#the jonas brothers put something on this song
a-dowryofblood · 2 years
The way When You Look Me In The Eyes by the Jonas Brothers just goes so insanely hard. Suddenly I'm dancing, I'm screaming I'm crying. A full spiritual experience, a full roller-coaster of emotions, a journey of self discovery contained in a 4:10 song.
They didn't have to go that hard but THEY DID.
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jamilynfx · 17 days
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? (No, the fuck, I don't)
This is part 2 of this post 💖
Summary: Winter has come to New York and that means only two things: being cold and putting up with Wade's obsession with the movie Frozen.
Pairings: Logan Howlett x Wade Wilson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: sexual humor, mentions of oral sex, referenced drug use
A time for singing carols, decorating a Christmas tree and eating unhealthy amounts of gingerbread. For some, an ideal season for various, cold-oriented activities that include skiing, snowball fighting or drinking hot chocolate right after ice-skating on the overpriced ice-rinks in the city center. 
You hate it all passionately.
Well, maybe decorating a Christmas tree is somewhat enjoyable and worth looking forward to but other activities that require being outside during winter are a hard no for you. 
Which brings you to the problem you encounter every other time that the weather decides it’s high time to spawn tons of snow in the city, or, more accurately, a problem with Wade’s obsession over that godforsaken children’s movie.
“Do you wanna build a snooooowmaaan?! COME ON, LET’S GO AND PLAY.”
Logan growls for, what seems to be, the hundredth time in an hour. Al looks defeated and only Laura completely ignores Wade’s crazy bouncing and twirling in favor of cutting out a perfect circle out of the cookie dough.
“Shut the fuck up, bub. No one wants to build a snowman with you,” Logan grumbles lowly, getting the volume all the way up on the TV, since it’s difficult to hear anything through Wade’s singing. 
Laura makes a face. 
“Ouch, that was a bit harsh, even for you.” 
“Sorry if I’ve had enough of this performance that’s going on for two hours now!” he exclaims heatedly but without real irritation behind it. That’s his way of saying that Wade really got on his nerves and he’s almost reached his daily limit for Wade’s bullshit.
“It’s fine, Lo, don’t shout,” you say with love, cutting out your own shape in a dough, a crooked star with rough, uneven edges. Making cookies is something that you enjoy doing, mostly because it’s all done inside the house, not outside, where all hell breaks loose. “Why don’t you go by yourself, Wade?” 
He looks kinda cute with Elsa’s costume he’s thrown on his suit and a plastic tiara set atop a blond wig he’s stitched to his head but hearing the same song being performed over and over again starts to tug on your nerves, too, especially when you know Wade is completely serious in saying he wants to build a snowman.      
“Because it’s BOOOORING! I would ask Al, but, well, she can’t fucking see, can you imagine what the snowman would look like if I did that with her? A fucking carrot up his ass, that’s what would happen! And the only snow she likes ain’t the one outside, hot pups.”
Al, sitting beside Logan on the couch, sighs loudly and nudges Logan’s side with her elbow. 
“What’s on now?”
“Hot pups?” you question, raising your brows and smiling at Laura, who tries not to laugh.
“That’s new,” Logan comments on a nickname that Wade’s just made up, simultaneously switching between the channels. “A western, soap opera or reality…”
“Reality!” Both Al and Laura are unanimous on this one. Logan changes the channel to trash reality tv without any protest.
“Exactly, hot pups or baby girl, that’s basically the same thing. Anyway, I’m not asking Laura because she’s our guest and I for sure won’t ask peanut, don’t wanna end up with that claws up my ass today. Something else would be fine, tho.” Wade winks to Logan who only rolls his eyes, not once looking in Wade’s direction. “I was gonna ask you but you hate winter activities, besides that one time when you sucked my dick in the park after we went to a Jonas Brothers concert.”
You almost get a whiplash from the way your head turns to look at him, your cheeks immediately turning a deep shade of red. 
Althea looks visibly disgusted, Laura blinks a few times muttering damn under her breath and Logan stares at you with and you haven’t done that to me? look on his face. You stifle an urge to run to the bathroom and not come out for the rest of the evening, covering your face with your hands.
“Motherfucker, I wish I was deaf,” Al laments out loud with Wade’s sick laughter as her background before he starts do you wanna build a snowman all over again. 
“Someone has to go out and build that damn snowman with him, I can’t hear a fucking thing!” Logan shouts abuse, his patience running thin judging by the way his claws unsheathe in his left hand. 
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Laura suggests good-naturedly for you to only whine in surrender. That’s enough chaos for this evening.  
“No, I’ll go with him,” you sigh with exasperation and get up to go get dressed. “But you’re soooo going down on me after this, Wade!” 
As soon as the sentence leaves your mouth, Wade squeaks excitedly, running to get his brand-new Frozen mittens, which he managed to yank out of a little girl’s hands while you were at the thrift store last week. 
“You got it, baby girl!” he exclaims and high-fives Laura on his way out, not waiting for you to catch up. You can only hear his do you wanna build a snowman while he hurries down the stairs of your compound.
Al, Laura and Logan all seem to breathe out in relief, focusing all their attention on the TV show that’s currently on. 
Even Mary doesn’t perk up from Logan’s lap and you can’t help but feel a little bit betrayed. 
You have to admit, it’s not all that bad.
Wade does everything in his power to make it enjoyable for you, despite the low temperature and cold wind that blows in your face every other minute. There’s a lot of snow outside which makes for a really long snowman-building session, turning Wade into a literal five year old, but he still manages to make you laugh multiple times. You can’t really be cross with him when he’s having such a good time and, after your initial reluctance, you find yourself having a great time, too. 
The snowman turns out really cute and quite big, three sizable balls of snow each atop of the other, now standing guard in front of the entrance to your building. Somewhere between creating the top ball and sticking branches into the snowman’s sides to imitate arms, Laura comes down and says goodbye, reminding you both how late it is and that you should probably wrap the whole thing up. 
Now, you’re so cold it’s difficult to think straight. Your hands are shaking, teeth clattering and you’re sure that your lips have the color of a ripe plum. 
“We’ve made one hell of a snowman together, baby girl.” 
Your body trembles involuntarily but you smile happily, once again inspecting your work. 
“Yeah, we did.”
Wade hugs you closely and kisses your forehead, then your blue lips. 
“Come on, hot pups, let’s get you back to the warmth.”
Thank god you don’t have to go far. As soon as you’re back in the apartment, you ditch your shoes and outside clothes, which makes you feel even colder than when you were outside. It’s quiet inside, which means that Al is probably already asleep. Wade is somewhere behind you when you find Logan already in bed, Mary snuggled in between his legs, your old man reading a book. 
“All done? How was it?” he asks, setting the book aside and immediately raising the covers for you to join him. 
“COLD! Fuck!” 
You jump on the bed, choosing the quickest way to find yourself in Logan’s warm arms. Mary definitely doesn’t approve, getting her little ass up and pattering towards Wade, who has just entered the room. 
“Fuckin’ A, that’s what our snowman is, peanut,” he says, taking Mary up into his arms, kissing her and then setting her back on the bed to undress properly. Logan gives him a foul look.  
“She’s freezing, you idiot,” he grumbles at Wade, then smiles at you encouragingly. “Come ‘ere, bub,” Logan spurs you on, opening his arms for you and offering his chest to be your private pillow. You gladly accept, letting your body tremble and your teeth clatter as much as they want to while snuggling up in Logan’s embrace, your cold arms finding their way onto his back, your head falling into place half on his shoulder and half on his chest, allowing you to glue the front of your cold body to his heated one. He weaves his fingers into your hair while his other palm comes to rest on your waist, pulling you as close as it’s physically possible. 
Wade follows quickly behind to lock you in between them. When glorious heat starts radiating from both of them, enveloping you on both sides, you sigh contentedly, kissing up Logan’s chest, then finding the best slot for your cheek and straight up fawning on Logan.  
“I still want that head, asshole,” you mumble already half-asleep, feeling Wade’s hands roam over your legs and belly when he’s aligning himself with your back, covering your body with his and slowly heating you up from behind, making you melt against him. He throws his arm over your body to reach Logan, who growls warningly. 
“One day, I’m biting it off, you fucker.”
“Yeah, do it, it’s gonna grow back anyway, Wolvie,” Wade says mockingly, then trails the kisses behind your ear. “I’ll wake you up with it, snookums. Deal?” he asks, his low tone is making you shiver but this time it’s not out of cold. 
You smile dreamily, pressing your butt into his hips.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
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Chapter 3: All This Time Goes By, Still No Reason Why
Collaboration with my Eddie Munson sister wife, @corroded-hellfire 💚
Series Summary: Based on the Jonas Brothers song of the same name. You and Eddie share a hospital room in the wake of Hawkins' turmoil, striking up an unlikely friendship that could lead to much more.
Chapter Summary: With the help of Robin and Nancy, you and Eddie realize how much you mean to each other, but a medical emergency may prevent either of you from admitting your true feelings.
Warnings: eventual smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), Eddie survives the Upside Down, hospital, mentions of surgery, description of Eddie's scars, controlled use of pain medication, angst
WC: 5.2k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
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“It’s time to play the Family Feud!”
“Today on Sally–”
“There’s nothing good on,” you bemoan, flicking through the channels absentmindedly. Just as you’re about to give up on finding something to watch, a familiar dramatic voice rings out from the tinny TV speaker.
“It’s twins, and the two of you are the father of one each.”
Your fingers falter on the remote as you hear the events play out. Shelby’s sitting in a hospital bed, not unlike your own, one baby in each arm. The plot is so ridiculous, yet you can’t help but be drawn in. The only thing missing is a bucket of popcorn for you to chow down on.
And Eddie, you think miserably, swallowing the thought like it’s a dry pill. He would sit slack-jawed as the two lovers argued over which baby belonged to which man, making comments like, “did you see that?!” when he knows good and well that you’re sitting two feet from him and did, in fact, see it.
Dr. Drake Ramoray is about to announce the paternity test results when there’s a soft knock on your door.
“Can, um, can we come in?” You turn your head to see Mandy standing in the doorway, pushing a redheaded girl in a wheelchair. “This is Maxine. She’ll be your new roommate,” she explains.
“Yup, finally busted out of intensive care,” the girl deadpans, tilting her head to better hear the TV. “Is that Days of Our Lives?”
You give an embarrassed giggle, muting the show. “Yeah, sorry. Guilty pleasure.”
Maxine shakes her head. “No, put it back on! I love that shit. I didn’t have a TV in ICU, so I had to listen to my boyfriend read to me.” A blush creeps across her cheeks at the mention of her boyfriend, and she leans on Mandy as the nurse helps her into the bed. “He has a nice voice, though. So it wasn’t all bad. Better than listening to him argue with his friends about D&D.” Mandy laughs at that before excusing herself from the room.
The mention of the fantasy game is like a knife slice through your heart, but you shake off the thought. “That’s sweet of him.”
“Yeah,” Maxine nods. “Read all my favorites. Guess that’s how it’ll be for a while, until I learn Braille.” That’s when you notice that her eyes are cloudy, the blue irises not focusing in a particular direction. 
You’re rendered speechless for a moment, unsure how to respond to what she’s said. “I’m sorry,” you finally manage to choke out, wincing at how dumb you sound.
Maxine doesn’t seem to care or pick up on your embarrassment. “It sucks,” she says, “but I’ve got a good support system, y’know? And with the way everything in this town’s gone to shit, being blind doesn’t seem like too big of a deal.”
You assume she’s talking about the earthquake essentially splitting Hawkins into quadrants, destroying homes, businesses, and leaving far too many people injured or dead. You start to nod before remembering that she can’t see you. “I get it, but it doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal to you.”
She pauses before responding, contemplating what you’ve just said. “Guess so,” she mumbles. “I just feel guilty worrying about myself when other people are suffering even worse.”
“I’ll drink to that.” You raise your glass of water to your lips, feeling the lukewarm liquid slip down your throat. “Have they told you how much time you'll be stuck here?” 
She chuckles tersely. “Nope. They all keep saying, ‘a little bit longer, and you’ll be back home.’ But I don’t even know if I’ll have a home to go back to.”
“Where do you–did you live?” You shake your head. “That might be too personal, sorry. I’m just excited to have someone to talk to.” And it’s true. Ever since Eddie left a few days ago, you’d been alone with your thoughts. Never a good thing, especially when you’re feeling this sad and helpless, and the mundaneness of the hospital certainly doesn’t help.
“It’s cool. I lived over on Porter Street for a year or so before my mom and I moved into Forest Hills Trailer Park.” She gnaws on her lower lip as though waiting for your judgment. “But before we came to Hawkins, I lived in California.”
“Oh.” California. Where you and Eddie had made plans to run away to–though the sincerity of those plans were apparently up for debate. You want to ask her about it; if she’s ever been to Los Angeles, if she wants to go back, but the knot in your stomach urges you to shift the topic. “Your trailer–was it destroyed in the earthquake?”
“Not sure,” she answers honestly. “No one’s said anything to me, but that could just be to keep me from getting upset. But my boyfriend’s idiot friend–one of them, anyway–let it slip that my neighbor’s trailer got, like, split in half.”
