#the people with unrealistic expectations for men and women are the ones who are like ''its simple!!!!!!''
astrow1zar6 · 9 months
Astro Notes- 21
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Aqua Venus’s love style is NOT distant & aloof. If they are distant with you or u don’t know where u stand with them 9 times out of 10 they are very uninterested. When they find that one weirdo (cuz they love unconventionals) they are so romantic and clingy. When they find their person its usually their best friend & they do everything together. I think people assume their love nature is distance because that’s how they treat most people but once they find that person it’s nothing like that at all. They’re just really specific & will ice out anything they don’t vibe with. They are really flirty when they have a crush.
Gemini mars are normally amazing with their hands , if uk what I mean 👀😏
Venus in Libras are really amazing party planners. They are really artistically talented when it comes to decorating & hosting social events. They know how to make their environment aesthetically pleasing & make others comfortable in the process.
Sagittarius risings have really loud laughs. They’re those people that when someone says a joke their laugh is usually funnier than the joke 😂
Cancer risings are always victimizing themselves. If underdeveloped this can be one of the most manipulative cancer placements.
Cancers and Taurus always end up together.
Moon in Scorpios can like attention just as much (if not more) than Leo’s. This may sound really shocking given how reserved this sign usually is. But I notice these people really shine in the spotlight. Most really big celebrities have their Moon in Scorpio.
Venus in Taurus love when people put a lot of thought in when buying/making them gifts. They value sentimental things that you can’t just buy anywhere like a knitted blanket, or art you made, pottery, jewelry etc. they like to know you really pay attention to their interests compared to just getting something name branded or a gift card.
Libra risings are always talking about their exes (they normally have a lot of them) they will always randomly bring them up in convos saying how certain things remind them of their exes. It can get a little annoying sometimes 😂
Aries Venus’s tend to not mind being single for long periods of time. I’ve seen this placement never marry or wait really late to finally decide. They are very independent by nature and it’s usually difficult to keep their attention for the long term. Their flame burns bright in the beginning just for it to burn out just as fast. They need a partner who will keep them on their toes constantly. This can be challenging however because they despise things that become to “stable” & “dull” which is why many just stay single. I also notice the women enjoy flirting & talking to men who are taken or married? I have no idea why but I always see women with this placement in that kinda predicament at-least once in their life. Their need for excitement I believe causes them to go for men that are taken for a sorta “challenge”. (This usually never ends well or how they wanted however).
Neptune in the 10th house people can be confused on what career path to take or can have very delusional unrealistic expectations for their careers. (Ex: wanting to be a famous NFL quarterback but never really practices for it). HOWEVER once they do finally decide on a path people can completely idolize these people to an almost worshipping degree. (I believe Jesus Christ has his Neptune in the 10th house). They can be amazing religious/spiritual leaders as well.
A lot of cult leaders have Pluto in the 11th house. These people can also have a very worshipping fan group if they get big in whatever they’re into but their followers have a darker more intense vibe than Neptune in the 10ths. People can easily be obsessed with these people and will do a lot of irrational things to please them. They can persuade people to do anything.
Lilith conjunct ascendant in synastry can be very scary sometimes. The Lilith person will do anything for the ascendant person even if it could ruin their life. Lilith becomes almost hypnotized by the ascendant person. Gypsy rose Blanchard and her bf at the time Nick had this aspect. Nicks Lilith was conjunct her ascendant & she was able to convince him to murder her mother.
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lesser-mook · 7 months
Footage of Texas STANDOFF With 302k Migrants on US-Mexico Border Has Gon...
(shitty *melodramatic thumbnail aside- and brace yourself this is finna get deep, 90% of this is lore)
This is like The Walking Dead Season 4, but the Zombies came with bags and are given free resources after they invade. Literally a zombie horde forcing their way in, to consume resources that should've been going to Americans. 
But this sudden surge of resources given to these aliens shows that the Gov. had the means to help Americans the entire time but chose not to, which we all knew already but it's confirmed by the same people that left us to burn.  
(To clarify, this isn’t on the illegal aliens entirely, like ‘let’s dehumanize these people’ because of the dumb policies our “leaders” made
Yeah some of em are coming here not for some Dream but they want free shit because Biden is an agent, ie. Who allowed them to come in here in the first place? The Illegals aren’t actually taking anything by force--  they’re being GIVEN the motherload by your own Administration)
 What a joke. 
Every Empire has it's fall. America. Your turn.
And how we got here starts with the simple things, like relations, tensions between the power-houses of society. 
The dichotomy, Man & Woman. 2.Two forces of nature, two pieces of an incomplete entity that is the “Hu-man” 
The agenda is simple, it wasn’t quick, it was a slow burn: If these two pieces fit so well together that when they are getting along, things are great, community is stronger, the culture is healthy, values/norms/standards intact- Traditional family works...but the problem is
A civilization united like that well? is a lot harder to fool/control/manipulate.
 So the agenda is simple:
Keep people fighting, invent more labels, enable toxicity/ hostility in the culture, propagandize with stronger signals in the music, movies, political spectrums = Separate men and women on a cultural level. Plant a disconnect and keep it intact.
Drive the sexes apart in the intangible sphere, thought, norms.
Propagandize & overstimulate girls with a crap-ton of unrealistic expectations of themselves and men. 
Give women every incentive not to be responsible with their reproductive powers, to the point young men are stuck with grown children who are looking for Papa at Ages 19-35 to pay for everything and offer next to nothing of their own accord. 
The world owes you for being born female
 And when every woman is a special snowflake & pandered to, womanhood is trivialized, accountability becomes an option. 
It’s why your culture worships “Girl bosses”, you call your adult females “girls” so casually, it’s casual condescension. Patronizing.
It is so casual- WOMEN call each other “girls”. Reinforcing a state of infantilism.
So a bunch of girls and yet you have no “Women”, America has stopped raising women years ago. 
Castrate, degrade, bash and shame men to the point where young women are now stuck with Sub-Males who are out of touch with their balls. 
America doesn’t make men like they used to, they’re too busy neutering them.
And then develop fetishes wanting giant women (aka a hybrid construct of mommy/female authority issues & Gynocentric society) to castrate, degrade, bash, and subjugate themselves- They developed a fetish where they castrate themselves in the exact same fashion society does except they depict actual violence happening. Manslaughter even.
Now, what do you call a condition where a victim normalizes the abuse as a coping mechanism?  Stockholm Syndrome.
Macrophilia is just an advanced/tragic case of mass Stockholm Syndrome.
See psychologists aren’t allowed to say that, they stay very neutral because that’s what keeps them employed. 
But I’m not getting paid for this- so there you go. Macrophilia and it’s mother: (toxic-gynocentrism/ not Women having opportunities-- but TOXIC Gynocentrism/Female Privilege) & it’s father (misandry) are all connected. 
One big inbred family of dysfunction and societal collapse (which if you pay attention that’s what a giant woman mainly does, collapse civilization, cause pain, destroy, evil-
Something women are not, just to put that out there, because I feel it’s necessary or we’ve fallen so hard as a species, that HAS to be said now. Women are not the enemy, Women are not the enemy, Men are not the enemy, Women are not the enemy of Men. 
So it’d be a good idea to stop emulating the hatred that’s implanted.
Macrophiles/ or Macrocreeps as I lovingly dubbed them- are literally/indirectly/ & repeatedly communicating that women will cause or are the collapse of civilization, women being empowered means women are enemies of humanity, women are evil- the same narrative on repeat)
NOW THAT- is misogyny, 100% learned, 0% nature. 
If you were raised in a small town like Black Forest (Germany): 
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or a Mongolian Steppe Nomad life. Healthy upbringing, healthy-equal community for men and women, away from misandry & gynocentrism, unplugged from the Matrix/ aka The HATE-trix
-you’re not going to have this crap living in your head. 
You just might even have a life.
It’s why this movie (The Red Turtle) is so poetic, simple and beautiful. it displays simply what life is without the bullshit:
Every time I watch this movie, I’m reminded what the “human experience” boils down to, as repetitive as it is, it really boils down to having each other, family.
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See people were freaks back in the day, but within reason, this macro-cancer wasn’t really popping back in the 70s when men and women were for the most part in an okay place. 
You get more of a rise of this kind of thing when things are bad between men and women, it’s really a mirror of HOW bad it’s gotten in society or in your own childhood, your mind, your subconscious where seeds are planted.
When men & women are happy on mass, when the culture has shows like Good Times, The Cosby Show, Living single Roseanne, Full House- positive culture, when that is the repeated narrative, positivity, you tend to get positive signals implanted in the people watching it, namely children.
 Fact is, you get an infection in the body when there’s a problem, not when it’s healthy, plain and simple.
See you don’t simply feel the need to replace women with a demonic sociopathic mile-high she-beast or in a neutral sense you need to have Mommy looming over you & make you feel like a loser to feel secure because the giantess needs to be MAN enough for both of you combined: (Hence, women are stuck in a generation of SUB-Males who lost touch with their balls and a lot of the time women have the carry them both) 
And this has nothing to do with confidence, you can be confident and have no balls, want to be mistreated or not know what being a man is about.  There’s a lot of confident losers on this planet, do not confuse the two (Confidence vs Security) together.
vs when you have actual healthy relationships with women throughout life here in reality or a society that doesn’t tell you you’re less than dirt or outright communicates you are stupid, inferior, and something that needs to be fixed or stamped out by a more competent woman presence-
Hellywood definitely hasn’t been doing that, TV shows definitely hasn’t been doing that, Culture, various IRL situations (some caught on camera) definitely hasn’t been communicating that.
One just can’t help but share that misery with the world & await a “congratulations” from fellow cult members for posting the exact same thing for the 15′000th time for the 13th year in a row.. An example of misandrist propaganda birthing a mini-industry of misandrist propaganda. (Though women are victimized as well in the fantasy, lesbians can be macrocreeps too, and the opposite spectrum exists *Giant males* but let’s focus on the popular one, women.)
The compulsion comes from the fact that it’s a generational conditioning operation. I personally think it’s unintentional, there’s no way this shit was calculated, and macrocreeps are too small a group to even be measured as a problem but the problem actually is what they represent, the question: “Where in you is that fantasy coming from?”
What they represent, and what they’re literally showing us (Cry for help / Red Flag) in the content is the concerning factor. And how *consistent it is.
A normal person gets tired of watching the same movie, playing the same game, hell- some people break up from boredom. 
Most fetishists (especially macrocreeps)- DO NOT evolve, grow up or move on, they will stay on the same radio channel for- EVER. I repeat: FOREVER. 
The same horror, the same scenarios but from new artists (so much talent wasted on nonsense, it physically hurts me), the same-
“me male, me insignificant, yes goddess” 
disrespect/Misandry narrative on repeat and repeat and repeat. As per design.
It’s literally a case of an internet economy where nothing changes, like it’s recycling the narrative that their culture convinced them to be true. 
And most will eat it up for years to come (Literal Matrix tier enslavement of the mind)- as if following an installed directive, robotic. If only that level of commitment was shown to marriages or idk actual women? 
But nobody tryna have that conversation, a she-devil in your head who’s entire function is to hurt you & belittle will get more of your time, your skills, investment, devotion than women here in reality, hilarious. 
(And don’t be fooled, these are everyday people, some with families, these aren’t neckbeards but men & women with serious issue, and it’s about time we stopped pretending being broken is a virtue or some kind of badass badge when at the end of the day what you’re producing is blatant misery.
 It’s just ironic the level of commitment given to some lala-land kaiju, a paragon of misogyny that will NOT give you anything back in this life but wasted time, is still more effort than they’d give to women with something to offer)
And it’s even more hilarious that American birthrates started the drop just around the70s to 2020, now that is very interesting to me. Seems like the 70s was just around the tipping point for everyone over in America. Including Biden, because his stance on borders was verrrrry different way back when:
Funny how the media has all the resources to ride Trumps D 24/7 but they conveniently leave out this little gem. 
