#the idea that was funny in my head ended up only feeling stupid on paper. that's always disappointing
alsojnpie · 4 months
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there is a long running idea thread i have about him fixing breakfast including eggs but..i really hate eggy tasting things like eggs. BUT! that doesn't mean i won't eat them. because of this, papyrus doesn't know i don't like them and has in this first panel only recently very suddenly figured it out.
i think he would really hate the idea that i was only eating his food out of pity for his feelings so that's why he's watching me carefully.
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sweetbbyshion · 4 months
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-> Toji Fushiguro x Reader (gender neutral)
characters: Toji Fushiguro
genre: fluff
summary: uni has been stressing you out and your boyfriend is as tired
warnings: established relationship, age gap, this was written while i was stressing over assessments and i just needed a big strong sexy man to make me take a break, might be ooc
network: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Toji thinks he might smash his head against the wall if he hears you sigh loudly one more time. He turns his body on the couch to peek at you, hunching over a bunch of papers at the kitchen table. He can see two word documents opened on your laptop, one full of words and the other still blank. Next to it, his laptop that you begged to use has google opened and he can vaguely see the numerous windows in the tab. You sigh again, like you have been in the past hour, and drop your head on your arms.
Toji has no idea what you’re doing. He guesses it must be some university project but the calendar displayed on the fridge doesn't have an exam coming up soon. He gets up from the couch and makes his way to you. He puts his hand on the back of the chair, leaning down a bit and squinting his eyes to look at the tiny words on the laptop. Toji feels a bit too dumb when he doesn't understand all of the fancy words you used but your boyfriend can tell you're writing your interpretation of a poem.
“You need to start wearing your glasses.” you murmur, looking at the older man, your head lazily resting on your hand, as he keeps squinting. He scoffs, Toji would never wear those ugly glasses he got. It makes him look stupid, even after the amount of times you denied it and no matter how many times you sloppily made out with him wherever he wore those horrible glasses, a fire suddenly lighting you up when you saw the frames on his face. “Don't come complaining when your head starts hurting again.”
“What you got there that got you stressing out so much?” He decides to ignore your comment, changing the subject to the reason for your stress.
You sigh once more, resting your head on his forearm. “Gotta start writing one of my assessments for one of my classes. The professor is making us write about everything we’ve learned in class with our opinions and academic research to support it. It absolutely sucks and I wanna drop out.” you ramble. Toji’s chuckle has you frowning, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing. How about you take a break?” As good as that sounds, you shake your head denying his proposal. “Take a break. Not asking. Sit on the couch with me and relax for a bit.” His tone suggests that you would probably regret your decision if you choose to go against him.
Reluctantly, you get up from the uncomfortable chair and stretch your arms above your head. You feel your back crack from being in the same position for so long and you just want to lay in bed and sleep. Toji places his hands on your hips where the shirt isn't covering, squeezing the flesh as he pulls you a bit closer to him and you throw your arms around his shoulders as you sway a bit from side to side. Toji smiles a little when he hears you giggling, happy that you stopped sighing and stressing for a little bit. “ Should I be an old man’s sugar baby? I’ll share the money with you.” You tease, planting a kiss on his cheek. Toji rolls his eyes at your teasing tone. You lean back a little to look at the man, his big hands placed on your back to support your weight. “I'm starting to think you have a type. Like old men that much, doll?”
“Only one.” You reply, playing with the soft ends of his hair that are almost reaching his shoulders. “Unfortunately my old man isn't a billionaire that will give me a yatch for my birthday.” You press a small kiss to his lips. “I can't complain much though, my boyfriend is really sexy.”
Your boyfriend arches a brow, smirking at your remarks. “Yeah? What can I do to steal you away from that grandpa?” You pretend to think for a bit, a small pout appearing on your lips that Toji wants to kiss away more than anything. “Cuddle with me on the couch and watch a few episodes of a crappy reality show before I start feeling bad and go back to my assessment?”
Toji thinks for a bit. He wants you to relax for a while before you (and himself) go crazy with the constant sighing but you have a gift for choosing horrible shows that have Toji wanting nothing more than to punch the TV. Your boyfriend knows he can’t deny your request when he looks at you and you’re staring right back at him. Even if he had it in him to refuse your proposal, your tired eyes and the way you’re looking at him with so much adoration is enough for Toji to pull you to the couch.
You sit as close to him as you can and pull his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You snuggle comfortably on his side while pressing a few kisses on his jaw and neck that make Toji get goosebumps. This time, he doesn't act all dramatic like he usually does when you’re this close to him. He doesn't tease you or calls you clingy while playfully pushing you away just to watch you crawl back to him. This time, Toji lets you push and pull him until you’re comfortable. He doesn't even complain when he sees you open netflix and select a reality show with a weird name and an obnoxious couple on the cover.
Toji thinks all of this is worth it when you place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper “I love you” before falling asleep five minutes after in his arms.
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whxre-bxby · 1 year
"I'll Take Care Of It"
Quaritch x human f! Reader  Imagine (fluff) no smut for once.
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Summary: You are a scientist working with the new recom-team. You knew most of them from when they were humans, including the Colonel. He notices you are not okay and tries to help, thereby finding out you have a pain disorder. Just fluff of him helping you and being all worried and cute. 
I tried making this a little funny and fluffy, I don't know whether it worked.
Credit to @jinx14 for the idea <3
Word Count: 2489
I sat at my desk with my extremely bright desk lamp, illuminating the papers I was filling out. I used to work for Grace and we studied the connections the trees and all the creatures had with one another and with Eywa. 
Now, I was focusing on the Mountain Banshees. Or the Ikran. The team was meant to learn the way of the Na’vi people which included taming an Ikran. While my Avatar had managed to do it, I had to figure out weak spots or tricks to help the soldiers do the same. I would go with them and show them but my Avatar had been badly injured to the point where it could no longer be used. Now I was stuck as a human on Pandora. 
It was evening and most people had left their offices. I sat in the big office which had about everything I could ever need. The other desks were empty and dark. 
I continued to study the Ikran when I heard the footsteps of someone walking in. I didn’t have to look up to know that it wasn’t a person. There were too few steps for a person to be advancing that quickly.
I finished the sentence before lifting my gaze off the paper and watching the Colonel enter the room, holding a cup. The mug was purposely crafted bigger for the Avatars. 
“Evenin’.” he greeted, scanning the room before looking down at me. I politely smile. 
“Hey.” I greet back, resting my head in my palm again and returning my attention to the papers. 
“You still workin’?” he asks, grabbing a chair from another desk and lifting it with one hand. 
I nod and he huffs, before placing the chair the wrong way in front of my desk and sitting on it as comfortably as an Avatar his size can sit on a human-designed chair. He leaned his arms on the lean of the seat and examined what I was reading. 
“I need this done by tomorrow. Otherwise, I’ll be in trouble and that lady will yell at me because I’ll be delaying the missions.” I say, mimicking her stupid voice at the end. 
Quaritch grins, liking the gossip. 
“I’m assumin’ you ain’t fond of her, ey?” he chuckles, taking a sip out of his cup. 
“Not one bit.” I mumble, rereading the same sentence for the third time now. 
“Yeah, I don’t think I can be much of a help with that.” he says, trying to figure out the sense behind my calculated numbers and biological notes. I smile. 
“It’s okay, I’ll be done soon.” 
“Well, I’m not tired so I’ll keep ya company.” he smiles back and sips again. 
“As long as you stay quiet and let me focus, I can-” I start to say but suddenly, I feel an aching sharp pain shoot through my body. My eyes go wide and I tense up, completely stilling for a few seconds. 
Miles notices I didn’t finish my sentence and looks up at me, his ears perking slightly. His tail stopped swaying behind him and he studied my expression. 
“What? Forgot to hand somethin’ in?” he chuckles, still watching me. When I don’t reply or even react to his joke he starts to get a little worried. 
“Y/N?” he says, placing down his cup. “Oh, uhh. Is it your time of the month? Did you just get it?”
Miles started to panic just a little, slowly thinking of a bad scenario to explain your sudden actions before it is taken over by an even worse scenario. 
“Oh- are you pregnant? What are they called…uh- contraceptives? No. Oh contractions!” he says, his eyes not leaving my face. 
His silly suggestions manage to distract me for a second. 
“What? No!” I say. “Those only happen during labour! Do I look that pregnant to you?!” I say, raising my voice because the pain is still very much present. 
“Oh, no no no. I wasn’t saying that I just-” He started to panic even more and I started rocking back on forth in my chair, hoping it would only last a few more seconds. 
Miles stood up and came around the desk, standing next to me. 
“Y/N are you okay? What’s going on?” 
He placed his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me but I flinched away. It made it worse and I realised it wouldn’t go away on its own. I stood up, my bottom lip quivering. 
The cabinets of medication were close. I kept mine in there too, but they were too high up. 
We used a stool with steps to climb up and I frantically looked around for it only to find it on the other side of the room. 
The situation was escalating and I started to whine and whimper in pain, not wanting to have to run across this huge lab to get a stool. 
I turned to the cabinet and jumped a little, trying to open it. 
Quaritch was following me, analysing my movements while starting to freak out. When he saw I was trying to reach the top cabinet shelf he hurried over next to me. 
“Do you need somethin’ in here?” he asks, worry dressing his tone. 
I nod, clutching onto the side of the lab counter, trying to deal with what I was feeling. 
He flung the cabinet open and started pulling out boxes of medication, showing them to me while I shook my head, no. They weren’t the right ones. 
“No- uhm…” I want to describe the medication to him but I’m battling my body once again. 
He holds up a package that I recognise. I sigh in relief but then panic a little again. 
“Are there- hnghh…” I whimper, biting my lip. “Small blue pills…” I squeak out. He catches the words and searches the cabinet again, starting to throw out everything that is not a blue pill. I watch the expensive meds hit the ground, the desks and the chairs behind him. It’s fucking raining pills and bottles. 
Finally, he shows me what I need. Without being able to focus on anything else I grab it from his hands and start to search for a glass. I literally move my head in every direction and Miles tries following my gaze while dealing with this chaotic situation. My head does a 180° horizontally and vertically, in search of one goddamn glass. 
“What is it? Do you need water?” he asks and I nod frantically again, waving my hands in front of my face to try and calm myself down, almost throwing the pills away in the process. 
I sign grabby hands at him, needing a glass so I can put some room-temperature water in. He finds one, swiftly scooping it up and pouring cold water from the fridge into it. 
I want to say no because cold water makes it worse but no one can understand my muffled words escaping my clenched teeth.
He hands the full glass of water to me, mirroring my panicked and hectic movements. His ears are strained back and his eyes show his worry because Quaritch still doesn’t know what’s happening.
I can’t drink the cold water and I am unable to think properly so instead of calmly tipping the cold water out into the sink next to me, I chuck it into the air, not being able to even process what I just did. 
I launch myself towards the sink which apparently didn’t suit me enough to rid the water in and turn on the tap, letting slightly warm water fill it. Once it’s full enough for me to gulp down I pop out a pill and chuck it in my mouth and flushing it down with a huge gulp of water. Next, I drop the empty glass into the sink. Luckily it doesn’t break. 
I just need the meds to finally kick in so I can be relieved of this agony. 
For a few minutes, there is complete silence and all that is happening is me jumping from one tippy-toe to another, breathing heavily to keep calm. Keeping calm was of course never an option and it never worked out. 
Finally, after some time I feel how my muscles start to relax and my body no longer feels like it is on fire. I let my eyes flutter closed and inhale deeply, enjoying the feeling of being normal again. 
I slowly turn around, running my hand through my hair, thinking about how I handled this situation well. 
That’s when I’m met with a horrific sight. The room looks like a crime scene. As if an overly aggressive person had a complete meltdown and tore the room apart. I start to remember the past events of the last few minutes and realise everything. 
The chair I previously sat in was lying on the floor. It had a broken leg. Miles must have stepped on it while running after me. 
