#the one hour before close is still 30 mins after the time I said I had to leave by btw
steevejr · 4 months
I hope my boss spontaneously combusts into flames for real 🤣
>be me working in fast food
>tell boss I can only close 2 of the 4 days I work
>”sorry steeve all managers need to close or open”
>ok I’ll open
>update my availability to be available open to close 65 hours a week so he can take his pick of which days to schedule me
>text him I can only close 2 days any days dealers choice and work any day part the other 2 days literally any day of the week
>left on read
>new schedule is posted
>closing 3 days a week and leaving ONE PITIFUL HOUR BEFORE CLOSE on the 4th day
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billowyy · 4 months
#i had a training today about how civilians need to act in active attack situations#and a school shooting that happened here a few years ago got brought up#the entire time the cop that was leading the training was really respectful about everything except during this one part#she said that it took some cops 6 months to a year to be able to return to duty after what they saw that day#which i respect and all that bc that shit is traumatic at fuck#but she didn't say shit about the students having to return#like i'm pretty sure the students had a week or two before the school opened again but they had to go back so fast#to the place where it happened#and she basically just dismissed that#i'm sure she didn't do it on purpose but it really fucking bothered me and hours later it still is#and there were probably at least one or two people in the room who went to that school and were there on that day#that training was really hard#we had to watch a video of this teacher from sandy hook talking and jfc man#a lot of us were trying not to cry for a lot of it#shit's fucked but all of us in that room work with kids so it was really hitting hard for us#it's forced me to think about what my experience was on the day of that local school shooting which is always really difficult#i was in high school and my mom called me while i was walking to the bus stop#and told me that there was an active shooter at this high school about 30 mins away#so i went to school that day knowing there was an active shooter at another high school so close to mine#the entire day every time i heard a door slam or someone run down the hallway i was flinching#it didn't really sink in how close that was to me until i got to college and started meeting people who went to that school#today's not a good day and i'm glad it's almost over
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yuhzz · 1 year
1 hr. and 30 mins. - h.ec x fem!reader
summary: all eunchae ever wants is to spend time with you, so why can't you? oh, right. other girls are always butting in and ruining your date, that's why.
warning: fluff. jealous eunchae.
word count: 2.3k words
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you lived in the shadows ever since you were young, meaning that you've been an outsider, an outcast ever since forever. a 15-year-old teenager who's afraid to make friends. people call you a coward for it but you just try your best to ignore the things they're saying.
it's currently 8:09 in the morning and you were walking across the hallway to your designated classroom to drop your bag off. your class starts at 8:30.
as usual, you came earlier than everybody else. just being the usual model student you are. every single day, when you arrive early, you spend your time walking around the campus, if not though, you read books inside the classroom.
today, though, was different.
when you arrived in front of the classroom, the door was open.
well, that's weird.
"the door should be closed...why is it open?" you mumbled to yourself before adjusting your glasses.
you stepped inside and there you saw another person sitting right next to your seat. the girl, on the other hand, noticed your presence so she turned around and met your eyes with cold ones.
"h-hello" you stuttered, slightly scared of the girl's cold character. the other ignored you and looked away from you.
'well, that was mean' you thought and sighed. slowly, you walked towards your seat.
'of all the seats that she can choose from, why did she ever have to choose the one next to mine?' you looked down. 
When you arrived in front of your seat, you dropped your bag and slowly walked away from the chair. you sure were scared about the fact that the girl who was sitting next to your chair might be a delinquent or something.
"calm down, i don't bite" the girl joked, her tone still as cold as ice.
"i know but...safety precautions?" you were unsure.
suddenly, the girl stood up which kind of alarmed you making you raise both of your arms in the air and close your eyes. you heard the girl chuckle.
all of a sudden, you felt a hand on your shoulder making you open your eyes open again.
in front of you was a smiling princess who looks like a damn cute kid. you slowly relaxed as your arms began dropping down slowly.
"i'm sorry, if my cold demeanor earlier, scared you" the girl apologized with her tone happier this time.
"i'm eunchae by the way" eunchae introduced herself.
"I-I..." you were unsure if eunchae was genuine or not. but regardless, maybe eunchae can be your first friend - the first one at that.
"I'm y/n"
"y/n-ie!" eunchae shouted as soon as she saw you in front of the school gates. just 2 months after you met each other, both of you got closer.
back then, you would arrive 30 minutes before classes but now that you had found out that eunchae arrives an hour earlier, you push yourself to wake up and arrive earlier.
"eunchae-ah!" you exclaimed as eunchae hugged you tight as if she hasn't met you for years.
"my y/n-ie..." eunchae trailed off with a smile on her face. you, on the other hand, blushed at what the latter had said.
suddenly, your heart began beating faster when eunchae unexpectedly brought her face closer to yours.
"omo, why is my y/n-ie so red?" eunchae teased even further.
"s-stop it!" you said and gently pushed eunchae's face away from yours. "what the- you're pushing my face now?" eunchae pouted, and you panicked.
"n-no~!! i-it's just that, uhh" you continued panicking until eunchae laughed.
"you're cute, you know that?" eunchae giggled. "oh..." was all that you could say.
"let's go?" the latter asked you and you could only nod. you let eunchae take you away. this is the reason why both of you agreed to arrive an hour earlier. so that you can spend time together for an hour and 30 minutes.
inside that 90 minutes, you get to decide where to go and waste your time in.
this time, you don't really know where you're going since eunchae told you to leave the decision-making up to her. so here you are, letting eunchae drag you all over the city.
eunchae planned to do 9 things, each thing that she wants to do with you was only limited to 10 minutes so that when the time hits 8:30 am, you'll be right on time for your first class.
now, the clock strikes 6:58 am, and your time together begins.
=+==+= 7:00 am - 7:10 am =+==+=
your first destination was a Dog Café.
good thing this Dog Café's just near your school that's why it took you just 2 minutes to arrive.
here, eunchae planned to have fun with dogs for 7 minutes, and the remaining 3 minutes will be your remaining time to go to the next destination.
though cramped and the time's short, it was still worth it to do since she was with you.
at exactly 7:00 am, both of you stepped inside the Dog Café. eunchae took out her phone and started a 7 minutes timer. as soon as she did so, eunchae ran towards the dogs and let them lick her all over her face.
you, on the other hand, were too scared to even breathe. damn, these gigantic dogs scare you so much.
you stood still by the entrance until suddenly, the biggest dog of 'em all approached you and sat in front of you.
The dog tilted his head towards you, his tail wagging uncontrollably.
"looks like she's interested in you" one of the personnel walked towards you. you uncomfortably smiled while looking at her, still afraid that the dog might eat you alive.
the employee laughed lightly.
"don't worry, she doesn't bite" 
"i know but i'm still scared- wait... she?" you asked.
"yep, why? did you think that she was a he?" 
you nodded and scratched your nape out of embarrassment. the employee giggled.
"You're funny" she continued laughing before lightly slapping your shoulder.
'Eh? What was so funny about what I said?' you pondered. 4 minutes in and yet you're already making somebody else laugh.
eunchae, on the other hand, couldn't handle the way the personnel laughed. she thought of the personnel as...maybe...someone who should be eliminated? not the type of eliminate where she's going to k!ll her- no. definitely not like that.
it's more like a talent show where there can only be one winner.
"i'm chaewon" chaewon offered her hand for you to shake.
and in that talent show, chaewon's a contestant who eunchae felt like should oust.
so! eunchae came up with a plan that was smart enough to catch everyone's attention.
"here goes nothing" she sighed.
"AHH! Y/N-IE!!!! THE DOG IS EATING ME" believe it or not, this was the best idea she could ever come up with at the moment.
besides, this sounded even better inside her head.
your eyes widened as soon as you heard this. you immediately looked at eunchae.
even though you were not really a dog lover, you still know the differences between "eat" and "play".
you sighed.
"eunchae-ah, the dog's only playing with you..." 
long story short, eunchae's plan didn't work but she knows that she had successfully eliminated chaewon from the talent show.
if chaewon can giggle and laugh cutely, eunchae can scream her lungs out fully. finally, eunchae's 7 minutes alarm went off.
it's time to go to your next destination.
you and eunchae thanked everyone inside the Dog Café. eunchae took your hands and walked towards the next place she planned to go to.
=+==+= 7:10 am - 7:20 am =+==+=
another 10 minutes to spend with each other means another fun and happy time. at exactly 7:10 am, just as eunchae planned, you arrived inside a perfume store.
you're not exactly here to buy but rather, you're here to act like you're going to buy. you know? like hit and run except that it's called;
"smell and run," eunchae said and giggled.
"that's what we're here for y/n-ie" she added. this time, you'll only have 4 minutes to check out the perfumes and the remaining 6 minutes will be your time to go to their next destination.
"good morning!" a female staff approached you.
"good morning to you too" you greeted back and smiled. "ah, may I help you?" the female staff named 'sakura' asked.
"not really-" 
while you were talking with the staff, eunchae spent her time looking around without forgetting to set a 4 minutes alarm. "ahh, so you're here to take a look around with your friend?" she asked.
"it seems so" you chuckled.
eunchae, who was too focused on looking around, stopped what she was doing when she noticed that you were too busy with another girl...again.
"seems like a tough opponent" eunchae hummed.
looks like there's another contestant that eunchae has to beat.
another plan to make. eunchae thought of it deeply.
"y/n-ie! can you help me???" 
eunchae asked you for help and of course, you willingly followed. in the end, another contestant was eliminated.
sakura may be sweet but eunchae begins to be sweeter.
just like that, 4 minutes are finally over. now starts your 6-minute walk.
=+==+= 7:20 am - 8:00 am =+==+=
would you look at that? a sudden change of plans.
eunchae couldn't afford to have you distracted by another woman. besides, she's getting tired of coming up with ideas on the spot, it's too brain damaging.
anyways, arcade! a fun place to spend your time if you have nothing else to do.
this time, eunchae swears if one more girl approaches you, she's gonna lose it.
for 30 minutes, both you and eunchae enjoyed your time together, hopping from one game to another. after that, eunchae told you that she was just going to buy the two of you drinks and snacks.
and when she got back, guess what?
2 ridiculously beautiful girls are laughing with you.
as soon as eunchae saw this, her hand slowly crushed the canned soda she bought. oh, y/n...may you rest in peace.
"that's it" eunchae growled. she placed the soda on a chair and walked towards you.
"jagi-ah~!" eunchae sweetly called out.
you were startled right after that. the 2 girls who were with you, however, remained unbothered. "j-jagi?" you gulped.
'I thought we were supposed to keep it lowkey?' you thought.
eunchae clung into your arms.
"oh! who are they JAGI?" eunchae asked, making sure that the 2 girls will know their place.
​​​​​​​"w-well..." for the second time, after eunchae met you, you were once again scared.
​​​​​​​"...s-she's kazuha and she's yunjin" you began praying. ​​​"oh, really?" eunchae smirked.
