#the new year just hit me like a mack truck
sob-dylan · 5 months
realistically i'm probably only happy with 30% of the dribble that comes out of my mouth.
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miyuhpapayuh · 5 months
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As soon as Leon walked through the door of Brandon's apartment, nostalgia hit him like a Mack truck.
The air still felt familiar. Every memory of their friendship within these walls came flooding back to him.
“You turned this into a bachelor pad, huh?” Leon cracks.
Brandon laughs. “Ah, had to upgrade the futon and card table at some point, right?”
Leon joined in the laughter, shaking his head. “We lived a lil rough, I won't lie.”
“We made do, though.”
“Please, our mamas woulda killed us if we didn't.”
“You right about that.” Brandon nods, as they move into the living room and take a seat.
The first conversation they've had in five years.
“So, what's up?” Leon asks.
“I wanna start by apologizing to you. I know I was a hothead and I blew you off, a lot. I said some fucked up shit to you and I can't take it back. It took me a long time to realize that you were just looking out for me, cause I just wanted to have fun with my dawg. I wasn't thinking about later in life or the consequences that would come. You were like a brother to me and it's been hell out here without friends like you in my corner.”
Leon nods, knowing it took a lot for them to get to this point, and he knew it was a genuine apology.
“It's all good, man. I said some fucked up shit to you too. I was mad for a while. A long time. Cause we was into it over crazy shit. Petty shit. Yeah, you blew me off a whole lot and I used to take up for yo ass at every stop, cause you was my boy. But I couldn't stick around for the disrespect. But, we can't go through the rest of our lives holdin’ onto that shit.”
“I understand that. I understood it then, it just pissed me off cause fuck you mean we ain't cool no more?” He laughs, Leon joining in. “I'm just glad that I could get you here and sincerely say that. I didn't know what to say for a long time. Sorry just didn't seem good enough. I'm sorry for that, too.”
“It's all good, seriously. I'm sorry, too.” Leon says.
“For what?” Brandon’s brows scrunch.
“I harbored some hatred for you when you and my sister started… whatever y'all got goin’ on. Did the usual overbearing brother thing, but she was hellbent on you becoming a stand-up dude, and I can see that she wasn't lying. It was just so weird to me.”
“I get it, honestly. I mean, that's your little sister. I would never disrespect either of you, things just sorta happened. We knew how it looked and I knew that you and I needed to talk.”
“Well again, I appreciate that man. And just as long as I ain't gotta knock your head between the stove and refrigerator, I'm cool with you and Eryn doing what y'all doing.”
“I know that came straight from the heart.” Brandon nods before laughing.
“I'm glad you know,” Leon says, laughing as well.
“Now that all of that is out the way, what's new with you? Cause I did hear about a girlfriend.”
“Man, ima marry that woman.” Leon shakes his head, a smirk appearing on his lips.
“Word??” Brandon asks, cocking his head to the side.
“No doubt about it.”
“Damn, what's that like?”
And boy, did Leon spend the next almost hour filling his old friend in on everything he'd experienced with Zora thus far.
“Am I invited to the wedding, at least?”
“Come on man, of course!”
They slapped hands and hugged like the brothers they've always been.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Returning back to his apartment, Leon was immediately greeted by his yawning girlfriend, as she decided to stay up and wait for him.
“Hey baby,” he says, placing a kiss on her forehead as she wraps her arms around him, swaying in their hug as usual.
“Hey, how'd everything go?”
“It went well, actually. We both apologized to each other, caught up like old friends and he's invited to our wedding now, whenever that is.” He snorts, making her join in with her own laughter.
“I'm glad y'all made up, that puts me at so much ease, cause now you're at ease.” She says, rubbing his back.
He smiles, kissing her nose. “Me too, baby. Is that why you're still up?”
“Yeah, I thought something happened. I contemplated on calling you, but then I heard the door unlock.” She smiles.
“You still sleepy?” He asks.
“Eh, not so much anymore. We can still jump back in the bed though. I'm freezing.”
“I'll say,” he steps back to look over her attire, which consists of one of his sweatshirts pulled over her nightgown and fuzzy socks.
“What?” She laughs, playfully smacking his cheek as he shakes his head, his eyes landing back on her face.
“You look beautiful.” He says before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her back into his room.
Back under the covers and in each others arms, the couple flip through the channels to find something to watch.
“Nah. Half & Half is on tv??” Zora squints, making Leon snicker.
“Did you forget your contacts again?”
“No, I just didn't wanna put them back in yet cause I might fall asleep again soon. I brought my glasses, I just need to get them out of my bag.”
Without another word, he hands her the remote and slides out the bed to retrieve them for her.
“Thank you,” she giggles, putting them on.
“No problem, is that what you wanted to watch?”
“Mmm… nah, let's see what else is on. It's just interesting that it's accessible like that. It's hard finding what you used to watch all the time.”
“Yeah, you right. I remember how hype I was when they brought Jamie back into the rotation.”
“See, he's better than Martin!”
“Yeah, I have to agree.”
“He was way too sexual for me, personally.”
“Yeah, what you be saying? Men are gross? I agree.”
“Good. Plus, you're not a man, you're an angel.” She kisses his face, making him laugh.
“And you're not a woman, you're a goddess.” He pulls her closer to him, continuing to flip through the channels.
“Ooh, my girls!” She all but yells as Living Single pops up.
“There we go.” He chuckles, sitting the remote down.
“Oh, it's one of my favorite ones too!”
“This the one where they were in a singing group?”
“The flavorettes, yes!”
“O had that nasty ass piece on his head, man.” He snickers.
“That was so ugly, I agree. It was so cute how he was still smitten by Synclaire and she was being so mean!” Zora laughs.
“We like that shit.”
“We know,” she responds, still laughing.
After watching Max fall of the stage and get hit with roses, she dozed off again, this time more comfortably since Leon was back underneath her.
“I love you.” He whispers, kissing her forehead.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“I don't wanna work here anymore.” Zora mumbles to herself as she leans on the bar.
“Then quit!”
“Not that simple,” she sighs, tapping her nails against the freshly disinfected countertop.
As if on cue, the restaurant phone rings.
“Thank you for calling the pub, what can I get you?”
“Yeah, let me get the Wednesday special and a side of Zora Jean!” Nique says before cracking up into the phone.
“Girl!” Zora laughs, covering her mouth and looking around her area.
“What do you want, man?”
“What time do you get off?”
“Six, why?”
“You'll see when we get there. I'll meet you at your place.”
“Do I need to dress up or something?”
“Nope. No more questions! See ya later, love you, bye!”
After work, freshly showered and dressed down in her comfy sweatsuit and uggs, she trudges towards her best friend's car as the wind picks up.
“Hey, lover!” Nique greets once Zora’s situated inside.
“Hey! Where’re we going?”
“You'll see,” she sings, before pulling out of the lot and to their destination.
“So, how was your day?”
“Tiring. I think I'm kinda ready to let it go, friend.” Zora sighs, sticking her finger in the middle of her curly bun to scratch.
“Really?” Nique smirks. “Why what happened?”
“Nothing happened,” she laughs. “I'm just kinda over being there. And I know, we talk about it all the time and I continue to stick it out and I've made it work for me, so it's been extra great.. but I'm not feeling it anymore. The money isn't even worth it.”
“It's okay to feel burnt out. That's why I've always been pro-fuck that job. And no, I'm not gonna insist that you come work with me, I know we're past that. But this could be a good thing for you. You wanna find a new job?”
“No, I need a revamp on my career, as a whole. I wanna… I wanna be the artist of my dreams, again.” She somberly smiles, looking toward the window as her emotions slowly take hold of her.
Nique looks in her direction for a split second, unable to hide her smile.
“I was hoping you'd say that.”
Looking back in her direction, Zora begins to ask what she meant, but then she begins to recognize her surroundings.
“The Mint?”
“The one and only, babe.” She cheeses, just as Zora covers her face, unable to hold her tears in any longer.
“Oh my god,” she sobs.
“Oh, Jean. Don't cry on me!”
Coming to a red light, she consoles her best friend, rubbing her back with her free hand.
“It's okay, I've been feeling like crying for weeks now. You know how I hold shit in— but, seriously this is so surreal. You just know what I'm thinking and how to execute it every single time. Who are you!” She hysterically asks, making them both laugh as the light turns back green.
“The greatest friend in the world— at least that's what my badge says.” She shrugs.
“Jesus,” Zora playfully scoffs, wiping her wet face.
“Seriously, though. Thank you.”
“Come on, you know you deserve this. It's been in the works for almost six years!”
“Ugh, that's so depressing. Isn't it?”
“Nah. It would be depressing if you still wanted to come home covered in grease after six years. You've had your epiphany and now it's time to plan!”
“You said it! I'm ready.”
“That's all I need to hear!”
Moving inside the spacious museum, the two look around and begin formulating their ideas.
“Wow, I haven't been out here in so long.” Zora looks around in awe.
“Yeah, they rightfully changed some shit around! It was starting to get stale in here.”
“Hm, what pieces could I put in here?”
“All of them?” Nique looks at her like she'd just grown a second head.
“Stop looking at me like that! I'm just asking. I also need to create so much more.”
“Mmhm, get that portfolio together and fast. You know we gotta start making ourselves real familiar with these people. “
“Yes, mom. I'm on it.” 
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It feels good to be back.
@ghostfacekill-monger @sheabuttahwrites @honestpreference @thegifstories @harmshake @henneseyhoe @headcannonxgalore @blackpinup22 @motheroffae @mauvecherie-writes @blackerthings @megamindsecretlair @abeautifulmindexposed @blowmymbackout
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givesupp · 3 months
The Ones Who Live (episode 4 spoilers)
My head feels like it's going to implode in on me and I just need to vomit my thoughts somewhere before it does. I remember hearing about the The Walking Dead (literally everyone and their mother was talking about it). I remember never wanting to watch it because it was SO popular and I've never been a huge fan of watching anything while it was still going live and everyone was into it. I'm weird IDK.
I had just finished up another TV series and was feeling empty, as one usually does and just wanted to dive into a new series. I chose The Walking Dead, finally deciding to give it a chance. I binged the first 4 seasons on Netflix and as I was doing this, it was literally becoming life saving. Only a few short years prior to starting the series I had just started dealing with severe depression. It was crippling. IYKYK. And to make a long story short, falling in love with this show, falling in love with Rick Grimes gave me something to hold on to.
'It's just a show' - this has been said to me many times. But it's not just a show to me. It's a lifeline. Its taking an inspiring moment and grabbing it with the only strength you have left and burning it into your head because if they can do it you can do it. You'll think about it the next time you feel like you can't get out of bed because there just isn't a point. It's taking a character and watching him fight for his sons life while everyone around belittles his character as a father and leader and using that the next time you feel like your chest is about to cave in from the sheer force of anxiety that just hit you like a mack truck. And you think about this character persevering while you sit in the corner of your bathroom floor with a cold rag on your face just simply trying to breathe.
So many examples, so many moments TWD has breathed life back into me when nothing else could.
And then Richonne.
Oh my god, what a fucking absolute treasure to emerge from this series. The slowburn of it, the showcasing of patience and friendship, love and trust and overcoming loss and hardships - together.
Finding your person. Camaraderie. True, real love. A soulmate. This? Despite loss, death at the hands of others, death at the hands of your own, tragedy, hopelessness, mental illness, losing your child? I can't even find words to express what Rick and Michonne mean to me separately, but as a couple? I am unable to express in words because it just would not do justice to what they actually represent to me in my own personal life.
Nearly a month ago we were given The Ones Who Live episode 1. And I remember watching that and having to physically remove myself from my home, go outside, sit down on the ground and reflect while sun soaking near a river. That's how blown away I was over the writing, the story, the emotions centered around this character that I have watched and grown to love over years.
Episode 4? EPISODE 4 is a fucking WELLSPRING of emotions, struggle with mental wellness, disagreement, unconditional love, immense hurt, understanding and patience. A relationship struggling to be what it was, if not anything at all. A broken man and a broken woman. A son, who has DIED years ago still finding a way to be the one who brings his parents back together. Who brings strength to his dad even after all this time...
Carl placed in the palm of his fathers hand as a sketch on a broken phone breathing life back into him. This, from his wife. Finding a way to save him. Giving him a sense of purpose, meaning back to him after he declared his own death not that long ago because he could not and does not ever want to live without her.
You cannot tell me that this show isn't important.
That it isn't life saving.
That it isn't at the very least forcing us to reflect and discuss and acknowledge our own lives, our own relationships, our own mental health, our own circumstances, our -
This isn't just a show to me.
Thanks for reading my vomit novel.
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Local Legends 2- Guilt
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Author’s Note: This is part two of Local Legends miniseries, a nightclub AU with a bit of a twist.
Summary: The Winchesters are Lebanon legends, courting controversy like any wealthy family does. Y/n has always been interested in the gossip, but never had cause to be a part of it, until she runs into Dean Winchester at his nightclub and gets the fabled black business card that lets her into the VIP lounge.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, OMC (Rick) x Reader
Word count: 2246
Story Warnings:  cheating/infidelity, angst, guilt, shame, relationship angst
You stared at the TV, but you weren't seeing the image on the screen. Your mind was stuck at Draco Corde, in the VIP lounge, with Dean Winchester.
Why your brain wouldn't leave that room, you didn't know. You wished it was the shame. You wished you were overthinking the ramifications of cheating on a man you'd been dating since college but it wasn’t guilt you felt when you thought about the VIP. At least...not when you were alone. The shame hit like a Mack truck as soon as Rick walked into your apartment.
"Hey. I missed you last night," he said, dropping his briefcase by the door and flopping down on the sofa next to you.
"Got in late. You were already asleep."
"Pub quiz ran that late?" His eyes were on the TV. It wasn’t an interrogation, just an inquiry.
"No. I went to the club for a cheaper drink. Ladies Night."
His eyes found you right away. "You went to Drac two days in a row?" You shrugged. He'd never cared where you drink. Why did it matter? "I don't think you should hang out there, Y/n. That place…" He sighed and leaned forward to look into your eyes. "The Winchesters aren't good people and I don't want you-"
"We have three bars and a nightclub around here, Rick. Only one of those is a fun place to be. People come from three counties away to go to Draco Corde. Since when do you even have an opinion on the Winchesters?"
He sighed again and looked away. "Since you let me in on your opinion of them. Since all I've heard since I moved to Lebanon is bad things...and even in KC, Y/n. Their legacy is so bad, I heard about them clear across the state, babe. They're literally bad news."
You couldn’t argue that. You didn't really know how to. "Still...they just own the place. I've only ever seen them twice."
Your jaw dropped a bit at the unintentional admission. "Y-yeah. I...saw them tonight, too."
"Twice in a row. This is why I don't want you around their club, Y/n. You’re gonna get dragged into their craziness and I don’t know what to say to get you to stop this."
You blinked at him a few times before standing. He was right. You were getting dragged into the Winchesters' craziness. "I love you and you don’t have to worry...I won't be going to Draco again for a while." After what you did, you couldn’t imagine going back there without feeling overwhelmed with guilt.
You bit your bottom lip as he sighed and stood, wrapping his arms around you. "I know I don't have to worry about you. You're a smart woman. I'm worried about them."
"You don't even know them, Rick."
"I know about them, Y/n, that's enough."
You nodded. "Okay." You didn't want to talk about it anymore. "So, this weekend, I was thinking we could go check out that new multiplex in Wichita. You know, the one with the full restaurant and-"
He hissed and grimaced. "I can’t, babe." He reached up to run his knuckles over your cheek, then stepped back. "My parents called and they want me to visit this weekend. My sister is having an engagement party and I have to make an appearance, in the very least."
You licked your lips and looked away. His parents were a sore subject. His sister was another. You'd never met them. After almost three years, you'd come to the conclusion you would never meet them. They didn't really look like good people anyway from the few pictures you'd seen of them.
"So, you're going to Lawrence?"
"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry. If I didn't have to go, I wouldn't."
"You don't have to do shit for them," you snapped. "I don't understand your unwavering loyalty for these people."
"They're my family. I know you don't have a good relationship with your-"
"This isn’t about my family. This is about yours. You say you don't want me to meet them because they're so terrible but you'll run to them as soon as they call? I don't get it."
"I'm not running to them," Rick said, eyes rolling as he turned away from you. "Look, my family are bad people but I was raised to respect family. I was raised to-"
"They're bad people but you have to respect them? Really? Bad people get cut off! Cut them off!"
"I'm not-" Rick sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I can’t. I can’t have this argument again. I have to go. Okay? I'll be back on Sunday night."
"Fine," you bit out.
"I'm sorry, okay, but I have to. I just have to."
"I said 'fine'." Rick just shook his head as he walked out of the living room. You pulled your phone out and called your boss. “Do you have any shifts I could pick up this weekend? I am...I don’t have a reason to stay home anymore so…”
Your boss penciled you in for work on Saturday, grateful for an extra set of hands on a Saturday night.
"I just sat a two-top of tens in your section. You're welcome," the hostess, Katarina, said as she tapped your shoulder.
