#the more I learn about it the more of its wrongfulness come to my knowledge
sneepseverus · 3 days
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There are so many things wrong with the HP series (the slavery allegory, naming of POC—and non-English characters more generally—antisemitic tropes with the goblins, transphobia with Rita Skeeter, etc.) but you also have to remember that this is a fictional story meant to highlight certain themes. With Snape in particular, the messages are
Love trumps hate, and even those who seem to have no hope can come out of the dark side. He could’ve despised Lily for marrying his abuser, but he didn’t; he always remembered her for the good she did for him. He was mean but still cared for the students’ physical safety. He didn’t care about others liking him or getting recognition for his efforts as long as he could save as many people as possible.
Trauma manifests in different ways for different people. Yes, Snape honestly was not qualified to be a teacher despite his in-depth knowledge of potions and took his hatred of James out on Harry who wasn’t even raised by him, but there wouldn’t have been a story to tell if Snape went to therapy and learned to deal with his issues. Snape is not meant to be likable, pleasant, or enjoyable. You’re supposed to think he’s an unfair asshole.
Cults prey on and groom the most vulnerable people. Snape was a poor half-blood. Even though Slytherin’s traits aren’t inherently evil, at the time, it was full of wealthy blood supremacists. He was likely neglected at best and abused at worst by his parents, and he lost his best friend. He had no one, so who was he going to associate with? Certainly not the other houses who think everyone in Slytherin is evil. It’s normal for a teen to want to be accepted and liked by their own “kind” (even though he was never going to be fully accepted by many of his peers). In real life, we are starting to see how teenage boys are going down the red pill path because of how men in those sphere influence them, for example (this is a whole other topic for another day, though.)
I also just hate how in general people create these holier-than-thou arguments online; you can state your reasons for being for or against something, but at least provide actual evidence to support your claims. And yes, while this is a children’s book, it is still worthy of discussion (for being problematic but also having certain messages). I really hate the term “Snape apologists” because of its resemblence to an actual term (if you know what I’m talking about), but also like, I am simply using textual evidence to support my stance.
From what people have said, too, the whole “Snape was obsessed with Lily” thing only became popular recently; once all the books were released, people understood the message the author was trying to convey through Snape (correct me if I’m wrong, though!)
At the end of the day, Snape is a fictional character, an object if you will. People are allowed to love or hate him (or any character for that matter). Just don’t be an asshole toward *actual* people with different opinions.
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lizzybeth1986 · 3 days
A Child of Babel
Book: The Royal Romance
Characters: Kiara-centric. Hints of Drake x Kiara (unrequited) and Hana x Kiara.
Word Count: 3, 484 words
Summary: The five times Kiara uttered the proverb of a language under her breath, and the two times she did it to someone's face.
A/N: I really wanted to try out a 5+1 fic format but somehow it became a 6+1 fic instead haha
Tagging @kiaratheronappreciationweek for KTAW Day 3: Languages, @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW, @choicesmaychallenge24 for Hermes: Travel
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Princesses Lerato and Lesidi will never forget the exact moment they knew Lady Kiara Thorne would become their friend.
At lunch today, it was hard initially to tell if the meal today was to her liking. She'd made all the right noises, said all the right words. Rich. Meaty. What bold flavours. But how does that count? She's the kind of girl who has likely been coached enough in courtly propriety and gastrodiplomacy (at age 11. Eleven!), that you can't quite tell if she genuinely enjoyed the food or just wanted to please her hosts.
The sisters shift uncomfortably in their plush seats at the dining hall of their palace, their eyes barely leaving the young girl's plate. Benachin jollof rice was hardly for the weak of heart (or stomach) but that never stopped the royal family of Orphys from showing pride in this particular dish. It was, after all, the jewel in the crown of their ancestral Senegambian cuisine.
So it would pierce the Orphysian soul to its core, in very specific ways, if one didn't like their jollof. Probably just as much as it would shatter a Cordonian's spirit, if you told them you thought their Cordonian Rubies tasted vile.
"Ohhh," Lady Kiara mumbled, visibly relaxed at last. "Xifuma wante samay bët suruñuuuuu". The final word comes out elongated by a leisurely moan of satisfaction. I’m not hungry but my eyes aren’t full.
For a moment, the two girls are stunned to stillness in their chairs.
Little Kiara - Lerato is beginning to recognise - is trying to utter an old Wollof proverb about the joys of their ancestral cuisine. It's said so softly you can barely hear her, and both she and her sister can hazard a guess as to why.
Of the five words said, she pronounced three wrong. Kiara knew that, and felt ashamed.
The sisters pass each other a look of knowing affection. Not many in Europe, outside of Orphys, know this proverb that well. It is indeed the kind of phrase you will chance upon only if you've been consistently trying to learn.
She had to have been learning for over a year to get to this point.
Terrible pronunciation be damned. Next time they meet Kiara again, Lerato and Lesidi sure as hell know they're gifting her the recipe.
"Dammit," Kiara hisses at...well...no one in particular, and especially not to the retreating figure of her longtime (and forever clueless) crush. Now that he's gone, the urge to kick herself is becoming increasingly more difficult to suppress.
Drake Walker's loose overshirt flaps against his back as he walks out of the stable, in quick, sure, decisive footsteps. There has always been some sense of purpose in his movements whenever he leaves someplace, even if - to Kiara's knowledge - he hasn't exactly had a job as such ever since that stint he took at the stables the summer she turned fifteen.
It's almost as if that is the only thing he's certain he wants to do here. Leaving.
Kiara presses her head against the door of the stable, his fists balled up so she can resist the unnecessarily dramatic urge to bang it against the wood. She's done everything - everything her admittedly-gauche, relatively-inexperienced 18 year old brain could think of - to catch his attention.
Educate herself on horses (for obvious reasons).
Read up on woodworking (Olivia had mentioned once in passing that he adored good carpentry - nothing much was said about whether he liked practicing. Still, not a bad idea for a conversation starter)
Tried to enjoy whiskey. (Didn't get past half a mug, unfortunately. It was...interesting. She treated herself to her favourite bottle of Tempranillo later).
Came to the stables today for what she tried to pass off as a friendly chat about the winning stakes at the upcoming Derby. (She could have been talking to a haystack for all it mattered. He just looked up from his saddle tack set, took off his disgustingly well-disguised earphones, raised his eyebrows and said, "You were saying something??" before leaving without an answer)
(She'd worked so fucking hard to sound like she knew what she was talking about)
Kiara groans again against the door, weakly punching it one final time before she opens it, muttering furiously underneath her breath.
"Just give it up, Kiki," she scolds herself, hands jammed into the pockets of her coat. "C'est comme pisser dans un violon."
"Eww," a high-pitched, rather sweet voice says behind her, "That sounds like an...uncomfortably specific preference for a place to piss."
Kiara tries - and fails - to hide her grimace. On any other day, she'd be proud of Savannah for coming this far in just a few months. She's certain that her dear friend's rather successful attempt at translation is more a miracle of guesswork. A combination of remembering the few words she has been taught so far, and figuring out the ones that sound closer to their English counterparts.
(And that is how it must be. That is how Kiara knows that Savannah is serious about learning this language)
On any other day she'd praise her. But today... today she just wants to erase the last ten minutes from her brain. The last person she wants to know about her deep, tragic humiliation is the sister of the man who had crushed her umpteenth attempt to impress him to dust. With his fucking headphones.
"Forget you ever heard that," Kiara mumbles, "come, let's go see what snacks they have for tea. I'm starving."
On the day Prince Leo and his fiancée, Countess Madeleine, visit Castelserraillan after their engagement tour, there are only two members of the Thorne family waiting to receive the entourage. Kiara, and her father.
Ezekiel is barely - if ever - noticed and he would rather leave it that way. But Maman...they had to create a story for her.
The official excuse is that she'll be hosting an immensely important international art fair around the same time - one that heralded the work of Cordonia's local artisans. One that was time-sensitive and couldn't possibly be shifted around, Crown Prince or no.
In reality, her mind had been made up, the moment Lady Kaouther - the young woman her parents had sponsored for the social season this year - returned to the province in tears, swearing to never set foot in the Capitol again, reluctant to even tell Maman and Baba what had gone so wrong.
But Maman had found out anyway. The press was loath to criticize the countess' treatment of her ladies-in-waiting, drooling like sick horses over every scrap of charm and quotable quote she threw their way.
But when Ana de Luca is close enough to you to have your number of speed dial, there's no end to the tea that'll be willingly spilled at your table.
Poor Kaouther was still getting threats and harassment from afar. Mostly to keep her mouth shut about her former employer's exploits. Both midly annoying and deeply sadistic. Both sober and rum-fuelled. Some may be impressed at how Countess Madeleine managed to maintain such secrecy, from even the royal family she is marrying into.
Maman cursed and swore she would never entertain a viper like that in her presence, and who could blame her?
Kiara swallows as she sees the entourage approached. Baba knew his relationship with the royal family was already hanging by a frighteningly precarious balance. He couldn't afford any further damage, and he hardly wanted to expose Madeleine's misdeeds without Kaouther's consent either.
So yes. They were going to go through the motions of greeting the royal entourage. They were going to be perfect hosts. But Madeleine would know. Madeleine would hear their words - cascading in waves of poisoned honey - and know. And be unable to tell anyone anything. That will be Kiara's unsaid, unheard promise to Kaouther, and to herself.
The Countess is stopped by the press before she walked over to their manor, her smile perfectly in place and her hand on a rather diffident Prince Leo's arm as she answers their questions. Yes, we are in love. Yes, our economy is strong. Yes, my aim is to build strong relationships with my people wherever I go. To let them know I do it all for them, and them alone. To be the Queen that Cordonia needs, that my subjects can trust.
Kiara has never heard so much horseshit spill out of a courtier's mouth, and she's been part of enough royal courts to see the worst.
"Shakuwn daha fik alhurirat 'aw albalbulat nahar aleid!" Kiara says roughly in Darija as the entourage - led by the Crown Prince and his future consort - approach. She thinks she's so special, but really she's only about as special as a plain harrira soup served at an Eid-ul-Fitr banquet.
Hakim gently nudges his daughter's shoulder with his own. "But ya Babba," he teases, probably to lighten her mood a little before the group arrives, "I thought you liked harrira soup."
Kiara gives Madeleine one last glare before schooling her face to a more neutral expression.
Her next words are going to be quite nasty by Castelserraillan standards, but for all the sacrifices they are making today her father can surely afford her this one luxury. "Not if it wears a face as sour as her's."
Just a five minute break, Penelope had promised, thirty minutes ago.
Kiara has only herself to blame for believing that nonsense, after being in close quarters with her for an entire month - but there's something about that woman that makes most people want to keep giving her the benefit of the doubt.
('Me,' Kiara wants to say, 'I'm people')
The beam she is carrying for the barn-raising is small, but heavy enough that you'd get tired out quickly if you didn't take help. By ten minutes Kiara has to will herself to move ahead. By fifteen her thighs begin to cramp, and by twenty her head is swimming and she has a brief spiteful thought about making Penelope carry twenty beams as a belated apology. Though knowing her (and it pains Kiara to admit this; she likes Penelope too much) she would find some way to make herself the victim.
Thirty minutes have passed now, and the only energy she has left is wasted in gritting her teeth and groaning "Just...a few more...steps...till I can drop this...stupid plank...Mon Dieu!!!"
Kiara's mind goes blank for several seconds as she feels the weight of the beam falling on her, a dull pain already throbbing on her ankle.
"Ohhh thée mou," she hears a rough, gravelly, rather disgruntled voice above her, its sound causing her heartbeats to pound violently in her chest and its owner already using his strong, strong hands to save her...
"Ópios den théli na zimósi," she whispers, completely drained, "déka méres koskinízi."
It's a proverb Kiara has often heard in the Capitol - specifically for procrastinators - and she has now lost count of the number of times Penelope has left something she doesn't like to do "for later"...often leading Kiara to finish the job alone.
Drake stares back at her, confused. Mentally, she kicks herself. Again.
Of course. She should've known. Drake Walker is familiar enough with Greek that he'll maybe cuss or blurt out a phrase he'd learned from his childhood in the palace, but clearly he has no patience for metaphors, allegories, idioms or proverbs.
"Oh, uh...merci beaucoup," she backtracks, awkwardly.
Drake shakes his head - his eyes, amused, still on her face - and throws the beam away. It doesn't mean much, but that ten-second glance is fuel enough at this point for a month's worth of dreams.
Almost as if from a great distance, she thinks she can hear Esther's voice, low and concerned. "Kiara? Are you okay??"
Kiara locks eyes with Drake, and for once he meets her gaze. Doesn't say anything, doesn't even show a reaction - but at least he isn't looking away like she doesn't matter.
She smiles brightly. "I am now."
Married as they have been for six months now, Kiara can tell by several small, subtle signs when Hana is nervous.
Not that Hana makes observing a very hard task, not at all. She has an immensely expressive face.
Kiara massages the soft parts of her palm - just the way she likes it - while Hana takes several deep breaths.
"This is the first Parsi wedding I'll be attending, ever," Hana says slowly. "The bride is my cousin. This is supposed to be my family, and yet all of this feels as alien as if I never had a mother from this community." She closes her eyes then opens them again, gazing at the wedding sign on the gate. Delnaaz weds Zubin. "What if I mess this up?"
"You won't," Kiara takes both Hana's hands in hers. "And even if you do make a sliver of a mistake, Delnaaz is not going to judge you. And she's the bride; she's the one who matters. She's nothing like your mother or your uncle Cyrus."
Hana lets out a shaky laugh. "God I hope not." Her finger strokes lightly against Kiara's cheek. "One last kiss? For luck?"
Kiara presses her forehead against Hana's after they're done, sighing gently. Mon Dieu, how I love this woman.
"Remember that saying you hear from practically all the nice people in Bethulia," Kiara winds her arms around Hana's waist. "It's so prolific they should start painting it on their coat-of-arms. In Gujarati."
"Khavanu, pivanu, majja ni life." They both laugh gently as they whisper the phrase, hugging each other tighter. Eat, drink and be merry, indeed.
Hana seems to take that advice to heart once they go in, and most of the family (whether enthusiastically, or under duress - the latter perhaps a result of Delnaaz having a stern talking-to with relatives who had rejected Hana earlier) openly welcomes Hana into the fold.
The wedding goes terrifically: Delnaaz appears resplendent in a gorgeous white silk-and-lace Parsi Gara sari (that, Hana informs her, has been the family heirloom for five generations now), her (now) husband looking very distinguished in his white dagli and a black fetah atop his head. Once she finds herself comfortable among people who should treat her like family, Hana practically shines in her interactions - scintillating at conversations, singing and dancing and joking with the rest when she can.
Her Gujarati is a little shaky still, but that's hardly a problem. After all, this is the first language we're going to learn together, ma moitié, Kiara had reassured her once.
A few hours later, when the party started winding down, Hana and Kiara shifted to a smaller, more secluded alcove within the wedding venue. Dinyar - another of Hana's Bethulian cousins - pointed it out to Kiara, whispering conspiratorily that very few in the wedding party noticed this place at all and they could have all the privacy they wanted. Hana made sure they carried a sweet along.
And so here they are, now, inside a romantic little gazebo, sitting together - Hana taking a spoonful of Lagan nu Custard and raising it to Kiara's lips. They close their eyes as they savour. Silky. Creamy. Decadent.
"Look at us, playing hooky at an event when you were so worried about behaving right just yesterday. Yet won't you say this little moment by ourselves was the best one?"
Hana winks. "You know me so well."
"Only as well as you do, darling," she says, cupping Hana's cheek, "My soulmate."
When they kiss, Kiara can taste hints of cardamom and nutmeg on Hana's tongue. She laughs into their kiss.
"Zài tiān yuàn zuò bǐ yì niǎo..." Kiara says, the grin hardly leaving her face when they part.
"...zài dì yuàn zuò lián lǐ zhī!" Hana wipes the last bit of custard on the tip of Kiara's nose, then uses that as an excuse to gently bite it off her.
They tighten their arms around each other. That saying has always been a favourite with both of them.
In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever.
Bonus: English (with a tiny side serving of Cajun French)
Queen Esther seems almost transformed when their entourage sets foot in Louisiana. In some ways, she seems even more at home here than she had ever seemed even in New York. And to think, everyone thought that place was her home!
"It is," she'd explained once, when Kiara had asked her, "but NOLA was where I was born. I spent my entire childhood here. A part of me will always remain here."
She takes them to an old favourite of her parents', a mom-and-pop shop that's still miraculously standing and - according to Esther - that still possesses the same incredible flavours. Hana is already all praise for the gumbo and the bananas foster.
"Try the beignets, Hana," Esther suggests, her eyes sparkling at her open joy. "Dip them in the hot chocolate. Best that way!"
She does...and next thing they know, Hana's best friend and wife are treated to a happy dance on a chair.
Kiara's eyes are set on what seems to be a more humble (but moist, glistening, crisp on the outside!) preparation. A croquette of some sort?
"Boulettes de chevrette," the server replies, closely watching her face.
"...shrimp?" Kiara says, after a pause too significant for Esther to miss. The server nods.
"You certainly took a little extra time to mentally translate that," she says. "Is it called something else in French?"
"Yes," Kiara replies, "We call it crevette. But that's not the part I find interesting."
Intrigued, Esther raises an eyebrow, nodding at her companion to continue.
She clears her throat. "I'm beginning to find that certain words in your French have retained their original form from older versions of our language. And with others, they've evolved over time into different words, while in our language that word remained the way it was. Chevrette was what we used to call shrimp before we started using the Norman regional variant, crevette."
"Oh wow," Esther says, amazed, "I had no clue."
Kiara smiles. "Now you do."
Later that evening, the queen confides in her.
"You know...I used to be nervous speaking French in front of you."
Kiara's eyebrows are knit together in confusion. "Pourquoi?? You spoke very well."
Esther sighs. "It's silly."
"Tell me all the same."
Esther laughs, almost as if at the foolishness of her younger self. "I thought you'd make fun of me for "speaking French all wrong". That you'd look down on me."
Kiara's heart sinks to her stomach. "Did I really sound that snotty back then?"
"Oh no. No," Esther reassures her. "Especially not with languages."
