#the repetition and waiting around between parts though is so tiring and i start to regret it after an hour
meadow-anderson · 1 year
a joel miller drabble
y’all im sorry i really tried to turn this into a full fic but writers block beat my ass.
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The mattress heaved with his dull weight as he creaked his way into bed, sat stone still beside you still dressed in his dust warped clothes from his ration card job earlier today. Joel was always tired and you could see it everywhere, in his hunched posture, smell it in the stench of scotch on his breath, hear it in his “hey baby” when he walked through the door. Your favorite way though was always to taste it, when his lips slid against yours and he’d let out that heavy sigh, that sigh that told you that burying himself inside you was the only way he would sleep tonight and it’d leave a tang of relief on your tongue. So when you hear that thud of his body colliding with the torn fabric that's exactly what you expect. You’re fully prepared to quiet the exhaustion and like a soldier taking solace in repetition you wait in your position, laid back with your knees slid up begging for Joel to take his place between them.
But you keep waiting and staring and waiting and staring.
Had he actually fallen asleep? Maybe there was no longer a need for your warm touch or his substance of choice to abuse. You begin to tap at your legs, the staring contest with the off white paint on the ceiling becoming tedious.
Maybe he thought you were asleep?
You let a slight grumble, a short reminder of your ever growing impatience.
“Tommy told me about that shit you pulled”
Your tapping stops, in fact you’re sure everything stops, the whole world stops spinning on its axis as you listen to Joel's scolding words reverberate through the midnight air.
‘Fuck you tommy’ is the first thing you think replaced quickly by a fervent panic as you wonder how you’re gonna squeeze out of this one. Play the traumatised victim? Pick a fight and hope he’s too exhausted to follow through? He mutters again, not so eagerly waiting for you to make your selection of fight or flight.
“I’d sure like to know what the fuck you were thinking?” You can hear the frustration riddled in his voice, watch his face screw up as it suffocates every word he speaks, anger tightly wrapped around syllables like tangled vines. And to top it off you just sit there mouse-like and silent when Joel asked you a question. A genuine question. Because he could not for the life of him understand why you thought it’d be ok to talk to those guys for him, to work out a deal and try and take something off his plate because it was his goddamn plate. His mess, not yours and Jesus you could've at least been smart about it. He seethed as he imagined you talking to those guards. Vulnerable, unarmed, hands annoyingly twisting with the fabric of your shirt like they do when you're trying to negotiate extra time in bed with him or a kiss goodbye.
He begins to feel you shuffling around behind him, quietly crawling across the sheets, an air of mischief in the way you move.
You couldn't bring yourself to tell him how sorry you were but you sure as hell could show him.
You take your spot beside him, head resting on the faded plaid of his shirt. Slowly you start to lower yourself, big wide eyes looking up at him whilst you slide onto your knees.
Joel doesn't say anything. He finds himself forgetting all of the things he so desperately wanted to say as he lifts up one of those big callous hands of his and runs it gently across your face. His features softening as he stares into you.
Part of you, A very cocky part of you wants to push it. Wants to tell him how far into the city you wandered, wants to tell him the agitated tone you took with the guard, Wants to lay it on so thick you’re almost salivating staring down at his thick leather belt, a promising opportunity looped in his jeans.
But as you lean into his palm you notice his tired eyes and they're pleading at you in a way Joel never could. So you decide against it.
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kaelyn-stocktonmil · 8 months
Depressed/Lonely Self-Rant
Ok so...I don't really know what I'm doing at this point, pretty sure I'm just doing whatever my mind says is right, alongside hoping maybe there's someone out there who gets it who might be kind enough to give anything from encouraging words, to an offer to be friends.
And I know that's asking for a lot in this world. So this is basically just me venting so...if you stick around to the end of this, congrats...if not, I don't blame you.
So, everybody knows what depression is. Seasonal depression, chronic depression, temporary, etc. And believe me, all of them get overlooked in a lot of ways. People always say that it's just depression, things will get better, it's just in your head, etc. But it's still someone going through a hard time. Sometimes anti-depressants help, sometimes they won't make a dent in the things people feel.
I'm beginning to think I might have some form of chronic depression. Most days I'll seem fine for the majority of the day, and next thing I know, a cloud just falls over me after I do, or see something...most of which relates to how lonely I am. My friends have all but disappeared, or distanced themselves from me...my best friend has had enough of being the middle-woman between me and the others, to help work things out and said it in probably the nicest way she could that I'm on my own in terms of figuring things out with the others...even though I just wanted to hang out. The worst part is that whenever I'm with my best friend, and the others are on, they suddenly aren't against spending time with me...but the moment my bestie is gone, so are they. I reached out to ask to hang out, and they quite literally told me they weren't trying to be rude, but none of us want to hang out with you, so kindly go fuck off... I haven't bothered to reach out since, and that was at the start of January...
I get it, I'm a hard person to be friends with. I suck at reading social ques, I'm stubborn, I'm clingy, and yes, I can be oblivious, and sometimes I hurt the people I love without realizing to or meaning it...but I never meant to do any wrong by my friends. I was the one to introduce my bff to my other friends, because I wanted to be polite and friendly...and now my friends don't want anything to do with me, unless I'm with my bff...
So, what am I supposed to do? Keep burying my head in the sand and asking what I did wrong or wait? Because while I know the logical answer is to wait, my emotional mental state can't keep taking hits like this! I was so desperate as to get on my Xbox and start looking for posts, and both times I've gotten accepted, because it's ONLY BEEN TWICE, I got accepted by a little twerp who finds joy in trolling his SMP members with his Admin abilities by killing us 100 times, and thinks everyone is enjoying it and won't take no for an answer, and someone my age who kicked when he asked how my day was and I said repetitive, and he didn't hear it the first time, for what I assume he thought I was a damn kid! I HATE MY VOICE!
I'm depressed, I'm alone- because at this point "lonely" isn't what it is, my friends want nothing to do with me, and my best friend probably wishes we had never met with how tired I've made her
, and apparently according to her, I’m depressed for nothing. I don’t know what to do. I’ve lost everything important to me, and I have no Idea if I can get it back. And I’ve tried to find an alternative, I told you! We all know how well that went! I feel like I’m stuck in the movie “Groundhog Day”, but 1000 times worse. I’m living like tomorrow might be better, but it never is! 
I don’t know what to do...no one listens, and no one hears. No one sees that I’m NOT OK...and if they do...they don’t care. 
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jedi-bird · 2 years
Since I couldn't stay asleep this morning, I decided to just start making the pasta sauce eat earlier than I normally would. I'm currently on hour two of the multi hour process and dozing off while waiting to start the next part. Turns out making pasta sauce puts me to sleep. There's got to be an easier way though.
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amistytown · 3 years
The Brothers Comfort MC During a Panic Attack
This is my first attempt at writing down my headcanons for the brothers, so I apologize if anything is out of character. I meant it to be short and sweet, but it grew out of my control after a while. I’m a perfectionist and wanted to rewrite everything. I made minor edits and am posting it anyway or it’ll sit in my drafts forever; I admit I put the most effort into Lucifer’s, forgive me. Also sorry for the repetitiveness and any typos you may find. I decided to write how the brothers would comfort MC during a panic attack, especially as someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks themselves. Honestly, I wrote this as a way to comfort myself since I’ve been dealing with terrible anxiety lately. Of course, everyone experiences anxiety differently, so I can only speak from my own experiences. I didn’t go into detail when it comes to the symptoms themselves because it’s from the point of view of the brothers and only so many are visible to the eye. Trigger warning for depictions of anxiety and panic attacks. Thank you for reading!
Lucifer is troubled. Following lunch, you disappeared, currently absent from class. This is unlike you, his worry intensifying every minute you’re out of his sight. Yet he maintains his composure, resigning himself to scouring the academy grounds. Time passes at a torturous pace, his thoughts beginning to take a turn for the worst. He contemplates whether to involve his brothers and Lord Diavolo himself at this rate, however the sound of his D.D.D diverts his attention. A wave of relief washes over him at the sight of your name lighting up his screen, chased by frustration at you, your silence, and himself for losing track of you so easily; he couldn’t bear living if anything happened to you under his watch. He expects this behavior from his brothers, not you. Though his heart sinks, the Avatar of Pride uncharacteristically overcome with guilt while he reads your message. Of course, you are not his brothers. He should not have doubted you.
Your texts are apprehensive, a weighty pause between them as you hesitate to lay bare the darkest depths of your soul. He approaches you cautiously, to avoid upsetting you further. Your words alone convey the sheer panic taking possession of you, the last of your strength used to press send. Outside he discovers you, huddled miserably in an isolated corner of the building, swathed in shadow. The desire to shelter you from the world burns within him, but your eyes widen fearfully in his presence, wounding his pride. Immediately, you apologize. Sorry you’re missing class, that you left without telling anyone, and upset him—especially when you’re aware of his busy schedule. You’re sorry for not having the courage to pull yourself together, succumbing to your anxiety, your shame palpable. The hand clutching your D.D.D is trembling, your chest heaving as you struggle to breathe. He aches for you, each tear shed hurting more than the last, your pain managing to touch the very core of his being and set him alight.
If anyone is sorry, it’s him, pride be damned. Kneeling in front of you, he assures you an apology isn’t necessary—your wellbeing of great importance to him. He wants you to rely on him, grateful you confided in him despite your doubts. Hopefully, he can eventually put your mind at ease. His voice low, soothing, he continues to console you, making sure you’re aware he’s not upset, and your feelings are valid. Although he’s not familiar with the inner workings of anxiety itself, he’s willing to listen, learning how to support you to the best of his ability—starting today, providing you’re comfortable accepting his offer. Initially, he prioritized your safety for the sake of the exchange program and Lord Diavolo’s wish to unite the three realms, now it’s merely out of adoration for you, his beloved. Once you’re ready, he’ll let you know you’re not alone. He’s never too busy on your behalf. 
Offering you his hand, a smile graces his features as you accept. Slowly, he helps you to your feet, steadying you against him. He notes the way you relax at his touch, shoulders sagging and head coming to rest on his chest. Only you exist in this moment, his gaze not leaving you, not even for a second. Standing in silence until your breathing settles and you regain your balance, he sees you through the height of your attack before escorting you back to the House of Lamentation. He’ll personally excuse you from the remainder of your classes, understanding you need a quiet place to recover. Classical music plays softly in the background of his room, and he’s content to have you in his embrace, drawing you onto his lap after you finish the tea he brewed to calm your nerves. Lucifer pays you special attention, massaging your tired body and kissing you tenderly, his breath fanning across your lips as he reminds you how special you truly are—brave, compassionate, and incredibly loved.
Mammon mourns his loss, wondering how he let them gain the upper hand; admittedly, a foolish mistake on his part. He dreads breaking the news to Lucifer, and the resentment that shows on his brothers’ faces once he confesses does little to ease his mind. Still, he worries about your reaction most of all, knowing his stupidity has put you in a precarious position. In that moment he believes their words—only a greedy scumbag like himself dares to place his human’s happiness on the line. Although certain of his win at the time, he should consider how his actions affect you more often; otherwise, how can he claim he’s the Great Mammon? His confidence is his downfall in the end. Now you’ll suffer along with him. Yet you feign optimism, attempting to soothe everything over despite your innocence. His guilt only grows, a heavy weight on his shoulders. One he deserves.
Three days of waiting on and performing for large crowds at The Fall proves hectic for everyone. He can tell you’re struggling beneath the façade of a composed and hospitable server, going above and beyond to ensure the patrons leave satisfied. Furthermore, you lend him and his brothers a hand, coming to their rescue; it should be him making it as easy on you as possible. His concern for you runs deep, no matter how hard he tries to maintain his usual air of indifference, but you have the nerve to reassure him—it’s meant to be the opposite, dammit. Each night he goes out of his way to check on you, frustrated that you continue to dance around the subject. He can see the exhaustion on your face, hear the slight tremor in your voice, the toll his stupid decision is taking on you, and it stung. You comfort him, even when he’s undeserving, so why won’t you allow him to hold you and kiss the pain away? Not that he’s asked. You should realize by now you can rely on him, right?
Watching you suffer in silence tortures him. He can’t deny it regardless of his best effort to make light of the situation. You barely eat or spend time outside your room, saying you’re tired, which isn’t a lie—working is exhausting, no doubt about it—but he understands you well enough to notice the subtle signs of your anxiety, your smile unable to trick him into believing otherwise. Perhaps you find him as insufferable as his brothers do, or worse, and don’t want to see his face after what he’s done. That doesn’t stop him from showing up at your door, hoping he can offer some form of comfort. However, you keep up appearances, supporting the seven of them during the longest weekend of their lives. You work hard too, his chest swelling with pride as he watches you care for his brothers and customers alike. How can you like an idiot like him? You’re selfless and loving, looking past his flaws to see what lay beneath his sin. His human. His angel. He wants—no needs—you to be okay.
The last day comes and goes in a blur. Finally, he can toss these ridiculous clothes and rabbit ears in the trash and never perform that dance again. Better yet, you’re free of his burden, though the guilt remains. He can’t relax until he’s positive you’re okay, knowing he’s genuinely sorry. Standing outside your room, he tries to muster up the courage to open his heart to you—apologies not his strong suit—when he hears you crying. They’re small, muffled sobs that manage to shake him to his core, blood running cold. Yeah, he should knock, but he can’t control himself, throwing the door open without hesitation and rushing to your side. The sight of your tears is almost too much to bear, and he draws you into his embrace, face heating up at his own moment of vulnerability, but this is about you, not him. He can be strong for you too, telling you everything’s going to be okay, that the Great Mammon is here to help.
After his stupidity, you tell him you were afraid to bother him? He can hardly suppress the shock at your confession, the sadness in your eyes breaking his heart. You wanted to make sure it went smoothly for his sake? You suffer through Hell alone because you chose to put his feelings first? Crazy. Though he thanks you, not completely ashamed to admit he’s touched. However, he tells you that you don’t have to put aside your feelings for his benefit; he prefers to be by your side then know you’re having a rough time on your own. He is your first. Taking the initiative, he asks what he can do to make it up to you, no matter how big or small the request is because he’ll do it in a heartbeat. You opt to stay in his arms, burying your face into his chest, and he wipes away your remaining tears, being as gentle as he possibly can. He can feel how tense your body is, your skin unnaturally warm, and it takes a while until you stop shaking. It’s moments like these he’ll tell you how much you mean to him—that he loves you, okay—and he wants you to come to him for everything. He’ll hold you, taking your hand in his, and kiss you with all the adoration in the world because you’re incredibly important to him. Mammon can attest to that.
Leviathan invites you to his room to play video games, a daily routine the two of you have comfortably fallen into. He loves gaming with you, though on occasion you opt to watch instead, thoroughly enthralled by whatever is on the screen. Miraculously, you enjoy listening to him ramble—whether it’s about the game he’s playing, anime he’s watching, or TSL among other things—genuinely showing interest in his passions; he’s incapable of expressing how truly grateful he is for your company. His heart nearly bursts whenever you compliment him on his gaming prowess, encourage him during a particularly intense battle, or merely tell him how you enjoy hanging out. How in the Devildom did a gross otaku like him get so incredibly lucky? He can hardly believe you love him of all demons. The thought alone sounds crazy lmao. 
Unable to contain his excitement, he awaits your arrival that night, ensuring everything is perfect when he hears a knock on the door. However, his smile fades the moment he lays eyes on you, mind beginning to race as he wonders why you look miserable, your gaze trained on your hands. Before he can speak, you apologize, dissolving into tears while you return the game he let you borrow. You’re stuttering, completely winded, and he can barely hear you confess to accidentally corrupting his data in your panic. In fact, he loses track of the number of times you choke out a sorry. He treasures his games, his collection extensive, but he cherishes you most of all. The loss is a minor annoyance, nothing that lessens the feelings he harbors for you. Although difficult, he overcomes his insecurities to show you it’s okay—you’re loved.
Not only are you sad, but you’re also terrified, a part of him wanting to destroy the game itself if it means you never have to experience the pain that torments you now. Regarding you carefully, afraid to make matters worse, he reassures you that he’s not upset—far from it, honestly—and that he cares about you more than any game. No stranger to your panic attacks, he reaches out to take your hand in his, hoping you find comfort in what he has to offer. And when you finally glance up, hope shining in your tear-filled eyes, he can’t help but wrap you in his arms. A warmth spreads across his face, heart pounding in his ears, but he knows you need him, allowing his body to relax around yours.
Holding you against him, he tells you everything’s all right, stuttering out how he loves you and, most importantly, wants to you to feel better. Your arms circle around his waist, causing his heart to jump into his throat, but he only pulls you closer. You’re his Henry, and what friend is he if you can’t rely on him? Leviathan is understanding, wanting you to come to him for support at your most vulnerable. Now he puts his knowledge to the test, easing you into his room with continuous words of affirmation. You always know how to console him at his lowest, and he hopes he can return the favor. If anyone deserves to feel loved it’s you, who brought joy into his otherwise bleak world, and he’ll sit with you every day and night if you need him to. 