"Thanks?" 'Two-top of tens' meant two hot guys. You had no interest in that.
"Look like good tippers too. You so owe me."
"It was my turn in the rotation. I don't owe you shit more than your normal share of the tips, bitch." You shook your head as you pulled a pen and a small notepad out of your apron and started walking toward table 14 in the back corner. You stopped in your tracks when you noticed the broad-shouldered man with the fluffy hair. Sam Winchester. Which meant that the man sitting across from him could only be Dean.
Sam and Dean, in your workplace, in your section. What kind of coincidence is that? God must be testing you...since you failed the last test.
You took a deep breath and stepped up to the table, placing cocktail napkins in front of each of them as you smiled brightly. "Welcome to Marcella's. My name is Y/n, I'll be serving you tonight. Is this your first time visiting us?" you asked, as professionally as possible, quoting the service standard greeting you were taught when you were hired.
You could see Dean smirking as you focused on Sam. "This is our first time here, but it's not the first time you've served me. Neat, huh?"
Your smile faltered for a moment as an unwanted rush of heat blossomed between your thighs. You cleared your throat and continued on your script. "Well, welcome to Marcella's, we're so happy to have you here and hope you come back in the future. Since it's your first time, would you like any recommendations?"
"Oh, I know what I want. Tried it Thursday...it was real good," Dean said, leaning forward.
You finally caught his eyes and lost your smile completely. "That was an exclusive special for last Thursday. It won't be available again," you said, seriously.
Sam snorted as Dean nodded. He obviously thought something about the interaction was amusing...whether it was your denial of his brother or the code you used to do it, you weren't sure.
"I'm sure the chef could whip you up something delicious, though!" Your fake smile returned. "Can I get you started with some drinks? We have a full bar, stocked with some of the best, top-shelf liquors."
Dean smirked and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. Get me a 20 year scotch, neat.”
“Pappy,” Sam said, looking at the bar menu.
“Sure! I’ll go put those drinks in with the bar. Y’all take a look at your appetizer menus and I will be right back.” You started to walk away but Dean’s hand wrapped around your wrist. You stopped and looked down at the physical contact. “Yes, sir?”
“That skirt you were wearing on Thursday was hot as hell.” You tugged on your arm to get him to release it. “But there’s something about a girl in uniform that’s hot, too.”
You swallowed thickly and stepped away, heat flowing through your veins. You put in the drink orders and went back to the table. Dean kept his hands to himself and didn’t make any comments as he ate his food. You thought maybe Sam had chastised him, which you were grateful for as you waited on them. You kept your smile in place and gave them three more drinks each, so Dean was tipsy as he stood and looked down at you.
“You should come by Drac again. We had fun, didn’t we?”
You licked your lips as he and Sam walked away. You bit your lip as you picked up the book holding the check. Your jaw dropped at the stack of hundred dollar bills. Over three times the amount needed for their $300 bill. You turned to protest the amount of tip but they were already out the door.
“That’s a six hundred dollar tip.” Katarina’s eyes were bigger than you’d ever seen them.
“Six hundred thirty,” you corrected, rifling through the bills. “And I can’t keep it.”
“What do you mean? Of course you can!”
“No. I can’t.” You shook your head. “Ethically, I can’t...for reasons I can’t go into.”
You shoved the money in your apron and cursed the fact that you couldn’t let yourself keep the rent money from a man you cheated on your boyfriend with.
You put the bills in an envelope and shook your head as you approached the bouncer at the front door of Draco. He looked you up and down, obviously unimpressed with the way you looked in your work uniform so you presented the envelope. “Will you please give this to Dean Winchester?”
“I ain’t a messenger boy.”
“Look, you just need to hand him the damn envelope.”
He sighed and shook his head. “Nah. I remember you, Miss VIP. You go in there and give it to him yourself.”
You bit your bottom lip and pushed past him, stomping toward the second bouncer at the curtain. He just pulled the curtain open as you approached. He obviously recognized you, as well. You just kept stomping. Your eyes fell on Dean, sitting in the corner booth with a rocks glass in front of him. He smiled and his eyes lit up as he saw you show up. You slapped the envelope on the table in front of him, making sure to keep your eyes off of his. “I cannot accept this. I took a 25% gratuity but I can’t take more than-”
“You’re denying my generous tip?”
“No, I’m denying...whatever bribery or-” You shook your head and stepped back, trying to shake off the memory of you writhing under him on that very table.
“I don’t need to bribe you, sweetheart.” He slid the envelope back across the table. “Take the money. I gave it to you for a reason.”
“And what reason is that? I was that good of a waitress?” you snapped.
Dean smiled and leaned forward. “You drive an oh-one Sonata with a squeaking drive belt and a shit radiator. You wear Wal-mart underwear and Target heels. Your purse is knockoff Dooney. You aren’t doin’ well financially, Y/n. You’re really in a position to turn down a payday?”
You swallowed heavily and stepped back. He was paying that close attention to you? “I don’t need your charity, Mr. Winchester.”
“Need is relative. Look, I’m tryin’ to be nice. You were...so very nice to me.”
“I’m not a whore and I don’t need your money for how-”
Dean rolled his eyes and stood, picking up the envelope. “I’m not trying to pay you for the phenomenal sex. I’m just trying to help you.” He tapped the envelope against the table and licked his lips. “My dad was a mechanic when he was my age. My parents had a one bedroom apartment in Lawrence. They slept on a hide-a-bed in the living room while Sam and I shared a bunk bed in the room. We ate PB&Js on white bread and Piggly-Wiggly meatloaf. I grew up...financially challenged, honey. I know what you’re living with.”
You blinked at him a few times. “How did you...I didn’t know you grew up poor.”
His expression softened as he offered the envelope to you. “Nobody does. We haven’t been poor since I was a teenager. Take the money.”
You bit your lip again as you reached out and took the money back. “You don’t have to-”
“Want to.”
“Why?” you asked, tucking the envelope into your pocket. “Why do you want to help me?”
Dean shook his head and set his hand on your shoulder. “I’m getting tired of you asking ‘why’.” He squeezed your arm gently and smiled. “I’ve taken a liking to you. Something good about you. I’m feelin’ it.”
“I’m...I’ve still got a boyfriend.”
“Yeah?” He chuckled. “And where’s he tonight?”
“Home,” you lied. “Waiting for me to get there.”
He seemed a little skeptical, but he didn’t say that. “Well...you better get home to him, huh?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Yeah, I should. Have a nice night, Mr. Winchester.”
“Call me ‘Dean’,” he commanded with a wink before stepping away and heading back to his seat.
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takeariskao3 · 11 months
Firstly I love your writing so much. I am always anxiously awaiting updates on Already Gone and TPFY. What were you doing when the ideas for those stories popped up in your brain??
You’re amazing and we, as a collective fandom, adore you
omg thank you for being so sweet! my chest is all squishy!
the path from you was an incredibly gradual evolution over the span of about six months... it started in june of 2021 while i was listening to a dermot kennedy song. i was deep in my third dramione era and was lapping up any and all angst i could get my hands on. harry/ginny has always been my number one and i was falling in love with them all over again as they are frequent side characters in some fucking spectacular dramione fics. but they were never center stage. at the time i had read *some* hinny fics but never truly jumped in head first because most of what i came across was fluff and/or oneshots and i'm a multichap/slow burn kind of girl and only a few otp: true hinny fics seemed to scratch the particular itch i have for calamitous decisions resulting in a happy ending. ANYWAYS my friend @dammitgranger encouraged me to be the change i wanted to see in the world and write the damn canon divergent fic i wanted to read so badly. and boy did i ever. i picked all my favorite tropes, gave harry & ginny's some post-war suppression, and now we are here, two years later, with two spin offs, a collection of epilogues, and two sequels in the works.
if the path from you crept up on me slowly, already gone was the exact opposite. it hit me like a mack truck while i was listening to a different dermot kennedy song back in november of 2022. amnesia is like my FAVORITE TROPE (right after bodyguard lol) because we, the reader, get to fall in love with the love interest all over again. and harry potter, love interest is the kind of energy i am trying to carry with me at all times. long story short, for the months leading up to that, i had a bunch of little one shots or vignettes that were basically me trying to figure out how harry and ginny got back together in a *epilogue* compliant timeline. i had no idea if i would ever post them, it was just a writing exercise really, me trying to get to know their characters better.. but then after listening to already gone (the song) it was like *GASP* WHAT IF THEY WERE FLASHBACKS! so the premise of an amnesia timeline and a postwar timeline happening in parallel was born. at the time i also desperately needed a writing outlet that wasn't tpfy because i was stuck on chaps 12-14 and i kept trying to force something that just wasn't working so i said fuck it and i started something new. i absolutely adore already gone, for lots of reasons, but mostly because those two idiots live in my head at all times and i can pretty much sit down and write a chapter in about two days with no stress. i love it when writing is no stress. unlike the other fic *cough cough*
god this got long. i'm so sorry. thanks for the question!
ask me anything!
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Ghost • Nineteen
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Warnings: 18+, Fluff, Angst, lots of Dumb Bitch Juice, Some Smut Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC & Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x OC Word Count: 3,239
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I woke up the next morning feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck. I'm still wrapped up tightly in Jake's arms. I softly rub my cheek against his chest, trying to soothe myself back to sleep. If I'm sleeping, I can't feel the pain or numbness of the news I've received last night. No matter how hard I try to fall back to sleep, it's just not happening, my mind is racing and I just can't turn it off. Before I could truly register what was going on, my cheeks were once again stained with tears. 
I try to swipe the tears away quickly, not wanting to wake up Jake. I reach for my phone to check the time, 4:07 AM. I slowly crawl out of Jake's arms trying my hardest not to wake him, and make my way downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. I grab my glass of water, and stop over by the couch to grab my favorite throw blanket, the one Ice and I used to curl up under when we watched cartoons together before he had to leave for the base in the mornings. I pad my way through the house and down to his office. 
I knew Ice would be in bed with my mom, so I opened the door of his office, walked in and mostly closed the door back, leaving it open a crack. I swipe at the stray tears that threaten to spill over again. I take a sip of my water before placing it on the coaster I bought Ice one year for his birthday. It was one from a customized set, all Navy and Iceman themed. I wrap the throw around me and curl up in his huge office chair.
I try to come to terms with everything I was told yesterday but my mind is still racing. Stage 1 Cancer. I know mom loves and supports me, but I could lose my biggest supporter and fan ever. More tears well up and threaten to spill over as I look around the room at all of mine and Ice's accomplishments over the years. I close my eyes tightly trying to force back the tears, I'm already so exhausted from crying as is, and rest my head against the back of the chair. Sleep finally came back to me. 
A few hours later, I awoke to a huge soft palm placed on my shoulder, and I heard Ice call out, "She's okay, she's in here." Ice walks over to the door, and I hear him try to say quietly, "Would you mind just giving us a moment." I hear a deep sigh from Jake and a, "Yeah, I'll just be down in the living room with Sarah." Ice nods, shutting the door, and goes to sit on the couch, along the same wall the door is on. 
I get up from his chair, and walk over and sit next to Ice. I wrap my arms around his waist as he wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly to him. We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, him waiting for me to speak first. When I don't speak up right away, he rests his head on the top of mine, hums softly, and rocks us back and forth gently. 
I eventually feel like I can speak, and I look up at him, biting at the inside of my cheek, fighting back tears again, finding the words I want to say first. Just barely about a whisper I croak out, "What kind of Cancer is it?" Ice continues to rock us, "It's laryngeal cancer. We found it early on, because I was having trouble swallowing, and was coughing more." He says giving me all the facts, knowing I'd have just asked for that next. 
I nod, "You said you start chemo and radiation next week?" He nods back to me, "They said I'm going to be getting Chemoradiotherapy, where they do my chemo and radiation together. They said having them together is the better and more efficient option."  
I nod again. "Ice, do you think you could call in a favor for me?" He looks down at me cocking his head to the side, giving me a questioning look, "I might be able to, what do you need?" I sigh, "I was wondering if you knew someone that could go to Jake's apartment in Lemoore, get my bike, and transport it down here. If you're going to be having treatment I want to be there with you when I can." I say sheepishly. 
"Of course I can arrange that Koty. We could have it here tomorrow after your Top Gun class." He says reassuringly. "But I don't want you to wear yourself down, coming to my treatments, and not doing your best in Top Gun Koty." I nod, knowing that was going to be said. 
He leans down to my ear and whispers, "You know, Jake's a good guy, he was really worried about you when he woke up and couldn't find you. Don't run from him, Koty. Make sure you lean on him for support too, and let him do the same if needed. Honestly you should go see him, so he stops worrying." I chuckle slightly, "I will, but could we just stay here for a few more minutes, please?" He nods, laying his head against the top of mine again, and goes back to humming softly, and letting me spend the time needed in his arms. I whisper just loud enough for him to hear, "Thanks dad, I love you."
Ice and I stayed with each other until I was good and ready to leave. I grabbed the blanket, wrapping it tightly around me like I was a little kid again, and opened the door to the office. As soon as that door popped open Jake was jumping up out of his seat near my mom and rushing to the door. 
As I walked out and Ice hung back in the doorway, I was engulfed in another set of strong arms. Jake kisses the top of my head, and whispers, "Darlin' I was so worried when I woke up and saw you weren't in bed with me. I checked the entire house and couldn't find you, I never thought to peek in your dad's office, you know for privacy reasons."
I wrap my blanketed arms around Jake's waist tightly and laid my head on his chest, "I'm so sorry, I never meant to worry you, you looked so peaceful sleeping, I just wanted some water and a few minutes to be alone, I didn't know I was going to fall asleep in there for hours." 
Jake kisses my temple now, rubbing small circles on my back with one hand, while his other hand rests softly on my head holding me to his chest, "Darlin', don't you ever be sorry about your needs. I promise I'll always listen and understand. Why don't we go sit on the couch with your parents and watch some cartoons, you know, for old times sake." 
I look up at Jake, eyes watering from this kind and thoughtful gesture, "Thank you, I'd really like that." I say shakily. He wraps an arm around me leading me to the couch, with my parents following us. I end up sandwiched between my two favorite men, while my mother sits on the other side of Ice. 
Mom ends up putting some cinnamon rolls into the oven, and we have a wonderful little family breakfast and watched all sorts of cartoons for nostalgia's sake. I couldn't have asked for a more kind and caring person out of Jake, what I thought was going to be just a family dinner turned out to be so much more, but in the end it turned out to be a family bonding moment with Jake involved too.
Around 11:30 AM, after a few hours of cartoons and having breakfast and bonding time with all my favorite people, Jake and I head upstairs to get cleaned up. I pack up my acoustic guitar and decide it's coming with us. We also snagged a few of my framed photos to put up around the house. Before we headed out, I gave dad Jake's garage code, and told him to text or call me when his first treatment appointment was scheduled. 
Once we were back in Jake's truck, I sat in the middle of his bench seat, and leaned against him for the hour ride home, while he had an arm wrapped around me. "Jake?" I say, my voice never louder than a whisper, clearly still extremely exhausted. "Hmm?" He hums back to me, while glancing at me quickly before looking back at the road. 
"I didn't want to impose anything on you or make you feel like a chauffeur," I paused for a moment to gain some more energy, "so I asked Ice to have one of his buddies go to your apartment in Lemoore and grab my bike for me. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable driving me to Ice's treatment appointments." He nods understanding, "Perfectly fine Darlin', if you do want me to support you and go with you one day, don't be afraid to ask." 
I nod to him, then turn to kiss his cheek softly, "Thank you Jake, you really don't know how much that means to me." He smiles saying, "Anytime Darlin', but when were you going to tell me about that?" He says point towards the guitar case. I chuckle a little, "I don't know, maybe I wanted to shock you with all my talents all at once." He just shakes his head laughing a little, "Darlin', what am I going to do with you?" I shrug softly against his side, "I dunno, love me anyways?" 
We finally get back home, and we unload the few things we brought back with us. It's still pretty early on in the day, but Jake offers, "Darlin', do you wanna go take a nap?" How this man knows me this well, I'll never understand. I nod before yawning one of those whole body, shaking your entire soul yawns. "C'mere Darlin'." He says before picking me up and carrying me to the bed. 
He holds me tightly, and places a kiss on my temple. "How about I plan a little outing for later this afternoon, after your nap?" I nod my head against his chest, not knowing that he's already got it planned. I mumble, voice deep with sleep, "I'd like that very much." Another huge yawn escaping my lips before succumbing to sleep once again. 
I wake up, feeling colder than usual. I pry my eyes open against the midday sun shining into the room. I look over to the alarm clock on the nightstand to see it's been a little over a half an hour since we'd laid down for the nap. I see one of Jake's zip up jackets nearby and shrug it on, before zipping it up about halfway. My arms are hidden in the sleeves of the jacket that is about two or three sizes too big for me. I pad my way out of the room, and towards our living room. "Cowboy?" I call out, trying to locate where he's gone. No reply, I walk over to the front windows to check outside for his truck, it's gone. 
