#the mind of jake paul
cnedirecticn · 2 years
why don't you love liam's caption?
i don't like the way he's putting himself down; he went through an incredibly difficult time in his life (which, i'm not sure he's really through it) while gefühlt everyone and their grandma ganged up on and made fun of him! he did the best he could at the time, he has a massive heart and is an amazing friend, and he did and does deserve so much better!
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andreafmn · 2 years
I have a predicament.
I want to update In the Heat of the Moment because I know a lot of people are wanting that update. Plus finish the first part of a Neteyam series I have started. But I also want to update Speak and Heartbeat. As well as finally update Running In Circles and I’m Not Afraid. Whilst at the same time work on the half done requests that have been trailing with me since last year. And finish the first five chapters of my original book.
How do writers choose one thing and stick with it? I have like twenty tabs open at all times and can somehow only muster a couple of sentences for each. How do I prioritize?!!! I don’t wanna leave y’all waiting for more time.
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fortheturnstiles · 1 year
4 & 14!
4. Is there a film that you love except for the ending? What would you change about the ending? -- this question kind of stumped me in a way that i didn't expect but i think i have a couple. i rewatched The Nice Guys (2016) recently and upon revisiting i think the ending feels a little tacked-on to me, for the sake of tying up lose ends in a nice little bow. doesn't really do it for me i think the movie could just do without it. the ending of After Hours (1985) is okay but to me it kinda would have been funny if he died. maybe that's just me though. ok ok my actual Real Answer for this actually is Sleepaway Camp (1983). i saw this for the first time fairly recently and the experience of finally viewing it was both delightful and confounding. it's got basically everything i love about early 80s slashers -- simultaneously scary and funny, men in exceedingly short shorts, gruesome kills -- and then Boom. the ending...... i've seen some of readings of the film that embrace the perversity of it, but there's no getting around the film's ending as making a total abject spectacle of the transfeminine body, for the shock and awe of the cisgender viewer. and i wouldn't change angela's transness if the ending could be different it just wouldn't be centered around witnessing the reveal of her naked body as something horrific and purely on display as a means to evoke disgust. all that being said i love trans monstrosity and scaring cis ppl and rejecting the hegemony of "proper" bodies etc etc in but that movie was obviously not going for that it was made in 1983 by a cishet man lmfao. for the record angel was kinda right for killing all those ppl who were mean to her they fucking sucked
14. Who is your favorite director? Why? -- literally the hardest question for me to answer ever because i have a handful i love for various reasons i was about to just list a bunch of them but you guys probably already know based on the movies i post about on here lol. i think both in his approach to filmmaking in a philosophical sort of sense as well as his style and frequent subject matter amongst his work i'd have to say david cronenberg. kinda goes without saying i love the commonly occurring subjects and themes across his filmography (bodily transformation, perversity, crossing boundaries between the physical and psychological, disgust and desire, disease, technology, etc. etc.) -- when i first was getting into his films something that i deeply appreciated and was really refreshing for me was the way that his films are first and foremost presenting ideas in a manner that is open for interpretation, and typically avoiding any sort of moral judgement upon what his characters are doing or events in a narrative. there's so many ideas he'll put forth in a given film and they're not being set upon the viewer as absolutes or indisputable truths but as ambiguous and complex ideas that are meant to be questioned! his sensibility about film in general in regards to high/low art and sex and violence in the movies and the nebulous nature of the horror genre and whatnot overlaps with my feelings pretty much completely. i think he's never really compromised his vision for the sake of popular appeal or monetary gain he just makes his weird little movies and some people love em and some people don't. i sure do. also he's clearly a fellow sick bitch who likes freak sex. make horror cinema erotic again long live the new flesh let's all crash our cars into each other
movie questions ask game
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astramachina · 1 year
having a pleasantly normal conversation with my parents where i briefly mention that what i'm currently working on is deeply rooted in PR culture etc etc
dad: you should write about that new t-mobile place. me: the what? mom: oh yeah! the t-mobile destrict! they took a solid chunk of Old San Juan and turned it into some urban adventure park with restaurants and stuff. it's real gaudy. dad: you know. americanizing us for tourists and shit. it looks like disney world but everything is pink. me: ah yes, the sweet smell of gentrification. i feel like i know exactly who i can blame this on.
on second thought i don't even need a monster to make this a horror story! what the fuck!
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rocknrollerskates · 1 year
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JUNE: dad said that if you and jane aren’t going to be girls then i have to be SAWYER: NO HE DID NOT JUNE: yeah he did
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laikahh · 1 year
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leth-writes · 1 month
I'm so happy to see someone writing for twilight it really doesn't get the love it deserves.
This is weirdly specific, so bear with me.
Can I request Paul (twilight) x reader who's Jacob's ex-girlfriend, and they had like a really messy brake up so they REALLY don't like each other and so Paul and jacob get onto a fight about it.
Thanks for your time I've really been enjoying reading your work❤️❤️❤️
hello, lovely anon!
Usually I do shorter pieces for requests, but I kinda blacked out and wrote 2000 words for this... Sorry?
Please enjoy!
It was quiet, without Jacob. The two of you had been dating for over a year, before suddenly all he could think of was Bella, Bella, Bella. She was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. You didn’t mind the two of them being friends, you weren’t jealous and you didn’t believe the rumors spreading at school, but you still wanted to SEE him! You loved him, for god’s sake! But no, Bella was sad or Bella was tired or Bella wanted to go exploring and suddenly, he had no time for you. 
It had been weeks since you’d last truly spoken beyond a quick 20 minute phone call every time you tried to hang out. In fact, you decided, today was the last day. It was the last day you would grovel and beg for his attention. This was it; if he didn’t agree today, you were done. He could go date Bella for all you cared.
You stomped down the stairs, your socked feet hitting against the soft white carpet, and skidded into the tiled kitchen. The grey light streamed in, illuminating the phone like a halo. It was fitting for something that would determine the fate of your relationship.
Angry, yet hopeful, you strode forward and picked up the phone, resolutely dialing Jacob’s number and waiting as it rang.
Finally, someone picked up. “Hello?” Jacob called, sounding groggy.
“Hey, Jake! I was thinking, we should spend some time together! It’s been a hard couple of weeks, and I haven’t seen you at all!” You said, anger draining and hope filling your chest, suddenly feeling weak at the knees. God, you’d missed his voice. “Can’t, Bella and I are going to try and build the motorcycles. You know she’s been having a hard time recently, and I think I’m really helping!” He responded, sounding distracted and far from the phone. 
The hope shattered like ice, cutting up your insides. “Jake, we haven’t hung out in 3 weeks. I could really use my boyfriend today,”. Even to your own ears, your voice was pleading. It sounded weak and brittle, like you were fragile, not the strong front you’d tried to put on for him.
He sighed, voice crackly through the receiver. “Listen, you know Bella hasn’t been doing so well, and I’m the only thing that makes her feel better. You can’t expect me not to go out with her, just because you’re feeling a bit lonely…” His voice was exasperated and distant, like he was already done with the conversation.
Suddenly, that anger came roaring back, licking up the sides of your chest and burning away at your heart. You felt yourself trembling with rage, with despair, at the way he was talking to you.
“No, you listen, Jacob! I’m done! If you aren’t going to see me, if you’re going to prioritize Bella, then you can go stay with her! I never want to see your stupid, selfish face ever again, you fucking asshole!” You practically shouted, slamming the phone down. You whirled around, nose practically bellowed steam, and stomped to the couch, grabbing a pillow and screaming into it. You’d show him, you’d go out and have fun all by yourself and prove you didn’t need such a shitty boyfriend anyways!
It’d been a month since you last talked to Jacob, and while the breakup hurt, you were glad you’d ended the relationship when you had. Looking back, the thought of hanging on was depressing; you’d reconnected with your friends in the past month, going out practically every day and hanging out anytime it got too rainy to go to La Push. You hadn’t seen Jacob or Bella around, and you could honestly say you were happy to not have to so much as think about them anymore. It wasn’t your business.
It was the perfect day to go La Push, and your friends were already there when you pulled into the parking lot. It was overcast, no real sign of rain, and a gentle, cool breeze was drifting through. The beach was covered in large rocks, not really meant for swimming, but perfect for drinking and just listening to music and gossiping, and that’s exactly what you did. 
Until, of course, they arrived. Jacob had been sure they were a blossoming gang, but you hadn’t been so sure. You’d never really spoken to them but Billy had thought they were good kids, just a bit… odd. Yet, now, seeing them on the beach, you could understand where Jacob would’ve gotten that misconception. Sam and his friends were massive, Sam himself standing at almost 6’6” by the looks of it and the shortest member, the boy with the dimpled chin, cleared 6’0” easily. They were heavily muscled, each wearing cargo shorts and shirtless, and were rough-housing as they walked, bumping into each other and shoving each other as they approached your small group. The loudest of the boys, the one with the intense expression and the loud voice, shoved the smallest and laughed boisterously. Then, he looked over. And he made eye contact with you.
And he stared.
And stared.
Eventually, you grew uncomfortable, shifting uneasily on the small picnic blanket you were sitting on as you looked away, toward Sam. He was pulling the loud boy to the side, harshly whispering as the boy kept eye contact. You leant over to your friend, quietly asking which boy was which. You listened as she pointed them out; the one staring at you was Paul, and he was dangerous. You gulped, once again looking away and out toward the shoreline.
“Hey, mind if we join you guys?” Sam asked, approaching with his group and staring at you. The others also looked exclusively at you, though not as intensely as Paul, as though your answer was the only one that mattered. Shivering, suddenly cold, you nodded and looked down. “Hey, at least they’re hot,”one of the girls in your group muttered, and the tension was broken. You burst into laughter, snorting as you held your sides. At least you weren’t feeling uncomfortable anymore, even if you did feel a little dorky. You glanced up through your lashes and Paul was still staring, though less intensely, a soft gleam in his eyes and a small, genuine smile on his lips.
That was the beginning of your relationship with Paul.
You woke up to loud pounding on your front door. Racing down the stairs, you skidded to a stop in the front hall, making eye contact with Bella. Fucking Bella Swan was at your door at 6 in the morning, pounding furiously and looking like death warmed over. You sighed, resigned to not getting to sleep in on a Saturday, and opened the door slowly.
“There’s something wrong with Jacob!” Bella exclaimed. She looked haggard, eyes ringed with deep purple bags and pale skin looking almost translucent. Her hair was ragged and greasy, hanging limply around her wan face, clothes baggy and dirty. She looked like shit. Maybe Jacob broke up with her?
“Okay, and why does that involve me?” You said, leaning against the door jamb and staring off into the distance, squinting at the pale morning light.
“You’re his girlfriend, he’s bound to listen to you!” She cried, thin clammy hand clutching at your wrist as she tried to tug you toward her red rustbucket of a truck.
You remained unmoved, now glaring at her. “No, Bella, I’m not his girlfriend, we haven’t been together for over a month, and I haven’t seen him in over a month and a half. He spent all his time with you; why would he listen to me now?”
She paused, hearing the hurt hidden in your voice and glancing up into your eyes for the first time all morning.
“Wait… you broke up? But Jacob loves you!” She said, voice weaker than before, almost a whisper.
“Yeah, well, he cared about you more. But, I guess if he’s in trouble, fine. What do you need me to do?”
Jacob’s yard looked exactly the same as you remembered it. That made you feel oddly sad, like you’d subconsciously expected it to reflect Jacob’s sadness at you leaving. Yet, it remained the same, just as it was before you’d ever come into his life. Had you really had such a small impact?
Bella was already out of the truck, running toward Paul and the others as they sauntered toward the house from the tree line. You sprinted to keep up, knowing she was going to say something and futilely trying to prevent it. When you reached them, she had shoved Paul and was accusing the boys of hurting Jacob, whatever that meant. Paul was shaking, literally trembling, as his muscles jumped and leapt under his skin. It looked like his skin was… moving as he puffed in effort. “Paul?” you tentatively approached, drawing closer as he leant over, panting as his shoulders jerked. “Shit!” Sam cursed, leaping forward to pull you back and away from Paul. You kicked and struggled as he picked you up, trying to get back to Paul. Couldn’t they see he was sick?!
Suddenly, Paul was gone, and in his place was… a giant wolf. It was like he’d been cut out of the world and replaced. What had happened to Paul?
“Bella!” Jacob shouted, vaulting over the porch fence. His skin seemed to split open, replacing by rapidly growing fur, and his face elongated as his nose broke and became discolored. By the time he hit the ground, he was a wolf. Were you hallucinating? You felt faint, leaning heavily against Sam, who shifted to support your weight and drag you away from the fight. Both wolves were now circling each other, growling and barking, trying to nip at each other's flanks. You felt like you were receding from your body, like you weren’t real. Everything felt far away, and your ears rang. Then, you passed out and went limp.
You jerked awake with a gasp almost as soon as Sam caught your full weight, shifting to lift you up into his arms.
“Paul!” he called, and the wolf who had replaced Paul looked over, eyes wide and sad as he saw your trembling form. Then, the wolf was gone and Paul was standing in its place, quickly pulling on clothes as Embry passed a pair of shorts to him. He cursed lowly and jogged over, grabbing you from Sam’s arms and holding you close. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, over and over, like a prayer.
He sent you down gently, still holding you close to his chest, enveloping you in his soft warmth as his arms wrapped around your shoulders. The world went quiet and all was right, until Jacob interrupted the two of you by shoving Paul.
“Get the fuck away from her, you piece of shit!” He yelled out, punching Paul hard in the nose and causing a spurt of blood to leak out. Paul cursed again and spat out a mouthful of blood, growling lowly. “You don’t get to say that, asshole! You broke her heart, you have no right to tell her what to do!” Paul returned, standing his ground as Embry and Jared tried frantically to stop the fight from continuing. 
“That doesn’t mean you can put her in danger!”
“I didn’t! She didn’t know until your little girlfriend came along and started shit!” Paul bellowed, gesturing at Bella, who was shrinking into herself behind Jake.
“Don’t bring her into this! This is about your shitty control, Paul! Don’t blame Bella for you not being able to handle a little pressure!”
“Stop!” Sam said, getting in between the two. “Jacob, you go blow off some steam. Don’t come back until you’re calm. And Paul…” Sam continued, trailing off as everyone looked at you. “Just… Just explain everything, okay?” He said, sighing and rubbing his forehead to fight away the growing headache.
Paul turned to you, opening his mouth to speak. 
And that was the day you learned about shifters.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon
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A/N: I was bored and now everyone has a Twilight Christmas gift!
Shocked but excited to have found his imprint (especially after seeing Sam and Emily), was not expecting it to be the town mean girl but when you two are together, your total sweetheart which throws off the guys except Paul (he's the same way)
Happy that's it someone he knows, even if you two haven't talked in a few years (he always knew you two were meant to be). The pack was happy when he finally quit his moping about how much he missed you and considered himself lucky to ask you out
Thrown off when it wasn't the one girl who showed an interest in him since freshman year but once he got to know you, he knew the fates never messed up and you two were meant to be together
Never wanted an imprint but when he heard you defending him and the pack, he knew you two were meant to be, kind of like the next generations Emily and Sam (Quil and Colin like to joke around and tell him when you're not around)
Dude was downright flabbergasted when he imprinted a year after shifting and it wasn't on his favorite (person and human), Bella. Once he got to know you, he was happy he didn't end up with her (she comes with too much drama while you two are drama free)
Never admitted out loud but after watching Emily and Sam plus Jake and Renesme together, it really made him want to find his imprint and then he found you and he was so happy, everyone jokes and says he acted like an excited puppy
Never wanted an imprint especially after the whole thing with her cousin and ex but after almost dying because she denied the imprint and worked on getting to know you, she found herself wondering how she could ever be without you
Wasn't expecting to meet you so soon after he shifted and was introduced to the supernatural world (and came to believe in the legends he was told for so long), but thinks meeting you was a secret blessing because you can calm him
Didn't know what to expect after hearing brief details about imprints, but boy was he floored when he met you and then you asked him out, he nearly passed out on the spot (the pack doesn't let him forget about it)
Knew he was going to meet his imprint at some point but was not expecting it to happen while he was out getting groceries to replace what he and the pack had devoured from Emily's and then you wind up going to his alpha's place too, boy nearly lost his mind
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agent-grey-fics · 10 months
Who we are | Paul Lahote | Part 1
Paired: Paul Lahote x reader Wordcount: 4782
Summary: Y/n had been friends with Jake as long as she could remember. Slowly she got integrated in his friend group from the rez. They all got a long, but one day Paul started to act out. Little did y/n know what they thruly were and that he imprinted on her.
Writers note: I’m sorry if there're error's. It's been a while since I've written something and I needed to get back into my flow.
You can read part 2 here, part 3 comming soon.
