#the infinite plan
itsaleph · 1 year
Mira cuánto he andado para llegar hasta aquí y comprobar que no hay un plan infinito, sólo la pelotera de la vida, te dije. Tal vez cada uno lleva su plan dentro, pero es un mapa borroso y cuesta descifrarlo, por eso damos tantas vueltas y a veces nos perdemos, replicaste.
Isabel Allende, “El plan infinito”.
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youritalianbookpal · 2 years
@murielstacy (who is always a dear) asked for book recs based on this ask game:
16. a book you'd recommend to your younger self
If I think about the books that "changed my life", I think they changed my life because I read them at the right time, so I wouldn't suggest any of these to a younger version of myself.
With this being said, I think there's quite a few books I've read as an adult that would have changed a lot in my life, if I had read them as a kid or teen. Like, what if I had read something like World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil when I was 11 or 16?
54. a book with the best opening line
Part of me wants to be basic and say something like Anna Karenina, but my first thought was Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert:
"Once upon a time, Chloe Brown died.
It happened on a Tuesday afternoon, of course. Disturbing things always seemed to happen on Tuesdays. Chloe suspected that day of the week was cursed, but thus far, she'd only shared her suspicions via certain internet forums-and with Dani, the weirdest of her two very weird little sisters. Dani had told Chloe that she was cracked, and that she should try positive affirmations to rid herself of her negative weekday energy."
127. a book you'd read when you're missing somebody
Most of the books by Isabel Allende I've read remind me of my family, especially the women in my family, because we all love reading Allende and we often talk about it. My mom always says she was reading The Infinite Plan the day I was born. If I feel lonely, Portrait in Sepia always helps a lot.
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fernsnailz · 9 months
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cat's cradle
[this is from the team dark zine i made! you can find it all here]
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Bellatrix Star
A TaliaxDanny idea that came to me.
Damian, Bruce, and the rest of the bats discover the Talia al Ghul they had been fighting against, the one that cloned her own son, had the clone kill him, plant a control device in him when he broke his spine, etc etc was actually not the real Talia al Ghul.
Turned out Ra's had cloned her and killed the original when she discovered his little plans to take over Damain's body and she confronted him about it. Ra's had to make a clone when after tossing a dead Talia into the pits but never returned (he meant to kill her as a warning, as a "you may be my blood but will not hesitate to end you Talia.") It explains so much to Damian when remembers how out of nowhere his mother changed, her training him changed from harsh to deadly, the soft motherly love she would give him when behind closed doors suddenly stopped, the tales she would spin for him about his father no longer whispered to him for bed.
How this was find out?
Well it's hard to ignore the facts that when your foolish grandfather in his quest for immortality summons an eldritch being known as the Ghost King into the Mortal Realm and uses Damian as a sacrifice while his (not) mother watches emotionless.
When the being appeared, plunging the room from green glowing flames and the glow of the Lazarus Pits into darkness before a cosmos exploded to life, its glowing green eyes snapped open in the stars and stared at them all. Making every single one of them feel small, so very small.
It took a single glance around the room before stopping on the al Ghul's. It's eyes widen before a steel and firm look entered them. Just as quick as the cosmos sprang to life, it suddenly swirled away into a ball, putting them all back into the Lazarus room,and reformed in front of them to a more humanish height and body.
When the body, around the height and build of Batman, was done forming it took a step forward and suddenly as one blinked a man stood in front of them. Or rather floated. Snow white hair that flickered and wisped towards a crown made of fire and ice, glowing green eyes that held none of the madness but all of the power the Lazarus Pits could give. His clothing were tailored made that were tastefully a mixture of black and white with some silvers and greens, clothes fit for a King one would say. The cosmos that once engulfed the room had shifted into a cloak that hanged around his body, on one side more than the other (think like how CW wears his only the hood is down).
This, this was no doubt the Ghost King, he stood tall and regal and made everyone in the room feel the need to look down, to bow ones head for even just a moment. Even Ra's had trouble disobeying the urge to do so.
"Well..." the being said, his voice deep but not as gravely as Batman's was "What an interesting way to meet my In-Laws and Step-Son..."
