#the reapers embrace is a bitch
cheffe-cool · 7 months
When it looked like Alistair was gonna die in aoud I was caught between
“I LOVE it when two characters fall in love and one of them dies tragically in the others arms” and “oh my god did I just get my shit rocked by queerbait”
10/10 experience, would recommend.
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ijustthinkhesneat · 11 months
Ha nerds I rise again like mold from an apple! But this time I will be truly unhinged, I’ve embraced chaos and am ready to give it to everyone by mashing together my three brain rotting hyperfixations!
Today I will illuminate the hat ffxiv Job the Batfamily have as well as what Magnus Archives Entity they would be aligned with me! No one wants this, no one needs this, but everyone will suffer with me!
Bruce: Dark Knight, come on this man is too edgy and sad to not be the spooky shadow tank, but also he’s truly driven to protect his family and will use anything at his disposal to keep them safe. Like wise I think Bruce would be aligned with the Lonely. Bruce seems to so desperately want to foster a close and loving relationship with so many people but many times can’t help but push them away and wallow in his self inflicted solitude.
Dick: This was hard but ultimately I settled on Dancer, put the pitchforks down! Dancer is a flexible and spritely class that supports its Allies and helps them to rise up to their true potential, similarly Dick’s true strength shines when he is supporting and guiding his friends and loved ones through difficult situations. I think Dick would be associated with the Stranger. Aside from Dicks background as a circus kid and flexibility that borders of contortionist horror, Dick struggles with his mailable sense of self and even a bit of imposter syndrome, this is expanded by him spending half his life behind a literal mask.
Jason: Reaper, this bitch is dramatic as hell and everyone loves him for it. I think Jason’s closeness with death, and the fact he’s way more chill about cutting a bitch, makes reaper feel like a good fit, additionally jason can get a serious power boost from the Lazarus pit at the cost of his self control, similar to the reaper class. Again staying on theme Jason would obviously be associated with the End. He’s died and come back to life and has had an unstable grasp on reality and mortality ever since.
Tim: Machinist, boy loves his gadgets what else is there to say. Tim to me gives big Spiral vibes, this boy is a sleep deprived little liar. I mean seriously he can lie to Batman on 49 hrs of no sleep and no one suspects a thing. Also again with that imposter syndrome except instead of feeling like he isn’t who he is he feels like he’s tricked everyone into thinking he’s better than he is and is just waiting for the shoe to drop. Little does he know everyone loves him!
Damian: Samurai, nothing else to say it is what it is. I think Damian fits really well with the Slaughter, he is prone to acts of violence by very little and while I think deep down he wants to be less bristled to his brothers he struggles a lot with overcoming what he’s been taught.
Duke: This one is hard for me but I ultimately settled on Astrologian. I think it works with Dukes ability to manipulate light and even glimpse the future a little so the space fortune teller class seemed to fit. I feel like it is so hard to fit a fear with Duke sense the fandom interpretation of him is that he is the most hinged, not true by the way, but he just hasn’t been as deeply explored when it comes to trauma. I think Duke is also a bit of the odd one out, he works with light and operates in the day, he has powers, etc. For this reason I think Duke should be aligned with the Web. I don’t think it’s necessarily because he is perceived as normal but it is also that. Duke comes across as the most open and normal of the batfam but he’s arguably the least conventionally normal, he just passes the best, I also think dukes future sight could be connected with the webs complex plans and long term foresight.
Cass: Ninja, obviously. I think Cass fits with the Dark really well, not just because she’s quiet and spooky but also because she was raised in cult environment! Cass is more in tune with stealth and darkness than even Bruce and she has dedicated herself to not just navigating darkness but weaponizing it.
Dick: The Spiral, Web or Vast. Dick has a complex relationship with long falls and also has experienced mind control and amnesia the most viciously out of many of the batfam.
Bruce: The Dark and the Hunt. Bruce struggles with not letting his person as Batman consume him, giving up everything for the mission, his kids are honestly what keeps him from crossing that line.
Jason: The Corruption, Slaughter and Flesh: Feeling like the Lazarus Pit has changed him so fundamentally that he isn’t who he was before also the murder. Also the Buried but we don’t talk about that.
Tim: The Eye, Slaughter and Lonely. Tim has HUGE Jonathan Archivist Sims vibes he also maybe likes killing people a little to much, also sad boi.
Damian: The Hunt and The End. He’s died before and it’s kinda the same thing as Bruce where he really refers on the edge of going full serial killer.
Cass: The stranger. Spooky dancing lady go brrrrrrrr.
Duke: The stranger and the vast: Fuke standing out so much from his family gives big stranger vibes bb. Also he can fly so he’s the vast automatically.
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To the Ends of the Earth
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: Blood, mention of near sexual assault, angst, near death.
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It hurts! It hurts so much! I can't take this anymore! Somebody make it stop! I can't. I can't move, it's too heavy. My arms are too heavy. Somebody, please make it stop. My body screams at me to move, to try and fight, Do something. But I can feel the warmth of the blood draining from my body; tickling my ever-growing cold skin as the crimson fluid runs down my arms to the cold concrete below. The ropes were scratchy and scraggly digging so painfully into my wrists keeping me tied to this godforsaken fucking chair! I wish I could just move my body, even if just a little. If I'm going to die I at least want to die comfortably. Ah, it's pointless anyway. Soon I'll be dead. I can just feel it. What's there in the darkness? Did I see a shadow move? A soul reaper maybe? Coming to take me to my own personal hell? Or is it Death himself coming to unbind my restraints to gather me in his embrace and take me away. I'd met Death before. He wasn't as bad as half the people talk about him. But then there is the fact that half those people are liars. They don't know Death can walk among us, humans. And hey, the man likes pizza. Found that out when he ate half my large freshly delivered pizza I'd ordered for my hotel room. The bugger didn't even pay me.
Would I die here alone? Would I be missed? Did I do enough for this world to be in God's good graces? Am I going to die alone in this cold place after hours or was it days of mindless torture? I was so fucking stupid thinking I could take this one by myself. I was a hunter, I was trained by the best. But I let my big ego take control and oops here I am dying, bleeding out, and growing colder and colder by the minute in this underground bunker. They'd tricked me. It tricked me. I thought it was Dean. I thought that thing was MY Dean. So tired from the investigation the last few days chasing that son of a bitch that was taking the faces of innocent people to kill their spouses that I was so blind to not see that the Dean that I was sitting in my hotel room with was NOT my Dean Winchester. I noticed it too late. That glint in his eyes and no I don't mean that reflection shit on a camera that Shapeshifters possess. No, it was darker than that. The gleam, that look in his eye when I refused his advances. My Dean wouldn't have reacted like that; he'd just brush it off. If I wasn't in the mood he wouldn't press. But this Dean did and I fell right into his fucking trap too late to even attempt to grab my gun. So here I was. Being tortured by the face of the man that I loved. The man that I swore I'd marry someday. I didn't want to die. No, I cannot die, not today. Not ever. I must survive, surely there must be a way. How did this happen to me, what have I done wrong? I can't… Somebody, please help me. There must be somebody nearby, please help whoever you are, wherever you are. Dean, Cas…Sam, just fucking anyone for crying out loud! I don't want to die!
That annoying drip drop of the water falling from open pips above my head was annoying. But it kept me awake. Grudgingly kept me awake no matter how cold I was no matter how much blood I lost. If I came to think about it, it's actually quite peaceful here, I could stay here for hours. Not that I have a choice right now. No, I do have a choice. Give up or fight and I choose to fight. I will get away from here, as far away as possible until I've found help. Help, I need help to get out of here. I can't do it on my own, it's no use. No amount of prayer has allowed help to find me. My faith is weak at best. But I can still manage to reach Cas. Dean could do it and he has less faith than me. But Castiel always did have a softer spot for the hunter so perhaps it was some sort of angel thing that had him honed for Dean. Or it could be the fact there is a freaking graph of a symbol drawn in my blood beneath where I sat tied to my chair that blocked the angel's attempts to communicate or find me. Fucking shapeshifter had to tap into Dean's knowledge. Funny thing about Shapeshifters. They can tap into the thoughts and memories of those they imposter as long as that victim still lives. Maybe if I wait long enough the pool of blood will wash away and distort the image of the graph on the concrete below me. Just one drop will do…just one.
I'm cold. I wish there was somebody to hold me or something to warm me. I feel no pain, not any longer, but my body keeps shivering to warm itself up. But I'm still cold. I'm surprised I managed to last this long. I thought I'd bleed out by now and just waste away into a husk; into unconsciousness enough for my soul to leave my body. Freezing to death isn't half bad all things considering; I've seen a lot more gruesome ways to die so at least I should be lucky right? Right… The creak of the metal hinged of the bunker's doors grind on my brain like nails on a chalkboard but I don't have the energy to lift my head to check out the imposter wearing my boyfriend's face. Wait, were we actually considered in a relationship? I mean, Dean and I never actually talked about it. We sort of had this connection and boom next thing we fucking each other and spending a lot more time together than normal just friends would but no one ever complained about how it happened even if those words were not said to confirm. What are we like 13? We don't need to be asked out peh!
A rough hand grasped my face and jerked my head up just for me to stare into the shadowed face of a very pissed-off-looking Dean. But this isn't my Dean. I've already gotten good at noticing the differences. That curl of his lip and that glare in his eye was definitely not my cocky Dean. Because I knew this wasn't the hot supernatural hunter I was wishing for, I didn't mind gathering the combination of blood and saliva on my tongue and spitting it at his face within the next second. But that quickly backfired when my face exploded in pain as the fucker backhanded me hard enough for me to spit out a glob of blood. He'd knocked me over in the process too; my head had hit the pavement below with a loud crack that made my vision sparkle behind my eyelids. I groaned but what could I do? I couldn't move. Opening my eyes I realized I was lying near the edge of the graph on the ground and I chose one of two things. Fight or Die. I chose to fight. Given the opportunity that I had, I rubbed my head against the ground quickly; my hair was a mass but worked well like a mop to wipe and smudge the imprint of the blood on the ground. All this was done while the shapeshifter had his back turned; too busy studying his trays of torture tools off to the side of the room. Closing my eyes I pretended to be passed out and inside I was pleading; screaming, crying, anything that would get Castiel's attention to find me. I need his help and I didn't have much time or energy left.
I felt it then. That mind thing that telepathic creatures and beings had abilities of. Like a gentle caress on my mind. It wasn't intrusive but I could definitely feel the worry that the feeling projected. But I knew, I fucking knew he heard me and that very notion made a sob escape my chest. He'd heard me and he and my boys were coming to find me. I just needed to hold on a little bit longer; that's all I needed to do. But that relief washed away quickly as I was yanked back upright and I saw the glint in the corner of my eye. Fuck, what's one more slash to the arm to bleed out some more huh? I was going to make it. I knew I was, I just had to hold onto the little ray of hope. But my body rejected that idea. My mind was stronger than my body; I was only human after all so I wasn't surprised. Disappointed if anything when my vision began to get blurry and dark as unconsciousness crept from the corner of my vision. The sounds became muffled and far away like underwater. But I had enough feeling left in my limbs when the ropes were cut free and my body was flung to the ground only to be covered by a warmer body. My eyes fluttered open in time to see that silvery glint in the shapeshifter's gaze as his hands began tugging at my blood-stained clothes. I panicked, I could feel my heart threatening to burst from my chest. Was he seriously going to use my body?! I didn't have the energy to fight back; pins and needles in my cold limbs made it painful and hard for me to move my appendages. But that didn't stop the tears. I sobbed. I sobbed so hard I couldn't breathe. But you know what? My nightmare was over. Over in a bang; literally.
Blood splashed onto my face as the body on top of mine was blasted to the side and fell limply on the concrete beside me. A pair of strong hands grasped me and I screamed trying to fight but when I opened my eyes Sam was cradling me against his chest and stroking the blood from my face. The look of utter relief and horror on his face was evident as he held me tightly to him while looking over my head towards where Dean stood; his face was so terrifying that I almost thought it was the shapeshifter all over again. He stood there with a face like thunder like he was going to murder someone; which well technically he had. But he looked so fucking pissed as he stood over the shapeshifter's body. His hand rose and the gun held tightly in his grasp went bang. He fired the gun straight into the monster's body. Once, twice, three times before he turned looking serious as all hell. Seeing my terrified expression as I lay limply in Sam's grasp made him turn back around and unload the rest of his clip into the dead thing's body before he could even attempt to look at me again.
Was I that ugly? Was I that broken? My lip trembled and I buried my face against Sam's shoulder. Holding onto his arm for support as I didn't want to be alone right now. Dean crouched in front of me just then and I felt his hand brush my hair from my face and I couldn't help the flinch I gave at his touch. When I look at him I saw that conflicted look on his face. He was going to withdraw from me. I knew that look. But I didn't want to be afraid of him. My Dean never hurt me, I needed him to realize that. So as he began pulling away to rise I launched myself from Sam's arms and straight into Dean's. Burying my face into the familiar scented shirt and holding for dear life. No words needed to be said as his arms wrapped around me and held me tightly to him. He was never good with words anyway. The presence of his strong frame against my own was enough for me to soak his T-shirt in tears. So relieved. So happy. Just so…thankful that I had men that would go to the ends of the world for me. I pulled away far enough to peer up into his green eyes before I yanked him down by the collar of his jacket to press his lips to mine. Kissing him for all he and I were worth because frankly. I never thought I'd ever have the chance to feel him against me like this. Drawing away when we needed air I rested my forehead against his and smiled shakily.
"I knew you'd come for me." my eyes trailed off to the figure standing behind us in his signature tan-colored trench coat.
"Thank you."
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xbreezymeadowsx · 2 years
I like the drram concert question Madame sent so that's your question!
Goddamnit. Ok uhm…
(I know she will be the odd one out but she is my queen and it’s my damn concert.)
Get The Party Started, Today’s The Day, Blow Me (One Last Kiss), Just Like Fire, What About Us?, Raise Your Glass, Most Girls, Trouble, U + Ur Hand, Sober, Don’t Let Me Get Me, True Love, Are We All We Are, So What!, Fuckin’ Perfect
Wednesday 13:
(yes, I know some are covers, no one start screaming at me “BuT sO aNd So DiD iT fIrSt!”)
pretty much both full albums: Transylvania 90210 and Fang Bang, Not Another Teenage Anthem, Gimmie Gimmie Bloodshed, From Here To The Hearse, Put Your Death Mask On, I Wanna Be Cremated, Something Wicked This Way Comes, I Love To Say Fuck, RAMBO, Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell, Get Your Grave On, Necrophaze, Monster, Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)
the entire IV album, Whatever, Keep Away, Voodoo, Straight Out Of Line, Serenity, I Stand Alone, I Fucking Hate You, Bulletproof, When Legends Rise, Awake, Greed, Cryin’ Like A Bitch, 1000HP, I Don’t Belong, Whiskey Hangover, Good Times Bad Times. And it’d be wicked if they did Mindfreak with Criss Angel
Headlining… I mean… DUH!
whole albums: Love Metal, Razorblade Romance, Dark Light, Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights, Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice. other songs: Dead Lover’s Lane, Bleed Well, Passion’s Killing Floor, Love In Cold Blood, Tears On Tape, All Lips Go Blue, Wicked Game, Solitary Man, It’s All Tears (Drown In This Love), When Love and Death Embrace, Don’t Fear The Reaper, The Cage, And Love Said No, Rebel Yell(<< their live cover is *chef’s kiss*). Also Daniel Lioneye’s I’m The King Of Rock and Roll. also Ville’s solo single Loveletting.
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Fraustrations of Being ND .
I don’t know when I’ll ever be capable of reaching out to professional helps again. I honestly can’t make that shit happen again cuz my fucking brain organ who’s literally non existent to me! is so irritating . Like I won’t be able to cope with someone saying shit & then trying to process wtf’s been said . 💀🤦🏻‍♀️
Not to mention my therapist wasn’t helpful in finding out my BPD?!?! Like bitch what?? I had told her about the fucking papers being so shitty, and then they not even that great to help identify my shit?? Lady couldn’t even put in any efforts & I was left there hanging, all the way up until August 2021, thanks to sum older lady in the group who sent therapist a YouTube link talking bout embracing BPD…….
— Lena Eclipse Reaper; Leo Reaper.
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morganas-pendragons · 3 years
Don’t Fear The Reaper (I) | Jason Todd
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Storytime! So I never really could find myself getting into the DC universe outside of Birds of Prey, the Arkham Games and the Gotham TV show. It just bored me to death. However, I love darker anti heroes, and so Jason Todd’s story in Arkham Knight has been seared onto my brain since I was a teenager. I just replayed this game again when I got my own xbox and boom, this idea was born! I know very little about the canon outside of this verse (or what is and isn’t canon) so mind any mistakes, but I hope you enjoy! There’s dark elements in this (as there is in all the Arkham Games) so be warned. 
Song inspiration is Don’t Fear The Reaper by Denmark + Winter 
Tag: @embarrassedauthornerd​ / @darth-vaders-bitch​
Reader is she/her due to the fact I’ve been developing this idea for a while, so it fits the purposes of the fic!
It starts easy, just as it always does. The younger sister of Dick Grayson - just three years older then Jason - who was at Batman’s side when they first met at the tender age of fifteen years old. 
There was something unique about you off the bat. Something that caught his attention.   
  “What.. what’s your name?” He asked, raising a wary brow as you extended your hand.   
  “You’ll figure that out later.” You murmured. “You can just call me Blaze, for now.”   
It starts easy. He falls, and he latches onto that easy thing because it’s safe and comforting and one thing his parents never gave him.  
It starts off easy... but nothing ever stays easy. 
There’s so many things he’s planned to do with you. So many unfinished memories, fractures of laughter and smiles and sunlight and kisses and so many things he just prays and pleads he’ll have the pleasure to do someday. 
Jason Todd was never gifted with enough time. But if there was one thing he was gifted with, it was the relationships he forged through meeting Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson, your older brother, was the only person left in your life who was fiercely protective of your heart. 
And well.. that was something Jason could agree with him on. They would both be protective of your heart. Gotham would never give you the illusion of safety. That was why Bruce had taken the three of you in. Tragedy had struck, you’d proven you all had potential, and well... Gotham wasn’t kind to Nightwing or Robin, but it surely wouldn’t be kind to Blaze. 