​​​​​​​"yes, you 2 must be friends? anyways, we were just asking y/n if she's available-" eunchae didn't even let kazuha finish and said, "so she is not and she will never be because as you can see, she's with me and will always be with me" 
​​​​​​​"sheesh, that must be suffocating for you y/n-ssi" yunjin added. now it was very clear that both kazuha and yunjin were trying to piss eunchae off.
and they did.
after what eunchae has heard, her arms softened and her confidence was slowly disintegrating. the other 2 girls noticed this and chuckled right after.
you were worried about her though. not only a few minutes after, eunchae also stopped clinging onto you.
for the rest of the 10 minutes, eunchae remained silent and let kazuha and yunjin take away her lover's attention.
but no matter how hard they try to do so, your attention was focused on eunchae.
after that, eunchae's alarm went off. she stood still and did not urge you to leave and go to your next destination.
ok, that's enough.​​​​​​​ you sighed.​​​​​​​ "nice to meet you girls but, just like what eunchae said earlier, i'm not really available" 
​​​​​​out you, and eunchae, go.
=+==+= 8:00 am - 8:30 am=+==+=
this time, you were the one dragging her. "where are we going?" eunchae coldly asked.
​​​"we're going to the place I cherish the most" you sweetly stated. about 6 minutes later, eunchae noticed that you just passed the perfume shop. 4 more minutes passed and after that, you walked past the dog café. eunchae noticed that you were walking back to where you met earlier.
​​​​​​​"what are we doing back here?" eunchae asked you as she looked at the school's gates. you said nothing and only smiled at her.
you went inside and walked through the hallways.
after walking for a while, you came to a stop in front of the classroom where you first met each other.
​​​​​​"you know, eunchae-ah, I really love this classroom" ​​​​​​​the latter raised her eyebrows. ​​​​​​​"why?" she asked.
​​​​​​​"Because..." you guided eunchae towards her seat.
​​​​​​​"...this was the exact place where you were sitting that day, and i..." you let go of her hands and walked back towards the door.
​​​​​​​"...i was standing here" you smiled.
"i never thought that it'd be you" 
"what?" eunchae was confused.
​​​​​​​"i never thought that you would be my first friend..." 
you took 1 step closer to her.
"...i never thought that you'd be the first person to laugh with me..." ​​​​​​​
you took another step.
​​​​​​​"...i never thought that you'd be the first one to eat with me..."
​​​​​​​another step.
​​​​​​​"...and i never thought that you'd be the first person i'd fall in love with" 
and another one.
you were now standing in front of eunchae. ​​​​​​​"eunchae-ah, believe me, or not, i never regretted nor hesitated when it came to you"
​​​​​​​you held eunchae's cheeks and caressed them.
​​​​​​​"you'll always be my first and my last...no matter what anybody says" 
​​​​​​​you kissed eunchae's cheeks and hugged her tight.
​​​​​​​"eunchae, my manchae, i love you" 
​​​​​​​"i love you too, y/n-ie"
an hour and 30 minutes was enough.
enough for you to make her feel loved.
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loveswrites · 8 months
Pumpkins Please Billy Loomis x Stu Marcher x reader
Pumpkins Please Billy x Reader x Stu
Word count: 1397
Time it Took me: 1 hours 30 mins
To my loves: It was so obvious that stu and billy would win for our celebration of 300 followers! I wrote it that same night so I've had it in my drafts for 6 days now. I was thinking if I should wait till the poll ended but we reached over 300 followers before it even did, So here you go loves! Enjoy! Thank you for the support. It makes me so happy you guys enjoy my writing as it is all I want to do in life.
Love <3
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“I wanna carve a pumpkin.” You pouted.
“Why don’t we just crave someone up instead.” Billy smirked playing with the tip of his knife. 
“I already have the pumpkins at my house. You wanna carve em here or there?” Stu said dropping himself on the bed making you and Billy shake with the bed. 
“You didn’t tell me you bought pumpkins.” Billy said, narrowing his eyes at Stu.
“Do I have to tell you everything?” Stu laughed out.
“Yes.” You and Billy said in unison. 
Stu started to laugh but slowly stopped when he realized you and Billy were not joking. 
“I just thought I should have them at the house since you know it is halloween. You know our favorite holiday.” Stu said, looking in between you and Billy.
“It’s not my favorite holiday mine is-”
“Christmas.” The two boys groaned, making you smile.
“The moment September 1st came along you were running around here yelling out ‘It’s christmas!’” Billy mocked you but you could see the slight smile in his cheeks as he recalled the memory. 
“It’s a lovely holiday, what can I say?” You smiled rubbing your socks together. 
Billy stroked the sides of your waist with his knife sending a shiver down your spine. He did this often. To both you and Stu. Still would often get cut most of the time cause he'd always laugh or move too much. But you trusted Billy to never leave a mark on you and he never did. Never has. 
Billy had three favorite things. His knives. His girl. And his best friend.
“Do we have to go to school tomorrow?” You questioned as Stu rubbed your legs while he stared up at the ceiling.
“You wanna skip again? Something on your mind, pretty girl?” Stu questioned. 
“Is someone bothering you? I can handle that, you know.” Billy said with stern eyes as he watched you respond.
“No no none of that I’m fine and no ones bothering me. I just don’t want to go and talk to people you know?” You said, stressed by the thought of even being in that building. 
“When do your parents get back in town?” Billy asked, putting his knife on your nightstand after taking one last long drag against your skin that sent tingles throughout your body.
Your parents had left for a business trip so you invited your two boyfriends to keep you company because why not? They weren’t doing anything before you called anyways.
“Sometime next week. It might get extended depending on some things. They told me I could go with them as always but I wanted to stay.” You said snuggling into Billy’s side.
“I would’ve left. No school and a free trip as a replacement sounds fun right about now.” Stu said, making you smile knowing that he wouldn’t just leave. He’d make sure that you and Billy were able to come as well. No matter if he wanted to admit it or not Stu couldn’t live without Billy nor you. 
Looking up at Billy who had his eyes closed you know he couldn’t live without you or Stu also. He wouldn’t admit it but he shows his love in crazy ways. Rather that’s spray painting the sides of buildings to pulling pranks on literally anybody to actual crimes. Billy has killed for you and Stu. If someone hurt one of you two you either never saw them again or saw them in the news the next day. Same if it was reversed with Stu but Stu doesn’t really clean his tracks very well so it’s mostly just Billy. 
You wondered if loving them made you a bad person. You wondered if keeping their victims a secret made you a murder. You wondered if not feeling a drop of remorse made it seem like you have the knife in your hand. 
But at the end of the day you didn’t really care because at the end of these dark sad thoughts all you saw was Billy and Stu. The two crazy boys who were in love with you. The two boys who showed you the world and would kill anyone who got in the way of your happy fairytale. You just prayed that they wouldn’t be the one to ruin your love story. 
You woke up the next morning feeling relaxed and refreshed. This made you just up and check the time. 1:24 pm. Shit you thought I missed damn near all of school. Rubbing your eyes you noticed that your bed was empty. Where did they go? Getting out of your bed you walked downstairs. Hearing voices, you followed them to the kitchen.
“Dumbass! the butter goes first, did you not read the box?” Billy snapped hitting Stu in the back of his head with said box. 
“You didn’t say that!” Stu said, trying to defend himself as he wiped his cheek leaving some flour in its place making you smile. 
“Maybe if you looked at the box I wouldn’t have to say it!” Billy fussed back. Stu opened his mouth to say something but that's when you decided to make yourself known.
“So are you two gonna bicker all day or tell me what you're doing?” You questioned walking fully into the kitchen.
“Baking you some cookies. Again..” Stu said, making you frown your eyebrows.
“Again?” You questioned.
“Stu burned the first batch.” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“I did not! They just cooked a little bit longer than the rest.” Stu finished.
“Burnt.” You and Billy said in unison. That was happening a lot more often than usual. 
“We just wanted to do something nice for you before you woke up.” Stu said sneezing all over the batter when he rubbed flour on his face.
“What the fuck Stu!” Billy yelled while you just turned your nose up at the fact that he just sneezed on the batter.
“It’s fine. I’m not hungry. Like at all. I just wanna carve pumpkins okay? That’s it.” You said shifting your eyes between Billy and Stu.
“I’ll go get the pumpkins then.” Stu said starting to move, making you and Billy scream out ‘No!’.
“No! I’ll do it,  just stay here.” Billy said, shaking his head as he walked past you but not before giving you your ‘morning kiss’.
“You keep touching me I’m gonna throw pumpkin guts all over you.” You yelled out. Stu’s elbow kept touching yours as he attempted to show you how to carve your pumpkin.
“I’m trying to help you! You're doing it all wrong, trust me I do pumpkins.” Stu stated as if he was some kind of Pumpkin master.
“You do pumpkins?” You laughed out, tightening the grip on the knife in your hand.
“Shut up if I did you’d be jealous of the pumpkin.” Stu said, rolling his eyes. 
“As if, Who wants to sleep with you?” You questioned going back to cutting your pumpkin.
“You!” Stu said laughing as if that was the funniest thing in the world.
“Only on holidays.. Billy gets Monday through friday.” You said poking your tongue out at Stu to which he leaned in and bit your tongue making you jump back squealing in surprise. 
“Good thing Halloween is coming up.” Stu grinned. 
“Billy, he bit me!” You pointed at Stu with the knife in your hand. Billy pointed down to your pumpkin that was hanging on for dear life. 
“You need help, you keep cutting it like that there's not gonna be any pumpkin left.” Billy said, smirking, making Stu laugh.
“Shut up, it's perfectly fine.” You said going back to cutting pieces of the pumpkin.
“As if.” Stu snickered, earning a handful of pumpkin guts to the face.
“Hey!” Stu yelled out. 
“That’s what you get your lucky I didn’t throw the whole pumpkin!” You yelled.
“What pumpkin?!” Stu yelled back making you gasp.
“Billy!” You yelled.
“God.” Billy said, holding his head in his hands still with the knife in his hand. All he could hear was you two fighting with each other
He was in for a long bumpy ride if he wanted to be with you two forever. But watching the two of the most important people in his life bicker made him realize that he would kill any bump in that road to make them happy.  