The floor it was lying on… was completely massacred by the flasks, medication bottles, pills and packages. Some broke and the liquid started to dissolve the pills that had fallen out of their packaging. It looked like a failed science experiment. 
I followed the little trail of fluid and noticed how it started sizzling and bubbling. Then my eyes met a pair of heavy black boots. 
Oh no.
Quaritch was here. Right. I forgot. His shoes were standing in the middle of a big puddle. A puddle? How on Earth (on Pandora…sorry I couldn’t help it) did that much water get on the floor?
I’m slightly scared when my eyes slowly rise and I examine Miles who is standing in front of me with crossed arms. When I look at all of him I gasp, biting my lip again. I didn’t know whether to fear for my life, whether to feel bad and cry or whether to laugh at him. 
The Colonel was completely soaked in the freezing water he had poured me which I gracefully sent into the air. His hair was drenched and the water had poured over his head and wettened his clothes. Like, there were water drops falling from his chin, his arms and legs. 
Oh my god. 
I open my mouth in an attempt to say something but his worried expression which now turned into a frown makes me forget all words of the English language. I look away nervously and notice that he halfway ripped out one of the cabinet doors while he tried searching for my medication. 
What a fucking mess this was. 
I look back at him.
“Ya feelin’ better now?” he asks, seeming a little annoyed. I nod, still not sure how to react. 
“Fuckin’ hell..” he groans, wiping his face from the water. “What happened?” he asks, looking at me in disbelief before slowly turning around and examining the way the floor became a bloodbath for meds. 
He looked baffled. Puzzled. Perplexed. Rattled, shocked, dumbstruck. The man looked fucking befuddled and speechless. 
I chuckle a little, hoping he wouldn’t lose his shit. “I have this thing.” I reply.
He turns back to me and raises an eyebrow. 
“I have a pain disorder. Or pain syndrome. I can’t control it.” I elaborate. 
“Pain syndrome?” he questions, wiping water from his arms and stepping out of the puddle, closer to me. 
“It comes unexpectedly. It feels like my body is on fire. The nerves are inflamed. It happened ever since the accident.” I say, sounding quieter now. 
Miles is no longer annoyed. He looks worried again. 
“My Avatar got hurt, it was shot in the arm a few times. That’s apparently what caused it.” I continue to explain. 
“This shit helps.” I say, picking up the packet of blue pills. “This too, but it tastes awful.” my hand points to the previous medication he pulled out which was this green liquid in a small bottle. 
“Are you okay?” Miles speaks up, still stunned. I nod. 
“Yeah, it's better now.” 
“Goddamn sweetheart, you really scared me there.” he said, letting out a sigh of relief. 
I look away, feeling bad. I know I shouldn’t but I feel like I may have overreacted this time. It just seemed to hurt much more than usual and I was stressed from work too so I got panicky. 
I glanced at the floor again, seeing all the destroyed medication. 
“Hey, it’s okay. That’s on me. This whole mess is my fault. You’re fine.” He says, coming to me again. 
Miles wants to rest his arms on my shoulders again but then pulls back, remembering how it hurt me last time. 
“It’s fine now. Really. “ I say and he nods, placing his palms on my shoulders. 
“All that matters is that you’re feeling okay. Got it? This here…” he says, looking around and at himself. “...this doesn’t matter.” 
I smile a little. I have never experienced this side of Miles. He was always friendly to me from the beginning on and he would tease me from time to time. But that was it. 
When he died I didn’t know what I would do with my life anymore. He played a pretty big role in my day-to-day activities, so not having him was horrible. When he was basically reborn, we bonded like we did as humans and our friendship seemed to continue where it left off. I didn’t know whether this was a friendship, but whatever my relationship with him was, I loved it. 
“I’ll deal with the mess in the morning. You should get some rest.” he says, leaning down so that we are almost eye to eye. 
“You’re going to clean it up?” I ask. 
“Hell no. I’m the damn Colonel after all. I’ll tell someone to do it.” he says and I giggle. 
“But I need to finish the papers.” I mumble, my shoulder slumping. The weight of the stress was back again. 
“Screw the papers. I’ll tell her that the team isn’t ready yet. It won’t be your fault.” he reassures me and I stare at him.
“You’re like an angel sent from heaven.” I say, smiling. Maybe to Pandora he wasn’t but to me he was. I needed him and it seemed as though the universe saw I wouldn’t make it without him in my life, so they sent him back. Almost as he was before. 
“I’d hope angels aren’t blue.” he chuckles, straightening his posture. 
“Come on, cupcake. Let’s get you sorted out.” 
Miles ran me a bath and while the water was filling the tub, he sat us both down on a sofa. I explained to him everything I knew so far about the Ikran while he held me cradled in his arm, having me leaned against his side. 
The comfort I felt with him was unimaginable. Miles was a softie at heart and he seemed to show it more in his recom body.
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tranquil-ivy · 7 months
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𝔹𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕒 𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 ℝ𝕦𝕟 [𝔼𝕟𝕕]
DI!Leon Kennedy x Reader
Summary: Leon finally wakes up...
Words: 1.5k
Content Warning: kinda Cliff hanger end (sorry not sorry), talks of loneliness and emptiness
[Previous Part]
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Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. A whole lot of nothing.
He huffs in irritation, rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes as he shuts the filing cabinet with his hip. An hour of searching this entire room and nothing.
I'm getting too old for this job...
Glancing over at you, he turns his flashlight off, walking over as he slips it into it rightful place in his pocket. Leon leans on the desk, moving closer down to your level.
"Anything interesting?" You shake your head.
"Nothing useful. Just a bunch a money transfers and employee back and forth... You?" You look up at him from the desk chair. Frustration written across your face.
"They cleaned the place out. Not a single scrap of anything useful."
"You still got that flashdrive with the copies of anything we could get off from the servers that wasn't blocked by a password?" Leon nods, giving you a curious slide eye.
"Claire is gonna want copies of everything we could find. Especially if this is another outbreak contained to Havana. TerraSave would appreciate it."
In the moment all he can think back to is Alcatraz and the hell that day was. How he could have been turned himself if it wasn't for the luck of Rebecca showing up at the right exact time with a vaccine.
With the life he's had alone, he wouldn't wish that on his worst enemy.
He softly shrugs with a nod. You were right, whatever information you could find in the moment was important. If you didn't gather it, it just be destroyed to save face for the bioweapon creating organization you were investigating this week.
You look over at the rows of servers, blue lighting up against the wall, grinning you look back at Leon.
"You feel like destroying shit?"
"What did you have in mind?" He smirks watching you reach into your holster pouch and pull out a grenade.
"Boom boom?" He breathes out a laugh, grabbing your shoulder and giving it an approving squeeze.
"That's my girl, I'm teaching you well."
Within minutes you were both rushing out of the room, the clunk of the grenade echoing as it bounced across the floor. The sliding door to the room shutting behind you both as the loud BOOM pierced the air.
Causing the metal door to indent outwards and slowly clang onto the floor. You stare at the door rocking back and forth on its indent. Leon looks at you, giving a nod of approval right before the hallway turns into a flashing red color and sirens start blaring.
"Okay, maybe that wasn't the best idea!" He yells over the loud screeching.
Both turning you hall ass back the way you originally came in. Stopping in your tracks you both look as a metal gate closes over the end of the hallway, you're only exit.
"Son of bitch..." You mumble, turning to look at him. He starts looking around, trying to formulate some kind of plan.
Leon pushes a door open gesturing for you to come over, stepping to him you see a staircase going up.
"I guess you could say, things are looking up." You groan at his stupid remark he definitely thinks is funny.
"Boo, hiss. Bad joke." You push past him and start up the stairs.
"Oh, like you could do any better Smartass." He quickly follows, keeping up with you. Making it to the first landing you turn and look back at him.
"Did no one ever tell you? You can't trust stairs Leon, they're always up to something." You feign irritation as he smirks.
"God, I really am teaching you well."
"Shut up."
You two travel up the stairs, checking each door, finding it locked. Until reaching the 5th and final floor.
Reaching the landing you both notice the door is wide open. Leon draws his weapon, you following suit as you step into the hallway, noticing the mess of papers across the carpeted floors. Office doors all left open for all the world to see. Most likely when the building was originally evacuated not long after everyone arrived.
"Looks like everyone really was in a hurry to get the hell out of here."
"I doubt anyone's left up here," Leon adds, looking into a nearby office, "and we don't really have all the time in the world to search every room. We need to get back to the group."
"So what's the plan then?" Watching Leon he steps around the corner, you follow behind without much thought. Soon you both approach a set of double doors and press them open.
Walking in you're met with a long hall, metal grates beneath your thick boots as you step in. The red lights from before illuminating the area. You both look to the sides of the rails seeing that there's a high drop on both sides.
"I knew we'd find this eventually," Leon looks at you, his eyes filled with accomplishment, "this is the long stretch we saw connecting the office to the hospital side when we arrived."
"Oh, good find then Kennedy."
Continuing forward you both holster your weapons and start walking the long stretch. Clanking fills the hallow room as you both walk.
"Do you think they cleared the hospital completely?" You question, glancing at Leon in your peripheral.
"I'd assume so. Though Chris hasn't contacted me like he's supposed to so-" Leon's cut off by a loud metal scrapping with a wet gurgling sound rattling against the walls.
You look up at the wall to your right and see it. A disgusting gooey looking monstrosity with 4 long tentacle like arms, clinging to the wall. It shrieks before lunging and missing you both and wetly slopping onto the metal grates behind you.
Taking off towards the end of the walk away you both draw your pistols getting ready to fight it. Leon turns and fires at it, pushing you to keep running towards the exit.
Hearing him to pop shots you turn seeing it quickly making it's way across the high ceiling, directly for you. You aim and fire a few shots, hitting it and blowing a hole in one of it's long arms.
Before you reach the exit the monstrosity drops in front of the door blocking your way to freedom. It swings it injured arm out, wrapping your legs up swiftly, Leon shoots at it's arm, your gun goes flying from your hand and off the platform.
Being jerked into the air you feel a crunch in your leg, shooting pain going to your ankle as you scream in agony being waved around, your body flailing like a rag doll as gun shots continue to pop through the air.
The beasts arm finally snaps off, sending you over the edge of the walkway and into the dark abyss below. Screaming for help as you plummet into whatever lies below.
"NO!" Leon looks over the rail seeing you disappear almost instantly into the darkness below. Finally hearing a loud crash a few seconds later.
Looking at the thing in his way he makes the quick decision to just do what he knows best...
Blow it to hell.
Grabbing his own grenade her grabs the trigger and pulls the pin throwing it at the monster. He jumps over the railing diving into the dark as he hears the explosion blow above him.
Darkness... He's surrounded by darkness as he hopes to live, for the first time in a long time he cares if he lives. He needs to know if his partners okay...
Being swallowed by the only black he sees the hole you've made, you laying lifeless on tile right before he almost lands next to you.
The darkness soon breaks... Being replaced by a bright blinding light.
A blinding florescent light.
Leon cracks his eyes open, looking down at himself. A white hospital blanket pulled up to his shoulders and a thick fleece gray blanket covers his lower half.
I'm in a hospital?
To his right she sees a heart monitor, IV bag dripping liquids into him and a tiny thin tube leading somewhere to him.
The hell happened to me...
Looking to his left, he sees you. Curled up in an arm chair asleep, covered by a black blanket. Your hand holding onto his for dear life.
"mmm..." He can't really talk yet, but he weakly clenches his hand around yours. Giving the strongest squeeze he can manage in his weakened state.
Your head lifts slowly, sleep invading your eyes as you swore in your sleep your felt something. Looking up at Leon you see his head slightly turned towards you, blue eyes on you, brightest you've seen them in these past grueling week.
"Leon!" Darting up from your chair, you lean over him. Staring at his eyes as you study him to make sure you aren't having some cruel dream.
"Where..." His voice is so hoarse as he tries to talk, you stop him.
"Don't, don't talk... Just let yourself wake up." You look at the table grabbing the nurse call button and start pushing it a few times.
