#the links are broken
fly-sky-high-bug-games · 11 months
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The Hollow Knight Wiki has a New Home
We would like to announce that the Hollow Knight Wiki has been moved from hollowknight.fandom.com to hollowknight.wiki.
We and a lot of our readers have been frustrated over the year with Fandom's aggressive ad campaigns, the lack of freedom in customization, and having a little say in their increasingly restrictive implementations. Because of this (and more), we decided it was time to move from Fandom.
All content from the Fandom wiki has been copied to the new site and we will abandon the former wiki. The new wiki offers WAY fewer ads, faster load times, improved design, and more independence in what we can show in our articles. The new wiki will also be the only one updated with Silksong information once the game is released.
Since the Fandom wiki can't be closed, we recommend not visiting or editing it any longer. Update your bookmarks and delete your browser history with links to the Fandom wiki. You can also try out the Indie Wiki Buddy browser extension, which will redirect any Fandom wiki links to the new wiki. We aim to overtake the Fandom wiki in search results, but we can only do it with your help.
We hope you will join us in this turning point. Share this news and make more fans aware of this development, so that new wiki can gain the attention and momentum it needs. And, as always, our pages will be open to editing. By helping out, you can improve the wiki for everyone, which is something we will greatly appreciate. Together we can build a better wiki for both Hollow Knight and Silksong.
-Hollow Knight Wiki team
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girlonthelasttrain · 1 year
There are several NGO-funded ships currently operating in the central Mediterranean Sea with the specific intent of saving migrants from what has been for years one of the deadliest migration routes in the world. Here is partial list:
Geo Barents (Médecins Sans Frontières)
Ocean Viking (SOS Méditerranée)
Aurora, Sea Watch 3 and Sea Watch 5 (Sea Watch)
Life Support (Emergency)
Open Arms and other ships (Open Arms)
Another important resource for migrants in distress at sea is the hotline AlarmPhone.
Since 2016 these rescue missions have become more and more onerous to fund as EU countries have progressively strengthened the Frontex program while at the same time criminalizing NGO-led search and rescue operations. (Italy has been at the forefront of this trend, and a shipwreck on the coast of Calabria in late February this year only managed to strengthen the resolve of the current government to make it even more complex for NGOs to try and rescue migrants.) So while it definitely won't solve the root issue, donating to these NGOs still has a tangible effect.
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spearxwind · 7 months
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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"This is more me. Don't you think, Hero?" 🔥
Shout-out to my ZHS buddy @chihuahuana!! She suggested Puppet Zelda in a Gloom Dess, inspired by THIS 👇 ...i had absolutely no other choice but to draw it 🤣🤷‍♀️
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She my Lady and Master. I love her okay! T_T
✋Glory to Puppet Zelda !
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entiqua · 3 months
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weird fairy (affectionate)
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daeyumi · 9 months
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decay 🌑🗡️⚫️
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wernerherzogs · 2 months
buck and eddie's red, hot, infidelity summer!
boys, when my baby found me by nondz (pinkjook) @hunybody (wip, emotional infidelity)
Three months later, things are mostly back to normal.
And then there's an accident.
something touched me (like a knife-blade) by kithmet @kithmet (emotional infidelity)
Eddie self-implodes. Christopher, seeking refuge, flees to Buck—whose priorities amount to, in varying order: take in the kid, get Eddie to talk to him, and keep the three of them afloat in the process. (Oh, and Tommy’s there too. He thinks.)
baby did a bad bad thing by Wildehack (tyleet) @wildehacked
This is just the worst idea, right, classic Buckley, a grade-A fuckup, a five-alarm fire, a pin pulled out of a grenade and tossed into Buck’s life, and he’s so stupid that he’s on his knees and moaning for it.
we can act a fool by detectivemeer @buick118
“You’re my best friend. I’d do anything for you. For both of you.” Buck’s eyes are stupid Hollywood blue and even in the dim light they glare electric. Intensified by Buck’s hushed, fevered sincerity. “You know that.”
you and tequila make me crazy by cranberrymoons @cranberrymoons (emotional infidelity)
His arm is still draped over Eddie’s shoulders, hand still holding the other side of his head, and he shifts so that his fingers push up into the hair at the back of his neck, thumb slotting up against his ear.
closer than my hands have been by cranberrymoons @cranberrymoons (emotional infidelity)
Eddie never feels easy.
Tommy feels easy, but Eddie – he doesn’t.
yes god don't speak by detectivemeer @buick118
“You’re staring.”
“What.” Eddie says. “No I’m not.” 
i didn't even know that i was cold by teaspoon @standback
The first time is mostly an accident.
in the sun or in the shade by detectivemeer @buick118
“Yeah—yeah, okay. I mean, most of the stuff is the same?” Buck scruffs a hand through his hair, sliding back into his chair, long legs arrowing outward. “Like, obviously ass-play, stuff like that, that’s not new.”
