#the hulk fanfiction
itsmrvlxh50 · 7 months
The chokehold 2012 Avengers tower fanfiction has on me is insane
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themultitaskingposer · 3 months
Marvel reacting to you staring at them.
Tony: what? You need money?
Steve: *smiles* can I help you?
Natasha: *staring contest, she won*
Loki: *smirk* like what you see?
Thor: *confused* what?
Wanda: *head tilt with sweet smile*
Peter P: hey, what—Whats up?
Yelena: *offers her macaroon* you want?
Kate: it there something on my face?
Bruce: *smiles and gets back to work*
Bucky: *leans closer and stares intently*
Clint: *confuse, looks behind then back at you*
Pietro: *snaps his finger*
© anniedvorak to some of the interaction go watch her videos at tiktok
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ladyinwriting18 · 8 months
The Start Of Something New (Bruce BannerxReader)
Summary: Meeting you sparks something new for Bruce AND Hulk.
Words: 5,852 Warnings: Sex on the first date, PIV, Oral sex (female receiving), Hulk is a flirt, Only sex with Bruce tho.
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When Tony had handed over the username and password to a newly made dating profile, Bruce had been very confused, and honestly, a tad reluctant.
However, after being hounded by his best friend to just give it a try, he gave in. The first few swipes had gone horribly. Most women unmatched with him after the first few messages. Or worse, they knew he was in the Avengers and had some sort of weird fetish about it. That is until he matched with you. Sweet, funny, beautiful, hard-working you. 
You were like a meteor that knocked him out of orbit.
Something different than anything he had experienced with other partners. Messaging back and forth in the app had quickly turned into an exchange of numbers. Texting with you had been easier because it gave Bruce time to analyze his responses, but hearing your laugh while talking on the phone? God, he was certain there was no better sound. You were so open and honest that communicating came naturally. Which wasn’t something he was used to after his failed relationship with Natasha. He pushes those thoughts from his mind and instead focuses on nervously pacing outside of the Aquarium. After a month of good morning texts and late-night phone calls—today is the day. The day the two of you would finally meet in person and go on your first real date. You two had shared coffee over Facetime a few times, but to Bruce those weren’t dates. This would decide if you’d want to continue communicating. And though you made him feel at ease whenever the two of you spoke, the thought of fucking it all up weighs heavily on him. Bruce checks his watch for the fifth time before catching sight of his reflection in the glass exterior of the building. He fixes his hair while giving himself a pep talk. “Come on, Bruce. You’ve got this. Don’t overthink it, just be yourself.” Your Uber pulls up just as he finishes his words of affirmation. He quickly straightens his back and turns to see you just as you step out of the car. You’re wearing the prettiest little sundress that sways softly in the summer breeze. He gulps. You look perfect. Jogging over to you, he holds out his hand to help you up onto the curb. “Hey!” He closes the car door behind you with a nervous smile, “T-thanks for coming. You look amazing.”
You can tell that Bruce is nervous and it warms your heart. Little does he know that you feel similar. Not only is he a brilliant scientist, but he has saved the world multiple times…what right do you have to spend time with him? You try not to let your insecurities show and squeeze his hand, not only as a comfort to him, but for you as well. “Aw Bruce, thank you. That’s so sweet of you to say.” You let yourself size him up before quirking your head to the side. “You look rather handsome.” His cheeks flush, though he tries to hide it by talking about where he’s chosen to take you for your date.
“I was glad to hear that you enjoy the aquarium.” He keeps your hand in his as he steers you towards the entrance. “I thought it would be the perfect place to bring a so-fish-ticated woman like yourself.” Bruce laughs at his own dad joke before rubbing his face in embarrassment. Tony had told him to keep the dumb jokes at a minimum. But then his ears perk up at the sound of you giggling and a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. Just like the first time he heard you laugh over the phone, he’s instantly put at ease, “Thank you for not clam-ming up at my terrible humor.” You giggle harder, your free hand coming up to grip his bicep. “Your humor is not terrible!” you lightly scold as you approach the first tank of colorful fish. They instantly capture your attention. “Wow, they’re all so beautiful!” Your hand on Bruce’s bicep feels so warm. He can’t stop himself from staring at your reflection in the glass—you look good together. 
“Which one is your favorite?” he asks to stop himself from planning out an entire future with you. It’s too soon for that. Especially when there are so many variables that could mess things up. You tilt your head to the side, taking a moment to respond, “Hmmm, probably this one.” You point to a fish with a blend of blue and purple scales. 
He nods and looks at the corresponding identification card printed next to the tank.
“Oh look here, that one is native to Wakanda. The scales are used to produce important and sustainable fertilizer for their diverse agricultural offerings.” He realizes he’s rambling, and looks to you wide-eyed. “Sorry, I tend to ramble when I get excited.” You smile and turn to face him fully. “There’s nothing to apologize for. You’re so smart, Bruce. I could listen to you talk for hours.” Sheepishly, he rubs the back of his neck. He can’t deny that the praise feels good but he feels undeserving. “I mean I only read what the identification card says,” he deflects with a teasing grin, hoping the joke would hide his insecurities. You cock your hip before playfully swatting at his upper arm. There’s such a fire in you. Bruce adores it. “You know what I mean, Doctor Banner. Now, show me which fish is your favorite?” Your curiosity about his interests has him lighting up. He doesn’t hesitate to pull you over to another tank. “My favorite is right over here.” Dropping your hand, he instead comes to stand behind you. With one hand on your waist and the other pointing out the fish. He hadn’t meant to tuck you so perfectly against him, but he did, and now he doesn’t ever want to move away. The smell of your shampoo and perfume mix together, leaving him totally captivated. It takes all his restraint to keep talking and not bury his face into your hair. 
“That’s the puffer fish, or Tetraodontidae. They have this defense mechanism, so basically, when they are threatened, they can expand to over double their size. I guess I have a soft spot for them.” 
You find yourself leaning back against his chest as you listen to his explanation. His reasoning not only makes perfect sense but shows you how insightful he can be. “I can understand why. It’s almost like you and Hulk.” You turn your head to meet his gaze. It’s only then that you both realize just how close you’ve both become. Bruce can’t help but notice that his lips are inches from yours. “Yes. It’s like me and Hulk.” His voice comes out huskier than he intends. There’s a tension building. One that’s begging to break free. All either one of you would have to do is close the last remaining inches, but before you can, Bruce’s watch beeps. It breaks the trance and has you both stepping back from one another. He checks his watch and silences the alarm. “Shoot, we have to hurry. There’s something I need to show you!” Without another word, he takes your hand and starts leading you to another part of the aquarium. There’s a bounce in his step as he walks you to the big surprise. His whole reason for picking the aquarium for your first date is because on your dating profile, you had written that your favorite animals are otters. Bruce had tucked this piece of information away until he needed it. He had painstakingly looked for an aquarium that not only had an otters exhibit but gave people the chance to pet them. He couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you found out. But when you both turn the corner you are instead faced with a giant sign that reads “Exhibit Closed for Renovation”. His heart drops and the blood in his veins starts to boil. He had checked the website! Had planned the entire date around this! “The website said it was going to be open!” he grits out as the hand not holding yours clenches into a fist. He feels Hulk beneath his skin, tugging to be let out. Bruce tries to suppress the feeling, but his chest begins to heave. Things have been better between them. No longer did he treat Hulk as a monster but as a part of him. Bruce made space for him in his home and life, which led to them not needing to fight one another for control. Instead, they attempted to live side by side. However, this is different. It mirrors a time when even the slightest inconvenience would trigger the Hulk. The tips of his ears and fingers prickle to a subtle shade of green. “This isn’t fair. Now everything is ruined!” He lets out a low growl and grips the hand he’s holding until you wince. You don’t have time to respond before you’re forced to rip your hand out of his grasp. That’s when you notice the color of his fingertips. Not knowing what to do to help, but not willing to abandon him, you step in front of him and cup his face. “Bruce? I need you to look at me. Nothing is ruined.” As you talk, you maneuver him backward until you’re both tucked away in a corner close to an emergency exit. You figure this is the best place for him to be if he did in fact lose control. Unfortunately, Bruce doesn’t respond. Instead, he tucks his chin to his chest and continues to breathe heavily. You say his name with a little more force, but still, nothing. He’s too preoccupied with the fury bubbling in his stomach. It causes tendrils of anger to spread through his limbs. Your words are muffled and your touch is hot. All his internal attempts to calm himself are destroyed by the deep seeded anger and self-loathing. 
“This always happens. I can’t do anything right. Everything is ruined.” You’re more panicked now, it’s evident in your tone. “Forget about the otters! I don’t care. Please, Bruce, I’m just happy to be here with you!” What do you do? How do you break him from this spell? You needed him to focus on the good! An idea pops into your mind and before you have a chance to think it over…you do it. You grip his face, jerking it towards you, and kiss him—hard on the mouth. Your arms encircle his neck, putting your all into the kiss and trembling slightly. All you can do is pray your plan works and he kisses you back. For Bruce, his world stops spinning and time stands still. The kiss is enough to bring him back to the present. His heart rate settles and his skin tone reverts to normal, but his eyes are shut tight. He can’t kiss you back, not like this. Not when you were only kissing him for your safety. So he gently pushes you away. “T-Thank you…for that but I’m…I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have had to…do that just to shut me up.” His words confuse you and you speak over him before he can continue, “I didn’t do it to shut you up! I did it because I wanted to and because I thought giving you something happy to think about would help.” You lose your nerve, faltering momentarily. “I…I’m sorry if I was wrong. I shouldn’t have kissed you without your consent.” Bruce’s brow furrows and he finally meets your gaze again. “Wait, you wanted to kiss me?” You nod in earnest and he smiles. He brings his hand to cup your cheek. “You were so brave and strong. I can’t thank you enough for being here for me.” You relax into his touch, letting your face rest in his palm. You’re so beautiful and sweet. It makes Bruce long for things he hasn’t allowed himself to want. “I’m also sorry for assuming you were kissing me out of pity. I guess I just couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to kiss…that.” He motions behind him, to where the Hulk had almost been standing. 
You tilt your head to the side, giving him a questionable look. “The Hulk is just a part of you. I know you’re used to people being afraid of him, but I’m not. I would kiss you, him, and anything else in between.” His cheeks twinge pink. Someone kissing Hulk? That wasn’t something Bruce could even fathom, but the feeling of his pulse skipping a beat tells him that his green counterpart is excited by the offer. Nervously, he chuckles at the realization. “W-Why don’t we take things one step at a time?” He says this not only to you but to appease Hulk into calming down. You take his hand and nod in agreement. The touch sends tingles from his palm and up his arm, making him feel bold. “Can I…I mean, may I kiss you? For real this time?” You nod with a smile and Bruce closes the distance between you. The kiss is soft and chaste but he can still taste the sweetness of your mouth. He hums at the taste but pulls away before he loses himself. “There’s one more thing I wanted to show you.” He extends his hand to you. “Come with me?” You take it and let him lead you to the back of the aquarium. He leads you past countless tanks of exotic fish until you come to a dark room. So dark that it’s almost pitch black, but quickly your eyes adjust, revealing tanks filled with various-sized jellyfish. You gasp at how delicate they are, their subtle glow showing their translucence. Their bodies pushing and pulling them through the water in an almost intricate dance. 
“Did you know that jellyfish are the world's oldest animal?” You shake your head ‘no’, transfixed on the tanks before you but soaking in his words like a sponge. “Scientists have found fossils indicating they preceded dinosaurs. I think they're magical.” You’re alone in this small dark space, and Bruce steps closer to whisper into your ear. “I think you’re pretty magical too.”
You gasp and turn towards him, whispering his name just before he captures your lips in another kiss. He’s more confident now, pulling you closer by your waist and gripping your hips tightly. You make out like teenagers, anxious and hungry for more. He whimpers at how good you feel and you can’t help but shudder against him in response. Your hands slide up to wrap around his broad shoulders. You feel safe in his arms so you push your body flush against him. He responds in turn, opening his mouth so that your tongues can touch. You’re so turned on that you’re certain you’ll combust, but he breaks the kiss. He’s breathing hard, clearly attempting to calm his heart rate. You give him space to do so and instead lace your fingers with his. He smiles his thanks before speaking. “How about on the way out, we take you to the gift shop so I can buy you a stuffed otter to make up for not being able to see the real ones?” You nod in excitement until it clicks that the date will be ending soon. “I would love that, but…what if after, I didn’t want to go home? What if I wanted to go home with you?” It takes Bruce a few moments to process exactly what you’re asking, but once it does his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “Yes! Uh…I mean, I would be honored.” The gift shop, walking to his car, and the drive to his home go by in a blur. One minute, you were asking him to take you home, and the next, you were holding a stuffed otter in your lap as he opened the car door for you.
You smile at the gesture, letting him help you out of his car, and walking up the front steps to his home. Little do you know, Bruce is holding his breath in hopes that he hadn’t left his home a mess before leaving. He sighs in relief after unlocking the door and seeing that the house is relatively clean. You step forward, taking in your surroundings, but his eyes are taking in your body. He imagines taking you to his bed and undressing you slowly. You move about his home, having no idea he was undressing you with his eyes. “You have a lovely home, Bruce. Most guy’s homes are…well…gross.” You giggle to yourself before placing your otter on the couch. He says your name in a way that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It sounds hot…needy…sexual. You turn to him, and like the opposite ends of two magnets, you’re pulled together–crashing into each other. No longer able to resist, your hands grope and mouths meet. You want to beg for more but he’s already hoisting you up by the waist and carrying you down the hall. You don’t know where he’s taking you, and frankly, you don’t care as long as he keeps kissing you. 