"You're at a rehabilitation hospital in DC... There's a lot to explain."
A nurse and Dr. Owens comes in as you take a seat, watching them do an exam on Leon as he responds the best he can.
It took a while for Leon to be able to respond properly, his doctor doing more scans, tests and anything possible to test his abilities.
Sadly you both found out that Leon would have to relearn how to walk again and get his strength back up. Both very possible through physical therapy.
But through it all he still has you. From being in a wheelchair at your retirement dinner, moving him into your tiny apartment to keep an eye on him and watching him take his first steps again without assistance.
An now, 4 months later, he still has you by his side. Making sure he's taken care of and cherished like he's supposed to be. He knows he's loved, he's never felt this loved before in his life.
Even now as you walk out of the restaurant you went to for his 40th birthday. A day you made a huge fuss about, something he probably wouldn't have done if you didn't make him enjoy himself.
You look up seeing him walk out, cane pressing against the sidewalk with a soft click as he waltzes over and sits next to you on the bench.
"You okay, Hun?" He nods with a smile, messing with something in his pocket. He looks nervous almost.
"I just don't get why you made such a big deal out of today." Leon looks at you, letting his cane go and holds onto the edge of the bench.
"It's your 40th birthday, Dumbass. Of course I'd make a big deal, the day is all about you." You smile watching his eyes light up, hands gripping the bench. Squeezing rhythmically, almost like it's a stress ball.
"Well," he begins, looking back at you with an inviting smile, "what if I don't want my birthday to be only about me?"
Your eyebrows wrinkle, confusion falling on your face before he starts fiddling around in his jacket pocket.
"You know, for the longest time I've felt lonely. Years, it's been years. Since before we met. Before I started working for the government."
"Leon, what's-" He cuts you off before you can say anything else.
"Please, let me talk. I promise I'm going somewhere with this." He sounds serious, nodding you shut up and let him go.
"I guess you could say that I felt empty. Tried filling the void with... a number of different things. Nothing ever made me happy or feel whole... Until I met you."
He pulls his hand out of his pocket and covers his hand with his other hand. Not taking his eyes off you.
"You were such a hard ass when we met. Didn't let me breathe wrong way without putting me in line. But, I liked it. I liked that you were blunt and not afraid to speak your mind or call me stupid. Especially if I was being stupid... And it made me feel like someone truly had my back. After all the shit I've been through."
A soft pop sound comes from his hands, a blue cap falling from his hands. Bouncing across the ground a few feet away.
"And then you told me you loved me. An proved it... Proved that I could depend on you. Stuck with me through recovery, even if the past few months have been a personal hell for me. You really showed me what it was like to be loved. Loved by someone who wanted the best for me and actually cared."
Finally, he moves his hands reaching into a small white cup, pulling out a plastic ring with a giant fake diamond on it. You gasp soft, looking at it your eyes start welling with tears. A few slipping out and leaving wet streaks down your cheeks. His smile grows larger, looking at you fondly. Like he always looks at you when he thinks you don't notice him.
"Now, I know it's nothing *fancy* and we can get you something real. I just haven't had the chance to leave your side and get something... not 50¢."
He grunts, sliding off the bench and to the ground, bad knee up and his good leg under him. Taking your hand you give a wobbly smile.
"I don't want to spend another day where I can't call you my wife... My actual wife. I don't want anybody else. Just you... Just you and me. Just the two of us."
He takes a deep breath, holding the ring up.
"Will you marry me?"
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ultimateissuessimp · 22 days
Teen GN or Male reader idc with Lucifer (OM) who enjoys pissing him off?
Strictly platonic im teaming up with mammon, belphi and satan to dye his hair pink
I decided to do Male reader, but still a teen since the MC is in a school age. Instead of under 18 tho, the MC is 19 :) And also wasn't sure how to include Mammon into knowing about the prank since he, Mammon being Mammon, would probably screw up the prank on the way, but he is included after a bit alongside Asmo and a mention of Levi and Beel :v Also, sorry it took so long! Wasn't sure how to start it! 😅
It's just hair
Obey Me! Lucifer x Platonic!Teen!Male Reader
Word count: 1,325
Warnings: None, other than maybe hanging someone upside down as a punishment and a mention of Lucifer's try of killing Belphi and Satan for their fuckery
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Y/N always watched closely how Satan and Belphi ran around, trying to prank Lucifer in any way. Obviously unsuccessful since the oldest brother wasn't dumb and always knew where the two were up to no good. That's why Y/N decided to team up with them. After all, who would suspect their precious human, top of the class student, to find it highly amusing and he'd want to be a part of it?
Definitely not Lucifer. Suddenly all the pranks started working out. The sourness to his coffee? The floor of his room being slippery making him fall and nearly bust his head or even the missing papers that somehow were stuck to the ceiling and when he tried to take them, they tore. It was so getting at his nerves that instead of just hanging Satan and Belphi upside down, since he had no idea about Y/N being the culprit too, he put a curse on Satan that made him unable to read any book and one on Belphi that made him unable to fall asleep whenever he wanted to because of that last prank.
Did that stop them? No. Absolutely not. Did they get smarter? No. They did not. So who did they turn to for the ultimate joke of their lives? That would more than likely cost them their lives? None other than Y/N. That's how they found themselves in the RAD's library, hush hush talking about what to do to prank Lucifer.
-How about switching all of his Demonus to a very sweet tea? - Belphi proposed, looking very much awake which unnerved many demons and even the angels alongside the two human exchange students, even though Solomon found it quite funny and even wanted to do some research on how long he could go like this.
-No. Too... Normal - Satan replied, resting his head on his hand, resigned about the lack of ideas. The curse that made him unable to read books made him feel absolutely livid, but Lucifer thought about that too and controlled his temper with said curse. He was slowly losing his mind, but even losing his mind made him tired.
-How about-?... No. We did that already and it didn't even phase him. Damn it, what else could we possibly do that would catch him off guard? - Belphi lamented, almost slamming his head into the table, getting a shushing motion from the librarian who looked at the three of them criticisingly.
-You're thinking too hard about Devildom related pranks. Why won't we do something from my realm? - Y/N said, lazily sucking on a lollipop Beel had oh so kindly given him. The other two gave him a look that only spoke of their own stupidity. How did they not think of that sooner?!
-Y/N, you, are a genius! - Satan said, suddenly regaining his energy back as devious smiles graced their faces. They just found their plan.
They went through multiple human prank ideas websites and eliminated most of them for being boring. In the end they decided on a quite simple one, just a changing colour shampoo. They couldn't do JUST that could they? Lucifer would realise something is wrong quicker than they could say Babylon Curry. So they had to be sneaky and came up with a perfect plan.
The next day Y/N asked Asmo if he'd teach him a proper way to take care of his body. Skin, hair, nails, everything. The man was more than happy to pull Y/N into the bathroom. It just so happened that the exchange student also knew that Lucifer would we looking for him to have him do some errands.
-Y/N? Are you in here? - a voice could be heard from behind the doors. Got him. One step closer to victory.
-I am! Come in! We're just going over some skincare! - Y/N answered, mischief hidden deep in his voice.
First mistake was when the tall demon actually got inside the bathroom. His face immediately got swarmed with the fog, because of how absolutely humid it was in the room. The tub filled up completely with hot water, waiting for someone to just jump in and both the demon of Lust and the exchange student just found their victim.
The chuckled as they pulled Lucifer towards the tub, the taller male highly unamused yet slightly confused over their antics. Surprisingly he did have some time to spare and he did promise Asmodeus that he would let him take care of his hair and nails since they were losing a bit of shine to them, so a touch up wouldn't hurt.
Second mistake. The second he was in that tub, they started to take care of his hair, wetting it gently. Then came in the shampoo. Of course Y/N chose it, it smelled nice and it just so happened that it was enchanted, but barely detectable, so the victim of the prank wouldn't be able to see it coming.
He nicely and gently rubbed it in before letting it sit for a moment letting Asmo work his magic with putting on a face mask onto Lucifer. Y/N carefully washed it out, applied a conditioner, let Asmo do his magic again with taking off the face mask and then finally washing out the conditioner to then semi dried it with a towel so it wasn't sopping wet. Like every normal hair wash. Nothing suspicious.
-There! All good to go! I hope I was a good student - Y/N said innocently, looking at Asmo with a big smile before looking at Lucifer who only nodded with his eyebrows raised in amusement while Asmodeus clapped happily saying that he did amazingly.
When the demon of Lust stared to take care of Lucifer's nail polish, Y/N decided to remove himself from the room after the Pride demon gave him the task of running an errand. He quickly went out of the house and into the town.
Next day, everything seemed quite normal. The day before after an errand, Y/N bumped into Belphi and Satan. Obviously they started asking about the prank and nearly blew the human's whole damn cover with Lucifer walking by if it wasn't for Mammon who crashed right into them, running away from Levi after stealing his Otaku game to sell it off for some Grimm.
Then all Hell broke lose when suddenly Lucifer's hair changed colour to a... Very bright, hot pink. Mammon stopped all of a sudden, completely forgetting about Levi chasing his greedy ass and just had to be the first one to point out the sudden change.
-Wow. New hair colour! Never thought you'd actually try it after Asmo proposed that idea! - he blurted out, lazily pointing at Lucifer's hair.
That made the taller male magic himself a mirror and look at whatever his younger brother was talking about. There it was. The prank of their lives. Colour change day after shampoo. He immediately transformed into his demon form and turned towards the trio, yet his eyes only looking towards Belphi and Satan. They've seen him absolutely furious before, shit, he had nearly killed them a couple of times over their dumb shit, but this? It's almost as if Hell just froze.
That's how they ended up hanged upside down, but not in the House of Lamentations. No, oh no. In the great hall of RAD so everyone could look at them while they were yelling that "it's just hair!". Humiliation tactic. While Y/N was snickering and looking up to observe the two dangling men, he felt a presence behind himself and a strong grip on his shoulder.
-Don't think I forgot about you, little human - the voice said, before Y/N got dragged away from the crowd's eyes that still stayed glued to Belphegor and Satan. No running away from consequences this time. It was dumb to even think he wouldn't find out.
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catslvrr · 8 months
heaven sent — 00. prologue
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You were never the type to believe in superstitions.
But as you stared at the document you had open, completely blank (excluding your name) with the cursor blinking, as if mocking you, you started to seriously consider Minji’s suggestion.
(“Bro, you will not believe what happened to me today.”
“I’m not sure if I want to know,” you said, noisily slurping up your instant noodles.
“No, trust me, you do. So yesterday, I saw this post on Twitter that said if you write down a wish on a piece of paper three times, put it under your pillow, and then recite that wish at exactly 11:11, it’ll come true.”
You barely flinched as she slammed the table.
“I wished for a hundred bucks. And guess what?” She grinned smugly as she waved a bill in your face. “I found this lying on the floor before class.”
“So what?” You shrugged. “It’s just a lucky coincidence.”
“No, bro,” she whined. “It’s real. You should try it. Get yourself a girlfriend or something, you’re so grumpy all the time.”
“Even if it is true,” you glared at Minji as she reached over to eat some of your noodles. “Why would you wish for only a hundred bucks? You should’ve asked for a million dollars or something, dumbass.”
“I didn’t know it was real until today,” she puffed her cheeks, then proceeded to slam her head on the table. “I probably wasted my one wish.”
She looked up after a minute and pouted. “Can you please wish for it?”
“Find someone else to do it,” you waved your hand dismissively, making your way back to your room. “Enjoy the noodles, you scab. I’m gonna take a nap.”
“Your loss!” She called out, mouth full of (your) noodles. “I’m the one a hundred bucks richer.”)
You slumped back in your chair in defeat, running your fingers through your hair.
I’m running on two hours of sleep, and I’m never gonna finish this essay anyway. What do I have to lose?
You ripped a piece of scrap from the DoorDash takeaway bag sitting on your desk. Uncapping a pen with your teeth, you thought about what to write.
