#the flash 6x17
littlecarmine · 1 year
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thefrsers · 1 year
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*Sergeant Athena doing her thing*
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911bts · 3 months
Season 7 Writers Room
The active writers for season 7 are: Tim Minear Juan Carlos Coto Andrew Meyers Lyndsey Beaulieu Taylor Wong Nicole Barraza Keim Bradley Marques Below is what they previously wrote for the show/upcoming episodes:
Tim Minear: 1x01 "Pilot" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 1x02 "Let Go" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 1x10 "A Whole New You" (w/ Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk) 2x01 "Under Pressure" (w/ Brad Falchuk) 2x03 "Help Is Not Coming" (w/ Zachary Reiter) 2x11 "New Beginnings" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 2x18 "The Life We Choose" 5x01 "Panic" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x01 "Abandon 'Ships"
7x06 "There Goes The Groom" (w/ Nicole Barraza Keim)
Juan Carlos Coto: 2x06 "Dosed" 2x14 "Broken" 3x02 "Sink or Swim" 3x09 "Fallout" 3x13 "Pinned" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 3x18 "What's Next?" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 4x01 "The New Abnormal" 4x05 "Buck Begins" 5x01 "Panic" (w/ Tim Minear) 5x13 "Fear-O-Phobia" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x16 "May Day" 6x02 "Crash and Learn" 6x10 "In A Flash" 6x17 "Love Is In The Air"
7x02 "Rock the Boat" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 7x03 "Capsized" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 7x08 (doesn't have a public title) (w/Bradley Marques)
Andrew Meyers: 2x15 "Ocean's 9-1-1" 3x10 "Christmas Spirit" 3x12 "Fools" 3x14 "The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 4x03 "Future Tense" 4x09 "Blindsided" 4x13 "Suspicion" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 5x02 "Desperate Times" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu) 5x06 "Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1" 5x13 "Fear-O-Phobia" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 6x01 "Let The Games Begin" 6x08 "9-1-1, What's Your Fantasy?" 6x12 "Recovery" 6x18 "Pay It Forward" (w/ Nicole Barraza Keim)
7x04 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" (w/ Bradley Marques)
Lyndsey Beaulieu: 3x05 "Rage" 3x11 "Seize the Day" 3x17 "Powerless" (w/ Kristen Reidel) 4x02 "Alone Together" 4x10 "Parenthood" 4x13 "Suspicion" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x02 "Desperate Times" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 5x10 "Wrapped in Red" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden) 5x12 "Boston" 6x03 "The Devil You Know" 6x10 "In Another Life" 6x16 "Lost and Found"
7x02 "Rock the Boat" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x03 "Capsized" (w/ Juan Carlos Coto) 7x05 "You Don't Know Me" (w/ Taylor Wong)
Taylor Wong: 4x06 "Jinx" 5x08 "Defend in Place" 5x14 "Dumb Luck" 6x07 "Cursed" 6x15 "Death and Taxes"
7x05 "You Don't Know Me" (w/ Lyndsey Beaulieu)
Nicole Barraza Keim: 5x15 "FOMO" 6x06 "Tomorrow" 6x09 "Red Flag" 6x18 "Pay It Forward" (w/ Andrew Meyers)
7x06 "There Goes The Groom" (w/ Tim Minear)
Bradley Marques:
7x04 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered" (w/ Andrew Meyers) 7x08 (doesn't have a public title) (w/ Juan Carlos Coto)
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The waking up, having forgotten and remembering the full extent of what forever is
6x17 Spec (AO3)
“Okay, so, a couple years ago, we were responding to a call and then he got... he got shot, right in front of me... in the middle of the street... and out of nowhere, he almost died.” “So he had his very own brush with death,” Natalia’s eyebrows arch. “Cool.”
“Hey, are you alright?” Natalia asks, snapping Buck back to reality. 
His coffee’s gone cold. He looks at the cup, shyly, then back at her. To be honest, Buck is far from fine. He’s exhausted. The day was long, the calls were complicated, Eddie was acting off, Chim was stressing out about proposing to his sister like they aren’t already practically married anyway, and all he wants deep down is to go home, take a shower and sleep twelve hours straight. 
But he’s been pushing back this date with Natalia for almost a whole week now (not his fault, just STUFF that kept randomly happening and getting in the way because the Universe will not give Evan Buckley a single break) and he didn’t want her to think he was ghosting her or something. So now he’s here, staring at a cold coffee cup, thoughts far away. 
“Sorry, yeah. I’m- I was just thinking about that call, from this morning...”