“Oh, shit,” you breathe out. “Is your neighbor okay?”
“Uh, I think so,” Maxine says. “I haven’t talked to him but my boyfriend said he was released from the hospital.”
“That’s good,” you say. “I mean, not that he was in here, but that he was okay to leave.”
“Eddie—that’s my neighbor—is staying with some friends, I think. Or friends of his uncle or something.”
The way your head snaps so quickly in the redhead’s direction makes such a loud crack that even she hears it, wincing at the pop. “Eddie” is a common enough name, but you can’t think of another Eddie other than your Eddie—or, Eddie Munson, that is—in all of Hawkins.
“Wait. Is your neighbor Eddie Munson?” you ask, voice quivering despite your attempt to sound casual.
Her eyebrows pinch together and her head tilts in your direction. “How do you—oh shit! You’re Sunshine, aren’t you?”
Your face heats up at hearing Eddie’s nickname for you. How did Maxine know about that? She’s already said that she hasn’t talked to him. Which only means she heard it from someone else. But who? Between the days dragging into one another and the cocktail medley of medications you’ve been on, you’re not sure if Eddie called you that in front of his friends or not. But either way, somehow it was going around in his friend group that he’d met you and coined that nickname for you. 
“I, uh, yeah, I guess that’s me,” you say. 
“Dustin was telling me about you,” she answers your unasked question. “He said you’re pretty cool and you and Eddie got along really well.”
“Yeah,” you say, heaving a sigh. “I guess we did.”
“Did?” Maxine asks, picking up on your tone. “Something happen?”
“We had a fight,” you admit. “We both said some pretty nasty shit to one another. Then he left without saying goodbye, and I haven’t heard from him since.”
“Eddie’s never been known for his impulse control,” Max notes wryly, but anything else she’s about to add is cut off by the sound of more voices at the door.
“Max!” It’s Robin, and she has a girl by her side. “Hey, it’s me and Nancy. Sorry we’re late; no one told us that you moved rooms–oh, it’s Sunshine!”
You blush at the second mention of your nickname. “Hi, guys,’ you say, giving a little wave. “How’ve you been?”
“Can’t complain,” Robin puts her hands in her pockets. “But, really, we should be asking how you’re doing.” She glances over to her right side. “Oh, this is our friend, Nancy Wheeler.” Nancy gives you a soft smile, and you try to muster up one back.
“I’m okay.” you shrug. I had my first surgery yesterday, so I’m sore. Kinda nauseous from the pain meds. But other than that, I’m fine.” 
“She and Eddie got into a fight,” Maxine–Max–pipes up from the bed next to you. “He didn’t even say goodbye to her. Just…poof! Vanished.” She makes a little explosion gesture with her hands to emphasize her point.
Nancy presses her lips into a thin line. “Yeah, we heard,” she admits. “Eddie told us the other day. He, uh, he’s not very good at handling conflict.” 
“You can say that again,” you mumble, trying to hide your bitterness.
“He’s been different ever since he came home from the hospital,” Robin says. She pushes the curtain between the two beds as open as it would go and puts two chairs in between you and Max. She takes the chair closer to you and Nancy takes the one closer to Max. 
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“He’s been acting weird,” Robin says.
“How can you tell?” Max asks, a smirk on her lips as she gazes unseeingly at the ceiling. 
“Weird for him. He’s all broody and sulking. I mean, I get that the guy almost died, but he was in a much better mood when he was in here.”
All eyes—even Max’s—turn to you laying in your bed. It’s hard not to shrink under their gaze. You tuck your blanket up higher in an attempt to comfort yourself. 
“Do you want to talk to him?” Nancy asks, leaning forward to see you around Robin. 
“Yes,” you admit. “I thought we could clear the air before he left, but clearly that didn’t happen. Then I was hoping the phone would ring. Or maybe he’d just show up. Every time I was taken out of my room for tests or something, I’d always ask my nurse Mandy to watch in case he stopped by. This whole thing’s honestly just got me going crazy. I just want a chance to apologize and explain.”
“What happened?” Robin asks, but after a stern look from Nancy adds, “If you don’t mind talking about it, that is.”
You take a deep breath and nod your head. The pain meds are still circulating through your system so you find yourself more willing to spill your guts to these girls you hardly knew. 
“You know how he called me Sunshine? Well, that ended up being a shit load of pressure. I mean, he didn’t really put it on me—I-I guess I did. But if I brought happiness to his day then I didn’t want to bring him down by telling him the news on my leg wasn’t good. This can be a pretty shitty place to spend day after day so I didn’t want to make it worse on him. 
But it’s not like he ever gave me a chance to explain any of this. Just assumed I was lying to him for my own sick enjoyment. Kept going on and on about how I was just like everyone else who ever made fun of him. And that really fuckin’ hurt. Then he called me—among other things—a bitch and I was seething. I was seeing red, spitting mad. So, I…well, fuck, I said something I really didn’t mean. It went too far and I regretted it the moment it came out of my mouth. I tried…I tried to tell him that. But he wouldn’t listen. Not that I entirely blame him. So, I told myself, I’d talk to him in the morning before he left. Then everything would be-be good.” 
You didn’t expect to start crying while talking about this—about Eddie, but your cheeks are covered in the wet proof that you did. You’re so flustered that you don’t even register Robin taking your hand in hers. 
“Let it out,” she reassures you. “You never told Eddie about any of this?”
You shake your head. “Everyone kept saying how happy I made him. I didn’t wanna be the reason why he’s sad.”
“I don’t think he would’ve been sad,” Nancy tells you. “Concerned, yes. But, I also understand you wanting to shield him from that.” 
“He misses you. It’s plain as day,” Robin says, and her words make you start crying even harder. She scoots her chair closer to you so that she can rub your shoulder consolingly. “It’s going to be okay. And I’m not the type of person who is just going to say that to make you feel better. Actually, I tend to say the wrong thing when I’m trying to make someone feel better. But I genuinely believe this is just a misunderstanding you guys are gonna get through.”
“Yeah, if he ever talks to me again,” you say with a sniffle. 
“He will,” Nancy says and she sounds resolutely sure in her answer. 
Robin and Nancy stay for a little over an hour, talking about people that you don’t know and places that you haven’t been, but you somehow still feel part of the whole conversation with them. It might be the medicine coursing its way through your body, but you feel a little emotional being in a group of girls like this. You hadn’t made a solid group of girl friends away at college, so you’ve been missing this kind of connection. 
Once Robin and Nancy leave, they’re not out the door for thirty seconds before Max pounces.
“You love him.”
“What?” You’re so taken aback by her statement that you can’t come up with anything else to say. No point in asking who she’s talking about, since the only guy you knew in their whole conversation was Eddie—and Steve and Dustin a little. But you’d never even thought those words to yourself about Eddie before. Obviously, you found him attractive. Very attractive. And he’s so kind and funny. It’s addictive spending time with him; you always want more. Your stomach flip flops as you come to the realization. 
Holy shit. Max is right. 
“I know I’m right,” Max says.
Color draining from your face, you turn in her direction. “What?”
She chuckles and shrugs her shoulders. “Knew you were thinking about how right I am. I’m right about most things. Just ask my boyfriend.” 
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A frantic knock on the door has Eddie hoisting himself up from where he’s slumped down on Gareth’s couch, which is now his makeshift bed. Since he’d been discharged from the hospital, he and Wayne have been crashing there. It’s a nice place; much fancier than the trailer, but it’s not his home. The steaming cup of cocoa that Gareth’s mom made for him reminds him of the shelf of mugs in his own home, now utterly destroyed. 
Bet Sunshine could make tonight better, he thinks glumly. She made everything better. The knocking gets louder, snapping him from his pity party. “Coming, coming!” Eddie grumbles, tossing aside the quilt and padding towards the door. 
He’s nearly bowled over by Robin and Nancy, who eagerly push their way into the living room. “Um, come on in, I guess?”
“Cool, thanks,” Robin says, plopping down in an armchair. “We need to talk to you, like, now.”
Nancy rolls her eyes. “Jesus, Robs. You make it sound like an emergency.”
“It is an emergency,” Robin protests. “A love emergency!”
“Lucy, Ethel!” Eddie interrupts. “Can you get to the point, please?”
Nancy grins as she delivers the news. “We saw Sunshine today,” she says, watching as Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise. “Max is her new roommate.”
“She misses you, and she is so, so sorry,” Robin jumps in. “She told us that she was going to talk to you the morning after your argument, but you’d already left.” She frowns. “Did you really leave without saying goodbye?”
Eddie buries his face in his hands. “I fucked up. Bad.” He stands up, pacing the room. “But so did she! She—she threw the murder charges in my face! Like it was nothing.”
“She knows,” Nancy says. “And she feels awful about it.”
“And she lied to me,” Eddie adds. “I mean, Buckley, you were there when Harrington said there was a spark. How could there be a spark if she’d just been lying to me?”
Robin breathes out, sharing a knowing look with Nancy. “Eddie,” she starts, “she felt a lot of pressure to keep up this happy, optimistic façade for you. She thought that if she told you what was going on, you’d worry about her.”
Eddie barks out an incredulous laugh. “Of course I’d worry about her! When the people you lo—care about are going through shit, you worry about them!”
“Well, did you tell her about the Upside Down?” Nancy presses, leaning her chin on her palm. 
“And why not?”
“Because it’s crazy, and unbelievable, and pretty fuckin’ scary!”
“Yeah, well, the stuff she’s going through is pretty fuckin’ scary for her, too,” Robin explains. “And just like you wanted to protect her, she wanted to protect you.”
“Jesus.” Eddie breathes out a long sigh. “What can I—how can I fix this?” A misty film coats his eyes. “I never meant to make her feel like she couldn’t talk to me about her problems.”
Nancy puts a polished hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I think you should be telling her this,” she says kindly. “Maybe bring her some flowers?”
Eddie perks up a bit at the thought. “Yeah! Yeah, I can do that. Maybe I can go next week, when I’m cleared for longer car rides.” The trip home from the hospital was painful enough; each bump in the road sent shockwaves through his scars. 
Robin smiles. “I think she’ll love that.”
“Never thought I’d be taking love life advice from Lady Wheeler and Video Girl,” he muses. 
Robin shrugs, clearly not offended. “Better than from Steve,” she says simply. 
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It’s only been about two weeks since Eddie’s been in these halls, but being able to walk them of his own free will and knowing he can turn around and leave at any time he likes certainly makes it better. Making the familiar walk to his old room, Eddie wrinkles his nose at the scent of antiseptic and whatever disinfectant they use to clean the floors. How did he ever sleep in this place? Bells and alarms are going off every other minute. Eddie feels like he’s going crazy and he’s only been in the hospital for three minutes.
Small bouquet of Sunflowers in his hand, Eddie takes the elevator to the correct floor, then turns right down two hallways, and he’s finally at the room. Before raising his fist to knock, Eddie takes a deep breath to compose himself. He wasn’t sure how he’d be feeling seeing his Sunshine again after their fight, but the correct answer to that would be anxious. He gently knocks on the door frame and pokes his head into the room.
“Who is it?” Max asks, talking to you, Eddie presumes. Or maybe to him, wanting him to announce himself. 
“It’s, uh, me,” Eddie says, taking a step into the room. “Um, Eddie.” He glances over at your bed, hoping one quick look would steel his nerves to look at you head on. But he does a double take when you’re not in the bed. 
“Hey, Eddie,” Max says. She breaks him out of his confused haze and he steps around the curtain to see her. Considering all that the girl had gone through, she doesn’t look too bad. Casts are still covering the multiple bones that had been broken, but her unseeing eyes were by far the most unsettling. It caused a pit in Eddie’s stomach to know all that she had endured and all she had tried to shield her friends from had landed her here like this. 
“How’re you feeling, Red?” Eddie takes a seat next to her bed, your flowers still clutched in his grip.
“So bored,” she says with a sigh. “There’s shit to do around here. I have to listen to everything. Can’t watch anything, obviously. Can’t touch anything ‘cause of these damn broken arms. Only other senses I get to use are my sense of smell to inhale the lovely aroma of body odor and hospital chemicals, and my sense of taste when I have to literally be spoon fed because my body doesn’t work.”
“Jesus,” Eddie says. “I’m thinking I’m lucky now that all I have are some chunks of skin missing from my one man show for some fucked up demonic bats.”
“I’m sorry,” Max says with a sigh. “I didn’t mean to unload on you like that. Just been stuck in my head today.” 
“No, no, I get it. But, uh…couldn’t you have talked to… I mean, where is, um,” Eddie stutters out.
“Your Sunshine?” Max asks, a mocking cheesy smile on her face. “Came to see your girl?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says with a sigh. A faint blush comes to his cheeks at Max referring to you in that way. “Where is she?”
“Her second surgery is today,” Max tells him. “They came and took her early this morning and I’m not sure when she’ll be back because they’ll take her to recovery first.” 