What the hell do I wish for? My essay to magically write itself? Nah, that’d be a waste of a wish.
After a few minutes of pondering, you messily scribbled three lines: ‘I want to be happy. I want to be happy. I want to be happy.’
You glanced at your laptop. Huh, it’s 11pm. Perfect timing.
You slid the note under your pillow and flopped onto your bed, scrolling through TikTok to pass the time.
As soon as the clock hit 11:11, you sat up.
I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.
You sighed, scratching your head before saying,
“I want to be happy.”
Your breath hitched in anticipation.
To no one’s surprise, absolutely nothing happened. You scoffed, falling back onto the bed, rubbing your face in frustration.
Of course nothing would happen. Why did I think it would work?
You shut your eyes, feeling exhaustion wash over you. Whatever happens to that essay is up to God now.
You lay still for a few minutes, eventually tossing and turning as you tried to sleep. But all you could think about was the stupid essay. You groaned as you sat up again, grabbing your laptop.
“Fuck uni.”
At least this is my last assignment before the break.
You ended up staying up all the way to five in the morning, downing an ungodly amount of energy drinks in a desperate attempt to finish off the essay.
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You woke up to the sound of I Like to Move It from Madagascar blasting in your ear.
(Minji thought it would be funny to change your alarm ringtone to it, and you never bothered to change it back.)
You groaned, flipping over to check your phone to see no new notifications. You stared vacantly at your ceiling as you contemplated your life choices.
I got one hour of sleep. Why do 7am classes exist? Whoever came up with that idea should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Eyes half open, you shuffled your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth, passing Minji’s room on the way. Her door was left ajar and she was nowhere to be seen. I’ll never understand how she wakes up every morning to go on a run.
Just as you were about to enter the bathroom, you noticed a girl in your living room. She was focused on a bookshelf, a curious expression on her face.
Who the fuck is that?
You rubbed your eyes and squinted. She was still standing there, running her fingers along the spines of the books.
I must be seriously sleep-deprived if I’m hallucinating a very pretty girl. Yeah, no, not doing this today. It’s the last class of the semester anyway. That 7am class can shove a stick up its ass.
You briskly walked back to your room and face-planted on your bed, instantly knocking out.
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
synopsis: the leaves kazuha once scattered at sea after fleeing Inazuma somehow ended up in your hands — the hands of his lover.
based on one of his teapot lines: “In the past, I collected maple leaves upon the autumnal winds and carried them on my person. When I was on the boat, I scattered them across the surface of the ocean and watched them float to distant shores. Perhaps another homesick soul will have picked up one of those leaves...”
characters: kazuha x gn!reader
wc: 587
warnings: none
notes: i came up with this idea back in september and completely forgot about it until i found it in my notes recently. i think i originally wanted it to be a full fic but i honestly think a drabble format fits better. enjoy :)
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“This one is a picture of my parents,” you spoke softly. Kazuha leaned closer to you to get a better look. His shoulders were against yours and his head that was once leaned sideways on your shoulder was now propped upright.
“They look so in love,” he commented in a whisper. The fondness in his voice was not amiss to you. Something about the way he seemed so intrigued in your little scrapbook made way for a smile to pull at the side of your lips.
For hours, the two of you had been talking about anything and everything on the little couch in your house, cuddled up next to each other. There had been a storm over Liyue and it hadn’t appeared to be stopping anytime soon, and thus, the two of you settled down and began talking. Not that you minded, you actually loved moments like these with him.
The conversation got deep pretty quickly. Sometimes topics you had long forgotten about had come up. Others — those in which you cherished — seemed to bring laughter and make the storm seem a little less gloomy. And memories of Kazuha’s never seemed to fail at making you smile. Sad or not, he always had a beautiful way of speaking about them.
Soon enough, you had remembered your little scrapbook — one that held years of memories in photos, trinkets, and things you’ve collected over your lifetime. Some of them were stupid and funny, others seemed to be like ancient artifacts that were fragile enough to be broken and lost to time forever. You loved each and every one of them all the same.
Admittedly, you were unsure how it slipped your mind to show Kazuha it before. The two of you had been dating for almost a year and a half now and it was something you were certain he would love to look at.
Flipping the page, Kazuha’s eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight of a beautiful red maple leaf. It was neatly placed on the paper and sealed so it wouldn’t come up. Lustrous gold flakes seemed to adorn the space around it, complimenting it perfectly. In the bottom corner, a little date was etched into the paper — one that wrote nearly two years ago.
Kazuha hummed as his hand moved to gently angle the page toward him, “What’s this one from?”
“It’s a leaf I found at the docks one day. Not too sure how it got all the way to Liyue, but it meant a lot to me when I found it.”
“How so?”
You paused before answering, “I don’t really know? I guess I was just feeling a bit homesick with my parents being gone and all. I had been sitting down at the docks when I found a few of these, but I had only taken this one. It was strangely comforting, so, I kept it.”
Could it be?
“You know, when I was about to flee Inazuma, I remember bringing some of these leaves with me from Ritou. At some point on my journey, I had taken the leaves and scattered them off the boat while thinking of my own homesickness. Perhaps…this is one of them?,” Kazuha wondered aloud.
It was strangely coincidental or, perhaps, it wasn’t coincidence at all. Perhaps, it was that of fate’s dealing. Either way, the idea brought a fond smile to your face. To think the two of you may have been connected long before even meeting one another.
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chalkscene · 2 years
ft. kyo sohma, yuki sohma, shigure sohma & hatori sohma
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“you’re so bad at this,” KYO jests as he effortlessly blocks your pathetic excuse of a punch. “you have an actual teacher,” you quip, “i only have you.” “oh, is that so?” he goads. you already know he’s just trying to get a rise out of you and yet, it works every time. “one of these days, i’m going to beat you for real.” kyo cackles at your empty threat, the time he was hellbent on one-upping yuki simultaneously flashing back to his mind. without any intention to put up a fight, he lets you pin him down with one strike, both of you landing with a soft thud. “looks like today’s the day.” he grins cheekily, earning an eye roll from you. “stop letting me win,” you whine. “if i did, i might end up hurting you.” technically, it is the truth but due to years of training, kyo’s gained enough control over his strength to not inflict serious harm on you - but he won’t tell you that. sure, he’s competitive but he’ll let you win again and again if it means he gets to do this with you everyday.
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“are you home?” YUKI sends you a quick text to which you reply: “yup!” he’s about to dial your number when a follow-up message from you pops up and he’s never been more puzzled in his life as he now stares at a selfie of you holding a fork over your head. after contemplating the proper response - if there even is a proper response to this - he texts back: “is now a good time?” “yeah, call me.” when you pick up after two rings, he immediately asks. “what’s the picture for?” “proof that i’m home.” the smile on your face doesn’t falter as if that photo was normal - much to yuki’s confusion, his furrowed eye brows looking adorably hilarious to you. “it’s just this stupid thing i saw on social media,” you shrug, “it’s no big deal.” “you know i’m not worried about you lying to me right?” “yeah but i thought it was funny. besides, you gave me a key to your apartment. i’m giving you my selfies.” easing up, he starts laughing with you. “preferably with no forks.” “no forks. got it.” — after talking for hours about anything and everything, you finally hang up. yuki feels like a high schooler all over again as he smiles at your photo except he never got to do this in high school, plagued with the need to self-isolate lest others see his true self. then here you are, seemingly feeling the exact opposite like you trust him with yourself; his heart feels fuzzy at the realization as he saves the image to his phone.
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SHIGURE groans, being woken up by the direct sunlight passing through his window. realizing he’s fallen asleep on his desk, he glances around the room as his mind wanders to you. he remembers you staying up with him, bouncing off ideas for a new story his editor has been nagging him for putting off for weeks until you excused yourself to brew some tea - he must’ve dozed off after that. assuming you’re still asleep in the bedroom, shigure begrudgingly picks up where you both left off, digging through the scattered pieces of paper in front of him until a neat pile underneath catches his eye. it looks familiar save for the sticky notes that weren’t there before. he flips through the pages to find more post-its - some strategically placed while the others, carelessly. when he recognizes them as your annotations, a comforting warmth blooms in his chest. “i wasn’t sure if i could write on it.” the sound of your voice breaks him out of his reverie and he turns to you with a smirk. “interested in being my new editor?” he suggestively asks but you only snort at the mock offer. “considering how you’re capable of singlehandedly giving your current one a heart attack, i think i’ll pass.” as fate would have it, shigure’s phone goes off and it’s the person in question. catching a glint of mischief in shigure’s eyes, you immediately scold him, “be nice.”
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you’re too busy admiring HATORI’s side profile as he appears to be engrossed in yet again another book that you flinch when he suddenly speaks. “you want something.” “….maybe.” putting the paperback away, he looks at you expectantly over his reading glasses. “does your hair ever bother you?” you run a hand through his fringe, twisting a few strands around your fingers, “it’s covering your eyes. i wanna see them better.” “they’re just purple,” he deadpans. unimpressed by his remark, you pointedly ignore it and a chuckle soon bubbles past his lips at your reaction - or lack thereof. “what is it that you wanted?” “i think you should put your hair up more often,” you suggest. for someone who’s cynical at times, hatori seems too unsuspecting so you relish in it, carefully raising his glasses by the hinges to push up his bangs, holding them in place like a headband. “if you want, i have some butterfly clips you can use,” you teasingly add. as you expected, he pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing in exasperation. “you’re lucky i love you.” “and i love you.” you press a chaste kiss on one of his eyelids then another - more lingering this time - over his blind eye. “i love all of you, tori.”
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roohuh · 1 year
Only one way to find out!
Part 28 of year Seven in Obliviate
Ominis X MC
Summary: You settle into your life at the mansion. Anne moves in with Ominis
Warnings: secretive themes 18+
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Waking up with a start you whip your head around scanning the room you are in, memories of the night before flood your mind. You touch the necklace still tightly secured around your neck. Enveloped in your plush bed you let a satisfied yawn escape your lips. How long has it been since you last slept in a bed? Quietly you pad over and try the door, to your amazement it is unlocked. Dressed only in your nightgown you slip out of the room hurriedly making your way down the hall. The sound of Gaunt’s voice freezes you in your steps.
“Good morning Little Beauty. You are up early. And walking around in just your sleep shirt? Very indecent.” He shakes his head in disapproval, then pats his leg motioning for you to sit. As you sit in his lap Gaunt plants a tender kiss on your neck, running a hand up your thigh. You shudder at the sensation wanting to pull away but his other arm holds you close. He lets out a hungry growl in your ear his grip on your thigh tightens painfully.
“Coming out here dressed like that one would think you are just begging for me.” Inwardly cursing your stupidity you remain silent trying not to shift in his lap. His hands explore your body before pushing you off his lap and giving your back side a hard smack.
“Why don’t you go get decent and I will have breakfast made for us.” He adjusts his tie regaining composure. Sheepishly you turn back to your room feeling like a scolded child. Finding a large wardrobe filled with pretty things to wear you put on the least revealing dress you can find and fix your hair to go down to breakfast. In the dining room you find Gaunt sitting at the end of the large table reading the paper. As you sit he looks up smiling warmly,
“How did you sleep dearest?”
“Well thank you. It was nice to sleep in a bed.” You reply as you butter a slice of toast. Staring at the bread you can not help but ask,
“Is Ominis… alright” Gaunt’s eyes meet yours, obviously displeased at the mention of his younger brother. Shifting in your chair you fight the urge to tug at the choker still fastened around your neck.
“I know he is not coming. But I just… he is still alive and well right?” Your eyes plead with the man as your voice wavers trying to fight your emotions.
“Yes he is alive and doing well. He is excelling at his classes at Hogwarts. I fear he took your death rather hard at first but seems to have recovered now. He spends quite a bit of time with a girl from Racenclaw I have noticed, I suspect they will be official soon.” He lies watching your face closely. The news sends a wave of pain through your body; biting your lip hard you try and conquer your rising emotions.