Satan knows he shouldn’t be awake, though he finds it difficult to satiate his curiosity as he peruses the books lining his shelves. He barely registers the sound of his D.D.D, reluctant to put the book aside to see who’s messaging him at this ungodly hour; Asmodeus most likely. His tune changes after he sees your name lighting up his screen, his annoyance replaced with worry. He knows you struggle, especially at night, but he can tell you’re hesitant to reach out. Nevertheless, you gradually begin to confide in him, his patience limitless if you’re concerned, and he feels a sense of relief that you choose to trust him at your most vulnerable instead of suffering on your own. Pouring over every book he can locate on anxiety, he studies it religiously, engraining each page into his memory. Not by giving unsolicited advice—he doesn’t want to make that mistake twice—but by comforting you the best he can, even if it simply means to stay by your side, waiting for the panic to pass.
A second later, he appears at your door, gaze softening as your eyes meet. In the darkness of your room, he can tell how exhausted you are. You apologize for bothering him, particularly this late, but he dismisses you with a shake of his head and a reassuring smile, sitting beside you on the bed. It saddens him that you feel the need to, but he’s familiar enough with anxiety by now that he understands how much of a manipulative monster it truly is; if only he can destroy it with his own two hands, strangling the life out of it so it no longer taints that innocent soul of yours. To watch you struggle fills him with a rage that he forces deep within himself, fully aware anger isn’t the answer no matter how great his desire to protect you is. So, he cups your face in his hands, your skin warm beneath his fingers as he strokes your flushed cheeks and presses your foreheads together. 
Focus on him, he tells you, the steady rhythm of his breathing, and his voice while he whispers words of love and encouragement. He never tires of letting you know how beautiful and strong you are, that he’s always here for you and loves you—all of you. You unravel in his arms, opening your heart up to him, and he listens intently, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips the moment you look uncertain. You’re not a burden he promises, hoping one day you’ll believe it yourself, but he’ll remind you every chance he gets; forever if he must. It’s worth it in the end, when you relax against him and smile, kissing him in return. Slowly, the anxiety leaves your body, Satan thankful that the waves of panic have receded enough to let you rest your weary mind. He remains next to you, pulling you down to lay your head on his chest and closing your hand in his, entwining your fingers. He’s content here with you, watching you fall asleep and chasing away the nightmares.
Asmodeus loves shopping, but he loves shopping with you most of all. The day is bright with you by his side, and he can’t help but buy you clothes and matching accessories to bring out your inherent charm. Your potential is endless, and he gushes over how gorgeous you are, unable to contain his excitement when your cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink in return. He can hardly control himself around you, gaze fixated on your every movement and heart racing each time you flash him one of the sweetest smiles he’s ever seen; your very soul seeming to shine through and blind him. Nothing prepares him for the love he feels for you, but he considers it a welcome surprise, his desire to grow closer to you intensifying day after day. You captivate him, the Avatar of Lust of all demons. What an exciting turn of events!
Of course, he attracts attention wherever he goes, posing for pictures with adoring fans and basking in the compliments constantly thrown his way; nothing new, but he enjoys it, nonetheless. Who can resist the allure of his very presence? However, anger wells within him at the sight of you being shoved to the side, falling to the ground and lost to the crowd that has gathered. Their words of flattery fall on deaf ears as he rushes to you, throwing a heated glance at the lowly demon who dares to touch his darling human. He desires nothing more than to punish them for such an injustice, but the fear in your eyes tells him otherwise. By the time he scoops you up into his arms you’re trembling from head to toe, and he can feel your heart pounding against him. A part of him places the blame on himself, an unfamiliar feeling, but he chooses to ignore it for now, focusing on getting you home in your worsening state.
In the peace and quiet of his room, he sits you on the bed, wrapping you in his arms as he affectionately runs his fingers through your hair. He can tell you’re upset—in an absolute state of panic by the looks of it—and all he can do is hold you through it, quietly asking what you need and willing to answer your every beck and call if it means that adorable smile graces your features once more. For a moment he considers seeking out Lucifer, worried something has gone terribly wrong, but thankfully you find your voice, mumbling into his chest about anxiety and panic attacks, that you’ll be fine—eventually—and are sorry for ruining your date. He doesn’t understand completely, though he knows you need him, promising to stay by your side for as long as you want. Kissing your cheek, he assures you there’s no need to apologize to him, your safety more important than anything else; the demon who laid his hands on you won’t go without punishment either.
Admitting a bath helps calm you down, he prepares one for you, steam rising from the surface and the heady scent of roses filling the air. Together you slip into the water, enveloped by its warmth, and he hums in contentment as you lean into him, his arms coming to rest around your waist. He watches you carefully, making sure you’re able to relax and preparing himself in case you call on him; he’ll do anything for you if it brings you the happiness you deserve. Your eyes flutter close, Asmodeus showering you with delicate kisses, comforted by the fact your breathing has levelled out and you appear a lot calmer than before. The day didn’t go as planned, and he hopes to make it up to you, vowing that no one else will hurt you on his watch. He loves himself. He loves his brothers. But loves you most of all.
Beelzebub notices you haven’t touched your dinner and is beyond happy the moment you offer your plate to him. Yet he can’t bring himself to enjoy the food in front of him while you excuse yourself from the table, eyes downcast and voice quiet, the usual smile gone from your face and leaving behind an emptiness that rivals his own hunger. His mouth waters at the thought of seconds, but his concern for you grows, and he decides to follow you without question, disregarding the ravenous growl of his stomach. He catches you in the hallway, calling out your name. You turn to him, his brow furrowing in unease at the sight of your tears and the slight tremble of your lip. It hurts him to see you in obvious distress, and he earnestly offers his support.
The only sound is that of your sobbing. He desperately wishes to hold you tightly and rid you of your pain. However, he falters, studying you. Your gaze is trained on the floor, shoulders stiff with tension, and the color drains from your cheeks. When you speak, he’s surprised by how helpless you sound and the fact you’re trying to reassure him, putting his needs above your own although you’re struggling to hold yourself together. Fear flickers across your features at the echo of the brothers’ voices travelling up the stairs, and he mumbles out an apology as he carefully lifts you into his arms, cradling you to his chest. 
Before the others can round the corner, he hurries down the hall and slips into your room, determined to protect his vulnerable human. He notices you relax against him, your fingers curling into his shirt, and he can’t help but want to keep you close, relieved after you lean in closer to wrap your arms around his neck. Stroking your hair, he allows you to cry, his patience and love for you endless. Eventually, you mutter an embarrassed sorry, thanking him profusely, but he’s merely relieved you’re beginning to feel a bit better, reassuring you that you can always depend on him. 
Listening to you intently, he never breaks eye contact. You open up to him about your anxiety, his stomach twisting as you describe what you call a panic attack and how it wrecks you both mentally and physically. Beelzebub knows he has a lot to learn, but he expresses interest in understanding anxiety and, most importantly, how he can help you, so you don’t suffer alone. For the rest of the night, he keeps you company and eases you through the remainder of your attack, giving you plenty of hugs and rubbing your back in soothing circles until you no longer shake, and your heartbeat returns to its usual pace.
Belphegor enjoys the time you spend together, especially when the two of you are alone. He asks you to accompany him in the attic, and it’s not long before he curls around you, falling into a peaceful sleep as he listens to the steady beat of your heart. However, when he awakes it’s to the sound of your soft cries in the dark, which fill him with a fear he can’t seem to shake. Without hesitation he’s at your side, sitting up to softly place a hand on your shoulder and ask you what’s wrong. The sadness in your eyes as you glance up at him, tears staining your cheeks, tugs at his heartstrings. He can’t bear to see you upset.
Once he realizes you’re having a panic attack, he’s attentive to your needs, cradling you in his arms as you cry into his chest. You confided in him about your struggles with anxiety after you fell to pieces in front of him months ago. A part of him understands, the loss of Lilith haunting him throughout the years and instilling a similar feeling of unease within him, especially when his nightmares seem to blur the line between reality and the painful memories of his past. You always came to his rescue and now it’s his turn to comfort you in your time of need. Sleep can wait.
With you in his embrace, he brings you down to relax against the pillows, pulling the blanket around your shivering form. You rest your head on his shoulder, and he gently brushes the remaining tears from your face, whispering words of love and reassurance. He listens to you when you’re comfortable to talk, the slight tremble of your voice causing him to draw you closer and press a kiss to your forehead. Belphegor tells you he’s here for you—forever—and although he’s still learning about anxiety and finding the best ways to comfort you during an attack, he wants you to depend on him no matter what. Even if that means you wake him up in the middle of the night. He won’t rest until he knows you’re okay, and you’re peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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craptsukii · 4 years
genshin boys and terms of endearment they'd use
a/n: this is my first time writing headcanons and ngl i found them quite difficult to format :( i’m liking this style for now, but things might change later on teehee anyway, lemon cake update next week, i promise!
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♡༚࿐ 🇩‌🇮‌🇱‌🇺‌🇨‌
let’s get something out of the way first
diluc is not a jerk
sure, he might have tsundere tendencies but he’s definitely not as cold as people make him seem
in my opinion anyway
i like to call him a classy, but also a very private, softie
i can totally see him as someone who’d use terms such as darling, love, doll
a major factor here is the time and place
in public, he tries to seem more indifferent and will most likely refer to you by your name
however, in a more private setting, he has no inhibitions and actually prefers using nicknames!
I feel like diluc would want to really reassure their partner he truly cares about them, but in a direct yet indirect way
and calling you sweet things seems to get the message across.
listen to this while reading!
If only time could pass faster. Who knew waiting could be such an agonising activity? Such a simple but repetitive thing. Waiting for your cake to finish baking, waiting for the morning to arrive and even waiting for your lover to come home turned out to be much more of a challenge. It wasn’t unusual for Diluc to spend hours on end at Angel’s Share, but it was rather odd of him to break his promises.
A sad smile took over your features, remembering last night. Remembering his words, so sweet and benign, promising to dedicate you all of him and his time. His crimson red eyes, full of love and admiration for the person he held so dearly to his heart. His voice, so demure and nothing but a soft whisper, as if raising it would ruin the moment. The moment he shared with you in a little dark corner of Mondstadt, away from curious eyes and sharp ears. The moment he so desperately wanted to hold onto. Yet, the darknight hero was nowhere to be found.
By the time he finally arrived, your eyes were already closing. It was a gloved hand that pulled you out of your somnolent state. Yet again those same red eyes were looking into yours with the same devotion, if not stronger than the night he made his promise.
“Forgive me, love,” he pleaded in a shushed tone, “Kaeya came in and started causing a commotion and I couldn’t just leave.” he continued, his thumb brushing over your cheek delicately.
Too tired to say anything, you placed your hand over his, silently asking him to join you in bed. You had all the time in the world to discuss tomorrow... Hopefully. After discarding his black coat on one of the chairs and taking off his shoes, Diluc plopped in your shared bed, not even bothering to change into something more comfortable. Soon his arms were around your waist, bringing you closer to his chest. His smell reminded you of grapes and it completely enveloped you as you nestled into him.
“If only I could turn back time…” Diluc murmured to himself, kissing the top of your head. “Nothing will come in between us and our time together tomorrow. I promise you, darling.”
Turns out that, in the end, he does keep his promises.
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♡༚࿐ 🇽‌🇮‌🇦‌🇴‌
listen to this while reading!
my very polite baby
like sure, he’s straightforward
but he be treating everyone with respect
you might be wondering why that matters
well that's because i think xiao would see it as a little rude to not refer to someone important to him by their name
names play a major part in xiao’s past
with rex lapis re-naming him after taking him under his wing and such
so, in my opinion, xiao finds calling out your name way more meaningful than nicknames
although if he were to use one it would probably be dear
it’s short and he can still address you as “dear (name)”
it does sound quite formal at times though
Moments like this were rare. Usually, sleep doesn’t concern your lover in the slightest, as it rarely comes to him. Although you couldn’t help but admit how much you loved it when he did come and sleep. Cuddled up next to you was the vigilant yaksha, the well known protector of Liyue. And dare you say, it was truly a divine sight. In the wash of the morning light, his face took the appearance of an old photograph, so nostalgic, so at peace. Slowly, one of your hands brushed past his face, placing the few rebel aquamarine strands that were cascading down his cheek behind his ear. For a moment, you find yourself in perfect silence, Xiao’s soft breaths being the only sounds that could be discerned. Without realising, you started softly rubbing his back, your heart leaping at the content purr that followed shortly after.
It was almost impossible to put into words the joy this brought you. Although it was such a simple, mundane thing, seeing Xiao so at ease was by far your favourite memory with him. The more you studied his features the more your sight fell upon his lips. The sudden urge to kiss him overwhelmed you, wanting nothing more than to cherish and show your lover the affection he deserves.
If only the sudden chirping of birds didn’t scare you, barely a few inches away from his face.
Curse those birds and their awful timing! And so, you backed away, laughing to yourself in self-consciousness, thankful that no one was aware of your little mishap.
Or so you thought.
You felt your face get warmer the moment you saw Xiao looking at you, drowsiness still coating his eyes. Yet again, for another short moment, no sound could be heard.
“____ my dear” he said, his voice deep and hoarse, snaking his arms around you as he brought you closer to him, “if you won’t do it, I will.” it was then the flush across his cheeks became apparent to you. Shame you didn’t have time to savour it, his lips immediately finding yours in a sweet, dream like kiss.
Moments like this were truly worth treasuring.
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♡༚࿐ 🇨‌🇭‌🇮‌🇱‌🇩‌🇪‌
in contrast with xiao, childe loves calling you cute nicknames
in fact, he barely uses your name!
sometimes he likes to tease you and pretend he forgot your actual name
of course that’s not true,he could never do such a thing
I can totally see him use pet names such as comrade, girlie, cutie, shawty, sweetness, princess/prince, baby
ok i know shawty is kind of random, but i think he’d use kind of ironically?
I think he’d also use big sister/brother just to tease you, even if you’re younger than him
he heard teucer refer to you as such one time and it honestly melted his heart a little bit
as a side note, seeing his siblings get along you makes him genuinely happy.
listen to this while reading!
Spring was such a beautiful time. Especially in Liyue. Especially on a date with the one and only Childe, eleventh of the Fatui harbingers. For someone with such a fearsome title and reputation, it wowed you to no end just how charming, just plain adorable, Tartaglia can be. Albeit, it was only your second date, it was expected of him to at least try to be nice.
And on time.
As you waited, under that beautiful sky, a hue so gentle between cloud and baby blue, you watched each bird upon wing. It was one of those spring days with a kiss of coldness that somehow heightened the warm rays of the sun. You paused to admire the flowers, to sense their aromas, to be in the moment with their transient beauty.
“Lovely, aren’t they?” asked Childe from behind you, a shy, perhaps slightly embarrassed, smile painted on his lips. “Sorry I’m late, I really overestimated my juniors’ capabilities and I had to step in.” he continued, gingerly taking hold of your hand, kissing the back of it.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his gentlemanly antics, although you enjoyed them nonetheless. “Don’t worry about it, you’re here now.” you reassured him, as you took a hold of his hand, already leading him towards nowhere in particular.
Another thing you liked about him. Things were so casual, so easy-going. One might call this date nothing but a hangout, but not every date has to be a luxurious five star dinner or a fancy show. Sometimes just a simple walk along the Liyue port was enough. Enough for you to get to know Childe, enough for you to like him even more.
Suddenly, Tartaglia was in front of you, his hands lightly taking hold of your face.
“Hold on cutie, there’s something on your face,” he answered your silent question, seeing as you looked a little confused. The next thing you knew, his lips descended upon yours. It was a sudden but very much welcomed kiss. A kiss that unfortunately ended just as abruptly, “it was me.”
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♡༚࿐ 🇿‌🇭‌🇴‌🇳‌🇬‌🇱‌🇮‌
favourite peepaw
also prefers using your name rather than nicknames
but he’s not completely against them
he finds them quite nice actually
and he actually enjoys being referred by one!
like imagine going for a stroll with him and all of a sudden you go "darling, look!"
he'd look so content oh my lord
in my opinion anyway
he’d usually call you honey, my beloved or even my one and only!
you could be doing the simplest of things like reading with him under a tree
and he'd go "you're my one and only love"
no, he isn’t aware of how cheesy it sounds.
listen to this while reading!
Who knew the God of contracts could be such a romantic? Usually, Zhongli wasn’t a big fan of fancy, elaborate dates. He’d usually say something along the lines that “spending time with you was enough for him to feel like the richest man in the world”, which he technically was even without your presence. But, quite frankly, it was because he lacked the funds to do so that he didn’t pamper you every moment of the day.