.Biden In 2007_ “No Great Country Can Say It’s Secure Without Being Able To Control Its Borders”
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And so, again, women are now stuck with a good chunk of  house broken Man-children or live in a culture that cultivates this attitude where some men  in a bizarre sense want to worship women to a disturbing degree and want their mother to domineer over them and tell them how insignificant they are as society successfully programed into them (rarely is it from one experience), thus women are shipwrecked in this generation with a good number of American males-
-who don’t know how to be or afraid to be men (not men’s fault). And yet the consequence is they turn to fantasy, Anime, fetishism- escapism or any escapism where they condition themselves to have unreasonable expectations of girls and women’s behavior, bodies & themselves.
All to overcompensate what they couldn’t or CHOOSE not to step up to be in reality as men. 
Keyword: They <choose> fantasyland over choosing to be better, which is 100% in their control. They’d rather play victim in a fantasy where they lose control instead of growing a goddamn pair.
Product of the times.
Modern day wars on masculinity is what happens when we are taught women have a right to say “no” (True) but as a society we never tell a woman “no”. (A problem)
A woman happily serving the husband is toxic & repressive, but “Happy wife, Happy life” is normalization of men suffering in silence as long as their domestic adult-baby is pacified.
Notice how I’m throwing haymakers in both directions, because either way you slice it (and yes, it does go both ways) on either side it’s not efficient nor sustainable, as we’re now seeing. Everyone actually, because the Americans aren’t the only one’s suffering dropping births.
But it’s only okay when women get the better end of the deal. But the punchline is women aren’t receiving anything good from an atmosphere like this.
Do women today feel safe? Do they trust the men of their country? (that is a big one),  Does their culture prepare girls or pander to them to keep them in a box? Because padding women’s ego’s is a subtle form of control by giving women the illusion of agency.
That’s the ultimate fallacy of a Giant Woman being used by Feminists as an  empowerment symbol, and Fetishists as a symbol of power:  When in fact, a woman that big has even less control over her life because her interaction with civilization (and all the resources they have that she NEEDS from care to tampons) is now limited. The gigantism is fallacy in itself. 
The illusion of control.
Inflating the importance of a woman’s “independence” from men in society (when it’s not dependence to be with a man, it’s coexistence)
Some society shame the egos of men  because they are afraid of what men are capable of when things go wrong (Shootings, R*pe, murder).
When all that needs to be done is to teach boys & men to regulate and channel their ego instead of snuffing it out, teach principle, not hedonism. 
Abusing boys, drugging them up to stay still & smothering masculinity because the result is that a lot of  men now think they have no power and some believe & revel in the narrative they should have no confidence or power and only women should be allowed to have an ego & overwhelming advantage (Gynocentrism).
When it's just another perpetuated narrative (harming women & men) that men should be nerfed because they're a threat and not women because-
 women aren't a threat. Apparently only in a fantasy are they anything close to a danger.
  Exacerbating a woman's ego because you or the system presumes they won't ever do anything about it, zero threat. 
That’s why American culture is biased toward women so hard: They don’t take you seriously.
Misandry  is when the village fears men
Gynocentrism is the result of underestimating women's egos, underestimating women, painfully so.
Which is also why these macrocreeps use the fetish so they can fabricate a woman with near omnipotence over the “tiny”, 
Some psychologist taking on macrophilia theorize (paraphrasing): ‘Macrophiles seek to create women with overwhelming power in light of society lacking female empowerment’...... uhhhhhh excuse you, where have you been in the past 15-20 years of American pop culture & real time events? 
A “LACK” of Female empowerment? What?! 
Women are in fact doing better than the fellas.
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This is a brutal form of gaslighting harder than a politician.
 And you want to know the most insulting part? Their assertion It’s conceivable to an extent but they never dig deeper.
Example: Most of these qualified people will use the “lack of female empowerment” point but rarely do any of them mention the rampant misandry in society & the culture inflating women’s egos, more so the normalization/glorification of male expendability as a logical alternate or logically the primary reason why Macrophilia has taken root in this era specifically to glorify what? You guessed it Glorification of male expendability and inflating the hubris of a woman.
Coincidence, it’s all coincidence.
But you see, when you say men wanting to be destroyed is because of gynocentric society lacking female empowerment: That’s another way of saying:
It’s not the fault of culture putting women on a pedestal at men’s expense as to why men developed stockholm syndrome where they also put women on a pedestal at men’s expense, even to the point of desiring their own oblivion- #Deflection
No instead they assert or suggest women aren’t being gassed up ENOUGH!!!
 So it’s not about men & women being culturally (& possibly at some point physically or emotionally) abused and propagandized- 
let’s make it about women not getting enough pandering, reinforcement, benefits, exceptions, compliments, priority, priority priority, priority. PEDESTAL.
(I think you get it, and I also think you see the problem. Men ARE ALWAYS AT THE BOTTOM, even in a situation where they are the focus per the fetish & might look to these psychologists for answers, somehow these people still make women out to be the victims anyway because society isn’t doing enough, so women deserve more more more.)
THAT right there is the freaking problem, not that women are involved in the conversation, but the fact that men are shelved yet again to make it about women.
But so many go to these pages for answers to be met with enabling the problem further, thus the source of the problem is lying in the place you go to get answers, how ironic. 
The dishonesty with some of these professionals is astounding, and you know what? I don’t think they’re doing it on purpose, that’s the scary part for me.
But yes, I do believe a lot of these people are holding back information or a degree of transparency to prevent from seeming like a persecutor.
Listen, I get empathy, you can’t just come at people any type of way. But if we’re going to get to the bottom of this, we have to stop holding people’s hands. The truth doesn’t exist to breastfeed you, the entire point is to enlighten, teach, and if that involved discomfort that means it’s working. 
And saying essentially ‘women deserve better’ is why men glorify women destroying humanity is just signaling more entitlement, toxicity, excuses, zero accountability. 
And worse? Enabling people to worship Anti-Humanity obsessions.
This isn’t about accountability of women, not this time, Macrophilia wasn’t created by women, it was created by the overall culture, the village, the atmosphere that enabled female privilege, how matriarchal society is despite how patriarchal civilization is or was, but society? Is very matriarchal, Gyno (Women)- Centric.
Namely the people on top that own these companies, these news, media platforms of all types, owning everything we see (global too)- that are pushing the narrative.
Then we wonder why so many ladies are infantile and panic whenever asked “What do you bring to the table?”, this is not women’s fault, mind you. 
How are women supposed to answer the question, when they’re taught that they have all the answers, they’re bosses, they’re in charge, they run the world, the future is female, girlpower, #girlpower, #GIRLPOWER, empowerment, ass-kissing-
WOMAN WORSHIP culture. (Macrocreeps anyone?)
That’s what’s pumped into the average Americano lady like crack, like being reliant on the world to tell them they’re awesome. And then they grow up (physically), trained to be reliant on external validation for life-
A form of control over a woman’s mind, not fantasy but here in reality.
Spend a lifetime with a phone in your hand, depending on anon’s to signal they want to sleep with you instead using those hands of yours to actually build something or spread something constructive, like the truth, or a song, or a story, an empire, create something, anything other than your Two-Millionth selfie for the day.
That’s the sick joke: It comes off as America’s boner for Female Security when it’s female subjugation/pacification, on top of male subjugation/castration. Both parties are trivialized as a result. Nobody wins, nobody. 
Everyone’s a prisoner. That’s the point.
A giant 5′000ft tall woman destroys civilization, kills everyone. 
She laughs about it, gets off on it, and then what? She’s left stuck as a giant, no grocery to shop from, no one to love her, no one to talk to, no dental care, no resources, no infrastructure, no friends, no home, no support system, she’ll starve, she’ll dehydrate, she’ll get lonely, she’ll die alone. No fucking point,  that’s the part of the fantasy these muppets very conveniently leave out, reality.  Strength for days, but zero power. 
The natural consequence of the fantasy emulates reality. Nobody wins, nobody. Not even in fantasy. 
No intimacy, just horror, ugliness, death, destruction and emptiness. 
Because that’s what women are, amiright boys?
The common theme? I repeat, Nobody wins. 
It’s so closely similar in both fantasy & reality, the parallels are blood related (Hence my mother & child analogy). 
Propaganda is scary like that and moreso predictable, as are fetishists. 
We underestimate the effects of what children internalize (regardless of how minor the experience is) & regurgitate it and the fact that we don’t stop doing that emulation when we become adults.
It’s how we read rooms, social cues, our lovers or dangers, develop traumas.
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We see, then spread the message. Whether it be school, a cool line from a movie, a song stuck in your head, an insult that sticks with you, someone intimidating you, threatening you, or you being threatened by a misunderstanding,  a compliment etc. 
No difference. 
We need less female empowerment, and more mentors.
Respect to women as humans first, and not singling them out constantly as “first woman to do-” something a man did 75 years ago. Patronizing women and making them like being a participation winner.
Mentor girls of womanhood as a principle, aka accountability, protecting your reproductive powers, not giving it away. 
America panders to female ego but does not respect womanhood. 
Society failed women and men by convincing us women are the exception when they actually deserve less- until  they’re willing to contribute something beside an open hand in a relationship.
You don’t get to win by just showing up.
women need to learn what earning a man’s time, money/ His life, His sacrifice, 
What earning his LIFE for hers really means.
Women need to learn what it means to earn that shit, I swear to god, a man’s life is so trivialized now, women don’t even think about what a big deal it is for man to just pay his life as a toll for hers to go on 5 more seconds.
 It’s disgusting how overlooked that is, but I keep hearing “As he should”, WHOO buddy. Americans are beyond lost baby.
But you see in 15 years or less that’ll be considered “hate speech” or a thought-crime, or perhaps this entire rant would be worth an insta-trip to ban world.
 because #MenAreTrash is trendy that’s fine 100% males don’t have feelings right but the same time we want them to be sensitive, but not too sensitive or else he’s a man-child. It’s never enough.
 #MenNeedToStepUp we can agree on 100%, but #WomenDoBetter or #WomenNeedToEarnAMan is misogyny
Everything is misogyny when name calling or witch-hunts aka “Cancel culture” (how it’s called today)- doesn’t work.
Right, keep that up. Doing a good job so far, lmfao.
But gee, I can’t figure out why the birthrates are falling
& men are flocking to other countries for real women? When there’s plenty in America, far in-between but they do exist.
All we wanted to do was just treat men/husbands/fathers like second class citizens, like idiots- so horrifically mistreated that the goofballs went & created a fetish/Cult where they actually enable each other to want to be treated like second class citizens.
ZERO connection, all coincidence!
Wanting Women to be their gods and mistreat or destroy them and the whole of civilization: um wow.
Did you even have a mother? I mean My God, what happened?!
You know, ZERO red flags there. Nothing to see here. Everything is fine. Go back to deviantart, enjoy the genocide.
No btw, I AM NOT shitting you, this is real. 
(And the access to A.I art made it SOOOOO much worse, now these lovable dorks can just spawn the most horrific shit with zero effort now)
If you didn’t think that group’s issues weren’t that deep? (because naturally, they’re just minding their business beating off/worshipping human genocide- until you realize how comfortable they’re getting, too damn comfortable, normalizing the most anti-human shit, it makes you question if you’re even awake sometimes)
Trust me, a good majority of them don’t even know where their obsession came from--- AND that is the point of propaganda, subtle, like a socio-cultural virus. A weapon for your mind. neurological malware.
I repeat: Neurological/Socio-Cultural Malware for your mind. A prison for your mind. It used to be heroin, still is for some, but now fantasy is the new drug, no drugs in your system, not “harming anyone” but that justification to keep doing it is why the prison is that much stronger. You tell yourself there’s no problem because no one’s hurt, you’ll keep doing it for the rest of your life.