I went to grab my phone, and as soon as I tapped the screen, I saw that Jake had not only put my phone into do not disturb mode, but had sent me a message saying that he's running to the store and will be back as soon as possible. I look at the timestamp of the message, it was sent about 15 minutes ago. 
I'm not sure how much longer it'll be until he gets back, so I go ahead and start a load of our laundry, before going to lay back down. I turn on one of my many playlists, pop my AirPods into my ears, and turn the music up a little louder than normal. I close my eyes and soak in the music. 
After a few songs I feel a dip in the bed and open my eyes to see Jake sitting next to me. I smile softly, sitting up in bed now, "Hey there Cowboy." Jake kisses my temple, "Hello there sweet girl. You want to start getting ready to head out?" I nod and throw on a very easy and comfortable outfit and Jake and I make our way out of the house again, towards the surprise outing he has planned for us.
Jake helps me into his truck, before getting in himself and starts off towards our location. About a 5-10 minute drive later and we are pulling up to the beach, just before sunset. He parks the truck and helps me out. He leans down and I chuckle at him, "What are you doing?" He just laughs before saying, "Hop on!" I hop up onto his back, and he walks to the back of the truck. He grabs out a picnic basket, a beautiful bouquet of red and white roses, with some baby's breath, and my guitar case. I gasp on his back, grabbing my guitar case and carefully sling the strap of it over my shoulder. 
He carries me on his back down to the beach where a blanket is already set up, and he lets me down, he sets the picnic basket down, and hands me the flowers. "Jake, this is so sweet!" I say a little misty eyed. "Anything for you Sweet Girl." He replies back. 
We ate the various goodies he packed into the picnic basket, my favorite part being he remembered my favorite cupcakes, chocolate with chocolate frosting and small chocolate chips, or what I call, Triple Chocolate Threat. "Jake, you really didn't need to do all of this." I start to say before he cuts me off, "I know I didn't need to, but after the last day or two, I knew you'd enjoy and appreciate it." 
I eventually got my guitar out and strummed on it for a little bit before asking, "Any song requests?" I look over to Jake waiting for his answer. He thinks on it for a minute, "Do you know Burnin' It Down?" I thought for a moment, "By Jason Aldean?" He nods to me, "Yeah I do!" I begin to play the song, and sing it to Jake. He eventually chimes in with me about halfway until the end of the song.
 "Holy shit Kota, you're incredible, how did I not know this?" He says as I giggle, "Well cowboy, we've always got the radio up really loud in the truck while we sing along." He laughs, "Okay you got me there!" He requests a few more songs that we sing together before I pack up the guitar. 
Jake moves to where he's sitting between my legs, laying back against me. I run my fingers through his hair for a little bit before laying my head against the top of his. "Jake, can I ask you something?" He nods gently, "Of course Kota." 
"When did you know you liked me?" I ask shyly. "Well, there was multiple times darlin'." He pauses for just a moment, "I liked you as a person, the first day I met you in our plebe summer, you were so careful and kind to help me find our classrooms. I liked you as a friend, when you told off that one kid who tried to only befriend you for your dad the first week of classes. I liked you more than a friend when we started spending every day together, or when you flirted back with me that one night at the bar when I was dared to flirt with you. I liked you as a pilot, when you proved your worth to those shit heads who doubted you. But I think I liked you the most when you're just being unapologetically you." 
I'm so thankful he's in front of me, and can't see the massive amount of blush that has fully crept up all over my cheeks. He softly rubs circles on my leg, "When did you start to like me darlin'?" I think back for a moment, "Honestly this is going to sound so terrible, but I don't think I ever had a time where I fully realized I liked you until the parent trap date. Like I've always liked you, since like school but I think I denied myself the feelings not wanting to ruin our friendship that I never paid attention to the actual day or what happened." I sigh a little upset with myself. "Nothing to be upset about, sweet girl." Jake reassures me. 
We talked a little while longer, about our intentions and feelings for each other, as the sun went down beneath the horizon. We packed up our little beach picnic and took it all back to the truck. "Hey can we just go walk along the beach for a little bit?" I suggested not ready to leave just yet. Jake nods to me, taking my hand in his intertwining our fingers together. As we walked along the beach I started humming a song I'd heard that resonated with how I'm feeling currently with all the news I've gotten recently. "Whatcha humming there Darlin?" Jake asks, his eyebrow cocked up, as curious as ever. "A song that resonated with me recently. Wanna hear?" He nods to me.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, skimmed through my playlist until I found the song. I turned the volume up on my phone before pressing play. The song starts and I sing along with it, 
Lately, I've been Scaring myself Going through changes But I need to let you know
Maybe I'm in The dark, no lighthouse I know I kept you waiting But I can't do this alone
Before I knew what was happening next, Jake had pulled me in and began slow dancing with me to the song, and encouraged me to keep singing along. 
Yeah, it's a long way back but I'm falling I been tryna cure my head, full of toxins I don't wanna drag you down where I'm failing But I don't wanna lose you now, so I'm saying
I would lay my guard down for you I would lay my guard down for you I would lay my guard down for you I would lay, I would lay, I would lay it down for you
Jake and I continued to dance along to the song until it finally came to an end. He pressed his forehead to mine, "Thank you sweet girl." I gave him a confused look, "What for?" He pulls me tightly to him, "For sharing this song with me, I know when things get rough you shut down, you try to push people away, your dad told me. Thank you for opening up to me." I nod and whisper, "You're welcome, and thank you, for being here even when you don't have, most people would've ran by now." 
He smiles at me, "Well I'm glad I'm not most people, Dakota Kazansky you mean the world to me." He pauses, getting nervous, "Dakota, would you, uhm, want to be my girlfriend? I don't want to spend another day without you as my girl." I nod, getting misty eyed again, "I would love to."
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primewritessmut · 9 months
For Fanfic Q&A - Writer’s Edition: 4, 14, 16, 17
Sara! Hiiiiiii 👋 Love it when we exist in adjacent online spaces.
4. What themes/concepts in the canon do you most enjoy exploring in your fan works? 
As someone wise and perceptive once commented on a fic of mine (with the appropriate caps), it’s Seeing the Other. The idea that someone could see all the horrible mess inside you and still like it. That it might not even BE a horrible mess to them, just another Tuesday.
I also love writing antagonism, even though it took me a while to figure that out. There’s such a fine line between hate and indifference and love, and I think antagonism can help readers walk that line with the characters. For both Symbrock and Spideypool, it’s about exploring how their antagonism clashes with how they see each other.
The symbiote and Eddie know the other in a way no humans could. And Peter and Wade are really just funhouse mirror reflections of each other.
14. What aspects of your creative process do you enjoy most? Which are most challenging?
The burst of insight. The excitement of a new idea. The feeling of flow when everything just comes together and it’s EXACTLY how you pictured it.
Honestly, my creative process is the equivalent of standing in the shower and letting my thoughts wander until I suddenly get hit by a Mack truck of ideas. I don’t get ideas at the computer. I get them in the grocery line or driving down the road. (Which is kind of dangerous when I need to make note of them but… uh…)
And the joy in writing for me is following the story. I usually don’t know what’s coming next any more than anyone else. I gasped along with everyone else when Peter pushed Wade to his death in she’s not going to die today. I truly am the “I can’t wait to see what happens next 😃 oh shit I’m the one that has to write it 🫠” meme.
Except, when the story isn’t there, it’s not there. I don’t have a plot to follow or any notes on what happens next. I just have to sit there and stare at the blank screen. And that is, objectively, the worst.
16. What's the worst writing advice anyone ever gave you? Why was this terrible advice?
Anytime anyone tells me to plot anything I want to stab them through the temple. 🔪
Listen, maybe it’s not bad advice for everyone but it sure as shit was bad advice for me. If I have to sit down and plot out a story before I start writing I will either (a) get so in my own head about it that I won’t be able to write anything or (b) will already know what happens in the story and will immediately lose interest in writing it.
Sorry, kids, this brain is run on novelty.
17. What's the best writing advice anyone ever gave you? Why was this great advice?
Keep writing.
My fifth grade teacher told me that and I wish I could say that I listened to her, but I did not.
Sometimes I forget that writing is a skill and I took that for granted for a long time and just… didn’t… write. So when I finally came back to it, it felt like working a muscle that I’d neglected for years. There are a lot of things you can do to become a better writer but writing is the biggest one.
You don’t know what works (or what doesn’t) until you fucking write it down.
The more I write the better I get (I think) so if I had just kept writing…
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faunswallin-blog · 4 months
I'd describe freedom as this, "No one telling you how to live your life". That has been my families motto for thousands of years. For generations upon generations, my family has lived life their own way in the one career that makes any kind of sense. We are truckers.
It was once said that in the beginning the first of our line would haul cattle across nation lines in a combustion engine truck. I don't know how hard that was I'd imagine it is exactly like it is today. In the past folks had dilapidated roads, today the vacuum of space has vailuum wakes. Before truckers had to connect to their trailers with air hoses and pig butts, today I use gravtronics and counter lines. Out in the darkness of space I am but one trucker of the billions of people occupying space.
Lights began to strobe as I sat in my copilot chair with my feet up on the control board. I was continually writing my thoughts down to avoid the boredom of being in transit. After a minute of strobe lights an alarm began to sound. Putting down my stylus and pad and placing them in the chairs storage pouch I pushed myself off the panel and hopped up. Sidestepping over to the pilots chair I hit a few buttons as I spoke to myself. "Geez Bertha it's just another vailuum pocket", I slid a black glove onto my right hand, I can feel the wires inlaid pressing against the front and back of my fingers. With a flit of a finger a screen popped up in front of me. A sensory camera outside of my ship put a picture of my nearby surroundings on my hull in front of me.
"The new starships have force field reinforced viewports. I get handed an extremely late model Mack DX. All hull and no way to look outside unless you turn on a camera."
Out in the quadrant of space in front of me I saw an utter minefield of gas pockets. My eyes knitted together as my hand waved and opened wider as I toggled more sensory, kinetic, and ultra-wave cameras to show on my hull. "This isn't supposed to be here Bertha, did you turn left at Albuquerque again?"
The family joke brought a wry smile to my lips. My parents told me about a rabbit from the ancient era that tunneled underground that constantly got lost and would attack hapless hunters. I think my folks called him Roger Rabbit. Anyway, my left hand quickly plotted a course through the minefield before me. As I shifted and changed angles on my cameras, I plotted a route through the thickest portion.
Finally after Bertha approved my calculations she began to pick up speed as my truck dipped, yawed, and maneuvered the quadrant before me. I stayed busy as Bertha flew, the minefield seemed unending. As I flew through it I began to see salvage from other ships and popsicles. People thrown into the vacuum without any protection on as they freeze up and look like icicles floating or rotating in place.
I tried not to look at them as I traveled past. " Where there is trash...yep there it is, my destination." I pointed my chin at the battle in front of me nodding to myself as my hands continued to plot a course.
I guess I should let you know as a trucker I am not very fast. My Mack isn't built for speed it's built for reliability. I have reinforced hulls what little shields I have are usually focused on covering my gravitronic couplers. If that goes then my next paycheck goes. My truck and hauler are about 5 earth American football fields long and a dozen meters wide. My top speed on a wide open space with no obstacles would be the equal to a troop transport for most militaries. Right now there is a battle and one side may not be too happy to see me bringing a haul into their enemies ship.
"Okay Bertha, we came this far let's go the extra distance and get through this." I motioned to open up the throttle. And like a river snake I began to weave my way through the destruction to my destination.
I kept one eye on the battle ahead of me trying to guess each sides tactics. Reading battlefields isn't hard if one side has more ships then another then it's logical they will push forward, so long as it was the ship I was going to that was winning I could slip right in.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case today. I am headed toward a Universe Class military outpost. I don't usually take military contracts however the pay is excellent and Bertha has needs. Attacking them was a rebellion hodge podge of fighters and strapped together rust buckets. From the distance you wouldn't think the rebellion would stand a chance. Except they don't fight fair. Universe Class starships are in charge of logistics and military families. Sure they have firepower the quadrant is a testament to that. Unfortunately the rebellion fighters found the Achilles heel to any Universe Class ship. They put extra shielding over the bases personnel sectors. If you can hit that enough times the Universe Class will be forced to reroute power to protect its people making it more sluggish in response to attacks. Star fighters will be just as agile though orders are delayed to power fluctuations and the rebels have a toe hold.
I watched as I slipped from devastated ship to devastated ship using their massive blown out hulls to hide my slow bulk. The battle was brutal and if Bertha could make a bet I would put my money on the rebellion. But I want to get paid if I didn't deliver then I'd open myself up to all sorts of nastiness. So as any trucker would, I pushed up slowly and recklessly into the battle.
The rebellion fighters were black with splotches of white on their hulls as an effective Camouflage for long range cameras however the Universe Class fighters had their hulls white washed with colorful decals on their sides. I watched the white fighters and saw one fighter who seemed in control whose ship didn't wobble when flying straight. The wobbles comes from shaky hands on the flight stick. Pilot's adrenaline pumps and the brief moments between hails of projectiles some Pilot's shake their hands causing their ships to wobble.
I saw my ticket through the Battlefield. It was a whitewashed ship with a black top hat and two pink ears popping out of the bottom of the hat.
Every time this ship made a pass, I'd fly under him towards my destination. When the magic hat would finish an attack run, he would pull a tight looping barrel roll and jet back towards his carrier, then perform another loop and strafe another area. It was effective sniping, not engaging in a dogfight , but still allowing himself to cover his squadron.
It wasn't an easy approach for me the rebellion saw me first and they sent three fighters my direction.
I mentioned before thar I was slow, I forgot to add I am very agile. Bertha doesn't have a great top speed but I spent a good portion of my spare money on the highest level directional boosters. Attached at every 10 meters Bertha can dodge an astriod field of rock and metal with ease. As the fighters fired their projectiles Bertha rolled to the side boisting herself out of the line of fire as I plotted a course through a burnt out hull of a larger cargo hold floating dead in space.
Being small and long pays off. The fighters moving too fast refused to follow me and decided to wait for me to come out. Unfortunately for them they were in a battle and a sitting ship is a dead ship. When I finally extracted myself from the burnt out hull I saw three new dead fighters with holes in their viewport. If I decided to look closely enough I would be able to see droplets of frozen blood drip from openings.
But that is for rookies. I have a load to deliver. So I did my best to line up my approach based on magic hat was doing. After some strenuous maneuvers and a few too many close calls I managed to hail the UC Freeholt.
"Shipper ID Number" was the only response I got when I hailed her on the open channel.
"Graphite-Niner-Codex-Codex-Quiltex," I replied in my best calm voice. A stray projectile brightened up one of my sensors blinding me briefly. I would be nervous unfortunately I wasn't talking to a person yet, and the computer was analyzing my voice for stress markers.
Finally, a younger feminine voice replied "Welcome to the UC Freeholt. Please follow the lights to our receiving bay. You will exit you ship upon landing and place yourself in a confined area as we scan and unload your cargo hold. Is there anything you want to declare?"
I replied in the negative as I flew through the opened doors.
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starlingsrps · 6 months
put those bones in the ground
it’s been two months and four days since joe’s last drink and he finally doesn’t feel like he’s going to die. at AA, he hears plenty of horror stories about withdrawal. he thinks he’s supposed to grateful that he just had a few weeks of thinking he had the flu before remembering that he didn’t drink anymore and after being at least half drunk every day for five years, sobriety was bound to hit like a mack truck.
he’s in AA and therapy and drinks diet coke the way he used to drink club. when he wakes up, he’s terrified that this is the day he’s going to screw it all up because doesn’t he always? but every day he surprises himself by not doing that. he quits the liquor store, starts working at the hardware store and while he doesn’t know shit about power tools, he can at least stock shelves.
tom - tommy who was present for his first beer and clearly bears some kind of guilt for that - is his therapist. he guides him through the moments of AA that are too much for joe to handle which he’s thankful for because sometimes pastor matthews is so fucking preachy that he can’t stand it. he wants joe to work on amends. it’s important, he says, to confront the mistakes that he made in order to move past them. face to face is best but they’ll work it out if that’s not possible. the first step is a list of who.
joe laughs darkly. “i don’t know where to start. the whole town?”
tom rolls right over this. “your parents? does anyone know where your mom went?”
joe shakes his head. the fact of his mother’s abandonment is just that - a fact. he tries to not assign too much meaning to it, tries to not think about it at all. he hasn’t seen or heard hair of her since she took off and if she remembers she has a son, she’s certainly never shared that with him. “uh, drew’s somewhere up north. i think my gran has his contact but neither of them really give a shit.”
tom frowns and joe shakes his head again. the sympathy is what he’s never been able to stand. “it’s fine, tom.”
“it’s really not, joe.”
he laughs again, bitter and dry and longs for a cigarette. “then it is what it is. i’ll make amends or whatever with gran and todd at the store. should about cover it.”
tom taps his pen on his notepad and joe feels his face twitch in response. usually that means he’s about to suggest something joe will really hate. “aiyla?”
and now he wants a drink and feels his palms start to twitch. “i can’t talk to her, tom. i just…i really can’t.”
“you don’t have to talk to her, you just have to make amends.”
