hear the slamming of a heavy wooden door, the sound makes your skin jump crawl with dread. Something has gone very wrong indeed, and it is not long before you see boots standing at the top of the steps down into the hold where you thought you were hidden. It is difficult to tell how many, two for certain, the change in foot size tells you that much. None of them talk, making it even harder for you to mask your panicked breaths. But just as one foot begins to descend the stairs, a voice from afar distracts it.
“Ship off the starboard bow!” it’s enough to get the men turning away from your concealment, and towards the voice.
“What does she fly?” Another voice shouts, much closer to you.
“Looks Weequay to me!” comes the response, which causes someone else to grumble something about eyesight and crowsnest. Frankly it’s all gibberish to you, starboard could be another hyper-ocean speedway let alone a part of the ship, and while you are sure you’ve heard the term Weequay before, you can’t place where or in what context you heard it. Laughter breaks you from your thoughts.
“That’ll be Hondo’s ship then!” A loud shout settles in your bones. Not one in anger but perhaps more so simple loudness. And whoever or whatever a Hondo is, it is enough to carry the shoes away from you and rush to another, more pressing task. Which makes you think you just may owe this Hondo your life.
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