The change begins when we allow ourselves to stop lying to ourselves.
And again, to no one’s surprise (Brain mappings show fetishism or sex addiction is parallel to addictive habits like drugs, alcoholism, etc.) So no, not harming anyone (until it does) but yourself through re-wiring what your brain imprints on, I believe it’s through firing signals via the synapse endings at climax, like you’re physically making changes to your brain on a microscopic scale. 
That is precisely why breaking the habit is difficult and the more rewarding, with any bad habit btw.
Fact is, Nobody knows exactly when a virus gets in your body or your pc/phone  machine, but when it’s in, it’s on you to do something about it or cope with it by not coping at all.
Superboy-Prime’s level of petty is not even close to an average GTS NPC, and ironically he could solo 99.99999999% of them all, even the god level one’s. And he’s smaller than most of them-
So yeah, despite having the word in their mouths 24/7, macrocreeps don’t really understand what  “power” is, lol.
Even if it’s a gentle scenario or the cringe “unaware” crap (where the appeal is more manslaughter but the excitement is she’s doing it unintentionally *yes, society failed this hard*)
The visual point of a woman being bigger by that much is visually signalling: “superiority”, female supremacy, gynocentrism. Males being lesser, weaker, vulnerable, under control, a security/self-esteem/ ultimately a Life-skill issue- that is the point.
It’s always a “power-” dynamic scramble, it’s so toxic and dysfunctional. 
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To belabor the point, It’s no accident that what American society (from movies to articles) is pumping into you guys, is exactly what these cats worship with a level of dedication that makes Christians look like amateurs. 
They could legitimately begin a religion, I’m actually genuinely surprised they haven’t by now. 
In this context though, in Fantasyland where genocide is a goddamn game, that’s the entire appeal, #SizeDifference #Macro #Giantess #GiantessCrush #Sizeplay SizeSIZEsizesizesizesizesizesize, it’s really unhealthy. 
Hence Fetish hence “Obsession”, that’s what fetish means = You have nothing better to do.
This is why macrophilia is so unique though, solely because of how relevant it is to this era, the socio-cultural relevance.
And the reason for that (again) is this toxic gynocentric era in the west/ First world countries in general enabled it/ birthed it/ cultivated it in the first place.
Hear me: Macrophilia (One obsession) didn’t cause the problems between men and women, it is simply one of many manifestations/ & ultimately a spawn of these problems. 
It’s literally an example of what your civilization did horribly wrong whilst trying to empower women, you left men behind. 
Worldwide issue btw, Macrohphilia is not exclusive to America, neither is toxic-Gynocentrism. But America is Gold Medal champ in making their Men are 100% aware they are expendable to society, made to feel inept or stupid, should do more, here’s a superhero movie showing a guy being cool but IRL we’ll treat you like garbage in policies & law making. 
A lot of Japanese are into MacroCultisms, to no one’s surprise. 
Not in the 50s to 70s, but during the 90s, post-Internet 2000s era is when it really sparked, now all of a sudden we got a huge influx of goofballs wanting women to commit mass genocides on entire cities (Which involves children & babies- #ThisIsFine) or men the size of germs shrining women for existing, living on their bodies like Demodex (your hair mites)... just the most mind-numbing shit just to feel like you’re worthless, on purpose.
Kind of like the narrative privileged society pumps into you? #FutureisFemale (How inclusive) 
Or articles propagating that men are “Falling behind”, any & every excuse to plant seeds of disconnect and potential resentment, always negative.
The goal is to propagandize female supremacy to either frustrate men into resenting women (some of MGTOW), turn them paranoid (Anti-Woke Tards that complain about any movie with a female lead or women doing anything cool or competent), or straight up break them like dogs & the victims will ask for more (Macrocreeps)
or turn them indifferent, numb to even want to say or do anything about the problem. Men who unplugged and absolutely do not care anymore.
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A lot of Men have been whipped & brutally trained by their own culture to be and somehow want to be second/third class citizens in some respects. and you’ll have attention seeking narcissist women infiltrating these communities garnering a following calling themselves “Goddess- [insert name]” , absolute silliness, just the most infantile stupid crap you’ll ever see. 
The strongest degree of secondhand embarrassment I’ve ever experienced, it’s like watching younger siblings just ruin....everything they touch for no reason.
These women banking on the insecurity of thousands of men who just need help or a fucking hug.
And the simple chemistry of men and women boils down to: SEX, connection, life, be happy. That’s it. That’s really all people want.
How do you complicate that, this badly? And it NOT be an artificial catalyst that caused it, life was not designed to be this convoluted & silly. This is what happens when you make relations between men and women more complicated than necessary. 
Otherwise, frankly: How does genocide correlate with sex. 
Vore? Still cringe, but at least you can loosely correlate that with oral sex, digestion (psychotic) but believe it or not it’s wanting to be in the womb again. 
(Male or female) it applies, yes brains are stupid like that. This is why what you ingest through the eyes to your soul is important, most people don’t even know where the impulses are coming from but WELP *wank wank
KNOW THYSELF. FREE THYSELF. Ya’ll better watch The Matrix again and really listen to what it’s telling you, not “was” telling, what IT IS telling us, still today. 
“A prison for your mind.”, notice how The Matrix in context was a “Fantasy” land/ distracting from the real war going on outside of the fantasy, outside of the prison. 
We better catch what these films are communicating.
Back on topic, how does being abused/bullied/destroyed/digested/ all of this crap by women- relate to sex and making love and NOT be related to some psychological struggles or a mass installation op. Even if unintentional.
Propaganda, abuse, societal/generational neglect. That’s how. Genocide ain’t it boi, something upstairs went sleep mode & it needs to wake up.
“The sleeper must awaken.“
I’m not smart at all, I just know what shit smells like and I’m more than willing to step on toes, and happily brave a ban or 2 if it means saying what apparently no one wants to say because we have this unspoken rule that all kinks are sacred & immune to judgement.
HA!, I don’t know what planet you came from, but that’s not how life works buddy. Whenever I tell fetishist this, they shut down completely or unravel, their confidence just goes away like fart.
Because they rely on the world saying “Sorry, carry on.” Nope! That’s not how life works. A fetish is not a baby, so adopting it gives absolutely nothing to us.
Really, all we have to do is pay attention to the world in real time and the rest sorts itself out. But our everyday can muddy & blur the lines, I get it, and that’s part of the game. Blue Pill baby, it was never about being asleep, it’s about being distracted.
“You need to see.“
Some of these hombre’s aren’t even abused as kids, sometimes all it takes is one awkward moment with a girl overpowering you verbally or physically, a moment of vulnerability, or you get yelled at by an adult woman, or you see abuse or a woman having an overwhelming advantage in a movie and society does the rest with crap like #GirlsRunTheWorld over and over and over again-
No strong male role models to build up a healthy ego, or no dad at all, or a competent father, or even a big brother or sister, then when your confidence isn’t properly built (by your parents or environment) in time when you see something that makes you feel inferior or put-off and your mind can’t register it properly.
Like psychological indigestion and or in layman’s terms “Intrusive thought” that manifests into something it shouldn’t.
So it doesn’t bounce off as it should, or make you mad & you reject the negative signal.- instead it actually sinks into you, you internalize it. And it sits there, and sits there, & you keep seeing things in shows, feeding that seed.
And through a coping mechanism post-puberty where your hormones turn off your intelligence entirely (Yes, Sex chemicals actually make you stupid by design),  where you then normalize the toxicity because it’s women doing it, and women are attractive. So genocide is a good thing if a woman does, because women are hot. 
You’re horny now + the epic scale of giant women having near omnipotent control over your fate provides unrivaled excitement & dopamine levels that no woman could or would even want to measure up to (Cause it’s goofy af, Gulliver’s Travels #headass). 
Then the newborn fetishist propagates #Giantessisms over and over and over again with the unbridled freedom of the web- ready to act a fool.
And the ever so convenient echo-chamber of fetish spaces where everything you do and say came straight from Christ himself, where you’ll receive ZERO challenge. (Another part of the problem)
Indulge comfortably until someone, eventually goes against the grain in 4-15 years, roasting it- and then your defenses activate.  Because how dare they insult something that provides absolutely zero value or tangible substance to your life amiright?
But my oh my, I don’t know where it came from, I guess it’s always been there but It’s pretty much my personality and ”a part of my identity”....it’s a “hobby” 
-some say this crap, of course on threads where the likeminded are & will upvote everything they say, naturally naturally.  
Challenge is their Kryptonite. Questions make everyone queasy.
Painting women as inhuman psychopaths is a HOBBY. Riiiiiight, Okay then.
Pretending in make believe land that you’re a tyrannical burden to the society that would bend over backwards to protect you at the expense of men, any day of the week. 
You actually want to be an evil & mortal danger to people if means your fragile ego getting a stroke from being a couple meters/Mile  taller than everyone else, for a sense of control you obviously can’t manage to obtain as a competent adult here in reality. That’s part of your “identity”? Oooooooookay then.
Definitely not overcompensating for anything.
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But don’t judge them though, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s fee’s fee’s now do you? You don’t want to be a meanie or a bad person.
Because saying nothing & pretending “This is fine” has worked out so well for mankind thus far right? 
Just ask Japan 2023 (Age of consent raise in that year, look it up. *If I talk about it, that’s going to be another essay, let’s stay focused: 
Sexes Disconnect/Gynocentrism/Gynocentric-Fetishism/Birthrates/Illegals/Decline )  🚨
Cycle of toxicity birthing more cycles.. 
The biggest woman you see first/imprint on in life is ideally your mother-figure. 
These cats just want mommy, thus from the place of a child (thus small like a child) so macrophilia has some PeterPan syndrome-isms in it’s core, thus to no one’s surprise this is a very cringe case of some suspended development because for most, all of this started when they were at their smallest & VULNERABLE to begin with.
“Vulnerable“, something they want to feel. That’s part of the high. “Helpless“, you’ll hear that term a lot in their subtext, it’s like a religious mantra next to “insignificant“, they LOVE that one, holy shit is that one a cult favorite line. (Z from ANTZ #headass, “You’re right Z, you are insignificant.”)
I’m telling you, all you have to do is pay attention. How our brains work is not that complicated especially when what these innocent goofs choose to share with us is literally spelling out the picture- How can I tell? Consistency and the fact that they NEED the world to know, like a cry for help:
Except they’re getting likes & money, and not a fuck to give to provide a solution vs exacerbation. 
And no, unlike what some of these exploitative women will say: NO providing an outlet or safe-space for these little angels is not therapeutic. 
Therapy is an actual solution, letting it go is a solution. Indulgence? Is like dumping a truck full of “happy snow” in a rehab center and then calling that “therapeutic”. 
The women arguing this want their meal tickets to stay delusional, stay deranged and remain imprisoned. Money baby, it’s all money.
This fetish became an industry, like many tend to do.
The repetitive nature of the “content” is too consistent, Artwork evolves it’s narrative. Art changes.
(I repeat) But this? It stays the exact same, same narrative, same bloodshed, same dialogue, all that’s different is the production value and who it’s coming from.
And yes, all of this & others mentioned prior contributes or related to the birthrates issue (China, Japan, Russia & others suffer this too), thus this illegal invasion in America.
All of it is connected, all of it, this isn’t the usual rambling session or tangent. There’s a point to this entire lecture, this is actual lore for the movie you’re living in.
The Twilight Zone episode that will not end even after you do.
These are real people, it’s not doing America any favors pretending these clowns/more-so the implication and subtext of their issues or more importantly THE issue doesn’t exist.
It’s the same with Japanese men and their infatuation with Anime culture & how that mega industry and so many other factors are causing Japan’s own falling births, social shut-in’s, etc.