Kiara is familiar enough with Esther now to teasingly nudge her arm a little with her elbow. "At least not unless you're asking me to sleep with you. You can't imagine how many people would just say voulez vouz coucher avec moi ce soir to my face, and think they could get away with it. And this was even before Hana introduced me to Lady Marmalade!"
Esther rolls her eyes, chuckling ruefully. "I introduced her to that one."
The laughter doesn't last very long. Lines of humour then dissolve into lines of tension on Esther's face. She isn't quite done explaining yet. "I guess I was just...feeling a little out of place. So I may have projected a little back then."
Kiara nodded. She did remember how hard that season, and the subsequent engagement tour (which she often things of with a little regret), had been on Esther. And she'd never allowed those fears and insecurities to show on her face. "That makes sense," she says, "but you know there's this saying I read a while ago..."
"What?" Esther asks, her curiosity now piqued.
"'We should learn languages because language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.' It's a quote by a Hungarian translator mamed Kató Lomb."
Esther seems to open her mouth to protest the appropriateness of the quote, when Kiara stops her. "For the record, it doesn't correctly apply to your use of Cajun French. That is a dialect. It has its own rules. En vrai, I'd love to learn more."
The Queen relaxes, even smiling at the casual reference to her - something she knows Kiara will only use when she's sure they are friends.
"I'm just saying that even if you did get phrases in a language wrong, that wouldn't be reason enough for me to scoff at you. I'd be a hypocrite if I did that. After all, I wouldn't be this good at ten languages if I weren't constantly making mistakes."
As she often does since that eventful first meeting in Orphys, she remembers the kindness Lerato and Lesidi showed her, despite her terrible, terrible attempt at saying something in Wolof. The recipe for Senegambian-style jollof, that they gave her the next time she had visited their kingdom, still holds pride of place in her personal collection of precious things.
"I think what I'm saying is," she says, taking a deep breath, "when you make mistakes but the result is that I'm hearing a new language come out of your mouth, it's a wonderful thing. To me, it means you want to learn. And everyone's pace is different, so I'm no one to judge if you take more time to learn it than on someone else. There is never anything wrong with that."
Esther smiles again, softer this time, and more admiringly. "Noted," she says softly. "And we should definitely pack some fried alligator and remoulade sauce from here to snack on later."
Kiara grins. Her mouth is already watering. "We certainly will."
Xifuma wante samay bët suruñu (Wolof) - I’m not hungry but my eyes aren’t full (basically the food is really really delicious). Source: Grace in Senegal
C'est comme pisser dans un violon! (French) - It's like pissing inside a violin! (Used to describe something useless and ineffective, or to complain about not being listened to after asking somebody to do something. Pissing in a violin is ineffective, it won't make a sound.) Source: Untranslatable
شكون داها فيك الحريرة (أو البلبولة) نهار العي
Describing someone who is incredibly pleased with themselves, but in actuality they are like Harrira on Eid al Fitr. Used to criticize someone who thinks very highly of themselves but has no justifiable reason to do so. Kind of like saying "you think you're hot shit in a champagne glass when you are really cold diarrhea in a Dixie cup". To explain the cultural context a little, Harrira is the soup Moroccans eat every day during Ramadan. On Eid, it stays in the fridge and people eat a lot of sweets. Source: Arabic Easy Language blog
Όποιος δεν θέλει να ζυμώσει, δέκα μέρες κοσκινίζει (Greek) - "Whoever does not want to knead, sifts for ten days". It is used to describe a procrastinator who finds every reason not to engage with their assigned task. Source: GreekPod 101.
Khavanu, pivanu, majja ni life (Gujarati) - khavanu refers to eating, pivanu refers to drinking, majja ni life means life is fun/amazing or to enjoy life. So it's basically "eat, drink and make merry". It's a popular Gujarati saying, I think, but it's associated most with the Parsi community.
在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。(Mandarin) - In heaven as two birds flying together, On earth as two trees with branches interlocked forever. Basically a romantic proverb about soulmates. Source: China Plus
The full quote from Kató Lomb goes like this:
"We should learn languages because language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly. If someone knows how to play the violin only a little, he will find that the painful minutes he causes are not in proportion to the possible joy he gains from his playing. The amateur chemist spares himself ridicule only as long as he doesn’t aspire for professional laurels. The man somewhat skilled in medicine will not go far, and if he tries to trade on his knowledge without certification, he will be locked up as a quack doctor.
Solely in the world of languages is the amateur of value. Well-intentioned sentences full of mistakes can still build bridges between people. Asking in broken Italian which train we are supposed to board at the Venice railway station is far from useless. Indeed, it is better to do that than to remain uncertain and silent and end up back in Budapest rather than in Milan."
The line about chevrette/crevette is something I read from the LSU website, from their Department of French Studies. This is what it says:
"Change is inevitable for living languages. It would be unreasonable, however, to expect change to happen in the same way in places remote from each other. In some cases, Cajun French has maintained words, structures and pronunciations which the French have long ago abandoned. For example, Cajuns have maintained the original chevrette to refer to shrimp, while the French adopted the Norman regional variant crevette as their standard word. In other cases, Cajun words or pronunciations have evolved while the French word remained stable. The French recevoir, for example, has become reçoir in Cajun French."
Source: LSU Department of French Studies
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papirouge · 1 year
If The Chosen has million haters, then I'm one of them.
If The Chosen has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE.
If The Chosen has no hater, that means I'm dead.
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darabeatha · 3 months
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❝ Please do not wear glasses with wrong prescriptions nor purchase regular fantasy contact lenses if you have astigmatism ❞
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galarfiend · 2 years
studying volo’s character and i think really all ive got so far is that he is a deeply troubled man who fucked around and found out and now doesn’t really know what to do with himself
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lauraneedstochill · 8 months
Confess the longing you are dreaming of
summary: Aemond thinks the woman he has to marry is the most impudent and unsufferable he’s ever met. He’s also never wanted anyone so badly. pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Martell!reader (third person, no mention of Y/N) warnings: bantering and teasing, mentions of unpleasant sexual experience, praise kink (guess who’s got it), a dollop of softness, mild smut (... for starters ;) author’s note: couldn’t get the idea out of my head and spent a few sleepless nights writing this. I imagine her brothers as Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac ✨ words: ~8000 song inspo: Hozier — Better love
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>>> Aemond isn’t present when the idea is voiced the first time — he has a hunch that his grandsire is to blame for that. No doubt, Otto was the one to plan it out, come up with arguments served with his persuasive tone. He’s always loved to make arrangements and strike deals, each one of them to play into his hands, and Aemond hates the thought of being just another pawn of his.
He is blindsided at the breakfast but it’s made sound carelessly mundane — as Otto puts down his cup, he throws him the proposal, the way one would leniently throw alms to the poor. And Aemond thinks he must’ve heard him wrong.
“Marry me to... Who?” the prince asks, hardly covering his surprise.
His grandsire directs his gaze at him, the old man’s mouth twitching into a condescending smile. Since Otto isn’t keen on idle talk, he tells him plainly:
“You’ve long been of age, Aemond, you know that,” his knife scratches the plate as he cuts the meat, his eyes not moving from the prince. “House Martell holds power, and we’ll be fortunate to have such allies. Besides,” he pauses to take a bite, and Aemond gets annoyed at waiting; Otto chews, then adds, “I’ve only heard good things about your bride-to-be. Wouldn’t you confirm, Ser Criston?”
The mention of the knight is unexpected to them both — Aemond turns his head to meet Ser Criston’s puzzled look. But the brunet effortlessly copes with his emotions:
“We met when she was just a kid. But I knew she’d grow into a fine lady,” he easily agrees. Mayhaps, too easily for Aemond’s liking so he makes a note to talk about it later on.
His grandsire only lets out a pleased hum. “Well, I’m under the impression she will make a good match for our prince,” and Aemond feels that Otto carefully picks each word, “She’s said to be both beautiful and smart, and known for being quite independent,” he’s usually so stingy with his praise, it’s worth its weight in gold.
But that is not what Aemond hears. The choice was made for him, and his rejection of it makes him paint a portrait less alluring — a pompous wayward woman raised in the traditions that are starkly different from his; and yet, it is expected of him to accept it freely. His wounded ego simmers at the thought.
“I’d add another word to that,” Aegon chimes in, half-drunk already, “Everyone knows the Martells to also be promisc—”
“Look who’s talking,” Otto glares at him, and Aegon shuts his mouth.
The word is left unsaid, only the meaning of it isn’t hard to guess, and Aemond feels embarrassment creeping up his cheeks and weighting down his chest. He deems himself an educated man, well-read and eager to put his knowledge to the test, but he has yet to learn of carnal pleasures. A memory is clawing out: him, ten-and-three and plied with wine, laid on a bed that smelled of sweat, a naked woman next to him. Despite her tireless attempts, he wanted none of it, and the repulsion made him sick — and then it made him hate the act itself.
He did go to the brothel through the years, tried watching, touching, looked at bodies of all sorts, only it felt like putting paint over a rotten wall. He felt constrained, and lacking in some way (perhaps, in many), and more so awfully incomplete. Not once he sensed a spark, a pleasure he would crave, and no amount of effort could help him fill the emptiness inside.
He quells the feeling, pushes in indifference instead, and glances briefly at his mother. She meets his eye but only grants him a faint smile, her own gaze lacking any protest.
“Her brothers wrote that they would visit in a fortnight,” Alicent peacefully explains. “It is our duty to ensure a royal welcome.”
“Brothers?” Helaena blithely chirps. “How many does she have?”
“Four but only two of them are coming,” Otto tells her softly, then looks at Aemond, adding in a voice more wily. “I am convinced they really want to see whom their dear sister is about to marry.”
He doesn’t spell it out but the implication can’t be clearer — Aemond must play the part and make a good impression. As if impressing just one stranger wasn’t tedious enough.
As if he isn’t vexed already by how unsuitable he finds her.
>>> Frustration grows in Aemond with each day, takes roots, and clogs up all his thoughts. Some other man would’ve been glad — he often heard that the Martells are quite the lovers. He can’t admit it to himself how much he’s bothered by his own misfortunes on the love field.
He bottles his emotions up and doesn’t utter any word of discontent, nor does he ever speak of the awaited visit. Although he makes just one exception.
“My grandsire mentioned that you knew her,” he reminds Ser Criston one day after training.
The knight nods. “I crossed paths with Quentyn, he’s the oldest. She used to come to watch us train.”
“What was she like?” Aemond carefully wonders.
Ser Criston ponders for a minute, polishing his sword. “She was a quiet little girl, kept to herself. A lot of boys were always chasing after her, and she paid them all no mind,” he smiles at the memory. “But I remember one of them who was... particularly pesky. His charms didn’t work on her so he got offended, rude, followed her around. She tolerated him for over a month. One morning, he was hassling her in the training yard, and she just took a spear laying nearby — and smacked him with no warning,” he shakes his head but it’s apparent that he isn’t judging. “She didn’t use the pointy end but she got him good. And then she told him that next time he would think twice about his actions. She was impressive for a ten-year-old,” he muses and puts the sword away, then turns to Aemond, giving him a wistful stare. “Frankly, I think that you will like her.”
He does, for just a second, as his mind rushes to paint the image of a fearless little girl; and then he mercilessly wipes that image off. Maybe in other circumstances, he could’ve found amusement in that story, but Aemond only huffs and thinks back to the list of all her traits he prematurely made up. He adds “rebellious” to that list, and his self-doubt is a venom that clouds his judgment. He’s in no rush to find a cure.
>>> Their ship arrives a few hours earlier than planned — and after the dock watchers break the news, the bustle begins. Maids, servants, guards all run and faff about the castle, the dining hall gets filled with smells and noises, plates and dishes clanking.
Aemond is not excited in the slightest.
He dresses up reluctantly, each piece of clothes only dampening his mood that’s been already sour for the past two weeks. He all but drags his feet into the dining hall and by the time he reaches it, he looks so grim that one may think the prince’s preparing for his death, no less.
The minutes fly too quickly for his liking — they barely have time to sit, his mother nervously toying with the tablecloth already, and then the guards rush to announce the guests. Surprisingly, she’s not among them. The prince thinks he should be relieved; deep down, there is a splash of worry fizzling in him.
Her brothers walk in calmly in a cloud of servants bearing gifts. Their kinship is immediately clear — both tall, broad-shouldered, and dark-haired, self-confidence subsisting in their every step. The oldest is distinguished by a touch of gray in his short beard, his gaze more focused, a slight smile plastered on his face. The other one shamelessly stares at every maid his eyes can catch.
“Your grace, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” Quentyn reaches their table first, and Alicent walks down to greet them. He keeps his distance and his smile, his tone is measured. “We were so sad to learn that the King has fallen sick. But I can tell the Kingdom is in great hands. And —”
“Women’s hands do have a healing touch,” Oberyn smoothly interrupts, his accent a bit thicker, his voice honeyed. “I will prefer a Queen over a King at any given day. Unless, of course, your husband can compete with you in beauty... I somehow doubt that.”
A shade of disapproval grazes Quentyn’s face but Alicent is too amazed to notice. The compliment may come off as blunt but she still takes it well, her smile embarrassed yet sincere.
“I hope you will enjoy your stay,” she tells them humbly, then looks over the crowd. “But may I ask where is the lady we’ve been waiting for?”
“She made a stop on our way to catch up with an old friend,” Quentyn answers, ready to explain, “It’s been years since we’ve met Ser —”
“Still can’t believe he is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,” Oberyn chuckles. “I think it’s all the armor that makes it look like he poses a threat. But you may reconsider if you see him in the nude.”
This time, the older brother glares at him with warning, and there’s a lull in their conversation, while Aemond’s struggling to hear what made his mother’s cheeks so red, his mind nervously preoccupied with someone else —
her laughter enters first.
It’s bright and joyful, a sound so lovely it might be enough to crack up his restraint. But then he spots her, and it feels like his whole body flares up at the sight.
She’s walking with her hand under Ser Criston’s arm, and Aemond’s never seen a dress that covers so much but hides so little. It’s muted orange, floor-length, made of sumptuous silk, with two long slits along the sides, curves of her thighs beguilingly seen through. Her neck and arms aren’t covered, and the material is intricately stitched around her waist to show a few more glimpses of her sun-kissed skin. The waves of her long hair fall on her shoulders and frame her face, each feature of it striking but her lips stand out the most — full, plump, and reddish. Not once before Aemond found the thought of being kissed so tempting.
She doesn’t even turn her head to look at him. She’s talking to Ser Criston quietly, and he’s engaged in conversation, unusually relaxed. Their difference in age is obvious, and the knight seems like just another relative of hers, but an uneasy feeling still leaves a bite on Aemond’s chest. He can’t imagine her so carefree — so beaming and compliant — by his side. His jealousy tastes bitter like a stale wine.
He hears his brother let out a short laugh. “It’s not like they were fucking,” Aegon carelessly notes. “Please ease your outrage before she runs away.”
“I don’t remember asking for advice,” Aemond snarls.
“You do look like you need it,” the blond comments, then goes back to drinking.
She gracefully approaches them, her voice melodic like a murmur of a river. “Forgive me, your grace, for being late, I haven’t seen Ser Criston in some time,” she tells his mother. “He was once a dear friend of mine.”
“I only helped to shush away a few of your admirers,” the knight cackles, earning a smile from her.
“I hope you are making use of all his talents,” she says to the Queen, making her face flush right away.
She delicately moves on to another topic. “It is a pleasure to have you here, you must be tired from taking such a long trip.”
“We found it quite enjoyable,” Quentyn remarks politely. “The beautiful sights along the way are worth the journey, and your city has some great views too.”
“Can’t say I’ve heard great things about your food,” Oberyn grins. “Hence why we took the liberty to bring some of our own,” he signals to the nearest servant, who runs to open one of the trunks they carried. “The dornish fruits are also my sister’s weak spot.”
“As if you don’t gorge yourself on them!” she jests, letting go of Ser Criston’s arm at last. “My brother is a glutton, your grace, please excuse his manners in advance.”
“You can call me Alicent,” his mother corrects her warmly. “Only seems fair to continue this discussion at the table,” she slightly moves away to let the girl go first.
Aemond unintentionally stiffens and only when he stands up from his chair to greet her, she finally does look at him. In contrast to her countenance, her gaze is dark and piercing, and the prince is staggered by how unreadable it is. Her brothers glance at Aemond briefly — Quentyn is pensive, while Oberyn looks like he wants to bite his head off; neither says a word.
She’s seated to his right, and she leaves behind a trail of scent — apples and plums, and he can’t help but catch the movement of her hips under the flowing dress. The words all mash and fall apart, and he can’t pick a single one to strike up a conversation.
Aegon is sitting next to her, and his patience only lasts a minute. “Never knew Ser Criston was such a ladies' man.”
“I’m sure he succeeded on that front but we are merely good friends,” she answers calmly, keeping her eyes on servants bringing fruits — blood oranges and pomegranates, robust grapes, and ripened cherries.
“You two seemed more than friendly,” Aegon presses, his tone evidently taunting.
She picks a golden apricot and runs her thumb over its fragrant surface. “Maybe it’s the wine that makes you see things,” she rebuts and takes a bite out of the fruit, a drop of juice risking to escape her mouth but she wipes it swiftly with her finger. She catches Aemond looking, and his cheeks heat up.
“We’ve never seen him in the company of a woman,” the older prince points out, filling up his cup once more.
She takes out the kernel and eats up the fruit, her mouth glistens. “Aren’t the knights of the Kingsguard forbidden to marry?”
“Never stopped them from bedding whoever they like,” Aegon remarks crudely, and Aemond is thankful that their mother is too preoccupied with Oberyn’s tireless chatting.
“Maybe some men have the decency to follow orders,” she responds, unbothered, taking a cherry and clasping it with her lips. Aegon doesn’t seem to notice and only gulps the wine and rolls his eyes. Aemond can’t look away.
“Aren’t you Martells known for not following the rules? I thought unruly was in your house’s motto,” Aegon argues, a corner of his mouth curled in a smirk.
She takes another cherry, the third in a row, her lips already stained with juice. “I think you keep getting your facts wrong,” she brushes him off, and Aegon goes to object some more but spills the wine right on his shirt. The displeased cry brings Aemond out of his trance.
“He tends to do that when he’s drunk,” the one-eyed prince coolly interjects.