“she doesn’t want to hear from me.”
“you want to try writing it out? you can send it to her if you want but i think you should try.”
tom hands him a legal pad and a pen and tells him to take as long as he needs. it feels stupid. he doesn’t know how to start or how to continue but after a few false starts, he can’t stop. when tom’s next patient comes in, he moves out to the waiting room and keeps writing. he hadn’t realized he had this much to say. 
he didn’t try hard enough with her.
he shouldn’t have treated her like she wasn’t as important to him as she was - as she always will be, in some ways. 
she made him so happy and he didn’t tell her that enough. he doesn’t think he ever told her that and he’s sorry.
he writes that he’s sorry on every page. he’s sorry that he drank and sorry that he was an asshole and sorry that he broke her parents rose trellis (later, he’ll squeeze a note in the margins asking if he can pay for a new one and draws an arrow to this particular apology). no one ever taught him how to apologize or how to be a decent person and he’s sorry. 
he’s going to be a better person now and he wishes he could be better for her but it’s probably better if he does it for himself. he’s glad he got to have her in his life, even if he didn’t always show it, but he’s letting her go now.
tom gives him an envelope and he stuffs all eleven pages inside. it stays in his jacket pocket for a few days until he’s out for a walk after work. he can’t go to the bar yet and the walks keep him busy and tire him out enough to go home and actually sleep. he normally tries very hard to not think about aiyla and usually does a pretty good job but writing to her had brought her back and he finds himself on her street.
he suddenly knows exactly what to do with the envelope in his pocket. he doesn’t know if the cerens will get it to her or what they’ll do with it but if it’s out of his hands, he doesn’t have to carry the weight anymore. he puts it in the mailbox and walks away as fast as he can, finally letting her go.
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Sometimes, you have those nights, or even days, where the expenditure of energy is so great that you physically and mentally feel as if you died and are coming back to life with a brain and body that feels like it's been hit by an asteroid. Fuck the Mack truck because that would be easier to contend with. This...is an asteroid.
I took off of work today. I just couldn't after last night. I'm just focused on laundry and listening to my usual YouTube channels streaming and causing me to laugh here and there. Camelot331 pleases my need for humor as well as the need for relaxation for the alters. He's a sweet 32 year old guy from Alabama. Reminds me of my guy friends back in Boarding School. Guys just seem to take things less seriously and they've always valued and enjoyed my lax disposition on nearly everything. I do miss the NN's from my teens.
My best friend Wendy always told me that I hung out with some of the most gorgeous guys on the Island. Heh. I guess I didn't really pay attention to most of that...but wait...I think I kinda did but it wasn't the highlight of my friendships with them. I've been thinking a lot about Jason, Jonas and Jeremy. I can't seem to find anything on Jonas. I didn't catch his last name, then again, he broke the rules of ethics as my counselor at Four Winds by kissing me.
I wonder how he's doing? I treated him so poorly but I was also struggling with the whole Matt situation. He knew that I was assaulted and in hiding. Jonas was patient. Matt was Chinese. Jonas was Filipino. Matt was a gang leader in Chinatown and Jonas was a wonderful man who only wanted to help me as my counselor. All my records have been destroyed. I don't exist. Jonas does only IF I could tell him that I'm alive, covered in scars but alive.
I've looked up Jeremy on Facebook. There are many with his first and last name but I don't know if he's still in Upstate New York or not. I was 17...he was 13...so a lot changes visually. I'm sure I can recognize facial features but location....I'm not necessarily a human GPS. To think he attacked Jason outside the dining hall. I was already a part of Jason's life. Sneaking notes and phone calls at the dining hall and back on our units.
I did feel awful when Jeremy attacked him. Jason seemed pretty shocked to see a 13 year old attacking him; be it he had just turrned 18 himself. I do feel awful about several people (young men) in my life. Christ. What about Jordan? Fucking Hell. My interests attracted all young men and all minors...WITH the exception of a couple who were deflowered by me. Those were NOT minors.
There are things that I would never share on a blog or within the branches that are the Internet. I have a few who do know. One is still out there. He knows so much yet I have no idea where he is with a last name I never bothered to ask of within our 3 year relationship. My 'Ikki'. My 'Sky King'.
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Andrew? Am I ever going to see you or hear you again? I just want to know if you're alive. I just want to know if you're safe. I just want to know if you still....oh fuck this! Do you know that every time you enter my thoughts I think of how so many would of seen our relationship as extremely inappropriate and wrong. I think you were the main reason why I started to write a continuation of 'Leon The Professional', using myself as Matilda. You know how a future in that character was not far from who I was. One of the characters I needed to be to fulfill the needs of people who didn't care, as long as the job got done.
You were that young man. You were him! I wanted to rescue you, but at the sake of your own safety and mine? Where would we of gone? Where could I hide you? You would of had to of be hidden by me because you couldn't parade around with me in the public eye. It couldn't of worked that way, as much as you wanted it to. Even as my 'Sky King', I had to be responsible as your 'Fang King'. There was no way it could of worked.
Maybe you knew it could of but I was so fucking fucked up that I didn't think I could hide you from the world. We wanted so much as well as wanting one another so much.
Why does this hurt? You're the only one that hurts but not in a way that was caused by you. Are you upset that I didn't pick you up from Durango? I'm sorry. I'm so extremely sorry Ikki. Maybe it hurts because there has never been closure. I know part of the pain comes from loving you. Loving the idea of us....long ago. All those nights we spent talking and laughing. The pain Alisha caused you yet I always brought you joy and spoiled you.
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I don't think I've ever seen the image above Ikki. I can hear you in the back of my mind giggling because you know that I was never keen on affection and I would scowl just like Agito. You, of course, would smile just like that...kissing me affectionately. I know that I was grumpy and miserable at times. You also knew that I broke away from that world and I just had to figure out that I could live a life FREE of dictation. I never really didn't think too much about that world when I was spending time with you.
You always had me focus on something pleasant, but sometimes even you struggled. Your parents having you go through hypnosis and that made me so angry!! I wanted to take you away from them for brainwashing you into thinking that you were some troubled youth. I heard you on those tapes and there was nothing I could do to stop them except come to you and take you away to where they would never hurt you again. That's what you wanted...didn't you?
You didn't understand that if I did that, you would never be seen again and only by me. You knew that and you still didn't care what anyone thought. You just wanted me to rescue you. I have mission dreams Ikki. I have them at least once a week. All these fucking missions that I was assigned to do but yours would of made all other missions forgettable.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't cry right now Ikki. I'm so tired. I want to cry but I can't. I'm just too tired sometimes Ikki. Goddammit where are you?!! Why can't I find you? With all the means that I have....why can't I find you!!! Where are you? You can't find me online. I don't really exist online, unless you miraculously come across this blog and you put 2 and 2 together.
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I look so much smaller there. The frustration and anger; yet you always appeared smiling and calm. You could calm me down. You knew I was hurting when I was conquering as many men as I could. You knew it was dangerous yet you didn't judge me. You knew I was fucked up and putting my life in danger, yet you didn't judge that I continued that path to overtake and consume without a conscience.
I had no help once that life ended. What was I supposed to do after two decades of being a "weapon"? Who was going to help me? Only until I was whisked away to the mountains for my only safety, you call me out of the blue to come rescue you and I FUCKING FAILED YOU! You would tell me that I never failed you but I have and maybe when I'm dead and gone, I can forgive myself. Until then...it's you and me...in my dreams and maybe....meeting up in the afterlife.
My 'Sky King'.
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0 notes
cevaannss · 3 years
Just Friends (Reader x Chris Evans)
Pairing: Reader x Chris Evans
Prompt: “you say we are just friends, but friends don’t know the way you taste” but with a happy ending? - Anon
Warnings: R rating, Some sexual content/Smut, Minors DNI. Brief mentions of/allusions to anxiety.
Authors Notes: This is my first prompt fill on here in years, so I might be a little rusty any feedback is appreciated, please let me know if there’s anything I missed warning or tagging. I also didn’t intend for this to be so long but I got a little carried away with it.
When you and Chris first met, you had been young, wide eyed, fresh faced kids. He was barely 20, filming at your old high school, and you a member of the local theatre group were recruited as an extra. You had graduated a year prior and were coming to the end of your gap year, you would be going to college in a few short months. After seeing each other in passing on set, you and Chris had your first conversation in the kraft services trailer, both leaning in to grab the last remaining bagel. After a back and forth of “you take it” “no you” “seriously its okay” you agreed to split it and thus began your friendship.
It was weird, from that first day you had a connection like neither of you had experienced with anyone else. You talked daily, would be each other’s dates to your friends weddings, hung out with each other’s families without the other around. You were mistaken for boyfriend and girlfriend many times throughout your years of friendship but that was never what it was about. You’d both dated plenty, often times ending relationships because the person you were seeing couldn’t deal with your closeness to each other. But for you both that was just how it was, and if they couldn’t accept it then they weren’t worth your time. Maybe they were right, you had always had a crush on Chris, and you had a feeling it was reciprocated but you’d always had an understanding, a common ground that you were friends and that’s all you’d ever needed to be.
The first time you had edged into more than friends territory was on Chris’ 37th birthday. You had thrown him a party at his house and he had been a little, okay a lot drunk and while you weren’t far behind him you were still sober enough to take care of his messy ass. After everyone had left you had attempted to clean up a bit, collecting garbage and wiping down the kitchen, the whole time Chris was passed out on his couch. You had managed to wake him enough to get him up and into his bedroom, out of his jeans and shoes and into his bed. You bought him a glass of water and two Advil placing them on his beside table, him grabbing your wrist as you placed the water down, pulling you on top of him into a half hug as he tended to do when he was drunk. He’d always been touchy when he was drunk, letting his hands linger on you longer than normal but it had always been innocent. He mumbled something into your ear, something he’d said a million times, and you replied the same response you had given a million more. But what he said next had changed it all.
“No, not like that”
It stopped you in your tracks because what did he mean not like that. It had to be like that. It had always been like that. This wasn’t how this went. Not for the two of you. You weren’t “those” friends.
“Then like what” you had whispered, panic setting in, soberness hitting you like a Mack truck as you looked back at him. But of course he had fallen asleep again, dead to the world, arm wrapped around your waist as you perched on the edge of his bed. Silence filling the air except for the light snoring he was emitting.
The next morning you had been awoken by clattering coming from the kitchen. Stumbling out of the guest room you walked in to Chris attempting to make breakfast, standing in the door way you watched him, his eyes squinted and slow moving, lingering proof of his previous inebriation. He was making blueberry pancakes, it was a post birthday tradition, but you were usually the one who made them for him on the day after his birthday.
Seeing him standing there sliding another half burnt pancake onto the stack he had started made you smile, he tried bless him, but he was never great in the kitchen. The conversation from last night soon flooded your memory and you couldn’t stop yourself.
“What did you mean”
Chris looked up from pouring more batter into the pan, finally noticing your presence.
“Morning” he mumbled, clearly not fully awake yet “What do you mean, what did I mean?”
“Last night, in your room, you said you loved me...”
“I always say I love you?” He let out a low chuckle but looked confused, you weren’t sure if he really didn’t remember or if he was just pleading ignorance, usually you were quick to spot if he was lying but this time your radar couldn’t pin it. He turned his attention back to flipping the pancake in the pan.
“Yeah but when I said I love you too bestie... you said ‘No, not like that’ what did you mean?”
His head snapped up, redness filling his cheeks, and it was in that moment that you had known things were changing whether you had wanted them to or not.
“Oh” you said, your breath escaping you, as the realization hit.
“Yeah” he said eyes focused on the pancake burning in the pan.
He pulled the pan off the stove dumping the last pancake on the plate before placing the pan in the sink letting the cold water run over it before turning back to face you.
“I don’t...what do you want me to say” He started, raising his voice slightly, obviously flustered. “You want me to say I was drunk and didn’t know what I was saying? Because I cant okay, I can’t say that. Would I have said it if I were sober? No, probably not...in fact definitely not. But I did and I can’t take it back or just pretend I didn’t because I do love you, I’ve always loved you”
“I’ve always loved you too Chris” you looked up, your eyes connecting with his blue ones.
“Yeah, but not in the same way” he stepped around the counter standing in front of you now, his frame towering over yours.
“Said who”
“Who said I don’t love you in the same way?”
Chris lunged forward, one hand grasping your waist, the other coming up to cup your face as he leant down, his lips pressing against yours gently. It took you a second to realize what was happening before your hands found their way around his neck pulling him down to you, deepening the kiss.
From that day onward you became the friends who make out occasionally, it wasn’t the right time for you to try and be anything more, yes you loved each other, more deeply than you first understood but your lives were all over the place, you were rarely in the same city for more than a few weeks at a time and Chris’ career was exploding more than ever. It wasn’t the right time. So you’d both take what you could get when you could get it and that was enough for either of you.
It wasn’t until Chris’ 38th birthday a year later that you let things go any further. He had wanted a small celebration, so you had gone to dinner with a few friends, had a few drinks and then headed back to his place to watch a movie. You had been cuddled up on the couch, passing a beer back and forth between you when he placed it down on the coffee table, his hand sliding down your thigh, before pulling you into his lap. You had placed your knees on either side of his thighs, your hands on his shoulders while his trailed down your sides and over your hips before slowly moving to cup your ass. You leant down to place a soft kiss on his lips, him reattaching them as soon as you pulled away, biting your lower lip roughly.
There was something different in the way he was kissing you, the way he was touching you, more heat, more passion. Your hands were running down his chest as his grip on your ass tightened, holding you close to him, the intensity taking over. Before you knew it your shirt was on the floor and his hands were sliding up your back as your lips found their way to his neck. There was a tenacity in every movement, every touch, every kiss. His hands finding the clasp of your bra, undoing it with ease and discarding it with your shirt on the floor. He pulled away slightly, his eyes raking over your body perched on top of him, eyes filled with need and want, pushing up to connect your lips once again as you could feel the hard length of his cock pressing against you through his jeans. His large hands sliding to your thighs before standing you both up, your legs wrapping around his waist, hands in his hair.
He stumbled his way into his bedroom laying you down on his bed placing a soft kiss to your lips before hurriedly kissing down the side of your neck and chest, between your breasts and down to your belly button stopping at the waist of your jean shorts, fingers dancing over the button as he looked up at you, eyes questioning as if to get the go ahead, you nodded gently. He slid your shorts and underwear down your thighs, discarding them and grabbing at the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head before sliding off his jeans and boxers. You let your eyes trail his body as he situated himself between your legs leaning down to kiss you again.
“Are we really gonna do this” he laughed as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“I think so” you blushed, eyes meeting his once again, yours filled with anticipation, his with desire.
When you woke up the next morning, your head on his chest, his fingers running through your hair, you didn’t know how to feel, but you knew things were moving into a far more complicated territory.
The two of you went on this way for a while, hanging out with friends and family as if nothing had changed, but when it was just the two of you it was different, intimate. When you were away from each other you facetimed daily, you shared everything, you always had but now it felt like everything you were used to but magnified. When he was gone you missed him, when you were together you felt complete. It was so familiar but so new at the same time. At this point you were dating without the title, which had been fine with you both, you liked what you had together it was easy, simple, no pressure.
In early August you had moved in, the apartment you rented was being sold and Chris insisted it would be helping him, and besides he had said, you were there whenever he was anyway. You had your own room but it was rarely used, most nights falling asleep together in Chris’ bed, both finding you slept better when you were together. It was one of those nights, curled up in his bed, Dodger at your feet, watching a rerun of some sitcom when Chris had asked you if you would go to Toronto with him the next month, his latest film Knives Out was premiering at the film festival there and he had been equal parts excited and nervous about it. You had been taken aback at first, sure you’d visited him on set before and attended a few premieres but this felt different.
“You want me to?” You sat up turning to face him.
“Obviously” he laughed “I’d take you everywhere with me if I could”
“Aww cute” you chuckled pinching his cheek as he kissed the tip of your nose.
“I have press a lot of the time, but you could hang out do some sight seeing, then come to the premiere with me?”
“With you...or with you?”
“Whichever one means I get to have you beside me on the red carpet”
“I don’t know Chris...you know that will start a shit storm” you knew how bad the rumours that had started when fans spotted you just attending the premiere for the last Avengers movie had been, and while it really didn’t bother you, you didn’t want it to have an affect on his career.
“Honestly? I don’t care.”
“Okay” you knew he wouldn’t say it but you could tell from his face that he was feeling anxious about it “I’ll come with you, but if you decide any time that you’d rather walk the carpet alone thats okay”
“I won’t” he reassured you, placing a kiss to your temple.
The day of the premiere came around quickly, Chris had been doing press for the past couple of days and you had spent most of your time exploring the cities sights. Chris held true to his word and didn’t change his mind about you walking the carpet with him. He had been a ball of nervous energy since you had woken up, you had left him eating breakfast to go take a shower and start getting ready for your day.
When you came out of the bathroom towel wrapped around you tightly, wet hair loose and ready to be dried you had found him pacing the hotel room in his underwear trying to keep himself busy, it was something that would put most people on edge but you had seen this so many times before with him, always getting in his head, always doubting himself and usually you were able to talk him down easily, but this time you had decided to try a different method.