We can’t just ignore this crap because no one wants to be “that guy”, screw that. Nothing’s gonna get done if we’re stuck in our own little worlds. 
Doesn’t make sense to have the Internet and be this connected & still be so distant at the same time.
We gotta at least address the roots of the issues while having fun-
That’s the operative concern, what caused the phenomenon in the first place, how do these obsessions work, why, and where is it coming from?
And why is it almost prophetic? Like a warning.
This isn’t about Macrocreeps being the problem, they’re a result. 
This ain’t about coming after them, though it’s been high time somebody put their ass on blast, so long overdue, holy shit. 
Because if you step back and really look at the concept of a giant woman committing genocide because her job sucks or she needed to bigger just to feel good about herself instead of just getting her life together? 
It’s pretty silly lol, infantile even.
But this is really about the subtext, that they are living breathing red-flags/reminders that your culture is failing and it’s failing everyone.
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Woman is god, male subjugation good, women destroy civilization (including killing kids & babies by the thousands apparently, so marcocreeps are indirectly beating to slaughter of children, yaaaay) and yes, some also sexualize children too, casually. 
Japan would be proud or as of 2023, maybe not? Lol. 
Wash rinse repeat, it’s never enough. Men, humans, animals, life needs to be red paste on the bottom of a woman’s feet or else the itch isn’t scratched. 
For an average macrochump to feel some sort of sexual vindication in the context of the fantasy:  Women. The ONLY natural  threshold of human life, absolutely need need to trample, torture, and destroy life. 
That is indicative of something very concerning.
This is what I mean when I say Macrophilia is at it’s core: Anti-Human
That is straight misogyny, and I’m one of those people that hate the overuse of the word “misogyny”, I never use it but here I am using it (If I’m not mistaken for the first time in serious context) because this is actually that disturbing.
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Click “upvote” on the psychopath content (”content” lmfao, more like commissioned propaganda)
comment for more, make video games repeating the same exact, and I do mean SAME EXACT narrative. 
(Yes, these goofballs make games & comics *they’re shit storytelling btw, absolute garbage, it’s not even appropriate for ironic cringe, it’s just bad*, it’s not creative either. But the lengths they go to to realize the exact same talking point they’ve heard a million times? The sheer determination to want to be demeaned, disrespected, & bullied by women and girls? That’s the impressive part. Again, I sincerely doubt they’d put that same effort in their kids. Just saying.)
further internalize male self-hatred as you were programmed to do so. Follow the script. Question nothing. Consume. Consume. Consume. Indulge, sink, drown.
You’d think they’d get bored of it, or maturity would fight it’s hardest to tame that beast of a brain in one’s cranium, and fit some sanity in there. God forbid
All in all, The American Culture state has weaponized women against men for decades now- so the fetish itself is not surprising or a shock.  
Men or women wanting to give up “control” for a sense of security in being ruled or abused in every way possible by a giant entity (male or female) sounds ideal for a (giant entity) state/society/government that literally would love love loooove for men (aka the first & last line of defense of civilization) or women (first, second and last line of defense to the children AND the only natural threshold of new life) to bow down, and want to be slaves.
So (in general) if your protectors are too busy kissing the ground, who’s protecting you? 
It’s why so many women are wondering what happened to men? Where did the men go? Why aren’t men performing? 
To put it simply (fetish or no fetish), a lot of western men:
They’re broken. Tamed. Clipped. Sterilized. By the same entity that tells you you can have it all “The Party”, The collective, society, the entity, the giant. 
Because there’s a lot more men committing self-termination than women, look it up. They’re suffering.
So most, not all- But all in all, women need better “uplifting” messages and the men are in serious need of society giving a crap about them.
  It starts in the home, both the solution and the problem starts at home and the village/society. Because parents can do everything right and society will undo 70% of that work.
I’ve said all this before, and I will keep saying it until I’m dead & probably still talking & ranting from beyond the grave.
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If I personally wanted to "RIP” a country, “If.” Theoretically
I would convince the men that being a man is toxic, that they shouldn’t be men, to the point where they actually want to give up their manhood. 
Enable a superiority complex in the women regarding the men, to keep them in a constant state of resentment & entitlement and they don’t even know why. And the men are so passive & broken, they won’t challenge the women unless pushed, and when pushed, they will be frustrated, & what could result in a solution will just deepen the resentment on both sides.
And while one group is insufferable and the other one is groveling and pathetic and angry, or they just fight each other- The children are now exposed.
 Corrupt the children, you take that country’s future. Checkmate. 
Same with race. 
Not a nuke, not poisoning the water- but poison how the people see each other. 
Corrupt what they believe until they believe in nothing at all, not even in themselves, let alone their Gov., let alone their Homeland. Poison the culture. Keep them fighting, so when I do pull up on their doorstep, it’s too late.
 [Destroy the traditional family first, the pillars. Trivialize values until you stand for nothing: Destroy the country]
Convince the Protector Class/Men they should want to be destroyed by the group of people they should be protecting in the first fucking place: That is the power of propaganda people, corruption of the natural instinct. Anti-Human.
Size is not power, 
controlling what you see, influencing what you should think, what you don’t believe, who you hate, how to hate, what to hate, what to see as good, even now influence what you obsess over- To control how the world changes, controlling the triggers to your mind, propaganda, knowing you better than you know yourself, how to speak, what to say, weaponizing the mind against you, propaganda, that is power. 
Message = Power
 Always has been.
This is psychological warfare in real time. Brain-Malware, this is not a joke.
And trust and believe, I actually do have better things to do,  I only talk this much because I actually give a hoot.
 It’s just a crime that professionals with lengthier credentials WILL NOT tell you any of this. 
Propaganda is CONTROL, and can convince you to give yours up. 
Propaganda hurts you and conditions you to want to be hurt by the other half of humanity who’s entire instinct is community, birthing life, emotional propensity strength & nurturing. Things that glue civilization together. 
Things that are trivialized by civilization but things that civilization needs to stay intact, that only women provide in a way only women (as a collective) can. That’s womanhood, but you’ll sooner hear about empowerment on a corporate ad on Youtube to sell some damn soap than these companies tell you (what I just said) that truth because people actually NEED to see and hear this.
Hear me out, women are physically softer, designed to be more pleasant and lovable to appeal. Even an average woman’s voice triggers pleasure chemicals in your brain.
But somehow the popular obsessive scenario in the cult is women destroying everything, with a smile, with pleasure, and obscene satisfaction. Absolute demon-spawn who’s birth is a mistake.
Sooooo the overtone being, again, that a woman with any power- is a threat to civilization? A threat to men. 
Wow, that’s how you feel? Lmfao!  Again, smells like misogyny.  Smells like an implanted narrative. 
See, majority of the “GTS” (Gratuitous Trivial Silliness) -producers just conjure their content to receive likes, appease the intrusive thoughts living rent-free in their head and most importantly validation for their Misandrist-macabre & maybe money from the fellow members. 
The actual overtones of what they’re spreading out in the Human races digital continuity (Inter-Nets) and how that insults/slanders women or what that says about them because that’s coming from their own heart & mind about women- that  will never sink in for them to devote 5 seconds of self-awareness. 
Or they did, and just don’t care because they know nobody replying will say anything less than “More please!”
Too much dopamine addiction to the validation to properly think about the subtext or what they’re actually communicating by drawing/shooting/programming  the same crap over and over again.
A beautifully implanted rotted seed (on part of the powers sabotaging men & women), twisted, horrifically sick joke. 
Completely Anti-Human narrative, because who even portrays women like that, all women wanted was Equality. Why do we absolutely need them to loom over us like overlords when they actually just want someone to love them, listen to them, and see them? Flaws and all.
That’s all women want. Women are not a mystery, they’re just made to be complicated by the media & hacks that dictate the prevailing narrative that articles spread like wildfire, because women being complicated helps the disconnection. It romanticizes it.
Tell someone a lie enough times then it becomes true.
Some bro’s propagate “Woman with power is a man’s undoing” / “The threshold of life being the merchants of death” for a living and sleep at night without considering “Why is that coming from inside me” ? 
This is why accountability, judgement, criticism is necessary. 
It helps prevent society from becoming a mass asylum (where it gets to a point where a woman who steps on toys for a living is actually given an interview, yes this happened). 
It never “hurts anyone” until it does-
Just. Ask. JAPAN. 
(’2023 Japan Age of Consent Law change’, look it up and look up why they changed it)
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Some commenter said something simple yet true on the same video where some goofy attention seeking woman who sells videos of herself stepping on plastic toys & sells said footage to mouth-breathers, she ultimately claimed “I’m a Giantess” (*nice job parents, good to know where Americano Tax dollars went)
And the commenter didn’t insult her, they didn’t say anything wild, no essay, no lecture, not even something I personally expected, they said simply:
“Western society has derailed.”,
 that’s it.  It’s not profound, but it’s so candid & haunting. 
That stuck with me.
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Because that’s the point.
And then if you’re not dealing with human footstools who want to be literal pets for giant-women, you have the other end of the spectrum: Man-Boyos who are actually toxic, the kind that grooms, unwanted advances persist then calls you a “bitch” because the situation didn’t play out how it did in his head, the R*9ists, harassers, stalkers etc.
Plenty of confidence, but misplaced, no humility, no maturity, nothing intelligent to say but talking the loudest. Can’t tell you how many times I almost threw hands with those types of dudes.
And in-between, you have the normies just trying to keep their heads down, live out whatever’s left of the “American Dream/ Theory”, racking up 50 exes every 6 months trying to figure it out because the only legacy society has to pass down to you is failure. 
Consider this hookup culture where women are expected by a lot of men to be LVL99 Sexperts but if she’s had too many partners she’s considered damaged/used up/monkey branching by MGTOW groups...who in concept should be a good thing, some good messages, but overall just boil down to divorcees & bitters bashing women while sprinkling “male empowerment” on top of it.
Again, we need less empowerment and more principles. With principles, you won’t need someone rubbing your belly telling you you’re a special girl or a special boy.
She hits 30, she’s over the hill when actually 30-35 is physically prime time to have babies. 20-30 should be young women figuring it out (mentally, existential), as with any adult.
Or women told/encouraged to “experiment” or made to think they can have the swingers life at 19  and then settle down when it’s convenient. 
Which they can, however, consequences don’t take a break because you’ve been taught to think that’s having fun- Then they’re worn & torn before they’re 25, just way too eager to sleep with 70% of America, like slow the hell down, jfc.
Have a laundry list of expectations for a man, but who you are doesn’t match half the good things you expect from him- How is that a recipe for success?
Just having your cake, eating it, and choking on it on both sides.
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Both sides have podcasts asking “what happened?” or pointing the finger to the other side, when in reality--
 We’re not enemies nor meant to fight in nature, powerful women are not a threat, civilization NEEDS that. We need more women that earn their power, & have something offer.
A woman with advantage is not something that will threaten civilization, that’s advancement you goofballs lol.
 Ad proud men aren’t something to keep caged, broken and exercised.
We’re not even designed to fight each other. This is precisely the point as to how forced this all is.
We’re set up to be fractured and wedged from each other in a cultural sense. (because obviously people are still bumpin hips & having kids but some are not raising em worth a crap or training them to be useful or struggling to give them something good, or raising them up right just to be corrupted as soon as they leave the house, sometimes even earlier. some sects of Society are not even hiding that they are “coming for your kids”)
 “Everyone knows  what sex is, a lot of people know how to fuck. Nobody ‘makes love’ anymore.”
SO point being, finally, again: Propaganda is POWER. Propaganda is control (Not a new concept, it’s been said before). It creates delusions/& apparently fetishism. It creates false realities, conflict, disconnect. Lies. Lies. Lies. Propaganda is CONTROL. 
“power & control“, two words macrocreeps obsess over in fantasyland- same two concepts that propaganda is meant to take away from you. That is NOT an accident.
