#the natural consequence of pissing someone off??? they get pissed off at you
monimccoythings · 9 days
Logan as a retired family man
I've always seen logan as a man who would settle in a smalltown looking for some goddamned peace and tranquility, that he never seems to get lol. I was also craving some domestic Logan, a man who gave up fighting and is now more focused on his family but knows that deep down he can't escape who he is and how many enemies he has.
This can be interpreted as either m!reader/f!reader/gn!reader, the newborn is either biological, adopted or another of Logan's clones this time mixed with reader's dna.
tags: domestic logan, f!reader or m! reader or gn!reader, logan being a dad, lumberjack logan.
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Retired!Logan who hung his claws and now lives a peaceful life in a cabin in the woods close to a small town with you, Laura and your newborn daugther.
Retired!Logan who gets a job as a lumberjack and insists on maintaining you all and covering the bills, despite you having your own job.
Retired!Logan who grows a beard because he knows you like it and thinks it'll help him go unnoticed by the townsfolk (As if he wasn't a giant burly man with a 24/7 pissed off face).
Retired!Logan who keeps training in the woods because he lives in a perpetual estate of paranoia and fear that someone is out there to get his little family, because he still believes he doesn't deserve to be this happy.
Retired!Logan who is teaching Laura to hunt and fight; and hopefully, one day he'll train the littlest one as well because he's extremely overprotective of you all.
Retired!Logan who sometimes feels the urge to let his primal instincts run wild and hunts some prey with his bare hands and claws; afterwards he will clean, skin and serve his prize at the family barbecue in the backyard.
Retired!Logan who has to be basically dragged to any town events, but goes anyway because he knows you'll be there with him, supporting him through the entirety of the dreaded social event. Hadn't it been for you and the girls, he would have become the local hermit.
Retired!Logan that doesn't love anything more than to return home after a long and tiring day at work and hug his family. He'll help you serve dinner, will play with the girls and will clean up with you afterwards. He has become so domesticated, he's sure he won't get to hear the end of it from his fellow X-Men, but he's too happy to care.
Retired!Logan who every morning drives his little girls to school before work just to make sure they arrive safely and will kiss them goodbye, shooting death glares to anybody that dares to look them wrong.
Retired!Logan who likes to enjoy a beer with you on the porch after putting the girls to bed. He was never one to care much for stargazing, only for orientation, but just watching them with you, with only the sounds of nature surrounding you, made him more appreciative. And, as a bonus, sometimes (always) that stargazing turns into something more... passionate.
Retired!Logan who much to his chagrin has become some sort of local celebrity/urban legend after he defenestrated some punks that had tried to rob the town's diner where you were casually having lunch.
Retired!Logan who wonders how the fuck did he, of all people, get so goddamn lucky. How he gets to have all of this without any consequences.
Retired!Logan who knows without a hint of doubt that shall danger come to tear you three away from him, he will be waiting for it, claws out and ready.
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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thirstydemisexual · 10 days
the batfamily meeting the single parent! reader and the kid
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expanding on these headcanons.
after a several months of dating Jason ask you to meet his family(totally not forced by Alfred who figured out he was seeing someone)
first lets get out the way that yes, the moment Jason introduces you to the family BRUCE IS GONNA PANIC. He would ask to speak to Jason alone and will surely go down the whole talk of "you are putting them in danger"
they are gonna fight a pit back and forth but as soon as Bruce understands that Jason is serious about you and the kid he gives in
not that Jason would have stopped dating you because of his father disapproval but it did piss him off that he thought he wasn't serious and was just having a fling with you
the rest of the family has the same fears for your safety but they are far more welcoming
Steph and Duke pass all the night playing with the kid.
Your kid tho seems far more interested in Alfred the cat, which result in her chasing him, and by consequence Damian almost killing a toddler because they were harrassing his cat.
Dick by far is the most teasing but, it was to be expected. He keep bringing up childhood antics about Jason that absolutely has him red as a tomato
well you bet one of them is gonna make a comment about how he could be Jasons kid
cue you being absolutely shocked to hear that he's a natural redhead(I know its just in some old comics but let me have fun) and acting absolutely betrayed
after all is said and done he goes to escort you home but before he and you guys can leave Alfred and Bruce stops him and tell him to bring you around more and that they liked you.
He was sooooo happy about them accepting you. Having Alfred approve of you was everything to him, it would have broke him otherwise. And yes he was very happy that his father approved too but he'd never say that
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princessjojo-x · 11 months
Scorpio Mars
💝 his pluto & mars influence shapes him into an unpredictable, vindictive, sadistic, secretive & stubborn man.
💝 he has a strong sense of self-preservation which leads him to be overly secretive & distrusting.
💝 he hates not knowing what's happening around him; this isn’t necessarily bc he’s suspicious & paranoid but bc he’s controlling asf. however, you wouldn’t suspect this as he comes across as very chill & care free. he won't bluntly violate your privacy but will still find ways to always know what you're up to, keep tabs on you & remember random things abt you, even when he knows for sure that you’re trustworthy & you’re doing nothing wrong.
💝 he never reveals his true intentions & feelings. even if he’s boiling inside, he excels at retaining a poker face. he keeps his emotions bottled up & releases them in intense outbursts. he conceals his fierce anger & mars energy until he needs to use it. if he’s provoked enough he wont hesitate to respond very intensely, maliciously & emotionally.
💝 he’s a lot more cunning & manipulative than he lets on. he can be very cold in regards to success, rxships & feuds. he has a tendency of going to extreme lengths to get his avenges, throwing people under the bus to get what he wants & ghosting lovers with no remorse.
💝 he gets off on the reactions of others. he knows exactly what strings to pull to trigger & affect them. his super power is catching you off guard & poking at you psychologically. hopefully he uses this power in a teasing & humorous way, instead of a toxic & cruel way.
💝 he has immense psychological strength & he can use his mind to manage or separate pain. he may even have the ability to enter a trance-state or cocoon in states of agony or when he is pushing himself to achieve better (such as run that extra kilometre).
💝 his private nature means his battles go completely unseen by anybody else. his enemies are his history, trauma, betrayals & victimisations. the best way to piss him off is to bring up his past wrongs & mistakes.
💝 he feels the most angry when he’s embarrassed. he gets embarrassed by being lied to by others or himself being caught in a lie.
💝 he’s rarely neutral abt anything, he’s strongly opinionated & either loves something or hates it.
💝 he has this risqué factor abt him which feels like you shouldn’t deal with him for some reason you’re still drawn to the idea. he is just naturally sexy & consequently he tends to have a player/promiscuous image projected onto him.
💝 he is intense in both daily life & in bed. he has the highest sex drive & his nether regions are extremely sensitive. he’ll likely want to sleep with you on the first meet & he’s always willing to take intimate risks. he’ll fuck anywhere & anyone, including someone he hates. ensure to never shame him for his sexuality. additionally, he has a tendency to talk abt his pee-pee in high praise, especially when he’s romancing someone!
💝 sexually, he’s more dominant than aries mars; he’s not here to win, he’s here to possess. he wants to be in control & call the shots. it’s his way or the high way. he tend to equate s3x with power & control, with his partner playing the role of a obliging slave.
💝 sleeping with him is like listening to a good song & waiting for the beat to drop but it never does. this explains why scorpio energy can be so intoxicating - it always leaves you on the verge of full satisfaction meaning you keep going back for more. in my opinion, this placement is overrated for its sexual performance. it’s more his energy & anticipation that makes him exciting & alluring. but once he gets to the deed, he’s completely driven by his lust & desire, which makes his performance animalistic & reckless. he tends to go straight to the crotch area with little foreplay or stimulation. it’s like sleeping with a very horny person who’s having sex for the very first time in their lives. it can feel quite predatory & domineering. also, he’s not as freaky as you’d expect & there’s something abt him that’s a bit closed off. in my experience, when it comes to performance those with domicile or exalted mars overpromise & underdeliver whilst those with debilitated mars underpromise and overdeliver.
💝 he doesn’t kiss & tell which makes him a worthy sneaky link.
Turn On’s & Off’s:
💝 he’s not pleased by the typical sweet nothings (words of affection, gentle caresses) & an intimate rxship too peaceful bores him. he’s turned on by mystery, passion, intensity, vulnerability, trust & anything that’s hard to understand. in the shadows & spaces where others might shy away, he is ever hungering for an intensity that matches his own. he likes revealing each others deepest secrets, desires & fears. he enjoys breaking sexual taboos & a hint of danger (love-hate rxships, age gaps, etc).
💝 he’s easily aroused by perceived anticipation & stimulation (a moment turning into something more). if you intrigue him enough & give him the impression that the moment could turn into something more & that something sexual could occur (via glances & movements) you’ve got him. for him, s3x is all abt control & how many ways either of you can lose said control. he likes a shared glance that holds an intense promise (eye contact). he likes the thrill of a teasing game that involves mutual seduction & mind games, which make the heart race faster (blindfolding).
💝 he likes talking abt s3x, sexual attention from others, seducing others & being around physically attractive people as he loves s3xy environments.
💝 he’s turned on by the concept of ownership. he enjoys getting marked by/marking his partner (bruises & love bites).
💝 he has the highest pain tolerance so enjoys aggression from his partner (bitten/scratched).
💝 he likes doing the deed in the dark, physically ripping his partners clothes off, laying down with his head close to his partners genitals, body hair, body odour, latex, leather, sex toys, begging, jealousy, teasing, tickling, torture, bdsm & prolonged sex.
💝 he likes a challenge & proving himself so ensure to let him chase.
💝 he likes being held really close during s3x & water mars in general love positions where they can see their partners face
💝 he craves a deep emotional bond & being utterly lost in his partner. he wants someone who will understand/appreciate his protective nature & sensitive side
💝 he’s attracted to blonde, innocent women with big boobs
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anime-simp-0 · 22 days
when bakugo’s anti-villain s/o and him fight
i got this idea from the opposite version of this i did, bakugo’s anti-hero s/o. it really had me thinking how bakugo would react to someone who fits the anti-villain archtype; someone who has the noble goals but their means of attainment are evil.
well for starters, just like heroes have a ton of different sub-archtypes, so do anti-villains. in the most basic sense, i’m basing mine off of the concept that they have the right end-goal but not the right methods they are going about so i guess you could kinda consider them like mr. ferret boy draco malfoy. he, by nature, is evil. he has toxic traits and is overall a less then decent individual. however, if tiktok has shown anything, it is that people can still obsess over him. (sighs in dracotok)
regardless, in terms of bakubitch’s s/o, i dont think this makes them a bad person. just misguided. stain’s ideology was exposed to them at a vulnerable time and it just stuck and they turned in to a vigilante because no one had validly proven to them a better option. which led to constantly fooling around in the shadows and kicking ass but mainly for the purpose of catching twofaced hero’s that are actually really shady people, so all around a moral goal but not heroic action.
as to how bakugo would react to this, I think that it really depends on what stage Bakugo you are dating. Middle School? High school? Starting Hero? Experienced? And a large part of this differentiation is what he experienced at UA.