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The air was filled with laughter and chatter as the close friends hung out outside Sam’s place. The atmosphere was relaxed, they had just successfully teamed up with the Cullens clan to chase a rogue vampire off their territory. But the relaxed atmosphere changed when you walked up to the group. ‘Oh, look who decided to grace us with her presence.’ Paul’s voice was dripping with sarcasm as he spoke. You narrowed your eyes at him, irritation clearly written all over your face. Your friends exchanged knowing glances, clearly used to the constant bickering between you two. ‘Come sit over here, just ignore him.’ Jacob patted the empty spot next to him. The two of you used to get along perfectly fine but it all changed one day. He started acting like a total dick and you didn’t understand why. Without giving Paul a second glance you plopped down next to Jacob who immediately put an arm around your shoulders. ‘When did you come home? I thought you had classes until next weekend?’ You shook your head at Jake’s assumption. ‘I might be skipping classes to hang out with my favourite people.’ A smile spread across your lips as you spoke. One of the things you had promised yourself was to get out of Forks, you could not understand why people wanted to live there their whole lives. It was always cloudy and raining. So when the time came to apply to colleges you chose the ones as far away as possible where the sun was always shining. ‘I knew you would miss me, I told you so.’ He was teasing you, the two of you used to hang out all of the time during middle school and after a while, he introduced you to the guys from the rez. They became your closest friends and you basically spend every Friday night with them since you were thirteen. It was a big change when you moved across the country without them. ‘We literally went from seeing each other every day to once every four months.’ He pulled you closer to his side and pressed a quick kiss against your hair. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Paul ball his hands into fists and roll his eyes
‘So, are we partying tonight or what?’ You wiggled your eyebrows as you gave Embry a playful look. He was always up for a good party and you knew he could convince Sam. ‘I’m not up for it y/n, it has been a crazy week an-’. You pat Quil, who was sitting on your other side, on his thigh when he started to whine. ‘Come on, your favourite girl is back in town and you don’t want to celebrate?’ You gave him your best puppy eyes. ‘Favourite girl’ Paul mumbled under his breath. ‘Hey if you don’t wanna go you can stay home, Paul.’ you spat at him, ‘ I don’t care if you join us or not.’ He rolled his eyes and looked to the other side. Jake squeezed into your shoulder, signalling for you to quit. ‘We could go to that bar in Port Angeles?’ Embry suggested as he looked at Sam, ‘a couple of hours wouldn’t mind right? We can take the girls?’ You bit on the inside of your cheek to keep a grin from forming on your lips as you heard him. Like you said, Embry was your partner in crime when it came to parties. Emily nodded enthusiastically as she heard his proposal and gave you a wink. It was a bit weird in the beginning, you weren’t used to true girlfriends who weren’t toxic. But Emily was an angel, she was so sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly.
Sam sighed. ‘Alright, but only for a couple of hours and I’m not driving.’ You threw your arms in the air as a victory sign. ‘Do you need to change or are you wearing these?’ Jake pointed towards your outfit. ‘Hey, don’t hate on the hoodie.’ A chuckle left his lips. ‘No, I’ve packed some things they’re still in my car. Is it ok that I change here real quick Sam?’ He nodded and pointed over his shoulder towards the house. ‘You know where the bathroom is.’ You jogged towards your car and took the bag you packed with extra clothes knowing you guys would end up going out and you were probably going to crash at Jake’s place. 
‘Em, what are you wearing?’ The two of you stood in their bathroom as you were hoisting yourself in a black skirt. She was coating her lashes with mascara. ‘I think that black dress I wore when we went clubbing in Phoenix last month.’ Emily was the only one who had visited you since you moved into your uni apartment. She had stayed for a couple of days and the two of you went partying with your roommate Alex. ‘I love that dress, it looks so good on you.’ It took about fifteen minutes until the two of you were done, and that was just when the boys' patience ran out. ‘You decent?’ Without waiting for your answer Embry marched into the bathroom, ‘cause we wanna get going.’ ‘Yeah yeah, let’s go.’ When you walked back onto the porch you noticed that Jared had left, something about Kim not feeling too well and he didn’t want to leave her home alone. So it was only Jake, you, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily and Paul. Great. 
‘So, who’s driving?’
The drive had been fun, you ended up in Quil’s front seat with Jacob and Embry in the back. Paul was driving himself, Sam and Emily. ‘Next time we need to Uber there so that everyone can drink.’ You remarked as Quil parked his car in one of the empty parking spaces of the bar. ‘I checked but there were no availabilities for our number of people.’ Embry passed you a bottle of wine the two had been sharing during the ride. ‘Oh, well next time we can book one in advance.’ You downed the last gulp of wine before the four of you got out of the car. Paul pulled into the parking space on your side. As he got out he looked you up and down. You didn’t know if he was checking you out or if it was out of disgust. Before you could give him a remark he walked towards Jake, ignoring you completely. Embry swung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards the entrance. ‘We’re gonna get wasted.’ 
And wasted you were. It started with shots, Embry handing you one after another while he seemed to forget that you didn't have the same alcohol tolerance as the boys. After the fourth shot, a blissful feeling spreads across your body. The lights in combination with the rhythmic beats put you in a trance, the biggest smile on your lips as you move your body to the music. Jake decided to be ‘the responsible one’ tonight, which meant he wasn’t drinking so he could keep you from doing stupid things. ‘Dude I miss this.’ You had to shout to get over the music so he could hear you. ‘Me too girl, me too.’ Jake had a warm smile on his lips as he saw you having fun. There had been times when that smile was far gone, losing a parent had that effect on people. Jake had nursed you back to the girl you once were and he had sworn to protect you at all costs, he had almost lost you once and he for sure wasn’t going to lose you twice. ‘I’ll come visit you more in Phoenix, I’ve talked about it with Sam and they can miss me a couple of days.’ Your mouth fell open as you heard him speak. ‘Oh my god’ You jumped a little in excitement and threw your arms around his neck. ‘That’s awesome, I’ll plan us a fun weekend and I can show you around. You’ll love it.’ His chest vibrated as he laughed. Jake loved you, so much, but as a brother who loved his sister and nothing more. It took him a long time to convince the guys that there wasn’t anything more between the two of you but they finally understood the bond the two of you shared when he told them about you losing your mom when you were a teen and how it affected you. ‘We’ll plan it when you’re sober’ You took a step back and pointed at him with finger guns: ‘Good idea big boy, but before that’s the case I’m going to grab another drink. You want one?’ He shook his head and you made your way towards the bar. 
The dancefloor was packed with bodies grinding into each other, you had to squeeze yourself through the mass to get to the bar. Impatiently you tapped your nails on the counter. When it took too long, you bent a little over the bar using your cleavage to get the bartender's attention. They were watching anyway, so it was better to use it to your own advantage. ‘What can I get you?’. You quickly glanced over your shoulder to look for Embry. ‘Two tequila shots and a beer, but half beer half coke please.’ Using your most flirty smirk you ordered the drinks, it earned you a wink from the bartender. He wasn't bad-looking, quite the opposite. He had slightly longer hair, a nose ring and his arms were covered in tattoos. ‘Here’s my card to close the tab.’ You quickly pulled your card from your purse and gave it to him. When he stepped away to make your drinks you took a step back so you took your cleavage from display. Absent-minded you swayed to the beat of the music, not paying attention to your surroundings. Your mind wandered to Paul, you couldn't remember when the rivalry between the two of you had started. One day everything seemed fine, the next it wasn’t. He did his best to make you feel unwelcome, even though you had been part of the friend group for a long time. It bothered you, you couldn’t deny that. You always thought there was a certain chemistry between the two of you but that changed when he started acting like a total dick. The barman pulled you out of your thoughts as he placed the shot glasses in front of you, followed by the beer, a salt shaker and a slice of lemon. You wanted to remark that you needed a second slice when you saw that he had one wedged between his lips, it was that kind of bar. Mischief glinted in his eyes. 
The plan to take shots with Embry was taken off the table. You wet the back of your hand with your tongue so that some salt stuck to it. Then you licked up the salt, took the shot and pulled the barman towards you. Your lips just barely touched his as you took the slice from his mouth. As the sourness of the lemon wiped away the tart taste of the tequila, your timidity also disappeared. You placed the lemon slice on the bar and stood on your tippytoes so you could press your lips against his. He grinned, you could feel it. After a couple of seconds you pulled away, smile on your lips. ‘I’m y/n by the way.’ You extended your hand towards him. ‘Rafa.’ He shook your hand, ‘well, that was fun.’ You laughed. ‘Yeah, I guess I’m heading back to my friends over there.’ You pointed vaguely in the direction of Jake, ‘Maybe I’ll see you later.’ Before he could say anything else you grabbed the other shot of tequila and your beer and made your way through the crowd. 
‘Did you just make out with the bartender?’ It was Emily who asked you in disbelief, a big grin across her face. ‘Yeah, that was different.’ Laughing, you shook your head. ‘Anyway, here.’ You extended the shot glass topped with a lemon slice towards Embry. ‘Couldn’t bring the salt, sorry.’ He shrugged, downed the tequila and bit on the lemon as he pulled a sour face.’But you could put your tongue down the poor guy's throat?’ Your jaw dropped at his comeback. ‘At least I get to stick my tongue down someone’s throat Call.’ You flicked your hand against the back of his head which drew a laugh from Jake. You sipped from the beer you were holding in your hand, you preferred this over wine any day. This was your last shot, you would do things you would regret if you kept going knowing yourself. Tequila is nasty but after a few shots so am I, or how did it go? ‘The fuck are you drinking?’ You looked down at your glass and saw that the Coke and beer lumped together into a cloudy mess. ‘It’s Coke mixed with beer, it’s quite good.’ You looked up and didn’t realise it had been Paul who asked you. He wore a black round-necked shirt that stretched around his chest and biceps. Damn, he looked good. You lifted the glass towards him. ‘You can taste if you want?’ He shook his head, ‘I’m driving remember?’ You were surprised you had a civil conversation without making stupid remarks to each other. ‘Jake’s sober as well, and you won’t get drunk from one sip?’ You challenged him. An eyebrow raised as you looked at him. You knew he was going to give in, you knew him far too well for that. You would never push him if you knew he was still going to drive, but now that Jacob wasn’t drinking anyway, it didn't matter. He sighed. 'Why do you always want to get your way? It’s annoying you know.' There it was, it stung a bit. He knew well enough that comments like this annoyed you. ‘Never mind.’ It was a mumble that he couldn’t hear because of the blasting music, or so you thought. 
As the bass thrummed through the club, Paul's initial refusal lingered in the charged air between you. A sense of nostalgia tugged at both of you, overshadowed only by unspoken tensions. You still didn’t understand where it went wrong between the two of you. You used to be as close as you were with Embry, it annoyed him to see you giving him all your attention. Everything would be so much easier if you knew their secret, he sighted. He wasn’t planning on ruining your dream of getting out of that old town. You could never know. 
Paul watched the liquid swirl in your glass. He hesitated, battling the weight of pride against the allure of bridging the growing chasm between you. The music pulsed a synchronous rhythm to the unspoken conversation between old friends. He reached out, fingers brushing against hers as he took the cool glass.
‘Jake’s driving.’ Paul said, his voice a bit softer than before. A pause lingered, a shared understanding settling between you. With a slight grin, you let go of the glass. ‘One sip won't hurt, you can still drive if you want to.’ He took a sip of the strange mixture. The taste was a blend of bitterness and something sweet, mirroring the complexity of your relationship. ‘Where did you find this combination? This is gross’ He pulled a face when he handed you the pint back. ‘Probably in someone's living room a couple of years ago, I quite like it. Jake does so too.’ You pointed over your shoulder in the direction of your best friend. You looked over your shoulder to make sure he was still there. He made eye contact with Paul and gave him a grin which caused you some confusion. ‘oh yeah, I remember him drinking something strange but I didn’t know it was beer with coke.’
The tension ebbed away, replaced by a familiar feeling. You took another sip from you glass, not wanting to provoke him with something you said. Paul broke the silence. ‘So, Phoenix, huh? That's a big move.’ You nodded, a hint of sadness in your voice. ‘Yeah, it's a new chapter, barely any rain.’ You laughed,  ‘But I miss this place, well not the place but I miss the people and the Friday nights.’ You felt somewhat sober, too scared to say something wrong to him and lose the conversation. ‘They miss you too, Jake could only talk about you the first few weeks after you moved out. It was annoying as shit.’ He laughed, it was a roaring sound that came deep from his chest. ‘He’s coming to visit me in the next couple of weeks.’ You smiled proudly.  You could see how his eyes flickered to something behind you, the smile dropping from his face. 
When you followed his gaze you saw a figure emerge from the crowd, catching your eye. It was Rafa, the bartender from earlier, making his way through the sea of dancing bodies. His eyes locked onto yours, a determined expression etched across his face as he approached.
"Hey," Rafa called out over the music, flashing a charismatic smile. Startled, you turned to face him, your features displaying a mix of surprise and curiosity. ‘Didn’t think to see you again.’ You replied, the lingering effects of the tequila shots adding a hint of boldness to you tone. Paul observed the interaction with a tightness in his jaw, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. His eyes followed Rafa's movement toward you, his presence unsettling the fragile peace you two found during the night.
Sensing Paul's gaze on you, you glanced briefly in his direction, noting the clench of his fists and the tension in his posture. A flicker of realization passed through you, though you chose to ignore it for the moment, focusing on Rafa's approach. You were about to say something when you felt a sudden presence beside you. Paul stood abruptly closer, a steely glint in his eyes as he interjected, his voice laced with an unexpected edge. ‘Hey, is there a problem here?’ His words came out sharper than he intended, a protective instinct surfacing within him. Rafa’s expression shifted slightly, registering the intrusion. ‘I was just having a conversation with y/n here. We’re good’ he replied, raising his hands in a placating gesture.
You turned your attention between Paul and Rafa, sensing the tension building around the three of you. ‘It's fine, Paul. Rafa was just asking me to go for a smoke,’ you explained, trying to diffuse the situation. Paul's jaw clenched further, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. ‘I can take you for a smoke, if that's what you want,’  he offered, his voice softer, tinged with a hint of vulnerability. As you contemplate your response, the underlying jealousy in Paul’s eyes doesn't escape your notice, a silent testament to the emotions simmering just beneath the surface. ‘Look mate, I don’t know who you are bu-’ You saw Paul step forward and you knew what was going to happen, having been in this situation before. Before you had time to react, Sam popped up next to you. With a stern 'Paul', he seemed to restrain him. He abruptly turned his head in Sam's direction, ignoring Rafa completely.  Rafa watched the situation with a disinterested look. ‘Y/n, could you take Paul outside he needs to calm the fuck down.’ Emily gave you a mysterious look, as if she was trying to tell you something but you were speaking a completely different language. 'Come on,' you said as you wrapped your hand around his wrist so you could pull him behind you. It looked ridiculous, Paul was 6’5’ and looked huge next to your 5’8’. He seemed to think the same and and took your hand in his. He led the way so you could easily navigate through the crowd to the exit. Why the fuck was he acting this way, ruining your evening. 
The cold night air hit you like a slap in the face as you stormed out of the bar, the door slamming shut behind you. The music and laughter inside became muffled, replaced by the harsh reality of the argument that had just unfolded. Paul followed you, his steps heavy and purposeful, a volatile energy emanating from him. ‘What the hell is your problem, Paul?’ you spat, turning to face him, your frustration boiling over. ‘You can't just waltz in and ruin everything because you're feeling possessive. Especially when you-’
Paul's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and hurt. ‘Possessive? You think I'm being possessive? Maybe if you paid a bit more attention, you'd see that I'm just trying to look out for you!’ You scoffed, your voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘Look out for me? By intimidating every guy who dares to talk to me? That's not looking out for me, Paul, that's just being controlling.’
He took a step closer, his towering figure loomed over you. ‘I'm not trying to control you, y/n. I just can't stand seeing you with-,’ ’Get used to it!’ you yelled, your patience wearing thin. ‘I can talk to whoever I want, Paul. I don't need your permission.’
His hands balled into fists at his sides. ‘Permission? This isn't about permission. It's about you being reckless and not caring about who you're with. That guy could be dangerous, for all we know.’ ‘Stop acting like you know what's best for me!" you shot back, your voice rising. ‘I'm not a child, and I certainly don't need you playing the overprotective friend.’
The tension between you two was palpable, the air charged with resentment. Passersby glanced in your direction, drawn by the intensity of the argument. Paul's eyes bore into yours, his frustration reaching its peak.
‘You always do this!’ he shouted, the anger in his voice cutting through the night. ‘You act like you’re on top of the world, like you're invincible. But you're not, y/n. You're just as vulnerable as the rest of us, and I can't stand seeing you put yourself in stupid situations.’
Your temper flared, and you matched his intensity.  ‘Stupid situations? Me having fun in a bar is a stupid situation? Me, a twenty-six years old woman making out with a bartender is a stupid situation? Do you hear yourself? You can't ruin everything because you're feeling like acknowledging me for a night. Especially when you’re the one who casted me aside like old trash’ You were fuming, all the anger that was bottled up coming out all at once. ‘You’ve been fucking ignoring me for the last year and a half and God knows what I did wrong to get on your bad side but you’ve only been cruel towards me ever since.’ You could feel tears well up in your eyes but you were determined to not let him see you cry. 
The words hung heavy in the cold night air, the weight of the past year and a half of silence between you two finally surfacing. Paul's expression shifted from anger to a mix of guilt and regret. His hands slowly unclenched, a defeated look in his eyes.
‘I never wanted to hurt you,’ he muttered, the edge in his voice replaced by a tone of remorse. ‘I just... I couldn't be around you, y/n. It's complicated, and I never meant to cast you aside.’ You shook your head, a bitter laugh escaping your lips. ‘Complicated? You think giving me the cold shoulder for over a year without any explanation is complicated? Paul, we used to be friends, close friends. You can't just shut me out like that without a reason.’
He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. ‘It's not that simple, okay? There are things you don't know, things I can't explain.’ ‘Try me!’ you shot back, your patience wearing thin. ‘I deserve to know why one of my best friends turned into a stranger. I deserve some damn honesty, Paul.’ He hesitated, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he spoke, ‘It's not just about us, y/n. It's about something bigger, something I can't control.’ Confusion knit your brows together. ‘What are you talking about?’
Paul took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what he was about to say. "I... I can't explain it fully, but it has to do with what we are, with what I am. It's not just me; there are others, and it's complicated. I wish I could tell you more, but it's dangerous, and I can't risk dragging you into it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean, what you are? Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The night air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control.  ‘I want to go home.’  He nodded, ‘I’ll take you home, Just... please be careful. I never wanted you to get caught up in this mess."
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders. The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense.
As Paul nodded in response to your desire to go home, you couldn't shake the intensity of the situation. The revelations left more questions than answers, and the air felt charged with an unspoken tension. The distance between you two seemed to grow with every step back to his car, the weight of the unknown settling heavily on your shoulders.
The drive home was silent, the engine's hum the only sound accompanying the echoing thoughts in both your minds. Glancing at Paul, you noticed the conflict etched on his face, as if he was torn between revealing more and protecting you from the undisclosed danger.
