#the main city in my living setting has a family that owns an entire street market/street food district
gojos-thot-patrol · 8 months
HI AIDEN I had a lot of fun with the entire story involving The Sims and it raised some questions for me. imagine our dear sukuna, nanami, gojo and geto playing the sims Do you think Sukuna would wreak havoc and kill everyone in the game? Would gojo let someone in his family die because of being negligent or maybe flirting with all the sims in the game? Would Nanami build a house from scratch? and would geto have a big family?
thinking a lot about the scenes
You want me to combine my hyperfixations on main? Moon, I could kiss you!
Starting with
Satoru Gojo
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🎮Okay so I really feel like Gojo is in love with the mundane, mostly because his own life is so far removed from it. So, Gojo actually plays a pretty calm game.
🎮Or, he tries to at least.
🎮He has a thousand founders for generation challenges he will never complete, a million builds that he made the shell of and never went back too, and his world is riddled with homeless sims he made for rags to riches stories.
🎮Really, he always goes back to his favorite sim- is super sim that me made on accident. A random sim that he got so attached to he turned aging off so they wouldn't die, and that he tends to and frets over like a favored pet.
🎮He definitely has all the DLC and is a little bit ashamed of it. He even has DLC that he's never touched- like horse ranch. Why does he have horse ranch? He hates horses (Because how DARE An animal of that size be that skiddish and breakable) so why does he own HORSE RANCH?!
🎮So that he still owns all the DLC, that's why. It as just a much a mark or pride as it is shame for him.
🎮He probably has a few script mods here and there, like the cuddling mod or the real estate mod, but for the most part his modding starts and ends with CC. He LOVES CC, mostly cause the Sims team (in his humble opinion) makes shit clothes. All maxis match.
🎮He gets on telling himself he's only going to play for an hour tops at 6 pm and OOPS the sun is up. He swears maxis puts speed in this game.
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Suguru Geto
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🎮the opposite of Gojo- this man is a menace.
🎮Suguru's got a lot of built up rage he's repressing, and 100% takes it out on his digital dolls. If you're a sim and you displease him- straight to the fenced in pool.
🎮He has the extreme violence and life tragedies mods installed. You know why.
🎮Had his sim marry into the goth family just to murder them and take everything they had. You know- what Don Lothario failed to do.
🎮Oh, that's another thing: He has beef with these pixels.
🎮Like, yes- he knows it's unreasonable and a little childish...But if he ever ever catches Nancy Landgrab on the streets it is ON. SIGHT.
🎮He will just let his sims wreak whatever havoc they see fit. like "Oh, you want to cheat on your husband with the pizza delivery guy when your husband is literally standing right there? Who am I to stand in the way of feminism."
🎮He will also forget sims. Like, he'll set a sim up to do something, go play with a different sim in the house, and it will be like a real word fifteen minuets (keep in mind, a in game day is only 24 minuets) before he realizes the mom has been missing because she's been practicing violin with no end in sight and is about to piss herself. oops.
🎮He has a few of the DLC that interest him, like city living and snowy escape. He has all the occult packs but his favorite is Realm of Magic....duh. He only plays sorcerers and always goes down the chaos magic tree. You know why.
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Nanami Kento
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🎮Nanami is here to build.
🎮Nanami gets on the sims to build he dream homes and experiment with different layouts and such that he might like. And he's actually gotten really good at it.
🎮Like some of his builds are in the maxis showcase and he's quite popular on the gallery
🎮What determines if he buys any sort of DLC is if he likes the build buy items or not. and as such, most of his mods are also for build buy
🎮He does play a little bit of the actual game too though, but he tends to get board of it pretty quick. He's tried to make evil sims of dubious moral character and he just can not.
🎮Like, when Suguru tells him about his game play he just looks on in horror. What do you mean your sims has five secret families and an artist slave, do you not feel horrible? Have you no shame?
🎮I think Island Living is his favorite pack because he likes Sulani so much. He thinks it's a pretty place for a home. And mermaids are neat- he guesses.
🎮He also likes Werewolves cause Celene is his favorite townie. He started his first ever generation challenge with her and she's had a special place in his heart cause of it
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Ryomen Sukuna
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🎮A little too happy with the extreme violence mod
🎮Sukuna is here to fuck shit up- you can not tell me other wise.
🎮His sim has an artist sim painting locked in the basement that sells painting for the main sim to get money. His sim has romanced and ruined half the town and physically fought the rest.
🎮He genuinely plays to see how much chaos he can cause, and has mods to help him do it. extreme violence, life tragedy, fuck it- wicked whims he wants to see the world burn.
🎮He has all the DLC but that's because he pirated it- which is very cool and sexy of him.
🎮Have you ever seen a kid play with their barbies? The ones that are maybe a lil traumatized and have their dolls going through some of the most insane shit? Kidnapping, drug abuse, domestic violence, murder!
🎮Thats how Sukuna plays sims. You walk in and the house he's playin in is on fire and he's just contently watching as he sips his tea
🎮He doesn't play very often, but when he does he binges it. He gets on for hours at a time, then he doesn't touch it for months
🎮I will say, he does have a special place in his heart for Gregg. A monster that the town fears and hates who attacks on sight? That guy gets it.
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🎮He is what Gojo wishes he was.
🎮Choso has so many successful generations challenges under his belt it's not even funny. He's never played a rags to riches game he didn't knock out of the park.
🎮The only challenge he won't do it the hundred baby challenge. Too personal.
🎮He honestly gets pretty attached to his sims, which is natural all things considered, and is genuinely a little bummed when they die. Oh well, onto the next.
🎮He's pretty bad at naming his sims, so he just lets random take the wheel. Or he lets one of his brothers name them. That's how he got his favorite sim: Giznap Lee Macintosh Bartholomew the Third.
🎮He also has all of the DLC but that's because, like Sukuna, he pirated it. Which is very cool and sexy of him.
🎮As far as mods go- he's never really felt the need to get any of them other than CC. Basemental Drugs maybe- but for the most part he's not super into script mods.
🎮His favorite townie is Bella Goth, but that's because he's been playing this game since Sims 2 and has been following her lore. Oh, you didn't know the sims had lore? It does and it's fucking insane. Bella goth caused Sims 4 to break off into an alternate timeline from the main games- no I'm not kidding
🎮He plays the game mostly in the background while he does other things- like reading or drawing. He is a brave man
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supersabbatical2024 · 1 month
5/2/23: Morroco! Flew into Marrakech (as it is spelled here). We met a driver and had the most HARRRROWING ride through the city, flying through roundabouts, motorbikes weaving and crossing in front of us. I could have slapped a few youngsters on mopeds though my car window they were so close…as we got off the main roads and into the winding streets, I thought for sure pedestrians were going to start bouncing off our hood, bikes flying, but our driver? Completely Calm. No one on the streets seemed to have a thought that anything unusual, let alone death defying, was going on. A gal on a motorbike with a rider on the back drove right in front of our van and her helmet fell off…she was jiggling her helmet sloppily back on to her head while trying to wrap her other arm around her handlebars…I couldn’t look anymore but Claude was in the front seat and said we slid by her and moved on. Quite the expereince.
Then when the driver dropped us, we met another guy, Said, who would escort us the rest of the way to our accommodations on foot. We were headed to Riad* Fleur D’Orient, which was another 15 minute maze of tiny back alleys, ragamuffin cats and kittens EVERYWHERE, in boxes, bike seats, hopping through window grates. Later our guide, Amin, would tell us that while cats are not sacred, they are “Respected” around these parts, because in the old days, cats would show the people which water was safe to drink (??) and “save many lives.” OKAY.
Anyway, the route was swirly to say the least, incomprehensible to me how we would ever find our way out. I was getting that claustrophobic-adjacent feeling that I tend to get as we are journeying deep into the woods in Maine, or stepping onto a tiny airless boop of a plane to hop from San Juan to a small Caribbean island. Not saying I am not privileged and kind of excited to be doing these things, but makes me queasy anyway…
Marrakech is the kind of place where you feel very much in another world. Things look and feel very…different, and I have to admit it all made me slightly panicked. I guess we were all nervous about finding our way around, and I guess the locals anticipate this, because our riad host also escorted us to the restaurant that evening. But we did find our own way back after dinner!! The restaurant was in a large courtyard basically open to the sky and had a clubby vibe. Lots of people were dressed to the nines in big groups, and as the night wore on, the lights got dimmer and the DJ music got louder. Every once in awhile, giant sparklers lit up at a table, and the entire restaurant started yelling and clapping…for a birthday we presumed, although I’m not sure I heard much singing. But we gathered that this place was for gathering, and celebrating, and after a bottle of Morrocan wine between us, I kind of felt like dancing 💃 🕺
* A Riad is sort of an old home, Said told us, and this one has been in his family for a very long time. Grandmas and various relatives have lived in various rooms within the complex, and they rent out rooms to tourists as an alternative to a hotel. The whole building is set up around a courtyard, and always with a fountain at the center (there is a “no diving” sign at the tiny pool, which seemed obvious to me, but anyway…). Our little suite, “Dar Latifa” is quite, well, sweet!
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Happy STS! 😊 If you could visit any setting/location in one of your WIPs, where would you go? Why are you drawn to that particular place? What would you want to do there? 🗺️
Happy STS, Kate (@little-peril-stories)! Thank you so, so much for the ask! This is such a good set of questions!
(I'm working on catching up with my asks and tags, because my health has been one heck of a wild ride these past few weeks, so I'm slowly and surely coming back to being more active on Tumblr again!)
So let's start with this STS Ask!
If you could visit any setting/location in one of your WIPs, where would you go?
Ooh, this is a tough one! Since I've been working mostly on Enchanted Illusions (and Mutant Inquiries, but there are few places I'd actually want to visit in a near-dystopian cyberpunk future lmao) that's the WIP I'm going to use in this answer!
I'd definitely say that my top three, at least so far in Act 1 of the book, are:
1. the train rides from Ansburke to the other cities (for one, train rides in the middle of winter are highly atmospheric, plus, these trains are actually enchanted and have a lot of neat magical items and details to them. And these train rides are also the place of some pivotal moments for the main cast as well!),
2. Madam Olympia's Pastries and Baked Wonders, a bakery shop that is introduced at the beginning of the book - not only the magical sweets created in this shop are things I wish were real because they seem delicious, but the whole shop is like stepping into a unique universe of its own (plus the owner of the shop, the matronly faerie Madam Olympia herself is a wonderful character that I'd love to meet and I'd love to give her a hug and eat some pastries while she rambles about gossip),
3. the Hideout - Thaddeus' hidden hideaway in the city's catacombs, from which he conducts his revolution against the Hemlock Society and which becomes a headquarters for the main characters once they befriend him (I'd really, really love to visit this place in the story. For one, it is a giant underground system, almost like an underground "mansion/fortress" right underneath the city, which was built during the wars between humans and Myths and abandoned once it was over. Plus, it feels really homey, being a place of fun and reprieve for the main characters during their ongoing journey through the cities, and it also has some really interesting nooks and crannies about it that I can't spoil right now but can't wait to talk about!)
Some other "bonus" places I'd love to visit in this story are:
The Daemitya Mansion (because, let's be honest, it's one of the fanciest and most historic places in the entire city, and not only that is enough reason to want to visit, but the mansion has a whole maze of secret passages and hidden halls that only the Daemitya family know about, and those places are full of ancient secrets and magic, one only has to know the right password. Plus I'd just really like to be friends with Evangeline, lmao)
The "Fair" - it's the other side of the coin for Ansburke, a hidden undercity where the outcasts from above can be anyone and thrive, it's a haven for those unseen in the streets of the capital. It is a bit shady, and run by one of the most renowned vigilante guilds of the city, namely their leader Phoenix (Marcus Kallihan, who is an ally/friend of the main characters), but as long as you follow their rules and don't try to cause trouble, you'll have a great time. I'm a very curious person, and if I lived in Ansburke, I'd definitely like to pay this place a short visit - especially since it's one of the most mysterious and exciting places to be in the city.
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iamthepulta · 9 months
May I ask about your fictional city’s infrastructure?
Absolutely, oh my god~ Thank you so much~
I’m weirdly nervous answering because I don’t have anything written about Ellenville’s infrastructure. But this gives me a place to start putting things on paper. <3 The first paragraphs are history-esque, I guess, and the following paragraphs are my vision of what that history looks like when translated to infrastructure.
Ellenville, the namesake of the world, is a little mining town/city in the mountains, while Marena is the big city in the foreland basin. Marena has a few rivers running through it; I imagine it as a fertile, farming-based settlement that sprung up where the river clears enough to boat to the sea. They eventually became the nation’s capital, and progressed steadily through the advents of early industrialism and gained a lively textile industry.
(I picture Marena's rivers bricked and industrialized for weaving south of the city. Springs tend to occur on fault zones and the mountains form a rainshadow, so farms would fight for the northern end, and the city center is between the two. Houses/farms are scattered, and the city is accessible, but large.)
Ellenville is an industrial town, built because one prospector out-prospected his competitors for an iron vein. ((I’m not entirely sure which commodities I want them to be mining; coal and early iron mining are based on particular layers of rock which aren’t interesting to me, and don’t provide the chemistry background I want in the story, but they’re more historically accurate. Maybe I’ll include tin mining or copper mining for steampunk flavor.)) Either way, Ellenville is fairly desolate, all citizens know each other, and most people work for the mines. Class inequality is blatant throughout the town, although at the end of the day, rich or not, everyone has a mountain accent that separates them from the lowlanders.
(I picture Ellenville as a little town in the valley between two mountains. The new train station to carry textiles and food into the city and carry processed minerals out, runs along the edge of town, past the mine crusher, up to the massive smelter-stack that sits on the hill. (They tried to put it out of the way so the smoke wouldn’t blow into the valley. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t.) The nicer houses sit in the center of town by the shops that run down the old main street. The shoddier ones sit closest to the mines. Older families who’ve worked for generations usually buy property toward the middle of the valley. Running water is a recent installation. The new boarding house for the mine’s temporary workers just got it installed, and the price went up accordingly, but because it’s so new, people are excited to stay there. There’s one doctor who lives on the main street, but his assistants keep leaving every few years. They usually take one of the town girls with them.)
The inciting incident of the story, is that <Unnamed Element>, which we’ll call Elum, was found in Marena, which wouldn’t be a big deal, except it’s directly underneath the prosperous city center and the richest people’s houses. Elum is an exciting new gaseous-liquid [thingy] that can be processed to be woven and can also be used as a weapon. It’s still mined though, so it turns into a very large legal battle between the mines based in Ellenville, the rich people of Ellenville, the weavers, the researchers who found the deposit, the rich people who live in Marena, the working class who live in Marena, and the capital aristocracy who are happy they just found a new weapon to use on their neighbors.
(I imagine the deposit ending up as an underground mine, with the entrance far from the capital. A new weaving center is set up that isn’t on the river to process the new material and house the workers, and that gains its own city center that’s relatively “new” and more futuresque-steampunk; I imagine the processing plant underneath a zeppelin-space, since it runs off a byproduct of the Elum. Taller apartment complexes because pumping power has improved. I don’t want ‘modern-esque’ cars in this space, so I have to think of an alternative and perhaps the factory for those is also in the newer area.)
But behind all of that, I want Marena to develop enough that the average person forgets how the mining and weaving are done. Physically, I want it out of sight, out of mind. So the living spaces and communal spaces will reflect that.
Ellenville materials are in high demand, but the city itself struggles to stay relevant. Resorts, often run by the generational families with property, spring up outside of the town. Tourism clashes with industry, old materials with the exciting/popular Elum, and that's my basis for the later infrastructure of Ellenville itself.
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Post 6 : Amsterdam
During the school week, my roommates and I took our first Spanish Cooking Class! SAI set up the program completely for free and for this meal we were making Paella. About 12 of us created the dish from start to finish, we cut the vegetables, cooked the chicken, rolled out dough, brewed sauce, and seasoned everything to perfection. We ended up having a 3 course meal; papayas bravos, pan con tomate y pimientos, paella, and creme brûlée- we even got to torch the sugar on top!
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I also started my local friend and service project this week! My local friend is an optional program you can sign up with SAI, and you are paired with someone who lives in Barcelona and wants to meet Americans and practice their English. I met my friend, Adrian, and he is so nice. He is 18 years old and just started his first year in veterinarian university. He lives 45 mins away from school so he has to take a bus or metro everyday. He said I can visit his hometown area and he can show me his school! For my service project, I am volunteering at an elementary school in Barcelona for 4th graders. I constructed a presentation about myself and was told to speak very slowly because they are still learning English. Most of them speak Catalan or Spanish so I am practicing a little bit of my Spanish while learning some phrases in Catalan. I am very excited to continue this project because I love working with kids and it is crazy to see the differences in American schools vs Spanish schools. 
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This weekend we flew to Amsterdam! For some reason I have never had a strong desire to visit Amsterdam. I think it was because I didn’t know much about it, but it ended up being one of my favorite places ever! It was unlike any city I have been to. The first day we arrived, we checked into our hostel and grabbed fabulous waffles from the shop below us. We walked through the busy streets to the Anne Frank House. The streets here are crazy! There are many different lanes and curving streets for not only cars and pedestrians but bikes too! Not to mention the large canals winding through very road. It is very cool to see so many people riding their bikes and you can tell that it is the most common method of transportation. The Anne Frank house was phenomenal and interesting to see her families stories hiding in isolation from the entire world. 
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We finished the night with classic Danish food and tried Amsterdams version of a croquette - a bitterball! It was very yummy and for our main course we ordered a danish meatball on top of mashed potatoes. So good!
The next day we went to the famous Pancake Bakery. This was scrumptious and deserves the hype!
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We then made our way to the (slightly underwhelming) Fault in our Stars bench. Along the way we stopped in some shift stores and shops and I bought a light blue scarf. The fashion in Amsterdam is immaculate; everyone wear stunning colors and cool unique pieces. I felt so dull and underdressed in my white coat, so I knew I had to buy a colorful scarf. We then stalled over to Vondelhar park and rented bikes for an hour. This was my favorite part of the trip, it was so freeing riding our bikes through the beautiful greenery. 
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Later that night, we bought tickets to tour the Heineken Museum. This was a very interesting museum and they even gave us 2 free beers! We learned how each beer is made, the time it takes, the ingredients put inside, and you could even design your own bottle!
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The next day, we booked tickets to do river canal cruise. It was so cool to see how all the canals intertwine and our tour guides were awesome sharing the history and funny stories of Amsterdam. 
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camerawrench33 · 2 years
At our warehouse, you will discover a full stock together with cleaning gear, cutlery, napkins, disinfectants, detergents, chemicals, paper products, stationery and much more. The duties of a paperboy diversified by distributor, however normally included counting and separating papers, rolling papers and inserting them in newspaper baggage during inclement weather, and collecting payments from clients. Follow Cole as he lands in San Francisco for his straight finest pal's engagement get together. But when find out here now plans to use the journey as an excuse to move to the City, he discovers his finest good friend, Daren, has a secret of his own, too.
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Paper Boy Ltd. was based in 2021 with a mission to make wall art turn into more sustainable. We plant a tree for each order we obtain in collaboration with the Eden Project. Zoom in to see particular person jumps, click on circles to view bounce particulars. Trailforks scans ridelogs to determine the final time a path was ridden. The map placed the monument someplace within the Lincoln National Forest, however, as we learned in our first futile attempt to search out it, it actually should have been more particular.
Baby Blue Balloon Bouquet
At the top, one other twenty miles or so, we hit the Lincoln National Forest from the bottom, and not a lot farther after that, lastly discovered Frank's monument. "No, he is just a paper boy caught in a paper town caught in a paper world." The paperboy occupies a prominent place in the popular reminiscence of many international locations, together with the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and Japan. This is because it has long been the primary paying job out there to younger boys. Newspaper industry lore suggests that the primary paperboy, hired in 1833, was 10-year-old Barney Flaherty who was hired after seeing an commercial within the Sun News and signing up for the job.
Paper Boyz is a set of three,650 Paper Boyz NFTs created by the famous animation artist behind cellular app video games Angry Birds & FIFA.
Paper Boys is the podcast where we unravel the analysis papers behind the most recent main headlines in science.
We plant a tree for every order we obtain in collaboration with the Eden Project.
Two of my associates lived on this street, which made the paper delivery extra enjoyable.
In current years,JetSetFly heads NFTMagazine.com, a information media firm with over 40 staff members. In 2021, JetSetFly was estimated to have brought $10 million and over 100,000 leads to 3x NFT collections where he consulted advertising operations. When the house owner asks the Baby Bears if they have any references, Baby Grizzly quotes memorable line "Get to the chopper!" from the film Predator. Baby Panda's youngster voice continues to be voiced by Max Mitchell in this episode, as a substitute of Duncan Joiner.
Packaging Provides
Our family owned enterprise has been providing cost-effective, high quality solutions for home, business and industrial customers for more than 30 years. We service the entire Mid North Coast region together with Coffs Harbour, Dorrigo, Yamba and Port Macquarie. But Frank got here before the cyber-age, when the individuals who lived and worked in distant elements of the agricultural southwest had no wi-fi, no cell service, and had been one hundred miles of dangerous street from wherever. To stay linked, they relied on gutsy fliers like Kindel to swoop in, dropping newspapers from the sky. My older brother, Rob, had a big paper route and I was dying to take some of his newspapers and deliver them myself.
FRIENDS FOREVER Summertime "You are in my heart for a lifetime of nice reasons." There isn't any biography obtainable for this artist or music group on UkuTabs but. Feel free to contact me about this and I will try to add one as soon as possible.
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k-evans-reads · 2 years
Playing With Fire
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Chapter 10
Summary: After a change of heart nearly ten years into her career as a pediatric intensive care unit nurse, Ellie Maxwell has moved back home and returned to her old job at the local bakery, where the regulars are the firefighters from down the street. When sparks begin to fly between Ellie and the guarded, closed-off Chris, will anything come of it?
Pairing: Firefighter!Chris Evans X OFC Elizabeth “Ellie” Maxwell
Word Count: 5,018
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: None.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | Playing With Fire Masterlist
The sight of the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree seemed to almost taunt Chris as he laid on the couch with Dodger. It was the end of Christmas Day and he couldn’t have felt more sad if he tried. Yesterday was filled with so much joy, taking Hazel out to play in the snow before going over to his mother’s house where his entire family gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve together. Hazel’s eyes were twinkling the entire time, loving every moment and that same twinkle was in her eyes when she jumped on his bed early this morning shouting that Santa had come and left them presents. 
He had such a huge smile on his face when they went downstairs and made a quick breakfast of waffles together before Ashlee came over, the two of them pushing away any differences they had to be able to both watch Hazel open her presents on Christmas morning. But when all the presents were opened and Hazel was getting buckled into Ashlee’s car so she could have her the rest of the day, that smile was long gone. He was able to distract himself by spending the rest of the day at his mother’s house, laughing with his family but by the time all the food was eaten, dishes washed, and evening had set, he couldn’t hold off the deep pain inside his chest at not being able to be with his daughter on the special day. 