In middle school, he thought heroes were the good guys and they always did the right thing and he was going to be the #1. He was gonna be so perfect that they had no choice except to give him the title of perfection.
And then, UA happened. And he experienced the USJ and he saw firsthand what villains are like. Low level thugs, sure. But those villains didn't care if they killed everyone in that building. And then to see a monster so strong it could get hit by All Might at full force and not bat an eye. That's not even mentioning what happened at the summer camp. Not only was he kidnapped but had his life continuously toyed with for hours and the heroes took their sweet ass time to save him. All because they wanted to follow protocol, and he still managed to get away in the end. I don't think the protocol issues get any better with time either.
I think the older he gets, the more they piss him off. Because he's seen more. he's seen the damage wasting time can do. and i guarantee you there was a decision he makes in the future that costs someone their life because he decided to follow protocol and he never lets himself forget it. because that blood isn't on the commission's hands. it's on his. he was the one that made the call to listen to what the high and might's decided.
The experience also changes his definition of right and wrong. He starts to see everything through a different lens when it comes to why villains do what they do. Are they stealing from places because it's fun or the way they survive? Are they selling drugs because it's their hustle or because it's the only way they can provide. He also starts to see heroes in a different light as well. Are they saving people because they want to keep the city safe or because of publicity? Do they actually care about protecting individuals or is it about the money? And then you have the antivillains and antiheroes and all he can think is about the person who lost their life because he decided to follow the rules. But antiheroes and antivillains and vigilantes don't care about that kinda stuff. They don't have to follow the rules that they didn't sign up for. They don't have to go through the chain of command or rules and regulations. They have the freedom to do the right thing with no consequences ( unless they get caught that is ).
Truly though, I don't think you were aware Bakugo was a hero when you first started dating him, just like I don't think he was aware that you were a antivillain/vigilante. but i could totally see you both finding out because you were running from heroes after some shit and he managed to catch you and you both had a moment where you recognized each other and he couldn’t let you get caught so he let you go and stalled to buy you time. which, yea, lead to a pretty interesting fight. but you managed to talk and make it work. he made you promise to stop fucking around as long as he followed up on his end about taking care of the shitty heroes so you didn’t have to. having said that, i think that he also is still very strong in his beliefs that heroes are good. sure not all of them, but enough where being completely against heroes annoys the living shit out of him. so i think that many arguments would stem from you not liking some of the heroes he works with. whether that’s you doing the signature smart ass lines that make them uncomfortable or intentionally making it known you don’t like them.
hence why it was currently 1:32 in the morning and instead of being in bed with the hot headed prick you call your boyfriend, you were on the couch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
the heated words from earlier still ring in your ears as you lay on the couch, looking out of the window and onto the city that lay below, glistening and active even at this time of night. a thin blanket was wrapped around your legs as bakugos shirt that was a few sizes too big left your legs exposed to the cold air in his apartment. you would have left after everything that was said but he had picked you up from your apartment and brought you to his earlier that day so now you were stranded and far too stubborn to ask for help from your friends, knowing they would want details you weren’t comfortable disclosing yet. instead, you decided to sleep on the couch and calm yourself by staring into the glass pane.
the details of your fight were still cloudy in your mind, but one thing was for sure. you both were not on good terms. after you made a backhanded joke about one of the heroes he had become friendly with, it was all over. it started with just about the one guy, then it became how you never liked anyone from his job, then it turned into you hating everything heroes and then, finally, bakugo said the thing that really set you off. “if you hate heroes so much, then do you even give a shit about me? if all heroes are so damn bad!” the things that came out of your mouth next were a mix of rapid fire insults and gabs at him, turning into a full out war of verbal assaults over something as simple as you not likely one of his work buddies.
it made you so angry, it almost made you cry. not because you cared. what? no! of course not! i mean, why would you, right? it’s not like the most important person in your life insulted you and one of the only things you truly believe in before having the audacity to ask if you even loved him-… oh wait… no. no, yea that is what made you cry. you sighed and rubbed your eyes, wiping away the tears before they had a chance to fall. you were angry at yourself. if only you hadn’t said anything. if only you didn’t snap back at him. if only you never said you didn’t like his new work partner. if only-
the sound of the bedroom door opening cause your attention before a bakugo, and frankly a quite grumpy and agitated bakugo at that, stepped out. but the sour expression faded off his face when he saw the tear that you hadn’t managed to wipe away.
“what do you want” you muttered before turning back towards the window and, as subtly as you could, wiping away the dampness from your cheek.
he went to speak multiple times before pausing with a slight growl and shuffling towards you. his sweats hung low on his waist and his hands were bunched up in his pockets as he flexed them, standing next to you on the couch.
“look…” he sighed. this kinda thing was never easy for him. he spent so much time condensing his feelings, being able to openly talk about them was weird on so many level that even after a year and a half of you two dating it still made him feel weird. “i.. shouldn’t have used your stuff against you… what you believe and support is what you do and… i can’t control that or change it. it’s just… i was pissed and wasn’t thinking straight… and i know that’s not a good enough reason to hurt you, i’m not saying it is i just…” he sighed again before taking a hand out from his pocket and rubbing his face “i know you love me, okay? i know that. you prove it everyday you deal with my hero shit or help with my cuts and scraps after a bad day or even just, fuck, staying. you didn’t leave. and i love you for that, okay? i do. i fucking love you with everything i have.”
your tempted to turn to look at him, to break and let a tear fall while you sit there but you don’t. he groans softly before taking his hand and lightly pressing his fingertips to your chin and turning your face towards him. “i’m sorry baby… i mean it. im sorry” he leans down and softly kisses your head before pulling away.
“don’t fucking do it again” is all you can manage before resting your head against him as his arms wrap around you.
“trust me, i don’t plan on it”
“i mean it katsuki” your voice was cold and sent a chill straight to his spine. “don’t question my love again. and don’t use my opinions against me. i love you enough to be with you even though you’re a hero but i love myself enough to walk away if I need to.” you paused and look up at him “don’t put me in a position where i have to be the bad guy. we both know i play the part too well.”
he nodded solemnly before taking a deep breathe. out of everything you had said to him in the last couple hours, that he knew was true. you were always labeled as a villain. not only by your peers but you family as well. when you manifested your quirk and it was far more powerful then anyone else in your family trees, they immediately wanted you to be a hero. to make money for them and be popular. and the second you said no, they turned on you so fast it gave you whiplash. you were so used to being put in positions where you had no choice but to be the bad guy. to do the non glamorous or even cruel thing to survive. he had become your safe space, but even he wasn’t foolish enough to believe you couldn’t live without him. hell, it was the other way around.
he had been laying in bed since you had had your fight, tossing and turning in the cold sheets and reaching for a body that wasn’t there, searching for warmth that was on a couch instead of wrapped in silk with him. he had tried to fight himself on it for hours now. but as much pride as he had, his ego crumbles before you. you mattered more than that to him. you mattered more then being right or proving a point. he needed you. you had become such an important part of him that the idea of you being gone made his heart stop. he was nauseous at the thought of opening the bedroom door and finding your things missing and shoes no longer by the door.
but right now with you in his arms, all he wanted to do was hold you. not for another minute or another hour. forever. he never wanted to breathe without you in his arms. he didn’t want to know what it felt like for you to exist without him. so he looked down at you slowly, his thumb rubbing back and forth against your skin as he held you against him. “I know…” he rested his head against yours, “i know.”
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betweenujb · 10 months
ceo!momo x supermodel!sana
warnings: smut, dom/sub, posessive momo, implied overstimulation
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Momo had just finished closing one of the biggest deals of the year for her company when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She had silenced all her notifications except ones from Sana, and her wife knew that she was in a meeting so it must have been important. Excusing herself, she checked her phone only to see a text that sent her blood pressure through the roof.
sweet girl: i know you're busy with a meeting baby but one of the models is getting a little handsy with me
lover: no, sweetheart. it's not a problem at all. i'll be there in five minutes
The words that Momo typed out were loving and full of nothing but care for her wife, but inside she felt like she was going to explode. Every person who worked with Sana and every person who worked for Momo, all the way down to the cleaning people, knew that her wife was off limits.
Momo was beyond pissed and every single person at the photo shoot site knew it. The second the doors flung open and the people on the site turned their heads, it went silent. With every step Momo took, it felt like a dark cloud was descending on them, the woman's heels reverberating in through the room.
Momo's eyes scanned the male model's faces, jaw clenched. Usually, she had no issue with the male models. They knew to keep their hands to themselves, and they knew the consequences if they didn't. Usually, they didn't have a death wish.
Maybe I'm being too lenient, Momo thought as her sight homed in on the one who was harassing her precious Sana. The bastard who was touching Sana only moments ago still had a smirk on his face that Momo wanted to smack into next week. She pushed her way past the other models and stood centimeters away from him.
Being short didn't stop Momo. In fact, it made her feel even more powerful. Seeing six-foot-tall men cower under her look let her know she was the one calling the shots.
Momo grabbed the model's tie and pulled him down to her level aggressively enough that he stumbled. Her eyes were almost black with rage as she leaned in and whispered, voice barely audible. "If you aren't out of this building in the next 20 seconds, I will make your life a living hell. If you ever touch my wife again, I will make sure you go home in a fucking body bag."
This was all the warning the model needed. In 10 seconds, he bolted out of the building, barely grabbing the bag he brought with him. Momo took a deep breath, only turning around to face Sana once she saw the door slam behind him.
Like a switch had flipped, Momo's expression was gentle again. Her hands were gentle as she wrapped them around Sana's waist. She gave her a quick kiss before walking to one of the chairs behind the studio lights. With the snap of her fingers, the camera crew was back to work.
Fortunately, the rest of Momo's work for the day involved phone calls to other fashion CEOs and modeling agents. She'd be damned if she left Sana's photoshoot before she was done.
"Sweetheart do you know who that dumb fucker worked for?" Momo asked, monotone as she tapped her finger against the steering wheel.