So when you found yourself face to face with an array of different foods, meticulously prepared and arranged on a soft picnic blanket, you couldn’t help but wonder —
“Why the sudden change?” you asked, sitting down on the plush cover, to which Zhongli only chuckled.
“Am I not allowed to change my mind?” he replied in a teasing tone, flopping next to you.
“Oh, you are more than welcome to do so,” you winked, pouring some tea for both of you. It smelled like chamomile, “I was just trying to say it’s a nice change.” you continued, taking a few sips of your tea.
Zhongli only hummed, content with your response. Sometimes, sitting in silence, all while eating delicious brunch foods and drinking sweet tea, was much more enjoyable than small talk.
And so, you spend the rest of the day with your lover, basking in the sunshine and each other’s company. In his embrace, there was something so right, something that felt right, smelt right. You let your body sag, your muscle become loose. In that embrace you felt your worries loose their keen sting and your optimism raise its head from the dirt.
“You’re so beautiful, my beloved,” he whispered, cupping your face and kissing you gently.
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♡༚࿐ 🇰‌🇦‌🇪‌🇾‌🇦‌
avid user of nicknames
partially because he finds them cute
and partially because he loves teasing you
he’d use them in public and try to get a reaction out of you
like let’s say all of a sudden kaeya is back hugging you, pampering your neck with kisses
saying something like “what’s wrong, baby?”
he’d also use hot stuff, sweet cheeks, gorgeous, handsome, cutie pie, treasure
sometimes they’re really sweet, other times they’re really silly
side note, i feel like this one got a little out of hand sorry yall i lowkey can’t take kaeya seriously
listen to this while reading!
There was something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just wouldn’t wait. It was that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaked through to chill the skin. You felt yourself gasping for air as Kaeya’s lips left yours, doe like eyes searching for his. Behind that brilliant shade of blue sparkled a glacial attraction. So complex and mysterious, it was magnetic. It made you want him even more.
Upon seeing your dazed state Kaeya smiled, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. His hands found yours. “Let’s get you of here before you catch a cold.” he said, leading you down the streets of Mondstadt. It was the middle of August, and you got caught in nothing more than a summer rain. You weren’t even cold, but alas you let it slide, enjoying seeing Kaeya worry about you, even if it wasn’t as serious as he made it seem.
There is something about a rain-washed pathway that invites playful feet, that says each new step will be rewarded with a splash. And soon, you found yourself splashing around, making the most out of this accidental rain shower.
The moment you finally reached your home, Kaeya wasted no time, his arms already wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Yet again, a gasp escaped your mouth, Kaeya’s cold lips leaving goosebumps behind each carefully placed kiss on your neck.
“You know what’s the best way to get warmed up, treasure?” he asked, his hands ghosting over your hips.
You shook your head softly, awaiting his answer.
“A good old dance party!” he exclaimed, spinning you around as he started humming a cheerful. “Nothing gets the blood going like a little movement!” it was obvious he found great pleasure in seeing your more than confused, if not disappointed, expression. Still, he paid you no mind and continued dancing with you all while singing a cheery melody.
It was quite save to assume there was never a boring moment with this man.
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♡༚࿐ 🇦‌🇱‌🇧‌🇪‌🇩‌🇴‌
my favourite elevator boy
doesn’t love nicknames but doesn’t hate them either
i see him as an action speak louder than words guy
and although he’s aware that, as his partner, you know that
he still feels sorry for not being as vocal as other people when it comes to talking about his emotions??
so cute terms like these are a simple way he can show his appreciation for you
for some reason, i think he would really like using diminutives??
he’d call you things like little star
or baby or lovebug
i think it really matches his vibe ngl
listen to this while reading!
The breeze blew warm announcing the coming of summer's hottest days. The aroma of the tall grasses were an intoxicating perfume and the starry night above was a painting more sublime than any man could create. The clarity above became reflected in your mind.
Being with Albedo meant putting up with the unholy amount of hours he’d spend on whatever research he’d be conducting at the time. And luckily for you, his next big discovery involved the stars. On the black sky above you, there were a multitude of stars and there were lighter patches, clusters of faint and bold light, the constellations altered according to the time of year. These were the same stars that greeted the ancients, the same ones that would be there in millions of years.
As you enjoyed your little midnight snack, your gaze fell upon the chief alchemist. His eyes were fixated on the landscape above him, utterly fascinated by the world’s mystic beauty. Seeing him so consumed by his studies made your heart feel warm. It was adorable to see him like this.
Your sudden yawn made both you look at each other. Albedo’s gaze was filled with compassion, and perhaps a little remorse for making you come with him so late in the night just to stare blankly at the sky.
But you knew this wasn’t such a trivial thing.
You pet the spot next to you, silently asking him to sit down with you, to which he immediately obliged. As his head found its place on your shoulder a little sad smile made its appearance on his face.
“Sorry for making you come here with me, baby.” he said, his hand drawing patterns along your thigh. “I know this isn’t your idea of quality time.”
“Any time spent with you is quality time, silly.” you giggled, kissing the top of his head. “And besides, who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of stargazing?”
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♡༚࿐ 🇻‌🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇮‌
ok now for venti
i feel like with him the tone he uses is very important??
i mean this also applies to the rest of the guys
but for venti even more so
he could simply refer to you by your name and it would still feel all special and bubbly
nonetheless, he loves using pet names!
i mean as a bard, he can come up with poems and such on a whim ( flashback to the signora moment :) )
so his nicknames for you always have a certain meaning or funny story behind them
oh, you love pumpkins or had an unfortunate accident involving one? now he calls you pumpkin all the time
he’d also call you things like sunshine because to him you bring so much joy and you warm his heart just like the sun.
with that being said, good luck to those pulling for him! <3
listen to this while reading!
“There you go! You’re really good at this!” Venti complimented you, observing in great detail the way your fingers touched the strings of his lyre.
Judging by the curious stares and even odd looks you’d get from time to time, that wasn’t really the case. What was supposed to be a simple walk around the city turned out to be a full concert. Although Venti couldn’t find it in his heart to tell you, who asked him so eagerly just a few moments ago if he could teach how to play a song, just how… Poor was your attempt.
A relieved sigh could be heard the moment your fingers left the strings, although Venti’s reassuring smile never left his face. “Don’t let a few strangers discourage you! Even the greatest geniuses had to start somewhere!”
“Are you saying I’m a genius?” you asked teasingly with a raised eyebrow, laughing at his flustered face.
“Let’s not go that far…” he murmured, winking cheekily.
“And here I was, thinking I could wow you with my insane musical skills…” you whined sarcastically, handing him his lyre as you continued your stroll. It was then Venti stopped in his tracks. Upon his face, shock was written all over, his expression soon turning sympathetic. For a moment, he left you alone, diving into the crowd of people, only to return to you with a single cecilia flower. Its fragrance was sweet and fresh and its color a perfect white. Shortly after, he gently placed it behind your ear, smiling to himself while looking at you.
“You don’t need fancy tricks to win over what you already have,” Venti said, kissing your cheek lightly. A cheerful tune could be heard across the street, Venti’s soft melody attracting a lot of attention, “I’m all yours, sunshine.” he said loud enough for more than a few people to hear.
He has such a way with words, doesn’t he?
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aomine-ryo · 3 years
WAIT OMFG I GOT A GOOD ONE okokok.... may I request a GoM + Kagami with their s/o between their legs and them playing with their hair and vibing to music and all of a sudden their s/o starts singing and the boys get so nervous but their heart is warm at the same time. I sing all the time and I was having thoughts about different head cannons and scenarios and this is my favorite one I came up with😌🕳🏃‍♀️💨 thank you! Happy new year!
Oh god it’s been over half a year since I last opened my requests 😭😭 Sorry this took so long! It was kind of difficult for me to write this for all the characters without it becoming the same old repetitive thing so I just wrote it for Aomine, Kise and Akashi. I might do a part two to this later with the other characters if I come up with more ideas! I hope you like this though. It was a really cute idea!! 💜
Scenario: Aomine, Kise and Akashi reacting to their s/o suddenly singing
gender neutral reader
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Ever since the two of you began dating a month ago, it was a given that most of your evenings were spent in Aomine’s company. Whether it was accompanying him on his walk back from practice or just sitting around in his bedroom doing your own things, you and Aomine were almost always together.
One such evening, Aomine had returned home from a tiring practice and the only thing he could bother to do was cling onto you. Of course, you made him shower before he could even think of sitting back and relaxing (and it was awfully difficult because he’s especially whiny when he’s tired). But once everything was said and done, you found yourself getting comfortable in his bed, back pressed against his stomach as you laid between his legs.
You’d normally be scrolling through your phone at times like these, but you too were a bit too tired to do that today, so you simply just laid there and stared at the ceiling. You did play a playlist on Aomine’s Bluetooth speaker though, so that it wasn’t dead silent.
As the music filled the room, Aomine mindlessly began playing with your hair, saying whatever popped into his mind as he pleased. “The Winter Cup is coming up,” Aomine said.
“Is that so?”
“Mhmm. I can’t wait to have my own cheerleader at all my games,” Aomine replied, and you didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smirking like an idiot.
“I’ll be going to all your games? That’s news to me,” you joked, tone oozing with sarcasm.
“You say that now but I know you’ll be at all the games even before me,” he retorted.
“I’m pretty sure everyone gets to your games before you do.”
Aomine just let out a sigh in response as a small giggle filled the room. A few minutes passed and Aomine slowly felt himself beginning to doze off. However, the sudden sound of soft singing quickly garnered all of his attention.
A quick scan of his surroundings made him realise that the sound was you, singing along to the music that was playing. You didn’t think too much of it as you sang, in fact you barely even realised you were singing because you were so comfortable to the point where you felt like you were alone.
A smile began to spread across Aomine’s face. He was ready to point it out to you and start up another witty exchange, but he stayed still for a moment. He didn’t dare move a muscle in case it reminded you of his presence. He let himself savour this peaceful moment as his insides turned to mush. If he could, he would capture your voice so that it could sing him to sleep every night.
He was so caught up in your singing that all his thoughts left his mind. In fact, he didn’t even realise that he was practically stuck in a trance until a change in songs snapped him out of it. You had stopped singing since you didn’t know the next song on the playlist and Aomine was left with a fluttery feeling in his stomach that he couldn’t get rid of.
“Aw, why’d you stop singing? Your voice nearly put me to sleep back there,” Aomine said, his voice slightly raspy.
“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t even realise I was singing,” you chuckled, your cheeks turning a bright red.
“Why are you apologising? I liked it. I might just make you stay here so you can sing to me every day,” he said, twirling your hair around his finger.
“You’re just saying that,” you rolled your eyes.
“Why would I lie?” Aomine questioned.
You shrugged in response. “To spare my feelings maybe?”
“That’s dumb.”
“You’re dumb,” you replied almost immediately.
Aomine clicked his tongue as he lightly smacked the top of your head in annoyance.
Your hand instinctively reached for your head. “What was that for?” You whined, turning to face him with furrowed brows.
“You called me dumb,” Aomine answered, holding back a chuckle as he observed how cute your agitated face was.
“Well was I wrong?”
“Incredibly wrong.”
“I’d beg to differ.”
“I can’t be all that dumb if I managed to get to date someone like you,” Aomine grinned, watching you slowly get flustered.
“Shut up, that was so lame,” you mumbled, trying to hide your reddening cheeks by looking away.
“I’ll shut up if you sing for me more,” he smiled.
“Stop! You’re making me blush. That’s not fair,” you complained.
“C’mere,” Aomine snaked his arms around your hips and pulled you close. Your back pressed against his chest as you looked up and into his dark eyes.
You slowly began to relax in his arms; his strong hold on you made you feel safe and secure. After placing a kiss on your lips, the two of you returned to your comfortable silence with small smiles spread across your faces.
Just as Aomine was drifting off into a slumber, your voice filled his ears once more. A familiar warmth filled his body once more as he let himself be put to sleep in your presence, where he felt safe and sound.
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“What do you say to going to a cafe today?” Kise suggested as the two of you walked out of school, hand in hand.
You let out a sigh. “We’re always going out— why don’t we just go to one of our houses and relax?”
“But that’s boring, you’ll just fall asleep,” Kise pouted.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you said, “Trust me, it’s fun to do nothing sometimes.”
“I guess...” Kise shrugged, watching your face light up.
“Great! We should do face masks too while we’re at it!”
“Babe this isn’t a spa day,” Kise chuckled at your excitement.
“We can make it one,” you beamed.
“I don’t think so—“
“Please?” You sang, looking at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
Kise tried to hold his ground but he was and will always be swayed by that look you give him. “Alright fine. But we stop at face masks. Nothing else,” he said firmly, knowing that he had no self control and he’d probably go all out on a spa day with one more push.
“Deal,” you smiled, practically skipping as the two of you headed towards your house.
After changing out of your uniforms and lending Kise one of the shirts you stole from him, the two of you sat on the floor, playing music as you placed the face mask bottle on the carpet. Neither of you could help but giggle as you applied a layer onto Kise’s face. Your face was incredibly close to Kise’s as you rubbed the mask onto his skin and he couldn’t help but lean in to steal a quick kiss from you.
“Ryouta! You got the face mask in my mouth,” you scolded as you wiped the residue off your lips with the back of your hand.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” Kise smiled cheekily, not regretting it for even a second.
Once you had applied the masks onto yourself and Kise, the two of you sat on the floor, with your back against Kise’s chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Okay so we’re meant to wait for twenty minutes, right? What now?” Kise questioned.
“Now we just relax,” you exhaled, getting comfortable in Kise’s arms.
“So we just sit in silence?”
“You can talk of you want to,” you shrugged.
With that, Kise began to blabber about his day and all the thoughts that popped into his head. His fingers eventually found themselves playing with your hair, twirling locks around absentmindedly.
At some point, the conversation stilled and a silence filled the room, save for the music that played from your laptop. Not thinking twice about it, you began to sing along softly to the song that played.
Kise froze for a moment as he realised that you had begun to sing. It really wasn’t a big deal— he had shamelessly sang in front of you countless times before, but for some reason, he melted at the sound of your voice. He didn’t realise that he had never heard you sing before. It was a pleasant sound. It made him feel at ease. Almost like he was swimming through clouds without a care in the world.
A big grin spread across his face in a matter of seconds as he began to sing along with you, although he was much louder and more energetic than you were. Your voice faltered for a moment out of surprise when he burst out singing, but you simply giggled as you continued to recite the lyrics with Kise. The blonde’s body began to sway to the tune as he sang, forcing you to sway along with him since his arms were holding you tight.
“We should go to a karaoke bar together,” Kise said as the song reached its end.
“Absolutely not,” you laughed, still simmering down from the singing.
“What’s that? You absolutely will? Great! It’s a date!” Kise grinned, pretending to mishear you as you groaned in response.
“Well you’ll be doing all the singing then. I’ll just be your audience,” you replied firmly.
“Now where’s the fun in that? We have to do a duet or it’s useless,” Kise said.
You sighed. No matter how much you wanted to resist, you knew that Kise would just drag you there anyways, so you saved yourself the trouble and gave in. “Fine, I��ll sing with you only if I’m promised a milkshake in return,” you said with a smile.
“I’ll buy you as many milkshakes as you want,” Kise said confidently.
“Well then, you’ve got yourself a date.”
Kise smiled as he placed a kiss on your neck, since your cheek was out of the question due to the mask. You couldn’t help but giggle at the tickling feeling as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
“We should probably take these masks off now. It’s been about twenty minutes,” you said, eyeing them clock hung up on your bedroom wall.
“Okay great, what do you say to a dance off afterwards? I’ve realised I’ve never seen you dance either,” Kise suggested as he stood up.
“Now you’re really pushing it…”
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Akashi loved hearing you sing. You don’t do it often, but whenever you did, it was always a treat. It was usually the times where he’d come over to your house and wait for you to get out of the shower when he heard your voice the most. Of course, you didn’t realise how loud your shower performances were, though he’d never tell you.
There was this one particular time though, that Akashi would never forget. The Winter Cup was right around the corner and practice was going on as usual. You had opted out of watching his practice that day since you wanted to head back home and catch up on your homework. However, that one practice somehow stressed Akashi out much more than it should have.
Knowing that Seirin and the rest of the teams with the Generation of Miracles were all upping their games this year, Akashi wanted everything to be perfect. Of course, not every practice will be the best, and this one was quite possibly the worst one Rakuzan has had in a while. Open shots were being missed, everyone was awfully chatty, and the footwork was abysmal. Akashi knew better than to lash out on his team because he knew that it was natural, but he needed to calm down.
Naturally, his first instinct was to call you up after his practice. “Hey Sei!” you answered the phone, tone rather cheery since he had given you an excuse to take a break from your studies. “Is your practice done?”