Not being able to hold off his feelings, he hugged his family before leaving to go home early, which is where he was now, laying on the couch as he absentmindedly watched football, drinking a beer and trying to keep his tears at bay. He was so lost in his sadness that he jumped from surprise when his phone started ringing and he went to turn it off, not wanting to speak to anyone but he quickly changed his tune when he saw the name on the screen. 
“Hi honey, Merry Christmas!” Ellie’s voice carried cheerily through the phone, bringing a hint of a smile to his face. 
“Hey, Elles,” he murmured, moving a hand to turn the game down a bit as he leaned his head back against the couch. 
He could hear Ellie turn on her turn signal as she drove, Ellie telling him, “It started snowing like crazy so I’m headed home right now.” 
“Be careful, the roads are slick,” he instantly told her, glancing out the wide windows to watch the snow fall outside. He made a note to text Ashlee later, just to make sure they made it home from her mother’s in the city okay. 
“I will be,” Ellie promised him, and the turn signal turned off.  “How was your Christmas, baby?” 
He frowned, staring at Dodger’s brown fur before he said to her, “Fine, how was yours?” 
“Oh it was so great. It’s a good thing I’m not wearing jeans because I ate so much food I swear the button would have popped off!” Ellie laughed, and Chris knew there must have been a wide grin on her face. “We just had so much fun, but I’m sorry you couldn’t join us for dessert tonight. My family missed seeing you.” 
Chris sighed, his hand running through his messy hair. “Well I don’t think I would have been very good company,” he confessed quietly.
“Why do you say that?” 
“I’m just… missing Hazel,” he admitted, his eyes moving over the living room. What gifts Hazel couldn’t take with her - or fit in her backpack - were still under his tree, her blanket was thrown on the couch next to Dodger, her stocking was still under the TV, a few of her beloved stuffed animals were lined up next to the fireplace, and everywhere he looked, there was more Hazel throughout the room, house, and his life. And he missed her so much today that it hurt.
“Oh honey, of course you are,” Ellie’s voice was dripping with sympathy. “Do you want me to come by?” 
“No, I’m fine,” he tried to assure her, shaking his head even though she couldn’t see him. “Just being here with all her gifts under the tree from today is making me upset. Everything here is Hazel’s and I just hate that I can’t be with her.” 
She was quiet for several moments, enough that Chris nearly checked to make sure the call didn’t drop. “Chris, I really think I should stop by,” she told him quietly, in an almost timid way.
“No, don’t. I’m sorry Ellie, I shouldn’t have said all that,” he rushed to apologize and reassure her. “I’m okay, I really am. I don’t want to be a downer on Christmas.” 
“You’re allowed to have feelings you know?” 
“Yeah… I guess I’m just kind of ready for today to be over,” he admitted before he sighed and glanced back outside at the snow. “Will you text me when you get home so I know you got there safe?” 
“Of course. Goodnight Chris,” she told him, listening as he returned the farewell before she hung up the Bluetooth call.
But as Ellie kept driving along those snowy roads, she couldn’t help but keep thinking about what Chris had said. Her heart broke as she thought of him sitting at home alone with nothing but sadness around him. She knew that he told her not to come over, but Ellie thought it had been just about long enough that Chris had to look out for himself and decided to ignore what he said, showing up on his doorstep in the snow and telling him the moment that he opened that front door that, “You’re coming with me. Grab your coat and Dodger and come get in the car.” 
His face was still frozen in shock, so much so that it took him several long moments until he responded, “...Can I pack a bag? Or is that not allowed?” 
“I guess so,” Ellie laughed, shrugging a bit as Dodger circled her feet happily.
Silently, Chris shut the door behind her while he then turned to go up the stairs to his bedroom to throw some clothes in a bag as well as the couple other things he’d need. His brain still felt foggy from all the sadness as he walked back downstairs to find where Ellie was sitting on the floor scratching Dodger. She pushed herself off the floor, Chris watching the way she rested a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow as she looked at him quizzically. 
“Don’t I even get a kiss?” 
And in that moment, Chris felt all of his defenses he was so used to just completely drop. The weight seemed to fall off his shoulders while he dropped his bag to the floor, stalking over and holding Ellie against his chest as tight as possible while he kissed her so deep that both of them were seeing stars. She always could pull him out of whatever anxious thoughts were going through his brain and bring him back to reality… back to her. Never had he felt as loved as he did with her and the way she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck once their lips parted and hugged him so warmly made him feel like he was going to melt into a puddle right then and there. 
“You’re coming home with me tonight,” Ellie told him decisively, her hand scratching through the short hair on the back of his head. “I even have some cookie dough mixed up in the fridge so we can pop some fresh cookies in the oven and just relax.” 
She felt his shoulders slump in relief, practically melting into her as he whispered, “God, Elles. You’re the best.”
After they put some food and a toy for Dodger in Chris’ bag, they headed into the snowy evening and drove the short distance to Ellie’s yellow house. Dodger settled in quickly on the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace - which Chris got a fire going in while Ellie turned the oven on - and then after both changed into some soft sweatpants, the pair settled in for a night of relaxing on the couch, listening to the crackle of the fire and smelling the cookies in the oven. 
“Okay before you get too comfortable, I have a little Christmas present for you,” Ellie told him, getting up and crouching in front of the Christmas tree, holding up a bulky wrapped gift for him.  
“Elles, that doesn’t look like a little present,” he nearly admonished, shaking his head with wide eyes. 
“Well maybe not little in the physical sense but it’s nothing grandiose or anything, it’s just… well just open it!” 
He shook his head, carefully tearing the wrapping paper, revealing a beautifully woven, white and gray blanket. “Baby…” he whispered, eyes moving over the handiwork. He had seen Ellie’s knitting supplies every time he’d visited her here in the past month, but while he was surprised at how intricately she’d been able to do the blanket, he should’ve never been surprised. Ellie was Ellie, and she never did things half-assed. “Did you make this?” 
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“Yeah I knitted it and it’s one of those jumbo blankets so that there’s enough room for you and Hazel to snuggle under it,” Ellie explained, her thumb running back and forth along his knee over his sweatpants. “So see, it’s nothing grandiose in terms of value but it’s big in physical size.” 
“This has more value to me than anything you could have ever bought,” Chris murmured, his eyes still dancing over the blanket, able to imagine Hazel wrapped up in it and giggling like mad. “Thank you honey. I don’t even know what to say. This is just… so sweet.” 
She swallowed away the lump in her throat as she looked at how…. Relaxed he was now. Chris was obviously struggling without Hazel, and while he threw himself into his work as a way to cope with that, it was clear that that coping mechanism wasn’t sustainable  - for any of them. “I’m so glad you like it,” she whispered, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
He put the blanket over their laps, the knitted material a welcome weight on their laps. “If we’re doing presents now then you should reach into my bag because I have one for you in there,” he sighed playfully, leaning forwards and digging in his bag for Ellie’s gift. 
While it was considerably smaller than her own gift, she knew he was nothing if not sentimental, detail-oriented, and a perfectionist - and she almost couldn’t restrain herself from tearing into the perfectly wrapped present, only to reveal what the small box held beneath the tight corners. “You seriously are the best gift wrapper ever. I don’t even want to rip into this!” 
“Just do it, rip it,” Chris laughed, shaking his head as he leaned his side against the fluffy couch cushion.
“Okay, okay, oh my god what is it?” Ellie asked, her brows furrowing as she looked at the single card - one that almost resembled a debit card. 
“It’s a membership to that bookstore that’s down on the corner that you like,” Chris explained quietly, his eyebrows raised. “The lady said that the membership includes renting books, the book clubs they host and then you get uh, I think one or two books a month for free.” 
Her jaw dropped, Ellie almost dumbfounded before she told him, “Christopher Evans, this is the most thoughtful present.” 
Chris sat there while Ellie brought her hands on his bearded cheeks, leaning in to press her lips to his over and over again until they were interrupted by the oven beeping. She gave him one more long kiss before climbing off the couch and heading into the kitchen with Dodger getting up to trot right behind her. Chris grabbed the scraps of wrapping paper, balling them up and putting it next to the coffee table before he leaned back into the couch, relaxing as he pulled his brand new blanket over his lap, feeling warm from the inside out. 
He just listened to the crackle of the fire for a long moment before Ellie came back, climbing onto the couch cushion to sit right next to him. She had a napkin with a fresh cookie in each hand, balancing them carefully while he tucked her back underneath the blanket before she handed him the warm cookie. They sat quietly while eating their treat but once Ellie was finished and wrapping her arms around his middle as she curled up to him, he felt that warm smile cross his face. 
It was funny to him that less than an hour ago he was ready to cry alone on his couch but now he was here, sitting in front of a roaring fire feeling nothing but contentment inside of him, and it was thanks to that girl who was humming in the kitchen, who knitted him that blanket, in this house, and worked down in the bakery. It made him realize that all of his happiness in life couldn’t be wrapped up in Hazel only… and it didn’t have to be. Although he missed Hazel like crazy, right now he felt happy. He felt completely and utterly happy being here with Ellie. He had been so wrapped up in Hazel all of these years that he had never opened his heart to anyone else, but now that he did, it may have terrified him but also felt so good and he knew without a doubt that this was so right. 
“Merry Christmas, baby,” she told him as she sat back down on the couch and handed him a plate with some cookies, chocolate smeared on her cheek. 
“Ellie…” Chris trailed off, pausing as he hesitated, then decided to push through that last damn wall. “I love you.” 
Her face nearly fell, but her eyes were full of hope as she asked him quietly, “...You do?” 
“I do Ellie. I love you so much,” he confessed, giving her a tight and slightly watery smile as his eyes searched her own. 
“I’m so glad to hear you say that,” she said with a shaky voice, leaning forward to kiss him quickly, pulling away just as suddenly. “I love you too Chris. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. I know it sounds a little crazy because we haven’t been together very long but I know it’s true.” 
He nodded, a lump forming in his throat. He’d been feeling something for nearly three weeks now, knowing how different it felt - this felt - from any previous relationship. While he and Ashlee were never truly in love, they’d tried to force the concept in hopes of having a stable home for Hazel. But he never felt this way, never woke up thinking of someone else but Hazel, never cared for them in this way except as a father, or craved their touch nearly all hours of the day. He’d also never known what it felt like to be loved in this way - not as a son, brother, or father. He never saw the little smiles before he caught Ellie staring at him a few times, never knew what it felt like to have someone crave his touch in a way that verged on addicting. And he loved it. “I feel it Ellie. I know that you mean it,” he assured her with a grin. 
“In this season of my life there hasn’t been much of anything I’ve been sure of, but I’m sure about you,” she assured him back with a watery look, and Chris couldn’t help himself but lean forward and press several kisses to the center of her forehead, his eyelashes brushing against his cheeks as he held her. 
“I just feel so undeserving of it, Elles,” he breathed, pausing to smile as he felt her lips against his neck. “But I love you so much. It’s been so hard for me to open up but I know that I love you.” 
“I know you mean it, honey.” 
He nodded, burying his face in the wavy mess of her blonde hair. “The past few years I’ve basically just gone from being with Hazel to going to work and then repeating that every week. I just feel like you’ve opened up so much more to me,” he began slowly, confessing the things he’d barely begun to process himself in the recent days, nevertheless told anyone else. “You’ve shown me that a relationship and love can be… so good.” 
“It should be good,” Ellie told him in a sad voice, her hands tightening on his shoulders before they slipped through the neck of his shirt to rest on his bare skin. “There’s always hard times and arguments, but it should be a good thing and I’m sorry it wasn’t always something that was good in your life.” 
He nodded, kissing her head as he whispered, “But it is now, and that’s what matters.” 
“I love you Chris.” 
“I love you too,” He honestly spoke before adding, “And I couldn’t be happier to be right here with you tonight.” 
The fire kept roaring while Chris effortlessly scooted Ellie onto his lap, her arms wrapping around his shoulders while he hooked his own around her waist. Their lips met over and over again until Chris slowly laid back on the couch, Ellie following him down until they were laying on the couch cushions, arms around each other completely content as they started to fall asleep on the snowy Christmas evening. 
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“I’m kind of nervous,” Ellie whispered, looking out the window as Chris carefully drove on the plowed roads. It was mid-morning on the day after Christmas, and they were off to a slow start - like many - but had finally gotten moving once Ellie had decided Chris was beginning to mope too much. While he certainly was allowed to miss Hazel - more than allowed, in fact - Ellie had begun to see Chris opening himself up to living his life even without the curly-haired girl by his side, and he’d acknowledged it the previous night to her.  
Chris glanced over to her with a slight frown, a single eyebrow raised before he quickly turned his eyes back to the road. “About what? Meeting my mom?” 
“Yeah,” she confessed with a shake of her head, moving her hands to smooth out her sweater nervously. “I mean, I know you guys are close and I want her to like me.”
“Elles, everyone likes you. Don’t worry,” Chris murmured back, trying to reassure her a bit. He reached a hand over to hold her own, squeezing it before he lowered them to rest on her thigh. 
But she couldn’t help but worry. Ellie knew she was a little bit of a perfectionist… okay maybe more than just a little bit, but she had already been nervous about the thought of meeting Lisa. She had heard so much about her from Chris, knowing that he was extremely close to her and with as much as Ellie loved Chris, she didn’t want to screw this up. It would have been terrifying enough already but this had sprung up at the last minute when Lisa called less than an hour ago to invite Chris to lunch, and subsequently Ellie when she found out they were together, the spur of the moment plans only made Ellie’s nerves on edge. 
When they pulled up to the restaurant, she felt her insides churning, biting her bottom lip incessantly as Chris took her hand, leading her inside to the small table near the windows where the blonde haired woman sat waiting. Ellie stood politely while Chris dropped her hand to wrap his arms around his short mother, squeezing her tightly before setting her sights on Ellie who she hugged with just as much warmth as she did her own son. 
“Ellie, I’m so happy to finally get to meet you,” Lisa told the younger woman excitedly, pulling back from Ellie to look between her son and his girlfriend. “Chris has told me so much about you already.” 
Ellie shot Chris an obviously suspicious look as they sat down, saying, “Hopefully only the good things.” 
His eyebrows shot up indignantly, almost offended at the implication of her words. “What bad is there to say?” Chris asked through laughter before a smirk spread across his lips. “Well I guess maybe that you’re absolute shit at ice skating.” 
“Chris!” Ellie laughed, feeling her cheeks blush but smiled when Lisa gave her a wink.
“What? It’s true,” he insisted.
Lisa groaned good-naturedly, shaking her head at her son’s antics. “Oh just ignore him. I heard from Scott and my daughter Carly that you make the absolute best pastries in town,” she told Ellie with a large smile, turning to face her fully. “Scott and Chris both told me that you make the best shortbread cookies so I’m going to have to stop in one day because they’re my favorite.” 
“I remember Chris mentioned that you liked them so I brought a few that I made yesterday,” Ellie confessed as she bit her lip, nodding her head towards her purse, which held a Ziploc bag filled with shortbread cookies - along with a few other cookies - for Lisa from the Maxwell family’s Christmas. 
“I have to have a bite of it now,” Lisa laughed, smiling wider when Ellie reached in and handed her a cookie. She practically melted as the sugary treat hit her taste buds, telling them, “Honey, Chris isn’t going to be able to keep himself fit with these kinds of treats around!” 
“I took Hazel to the bakery and Ellie let her frost a cookie in the kitchen so that’s pretty much Hazel’s favorite place now,” Chris told her with a grin as he leaned back in his chair, smiling as the waitress dropped some water off for them. 
“Just like her dad,” Lisa smiled, and the group paused to put in other drink orders and glance at the menu. 
As they looked over their options - Ellie deciding on a brie grilled cheese and tomato soup for herself - she mentioned, “I didn’t know that Carly came into the bakery but I did get to meet Scott a little while back when he came in with Chris.” 
“Oh I’m so sorry for you. Those two are trouble together!” Lisa laughed, shaking her head. 
“Well I think I was able to appease them with lemon squares and cookies,” Ellie smiled, squeezing Chris’ hand from under the table. 
“Hazel is really partial to Ellie’s cupcakes. She gave us some for the snow day and then when we were at dad’s house for our Christmas with him, he had some cupcakes and Hazel just said she didn’t want them because they didn’t taste like the ones that Ellie makes,” Lisa said casually, Chris nodding along with a small grin - the one he normally had when he had when someone spoke about Hazel. 
Hearing the statement caught Ellie a little by surprise, not realizing that his parents weren’t together anymore. As she thought about it farther, she recognized that Chris had mentioned seeing his mom and dad but never together, and the thought made her recognize how divorce had been such a big part of Chris’ life from his parents then to him. Some of the walls that he had up started making even a little more sense and made Ellie that much more thankful Chris was starting to work through some of them. 
But as they settled into conversation once their lunch was delivered to their table, Ellie was quick to recognize why Chris was so close to Lisa. She was so warm and enjoyable, someone that was so easy to talk to. Ellie loved not only getting to know her, but seeing how relaxed Chris was around her, all of his walls instantly gone while his loud laughter and slaps to his chest were coming out in full force. He had been wiping the tears from the edge of his eyes from how hard he had been laughing when he decided to excuse himself to the bathroom, leaving the two blonde haired women at the table alone for the first time. 
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“Ellie, I didn’t get a chance to tell you that your sweater is so pretty,” Lisa told her quietly with that warm, happy look in her eyes - and she swore for a second she was looking at both Chris and Hazel. 
“Oh thank you,” Ellie replied, glancing down self-consciously. “I can never wear sweaters at work because of it shedding and the flour that just wants to stick to it, but I just love sweaters so much.” 
Lisa laughed, shaking her head as she admitted, “You and Chris really are meant to be together because I swear he lives in sweaters in the winter.” 
“Well if you think we’re meant to be together, that’s a pretty big compliment because he sure is incredible,” Ellie confessed, meaning every word. Nearly every day since meeting Chris nearly two months ago, she had been struck by the way he carried himself, cared for others, and put them first. And after meeting Lisa, she knew it was in part because of the woman sitting across from her. 
The woman gave her a slightly surprised and emotional smile, quietly saying, “After getting to spend time with you today, I think you’re pretty incredible too Ellie.” 
“Thank you Lisa,” Ellie whispered sheepishly, surprised by the compliment.
“No, Ellie I mean that,” Lisa insisted, face serious. “I know Chris has told you a little about his relationship with Ashlee and I don’t think it’s a secret that things between them weren’t great. And so for me, getting to see how kind you are to him and the way you look at him means more to me than you know.”
She felt emotional at the praise, swallowing away the lump in her throat. “Well I don’t know how incredible I am, but I love your son a lot,” Ellie laughed quietly once she felt she had a hold on herself, a slight smile on her face. 
“I know you do, and I know that Chris does too,” Lisa assured her, patting her hand against Ellie’s just as they saw Chris making his way back towards the table. He settled back into his chair with a small smile at Ellie, jumping back into the conversation with them when Lisa changed the subject to the bathroom renovation she was planning for her home. And as Chris’ hand blindly found her own under the table as they listened to his mother talk, she felt butterflies as she thought about their future, their lives together, in the coming new year.
A/N: We love these two so so so much. We loved writing this chapter and although some plans changed, we are so proud of it and looking forward to your feedback!
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cloudywriter · 3 years
the lost princess of terrasen
rowaelin month - september 7th 
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prompt: fairytale au - (an anastasia au in this case)
important: okay y’all so i went way overboard with this entire au and it got out of hand so now this might just be a full-blown thing. however, with that whole releation and me going crazy with outlining and writing i could really only have this much of the story out and ready for today but i plan on continuing it!! hopefully after rowaelin month. enjoy this little introduction :)
(cw: brief descriptions of violence) 
masterlist, AO3
At freshly 18, Celaena Sardothien was free. She’d aged out of the orphanage and was finally released to go live her own life, no longer held down in the outskirts of Rifthold. Celaena didn’t want to wait a second longer, the need to leave the horrid place she’d lived the last ten years was ingrained in her bones. 
The woman who ran the orphanage, Clarisse, was cruel. From a young age, she poked at Celaena, commenting constantly on her weight or how she didn’t act like a proper young lady. Her entire life up until this point was spent at the mercy of Clarisse and her stern ways. All the girls in the orphanage were treated as maids and dolls for Clarisse to manipulate. But, Celaena made it, counting down the days until her birthday. 
Now, here she was, stuck out in the cold. She’d imagined her freedom to be more alluring than this instead she was shaking as she wandered through side streets that led to the heart of Rifthold. She carried with her a backpack barely full of her meager belongings and the too-thin coat on her back. Clarisse didn’t even spare her a hat to keep out the cold so she moved her hair to shield her freezing ears the best she could and waddled along the snowy pavement. 
She still had her kingsflame necklace around her neck, though, and that’s all that mattered. Where she had gotten it from she hadn’t a clue. The first memory she possessed was waking up in the very orphanage that would become her prison. Clarisse explained to her that she’d hit her head and a nice man named Arobynn had brought Celaena to Clarisse to be cared for. Clarisse questioned her about her family and upbringing relentlessly but Celaena could not recall a thing. Her mind was blank. For many nights as a young girl, she’d sit upright in the creaky, lumpy bed she occupied and willed herself to remember. She’d cry and scream, banging her fists into her head in frustration when nothing ever surfaced. 
The only connection she had to whatever life she lived before was her kingsflame necklace. And she’d follow that kingsflame to the ends of the continent if it meant she’d one day solve the mystery of her existence. 
Which led her to the first stop on her journey of discovery, Terrasen. Once Celaena had accepted that her memories weren’t coming back and this was the life she’d have to lead she adjusted. She served Clarisse and went to the small, dilapidated school down the street with the other orphans. There she discovered her love of books and the meager library the school offered became her sanctuary. It was there while she read a book on the kingdoms on Erilea, hoping something would strike her familiar she learned that kingsflame flowers only bloomed in one place, the capital of Terrasen, Orynth. 
As a child that discovery was a revelation. Terrasen. Maybe she was from Terrasen. 
As Celaena walked she felt her toes growing increasingly numb, Adarlan’s winters were bitter and she was not equipped with the proper wear. Her teeth chattered but she pushed forward, she needed to get passage to Terrasen. 
She drew the map out of the pocket of her coat once again and checked the status of her journey. Only a little longer until she was at Rifthold’s main dock station. 
The city of Rifthold was big and Celaena felt out of her depth as groups of people swarmed the streets walking to and from their different destinations. It was overwhelming, the smells, the tall buildings, the weather, the noise, the sheer number of people, everything. 
Eventually, she saw the lights of the station and she blew a sigh of relief, she hadn’t been very confident in her ability to read a map. She approached a man sitting in a booth behind a sheet of glass, smoking a cigarette. 
Celaena stepped up to the counter. 
“Hello, sir, I’d like to buy a ticket to Orynth,” she gave him a smirk, leaning casually on the box. She’d learned from many years of coexisting with Clarisse and a revolving door of people that to make it through life you needed a mask. Celaena had crafted her mask carefully and had perfected her act after so many years. She exuded arrogance and confidence so that another soul would never see the scared, lost little girl she truly was. 