Calling his name you let go of the grip you had on your towel letting it drop to the ground as he looked up having not previously noticed you had come back into the room, freezing instantly eyeing the curve of your body, a slight smirk across his face.
“What’s this for” he laughed as he closed the gap between you, hands finding your hips as you rested yours on his chest.
“You needed to get out of your head” you whispered as your lent up to kiss him, one hand sliding down his chest and finding its way into his boxers taking his length in your hand and stroking it slowly as you felt it harden beneath your grip. You pecked his lips before dropping to your knees on the plush hotel carpet pulling his boxers down with you. You pumped him a few more times with your hand before letting your tongue lick over his head tasting the saltiness of pre-cum. You took him halfway into your mouth, letting your warmth surround him before pulling off and sliding your tongue along the underside of his cock. Surrounding him with your mouth once more, this time dropping down deeper and with more intent, you hand finds its way to play with his balls, Chris letting out a breathy moan. You started to bob your head up and down as his hand found its way into your hair guiding you as his hips began to thrust, his tip hitting the back of your throat with each movement. It didn’t take long before he was warning you that he was about to cum, and cum he did, hard and fast right down your throat as you swallowed the taste of him before letting his cock slide out of your mouth. Chris pulled you up from the floor crashing his mouth into yours, tasting the remnants of himself on your tongue as he guided you back to the bed determined to make you cum just as hard as he had.
An hour later you found yourself in the shower for the second time that day, this time joined by Chris. You took your time, him massaging shower gel onto your back, while you reached up lathering and rinsing out the shampoo from his hair. You made sure to gently scrape your fingers along his scalp the way you knew, from many nights laying on the couch fingers curled in his hair as he fell asleep in your arms, relaxed him. Once you got out of the shower you realized Chris’ stylist and the hair and make up artist you had insisted on hiring yourself would be showing up any second.
By the time you were in the car waiting to pull up to the carpet Chris had seemingly relaxed, he held your hand the entire car ride over but you knew he was in a much better place mentally and that the second he got out he would turn on his charm and have everyone eating out of the palm of his hand the way he always did. When it was time to get out of the car Chris stepped out first leaning in to offer you his hand as you stepped out behind him, you could here the gasps of fans and media alike, all surprised that Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor had bought a date. Chris had pulled you into his side at the photo area, his hand on your hip as you placed yours on his chest posing for the cameras. You had been surprisingly pretty calm about the whole thing until that moment, cameras flashing in your face and paparazzi screaming from behind their barricade for you to look in twelve directions at once. It was overwhelming and something you don't think you could ever get fully used to.
“Just breathe” He whispered to you out of the side of his mouth, knowing that you had started to spiral.
After what felt like an hour but was probably ten minutes Chris’ team moved you along to the press portion of the carpet, you had expected to just stand back with the team while Chris answered questions from reporters from all of the different networks and publications but he had refused to let go of your hand as he approached the first reporter so you found yourself next to him through it all. Of course the first question was about you, and you just knew every headline tomorrow would mention it. It used to frustrate you, how the media would hone in on any female he was seen with, making the story about that and not the hard work he was doing, but you knew they were just trying to sell papers, page click and views.
“So who do you have here with you today” the reporter smiled tilting her head in your direction
“This is my best friend” Chris started before motioning for you to finish, that was one of the many things you had always loved about Chris, he never wanted you to feel like you were in his shadow, you had your own voice and you could use it. You introduced yourself to the reporter who asked a few questions about how you met and then switched to talking about the movie. After a few more interviews that went in a similar fashion you were escorted into the theatre for the screening, Chris took your hand as the two of you sat side by side in the theatre waiting for the film to start. You had enjoyed it a lot and really loved seeing this side of Chris’ acting ability. When the movie was done he joined some of the cast at the front of the theatre for a quick question and answer session for the attendees before you all headed to the after party.
Chris had introduced you to some of his cast mates, and reintroduced you to a few you had met previously during a quick visit to set one afternoon. You had downed a few glasses of champagne by the time you were ready to leave the party, tipsy but not quite drunk. The two of you found your way back to your hotel, and you laughed as you entered the elevator remembering something you had thought about mid interview earlier that day.
“What?” Chris laughed pushing the button for your floor and leaning against the back of the elevator, as you pulled off the heels that you hadn’t realized until that moment were killing your feet.
“Earlier...I almost made the worst comment in the middle of that E! Interview”
“....oh god what were you gonna say?” He chuckled, amused at your tipsy candour.
“Well you introduced me as your friend...”
“Yeah....” Chris laughed, looking at you as if to say that’s what we agreed on.
“Well, you say we are just friends, but friends...friends don’t know the way that you taste” you smirked at him pointedly, both remembering the activities of that morning.
Chris burst out laughing, his full belly laugh, hand coming up to his chest before reach across and pulling you into him, placing a kiss on your nose as the elevator doors opened on your floor.
“True” he mumbled before leading you down the hallway to your room, “that is true” he had one hand in yours the other holding your heels that he must have picked up on the way out of the elevator. “Well, how about next time I call you something else?” He started tone playful “This is my fuck buddy, no my slam piece, no thats too informal he laughed, girlfriend? No, hmm” He opened the hotel room door letting you slide in past him as he reached around to flip on the light switch closing the door behind him.
You stopped in the entry way a gasp leaving your lips. The room was filled with flowers. The pink and white Chrysanthemums filled every spare counter space, they had always been your favorite and Chris had sent you some for every birthday without fail. There were fairy lights lining the room and a small cart with a bottle of champagne on ice and chocolate covered strawberries by the window.
You turned back to Chris, your heart racing only he wasn’t where you expected....
“How about Wife?” Your eyes connected with his, where he was knelt on the floor behind you an open green velvet ring box in hand.
“What” was all you could get out.
“How about next time I call you my Wife. Marry Me?” Chris said, laughing at the shocked expression on your face “I’ve loved you for almost 20 years now, you’re the best thing in my life, and I never want to be without you...”
“Yes.” You said before you could even really think about it. “Yes!?!” You repeated realizing what was happening as Chris pulled the ring out of the box, sliding it onto your finger quickly before standing up to kiss you.
You’re not sure how long you stood there in the entry way making out, but when you pulled away you noticed that Chris’ eyes, like yours, were a little damp as you went to run your thumb across his cheek you caught a glimpse of the ring on your hand realizing you had barely even looked at it before it was on your hand. Chris pressed his lips into your hair holding you to his chest as you admired it. It was beautiful, delicate, subtle, it was just the kind of ring you would have chosen for yourself.
“Do you like it” Chris whispered into your hair
“I love it” you smiled up at him, lightly pressing your lips to his
“I love you” he smiled, not letting go of you.
“I love you too bestie” you giggled as he grabbed you around the waist lifting you over his shoulder and tapping your ass lightly as he took off towards the bedroom.
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Title: Partners {8}
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OA Zidan/Zeeko Zaki x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Fluff, Plot, 
Words: 6.2k
Summary: You’re a damn good FBI agent in your own right. It is definitely partly to do with how well you’ve been trained and partly to do with you not letting anything or anyone distract you. You have a six-year plan that you’re fast-tracking for four. After being transferred from your office in Tampa, you’ve been sent to New York, which you’ve labeled the “big leagues.” Your first day there, after being introduced to your new partner OA Zidan you realized you’ve moved out of the frying pan right into the pot of distraction. A year later and your growing attraction for your partner still hasn’t been snuffed out.
If you enjoyed this please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. ❤️❤️
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
***Pic Heavy***
Previous Chapters: 1  |  2   |  3  |  4  |  5 | 6 | 7 |
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That was the sound you opened your eyes to. Everything was blurry, and slightly dark. Though you opened them, your eyes felt heavy, painful so you closed them for a few seconds. You hoped to ease your discomfort but when you opened them again the pain remained. You fought through it and slowly looked around, beginning at your left. You saw wires, cords, and machines.
 Again, you closed your eyes and opened them after a few moments. You then you took in the pale colored curtain and the smell of cleaning products. Everything smelled so sterile. You knew then you were in the hospital. Everything hazily flew around your head in incomplete flashes that felt like vanishing frozen picture frames. The more you tried to steady your thoughts the more your head felt like it was splitting apart. Groaning, you tried to sit up, but it was a big mistake. Your entire body felt sore as if you’d been hit by a mack truck.
 Glancing to your right, OA came into focus before he went right back out.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “My head—oh my god. Ah!”
 “Okay I’ll call a doctor. Don’t move.”
 OA’s blurry figure scurried to the door then disappeared. His voice boomed down the hall calling for a doctor in his commanding tone. When he walked back toward your side a kind looking male doctor approached.
 “Hi there, Special Agent Y-L-N, my name is Dr. Peters,” he began.
 You groaned and angled your head backward looking at the ceiling all the whole scrunching your nose as the pain ricocheted across your forehead and to the back of your head and neck.
 “What’s going on?”
 “My head it feels like it’s splitting in two.”
 “Okay, look at me, let me take some of your vitals. Take slow steady breaths, Dr. Peters instructed in his calm, soothing practitioner voice.
 He checked your pulse, placed the back of his hand against your forehead, listened to the sound of your heart with his stethoscope and shone the light from his ophthalmoscope into your pupils. Each glare of harsh light sent a spasm of pain to your brain. You flinched and shrank away from him.
 “Okay, I’m sorry. Give me a little more time to look, bear with it,” he advised as he shined the light once more.
 You gritted your teeth trying to hold it in. When you felt like you were going to shriek out, you felt OA’s warm hand encapsulate yours taking some of the anxiety and tension away. You squeezed his hand firmly using him as your focal point to direct all the pain you felt. Seconds later Dr. Peters sighed and turned off the light allowing you some relief. You dropped your head back onto the newly propped up pillows and held on to OA’s hand.
 “What’s wrong doc?”
 You kept your eyes closed knowing that opening them would bring more pain and tried to also keep any panic that was beginning to rise at bay.
 “Are you having any other symptoms besides this painful sensitivity to light, and your headache?”
 “When I just opened them, they were blurry too. Also, I’m tired, my body feels heavy, it’s a little hard to get a full breath,” you listed off.
 You felt the coolness of the stethoscope on your chest then heard a “hmm” from the doctor.
 “Huh, I don’t like how fast your heart is beating. Does your chest hurt?”
 “A little.”
 “What’s going on with her doctor?”
 “When she was brought in we found an alarming and near deadly amount of some nasty drugs in her system. I’m actually surprised you’re still with us. I’ve seen overdoses of date rape drugs and it’s not pretty, but this mixture was eighty percent more potent than anything I’ve seen before. So, we singularly broke down the drugs we found and a lot of them counteract the other, but because of the amount in her system, the side effects will be magnified.”
 “What does that mean? Am I okay?”
 OA squeezed your hand, but it did nothing to calm you.
 “We’re going to keep you for observation and testing for the next forty-eight hours at least. We’ll know a lot more once we get a look at some scans. In ten or so minutes I’ll send someone to take you for a head, chest and full body CT, an echo, an EKG, and a stress test. They’ll also draw blood so we can do a full work up to monitor how much is still in your system,” Dr. Peters explained.
 “She’ll be okay thought, right?”
 This was the first time you’d heard OA sound so unsure.
 “I know you’re looking for some verbal guarantee here and I wish I could give it, but I can’t. However, I can say the fact that she woke up so soon and is not in a coma is truly a miracle and a real beacon of hope right now. So, hold on to that,” Dr. Peters finished.
 His bedside manner was on point, you thought. Everything he said should have panicked the shit out of you but the calmness and genuine hope in his voice did away with the majority of it. OA thanked him and you heard the sound of footsteps getting further away and knew he was walking him out. You heard something sliding and guessed he was closing curtains and your heard warmed. When you felt OA take your hand again you sighed.
 “You’ll be okay,” he said gently rubbing the back of your hand. “Try not to worry. I’m here. I closed the curtains if you want to try to open your eyes see if it helps.”
 You took a deep breath and prepped for the pain then slowly opened them. From the small slit you allowed you could barely make out his face, everything was blurry, but it didn’t hurt as excruciatingly as it had minutes ago. Forging ahead, you opened them a little more but that didn’t change the blurriness.
 “How is it?”
 You reached your hand out to the blurry face and touched OA’s bearded jaw then sighed. “You’re blurry.”
 His large hand rested atop yours on his jaw holding yours in place.
 “Probably for the best, I’m not nearly as handsome today as I was three days ago.”
 You snorted and giggled. “Oh yeah? Three days messed it all up?”
The back of OA’s hand softly caressed your cheek. “Of course. You are so good at making me worry about you. My god. I think I’ve aged ten years in the last few weeks. I have bags under my eyes, my beard is splotchy, dark circles. Don’t even get me started on my complexion.”
 You smiled and grabbed the hand on your cheek and pressed your lips to his palm. “Gotta keep you on your toes, Zidan.”
 OA’s lips grazed to your forehead and his powerful scent filled your nostrils forcing a small moan from you.
 “I also can’t believe the first time I saw you in sexy lingerie was for a sting in front of all our coworkers,” OA teased.
 “Was there another time you wanted to see me in sexy lingerie agent Zidan?”
 “Is every day an acceptable answer?”
 You giggled again and wrapped your arms around his trim waist and moaned again as his strong arms held you close.
 “Hm, play your cards right and I think that request could definitely be approved and even raised a few notches,” you flirted back.
 While you continued to wait for the nurses to come for you, OA filled you in on what the rest of the team was doing to close out the case and make arrests. He even told you how impressed Jubal and Isobel were with your actions and how you managed to keep control of the entire operation. Your feeling of accomplishment swelled and sitting here in the hospital seemed worth it for the ending result.
 As the nurses wheeled you out of the room OA walked along with you despite your protests for him to get back to work. He refused and was adamant that he would not leave until you were leaving with him. It was touching, but you didn’t want his actions to pique anyone’s curiosity as to the true nature of your relationship. OA didn’t seem to care.
 “You’re my top priority.”
 If you’d been alone you’d have stuck your tongue down his throat and your hand down his pants. It didn’t matter your injuries. Even OA joked that all you needed was forty-five minutes of undisturbed him time to make a full recovery. You made a mental note to try it out when you felt a little better.
 The tests were endless. As soon as you finished one, you were moved to another and another and so on and so on. By the time you returned to your room several hours later, you were exhausted, and OA was right there waiting to rock you to sleep. With him beside you in the small hospital bed there was barely enough space for the two of you, but you didn’t mind. The warmth his body exuded accompanied with his scent was enough to relax you.
 A few hours later the rumbling of your stomach was what woke you. Jerking to an upward position your eyes snapped open but all you saw were dark shadows. For a few seconds you didn’t know where you were but OA’s large hand on your back brought you back. Turning to face him slowly his features came into focus. Within a minute you could see all the beauty that he was blessed with. Relief and happiness filled you.
 With his free hand, OA rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, “I’m here,” he said through a yawn that made him look even more adorable.
 Your smile widened and you stretched your arm out to him, clasping his bearded chin.
 “You look exhausted.”
 OA scoffed and nodded and spoke with a gentle smile, “I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere.”
 Once the words were out, you saw the seconds that ticked away before he realized what you’d said. His smile slipped and was replaced with one of his serious, jaw clenches.
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“I look—can you see me?”
 You nodded.
 “You can see me?”
 “Yes, I can see you.”
 Absolute joy flooded his face while relief filled his eyes. “Oh my god. Are you in pain?”
 “No, no pain, just a slight burn but I’m good. I can see you,” you explained.
 OA pulled you into his arms and squeezed nearly crushing you.
 “Jeez! That’s amazing news. I’m so relieved.”
 You could feel all the tension in his body melt away and it made you hold on tighter to him not wanting him to go anywhere—ever. Slowly the two of you pulled back and gazed into each other’s eyes. Everything else faded away leaving just the two of you in a white hazy cloud.
 “I was so worried,” OA whispered.
 You softly pressed your lips to his for a few moments. When you were about to pull back, OA sucked your bottom lip into his mouth and took over kissing you softly, sweetly, and lovingly. Every time his teeth grazed your lips it gave the impression the kiss would turn carnal, but it never did. Only OA could kiss you to forgetfulness. With your foreheads pressed together and eyes closed enjoying the aftereffects.
 “You scared the shit out of me,” OA whispered.
 “I know.”
 “This whole op was the worst. I don’t like not having your back.”
 You opened your eyes and peered into his and softly kissed him. “I’m okay. It wasn’t anything huge,” you assured.
 The door opened and the two of you quickly moved away from each other with OA leaping to his feet and both of you trying to act like you weren’t in an intimate bubble.
 “I wouldn’t say this wasn’t anything huge,” said a man with almost red tinted hair and a goatee to match.
 “Dr. Peters,” OA said.
 Understanding sparked in your brain. “Dr. Peters,” you began looking him in his eyes.
 Dr. Peters angled his head from side to side as he took you in. “Ah, your sight has come back.”
 “Yes. Just now.”