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AITA for sending a vaguely passive aggressive card?
i (25M) bought a card that says "i will always value our friendship" and inside i handwrote "you dont get to take this decision back, it is unfair to me too. i wish you the best." and gave it to my ex (27F) the day after she cut me off.
we met 2 years ago when we started working at the same job. we instantly hit it off and became close friends, and pretty soon after mutually crushing on each other.
however i had JUST left a super toxic relationship literally the month before and was in no way ready for a new relationship, and i made this clear to her. despite this she still asked to start dating almost every month for the better half of a year. i finally gave in and said yes, but she has to be super ptient as i still dont really feel ready for a relationship and am not over my ex, and havent even gone back to therapy yet to process the trauma of said previous relationship. she said she doesnt mind and even wants to help me process it herself. (key note: she is in college to become a trauma-specialized therapist.) i initially refused but upon her repetitive insistance gave in and let her give me "therapy talks" and whatnot. i dont exactly think i needed traditional talk therapy bc it hasnt benefitted me in the past and instead mostly benefit from EMDR and hypnosis. thats neither here nor there i guess lol.
fast forward a couple months and her car breaks down. she doesnt have any local friends or family so i ended up being her main ride to and from our job even though it was super inconvenient for me. we live in opposite directions on our job, each of us ~30 min drive away from work. so i would have to drive 45 min to her apartment to pick her up, then drive 30 min to work. after work i drive the 30 min back to her apartment, then the 45 min home. for unrelated reasons i end up leaving our mutual job and get a different job, closer to her apartment. ...but i am still her only ride. so now i am driving 45 min to her place, 30 min to HER job, 30 min BACK to her town where i work. now i drive 30 min to pick her up from work, 30 min to drop her off, and 45 min home. (that over three and a half hours of driving a day. she does not contribute to gas money.)
i am admittedly probably the asshole for this but i grow a little resentful of her lack of contribution and her expectation of me to be her ride despite the fact that she does not save money to fix her car or get a new one (she has a shopping addiction and spends a lot of money on knick knacks at antique/thrift stores). so we hardly spend time as a couple since i am always exhausted from work and driving her around. i tell her i dont Want to driver her everywhere and its putting a lot of tension and strain on the relationship bc of it and she is kind of like "well what am i supposed to do, lose my job and get evicted?" and so out of guilt i continue to be her ride.
she decided that me not spending enough time with her outside of driving is unfair and she wants to end the relationship. i agree this is for the best but because we used to be such good friends before, i want to try to be friends still. she agrees. i lay down a hard boundary now though: i will no longer be her ride. she does in fact lose her job and gets evicted from her apartment. by this point she has become friends with one of our old coworkers and ends up moving in to their house with their family, i end up helping her move.
we try to be friends, but she never texts first or asks to hang out or invites me anywhere, and on the rare occassion she agrees to my hangouts, shes extremely snappy and passive aggressive with me and is quick to remind me of what an "absent" boyfriend i was. i get fed up with this after a couple months and tell her i cant be friends with her is shes going to be so mean to me all the time, even if i WAS a bad boyfriend the relationship is over now and it isnt fair to keep holding it over my head. she agrees to try and be nicer to me. we slowly start becoming really good friends again and eventually start regularly hanging out again for a couple months.
my dad fucking dies. i take a month off work and have weekly grief counselling appointments. i kind of ghost everybody i know, not just including my ex/friend, but also my best friend, my cousin, and even my step sister. after a couple months back to work (sleep, go to work, come home, sleep. i didnt do Anything. i barely ate.) i finally start to get out of my depressive funk. i start reaching out to people again. most are super understanding and some are kinda weird about it. when i reach out to my ex and say i finally am starting to feel like a person again and we should hang out, she tells me that i broke her heart again by ignoring her and that i dont get a third chance, and shes cutting me off. she requests i drop off anything i still have of hers (she had some clothes and other stuff at my house) and so i decide to, kind of half genuinely and kind of half sarcastically, buy a "friendship" card.
...so, am i the asshole for buying a card that says "i will always value our friendship" and writing "you dont get to take this decision back, it is unfair to me too. i wish you the best." on the inside, and giving it to my ex the day after she cut me off?
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Mommy... I mean Wanda 
Part 11👀
Series here: 🎃
Word count: 1k ish i didnt look too close tbh
Summary: i barely remember what i wrote, but theres some smut, some cuddles, some sexting... oh and yelena 🫰🏻which always makes a story better
Do yall have any suggestions for future chapters or yk one shots 👀 just send me a request 😚
Cause frankly this series is getting long and completely lacks plot 😎ahahha help😥
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To say you and Wanda got punished for your bratty behaviour would not do it justice.
By the time morning rolled around you were a needy mess. With tears rolling down your cheeks and a bruised ass, you lay begging for a release she was dead set on not giving you. Wanda on the other hand was being refused any touch at all. Which in your opinion may just be worse. Natty may be a cuddly teddy bear with the two of you but when she wants you to suffer she shows no mercy.
You lay cuddled up to Wanda as Nat was off making you all some coffee, trying your hardest to follow her orders of  “keeping it in your pants” while she’s gone. You assumed it wouldn’t hurt for your hand to sneak under Wanda's t-shirt, simply wanting to feel the warmth of her skin. However, with how frustrated she was at this point when your hand rested on her stomach she let out a moan. A moan you were certain Nat would’ve heard from the kitchen. When she returned she held two steaming cups of coffee and one of tea. She also held a smirk that said she knew but would be letting it slip just this once. If you’d known that you would have gone for Wanda’s boobs instead. For a while, you simply sat there enjoying your hot beverage between your girlfriends, just soaking it all in.
That bliss was only interupted when an alarm went off on your phone.
“UGh just turn it off” you grunted slipping further down and into the sheets. Nat obliged and reached for the phone, being the one closest to it. Once the alarm went quiet she sat still looking at it.
“Baby, why does it say you have class in 30 min?” Nat asked turning back to you.
“It’s fine I can skip this one.”
“Not a chance, come on get dressed.” Wanda grabbed your cup putting it on the nightstand.
“ I really don't want to leaveee” Yes you sounded like a child whining like that, but there was no way you’d leave this bed, to go and listen to some boring lecture.
“Y/N behave. I know it's hard but how about we pick you up after class and go do something fun?” 
Nat pulled you out of bed, giggling at how your legs were all wobbly still.
“Aww, poor baby, did daddy leave you all fucked out?” You felt yourself getting needy at those words, you just wished she’d bend you over right there and not stop pounding you til you came all over her strap. But instead, you were left walking on shaky legs and wincing as you pulled your jeans over your very sore butt. Which the two women found very amusing as they watched comfortably from the shared bed.
“Can I at least get a kiss before I leave?” You said with a pout. Nat simply gestured for you to come over. She gave you a soft kiss before Wanda pulled you into her arms. She kisses you deeply, ending with a peck on your cheek, that leaves you wishing for much more.
“Now go be my good girl and study hard yeah?” You nodded gleefully at that. Wandas praise washing away some of your grumpiness.
You rode on that happiness all the way to Yelena's car. Thankfully she was also late.
“So how come you were around here so early?” Yelena usually spent most of her time on campus in your shared flat. 
“Mmm, I may have stayed at Kate’s place last night.” She mumbled keeping her eyes on the road.
“Oh my god, Yelena!” A big grin appeared on the blonde's face and that was honestly all you needed.
“So tell me?! How’d it go? Did you… you know?” 
“ Y/N!” She blushed. You laughed knowing that was a yes. 
“So does this mean we can go on double dates now?” You said as the car came to a stop in the university parking lot.
“And watch you drool over my sister for an hour? No thanks.” 
The class dragged on and although you attempted to take notes, you spent most of your time squirming to find a comfortable position to sit in. About an hour in,  the class was doing discussions and you saw it as a chance to sneak out for a quick break. You locked yourself in the bathroom and pulled out your phone.
Y/N: on a quick bathroom break, I’m assuming you’re still in bed?
Nat:( sent you an image)
You could not have opened it faster. It was a photo of the two, Wanda's shirt long gone and her breasts in full view. Your eyes take in the sight of your mommy's body. Her legs were spread and Nat's hand was inside her shorts. You so badly wanted to remove them. to see every movement of her fingers as they pleasured Wandas pussy.
Nat: are you alone?
Y/N: yes x
Nat: Mommy and Daddy would love to see how wet you get just thinking about what we’re doing
Wanda: Please baby be a good girl and show us
You thought about it for a second before pulling your jeans down and taking a short video of you running your fingers through your folds, showing just how much you needed them.
Wanda: such a good girl. why don't rub your clit for Mommy? 
You do as you are told and start touching yourself. just in time for another message to arrive, this time a video. Nat is holding the phone and is showing you a close-up of Wanda as she slowly sinks down on Nat's strap. you could honestly come just at the sight of that. 
Nat: Make daddy proud and cum for us baby girl 
A couple more brushes over your clit and the sound of Wanda moaning paired with wet noises of her pussy being slammed down on nats cock and you finally came. Shaking with pleasure after the amount of teasing you had endured. Once you are able to breathe normally, you pick up the phone to send them a text.
Y/N: I may have made a mess all over my jeans
Wanda: oh poor baby, did mommy getting fucked make you all stupid? No worries honey we’ll come to get you and how about you let Mommy clean up all that wetness on the way home? I’m dying to have a taste ;)
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fuck-customers · 5 months
Not exactly a fuck customers but more like ‘what the fuck, why are people like this’.
I work at a small library in my little town. Small as in, there are only five people who work here total. So you can probably guess, our building is much smaller than most libraries. We do have an auditorium though, one that takes up like 30% of the building. It can be rented and is used for library programs, but when it’s not being used, the lights are turned off and the two entrances have signs that say that ‘for library use only’ or some such thing, meaning, if there’s nobody in there and the doors are closed, lights are off, it’s off limits to patrons. Makes sense, right?
So the other day, I go in for my afternoon shift as usual. It’s after the holiday so there are a lot of returns. My supervisor goes to grab an extra cart so we can divide up the returns, otherwise I’d never get it done all by myself by we closed. She has to go into the auditorium to get the extra cart, which is locked from the side with the actual library but the other door, which is right by our side exist, must have been open. Anyway, she goes in and while I’m digging through books waiting for her, I hear some sort of conversation/noise but don’t think much of it. About this time I notice a patron come and set up with his laptop at one of work tables and put on his headphones. Our other coworker is on his dinner break and again, I don’t think much of any of this.
Anyway, it gets to be around an hour/half an hour ish before we start closing duties and it’s been slow except for a few people coming and going. During this time we sometimes bullshit while we wait for the clock to run down.
My supervisor notes that the man that was sitting at the work table has finally left and then glances at the security monitor, noting the car that was parked next to mine in the employee parking area of our back lot is now gone.
Come to find out, not only was said guy here right at opening, parked halfway into the employee parking area when that’s a total of like three spots (he’s also not someone she recognized when she’s been there 5+ years), apparently this guy was just chilling in the dark fucking auditorium all day? On his laptop, working away? When we’d been open since 10:30 am and he left at like 7pm? Thats what all the noise I had heard earlier was about. She opened the door to the auditorium to get the extra cart we needed, and just causally found this fucker sitting there, doing his thing? She literally had to say to tell him he was welcome to work online just not in here cause that’s not an area open to the public? I think he apologized but still??? He wouldn’t have even been able to access the wifi without the password. But he was just sitting in there the whole goddamn day. Without anyone knowing. And then it gets dark and he doesn’t even have any of the lights on. There’s signs on both doors about this at eye level? Hun, we couldn’t locked you in and never even known it. The side door is locked 15 mins before close and the other doors can’t be opened from the inside.
I love this job, but some of these people I wanna put under a microscope and study for science.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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argumentl · 9 months
Osaka Noutei Tora no ana: fan report, Sep 23/24 2023 - Kaoru's talk event!
First I just need to say, I consider myself very lucky to have been able to attend and take part in this event!
I arrived at the venue at about 11:30pm, there were already a lot of fans hanging outside, and almost immediately a staff member of one restaurant opposite the venue building approached me and asked me in a shocked tone what on earth was going on with all these people here!😂 I told him it was an event by Kaoru from Dir en grey, and he just had no idea at all, asking, 'Is he Japanese??' 😆
Some fans were saying then that they saw Kaoru pulling up in a taxi and waving as he walked past them to go inside earlier...damn, I was too late!
After entering the building and lining up, I was eventually THIRD LAST into the venue! My ticket number was twice as high as last time..agh! It made me realise how close I was to not getting a ticket at all 😱 so I was grateful, but I was also stressing, because as my ticket number was so high, I was worried I wouldn't be able to see or hear anything from right at the back. In fact, I WAS right at the very back, there were no tables left and only one lonely chair left, but thank the gods, from that chair I had a clear view of Kaoru the whole time!!