The man grunted, blowing a puff of smoke from between his cracked lips. “Do you have your papers, girl?”
Her brain stalled. Papers? She cleared her throat, “papers?”
“Yes,” his scratchy voice replied, “you need papers to cross the border.” 
Celaena’s heart sank but she kept her expression neutral. “Well, I-”
“Listen, girl, I’m not going to sit here and waste your time so don’t sit here and waste mine. If you don’t have the right documents then I can’t sell you a ticket, simple as that,” he held the cigarette between his teeth. 
She searched for some way to turn this situation around, chewing on her bottom lip. 
From the shadows a little ways into the dark alley adjacent to the docks, she heard a hissed whisper. “You, blondie,” an old woman emerged slightly from the shadows, beckoning Celaena forward with her index finger.  
Celaena looked around, the man in the booth was already back to ignoring her, his nose stuck in a newspaper so she decided to approach the woman. She didn’t have much to lose and Celaena thought if it went south she could take her. 
Celaena crept closer, tightening her grip on the strap of her backpack. 
“You need papers?” Her voice was hoarse as if her throat was made of sandpaper. Celaena nodded her head keeping her guard up, watching her surroundings out of her peripheral. 
“I know who can get you some,” her face morphed into a slight smile that unsettled Celaena more than anything. Celaena furrowed her brows, “who?” The woman tsked at her, her hot breath forming a cloud in front of her face. 
“That kind of information isn’t free, my dear.” Celaena had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, everything came with a price in this world. 
Celaena reached around to the side pocket of her backpack, fishing out a few coins she had to spare. She’d saved just enough from doing odd jobs to pay her fare to Terrasen. She deposited the coins into the palm of the old woman’s hand, her knobby fingers running along their smooth edges. 
“Go a few streets north and into the red brick warehouse with the large windows, you can’t miss it. Ask for a Mr. Rowan Whitethorn, he’ll get you the papers,” she instructed, hoarding the scant sum of money she was given as though they were priceless heirlooms. Celaena turned her head in the direction the woman directed as if she could spot the warehouse from here and by the time she rounded back the woman had disappeared once again. 
Celaena huffed and shot another glance at the ticket man, he was still paying no attention, tapping his cigarette out with his finger. She didn’t necessarily want to go on a wild goose chase to obtain these papers but she had no other way of getting them so she breathed deeply and shoved her hands into her pockets and twisted north. 
The woman was right about not being able to miss the warehouse. It was a large, old, imposing structure, clearly, it had not been in use for some time now. Celaena crept closer peering into the foggy windows as she passed the front of the building. She couldn’t see anything and was unconvinced she’d find the elusive ‘Rowan Whitethorn’ inside. 
Nonetheless, she approached a rusting metal door on the side and pushed it open with her gloved hand. The door protested but it miraculously opened revealing a wide area stacked high with boxes along the walls and corners.
She ventured further into the space, dust and broken glass crunching beneath her boots. She didn’t see any signs of life besides maybe some rats. As she neared the opposite corner what could’ve been a makeshift sitting area came into view, blocked from view initially by a stack of boxes. She approached noting the circle of crates, a dusty blanket, and a few books piled on the side. 
She peered at the title of the book on the top of the stack. 
The Royal Family of Terrasen. Mixed emotions surged through her body. 
“Who’s in here?” A male voice boomed nearly rattling the windows. Celaena shuttered, letting her bravo fill her bones as she heard a set of footsteps enter the space. 
Rowan Whitethorn’s life since the fall of Terrasen and the reign of the Valg had been a hell-hole, to put it bluntly. His family fell out of status, his parents were slain in the ambush on Orynth’s castle, and Rowan was left in an unfamiliar land at twelve years old. 
A sect of the Whitethorn house had been visiting Terrasen’s court for the holidays when Maeve made her move against the continent. Doranelle crumpled first to her rule and Terrasen followed, the army of Valg she’d amassed was too large to stand against. Adarlan only survived because King Dorian bowed down to Maeve. 
Even now at twenty-two, he has nightmares about that evening. The terror he felt as Valg poured into the ballroom and slaughtered the royals. The terror he saw in the princess of Terrasen’s eyes as she was shoved into the kitchens by her nursemaid where Rowan had happened to take shelter as well. He was scared too, running as soon as his father screamed at him to as the Valg slit his throat. He regretted it deeply, leaving like a coward when the palace was invaded. He regretted the cowering he did in the kitchens as well but when the young princess had burst in the doors, tears flowing freely down her cheeks something had come over him. He had pushed her out into the snow yelling at her to run and she did, scrambling to find her footing.
The rest was a blur, the Vlag hurried into the kitchens soon after but somehow Rowan made it out with his life. The same could not be said for many people in the castle that night. 
Now, Rowan lived in Rifthold as a thief and doer of other’s dirty work. He longed for the day he could get out of this city of nightmares crawling with Valg. One day, he promised himself, one day he’d have to funds to make it back to Wendlyn and witness what had become of his home. 
There was an opportunity, though, that’d heard about from whispers on the streets. Aedion Ashryver. One of the few survivors from Terrasen’s downfall. He chosen to stay in Terrasen’s territory afterward, the country had no real structured ruling now. The old King-Consort Darrow was the closest thing there was to a king but from what he’d gathered the man is old and weak, not the same after the death of his husband, King Orlon. Terrasen had virtually crumbled. 
Somehow, Aedion had built up the Bane and gained standing for himself. A standing he was using to campaign to find his long-lost cousin. How Maeve hadn’t gotten wind of Aedion and his plotting and squashed him, Rowan wasn’t sure. Nevertheless, Aedion was offering a hefty reward for the return of his dear Aelin, the nation’s true queen, convinced she was still alive.
Rowan thought the operation was useless. Her body was never found, that was true, but he imagined she’d likely fled into the Oakwald forest and perished from hypothermia not long after. If he could make a pretty penny from returning the ‘princess’ to Aedion, though, he wasn’t above doing so. 
All Rowan needed was a young, blonde, and blue-eyed woman he could convince to join his cause and he could coach her to be the perfect replacement for Aelin. Truthfully, he wasn’t convinced this could ever be achieved but it was something he’d contemplated. 
Rowan was making his way back to the warehouse he liked to operate his more shady business out of, the biting cold seeping into his clothes. The looming, muddy red-brick building came into view and he pushed the frosted metal door open. Immediately, he was aware that someone had invaded his space. 
Small footsteps had disrupted the layer of dusk along the floor. His hand flew to the dagger strapped to his chest as he prowled further inside. 
“Who’s in here?” he called out, gripping the dagger tightly by its handle. Once he got far enough into the space he could see a young woman was standing near his makeshift seats.
The first thing he noticed was she was beautiful. Long, golden blonde hair flowed down her shoulders, her skin was pale and her lips had a blue tint to them. Rowan pushed aside all those unsavory thoughts, she was an intruder after all. However, he couldn’t help but study her, she was dressed far too light for the dead of winter, not even a hat on her head. 
She looked right back at him, accessing him as he was her. She didn’t look scared to have been caught trespassing, no, honestly, she looked annoyed as if he was interrupting her. 
“Who the hell are you?”
let me know if y’all like it so far and would like to see more, xoxo
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
Gentry and Gentlemen,  Chapter One
Summary:  Hermione Granger has just begun a new position of governess at Ottery Manor in the Devon Countryside, a world away from her upbringing in Regency-era London. There she meets a redheaded blacksmith man named Ron Weasley. Sparks may just fly between the middle class city woman and the working-class country man with a genuine and heartfelt charm all his own. (Jane Austen Romione AU)
Tagging: @hillnerd @nagemeikenu @acnelli @aimless-twig @femaledoubleagent @thehufflepuffpixie @adenei @abradystrix
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The Regency period is full of stories about dashing military officers and their lovers, titled men and women, and the romantic misadventures of the landed gentry. Almost always of young ladies of the gentry and their aristocratic suitors. Of money, land, and upper class goings-on. The sort of stories that have become synonymous with high romance, retold countless times since.
This is not one of those stories.
 The stagecoach trundled along the country lane. It was the middle of April, and the Devon countryside was quickly losing any vestiges of the winter. Trees were growing green, bees were pollinating all manner of plants, and the lane was fast becoming dusty due to the lack of rain.
‘Oh, really, good sir!’ giggled a lady, her aristocratic manner evident in her voice. ‘You are a delight!’
‘My pleasure, good lady,’ replied the gentleman, a large tall man with a similar way of speaking. ‘I find myself inclined to be such when in the company of such an amiable person as yourself.’
There was a loud crack, as one of the stagecoach wheels hit a hole in the lane.
‘My apologies, ladies and gentlemen!’ exclaimed the coachman from above. ‘The roads have not been repaired after the winter rains!’
‘You’d think the locals would have done something about it,’ complained the gentleman to his lady friend. ‘But I suppose that is to be expected of being so far out from respectable society.’
The woman sat across from the couple stared out of the window, a slight frown briefly appearing on her face. Her fellow passengers did not notice this, and had made no attempt at conversation with her for the entire journey from Exeter. But she was somewhat glad of that.
She was a young woman, in her mid-twenties and, unlike the pair sat across from her, was not wearing the latest fashions of aristocratic society. Her dress was well-worn but functional, as befitted her position. Her hat was smart was simple but sturdy. Her face was impassive, yet strong, and her eyes - a dark brown- were piercingly intelligent. A parasol, far from new, was placed sensibly across her lap. Her shoes, polished but faded from use, were the sort worn by practical working women since time immemorial. However, in contrast to all this was her hair; an enormous bushy mane that strained against the many pins she had used to keep it in place. It was the sort of hair that you couldn’t help but notice, and it was perhaps for that reason that the young lady had chosen to keep her hat on in the coach despite the heat.  
‘Final stop; Ottery St Catchpole!’
The coach trundled to a halt, and the coachman (whose name was Mr Jones) climbed down, pulling the small set of steps out from under the coach door. The gentleman helped his lady companion down, and the two of them sauntered away with their bags without so much as a thank you to the coachman.
Sighing to himself, the coachman turned.
‘Er… my apologies, Mr Jones,’ came a voice from within the coach. ‘Could you help me down, please?’
‘Of course, miss,’ he said, before helping the young lady down to the ground. ‘Allow me to help you with your bags as well.’
‘Thank you.’
As the coachman pulled her bags out from the luggage racks, the young lady stared down the street. The gentleman and his lady friend were laughing loudly to themselves outside one of the shops.
‘They were awfully rude, weren’t they?’
‘Afraid so, Miss,’ replied Mr Jones. ‘Many from London feel that Devon might as well be on another planet.’
‘I hope you won’t judge me by their behaviour.’
‘Oh, of course not, Miss…er… my apologies, my memory isn’t what it once was…’
‘Granger.’ Hermione Granger said, giving a small curtsy. ‘And thank you for keeping me company on such a pleasant journey, Mr Jones.’
‘My pleasure, Miss Granger,’  Mr Jones said, tipping his cap. ‘I’m surprised that such a pleasant young lady like yourself is travelling all alone, truth be told.’
‘Well, you see, I’m on my way to a new place of employment.’ Hermione said. ‘Ottery Manor; perhaps you know it?’
‘Oh, yeah, Miss. Very prominent local gentry.’
‘I am due to take up the post of governess for the young children,’ Hermione elaborated.  
‘A governess, you say?’ Mr Jones said, looking very surprised.
‘Yes, I recently achieved my qualification, you see.’
‘Very impressive, Miss. Er… just a word of warning, if you please?’
‘Whatever for?’
‘Well…’ Mr Jones looked rather uncomfortable. ‘You are… that is…’
Hermione sighed. She had been expecting this.
‘Mr Jones, I am well aware that the colour of my skin is perhaps not what the locals are used to.’
‘Oh, no, miss; that’s not what I meant!’ Mr Jones replied, shaking his head quickly. ‘Good gracious, no! Plymouth isn’t that far away, and we’re used to seeing people from all over the world popping through. It’s just… the gentry round here… aren’t quite so relaxed about it as the ordinary people are.’
Hermione smiled. Mr Jones was a sweet old man who clearly wanted to warn her as best he could, even if he didn’t quite have the terminology correct.
‘Thank you, Mr Jones; you are very kind.’
‘My pleasure, miss.’
‘Could you… point me in the direction of the manor house?’
Mr Jones nodded, pointing along up the narrow winding street of Ottery St Catchpole.
‘You can’t miss it; the big house on the hill.’
‘Thank you.’
As Hermione made her way through the main street, she was aware of just how much of a different world this was to London, where she had lived most of her life. For one thing, people walked far slower and had a relaxed attitude in their comings and goings. One could certainly tell that the pace of life was slower.
Within a few minutes, Hermione had left the village, and headed along the country road up towards the manor house. The lack of rain had meant that dust was virtually inescapable, but Hermione preferred it to the mud she had been concerned about. She wouldn’t have wanted to make a first appearance with her best clothes dirtied. That would be most distressing. She, after all, was being entrusted with the care of the children of the local landed family, and ought to be presentable in a way that acknowledged that responsibility she was being granted.
Her stomach began to squirm, as her nerves became agitated. She had largely avoided thinking too much about it when she was travelling but, now that she was so close to the manor, she couldn’t help worrying. What if she wasn’t qualified for this? What if the other staff members didn’t like her? What if she-
Hermione’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted, as a large horse rounded the corner of the lane, galloping as fast as it could, and heading right towards her. It was tall, brown, and looked startled, its eyes wide.
Hermione’s bags slipped from her hands as she stumbled backwards, but the horse was already barely seven feet away. With a cry, Hermione tripped over the uneven ground, her hat flying off her head.
The horse reared up on its hind legs, and Hermione found herself frozen on the ground. Hoofs began to fall.
Suddenly, the horse was no longer there.
Coming to her senses, Hermione pulled herself to her feet, and collected her bags together.
A man, roughly her age, was stood with the horse a few feet away. The first thing of notice was his height, at least a foot taller than Hermione. His head was framed with short, red hair. Freckles covered every inch of skin that was on show. He was wearing a rough work shirt that was tied up to his elbows, and a pair of trousers that were slightly too short on him. A pair of tough work boots, that had clearly seen better days, completed the ensemble.
‘Sssshhhhh, Tiff….’ He soothed, stroking the horse’s neck slowly. ‘It’s okay, girl… no-one’s going to hurt you…’
‘Good grief!’
Another man had joined him.
‘Good thing you’re such a fast runner, mate!’
‘I try my best,’ replied the redheaded man. ‘Good thing we managed to catch her before she reached the village.’
As the horse was led away by the other man, the redhead turned and, spotting Hermione, ran forward.
‘Miss, are you alright?’ he exclaimed, coming to a stop in front of her. There was a splodge of dirt on his long nose. ‘Tiffany got spooked earlier, and we only just caught up with her. I’m so sorry; are you hurt?’
‘I’m… I’m fine, thank you,’ Hermione said, as a pair of bright blue eyes stared down at her. ‘Although I think my hat must have blown away in the wind.’
The redhead man looked around, and pointed up into the branches of a nearby tree.
‘You mean that one, with the nice bow?’
‘Yes, but-’
The man was up the tree in a flash, and was soon leaping down next to her again, holding her hat.
‘There we go,’ he said, handing it over. ‘Maybe a little dusty, but that’s the heatwave for you.’
‘Thank you,’ Hermione said, placing the hat on top of her bushy hair. The two of them began to walk up the lane. ‘I appreciate your concern, Mr…’
‘Weasley,’ the redhead said, smiling. ‘But there’s enough of the Weasleys around here, so you can just call me Ron. Everyone else does; it’d be confusing otherwise.’
‘I… I don’t think that would be appropriate.’ Hermione said, as she bent down to pick up her bags.
‘Why? We’re all people, aren’t we?’ Mr Weasley replied. ‘Oh, let me help you.’
‘Yes, but I’m…’ Hermione stammered, as her load was lightened considerably. ‘Well, I’m starting at the Manor as the new governess.’
‘Oh, you’re the teacher everyone’s been gossiping about!’ Ron said, cheerily. ‘Miss… Granger, if my memory’s correct?
‘W-why, yes!’ Hermione exclaimed, suddenly feeling rather embarrassed. ‘Er…gossip, you say?’
‘Yes; the scullery-maids have been talking about nothing else for the past week,’ Mr Weasley replied, keenly. ‘Well, that and the summer fete. But, yes; a posh lady governess from up-country coming down to our little neck of the woods! They’ll be delighted to meet you!’
Hermione felt her cheeks flush.
‘I’m not nearly as posh as all that, Mr Weasley,’ she said, primly. ‘So I hope I don’t ruin their expectations when they see me.’
‘Why? You sound posh to me.’
‘No… I… I mean… well, look at me.’
The redhead stared at her in confusion, and Hermione felt she needed to elaborate.
‘Surely they were expecting someone less… exotic?’
Mr Weasley blinked.
‘You are from London, aren’t you? That’s pretty exotic.’
Hermione found herself suddenly laughing. Not the usual polite laughs she had been taught as a girl, but a full, unrestrained laugh, full of accompanying snorts.
‘London… exotic?!’
Mr Weasley grinned at her, his cheeks dimpling under his freckles.
‘If you’re born and raised in Devon, it is,’ he said, cheerfully. ‘Besides, I bet that’s the first time you’ve laughed in a good long while.’
‘Why… yes, it is,’ Hermione replied, smiling. ‘However could you tell?’
‘I hear tell of the aristo’s who take the stagecoach routes down from London. I gather they aren’t much in the way of humorous conversation?’
‘You would be correct about that. But where do you hear that from? Mr Jones the coachman?’
‘Old Jonesey? Oh, yes; lovely old soul. I’m the… well, the blacksmith and the odd-job man for the estate, so I’m in and out of the village a lot.’
Hermione nodded, trying not to notice how well the redheads shirt seemed to fit him. She supposed blacksmiths were all rather… muscley.
Ottery Manor stretched out before them. It was a double-storied building, with fine windows and a pair of thick oak doors. The house was arranged around a central courtyard, so that two wings of the house stretched out in front. A small fountain marked the middle of the courtyard, and the centre of the house was covered in fine ivy. Grounds stretched out around the house in all directions, full of trees and well-trimmed lawns. Hermione could make out some distant greenhouses and vegetable gardens on the periphery.  
‘You like the ivy?’ Mr Weasley enquired, pointing at the plant as they walked up the main pathway towards the house. ‘Me and my brother Bill -he works in the gardens- pruned them just last week; rather a nice effect, eh?’
‘Yes,’ Hermione replied. ‘Are all your siblings employed as members of staff here?’
‘No.’ the redhead said. ‘Percy -he’s the intellectual one- he works in Plymouth in an office. Fred and George -they’re the youngest brothers aside from me- work in the post office a few villages over.’
‘Any sisters?’
‘Just Ginny. She’s the youngest. Mum did want her to get a good job as a scullery maid, but Ginny’s always been more outdoorsy. She works in the gardens most of the time, but she sometimes helps me and Charlie in the forge.’
‘Charlie is… the main blacksmith aside from you, then?’
Mr Weasley laughed.
‘Yes, he’s always been good with animals, so he handles the shoe-fitting. I’m a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, myself; that’s why I’m the odd job man as well.’
‘There is nothing wrong with being multi-skilled,’ Hermione said, earnestly. ‘Most men in London would love to have a wide array of talents.’
Mr Weasley laughed again, his cheeks dimpling again.
By this point, they had reached the courtyard but, instead of heading for the front door, Mr Weasley lead her around one wing of the house and into a yard of sorts. Hermione could hear horses neighing nearby, and presumed that the stables weren’t that far away.
‘You’d best come through the servants entrance,’ Mr Weasley said, leading her up the rear side of the wing and stopping before a door, which was left open. ‘Not a good idea to get on the bad side of the footmen on your first day. Especially the head footman; he’s a right killjoy about these things.’
‘Well, I am a servant, technically.’
‘I know,’ Mr Weasley said, sighing. ‘But, if I had my way, we wouldn’t have to worry about separate entrances. We’re the people who actually keep this place going, not the aristo’s using this place like a retreat for when the season ends in London.’
Hermione felt rather shocked at Mr Weasley’s words, but she opted not to say anything. She could certainly understand his frustration, but she had never met someone who was so open about it.
‘The gentry often have friends and relatives down from London, then?’
‘Yes, but you probably won’t have to worry about them,’ Mr Weasley said, encouragingly. ‘They tend to stay away from the children if they can help it. This time of year, most of them are living the high life in London society; they shouldn’t be arriving here for another couple months.’
‘Well, I lived in London most of my life, but I already rather like it here in Devon.’
The redhead turned to look at her.
‘Really? Why?’
‘Well, judging from what I’ve seen so far, it’s quieter, for one thing. The pace of life in the city is far too extreme. Out here, you can hear the birds in the trees, see the bees in the hedgerows, smell the…’
‘Muck on the fields?’
Hermione laughed.
‘You’re very amusing, Mr Weasley.’
‘I try,’ the redhead said, his cheeks dimpling as he smiled. ‘Not very often I get the opportunity to make a woman laugh without making a prat of myself first.’
‘Oh, I-I’m sure all the local girls adore you.’
‘With five older brothers? I barely get a look in,’ Mr Weasley chuckled, his ears going a little pink. ‘But, thank you, miss.’
‘My… my pleasure, Mr Weasley.’
‘Mr Weasley, I trust you haven’t been frightening the new governess.’
A man had stepped out from the servants entrance. Judging by his dress, he was a footman of some description. His hair was surprisingly greasy, and he had a long, hooked nose. His voice gave an indication that he had taken elocution lessons to disguise a midlands accent.
‘Oh, no, sir!’ Hermione exclaimed, as the two of them deposited her bags near the door. ‘Mr Weasley came to my assistance when my hat blew astray on the front drive.’
Mr Weasley grinned at the footman.
‘Wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t do so, sir.’
‘Mr Weasley… you are not a gentleman, and never will be. You are a commoner, and you would do well to remember it,’ the footman said, looking unkindly up at Ron over his long hooked nose. ‘Now, Miss Granger, if you would accompany me this way…’
As Hermione followed the footman, she happened to look back over her shoulder. Mr Weasley caught her eye, and mouthed “what an oily-haired git, eh?”. Hermione bit down on her lower lip to stop herself laughing.
 On reflection, Hermione was rather embarrassed that she’d been so nervous about her first meeting with her employers. The lord of the manor seemed disinterested the entire time, while his wife asked a few questions about Hermione’s teaching qualification. In fact, Hermione spent most of the meeting nodding politely while the lady discussed the difficulty in finding a good governess in the local area, and that they appreciated that Hermione had come such a long way.
She was then escorted by the head footman back to the servants entrance, all the while wondering if all lords and ladies were so… underwhelming as people.
‘Thank you, but where should I-’
But the footman had already walked away.
Hermione looked around, her nerves building again. She didn’t know her way around, and she hadn’t even been told where her lodgings would be. Maybe she should-
‘All finished?’