 “That’s great. I wasn’t worried it wouldn’t. As expected you just needed some time for the drugs to move out your system. I was coming in here to tell you that your tests and scans look good.”
 “So I am the epitome of health,” you stretched.
 “Ha, I wouldn’t go that far. While there is no damage, and no lingering medical effects I wouldn’t say you’re one hundred percent just yet. Matter of fact I want to keep you for the rest of the night and tomorrow.”
 “Then you’ll sign off on my return?”
 Dr. Peters glanced at OA who scoffed. “Welcome to my world,” OA joked.
 “I have a job to get back to,” you justified.
 “And we are all appreciative that there are agents like you,” Dr. Peters began with a smile. “Tell you what. Let’s reassess tomorrow afternoon to see where we are, and we’ll talk about me signing off.”
 You sighed, slouched back, then crossed your arms. You weren’t happy. OA dropped beside you and dropped his arm around your shoulder pulling you against him. “Think of it as a mini vacation. No morning meetings, no perps, no chasing anyone down, and most importantly no eyes around.”
 Your eyes met and you knew just what he meant. That was the only reason you broke a smile but even that was short lived.
 The sound of Scola’s voice echoed in the room making OA leap back to his feet to step a few feet away from your bed. You glared at him just as three other faces came into view.
 “Oh, we’re interrupting,” Scola added.
 “Not at all. We were done,” Dr. Peters informed as he rose from the seat that was beside the bed.
 “Wonderful, doc, can I pick your brain outside?”
 Dr. Peters nodded as he walked to the door with Scola leaving Kristen and Jubal there.
 “How are you feeling?”
 “I’m fine,” you assured as Kristen sat and took your hand.
 “The doc says she needs to rest and hopefully in a day or two she’ll be ready for discharge,” OA filled in.
 “That’s great news,” Jubal began with a smile. “You had us all worried sick.”
 “Really worried,” Kristen echoed.
 “I had to give her countless comforting hugs,” Jubal blurted out.
 Your eyes and OA’s eyes landed on the two of them looking between them. Something was off. Taking a glance at OA you saw he thought so too. Jubal loudly cleared his throat then rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Well good news, the case is closed. We were able to get them all and even a few politicians that were funding the whole cult.”
 “Yep, Nicholson, Albertson, Judges Carmichael and Lodgens and even the ex-district attorney’s assistant Franks,” Jubal listed off.
 You didn’t know why you were so shocked. It was a given that where there was money and power there would be crooked immoral players. It always shocked you though how deep that corruption went.
 “Damn, I wish I could have been there for those arrests,” you said.
 “It’s all because of you. While this wasn’t the perfect op, you handled yourself well and brought us a major win. The mayor is even talking about medals.”
 Groaning your rolled your eyes then sighed. Medals didn’t entice you in the least. You could do without them. “I was just doing my job.”
 “We know, Y/N,” Kristen spoke as if to change the subject.
 “OA, a word in the hall?”
 Your guilty conscience had your danger radar going. Did Jubal know something? As OA and Jubal walked toward the door OA glanced back giving you a reassuring look before he walked out.
 You reached over to the bedside table for the glass of water and took a timid sip. “Don’t worry, I don’t think he knows about you two,” Kristen said with a low voice.
 A few droplets went down the wrong pipe and sent you in a coughing fit that went on for almost a full minute. It was a minute of valuable time you had to formulate your response and your last-ditch plan. The whole time you nor OA had come up with a backup plan in case you faced this situation.
 “Eh-em. What?”
 Kristen didn’t look one bit fooled though. That made you panic more. “Uh—I—I don’t know what you’re—talking about.”
 Kristen snorted then shook her head as she uncrossed and recrossed her legs. “Cat’s out the bag. Even if I wasn’t sure, that horrible performance just now was the dead giveaway.”
 “Kristen—you’re—you’re mistaken.”
 “Come on Y/N. just admit it. there is no one else here.”
 You assessed the situation and the woman sitting across from you trying to gauge the threat level. Since you’d joined the team you and Kristen were probably the closest. You’d spent time together off hours, she’d been to your place and you to hers. She didn’t know you well enough to know the ins and outs of your past relationships, but she knew about the failed ones. Nothing you’d ever told her had found its way out from between you. You’d deemed she was trustworthy early on.
 “Fuck!” you slapped your hand to your forehead and silently chastised yourself. You had no idea what your next move was. You didn’t know if you should pretend to pass out and wait until OA got back to brainstorm or just face it head on. After another sip of water, you decided to take the interrogator route.
 “Eh-em,” you began taking one last deep breath before giving Kristen a steely concealed look. “What do you think you know?”
 Kristen snorted then laughed. “Now I know I know it all. You and OA are dating.”
 Your jaw dropped momentarily before you pulled yourself together and regained your composure. Before you could rebut, Kristen continued.
 “What I don’t know is when exactly it started. This whole last year I could tell the two of you were getting closer and even that he had the biggest crush on you. I just don’t know when things turned. Tell me.”
 “Cr—crush? Em, how could you—why do you say that?”
 “It was so obvious. He hung off every word you said, brought you coffee every morning. When he tried to find out your favorite order I knew it was something more than trying to take care of your partner. It was adorable,” Kristen confessed.
 You tried to keep a straight face with this new information. Hearing it from her gave you a little more insight. Things between you had been leading here for the last year. This wasn’t sudden and it definitely wasn’t about the sex.
 “So, since when?”
 You sighed again and toyed with your fingers. “Not long,” you whispered.
 “Was it after the bomb case? Oh my god his last words before that explosion--,” Kristen said with actual hearts in her eyes. “Heart melting. I know you don't need a hero; I just don't mind being one to you. Thanks for the taste of a little Florida sunshine,” Kristen recalled using the exact verbiage OA had. goosebumps peppered across your skin remembering the circumstances and the things you’d felt.
 “Was it then?”
 “It’s hard to pinpoint when things changed exactly. One day I looked at him like my partner and the next he was my hot partner. I don’t know,” you half bluffed.
 Kristen sat there with a googly eyed expression waiting for your to continue. When you didn’t speak, she leaned forward and whispered. “So how far have y'all gone?”
 Your eyes bugged and it wasn’t because you were a prude, but because there was no way you were going to tell her all the things you and OA had done to each other.
 “How far have you and Jubal gone?”
 It was her turn to panic. Kristen’s eyes bugged so wide you were sure they were bigger than saucers. She didn’t speak for a long time, but you could tell she was cracking. After almost two minutes of silence and back and forth looks Kristen dropped her head to her lap.
 “Oh my god! How did you know? I have been wanting to tell you about this since the day he kissed me in the weapon’s cage down at the shooting range.”
 Your jaw dropped. “Kristen! Oh my god spill everything!”
 She slid the chair closer and began spilling her guts. Every detail she revealed of their near two-month situationship had you more and more shocked. For one it was Jubal she was talking about. As your superior you saw one side of him but what she was divulging was a whole different side. The fact that it was Jubal who’d pulled her into the tight confines of the weapons cage after witnessing her shoot a perfect round to kiss her would have had your knees buckling. Part of you couldn’t see it but the other side could only imagine that was the beginning of Jubal unrestrained.
 When Kristen had finished telling you about what was going on between them she sat there with a slightly panicked expression.
 “Why are you panicking?”
 “He’s Jubal, Y/N. He’s our—boss,” she said, ending on a whisper.
 “I don’t want to be known as that girl.”
 By that girl she meant the girl who messed around with those above her for benefits. In this male centered career where women weren’t taken half as seriously as their male counterparts any smudge on one’s record could be seen as preferential treatment. You sighed fully understanding the predicament she found herself in.
 “I mean. It hasn’t gotten too far where we can’t stop or one of us would have to transfer. Should we stop? there are so many things to consider. He has an ex-wife, kids, he’s our boss, the rules--.” Kristen shot up and began pacing the room. You almost laughed wondering if this was how you looked when you got like this.
 “Calm down. How far have things gotten?”
 “Kissing, like make out status, dates, cuddles, deep conversations, walks around the city, long phone calls where neither of us want to hang up. You know child’s play stuff. I mean neither of us have gone as far as to call this a relationship.”
 “Do you want it to be one?”
 Kristen dropped back into the seat and released a breath. “I like him a lot,” she confessed.
 You nodded and thought of your feelings for OA. You again understood.
 “I am probably the worst person to ask for advise from.”
 “No I think you’re the best. I didn’t figure anything out from you, it was all from watching OA. You’re like a safe, completely uncrackable. What’s your thought process doing this with him?”
 You almost laughed, not from humor but from hearing how she described you. It almost sounded like she was calling you emotionless. After thinking about it for a few moments you shrugged. “I honestly I am you. I panic a lot and go in circles thinking about the consequences while OA is the one who is all fuck it,” you confided.
 “Easy for him to say that. He’s the man. If this gets found out by the higher ups it’s a pat on the back and respect but for you, me—us, it’s demotion, transfer and written in your file forever,” Kristen voiced.
 It was everything you’d thought about since the night OA confessed how he felt. You both sat there speechless and completely lost in your own situations. It wasn’t until OA, Jubal and Scola returned that the two snapped out of it and plastered on unreadable expressions. Halfway through the chat the group of you were having Jubal picked up a call from Isobel requesting they all return to base for a potential kidnapping case. With that, OA reluctantly left with them leaving you alone with the thoughts and worried Kristen had dredged up.
 MSG OA: I’ll be back at your side as soon as we wrap this case and at that time I’m promising you a full body massage.
 You smiled and shook your head.
 MSG: Keep your head in the game and off of my body. Be careful. Stay safe.
 MSG OA: Always. I have the best thing to live for. You.
-Two Days Later-
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You hadn’t seen OA in two days. It was new but it wasn’t unexpected. Usually when there was an active case especially one as serious as a kidnapping it was all hands on deck because the first forty-eight hours were crucial in finding the victim unharmed and making an arrest. Though you hadn’t seen him physically, he’d checked in several times through text and quick phone calls that always came in at odd hours. You lived the life and found it made you more understanding so it didn’t annoy you when you got a call at 3am, or a text at 1am.
 As he battled the bad guys out there, you battled your own internal bad guys—your wavering conviction. You often thought about your conversation with Kristen and the predicament you found yourself in and the possible consequences. It would make a lot more sense to end things as Kristen had contemplated for herself. If you ended things you would remain partners and wouldn’t be breaking any rules. Things could stay the same and both your careers could remain on track. No one would be taking one for the other.
 Whenever you thought of things that way your heart hurt. While it was a rational possibility and it probably made logical sense, it didn’t make emotional sense. In such a short time you’d grown accustomed to being with OA. It went past sex. It only took the last two days to realize that. You didn’t miss his body or his kiss, you missed him. You missed how easy it was to talk to him, you missed your conversations. You missed sharing breakfast and even the small things like the glances you always shared, the inside jokes. The nuances of your relationship you’d developed and fine-tuned over the last fourteen months. When you thought of those things, those elements you wavered and doubted you could end things.
 You asked yourself several times which one you wanted more, him or your career and the answer was always both. You didn’t want him at the cost of your career, and you didn’t want your career at the cost of him. You knew plenty of people who’d chosen accomplishments over love and were now miserable. You didn’t want to be one of them. you also didn’t want anything to change. You were the actual definition of wanting to have your cake and eat it too. Not seeing him everyday didn’t sit well with you and that would be your only option. One of you would have to go to Albany or Buffalo.
 By the time the day came for you to return to work you’d twisted yourself up into knots about it yet again. You knew Kristen wouldn’t tell anyone but if it was so easy for her to connect the dots it would be a matter of time before anyone else did like Isobel. The longer you were together and the more you felt for each other the easier it would be for others to tell. You’d been putting off telling OA that Kristen knew because it meant you had to have thee conversation where things would get real. You knew decision would have to be made. You knew what you were afraid of. You were scared this was a phase for him and there were no real tangible feelings. You worried while you were in love he wasn’t.
 After you made it to the coffee shop to pick up yours, OA’s, Kristen’s and Scola’s favorite orders you found yourself on the elevator on your way up to the floor trying to overcome an internal panic attack. The whole ride up you kept telling yourself that it wasn’t a big deal it was just one person who knew and that was where it would stay. By the time the elevator stopped on the twenty-third, and you stepped off you’d found your composure and your steely exterior betrayed nothing.
 You walked through the long hall then onto the floor of the JOC. Once you stepped inside you noticed that the floor was empty which was odd. At your desk you put your things away and shot OA a quick message asking where everyone was. After thirty seconds you still hadn’t gotten a reply, so you messaged Kristen. Her response was almost instantaneous.
 MSG Kristen: Press room. Some big news announcement.
 Making your way to the press room with the coffee orders in hand you began wondering what announcement it could be and hoped it had nothing to do with you. When you walked inside your eyes quickly found Kristen who was standing with Scola. As you approached you handed Kristen and Scola their coffee grateful you’d thought to pick one up for Scola.
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“Thanks Y/N didn’t think I matter that much to you,” he teased.
 “Of course you do.”
 You smiled and looked around for OA.
 “Where’s OA? I have his.”
 After a quick sip Kristen pointed across the room. “He’s there talking to Isobel and Jubal.”
 Looking where she pointed you nodded and seconds later OA’s eyes met yours and his smile shone bright. It wasn’t a special smile, but it made your heart flutter, and you smile right back. You almost kicked yourself. When Isobel walked away from him you saw him make a move to walk across but was cut off but a few others. When he made a second attempt Isobel spoke up in front of everyone and that was the end of his attempts.
 “Thank you everyone for making it. I know it is never ideal to have all of us together in one place so I’m going to make this quick. We’re always on the lookout for exceptional agents to join our team and when we find them we hold on to them. We’ve been looking to add another team of two agents to assist with our ever-growing caseload and I’m happy to say we’ve found two agents who will fit right in with our face paced environment.”
 You looked at Kristen who looked just as confused as you. You knew the search was always on for talent but didn’t know Isobel and Jubal had any slots open since Scola came onboard to partner with Kristen.
 “I wonder who’s been picked,” Scola voiced.
 “Without further ado let’s introduce our two new agents at 26 Fed, agent Hiro Dae and Agent Aziza Ali,” Jubal announced just before two people walked inside to stand beside him and Isobel. There they stood with everyone applauding and welcoming them.
 “You may have seen Hiro and Aziza around the last day or two as they’ve been brought up to speed on procedure and whatnot but today is officially their first day. Welcome Agent Ali and Agent Dae. All right everyone get back to work and saving lives.”
 The crowd began fanning out, making it more difficult to get a good look of your new coworkers. Instead of breaking your neck you followed Kristen and Scola out and back to the floor of the JOC. A few minutes later Jubal walked out with the new additions on either side of him. Recognition sparked in your head. You’d seen her before. Taking a few moments to try to figure out where you’d seen her before you stood there until it came to you. she was the other undercover agent with you on the last op.
 “Y/N. Welcome back,” Jubal voiced coming over to pat you on the shoulder. “Glad to have you back.”
 “Glad to be back.”
 The woman standing there smiled warmly at you. “Hi again.”
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“I know you right?”
 She giggled a little and nodded. “Great work with that operation. You handled it well,” she complimented.
 “Thanks, you too. Thank you for your help.”
 OA approached them and stood beside you.”
 “Everyone, officially welcome Hiro Dae and Aziza Ali to the team. They’ll be working with us and going out on cases with you. Hiro, Aziza let me introduce you to, Kristen Chazal, Stuart Scola, Y-F-N & L-N, and OA Zidan.”
 Everyone took a few moments to shake hands and greet one another and when OA went to shake the hand of Aziza you noticed the hesitation.
 “Agent Ali comes to us from Human and Sex Trafficking, she was the other agent with you Y/N on that last op and Agent Dae comes to us from organized crime,: Jubal explained.
 “Looking forward to working with all of you,” Hiro said with a smile that showed drool worthy dimples.
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“Same here,” Aziza added. “OA is it? Is that what it says on your birth certificate or does that stand for something?”
 You looked at him, but his expression gave nothing away, not even friendliness. “It stands for something but don’t worry about it. Everyone here calls me OA,” he explained.
 The confrontational air the two of them gave off had you and Kristen exchanging quizzical looks. As if sensing the shift in the air, Jubal cleared his throat.
 “All right get settled and ready to move,” Jubal ordered making everyone walk off to their respective desks. You took up OA’s coffee and walked over to his desk and handed it to him.
 “Have you slept?”
 OA spun halfway as you leaned at the side of his desk crossing your legs. You watched him give your legs the once over and you gave him a slight head shake.
 “What if I said I hadn’t would you put me to bed?”
 You smiled and shook your head. “That’s what the coffee is for.”
 “You look refreshed,” OA announced before he took a sip.
 “Guess a few days off is all I needed.”
 “If only I could get what I need,” OA said under his breath, but you caught it.
 “And what do you need?”
 Your eyes met and lingered and with each passing second your heart raced. His effect was almost annoying. Your phone in your pocket went off and when you brought it to your face, you saw OA’s message.
 MSG OA: You. I just want to sleep on your stomach.
 The butterflies in your stomach took flight.
 MSG: Conference 2 in 5.