He stumbles while pushing open his bedroom door with his foot, but quickly regains his stride over to his bed so he can carefully lay you down. Your hair fans out along his pillows and he sighs. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” 
Hearing him curse has you biting your bottom lip. You grip his shirt and tug him towards you until he’s leaning over you. “I want you, Bruce. I’ve wanted you since the first time we talked on the phone.” He nearly chokes at your confession because he’s certain he had made an utter fool of himself on that phone call. “Please…” Your plea breaks him from his thoughts as your fingers start working on unbuttoning his shirt. “Please don’t make me wait anymore.” Shit. Shit. Shit. This was happening. This was really about to happen. Bruce’s cock jumps within the confines of his pants. “I won’t, Princess. I won’t make you wait.” His words are rushed, breathless as trembling fingers work on unzipping your sundress. “I’ve been wanting you too.” You’re both rushing to get one another naked now. His shirt. Your dress. His pants. Your bra. His cock is freed from his boxers and Bruce sighs with relief. You blush at the sight of how hard and thick he is. It would fill you up so perfectly. He looks at you with the same amount of desire in his gaze. Your nipples harden under that gaze, causing his cock to throb. And then he’s on you, crawling over your body so he can cage you beneath him. He can’t help himself from kissing his way down your chest and stomach, pausing only when he gets to the waistband of your lace panties. “May I?”
He doesn’t need to ask, but the fact that he does warms your heart. You nod, giving your consent, and he hooks two fingers under the lace. You lift your hips, making it easier for your panties to be pulled down your legs. Once free of them, you let your legs fall away to reveal your cunt to him. You blush, knowing you’re already wet with slick. “Your kisses have been making me wet all afternoon,” you whisper, embarrassed. Bruce perks up at this information, letting a finger trace along your folds. “Wow, really? All afternoon?” You nod, your face feeling hot. “I love that you’re this wet for me.” He turns his head so he can leave kisses along your inner thigh. “I want to taste,” he groans, hungry for it. So hungry that he dives his face between your thighs, licking from your slit to your clit. He moans as the taste and scent of your cunt fill his senses. You moan at the feeling of his tongue alternating between licking your clit and slipping his tongue inside. Each time, your inner walls clench around the muscles of his tongue. “Oh God, y-you’re so good with your mouth!” you pant, starting to buck your hips. Lewdly, he devours your wetness, grunting against your flesh. His arms wrap around your thighs and pull you forward so your cunt is smashed against his face. He turns his focus on your clit, eagerly sucking on it. He’s so turned on by the noises you’re making and the taste on his tongue that he can’t stop himself from rutting into the mattress to get some relief. “I want you to cum on my face,” he declares suddenly, as if the idea just popped into his head and he couldn’t stop himself from saying it out loud. “Can you do that for me?” You find that you can only nod as the pleasure steadily builds throughout your limbs. “Here, let me try this,” he says as he slips his middle finger into your awaiting hole. Instantly, you grind down on it, crying out his name when he starts fingering you harder. His mouth returns to your clit, swirling his tongue over it to drive you closer and closer to the edge. And damn are you close to that edge. You scream for him, tell him how good he’s making you feel. He doesn’t let up, and without warning, your back is arching off the bed as you cum all over his face, just like he wanted you to. He works you through your aftershocks, licking up every drop of cum that spills out of you until your body slumps back onto the bed. It’s only then that he eases his finger out and sits back on his knees. “That…was incredible,” he pants with a light chuckle and then leans over you once more to leave a kiss on your temple. “Thank you for that, Princess.” You practically purr at the nickname. Usually, names like that give you the ick, but Bruce saying it gives you butterflies. “I love it when you call me that. I like being your Princess.” You hook a leg around his waist, beckoning him closer so his cock is nestled against the cleft of your cunt. He whimpers, grinding his erection against you. He wants to be inside you, wants to fuck you hard and deep, but he needs to slow down. “W-Wait, wait,” he pleads, holding your hips firm in an attempt to keep you both in place. “We…We need to talk first.” Something about his tone gives you pause. “What’s the matter?”you ask, giving him your full attention. Bruce worries at his bottom lip, wanting to say the right thing. “I don’t want to scare you but…sometimes…uh, when I cum, I turn a little…green.” A blush works its way up from his neck. “If you catch my drift.” You sit up, more intrigued than afraid, but the man before you misunderstands and continues on nervously. “You have n-nothing to worry about, I promise you. I would never let anything happen to you.” You silence him by pressing a finger to his lips. “I’m not afraid. Not of you or of him. I want to make you cum.” Your hand drops, replacing it with your lips, whispering against his mouth. “I want to make you both cum.”
Your acceptance of him and his other half stirs an animalistic lust from deep within him. When he moves on top of you, it feels as if it’s in tandem with Hulk. They had never moved as one before. Had never wanted the same thing so completely as they do now. 
Bruce kisses you roughly, tongues rolling along one another while their bodies grind. He aligns his cock with your opening, moaning in between your kisses. “Is that what the sweet girl wants? To make us cum so hard that we turn for you?” His voice is deeper, with pupils blown wide with lust. His words have your heart racing, and although this is your first time in Bruce’s bed…something tells you it’s both he and Hulk who would be fucking you tonight. You push your forehead against his and nod eagerly. If he was going to speak, it’s cut off by the growl that bubbles up from his throat. He’s completely overtaken by his feral alter ego, and in one fell swoop, sheathes his cock fully inside of you. You yelp, tensing at the sudden intrusion, but damn does he fill you up. However, the sound seems to bring Bruce back into himself. “S-Shit, I’m sorry. Are you alright?” 
You feel him starting to pull out of your heat. “Don’t!” you cry, wrapping your legs around him to keep him in place. “D-Don’t stop, Bruce. You feel so good. Please don’t stop.”
He nods, relieved that he hasn’t hurt you, and starts rolling his hips. “Mmhh, you feel good too. So tight.” But his slow pace doesn’t last long. His hands push your legs away, giving him space to pull out and then slam back in. You both throw your heads back, swearing loudly at the first deep thrust. Your walls had clenched so perfectly around his length so he pulls out and does it again. The drag of his thick cock along your walls is making you gush. You scream his name and claw at his back. You can’t seem to focus on anything but the hard pounding rhythm of his cock. Bruce bows his head and starts kissing, biting and sucking at your breasts. He does so as passionately as he had eaten your cunt, making you wonder if he has a slight oral fixation when it comes to sex. Not that you mind. You’ll wear the marks he’s leaving on your breasts with pride. 
A hand reaches between your legs to find your clit and rub firm circles on it. You arch into his touch and thrusts, trying to meet both. It causes a wet slapping noise to fill the room as he ruts into you. 
Every thrust brings a flush of green across Bruce’s broad back. But he can’t cum. Can’t turn. 
He needs to make you cum and he needs to keep you safe. But his control is slipping the closer his orgasm becomes. “A-Am I making you feel good, Princess?” You don’t hesitate to moan your reply in between desperate pants, “Yes, fuck yes! G-Getting close. More Bruce. Fuck m-me more, make me cum!” Any momentary self-consciousness fades at the sight of you falling apart. He gives you exactly what you need and cracks his hips faster, harder, rougher, while keeping firm pressure on your clit. It has your muscles tightening, that feeling of sweet release just within reach. His movements become sloppy, unable to keep away his own orgasm for much longer. But you’re too close to cumming to notice or care. “Cum for me, Princess. I…I need you to cum with me.” His words are all you need to come crashing over the edge. Your orgasm rocks you to your core, the entire time chanting his name like he’s your own personal God. Your inner walls pulse around every throbbing inch of his cock, coaxing him to reach his own peak.
His back contorts and green flashes down his arms and legs as he cums, filling you with it as he screams, sounding more monster than man. Was he about to…turn?
You don’t have time to react, because as quickly as it started, Bruce collapses on top of you. You’re honestly too stunned to react but the sound of a whimper breaks you from it. “Bruce?” Your arms come around him so you can stroke his back and hair. “Are you alright?” 
It takes him a few minutes of heavy breathing before he’s able to lift his head.” I-I’m okay. Could we just…lay here for a little while?” He sounds exhausted and lost. It tugs at your heartstrings. “Of course, for as long as you need,” you whisper, allowing your fingers to delicately trace over the lines of his back. For a long while, you lay together with his cock still nestled inside you. Not that you mind, it feels right being close to him. When he’s ready, Bruce slowly props himself up and slips out of you before looking you in the eye. He sheepishly thanks you, looking rather flustered. “I’m uh…sorry if I scared you earlier…you just felt so good and he…” Bruce trails off, clearly too embarrassed to continue, so you sit up and cup his cheek so he looks at you. “You have nothing to apologize for. You made me cum so hard. I’d let you fuck me over and over again if you wanted to.” He visibly perks up at that and can’t stop the boyish grin from spreading across his features. You grin back. “I guess I made him feel good too…if he was fighting to break out.” He takes a calming breath and runs a hand through his hair. “He uh…still does.”
“Really??” You sound shocked but intrigued. “Do you…uh want to let him out? I wouldn’t mind meeting him.” Bruce hesitates, not knowing if letting Hulk out is a good idea, but then he looks back at you. His eyes roam over your beautiful naked body that is now sitting back against the headboard. 
An image of you relaxing in his bed every morning from now until the end of time flashes through his mind. But it isn’t just his fantasy…it’s Hulk’s. “Well…he does think you’re pretty.” “Really? He told you that?” You blush, biting your bottom lip, and Bruce can’t help but chuckle at how adorable you look. “It’s more like a feeling, but yes, in a way.” You nod in understanding and wait for his final say on the matter. “Okay, you and Hulk can meet,” he agrees, and you happily squeal. “I’ll see you in the morning?” “In the morning,” you repeat, and Bruce leans in to give you another kiss before standing. He makes his way over to his dresser and pulls out a clean pair of boxers that are enhanced to stretch to Hulk’s size. “Now, if anything goes wrong, don’t hesitate to use my phone and call Tony,” he says over his shoulder while slipping the boxers on. “Call Tony, got it! But everything will be fine,” you reassure as you reach over the side of the bed to grab your underwear, and Bruce’s discarded shirt and put them on. When you look back at him, he’s facing away from you with his back rounded. He groans as loudly as he did when he came but is undoubtedly pained. Green muscles ripple out from his spine, up his neck, and down his limbs. You watch amazed as he doubles in size right before your eyes. He sways for a moment before gaining his footing and turning around to face you. Your breath catches in your throat at the realization that the famous Hulk is standing in front of you. “H-Hi there. I’m–”
“HULK KNOWS.” His deep booming voice cuts you off. “You do?” Hulk nods. “YOU’RE PRETTY LADY.”  The pet name makes you giggle and move closer to him but still remain perched on the edge of the bed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Your eyes roam over him, wondering what being held in his arms would feel like. “Is…Is this where you sleep too? Or do you have your own room?” You use the questions as a way to distract your mind from thinking about his touch. He scrunches his green nose up in distaste, “BANNER’S MATTRESS TOO LUMPY. HULK HAS BIGGER BED.” He points down the hall to where the home’s second bedroom is. “PRETTY LADY WANT TO SEE HULK’S ROOM?”
“I would love that.” You smile and he holds out his hand for you to take. You do so, and with more gentleness than should have been capable of someone his size, he helps you out of bed and leads you to his room. However, the entire way, your eyes stayed glued on Hulk–memorizing and taking in the parts of him that were still innately Bruce. With your tiny hand in his massive one, he steps inside his bedroom, no longer needing to crouch down because the ceiling is higher now. The walls are covered with photos and newspaper clippings of the Avengers and their families. You smile, it’s endearing to see that he has a soft side. Hulk flops down on the extra-large mattress with a smirk, stealing your attention away from the photographs. “HULK’S ROOM BETTER. BED SOFTER AND BETTER FOR SNUGGLES.” He pats the spot next to him on the bed, silently inviting you over.  You raise a brow in his direction.
You couldn’t believe it…he was flirting with you. Boldly flirting with you at that! As if he already knew he had you right where he wanted… Those green eyes look at you like the alpha of a pack, ready to lay beside his mate. Maybe Hulk wasn’t just Bruce’s rage personified but also his self-confidence with the opposite sex. Not having an answer, you decide to climb up and join him on the bed. If he wants to be a flirt, then so would you. You lay down beside him so you can rest your head on his rather huge bicep. “Mmhm, you’re right…much more comfortable.” You smirk up at him. Seeing the smug look on your face has him laughing, his frame rumbles with it. “PRETTY LADY LIKE HULK’S ARMS BETTER! BANNER WILL BE JEALOUS.”
You shake your head at his silliness. “I love both of your arms,” you lightly scold until you yawn without warning. “Shoot, sorry about that. I guess I’m more tired than I realized.”
Hulk shakes his head at your apology and lightly pats your head. “NO SORRY. PRETTY LADY SLEEP NOW.”
You nod, suddenly finding it difficult to stay awake. He pulls you in, letting you fully nestle against him.
At first, his words confuse you, but then you remember one late-night phone conversation when you told Bruce that having your hair played with always puts you right to sleep.
You smile at the memory, confirming Hulk’s words, and his fingers find their way into your hair. He gently strokes and pets, leaving you nearly purring.
Hulk chuckles under his breath but doesn’t stop the movement of his fingers. “PRETTY LADY SOUNDS LIKE KITTEN.”
“I guess that makes me Hulk’s kitten,” you mumble, trying to stifle another yawn.
Your half-lidded eyes finally fall shut.
It only takes another moment and you’re asleep.