Sana glanced up from her phone, looking up at the roof of their car as she wracked her brain for a company name. "I think he worked for some small sub-company under Dior or something like that."
Momo silently nodded and took Sana's free hand in hers. She intertwined their fingers and placed a gentle kiss on the back of Sana's hand. "I'll make sure to have a word with his agent."
The slightly aggravated tone in Momo's voice caused Sana to blush a bit. She had always been susceptible to Momo's controlling and protective nature. Whether it was firing someone because they forgot her sweet girl's coffee or practically wiping them off the face of the earth because they accidentally brushed against her ass, it caused Sana's nerves to go haywire.
Deciding to see how far she could push Momo before they got home, Sana leaned over the center console, her dress revealing enough that Sana's lacy bra was peeking out from underneath. She put on her pout that she knew had Momo wrapped around her finger and brought their hands up to her lips.
"I tried to tell everyone on the set what he was doing," a small kiss to the tips of Momo's fingers, "but they didn't seem to care. They were too busy telling me to pose better," the flat of her tongue pressing against Momo's index finger, "and they wouldn't do anything about him, so I just let him keep going."
Sana's words dug their way into Momo's brain. Her wife knew what she was doing and even if nothing she said was true, it still made her grip the steering wheel until her knuckles were white. She glanced at Sana, that oh so fake innocence written across her face making her fold fast.
Momo pulled her hand out of Sana's grasp and grabbed her face, fingers digging into her cheeks. "If I knew you wanted to be such a slut then maybe I should have just left you to deal with him alone."
Sana gulped. She knew that it was only an empty threat, but it was enough to make her desperate for more. It wasn't often that Momo would get rough with her, but when she did, it made her see stars every single time.
They barely made it through the doors of the penthouse before Momo picked Sana up in her arms, slamming her against the wall in the entryway. Momo's hands on Sana's hips were almost bruising, her grip was so tight. She leaned up to Sana's ear, breath hot and low as she muttered, "You're not going to be thinking of anything but me and my name once I'm done with you, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. Just with one simple name, Sana was putty in Momo's hands. Momo's to play with and fuck until she could barely walk in the morning. But that wasn't Momo's problem. Especially not when her wife decided to tease her like that in the car.
"Momo please..." Sana gasped out as Momo's hand bunched her wife's dress up, hand dipping into her panties. Momo didn't care that it was a $5,000 dress. She could just get Sana a brand new one with the wave of her hand.
Sana's breath hitched as the heel of Momo's hand pressed against her clit. It was providing her with just enough pressure to have her squirming in her wife's arms.
Not wanting to drop her to the ground, Momo set Sana down and immediately dragged her to their large bedroom. She aggressively picked her wife up, throwing her in the middle of their king-sized bed. Momo almost lost her composure seeing Sana's dress ride up, revealing the large wet spot on her wife's panties.
The lust in her eyes and the need to prove she was better than that bastard could ever be, Momo wasted no time in taking her clothes off. She threw her suit jacket, shirt, and tie behind her, leaving her in just her pants.
Sana's mouth watered at the sight as Momo stalked over to the edge of the bed and crawled up to where she was. Sana tried to reach her hand out to touch any part of Momo's bare skin she could. Her hands only had the chance to ghost over Momo's toned abs though as her wife grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head.
"You really want me that bad, sweetheart? You sure you don't want that bastard touching you earlier to keep going?" Momo's voice was thick with desire. She wanted Sana as much as her wife wanted her, but she couldn't let her movements falter.
Sana vigorously shook her head, doe eyes staring up into Momo's dark ones. "No, Momo. Only you. Need you inside of me!"
"What's the magic word, sweet girl?" Momo's fingers brushed over her panties, applying the lightest amount of pressure to her swollen clit.
"P-please! Please Momo!"
"Was that so bad, sweetheart?" Momo asked, not giving Sana even a second to answer before she plunged two fingers deep into her wife's tight, wet heat.
Sana's body jerked as her hips thrusted into Momo's hand. The slight sting of being stretched so suddenly was just what she needed. "Oh, fuck!"
The smirk on Momo's face barely hid the amount of pleasure she was getting just from having her fingers inside of Sana. The way her fingers were being squeezed and sucked in, Sana's body was desperate for more.
"Barely even touched you yet and you're already so loud, baby." Momo let Sana's hands go, but Sana knew better than to move them from the headboard. She bucked her hips up into Momo's hand, the sheer force of Momo's fingers plunging in and out of her enough to make her dizzy already.
Momo pulled the top of Sana's dress down further, the fabric ripping more and more with each harsh tug until Sana's breasts spilled out. "What a slut. Barely even wearing a bra." Momo shook her head and leaned down, gently biting and sucking the stiff nipples through the thin lace.
Sana's body was on fire, her moaning only growing louder as Momo pushed a third finger into her. It was taking everything in her to not reach down and claw at Momo's back to release some pressure, but she knew that if she did, Momo would never let her cum.
Momo's fingers were thrusting in and out at a furious pace, her thumb pressing against Sana's clit. "Whose pussy is this, baby? Is it that dumb motherfucker's?"
Momo and Sana both knew the answer to such an oh-so-obvious question, but Momo needed to hear Sana. Needed to hear the whines and moans she let out as she fucked into her sweet girl.
"Only yours, Momo! Your pussy!" Sana's face was a shade brighter as she barely got her words out in between Momo's thrusts. That little coil in the pit of her stomach was getting tighter and tighter and she knew she wasn't going to last much longer.
"That's right, sweetheart. My pussy. Mine to fuck and fill up." The lewd, wet noises of her fingers pumping in and out of Sana combined with Sana's ear-piercing moans were almost enough for Momo to go over the edge herself. But this wasn't about her. It was about making Sana cum over and over again until she learned her lesson.
"Momo! Gonna- so close!" Sana could barely keep her eyes open as the coil in her stomach got tighter and tighter.
"That's it, sweet girl. Cum for me." Momo's voice was much softer as pulled Sana’s excuse for a bra off to lick and suck on her breasts.
The combined sensations were too much and quickly, Momo's fingers were being squeezed to death, Sana's cum flooding out of her and covering her wife's fingers as she screamed her wife's name over and over again. "Momo! Momo! Momo!"
Sana's breathing was labored as she closed her eyes, her body shaking as Momo's fingers gently pumped in and out of her. She felt like she'd just been shot out of a cannon and when she felt Momo's fingers leave her, she thought that was it.
When Sana felt the flat of Momo's tongue against her sensitive clit, her breath caught in her throat, hands flying to tangle into Momo's hair. "F-fuck. Can't. No more."
Momo just shook her head, replacing her mouth with her thumb as she looked up to Sana, her eyes dark with greed and a sweet smile plastered to her face. "This is what you wanted so bad, baby. You're gonna cum for me as many times as I want like the little slut you are."
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huihuiheart · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 D3: His Kitten - Lee Know
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Stray Kids Masterlist
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Pairing:  Lee Know/ Minho x Fem! Reader
Genre:  Mafia Au, Smut
Summary: When Chan’s girl invited you who knew you could get under his skin so well, only now it’s time for him to teach you what the consequences of your actions are.
Warnings: Mafia Au, guns, side character getting shot, cursing, alcohol, edging,  organsm denial, overstim (suggested), gagging (with panties), dom/sub themes, brat taming themes, spanking (reader rec), oral (both rec), degradation, dirty talk, use of the name kitten.
Word Count: 4134
Just when Minho thought he couldn’t get any more pissed you just had to go and do something to make him hate your guts even more. It was far too easy for you to do so and he felt that at this point perhaps you were doing it purely to mess with him. Though for most of the guys, this was lovely entertainment. To see the man they typically were so terrified of having someone show no hesitation in challenging him.
“Minho, I need you to focus. Now isn’t the time to let her get under your skin.” Chan scolded slightly, the boss not used to having to do so with his second in command. Not until you got here anyway.
“Not my fault she’s such a fucking pain,” Minho grumbled, quick to silence Jisung and Hyunjin’s snickers with a glare spelling death. 
“Yes well, we need that fucking pain so try to play nice will you?” Chan asks with a brow raised and Minho puts his hands up in surrender.
“I am, but once we’re done with her no promises I won’t strangle the bitch.” He huffs only to freeze when the next laugh he hears is yours, and it sounds far too happy at that.
“Careful Min, some of us might be into that.” You tease with a wink, making your friend roll her eyes as she takes her place at Chan’s side.
“I’m starting to think perhaps I should have never introduced y'all.” She says rubbing a hand down her face as Chan rubs her back leaning over to kiss her temple.
“It’s alright love, she’s been helping exactly like we needed.” Chan tries to assure her which only makes Minho roll his eyes now, bristling as you speak up again.
“I mean when you need the best you need the best, so it just can’t be helped.” You shrug, smirking directly at Minho knowing it would start shit up again.
“The best? I don’t think so.” He scoffs only making your smirk all the more wicked.
“And yet you couldn’t do it, so what does that say about you? Oh yeah, that you’re not as good as me.” You know you have him where you want when his hands slam down on the table, standing to try and loom over you, though not intimidating you in the least. 
Chan intervenes before anything more can happen, “Bicker on your own time you two, that’s not why we’re here.”
Your mouth opens to say something else, but the look your friend gives you telling you to drop it for now is enough to quiet you again. Listening to Chan update everyone on where they were on things and what he needed everyone to do. You had realized as soon as your friend asked you to come help why Chan had garnered so much support, he was a natural leader, enough so that anyone would follow him, even into this life of crime. 
Once you were all dismissed, Hyunjin came up to you, looking at you softly, “ You gonna be okay? Going out into the heat of things yourself?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Besides I’m sure a certain pretty boy will have no problem protecting me.” You gaze up at him with a smile as you step into his arms and Minho feels his blood boiling again.
Even more than your mouthing off at him seemed to irritate him, did the way you seemed to flirt so effortlessly with the others. Something he wondered if they had gone any further on, but would never dare to ask so as not to give the appearance of caring. He didn't, right? Just wanted to put you in your place most likely, there was no way he actually cared like that.
Hearing Hyunjin start to respond, just as flirtatiously no doubt, Minho had to walk off or he'd start something that wouldn't end well. Deciding to get his frustrations out he goes to the shooting range and practice, not that he needed it, but nothing called him quite like seeing the bullets hitting his mark. Besides they all had time to kill before they moved anyway, though the longer it had been since he saw you the more he wondered if you were passing the time with someone else or not. Curing under his breath when he noticed he missed for the first time in as long as he could remember, shaking his head to will the thoughts of how you wouldn't be that bad if someone just put you in your place, no doubt with a fat cock in your mouth to shut you up, hoping to regain his composure and be back to accurate again.