  “Good.” Jason murmured, peering around the corner with Dick to see the shortly lived embrace between you and Bruce. Dick had been reminding him that you had a hard time forming relationships ever since you witnessed what had happened to your parents first hand. You and Dick had that memory seared into the very fabric of you. A stain. One that could not be washed out. “Because someone should protect our girl.” 
Jason was hoping it was going to be him. But he’s never gotten what he wants, has he? 
He thinks he’s fallen in love with you mere months before the incident happens. His nightmares are getting worse. Being out on the road and aiding Batman in forging Gotham into what he believes it should be is not an easy task. It’s disheartening. Traumatizing. Exhausting. You don’t have the slightest clue how Bruce and Jason do it, but it’s not like you can do anything to stop them. 
You just.. watch from afar. Keeping a mindful eye on your brother, you make it a priority to say hello every time Jason comes home. 
But the hardest thing you have ever done is definitely that last goodbye. 
  “Jason, wait!” Before Jason could walk out the door, you found yourself running forward not of your own accord to throw your arms around him and give him the fiercest embrace. It’s not just one of those normal hugs though. This one is fierce and breathless and all encompassing. Just the thought of how this hug is so different from the others you’ve shared makes Jason warm inside. “You come home to me, you understand? We still have alot to do together.” 
To make up for the time we didn’t have anyway. 
He gives you this smile that is so unlike him - because everyone knows Jason Todd to be hot tempered and reckless, but not you - and it makes your heart skip a beat because it is saved specifically for you. 
  “To coming home.” Jason nods. “I promise.” 
And that’s the last time you ever see him. When Bruce returns to you and Dick, he passes the news that Jason Todd died on their mission. Only thing is that there’s no proof. You are angry. It’s why the two of you got on so well. Your anger rivals the other. 
There’s a reason your hero name is Blaze. 
  “He... he’s what?” 
  “He’s gone, Blaze.” 
And well... you don’t accept that. You just can’t. You'd already lost your mother and father, been conditioned to be a teenage soldier for the betterment of Gotham, and had no one to rely on but Dick. You refuse to accept Jason Todd has died. 
That’s the day you start blaming Bruce Wayne for the death of the boy you love. 
It’s unfortunate he never knew you did. 
“My name.. is Jason Todd. I was born in Gotham to Cathy Todd. My mother is dead. The Joker kidnapped me...”
The cold, abandoned wing of Arkham Asylum that he’s been locked in for half a year - or at least that’s what Joker keeps telling him - is as silent as the grave. Jason would even go as far to assume that he’ll die here. Why wouldn’t Joker kill him? It’s not like he’s useful. Or he has a purpose. He’s been aware of that for as long as he can remember.  
Then Bruce Wayne had left him to die, and well... here he was. Relying on hallucinations and harbored, unconfessed feelings to survive. Relying on you when he’d never even had you. 
“They called me Robin. He did. She did. They did. That was my purpose.. to save Gotham. I’ve been a Wayne since I was a teenager. Bruce Wayne saved my life-”
He sees flashes. Images reflecting like shattered glass against the back of his eyelids - which constantly hurt, he hasn’t slept for days - that he tries so desperately to reach for, but to no avail. Bruce. Dick. The rest.. they’re mostly images of you.
Images of how gentle you are. How much you came to love him, or at least he hopes, in such a short amount of time. How you’d given him things no one else could’ve. Bruce was his mentor. 
  “Come home to me, Jason...” He’s so sure you’re real, desperate to believe the apparition he sees in the corner of his eyes that’s developed from his delirium is not a figment of his imagination. Jason has forgotten what gentleness feels like. How sunlight feels against his skin. What a breeze off of the river smells like. What the sight of your smile looks like. 
You are the woman he loves.
  “You promised.” 
The longer he’s in captivity, the more difficult it becomes to form coherent thoughts that don’t resound with hatred. With grief, with shame. “Bruce Wayne ruined my life-”
And then he sees that photo on the floor. The half torn one the Joker tossed carelessly at his feet of him and you after he’d spent hours screaming and writhing on that floor that’s covered in dirt and grime and blood because he just refused to give you up. The pain didn’t matter. The constant wish to die didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. 
Nothing mattered as long as he knew you were still alive. 
You’re staring off into the distance of a sunset that the two of you had watched from behind the manor, overlooking the river. He’d taken it when you thought he wasn’t looking. 
Jason was always looking at you. 
He’s half a corpse here, strung up like some puppet without a Master. Maybe that’s what you had been. Someone who orchestrated all his good choices and tried to morph him into a better man. Someone who didn’t have his best intentions, someone who wanted him to be what you wanted-
Wait a minute. Had he- Had he started to lose his autonomy? The very essence of himself?
    “Have you got something to tell the nice man, Jason?” 
This isn’t him. Jason won’t hate you. Doesn’t hate, cannot hate- 
  “My name is Jason Todd.” 
  “And who do you hate?” 
The Joker doesn’t use you against him as much as he does Bruce. It makes sense. He’s been pretty adamant to keep your identity safe, to keep you safe, but it only takes so long of psychological and physical torture before the resolve can crumble. 
  “Of course you do.” You watch in horror alongside Bruce as the camera pans to the bloodied, broken body behind The Joker. All this time, Bruce had led you to believe he was dead... “Do you hear that, Bats? Kid’s not yours anymore. He's mine. Mine, mine, mine. To do with as I wish. Shame you replaced him with Boy Wonder and the baby acrobat-” 
Jason’s head shot up at the same time yours did. Before you can even comprehend what’s going on, gunfire rings in your ears and Jason is on the floor. 
  “You’ve seen what happens when you bring your friends into this crazy game.” 
The camera cuts, and then you’re screaming. It’s almost ironic how this situation is going. Jason isn’t the one overwhelmed by hatred at that moment. 
It’s you. 
  “Batman? Is that you?” 
He has to repeat it to himself every day. It’s beginning to get to him. The time that’s passed since he’s been locked up in Arkham like he is one of the criminally insane. The way his lungs continue to get considerably weaker, the pain from even the smallest movement that erupts because his body is wrapped in barbed freaking wire. 
  “My name is Jason Todd. I am in love with Blaze. Dick Grayson is one of my best friends. I was saved by Bruce Wayne.” He sways back and forth in his wheelchair with no company but the weak sound of his voice and the darkness. He’s long forgotten what sunlight feels like. “I’m Robin. I’m a hero. I’m in love with Blaze. I never told her, I never told her, I need to tell her-”
Weak. He’s given you up. After all this fighting... 
  “You’ve never been the hero, Jason. Batman and Blaze aren’t coming to save you.” Joker jeers in his ear, ever the constant whisper in his mind. He's forgotten the sound of Bruce’s voice. His encouragement. “It’s been six months now. I think it’s time to face facts.” 
  “That’s the spirit! You’re a chip off of the old Batblock.” He nearly vomits when Joker’s hands slap his shoulders proudly, and the hunched position he’s taken from being in this chair so long sends waves of pain down his spine. 
  “Why won’t you just kill me?” 
It’s not like he hadn’t been begging for it for days. You’d move on. You’d find someone better. Dick would keep his promise because Dick was a good man and never would let his little sister down. 
  “What?!” Joker exclaimed. “No, no, no! I’m not going to kill you! Why would I do that? You’re my side kick now! Imagine it, you and me, the dynamic duo. Taking to the streets. We’d be just like Batman and that new kid of his.” 
His blood turns to ice in his veins. Jason knows his memory is beginning to distort because he’s been so focused on trying to remember your face and your voice and your joy that he’s begun to forget everything else. It’s either the concussions he’s gotten or the fact he’s spent the last two years stuck deep in an abandoned asylum being tortured for someone else’s amusement. 
  “No.. no, he wouldn’t...” Jason knew what the Joker was doing then, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care because he’d forgotten how to care. “NO!”
Days pass. Jason doesn’t sleep or eat anymore. His Robin suit is soiled in dirt and blood and sweat and God knows what else. The fabric has practically clung to him like a second skin and remains a cruel reminder of the people who claimed to love him. He knows now it’s not love. It never was. 
But he still can’t help but hear those final words in his head.
  “To coming home.” 
That’s the only thing that keeps that flicker of hope in him alive. It’s not hope in Bruce anymore. It’s hope in you. 
After the branding and the crudely burned J into his flesh made him pass out from the pain, Jason wakes up and blinks his eyes to adjust to the incoming darkness that had fallen upon him once again. Joker’s maniacal laughter echoed through the halls as it faded into silence. 
Alone. Again.
  “Not again... please not again...” Jason has been begging for Death for so long that he’s surprised it just hasn’t come to claim him yet. Maybe there is still some concept of mercy. If there is, he doesn’t plan on giving it to the Joker when and if he gets out of this wing alive. “JUST DO IT FOR GOD’S SAKE! DO IT!” 
 His eyes snap open, and the mantra begins again. Except this time.. this time, it’s a little more bleak. A little more morbid. Because this time Jason knows and acknowledges the truth. 
And well... the truth is hard to swallow. 
“My name is Jason Todd. I was abandoned to die. I was unloved, I was manipulated, I was betrayed. I did everything Bruce Wayne told me to without questioning my orders. Batman is the enemy.”
It comes in clearer with every hit, every broken bone, every scream that renders his voice raw as time passes by in minutes, hours, days, months. This is reality now. Nevermind the torture. Never mind the conditioning. This is the truth about Jason Todd.
His eyes fall upon that bloodstained picture in the corner. There’s no light left in his eyes now. No signs of Jason Todd. 
This is the truth about the Arkham Knight. Who he used to be has been buried deep beneath the surface for safe keeping. That aspect of innocence that he had been deprived of, that gentleness he’d long forgotten about. It’s a precious memory he never intends to let see the light of day again. 
So that’s why he must forget you as the girl he loved, and instead make you the girl he hates. The enemy. 
“And so is she.”
part two?? 
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ficbrish · 2 years
Breaking Regs
[AO3 Link]
Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Tags: During Canon, Post-Mass Effect 1, Pre-Mass Effect 2, Biotic Shepard (Mass Effect), Colonist (Mass Effect), War Hero (Mass Effect), Sentinel (Mass Effect), Paragade (Mass Effect), POV Alternating, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Shameless Smut, Fluff and Smut, Some Humor, Dom Kaidan Alenko, Light Dom/sub, Misuse of Biotics, Public Sex, Rough Sex, Kissing, Choking, Spit Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Dorks in Love, I Will Go Down With This Ship
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For one horrendous moment he thought he'd lost her. They’d saved the day, but Kaidan couldn’t see Shepard on the other side. There was only debris, Liara, himself, and their shock.
When the others dug them out, he was barely aware of Anderson. All he could see was that wall falling on top of her.
And then the rocks shifted—her stubborn little red head popped out of the brown-grey dust!
Life could be okay sometimes.
Shepard ran towards them, passed Anderson, and leapt onto him. Her legs clamped tight around his waist and their mouths met with fury. His hands were in her hair, and hers in his.
The other soldiers hooted and whistled before Anderson chastised them, shouting, “Look away now!”
“You’re alive,” Kaidan gasped into her neck, laughing.
“Hell yeah, I am,” she said, kissing him one last time before detaching herself to go embrace Liara.
“By the Goddess!” Liara cried out, enveloping Shepard, “We thought…”
“Even you can be wrong, LiLi,” Shepard teased, and kissed her dear friend on the forehead.
Anderson cleared his throat. Shepard jumped from Liara’s arms into his.
He held her tight, one arm wrapped around her shoulders and the other positioned along her back, with his hand steadily cradling her head. He held her like a small child, and she wept gratefully into him.
“We did it, sir,” Shepard said happily, near mania.
“You did it, child,” Anderson corrected. Then he led them to the medics with their escort of marines.
Of course, arriving at the pop-up, disaster hospital meant they had to separate. Anyone considered important had their own examination room, which was a luxury even when the "hospital" was an office building earlier that day. Anderson and Liara tried arguing with frazzled administrators to keep the trio together for the sake of resources, but the Council had given their orders.
Even though Shepard had given his hand a squeeze with a promise she'd be okay, Kaidan was reluctant to let her out of sight.
“This is going to hurt,” a Salarian told him, blinking.
“What’s goin—Ah!”
The Salarian doctor stabbed Kaidan with a large needle.
“Oops, that was for Krogan… Here!”
“Ow!” Kaidan exclaimed, “You know, I just survived a fight with a Reaper, but you might actually do me in, Doc.”
The Salarian didn’t find that funny. “Reaper?” he asked.
“Oh, you’ll hear about it soon. I don’t want to get into it.”
“Fair enough,” the doctor said, “You can go.”
“I should go,” he muttered as a joke to himself while getting up to leave.
“I said that already,” the Salarian stated.
“Yeah, it was—never mind. Where were the other soldiers taken? There was an Asari and another Human.”
“Down the hall,” he instructed vaguely.
*                 *                     *                      *                      *                      *
“I’m fiiiiiiiiiine,” Shepard insisted for the billionth time that hour. The medi-gel had done its job; the rest was just ceremony.
A Human nurse and an Asari doctor fussed over her. Normally, Shepard wouldn’t object to the fervent attentions of two very attractive, intelligent women, but there was only one person she wanted to see right now.
“Can I go?”
“No,” the doctor insisted.
“Do you know how angry and disappointed my dad would be if he found out I let the Commander Shepard walk out of here with an untreated sprain?” the nurse asked, chuckling to herself.
“Oh, no,” Shepard said, trying hard not to roll her eyes, “We don’t want that, do we?”
After what felt like decades, they actually left. Shortly after, the nurse came back with some ice cream, “Asari Vanilla”. Shepard felt bad for hating her earlier as she was left alone to enjoy it.
It was pretty good.
A knock came at her door. Shepard’s heart fluttered as she said, “Come in.”
Anderson walked in, a serious look on his face.
“We have to talk, Shepard.”
Oh no.
“Come for a chat?” she asked.
“A talk, Shepard.”
“Can I still eat my ice cream?”
Anderson sighed, “Yes, you can still eat your ice cream, Shepard.”
“Great, so wh—”
“I’m here to discuss your reg breaking with Alenko!” he interrupted.
“I mean, we also stole a ship. I feel like that’s a little worse.”
“This is serious, Shepard. Treat it that way.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. When did it start?”
When you decided to hire us both on the Normandy.
“When did what start, sir?”
“I’m just confused. Are we talking physical? Almost-physical? Attraction? What?”
Anderson sighed deeply and looked like he was blushing. He stepped closer to her but wouldn’t meet her face. Then he asked in a low, hushed tone, “Did you have sex?”
He backed away as soon as he said it and stared intently at the wall.
Shepard took a big spoonful before she answered, too big of one.
She swallowed hard, “Just once—after we stole the ship, if that matters.”
“God dammit, Shepard! You were supposed to say ‘no’!”
Brain freeeeze.
“But you asked…?”
“I was giving you a way out!”
“But sir! ...What if I don’t want a way out?”
Anderson groaned, “You’re stressing me out, Shepard! I get it, you want to do the noble thing, take the consequences fo—”
“No, sir. I really like Kaidan. I don’t want it to stop.”
He shook his head, “Now you’re really stressing me out.”
Someone barreled into the room, knocking on the door as it closed behind them.
“I’ve been looking for you! I just saw Liara and they’re already letting her go. Come here, I missed you,” Kaidan said, not noticing Anderson in the corner as he ran over to embrace Shepard.
Staff Lieutenant Alenko had obviously been discharged, having traded his paper hospital gown for what was left of his armor. His, Shepard’s, and Liara’s had been so busted up when they found them that they’d have to make the walk back to the ship in their battered under-armor suits. Anderson thought he looked kind of funny in that black wet suit-looking thing with those thick, standard-issue Alliance boots from the emergency supply; like a skeleton working construction.
One that had his hands all over Shepard.
Kaidan realized something was wrong when she remained stiff in his arms and cleared her throat. He looked up at her face and saw panic.
“Lieutenant Alenko!” boomed Anderson’s voice.
Oh God.
“Sir!” Kaidan jumped to attention.
“Is that how you treat all your commanding officers? Where’s my hug?” Anderson teased without a hint of mirth.
“Uuuhhh. Sir?” Kaidan asked.
“You two are a problem,” Anderson stated.
“Sorry, sir,” they said in tandem.
Anderson glared at Kaidan. She always picked the ones who had that flustered, puppy-dog look. Kaidan was a good soldier, but what kind of man was he? He looked at Shepard. She was looking at Alenko like that, and it warmed his heart in a way that clouded his judgement.
“Luckily, there’s a solution and it’s as easy as papers.”
“Marriage, sir?” Kaidan asked, voice breaking a little. Shepard blushed deeply.
“No, not marriage. Disclosure forms. I’ll have the papers in my office unless you’re willing to end this now and shut up about it forever. I have NDAs written up for the other marines that came with me to rescue you, if that’s what you want.”
Kaidan grabbed Shepard’s hand, “I don’t want that,” then turned to Shepard, “Do you?”
She shook her head ‘no’, spoon in her mouth, and he lit up.
“Come by my office, I’ll have the papers ready. Alenko, come with me!”
“I was hoping to stay and talk with Shepard.”
“Not until you sign those papers, you don’t!”
Kaidan shrugged and squeezed Shepard’s hand before following Anderson out of the room.
As they walked through the halls at the pace of a light jog, Kaidan cleared his throat and said, “I uh, no one—I haven’t really heard much about the… the damages and…”
“The damage and the losses?”
“How bad is it?”
“Could be a lot worse, would’ve been a whole lot better if the Council had bothered to listen earlier. Get in there.”
Anderson held the door open to an unoccupied room. Kaidan nodded, walked in, and Anderson closed the door behind them.
“With all due respect, before you say anything, sir, I’m really serious about her.”
“Congratulations, but I’m not here to talk about that. I’m here to offer you a promotion.”
“What? I mean, thanks. Thank you, sir.”
“You earned it, Alenko. Your own ship with your own crew.”
Kaidan’s stomach took a turn.
“My, uh, what, sir?”
“I know you heard what I just said. It’s a lot to take in, so I’ll give you time to consider it.”