Mr Weasley had poked his head through the door.
‘Y-yes,’ Hermione said. ‘But… well, where should I put all my…’
‘Oh, I’ll help you,’ Mr Weasley replied, cheerfully. ‘I can’t go into the women’s quarters, but I can let the scullery maids know that you’ve arrived.’
Turning, he knocked on a door.
‘Parvati? Lavender? The new governess is here; can you help her move her things into the women’s dormitory?’
There was a loud squeal from inside the room.
Rolling his eyes, Mr Weasley opened the door, and poked his head around it.
‘Oy; are you two finished?’
A few moments later, two women appeared from behind the door. Both of them dressed in the same simple uniform, and both roughly the same age as Hermione. They also both seemed to be very giggly.
‘Hello, Miss Granger!’ said one of them, who seemed to be of Indian descent. ‘Nice to meet you; I’m Parvati, and this is Lavender.’
Lavender, a girl with blonde hair that was pulled up under her bonnet, smiled.
‘Sorry we couldn’t meet you at the gates,’ Parvati said. ‘Me and Lav got a bit… distracted.’
There was a snicker from Mr Weasley. Lavender laughed, and slapped him playfully on the arm.
‘Anyway,’ Parvati continued, and Hermione was confused as to why the girl’s face had flushed at Mr Weasley’s comment. ‘We’ll help you take your bags up to the dorm.’
‘I wouldn’t want to cause you any trouble-’
‘Oh, it’s no trouble,’ Lavender said. ‘Besides, we never get to talk to anyone from London; do you know what the most recent styles are?’
‘Er…’ Hermione trailed off, as the two girls hurried along the corridor. She was about to follow, when she realised that the tall redhead was still there. She turned to face him again.
‘Thank you for all your help, Mr Weasley,’ Hermione said, giving a quick curtsy. ‘I am most pleased to make your acquaintance.’
‘As am I to make yours, Miss Granger,’ the redhead replied, his freckled cheeks dimpling once again. ‘Although, like I say, “Ron” is fine. There’s half a dozen Mr Weasleys here, so it just saves time.’
‘In that case, I will call you that,… Ron.’
The redhead grinned, before leaving to run across the wild grass nearby in the direction of the stables. The shirt Ron was wearing was, indeed, rather tight on him, and Hermione couldn’t help but notice how his muscles strained against the fabric as he ran, the sunlight reflecting beautifully off his red hair.
Hermione smiled, as she turned to follow Parvati and Lavender along the corridor. Ottery St Catchpole was shaping up to be a rather wonderful place to live.
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you liked it! If you want to keep up-to-date with the series, please subscribe on AO3 or FFN, or ask me to add you to the tag list on Tumblr.
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Rosa Diaz x Female Reader (If this offends you, don’t read, simple as.)
This is set during the active shooter episode, I’ve changed a few details but just a warning if this subject is a trigger. ENJOY.
“Come on Y/N, just a few more bits to fill in.” you mutter encouragingly to yourself, leaning back on your chair stretching out your back and fingers before rubbing your temples furiously in a desperate attempt to refocus on the computer screen in front of you but it was no luck, the new system the IT department had put in place took twice as long for warrants to be processed and approved as well as evidence to be categorised and assigned to cases which meant they take longer than average to fill out.
The atmosphere in the precinct was tense, the usually loud room with buzzing energy and laughter  had fallen silent with nothing but the echoing noises of fingers tapping on keyboards, coffee being drunk and the constant noise of the printer working in overdrive to keep up with the demands drowned out the frustrated groans made by your co-workers.
Everyone had fallen into their own miniature slums, Amy had reverted back to “secret” smoking and chewing the ends of her pens violently – which has caused more than one ink explosion – Terry was working in overdrive to keep everyone in upbeats spirits, running himself into the ground in the process, whilst Charles focused all his energy into waiting hand-and-foot on Jake who had managed to hurt himself more times in the last few weeks than his entire career in the police force and had been ordered to desk duty sorting through old case files as well as the odd open case that crept up, the boredom of which had now caused him to become even more childish and irritating – something the Nine-Nine didn't know was possible – and was currently entertaining himself by creating paper-areoplanes and throwing them around the bullpen.
“Here you go, Y/N.” spoke a voice that snapped you out of your day dream and made the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention.
Turning your head to the left, you see Rose Diaz, holding two brown take-out cups. She hands one over to you with a smile, you notice your name was written neatly on the side as you take the cup from her with a thank you; the detective watched you as you take a curious slip, she hadn't asked if you wanted a drink but as you let the delicious warm liquid of caramel Mocca fill your mouth, you hum intently.
It seemed like everyone was suffering except Rosa, and you could feel Jakes curious eyes settle on the pair of you as he listened and watched intently as the pair of you interacted. “When you've got a spare minute, could you help me search for some evidence on our case?” Rosa then asks, rather abruptly, also noticing Jakes eyes on the two of you, but from the side she manages to give you a half smile that wouldn't be seen by the prying detective.
You smiled back at her sweetly, “Yeah of course, let me just finish up the warrant requests and I'll be right with you.”
Rosa gave you a short nod and turned back to walk to her desk situated behind Charles who was sat in front of you typing away madly on his computer, from beside you, you could still feel Jakes hawk-like-eyes on you, one eyebrow raised and a stupid childish smile on his face.
“Is there something you wanted Peralta?” you ask in a short tone.
He snapped out of his trance and shook his head quickly, “Nope, Y/L/N. Nothing.” he stuttered, turning back to his computer; chuckling quietly to yourself, you turn back to your computer.
Twenty minutes later, you huff in annoyance and push yourself away from the desk, abandoning the warrant that won't process in a efficient amount of time and head for the Evidence Room, Rosa had disappeared from her desk ten minutes ago with a blue case file so you assumed she was in there but as you open the door; all the lights are turned off in the enclosed room; stepping in cautiously whilst attempting to feel for the light switch, the door shuts behind you, engulfing you in pitch black.
“Ah shit.” you hiss to yourself, turning swiftly to feel for the door handle but there was no luck, “I knew I should of listened to my mum when she said eat more carrots.”
Suddenly, a hand clamps down over your mouth from behind, muffling your squeak in surprise, instinctively you grab the wrist of your attacker, twisting your body and the arm around putting them into an arm-lock, pushing them against the chain link fence of the airlock.
“I taught you so well,” the familiar feminine voice whispers, immediately you let go of the figure in front of you allowing them to easily turn the main light on, sure enough, you were face-to-face with the beautiful chocolate brown eye of Rosa, who wore a huge shit-eating smirk on her face with pride. You roll your eyes and shove her playfully.
“You scared the shit out of me!” you whisper in fake annoyance, unable to stop the goofy smile creeping onto your face.
Rosa chuckles, taking your hand and pulling you closer, placing a gentle her lips on yours and lingering for a moment before separating, “We agreed we wouldn't do this at work,” you grumble, pulling her in for another kiss, this one more passionately as your tongue glides across her lower lip, asking for access as you deepen the kiss.
Rosa moans into the kiss before pulling your lips apart and hugging you tightly, “I know, but I couldn't sit there and watch you all stressed out and anxious anymore.”
Smiling, you rest your head on the front of her shoulder, inhaling deeply taking in the familiar smell of her perfume, motorbike oil and the leather jacket she wears religiously, “You know they'll figure out we are dating eventually, Jake seems to be on the trail.” you say to her.
You can feel her nod, “Yeah honey I know – but don't worry about that for now, we'll tell them when we are ready.” she assures you, squeezing you tightly before releasing you, “Why don't you get out of here for  bit? Go get some food and fresh air.”
“But we are busy with this case?” you ask her.
The detective smiles, rolling her eyes gently as she cups your chin in her hand, “Go, get out of here... before I get my taser and chase you ouy.” she playfully threatens, kissing you one last time.
You would never tell her to her face – but Rosa was right, getting away from work and some fresh air is exactly what you needed.
A short drive from work was a small café hidden amongst the busseling city, taking a seat outside you sip on your tea in-between eating your chocolate croissant. Breathing a sign of relief as you watch the city move around you, strangers going about their daily lives, going to work, seeing family, spending the day with loved ones. It causes a sinking feeling in your stomach, Rosa and yourself weren't out in the open with your relationship, you both have witnessed Captain Holt receive abuse because of his sexuality and neither yourself or Rosa were ready to face that in the work place let alone in your personal life.
And sadly, the sinking feeling doesn't stop there, as your radio crackles to life with a message no one in law enforcement wants to hear.
After you left, Rosa stayed in the Evidence Locker for a while as she really did have some evidence to find relating to the case the two of you were working on, but thanks to the new filing system and the lack of Evidence Attendant workers, it took twice as long to fins what she needed and when Rosa entered back into the bull-pen, evidence in hand, she is greeted with the sight of everyone crowded around Gina's desk with their backs to her.
“What's going on?” Rosa asks but is responded to with sharp, loud hushes.
She's taken aback but then she hears the buzzing static noise of a radio, quickly Rosa joins the half circle around the radio and listens carefully, “There's an active shooter in a hotel in Brooklyn Heights.” Holt tells Rosa, her heart sinks and the rest of the team takes a sharp inhale at the confirmation from their Captain.
“Requesting additional units.” a female voice speaks over the radio.
“Multiple causalities, ESU is en-route and nearby officers are responding to the scene right now.” Holt tells the squad keeping them updated.
Rosa's hands ball into fists, whitening the knuckles as her hands begin to sweat. Jake bits his lip as Amy chews her pen.
“Multiple shots fires, please be aware civilians running from scene and are on the streets.” Dispatch informs.
Charles takes a deep breath and holds it until it hurts before breathing out slowly as Terry flares his nostrils.
“Johnson, 2938, show me going” a male voice speaks over the radio.
“2938, I have you going.” Dispatch confirms.
“Gilbert, 9825, show me going.” another male speaks.
“9823, I have you going.” Dispatch confirms.
“What are they saying?” Gina asks – who had begun to pick at her nail polish – looking up at Captain Holt from her desk.
“Show me going and their badge number, they are telling Dispatch that they are close by and responding.” Holt explains calmly.
“Y/L/N, 2103, show me going.”
Everyone around Gina's desk freezes, the one line was spoken so quickly no one wanted to believe they heard it, until Dispatch confirms.
“2103, I have you going.”
“Y/L/N! As in our Y/N!” Charles shrieks worriedly.
“That's her badge number.” Jake then confirms, looking up at Rosa who looked over to him, the colour in her face had drained, her jaw hung loose in disbelief as her balled up hands began to shake. The squads eyes dart from one person to the next, everyone slowly coming to terms with what they had just heard.
“She's there.” Amy said quietly to herself, but in the silence atmosphere it echoed loudly.
Rosa swallows thickly, her heart beating a million miles an hour, echoing in her head making it pound, palms sweating with an uneasy lump forming in her throat choking her. Without a word, the detective turned sharply on her heels and took off in a fast, brisk walk towards the bathroom down the corridor, bile climbed her throat as her vision starts to blur at the edges.
Locking the main door to the bathroom, Rosa breaks into a sprint for the toilet, barely making it in time before her lunch made a reappearance. For twenty minutes, she stares into the toilet bowl eventually gaining the strength to push herself back up, flushing the toilet and heading over to the sink, gripping the edge of the sink with all her strength, running the water to mask the thick and fast tears that fell from her eyes.
A million thoughts rushed through the detectives head, was Y/N safe? Where was she in the hotel? Is she hurt?
Just as Rosa begins to panic, a loud knock echoes on the bathroom door, followed by Jakes voice.
“Rosa? Are you okay?”
Taking a deep breath, the detective tries to calm herself enough to respond, “Yeah, I'm fine.” she manages before a wave of new tears form.
Jake doesn't believe her, through their training at the academy and multiple cases together, Jake has learnt to read the seemingly emotionally unavailable woman pretty well; and he knows better than to push her as he hears the unevenness of her voice and attempted hidden sniffles.
“Captain is holding an emergency meeting in the Briefing Room in five minutes,” Jake then speaks, not wanting to push her.
Rosa nods as if he can see her, looking at her blood shot eyes, blotchy skin and pale complexion, “Okay, I’ll be out in a minute.” she responds.
Jake doesn't respond, instead he waits. Rosa washes her face with cold water, tries her tears and swallows her emotions as best as she can, unlocking the door she steps out and Jake engulfs her in a bear hug – something they never do often – but as Jake waits for Rosa to shove him away, instead she wraps her arms around him and returns the hug gratefully.
“Thank you buddy.” she mumbles, letting go.
Jake smiles softly at her before turning to walk towards the Briefing Room.
Holt and Terry stand at the front of the room, Jake by Charles, Amy and Rosa on their own tables and Gina stood in the corner. The tension is the room was thick, worry and anxiousness radiated off everyone, even Captain Holt had a nervousness about himself.
“A Captain at the 9-7 has given us a brief update, there's two possible three shooters in Brooklyn Heights – ” Holt started but Jake swiftly interrupted.
“Any casualties?”
“Three head, many wounded – all civilians.”  Holt speaks. “ESU is on scene and the area is being locked down, it's a zoo out there, we have been ordered to stay here on alert but not to respond.”
“That's crazy!” Amy yells.
The room is taken aback by her outburst but Holt doesn't seem fazed, “I know you're all worried about Y/N, but she is not alone, she is part of a massive NYPD response.  I promise I will keep you updated as the situation develops, in the meantime, you all have jobs to do. Dismissed.”
The room clears out, Rosa lingers as Jake and Amy talk.
“She'll be okay, Ams.” Jake comforts her.
Amy smiles through gritted teeth, touching her boyfriends shoulder, “I know. I love you.” she says.
“I love you too.” Jake smiles happily.
That's when it hit Rosa like a bus.
A realisation she never thought she'd have.
A feeling she never thought she'd feel.
She loves you.
Three Hours Later...
The echoing sound of gunshots rung in your ears, sending glass sparing over you and the officer you are paired with. The heavy bulletproof vest you wear constricts your chest more than the heavy sinking feeling of anxiety that sits in the pit of your stomach, when suddenly an officer in the squad next to yours yells in pain, turning swiftly you see a brief sight of red blood.
“Move! Move! Move!” you yell to your team as more bullets fly through the air.
“Squad Beta-Nine to Dispatch, we are pinned down.” a male next to you speaks over the radio, “Multiple shooters on west side, seventh window up. Do you have a clear shot?”
Your heart beat echoes in your head, white noise takes over blurring out everything else, holding your gun close  you check the bullets, secure your vest and helmet. As the bullets hit the wall you're all barricaded behind, you close your eyes and all you see is her – Rosa, with that stupid smirk she wears, her leather jacket she lets you wear when you get cold, the helmet she hands you when she forces you on the back of her bike.
Oh my god, you suddenly think, your eyes bursting open, “I love her.” you whisper to yourself.
“GUYS!” Charles screams – despite everyone in the squad being in a two metre radius of him.
“What is it?” Rosa asks, her voice strained.
Everyone gathers round Charles as he twitches from foot-to-foot, unable to stand still, “They just took three shooters into custody. Officers got injured in the action, they don't say how many or who they are.” he tells everyone, a small weight is lifted from everyone but tension still runs through them.
“Call Y/N.” Jake turns to Rosa, pointing at the phone in her pocket.
Amy raises her eyebrow, curious as to why Rosa would call Y/N when she was her best friend, but before the Sergeant had a chance to ask, Rosa already had her phone to her ear, the ring tone rhythmically humming away. “Her phone is off.” Rosa mutters.
“Fuck.” Holt lets slip.
Jakes eyes widen but now is not the time to react to the Captains potty mouth, no matter how incredible of  a moment it was.
Forty-Five Minutes Later...
The bull-pen was silent. No one spoke. No one worked. Everyone sat at their desks, anxious, scared and on edge.
“Listen up,” Holt's voice shatters the void, “I don't have the names of the injured officers, but is Y/N is unharmed, she should be contacting us shortly. Or, if her phone is dead, she might be walking out of the elevator at any moment.”
And almost as if by magic, the elevator ping’s and the door slides open... revealing... Scully holding a meatball sub.
“AH COME ON!” Rosa screams so loud it causes Scully to jump out of his skin, throwing the meatball sub all over the floor spilling the sauce, meat and bread all over the floor.
From the corner, you let out a laugh, “Damn it Rosa, that looked like a good sandwich.” you speak.
The entire room jumped to attention, all smiling, calling your name but before you got a chance to respond to everyone who moved to hug you, Rosa barged through the crowd, sending Jake and Charles flying into the nearby desks as she grabbed your face tightly and kissed you.
The entire room erupted in gasps as you returned the kiss, wrapping your arms around her neck, and when you both pulled apart, everyone in the bull-pen was staring at you, you took Rosa's hand in yours as you faced your boss, co-workers and friends, Jake and Holt had a huge grin on their faces – as did Gina, who insisted on slow clapping – Amy and Terry looked shocked as Charles looked like he was about to faint.
“So I guess the cats out of the bag.” You said with a laugh.
“We are all very happy for you.” Holt said, a soft smile settled on his usually emotionless expression.
The entire squad nodded in confirmation. “I knew you'd been happier for a reason.” Terry winked, punching Rosa's shoulder playfully.
Everyone laughed, it felt incredible not to hide it, the weight from your chest disappeared and you felt out of this world. Rosa squeezed your hand gently. “Y/N why don't you head home and get some rest, it's been a long and stressful day for you.” Holt says, you nod with a small smile, and head over to your desk to collect your things, “Oh, Detective, Take Diaz with you. The two of you deserve a afternoon off.”
“Thank you, Captain.” Rosa says, grabbing your hand again as the pair of you say your goodbyes and leave the precinct.
As the two of you step out into the fresh air, Rosa pulls you into a tight hug, her shoulder quiver slightly, “Hey, babe, I'm okay, I'm back with you.” you assure her, rubbing her back gently.
Rosa pulls away, her arms still wrapped around your waist, resting her forehead on yours, “I love you.” she whispers.
A large grin breaks onto your face, “I love you too.”
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no grave can hold my body down – 2/2
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: It took time to get Jason Todd away from the darkness. Sometimes it felt like he was always standing at a tipping point, at risk of completely losing himself. But not when he was with her. She made him better and she would continue to make him better.
Word Count: 9,000
A/N: I know there are a lot of contradicting opinions on Jason Todd’s height. But for my own wish fulfillment, he is 6′3/6′4ish in this fic. 
Part 1
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Y/N had fallen asleep after getting home from work. She had a long day and was so exhausted that she passed out as soon as she sat down on the couch. Jason had to take off her heels and drape a blanket over her.
Now he was dressed in his armored undershirt, cargo pants, leather jacket, and tactical boots. His red helmet was tucked under his arm, but he was already wearing a domino mask. If Bruce had taught him anything, it was to be prepared to a point of paranoia.
He crouched down to his knees.
Ever so gently, he brushed Y/N’s cheek.
“Y/N,” he whispered.
She stirred and winced a bit when she opened her eyes, the glare of the quiet television was suddenly harsh.
“What’s going on?” She asked, still half asleep.
“Nothing. Go back to sleep. I just wanted to tell you I’m leaving to go on patrol.”
“Mhmm. OK.” She hummed. “Be careful, J.”
If Y/N ever found out how un-careful the Red Hood was, she would never sleep and she’d probably beg Jason to quit his vigilantism.
“I love you,” he told her before kissing her on the forehead.
“Love you, too,” she said back so dreamily that it sounded like she was talking in her sleep.
Jason slipped out of the window. He purposely chose this apartment due to the direction the windows faced, the distance from approximate apartments, and the darkness that would prevent any wandering eyes from the neighbors.
He’d been patrolling for a few hours. It was oddly a quiet night. He assumed it had to do with how cold it was outside. Sometimes criminals were weak in the most obvious ways.
Jason was standing on a rooftop, taking a breather when he felt someone drop behind him. He knew his family all too well and could differentiate all of their footsteps. Which was why he didn’t immediately shoot Dick when he thought he’d try and surprise him.
“So, Y/N was quite the hit…” Dick said without giving Jason a proper greeting first.
“What are you still doing in town?” Jason answered.
Dick sighed. “B still needs a little help on the case.”
Jason nodded, not actually caring why Dick was still in Gotham. 
Then an awkward silence washed over them. Well, Dick thought it was awkward. Jason couldn’t care less. 
“Why won’t you talk about her with us?” Dick’s teasing was gone and his tone serious now.
Jason turned his head away from the city view and finally acknowledged his brother. “You don’t need to know anything about her,” his helmet distorted his words to make them sound even harsher than they already were.
“Doesn’t seem like she completely shares that view.”
Jason didn’t respond. He didn’t appreciate Dick speaking on Y/N’s behalf.
“Bruce seems to like her,” Dick added.
Jason’s head snapped to him. “As if I give a fuck,” he snapped.
Dick had the audacity to laugh. “How did the two of you meet anyway? She was living in New York City when the two of you first met, right?”
“Jesus,” Jason growled. “Did all of you run a background check on her?”
Dick shrugged. “What did you expect?”
Y/N didn’t have any idea where she was going. With the sun having already set, she couldn’t even figure out what direction she was headed.
But she had typed the address to her hotel into the Uber app and trusted it from there. She was also too preoccupied still answering the dozens of work emails on her phone.
“Hey lady, we’re here,” the driver said rudely after she didn’t realize they had stopped.
“Oh, sorry!” She said, writing the last few words of a sentence before pressing send.
She jumped out of the car and yelled a thanks before slamming the door shut.
To her surprise, the car raced off without a second’s hesitation.
But when Y/N turned around, she realized she was definitely not in the right place. And for the first time throughout the drive, she realized she was definitely in a bad area.
Y/N heard all of the terrible things about Gotham. Sometimes she wondered if the things about all of the crime were exaggerated by the news or if the city was really rotting from the inside like everyone said. What she definitely didn’t believe in was all the vigilantes that seemed to be protecting the city. No one could ever offer up any proof, even with every single human having a video camera in their hands at all times.
But now she wishing she’d taken people’s warnings a little bit more seriously.
This was definitely not Gotham Heights, where her nice hotel was located.
“Fuck,” she muttered as she whipped out her phone and instantly tried to call another Uber. But the app was being finicky and she was getting a loading screen for far too long.
Then she heard a group of men whistle at her. The streets were filled with literal dumpster fires. There were countless inoperable cars with broken windshields and without wheels. The only women she spotted looked like they were working the streets.
‘Walk, Y/N. Just walk. Act like you know where you’re going.’ Her brain was screaming at her.
So she did while remaining on high alert.
No matter how much she pretended to blend in, she was obviously out of place and sticking out like a sore thumb.
Her heart was racing and she tried to walk as fast as she could without fully running. She just hoped to get to a main street soon and try to catch a yellow cab, since apparently all her car-service apps decided not to work.
But suddenly, a man stepped onto the sidewalk, blocking Y/N’s path forward.
“You lost, sweetheart?” He cooed.
Y/N stopped and started backing away. But when she turned around, she saw that two men were waiting behind her.
