#the lines are from james and the giant peach
unboundprompts · 1 year
Prompts Inspired by Songs about Greek Mythology
-> writing prompts from the lyrics of songs about Greek Mythology. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"It's got nothing to do with fate and everything to do with you." - Sisyphus by Andrew Bird
"Redemption lies plainly in truth." - Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
"You have come to love what you will always fear." - Persephone by Tamino
"I will follow you down even through the gates of hell." - Orpheus by Shawn James
"In the end, all I hope for is to be a bit of warmth for you." - Boreas by The Oh Hellos
"Look out to the future, but it tells you nothing." - Icarus by Bastille
"I get what I want, one way or the other." - Pomegranate Seeds by Julian Moon
"I remember when you told me you were afraid to die." - Icarus & Apollo by Ripto
"As the clouds slowly gather in the night, I hear nothing but the sound of broken cries." - Dionysus by Tomo
"I'm really sorry, but I will win unintentionally." - Eros by Young the Giant
"I don't mind when you play with my head." - Greek God by Conan Gray
"I want to fall in love again. Not in love with a man of this world, but fall in love with life itself." - Aphrodite by Honey Gentry
"Nothing is simple just because you wish that it is." - Ambrosia by Rosie Tucker
"I got your folded piece of paper and the few words that were laid there." - Persephone by The Tragic Thrills
"Time — she moved so slow— that she taxed my feeble mind. And I waited, impatient, for something to come around." - Persephone in the Garden by Aiudoneus
"We'll be the envy of the gods above." - The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
"Loving you is my Achilles' Heel." - Achilles Heel by J. Maya
"Do not grow complacent and take less than what you deserve." - Atlas Drowned by Gang of Youths
"I will never be the same because of the way you made my whole life change." - Artemis by Stephen Rezza
"We keep fixing what we know is only bound to break." - Theseus by The Oh Hellos
"You think you're in gold but I can see the dirt in your lines." - Alrighty Aphrodite by Peach Pit
"Stars are dying in the sky." - Medusa by Kailee Morgue
"Promise me that you'll start where I end, and I promise to give you everything that I am." - Boreas by The Oh Hellos
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mrscakeishere · 5 months
Innuendos Aplenty
As we are gearing up for the pending GOAD Smut War (Jan 8th!), I wanted to share a little snippet Polychrome (@polychromicron-persei-8) and I wrote from An Ode To Eclairs (Rated Explicit). The excerpt below is NSFW (or at least for my work) but rated M.
As context, Crowley is trying his hardest to get Aziraphale to engage in phone sex. It's a bumpy start:
“What are you doing right now, angel?” Crowley cooed, one hand holding his mobile phone, the other brushing along the top of his pants.
“You know what I’m doing,” Aziraphale replied curtly. “I’m talking to you.” He placed another book on the shelf.
“No, I mean…what are you doing?” Crowley used his most honeyed voice, wanting Aziraphale to play his little game. The line was silent. “Sexually,” Crowley added, hoping this would garner an actual response.
“Oh!” Aziraphale exclaimed, finally twigging the intention of the call. “Oh, I…uh…I’m…” Aziraphale looked at the hardcover book in his hand. The title was plausibly spicy if no one asked too many probing questions. “I’m reading Curious George.”
“Oh?” A sly smile grew on Crowley’s lips. His angel was finally playing along. “What’s he so…curious about?”
Aziraphale considered saying, “he likes a good banana,” but thought better of it. He needed to find a different book.
Aziraphale quickly ran his fingers across the spines of the works on the shelf in front of him. James and the Giant Peach? Aziraphale paused. Possible. Was he the peach? The Poky Little Puppy? No, think! He had to get out of the children’s section.
“Uh yes! Um…no, not Curious George…er….” Aziraphale ran to the other side of the bookshop, the phone cord circling around his waist, and pulled out the first thing he saw. “I’m reading…Naked Lunch!”
Aziraphale had been so joyous with the adult book’s title that he had shouted it straight into Crowley’s ear, causing the demon to yelp and drop the phone.
There was a scuffling noise on the other end of the line.
“Yes…so…Naked Lunch.” The demon let out a soft moan. “That sounds very titillating.”
“Oh it is,” Aziraphale replied, scanning his memory for what happened in Naked Lunch that didn’t involve drugs and made any sense. He didn’t have much to work with. “It takes place in Morocco.”
“Ah, the desert. No wonder it had to be a naked lunch.” He put the emphasis on naked lest the angel get distracted. “I bet it got so hot they had no choice but to strip off. Do you feel hot, angel?”
“Well, actually, that’s a common misconception,” Aziraphale stated matter-of-factly. “Moroccan winters are in fact rather cold.”
“Oh…er…but they’re having lunch in summer, right?”
Aziraphale frantically flipped through the pages. This is why people have cliff notes! Where was the bit about Morocco?! A.J. wearing a walking condom-covered penis costume…that’s not it! Junkies…more junkies… He closed the book with a panicked sort of resignation. Just fake it, Aziraphale!
If you'd like to read more (including how they got to this point, where they end up, and what eclairs has got to do with any of it) visit https://archiveofourown.org/works/52581016.
Also, words can not express how much I enjoy writing with Polychrome! Our writing goal often centers on giving the other author something funny to wake up to (we're in very different time zones). I think that shows throughout this whole story.
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daze4all · 8 months
Genshin Characters as a Librarian 
What would they recommend/read  & how/what would they read to kids during story time? Zhongli, Ayato, Scaramouche, Itto, Al Haithem
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Zhongli as a Librarian
He would look good in reading glasses and I think might need them
Probably know where any book you want and would know obscure and antique novels 
He would probably take care of delicate antique books like a curator or book binder 
Cpudl see him working in one of the big national libraries 
Recommends: The Sound & The Fury 
Recommends history books or historical fiction probably very difficult or long books 
-He’s probably be good at serious book readings such great exceptions history reading its his deep serious voice. 
However, I find it funny to imagine him being in the kiddie corner reading to kids with his deep voice kind of like a kinda like dad or grandpa that is not sure whether to be serious or funny with it. 
Probably more serious or classic kids books like Peter Pan 
Scaramouche as a Librarian
Recommends: Tokyo Ghoul 
As a librarian is rude but when pressed about books to recommend  jerks a thumb at the manga section where he had written scathing descriptions about manga series. 
Such as for Tokyo Ghoul: “Dumb guy asks red flag girl on dinner date that clearly goes wrong when he is the dinner” 
In a modern AU the type to work at at a local bookstore or barnes & nobles for part time work cuz he has too for an allowance or soothing 
Reading to Kid’s :  
If he was forced to read to kids he would be annoyed at first but get really into it 
He definitely be the type to enunciate “BAM” & “POW” sound effects to startle the kids to his amusement.
Also would kill it on creepy Halloween stories. 
Ayato as a Librarian 
Would recommend:  Great expectations 
Fine literature like great exceptions as he is cultured like that but also thrillers due to the surprise aspect and twists
Reading To kids:
Reading to Kid’s: I think he’d add in his own surprise lines to make the stories fun and see if any kids would catch him in his lie.  Or reading he more fantastical whimsical unexpected children books like Roald Dahl Matilda or James & the giant peach, 
He would also be good at is as he had Ayaka as a sister and could see him getting her into books and vice versa. 
“And then the very hungry caterpillar ate a Moose “ 
Umm mrs kamisato that’s not possible 
Books to Recommend: One Piece 
Definitely also a manga reader and might get excited recommending should mana but maybe just the fight scenes 
He’d recommend One piece like “ Then this green hair dude goes SLASH with his sword and stretchy boy that STREECH his body to shoot a cannonball back at a rival ship” 
Volunteers for fun at local library 
Itto reading to Kids during Storytime. 
Would be so into reading to kids & has big kid energy himself and will get excited while reading and find himself commenting on the story 
Also voices out eh sound effect or act them out like the cannon went “BAM” and slamming his fist on bookcase causing the books to topple out of the bookcase “oops, I’ll clean that u hehe”
Be reading simple kids books maybe Clifford the big red Dog 
Al Haitham 
Recommends: Sherlock Holme Book’s
He would recommend and  read academic papers philosophy, Plato or Socrates for fun I feel like. 
Or mystery’s where you have to guess the killer using logic like Sherlock Holmes 
Also be the type to know the dewey decimal system and know where everything is and be annoyed when people cannot find books.
the type of librarian who’d work best in a college library not a public one 
Reading to Kids for Storytime: 
I get the feeling he would rather not read to kids as he is not a kid person but if he is doing it he will do it right and so that they learn something 
He would maybe correct the kid’s pronunciations of words if they get it wrong
He would choose an educational book that has a logic puzzle or to learn a new language like Spanish lol since he came from haravatat the school about languages 
Inspired by:
I had random nostalgia for the library and how we would do story time as kids when I heard they still do it at some libraries had to write this plus love books
I really like the voice acting of Genshin characters and have err simped more below 
Sometimes after writing yandere stuff I just need some fluff about sweet soft bois.
Side Note on Voice Actors: 
I bet as voice actors any of these characters can probably pull off story time with a variety of voices.
I find it funny I can recognize certain voice actors such as Zhongli or Aether as their voices are so iconic and pervasive in other works. 
I think Voice actors are either really good for their unique voice or the variety in how they can change their voice. 
Honestly, the voice actors in Genshin are so talented and really put work into their characters. 
I find it great that we are developing a community of good English voice actors 
(Also not my UID someone elses screenshot )
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weaselbeaselpants · 18 days
The different shots/alt dialogue from the James and the Giant Peach script
Because this kind of stuff is interesting and YEAH I'M SHARING ALL OF IT!! Find the full script here.