“Yes it is,” Akashi replied, holding back a sigh.
“Great! How was it?”
“Not the best by a long shot. Nothing went right today,” he complained.
“Oh that sucks. Would you like to come over for some tea or something?” you invited, hoping to help him relieve his frustration.
“Shouldn’t you be studying?” Akashi questioned, a small smile spreading across his face, knowing that you were just trying to distract yourself.
“Well, you can come help me after your tea if you want…” you trailed off in a tone that was practically begging for help with your homework.
“Alright,” he said with a sigh. “I’ll be there in a bit.”
A few minutes later, Akashi was at your front door after his driver had dropped him off, greeting your parents with some polite conversation before finally heading up to your room. Upon entering your room, he practically collapsed onto your bed. As out of character as it was for him, he simply was too exhausted to hold himself together. Besides, he was comfortable enough around you anyways to know that you didn’t care too much about it.
“Long day, huh?” You said to him, letting him sit up properly before handing him the cup of tea you had prepared for him while he was chatting with your parents.
“The longest,” he sighed. He took a long sip out of the cup and immediately felt his shoulders ease. Who knew that a simple cup of tea could be just what he needed?
“Want to talk about it?” You asked, awkwardly standing by the foot of your bed as you watched him drink his tea.
“Maybe in a bit,” he said simply.
You have him a small nod as a response and walked back to your desk, closing up your books and going through your Spotify to change the music from your regular study playlist.
Akashi set his cup on the bedside table before leaning back onto the headboard. Shortly afterwards, you crawled onto the bed too, getting comfortable between his legs after placing a gentle kiss on his jaw. You could feel him breathe in and out as you let your mind go blank. Akashi’s fingers made their way into your hair, gently twirling locks around as a way of unwinding.
He could hear you softly humming along to the songs that played, bringing a smile to his face as his tension faded away so much that it was practically nonexistent. Eventually the humming turned into a sing along, and Akashi’s heart filled with glee. He had heard you sing before but that moment was different. Perhaps it was his exhaustion, but to him, it sounded like he was being serenaded by an angel. He felt as though his heart was gonna beat right out of his chest, but in a way he was awfully calm about it.
Akashi didn’t say anything though. He simply just let himself be absorbed by the sound. He let it wash all his stress away. Even after you had stopped singing, he didn’t utter a word about it. He wanted to keep it to himself. Almost like it was his own little treasure of a memory.
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parvulous-writings · 3 years
Not so Wyld morning // Bill S Preston + Ted Logan x M!Reader
Request:     can you write a fluff oneshot with bill (s preston) x ted logan x m! reader with like. a sleepy morning between the three?
Requested by: @mlmpunisher​
Summary: Starts off as the request, and then goes off on a trip to the Circle K. I may or may not have gotten carried away. 
Warnings: a brief joke about kidnapping/death.
Words: 3.5K
Notes:  I’ve been waiting for an idea/request for these two. They’re my comfort idiots. My love for them... Let’s just say I watch the movies a fair amount, eh? My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!
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Not my gif 
You, Bill and Ted were spread rather haphazardly over Bill’s bed. Legs crossed over one another, hands on chests or in faces. You were all tangled together, not that any of you really cared about that at that moment.  You had all fallen asleep during a study session- you had been desperately trying to tutor your boyfriends Bill and Ted, so that they didn’t fail their history class and completely flunk out of school- mostly because Ted’s father, Captain Logan, was threatening to send the taller boy away to an Alaskan military school to whip him into shape should he fail the semester. That was now an all too real threat to the three of you, none of you wanted to get pulled apart from one another. You had been trying to quiz them on the philosophies of the great Athenian thinker Socrates (whom both young men insisted on pronouncing So-Crates no matter how many times you corrected them) when you passed out one by one. First Ted- who was up against the headboard, and whose head had slumped forward when you had gotten onto the fifth or sixth question. Then Bill, draped over Ted’s legs, after leaning back to protest about how the quiz was starting to become “A total drag,” around the tenth question. He had promptly passed out whilst you were telling him it was for their own good- you weren’t all that surprised when you were interrupted by a rather loud snore coming from the curly-haired Bill.You hadn’t bothered to try and wake either of them- not only would they both be rather irritable if you woke them up too early, but it was nearly one o’clock in the morning at that point, so you figured that perhaps they were both subconsciously onto something.  You had taken the range and array of textbooks off of the bed, creating a little more space for you to somehow work yourself between them and get more comfortable to get some sleep of your own. After some shuffling, and a few murmurs from both Bill and Ted, you had found the perfect position, where you had promptly fallen asleep with them.
You were the first to wake up. Ted had taken your arm in both of his in your sleep, cuddling it as if it were a teddy bear. Bill’s legs had somehow tangled with yours, and he had ended up nuzzled into the side of your chest, not that you minded all that much. Though Ted was the more affectionate of your boyfriends in public, Bill could be just as affectionate as him in private. You tried not to move at first, not wanting to disturb them- they could both be as bad as each other when it came to being woken up too early (too early was counted as anything before they woke up by themselves). So, for what you had gauged to be about twenty minutes or so, you just laid there, staring up at the ceiling. There were no thoughts of any importance that drifted through your mind at this point, not until you had finally grown restless enough to carefully push yourself up onto one elbow to check the time on Bill’s alarm clock- which he rarely actually used as anything more than just a normal clock. It had just gone half past ten, and you felt your eyes go wide- that was much later than you had anticipated. Thankfully it was a weekend, though briefly your brain had tricked itself into thinking it was mid-week, causing even more of a jolt in your chest. You would have to get up soon to make your way back home; it was bad enough that you had spent the night out without letting your parents know that you’d be out past eleven o’clock. Every moment past nine in the morning that you spent away from them, the angrier they would get with you.  With this thought in mind you tried to push yourself up a little bit more, fully prepared to undertake the rather massive task of trying to begrudgingly untangle yourself from the two men you held dear, but you were quickly brought back down again by an unseen hand. Your head landed on Ted’s stomach, and you glanced over to him, seeing him peering back at you through tired eyes and a rather messy head of hair. He gave you a rather dopey smile, and you realised he was the one to pull you back; mostly prompted by the fact that Bill was giving another round of freight-train like snores. Ted’s head fell back again when you didn’t struggle against his protests of getting out of bed, and he gave a yawn before beginning to speak. “Morning, chief.” He mumbled, voice still raspy with the last dregs of sleep his body was trying to cling onto.  “I don’t get why you call me that.” You replied in a whisper, trying not to wake Bill. “Surely I should be the one calling you that- given your dad’s job and everything...”  “Eh,” Was Ted’s simple reply, accompanied with a rather lazy shrug. It was about a minute before the only other boy awake in the room started to speak again. “I mean, it does kind of suit you, doesn’t it? You keep me and Bill in order...” He prompted, glancing over to you with that same goofy smile, before his gaze moved back to the ceiling.  “For the most part, I guess.” You smiled back at him, taking his hand and draping his arm across you, so you could play absently with his fingers. Ted never minded that. 
The pair of you fell into a comfortable silence, which was disturbed only briefly, and rather inconsistently, by Bill’s snores. You weren’t sure how long you laid there for this time, but the rather delightful monotonous repetition was ultimately interrupted by a quiet groan of protest from the blonde haired boy at the end of the bed. He rolled onto his front, trying to cover his eyes- he had fallen asleep rather inconveniently where the light peaked through the blinds in the early morning. “Someone close the blinds,” He complained, trying to turn away from them but ultimately failing.  “Bill...” You chuckled lightly, nudging him to get his attention. “They are closed. The light is coming through the gap.” Your words were only met with a groan from Bill, and a stifled laugh from Ted.  “You should get it fixed, dude.” The taller boy jested, nudging the boy again, and Bill responded with a half-hearted swipe at Ted’s foot.  “Shut up, Ted.” Of course, he didn’t mean this in an inherently horrid way, despite his gruff tone. He loved both you and Ted deeply, more than he could love anything else- or at least that was what he thought. Ted thought very much the same thing- though that was no surprise. More often than not, it was like the two shared the exact same brain. If they were not thinking of the exact same plan down to the detail when it came to schemes, they were at the very least agreed on the end result. Most of the time this wasn’t too much of a problem for you- usually you were at the butt end of whatever shenanigan they were plotting- but there were times when you did get a little bit overwhelmed by the pair of them. More often than not, the times where you got overwhelmed involved a very particular phone-booth, with some rather unique properties. Unless you were in it’s presence you tried not to think about it- the amount of times you had been put through mind-bending situations already made your head spin to even consider again. They’d predict something, it would happen immediately after said prediction, then they would turn to one another and proclaim a quick “Excellent!” before reminding one another that they would need to remember that later. You were still a little bit confused by it- especially when they sprung something random on you-but you thought you were slowly starting to understand, even though the concept of time travel didn’t seem quite real. 
You broke your train of thought upon feeling a sudden weight on your chest. Though you wanted to crane your neck to see who it was, you didn’t really need to, you knew it was Bill. You did it anyway- your eyes being met with the golden curls of Bill’s hair. “Bill, love, I’m going to have to get up soon.” You warned him, as your movement would definitely affect him more than Ted.  “No.” He replied simply. From his tone, you could tell he didn’t overly want to debate it.  “But I stayed over without letting my parents-”  “You’re fine, you’re safe, what do they have to complain about?” He grumbled, shuffling so that his chin was on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your middle. His deep green eyes met yours, before flitting briefly to Ted, giving you both a smile. “C’mon, dude. It won’t hurt to have a little longer with us, right?” He asked, and you moved your hand to quickly brush a stray curl from his brow.  “Maybe he should go soon- like, just to check in.” Ted piped up, ever in your corner. “Cause you know what happens if he gets in trouble. He won’t get to see us for like... A week. That is most heinous, and you know it.” At this rather right line of reasoning, Bill groaned, burying his face into the fabric of your shirt.  “Shut up, Ted.” This was quite muffled, and of course still not completely serious. You laughed softly, “Okay- what about this? One hour. Like this.Then, we can ask Missy to drive us back to my place, and I can let my parents know I’m fine, and you two haven’t like... Murdered me, or something.” You joked, and you can feel Ted nod enthusiastically underneath you.  “Yeah, that’s a good idea!” He agreed, and you could hear the smile that was in no doubt plastered onto his face. “Then we can all head down to the Circle K afterwards, right?”  “Sure we can, Ted.” You agreed, reaching up behind you to clumsily pat his cheek.  “Only if he isn’t in trouble, remember?” Bill pitched in, shuffling to get comfortable again. “What about half an hour? If we want to head to Circle K, obviously.” You all consider this new plan for a moment, before each of you gave a curt nod, in unison. 
So there you all stayed- you nearly even fell asleep again before you felt Bill roll off of you. He then took your arm and helped you up, and Ted quickly rolled off of the bed to grab his sneakers. Bill chucked yours at you, before going to get his shoes as well. Ted was the first downstairs- “Hey, Missy?” He called out, and he was quickly met with the young woman’s reply.  “Yeah? What’s up, Ted?” She asked, giving a warm smile.  “We were hoping that you could drive us to (Y/N)’s house?” He asked, briefly wringing his hands, as he eagerly awaited her response.  “Sure thing!” She nodded cheerily, “Let me just finish making these drinks, and I’ll be right with you. You guys go out to the car.” She nodded over to the door leading to the garage. As you and Bill started down the stairs, Ted eagerly gestured for you both to follow him.  It didn’t take Missy very long to finish making the drinks she was preparing, and you all piled into the car. “So- did you all sleep well?” The blonde woman asked, glancing back at you and Bill in the back of the car- Ted had a fascination with sitting in the front seat. Ted and Bill nodded individually; you were the one to verbally reply.  “Yeah, I think we all got a fairly good night sleep.” You give an almost awkward smile. Though, at one point, both of your boyfriends had had some form of crush on her- despite her being quite a few years older than all of you- you hadn’t entirely understood why. You never really mentioned it though.  “Good to hear,” She replied, still wearing that joyful smile. “Hey, Bill- you might need to use the spare key today, the one behind the plant, if you’re staying out late with the boys.” She took a turning as she spoke, keeping her eyes on the road. “Me and your dad are going out for dinner tonight.”  “Okay, Missy- I mean, mom.” Bill replied, quickly correcting himself on his mistake. “Just stop on the corner here,” He told her, gesturing to the side of the road a five minute walk from your house.  “Are you sure?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder as she spoke. “I can take you all the way, if you-”  “No, it’s alright, thanks, Missy.” You interrupt quickly, leaning forward. “Here is fine.” She shrugged, but begrudgingly pulled over. 
“Thanks, Missy!” Ted called after the now fleeting car, giving a wave as well, before jogging to catch up with you and Bill, who had already started to cross the road to get to your street. “I’ll quickly grab some money whilst we’re there,” You told the pair of them, and they nodded.  “I was thinking we could get some slushies.” Ted suggested, giving a wide smile.  “Blue and red?” Bill added, giving a smile of his own, and Ted nodded energetically.  “Our tongues’ll end up as purple, you two know that, right?” You teased with a grin, glancing over your shoulder as Bill laughed heartily. It took Ted a moment longer to get the joke, but he started laughing even harder than Bill when it clicked with him.  “Oh well,” Bill shrugged, a rather mischievous smile. You fell into silence again as you jogged up your driveway, almost wrenching open the door and calling out a hasty “Hey!” to announce your presence to the household and those within it. You quickly made your way to your room, as Bill and Ted quietly entered your home after you, choosing to stay in the hallway- even though they had visited and stayed over at your house many times before. They were both silently hoping that they were making their will to leave relatively soon clear. Your father came into the living room, glancing to the two boys standing awkwardly in the hallway. “Bill, Ted.” He greeted, calmly. Bill mouthed a silent ‘Hi’, whilst Ted just waved. Neither of them wanted to anger your parents- Ted, because he knew how authority figures could be, he’d had experience with his own father, and Bill just didn’t want you to be punished and kept away from them. You came back through as quickly as you could, palming some of your loose change in your hand, making sure you would have enough for a slushie for yourself, and for your boyfriends if they hadn’t brought any money with them- which was more than likely.  “Going out again?” Your father asked you, wanting to make some sort of conversation. You nodded, glancing to him and giving a smile.  “Yeah, heading out to Circle K with Bill and Ted.” You told him. He was a lot more relaxed with the rules than your mother- whom you currently assumed to be out for lunch with one of her friends.  “Did your study session go well, then?”  “Yeah- we went over Socrates again. We all passed out- that’s why I didn’t come home or call last night.” Your father laughed gently, he understood.  “I figured as much. Your mother was saying that you could have been kidnapped- but I kept saying you’re a smart kid, you’d know what to do if that were a risk. Plus, I don’t think there’s anyone in San Dimas who would want to kidnap you.”  “Even if they did want to steal him away, we’d take whoever it is on,” Bill stated, confidently- nudging Ted.  “Yeah, we would!” The taller boy confirmed with a nod. You giggled and shook your head at the pair. Even your father chuckled gently at them.  “Good to know my son is in safe hands.” Though your father was aware that these two weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed of San Dimas, he wasn’t about to take away some of your only company. Your mother had brought it up to him before, but he usually elected to ignore the comments. “Anyway- get going, before your mother gets back. If she sees you going off with these to again without checking in properly she’ll have a fit.” He gestured to the door, “Just be back by eleven tonight, alright?”  “We’ll have him back by then!” Ted told him, opening the door and striding out, followed closely by Bill, and then you. Your father gave a wave, before heading back into your family home. 
There were few words on the journey to the local orange ringed store, you only started to speak again when you had each purchased your chosen flavour of slushie. Bill with strawberry, Ted with blue raspberry, and you with another blue raspberry. You all took a seat on the curb, and you decided to fill the silence with one of the first thoughts that came to your head mid-sip. “So, are you two ready for the end-of-semester presentation Mr Ryan is going to assign?” You asked, and both of your boyfriends looked rather shocked. “What? He’s done it with every other year-group, and we’re not exactly different, specification wise....” You pointed out, and Ted groaned.  “I suck at presentations.” He complained, “Plus neither of us can remember anything that Mr Ryan has taught us!” He exclaimed, gesturing rather wildly with his slushie. “I mean, even with your help, dude, I don’t think we’re going to do all that well.” You were about to speak, but Bill was the one to step in first.  “We gotta try, man,” He placed an affectionate hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder, “If we don’t, it’s even more likely that you’re going to be sent off to that heinous school in Alaska.” Ted considered this, then nodded. Bill was right.  “I’ll do everything I can to help my boys remember all they can,” You told them, a fond smile on your face which they quickly returned. They loved being referred to as your boys, they couldn’t even deny it- you could see it in their eyes. Bill leant over and pressed a very brief kiss to your cheek- though not before checking the parking lot was clear, empty of onlookers- and Ted reached across Bill’s legs to grab your hand, squeezing your palm to show some affection; you were too far away for a kiss from him, and he didn’t overly want to get up whilst his slushie was still rather full. He took a sip from the plastic straw in his beverage, before clearing his throat. “So..” He began, starting to grin wider than usual. “Who wants to make purple?” He nudged Bill, who then quickly looked to you, wearing the same grin as your other boyfriend. You started to laugh- of course this had been something that neither of them had forgotten. 