Eddie’s grip tightens on the flowers in his hands and he makes a conscious effort to take it easy so the stems aren’t snapped off when you get to see them. There’s a queasiness in his stomach as he thinks about you being in surgery right now. Unconscious, doctors working on you, scalpels cutting open portions of your skin. It gives him a full body chill. 
“Her mom is here somewhere. In the surgery center’s waiting room, I’d guess,” Max tells him.
“Oh,” Eddie says, suddenly becoming fidgety in his seat. He wants to go out there and find your mom, who will hopefully have an update on you. But he doesn’t want to leave Max all alone again. 
“Go,” Max says, as if reading his mind. “Just make sure you switch the television to something else before you leave. If I hear the news cycle one more time I’m going to claw my way out of these casts just so I can turn the channel myself.”
Eddie stands and flips through the channels until he settles on Wheel of Fortune. “How’s that?”
“Kinda hard to play along without seeing the puzzle, but whatever, it’s better than the news. Oh, uh, Eddie? Before you go, can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” he says, slipping his free hand into the pocket of his jeans. 
“No one will give me a straight answer. Maybe they don’t know or just don’t want to tell me, but I know you’ll have seen it. Is my home okay? I know my mom’s still staying there, but I want to know she’s safe.”
Eddie frowns and takes a few steps forward to gently place his hand on your shoulder. “Your trailer looks fine. Or, well, I guess I should say it looks the same. None of the trailers in Forest Hills have ever looked ‘fine.’ But yeah, your mom is safe there. No damage or anything like that.”
“Thank you,” Max says, releasing a sigh that’s probably weighed heavily on her for a while. 
“Sure thing. Hey, I brought some flowers. I’m gonna put them on Sunshine’s bedside table, okay?” He takes one of the sunflowers out of the bunch and snaps off the branch so he can stick it into one of Max’s twin braids. “Now you look like a real flower child.”
“Can’t hold my fingers up in a peace sign, but okay. Yeah, I’ll tell her the flowers are from you if she comes back in here after you’ve left. Glad to know there’s actually flowers in here though, because I smelled them and thought it was some new cleaning product they were trying.” 
“Thanks, Red. I’ll see you soon, yeah?” Eddie asks as he sets your flowers down.
“Wish I could say the same,” Max says and Eddie winces at his phrasing. “I’m messing around. Go find your Sunshine, lover boy.”
“Ugh, don’t call me that,” Eddie whines.
“Fine. Romeo? Lovebug? Casanova?”
“Jesus, just call me Eddie,” he says with an eye roll. He shouts a goodbye over his shoulder as he heads out of the room. 
Eddie makes his way to the waiting room, rubber soles of his worn Keds squeaking on the linoleum floor. He recognizes your mom from their brief encounter the day before he left, and he gives her a tight grin. 
“Um, hi,” he says. She gives him a confused look, and he realizes how different he must look, freshly shaved and in his normal clothes. “I’m Eddie. Sunshine’s old roommate? And, uh, the one who called her Sunshine, I guess.” He ducks his head bashfully. 
Your mom’s expression softens as she recognizes the boy. “Of course! Sorry, it feels like my head is spinning, waiting for the doctor to come out with an update.”
“How long has it been?” Eddie asks, taking a seat next to her. 
“Too damn long,” She chuckles lightly as she glances at her wristwatch, letting out an exasperated sigh. “About four hours now. They said it shouldn’t take too much longer than that…”
As if on cue, Dr. Sanoj hurries into the waiting room, fingers clasped together. A knot forms in Eddie’s stomach; whatever’s going on can’t be good. 
“I have an update on your daughter,” he says to your mom. “We could speak somewhere private, if you’d like.” His gaze briefly shifts to Eddie, who shoves his hands in his pockets shyly. 
But your mom is firm when she shakes her head and says, “no, he can hear this.” 
“Okay,” the doctor begins. “The surgery was successful, and didn’t take too long at all. There are some complications, however; possibly due to having two procedures done so close together.”
“What’s going on?” Eddie interrupts. 
“We’re having some difficulty waking her from the anesthesia, and she’s spiked a small fever,” Dr. Sanoj admits. “There’s no real cause for concern yet. We’re just going to have the nurses continue to take her vitals.”
Eddie feels your mom’s fingernails dig into his wrist, but he doesn’t complain. It feels good, in a way, to know that he can be there for someone in their time of need. “Can we see her?” she asks the doctor. 
He nods. “Yes, of course. You can follow me into the recovery room.” They’re both right on his heels as they make their way down the white corridor. Neither of them say a word, but the fear is palpable. 
“You can go in first,” your mom offers. “I need to make some phone calls to relatives and friends. Just let me know if she wakes up, please.” Her tone is hopeful, but Eddie can still sense the anxiety beneath it. 
Seeing you in such a vulnerable state twists Eddie’s heart. He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he feels the tears on his cheeks. Pulling up a chair to your bedside, he takes your hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it gently. 
“Sunshine, can you hear me? If you can hear me, please wake up.” He leans over, placing the back of his free hand on your forehead. “Shit, you’re burnin’ up. Small fever, my ass,” he grumbles. He’s always been suspicious of doctors, and he doesn’t trust that this isn’t more serious than the surgeon let on. 
“Listen, Sunshine,” he starts. He’s not sure if you can even hear him, but it’s worth a shot. “I’m really sorry that I made you feel like you had to pretend to be happy all the time. That’s never what I wanted. I guess…I guess I figured you’d tell me if something was wrong. Sounds kinda dumb now that I’m saying it out loud.” He gives a small laugh. “And when I found out that you’d been keeping your surgeries a secret, I thought it was just you pushin’ me away. But now I know it’s because you were just tryin’ to protect me.
“And, look, I get it if you don’t want anything to do with me anymore. I’m loud, and impulsive, and I couldn’t pass geometry if my life depended on it. I have no idea what I’m doing after high school, and I wish I could blame the earthquake for that, but it’s all me. Also, in the spirit of honesty or whatever, remind me to tell you the truth about that earthquake thing,” he adds, bringing his thumbnail to his mouth and chewing on it anxiously. 
“Sunshine, you’re, like, this beautiful ballerina with these big plans and a heart of fuckin’ gold. And if–when–you wake up, if you decide to never speak to me again, I’ll understand. I mean, I’ll be devastated because, y’know, you’re kinda my favorite person in the whole world, but I’ll get out of your way. But, please, please wake up. I can’t have you dying before you even get a chance to live out your dreams.”
Eddie stops, cocking his head slightly to watch your chest move up and down with each shallow breath. You start to sputter, and his heart lurches at the prospect of you hearing his words and waking up to them.
But the sputtering gets more violent, and one of the many machines connected to you starts to beep loudly. A swarm of nurses infiltrates the room, nudging Eddie out of the way.
“We need all visitors to leave,” one of them tells him, even though he’s clearly the only other person there.
“Is she gonna be okay?” Eddie calls out as he’s being guided out of the door. “Is something wrong?” He watches as they pull out a defibrillator, attaching the adhesives to your chest before starting it up. He wants to stay and be there for you, even if you aren’t aware of it, but the door is closed behind him.
“You can pull through, Sunshine,” he whispers. “You’ve gotta pull through.” Not many sounds reach him on the other side of the door, and Eddie isn’t sure how he feels about that as he paces back and forth. He’s hardly keeping together when he hears footsteps coming down the hall. 
He lifts his head to see your mom walking towards him, a confused frown pinched on her face as she approaches. It’s the sight of her that has the impending tears welling up in his eyes. 
“Eddie, what’s going on? Why’s the door closed?”
Wringing his hands in front of him, Eddie halts his pacing. His mouth opens but nothing comes out. The longer his silence drags on, the more concerned your mother looks. 
“I’m not sure, really,” Eddie says. “I was in there with her then machines started beeping and they kicked me out. They brought some other machine over to her but then I couldn’t see anymore because they closed the door.”
“W-What?” Your mom looks around, seeing if there are any doctors or nurses around that can explain what’s happening to you. She almost bangs on the door but she doesn’t want to interrupt whatever they’re doing in there to help you. “What’s happening to my baby girl?”
Eddie’s eyes were misting over before, but at the heartbreaking tone of your mom, tears start to trickle down his face. He doesn’t know what to do or say. What would you do in this situation? Taking a wild guess, Eddie opens his arms to your mom, who instantly takes him up on the hug. Her head rests on his shoulder and it’s not long before he can feel her tears soaking into his shirt.  “She’ll be okay,” Eddie says. “She has to be.”
taglist: @thebrookemunson, @mystars123, @h-ness1944, @hazydespair, @ajkamins, @aysheashea, @jasminelafleur, @brittney69, @arsonfrogger, @brassreign, @lunarzstarz, @aftermidnightwriting, @justtryingtobecreative, @micheledawn1975, @kailynn-exe @afunkyfreshblog @fangirling-4-ever @crimsonsabbath @babyexpertlampskeleton @whenshelanded @ches-86 @acmbooksfilmtelevisionandreads
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Isle Kids being off putting or just plain off;
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Based on a dc bat family post I can't find.
Jay, Jade, Hermie Bing, and Yzla bending in ways that shouldn't be possible.
Carlos having a way with machines and animals that goes beyond what even his similar minded relatives can understand even from a young age.
Diego, despite being perceived as the 'normal' de Vil cousin, giving off a sense of danger when he smiles at Auradon adults who haven't earned his trust. His song and personality drawing people in like a siren call.
Reza knowing things no human should and having no light behind his eyes.
Evie and Uma having strangely enchanting personalities that draw almost everybody in.
Claudine Frollo, Eddie Balthazar, and Hunter de Vil being so quiet that people often forget they're there.
Harry coming off as unhinged in one minute and a completely normal dude the next.
Cj Hook and Ivy de Vil setting things like water on fire.
Lefou Deux creating toys after just looking at them. Having no idea what goes into them and just making them work somehow.
Hadie talking to what other people can't see even at eight years old.
Red screaming 'off with your head' when angry and seeing nothing wrong with it.
The LeGume brothers being inhumanely strong.
Ginny looking somewhat younger than she is as she ages.
Harry Badun never looking in the mirror.
Zevon being able to make potions out of nothing.
The Stabbington cousins being weirdly in sync to a point where it can't be a gag.
The Smee Twins knowing where the other is and if they're in pain when it should be impossible.
Celia and Freddie being able to convince people of things without much effort.
Dizzy being unnaturally cheerful.
Mad Maddy being strangely attached to dolls and talking to them.
Sammy Smee, Harriet Hook, Anthony Tremaine, and Jace Badun seeing something absolutely wild happen and not even batting an eye at it.
Rick Ratcliffe casually saving someone from drowning before continuing what he was doing without reacting to it.
Clay Clayton not staying down for the count when hurt and finding it fun.
The number of Tremaines and Madam Mim's grandchildren being untrackable because people just keep popping up.
The total number of isle kids being unknown as more and more keep popping up and keep disappearing.
Uma's crew (Jonas, Bonny, Desiree, Gonzo, etc) knowing where she is and believing in her without question when off the isle.
Just. Every single isle kid being strange in some way that anyone from off the isle (and even the isle parents in the early years) find off putting.
And no one knowing why or how.
The isle kids not even knowing they're off putting over half the time.
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too-much-otome · 5 months
Mammon Playlist
These can be for the original game or NB. most of them fit for both. I've had the playlists for a while but recently refined them. I hope you like them!
Explanations (Excluding Character Songs):
They Call Me Tiago (Her Name is Margo) - Tiagz
Not exactly a song about him but something I think he'd listen to and I think it fits his vibe. I just really think it fits him.
Go Hard (La.La.La.) - Kreayshawn
A bit unhinged and chaotic which always reminds me of Mammon. Also love that the first line is "I don't have any money..." Big Mammon energy. This poor bitch is always in debt.
Oh Yes (Rockin' With The Best) - Laidback Luke, Keanu Silva
Not only does it give off his kinda vibes but he's also very full of himself. I mean we're talking about "The Great Mammon!" He only comes in second to Asmo.
Jerk It Out - Caesars
Another one based on vibes. The instruments and vocals just give me something I feel he'd like!
Mine - Bazzi
This is 100% how he thinks of MC. That boy is just absolutely smitten with them! He adores them! He might be a bit selfish, careless, and let's be honest stupid but he always does his best when it comes to MC. He's always genuine and open with them! I just love him!
24k Magic - Bruno Mars
We all know if Mammon knew how to budget he'd be living a lavish lifestyle! He loves having nice things! Plus, some of you forget this but I didn't, one of the powers Mammon has is that If he likes someone they're bound to come into money and usually prosper wealth wise.
Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Party boy. Loves a good time and letting loose.
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Wants nice things and who can blame him. It's not exactly his style music wise but the lyrics definitely remind me of him.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
I mean it's literally canon that MC can say one word and Mammon just falls in line. Even Lucifer struggles with that sometimes. He'd do literally anything MC asks.
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Oh, this is so him! He's so the type to do the cliche throwing rocks at his partners window then asking them to sneak out for a late night impromptu date. Hes also just so stubborn and honestly, we love it. I just feel like this is very much what he'd be like in a relationship.