Minho attempted to keep himself occupied, not that there was a lack of things to do until it was time for everyone to head out. Minho rolled his eyes as soon as he heard you and Changbin enter, flirting as you did so. Changbin helped you with the bulletproof vest and to strap on your weapons as if you didn't know how and it made Minho scoff as he prepared himself. You froze as soon as you heard the sound.
"What? You got something to say Minho?" You call him out, making him turn and glare right into your eyes.
"Just find it irritating how desperate you seem to be for all their attention that you'll make up reasons you need them. What was Hyunjin not enough for you? Or did he smart up and leave you so desperate you had to see if someone else could fix it?" Minho's words make you burn, feeling embarrassed he said them in front of everyone so blatantly as if it was his place somehow. 
"What the fuck did you just say to me Lee Minho?" You hiss out, standing taller to show him you aren't scared of him in the least, even if internally you are just slightly.
Minho comes over, nearly toe to toe with you to look into your eyes with as much fire in his, "You fucking heard me. What's the matter? Little kitty didn't like getting called out like that? Too bad. Maybe the next person you go to to make that all better will do us all a favor and put that mouth in its place too."
You grip his collar, stunning him by pulling him in enough to whisper into his ear, "If a stray bullet catches you out there, don't think it was an accident." 
You push him away then as if he is burning you, he's about to pull you back to retaliate until Chan calls him to discuss some final details about everything. Returning only when you all have to get into the car. You ensure you have all your gear, tensing as Minho comes over but calming once you realize it's curt as he brings his own equipment so you both can look over everything and be able to just know where whatever you need when you get there is. 
"I'll get all the doors and surveillance, you just get the heavier things. Focus outside the office first, I'll make sure security is down before I hand over the laptop. Changbin has the backdoor and Seungmin the front. Hyunjin and Felix will load everything up for us." Minho tells you before zipping his bag back up and going to the driver's seat. 
Their rivals had just opened up an underground casino that was ruining business for Chan's crew but also encouraging other people to come to the area and try to settle down. Something that Chan wanted to stop at the source. So here you were with them, about to break into this place to take all the money from everything in their casino. Minho, as good as he was at hacking and infiltration, didn't know how to access these machines and such like you did, so he would handle the outside stuff while you manage the machines. Waiting until they had the place closed to look inconspicuous to the public eye surrounding the area before you all decided to strike. 
Once inside Minho made quick work of the security systems while you started working to get behind the exchange counters and work to access everything behind there. Hyunjin and Felix come behind to bag things after you pop open each individual section. Then moving to any machines that deal with not just chips, but cash as well. Clearing all those out along with the tables before Minho steps aside to let you into the room to access the laptop. Working to get into their accounts and start clearing those out as well. Through two and onto a third when the shouting started up. Looking up at Minho in the doorway, who was already on alert with his gun in hand.
"Min they're here working hard to get in. What's the ETA?" Seungmin calls from the front door where Changbin has now rushed to help him hold it.  Hyunjin and Felix cover the back as they finish loading up the car.
Minho looking back at you, "Well, what's the ETA little miss miracle worker?"
"Depends, do you want all 6 cleared or you wanna call it after number 3, boss?" You mock him as you're working as quickly as you can despite it. Gunfire echoing in now too as Seungmin and Changbin pull back slightly to continue to cover you.
Minho rocking as he debates, "Can you get them in 10?"
You huff a little bit, "Give me 12 and I'll make it happen."
"I said 10, that's all we're getting." Minho insists, firing off a little.
"And I said you're only getting them all in 12." You counter, working with one hand as your other hand is on your gun just in case you need it.
"Will you two stop bickering and focus before someone gets shot!" Changbin calls from outside, shutting you both up through the next while of chaos.
"You have one minute left, where are you at?" Minho asks and if you weren't so focused you'd have flared up at him as he comes over.
" Still have most the way to go on this one, because like I said I need 12." You rolled your eyes before you felt his hand on your hip.
"And I said you have 10." He grumbles, getting ready to pull you to move.
"Well then, do you want this or not?" You huff trying to pull a little bit away from him to make it happen. Pressing the last key down as Minho drags you out of the room. 
He tucks you into his side, shooting off at those who had barged in as you all quickly filter out the back door. Seungmin 's shoulder gets grazed with a bullet right before Changbin slams the backdoor shut and blocks it while you all get in the car and rush off to head back to safety. In various safe houses until things calmed a little bit more. Minho sent an update text to Chan along the way. 
"Seungmin you're going to go to the one with Innie, he has all the medical stuff," Minho announces, confusing you considering initially you were supposed to be with Jeongin. So where would you be now? 
You were left to watch in horror as people filed out either one at a time or in pairs until it was just you and Minho left. Minho gave you a look when you cursed under your breath, though he smirked a little knowing he could get under your skin the same way you could him.
"Don't worry I promised Chan I wouldn't kill you, I wouldn't want to make his girl sad. She'd also probably have my head for it, so..." Minho attempts to assure you as you pull into the garage of the final safe house. 
"I however made no promises." You grumble helping him get all the remaining loot out to stash, followed by your duffle of stuff while you're staying here.
"Oh, princess, you couldn't hurt me if you tried." Minho smirks, going to get a beer from the fridge and sitting down, "Han is going to come by and pick up the loot and drop off food. I told him to just get some pizza."
"What if I don't want pizza?" You raise a brow at him going over to get a beer yourself.
"Then you can make yourself something or be hungry. It's not my fucking problem." He shrugs, getting comfortable and making you roll your eyes.
"Whatever, where am I staying?" You ask, putting your beer down to pick up your duffle.
"The bedroom is in the back." Minho gestures vaguely and you start to head off before freezing as you register his words.
"The bedroom? As in one?" You pause looking at him and he chuckles and nods.
"Yep, just one." He answers and your brows furrow.
"So what? Are you staying on the couch?" Your question makes him laugh even harder.
"Oh absolutely not, and if you have a problem with that then you can stay on the couch." Minho shrugs his attention not on you in the least anymore. He finds a smile gracing his lips as he hears you mumbling curses under your breath, but go to put your things in the bedroom. Only moving to get up when there’s a knock at the front door, only you rush by to get to it first. Minho called after you and rolled his eyes, hand reaching back for the hilt of his gun as he quickly followed in case it was someone other than Jisung there. 
“Hey Hanji!” You beam at the man before pouting dramatically at him, “You can’t by chance get me out of here with the loot can you?” 
“Y/N that’s too dangerous. You’re stuck here for now.” Jisung tells you quickly before looking over your shoulder to catch the fire in Minho’s eyes and gulping, before adding a soft sorry. Handing over the food in exchange for the loot, about to say something more only for Minho to slam the door in his face and lock it. Turning to tell you off only to find you already gone with the pizza in hand. 
By the time he finds you in the kitchen, he’s seething, feeling as though his skin itself is on fire. Coming up behind you and quickly closing the pizza box you had opened to dig into. Turning around to tell him off you’re silenced seeing just how dark his gaze is as he cages you in against the counter. You realize you’ve really crossed a line now, though what line you honestly aren’t sure of.
“Are you fucking serious Y/N? Was all the danger you put people in earlier not enough? Now you had to ask Jisung to put himself in danger as well as yourself for your fucking convenience?” Minho’s words are harsh and voice-cutting, but eerily quiet. The effect has you cowering beneath him for the first time and despite Minho thinking you need the lesson the sight has a bit of a stinging effect in his heart, though not as much as it makes his cock throb in his jeans.
“I’m sorry Min, I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt.” You find yourself sniffling without realizing and you hear Minho sigh softly above you before you're stunned further by feeling him pull you into his arms and against his chest.
“I know you didn’t, but kitten,  you need to think about these things because the risk is very real. Just think about what happened to Seungmin today and that was nothing compared to what it could have been. So when I tell you stuff you need to listen okay?” He’s pulling back, looking at your face, and brushing away the tears. As much as he wanted to see you cry this was not at all the reason he wanted it to be for. When you nod he kisses your forehead, “So you’re going to listen from now on then?”
“Yeah.” You nod again though there’s a hint of hesitance still there and Minho has to quickly hide his smirk noticing your personality still shows itself.
“Well then you should have no problem proving it to me while I punish you little kitty.” His words make your brows knit in confusion as you look up at him.
“Punish?” Your question makes Minho laugh a little bit and smirk. Turning you to face away from him and bend over the counter some, leaning in right beside your ear.
“Yep, after all, you were so bad today and you tried so hard to piss me the fuck off. So it’s time someone shows you how to be responsible for your actions. This is what that kind of behavior gets you.” He whispers against your ear, nipping at the shell of it before pulling back to immediately land a harsh smack to your clothed ass.
“Min!” You shriek and he chuckles, landing another few smacks before he speaks up again.
“What, you can’t take a little pain? This isn’t really as bad as what those men would have done to you had they got you. So take it like a good kitten for me, yeah?” He bites his lip when you nod, sniffling softly. Part of him wants to make you answer him verbally, but then again there would be plenty of time for that. The man takes his time in making your ass sore before pulling down your jeans, the rough fabric making the raw flesh sting a little bit more. Minho chuckles as two fingers brush feather-light over the damp patch of your panties, “What’s all this from? A spanking? Or is it because secretly you’ve wanted me all along?”
This time when you squirm, whining deep in your throat Minho isn’t having it. His hand crashed down onto your ass again despite the marks already left there, hissing out his next words harshly, “ Answer the question slut.”
“It’s..” You bite your lip, squirming again as your skin heats in embarrassment, “It’s you, love riling you up Min.” 
“Fuck I know you do kitten, if only I knew it was because you wanted me to do this sooner. Would have put you in line a long time ago.” Minho responds with fingers rubbing over your clothed clit, far too light to get you anything like what you wanted. Though your whines and squirming don’t get that either, only rewarding you was a few more spanks.
“Please, Min.” You start to resort to begging quicker than either of you expected, but it excites him, making him chuckle. Also leading him to give you false hope as he pulls down your panties, though he doesn’t touch you yet, instead leaning over you and pressing your soiled panties between your parted lips.
“Oh none of that now, doesn’t matter how pretty you beg you’re not getting out of this not until I’ve had my fill of punishing you.” Then he’s pulling back and dipping his fingers between your folds finally rubbing at your clit with enough pressure to make your knees weak. He no longer seems to show any patience with the way his fingers are moving now, bringing you to the edge as quickly as he possibly can before his hands fly off you before you can reach your release. Throwing his head back with a moan as he hears the way you’re begging and whining around your panties, worried that he might just give into you before he wants to, but then he remembers all the times you pissed him off so much and he’s back to being sadistic.