Drive the American sexes apart, division makes for a weaker people, weaker people are easier to control, birthrates dropping since the 70s (Not an accident, look it up & it’s got nothing to do with women going to school and getting jobs) 
And now Biden or the powers above him are making up the difference with an influx of illegals to compensate for what Americans are not birthing because of the disconnect and all the various side-effects of that and the propaganda.
American Feds has always been lacking, but this level of incompetence is not accidental. It’s sabotage. And it’s not new, it’s no different from how dope is implanted in Black communities so the community eats itself alive, remaining behind and seemingly primal.
Think about it, why would we need a New World Order, if one of the most iconic Empires on the planet  is successful, healthy and thriving economically?
The answer is, you wouldn’t need a NWO if the U.S. is King or a threat or taken seriously. 
(Even if you’re not the biggest fan of American history, or the current reputation they have with their poor wokeness & political embarrassments. Do not underestimate just how many countries look to America for reinforcement and an example & always have.)
So to fix that, you prevent The United States of America from EVER becoming a threat again.
And instead of picking a fight on the outside- infiltrate their political parties, infiltrate their culture, their pop-culture, propagandize what they watch, what the masses internalize, break the family down, drive apart men & women, promote alternative lifestyles, make truth an “insensitivity”, speaking truth punishable by legal persecution or being banned from social media (which is akin to erasing your existence in the modern age), and plant agents in the Senate that will (by vote) prevent any progress for the American people:
(Think in Newspeak or be banned for ‘violating community guidelines’, you vulgar swine) aka 
“Social Media” aka 1984: The Prototype
“there is no war in ba sing se”
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Pay off the leader to literally allow illegals (that coincidentally involve a good number of your own nationals) into their country and make the legal citizens who are already desperate for better healthcare to then pay for the toilet-paper the illegals wipe their ass with.
The illegals aren’t the problem, Americans are letting them in there. Look up what one of China’s border installations look like, it’s a FORTRESS out of a James Bond game. 
Russia’s border doesn’t play either so why is America expected to be the fool?
Blatant sabotage. It’s all connected. Biden himself in ‘07 said a great nation can’t have weak borders (paraphrasing), now he’s changed his tune when what he said was 100% true.
Birthrates resulting from the disconnect, the disconnect resulting from propaganda, the fetish being the manifestation of the culture’s declining climate & hostility toward men and boys & trivialization of women & girls, dehumanizing humanity; As well as a symptom that the propaganda is working way better than intended.  
OR? the scary part? It was calculated. (doubt it tho)
PROPAGANDA is power!!! Control how people perceive reality & themselves, you control the direction of that society. 
Stepping on cities doesn’t compare to making a NATION eat itself over 50 years or less, it’s not even close. The slow knife cuts deepest, always have. 
(Notice how i’ve belabored & repeated some points throughout, that’s a methodology of propaganda, bombard you with the same narrative so that the narrative sticks, I did that on purpose just so you get a sample of how this machine is operated. Repeat exposure is form of conditioning, hence fetishism, repeat exposure. Repeat the same message. Repeat the same message.)
And because it’s working, Americans are likely past the point of recovery, social media is a powerful tool as well as an effective distraction.
If it took this long to decline, imagine how long it will take to repair the damage, and Americas will never be allowed to fix anything, not before another tragedy conveniently strikes or another reason to fight each other conveniently arises, more distraction.
The problem starts where the solution does, in the home, in your culture.  In your mind.
America needs more people, but the world is rotting, the times are going in a direction not suitable for children, or even if having/affording children is smart. You have a newborn that needs formula, you can’t afford insurance but your taxes are feeding an illegal’s kids. 
Who in their right mind would reward a society with another mind to corrupt, another slave to bleed dry and it won’t even help you raise the child before trying to feed other people kids- who trespassed to begin with and our own homeless are being exiled from cities like the trash you walk on?! *ERROR404*
But we have 50MIL+ for trespassers.
 It’s lose- lose for the modern Americano.
And don’t think Trump is the answer- while it is convenient that his trial happened just at the right time for this election to pop off (ideal distraction from something else going on in the world) these people will fight & debate on TV then have orgies on islands while you’re arguing with people you don’t know online because you think your political tribe is the answer to the world’s problems. When it’s all just manufactured chaos.
Make promises about things you can see, like “build the wall”, but bringing the country together? Bringing men and women together? Better healthcare WITHOUT subtext loopholes to fund backdoor deals in other countries? 
These antagonist corporations causing this disconnect in advertisements & movies, will they be falling in line to help your people?
Do the bloodlines that OWN these corporate giants give a crap?
If that isn’t the argument in the Presidential debate, you’re voting for an agent. (And I keep saying “Agent”, because I repeat: WATCH THE MATRIX again. Hiding in plain sight baby, in plain sight.) 
They do not care, they’re reading scripts, on orders. They promise you policy, when what will save you is unity in the culture. Literally just people getting along.
Help the culture maturing, growing up (pun intended, headass) , it will never happen. 
Why would Americans want that, why would Americans ever want the only real progress that will save their country? Unity. Cooperation. Coexistence. 
Apparently everything’s going great in America, why would people want actual progress that would fix everything, why would you ever want an actual solution when you can keep being promised one by people who don’t live in your community and own Islands to hand down to their great great-grands and yours live off of tips.
But you have 50 million+ big ones to spare for illegals? Hm, you cats got yourselves a paradise eh? Ready to fight everyone’s wars & fix everyone’s problems but your own.
Let them all in to keep families together, and drive your own people apart through movies, ads, games, articles, etc.. 
Your Gov. (and the powers above them) are giving Palpatine a run for his money when it comes to this Chess game play, my lord.
Ya’ll have been getting played, and played hard. 
That’s the only “Domination” happening here, the powers playing on the uninitiated, broken, lonely & longing and above all: distracted. 
Subliminally training so many to submit, hunt for likes from the collective, obey TOS or be erased (prototype martial law), and ironically want subjugation ie. train people to want what’s coming anyway.
All “they” (the token “they”) prevailing party- had to do was slap a woman on it. Genius. And the resulting atmosphere is hurting men and women, genius. 
Life was not meant or designed to be like this. This is why there are problems. 
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Reverend Mother from DUNE PART TWO said it best: 
“-there are no sides.“
482 notes · View notes
doberbutts · 8 months
Re: that last post regarding dudes who get mad when women in video games are anything besides big titty assume waifus, but it is one of the things that I always notice when seeing women designed by women (who may or may not be attracted to women themselves) or women designed by queer men.
Not every time- there's a couple authors and designers and show runners who write normal, well rounded woman characters that are cis het allo perisex men... but a lot of times, they're sex dolls. And pretty blatant sex dolls.
I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about my opinions on BES but one of the things that clued me in that it's a woman-led show is the non-sexualized nudity and that the boobs are just. Normal. They sag and deflate with gravity. There's full frontal nudity but the penises and boobs are just. There. Body hair is to be expected. There's a subtle mound and line for her labia because yeah, that's what genitals look like, without it being overtly sexual. The penis moves and swings with the momentum of the body it's attached to, they rest on the line of muscle of the thigh or stomach, there's no attention called to them, they're just there.
And I think about how many queer authors- men women and everything outside the binary- have written about this same thing, how often straight attraction along cis people is this unrealistic overly sanitized view of the body but queer attraction often celebrates the very things straight attraction says is disgusting. And, again, not always. But I must often see it with examples like this.
Bodies have hair. Organs. Muscles. Bodies have a lot of variance and the things we think of as gendered traits aren't always exactly 100% actually sexual dimorphism in nature. Some women have broad shoulders. Some men have wide hips. Some men are very short. Some women are very tall. And so on.
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jelloholic · 20 days
My defense of Alicent Hightower in the HotD season 2 finale
(Not an Alicent stan, but this must be said)
Her character is still about duty and sacrifice. It's just that over the course of this season, with many realizations dawning on her, her priorities changed. She loves her kids deeply, but Aegon and Aemond are a threat to everyone, including themselves, the people, and most importantly, Halaena. Things she had not previously known. It's her duty as the mother of Halaena to sacrifice her sons to protect her.
What could she do to protect herself, Halaena and Jahaera? The greens are no longer a safe space for them, and the blacks have shown to simultaneously be threat if they oppose them, but willing to compromise if she so chooses. She no longer has any sway with her own party, but she can negotiate with Rhaenyra. The blacks have the advantage with more dragons, and she can't get rid of them. The greens have the advantage by having Kingslanding, and she can give it away. It's made clear time and time again that the only thing she can do to save Haleana is side with the blacks.
Many things dumbfounded me with the reactions to *that* scene:
"Ryan made her a hypocrite!" That has been an integral part of her character since day 1
"Why did she change her mind after pushing Aegon to the throne herself!?" She was partly misled by her father about his intentions, Aegon is a terrible man and king that serves only as a figurehead for the men around him to use, she misunderstood Viserys's last words, she couldn't predict the future to know that her boys would be violent, the brutality of the war hit her with Aemond and Daemon's actions, etc. These are all things she didn't know beforehand that she only realized in season 2, she became disillusioned, like any other sane person would've been
"How could a mother do that to her own son?!" People tend to idealize motherhood to a ridiculous degree. They have unrealistic expectations of women. How they should always think of all their children all the time, no matter what. Yet when those same mothers defend their horrible children, suddenly they're terrible. When most of us find out a loved one did an incredibly morally reprehensible act, we distance ourselves (or give them one or more chances to redeem themselves before doing so), it's odd that people don't consider that an option for fictional characters. Nothing will ever be good enough for many viewers. These people also tend to forget that bad parents exist? And that their behaviors might've been abusive, but *sometimes* done with good intentions? We established her broken bond with her 2 eldest boys already and why, but people are shocked about Daeron, but she didn't raise him. She's been disconnected from him since the start. Most parents who give their children away will grieve at first, then eventually move on and only think about the kid occasionally. She's focusing on doing what's good for her daughter now, 'monsters' and 'strangers' be damned
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I do have criticism for some of the ways she and the other women were written, but this level of outrage is ridiculous
(I will gladly interact with ppl that disagree, but I'm not entertaining misogyny (like calling her a cunt or a bitch), arguments against things I have NOT said, or ppl so lost in their emotions that they can't string up a coherent thought)
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astromechs · 1 year
ok, i did barbenheimer, so here are some assorted thoughts about both films (i am discussing potential "spoilers" for both, so look away if you don't want these):
on paper, and in experience, this is the wildest double feature to do. barbie and oppenheimer could not be two more different films, in terms of tone, aesthetic, and themes; on the one hand, you have a treatise on feminism in the guise of one of the most widely known decades-old ip, and on the other, you have a complicated biopic about the complicated figure who developed the atomic bomb.
and yet, there is a heart and soul linking these two films, and i actually think seeing them in the double feature makes them work: it's care and craftsmanship. these are two films made by people who actually care about cinema as an artform, and it's such a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the dreck we've been getting out of major studios and wide releases, especially over the past decade.
barbie is not an independent film; you guys are silly, and you need to get that out of your heads. mattell's name is literally on it lol BUT. what this story turns out to be is something pretty unique in terms of today's cinematic landscape. it's a thoughtful treatise on feminism and gender roles on all sides of the equation — the unrealistic expectations put on women, the emptiness that drives men into upholding patriarchy, the absolute absurdity it is on all counts to let ourselves be consumed by this instead of getting to be ourselves and figure out who we actually are. loved every second of it.
also: "i lost interest in patriarchy when i learned it wasn't about horses", like, line of the year.
oppenheimer manages to distinguish itself from the sludge of oscar bait biopics, because, well, because of the craftsmanship of christopher nolan, but also because, in particular, it has such strong thematic focus. it is both a story about oppenheimer, the complicated figure who unleashed something terrible on the world, and the story of the plight of the scientist; just because you can do something, does it mean you should? when you put a dangerous tool into someone else's hands, is it their hands who have the responsibility for how it's used, or is it you, for creating it in the first place?
these are questions that i think the film wrestles with very adeptly, and it doesn't provide easy answers — because there are none. oppenheimer himself spent the remainder of his life wrestling with his own complicated legacy, and the film really captures the spirit of that. the final shot really makes that stick.
both of these films had clear vision for what they wanted to say, clear care and craftsmanship involved, and as someone who genuinely loves cinema and has felt so disheartened seeing shit upon shit being flung into theaters in wide release, i deeply appreciate both of these films, and i don't regret the experience of doing the double feature, because it was really something special — even if, whew, i'm going to need about five business days to process all of this.