As his car pulled into your driveway, the sense of relief mingled with the lingering unease. Paul turned off the engine, but neither of you moved for a moment. The night held an unusual stillness, the world outside your car encapsulated in a hushed suspense. Breaking the silence, you spoke, your voice a mix of weariness and frustration. "Paul, I need more than apologies. I need answers. What's going on? What's this 'mess' you keep talking about?"
He sighed, his gaze fixed on the steering wheel. ‘It's complicated, y/n. It's about... a situation back home that's getting complicated since you’ve been gone. A lot of stuff is happening, and I've been trying to keep you out of it.’ Your eyes widened with disbelief. Jake never told me about this?’’ Paul hesitated before replying, ‘It's not up to him to tell you about it. Like I’ve said it’s complicated. It's not something I can easily explain,I didn't want you to get caught up in it.’
Your frustration shifted to a mix of confusion and concern. ‘What do you mean Paul, you're not making any sense. Are you in some kind of trouble?’ He looked away, unable to meet your gaze. ‘It's a long story, and it's not something I can easily share. Just know that I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry for pushing you away.’
The air seemed to grow colder as the weight of his words settled in. You felt a mix of emotions – anger, hurt, confusion, but also a hint of understanding. Whatever secret Paul was harboring, it seemed to be beyond his control. 
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
The Masterlist of Masterlists
House of the Dragon Characters :
Aegon Targaryen - Here Areon Bracken - Here Davos Blackwood - Here Daemon Targaryen - HERE Gwayne Hightower - Here Jacaerys (Jace) Velaryon - HERE Lucerys (Luke) Velaryon - Here Oscar Tully - Here
Thomas Brodie Sangster Characters :
Adam Douglas (Lewis The Mind Has Mountains) - Here Benny Watts (The Queens Gambit) - No.1 & No.2 Casey (Some Dogs Bite) - Here Donald (Death Of A Superhero) - HERE Jack Dawkins (The Artful Dodger) - No.1 & No.2 & Mrs Dawkins Series Jake Murry (Accused) - Here Malcolm Mclaren (Pistol) - Here Newt (The Maze Runner) - Here Nigel (Orbit Ever After) - Here Paul McCartney (Nowhere Boy) - Here Romulus Augustus (The Last Legion) - Here Samuel Brawne (Bright Star) - Here Samuel Emmerson (My Left Hand Man / Phantom Halo / Sleep No More) - Here Sam (Love Actually) - Here
Matt Smith Characters :
The 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) - HERE Daemon Targaryen - HERE Lucien Crown (Morbius)- Here
Tom Holland Characters :
Gregory Cromwell (Wolf Hall) - Here Nathan Drake (Uncharted)- Here Peter Parker (MCU SpiderMan) - Here
Eugene Simon Characters :
Jerome Clarke (House Of Anubis) - HERE Lancel Lannister (Game Of Thrones) - HERE
Isaac Hempstead Wright Characters :
Isaac Hempstead Wright - Here Brandon Stark - Here
Asa Butterfield Characters :
Jacob Portman (MPHFPC) - HERE Willoughby Blake (Slaughter House Rulez) - Here
Other :
Elrond (Rings of Power) - Here Viserys Targaryen (Game Of Thrones) - Here
Commission Page
If you have the time give please Elisview a look - Here
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gretavangroupie · 6 months
The Ripe and The Ruin - (Chapter 2)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, OC x Reader
Word Count: 15.7k
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smoking, Angst, Anxiety, Embarrassment, Lying, Sexual Themes, Kissing, Touching.
Find the Playlist Here: Apple Music | Spotify
A new series in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
"Like all good fruit, the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin."
“Did you hear me, Jake?”
Your head snaps to the side, your mind refocusing on the conversation being had around you. Josh stares at you with a questioning look on his face, his arms crossed against his chest. 
“What? Yeah,” you lie, “That sounds fine.”
“You’re not even listening to me. I asked if you knew what time the van was supposed to be here... What’s up with you? Where are you this morning?” he asks, his tone a little more defensive than usual. 
“Huh?” Your eyes flick back to the elevator, your heart beating a little faster than usual as the caffeine starts to swirl around in your bloodstream. You know that any second Y/N is going to step off that elevator and join the rest of you in the lobby. 
You can’t seem to shake the kiss from your mind, falling asleep last night playing it over and over in your head. The way her lips felt, soft and warm and so pink. You aren’t really sure why you decided to do it. You weren’t going to, but you’re glad you did. You’d thought of nothing else since, and after the little exchange you had after the fact, you were feeling something that you didn’t feel too often, if ever. Nervous. 
You didn’t even know what you were going to say to her today. What do you say after something like that? Should you say anything at all? You know you pushed a professional boundary last night, on the very first night no less. She is your employee, and you are her boss and those two things typically don’t mix well. But you felt something, something you haven’t felt in a long time, and you are certain she must have felt it too. 
You look back to Josh, suddenly realizing that if you’re feeling nervous, he’s going to pick up on it. You try to compose yourself, adjusting your jacket on your shoulders and your sunglasses on your nose before turning your full attention back to him. 
“Sorry, just jet lag. I think it’s supposed to be here at 10:00,” you pause, glancing at your watch. “It’s 9:56 right now.”
“Since when do you wear a fuckin’ wrist watch? Are you eighty-five?” he quips, huffing a laugh. 
You suck your teeth at him, raising a brow. “Since now, fuck you.”
He changes the subject, turning to Sam and Daniel just as the elevator chimes and the doors start to open. Your heart is beating erratically at this point, and you curse yourself for it. You should not be feeling like this. It was one kiss, Jake. It didn’t even mean anything. It was for show.
You swallow nervously, licking your lips as people start to step out of the elevator. You try to look like you’re engaged in the conversation happening in front of you, but you’re not. She won’t know that though. Your eyes are fixed on the elevator, waiting for your first glimpse of her this morning. She’s one of the very last to step out, her hair hanging in her face as she focuses on her phone. You hear Paul call her name, waving her over towards him and Wes with paperwork in hand. 
She looks up just long enough to spot them, returning her gaze to her phone to finish up whatever it is she’s doing. She steps up to them, just out of your immediate sight, but you can still hear them talking as they greet her. Out of the corner of your eye you see Paul hand her the piece of paper he was waving, telling her that the venue has the official hospitality rider, but that the highlighted items needed to be picked up and brought to the venue by her. A chill runs up your spine. What did you request? Why can’t you remember what you asked for? Fuck. 
She turns her head as Wes and Paul continue to talk. You can feel her eyes on you, burning into the side of your head as Josh drones on about German water quality. You want to look at her, in fact, you’re dying to see that same pink blush that colored her cheeks last night, but you don’t turn your head. You force yourself to pretend she isn’t even there. You stare off into the distance, letting your mind wander, the noise around you turning into a hum. 
“Jake…” Josh shouts, snapping his fingers in front of your face, “Hello? Are you braindead suddenly?”
“Fuck, sorry. What…” you growl, refocusing again. 
“Get with it man, I said the van is here. Let’s go,” he answers, nodding towards the door as he follows the rest of the crew outside. 
You walk with your hands in your pockets, letting your thumb nail glide over each fingertip in an attempt to bring you back down to earth. You need to get your head right. Snap out of it. You fall to the back of the group, waiting for everyone to load into the two black vans, ready to take you to your venue for the evening. Before you could stop yourself you were looking over your shoulder for her, catching her eyes for the briefest moment before looking away. Fuck, she’s so pretty.
“You want the window?” Josh asks, elbowing your arm. 
“Huh? Yeah that’s fine…” you answer blankly, your mind still flooded with the image of her. As you turn back to Josh you see his focus change, locking in on Y/N as she steps up to the two of you. The very last thing you expected. 
“Hi, good morning, feeling any better?” she asks. You look to her, then to Josh, remembering he sent her out for medicine last night. You're completely frozen in place as the two of them speak, and you’re sure your face is showing exactly what you’re feeling. Panic.
Josh looks at you for a second, then back to Y/N, very obviously picking up on the nerves pulsing through you as he snickers. “Yes…I…am…Thank you again for doing that last night. I appreciate it.”
You can smell her perfume as it dances through the air, the same sweet floral smell from the plane yesterday. You can’t help but to turn your head and look at her, your eyes drifting to the column of her neck where you know the smell is even stronger. You imagine the way it would feel to kiss her there. The taste of her skin. The sounds she would make. The feeling of her rapid pulse beneath your lips…
Shit. No. 
“No problem at all, Josh. Let me know if I can grab you anything else,” she smiles, “I’m off to the market!”
She looks at you for just a second waiting to see if you’re going to say anything, but you don’t, instead offering her a curt smile and nodding your head. Smooth. Really nice, Jake.  
She walks away, heading towards the second van with Wes and the rest of management and you feel a wave of relief wash through. You had a little more time to get your head right before you talked to her. You let out a breath, your eyes flicking over to Josh who is looking at you with a knowing look on his face. You shake your head and walk away, ready to load into the van with your backpack slung over your shoulder. Your heart is beating fairly hard and you haven't even spoken to her. Why is she having this effect on you?
You settle on the bench seat, Josh and Ty sliding in next to you. You place your backpack between your legs and pull your phone from your coat pocket, pretending to busy yourself to avoid the conversation you already know is coming.
The app isn’t even open yet before Josh starts to speak, “Alright let’s hear it, Jake. ”
You know there’s no use in pretending to be busy, he won’t stop until you answer him. You lock your phone and slide it back into your pocket letting out an aggravated sigh. 
“Hear what, Josh? Why do you already want to start this morning, huh? Can’t I have a moment of peace?”
“Oh please, I could feel your fucking heart pounding like it was in my own chest!” He tilts his head to the side in an attempt to force the truth out of you. He knows he's got you cornered and he wants you to admit it. 
You tilt your head mimicking him, giving him a look he knows well. You nod your head, silently telling him that you’ll talk later. Now is not the time or place for any of it.
He stares at you blankly for a second, finally relenting as he turns back towards Ty. Safe for now. You needed to figure this out, quick.
You ride to the venue, listening to everyone’s conversations but offering very little to them. You scroll through your phone, trying your best to keep to yourself, but perking your head up as Josh grabs your attention. 
“That reminds me, I talked to Paul. He said it’s going to take a week or so to get more security over here. Corri said she applied for the work visas this morning. Should have some guys over here in less than a week at the latest.”
“Good. Could’ve used someone last night,” you grumble, immediately regretting even letting the words slip from your mouth. 
Josh’s head snaps over to you, a serious look in his eyes. “What do you mean? At the airport?”
You know you can’t lie. He will know immediately. “No, um– Just after we checked in. It’s nothing.”
“Last I talked to you, you were ordering room service and going to bed?” he asks, genuinely confused. Fuck, fuck, figure it out Jake.
“Yeah, I did, just— A little thing late last night. Everything ended up being fine. Isolated incident. We’ve got more security coming, it's all good,” you say, hoping he won’t press you on it any further, but as he looks at you with a threatening scowl you know you’ll be recounting every last detail before the day is through.
Show days always bring along chaotic mornings that slowly mold into semi-peaceful afternoons, filled with warming your fingers up and psyching your mind up to perform. The four of you always try to keep show days generally the same, with giving yourselves a little bit of downtime before you have to arrive back at the venue after sound check. Today though, the day of the very first show, has already made your head feel like it is going to spin right off your neck. You can feel Josh’s prying eyes watching your every move, waiting for the opportune moment to jump down your throat again. 
“Gonna go grab something to drink from the green room, you guys want anything?” Sam asks you and Josh as you fumble around with the wireless mechanisms on your guitar. 
“Nah, I’ll get something in a minute,” you reply, watching as he and Danny descend the stairs off the stage and disappear out of sight. 
Of course, within seconds your twin is inches from your face, somehow making himself seem bigger than you. “Alright, you gonna tell me about this little incident last night? Or am I gonna have to force it out of you?” he presses, and you know damn well that if you don’t give him just the tiniest bit of explanation, he won’t let up. “Wouldn’t have happened to involve our new runner, would it?”
You sigh a heavy sigh, readjusting the blue-tinted glasses sitting on your nose. “Can you lay the fuck off for like two seconds? Jesus Christ…” you back away, anxiously rubbing your hand over your mouth as you try to think of what to even say. 
“Don’t avoid the question, asshole. Tell me now. While everyone’s gone,” he goes on, closing in on you again. 
You bite your cheeks in, still contemplating. You stay silent, instead strumming a single chord on your guitar in response to him. You hear it echo across the empty venue, smirking to yourself. Sounds perfect.
“Fuck you. Always doing that shit when you’re trying to avoid me. Drowning me out with your loud ass amps… alright. Fine,” Josh readjusts the hat on his head and stomps away across the stage. “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just go ask her.”
All the blood quickly drains from your body. “Okay, okay, fuck. Come here,” you hold your hand up and signal him back, because you know for a fact he actually would have gone and found her. You stretch the muscles in your neck, rolling your shoulder beneath your guitar strap. 
“Y/N went out to a pub last night to get something to eat and have a drink, there was some creep there trying to take her home, wouldn’t let up. She didn’t tell Dean where she was going because it was so late, and she remembered I had… She had my number, so she asked me to come and walk her back to the hotel. That’s it.”
Josh eyes you with his lips pursed closed, trying to get a read if there was anything you were leaving out. He’s gonna know, of course he’s gonna know…
“...That’s it?”
“That’s it,” you concede. “It happened really fast and the place was just around the corner from the hotel. I made it there in like two minutes. Guy was being a complete asshole to her,” you shake your head in disgust at the memory. 
Josh crosses his arms across his chest as he exhales, squinting his eyes. “Mmh, so you played hero, huh? I think there’s more to the story than your little rescue mission… but. So she just happened to have your phone number, and no one else’s? Like Paul’s perhaps?” You really need him to quit with the attitude. 
“We sat together on the plane for like, a hundred hours, Josh. Yes. She has my phone number because we were talking about her job duties. She will get the rest of yours eventually, I’m sure. I was just first. Fuck…” you begin to wave him off as you start to feel overwhelmed with his twenty questions. 
Luckily, Sam and Danny are coming back onto the stage now, the pounding of Danny’s repetitive kick drum drowning out the sound of Josh’s persistence. 
Josh’s eyes are squinting at you again as he takes the microphone in his right hand, turning away from it just enough for you to hear him. “I’ll get to the bottom of this. As a wise man once said, it’s very interesting…”
Your legs carry you quickly through the winding halls to the green room. You can barely see over the brown paper bags in your hands, loaded full to the top with the items on your list this morning. It was a little more difficult of a task than you anticipated, but the translator app on your phone proved to be your best friend. You knew you had to be quick and you did your best, hoping that the items you found would suffice. 
You push the door open with your foot, looking for the empty table where the items needed to be set up. You saw a few things that the venue provided sitting on a mostly empty wooden table, and knew that’s where you needed to set up. You plop the heavy paper bags down, smiling as you notice a few drinks have already been scavenged. 
You begin pulling things from the bags, setting up the fruit and vegetable trays, and starting to place a variety of drinks into an ice bucket. You pull the paper list from your back pocket, making sure you have everything out for each guy and that you didn’t miss anything in your hurried state. As you make your way down the list you hear the door swing open and a rumble of voices enter the room. 
You turn to find Josh stepping into the room with Jake flanking him as they talk. Your breath instantly catches in your chest as you make eye contact with Jake through his tinted sunglasses. His hair is a little more wavy today, curling up at the ends and resting just below his shoulders. It looks soft and you know it probably smells good as it flies through the air as he walks. His black button up is hanging loosely on his body, a sliver of his chest visible, but you tear your eyes away from him and turn back to your task. You’re at work. 
“There she is! How’s it going, Y/N? Things goin’ your way this morning?” Josh asks, walking over towards you with a smile. 
It strikes you as strange, his over friendly greeting, especially when you’d talked more to Jake than to him and Jake hadn’t even said hello to you today. You shake off the feeling and return the sentiment, turning to face the both of them. 
“Hi guys! Everything is good I think! Just getting all of this set up for you, sorry it took me so long. I was struggling with the German labels,” you smile, letting your eyes flick over to Jake. He’s standing quietly behind Josh, not saying much but listening intently, eyes locked in on you. 
“Oh, no you’re fine, no rush at all. We’ve got hours until we go on,” he pauses, turning to Jake then back to you. “I heard about the little incident at the bar last night. Glad everything turned out okay for you, but just wanted you to know we’ve got some more security coming this week. Should have someone that can head out with you from now on,” Josh finishes, nodding his head. His phone starts to ring before you can respond and he quickly pulls it from his pocket, glancing down at the screen with a sly smile.
“Ahh, it’s Ty, I gotta take this. I’ll be back. Thanks for this, Y/N. Looks great!” he says, swiping a water bottle from the table and making his way out of the room as he answers the call. 
You realize quickly that Jake did not follow him and is standing with his hands in his pockets eyeing the table behind you. Your mouth feels dry, any words you thought you would say suddenly stuck in your throat. You turn around and busy your hands trying to think of anything you can say that won’t sound stupid. 
Your heart is pounding rapidly as you feel him moving towards you, taking the place next to you as he taps his fingers across the wooden table. He doesn’t say anything, but you can tell he is struggling in the same way you are. The tension between you is almost tangible.
You reach into the paper bag, pulling the box of beers from the bottom and setting them on the table. You knew this had to be his request, the rider stating that a case of local craft beer was required. 
You push the box in front of him, looking at him as it slides across the table. “This was what was recommended for local beer. Was the best I could find, I didn’t know if you liked light beer or dark beer, so I guessed. The cashier couldn’t have been a day over nineteen, so I didn’t exactly trust his opinion, but–” 
You watch his face shift into a smile, a dimple popping out on his cheek as he nods through a laugh, “This looks great, really.”
“Again, I couldn’t read anything in German, and the translator was really no help on this one,” you smile, feeling the tension between you starting to melt away. 
He opens the box, pulling out the amber colored bottle and bringing it close to his face. He looks at it for a few seconds, attempting to read the label himself before finally shrugging his shoulders. “No clue what that says, but looks perfect. Thank you, Y/N.”