“No thank you, sir.”
“It’s an amazing offer, but I’m happy where I am.”
Anderson rolled his eyes, “Kaidan, is this because...?”
“It’s not just about her. It’s everyone. I belong on the Normandy. I’ve never been happier.”
Anderson huffed, “This isn’t just about you. The Alliance needs more than one Ace. We need you both out there.”
“We are both out there.”
“On the same ship with the same people. That’s not what we need. Just promise me you’ll think about it.”
“I’ll think about it, but my answer won’t change.”
“That’s not really thinking about it. I’m asking you to think about it. For your sake as much as anyone else’s.”
Anderson started to leave but turned around at the door.
“Oh, and, papers, my office as soon as you can,” he said and left.
Kaidan took a deep breath and went to find her. They bumped into each other in the hall.
“Hey there,” Shepard greeted him, smiling.
“Hey there yourself,” he said, smiling back.
They looked at each other for a moment, just standing there, until they both laughed.
Then they spoke at the same time.
“We did it!” Kaidan stated. While Shepard said, “I’ve got something for us.”
"Thank you!" he exclaimed, seeing the fresh under-armor suits she held out. Ones that weren't torn and caked with soot.
"And another little surprise for us," she mentioned, glee in her tone at the look on his face.
She pulled out two t-shirts she had tucked behind her that looked like they’d come from a gift shop, “Let’s find a room and go change.”
“You bought t-shirts?”
“No, Kaidan!" she laughed, "These are hideous.”
“I kinda think they’re neat…” he said as he held his up to examine it.
“Of course, you would,” she said smiling and explained, “That’s why I picked these out of the pile. They’ve gathered supplies and there’s no shortage of tourist traps nearby.”
“I can’t lie, I’d love to get out of this dusty thing.”
“Me too."
Kaidan led them back into the room he’d talked to Anderson in. It felt weird to be in the same place with her when that conversation was still fresh.
Your own ship with your own crew.
He shook his head and peeled off the torso of his under-armor. It smelled like the battle they'd just escaped from. It clung to his forearms, and he had to stretch to pull off the sleeves.
Shepard couldn’t stop staring at the way his body moved, muscles rippling like a pond across his bare chest.
Kaidan raised his brow, “Your turn.”
Then he stepped in close, “Wait. Let me do it.”
He found the hem with his fingers and pulled it upward without leaving her eyes until her head was swallowed by the cloth. She held her arms up high, and when he reached to free her from the sleeves, their skin touched at the belly.
They both blushed.
Kaidan cleared his throat, “Much better.”
Shepard grabbed his new shirt from the counter he’d placed it on and threw it playfully in his face.
“I can get dressed by myself,” she teased, “Can you?”
Shepard turned away and faced a wall to do the rest, like changing in the locker with a stranger and not someone she'd already faced skin-to-skin. Just seeing him without his shirt was overwhelming enough.
She turned around. Kaidan's pants were stuck around his ankle.
"I, uh, fell into the table."
"So, you can't get dressed on your own?"
"I might need a little help," he flirted.
"Savoir of the Citadel," she mumbled, shaking her head playfully. Then they helped each other with the rest. 
With their t-shirts on they looked even more ridiculous, but at least they didn't look like hidden puppeteers anymore. They left their tattered under-armor behind in the room's bin. Kaidan suggested they bring them back to the ship for mending, but Shepard just called them "basura" and tossed them out.
“So, what was that all about?” she asked him as they started on their way to the embassies.
“Oh, Anderson? He was telling me about the shotgun he keeps around from the First Contact war.”
Kaidan laughed, “No, he never said anything like that. It was just Alliance stuff. I’ll tell you about it later.”
They stopped talking to pass security at the exit from the hospital. When they were out of eyesight, he grabbed her hand. It's like they'd forgotten how good it felt when their hands touched until it flared again. It was shockingly good.
As they made their way through the Presidium, they held hands and commented on the scenery like a normal touristing couple, not two heroes trekking through the wreckage of the place they'd freshly saved. Souvenir shirts and all! When they passed the Tower where they'd finally defeated Saren, on one of the bridges leading away from it, Kaidan chivalrously picked her up to carry her over a smoldering Geth Colossus. It was for a joke, but Shepard liked pretending to be helpless for a second. She usually hated it, but with Kaidan she was free to be silly and enjoy anything.
A few steps later, he kissed her when no one was looking. It felt like hell to tear himself away from her and continue walking. They walked and talked in a shared daydream, detached from the reality around them, and a need broiled between them that went unspoken.
They’d almost forgotten the purpose of their stroll, and suddenly it hit Kaidan.
“Thank you for signing these papers with me" he said, squeezing her hand, "I really like you, Shepard.” 
He loved talking everything and nothing with her, but he also wanted to give the moment the respect it deserved.
“I guess I won’t be your secret anymore,” she teased, grinning at him, “Afraid the magic will go away?”
Kaidan wondered if she swayed her hips like that on purpose, or if it was just an effect of her mood. Either way, the rhythm of her ass made him feel capable of anything.
No one else seemed to be around; the whole place was in ruins. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away with him, until they were chest to chest in the shadows.
He held her face just in front of his.
Kaidan smelled her hair and brought his head low to chew on her ears. She was intoxicating.
“I never said there was magic,” he teased back between bites.
Shepard made a sound hallway between a sigh and a condemnation. His desire for her was like worship and his touches praise—but he was going to make her beg. Devouring blazes paled in comparison with the fire that promise ignited in her. But Shepard was never going down without a fight. She grabbed and stroked the trouble brewing between his legs.
“You can’t have that yet,” he said with a suppressed whine under it.
“Oh yeah? What do I have to do, Lieutenant?”
In all honesty, he’d been dying to even just kiss her again.
“You have to give me something,” he told her.
Shepard couldn’t believe they hadn’t been doing this the whole time. Sure, that would have been a stupid idea, but it would’ve been the best idea too!
She felt him shudder when their lips met; she tangled her tongue with his and let out an embarrassingly deep moan in the process. Her thighs trembled, so she tried to reach for him again.
“Oh, you have to give me more than that,” he demanded playfully.
A thrill ran through her, starting in her head, and falling through her center until it pooled and made a river in her pants.
“Tell me what you want,” she pleaded. Fuck winning, she beat Saren and the Reapers. Now she just wanted to get railed.
The desire visible on her face and throughout her body was delicious. Kaidan savored the moment before he stated the cost.
“Give me your pride,” he said.
His hands were in her hair, and he tugged at their roots, pulling her head back slightly. His gaze bore down into hers.
She loved the way he looked so serious, especially with the contrast of his voice—full of tenderness. Shepard never felt safer, or more free. It made her want Kaidan to degrade her, right here in the fresh open wreckage of the Presidium.
She ran the nails of her fingers up and down the back of his neck. She watched the way he was looking at her. She never knew it could feel this fun.
“That’s a big ask,” she said, eyes glinting with humor and hunger, “I don’t know… Is it worth it?”
He grabbed her by the jaw and chin with one hand. His eyes never flinched from hers.
“Oh, it’s worth it,” he promised.
She ground her hips against his. It felt electric.
“What would it look like? If I gave you my pride?” Shepard asked.
He pulled them out of the shadows, stepping into debris sunlit with artificial light. Smoke billowed behind him from the rubble still slightly burning nearby. He kissed her out in the open, running his hands underneath her shirts. His palms felt so good on her breasts.
A powerful surge of gratitude that they were both still alive shook them both.
“Do you want me to show you?” he asked.
“Please. Kaidan, please,” Shepard begged, a new type of need present in her voice.
He kissed her indulgently before spinning her around, and grabbed her hair by a fistful. She let out an ecstatic, breathy cry.
Kaidan positioned her in front of a part of a wall that had broken and fallen down. A dismembered Geth arm was sticking out from under it on the other side. He let go of her and leaned over for just a moment to check if the surface was safe; no nails, no jagged edges. Then he stood back up, grabbed her hair like before, and issued his command in her ear.
“Bend over.”
“Make me,” she responded, desperate to see his next move.
She gasped when he forced her down against the ruin. He moved her legs apart, stroking them lightly up and down, touching every part of her. She held her thighs open and eager, wiggling her hips with coy invitation. Kaidan’s eyes were peeled on her with perverted glee. The seam of her pants was so strained with her movements that it revealed every curve of hers in graphic detail. Shepard felt his hands caress her cheeks and force her still. She shivered. Indescribable feelings cascaded through her.
Kaidan pressed himself against her. As much as he enjoyed seeing her bent over begging for him to fuck her in the middle of the street, his erection was screaming for her skin.
“Are you my slut?” he asked, and it rang out through the emptiness.
“Yes, I’m your slut,” she eagerly answered.
“Shhh..” he teased, “Someone might hear you.”
The smile on Shepard's face was huge. She’d never seen this side of him before. Mr. Morals was filthy, and she was the only one in on his secret.
Her, and anyone who dared to step around the corner.
“I’ve been caught in more compromising positions,” she dared breathlessly.
He positioned a hand on each side of her hips, ready to reveal her.
“I can make it worse,” he said.
“Do it.”
Slowly, he removed them, pulling them down until they were abandoned at her knees. Her underwear was black, so he didn’t see they were sopping until he ran his fingers over them between her legs. She moaned when he brushed his fingers against her. She moaned his name. The damp feeling that lingered on them lodged his heartbeat in his throat.
He then pulled the black underwear down just as slow. Her slick stuck to them as he did, creating a long trail that eventually snapped and clung to her thigh. He felt a sound leave his throat. His fingers stumbled as they fussed with the band of his under-armor to pull himself out, feeling the cool air on his ass as he exposed it. He held his cock in his hand and nestled its head against her entrance. But he didn’t push in just yet.
For that awful moment when he couldn’t find her after Sovereign fell, Kaidan thought he’d never get the chance to feel this more than once.
“Are you my nasty slut?” he asked her again. He smacked her ass and it rippled like water.
“Yes,” she called out enthusiastically, “Yes! I am!”
He grabbed her hair, pulling her head closer to him. She gasped excitedly. His body heat was blaring into the dip of her back.
“I told you, people are going to hear you. They’ll come running and find you like this,” he warned.
She pushed greedily back up against him. Looking behind her and up into his stare she said, “Let them see.”
He pushed her head back down and slid easily into her. They both moaned. He grabbed her ass in both hands, squeezing each cheek and spreading them apart. Kaidan watched his dick pump deliberately in and out of her, as her thick ass bounced wildly against him. That image alone made all the death and destruction in his life worth it.
As Kaidan went faster and harder, the wet slap of him and Shepard echoed in the wasteland of the financial district. The wall didn’t seem to shift, but the severed Geth arm pinned underneath was reverberating.
Then they heard the footsteps.
In one movement he grabbed her and hid them both behind the fallen wall, a familiar dance from the battlefield. Without anything else to use nearby, he covered her body with his. Shepard felt the unforgiving concrete against her bones with Kaidan’s weight pressing her into the ground. He saw her wincing and placed a hand flat on the ground to create a biotic barrier between her back and the floor. He worked carefully to keep the light and the sound beneath notice.
Their hearts were beating so fast.
The footsteps grew closer, accompanied by voices.
“Drabble drabble… Drabble.”
Kaidan could barely hear the words. He was throbbing and Shepard was half-naked under him.
“Drabble… drabble… Drabble drabble.”
Shepard began to stroke him with those people just on the other side of the wall. He was so wet from being inside her, and that sent her to another level. So many sleepless nights she’d thought of him and came away with her hands covered in that same sticky thing. Now here he was, her dear friend, rock hard and soiled by her.
He watched her mouth the words, I earned it.
Shepard positioned him so all he had to do was lean in. His breath was heavy but silent. She never failed to surprise him.
“Drabble drabble, Drabble drabble.”
He started to move inside her again, fast then slow, slow and then fast, changing it up depending on her ability to stay quiet. Kaidan was determined to make Shepard cum with those strangers just five feet away on the other side of this wrecked wall.
“Drabble drabble drabble. Drabble!”
He had a hand pressed against her throat, and she wrapped her fingers around his, adding pressure. She wanted him to choke her harder, but he wouldn’t dare risk hurting her until their communication was freer. Instead, he opened her mouth, and waited for her to roll her head back in wait. She did, sighing slightly. That’s it. He raised an eyebrow and she nodded. Then he slowly spit between her beckoning jaws, an indulgent trail, similar to the one that clung to her thigh when he'd exposed her, dripping down from his mouth into hers.
Shepard swallowed with pleasure, her eyes never flinching from his. She was finding it hard not to make any noise when he kissed her as a mercy.
“Sssshhh” he whispered just barely into her ear. His face was pressed against hers.
Very carefully, he created another biotic barrier over her mouth with the hand that had been on her neck. Shepard could now scream freely and soundlessly as he pounded into her with precision. She did.
“Drabble drabble drabble drabble.”
He felt the force of her voice vibrate against the steady blue light in his palm. Then he felt crashing waves envelop him as she tightened and released, pulsing like the dim light between them. Her hips rocked gluttonously in surrender.
He kept going.
The footsteps began to recede.
He thrust harder and faster once they left. He could feel her crying out until it was happening again. The way she tightened around him was torture, but he held himself back until he felt her release for a third, fourth, and then fifth time. That last one wracked through her body violently, and he let go with her.
No one had ever made him feel like that before. It was even more blaring after the second time they’d been together like that. God! they’d been together like that.
Life could actually be like this.
He lowered his barriers. Her breathing was as heavy as his. Kaidan helped Shepard sit up, and she straddled him and kissed all over his face. Her bare bottom was covered in his hands.
“Thank you, thank you,” she said over and over between kisses.
He laughed with happiness.
“To answer your question, Shepard,” Kaidan said, “I’m not afraid the magic will ever go away. I like you too much.”
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
They can’t stop each other from being hurt by the past so they do what they can now. They protect each other, their love fierce and soft in equal measure.
Words: 2.5k 
Warnings: Canon typical violence 
Thanks to @aubreyprc for reading this for me to ensure it made sense because I wrote 98% of it in a sleep deprived state. You’re the best, bestie <3 
Read over on ao3 or below the cut.
Let me know what you think!
Emily was sure she had never been so grateful for a case to be over. Eight days in a small town, with almost as many dead young boys. Lost at the hands of a man who was taking out his anger at losing his own son out on innocent local families.
She had watched as the man she loved struggled with it, the similarity between the dead children and his own son not lost on anyone in the team. She knew she’d hovered, stayed maybe a little too close, but she missed Jack too. She kept thinking about the homework she had been helping him with before they were called away, how it was probably still spread out on their dining room table.
She couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to never finish it, to walk back into a home that only had memories of the boy she loved as her own. They finished the case a little too late to fly home that evening. Aaron’s disappointment was sharp, his frustration coming out in barbed shouts at the team and the local cops as they packed away, broke down the room they had called home for more than a week. Some work needed finishing in the morning, the finilalsing of interviews that Aaron had said they would help with before they headed back to DC.
Dave had given her a silent look, asked her to work her magic. Emily led Aaron down a small, quiet, hallway and she gently assured him they’d see Jack the following day, that they’d pick him up from school and take him to see the movie he’d been raving about for weeks. It drew a smile out of him, and she had squeezed his hand, quipping that he owed everyone a drink.
It’s how they found themselves in a local dive bar, all crowded around a table. Aaron had his arm around her, slung over her shoulders, and she had hers around his waist. Any discomfort of public displays of affection in front of the team had melted away years ago. She could feel some eyes on them, cops they had worked with over the last week casting curious gazes in their direction, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The case was over, they were heading home in the morning. They could allow themselves to act like a normal couple.
Emily looks up at him and smiles when he looks back at her. She reaches up to press a quick kiss to his lips, her hand coming to rest on his cheek.
“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a sec.” She kisses him again, and flips Derek off as she walks away when she hears him making a fake gagging noise.
As she enters the hallway she sees two of the officers from the case. Officer Peters, a difficult man who had looked at them all with contempt since they arrived, and his partner Officer Hayes. Peters was clearly a misogynist, his defiance towards her when they’d been partnered up on a couple of interviews over the last few weeks made that clear. She gets closer to them and stops, their conversation loud enough for her to hear.
“I looked him up, you know?” Officer Peters says, taking a sip of his drink, leaning in towards his partner like he was about to tell some grand secret, but not lowering his voice. “Do you remember The Boston Reaper?” He waits for a nod. “The suit killed him. With his bare hands.”
The mention of Foyet always made her blood run cold even all these years later. Haley’s last words echoing around her head as she remembers them finding Aaron with Foyet’s body, still beating him as if the man wasn’t long dead. She lived with a little boy who had very few memories of his mother now, who would still sometimes find his way into her and Aaron’s bed. Nightmares fused with half remembered moments of the worst day of his life. The things he had overheard, but could not understand, twisting into something that was somehow worse than reality.
“Wouldn’t think he had it in him.” Officer Hayes says in disbelief.
“There's got to be something interesting about him to bag Agent Prentiss. You know she's a wild one just by looking at her.” Officer Peters takes another swig of his drink. “He’s a stern bastard, didn’t crack a smile the whole time they were here.”
She knows it’s true, she makes fun of Aaron for it herself often enough. Good natured jibes to make him relax a little, to remind him that they were all there too. Hearing someone else say it, someone who didn’t know them, set her on edge. She knew how Aaron wore his stoicism like an armour, something to protect himself from the things they saw, from the responsibilities he carried. She was there when it all fell away, when he became her Aaron, not Hotch, and it made her protective of him. Something fierce building in her chest.
She clears her throat before she can stop herself, and the officers both turn to look at her.
“Excuse me, gentlemen.” She says, an eyebrow raised. “I’ve got to get past you.” She nods down the hallway towards the bathrooms, indicating the amount of room they were taking up.
Officer Hayes has the decency to look caught out, and he steps back almost immediately. Officer Peters, however, stands in her way. Purposely blocking her with a defiant look on his face.
“The case is closed.” He says, and she can smell the alcohol on his breath. Emily wonders how long they had been here, if they had been drinking since the unsub was brought in several hours ago. “Your team can’t tell us what to do anymore.”