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thesarcasticreader · 2 years
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These are general readings meant for entertainment purposes. You can partake in advice, but do not let it cloud your decision-making.
I do take paid readings. You can contact me for them. Make sure you have either Paypal or Gpay! DM for the price list!
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Pile 1:
Your person is very emotional or has a tendency to put family above all. It would piss you off sometimes that they give too much of themselves to others who don't deserve it but you admire this trait of theirs as well.
They are very good at keeping secrets and hiding their feelings. This is a result of being lied to very often. This trait will drive you nuts too but when you get into a relationship. People can grow and learn. Do not keep unrealistic expectations from relationships but if someone doesn't show signs of change. Talk to them and resolve the issues.
Your person is someone who will change a lot in their lifetime. They are capable of learning and growing. 
This person loves cats a lot.
This person indulges in luxury quite a bit but stays within their means.
I am not seeing something about finances but this person is well-off. Not obnoxiously rich. But lives in a town with a cute two-story house that they own and have a shop where people from the town make purchases from. Very well off and can afford the best things.
Both of you are going to be from a well-off family. Affording Chanel is not all that there is in life. But I guess it helps 🥰🤣
You two are very likely to start a business together. You will end up leaving the place where you start at.
Say you live in a Town right now, you are likely to move to a bigger city to start your business with this person. For some of you, the business could revolve around event management or something to do with weddings and making wigs.
Looks like they could kill. Is a cinnamon roll.
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Pile 2:
Your person was the heartbreaker of their time. This person had a bad childhood and they do not like talking about it.
Even though they say that it doesn’t bother them, it does.
They could even be in therapy for this too. And it is vital that their trust never be violated. This person needs a very emotionally stable person who is confident in them.
Your person could be argumentative too. It is one of the past influences that affected them badly. However, if they are made aware of the same. They will notice the pattern and actively try to change it.
This person is very lovely in a relationship. Their love will be displayed in their actions. It’s not always the big thing. The little ones like making sure your coffee is not too hot, shielding you from hitting your head in a corner, keeping you away from the roadside while you two are walking etc.
They are absolutely focused on you and they will do everything possible to make your life easier. 
This person is very supportive and will persuade you to go after your dreams. This person is literally soulmate material. Even if their past has been jaded, they stand strong.
For this pile, I am seeing appearance more clearly. Stoic and strong build for men. Dark hair and prefers to wear a sleeveless T-shirt at home. Taller, likes going to the gym, likes coffee from a solid red cup (this was very specific for some reason), and probably has a home with ceiling-to-floor windows. Might be scared of heights.
For women, blonde to brown hair, the classic mean girl look on their face, insanely business-oriented, no bullshit attitude, people are scared of her, has a small smile, when she laughs her eyes wrinkle cutely, and black loafers
Looks like they could kill. They will!
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Pile 3:
This is my sunshine pile. There is a lot of cute in here and that’s what your person is like.
This person is someone who would cuddle a raccoon. I am sorry, but that’s what came through 😂😂
They love animals and probably volunteer a lot at shelters or reduce them. If you end up dating this person, you can expect to foster a lot of animals.
This person is not all sunshine though. Life has dealt them a tough hand but they have persevered. 
A lot of Fire and Water Energy in this pile. This has to be the happiest Scorpio pile I or most people have ever seen 😂😂
This person has a lot of energy. I know who this pile reminds me of. There is this girl on YouTube, Mikayla from SaveAFox. If you don’t know the channel. Go there right now. Get your immediate serotonin boost that even Masturbation can’t bring (I just had to) 😂😂
This is a relationship that will lead to marriage very quickly.
Your person is not concerned with material gains. They want emotional fulfilment.
This person feels like meeting an old friend after a long time. This person loves baking.
They prefer cute, handmade gifts and letters too. They are likely to give them to you as well.
Words of affirmation are their love language.
Early childhood may have included bullying in their case.
Looks like a Cinnamon Roll. Is a Cinnamon Roll.
The messages were flowing so happily and easily today. Sometimes it is so annoying that the thoughts just refuse to come to you and other days, I can basically pour myself into these readings. It is amazing afff✨🧿
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
I listened to this podcast episode today on my way to work and it was very interesting. You should listen to her, because I am no economist, but the tl;dr is that the main reason the gender pay gap exists is because women often choose jobs for their greater flexibility because they often have caregiving responsibilities (either with children or with their own parents, because that also falls disproportionately on women) and so they value the flexibility more than men do, who can select jobs based on things like pay, not flexibility. That is simplified but basically the issue, and then there are all kinds of repercussions around that, like, people who value work flexibility so that they can tend to other responsibilities tend to be perceived as not dedicated enough to their jobs, so they don't get the most important assignments, don't get the most important promotions, etc.
Anyway, I was struck by the fact that toward the end the host asks the Nobel laureate what can be done to address this ongoing inequity, and she proposes sending children to school year-round and until 6pm every day.
Okay, look, #1 - I COMPLETELY understand, which is the Nobel laureate's point, that finding that childcare to fill in the gap around when school is out of session but the mom is still at work is a major problem that is part of the reason why women desire more flexibility; and also #2 - I also do not intend this to be about educational theory, but----
I was really struck that the solution to the problem would be TO MAKE CHILDREN WORK JUST AS HARD AS GROWN-UPS. Like, I can't help but think that the REAL problem here is that the expectations of jobs for the level of dedication they want from employees is UNREALISTIC AND UNSUSTAINABLE and can only be supported if one-half of the workforce is abandoned to DO THE ACTUAL WORK OF BEING HUMAN, and the solution to that is not MAKE EVEN THE TINIEST OF HUMANS LEARN HOW TO WORK HARDER AND LONGER. Idk, that just really rubbed me the wrong way, the idea that we solve this problem we created by making kids work forty-hour work weeks with no vacations the way the rest of us do. Like, the problem is the forty-hour work week with no vacations, let's not compound that problem.
To be fair to the Nobel laureate, she says she's trying to find a realistic solution, and that overhauling societal expectations around caregiving responsibilities and flexible workers is probably not going to happen but she thinks expanding the school day and year is attainable. But.....no, I think we should work on overhauling societal expectations so that none of us are expected to work so much at the sacrifice of the rest of our lives. Idk, I don't think we should entertain any solution other than that, because I'm tired of giving in on that point.
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damnfandomproblems · 5 months
I cant deny there are men who are genuinely like that, but we really gotta stop shaming men for being attracted to women, or wanting female characters in games to be attractive.
You guys dont say shit about attractive men in games or womens "unrealistic" expectations of their size down there. No one has any problem sexualizing men.
Also idk how old this submission is but right now with the stuff going on about stellarblade, a take like this is just rancid.
So i dont have to reply later ..For the people that dont know, a game called stellarblade got a alot of backlash for the female protag looking "unrealistic" and yet the characters body is modeled after a real person. Game journalists are getting mad at fans being mad at the censorship in stellarblade(a game that advertised as being uncensored) and calling them p"orn addicts" and "gooners" who are just mad because of "a little less boob and hipbone". When actually fans while being upset about the censorship are just more mad at the fact they were lied to.
Same game journalists praised bg3 for its nudity. Bg3. The game with cock and ball physics. Yeah.
Regardless of the reasons people need to stop being mad at attractive characters and demonizing only the men that find them attractive. So what? Like so what really if they wank to them? So what if a character is attractive or """appeals to the male gaze"""? Im an ace women and i play fucking huniepop for FUN. When a game has boob physics ill admire it for a bit and go on with playing the game like it has zero effect on my enjoyment of the game.
Its honestly kinda pathetic to hate on something just because men also like it. What they do in the privacy of their home with the game or media they bought is really none of your business
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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libbee · 2 years
The girl of her dreams.
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🌼 For sun in 1st/7th/8th/12th; venus in 8th/12th; venus in scorpio, sun in pisces, sun in libra (my astro observation).
🌼 Naturally, we assume that it is men who dream of their dream girl, who they like and who they want to be with. It is strange to think that girls too dream of girls - albeit not the girl they want to date but the girl they want to "be". Have you ever sat in a social setting, checking out the faces of everyone and laughing loud/do something quirky to get a reaction out of people? In your mental world, they adore you, praise you, are captivated, bewitched and admire you. Aren't you just so perfect?
🌼 Sit with yourself for an hour and see through your fantasies. The random images, memories, movie scene, music lyrics, conversation - what is it that pops up in your mind? I did this and saw a fantasy of Barack Obama dancing to Cheap Thrills. Well, I know the meaning behind the symbolism because I know myself. This is a symbol of a powerful, important, competent man dancing to a quirky, playful and youthful song - it is the merger of the two fantasies I have, on one hand desiring to be grandiose and on the other hand craving to be carefree and silly.
🌼 I am talking of the PUELLA AETERNUS. The spontaneous, autonomous, dissociative and fanatical archetype of a young girl who is outwardly a mess but inwardly a princess. The eternal child. The eternal youth. Unrealistic adolscent fantasies. Often manifested in motion pictures like movies and TV - so it creates a social pressure to conform to the idea of a woman who is very desirable to the masses. On a personal level, the girl herself lives in the fantasy world of how life is supposed to be, how people should comfort her, react to her and care for her. The paradise of childhood. The birdy in the nest. Flees from the cold cruel world and its realities. Daydreams and reacts to passive fantasies. Fatasies of future, what would be, could be, should be, without taking any actions. She has an imaginary attitude towards life, escaping to temporary comfort and running as far as possible from the reality.
🌼 Her problem is that she is missing a sense of identity, she feels fragmented and worthless. It is too much for her to cross the borders from fantasy to real world. In the modern world, she is expected to get education and do job, but all she wants to do is to be on social media all day. If you know someone like this, she is a puella - a little girl in an adult body with a father complex. Her playful and carefree facade hides deep insecurities. She idealizes the other people and craves their admiration. When the sun is weak in birth chart, it shows a father who was emotionally unavailable, distant and not there - resulting in low self esteem, stunted psychological growth and childish fantasies in the girl. A lot of women are like that, a lot of fathers were not available and active in their daughter's life, a lot of women stay puella even after marriage and children through their 40s 50s 60s. The forever 21.
🌼 If you can see yourself in this archetype, I have a bad news and a good news. A bad news is that you have essentially drifted your whole life in a fantasy. A good news is you can quit today. There is no "closure" or "the end" to your past story. The day you decide to quit is the day you commit to it. That ultimately is the only solution for this trouble. Work. Any work. Chores. Responsibilities. Immerse yourself in something. Study paint write work exercise. Just work. Test yourself. Challenge yourself. Every time your mind drifts to a fantasy, bring it back to reality. Remember that the social media even tumblr is a world of make believe. How many of us are puella but in denial? Throw yourself into the fire of life and let it rebirth you. Break down the ideal imagery in your mind and accept your humanness.