You feel yourself blushing at the sound of your name leaving his lips, and you hope he can’t see the heat spreading across your cheeks. He picks up the bottle and places the lid on the edge of the table, hitting it with his fist with just enough pressure to pop off the lid. It skitters across the table as he brings the bottle to his lips, taking a long pull of what you now see is a light beer. 
“S’perfect,” he says, swallowing it down.. “You uh, you wanna try it?”
You feel a flash of panic wash over you. You can’t, right?
“I don’t think I can? Right? I’m at work. And I have like a thousand things to do,” you stammer, dying to say yes. 
“S’just me, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he offers, peering at you above the frames of his sunglasses. You can see his brown eyes staring into yours, and you feel your insides melting into putty. You know you need to change the subject, and quick. 
You quickly decide to decline the beer, knowing that you need every single ounce of clearheadedness for the evening you are about to endure. “Are you guys done already? That seemed… quick,” you pose, trying to turn your attention back to your duties to fill the awkward silence. 
“Uh no, not quite, they’re just working with Josh right now,” he answers, stuffing his free hand in his pocket and taking another swig of his beer. 
“Ah,” you reply, slotting a strand of hair behind your ear as the awkwardness continues to grow. You know he’s just being nice, but you wished to god he would just go somewhere else to save you both the anxiety of acknowledging the elephant in the room. Alright. Get it together, Y/N. You’re both adults, just speak your piece and get it over with. You take a quick breath, preparing yourself. “So, what version of the story did Josh get?”
Jake nearly spits out his beer as your words hit him. “What? What story?” he asks, wiping the dribble of beer off his chin. 
“I know you told him about last night, he’s being so overly nice to me it almost seems fake. He’s buttering me up, isn’t he?” you say, a bit of bite in your tone. Truly, you wonder exactly what Jake told him, and if it was the same story you remember.
Jake sucks his teeth as he looks away from you. “A very condensed one. Don’t worry.” His words are blunt and pointed. 
“Okay… so he doesn’t know about… ya know…” you dance around the word, you don’t even dare even say it. 
“No,” he cuts you off. “No. I didn’t go into that much detail. It… it didn’t even matter anyway, right?”
…It didn’t matter? 
It didn’t matter. Oh. 
“Right. No. Didn’t matter at all,” you agree, feeling the knife turning in your chest. “We had to do what we had to do to get out of there.”
“Yeah, was nothing.”
It’s quiet and awkward again as you try to brush off your feelings, suppressing the memory of the feeling of his lips on yours, his hands on your waist, his body pressing up against yours…
You’ve kissed a lot of people in your life, and you’re mature enough to know the difference between when someone wants to kiss you, and when someone just…is kissing you. And though you hate to admit it to yourself, Jake wanted to kiss you. There was no doubt about it. Chemistry is tangible. And the tension that formed between you last night during those few short seconds was nothing short of it. Pure chemistry. Ease. Like it was natural. And you weren’t too dumb to realize it.
But… apparently he was. 
Suddenly you hear the sound of the bass strumming out into the air, signaling that it was time to get things going again. 
“Right. But uh, sounds like I gotta um, get back out there. So… thanks for um, thanks for the beers,” Jake backpedals and turns away toward the door as you return to your duties, busying your mind and hands again. Fuck, that couldn’t have gone any worse. 
You watch as he slams his body into the metal exit door, but stopping short when it doesn’t budge. He pushes on it again, but it stands firm. You watch him struggle for just a few seconds before you decide to help him out. 
“Pull, Jake,” you say, stifling a laugh. 
He yanks on the handle, the door flying open before him. “Oh, yeah. Got it.”
You can see the pink rise to his cheeks as he makes his quick exit, and the laugh you were stifling finally busts through. You’d managed to get Jake Kiszka flustered. 
The sounds of the whole band echo down the hall, and you know you have a few free minutes to yourself, without the risk of one of them barging in again. Your mind drifts into autopilot as you finish setting up, replaying the last few minutes over and over in your head. 
1. Josh knows. Well, Josh knows something.
2. The kiss… apparently it didn’t mean anything to Jake. Just a careless action to get the weird man off your back. Of course it didn’t mean anything to him. He’s a famous rock star, he probably kisses girls all the time… right? And makes playlists for them. And adds his favorite songs to them just so they can listen along. And tells them that he fully intends to kiss them again. Right?
3. He was flustered leaving through that door just now. He fumbled. He blushed. People that don’t care don’t blush. That’s just basic science. 
Everything is overwhelming your thoughts; you need assistance, and you need it now. You take one last look at the table in front of you, deciding that it is to your liking before dashing out the door to the back exit. You pull your phone from your pocket and bring up Ruth’s contact, hearing it ring out just a couple of times before her voice is yelling your name on the other end. 
“Shit, about time! I’ve been fucking dying over here!” she shouts into your ear, her voice full of excitement and rush. “I’ve been scrolling their instagrams and TikToks and shit all. Fucking. Day, Y/N. When were you gonna tell me they’re all hot as fuck, huh? And they’re brothers?! Like real life brothers, except the one, right? But they were kids when they met?! Why is that so cute? Imagine having that much talent in one household. Shit, in one town! I bet their parents were exhausted like, always. And their MUSIC… hello? The guitarist is mindblowing, dude. And you kissed that man? On the lips?! Like full on contact, right? Was there tongue? Did he get into it? Where were you? I need to know all of these things in massive detail stat, bitch.” Ruth is absolutely rambling, and you know if you don’t cut her off soon, you will never get a chance to speak at all. 
“Yes, Ruthie, I kissed the hot guitarist,” you confirm quietly, glancing around to be sure you’re alone. “No, not really any tongue. We were in a restaurant, and the vibe was kinda strange, so. It didn’t last long, but god, it was hot…” you trail off, reminiscing for just a second. You’re truly unable to get the feeling of his lips out of your head. “Yes, three brothers, two twins, one honorary brother that might as well be. I haven’t gotten a chance to truly get to know them all yet, so my details are skimpy. But listen, I’m trying to stay professional, okay–”
“Hun, if you’re lip-locking with that brown-eyed man on the first day you are wayyyyyyy past professional, I’m just saying,” she wails into a condescending laugh. 
“No I’m fucking not!” you yell back, fully prepared to tell her exactly why it was warranted. “Listen, here’s what happened…” you do as she says, and go into grave detail about the events on the plane, and in the restaurant, and the sweet additions to the playlist when you got back to your hotel room. You spared no detail because if Ruth is good at anything, it’s collecting specifics and cataloging them away, only to one day effortlessly put them all together into one big beautiful puzzle laid out for you on a shining silver platter. She has a knack for thinking of things realistically rather than living in a fairy tale, and you’re thankful for it. She keeps your sometimes wandering thoughts in check. 
“Shit, babe… what are you gonna do?” her voice was calmed now that you’ve caught her up. 
“I don’t know, everything is just… happening really fast.” The early evening breeze blows your hair, and you can hear the distant chatter of their fans lined up and camping just around the corner of the building. It’s almost showtime. 
“I know what’s gonna happen,” Ruth states matter of factly. “He’s gonna add another song soon, you watch.”
“You think? He left things kind of… awkward just now, I really don’t think that he meant what he said last night, he was just caught up in–”
“Y/N, he wouldn’t say he fully intends to kiss you after you tell him to Do It Again… men lie but that seems… I dunno…” she goes on. “Just, don’t make me wait so long between now and the next thing, okay? I know you’re busy kicking ass but please keep me informed…” she begs. 
“I will babe. I actually think it’s time for me to go. I promise I will text you tonight, okay?”
“I’ll be staring at my phone. Good luck,” she replies, and you end the call with a quiet goodbye. 
You take special care wrapping the steaming hot tea bag around the spoon, squeezing out the water before tossing it in the trash. Your eyes scan the table for the Whiskey, pouring in a shot or so to mix with the honey at the bottom. Josh’s instructions were very clear and you have made sure to follow them exactly, not wanting to miss a single step. You stir up the boiling hot drink and push it to the side, ready to start on Danny’s. You grab the metal cup and add a scoop of ice, your eyes searching for the bottle of Tequila. 
You feel your phone buzz in your back pocket as you pour the tequila into the cup, topping it off with soda water. You pull your phone out as you wait for the fizz to subside, but the sight on the screen steals away your focus. 
‘Jake Added A Song to Your Shared Playlist: 🐥’
Oh my god Ruth was right.
You quickly swipe open the notification with shaking hands, waiting as the shitty venue wi-fi tries to load the playlist. Isn’t he getting dressed right now? Isn’t he busy? Why is he doing this?
It finally loads and you scroll to the bottom, laughing to yourself as you see the song he added two minutes ago, ‘Back In Black’ by AC/DC. You know the song well, but much like you did last night, you search your mind for what he is trying to say. You think on the lyrics, nothing really sticking out to you in regards to the situation the two of you have found yourself in, but you press play anyway, listening to the familiar and catchy intro. It has to mean something, right? You nod your head along with the song as you finish making everyone’s drinks, blushing to yourself as you realize that he was thinking about you. 
Should you reply? Is there even a response to that? You don’t even really know what he is trying to say. You pick up your phone from the table and begin to search through your favorites, seeing if there is anything that could serve as a worthwhile reply but you’re quickly interrupted by the door being flung open and Paul grabbing your attention. 
“Two minutes ‘til stage, guys are walking,” he says, and just like that he disappears again. 
You shove your phone in your pocket and snatch up all the drinks, quickly following after him with your armful of drinks. Your heart starts to race, you can feel the adrenaline filling the building, the ground is rumbling with the sound of the intro music and the screams of anxious fans. 
You position yourself at the base of the stairs, knowing they will grab their drinks from you as they make their way onto the stage. The chaos and commotion backstage is overwhelming, and you find yourself starting to pick up on the nervous, frazzled energy. Sam is the first to spot you with an eager grin, plucking the grapefruit Topo Chico from your hand as he scurries across the stage to place it on his amp. Daniel is not far behind him, drumsticks in hand as he approaches you with a shy smile.
“One of those for me?” he asks playfully, reaching for his metal cup. 
“All yours! Have a good show!” you answer, watching him walk up the stairs and towards his kit. 
The lights are starting to dim, the music growing louder as the time draws closer. You don’t see Josh, or Jake for that matter, and you find it a little strange that there was no drink request for Jake, but you chalk it up to him likely not having time to drink much during the show. Suddenly Josh appears from the hallway, a vision in white satin, looking almost ethereal. He is frantically putting in his in-ears, and reaching for his mic, eyes locking on you as you hold out his tea towards him.
“Ahh, excellent, thank you so much, let’s have a good show, yeah?” he smiles, squeezing your shoulder as he bounds up the stairs to place his drink on Danny’s platform. You’re so caught up in watching Josh float around the stage in a cloud of white chiffon and crystals that you don’t notice that Jake is walking towards you. 
When you do turn around you find him only a few feet away, the stage lights catching the black beads of his suit coat, sparkling like onyx. The satin suit is fit to his body, leaving very little to the imagination. His jacket is open, his chest bare save for a few silver necklaces he seems to always be wearing. This is the most of him you’d seen at this point, and the definition of his chest and the lingering tan on his skin has you breaking out into a cold sweat. You swallow harshly as you see the eyeliner he has added to his waterline, and you feel yourself physically backing up to brace yourself on the stair rail behind you. Holy shit.
You find yourself wishing you had a drink for him, anything actually, just to have an excuse to talk to him. His guitar tech meets him as he walks, twisting the knob on his wireless receiver and handing Jake the vintage red Gibson. He tosses the strap over his shoulder, positioning it across his body and releasing his hair from beneath the strap. You watch him as he mouths a muffled ‘thank you’ to Johnny, giving him a grateful smile as he continues to walk.  
The stage lights behind you have shifted, and the music is coming to a close. He has to be on stage in seconds but it’s as if he is on his own time, moving so effortlessly through the dimly lit wing. The lights hit him just right and his eyes meet yours in a smug grin. Suddenly the song makes sense. His suit is completely custom, hand beaded, all black satin. Fucking hell, the cockiness of this man.
You expect him to climb the stairs to meet his brothers, but instead he steps up to you, resting his hand on the body of his guitar. “Nothing for me?” he asks, arching a brow and flashing you a sideways smile. 
“The– the list! There wasn’t anything on the list for you, I–”
The lights overhead are starting to flash, the crew calling for thirty seconds through the walkie-talkies. You glance around panicked that you clearly missed the memo on a drink for Jake. Fuck!
He smiles at you as he laughs, “I’m just kidding, I don’t put it on the list with theirs. I bring my own.”
“Well where is it?!” you ask, a hint of panic in your voice.
“Ah, I left it in the greenroom. Was a bit…busy with something else,” he says, trying to stifle a smile.
You can barely hear him, doing your best to read his lips over the shrill screaming coming from the crowd. He seems to sense this, leaning towards you and placing his hand on your shoulder. His lips brush against your ear as his fingertips press into your skin. You can feel his guitar pressed against your stomach, his fingers guarding the strings, “Do you know where my backpack is?” he asks, whispering into your ear. 
You shake your head, and truth be told the proximity of this man’s mouth to your body has you unable to even remember your own name, let alone where his backpack is. 
His fingers tap your shoulder as he holds it, pulling away his head just slightly to look at you. He licks his lips and leans back in, “It’s in the corner of the dressing room, by the couch. Go find it for me? My drink is in there.”
“Jake, stage left go,” the walkie calls out, and he pulls away again, giving you a smug smile.
You look at him, taking him in completely before he steps onto the stage. “Wait, Jake! Your in-ears! Where are your monitors?!” you shout in a panic.
He smiles and laughs as his hand squeezes your bicep, tilting his head down a little and letting his eyes peer into yours, “I don’t wear in-ears, baby.” 
He pulls away quickly, sprinting up the steps, looking over his shoulder at you one last time before disappearing out of view. Baby? Did he just call you baby? Your heart is pounding in your chest as you try to catch your breath. You feel frozen in place, only spinning your body enough to watch the four of them take their places on the platform at the back of the stage. Jake is on the very end, running a hand through his hair, just as the music stops and the curtain falls in front of them. The crowd screams violently as Josh starts to speak, nodding to Jake to kick things off. 
Danny jumps down off the platform and onto his kit, as Sam prances down the steps with his bass. The guitar sounds fill the venue as Jake starts to make his way down the shiny metallic steps. His eyes flick over to the side stage, catching yours for a moment as a smile lights up his face. You are in complete shock, surely this is not the man you kissed last night. The man that was stumbling over his words today, and pushing a pull door…? 
His hand lifts from the guitar for just a second as he motions a signal for ‘drink’ to you as if he’s holding an invisible cup to his lips. You quickly snap out of it when you remember his instructions. You tear yourself away, making your way back to the green room in search of his backpack. The room is quiet when you enter, empty, not a soul in sight. You can hear the rumble of the bass in your chest as your eyes scan the room for the black leather backpack, finally spotting it behind the couch. 
You walk over to it, crouching down in front of it and lifting the flap. You unzip the top finding it full to the brim. Your hands are shaking as you carefully sift through his things. His phone is on the very top of the pile, a black leather case with an embossed ‘JTK’ on the bottom right corner. Your heart flutters in your chest knowing that he adds the songs to your playlist from this very phone. You toss it aside, continuing to look through the bag, your fingers snagging on his tangled pile of headphones. You work quickly to untangle them, wrapping the cord around itself in a neat coil before dropping them back into the bag. Your hands find a change of clothes, a pair of black pants and a white t-shirt nestled under a pair of printed black boxers. Your breath catches as you realize what you’re touching but you try not to think too much of it. Find his drink. 
Your hands feel around at the very bottom of the bag, finding dozens of guitar picks, a capo, a few hair ties, what feels like maybe his wallet, a glasses case, and a passport book. Your fingers land on something glass, and you pull it from the bag, but quickly find out it’s not what you’re looking for. This is a bottle of cologne, fairly expensive from the looks of it. You look around the room before pulling off the small silver cap, and breathing in the scent you remember from last night. Fuck it smells so good. 
Put it away, Y/N. 
You push everything over to the other side of the bag, finally spotting what you were looking for front and center. You grab the neck of the wine bottle, pulling out the entirely full bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. Interesting choice for him, but you guess you don’t really know too much about him just yet.
You quickly zip up his bag and rush over to the drink table, grabbing the metal chalice and filling it to the brim with his white wine. It sloshes over the edge a bit as you rush back out to the stage, doing your very best not to spill it in its entirety before it even makes it to him. 
You’re positively out of breath by the time you make it to the stairs, your hand dripping with the sticky wine as you watch Jake just stepping into a guitar solo. He walks across the front of the stage engaging with the crowd on the barricade, his fingers moving faster than lightning through a song you can honestly say you’ve never heard. You know you will get to know these songs very well over the next few months, and what better way to hear them than live. 
You peek around the curtain as you watch him crouch down, standing quickly to throw his head back, the faint echo of his voice as he yells to his guitar drifting to the side stage. His body is covered in sweat and his hair sticks to his neck as he catches sight of you with his drink. You hear a few people talking behind you but you can’t seem to care, or rip your eyes away from him. He is a completely different person on stage than the man you sat next to on the plane, and even in the bar last night, and to be quite honest, you didn’t know which version of him you wanted more. 
The spotlight descends away from you as you finish out your solo, the crowd already going absolutely wild. It feels so good to be back here again, allowing yourself to get immersed in the feeling of the instrument in your hands and the effect it has on the people listening and watching. Sweat is already pouring from your face and chest, and you’re only three songs in. For a second, you’d completely forgotten that you’d sent Y/N on a mission for your drink. 
You hope she’s finding it, given you had kind of hidden the backpack behind a couch to stay out of plain sight. In the back of your mind, you quickly picture her picking through the bag stuffed with your things, and you smirk when you realize she probably is seeing a bit more into your personal life than she had anticipated, tonight. But for some reason, you don’t feel embarrassed by it. 
You back up toward your amps as Josh continues to sing, and you see her from the corner of your eye, standing side-stage with your chalice in hand. Oh, so she’s a good listener. Noted. 