He waits for you to calm down completely again before he touches you again, slow and soft at first as he circles your entrance before a finger slips in, thumb finding your clit and once he hears you moaning at everything again he speeds up bringing you to the edge quickly again before he pulls back once more. The cycle continues like that for what feels to you like hours, Minho giving you just a little more each time until your tears are streaming down your face and your legs can’t stop trembling due to your need. Then he’s reaching to grip your jaw and lift you up against his chest, removing your panties to hear your begs unfiltered now.
“Please Min I’ll do anything, please. Just don’t take it away again.” You’re pleading between hiccups and it makes him hum, you feel the way it shakes his chest and then he’s helping you to your knees in front of him.
“Suck me like the sloppy little slut you are and maybe I’ll give it to you.” He smirks at how you scramble to free him from his pants, lips instantly wrapping around him. Minho catches himself throwing his head back to moan, refusing to do so and lose the beautiful sight before him. You take his cock down your throat so well and he’s not sure if your tears are from the edging or this. You bring him to the edge quicker than he’d like to admit, but his pride makes him hold out a little longer, that and the fact that he wishes he could see you like this… use you like this, all the time. “Good kitty, gonna take all of me when I cum yeah?” 
The way you moan wanting what he just asked so badly makes him smirk as he knows he has something else in store. Pulling out and cumming on your face instead, “Too bad that’ll have to wait until next time.”
The way you pout up at him with watery eyes makes him growl, leaning in to kiss you rough before pulling away to help you stand again. He takes you back to the bathroom attached to the bedroom and cleans you up while you watch him, brows furrowed.
“You’re not gonna fuck me?” You look so saddened at the thought that Minho can’t help but to kiss you a little softer now, turning you to put some balm on your raw ass. 
“You did so good for me kitten, but no. Not tonight. You still have to prove to me that you can be good for a little bit, yeah? So be good the rest of tonight and you’ll get a reward I promise.” He assures you, helping you into fresh panties and a shirt of his before taking you to sit on the bed, checking on how you’re feeling, “I’ll be back in just a moment.”
He goes to the kitchen to warm up some pizza for you both, bringing you some as he takes a spot beside you, letting you lean against his chest, his arm around you. Only when he finishes first, that hand moves to gently brush at your hair.
“You’re moving slow, sleepy?” He’s much softer now, a kind of soft that you haven’t even seen him be with the boys unless they were really injured.  Yet, here he was with you like this now. When you just nod with a small yawn he smiles, “You had a long day, you need rest. I’ll be back to keep you warm.”
He assures taking your plates back to the kitchen and cleaning up before returning to your sleeping form and taking his place beside you. Your night is peaceful in his arms until your dreams start turning more erotic, the sight of Minho between your legs while pinning them to the mattress riddling your mind. Only when you slowly blink your eyes open do you find that the thought wasn’t a dream, not fully when you find Minho in that very position looking up at you with a fire in his eyes.
“Told you I would reward you if you were good.” He mumbles against your clit before sucking harshly, “Gonna make you cum once for each thing you were good for and took for me kitten.” 
You hum in appreciation at the thought before the words fully register and you realize just how many times that implied he would make you cum. Looking down at him with wide frantic eyes you’re met with his smirk.
“Can’t wait to get started either. You’ll be good and take them all, yeah? That way you can finally earn my cock like you want so badly.” He can’t help but play a little coy as he talks so filthily to you and it makes you throw your head back with a moan already feeling close to your first orgasm of what would no doubt be a long full night of them, but then again you’d learned better than to deny him.
If you enjoy my work please keep in mind how much time and effort goes into it and show support through comments and reblogs, or consider buying me a kofi. (Caffeine fuels the chaotic gremlin in me who creates content.)
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bestworstcase · 28 days
Salem isn't really the "evil" fairy godmother in my opinion.
I think it'd be more accurate to say that she's the fairy godmother who just gives you EXACTLY what you asked for, but the consequences of that desire are always still there good, bad and everything in between.
You want revenge for your sister? Okay, Salem'll let you beat her to death, but she's still immortal and will come back eventually.
You want to destroy your former home? Okay she'll help you do that, but it's your problem if you end up pissing off someone else and they decide to kill you because of your decisions.
Basically, she'd do exactly as the contract asks of her so long as you're handling it in good faith, but it's your job to read the fine print.
i mean
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just because salem doesn’t operate like the villainous archetype she presents as (i.e. malevolently making promises she has no intention of honoring, stabbing her people in the back for no reason once they’ve "outlived their usefulness," generally having no understanding of human motivations aside from fear, etc) doesn’t mean she doesn’t actively hurt people.
she keeps her word unless the other party breaks their end of the bargain first (this is true even of lionheart; she asks him a question, waits for his answer, doesn’t turn to violence until he attacks the seer and tries to make a break for it) – and she deliberately, consistently utilizes fear and pain as tools of control. these things can coexist.
and with regard to cinder specifically, salem is in no way just sitting on her hands and allowing cinder to experience the natural consequences of getting what she asks for; she doesn’t want to keep her promise to cinder and she’s been throwing everything at a wall since v4 to see what will stick to wean cinder off wanting the other maidens – and when that fails she brings the hammer down and that’s the impetuous for the power struggle in v8. salem only budges on this because cinder demonstrates with terrifying effectiveness that she IS willing to literally die on this hill, and afterward falls over herself to praise cinder for showing a smidge of restraint in choosing not to obsessively pursue winter.
the whole multivolume conflict between cinder and salem is predicated on salem trying to wriggle out of the deal, by means that include intimidation and violence.
and like yeah she doesn’t lift a finger to spare people the natural consequences of their choices unless your name is cinder fall. but that’s. pretty secondary to the part where she hurts people if they don’t do as she says – whether physically (hazel, lionheart) or emotionally (tyrian). she is cruel. it’s evil to treat people the way salem treats her own followers. that she is, broadly, right about the gods, and correct in her condemnation of the huntsmen system as a vehicle for enacting the divine plan, does not and should not negate her abusing her associates.
that’s one of the central conceits of the story, that someone can be right and also do horrifically evil things in service of a just cause. rwby is far more unflinching in its commitment to this idea than most stories but it’s not like this is a novel concept. let’s not defang the narrative by ignoring salem’s literal on-screen actions.
like. the reason i argue that 1. salem hasn’t ever gone to war like this before and has in fact mostly not dignified ozma’s shadow war with her participation, and 2. has not made a systematic effort to wipe out silver-eyes as opposed to taking out a single very high-profile target who went around calling herself ‘the grimm reaper’ fifty or so years ago, is because both of these ideas—that salem has been warring with oz all this time and that silver eyes are rare because salem hunts them down—are unsubstantiated beliefs asserted by characters who expressly do not have all the facts, and do not really hold up to close examination.
(ozpin was at the highest point ozma has ever achieved when salem utterly, completely thrashed him, and she’s wiped two kingdoms off the map in less than two years, and she made it look effortless. ozma hasn’t been successful in fending her off for thousands of years; she simply hasn’t been trying. likewise, silver-eyed warriors are culturally expected to devote their lives to fighting grimm until they die, of course the trait is rare, and there is zero indication so far that salem made any attempts on summer’s life—you know, the silver-eyed warrior who worked for ozpin?—prior to summer deliberately seeking her out. it makes far more sense to conclude that salem is indifferent to silver-eyes as a class and picks off specific individual silver-eyed warriors who threaten her interests. also they’re supposed to be VANISHINGLY RARE, i promise salem does not have a cellar full of dozens of silver-eyed victims floating in vats of grimm goo, where would she even find them all.)
arguing that she Doesn’t Do things we literally see her do on screen numerous times is just flatly countertextual. we can acknowledge that her evil actions are in fact evil. it’s fine
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alieinthemorning · 9 months
Sorry if this goes against the rules (dark nature but idk if this counts) but like, can u write about Leona feeling especially depressed and not being able to even get out of bed, then the reader-insert comes to wake him up (on behalf of Ruggie) and then realised and comforts him? Like angst to comfort! But no rush and no worries if this request is declined! I'll just ask something else then!
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Lean on Me [Leona Kingscholar]
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Content: Depressed Leona Kingscholar, Blood and Injury, Literal Sleeping Together, Bathing/Washing, Hurt/Comfort, Strong Language
Pronouns: None
Continuation of: For Thee, Not for Me [Leona Kingscholar || Malleus Draconia]
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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He knew he should have just stayed in bed. Shouldered this shit on Ruggie (he was competent enough), and just not have been fucking bothered.
But he did, and it came with consequences (other than him leaving his bed).
He wasn't paying attention, too stuck in his own head to realize that one of the mutts had fucked up, and the damn disc was headed straight for his noggin.
Shit was flying fast enough that it knocked him clear on his ass. It hurt like hell, the pain in the side of his head and his back, but shit—he'd rather be on the fucking ground than possibly bleeding to death than standing and acting like he wasn't on the fucking cliff's edge.
But then there you were (of course you were), kneeling beside him as you assessed the damages. You gently brushed the sticky brown locks away from the wound, wincing at what you saw. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as you silent contemplated something.
He opened his mouth, ready to stop you from doing something stupid (that stupid thing being saving his life).
But it was too late.
“Worry not, there’s nothing for you to abide by. Leave all your worries to me. For Me, Not Thee.”
And then he was sitting up with just left with a dull headache,
and your unconscious body that fell into his lap.
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You'd been asleep for a week now. Vita told him that it was a combination of a White Cold and Rapid Blot Accumulation. She told him that it wasn't his fault, that you were well aware of the consequences of overusing your Signature Spell.
Epel did bother hiding his glare. He was pissed, and rightfully so. He may have looked up to him, but he considered you as family. And here he was sitting at your bedside, as if he had the fucking right.
But regardless of Epel's silent furry, he remained there.
But he knew that wasn't it.
"You fucked up." Ruggie had told him one day as he had delivered his lunch. He didn't tell him to do, but his reasoning had to do with you.
"If you don't feed you, and I don't feed you, guess who's gonna be pissed."
When he asked Ruggie to watch you, he never expected for him to actually befriend you. He even stopped taking the money he had been paying him, calling it dirty money. He shrugged it off, less money out of his pocket.
"You better start learning how to grovel, Prince." Title, no name. "Or else someone else will force you on your knees.