Her eyes flicker to him, then she fully turns her head. “So you can actually talk,” her teasing comes off soft but her gaze still burns. “It’s good to know.”
“You seemed preoccupied with someone else,” he musters an excuse.
“Do you expect your wife to never speak to other men?” her voice almost betrays her disenchantment.
“No,” Aemond quickly answers, caught unawares by how strained his thinking process is. “She— you are free to choose your friends, of course.”
“I’m flattered,” her tone suggesting otherwise, “Not that I would ask for anyone’s approval,” she reaches for a plum; he closes his eye with a sigh.
Aegon comes to stand in between them on the pretext of needing another carafe of wine: “I didn’t mean to interrupt your friendly bickering, please continue.”
“It seems like Aemond isn’t in the mood for talking,” she doesn’t look at him, the tip of her tongue darting to lick her finger. “And I am never in the mood for begging.”
“My brother’s hospitality leaves much to be desired,” Aegon takes a sip. “So I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer,” his hand falls on her chair. “But if you ever wish to be... well satisfied, all you have to do is ask me”.
It’s hard to tell if Aegon’s actually that drunk or merely provoking (or if he’s got a death wish, Aemond wonders).
She replies without much thought. “Well, if I ever find myself in need of...,” she trails off with a smile but her gaze gets harsh — her words then follow, “My choice won’t fall on you,” the smirk falls off Aegon’s face, and she glances straight at Aemond, adding, “I like them taller.”
But her straightforwardness is met with his resistance, with the deep-rooted unacceptance of his lurking needs. He adds “indecent” to the list, and they speak no more.
>>> Her boldness doesn’t pose a problem to anyone but him. To his surprise (or more so to his shock), his mother gives in first.
The morning can’t come fast enough for Aemond after he spends the night tossing and turning. A few hours later he rushes to the garden for a walk, overwhelmed by restlessness his training didn’t help him cope with. That’s when he sees it — a spot of yellow shining through the trees. He somehow knows it’s her without further confirmation but still, his feet carry him on.
Her dress is vivid like a field of marigolds, her hair plaited, wrists adorned with golden bracelets. He slackens pace and peers into her — and he wants nothing more than to drink her up, her whole appearance is the sweetest nectar... Until he hears another sound and realizes she is not alone, and it’s his mother sitting by her side, wrapped in her favorite green and, unexpectedly, in glee. He can’t remember when he saw her laugh like this — out loud, giggling, tears at the corners of her eyes are not from sadness but from joy.
“My dear, that is so improper! Did he apologize at least?” Alicent inquires with a smile.
“Oberyn rarely does,” she tells her serenely. “His lover looked way more ashamed. I hope each of your rooms has locks, gods know I don’t want to walk in on him again.”
Unlike his mother who is covered by the shade of trees, she’s bathing in the sun, the soft light caressing her skin, and Aemond’s eye greedily follows every ray. In barely a minute he feels warm all over.
“I hope that Aemond’s chambers got locks too,” she adds all of a sudden, a bit louder, and his chest is splashed with cold.
His eye moves to her face, and she’s already looking at him, direct and daring. He knows he’s hidden by the trees but there’s no hiding from her gaze.
Aemond turns away and steps back in haste, his abashment mixed with grievance at her implication. He believes someone like her would never lust for him, and her jokes at his expense not only hurt but prompt his resentment to grow stronger. He adds “deceptive” to the portrait of her he is so adamantly set on painting.
>>> She wins Helaena’s heart with ease. His sister fondly compliments her brooch — a little poppy made out of gold — and she gifts it to Helaena the same day. The silver-haired princess grabs at chance to show her own collection, and they spend the day looking through the jewels spread over the floor, sitting right there and equally amused.
And that’s how Aemond finds them. He only planned to see his nephews but hearing her voice coming from Helaena’s chambers makes him slow his step.
“... And this one he gave me for my latest name day,” Helaena babbles cheerfully.
“Aemond clearly spoils you,” she laughs without a shade of envy. “As he should!”
“He is very kind at heart,” Helaena eagerly assures her. “You will be happy with him, I am certain of it.”
There is a pause that makes him feel uneasy, makes him sneak up closer to the room.
“I do believe he’s not an evil man,” she finally says, “Maybe he just wasn’t made for marriage.”
Surely she can’t see him through the door but he can swear that he feels her gaze, like a silent challenge, a hidden mocking. He barges in without a knock.
Helaena beams. “We were just talking about you!”
His sister’s dress is milky blue, modestly pretty, and loosely fitted. It’s also treacherously pale compared to the liquid gold the Martell girl is dressed in. She’s sitting with her feet under her thighs, the bending of her back is bare and in plain sight. He should’ve walked away the second he heard the sound of her voice because not looking at her seems impossible.
“Oh, you came to see the twins? They are with Aegon but I can call— No, I will bring them back myself,” Helaena springs to her feet, rosy-cheeked and smiley, and leaves the room before Aemond can protest. And then it’s just the two of them.
He takes a breath and makes an effort, with his jaw tense and his blood rising, to drag his eye away from her. It feels as pointless as ignoring sunlight in an open field on a summer day. Only her beauty is more brazen — and so is her wit.
“I take it, gold isn’t your favorite color,” she speaks up with an impish tone. “Would be a bad idea to wear it on our wedding then.”
She never comes too close, always just a little out of reach, and yet he feels as if her presence grips him, weakening his will. He doesn’t want to be with her until he is — and then he has no wish to leave.
It scares Aemond as much as it spikes his anger.
“Why did you agree to come?” he bristles.
“You are not asking about your sister’s chambers, are you?” she clarifies, and he hears her smiling.
He tells himself he only needs to cast a glance to check.
He does — he meets her gaze — her earrings catch the sunlight and cast a trail of glares — the scattering of specks play on her skin, her neck and collarbones, sneak to her upper chest — his own is heaving. His struggle only lasts a moment but it leaves him short of breath. He isn’t looking anymore, his eye trying to discern the pattern on the drapes behind her.
“Our marriage, how do you benefit from it?” he hates how hard it is to control his voice.
And how she watches him intently without giving him a clue of what’s on her mind.
“I plan on visiting my family a couple of times a year. It will be easier to do on dragon back,” she doesn’t sound spiteful when she says it but her words still sting.
He can’t stop an image flashing through his mind: her on top of Vhagar, lungs full of air, pressed to him. It’s tempting — to have her in his hands, and yet the vision is too intangible to cling to. Instead, he thinks that in just three days she learned to play him like a harp, his years' worth of self-control is merely a sand castle against the tide of her sharp tongue.
He only snickers dryly at her reply, then they both hear the sound of running footsteps. Jaehaera and Jaehaerys rush to greet him — but almost instantly abandon, the kids' attention drawn to the shining golden dress.
He thinks “unruly” suits her better than does “pompous”. He comes up with a fake excuse to leave; the image of her stays with him.
>>> He picks more adjectives as the week goes on — she’s audacious, disobedient, wanton. She moves around the castle as if she owns every room she’s in. She wears less, and even on rare occasions when she doesn’t, her defiance more than compensates for it. She never shies away from a deep neckline, nor does she feel the need to hold back her resounding laughs. Her jewelry clinks, each of her dresses is brighter than the other, but it’s her wicked mouth his eye always falls on first.
More times than not, Aemond can’t tear his gaze away, each meal for him now both a torture and a feast.
He watches as she parts her lips, puts them around a luscious grape, a cherry, or a peach, she swipes her tongue to lick up every running drop, savoring its tang — and keeps eye contact with him. He barely can taste the food he’s eating, and no wine can quench his thirst, his body flooding with a feeling he can’t define, his heart adrift.
He tries to fight it off with all our strength. He scratches off “unruly” to write down “unabashed” instead.
But then the dinner comes, and even though he’s never had a taste for sweets, he thinks he’d eat them from her lips (deep down, he wants to). The lies he tells himself are brittle like the flesh of fruits under her teeth.
>>> He comes to think “insufferable” fits her the best. That thought rings in his head while he is standing in the stable, his eye on anything but her. He was informed she wished to pick a horse, and he begrudgingly agreed to come, only to keep up the pretense.
What turns out to be much harder is for him to keep restraint. The dress she’s wearing might as well be a chemise — it’s just as light and white, and much to his discomfort, it also tirelessly risks hiking up to expose more of her legs.
Discomfort, mayhaps, isn’t the right word for it.
He stays out of her way but, unsurprisingly, he ends up looking — at how she walks, spring in her step, swinging her hips. She gives each horse a piece of apple and feeds them by hand, strokes their muzzles, and then she mounts and rides them, one by one. She grabs the reins, her foot easily finds the stirrup, and as she swings her leg over the saddle, her dress slips up, showing a few inches of her skin.
He swallows thickly, glances more intently — over her dainty ankles, bending of her knees, he notes how smooth her skin is, soaking up the sun. Her dress then billows slightly, and his eye glides higher, hungry, follows up the contour of her thighs that bounce a little as the horse gallops.
He feels it blooming — a sensation with no name that travels from the lower chest down to his very navel, then spreads and tightens all that’s underneath.
He is so deep in his enthrallment, he doesn’t hear the steps approaching until there’s someone standing next to him. Quentyn stays silent for a minute, throwing him a sideways glance.
“My sister’s always been terribly picky,” the man says out of the blue, “And usually it’s hard to meet all of her demands,” — it doesn’t seem like it’s the horses he is talking of. The vagueness of it makes Aemond focus as he takes his eye off her but Quentyn doesn’t elaborate, giving him a smile instead. “I do admit, your patience is commendable. Some other man would’ve already interfered just to wrap the process up.”
“I was under the impression she doesn’t need anyone’s help,” Aemond replies evasively.
“You guessed it right,” Quentyn titters, his tone veiled with the same unclear meaning when he adds, “The only thing left for us all is to accept it,” and with that, he goes to join his sister.
When Aemond — tamely, almost yielding — takes a peek at her, his gaze collides with Oberyn’s who clearly watched them talk. Unlike his older brother, he prefers to stay away, but the mischief in him pairs really well with danger. He grants Aemond a nod, switching attention back to her, his threats unspoken for the meantime.
For just a second, it gives Aemond pause as he finds it odd that no one brings up their wedding, and no announcements have been made ever since she came. He doesn’t mull over it for long because her laughter interrupts his thoughts (or maybe he just yearns for any chance to look at her). She rides around the yard, her hair floating in the wind, a little breathless but breathtaking, her lips enticing and her curves making his throat dry.
He tries to ground himself, to look for explanations, for some reprieve from the entrancing spell he’s under — he’s never been so close to losing reason —
out of the corner of his eye, he sees a couple of guards dropping their gaze in poor attempts to stop themselves from gawking; it reins his passion, bringing back his jealousy instead. He’s way too used to seeing himself unworthy to even entertain the thought of having her, and his denial prickles. He wants to burn his feelings out, and anger helps with that — it breaks out and engulfs him fast, hardening both his heart and gaze.
“Quentyn is the friendliest of the two, and you couldn’t hold a conversation?” Aegon appears out of nowhere, seemingly displeased despite the bottle in his hand. “Must you always be so gruff? I stayed behind in hopes you’d make it work!” he waves at Oberyn then glares at Aemond, waiting for a reply. “Are you pretending to be deaf or...?”
“Must she test my patience?” Aemond mutters, his tone not jealous but exasperated, his eye boring into her, “Putting herself out like that for all the men to see.”
Aegon being speechless is a rare sight. He cannot fathom it at first, looking from Aemond back to her, confusion sobering him up. And then he grins, realization creeping up on him; there are some things he’s always quick to notice.
“It’s funny that you say that,” he leans in to tell him and catches Aemond’s gaze, “Since it’s just you who’s staring,” Aegon pats him on the back and leaves to greet her brothers.
Aemond tries to choke it down — his irritation and his shame combined, but it’s too much for him to handle, his head and heart clearly in conflict. He doesn’t wait for her to make a choice, retiring without sparing her a glance (a fear nibs at him that if he looks at her once more, he will stay rooted to the ground).
He doesn’t leave his chambers for the remainder of the day, dining all alone and fuming all the same. He’s usually good at curbing his emotions but he is having trouble understanding them, wanting nothing more than to erase all memories of her. But even in his solitude, he catches himself thinking — about her cunning smile and swaying hips, her eyes on him, his hands wanting to roam and touch and —
Aemond shoves unwanted thoughts away and goes to bed earlier than usual. He remains steadfast in his resolve to find some peace, he makes a conscious effort to shift his focus to all the boring, random things his mind can come up with until he is too tired to care.
But then he falls asleep, and his subconscious welcomes her. He sees her right before his eye in that obscenely short white dress, there are no people in the yard, her tantalizing moves all meant for him. She hops off her black horse and walks to him without a single word — anticipation makes him drop his guard and hold his breath — and then he feels her lips on his, her body pressing into him, his hunger for her ruining his self-control, the kiss is searing, suffocating, driving him insane, his fingers pulling up her dress —
he wakes up painfully aroused.
He lays in bed, his heartbeat rushing, his breathing ragged, and vision blurred. While he’s still grasping for the remnants of his dream, he sneaks his hand into his breeches, wishing he could rip her dress off and sheath himself inside her, spread her on his bed, and drink every salacious sound she makes... It only takes him a few strokes to spill over his fingers; he can’t remember if he’s ever reached his peak so fast.
And only then, as he comes down from his high, it hits him, like lightning in the dark — in spite of her remarks, her audacity, her dresses, and every cruel adjective he’s found for her, he’s never wanted anyone so badly. Aemond sits up abruptly, his sleep gone, giving way to stubbornness that comes hand in hand with reticence. He persuades himself that he’ll suppress this — the spark, the pleasure that he craves, and he won’t be a slave to his desires.
He’ll rid himself of feelings, of this lust. Inevitably it will wane.
>>> It doesn’t.
Desire is a guest that never leaves, unwanted but demanding space, attention, time. It slips into his thoughts the moment he wakes up, it whispers in his ears, never giving up, it’s layered in between his clothes and his skin. He hides it well from everyone; it lodges deeper into him.
Desire is a cherry in her mouth, each fruit she bites in, savors, drinks the juice from. He doesn’t want to watch — he can’t take his eye off her, caught in his fervor like in undertow, the flavor of her lips the only one he truly yearns for.
Desire bruises more than does a hit, cuts deeper than a blade, and there’s no weapon he can fight it off with. His training brings him no relief, and he can’t sweat it out or wash it off him, and even while he soaking in a bath, it feels like longing only rises back with steam.
Desire waits for him at night, stands by his bed, slides right under the covers with him. He dreams of her, and in those dreams, her body sings under his every touch, trembles from his praise, his hands and mouth paint her with marks and kisses. He wakes up with his chest aflame and out of breath, and then it takes all of his willpower not to crawl to her.
It staggering how much he really wants her, and he hates himself for it.
>>> It’s been three weeks and they have barely shared a word. He does his best to cut down their encounters and avoid her, he doesn’t argue and takes no offense, he hopes that if he pulls back just enough she will give up and let him be.
Aemond spends his evenings in the study, his table piled with books, and for a couple of hours, it does help to take his mind off things. The night already steals in while he’s searching through the shelves for scrolls, too caught up in the process to pick up the creaking of his door.
Her gaze nearly scalds him. He only looks up out of surprise — and then he freezes at the spot, his heart a stone that plummets to his stomach.
Out of everything she’s worn, this dress might be the one to bring him to his knees — the cutting out the front so low, his eye falls in the hollow between her breasts; he envies fervently the golden chain that rests there. He takes in her whole body, bare arms, and flaunting forms, all clad in deep dark green. He’s never seen her pick that color (and he can’t help but think she put it on for him).
He’s brought back from his stupor when their eyes meet — and startled by the determination in her gaze.
“Ser Criston told me that you missed your training,” she stately starts walking toward him, “Quite a few times this week.”
“I found myself preoccupied with other things,” he clears his throat and clasps his hands behind his back, the scrolls forgotten.
“With reading, I assume?” she almost sounds aggrieved (he wants to ask what else she’d rather have him do) but then her tone gets jaunty. “Would you mind if I join?”
“Actually, I would,” Aemond takes his eye off her, his coldness feigned. “I’d like to avoid distractions.”
And more than anything, he would like for her to leave; she’s not the one to give up so easily. “Maybe we can learn some things together?” she nonchalantly insists, and that ambiguity — deliberate or not — leaves his face suffused with pink.
“I highly doubt you take interest in the things I study,” he manages, his crudeness biting his own tongue.
She only sneers, already nearing his table. “You surely rush to judgment.”
“And I am never wrong.” (Although he’s been wrong once before.)
“That’s very humble of you.” (And she’s tenacious with her intent to prove him wrong again.)
“I am surprised you know that word,” he replies too hastily — and instantly regrets his outburst.
And his attempts to get away from her could’ve been valiant, but only left him feeling like a coward.
She’s got enough courage to spare. “Oh, my apologies, did I strike a nerve?” her hip grazes a stack of books. “You sound so displeased with my behavior,” she puts her hands right on his table, her cleavage in full view.
“You interrupted my studies,” he’s looking only at her face.
“Just this one time,” she clears up, her sly smile is a dare, “Sounds like you have quite a few complaints.”
Damned be her dress and the day he laid his eye on her. “It’s clear as day that we have nothing in common,” he hisses, her persistence molding his anger. “From your bawdy humor to your reckless behavior and your...,” he struggles to push the word through his mouth, “vulgar dresses — everything suggests that we will never make a good couple.”
He catches a gleam in her gaze but it’s not threatening nor hurt — and when the corners of her mouth curl up, her face expression actually looks amused. “I didn’t realize my presence tormented you that much,” she crosses arms over her chest, her hands under her breasts; he looks away that very instant. “So will it please you if I take my vulgar dresses and go back home and leave you be?”
He wants to say it will — he’s thought of it for days — but now he isn’t sure. The dreams he has of her will hardly be enough as every image he collected has got nothing on the real form.
“Is there anything that does?” she asks him suddenly and takes a step in his direction, and then another one.
Belatedly, he realizes that he’s backed against the wall. The air in the room heats up, and Aemond moves back to his table, fingers holding to its edge to find some balance. “...Does what?”
“Please you,” she swiftly clarifies, now standing at arm’s length.
“That isn’t any of your concern,” he wants to glance away and yet, his eye is drawn to her.
“I am inclined to disagree,” her lips stretch into a smile. “Shouldn’t a wife know how to make her husband feel good?”