Now that you aren’t at the center of attention, you realize you are a bit thirsty. The four of you finish out the song and the lights go down, and you take the opportunity to run to her to grab your drink. 
You haphazardly grab it as she hands it to you with utmost caution, handling it as if it were made of gold. 
“Shit!” You can’t help but laugh out loud, noticing that the rather large cup is filled all the way to the brim with your wine. You take a big gulp down to empty it a little. 
“Sorry, sorry careful, I didn’t know how much you wanted and I assumed you wouldn’t want refills!” she crams all her words together into one big sentence as you chuckle at her again. Damn, even in the dim lighting you can see how pretty she is. Your heart literally skips a beat as she finally meets your eyes. 
“S’okay, this is perfect. Thank you…” you whisper as you place a quick hand onto her waist, backing yourself away from her. Should you have touched her there? Maybe not, but it just happened. You make your way back over to set the cup down safely in a place you know it won’t spill. You make quick eye contact with Danny as he waits for you to cue him in to the next one, but his look is laced with something else, curiosity. He definitely saw your encounter. And he knows that you normally don’t place your hand ever-so-gently on your runner’s waists. Fuck fuck fuck. 
You return his prying eyes with an upturned chin, silently telling him to mind his own business. You finish out the show, feeling good again as you begin to show off just a little. You always show off, but for some reason, this time feels more important. You have someone to show off for. 
You glance to the side stage again and see that Y/N is standing with Ty, Mia, and Lyla as they watch the show. That feels strange, you think to yourself, seeing her grouped together with all your brothers’ significant others, getting along and talking closely. Your stomach churns at the thought of actually liking it. 
No, Jake. No. You know this isn’t right.
Twenty minutes later you find yourself waving goodbye to what was one hell of a crowd, and you join the other three as you descend the stairs to backstage. Your ears are ringing as you walk through the darkness toward the light of the hallway, realizing that she is the first person you see when you finally get there. She’s standing with Paul, listening to his instructions as she hands each of you a clean black towel. You’re last in line, and you grin a little as she tosses your towel to you instead of the gentle handoff she did for your brothers. 
The tiniest smile crosses her face as she keeps intent eye contact with Paul, taking in all of his words when you know her mind is racing with thoughts of you. Her face blushes with pink as you pass her. That wasn’t unnoticed, babe. 
You rush back to the green room to try and beat Danny to the shower, knowing that he is probably already stripped down and getting inside. When you find your prediction to be true, you decide to take off your jacket and kick back on the black leather couch to finish off your heavy-handed pour of wine. 
“You guys wanna go to this bar I found?” Josh proposes. 
“Bit dangerous right after a show, don’t you think?” Sam chimes as he hangs his satin jacket on the rolling rack. 
“This one is like, 6 blocks away and kind of hidden. Probably won’t be anyone there, I did some research.  Plus they have Fernet Branca. I need a few shots to keep this fuckin’ cold at bay,” Josh explains as Ty starts to help him remove the rhinestones from his face. 
“Bleugh, I don’t see how you drink that nasty shit,” Sam says with disgust. 
Josh scoffs at him. “Might be nasty, but it fucking works!”
You lean over the arm of the couch and retrieve your backpack, sifting through to find your clean change of clothes. You smile as you realize she more than likely saw your black boxers covered in flamingos. As you zip the bag back up, you notice your earbuds sitting at the bottom of the bag. They had been rolled into a perfect flat coil, with the wire tucked and tied into itself. Your heart sinks when you realize she had taken the time to sort them for you, probably remembering the mess of tangled wires on the plane. 
Should you add a song? 
No. You did already. Get it together. This woman has your mind running marathons. 
But a bar as a distraction? Perfect. 
“Yeah, let’s go check it out. I’m getting a shower,” you make the executive decision as you stand from the couch, slapping Danny’s towel-covered ass as you pass him on your way to the bathroom. 
“Jake, you comin’ or what?” Sam asks, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. 
“Yeah, give me a sec,” you answer, pretending to fumble through your backpack. He nods and heads out the door with Lyla, leaving you alone in the greenroom. 
You haven't seen Y/N since you came off the stage, panting, filled with adrenaline, and in desperate need of a towel. You showered quickly and changed into your clothes, hoping you wouldn’t miss her coming into the green room. You were going to ask her to join you at the bar, and you were hoping she would say yes. Though, you haven’t seen her, and now thirty minutes have passed and the van is leaving. You consider sending her a text, but remember there was no response to your last song. It had been your feeble attempt to lighten the tension from earlier in the day, so you figure you should let it be. Tonight was probably crazy for her, and you want her to ride the post show high as long as she can. 
You throw your backpack over your shoulder and make the trek to the van, finding everyone rearing and ready to hit the bar. A drink does sound good, a stiff one. You slam the door shut and let out a sigh, feeling the van pull out of the gates and into traffic. You see a few fans lined up against the fence hoping to catch a peek at the four of you, so you all wave through the window praying they won’t follow you. 
You kick yourself for being this caught up over a woman you met only yesterday. This was not supposed to happen. You wanted to clear your head, not screw it up even more. You took in a deep breath, letting it pass through your lips as the van rounded the corner and came to a stop in front of the bar. You couldn’t read the name of the bar, something foreign in burned out neon, but Josh seemed to know that you were at the right place. You all stepped out of the van, making your way into the decently crowded bar. You were thankful that no one seemed to notice you, the group of you making your way to the back of the bar and piling into a round wooden booth. 
Josh volunteers to grab the first round, and you signal to him for your usual, not needing to say a word for him to understand. Lyla and Mia instantly strike up a conversation about the show, Sam and Daniel hanging on their every word. You listen to what they’re saying, pretending to be engaged in the conversation, but your mind wanders quickly. The exhaustion of your body is starting to set in, mixed with the already present jet lag, you feel yourself spiraling quickly. You know that drink will bring you back to life though, and you hope Josh hurries. 
You wonder where Y/N is. What she is doing. What she thought of the show. If she felt that same electricity you did when you touched her. You quickly shake your head of the thoughts, returning to the present when Josh sets your drink down in front of you. 
He and Ty slide in next to you as the rest of the group starts to sip on their own drinks. You straighten in your seat, trying to give everyone a little more space as Josh starts to speak. 
“Hell of a kick off…” 
“Yeah, no fuck ups either,” Sam adds, elbowing Danny. 
“Jake? Notes?” Josh nods, waiting for you to add your two cents.
“Yeah, yeah I think it was a good show, need to keep that energy for the rest of the run. Think that transition from Heat Above to Highway could be a little tighter if we’re gonna keep that on the set, but–” 
“You seemed especially talkative tonight, thought I was gonna have to turn my monitors up to drown out your screaming,” Josh jokes. You cut your eyes at him in annoyance. It’s not like you could help it. 
“Only screaming to drown out the sound of your voice, brother,” you quip, taking a sip of your drink. Tequila soda, extra lime.
“Please, I think you were just having a little Jake moment because of a certain someo–”
“Fuck off, Josh, seriously,” you spit. 
“Oh, who, the runner? Y/N?” Danny asks, turning to face you with a shit eating grin. 
“Yep.” Josh answers, popping the ‘p’.
You send a threatening look to Josh, and he knows he needs to drop it. “I don’t know what you’re all on and on about. Can you just drop it? Christ.”
“You sure man? I saw that little exchange side stage. Looked more than friendly,” Danny adds, and of course you knew it was coming. 
Lyla sends you a questioning look, and you quickly look away before she has time to examine things any further. Her gaze travels to Mia, the two of them looking at each other before turning back to you. 
“Anyway, Daniel…you and Sam need to watch my cue for Highway, I’ll let Josh do his little spiel, he’ll signal me, and I’ll signal you. I don’t think anyone noticed tonight, but let's not do that again, yeah?”
Everyone nods in agreement as you toss back the rest of your drink in frustration. You motion for Josh and Ty to let you out, desperate to get out of this booth and get another drink. You make your way to the bar, standing amongst the other patrons waiting their turn. You pull your phone from your pocket, hoping to see something, anything from her, but it's empty, the same as it was ten minutes ago. Should you text her?
No. Stop thinking about her, fuck. 
You order a new drink, a double this time, hoping it will help you clear your head of this woman. You weave through the crowd with your drink in hand as you make your way back to the table, however when it comes into sight you see none other than Paul, Wes and Y/N standing in front of it. 
You take a large sip from your glass, clearing your throat and trying to regain your composure. You definitely weren’t expecting her to show up. A wave of nerves washes over you as you see her standing there, dark jeans and a black top, her hair hanging down her back in waves. Your eyes travel straight back to her ass, hugged so perfectly in her jeans you almost have to head to the bathroom to fix yourself. You drag your eyes back up towards the table, your chest growing warm as you watch her talk to Josh, secretly wishing it was you. 
You approach the group, laying a hand on Paul's shoulder to get his attention. He turns to you and shakes your hand with a smile, followed by Wes. You slide into the booth next to Mia, setting your drink in front of you as Josh continues to talk to Y/N. 
“Y/N, why don’t you hang with us? We’re more fun than these old guys,” Josh laughs, playfully slapping Paul’s arm. 
She turns to look at Paul who is shrugging his shoulders and nodding, “Wouldn’t hurt to get to know these fools.”
You can see a look of hesitation on her face, her eyes flick to Josh and Sam, then to Daniel and finally to you. They linger for a second before she nods her head, agreeing to spend her evening with the group of you. She takes a seat next to Ty as he pushes Josh over to make room for her. You smile a little watching her get settled, pushing her hair behind her ear as she nervously peers up at you from across the table. The corner of your lip turns up as you look at her, and hers does the same. You know that all eyes are on you now, though, so you try to seem as casual as possible. 
“You need a drink?” you ask, letting your eyes meet hers, almost sparkling in the bar lighting. So fucking pretty, fuck. You are so, so fucked.  
She shrugs and nods, looking around at what everyone else is drinking as she bites her lips. “How about a Tito’s and Sprite, two limes?” she asks, almost as if nervous to say it.
You nod your head once, silently commending her for not ordering a fucking cranberry vodka. 
“Got it, anyone else?” you ask, looking at the group as they shake their heads. 
“I’ll be back,” you say, standing from the booth and making your way back to the bar you just came from. You don’t have to wait long this time, ordering her drink and making sure they don’t skip on the limes. You’re kind of glad you are the one getting her drink, giving you another minute or two to shake the nerves in your system that arose just from seeing her. 
You glance over your shoulder towards the booth, watching as she talks animatedly with everyone at the table. You feel a little twinge of happiness as you look at her, seeing her fit in so effortlessly with the group. You grab the glass off the bartop and start to make your way back over to them, weaving through a thick crowd of people congregating in the middle of the bar. 
You place her drink in front of her before taking your seat again, her cheeks blushed pink as she looks at you. “Just let me know how much and I can venmo whoever.”
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I got it,” you answer, giving her a tight lipped smile. 
“I was just telling Y/N that I’m gonna have to fire Mia and hire her to start making me drinks from now on. Your wine glass was practically overflowing all night,” he laughs as Mia scoffs. He tosses his arm around her, kissing her cheek as he whispers in her ear. 
“To be fair, I did drink it all,” you offer, tipping your head towards her. Her cheeks are red, and you can tell she’s a little embarrassed about the whole thing. She sips at her drink, swallowing down the bubbly alcohol. You can see her tension ease a little as she puts down the glass, her eyes meeting yours again. The moment is quickly zapped as Josh grabs her attention. 
“You know, I did happen to look over and see you a few times. Seemed like you were enjoying the show,” Josh pauses, smiling at her, “Thought I was going to have to come pick your jaw up off the ground after The Archer.”
Her face blushes a deep red now, clearly embarrassed that Josh caught her in what she thought was a private moment. Part of you wants to jump over the table and choke him, but you don’t, just clearing your throat instead to warn him. Y/N sips her drink a little faster now through a laugh, clearly needing it to kick in a little quicker. 
She was really watching you? 
“Yeah, you were kinda on one tonight, weren’t you Jake?” Daniel adds, chewing the end of the straw in his drink. “They were crazy over on your side. You were givin’ it to ‘em.”
“S’that why you were showing out tonight? Trying to impress all your little fans?” Sam adds, quirking an eyebrow at you. 
Josh scoffs a laugh and raises his eyebrows, looking over to Y/N, “Oh, I’m thinking it was someone else entirely, Sammy boy.”
Instinctively your foot connects with his leg as you kick him in an effort to shut him up. Your eyes flick over to Y/N, clearly uncomfortable and deeply embarrassed, on her first night no less. Her eyes start to flick around the table as everyone looks at her, before falling down to the table as she runs her finger around the rim of her glass. 
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N,” Mia jumps in. “They spend 50% of their time bagging on each other and the other 50% trying to embarrass us.” Her act of heroism obviously makes Y/N feel a little more comfortable, and you realize that sometimes you and your brothers truly have no filters at all. “Just tell them to fuck off.” She adds a wave of her hand through the air, showing that she was used to it, now. 
“Oh shit, heard about your little situation at the bar last night, Y/N. Heard there was some trouble,” Sam says, leaning into the table as the volume of the crowd starts to drown him out. “Glad Jake was able to come to your rescue.” God damnit, do they ever shut up?
“Oh yeah, Y/N you can always call Dean and tell him where you’re going so you don’t have to deal with Jake if you need something. I’m sure Dean is a lot more pleasant than Jake is at midnight, anyway,” Josh barks, sending another shooting wave of annoyance through your chest. Little did he know that you were perfectly fucking pleasant with her at midnight last night. More than pleasant, actually. 
“I’ll remember that next time, Josh,” she replies, a little sound of defeat in her voice.
You know what Josh’s next move is going to be, he’s going to start prying her with questions of what exactly happened. He knows you gave him the condensed version, and knowing him, he’s bound and determined to get the truth out of one of you. So you decide to stop him before he starts. 
“Yeah, it wasn’t a big deal, I had just downed a drink before she texted, I hardly remember telling the guy to fuck off. We can just pretend the whole thing never even happened, right Y/N?” you propose, immediately regretting the words as soon as they slipped from your mouth. You didn’t want to pretend it never happened. You’ve relived it over and over and over since it did…
Her face falls a bit as she nods her head. “Yeah, no. Never even happened. I’ll…remember not to bother you next time. Knee-jerk reaction.” Her voice is a bit pointed as she tries to defend herself without being too bitchy about it. You watch as she bites the insides of her cheeks, probably wanting to lash out at all of you. She felt threatened by that guy, and she called for help. You feel like shit, she texted you because she was panicked, and was most familiar with you… hell, you’d just spent an entire day on the plane together. She probably doesn’t even have Dean’s number yet…shit. Your choice of words had bitten you in the ass yet again. You’ve definitely fucked up. 
But the guys absolutely can not know that you kissed her…
The conversation thankfully takes a turn and you’re able to disassociate from it for a minute, watching as she struggles to stay involved, while also completely avoiding eye contact with you. Yeah, definitely fucked up. 
She finishes the rest of her drink and slides out from the booth, excusing herself to the restroom. She flips her hair behind her shoulder and tosses her purse over it too, and you find yourself wishing that you could reach out and grab her hand to stop her. Her eyes stay fixed to the floor as she flits away into the crowd, completely disappearing from your view. 
The minutes pass by as you flow in and out of the conversations, your subconscious reminding you every so often that she isn’t back yet. Your eyes repeatedly scan the crowd and over to Paul and Wes, and each time you find them still seated alone at the bar. Where did she really go? 
You start to get anxious as you finally decide to say fuck it. You pull the tiny pointless straw from your drink, biting it between your teeth as you pull your phone from your pocket, bringing up her text thread. 
12:29AM: Where did you go?
You chomp the straw nervously as you move it around in your mouth, feeling it poking and prodding against your gums. You watch your message turn to read, but no reply bubble pops up. You’re facing the door, and you haven’t seen a soul pass through it, so you know she hadn’t snuck out. Seven entire more minutes go by, and you realize she’s not going to respond. You need to make this right. You need to tell her last night meant more than nothing to you. 
Suddenly you get the brazen idea to go ahead and add another song to the playlist, thinking that maybe since it worked last night…
You pull up your music app and hit the search box, already knowing exactly what song you are going to add. ‘Go Outside’ by The Cults. Perfect. Straight and to the point. 
Josh continues to finish out a story you’d already heard twice today as your knee begins to bounce up and down with anticipation. Sure enough, a few minutes later, you get the notification that she, too, has added another song. Yes. Fucking finally.  
‘Gone’ by JR JR magically appears at the bottom of the playlist, and you can’t stop the confused scowl that crosses your face. What the fuck? There’s no way she’s gone… You’ve been watching the door…
You decide to cut the shit, and text her. If anything, you’ll apologize for how everything had gone, and let her continue on with her night. You couldn’t go another second without letting her know how sorry you were that things had gone so awry. You pull up your text thread, seeing the urgent messages from last night still present on your screen. 
12:42AM: I know you’re not gone, I’m facing the door. Meet me out back, please?
You don’t even stick around to wait for her reply as you lock your phone and slam it onto the table, standing from your seat to hurriedly head out to the back patio area. “I’ll be back, going for a smoke,” you announce, and thankfully, no one says they want to join you. 
You make your way to the back door, pushing through the heavy metal and into the enclosed seating area. The cold breeze almost takes your breath away. You find that it is fairly big, but thankfully completely empty. The concrete slab is lined with old picnic tables and rickety bar stools that look like they’ve seen better days. You take a seat on top of one of the tables, sliding a blunt out of your front pocket and lighting it to life, letting the smoke fill your lungs and hopefully give you the courage to speak your mind freely. 
Come on, Y/N, don’t let me down…
You look up from the cherried tip of the blunt, hearing a pair of boots making their way across the concrete. You look at her as she makes her way towards you, the wind blowing her hair across her face. The sleeves on her shirt are surely not thick enough to brave the cold air, and you find yourself smiling as you remember finding her in the same predicament on the plane. You blow out a ribbon of smoke from your lips just as she steps up to you, her face a little sullen and her cheeks still flushed. You didn’t know if she was going to come. You hoped she would, and now that she has, it’s time to fix things. 