Hulk watches you, not wanting sleep to overtake him, but it isn’t easy when he feels so relaxed with you in his arms. Eventually, exhaustion seeps in, winning him over. But just before he fully subcomes to sleep, both Hulk and Bruce share the same thought.
This would be the start of something new.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 1 month
Just Another Notch
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Bucky Barnes x Plus Size F!Reader
Masterlist Part 3/??
Word Count: 1,824
Summary: If Bucky thinks his charms will work on you, then you’re gonna put up one hell of a fight to prove him wrong.
Warnings: Nothing explicit 18+, until later chapters, read at your own discretion. Fat shaming, bully!Steve. Protective!Bruce
Training felt useless. When you made it to the simulation room, you didn’t even power up the hologram tech. You sat in the chair facing the super computer. Seeing your reflection in the monitor screen, cause tears to well in your eyes. You thought you were beautiful, when you looked in the mirror after you got dressed, you felt so confident. The look on Bucky’s face when you emerged from your room boosted that confidence tenfold. You could laugh at yourself now. How quickly things change, it’s the cosmos teasing you. Blowing a long breath out of puckered lips, you drop your forehead, landing it on the cool glass desktop. Maybe you bit off more than you can chew. Maybe you weren’t strong enough to play this kind of game.
You knew you never stepped foot in that gym for a reason. Why did you think today would be different? “You ok?” You raise up, searching the room. “Uh hello?” You say, standing up when you still don’t spot anyone. You see the top of a curly head of hair bent under a desk. Walking up to it, the gym situation leaves your mind instantly. You see Bruce folded up untangling wires underneath a desk. “What a sight.” You laugh. “Yeah, yeah, poke your fun.” He contorts himself free, standing up to press the power button on the monitor screen.
When he’s met with continued darkness, he rolls his eyes and faces you. “Your forehead.” He motions towards his own. You make eye contact with yourself in the mirrored wall behind him. Apparently you’d banged your head harder than you thought. You didn’t feel it but you saw the blood at your hairline. “Oh my.” Your eyes grew to be big like saucers.
You look at the desk to see a large crack down the center of it. “I heard you do it, that’s why I asked if you were okay.” He was looking at you with disbelief that you did that to yourself without noticing. “It didn’t hurt, don’t worry about me.” You brush him off, running to the sink in the corner to wash the blood and sweat from your face.
“I know you have a hard head, my desk though? Priceless and fragile.” He jokes, you can hear the real concern under his voice. “What happened, really?” Bruce steals your rolling chair, sitting below you, looking up intently. His big brown eyes gave you the courage to admit it. “Just the same old, same old.” You kick at one of the wheels to the chair.
“C’mon, you know it’s not good to hold it in. Let the doctor help.” He sounds playful, but you know he’s dead serious. You never considered Bruce one of the main team, so there was no reason to ice him out. He was a scientist more than anything. He spent almost one hundred percent of his time in this simulation room, save for when you both knew you’d rather be training alone. He kept you company, not in the verbal sense.
Most of the time the room was filled with the clicking of keys and hard labored breaths. You both did your own thing, over time you started appreciating each others meekness and opened up. Once you got the man talking, he never stopped. You’re sure his brain is a computer, he soaks up information and spits it back out, corrected. You knew better than to ever lie to him, he was far too smart to fall for whatever you planned to say.
“Tell me.” His smile drops and you feel yourself break a little more. “I embarrassed myself, Bruce.” You look away from his saddening eyes. They were starting to pool with pity, and that’s the last thing you want from him. “Hard to believe, but how?” He says, grabbing your wrist to keep you from running away.
With a deep breath you begin, “I went the the gym with Bucky this morning, mistake one.”. Bruce quickly interjects “Bucky? What are you doing hanging out with him?” He presses his eyebrows together, you can’t discern his expression, was it judgement or something else? “It’s a long story.” You find yourself looking down and away from him again. Like there’s a smudge of guilt and shame creeping in.
“I’ve got time.” He raises his arms in a gesture that conveyed ‘bring it on’. God he wanted the details, why? You glance around the room, finding another chair and rolling it infront of him. “Where should I start?” You giggle, forcing yourself to lighten the mood. “The beginning, please.” He starts to bounce his knee.
“Last night, I was eating my late night cereal in the kitchen, when everyone got home.” Bruce folds his arms and nods. “Bucky joined me in the kitchen and well, he dumped a bowl of milk on me. It was an accident, I think.”
“You think it was an accident? Or you have proof of otherwise?” He says, tilting his head. “Maybe the latter.” You admit. “Okay, so the guy spills milk on you, so you go workout with him?” He was obviously confused. “Not directly after! He apologized and brought me coffee this morning to apologize again, offered to help me out with training.” Bruce rolls his eyes again and you’re sure they’ll fall out the next time.
“Please tell me you didn’t believe he was just innocently apologizing.” He sounds annoyed with you, it kinda stings. You never expected Bruce to get upset with you over it. “What else would he be doing?” You shrug your shoulders at him, genuinely curious if he saw it the same way. “Anyone with eyes here knows, that Casanova, will pull any girl in the building, I’m sure he doesn’t even have a type.”. So Bruce also thinks Bucky was flirting with you.
“I honestly didn’t want to believe it. Why would a guy like him be with me?” You shake your head, trying to throw the thoughts from your mind. “He has been nothing but nice to me, I promise.” You look him in the eyes and you see the tone you’ve been hearing in his voice. Flecks of green shine and then die out instantly, his knee was bouncing faster than before. “If he was so nice then why’d you leave the gym?” His voice wasn’t questioning, it was accusatory.
You choose your next words carefully. “Steve came in, and he said something that wasn’t so nice, so I left. That’s all, Bucky didn’t even do anything, there goes his attempt at sleeping with the whole office.” You try to laugh it off, but Bruce isn’t budging. “What did he say?”
“I was getting a water from the vending machine-“ before you could finish, his knee stopped bouncing, and he unfolded his arms. Now you were worried. “Did he comment on your weight, yes or no?” He stands up, harshly slamming the chair into the desk. You would never lie to Bruce, but the truth might start something you don’t want. “Sorta…” you say, ashamed. He strides past you, and now you’re reaching out for him, “Wait.”.
“No, I’m tired of these pompous assholes doing and saying what they want. I’m not letting it happen, especially to you.”. He looks back before exiting the room, and you feel something in your chest swell. He was so serious right now, you could feel the anger radiating off of him. You didn’t know Bruce felt anything besides casual friendship for you, now you’re starting to think differently.
“I’m coming.” You run to catch up with him, taking long strides behind him as his white lab coat swings behind him, and in front of you. “What makes him think he can even speak on my- on you?” He redirects as he swings the gym door open.
You’re met with Bucky and Steve racing each other in push-ups. “99-100!” “You suck.” “You cheated.” They’re laughing as if you and Bruce didn’t just walk in. “No one cares.” Bruce cuts in. The look of annoyance on his face was enough to confuse the super soldiers. “What are you doing out of the lab?” Steve jokes, but no one laughs. “The next time you even so much as think about Y/N, you’ll be talking to the big guy, not me.”. Steve looks around the gym, wondering who Bruce thinks he is. “Sure, pal.” He grabs a towel and wipes the sweat from his neck. “Tell your girlfriend to lose some weight then.” Before you could even be hurt, all you saw was green.
Hulk was infront of you now, taking heaving breaths. You poke your head out from behind him and see Steve and Bucky holding their hands out as if they were calming a wild boar. “Woah, don’t you think you’re over reacting?” Steve says, stepping back. “Y/N! Call off your dog!.” He says, tripping over his own feet.
Hulk slowly stalks towards both of the men, ready to shred them to pieces. A sinister smile on his face. You feel no pity for Steve, but the thought of Bucky being hurt in the crossfire didn’t sit right with you. Before the jolly green giant could break a bone you pipe up loudly. “Hulk? Hey! Over here!” You wave your hands around in the air.
He can see your tiny form trying to catch his attention, and Hulk has the peace of mind to just ignore you, and do what he knows best, smash. The first fist landed on the gym floor, splinters of wood flew everywhere, a hole to the basement left in its place. “Hulk!” You scream this time and it catches his attention. “Go home!” You demand. You knew better than to have a civilized conversation with him. He knew how to take orders from Fury, so maybe it would work. When he just stands there and looks at you, you double down. With a faux confidence, you looked him in his giant green eyes. “Now, Hulk!” You raise an eyebrow, like a tested mother, as if you were about to count to three.
You don’t know why, the hulk didn’t frighten you one bit, but silly, mean words would make you crumble. He growls one last time at the scared super soldiers before breaking through the door way leading outside. Leaving you alone with the men you almost had killed. Bucky looks in disbelief, like he wasn’t almost used for a human punching bag. “Sorry.” You shy away, stepping on fallen bricks to follow Bruce outside.
“What the actual fuck just happened?” You hear Steve ask, but you’re halfway to the swaying trees before you could hear his response. You don’t really know where Bruce lives, so following him through the woods was your only option. You don’t want him destroying more floor boards on your account. Also, you need to find out why he was so passionate about defending you.
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beah388love · 2 months
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Green Daddy?
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Marvel Masterlist
Pairing: Daddy!Bruce Banner x little!reader
Summary: Bruce turns into hulk….
Warnings: swearing,age regression,fighting,shouting,arguing,crying!!!(please tell me if I missed any!!!)
“Calm down You big Green Giant!” Tony said as he tried to hold onto the back of his arm.
Steve groans in pain as he feels the wall he was just thrown into break an echo going through the whole building.
Hulk threw his arm, causing Tony to go flying head first into a desk, luckily he was in his Ironman suit.
“Fuck me….” Nat said trying to catch her breath as she was also thrown off of hulks back, flipping her in the air directly onto the ground.
And that was when they heard a tiny voice amongst the shouting.
“Sam” Tony shouted as he got up again trying to keep Bruce away from you.
Motherfucker. “Morning sweetie c’mere” Sam said in a high pitched voice as he held his arms out for you but you began to cry catching hulks attention.
“Dada? I want dada” you cried as you tried to push Sam’s arms off of you.
“C’mon pumpkin calm down” Sam said to you but it sounded more to himself when he saw hulk was walking towards you two.
He took two giant stomps whilst throwing Nat onto the floor and Thor into a wall.
“Cupcake?” Hulk roared as he stormed towards you and Sam.
“Fuck..fuck..” Sam muttered to himself as he shielded you behind him as you cried.
“Dada! I want my dada!” You cried as you tried to push Sam off of you.
You had seen hulk before, only once. And he accidentally bruised your arm from being too strong, but he didn’t mean to and everyone knew that except Bruce. He swore to never be around you as hulk after that.
Untiiiil now.
“Let her go” hulk roared to Sam as he tried to push him without hurting you.
“Hey you better get back! Because if you don’t then banner is gonna kill me!” Sam yelled and hulk shrugged pushing Sam away into the kitchen sides.
You gasped a cry when you saw Sam be thrown like that. “Dada! We don’t hurt friends!” You cried at him shaking a finger at him like he does to you.
Hulk sat down making the whole ground move.
He then hesitantly held his hand out, you walked onto it holding onto his finger when he lifted his hand up to his face.
“Cupcake” he mumbled to you softly, well soft for hulk anyway.
You was now eye to eye to him and he leaned in and gave you a ‘little’ peck on the nose but from his size it was more of a slobbery big kiss.
You giggled wiping your face.
You watched hulk slowly turn into your ‘normal dada’ again.
And instead of being in his hand you was now in his arms.
Bruce hugged you tightly breathing in your scent for comfort.
“Cupcake…you okay?” Bruce mumbled into your messy hair and you nodded
“M’tired dada” you yawned making him chuckle.
“Alright cupcake” he smiled holding you on his hip.
“Bruce?” Sam groaned in pain as he stood up.
“I’m sorry Sam..you alright?”
“Yeah no I’m great” Sam said sarcastically making you giggle.
“I’ll take care of these guys, you go get her to bed” Sam smiled at you giving your cheek a squish.
“Alright, see you in a bit” he said before taking you back to your bedroom.
“Dada you was Green! Like a booger!” You squealed making him laugh.
“I know baby..I know” he said through a chuckle.
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marvelouttakes · 9 months
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Science bros
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mazikeenofthelilim · 10 days
loki's kinks & headcanons !
tags: 18+ readers only, mentions of slight smut.
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orgasm denial : now lets face it, loki will absolutely deny you of any orgasms until he sees that youre an absolute mess for your prince.
"does my little whore need to cum ?" loki mocks with a slight tsk, his fingers pushing slowly into your dripping hole. "i havent even given you my cock yet so not yet, dear." his fingers delayed their motions, pulling themselves out of you and leaving you to clench around air— your hips moving to try and chase his fingers desperately.
overstimulation : now on the other hand, sometimes he has to give his good girl a prize.
"my prince.. i-i cant, no more." you stuttered, your walls clenching around his thick cock as he pushed himself into you roughly.
loki shook his head, his hand grabbing your jaw roughly and turning your head so that you looked him in the eye. "you can and you will. good girls get what they want and this one, had previously stated that she wanted the most so unless the safe word is slipping from those innocent lips, dont tell me no more again."
dirty talk : loki loves to hear himself talk, i guess its a good thing that you love it too.
"so fucking tight." loki muttered, thrusting his hips at a face and punishing pace. "you were born to take this cock. born for the prince to fill you up and fuck you all night long."
public sex : his favorite place that you both have done it is definitely on odins throne.
"loki !" you squealed, the man in questions hands were pining you down on the hard concrete. "what- what if odin walks in." you moaned out, your hips pushing back to meet his thrusts.