Having said this, I did end up with a bit of trouble...in being handed a bunch of stuff as I entered (q&a paper, coaster, drink order token) and having nowhere to put anything, losing stuff, panicking, and then after that having to balance my drinks/food on my lap all night, but HEY, I could see and hear fine, so its all good!
Again, as far as I could tell, I seemed to be the only person there who was not Japanese. If any other foreign fans were there, let me know!!
The talk started with Fujieda and Takabayashi coming out for a quick greeting before calling Kaoru to join them. For some reason, Kaoru didn't immediately come out when he was called, and the audience ended up having to do encore style clapping before he actually came out 😆
He was wearing a black shirt, khaki shorts, a beanie, and glasses.
Kaoru and the managers got their drinks pretty quickly and Kaoru tried to raise a toast, but as us poor folk at the back still had no drinks, Kaoru decided to delay making a toast until we all had drinks (which, I must say, probably took another 30 mins or so). I'm so grateful he waited for us! 😭😭😭
To start, Kaoru talked a bit about how things had been for the Tokyo exhibition. That big collage board was also propped up on the stage next to them, and he explained a bit about it.
He also talked about his drawing of the Genesa which was on display in Tokyo. It was his original idea for how he wanted the guitar to look.
They then talked about how they came down to Osaka and brought all the art by car the previous day(Friday). When they got to the venue, the people who they had hired to help them set up everything didn't come, so they called the company and it turned out the company had mistaken the date, and thought they were due to set it up on Saturday instead! Thankfully, it was still all ready by the end of Friday, just a few hours later than expected. Kaoru said that while Takabayashi was on the phone seriously trying to sort out the problem, he himself went to the nearby convenience store, Mini-Stop, and bought ice cream. He really likes the ice cream at Mini-Stop 😆 This reminded them of how they occasionally had to go out to DIY stores for extra supplies during the Tokyo exhibition, and Takabayashi bought taiyaki while he was at one of the bigger stores. This made Fujieda jealous, as he loves taiyaki. Fujieda then told everyone that once during Tokyo run, Kaoru bought all the staff donuts from the store JACK IN THE DONUTS.
Kaoru said that he needed extra space to paint while he was creating all the art pieces so he rented a seperate apartment for the short term, just to paint in...but he heard a lot of noise there from people shouting in foreign languages next door (.....or something like that).
They talked a lot about the mangas they all like, as Kaoru had had some of his fave mangas with him on his desk at the exhibition. Fujieda said that as well as being a huge fan of Dragonball and Slamdunk, he is also a huge fan of Death Note. Kaoru found this kinda funny, and asked him if he'd seen the live action remake of Death Note, which Fujieda said he hadn't. This also reminded them of the recent One Piece remake, and then Kaoru remembered the Dragonball Z live action remake, saying it was astonishing...in a BAD way 😂 He even mentioned how Akira Toriyama had refused any association with it.
Speaking of watching things, Fujieda and a lot of the audience have been watching the new VIVANT TV drama recently, and they couldn't believe that Kaoru hasn't been watching it. (I haven't been watching it either, so this went over my head a bit!!😆)
Kaoru said if he could take any manga to a desert island, he would take Kochi Kame: Tokyo Beat Cops, as stuff like Dragonball etc is already all in his head.
During the first half of the event, a screen was lowered behind Kaoru and the managers, and they used it with a kind of overhead projector to showcase some of the new art. Kaoru used the exhibition pamphlet to project images of the art onto the screen behind, which meant we also got a lot of closeups of his hands and arms ☺️ There were also plenty of spoilers for me, since my ticket for the exhibition is for after Tora no ana 😆 (Again, I still feel lucky there, because I heard some women near me talking in the line that none of them had been able to secure tickets to the exhibition at all.)
Just like when writing music, Kaoru said he also ends up with a lot of duds/write offs when he is painting too.
He started having ideas about putting on an exhibition after the completion of Phalaris, but started the actual painting in January this year.
Fujieda and Takabayashi both revealed their fave pieces from the exhibition, and those works were then discussed in more depth.
It was around this time that a woman in my row at the back started bravely calling out comments and questions to Kaoru, which he was replying to! Im fairly sure I recognized her as one of Kaoru's more visible online fans. Oh, to have her courage!!
Ive totally forgotten how they got onto this topic, but at one poInt Fujieda started talking about how he used to regularly get brazillian waxes when he used to be a bandman. And these days he also waxes his nose hairs...you're welcome for the mental image!😂
It was well past 2am by the time the break was announced. Kaoru dissapeared back stage for around 15mins, and by this time I was also kinda drunk.
After getting restarted, there was a bit of casual talk for a while iirc, and then the Q&A section began.
Once again Im going to start this part of the report by saying my question and name were read out!! BUT with hilarious/tragic results!😂 My question was concerning Kaoru's old band Charm, since he had displayed the flyer in Tokyo, and I also asked if he could expand on his pre-Dir band history in general.
Fujieda was like, "Ok, this question is asking about Charm, what kind of band was it, and stuff? I can't even understand the rest of the question..", and then he promptly announced my name to Kaoru too! I'd be lying if said I didn't feel slightly dead from embarrassment at his last remark! 😂 But let me clear things up here! Remember I said earlier that I was practically last to get inside with no table? Well, I knew I had barely any time left to scribble down a question when I got in. I had mentally prepared the question in my head in advance, so I had to write it as fast as I could with one of those flimsy plastic clip/pencil things, resting on my knees, in a totally frantic state, and in VERY poor light...in my second language! 😂 My handwriting was certainly rushed and untidy, and knowing me, I probably made errors and missed out words etc in my haste. I was actually shocked that it was picked up at all, considering its lack of readability, and the fact that so so many of the other question sheets just got passed straight over. So after some consideration, Im taking this as win! 😂
As for Kaoru's answer, he basically said he has nothing to say about Charm, as if HE was embarrassed to talk about this topic! So yehy, I managed to embarrass us both!! 😆😆 Again, Im taking this postively, you only live once, and I will never forget this! 😂
As for the other questions, he was asked various things, includIng firstly which of the other members is most into exercise? To this he said probably none of them, since none of them are actually inherently sporty.
One question congratulated Kaoru on Hanshin winning the series (the whole audience applauded this), and asked for his alternative suggestion to diving off the Ebisu bridge in Dotonbori. (This practice has been banned due to people getting hurt/killed while jumping off the brige in celebration) Kaoru sarcasticly suggested diving off Tsutenkaku tower instead...the audience was audibly shocked 😂
Another fan asked about how the other Dir members refer to Takabayashi, since Kaoru always calls him Tōru. Apparently the other members call him Tōru too, except Shinya who refers to him as 'kimi'(you). But then again, Shinya refers to Fujieda as 'kimi' as well.
About half way through the Q&A Kaoru introduced some of the merch available at the exhibition, using the overhead projector to showcase it.
Another question asked the dates for the fan trip next year, and Kaoru confirmed it will be on the 16th and 17th of Feb. He already has the location decided and the venue booked, but he couldn't say any more for now. The only hint was that is was nothing like all the suggestions considered back in March. The official announcement will be made next month.
Someone also wrote something suggesting that Kyo and Kaoru do should a shared birthday event, because they didn't like having to choose bewteen Kyo and Kaoru's seperate events. Kaoru was reluctant to do this, because 'its him, right?' (i.e We all know what Kyo can be like when he feels like it...or not!) 😅
There were a few other questions about the usual things, food, baseball etc, and after the Q&A was finished, Kaoru declared he was gonna give away a signed nouteikarano2 poster to one audience member. He asked everyone who wanted to win it to stand up, and then started a game of rock paper scissors, with him against the audience. In the end one fan was remaining and she was called to the front where Kaoru handed her the poster! Obviously I lost against him, but I'm just happy to have played!!😄
As the event was coming to an end an audience member quietly ordered two rounds of tequila shots for Kaoru, and the managers! The were kinda surprised, but still drank them! (Tonnes of food and drink which the audience had been ordering for them was still left over though!)
To end Kaoru stated that the streets were still full of weirdos at this time in the morning (4:30am)..so to be careful (Like, its dangerous, but off you go anyway! 😂). Takabayashi confirmed that, yes, the clubs are still very much in operation at this time. So I avoided the backstreets on my walk back alone! Haha.
Much more was talked about in addition to the above of course, he talked the night away! Despite my blunders, I do feel very lucky to have been here, and it was joy to be drinking till morning with him! Next...the actual exhibition!😅
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whoschr · 1 year
AALE - a pjs smau
012. spice guys (written + 0.6k)
💳 warnings. 15+ drinking. getting drunk at a party. maybe suggestive?
mlist → previous → next
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As you checked your reflection in the shared apartment's mirror, you took a moment to appreciate your appearance. Though you typically rely on others for validation, you found yourself feeling confident at this moment. Your oversized black sweater hung off one shoulder, revealing your right arm. Before leaving, you spritzed perfume on the sides of your neck and wrists, returning the bottle to its place on the table before grabbing your bag and heading out the door.
You leave your place to catch the taxi waiting for you downstairs, and as the door closes behind you, Jay in his room who heard the sounds of you getting ready, gives a couple of eyebrow raises to himself in the mirror of what was going on. Intrigued, he suddenly picks up his phone and checks the group chat to see which friends are at the party, as it is now 8 PM, 30 mins after the original start of the party.
JAY: anyone @ Taesan’s party?
The concerns plaguing him brought to mind Niki's taunts. He began questioning his feelings towards Yn in situations like this, especially since they were not in a romantic relationship. To avoid further ridicule, he deleted the text he had sent.
During the taxi ride to Taesan's place, the only sounds were the confident directions you gave the driver and his prompt responses.
It was okay that you arrived late to the party when Hayoon and everyone else was already there, as late attendance has never really mattered in such settings.
Upon your arrival, a woman in her late 20s or early 30s welcomed you at the door. You were surprised to see someone her age at a college party and wondered if she might be Taesan's mother. Nevertheless, you still question why she was at a party like this.
As you walked through the doorway, flickering lights and loud music that seemed to be at its maximum volume greeted you.
Guys gave you looks up and down upon your strut across the living room to find your friends. As you came up to your friends, Minji and Kazuha took you into their embrace. You were shocked at first seeing Minji’s appearance here because a while back, she had mentioned that she didn’t like to associate with Hayoon.
“Do you want a drink, Yn?”
“Sure, Minji. Thank You.”
As she went to get you a drink, you started catching up with your other favorite Zuha (Kazuha). You said this as if you didn’t just FaceTime her 5 hours ago on what you should wear to the party, chatting in advance in the spare time of that period.
You caught up with Kazuha for a little until Minji came back with your drink. Kazuha, who was another hopeless romantic for the boys in your grade, drifted away from you and Minji once a boy started up a conversation with her.
You and Minji talked for some time until Hayoon appeared, with a bubbly smile, giving off many characteristics as if she was drunk.
“Come with me and meet this person.”
As she brings you up the stairs into this hallway, finally leading you into a room, she leaves you there, walking away with a guy that she’s linked arms with. Their tipsy laughter disappears into the dark hallway and now it was just you and this guy, a guy that she’s been promoting you of knowing.