Hard Times - Paramore
This man is always in the red. He is struggling financially and his brothers constantly belittle him, this man is just living in a constant state of hard times. My fav may not be Mammon but the day I don't immediately jump to his defense in a cold day in the devildom.
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Once again, this man is smitten! He just loves MC so much and it's so sweet I'm gonna cry-
First Date - blink-182
As much as he likes to show off and brag and act cool he is always a bit nervous around MC. He wants to impress them and look cool but he can't help but blush and stutter when they flirt back. It's adorable.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
I truly believe that in a relationship Mammon would put MC over everything. I know it's a stretch...but I think even Goldie would come second! WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME IM RIGHT!!
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Jealousy. That's it. We all know Mammon is extremely protective and jealous when it comes to MC. It makes sense for the Avatar of Greed. But I also think the lyrics can apply to how Mammon might feel watching MC with his brothers. Because even if you don't necessarily want to romance Mammon he is still clearly pinning after MC.
Chaotic and unhinged. What more do you need?
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h0tch-r0cket · 1 year
Little Bird
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Summary: Aaron prepares himself for one of the biggest days of his life…and your daughter’s.
Pairing: retired hotch x fem! reader (in the future…like we’re talking almost 30 years of marriage here)
Word Count: 3.1K
Contains: established marriage, preparation for a wedding, sappy moments, kissing, parental advice
a/n: this has been in my head since i heard the new song from the jonas brothers (yes, yet another fic inspired by them)…i also haven’t written in a while and i missed it a bit so here’s a little something for y’all…lyrics are dispersed throughout the fic and are formatted differently to make it easier to read and in somewhat chronological order of the song and just in case y’all wanted to listen to it while you read, here you go!
Came in the world, my baby girl…beautiful angel.
Aaron had been both dreading and waiting for this moment ever since he held your daughter, Samantha, in his arms after you had given birth. This day came faster than he could have ever imagined.
Samantha’s wedding day.
As he stood in your shared dressing room, adjusting his tie and running his fingers through his slightly graying hair, his mind flashed back to where it all had begun. He could remember the day that Samantha was born so clearly. The nerves, the anticipation, the joy that your daughter brought the two of you simply just by making it into the world safe and sound. Aaron had forgotten how precious and fragile new life was since Jack was 6 years old when the two of you had had Samantha. It had been a while since that feeling of new, beautiful life had been in your lives but he was more ready than he ever felt before.
Oh, I could cry, got your mothers kind eyes
Tryna stop time, no, I could never ask for more
Samantha was so small, so fragile. Aaron remembered rocking her in his arms, whispering how beautiful she was and how she looked just like her mother. He saw you in her eyes and hair coloring. You told Aaron she had his dimples and he remembered grinning so big that his own dimples made an appearance. His heart overflowed with love for his daughter and there was no other feeling in the world that could ever replace the pride he felt when he held her, something that the two of you had brought to the world together. From the moment he laid eyes on your daughter, he knew that there was nothing in the world that he wouldn’t have tried his hardest to protect her from. The same promise he made to himself when he first laid eyes on Jack.
Even now, twenty four years later from when she was born, he knows that that vow will remain for both of his children until his very last day.
What he also knows is that he wouldn’t have been able to do any of it without you by his side. Which is why the corners of his lips turned up into a small smile as he watched you in the reflection of the mirror preparing yourself for the wedding ceremony across the room. Beautiful as ever, he thought to himself.
He would never cease to be amazed every time you got dressed up. You’d always steal the breath from his lungs and today was no different. He watches you put on the last bits of your makeup while adjusting his cufflinks.
Feeling eyes on you, you glance up and your gazes connect through the mirror. “I see you staring,” you chuckle.
“I’m always looking at you. Always have, always will,” he says, as if there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing. He turns from the mirror, feeling satisfied with his final touches and makes his way over to you. He slides his arms around your waist from behind where you are standing, dropping a kiss on your cheek.
“Don’t you get tired from being so dreamy all the time?” you ask, leaning back against him slightly.
“Me? Dreamy? I think you have me mixed up with someone else,” he teases as he splays his hands over your hips.
“Right. Maybe it’s my other husband that I’ve been with for about the same time I’ve been with you,” you joke right back, trying to put on the last bits of your mascara.
“You mean…there’s another?” Aaron feigns shock, letting out an exaggerated gasp. “And to think, I’ve been keeping your bed warm for almost 27 years.”
27 years, you think to yourself. 27 years of an endless love. 27 years of being with your best friend. You never would have thought that from when you first met Aaron, but the sparks flew the more you spent time with one another.
It started as simple glances, noticing the things that made him tick. The way he’d rub his fingers together when he was thinking about the situation you had found yourselves in. The way he would quirk up one side of his mouth when someone said something inappropriate but he did not want to fully laugh at what was said. Eventually, it turned into knowing each other's takeout orders, coming up with jokes that only the two of you knew, and spending nights curled up on each other's couches getting to know everything about one another.
You couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else. Aaron complimented your strengths and was your rock. There was nothing you couldn’t do without him by your side.
Which was why when you let out a shaky breath, he tightened his grip on you and pressed his lips gently to your temple.
“Feeling okay?” he whispered. He knew that today was an emotional day for all of you and he was doing his best to keep himself together. Quite frankly, he wasn’t sure how he wasn’t full on crying yet even just thinking about walking Samantha down the aisle.
You nodded, placing your hands on top of his and giving them a small squeeze. “I just can’t believe she’s already at this point in her life. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital and she was just starting school and now….” Your voice trailed off, ending with a small sniffle.
Aaron kissed your temple again before pressing his cheek against yours. “I know, baby. Trust me, this isn’t easy for me either,” he laughed lightly. “But he’s a good man. I wouldn’t want her with anyone else.”
You nodded and patted his hands before stepping out of his embrace and reaching for a tissue. You dabbed your eyes gently, looking at Aaron as he smiled softly at you. “How are you holding it together right now? This is your baby girl in case you forgot. The one that you dressed up with for Halloween. The one that would walk all over your back when she was younger. Not one tear from you today?” you teased.
Aaron swiped quickly under his eyes, trying to get the tears to stop rimming them. “I may or may not have had a moment earlier when I caught a peek of her getting ready,” he laughed.
It was true though. He had happened to walk past the room where Samantha was getting ready and he stuck his head in to see if she needed anything. When he saw her getting her hair and makeup done, it felt like something out of a movie scene. She looked absolutely gorgeous and he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that he had tears streaming down his cheeks a bit only from that moment alone. He knew he would be a mess when the time came to actually walk her down the aisle.
Aaron took a peek at his watch and let out a puff of air. “Five minutes until showtime. How do I look?” he asked, holding his arms out for you to inspect him.
You smiled at him, your handsome husband before taking a step forward and adjusting his tie. “Perfect,” you whispered. You placed your hand around his neck gently and brought his face down to yours, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips. Once, twice before stepping back and resting your forehead against his. “I don’t know if this is a bigger day for us or for her,” you laughed.
“Definitely Samantha’s. We had our big moment already. It’s time to send her off on her first big moment on her own before her life is filled with as many, if not more, amazing memories like we’ve had,” Aaron murmured. He kept trying to convince himself that the words he was speaking were true, trying not to think about how some memories that Samantha would now make wouldn’t include the two of you.
But that’s the thing about parenthood, he realized. You do all you can for your children, wanting and wishing for them to have the moon and the stars. Wanting them to have more than you ever did. You raise them, try to help them develop into good people and hope they make the right choices. You sacrifice anything and everything just for the hope that they can find happiness and success in their own lives surrounded by the people that love and cherish them. Only for the cycle to start over when your kids have kids.
Grandkids. Aaron cleared his throat abruptly, not quite ready for that to be on the table just yet. He gave you a brief hug, placing his face in the crook of your neck, taking comfort in you. Comfort in your warmth, your favorite perfume.
A small knock on the door caused the two of you to break apart. The wedding planner poked her head in with a bright smile on her face. “Alright you two. It’s time,” she said. She took a brief look at the clipboard in her hands and smiled at the two of you. “At the bride’s request, she wants both of her parents to walk her down the aisle.”
You squeezed Aaron’s hand gently, nodding at the wedding planner. “We’ll be right down there.” With that, the wedding planner nodded and scurried off back towards where Samantha was finishing getting ready.
You turned to Aaron, feeling your stomach fill with butterflies of excitement. “Did you know she was going to do this? Have the two of us walk her down?” you asked.
A lopsided grin came across his face. He shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be clueless when you could tell he definitely had an inkling that this was going to happen. “I mean, it may have come up briefly in one of our conversations. Cannot confirm nor deny,” he joked.
You playfully hit his chest, feeling your emotions grow even stronger for your husband and the family that the two of you had built together. Aaron held out his arm for you to latch on to, gracefully looping your arm through his as the two of you started to walk to the bridal suite, ready to take on your next adventure in your lives.
The moment that Samantha opened the door to reveal herself all dolled up in her dress, Aaron knew it was a moment he’d never forget. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress, looking close in resemblance to a princess. His little girl was all grown up.
“Samantha,” he said softly. So quietly he wasn’t even sure if Samantha had heard him.
Samantha’s eyes filled with tears. “Hi, Dad.” She held part of her dress in her hands and did a little spin around. “What do you think? Think that Charlie is going to like it?”
You nodded your head slightly, smiling from ear to ear at how gorgeous your daughter looked. She truly grew to be the perfect blend of you and Aaron, having now grown into her dimples. “He’s going to love it,” you assured.
Aaron cleared his throat and adjusted his cufflinks. “Yeah and if he doesn’t, don’t worry. Jack and I will kick his ass,” Aaron teased.
“Dad!” Samantha yelled, laughing at Aaron’s antics. She of course knew that her father was joking and it did help to lighten the emotional mood that everyone seemed to be in.
Darlin', there's a train comin' in your life that you gotta catch
Small hands, wrapped around my finger, wrapped around my finger
Aaron watched as Samantha grabbed her bouquet of flowers, a beautiful arrangement consisting of dusty pink roses and peonies. She adjusted her dress and took a deep breath. “I guess it’s now or never,” she said with a smile so bright, Aaron was going to remember it forever.
Samantha stepped in between the two of you, latching her arms around yours and Aarons as the three of you proceeded to walk to the entrance of the church.
You looked through the church doors to see all of your family, along with Charlie’s, waiting for Samantha to make her grand entrance. You watched as Samantha took a deep breath, clearly calming down her nerves before she entered the procession. You shook her gently, trying to get her to relax. “Sweetheart, you look gorgeous. He’s a great man. You’re going to do just fine,” you assured her.
Samantha turned her attention to you and gave you a quick hug. “Thanks, Mom,” she whispered softly. She looped her arms back through yours and Aarons just as the orchestra started playing a soft rendition of the wedding march. “Here we go,” she said to you and Aaron, looking straight down the aisle towards where Charlie waited, already beaming seeing his wife-to-be for the first time in her wedding dress.
With one step in front of the other, the three of you made your way down the aisle, ready to give Samantha’s hand in marriage to Charlie.
Walked down the aisle, breaking my heart
Lay down my pride, I know I gotta let you go
Aaron held his hand tightly over Samantha’s, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of her hand. Memories popped up sporadically through his mind.
Her first words.
Teaching her how to ride her bike.
Seeing her find herself and build friendships.
When she made it onto the softball team.
Watching her graduate high school and then college.
It was too much all at once for him. The emotions that he tried to keep inside finally surfaced, a steady stream of tears rolling down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away with his free hand, trying to compose himself before he handed off your daughter to Charlie.
When you heard his sniffles, you looked over and saw Aaron’s emotions finally coming through. You started to cry softly as well, the momentous occasion getting to you all as you continued to walk arm in arm down the church aisle.
You glanced around the church, seeing family and friends on both sides, and knew that Samantha would be alright. She would be happy and supported and that’s all you and Aaron could have asked for when she finally found her person.
She found a love similar to what you and Aaron had found in each other. Support, warmth, strength.
A home. Aaron was your home and you knew that Charlie would be Samantha’s.
Making it to the end of the aisle, Samantha turned to you and gave you a strong and tight hug. “I love you so much,” she said into your ear. You rubbed her back briefly, giving her a teary eyed smile.
“Thank you for letting me walk you down the aisle today, baby girl,” you murmured.
“You really think I would have done that without you? You and Dad have always shown me what it means to be loved so fully and completely. I wasn’t going to let him have all the fun,” Samantha joked. You watched as she blinked rapidly, trying to not to mess up her makeup.
“Promise me you’ll spend your life strengthening your love and supporting one another, Sammy girl.” You gave her hand a light squeeze and when she nodded, you let it go. “Go get him, baby.” You gave her a small nod in reassurance before finding your seat, leaving Aaron to have his moment with your daughter.
Aaron cleared his throat, trying to get a hold of himself as he listened to the conversation that you just shared with Samantha. He wiped his eyes again, before standing there waiting for her to turn around so that he could say a few more words before the ceremony truly began.
Aaron’s breath got caught in his throat as Samantha turned towards him. If it was even possible, he loved her more than he had the date she was born. He took a step forward and brought his hands up gently to the bottom of her veil. “You ready, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice soft and comforting.