James has a bit longer dialogue with Miss Spider.
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Glorious Sponge hatesink goodness.
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Alternative to the final film, where James doesn't realize he's been stop-motionized until in the actual peach in the original script he did in fact notice he was changing. More importantly, his initial literal fall-in on the bugs and being scared at them because they're in the dark and clearly inhuman was always one of my favorite in the movie. It worked because it actively plays with how scary giant talking insects would realistically be and how uncanny their designs can especially feel in silhouette, just like my beloved pin-collection.
Also, there's alternate dialogue from Earthworm and Centipede about escaping the hill and Spiker and Sponge. The disc of each other bugs, while accurate, is so hilarious to read typed out.
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Centipede was going to threaten to beat James up. Good times.
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Centipede is both more and less direct on his hitting on Spider. Besides that this extended bit offers moar Grasshopper and Earthworm twittering, though no "LET'S GET OUTTA HERE" from Centipede or "Marvelous Pigs in Satin" from Glowworm.
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Earthworm was GOING TO talk-sing more?! YOU MONSTERS!
Also, someone on the script clearly wanted Centipede to mention how he wants to get plastered all night.
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Spiker and Sponge rn.
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Earthworm being sarcastic is such a mood. Literally my muse.
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Even though it can be reasonably assumed given his accent (which is why it was probably cut) Centipede straight up calls New York his hometown. I'm not a New Yorker myself so I don't know for sure but I thought different Manhattan-ites say they're from different cities/towns rather than treat Manhattan like a single town. Y'know?
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Grasshopper meanwhile is a killjoy intellectual all the time through the shark scene
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Lol Centipede speakin truths.
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Cut the line in Eating the Peach from Centipede specifically and changed Glowworm's line.
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Spider hitting in some different zingers at Centipede than in the final film.
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James's nightmare is completely different than in the final film as is James exact waking up and realizing they're in the North Pole. Though the squabble between Centipede and the other bugs is the same, mostly, the resolution of Centipede happily deciding to get a compass from the ships is different. Appreciate the change. Good bit of back-and-forth visual storytelling.
In a bit that's rather OUT of character, none of the bugs protest James jumping in freezing water after Centipede. In fact, because Spider says 'get on my back' first it kinda makes it sound like she made James come with her rather than offer to help as another adult offering to look after a child who's putting themselves in danger.
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Also, even though the outcome is the same, it looks like the entire skeleton pirate scene was different and Centipede didn't talk during any of it and was a jackass about his stealing which is very out of character for him and led to the skeletons come alive. I like tho that at no point in time does the script say "Jack Skellington-faced"-pirate which is good on them and proof that it really was a cute cameo/reuse of puppetry and I'm still not over Jack getting top billing over the main characters in this movie's merch.
No Spiderpede kiss on the cheek, sadly. Her exclaiming her happiness is such a different vibe than her cute like "I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you" schpeal. This was the 90s after all--although, even though it is like this in the final movie anyway, the image of Spider pulling him up onto the peach all domestic-hero like while he says she saved him? That's cute. I liek me some malewife (it's appropriate in this case, shut up) Centipede.
The failing-to apologize dialogue between Grasshopper and Centipede was better in the final film. The characters have such a different way of talking to each other and it's much brisker and nicer and shows his newfound respect for Centipede that Grasshopper immediately just trusts Centipede with navigating again.
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Dialogue's a little bit different as the peach-goers see New York for the first time.
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Most importantly, the climax with the Rhino is different. No "I'm not afraid of You", James protecting the Bugs by telling them to get into the threads, which more directly separates them.
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The dialogue of the New Yorkers thinking the Peach is a bomb or aliens is a nice reference to the original book, where that's exactly what happened there.
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Alt. headlines for the ending newsreel stories. I'm gonna be honest I like Earthworm's gig in the subway a bit more than in the final film where he becomes a skincare tycoon. The idea that he just loves the subway in all it's dirtiness is adorable.
It is, however, very cute to see Centipede and Spider took up dancing together and became as popular a duo as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers.
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And finally, we have a kind of disturbing note to go out on with Spiker and Sponge going crazy and treated as zoo animals. I think their punishment is enough as is and has enough disturbing conotations no less. No need of the mental breakdown.
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nickmaghighlights · 11 months
Nick Mag Highlights - #20 April 1996
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Greetings and various apropos felicitations. Once again it’s time for another issue of Nick Mag Highlights! Today we’ll be heading back to the 90’s and taking a trip through issue #20. Ready to see if this “Mega Movie Issue'' is really as mega as it says? Then let’s get on with the show!
Man, that cover is a blast from the past for me, and it might just be the same for some of you. I haven't seen the film adaptation of James and The Giant Peach ever since I was a kid. I forget how I even first experienced it, since I couldn’t have seen it in theaters and I never owned a physical copy. I think a babysitter put it on for me once. 
Whatever the case, despite the time it's been I can still envision a smattering of visuals and emotions from the experience. So it must’ve been good if it’s managed to still stick with me positively all these years later. I guess a grade-a art style and memorable visuals will do that for a film. So as shallow as these behind-the-scenes “previews” tend to be when it comes to Nick Magazine, I’m still excited to go down memory lane and hopefully gleam one or two cool bits of trivia. 
Beyond my nostalgia bias though I’ve gotta say I’m surprised by the lack of promises this cover is making. A preview of James and The Giant Peach and a “Special Flip Book” is all you’ve got to wow the proverbial audience here, Nick? Even issue #1 promised more content on its cover to grab your attention if Ren & Stimpy weren’t enough for you. Let’s hope 20 issues in they weren’t starting to struggle for content.
You can read along too, if that’s what you wanna do. The issue’s right here.
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Alright, go ahead and roll your eyes, but I’ve got a thing or two to say about this Cheetos ad. Or rather, “Chee●tos”, as it's called here and would be titled as such until Frito-Lays dropped the hyphen from the name in 1998. Not the worst name change, if I’m being honest.
First off, let’s just bask in the moment for a second. This is a wacky snack from the 90’s, even a “spinoff snack”, if you will, of a still very popular snack brand… that hasn’t been brought back to capitalize on nostalgia! 
Yes, Cheesy Checkers have yet to return to shelves since their discontinuation in ‘98. Suffice to say, I’m stunned. In a world where Ecto-Cooler returned from the grave, Trix Yogurt is still readily available, Boo Berry, Count Chocula and all those other monster-themed cereals manifest themselves every Halloween, and the McRib seems to come back whenever the heck it feels like, Cheetos Cheesy Checkers of all things is barred from re-entry into the mainstream to take advantage of your sorely missed childhood. 
Guess they really just weren’t popular enough? You can’t capitalize on nostalgia if there’s no nostalgia to capitalize on, after all. And yet it seems like a foolproof idea for a snack if you ask me. Waffles and waffle fries have already proven that checkerboard patterns are naturally delicious. And on top of that it even had a rad commercial featuring an awesome Chester Cheetah puppet. What’s not to like? I guess 33% more cheese is crossing the line of “Dangerously Cheesy” into something more like… “Hazardously Cheesy”.
Oh, and by the way. I may have never had a bag of Cheesy Checkers, but I sincerely doubt the snack pieces were that big. You really want me to believe one checker is nearly 1/3rd the size of this magazine page? They don’t even look that big in the commercial.
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Just like the cover said, this is indeed a movie-themed issue. And I’ve got good news regarding this: I actually know about movies! Well, I like movies, anyway. Okay, I know more about movies than I do about music, which should mean my dissection of the content at hand will be a little more thoughtful than my retrospective of the music-based issue from last time. Hopefully, anyway.
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Can’t help but feel these jokes are trying a little too hard. I guess when you’ve got to come up with twenty and base them all off of movies and TV shows, it can’t be easy. It probably doesn’t help either that there’s only like, three or four good puns in the whole world to begin with.
Anyway, look. Bugs Bunny in Nickelodeon Magazine. Woah.
Well, it’s a little less surprising for those, ahem, in the know. 
Nickelodeon actually aired Looney Tunes shorts for more than ten years, from 1988 to 1999. Once Warner Bros. established their new kids’ entertainment channel, Cartoon Network, they were pretty quick to take back their old school cartoons to bolster their numbers a bit. Although even following the departure of the classic Looney Tunes, Nickelodeon would go on to license other Warner Bros. content for their channel in the following years, airing shows such as Animaniacs and Tiny Toon Adventures in the early 2000s.
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Oh, how convenient! Now I can prove my film expertise by trouncing this quiz and- 
Hey! Some kid already answered two of the questions. Well now there’s no point in doing the quiz now. Its sanctity has been compromised.
But yeah, this book’s been written in just a bit. Sorry if that bothers you, but it’s not like I can clean the pages off. I do kinda wish the scan was totally clean just for the sake of archival purposes, but as long as the marks stay minor I’m not too picky. If anything I guess it helps make things a little more interesting. Kinda adds to the whole “time capsule” aspect of it, doesn’t it?
Shouldn’t be an issue so long as it’s not-
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Ah, criminy! The kid got me again! Now this is stepping over the line. Answering a quiz question or two is one thing, but completely solving the hidden pictures puzzle promoting the home video release of Babe? That sours my mood. I don’t even feel like watching Babe now.