“We are not married yet,” he tries to argue weakly.
“I’d like to learn beforehand,” but her assertiveness works quicker than his doubts.
The time is still, and seconds drag like hours. His heart leaps at the thought of being all alone with her, his concentration crumbling, his self-restraint already hanging by a thread.
“The way you look at me suggests you aren’t averse to the idea,” she tells him in a low voice, her eyes two glowing embers. Aemond gulps, she deftly rounds the table. “You act so cold and so collected,” she muses, coming closer, and he helplessly steps back. “But I am yet to meet a man who would deny himself the pleasure of laying with a woman,” her voice is warm and warming; his legs bump into the chair, prompting him to sit.
He hesitates for barely a moment but his quick reaction fails him because the next thing he knows, she’s standing next to him, her golden chain casting a blinding glint — he blinks — and then she’s straddling him, her thighs on either side of his.
Aemond’s mouth falls slack as he becomes aware: to lift her he will have to touch her. He glances down at her legs that sneaked out through the long slits of her dress, all bare to the very hips before him.
“I wonder if you are too spoiled by the attention of the ladies? Mayhaps you’ve got so satiated, the intimacy doesn’t bring you any joy,” she runs her fingers up his chest.
He only finds it in himself to shake his head. She isn’t satisfied with that reaction. “Or do you simply find it boring and have a taste for something else?”
Objection bubbles in his throat but he gets no chance to voice it — he barely registers a clinking sound before he feels cold steel pressed under his chin, her fingers wrapped around the hilt of his own dagger. He meant to leave it at the training yard but it completely slipped his mind.
“Does this work better? I’ve heard that you Targaryens have peculiar tastes,” her other hand lands on his shoulder, his chest is stirring with emotions he can’t read.
“That’s not— No,” he mumbles, his voice raw, the weight and feeling of her body overwhelming.
She cocks her brow at him in disbelief. “No? So it’s just plain old satiation then?” she makes no attempt to press the blade but her questions do get pushy. “Must be so hard when women throw themselves at you ever since you were... What was it, ten? Twelve years of age?”
He would expect her to sound teasing — instead, he hears disappointment. That’s the reaction he is used to getting.
“My brother took me to a pleasure house when I was ten-and-three. He said it’s time to get it wet,” he forces out, “And it was...,” awful and humiliating, something he wishes to forget, “...Not what you are describing.”
Her face expression changes — first surprised, then splashed with sadness, and her every feature softens. Aemond sees her opening her mouth to speak but he averts his gaze, abasement scrabbling at him. His eye falls closed, and he keeps thinking that now she will get up and leave, and there won’t be any wedding, and he’s got no reason to get so overly upset already, and —
she sheathes his dagger without a word, the unexpected movement making him breathe out.
And then she dips her head down, and her lips fall on his jaw. Aemond inhales sharply. Her mouth feels softer than it was in all his dreams, and she plants kisses down his throat, moving to the part of it the blade was pressed to. He doesn’t know where to put his hands while hers lock nimbly around his neck.
She pulls back slowly, and he dares to look at her again, trying to catch the merest shadow of pretense but there is none.
“I am truly sorry that you had to go through that,” she tells him quietly. “Have you tried some more since then?”
“I did,” his answer comes off hurried, blank, “I... I am aware of how the act is done.”
“How the act is done? Aemond, that doesn’t sound enjoyable at all,” she pouts, then gently caresses his face, her voice a tender whisper when she adds, “But it should be.”
He stiffens, waiting for the discomfort to wake up, for the aversion to coil his guts, to trigger the jarring need to move away. None of that happens. Instead, he feels her fingers running through his hair, a calming motion bringing only comfort, her every touch relieving tightness in his chest.
“You seem too tense... We have to work on that,” she joyfully murmurs. “Unless, of course, my worry causes you distress,” her fingers stop, “Do you want me to leave, my prince?”
“No,” he rasps, he almost pleads, “D-don’t.”
She hums with satisfaction, bringing her hands down to unclasp his leather doublet, knowing she won’t meet any resistance. He should resent her for this but he doesn’t (he didn’t and he won’t). The air lays cold over his shirt, and Aemond shivers; she moves her fingers down his firm chest with an unspoken admiration.
“Tell me how it usually goes,” she inquires, one of her hands finding its way back to his silver locks. “Do you find pleasure in undressing them?”
Her warmth envelopes him, scented with cinnamon and peaches. “They come without much clothes,” Aemond blurts out, earning another hum from her.
“And what about you?” she glances curiously at him.
“I don’t... I don’t like them touching me,” he timidly avows, and saying it to her does bring somewhat of a relief.
With both of her hands, she cradles his face, thumbs gently contouring his cheeks — he all but melts into her palms. “And yet you are so responsive to the touch,” her voice praises, “So pretty.”
She leans in again, leaving a kiss at the hollow of his throat — and then her mouth travels up, ardent and steady, and he squirms in place. Not out of discomfort.
“You are not supposed to rush it if you want it to feel good,” she whispers in his ear and moves back to catch his gaze. “You never rush into fighting so why love making should be any different?”
Astonishment brightens his face, and she chuckles lightly. “I must confess, I did enjoy watching you train, even though you never noticed. The way you move and twirl your sword,” she’s recollecting breathy, “You are so lithe and fast and so resistant... An infatuating sight.”
She holds his gaze and lifts her hand — he follows it, unblinking, until it finds one of the straps — she hooks it with her fingers. “Fairly soon it made me wonder how would your hands feel... on me,” his heart jolts at her words.
Slowly, she moves the strap aside, baring her breast for him; Aemond’s breathing hitches. She takes his hand in hers, planting a kiss over his knuckles — and then lets his fingers graze her naked skin.
“It was so cruel of you to rob me of my pleasure,” she laments, but he can barely hear a thing, his eye wide as he fixes on the soft swell of her breast, on how her nipple peaks so eagerly under his touch.
She guides his hand over her chest, down to her ribs and waist, letting him brush her every curve, placing his fingers firmly on her hip. And then she reaches for his other hand and lowers the other strap; his body trembles. The layers of his reticence are all peeled at once, leaving his desire raw and undisguised, unshackled. He’s drawn to fondle, clutch at her plump breasts but her grip is tight and taunting, not letting his fingers roam free.
Still, when both his hands sink into her hips, he realizes that he’s getting harder by the second.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by her. With a controlled, torturously slow move she drags her clothed core over his straining cock. His mouth stays closed but there’s a sound — a muffled moan caught in his throat.
“Doesn’t this feel good?” she teases, lightly tugging on his hair, her lips reaching the column of his neck. “With how much you read, I hoped you’d be more generous with words,” each of her kisses weightless like a drop of rain but then her mouth finds a spot below his ear and suckles at it, pulling a whimper from his chest.
He thinks he should... his mind goes blank after another movement of her hips, and she picks up the pace, merciless and sensuous. He tries biting down his moans but only hurts his mouth. She notices, her rapt eyes on him, and puts her finger on his lower lip:
“Please, don’t be shy with me,” she coos, her gentle touch soothing his bitten flesh, “Our desires coincide,” she earnestly affirms him — and the spark erupts and drags him into pure bliss.
He feels that his arousal leaks, his breeches way too tight to hide it, his fingers dig into her supple skin, but she gives no complaints. He watches breathlessly through his hooded eyelid as she grinds against him, then looks over her bouncing breasts, her nipples pebbled, and the pressure curls somewhere down his spine. She peppers him with kisses — the angles of his face, neck, everything that she can reach, except for his desirous mouth. And yet the softness of her lips and hands, her skin that’s draped with the redolent scent, the rhythm of her hips all bring him closer to the edge.
Her forehead is pressed to his, their lips an inch away but never fully touching. “Let go for me,” she says against his mouth, “My handsome, fierce dragon.”
That does it for him. He harshly presses her to him, then shudders with a strangled moan and comes undone, his eye squeezed shut as her name quivers in his mouth. The pleasure whirls him in and leaves him drained and stunned, a little bit light-headed.
It takes Aemond a minute to recover before he finds her gaze again — and in another minute he discerns her shallow breaths, her parted lips, brows slightly furrowed. He wants to ask her if she reached her peak, if he can help her with it —
but she pulls back.
She stands up and only briefly grabs his shoulder, steadying herself, then promptly puts the straps back on, fixing her dress. He wants to lend a hand but she moves it away, leaning in to lightly caress his face. “No, you don’t get to have me yet. I want you to admit it first, to say that you want me,” her words are laced with dignity but cooling to his mind.
She steps back, cruelly fast, the only consolation is her naughty tone. “Until then, I have to satisfy myself some other way. But I will think of you while doing it, my dear prince,” she promises, a ghost of a smile on her lips, and then walks out without looking back.
The silence feels unwelcome in the room and hangs over the ceiling like a cloud, but Aemond he is too dazed to move, spent and perplexed to wrap his head around it.
Desire, it seems, has come to stay.
But it’s not the only thing he’s feeling.
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✧... YES, there will be a second part, it’s already in the works! ✧ and yes, I didn’t bother to rename Pedro’s character 'cause I adore Oberyn sue me
✧ just to clarify, I usually age Aemond up to 20 (or however old Ewan looks to you ;) ✧ I got inspired after watching the video for ROSALÍA’s “La Fama” (give it a watch, she is soooo 🥵) but I only found it because of this gorgeous gifset so shout-out to OP for giving me inspiration
✧ my recent fic (couples who kill together, stay together 🔥) ✧ my masterlist
thank you @amiraisgoingthruit for letting me tag you in every silly story of mine, hope you’ll like this one (if anyone else wants to be tagged, don’t be shy)
English is not my first language, so feel free to message me if you spot any major mistakes. reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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Hey so that reminds me. The first Five Nights at Freddy’s trailer dropped and it looks good and fun and scary and the Jim Henson company can do no wrong as always!!! I can't fucking wait!!!!!
But like– warning for people not familiar with this franchise:
(and I have no idea HOW you could have missed this but I have encountered larger and stranger knowledge gaps in my time on the internet so just. sending this out there):
FNAF is THEEEEEEE jumpscare game.
Like. I’m not a gamer or anything but just from my memory it’s what started the jumpscare horror trend of the mid-2010s. The entire game system for the vast majority of the franchise is BUILT around jumpscares. Jumpscares are what it is known for, if its name could be changed to anything it would be "Jumpscares: The Game" because that's what it is. The first thing anyone learns about this franchise is that there are one shit billion jumpscares in it. The trailer didn't have too many but the movie no doubt WILL have a metric fuckton just because that's how the game operates.
also for those not familiar with this franchise, every game (the first one implicit but it's still present) deals with child death + murder. Teaser already confirmed that will be in the film, leaked trailer confirmed even more of it. Have you seen that viral post going around like "sir this is the child death and murder franchise i know what i signed up for" "what kids are in fnaf??" "are you in the headspace to receive information that could possibly hurt you right now" they are NOT kidding it is a core part of the lore and plot.
tl;dr if you don't know anything about fnaf but wanna see it after the movie trailer looked sick, massive MASSIVE trigger warnings for jumpscares and child murder. It's a core part of the franchise and if you can't deal with one or both of those you should avoid this one come October.
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preeningpisces · 2 months
♡ Too Sensitive - Part Two ♡
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Telling the JJK men you get too sensitive right before you cum and always have to stop, effectively ruining your orgasms. 
A/N: basically Choso is sweet—the other two are not lol
Includes: Choso, Kenjaku, and Sukuna Part One sorry for lumping you in with the baddies, Choso
Content: masturbation, fingering, cunnilingus, p-in-v, bondage, monsterfucking, dacryphilia, degradation, praise
Petnames: whore, my lord
TW: dubcon, sadism
18+ Content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader - enjoy!
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Choso is earnest & helps you through it. He wants you to cum, it’s one of the best parts of sex. Denying yourself every time, even if it isn’t intentional, has to be frustrating. He'll do whatever you need to get there.
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With how new relationships are for Choso, you haven’t added sex to the equation yet. Everything about intimacy is a learning curve, and even though the two of you agreed to take things slow, Choso has shown a clear yearning and interest in sex. So when he walks in on a failed masturbation attempt, all thoughts of easing into sex flew out the window. How was he supposed to forget the sight of your legs spread, head thrown back, and fingers working to make yourself come? 
He crawled up the bed, and with pleading eyes, asked what was wrong. You insisted everything was fine, but Choso isn’t stupid: he knew you were masturbating, and it didn’t go how it was supposed to for whatever reason. Eagerness alone isn’t enough to make up for a lack of knowledge, however, and Choso feels almost as frustrated as you when he accepts he doesn’t know how to help. 
It’s then you learn of Choso’s persuasion skills, because you now rub your clit for your boyfriend to watch. His gaze is heavy and irreverent—transfixed by your wet pussy.
“It’s so pretty,” he says when your hole twitches, and the compliment makes warmth flood through you. “Can I touch you?”
“A-ah, yeah, go ahead.” The scenario wounds your pride: you don’t want to struggle in front of Choso. How is he supposed to trust you as a guide when you can’t even give yourself a basic orgasm? A tentative touch to your labia interrupts these thoughts, appreciating its shapes and feeling your wetness. 
You whimper when his curiosity leads him to tracing your hole—not penetrating, only running the tip of his finger through the rim. He looks at you in question before he slowly breeches you, amazed by the sight and sensation of you parting for him. 
It isn’t until you shift your hips that he grazes your g-spot, and your pussy squeezes his fingers so hard he briefly wonders if he hurt you. Uncertainty fades away as he caresses the rough area, his excitement growing as you move against his hand with a moan. It’s wet and warm, and the thought of it surrounding his cock makes him bite back a sound. 
“Choso, you’re doing so good,” you pant, your voice tight with effort. “You can put another in.” 
He does as told, mouth hanging when he sees your pussy stretch to accommodate his fingers. Over-eager, he relentlessly strokes your g-spot, his hips grinding against the bed. You cry out and match his intensity by circling your clit quickly. It doesn’t take long for your legs to tremble, and your body to stiffen. Whether by accident or knowing more than you thought he would, his fingers scissor, and you’re brought to the door of stinging pleasure.  
“I can’t—I’m sorry,” your hand flies off instinctively, but he catches your wrist. 
“Keep going,” he says lowly, and covers your fingers, moving them to glide over your clit beneath his own. “Let me help you.”
It’s an odd sensation: your familiar fingers moving in unfamiliar ways. He intensifies your touch, and resumes stroking your g-spot, shooting red-hot nerves through your body. 
“Oh, my god, Choso! That’s too fucking—” you wail when you come, muscles cramping from the tension. Choso’s touches never falter as he leans over to connect your lips. It’s a sloppy, noisy kiss, and he moans almost as much as you. When you thrash to get away from him and tears well in your eyes, he removes his fingers and pulls you close. You pant in unison, and when you glance down, you see Choso had come in his pants. Only minutes pass before you feel his erection poking your ass. 
“Can I do it again?” 
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Kenjaku is curious & tests you through it: what makes you so sensitive? Is it a certain technique? Would different stimuli make it more or less intense? He wants to explore until he knows the ins and outs of the issue to sate his curiosity.
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If you were told that you would spend your Saturday evening tied down with your leader’s head between your legs, you would assume they mistook you for someone with a much more colorful sex life. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have come as a shock with his unpredictable nature, but you assumed he had no interest in sex–or anything that isn’t about cursed energy, really.
Your legs strain against the straps as you come with a voiceless scream, mouth hanging open. Kenjaku only licks at your cunt twice more before removing himself, his face expressionless as he watches you twitch and convulse. With his thumb he absentmindedly wipes residue from his jaw, only to lick it from his finger and lips–the display makes your cheeks heat, even though he just ate your pussy. When he remains silent, you know he’s mulling over something, and prepare yourself for the incoming rant as your high dissipates. Instead, he slides two fingers into you. He wastes no time locating your soft spot, caressing the area with deliberate strokes. His cool demeanor makes you feel foolish for making any noise, whether they come from your mouth or your pussy.
When he ate you out, he focused on your clit, his tongue flitting over your opening once or twice, but never penetrating. Now, it seems, he’s doing the exact opposite. Thick fingers part so widely it almost hurts, but so turned on it only makes you mewl, and raise your hips for more. This seems to herald your end, as he sets a rhythmic pace, pushing you further and further along. Like before, the pleasure skyrockets to a harsh burn, and you squirm in your restraints.
“Where does it hurt?” You stare at him stupidly, unsure what he said. It’s the first he’s spoken since strapping you down. “You said it gets over-sensitive before an orgasm. Where is that happening now?”
“My clit,” you manage. His fingering doesn’t slow even as you’re trying to speak. 
“Is it internal or external?” A choke interrupts you before you can ask him to clarify, as another orgasm knocks the wind out of you. His fingers are still, but continue to pulse against your g-spot as your pussy clenches. Sensing your confusion, he continues.
“Does it happen in the head of your clitorus,” his thumb swipes over it cheekily, making you yelp. “Or is it internal?” He presses against your g-spot with an exaggerated force. Kenjaku’s voice is slow and condescending as he explains, as if you’re a child. You’re still trembling through your orgasm, too overwhelmed to think, let alone answer. Miffed by your silence, he pulls your nipple with his free hand. 
“External! Fuck!”
“Interesting,” he says to himself, and continues to toy with your nipple until your eyes water. Two fingers straddle your clit, not touching, and rub the entire area in slow circles. A loud gasp tears from deep in your lungs, your body unsure what to do with this development. 
“No, you can’t be serious,” your voice warbles when a pinch to your clit chastises you. “Fuck, fuck–no!” You jerk against the restraints, and your hips try to run away from his touch. “Stop!”
“Tell me, was it worse the second time, or the same?” A muted whimper is your only reply. “Oh, don’t be like that. You’re fine. I have more methods to try, after all.” 
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Sukuna is sadistic & forces you through it: normally he doesn’t care if you cum, but the thought that it’s too much and overwhelms you very much appeals to him.
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How your Lord became privy to such information you’ll never know for certain, but you have an inkling of how it happened. You were a simple servant, tasked with trivial duties like laundry and sweeping in the courtesan’s quarters. You had sequestered a bottle of liquor to be shared with those you consider friends, and the four of you drunkenly giggled as you shared your racy experiences.