🌼 The shadow of this archetype is the Crone wise "old" woman. She is balanced, disciplined, hard working, realistic, conscientious, controlled and mature. Committed to work and immersed in whatever is her calling in life. She has sacrificed the wonder of fantasy realm. She immerses herself in the external world to find her individuality and to learn skills for life. There is no magical way. Just the practice, learning, practice, learning, practice. You can cultivate these qualities in yourself. Think it is too easy? Why not try. Habits are hard to break, sometimes very hard. Sylvia Plath was one puella who desired reconstruction of her life but took her own life when the conflicts were too much to bear.
🌼 I am reminded of the tarot card two of wands in this context
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The globe in his hand is the projection of the inner fantasy world while he gazes out over the bay at the real world, the realities of life, the potential in him, the challenges he must face, the risks he must take. He has to choose a decision, to leave comfort zone, and compare the two worlds side by side. On one hand is the inner fantasy world that he holds in his palm that he escapes to for temporary comfort while on the other hand is the external reality, hardships and worldly successes. You cannot live in your inner world forever. Commit today and henceforth the fantasy world is meaningless to you. I read this somewhere: *"Sometimes people have to injure themselves very badly in order to awaken to what life really is"* - that is sometimes the only solution to life problems. The anxiety and fear never end, you just work through it and claim your life in your hands.
🌼 "If you want to go your individual way, it is the way you make for yourself, which is never prescribed, which you do not know in advance, and which simply comes into being of itself when you put one foot in front of the other. If you always do the next thing that needs to be done, you will go most safely and sure-footedly along the path prescribed by your unconscious. Then it is naturally no help at all to speculate about how you ought to live. And then you know, too, that you cannot know it, but quietly do the next and most necessary thing. So long as you think you don’t yet know what this is, you still have too much money to spend in useless speculation. But if you do with conviction the next and most necessary thing, you are always doing something meaningful and intended by fate." - Carl Jung.
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tyetknot · 4 months
I thought you were joking when you said that the Farrar's books were outdated but holy shittt, even for 1970s wicca/witchcraft those guys were like full gender heterosexual white magic ye harm none thing, I was also seeing their interview were christian kids interview them, and boy it is hard to watch, but on to my question kskk, do you know if they changed later down?,like Janet seems to be okay sometimes,I can't find anything of them on their "controversial views" except their later polyamorous relationship (wich come to think of it I would love to hear their gender rationale on that), and also, how do you personally (if you do so) reconcile this type of author?, like there is no doubt that they are important in craft history, but now they kinda do more harm than good.
Hi Anon! I'm sorry if you've been waiting for a bit, you know how Tumblr is.
So one thing it's important to remember is: back in the 1970s and 80s a religion where women run the show was very progressive. Feminism got bolted onto Wicca pretty quickly once it hit the American West Coast and Starhawk wrote The Spiral Dance. Things like worshipping a goddess who didn't need a man around to tell her what to do were really unusual for the time. All this hippie-dippy shit like being naked in your rituals and such was far out, man, not like those totally square and boring Christians.
The problem is that, like many older people who were once cool and progressive, they just kind of stopped where they were in the 70s and 80s and didn't really......well, progress past that point. This leads to things like statements like that one in A Witches' Bible where they think that actually gay people are perfectly OK in ritual (this was a bit of a controversial point at the time) as long as they act like their biological gender, which is hilarious to us in 2024 because they obviously conflate being gay with being trans in some bizarre fashion. This was progressive for the time. It comes across as incredibly ignorant today. And of course, if their ideas did change, well, the book is already out there, people are reading it, and you can't go back in time and change something that's already been published. You can add notes or amendments to further editions, but I don't believe they ever did that, and Stewart Farrar died in the early aughts.
I find the polyamory thing to be pretty cringe, NGL, because I am a judgmental and suspicious piece of shit and think that an awful lot of the time polyamory is a tool used to make younger women sexually available to older men - good Lord, the age difference between Stewart and Janet - and that's very distasteful.
In my opinion the Farrars are probably the stodgiest and most conservatively-written books you'll find from that time period, and they're a good example of what coven-based Alexandrian Wicca looked like at that time, but there were a lot of more relaxed writers out there at the time and LOTS more a few years later. My primary complaint with A Witches' Bible is rather specifically that asinine Oak King / Holly King thing which they made up entirely and then ineptly shoehorned into the Wheel of the Year, where it just doesn't fucking work, and then everyone else just kind of went with it. No! It sucks and is bad, don't do it!
Do I think they do more harm than good? No, I don't. I think that anyone fairly new to Wicca shouldn't read this book first thing out the gate because it sets a lot of very unrealistic expectations, and because it's pretty old - Eight Sabbats for Witches was published in 1981, which makes it a few years older than me, and The Witches' Way in 1984, which makes it a year younger than me, and TBH there's much newer and fresher material being published every year. I would much sooner recommend someone like Thorn Mooney to new person interested in traditional Wicca.
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shakemeetsworld · 1 year
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I saw this and had a lot of thoughts and feelings about it, so I decided to write something up.
Ok yes, I completely agree with the female side of this. They were not looking for love and marriage but something greater than themselves and the small worlds they occupied.  I think Cinderella was open to marriage and love to get out of her miserable existence, and wanted to go to the ball not only to get out of the house, but because every eligible maiden in the kingdom was to attend.  And she’s a rule follower, clearly, since she obeys her stepmother and stepsister’s every command. (Granted if she didn’t she’d be thrown out probably.)
The men on the other hand, I’m not convinced all of these men wanted marriage, or only wanted marriage.  The Beast basically wanted to be left alone.  He knew he had to find love to break the curse but by the time Belle came along he seemed pretty resigned to that never happening.  While his staff clearly wanted Belle around to hopefully break the spell, I don’t think the Beast agreed to trade her for her father for that reason.  He was scared of the outside world and its judgment of him, and found Maurice’s intrusion threatening.  And by that point had become so beastly that all he knew was anger and violence.  (A great metaphor for the only acceptable masculine emotions and actions.)  So he kept him and then her as a prisoner until his staff said, maybe this could do something and he gave in to them.
With Prince Eric and Prince Charming, I think marriage was what was expected of them because of their titles and the time periods.  Eric seemed much more interested in adventure and exploration than in romance and marriage.  And when he thought he’d found the woman that saved his life it was just the thing to do to marry her.  And the King was the one pushing Charming to get married and set up the ball for that purpose.  We don’t really get much personality from him so I can’t say he didn’t want that but we don’t get a sense that that’s his sole goal.
I completely understand that Disney and fairy tales give people unrealistic expectations of love.  And yes to us now it’s ridiculous to “fall in love” almost instantly.  But we forget that most of these tales come from a time when your options were limited or decided for you.  And marriage wasn’t about love necessarily, it was procreation and expectation, and for the woman security.  Eric found a girl who cared enough to save him so of course marrying her makes sense.  Then when he finds out it's also the girl who also seemed to enjoy adventure like him and captivated him for the last few days, well win-win. Charming found a woman he could stand for more than 10 minutes after meeting all the women in the kingdom, so sure she’ll do.  The Beast and Belle are more realistic because it’s clear they got to know each other over a longer period of time.  It feels like months have probably passed.  And they found similar interests with the library.  That being said, they all waited until they found someone they genuinely liked, even if they knew immediately.  The timeline is unrealistic and so is the image of perfection that’s created with these romances.  Things in reality won’t be perfect and the connection won’t be immediate.  But I also feel like these stories of “true love” also gave me a desire not to settle.
I understand the point that this post is trying to make, and it is a good one.  There is much to be said about most things being shown through the male gaze and patriarchy.  And yes, as a society we forget/don’t care about the wants of women.  But I honestly feel like using these fairy tales as an example of that misses the point of many of these stories.  Sure Ariel married Eric, but a life on land and then a life with him was what she wanted in the story.  The whole story is about what she wanted.  And how she had to give up her voice to be heard.  And yes Belle was kept as a prisoner at first, and her story can be likened to Stockholm Syndrome of course.  Though once the Beast learned to love her he let her go and she chose to return. As a little girl growing up with these stories, sure I learned that love and marriage is the goal.  But I also learned from Belle that it’s ok to be different, to want more for your life than what you’ve been given, and to fight for what you believe in.  First she fought for her father’s wellbeing and then stood up to the town to defend the Beast.  I learned from Ariel that curiosity can take you to great places, that there’s always more to learn, and that we don’t need to be afraid of what we don’t know. Cinderella taught me that even when life is unfair or hard, to try to have a positive attitude and hope for a better future, and to ask for what you want.  She asked to go to the ball and tried so hard to make that happen even when the odds were stacked against her.
And honestly these men taught me things too.  The Beast taught me that people can change when given support.  Prince Charming and Prince Eric taught me to never give up searching for your dreams.
We absolutely need to talk more about the wants and desires of women.  And we need to stop putting marriage as the end goal for everyone.  But let’s not put these fairy tales in an anti-feminist box without exploring the nuances.  And maybe let’s use more real world examples of how patriarchy erases the desires of women and makes them into objects for the purposes of men and their desires.  Because there are plenty of those, and by using real examples we give kids (and adults) more practical and tangible problems to be aware of.
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swallowerofdharma · 2 months
Yesterday I reblogged some translated interviews that Yoneda gave, they aren’t recent, but I think they are still interesting. My intention was to write about something I have on my mind, but these days I think my brains have been slow cooking from the constant heat and are about done.
In this interview she gave in 2013, when volume 1 was published, she was asked about her characters and she had various things to say about Yashiro, and about Doumeki she said: “Doumeki is a character originating from Yashiro. It's like he started functioning because Yashiro existed”.
My point on entry to this manga was first and foremost Yashiro, too, he existed so vividly for me, it was easy to immerse myself into the story, easy to read through his expressions, the various degrees of lies and truths that came from his mouth, his sense of humor, his way of looking at the world. And I think it matters that when I started reading the story I was the same age Yashiro was. Now Yashiro has been 40 for quite few years I believe, how lucky. My birthday is next week, can’t delay it.
Doumeki was an afterthought for me, too. But regardless of what Yoneda said back at the start, I can see now how well she chose in terms of story and conflict and why she made some decisions that I wouldn’t have expected, thinking of a character that would have worked for Yashiro: like making him so much younger, for example, or not very expressive and not very experienced or smart in terms of dealing with people and situations. But the point is maybe that not many men would have been that good in creating a conflict that deep within Yashiro for change to happen.
Doumeki’s first name reveals to me the narrative function he has: force. When we strip down Yashiro of all his outer layers - and just as many layers of inner conflict- at his core he is like a trapped animal. I have tried to show how I think of what moves him in other analyses, and fear is the most deeply rooted, what stayed longer within him with a type of resignation, resilience and survival instincts that gave him the ability to withstand all. A bird in a cage who has been trapped long enough that even with the gate open he won’t fly away, his wings are atrophied. So what force would be strong or effective enough to make him move? What wind can lift him up?
I actually like the fact that Doumeki is that flawed as well. How easy it would be to make a perfect fictional character to be a love interest: someone dependable, stable, dedicated. But very boring and completely unrealistic or devoid of an inner self. A character like that wouldn’t have worked with someone with a strong personality like Yashiro to build a good story. On the outside Doumeki seems very manly and stoic, I have seen an expression used in fandom and fanfiction: “competency kink”. But the amazing thing is that that type of stoic person is very fictional. Who knows what hides behind a “proper” person who is regarded as competent and capable. Yashiro is the type of character that is constantly attuned to the fictional aspects of the world that surround us in his hypervigilance, like every good trapped animal is constantly aware of danger. Yashiro perceives many aspects of life as theater, role-playing, he has a very good sense of what is the reality behind any representation, or putting up appearances; he sees the incongruities, the contradictions and the fictional aspects all too well. Which is why I love him so much. This particular aspect is also something that gay men and queer people know on a fundamental level. And one element that makes Saezuru a story about queer characters to me more then a projection of the sexual fantasies of straight women: it is still “consumable” that way as a good yaoi - if one chooses to - or because one isn’t intimately attuned to the layered workings of putting on masks and the talents for misdirection that people who are covering up their pain or entire parts of themselves are inherently good at producing and revealing.