“So soon…”
“Young love is fleeting. And the boy does think you are dead. Best we keep it that way, don’t want to go upsetting the poor fellow right as he has started to smile again.” The man says seemingly apologetically. Nodding as hot tears roll down your cheeks you lose all sense of appetite. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket Gaunt dabs at your tears.
“Do not cry MC. This pain will pass and I think you will enjoy your new life with me. Maybe after a while we can even go and get you a new wand.” Nodding you try and calm yourself knowing crying will do you no good. This is your life now, you took his hand, you accepted his offer. Finishing his breakfast Gaunt kisses your hand before rising from the table.
“I have to go to Hogwarts now and teach my lessons. The house and gardens are yours to explore but do not get any funny ideas. The perimeter of the property is still charmed and you will still not be able to leave.”
Wandering around the massive house you eventually find the library. Starved for reading you fill your arms with books settling down in a large arm chair. Hours pass as you read a massive tomb about different forms of wandless magic attempting very successfully to perform a variety of spells, you are pleased all of the practice you did in the courtyard is paying off and with the added knowledge you have found in this book you feel the proficiency you have reached. Starting to grow hungry you wander back in the direction of the dining room stopping before a large painting which hangs on the wall, depicting Ominis’ mother, father, brother, and who you can only guess is a very young Ominis. Standing transfixed you gaze upon his likeness unable to look away from the milky gaze. Trying to resign yourself to a life without him you force yourself to turn, wiping away the tears which prick at the back of your eyes. A window offers a welcome distraction as you watch the birds fly overhead wondering if there was a way to escape this place. If you did escape, where would you go now? Ominis has moved on, more than likely everyone in your life has moved on. What would anyone say if you suddenly appeared again? Would anyone even want to see you? No one came looking for you, even in such an obvious place. You sigh resting your chin on the windowsill. Hand reaching to the jewelry on your neck you consider a life here. Would it really be all that bad? He said you could get a wand again and in time you would surely be allowed to leave the house. Creating a tiny flame in your palm you roll the fire around in your hand completely lost in thought.
Anne had come to live with Ominis. Her presence went a long way to cheering him up the first night she was there. Sebastian also stayed the night and it felt like things were before MCs death. Anne made herself busy cooking a big lunch for the group. Ominis sat at the table listening intently as Sebastian filled him in on the going ons of Hogwarts.
“Where is that bag Sebastian brought last week? I had sent some spices for you to use, which you obviously ignored.” Anne called from the kitchen. Grabbing the bag from the floor Sebastian dumped the contents on the table shifting through the pile looking for the small bag of spices. Eyes landing on the plain letter he raised a brow.
“What is this? You never opened your mail? I was curious about this one; it almost looked like MCs handwriting.” He said, handing the letter to Ominis. Puzzled he lets his hands trace over the simple “Ominis” on the front before opening the letter. He holds his wand inside scanning the hastily written words. Wand dropping to the floor Ominis sinks to his knees in shock. Alarmed Sebastian picks up the letter.
“Is it real?” Ominis shaky voice is barely above a whisper. Eyes burning Sebastian grabs his friend pulling him to his feet.
“Only one way to find out!”
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Twelfth Day of Gift-Giving: Gift Ideas
Prompt(s): jewelry + polaroid camera
We can have a little Christmassy angst & pining. As a treat 🖤 (another standalone, the main story will be continued...later this week 😌)
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“Janne told me he’s buying Joel a dildo."
Olli snorted the mouthful of coffee he had just sipped back into his paper cup.
“For that stupid Secret Santa thing," Tommi explained. "He got Joel. Said he’s gonna write him a card saying ‘Merry Christmas, go fuck yourself’.”
With his mouth now empty – and provided with proper context for the anecdote – Olli was now able to laugh at it. 
“Just what he needs, really.”
“D’you mind if we pop down to some stores on our way? I still need to buy mine for Porko.”
“Yeah, sure. Haven’t bought mine either.” Olli didn’t have much else scheduled for his Tuesday than a coffeeshop slash passport picture date with Tommi, so he might as well try to get the whole Secret Santa gift exchange fuss over and done with in time before the band Christmas party on Saturday.
“Who did you get?” Tommi asked and bit into his Christmas star pastry.
“I ain’t telling you. It’s Secret Santa, if I may remind you.”
“So Aleksi?”
Olli brought his cup back to his mouth, hoping it might at least partially hide the sudden blush creeping on his cheeks. 
“When are you gonna tell him?”
“Tell him what,” Olli said laconically. Somehow, playing dumb was much easier than facing the truth. That was why it annoyed Olli to no end how he never stood a chance when Tommi as much as raised his eyebrow at him.
“Why should I tell him?”
“Don’t you think he deserves to know?”
The question made Olli sigh heavily, out of sheer frustration. 
What right does Aleksi have to know, huh? How does he deserve to know that I can’t stop fucking thinking about him any more than I deserve this bullshit misery I’ve dug myself into? Or perhaps I do deserve it, in fact, just as a punishment for having fallen for him in the first place. Aleksi, on the other hand? All he's done has been just being his amazing, funny, sexy self to deserve nothing but blissful ignorance.
The creases on Tommi’s forehead softened.
“You’ll make your own decisions of course, but just… consider it. It might help you… you know…”
To get over him? To move on and forget about him, because it’s not like he’s ever gonna feel the same about me, and even if he did, by some goddamn miracle, it wouldn’t change a thing because he’s engaged to be married next spring? If anything, it would only make matters worse, thank you very much. 
“Sure, I’ll think about it.” Olli chucked down the rest of his coffee, still so hot it almost burned his throat. “Well, let’s go then?” Without waiting for an answer, he stood up and grabbed his coat from the back of the chair he was sat on and headed towards the shopping mall escalator, not stopping to see if Tommi was keeping up with him. He did hear the long sigh with a beaten undertone to it but hoped that would be the end of that conversation. 
Still empty-handed after visiting a number of stores at the mall, Tommi pulled on Olli’s sleeve as they passed a jeweller’s.
“I wonder if they have something under twenty euros there?”
“Worth a shot,” Olli shrugged, although he had already more or less given up on finding anything he’d want to give Aleksi for Christmas that wouldn’t scream either ‘I’m crushing on you so fucking bad that I will go insane if you look at me like the way you did that night in Berlin one more time’ or ‘hey, bro, have this stupid boob-shaped flower pot as a token of my brotherly affection, because I’m totally cool with the fact you’re getting married to someone that’s not me and that I’ll never get to have you the way I want you… bro’.
As soon as they entered a shop, Tommi’s face lit up when he spotted a display of cheap children’s earrings.
“Hell yeah, now we’re talking. Oh, look, Little My ones!” Tommi picked up a box with a pair of stud earrings inside, a poorly-painted Moomin character as decoration.
“They sure would fit Porko’s new stage fit,” Olli smiled wryly.
“Yep, that’s my gift for Porko settled,” Tommi agreed, checking the bottom of the box for the price. “Have you found anything for Aleksi yet?”
Olli then pretended to look around the selection of jewellery and shrugged.
“How’s about one of those fake septum rings? Since he seems to like the one he already has.” Tommi nodded towards a shelf displaying a collection of fake piercings in various colours and styles. 
Olli swallowed. He did not need a reminder of Aleksi’s new-found love for piercings, not after that one night Olli had, lying in his bed at night going out of his mind missing Aleksi’s stupid face, been browsing Aleksi’s social media accounts until a picture of the man Olli had never seen before, with his neck and eyelids painted black and a ring decorating his septum, appeared on his phone screen. Promptly Olli had ignored the other piece of jewellery Aleksi had been wearing on his left ring finger and had begun grinding against the mattress with his eyes nailed to Aleksi’s face until he had come inside his boxers, his moans and gasps muffled by a pillow.
He hadn’t felt proud of himself afterwards, even though it was hardly the first time he had masturbated to the thought of Aleksi.
“That one looks cool,” Tommi pointed at a septum ring with decorations imitating brass knuckles. “I think Aleksi might like it,” Tommi pointed out helpfully before heading towards the check-out counter, a self-satisfied smile on his face as he admired the perfect gift he had found for Porko.
Aleksi would like it for sure, but what about Olli’s own sanity?
Fuck it, he thought nevertheless and grabbed the damned ring before walking after Tommi.
So far, Olli had succeeded in keeping a sensible distance to Aleksi without seeming like he was avoiding him, while also holding on to the last bits of his mental health. At least Aleksi wasn’t wearing that ridiculous(ly hot) fake piercing, even if Olli did have to restrain himself from staring at Aleksi's unruly hair and the front of his tight black t-shirt for too long, or else he might have actually begun to weep by Aleksi’s feet. 
Joonas loved the Little My earrings Tommi had bought him, and Janne did, indeed, gift Joel a large, pink dildo just as he had threatened, which resulted in a round of immature laughter as the silicone sex toy was passed around. When it came to Aleksi’s turn to open his present, Olli made sure to look everywhere else except at him.
“Oh, wow, this is cool.” Aleksi brought the little box almost to his nose for a closer inspection. “Really cool, actually.”
In his moment of weakness, Olli dared a glance at Aleksi, only to find he was looking straight back at him in return.
“Thanks,” Aleksi said. Olli wasn’t sure he even wanted to know what had blown his cover.
Not exactly in his best Christmas spirits, and even less in the mood of being everyone’s centre of attention, Olli dawdled unwrapping his present until everyone else was already gawking at the silly knick-knacks and tacky accessories they had been gifted by fellow bandmates or members of the crew. Luckily his was hidden inside a simple paper bag, so he could easily sneak a look in without making a show of tearing it open from wrapping paper. 
When he saw what was inside, he swore his heart stopped for a second or two.
He was looking at a polaroid camera, but instead of a brand-new, never-before-used one, he had been given his own polaroid camera, the one he had lost during their European tour in the fall. It had been broken that night, dropped on the floor one too many times, and on top of that someone had stolen it right from their table towards the end of their afterparty in a crowded local bar. He had pretended not to be bothered by the loss, even though snapping random, aesthetic shots at their tour locations had been his favourite pastime during those weeks; at least it had given him something else to do and think about than drowning himself in his heartache.
Aleksi was the only one who would’ve known how upset he actually had been about the stolen camera, for Olli had (literally) cried about it to him afterwards in their hotel room, too tipsy on cheap German beer to care how Aleksi might have perceived him. It was Olli’s best and worst memory from that tour; falling asleep with his face buried in the crook of Aleksi’s neck, waking up with a throbbing headache and his yearning for the man stronger than ever.
Although Olli had immediately recognized the camera from the slight dent on its side, he still reached for it to pick it up in his hands, just to make sure it really was the same one he had lost – or thought he had, it now seemed. With a trembling finger he turned the camera on and couldn’t help the soft gasp that left his mouth when he saw the device coming to life, which had not happened the last time Olli had held it in his hands. Then he proceeded to take a picture of the pile of torn wrapping paper on the table in front of him and watched as a still blacked-out picture slid out of the machine. 
Suddenly the private room they had rented for the night at a downtown Oulu restaurant felt too small and suffocating around him, so he set the picture and the camera on the table and stormed outside.
The frigid coldness of the outdoors punched the air out of Olli’s lungs, forcing him lean against the brick wall by the back door of the restaurant to catch his breath. At least it was winter and the terrace was empty; he didn’t exactly need witnesses for his little meltdown.
He wasn’t granted the privilege of privacy for too long, however, because a moment later, the back door opened, letting out the cheerful chitter-chatter of the restaurant for a couple of seconds before muffling it again. 
“Everything okay?” Aleksi asked him. Olli could only bring himself to nod. 
“I, ummm… I had your camera fixed.”
“I noticed."
“Sorry I had to steal it first though. I didn’t meant to, in fact I was just trying to make sure you wouldn’t lose it, but then I just… then you… fuck, nevermind.”
A small cloud erupted in the cold winter air as Aleksi sighed heavily.
“It’s fucking cold in here,” he said when the cloud had disappeared and stroke his bare arms. “Let’s go back inside?”