“The proposal,” Natalia guesses. 
Buck nods with a heavy sigh. 
“The sky diver... You know, I actually told Chim to do that last week?” He asks, dread filling him up, but shakes the idea as quickly as possible. “I just- I keep thinking about that guy. He was in love, he had every single reason to survive, to live for... and he just, he didn’t make it.” 
Buck still remembers the man’s ribs cracking under his palms, his fiancé’s sobs somewhere across the street, Bobby’s hand on his shoulder forcing him to stop. He’s gone, kid. 
“It’s just death,” Natalia says, gently. “Most people who go there don’t come back.”
“Yeah, but I did,” Buck says, a little too sharply. “I- I came back, I got a second chance. Why didn’t he? He had so much to live for...”
“Didn’t you?”
Buck blinks at her. He thinks of endless hospital hallways, of a thick glass wall, of his own face filled with every cruel word he’s ever said. He thinks of the words Bobby Nash is dead, and a Diaz-shapped hole in the world. 
“Yeah, I did. But-”
“But he had more?” Natalia guesses. 
Buck shrugs. “Maybe. I don’t know. I just- It doesn’t seem fair.”
“Death isn’t fair, Buck,” her eyes sparkle as she speaks, like they do every time they broach her favorite subject. Which is, if he’s being honest, every time they meet. “Death just is. And everything else, well... it doesn’t matter.”
“It has to matter,” Buck shakes his head. “There has to be a reason.”
“A reason he died? Or a reason you survived?”
“I don’t know. Both? I just- I wish I knew, you know? I wish I could tell for sure why I’m still here.”
“To share your wisdom with me?” Natalia teases and it manages to make him chuckle, though even he can tell the sound is far from happy. 
“Maybe. Maybe that’s why.”
Maybe he came back to meet her, to know her, to love her and be loved by her, to finally get it right. Yeah. Maybe. It doesn’t feel entirely right, though.
“I just hate how random these things are, you know? This guy did everything right, but he just flew across a bank robbery car chase, and... just like that, his life was over.”
“In a flash?” Natalia asks, arching an eyebrow, easily guessing where Buck’s thoughts really are. And he’s slightly embarrassed, because he really should know by now that he’s not the center of the universe, but he can’t help it when these things affect him. 
“These things just keep happening when you least expect them.”
“These things... plural?” She asks, eyes a little eager again, clearly guessing he’s about to mention another brush with death. 
“It’s like- like when Eddie got shot,” he says. “You- you know Eddie, right, my best friend? He- he was at the call at Marie’s funeral, when we met,” he explains, which really shouldn’t be necessary because even if they haven’t officially met he knows he’s mentioned Eddie more than once to Natalia. What did you do today? How did you day go? So where were you on the weekend? The answer always leads back to Eddie and Chris. Still, Natalia has the good grace to nod along. “Okay, so, a couple years ago, we were responding to a call and then he got... he got shot, right in front of me... in the middle of the street... and out of nowhere, he almost died.”
“So he had his very own brush with death,” Natalia’s eyebrows arch. “Cool.”
The word rips through him like a bullet, like lightning, it knocks the air out of his lungs and fills them with something akin to acid. 
“Cool?” He says, voice low and slow and angry. “Eddie almost dying wasn’t ‘cool’, Nat. He was bleeding out in the middle of the street. I had to drag him out, I had to beg him not to die on the way to the hospital, he- he could’ve died. For real. Forever.”
“But he didn’t, just like you.”
“It doesn’t matter! Just- just because he survived it doesn’t mean it’s nothing!” 
And just as he’s starting to feel awful about raising his voice, something shifts in Natalia’s face. A small, victorious, smile blooms across her face and her eyes shine with a new kind of excitement. And, just like that, it comes crashing down on him. 
“This... this was never a date, was it?” He asks, voice hoarse. 
At that, her expression twists guiltily. She shakes her head. 
“Then- then what was the whole... the being interested in my dying.”
“Oh, I am interested,” Natalia says, lightly. “But I think you didn’t really want to talk about it. Not seriously, at least. The way you brought it up, when we first met, like it was just something funny or curious that happened to you... I figured you needed someone to match that tone, to help you to open up. And eventually...”
“...realize that it wasn’t nothing,” Buck finishes, ducking his head to hide his embarrassment. 
“Just because you’re still here, Buck, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. To you... to the people who love you.”
For the first time, Buck’s head actually thinks about his family seeing him die. He thinks about how Eddie’s shooting wrecked him, and finally understands that perhaps that’s why they’ve been acting weird since he came back, like he could break any second, like they are waiting for him to catch up on what happened. Buck, you died. Buck, you died. You died, Buck. 