His features made his outer appearance look dreamy. From his sharp jawline to his cat-like eyes, along with his grown-out hair with bangs that slightly took over the sight of such a dreamy eye.
“Hi,” he says.
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kurayami10 · 2 years
They invite you to see the sea with them
Jack/ Ruggie/Floyd/Rook x reader
A/N: Something small for the twst port fest event
Re-uploading my stories is prohibited.
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After the hours of the musical parade that Jack and his friends had, everything went very beautifully in the musical!
And out of where Jack took out his jack showing his strong muscles and you found yourself very surprised from this. ‘I mean really obvious he works so hard..’ you smile for him and how he looks so happy when he’s playing the drunk sticks.
Once the musical performance, Jack gazes toward you. You wave to him and smile at him while some churros are in your hands and since you were in Team Leona and you made some for yourself.
You have watched the entire performance and how he looked great!
Before 20-30 mins when the performance began —  you were filming the whole thing and this going to be a perfect memory that you have and you’re going to make the biggest memory of all time. And yes you do love Jack all your heart and this is the first time you see him in a sailor outfit and his cute ears popping out from his hat.
Once the performance is over, you went over to find Jack as he’s having a tiny of problems, and that problem is that there bunch of crowd around and him and others, you just sweat of this.
Of course, people would love this also yourself but you just recall something before when you went here to the Port Festival. And it is that Jack told you to meet somewhere near the sea where the white boats are, and that is what you did waiting for him after the musical performance.
After about a while of waiting you see Jack running at you, and you wave at him happily! “Jack, there you are!” you exclaimed while he took a break he’s been out of breath since he was running, “I am sorry I came late I was having some problems while at the restaurant with an issue that just happened,” he looks at you and hoping you won’t be mad and then he continues, “and I want to make up to you..” and you sighs not in the frustrated more like it was ‘it's okay”
“It's alright, Jack! I mean we have all day anyway so don’t worry too much!” hoping that its okay for Jack not feel bad about this, but still, he just wants to spend his day with you *cough* he just like you a lot *cough* anyway it been a long day he enjoys this day and spend time with his friends and most importantly is you! <3
“Y/N…..” the sound of Jack calling your sweet name and you turn toward him as he sudden blushes to appear on his face and his ears lower down a bit, “I love you…” soon it was your turn to blush and you didn’t know what to say, and you just close your eyes and slowly kiss Jack into his lip and step back slowly, “I love you too, Jack..” you look at him with a small smile on your face, and honestly you and Jack standing with a view on the ocean while birds and decorations around you and Jack make the scenery perfect.
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When Ruggie was helping Jack at the someone when a male customer’s wallet has been stolen by a robber and run away and of course, he have to help Jack with it.
Ruggie promises to meet you somewhere near the water because he said he has something to show you, and you quickly said “Yes” that made Ruggie happy he also bought his favorite donuts for himself and you. 
But while he was in there the store he ran into trouble that he found a lost child who was looking for their mother but licky Cater was there for him.
After finding the child's mother, Ruggie went to find you, and you were sitting on the bench waiting for Ruggie. You could feel the soft cool breeze blowing toward your silk hair and soft skin, and it's perfect —  especially when is the port festival!
As Ruggie goes running where you are, while you admire the passing ships and some people were riding one, and you wish to get in one but you have the afford one and sigh sadly. When you’re lost on your little own and unaware Ruggie is behind you, he put his hands in your two eyes, this causes you to shock a little bit and you know the familiar feeling of his hands.
“Ruggie, is that you?” Ruggie soft chuckles and he turns you toward him, you look at him, “Shishishi, I love the way you make that face when every time I surprise you.” he sits next to you and he put the bag a-side of him.
He grabs the box of donuts and opens them, then he gives you one of your F/F and he knows you love that flavor very much. You grab the donuts and take a bite and you love the flavor so much, “How do you know my favorites.” Ruggie suddenly blushes at this, and the reason he knows is that he asks one of his close friends where to go it. This spot where the view of the sea is very beautiful so deep and fresh air around it and you enjoy this very much.
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Anyone wonders why Floyd would ask you to meet him on the ship since your BFFs Ace and Deuce ask you what Floyd asked you and you said “ He said wanted to meet me at the ships and I wonder is it.” and Ace and Deuce look at each other as if something bad is gonna happened but is nothing bad so they just want to your okay.
Floyd was so excited to spend his time with you! Oh boy, he wants to you his instrument that he has and he does know music since he was in middle school with his twin brother and Azul.
After a few hours went he out to find you, and soon he find you — you were getting some sweets such as cotton candy and cream waffles with syrup.
“Shrimpy!!” Floyd said with a hug smile on his and open arms ready for you, when you were saying something.
 Floyd quickly hugs you very tight and spins you around making you kind of dizzy and you try to pull out yourself from Floyd but he’s very strong, after a minute he stops and laughs with an unusual himself.
“Shrimpy there you are!” he’s so excited while not letting the excitement get to him but he just could not wait to be with you.
You look at Floyd with a small smile on your face, “Hello, Floyd, are you ready to go?” Floyd nods and with that Floyd holds your hand and leads the way. After you and Floyd arrive at the destination, you see can the sea and how the sea creature swims around. Floyd laughs at your curiosity at the — he finds this amusing.
“Shrimpy!! Look at me.” you look everywhere around you but couldn't find Floyd and when you were about to give up, suddenly something popped out at the water, and it was Floyd holding a Passiflora Coral Sea, and they look very pretty. 
“This for you, Shrimpy!” he smiles while he lids up at the flower at you, and yes, you get the flower and smile at him. Honestly, he looks so cute with his sailor outfit before when turning to his eel form, but still, maybe you’ll tell him to take pictures with him.
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Rook invited you somewhere on a ship and you said, “I would love to go with you, Rook.” with a smile on your face.
So Rook has his sailor uniform and gotta today that he looks like those 1900’s sailors films and with his charms would amaze you!
When you and Rook when to an expanse ship he rents it just for you. You look at Rook, “Rook, this is very beautiful….” then he smiles and gets closer to you, “Not beautiful as you.” making you blush.
You and him most romantic moment because you and he brought some waffles and coconut cream and there so good! And went to the ships again but bigger!
Once you and Rook get there, you can see the sky turning orange and how beautiful it looks.
You walk toward the edge of the ship and you look down at how deep the ocean is and you feel cool air blowing around, the shy still orange as the seagulls fly around the port festival — honestly this is the best thing this happened to you. While on your little thoughts, Rook slowly stands behind you and he whispers sweet things to you, “Mon chéri, you look very delightful right now.” he says softly into your ears.
You look at Rook and smile, “Rook, you know this best day I could ever have and with you is even better!” as hugging him and of course, he hugs back his chère is very special to him — as you and he watch the glowing orange in the sky.
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bimiio · 7 months
OMG TY 4 ASKING!!!!! i didn’t wanna talk too much abt it in case y’all didn’t care but since u askedddd >:33 gonna put it under da cut cuz it’s super long i’m srry idk how 2 tell stories short
basically i went 2 dis sapphic night at a bar w my older sister n it was lowkey kinda lame so we were planning on going 2 an after hours once it was over but while we were outside so my sister could smoke dis girl came out w her friend n complimented my hair. n like at first it was all very platonic cutesy “i love your hair it’s amazing i always have to compliment curly hair” cuz her hair was also curly but then we stood out there 4 a WHILE n started chatting n she eventually started flirting w me. she was a fem so when she started flirting i told her i’m only rlly into butches/studs/mascs but i can potentially get down w fems n then she was like “baby i’m a top” n i was like “oh rlly? :3” n ig she kinda took dat as her in cuz she asked 2 kiss me a little while later but i said no bc my sister was literally right there n i could tell dis girl wanted 2 FUCK me. she was like SUPER forward n rlly dominant (in a good way i liked it) so she was just like “that’s fine you can kiss me later we have all night” cuz her n her friend decided 2 join in on mine n my sisters after hours plans. i was like cold outside but her n my sister were still smoking so i was like “i’m gonna go inside” n she was like “give me a little kiss on the cheek before you go” n so i did >///<
da sapphic night at da bar ends n we end up making our way 2 da after hours n da whole time she’s talking sm game 2 me tryna make me all blushy n nervous (she was succeeding). we get 2 da afters n i’m like dead sober atp but she’s still buzzed n my older sister n da girls friend took molly 2gether so they were on their own shit but da afters didn’t serve any alcohol!!!!! we went in n it wasn’t bad i was just wayyyy too sober 2 b enjoying it so we were like “let’s go to this other bar that serves til 4am then we can come back here since they’re open til 10am” so we uber 2 dis other bar n it’s CLOSEDDDDD??? on a saturday night in da gayest part of town at 3am????????? so atp we’re all annoyed cuz we had 2 pay $30 cash + $5 coatcheck EACH 2 even get into da afters n now we’ve come 2 a bar dat’s CLOSED so wut do we do??? well da girl who was flirting w me saves da day she’s like “ykw i live in the area let’s just go to my place and drink then go back to the afters” so we all agree on dat n then take another uber 2 her place
atp my poor introverted sister is not feeling da molly enuff n just wants 2 go home but she still came 2 da girls apartment just so she’d know exactly where i was. so we get up 2 her apartment n realize her roommate is home so we have 2 b quiet n my sister goes home so now it’s just me n da girl n her friend. she told me 2 keep on my boots bc i was saying they’re super annoying 2 untie n retie so she was like “it’s fine just keep them on, if you take them off we’ll never go back out” so i kept em on. even tho i felt so bad cuz da little heel was clacking on da floors n i didn’t wanna wake up her roommate i was tiptoeing around da whole apartment💔 she also gave me one of her hoodies cuz i was complaining abt how cold it was in her apartment cuz my outfit was slutty n tiny
anyways she’s still a lil buzzed n her friend is on molly so they just pour a drink 4 me n then pull out dis tray of brownies so we can have a little snack but then as we’re eating them they rmmbr da friend’s italian mother had made pasta but he had left it in da car n she was like “i will literally pay you to go down and get it that sounds SO good rn”. n i will b honest in da moment i rlly thought she just wanted pasta but in retrospect i’m realizing she sent her friend away n he was in on it cuz there’s no way it takes like 30 mins 2 get one single item from ur car dat’s in da parking garage of da building we’re in😭
so her friend leaves 2 go get da pasta n me n her move from her kitchen 2 her couch n we’re just talking while i sip on my little drink. n listen i’m usually da one dat’s making ppl nervous but she was SO dominant i literally couldn’t even look at her cuz of how nervous (in a good way ofc) she was making me. but bc i’m stubborn n kind of a brat i refused 2 just let her have me right away so i’d already been kinda making her chase me n make her intentions clear all night n i kept refusing 2 look at her n stuff while we were on her couch cuz like shut up if i’m not da one making u nervous i at LEAST have 2 play hard 2 get. n she entertained it 4 like 15-20 mins but then just cut da shit n was like “listen he’s gonna be back up in a little bit and i wanna kiss you before he gets here. can i?” n THEN i was like “hehe yeah :33” n so she started kissing me n it wasn’t super aggressive or anything like it was tame enuff dat i could keep my glasses on without them bein too in da way but it was still like deep hot kisses