"its all apart of the thrill sweetheart. i can tell by the way youre gushing around your princes cock that you love the thought of odin finding you with your messy hair getting fucked by his supposed son on his thorne." loki never gave up on his pace.
breeding : it goes without question.
"want me to fuck an heir into your belly, sweetheart. get you swollen and round with my child." loki bit at your neck, his balls tightening as he felt his orgasm approaching.
"please ! yes, yes, yes !" you chanted, your orgasm close to its peak as well.
loki smirked devilishly, "so fucking take it."
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aceofhearts25 · 2 months
How Marvel Characters Would React to you Wanting to Borrow Their ⚔️✨ Weapons✨⚔️
Summary: How they'd react to you asking to use their weapons/stuff! These are really fun to write ngl- nothin’ but good vibes and funny scenarios!!! -
Tony “Just let me borrow the worst suit you got for one damn minute!” You’d ask for the millionth time. Tony would sigh and stare at you for a few seconds. Then he’d start walking away, you following behind. “Five minutes. That’s all you get.” He’d say in a sassy voice with a playful undertone while walking to where he kept his suits, you following like an eager pet. He’d actually be enjoying this. He’d let you fly it around the Tower for a while before putting it back because you’d almost shot him with the repulsers accidentally. Still, he’d be almost certain that you’d most likely ask again cuz you’d really liked it. He liked your begging, it was funny to him. After that, you’d probably go get some food and chat away.
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Steve ”Why do you want to use the shield?” Steve would ask, hands on his hips, answering your incessant request. You’d shrug. “It looks fun.” You’d say, staring up at him. He shakes his head and hands you the shield. Something probably would end up breaking cuz you didn’t know how the physics of it worked. “Oops…” He’d be a lil mad after that. But even he’d get over it quick and think that this whole thing was a little funny. That’s Steve, he’s too damn nice! After that, you’d probably hang out with Steve for a few hours and do random fun shit. “LANGUAGE!” -Steve, probably.
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Thor ”Well, sure, you may use it, my Midgardian friend, if you can even lift Mjolnir.” He’d say, placing the hammer on the ground. You’d try to lift it but of course, to no avail. Then fast forward to about five minutes later, Thor would be running around the Avengers Tower laughing madly, carrying you in a piggyback ride while you grip the thick forearm that held Mjolnir, pretending to wave it around and fight while Thor was the one that actually waved it around from under your grip. Then you’d would probably goof around more and watch one or two comedy movies together.
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Natasha ”Shockers or batons? Guns…? Choose one, I use a lotta weapons and you already got guns so… what do you want?” She’d ask, showing you her enormous array of weapons. You’d probably use the batons because the shockers required actually hurting someone. You’d swing the batons around, accidentally throwing one and almost hitting Nat. “Sorry-” You’d say, despite knowing that she would’ve probably dodged it anyway. You’d probably mess around with each other’s weapons for a while after that. Then go and get some coffee together and just hang. Nat’s fun like that when she’s not busy.
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Bruce/Hulk ”You want what- why would I do that?!” He’d ask in shock after you’d asked him to intentionally turn into the Hulk and demolish a random old building you found. “Uh, cuz I’m not hulk? And if I was I’d go and break the building? We only got one hulk, so go do it!” You’d say while poking him and obviously he’d refuse because it’s not a code green and because he’s… well, Bruce. (Nervous boi) So you’d deviously wait until the next mission and when there was a code green and the mission was won, you’d go and ask Hulk himself and he’d smile and smash it in one second, you clapping loudly, covered in building dust. Then you’d probably happily chat and talk to Hulk for a few minutes, then taunt Bruce for a few after he comes back.
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Clint ”Alright, but if you accidentally kill yourself, it ain’t my fault.” He’d say half-jokingly, chuckling while handing you his bow and arrows, positioning your arms in the right places before letting you shoot at a makeshift target. Your aim would suck so bad compared to Clint and he’d laugh about it. Then you’d both probably chill for a few minutes together, taking about random stuff, Clint’s fun and random like that, very chill guy. Also, the both of you would decide not to mention to the others that you accidentally shot very near Steve’s head as he walked around…
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Loki ”But why my daggers? Don’t your other Avenging companions own daggers? Ask them for some.” Loki’d say while walking along with you, hands behind his back. “It’s not the same, man!” You’d say. Loki would do that sassy brow raise but with a little sigh, he’d pull out his daggers seemingly out of thin air with his magic. He’d fold his arms. “Make it quick.” He’d say and you’d just stand there holding his daggers and posing with them cuz why not. Fast forward to one minute from now as Thor watches Loki chase you around, confused expression on his face. You’d very nearly cut Loki’s face. A few hours after whatever happened next, you’d all hang out together, Thor probably tags along there somewhere.
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Bucky ”Excuse me, what? You want my… my arm? Why the hell-?” He’d say with a super confused and almost slightly offended expression on his face. “That’s not rude to ask, is it? I just wanna see it!” You’d say with a smile and a shrug. He’d eventually let you take it for one minute and you’d start waving it around and lightly slapping Bucky with it. He’d be really confused and a little grumpy like he always is, but secretly having a lil bit of fun. This was a really stupid experience for him. “Why are you slapping yourself, Sarge?!” After that, you’d probably go hang out, you liked hanging with Bucky, he always seemed lonely. And you liked being around him.
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Sam ”Nope, hell, no! Never gonna happen, pal.” He’d say, arms crossed. He was weirdly protective of his wings. After some convincing, persuading, bribing, and pleading, he’d let you take them out for a spin. “Fine. But if anything happens to them, it’s your ass, you hear me?” He said in a sassy, half-joking voice. You’d fly them for a few minutes and he’d laugh his ass off because you’d look hilarious getting the hang of them. Then he’d take them back quickly after a slightly rough landing that could’ve hurt his precious wings. (It couldn’t) After, you’d probably get some fast food and chat away, Sam was really fun to be around.
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Peter “But you don’t have superpowers, your arms could rip off or something.” He’d reply with his dorky worried voice at the mention of swinging. He was right. Guess you couldn’t do it… Fast forward to a few minutes later, you grabbing on him while he swung you around, you whooping loudly. Y’all would end up eating some pizza on some corner of a building or on top of some billboard, chatting and laughing.
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Yeah and that’s it! Tell me if you likey likey!!! Request more shit if you want, but bear in mind, I’m not active a lot.
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 2 years
Kinktober '22 Day 9: Smart Hulk
Prompt: Shapeshifting/Monster Fucking
Word Count: 531
Synopsis: Bruce's partner begged him to fuck them in his Hulk form. They learn that they should be careful what they wish for.
Consists of: Dom!SmartHulk, AFABSub!Reader, Size kink, Monster fucking essentially (Smart Hulk to Regular Hulk), Brief pain from the dick being too big, Finger sucking, Brief gagging, Reader gets fucked dumb
I had seriously overestimated my endurance, and the size of my pussy, that was grossly clear to me now. Here I lay, legs spread as wide as possible on the bed, Bruce's big, green cock squeezing inside of me. I had been begging Bruce for days to fuck me in his Hulk form, craving the feeling of a huge dick stretching me out, the sight of his huge, viridescent body hovering above me. To be honest it hurt like hell, but at the same time, it felt too good to want him to stop.
My pussy clenches around him without my control, as if it had a mind of it's own, as if it was trying to push him out. The intelligent monster lets out a big, boisterous moan at the sensation, but notices the twisted expression on my face, "I told you that you wouldn't be able to handle it sweetie. Now look at you, I'm only a quarter into your cunt and you're already spasming around me," Bruce's large verdant hand strokes my face in a way I'm sure is meant to be soft, but the weight of his hand as well as his cock just feels so heavy.
"I c-can handle it. It feels good," and it really does, the stretch is absloutly delicious, and when I look beyond the pain, the feeling of his cock repeatedly hitting my cervix is toe curling.
The way that Bruce is rocking into me, gigantic body making me hit the headboard with every thrust. He stares at me intensely with his glass covered eyes, his lips twisting into a smile.
"W-want your fingers" I whimper to Bruce, he stabilizes his enormous figure before he allows one of his massive digits to slip between my lips. I immediately gag as he hits the back of my throat, slob already drooling around my mouth.
"FUCK!" Bruce roars out, a voice not entirely his own booming around the room. He begins to piston his hips into me now, his whole cock still not fitting inside me, the bulge popping out of my stomach showing he's as far in as he can go. My whole body shakes as he loses control, thrusting into me relentlessly. The sounds that come out of his mouth are loud and angry, I can see the shift in his eyes, I'm not being fucked by Bruce anymore.
"Shit, shit, shit!" I scream after The Hulk pulls his fingers out of my mouth, takes off Bruce's glasses and smashes them, throwing them across the room. It feels like his cock has gotten even bigger and my body is beginning to feel numb. I'm so close, and at this point my mind is completely checked out.
"Cumming...cumming...cum-" and suddenly, I'm seeing white, my pussy convulsing around the colossal, inhumane, phallus inside of me.
The Hulk lets out another thunderous sound, and abruptly, I feel even more full than I did before. Huge ropes of hot semen painting my insides, "B-Bruce..." I call out.
"No. No Bruce," The Hulk responds to me.
I close my eyes and allow myself to drift off, hoping that Bruce will return by the time I wake up.
Prompt from: @waterkelpies
My Kinktober 2022 Masterlist 🎃
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webtrinsic1122 · 2 years
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mad-maximoff · 2 years
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Summary: You and Wanda are on vacation in a remote area, finally having all the time you can have with each other
Warnings: language, wlw sex, soft sex, fingering (receiving/giving), hickey's, dirty talk, praise kink, nipple-play, squirting, talk about weight (not in a bad way)
Word Count: 3,976
(I'm soo excited to see She-Hulk! Idc what anyone says, she-hulk is hot! I'm looking forward to it! So I'm adding some she-hulk stuff a little bit in here <3)
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Your cabin was small. It was cozy, it started snowing the night before so a white blanket lay perfectly in the woods. The white powder consisted of the dusk of the night settling in. You sat adjacent in an armchair beside the sliding doors leading off to the balcony. You sat nuzzled deeply in the chair reading a book, you weren't too confident in your reading skills or reading aloud. So you'd silently read aloud to yourself to make the text more understandable.
"I feel I s-stand in a desert with my hands outstretched, and y-you are raining down upon me."
Your feet rubbed against each other feeling the friction of your soft socks. You have just got out of the shower, you let Wanda go after you. You and Wanda were on vacation. Both you and she felt overworked. Wanda went on countless missions, you were stacked up with case files on top of files working for Jennifer Walters. You thought working for the famous green lawyer would be a breeze, but unfortunately defending super-powered individuals is tougher than you expected.
You continued reading your book as you noticed the shower shut off. The door cracked open seeing Wanda soaked, her hair drenched sticking to her back, wrapped in a fluffy brown towel. "Sorry detka, did I disturb you?" Her hand swept her hair off her back leaving water spots over the wall. Her back faced you untucking her towel to dry her hair.
"Oh no babe, you're fine. I'm almost done with my chapter anyways." You changed your position from curled up in a ball to sitting normally with your legs crossed at your ankles. Your eyes were glued to Wanda's legs. The tiny droplets ran down her calves making her skin sparkle. Her ass jiggled with every slight move her thigh took. You've seen your girlfriend naked countless times before tonight, but in this setting, it made her body look new.
She turned around exposing her entire naked form. Her breasts sat seamlessly, with her nipples perked up as she dried herself off.
"How is your book coming along anyways? You're reading Carol, right? Didn't we see the movie before we came here?" She tilted her head finger-combing through her auburn locks. She threw her towel into a laundry basket and went into her suitcase pulling out a bottle of lotion.
You closed your book and firmly rested it on the seat of the armchair as you stood. "Yeah we did, but I heard the book has some more stuff in it than the movie did. The book was originally called 'The Price Of Salt' before the movie even came out." You were wearing Wanda's rope. You always did when she wasn't wearing it. You sat at the foot of the bed inches away from Wanda. You just watched. You watched her rub lotion over her thighs to her ankles. "Oh really? I didn't know that. I love that you know all of this type of information." She made it to her arms.
"Honey? Do you need help with your back?" You stood up behind her pushing tiny strands of hair to her chest. She cocked her head to stare at you. She grinned so softly. "I would never say no to you dragă." She reached over to you giving you the bottle. You lathered your hands in a white coat. Your hands grazed her hips, connecting to her lower torso. You travelled up to her back, making her shiver. "Jesus Christ! You couldn't warm your hands first at least!" Her spine jolted raising an eyebrow at you.
"I'm sorry Wanda." You giggled watching your hands make it up to her shoulders. You notice a large strand of her hair stuck on the left side of her shoulder. You brush it away seeing a tattoo you've never seen.
"Wanda? When did you get this? It's new. What does it say?" It was a tiny tattoo written in Sokoivan. Your Sokoivan wasn't the greatest. Your finger grazed it. It wasn't scapped or inflamed. It was freshly healed feeling the skin.
"Fratele meu iubit. It says, my beloved brother. I got it on my last mission in Amsterdam. I wanted to get something for Pietro." Your palm laid flat on her new tattoo, wiping the rest of the leftover lotion leaving no residue behind.
"It's beautiful Wanda. How did it feel for you?" You had tons of tattoos all over your body. None of your face but your neck to your toes were full. You closed the cap of the lotion throwing it on top of Wanda's clothes in a suitcase. You turned to face her. Her arms crossed her chest noticing her arms were coated in goosebumps.