If he had been paying attention to his surroundings, you wouldn't have been laying here. If he had been paying attention to you, he would have realized that you weren't fit to even be at practice that day (because he knows that you'd fight him tooth and nail to heal whoever was hurt).
Zigvolt had given him a good right hook when he appeared in the infirmary. Silver was there as well, he could have stopped him, but he didn't (and he didn't blame him).
"You'd best pray to any and all gods that will listen, Kingscholar." His eyes flashed with something dangerous—a promise. "May my lord forgive me for what I will do to you."
Hell, he should have just stayed in bed and wallowed like a fucking coward.
Draconia appeared late at night before Vita officially kicked him out. He simply looked over your sleeping form with a pitiful look on his face.
That didn't wash away when his eerie Fae gaze found his own muted chartreuse one.
But he didn't, and now you were the one paying the price.
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"Oi, Vita." A chair scraping against tile.
Two muffled voices, a door softly shutting, and a sigh.
You give yourself a few more minutes to accumulate to your current setting before slowly opening your eyes.
"Was that Leona, Vita?"
The one frowned as she looked at you over her heart-shaped glasses. "That's really the first thing you ask me?"
You give a dismissive hum, "...I suppose so."
"You are such a—yes, that was him."
"Okay." And then you closed your eyes again.
Close to a week later is when you were discharged, and allowed to return to classes. And that's exactly what you didn't do. Instead, you went on the prowl for a hiding lion. However, you were surprised to find that he wasn't at any of his usual spots, but instead decaying away in his room.  
The blinds were fully drawn, shielding him from the sunlight that attempt to penetrate. His room was more a mess than usual, as if he had torn through it himself in a fit of rage, before fizzling out and finding his final resting place.
You pursed your lips, that's probably exactly what he did. Oh well, that didn't really matter, so instead of worrying about that, you set about to clean the room.  You heard him shuffle on the bed a bit, but disregarded him until you were finished.
And when you were, you faced him. "..."
If he wasn't ready to talk, then that was fine. You eyed his body for any external injuries. There didn't seem like there were any, so you turned heel, heading for his en suite bathroom.
"Oi..." It was soft and weak, like he wasn't really addressing you, but just saying it in general confusion. You ignored him in favor of fulling his tub with water and oils (just the way he liked it).
When you were done, you simply gestured to the bath, not waiting to hear any sort of answer because you were already pulling the sheets off the bed before he could protest. So he followed your silent directions and entered the bathroom (leaving the door unlocked).
You made quick work of his bed, then got himself a fresh set of clothes as well as yourself (you knew how he was about outside clothes).
You knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"
He was fully submerged, a layer of bubbles covering what needed to be covered.
"Can I wash your hair?"
Despite his lips twisting into a frown, he nodded. You knew why. Of course you did. He felt guilty for what happened to you. And yes, maybe, he did have some responsibility for what happened—you also shared in that. You knew that you were getting close to blot, you also knew good and well that taking on Leona's injury would push you over the edge (not to the point of blotting, but damn near close).
But you still took it on, and you'd do it again.
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Then hours later, after slipping in and out of dreams, you heard him whisper against your chest.
"Thank you."
"Of course, you can always lean on me, you know." You smiled, setting a kiss on the crown of his head.
"Since I am your healer, after all."
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I ended combining these two because I wanted to use this title for the depression piece, but couldn't because I didn't know what else to name the For Thee, Not for Me Continuation. 
SO! I after having a "WAIT FUCK I CAN WORK WITH THIS!" moment, I decided to combine them!
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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aughtpunk · 2 months
Any advise for someone who's trying to write their own COTL AU story but keep getting stuck with the main plot?
Okay I waited till I was less mentally wiggly to answer this.
I'm guessing you have the issue where you've created an entire AU with all the background and world and characters and are now sitting there going 'wait, now what'. This has actually happened to me in the past! It sucks! But you can work your way through it!
First, think about what type of story you want to tell. Don't even think about the AU part. Like, do you want to write a romance? A mystery? Slice-of-Life? What sort of story are you interested in? Because I find that trying to force myself to write something I don't want to never, EVER works.
Now think of one super cool ultra thing you want to happen in the story. It could be something you've read a million times before (oh no, we have to share a bed) or something that's totally off the wall and unique (oh no, our pirate ship grew a mouth and it's trying to eat this island). So many of my fanfics have started from me thinking of one really cool scene and working around it.
Next, you work around that cool scene. What could possibly lead someone to that point in the story? What would immediately happen after that? How did our pirates come across this boat? What dark magic transformed the boat? Then, what do the people who live on the island think about how their coast now has a bite mark in it? I find that working from the inside-out is a good way to develop shaky plots. It causes a domino effect backwards, in a way.
Okay you got a cool idea and some very basic ideas for the events of the story. Now comes the messy part: sticking the characters in. It may seem easy at first, The Lamb is the pirate king, it's Narinder's island, but as you put more and more characters in you may notice they start to...rebel in a way. Suddenly Kallamar is there trying to lecture people on how islands Don't Work That Way. Maybe Pirate Lamb doesn't want to work with Island God Narinder. That OC you made to have a single line is now a major character and is making out with Kallamar how the fuck did that happen.
At this point: DO NOT PANIC.
Character rebellion is perfectly natural and part of the writing process. People aren't so cut and dry, and that goes for fictional people as well. The trick is not to force the characters to act against their nature. You want to lean in with whatever these characters are doing. If The Pirate Lamb doesn't want to bow to Narinder you don't force them to bow because that will make the story seem flat and forced. Instead, go into why the character is acting that way. Then go into the consequence of the character acting that way. Now Narinder is pissed and is calling for the Pirate Lamb's head. You didn't plan it, and it may change what you had outlined, but the story is better for it.
So now you have a cool event, a bunch of characters, and a story fleshed out by the actions of those characters. Now comes the hardest part of all: Writing an absolute shit first draft. Just. Just the worst thing you've ever written. When you read it over you will doubt all your writing abilities and debate deleting everything and burning the computer in which it was written on.
Don't do that. Instead have a snack and go to bed.
Then the next day you fix yourself a snack and a yummy drink and FIX THAT SHIT. Just read it over and over tweaking and adjusting until the story is how you want it. And if you have a beta reader than even better! But hey, if you don't it's not the end of the world. The important thing is after you look over your story two of three times you then slap that baby online before second-guessing yourself. Be sure to use the right tags too!
And that's it. Then you have a story out there featuring Pirate Lamb and Island God Narinder making out sloppy-style as the island sinks in the background. Congrats! You're a writer! Pat yourself on the back and slowly realize with sickening horror that you now have at least two dozen more story ideas.
Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.
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ebonyfrost · 19 days
Let's talk about Forgotten Elegy!
Hey since the mods all blocked me preventing any sort of communication I'd like to expose what has been going on in there! Apparently because it makes people uncomfortable to say what's going on.
So the current plot in TimberClan involves an outsider group in which previous members caused problems for the group. Now no player was warned about what this group was going to face going in. Instead we were faced with erin hunter level anti-outsider xenophobic rhetoric.
Now as some of you may know... I am not white! In fact I am of arabic descent, which, as some of you know are not exactly a favorite when it comes to immigrants!
Some topics mentioned include:
A cat taking on the name of the colony's god to piss them off this was treated as funny!
Likening their burial practices to like prey or trash.
Treating the entire group as murderers when only one cat maybe did something.
Pining the blame on the group for a disappearance they had no paw in.
Calling the colony brutes and relating their distrust to their culture of fighting assuming they love fighting and shit because of it.
Keeping the colony prisoner for an extended period of time
Implying the colony should be grateful for receiving "food" and "shelter" while being kept prisoner and if they weren't they'd be ungrateful.
Having a literal concept of "the good ones" with the colony having the main captor the leader Scoutstar have a colony cat, Velvet, as her watcher to make sure the colony weren't stepping out of line. Allegories being made towards a dog on a leash.
Making cats who believe the treatment is wrong feel stupid and afraid of siding with them!
Oh this entire plot is suppose to end with the colony joining Timberclan despite the foul treatment!
Constant jokes about how the worst offenders did nothing wrong especially Scoutstar who is, as pointed out by her player, taking her paranoia out on the group but its "for the good of her clan" so i guess that makes it ok right?
Now call me not white but all of this sounds pretty bad!
Mmy way of engaging such things, as someone who has experienced similar things, would be to call it what it is that should be alright shouldn't it? After all as they told me this is an Adult Rp where we can talk about Adult Themes after all!
Apparently calling these cat's behaviors and the plot for what it is has made people "uncomfortable" and that members did not enjoy how I was commenting on their characters because of how people turned it to real resentment in the past.
I will have you know FE that trying to block me from speaking and being a hawk over whatever I say has made me more resentful that a character's actions!
I am an adult and I find it quite insulting you apparently think I cannot separate those things and have childishly blocked me rather than talk like adults as I didn't even want to repeal the decision. However because members were uncomfortable that was apparently enough, yet the real world rhetoric that was being used, despite asking for it to be tagged never was! In fact I had to get blasted with comments and sentiments like those above without any sort of content warning. Basically getting my cat experiencing bigotry like mine without so much as a warning despite "the obvious" needing to be tagged.
Instead of anyone, staff or complaining members alike, putting on their big boy pants and dealing with the implications of the plot they were in they rather cry and whine about the consequences of their actions and the fact it didn't make their little kitty look all that good. Such is natural for whites and the people who ride their dicks.
Now I can personally say there are plenty of members who agree with me that this so if you think blocking and kicking me is getting you out of this you are sorely mistaken! In fact they are quite pissed off with how staff handled things in kicking me for what they also agree were appreciating the writing from a standpoint of someone who is a real life victim of what this plot showcases. Isn't that funny! I know that my friend who I mentioned to you is still there!
In fact a lot of the comments the cats in this rp have used have been almost word for word shit I've heard and shit my family and people like me have heard! Yet I'm the bad guy for making a comment about it.
All of this is to say I am in fact hurt and know that you all don't like me because I didn't roll over and take being put through a xenophobic plot without comment and called cats xenophobic for actions I saw!
So I am returning the energy you have given me! I think you are all unprofessional and have been for most of the controversies your group has been involved in. You run away from what the issue is and refuse communication then turn around in blaming the lack of communication for the reason why these things happen.
I'm sorry me engaging with a plot you crafted as a person effected by the very concepts you are putting into it offended you same with all the other little members who whined about it!
Actually that was sarcasm I am not fucking sorry. You all need to grow the fuck up and perhaps can this plot because you clearly cannot handle something as delicate as this without being xenophobic and racist. Just call me a fucking terrorist or towelhead or a camel jockey next time it'll be much more direct!