“No need to be scared,” the same men said behind her, closer this time. “We just want to talk.”
‘Fuck this,’ Y/N thought before she decided to make a run for it.
But one of them grabbed her and shoved her to the side, pushing her into the alleyway she hadn’t realized they were right next to.
It was so dark that she could hardly make out the silhouettes of her attackers. But that wasn’t going to stop her from fighting. She immediately tried to shove past anyone in her vicinity and hit whoever was grabbing her.
“Get the fuck away from me!” She screamed, hoping that there was someone in this poisoned city that would try and help her.
Except she was outnumbered by three men, which ended in her getting shoved up the brick wall that lined the alley.
“I don’t have any money,” she gasped as a last ditch effort to save herself.
“Who said we wanted your money?” One of them chuckled darkly.
Before their words could hearten Y/N to try another defensive attack and escape, there was a strange zipping sound that echoed down into the alley.
Next thing Y/N knew, the man that was pressed up against her and pinning her to wall was flung off.
Y/N gasped and tried to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness enough so she could actually see what the hell was happening.
“It’s the hood!” One of the men yelled to his friends before making a run for it.
Then a gun was fired off – two shots.
Y/N yelped at the noise and covered her ears.
But when she looked back up, the man who had tried to escape was now on the ground, screaming in pain as he looked down at both of his knee caps that had been shot.
When Y/N turned her attention to the other two men, she finally saw who had interrupted their assault.
It was a man – if that was even what he was – dressed in military gear of some sort. But what really caught her attention was the red helmet that was reflecting the night light and allowing her to actually follow what was happening.
Y/N watched as he punched the daylights out of one of her attackers. She saw the man’s face get more and more covered with blood with each punch.
If Y/N was scared before, she was now terrified.
Without hesitating any longer, she too made a run for it, hoping she wouldn’t be shot like the other runaway.
She sprinted around the corner. But she only got a few yards before the same behemoth landed in front of her.
He was tall, and had to be at least 6’3. Men were confusingly short in New York, so Y/N was still trying to wrap her mind around having to tilt her head slightly up. But then she realized it wasn’t even his height that was jarring; it was how utterly hulking he was. His shoulders were so wide and his chest was massive. His thighs seemed to be the same width has her entire torso.
Everything about him was intimidating and imposing.
“I gotta give you credit for being that fast while wearing heels,” he said to her as he glanced down at her shoes.
It wasn’t exactly comforting that his voice seemed to also be distorted by the helmet.
Y/N was frozen in fear, truly not knowing what he was capable of or even what he wanted.
“You can relax. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he told her with his hands raised. His guns were no longer in his grip, but in their holsters at his thighs.
“You just killed three men,” Y/N told him with a shaky voice as she took a step back.
“I didn’t kill them. But if you want me to, I’d be happy to go back there and finish the job.”
“What? No!” Y/N cried out.
He had the audacity to chuckle at her reaction.
“Where exactly did you think you were going?” He asked her.
“This whole damsel-in-distress thing is new for me. But I thought it made sense to run away from the guy who was shooting people,” she told him quickly.
Jason was grateful that his mask hid all his emotions and facial expressions, because he was smiling at her sass.
He looked her up and down, taking in her outfit and just her overall look. “You’re not from around here, are you?”
“What gave me away?”
He shrugged, ignoring the question. “What the hell are you doing in The Bowery? This is the most dangerous neighborhood in Gotham.”
“My Uber dropped me off here. I thought I was at my hotel and by the time I figured out I wasn’t, my driver had already sped away and left me for dead.”
He took a step toward her. “What’s a gal like you doing in Gotham?”
“I work for an art gallery in New York. But there was an event that I had to attend. I’ve been here all weekend.” 
Why was she telling him any of this?
Jason nodded in understanding. “Come on,” he told her.
“W-What?” She asked nervously.
“You’re not gonna get a car in this area. You should report the driver who brought you here in the first place. He knew better.”
He walked past her.
Y/N looked around her, trying to figure out if she even had any other option. She knew he was right about a car, which was probably why she’d gotten a loading screen for all of them when it realized her location.
Yes, he was technically a masked criminal. But he did just save her life, no matter how terrifying it was to watch.
Y/N decided she didn’t have much of a choice.
Before she could move, a motorcycle was being pulled up alongside her.
Y/N eyed it for a moment.
“What’s your name?” She asked him, as if it would make the situation any safer.
“Red Hood,” he told her.
Y/N nodded, not surprised that it didn’t make her feel any better. She realized she was in no position to ask for his real identity. She knew enough about vigilantes to understand that they only survived from hiding their true selves from the criminals they fought and the law enforcement who thought what they were doing was wrong.
“Where are you staying?” He asked her.
“Crest Hill Hotel,” she told him.
“Fancy,” he teased. “Hop on.”
Y/N hesitated before following his instructions. She sat awkwardly on the back of the motorcycle, unsure of what to do.
“You’re gonna want to hold on, beautiful.” He told her over his shoulder as he revved the engine.
Y/N tried to ignore the heat that rushed to her face as he called her ‘beautiful,’ and then she tried to ignore how wide and strong his torso felt as she reached to hold on.
It took 20 minutes to get to her hotel, proving that the Uber driver really hadn’t given a crap about how incorrect her original address had been.
Jason had decided to drop her off in the back entrance to avoid a scene of the infamous Red Hood dropping off an average citizen. He didn’t need that type of attention and Y/N shouldn’t be tied to him in any way.
Y/N got off the motorcycle with a surprising grace and turned to him.
“Thank you for…saving me,” she told him gently.
“It was nothing,” he told her.
Y/N just watched him for a moment, wondering what he looked like under that red helmet and without all the armor.
“What’s your name?” He surprised her by asking.
“Y/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N.” 
She didn’t know why she felt comfortable giving her surname. But it just came out.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Though, I wish it had been under better circumstances.”
Y/N suddenly dug into her purse, making sure she still had her phone and even just the key to her hotel room.
“Fuck,” she muttered without realizing it.
“What is it?” Jason asked.
“Nothing. I just…it sounds stupid, but I have a little notebook to write down ideas for – well, for my artwork. But it must’ve fallen out back in that alleyway when those guys shoved me against the wall.”
When she looked up at him, it was impossible to know what he was thinking.
“Anyways, thank you again.” She turned to finally walk away.
She shouldn’t love how much she loved the sound of him saying her name.
Y/N turned around.
“Stay close to the hotel. Gotham is different than New York City.”
She nodded.
“So, when did you see her again?” Dick questioned after he listened to Jason’s retelling.
“I was helping out a friend with a job in NYC. Things got ugly. I may or may not have been shot when I showed up at her window. Her apartment was in the area and I needed a place to lay low.”
Dick laughed. “Uh huh. Sure you did.”
Jason ignored him. “Anyways, I’d gone back to the alley that night and found that notebook she was talking about, and gave it to her to make up for bleeding all over her couch.”
“Always the romantic,” Dick teased.
Their conversation came to a halt. Instead of talking, they both listened to the city noises that Gotham brought.  
“Listen, Jason, I know I did a poor job of being there for you and actually acting like a brother. And I also know you haven’t always been my biggest fan.”
Jason stayed quiet.
“But you deserve to be happy. And we both know Y/N does that.” Dick sighed. “But you don’t talk about her with us and you kept her from even just meeting us after years of you two dating. If we weren’t all noisy and paranoid, we wouldn’t know a thing about her.”  
“What’s your point, Dick?” Jason asked roughly.
“No one ever wants to acknowledge this, especially you…but you’re more like Bruce than any of us. And you’ve seen how he pushes people away, keeping them at a distance. Y/N wants to be a part of your life, your whole life. And that includes all of us – whether you like it or not. So, what I’m saying is you don’t have to hide her from us.”
Dick knew not to expect a response from Jason. So he left him where he found him and gave him his space once again.
Jason didn’t have anything to say anyway. 
Dick’s words made him angry more than anything. Because he knew they were true. Yes, he saw how Bruce behaved with women. It was promiscuous and casual, because anything else was too close for comfort. Bruce’s priority would always be Batman. And Bruce knew that no significant other deserved his lack of commitment – no matter how much they might love each other.
Y/N was doing her nightly routine and applying moisturizer to her face when she heard it. She could be acting paranoid, but her instincts were telling her something was off. 
No, someone was here.
Jason made a point of being loud and immediately announcing when he got home as to not scare her. So, it couldn’t be him.
As quietly as possible, Y/N tiptoed out of the bathroom and to her side of the bed where she kept a titanium baseball bat. Jason had offered her multiple times to teach her how to shoot a gun. But Y/N wanted nothing to do with them.
With the bat in hand, Y/N snuck her way to the living room where she heard the sound.
She had turned off all the lights, making it hard for her to see clearly.
But she did see a large mass standing in the middle of her living room. With just a bit of hesitation, Y/N swung the bat. But the intruder caught the bat, stopping her attack.
They stepped into the moonlight, finally allowing Y/N to see that it was Batman in his full uniform, cowl still on.
“What the fuck. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Y/N snapped at him.
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to startle you,” Bruce defended.
But Y/N was still irritated. “Jason isn’t here.”
“I know. I came to talk to you.”
She froze. “Me?”
“I need a favor.”
Y/N narrowed her gaze. “I highly doubt I could do anything to help you.”
“You’re wrong. This has to do with your job. You work at The Drago House.”
Y/N tilted her head and crossed her arms. “Yes.”
“It’s owned by the Ibanescu family. They use it as a front for human trafficking.”
Y/N shook her head. “That can’t be possible…”
“Don’t underestimate the crime families of Gotham, Y/N.”
“So, why do you need me?”
“There are files and codecs that would decipher who their buyers are and where they hold auctions around the world. Nothings digital. They’re old school. With that information, we could shut done their operation forever.”
Y/N’s face was serious now. “What do you need me to do?”
“You have always had access to all the information. You just never knew it. All I need is for you to scan the files.”
She now looked at him suspiciously. “Don’t they say you're the world’s greatest detective? I find it hard to believe that you’d have problems breaking into the gallery after hours to get them for yourself…”
“It’s only completely lockdown as soon as it closes every night. Their security system is high-end and resets every 24 hours. Could we get into it eventually? Yes. But we’ve already been at it for weeks. And we’ve received word that there’s a big…” He hesitated. “…shipment happening any day. We don’t have time to waste.”
Y/N thought about what he was telling her.
“Why didn’t you go to Jason?” She finally asked.
“You said Jason doesn’t tell you what to do.”
Y/N glared at him for using her own words against her.
The apartment went quiet again.
Then Y/N nodded slowly. “There’s an opening tomorrow night. I can get them then.”
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Dick’s words haunted Jason for the rest of the night. He wanted to cut patrolling early and just get back to Y/N.
Now he swiftly moved into his apartment from the fire escape and immediately took off his helmet and domino mask underneath.
But Jason froze when he saw Y/N’s bat in the middle of the living room.
His heart raced at the immediate assumption that something happened to her. The furniture was untouched and there were no other signs of trouble, but he still rushed towards the bedroom anyway.
“Y/N?” He called out, despite it being nearly 4AM.
He let out a sigh of relief when he found Y/N slowly waking up from their bed.
“J?” She murmured, half asleep.
“Y/N, why is the bat in the living room?” Jason asked as he rubbed his face and then sat on the edge of the bed near her. Without even thinking, he cupped her cheek.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up more. “I thought I heard something and freaked myself out. But it was nothing.”
“Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me when shit like that happens.”
“But it was nothing,” she repeated. “What?” She added with a sigh when he was giving her that disapproving look.
“I don’t care if it ends up being nothing. If you’re scared, then I’m going to be here. OK?” Then he finalized his point with a quick kiss to her lips.
She nodded. “OK.”
Then she looked him up and down, realizing that he was still completely in his Red Hood gear, only without his helmet.
“You OK?” She asked in a whisper. Her eyes already scanning his body for any obvious injuries.
“I’m fine,” Jason sighed. “I was just worried about you when I saw the bat. I thought something…”
Y/N quickly sat up in bed. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m fine. I’m OK. I was just being paranoid. I should’ve put the bat back. I’m sorry.”  
A comfortable and reassuring silence settled between them.
“Why don’t you take a shower and come to bed?” Y/N offered softly.
Jason nodded and kissed her again.
As soon as he was out of the room, Y/N ran a hand over her face. 
She hated lying to Jason. He didn’t deserve it. But she also knew he wouldn’t let her anywhere near an operation that Bruce was trying to pull off. This had to be the same thing that Tim had pulled Jason aside for at the gala.
But Bruce made one thing clear: he needed her help. And he wouldn’t do so if he wasn’t desperate.
The next night, Y/N couldn’t stop sweating and her heart rate was out of control. She tried to act like this was just another day of work, greeting customers, explaining the pieces, and answering questions.
But the need to get into the back offices when everyone else was gone would not stop nagging her.
With shaky hands, she tapped her ID on the scanner. Usually at this point in an event, all of her colleagues were either on the floor or had called it the end of their work day and headed home.
By some miracle, that was exactly the case.
Y/N locked the door behind her, never having seen a purpose for doing so any other day of working at the gallery.
“OK. OK. OK. Breathe,” she muttered to herself as her eyes scanned the room.
She knew where all the files were in the room. And Bruce had given her the keys to knowing what to look for. Now it was just a matter of putting the two together.
Y/N instantly went to work and started shuffling through papers, finding what was needed.
Bruce had given her a special pen that would scan every file within a second no matter what angle it was pointed at, so Y/N wouldn’t have any suspicious photos on her cellphone.
Y/N was almost done, covered in sweat and with shaking hands, when the door started jiggling.
She swore her heart was about to burst out of her chest.
With pure adrenaline, Y/N quickly put back the files that were in her hand.
But the person on the other side of the door was clearly getting impatient quickly and continued to mess with the doorknob.
Y/N jumped when it was finally kicked open. She whipped around to stare at a man who was nearly the size of Jason, but looked far deadlier. She’d never seen him at the gallery before, which meant he was definitely part of Ibanescu’s gang.
“Can I help you?” She snapped rudely, trying to use her authority to hide her fear.
“What are you doing in here?” He accused.
“I work here. Who the hell are you?”
He ignored her question. “Why was the door locked?”
“You still haven’t told me who you are,” Y/N shot back.
And with that, she straightened her posture and started walking past him. But this man wasn’t as stupid as he looked. Just as she thought she’d slipped away, the man grabbed her by the arm.
“Excuse me,” Y/N hissed.
But he ignored her and started dragging her into the back storage area of the gallery and further away from the crowd.
Y/N tried to rip her arm from his grasp but his grip was vice-like and didn’t even seem fazed by her efforts to escape.
This was not good.
While Y/N was still hopeful that she could possibly talk her way out, she was also realistic. 
Which is why she hit a button on her watch.
Jason had gifted it to her very early on in their relationship. It was a classic chronograph watch. But he had installed a panic button onto it.
“If something ever happens – even if you think you’re being overly cautious – you push this and it will send out a signal that I can track. I’ll be there before you know it.” That’s what he had told her when he gifted it, and she’d worn it every day since.
A few seconds later, Y/N was being shoved through the door that led to the back alley.
There was a group of men, just as large and intimidating as the one who still had a grip on her arm.
It was pouring rain and freezing outside. But the slight overhand of the building into the alley protected them slightly.
“What the fuck is this?” One of them asked.
“I found her snooping around in the offices,” he announced.
“I’m one of the directors of this gallery!” Y/N bit back. “I was checking the price points on pieces for a potential customer.”
“The door was locked,” the man added.
They all seemed to be looking at each other.
Y/N was frozen, trying to wait for the perfect moment to make a run for it.
But then she saw one of the men, who appeared to be in charge, eye the pen that was clipped to the pocket of her pants. She prayed that he was too stupid to think it was anything more than just a writing utensil.
But then he slowly walked up to her. He grabbed the pen from her pocket and inspected it.
Y/N swore time froze. She couldn’t hear anything. She couldn’t feel the tight grip on her arm that was surely going to bruise her.
Then the man’s gaze shifted from the pen to her eyes.
“Get her in the car,” he told the group.
Y/N’s heart dropped.
Without hesitating, she immediately started to fight the man holding her. With a swift motion, she kneed him hard in the groin, making him let out a growl and keel over. But he dropped his grip on her arm.
Despite wearing heels, she made a run for it. She didn’t get far, but she got far enough into the rain that she was already drenched.
Another man grabbed her, shoving her against the building and clenching her throat to a point of suffocation.
“You stupid bitch,” her original captor spat as he backhanded her across the face.
Y/N blinked as a ringing started in her ears and her face stung with pain.
“Get her in the car before you make a fuckin’ scene,” the leader warned.
But before they could respond to the command, the street lights went out, causing a surge of darkness to blind all of them.
Y/N tried to step away from her attackers as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. But she couldn’t see a damn thing. The pouring rain was only making it more impossible.
It wasn’t until one of the men cried out in pain and guns started firing that she could see anything. Except it was too fast for her to make out a clear picture. Every so often, a lightning strike or a muzzle flash would give her a short glimpse.
Lo and behold, Batman was taking out the men one by one. But every time Y/N’s eyes focused on his tall silhouette, he’d disappear. She couldn’t keep track of his movements. And apparently neither could any of Ibanescu’s men.
“Shoot the girl!” One of the men yelled.
Y/N’s eyes widened when two of the men turned their guns on her.
But just before they fired off their rounds, a small force tackled her to the side and behind the safety of a giant dumpster.
Y/N looked up to see a young boy shielding her with his own body.
Things were so chaotic that she hadn’t even registered he was there, too.
Before she could say anything to him, there was another presence that dropped down beside her. The next second, she was being grabbed and pulled into the sky.
From the feel of his arms alone, Y/N immediately recognized it as Jason.
His grappling gun had brought them to the roof of the building.
Once their feet were grounded onto the roof, Jason barely stepped away and grabbed her shoulders.
Y/N couldn’t read his face from his helmet. But the subtle movements of his head made it clear that he was scanning her body to see if she’d been hit. It only took a few seconds to be convinced that she was clear.
Then he was grasping her face. “Stay here,” he told her before he used his grappling gun to vault back down into the alleyway.
Y/N ran to the edge of the room to look down.
When Jason returned to the fight below, he was ruthless.
Damian had seen the Red Hood with a vengeance many a time. But this… this was something different.
No bone was left unbroken.
Jason wasn’t just neutralizing these men…he was out for blood and pain.
The leader of the little gang was on his knees, covered in his own blood, when he looked up at Jason, who had a gun pointed just centimeters from his head.
“Red Hood, no!” Bruce growled as he threw a batarang, knocking Jason’s gun away from its almost-victim.
Jason whipped his head around. “They were going to kill her!”
“I wasn’t going to let that happen,” Bruce countered.
While they talked, Damian knocked out the man Jason almost murdered. By now, all of them were knocked unconscious or so injured that they couldn’t even open their eyes.
Jason’s entire body froze, realizing what had really happened. Bruce and Damian didn’t just happen to be there to save his girlfriend. This was their doing. They were the ones who had put her in this dangerous situation to begin with.
“What the fuck did you do?” Jason thundered.
Just as a flash of lightening struck, he turned to face Bruce, finding his new prey.  
“She had an in and I asked her to use it,” Bruce explained evenly. “She agreed.”
“Of course she fucking agreed!” Jason yelled over the rain. “She’d never say no to helping! And you knew that, and you took advantage of it!”
Then he raised his gun, pointing it at Bruce.
“Put the gun down, Red Hood.”
“Fuck you,” Jason hissed.
The next thing Y/N knew, Jason shot a bullet towards Bruce, causing her to let out a yell from above. In her heart she knew he hadn’t aimed to kill, but Bruce dodged the shot anyway.
Now the two men were fully fighting each other. Bruce seemed to be pulling his punches and just trying to remain on the defense. But Jason wanted revenge. Yes, Bruce and him had a dark history. But putting Y/N in danger erupted something inside Jason that made him see red in a way he never had before.
Just as Y/N was going to call out for Jason to stop, she heard someone drop beside her on the roof.
Dick stood a few feet away, standing tall in his Nightwing uniform.
“Dick, do something!” She begged.
“I can stop Bats, but I can’t stop him,” he told her.
“Then get me the fuck down there! Use your zip-line thingy!”
“Zip-line thingy?” Dick repeated, clearly offended. “This is a grappling–”
“Dick!” Y/N cut him off.
“Right, sorry.” He grabbed her, held her body tight to him, and lowered them down back to the alley.
When Y/N looked up, Bruce was on his knees, trying to catch his breath.
But Jason wasn’t done with him.
“You made it clear that you don’t give a shit about me. But putting the one person I love in danger just for you to solve a case? You’ve reached a new low,” Jason yelled as he slowly started to walk towards Bruce.
But before Jason could reach him, Y/N blocked his path.
She was soaking wet and shivering from both the cold rain and the shock.
Jason could already see the bruises covering her neck and face. He also didn’t miss the small line of blood that had trickled down her nose.
“Jason,” she whimpered. “That’s enough.”
He froze.
Y/N walked to him. “Please, just take me home,” she whispered.
Just seeing her made Jason’s entire body relax. But he was also reminded that she was the priority, not Bruce.
Noticing her shivering, he took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
Bruce, Dick, and Damian were barely able to see the short, loving moment before Jason flung a smoke capsule onto the ground, covering him and Y/N as he brought her into his arms.
By the time the smoke disappeared, Jason and Y/N were gone.
When Jason and Y/N got back to their apartment, Jason when into autopilot mode of nursing Y/N. He pulled her into their bathroom and immediately started helping her out of her wet clothes. Y/N couldn’t stop shaking, and he noticed.
Jason only left her side for the split moment when he turned to start the shower, making sure to make it extra hot.
Then he was right back at her side, taking off his uniform and matching her nudity.
When he gently tugged her into their abnormally large shower, there was nothing sexual about it.
Now that Y/N’s skin was bare to him, he looked at all the injuries she had.
There were a few scrapes that would heal in a week or so. But Jason’s gaze went dark every time they lingered on the bruises across her throat, face, and bicep. He should’ve killed all of those bastards.
Y/N leaned into Jason’s chest. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Because she knew that’s what this was. Jason wasn’t mad at her – at least, not yet. That could very much come later. But no, right now, he was scared. He put so much energy into keeping Y/N away from his other life, only for her to be thrown right into the center of it. And it wasn’t even his doing; it was Bruce’s.
“I know,” he bent down to whisper in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N didn’t know how long they stayed in the shower. But eventually Jason turned off the water and wrapped Y/N around in a fluffy white towel. She looked so young and innocent.
He moved her to their bedroom and sat her down on the edge of the bed.
Y/N watched him as he moved about the room, getting each of them clothes – all from his own closet.
“Are you hungry?” He asked her carefully as he handed her a pair of his sweatpants and one of his hoodies.
She shook her head.
Jason wasn’t surprised. One of the side effects of trauma and shock was a loss of appetite. But he made her drink a huge glass of water before he let her get in bed. And he made a mental note to make a big breakfast tomorrow when her body recovered and realized how starving it was.