"It hurt like hell, I don't know how you get so many. Mine only took 20 minutes and it felt like an eternity. The needle felt like I was getting a cat scratch from a flamethrower! I remember sitting with you for 4 hours when you got your kneecap done. How do you do it?!" She chuckled sitting her bare bottom on the comforter.
"Haha! I have no clue, to be honest. It does hurt like a bitch at first, but then after an hour I numb out." You sat next to her laying your hand comfortably on her thigh. Wanda's thigh twitched underneath your fingers. Goosebumps were forming on her legs as well.
"Well, I'm never getting another tattoo again. One is enough for a lifetime. Now, give me back my damn robe! I'm frozen sitting here buck-naked!" Her arms unlocked from her chest untying the rope around your waist. Her robe was grey, it was soft. You knew why you and Wanda liked it so much.
"It's not your robe. It's our rope honey-bun." You caressed the collar of the robe sitting gently across your neck. She rolled her eyes, sucking through her teeth. "Oh is it now? Cause I remember Natasha giving me her robe to me personally."
"Hey! You're dating me remember? Your clothes are my clothes and vice versa. Plus, I know a different way to warm you up." You began to straddle Wanda's thighs allowing her hands to wrap around your waist.
"Oh, do you now? Well, show me that nebun." Her head tilted softly grinning ear to ear. Your hands untied the rope sliding off the grey fabric. Wanda's eyes glowed a light red as they grew wide. You've never worn pink before. Your style was very tomboy. You'd wear suits for friendly parties but when you had to appear at formal events for work, Wanda talked you into wearing dresses. Your boss Jennifer took Wanda's case to defend her in court when the US government wanted to prosecute her under the Sokoivan Accords. That's how you two met.
Your lingerie was see-through light pink with red heart poka-dots across the bra and panty. She bit the bottom of her lip staring you up and down.
"Pink? Really? I thought you don't like pink girly shit? Your exact words." Her hands rested on your love handles circling her thumbs across your stomach. Your neck dropped down grinning into a kiss. You felt warm all over, raising your hand to Wanda's cheek. You explored each other for some time breaking only for air. Wanda was giddy, her body language was electric. Your kisses were tender to her. Her lips softly glided across hers. Both of you took shallow breaths out, resting your foreheads against each other.
"To answer your question. This isn't for me. It's for you." You dropped your hands from Wanda's face, hiking up your thong on top of your little flab on your hip bones. Wanda's eyes glowed bright red as you noticed the clasp of your bra unhook. The constricting feeling loosened around your chest.
"You look beautiful without fancy fabric. But I give you brownie points for being creative." Her index finger is hooked underneath the underwire of your bra ripping it off your arms. Your boobs bounced free, her fingertip fondled the diamond hearts pierced in your erect nipple. Wanda loved all your piercings you had, but she especially loved her nipple rings the most. Her head ducked connecting her teeth to the skin of your chest. Her eyes met yours lightly sucking the skin her teeth grasped.
"Oh...Wanda..." You animated a tiny moan watching the area turn a bright red under her lips. She let go watching your skin heated where her teeth embedded. Her soft lips trailed lower, and her bottom lip grazed your nipple exhaling out. Her body was warm but her breath was frozen on your already harden bud. You wince as it stung, not in a painful way, more of a sweet way. It made all of the hairs on your body stand straight. You knew exactly what she was going to do next. Her eyes gave it away. Her hand grasped hold of your other breast, and her warm hand cupped you fully moving in a circular motion. Wanda's eyes locked with yours before her lips parted sucking your metallic bud.
You're quiet moan turned to a high-pitched squeak, trying not to lose control of yourself. Your hands ran through Wanda's dark auburn hair clenching up at her scalp.
"You like this Y/n? Tell me. Tell you how much you like this baby." Her tongue rolled across your erect nipple, lifting each side of the metal heart on her tongue.
"Fuck...I love it so much...You have no idea." Your voice was quiet as a church mouse, even when you both were alone in the cabin together. You were so used to visiting Wanda in shared spaces with the rest of the Avengers that you had to be quiet or else everyone would bug and joke around. Wanda slowly began to suck gently. A smirk appeared on Wanda's face. She giggled shifting her thigh underneath you knowing your core was illuminating heat.
"Mmm..you're already wet huh detka? Ești atât de nevoiaș." Wanda stopped sucking your nipple rubbing your wet bud between her index and middle finger.
"Da, am nevoie. So needy Wanda. Please, I need you so bad." Your hands fell from her scalp resting around her neck.
"You're such a good girl Y/n. Lay down on your back. Now." Her hand struck your ass. It sent a jolt through you.
You obediently laid down flat on your back, you adjusted your thong again creating a V with the fabric along your hip bones. "You don't need to do that anymore baby, you won't have them on for long." Wanda stood at the foot of the bed tracing her fingertip along the hem of the pink cloth. Her hand glowed a soft red hue, your hips relaxed feeling the thong slowly creep down your thighs past your knees. Falling to the floor underneath the bed. The red hue began to brighten, hovering her hand over your body. You felt the comforter move, but it wasn't the comforter at all, it was you. Your body was moving. The top of your head touched the bottom of the pillow smoothly. Wanda drifted her fingers along your thighs, creating goosebumps on your skin.
"Go on, open up fetița-bebe." Her hands got ahold of your inner thighs tightening her grip. You've always done what you were told though, something in you wanted to tease her a little bit. You looked down, shaking your head. Wanda's head tilted raising a brow. Her nails dug into the soft part of your thighs. "Huh? What? Are you gonna be a good slut for me hm? Now, be a good girl and open your fucking legs." The red in her eyes took over her whole pupil. Your legs began to shake trying to fight her magic. Her body bent down with her glowing hands still on top of your thighs trying her damnest to pry you open. Her head ducked biting on the round part of my stomach. Her teeth bit down your flab hungrily, you winced slipping your eyes shut. You couldn't win against her. She won. Your legs cracked open. Your center throbbed sensing the air touch your opening. Your entire body shook in excitement as the wet feeling creep out of you.
"Mmm...well look at that. My cute little slut is wet already. Do I need to help this little slut?" Wanda's hands still laid on your thighs, they raised caressing your mound. Her touch was feather-like, her face painted a cautionary smile turning into her biting her bottom lip. God, you wish you were biting that lip. All things Wanda did drove you crazy, she knew what made you excited. Wanda bent her knees between your legs sliding her body close to your center.
You murmured out a single word. Wanda's brows furrowed tilting her head. "Sorry? I didn't catch that. Speak up!" Her hand grasped your chin roughly, noticing her nails digging deep.
"Yes! I need your help. Please, Wanda..." Your body vibrated feeling Wanda's thighs against yours. She adjusted her hair to lay behind her shoulders. "Good." Wanda let go of your chin dropping into you. Her fingers slid perfectly through your folds effortlessly. Her hand glided around your entrance, up to your clit not missing a moment. You began to prompt your back against the pillow she put you onto. Wanda looked too busy to notice you sneaking your hand under her frame. Your hand felt her radiate heat between her legs as she worked into you. She finally pressed two fingers through your lips into your hole.
“Oh fuck…Wanda!-“ Your words were tied together not forming coherent sentences. Your walls softly clenched around her fingers. Your juices created a little pool under your butt. Her thumb grazed your clit, flicking her fingers inside you trying to catch your g-spot. She finally got ahold of it, however, as she noticed your moans becoming loud. Her other hand crept up to the middle of your breasts pressing firmly. Her hips bucked against her hand giving a sense you were riding her. You gave in to her wishes, motioning your hips in the same motion. You loved every cute thing Wanda did in the bedroom. How her cheeks would turn from blush to deep crimson, how her body swayed along yours, Wanda’s little grin she’d display turning into her teeth biting down on her body lip.
“Uh huh-…god you look so beautiful detka. Your perfect little pussy needed some of my attention didn’t it?” She nodded giving a deep chuckle and raising her eyebrows. You nodded yourself, continuing to thrust into Wanda’s fingers seamlessly. You two were in a perfect position where you can touch Wanda too. She was so distracted by watching you turn to putty that the inside of her thighs was glistening down.
“You…need attention too!!” Your hand regained feeling between Wanda’s legs, touching her clit with the tip of your middle finger. Her face turned back to a blush pink shrieking out a moan, trying to compose herself. But it was only you two. You’ve both done this dance many, many times. You both were so comfortable with each other know nothing would surprise each other right now. Especially in the state you two were in. Even if it’s been a while since you’ve both been this loving to each other.
“Y/n..fuck…ma faci sa ma simt atat de bine..” Her hair dangled around her face looking down at herself, how her body was reacting to your touch.
“I love touching you too!… Oh my god! Shit! I’m gonna cum!” Your body shot tiny little sparks through your arms and legs making you buckle.
“No! No, no, no. Y/n please not yet. Let me get there, I’m so close please amor.” Wanda let out tilting her head back to the ceiling. You wanted to comply, you truly did. Though you knew rightfully well from the other times you and she tried to cum together it was never perfect.
On the other hand, how could you say no? Your girlfriend looked so beautiful begging. You had to give it another shot. You inhaled trying to comfort yourself into calming down for her. “Okay..” You weren’t too confident about following through with it but you always tried for her. Especially when her face lit up when agreed with her. “That’s my girl.” Wanda raised her body between your legs to hover above your thigh. Your hand had all the access to her, as she still was pumping your pussy. Her center was throbbing against your fingertip as she already said; she was closer than she initially thought. Your middle finger applied pressure on her little button. Amplifying her body language to extensive lengths.
“Oh fuck! Y/n! Keep going…k-keep going!…” Wanda cried out trailing off her words until all was heard was her soft grunts on your fingers. “Jesus Christ-…” She breathed out losing focus on what was doing originally. Her fingers are still partially inside you not making much movement. Your body needed more. More of her, your whole body began to try to communicate with Wanda to keep fucking you. Your thighs twitched underneath Wanda’s body. Your stomach had an empty feeling tracing up your chest to your throat. Leaving a heavy lump behind. You shallowed but it only made your vocal cords vibrate as well. You had to say it. Or else god knows you’ll explode.
“Wanda…keep going! Please..” The sweat of your brows came running down in your line of vision, you couldn’t quite whisk it away with your hands preoccupied already. You tried to shake it away but to no avail, it didn't work.
Wanda nodded her head. looking down on you. “Huh? Does my little baby’s pussy still really needs me? What about me? Can my beautiful baby fuck my pussy while I play with hers?” Her finger lightly slipped out of your slippery entrance, tracing the folds outside your hole.
You nodded yes but Wanda always want you to say yes. Her hand left you going into her mouth, her blush lips wrapped around her middle and ring finger sucking your wetness clean off. “I want a real answer baby, use your sexy voice Y/n. Then I will finish.” She crossed her other arm around her boobs, still enjoying the juices on her fingers.
“Yes, Wanda. I need you…my pussy needs you. I wanna fuck you so badly…” Your hand left her thigh still having your other hand rested on her clit. Your free hand caressed her arm across her boobs. Wanda bit the side of her lip raising her eyebrow effortlessly. “Good my little princess.” Her body got off your thighs hovering over your pelvic bone. Her hand went between her and your body re-entering into your throbbing core. You proceeded to trap her clit against your middle finger, finally lapping your fingers through her soaked folds. Wanda’s forehead connected to yours sensing she was extremely hot too. You both matched each other's moans. Until you both started to pump each others pussy’s roughly.
You tried your damnest to not cum while you were just getting Wanda off. Her walls clenched around the two fingers you had in her, finally grasping to her spongey g-spot. Her thighs jittered noticing her juices running down your hand on your thigh.
Wanda was cursing under her breath trying to contain her composure but it failed. Her body jolted as your fingers did a ‘come here’ motion with your fingers inside her. Wanda reacted nicely trying to ride your fingers. Her hips circled feeling she was getting even wetter. Her fingers inside you were working at an alarming rate. You both heard the noises of each other's cunts sloshing quickly.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum! Are you cumming yet?! Y/n fuck me! Harder!!” Wanda cooed grasping a fist full of your hair in her free hand, her other hand jamming her fingers roughly in your pussy with little ease. You wanted her so badly but wanted you two to cum together also.
“Uh-huh! Shit! Wanda…” Your hips circled her fingers, Wanda was doing the same, basically jumping up and down. Riding you down to your knuckles.
You both watched humping each other. Wanda was laying flat on top of you; legs spread over your thighs. Her forehead is still glued to yours. Both smelt of sweat and sweet sex. So sweet it filled the room in a haze of glaze film. The window fogged up and every glass on the nightstands had a gloss.
You wanted to cum now. You filled Wanda’s hole with your fingers faster still hitting her g-spot. Wanda’s hips bucked letting out a loud shriek. All of her juices gushed out of her, completely drenching your fingers still inside her. Your fingers pumped again letting another squirt come out.
The feeling of Wanda coming undone must’ve driven you over the edge.
You finally did it. You both came together. For the first time in the two years, you’ve been together. It hit you harder. You couldn’t squirt out as Wanda did. You clenched around her fingers forcing her hand to slip out.
“Fuck Y/n. You shot me out!” She chuckled, she sat up on top of you, wiping the sweat from her brow and fluffing her hair. The back of your hand swiped across your forehead trying not to overheat. You let out a laugh rubbing her tiny hip dip on either side. Her body moved, jiggling her sweat-soaked breasts.
“You always make me do weird things when I’m horny huh?” You sat you running your hand through her hair. You let out a sigh feeling your high pass. She laughed plobbing her body down beside you on the white sheets. “Come now, you rightfully know I’m a top. You’re a bottom. Nothing will change.” She let out a low laugh pointing at you with her index finger.