Apparently, one of your ‘friends’ is a fucking narc, or just an idiot with loose lips and no sense. Because a handful of days later, you’re being summoned by Sukuna himself, and find yourself propped on his lap.
The tongue is waterlike, curling and rolling between your thighs, leaving thick saliva in its wake. It doesn’t take long for your pussy to leak and for pathetic sounds to spill. Does he prefer silence? You fist your robes, unsure if you’re allowed to even touch Sukuna; you have no clue how you’re supposed to behave.
“I’m going to kill the fool that sent you to the servant’s quarters,” he says. One of your breasts stills from your robe, and he is quick to palm it with his massive hand, and more terrifyingly, pull your nipple. His other hand squeezes your pliant thigh, and another molds against your hip, thumb digging into your lower belly–clearly appreciating how soft you are.
Barely, you resist rolling your hips in tandem with his licking. Despite it all, the large slippery tongue feels unlike anything you’ve felt before. The roll of his tongue is passionate enough that it swipes at your ass as well, making you gasp and clench every time. The pleasant sensations bleed into discomfort as you get close–what you’ve feared ever since you came into his throne room–and you stiffen as you try to bear through it.
His tongue never stops its languid stroking, and despite your best effort, you thrash and twist in his hold, trying to escape the burn. A plea for him to stop bubbles at your lips. You have no choice but to take it, and after a few moments of unbearable rubbing on your clit, you sob as an orgasm is ripped from you. The tongue never stops. It laps wildly, trying to drink everything your body offers. Tears spill from your eyes, as the prickling in your clit spreads.
“That was fast,” he muses, lazily eyeing your quivering body. “I’ve never seen a whore cry because she got her cunt licked.” His tongue flicks your clit sharply, and he chuckles when you nearly topple over. “Sensitive?”
“Yes, my lord.” You tremble all over; the weight of his attention is enough to terrify.
“Good.” Suddenly, he lifts and positions you over his cock—the one furthest from his pelvis. Your heart drops to your ass. It’s humongous, surely, it will kill you! You don’t have time to fear, because he presses you down immediately. It pushes against your entrance for several moments, unable to slide in despite how lubricated you are with his saliva and your juices, but eventually, your hole succumbs to the pressure from Sukuna’s hold and it breeches you violently. The size of his cock knocks the wind out of you, and its twin grazes the your pussy. Your clit feels like it’s on fire.
“Cry for me, whore,” he lifts you up and drops you back down, the slap and your yelp echo through the throne room. “It’s all you’re good for.”
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bluerosefox · 10 months
Friendships Between Realms (YJ and Danny Shenanigans Being Peek Friendship)
So the 90s YJ group got into a lot of shenanigans tbh. Like a lot and mostly without their mentors knowledge. And whenever I think of YJ I think of the Core 4 (mainly cause Tim is my fav, and the Core 4 is just so amazing together) anyways I honestly wouldn't put it past them if they had accidentally summoned or were being sacrificed by some cult, or meet Danny who accidentally fell into their world via a random portal in someway. (In this DC and Phantom universes are not on the same world, fyi)
Like Danny, still new to being a hero but getting the hang of it, meets them, learns some things from them, and actually gets along with them to the point that when he has to leave Robin gives him a communication device to keep in touch (and Robin Tim would, despite being the second most paranoid of the Bats this boy lies to Batman to his face and had hidden an entire Batmoblie cost in the Batarang budget and keeps it with YJ) and Danny does.
It's nice to have hero friends who understand the struggle of balancing hero and normal lives. Don't get him wrong Danny loves Tucker, Sam and Jazz but sometimes they just don't... fully get it. The danger, the stress, the anxiety, the relief when things are solved or saved, etc etc that comes with being a hero or at least try to be one. They don't understand the urge he gets at like 3 am to go patrol Amity Park just to make sure everything is safe. YJ on the other hand does.
He talks to them about his problems and they help out and Danny in turn helps them out too when he can. Like they needed help with Secret, call up Danny see if he knows what kind of ghost she is (he turned to Clockwork and Frostbite in that case) and Danny in turn talked to them about Dan (they told him about them having to face their own future evil self to at one point). Danny talks to Conner when Dani came into the picture, he wants to make sure he doesn't screw up like Superman did towards his clone's feelings and self worth. Etc etc.
Point is, despite being dimensions and Realms apart, YJ and Phantom are friends and have been in touch. He's friends with all the YJ at the time and keeps in touch with them all but is very close with the Core 4. (Danny was the one that reassured Tim when Bruce was thought to be dead. Couldn't find his soul or ghost in the Realms and Clockwork was being 1000% more crypticd about Batman when Danny had asked if he was lost in time, Danny (or CW) couldn't do much to help due to certain rules but Danny could tell Tim "He isn't dead. Just lost. You're not insane Rob I promise."
So imagine a few years later, DCverse is under heavy near world ending supernatural danger and it gets to the point someone in JLD suggests they may have to summon the Ghost King in order to stop it (maybe its an old ancient ghost/spirit someone foolishly unleased). Of course there are some that strongly advise not to, that summoning him would spell the end of everything, but someone else points out they're already close to that edge they already got no other choice.
So they try and it fails and everyone is confused.
Bart, because of course it's gonna be Bart, returns from helping evacuations takes one look at the summoning circle and says.
"Why are you using those outdated sigals and symbols? That'd like trying to call an out of service number." Bart says before he speed texts Tim, Conner, and Cassie to come over.
Tim, RR, takes one look at the circle and asks who they were trying to summon. When told they were trying to get the Ghost King, him and the Core 4 look at each other before Tim pulls out his communicator and texts Danny.
It takes less than a few minutes before RR tells Impulse that Danny was cool with the summoning and to bring him in. Impulse nods and quickly runs around and changes the old summoning circle around with new symbols and sigals. Then RR turns to most of the JLD members and says sternly.
"You all better not memorize this, this is Phantom's personal summoning line and he only wants friends to know it. He gave us permission."
And with Superboy (Conner) and Wonder Girl agreeing with nods.
Before any of the JL or the JLD could really ask or even interrogate what that meant Impulse was done with the preparation. the Summoning circle was changed around with constellations and other signs of stars, there was a bag of fresh burgers and three milkshakes in the middle of it, and under it was a stylized symbol of a D and a P.
Its Impulse who starts the... chant and raises his hands up. (its actually the dumbest song anyone can think of. Danny wanted it to be funny and the Core 4 totally encouraged it) the candles shift from red to green fire, the star symbols start glowing before flying around on the floor in a circle like shooting stars, the area starts feeling like a cold winter wind beginning to blow, and the stylized symbol is glowing green before...
Danny pops up in his Ghost King form (flaming crown, galaxy cape, looking more ghostly than human but still a teen), finishing up the song and laughing. When he spots his friends he's grinning and waving hello to them, all of them greeting him back.
The JL are confused as heck but noticed how shell-shocked most if not all the members of JLD as their staring at what has to be the Ghost King...
Basically. I want Danny to be one of the people/things the 90s YJ did/meet during their insane shenanigans that most of their mentors most likely didn't know about. They all kept in touch and if they knew, and were later invited to the coronation, of Danny becoming the new Ghost King and later needs to bring out the big guns against a supernatural entity and stuns everyone else that they have a friend in a very high place well... yeah.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 11 months
Heyy can i request a wanda x fem reader oneshot where r is the queen of a nation which is similar to Wakanda and the avengers need this nations help for something (sitting on the throne looking badass moment ) and she is graceful and so badass like: sitting at dining table uses knife to point towards empty seat, “oh. sit, please.” R has powers and helps them out. Wanda being head over heals and finally them dating. I am sorry for the long request 😭
Mother Nature
Summary: A queen so powerful, myths have been written about her. An island so mysterious, no one knows where it is.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 2505
a/n: listen…this got a little out of hand
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
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Dragonstone is a volcanic island in the North Atlantic Ocean, just below Greenland and Iceland, but it’s not visible on any maps. Not many know of its existence, as the island is surrounded by such powerful magic, making it invisible to the naked eye. If anyone were to sail towards it, violent storms and currents will make even the strongest of ships sink. It has become a myth to the outsiders, an area such as the Bermuda Triangle, where everyone disappears into the nothingness. This keeps the island, and its population, in safety and peace. They have fought no wars, nor have they suffered in the hands of man made concepts.
However, the fights have started to get bigger, sometimes having the faith of the whole Universe in their hands. That much they figured out after Thanos. Which is why the Avengers know of Dragonstone, and its Queen, and how to get her help.
Everyone holds onto their seats as the Quinjet’s autopilot navigates through the dark clouds, often going through turbulence. “Are we sure this isn’t actually just some freak of nature spot? Is there anything here?” Tony grumbles as he tries to fasten his seatbelt impossibly tight. “We have very expensive cargo on board, and by that I mean me and my suit.”
“Fury seemed confident in his knowledge.” Steve reminds, slightly more calmly, though he is also nervous.
Wanda has her eyes closed. She tries to stay inside her mind, ignoring everything going around her. Air traffic has never been her favorite, but this is next level. The Quinjet does sudden dives and turns, throwing anything loose around. This is why Fury said to fasten everything to the walls and roof, but like usual, Tony didn’t take the advice to heart.
She can feel Natasha’s hand holding her own, calming her down slightly. Wanda doesn’t personally know Fury that well, but she knows Natasha thinks very highly of him, so she is pretty sure he wouldn’t lead them to their certain death. However, she can’t be sure, as this is starting to feel like a wrong way to the supposed island.
“Why couldn’t Fury come here himself? Or the Queen to us?” Kate almost shouts at a particularly violent spot.
“Because when we ask for help from royalties, we show them respect.” Steve states, his *all the younger generations have forgotten respect* personality every old person has shining through. “Did none of you learn this in Wakanda?”
No one gets to answer him, as the Quinjet starts going up, up, up full speed, making everyone yelp. After it has reached the correct altitude, it goes down headfirst. For a moment, the team is sure something has gone wrong, that they are plummeting towards their death. But right before it hits the water, the Quinjet turns the right way and continues flying forward, now in a completely calm climate.
They instantly calm down, letting out breaths of relief and relaxing their tense muscles. Natasha is the first one to get out of her seat, going to the cockpit and looking out the window. “Well, at least the island is real.” She calls out. The others start to pile up in front of the window.
At first glance, it looks like they’re flying towards a big pile of rocks, but at a closer look, they can see the rocks form big walls and even a bigger castle on the island. They’re in awe of the view. The water and air are so calm now that they’ve gotten past the barrier.
They stare out the window while the Quinjet lowers itself to the ground, right outside the walls. Once they step outside, they see two people waiting for them. “Welcome to Dragonstone!” One of them smiles. “My name is Sylvia and I’m the Queen’s advisor. And this,” she gestures to the person next to her, who is wearing an armor, “and this is Calen, they’re the head of protection in this island.”
They bow their head down as a greeting, not saying anything to the guests. The look on their face is serene and their posture is straight, like a proper soldier’s. Sylvia on the other hand shows more excitement through her body, even though her hands are behind her back, they’re still wiggling around, and the smile on her face is one that can light up a whole room.
“Thank you for granting us access to your island.” Steve speaks up, being the unofficial spokesperson when it comes to formal situations.
“Fury is an old friend of Gaia, any friend of his is a friend to us. Now, if you’d follow me, I’ll take you to the castle to meet our Queen.”
They start trekking the land towards the castle, first walking on the bare land and then moving to narrow walkways as they go inside the walls. Most of the walk goes by in silence, the team taking in their surroundings. They’ve never seen anything quite like this.
Wanda drags her hand along the stone fence, her fingers going along the bumps and ridges of it. She smiles. The magic of this island feels different than her own, but not in a threatening way, it feels like it’s dancing with her own.
Finally they get to the castle’s entrance. The huge wooden door opens inward, two other soldiers pulling it. Calen and Sylvia greet them as they go past them. “The Queen is in the throne room.” The latter tells the group, leading them through hallways before stopping in front of a door.
The door to the throne room is also wooden, but it’s a lot more decorated compared to the other ones. It’s carved from top to bottom with different pictures, making it look like a story. Calen pushes the door open, letting everyone walk through it before closing it again. At the end of the room, the Queen sits on her throne. The royal seat has been made out of purely white stone. The backside of it is tall and the sides are wide enough for the Queen to lay her arms there comfortably, but it still looks delicate.
“Gaia.” Sylvia lowers her head in respect and Calen goes down to one knee to bow. The Avengers, quite hesitantly, bow in some way too, bot sure of the island’s customs.
“There’s no need for that.” The Queen’s voice makes all of them rise. Sylvia and Calen take their respective places near the Queen, while the team stop in front of the stairs to the throne. “I hear you are friends of Nicholas Fury.”
Wanda stares at her in amazement. The way she looks so soft yet regal makes her heart pound faster than normal. She can see her chest moving up and down as she breathes, the armor like steel plate moving with it. The dark blue fabric is thick for colder weathers, but flowy enough to move easily. Wanda’s eyes move up to the top of her head. The crown on her head looks like it’s made out of steel as well. It makes her look sharp and strong. She looks majestic sitting on her throne.
“We are,” Steve smiles, “thank you for agreeing to meet us, your Highness.”
“Please, Y/N.” She states. “That’s the name my mother gave me.”
“Y/N. I’m sure you’re aware of a recently defeated threat from space called Thanos.” He continues once she nods, “unfortunately the other worldly threats don’t stop there. We’d like to ask your help to prevent these kind of attacks more efficiently.”
Wanda shudders from the way Y/N says the word. Her pronunciation, the slight rasp of her voice and how she rolls the letter r, make her feel dizzy. She is sure the look on her face is stupid, and lovestruck, her eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. The whole conversation going on is going past her. Only thing in her mind right now is something she really shouldn’t be thinking about, but she just can’t stop herself.
“Would you give me the honor of joining me for dinner today? We even have enough guest rooms if you wish to rest before your trip back to America.”
“We would be honored to join you.” Natasha answers. She has been glancing at Wanda during the conversation with a grin on her face, she can read her face easily, knowing what the witch is fantasizing about.
The Queen stands up, her dress falling perfectly to her feet. “I’m glad to hear that. I shall see you in the dining room in an hour, in the mean while, Sylvia will show you where you can refresh yourselves.” Sylvia nods and gestures for them to follow her. Wanda keeps her eyes on Y/N as she walks away, noticing a small smile growing on her face.
After an hour, the Avengers gather into the dining room by Sylvia’s lead, where Y/N is already waiting for them. “Gaia.” Sylvia says before leaving the room.
Y/N stands up, pointing towards the empty chairs. “Please, sit.” She says with a smile, sitting down once again when they get around the table. Wanda sits next to her. She can see the small details of her breast plate from this close.
The table is already fully catered with different foods and desserts. It works like a buffet, everyone takes what they like to their plates. “Can I ask you,” Wanda starts when her plate is full, “why do they call you Gaia, if your name is Y/N?”
“Gaia is a title of sorts. Every queen before me was called that as well, because we keep this island alive and safe. It means Mother Nature.” She explains with a gentle smile on her face, holding eye contact with Wanda as she talks to her. “It is an honor to be called Gaia.” Wanda nods, not able to look away from her stormy eyes.
“How does the next queen get chosen?” Tony asks.
“It’s more faith than decision making,” she pauses, looking for best words to describe how their queens get their role, “we’re born to it, but not in a traditional sense. We are born from the previous Gaia, they mold us from magic.”
“So, there’s no…” he moves his fingers around in a promiscuous manner, which makes Steve look at him disapprovingly. They’re in front of the Queen after all.
But she only finds the situation amusing. ���No. Children born in a traditional way are random, and our queens need to be precise. They’re all women and they all have powers. They need to be born from magic.”
Although they don’t really understand the process, and none of them want to ask about the specifics of it, they still find it fascinating. It’s a whole new country with completely different customs compared to theirs. Wanda especially listens to her intently. Her smooth voice practically drilling its way into her brain.
“Can the queen have relationships? Even if they don’t have any part on the next generation of rulers.” The question makes Wanda’s head snap to look at Natasha, who has a wide grin on her face.
“Yes. There are no rules on relationship. The partner just has to know they have no rule over the island.”
Satisfied with the answer, Natasha nods, sending a discreet wink towards Wanda. Her cheeks turn a shade of pink. She tries to hide it by eating the food.
They keep a light conversation going while they all finish their food. Once the plates are empty and the stomachs full, they start leaving the table and go to their rooms. The Queen doing the same. However, she isn’t alone for long.
There’s a knock on her bedroom door.
“Hello, Wanda.” Y/N smiles, the door now open wide. “Would you like to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Wanda steps into the room, the door closing after her. She looks around the room, trying to keep her eyes off of Y/N’s thin night gown. A big bed is in the middle of the room, it has light blue veil over it and a white fur on top. A window, almost the size of the wall, is on the right side of it, but it’s already covered with dark curtains. Otherwise the room is quite plain. A wooden dresser. Mirror with steel decorations. What catches Wanda’s eyes are the tapestries on the walls. They’re bright and colorful, each one having its own story. “Beautiful.” She mumbles.
“They tell our history.” Y/N steps beside her. “Every queen makes one. These are the oldest ones, the rest are in the library, visible for everyone. One day mine will be there too.” She sounds proud when she speaks of her ancestors.
“Your mother, is she still alive?”
“No. The crown passed down to me when I was thirteen.”
“I’m sorry.”
Y/N turns to her with a smile. “Nothing to be sorry about. She’s with her mother and grandmother, and so on. And one day I will see her again, until then, I will make her proud by keeping the people on this island safe.”
However beautiful the idea is, Wanda still feels sad for her. She knows what it’s like to lose your mother young. But she doesn’t comment on it more, clearly it’s not something appropriate to discuss now. “The magic. It feels different here.”
“Yes, it’s not the same as yours. The magic is part of me as much as it is a part of the island. We’re connected. We can sense each other. I can control it and it can influence me.”
“That’s why they call you Mother Nature?”
“Sort of. There’s a long history there. But yes, my ability to control the sea and the air around us is a part of it.”
“Maybe you’ll be able to tell me some day.”
Her smile widens. “Maybe.”
Wanda smiles too. She notices how Y/N’s eyes twinkle in the dim light, as if they had their own light source. “You’re beautiful.” The words stumble out of her mouth. She had no intention on making any mind of move this soon, but she couldn’t help it. This felt like a right moment.