“Yeah, you go, I’m just gonna… I need another breath of fresh air, if you don’t mind.”
“Okay,” Aleksi said quietly, but showed no other signs of leaving his side. 
Olli wondered if the silence between them was as deafening to Aleksi as it was to him.
“Thanks for the piercing, by the way. It’s fucking cool.”
“How did you know it was from me?” Olli couldn’t help himself any longer and blurted out the question or else he’d go mute for good.
Aleksi chuckled. “Christmas magic, I guess.”
Olli almost felt like telling Aleksi to shove his ‘Christmas magic’ to you-know-where for giving him such an annoyingly vague answer instead of a serious one, and he supposed Aleksi understood his passive-aggressive silence as the man continued a moment later:
“I, uhhh…” he paused to chuckle, “I may have gone through everyone to figure out who was your Secret Santa and then switched with them. And now I sort of regret it, I mean… I should’ve just given the camera to you weeks ago. I’m sure Niko would’ve gifted you something that wasn’t as… creepy.”
“It’s not creepy,” Olli shook his head. “It’s very thoughtful, actually. Thank you. I… god, I hadn’t even thanked you yet,” he groaned, hiding his face in his hands for lack of anything better to do with himself. Aleksi had just given him the sweetest, most unbelievable Christmas gift Olli could have dared to wish from the ridiculous Secret Santa humbug Joonas made them do every single year, and he couldn’t even bring himself to be thankful from all his pining and grief? Such a friend he was.
(Aleksi did deserve better.)
“So you’re not mad at me for taking your camera and not telling you?”
Olli shook his head again.
How could I ever?
“Good,” Aleksi nodded. His teeth had begun clattering. “Fuck, it’s freezing tonight. I could never live this up north.” 
Please don’t remind me.
“You should go back inside. I’ll be right behind you.”
“No, I can wait. Keep you company.” Aleksi shoved his hands in his jean pockets, casually as if he wasn’t literally shivering from the cold. “I mean. Unless you want me to go.”
If Olli had been even half as strong as he would’ve liked to be, he would’ve ordered Aleksi to leave him alone so he could dwell in his misery in peace. Tragically, the part of him that craved to be near Aleksi always trumped any other feeling.
“Just stay. If you want to. Although I’m afraid I’m not the best company right now.”
He could feel Aleksi look at him, patiently waiting for him to elaborate.
“Is there anything I can do to help that?”
Is there? Let’s see. You could throw that ring of yours in the Bay of Bothnia and call off the wedding for starters, or if you can't do that, then at least cross my name off the guest list, because I’m not sure I’ll be able to witness your happiness next May, as selfish as it sounds. Or then I guess you could pull me in your arms like you did when I cried to about how grief-stricken I was about having my camera stolen and maybe even let me fall asleep on your chest one last time, for old times’ sake, before I’ll pack my bags and move to the North Pole perhaps, or some place else that’s too cold for these thoughts of you to follow me.
“Not much, I’m afraid.”
Next to him in the dark, Aleksi nodded. Yet, he made no effort to leave his side, although by then he must have been struggling to appear unbothered by the cold in just a thin t-shirt and jeans.
After a while, when Olli himself was starting to feel the effect of the minus degrees, Aleksi shuffled closer to him; not quite touching him, but close enough to easily rest his chin on Olli’s shoulder if he wished to; close enough for Olli to hear his shivering breaths in his ear.
“Olli, I… I should tell you. While I still can.”
It was laughable how just one sentence was all it took to bring Olli’s hopes back up from the gutter. Not awfully high, but on the surface, as if to make sure they'd still be alive to maximise the pain on the way back down to the depths of his agony. 
Because there were times Olli had asked himself if the lingering looks or touches they shared meant as much to Aleksi as they meant to him. He had spent many a sleepless night wondering if there really had been something other than friendly fooleries going on in between them when Aleksi had pinned him against the backstage couch in Berlin or whether Olli had only imagined the thirst he had seen Aleksi’s his eyes. Sometimes he stayed up until morning, trying to come up with a rational explanation to why Aleksi had been texting with him throughout the night instead of being asleep next to his fiancée. 
Maybe he was just bored. Maybe he couldn’t sleep for whatever reason; literally any other reason than what Olli hoped would be the truth.
“Tell me what?” His voice was shaking, but not because of the cold.
“That I, ummm… that I’m… Oh.”
Instead of finishing what he was about to say, Aleksi reached for his back pocket and took out his phone, a soft buzz sounding from it. Another cold silence fell on them as Aleksi stared at the screen, studying the notification that had popped. Only then Olli could dare a look at the man, his face illuminated by the blue glow of the phone screen.
Olli decided he’d be better off not asking who it was that was missing him, afraid he knew the answer already. 
“Ummmm… Nevermind.” Aleksi sighed at the phone before putting it away. Then he reached his hand to brush the back of Olli’s palm lightly. Aleksi’s touch was surprisingly warm and gentle, yet it sent shivers down Olli’s spine.
“Don’t freeze yourself to death, okay? I’mma head back inside.”
Olli was left staring at Aleksi’s back before it disappeared inside the restaurant, leaving him to voice his response to the pitch-black wintery night instead.
I might as well, he said in his mind, as I’m sure it would be less painful a way to go than dying from this torture of being in love with you.
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fizzingwizard · 9 months
Played the Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley demo
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teehee will the real Snufkin please stand up??
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First of all the art and music are so gorgeous. The watercolor effect and paper texture are enchanting. I felt soothed just watching the intro. It's very moomin-y and made me remember how I felt when I first discovered the books. When you walk through puddles, there's the sound of splashing water, and when you cross a log bridge, it sounds like hollow wood. Ideal vibe.
I did try *cough* to jump off the cliffs and stuff... but no, you can't kill yourself in this game, bahahaha. Unsurprising but Idk I've played Sims too long and "how can I kill everyone" has become my modus operandi. Not even Moomins are safe.
You pretty much just use space bar, S, and A, so playing was easy. I encountered some trouble when jumping at times, but Idk if that was jumps being glitchy or just me still getting the hang of it.
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Snufkin in this is freakishly strong. Able to carry rocks while jumping across a rushing river and push a giant boulder around. Superstrength!! But it is a lot of fun, really, running and jumping everywhere, climbing things... I got stuck at one point where you have to climb behind a waterfall, because I didn't think you could climb horizontally!
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Now this game stars Snufkin, but don't be fooled, it's really a Snufkin roast. You watch Teety-woo (who is leading the tutorial basically) follow Snufkin around getting ignored for ages x'D and he's so complimentary the whole time that it morphs into an insult. The rest of the time, in the name of helping, he does a lot of nothing and you stop feeling bad about ignoring him bahahahaha.
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Your "mighty" harmonica x'D has the ability to calm and charm other creatures and make them fall in love with you. I don't care what anyone says, I love this whole music therapy angle. I also like finding inspiration in random bushes. It WAS a bit weird to use the harmonica on this Creep only so he could give me a boost up the cliff lol what was wrong with stacking rocks?
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But the harmonica's best use is DEFINITELY hypnotizing birds and then launching them at a target. Who need guns when you have birds?? Seriously this was way too much fun, who knew Looney Tunes humor would be this amusing to me as a full grown adult :P
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You get quests, like "rescue all the baby birds." But whenever you feel like it you can fuck off and go fishing for a while. Sorry mama! I didn't notice any game-related effect from it, like catching actual fish. So idk if that's the way it's meant to be, for relaxing, or if I'm just stupid.
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I was a little confused when I got like three quests and didn't see how I'd made any progress on any of them. Then all of a sudden the mama bird, who says "woo" when she's sad and "teety" when she's happy, led to the completion of the "Find a name" quest. And I love Teety-woo praising the existential beauty of his own name, and then fucking off to pay some bills. The great Snufkin who?? I've got responsibilities!
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Oh no... signs! Oh no... a park! Being asked to look after it is pretty funny! But the ensuing complete and total property destruction is even funnier!
Not even kidding, Snufkin demolishes this park. It was really fun! This game isn't hard, but for someone who doesn't play games, it wasn't too mindlessly simple for me either. I enjoyed dodging the park keepers, launching birds at their heads, and yeeting signs into oblivion.
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And we end with the discovery that Moominvalley has dried up and Moomintroll is nowhere to be found! An excellent prologue. I'm definitely looking forward to this game. I like the idea of a game that has both relaxing elements and more energetic ones without being too terribly kiddie (of course it's perfect for kids, I'm just saying, as an adult, I wasn't bored), as well as one that is whimsical and silly without losing emotional depth, with manageable, personal stakes. The demo definitely didn't take me very long to get through and I have no idea how long the full game will be. But long or short, the story seems promising.
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namjoonscoffeeshop · 3 months
Dear Namjoon | 07
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✧ Pairing: Kim namjoon x reader ✧ warning(s): explicit language, suggestive content, mature content ✧ genre: angst,fluff,smut,slow burn ✧ synopsis; You're sent to live with your father and older brother. only that your older brother is in a band called BTS. you meet jimin's friends and automatically get tangled with one of his band members. you're relationship has to be kept a secret but for how long can you keep it that way?
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Jimin was on the look out to see who I would look at, he would glare at any guy that looked my way.  And it made me wonder, what he was gonna do when he finds out that namjoon is my boyfriend...and the guy who isn't "decent".
getting up to the rooftop, he was pouting the whole time. right away going to sit with taehyung who was leaning against the wall with a hat covering his face.
namjoon was talking to hoseok, and his acting was on point. i walked to the guys and greeted them all, taehyung first asked me what i did to my brother for him to glare at me. i just shrugged while jimin mocked me. i turned to hoseok and namjoon to say hi and namjoon greeted me so fucking dryly. like he said "hey" giving me a glance before continuing to talk to hoseok.
"y/n can i ask you something" jungkook calls my name, turning to him i see him sitting on a desk with papers out on the desk. i pull another desk to sit next to him. "sure what's up"
he puts the paper on my desk with a lot of Spanish words "can you help me? jimin said you knew some Spanish"
taking the paper in my hand i look at the words, my mind was trying to translate them. "uh give me a minute, i haven't studied spanish in a while" i feel myself getting red because he looked at me as if i was his only hope
"we just gotta match them so.."
i take the pencil from his desk "como te llamas is...what is your name" i mark a line connecting the two
"cuantos años tienes is....how old are you" jungkook kept nodding as i continued to connect the words
"sorry if i get any wrong" i hand jungkook the paper back and he has a huge smile on his face "the teacher has been an ass all week cause i was dragging to turn this in" he puts his things away
"thanks" he gives you a side hug and jimin sprints up "jungkook is it you" he yells as he points at jungkook
"what?" he looks at him confused
"jimin shut the fuck up and sit down you fool" jungkook looks at jimin confused
namjoon looks at jimin and then you, and I can see how much he's trying to hold himself back from laughing
and as if something clicks in his head jimin sits back down "your too young.." he murmurs, taehyung's glaring at him because he woke him up once he got up and screamed
the bell ranged and you looked at jungkook "ignore my stupid brother, he's on some shit these days"
he nods his head , grabbing his bag and leaving first.
once i got to my first class a group of girls came up to me telling me if I was gonna write letters to 'BTS'. Some said it made no sense since i'm always hanging out with them others said it would be funny since they wouldn't know.
"yeah..i'll write something" and they handed me a 7 purple envelopes. i put it in my notebook
once class started i got bored, since i already knew what the teacher was teaching. opening my notebook i take out the envelope. grabbing the sheet from inside i grab my pen, tapping it on the desk i wonder for a long time what to write. And i thought of the craziest idea, so i began to write.
Dear Namjoon,
I'm addicted to your dick already
putting the paper back in, i lick the envelope, closing it tight. as for the front i wrote babe
i grab the other envelopes and write to all the other guys. keeping cute little motivational notes. addresses myself as "number one fan"
when classes ended i walked with caution to the station where they put a box for the letters. dropping it in the box i made my way to find jimin at our usual spot.
grabbing lunch we head to the rooftop where we see all the guys gathered around looking at a basket of cards, and jimin rushes over. i smile at the sight of them getting excited.