We're Running With Our Eyes Closed by semperama @semperama
Buck shows up at exactly the wrong time to tell Eddie about what happened with Lucy.
nothing wrong with me loving you by cranberrymoons @cranberrymoons
He’s not thinking about it. He’s not. He’s definitely not.
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destinationtoast · 3 months
1/3 - Hi there! Three (I think) part ask incoming. You're the main person I know of who compiles tons of interesting fandom stats, so I wanted to ask you about it if you have the time to answer. :) I think a lot about how AO3 works great as a fan*fic* archive, but for other fanworks, like images, audio, video, etc., it's only as good as wherever the media is being hosted. With the way hosting sites come and go, or change their TOS to nuke nsfw or queer content, etc., it makes me wonder
how many broken image links litter AO3 at this point. I know it's not considered the primary place to find fanart, but a lot of folks do post images there—for events like Big Bangs, as standalone art, and even as decorative section breaks, etc. My question is: do you think there's a way to look at, say, works tagged with #fanart (of which there are 99,504 atm) and determine what percentage of those are broken links? From what little I understand, one would have to (perhaps with the use of a simple bot?) try to open any link bordered by the <img src> html, and see what portion of those return an error versus what ones actually load? I suppose it could even be something like looking at fanart posted in 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 to compare how many older links are broken versus newer links. Anyway, this may be completely unfeasible, but I figured I'd ask about your thoughts! Thanks!
Ooh, thanks for the great question! I took a while to answer because I wasn't initially sure what to recommend and ended up gathering some data to investigate. (If anyone else also has relevant data, please share in the notes!)
I liked your idea of looking at samples different years going back, and I decided to look through 100 AO3 works tagged "Fanart" (or a subtag) that were posted 10 years ago -- as a very fast starting point, I didn't even take a random sample of works, I instead looked at the first 100 multimedia fanworks posted in July 2014. (And August, when necessary; see more notes on methodology at the end.) Please keep in mind that this sample that may not be very representative of AO3 more broadly; to get better estimates, more sampling would be needed. Based on this initial data gathering (and the fact that most fanworks on AO3 were posted within the past 10 years), I would tentatively guess that that most fanart, fanvids, and podfic on AO3 still have accessible multimedia.
Given how many broken links and embeds there are on older webpages, I assumed that a ton of the links from 10 years ago would be broken. But I was pleasantly surprised by the results:
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Wow -- 10 years on roughly 90% of the multimedia still works! I was honestly floored; I'd been originally planning to also look at 5 years ago to see how much better that was, but if ~90% are still working 10 years on, 5 years ago doesn't have room to be dramatically better. (However, I'd love to see more follow up sampling across different years to find out.)
There were a lot of AO3 users in this sample who posted multiple works -- some posted as many as a dozen multimedia works in July 2014. I didn't want the results to be overly skewed by any one fanwork creator, so I also redid the analysis with just one work from each unique creator:
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Okay, cool, those results are pretty similar. I also did some further breakdowns on this smaller set of works to look at which hosts creators were using, and how many of the hosts were still working:
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The most common fanart host used in this sample was Tumblr, then wixmp -- which I think from some very quick googling might be because Deviantart switched to using Wix for image hosting at some point? (i.e., I think most of those artists may have posted their art on Deviantart, then linked to/embedded the image on AO3, and the image's direct URL was was wixmp.) There were a few other hosts at the time that were used by 5+ different artists in the sample, and then there were a whole lot of hosts were used by just one or a few artists.
Most of the 10-year-old fanart is still up for all of these hosting categories! Photobucket is the least reliable of the most commonly used hosts. In the Other category, 25% of the links are broken, but that's still better than I expected (see full host list here).
This is getting long, so I'm moving the breakdowns for fanvids and podfic beneath the cut:
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Fanvids were almost all hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or both (the above categories are not mutually exclusive). All the Vimeo links still worked, whether they required a password to view or not. Most YouTube links were working, and the few missing ones had almost all been taken down by YouTube for copyright reasons (according to the errors I got -- I'm not rendering judgment about whether they were actually fair use), rather than by the vidder who posted it. And almost a third of vidders also linked to other hosts besides the big two, but many of those links were broken; 59% still worked. (see full host list here)
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For podfic, mediafire was a popular solution 10 years ago, though many podficcers used it as a backup rather than the main link that they shared. A lot of podficcers made use of a fandom hosting site that specialized in podfic -- either parakaproductions.com or audiofic.jinjurly.com. Four podficcers used soundcloud (often as a backup). And once again there were a lot of less-frequently used hosts, often used as backup links; 69% of those still worked. (see full host list here)
Some methodology notes and further thoughts:
For fanvids and podfic (but mostly not from fanart), the fanwork creators tended to provide multiple links, and in those cases, I counted the multimedia as working if at least one of the links was still working.