But let’s get back to Doumeki and his first name 力, Chikara, as omen for what he is in the story, what he is in relation to the “unmovable object” (or stagnant) that Yashiro can be. In my understanding, chikara means strength, power/potency and authority associated with masculinity. It reminded me of the Italian name Andrea, that is more commonly assigned to boys, because it comes from the Ancient Greek word and concept of ἀνδρεία, or courage, fortitude, manliness and valor in war.
So, at the beginning of the story, that force has been restrained and caged as well. Doumeki was in prison, he is impotent, he lacks purpose when he gets out. He doesn’t know where to direct and channel that force that came out on the surface in full once:
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But after that, he never regained a balance, never had the opportunity to reconcile his emotions with the new reality that was presented to him when he saw what his father was doing. And he went on a route of passivity, all those emotions muted. He saw Yashiro and he felt something again, and he clung to that feeling, of coming alive, more alive that he ever was, letting it grow, until Yashiro was shot. After that we see Doumeki more desperate, less able to restrained himself, letting loose his aggression at various points, beating up people with too much strength and we can see Yashiro noticing. And his sexual impotency is also gone.
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It would be interesting to analyze properly these chapters: I believe that after each of these episodes of violence there is a scene in which Doumeki puts his mouth on Yashiro and progressively becomes more insistent and unrestrained. These are parallels worth considering.
A young man who has a complicated emotional past, no real control over his emotions and a misguided belief that Yashiro is the person he needs to be close to and protect, because he is the only one capable, because that is what he can do, he sweared to, and he is singleminded determined to keep Yashiro in sight. Nothing about it speaks of balance, of maturity, of stoicism, Doumeki is progressively less in control, doesn’t realize that they need to prioritize the investigation on the origin of the threat and find a solution, he seems to forget about it in his anxiety to have and keep Yashiro for himself, to tie him to himself under the guise of being his arms and legs, his protection, his lover. He is dogged, insistent, he lets everything pour out at once, being it rage or sexual desire. And you can also call it love, because love often makes people lose balance quite easily. And this force that is a mix of things starts pushing Yashiro too, ways out of balance, ways out of his established emotional boundaries. Does it work as a love story? I believe that in some aspects it actually does, but in a much more crude way than expected. It surely cut deep. Yet, it isn’t all dark, it’s difficult, unresolved, but not really doomed. Because there is something in the other that they still desire.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Fandom 'anti-masculinity/misandry/etc is real' brocels tryna co-opt Percy Jackson of all characters as if Percy didn't have a whole book dedicated to proving themself as nothing like traditional men,is gender neutral/feminine in presentation and interests and mannerisms with in-universe comments on it by other characters,very specifically dosen't want to change those things about themself and constantly uses the male antagonists being overly conforming to manhood as roast material and for why they hate them.Percy IS an 'anti-masculinity misandrist' like it's a huge part of they are you can't extract or you loose a massive chunk of them so if he were transmasc,he wouldn't go on T or get surgeries and be one of those femme tboys y'all hate and think 'are the reason cis people hate us' and if she was canonically transfem,you'd be claiming she's 'every kind of trans all once' and sayin' Grover feels more trans than her and maybe even hating her super intensely and insisting it's because she's 'a bitch and a bad role model and unrealistic expectation on trans womens shoulders' and even calling her a slut/skank/etc
You also actually force Percy to be into Luke and the gods,who're like,their legit abusers and child predators even if (probably) non-romantically in the latter's case because you truly believe they only 'think' they hate them since they described them as falling under beauty standards when it's because they're punk-an ACTUAL punk,part of punk subculture and the lifestyle without caring about living up to the stereotype to 'prove' themself to normies.'Percy Jackson is the positive and healthy queer masculinity icon we needed'Percy Jackson is a femme latino afropunk who hates binary men and worships women
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t4le-4s-0ld-4s-t1m3 · 6 months
So I'm on youtube, looking for reviews of Damsel because I loved it and wanted to find a comment section with like-minded people. Only I never ended up participating in any discussions. Oh there were a bunch a reviews, some of them positive. But I got distracted by the overwhelming amount of reviews made by middle-aged white men with horrible titles.
Now did I expect everyone to like it ? No, of course not, taste is subjective. Do I think the movie is perfect ? No, it's a B-movie if we're being honest, the plot is very basic and there is not a lot of depth, though I think there is more than meets the eye. It's a power fantasy movie, with all the suspension of disbelief and fun that entails. A turn your brain off, you leave feeling badass kind of movie.
All the same, the heartbreak and frustration I feel after clicking on a few of them, watching about a minute, and going through the comment sections is immeasurable. Because the commentary was always the same, "this is anti-white men" (media literacy is dead by the way, because how ? How was that a conclusion ?), "hollywood pushing the girlboss agenda", "worse movie ever", "why do all female protagonists have to be strong, why can't they be soft", "feminists and their anti-marriage propaganda". Guys, I don't know if it's just because I'm in my mid-twenties now, or because more men have become radicalised, or both. But I am so, so tired of this shit. So tired of feeling like some men want to put me in a very small box and keep me there because they feel entitled to it. And I'm by no means someone who doesn't largely fit in the mould to begin with. I'm a girly-girly with no desire to act like a man or fight like one. I appreciate book Sansa Stark so much for the symbol of soft power that she is, and I do agree that there should be more women like her in fiction. But that these men feel not only comfortable, but entitled to throw so many tantrums trying to shame and force me to never stray from the mould, and watch as they do the same to women who do not and should not have to fit into it, more and more grating. Why can't we have power fantasy movies ? Why does it make them so angry ? I've never seen their power fantasy movies get dunked on. Hell, we usely enjoy them alongside them. Why can't they do the same ? Why must everything targeted at us be something for them to ridicule ?
And do you know what the worse part is ? While watching the movie, I caught myself thinking "most of this isn't unrealistic for a fit woman with magical healing slugs, she only really survives because the dragon is sadistic and enjoys prolonging her suffering, surely the filmbros won't get too annoying". I already knew on some level what was going to happen, because it's what always happens isn't it ? I wast just too hopeful it seems.
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nereidprinc3ss · 5 months
Jokes and being 'horny on main' aside I find it so fascinating how many women are drawn to both Spencer Reid and MGG. Like he's not classically handsome, in the way most macho Hollywood men are. He's softer, more poetic looking and his personality is also very unique. I think he feels safe (from what we know anyways), and there's something to be said for why women (especially younger women) go nuts for this kind of smart, goofy, caring guy who is truly weird (more so MGG than Spencer). Yet you'll still have incels on Reddit/Twitter parading the toxic alpha male shit to impressionable men and creating this vicious cycle. There was actually an interesting class I took on Romance novels and how because they're sort of an unexplored medium that hasn't been taken seriously in the cultural zeitgeist until recently it's been able to develop into a safe space for women, written by women. A lot of men call them unrealistic and yes they can lean trope-y and drama-esque but also at their core its about women reading about men that are good communicators, with decent personalities and hygiene
idk WHY he is the most visually appealing man I’ve ever seen, and idk why he has this crazy staying power for me—like normally my celebrity crushes are crazy intense for a few months and then they just disappear one day, but me and matthew are approaching our year anniversary and i see no signs of stopping lol!!
i think personality does have a lot to do with it. mgg is genuinely a weirdo like he’s a weird dude with a lot of heart and he seems really passionate about the things he does. men who care about something outside of themselves, and don’t take themselves too seriously, do tend to make me feel safer. i can’t speak for other women and obviously we don’t know him in real life but if he’s secretly an asshole he does a fantastic job of hiding it!! his sense of humor requires a kind of self awareness and awareness of other people that we don’t usually expect from famous men, and the way he speaks about and interacts w his female friends/coworkers is really amazing too.
idk, obviously we don’t actually know him and i try very much not to idolize people (especially men) who i don’t know. but he’s so funny and seems like an actually kind person who lacks some of the hangups that other male celebrities have and that make them repellant to me
also men saying romance novels are “unrealistic” need to give me a fucking break. women know that the men they read about in romance novels aren’t realistic representations of men in real life but men don’t seem to understand that porn is a fucking joke and not a realistic representation of real women. yet they hold us to those ludicrous standards all the time. until they start thinking about the porn they watch as a complete MADE UP FANTASY the way women think about romance novels i really do not want to hear it from them lmfaooo
especially when our fantasy is being treated respectfully by a good man and their fantasies include anti gravity boobs and removed ribs and viewing women as objects made for their pleasure
can you tell im mad about this…
anyway thank you for sharing your thoughts!! i completely agree<3
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riacte · 5 months
Some thoughts about writing dialogue (coming from someone who basically transcribed the Blue9 MCC stream for fic purposes):
Real life dialogue is messy. People make mistakes, voices overlap, it gets unintelligible, people repeat themselves instinctively (even if they get their point across the first time)
And this is about Blue9 - four streamers (people who talk as a living) with effective communication / chemistry. It's still messy at times because that's simply how people communicate, especially in fast paced / stressful scenarios
Which makes it a bit tricky to translate to text, because if you repeat dialogue too much, it looks tacky even though it sounds perfectly normal.
Juggling between character voices in tense moments is also annoying because in audio form, you instinctively know who's speaking. But in text form, you have to add indicators so you just can't have paragraphs of dialogue (unlike speaking scenes between two characters)
^ although that could work if your characters have distinctive speaking styles (or mentioning characters by the name in the dialogue), but that also relies on the readers' knowledge of their speaking styles
^ even worse when it's a group and the voices are overlapping. The more characters you have to juggle in a scene, the more it feels like "[Character A] said" then "[Character B] said" and on it goes. It's already difficult to transcribe when it's a group of 5/6 and they're all talking.
At least there's one set of she/her pronouns in the Blue9 team. Actually this is partially why I like writing about men and women - it's easier to juggle pronouns (my skill issue lol)
I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible, but sometimes you have to edit down and add bits of exposition for clarity's sake. Like if you watch the stream, it makes sense. The repetition and messiness adds to the experience, honestly, But if you read the transcript, it doesn't work the best.
Tone is such a big thing. It comes instinctively in audio format, but it really is difficult to describe it in text sometimes, especially when it's a tense moment and you have to keep pushing forward instead of spending words to describe tone.
The good thing about writing about streamers is that if you use the right cues, readers can pick it up and picture that specific tone in their head. The bad thing is that this depends on the readers' knowledge and how good you are at describing. (The bad bad thing about this personally is that my OCs have weak character voices because I don't have canon basis.)
^ Bits of informality like stretching syllables and italics help. Like "oooh" is fundamentally different from "oh" and that is different from "ohhhh". And sometimes irl people do stretch syllables or pronounce them differently for humorous effect, but it can look unprofessional on text. (Like Scar's "a-maize-ing".) <- actually this can create distinctive character speaking styles and it's a cue to let readers immediately know who's speaking
Back to the action thing. These streamers are playing in a vc and they all hear each other, but realistically in action scenes, characters are gonna be in different places. There's volume to care about and voices getting lost in the chaos. But when writing, your focus is to push the story forward sooo realism is definitely not the priority
... Yeah. I'm giving my characters high quality communicators. And excellent hearing.
Dialogue in text is... intentional? You can see it in people snarking movies for having unrealistic dialogue. Its purpose is to convey something clearly. Dialogue in everyday life can contain a lot of blunders but that doesn't translate well in storytelling because we expect to learn something from dialogue. That's why it's there.
Transcribing videos and turning them into text based stories is an interesting exercise (and one that I keep on doing lol). It makes you more aware of the gap between irl and written dialogue and why there's a gap.
Godspeed to people who write dialogue between a group during an action scene. We all praise comms in MCC but it does give me a headache to write hahahaha.
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