When they were both finally under the covers, Jason didn’t hesitate to pull Y/N completely in his arms, smothering her with his giant frame. She welcomed his touch and warmth, burying her face into his chest.
Neither of them knew who needed this closeness more.
Tonight had been scary. Y/N knew Jason’s anger was bound to show up at some point. But right now, both of them were just grateful they were okay.
To Y/N’s surprise, she woke up in bed alone.
But her concern didn’t last long as she heard Jason moving around in the kitchen and she could hear soft music was playing if she listened hard enough.
When Y/N moved to get out of bed, she felt all the soreness that came from being grabbed and thrown around like she was last night. She winced, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. But she made a mental note to hide any signs that she was in pain from Jason.
Over their time together, Y/N and Jason got disturbingly good at reading one another. So, when Y/N walked into the kitchen to find Jason making breakfast, she immediately sensed things were not good. It wasn’t the cooking that tipped her off. His naked back was to her and she could somehow see the tension in his shoulders – in his whole body.
Y/N knows he heard her as soon as she walked into the kitchen.
“There’s coffee,” he says without turning around from the stove. He’s making pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes, to be precise.
Y/N pours herself some coffee and sits at the table, watching him.
A few minutes pass before she’s had enough of the tension.
“If you’re gonna yell at me, then yell at me,” she told him.
Jason froze for a moment, but then quickly looked at her over his shoulder. “When have I ever yelled at you?”
He had a point.
Yes, Jason was once filled with only rage. There was a reason some feared Red Hood more than the Batman. He was ruthless. Fueled by vengeance, his temper, and his disappointment in the evil that plagued the world. He fought his enemies, but he also fought with his friends and family.
But Jason Todd was none of those things with Y/N. He never lost his temper with her. He never projected his rage and hardships from what he saw as Red Hood onto her. He’d never even raised his voice with her.
“I know,” Y/N admitted. “But I also know you’re still angry.”
Jason sighed, turning off the stove and bringing a giant plate of pancakes to the table.
But Y/N couldn’t eat while having this discussion.
Jason leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You wouldn’t have let me do it,” Y/N countered.
“Yeah, and for good reason.”
“He used you, Y/N.” Jason tried to explain. “You’re untrained… with no exposure to this world. He knew not to involve you and he went behind my back to do it anyway.”
Y/N lowered her head in shame. There was a part of her that felt useless. She couldn’t jump around rooftops and save those who needed it. She was just…normal.
“I just wanted to help,” she mumbled.
Jason leaned forward from seeing her upset. “Y/N, come here.” He reached for her hand and baited her towards him.
She took his offer and moved from her chair to straddle his lap.
Jason held her waist tightly as he pressed his forehead to her’s. “I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered.
“You’re not going to,” she reassured him.
“Please, I’m begging you, don’t ever do something like that again.”
Y/N’s heart hurt at how desperate he sounded. She had realized far too quickly that Jason wasn’t scared of death. He was only scared of her death.
“I promise,” she told him.
“You scared the fucking shit out of me, Y/N.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Jason accepted her apology with a kiss. But it didn’t end quickly. In fact, it got more heated and hungrier. His grip got firmer on her waist.
Y/N knew where this was going, especially as he thumbed the hem of her hoodie and sweatpants. But they both needed this.
“The pancakes, Jason.” She warned him.
Jason smiled as he pulled away from her lips. “Fuck the pancakes,” he told her in between kisses. “I’m takin’ you back to bed.”
A few weeks had passed since the incident. Y/N tried to get her relationship with Jason back to normal. He still insisted on keeping his vigilante life away from her. But there was more of an understanding for why now.
However, tension had risen again a couple days after the attack, when they received an interesting gift in the mail. They had opened a rather large envelope addressed to the both of them. 
Inside were two first-class plane tickets to Paris with their names on them and an open reservation at Hotel Le Royal Monceau.
Y/N had stared at them with more of an understanding than Jason.
She’d looked up at Jason. “I…I told him I’ve always wanted to go to Paris when I first met him at the gala.”
He’d glared at the gift. “Typical Bruce. If he can’t punch his way out of an issue, he’ll try and buy it.”
Neither of them had said anything about actually using tickets and reservation. It just collected dust on one of their end tables.
Now Y/N sat in their apartment alone, reading another one of Jason’s books, when her cell started ringing.
It was a number she didn’t know, but she decided to answer it anyway.
“Ms. Y/L/N, it’s Alfred Pennyworth,” a charming voice answered back.
Y/N couldn’t help, but smile. As if she knew more than one Alfred in the world. “Hi, Alfred.”
“I thought it would be a good time to give you that lesson you asked for. Are you free today?”
Y/N looked around her apartment. All of her plans for today had consisted of laying around, drinking coffee, doing a bit of reading.
“Yes, today would be great.”
Y/N wouldn’t make the same mistake twice and had given Jason the heads up on her change of plans.
Seeing as Jason had no issue with Alfred, he didn’t seem too bothered bit it all. But he did still tell her to be careful and ended the call with a sincere, “I love you.”
It was strange going back to Wayne Manor when there wasn’t a gala being held there.
Y/N thought it would seem more like a home this time around, but it still felt like a museum to her. And yet, she still had imposter syndrome as she walked through the threshold.
Alfred gave her a warm smile as he opened the door. “It is lovely to see you again, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Alfred, please, it’s just Y/N.”
He nodded. Then he gestured for her to follow him. “Come. I have a station set up in the cave.”
Y/N stuttered to a stop. “Cave? As in the Bat Cave?”
Alfred seemed amused with her hesitation and concern. “Of course.”
“Should I be – Is that even OK?” Y/N fumbled through her question.
“Well, I don’t see the point of hiding it from you. It’s not like you don’t know all the family secrets already, dear.”
Y/N blinked at that and finally continued following him.
Alfred led her through the secret passage way as if he was taking her to the dining room. She tried to control her reactions and not come off too interested in the details of it all. But it was rather hard.
Just like Alfred told her, there was a little medical station set up in a brighter lit area of the dark and dingy cave.
Y/N half expected him to bring up the recent drama that she’d caused. But ever the gentleman, Alfred didn’t so much as mention it.
He also did as he promised, going through everything she could ever need to know while tending to Jason. He even had little models to practice sewing stitches on. He was a good teacher and Y/N was soaking it all up like a sponge.
She couldn’t imagine her going to med school at any point. But knowing these skills were going to be used to help Jason made it easier to retain.
After hours of teaching, the cave awoke as a carport opened and the batmobile sped in.
Y/N internally swore. She’d hoped not to run into Bruce with this visit. He never seemed to be home, so the odds had seemed low. But clearly she’d messed that up.
Bruce stepped out of the car, taking in the two of them.
“Any injuries, Master Wayne?” Alfred asked politely.
Bruce was about to lie, but he glanced down at his abdomen where it was quite obvious he was bleeding.
“Perfect. My pupil can practice on you,” Alfred announced. 
Y/N’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh! That’s definitely a bad idea…”
“Nonsense. Best way to learn is under pressure,” he winked. “I shall go off and start dinner. Let me know if you’re near death, Master Wayne.”
Y/N watched him leave, regretting ever having come here.
When she turned back around, Bruce was removing his cowl.
“He’s right,” Bruce admitted. “Best way to learn is under pressure.” Then he moved to sit in the medical chair.
Y/N swallowed, realizing how dry her mouth was. “Right.”
Her hands shook as she tried to remember everything Alfred had been through. But she knew in the back of her mind that Bruce was fully capable of stitching himself up. So, as much as this was a set up from Alfred, Bruce wasn’t running away from it like she had tried to.
Y/N hadn’t said a word as she cleaned his wound, only apologizing when she thought was necessary – even though he never made a sound of pain or even so much as winced.
Bruce seemed to be following her lead, not wanting to force her to talk if she didn’t want to.
But after 20 minutes or so of silence, Y/N couldn’t take it any longer.
“You know, you can’t buy his forgiveness,” she said as she focused on her stitches.
“I wasn’t only looking for his forgiveness…”
Her eyes flickered to meet his awaiting gaze. “You can’t buy mine either.”
“I owe you an apology,” Bruce began to her surprise. “I should have never involved you. It was dangerous, despite how in control of situation I thought I was.”
“I agreed to it,” Y/N offered. Then she looked at him again. “But I accept your apology.”
A moment passed before Y/N asked, “Are you going to say that to him, too?”
“I would if he would even consider talking to me.”
With that comment, Y/N put down her tools for a second and straightened her posture. “I may not know you very well, Bruce. But I do know that you and Jason are more alike than either of you care to admit.”
She hesitated on continuing. Did Bruce even deserve advice from her?
“He was hurt. And he showed all of you that hurt by being angry, because he didn’t know how else to tell you. He doesn’t feel heard and he doesn’t feel seen. He was lost. And it’s hard for him to just forget how you all handled it.” She took in a deep breath. “But I know he still sees all of you as his family. And you’re the closest thing he’s ever had to a real father.”
Then she quickly grabbed her tools again and cleared her throat. “So, get over yourself, and just talk to him. And I mean actually talk to him – not as Batman and Red Hood, but as Jason and Bruce.”
The cave went quiet.
Y/N couldn’t help herself and looked up at Bruce. Either she was losing her mind or he was giving her a very shy smirk.
“What?” She blurted out.
But before he could answer, a motorcycle sped into the cave.
Y/N would recognize Jason’s bike anywhere. But he wasn’t in uniform. Instead, opting for his black leather jacket and a normal tinted motorcycle helmet.
After he took it off, he eyed the two of them, trying to read the room.
“Hey,” Y/N said shyly.
“Figured I’d come and pick you up,” Jason answered her unasked question, ignoring Bruce.
Y/N looked down at Bruce’s injury. “Actually, I’m all done here.”
“Thank you,” Bruce said sincerely as Y/N covered the wound with a bandage. “You’ll be a better nurse than Alfred in no time.”
Y/N grinned and took off her gloves.
But then she met Jason’s unsure gaze. They had a silent conversation.
“I’m gonna go say goodbye to Alfred,” she quickly told Jason, but really she was telling both of them. “Meet me out front when you’re ready?”
Jason hesitated, but nodded.
Y/N walked to him and gave him a quick kiss for comfort and encouragement.
And then she was off, leaving the two men alone.
Jason shifted his weight, not knowing where to start.
“You’re lucky to have her,” Bruce finally spoke.
Jason winced even though it was a compliment. “I don’t deserve her.”
Bruce stood up. “That’s not true.”
“You of all people know I’m not a good man, Bruce.”
He shook his head. “We may have different views on how to save this city. But we both want the same thing. That doesn’t mean you’re not a good man, Jason.”
Jason blinked at his statement.
“I owe you an apology for... a lot,” Bruce began. “The first is putting that girl in danger.” He paused. “The second was not protecting you – before and after everything that happened.”
“You mean before and after I died?” Jason wasn’t going to make this easy for him.
Bruce’s jaw clenched at that.
“Anything else you want to apologize for?” Jason challenged.
“Yes,” Bruce confirmed. “But I get the feeling that you don’t want to hear it all right now.”
There was a pause.
“You’ll always be my son, Jason. Even if you no longer see me as your father.”
Jason’s eyes filled with tears at Bruce’s words. But he held them back. He couldn’t break down. He couldn’t be weak. Not here. Not now. Not like this. 
He couldn’t take any more of this discussion. But he knew this was what he’d been wanting to hear from Bruce for so long.
“I’ll see you around, Bruce.” He told him before putting his helmet back on.
But Bruce had one last thing to say. “Keep her close. Don’t be like me, Jason.”
‘Don’t push people who love you away and make this darkness be your only life,’ was what Bruce would never actually have the courage to say.
Jason now had the cover of his helmet to hide his expressions. But he gave Bruce one last glance before tearing out of the cave.
As Jason pulled his motorcycle up to the front of the manor to pick of Y/N, Damian was playing out front with Titus on the gravel drive.
“Hey, Demon Spawn,” Jason greeted after taking off his helmet.
“Todd,” the boy replied coldly.
To his surprise, Jason got off his bike and walked to him with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
Damian eyed him.
“I saw what you did that night. You saved her life,” Jason said.
Damian waited.
Jason held out his hand. “I just wanted to thank you.”
The boy hesitated before finally shaking it.
Jason didn’t expect Damian to say anything. But he did know talking to him like an adult, instead of a kid, was the only way to get through to him.
Then Y/N was walking out to them with Alfred lingering in the doorway.
“Hi, Damian,” she greeted sweetly before greeting his dog as well.
“Hi, Y/N.”
Jason was surprised he even remembered her name.  
“Ready to go?” He asked Y/N.
She nodded. But then reached up to touch the white in his hair. She seemed to have a fondness for it. And Jason didn’t seem to mind.
“You OK?” She asked.
He nodded. “Better.”
She gave him a shy but encouraging look. “I’m glad.”
“I love you, you know,” Jason breathed.
“I know,” she smiled.
Oh lordy. That took way longer than I was expecting. But kept my mind off of this dumpster fire of a country. And I hope reading it did the same for you ❤️
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athenasbloodyspear · 3 years
Don’t Make Me Beg Now Baby
Hello fellow Greta Van Freaks. This is my very first Greta fic! I hope you enjoy.
Note: This fic contains mature themes, discussions of past non-con (no members of GVF involved) and drug use. Minors DNI. 18+ only and please take care of yourselves. (See Ao3 for full tag list)
You can also read this fic on Ao3 if you prefer!
Jake Kiszka x Original Female Character
Picture this: The boys are in Northern Michigan to write the new album and they meet a wild young woman who works at a local record store who has a rough history with rock bands.
She doesn’t want to fall into the same traps she fell into before. He doesn’t want to hurt her.
The rest of them just want them to figure their shit out.
Note: While this fic is based on the members of Greta Van Fleet, I obviously do not know them personally (lol) and nearly 99% of this is a fever dream I decided to write down. Some tid bits are based on things said in interviews/photos/songs but please do not come for my neck if you dislike my portrayals as this is a STORY that I have entirely made up.
This will be a slow burn, overly dramatic, cliché fest of me missing my Mitten State and wishing more than anything I could move back home. Their music makes me homesick and for that I’ll never forgive them. ;)
Chapter Under the Cut
The tiny bell on the door to “The Edge” clanked as Jake pushed his way in, followed by Josh, Sam and Danny. The afternoon sun streamed through the slats in the windows at a harsh angle, illuminating the swirling dust. The boys all immediately took a deep breath. They all loved the smell of this place. A mix of dusty old vinyl's, incense and weed. 
The Edge was the shop owned by an old friend, Levi, who had been a longtime family friend of the Kiszka’s. The boys had made the near three hour drive to the shop whenever they had a spare weekend in their younger years. They bought Levi out of his guitar strings and drumsticks and always looked through the boxes of vinyl's hoping to find treasures. Levi sold an eclectic mix of music equipment, records, books, home goods and comically horrific coffee. 
The Edge is where they had each bought their very first instruments, had their first beers and even smoked their first joint. It was a special place for them. 
The old wood floors creaked with every step, the wood walls were covered with old articles from Rolling Stone, photos Levi had taken and autographs from the artists who had cycled through the place over the years. There were stacks upon stacks of vinyl's. Shelves of old autobiographies and music theory books. There were speakers stacked from floor to ceiling, and the whole right side of the store was jam packed with basses and guitars. The back corner had a few keyboards and a drum set, but plenty of catalogues to pick even more instruments from. There were cases of drumsticks and guitar picks and strings. The middle of the store had tables full of incense, candles and interesting home goods. There were tables where local artists sold jewelry, art pieces and furniture. It was full to the brim, most shelves rising way up to the ceiling. Most needed a ladder to reach the top. The basement had a sound studio with even more equipment set up to be used to record, or to test out. 
Levi had inherited the place from his father, who had built up quite a legendary roster of friends over his years. The shop was just off Front Street on the main drag of Traverse City. Levi’s father had made a name for himself as a great host to bands looking to escape to northern Michigan to hole up in cabins and write albums. Levi continued the tradition and took it a step further by buying the space next door and turning it into a club with live music on the weekends. 
If you were lucky, you could catch some super huge bands playing for only about 100 people in the dark side room of The Edge. 
“You bastards finally made it!” Levi called out as he came sauntering out of the back room. Levi looked the exact same as the last time the boys had seen him. Tanned skin from his days paddle boarding and hiking along the Lake Michigan shore, sandy blonde hair that was brighter in the summer, perpetual 5-o-clock shadow because he just couldn’t be bothered to shave, shell necklace around his neck, light wash jeans low on his hips with the same old cowboy boots he’d been wearing since the boys were 12. 
“Is that grey hair I see Levi?” Josh leaned forward with an exaggerated squint. Levi laughed, snagging Josh’s head to give him a noogie. 
“I may be older than you punks by a few years, but I’m not greying yet.” Levi released Josh from his headlock and gave him a shove. 
“I’d say 37 is more than a few years older than us, grandpa.” Sam snarked. 
“You’re makin me regret extending my hospitality, kid.” 
Jake felt himself relax fully for the first time in a really long time. It was just like old times. Exactly what the boys needed. 
“Welcome back dudes. I’m surprised I’m still cool enough for you Rockstar types.” Levi crossed his legs and leaned back against the front counter. 
“We’ll never be too cool for The Edge. This place will always be way cooler than we could ever be.” Danny piped up, walking forward to wrap Levi in a hug. 
“It’s been too long man.” Levi commented as he smacked Danny on the back. 
“We know.” Sam said “Way too fuckin long.” He hugged Levi next. Josh and Jake followed up with hugs next. The room was heavy with a tinge of melancholy. Old friends who had missed each other finally reunited. 
“Well, have you guys been to the house yet?” Levi stepped around the counter and started pouring four cups of the famous nasty coffee. 
“Yeah we dropped our bags off before we headed into town.” Danny spoke up. 
“Isn’t it sweet?” Levi asked enthusiastically. 
“It’s wicked man. Thanks so much for getting that set up for us.” Josh grinned as he snagged a cup off the counter. 
The house was a mid century modern cabin right on the east bay shore. It came equipped with a huge garage studio, front deck and a dock out into the bay. Levi had bought the house in foreclosure and along with help from a bunch of locals (in exchange for beer of course) they turned the house into a perfect getaway for any artists looking to come take a break up north. The place had five bedrooms and three bathrooms with a giant living room with overstuffed couches and velvet chairs. The walls were covered in art and the shelves were full to bursting with plants. It was a kaleidoscope of colors and textures,  with mix matched rugs and lamps. It was Levi’s pride and joy. 
“I’m so glad you guys like it.” Levi smiled even bigger as he passed coffees to the rest of the boys. “Once you’re a little more settled, feel free to send me a list of equipment you want me to set up downstairs and you can start coming in whenever to work. But also, I think you should probably take a week or two off first. You all look about two seconds away from collapsing.” 
“Yeah we’re pretty fuckin beat dude. But we’ll send you a list ASAP.” Jake said, taking a burning sip of the coffee. It singed his nerve endings and he couldn’t have been happier about it. 
Levi opened his mouth to speak again, when a voice filtered through the window to the loft above the store. 
“Yo Levi!” the person shouted “Can you please get off your fuckin ass and pick music to play? I know Wednesdays are your day to pick but if you take forever I’m just gonna put on whatever I want and you can suck it.”
All four boys' heads snapped up to the window to the loft, but whoever was up there couldn’t be seen. All they could see was that the loft had clearly gotten a makeover. What used to be an upper level where Levi stored surplus supplies now looked like it had a plush velvet couch, lava lamps and plants in it. 
“Alright alright! I’ll get on it.” Levi called back up, shaking his head and chuckling to himself as he walked toward the central sound system behind the counter to scroll through Spotify playlists. 
“Who the fuck is that and what have you done to the loft?” Josh asked, hopping up to sit on the counter. 
“That would be the very best thing that’s ever fallen into my lap. A.k.a my new store and venue manager Maven. She moved back to the area after living in Hollywood for a few years managing bands and she completely changed my life. We finally have consistent stock, a longstanding line up at the club and I have had the time to start photography again. Truly a godsend, if not occasionally a pain in my ass. She turned the loft into a breakroom of sorts.  There’s a couch and table up there now. She practically lives up there sometimes.” 
“Damn she must be some woman if she finally got you to get your shit together with that club.” Sammy piped up. 
“She’s hellfire, I’ll tell yah that.” Levi chuckled, finally hitting play on a playlist. The first bars of Surfin USA by the Beach Boys came on the surround system and matching groans came out of Jake downstairs and Maven upstairs. 
“Not this shit again!” Maven yells. Jake chuckled to himself. Hellfire indeed. 
“It’s my day to pick so suck it!” Levi called back before faux stage whispering to the boys “I mostly just play this to piss her off.”
Levi clapped his hands together once “Well boys, It’s close enough to five o'clock and I owe you a beer. Let’s head over to Little Fleet for some grub and beers and we can catch up.” 
Josh grimaced as he sucked down the last bit of his coffee before lobbing the empty cup into the trash at the end of the counter. “You still make shit coffee Levi.” 
“It’s the one thing I wouldn’t let Maven fix.” Levi said with a grin as all five men exited out the back door. 
The boys took a week to relax, as per Levi’s request. They spent the days hiking the shore, kayaking and drinking beer around the fire. It had been way too long since they’d done this. The release of The Battle at Garden’s Gate had been exhilarating and the fans' response had been everything they’d hoped for. People seemed to love the album and they were all so proud. But with press interviews and touring, they hadn’t gotten more than a day or two to relax at a time. And they certainly hadn’t gotten a chance to get back to their favorite old haunts in years. 
They stopped by the store almost every morning for a cup of coffee strong enough to jumpstart their hearts. Sometimes Levi joined them on their escapades, and sometimes he stayed behind to help out at the store. The boys spent a few afternoons sifting through albums and strumming on some of Levi’s vintage guitars. 
Mostly they caught up on each other's lives. The boys recounted their more personal lives that happened outside the coverage of the album and Levi talked about the past few years of his life in Traverse City. Levi told them all about Maven and how she was practically his little sister. They laughed. They drank. They had a blast. 
The boys noticed Levi was a little on edge occasionally, typically when they heard someone shuffling upstairs or equipment moving around in the backroom of the shop. They assumed it was Maven but weren’t sure, since they had yet to see her in the flesh. A week from their arrival they were all sitting in lawn chairs in the alley behind the store, smoking cigs and drinking their coffee when Sam finally asked. 
“So, why haven’t we met your precious Maven yet? Hiding her from us or something?” 
Levi shifted a bit in his chair. “Um..” he coughed out a laugh. “I am actually. Yes. But it’s the other way around, I’m hiding you from her.” 
“Afraid she’ll fan-girl or something?” Josh commented as he ashed his cigarette.  
“In… a sense.” Levi coughed. “But in quite the opposite way you’re imagining.” 
“She’s a fan then?” Sammy piped up.