Without another word exchanged between you, you leant to close the gap between you and Bill, letting lips and tongue tangle in a passionate display of affection. Ted stared on adoringly, not overly minding that Bill was the first to get your attention and affection- though now he had finished off the majority of his drink he scuttled round to your other side, carefully taking your jaw in his hand when you eventually pulled away from Bill to catch your breath. Your break didn’t last for too long, since Ted pulled you gently so your already kiss swollen lips met his equally soft ones. Bill couldn’t help the warm and love-filled smile that spread over his face, before he just had to press a kiss to your cheek, and then reach over to Ted’s cheek to make sure he wasn’t left out. You all separated after a minute or so, and you wiped your lip carefully, wearing the same wide and almost goofy smile as the other two. Your lips, and tongue, as predicted, had turned a rather strange shade of purple.  “I think we should get another snack,” Ted suggested, “Cause I’m hungry, and then we can get the colour off of our tongues,” He grinned, and Bill considered the preposition.  “I guess some food wouldn’t hurt...” He agreed, “Marshmallows?” He suggested, which was replied to with a nod from both you and Ted. “I’ll get them then,” Bill smiled at you both, searching his pocket for some spare change as he got to his feet; marshmallows were a fair bit cheaper than slushies, and he could afford them with what he had to hand. Whilst he went back into the Circle K, you shuffled closer to Ted, smiling lightly as he drew you closer with an arm around your shoulder. That morning had certainly been most excellent, as most of the time with your boyfriends always was- it was something that you always looked forward to; spending time with them, making memories that would forever make you smile. 
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lokiskitten · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston | nice acting skills
Pt2 : the changing room
Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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Author’s note : I never originally planned to write a second part but I was being held at gun point so here’s pt2 of the “nice acting skills” imagine KSKSK
plot : after going through this rather peculiar moment, you unexpectedly bump into Tom in one of the changing rooms. From there, things take an unexpected turn.
warnings : smut ( with /legal/ age gap ), unprotected sex, extremely light and discreet spanking.
You were pulled out of your daydream session again by the exhaustingly familiar sound of the director throwing around new orders, setting you and Tom free from set as this scene didn’t necessarily needed to be filmed twice. You were now sent off to the makeup and costumes room which was located nowhere far from the place you currently sat. Tom wasn’t meant to be changing nor getting ready in the same room as you did, which was totally understandable due to the fact that you didn’t share the same gender nor age. He therefore took a different turn than you did, feet leading him to the left as you were accompanied on your right.
You were allowed in your personal changing room, the makeup lady arranging her stencils which laid on the table before the mirror. However, she suddenly seemed to remember about an important detail which she seemingly needed to be getting on the instant. You were therefore left alone with nothing but the costumes and cold cup of tea to keep you company. Sighing tiredly, you sat down on the chair which faced the mirror, eyes falling on your own tired reflexion. However, you were now able to hear the sound of the door opening again, a forced smile appearing on your lips as you expected this person who just walked in to be the makeup artist.
“Did you find what you’ve been looking fo-“ you began, eyes diverting upwards only to land onto Tom’s familiar yet unexpected silhouette. He closed the door behind himself, leaning against the wall as his strong arms crossed against his bare chest. You were now trapped with him. However, it was far from being a bother. But your naturally strong mindset forced you to put up a mask and pretend as if his naked upper body wasn’t something which disturbed your mind and senses. “Oh, it’s you.” You spoke bluntly, trying you best to hide any emotion which could’ve been a threaten to your reputation as a young and serious lady.
Tom smirked. “Yes, it’s me.” He answered, his deep voice which carried a beautiful British accent rolling off his tongue perfectly. It never failed to make your heart and crotch melt. Finally getting up from the door, the older man slowly moved towards your seat before his veiny hands decided to take ahold of the leather material. His ocean blue eyes stared at your reflection in the mirror, yet he wasn’t making eye contact but simply admiring how beautiful your body was. Gently, his hand moved up to your hair which he dragged back behind your ear, fully revealing your beautiful face to him.
“You’re beautiful.” He affirmed, making sure to regulate both his voice and tone in order to guarantee that he would look as attractive as he possibly could- even tho he wouldn’t have needed any of these forced artifacts to seduce you or anyone else. You had caught him red handed through his game, though- again- it was far from being a bother. In contrary, you enjoyed it. However, the little voice in your head couldn’t help but beg you to deny his offer whilst the other part of yourself desperately wanted you to give in his flirts. Your body easily became a battlefield for those two separate opinions to fight and argue endlessly.
Face to your lack of answer- and that mostly because you were lost in your thoughts- Tom tilted his head before moving his hands down to the opening of your robe, gently starting to pull on it in order to reveal your bare chest. However, your own hand was soon to move up to his wrist and take a firm hold of it, asserting dominance and stopping the older man through his track. Face to this hostile move, the actor couldn’t help but grow confused. He frowned and accepted to respectfully pull his hand away. “Do you not want this? I beg your pardon, I thought you shared those same feelings which previously took possession of my body.” Tom explained, referring to how he felt whilst shooting the infamous scene barely a couple of minutes ago.
“No no, I do.” Your responded, your main priority being to make sure that he wouldn’t feel like he was in the wrong nor inappropriate. You finally agreed to get up from the chair you have been sitting on, still unfortunately remaining shorter than your screen partner who towered above you. “But isn’t this... not such a good thing? I mean, I always hear people brag about not mixing your love life with coworkers.” You explained, remaining aware that Tom surely didn’t work that way, which was easily noticeable if you bothered to take a look at the female casts from the movies he’s played in and link it all up with his never ending list of ex romantic partners.
Upon noticing that he didn’t seem to truly pay attention to your words, but more to your face, you stopped yourself through your speech. He was adorning those flirty eyes of his, which no woman could potentially resist to. No matter how hard you fought, in the end, you’d always fall for him. “Can you- stop looking at me like that, with your eyes and.. eyebrows.. and all of it.” You ordered, hands gesturing towards his face. Hearing those satisfying words, Tom accentuated his facial features game. “Looking at you like what?” He responded, slowly moving closer to your body until his hands could finally wrap around your waist. It felt like a huge victory to him.
Before you could know it, Tom’s lips pressed against yours, the man offering you a genuine and intense kiss which honestly resembled the ones he’d give you on set. But for now, this didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were sharing a wanted and needed moment with your screen partner. His hands moved down from your cheeks to your shoulders, pushing off your robe which fell off your body with ease. Unlike him, you didn’t adorn any form of underwear and was therefore left naked for the older man to cherish and enjoy. The kiss progressively intensified, both of your lips parting in order to allow each other’s tongue to come in.
As he embraced your figure, Tom slowly started to push you towards the nearest wall, the two of you stumbling upon a couple of objects before your back could finally collide with the hard material. You moaned against his mouth, knee moving up to his hip which allowed you to feel his hardening bulge against your sensitive core. Your clit was throbbing, begging for sexual satisfaction coming from the man. Feeling your leg suddenly raise against his hip, Tom’s hand moved underneath your thigh and made sure to hold it up there, offering you some free support so you wouldn’t have to carry the heavy member on your own.
Tom cared a lot about the feminine pleasure- probably more than he did care for his own- which would surely guarantee you a good time spent with him during this early afternoon.
Upon feeling that you were now wrapping your arms around his neck, Tom decided to take the initiative to pull his boxers down- setting free his hardening member which had yet to grow to its full size. He was now able to fully pick you up, hands wrapped underneath your thighs in a cautious manner. His tip wouldn’t stop colliding with your soaking hole, visibly begging for entrance without ever truly daring to cross the step. Thankfully, you knew that Tom had always been a very determined man who usually reached out for the stuff he wanted instead of waiting for people to give it to him.
Therefore, it didn’t take long for him to carefully sit you down on his cock, being able to feel that you were now wet enough to painlessly welcome in his prominent member. You guys moaned together, his forehead pressing against yours as his girth was progressively coated with your love juices. Once he reached balls deep, the actor decided to take a couple of seconds in order to allow you to adjust to his size, ocean blue eyes looking up at your face which he admired and praised more than anything in the world at the moment.
Kissing your lips, Tom began to move again, hips gently and cautiously thrusting forward and retracting backwards repetitively until he felt like he could now fasten his pace. Meanwhile, you found yourself lost through pleasure and bliss, forehead firmly pressed against his as you decided that it would probably be wiser for you to keep your mouth shut and avoid to attract anyone else’s attention. Besides, you only wanted and needed his. Moaning out loud would’ve been a great risk to take as the two of you remained aware that you were in a studio filled with thousands of working people. Therefore, Tom regulated his pleasure by wincing and hissing silently whilst you decided to carry on humming sensitively.
Your arms remained wrapped around his neck as he carried on pleasuring your cunt as well as his own member, lips praising your neck which in some way also helped him through the restricted moans process. His girth rubbed past every single sensitive spot of yours, g-spot going wild and swelling out of pleasure due to the man’s perfectly appropriate actions and mannerisms. However, and without giving you a warning, Tom suddenly pulled out in order to flip you around- you chest now facing the wall as you were soon to understand that your job was now to bend over for him. His arms had probably grown tired of carrying you, which you acknowledged and understood.
Before he decided to bend you over, his large hands moved up to your breasts from behind your back, caressing and squeezing them with a lot of lustful care before he retracted his hand back to your spine, pressing his palm against your flesh and forcing you to slightly bend over. There wasn’t much space between you and the wall, which therefore only allowed you to fold a little bit. Your own palms collided with the wall as Tom’s hand caressed all the way down to your bum, giving the flesh a gentle slap before allowing his digits to take ahold of his own girth. He guided his tip to your entrance again, taking time through his actions to make sure that he would execute them properly and painlessly. Even through lust, Tom remained a gentleman.
Feeling his hardness slide inside of you again made your legs tremble, yet Tom made sure to hold you up by giving your hips a gentle and reassuring squeeze. The muscles he had developed through the intense hours spent at the gym contracted as he began to move in and out of you as you tried your best to once again remain silent and discreet. Though, a couple of moans eventually had to escape your lips. Tom shushed you respectfully, giving your bum a light spank which stood as a punishment face to your risky behavior. Yet you refused to complain, smile appearing on your parted lips as the older man continued to pound your core.
Eventually, his hips began to stutter, thrusts gaining in sloppiness which was due to his nearing orgasm. This once Tom didn’t manage to hold back his own moans, hums and groans escaping his lips as he respectfully pulled out right before white strings of sperm could be projected against your cervix. Instead, the thick liquid landed on your back, staining your flesh. “Fuck..” he praised, taking a deep breath in before exhaling loudly. His hips continued to gently rock against yours, shaft rubbing against your upper bum as Tom wished to fully get over his orgasm.
You were left emotionally shattered, body still recovering from the intense amount of emotions and sensations which had previously taken possession of your body- brain still attempting to figure out wether this was right or negative for both of your careers.
Y’all asked : I deliver. I hope you managed to enjoy it! Requested tags : @lokis-leah @marianastudiesart @fa-me @lokistoriesblog @sunshineyrosie @delightfulheartdream ❤️
[ Every single share/comment/like means a lot to me as a writer! Please never doubt that! I acknowledge and praise each one of those interactions as they also help to motivate me. Love you guys💜 thanks for the support. ]
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homoose · 4 years
Quick Learner, Slow Lover: Part II
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Summary: Literally just a 40 Year Old Virgin AU. This time, reader shows Spencer a whole new world of possibilities. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: smut, 18 + (minors DNI)
Warnings/Includes: oral (both receiving), fingering, I think that’s it actually
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: Huge thanks to all the babies on my sideblog @softspence for helping with the inspiration for this one, and @gubetube​ for being my beta! ♥️ virgin!Spence is near and dear to my heart.
Series Masterlist
After their first escapade, Spencer was called away on a case in southern California. A week into the BAU’s investigation in the desert didn’t have them any closer to solving it, and the team retreated to their respective hotel rooms for a few hours of rest. The second his head hit the pillow, Spencer’s phone was out and dialing. 
She picked up on the third ring, stifling a yawn. “Hi.”
“Hi. Sorry it’s so late,” he apologized. 
“It’s okay.” He could hear her snuggling down under the covers. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” He brought one of the hotel pillows closer, cuddling up against it and letting out a sigh. “I was thinking we could go to that new restaurant around the corner from you when I get back to DC.”
“Mmm, yeah, that sounds nice,” she agreed. He heard her sigh a little into the phone, then she continued, “We could also, um— try some more things.”
His head was constantly full of their first night together, and he basically had not stopped thinking about more things since he’d come in his pants on the couch. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.” 
“Good, because the possibilities are endless, Dr. Reid.”
He let his eyes close, let a smile play over his features, and let his mind relax for a second… and then his eyes were shooting open, and his brain was on overdrive, running through the pieces of the case in rapid succession. “I— I think I just figured something out. I— I have to go. I’ll— can I call you later?”
She laughed a little on the other end. “Go save some lives, Spence.”
The team stumbled off the jet less than 24 hours later, exhausted but more than satisfied with the outcome of the case— in large part thanks to Spencer’s late night epiphany. 
“O’Keefe’s for a round?” Luke asked. “First one’s on me.”
There were murmurs of agreement from everyone... except Spencer. “Sorry, guys— rain check,” he called, already halfway across the bullpen and pulling on his jacket. He was through the double doors before anyone could ask any questions. 
He loved the team, and he’d come to enjoy nights out with them, but right now he had more pressing matters to deal with. As he navigated the darkened streets of DC, he considered the predicament he’d found himself in. They were going on two months of official dating, but they’d been sort of seeing each other for nearly a month before that. 
Even before he’d met her, Penelope had gushed about her constantly— a wonderful friend that she’d made through her new job, kind and smart and funny and lovely. What Penelope hadn’t mentioned was how beautiful she was— and he’d subsequently made a fool of himself when they first met: staring and stumbling over his words. 
She hadn’t seemed to mind, and over the course of the evening, she’d proven to be every bit as lovely as Penelope had described, and then some. 
He pulled up outside her apartment, shutting the door and hauling himself and his go-bag out of the car and up the sidewalk. He ran a slightly self conscious hand over his hair, checked his appearance in the glass of the foyer door, and then buzzed her apartment. 
She buzzed him in, and he took the stairs two at a time, rounding the landing just to see her opening the door. The second he dropped his bag, he was wrapping her up in a hug and knocking the breath out of her. She expelled the air into his shoulder and then laughed as he clung to her.
“Well, hello to you, too,” she teased. 
“I missed you,” he murmured, too content to be embarrassed.
Her arms came around him, and she squeezed him tight in response. “I missed you, too.” She held onto him for a moment longer before pulling back. “You must be exhausted. Are you hungry?”
Almost as if on cue, his stomach growled loud enough for them both to hear it. She cackled at his sheepish smile. “Chinese, Indian, or pizza?”
An hour later, they were two slices deep and cuddled together on the couch at the end of an episode of Dr. Who. She was tucked under his arm, her warm palm low on his tummy, her thumb rubbing a slow, repetitive path. As the credits rolled, she lifted her head to smile at him. “Tired?”
“A little.” His brain couldn’t focus on anything other than the warmth of her body pressed up against him, her hand so close to where he was desperate for her. He wanted her, but he didn’t know how to ask. “We can… try some things, though,” he decided on.
She brushed his hair back and met his eyes. “We don’t have to. Just because we did, doesn’t mean we’re obligated to every time we’re together.” She tilted her head. “You know that, right?”
He could feel the flush flooding his cheeks immediately, and he dropped his gaze and cleared his throat. “Yeah, of course.” Of course she didn’t want to do anything more with him. He was probably terrible at it before, and she just didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He shifted to stand from the couch, gathering up their plates and turning to bring them to the kitchen, desperate for a minute to collect himself. 
He could feel her eyes on him. “Spence?” He set the plates in the sink, taking a deep breath and then turning to see that she’d followed him. She pressed her lips together, considering him with kind eyes. “You wanna let me in on whatever it is you’re thinking?”
He hesitated, tapping his fingers on the tops of his thighs, before deciding he should just come out with it. “I know I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to… sex.” The last part came out in a low murmur— it seemed lewd to discuss this in the middle of her kitchen. “I’m sorry it wasn’t very good for you, and I’m not exactly sure how to fix that, but—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she chuckled. “Slow your roll. When did I ever say it wasn’t good for me?”