He has said that as he looked towards the al Ghul's. Damian flinched back with a frown of confusion and disbelief while Ra's looked panicked for a second when the words registered into his mind, meanwhile Talia... looked emotionless and barely even twitched.
"What the fu-?" Someone began only to stop when the King lifted his hand and with a snap of his fingers a green portal appeared, it looked almost like the Lazarus Pits but it felt... cleaner? Less angry?
"My Bellatrix, my warrior star. I believe I've been summoned to your home dimension. And judging by the looks of it your father created a barely functioning Mirror of you and planned on using your son as a sacrifice to me." He spoke out towards the portal before holding his hand out.
A hand appeared from the portal, a slender hand and with green and black painted nails manicure to perfection before someone walked through it as they took hold of the Ghost King's offering hand.
Standing in front of them was another Talia, only this one looked a tad older than the one in the room. She wore clothing that matched the King to a T but even then, as always, Talia looked deadly in it. Beautiful but very deadly. From the heels she wore to the crown upon her head, a crown made of not ice and fire but of stars and black jewels. Her eyes were sharp as she stared at everyone in the room, frown on her painted lips, but her eyes lit with a small soft joy when she saw Damian only for them to turn poisonous when they landed on Ra's and the other Talia nearby.
"I should had know you would had created a Mirror of me instead of admitting to my son you killed me Father." Queen Talia spat out. "The least you could had done was not make my Mirror so cheaply, it doesn't even have a proper soul attached to it."
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#i forgot Danny and Talia's ship name#Talia was killed when she confronted her father when she found out his plans to take over her son's body#she was tossed in the pits and was meant to return to life but a portal opened up as she was brought back#she landed in Danny's garden and in a Pit Rage attacked any ghost in sight#Danny was called in noticed the Rage and knocked her out before taking her to Frostbite#they find out she is very liminal#like near halfa levels like she just needs something to kill and bring her back at the same time levels.#Talia raged and wept when she woke up#she was told she was in the Infinite Realms and what the Lazarus Pits actually were and that they were going to try to find her a way home#but because the Infinite Realms were well Infinite it was like looking for a needle in haystack#it takes a while and some talks with Jazz but Talia eventuality begins to try to make the most of her life within the Infinite Realms#and the only world is was always connected to#she does eventually fall for Danny though. things happened and Talia can sense her love for Bruce fizzle out and begin to grow for Danny#who never once asked her to change her deadly and swift ways#Danny was the Ghost King now. he understands that sometimes a quick and hard hand needs to be used.he is a fair and just King not a doormat#Danny accidentally called Talia Bellatrix one day. after the female warrior star in the sky. she is deadly and beautiful to him#Talia liked it a lot and well showed him how much she liked it#eventually they date and get married. Talia is in charge of the spy network for the Kingdom encase of anyone gets any bright ideas#Talia loves her new life. the one without her father or Bruce trying to control or changer her. She wishes for Damian though still.#Danny's been on the look out for her world when she told him everything. He wants to meet and learn about his step-son#he hopes he'll like the 'I'm sorry I married your mother without your permission but I would love your blessing.' gifts he had commissioned
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
Danny couldn't tell you what he expected, but it most definitely wasn't this.
Time and Space were weird in the Infinite Realms, both bending to the will of their masters and no one all at once. They didn't follow a line or a path. Time and Space did as they wanted. Fitting, considering who their masters are.
The first time Danny was ten years old, his Grandfather killed him. He remembers that, in an effort to save him, his mother submerged his body in the Lazarus Pits he and his brother had been warned about ever going near.
As it was explained to him, the Infinite Realms has a base level of sentience at the very least. She allows herself to peak into the worlds She cradles to keep an eye on them. She found Danny when his mother had lowered him into the water and She claimed him as Her own. She bent Time to Her will, making Danny a toddler again, before bending Space to drop him in the world that would most allow him to grow. She promised that She would come back for him when the time was right.
The first time Danny was fourteen, after the second time he had been ten, he died. The parents he had learned to accept as his own tried to open an unnatural gateway into the Infinite Realms. He was the one to turn it on. The electricity of the mortal world killed him, but the energy from the Infinite Realms revived him.