She crosses her arms across her chest, her hands rubbing her arms to ward off the cold. You place the blunt between your lips as you slide your corduroy over your arms and toss it around her. She doesn’t fight you this time, she accepts it, sticking her arms through the sleeves and pulling it tightly across her chest. Your heart beats a little faster seeing her wrapped in it as you pinch the blunt between your fingers. 
“So you didn’t leave after all…” you say, turning to look at her. She doesn’t really answer you, just looks down at the glowing blunt in your hand. You can tell she wants to say something, but she’s not letting herself, and you want to know why. 
“Why did you say that you did?” you ask, flicking the ash with your thumb. 
She bites her lip as she turns out to look out into the distance. She takes in a deep breath and lets it out, turning back to look at you. “Because I was embarrassed. Those people in there? They are my bosses. You are my boss. Now, their first real impression of me is that I’m some helpless idiot that needs a man to rescue her. That I am some dim-witted awestruck groupie or something. I just– This is not the first impression I wanted to make, not with them, and definitely not with you.”
You immediately stop her, knowing that her fears are completely unwarranted. “No, no. None of that is true. None of us think that. I swear. They are just picking on you because they actually do like you. You heard Mia. You would know if they didn’t. I promise. You were amazing today, truly. You made a great first impression with them. And with me,” you offer, hoping it will ease her anxiety. 
She nods a little, giving you a shy smile as you nod back at her hoping to bring her out of her shell a bit. “Did you like the show, at least? Ignore what Josh said, he’s an idiot.”
“Yeah, yeah I did. Jake, you…” she pauses, shaking her head to try and articulate her thought, “You were like a completely different person up there, I–”
You swallow nervously, licking your lips, “Yeah that, kinda happens. I don’t know why or how, but something changes when I’m out there with my guitar. But, I promise it’s still normal me under all of it,” you respond, nudging her arm with your elbow, trying to get a smile out of her. 
She smiles enough that you let it go, but you can tell that she’s still shaken from earlier, and you know it’s time to make your amends. “The stuff inside with the guys…That’s not what’s bothering you, is it…” you pause, meeting her eyes, “It’s what I said.”
She nods a little, shrugging her shoulders as if she’s nervous to admit it, and you feel a shock of guilt run through you. You blow out a stream of smoke into the air above you, reaching your hand out to softly touch her arm as she sits on the stool in front of you. 
“It’s not true, what I said. I– didn’t mean that,” you confess, your voice a little lower and more sincere. 
Her eyes flick up to yours, “Which thing? That it wasn’t a big deal or that you want to pretend it never happened?” 
Fuck, you did say that earlier. You lean a little closer to her, letting your hand slide beneath her elbow and over her arm again, “Both. I actually haven’t stopped thinking about it. About you…about these…” you answer, bringing your hand up to cup her cheek, letting your thumb swipe over her bottom lip. “Not for a single second.”
Her lips are soft, a little wet. You can smell the vodka on her breath and goddamn if that doesn’t make you want her more for some reason. You want to taste her, but you need to devour her. 
A smile crosses her lips, as she moves closer to you, “I was kinda wondering if you were going to make good on that text, or if it was just for show.”
You huff a laugh as you flick at the blunt again, “Well, as you saw, I do enjoy the show, but I keep my word. I meant what I said last night.”
Your eyes are dark and demanding as they look into hers. You feel her hand meet yours, plucking the blunt from your fingers and placing the tip between her pink lips, “So did I.”
She takes a long drag from the blunt, holding her breath and letting the tobacco and earth flavored smoke swirl through her lungs. She places it back in your mouth, blowing the stream of smoke over her shoulder as she leans onto the table with challenging eyes. You feel her fingertips barely tap on your lips as you take the blunt back, and the icy contact sets off an alarm in your mind to get her somewhere warm. 
You hit the blunt one last time before dabbing it out on the tabletop, flicking the burnt-out paper to somewhere unknown. You stand quickly from the table, gripping her hand in yours as you pull her from the barstool. “C’mon,” you murmur, feeling the blood begin to rush through your body with anticipation. You begin leading her over to a door on the corner of the patio, again looking to see if anyone was around. 
“Where are we going?” she breathes. You squeeze her hand, realizing that you’d already intertwined her fingers with yours, just as you had last night on the walk back to the hotel. 
You pull the door open, letting the outside light barely illuminate the small bathroom. You do a quick check to make sure it isn’t trashed or occupied, and you pull her inside, shutting the door behind you. The small room is completely dark, devoid of any and all light at all, except for the tiniest sliver of ambient light coming from under the door. You stand with your hands still wrapped up in hers, and what felt like only inches away judging from the feeling of her breath hitting your lips.
“Wanna make good on my word…” you breathe, the sound of your heart racing in your ears. 
“...In a bathroom, Jake? She giggles anxiously, but you know she doesn’t really mean it. 
You let your hand follow the sound of her words, cupping her jaw again as you bring her into closer proximity. Your thumb brushes her lips again, and you can feel it trembling just a little. Or, maybe it's your hand shaking…the nerves rising up have you feeling light headed. There has never been another woman that makes you react like this. Ever. 
“Did you have somewhere else in mind?” you ask, bringing your lip between your teeth as you hear her breath catch, and feel her head shake side to side. 
You feel her tiptoe just a little bit, bringing her forehead to balance on yours. Your noses graze just barely, and her chest rests across yours, heaving steadily along with each breath the both of you take. Don’t fuck this up, Jake… 
“No, this is perfect,” she whispers, her lips finally making the smallest contact with yours. You feel all of your nerves at attention, every hair on your body standing on end with anticipation for touching her; feeling just the bare minimum of her body was already sending your nervous system into overdrive. Your fingertips tighten on her cheek as you finally close the gap, feeling her plush lips pressing into yours for the second time in twenty four hours. She’s soft and inviting, the feeling of her just the same as it was last night, except now without the element of forced surprise. She feels natural and normal, like you’re meeting her again for the first time after a lifetime spent apart. 
It’s like a dream, except the dream quickly turns into the most devious nightmare as she turns up the heat of the kiss. Her tongue presses gently into your mouth, and you’re allowed your first taste of her. Sweet and sour- her natural essence mixed with the limes that were in her drink… the smell of her perfume, the inability to see her face… it was all making your head spin and your vision blur.
The kiss is heated already, like she had been wanting it just as badly as you had. Your mouths crash onto one another's, her hands quickly finding your shoulder and waist as the smallest sound escapes her throat. She pulls you in toward her, her knee slipping in between your legs. Fuck, she feels good. You grasp her up in your arms, pulling her in more tightly as you begin pushing her backward toward the wall. You feel her gently bump into it, and you take the opportunity to move things in a bit more. 
Swiftly, but with the utmost caution, you press her body into the wall, letting your lips trail just a little further from her mouth, down onto her jawline. “This okay?” you mutter, your lips now brushing right below her ear. You feel her body react, her muscles tensing up from your words. 
You feel her head nod, “Yeah, yes. It’s… Keep–”
Her words stop short as you embrace her again, finding the kiss to have deepened even more since she gave you the go-ahead. Her hands slip up underneath your shirt, and you can feel the light scratch of her nails across your stomach. You swear you could come undone right then and there, but you hold back, taking a deep breath through your nose as you try to regain your composure. Hardly anything has even happened, and you’re already contemplating how you were going to best satisfy her tonight. 
Your hands are begging to feel her skin, so you let them… your calloused fingertips creeping up under her tight black shirt just as hers had just done, her waist thick with soft muscle under the grip of your hands. You squeeze, committing the feeling of her in your grasp to the darkest parts of your memory. Fuck, you wish you could see her. 
You part, stepping back just as you grip both of her hips in your hands, jerking her harshly into you. “Why did you say you left when you didn’t?” you ask, trying like hell to catch your breath. 
“I was leaving…” she mumbles, pressing her center right back onto you. God, fuck. “I got a phone call.” 
“From who?” you bite, your teeth clenched as you stop your eyes from rolling back in your head from the feel of her pressed against you.
“A friend.”
You huff an exasperated breath. “A friend who?”
She bucks her hips forward again, and the movement sends a surge of blood flow straight to your dick; you know for a fact she can tell how hard you are, now. “Do you really want me to answer that, or do you want to keep kissing me?”
You growl with aggravation, gripping her shoulders and pulling her away from the wall, up against the bathroom sink. You press your lips to hers again as her hands grip into your hair, pulling at the strands as you fight each other for dominance over the kiss. You can feel her fingers entangling themselves at the back of your neck as she pulls you in, unable to get you close enough. 
She breaks away for a second, and you feel immediate sadness at the loss of contact. “To answer your first question, I said I left because... I wanted to see if you would follow me.”
“I would have,” you answer with no hesitation whatsoever.
You click your tongue, knowing that you aren’t in a position to go into detail about your unexpected, but not unwanted feelings for her. “I can’t answer that question at the moment, but when I can, I’ll let you know,” you explain, earning yourself a pissed-off laugh from her. 
“Don’t scoff at me, little fledgling,” you tease, running your tongue up the side of her neck. She chills under your touch, playfully pushing your shoulders back. 
You reach down, gripping the backs of her thighs as you lift her onto the marble countertop, pushing her knees apart to find your place between them again. You gently jerk her forward, letting her center meet up with yours at the most perfect height. The sound that escapes her is nothing short of the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard, and you part your lips, drinking her noises in and swallowing them down to live within you for as long as she’d let them. 
You press yourself into her harder now, rolling your hips a bit as you start to lose all composure. Fuck, whenever this does finally happen, it’s gonna be good… Your hands are traveling all over her body that’s still covered in your heavy corduroy jacket, and you can feel the heat radiating from your bodies and warming up the otherwise chilled room. You want to feel her, you want to reach down and feel your clothed bodies touching one another, but you stop yourself. Instead, you grip your hands into her thighs, moving them higher and higher until they’re rested at the crease where her legs meet her ass. You want so much to keep going, keep wrapping your hands and digging your fingertips and exploring all that you could, but again, you slow your movements. 
You gingerly stop your grip, instead trailing your hands lightly from her hips, up her sides and shoulders, back up to cup both of her cheeks in your hands, slowing the intense make-out into a soft subtle kiss. 
“What’s wrong, Jake? Why–”
“Not here. Not like this…” you answer, and if you could see her, you swear you would have seen the same look of defeat as you’d seen earlier. Except this time, for a better reason than the first. You back away a little, feeling her body language fall. 
“You’re right, you’re right,” she agrees, hopping down from the sink. “This… isn’t the best setup.”
You adjust yourself in your jeans as you laugh, “Oh, it’s the perfect setup. I just… ya know…”
“People are probably wondering how you made a smoke last this long,” she whispers.
You laugh again, taking her in a sincere embrace, letting her face bury into your chest. “Yeah, exactly.” You sway a couple of seconds as the both of you come down from the heavy session, and you can still feel her heart beating erratically as she presses against you. You lurch down and take her chin between your fingers, bringing your lips to hers in a soft and sweet kiss. 
“Been thinking about doing that every single second since last night,” you admit quietly.
She laughs shyly. “Can’t believe I just made out with my boss…”
 “Hey, cut that boss shit. Paul is your boss. I’m your…”
“I’m the one that hired your boss. Get it straight,” you pick, feigning cockiness. 
“Oh please…” she laughs, pushing you hard against the wall in the still blacked-out room.
“Let’s get out of here,” you say as you move toward the door to make your grand escape, with all intentions to go ahead and make the trek back to the hotel by yourselves. The two of you step out of the bathroom and back onto the patio, fixing your tousled hair and unkempt clothes. As you round the corner, you’re stopped dead in your tracks as you meet eyes with the last person you wanted to see out here. 
Josh is leaned against the same picnic table that you’d extinguished your blunt on, legs crossed at the ankle as he hugs his arms on his chest. The smug fucking smile on his face was enough to turn your raging libido into straight nausea. He holds your phone into the air, shaking it side to side as the screen lights up. 
“You left this on the table, it’s been blowing up. Thought you might wanna answer it after the…third consecutive call, but now I see that you were otherwise occupied…” he snaps, his tone anything but playful. You snatch it from his hand, glancing at the screen to see a string of missed calls and texts, but most notably of them all is a text from Y/N telling you she was on her away to meet you outside. Shit. Your eyes flick to Josh’s, and you can read his expression like a book. He raises his eyebrows as he bites a smile, as if he’s saying ‘caught ya’.
You feel Y/N still standing behind you, most likely also unable to move from her stance. You watch as Josh nods to her, then brings his fingers to his mouth, motioning that he’s locking his lips, and throwing away the key. He turns and slowly walks back inside the bar, not uttering another word.
You feel her hand on your back, “Why did he do that?” she asks, a crease between her brows. 
Goddammit Josh. 
“I don’t know,” you snap, your voice a little harsher than you intended. It's a lie though, you know exactly why he did it. 
You turn around to face her, running your hands up and down over her arms to warm her up, “I don’t know what’s up with him tonight, maybe you should spare yourself. Head back early…”
She seems a little taken aback at your suggestion, stepping back a few steps. “Oh, um, yeah you’re right, I should– I should probably go. I have some... stuff I need to do anyway.”
You can feel the nervous energy flowing from her body as her legs continue to move backwards. You don’t want her to leave, but you see no way around it now.
“Be safe, call if you need us,” you say, shoving your hands in your pockets. 
She hesitates before turning away completely, almost as if she was waiting to see if you were planning to join her. You want to. You want to take her back to her room and finish what you started, but you can’t. You know Josh is waiting for you, counting each second until you step through that door. 
She stops, turning back to you, “Oh, your jacket…”
“Keep it. I’ll get it later,” you say, lifting your hand and waving.
Her eyes meet yours again as she nods, a hint of sadness beneath them. Fuck fuck fuck.
You watch her walk back inside, disappearing through the door. You wait a minute or two before you make your way back inside, seeing Josh sitting in the booth alone. You mumble a curse under your breath as you slide into the booth across from him, drinking the water of the melted ice from your abandoned drink. 
Josh is staring at you as he sips his drink, his eyes drifting over towards the bar where Ty and the rest of the group have gathered. He looks back to you as he sets his drink on the table and folds his hands together. 
“So yeah, how’s that break going, Jacob? Pretty good it seems?” he pauses, shaking his head, “You really are getting your head straight or whatever the fuck it is you told her.”
You toss your head back in annoyance. This fucker thinks he knows everything. 
“Listen to me,” you demand, your voice growing deep. “You need to stay the fuck out of it. I’m dealing with it. Do you hear me?”
He blows you off, scoffing under his breath. 
“Do you hear me, Josh,” you growl.
He drags his eyes back to yours, dark and piercing, “Yeah, Jacob. I hear you. But answer me this, when was the last time you spoke to her?”
It feels like a punch in the gut as you answer, “None of your fucking business.”
“No, no, see it is kind of my business, seeing as how you’ve been–”
“No, you know what, I’m not doing this. I’m leaving, I’ll see you in the morning,” you spit, standing from the booth and grabbing your things. 
“Don’t be that guy, Jake.”
You suck your teeth and nod at him with a fake smile as you turn to head toward the door. 
Fucking prick, thinks he gets to call the shots in everyones life. Fuck him.
The walk to the hotel is short, the cold air cutting through you like a knife, but you’re glad she has your jacket. You know that when you get it back it will smell like her, and that alone makes this icy wind worth it. 
Your mind drifts as you walk, your brain replaying the image of her in the bathroom. The way her lips felt, the way she tasted. The feeling of her skin in your hands. You have half a mind to run straight to her, pick up where you left off, but after the look on her face you aren’t sure you can. 
Your phone starts to buzz in your pocket as you draw closer to the hotel, a persistent buzz indicating a phone call, not a text. You pull it from your pocket seeing the name on the Caller ID for what has to be the fourth time tonight. You curse as you slide your finger across the screen answering the call. 
“Hey baby, I didn’t think you were gonna pick up!” her familiar voice says. 
“Wonder what could have possibly given you that idea,” you gripe in response. 
“Sorry, I’m just missing you. Haven’t heard from you…” she whines. 
“Yes, Isla. That is exactly the point of a break. To not hear from me,” you snap. 
“But Jake, I thought you’d at least tell me you made it. I’ve been worried and you turned off your location and everything, I just miss you,” she continues, her voice suddenly grating on your nerves. 
“Isla, Christ…What are you not getting?”
“Do you not miss me?” she asks, fishing for a reciprocated sentiment. 
Your phone buzzes in your hand as you start to answer, pulling it away just enough to see the notification banner at the top. 
‘Y/N Added A Song to Your Shared Playlist: 🐥’
Your heart lurches in your chest when you read it, and whatever Isla is saying turns into a hum of noise.
“Jake? Are you listening to me?” she asks, her tone annoyed. 
“What? Yeah, I hear you. Look I uh, it’s late here. I just got back to the hotel. I’ll call you soon, okay?” you ask, trying to calm her enough to get off the phone.
“I know we’re on a break, Jake, but you know I still love you.” 
“Yeah, yeah I know, hey I’m getting on the elevator, I’m about to lose you. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
You hear her sigh, “Okay, bye babe.”
“Bye,” you say, hitting the red button and ending the call. 
“Fuck me, FUCK me!” you shout, the elevator doors closing in front of you. You hit the nine button letting it carry you up to your floor. This has got to stop.
You immediately open the notification from Y/N, waiting for the playlist to load. You watch as the songs start to populate one by one, the last and most recent one finally loading as you step out of the elevator on your floor. Your heart drops as you read the name of the song you know all too well. ‘High and Dry’ by Radiohead. 
Fucking hell. How many times are you going to screw it up with this girl? 
You press play, letting the somber and melancholy tune play through the speakers as you fumble around for your hotel room key. The lyrics swirl through your ears as you realize that you did exactly what the song says. You left her high and dry in order to cover your own ass. You’ve given her a hundred reasons to never speak to you again, and you wouldn’t blame her if she did.