“Can’t always be that way, does it? What if I wanna be a top one night?” You rolled onto your side prompting your head up on your arm. She couldn’t stop laughing, holding her stomach on her back. “Stop making me laugh! I’m sensitive as it is!”
Your jaw dropped rolling your eyes. “You don’t think I can do it? I could. Right now let’s go again!” You leaped onto Wanda’s hips straddling her on either side. Her hands wrapped around the squishy parts of your stomach pulling you down, and your head hit the pillow she was laying on. Your cheek grazed her ear as your face planted.
“See? This is why you can’t be the dominating one. You lose focus too much. Now, come on honey-bun. I’m tired. Hit the lights.” Wanda’s body huffed creeping out a yawn under her breath.
You. sighed as well losing all the mojo you had left. “Fine. But I’m dominating you tomorrow.” You unhooked yourself on top of Wanda, getting up out of bed to flick off the switch. You turned to watch Wanda undo the covers crawling into bed. Her ass and her back were still exposed waiting for you to join her.
She yawned, “Uh-huh okay hun. You can do that when you win a case against Matt Murdock.” Fuck. You thought. She always has to bring up that guy. The dark of night filled the room as the lights went off. You tip-toed back to bed not climbing in initially. You had reached back whipping across your body and hitting Wanda’s ass. She let out a cry clutching her pillow. “You’re an asshole!” She lifted her hand to use her magic but she was too exhausted to create anything.
“Bet you that blind bastard can’t do that huh?” You finally crawled into the sheets wrapping your arm around Wanda’s waist.
She didn’t answer. Finally drifting off to sleep. Either that, or she wanted you to shut up.
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
Blind Faith
Chapter 6: A Deal with the Devil
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt, Foggy, and Karen take you out to Josie's. Your night always ends with Daredevil.
Warnings for this chapter: very mild smut at the end, sorry to leave you guys hanging, LOL.
A/N: I love writing Foggy Nelson. That is all.
TAG LIST (please let me know if I missed you/you'd like to be tagged!): @starry-night-20 @sumsytee @queerqueenlynn
Chapter 5 here
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credit to gif owner!
 Hell’s Kitchen
Nelson & Murdock was an interesting law firm to work at. There was no rhyme or reason to the things they did or the way they operated, but you adapted fairly quickly to the revolving door of clients and how to speak to them. For now, Karen had you complete intake forms with everyone who came in. Greet them, ask them why they’re here, things like that. You enjoyed it a lot. 
“Thank you so much, Ms. Cruz,” you squeezed the elderly woman’s arm. “I’ll get your case details in our system and set up a meeting with either Mr. Nelson or Mr. Murdock.”
The older woman smiled at you graciously. “Gracias, señorita.” 
You stood up from your chair and walked over to Karen who fervently typed away at her computer. 
“Okay, all ten of the clients waiting are now ready to be inputted into the system,” you told her, holding a stack of manila folders and a clipboard. Karen looked up from her desk surprised. 
“Really?! You are amazing!” Karen exclaimed. You blushed and smiled at her, appreciating her praise. “I’ll have to get you your own laptop so you can learn how the system works. Seriously, how did you get through all of them without any issues?” 
You shrugged, “good old speaking like a human. I was never good with a customer service voice. It’s all about the approach, you know?” 
“Yes!” Karen smiled. “I’m so happy you’re here. I know Foggy and Matt are, too.” 
You smiled in return. You believed her, that she and Foggy were happy you were here. Matt, on the other hand, was a little strange. You didn’t want to make any assumptions, and you tried to be understanding. But he was very quiet around you, and never really tried to make any conversation like Karen and Foggy did. You found yourself going to them for questions first before you ever had to ask Matt something, which rarely happened. He was intimidating. The most you ever got out of him was an “excuse me” or “good morning.” Never anything more, never anything less. 
While the other two were very bright and bubbly, Matt seemed to always be in his own world. He didn’t join in any conversations you had with them, and he never offered help as Foggy did. You didn’t mind; you were just worried it might have been you he didn’t like. Then again, he was blind, so you knew his world was very different from your own. You didn’t let it get to you, and you just accepted that he was more guarded than the others. 
Karen flipped through the pages of clients you had just interviewed. Her brows were furrowed—her mind was going a million miles a minute. 
“Looks like this pile will be handled by Matt and this one, Foggy. Looks like Matt’s the winner today,” she realized. “I’ll give these to Foggy and run it by him. You can talk to Matt about his cases.” 
“Oh, uh, you sure? I…,” you trailed off, unsure what it was you were trying to object to. Your gaze fell toward Matt’s office. He was at his desk, brows furrowed with focus as his fingers ran over braille. 
Karen looked at you knowingly. “I know Matt’s quiet, but trust me, it’s not you. He’s just a little bit more focused at work. Not that we’re all not focused, but his focus is a little different.” 
You nodded, “I understand. I’ll run these cases by him.” 
“Let me know if you need anything, alright?” 
I need a drink, you thought. “Okay.” 
You turned on your heel and held the manilla folders in your hands, bracing yourself. You took a deep breath and walked to Matt’s office door, and knocked on it gently. 
“Come in,” he called out. 
You slowly opened the door and walked inside, gently shutting it behind you. 
“It’s me, __,” you announced slightly awkwardly. Matt smiled a little, behind his dark red glasses. 
“I know,” he replied, “I can recognize voices.” 
“Oh,” you said, nodding your head. Damn it, he can’t see a nod. “I—well, Karen said I should run by these new clients with you. I don’t know what she meant by it, but she said you’re the winner today.” 
“Hmm,” Matt hummed. “Means most of the cases are intentional torts. Please, sit,” he said in a friendly tone. Slightly caught off guard by his kindness, you sat in the chair in front of his desk. This conversation is the most you’ve spoken with Matt ever since you started just a few weeks ago. A memory popped into your head. You had shared an awkward encounter with Matt as he was leaving work one day—you asked if he needed help closing up anything but he was in a rush, and barely replied to you as he rushed out the door. 
“So, the first person I spoke with, Anna Campbell, has a claim her neighbor is taking pictures of her in her house…uh…” you flipped through the pages and cleared your throat. “Negligent employer case…assault outside of a club that may have been intentional and not a random crime of opportunity…” You read through the rest of the clients you just spoke with and watched Matt carefully for any reaction. He sat like a statue, with his brows scrunched and lips slightly pressed together, as he listened to you. His hands were together, fingers interlocked. You continued to speak. 
“Ms. Marisol Cruz. She was such a sweet woman. I feel really bad for her. She’s in a terrible apartment complex, with a high criminal element, and the landlord won’t listen or do anything about it. There are kids in the place, and she’s worried about them,” you explained Ms. Cruz’s story in more detail to Matt, since you felt a little more compassionate to her. You probably weren’t supposed to, but you couldn’t help it. “Her landlord says he needs proof of the element, or he won’t do anything. And she’s a frail woman, and she can’t do anything.”  
Matt stayed quiet for a moment longer. 
“Thank you, __,” Matt said after a bit. You smiled. 
You placed the files on his desk. 
“Oh,” you said, startling yourself, “you probably need these translated to braille. I’ll transfer them with the printer.” 
Matt smiled and stood up from his desk. His hands rested on his waist. Maybe the reason why you were so intimidated by Matt was because of how handsome you found him. His dress shirt fit snugly on his body, and the rare moments you did catch his smile, made your heart flutter more than you’d like to admit. 
“I appreciate that,” he cooly said. 
“Okay well, I’ll get on that now.” You turned to exit his office, but he called your name rather softly. 
“Just—just a word of advice,” he began to say, “I know it may be easy to feel more compassionate for some cases more than others. That can be a good thing. But it can also be dangerous. Don’t take the work home with you, is what I’m trying to say.” 
You considered his words for a moment and nodded in understanding. 
“I won’t,” you replied, “I promise.” 
He smiled lightly before sitting back down again. You left his office.
After a busy afternoon at Nelson & Murdock, you found yourself in the conference room, transferring all the files you had today into the system they used. You were focused as you input all the information, listening to music as you did. Suddenly, Foggy came into the room. 
“There she is, the superstar client coordinator!” Foggy announced with a clap. You pulled your headphone out of your ear and smiled at him. Foggy had a way of radiating warmth and vibrant energy—you loved working with him. “I heard you got through everyone pretty quickly.” 
“I did!” you said, “it was quite enjoyable. I like talking to people and listening to them.” 
“That’s good. Great! Well, I came in here because, it’s six o’clock, Friday night, and you’re still working,” Foggy analyzed, rubbing his chin. “Aren’t you crazy kids supposed to be getting in all sorts of trouble?” 
You laughed, and then Karen came into the room. 
“She’s not a crazy kid, Foggy,” she defended, “she’s a bright, intelligent young woman who is bound to do great things in life.” You smiled at Karen. 
“I know, I know. But seriously, you’re still working?!” 
You shrugged, “I’m waiting for the okay to go home! Besides, I don’t want to leave anything unfinished.”
“Well, you've been doing so well. We wanted to show our thanks in the only way we know how—Josie’s!” Foggy raised a finger in the air. 
“Josie’s?” You questioned.
“It's a dive bar in the Kitchen we like to go to,” Karen explained. “We’d love to take you out and celebrate. Of course, if you don’t already have plans.” 
The only plan you could think of involved a man in a black mask and your rooftop—but you didn’t say that. 
“I don’t have any plans, actually,” you answered, straightening up a bit. “I’d love to join you guys at Josie’s!” You leaped at the opportunity to get to know Karen and Foggy more. And—Matt just walked in. 
“I’m heading out,” Matt said, in his usual serious tone. You hated how your heartbeat picked up at the sight of him, with his cane in his hand and bag on his shoulder. Part of you was disappointed he wouldn’t join you at Josie’s. 
“Oh, come on, Matt,” Foggy sighed. “You owe us one! Last time, you promised next time. You’re coming out, buddy!” 
“Yeah, come on, we’re taking __ out!” Karen added. You pressed your lips together, awaiting his response. Matt sheepishly smiled. 
“Alright,” he reluctantly agreed, after a short while. 
“Atta boy,” Foggy patted his back. You began to clean up your workspace as Foggy and Karen left the room. Matt lingered in the doorway, leaning against the frame. You watched him carefully as you gathered your things. You went to the bathroom to fix your appearance. Your hair was still styled, more or less, when you curled it this morning. You straightened your button-down white shirt that was tucked into your black slacks. You sprayed on your marshmallow-scented perfume and decided this was as good as it was going to get. 
Exiting the bathroom, Matt still stood in the doorway but now Foggy and Karen joined him; they were waiting for you. 
“Ready,” you stated.
“Huzzah!” Foggy exclaimed. 
Josie’s wasn’t too far from the office. You stayed walking with Karen while Foggy and Matt walked slightly ahead, Matt holding onto Foggy’s elbow as his cane tapped in front of him. When you saw the buzzing red light that read JOSIE’S in the window, it was obvious you reached the destination. 
“Before we enter, we must knight __ for this is her first time at Josie’s, which is a special event, indeed,” Foggy spoke in a British accent. Matt laughed, flashing the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on him. It made sense: if there was one person who could crack him open, it was Foggy Nelson. You had a feeling tonight you’d learn about their history. 
After Foggy “knighted” you, he opened the door and you were immediately met with an intense smell of smoke, old wood, and sweat. Pool cues clacked and barstools groaned from years of being sat on. Someone spilled a pitcher of beer on the floor. It was overwhelmingly hot and stuffy in here—you rolled up your sleeves. 
“Welcome to Josie’s,” Karen smiled cheerfully. “What do you drink?” 
“Hmm,” you thought for a moment. “I’ll try a martini. Three olives.” 
“I don't know about that,” Foggy said, “the olives part. I would hold the olives.” 
“Alrighty, a martini, hold the olives.” 
“And what kind of shots do we want?” 
“…tequila?” You suggested. Foggy groaned. 
“Let’s see if I still got it. Four shots of tequila, please!” 
Foggy and Karen lingered by the bar, getting an older woman’s attention, whom you assumed was Josie. She had brown and gray hair and a slightly suspicious look. You stood holding your bag, looking around the place. Matt was so quiet, you didn’t realize he was standing next to you. 
“Should we find a spot to sit while they order?” You suggested casually. Matt turned his head in your direction, nodding slightly. 
“Lead the way,” he said. You mirrored what Foggy did earlier when he offered his arm for Matt to hold. You gently touched Matt’s arm with your elbow. You couldn’t tell if he was startled, but he was quite hesitant. However, he did latch gently to your elbow as if you were a piece of paper, and you walked him over to a table in the middle of the bar, close to the wall. He reached his hands out for the table and felt for it as he placed his briefcase on the chair. You wrapped the strap of your bag on your chair and sat a seat away from him, intentionally. 
“I’m sure this isn’t what you’re used to,” Matt suddenly spoke, trying to initiate conversation. You looked at him amused. 
“What do you mean?” You smiled. 
“I—,” he stuttered a bit, “I just mean kids your age probably go out to fancier clubs than this.” 
“I’m not a kid,” you gently corrected. “I may be fresh out of college but I’m sure I’m not that much younger than you guys.” 
“Sorry,” he said. “You’re right.” 
“And you’d be surprised…I can enjoy a dive bar every now and then. I actually think I like them better than what my friends and I are used to. You can at least have conversations at places like this.” 
“Then, why don’t you go to them more often?” 
“Whatever the majority vote is. I never luck out.” 
Suddenly, Foggy came with a tray of drinks while Karen carried over the shots. Foggy lined the drinks and shots up and returned the tray. Karen found her seat next to Matt while Foggy sat next to you. 