He remembers the whispers barely heard under his own screams. Whispers and imprints of "I'm sorry" and "I do not mean to hurt you" and "You will only grow stronger" and "Welcome back, my champion".
Danny can count on one hand the number of times he's felt safe between the first time he was six and the first time his was fourteen. He can tell you the names of exactly two places he has never felt the need to hide from.
The day Danny turned fifteen for the first time, he told his parents what happened to him. He knew, instinctually, that they would not understand, that they are researchers before they are parents. But he held onto the hope that had been trained out of him when he was first four years old. He had hoped that they would go against all odds and accept and help him.
He shut down the portal the very next day. He destroyed it and all of his parents' lives work. He would not stand by and let them hurt his people when he could not be there to interfere. He escaped back into the embrace of the Infinite Realms through Vlad's portal, giving him the Order to destroy it. The only way for the citizens of the Realms to enter the mortal worlds was to use natural portals, as unstable and unpredictable as they are. He would not risk them again.
He finds himself wandering listlessly, letting the Realms take him where She wants him to go. Sometimes She takes him to places that are completely empty, places where he can mourn what he lost without anyone finding him. Sometimes She takes him to his mentors and friends. Sometimes She takes him where he needs to be.
Danny finds the boy just as the natural portal closes behind him, the sickly green and black oozing like a festering wound.
The boy looks similar to Danny. His hair is spiked, his clothing dulled shades of a hero's costume under a black cloak, a mask covering his eyes, his body being more filled out to match his age. But Danny, on every level of understanding that he is and ever will be capable of, knows that this is his brother.
"Damian?" he whispers. The Realms push him forward. "Damian!"
Danny cradles the body of his brother, slowly sinking to the ground the Realms produce for him to land on. He carefully peels the mask from his face and lays it beside the katana on the ground.
As expected of anyone who finds their way into the Infinite Realms without proper protections, Damian has no pulse. He is not breathing. He is cold. The wound under his sternum is not bleeding.
Danny brushed his thumbs under Damian's eyes, his hands on his cheeks. "What did they do to you, ahki?"
Despite having no mortal ability to do so, Damian's eyes opened. He started ahead, blinking when his green eyes met Danny's. "Danyal?"
Tears fell from his eyes as he nodded. "Hi, Damian. You're here early."
Tears fell from Damian's eyes as well. He knew where he was. There was only one explanation. He couldn't feel himself breathing, nor could he hear his heart beat or his blood flow. There was no pain from where his mother had run him through.
"She killed me!" Damian cried into his brother's shoulder.
Danny held him tighter. "I'm so sorry," No one should ever have to go like that.
"Father couldn't save me."
"It's okay."
"Dick and Tim and Jason and Cass-!"
"Shh, ahki. You will see them again. I'll make sure of it."
The brothers held each other as they cried. The Realms wrapped Herself around the boys, comforting them as she could. Her champion and his brother, both children She had claimed and would protect.
Part 1 Storyboard
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 29
Danny became ghost king his first order of business was to return artifacts to there rightful owners. These owners included from multiple countries on earth, Amazonians, the sea, tamaran, and so many more. Danny wasn’t planning on running a museum of stolen artifacts anytime soon.
So what if they we’re given as a way to prevent pariah from cutting off passage to the afterlife or from just destroying them. Why would anyone question why they were returned.
Considering no one realizes there had been an exchange of power everyone. Everyone assumes pariah was no longer satisfied. Danny didn’t bother to leave a note or anything.
So now the justice league and others are preparing to summon the king and potentially have to seal him away.
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
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“Systemic Approach (Part Two),” Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #64.
Writer: Mat Groom; Penciler and Inker: Caio Majado; Colorist: Pete Pantazis; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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spacedace · 1 year
So like...Danny as Ghost King getting to help sort people into the correct/prefered afterlives, and talking with all the Justice League peeps to figure out what they want/where they want to go ahead of time like it's a pension plan or like he's a Travel Agent.
Like he gives tours around various afterlives around the Ghost Zone, offers up different "packages" they can choose from.
"With the Ghost Package you can come back to the living realm, but you will be locked in with an Obsession - it's not as bad as it sounds, but we can go into more detail later on what it entails if you're interested - and you will be bound to a particular Haunt. Also my parents might try to capture and experiment on you."