“I know it happened. I just... I want it to mean something.”
“It already does. It can mean whatever you want it to.”
Buck takes in a shaky breath and lets it out slowly, meeting her eyes again. 
“Death isn’t about life ending, Buck, it’s about the journey before. And, for you, there’s still a whole journey ahead... and behind. You can’t shake off your past like you’re changing skin, you wouldn’t learn anything that way. This is a second chance at your life, not some other imagined one. A lot of people who go through similar situations, who die and come back, want to burn it all to the ground, be someone new... but that’s just another way of running away.” 
“Or go to Italy,” Buck huffs, amused, and for the first time in this entire conversation Natalia looks confused. He just shakes his head. “I guess I’ve just been... I’ve been trying to use this to find my way, but instead I’ve been so lost.”
“Maybe you’re looking in the wrong places,” she says, with a sweet smile, and he knows she means herself. 
“Yeah, maybe. But I don’t know where else to look.”
“I can’t help you with that,” Natalia says, as she gestures for the check. “But in my experience, life and death aren’t so different in that they can catch you in the most unexpected places. Sometimes... right under your nose.”
“Wouldn’t that be funny?” Eddie’s never going to let him live this down when he tells him. “Uh... I feel like I should be paying for the session, or sessions, you know?”
“You can just pay for my coffee,” she laughs. “And maybe one of those chocolate muffins to go.”
Buck laughs, and hopes that Natalia keeps in touch because, even if clearly they haven’t been dating, he kinda likes her. She’d be a good friend to have around. 
“So... if I have any more questions... about death?” He says, watching her pick up her purse and straighten her dress. 
“You can always call me, Buck, but I think you already have all the answers you’re looking for. You just gotta let yourself see them.”
And with that, she gives his shoulder a quick squeeze as she passes by and walks away. Buck sighs, and finds himself smiling. 
As he walks out of the cafe, he pulls out his phone and shoots Eddie a quick text: Man do I have a story to tell you. Wanna grab a beer?
Eddie’s reply comes quickly: Always. My place or yours?
Yours. Buck writes back, hopping into the jeep. 
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Buck & Eddie: Rescue vs. Save
Buck’s only SAVED three people but he’s RESCUED hundreds because that’s his job.
I completed a post about the difference between Buck rescuing and saving people last year (linked here) and after 6x17 “Love is in the Air” aired, I wanted to mention this again with definitions to illustrate how Buck rescues people for his job but he saves the people he loves.
To rescue means to remove a person from a dangerous, dire and/or an unpleasant situation, i.e., fire, earthquake, downed helicopter, car accident, etc. and a person can be rescued by someone they don’t know (firefighter).  It’s a one-time event.
To save someone is a process and it’s not a one-time event.  It’s a relationship and the person doing the saving and the one being saved perspectives’ change as they continue to grow and mature together. 
In 6x15 “Death and Taxes”, after Buck said he met up with Natalia, Eddie said, “Seriously… dating someone you rescued, you know that never ends well” and he SPECIFICALLY used the word RESCUED instead of SAVED for a reason.
Buck rescued Taylor, Ali and Natalia after they were involved in accidents the same way he rescued people during the Tsunami and whenever the 118 was dispatched to rescue people from fires, earthquakes and other disasters.  Also, he rescued Kameron from the standpoint of her needing somewhere to stay while she and Connor are on the outs but since Connor will be in next week’s episode, it’s highly unlikely Buck will end up with Kameron.  He’ll probably be instrumental in helping them save their relationship but he won’t end up with her because the narrative for 6B with regards to the sperm donation has been showing the complete opposite of that scenario.  Connor’s the father (Buck said that in 6x10 “In a Flash” and he said it again to Natalia in 6x17), therefore in 6x18 “Pay it Forward”, he will do just that, pay it forward when he helps Connor realize he has everything he needs with Kameron.
Buck has only SAVED three people over the past six years and they are Maddie, Chris and Eddie and he saved them because he loves them.  Maddie is his sister; he’s Chris’ legal guardian (in the event of Eddie’s death but soon he’ll be Buck’s stepson) and Eddie is his everything.  Buck saved Maddie after she killed Doug and he ran to meet her when she was injured and stumbled out of the woods in 2x13 “Fight or Flight”.  But he doesn’t have to save her anymore because she’s with Chimney and he admitted it to Sue in 3x14 “The Taking of Dispatch” when he said, “She has everything she needs” as she was hugging Chimney.  Chimney will be the one who saves Maddie now.