Emily rolls her eyes and walks past him, easily getting by, and he grabs her arm, yanks her back towards him. She tries to pull her arm free, but he holds on tighter, squeezing her skin in a way that hurts. She doesn’t let it show.
“Let go of me.”
“Terry-” Officer Hayes tries to warn his partner, cut off before he can get beyond the man's given name.
“What are you going to do?” He asks, getting closer to her, making rage as opposed to the fear she was sure he was after rising in her chest. “Tell your boyfriend.”
When she looks back on it in the weeks to come Emily isn’t sure what made her say something. What made her push past the voice in her head, that sounded suspiciously like her boyfriend, telling her to leave it. To walk away. She thinks it’s down to the brutality of the case, the way she knew it had impacted Aaron much more than he would let anyone other than her know. His facade cracking when their hotel room door closed at the end of a long day, too many hours worked behind them and too few hours of sleep ahead.
Emily had watched as he loosened his tie every night, the stoicism on his face giving way to sadness and something too close to guilt for her liking. She had held him tightly in her embrace, trying to transfer some of her strength to him, kisses and words of love pressed against his skin. A loan she gave freely but knew he would pay back, and then some, the next time it was her turn to fall apart behind closed doors.
“I don’t need to tell him anything.” She smiles at him, and it pisses Officer Peters off more. “I’m a federal agent, this is assault. I’d think long and hard before making me involve him. It won't end well for you.” She tears her arm free, holds back the wince when she can feel her skin bruise. She starts to walk away, forgoing the bathroom altogether to walk back to the team, to Aaron.
“Is that a threat, bitch?”
Emily doesn’t exactly know what happens next, Officer Hayes and Peters move at the same time. She’s sure the former is trying to stop his partner, but she ends up getting a blow to her left cheek either way. She cries out, her hand coming up to her face, pain spreading from the point of impact. She hears Derek yelling from across the bar and she sighs.
All hell was about to break loose. _______________
Emily finds herself grateful that Aaron is not there when everything happened, that he’d stepped out to call Jessica and speak to Jack before he went to bed for the night. When he walks back into the bar she can tell he immediately knows something has happened. She watches as he pauses in the doorway, the relative silence in the bar deafening in comparison to the noise he had left behind.
Aaron looks over and sees Derek and Dave talking to a couple of officers from the case, Officer Hayes included, and then he looks over at where she is sitting, JJ holding ice wrapped in a towel the barman had given them against her cheek.
He’s by her side in seconds, JJ handing over the makeshift ice pack silently, linking arms with Spencer to lead him away to give them some privacy
“What happened to your face?” He cups her jaw gently, his thumb ghosting over the swelling already appearing under her skin, bruising blooming on her cheek.
“It’s ok.” She says, her self deprecating laugh turning into a wince as he presses the wrapped ice to her cheek. “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy. Derek did a number on him.”
“Em.” Aaron says, grabbing her hand with his spare one, gently squeezing it. “Please.”
She sighs and closes her eyes. “Ok.” She swallows and looks at him again, attempting a smile to reassure him. “But you’ve got to understand it is not your fault.”
His face falls, eyebrows furrowing enough that the crease she loves to soothe with her thumb appears on his forehead.
“A couple of the officers from the case were over by the bathroom, I heard them talking about you.” It riles her up again, frustration burning in her chest. “I let them know I was there. One of them was pretty drunk and he grabbed me. I got away and he managed to get a good punch in whilst his partner tried to stop him.”
“Where?” He grits out.
“Where did he grab you?” He asks, his voice dangerous. She sighs, rolls the sleeve up on her sweater to show where the finger shaped bruises were forming on her arm. She sees him clench his jaw, the hand not gently holding ice against her cheek forming a fist.
“I’ll kill him.”
Emily stops him from moving, wrapping her hand around his fist. “Aaron, just breathe. It’s fine.”
“It’s not fine, Emily.” He seethes, anger vibrating off of him in a way she couldn’t remember seeing in years. “He hurt you.”
“Come on, love. I can take a punch just as well as the rest of you.” She says, smiling at him. “Probably better actually.”
“It’s not worth it. He’ll already be losing his badge for this. I’d rather you didn’t go to prison for killing him.” She reaches out and cups his cheek, tries to coax a smile out of him. “I don’t think I could keep up with the mortgage payments by myself and it would be a shame to move.” She presses her forehead to his. “I love the bay window too much.”
Aaron does laugh at that. It’s cracked, catching in his chest, but it’s something and it relieves the tension. “I always knew that’s why you agreed to move in with me. The house.”
“You’ll do too, I suppose.” She kisses him, and becomes serious when she pulls away. “Let’s just get out of here, ok? I’d like to go climb into that tiny excuse for a bath in our hotel room with you.”
She doesn’t have to ask twice, their goodbyes to the team short as they leave the bar. When they get outside Officer Peters is there, his superior officer having arrived once the incident had called through.
Emily has to physically pull Aaron in the opposite direction, she feels the tension in him build again as they take a couple steps away.
“She threatened me first, you know.” Officer Peters yells after them, his anger at Emily still clear. “This is what happens when you let women do this kind of work.”
Aaron rarely used his strength against her, unless she asked him to, but he was out of her grasp before she even knew what was happening.
“Aaron.” She calls after him, catching up with him and grabbing his arm again, her fingers digging into his bicep. “It’s not worth it.”
“She is better at her job than you could ever hope to be.” Aaron spits out, anger flowing from him. “When I’m done with you they won’t even let you direct traffic.” He turns to the detective in charge of the case. “We won’t be back in the morning as discussed, we will be leaving first thing. My team will liaise with you on anything you need.”
He walks away, pulling her with him, before there is any chance of a response. _______________
She wants to distract him, his fingers grazing gently over the bruising on her arm as they sit in the bath together. She was on his lap, crushed up against him so they could both fit. Emily could feel how delicately he was treating her. Even though she couldn’t see his face she knew he was frowning, on a downward spiral, blaming himself for not protecting her.
She links her fingers through his, drags his arm around her so he’s no longer focused on her injuries. “That was pretty hot, you know.” She turns her head to press a kiss into his throat, her fingers dancing across his skin. “What was?” He asks, and she turns her whole body to look at him, settling herself back over his thighs. She bites her lip before she kisses him so he can’t focus too much on her bruised cheek.
“You wanting to go all caveman like that.” She says, moving her lips to his ear lobe, nipping at the delicate skin. “However unnecessary it was.”
His hands grip her hips, pulling her closer to him, and she knows she’s achieved what she had set out to.
“Oh really?” He asks as his hands trail up her back.
She kisses him, and all other thoughts are lost.
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dreamifics · 3 years
John Wick x Assassin!Reader!
Two Broken Souls
Chapter 1:
A woman push pass people in the busy and rainy street of New York, she was making her way to The Continental. She was covering her face with the dark hoodie that envelops her whole body..
Entering the hotel, the woman caught everyone's attention, but it didn't faze her. She sashay her way to the counter, taking off her hood in the process.. Small gasps and hush whispers filled the hotel lobby.
The woman was all covered in blood, her eyes were blank and cold but she was carrying a black duffel bag.. This was Y/N L/N or as the underworld calls her 'The Reaper', she's a highly paid assassin and anywhere she goes Death always follow..
They all know that she is the perfect epitome of Death.
Rumors has it that she even surpasses the infamous 'Baba Yaga'..
But the truth is Y/N was hopelessly and completely in love with John Wick, they used to be partners but he left her for Helen, given they were just friends but he left her high and dry.. Y/N had no hard feelings, she just wanted John to be happy and it was nice to see that Helen unconditionally loves the man she also love.. Helen was a sweet and nice person while she is far from that.. She's just a quick-witted, sarcastic evil killer and deep inside her she knew that she didn't deserve John..
Everyone she loves will only die..
Reaching the concierge, she drops her hand to the desk and drop some gold coins.. Charon gave Y/N a small smile, and accepted the coins.
"Charon, give me a room and some medical supply.." Her voice was cold and blank, Y/N is not usually like this to peoole she's acquainted with.. Y/N is just having a rough day, for god's sake she was covered with blood that doesn't even belong to her and to top that up she have a gunshot wound in her abdomen.
"Rough day, Miss L/N?"
"You could say.." She answered while her fingers tapped the concierge desk, Y/N was slowly getting impatient.
"Here you go..Room 12--" He was cut off by the desk phone ringing.
"Please wait a moment, Miss L/N.." Charon answered the phone but he still hasn't given Y/N her keys..
Growing more and more impatient Y/N wanted to grab the keys from his hand and punched him but Charon is her frien--more like acquaintance..
"Okay, i'll move her.." Charon said aa he ended the call..
"Miss L/N, you have been moved to Room 134..Please enjoy your stay.."
He gives Y/N the new key and she grabs it and made her way to the elevator.. She was confused that she has been moved, knowing that Winston is probably the one behind this action, she just shrugged it off.
The elevator opens and it revealed a man with a black suit and a long hair that covered his whole face, Y/N doesn't even need to see the man's face.. She knew that this was the guy she loved, the one who she still loves.
John was stunned at the person that is infront of him.. Y/N L/N, the girl he used to love but didn't do anything because he was afraid to jeopardize their friendship, so he moved on and that's where he met Helen.
He noticed that Y/N was covered in blood, worries shot through his whole body.. Y/N may be a good assassin but she never cared about the state her body is in..
"Are you okay?"
Y/N's breath hitched, she felt a lump got caught in her throat and her heart was beating out of her chest. The way his eyes travel to her face and body, it was making her weak.
"Im-Im alright.."
John forehead creased, he can see when people are lying to him but Y/N was a very good liar.
"Is that your blood?" He asks gesturing to her whole body.
"Maybe 2 percent of it, the remaining belonged to many assholes who got in my way.." Y/N tried to joke but it came out a little rude..
"I see you haven't change.." John gave her a smile, it has been long since he smiled like this.
"Ye-Yeah..I have to go." She dismissed all the feelings that was once bubbling up again, she entered the elevator and John got out..
"It's nice to see you Y/N, i hope we can get a drink later.." John offered but he only got a blank stare from Y/N..
And she was gone, the elevator has closed it doors..
Y/N doesn't want to see John ever again, she was broken-hearted when he left, the pain she felt can't amount to any gunshot wounds she endured in her life.
Y/N hoped that this was the last time she will see John Wick, the man she loves..
The elevator reached her floor, she walks to her door and unlocked the room.. Entering inside she flops down the couch and grabbed the medical supplies that was laying around in the table infront of the couch.
After she took out the bullet and stitch herself up, she took a shower.. Now she's looking all over her hotel room for any alcohol that will supress the pain she was feeling.. But she found nothing, Charon and Winston know that she always need to have an alcohol in her room but what happend? Did they forgot?
Giving up she went through her clothes and pulled out a black dress, she slowly took of the bathrobes that were covering her body and carefully slid on the dress..
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Y/N wore a black leather boots, hiding a dagger knife inside and putting a gun holster in her legs.. She can never be too careful, she let her hair fall on her shoulders as she grabs the door handle and swing it open.
In that exact time the door infront of her room also swing open revealing John..
Y/N mentally curses at herself, she didn't want to see John anymore.. It will only made it harder to move on, she sighs and slammed the door as fast as she could.
John noticed Y/N but his gaze was immediatly broken by the slamming of her door.. Was Y/N avoiding him?
He closed his door and knock on Y/N's.. John heard Y/N curse at herself and the door opened..
"Oh!Hey John!Didn't see you there!" Y/N faked a smile but John saw right through it.
"Drop the act..Are you avoiding me?" John asks with desperation in his tone..
Y/N was frozen, should she tell John her undying love? But she was not like Helen, she wasn't sweet nor nice and she can't givr John the normal life he yearns.. Helen and Y/N are different, John would never love a girl like her..
She was a cold-blooded killer..
A frown escaped her lips as thoughts like that crept unto Y/N's mind.. Shaking off her mind, she focused back on John who was giving her a penetrating gaze..
"N-Nothing, let's get that drink.." She pulled John's arm and lead him to the elevator..
As she touches John's arm it send thousand of sparks to her whole body..
"So what are you up to?" Y/N tried her hardest to change the topic and not look into John's heartmelting eyes..
"You know what i did...How about you?Last i heard you were in Italy?"
Y/N did vacation in Italy--and what she means by vacation was assassinating enemies of the High Table..
"Just a vacation.." She mutters and the elevator opened..
The two got in and pressed the ground floor, an eerie silence filled the elevator..
"Vacation?Did not know that you take those.." John joked making you frown..
"Ha ha!Did not know you make jokes.."
The two just laugh and the ambiance became more comfortable..
"So how are you holding up?" Y/N asks, her tone was dripping with worries..
"I'll be fine.." His face turned into a sad frown, it made Y/N's heart crack, Y/N aches when she sees the love of her life hurting..
"Im sorry.." Y/N comforted the man infront of her and gives him a hug..
And in that action, John couldn't contain the sadness in his heart anymore.. So he closed his eyes and embrace Y/N's hug.. His head falling on the nook of Y/N's neck..
"Im so sorry John.."
She tighten the hug and rubbed his back.. Why can't Y/N seem to let John go? Why can't she move on?
"If you want help, i can help you.. Let's kill those sons of bitches.."
John chucked and Y/N felt the vibrate of his laugh.. Her heart jumped and Y/N's throat getting drier every second that John was in the crook of her neck.
"This is my battle..Besides you are the only thing i have now..I can't bear to lose you too.." John explained, meaning every word of it.. Does he still have feelings for Y/N?
The elevator door reached the floor and the doors opened, standing there was a smirking Winston..
Y/N frowned when she knew what Winston was thinking, he was the only person that knows her undying love for John.. She pulled back from the hug and exits the elevator..
John felt a little disappointed when she pulled away from his embrace, and that's when he sees Winston standing infront of them..
"Hey Winston!" Y/N greeted the father figure she looks up to, and hugs him..
"Ahh!Dear!I see you found our beloved John Wick..." A sly smirk tugged in his lips, John didn't know what that means but he did noticed the way Y/N shifted uncomfortably..
"Im going to the bar.." Y/N announces, leaving John and Winston for the bar..
John watch Y/N walks away from them, the way her hips sway as she move.. He remembered the first time he saw Y/N..
It was another mission for John, kill Alessandro Rossi, the man who planned to overthrown him.. He was in a club waiting for Alessandro to walk in, sitting in the bar and that's when he saw Y/N..
Wearing a tight black dress and sitting across the club, with a drink in her hand.. Y/N was also waiting for Alessandro, she was ordered to get some information from the bastard
He still remember the first sentence Y/N said to him.
"Baba Yaga?You know that names is really weird..Thinking about changing it?" The woman said to him as she pointed a gun to Alessandro's head.
"Wh-what now?" John was mesmerized by Y/N, the way she took down the bodyguards and her sarcastic remarks when Alessandro curses at her..
"You bitch!Im going to kill you and send you to hell!"
"Who said your going to live?" Y/N's voice was blank but it was also dripping with smugness..
"Well you see--Im the Reaper..Im the one who decides who dies and im also the one who drag people back to hell!"
John was just standing there as Y/N interrogates the man.. He smiles at how sassy she talks to Alessandro and Y/N interrogation skills was top-notch..
John's jaws clenched at the insults he spit on Y/N, he was always a gentleman.. And that is no way to treat a lady.. He was about to do something when Y/N grabbed a knife and stabbed his knee..
"I know there's a compliment somewhere in there and i'll take it.."
"You bitch!"
"Ah, there it is!"
John stood there with a big smile in his face and when Y/N was done getting information out of him, John thought that she's going to finish the job but instead she turns around and gave John a viscious smirk.
"Im all done!You can kill the motherfuck--"
"You said i'll live!!" Alessandro cried and Y/N just slaps him in the face
''I also said that im 22 so see you in hell.." Y/N gave Alessandro a wicked smile..
"Do it.." She said walking away from the dark warehouse and going outside to get some fresh air..
John just looked at Y/N amazed before turning back to Alessandro who was weeping..
John also remembered the day he realized he was falling inlove with Y/N
Y/N and John began a friendship--more like a partnership, the two was the most highly paid assassins and the most powerful..
It was John's birthday and he doesn't celebrate but when he met Y/N, she keep insisting to celebrate so Y/N throw John some suprise parties but she always fails because he doesn't show up.
Except for one, it was a day before his birthday when Y/N left and said she was going to do a mission in Tokyo but the truth was she threw John a suprise birthday party. The only people who was invited was the two of them..
He entered his apartment and that's where he saw Y/N.. Baking a cake which she was horribly failing at that Y/N didn't even notice John walking in.. The whole place was decorated with birthday banners and balloons..
"Damn!This cake is killing me!" She utters under her breath..
"What are you doing?"
"What the fuck?!" Y/N shouted and she pointed the gun at him..
"Sorry!Thought you were someone else!"' She pouted and her eyes widen when as she remembered that it was a surpise birthday..
"Oh!SURPRISE!Ugh!I ruined it!I was the one who got suprised!" She shouted making John laugh..
"What are you doing?Are you trying to burn down my kitchen?" He jokes making Y/N frown..
"Ha ha!So funny!Just shut up and help me bake a cake!!Im the infamous Reaper but this cake is killing mee!"
And that was the day he knew he was inlove with you..
"John, you should go for it.."
John snapped back to reality as Winston spoke, he stares at the man and just shake his head..
"I don't know what your talking about.." John push pass Winston..
"You know she feels the same way.."
This made John stop, is it really true?
Is it true that the infamous 'Reaper' likes him back? The memory of Helen suddenly enters him mind.. He felt guilty, like he was cheating..
"Helen would want you to move on.."
John growls at Winston by the mention of Helen's name.. Winston just chuckled and taps his shoulder..
"Kids nowadays.." Winston mumbles and walked towards the elevator.
John sighs and made his way to bar where Y/N was sitting, a whiskey in her hand..
Y/N mind flew to the endless nights she was crying because of John, the way she watch John from a distant on his wedding day because she refused to come.. It took a toll on her emotional and physical state..
The days where Y/N was down, she didn't even do her job right.. It was always messy, her mind was always flying.. She remembers the time she saw John and Helen having fun, that was the day she accepted her faith..
That she and John will always and forever be just friends.