The memory of her— in his lap, her head thrown back, his fingers on her, his name falling from her lips— was suddenly on repeat in his mind. “I, um— I guess you didn’t.” 
“I definitely didn’t,” she confirmed, stepping a little closer. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about it… a lot.”
His eyebrows shot into his hairline. “You have?”
“Mmhmm.” She brought her hand back to his tummy, just above his waistband, then ran it up the line of buttons on his shirt, stopping just above his heart. She met his gaze with soft eyes. “I just didn’t want you to think that— that sex is all I want to do with you. Or that you have to rush to make me happy. And it’s important that you know that if you’re tired, or overwhelmed, or just not in the mood, I don’t— you know, expect you to have sex with me.” 
His heart leapt into his throat at the way she curled her fingers in his collar, the way she smiled quietly while he collected his thoughts, the way she gave him grace and space to consider his wants and needs. He was dangerously in love already, and he wasn’t sure quite how to say it without being the stupid virgin who fell in love with the first person he slept with. 
And even with all of these thoughts of content and love and uncertainty swirling through his brain… he still really wanted to fuck her. 
“I’m not that tired,” he breathed. 
Her smile turned mischievous, and he swallowed audibly. “Well, then. We can start working through those possibilities?”
He was on her before she even finished the question, his mouth hot and hungry, his tongue sliding against hers, his hands on her waist and steering her toward her bedroom. She grinned as he trailed kisses down her throat and then where her t-shirt cut low along her collarbone. She turned them as they made it to the bed and pushed him to sit, breaking his mouth away from where it had been sucking a pretty pink mark. 
She dropped to her knees and ran a firm hand over his cock through his trousers. He was wholly and completely unprepared for the sight of her looking up at him from in between his legs, and he momentarily forgot any and all plans he’d had. She paused to push her hair back out of her face, and he came to his senses. 
“Wait.” She looked up at him, slightly confused. “I wanted to, um—” 
When he didn’t continue, she tilted her head with an encouraging smile. “You wanted to what?”
“I wanted to, um— eat you out,” he said, and he could feel the flush in his ears. “Before. Because I get kind of sleepy after I come, and I— well, I can already tell I’m not gonna last long once you start, um…”
“Blowing you?” she prompted, and now she was just teasing him. 
“Y-yeah.” He ran a nervous hand down his neck. “Is that okay?”
She stood up and stepped closer into his space, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling his head back slightly. “Well, that depends. Did you read up on the literature?”
He returned her teasing smile, already more at ease. “You know I did.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before stepping back to pull her shirt up over her head. She smirked at the way his eyes went wide and traveled over her form. His mouth dropped open as he tracked her hands, running down over her bare chest, her torso, and then to the waistband of her sweatpants. She pushed the pants down over her hips and let them pool at her feet, stepping out and back in between his legs. “So, what did the experts say?”
He swallowed audibly as she brought his hands to her chest. “Well, um,” he started, palms cupping her breasts. “Um, firstly— start slow. And vary— vary your attention,” he said, squeezing them lightly and brushing his thumbs over her hardened nipples. 
He looked up at her face for guidance, and she smiled. “Then by all means— give me all the attention.”
He leaned forward immediately, tongue and teeth sucking and grazing and nipping at the soft skin of her breasts. He alternated between the two, drew each nipple into his mouth and moaned a little around them at the way she gasped when his teeth dragged on her skin. Her hands found purchase in his curls, tangling and tugging and holding him against her. He brought a hand down to her waist and pulled her in closer, slid his palm over her lace-covered ass and dug his fingers in, eliciting a very pretty sound from her throat. 
He pressed his mouth once more to the valley in between her breasts, then stood and brought his hands to her face, leaning down to meet her in a soft kiss. He turned to have her sit back on the bed, and she stretched out over the pillows and pulled him down over her. He kissed her again, and then dragged his mouth down the column of her throat. 
“Secondly,” he continued, “work your way down.” He did just that, his lips and tongue drawing out goosebumps and shivers as he moved down her body. When he reached the waistband of her underwear, he hooked his fingers into it, and she lifted her hips to allow him to pull them down her legs. 
He started a path back up her legs, kissing her ankles, her shins, her knees. He ghosted his fingers over her thigh, silently asking for permission to continue. She let her legs fall open, and he made himself comfortable in between them. The reality hit him then— that as she opened her legs, she also opened herself up to him— all the most vulnerable and precious parts of her. His breath caught in his throat as he found her gaze on him, soft and sweet and steady. 
He turned his head to kiss a path along her inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her center. He fanned his warm breath over her, and then he licked carefully around the hood of her clit, gentle at first. He flattened his tongue on either side of it, then pointed it to flick across once, twice, three times. Her hand immediately came down to tangle in his hair, and her hips twitched as he dragged his tongue flat over it. 
“I don’t really understand the phenomenon of men being unable to find the clitoris,” he remarked, and then closed his mouth around it. 
She let out a long, low moan when he sucked it between his lips, and her grip on his hair tightened. He alternated the suction with the swirl of his tongue around the hood, and she squirmed against the bed. He laid his forearm low across her hips to keep her still, and then he brought his thumb up to swipe at her entrance, and he moaned around her at the feel. 
“Shit, you’re so wet,” he breathed. He brought his thumb, slick with her arousal, up to her clit and rubbed firm circles over it. “How’s that for pressure? Too hard?”
“N-no, oh— Spence, oh my god,” she whined.
“Do you prefer to rub side to side or in a circle?” He demonstrated each option, and she choked out his name again. 
She drew in a shaky inhale, exhaled out, “Both, both, both.” 
He sucked an open mouthed kiss to her inner thigh, then looked up to see her staring at him. “Do you like penetration? Or just clitoral stimulation?” he asked, stroking his thumb side to side over her clit. 
She huffed out a breath. “You— god, you can finger me.”
He popped his index finger into his mouth, slicking it with spit and thinking of everything he’d read about it. He teased the pad of his finger around her slit, gathering up the wetness that had spilled out of her. “I’ll start with one? Make sure it’s slicked up, and then you can tell me if you’d like me to add another?” 
She hummed in agreement, and he began to press inside of her. She took his finger easily, and he dropped his forehead to her thigh. “God, you’re— you’re so tight.” He withdrew his finger and then slipped it back in, groaning at the slickness. “Can you, um— can you tell me if this is— is this doing anything for you?” He probed gently, searching for the spot inside her that he knew might actually be difficult to find. 
“Um— up, up,” she gasped. “Like, curl it up toward the ceiling and then sort of dra-a-a-g, oh, oh, oh.”
He followed her directions, curling his finger up and dragging it on the out stroke, and she was throwing her head back with a moan of his name. He repeated the motion over and over and then brought his mouth back to her clit. Both her hands came down to yank at his hair, and he groaned, causing her hips to jerk against his mouth. 
“M-more, Spence, more, so close,” she whined. 
When he withdrew his finger, he slipped a second one in beside it and then continued the curl-drag-thrust pattern while sucking and swirling his tongue around her clit. Her moans increased in frequency and volume, and he felt her squeeze impossibly tight around his fingers. He rutted into the bed as her grip on his hair held him still against her clit as she came. 
She let out a final gasp of his name, and then she relaxed around him and her grip on his hair went slack. He slipped his fingers out of her, stared at them in relative awe as they glistened with her come. He sucked them into his mouth to clean them off, relatively surprised by how much he enjoyed the taste. He leaned forward and dragged his tongue over her, cleaning her up and savoring the way she lingered in his mouth. 
“Shit, Spence,” she mumbled, grasping at his shoulder. “C’mere.”
He lifted his head and wiped his forearm across his chin. He watched her eyes go a little wide, and then she was dragging him up her body and crashing their mouths together. “You are so fucking hot,” she whispered. “I cannot believe you’ve never done that before. Such a good listener, baby.”
His hips canted forward desperately at the praise, and she sighed happily against his mouth. “Wanna blow you.” 
She pushed gently at his chest and he sat back to let her up. She slid off the bed and tugged on his hand to move him to sit with his legs off the side. “Can we take some things off?” she asked, gesturing to his fully clothed form. 
He nodded, and she popped the button on his trousers while he started on the button up. They made quick work of both, and she dragged his pants and underwear down in one motion. He shrugged out of his shirt and she took a step back to take him in. 
“You’re so pretty, Spence.” She dragged her finger up from his knee, over his thigh, the trail of hair on his tummy, his chest, his throat— her eyes tracking the motion. He watched her face as she did so, the way her pupils dilated with lust and her tongue came out to wet her lips. She finally settled on his face, smiling and leaning forward to press her lips to his. 
When she broke the kiss, she brought both hands up to cradle his face. “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. If anything doesn’t feel good, just say so. You can put your hands on my head, pull my hair, whatever you like. If I want you to stop, I’ll tell you. Okay?”
“Okay,” he rasped. 
She kissed him again, and then dropped to her knees and took him in hand. The vision of her— naked, post-orgasm, looking up at him with his cock poised at her mouth— was so absolutely and gloriously filthy that he almost came on the spot. 
“You’re so big, Spence.” The wonderment seeped into her voice, and he couldn’t help but swell a little with pride. Her warm palm stroked over him, root to tip, and he fisted his hands in the duvet. “What was step one again?” she asked. 
“Um. S-start slow,” he recalled. 
She hummed in agreement, and then trailed the fingers of her free hand over the inside of his thigh. She turned her mouth to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to the other, slowly inching up closer to where she held him in her hand. 
“Your skin is soft,” she murmured. Her nose brushing against the crease of this thigh. She switched sides, moved his cock into her other hand to trail her fingers over where her mouth had been. She sucked a mark into his thigh and then dragged her tongue over it, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
And then she shifted back to the center, flattened her tongue, and ran it up the vein on the underside of his cock. “Oh my god,” he whispered. 
She huffed out a laugh and the way her warm breath cooled the trail of spit she’d left had him shivering. “God, this is gonna be so fun,” she murmured. 
She held his cock up straight with one hand and repeated the motion of her tongue twice more, and then pressed a kiss to the tip. She held her tongue out flat and rubbed it along the underside of the head, running it along the divide between the tip and the shaft. And then she closed her mouth around the head and swirled her tongue around it, and his eyes rolled back in his head. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” His knuckles turned white as he gripped the sheets, and then he felt her free hand tug at his fist. He opened his eyes as she guided his fingers into her hair. She locked eyes with him and then sucked gently on the tip of his cock. He fisted his hand and tugged, and she closed her eyes and moaned around him. 
The vibration of her voice had his hips thrusting forward a little into her mouth, and she pulled back with a grin. He couldn’t even form the words to apologize before she was licking down his shaft and murmuring, “Mm, and vary the attention, right?”
With that, she laved her tongue over his balls, slicking them up with her spit. He realized he’d been holding his breath, sucking in a gasp as she sucked one of them into her mouth. She hummed around it and then let it out with a soft pop, moving to draw the other one in. He hadn’t even considered that he would enjoy having his balls in her mouth, but now that they were there he knew he’d literally never stop thinking about it. 
She pulled back to take a breath, bringing a hand up to cup and massage his balls and stroke over his length at the same time. “Step two?” she prompted, looking up at him from in between his legs. 
“Work your way down,” he reminded her, petting over her hair in awe. 
“Ah, yes.” She brought her mouth back to the tip, sticking out her tongue and rubbing it along the sensitive spot just under the head. She kept her mouth open and held him in hand, alternating between wet kisses and swirling her tongue. And then she sucked it into her mouth, still moving her tongue back and forth as she started to sink further down his length. 
In his mind, he was singing her praises from the metaphorical rooftops, but in reality, her mouth was so hot and wet that all he could do was stare stupidly at the way his cock disappeared between her lips. She continued to massage his slick balls in her free hand as she took him in, inch by inch. Each time she pulled back to suckle the head, she stroked the circle of her other hand over the spit-covered length of him. 
On the next pass down, he felt the head of his cock press into the back of her throat, and his hands shot to her hair, holding tight. “Holy shit, Y/N, I—” he choked on the rest of the sentence as she took him an inch further, then simultaneously sucked and pulled back to the tip.
She tapped the tip of his cock to her spit-slick smile, kissing it teasingly. “Do you wanna tell me what to do?”
“M-more of that,” he begged, watching as she dragged her lips down the side of his cock. 
She chuckled, and the way it buzzed against the side of his cock had him short of breath. “Yeah— I thought you’d like that.” She pumped his length with her hand and then held her tongue out flat, bobbing her head until he hit the back of her throat. 
When she pulled back, he watched a trail of spit drip down her chin, and felt his cock twitch at the idea of her quite literally drooling over him. He barely resisted the urge to pinch his thigh, not willing to wake himself up if this was actually a dream. He brought a hand to her chin and used his thumb to gather the spit, and then brought it up to suck it into his mouth. 
Her mouth dropped open as she watched him swallow, and he briefly began to panic, but then she was surging upward to slot her mouth over his in a hot kiss. “How is everything you do so fucking hot?” she murmured against his lips. 
“I could say the same for you,” he countered, kissing her again. 
“I want you to come in my mouth, okay?” she asked. 
He nodded vigorously. “Shit, yeah, yeah.”
“Don’t hold back,” she demanded, and then she was dropping back down to take him in again. 
She left her mouth open, tongue laid flat, and took him into her throat— once, twice, three times. She choked around him and then pulled back to take a breath. She repeated this pattern again, and again, occasionally sucking on the head or even grazing her teeth just so. Spencer held her head between his hands, staring down at her with reverence. He couldn’t stop the litany of praise falling from his lips— mostly just gasps and moans of her name, but occasionally he found the mental capacity for so beautiful, or perfect mouth, or so good, baby. 
He could feel his orgasm drawing closer with every press into her throat, so incredibly tight that it was dizzying. She pulled all the way off to jerk his cock, a tight circle of her fingers gliding along his length with a squelching sound. She squeezed the base of him, dropped her hand to tug at his balls, and sunk her mouth down his length, holding him in her throat and swallowing, moaning low and long around him. 
She looked up at him then, and it was that which finally brought him over the edge— not that she was on her knees with his cock in her throat, but that she didn’t look away as he came undone. The fact that she was paying such close attention to him coupled with the trust and vulnerability required for this moment was too much to handle. His orgasm hit him like a train, his toes curling and fingers twitching in her hair as he came. She continued swallowing around him, and he fought to keep his eyes open, not willing to miss a single second of this moment. 
When he was finished, she slowly drew back, sucking gently along his softening length and pressing a kiss to the head. He did close his eyes then, cradling her head in his hands and rubbing his thumbs along her cheeks. She used his thighs as leverage to pull herself up, and he heard her suck in a sharp breath. His eyes shot open to see her rubbing at her knees— red and a little raw. 
“I’m sorry, I should have— I could have gotten you a pillow.” He pulled her closer and replaced her hands with his own, soothing the marks. 
She laughed and brushed a reassuring hand over his hair. “Occupational hazard.”
The scratchy rasp of her voice had his cock twitching. “I know I don’t have anything to compare it to, but you’re unbelievably good at that.”
She brought her hands to his face, tilting it up to meet his eyes. “You’re not the only one who reads the literature.” 
Her even tone and steady gaze proved she wasn’t teasing or mocking, and he fell just a little bit deeper in love. He met her halfway in a kiss that was infinitely and luminously sweet and wondered just what in the world he was going to do about that.
Permanent tags: @spacedikut @andiebeaword @averyhotchner @pinkdiamond1016 @shadyladyperfection @coffeeandendlesswords @justanothetfangirl @no-honey-no @ajeff855 @sapphic-prentiss @rexorangecouny @rainsong01  @blameitonthenight21 @moviequeen51 @90spumkin @reniescarlett @ncsls0515 @daybabyx @sturmmhond @takeyourleap-of-faith @saspencereid @calm-and-doctor @reidtheprettyboy @atabigail @ayo-cowbelly @muffin-cup @ssa-natalya-reid @wheelsup @reidingmelodies @this-is-gublerween  @s1utformgg  @reidemandweep @sonnydoesrandomshit @rigatonireid @luwheezey @joalsglasses @je-suis-prest-rachel @dr-omalley @spencie-adams @honestimanormalfan @blurryreid
Series tags: @cielo1984 @dorotheuh @foreveryoungxx3 @happyreid187 @harrystylesholland @seasonfivereid @slut4spencie  @kyomito​
Broken tags: @radtwinkie
983 notes · View notes
luimagines · 3 years
Do time or the other links smoke? Or drink? Or do some kind of drugs? I mean when your out heroing you're going to get alot of traum
Something they all at least somewhat have to try and take the edg off or do they have other ways of coping? I am sorry if this sounds like an ask,i was more along the lines trying to get your speculation on the matter
I see what you're saying and I do think that some of them would have had bad habits in the past but yeah-
They do need some time to take the edge off and refocus themselves in the present, but how do they do that in a healthy and safe way?