“To Nelson and Murdock’s newest and brightest!” Foggy cheered. Everyone took their shots. You felt the tequila burn down your throat as you grimaced. It was like no other tequila you had before. And you’ve had plenty. 
“Yeah,” Foggy agreed when he saw your reaction, “Josie’s got the hard stuff.” 
“Is that even tequila? It tasted like straight-up poison,” you shook your head. “Let’s get another round.” 
Foggy laughed, “I may not be able to keep up, but I’m up for the challenge!” 
For some reason, spending time with Karen, Foggy, and Matt felt like you were being officially christened into their work group—you were officially a part of Nelson & Murdock. You wanted to pace yourself since you were with your bosses, but Foggy insisted on more shots and drinks—something you found hard to say “no” to. 
You learned that Matt and Foggy met at law school. Columbia, no less. Your dream school. Foggy promised he’d write you a stellar letter of recommendation when the time came. Matt agreed as well, to your surprise. 
“Really?” You asked. “You guys would do that for me?” 
“Of course, Young Padawan,” Foggy said in a Yoda voice. You laughed. “In all seriousness though, you’d kill it at Columbia. Right, Matt?” 
“Right,” Matt agreed, almost immediately. You were thankful he couldn’t see your blush, and everyone else was too drunk to notice. 
As the night went on, Foggy and Karen got up to dance and then challenged other bar-goers to a round of pool. Matt sat in his corner, his hand wrapped around a cold beer. At this point in the night, you ditched your button-down shirt and only wore your undershirt.
Although he was quiet, his presence was anything but. It was like he had some sort of force field around him; the closer you sat next to him, the more prone you were to be sucked into it. You made no attempts to get yourself away. You pretended to be engaged in watching Foggy and Karen play pool, shouting whenever Foggy hit a striped ball. 
Part of you wanted to join them, but the other part wanted to stay next to Matt. Maybe tonight was the icebreaker you needed to figure out why he was so different around you compared to everyone else. 
“Would you like another beer? I’ll go get another round,” you offered. 
“Oh uh, yes, please.” 
When you came back from the bar, you placed the beer in front of Matt and sat in the chair next to him. You clinked your glass on his. 
“Cheers,” you said quietly. 
Matt offered a small smile. “Cheers,” he returned. 
You glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 9 o’clock already. If you were home, you’d probably be getting ready to see Mike. You worried about missing him tonight. At least, you kept the burner phone he gave you in your bag. He’s only a call away but for emergencies. Pushing the thought away, you tried to be more present. Karen hit a striped ball and high-fived Foggy. The two men they were playing looked slightly disappointed in how good your bosses were doing. More people had filtered into Josie’s and it only grew more stuffy. 
“Thank you for the time you’ve put in with us,” suddenly Matt spoke. “It doesn’t go unnoticed, as you can see. Especially with Karen. I know she’s really happy with you here.” 
“I’m just as grateful for the opportunity,” you shrugged, feeling a warmth spread in your chest at his comment. On second thought, maybe the tequila was finally catching up to you. 
“Did you have any other places you were looking at?” 
“A few, but no one got back to me. I suppose getting a job at a firm in the city is harder than it looks." 
“Even Foggy and I struggled for a bit. We had a job at Landman & Zack lined up, but we ended up going on our own way. You’ll end up just where you’re supposed to be,” Matt said in a bit of a reminiscent way. You softened at his words. 
“You and Foggy seem like you’ve been through a lot together,” you observed, “it wasn’t always easy, was it?” 
Matt paused for a moment, and tilted his head—something you noticed over the past few weeks working with him. As if he was really considering your words and thinking of a way to respond. 
“It wasn’t,” he agreed, after a little while, “but if the people stay with you through the tough times, you know it was worth it. Or, you find a reason to make it worth it—for them.” 
You hummed in response. 
Matt took a sip of his beer. He listened as you got up from your seat to join Karen and Foggy after they called for you. 
It was strange for him to talk to you like this in a public setting—as Matt Murdock, your boss, and not as “Mike”, your savior, as you called him. When you left your seat, he heard something ruffle in your bag—the phone he’d given you for emergencies. Good. She keeps it on her. 
He’d been avoiding you at the office and he knew you picked up on it after a few days. It was for the better, he thought. The more distance he kept from you there, the less likely it would be you’d put two and two together—if you could. It was to be cautious and to make sure his secret stayed a secret. You stayed his secret. Perhaps it wasn’t fair, perhaps it was lying, perhaps that was all true. Even if Matt wanted to reveal who he really was to you, there’s no guessing how you’d react. To put it simply, Matt dug himself even deeper the day Karen said she’d hire you and he didn’t make any effort to convince her to not. 
And the more he saw you at night, the more he couldn’t stay away. God, you were all-consuming to him. He found his new altar and it was your lips. His prayer, your name. Whatever the affair was, his new religion. It was cliche to say, but it was true: it felt so right with you. So right, and perfect, and whenever something so good falls into Matt Murdock’s lap, he always finds a way to convince himself he’s undeserving of it. He wants to be with you. He wants to keep you. But things are just so chaotically fucked up now, now that you work with him and he has to lie to you every day like he doesn’t want to pin you against the wall in his office and kiss your entire body. 
Matt clenched his jaw uncomfortably, pushing the thought away. That’s another reason why he must avoid you; to avoid thinking like this at work. It was hard enough that you were there. 
Being with you during the day was interesting. You were so different professionally, so polite and smart. Thoughtful, he decided. Nothing like the girl he came to see at night, who didn’t hold back a bite and wasn’t afraid of confrontation. He liked that girl just as much as the version he got at the office, though. It was like he was with two different people—and then he thought that he was basically playing two different people with you, too. Except, he realizes his unfair advantage. 
At the office, you were subtle with your actions—careful and alert. How you went out of your way to make sure documents were translated to braille for him, how you took your time with each client in the waiting room…yes, of course, Matt listened to you when you were with them. He always did. And quite frankly, he was impressed with how you carried yourself. Putting his feelings aside for you, and what it was that you shared, he truly thought you were a good employee—a promising future attorney. 
But God, was it hard to pretend to not know what your lips felt like. How hard it is for him to pretend he couldn’t care less when really, you’re all he cares about these days. 
And here you were, coming by his side again, and he has to put on the facade all over again—another mask, he thought ironically, to pretend around you. For the first time ever, he felt a heavy weight press on his heart. No, this wasn’t fair to you at all. 
“Hey, Matt,” you called for him, and he decided he loved to hear you call him by his real name. Your voice was lighter than it was before, actually lighter than it has been at the office, whenever you spoke to him. Maybe a night like tonight at Josie’s needed to happen—so Matt could feel more comfortable around you as Matt. He felt a wall crumbling inside him.  
“Yeah?” He answered. 
“We’re going to take one more round of shots and then step outside for fresh air. Are you in?” 
Matt smiled. 
“Yeah. I’m in.”
12 AM 
Foggy hailed a cab for you to get home. You managed to get inside your apartment to find it empty, with nothing but a half-filled bottle of tequila on the counter and red solo cups. Your friends went out again, but you didn’t care. You were on cloud nine after tonight, having the best time with your new co-workers, and feeling better that maybe the one you were afraid of really liked you after all. 
And then, you thought of him. Mike. 
Would he be up there? It didn’t hurt to try… 
Before you stumbled up the steps to the roof, you changed into something a little more comfortable. Sweat shorts and a tank top. 
Now that summer was in full effect, nights remained humid. Your tank top stuck to the sweat on your skin. What were the chances of him actually coming tonight? 
Apparently, very likely. As you turned the corner, you jumped to see him already waiting for you, dressed in his usual black outfit—face covered. 
“Jesus,” You exclaimed and held your hand to your heart. 
“Language,” Mike said smugly as he stepped into the light. You smiled. 
“Don’t get all righteous on me now,” you teased, “I believe you are way past that.” 
Mike snaked a strong arm around your waist and pulled you into him. He kissed you softly and slowly—different from the way he normally kisses you, which was more ravenous in nature. You matched his nature, and placed your hands on either side of his face, holding him steady as you kissed. 
When you pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. 
“You’re quiet again,” you breathed. “Why?” 
“You make me feel calm,” he told you. The way his lips moved when he spoke was mesmerizing, inviting you to kiss him again. You did. You teased your tongue on his bottom lip. Mike groaned faintly. 
“Calm isn’t something I’m used to,” Mike continued, chasing your lips with a kiss. “And when I feel something I’m not used to, but that I like, those things tend to slip from my grasp just as I got a good hold on them.” 
You contemplated his words for a moment and realized what he meant. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” you truthfully said. “I…like what we have.” 
“But,” Mike guided, knowing you had more to say. 
“But… most people in affairs know who exactly they’re dealing with.” 
Mike turned his masked face away from you. You knew that was the only answer you’d get. 
“Not yet,” he spoke quietly, “I can’t reveal myself yet.” 
“But why? You think I’ll think you’re ugly?” You laughed, trying to lighten the mood, but you realized you even failed yourself. The more you got in deeper with Mike, the more it hurt, knowing this was all you’d get out of him: late nights on your rooftop, kisses you’d never experienced with anyone else—feelings you didn’t know you could feel so intensely that it felt like your mind suffocated with thoughts of him. Him. You didn’t even know who he was. But he had you in the palm of his hand. 
“Do you want to stop? With this, with me?” He asked ardently. 
“What kind of question is that? No, I don’t want to stop seeing you,” you argued. “Do you want to stop?” 
“No,” he replied almost instantly. “But we should reach an agreement on this. You have to be okay with me not being ready to reveal myself. And you have to know that my not revealing myself has nothing to do with how I feel about you and how much I trust you.” 
“How do you feel about me?” You couldn’t help but ask him. The corner of his mouth twitched upward. 
“Like I’ve never felt for anyone before,” Mike whispered and kissed you, deeply, slowly again. “Just give me the time I need.” 
“Okay,” you agreed. “You’ve got a deal. As long as you keep coming to me.” 
“I’ll never stop,” Mike promised. 
You ran your hands along his strong torso. You could feel the sweat under his shirt. You slid your hands under his shirt and felt his skin—soft, and… scarred. You gasped as your fingers traced along a gash, that’s since healed. You felt another one on his rib cage and another on his chest. You gasped again. 
“It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s from another life.” 
“That’s… scary,” you said in a small voice. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he told you gently. “It’s different these days.”
“I don’t know what I’d do if I expected to see you one night and you didn’t come…”
“I’ll always come to you,” Mike stated. “Until there comes a day you don’t want me to.” 
“That day will never come, I can assure you that.” 
He kissed you more and ran his fingers through your hair, tugging a little so your neck was revealed to him. You shivered as he kissed along your neck, slowly, antagonizing. You ran your fingers along his back and closed your eyes. 
You didn’t want your nights to be anything but this. 
You lifted your left leg and he grabbed it to wrap around his waist, holding your back to steady you. He gently laid you on the ground. 
“Can I…take this off?” He asked, gesturing to your shorts. You laughed. 
“Will someone see us?” 
“No one will see us. They might hear you though.” 
“Take them off.” 
Mike slowly pulled your shorts and underwear off, and you were completely exposed to him in a dark corner of your roof. You wished you brought a blanket. Mike began to kiss your inner thighs, slowly, reaching closer up to your legs and your wetness. You let your mind drift off, thinking of the deal you’d just made with him. You weren’t completely truthful about being okay with not knowing who he is. But your connection and feelings for him were stronger than your fears of what could happen—you’d teach yourself to be okay with it. 
But your discomfort was quickly replaced with euphoria when you felt his lips kiss your sex, and his tongue began to lap at your wetness slowly and then urgently. You sighed blissfully, closing your eyes. You suddenly couldn’t care less about your worries. 
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m0cha-madn3ss · 1 month
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Summary: When the youngest two go out on mission, the rest of the team become antsy. What more to distract them than to put on a horror movie? AU: - Pairing: Avengers team x Reader Warning: Angst with a happy ending Link: Masterlist
Peter and (Y/n) had just gone for a mission together to infiltrate an abandoned Hydra base and it made the whole team jittery. Sure, those two could handle themselves with Peter's spider abilities and (Y/n)'s powers but to see their youngest lovers go to a Hydra base even if it was abandoned made them anxious.
Tony and Bruce holed themselves up in their lab and worked on a project to try and distract themselves. Steve, Bucky and Clint were always in the training room, sparring. Natasha, who never danced unless she was so stressed, danced until her ankles broke. Wanda tried helping others by feeding them and making them get a good night's sleep but her head was always in a turmoil.
Even though they had promised Peter and (Y/n) that they would take care of themselves, the team found themselves going against their promise. And to add fuel to fire, Ross continued pestering them to sign those stupid accords.
The tower which was usually filled with laughter and joy was now filled with tension and nervous energy.
Steve was already on the brink of snapping at someone but when he couldn't find the t-shirt that Peter had bought him, it tipped him over the edge. 
He went to the dining room and saw his lovers eating their breakfast quietly, each in their own heads. "Where is my green shirt?", Steve asked, crossing her arms as he leaned on one leg.
The question broke everyone out of their thoughts as Wanda replied that she had put it in the wash earlier, unaware of the upcoming argument. 
"Why the hell are you taking my stuff? No one asked you to do it", he grumbled, glaring at her.
Wanda's temper flared. "That is the point of helping. No one asks for help with these things. You have to help them even if they don't ask", she said standing up.
"I don't need help and I need that shirt. Why the hell would you take things from me without my permission?", Steve started shouting.
"Because you are my lover. All of you are my lovers. And you guys moping around like this means that you need someone to take care of you. And it seems like I am the only one who can do that", she retorted.