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This a neat activity: a screenplay for two kids to act out and potentially film like a home movie. It actually caught me off guard with its originality, and in hindsight it seems like a no-brainer. Kids love to play pretend after all, and I know I certainly loved shooting little movies with my family’s cheap digital camera. Well, here kids, we came up with the story for you. Go nuts. Not to mention it's a good excuse to whip up a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches.
Here’s a nifty fun fact for you: The writer of this screenplay activity, David Lewman, has basically been on Nickelodeon’s speed dial since the 90’s. He’s written tons of Nickelodeon tie-in books, spanning a bunch of different franchises including SpongeBob SquarePants, Jimmy Neutron, Rugrats, among many others. If you’ve read a SpongeBob book before, I say look him up. There’s a good chance you were reading something of his. 
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Kind of nice of them to make a whole game out of their adspace, eh? I mean, I’m guessing the amount of people who played isn’t particularly high, but… uh… The art is cool!
Speaking of the art, you never see these mascots in 2D anymore. Which I find unfortunate because I think they look a lot cuter and tolerable here.  
Also wow, you can see the orange and brown candies before their designs were finalized. Or before their transitions, either or. Very proud of them regardless!
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Pretty awesome article here about some of the gimmicks that filmmakers tried out during the black-and-white days of cinema. Love a bit of history alongside my Nickelodeon.
While we’re here, I’d like to contribute my own similar black-and-white movie gimmick factoid that I find amusing:
In 1961, a film called Mr. Sardonicus featured a gimmick called the “Punishment Poll”, where each audience member was given a card to decide the fate of the titular villain, Mr. Sardonicus, by either showing the side of their card with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down on it right before the end of the film. Once the total was tallied, the theater was supposed to show the ending with the most votes.
The funny part is that the movie only has one ending. The gimmick was just a total lie and the only ending filmed was the one with the negative outcome for Mr. Sardonicus, so I guess the director was pretty confident that potential audiences would mostly be comprised of sadists that want to see a bad guy get his comeuppance. 
Speaking of the director, Mr. Sardonicus just so happened to be directed by a mister William Castle, who also directed four out of the six films listed in the magazine article here. Guess those gimmicks really were good for profits.
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Imagine watching a whole movie while sitting in a pool. Now stop imagining! I don’t like that very much. Your eyelids would prune shut before you could even see the ending. 
Man, all these movie gimmicks and funky types of theaters is making me wish I was around when movies were more of an event. Y’know? The movie theater experience has pretty much been ironed out at this point, so the idea of watching the big screen outside or with the looming possibility of a big plastic skeleton popping out and waving around is particularly alluring. Take note, modern movie theaters, this may be your way of competing with streaming!
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What? No, it doesn’t bother me at all that whoever owned this magazine already filled out this Sanrio quiz advertisement. Why would I be ENRAGED and UPSET about that!?!? IT'S NOT EVEN A BIG DEAL!!
… Anyway this ad is weird. I guess they didn't know how to market Sanrio in the west yet*. Cause I'm not exactly the most familiar but I'm pretty confident blaring red and yellow colors and funky multicolor Wow! text isn't exactly befitting of the Sanrio spirit. Also there's not really any point to the quiz. It's not like you can mail in your answers and get a free Hello Kitty lunchbox or something. I guess they just figured that kids love quizzes and will always jump at the opportunity to do them, circling the correct responses in permanent pen ink, and causing them to not consider the possibility that someoNE MIGHT WANT TO READ THE MAGAZINE AD AFTER THEM AND WOULD WANT IT MAINTAINED IN PEAK CLEANLINESS FOR THE SAKE OF THE SANCTITY OF THEIR ONLINE BLOG i must calm myself.
*Which is weird to me, because Hello Kitty feels like one of those characters who’s always been popular. Like Mickey Mouse or Steven Spielburg.
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Don’t mind me, just gonna insert this contest page here so that if I ever do the issue that contains the actual responses, I can link back to here and go full circle. Pretty excited to someday see the responses! I wonder what they could be. I also wonder why you had to include a phone number with your response. Maybe Tommy Pickles congratulated you on the phone? 
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Okay, so I think this issue might be missing pages. I can’t prove that exactly, considering I don’t have the real thing sitting in front of me, but the way this ad has text that’s oddly cut off on the right side leads me to believe this was a two page spread originally. Maybe not, maybe the magazine was really like this and it's a printing error, maybe they spilled juice on the design document for page two and couldn’t fix it in time for publishing. 
Whatever the case, I really wish I had that Aaahh!!! Real Monsters hat.
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A rather understated cover for this edition of The Comic Book, and I can appreciate it. Simple and effective bit of zaniness with a spin on the old “fake-can-with-a-scary-thing-that-pops-out-when-you-open-it” gag. This comes to us from award-winning illustrator Jim Woodring, who’s got probably one of the nicest websites of any artist I’ve mentioned on this blog so far, so kudos. I took a look through his gallery, and it’s a lovely trip, so go take a look if you want some eye candy.
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Been a while since we’ve last seen the Southern Fried Fugitives on this blog, one of Nick Magazine’s earliest recurring comic series. Unfortunately they’re not exactly in top form here, I’d say, even as someone who’s not the biggest fan of the comic to begin with. This is essentially a bit of filler so they could make their deadline and finish up the next “all new real adventure” that this episode tells you of at the end. I mean, I get it, this comic usually spanned a full three or four pages, I’m sure they took quite a bit of time. I just don’t really appreciate being shown a gross naked stitched up chicken. 
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A great hidden picture puzzle here, I could see kids having a lot of fun with this one and just looking through all the art. I guess my only issue would be that none of the answers are exactly hidden, since almost every figure in the page is related to one of the film titles below. But that’s a small nitpick considering that for just one activity of a much larger publication, it’s still pretty entertaining and eye-catching.
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And here we’ve got ourselves what the powers at be call Smudgy and Scribbly. A comic about two inventive robots that I thought were supposed to be pencil erasers at first considering their names. I’m not sure if these abstract little guys ever had more than one or a couple of comics, but I know they didn’t stick around forever, since this is the first time I’m hearing of them. They’re cute! They’re fun! They don’t have a lot of personality per se, but that’s okay, because they eat fruit cocktails. And that’s a lesson for the kids.
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I’ve been really impressed with this issue so far! They’ve really been making the most of the movie theme, what with aforementioned stuff like the quality movie gimmick article and the nice hidden picture puzzle. And to top it all off now we’ve even got an interview with Siskel & Ebert, two of the most famous film critics of all time. I’m not even sure how many kids at the time would appreciate this sort of thing, but whoever did must’ve been pretty happy. Said interview was conducted about three years before Siskel’s incredibly unfortunate passing, and three years after being parodied in an episode of Doug.
Anyway, yeah the interview questions are really silly, but that’s pretty par for the course by now. I just think it’s just cool they’re even in an issue of Nickelodeon Magazine at all.
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Talking about the calendar included with each issue has become a bit of a tradition for this blog by now, hasn’t it? Although I’m sure I probably forgot to mention it one time. Overall this one’s not bad, it’s chock-full of facts and the little set-up & punchline at the Charlie Chaplin section is a ‘lil funny. And I think it’s sort of themed around artisans, maybe? Well worth being pinned on your bedroom door if you ask me, the only problem is that you’d also be ripping out a page of the Siskel & Ebert interview that’s printed on the back of this. At least the kid who wrote all over the magazine showed some restraint there.
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Oh come on… I spoke too soon about showing restraint. The kid ripped out the flip book! What a trick… now I’ll never know what it looks like. At least we have the instructions here, which also could be doubly used for instructions on how to make your own flipbook by following the format, which is cool. Sorry for anyone who clicked on this post because you wanted to see the flipbook specifically. Sorry to you.
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Moving past a five page article about the history of movies and movie effects (which is solid but doesn’t have much for me to say about), we now come across the cover story: James and the Giant Peach. And this is an alright interview, but it’s especially good  for Nickelodeon Magazine! The questions for the film’s director, Henry Selick (director of The Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline, among others), actually allow for some pretty nice informative detail regarding the process of stop-motion animation and how aspects of it work. For an interview intended for kids, this is great, especially for ones with an interest in the medium.
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Interviews, interviews, and more interviews! If you’ve ever wanted to learn all that you could ever want to know Kenan & Kel, these are the pages for you. It’s nice to hear that apparently these guys were good friends off set, I guess. But y’know it’s never really bothered me finding out that seemingly inseparable co-stars actually aren’t best friends in real life like it does for a lot of people, I can still watch MythBusters perfectly fine even if I know Adam and Jamie aren’t going to go get drinks together after they finish dropping a car off a mountain for science. Acting’s still a job and I’m not expecting people to become friends just because they both stand in front of the same camera. 
But hey, if K&K really were as good of friends as this magazine says, that’s really cool for them. Pretty lucky too, since this was just mere months away from the premiere of their own All That spinoff show, Kenan & Kel, which ran for four years, and less than a year before the premiere of their own movie, Good Burger*, so being friendly must’ve helped when they were spending that much time together. Not to mention they’re getting back together for Good Burger 2, so I guess when your legacies are so intrinsically tied together, I guess you’re bound to find some things to like about each other.
*One of my favorite comedies by the way, and no I’m not sorry. There’s very few films that match its vibes.
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Feels like I should mention the 9th annual Kids’ Choice Awards was just around the corner, which featured such notable moments like Jim Carrey taking home two awards for Ace Ventura and his performance in Batman Forever, alongside Free Willy winning “Favorite Animal Star” for his(?) performance (?) in Free Willy 2: Willy Goes to Chile*. That category in particular got pretty heated, considering he was up against fierce competition in the form of Babe from… Babe. “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio won best song. Although Brandy would beat out both Coolio and Michael Jackson for winner of “Favorite Singer”, so it wasn’t exactly a Coolio sweep, per se.