She moved the glass to her lips, taking a sip of the whiskey.. It burned her throat but she was addicted to it, the oh so satisfying burn of the alcohol..
Y/N saw from the corner of her eye a man was approaching her, Y/N's hand traveled to her gun holster, readying it if someone does attack her..
"Am i seeing right?Or Y/N L/N is drinking alone?"
Y/N turned around to see the owner of the voice, a small smirk played in her lips when it dawned to her..
This was Alex Kavelj, a past lover..
And enemy..
The two of them tried to kill each other, like Mr and Mrs Smith only without the happy ending.. Y/N ended up winning but she couldn't bring herself to kill the man she used to sleep with..
"Well if it isn't Mister Alex Kavelj.." A smirk played in her lips, she turned back her attention on the drink in her hand but her other hand was still on her holster..
"Come to kill me again?" She taunted at the man behind her, she doesn't know Alex intentions..
"You know i wouldn't do that to you.." He purrs sitting next to Y/N, he signaled to the bartender for a drink..
A scoff escaped her lips as she sips her whiskey, and just shakes her head in amusement.
"Come on Y/N!Believe me!It's like we don't have any history together.."
Y/N wanted to throw her glass at the man beside her but doing that will cause only chaos to the two of them.. Alex just looked at her, his eyes were burning with lust.. And Y/N noticed it, she felt disgusted..
Y/N regrets sleeping with Alex, they used each other.. Y/N used him as a distraction from John while Alex used her for lust..
"Keep dreaming.." Y/N's voice was filled with disgust, she felt a hand on her shoulders.. She was ready to pounce Alex but she sees the man she hates was still sitting besides her..
Turning her head, she sees John with a serious face.. Y/N has got to admit that she was turned on for just a little bit..
"Is there something wrong?" John asks, his voice was stern and filled with authority..
Y/N just give John a small smile and turn to face Alex.. She slowly let go of her gun holster, she felt safe with John with her.
"Just dealing with pests, that's all.." She said gulping the last bit of whiskey in her glass..
"Mind if i sit with you?" John asks, his hand still holding her shoulder..
"Well that is the deal.." Y/N smiles, she hears Alex scoff..
"Is this your new boy toy?"
"No he's just a fri--"
"Yes, i am..Now what does it matter to you?" John cuts Y/N off, her jaw was wide open.. Surprised at what John had say..
"Chill man!Just reuniting with an old friend.." Alex winks at Y/N making her shudder in disgust.
"Okay..Now leave.." John demanded with the coldest stare anyone could ever get.
Alex just laughs grabbing his drink and walked away from but not without giving Y/N a flirtatious wink..
"Call me if that toy boy of yours is broken!" He waved at Y/N but she just growled at him..
Turning back her attention to the bartender while gesturing a refill.. John sits next to her, moving a little closer to Y/N.
"Who was that?" John asks his eyes were filled with anger and jealousy.. But Y/N didn't see it, she was busy melting in his eyes.
"Just an old acquaintance.."
"Doesn't seem like it.." John growls..
Y/N eyebrows were furrowed at her friends weird behaviour.. Ignoring it she takes another sip of her whiskey, John motioned for a drink and points at my whiskey.
"Yeah, im totally lying..We used to have a friends with benifits thing.. Then we tried to kill each other but i made the mistake of letting him go.."
John whole body stiffened when he heard that term 'friends with benefits'.. He doesn't even know what that means but that does sound very nice..
"What that does mean?" He asks..
Y/N laughs at John's confused face.. She forgot that John doesn't know slangs, he only used formal ones..
"Oh, God!I need to teach you slangs.."
John looked at Y/N as she drink all her alcohol, she faces him..
"Friends with benefits is a sexual relationship without the feelings and commitment.."
John felt his blood boil, he never knew that Y/N was capable of doing that.
"You did that?With him?"
"Why?" John said glaring at Y/N..
She felt uneasy, this was the usual John.. Always protecting her, treating her like she was a kid.
"Well--I was reall--"
"You shouldn't do that!It--Just don't do that again.."
Y/N was getting angry as soon those words left his mouth.. He was the reason why.. He was the reason she threw herself at Alex.. He was the reason she was a blabbering mess when he retired.. She wanted to scream that in John's face..
All those days she felt alone and small, that's why she formed a relationship with Alex.. He was just a confidence booster for Y/N.
"You don't get to order me like that..It's my life and it's my goddamn decision!" She screams at John, it was full of anger and spite.
People are now staring at them, she stands up and paid the drinks she had..
"See you around, Wick.."
John knew that Y/N was mad at him, she just called him by his last name.. She never does that, again she saw Y/N walk away from him.
A part of him felt guilty, but he shakes it off and exits the hotel to carry out the mission that was given to him..
Y/N walks pass Charon, she toss some coins to him..
"Bottle of vodka.." Those were enough for the man to understand.. Y/N made her way outside, she was going to kill another enemy of the High Table..
Sighing, Y/N made her way to the apartment unit she owns.. It was already dark, she reached the door of her apartment..
Slowly opening it, she enters cautiously.. She wasn't followed but maybe someone was waiting here for her.. She grabs her gun, and scope the place but she found it empty..
Y/N enters her room and went straight to the closet.. There was some few clothes but it was just mostly guns, ammunitions and files.
She grabs a duffel bag and shove guns and grenades there, Y/N was busy packing when she hears her front door rattle it was followed by a knock.
She closed her walk in closet and hide behind a post near the front door.. She was ready to kill this person.
This could be someone after her..
Gripping her gun, she carefully walks to the door.. Taking a look at the peephole she found her neighbor who was an old woman..
She opened the door but not fully open, she hides the hand that was holding her gun in her back.
"Mrs. Kranowski!It's late, what are you doing here?" She fakes a smile and the old woman just pulled out a letter from her pockets..
"Dear, this was addressed to you but delivered to me..I got this today but since you were not here i kept it..And then i saw you entering your apartment so im giving it to you now..."
The woman gave Y/N the letter, and she gladly accepted it.
"Thank you Mrs. Kranowski.." She didn't give a chance for the old woman to talk, Y/N already closed the door, locking it in the process.
She examined the letter, it did belong to her.. Opening it, she saw a letter.. It was from her father, the leader of the Camorra crimial organization and also the member of the High Table.
Y/N is the youngest D'Antonio..
Yes, she was another D'Antonio, the youngest and most ruthless.. Their father treated her like a weapon, ordering her to kill people and doing his dirty works.. Santino was the only one who treated her like she was human..
No one even knew she was a D'Antonio, maybe it was a good thing, even John doesn't know her true identity.
She sighs as the horrible memories flooded her mind, the way her Father forced her to take advanced assassination training at a very young age.. The rigorous training that almost took her life.
The killer instinct inside her was awaken at the young age of 12.. She had no mother to protect her from the wrath of her Father.. So she had no choice but to oblied to his father orders
She starts to read the letter, her hands shaking at the crude penmanship that belonged to her father..
Dear Amore Mio,
Im sorry for the things that i put you through, i blamed you for your Mother's death but you were innocent.. I broke you, i failed you and your Mother.. I made you do horrible things, but know that i love you.. You are my little stellina, you are my cuoro mio..
The day you were born is the day of your Mother's death.. I regret not giving you a normal life, not spending time with you.. And im really sorry for making you the worst and evil version of you.. But i do know that you still have the last bit of goodness inside you, and Winston also told me about that pretty boy Wick that you love so much.. You have grown up, you have learned to love someone..
My time is running out, and you, my daughter will live a normal life, that's my last wish for you.. Your siblings will fight over my position in the High Table and i know you will be stuck in the middle of all this.. I have a last gift for you, i gave it to Winston.. I get that you trust him more than you trust me.. So i left it to the guy you trust so much..
Gianna will take over my position, but you know that Santino would not bow down that easy.. Bloods will shed and im thankful that you won't be a part of it.. Don't do anything stupid and live a normal life but i know that living like that is impossible.. I love you my little stellina..
Tears were strolling down her face, she didn't know what to do.. But she hates Winston for telling her father about John Wick.. She hugs the letter, nursing it..
This was the first time her father gave her affection, the first time her father apologized to the horrible things he did.. This was also the first time he ever mentioned Y/N's mother, and the first time he said i love you..
Y/N's phone rang making her snap out of her trance, wiping the tears in her face she stands up and looked over the caller id..
She accepted the call and unsurely put it in her ear..
"H-Hello?" Y/N's voice was hoarsed, her brother doesn't even need to tell her, she knew that her father is dead..
"Y/N!Father is dead.."
"I-I'll be there.." Those were the words that left her mouth and immediately ended the call..
That's where she broke down, silent scream erupted from her lips.. Her soul was broken again, she was on her floor balled up like a baby..
She suddenly jolted up when she remembered her task, kill Monuira Guisa, this man was planning to elimanate a member of the High Table..
Taking off her feelings and emotions and shoving them to the pit of her stomach.. She can't mess this shit up, so she stands and wipe away the tears in her face..
She washed her face and changed clothes to a more comfortable and moveable clothes.
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Grabbing the duffel bag with the ammunitions, guns and grenades.. She prepared herself, taking a deep breath she exits the apartment but before that she enabled her security system.
Locking the door, she discreetly walks away from the building and made her way to the task that was given to her..
Y/N arrives at the hiding spot her target is in, she first scope the place.. There were dozens of boduguards, which means one thing..
He knew someone was coming for him..
A viscious grin formed in her lips, she was going to blow some steam off.. She grabs gun and daggers, hiding it in her boots and jacket.
"Let's kill some motherfu--Ouch!" Y/N was starting to walk when she tripped over a rock.. Steadying and readying herself once again and started to walk..
Ready to kill..
People hide.. Death is coming..
Y/N stands in the middle of the room, she was surrounded by dead bodies courtesy by her.. Infront of her was Monuira, he was bound to a chair.. Sleeping peacefully, Y/N took a picture as another proof.. Then she bring her gun to his head and pulled the trigger..
The sound of her gun echoes through the whole room, sighing as she felt guilt run through the course of her body.
She grabs her bag from the floor and continues to exit the death scene.. No one survived, nobody was left alive..
She went straight to the street leading to the The Continental..
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noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 4
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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Nina spent the next week doing her best to avoid Angel. He, in return, acted like they’d never had the encounter in the cage – or any encounter at all, for that matter. He spoke to her about as much as the next girl in the clubhouse; though, unlike with the other girls, he avoided all kinds of flirting or terms of endearment, other than the occasional mami, when he asked for another drink. Women crawled all over him, and he seemed perfectly content and used to the fact. Deciding she was better off for how everything had turned out, Nina threw herself in to helping Chucky in the office, and reading some of the books EZ had left in the trailer; when she wasn’t slinging beers behind the bar. The atmosphere was still awkward, though; and she was beginning to feel something like homesickness.
Not having heard anything from Charming since she’d arrived, Nina went over to Bishop with a pair of beers for him and Taza, who were deep in conversation one evening; after they’d just come back in from some meeting or other. They’d been sending her discrete looks throughout their discussion, and she thought now was as good a time as any, to check in with them. Setting down the beers on the table, she paused for a moment, before speaking. “Bishop? I don’t mean to intrude, but I was just wondering if you’d heard from Chibs? Or Tig, maybe?”. Bishop shook his head. “Sorry, sweetheart. No word from either of them”, he said earnestly. “We boring you here?”. “No, of course not… I didn’t mean… I really appreciate you taking me in. I guess I just don’t see the need for all the secrecy…”. Taza gave his president a hard look, and Bishop nodded. “Take a seat”, he said to Nina.
Sitting down, Nina felt her heart racing. She didn’t like the look on the faces of the men in front of her. “Do you know who El Palo is?”, Taza asked. Ninna nodded. “He’s president of Vatos Malditos…”, she said. “How do you know that? Have you heard about our relationship with them?”, Bishop asked. “Of course not”, Nina replied, knowing that would be the right answer. Bishop let a smile ghost his face. “So SAMCRO told you. Are they working with them?”. He was testing her. “I just serve the beers”, she said. “Good girl”, Bishop said. “If you know who he is, you probably also know that he’s a grade-A psycho”, Taza said. “I’ve heard things…”, Nina muttered. Palo’s reputation was terrifying; SAMCRO spoke of him almost like a ghost – one of the murderous kinds. “Palo used to have a cousin up in northern California. About a month back, he was shot and killed by who Palo thinks is a hooker, in a date turned mugging”, Taza said. “It turns out that the truth is a bit more complicated than that”, Bishop said. Nina was beginning to connect the dots, and felt her heartrate go up. “Palo’s cousin’s name was….”, Taza began. “Gael…”, Nina interrupted him in a whisper. “Yeah”, Bishop said. “You in serious shit, sweetheart”. Nina’s hands were shaking. “I didn’t know… I thought Chibs brought me here to keep me away from the police-investigation. I mean, it was self-defense, but…”, she croaked. “Why didn’t they tell me?”. “They probably didn’t want to scare you”, Taza replied.
She eyed Bishops smokes on the table, and he handed her a cigarette. The two men frowned at her, as she grabbed her inhaler from her pocket, and took a hit, before lighting the cigarette. “Don’t… I get enough shit from Tig about this”, she said. Another smile ghosted Bishop’s face. “Palo contacted El Padrino… Alvarez; as Gael died so close to our Oakland charter territory”. “San Joaquin county”, Nina said, and took a huff from her smoke. “He called in Mayan help to find you… Offered good money for any info”. “Why didn’t he hand me over, then?”, Nina asked. “Marcus’ loyalty to SAMCRO, and the promise he made to Jackson Teller, to stay on good terms with them, weighs more than money”. Nina closed her eyes and sighed. “I guess I owe you more than I know”, she said. “Well, reaper paid us a bit more on top of the loyalty we owe them”, Taza chuckled. “But, you’re safe with us. Palo won’t think to search in his own back-yard”. “What do you mean?”. “The Vatos’ territory borders our own. In more ways than one”, the VP said. “They’ve claimed the area just south of the wall”, Bishop said.
“Fuck… Fuck!”, Nina rasped, and ran a hand over her face. “So why are you telling me this? If Chibs didn’t think I should know”. “Keeping it a secret from you won’t keep you safe”, Bishop replied. “If we’re going to protect you, and keep our promise to SAMCRO, you need to know how serious this is”. Nina narrowed her eyes. “But you’re not letting the rest of the club know…”, she said. “The lady’s got a point, Bish”, Taza said. Bishop held up a hand, and hardened his expression. “We talked about this, Taz’. You know the shit we’ll get in to at the table, if they find out we’re double-crossing a business-partner like this”. “We haven’t dealt with VM in months. There’s no money between us anymore”, Taza said. “And there sure as shit won’t be in the future, if Palo finds out about this”, Bishop said, and gestured towards Nina. When he saw her expression, he sighed. “Look, I made a promise to our brothers in SOA, but I’m not going to risk future Mayan-business over it. For now, this stays between us, you got that?”. “Yeah… whatever you say”, Nina muttered. Bishop raised a brow at her, and she made a frustrated sigh. “I know how club business works; it’s not my place to mess with it”.
The door to the clubhouse opened, and Coco, Gilly and Angel – accompanied by the blonde he’d ignored the night Nina had arrived in Santo Padre – walked in. Nina was about to get on her feet, and walk back to the bar, when Bishop grabbed her hand. “This is also why I don’t want you starting things up with Angel. All due respect, I don’t need him losing his head over some croweater from Charming, if this blows up in our faces”, he said. “You have nothing to worry about. Nina said, an edge to her voice. Bishop tightened his hold on her hand. “I’m serious. I need my men focused on business; and if Angel starts thinking with his dick, instead of his head, there’s a good chance he won’t be able to make the right decisions, when push comes to shove”. “As in, you’re worried he won’t be able to hand me over to Palo, if necessary”, Nina almost hissed. “That’s not what I’m saying, Nina…”, Bishop said. “Then, what are you saying?”, she replied. The president let go of her hand, his expression turning almost guilty. They both looked over at Angel, who’d put his arm around the blonde. The girl tugged at his beard, and he leaned down, letting her kiss the corner of his lips. “Like I said, you have nothing to worry about”, Nina muttered, and walked away as quickly as she could.
Once behind the bar, she put on a mask of calm indifference. “Can I get you anything?”, she asked. “Sol. Thanks, niña”, Coco said, holding up two fingers to imply one for him and one for EZ. Nina served the beers without correcting Coco. He’d stuck to the nickname since the moment she’d climbed onto his bike, and she decided to take it as a compliment. EZ and he went over to rack up a game of pool. “You?”, she asked Angel. “Dos Equis”, he said, with an indifferent smile. Nina – knowing his regular order – had almost already grabbed a bottle with XX on the label, and put it on the counter; before he finished speaking. The blonde girl pressed against Angel, and ran her hand inside his cut. “It’s about to be tres equis, baby…”, she giggled. Angel cleared his throat, and stretched his neck. “Take it easy; yeah, mami?”, he said, keeping his eyes straight ahead. He gave her shoulder a standoffish clap, and walked over to the pool-table to join his friends.
The blonde gave Nina a saccharin smile, and tilted her head slightly. “Sorry about you and Angel…”, she said in a phony tone. “I’m sure you are”, Nina smiled as friendlily as she could. The girl looked at her for a moment, narrowing her eyes. “Do you know how to make a screwdriver?”, she asked. Nina was taken aback. “Do I know how to make a screwdriver…?”, she repeated back at the girl. The blonde scoffed, and laughed a little. “Yes, a screwdriver… I know you’re new here, but if you don’t know how to work a bar…”. “Yes, I know how to make a screwdriver”, Nina cut her off, and turned around to get some orange juice from the fridge. She began mixing vodka and juice in a glass, ignoring the daggers the blonde was staring at her. “You should really be less rude to me… Consider who you’re talking to”, the girl said. “I’ll keep that in mind”, Nina said, and set the drink down in front of her. “We’re out of ice”. “Just go get some from the freezer out back”, the blonde scoffed. “I don’t want to”, Nina replied, and walked out from behind the bar.