Buck saved Chris during the Tsunami after the first wave hit and he swam out to get him.  They came up out of the water together and he protected him because he loves him.  Chris saved Buck too during their conversations both before and after the Tsunami hit when he said, “You’re going to be ok kid” and when he told Buck about never giving up while they sat on top of the 136’s firetruck.  He saved Chris again in 4x8 “Breaking Point” when he gave him a safe place to run to when Eddie starting dating AF.  He listened to Chris and promised him he wasn’t going anywhere and he hasn’t.
Buck SAVED Eddie after he was shot by a sniper in 4x13 “Suspicion” when he crawled underneath a ladder truck (something that almost caused him to lose his leg and his career) screaming for Eddie to get his hand out.  He pulled Eddie to safety and treated his wound until they made it to the hospital.  Reminder the 133’s paramedic was in the back of the ladder truck with them but Buck wouldn’t let her help. Buck SAVED Eddie and Chris again after Eddie’s breakdown in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”.  Chris called and Buck came to save both of them. Reminder, he stayed at the Diaz residence for several days until Eddie was feeling better and he called Bobby to help so that Eddie wouldn’t wake up alone. He loves them so much and he will do anything for them.
The point of this post is to prove that Eddie’s words in 6x15 were specific for a reason since Buck rescues people on the job but he saves his family, the people HE LOVES!
Therefore, Buck dating and marrying Eddie is plausible and likely since he didn’t rescue Eddie, he SAVED HIM!
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sevensoulmates · 3 months
is JCC the buddie writer?
JCC is Juan Carlos Coto, he's been a writer for most of the show's run (season 2 onward). You can check here to see the episodes he's worked on so far: https://www.tumblr.com/911bts/743248556205408256/7x02-and-7x03-were-written-and-directed-by-the?source=share
You'll see that most of these episodes have a buddie moment or are heavily centered on Buck and/or Eddie. He's not the ONLY buddie writer, but he has been responsible for a lot of them, along with Lyndsey Beaulieu, Andrew Meyers, Taylor Wong, and, of course, Tim Minear. (You can find lists of all their previous episodes on @911bts).
We also have prominent "buddie" directors coming back as well, including John J. Gray (who wrote 2x04 Stuck and directed 6x12 Recovery ((ie. Buck falls asleep on Eddie's couch)), Brenna Malloy (who directed 4x13 Suspicion aka the gayest shooting scene on the planet), and Bradley Buecker (who directed 3x02 Sink or Swim aka Buck&Chris in the tsunami, 5x02 Desperate Times aka Eddie's comphet panic attacks, and 6x10 In A Flash aka Eddie pulling Buck UP after the lightning strike and "DO MORE!").
I was telling Zee yesterday the only time Juan Carlos Coto wrote an episode that I was less than thrilled with (at least when it comes to Buck and Eddie) is 6x17 Love is in the Air. But upon rewatching several times, I changed my opinion. Love is in the Air was interesting because it put both Buck and Eddie with Random Love Interests but also at the same time very much slapped the label of "THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT ONE FOR THEM" on it. So I'mma give him the benefit of the doubt because he had to adhere to what KR & Fox wanted and it really seemed like he did his best to adhere by what his bosses wanted while still putting several fail-safes in both Bucktalia and Eddiemarisol. He gave us all the red flags with Natalia, and also very clearly spelled out that Eddie wants to date Marisol for the wrong reasons (trying to recreate his last toxic marriage with Shannon, dating her just cuz she's there, and still feeling pressured to date in general). Man said I can't save this trainwreck of an almost-series finale, but the least I can do is give these characters fail-safes so the fans know these aren't their endgames even though it might SEEM like it.
Now, back under Tim, and with (hopefully) the green light from ABC, I'm thinking the writers/directors for season 7 can go absolutely apeshit on the buddie scenes. Maybe even sprinkle in a lil canon buddie just as a treat because we've all been such patient baby birds waiting for mama bird's backwash, ya know?
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themuseoftheviolets · 9 months
house md 6x17 lockdown top 10 episode. taub and foreman getting high together. thirteen and wilson playing truth or dare. cameron coming back and literally every scene with her and chase. house having a heart to heart with a dying patient who's case he didn't take. thirteen flashing taub at the end.
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cheryls-blossomed · 1 year
did you watch the flash s9 premiere? what did you think?