With a small giggle, Y/N looks down, trying to cover her warming cheeks. She doesn’t usually get nervous, but Wanda sounded so sincere. “I’m flattered you think so.”
“Do you think you could go on a date with me? Later, of course. Do you have any rules on that?” The nervousness starts growing at the bottom of her stomach again, the lapse of confidence leaving her body quickly.
“There are some rules, but nothing major. I could definitely go on a date with you, I’d actually really like to do so.”
Letting out a breath, Wanda nods. Her hands are moving her rings around. “Great. I- uhm, that’s great.” She laughs quietly. “I’ll leave you now. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.” Y/N gives her a small wave, smiling widely even after the door closes.
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sefinaa · 2 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐰.❞
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
18+ readings
Pile 1
You must understand that the reason why everything isn’t going your way isn’t due to the fact you’re not a good person. It is not about your good deeds, or your bad deeds. It is not about who you harm inadvertently, this stems from you as a person. What are you looking for or in your case, whom are you looking for? Are you looking for something that satisfies you for the time being or for the longer term? Ask yourself this. Are you deserving of good luck? Am I deserving of the best?
If you think to yourself that every small detail of your life isn’t going well then you stimulate your mindset in the wrong light. Small simple bad things are normal for us all. One paper cut, a fight occurring, a friendship ending, these things are much smaller than you know.
A paper cut, you were careless and you lack patience.
A fight occurring teaches you patience, resilience, and knowledge. You learn from their behavior, are they a hot headed, calm, how do they react? It heightens your sense, awareness and analytical skills.
A friendship ending is a lesson for us all, it makes us grow as a person and it teaches us how to make ourselves the priority because friendships always end no matter, positive or not. Happy memories are the things one can hold on but to reminisce about the past makes us a prisoner. Do you want to be a prisoner? Does that sound ideal to you? If so, why?
So to ask once more, who are you looking for?
Think about this for a bit and speak to yourself about it until you realize you already know the answer.
The answer is within you.
Pile 2
When you see fire near you, you instantly run or perhaps freeze due to fear, and yet here we stand in the midst of it excited by it. Why is that? Why do you think you seek the adventure of danger? Do you think it plays the factor of being the person you desire or perhaps you’re hiding away once more under a facade of dread and hatred?
Do you believe that the burning flame within you is seeking to go upward or downwards? Do you believe that the same burning flame is you or perhaps it's merely the people around you, your environment?
Why all these questions? What is this reading, you may ask, the truth is, your mind is rather clustered of useless thoughts surrounding you like a snowstorm where you cannot escape, only to shelter oneself. Learn to let go of the thoughts that do not benefit you, and take in the ones that makes you happy. Let go of your worries to whom you believe or what you believe in, and let them take those worries away. Come back anew and make yourself whole once more. Your life is in your hands, not them, not the community nor your family, simply just you and you alone. Obstacles surely are a pain, are they not? But then again, obstacles make us whole so, will you be the person who stops midway through the obstacle or will you go forth with it and leap over it, perhaps even swim around it? The choice is yours and it lies within your grasp. You choose.
Pile 3
When you see the moon hiding the sun, you find it to be mesmerizing. The moon shines its beauty for us so we can enjoy the stars, perhaps to stargaze, maybe to feel like ourselves, who knows. But then again it’s just a normal cycle, a factual tradition, I suppose. But then we look at society and how it teaches us that our flaws are significant and that we must be perfect like Barbie and Ken. But then again, one cannot achieve such perfection, it’s simply impossible. Right?
Why do you believe that you must be perfect at everything? You must achieve everything and that if you do not, you’re unworthy? Not good enough and such. What are you gaining from that? Would you preferably say that to a child, let alone your child? No.
Would you find an infant, barely born and tell them, “you’re doing this wrong. What is wrong with you?! You cannot do anything right!” No. So why do you do it to yourself?
If I were to yell at you right now, how would you react? Would you reciprocate it? Would you let it bury inside and create resentment towards me? Maybe you might slap me as well. Or I suppose, you will laugh it off like it’s nothing, or maybe it truly isn’t anything because you became numb to it because you justified it.
Even so, it’s not justified to act so harsh on yourself, high expectations won’t lead you anywhere, well, I suppose it would leave you in a dump. That doesn’t sound enjoyable, does it? No.
Maybe next time, let’s try being easier on ourselves and show gratitude to oneself for achieving a small accomplishment and giving ourselves a reward. Shouldn’t be hard if you actually care for yourself, now would it? You tell me. Decide it for yourself.
Pile 4
When I think of your pile, I see a child, presumably someone who looks pale, but isn’t. I see an image of someone wearing nothing, but not in a perverted fashion. I see them staring into my eyes with such sadness, such hatred in their heart and eyes. So much anger, and yet there is a “help me” feeling of the way they are gazing into my eyes.
What I’m saying is, those reading this pile feels .. a sense of emptiness and apathy. This pile gave me anxiety for 3 hours straight and I ruined my nails by biting them (which I never do), I wish I was exaggerating, but I am not. Your pile is very rocky, lots of anxiety and frustration, and so much resentment. I can feel my heart beating so incredibly fast, I feel suffocated, I feel like I am drowning, but it’s not the same as you expect someone to drown. I feel as I am dying and that is what you feel right now.
I hear depression, anxiety, BPD, and “I’m going to kill you.” Everyone here feels so much anger, it’s going to explode on the next person. Sometimes you feel like no one understands you and they treat you as a joke, at times you feel as if you aren’t important enough to be apart of your social group, even your family as well. At times, you want to.. jump off a cliff but the thought scares you very much, not because you're a coward, but because you have this small shred of hope that you may have a better life, and you will.
I see a hill, someone's child is holding a book or perhaps a diary, they are holding it tightly, close to their heart. Despite if you don’t read or write journals/diaries, something you have within you is what you hold very close to you and you must cherish that. Keep it close, I’m not speaking of your negativity (some of you, stop it), I’m speaking of the thing you want so badly but you believe it is impossible to achieve and yet it is not. How could it be impossible? You found the right pile for you, so what is the issue of you believing it will come to you even when you do nothing? Anything is possible, that’s very obvious, understand this. If you put your mindset on something, in this case, what you want, you think of it or perhaps daydream about it, then it’s yours. That’s all.
Here is what you must hear.
When a shooting star shoots across the night sky, we all become hypnotized by it due to it being such a rarity, correct? We stargaze because stars are so mesmerizing, so enchanting. When you think of what you desire, that lost hope, you become hypnotized about it, don’t you? If shooting stars are possible, then how dare you say what you desire, that shred of hope isn’t possible?
Getting lost in a world of possibilities is such an exciting experience, isn’t it? But when you realize it’s not real, it hurts even more. Perhaps using that small shred of happiness can amplify what you want. Ever think of that? So just daydream or think of the things you want, even if it’s a “silly” daydream about being a knight saving a princess in a castle with dragons and such, and then think of what you want for a split second even and go back to that “silly” daydream. You’ll manifest what you want without even realizing.
My intuition is telling me is that you can get what you desire if you change your approach in life. If you can do that, then that small shred of hope in your life can bypass the hopelessness that you feel as of this moment. It will twist your mind and make it assume that what you want is so incredibly easy to reach and achieve.
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Charming Killer: 6
┍━━━━━»•» 🌺 «•«━┑
Pairing: Neteyam x reader
Summary: Neteyam comes to find you and tries to explain what happens but the time away causes chaotic pain and romance as you try to understand one another. He speaks of his family to you and you try to understand him as he explains his mother hates you (spoiler alert: you do not get it)
Warnings: None, very fluffy with tension
Word Count: 6.4 k (kill me)
A/N: Get this cursed writing out of my sight! NO MORE SPACE ON TAGLIST soz :(
If I haven't replied to your comment, I'm coming fr just not rn also sorry if I replied with just "YES" if you asked to be added to the tag list, my defense? I am lazy.
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Neteyam kept up his facade for three weeks. He played to his mother's wishes as well as he could, and finally, something in him snapped.
He felt a part of his stomach ache that told him there was something wrong, he had shivered at the feeling, and now he was done hiding from you. He had to see you, but he had to be sensible about it.
He asked his brother to cover him for the morning by weaving with his mother, and he set off to the labs.
As his feet hit the ground, he couldn't help the grin that, for the first time in weeks, began poking through his lips. His gentle walk turned into a run as he came closer to the labs, a laugh tumbling from him as he saw the metal containers standing where they had stood in every replay Neteyam flicked through of the first time he had met you.
With great agility, he slung his legs over the staircase's handrails connected to the door in one step and rattled his fist on the door, waiting for passing scientists to open the airlock as before. He pressed his hands against the window cut into the door, which looked into the long corridor, and peered in before his eyes shockingly landed on you. He was like an excited kid, eagerly pushing himself flush against the door to see you.
Your mouth was agape as you saw him, your brow furrowed in confusion. His tail picked up its pace behind him as he tapped his hand against the glass with a boyish chuckle bouncing off the glass and beating back to him.
It had been three weeks since he had seen you, and you had never looked so beautiful to him.
Your hair was a mess, and you were carrying a crate of scrap metal in the direction of the laboratory, but at the sight of him, you frowned faintly. You went to move forward again, but his gentle tapping with his finger on the glass caught your eyes again.
His smile had disappeared as he looked at you incredulously. You wanted to move on and ignore him, but you grumbled to yourself and sat down the crate in order to pull an explanation from his lips.
You had continued learning Na'vi over the weeks, not out of a hope to communicate with Neteyam but out of boredom and loyalty to Norm, who was so eager to teach. Even if back home you outranked him, here his knowledge was survival. Still, a small dwindling part of you hoped you might be able to understand a few more words the warrior would say to you now.
You walked over to the airlock, pressed in the code that opened the door closest to Neteyam, and stepped back as he ducked his head under the doorway and looked at you.
Even though you were frowning and the scent of bitterness reeked from you, he crouched down and held out his arms to ask for a hug with a begging look.
You ignored him, turned to a trolley beside you, and pulled forth one of the masks filled with Neteyam's air. You tossed it to him and then pointed to his bow across his front with a glare before you bent back down and picked up the crate with a groan, setting off to the lab without a second glance back at the stumped guest.
Neteyam's heart stung at your rejection of the human affection he had come to dream of having again from you, but he quickly slung his bow off his front, held the mask to his mouth and took several deep breaths that would sustain him for a while.
He set off after you, awkwardly ducking under doorways and flattening himself against walls as humans walked past him with carts of contraptions and plants laid in their arms.
The news would spread quickly between your species of Neteyam's appearance, and you hoped either Max or Norman would come running to your rescue soon.
Neteyam called out your name through the corridor as you put space between you two, leaving him in your dust as you carted the box into the lab you were using today.
You slammed the box down on your desk and then turned to the door with your arms crossed, waiting.
Neteyam wandered in, his forehead banging on the archway as he crouched even lower to enter the low-hanged ceiling room. The motion sent his braids flying, and the clack of beads filled the otherwise silent room.
His hiss of pain made your chest grunt with amusement. He rubbed the spot on his forehead momentarily as he turned behind himself and pulled at the sliding door, closing yourselves off from adventurous ears. He must have been watching someone around here carefully as they used the doors.
You clicked your tongue in irritation, ignoring him as you grabbed the metal scrap crate and pulled it toward you. You dug through carefully, gently lifting sharp pieces off one another to get to the bottom of the container, but the manner of movement was hostile. Your quick tugs to parts made Neteyam's heart seize as he wanted to drag your plump flesh away from the serrated edges.
Neteyam was at a loss in every sense of the word. He had no idea where he was or the purpose of most of the contraptions around this strange, closed room. It almost overwhelmed his senses with the lack of airflow paired with your robust and resentful scent that made his brain capsize.
"What do you want?" You finally spoke, the words coming out demanding as you kept your eyes on your hands.
Neteyam stepped towards you, slowly reaching out with his long, slender fingers that wrapped around your left wrist, using stealthy movements he had been learning from birth to try to soothe you.
"Why are you upset, my girl, huh?", Neteyam cocked his head, trying to push his face into your line of view, but you had none of it, pulling back and keeping your eyes trained in front.
His English was rocky as usual, but his accent never failed to have your ears hanging out for more. He had such a beautiful voice, and it was hard to ignore when you exchanged words you could comprehend.
"I don't want to see you, Neteyam. Can't you fuck off?" You reeled back, failing to try and find a spot in the lab where you could go unseen.
His forehead creased as his hands fell to his knees while he crouched over your workbench. You were so violent; why? What had he done? He knew that his absence for so long would have created division, but surely it hadn't been so long that you had begun to resent him?
"I am sorry for leaving you, I had no choice", he apologized, trying to steer this conversation into familiar waters he could understand. He sounded desperate and pathetic, yet your eyelashes fluttered as your stomach rolled and whipped itself into a frenzy.
The Na'vi language blessed your ears, and he spoke slowly, recognizing by how your face contorted that you must have at least known the subject matter of his sentence.
You glanced up at him, and as you peered into his yellow eyes that were refracting as much light as they could in this dark chamber, the image of the last time you had seen them when he cheekily grinned over his shoulder at you tore through your mind. You swiftly looked away to avoid the summoning of butterflies in the lining of your stomach.
The awkward glance at him as if you were a young girl with a crush reinstated his spirits a little, and he felt the tinge of his fear that you hadn't meant to lay with him in such an intimate way those weeks ago subside. You liked him. It was written all over your face, even if you wouldn't say it.
"You missed me?" He wasn't smiling but he was smug in his voice. He was determined. You'd give him that.
"No", you set your mouth straight and turned around to fidget with the settings on a microscope.
You twisted the knob on the side and leaned down to press your eye to it, knowing that Neteyam didn't know enough about your technology to see you were looking at nothing.
He swayed his head over to you and stared at the side of your face. Once again, you tried to ignore him, but the feeling of his hot stare made you pull back to glare at him.
"You have a staring problem, you know that?" The temperament wasn't lost on him, and he nodded in compliance, settling himself to sit on the balls of his heels to give you some space.
You returned to the scope, but the sad ache Neteyam had created came up once more, and you decided to speak again.
"What does having a mate mean to you guys? Is it like having a wife? Do you know what a wife is?" Your head turned to look at him with a glare.
You felt hurt that he had been going around treating other women in the same manner he had been treating you, but perhaps there was a cultural barrier; maybe seeing other females was normal for his clan.
Neteyam cocked his head in confusion at your sudden question, thinking he had misheard you, but your grip on the metal device in front of you suggested it was best to answer. He surveyed the floor as his tongue darted out to wet his mouth's borders before he spoke, and your eyes followed the action. The feeling of butterflies you had been trying to avoid was forced to explode with extreme potency as the wet shine on his full lips reminded you of your time by the river.
"It is like a wife, but it is more", Neteyam's comprehension of English was moderate, but explaining the inner workings and spiritual nature of a mated relationship between the natives of Pandora to a human was hard.
"More? How is it more?" You quizzed, forehead wrinkling as you tried to understand further.
Neteyam sighed, cracking his head up to the ceiling as he searched his mind for the right words. You both had juvenile understandings of one another's language, and Neteyam was at an impasse.
He suddenly sparked up and looked down at you, debating for only a second before he reached behind his head, eyes never leaving yours, as he gently pulled forward his braid.
The black hair that made up the braid was shiny and gorgeous, it looked like silk, and when he held it out to you, the texture made your skin bubble with how soft it appeared.
He gripped the jet-black plait, giving it a short amount of slack at the front, and held it out to you.
You eyed the braid that reached the base of Neteyam's tail when he stood to his full height with great interest.
Touching the braid a while ago had ended in Neteyam running out of here at top speed with your peers demanding you replace the limb, so what had suddenly changed, you wondered.
You took a moment to consider, but Neteyam only stared, waiting for you to move. Hence, at his encouragement, you gently ran a finger over one section of the braid, eyes firing back up to Neteyam's when he shivered at the close tracing. Your touch was unlike anything he had ever experienced.
Touching the braid of a Na'vi was something reserved for very private affairs that couldn't be interfered with. Skypeople had never been permitted to handle the queue, and strangers were even less allowed to approach such a private area. Still, you were Neteyam's mate, and as weird as you had been acting, he was honored to be able to teach you about something so cherished.
"This is how we make tsaheylu, the bond with our mates", he ran his hands down to the end of the braid and flipped the end up, facing the back to the jagged ceiling. He let the hair follicles fall apart to sprawl over his fingers and show off the light pink nerve endings.
You gasped as your mind tricked you into thinking a soft light glowed from the tendrils at their reveal. They looked heavenly in the dark room, and you leaned forward to inspect them, your curiosity snuffing the upset.
You reached a finger forward to touch the long delicate cords that waved around with eagerness to grasp something. However, Neteyam slowly pulled his hands back towards his chest, and you rapidly retracted your hands to meet each other behind your back in a tight hold, embarrassment lighting your face at your haughty movements.
"They are nerves, it's best not to touch them", he flipped the knot over and held out the protective braid, giving you his blessing to touch the hair. His tonality was nurturing and kind, which made you feel slightly better about your fumbling move.
You reached out again and ran a closed hand over the black hair, holding in a childish grin as Neteyam leaned forward to let you touch further up his pelt.
You concluded your investigation and stepped back once you couldn't go any closer without moving forward. The man's eyes were pulpy while a toothy grin poked out from him. He was so happy to see you after so long, and it showed.
As his spell over your body broke during the loss of contact, the betrayal of your unseen peer's words sank back, and you decided you had to ask about this woman because it was clear Neteyam wouldn't be giving up anything in honesty.
You loosely crossed your arms over your chest and sneered at the boy. Your hips jutted out with an eyebrow poking out in a judgemental study of the much larger killer.
"So, do Na'vi take more than one mate?" Your stance was meant to come off as interrogative. However, Neteyam found the amateur attempt at being threatening with such an openly vulnerable pose amusing, then your words formed meaning in his mind.
He choked on the air around, reached for the device on his hip, and refilled his lungs as he tried to get out an unattractive laugh that was choking him, thinking you were joking. When his eyes returned to your face, he looked so severe that he had to reprove himself for forgetting you were new to his culture.
He knew humans often took multiple lovers in life. His father had told plenty of stories from his Homestar at bedtime with his brother's beckoning. Perhaps you hadn't been accustomed to Na'vi ideas long enough to understand that your species' way of life was parasitic to him.