You make the walk down the hallway, spotting your room, but stopping short when your eyes land on her hotel room door just a few steps away. You know she is just behind that door, probably in bed, wondering what she did wrong. Fuck. 
Your mind flashes back to last night, when you wanted to kiss her again, standing at that very door. But tonight, you did. You kissed her again and fuck if it wasn’t even better than the first time. You had every intention of taking her back here tonight. Every single intention of doing whatever she asked of you. In the matter of twenty-four hours she had you completely wrapped around her finger. You’d give her anything she wanted. You want her, badly, but you just can’t seem to stop fucking it up. And now that Josh knows, you know that it will only be a matter of time before everyone knows.
You bite your lips together as you pull your room key from your pocket, looking at the shiny white plastic in your hand as your heart pounds in your chest. Your eyes flick to your door for just a moment then back to her door only a few measly steps away. The song ends as you look down at the phone in your hand.
Should you reply? Should you go to her? Should you let it be?
You know what you want to do, and you know what you should do. 
But the real question is what will you do?
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majesty31 · 7 months
𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝟹/?
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𝒂/𝒏: 𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔, 𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑰 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕. 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟒. 𝑺𝒐 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒍, 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒎��𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ��𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓, 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕. 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓? 𝑶𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕?
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔/𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕: 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓, 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 𝟐.𝟒𝒌
← 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 | 𝑵𝒆𝒙𝒕 →
The further Jacob drove from Emilys the more the pit in your stomach grew, the more you felt a sense of loneliness and incompletion. And if you were being completely honest you were freaking out. You tried to keep your mind off of it but it was only making you think about it more, your hands were fiddling with anything you found in the truck and your heartbeat was getting faster and faster.
Jacob was trying his best to keep you calm while also keeping himself calm as Bella kept asking if you were okay, but this led to both of them talking over each other and soon Bella started getting mad. After maybe 10 minutes of both of them arguing over what the hell just happened you snapped.
"Stop the truck!" You yelled, making both of them stop talking.
"We're in the middle of the bridge-"
"Stop the fucking truck!" The truck came to a halt on the side of the road and you were quick to get out of the stuffy cage. You took in a deep breath as you walked around the truck and onto the empty road. You felt overwhelmed with emotion, something you've never felt in your life and it scared the shit out of you.
You wanted to scream and shout, you wanted to take this awful feeling out of your chest and you wanted to punch Paul. Who even was Paul? You didnt know a single thing about him. Not one. And now Jacob was telling you that he was your soulmate. It was laughable.
Everything was laughable. And before you could stop yourself from acting like a crazy person you bursted out laughing, and you couldn't seem to stop yourself. You covered your mouth as Jake and Bella came closer to you.
When you looked up you saw where you were. It was the same bridge you stopped at when you saw Embry and the rest of the pack Cliff jumping. When you saw Paul Cliff jumping, and the thought of him made you start crying.
You felt Jake pull you towards him, he wrapped his arms around you as you put your face into his super warm chest. Yours hands were still covering your mouth as he hugged you tighter.
He kissed the top of your head before placing his cheek on your head, giving you maybe one of the best hugs you've ever received. You didn't even know how much you needed it until this moment.
Jacob stayed over that night, he was explaining imprinting in greater detail since now you were apart of it, since now you had been imprinted on. You weren't as freaked out anymore, you were more calm and collected.
Yes you did have a couple of mental breakdowns since being in your room, you honestly didn't know how to handle it. It didn't make sense to you how you accepted Vampires and Werewolves being real but this is where you freaked. Maybe because it involved you, and your life and your family.
The more Jacob explained the anger you got. Being imprinted on made it feel as if it wasn't your choice for whom you loved, and yes you could reject him but that would be so much worse for him then for you and you just couldn't do that to him. As much as you disliked him and even though you didn't know a thing about him you still felt connected to him in a way.
You groaned in annoyance once he finished explaining, and lied on your bed, looking up at the sealing. He only sighed as he lied beside you, you could feel his eyes on you but you just ignored him.
"How do you feel?" He finally asked after a long silence. You honestly didn't know how to answer that question. You felt so many emotions right now, angry, sad, conflicted. How was a person supposed to deal with this?
"I don't know," You said quietly. "How am I supposed to even feel? If its in love then no. No I don't feel in love. How am I supposed to even love a total stranger?" Jacob was quiet for a little, but he was still looking at you. You moved your gaze to him, and looked into his eyes.
You could tell he was hurt, sad, and confused, maybe even a little angry as well. The way he was looking at you was a way he never had before.
"I'm sorry. I wish you could've fallen in love the right way." He was silent for a little, as if trying to find the right words. "And I know you feel as if its not your choice but Y/N it is. Don't think about what this could mean for him, forget him completely. Think about you, and how your life will change,"
That night was a hard one. You don't even think you got an hour of sleep, the thoughts in your head kept you up the whole night and the future of your life made you wonder what you should do.
Common sense made you want to reject him, for the love of God you didn't even know the boy. You had only seen him once before this. And with that your mind was made up.
It took a couple of days before you agreed to meet with him. You would meet him at the bonfire that was being hosted by Billy, a bonfire you had always attended when you were a little kid.
If you were being completely honest you were a little nervous to see him again, and it took you forever to decide on what to wear that night. You didn't understand why you were this nervous, you hadn't felt this way since Christmas mornings as a kid.
Bella had come with you and Jacob, and as they were walking you had fallen behind. You looked nervously around the fire, trying to see the familiar face, and the feeling in your chest started getting stronger. And then it was like time had stopped all together, like everyone had vanished and it was just the two of you.
Paul looked up when he saw Seth run up to Jacob but his eyes found yours in an instant. You felt relived in the weirdest way possible, and you felt nervous, like he was the boy you'd been in love with since you were little, but it wasn't that case so why the hell did it feel like that?
You could see how nervous he was when his eyes slowly dragged down your body. You could see the way he blew out a breath before his eyes met yours again. You could see the confidence he had maybe 5 minutes ago leave his eyes, he looked scared and venerable. Like he knew what you would say to him.
"Y/N," You shifted your eyes away from Paul and looked towards Seth who was calling out your name, you had only met him a handful of times but he seemed like a good kid. "I heard about you and Paul and I just wanted to say that you should run-"
"Maybe you should run," You heard a deep voice say before he grabbed Seth by the shoulders and playful shoved him. Seth only laughed.
"You know I was just kidding." He looked towards you. "Or was I?" Seth started laughing when Paul tried grabbing for him again but Seth just ran away. Paul looked at you with soft eyes, something that made you take in a deep breath, and something that made the butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"You better stay a good distance away from her Paul-"
"Its okay," You said, smiling at Jacob who looked as if he wanted to punch Paul. Bella tried to hold in her laugh as she dragged Jake away. You gave Paul a small smile when you looked back at him and that smile made all his walls just crumple. He was different around you and he so desperately wanted to be the stone cold person he was before he set his eyes on you.
"Paul," You didn't know where to start. Or how to start. You didn't dare look into his eyes, because if you did you knew you'd never be able to say the words you had memorized in your head.
"Don't waste your time," He said, causing you to furrow your brows. You tilted your head, about to ask what he was talking about but he spoke first. "I never wanted someone like you to be my imprinter just like you never wanted to be with me,"
"Someone like me?" You knew you shouldn't care that he didn't want to be with you because you also didn't want him, but it was the way he said it, the way his face changed when he mentioned it. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means what I said. I don't like little girls who run around with 100 year old vampires. Ones who practically bag to be changed-"
"You have the wrong twin," You interrupted, clenching your fits. "I hate vampires just as much as yo-"
"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows, stepping closer towards you. "I've heard that you are dangerously close to a certain buff vampire," You scoffed, trying your best not to burst out laughing.
"Emmet? You've got to be joking. I couldn't care less about that idiot. And besides, why do you even care-"
"I don't,"
"You obviously do otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up-"
"I just don't like my imprint going near those things," His nose was almost brushing against yours. He was so close. Too close. You could tell he was mad, maybe even a little jealous. Protective. You didn't understand why, he made it clear how he doesn't want you.
"Well you can't tell me where I can and where I can't go. Or who I can and who I can't be with. I don't care if you imprinted on me or even if you peed on me to state your clam," You looked up into his eyes. "I am not yours. You don't have any clam to me and you never will," You backed away, never breaking eye contact as you made your way past him and towards Jacob and Bella.
As you neared your eyes spotted Jacobs little pack, all sitting together near the fire. Embry's eyes fell on you and he gave a small wave and a smile, which you returned. Although your smiled faded quickly when Paul sat down with them. You turned away the second he looked towards you.
"I'm guessing things didn't go well?" Jacob asked when you came and sat down next to them.
"Nope. I've never met anyone so." You couldn't even think of a word to discribe him, all you knew was you did not like him a bit.
"Yeah I know what you mean. But he gets better the more you know him," Jacob gave you an apologetic look as he rubbed your back. You didn't believe a word of that, from what you saw Paul was hot headed and might even have bipolar. Whatever it was, you wanted nothing to do with it, and even though the conversation didn't go as planed he got what you were trying to put across.
Your eyes slowly shifted towards Paul, and for some odd reason disappointment filled your senses. He was an attractive boy, you couldn't lie to yourself about that, and he may not be the type of guys you go for but something was different about him. Maybe it was the imprinting talking but it all felt to real for it to be just that.
Your breathing picked up in pace when his eyes connected with your own. There is was again, those stupid feelings you can't explain, you wanted to just rip them out of you and throw them as far away as you could because they were just too intense when they started. But you also loved the way they felt, they felt right in a way.
You were just too new to all of this, and no matter how much Jacob talked about or explained it you were still confused. You wanted to understand it so maybe you would be able to control the feelings for they made you feel like you're going crazy.
You could see Paul's demeanour change the more he looked at you, as if all his roughness and hard energy wasn't there anymore. He looked almost vulnerable, and lost. Just as lost as you. But then out of nowhere, his eyes hardened and turned cold which caused you to almost physically flinch.
You furrowed your brows but turned away nonetheless. You felt almost hurt by the mode switch and you had no idea why. You didn't want him, in fact you were the one to say it first. So why the hell did you care if he felt the same way about you?
You clenched your jaw, your eyes boring into the fire that everyone was seated around. You couldn't hear what Billy was saying, but you had heard the story about a-hundred times when you were younger.
But you also couldn't sit here while Paul was right across from you. Everything about him just pissed you off and you weren't one to get mad easy or dislike someone as much as you did Paul.
So you excused yourself, not looking at anyone as you made your way towards the house. You took a deep breath in as you entered the house, trying to relax yourself by rolling your shoulders back and letting your head fall against the wall behind you.
You felt so tense, which is yet another thing you never had problems with. But it seemed Paul brought all of those out, or he just made new ones.
You got off the wall with a sigh and headed to the kitchen, where you grabbed yourself a bottle of water from the fridge. But just as you were about to twist the cap off you heard the click of a door. Your heart beat picked up a little as you looked around the empty house, your hand slowly pushing the fridge door closed before you silently crept to the front door.
But no one was there. You swore you heard the door close, but it could very easily have been your mind playing tricks on you. You have been quite tense today after all.
You turned around, about to go back to the kitchen but right as you took a step forward someone stepped into your line of sight.
@batmanunicorns523 @lenasvoid @moonie-flower101 @sugasthreedollarkookie @moon-zoons @cookiemonstercrunchsstuff @audigay @alexandra-001 @leeknows-wife
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jiarkives · 5 months
julia’s favorites ! (iv)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
☆ snapshot - gojo satoru
↳ @stsgluver-archive
♡♤ sincerity - geto suguru, gojo satoru (poly!)
↳ @justauthoring
♕ the best teacher - nanami kento
↳ @nanaslutt
♤♡ heaven’s fury - gojo satoru
↳ @chuluoyi
♕ drabble - gojo satoru
↳ @makismei
criminal minds
♕ spencer’s favourite meal - spencer reid
↳ @slightlypossessed
♡ aaron finds you putting jack to bed - aaron hotchner
♡ the bau team meets spencer’s secret girlfriend - spencer reid
↳ @claypgeons
♡ drabble - spencer reid
↳ @inkdrinkerworld
♡ mrs doctor reid - spencer reid
♡♤ “i don’t know anything about dinosaurs” - spencer reid
↳ @vivwritesfics
♡♤ safe - spencer reid
↳ @rynbutt
♡♤ cross my heart - spencer reid
↳ @januaryembrs
♡♤ bulletproof bonds - aaron hotchner
♤♡ through the years - aaron hotchner
♤♡ calming storms - aaron hotchner
↳ @thewulf
♡ the parentals - aaron hotchner ft. bau team
↳ @ssahotchnerr
♡ drabble - spencer reid
♡ drabble - aaron hotchner
↳ @luveline
♤ i need to be excused - aaron hotchner
↳ @ynscrazylife
♡ your relationship with hotch and the influence on his son, jack - aaron hotchner
↳ @ginkgo-phyta
♤ alive and breathing - spencer reid
↳ @zvdvdlvr
♤♡ the script - peter parker
↳ @waitimcomingtoo
♡♤ medusa - avengers
↳ @arlana-likes-to-write
♡♤ our baby has four feet? - regulus black, remus lupin (poly!)
♡ animagus!reader - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ introducing their first child to the marauders - sirius black
♡ sirius’ arch nemesis - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ what’s one more? - sirius black ft. marauders
♡♤ the winner takes it all (i) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡♤ the loser has to fall (ii) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ uncle padfoot’s motorcycle - remus lupin ft. sirius black
↳ @empress-simps
♡ begin again - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
♤ the one with the blouse (i) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ the one with the blouse (ii) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @super-clearlysaltybouquet
genshin impact
♤♡ scenarios - neuvillette, wriothesley, zhongli ft. pregnant!reader
♤♡ when you sleep on the couch after an argument - alhaitham
♡ lady ragnvindr and klee’s day out - diluc ragnvindr
↳ @lunargrapejuice
♡ mischievous streak - neuvillette ft. wriothesley
↳ @chastiefoul
call of duty
♤ the price of protection - john price
♤♡ lassie - john ‘soap’ mactavish
↳ @thewulf
top gun: maverick
♡♤ lost and found - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
♡ bumblebee - bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw
↳ @thewulf
♤ black and blue - lip gallagher
↳ @jesswriteswrongs
♡ forever yours - paul lahote
↳ @thewulf
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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daryldixonsdoormat · 2 years
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Summary: Paul phases and hurts the reader… angst asf
(We gon pretend they have clothes when they shift back 🫡).
Watching anger rack through the person you love is painful in itself. It’s worse when that anger is directed towards you. Sometimes the littlest things set him off, ruining his steak of not having a outburst. Paul’s main focus point was safety, your safety specifically. If anyone were to challenge the comfort and safety of his girl, it wouldn’t be pretty. The same thing applies when his girl wants to walk into a house full of dangerous people. You just wanted to help the past two weeks Paul has told you to stay at Sam and Emily’s till he got back. Yes it’s true there is a vampire out there but it’s not hunting you. It’s hunting Bella. All you want to do is take some of the work load off of Paul by conversing with the Cullen’s and seeing what their plan is. It’s almost like you can feel the exhaustion in Paul’s bones as he fights sleep when your talking. The whole pack is in Emily and Sam’s house planning, and eating all the muffins. Paul is sitting on the arm of the couch beside you listening intently only turning away from Sam to offer you a bite of his chocolate muffin. You shake your head no, you make the decision this is the best time to bring up your idea. You stand up from the couch watching Paul instinctively straighten up as you move. “Guys I was thinking, now that Jake can’t talk to the Cullen’s (Edward is pissed at him) I should….go talk to them” you say in a mutter but everyone hears. Paul is already standing up with a scowl on his face about to speak before Sam beats him to it. “Like over the phone?”, Sam says pulling Emily into his side securely. You fidget a little under everyone’s eyes peering through you. You knew that Paul was getting frustrated waiting for you to finish before he speaks his mind. “Umm… no”, Paul rushes out the front door shoving past Quil. It’s silent for a moment then the slam of the screen door makes Sam sigh shaking his head. “I’ll think about it”, you nod with a shy smile before stepping around some of the boys to make it outside as well. His shoulders rise stiffly and his lip quivers as he tries to calm himself down. He feels so enraged that you even considered risking your life like that, especially by the likes of the Cullen’s. He starts to shake even more when he sees you walk out of the house, the only thing on his mind is losing you. You stand in front of Paul with a worried expression, your arms folded over your chest. “Look Paul, I just want to help. I’ve seen how exhausted”, Paul cuts you off quickly a animalistic sound rumbling through his chest. “That’s not your job, never will be. So don’t”: Paul takes another deep breath, he’s still shaking thinking of you getting hurt. Paul has always been a hot head so it doesn’t surprise you completely that he’s getting fired up. As Paul’s imprint your presence is supposed to calm him down him down in a matter of seconds. Instead he starts to shake more, you can only think of one thing when you realize. Am I really his imprint? Can you lose a imprint? These questions make it hard to think so what you say next isn’t the most thought through comment at all. “I understand why your mad Paul. I do. But what are they gonna do? Drink my blood? Kill me?” you say not believing it yourself. Paul takes a tiny step back and his breathing becomes more erratic, his teeth grits together uncontrollably. He tries his hardest to get it under control, but his muscles start to tighten and his body whips around quickly. Not for one moment did you think Paul was capable of hurting you. So there’s no need to move right? Just talk to him he will be ok… that’s what Sam said to do. “Paul calm down”, he keeps whipping around and his growls sound more and more animalistic, “PAUL” you yell and then it happens. You were only five feet away if that, that distance wouldn’t be enough to protect you, not for a second. Maybe it was fate for this to happen, don’t the ancestors have this happen for a reason? Nail scratch down your left arm, so quick you thought you had imagined it.