Yes, I did, and I quite enjoyed it! I went it with no expectations, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well the subtleties and nuances in Barry and Iris's relationship were handled. The last really great episode of The Flash, to me, was 6x17, although there were episodes I very much enjoyed since then, but in terms of matching that intensity, that story-telling, that emotional pay-off... I just do not think the show can pull it off anymore. So, having said that, I did really like that 9x01 instead leaned into levity, while handling the connotations of free will versus fate in the context of Barry and Iris being stuck in the time-loop with nuance. I really liked the notion of Barry wanting to fallback on needing to know every detail of his and Iris's future and needing to follow it exactly, because of the trauma of their past, and Iris wanting to choose and not have to be beholden to specific choice, because of the trauma of their past. Their feelings and emotions are informed by the trauma they have experienced the last few years, when they were physically separated repeatedly, due to Crisis, mirror dimensions, and time sickness.
I was unsure at first about Barry and his book, because initially I worried that this a lesson that Barry seems to need to learn over and over again, but it wasn't what I feared. Barry was very much in the wrong with obsessing about the book and foisting this upon his and Iris's lives, and he needed to come to that realization himself, but I understood why he was obsessing about the book and feeling like he needed to plot out the entire future, because of what's happened to him and Iris and them constantly being physically separated the last few years.
I absolutely adored the material for Iris in the episode. It was some of the best Iris content we have gotten since forever, especially because she has been dealing with so much pain and trauma and had so much violence inflicted upon her in the previous three seasons over and over again, so it was really nice to see Iris struggle internally with wanting to be able to make her choices without being told that she has to do something, because the future says so. Also, I found that scene where she's just like, "fuck it, I'm not dealing with these absurd decisions that may or may not have to be informed by the future, I am going to stay in this time-loop and not have to have all this weighing on me and just have a cocktail and for once not have to worry about all of this," so, so, so relatable. That's just such a good scene, and it felt so real. It's rare that The Flash gives us such good, relatable character moments these days, and this was one of them.
I love that Barry and Iris come up with a solution together on how to end the time-loop, while making choices on their own terms. Iris proactively finding a way to expand CCC into the empire we know it to be through the Coast City Gazette, while turning down the CatCo offer, was wonderful. CHEFS KISS. I always say that CCC is Iris's baby, and so, getting to see her expand her media empire on her own terms was really, really great.
The Westallen content was really fun, as well. I love the rom-com time-loop where they kept waking up on February 1st over and over again. Peak comedy, lol. Also the tender early morning moment. The fireplace kiss was really lovely AND THAT WHOLE SCENE WAS JUST SO SWOON-WORTHY... the romantic lighting, the "Are you sure about this?" "I'm sure about you." GOD, I've missed this peak Westallen romance so much. The power couple energy of them working through the time-loop and saving the day and breaking the time-loop together, on their own terms. The peak best friends in love energy in the pool scene. The scene by the pier, "Okay. Okay. Okay." I just LOVE how the married best friends in love energy jumped out. SO GOOD. Getting to see Barry and Iris together and happy and in love is just... give me all of that content. I am glad that this seems to be a focus this season, and I hope that it carries throughout the season.
So yes, all in all, a really enjoyable hour. It's not equal to my all-time favorite episodes, but I was not expecting it to be. I really appreciated that the episode handled Barry, Iris, and the time-loop with real nuance in the episode and that we got to see some really good character moments, because I honestly cannot recall the last time the show has afforded us this kind of nuance and character introspection.
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sirwhumpalot · 2 years
Hair's Breadth from Death
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Whumpee: Barry Allen
Tv Show: The Flash
Sorry I've been inactive, my phone broke and life is very busy 😭 these are a few of the preparations I did make for whumptober 22
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
given that jcc wrote 6x10 in a flash i wonder if somehow someway his plotlines will somehow continue in 6x17 love is in the air cause hes the only writer to write 2x for 6b
(Semi-related, but BOOOOOO @ Andrew getting used for What's Your Fantasy?, an episode that feels like it was thrown together without a clear purpose for everyone. Uncle Buck was just there for the fans and not so he could have Thoughts about fatherhood; Chim and Maddie's house hunting was off-screen and the plot of that episode was...umm... more Uncle Buck at their place? Knowing they have to move, but not actually talking about what their dream home would be like?; the Buck and Hen scene at the fair was...an excuse for Buck and Hen scene and so Buck could say the "girls can be heroes, too" line while talking about his niece.) As far as Coto is concerned, just going by what we've seen from these writers in recent memory, the odds are that whoever he wrote for in 6x10 will be mentioned/featured again in 6x17. Nicole Barraza Kim got to work on Tomorrow (the Henren story) and then Red Flag, which saw them confronting a topic from that backstory - how they came to adopt and raise Denny. Taking it back to season five, Coto helped write the script for Panic, which had an actual panic attack scene for Eddie, and then he got to work with Andrew for the bedroom breakdown in 5x13. Andrew, meanwhile, was part of the "Taylor gets rid of Buck's couch" moment from that same episode, and he was able to reference the decision in the season six opener. The two (current) story lines I can see being connected in his two episodes: - Madney would be in a post-proposal glow for 6x17, and we know the 6B premiere is about their families, so I anticipate something will be said or done in 6x10 to get the ball rolling. - 6x10 could be when the Buckleys (all three) find out about the choice Buck has made, when they finally give their Opinions, and 6x17 is another piece to the puzzle - one of the last (before the finale finishes it off).