Let's talk about that.
I don't think I have all the necessary tags so go forth at your own discretion.
Time would have definitely had a drinking problem that would have started in his Termina days.
He's never really felt the need to drink though- he only found that it would have kept him from going crazy.
But as he got out of there and talked more to Malon (and have his supply cut off- (just because he knew where to get it in Termina doesn't mean he knows where to get it in Hyrule, (nor would they give it to him, even if he did))), I like to think that he would have had to find other ways to calm himself down and think rationally through his thoughts and desires.
It happens by accident.
He was working at Lon Lon Ranch when he needed to go chop some wood and he found the repetitive and strenuous work, soothing.
He felt good. Accomplished even.
And a little disappointed when he was finished.
But he started doing that whenever he could and it became his main way to not only blow off some steam but to also calm himself down.
It helps with his anxiety and his need to help feel useful even when nothing is really happening that would require his assistance.
Twilight finds that manual labor actually makes his anxiety worse.
He can't really find it within himself to get lost in it because he's already programmed for that to be a part of his day to day life anyway. So his brain can still go on and on even as he gets his chores done.
Twilight finds that a secluded spot with little distraction works best.
He's never really dabbled in other ways to deal with it nor has it come to his mind.
All he knew one say was that everything was too much and that he needed to be in a different area entirely.
No people, no noise.
He likes to hang out by small creeks or by the lake and fish if he really needs an excuse to do something.
Bonus points if he can rest with one of his favorite goats nearby, but that's few and far in between.
It's less meditation and more taking in the moment and letting time slip by for a change.
No to do lists, no action, no survival, no need to be on the run.
Just breath.
Warrior would have smoked during the war but I don’t think he’d actually tolerate it all that well. I feel like he’d be more inclined to drink away his problems but with shortages left and right, and all efforts going into the war, there just wouldn’t be enough to go around.
So he’d smoke and hate it.
But it worked in a pinch.
Afterwards, whether through Mask’s and Wind’s influence or the end of the war, he’d want to find a way to quit.
It wasn’t easy but I feel like Warrior would attempt to quit cold turkey. Just drop the habit completely and what does he do when he feels the need arise again?
It’s actually little said than done, but he paints.
It’s less with ink and paint and more so, just moving his hands and a brush around.
If he happens to have a canvas it’s better but again, not easy to come around.
So what Warrior ends up doing most of the time, is taking a brush and some homemade ink from berries and brushing it over his scars. His favorite spot is the massive burn covering his left arm left behind as a gift from the Dragon Knight.
It feels tingly and electric, static follows the brush and the muscles clench with energy from the contact but while it’s uncomfortable for a while, it’s also not entirely unpleasant and it’s soothing to watch and feel. And it grounds Warrior in the moment until he no longer feels the urge.
When the urge is gone, he still does it when he feel anxious and concerned. Late at night is typical time for him to do this, where no one would see him or his scars and judge him for it.
Sky in the beginning would have slept more than he did before.
He was already inclined to fall asleep easily before all of his trauma, but afterwards he seemed to lose motivation to continue with the idea that things would go back to normal. There was still a lot of expectation placed on his shoulders and it was frankly not something he wanted to deal with.
So he sleeps.
Now this turns into more of a problem with being able to stay awake and to stay concentrated. It’s hard for him to pay attention to anything beyond him and that won’t do, considering me still has to finish his schooling.
What Sky does more often than not to keep him tethered to the present moment is work with his hands. He’s already had the tools for wood whittling but he was never allowed to use them in class and it ends being a bigger mess sometimes than he’s willing to deal with in general.
Sky also has some small pockets of clay that he fidgets with to keep his hands moving and he can keep it under his desk so that it’s not that distracting in class.
It helps him focus and when he thinks about what he’s been through and what he plans to do next, it keeps him from getting overwhelmed.
I think Wild would have just gone silent and unmoving when he’s having a bad day.
Kind of similar to how he gets when’s trapped in a memory but for longer and he doesn’t eat or sleep. It could last days at a time. He doesn’t even move unless he’s prompted or dragged to the spot.
The lights are on but no one’s home you know.
There’s not a lot he can do when it happens. Everyone just has to wait for it to pass and hope that it passes quickly.
But Wild gets better with time to know the signs when of one of those days is coming.
It’s not much, but Wild like to hop on the back of his horse and just take off.
Feel the rushing wind on his face and through his hair. He’s a full gallop for a while until the poor horse gets tired. At that point he just goes to the nearest stable and exchanges horses to do the whole thing over again.
Sometimes, when that’s not enough, he’ll go base jumping from as high as he can get even using Revali’s Gale to get higher and free fall. Wild is pretty good at catching himself with his paraglider at the last moment and he likes to see all of Hyrule when as he reaches the ground again.
It reminds him that he’s done a lot of good, that he’s capable of doing more good and that life isn’t over just one ended.
Unsurprisingly, sometimes Four gets too lost in his own for his own good.
He’s got a lot to think about and very little way to get it out.
Four would actually throw himself into his work to try and distract himself from the memories, the anxiety, and the guilt of not being enough time and time again even if he saved the day in the end.
This doesn’t help.
He gets so lost into it, in his attempt to stop thinking all together that he completely goes into autopilot and over works himself. Not in the sense that he pulls a muscle and has to take it easy  or end up sore and tired and regrets it. No, no. What I mean is that he’ll keep working for days on end.
No sleep.
No food.
Little water.
No fresh air.
It ends up being a hard habit for him to break. Especially since he finds himself continuously trying to fall into a blank mindset even while he actually works to get commissions done.
So what Four has to do is find something else to do. Four more or less always has to have his hands moving, so it’s hard for him to put something down and not working on it.
He likes jigsaw puzzles, he likes to read, but he also likes to make stuff.
So in the end, when Four feel a little overwhelmed and feels himself slip into a self deprivational state, he’ll stop and goes inside his house to do a smaller project.
So he bakes, he knits, he does his puzzels. It’s enough for him to feel productive still but quick enough for him to stay present and make sure he’s still taking care of himself until the restlessness passes.
Wind doesn’t really have bad habits. He’s still young and processing his adventures. 
I’m sure there’s alcohol on the pirate ship because pirates. But I don’t think he’d like it as much as some people want to write him.
Like, sure, a cup or two ain’t bad but I just can’t see Wind having a drinking problem. At least not now as everything stands.
In a few years it’s might be something he would need to be on the look out for if he’s aware enough but he was quite grasped the full implications of his position and trauma yet.
Because he’s just a kid.
He won’t know how twisted what happened to him was until he gets older and can he the age outside of his own mindset.
Wind has nightmares though and they’re ties when he gets memories that he doesn’t want to deal with at the moment- or ever again.
In the moment he thinks of his home, his grandma and his sister instead.
He thinks of his friends, both old and new.
The chain help with distracting him and he’s not above using them for the distraction when he feels that he needs one.
Wind also stretches a lot. 
When he was with Warrior, he got into some of the drills they were teaching the soldiers and for some of the nimble ones, they had to start with stretches and he likes it.
So when it gets particularly bad, he throws himself through the motions and holds the poses for a bit longer than necessary.
So yoga. He does yoga.
And it centers him, it clears his head and he feels better after.
Legend screams.
Legend cries.
Legend will go on a rampage and destroy a whole forest if he’s having a particularly hard day.
Sometimes he’ll go find something big and scary just to fight it. 
Blacksmithing is more a hobby for him at this point because it’s not something he can actually see himself doing in the future. It’s just to pass the time and help the day’s go by a little faster.
Legend likes to draw and when he’s tired after throwing whatever tantrum has taken over him, he’d go to a quiet spot and draw whatever he sees.
Sometimes, when he’s paying more attention to himself and he can feel himself getting frustrated and anxious, he takes a few days off.
He leaves his house and his items and goes up a mountain to think with some food, a notebook and some pencils.
He takes up map making.
Legend doesn’t think he’s any good at it, but with al the places he’s been, he tries to make a map for them by memory incase anyone he knows or will meet decides to visit.
His most carefully crafted map is of Koholint for... reasons.
It’s takes him an age and a half and he’s still not done with it, trying to get as much of it onto the paper as he can remember before he grows old and loses them entirely within his memory.
It’s a calming project he finds. He doesn’t feel sad when he does this for Marin for the people and their memory. It keeps them alive in his heart and sometimes he draws something on the map that doesn’t quite fit into his memory about the island but something tells him to keep it because it was there. Because he was only a visitor to their home.
The locals would know.
He feels good keeping them alive in some way.
It’s what she they would have wanted. 
It’s what she they deserve.
She They always wanted to travel and it’s better to have a map to do so.
He takes up map making.
I don’t think Hyrule’s... Hyrule has a lot of these methods to go around. He wouldn’t have been exposed to drugs or alcohol simply because there’s too little people for him to interact with.
And if he was, I don’t think he’s use them as a coping mechanism simply because they would be too difficult obtain and gather to be sufficient.
I think that Hyrule would actually hang out with a Great Fairies by her pool when times got particularly rough.
There’s something about the place that resonates with him and feels calming, safe and relaxing to him.
As a bonus he’s always welcomed so he can pop in and stay for days at a time if he ever needed to.
He does not stay there for days.
But he appreciates the offer.
Hyrule doesn’t stay for more than few hours at a time because he doesn’t want to attract any monsters to his safe spots but even if the fairies don’t use any magic on him, he’s always rejuvenated afterwards and he feel like he can take on anything.
And given the world he comes from- it’s needed.
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dodo-begone · 3 years
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He’s Unleashed, my Cracker King
Pairing: Yandere!DSMP!Awesamdude x Reader
Request: Haha yandere sam pt 2😳😳 jk...unless
Word count: 1.4k
Warning: Starvation/Fasting, Yandere, Restraints
This is a part 2 to The Monster Within
If this ever looks wonky/glitched, i have this properly archived on Ao3
It’s been ages since the breach. Specifically, you had no clue how much time passed. Hours or days could’ve passed, weeks, even months and it would’ve all been the same. No daylight could reach you deep within the walls of Pandora’s Vault.
In the end, it was all the same. You couldn’t even tell time through how often you slept. Food rations were the only way to tell time, in a way. Honestly you had no idea how to really do it. Okay you did but you got rather confused quickly. Eat ration was supposed to be what, a day? A few hours? How were you supposed to know? It didn’t matter after a while. Instead you counted how many rations you got rather than trying to guess the time between feedings.
With a sigh, you flop back onto your cot. For a cot in a prison, it was rather comfortable and homey. The longer you spent in this cell, the more you think this was purposeful. No prison cell should be filled with so many comforts and luxuries. Book? Yeah that can make sense. Dream had some in his cell. There were ones to read and clothes to write. He got a clock and a cauldron. That was it.
And you? So many luxuries seemed to have been waiting for you. Stuffed animals similar to your own, at least you hoped they were just similar and not your own, had been neatly placed on the cot. Small trinkets like jewelry and other small and harmless objects were left about on flat surfaces. Nobody could even argue that this was a prison cell in Pandora’s Vault when there was a little table for the nicknacks. Sadly it was stuck into the floor. No amount of shoving or lifting would free it. Had to have been held down by screws or nails. Something of the sort. You weren’t a person fluent with items of that sort, so you could be severely mistaken.
What could be arguable worse is the fact that Sam hasn’t come back. He could’ve come in when you were asleep; who else could be providing the food otherwise? Yet that was the only sign of him other than a new item. It was always something you liked. In a pitiful attempt at rebellion, you ignore the items. You even start to ignore the food. A few nibbles on the food and then it was returned back to the door. It was always gone and replaced by something else when you next woke. It was absolutely infuriating.
You only hoped your actions peeved Sam. There must’ve been cameras, he must’ve been seeing everything. This was Pandora’s Vault we’re talking about, the most secure place in the smp. If it were to be kept secure, then cameras were obviously needed. On one hand, you wanted cameras to show Sam how awfully this was affecting you. On the other, you just wanted some damn privacy. Were either too much to ask for?
This cycle went on long enough for you to start feeling ill. Oh how you craved the food given to you, but you didn’t want to touch it. The food was vile, had to be. It was made by Sam, after all. Must’ve been. There may not be a vile taste, but the person who made it tainted it the moment they touched it. So you continue your fast in hopes it’d garner some attention from Sam.
Fortunately, on that front, you didn’t have to wait long. When you stopped eating food entirely, it wasn’t long until Sam came in. The moment he opened the door and walked in, so many emotions hit you at once.
Joy of someone else finally being here to talk to. Relief that it was someone you knew, someone you were close to. Yet all of those positive feelings were gone in a heartbeat, replaced by more malevolent feelings. Rage for seeing the man who imprisoned you. Disgust of seeing the man with such a loving yet melancholy gaze viewing your weakened state. Fear at what he could do to you now; he already had you imprisoned. You were completely and utterly at his mercy.
He’s slow at first, taking small steps toward you. None of his actions were swift, all soft. A way to keep you calm. That just made you more anxious; why would he be doing this if it weren’t for something bad? It had to be bad? Right? Sam was doing bad things to you. But he was your friend. And he still hurt you in every way.
Not even halfway across the room, he changed tactics. What were once deliberate and lagged movements soon became dizzyingly swift. You couldn’t even get yourself off the cot before he was on you. The moment he put his hands on you, you struggled in any way you could. Screaming, biting, pulling, kicking. Anything you could think of. Yet it wasn’t enough. You were too weak, too tired. Unprepared. Soon you gave up, becoming sedate and ragdoll-like.
Once again, you were at Sam’s mercy. Well it hadn’t changed really, you were always at Sam’s mercy. This felt different, though. Too real, something so in your face it was undeniable. Before you could only imagine what could happen, but the permanence, reality and unknown absolutely petrified you.
The jangling of metal caught you attention. You had no time to ponder where or what the noise was before shockingly cold was placed against your arm and a click was heard. Looking down fed a new fear. Although the fear wasn’t clear, some fear was definitely being fed. On your wrist was a nice, shiny shackle.
Now you were starting to shake and hyperventilate, oh god what was happening? What was going to happen? The sound of a second click, too similar to the first to be a coincidence, was absolutely bone chilling. You were terrified to look over to where the sound originated from.
Yet you still did. On Sam’s wrist was a shackle connected to an elongated chain. That chain led in your direction and it didn’t take a genius to figure out where it was going. Slowly you look back into Sam’s eyes. Absolute and raw fear met heart-melting adoration and glee. The sight sicked you, yet it seemed to have the opposite effect on Sam.
Delicately, he picked you up. Soon you were in his lap, being held snugly and securely to his chest. Gently he laid his head on your shoulder. In any other situation, this would be comforting. But this one? God it just makes everything so much worse. It only heightens your fear. This wasn’t what you were expecting. When was the bad stuff gonna happen? You know, that torture stuff?
Soon you start to sob. Could this get any worse?
The moment you started crying, Sam began his attempts at calming you. Quiet “shh”s and other sweet nothings were whispered by you. In his attempt, he tried to snuggle closer to you and held you tighter.
Once your crying fit was over, you leaned back into Sam. Resting your head onto his. You were absolutely defeated and exhausted. Sleep called to you with it’s alluring siren song, and you almost listened to it. That was until Sam shifted underneath you.
With one hand, he started to dig around in his pocket. Honestly you could care less at this point. Trying to sleep again proved fruitless. The moment you closed your eyes to sleep, Sam kept shifting and bothering you. A crinkle echoed through the silence. Not long after, with more movement on Sam’s part, something poked your lips. This was rather bothersome. So you turned away from it, hoping that’d be the last of it. It was persistent though.
It went on long enough to annoy you. What could be prodding at your mouth, besides Sam. Why would he be prodding your mouth? Could he just not?
Opening your eyes rewarded you to a cracker. A damn saltine cracker of all things. This time you actively watched as it was brought to your mouth and booped against your lips. The pattern kept going on, but now it was much more repetitive. Less time between prods. He did it so insistently and relentlessly that you just wanted to chomp his hand off. So you tried just that.
Your actions only rewarded you with a cracker and a “congrats” and “good job” from Sam.
And another cracker.
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tyonfs · 4 years
game on.
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❝ you play your games, and i’ll play mine. ❞
PAIRING ▸ liu yangyang x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, friends to lovers, some fluff and crack
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, hendery being oblivious as fuck, dirty talk, smut, oral sex, some aftercare
SUMMARY ▸ the lines have always been blurred between you and yangyang. you, fed up with your best friend being an absolute boy and gaming away his problems, decided to take matters into your own hands.
WORD COUNT ▸ 3238 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello! i impulsively wrote this so consider this my contribution for yangyang day ♡ i hope you guys enjoy !!
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It wasn’t like you were expecting much. You just wanted to spend the evening with your best friend on the one day you both had time to hang out, but he clearly had other plans. YangYang had been playing video games all day while you were just sitting on his bed and watching him like an idiot. You rolled your eyes, going through your phone for about the umpteenth time as you listened to him yell commands at Hendery.