But of course, the real big winner of that night was Tim Allen, for winning “Favorite TV Actor” and being enacted into the Nickelodeon Hall of Fame (yes, for real). All while Home Improvement won ”Favorite TV Show”, which I find is an outright snubbing of the also nominated Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Again, just my opinion.
*(Okay, it was actually called Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home, but I like my idea more).
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Before we go, I’d just like to draw attention to this winner of a parade float idea contest held in a previous issue, finally presented in all its glory here. No offense to the kid who designed it but I can only imagine the type of child nightmares that could spawn from a giant Elvis making its way down the street, pulled along by his Elvis impersonating minions. Just a thought.
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This was a really good issue, I’m actually pretty shocked with how much of it I found interesting and entertaining, even now as an adult. They really put their all into this one and I think the movie theme really paid off.
Some parts I didn’t get to were the aforementioned article on the history of film and film effects, which isn’t a bad read, especially if you’re into the good old days of practical effects. 
There was an interview with at-the-time child star Michelle Trachtenberg, to promote the upcoming release of the Nickelodeon film Harriet the Spy, which featured her in the starring role. I partly didn’t talk about it because I didn’t think there was much to say, and partly out of spite because that movie was pretty bad. Also because I’m running out of available image slots on this post. But mainly the first two reasons! Sort of.
Oh, yeah, and that alien mongrel QZ made another appearance, answering kids’ questions and just looking gross as usual. Avoid page 52 at all costs!
So yeah, that’ll do it! I’m glad I got to tackle another 90’s issue. I’ve also been thinking about branching out a bit, maybe talking about other Nickelodeon books, or heck, maybe even doing retrospectives of some of their shows! If anybody’s interested or has any requests (Nickelodeon Magazine related or otherwise), feel free to let me know. Otherwise I’ll just keep using my little spinner board that I use to make all decisions related to this blog. 
Until next time, have a good one, and keep on reading!
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limetimo · 11 months
antithesis by rweoutofthewoods musicians regulus and james go from enemies to lovers until it blows up in their faces becuse they're stupid. LOVING Regulus' backstory of going to foster care after Wally and onion almost killed him and getting adopted by the Tonkses
I'm not tired (never of you) by thestarsforus BARTLUS BARTYLUS BARTYLUS regulus gets disowned
Unexpected Pardon by Yemi Hikari (Yemi_Hikari) regulus survives the cave...... but does sirius
I of the Storm by Yemi Hikari (Yemi_Hikari) regulus has troubles with his magic. he doesn't plan on letting it go far enough to become and obscurial
Obscured Away No More by Yemi Hikari (Yemi_Hikari) orion talks to regulus about his troubles with his magic. good dad orion
feel it in my soul by orphan_account regulus oneshots by. should i tag them if they orphaned their works? but it's good writing.
starling by Zazzander regulus slowly figures out wizard supermacy is bs, endgame Jegulily
To the Dark Lord by MidnightStargazer regulus' journey from enthused baby death eater to disenchanted anklebitter
castles crumbling by rweoutofthewoods for rsbarelle regulus calls james for help in the cave
Silence Between Us by brandileigh2003 wolfstar, background jegulus
Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule by courfee 10 things i hate abuot you Jegulus au also the author is SO right about bread. the english should be ashamed of theirs
Regulus Reborn as Harry's Twin a series where regulus is *gasp* reborn as harry's twin
Tell me what you want by ThisLiminalSpace for greenvlvetcouch Jegulus PWP
Collars and Croissants by Solmussa, ThisLiminalSpace make croissants for your first date, the bulletproof dating guide by one REgulus arcturus black. James passes even though he insists on heart-shaped croissants
Shattered by SebbiGrey stripper regulus/remus
Roast In Peace by ThisLiminalSpace for greenvlvetcouch regulus runs a funeral house, james needs to bury a bad mother, they walk around a lot which honestly is so relatable and the most real thing I've ever read, and then they fuck. Also puns
wishes of could be by regulusandpandora regulus runs away with sirius but then becomes a spy
these violent delights (have violent ends) by damagecontrol for thefogofthefuture, moonlightreads titanic AU, wolfstar jegulus, crying screaming throwing up
Right down the line by CMorningstar5 squib regulus also petunia bullies her way into hogwart's squib study program. she's a massive bitch but you're gonna love her
High Infidelity by withtheoldstars back when, Regulus and james had a sordid affair behind lily's back until it blew up in their faces and regulus moved out of the country. 5 years later they meet again at wolfstar wedding. does regulus respect lily, james and himself enough to do what is right?
Will You Visit Me by hellenistic (apartfromheartburn) evan is harry's preschool teacher and one of harry's many parents/guardians is really really hot. RoseStar
Now He's All Over Me (It's Like I Paid For It) by jegulusofwesper JAmes/REgulus/BArty/Evan ft vibrating panties. PWP
Unsaid Reggie by jegulusofwesper musician sirius plays a song for regulus, doesnt know regulus is there
James And His Giant Peach by jegulusofwesper jegulus fucks a peach. I blame call me by your name
i'm not much for dancing but for you... by malakiwis for calamitoustide prom jegulus, comic
Do you think I have forgotten? (About you) by zumin regulus has cursed memory loss, pandora to the rescue, jegulus
You and Me, Moony by AmethystHeart2421 remus/regulus, DE reg saying goodbye before the cave, smut
Runaway Groom by ThisLiminalSpace Regulus runs away form his wedding, fucks James
Live Love Laugh by daydreamerdisease for melissamwrites sirius and regulus have sex over htier parents' graves
Deals and promises by Kiwi2229 jegulus smut with dom regulus
Always a Black Brother & His Potter by MiraclesInJuly regulus lives and bumps into tiny harry and adopts him in like half an hour
Regulus Black's Favourite Gryffindor by MiriamMT cat animagus reg lazies around in the gryffindor common room and plays favourites with ppl who want to pet him. jegulus
Iron Ambrosia by amour_anguis jegulus PWP top regulus
Distracted by lovegoodkisses regulus/remus PWP
Cygnus by HoodGirl28 sirius runs away, regulus isnt coping and selfharms, his friends are trying to help, jegulus
Please, James, take back your Key by MiriamMT animagus reg would really like it if his secret bf's friends stopped bargin in on their sexy times
His Brother, on the other Hand... by MiriamMT sirius finds out about jegulus
Defectors by NachoDiablo  regulus survies, slowburn jegulily, wolfstar
i think your love would be too much by ishouldntbeherern spiderman regulus au, jegulus
Like Nothing You've Ever Felt by pinkthekla  omega regulus tops alpha james, PWP
Last scene of all by zvzam regulus gets the dark mark against his will, and that's just the beginning of a very shitty evening. in the end he gets his brother and boyfriend back tho
Take you like a drug - I taste you on my tongue by Moonsss jegulus, trans dom regulus, there is some plot
so give me all you've got (i can take it) by JohnnysLittleMonster lily dies, james and harry live, reg and pandora took care of horcruses, endgae wolfstar and jegulus
Runaway Spare by WideEyesAtNight regulus runs off to alphards, jegulus slowburn
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franki-lew-yo · 1 year
About the 'Roald Dahl edits'
Can someone please just show me an actual, undoctored picture of the changes being made to which books?
That's all I ask! I keep seeing absurd clearly liberal-mocking fake scans that no book company would ever make being presented as "evidence" of the changes. Don't do that. Show me a list of the changes.
Welp, I'm writing about this because, as I've expressed before, I love Roald Dahl as a writer but I don't like him as a person. That's the thing about some people's work- it just comes with the territory that they are at LEAST 'problematic' given the creators worldview; Dahl, Lovecraft, Tezuka, Uncle Walt, even my German-crabapple daddy Ted Geisel. I'm not gonna @ these dead ppl for DARING to not be up to my modern liberal standards no more than I am gonna paint them as REAL LIBERATORS bcuz I want them to be -! When it comes to removing books from circulation or editing out words, I understand.
Regarding the changes though...I really haven't seen anything that's too wild?? Yet.
As a brief aside, I think it'd be better for everyone if The Witches was just removed from publication. It's Dahl's most offensive book when you combine it with his real world politics. And again I say screw the accusations that this book is 'sexist' when the problem with it is that it's antisemetic and so was Dahl.
But honestly? Changing the line to be "some ladies do wear wigs and there's nothing wrong with that" works with Dahl's writing style. Same with calling Augustus Gloop 'enormous'. Same effect in place, just without the sting of just calling a child fat.
Now, if these lines are left in place while Luke's grandma's explaining in the text how "no, don't pick at people's hair even if they're wearing gloves they aren't all witches" are given the boot, I can understand some outrage. But, again, to me I think this is better proof as to why Witches should just be left alone and maybe not published anymore. The og text did provide context, the problem is that the book itself is racist by asserting that all witches are 'evil', and that the only reason to not bother women with wigs and gloves is they "may not be a witch". That's messed up, even if it weren't alluding to any real life antisemetic-isms. Asideaside-- I'd be very curious to see how the The Twits is changed if it's changed at all. Twits has this very poignant description of how, no matter how unconventional you are, you can never be 'ugly' if you are good and sweet- where no matter how "pretty" you are, if you are an ugly person inside people will see you that way. It's a really good breakdown of that phenomena even though it's still technically bodyshaming. Also, they're monkeys, not people (take that as you will) but The Twits is about an abused family of stolen monkeys and birds tricking the Twits, who are their captors, into killing themselves and then returning to the wild where they belong. --- Anyway...removing the part of BFG where the giants says humans of different country's taste different or Mr. Grasshopper's awful quip about Mexicans in James and the Giant Peach isn't any skin off my nose. Especially if they are going to read to young kids today, kids don't need to hear that kind of language. Philly Pullman can disagree with me all he wants but personally I think these books, not their author's squeaky image or politics, deserve to live on.