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littlerosetrove · 1 year
My initial spoiler thoughts for episode 6x17.
My thoughts and feelings got pretty long for this one, so everything will be under the cut to save your dash. Also, I have a mix of thoughts from positive, neutral, to kinda negative. With that in mind, I’ll be tagging this post #911 critical for blacklisting purposes.
Woof, the Blair lady was going to say no originally? And she only felt obligated to say yes after what the guy did. Messy messy. And Eddie and Chim heard it all. Hmmmm.
Ravi is a landlord of soon to be three apartment complexes? Okay, he comes from some kind of money to do that. No way he can afford that on a, what, second year firefighters salary?
Tia Pepa is still setting up Eddie on dates?
…What was that editing? Where there was a flash of Chris on the couch, then it cut to Eddie?????
Eddie is such a gay disaster. <33333
But I’m sorry, Eddie went to a golf range? This is not computing in my brain. I’m not mad about this choice, just confused. Eddie does not seem like a golfing kind of guy. (i personally find the sport to be boring as hell, but that’s just me. and terrible for the environment). Also also, Eddie is a first responder, he KNOWS not to touch random dogs, especially without permission??? And the scene with the lady with the coffees? That outfit and the golfing one are not Eddie’s style at all. Idk, maybe this was partly Eddie trying to find things to do I guess.
That was really weird. Why would Lucy, honestly randomly, bring up the kiss like that? Alluding to it anyway. It felt unnatural and forced to, what, remind the audience “hey remember when Buck cheated on TK?” And just stating a fact, Lucy had initiated that kiss, but sure. Kinda weird scene.
Buck you have ZERO room to talk about - literally anything to deal with dating. Thank you Hen for basically saying, “you suck at dating too Buck.”
Eddie saying he wishes to have what he had with Shannon. Okay look. I liked Shannon narratively in season 2 and briefly in season 3. But to me it’s coming across in 6B that they’re trying to paint a softer picture of Shannon, and I’m not vibing with it. Also, Eddie. You and Shannon, at the end of the day, did not work. You didn’t know how to work as a team. When Shannon came back, she “tried” things out for a few months, but was about to leave again, but ended up dying instead. As the theme of this episode is “people change.” You two were not the same as you were when you were in high school. You may have worked then, but you didn’t after. And I think the show is really trying to say Buck and Eddie are the same age??? …Lord their timeline stuff is messy.
There’s a constant thing people are saying in this episode that “people change.” Hmmmmm.
Buck. You keep a ring cutter in the kitchen?? I’m not kink shaming here, but DUDE.
Wait, Eddie said he’d been running errands, the day that he went hiking and golfing? If that’s the case, then why did Eddie lie about that to Christopher? Does Chris not know his dad is dating?
The story of Ella and Nick got me. It feels like it’s been a while since a first responder (in this show) story like this moved me.
Wow. So TK is and always has been a Grade A Bitch. She’s exploiting the knowledge she has of the 118, and Buck. Got it. Now PLEASE let this for real be the last time we ever have to see her, I’m so serious.
Gina coming in with some good truth bombs. Something about people looking for signs when they’re afraid to make a decision or a choice. Yeahhhhhh this applies to Chimney, Eddie AND Buck right now.
Natalia looked overwhelmed with Buck, who he is and his life. I get it, but she didn’t look comfortable with it. Let me repeat that Natalia did not look comfortable with Buck and what he has going on with his life. Dare I say it, there’s “too much life” in Buck? And because of the way this episode framed everything, Natalia seemed, idk, weird about Buck having exes and stuff???????? Natalia says, “I’m a lot too” or something, when. what? No clue what that means beyond her job, because we’ve been told nothing about her. Also, I’m not sorry to say that these two have zero chemistry, and they bore me. I do not care to see her return because as we’ve seen, she’s just another plot device for Buck. Natalia was yet another trauma response for Buck. Nothing came out of it. Or at least there will be nothing that comes out of it until Buck realizes he should not attempt to keep things going with her because she’s not right for him. I am indeed frustrated. I truly hope that in season 7 Buck will finally be allowed to grow, rather than going in circles as he has for at least the past 3 seasons.