"Unfortunately you don't qualify for the Revenant package due to how many times you've already died and come back, but I *can* get you set up with one of our Reincarnation representatives if returning to the living world is something you are interested in."
"Guardian Spirit is a popular choice, so there is a bit of a waiting time in terms of getting paperwork processed, but if you sign up for it now while you're still alive all that can be done ahead of time and you can jump right in once you pass on. You will need to make sure you regularly update the list of who you will be watching over considering your propensity for adoption."
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ribbononline · 8 months
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And some halloweeny fusions, heres mimikyu/gardevoir, mismagius/altaria and flutter mane/salazzle !!
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itsaleph · 1 year
—¿Crees que todavía alguien puede enamorarse de mi? —Pregunta mejor si acaso puedes enamorarte tú. La felicidad que se vive deriva del amor que se da.
Isabel Allende, “El plan infinito”.
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ghostofasecretary · 2 months
quick poll, i'm curious and going insane
what would you estimate you spend each week on takeout + groceries? amounts in USD because i'm USAmerican
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rathayibacter · 4 months
had a dream that i was in a ttrpg museum under a game store, showing my dad around and talking about the history of games. there was one game pinned to a support beam that we talked about a lot, which i attributed to jenna moran in the dream but realized upon waking that it was a) original and b) kinda rad. wrote it up earlier, gonna do some art n maybe share it tomorrow?
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nb-hedgewolf · 10 months
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can we pretend that rubies in the night sky are like emeralds
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theangrycomet · 5 months
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I wish SEGA wasn't a coward and would let IDW use Infinite in their stories because I KNOW these two would have so much beef and could have such interesting interactions, being two sides of the same coin.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 83
The two are different dimensions.
Danny was either kidnapped or displaced from dc. Whether by Jack accidentally dimensional traveling and grabbing baby Danny or by ghost interference.
He could be a lost son of a hero/villain or just son of a rando civilian from dc.
The infinite realm is sentient in a way. It always merges with the king. Pariah Dark was an ancient tyrant one who when alive resided in the DP dimension. Hence why the natural portals all favored that dimension.
When Danny becomes king. The realm shifts.
The Fenton portal made with science remains stable. Natural ones all but stop in DP. Even the infinite map will now take to to the alternate dimension.
Danny and co. Have no clue how or why this is happening
Wulf can only make portals into dp with tethers. People specifically. He can come to Danny, sam and tucker as they allowed themselves as tethers. By forming a bond of sorts with the entity.
When Danny learns to make portals he as well needs these tethers.
When jack and Maddie learn the truth they don’t immediately act. The observe and plan. Even agreeing to be these tethers.
Danny has been oh so happy they accepted him.
The sole purpose to learn to break the bonds. Once they figure it out. They short and shove Danny through the portal and turn it off.
As much as they’d love to tear him apart. He looked too much like there son. Phantom would use that against them. Turn Danny’s poor friends against the two. They have to figure out how to end the ghost brainwashing.
It’s unfortunate jazz sam and tucker all are under the spell.
Now on the dc side of things.
The JLD were panicking in the beginning. Natural portals from the infinite realm suddenly became much more frequent. They had to learn and adapt.
They’ve had actual attacks from these beings now. John had to talk to his contacts. Magic worked on them as well as apparently technology. The contacts wouldn’t tell them what technology however.
And apparently lucky them. The new king of this hell dimension was born in there own dimension.
Then the yeti and age defying powerful entities said that they would be expecting a visit from the king soon.
It was during one of the Wayne’s family dinners a green portal opened. Shooting the white haired green eyed individual into the table. Only for him to look up at cass in confusion stating she wasn’t sam.
He then fell unconscious and turned into prime adoption bait.
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generic-sonic-fan · 7 months
If you tried to get Metal Sonic to come up with a plan to destroy Sonic more complex than "chase after him and slice him with my claws" or "imitate one of my dad's world-conquering plans", he'd have a difficult time of it. This robot has the tactics of any combat situation down pat but couldn't do big-picture strategy to save his life.
To be fair, it's a very rare occasion that he's been able to exercise any strategic thinking instead of simply following orders.
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