There was a gush of wind behind her, when suddenly Nina felt her hair being yanked, and she stumbled backwards. In the flash of an eye, her face and top were drenched in vodka and orange juice. “I told you, I want ice; bitch!”, the blonde snarled. Nina reacted promptly, lifting her arm over the girls, and then hooking it underneath. She lifted her bent arm upwards, making the girl squeal in pain, as she had her arm in a lock; and she let go of Nina’s hair. Bishop and Taza quickly got on their feet; and Angel, EZ and Coco ran towards them. Nina’s hand gripped the blonde’s throat, and looked coldly at her. “I’d call you a nasty skank, but I’m a lady; so, I’m just gonna ask you nicely to never do that again”, Nina hissed. The blonde was gasping for air. “Let go of the nasty skank, Nina”, Bishop said, his hands up in a calming gesture. Nina let go of the girl, and she stumbled backwards into the arms of EZ. She was about to step towards Nina, when Coco got between them. “Nah… Don’t be like that”, he said. EZ and he pulled the girl away to the other end of the room, and the prospect held her there, while Coco stood in front of her; his eyes on Nina, as if she’d explode at any moment, and attack. Nina locked eyes with Angel, who looked at her in disbelief. His eyes were deeper than ever, and his stance was tense. Nina’s shirt was cold and sticky, her breath was raspy, and her blood was pumping; making it tricky for her to keep her voice even. “I’m gonna… go. Now”, she said, and left the clubhouse, walking as calmly as she could towards the trailer.
Through the sound of her own blood pumping like waves of the ocean in her ears, she heard loud talking from outside the trailer door. “You saw what she did!”, the blonde woman was complaining. “You’re just gonna let her do that to me?”. “Go home, Daniella”, Angel replied. “Aren’t you going to give me a ride?”. “No”. “Puto…!”, the girl snarled. “Puta! Get the fuck out of here!”. There was a volley of curses flung through the air, mostly from the blonde; before Nina heard EZ come outside, and offer the girl a ride home. Soon after, a bike started up, and drove out of the lot.
Nina was standing stiff as a board, clenching her fists, and trying to calm her breathing. There was knock on the trailer door, and she shook herself out of it, to go open. Angel was standing outside, looking sheepishly at her; one hand leaning against the doorway. “You ok?”, he asked. “She ruined my last clean top”, Nina muttered, and stepped aside for him to enter. He went over to a cubby in the small bathroom-area, and pulled out a white t-shirt. “EZ’s”, he muttered, and handed it to her. “Thanks…”. Leaning against the counter, Angel looked her over. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or scared of you right now”, he said with a slight smile. “Maybe even a little flattered”. “Why?”, Nina asked, still standing in the middle of the trailer, unmoving. “You weren’t defending my honor back there?”, he asked. “I was trying to get a crazy woman to let go of my hair”, Nina replied coldly. “And, what honor?”. Angel scoffed, and shook his head. “Shit, woman. Talking to you is like a bullet to the head”.
She didn’t know it had happened, before she’d done it. Her palm was stinging, and Angel held his hand to his cheek; where she’d slapped him. “What the fuck was that for?”, he growled. “You… Don’t say that…”, Nina croaked. “Not that”. Angel clenched his jaw, and the furrow between his eyes grew deep. “I’m trying here, Nina”, he said. “I tell you I wanna spend time with you, you get pissed. I give you space, you beat up a chick…”. “It was self-defense!”, Nina exclaimed, unsure which situation she was referring to. She was still stuck on his words. Bullet to the head… “And now I’m trying to talk to you again, and you smack the shit out of me…”. He moved his jaw from side to side. “Shit, how much do you bench, querida?”.
They looked at each other for a long moment. Adrenaline was still surging through her, and pent-up energy was threatening to split her at the seams. Angel just stood there, looking like everything she wanted and needed just at that moment. “Look, I’m just…”, he managed, before she shut him up, by planting her lips on his. He pulled back, and looked at her confusedly; before his eyes darkened, and he grabbed her by the back of the head and kissed her back. Their kiss was frantic and wanton; one that made it clear that this was only headed in one direction. Tugging at her wet top, Nina managed to get it off, while Angel opened his pants. She quickly pulled down her shorts and panties, and used Angel’s shoulders as leverage to get her butt onto the counter. Angel took the time to – unnecessarily – spit into his hand, and make the head of his cock wet; before he sunk in to her. The hard edge of the counter was digging in to her butt, but all she could focus on, was the man between her legs. Holding on to his shoulders, and burying her face in the crook of his neck, Nina tilted her hips; to let Angel get as deep as possible inside her. With groaning whimpers, Angel thrusted possessively in to her. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, and struggled to keep her legs lifted to get the best angle. Angel grabbed one of her thighs, and held her leg around his waist. He hooked his free arm under her other leg, finally getting into a position that brought him as deep as it was possible for him to get.
They didn’t speak in words, only communicating through grunts and moans. Nina felt the coil in her lower belly tighten, and had to bite into Angel’s shoulder to keep from crying out. “I gotta… soon”, Angel croaked. “Uh huh”, Nina nodded fervently. Her walls began tightening, and the thin thread keeping her from falling over the edge finally snapped; making her spasm around him; and all the pent-up emotions wash away as if by a wave. Angel groaned when he felt her come, and it was barely a second later that his own climax came; and he spilled himself inside her.
The door swung open. “Yo, is she cool?”, Coco asked from the doorway. “Fuck, mano!”, Angel growled, and covered Nina’s mostly naked body with his own mostly clothed one. “My bad”, Coco said, and closed the door quickly. Angel looked down at Nina apologetically. “Sorry”, he muttered. Nina nodded, and gave him a slight smile.
Angel gently pulled out of her, and quickly grabbed a paper towel for her to clean up, so she wouldn’t have him dripping down her leg; before giving Nina a hand to get down from the counter. After tucking himself back into his pants, he grabbed the blanket from the cot, and handed it to her; and Nina wrapped it around her chest, to cover herself. “I’m gonna… take a shower”, Nina said quietly. “Yeah”, Angel said. “In there”, she reiterated, and gestured towards the bathroom area, which Angel’s tall frame was blocking. “Yeah, sorry”, he said, and moved for her to pass. Before she could make it all the way, he grabbed her arm. “Nina… I do want to…”. “I know”, she said. “But not now”. “When?”, Angel sighed exasperatedly. “It’s like you got all this shit going on you don’t wanna talk about, and I just want to… I want you to trust me”. Nina took his hand, and merged her fingers with his. “I hear you. I do. Just… Not tonight”, she said. “You should go”. Angel clenched his jaw, and shook his head in frustration. Nina tugged at his t-shirt under his cut. “Please”. Angel let out a defeated grunt. “Ok”, he said, and walked out the door, closing it behind him.
Nina locked up after him, and stood for a moment; leaning her forehead against the door. Then she dropped the blanket, took off her bra, and went to take a cold shower.
“Good morning, slugger”, Taza said, as she came out of the trailer the next morning. He and Bishop were having a smoke on the porch of the clubhouse. “I didn’t hit anyone”, Nina muttered. “No, you just almost broke the arm on one of our regular hangarounds”, Bishop said. “Sorry”, she said. Bishop shrugged. “She looked like she deserved it”, he grunted. “But let me know if you want a turn in the cage, with one of the boys, at some point. I’m sure we could make some cash on bets”. Nina chuckled embarrassedly.
EZ came out of the clubhouse, a mug of coffee in hand. He handed it to her with a smile. “From Chucky”, he said. “Thank god for that freaky-fingered, little man”, Nina said, and took a big gulp. “Is that my shirt?”, EZ asked. Nina looked down at herself. “Yeah… Daniella messed up my last clean top”, she said. “You said something about a laundromat?”. “Yeah, I can take you”, he replied.
Coco and Letty came out of the clubhouse at the same moment. Coco did his best to look anywhere but at Nina; who stifled a smile at his embarrassment. “Sorry. I need the prospect on the lot today. Laundry’s gonna have to wait”, Bishop said. “I’m fine with going on my own”, Nina said. Bishop frowned slightly at her, and she sighed. “I’ll keep my head down”. “I can take you”, Letty said. “We can use Coco’s car”. Coco nodded. “Yeah, uh huh. You… take my car. Anything”. His eyes met Nina’s for a fraction of a second, before he looked away again. Bishop grunted defeatedly, and went down the steps to talk to her. He nodded at EZ to take a hike, before looking at her meaningfully. “You carrying?”, he asked. “.38”, Nina replied shortly. Bishop nodded in recognition. “Straight to the laundromat. Straight back. Anyone asks, you’re a Mayan hangaround”. “I got it”, she said. “Hmm”, Bishop said. “I’ll send EZ by to check on you, if we can spare him”. He handed her an outdated smartphone. “Prepaid. It’s got mine and Taza’s number on it. Use it if anything comes up”. Nina nodded, and went to grab her laundry from the trailer. She wedged her gun down the waistband at the back of her shorts.
Letty was waiting behind the wheel of a black lowrider, when she came back outside. Nina got in the passenger-seat next to her. Coco came over to the driver’s window, and handed Letty a small wad of 20’s. “If you need to buy something… Like pants, or whatever”, he muttered. Letty frowned in confusion, and Nina once again had to chew her lips to keep from grinning.
The laundromat was luckily mostly empty from people when they got there. EZ had been right in his proclamation that it smelled like feet; but Nina was overjoyed at the prospect of having clean clothes again.
Letty was reading a magazine, seated on top of one of the washers. Her phone was buzzing constantly, and the first few times, she looked at it; before finally throwing it in a pile of towels someone had left behind. “You don’t wanna get that?”, Nina asked. “Nah… It’s just some guy”, Letty replied, looking at her from the corner of her eyes. “Should I be worried?”, Nina said. “What are you, my dad?”, Letty grunted. Nina raised her brows. “Sorry”, she said. Letty looked suddenly embarrassed. “No, it’s ok. It’s just… You know when you meet a guy, and hang out for a while; and then he won’t just let up calling you?”. “Yeah, I’ve met a few of those in my day”, Nina chuckled. Letty’s face lit up. “Yeah?”. “Oh yeah!”, Nina said. ���You find out you’re not on the same page, and try to break it off. And then he’s calling you, like; but baby. We had something good…”. Letty nodded fervently. “Exactly like that! And then he tries to ask you out again, even if you said no thanks, so you gotta ghost him”. “Sometimes it’s like that”, Nina shrugged. Letty jumped off the washer, and went over to help her fold her clothes. “And then he shows up at your school in his truck, with a sixpack and a gas-station bouquet of roses. And you’re just like; dude, I sucked your dick onetime…!”. Nina narrowed her eyes at the teenager. “How old are you, Letty?”, she asked. “18…”, Letty replied. “Ok…”, Nina said, feeling calmer – though not by a lot.
“Is it like that with you and Angel?”, Letty asked, catching Nina off guard. “Like what?”, she asked. “Like, you fucked, and now he won’t give up?”. Nina thought for a moment, not sure how to answer. “No… That’s different. Angel is a good guy, I think. I’m just not sure that he can deal with my shit right now”. Letty smiled crookedly, and for a moment, her family resemblance with Coco was very obvious. “For what it’s worth, I think you’d make a cute couple”. Nina chuckled, and began putting the last of her now clean clothes in the bag.
Letty’s phone buzzed again. The teenager groaned, and finally picked up the call. “What…? No… Because I said so… Yeah… So? You, and everyone else… Yeah, he is…”. When she uttered the last words, Letty’s face suddenly looked anxious. “Well, he can be. I’ll just call him, and he’ll be right here… Yeah, you do that”. She hung up the phone. “We need to go”. “Everything ok?”, Nina asked. “I just wanna get back to the clubhouse”. “Let me just get the last of my clothes”. “I’ll go start the car”, Letty said, and hurried out of the laundromat, and down the side of the building to the alley where they’d parked.
Nina got her last things from the dryer, and quickly packed up. She left the laundromat, and went to go after Letty, when she heard commotion behind a dumpster. “Let me go!”, Letty was yelling. “You can’t do that to someone. You led me on, you little slut”, a darker voice said. Nina ran over to see what was happening, and found a broad-shouldered man holding Letty against the wall, by her wrists. She had a bruise on her jaw. Fear and anger bubbled in Nina’s chest, and she stormed over to the pair. “Let go of her!”, she snarled, and pushed the man away from the teenager. “You stay out of this, bitch!”, he growled, and went to take a swing at her. He was halted, when Letty slammed him in the back with a discarded shopping-basket. The man stumbled forwards, and Nina and Letty made to run, when the man grabbed Letty by the neck, and slammed her against the wall again.
It was like her body worked of its own accord. Nina slipped her arm behind her, and grabbed her gun, before holding it to the man’s head. “Let her go”, Nina said, her voice sounding like it came from somewhere deep within her. “You’re not gonna shoot”, the man laughed. She pulled the hammer. “I said, let her go”. The man slowly released his grip on Letty, and stepped backwards; all the while, Nina still aimed her gun at him. “Listen, lady. This girl, she’s…”. “Shut your mouth, you piece of shit”, Nina hissed. The man raised his hands in the air. “What are you gonna do? I let her go. You won’t shoot me now… Right?”. Nina felt physically sick. Letty was looking at her with scared eyes. “Nina, he let me go… You can put down the gun”, she said. “No”, Nina rasped.
There was the roar of engines, as what sounded like two motorcycles came up behind them. “EZ!”, Letty yelled. “We’re back here!”. Nina heard running, before EZ’s voice called out to her. “Nina…?”. She didn’t reply, it was like her arm cramped up, and she couldn’t lower the gun. “Shit. Angel! Get back here!”. Still frozen in place, her eyes were locked on the man in front of her. Another pair of feet came running up behind her. “Nina?”, Angel said. The man began stuttering. “Shit, man. You gotta do something. We were just having a conversation, and this chick pulls a gun on me…”. A small group of onlookers had gathered, and were staring at the situation with almost vulgar interest. Nina clenched her free hand, struggling to regain control of herself; as her audience awaited her next move.
“He was going to hurt her”, Nina said. “He was going to…”. Angel looked at Letty, who nodded slightly. The biker walked over to the man, and slammed his fist into his gut; making him fall to the ground. Nina moved her gun, continuingly aiming at his head. “Fuck…”, the man groaned. “Get that crazy bitch to put away the gun!”. Angel stormed forward again. “Shut the fuck up!”, he growled, and kicked him in the ribs; making him curl up even more. “Call Coco”, he said to EZ, who fished out his phone; while leading Letty over to the car.
Nina’s arm was beginning to hurt, but she couldn’t move. What if the man got up, and went after Letty again? Angel stepped in front of her, his arms raised calmingly. “You can put the gun down, Nina”. “I can’t…”, she whispered. Angel stepped slowly closer, and put his hand on hers, gently pressing it down. “Come on, querida. You’re ok. It’s ok”. He pried her fingers from the gun, and took it; putting it in his pocket. “See? Everything’s ok”. “Fuck that!”, the man on the ground rasped. “That bitch is crazy…”.
Before Angel had a chance to stop her, Nina had attacked. She was on top of the man, pounding her fists in to his face and chest; and when he tried to cover himself with his arms, she scratched at his skin. The man got a few shots in, before Angel wrapped his arms around Nina, and managed to pull her off him. “No, querida. Stop. He’s down”. “Get off me!”, Nina hissed like an angry cat, and pushed Angel away; looking at him with wild eyes. Moving her gaze to the bystanders, her chest tensed up, and she let out a choked gasp. Their eyes felt like literal fire pokes, prodding at her skin. Angel noticed her looking at the people around them, and broadened his frame; getting between her and the onlookers. “Get the fuck out of here!”, he roared. “You didn’t see anything. Go!”. The crowd quickly scattered, and they were alone in the alley.
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shimmershae · 3 years
So.  Thanks to my new anonymous friend, this is going to become a thing.
Shae’s thinky thoughts about the latest episode--Acheron:  Part 2--beneath a cut. 
Because spoilers, however vague they might be.  
Let’s be real here.  This is more a stream of consciousness than anything else so if that’s not your thing, you are most welcome to nope right on out of this post.  Trust me.  I’ll completely understand, lol.  Sometimes?  I wish I could nope right on out of my own brain and the way it operates.  
That said?  Without further ado--
Episode 2′s opening, though.  Maggie trapped with hungry Walkers converging?  It totally gives me Glenn under the dumpster vibes.  I don’t know if that was intentional or just happy coincidence but way to link Maggie to her dearly departed better half, show.  
Is it just me or has Father G had more OOMPH to him these last few seasons?  Again, I have to ask--Rosita’s influence or no?  Regardless, I bet Seth Gilliam is loving the job these days.  
Side note:  am I gonna have to go to bed early every Saturday night from now until the end just so I that I might be able to SEE?  Something?  Anything?  My curtains are flimsy-ass.  I admit it.  But this is more frustrating than TXF.  Angela, WTF?  
No, seriously.  It’s like complete guess work who’s in these subway scenes.  Some of that has to do with them being overly populated by redshirts and the rest of it has to do with me having to squint and turn sideways to make out their facial features. 
Look at Daryl busting through concrete walls!  Should I call him the Kool-Aid Man considering NR has once again allowed himself to be led right into a biased, shipper trap?  Hmm.  I might.  
Imagine seeking refuge in those dark, filthy subways.  Any second now I expect to hear the skittering of rats.  Will Dog lose his effing mind a la Divergence?  He’s been shown to go off half-cocked that way, lol.  Oh well.  Guess it’ll be in character if he does.  
Impressive graffiti storyboards.  Does it mean something that it immediately cuts to the Commonwealth storm troopers afterward?  Maybe.  Who really knows at this point?  They been trying to gaslight us forever.  
LOL at Princess yet again.  Yumiko is just like da fuq is this person?  
No, really.  LMAO.  “That was her.  From last night.  Did you see how she was looking at us?”  
Then you have Eugene, hahaha.  “Oh God.  Why did he tell off the big guy?”  Like the man is totally me in this type of situation.  Not even gonna lie.  
“That’s right.  We want to talk to the manager.”  
I literally cannot wait ‘til Carol and Daryl meet Princess.  Can.  Not.  Wait.  
How sad is that note on that $100 bill?  Small moment but it totally gives me Season 4 vibes when they were on their way to Terminus seeking sanctuary.  