Samantha bit her lip and glanced at the altar where Charlie waited anxiously, wiping away his own tears from the buildup of emotions of the day. Samantha turned her head back towards Aaron and gave him a small nod of her head.
With shaky fingers, Aaron lifted up the veil and smiled, seeing Samantha’s dimples on full display as he gently placed the veil back down on her head. Aaron grabbed her hand that wasn’t holding the bouquet with both of his and gave it a squeeze. “You got yourself a good one there.” Aaron took a step forward and placed his lips next to her ear. “He was crying before he even saw you.”
Samantha chuckled to herself, and it made Aaron happy to see that she wasn’t nervous. She was ready. And from what he could see, Charlie was ready to take on his role as a husband and do whatever it took to ensure Samantha’s happiness.
‘Cause he’s gonna love you when I gotta leave you
Aaron took a small step back and brought Samantha’s hand up to his mouth and placed a small kiss there. “Your mother and I will always be there for you. I hope you know that.”
Samantha threw her arms around Aaron’s neck, squeezing him tight. “I love you, Dad,” she whispered through her shaky voice.
Aaron pressed his lips to her forehead. “To the moon and back,” he replied.
“Always,” Samantha replied, before stepping back from Aaron, ready to start the next chapter of her life knowing that her parents were going to be behind her every step of the way.
Aaron took a seat next to you in the pews and immediately, his hand found yours and he held it in his lap. You turned your attention towards him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. You rested your head on his shoulder as the ceremony began, watching your daughter’s new life unfold right before your very eyes.
Please just keep me in your heart When you fly into somebody else’s arms, little bird
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Vacation Eyes
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: explicit| Warnings / Tags: 4 x 18 Coda, 4 x 18 "in sickness and in health", honeymoon sex, married tarlos, m x m smut, m x m sex, anal sex, anal fingering, ass eating
Summary: TK and Carlos start their honeymoon.
Author's Note: currently my last coda for season 4. i am so proud of myself for writing a coda for every single episode in season 4 - when i decided to write a coda for every single episode i didn't know if i could do it. i thought it was a lot of pressure to put on myself but i got it done and i'm just so happy and proud. i hope that you enjoy this fic!
title from vacation eyes by jonas brothers - i recommend listening to the song as you read this fic!
thank you to @meditating-honey-badger for the beta
and thank you to @kiloskywalker for being the driving force behind most of my season 4 fics this season. our tuesday night scream sessions became one of my favorite parts of watching ls. i adore you so much and am glad we started talking!
this also fills the square for my @911bingo "When I look at you, I see everything I ever wanted."
My other season 4 fics
- I got vacation eyes / And I'm gonna have 'em for the rest of my / Have 'em for the rеst of my life -
When TK wakes up, it’s to the sound of soft waves rolling in the distance, a beautiful melody of them crashing up against the shore as a gentle breeze carries in the smell of the salty ocean. TK smiles, nuzzling his face against his pillow, and stretches out his body, legs lengthening and a satisfied sigh falling from his lips as he feels the soreness of the night before in his bones. He remembers coming in late with Carlos coming in late and throwing their luggage somewhere in the front room as they found their way to each other, hands finding hips, and lips catching joining in a passionate kiss they had been holding back since they boarded the plane. They had stumbled into the bedroom, Carlos flinging the door leading to the balcony - “We’re on our honeymoon, let’s sleep with it open so we can see the scenery” - and then tumbling into bed. Their first time making love as husbands was something else entirely - TK can’t describe how it felt. 
The sunlight streaming through the half-haphazardly closed curtain feels nice and warm on his skin and brings his smile to full force. Beside him, Carlos is sleeping soundly, and TK couldn’t ask for a better morning. They’d had so many mornings where they’d woken up separately or hadn’t even gone to bed, staying up to hold each other through the nights. They’d had such a rough and rocky road to the wedding - a road that TK wasn’t even sure would lead to this moment, but now that they’re here he couldn’t be more grateful. He’s married to Carlos and Carlos is married to him. They can face all of the hurt and pain together as a unit. It’s what they do best - taking care of each other.
TK opens his eyes and rolls over, looking at Carlos’ sleeping form. His face is turned towards his, brow finally smoothed out and lips open slightly. TK chuckles softly - he looks so peaceful in his sleep. It’s a peace that Carlos hasn’t known in a few weeks, and TK wishes that he could bottle it all up and give it to Carlos when he needs it. His husband carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. He reaches over and pushes the blanket down, dancing his fingers over Carlos’ strong shoulders. TK scoots closer, pushing the blanket down further, and presses soft, ghost-like kisses over Carlos’ golden skin that’s even more brilliant and glowing in the morning light.
“Good morning,” Carlos says softly a few minutes later. His voice is rough with sleep - and probably a little rough because of how loud TK made him scream last night. The thought makes TK chuckle.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r @sanjuwrites @alrightbuckaroo @just-inside-her @theghostofashton @basilsunrise @heartstringsduet
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indecentpause · 2 months
Super Rad!: A Playlist for Ezra Yazdi from Sheraton Academy.
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if you weren't here back when I was doing word of the day posts and regular prompt fills, you might not know who this is! they are a character from far in the future when Danny and Akasha have kids. they are the youngest, with older twin siblings.
you don't really need to know anything about them or read any of my old stories, I just love their playlist and I wanted to share it lol
“They’re going to be hellions when they hit secondary school.” “They’re hellions now!” Akasha laughed. “Mum!” Ezra shouted from the living room. Akasha was about to call back when Ezra, Millie, and Lacey Faun all marched into the kitchen with their handmade signs, covered in paint and glue and glitter. This time, they read 7:00 bedtime? No way! Give us 9:00! and Mums and Dads get to go to bed late, why can’t we? Akasha bit her lip to keep from laughing. She didn’t want to encourage disobedience, but at the same time, she didn’t want to discourage them from conversation and letting their needs be known. Even if the earlier bedtime was better for them right now. Josselin put his sponge down on the counter and turned to the kids, stepping up beside Akasha. “Millie,” he signed. “You know we gave you a 7:00 bedtime for a reason. You get to stay up until 8:00 when you don’t have school the next day, right?” Millie wilted a little behind her sign. That was true. “It should be 9:00!” Ezra cried, stepping closer to Millie to offer support. “9:00, like the Mums and Dads!” Mille’s back straightened a little and she nodded. “9:00! 9:00!” Lacey Faun began to chant. Immediately Ezra joined in, and Millie stomped her feet in time. “Okay, that’s enough,” Akasha said. She took a step closer but didn’t try to take their signs. “If you go to bed at 9:00 you’ll be too tired for school in the morning, and you have to go to school.” “Why!?” Lacey Faun demanded. “Because kids need to learn new things every day, so they can be smart and open minded and ready for the world,” Akasha said. Ezra paused. That sounded right, but they didn’t think school really made anyone smart. It was just memorizing stuff for tests, and they said so. Akasha smiled fondly. “I know, love,” she said. “And we’re trying to get you into better classes. But in the meantime, you have to be patient.” “I don’t wanna!” Ezra wailed.
from this short word of the day story
Super Rad!: A Playlist
the narcissist cookbook - gendering teddy // she/her/hers - gender is boring // smash mouth - i just wanna see // mika - lollipop // kate mucci - happy song // the aquabats! - the shark fighter! // bowling for soup - today is gonna be a great day // aurelio voltaire - raised by bats // liam lynch - happy // you suck at cooking - french fries // weird al yankovic - hardware store // kitsch club - 12 foot home depot skeleton // relient k - the pirates who don't do anything // ninja sex party - release the kraken // the offspring feat. redman - original prankster // the aquabats! - super rad! // daniel thrasher - shiny object syndrome // weird al yankovic - i love rocky road // jonas brothers - year 3000 // be your own pet - food fight! // teagan and sara feat. the lonely island - everything is awesome!!! // miss papaya - pink dinosaur // tainted flavor - believe in yourself // jason steele - i am a millipede //pain - jabberjaw running underwater // keyes. - me want bite
listen on spotify
Ezra tag
Sheraton Academy tag
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @theoddcryptid @magic-is-something-we-create @winterandwords
@revenantlore @mr-orion @idreamonpaper @thelaughingstag
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
taking icy’s lead and sending you the playlist thing for rames!
hi hi hi!! so excited to do this~ i was obsessed with your jelisa post and your answers hehe. normally i try to keep my playlists centered around the time the story takes place but if i'm allowed to pick, my taste is a bit more modern-ish lol! i do my best to put the chapter titles as little soundtracks to go along with the story, but that doesn't always work out. most of the time they're just reflecting the chapter content with the title, not the lyrics
opening credits: l.a. baby (where dreams are made of) by the jonas brothers!
perhaps i'm cheating by picking a song that's already an opening credits song, but i think if their life was a TV show/movie this would be so perfect for them!
meeting for the first time: tracks of my tears by smokey robinson and the miracles
not because i think it reflects their situation but because i think roxy remembers this as the song she first heard him sing. their meeting isn't really anything miraculous + not love at first sight, but i think if they were a movie it would be cute if this was playing in the background when they first meet :)
hey, i kinda like you: crush by david archuleta
super super rames; playing on the radio when roxy decides to ask james out as like a little peek into what's running through her mind
i’m going to kiss you now: dig what you dug by wallows
:) love this song its sooo so so rames, but especially right after they kiss for the first time and james tells roxy he loves the way she says his name. that scene was inspired by this song in the first place!!
falling in love: jump than fall by taylor swift
self self-explanatory and chapter title stealing again...
your place or mine: last man in the world by the band camino
naked in bed: hands down by dashboard confessional
my one mistake is using this to title a dak centered chapter... but it is also so very rames
first fight: that's what you get by paramore
cheating again and stealing chapter titles... but i mean come on! that's basically what happens lol
maybe we should take a break: my happy ending by avril lavigne
speaks for itself i think... especially because rox is pretty far gone for him at this point...
i want you back: iris by the goo goo dolls
I KNOW I KNOW but just imagine it's raining and james and roxy are in the street and they're apologizing to each other after their break because they realized it was such a bad idea and that they're better together and they love each other too much to see the other hurt and the instrumental part is playing in the background AHHH
will you marry me: songbird by oasis
not only is this their song (to me...) but everything about it is just so loving and tender and i think it fits this section perfectly. while i don't know if james and roxy are marriage people just yet, i think i could see this being something rox walks down the aisle to or perhaps their first dance song :)
first child: cecilia and the satellite by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
like the last one, i'm not sure if james and roxy are parent material lol and i don't know many songs about children, but this is one of my favorites :) i think if anything james would be a super cute girl dad (as i think all boy band members would be) and i could imagine him writing/singing a similar type of song :)
we’re getting older: 18 by one direction/act my age by one direction
<3 we can forget they're 17 when they start dating okay <3
if you die i’ll go with you: i'll follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
if you've never heard this one you might want to grab some tissues. my hands are shaking as i write this.
end credits: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
im imagining the screen fading to black after their story ends while this plays and seeing the credits roll and GAH IM SUCH A MESS HELP!!!!!! (and now im imagining a howl's moving castle au so someone needs to take google docs far FAR AWAY FR OM ME but they fit those roles so well HELPPP)
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kl125 · 2 years
A little something I put together. I’ve seen way too much negativity directed towards these two teens, so I wanted so spread some positivity.
Happy Valentine’s Day to our little mileven community! 💜
Song: What a Man Gotta Do
Artist: The Jonas Brothers
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snaillamp · 9 months
Beach Day
“Beach, yay, beach, yay, beach!” That was the seventh time Jonas had sung his little song. Enjar chuckled, glancing at Anna, who looked kind of annoyed. “Beach, yay, beach, yay, beach!” The little boy said again. “Jonas, honey, why don’t we come up with a different song now, huh?” Jonas looked offended, “But mammaaaa, I like this one! We’re going to the beach!” He wiggled in his seat, excitedly as they neared the final stretch of the road. “Hey, Jonas. Look at this.” Enjar glanced around, grinning, before speeding over the bumpy dirt road. Jonas squealed in delight as the bumps made the entire car vibrate violently. Anna gripped the door beside her, glaring at her brother who cackled evilly.
The car pulled up to a clearing, everyone getting out. Anna grabbed her stuff from the back of the Land Cruiser and joining Enjar, who was wrangling the child. Jonas was screaming with excitement, eyes lit up with joy and life. Enjar felt warm inside looking at the boy as he put him down, watching him run off like a windup toy the second his feet touched the ground. “Mama, beach, beach, beach! We’re at the beach!” Anna smiled as she shouldered her bag, Jonas grabbing her hand and dragging her in the direction of the stairs leading to the sand. “Come ooooon.” He groaned, grunting as he pulled on her arm. Enjar laughed, sliding his surfboard off the top of the car. “Come on, you’re both so slooooooow” Jonas whined. Enjar laughed again, walking towards the stairs. “Okay, Jonas. Let’s go.”