"Oh yeah. Take care of us. Now you are sounding more like my nanny than my partner", pitched in Natasha.
"We don't need you to take care of us. We can take care of ourselves perfectly", Tony glared at her.
"Yeah. If I leave you guys alone for one day, you would be so damn miserable. You guys are messes right now and I am trying to help you guys", Wanda replied, rolling her eyes.
"We don't need help", shouted Bruce, his voice melding with the Hulk.
"And we don't need you!", finished Steve.
A stunned silence fell upon the team. Wanda's eyes widened with unshed tears. Steve lost his temper as quickly as it had come after realizing what he had spoken. He stepped forward towards Wanda only for her to start moving backwards before breaking into a run to the elevator. Steve moved after her but Bucky kept a hand on Steve's shoulder, shaking his head.
"All of you need some time alone to cool off", he muttered. "And I need some coffee", he added.
Wanda entered the elevator and with a shaking voice told Jarvis to go up to her floor. The words 'We don't need you' uttered by Steve kept revolving in her head. The moment she entered her floor, she let a shaky exhale before letting her tears fall. She knew he didn't mean it as she saw into his head after he uttered those words, but it still stung. She decided to sleep for sometime to cool off.
When she woke up again, her head felt lighter and her tears had dried up. She knew that everyone had lashed out due to their stress. She made a plan to distract her partners. Muttering to herself, she stood up and showered, putting on more clean and comfortable lounge clothes before heading to the kitchen on her floor. With her powers, she made popcorn and baked cupcakes which (Y/n) and she would bake during movie nights. She looked in the fridge and was pleased to find that her fridge had not run out of those cool drinks. Taking one for each of her lovers and putting them in a tray, she headed down to the common floor with the tray of cupcakes and bowl of popcorn floating beside her.
She quickly headed to the small home theater and picked a horror movie, kept the snacks on a table before asking Jarvis to inform everyone to come to the theater room in 15 minutes in comfortable clothes.
As she waited, she thought back to the time when (Y/n) had first introduced her to the cupcake recipe. It was 5 months after they started dating and Wanda had begged (Y/n) to know how the hell she did those out of the world cupcakes. It was one of those memories she had always carried and cherished with her. It provided her happiness when she felt down.
She was so distracted in her musing that she did not realize that Steve had been standing awkwardly next to her. She was broken out of her trance when Steve waved his hand in front of her hand.
Looking at his guilty face, she beckoned him to sit next to her.
"Look, I know you didn't mean it when you had said those words so don't fret okay?", she consoled him.
But Steve shook his head. "Dove, I basically told you that I don't want you. You can't possibly forgive and forget?"
"Forgive, yes but forget, no. Look, Stevie, what you said did make me upset", Wanda started raising her hand when he tried to interrupt, "but, I know you didn't mean that. Petey and (Y/n/n) going on their mission has stressed all of us and this stress has pushed too far, but it will always be us against the world. No matter what, we stick together even if you say you don't want us or even if Bucky is under the impression that the chicken came first."
Steve chuckled wetly at that. (Y/n) and Bucky had a huge debate on what came first: The chicken or the egg. Everyone except Bucky had agreed that the egg came first but Bucky was adamant on the fact that the chicken came first.
When the rest of their lovers came, they did not comment when they saw Steve and Wanda clinging to each other. They did not do anything other than to fall on them, laughing at their painful oomphs- before exclaiming at the snacks in the table before them and cuddling with each other as the horror movie started. They had no worries except for the longing of their two missing pieces. Peter and (Y/n).
"Do you think they will really take care of themselves while we are away?", Peter asked one night as they cuddled each other in their safe house.
"Knowing them, I don't think so but I hope they will", (Y/n) replied looking at him.
Cupping his face and kissing him, she suddenly stood up. Peter took her arm and stood up as well, when she stretched her arm towards him and together, they went to the balcony.
They had patrolled the building and after finding no heat signals throughout the building except for the last room, they decided to go in cautiously. After infiltrating the base and finding the files and freeing those prisoners(?), they could go back to their partners.
Under the silent gaze of the stars, with each other in their arms, they slept off, mentally preparing themselves for the next day.
They had planned to go into the base in the evening, so in the morning they prepared themselves, choosing the weapons of their choice and making sure that there was no damage to their suits. Obviously, a suit designed by Tony himself would not have any faults but they had to check once so that it would not act up in the middle of their time in the base.
They ate their lunch in silence and took a quick nap and at 4, they were ready to go.
Suiting up, they left the safe house and started walking to the base to be discreet. After half an hour, they reached the base.
Opening it, they were not surprised by the ghostly silence. They checked all the rooms for possible information but found nothing but a small USB that (Y/n) pocketed quickly. As they approached the last room, and (Y/n) went to reach the handle, Peter stopped her. Since he didn't want the people inside to hear them, he used sign language. The whole team were quite fluent in sign language since they wanted to surprise Clint on his birthday once.
"If the people in this room are serving Hydra, we could be in trouble. If they are prisoners, then all is well", said Peter.
"What do you propose we do?", asked (Y/n), hands glowing slightly.
"Make an illusion of us two entering the room, if they attack them, we kill them. If not, we don't", said Peter after thinking for some time.
"Then I guess you and I are gonna stick to the wall", signed (Y/n), raising an eyebrow.
Peter beamed and nodded at that.
So they put their plan into motion. Peter stuck himself to the wall and held (Y/n) tightly as she sent two illusions to open the door. The moment the illusions opened the door, a rain of bullets fell upon them which caused Peter and (Y/n) to move. Taking advantage of their momentary confusion at seeing two versions of them, Peter and (Y/n) attacked them successfully, killing them on the spot. After making sure that they had died, they took in their surroundings and noticed a safe in the middle of the room which was locked with a number lock. Peter grabbed it grunting slightly at its weight before starting their return journey to their safe house.
After gathering all the belongings and the USB and the safe, they went to the jet which was expertly camouflaged and started their return journey to the tower.
The whole team was on the edge as they saw the girl look into the rooms of the house with nothing but a pencil as her weapon. She opened the first door which made a creaking noise which made the team jump. In the same fashion, she opened all the other doors but didn't find anything.
As she started opening the last door, the team heard a small creak which was definitely not from the movie but from their room. Everyone froze, knowing that none of them had moved to make the creak before hesitantly looking at the door. There standing at the door, was the exact same ghost that they were seeing in the movie. Seeing its evil grin, the team screamed, in sync with the girl in the movie. However, they stopped their screams when they heard laughter which belonged to... 
Peter and (Y/n) stood now in the place of the ghost with a golden hue around (Y/n)'s fist stating that she had just used her powers. 
Natasha started running after them which stopped their laughter and stood panicked. Just as Natasha grabbed them, they disappeared into dust leading her to stumble. 
Natasha cursed aloud for a solid one minute leading everyone to laugh at her. She stood up and ran out of the room searching for the tricksters who were actually hiding behind the door where Natasha had not searched for them. Peter and (Y/n) went to the cuddle pile and dropped into the laps of Wanda and Bucky and after 20 minutes Natasha came in muttering curses only to stop when she saw her partners cuddled up against each other dozing off. Smiling, she too joined the cuddle pile and everyone slept off in the theater room, no one missing and their youngest two in their arms.
--- A/n: Hey everyone! Hope you liked this small oneshot :) 
You are loved <3 Proud of you guys :3
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Side Sickness
Prompt: Side Effects/Adverse Reaction
Pairings: Wandanat x R
Word count: 900
Summary: after getting shot you have an odd reaction to the anaesthesia
TW: vomiting, medical drugs, getting shot (mentions), surgery
It was suppose to be a simple mission. But here you were lying on the bed in the medical wing of the compound, with a bullet in your leg. Bruce had said it was too deep to just remove so you were being prepped for surgery. you had asked Bruce to wait to tell your girls until he knew you would be fine, not wanting to worry them.
“ready y/n/n?” he asked.
you nodded, still in too much pain to talk. he placed the mask down on your face, instructing you to count back from ten. you had barely hit eight when the darkness took over.
It was about an hour later you started to come to. the first thing that registered in your very fuzzy brain was the feeling of fingers carding through your hair. long nails running over your scalp in a way that made you want to go back to sleep. two voices chatted lively before going silent. upon opening your eyes, the bright lights seemed to make you nauseous,. quickly you shut them again. but nat noticed.
“Y/n/n? you with us baby?” nat asked, and you felt the fingers stop to tease a small knot out of your hair. you merely groaned. making Wanda chuckle.
“mm don’t feel good.” you whined. nat frowned and Wanda made some motion with her hand that sent nat to get bruce.
a moment later you heard the footsteps return and bruce folding his glasses.
“Y/n? Natasha says you don’t feel good.” you nodded, swallowing the nausea that built with the dizziness of the action. “can you tell me where it hurts, i thought i got the dosage correct for the pain meds but maybe you lost some weight?”
“‘m not sick.” you whined. Making both girls frown, you only ever acted like this when you felt ill. Wanda noticed the shift in the pallor of your skin before nat or bruce, probably because she was closest. quickly she reached behind her to grab a sick bag as you threw up into it. one hand held the bag to your chin and the other ran circles on your back. you coughed spitting the foul taste into the bag before flopping back and placing an arm over your eyes.
“is that… is that suppose to happen?” nat asked as Wanda threw away the sick bag and grabbed another just in case.
“its not common but it can happen as a side effect of the anaesthesia . Keep an eye on her and if it happens again come get me. just a warning the drugs might make her a bit … loopy.”
“loopy how?” nat asked as bruce scurried away. “BRUCE LOOPY HOW?” she yelled, making you wince.
“headache bubs?” Wanda asked, going back to stroking back your hair.
“mmmm.” you agreed. “tell nat to make less wiggly air.”
“what?” Wanda asked.
“sound waves are just wiggly air and nattys being too loud, for the brain. ‘s makin’ it angry.” you slurred
“sorry baby.” nat sighed kissing your knuckles. Wanda waved her hand and used her magic to lower the lights, and carefully peeled back your arm from your eyes.
“can i see those pretty eyes baby girl?”
you grinned opening you eyes wide to stare at Wanda. nat laughed as you relaxed again and flopped back.
“ow.” you frowned.
“what hurts baby?” nat asked
“my life.” you shrugged.
“ok.” Wanda smiled, as nat looked confused.
“‘m sleepy”
“you can rest now bubs.” Wanda cooed ignoring nats open mouth to protest. “we’ll be right here the whole time.”
the next time you opened you eyes the nausea was back. Wanda paused her conversation with nat, each girl sat on either side of your bed in the med bay.
“y/n/n? you ok?” nat frowned, motioning to Wanda to get the sick bag just incase.
“gonna be sick.” you cried, sitting up straight, almost vomiting into you lap if it weren’t for Wanda’s quick reaction to slide the sickbag back under your chin to catch it.
“shh its ok baby. your ok.” nat cooed, rubbing your back. slightly more lucid this time tears flowed over your cheeks. you spat again and leaned back gingerly to avoid aggravating your leg.
“are you feeling better now?” Wanda asked. you shot a weak thumbs up and closed your eyes again.
“I’m going to tell bruce you were sick again.” nat replied. leaving the room to find him. after a few minutes of Wanda getting rid of the bag again she sat back by your side. running her hands through your hair again.
“it’ll be ok y/n/n your doing so good for us.” you hadn’t realised the tear were still flowing but you made not move to stop them.
“never let me get shot again.” you muttered.
“Baby i wasn’t even with you this time.” she chuckled slightly.
“don’t leave me again.” you whined.
“I didn’t plan on it ever again my sweet. never again.” she kissed your forehead and you let sleep take over again still feeling felt and exhausted down to your bones.
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lemonnsss · 8 days
The Original Avengers (+ Loki) play Kirby’s Return to Dreamland
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Has most definitely been dragged into playing on the Wii before by his kids
He’s probably the best player on the team
That is until he starts talking shit in which everyone gangs up on him
“C’mon guys, it’s just a joke!”
He thought it would be easy, I mean, he works on much more intricate and difficult things on a day-to-day basis. Why should this be different? It’s a children's game.
He is, quite literally, the worst. 
That is until Clint eggs him on, then he becomes a try-hard (and is actually pretty good).
“Damn Clint, maybe if you’re this bad you should just pass on the controller, I’d be happy to trade you.”
He’s an ass
She chooses not to participate
Grabs popcorn and watches as the chaos unfolds
Grabs Clint after he gets mad at Tony
Sees where the gears are but doesn’t tell, leaving everyone looking around like idiots trying to find the gears
This man does not care
He’s okay but hands the remote to Loki when he’s done
Sits by Natasha & talks with her while the others are arguing
“It’s not exactly my kind of game.”
I think he visits Earth every couple of years- or gets banished lol- just to see what’s going on
Has played the prequel(?) game ‘Kirby’s Dream Land’
Gets a little excited when he sees there are powers now
When he gets the controller he’s so “randomly” good at it, it pisses Tony and Clint off
“Why are you all so, pissy, it’s a game intended for children. Of course it’s easy.”
All fine and good until he panicked and accidentally broke the controller
He was banned from playing after that
Eats some pop-tarts while laughing at his friends’ reactions (and fighting)
Has no idea what’s going on
Accidentally killed the pink Kirby like, eight times, before they took away his controller
He really has no idea what’s going on, he’s just enjoying the team getting a little lively
“Hey, let’s calm down now. It’s just a game.” he says before getting pointed in the face with a pillow (Natasha threw it)
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dianacandmm · 7 months
Bruce banner Natasha romanoff
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