"No, never, there is only ever one mate, Eywa's chooses for life", his titter died, and the ends of his mouth flattened out as he peered at you, ears waving around to listen closely to what you thought about that fact.
Your mind was running, optics scanning his face for lies. However, Neteyam had no reason to hide this girl from you; if it were customary to take others, he would surely tell you he had been seeking other women. If he was, the loving boy seemed oddly loyal and clingy to a human for someone keeping his options open.
"So if I am your…mate--", the word felt confidential even if the only ones who knew of your predicament were Max and Norm. Your face scrunched a little as you said it."--How does that work? I can't make tsa-tsya- the bond like the women of your people", you stuttered through the new word before ultimately deciding to give up.
Neteyam reached his hand to your cheek and laid it flat across your head to direct your sightline up to his. His face was so kind, and the sensation of his blood pumping through the veins in his hands made your knees weak.
Had he gotten stronger? No, it was the sharpness of his eyes in this light, but he looked like the greatest predator on this planet, and for a second, your fight or flight kicked in warning, reminding you this boy was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"Tsaheylu", he spoke slowly, not letting you admit defeat and giving you a push to keep trying.
The side of your face burnt hot, and you nodded dumbly before repeating back to him, dancing along each syllable several times.
His touch was guiding, enjoying the feeling of your tongue hitting your inner cheek as you pronounced the letters. When the word was a little clearer to the trained Na'vi ear, Neteyam nodded to let you move back to the topic at hand.
"I do not know how we make the bond, perhaps we never will. Does that bother you?" He was so diplomatic, so thought out with every word. You quickly picked up on his personality, and every new thing you learned about his habitual movements or speech pattern was squirreled away.
"I don't know", you were drunk on his touch. You couldn't find a thought that would stay long. All you could feel was alarms in your body telling you that this man was something different. Something was extraterrestrially enchanting in the air he exhaled, choking the prominent scientist inside you and reducing you to a simple heap of gooey love.
"You don't know?" He picked up your mood change as the glare in your eye became damper, and your legs closed together. The stance that was once open to attacks was now trying to shy away from him. He loved it, you were giving him whiplash with every emotion you portrayed, and he couldn't even lie and say it was anything other than arousing.
His voice was sultry, giving the hair on your skin reactions so intense you worried he would notice. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but you were feverish to have him close.
You ripped your face from his hand and stared off to the side, letting the distance sober you up. His touch lingered even when his figure was gone. You wanted to reach out, tug on his hand to bring him back, inspect every scar, and ask about all the stories that accompanied them, but the emotion of utter embarrassment consumed you more than your desires.
You had been so desperate for news about Neteyam that you had taken the slightest scrap and run a mile with it. Your shoulders tensed as you thought about the rocks shoved in a box underneath your workbench, cracked, eroded, and in shards.
Neteyam noticed your change from shy longing to awkward self-consciousness, and he investigated, looking around for a source of worry to be dealt with.
"Neteyam, I am very sorry", you were so embarrassed to tell him what you had heard, what you had assumed, and what you had done to his beautiful gifts. It was clear now that he wasn't with other girls if he felt anything for you, that was even a quarter of an inch as good as this.
You had acted like a child and wanted to make up for it.
"What are you sorry for, my love?" Neteyam's moved forward to get closer to you as he spoke. Still, even with the clear confrontment that you had done something wrong, he continued his lovesick ways, making you cringe.
You pulled back, fiddling with your fingers as you gathered the guts to confess what was wrong.
"I heard something, and it upset me, so I--well, just let me-", you were too embarrassed to explain, so you ducked your head underneath the counter behind you and pulled up the sack of crystals.
With a great heave, you let the heavy bag fall on the metal countertop with a thud, and from the cruel way you had set it down, Neteyam felt his heart sink.
You unwrapped the coil and pulled the drawstring apart, feeling ashamed as the sack let go to show the crystals inside. Most were broken, and the ones that weren't had chips in them from your careless toss across the floor.
Neteyam reached inside and brushed his flat palm over the top layer, feeling the sadness deepen as he saw another row of broken shards.
"I am so sorry, I didn't think, I was just so upset, I still love them, I know you must have worked hard to find them, please don't be upset!" You rambled with the intention to explain, and Neteyam hung off every word, not yet looking at you as he took a deep breath.
"It is okay, but why did you break them?" He truly believed you didn't mean to break them, and the disappointment subsided as his brain kicked up a gear.
You froze and awkwardly looked around the room, the words dying on your tongue as you tried to find a way to get around telling the truth.
"Well, it's really fucking dumb", you mumbled, suddenly finding the floor wonderous while Neteyam's tail flickered in questioning, tapping against the floor with a chink.
"Fukying?" He tested the word, pronouncing a 'y' with much enthusiasm, making you smile as it was your turn to correct him.
"Fucking" you corrected, trying to hold in a snicker with a hand pressed to your mouth as his eyes slit in confusion.
"What does…fucking mean?" His face was so severe, and the way his warrior form that towered over you asked in such an innocent way made the laugh escape as you shook your head.
Neteyam adapted quickly, which made him unkillable, and while he had picked up the word quickly, the gentle ignorance of it was adorable. He wasn't a predator anymore. He was Neteyam.
"It's a swear word, you know what those are?" You tried to remain courteous. He didn't know much about your culture, so of course, he didn't know much about swearing, but goodness, was it fun to watch the strong warrior, killer of tens to be stuttering over a simple word.
He shook his head up and down, "Yes, it is like a promise", he looked almost proud of his knowledge, and you felt terrible telling him he was wrong.
"No, that's a little different, a swear word is something you say that can be mean, or if you use it like I just did, it sorta puts more emphasis on what you're feeling", you felt fiddly as you tried explaining your vernacular.
"It is the only swear word?" He asked as he settled himself on the ground. He moved his legs in front of them and sat on his heels while placing his hands on the floor before him so he could lean into your eyesight at his will.
"No, there are heaps!" You smiled as you slowly leaned in, finding yourself drawn to the tiny freckles along his face that were ever so softly glowing under the darkness of the unlit lab.
"Like what?" He asked, his tail still flickering behind him as your presence excited him.
You wanted to laugh, but he was so curious, and you wanted to help him. You wanted to preserve this feeling in your chest as he learned from you, and it was the first time he had shown any interest in finding out about the ways of the sky people, so you wanted him to feel informed.
"Oh well, there's shit and fuck, obviously."
"Lo'ak says those", Neteyam smiled as he finally put an origin to his brother's curses he called out whenever something went wrong, or someone said something he didn't care for.
"Who?" You asked, forehead creasing. It sounded like a name, but it could have been status in his clan, perhaps.
"My brother", Neteyam smiled fondly as he moved onto the subject of his younger sibling, the cause of so much love and divide amongst his family, mostly love.
"Ah, I see! Do you have many siblings?" You didn't know how family units worked in the alien's world. Were there the exact expectations of each member as it was back on Earth? You were chomping at the bit to learn everything.
"I have four", Neteyam nodded, hoping his word choice was correct.
"Wow! That's a lot. What are their names?" So Na'vi families were prominent. That was clear.
Was it? Neteyam didn't know, it was an average number in his village, but certainly, to the Metkayina, it would be considerable.
"Names?" He asked for the meaning of another word, feeling frustrated as your pace of speaking picked up, making it harder to understand.
"What are they called?" You tried again, slowing each word and giving him the time to contemplate them. Your tone was sweet, and your face was alight with passion; Neteyam's pupils widened to see you clearly.
"Well, Lo'ak is called a troublemaker, and Kiri is-", Neteyam misunderstood, taking your question as asking about what his wards were like instead of what his parents had called them all at birth.
You laughed, interrupting him as you set your question straight. It was an adorable mistake, and while your laughter embarrassed him as he took it as your way of making fun of him, the tone of your following words made him realize you were only amused by him, that he had made you happy.
"--No, no, I mean what your friends and stuff call you, for example, your name is Neteyam", oh how he loved when you said his name. He would keep you by his side forever and only ask you to say his name if he could.
"Ah, I see! There is Lo'ak, he is my brother, Kiri, my sister, Tuk, my youngest sister, and Spider, he is human like you", He wanted to tell you more, to tell you stories about each sibling, but he knew that would be pushing it with your shared comprehensible vocabulary lists. He loved his family, and he wanted you to love them too.
Your eyes widened with a queer look on your face as you listened, feeling suddenly very alert.
"You consider Spider to be your brother?" It was a simple question, but it made Neteyam question himself for a few seconds.
You knew of Spider. It was a massive scandal that had shadowed the operation of Pandora for years. The abandonment of a small child on an alien planet was brutal for people back on Earth to overlook. What made it worse was the RDA's abysmal attempt to cover its tracks which led to an explosion of outrage from the public once it was released.
Spider was sky people, a source of great evil, but Neteyam had grown together with the human boy, and he wasn't sure what he would consider Spider. Around was a good way to put it. Spider was always out and about every part of his life, nearly family but not entirely on the same line as Lo'ak, Tuk or Kiri.
"I suppose he is more Lo'ak and Kiri's family than mine or Tuk's", his brow creased, and his hands scrunched up, flying to his chest for a minute out of habit to fiddle with the knife he had attached to his cummerbund. He had a difficult life to elucidate, and while he loved teaching, his family's current dynamic was rigid.
"I understand; family can be hard" you reached out and placed a hand on the mighty man's knee, feeling his warm skin light your insides with inner peace.
Neteyam locked on your hand and let the one he had been using to fiddle fall onto yours, exhaling amusingly as his significant figure covered yours in its entirety. You were small, and it made him worry for your future when he thought about it.
"You strike me as a middle child, so who's the oldest?", your entire sentence except the end made no sense to him, so he latched onto the discernable part.
"I am the oldest", he didn't take note of your body seizing or your mouth dropping; instead, he took the time to slip his fingers beneath yours, fiddling with the fifth appendage you had in joint with his father, Kiri, and Lo'ak.
"Isn't that really important? You're meant to take over the clan, and you know… have kids with your mate?" You couldn't believe your terrible, evil, astoundingly shit luck. Out of any Na'vi men you could pine after, your heart just had to pick the one whose entire love life was everyone's business.
He chuckled, and you felt the sound travel through his hand, into yours, up your arm, and come to rest right in your stomach. It made you twist as the noise made everything in you flutter with a giddiness that you had been funny to him.
"Yes, I am meant to have plenty of babies, but I do not think I want children", his words felt sinful to himself as they escaped.
In his culture, it was of meager importance to have as many kids as possible to help carry out Eywa's plans, but Neteyam had started to wonder if perhaps Eywa's plans for him were to have none. He didn't care for the sound of crying or the work that came with them, he had plenty enough due on his plate as it was, and the thought of having you alone with children in Pandora made his skin crawl in a primitive need to grab you close and protect you.
"Well, that's okay, I haven't thought about them yet", you weren't sure about children just yet, and if you were to pursue Neteyam, that path would be shut from you, but it was interesting to ponder.
"Do you have siblings?" He suddenly asked, and you sadly smiled, interlocking your fingers with his.
"No, my planet is a hard place to live on, so we do not meet many people with siblings there", you had yearned for a sibling in your younger years that were filled with solitude, but now that you were an adult, you were glad not to have someone waiting for you at home.
"It must be so boring", he quirked his forehead as he tried to imagine a life without any of his once brain-celled family. He concluded that he wouldn't be the same and knew his family would have to agree.
"It can be, but let's not focus on that, let's go back to these", you shook the bag of rocks to your side halfheartedly. You had enough time to let your heart rest and were ready to explain yourself.
"Wait, what other swear words are there?" He asked, still clearly in a different field as he craved to learn more about you. His enthusiasm was cute, and you lovingly smiled as you moved back to speak further.
"Why do you wanna know? You planning on cussing somebody out?"
"What do you mean 'cussing somebody out'?"
"Don't worry about it, alright well, you've got fuck and shit as I said, but you've also got asshole, cunt, dick, bitch, bastard, there are hundreds, really", the amusement twinkled in your eye as Neteyam closely listened as if taking notes that were life or death.
"What is cunt?" He tilted his head and leaned back, looking over you as you taught him.
You couldn't help it now. Every word he got out had you giggling like a child as you explained the basic concepts of humanity to him.
"It's something mean you call someone, but it means uh…it's a human woman's--" You dumbly tapped at the lower point of your stomach and then keenly watched Neteyam's reaction as the message loaded in his head.
He grinned devilishly. He never failed to laugh heartily at the taboo self-consciousness of humans, with all their modest clothing, and he was excited for you to learn from him that none of that stuff mattered in his way of life. He didn't care for the idea of bringing up the fact that the image of you dressed in his native garments made his heart pound and his legs twitch.
He quickly batted the image away and moved the conversation forward.
"Ah, I see. Well what does bastard mean?" Neteyam was watching your movements and trying to interpret if you were getting irritated with explaining, but you seemed to have as much patience as he did.
"It means a guy whose parents weren't married when he was born", you knew he would ask plenty of questions about that one, so you decided to move on. It was getting later, and he would have to go home soon, less he stay here, fall asleep, choke on your air, and die at night.
"So, where have you been?" The old anger was wholly quenched, only a sad curiosity and need to understand taking over. You wanted to fix things before you moved on, and while Neteyam seemed pleased to put everything behind you and move on, the suppression wouldn't work for you.
Neteyam's sigh prolonged for several beats. He let the silence surround you before again filling his lungs with the device on his hip. He then tried to speak with only plain words so that you could understand him.
"My mother does not approve of us", he knew you wouldn't understand many of his words, but he continued.
"She promised to kill you if I came back, but I could not leave you. I like you" He wanted to say he loved you, but Neteyam held back. Those words were distinctly human, and the emotion always seemed to disrupt his life, so he settled for 'like.' Like was a good word, a strong word for now.
"I don't understand," you sighed, shrugging your shoulder as desperateness to know what he said turned to irritation at your lack of knowledge.
"You need to learn more, my mate. How will you come to tell my mother how wrong she is for hating you if you can't even speak, huh?" He reached forward and placed his hand united with yours on your head, splatting it down with such a gentle force that it made your nerves twinge.
He was so soft, so guiding, such a masterful role, and it did everything for you.
There were so many red flags that told you to turn back. The language barrier, the fact the giant was the next clan leader, his size compared to yours, his culture barrier, the fact your species were enemies, how your bodily functions couldn't operate at 100% in either one's natural environment. Yet the desire to become closer to him grew every moment he basked in alongside you.
His affectionate touch and protective aura made the spartan man seem like a guardian angel.
"God, I wish I knew what you said half the time", you mumbled, leaning closer to him as he fell into a trance at your doe-eyed gaze.
He retracted his hand to his side. He was in a stupor as he got closer, your familiar scent getting more robust with every inch he gained. His impulses called for him to mark you, to scent your body with his tongue and his sweat so every male in this human hotbox would know that even if he wasn't near, you were most certainly off limits.
"Neteyam", you whispered his name so immodestly as his face bent down to come within a hairs width of yours. It made his mind shatter from its sane hold.
Both of you were heaving in deep breaths, and Neteyam could feel the need to take another inhale of his natural air wane as his lust to touch you grew over everything.
"I am so happy to see you, my mate", Neteyam was so close you could see an old faded scar across the bridge of his nose from a life filled with conflict, and still, he leaned further.
He was finding it hard to stick with one conversation with you for a very long. The time spent away from each other had created combustion as you both tried to update each other on everything all at once, the emotions exploding as they ranged from sadness to anger to passion at a moment's notice.
"It's good to see you too", you blushed red after he spoke, and you tried to return his emotions at an equal velocity, but it was tough to be with someone who had been raised to be so open about love. Your military training had taught you to be guarded, and Neteyam had been taught to trust the love of a mate from a young age, but love was a fickle thing as a human.
Neteyam delighted in the color change of your cheeks. He brought a hand to your face so he could press into your skin and feel you closer as the heat radiated through the touch, making his rough palms pulse faster.
You closed your lids, feeling his presence become too immense and overpowering.
Neteyam adjusted his torso so his knees could split apart, letting his posture sink as his heels lay on either side of his behind. He brought his other hand to your hip, and his warm hands made your breath frigid as he gently tugged you closer, warranting the palm on your cheek to migrate to the back of your neck.
He brought you to his chest and gently crushed you close to his chest.
You appreciated the hold. His senses were all around, and you were captivated by the spell Neteyam's soul placed on you. Neteyam's body was so appealing, and the feeling of his heart under your forehead created a soothing rhythm that your heart matched.
"I missed you; I won't ever leave you for so long again, my girl", his voice coated your stomach and lined your heart.
There was something feral Neteyam created inside of you, a need to submit to him and please him with everything you did, but you wondered if he had the same feelings in his head.
The moment was interrupted by the slide door opening.
"Hey, y/n, do you have the--Oh! I am sorry I didn't know I was interrupting!"
Your eyes speedily jerked wide open, and you attempted to peel yourself from your lover, but his hold tightened, and his neck snapped up. Neteyam swiveled his head around with his instincts raising alarms at the intrusion.
That voice, where had you heard that? It was raising a red flag somewhere in your mind-- oh no.
Daniel had the lab opposite yours. He worked primarily with a blonde woman you hadn't been introduced to. He was the source of the rumor you had spun your top off at.
The silence that consumed the room and drowned you all was uncomfortable; well, you thought it was, but a growl that rumbled from Neteyam's chest and rattled your head told you he was distinctively guarded and not at all unnerved by the male's company.
It seems you would be forced to tell Neteyam what the cause of your raised hackles had been, and if the growling paramour above you were anything to go by, it would not be a peaceful understanding discussion.