“She loves your music. A lot.” Levi sniffed and coughed again. “It’s a real safe haven for her. When she’s having a bad day I catch her upstairs laying on the floor smoking a J with sound cancelling headphones blasting your albums as loud as she can.” 
“Exactly how it’s meant to be enjoyed. With a joint in hand.” Jake chimes in.  
“Yeah..” Levi toes the asphalt a bit with his boots, but doesn’t continue.
“Soooo” Sammy drawls “Why can’t we meet her? We’re no stranger to super fans. I’m sure she’s cool.” 
“Um, well. It’s a bit complicated.” Levi heaves a sigh before flicking his cigarette butt into the coffee canister at the center of their little circle. “I suppose I can trust you guys. You’re friends. Do you remember the huge lawsuit that the band Undercover Heart went through last year? The one about the um” He coughs again, “Rape of one of their staff members by the lead singer Ryan?” 
“Yes. That shit was horrific man.” Danny spoke up. “I read all the details I could. They kept the poor girl's identity private but goddamn I felt so bad for her. She was a badass for filing that suit though.” 
“Yeah. She was.” Levi breathed. “So, this is strictly off record and if you repeat this to anyone I will skin you all alive, famous rock stars be damned.” 
“Jesus Levi.” Jake said. 
“It was her.” Levi choked out. “Maven. That’s why she ran back from Hollywood and ended up here. That dude messed her up and she just… she struggles with meeting famous bands now. You know how many people cycle through this joint writing stuff. She just… has a really fuckin hard time with it sometimes. Particularly bands she likes. I think it’s because once you meet someone, and in her case, discover how much of a monster they can be, their music isn’t… safe anymore.” 
“Fuck.” Jake said, flicking his cigarette into the canister. 
“Well I feel terrible for joking about her being a fangirl.” Josh mutters. 
“She just genuinely loves you guys a lot. I never really told her I was an old friend because I didn’t want her to be worried about y’all stopping by. I just know that if she knows you’re here she’ll take off and avoid coming by the shop as much as she can and not only do I need her here, but I think she needs the safety of the shop too. I didn’t want to wreck it.” Levi sighs again. “I know she’ll find out you’re here eventually, it’s inevitable. I just was a coward and didn’t want to break the news to her.” 
“She was a pretty well known band manager wasn’t she?” Danny asks. “She like… completely made Undercover Heart what it was. Before they hired her they were slated to be a one hit wonder but she hauled them into relevancy basically by her will alone.” 
“Yeah. She basically built that man's career for him. She gave him everything, and he took everything from her. If I ever see the man I’m liable to get my ass thrown in prison.” Levi mutters.
“I’ll help.” Danny says immediately. 
All five sit in silence for a few minutes, smoking the last of their cigarettes. When they’d all finished, they stood and stretched to head back inside the shop. 
“So yeah. Anyway, If you see her that’s fine, just… well now you have context for… her.” Levi says as he yanks open the door. 
A few steps into the back hallway, Levi suddenly halts, causing all four boys to nearly bash into each other. The front door to the shop had crashed open and there were footsteps stomping across the store toward the front desk. 
“Listen Levi,” Maven’s tense voice carried down the back hall. “I know Wednesdays are usually your day for music but I’m having an absolute shit fucking day so I’m playing Greta all day and there’s absolutely nothing you can fucking do about it, kapeesh?” 
The very opening chords of Edge of Darkness scratch through the speakers after she finishes her sentence and the boys all exchange a slightly amused look, grins spread on all of their faces. 
“Kapeesh.” Levi calls out to her. He spins and silently nods to the boys to head toward the back door. The boys attempt to be as quiet as they can as they creep toward the door. 
“Also, Levi?” Maven calls again. Everyone halts in their tracks. “You said there was a band coming in soon. Are they here yet? Do you need me to set up the backroom?” 
“Uh, yeah they’re here.” Levi squeaks. All five men share nervous looks. “They’re uh… up at the house.” He cringes at his lie. “I’m getting an equipment list from them today and then you can get started. 
“Cool cool.” Maven calls back. “Do you think I’ll like their stuff?” 
“Uh. Yeah.” Levi grins then. “I think you will.” 
“Wicked.” Maven calls back. 
All five men repress giggles as they skedaddle out the back door and into the alley. 
The next morning the boys wake up to a group text from Levi. 
A weird request, but they did as they were told. They all piled into the SUV they had rented and headed to the shop. Danny peeled open the back door as quietly as he could, and Sammy opened the door to the stairs. They tiptoed down and through the door at the end of the stairs that opened into the booth of a sound studio. Levi sat in front of all the mixing boards with a cup of coffee to his lips. He glanced over at them and softly said “coffees on the table.” 
“Why the weird text?” Jake asked. 
“Because of that.” Levi responded softly, pointing through the dark glass into the soundstage. 
The sound stage was littered with mismatched rugs, and a few milk crates that doubled as tables. There was a gorgeous seafoam green drum set toward the back wall and stands full of various guitars and basses. Along the left wall was a piano and a Mellotron set up exactly to the specifications Sam sent over. However, with all these beautiful instruments to look at that would normally catch their eye, it was the woman sitting on stool in the center, cradling a dark purple Fender guitar that made Jake stop in his tracks. 
Maven, Jake had to guess that’s who it was, was wearing checkered distressed pants, with a ripped up old band t-shirt cropped at her ribs, revealing a sliver of the rounded part of her stomach. Over top she was wearing an orange leopard print cardigan that ran down to her thighs. Around her neck was a series of long necklaces, and her wrists were adorned with interlacing leather bands. 
She was plucking out a melody with her eyes closed, rocking back and forth on the stool. Jake had seen countless numbers of people playing the guitar before. On the road, in the studio, studying old masters on YouTube. There was nothing overly special about the way she was sitting or playing, but he felt a little bit like he couldn’t breathe. 
“She never fuckin plays anymore man.” Levi whispered. “It felt like magic hearing music coming out of the basement this morning. I just felt like you should see it.” 
The melody she was playing was sad. Haunting is a better way to put it, and Jake couldn’t look away. Not even when Sammy placed a cup of burning hot coffee into his hands. She was moving her head along with her playing, the strands of her dark messy hair shaking back and forth. The group watched in silence as she played out the riff a few times, Levi cranked the volume of the mics in the space and they could hear her humming softly. 
“She has a strong presence.” Josh murmured. 
Maven suddenly stopped. Everyone froze as she heaved a sigh and stood from the stool to put the guitar back on it’s rack. 
“You in there Levi?” Maven said then. The boys still didn’t move a muscle. Jake’s head was spinning, having finally seen the face that went with the voice he’d heard in the loft for a week. She was beautiful. He couldn’t even really put his finger on why, but he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Even seeing her through the thick dark glass of the studio. 
Levi hit the button to the mic in the booth and responded “Yah.” He paused before adding. “Sounded good.” 
Maven snorted in a self-deprecating way and said “Thanks.” 
Levi hit the mic button again and said “You should play more.”
“Don’t push it Levi.” Maven snapped back. Levi released the button to his mic and let out a heavy sigh. “Can you check some levels on the lines for me? I think I have everything pretty good but I want to make sure before they get here today.” 
“Sure.” Levi replied. 
Maven pulled the amp cord out of the Fender she had been playing on and plugged it into another guitar, one more similar to the guitars that Jake regularly used while they wrote. 
“Are we looking for a punk or a rock-y sound?” Maven asked. 
“Um.” Levi hesitated. “Rock. Their sound is like…” He tossed a small smile over his shoulder at the boys. “Like Greta’s actually.” 
“Dope. I hope they’re not just copying the boys. They’ve got a mellotron in here and everything.” The boys smiled. She pounded out a few chords on the guitar. “Good?” 
Levi looked over at Jake for confirmation. Jake, who still had not taken his eyes off Maven, nodded. 
“Yeah, that should be good for raw sound. They can play with stuff too. They’re a pretty well educated bunch.” Levi called back.
“Thank god.” Maven snorted. “Not like that indie punk bunch you booked last month who needed me to do fucking all their sound mixing for them.” 
“Maven, I don’t think they kept asking you down here because they need help with their sound.” 
Maven just rolled her eyes at that.  
They repeated the process with each instrument, Levi silently asking for confirmation from the respective Greta member until they were sure the sound lines were all functioning properly. 
“Great work kid.” Levi called into the studio. 
“Ew don’t call me kid. I’m a 27 year old woman.” Maven called back. 
Levi chuckled. “You’re a kid to me.” 
“Whatever.” Maven muttered. “I’m gonna go take a walk along the beach. Smoke a little. Text me if they need me.” 
“Will do.” Levi called back. The boys all tensed, looking for places to hide, or to run up the stairs and back into the alley. Luckily, Maven took the back door out of the studio and up another hallway instead.
“Well boys, it’s all you.” Levi said. “Text if you need anything.” 
Sam piped up and said “Yeah actually, can you pick my brother’s jaw up off the floor?” 
“Jake see pretty lady play guitar and Jake brain break.” Josh teased. 
“You guys suck.” Jake grumbled. 
Levi cackled. “I thought you’d like her.”  
Maven walked along the coast of the bay and absentmindedly smoked a joint. It was an overcast and drizzly day which meant there was no one around, which she preferred anyway. She was feeling on edge. The drizzle was very slowly building a small sheen of water on her arms and hair, but she didn’t mind. The cool water and gentle breeze combination was perfect. 
Maven sat her butt down in the sand and stared out at the waves. She normally wore headphones on her walks, her world was a near constant stream of music, but she had opted for silence today. 
Levi was being weird. He was edgy around her all week, sending her out every morning for tasks and disappearing without saying where he was going around 4:30 every day. She had come to the conclusion that whatever band was in town this week was a pretty big name. Or big enough that he was nervous about her being around them. She sighed. She hated when he tiptoed around her. Maven didn’t blame him. When she first started working at the shop she had had a couple pretty bad PTSD episodes that had scared the shit out of him. She owed him everything for staying with her, talking her down and making sure she was fed and had water when she got into one of her states. 
Levi was her best friend, to put it mildly. He cared for her, kept her safe and in return she busted her ass at his store making sure they had the best products, the best shows and that their artist getaway was something that people would go back and tell their friends about. She loved Levi like an older brother, and he cared for her like his little sister. She would forever be grateful to whatever power in the universe made her stumble into The Edge two years ago. 
She had been high out of her mind, as she had been most days after she came running back to Michigan with her tail between  her legs, and Levi had been struggling with an amp in the shop. She had walked in, spotted his struggle and didn’t even say a word to him, just walked over and fixed the wiring so that it was functional again. Levi had looked up from where he sat on the floor and said “You don’t happen to need a job do you?” 
The rest was essentially history. It only took two months of seeing him every single day, and him not letting her sour moods go by unnoticed, for her to spill her guts over some bourbon one night. About Ryan and Undercover Heart and how badly the whole situation fucked her up. How after she’d recorded her testimony she’d boarded the next flight to Grand Rapids and hightailed it up north. She came crash landing into Traverse City because she’d always loved it as a kid, and figured it would be a great place to start over. The small town she’d grown up in had too many people who knew her. 
He was extra careful with bands for a while. Never letting her be alone in a room with too many male band members, and carefully vetting everyone who came through. Eventually she told him off about treating her like a porcelain doll and he backed down a bit, giving her free reign over lots of the equipment set ups and giving her plenty of hours in the shop by herself. She was happy to do so, so Levi could focus on fixing up the artist house and starting his photography again. 
But he was still very gentle with her sometimes, and she’d always love him for it even when it pissed her the fuck off. 
Once she’d smoked the joint down to the roach, she tucked the end into her pocket. It was sacrilegious to litter near the lake. It was too precious to be fucked with. She meandered back toward the shop. Her plan was to grab her bag and head back to let her Pitbull, Stacy, out for a walk and pee. The girl had been cooped up all morning and Maven felt bad. 
She threw her whole body against the front door, as the latch often stuck, and the loud sound of the chimes clanged in the empty space. She rolled her eyes. Of course Levi left the shop unattended and unlocked. It was Traverse City, no one was gonna rob them, but what if someone wanted to buy something? 
She was humming softly to herself as she made her way around the edge of the counter and plopped down on the stool by the register. She whipped out her phone to ask Levi where he was. She had the message halfway typed when the door behind her, the one that led to the staff restroom, popped open. 
“You know, crime is especially low in this town but that doesn’t mean someone wouldn’t come in here and try to steal your precious coffee maker.” She tossed over her shoulder. 
“Oh.” Was all that came back. It was decidedly not Levi’s voice. Maven spun back quickly. 
“Sorry I…” But that’s as far as she got. She was suddenly face to face with Jake Kizska and all thoughts quickly left her brain. 
They both stared at each other for a long moment. Maven couldn’t quite figure out why he looked just as shocked to see her as she was to see him. He also almost looked afraid for some reason that Maven couldn’t figure out.
He was dressed in an outfit she’d seen him wear plenty of times. A black button up, half unbuttoned, loose fitting light wash jeans and a pair of well worn boots. His wrists were full of bracelets and his hair was longer than the last time she’d seen footage of their concerts, well past his collarbones at this point. 
“Hi.” Jake finally broke the silence. “I’m Jake.” He reached out his hand for a handshake. 
“I know.” Maven replied, and then coughed. Why did you say that you freak? 
Suddenly the front door bell chimed again, and Maven whipped her head to see Levi coming in the front door. She stood abruptly from her stool, skirted around Jake’s outstretched hand, and out from behind the counter. She scooped up her leather satchel on her way. 
She headed straight at Levi. He glanced over his shoulder and saw an apologetic Jake looking forlorn and lowering his hand back to his side. 
“Oh hey Maven-” 
“Hey dumbass, don’t leave the store unattended again. I’m going home to check on Stacy. Probably won’t be back for the rest of the day.” Maven spit as she stormed past him toward the front door. 
“Maven wait-” 
But she was already outside, the hinges bringing the heavy wood crashing back into the frame. The chime of the bells rang through the space. 
“Sorry.” Jake muttered. 
“Not your fault. I knew she’d find out eventually. Right now she’s probably just pissed I didn’t tell her. Which she has every right to be.” Levi sighed. 
After a few more beats of silence Jake spoke again. “Who’s Stacy?” 
Levi huffed a laugh. “That would be her Pitbull.” 
“Oh.” Jake said again. He felt crazy because his brain couldn’t come up with anything else to say. She was prettier up close. She smelled like the Lake and weed and sandalwood. He really wished she’d taken his hand. He shook his head trying to find his brain in it somewhere. 
The other three boys came clambering up the stairs and into the store. They all looked between Levi, who was still standing in the middle of the shop, and Jake behind the counter. 
“Are you two playing freeze tag or something?” Sam quipped. 
“Jake met Maven.” Levi responded. The boys' heads whipped toward Jake. 
“And… I’m guessing it… went well?” Danny questioned.
Levi finally walked back toward the counter. “She left for the day. This is on me. I should have told her y’all were here.” He snagged his keys from below the counter and walked toward the front door to lock up. “I’m closing early, boys. Let’s go get a beer.” 
“Kowabunga baby.” Josh said with a grin.  
Maven sat curled up on her velvet couch, Stacy was her little spoon. There was incense burning, a bottle of wine open on the side table and a lit joint in the ashtray. She had changed into a giant t-shirt and boxer shorts. The soft sounds of John Denver playing off her record player. 
However, none of these things were easing her mind. 
She was pissed, mostly. At herself. At Levi. She was pissed he didn’t tell her they were coming. She was pissed that he felt he couldn’t tell her. She was pissed that she had acted like a freak in front of Jake. 
The anxiety was an endless pit in her stomach. She couldn’t go back there tomorrow. She couldn’t see any of those people. Not when she felt like this. 
She whipped out her phone and quickly shot a message to Levi, before chugging her whole glass of red wine and snagging the joint out of the ashtray. 
Levi’s phone dinged on the table where all of the guys sat drinking beers and chatting. Levi glanced at it and quickly picked it up when he saw her name. 
“It’s Maven.” He said. 
“What did she say?” Jake asked, sitting up a bit in his chair. 
“Fuck.” Levi said, tossing his phone on the table, still unlocked. 
All four boys leaned in to read the screen. 
“Fuck indeed.” Josh said, pounding back the rest of his beer.
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the-fourth-knower · 3 years
Diary of a lost doe, part 1
A short fic where my character Annabelle writes in diaries
Fresh off losing her parents, Annabelle Flaches must contend with trying to fend for herself and her baby sister Angelica. And with Angelica talking to a mysterious green orb when she thinks Annabelle isn’t watching, things are only at the tip of the iceberg.
This is for me and Aquillis’s “half and half” AU, our ‘main’ AU. not to be confused with Aqui’s pack universe which is her underground re-write.
Due to the length I'm splitting this into two parts. This is part 1, part 2 is here!
Diary Enry 1, Day I dunno.
Okay here it is. First diary entry I guess. Gotta keep it brief, writing instruements are hard.
Been a few months since that day. We’re doing fine. Angie started another garden. Moved to a new spot.
Got some new things for the house. Old car door and a tire. Not sure what I’ll do with the tire gonna use the door as part of wall.
Finished roof this morning. Good thing 2, might rain.
Angie still sleps bad if not next to me. Writing while she’s curled up. Wasn’t for scars on ear and having to sleep in same clothes she’d look like we’re still home.
Gotta sleep now.
Diary Entry 2
Maybe got a job. Illegal probs but $ is $
Angelica talked more today. Good sign? Maybe she relapses back into not talking but progress.
I never thought i’d miss her annoying stupid “hey lets go explore a cave and not tell anyone bout what we’ll do” self. Never thought about losing mum and pa ei
Shit crying. Bye.
Diary entry 3
Diary didn’t get too wet yesterday.Don’t think bout mom and pa it ends badly.
I can’t afford to break down even if Angie’s sleeping
If I break down then Angie will get upset
I won’t put her through it
I won’t
Diary entry 54
Had to leave town but am 600 $ richer
Angie’s quiet again. But she didn’t complain bout us leavin
gonna go for a city maybe. more risk but more money and places to live.
Jadetown’s the city. Dunno too much bout it but mum liked it.
Should get there in maybe a cuple weeks or so
Angie’s sound asleep. No kicking or anything so that’s good
Hope the city’s okay. Angie hates crowds.
Need somewhere with not a lot of crowds to live at
Diary Entry 63
Been a hot second. Settling in Jadetown’s pretty hard.
Find a quiet spot in the slums. Pretty shitty now, but the two of us can make it work
Angie still isn’t talking, but she kept close to me while we made our way through the crowds. She seemed fine as long as she held my hand
Lost her a couple times, but not for long. She seemed upset bout it.
Sorry Angie.
I’ll do better. I promise.
Diary Entry 169 (it’s the morning but fuck it)
The nightmare happened again.
Angelica having her ear scared by those monsters. mum and pa being taken away in exchange for us being set loose
Only it loops around and around before it’s just cries and blood and knives and screams and crying and they’re all surrounding me judging me for just failing everyone because you’re a fucking failure
Haven’t had it a while. Don’t upset yourself, Angie needs you.
Diary entry 169? Night
Angelica almost killed some street thugs.
we caught some dumbass looking punks bullying some sort of chao. I think it’s a chao
I ran up to one like an idiot and gout in their face to know what they’re doin, and the things went dark. I got knocked out on my ass, apparenlty the big brute that led them butted me in the head. Asshole didn’t even let me get ready
I came to to Angie trying to shake me awake. When I looked around the punks were gone, there were plant vines all over, and the other kids that had gathered were a mix of crapped their pants and mouths on the floor
I asked angie bout it and she just said she took care of them and that the punks had run off
What the hell did she do? Usually I’m the one saving her? But she was having none of it today.
Oh the chao’s fine, weirdass chao though. Never seen chao that just cause flowers to grow around them or in their footsteps.
Made 30 $
Rib’s hurting and headache, Angie fast asleep. Time for bed.
Diary Entry 170
Chao’s bak.
Visited Angie’s garden for a while watchin me watchin it. It waved and left right around Angie gettin up.
Showed up again when we got back home. Angie hasn’t seen it yet. Good thing, she wanted to bring it with us. We can’t afford three mouths.
I don’t like it. We save its ass and now its stalking us.
Made nothin.
Ribs hurt less. Still a bitch.
Diary entry 171
Angie’s found the “chao”
She talked to it all morning when she thought i was napping. Couldn’t sleep, too afraid of bad dreams.
It doesn’t make chao sounds. Or it does but really weird ones.
Then it turned a green light ball for a bit and back into a chao
Angie liked that.
I don’t trust it. Even less.
Need to watch it.
Angie’s relaxed.
Made 5$.
Diary Entry 172 morn
Nightmare again
Diary Entry 172 night
Angie got excited, claimed that she “found Trevor”
he lived near us back in our old home
Had to tell her no, every red mouse we see is not Trevor.
She says that Trevor and his family were gonna move here, pretty inistent too.
Man she gets caught up on the smallest things
Made 20$
Diary Entry 173
Chao returned while i was working. Left Angie on her own
Shes seemed like she was having a fun time being able to talk with someone
She’s not made friends much. Maybe i’m being too hard on the ‘chao’
Still gotta watch it. It could be manipulating her
Haven’t told her I know bout the chao yet.
Should i?
Not now. Angelica is sleeping.
Made 5$
Diary Entry 174
‘Trevor’ spotting 2. Angie wanted to go bug the person. So we went and sure enough as we got closer Angie changed her mind. It was a rat, not a mouse she said.
How can she tell the difference?
No Angie and chao visit. Unless it was while i slept in. but why would she be secretive bout it?
Saw the punk bitch again today. Looked like he crapped his pants when he saw Angie and she glared at him. That’s my sister.
Made 60$
Diary Entry 364
Got a new diary. Last entry for this one. Things going well. Got a good thing going for myself.
Angie found a new plant today, and now she’s got it in her garden.
Loved the look on her face when I got it for her.
Made 50$
Angelica’s chatted with the Chao again. Sort of like, is her guardian I think. Or is that its name
Guess good bye diary 1. Really weird to do but it feels right.
Angie’s sleeping well enough on her own. She mumbles but that seems it.
Do I do a good job keeping her safe
Diary 2 Entry 1
Managed to find a new diary. Keeping the old one just cause, and because I have the storage. For a couple of street bum does, we’ve got a decent enough house going. Been able to put it together from bits and bobs lying around, Angie even threw in her hat and added her own touches.
Looks ugly as hell with the plants holding things together and it’s all a mish mash of junk and crap I found, but it’s our mishmash of junk and crap.
Also saved up enough and am making enough to afford more than one pen and even some pencils. So I can write more often. Just felt like writing
Angie’s started to get more vocal again. I think she’s catching onto the fact the way I’ve been making money is less than honest a lot of the time.
I’m not going to sell myself for it though. I’m not degrading myself with that and nayone who fucking tries is going to a hospital.
And if any of those freaks dare go near Angie there won’t be enough left for a morgue to pick up.
Oh, and the chao’s still around. I can feel it. Angelica loves it, I think. I don’t trust it entirely, yet. But, it hasn't been a danger for the past months. So I think it’s actually a good thing.. Angie calls it Guardian. Maybe it's our own Guardian Angel.