"we got letters already?" taehyung nods, "jungkook got the most" you turn to look at jungkook as he is staring at the letters completely happy.
we are all sitting down and eating, as they read their cards. i glance at namjoon when he finally gets to the purple card. he didn't catch the word "babe" written on the front. he opens the envelope and takes the card out. grabbing his drink he takes a sip as he turns the card around and reads what it says.
his eyes open wide and he spits out the water, coughing instantly. hoseok looks at him with a grossed out face, some water went his way "what the fuck namjoon" he wipes his sleeve
namjoon picks up the envelope took look at the name, and he reads babe
namjoon says sorry, he sticks the card back in the envelope. unlike the other letters he puts it away right away. he looks at jimin who was too distracted reading his letters with taehyung, and so he turns to glare at you.
"really" he mouths and you shrug
he grabs the pile of letters thats for jin and yoongi "i'm gonna take these and leave them at my locker" he gets up, as he stares at you. raising a brow at you.
and you knew what he wanted, he wanted you to get up and follow him "i'm gonna go throw the food out" you pick up your tray and jimin's who was done. jimin glares at you and then looks at namjoon
"don't leave her outta your sight" namjoon looks at him and then you "no problem"
after dropping off the trays and letters at his locker he pulls you to the empty room that no one goes to
"you think your funny huh" he grabs your waist, making you sit on the desk
"what happened daddy did you not like the letter?" you bite your bottom lip
"don't provoke me y/n cause i'll fuck you right here and you won't be able to walk to class" his hands rest on your knees as he spreads your legs. he grips your thighs as he presses his body against you making you feel his hard length inside his pants
"you're addicted huh" he whispers in your ear, his hand already rubbing your thigh
"yeah" you cup his face, your lips brush over his. as you try to tease him.
"how can you be addicted when you haven't even tasted it" he smirks, you blush at his words "be a good girl and get on your knees" he squeezes your thighs. you get up from the desk, namjoon leans on the desk instead his hands keeping him up.
i get on my knees, and look up to him. keeping eye contact, i can feel myself getting wet, just by his stares. he smirks  "take it out"
i look at his crotch area and gulp. reaching for his belt i undo it and i unbuckle his pants. namjoon bites on his bottom lip as he watches me
"move faster" he says sternly
i pull his pants down, letting them fall as i stare at his boxers which shows his thick hard shape.
i rub him through the underwear and he groans. "y/n take it out already"
hooking my fingers to the hem of his boxers, i pull them down. his cock sprung up, standing tall against his stomach.
i gulp at his size, it was my first time staring at it
"what do i do?" i look up at him, innocently
he just stares at me.  i reach out and touch the tip, making him grip the desk more.
bringing my mouth close i give him slow licks from the head to the bottom. i stare at him, right before i kiss the tip, putting his dick in my mouth.
"breathe through your nose" he says with a raspy voice, making me hum against his dick. the vibrations made him twitch. i could taste the pre cum in my mouth. i could feel my self salivating  around him. 
i wrap my hands at the base of his cock, pumping him slowly as i bob my head. "good girl, see you can do it" he groans, his hand pulls my hair back in a pony tail "i wanna see how your mouth wraps around me"
i blush hard at his words, taking him out og my mouth. i reach into my pocket taking out a hair tie. i tie my hair into a pony tail
"like this?"
he nods slowly, his eyes full of lust as he stares at me " can i fuck your throat" he says suddenly
"you always ask for permission to everything?"
"i'm never gonna do something you don't want"
i nod
"use your words"
"yes it's fine" he nods, and i lick his shaft with the tip of my tongue, I kept trying to remember what the girl did in that video i watched a long time ago. i put my lips around the whole head of his cock and suck him off gently.  my hand fondling with his balls
"fuck y/n..i thought you." he grunts as his head falls back "you said you didn't know"
finally i lowered my mouth over his entire cock, getting it deep inside my mouth. i start bobbing my head. swirling my tongue around the head of his cock, he bucked his hip up.
Small hitched breathes leave his mouth making me press my thighs together
he grabs the back of my head "are you ready" he grunts as he waits for my answer. but his phone rings making him groan in annoyance, picking it up he sees its jimin
"look babe it's your brother, should i answer" i shake my head
"don't stop" he smirks as he answers the call. bringing  the phone to his ear "what happened" he watches me as i lick his shaft, while my hand pumps him. making him shut his eyes.
"y/n? no, we aren't together" he says calmly as he looks down at you and he thinks to himself 'your sister is on her knees in front of me with my cock in her mouth' he smirks
"sorry bro, i needed get do something so i had to leave her" i touch his balls again making him groan
"seriously dude" jimin exclaims, namjoon chuckles "what bro, you called me. i'm a man with needs. are you done so i can hang up?" jimin hangs up the call and namjoon looks down at you
"shit if only you could see how fucking beautiful you look right now with your lips wrapped around my dick" he bites his bottom lip
you pull him out of your mouth, only to pump him as you lick the head, sucking on it slowly. he grabs his phone without you noticing, "y/n" he calls your name and you look up to him. seeing his phone you hear him take a photo
your eyes widen in shock "namjoon" you say his name
"don't worry, this is just for me" he has a smug look on his face "i can't wait no more" he pulls your up by your arm, he makes you lean over the desk "i need you right now" he pushes your skirt up
"but we're at school" your grip the end of the desk, as you bit your bottom lip as he touches you more
"please? i'll make it quick" his fingers move your underwear to the side, as he rubs you with his tip
"but you have to be quick" finally giving in
"that's my good girl" you hear him rustling behind you as he takes out a condom. he touches your aching core with his fingers, and right away they got wet making your face crimson red of embarrassment "dang girl you are addicted huh"
you hear him suck on his fingers  "since your this wet, i can assume your ready"
you nod quickly
"then lift your ass for me" and you do exactly what he says. grabbing your waist with one hand he aligns himself to your entrance with the other. not wasting time he thrusts into you completely
"fuck babe, your so fucking tight" he stays still letting you adjust to his length
"i'm gonna start moving" he grips your waist harder, and starts moving his hips roughly into you
"fuck" you say loudly as you bite your bottom lip
you hear his moaning, making your walls clench around him "shit babe, if you tighten like that i'm gonna have to go harder" he grunts
"do i-it"  he tightens his grip even more on you, and your completely sure that your gonna be bruised
"fuck me harder namjoon" you turn to look at him
"shit..don't blame me if you can't walk to class after this" pulling out he thrusts into you harder, making him growl at the pleasure
you were choking from the pleasure, all you could hear was the sounds of your bodies meeting and namjoon's grunts behind you as he kept pounding into you.
"i'm so close" i gasp for air as he rubs my clit with his fingers
"cum for me baby" he leans over me, sucking on my nape
and there it was the familiar knot inside my stomach, letting out a moan i cum on him. making him fasten his pace. i whimper as he fucks me through my orgasm
"hold on i'm almost there" he lifts your ass more, making you step on his feet to, he thrusts into me harder and faster. till i fell him twitch inside, releasing in the condom.
"you're so lucky we're in school or we would have another round" he pulls out of you making you loose strength on your knees but he holds you up "i told you not to provoke me, now look" he smirks
"don't flatter yourself, i can still walk" you stick your tongue at him. he rasies a brow, and lets go of you. making your legs betray you, you sit on the ground. glaring at namjoon.
He tugs himself back in his pants with a smug look "I think I should call Jimin and tell him I found you"
"You wouldn't" he bends down, gripping your chin "I would" he kisses you once more
He takes out his phone, unlocking it but stops as he stares at the screen. "Your lucky, your pretty photo of my cock in your mouth saved you" he shows you the photo making you blush
He grabs your arms as he helps you sit on the desk "come on let's get your legs working before the bell rings" he massages your thighs.
"i'm gonna keep sending you letters" namjoon chuckles
"i'll be looking forward to them" he kisses your forehead
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bf-skz · 2 years
24 to 25 days of SKZMAS | December 4th - Hyunjin
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pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader
genre: fake dating
synopsis: Hyunjin is one of the best writers at JY Publishing. As the end of the year comes, he is one article short for a raise. The chief editor gives him the task of writing date ideas till Christmas which is also coincidentally his most hated holiday. Luckily, he does have a roommate with a great Christmas spirit.
warnings: -
words: 663
4th day of SKZMAS
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December 4th
“And the 24 Dates Till Christmas will go to Hyunjin!”
Hyunjin blinks awake from daydreaming with open eyes at the sound of his name.
Everyone is clapping and congratulating as the meeting concludes, but Hyunjin is still in a daze. This is what he feared… he wanted to lay low before his holiday commences, in hopes that the editor will forget about him and let him proofread this time around. It didn't go as he planned, of course…
“Excuse me, sir.” he gets up once he comes to his senses. By that time it's only him and the editor in the meeting room. “I really don't think I can write this article.” he admits.
Hyunjin is one of the best writers at the paper, there is no argument about it. There is just one little problem.
He absolutely despises Christmas.
He could go out of his way to get away from anything joyous. For example, he avoids going to shopping malls after the 1st of November till late February to avoid the Christmas tunes from the radio.
“I understand that you are not exactly keen on Christmas, Hyune.” the editor starts. 
That's an understatement, Hyunjin thinks with utmost disgust on his face. He can't mask how he feels.
“But this is exactly why I think you will write the article without any favoritism.”
That's just bullshit, Hyunjin knows.
“Besides, you need one last banging article to kick off your personal assessment test.” he adds and it makes Hyunjin freeze.
“I thought I already completed the curriculum for the raise.” he deadpans and his editor shakes his head.
“Unfortunately, your last article didn't make the cut. So this one will be a real tiebreaker.” he explains and Hyunjin can feel his blood boil.
All or nothing on a stupid fucking Christmas article…
“I would start researching if I was you.” he singsongs before picking up his neatly stacked pack of paper and prances out of the meeting room with a wave of goodbye, leaving Hyunjin completely baffled and fuming.
By the time he gets home that evening, your shared flat smells like a whole bakery. You are just about to spread the frosting on your first batch of gingerbread cookies as Hyunjin walks through the door.
“Hi Hyune!” you call from the kitchen, popping your head through the kitchen door. “Perfect timing, I need you to taste test these!”
“Do I absolutely have to?” he murmurs, shuffling into the kitchen with angry steps.
“Uhm yeah, you do! I have to practice for Christmas, how else will I find the perfect icing for my cookies?” you ask, but as you catch sight of Hyunjin, you stop. “You’re pissed. What happened?”
“I got a stupid Christmas article to do, and only my whole career hangs on it.” Hyunjin says with a dramatic flare.
“Oh, chill out, princess, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” you say, inconspicuously placing a couple of cookies on a plate with a little dipping bowl of frosting. “What do you have to write about?”
“24 Dates Till Christmas.” Hyunjin says with annoyance and a disgusted face before stuffing his mouth with a cookie.
“Oh.” you say, trying your best to bite back your giggles but you can’t help it. It’s just way too funny. “Christmas dates? And you? That’s hilarious.”
“Shut up.” he whines, throwing a piece of frosted cookie at you. “I swear the whole world is against me.”
“Aww, c’mon now.” you say as you pat his hair. He is so cute when he pouts like that. “Is there any way I can help? I mean, it’s not like I’ve been on a date in ages…”
“Ah, I don't-” but Hyunjin stops mid sentence and his eyes light up. “You! You love Christmas so you know all the stupid Christmas clichés, right?”
“I- yeah? I guess so?” you say unsurely, not liking the sudden change of mood. Hyunjin is about to say something crazy.
“Take me out then!”
to be continued...