That being said-
I would be upset if changes were made that started insisting that characters who were fat AREN'T fat, now. Or that the white cis cast Dahl wrote were now being described as bipoc or genderfluid when they weren't. Let's not pull a JK Rowling here. Yes, it is true that for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald both a) wanted Charlie and the Buckets to be a black-British family and b) removed racist descriptions of the Oompa Loompas within his lifetime from real life pygmies to a fantasy-race. That's awfully neat of him for someone so much of turdwhich. Those kinds of changes are best for adaptations and reinventions of the stories. But it'd be indecent of the publishers to suddenly push the idea that the Buckets are black and always have been now, and/or that the Oompa Loompas can't still be racist somewhat just because they aren't depicting a real life ethnic group. To alter the original text of the books well after Dahl's death to be more 'friendly' IS the kind of censorship and historical revisionism to be wary of.
It's there that Pullman's comments of 'read another book' ring true: If you can't take that the book has some problematicisms in it, I tell you there are other children's books to read! By making the text of the books 'progressive by modern audiences' standards, that'd be erasing this very discussion and, more importantly, the concerns of BIPOC/Jewish people everywhere.
That'd be like if Disney rereleased Fantasia and had a redesigned, less offensive Sunflower in the background. That'd be disgusting, not because Sunflower shouldn't be reclaimed or redesigned, but because that's a company wanting to hide from the mistakes of the past in order to sell more stuff to you and make you trust them. I'd love me a black Charlie Bucket, but in a new version of Chocolate Factory, not an attempt to hide liberals from the fact that uncle Dahl was racist.
That's what I think should be continued, both as a way to keep his work alive and also to diss Dahl from beyond the grave: adapt his works!!!
Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, BFG, and Willy Wonka are awesome. Dahl hated changes to his stories being made for film....so change his stories for film! Some things have to change and should change. While the 2020 Netflix The Witches was bad, I could get on board making Luke and the humans in the story people of color. That has the potential to turn the connotations of the original on it's head; instead of witches being a metaphor for 'secret societies' they'd be an illusion to real life organizations that tout themselves as kind and homely and traditional but are actually pure evil. How the witches specifically target children of certain demographics only for the dog to bite back and fight them with their own medicine- also keep the nice witch from the 80s film.
None of these changes would ever fix the fact that the og book is what it is, but they're an example of why adaptation, not revisionism, is so important.
Don't hide from mistakes of the past. That's why I'm as upfront with you all about my inspiration for my works being Dahl and Dr. Seuss. These people are not perfect and they're also not my own essence of creativity- but you can believe I was inspired to write because of them. Dana Terrace absolutely has Harry Potter to thank for The Owl House-it doesn't mean Owl House should pay for Harry Potter's sins. Let Owl House pay for it's own sins, thank you!
When it comes to problematic/ offensive work of the past, we should not be hiding from them. Teach kids and adults to think critically and learn that their white-made nostalgia is biased and bad sometimes. When it comes to problematic/ offensive works by still living authors, please just don't by Hogwarts Legacy.
That's all I got. Feel welcome to @ or message me if there's something my white-Gentile-ness forgot or am leaving out. I want to have an actual conversation about this cuz I think it's important. This post also kept me from falling asleep midday again.
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monkey-network · 2 years
Good Stuff: Wendell & Wild
or How to Stop Worrying and Flex with Spirit Again
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It's 2009. We're at our most innocent and optimistic, Bone's final volume came out, and while TV animation was kinda ass at the time, the films we got were like banger after banger. I'm talking Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, the Ed, Edd 'n Eddy movie, El Superbeasto, Redline, Killer Bean Forever, Princess and the Frog, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Coraline. The latter was not only the start of Laika as a major studio but would be the last film the GOAT Henry Selick would frontline for a long while. Most of us wouldn't think of him while stop-motion was carrying on until the current year when Selick would return announcing a new film of his own. Wendell & Wild marks both the return of the mastermind behind Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach and the reunion of Key & Peele notably since that film starring a gangster cat. For what I can consider a very Blacktober film from the looks of it, it is newfound kino or diminishing returns?
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If we’ll get this out of the way, the story... might be hard to swallow. I’m not gonna sugarcoat, Kat as a protagonist is understandable but annoying. I can see where the incident involving her parents can snowball her into being an isolating punk type, but it was hard finding her likable because of how much she’s a... “buzzkill” is the best word I got. It hurts when I like almost every other character, Raul especially, over her. I dunno, it’s like when most you get from a character is them being frustrated and spiteful, it’s hard to connect, and for being the main focus then the story falters in the mind. 
This goes for my other problem where the third act gets pretty jumbled and honestly feels like the one time I’ll say where they didn’t need a big action sequence. This could’ve been a more grounded affair like I cared about Kat facing her trauma and the big demon literally surfacing from hell to get our titular demon brothers than I did some ugly ass couple trying to build a prison. I think it would’ve worked better if it was just about Kat working with Wendell & Wild to get her parents back only to realize that it was a mistake like it never once crosses her mind that bringing them back is... kinda fucked up? The impact of the story overall feels lighter than, say, Coraline or Paranorman where everything built up before made the revelation stuck. Just saying, Kat’s final line in the movie really sprained the ankle at the finish line if you think about it.
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The duo themselves never disappointed thankfully
But that’s all on the story, what about the visuals? Well... this feels like a definite return to form. Selick mentioned that stop-motion became too smooth over time and I can see where he was coming from with this. I love where it’s not just the puppetry, but the settings feel more of a blend between Rankin-Bass and Aardman. It knows when to make a moment smooth, but you can see they didn’t hide it being stop-motion. That’s not to say stop-motion between this and Coraline couldn’t recapture that older feeling (we just got Mad God this year) but it’s nice seeing Selick, and designer Pablo Lobato, among the many of the animation crew give us something familiar. I’m reminded of the movie Klaus where even if you understand, you can’t believe the lengths they went to trick you in a way. All this while being based on Selick’s original story, I feel like this was Henry looking to flex alongside Phil Tippett, the Daniels, and soon enough Guillermo Del Toro, in the creative flavors they cherished way back. The credits themselves tell me everyone had fun making this movie and I appreciates that the most.
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Scenes like this tickled my animation loving bones
Overall, my time didn’t feel wasted regardless of my issues with the story. If there’s any takeaway it’s that Wendell & Wild is pretty emblematic of this year: you take the bad with the good. Hell any film that can have Death, the black godfathers of Punk music, gets points in my book easily. I say it’s a worthy film to watch a least once for Halloween or Turkey Day, y’know if you can work above my gripes with it. Peele already made kino with Nope but he and Selick made something genuinely special here. Just saying in terms of films, we still eating good this year.
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7 Out of 10; Delightfully Devilish Feature
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sugaredge · 2 years
frances' favourite songs from different bands
oasis - live forever
mazzy star - wasted
brian jonestown massacre - my man syd
smashing pumpkins - cherry
portishead - threads
cramps - human fly
nick cave and the bad seeds - henry lee (ft. pj harvey)
pogues - if i should fall from grace
flaming lips - she don't use jelly
nirvana - dumb (acoustic)
blur - country house
pulp - underwear
placebo - nancy boy
vines - get free
white stripes - blue orchid
jesus and mary chain - never understood
pavement - cut your hair
vaselines - son of a gun
knife - ny hotel
pixies - is she weird
travis - she's so strange
bright eyes - lover i don't have to love
gossip - coal to diamonds
queen - bijou
rolling stones - bitch
velvet underground - pale blue eyes
pj harvey - c'mon billie
neighbourhood - how
cranberries - how
veruca salt - volcano girls
muffs - oh nina
stone roses - waterfall
sounds - no no song
christian death - romeo's distress
elastica - connection
lost pigs - she said
peace - from under liquid glass
b*witched - c'est la vie
supergrass - diamond hoo ha man
trio - wildflowers
zero 7 - in the waiting line
vaccines - weirdo
knack - my sharona
abba - dancing queen
teskey brothers - carry you
foster the people - sit next to me
mgmt - time to pretend
kills - black balloon
butthole surfers - pepper
siouxsie and the banshees - christine
mercury rev - delta sun bottleneck stomp
television - friction
r.e.m. - orange crush
warlocks - shake the dope out
swervedriver - english subtitles
wire - i feel mysterious today
sleater-kinney - little mouth
young marble giants - credit in the straight world
raincoats - fairytale in the supermarket
flipper - ever
gang of four - ether
teenage fanclub - the concept
lemonheads - my drug buddy
violent femmes - color me once
cracker - low
la roux - i'm not your toy
bauhaus - bela lugosi's dead
charlatans - the only one i know
primal scream - zombie man
radiohead - high and dry
gogol bordello - start wearing purple
fleetwood mac - landslide
kooks - sofa song
boo radleys - wake up boo!
james - laid
manic street preachers - your love is not enough
telescopes - i fall she screams
spiritualized - cop shoot cop
spacemen 3 - lord can you hear me?