 You pushed off his desk and went to yours to pretend like you were getting ready to work as OA walked off. While you pretended to work it only invited others to actually give you work. Five minutes later you were still wrapped in the file that Scola handed to you. It took you five extra minutes to close it and get up to get to him. as you approached the conference room that was all the way across headquarters you tried to stuff down your excitement and eagerness to be back in his arms.
 Just when you were about to grab the door handles you heard muffled voices that made you hesitate. Pressing your back to the wall you approached the crack of the door and moved your ear closer trying to hear better. Still the voices were muffled, only when you made it close to the opening of the door could you hear clearly. It sounded like OA.
“We had a deal Aziza. Since you were so hellbent on choosing this office knowing full well I was here you’re supposed to stay away from me accepting we had no ties or connections.”
 Your interest piqued. It was him and the new agent Aziza, the one you encountered on the operation. They knew each other. The realization made you a chill run down your spine and a bad taste fill your mouth.
 “Come on OA don’t be like that. This is a career we’re supposed to embrace the connections we have.”
 “I don’t want to embrace anything with you especially when you still refuse to give me a real answer as to why this office. You had your pick of any in the country.”
 “Does it matter?”
 “No. it doesn’t change anything. We have no ties. You’re just my coworker now, just like all the others out there.”
 “All of them are just your coworkers, Omar?”
 Your heart stopped. She’d called him by his real name, his intimate name. You thought back to what he’d told you about only his family and those he was close to being able to call him that. A plethora of possibilities flooded your head and the more possibilities that came up the more the security of the ground you stood on felt unstable.
 “Who are you kidding, Omar? I could smell you on her skin and in between her legs on that op.”
 Your stomach fell and your mind raced.
 “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t call me that ever again as I said, we have no ties between us.”
 You heard footsteps coming closer to the door and instead of standing there you rushed back down the hall and back to your desk all the while wracking your brain over everything you’d just heard.
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msjjmaybank · 3 years
Outer Banks
JJ x OC!sisterroutledge
John B's sister returns home after years on the run? What happens when JJ Maybank feels his childhood crush spark once more?
John B
The guidance counselor sits at her desk, looking over my file. "John, it has come to our attention that you are an unemancipated minor living on your own." Shit... "No... No. No."
"I need honesty to help you. That's what we want, right?" I nod, silently. "Okay, then when is the last time you spoke to your uncle?" I conjure up the lie quickly. "Uh... 34 minutes ago." "When's the last time you saw him?" "Two hours and... 43 minutes ago?"
"John, we're gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle. If he's not there, we're gonna move forward with foster care. I want to assure you, we're gonna find you a safe and loving home."
They actually thought I was gonna be happy to hear that. And that's where this story starts. My dad missing, my uncle MIA, and the Bride of Frankenstein threatening foster care.
That night we got shitfaced. Nothing like a good time to forget about your missing family. I stumble inside the house dragging my fingers over the pictures I pass so often. JJ pats my back in passing as he goes to (Y/n)'s old room. "I'm crashing, dude." I nod silently staring at my dad. I grab the fame in my hands, "I wish you were here."
The truck crosses the line... The Outer Banks, paradise on earth. As the truck nears the cut I take a deep breath before jumping and rolling off the truck and into the grass on the side of the road. "Haha! SHIT!" I yell with the adrenaline pumping through my veins.
I stand up brushing my legs off. I sigh happily, then take my first step back home.
I can't fight the pull in the corner of my lips as the house comes into view. As I near the door, my nerves building. I haven't seen my dad or John B in years. I tug my bag behind me as I enter the old house. I walk into the hallway placing my hand on the golden knob of the office my father protects with strict precautions.
"AHH!" Suddenly I am thrown to the ground with a body on top of me. "Get the light!" A guy yells out as I thrash underneath the figure. Light rips the darkness away as it spreads around the room.
That's when I noticed him, JJ Maybank holding down my upper body as John B let light into the room. I smile up at him, no longer struggling.
He looks down at me with wide eyes. "(Y/n)," he says my name with such smoothness, I melt internally. I reach my hand up ruffling his hair, "Miss me, Maybank?
John B stands over us looking down upon me. I slide out from under JJ, leaving him in shock. "John!" I jump in his arms hugging him with every bit of strength I have. "I missed you so much," I whispered into his chest.
He hugs me tightly, kissing the top of my head, he cries softly, "you're back." I pull away with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere again." He pulls me in again, strangling me. "Wait!" He pulls back again, keeping me at arm's length. "Did- did you find mom?" I let my smile drop, "yeah, I did." He smiles, "how was she?" I shake my head, I remove myself from John's arms and sit on the couch, "she kicked me out a year after I found her. She was so excited at first..." I feel the tears welling up, "then I ran out of money."
JJ moves from his spot at the end of the hall, he takes the seat beside me, he places his arm around me, "I'm sorry, (y/n)." I look at him and smile. How did I go so long without him?
I look at John B, "is dad home?"
The air grows cold, stiff, dead... the two boys look at each other. John walks closer, sitting down in front of me, he grabs my hands. "(Y/n)... he's not... here." I nod, "okay, when will he be back?"
I feel JJ's finger tighten around my frame. John B's eyes swell with tears. My smile drops my chest burns, my emotions rage. I shake my head, "no. He's here. Stop being a dick." I stand and move to the office door, banging on it. "Dad, open up!" I bang harder, twisting and jerking the golden knob. "DAD!" I hit the door harder, and harder. He's not gone. Not now. Not when I finally got back.
I throw myself against the door as hard as I can, I run back to do it again but JJ grabs me and holds me in his arms tightly. "No!" I scream out, my blood feels like fire, my eyes burn with tears as they pour down my cheeks.
John B sits on the floor as JJ holds me. John B wipes his streaming tears. He grabs my cheeks, "calm down, please, (y/n)." I breathe heavily, holding onto JJ. "W-what happened, John?"
"He got lost at sea." The pit in my stomach drops, "at sea?" He nods, "9 months ago." I look up to the office door once more, that stupid treasure.
The two guys stand, I attempt to make my own way, but JJ scoops me up in his arms. I stare at him feeling the overwhelming thumping in my chest. He sits me down on the couch beside John. I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. "This is unreal."
JJ pats my leg lightly, "We'll help you through it, (y/n)." He brings a string of hair behind my ear. John B stares at him, "come on, (y/n). Your room is still set up." John B tugs me down the hall and to my room.
I walk in and smile, I wipe another tear as it rolls down my cheek. "It's so dirty," "Blame JJ." "Hey!" JJ protests.
Both boys stand in the doorway. "Get some rest, sis," John says before backing away. He pulls JJ with him, but JJ runs back leaning his head in the doorway. "If you need anything, I'll be on the couch, (y/n)." I nod making my way to the bed, "thank you, JJ." He nods with a small smile. He stands there just smiling until his body is pulled back. John B grabs the doorknob and closes the door shut cutting off communication between JJ and I.
When we were younger John B would practically puke at JJ and I. We were just little kids with big crushes. I was 9 and he was 6 when he first proposed to me. He stomps over, a bundle of front yard flowers in his hand, he holds them out to me as dad, John B, and I work on the boat. JJ clears his throat, "(y/n), I have to say something." He stands tall on the dock, his chest out, and hair blowing in the wind. Dad looks up at JJ and shakes his head with a smile, he turns to me, "don't be rude, girl." I stand to the doc, meeting JJ. "Yes?" I ask holding back my smile. He huffs before getting down on one knee, and holding out the flowers, "I want to marry you." Dad busts out and John B scoffs, "you're not marrying my sister." "Says who?" "Says me!"
"Boys!" I yell, cutting off their argument. I look down to JJ, my heart hammering, I snatch the flowers and smell them, "you have a deal, Maybank." He jumps and claps in the air, "yes!" He hugs me and kisses my cheek 100 times over.
Over time we grew closer and we matured. I was 14 and he was 12 when he first kissed me under the moonlight at the beach. Begged me to stray from Pope and John B just so he could get me alone. "Can we... can I kiss you, (y/n)?" I blush looking down, "I've never kissed anyone, JJ." He shakes his head, grabbing my hands, "Me neither!" He stares at me, grabs my cheeks softly, and brings our faces closer. God, we were so young. They had to make the rule because of us! No macking at all. Period.
In front of anyone at least...
JJ and I never ever spoke about our relationship. We never even clarified what we were to each other. Since he has asked to marry we just stuck with that! It wasn't known that we had this relationship, Pope and John would have died! They thought JJ and I just flirted because it made them uncomfortable, but nope, behind closed doors, we were a different story. Nights he would spend at our house he would wait for everyone to go to sleep, then sneak into my room, appearing the next day as if he just arrived when in reality he was cuddled up in my blankets for hours upon end.
JJ Maybank... where should we pick up?
I awake in the morning to the sun in my eyes. Correction... not the sun, the son of a bitch shining the sun in my eyes directed by a small handheld mirror. I groan rolling over. "Damn, princess, you sleep hard." I sit up and rub my eyes over my face. "Good morning to you too, JJ." He shoots me a smug smile before jumping on the bed. "John B went to the store. He flipped out this morning when he saw the cabinets empty." He lies next to me, playing in my hair. "We should... talk... ya know?" I smirk at him, "then talk."
"I'm back!" "Shit," I sigh, standing, I open the door leaving the blond alone. I jump on John B's back laughing. "What'd ya get me?" I see him smile as he tosses me around. "Basics. Your favorite." He pulls out ice cream making me squeal. "Oh, it's been years!" I grab the container out of his hands, tearing into it.
JJ walks in slyly. John B looks at him confused, "Why were you in there?" JJ stops in his tracks, points to the room we were in, and goes blank, "Uh- I... uh."
"He woke me up." John B's shoulders relax as he nods. "When I was in town I saw the report of Hurricane Agatha coming. I'll have to reschedule to DCS meeting."
"DCS? What are they coming for?" John B sighs, "16 years old and no dad. They're going to put me in the system."
I stab my spoon into the ice cream. "Uh, no. That's not happening." I stand up placing my hands on my hips posing as a hero, "I will be your guardian." John B narrows his eyes with a small smile. "That wouldn't fly.
John B stares at me with wide eyes, "You're 19!" I nod with a smirk. "I'll just get a job. How could they say no? I'm a fit guardian." JJ and John B jump together as they comprehend the news. I look out the window at the dark sky coming in.
"What do you say we all catch some waves?" I ask the boys. Thunderclaps loudly as I finish my thought, but does that stop us Pogues? Never. JJ looks out at the clouds, then shakes his head, if it's going to storm that bad, then I need to get more bud, but you two go, bond, do whatever brother and sister do. I'll be back later." He slides past me, letting his hand land on the small of my back, allowing chills to travel up my spine
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No brains (Dabi x reader)
Ask: Daddy Dabi s/o is a crackhead with zero brain cells
Pairing(s): Dabi x reader
Warning(s): large amounts of cussing (there are lyrics of WAP for most of it what did you expect?), crackhead energy, Dabi just giving up, 18+ themes (minors dni please), deaf Bakugou
A/N: absolutely anon! I would love to do this! (I have so many ideas running through my head rn lol) AND ignore if it says “Aishi” instead of you I got this from my oc x canon fanfiction
Request are always open!
“Hahaha look at your face!!!” You exclaimed, pointing towards Dabi as he tried to open a champion bottle and helplessly failing.
“You wanna try?” Dabi challenged, still struggling to open the bottle.
“No.” You admitted, just when the League couldn’t possibly get any more chaotic the whole bakusquad came.
“SUP BITCHES!” Mina yelled on the top of her lounges, popping open some wine with Denki, Sero, Jiro, and Kirishima following closely behind.
“How the hell did you do that?!” Dabi asked as he finally popped the lid off, the corkscrew went flying in the air and hit Bakugou. Bakugou smacked Dabi across the face and sulked in the corner.
“I don’t need to know sign language to know what that means.” Jiro stated, her index finger flicking in the air like something was going to fall out of the roof on her command. Dabi flipped the purple haired girl off, Jiro rolled her eyes and focused on getting the food out of the way. She gently laid down some pork and smiled at the villains.
“Why the fuck did you bring pork?” Shigeraki asked, finally un-glueing himself from Deku and going right in front of Jirou.
“Pork means good luck and wealth if you eat it on New Years.” Jirou answered carefully.
“We’re going to need that considering that you guys keep attacking us!” Kirishima added, not wanting to be left out on the conversation.
”we attack you guys so much because it’s fun!” Toga cheered, her yellow eyes scanning the bar. “Is Izuku here?” She inquired, Bakugou just the door open and scoffed at Toga’s attitude.
”No, he just jumped out the window.” The ash-blond teased. Toga growled before leaping forward and trying to stab Bakugou, Bakugou skillfully dodged and tripped Toga with his feet. Toga scowled before leaping on top of him, but she was stopped by Dabi holding her torso.
“LET ME AT HIM DABI!!! I’LL TEAR HIM APART!!!” Toga screeched as she tried to get away form his grasp. Dabi rolled his eyes as he held Toga back, bored out of his mind.
“Later.” He responded, chucking Toga on the couch. Toga landed on Spinner and the two then argument amongst themselves.
*later with Y/N*
”Come oooooon!!!” You whined, dragging Dabi out and getting him in the car.
“Champion, you know I love you right?” Dabi asked, you nodded her head as she started the car and buckled yourself in.
“Yep!” You exclaimed, putting a lot of power on the ‘p’ sound.
“But we talked about this…not driving.” Dabi stated more sternly. You rolled your y/e/c eyes and started driving anyway.
”Y/N/N YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME THROW UP!!!!” Dabi yelled, you shrugged her shoulders as you broke every speed limit there was imaginable.
“Oh look the cops are chasing me.” You commented as you pointed to the back window of the car where several police cars were chasing after Dabi and you.
“OH GOD!!!!” Dabi exclaimed, rolling brown the window and throwing rocks at them.
“Since when do we have rocks in the car?” You inquired, your calm and squeaky voice not even comparing to Dabi’s frantic and deep voice.
“SINCE YOU STARTED DRIVING!!!” Dabi countered, you hummed and started playing “WAP” on full volume as she started singing along.
I said, certified freak Seven days a week Wet-ass pussy Make that pull-out game weak, woo
”y/n you bitch stop singing to tiktok songs and help me!” Dabi begged, you ignored your boyfriends cry for help and kept driving. Pushing the speed limits a little further each time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, you fucking with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy
You ignored as the cops yelled some gibberish and kept singing. The citizens turned and saw the police-chase, some laughing at you and some joining in on your singing.
Beat it up, nigga, catch a charge Extra large and extra hard Put this pussy right in your face Swipe your nose like a credit card Hop on top, I wanna ride I do a kegel while it's inside Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes This pussy is wet, come take a dive Tie me up like I'm surprised Let's role play, I'll wear a disguise I want you to park that big Mack truck Right in this little garage Make it cream, make me scream
Everyone in the sidewalks soon joined in your singing as the younger teens pulled out their phones and recorded her to put it on their tiktok’s. Dabi was still having a mental break down as he screamed on the top of his lounges that the cops where still after him.
Out in public, make a scene I don't cook, I don't clean But let me tell you how I got this ring (ayy, ayy)
”You where fine at first until you forced me to date you then you showed your true colors.” Dabi answered, everyone in the crowd berth into laughter along with you. Soon, Dabi reluctantly joined in on the singing.
Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be I'll run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me Talk your shit, bite your lip Ask for a car while you ride that dick (while you ride that dick)
the cops started slowing down and the cool cops joined in in on the singing while the grumpy cops yelled at the citizens and threatened to arrest them.
You really ain't never gotta fuck him for a thang He already made his mind up 'fore he came Now get your boots and your coat For this wet-ass pussy He bought a phone just for pictures Of this wet-ass pussy Pay my tuition just to kiss me On this wet-ass pussy Now make it rain if you wanna See some wet-ass pussy
as the chorus came around again everyone sang even louder. Laughter filling the area as they saw the funniest nonsense that belonged to the villains.
Look, I need a hard hitter, I need a deep stroker I need a Henny drinker, I need a weed smoker Not a garden snake, I need a king cobra With a hook in it, hope it lean over He got some money, then that's where I'm headed Pussy A1, just like his credit He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it I let him taste it, now he diabetic I don't wanna spit, I wanna gulp I wanna gag, I wanna choke I want you to touch that lil' dangly thing That swing in the back of my throat My head game is fire, punani Dasani It's going in dry and it's coming out soggy I ride on that thang like the cops is behind me I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me, woo
Everyone practically screamed the ‘dangly thing that swing in the back of my throat’ part, the music from the radio now drowned out by the people who have memorized it word-by-word either eagerly or reluctantly.