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timeofjuly · 9 months
doing essays but can’t help think of quinn and MC GAHHH their so cigarettes out the window by TV girl coded 🤕💔💔💔💔 been listening to a lot of TV girl and thinking of them 😵‍💫
Adding that to my mc/Quinn playlist IMMEDIATELY oh my god, literally the perfect song. Here’s a suitably depressing fic that I wrote listening to it on loop, thank you so much! TW for alluded to drug use at the end.
there will be no answer
Quinn’s cleaning out your side of the closet when she unearths your leather jacket. It’s crammed right at the back, fallen from its hanger, sandwiched between the wood and your winter coats.
She pulls it free and then holds it up into the bright yellow artificial light streaming from the bedroom ceiling. It’s an old, beaten-up thing; it had already lived a full life when you’d dug it up from the bottom of the bargain bin at Goodwill and it’s even more well-loved now. It’s decorated with a handful of pins, all of which Quinn recognises and some of which she had purchased for you herself. They clink against each other as she turns the jacket from left to right, little bits of metal and plastic commemorating places you’ve been to, bands you like, things you find funny.
She flips the jacket to reveal the tag and sees where you’d written your name in thick, black sharpie. You had liked the idea of passing it on, maybe back to another thrift shop, with your name on it. You’d thought it would be a fun bit of history for whoever picked it up next.
Quinn traces the letters on the tag with her fingertip and says your name aloud for the first time in weeks. The sound sits in the otherwise silent bedroom like an unwelcome guest, sticking in the emptiness and making your absence all the more apparent.
Quinn can’t remember seeing the jacket since last winter, so you mustn’t’ve realised it was at the back of the closet. That makes sense. Out of all of your items of clothing, this is the one that she thinks you might want back. If she knew where you were, she’d mail it to you, but she doesn’t. She has no idea where you are.
She sits down on the beige carpet and splays the jacket over her legs, feeling like a big child with a too-small blanket. Beside her sit two trash bags, one for clothes to be thrown away, and the other for what’s in good enough condition to be donated. There is no bag for things that she’s allowing herself to keep.
Her own suitcase sits open atop the bed, full of her own neatly folded things. The rest of the contents of the bedroom sits in boxes strewn around her, all labelled up and ready to be taken to her new apartment.
Going through your things is the only thing left to do.
Warmth prickles at her eyes and she clenches her fists into the jacket. The leather is soft and supple, but it’s cold. She gives into her base nature and raises it, burying her face into it.
The jacket smells like you. It smells like your shampoo and your perfume and the brand of hairspray you like and cigarette smoke and when she goes digging through the pockets, she finds an old, battered carton of cigarettes, a tube of lipstick, as well as a faded receipt for a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, and a bouquet of flowers.
And now she’s crying. Great. Shame there’s no tissues stashed away in one of your pockets because she’s packed her own away in a box in the bathroom, so she needs to get up and use a wad of toilet paper to dry her tears. It’s the cheap kind and it disintegrates into little papery balls against her face, so she has to stick her head underneath the tap to wash them away.
Afterwards, she stares into her red, puffy eyes in the bathroom mirror, and begs herself to get a fucking grip.
This is why she’s avoided doing this for so long – for four months, actually. She’s too weak. The only reason she’s doing it now is because the lease is up and despite her stupid, sentimental heart, even she’s not pathetic enough to cart your stuff all the way into a new city.
That, and she promised her friends that she’d do it. They’d offered to help her, which is lovely of them, but the idea of someone else in your shared bedroom, going through your things, makes her stomach turn. This room, this apartment, is only for the two of you, nobody else. Even now, four months after you had dumped her over the phone from your bed in some wilderness rehab, Quinn still feels like she’s living with a ghost. Your presence is saturated in every square inch of this place and even if she wanted to (and she doesn’t), she’d never be able to get you out.
Your parents think that a change of scenery will do her good. They told her this with tired eyes and furrowed brows, crushed by the knowledge that their daughter and their daughter’s would-be murderer are the same person. They had invited her over for dinner shortly after the breakup, and your mother had held Quinn tightly and had buried her face into her hair to hide her tears. Your father had told Quinn that they would always have a place for her at their table. That their door would always be open for her, whether you’re there or not.
Quinn’s own parents have told her nothing at all because she hasn’t spoken to them in almost a year. That, at least, is a blessing. It’s been years since she’s had to deal with them without you. She’s not sure that she remembers how.
She returns back to the bedroom and picks the jacket up off of the carpet. The pins rattle. She takes a deep, bracing breath and holds it, looking between the two trash bags. They’re both almost full; she really has done her best, getting rid of it all.
Quinn exhales in a rush that makes her slightly dizzy. She folds the jacket into a neat square and places it into her suitcase, burying it right at the bottom. This is the only thing left to her. She can allow herself it, at least.
In a city somewhere else, your bare arms prickle with goosebumps. The moon is huge and bright overhead, a silvery stain against the sleet of the sky. There are no stars to be seen here, light pollution having bleached them away decades ago, but even if there were, you wouldn’t bother looking up at them. The night is young and your skin buzzes with the happiness you had injected into it only a moment ago.
Another chill moves through you. For a moment, you wish you had a jacket to pull over your shoulders, or someone’s arm to curl up underneath, but then a wave of syrupy rhapsody envelopes your body, like the coziest, most comforting hug, or like submerging yourself into a blissfully hot bath. The cold washes away like it had never been there at all.  
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novelcain · 1 year
HOLY SHIT When I asked about the dragon theories I didn't expect a wHOLE ASS RESEARCH PAPER. Luckily I'm similarly built like an unhinged academic
Essentially linking social consciousness to bioelectricty? Insane. Social consciousness is usually attributed to psychological nuture. It's the idea of a shared identity. But the possibility that the shared identity can be influenced by the funny little electricity in our heads is an angle I wish could be explored more now. How far can we take it? If humans were able to universally create a whole ass animal, what else could we do if we could tap into that kind of research?
(Let is be known that the only reason I am also not a mad scientist is because the educational system failed that badly)
- 🐟
I've been intrigued tho "obsessed" according my therapist with bioelectricity and its possible applications for as long as I could remember! I remember that forever ago, when I was around 9 to 10, I theorized that bioelectricity could be possibly be harnessed as a source of energy or a type of control unity for prosthetics (bc I was SUPER in bio mechanical engineering around that age) but I even have it written in a science diary somewhere, I was a very weird organized little kid, and then skip forward a few years to high school I was surfing the internet for science articles to read in my spare time and I stumbled upon on saying that my theory have been proven and put into practice!
I was so excited! Unfortunately, I was so excited that I ran to the first person I could find, my egg donor. And to make a long story short it ended up in her yelling at me for not telling her when I was younger so we could have made a patent.
Pft! Yeah right. I remember thinking how stupid that idea was. I was 9 and we had no money there's no way a patent would have ever happened that was just dumb. But I let her be mad so she'd let me go so I could do more research online about it.
I actually have a theory that within 10 years time it'll be common place to have implants in the eyes and brain that fully run on an individuals bioelectricity and will act as a kind of visual displace and that they'll replace phones all together. Kinda like a VR headset without the headset!😃 I'm you've all seen the scifi movies and animes with what I'm talkin about.
(Ugh! I feel you 🐟 anon. I was lucky enough to be able to figure out the education system super early on but I had a mental break down about it in high school and suffered severe autistic burn out bc of it and all the pressure I was under. I learned that education for my generation—gen z— is becoming more required while becoming less accessible. Its gotten to the point where a master's degree can be nothing but a useless piece of paper when 20 years ago that was guaranteed job with a 6 figure salary at the least.)
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - Grounder The Genius (Screenshots & Review)
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An episode themed around Grounder? Yes, please!
The episode starts with Robotnik yelling at his computer because it is taking a long time to do something (something I'm sure many of us can relate to). He is copying a program into a microchip that he is going to use to boost the power of his own brain. His invention is a success, and with his new brain power he sends Scratch and Grounder out to use a new trap design he cooked up.
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Robotnik’s big goofy helmet is a lot of fun.
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The design of the trap does prove to be quite clever and almost kill Sonic - it subverts his expectations by looking really crummy on the surface, but then also incorporates fake dummy versions of Scratch and Grounder which are used to distract Sonic while they activate a larger secondary trap. Sonic just barely manages to escape, feeling quite impressed that he almost got taken out this time. Sonic tells about what happened and thinks Robotnik must have a new super computer or something. Tails suggests they go see his friend hacker as he might be able to tell them more about what could be going on.
Scratch and Grounder return to their crappy father and Robotnik threatens to start using Grounder as a paper weight, which makes him cry. :( Poor Grounder....
After bullying his children for a while, he finds out that the update he was working on for his brain booster software was stolen by a hacker whom deleted his own copy of the file after taking it. Robotnik sends his badniks out to find the culprit and get the software copy back.
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Sonic and Tails arrive at Hackers place and he tells about the new software he stole from Robotnik...you know, my wife has suggested I make videos of my Sonic reviews, and I hope I never have to do sponsorship ads in my videos. but if I did end up in such a situation....I can see this scene being a good Segway for one of those cheesy nordvpn/expressvpn ads.
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Anyway, Scratch and Grounder arrive at Hackers place, detecting that there was a lot of computer activity in the area. They proceed to just blow up Hackers entire home to get to the stolen software!! Sonic beats up Scratch and Grounder, and as Grounder is trying to reassemble the parts that fell out of his head, he accidentally takes the microchip that Hacker was storing the genius program on. This turns him into "Doctor Grounder", the super genius. Sadly, the chip seems to mess with his personality, kinda like The Glasses of Nerdicon did to Finn in Adventure Time. He becomes less of a silly goober and more of a smug douchebag. Before Scratch can figure out whats going on, Robotnik comes to retrieve them both and is impressed by Grounders new intellect. Grounder has a new idea for capturing Sonic and Robotnik agrees to hand Scratch over to him as an assistant before the three of them head home.
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When both Grounder and Robotnik get their “big brain time”, it makes a funny fart noise. 😁 Hacker, whom is taking the destruction of his home surprisingly well, is reluctant to help Sonic and Tails go confront Robotnik about the new software he made. Sonic goes ahead to the fortress, but Grounder quickly traps him using something very similar to Robotnik's Stopper Zapper Ray.  Grounder has Sonic thrown in the dungeon, and his smugness eventually pisses off Robotnik enough that he tries to switch him Grounder off, but Grounder has disabled his off switch. He then orders Scratch to beat Robotnik up and throw him in the dungeon as well. Turns out Scratch is actually quite tough, and gives him several sports themed wallopings, which is probably pretty cathartic since Robotnik has abused him his whole life.
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Poor Sonic. Not only is this the second time he’s been Stopper-Zapped, but it’s also the second time he got frozen making a stupid face!
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Tails has to convince his wimpy friend Hacker to help him rescue Sonic. It takes some doing!
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Just Scratch doing normal chicken things....
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Eventually Scratch puts Robotnik into the dungeon with Sonic, and after he leaves, Tails and Hacker show up at one of the windows. Hacker is able to use suction cups on the Stopper Zapper pistol Scratch left behind and hack it to reverse Sonic’s immobilized state. Suction cups are the same as USB cables in this world, I guess?
...Wait, did USB cables even exist when this show came out? *checks the internet box* Nope! ...Christ I'm old....
Anyway! With Sonic now freed, our heroes try to find a way of defeating Grounder. It takes some doing, as Grounder is very clever now, but eventually Scratch comes running and falls on top of Grounder, knocking his head lose which Robotnik (who had managed to escape the prison as well) grabs and removes the microchip from. As Robotnik is about to put the chip in, Sonic replaces it with a "stupidity chip" Hacker made, causing him to start babbling like a fool and playing with an explosive that Sonic had brought along.
Eventually a lighting rod weapon that Grounder was using to attack Sonic with hits them instead, causing a large explosion as our heroes leave the area. In the Sonic Says Segment, Sonic talks to the audience about how it's good to study, use your brain, and do lots of reading. Sound advice!
This episode was pretty darn fun. Genius Grounder is a bit of douche, but he still retains some of that charm that makes him so lovable, and it was cool seeing Scratch and Grounder actually rise up against Robotnik after all the abuse he puts them through.
Til next time, stay cool and be good people!
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