galaxie 500 - strange
slowdive - machine gun
dr dog - heart it races
fruit bats - humbug mountain song
edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros - home
shakespeare's sister - wish you were here
ash - burn baby burn
transvision vamp - i want your love
von bondies - c'mon c'mon
jet - cold hard bitch
beta band - dry the rain
drugstore - alive
sonic youth - 100%
glasvegas - go square go
smiths - william, it was really nothing
fountains of wayne - hackensack
lush - for love
kitchens of distinction - drive that fast
my chemical romance - cubicles
xray spex - oh bondage up yours
damned - machine gun etiquette
joy division - disorder
echo and the bunnymen - nocturnal me
chinese stars - shake the nurse
pink and brown - messy bessy get undressy
ravonettes - kill!
yeah yeah yeahs - zero
shins - caring is creepy
remy zero - fair
garbage - only happy when it rains
sleeper - inbetweener
verve - drugs don't work
lightning seeds - lucky you
sparklehorse - it's a wonderful life
bay city rollers - saturday night
beastie boys - paul revere
wannadies - you and me song
florence + the machine - dog days are over
gun club - she's like heroin to me
t.tex - 20th century boy
porno for pyros - pets
led zeppelin - whole lotta love
saboteurs - steady as she goes
patridge family - i think i love you
beach boys - help me, rhonda
chromatics - shadow
ok go - here it goes again
buffalo springfield - for what it's worth
simon & garfunkel - mrs robinson
doors - changeling
noisettes - don't give up
adverts - bored teenagers
eels - love of loveless
moldy peaches - nothing came out
magnetic fields - i don't believe you
stooges - gimme danger
teenage jesus and the jerks - orphans
wipers - romeo
public enemy - don't believe the hype
edie brickwell & new bohemians - what i am
jimmy eat world - pain
x - because i do
pretenders - brass in pocket
luscious jackson - naked eye
first aid kit - hard believer
runaways - i wanna be where the boys are
helium - baby's going underground
smoking popes - pure imagination
scarce - all sideways
scars on broadway - chemicals.
xx - angels
le butcherettes - henry don't got love.
descendants - silly girl
dead milkmen - punk rock girl
big star - daisy glaze
raconteurs - consoler of the lonely
witchcraft - please don't forget me
boomtown rats - she's so modern
distillers - dismantle me
now now - oh hi.
black sabbath - heaven and hell
spits - die die die
marked men - don't lose it
misfits - teenagers from mars
a tribe called quest - the jam
filter - hey man nice shot
harvey darger - flagpole sitter
catherine - four leaf clover
medicine - slut
bats - sir queen
cure - m
suede - she
weezer - pink triangle
moonpools & caterpillars - moonpool
archers of loaf - mutes in the steeple
melvins - shevil
mew - special
weepies - all that i want
dead kennedys - kill the poor
black flag - tv party
morphine - you look like rain
magnapop - lay it down
stranglers - peaches
queers - fuck the world
daisy chainsaw - i feel insane
beast make bomb - 1234
blouse - into black
rilo kiley - accidntel deth
gin blossoms - hey jealousy
velocity girl - i can't stop smiling
haim - forever
out crowd - drugsick
asteroid #4 - wicked wire
sex pistols - anarchy in the uk
cat's eyes - cat's eyes
esben and the witch - marching song
pastels - nothing to be done
broadcast - come on let's go
l7 - diet pill
sunny day real estate - friday
meat puppets - plateau
superdrag - do the vampire
tripping daisy - i got a girl
primitive radio gods - women
spacehog - cruel to be kind
godspeed you! black emperor - mladic
super furry animals - crazy naked girls
slits - i heard it through the grapevine
my bloody valentine - only shallow
dandy warhols - bohemian like you
black rebel motorcycle club - took out a loan
marcy playground - sex and candy
toadies - possum kingdom
presidents of the united states - peaches
sponge - slowed
verve pipe - freshman
dishwalla - counting blue cars
oblivians - i'll be gone
half japanese - charmed life
civil wars - poison and wine
felice brothers - whiskey in my whiskey
dresden dolls - girl anachronism
jawbreaker - boxcar
youth brigade - did you wanna die
agent orange - it's all a blur
cosmonauts - shaker
sugarcubes - regina
blonde redhead - 23
cocteau twins - lazy calm
magazine - shot by both sides
swirlies - pancake
lilys - dimes make dollars
chapterhouse - pearl
sleeping years - dressed for rain
feelies - let's go
drop nineteens - kick the tragedy
maccabees - toothpaste kisses
nada surf - popular
faces - ooh la la
hives - abra cadaver
tlc - waterfalls
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
aqua - barbie girl
nothing but thieves - wake up call
happy mondays - step on
darkthrone - transilvanian hunger
blossoms - cut me and i'll bleed
public access tv - metropolis
circles - gonna get to you
jacques - scum in a bottle
dead weather - treat me like your mother
johnny thunders and the heartbreakers - born to lose
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bonusholegent · 1 year
Roald Dahl, Censorship, and Missing the Damn Point: A Hot Take
Penguin and the Dahl estate released new editions of several Roald Dahl books on February 17th, 2023. Anita Singh and Ed Cummings at the Daily Telegraph were the first people to report that Penguin had made changes to the books. The article "Augustus Gloop no longer fat as Roald Dahl goes PC" is behind a paywall.
The affected books include Fantastic Mr. Fox, Matilda, The Big Friendly Giant, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches, The Twits, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There is a note on the copyright page of the new editions, saying "This book was written many years ago, and so we regularly review the language to ensure that it can continue to be enjoyed by all today," according to Hayden Vernon. (The Guardian, "Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove offensive language", paywalled.)
The 2013 ebook release of The Witches didn't have this notice.
Changes include:
line edits to descriptions, like changing "enormously fat" to "enormous" in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
more substantial line edits for modernization, like changing ordinary jobs a woman (and thus, a witch) might have from "a cashier in a supermarket" to "a top scientist" in The Witches
adding new passages, like a sentence explaining "There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that" to a paragraph explaining why witches are bald in The Witches
replacing passages, like changing the insulting songs the caterpillar sings in James and the Giant Peach from “Aunt Sponge was terrifically fat / And tremendously flabby at that,” and, “Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire / And dry as a bone, only drier.” to “Aunt Sponge was a nasty old brute / And deserved to be squashed by the fruit,” and, “Aunt Spiker was much of the same / And deserves half of the blame.”
changing some all-male groups to be gender-diverse, like Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Cloud Men in James and the Giant Peach
removing instances of colour-based phrasing, like "turning white with fear"
Matilda reads Jane Austen instead of Rudyard Kipling
Mr. Fox's sons are now daughters
None of the articles I have read mention sentences or paragraphs being removed without being replaced, but I'm sure that has happened.
Some of the modifications seem relatively harmless, but the whole endeavour seems to be missing the point.
Dahl was not a subtle writer. He constructed characters with few personality traits, and the characters kept their personality traits for the entire novel. A whole swath of antagonists have "hates children" as their entire personality.
You can change the descriptions of Agustus Gloop to remove the word "fat". His character is still a fat joke.
You can change the song in James and the Giant Peach to be about the character's personalities, but their names are still "Aunt Sponge" and "Aunt Spiker".
You can add a line about witches not being the only people to wear wigs, but it doesn't change the fact that witches are grotesque beings who want to turn children into mice. Or the fact that men can't be witches, presumably.
The estate and the publisher are legally allowed to make these changes. By next week, we'll all have moved on to something else. Frankly, the biggest issue this might cause is inconsistencies with copies in school libraries. Changing small amounts of the text doesn't change the overall intent.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
alicia, my beloved! would you do me a great favour and answer some of these?
🤡🛒🌌🎶🙋‍♀️💖🤗🧠 (tell me about our boy klaus)
(also i 100% rbed that post in hopes that it'll give me an excuse to pester all my writer friends with questions, mission accomplished! 😈)
🤡 - What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Ella, bestie - there's so many. I mean not all of them are laugh-out-loud funny, but they always bring a little smile to my face. I think Caroline pushes Klaus into a pool in Into Eternity? That's a good one. But I think most the more funny exchanges happen in The Big Bad Wolf. Somehow that fic turned into crack along the way and honestly it ran away from me. My OCs are just really fun to write. Probably the scene that made me laugh the most in that, was the bacon scene. With the lunar cycles. And then later on Klaus throwing Kol's phone out the car window because he caught him texting Rebekah about the new information. Scenes with Titus, Klaus' horse, and Sam's raven Loki also hit the top spots. Sorry, I just can't choose one.
🛒 - What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Found family. Or a sense of family or brotherhood in general. I have no idea why. It's just too wholesome to leave out. Also probably an element of spookiness and horror, because I'm edgy like that, and I like my settings/characters a little dark, a little violent.
✨ - Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Okay so there's no constellation emoji on the original ask list so I'm assuming you meant this one? I don't know, maybe I'm just blind but I can't find it.
So. A compliment.
Will you accept 'I write good'? Lmao I don't know.
🎶 - Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I actually have a few playlists on youtube that I set aside for writing. My brain is really sense-minded, so like when I put that music on it knows it's time to write. I've got a klaroline playlist, which are basically klaroline music vids, and also playlists for my fics. And then sometimes I just freestyle, listen to anything that comes on. I need to share the songs I listen to for TBBW at some point cause they are amazing. Here Come the Wolves by Lola Blanc screams Chapter 1. And then I Know Your Secrets by Tommee Profitt (feat. Liv Ash) is definitely Chapter 12. I remember listening to Running With The Wolves by Aurora for Chapter 13 a lot.