They walked down the many steps to the beach, Jonas speeding off into the sand and screaming with happiness, his bright red swimsuit soon a spec as they looked at him run. Anna sighed, a mix of tired, exasperated and loving. “I love him, but God… I need a break.” Enjar grinned. “Let me take care of him, you go… sunbathe or whatever.” Anna playfully punched his arm, before rolling her eyes and walking off, sunbathing actually sounded like a good idea.
Enjar walked over to Jonas, who was squatting down on the sand, looking at something, enthralled. “What did you find?” Enjar asked, looking down at the spot. “Crab.” Jonas pointed at the small crab, scuttling away from them. “Wow, look at him go!” Enjar remarked as the crab disappeared into the waves. Jonas giggled, watching the crab disappear into the waves. “Wanna go swim?” Enjar looked down at Jonas, who suddenly grew concerned, shaking his head. “What’s wrong? You’ve wanted to go swimming all morning.” Glancing out at the rippling waves, and humming. “Ahhh, I see. Scarier up close huh?” Jonas nodded again, taking Enjar’s hand in his own. Enjar zipped up his wetsuit properly, placing his board on the sand and tying back his hair, before grabbing the boy’s hand again. “How about we just take a little step in?”
Jonas stood glued to the ground, eyeing the waves nervously. “Just one step, so the waves touch your feet.” Enjar encouraged, watching Jonas think it over seriously. After a few seconds of thinking, Enjar and Jonas took a step together, into the water. Slowly, step by step, they ended up knee deep in the waves, at least by Jonas’ perspective, and he had had enough. “No more!” He cried out, looking at the waves curl over and crash towards him. He grabbed onto Enjar’s waist, hugging it close. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” Enjar picked up Jonas, carrying him into waist deep water and then squatting so that their shoulders were just peeking out of the water. He felt Jonas’ unsure feet rest on his thighs, toes crunched up as he tensed up in fear.
Jonas looked nervous, clinging to Enjar’s chest. “It’s too deep!” He cried out, looking at Enjar with wide, scared eyes, his breaths quickening in panic. “Hey, hey…” Enjar murmured, soothing the boy. “I’ve got you. Nothing’s gonna happen.” He held Jonas close, letting him float in the water, feeling the rapidly beating heart inside his nephew begin to slow as he rubbed the boy’s back. “See? You’re fine.” He smiled at Jonas who giggled, kicking his feet a little. Slowly inching further out, half of Enjar’s chest was now submerged, and they began to jump in the slowly rising waves.
Jonas soon forgot his fear, squealing and kicking as they jumped the waves together. As a slightly bigger one began to rear up from the water, Enjar was forced to turn away and take the brunt of the hit, shielding his nephew. He grunted as the water hit him hard in the back, making Jonas laugh. They continued to play, swimming closer and closer to shore, until Jonas wiggled out from Enjar’s grip, swimming his own way back to land. The lighthouse keeper watched him carefully, making sure he got back to the sand safely, before taking the opportunity to grab his board.
Jonas watched him curiously as Enjar began to paddle out. The waves weren’t great today, but decent enough for him to maybe catch a couple. Once he was out far enough, he waved at Jonas, who waved back, waiting with anticipation. Enjar watched the waves, looking for his opening, finding it and taking off, managing to ride the wave for a good amount of time, before he fell off into the sea. He could hear Jonas laughing from the shore as he paddled back in, walking over to the boy and grinning. “That was so cool!” Jonas looked up at Enjar in awe. “Wanna try?” Enjar asked, looking at him with a glint in his eye.
Jonas jumped up and down, nodding. Enjar glanced over at Anna, asleep in the sand, the books she had been reading collapsed against her chest. Enjar nodded, putting the board in the water and setting Jonas on it, walking him out into waist deep water. Jonas gripped each side of the board, “It’s wobbly.” He pointed out. Enjar nodded, “I know. Just relax your body and it won’t wobble as much. I’ve got you.”
He took Jonas through the motions, teaching him all the basics of surfing, before finally letting him stand on the board. He gave it a little push, letting it drift in the gentle waves. Jonas, as Enjar expected, drifted for a little bit and then fell off. He stuck his head out of the water, coughing a little and rubbing his stinging eyes. “You okay?” Enjar asked, hoisting him onto the board to sit, his voice tinged with concern. Jonas nodded, wiping his eyes and smiling. “That’s so fun! Can we do it again?” Enjar nodded, repeating the process a few times, until Jonas slid off the board and into the water. “I’m tired, Uncle Enjar. Can we go back to mummy?” Enjar nodded, pulling the board closer to his body and made his way through the water, back to shore.
Jonas had already woken Anna up, excitedly jumping up and down and telling her all about his surfing lesson. Anna smiled tiredly, “That’s amazing, sweetheart. You’ll have to show me some more later.”
Jonas grinned, the same way Enjar did, and it struck her how similar he was to his uncle, that same wicked grin, same mischievous gleam in his eye. Anna pulled her son into a hug, kissing his forehead. “I love you Jonas.” Jonas nodded, kissing her forehead back. “I love you too Mummy.” He glanced at Enjar, who had just sat down next to Anna. The small boy walked over to his uncle, leaning forward and kissing him on the forehead too. “And I love you, Uncle Enjar.” Enjar smiled softly, pulling his nephew close and ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek. “I love you too, Jonas.”
Anna had pulled out some plastic containers, full of fruits, cheese, sandwiches and cake. Anna served her son some of the food, tucking the cake container away from sight whilst he ate the other food. Enjar picked at the fruit too, until Anna sighed, handing him a lid as a plate. “Use that.” She rolled her eyes, looking at Enjar grin. It really was like Jonas’, however his was a slightly wonkier smile, the scar on the left side of his face preventing him from pulling his lips in that direction as much. She liked it though, even though the scar didn’t affect his smile too much, the slightly lopsided smile was endearing, and it was still the same wicked smile he’d had his whole life, now just with a little extra flare.
It was funny, she couldn’t even remember what his smile was like before, his face, his arms… It was like he’d always been this way. But she wouldn’t change her brother for the world. Watching him play with her son, smiling and laughing, happy and alive was all she could ask for. The scars had changed him… but deep down, she had grown to love them. They made Enjar who he was, in a way. Not that she had wanted him to be so badly injured in the first place, but a tiny part of her was glad they had forced him to retire, to change careers and live in the lighthouse. He was safe now, alive, able to watch his nephew grow up… The job that gave him his scars, it had nearly killed him, and Anna had a feeling that if he’d continued, it would’ve. But he didn’t, and now Jonas could have a positive role model, a father figure in his life. Someone to step up to the plate, where her ex-husband, Jonas’ father had failed, and Enjar had done just that. He and Jonas had a special connection, and she knew Jonas thought the world of Enjar, and that Enjar would give Jonas the world if he could.
Returning her thoughts the food, Anna watched as Jonas and Enjar played with the food, having a sword fight with carrot sticks. Her son had nearly finished his food. “Jonas, when you’re finished, I have cake.” Jonas stopped, looking at his mother with glee. He shoved the rest of his food in his mouth and crunched fast, swallowing and reaching out his hand. “I’m finished!” Enjar chuckled, finishing his food too, both of them looking expectantly at Anna. She laughed, taking a slow bite of an apple slice. “You two can wait until I finish then.” She began to eat her food in slow motion, Jonas groaning in annoyance. “Mamaaaaaaa.” He whined. “You said I could have cake when I finished my food. Not your food!” He crossed his arms indignantly, looking very cross for a 5 year old.
Anna rolled her eyes, “Okay… I guess I can give you yours.” She handed her boys a slice of cake each, and watched them as they bit into them with glee. Enjar’s eyes widened. “Damn, this is good! You made this?” Anna nodded, watching as her brother wolfed down the food. “Yeah, chocolate pumpkin cake. It’s become a favourite of Jonas’. It’s the only way I can get him to eat pumpkin.” Jonas nodded with glee, already licking the chocolate icing off his tiny fingers, smears of it stretched over his chin. Anna reached into her bag, pulling out a cloth and wiping his hand down, before grabbing her own slice of cake and eating it. “Uncle Enjar, can we go and surf again? I wanna show Mama!” Enjar nodded, easing out of the sand and dusting off his legs. “Sure, let’s go!” Grabbing his board, he raced his nephew to the water, Anna watching carefully as her brother gently guided her son to stand on the massive board. It made him look so small, as he balanced with his arms stretched wide.
Enjar gave it a little push, letting the waves carry it as Jonas balanced carefully. Then, it tilted, and Jonas crashed into the water. Anna cheered from the shore as Jonas’ head popped up to the surface and he waved, coming ashore and running up to her, panting from the effort. His big blue eyes were gleaming as he swelled with pride. “Did you see me surf, mummy?” Anna nodded, “You did so well, my darling.” Seeing movement over Jonas’ shoulder she gasped. “Look!” Pointing out into the sea, they watched as Enjar readied himself to ride a wave.
Watching Jonas go back to shore, Enjar decided to see if he could catch some waves a little further out. He began to paddle, watching the water as he got further and further out. Finally, he turned, gaining momentum as he felt the rush of adrenaline flow through him, the wave catching his board and propelling him over the water. He felt the thrill of the ride as he moved, eventually turning the board toward shore and drifting back. When he was almost there, he leaned over, collapsing into the water with a splash, his feet digging into the sand and pushing him forwards. When he got to shore, his nephew was gazing at him with a new found awe. “That was so cool!” The young boy exclaimed, “You were going so fast and then you changed and then you came back to us and-and… wow…” He breathed.
“Pretty cool huh?” Enjar panted, smiling down at Jonas. “Yeah….” Jonas looked Enjar up and down, taking in his body in a new light. It amazed the young boy that his uncle could do that, moving his body to control the board like that… He wanted to be just like him when he grew up. “I wanna swim more.” He looked at his mother, hoping she would come with them. “Do you want me to come too?” She asked, shutting her book and standing up. “Why not?”
All three of them approached the ocean, the waves now a little bigger. Jonas waded in first, followed by his uncle and finally Anna. She shrieked, tensing up, causing Enjar to whirl around, slightly worried. “It’s so cold!” She squealed, Enjar wading over and sliding an arm over her shoulders. “Come on, it’s not that bad.” Jonas was watching them curiously, but Anna braced as she felt Enjar lean against her more. “No, no! Enjar stop!” She laughed, shoving him off her. She shivered in the cold water, wading a little further in. Jonas splashed some water in her direction, and she smirked. “Oh, are we playing that game are we?” She splashed some water at him, laughing as they closed their eyes, splashing and squealing. Jonas opened his eyes again, for just a second, watching as Enjar snuck up behind Anna, crash tackling her from behind and pulling her into the water. Anna screamed, surfacing quickly and looking for her brother, who’s head popped up a few feet away from her. He’d already put distance between himself and his sister’s rage.
“You little-” She yelled, splashing Enjar who splashed her back. Soon all three of them were attacking each other, splashing water. Enjar began dragging Jonas around. He lifted the child in the air and tossed him into the water, again and again, Jonas squealing as he hit the water, until Enjar was too tired to do it any more.
As they drove back to Enjar’s cabin, Anna glanced behind them at the back seat, Jonas was asleep, tired from his long day. They all were, it had been so fun, but so tiring. When they pulled up, Enjar mumbled that he’d grab Jonas, gently picking up his nephew and cradling in his arms. He was so perfect, sleeping and peaceful in his arms. Enjar smiled down at him, at that moment, he knew he’d do anything for this kid. He would protect him with his entire being, this small person was so special to him, so precious…
Carrying him inside, he walked to the sofa nearby, cradling the small, sleeping boy on his lap and holding him close. He stretched his legs along the length of the sofa, his back leaning against the armrest as he slid down, now using it as a pillow. Before he even noticed it, Enjar’s head was nodding, his heavy eyelids sliding shut…
Anna walked through the door, carrying the last of the stuff. “Where do you want this bag En?” She asked, waiting for a reply. Her brother didn’t say anything, so she looked up, frowning. “En?” A soft smile crept across her lips when she saw her brother slumped across the sofa, Jonas curled up against him. He’d really saved her skin today, keeping Jonas occupied while she had had a much needed rest, but she supposed that he was probably just as tired now. He didn’t really have a lot of energy for young kids. Jonas’ head was resting on Enjar’s chest, which gently rose and fell, one of Enjar’s scarred arms wrapped gently around his nephew’s body, holding him close. It was cute, watching them together, and it never ceased to surprise Anna how alike they looked. But right now, her boys were sleeping peacefully, and that’s all she could ask for. Going to Enjar’s room, she found a light blanket, laying it over them. Enjar grunted in his sleep, his lip quirking with a slight smile.
In that moment, everything was perfect.
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slytherintragedy · 4 months
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Yes, so I still want a plot based on Wedding Bells by Jonas Brothers and Speak Now by Taylor Swift.
Childhood friends turned high school sweethearts, they were so in loved and swore nothing could tear them apart. But they were wrong because either muse a or muse b moved away or they went to two different colleges and while they tried to make long distance work, eventually life pulled them in two different directions so they ended up breaking up but promised to remain friends.