Hmm.  Remember how that place wasn’t what they thought it was?  I’m sure neither is the Commonwealth.  But I feel like what’s left of Team Family is totally going to do Rick proud, lol, and prove they’re messing with the wrong people if they try something.  
Daryl, Man.  You gonna have to get a better handle on your headstrong Fur Son.  I wonder if Dog would listen better to his mama?  Things to ponder.  
Sounds like Miko has this group’s number.  Or does she?  
Princess and Eugene totally look like they’re waiting their turn for the Principal’s office, LOL.  
“Stop moving!  You’re taking my nerves over the edge to a proverbial 11 on a scale of 10.”  I feel you, Eugene.  I do.  Also you, Princess.  Two of the most relatable TWD characters right there, I’m telling you.  
Princess is me when I really, really, really have to pee.  TMI?  Sorry, lovelies.  LOL.  I just...she’s so relatable.  
LMAO.  “If that fine ass dude in the orange suit...”  Princess and Mercer incoming in 3-2-----
Princess’s excitement over the toilet paper=PRICELESS.  
Eugene, Man.  You desperately need to develop a poker face.  
There’s Daryl getting another cool camera shot.  Angela?  You playing favorites again?  
Carol’s claustrophobia could have never.  I bet that’s in the back of Pookie’s mind.  You can’t tell me it’s not because Carol lives in there rent-free.  
Ohhh.  Back to the subway car.  Looks like we got the Maggie redshirts leading the way.  First sacrificial “lambs”?  
Maggie pistol-whipping Negan was kinda deserved, but he wasn’t all wrong so.  
Damn.  I’m no Gage fan.  He can fuck all the way off for what he did to my baby Lydia.  But Maggie over there with ice in her veins.  
Yep.  I think the dude just got one of the most gruesome deaths in a while.  Yuck.  
I think Alden’s faith in Maggie definitely took several hits.  I feel like he kind of had her on some sort of pedestal dating back to Hilltop times.  Father G, though?  The man is continuing to show himself a SAVAGE MFer.  
Josh gives Eugene such believable tics and mannerisms.  He IS Eugene.  
Thank you, Maggie, for lighting that flare.  I could not see a damn thing.  
What are these bad memories Negan alludes to?  Hmm?  Him being a shit husband to Lucille back when he was still taking her for granted?  
Father G on Gage’s Walker--”All that is, is a shell of a man, who died a coward.”  Kind of ironic considering Father G’s own origins, huh?  Has he any warmth in there for anybody but Rosita and Coco?  Does he equate it with weakness?  
“There are worse ways.”  And Maggie proceeds to paint us a horror story with mere words.  
Dark Maggie really surpasses anything certain fans have ever accused Carol of being.  Is she too far gone?  Who the hell knows?  I think it’s clear that she and Carol are both on a sliding scale of sorts when it comes to being able to compartmentalize shit to survive.  Personally?  I feel like Maggie might have leap-frogged Carol in this episode but it matters none because of the double standards so deeply entrenched in this fandom.  Both women have endured and had to do some horrific things.  It’s not a contest.  But it’s probably going to be turned into a season-long one.  
It’s almost like Kang was like, “Ya’ll bitches think Carol’s dark?  I’ll show you DARK.  Check and mate.”  
Whatever the reasoning, Maggie just got exponentially more interesting to me if not likable.  And before anybody out there comes at me, it’s entirely possible to be on a character’s side in some things and not be all up their ass in love with them, lol.  Like I’m attached to her because she’s family and Glenn loved her.  There’s a loyalty there and she absolutely is justified in her hatred of Negan.  But I’m not going to pretend her shit don’t stink like everybody else’s.  
Speaking of my baby Glenn.  What would he think of this version of Maggie?  I think he would be gutted and heart stricken that events led to her being like this but he’d understand because he’s pure like that.  Don’t mean he’d be A-OK with it all.  
Dog must be protected at all costs.  
Confession.  I know not the fuck who Pony Boy is, but I know him because all my fandom friends have pointed him out to me, lol.  RIP, Man.  I think you’re number’s up or close to it.  
Okay, though.  I admit it.  I am kinda LOVING Badass Father G.  
That scene in the subway car with all of them working to take all the Walkers out was already badass.  Then Daryl arrived and made it, in @freefromthecocoon’s words, HAWT.  LOL.  
Eugene staring at that little black book like it contains torture tools, hehehe.  
“Processed?  As in administratively?  Processed as in bologna or other meat stuffs?  This inquiring (enquiring?) mind needs to know.”  OMG, Eugene.  I admit it.  Even if it makes me look like a lunatic, LOL.  I straight up LMAO at that one.  I mean, ten years later and Terminus still fresh on the man’s mind.  
“You like feeling nervous?”  Well, no.  None of us that do, Mercer?  Do.  
Then he proceeds to make me howl with his “You can’t lie for shit” to Eugene.  
Josh McDermitt?  I love you, Man.  40 year old virgin, LOL.  
All this talk over the seasons of Daryl’s virginity and we have Eugene, hahaha.  But was he telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?  
Finally.  Some daylight.  Where I can see.  
Eugene’s relief at seeing his friends safe and sound was such a beautiful thing to see.  I loved those hugs.  
Mercer’s face when he snarled “beat cop” in disdain to Ezekiel.  I think I’m gonna love this dude.  
“I went to West Point.  Asshole.”  Yeah.  I am.  
I know they probably catfishing Eugene right here because spoilers tell us that ain’t Stephanie.  But my heart still did a little d’aww.  Angela.  Don’t play with his poor heart like that.  
What’s got Daryl so pensive, huh?  Is it that the note reminds him of kids being lost or taken from their family? Or separated from their family?  Is he thinking of those Grimes babies and wondering if Michonne will ever make it back and why and how she was able to leave them behind?  Tell me it ain’t that Find Me nonsense.  
“This place sure has gone to shit since the last time I was here.”  LMAO, JDM.  I mean Negan.  Sorry.  Sorry.  I still hate Negan, but JDM has me entertained at least since they gave the asshole some shades of gray.  And speaking of shades of gray.  I’m loving the gray beard.  JDM’s looking GOOD (hear that NR?  Embrace the gray).  Negan can still kick rocks, lol.  
Anyway.  That scene was CREEPY AF.  Not even gonna lie.  
The Reapers strutting right on up to our group like it’s The Purge:  ZA.  
My bad, Pony Boy. Now RIP.  
Dark, dark episode with loads of tension broken up by some welcome humor by Princess.  The girl is fast becoming a fave of mine.  
My baby’s back next week!!!
I’m just going to plug my ears and pretend they’re trying to capture/recapture the horses because they’re pets.  Not because they’re starving so bad they feel the need to eat them.  La la la la la.  I can’t hear you.  
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undertaker1827 · 4 years
Hi!! May I request Sebastian and Ronald w a s/o that sleep talks? She rarely does but when she does sleep talk its just her yelling out iconic meme? Bonus of the sleep talking get progressively more aggressive, like its starts w “put GERARD BaCk!” And then the next time she yells “bitch gon step on my fucking toe bitch w them fucking cowgirl fucking boots bitch DIGOISTIN” (oki ik this is so old but its iconic😂😅)
Why hello yes of course you can!! Sorry this took me so long to write, hope it’s what you wanted I tried so hard I really did ahhh
Sebastian Michælis
You had never really been one to talk in your sleep. Given that mostly Sebastian avoided doing it all together - he didn’t actually need to sleep as a demon - he would often just hold you while you rested. If he had nothing to do which involved a deadline, he found laying with you to be quite the comfort after a long day filled with incompetent servants and constant complaints from his Young Lord over wifi speed. If Sebastian had told the boy they’d got the fastest broadband anywhere, he’d done it a thousand times. He would allow his hand to stroke back through your hair, fingertips lightly grazing your scalp whilst you slept peacefully as he mulled over the days events. Granted, it gave him time to think, but more importantly he enjoyed knowing you were safe, finding that the thought gave him peace of mind.
One night, he was doing just that. You had gone to sleep a couple of hours ago, Sebastian laying on his back and you curled into his side, your head resting on his chest and him holding you tightly. You were slumbering peacefully, or at least he thought you were. You had started mumbling something intelligible, though Sebastian had to remark to himself that you sounded incredibly confused. He continued to listening to your mumbling until you finally came up with a sentence he could understand. You turned to face the demon, eyes open wide and expression entirely serious, stating, “Road work ahead? Yeah, I sure hope it does!” You proceeded to close your eyes and bury your face in Sebastian’s chest, resuming your usual calm breathing pattern as if nothing had ever happened. So amused was the demon at your apparent distress that his hand had paused, half hidden in your hair and his shoulders were jumping with silent laughter that he didn’t even try to cover up.
The next time you talked in your sleep, some several months later, you had rushed in from work, collapsed on Sebastian’s sofa then lost consciousness about five minutes later. From what you had told him, it was something of a stressful day and there was one colleague in particular you were ready to murder in cold blood. When you started mumbling, he immediately rushed to your side, phone in hand and determined to catch whatever you said this time on video. He still remembered your nervous confusion from the last time so clearly that it sounded like you were speaking aloud every time he thought of it and chuckled at the thought of something similar happening again. By the end of a good 20 minutes, all recorded so that the viewer would be entirely unaware of Sebastian’s silent chuckling, you had told someone to come back as you hadn’t finished insulting them yet, claimed you “sits but did not fits”, accused someone else of having harboured a red dot the entire time and ended with a disgusted “I had fun once. It was awful.”
When you woke up half an hour later, Sebastian immediately brandished his phone in your face to make you watch something he claimed was inordinately funny, without telling you what it was first. As you watched sleeping-you gradually get more upset through the video, your smirk grew until you were laughing long with your boyfriend.
“I knew it!” You announced at last, “My soul and Grumpy Cat’s are linked!!”
However, it was your most recent escapade, in Sebastian’s mind at least, which was the best. It was once again the middle of the night, Sebastian holding you close as you slept blissfully on. You started muttering something he couldn’t decipher, then quietened down again, only to start up once more. As he listened to your slurred speech, he decided what you were doing would be better classed as grumbling than muttering, clearly very annoyed over something. Then, and this was the only way he could possibly describe it, your grumbling simply intensified. It continued doing so until you were practically yelling, but he couldn’t understand a word you were saying. That was until the very last moment, when you screamed, demonically if he did say so himself then claimed in a false, almost sing-song tone, “Everything’s fine.” Having said your piece, you flopped back down, face buried in a pillow and said nothing more for the remainder of the night. If Sebastian’s eyes held a little of a glimmer in the morning than usual, you certainly thought it suited him - though you were ignorant as to what had caused it.
Ronald Knox
Ronald had been entirely unaware that you talked in your sleep at all. You had never mentioned it to him, either by way of warning or whilst relating a funny story that had come about because of something you said unconsciously, and it became apparent to him that his was because you had no idea you did it. You barely ever spoke a word, but sometimes, sometimes you did; these cases were, in Ronald’s opinion, some of the most iconic things you ever said.
He first discovered your sleep talking when he had come in very late from dispatch, having been left with mountains of paperwork, and quietly slipped into bed next to you. He gave a lopsided grin when you automatically moved closer to him until you were wrapped securely in his arms with your head resting on your shoulder. The reaper found he couldn’t get to sleep immediately, so instead settled for taking in your slightly dishevelled, beautiful appearance. Some of your hair was pressed into a strange angle from how you had been laying and he couldn’t see your glittering eyes, but all he could think was how amazing you were. He was disrupted from his thoughts quite quickly though. You began muttering, sounding most distressed, however he was able to pick our at least part of what you said.
“I’m disgusted, I’m revolted, I dedicate my entire life to my Lord and Saviour and this is the thanks I get.” By the end of your speech, you had curled up into a ball and all but hidden your face from Ronald entirely. The reaper couldn’t help his grin as he put a hand up to your back and ran it along your spine comfortingly, soothing you as best he could. He only hoped you would wake up before he left for work in the morning so he could tell you what had happened.
It wasn’t until a few months later that you talked in your sleep again. This time, you had been watching something of a movie marathon with Ronald only for your eyes to drift close halfway through the third film, head falling heavily onto his shoulder despite your best efforts to stay awake. The reaper was neither surprised nor bothered by this development, simply continuing to watch the film with an arm slung securely over you. You both stayed like this for a long time, the film a good two thirds of the way through, when you started shifting around a little bit, a hand moving to grip his arm. Then, you whined. Literally whined, as though you were a heartsick dog. That alone brought a lopsided grin to Ronald’s face, but what really did him in was when you started telling someone how nice their hair looked, then followed it up with, “Why can’t you just tAke thE cOmpLimeeEEE-” which just descended into unintelligible whining again. Honestly, he was surprised his laughter didn’t wake you up. He couldn’t even keep a straight face when he related the story to you later on.
His favourite instance, however, occurred when you had spent the day walking around London together, just exploring the streets and seeing things you had never really taken much notice of before. It was late when you got back and you decided to stay over at Ronald’s place rather than make your way back to your own. You had both settled down, slumbering in each other’s embrace when your loud, frantic voice yelled out through the room, startling Ronald awake even as you carried on sleeping.
“Din-din in T minus five seconds!!” The reaper almost fell out of the bed in shock, whipping around to see where the threat was only to realise what your actual words were. A chuckle escaped his lips as his gaze fell back to your sleeping form, face pressed against a soft pillow. He leaned down, intending to lay a gentle kiss on your shoulder. As it happened, you threw an arm out to the side so suddenly that he didn’t have time to catch it or dodge, meaning he got smacked straight across the face. You jumped up to scream, “Evacuate the kItcHEN!!” Proceeding to lay down again and resume peacefully resting as if nothing at all had happened. You had left Ronald sitting up with a hand pressed against one eye, the other held in front of him to fend you off if necessary yet a smirk still on his lips. He soon descended into full on, cackling laughter, so loud that he startled you awake and was left incapable of telling you what happened for a good ten minutes, though during that time you managed to pry his hand away from his face to find he had a blossoming black eye. You were mortified when you discovered that you were the one who had given it to him, but that just made it funnier for him.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 years
So can we have a part 2 of Solomon being the father of a abandoned MC. Honestly I cried for the concept of Solomon taking in MC only to abandon them to protect them. But not every problem is solved just by walking away from it.
Lower demons locked MC away and abandoned them in a hidden room underneath RAD, and the room is apparently magic proof so they can't summon the brothers for help either. And after 24 hours, Solomon found them first, immediately hugging them in relief and guilt, that his fear of losing MC came true, now promising to never leave them again.
[I'm so sorry that was a lot of info... 😅]
Sorry, anon. Hehe ^^;
Last Part of Daddy Solomon
When they heard that you were missing, all of them immediately went out searching for you in the whole campus. But they couldn’t find you not until Barbatos showed up with a letter in hand.
“A letter of challenge. For you, Solomon.” He gave it to him. The letter was dissolved into thin air and it showed an image of you hanging upside down, unconscious and Azrael, the reaper, sitting below you. He was holding his scythe and spoke. 
“You know where to see me, Solomon. You bring those pesky demons with you and MC better be dead.” And the image disappeared.
“I should go.” Solomon whispered. They looked at him and nodded.
“Do what you must.” Diavolo said. 
“And make sure that you return to us alive. You and MC.” - Lucifer.
Solomon arrived in the Reaper’s Cave. He was quite nervous as he knew the rules of his former friend reaper. Though he wasn’t expecting that he was already waiting for him and you were now lying on the ground with spears and swords swirling around your place, preventing anyone even him, to come near.
“Hello, my old foolish friend. You fucking traitor!” Azrael bellowed. He immediately lunged at him, waving his scythe in fast, continuous strikes. “I’m going to cut you pieces by pieces then revive you just to torment you again! You son of a bitch!”
“We can still talk this out!” Solomon pleaded, but the reaper wasn’t listening as he was eager to kill him right this instant. 
“If you hadn’t just adopted them, MC would treat me as their father and my efforts wouldn’t be gone to waste! It’s all your fault! I thought that I finally got rid of you but you still had to show up and ruin them!” 
Solomon was getting tired from dodging his attacks. At this rate, he would be...
His eyes widened when Azrael immediately fell face-planted on the ground. Behind him was you holding a pan. 
“M-MC!” He noticed the scars and bruises on your arms and side of your body. You looked tired as well, but you smiled at him.
“You alright?” You asked him, but your strength immediately leaves you and when you were about to fall, he catches you in his arms. Then, Diavolo and the others showed up, to seize the unconscious reaper.
Solomon carried you all the way back to the Purgatory Hall. 
Simeon and Luke had treated your wounds and Solomon, Lucifer, and Diavolo were waiting for you to wake up. When you did...
Solomon quickly jumped to embrace you. “A-Ah... What are you doing?” 
“Daddy misses you much!” He said, rubbing his cheeks against yours. “I had came to save you but you saved me instead-!” 
You pinched his cheek. “Ow! M-shii...” 
“What’s the idea facing him head-on like that? Didn’t you know that he was actually waiting for you and really wanted to trample your candle? If I hadn’t woken, you would be dead.” You said, scolding him. Solomon just smiled as he listens to you.
“Damn that goofy face.” Lucifer commented and Diavolo just nodded in approval. 
“Well, since the relationship between you two has been solved, I assumed that MC will start living with us?” Simeon asked, his attention directed to you and Simeon.
Your father hugged you tighter and smiled. “Of course!”
There were things that went back to normal. You asked Diavolo to release Azrael and the guy was still mad at Solomon. Well, they couldn’t blame him.
As for you, you started to do the usual things you do for him, but you never asked him to pay for your finances even though he kind of sneaked in when you weren’t aware of. 
And also, there were days that Solomon would drive you off to RAD just to do the most silliest things.
“MC! I’m not gonna leave you until you say, “I love you, Dad!” Right now, he was tormenting you with the use of his megaphone.
“I’m going to be late.”
“Seriously you pampering idiot. I need to go.”
“I LOVE YOU DAD. I’M NOT GONNA LEAVE UNTIL YOU SAY IT.” You sighed. Lucifer, Diavolo, and Simeon were also inside the car. And Satan was standing beside you.
“Fine. I love you dad.” You quickly walked off pulling Satan with you before you could see your squealing father in the car. “THEY SAID IT!”