🙋‍♀️ - Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Yes. Sort of. A close friend knows. Though I have not shared my ao3 name nor my fics and do not intend to lol.
💖 - What made you start writing? 
I actually can't remember when I didn't write in some shape or form. I've been writing since I was a small kid, in like primary school. Probably Year 4? Maybe even Year 3? I would have been like 7 maybe. I basically remember watching the movie of Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach, and little kid me thought, oh I want to write a book! And so I started writing a book called the Dragon and the Peach. I think the plot involved a dragon called Sapphira, who like goes on this quest and eats a magical peach that makes her strong and powerful so she can defeat the villain. That story eventually evolved into a different, more complex plot as I got older, with more characters and backstories. By Year 6 I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. And then in my teens I found fanfiction and well, here I am, ten years later, still writing fanfiction lol. Nothing really made me start writing. I guess Dahl's books inspired me originally, I really loved them as a kid, but nothing made me do it. No one pushed me to do it, or said I'd be good at it. For me writing has always been a calling. I really had no choice but answer.
🤗 - What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Read. Write. That's it. Read as much as you can, because that's the finest teacher of how to write. Literally. You'll find whatever genres and tropes you prefer to read will start popping up in your writing without even realising it. And when you do write, keep writing, even when you get writer's block - even if its 200 words per day or 200 words after weeks of nothing, at least its no longer a blank page. Write while figuring out how to plot, how to characterise, how to build up tension. Don't be ashamed of stuff you wrote a year ago because it sucks - it doesn't suck, you've just improved since then and now you can write better. It's a victory, not a defeat. And don't write for anyone else but yourself. Like I said before, writing is a calling. It's bleeding words onto a page because you have to get it out or you'll go crazy. You are your first reader. So write for you.
🧠 - Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favourite headcanon for them.
So. Klausy. Neeklous. Our boy Klaus. What headcanons do I have for him, hmm? 🤔
[I'm trying to think of one I haven't told you, it's a challenge]
Okay I have one. Not sure if I've included this in a fic yet, but a headcanon I love is that Klaus steals artwork from galleries and museums for kicks and replaces them with copies he painted before the originals are noticed as missing. The galleries and museums around the world have yet to catch on. He thinks its funny. Compulsion gets boring after the first few centuries, after all.
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ollielambertvisom · 1 year
Tumblr media
James and the Giant Peach was Roald Dahl’s first conscious attempt to write for children, having spent several years previously writing short stories for adults. He began writing it in 1959.
In 1961, young Nancy Ekholm Burkert illustrated his kids’ story James and the Giant Peach as a gothic fairytale. This illustration was the original cover for the book, even though Quentin Blakes interpretation is the most well known today. I think it could be a nice idea to base this image as framework to create my version of the cover.
There is a vast amount of detail and story information you get from this illustration which I like, if I wasn't aware of the story this image would make me want to find out more , so more recent interpretations are quite minimal.
an article from the guardian quotes "Her sharp lines recall the precise foaming waves of Japanese seascapes. But she didn’t look at Asian art until later. The likeness was perhaps filtered through her early inspiration, Arthur Rackham, whose scenes were influenced by Japanese woodblock prints."
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AW – Amelia Watson PM - Projekt Melody VA - Vox Akuma RP – Rin Penrose AC – Ai Candii RD – Rosedoodle
Unlikely Lines From A Children's Book AW: Mr. Stubborn wouldn't leave. He was the elected leader of the Conservative Party. AC: I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow you, Albanese! PM: As Noddy looked at his new friends Rampant Rabbit and Linda The Love Egg, he realized he was in a very different kind of Toy Town. RP: And all the animals of Buttercup celebrated 'cause Percy Pig was going to the slaughterhouse and they never had to listen to that whiny little bastard again! VA: 'And the beautiful woman was cursed to sleep for 100 years.' And that's your defence, is it, Mr. Cosby? (Yagoo: He didn't do it, don't boo him.) AW: (English accent) "I'm Paddington Bear from Peru," said Paddington, "and if you show me where the toilet is, I'll poo out this condom of cocaine." RD: It's the absolutely horrific follow-up to "Netflix and Chill": Swallows and Amazons. AC: And was there a happy ending? Well, the prince did love massage parlours. VA: "I will never tell you my name, you will have to guess my name," said Rumpelstiltskin, really holding up the queue at Starbucks. PM: From under the bridge came the voice of the troll, (mimes typing) "Waa, women can't be Ghostbusters! Send." RD: Every day, Jack and Jill have to walk up a hill just to fetch one pail of water. But for just five pounds a month… AW: "Oh. It wasn't a giant peach after all," thought James as he watched the Big Friendly Giant put on his swimming trunks. RP: He pushed aside the clothes and there, at the back of the wardrobe, he found a magical land of nipple clamps and lube. PM: There's an enby in the cupboard! I think they're hiding from the UAP! (AC approaches the mic) Oh, come on, that's unfair! AC: I've been in this cupboard for bloody ages.
Things You Wouldn't Hear On a Quiz Show RD: You've already used your fifty-fifty to narrow down the options to A) In, or B) Out. Mr. Cameron, are you sure you want to ask the audience? AW: Well, in that round on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, you passed on four… PM: We asked you for things that start with an "E". You said "a great night out with the gals." AW: Welcome to America's only quiz about birds of prey. Fingers on buzzards, please. AC: Here at The Chase, we just want to reiterate that our chaser is not called "The Ladykiller" for any sexist reasons. Now, can you please welcome our new chaser, Millie "The Boob Wobbler" Lavigne. VA: So, the final round on Family Feud is sudden death. BOO! RP: Welcome to Eggheads. Well, we couldn't call it Smug Pricks, could we? AC: Welcome to Tipping Point, for people who are too thick to follow The Chase. PM: Name? Donald Trump- I mean, Jim! Occupation? President- I mean, washing machine salesman! RP: I'm afraid we're gonna have to take your first answer, so let's see if the capital of Azerbaijan is "Fucked if I know." AW: Is that your final answer? (pause) I'll marry someone else, then… RD: Well, at the end of this week's episode of Who Wants To Be A Canadian Millionaire?, the winner is Sam Ulman, who will be walking away with $20,000. But, of course, the real winner is Rose's dad Hugh at home who got two questions right and is going to brag on about it for the rest of the damn week. PM: Well, we've given the contestants their meth and sent them to Universal. Welcome to The Crystal Maze. RP: My chosen specialized subject? Uh, your wife. Yeah, you heard me. AW: (back to the audience, pretends to squat as if she's urinating) I've started, so I'll finish… AC: Well, that was the banker, and he says he thinks you're going to accept this deal, because in his box is your wife. RP: Well, today, it's Kelly Brook and Joey Essex versus Stephens Hawking and Fry. This is fucking Pointless.
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psych commentary 2x02
SF KK JRr DH, but I swear I'm hearing another voice that is too high for SF, not a big enough chest, & it doesn't have the same timbre/fry as JRr, & not even close to the tight yet smooth quality of DH, & the speech patterns/habits/accents are different. This person is not mentioned on the DVD. I don't think it's Andy Berman. The other likely one would be Chris Henze I think.
finally did a dinosaur
Every year we should do a feature film movie. This is jurassic park on our budget
1/1000th more scruff, he's at his wit's end
You can see why he's head detective.
Obscure lines from obscure movies. I love them
they upped the special effects for This One Episode
"how hard can it be to solve these things if the clues are lit up"
the shooting is in vancouver, the writer's room is in LA
"the pen is drawing for me, what's even going on"
there are minimum four things happening here
*getting caught watching* *laughing at their own show, good*
[gus] is so disappointed in his man...
they did like fifty different sketches of the dinosaur
Gus has a regular full-time job
"we are going to do a mini version of every one of my favourite 80s movies"
My man did so much research for this, & he knew the bite marks bc he'd taken a picture of himself in the jaws
"Hows the cast?" 'James will literally make up lines to entertain YOU'
hear them laughing when they see shawn "looking for the room"
City of talent
Doug DeVette, named after [his] friend, Dough DouVet
DH: I wasn't enjoying that cupcake
The wet bar is from the next episode bc psy vs psy was aired out of order
Smartest person ever, but has hoels in his knowledge
A wacked wombat
idc abt the controversy! I want Gus! He is smart!
four minute Dule scene they sadly sadly had to cut it down
Supposed to be almost pitch black & then the light in his eyes JRr: I played it for you man! Post: We'll colour correct this for you man!
SF: Steal his whole thing & you're expecting to give it to you just right there
SF: Any time you have to open something, it's always the most impossible thing to open. You have the bone density of a 90 year old grandmother
This was supposed to be the opposite of the university, all high tech, but it looks like someone's garden shed with spider webs, bones, & armadillos. (& ojai peaches)
KK: The giant lettering on the side that we had to light up just in case you missed it Me: How stupid do you think we are? (I'm very stupid, actually)
Great transition
THE NETWORK WANTED TO SUBTITLE THIS GUY!? I mean, as a hard of hearing person who also has adhd (audio processing issues), I do struggle to understand ppl with accents I'm unfamiliar with sometimes, (makes me feel so racist,) but I just have the captions on for everything.
This man gave them handmade greeting cards & SF a beaded bracelet? That is so nice!
Wrecked the car this episode : (
Once again, heaviest gate in the history of gates Network: Why so heavy?
*can't think of the movie* Dule Hill was in that one!
DH legit fell down that hill *everyone laughing* DH That hurt when I got up
Stunt driver, sound stage, stunt driver, hitting a tree, spin around (Gus doesn't do that later seasons, he does a nine point turn.)