@neteyamore @jkeluv @heesoftiefreak @ambria @azaleaniath @hellok1ttycake @nuhteyam @eternallyvenus @ellieswifefr @itscheybaby @fanboyluvr @phantomalex14 @sereisstuff @iikatsukii @eywas-heir @k----a27s @cilleabc @powowowy @annie-are-u-ok-blog @eddiesluvt @faerosie @faatxma, @nao-cchi @ellabellabus07, @neteyamforlife @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @heesoftiefreak @lixiesbrowniess @eringaitskill @islamovice17 @sassy-persona @mashiromochi @jkeluv @uwu-i-purple-you @projectdaydreamer-blog @bob-the-ikran @httpsplanetmarsdotcom @elegantkidfansoul @christinechickiee @notarabellasstuff @isometimeswritestuff @skogane @lilprettypetite @white-girl444 @imwutim @vanillawhale @annamarieisbae @zdkelena @kaealowri @elvyshiarieko @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @luzberg @wrenieesworld @unicorntrooper @dreamergirljen @anxietydrogz @danyxthirstae01 @me753 @dani111-things @taleiak @neytemsgf @pineapplechuncks @reallysparklychaos @leilaniers @ex0 @just-a-sewer-goblin @holybroomstick @daddyslittlevillain @theendofthe70s @taintedxkisses @theblueflower05 @gwolf92 @sakuramadae @thedumboneforsomereason @desatando-me @hornknee-and-bi-myself @little-bunnybabe @angrycoffeebean @priyaisaslut @coldlamaspersonspy @rainbowsocks @formula1-bichyslut16 @1mawh0re @ancientbeing10 @katherines-imagines @jjkclub @oldfruitloop @ashrocker123 @ashrocker123 @heluvsst4rgir1 @bxnnywriting @valliesworld @laylasbunbunny @alexandra-001 @cacapeepee @prty-poisxn @jakesullyssluttt @dramaticwannabe @holywolfsstuff @abbersreads @vaness20 @littletrippyyhippyy @nofvckgivenn @saltedcoffeescotch @melllinaa @qtkat @rainbowpr1sm @epicy0n @lovergyal @elijangwifey @loveelisee @bandomonia @coldheartedmar @apple-asirb8 @jaymfpark @blooomsstuff @live-laugh-neteyam @nikinect @biscuitsaredelish @c78r @remiflrt @erodastylinson @69cocktimusprime @imjustasadpotato @marvelsimps @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @kaileym08 @kneelforloki @zeida @winchestertitties @badoptimistic @nessrin @misscaller06 @avrgethanwinterslover @erenjaegerwifee @moony-artemis @gracefulbumblebee @killer-quokka @b-tchymoon @btsiguess-kpop @katecupcakekate @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @izuoyarmin @strnqer @phoenixgurl030 @kpopslur @gloryekaterina @shikkimari @grapejuice418 @colorfuldragonmagazine @heaven1oo4 @arminsgfloll @erenjaegerwifee @navegaluv @doingurmom69 @daribakugo @meritxellao @bedofpearls @vibinndyin @st8rg8zer @milfsarefineashell @alexizodd @llovergirlll @kenryug @bakersbucky @jojoblossom @chloem4a1 @ok-boke@ghostlycrystobalove @swaggygurlbae @reguluscrystals @wxcvzsstuff @naynay2808 @3okutos-3ig-toe @btslovergirl12 @serenn08
@strnqer @phoenixgurl030 @kpopslur @gloryekaterina @shikkimari @grapejuice418 @colorfuldragonmagazine @heaven1oo4 @arminsgfloll @erenjaegerwifee @navegaluv @doingurmom69 @daribakugo @meritidelmondoognisuabellezzaxellao @bedofpearls @vibinnnn @st8rg8zer @milfsarahmccoolefineashell @alexizodd @llovergirlll @kenryug @bakersbucky @jojoblossom @chloem4a1 @ok-boke@ghostlywriterr  @swaggygurlbae @reguluscrystals @wxcvzsstuff @naynay2808 @3okutos-3ig-toe @deliwrites @tpwkweasley7 @crissteetee67 @the-faceless-bride @colorfuldragonmagazine @erenpookiebear 
@m-rveronica ​ @miawasikowska-brasil ​ 
@nikisrioting @ohshititsfenharel @your-girl-mj @spookymicrowave @babydukeclothing-blog213, @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367, @welcomebackfelicia  @troubledfilm, @lovedbychoi @nicoletk @answer-the-sirens​ 
@serpientez @kamcrazy123 @xiluvfictional-men,  @novalies @chxrrybobaby-sin 
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lady06reaper · 2 months
Viking x Sweetheart reader. Who on the outside is a big sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. Said Viking got her from a village.
Only when alone with her husband does she cuss like a sailor and scream when she wants to. Just a overall temper (Viking finds it hot tho-)
She also acts like this around her kids (if she has any) and her kids are absolutely flabbergasted to see how their mom acts outside of home. Often getting secretly slapped upside the head when they say something smart only to realize no one saw it.
- Marshmellow (bit of a crackfic lol)
ya know, this the OPPOSITE of me, I'll cuss anytime, it's only when I'm alone I'm a total "sweetheart"
NSFW lines are slashed, the rest is SFW besides the cussing
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Bjorn wouldn't know it was coming, you were the sweet and doting wife, helping neighbors and playing with the local children
Your were a delicate flower in his eyes, but he knew you could hold your own when need be
Until you came home and slammed your dagger into the table where he was eating
"That mother fucking no tits asshole of a cunt! Who the hell does she think she is?! Talking about my damn husband in that fucking manner!"
his hand stopped mid path to his opened mouth, his eyebrows rose away from his widened eyes
did he hear that correctly? or was the mead taking effect already?
he stayed like that for a few moments until you snapped at him to say something
"Your mouth, where'd you learn to talk like that?"
little to Bjorns knowledge, you had always had that vocabulary, it just only came out when you were pissed
not to mention you prefer to keep the innocent facade up in public, but that doesn't you can't flip the switch if you get pushed more than what you did that day
More occurrences like this happened, though he was prepared to just let you go and cool off
that doesn't mean he didn't help you let out your frustrations with sex either
Now he knew that this delicate flower of his was poisonous
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Ubbe had a feeling that that mouth of yours was dirty, he just never witnessed it
unless you were going down on him
the feeling stayed dormant for the longest time, until he came home to the long house turned upside down
furniture was strewn across from its original places, some were broken too
You were sitting on the throne throwing daggers at a table you had propped up on its side, cussing every time the enlarged knives left your hands
"That *thud* little dicked *thud* no balls *thud* bastard child *thud* of a fucking merchant! *thud*"
he now knew his feeling was right, as they normally were
he was grateful you ran out of daggers when he reached you, or otherwise he feared one would end up in him
he didn't need no explanation, he knew that the merchant you were lewdly referring to must've tried something on you to woo you away from him, it wasn't the first time, but you were so sweet in public that you didn't want to ruin your public look by cussing the man out in public
no words were spoken as he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bathtub where you and Ubbe would share a relaxing soak
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Ivar knew from the start that you had a mouth, there was no way you were as innocent as you portrayed
there was always two sides to sword, he just hasn't seen your sharper, more deadlier side
until he about took your blade to his throat when he approached you in the woods while you were hacking a tree with your sword
"What's the matter my dove?" Ivar cocked his head to the side.
"That god damn fish fucking tree humping shit eating whore of woman your brother keeps closely by his side! Bitch tried to say my form was wrong during training!"
and there was your sharper edge
Ivar never understood why you kept this side hidden, especially from him
he figured it was a threat to everyone to have your meaner side out in public, and keep your softer side for him only
but Ivar wasn't you, you preferred to keep this side a secret incase you truly needed it
he thought it was hot watching those profanities drip from your mouth
like his cum did last night when you two were fucking
but, I also know that if he encouraged the sailor talk he would also receive it too, which would most likely turn into a battle of who can come up with the worst names
he liked the fiery side of you and wished you would show it more often
the villagers did not as they heard every cuss word that came out of your mouth, including the whore
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royaleofury · 4 months
𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼
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This has been in my drafts for over one year now, Imao. Today, I was like let's post it finally!
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(✿⁠)I have seen how Juno in 1st house people meet this one random person and be like " is it my soulmate?"
(✿⁠)Why are Taureans always sleeping to avoid problems?
(✿⁠)2nd house in vedic astrology represents the very early stages of your childhood. Therefore, the sign in the 2nd house can tell how you were at the age of 3 or 4 and somewhere around that.
For eg: I have Virgo in 2nd house. I was perceived as someone who was very sharp and intelligent because virgo is ruled by mercury. I often got compliments about how I can learn things so fast and apply them.
(✿⁠)Same theory can be applied for 5th house, since it shows early education.
(✿⁠)For Aquarians, I have always felt that people think that they know about them a lot but actually don't.
(✿⁠)Jupiter transiting your 8th house can make you aware about your fears. You will be forced to face your fears and eventually overcome them. It's tough but it's definitely worth it in the long run.
(✿⁠)Venus in 11th house may often have opinion clashes with their partners.
(✿⁠)Moon in 6th house but in cancer, will do anything that their mom tells them to do .
(✿⁠)Saturn in the 2nd house face trouble in managing finances. They are afraid of being responsible for finances, and therefore, most likely to spend them as soon as possible.
(✿⁠)There is a reason why Saturn is debilitated in Aries, because, Saturn is not supposed to take risks and act on its impulses. It needs to execute the tasks assigned. But, in Aries, Saturn becomes stubborn and will not do things if he doesn't feel passion or drive through it.
(✿⁠)For Rahu in 2nd house or 10th house, earning money can involve showing their faces to public.
(✿⁠)Sun in the 2nd house may have a family business or legacy that has been passed down from one generation to next.
(✿⁠)This is a theory , so pls confirm it .The type of partner that a person with masculine energy desires can be seen from his 4th house sign or the planets in the 4th house
(✿⁠)In the same way, someone with more feminine energy, may desire a partner that has the traits of the 10th house sign or the planets in that house.
(✿⁠)Ruler of 7th house in the 5th house can indicate marrying your childhood bestfriend especially if the ruler is mercury.
(✿⁠)Moon- Mercury hard aspects have the problem of not able to speak their mind. There's always this fear of getting things wrong or maybe sounding dumb.
(✿⁠)Saturn in Pisces or 12th house may fear death, meaning the thought of dying one day gives them shivers.
(✿⁠)Planets at 29 degree in vedic astrology indicates that you have gained enough knowledge about that planet in your previous lifetime. Therefore, you won't desire the themes of that planet in this lifetime.
But, since you already know a lot about that planet, therefore, you have gained mastery and people will look up to you in respect of that planet.
For eg, Venus at 29° can indicate that you do not run after love in this lifetime but it will come running to you because people see you as their ideal type a lot.
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natsaffection · 7 months
hi 👋 how are you??
im having stressful exams this month, a lot of tough subjects, and i'm so frustrated with it all. could you please share your thoughts on how natty would handle r in a situation like this? maybe in the "my sweet baby" universe??
if you can, thank you so much, my love 💖
Together. | N. Romanoff
Sugar Mommy!Natasha x Sugar Baby!Reader
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warnings: Just fluff🍀🍀
words: 947
A/n: Please take care of yourself if it gets too much, drink cocoa, and do other fun and relaxing things!!☕️
Now you're sitting in front of it again. One stack after the other, and it just didn't stop?
Why did you decide to do it again? Ah...Right...Future...
You were a bit frustrated, you had imagined your days to be different from sitting in Natasha's living room and cramming for hours. Natasha was also busy with herself in a meeting, and you couldn't help but take a leaf out of her book. Maybe one day you will be as successful as her..Run your own business someday.
CEO Of the L/N Company..Sounds good already....
"What are you thinking about?" As if she knew you were thinking about her right now, Natasha stands in the room and looks at you smiling, you sigh and put the stapler you had in your hand on the table, "Can't I just start with you?" Natasha could hear the frustration in your voice, and when she saw all the paper stuff she knew exactly what you meant. You see her looking at you with an unfamiliar look and suddenly she’s leaving.
She just left, Damn, you did something wrong..Before you could dive further into negative scenarios, she came back and sits down right next to you, "Alright, what are we looking at here?" You looked at her in confusion, "What about your meeting?"
Natasha reached for a stapler that was on the table, "Finished it, you are more important to me than listening to some people who think they can do something better," She looks back at you, "Now let's talk about you. So, what's it about?"
You couldn't help but smile softly. You can already feel the pressure easing a bit, ,,Aspects of human history and experience.“ Natasha flipped through the sheets a bit and as you did, she asked, „What can you think of already?“
Okay, how do you tell her you've just been staring at it so far? „Uhm..“ Natasha put the folder on her knees and this time looks directly at you, „You haven't looked at it yet, have you?“
You sigh again and lean against the couch, „I wonder how you managed to make everything look so easy, Nat. You're rich, you have your own company, and it seems like you don't have to worry about anything..“
Natasha's eyes softened, and she put a hand on your thighs, her voice soft and soothing. „Y/n, it may seem that way from the outside, but I promise you, success did not come on its own. I, too, sat on the floor and studied for hours. I had to deal with countless obstacles, setbacks, and doubts. Getting to where I am now took hard work and determination.“
You continue to look at her, „I know it won't be easy, but sometimes it just feels overwhelming. I want to achieve great things, but the road ahead seems so long..“
Natasha smiled and squeezed your thigh, „I believe in you, Y/n. You have the intelligence, the drive, and the passion. Remember that every little step brings you closer to your goals. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor were successful businesses or successful careers.“ Natasha realized that she was playing to your motivation with her speech, so she took the chance and went right on, „So, can you tell me anything interesting about any of these civilizations yet? Which ones are there, for example?“
Your eyes lit up as you begin to share your knowledge. „Well, the Egyptians, for example, were known for their impressive pyramids, and they believed in the afterlife.. They had intricate burial practices to prepare for the journey to the afterlife.“
Natasha nodded, acknowledging your answer, „That's right. It's fascinating how different societies view life and death. What are the challenges you find in learning about this topic?“
You sighed for the third time now, your frustration evident. „I get overwhelmed by all the dates and names. I feel like there's so much to remember.“
Natasha's voice sounded reassuring. „It's normal for you to feel this way. Let's try to break it down. We'll focus on one civilization at a time and create a timeline. That way it won't feel so scary. Also, I'm here to help you with the names and dates, understand?“
That sounds like a lot of work, you thought to yourself, but not for you, for Natasha, „Nat..Is this really okay that I'm keeping you here like this? you must have-" she interrupted you directly, „Quit that.“ She leans toward you, " „What good does it do me to have you sinking here in front of me, hm? I'd hire someone for you to make your tables and everything you need, so. Carry on.“
You had to smile again and nodded your agreement. At some point you reached a point where Natasha asked, „Let's talk about the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations. What else do you know about them?“
You think for a moment before answering, „They were known for their sophisticated writing system and the Code of Hammurabi, which was one of the earliest law codes.“ Natasha nodded in agreement. „That's right. And what do you know about the Indus Valley civilization?“
You hesitated, struggling to remember the details. „I'm not sure about that.. I think it was an ancient civilization on the Indian subcontinent, but I don't remember much else.“
Natasha smiled, without a hint of frustration in her voice. „ And that's all right, Y/n. The Indus Valley Civilization was actually on the Indian subcontinent, and they had advanced city planning with well-organized cities.“ Natasha notices you drifting off again, and she puts the things aside, „It's normal to forget some details. We'll work on it together.“
You appreciate her patience and support. „Thank you for your understanding, Natasha. Sometimes it's frustrating when I can't remember everything.“ Natasha reassured you, „It's all part of the learning process. We'll take another look at Indus Valley Civilization and make sure you understand it thoroughly.“
I need a Natasha. 🥲
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firesnap · 3 months
i have a genuine question. i promise i am not at all trying to defend him. ive dropped him entirely, literally deleted everything i had of him and unliked his songs.
ive just been wondering like considering that he has been in therapy, and also considering how if he does take a year off and then comes back, why cant it be redeemable? like cant people change? cant we give them second chances? he is 27. is he just doomed to be an abuser forever?
its just scary and im asking as like a younger person who is in my very early 20s. i know ive made mistakes. i know ive not been a good partner or friend sometimes. (and yes i was also abusive to a past partner...im not proud of it and ive learned from it. i have never ever touched anyone in that way after that. it took awhile but my current relationship isnt toxic and i would never hurt anyone or hit them again yknow?) and it scares me that people keep insinuating that he is irredeemable. like cant abusers change and become better? dont they get second chances? if shelby has grown and healed in 10 months wouldn't it be fair to say the same for wilbur?
im just genuinely asking because based on everything i believe you are older than me and im looking for guidance and just...idk im scared. growing up on the internet has made me so scared of making mistakes and doing anything wrong because when it happens to others i look up to, its always treated as something they'll never be able to change or improve. makes me feel like imma just be a horrible person forever because i made mistakes in the past.
This is a really complicated question that multiple answers can validly fit.
I don't think, personally, that anyone is irredeemable. I think everyone is on a journey of forgiveness and some of us may need more grace than others.
This is tw// abuse even more than the current topic, but my mom was incredibly abusive. We lived in a very rural area and she had a lot of undiagnosed problems and trauma of her own that created a pressure pot of issues. After I was born, she suffered through full on post-partum psychosis that nearly ended about as well as that sentence implies it could have. She was incredibly violent, controlling, and cruel for years. My sister went no-contact with her the second she turned 18. A significant event occurred that eventually spurned her into seeking real treatment that lasted for years. It's still ongoing.
My sister is also still no contact and I support her decision 100%. Those are her wounds and what she needed to do to get peace should be respected. I decided I wanted a relationship with the person who came out of all that work and, even then, it's been hard. I don't know if she's redeemed herself, and my god do we still have bumps in the road, but I support her for trying.
With Wilbur, how he responds to this is going to really impact a lot of things. I mean, I know no matter how he responds I won't be going on whatever journey of redemption and healing he has to go through. I'm tired and I feel hurt enough. I would think, if he wanted to show he was sincere, admitting what happened would be a great sense of closure for a lot of people who put time and energy and faith into this guy for years.
Not every person that causes harm is inherently evil, but there has to be some kind of knowledge that you're aware of the harm you've caused. No one is stuck as anything forever, life is constantly moving, and most people aren't saying his life is just over. You can work on yourself. You can change. And I'm saying that specifically to you, anonymous.
(Saying this, actually, there ARE people who would argue once you've done x you're beyond redemption based entirely on their life experiences as a victim, personal histories and many other factors. Kinda like my sister, that's their choice. And you have to accept that sometimes you fuck up so badly that you will permanently lose some people from your life. But your life isn't over.)
But I do think, regardless of what he says or does about this, his time of controlling a large platform is at an end. He can still do a lot of things in his life after he works on himself -- editing, song producing, directing, writing or whatever -- but being in charge of a large impressionable audience that could enable more destructive behaviors is just not it.
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