“I never been thankful up to this day that Lucifer isn’t like that.” Satan commented and the both of you laughed together. 
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ficbrish · 3 years
I’m curious about the mass effect 4 fic!
It’s basically the result of my end-of-OT depression, and my stupidly-high hopes for the new game. So I was finally like, FINE! I will write down exactly what I want.
I have the first chapter written, and some plot drawn out. It will take place right after the Reaper War with the Destroy ending. It’s f!Shenko. It’s Tali/Garrus. Eventual Joker/EDI/Traynor [which I am HYPE for—EDI will have two different body units too (each has different gender expression), but they’re still the same mind/being, basically she can be in 3 places at once—w Joker, w Traynor, on Normandy], and Miranda/Jack. And I think I’ll have Liara fall for a non-binary Asari OC I haven’t developed yet (probably some tentacle smut for one of my besties will ensue—but all my smut is in side-story posts), and there’s ex-Feron for LiLi (I don’t know if he’s dead, or they just fall apart).
As for plot, the finding Shep/recovery will be quick, and it’s just another trip on the Normandy from there. They go from system to system as the galaxy rebuilds. They solve problems, more relays get repaired/systems connected, they go other places. 
Some of the overall plot stuff:
1.  Using Miranda/Lazarus project to restore EDI and the Geth (and Legion, why the fuck not?! I’m totally bringing their metal ass back).
2. Humanity vs the galaxy (Citadel is stuck repairing over Earth, and with Humanity at head of Reaper war, they try to take over—Shep has to unite galaxy towards diversity/democracy and away from imperialism—It’s what made their cycle strong, and others fall apart) — also stuff like sharing planets/colonies with other species and working that out in the pro-Human environment
3. Reaper tech being recycled and creating powerful bands of pirates; also new militaries popping up/police states in local places more disconnected from the galaxy
4. The leviathan bitches floating around (disappeared after the war, plotting chaos/imperialism) causing trouble--while others want them to pay for cycles of war crimes via the Reapers
5. Local conflicts (pockets of Quarians who don’t want the Geth restored), (miners who want to take over ownership of their mining colonies, etc.—Shep helping workers fight their company overlords)
6. Anti-AI folks (especially with EDI/Geth/Reapers)
That kinda stuff.
Bonus: Here is Shep waking up in the hospital--
Shepard blinked. The pain was different now.
 She was lying down on something soft. It was still way too bright.
 Before Shepard was aware of anything, her vision began to clear. Something large and alive was with her wherever she was. 
 She closed her eyes and opened them again.
 “Shepard!” he repeated, jumping up and clapping his hands against his head, “Grunt! Get in here!”
 The younger Krogan slammed through the door, bursting it off its hinges. The surprised screams of hospital staff could be heard through the walls.
 “Shepard!” Wrex called again.
 “Wrex!” she cried out.
 “Shepaaard!” Grunt grumbled.
 It went on for a while like that, even after they started embracing and crying.
 It’s good to wake up to family after supposedly dying in an explosion.
 A lot better than waking up alive and alone to more explo—
 “Oh, fuck, she passed out!” Wrex called out, “Nurse!”
 “Nuuurse!” Grunt shouted, barreling out of the room. The door hit the floor with a loud smack.
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nothisis-ridiculous · 3 years
Take Me Home Now: Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight: They Are Cryin'
Set after the events of ME3.
A rewrite. Ao3.
It wasn't a painful awakening; she actually felt damn good. Clearer, like the tiny neurons in her brain fired without a jolt of pain. The sweet moment of clarity after the removal of an infected tooth. Bliss. If only a familiar face could loom over her, a happy embrace of the one she loved. A blissful reunion.
The aging woman who looked over her with a sour expression erasing her gratitude and any field of butterflies illusion. Along with the confusion of waking up in unfamiliar territory.
Right, she was dying just a moment before.
"Where am I?"
This sloppily white-painted interior was not part of the shopping center she recognized. The medical machine that counted out her vitals was also out of place, but that was a minute detail. Jane had woken up from the dead once already, just not inside of a shipping crate. Make that one low she had not yet met.
"Just outside of London," the woman's scowl relaxed, "you're with the Special Operations Biotic Company. Luckily for you, I understand you had a rattled implant."
Her hand was grabbed before she felt her spirits utterly bottom out, the woman's dark brown eyes peering out at her from behind black and white streaked hair. A moment of shared pain passed between them before Jane could not manage to keep up the contact, "how about the LT? My home?"
"The latter is in one piece. I'm not familiar with the person you speak of," the lady spoke gently, "you were rushed here after an injury. But let me introduce you to the person that saved your life, Doctor Balcan."
Jane's gaze shifted to the person arriving on the other side of her bed, the most beautiful creature she had ever beheld. Dark brown hair and eyes loomed over her; the soft smile set upon full brown lips looked perfectly primped without a touch of makeup. The simple doctor's smock hung perfectly on her body, the garment unable to smear an ounce of the poise this woman possessed. As the female nodded in greeting and her long lashes crested her cheeks, Jane was infected with jealousy.
"Thank you, Helen," even her voice was sweet, not in an artificial way, but in the vein of the sweetness of a ripe strawberry, "I think I can handle Jane for the moment if you wouldn't mind grabbing her meal."
The woman waited for Helen to leave before speaking again, "how long have your biotic powers been misfunctioning?"
"Since the Reapers fell," time was a funny thing to Jane anymore.
"Just shy of seven months," the minuscule movement of her eyebrow hardly seemed surprised, "though, I wasn't expecting to be fixing an L5n implant."
"Who else would be stupid enough to bullrush a krogan," any vanguard worth their salt knew how other biotics could view them. Rash. Stupid. Bullheaded.
"I think your stupid luck is what saved your life. You should have had severe seizures attacks, if not died from them, months ago."
Jane continued with a snarl, "but the mall. How... did everyone make it?"
"It was unkind of us not to tell you immediately, but only one civilian casualty," the doctor proffered a soft smile, "the Special Ops group got to your compound in time to repel the brunt of the attack. We had heard there was a pocket trying to rebuild; we just weren't sure if you were friendly, so the entire team did not come along. They had to rush you back here. The equipment is too fragile to move quickly."
She was even nice, gross.
"I was asked to pass on the message that you keep your ass down," at least the swear word brought her down from the utterly ethereal.
Jane's smile cracked, slightly painful against the cybernetic scars that littered her cheek.
"Your body is a curious piece of work; the sheer amount of upgrades and scarring at a microscopic level is fascinating," the woman pulled out her datapad, scrolling down what Jane assumed was a list of medical notes, "synthetic weaving to reinforce bones, microfibres in your muscles, synthetic skin fibres as well. I can't imagine the cost of that modified biotic amp."
Jane looked at her blankly, "you certainly poked around."
"Somebody wanted you alive," strawberry remarked, undeterred, "I'd think you're some sort of mad scientist experiment -that's a foolish notion. But I have my bets on Special Ops... N7."
Jane's eyes snapped into a glare, setting her jaw hard. Teeth grinding into her following biting statement, "don't attempt to bite off more than you can chew."
The woman returned the statement with tempered pity, lips tucked into a frown. The kickback from her calloused words came back twofold as a sharp pain seared across her orbital bone, requiring a hand to staunch the heat before it ended out in a cry. Jane should be thankful, instead, she was pissed. Most of the angst directed inward, some at the patheticness of the situation, little at the well-meaning doctor.
"Can I go?"
"I'll need you here for a couple more weeks minimum."
Fucking perfect.
The doctor continued before Jane's snarl turned into an attack, "you know you need to keep your biotics offline for a while. During that time, we can prepare to merge our groups as one. We'd like your help in escorting us back."
The last line was a platitude, but the LT's message made more sense. The guilt of their previous encounter started to trickle into her psyche before she squelched it away with a flinch, "any more orders, doc?"
"As you are The Commander, I think I should be deferring to you."
"Come again?"
The female laughed behind her hand, "it's obvious who you are. You may fool everyone else with the fancy scars, wilted demeanor, and blonde hair -which by the way, looks fabulous- but your unique physiology and enhancements give it away. I struggled with the thought briefly because how could the savior of the galaxy be here? You charged in with the strike team that went to activate the Crucible. But by God's grace, you're here."
"You can't be-"
Strawberry waved away the protest with her hand, "I'm more than some yokel surgeon. I don't get to be a spec ops field doctor without further training. You won't fool me."
"You bitch."
"Language, miss!"
The sharp crack of the older's woman's words snuffed the faint glow Jane had unconsciously started to accumulate. But it did not dim her glower, blue eyes pinned on the female tapping something into a datapad. Jane was still, frozen in the moment until the second snap of warmth from a small body clambering into her bed shook her from a blind stupor. The little hands and the mound of mousy hair looking at her with barely disguised disdain.
"But I already know those words," Evelyn murmured, only to increase the scrutiny Helen placed on her patient.
"Why are you-" the room immediately thickened with another aura, a solemn shake from the salt and pepper haired woman stopped her question, "are you here because Pater sent you?"
"It is my job," the girl declared bravely, "Pater said that I was to stop you from fighting with anymore krogan. Or just fighting."
"It was my fault, Evelyn...Helen," Strawberry squeaked, "I poked Mar- sorry, I meant Jane without telling her."
Jane's attention returned to the Doctor, pupils narrowing. That was no longer her name.
"I'll excuse it this time, Rahna," Helen's voice returned to a gentle timbre. Handing over the plate of rations, prepared in a manner that was meant to be appeasing. Simple rations that Jane was not thrilled to consume, "eat up. Biotics need energy. I've seen you guys crash before. I don't want you accidentally breaking something expensive."
The woman raised an eyebrow in her direction, plump lips playing into a smirk. Jane was had. Jealousy sunk deeper into her guts, bordering on hatred. How could Kaidan call her beautiful after seeing this divine creature? Beautiful on the Citadel. Beautiful after the first night they had bunked together. Beautiful every time they fucked after. Beautiful in the small moments. Beautiful in the big and the in-between. Had he meant Rahna all along?
"Two weeks."
"What now?" Jane snapped away from the grip of her thoughts.
Rahna crossed her arms, Evelyn giggled, and Helen spoke, "biotics."
"All of this commotion is probably a little too much for her, right now," Rahna cautioned to a sulking child, "let Jane eat in peace while I run a few more tests."
"Yup, super hungry," Jane murmured under her breath.
The patient's gaze did not stray from the Doctor, laser-focused on the slightest movement she made. Waiting for her to do something rash, her temper barely holding behind her tongue. Violent thoughts collided in her head, the desire to do something impetuous a string she had yet to completely cut. It was the easier way, the brutish way- but it was not the way Shepard did it. Shepard would resist, The Commander famously turned the other cheek. Chose kindness. Some of her could still seep through.
Even if it was in the form of stony silence.
"Why hide who you are? You are the one person who could reunite everyone."
A bloody icon. Hero. Butcher. Madwoman. Lover. Terrorist. Murderer. Savior. Pathetic.
"There's nothing to explain," a surly statement only dampened by a flinch, "I don't owe you anything."
"So, it wouldn't matter if I told everyone?"
Jane's silence was the answer.
"This is Major Alenko's squad, I'm sure everyone would be interested," Strawberry continued, placing her first foot away from the bedside, "Let alone you being Shepard, the Major's fling is a very juicy topic. I'm sure meeting the woman would be a top priority."
Rahna took several steps away, gliding out of the retrofitted container. Someone pulled her back, Jane regretted the breeze against her exposed backside. Luckily nobody seemed to pay them much mind in the moment.
"No," her eyes lit with tears, "don't. I can't."
Kaidan knew it was the end; Mary couldn't bring herself into accepting that. Luck. Stupidity. Credits. Spite. They had all stopped her death, had prevented her from reaching a low she could not climb out of. The brutal murder of her parents. Losing her unit on Akuze. Hell, even the deaths of friends during her campaign against the Reapers. They hurt like hell, but it never brought her to her knees. Now... in this moment. In the reality of losing Kaidan, she crashed. Tears, sobbing, railing against the ground. It was pathetic.
Was it the loss of her entire family aboard the Normandy, or just one man?
Dark brown eyes met her on her level, gentle the hint of moisture in her deep eyes, "everyone here mourns him."
"Fuck you."
Rahna laughed, offering out her hand and pulling the woman up to her feet, "I won't tell your secret, but I think you should talk to someone. We have-"
"No, nobody else."
"You know the risks of PTSD; you can't push through it."
"I'm fine."
Jane's stare hardened the emotions out-drying the tears riveting down her scarred cheeks.
"Or how about a deal, my silence for a few talks? Nothing official, just friendship."
She considered for several long moments, biting back each bitter comment that fought to come out. It wasn't the time for resistance. Talking wouldn't hurt, especially if it meant Rahna kept silent. What was she supposed to do for the next two weeks? Stare at the wall? Teach a child to swear? Avoid Kaidan's squad as much as humanly possible?
"Friendship may be pushing it."
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breanime · 4 years
Hello it’s me. First time having sex with Jax pls ❤️
We decided to make this “first time having sex after getting back together”, and it is steamy!
I hope you like this, baby!
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Gemma was waiting for you when you got home from work. You sighed as you pulled into the driveway, knowing exactly what she wanted from you.
She was smoking, leaning against her car with her big ass purse dangling off of her shoulder, legs clad in ripped jeans and long, leather boots that went up to her knees. “Afternoon, sweetheart,” she greeted you as you got out of your car, “Got a second?”
“What I got,” you said back, pulling out your house keys, “is a cell phone. You know you can call it anytime, Gem.”
She grinned. “I missed your face.”
She followed you into your home, and you threw your keys on the coffee table before turning to her. “I’m not taking him back.”
“He’s falling apart without you,” she said, ignoring the seriousness of your statement, “I’ve never seen my Jackson so depressed… he’s almost as bad as his dad used to be.”
You sighed. “I’m having a hard time, too,” you confessed, “but he lied to me, and he knew how I feel about that, and he did it anyway.” You wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to self-comfort. “He told me he loved me and understood me, and then he hurt me.”
“I know,” Gemma nodded, stepping up and pressing a motherly kiss to your forehead, “I know he did, baby. But this—shutting him out the way you are—isn’t helping either of you. I can see you’re not happy, and I know Jax isn’t happy. You need to talk to him.”
So you did.
After your talk with Gemma, you drove to the clubhouse and waited at the bar until Jax came in, followed by Chibs, Opie, Happy, Tig, and Juice. He noticed you immediately, his blue eyes haunted and hollow. Your heart ached as you stared back at him; your Jax looked so unlike himself. His walk was slow and heavy, not sure and confident like you remembered, and it looked like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in days. You watched as Chibs said something to Jax, and Opie patted him on the back before Jax walked towards you.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice low and slightly surprised, “hey… Is… Is everything alright with you? You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking up at the man you loved. Your heart felt like it was breaking, and as you looked at Jax, you realized that he meant everything to you. He’d messed up, but clearly he regretted it. And even if he didn’t—you just missed him so damn much. You felt the sting of tears in your eyes, and you shook your head, biting you lip to keep it from trembling. “No.”
Jax surged forward, his large hands grabbing your face and pulling your lips to his in a harsh kiss. You wrapped your arms around him, melting against him, just glad to be with him again. It had been far too long since you’d been in Jax’s arms, and you wanted to melt into him, wanted to disappear in his embrace—and he wanted that, too.
“I love you,” you gasped out when you pulled back, eyes wide and wet, “I love you so much, Jax.”
“I love you, too baby,” he said back, one hand in your hair and the other on your face, “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” you kissed him again, “It’s okay.”
“I need you,” he growled, his voice deep. That was all he had to say.
A few moments later, you were on your back in Jax’s dorm with him looking over you. He ripped his kutte and shirt off, and your mouth watered at the sight of his abs, wanting to run your tongue along the groves and muscles in front of you. Wordlessly, because there was nothing left to say, Jax reached down and helped you out of your clothes, tossing them behind him onto a pile on the floor. Once you were both bare, he laid on top of you, and you closed your eyes, unbelievably happy to have him again. His weight on top of you, his warmth, the feel of his skin, the muscles underneath, his hair tickling your face and chest as he trailed kisses… You couldn’t touch him too much; there was no “too much” with Jax—you wanted more, more, more.
“I love you,” he said as he licked into you, making you cry out with pleasure.
“I love you,” he said as he fingered you, his mouth still hot and wet on your core.
“I fucking love you,” as he pushed inside of you, burying himself to the hilt.
Your back arched off of the bed, and you gasped at the feel of him—Jax was big, and your pussy immediately worked around him, trying to adjust to the incredible stretch of him. Your eyes squeezed shut, and you felt Jax’s mouth on your neck as he rocked against you. Your nails dug into his back, tracing his Reaper tattoo and clawing at his ass as you thrust back, rolling your hips to increase the tension.
“I missed you so much,” Jax groaned into your neck, “I love you, baby. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You were crying now, though you weren’t sure if it was from his words, from having missed him so much, or from the intense euphoria between your legs—but you soon felt Jax’s tongue on your face, lapping up your tears. You had already cum once from the foreplay, and you felt your next orgasm building up. You buried your head in Jax’s shoulder and bit down on the flesh, and Jax groaned appreciatively in your ear. The sound of his arousal did it for you, and you came, his name coming off of your lips like a prayer.
Jax was good to go another round, and you encouraged him, moaning and whimpering as his hips slapped against yours, so glad to be in his arms again. When he did cum, shooting inside of you with a thick warmth that had you cumming again just from the feel of it, you felt such a sense of connection with Jax, such a feeling of love and comfort and understanding, that had you whispering his name again.
“I love you, Jax.”
He kissed you, still on top of you, still inside of you, and when he pulled back, you saw your Jax again—his blue eyes were bright, that classic Teller smirk was back on his kissable lips, and you smiled back.
“I love you more,” he assured you. He kissed you, and you sighed happily into his lips. “I hope you took the next few days off, darlin’, cause now that I have you again…
…I’m never gonna let you go.”
Thanks for reading!
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Jax Taglist: @nich0lasmatthews  @melissataggart87 @jaxteller87 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ateliefloresdaprimavera @mrsjaxtellerfan @itsme-autumn  @mydemons-aremy-friends
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