i was sitting perched a little awkward (cuz again i was still wearing boots n i didn’t wanna get them on her furniture) which was unintentionally putting distance between us so she like gently pushed me back n lowered me down so i was laying on her couch n then she climbed on top of me n hiked my legs up over her hips n kept kissing me. we made out like dat 4 a bit n she started feeling me up n unzipped da hoodie she’d given me 2 wear n pulled my top down (it was a skimpy little cropped tube top btw it didn’t take much effort 2 move it) n started kissing down my neck n chest n sucking on my tits.. n THEN!! we heard da fucking key in da door so she got off me n i pulled my top back up n we just sat next 2 each other giggling n welcoming her friend back in :3
he OBVIOUSLY knew wut was happening n we rlly weren’t tryna hide it cuz she had been very forward n outwardly openly trying 2 kiss (read: fuck) me all night (even while my sister was still there like please😭) so nobody was shocked nobody was tryna pretend shit didn’t happen we just didn’t want him 2 see my tits n her defiling me dat’s all
so then we kinda go back 2 just bein normal. i sip on my little drink, they heat up da pasta (yes da pasta was real it just definitely didn’t take 30 mins 2 retrieve dat’s all), i go pee, etc. i come back out n then she starts FEEDING ME!!! it was so cute i felt like her baby like she was twirling it around da fork 4 me n hovering a hand under my chin while i took da mouthful n she gave me water too :3 i rlly hadn’t drank much but she was making sure i was fed AND hydrated ^_^
as all dis is happening her friend is on his phone texting ppl n wutnot n then he’s like “some of my friends are at this gay bathhouse nearby, i’m gonna go meet up with them”… GIRL👀 as soon as he said dat my little slutty ass bent down n started untying my boots bc i KNEWWWW i would not b going out again 4 da rest of da night😭 they went back n forth a bit abt him being safe n who he was going out w n all dat but ultimately he did end up going out so then it was just me n her alone
after he left we moved back 2 her couch n she brought me a blanket cuz i was still cold even with her hoodie n now dat i didn’t have boots on i was curled up in da corner of da couch. eventually she like leaned in n we started kissing again n dis time it was a LOT heavier. i stopped her like 10 seconds in just 2 take off my glasses cuz i was like these r just gonna get in da way. once i took them off she was like all over me again she was on top n my legs were wrapped around her again n she was feeling me up. after a while of dat she was like “tell me what you want” n i got all shy i was like “i dunno” n she was like “wdym you don’t know? do you want me to keep kissing you?” n i was like “yeah <33” n pulled her back in. after a bit more kissing she was like “listen, this isn’t even me tryna make a move, it would just be more comfortable. do you wanna move to my bed?” n i was like “oh shut up. that’s NOT making a move?” n then she got all in my face n got her lips near mine n went “no. anything i’d do to you in there i’d do to you out here” all sexy n i was like😳🫣🫠
then i remembered her roommate was home n i was ummm yeah ok maybe we shouldn’t stay out here💀 but before we got up i got a little nervous even tho she told me she was a top so i was like “ok wait before we go i just need to confirm that it’s ok with you that i’m a stone bottom. like i don’t top AT ALL. i’m a pillow princess, i don’t reciprocate, i don’t give head, i don’t use my fingers, none of it. are you SURE that’s ok?” n she was SO reassuring she was like “yes that’s fine! i’m a top, i don’t need you to do anything to me. i wanna do what you wanna do, whatever feels good” n then i STILL asked “are you SURE?” n then after she reassured me one more time we actually got up n went 2 her bedroom >:3
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koolcece22 · 5 days
Enter Venomgirl
Hobie's Pov 
Waiting for my main man Miles to return. He and ex-boss had a little talk with Spot. wondering what they talked about since Miguel and Shade were having a talk on their own. At least give her min. Man.
I was chilling with Pav, Gwen, and 42 in Peni’s lab as she was working on her Mech again. Got damaged pretty badly from her last battle on her earth so Margo was helped on her Earth as best they can.
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” I smirked at Peni knowing I asked her like fifty times in an hour. All four of them look at me annoyed but hey, trying to lighten the mood, I've been pretty moody lately. 
“Unless you know how to fix a nuclear reactor plasma accelerator that can be stable enough to create energy without going nuclear, then no.” 
I’m smart but not that smart. Then again I was able to create my own watch with just a few stuff from Miguel’s lab so maybe not that hard. Soon a light fills the room as a portal opens up. Miles then pops out, he looks beat up but not too badly.
“You ok mate?” I asked if I knew he could take care of himself but after being captured by that Doctor Rose asshole…things were weird.  Miles nodded 
“I'm a good man, Scorpion was just having a bad day. Did anything happen while I was gone?” Miles said as he took off mask and sat down next to Gwen and tried to steal 42’s food. He wasn’t having it.
“Nah, mate, just bugging Peni here. Shade all heals up and talking to Miguel. We heard that your Doc Ock got out.” Miles nodded with a disappointed look on his face. I can tell he was about to blame himself for this. 
“Mate you better not pull the ‘This is my fault, she my responsibilities’ crap”
“But she is! Running around the muilt-verse mess up another earth that now endangers and-”
“Miles!” Gwen walked up to Miles and put her hands on his shoulder. She gave a small smile to him. Them being close the longest. 
“Look, this isn’t your fault, no one is blaming you. Right now we're going to help stop Doc Ock again.” 
“Yeah! We kick her butt like last time, we Spider-people always find a way.” Pav chimes in. before I could also we all heard a phone ring. At first, I thought it was 42’s phone then I looked down at it coming from my pocket. I reach in and pull out the phone Zee gave me when I met them. I am amazed it still works. I answer it and put on speaker so the others can hear,
“Hobie? Can you hear me?”
“I can hear you loud and clear. Long time, no hear. you ok?”
“Yeah, Me and the kid are fine. After Venomgirl went into…Berzerk, there was chaos all around. My other informant was able to free us and make sure Shade was ok.” 
We looked at each other, wondering who the other informant was. We know of Timothy but they had a second one? Why didn’t they mention them?
“I have a favor to ask you. I try to reach your boss, Miguel right? But I don’t know how, but my informant has an idea where the collider is.”
I and the others were taken back by the news, we thought it was in the main building that we were stuck in. so even if the spider we sent out did their job they wouldn’t even find anything. 
“So he found where it is and I think he needs some help. He is a very stubborn guy and also…I want to make sure does his job. I have known him for years but trust with him is a penny a dozen.”
“Don't they mean nickel dozen?” I heard Pav whisperer to Miles
“It's a dime a dozen for me,” he whispered back, Zee brought our attention back to them.
“Look, he said he can hack it abit to shut down enough for you guys to come here to help. I was going to bribe your boss.”
Now, I was wondering what they meant, until we all saw that phone was loading a picture. It looks like it was done loading till it shows a picture of a woman. We all looked at the picture trying to guess who this was.
“She is a…symbiote. I think that's what the Carnage guy is. So she is not from here so she is hanging out with me till you guys finish the job with my informant.”
“Wo wo wo! You can’t keep an anomaly there! She will glitch out if stays there any longer.” Gwen pointed out. I agree we need to send her back to her earth right away. Her staying any longer who knows when she bleeps out.
“She's fine, she's wearing the same thing that you all are wearing. So she is fine. But like I said she stays till you do your end. So hop to it heroes." With that Zee hangs up the phone, leaving us all stunned on how Zee can do that. I know they have trust issues but I didn’t think it was that bad. Then again when you living on earth were bloks like the Sixs running the place, I wouldn’t blame them for not trusting us. 
I look at my watch and set it to Earth-2424. It looks stable to travel there now, so this is a chance to get in. I hit the button to open the portal to it. 
“I’ll go, I’ll be in and out.”
“I’m coming too.” Miles chimes in, even though he just came from a mission on his earth. Before anyone injected Miles jumped into the portal before we could. We look at each other knowing when he does these kinds of things mainly to prove to us he can do it. I sigh, he doesn’t have to prove anyone.
“Great, guess I make sure he is not doing anything dumb.” 42 put on his mask and also jumped in. I look back at Gwen,Pav, and Peni. hinting to cover for us, last thing we need for Miguel throwing a fit. I jumped in.
Miles’s Pov
I exited the portal and it was nighttime on this earth, I looked around and saw some park area. The trees were all white and the leaves were black, oddly pretty in a way. I didn’t have time to bask as my spider sense went off and I dodged 42’s punch, I guess he followed me. Even with the mask on I can tell he was not happy that I jumped head first. But I need to do this, we need more information on my Doc Ock.
“Are you trying to get killed?! You know what we're even doing. For Spider-man you're so dumb.”
“I have an idea what we're doing, I just haven’t figured out how to execute my plan.
If it wasn’t for his mask I could tell he raise an eyebrows
“And that is?”
“Details! Details!”
“That Miles for you.” me and 42 turn to see Hobie with his hands in his pocket. He pulled out a string that was a shiny silver color. I can tell that was Andrea’s healing webs. Her spider power to heal is so godly but i’m not complaining. Every group needs a healer. Even though that healer can be scary sometimes.
He gave it to me and I ate it. It tastes like nothing but it is still weird to eat it. I can feel my body feeling much better. 
“You so own me a healing web you know that mate?”
I nodded “yeah I know, I'm going to have to do med duties to be on her good side.” I sigh. I guess Gwen,Pav, and Peni are going to cover for us, that's why they didn’t go. We looked around to something that screamed an evil hideout. So far nothing but trees. 
“ They send me a bunch of brats?”
All three of us were taken back by the voice. It sounds deep and distorted. It has a chill to it too. The fact my spider sense didn’t go off, so he sounded friendly…kind of.
“ I guess you three brats will do. Not like I have a choice.”
“How about come out and stop being a scary voice.” 42 retorted not liking the fact we can’t see him. I don’t blame him.
“ I’ll pass, hurry up and follow me.” 
Before we can tell him how, a black spot appears in front of us. It looked like a shadow, it started to move, I guess we followed it. We walk farther down the park till in front of a tree. It looks bigger than the others, for a normal person someone could have passed it like any other tree in this park. I tapped the bark and sure enough it was metal. 
“Hope no dog took a piss here. Heard the stain is hard to get out.” I joked, 42 rolled his eyes I can tell. Hobie snicker.  We all stopped what we were doing when we saw the black spot go under the tree. We heard a noise like gears moving. Soon we heard the door open to show us a set of stairs that lead down to somewhere. Got it, underground evil lab.
Hobie looked inside and hit the walls of the place hearing the echo. “Man, this place would be great for a concert. I love the underground scene.” 
Before I or 42 can say anything the black spot went ahead of us. It passed my feet and it was the coldest thing I ever felt. Man, whoever or whatever this person is, he cold. But something tells me we should trust him.
“ Follow.” the voice said, we followed down for felt for away, man it deep. Once we reach the end of it, we open the door to see a clearing to a hallway. It looks like it is not abandoned compared to the stairwell. We heard voices down the hallway giving more confirmation that there people are still here. 