A couple of years later, they are meeting up in a little café, Just talking about their life and everything that's been going on since they last saw each other, it felt like nothing had changed and muse b wonders what went wrong because the feelings are clearly still there, for both of them it seems but then muse a is like can you keep a secret? Which muse b is like sure, not expecting what's said next but when muse b hears muse a is getting married and the ceremony is set for the month their anniversary falls. Which leaves muse b speechless but muse a just continues with they know it's a rush but they just love muse c so much and they hope that muse b can meet muse c soon.
Which clearly muse b who just found out is heartbroken but they try their best to be happy for muse a, even agreeing to be the best mate for the wedding. But as the wedding draws closer, muse b has been doing everything to get caught showing muse a they're unhappy about this whole situation because they really don't wanna hear the wedding bells prove that they can't try one last time. Muse b realizing they don't wanna love if it's not muse a. And it all comes to a blow at the rehearsal party, when muse c calls out muse b attitude lately after muse a leaves the room, which causes muse b to have a harsh reaction for being put on the spot. Muse c ends up telling muse b if they are so unhappy about all this then don't bother coming to the wedding, muse a wouldn't want someone who couldn't truly be happy for them to be there, muse b wants to argue but ends up saying that they wouldn't dream about going before storming off. When muse a returns and asks about muse b, muse c tells them muse b left and wouldn't be back. Which breaks muse a's heart.
Day of the wedding approaches and muse b sneaks in trying to find muse a but ends up overhearing muse c with their snotty little family, talking about something that unsettled them. But before they could get caught, muse b ends up hiding somewhere. Especially when they hear the music start playing a song that sounds like a death march, which means they didn't get to muse a before it started. Muse b gets a glimpse of muse a and has a moment where they doubt if this was a well thought planned but muse b hears the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace" There's the silence and muse b know it's their last chance so they stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on them. Muse b is aware of all the horrified looks from everyone in the room but muse b is only looking at muse a. Muse b taking a deep breath before apologizing saying that it seems that they were uninvited by muse c before going on to say that they aren't the type of person who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion but muse a isn't the kind of person who should be marrying the wrong person so don't say yes, just run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait, or say a single vow, you need to hear me out and they said, "Speak now." Then muse b leaves, which leaves muse a with a choice to make, either meet muse b or marry muse c. What choice muse a makes, can be left up to discussion :)
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easypeasylindyvesey · 4 months
here are all the songs on my ITISWNK playlist that y'all can listen to while reading to kinda fit the vibe (if you wish). artists are listed on the left, corresponding songs are listed on the right :)
the 1975: about you, love it if we made it
6LACK: rent free
adele: someone like you, when we were young, all i ask
aidan bissett: more than friends
alicia keys: if i ain't got you
angus & julia stone: take me home
arctic monkeys: i wanna be yours
ariana grande: boyfriend (with social house), be alright, into you, leave me lonely, sometimes, thinking bout you, don't wanna break up again, the boy is mine, we can't be friends (wait for your love), imperfect for you, ordinary things, why try, just a little bit of your heart, safety net, pov, better off, goodnight n go, bad idea, ghostin
aron wright: build it better
berlin: take my breath away
between friends: affection
beyoncé: II most wanted
big time rush: nothing even matters
billie eilish: birds of a feather, i love you
billy joel: turn the lights back on
blackbear: dead inside
børns: electric love, american money
brent faiyaz: wasting time
briston maroney: freakin out on the interstate
bruno mars/silk sonic: leave the door open, after last night, put on a smile, love's train
bryan adams: (everything i do) i do it for you
cage the elephant: come a little closer
calum scott: you are the reason
camila cabello: my oh my, bad kind of butterflies, dream of you
the chainsmokers: closer, it won't kill ya, beach house, if you're serious
chance peña: in my room
chicago: hard to say i'm sorry (2009 remaster)
chris brown: forever
the cinematic orchestra: to build a home
coin: talk too much
coldplay: sparks, yellow, fix you
conan gray: forever with me, disaster, yours, memories
the cranberries: dreams
dave matthews band: crash into me (IYKYK)
dayglow: can i call you tonight?
disclosure: latch
doja cat: agora hills
don toliver: drugs n hella melodies
drake: yebba's heartbreak, imy2, hours in silence, i guess it's fuck me, flight's booked, teenage fever, lose you, from time, summer games, finesse, sooner than later, take care, doing it wrong, the real her, show me a good time, find your heart
dua lipa: break my heart, these walls
duster: stars will fall
dvsn: all that matters (spotify singles)
dylan conrique: birthday cake
eden: sex
ed sheeran: how would you feel (paean)
ellie goulding: close to me, something in the way you move, love me like you do
faye webster: i know you
fitz and the tantrums: out of my league
forest blakk: if you love her
frank ocean: godspeed
french montana: unforgettable
gabrielle aplin: skylight
gavin degraw: she sets the city on fire
gayle: ur just horny
(g)i-dle: i do
giveon: for tonight
gracie abrams: friend, feels like
greyson chance: shut up
grouplove: tongue tied
halsey: now or never, sorry, so good
hannah montana: he could be the one
harry styles: adore you, fine line, grapejuice, as it was, daylight, satellite, meet me in the hallway, two ghosts
hippo campus: way it goes
hoobastank: the reason
hozier: work song, cherry wine- live
hugo brijs: mol y sol
imagine dragons: next to me, start over, wrecked, bad liar
instupendo: comfort chain
james arthur: certain things, car's outside
james bay: wasted on each other
james blunt: you're beautiful
jensen mcrae: massachusetts
jeremy zucker: cozy
jess benko: a soulmate who wasn't meant to be
john de sohn: love you better
john legend: conversations in the dark
jonas brothers: hesitate, five more minutes
jp saxe: a little bit yours
justin bieber: as i am, off my face
jvke: golden hour
jxdn: beautiful boy
kanye west: heartless, devil in a new dress, runaway
katy perry: e.t.
kendrick lamar: die hard
khalid: don't pretend, better
the kid laroi: love again
king princess: 1950
labrinth: skeletons (lexi needed a break)
lana del rey: summertime sadness, a&w, let the light in, lust for life, norman fucking rockwell
lany: if this is the last time
lifehouse: you and me
lil nas x: tales of dominica, void
lil peep: star shopping
little mix: notice
lizzo: if you love me
lizzy mcalpine: ceilings, the elevator, come down soon, like it tends to do, staying, i guess, you forced me to, vortex
lord huron: the night we met
louis tomlinson: written all over your face, lucky again, chicago, angels fly, that's the way love goes
lovelytheband: i should be happy
luke hemmings: place in me, a beautiful dream
the lumineers: where we are, never really mine, just like heaven, sleep on the floor, my eyes, patience, white lie, donna, salt and the sea, slow it down, morning song
m83: wait
maren morris: nervous
the marías: echo
maroon 5: stutter, never gonna leave this bed, if i ain't got you - live, bet my heart, it was always you, unkiss me, feelings, my heart is open
max: butterflies
***mazzy star: fade into you*** (this is the song that the fic is based off of!!!)
metro boomin: creepin'
miley cyrus: you - live, rose colored lenses, river
milky chance: stolen dance
mitski: my love mine all mine
monsume: jade
montell fish: fall in love with you., love you more than me
morgan wallen: wasted on you, not good at not, you proof, wine into water
the mowgli's: say it, just say it
muni long: time machine
nessa barrett: die first
ne-yo: let me love you (until you learn to love yourself)
nf: if you want love
niall horan: this town, put a little love on me, still, heaven, meltdown, must be love
nick jonas: close
noah kahan: stick season, come over, strawberry wine, everywhere, everything
ocean park standoff: if you were mine
olivia rodrigo: bad idea right?, logical, love is embarrassing, teenage dream, good 4 u, lacy
one direction: steal my girl, where do broken hearts go, fool's gold, spaces, infinity, end of the day, if i could fly, long way down, what a feeling, love you goodbye, temporary fix, a.m., home, kiss you, little things, they don't know about us, truly madly deeply, magic, what makes you beautiful, one thing, i want
parson james: stole the show
partynextdoor: come and see me
patrick watson: je te laisserai des mots
phillip phillips: dancing with your shadows
p!nk: true love
post malone: stay, take what you want, i know, leave, wrapped around your finger
preston pablo: flowers need rain
quinn xcii: let me down, good either way, the lows
rag'n'bone man: anywhere away from here
reneé rapp: in the kitchen
rihanna: stay
ruby haunt: answering machine
ruth b: dandelions (slowed + reverb)
ryan woods: bad texter
saint jhn: the best part of life
sam fischer: ready
sam smith: lay me down
sarah barrios: mourn the living
sarah kinsley: the king
sasha alex sloan: dancing with your ghost
selena gomez: a sweeter place
shawn mendes: it'll be okay, why, wonder
stephen dawes: don't hate me when it's over
stephen sanchez: until i found you (with em beihold)
strawberry guy: mrs magic
suki waterhouse: good looking
surfaces: falling again, find a way, hold onto me baby, so far away, stay
sydney rose: turning page
sza: awkward, snooze
taio cruz: break your heart
tate mcrae: that way, hate myself, go away, run for the hills, hurt my feelings, stay done, messier, think later, slower, you broke me first, wish i loved you in the 90s
taylor swift: out of the woods (TV), this love (TV), i know places (TV), wonderland (TV), you are in love (TV), "slut!" (TV) (FTV), say don't go (TV) (FTV), is it over now? (TV) (FTV), all of the girls you loved before, champagne problems, tolerate it, evermore, august, illicit affairs, invisible string, miss americana & the heartbreak prince, false god, afterglow, question...?, sweet nothing, bigger than the whole sky, would've, could've, should've, message in a bottle (TV) (FTV), dress, sparks fly (TV), the story of us (TV), enchanted (TV), electric touch (TV) (FTV), i can see you (TV) (FTV), fortnight, loml, the alchemy, you're losing me (FTV), fresh out the slammer, dancing with our hands tied, new year’s day, you’re not sorry (TV), you all over me (TV) (FTV)
teddy swims: evergreen
timaland: the way i are
troye sivan: angel baby, talk me down, for him., wild
the walters: i love you so
the weeknd: shameless, earned it, how do i make you love me?, out of time, here we go...again, best friends, don't break my heart, the knowing
whitney houston: i will always love you, i wanna dance with somebody
wrabel: ritual
yungblud: 11 minutes
zach bryan: i remember everything, spotless
zayn: dusk till dawn
**updated 6/23/2024
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the-invisible-queer · 5 months
Sooooo for the anon who asked (and for you of course, if you're interested), I've compiled a lazy timeline of Joe's relationship history - just things I remembered off-hand, no researching or fact-checking or anything. I'm truly sorry for how fucking long it is lmao, tbh you may want to copy and paste it into a text post so you can put a Read More bc holy shit why has this man had so many relationships and WHY DID I REMEMBER SO MUCH OF IT WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. As a disclaimer my level of JB obsession has varied a lot over the years, so some of these relationships I know a lot more about than others just based on how closely I was following Joe at the time, and again I didn't research literally anything here so it's possible some of it may be misremembered. Okay here we go:
Mandy, who the OG song Mandy was written about, was the first Joe romantic interest fans ever knew about. I don’t remember anymore if they were actually even together at all or if he just like had a crush on her or something, but he was definitely into her to some degree when he was very young.
He dated AJ Michalka from Aly and AJ for some unknown length of time when they were like 15-16. He eventually revealed that she was his first kiss, she miiiiight have said he was hers too but I also could have imagined that. For a long time it was rumored that Potential Breakup Song was about him, but years and years later while answering fan questions on Twitter AJ finally said it wasn’t, but a different breakup song called Flattery was. (First known appearance of Joe Jonas: Serial Muse Extraordinaire. It would take two more strikes for him to finally seemingly learn that he should probably stop dating and dumping songwriters.)
For a hot minute he was rumored to be dating Miley’s friend/backup dancer Mandy (of The Miley and Mandy Show fame) during the Best of Both Worlds Tour, but I genuinely to this day don’t know if that was true or not lol. I remember a couple vaguely 👀 pictures existing of the two of them but they also both seemed to just be physically affectionate people in general, so they truly could have just been friends.
Joe met Taylor Swift in 2008 and, as teenagers sometimes do, they had what seemed to be a brief but intense relationship that then exploded into a dramatic mess. He famously broke up with her via a 27-second phone call, she famously exposed this on the Ellen show, and then they both spent the next couple years just publicly whacking each other at random opportunities before the bad blood (no pun intended) between them seemed to dry up and they gradually became friends, especially once Joe started dating Gigi Hadid who was already close friends with Taylor. A lot of bangers came out of this relationship and breakup on Taylor’s end – I can’t pretend that songs like Jump Then Fall and Last Kiss weren’t integral to my young Joe girl fantasies about the kind of boyfriend he was, really appreciated that very descriptive imagery – but IIRC the only JB song specifically known to be about her was Much Better. The Jaylor arc eventually wrapped up with both of them saying it was silly teen drama they laugh about now and each making gestures of amends (him changing the live lyrics of Much Better to acknowledge that they’re cool with each other, her saying she regretted putting him on blast on Ellen and should have handled it differently) and she sent him and Sophie a baby present before Willa was born. ALSO: one of my favorite bits of hilariously random Joe lore ever is that in 2015 he went to one of Taylor’s concerts and hung out with her brother, who at one point very literally had Joe’s tiny ass sitting on his shoulders while they vibed to the music. Like…okay then lmfao.