The whole thing with Kameron was weird. Kinda funny, but weird. It was weird because as far as we know, Buck has met with her maybe a few times as just a donor. Why does Kameron feel so comfortable to kinda barge into Buck’s apartment and ask to stay?? Because apparently Conor is an asshole. Wonderful. If there is supposed to be some pseudo friendship between Kameron and Buck, we’ve not seen any of it, thus it was… hella weird.
Maddie’s proposal was sooooo cute!!
As far as I am aware, the Marisol character is also supposed to be in the finale. I’ll truly have to wait and see how that plays out because Eddie and her bumping into each other… Like okay. In the literal episode before, Eddie told Buck that meeting someone on a call is never good. Also, Marisol in the end scene was wearing a shirt that says “dreams” or “dreaming.” I take that to mean the equivalent of the whole fantasy vs reality. Eddie is still living in a fantasy of sorts and not seeing what’s in front of him; Buck. Just like Buck is not (fucking) seeing what’s in front of him. But anyway, back to Eddie. I literally don’t know what role Marisol would play in the finale because to the sleuths of 911, I do think it’s clear that Marisol won’t be sticking around. Although I gotta say, I bet casual viewers will be questioning who TF this Marisol lady is. I too forgot who she was, but was reminded by other 911blrina’s. Idk idk, and the 911 folk didn’t know if the show would get picked up past season 6, right? So I can see two possible things with Marisol. 1) the finale leaves this open in a way that, “hey yes, this lady may come back for Eddie.” But now that we know there is a season 7, at the start of the show, they can kinda backtrack if they want, have her and Eddie date for a little bit, but it ultimately does not work out. 2) Marisol is present, but something happens in the finale for Eddie to realize, at the very least, no he doesn’t want to try anything with Marisol. Thus Eddie is single in the finale.
Not really sure what to think of Buck seeing Kameron asleep in his bed, then eating pickles on his couch??? Yeah I got nothing right now. Oh. And I bet there will be some hella wild takes out there, like “omg, Buck is gonna end up with Kameron!!” No. I don’t believe that for a second. 9-1-1 wouldn’t go down that soap opera road.
I’ll admit I’m in a funky mood, so I think my thoughts reflect this. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate this episode or anything like that. I genuinely enjoyed some of it.
Once again though, the whole Buck and Natalia thing in the episode was. Odd.
I do hope that in the finale Buck and Eddie will finally, in essence, listen to their hearts. In many ways both of them continue to ignore their hearts, and what’s literally in front of them. Now I’m not at all expecting love confessions for each other. No no, of course not. I just hope and want some sign that they’re Getting It in the finale. That they have some kinda “oh” moment that reflects on the fact that Buck and Eddie already have each other, ya know? I do expect this to be mostly subtext, especially when it comes to the Buddie of it all, because Buddie has been subtext literally the whole time. Man I hope I’m making sense.
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
Arrowverse Hall of Shame: My 30 (ish) Least Favorite Episodes
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. Also known as the „Why? Why?? Why?-List“ of Episodes. And yes, obviously I hate Season 2 of „Batwoman“, because they did pretty much everything wrong you can do wrong when faced with this kind of situation (Why not just make Sophie into the new Batwoman, or introduce Luke’s sister or cousin, or just - you know -keep Kate as main character if you do end up recasting her after all. Sigh).