I counted embedded media and links to other sites that host the media all the same way.
I counted the media as broken if I got a 404 when I tried to visit it, or if a site like YouTube had taken it down due to copyright issues, or if I got an Access Denied message for a site like Google Drive.
I counted the media as working if it required a password that was given on the page (common with Vimeo), or if an embed was broken but there were working links to other sites.
How representative is this data? Well, these samples contained most/all of the multimedia fanworks posted in July 2014; that month, there were 70 fanvids, 135 podfic, and 186 pieces of fanart posted that haven't been deleted since. So it's pretty representative of July 2014 specifically. :) But there could have been, say, a fanwork challenge going on in July 2014 that caused unusual uploading patterns then.
The above data gathering and analysis took me several hours over several days. If you want to follow up, you could do more data gathering similar to what I did (I'm happy to elaborate on my process as needed). Or you could write a bot to do something similar; you could have it fetch more AO3 fanworks and try following the links within each work. However, that would be slightly tricky; I ran across more kinds of errors and complicated situations than I expected (e.g., if a YouTube video has been taken down due to copyright, it still has a working YouTube page; sometimes an embed is broken, but if you open the link within the embed in a separate window, it still works fine; many Vimeo links require a password to test, and it could be hard for the bot to reliably find the password in the surrounding text). So you'd have to program your bot to be able to handle a bunch of different special cases.
Regardless of which path you are considering, if you or anyone else does any follow up work here, I encourage you to start by looking through a bunch of fanworks yourself and deciding which scenarios you want count as "working" vs. "not working," and any other things you want to pay attention to.
Hope that helps, and please feel free to DM me with follow up questions. And if you follow up, please share anything else you figure out in this space!
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kikker-oma · 11 days
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Art for Chapter 1 of "Travel Through the Darkness" by @mariasparrow ! (Also happy late birthday🎉)
Hope you like it❤️
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wis-art · 1 year
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polish piece
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spirk-trek · 6 months
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Sharing the Sunlight Fanzine & Novel | Drawings by Chris Soto, 1992
Entire work available to read here!
Editorial note from author Jenna Sinclair:
"I have been in love with the Star Trek universe and its characters for twenty-five years now. I wrote my first 'novella' in the seventh grade. Over the years I wrote sporadically, mostly in my head, never, ever satisfied, knowing that there was an elusive 'something' I was unable to grasp. But then I discovered K/S! Unbelievably, it took me a good twenty-three and a half years to do it! I felt as if I had been working on a puzzle all that time, and finally the pieces flew naturally into place. Like just about everybody else, I became obsessed. In six months, I read about 200 zines (yes, I was broke and suffering from eyestrain), and then I sat down to write an established relationship short story, as a way of saying 'thank you' to all the K/S authors, artists, and editors who had given me so much pleasure. That story refused to be written, and this first time novel came flowing from my pen instead. The first 120 pages were composed on a 25 year old typewriter which lacked a 'k,' a '/', and a '-'. You try writing a novel with Kirk, Spock, and other fairly essential words without a 'k'!"
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st-hedge · 1 year
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Aw shid there’s more of them this year
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luna-lovegreat · 1 month
Yeah sky and time's relationship is a whole mess over the master sword
but can we talk about sky and wild's view of the sword
Because it's just a lot of contradictions
Sky loves the sword. Sky loves Fi. Sky openly admits she can hurt them. Sky knows she has best interests at heart. Sky is dying for someone to care about the sword. Sky is pissed that wild broke the sword. Sky still handed her back to him.
Wild loves the sword. The sword tried to kill Wild and he's a little bitter about that. Wild worked to earn the sword. Wild doesn't feel worthy of the sword. Wild breaks the sword. The sword always comes back.
Wild is the only one who openly invites Sky to talk about the sword- how he forged it, and the voice inside. There is a lot of negativity around Wild and the sword. And the sword is a major bonding point with Sky. He's dying for someone to care about her too, but at the end of the day Wild is the one who actually talks to him about her.
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yasmeensh · 10 months
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The Adventure of Link... my beloved.
I'm playing a fan-made remaster of Zelda 2 and I REALLY like it. Temples are different. Some backtracking involved for heart containers and magic potions (Much like in later zelda games). The world is a lot more fleshed out too.
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sheikfangirl · 2 months
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Zelink Week 2024 Day 2 - FADING He wanted to stay 💔
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william-snekspeare · 4 months
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comfort zone
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