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specialgradefckr · 3 months
Heatwave has me on a chokehold.
like fuck. No autonomy for reader fr and it's so deliciously and wrenchingly fucked up for them to present the illusion of free will via limited options even if at the end, they're the ones with the leash, the one in control, regardless of the option you chose.
And I love the difference between Gojo and Geto with Gojo wanting for reader to accept whatever they offer but Geto not really caring if reader really accepts (wants) as long as he provides and takes care of reader (even if against their will) and can very much so resort to forceful means (the tube feeder ((that shit has me like😶, like damn, as long as reader eats lmao)).)
The way you write the humiliation for reader with all the times they forced them to wet themself feels real fr. That shit is literally picking at their self-esteem, and the constant unwanted reaffirmation that it's natural and it's fine is so not doing any good at all to her pysche.
Ngl I wanna see reader after the panic attack breaking and turn into a hollow shell fr. One that do still talks, entertains and obeys but one that's just hollow. Half-hearted at best and empty at worse because they're gearing for the worse (the abandonment. the pain, left behind all tied up and with no control over her body. They've turned her into someone who can't even feel like they're capable of making choices on their own anymore). Just for the angst and a little (okay maybe big) karma for what they've done🥰
Wonderful writing! Hope to see more jjk with stsg (esp satoru) and If you don't mind, make a little insight to their pov?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the fic! hearing this makes me feel really great about writing this, because it's like!
yes!! PRECISELY!! SO REAL SO TRUE!!! the message has come across, the fic gave you exactly the feelings i had when i was making it!! it makes me feel like i successfully conveyed,, The Vision,,,
honestly it started out as horny and it was supposed to have heat sex later on but then when i got into the forced piss stuff it got. sooo psychological.
in the back of my mind i kinda knew it was getting off track but it was getting SO GOOD. i loved writing about. conditioning, psychological warfare, the loss of control and how people deal with it.
jjk itself is pretty brutally realistic with the consequences of the bad things that happen in the series, and i love realistic dark content.
you try a hunger strike? geto deals with it. you do not refuse food again. they are yanderes and they are not afraid to make this very ugly and very uncomfortable for you. they'll do it sometimes even if you DO cooperate.
gojo is truly the essence of a puppy dog. he loves you sooo sososo much and maybe he'll throw a fit but he's not the calculated tactician geto can be. geto's got goals. gojo's just happy to be here.
the panic attack/breakdown kinda just came out when i was trying to write you going into heat.
it was supposed to be this stockholm syndrome moment where you're like "oh at least they won't leave me" but then i started getting into. well.
they did leave you once, didn't they? and at every moment they remind you, sometimes in the most humiliating ways, that you DO NOT control what they do or how they treat you.
so now you're enduring psychological warfare from your own psyche where you're wrestling with the idea of getting impregnated because:
you don't want to be pregnant
but if you DID get pregnant, then they would HAVE to stay with you, right?
but you don't WANT them to stay with you. you hate them, right? if they left you'd like that because you don't WANT them around.
but what if they wouldn't stay with you anyways? you can't make them do anything.
actually you can't even control that so why worry haha. they're going to get you pregnant if they want to, they'll leave you if they want to, and you can't do anything about it.
just the absolute war zone in your head as every thought clashes with all the others. the natural consequences of the stuff you've been through since the beginning of the fic, all trickling down into one moment.
*extremely quietly* okay don't tell anyone bc it's annoying when people JUST say "can't wait for part 2" and nothing else, like.
what did you like so much? what would you hope to see expanded on? many writers would love to hear this in a comment, but instead they just get "part 2 please" and it feels like a demand.
i know it comes from a place of appreciation but it's not encouraging when that's all someone has to say about your work.
there WAS actually more to that fic. i kept writing after where it ends. it switches to geto's POV and him and gojo freaking out, trying to calm you down and figure out what happened and how to fix it.
i realized that this oneshot would turn into a huge monster of a fic if i let it keep going, and i had a really good stopping point already with the reader in the midst of their breakdown, so i cut it there and posted so i could start writing for the next prompt (which i'm also super enjoying!).
if i DO any kind of part 2 or companion piece for ANY of the heatwave fics, it'll be that one.
i'm not sure how i want it to go, though. it'd be easier to write the shell of a reader from gojo/geto's POV, but i like keeping things primarily in the reader's POV. i also don't like to stick to one mood, especially not some boring doom and gloom suffering stuff.
i'll need someone to do something drastic in the follow up. maybe gojo? he's got to get something out of you somehow. and we all know what a freak he is, the fuck is he gonna get up to, hmmm...
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Hey lovely people! It would mean the world to me if you could recommend some fics in which there is excessive PDA! if you can’t that’s perfectly fine, thank you! Have a good day!
Hello! Not sure about excessive, but here are some fics featuring public displays of affection...
Serenade by Aegopixel (G)
Crowley was startled from his slumber by the sound of something playing outside his window. At first, he was willing to believe that it was just the music drifting from someone’s car window as they drove by. Turning over onto his side with a loud grumble, he tried to go back to sleep. The music didn’t go away. It got louder. Either the car playing the music had decided to park beside his building and purposely piss him off, or… Actually, that was starting to sound like the only plausible option.
It's Valentine's Day, and in preparation for a lovely night out with his one and only angel, Crowley has decided to get a few winks of sleep beforehand. It should be easy to do - except that there's music blaring directly outside his window, and it sounds oddly familiar...
Getting Off by HopeCoppice (T)
After the apocalypse, they decide to try some human delights they've never tried before - like taking a train during rush hour. The results are... sub-optimal, but there's always a silver lining.
dearest love by asideofourown (G)
Crowley probably should have seen it coming, in hindsight. 
He shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was, at any rate.  It had been three months since the Apocalypse, after all, and almost two months since he and Aziraphale had officially gotten together romantically.  They were still very much in their honeymoon phase (which Crowley thought was completely justified— he and Aziraphale had spent six thousand years denying feelings for each other, scared of the consequences, so he figured they were entitled to at least a few centuries of shameless PDA). 
But still, despite the fact that he and Aziraphale hugged each other and kissed each other all the time, and Crowley knew for a fact that Aziraphale loved him, he was stilled floored the first time Aziraphale called him ‘dearest.’ 
[Aziraphale and Crowley try out some new endearments]
Sweet lovers love the spring by HolRose (G)
Crowley had to lean in and almost shout at Aziraphale, who was standing near the side of the lake looking around at the scene with a very strange expression on his face.
‘What the fuck is going on, Angel?’
‘Oh dear,’ said Aziraphale, looking rather pained and guilty.
When I Touch You by Kat_Rowe (G)
Aziraphale no longer feels shy about expressing his feelings in public, or about simply stating them outright. To Crowley, the fact that his angel enthusiastically does both within the course of a few minutes during a morning at Saint James's Park feels like both a major victory and a natural result of their evolving relationship.
(The fact that it also serves as a teachable moment is simply a bonus to the Guardian Angel of the world's queer and questioning community.)
By the way, holding hands? Waaaay better than Crowley thought it would be.
The Taste Of You by teardrops_on_ghostly_wings (T)
5 times Crowley kissed Aziraphale and 1 time he got a kiss back
Wrapped Up In Love by Kat_Rowe (G)
When Crowley shows up at the bookshop during a record cold snap, half-unconscious and barely coherent with the effects of torpor, Aziraphale does his best to help him get back to a comfortable temperature.
Cuddling with his favorite lanky redhead becomes cuddling with a rather large snake and, for the first time in their friendship, Crowley is comfortable remaining in snake form around his angel.
Their relationships is discussed, some past regrets are laid aside, company is enjoyed, and a bookstore customer is rendered first terrified and then delighted.
- Mod D
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
Magic System, But Badly Tag! (1)
Thank you so much for the tag @cowboybrunch (here)!
Rules: Explain the magic system of your current WIP as poorly as possible. Bonus points if you use bullet points.
Let's talk about the magic system of Song of Thorns (:
ATLA vibes but medieval
someone really should keep an eye on the Initiates - these angsty teenagers with a god complex should not be left unattended
Powers range from "Look, I can light a candle with the tip of my finger, isn't it neat?" to "I CAN CONTROL THE STORMS, FEAR ME" and it is complicated
Lesson No. 1 - Don't trust the nice instructors on the weird-looking trial maze or you will die = STREET SMARTS
who cares about reading all those ancient tomes, let's improvise in the middle of an untamed wilderness or ocean brimming with wild magic, now that's a good idea
Animus Codex
soul magic with a celestial's blessing
can weave fates, lives, and entire existences with a series of secret runes on a specific set of cards/tablets
a select group of people know what tf is going on with this magic but everyone is too afraid to really ask
rune casting requires ancient magic components that definitely are anything but safe
either the celestials loved this civilization way too much or hated it with a passion
Sanguinex Arts (human only)
Lazy human royals really wanted to be vampires but didn't want to transform themselves and made it everyone's problem
"Can I copy your homework?" "No, absolutely not -!" "Too late already did it."
A cheap knockoff of something beyond mortal comprehension created by an insane set of human sorcerers who could not give less of a fuck
"I think I understand how they do it" - they did not, in fact understand how it was done
Feast your eyes on the eldritch abominations and trauma inducing shite created by human stupidity at its finest
A distortion of all that is moral and decent, used by the royals to expand their lifespans and oppress those who do not have access to their power
A generally bad time
Traditional Hemomancy (Vampyr/Fey only)
an ancient Vampyr tradition, tied to their very existence (and which was cheaply copied by humans to create the Sanguinex)
"General rule of thumb - do not piss off a vampire who has something or someone to protect, unless you fancy seeing how your insides look on the outsides"
Create & Destroy, Life & Death - this magic can heal or kill and is connected to the balance of nature
Blood Magic mixed with Matter Manipulation
"Roses are red, violets are blue, if the moon turns crimson you'll die soon" - a lesson some characters in this book should've learned before venturing further into this land
generally chill and laid back sorcerers who really don't want to have to use their powers to hurt people and just wanna have a good time
Alchemical Sorcery
Fucked Around and Found Out, Special Edition.
Potions slowly change you to be able to cast magic but it's fine because you know what you're doing. Hopefully.
Chemical components and suspicious magical ingredients create unforeseen creations = chemistry magic
You are cursed with the knowledge you wish you never had
Need to go to an elite academia to get a certificate permission in case you blow stuff up with your alchemy
Let's shape the very matter of existence after chemistry class 101
Melodis Mortem (forbidden)
"The Song of the Dead" - just a fancy name for a bunch of academia dropouts practicing off-the-book necromancy in a cult.
