#the poems in order are
nicandros · 1 year
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jazzyjesse · 3 months
working at a grocery store has only made me even angrier about inflation and how food, water, and shelter isnt free
like just looking at groceries (not water or shelter) i see just a few bags (maybe around 5 or so) of food costing over $125 USD regularly. I've seen orders upwards of $600. and sure those have been bigger orders but no food should cost that much.
my coworkers and i shouldn't be complaining about the price of food when we get employee discounts.
a single bag of food for myself (usually containing some small pizzas, crackers, milk, and cereal) regularly costs between $50-60. minimum wage in my state is 15/HR. thats about four hours of work for one bag of food
a coworker who works on the front end of our store prides herself on being able to catch theives. everyone says how good she is at it. and sometimes it makes sense, sometimes people are just stealing to steal. but how do you ever know?
when the card reader we take outside is broken we are supposed to have the customers come inside to pay for their groceries if they're paying with EBT. there's a woman who's a regular who has a few small children and when she comes to pick up groceries they're usually asleep in the car.
am i supposed to make her choose between leaving her children alone in the car or waking them up and taking them inside?
four hours of work for one bag of groceries. is this not also theft?
four hours of work. let that sink in. four hours for one small bag of groceries.
we aren't supposed to accept tips but if we don't accept tips then how else are we supposed to afford our groceries?
i haven't seen a single person stealing food. you cannot steal whats already stolen.
although im no longer a christian, the teachings of my childhood have stuck with me, and in the bible it says "When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you."
society has reaped right up the the very edge and beyond of its fields, so it's up to us to reap what we can
four hours of work for one bag of food
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“Jessica has a forehead scar from the deep end of a pool. I ask Jessica what drowning feels like and she says not everything feels like something else.” - Angie Sijun Lou
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Hey, I had a thought for the fantasy au! So on one of the previous versions of the WH website, there was a rhyme for the show that went:
A house is a place with four walls and a floor,
with a ceiling above and a lovely front door.
There's a bed to cradle you safely at night,
and windows to bring in the morning sunlight.
Your house is a mirror of just who you are,
A reflection that tells you to never stray far.
Which I thought might make a good incantation for when Wally properly summons Home (I can't remember if that's ever required for Warlocks but hey, it's still a fun poem regardless).
ohhhh this. i like this...
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bonus og sketch! big ol eyes...
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& no capalet because uhhhh eh nah and also i wanted Home's pendant to be on full display!
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zephyrfuse · 1 year
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From the darkness into the light
The Promised Land in sight
Welcome to city high color
You're no longer just a number
All those old words from before
Now white dust on the floor.
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judas-redeemed · 1 month
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time travel told in five parts by judas h. ( @judas-redeemed ) image id in alt
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astronnova · 2 months
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#8, regret
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kualticrypt · 8 months
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Hey hey, made another tshirt :3
Reblog to grow the mothman fan club. Please I love this little freak so much and I want other people to appreciate him too. He's so sweet and handsome look at him confess his love for LAMP LAMP LAMP L-
Sorry that was weird. Purchase for your nearest forest-dwelling cryptid. (yes you count. I promise. we know.) Pre-order ends November 6th, don't forget!
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geryone · 10 months
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Mothman Apologia, Robert Wood Lynn
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fairydrowning · 1 year
Knowing someone tea/coffee or other food orders is a love language.
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sfsolstice · 3 months
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Emily Dickinson, from The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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One thing I always feel with Fitzjames is that he may well have been happier if he hadn't tried so hard to build himself that great gilded life.
He may say otherwise but clearly it's a life that does humiliate him to live in many ways - he feels forever inadequate, forever a fraud and a fake right up until almost the end of his life when he reaches the end of vanity and is finally free. Perhaps an un-gilded life would have suited him better? Perhaps he ought to have forgone much of that emotional turmoil and continued just being the fighter/deadly weapon/balls-to-the-wall adrenaline junkie madman that life and the military saw fit to make him?
I would never in a million years condone his actions or condone violence and colonialism in general. But you can't deny that he was extremely fucking good at it and derived significant pleasure and purpose from being extremely fucking good at it.
Which is all to say that I'm now thinking the same thing about Hodgson...
We know of course that the real Hodgson appeared to be cut from a similar cloth to Fitzjames - distinguishing himself under heavy fire in battle and earning his commission during the Opium Wars. And there's much to indicate that his fictional counterpart shares that backstory right from his E01 dinner-table reminiscing onward.
Hodgson in the show really does often seem to be at his best under bloody, chaotic, and extremely high-stress circumstances in a similar way to Fitzjames. We see it in E05 when he's able to stop, assess the situation, rally the men around him, and lead them back towards danger to no-scope poor Tuunbaq in the arse in the middle of a blizzard. And to some extent we see it right at the end of his life when he's once again ready and willing to charge forward and make that desperate grab for Armitage's keys, even with chaos and death all around him.
Maybe Hodgson wasn't a Captain. Maybe he wasn't 'made of that'. Maybe he was just made to be a weapon and nothing more.
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raayllum · 5 months
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2x06 / 2x07
+ Bonus:
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hells-plaid-angel · 20 hours
Dean Winchester: Reading Recommendations
Because I headcannon Dean as a reader, here is a list of books that I think he would like. Some are directly referenced in the show, others are odes to America and a life on the road complete with horror, satire or complicated family issues. And, of course, some books manage to meet at the twist of the mobius strip where toxic masculinity and homoeroticism collide.
Books of Blood - Clive Barker 
Imajica - Clive Barker 
The Complete Poems - Hart Crane 
Hard Rain Falling - Don Carpenter 
Our Share of Night - Mariana Enriquez 
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller 
Iliad - Homer 
Jesus’ Son - Denis Johnson 
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
My Heart Is a Chainsaw - Stephen Graham Jones 
On the Road - Jack Kerouac 
Christine - Stephen King 
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers
Survivor - Chuck Palahniuk 
The Moviegoer - Walker Percy
The Devil All the Time - Donald Ray Pollock
A Season in Hell - Arthur Rimbaud
Crush - Richard Siken
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
Cat’s Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut 
Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut
Time is a Mother - Ocean Vuong
Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman 
Butcher’s Crossing - John Williams 
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Ilya Kaminsky, Deaf Republic
(photo credit: @f1vegas)
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this-should-do · 10 months
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There's something wrong with us both
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