“ Hurry up and follow me, and don’t get us caught” the black spot quickly went down the hallway, faster than we could keep up. We have to sneak past a lot of scientists and guards. The black spot went through a door, 42 put his claws gloved hand on the door to short circuit and we opened the door. When we entered there was a massive window that showed the collider. We saw people down there and we noticed one guy
“Isn’t that Dr. Rose guys?” 42 said as we looked down. I hope this is a one way window. We heard a noise to the right, I turned to my right and saw a hand coming out of the black spot we were following, it didn’t look human. It was hulking like, with claws and skin was black with red spikes. It was typing on the computer, I was taken back abit, this person probably can’t be out in public. What is this guy?
“ Make sure no one comes here while I override this thing.”
We nodded as we kept watch. I look down and see a button for the speaker. We can hear what they are talking about.
“Hey, let's see what they're talking about.” I told the others. 42 and Hobie nodded as I hit the button, we can hear what this Dr. Rose guy is up to. Judging from the sound he doesn't seem to be happy. 
“I can’t believe someone shut down Collider 2!! Do you have any idea how long it is going to take to power this thing back up?! Ugh! I had a date and now I have to cancel it! That place was so hard to get in even with my stats as a hero. Great One! And now I still can’t find that kuso symbiote that I've been testing on!!” Dr. Rose screamed at the other scientist that was there cowering in fear. I note that some smoke was coming off from his body, similar to the one that hit Shade back at the other lab. Guess those guys don’t want to be there when he is mad. Don’t blame them if that smoke messes up their mind.
“But sir, it looks like someone with the code was able to shut it down manually.” one of the scientist
“I DON’T CARE!! Get this kuso thing working by the end of vucking day or all you guys are going to join the Alachpolice! Got it?! 
“Yes sir!” all of the scientists scatter around, frantically trying to get the machine started again. I wonder if this was how Miguel and Shade came back? Miguel did say that creepy woman Penny did shut it down for them to escape. As I was thinking we heard the machine turn on. We all thought they figured out how to get back on till the machine started to malfunction, something that we all saw so many times, an unstable collider.
“WHAT THE VUCK IS GOING ON?!”  he heard Dr. Rose was shouting in a panic as he and the others tried to figure out what was going on with the collier. I look at Shadow blob hands still looking like he is doing something. He seems to be hacking into it. Guessing to overheat it to destroy it. 
We saw that black and white wrapping as bubbles. I know what is going to happen next as my Spider-sense was high alert and so was Hobie as we got 42 and duck down behind desk as like wrapping spreading with a mighty boom the collar was destroyed. The blast was strong enough to cause a creak in the window, not enough to break it entirely. 
Me, 42 and Hobie got under the desk as we looked around, weren’t not the only ones as some of the scientists also climbed up from their desk to not get caught up from the explosion. Dr.Rose came from the smoke cloud that he used to protect himself. He also looked around and he looked absolutely pissed.
“I see once again my colliar has been destroyed. Your earth have great technology but I see you have yet to use it correctly." We heard a voice from the speaker. Were amazed it still worked. It took me a second to recognize the voice, my eyes widened as we looked down to Doc Ock. 
my Doc Ock. 
she looked like she got her gear back and it looked like it was upgraded. Dr. Rose brash himself off and fits his top hat. He gave her a sneer look while she smirked. I don’t know if he is a Doc Ock variant but Doc Ock variants never get along. They all have superior complex
“Well, my good lady Doctor, you're the one using our tech so you will have to take it or leave it.” He then snaps his finger as one of his droids appears in front of him with a tablet. “It looks like it was overridden to be used to its maximum power.”
Doc Ock looks at the tablet and examines it. “Someone maximizes it. Also it looks like…”
Doc Ock looked down at her right on the desk next to her, she wasn’t the only one as Dr.Rose also looked down.
“The light.” 42 whispered to me as he pointed at the light of the speaker to indicate that it was on. Both Dr.Rose and Doc Ock look up at our direction. Even though it is a one way mirror I'm getting the feeling they can see us.
Dr. Rose glared at us as he had a button on his wrist. Once he hit it the door behind us was slammed shut with a steel door and the window too. A red light blare with an alarm. 
“Get the intruder! Make sure there is one piece, I want a new test subject." We still heard him but then we heard static, he wanted us to hear what he was going to do to us. 
“ What the vuck you three brat do?!” The Shadow blob stops what he was doing and now in front of us. Staring at us with red glowing eyes and he was pissed.
“Nothing! We was over hearing what they said and there is a Doc Ock that is not from here that is helping your Dr.Rose! And I guess they saw we were listening.” I quietly said that last part, I will admit even though I have invisible I’m not the most stealthest Spider-men. The Shadow growled deeply now and was more annoyed.
“ Por eso trabajo solo !” he cursed to himself in Spanish to my surprise, almost sounding like Miguel when he cursed when he tried to hide it from us. 
We can hear people outside the door ready to bust in to capture us. Hobie pulled out his guitar ready to fight, so did 42 charging his claws glove. I looked down at the blob who looked like he was about to leave us. I went in to grab him making sure he didn't leave. 
God it was like dipping my hands in ice water
“Hey! You can’t just leave us here! Is there a way out?”
“ For me, yes. but for you, no. good luck you brats .”
“What you just can’t leave us! You better help us. Zee said you were their best informant. I bet you fought out like this before.” I said, trying to get us out here.
“ I have, I prefer not to .” 
We heard the banging getting louder as they were about to bust in any second. I looked at Shadow Blob, his red eyes were squinting like he was in pain. 42 was losing patience as went over to us.
“You better help us fight them off or you're going to be the one explaining to our moms, Miguel, and Shade why we're now being tortured because your boss has trust issues!!”
“ FINE! Just shut up Miles! ” we were all taken back that he knew 42’s real name. We know Zee only knows Hobies, how does he know ours? I looked down to see the Shadow spot was getting bigger as it came from the grounding tower and 42, even Hobie looked back with his eyes widened.
“ This would be so much easier if HE never came here. This is all a vucking pain to deal with because of HIS attachment for you. " We heard him say it sounded like more to himself than to us. What emerged from the shadow was a black creature with red marks that had a similar pattern as Miguel’s skull spider. Its hair was long and spike-like. It had a long tail that whipped wildly. His red eyes were staring at us. 
“ Now I have to protect you because of him. ” he hissed
Third Person’s Pov
Dr. Rose was in front of the Alchpolice, he took all their collars off so they were in kill mode. Killing anyone who he targeted, Doc Ock walked up to him trying to see the cameras on who was in there, but something told me she knew who. 
She figures that Spider-man or Spiderpeople will figure out that she broke out of prison and hopped into other Earths. Nothing is going to stop her from containing the power of the multiverse. Last time she was so close. If it wasn't for Miguel taking the other half she would truly have the multiverse in the palm of her hand.
Everyone then heard a loud bang coming from the door, they turned to see a huge dent, then another, then another, another until the steel door flew from its hinges smashing to the other side of the wall. Dr,Rose and Doc Ock were able to get out before the door broke down and crushed them. A black smoke filled the hallway. 
The black and red creature with glowing red eyes growled at the Alchpolice who backed away from him. They ready there weapons trying to kill him. Before any of them can move the black creature stomped the ground making the floor all black. Dr. Rose and Doc Ock was able to get on the ceiling just in time before the blackness gotten them. They were glad too as the blackness swallow the Alchpolice that was caught in it. 
“What the hell is that?!” Doc Ock shouted looking at her data she collected through her glass of all the variants she crossed during her Muilt-verse crossing. She has never met a creature like that before, was it native to only this Earth? As if there was someone with Compound R that was strong, the Valiant Six would have at least informed her about it. 
Dr.Rose glared at the black creature as it glared back.
“ Blackheart. let's just say he's someone we hate dealing with more than Venomgirl.” Dr.Rose hit a bottom on his wrist to call more Alchpolice to take care of Blackheart. He then grabbed Doc Ock and ran away not wanting to deal with him today. 
Blackheart sighs knowing he didn’t have to fight Dr.Rose. it's not like his gas would affect him. He looks at the three Spider kids who look at him surprised as he was able to deal with them all by himself. Before any of them could say or do anything the door down the hall opened up to reveal more of the Alchpolice. Blackheart not wanting to fight anymore then he has to, open the blackness again this time around him and the group. They all fell in as the black shadow sped off.
It speeds off to the surface and makes some distance from the underground lab. Once they were far away from the lab the blackness opened up and spit out Miles,42 and Hobie who was coughing from being inside of it. They could breathe and felt like they were drowning. Miles was cursed at Blackheart who also came out of the darkness. He groaned, leaning on a tree and grabbing his stomach in pain. Swallowing a bunch of people all in one isn’t the greatest feeling in the world.
“What the hell was that?!” 42 choked out having no choice to take off his mask to breathe easy. Miles also made sure he was ok at the same time trying not to throw up from what he just experienced.
“I like crazy rides but I think I’ll pass the next time you offer that.” Hobie choked out. Blackheart rolled his eyes not liking the joke he made. Blackheart knows he is going to be sick for a week after that stun. He walked over to Hobie and gave him the USB drive that he was working on. 
“ Here. give that to Zee so you can take that symbiote out of here.” 
Hobie nodded looking at this thing. He had to ask
“Is there a reason why Zee don’t trust you?” he asked Blackheart look back annoyedly 
“ I’m a demon, you humans would never truly trust me. ”
“Wait, you're not someone with Compound R?” Miles asked as he helped 42 up as he put his mask on so Blackheart could see his face. Blackheart shook his head and folded his arm.
“ That stuff would work on me even if I was born with it. Just hurry up and get out of this earth. ” Blackheart started to melt into the blackness that appeared under the feet. Before he complete fall into the darkness he look at the group one last time
“ How is Shade? She ok?” he asked, and they were taken back so that he knew her real name. 
“She's a good mate, much better. She likes us, she bounces back and our cunt of a boss makes sure she is ok.” Hobie said while Miles and 42 kind of wish he didn’t call Miguel a cunt of a boss.
“ Fine. but if anything happens to her…pray you never come back to this earth. ” Blackheart fall completely in the darkness only his glowing red eyes staring back at them giving them a chill from his gaze. “ Or you will be dealing with me.”
“Ah, I see you guys were able to collect the data I asked for.” Zee said gleefully. As they examine the content of the UBS drive. There was a ton of the information then time that Timothy went to get. 
“Is there a reason why you don’t trust Blackheart? I mean he is a demon, sure, but how long has he been working for you?” Miles asks while he and 42 check on Agony who was unconscious, this might be due to all the glitch she's been through even with a watch that looks like it shuts off. 
“Let's just say he has his motive to interfere with mine. We have similar goals but that doesn’t make us friends. And how long I worked him, four years a little after my other informant…passed.”  Zee then threw the UBS drive at Hobie who caught it. 
“Give that to your boss so he could use it. I got what I wanted. Take her and get out before the Valiants turn on the other one.”
“The other one?” Miles asked, before he could get his answer Hobie opened the portal back to HQ, knowing they needed to get Agony back to stable as soon as possible.