But blood flows down your arm, dripping off your finger tips and onto the once green grass. It takes a good 3 seconds for Paul to realize what had happened, he caused you to be in pain. He forces himself to shift back and kneel next to you, right where you collapsed. So many things ran through him in that moment, blood loss? Fear? …she’s scared of me. His hands shake but not out of anger out of absolute terror, he picks up your arm coating his hands in blood. Then it hits him, he’s not alone he can help you. Paul holds pressure on a part of your arm in attempt to stop the bleeding, the blood flows just as quick as his tears. “SAM, please please, SAM HURRY” he screams and the screen door slams again and the boys as well as Emily run outside. Sam runs towards you to examine your arm, pushing Paul slightly to the side to get a better view, he immediately starts ordering the rest of the group to get supplies. Emily stands out front one hand touching the long scar across her face, while tears spill out of her eyes. Paul isn’t in a good state his hands find the sides of your face shakily covered in crimson blood. “I’m so sorry honey. I’m sorry” his voice cracks while his thumbs move across your cheekbones, a action you adored. It feels like it’s been hours of grief, crying, terror but it’s only when Sam uses that commanding voice to talk to Paul that he starts to grasp time again. “Paul I need to carry her in”, Sam says a arm already under his legs. Paul shakes his head no quickly saying the same reply verbally as well, Paul slips a arm under your head and legs hoisting you up. He walks you inside the house laying you down on the guest room bed. Paul kneels beside the bed holding your hand only looking at your face for roughly a hour, till the room door creaks. He doesn’t move, he’s not even curious who’s standing in the door way they don’t matter. They aren’t her. “Paul I’m here to check on her”, Paul stands up quick enough to startle Carlisle. “Get. Out.”, Carlisle turns his head slightly to look at Sam for guidance. Even Sam is unsure what to do. Carlisle decides to be bold and approach you, a growl leaves Paul. So protective everyone in the living room is stunned by the volume it reaches. Carlisle backs up and enters the living room again talking to Sam to see if they patched you up properly sense he cannot see for himself. Paul stares at the door way for another second before kneeling next to you again, taking your hand for many more hours to come.
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xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 25 days
(v.) To think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Two: Adjustments
Now Playing: It Almost Worked by TV Girl
Chapter warnings: unwanted advances, cursing, mentions of alcohol/beer. Nothing overly described.
Jacob had gotten bigger since I last saw him.
It was a given, obviously, since I had last seen him when I was nine and he was seven with a missing front tooth and a slight lisp because of it.
But it was more than that, I think.
He had shot up like a tree, tall and lean now, but it was visiblethat his muscles were starting to bulk up. His hair looked thicker and his face was losing its boyish roundness, turning into sharp cheekbones and almond eyes.
I hopped out of the truck as Bella turned it off, and I walked into the barn with a flourish, not bothering to knock.
“Oh, oops,” I said, realizing Jacob had more friends over.
They were two boys sitting with Jacob, who stood when I walked in.
“Sorry,” I said, “I didn’t realize Jake had friends over.”
“No, no, it’s ok,” one of the boys said, standing also and turning to face Bella and I fully. “No worries, right, Embry?”
Embry, also standing now, is tall and thin. His hair falls in slight waves around his head and his eyes are soft and dark.
Jacob rolls his eyes at his friends, coming over to give Bella and I a hug.
“Quit getting taller, you ass!” I grumble as he gives me a hug. He just laughs.
“Are your friends staying..?” Bella asks, looking at them. Jacob shrugs.
“If you two don’t mind.” He says, turning again to look at me. I shrug, wandering to the back of the garage and pulling out a blanket and pillow that I had stashed away.
Quil and Embry, whose names I learn quickly, stay and watch Jacob and Bella fix up the bikes.
I talk to them, amused with their humor. They were a bit childish, but it wasn’t annoying.
Quil was cheery and all smiles, and Embry was more reserved and quiet. They were both such genuine people. It was refreshing.
“So, what did you guys do for winter break?” I ask, looking towards Embry and Quil.
Eagerly, Quil tells me about the bonfire they had and all the food he ate. I smile as I listen to him talk, his story-telling humorous and fast-paced.
Before he launched into another story, Jacob interrupted Quil to ask, “Y/n, would you get some waters from the fridge?”
I nod, standing up from the pallet I had made in the ground and wandering into the house to grab bottles of water for everyone.
I pass them out, and Quil picks up where he left off without hesitation. I laugh more than I have in a while because of his stories and Embry’s sharp tongued quips when his friend got a little overzealous with his descriptions of events.
I knew Bella was having fun, too.
She would snicker at Embry’s sly words and Quil’s fanciful stories, looking up to watch them argue before going back to helping Jacob, a smile on her face.
I smiled wider, contentment blooming in my chest.
“Hey, guys!” I greet, smiling as I walk up to where Sam sits with Jared and Paul in the booth.
“Hey, y/n,” Sam says, looking weary and tired.
Concerned, I ask him, “Are you alright, Sam?”
He smiles, rubbing his face.
“Haven’t been sleeping well, that’s all.” He tells me, and I’d believe it.
His skin is paler than normal, his face looking drawn and thin. The skin under his eyes is ashen and ruddy, a clear sign of his lack of good sleep.
Jared doesn’t look much better. His hair is fizzy around his head, the braids he kept it in messy. It’s clear that he hasn’t had a chance to redo them in a while, which is unusual because he takes great pride in the appearance of his “luscious locks.” He, too, has heavy eye bags. He’s not pale like Sam is, instead looking flushed, almost feverish.
Paul, who I don’t have much to compare with, seemed in rough shape, too. He has a bruise on his jaw and a scabbed over cut through his brow, looking like he got into a fight. His expression seems grumpier than it normally does, which is saying something.
“Milkshake, Pepsi, water?” I ask, glancing at the three of them.
Paul looks up from to table to make eye contact with me.
“Coffee, please.” He said gruffly, and I nod. He sits stiffly in his seat, his shoulders tense and his face drawn.
I bring them their drinks quickly, setting a bowl of sugars and creamers down beside Paul’s hand. His fingers twitch, almost a flinch.
“What do you boys want to eat tonight?” I ask, pen to paper as I wait.
Jared ends up getting a large stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage. Sam gets his usual sandwiches and fries, and Paul decides on a chicken sandwich, pulled pork sandwich, and a large basket of fried pickles.
Tonight’s slower than ever, save for a group of men on the other side of the diner who have come this way to have some beers. Why they chose Roy’s is beyond me, but it’s probably because they’re dirt cheap.
I get them their food quickly, turning around to help Chelsea bring bottles of beer to the table she was working.
As I set them down on the table, one of the men put his arm around my waist and pull me to his seat.
“Well aren’t you just darlin’,” the man says, his eyes struggling to focus on me. My face twitches before I can stop it, my lips pulling up in disgust.
His friends laugh at him, wolf whistling at him.
“I don’t think she like that, Freddy,” one of them snickers, and Chelsea tries to tug me away.
“Come on, sit with us a while!” The dunk man says, trying to tug me into his lap. I try and politely refuse, but he just pinches my side and pulls harder.
“Enough, asshole,” I say, shoving away from him and quickly taking a step back. “I’m working, and you’re old enough to be my father. I’m not sitting with you, I’m not going home with you, and I’m not serving you any more drinks.”
Chelsea grabs my hand when the man, outraged, staggers to his feet to look over me.
My heart drops to my stomach as the drunkard takes a lumbering step forward, but a hand reaches out from behind me to shove him back into his seat.
“She told you to fuck off, didn’t she?” He says, his voice rough.
“She don’t know what she wants,” the man before me slurs, trying to stand again.
“Sit your ass down before I sit you down.” My eyes grow slightly wide as I glance at Paul, his face contorted with anger. He’s shaking slightly, and I reach back to push Chelsea farther away as I scurry a step back
All three of us turn when Sam comes over, reaching out to grab Paul’s shoulder. He gives him a meaningful look, and Paul begrudgingly takes a step back.
Paul turns back to Chelsea and I, reaching his arm out to usher us back to the other side of the room, towards where Jared sits, watching.
I take a moment to really look at Paul as he guides us closer to the kitchen.
He’s tall, taller even than Jacob is now. He’s not quite as tall as Sam, who’s bordering on 6’5”, but I think he might be close. His shoulders are broad and muscular, his arms thick with cords of muscle. Like Jared, his shirt is tight around his chest and arms, but loose around his abdomen. His hair is loosely hanging around his face, a few locks curling around his jaw and ears while the rest hangs down to his collar.
As if feeling my gaze, he looks down at me when we stop walking. I clear my throat, looking away from him and back to Chelsea.
“Thank you, Paul. I appreciate your help.” I say quietly, my hand still firmly locked with Chelsea’s. She nods emphatically, her ringlet curls bouncing with the force.
He only nods, his jaw still clenched. Sam returns to the table as the group of drinks leave, grumbling to themselves.
“Are you okay, y/n?” He asks me, looking between Chelsea and I. I nod, shrugging.
“Disgusted, but yeah. It’s not the first time those guys have come here and made us feel gross.” I tell him, sighing.
Sam sighs, reaching out to pat my shoulder as he sits back down.
“Thank you for getting them to leave!” Chelsea blurts out, staring at Sam. He nods, taking a sip of his Pepsi.
It’s nearly empty, as are the rest of the drinks at their table.
“Oh, here, I’ll get you guys some more to drink.” I say, reaching out for their cups.
“That’s ok, y/n, you don’t have to,” Sam says, “We need to get back to the house, and you should probably be home soon.”
I blink, then nod, “’Kay, I’ll get you the check.”
Chelsea and I quickly get the check, and she slits from my side to go tell the cooks about what happened. I pay her little attention as I grab a few slices of the remaining chocolate pie and put it in a box, going over to hand Sam both it and the check.
He pays, hands me a twenty, and the three of them leave. Paul gives me a long look before he turns to follow Sam and Jared, and I find myself wishing that they had stayed a little longer.
“Yeah, that guy then tried to pull me into his lap and shit, and Paul came over and shoved him away and back into his seat—” I said, retelling the events of the previous night to everyone in Jacob’s garage.
His head turns, his face scrunched.
“Paul who?” He asks, and I tilt my head, trying to remember his last name.
“Um, Lahote? I think?” I say, unsure, “Friends with Sam Uley.”
Quil and Embry share a look, and Jacob sternly says, “Stay away from him. All three of them are bad news, y/n.”
“What?” I ask, baffled, “Why? They all are pretty good to me, and Sam saved Bella in the woods, didn’t he?”
“Sure he did, y/n, but the three of them are in a gang.” Embry says, his voice serious.
“Or a cult. Judy’s still out on which one.” Quil adds, and I share a look with Bella.
“Yeah, okay. Sam Uley is in a gang and/or a cult leader, and Charlie just lets it all happen. Sure.”
Jacob stares at me, “Y/n, I’m serious. Stay away from them. All three of them are nothing good. Trust us on this.”
I sigh, rolling my eyes but relenting.
“Okay, whatever. Stay away from them, I got it.” I reply, knowing that my promise would only last for so long. It’s not like I could ignore them or change shifts, and it’s not like I really wanted to.
Besides, I never saw them outside of working at Roy’s. It wouldn’t hurt to stay friends during my shifts.
I didn’t see Jacob and the others for a few weeks. I was busy trying to study for a test in physics, a quiz in history, and writing an essay for English. It seemed that my teachers like to conspire and make everything due at the same time just to make my life difficult.
When I finally picked up another shift at Roy’s, I was greeted by the confusing sight of Embry sitting with Sam and his group. I smile and greet them, confused why Embry was with them when he had, to my knowledge, hated them previously.
I get their drink orders and ring them in, bringing them out quickly and getting their orders for food. I don’t have time to chat today, since Roy’s is unusually busy for this time of night.
I do manage to catch Embry in his way back from the bathroom, and I notice that he’s gotten taller. His chest and shoulders have filled out more, and when I snag his arm, he’s burning up.
“Em, you’re burning up!” I tell him, my hand recoiling like I’ve been burned. He opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.
“Also, I thought you couldn’t stand Sam and his ‘gang-slash-cult’? What happened to that?” I ask, my brows furrowed as I stare at him. He just sighs.
“Y/n, it’s complicated, I can’t really explain it.” He says, a pained look in his eyes. “Just—don’t make a big deal of it, okay? It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?” I ask, packing him in the chest. He winces. “Embry, you’re covered in bruises and you look scared out of your mind! How is that not a big deal?”
“Y/n, I promise, you’ll understand later. I’ll tell you everything, I swear. Just give me time to figure it out myself, okay?”
I stare at him, searching his face.
“You have two weeks before I start searching for answers myself.” I tell him flatly, “And whatever bandaid is hiding shit, I’m ripping it off.”
He smiles thinly, thanking me before going back to his table.
The rest of my shift is quiet and uneventful. Sam and his gang/cult/whatever the hell leave, and Embry gives me a look before he walks out the door. I just sigh.
“Bella,” I said, sitting down with my sister at lunch. She looked up from her salad, waiting for me to continue.
“Since when has Embry started hanging with Sam? I thought the three of them thought Sam and his friends were a gang or something!” I demanded, knowing that she was my last chance to learn before asking Jacob and Quil, who would lecture me about breaking promises.
Bella blinked at me for a second, then responded, “Couple weeks, probably? Jacob and Quil won’t talk about it other than to insult him or Sam, and I stopped asking because they just rant.”
I sighed, “Sucks for you then, I’m about to grill them about it.”
“Since when was Embry running with Sam?” Jacob looks up at my words, his brows furrowing.
“How’d you know he was?” He asks, and I’m quick to reply.
“I asked first. Answer my question.”
“Jake.” I say, stern. “I need to know if he’s in trouble or not. You said Sam was running some kind of gang or cult, didn’t you?”
Jacob sighs, closing his eyes.
“Yeah,” he replies, “We think so. Embry stopped hanging with us about a week after you stopped coming over so you could study. He started skipping school and running around with Sam and his goons and wouldn’t talk to us.”
“Do I need to tell Charlie?” I ask, and he shakes his head.
“Nothing he could do. We don’t have proof of anything.” He tells me, “Besides, everyone loves those freaks for whatever reason.”
My lips thin, and I sigh.
“Have fun at the movies!” I call to Bella as she walks out the door. She said that her, Mike, and Jacob were going to see some action movie. I had declined the offer, since I had picked up an extra shift at Roy’s so I could sleep early tonight.
Roy’s was basically dead for my entire shift, so I got cut early and could go home. When I got back, Bella was sitting in my room, waiting for me.
“Hey?” I asked, wondering what was wrong. “How was the movie?”
“It was fine,” she said briskly, “When Embry joined Sam, Jake and Quil said that he had started to get agitated and irritable. Then he started running fever.”
“…okay..?” I asked, wondering where she was going with this.
“At the movies, Jake was irritable and mean to Mike. He was rude to him about his tolerance to the gore, and when I touched him, he was burning up.”
“So, you think he’s going to run off to Sam or something?” I asked, and she nodded. I pressed my lips together, and sighed.
“Let me go shower and change. We’ll talk when I’m done.”
I was quick in the bathroom, showering with haste and changing into my pajamas before walking back to my room.
“What do you want to do about Jake?” I asked, and she just shook her head. She was staring at her hands, and my brows furrowed. “Bells?”
She sniffed, rubbing her eyes, “I just don’t want to lose him, too, y/n. I don’t think I can handle it.”
“You won’t have to,” I assured her, coming over to hug her tightly. “I’ll beat his ass.”
She laughed wetly, her tears soaking into my sleep shirt.
I made a mental note to call Quil tomorrow, to see if he knows anything.
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thewulf · 2 years
Works and Requests
Oh man I knew this day would come, I finally have to make seprate masterlists for some fandoms, this main post is too massive now! Masterlist's below the cut <3
If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up
Fluff: ✿‎ ‎
Angst: ✦‎
Hurt/Comfort: ‎♡
Top Gun Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
The Lord of the Rings Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
Accidentally in Love ‎♡✿‎ ‎
Always & Forever Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎ ‎
Here For You ‎♡✿‎
Tides of Comfort✿‎
Rafe Cameron
Who Did This To You? Part 1 | Part 2 ♡✿‎
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Big Blue World✿✦‎
Terrible Liar✿✦‎
Whatever The Hell This Is✿✦‎
The Outsiders
Darrel "Darry" Curtis
I Want To✿✦
By Your Side♡✿
Sunflowers and Second Chances♡✿
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Don't Cry✿✦
A Safe Place♡✿
Second Sunrise♡✿
Love Strikes♡✿
Igniting Affection✿‎ ‎
Steve Randle
Peachy Girl♡✿
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Adorably Clueless ✿‎
That Was the Moment ♡✿
Treat You Better✿✦
Paul Lahote
Forever Yours♡✿‎
Trust in the Tide✿‎
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe
Bound by Shadows✿✦
The Quiet Between✿✦
Teaching Trails✿
Beneath the Healer's Touch♡✿‎
Soothing Shadows♡✿‎
Frosted Steel✿✦
Hidden Away✿✦
Eris Vanserra
A Realm Reborn✿✦
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain John Price
The Price of Protection♡✿‎
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Breaking Point♡✿‎
Through Your Eyes✿
Avatar Way of Water
Neteyam Sully
Different | Part 1 | Part 2 ✿‎ ‎
James "Bucky" Barnes
At Odds ✿✦‎
Miles Teller
Thank You Kind Stranger ✿‎
Works In Progress (WIP's)!
Steve Randle x Reader - Request!
Sirius Black x Reader - Request!
Legolas x Reader - Request!
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader - Request
Tumblr media
Who I Write For:
Top Gun: Maverick & 1986
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
Bob Floyd
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Any other pilot upon request!
Harry Potter
The Marauders Era
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Golden Trio Era
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Paul Lahote
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Ateara
Edward Cullen
Emmet Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis
Sodapop "Soda" Curtis
Ponyboy "Pony" Curtis
Dallas "Dally" Winston
Steve Randall
Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Outer Banks
JJ Myabank
John B Routledge
Pope Heyward
Topper Thorton
Rafe Cameron
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Neteyam Sully
Lo'ak Sully
Jake Sully
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Tommy Miller
Ellie Williams
The Lord of the Rings
King Thranduil
Call of Duty: MW2/3
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Captain Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
A Court of Thorns and Roses Universe (ACOTAR)
Any High Lord really
Any other upon request!
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