 30. Living Proof (Arrow 7x21)
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29. Rule Number 1 (Batwoman 2x9)
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28. You have saved this City (Arrow 7x22)
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27. A New World Part 4: Finale (The Flash 9x13)
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26. Negative Part 1+2 (The Flash 8x19/8x20)
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25. Mask of the Red Death Part 2 (The Flash 9x5)
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24. Family Matters Part 1+2 (The Flash 7x10/7x11)
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23. Brothers in Arms (Arrow 6x17)
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22. Armed and Dangerous (Batwoman 2x15)
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21. Lone Gunmen (Arrow 1x3)
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20. Do not Resuscitate (Batwoman 2x6)
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19. Battles Lost and Won (Supergirl 3x23)
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18. Honor Thy Father (Arrow 1x2)
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17. Gore on Canvas (Batwoman 2x5)
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16. Elven-Fifty-Nine (Arrow 4x18)
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15. Unmasked (Arrow 7x8)
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14. Bat Girl Magic! (Batwoman 2x3)
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13. The Dragon (Arrow 6x19)
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12. The Missing Link (Supergirl 5x18)
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11. The Devil’s Greatest Trick (Arrow 6x13)
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10. Irreconcilable Differences (Arrow 6x9)
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9. Divided / We Fall (Arrow 6x10/6x11)
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8. All for Nothing (Arrow 6x12)
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7. Fair Skin, Blue Eyes (Batwoman 2x4)
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6. Burned (Arrow 1x10)
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5. Prior Criminal History (Batwoman 2x2)
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4. And Justice for All (Batwoman 2x14)
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3. Underneath (Arrow 5x20)
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2. Collision Course (Arrow 6x14)
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1.      What happened to Kate Kane? (Batwoman 2x1)
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alwaysme · 1 year
6x10 “In A Flash”
6x11 “ In Another Life”
6x12 “Recovery”
6x13 “New Sensation”
6x14 “Performance Anxiety”
6x15 “Death and Taxes”
6x16 “Lost & Found”
6x17 “Love Is In The Air”
6x18 “Pay It Forward”
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911bts · 3 months
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7x02 and 7x03 were written and directed by the same people.
Juan Carlos Coto previously wrote:
2x06 "Dosed"
2x14 "Broken"
3x02 "Sink or Swim"
3x09 "Fallout"
3x13 "Pinned" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden)
3x18 "What's Next?" (w/ Kristen Reidel)
4x01 "The New Abnormal"
4x05 "Buck Begins"
5x01 "Panic" (w/ Tim Minear)
5x13 "Fear-O-Phobia" (w/ Andrew Meyers)
5x16 "May Day"
6x02 "Crash and Learn"
6x10 "In A Flash"
6x17 "Love Is In The Air"
Lyndsey Beaulieu previously wrote:
3x05 "Rage"
3x11 "Seize the Day"
3x17 "Powerless" (w/ Kristen Reidel)
4x02 "Alone Together"
4x10 "Parenthood"
4x13 "Suspicion" (w/ Andrew Meyers)
5x02 "Desperate Times" (w/ Andrew Meyers)
5x10 "Wrapped in Red" (w/ Nadia Abass-Madden)
5x12 "Boston"
6x03 "The Devil You Know"
6x11 "In Another Life"
6x16 "Lost and Found"
Brad Buecker previously directed:
1x01 "Pilot"
1x06 "Heartbreaker"
1x10 "A Whole New You"
2x02 "7.1"
2x03 "Help Is Not Coming"
2x10 "Merry Ex-Mas"
2x14 "Broken"
2x17 "Careful What You Wish For"
2x18 "The Life We Choose"
3x02 "Sink or Swim"
5x01 "Panic"
5x02 "Desperate Times"
6x10 "In A Flash"
6x18 "Pay It Forward"
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fandomscraziness22 · 1 year
The Flash (cw show) fics
Tell Me How It’s Not True
That amazing fight scene from 6x17 between Mirror-Iris and Barry, with all the angst Title from "Still Have You" by Freya Ridings
Cisco's thoughts during the fight with Barry in 6x04
Betrayal (Or, how he finds out)
How I wanted Barry to find out Nora was working with Thawne Canon compliant through 5x14, then diverges from canon
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Season Sex - Buddie Fanfics
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
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Come with me to Italy!  
After 6x12 “Recovery” through the three-week mini hiatus 25.2K Words; Rated: Teen and Up Audiences Summary:  Buck and Eddie take a 10-day trip to Italy so they can heal together but Eddie doesn’t know Buck’s also thinking about relocating to Italy to become a firefighter.
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“I gave you a son and a family!” 
6B speculation 6x10 “In a Flash” through 6x17 “Love is in the Air” 60.6K words; Rated Mature Summary:  Eddie tells Buck he already gave him a son and a family and Buck realizes he misunderstood but they stop talking after their argument and they won’t have time to fix it before they almost lose each other again.
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“You’re my angel... oh angel” (Eddie prays) 
6x11 “In Another Life” Speculation 1.9K words; Rated General Audiences Summary:  Eddie can’t lose Buck, his angel and the love of his life.  After Buck’s wheeled into the ER, Eddie goes to the hospital’s chapel to ask, no plead for him to live.
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Chris talks to “his Buck”
6x11 “In Another Life” Speculation  2.2K words; Rated General Audiences Summary:  Chris talks to “his Buck/second dad” while Buck's in a coma.
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