Ernest Jackson
Arguing physics while being shot at
"this is what happens when you have a one year old while you're writing your script"
I like all the cops watching him on his streak
JRr: There was one take where Tim came in & got both Ethan AND Robinson wrong. He created a completely new nam, first & last. SF: Efirmsimolinus Junior was the name, oddly enough. I hate being hoh without captions
Exposition. "We're fooling you right here!"
SF: Who decided that if Corbin was going to sit in the purple chair & have the purple curtains, that he should be wearing the purple shirt, next to the purple painting? He's having a purple moment right there. He should be reading a Prince magazine.
HS: I know feelings Commenters: *cracking up*
Visual Effects! JRr's fave. Great job Tim.
*metal hitting metal sound effect* KK: What is it hitting? JRr: Watch & belt buckle? SF: Bone
The trex skull was paper maché, they had to NOT break it with the shovels & brushes
obviously fake smoke
SF: I guarantee if you watch csi, law & order, you're never going to see "I just discovered a dinosaur" *cut to the floor with clothing & tools scattered on it, panning up the bodies of Shawn & Gus* KK: This was another... controversy, a little bit, the Of Mice & Men run JRr: Well so was the post-coital positioning
Shawn has been carrying his Lenny forever. Finally! The opportunity to get it out!
Almonds too. SF: You actually learn something on this show every once in a while
SF: James, when I sent you the script, I remember this very clearly, you sent me an email back that simply said "Stop analyzing my threat" & I'm like "Thank you" [sweet voice]. & the thing that I do truly, truly love about you is you always pick out my favourite line from a script that I'm most proud of
keeps opening it like something different is going to be out there
SF: The rule is, Henry always has to call at the most inopportune moment CH: He's just down for a pleasant walk on the docks (thinking about an unsolved murder) SF: He thought he'd take the purple shirt out &... KK: give it a spin "He always calls to get something back or have Shawn pick something up" "We should have given him a fishing pole"
They just had so much rain that they wanted to film outside apparently SF: They called me like "Hey we want to film this on the pier" & I'm like "I don't care I'm fine"
KK: I think the girls are excited about going on this adventure
where WERE they hiding when Sullivan walked them out here!? "Clearly comes from the woods. Henry found it too"
First time someone interrupts the breakdown
One was Taupe & one was Grey
Roger Deacon btw is not the guy from queen buried here
JRr: After seventy four takes of this, I did one where I was a velociraptor, & that's the only thing that got printed SF: Matheson put it in his cut KK: I'm still trying to wrap my head around that JRr: & I touch Dulé & [Gus] becomes a velociraptor SF: It was six minutes of *velociraptor noises: Grauughgh, eaign, eaign!* & then he touched Dule & it's like *velociraptor noises: wroAGHghhhhh* *everyone laughing* JRr: & that was when we learned that we need to be more careful about what was being printed
DH: Between the locks, & the fence, & the raptors "this was our most controversial episode of the season"
*aren't sure if it's forcing the other to dig or etting credit*
Zippy the dinosaur Gus: His name would be Jerome
SF: There SHOULD be a reason for each episode to happen, somebody learns something, something changes in their life, & this is the moment where Lassiter can accept a hug from Juliet.
Lassiter: Oh what do I look like! (one of the commenters): ... Mr Bean
Undercut it with the walk away quickly
JRr, in a funny "sexy" voice: Oah! I must have ridden my ~motorcycle~ to the house
you didn't do a very good job of it because I didn't know for AGES that shawn had a motorcycle! Then again, I was only watching the occasional episode with my mom if I had time when she had it on.
JRr: & they never have a jacket filming, so it's always this mad dash & in this particular case I believe I ended up with something,,, suede
"You could take the motorcycle lessons we've been offering for years now" JRr: Oh yeah "I feel like the authenticity could be..."
Another controversy on the Shawn intervention
The freak out dance at the end!
SF: gjiblin KK: *gkiblin SF: No he likes when I call him dgiblin
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 8 months
And John Green. I don't think there really is a line anymore. I think it's all blurred. Kids go from reading Dr Suess to Harry Potter in a month. I really loved books like James and the Giant Peach (pretty much anything written by RD), Romana and Beezus series, Little Women, Chronicles of Narnia, etc
ngl i know nothing about john green save his purported flavour preferences or his inability to imagine apples.
id consider most of those kids books but the line is pretty blurry. i was a big animorphs fan in my youth and those are of debatable child appropriateness despite being aimed at 5th graders or so. i read them in college but chronicles of prydain was fantastic. also of course theres youth literature like the jungle book or treasure island from of old. but once i figured out that reading thing i jumped to the normal adult fantasy series. cut my teeth on dragonlance mostly
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what informed and motivated my design decisions- throughout this term I have drawn inspiration from many different things such as different magazine spreads such as times, vouge, Aesthetica, apollo, CURA and x-tra, these magazines are visually beautiful and show really good hierarchy.
what changes and developments has my project gone through- through my judge a book by its cover project I began with multiple different illustrations which then gave me a broad range of pointers to go from including brush sizes, textures which then led me onto my final book cover. Place of words also was challenging as this was my first editorial piece iv ever done, I struggled with type a lot and grids I felt it challenging to keep my layout looking like a magazine rather than a book and finally our brief there’s an app for that was the most challenging brief as it was working with others and within a short time frame, some of the challenges include people not participating equally and fairly, I feel in some areas certain people tried to overstress the rest of us but didn’t pull their weight with the work and expected people to then do it for them, or not communicate what work they had done.
did i manage my time well through the unit- through this unit I struggled with my time management a lot, this was due to personal reasons and I did struggle to balance out my personal life and my workload. However I did catch up, I feel if I had managed a lot better I defiantly would have a lot more work but I am happy with the amount I produced.
how did i respond to feedback- all the feedback in which I was given this term I then applied it to my work within my best ability, all the feedback which I was given this term I was happy with and felt it did genuinely  bring my work up to that next level
are there any areas of my design process that needs more practice- this term really helped me as it was my first time ever properly doing editorial and with my process book as well and I still feel like a weakness of mine is typeface. 1
what have i learnt from this unit of study- from this unit I feel as though my editorial skills have improved but not only that my illustration work has improved to line up with the type, for my place of words magazine I felt that my illustrations went strongly with my article being on people appropriating mental illness on social media but more specifically tik Tok.
on reflection, are there any improvements that I would make to my final outcome- for my book cover If I was given more time I would have liked to change the type face on the main cover, I feel like it doesn’t sit right on the readers eyes. Place of words, withing this brief I would like to have modified pull quotes into my illustrations for example on the phone screens, I feel that this would take my magazine that extra step. Process book, for my process book I love the lay out I would have just liked to add more information. There’s an app for that, for this project I would have liked to have allowed all of us to have added a bit more of our uniqueness into it
Reference list
Anon, (n.d.). 26 Percent of Social Media Users Have Created a Fake Profile Somewhere. [online] Available at: https://www.digitalinformationworld.com/2019/11/26-percent-of-social-media-users-have-created-a-fake-profile-somewhere.html.
Anon, (2021). Top 12 of the Very Best Contemporary Art Magazines – CAI. [online] Available at: https://www.contemporaryartissue.com/top-101-of-the-very-best-contemporary-art-magazines/ [Accessed 1 Jun. 2023].
Dahl, R. and Blake, Q. (2007). James and the Giant Peach. [online] Amazon. Puffin. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/James-Giant-Peach-Roald-Dahl-ebook/dp/B002RI9INI [Accessed 1 Jun. 2023].
Gilpin, C.C. (2017). Are You the Same Person on Social Media as You Are in Real Life? (Published 2017). The New York Times. [online] 9 May. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/09/learning/are-you-the-same-person-on-social-media-as-you-are-in-real-life.html.
Goodreads. (n.d.). James and the Giant Peach. [online] Available at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6689.James_and_the_Giant_Peach [Accessed 1 Jun. 2023].
i-d.vice.com. (n.d.). People with OCD are finding community and support on TikTok. [online] Available at: https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/epd334/ocd-community-support-on-tiktok- [Accessed 1 Jun. 2023].
Jr, T.H. (2021). How Instagram influencers can fake their way to online fame. [online] CNBC. Available at: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/02/hbo-fake-famous-how-instagram-influencers-.html.
Li, P. (2020). Parent-Child Relationship: How To Strengthen It. [online] Parenting For Brain. Available at: https://www.parentingforbrain.com/close-parent-child-relationship/.
Morin, A. (2019). The 7 Best Mental Health Apps of 2019. [online] Verywell Mind. Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/best-mental-health-apps-4692902.
NHS England (n.d.). NHS England» Wellbeing apps. [online] www.england.nhs.uk. Available at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/supporting-our-nhs-people/support-now/wellbeing-apps/.
Nikolić, M. (2023). Mind-Mindedness Parenting Explained | Child & Family Blog. [online] Child and Family Blog. Available at: https://childandfamilyblog.com/mind-mindedness-parenting/.
Parenting NI (2018). Parent-Child Relationship - Why it’s Important - Parenting NI. [online] Parenting NI. Available at: https://www.parentingni.org/blog/parent-child-relationship-why-its-important/.
Penguin.co.uk. (2019). Penguin Books UK | Official Website. [online] Available at: https://www.penguin.co.uk/.
Suciu, P. (n.d.). Social Media Is Full Of Fakes – As In Fake Followers New Study Finds. [online] Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/petersuciu/2021/11/17/social-media-is-full-of-fakes--as-in-fake-followers-new-study-finds/.
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