Your honor, I'm a freak bitch, handcuffs, leashes Switch my wig, make him feel like he cheating Put him on his knees, give him something to believe in Never lost a fight, but I'm looking for a beating In the food chain, I'm the one that eat ya If he ate my ass, he's a bottom feeder Big D stand for big demeanor I could make you bust before I ever meet ya If it don't hang, then he can't bang You can't hurt my feelings, but I like pain If he fuck me and ask, "Whose is it?" When I ride the dick, I'ma spell my name Ah (whores in this house)
Dabi started recording on his phone while people sang the bridge and sent it to the ‘League Of Villains’ group-chat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, you fucking with some wet-ass pussy Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy Give me everything you got for this wet-ass pussy Now from the top, make it drop That's some wet-ass pussy Now get a bucket and a mop That's some wet-ass pussy I'm talking WAP, WAP, WAP That's some wet-ass pussy Macaroni in a pot That's some wet-ass pussy, huh
As the song came to and ended some people stopped recording but to there kept recording. Dabi got a text from ‘Ash Child’
Ash Child: What the fuck?!
Dabi: y/n started running from the cops and out on this song
Chapstick🧴🧴🧴: I already heard this song enough!
Blood rat 🐀🩸: I said certified freak!
Spinner: That’s it I am removing Toga from the group chat
Blood rat 🐀🩸: but whyyyy
-blood rat🐀🩸 was removed from the group chat-
People starting listening to the blasting radio as the song came to an end.
(There's some whores in this house) (There's some whores in this house)
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cactiem · 3 years
in the heat of the summer
Tumblr media
i. rory - forever
Everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats as the minute hand ticked closer to three pm signalling the start of summer. The shrill bell rang as students got up out of their seats, ignoring the teacher who was struggling to speak up above the group of rowdy teenagers who were more interested in the freedom summer vacation gave them. This was Rory’s last summer before senior year and potentially last one together with all her friends before they go their separate ways for college. In a way she was sad that this could be the last time having the excitement of getting up to no good with the Pogues, Marli, and Parker over the upcoming weeks.
Rory laughed as she made her way down the hallway, watching as JJ ran pass everyone, hooting and hollering with Pope trying to keep up with him and John B. She didn’t miss the wink John B sent her making her stomach do flips. Neither did Marli as she snorted throwing her arm around Rory’s neck. “Don’t say anything.”
She put her hands up in defence, trying to hide to smirk that was creeping onto her face. “I was just wondering what time you want me and Parker to pick you up?”
“I’m not coming tonight.” Rory shrugged, her friend grabbed her arm stopping her as if she had just said the most absurd thing.
“What do you mean you’re not coming? Its tradition!” Rory wasn’t exactly sure where this tradition came from but every summer, the students becoming seniors in the fall, start it off by jumping off a cliff so wonderfully named ‘Dead Man’s cliff’.
“Firstly, I’ve got to clean up the crap you caused at my house before my parents come home. Secondly, its family dinner tonight and I can’t bail.” The brunette told her.
“Okay, fine.” Marli gave in, although Rory wasn’t convinced she was going to let this go so easily. “P and I will help you tidy.” She said, hooking her arm through Rory’s as they headed towards her house, meeting Parker there.
They didn’t end up helping, instead sitting on Rory’s garden chairs passing a joint between them. The chairs were haphazardly positioned facing the house where Rory was cleaning the mess up. It wasn’t too far from Parker’s house and just a little further away from Marli’s and Pope’s. The Bennett’s house was close enough to the water to suffer when a storm hit but not enough to have a boat tied up which was why Rory loved going on HMS Pogue with her friends. She loved the feeling of wind through her hair and water spraying her, cooling her down from the North Carolinian heat.
“You know this is your mess I’m cleaning here.” Rory pointed out.
“And you’re doing such an amazing job that I would simply be no use.” Marli said and Rory had to hide the laugh that was threatening to escape while Parker didn’t care and laughed. “Moving on though as to why you’re not coming out tonight.”
“You’re not coming?” Parker asked. “but it’s tradition!”
Rory sighed. To her it wasn’t a big deal but apparently to her friends it was as if she turned Kook or something. “It’s family dinner night and I can’t miss it, okay.”
“I’m sure your dad’s will let you go if you ask them. Want me to talk to them?” Marli asked making the both of them burst out laughing. “What? They love me.” She frowned slightly.
“No, they don’t. They tolerate us because we’re Rory’s friends.” Marli squinted at Parker trying to come up with an argument against his point but gave up. She knows they don’t hate her it was just that the three of them would sometimes get in trouble and they are just doing what parents do, worry and protect.
“Fine, you’re right. I’ll drop it.” She gave in, reaching out for the joint off Parker. “So, what’s everyone’s resolutions for the summer.”
“This isn’t fucking New Year.” Parker mumbled as Marli rolled her eye’s at him and chose to ignore her friend.
“Are you finally going to tell a certain Pogue how you feel?” Her grin was mischievous, matching the sparkle in her eye.
“There’s no Pogue on Pogue macking, remember?”
“Aha! So you do have a crush on John B!” Marli exclaimed, excited that she just got you to reveal your deepest secret even though apparently everyone knows about Rory’s blatant crush except John.
She took a breath, not wanting to blow up on her friend as she knew she meant well. Plus, her minimal filter disappears further when she gets high. “What about you and boardshorts? You gonna tell us who it is?” Rory pointed out snatching the joint from Marli’s hands and taking a hit.
The playful banter between friends when a car pulled up and the deep voice of Rory’s dad called out of the window. “Aurora Skye Bennett! That best be not what I think it is!” The teenagers panicked. Rory stubbed the joint out while Marli wafted away the smoke and Parker shoved everything back in his bag.
“Hi, Mr Bennett.” Marli greeted, standing up and failing to act normal. “We were just- we were just heading home so we’ll see you around.” She grabbed Parker’s arm and dragged him away with her, waving goodbye at the Bennett family.
“Hey, dad.” Rory said into Jack’s chest as she hugged him. She could feel a hearty laugh coming from him making her playfully elbow him. “You know they think you hate them.”
“Then I’m doing my job as your dad.” He pressed a kiss on top of her hair before letting her go to head inside with Don and Rory following.
John B rubbed his hands on his trousers as he got ready to knock on Rory’s door. He could hear her laughter trickling out of the open window bringing a smile onto his face. It didn’t take long before the door opened. John gulped, forgetting how intimidating her dad could look. “Hi, sir.” He greeted clearing his throat.
“John B, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Don asked, a smile on his face relaxing the boy in front of him.
“I was- err I was wondering if Rory is free tonight? We were going to hang out at Dead Man’s Cliff.” John B asked.
“Rory!” Don called for his daughter. “Why didn’t you tell us that you were supposed to be hanging out with your friends tonight?”
Her mouth opened then shut, surprised at John B standing on her doorstep. “Well we were having family dinner tonight.”
“And that can wait ‘til tomorrow.” Jack assured her from his spot by the oven so he could keep an eye on dinner.
“Go and get ready.” Don urged her and she did, leaving him and John alone. “You take care of her tonight, okay?”
“Yes, sir.” He stuttered out, surprised that him coming out here to ask if Rory could come out actually worked.
“And please call me Don.” He said. John nodded, his averting from the man to Rory who stood beside him. She was wearing a thin sweatshirt, to take the chill off, and a pair of shorts covering the swimsuit she was wearing underneath.
“Ready?” Rory asked after saying her goodbyes to her dad’s and assuring them that she won’t be back and late and that she’ll be safe. The two teenagers made it to John’s truck and climbed in. He put his hand on the gear stick as he started driving away from the house and up to the cliff. Rory had the urge to put her hand on top of his but instead stopped herself by sitting on it and looking out of the window. “I’m surprised that worked.” She hummed. “I’m guessing Marli put you up to this.”
John B laughed. “Yeah, it was her plan. I honestly thought your dad would have shut the door in my face.”
“They love you, what can I say?” She giggled before silence fell between them. It was suffocating. There was so much tension that Rory felt like she was about to explode. John felt it too. Luckily the sound of JJ shouting broke it letting them know that they had arrived.
“Look who finally joined us!” John B shouted wrapping his arm around Rory as if nothing happened in the truck.
“Thank you.” Marli grinned at JJ, holding her hand out for the ten dollars he owed for losing the wager. Pope was quick to take it from his cousin before she could pocket it. “Hey!” She exclaimed while everyone else laughed.
“You owe me remember.” He said while she just grumbled.
“Let’s get this party started!” JJ exclaimed before running to jump off the cliff followed by Parker and the rest of them with John jumping last leaving Rory alone up there.
Standing at the top of Dead Man’s Cliff with her feet at the edge, Rory realised that she wasn’t just hiding behind the fact that she had family dinner tonight but rather she was scared to jump. It didn’t make sense because she jumps off HMS Pogue.
John B seemed to notice her hesitance when Rory didn’t follow him down. He brushed his wet hair out of his face as he climbed out of the water making his way back up to the cliff. No one else seemed to notice, so engrossed in splashing each other which Rory was glad for, knowing she won’t be able to live it down. “Hey, you okay?” John nudged her.
“I’m fine.” She scoffed, trying to play off that she wasn’t in fact freaking out internally which only caused John to giver her a pointed look. He didn’t say anything though, not wanting to embarrass her. Instead, he just held his hand out.
“You got this.” Was all he said, his voice soft and calming. Rory took his hand and smiled at him before jumping off the cliff with John. The start of summer officially beginning.
Tag List: @mayaslifeinabox @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @les-bio-lie @ivvitm1109 @seninjakitey @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @genius2050 @tiannawashere @brithedemonspawn
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
This Ohio discourse has got me dying to create discourse about every other state now hehe so I officially present:
Hawk’s review of 36/50 US states!
In alphabetical order because that fuckin song “50 nifty United States” has been stuck in my head since fourth grade.
Arizona: Phoenix is hot. Can’t believe y’all choose to live in a place that gets haboobs. Saw Sen. John McCain in the airport. I feel that sums up the state well. 4/10
California: as a resident of the state of Oregon, I’m legally required to say fuck California😌 unless anyone else talking shit about Cali and then we got your back😤 SoCal vs San Fran vs Northern Cal are totally different worlds though. 7/10
Colorado: damn idk how y’all breathe there, them air is thin. But really pretty out there! 7/10
Connecticut: oh my god fuck New Haven. And Stamford, and Hartford, and— Yknow what? Let’s just toss the whole state into the Sound. For real, traffic is the WORST here and I’m so sorry that y’all gotta live like that. 3/10
Delaware: I cannot believe this is considered a state. There’s no difference between Delaware and Maryland/Pennsylvania. 1/10 should not be a state
Florida: “the only hills in Florida are the highway ramps and the Matterhorn!” —the shuttle driver at Disney World. He was right. Shit is flat as fuck here. And hot. And humid. The Gulf Coast is nice? But tbh it’s just all very touristy which is kind of a bummer. 5/10
Georgia: ...I can’t with the humidity or thinly veiled racism. But y’all got nice peaches! Also Black Panther filmed there so thank you for blessing us with that. 6/10 for fruits
Hawaii: okay pineapple farms are cool. Tbh I just feel really bad for how much mainlander/tourist bs all the islanders put up with. Ik price of living is v high and keeps going up. That said I did love Hawaii... although I was stung by a jellyfish. Hate those little bastards. 8/10 for wonderful people and nature
Idaho: as an Oregonian I’m required to also say fuck Idaho 😝 you da hoes. Okay for real tho southern Idaho has become v white white and kinda scary tbh. The northern part of the state is pretty chill tho. Also Oreida kettle chips are partly made in Idaho so I gotta give you half credit for that. 4/10
Illinois: at least you’re not Indiana. 4/10.
Indiana: I never want to step foot in Gary, Indiana again in my life. (Passed a Mack truck hauling a race car to Indy 500 though so that was cool.) 2/10
Iowa: I almost moved here. I’m so glad I didn’t. Why are the Quad Cities actually a group of five towns? I hate that. Also the roads were all cement, felt like driving on a sidewalk. Was also interesting because the second we got out of the city proper, it was just... corn fields everywhere. 2/10 y’all raising children of the corn.
Kentucky: I really don’t have anything to say about Kentucky. I thought the trees were pretty? 5/10 yeah idk
Maine: my relative has totaled two cars by hitting moose in Maine. Maine scares me. Or rather, the moose do. Also the lobster roll hype is real. And the coast truly is beautiful. 8/10 but an extra point for the moose bc I hate that relative so 9/10
Maryland: oh god Baltimore. Also I’m blaming you for the DC traffic because it’s on the land you gifted them. 3/10
Massachusetts: Patriots fans are the worst NFL fans (the racism is real, especially after fans burned the jerseys of Black players who knelt for the anthem). Liking Dunkin’ Donuts is not a personality trait. The North End in Boston is truly the best place to get pizza in the entire country. Western Mass is not the same state. And the Cape Cod bridges give me nightmares. 5/10 but cause I had to pay taxes two years and it really is Taxachusetts, knocking it down to 4/10
Michigan: it’s a lot bigger than I initially thought. 5/10
Minnesota: it’s Canada but in the US. Pretty driving through the southern part. Cops suck tho. 5/10
Montana: okay Montana is downright gorgeous. (Except Billings. Sorry, Billings.) I must include a photo. I wanna get a cabin here and just exist. 8/10
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New Hampshire: can’t decide if it hates Massachusetts or wants to be Massachusetts. All it knows is that it’s better than Vermont. Which... y’know, valid. (If you wanna see NH culture watch North Woods Law tbh). 4/10
New Jersey: why are there so many goddamn highways in this state? Also there are more places to weekend trip than the Shore or the Poconos. Although you do have people pump gas for you just like Oregon, so... that’s valid. Things my friends have added: Newark airport is cursed (valid), the jughandles are nightmares (true), pork roll/Taylor Ham is good and so are bagels and New Jersey pizza (allergic so idk), and everyone is split on whether the shore is actually decent or not 😂 I give it a 3.5/10 out of spite
New York: NYC is fun, Upstate is MASSIVE but really beautiful. Long Island is... yeah I don’t have anything nice to say about Long Island. 8/10 For NYC, 6/10 for Upstate, -2/10 for Long Island, gives us an average of 6/10
North Carolina: very good peaches. Isn’t South Carolina. Keep it up👍🏽 6/10
Ohio: I already told y’all how I feel about this flat ass boring state. I feel no need to slander it any more lmao. 3/10
Oregon: she flies with her own wings, mi amor🥰 to list all the reasons I like Oregon (and the issues too bc it ain’t perfect), I would need a whole other post. I’ll just leave you with this picture I took of Mt. Hood, the queen of our Cascades. 11/10
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Pennsylvania: so apparently PN is three states hiding in a trench coat like NY. There’s upstate, philly and Pittsburg. Personally I think they’re just trying too hard and wanna get the same recognition as NY. Meh. 5/10
Rhode Island: THIS FUCKIN SHAM OF A STATE Just merge it with Connecticut and be done with it!! It’s tiny. Providence sucks. There’s nothing unique about this state that you can’t find in Southern Mass (except MA has cheaper taxes so y’all come to work and shop in MA anyways smh). Also the fingers are really annoying to drive down to get to some beach areas haha. 2/10 you’re barely better than Delaware.
South Carolina: my Black father was invited to a party celebrating General Robert E Lee’s birthday. So... 0/10
South Dakota: very gorgeous, didn’t realize the Missouri River went this far west, but VERY LARGE. I mean it looks big on a map but then you get there and... yeah. No speed limit on highways is a great time though. And the Badlands have mountain goats! 6/10 bc while pretty, living there seems really hard. (Picture is me in the Badlands).
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Texas: gave us Juneteenth and Beyoncé and JJ Watts. Thank you Texas. But is very big, got independence from Mexico to keep slavery (yikes), is like 97% private land (yikes) and is like the second or third largest state. Very big. That said, everyone I’ve ever met from Texas is lovely. 6/10.
Utah: Other than Idaho, this is the whitest state I’ve been to. Or it feels that way. Like a, the people crossed to the other side of the street and held their bags because I’m brown, state. And I don’t ski so I can’t even say that’s a good thing (I fell off the ski lift the one time I went, long story). Yeah 0/10.
Vermont: wants to be New Hampshire or Canada and can’t decide which. So it’s just kinda there. Pretty hills though. 3/10
Virginia: let’s be real we all forget that Virginia exists west of Richmond. Nova is a beauracratic and traffic nightmare and half our neighbors had to pass security clearance checks. Hampton Roads and beach area is a tourist and mosquito nightmare. But there were dolphins and I made snowmen on the beach. Good times. 6.7/10
Washington: again, legally required as an Oregon resident to say fuck Washington because it’s all your fault we now are getting a toll on the I-5 border. But you’re better than California. And the Sound is really cool for fishing, love Wicked Tuna. And the fish market. Best salmon I’ve had. Eastern Washington... y’all got Spokane but the rest is kinda sparse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10
Wisconsin: cheese is actually good. Again, pretty state, much larger than I initially thought. 7/10
Wyoming: this was the ONLY STATE I lost cell service in when diriving cross country. Kinda surprised it wasn’t Montana, but no, it was Wyoming. Views are gorgeous though so I was distracted either way. 4/10
Thank you for joining me on this cross-country edition of Tea Time with Hawk. Please respond with any reactions, corrections, addendums about any and all of the states mentioned. And thank you for taking part in this wholesome Clone Wars fandom discourse with me 🥰💕
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