Let's raise your great-grandpa from beyond the grave because what could possibly go wrong- and he is now a murderous ghoul. Yeah, my bad. We'll do better next time.
Necromancer bards
All these books, guidelines and bloodied ritual circles might just be a way of hiding the fact they don't know what tf they're doing and are relying on lucky improv most of the time.
🎶Spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spine🎶
"Well, well, well if it isn't the Consequences of my actions."
Mechana Ignis (elven only, secret)
combustion magic
steampunk/solarpunk elf society
gunpowder/"Sunpowder" go brr
"Nah, we ain't sharing this with you lunatics, bruv. This is our magic that goes boom and pew-pew on command. Not yours, nuh-uh, you're too fucking crazy to use it responsibly."
elves bored with eternity decide to do cool science stuff to pass the time and the world isn't ready for it
Tagging: @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories
@the-ellia-west, @winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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madameminor · 6 months
A Hunter Perspective - another unintentional essay
I guess ima put this out there, just for myself.
I'm fully on Hunter's side.
Don't get me wrong, I am madly in love with Crosshair, madly, passionately. I'll pick smut with him over Hunter any day. I see his faults and love him for them even as they drive him further into misery and darkness.
I also will fight fiercely that Hunter has done/is doing all he can to protect his family. And truthfully, I don't think he's made any mistakes.
"But he left crosshair behind in episode 1!" Crosshair was trying to kill him and his squad, and he had no idea why. He thought his brother had betrayed him. I also would have gotten the hell out of there, in massive pain at the betrayal, wondering what the hell was happening. I have also been someone with access to money and supplies - who has then suddenly not had any money or supplies and had to take care of my household (and thats just with my cat. Three brothers and a kid? Nuh uh). Then I find out he's being mind controlled - how the fuck am i supposed to fix that? And again, with no resources or money? Now guilt is eating me alive, but I can't do anything about it, I have no idea what to do. THEN I find out there is a way - and Wrecker might be going the way of Crosshair? Fuckin yes I'm going to go get that shit out of all of them and myself. Oh, and then the mind controlled one comes and tries to kill us again, and the ONE. THING. that I know that can save his ass and keep him from killing us is destroyed in the process. Like, I no longer have access to it. Great. So NOW what do I do?
"They pointed their guns at Crosshair when he was going to save Omega!" Uuuuh, yeah. He just admitted that his chip had been REMOVED. They didn't know when and if he'd TRIED TO KILL THEM after it was removed. He also shows open hostility to Omega. I'd be jumpy, too. Even Tech, the SMART ONE, who just explained his perspective, had his gun out. So it wasn't that far fetched. Is that their fault, OR HIS? Natural consequences, bro.
"They abandoned Crosshair on that platform in Kamino!" Dude, they gave him chance after chance, saying "come with us." Sure, maybe they didn't trust him fully, but after that whole episode, they trusted him enough to let him back on their ship. And he. said. no. In a way, he said "fuck you, no". And since he's still showing loyalty to the empire, how do they know that if they knock him out and drag him along, he isn't going to somehow contact the Empire and get them all captured or something?
"He didn't immediately go get Crosshair!/ He didn't listen to Crosshair and stay in hiding!" Aye caramba, this guy just can't win. First premise, again, traps laid, betrayal happened, how does he know this isn't a trick? And he's still hurting, with fewer resources, and he just found a HOME for them all. If they fall into a trap, they're also putting Pabu at risk. Second premise, his squad made the choice - and he knows who his squad is. If he put his foot down and said "no, we're not doing this, he's warning us to stay away", THEY WOULD HAVE GONE ANYWAY. He knows his team, his family - they don't follow orders. They would have snuck off without him, and he wouldn't have been able to help.
"He's being mean to Crosshair when Crosshair is hurting!" - Yeah, Ima allow this man to be petty and angry for a second. His brother who betrayed him, turned his back on him twice, blamed it ALL ON HIM instead of taking responsibility for his own actions (which he finally does at the end of this episode), tells him ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about what happened, and just shows up expecting trust again? Actively, fuck you (said to Crosshair in this situation). Even Omega is like "YOU HAVE TO TALK TO THEM." Hunter has never been allowed to be openly hurt and angry. Not once this whole show. And now the one he can be vulnerable with is back, he's feeling his emotions - he's PISSED and HURT and ANGRY. He's tired of being the good one, and all of this guilt and other stuff laid at his feet. And what does he ask? "What did you do to betray someone ELSE? You're not even going to TRY and explain why you're here now? Just going to silently simmer and expect us to be all hunky dory?"
Maybe this is just cause I'm an older sibling, and sober in a 12 step (a community that actively acknowledges hurt, but taking responsibility for the lives you've hurt), and taking care of recovering teens who also whine about how the world is so unfair and never want to take responsibility that their actions are their own. (They all have pain, but thats an explanation, not an excuse. You don't get to call someone by their dead name and gender or spread rumors that another client is a pedophile and then act the victim. No.). But I'm team Hunter. I understand him, and he doesn't deserve half of the hate he gets.
I also understand where Crosshair is coming from. I know his hurt and his fear and his rage and everything. I've been him, too, in my active addiction. But guess what, buckaroo? The only difference between you and a droid is you are in charge of your actions, and you have to live with the consequences. I had to do it. Rex and Cody had to do it. Hunter has been doing it (warranted or not). Now, its your turn.
And this last episode - he started to.
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Hello! I had this idea, and I wanted to see if you're ok with it. So I kinda want to see if it is possible to mash the multiverse thingy of marvel to harry potter.
Can you make one where in another universe Severus Snape married Lily (or anyone really) and had a daughter. I don't know how, but the daughter got sucked into a portal that transported her to canon hp, where she met Sev. She looks so much like Snape and even has his wit, snark, and sarcasm. What will Snape's reaction be to a teenage girl calling him dad and is very confused on why everyone she knows suddenly "pretends" to not know her. She's getting panicky and overwhelmed.
If it's too much, I totally understand ♡♡♡
I feel like you read one of my old posts before, because I talked about this specific idea before!
It’s not too much at all dear
Severus snape x daughter reader
Never change
You squinted your eyes at the sun shine on your face directly, you looked around and noticed you’re back at school grounds.
Was it a dream? Was that death eater just a figment of your imagination’s? Honestly that wouldn’t be surprising, you’ve seen too much in your years and you’re not even full 16.
Hogwarts did that to students, you feel old and young at the same time, you wondered how your dad made it out alive out of this place in one piece.
You stood up and dusted your robes, the wind blowed up as you walked inside the castle, you kept your face in its usual natural state and looked around, something felt slightly off, some students were staring at you.
It would be understandable if they were first years or looking nervous, having your father’s features wasn’t exactly the most calming thing to witness in the morning.
But there were seventh years, whispering, people from your own house, they knew better than to do that.
Something was definitely off.
"Draco!" You spotted you friend near a tree, he turned around and frowned your way, that was odd, sure he acted sometimes annoyed but you haven’t said it done anything to piss him off lately.
"Who are you? Is this a joke to you? You’re not allowed to pretend you’re in another house"
You blinked at him then crossed your arms over your chest "Has your pea sized brain popped or something? It’s not funny Draco, and I fail to see the humor with this stupid prank everyone is on but me"
The blonde scoffed and looked you up and down "You sound like professor snape, and you act like him too, the only joke here is you" that hurt, yet you didn’t show it, this was a cruel prank and you will put an end to it, you’re not gonna be the butt of someone’s child’s joke.
"I hope you know that I will not let this slip so easily, be grateful I haven’t cursed you yet"
"Ohh I’m scared of mini snape"
Controlling what’s left in you of anger you stormed away to the direction of your father’s office, there were people staring and whispering.
You even bumped into potter, the boy did a double take before whispering to friends about some cruel unfortunate hex you were hit with to look like their potions master.
By the time you reached his office you both felt choked and angry "Dad we need to talk" you choked out but instead of your father’s usual reaction you were met with utter confusion and even slight annoyance.
He was grading papers and was sneering at you when he got a good look at your face "If this some type of joke I promise the consequences of this would be fatal" He stood up to his full height.
"This is not humorous in the slightest! You of all people should know better than this!"
Your father stared at you, furious but you stood your ground.
"Who do you think you are?"
"Your daughter."
There was a moment of silence then before you knew it he was breaking into your memories, one by one, from your most precious moments with him and your mother to your most current when a death eater blasted you.
You fall down on your knees, out of breath and looking up at him hurt and confused "Dad what’s going on?"
He looks at you with wide eyes, he’s never seen something like this before, those were not fake memories, they happened and they were real.
You were real.
"Who…how? This is impossible…"
"Dad I’m scared, why is everyone acting so weird?"
"I’m afraid…I’m actually your father…at least not in this world?"
That was probably the breaking point for you, this man was supposed to be your father, the safest person to go too and now…somehow you’re stranger with the same face.
"You were hit with a spell of sorts" He said kneeling down in front of you. You felt so small and lost, no one knew who you were, you felt alone.
"Tell me something I haven’t figured out already why don’t you?!" You snapped at him.
He doesn’t react much and just sighs "You’re not supposed to be here and it seems that…you’ll have to stay here until I figure out what was used on" typical of him to already think of solutions on the spot.
So familiar but distant.
"Child…I am not gonna ask you for anything personal but I need you to trust my word, I don’t plan to harm you"
You always trusted your father, severus snape may seem like a heartless git from the outside but he was the kindest man at heart, at least in your eyes and even now, this version of him…he wasn’t your grumpy old man but he was still a part of him.
"I trust you…i always did" you let out a breath.
"Good….I have one last question"
He opened his mouth then closed, he looked almost hesitant, something he rarely showed but then spoke "Was I a good father?"
You blinked at him "You were the best, a good father a husband, my mother loved you and you loved us both"
"I see. Now get up" his tone was calmer and his eyes weren’t sharp as before.
When you got up and looked at him walking back to his desk, a form of safety tingled in your chest, it wasn’t always his words that made you appreciate him, he spoke with his body, his hands weren’t firm and his jaw was clenched.
He was thinking, maybe even worried.
He was worried for you….
A small smile tugged on your lips as you sat on a chair near his desk, like you did a million times in your lifetime and watched him write a letter to the headmaster.
Some things never change.
Sorry if there’s some grammar mistakes I wrote this between my shifts so hopefully it’s good lol 🤍
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