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pissplayground · 8 months
Can I share a story that happened last week? I love these accidentally holds, Ignore if no
So I was teaching all day, I asked this one student during Homeroom to pass my bottle as it was on the other side of the room. She said oh miss it’s so hot and your bottle is still full! It’s already 1pm. Why don’t you drink half now and finish the bottle before you go home. So I said alright I’ll try to! I drank about half and had one more class before I could go home. I managed to finish the bottle and called for a taxi to take me home. Usually it’s like 10-15 mins away so I have time to use the bathroom before I head home. This time I’m the taxi was like 5 mins away and it takes about 5 mins to get to the main gate from my classroom. Will all my bags I quickly rushed to the gate. Now home is like 35-40 minutes away so I was listening to music and trying to distract myself. I wasn’t bursting at this point cuz I had gone like 2 hours ago. Once I got home my aunt said she made me a snack and it would get cold and my cat would eat it if I didn’t sit down straight away. I drank another two glasses of water with my snack. Now they wanted to hear about my day and I had some work to catch up on that was urgent so couldn’t use the bathroom then..
fast forward to like 6pm and I had university. Again my friend took me to get a drink before class started. I had an iced chocolate before class and was siping my water bottle during class. I was starting to become more squirmy and my friend noticed. She asked if I had to use the bathroom but I said I didn’t want to miss any lecture. Around 7:20 prof said that we would take a 15 min break for food and bathroom. By now I was close to full. Usually I go to the bathroom across the hall from my lecture but it was closed! So I quickly walked to another bathroom that was being cleaned! By now the 10 mins were up and I had to get back to class for my lecture. I had to ask some questions after class was over and there were people infront of me so I had to wait an extra 30 mins to ask my questions and by now I was fully squirming! I asked my questions quickly. I checked the bathrooms again to see if they were open before calling for a taxi again. They were still closed! And again I lived like 35-40 mins away so it felt like suuuccchh a long drive but thankfully I made it before I burst!
Wow, what a LONG day of holding! Sounds super fun in the end though. Thanks for sharing!
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AITA For no longer wanting to continue a mutual hobby, started with a friend?
Hello! Long time lurker first time asker. Sorry if the title is a bit confusing!
Long story short I (27 ftm) recently started rock climbing as a hobby and a fun to exercise. For context I'm a heavier person, so I wanted to do a physical hobby that I could do at my own pace. I started with a 101 top-rope course and invited a long time friend of mine to attend with me (they suggest taking the class in pairs). After that I took a bouldering 101 course by myself (my aforementioned friend said they weren't interested, totally understandable).
I've since started to take climbing more seriously and ramped up to going 2-3 times a week (I live a 10 min walk away from the climbing gym). Also going earlier in the day to avoid the peak hours as i'm immunocompromised so the less people the better. This month will be my 4th month doing so.
We originally started climbing together however after a few weeks of meeting up once a week, they kept bailing with little to no notice (or telling me 11:30 pm the night before). Also when we'd met up the last time she brought her boyfriend along. Even though I said i'd prefer to meet him for the first time in a more relaxed environment (not me dripping with sweat and out of breath). He's a nice enough guy but I just don't want to spend time with him in this specific setting lol.
I have a very erratic work schedule vs my friend who a has pretty stable work schedule. So I find I often have to take initiative to message them (the week before) asking what days work for them. That way I can reference what days I have off. They often ignore the message for a few days or answer the morning of.
They've called out every week for the two months+. Either saying they're too tired, don't feel like it, forgot their gym clothes and or have other plans. I'm totally fine with this! Life happens and sometimes you don't have the energy for these activities. However what cheeses me off is I feel like I always have to comfort them, so they don't feel bad they bailed again and they give me little to no notice.
About 2-3 weeks ago I asked them about dates to hang out (I also specified we didn't have to climbing, even just to go hang out for coffee or something lol) and they haven’t responded, but I see them posting online with their other group of friends. Again I’m not mad about them not wanting to go, or hanging out with their other friend-group but I’d appreciate some sort response.
The thing is I also have ANOTHER friend who is interested in coming with me to try it out. Both of these friends of mine don't get along anymore. At one point all three of us where pretty close mutual friends. Nothing crazy dramatic happened but they had a falling out and they no longer interact with each other at all.
I however am still friends with both of them. They also both know I am still friends with the other friend (if that makes sense).
For possible added context I have ASD, so this sometimes causes issues when reading peoples intentions or possible passive aggression. I also get very anxious when my planned schedule/routine gets thrown off and often can derail my entire day.
So to sum it up, AITA for wanting to climb by myself, or other people besides the friend originally started the hobby with? Even if these two people aren't really friends anymore? Am I being just too hard on them? Am I just not picking up on something? Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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jbitchboy · 2 years
The anticipated Part 2
After the break Mistress G asked me if I knew what the best way to put a strap on was. I of course feeling a little cheeky said to have me put it on for you.... this was met with a stern look and a devilish smile.
'Dont move I'll show you' as I sat there and the realization of what was going to happen I regretted my comment.
Mistress G walked back in with a harness and an assortment of dildos one bigger and thicker than the next.
'Open' I knew instantly what she expected and opened my mouth.
'Dont you dare close it'
Nodding and watching as she took the smallest and started pushing in my mouth. All the way in. She laughed.
'I can see you've done this before'
Next size up, again a laugh.
This went on for another 2 sizes when I started gagging.
'That's better' was her words when she fed an 8 in red monster into my mouth.
'So you want to put it on me right. You think I'm gonna allow you to get close to touching me. Only men touch me not caged boys.... but I will allow you to help'
With my mouth still open she put the strap in the harness and then pushed it into my mouth. Mistress G had me gagging on her big red cock while she was doing up the straps. Wonderfully humiliating and seeing her in that stance and the power she dripped was mind blowing.
I was led still cuffed back to the previous spanking bench. This time however only my wrists and ankles were cuffed to it. I could still move around quite a bit. Luckily
Mistress G then kissed my forehead put her cock in front of my face and told me to kiss it.
Walking around to my exposed ass I felt the lube I felt her fingers and then all in one I felt the head of her cock stretching my ass. With the head in..... 'fuck yourself' without hesitation I moved back onto her cock as deep as I could. Her hand on my ass the other around the leash.... 'more' I went back further moaning 'more or I'll do it' that was the deepest fuck I've ever had.
Mistress G laughing at me as I moaned a groaned and laughed harder as I welped as her nails dug into my balls.
A rampant fucking of my ass started I could feel my full balls bouncing around I could feel Mistress G's nails digging into my back I could feel her power and authority seeping into my spine.
Then I could feel nothing just a gaping empty hole behind me.
Breathing hard drool pooling in front of me. My mental state questionable. I opened my eyes to see a flesh colored cock in my face and without hesitation started sucking it. 'Slowly her voice soft and gentle I slowed down and sucked realizing that it was a water bottle with a cock shaped lid. Feeling the cold water in my mouth making me realize that this scenario had been and hour and how thirsty I was.
Final 40 min.
Kneeling on the floor in front of Mistress G a bowl of water in front of me and her with a bottle of water in her hand.
MG: 'Thank you James this was fun'
j: 'Thank you Mistress Gail you're amazing'
MG: 'I know, drink your water'
I spent the next 20 min talking to her. How I felt what I enjoyed what she enjoyed how we felt the session went etc. A cool down if you will.
She then made the offer of helping her house slave clean up or being bound while he cleaned up.
In two minds about it. I chose ultimately being bound.
I quite literally have not had that much straps chains and locks on me ever. I was essentially mummified in a combination of leather and chain I lost count for the locks at 15.
Mistress G's house slave dutifully cleaned up and wiped down washed as I stared on unable to move an inch.
When he was done Mistress G called him over to me winked in my direction. Pull down your pants which he did... pink frilly panties and the smallest dick I've ever seen was on display.... look Sammy his caged dick is bigger than yours if you had a dick that size ( take note I'm not particularly well endowed I'm around average) maybe we could also find you a cage.
He bowed his head and nodded.
The next 30 min or so was unstrapping me. Showering getting cleaned up checking the welts putting cream on. When I was finally done. I met Mistress G in her powder room there were 2 cups of tea waiting.
She was a vision of calmness. We spoke for a while about how Jess and I were exploring and how Jess had made all the bookings and how long I'd been in the lifestyle. And how long she had been a professional.
As I was leaving she handed me back the envelope with my cage keys in I saw the seal was broken she laughed and said she was keeping one of the keys in case I came back, then she could make me really cry.
I laughed she laughed
I got into the car and checked the envelope and yes one of the keys was missing lol guess she knew she'd have a repeat customer...
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fashion4standusers · 2 years
i hope this request isnt too out of left field, but do you have any references for piercing jewelry, preferrably multiple ear piercings? funny enough this is actually for me irl, as i intend to get more piercings done but most of the references i find are kind of, tame? and more dainty than i usually like. i like to go into things with at least some idea of a desired end result- but i get it if piercings or recent piercing photos squick you out too bad, or if you dont feel like this is close enough to your wheelhouse!
not my typical request but i like it! i personally don't have a problem with piercings/body mods but I'm gonna put everything under a cut here for the sake of any followers who might have issues with pictures and discussion of needles, piercing, and slightly more extreme procedures.
So, what you described is basically the majority of what i look at on pinterest! I am also currently working on my ear setup (in its infancy, admittedly, i only have double lobes and an industrial but i want to get waaaaay more when i have the time and money!) and i prefer really big, unique pieces over dainty/minimalist ones. Obviously, I'm no professional, so my word isn't gospel and you should ALWAYS do good research and consult a professional before you make any decisions, but i sure have ideas!
I'll get the really extreme one out of the way first and talk about coin slots, bc i'm obsessed with them. It's considered more of a body mod than a piercing because it's completed via cartilage removal and definitely not offered by every piercing studio (and it's actually illegal in some places, so REALLY do your research on this one!). I don't know if i can truly recommend it to you because of this, but if you find someone who knows what they're doing and you think you can handle it, i think it looks incredible. I'd LOVE to get one when I'm out of school and have the money!
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I mentioned Pinterest but it's also worth checking out the subreddits (yeah yeah i know, reddit) for piercing and body mods-- the people there are usually professionals and enthusiasts so their taste is a bit more out there and unique than what you'll find on a google image search. If you search by popular -> all time you should be able to find the good stuff without sorting through all the text posts.
Other than that, I think the best I can do is give you some of the setups that I have saved for inspiration! it sounds like we have similar tastes so maybe i can interest you in what interests me :D since these are coming from pinterest the sourcing may not be perfect but I'll link you back to the pins themselves-- that way you can look at the related images and find even more ideas similar to the ones you like.
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Also while i'm on the subject, i might as well share my experience getting an industrial piercing (the bar that goes across the upper cartilage of your ear like in the fourth pic) for anyone reading this who might be considering it :P For me, it did NOT hurt when it was happening and there was actually very little blood, BUT the pain set in after about 20-30 mins and the first 24 hours after that were a little gnarly in terms of pain, i had to pop a decent amount of ibuprofen. You have to be super careful with it for a long time and it'll easily take a year or longer to heal (i'm on 7 months). Even after months, it will hurt like a BITCH if you hit it/put pressure on it by accident (THINK TWICE WHEN YOU GO IN FOR A HUG WITH SOMEONE. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.) It's also probably best for people with short short hair because longer hair will get caught pretty often. With ALL that said, i do still really love the way it looks and I can't wait for it to be fully healed! I've wanted one since high school and it makes me happy that i finally got one. So, it's definitely worth it if you really want it BUT you should be aware that the healing process is NOT a walk in the park. Hopefully someone reading this was on the fence before and this helped them make a choice, who knows lol
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