Next was Camilla Belle, who he met when she starred in the Lovebug music video. I’d be remiss not to acknowledge that the public Taylor/Camilla timeline was a bit messy and it’s not entirely clear to this day if there was any overlap or if he fully dumped Taylor before pursuing the new object of his interests, but either way it was pretty clear at the time that he didn’t really behave wonderfully there. Maybe watching Nick start living out his own fuckboy love triangle era around this time inspired him. Regardless, he and Camilla were together for I want to say several months at least before he seemed to get his heart broken pretty badly. I was kind of getting less involved in Jonas fandom by then due to some new fixation I was having instead so I don’t really remember what happened between them, if we ever even knew to begin with, but I do remember him seeming pretty torn up over her for a hot minute there. The one other bit of Camilla lore I remember was that there was apparently some drama at the beginning because Joe and Nick both liked her, which in hindsight is extremely ?????????? all around bc 1) Nick was like 16 and I'm pretty sure Camilla was like 22, he absolutely should not have even been in that conversation at all, 2) Joe probably shouldn't have been in the conversation at all either considering he literally already had a girlfriend at the time and 3) genuinely the very last thing Nick should have been doing in 2008 was trying to pick up a THIRD girl as if his plate wasn't more than full enough already? Was his little ass trying to build a harem??? ANYWAY.
I think Demi was next after Camilla, but again I was falling out of keeping close track of the Jonaii during this time so this is where things start getting pretty fuzzy. I want to say they got together at some point during the filming of Camp Rock 2, or maybe during the press tour for it? and their relationship was fairly highly-publicized, including a professional joint photoshoot and interview they did for some magazine which awkwardly released like right after they broke up lol. While Demi’s feelings seem to have been fully genuine, Joe revealed (or at least implied, I honestly never read what he said about this firsthand lol I just heard about it a lot) at some point years later that he’d felt pressured into dating her by Disney/his team for publicity reasons. I withhold judgment on that aspect since this was obviously a super fucked up situation neither of those very young people should have ever been put in by their employers in the first place, but regardless he clearly went on to hurt her in some way bc she wrote a lot of heartbroken songs about him (including some she co-wrote with Nick, which he’s said was very awkward for him lmao). The song Sorry from Fastlife – not to be confused with Sorry from ALBL, which was about Miley – is commonly thought to be about Demi, though idk if that was ever officially confirmed or not. They clearly worked things out at some point though, because for several years in the 2010s they seemed to be fairly close friends…until they weren’t anymore. It’s still not clear if something happened between them specifically or if Joe sided with his brother in whatever fallout destroyed her friendship with Nick or what, but for a while Demi appeared to be on pretty bad terms with all the brothers. Nowadays she and Joe seem to be okay with each other – they hung out at her Halloween party a few years ago and seemingly had a good time together, and I think they sometimes like each other’s IG posts and such – but alas, the glory days of their friendship seem to be over for good.
At some point somewhere in all of this Joe dated Brenda Song for like three weeks or something??? We know almost nothing about this fling except that it happened. I constantly manage to forget about this and every single time I remember I’m just as surprised as I was the first time I learned it.
I wasn’t paying much attention at all when Ashley Greene showed up in Joe’s life so I genuinely don’t remember when that happened – I feel like it could potentially have been anywhere from late-ish 2009 to early-ish 2011 – or how long they lasted. I do remember that he always seemed happy with her and from what little I saw of them I thought they looked more serious than any of his past relationships had. She apparently inspired most of Fastlife. At some point they broke up, which as far as I know wasn’t dramatic (at least not publicly) but again, I was barely keeping up with Joe at the time. Years later, he revealed in a Reddit AMA that he lost his virginity to her.
I vaguely recall him going on like one or two dates with various random women in the early 2010s, none of whom seemed to stick for very long before being replaced with another. The only somewhat notable one of these women was model Natashia Ho; we’ll come back to that in a minute.
At some point in 2012 he started dating artist Blanda Eggenschwiler, who would become his longest and most serious relationship until Sophie. They seemed very happy together and posted each other on IG a lot. At some point he got a tattoo inspired by one of her paintings, which he still has and presumably has no plans to ever remove or cover up. In early 2013 there was a wild and hysterical rumor about a sex tape of the two of them that allegedly involved, among other things, Joe getting paddled with a ball gag in his mouth – during the initial hilarious drama of this rumor dropping Natashia Ho, previously all but forgotten about by fans, tweeted “Yea sounds about right” and then deleted it shortly after which was…honestly probably still the funniest thing any Jonas ex has ever done tbh. An icon. ANYWAY: My most vivid memory from this relationship is that during the big drama of the band breaking up (though at the time we didn’t know yet that was what was going on, just that the tour that had been about to start got cancelled super suddenly and everyone was being weird and vague about why and Joe and Kevin seemed upset), we got several days of sad or anxious-looking Joe candids in a row, and then the first time we saw him smiling again after everything exploded was when Blanda was with him ❤️ Most of the fandom liked Blanda a lot and and we quietly suspected for a while there that she was the woman he was going to marry (he may have also thought this himself at one time), but alas, they shocked us all by announcing their breakup in I believe August of 2014. As far as I remember there was never any post-breakup drama or anything between them and she just kind of faded away from fandom consciousness, except for one incident I remember from a few months after the breakup where she posted like a half-finished drawing of a face that looked suspiciously similar to Joe’s on her IG, leading to a lot of speculation and debate among fans about if it was supposed to be him or not and what, if anything, it meant if it was. (The answer apparently was that it meant nothing, because they didn’t get back together or anything, although I’m not sure if that’s even what we were expecting anyway. In hindsight that whole situation was just kinda dumb and pointless lmao but it kept us entertained for days regardless.)
Joe and Gigi Hadid started dating in I want to say early 2015. I was barely paying attention at this point and genuinely have no recollection at all of how long this relationship lasted – I feel like it was pretty short-lived but idk – but it went on at least long enough for her to direct the Cake By The Ocean music video, so there’s that I guess. Gigi got back with her ex Zayn very shortly after they broke up and Joe apparently made some kind of comment (again, I never read it just heard about it) implying that he was somewhat bitter about this. When asked at some point not super long after their breakup to play Fuck/Marry/Kill with three of his famous exes, he said he would kill Gigi (and marry Demi and fuck Taylor, if anyone's curious). If there was any further Joegi lore after that, I either never knew it or don’t remember it.
Joe and Sophie started talking in DMs and then hanging out in person at some unspecified point in 2016, but weren’t publicly spotted together until late in the year – IIRC they were first seen together in group pics from some random Halloween party, but no one really seemed to put two and two together until a few days later when they were caught fully making out at a Kings of Leon concert lol. They got engaged roughly a year later in October 2017, got Vegas-married in May 2019 and then married-married in France in June 2019, and welcomed two baby girls in July 2020 and July 2022 respectively. I’m choosing to stop here bc you said you know the most recent stuff and I don’t want to make myself sad lol 🙃
OKAY WELL that was long as hell and made me feel lowkey pathetic for knowing all this lmao but hopefully it satisfied your thirst for tea, anon. Now to start working on Nick's timeline... 🫡
I'm on mobile so I can't actually copy and paste that whole thing so y'all gonna have to deal with it
Rest in RIP to everyone's dashes
And the fact that I did know all of these and just forgot about a few but didn't know timeliness specifically
I guess I did have Joe's dating timeline in my head at some point which is on brand because I've never actually been normal about him
Did he or did he not date Chelsea Kane (Stella on Jonas) because I saw some online speculation about it because they were hanging out a lot - fully can respect them being friends just wanna point out their onscreen chemistry was incredible so I wouldn't be surprised if it flowed into their personal life
Thank you for this run down
If anyone questions me calling Joe a whore ever again I'm gonna send them this post
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cavewretch · 5 months
nostalgic absurdism, a media (crit?) list
this black eyed peas music video that came out in 2023 is my thesis statement for this entire concept please watch it i could write a whole paper just about this video. the dead eyed stares of every performer. the star wars font. the lyrics dripping in so much party language it hurts. the "i feel so alive" delivered so incredibly lifelessly. the chorus being "dont worry about a thing, because everything's gonna be alright". it's black eyed peas, shakira, and david guetta giving you the shallowest most haunting memory of 2014 you could imagine. it's phenomenal. oh and aliens. shakira suddenly becomes the leader of the alien dance team but now she has blue eyes. the black eyed peas are abducted at the end. please watch it i beg
ok anyway on to the list (ongoing so this post will continue to be updated) (feel free to send suggestions 🫶)
i have two spotify playlists for this that i made a couple years ago. i stopped using spotify last year so they aren't updated but here is RECE$$10N and Pandemic Era - Nostalgic Absurdism .
song special mentions from those playlists:
save by nct127 - the samsung memory card ad campaign sponsored futuristic-with-some-plants-music-video kpop party song
bo burnham's inside (i am not talking about him as the media-criticizer, i am arguing his special is of this era? moment? itself. im putting him here as a critique)
any song that goes viral on tiktok
most musicians that come out of tiktok
any official sped-up version release (not youtube nightcore)
any covid-themed special release (songs with titles like socialdistancing, new normal, lockdown, etc) . i believe that we will win by pitbull which takes the american government's approach of "viruses are an entity capable of morality and this evil enemy is combatable" . other insane songs: you are the champions (queen/adam lambert, for Health Workers), masks, gloves, soap, scrubs (todrick hall, also for Health Workers)
old groups coming together to make new music in the face of "these trying times" aka jonas brothers, big time rush, abba, etc
hear me out. the 2022 minions sequel soundtrack especially turn up the sunshine diana ross/tame impala
fashion trends (90s 80s 2000s 2010s)
every remake reboot sequel prequel of the last 10 years (star wars etc)
marvel movies
streaming services for everything
shows/movies being filmed for clipability and vertical phone screens
stranger things
minions meme resurgence (this was happening in 2022 on twitter)
old meme resurgence in general (i saw a troll face one recently) (sure it's done in the post-post-post ironic way but it still has trollface)
d&d resurgence (something something methods of theater/storytelling adapting to the social climate)
playlist updates (since i stopped using spotify)
3d country by geese
ogoin & linguini: tv show (this is brasil specific i don't get all the references myself but it's fun to listen to)
only god was above us by vampire weekend
raw data feel & mountainhead by everything everything
january never dies by balming tiger
two night by tierra whack
gangsta by free nationals, asap rocky, & anderson .paak
mos thoser by food house,
>something something nostalgia as a tool / umberto eco ur-fascism
growing up online a neighbor to this line of thought
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binniesoob · 1 year
Third ask, I swear it's the last one, I'll stop after this, it's just because I forgot something 😭
Also because I missed you a lot here Jo, hope you'll take a break after Friday really, I swear don't you dare to push yourself oooooor...I'll be sad 🥺
I couldn't recover properly from both Jooheon and Kyun that Hyungwon and Shownu went "We're gonna debut as a sub unit, lol" and I'm like LET ME BREATH FOR A SEC PLS 😭
Do you have any thoughts about it? I wonder if Hyungwon will produce all the songs here this time, I love so much the stuff he made so far and I think he's ready for a full mini album this time. I can't wait honestly, there are so many things I want to see like Papa Nunu performing again after centuries 😭
Second thing, Soobin on Instagram. That's it.
Third, I think Sweet's title track is giving hints about the MVs timeline. Idk hearing Magic, I Know I Love You, GBGD is making me feel that maybe we're getting a new piece on the puzzle. Also the intro and the outro. You can't call the outro Falling PLS, you really want me to think about the I Know I Love You (Japanese version) MV aren't you?! 😭 And it's so hilarious that Spotify recommended me Farewell, Neverland after the album like...my brain collapsed. We got another little piece for the entire "Love Storyline" imo
Last thing... thoughts on the TxT X Jonas Brothers Collab? :3
i... i thought i already answered this one too and only the srr jap ver ask was left... 🤡 i am so sorry 😭
glad to say i took a month off studying and i'm reborn so don't worry 😌
like???? stop giving us so much boyfriend material i'm not gonna survive???
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on a serious note, did you found put about Odi passing away? 🥺 it broke my heart... the pictures he uploaded in july with him were actually a goodbye and we didn't know ☹ i'm so sorry for soob 🫂 he talked about it on weverse live for the first time some days ago so he had time to process and grieve, he's doing better now :( ❤‍🩹
oh when i saw that the Outro was called Falling‼️ ALSO LISTEN TO THIS:
i started bawling me eyes out when i realised. it's basically the circle of txt childhood and time in magic island closing i-
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DO IT LIKE THAT IS SO SILLY AND FUN I LOVE HERRRRR 🧡 it was so cool seeing my childhood/teenage years and my early twenties collide through it 🥹 il multiverso esiste! but i also NEED the studio version of the txt only version they performed at lollapalooza 😭 what do u think about it???
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