Made 65$ today.
Good journal entry me. You got talkative. Writative? Whatever.
Diary 2 Entry 23
Got into a fight today, that was fun. The punks from when I helped save Guardian decided to jump me when Angelica was at the house. Guess they figured they could jump me without little sis to back me up. Too bad for them, when I don’t get suckered I’m damn good at defending myself. Sent them packing. Got a bit bruised. Why is it always the ribs with those guys.
Admittedly. I didn’t have to beat the crap out of them. But talk shit get hit, I say. They shouldn’t have been trash talking me when I was walking by.
Angelica was upset when I got back. Should’ve expected that, really. Don’t know why I didn’t think she would notice me being hurt, she’s got a sixth sense for that sort of thing. Always has. Kinda weird.
But, she did try and heal me a bit. Somehow, she’s gotten better at it -Ever since she's met Guardian, she’s gotten more control over that healing ability she has. I just need to make sure she doesn’t overdo herself again.
I don’t know anything much bout healing magic or whatever it is, but I don’t think what Angie has is normal. I think she uses herself for it. Whatever healing she tries to do just eats away at her. And whatever it was was enough to frighten Pa to move us in the first place
I think part of me might blame ANgie for it. For getting us out of the safety of where we lived near Agateton and moving.
But if we didn’t move would we really have been safe still. And it wasn’t Angie’s fault she did what she did, it was Pa who pushed for it and Mum who went with it.
So do I blame them? I don’t want to. The monsters that took them and hurt Angie are the ones to blame.
But they wouldn’t have found us if we didn’t move near that forest. But Mum and Pa couldn’t have seen it coming.
Ugh. brain hurts. Fuck this mind screw bullshite
Spent 123.54$ today. Groceries and supplies. Tampons are stupid expensive but I want to have a decent supply for when we need them. Also some food.
Made 13$. Gonna need to work more to recoup.
No idea if Angie talked with Guardian. She still thinks I don’t know anythin bout it.
At least, I think she doesn’t. She gets defensive and acts like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.
I wonder why she does that. Wonder if it’s tied with how I react to her saying she’s found Trevor for the umpteenth time.
Maybe I should press her bout it. But I don’t want to get her worked up over nothin.
Okay that’s enough, my mind’s getting wandering now and I stay up if I do that.
Diary 2 Entry 54
Someone showed up with a bunch of robots earlier. Cause quite the commotion, sent people running, the usual.
Apparently he set up shop in the rich quarter and is causing all sorts of troubles. People have been coming to and fro a lot the past few days.
Angie got worried over explosions. Had to calm her down, explain that whatever it was probably wasn’t coming here. She asked me bout the people there and if they needed help - told her that someone would take care of the rich fops. That’s what they do after all. Who gives a shit about two practically orphaned kids.
Not sure if she bought it. Gotta keep an eye on her. Might need to pull an all nighter.
And we don’t have any energy drinks or coffee. I could go grab one, no one is gonna give a shit if I do, not in this current environment.
Gotta stop for now. Gotta focus on Angie not some stupid book.
Entry 55
Angie’s missin
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besanii · 4 years
For the anon thing, I started following Shattered Mirrors before I even had a Tumblr. I just kept the masterpost open and refreshed on a daily basis. I still keep it open in one of my tabs and check it periodically to make sure I didn't miss anything accidentally. I love pretty much all of your writing, but Shattered Mirrors has a special place in my heart.
Hi nonny! Thank you for your kind words :)))  Have some more SM!!
Shattered Mirrors 70
[directly precedes #26]
In the end, it is Nie Mingjue who lands the killing blow, taking off Wen Ruohan’s head with a swing of his mighty sabre. Lan Wangji watches it happen from only metres away, fending off the Qishan soldiers charging their way up the grand staircase towards the Nightless City stronghold and their king. He doesn’t register it at first, not until he looks down to see the head of Qishan’s monarch at his feet, dark eyes staring lifelessly up at him, mouth still twisted in a snarl.
It is strange, he thinks numbly as weapons clatter to the ground around him, that the once-fearsome ruler of Qishan who had been the cause of decades of grief for Gusu and its allies is now reduced to little more than a bloodied corpse separated from its head.
“You alright, Er-dianxia?” Nie Mingjue asks gruffly, shaking off the worst of the blood from his blade with a flick of his wrist before wiping it on the corpse of a Qishan soldier. “Not much to look at, is he? Still, I’d say it’s an improvement.”
“Wangji congratulates Qinghe-wang on his victory,” Lan Wangji says, bowing to Nie Mingjue as he approaches. “Wangji has heard many stories of Qinghe-wang’s prowess in battle. It is an honour to be able to witness it in person.”
Nie Mingjue waves him off with a snort. “Gusu-er-dianxia is too generous with his words. It is I who must thank Gusu for the chance to take this dog’s head from his body.”
With Wen Ruohan and both his sons dead, the Sunshot War is officially declared over, and all fighting ceases on the front lines as soon as the news spreads. The majority of the surviving troops gradually begin the journey home, but some remain behind, tasked with overseeing the dismantling of war camps, processing prisoners of war, as well as rebuilding the villages and towns affected by the fighting.
Lan Wangji is immediately recalled to Gusu on Lan Xichen’s orders. Despite his desire to help, he knows he cannot defy Imperial orders again, so he has Lan Guoyan stay behind in his place, packs his bags and sets off for the capital. Everywhere they pass on their way back to Caiyi bears the marks of war—villages burnt, orphans and widows on the streets, injured soldiers in makeshift hospitals, once-fruitful and lush fields scorched and blackened beyond recognition. It will take many years of careful management to set things right again; in the meantime, the best they can do is to clean up wherever they can and provide the support and supplies their people desperately need.
He rides for the palace as soon as they enter the city.
Ordinarily, customs dictate that returning officials and soldiers must bathe and make themselves presentable before appearing before the Emperor as a sign of respect, but Lan Wangji knows it will make no difference now whether he carries the dust and grime of the road on him or not. He dismounts hastily at the gates to the Imperial Palace, where Eunuch Yang is already waiting.
“This servant greets Er-dianxia,” he says with a low bow. Lan Wangji nods.
“Yang-zongguan.” He hands off the reins of his horse to one of the soldiers who had followed him here. “I am here to see my brother.”
“Yes, Er-dianxia,” Eunuch Yang says, holding out an arm in the direction of the main hall. “Taizi-dianxia has tasked this servant with bringing Er-dianxia to the Great Hall immediately upon his arrival.”
The Great Hall.
Lan Wangji takes a deep, calming breath.
“Then I must trouble Yang-zongguan,” he says with a curt nod.
It is almost midday by now, which means the court’s morning session should have ended a while ago—but when they arrive at the Great Hall and Lan Wangji’s presence is announced, the entire court turns their heads to look at him. Lan Xichen stands below the throne, one arm tucked behind his back and a calm, neutral expression on his face as Lan Wangji strides down the aisle dividing the civil officials from the military. Not a sound escapes their lips, but he feels their eyes on him, their censure and disapproval burning into the dirt-stained cape trailing behind him.
He sinks to his knees before the dais, and touches his forehead and hands to the floor.
“Greetings Taizi-dianxia,” he says, voice loud and clear in the hall despite the words being directed to the floor. “I ask forgiveness for not having time to make myself presentable to Taizi-dianxia before coming here today.”
Lan Xichen inclines his head in acknowledgment, but his expression does not soften.
“Huangdi is welcome back to court,” he says. “You are to be commended for your part in the war, and in the execution of the tyrant Wen Ruohan. For this, Huangshang has bestowed upon you the title Hanguang-wang. You are granted Hanguang Manor as your permanent residence, effective immediately.”
Lan Wangji exhales. The message is clear—as a prince who has come of age, Lan Wangji is no longer permitted to live within the Imperial Palace; instead, he is granted a title and a residence in the city, and is only permitted to visit the palace on official business, or when summoned. His brother, as the Crown Prince, had moved out of the Inner Palace and into the Eastern Palace when he too had come of age. Lan Wangji keeps his head lowered to the ground.
“Er-chen thanks Huangshang for his generosity,” he says. After a pause, he continues. “There is one further issue for which I must ask Huangshang and Taizi-dianxia for their forgiveness.”
A tense, pregnant pause follows. This, Lan Wangji knows, is the real reason why the court has been kept back long after the morning session has ended, the reason why he has not been permitted to rise to his feet.
“What offence has been committed that Hanguang-wang must ask for forgiveness?” Lan Xichen asks, keeping his voice carefully devoid of any tell-tale inflection.
“Replying to Taizi-dianxia,” Lan Wangji says. “While stationed at the camp in Jiangling, a messenger arrived from Yunmeng seeking aid. Even knowing there were many things suspect about both message and messenger, I abandoned my post to travel to Yunmeng without first seeking permission.”
Murmurs break out amongst the officials at his declaration. As a soldier, abandoning your post during war is an act of desertion, punishable by death. For Lan Wangji to have committed such an offence, as the commander of the Jiangling front and a member of the Imperial Family, even if he escapes execution, punishment is inevitable. All eyes shift towards Lan Xichen, still as a statue above them, looking down impassively on his younger brother prostrate before him.
“That is indeed a grave offence,” he says. “An offence punishable by death. Do you acknowledge this?”
“Yes, Taizi-dianxia.” He ignores the collective intake of breath around him. “I accept whatever punishment Huangshang and Taizi-dianxia see fit.”
“Taizi-dianxia!” A voice rings out in the hall and there’s a flurry of activity as the ranks of the military officials part to allow one of their own to kneel behind Lan Wangji in the aisle. “Hanguang-wang has indeed committed a grave offence, but this lowly official dares beg Taizi-dianxia to take into account the many great deeds Hanguang-wang has accomplished in the war against Qishan, and spare him from execution!”
And then, as though his words had broken a dam, the officials in the hall—both civil and military alike—fall to their knees and prostrate themselves before Lan Xichen.
“We beg Taizi-dianxia show mercy!”
Lan Wangji raises his head enough to meet Lan Xichen’s eyes briefly, before lowering his gaze again. “Taizi-dianxia, wrongdoings must be punished. If the Son of Heaven breaks the law, he is just as guilty as the common folk. What example would I set the people of Gusu if I shirk the consequences of my actions?”
Through all of this, Lan Xichen remains quietly listening and observing each of them in turn. He holds up a hand for silence; a hush falls over the court as they await his ruling.
“You have all made valid points,” he says, nodding his head slowly as he considers their arguments. His face gives nothing away. “Such a grave offence cannot be overlooked, of course, and due punishment must be dealt. However—” He raises his voice when it looks like the officials may protest, “—what Lin-jiangjun says is not without merit. Without Hanguang-wang’s efforts, victory against Qishan would not have been possible. With this in mind, Hanguang-wang shall be sentenced to thirty-three strikes with the disciplinary whip.”
Lan Wangji sinks to the floor, an odd calm falling over him. A public whipping is one of the lighter punishments for the crime of desertion, but a harsh one nonetheless. No one watching would think he had gotten off lightly because of his status as an Imperial Prince, especially not when it must be endured publicly. He thinks of the message still tucked away inside his robes, of the length of red ribbon resting over his heart, of the massacre left behind in Lotus Pier, and knows in his heart that he would do it all again.
“Wangji gives thanks to Huangshang and Taizi-dianxia for their benevolence.”
Huangdi (皇弟) - Imperial Younger Brother, opposite of Huangxiong (皇兄)
Er-chen (儿臣) - Son and Subject, used by princes to refer to themselves when talking to the Emperor - in this case, LWJ is thanking his father in absentia (because LXC is representing the Emperor as Regent, thus his decisions are considered on behalf of the Emperor).
master post is here: besanii.tumblr.com/shattered-mirrors-master-post
buy me a ko-fi: ko-fi.com/besanii
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twinkens-art · 3 years
Love your Jet set art ! Quick question: Do you have a backstory for Zero Beat?
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED because what I have for Zero Beat is. a lot. we’re going to have to go into my JSR/JSRF Multiverse Theory. I’ve wanted to make comics about it, but, well. its kind of a lot thats hard to convey in comic format... so this is going to be pretty text heavy. and long There’s obviously going to be spoilers, so read ahead with caution.
-------- To start, I don’t think Zero Beat is a robot. He wears a skin to appear like he might be, but not only is his body built in way thats way more advanced than any other robotics we’ve seen in game. The ring that protrudes from his chest looks almost bone-like... Not to mention, his voice has no distortion whatsoever. Both the Noise Tanks and NT-3000, in game, have some static quality to their voices, whereas Zero Beat does not.
So, what is he?
I propose that Zero Beat is a demon. At the end of the first game, Gouji Rokkaku plays the Devil’s Contract vinyl, and is thrown off the building by the GG’s. The day is saved, DJ Professor K says that nothing happened after the record was played, so it must have all been a rumor! ... or so we are led to believe I think the record did work. With the awakening of the demon, Zero, Gouji asked the demon to make him into a god, but there wasn’t much he could do to grant this wish, given his current position. So, he ripped Gouji out of his current timeline (JSR) and placed him into a new timeline (JSRF), giving him more time to build his empire. Notice how literally everyone in JSRF has been redesigned....... except for Rokakku?
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of course theres little things, like the addition of the bolo tie and his glasses, but considering how different everyone else looks between the games, I feel like this is too coincidental.
In this new timeline, the Rokakku family now holds more control over Tokyo-To than it ever has before. Kogane-Cho from JSR, the residential, orange color scheme city with the sewers is now named Rokkaku-Dai Heights in JSRF, including a statue of someone who looks just like Gouji right in the middle of it. With his knowledge from the original timeline, Gouji has the power to prevent the GG’s from initially forming with Beat, and also takes the Noise Tanks out of the original gangs to give them the funding to make them into real androids, and make them his allies (which is where my involvement with Kikai comes in,) Gouji is so far removed from his humanity, his family, that he allows his own son to be horribly disfigured to further his agenda, while calling Zero Beat his child, because he’s a God now... he’s Above all these humans.
So, where does Zero Beat come in in all of this?
Well, technically he’s been here this whole time, watching, and supporting Gouji where he needs to. In the end, he knows he’ll walk away, having swallowed up this entire city. Despite Yo-Yo technically being the starting character, or “main character” in JSRF, because Gouji and Zero are from the original timeline where Beat is the “main character”, which is why they target him specifically. Zero takes on the form he does as a sort of temptation for Beat.
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He looks almost eerily like the Graffiti Souls... which is not a coincidence, I think. Collecting Graffiti Souls unlocks more artwork, which is like... Expanding a person’s style, Graffiti Souls ARE the soul of the streets. Being a Rudie, living on the street, these are all things that are incredibly important to Beat. This is the life he chose, as a runaway. Zero sees that strong spirit, he’s fascinated by this boy’s spunk, he wants to suck him in and sink his teeth in. For lack of a better term, he wants to convert him, and like the Devil he does so with temptation. His form is Beat’s transfigured form, which is why he takes his name.
Zero Beat is a demon intend on consuming as many souls as he can get his hands on. The form he takes at the end of the game is simply laying the path for his next target.
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dornish-queen · 4 years
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Pedro Pascal: “I already took all my drugs very early. In middle age, a hangover is not an option ”
When he was approaching 40, he resigned himself to having sporadic papers that would allow him to pay the rent. But playing Oberyn Martell in 'Game of Thrones' changed his life and opened the doors of 'Narcos'. Since then it has not stopped. Now he's the villain from the blockbuster 'Wonder Woman 1984'
THE ANGELS OCT 2, 2020 - 3:19 PM EDT
The first big opportunity of his career was presented in 2011, when he participated in the pilot episode of Wonder Woman for NBC, but the network discarded the series and Pedro Pascal returned to his main occupation: casting castings to play the criminal of the week in the Law and order of duty. “That cancellation was a disappointment, of course, I wanted to work. I did not care if it was something good or bad, I just wanted to work, "he recalls today from his home in Los Angeles during a virtual conversation with ICON. Now Pascal plays the villain of Wonder Woman 1984 , one of the blockbusters destined to return audiences to movie theaters .
How can you not believe in fate? The boy who broke his arm twice playing Indiana Jones has ended up becoming the favorite hero of the kids (the bounty hunter in The Mandalorian ), his parents (Agent Peña in Narcos ) and, well, everyone's. world (Oberyn Martell, The Red Viper, in Game of Thrones ). When Pedro was little, the good guys were always white and the bad guys were Russian, Arab or Latino. The Wonder Woman 1984 villain , however, is a white billionaire played by a Chilean.
“The film is set in the United States of the eighties, which were marked by capitalist greed. It was a tainted concept of evil. Stripped of humanity, but still absolutely attractive and alluring. People who dreamed of being rich and successful had to be salivated. It is true that at that time villains in the cinema projected a xenophobic image. Now the white man can finally be the bad guy, ”explains Pascal.
 Some already compare his character, Maxwell Lord, to Donald Trump because of that muck in this mud: Reagan's glorification of rogue moguls in America turned guys like Trump into aspirational role models and glamorous stars. “Trump was not the core of inspiration for my character, on our costume designer's board were Gordon Gekko [Michael Douglas on Wall Street ], American Psycho's Patrick Bateman and other suckers in expensive eighties suits. All those millionaires who hid despair, unbridled ambition and terrified masculinity ”, he clarifies. If Pedro Pascal sounds like a socialist infiltrated in Hollywood it is because that is exactly what he is.
“When Reagan was elected, many people around me were frustrated that the worst forms of capitalism were winning. In my home, with refugee and socialist parents, conservatism was not demonized but it did go against what was important to my family, ”he says. Pascal's father, José Balmaceda, was an Allende supporter doctor who saved the life of a priest wounded by Pinochet's militia .
The priest was later tortured and ended up confessing the name of his savior. When the police went to look for Balmaceda at the hospital where he worked, he took his wife and the newborn Pedro and jumped over the wall of the Venezuelan embassy in Santiago de Chile to request political asylum. That's why Pedro ended up growing up in San Antonio (Texas), in a socialist home but in Reagan's land. A Chilean with no memories of Chile who was called Peter in high school.
At the age of 20, Pascal was in Madrid working as a go-go and keeps good memories. Here she is wearing a Prada sweater. Photo: Danielle DeGrasse-Alston / Realization: Warren Alfie Baker
The Chilean-born but US-raised actor wears a Paul Smith sweater and suit. Photo: Danielle DeGrasse-Alston / Realization: Warren Alfie Baker
Pascal has never left the immigrant mentality behind. Even his father, who came to open a practice in California, always lived in terror that at any moment everything could vanish. “It doesn't matter who you are, how much you are working or how much you get paid. Deep down you always think that each job is the last one ”, confesses the actor. Maybe that's why he didn't dare move from his Red Hook, Brooklyn, hovel to a house more suitable for a Hollywood star until filming for Kingsman 2 and Narcos was over . Nor is it that he had spent more than an entire week at his house since, in 2014, Game of Thrones made him the guy most people would want to party with.
Pascal knew right away that Oberyn Martell, the Westerosi rockstar who always seemed willing to fight or fornicate with the same bravado, was going to change his life. “I had done a lot of castings for friends' plays, for copier factory ads or for very serious independent films that no one was going to see, while I watched how many characters that I had been about to play changed the lives of others. actors. And thanks to my experience and maturity, I recognized the potential of Oberyn. I understood who he was and who he could be ”, he presumes.
The actor found out about the audition when one of his acting students told him that he had taken the test but had been discarded because of his youth. Pedro snapped up and must have thought, “What would Oberyn do?” So he recorded a video on his phone and sent it to his good friend, actress Sarah Paulson . She passed it on to her good friend actress Amanda Peet and this one to her husband, David Benioff, one of the creators of Game of Thrones . The rest is the history of television and headaches: when he informed the Narcos producer that he was available to play Pablo Escobar's pursuing policeman, he accused him of making a spoiler for Game of Thrones: If Pascal had a free agenda, it is because Oberyn was going to lose his fight against La Montaña . He couldn't imagine, of course, in what way.
  Part of that electric, lively and hedonistic energy of Oberyn comes to Pascal from the summer (that of 1996) that he spent in Madrid, where in addition to studying he worked as a go-go in a disco. That stay was transformative because the actor realized that he had had to adapt his identity all his life with each new move, but in Madrid he felt effortlessly at home. “I was 20 years old and I liked it so much that I almost moved. My main language is English, I have an American accent and I can pass for white. But in my house there were many cultural differences with respect to the outside world and I remember that when I was 20 years old, when I came to Madrid, I felt very comfortable in my own skin in a way that I had never felt anywhere else. I guess I was not aware that I had spent my childhood and adolescence learning new ways of adapting, connecting, learning, and pulling. On the contrary, living in Madrid was organic and easy for me. I made friends right away and I felt supported, ”he recalls.
By the time he was 40 Pascal was resigned to being an actor with enough odd jobs to pay the rent. According to him, his aquiline nose was a bad nose by Hollywood standards. Far from being offended or frustrated by this typecasting, he was looking forward to it, if it translated into a new check. “It is very strange to develop a fantasy as a child, to have the opportunity to turn it into a hobby, then some studies and finally transform all that into a career. That is the bet. But my dream of becoming Leonardo DiCapriodied. He died dozens and dozens of times. So to move on he had to accept that, at best, he was going to be an actor with a job. That was already a triumph, "he says. "Also, I accepted that I was not qualified for anything else, I had no more skills: I had put all my time, my energy and my concentration in being an actor and the rest in living life and having fun."
That absence of vanity lives on today, even when he's been involved in large-scale projects for five years without stopping. After Game of ThronesHe has made eight films, of which seven are action blockbusters. The wave of fame came to him when he was no longer expecting it but when he was well prepared to ride it. Still, every workday is a surprise and she acknowledges that what amazes her most about Hollywood is the sheer physical stamina that people have. “Sometimes a project can look like building a city, with all the hours, all the work and all the energy it requires. Some people have better stamina and can get by with little sleep. That is an interesting contradiction: all the people creatively involved in a film have a special sensitivity and at the same time have developed a very tough skin and energy to go through the physical experience of shooting it, ”he admires.
 Then Pascal switches to Spanish (the language he uses to confess intimacies) and explains, in a few words, that he is old for this shit. “I thought I had all the energy in the world and now, in my 40s, I see that ... wow! There are times when I don't know if I will be able to reach the goal, because my energy is not at the necessary level. But I always take it forward ”, he guarantees. Maybe that's why people get so high in Hollywood. Pascal responds between laughter and again in Spanish.
“I already took all my drugs very early. It is something that is already too much in the past, and in middle age a hangover is not an option. No, no, no ”, she assures. What if the other hangover, that of the wave of fame, runs over you? “I was a good waiter. Not at first, because they fired me many times, but I ended up getting the hang of it, ”he jokes. If the Hollywood thing doesn't go well, you can always put drinks again. But for now Pedro Pascal is the personification that the American dream , although sometimes it takes a little longer to materialize, really exists. Even Ronald Reagan would be proud.
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