“Go mid, go mid!” he shouted into his mic, furiously clicking his mouse and tapping keys in tune with his command.
You finally gave up and walked over to him, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. “YangYang,” you called with a frown. “We were supposed to watch a movie tonight.”
YangYang, startled, took off his headphones for a moment to peer up at you. “What did you say? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
You despised the gentleness of his tone. YangYang was definitely sweet by nature and had good intentions (save for his wild streak), but sometimes he was simply insensitive and ignorant of his actions. You wondered if he knew how annoying it was for you to have to sit on his bed for over an hour just to be ignored. It didn’t exactly help that you had the biggest crush on him and overanalyzed every single word and action.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Fine, YangYang. Keep playing your silly game,” you snapped and went back to his bed with a scowl. “I’ll just sit here and do nothing.”
YangYang seemed to realize that he had been neglecting you, so he mumbled a curt apology to Hendery into his mic and paused his game. It sounded as if Hendery was whining, but YangYang turned off his mic and put his headset down. He got up and walked over to you, sitting at the edge of his bed where you were curled up.
He raised a brow at you. “Happy?”
That tone of his just pissed you off even more.
“You can go back to playing your game if that’s what you want,” you mumbled, clearly jealous that he was prioritizing his game over you.
“I want to spend time with you.” YangYang slid his hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry for gaming while you were over.”
You let yourself be vulnerable and crumble for a moment, but then you ducked your head so he couldn’t see, mumbling, “I’ve been waiting here like an idiot.”
“Hug?” he offered, hoping it would make up for his wrongdoings.
You pursed your lips. You refused to give in so easily, especially when it came to Liu YangYang. He had a knack for getting what he wanted with a simple flash of that dazzling grin. In short, you were tired of having to wait for him.
You weren’t sure if that meant wait for him to hang out with you or notice your feelings for him, but both answers seemed to align well.
The lines had always been blurred between you two. It had gotten to the point where even his friends didn’t believe him when he would say he wasn’t dating you. Maybe what gave it away was the way you both would hug for a little too long, or the lingering stares, or maybe even the way he’d hold your hand when he didn’t have to.
However, whenever the topic of dating arose, you’d either shy away from the conversation or change the topic quickly.
“No.” You stood up, dragging him up by the arm and over to his gaming setup. You sat him down in his chair and slung a leg around his thigh, sliding onto his lap. “You keep playing.”
YangYang seemed to stiffen up as you straddled him, tucking your head into his shoulder. He kept you close to him, though, and placed a hesitant hand on the small of your back. You could hear him swallow thickly as he put his headphones back on and rejoined his game. He didn’t question your command, but you could tell he was much more jittery.
You turned your head a little. You could see the blush on his face and the tension in his jaw.
You scooted up further into his lap, noting how he froze as you did. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and although the two of you were practically cuddling, it felt odd with Hendery’s voice coming from YangYang’s headphones.
“Dude, where were you?” Hendery asked. “The enemy team nearly got your turret.”
“Sorry about that,” YangYang apologized, looking like a bundle of nerves, which was something you hadn’t seen before. You shifted slightly and YangYang quickly turned off his mic before cursing under his breath. “D-don’t do that.”
You stilled. YangYang just stammered, and you swore you could hear his breath hitch. A devious part of you wanted to take this further and see where it would go.
“Don’t do what?” you asked innocently, adjusting your position subtly.
There it was.
YangYang’s hard-on pressing into your thigh. The bulge from his grey sweatpants was so obvious, and it sent butterflies to your stomach. You couldn’t stop yourself from exhaling sharply into YangYang’s neck, making his erection grow and your head spin.
“That,” he grunted out, hand coming back from the keyboard to hold your lower back again.
“You seem to be enjoying it,” you observed, biting your lip as you felt him twitch under you.
Your best friend clearly didn’t want to push you, but he was enticed, and it made your heart race. “You mean… you want to?” he asked slowly.
“Yeah,” you said, hiding your face so you didn’t have to meet his eyes. This was all you’ve ever wanted, of course, but you still wanted pay-back for being neglected. “Keep playing your game.”
YangYang continued playing, although you noticed the slight shift. There was a tremor in his hands and he was very unsure about his hand placement every time he came back to hold your back. Although, you underestimated his confidence because when you were least expecting it, he bucked his hips up against yours.
You bit back a mewl, one hand gripping his shoulder tightly as his movements became repetitive. You weren’t looking at him but you knew YangYang was smug, trying to get a response out of you. You arched your hips off of his lap and he grabbed your waist, pushing you back down, right onto his rock-hard boner.
YangYang bit your earlobe as his hot breath fanned the side of your neck. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep quiet, but it was impossible when he was rolling hips up against yours. You could almost picture the smirk on his face.
You whimpered out softly, dangerously close to his mic. Initially, you didn’t mind, only thinking about his reaction to your sounds, until you realized the worst had happened. Fear shot down your spine as you straightened up quickly.
His mic was on.
“What was that?” you heard Hendery ask.
“Louis,” YangYang replied smoothly.
“Louis? He’s at my place.”
“Um…” YangYang trailed off. “Anyways, let’s push bot since we’re at their base.” He turned off his mic again and pulled you back to him, nibbling at the base of your neck. “Panties off,” he murmured, sliding his sweats and boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free.
YangYang had, once again, gotten his way.
Your breath hitched at the sight of his throbbing cock. Desire coiled in your gut, making your entire body flush. You got off of his lap to do as he said, looping your fingers in your belt loops to tease your shorts down.
YangYang did a double take, finding it hard to focus on the game and on you at the same time. His eyes briefly met yours before they trained on your lower body, lust clouding them. Before you could take off your panties, however, YangYang was slain in the game, and had to turn on his mic as Hendery started complaining.
“That jungler is a pain in the ass!” Hendery whined. “But, dude, you’ve only got five kills so far. You good?”
“Yeah, um, I’m not doing so hot this game,” YangYang replied, shooting you a glance and leaning back in his chair as he waited out the cooldown. “The heat’s getting to me, I guess.”
“YangYang, it’s winter,” Hendery replied. YangYang closed his eyes for a moment, opening his mouth to retort, but Hendery continued, “Shit, okay, come mid with me.”
YangYang hummed in agreement and turned his mic off, a darker look in his eyes when he turned to you. “Suck me off, baby,” he said in a low voice, adding, “please.”
“But we were supposed to—”
You stopped yourself as a flush of heat crept up your neck. YangYang looked amused as you bit your lip and got to your knees, crawling toward him so that you were between his legs. When you looked up at him, he looked as if he was at his limit.
YangYang ran his thumb along your lower lip, hand cradling your chin. “I’ll make you feel good after this game, baby,” he reassured.
You nodded, pouting at how flustered he was making you feel. Getting distracted again, YangYang moved his attention to his game again, tapping keys repeatedly. You narrowed your eyes, displeased at the lack of attention.
You play your games, and I’ll play mine, you thought bitterly.
This was an unpredictable jump in your relationship with him, and you were just realizing it as you took ahold of his cock, loving how it twitched in your grip. Your lips grazed the soft skin, causing him to hiss through his teeth, squirming a bit in his seat.
YangYang’s breathing was growing ragged and uneven.
You closed your eyes and took the head of his cock into your mouth, hesitating before sucking lightly on it. You looked up at him through your lashes and smiled at how a vein appeared on his neck. YangYang unmuted his mic to reply to Hendery’s commands, removing his hand from the keyboard to grab your hair in a fistful and push you down on his cock.
A loud whimper escaped you as the head of his cock hit the back of your throat. Finding a balance between teasing and careful, you bobbed your head, relishing how the thick veins along his length pulsated against your tongue. YangYang had to mute again, letting out a low and guttural groan when you started building up a faster rhythm.
He died again in the game.
Loser, you thought childishly.
But now, YangYang could focus on you while he was on cooldown. He tugged at your hair, whining when you pulled off of him. You met his eyes and lapped at his slit that was leaking with precum. YangYang’s eyes darkened and he thrusted back into your mouth, making you whimper as you suddenly took him in your throat. You moaned against his cock and let him fuck your throat, digging your nails into his thighs.
You were startled when he seized up, grunting as his hot seed shot down your throat. You swallowed it and pulled off of him, wiping your mouth with a proud glint dancing in your eyes.
YangYang let out a pleased little sigh. “Sit on my lap, baby.”
His cooldown was over.
You got up from your spot on the floor and straddled his lap again, but YangYang was wrecked. He saw your eager expression and chuckled, bemused. He unmuted his mic to speak to Hendery but let his fingers dip into your panties, rubbing his slender fingers against your clit in slow circles.
“P-please,” you breathed out, hands gripping his shoulders for leverage.
“Patience, baby,” YangYang cooed in your ear.
“What did you just call me?” Hendery’s dumbfounded voice resounded from the speakers. “Did you say baby?”
“You’re hearing things,” YangYang brushed off while you wanted to die of embarrassment.
“Yo, we did it!” Hendery cheered a minute later while YangYang was still working on your clit. The words victory flashed across the screen in bright blue. “Dude, you wanna play TFT to celebrate?”
“Yeah, no,” YangYang said bluntly, ending the call and tossing his headphones onto his desk so he could turn his attention to you. He ghosted his hands along your sides. “I have my prize right here.”
“YangYang,” you whined out since he left your clit alone before you could finish.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you,” he mumbled, kissing down the column of your neck. “Let me make it up to you.”
YangYang rubbed your hips in slow circles before removing your shirt carefully, examining your body with hungry eyes. He leaned forward to press kisses from your stomach to your chest, making your heart thunder in your chest. When he reached your chest, his hands slid to the back to unhook your bra. With an easy snap, he unhooked the undergarment and slid the straps down, biting his lip at the sight of you in full glory.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, peppering kisses around your nipple and then sucking lightly on the bud.
“YangYang,” you cried out softly.
Your best friend broke away for a moment to open his drawer behind you pulling out a little silver packet. You watched him tear it open and slide the latex around his throbbing cock. How he managed to get it up again was beyond your understanding. After all, horny boys will be horny boys.
He leaned back in his seat, smirking up at you. “Go ahead, baby, fuck yourself on my cock,” he instructed, grabbing his shirt by the nape so he could slide it off, revealing his v-cut abs.
You swallowed hard.
First of all, YangYang was absolutely hung.
Second of all, you had no experience in this field of sexual activity. This was feeling more like paranormal activity because you had no idea how his massive cock was going to fit inside you without rearranging your guts.
“But you’re so… big,” you whispered, looking at his length as he gave it a few pumps.
A soft look crossed YangYang’s face. He picked you up easily, hands gripping your thighs as he laid you on his bed. There was so much care and softness to his touch as he got over you and lined himself with your entrance. The way he looked down at you was full of pure adoration and it made your breath get caught in your throat.
“Ready?” he asked, moving your hair out of your face.
You bit your lip and nodded, bracing yourself by holding onto his shoulders.
You thought he would start, but to your surprise, he pressed his lips to yours, one hand gently cupping your face. You kissed him back fervently, wrapping your arms around his neck. Lost in the taste of his lips, YangYang slowly pushed himself into you, a strangled groan tearing past his lips at how tight you were. You broke from the kiss to tuck your face into his shoulder, crying out as you were stuck in the crossroads of pain and pleasure.
YangYang’s grip on your waist tightened. “Fuck, babygirl.”
“You’re so big,” you replied with a pleased sigh, your hand sliding up the nape of his neck to curl into his hair. Your hips shifted a little as your walls adjusted around him.
“Damn right I am,” YangYang replied smugly, starting to thrust in you at a leisurely pace. He slid a hand into your hair and groaned as your walls squeezed around him. “God, your cunt’s so fucking tight.”
“Oh, shut up,” you huffed, flustered by his comment. A moan escaped your lips when he hit a certain spot in you that set you on fire. “R-right there!”
“Nice and vocal,” he cooed, slowing down his pace in favor of deeper thrusts, “just how I like it.” A groan tore past his lips as he fucked you into the mattress. “I want to feel this,” he growled. “I want to feel you.”
Waves of pleasure hit you with each thrust, overwhelming you to the point of tears streaming down your face. He was so big and you could feel him in your lower abdomen, but the pain eased away and you could only feel yourself on the edge of euphoria.
“Shit, YangYang, it feels so good,” you mewled out weakly. “H-harder.”
YangYang grabbed ahold of your legs and moved them over his shoulders while he pinned your hips down. He let out a shaky breath and slammed into you harder, making sure to linger whenever he went as deep as he could. You were a moaning mess by now, holding onto him for dear life as he pounded inside of you.
You were already so close, pre-stimulated from him fingering your clit earlier, and his powerful thrusts were making you lose your grip.
“Look at me,” he ordered.
You nodded weakly, meeting his intense gaze. “I think I’m close,” you told him in a breath.
“Cum for me, angel,” YangYang urged, moving his hand down to rub your clit again as he quickened his pace. “I want to hear you say my name. Who’s making you cum?”
“Y-you, YangYang,” you sobbed, digging your nails into his back. “F-fuck—”
You couldn’t even finish what you were saying, nor did you remember what you were going to say because you fell off the edge first. You broke apart in front of him, crying out in pure bliss as you released against his cock. The pleasure in your gut that was building up had now flooded your body, but YangYang still fucked you through your orgasm until he, too, fell apart.
Sweat beaded your flushed skin, but you only noticed it when YangYang’s forehead was against yours, his breathing slow and heavy. He pulled out of you, using up the little energy he had to toss the used condom in the trash before he trudged back to his bed. He got in next to you and pulled you to his body, enveloping you into his warmth.
“I’m sorry if I was too rough,” he mumbled against your skin.
You were still catching your breath, still winded from your orgasm. Now, YangYang was so tender, so gentle, that you were at a loss for words. It was almost laughable compared to the filthy words that were coming from his mouth early.
You cuddled close to him, wrapping a leg around his hip. “Don’t be,” you said with a smile. “It felt really good.”
YangYang grinned and kissed your forehead, your cheeks, then pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. You scrunched up your nose at the contact but he just kissed all over your face.
“I’m glad you felt the same way,” he murmured. “I was starting to get scared that we would just have perpetual tension between us forever.”
“Of course not,” you said with a laugh. “Xiaojun would’ve beat you up if you kept denying anything between us.”
“Well, now I can stop denying it, at least,” he mused, holding up your hand to his lips so he could kiss your knuckles.
“I still can’t believe we did that.”
“I mean,” YangYang started, plastering an easy smile on his face, “I’m always good to go again.”
Needless to say, you ended up taking him up on that offer for a few more rounds.
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Press Play
It’s lunchtime somewhere. Have a sandwich. Pairing: Lucifer x Reader x Simeon Genre: PwP Smut Wordcount: ????     Tags: Smut, porn without plot, Demon sex, Angel Sex, Threesome, Toys, hand jobs, spit roasting, Sex Toys, Dom/Sub Undertones, sensory deprivation, temperature play, body worship, double penetration, size kink Summary: Lucifer and Simeon give you reason to look forward to movie nights with them.
Movie nights with Simeon and Lucifer became a rather regular occurrence once Simeon discovered just how large Lucifer’s backlog of unwatched movies had become. The angel made sure Lucifer set aside time once a week for at least one meet up. It took some persuasion, and a lot of pouting from both you and Simeon to get Lucifer to agree. The meetups started off innocent enough. Lots of cuddling and laughs were shared between bowls of popcorn as Lucifer slowly got caught up to date with the movies he missed due to his hectic schedule. It was a time for all three of you to relax, to enjoy each other's company and to forget about the stresses of the world outside. It was hard not to look forward to the movie nights especially after a week of study and corralling rowdy demon brothers. On that couch, you were safe between the two of them. There was no chaos, just a movie and their arms around your shoulders. From time to time, Lucifer would feed you from the shared bowl while Simeon offered you sips of his drink. It was pure, innocent and comforting. Until one day while were fully invested in the film and not paying attention to what they were up to, they slowly guided your hands to their crotches. By the time you noticed what they had done, they were already half hard and using your hands to stroke their lengths. “Oh, don’t look away, the best part is yet to come.” Lucifer said, making sure you focused on the flashing images in front of you instead of the growing bulges beside you. “Yes, you don’t want to miss this.” Simeon agreed, curling your hand around his shaft and encouraging you to stroke him. Lucifer mirrored the action and as the movie reached its climax, you realized you had a more interesting climax at hand, literally. It wasn’t until the credits started to roll when you were allowed to turn your attention to what the men had started. They leaned in, kissing you at the same time while your hands groped and stroked their lengths through their pants. Eventually Simeon won out, claiming your lips while Lucifer trailed his kisses elsewhere, down your jaw, to your neck where he greedily sucked at your pulse point. Their hands guided your own, showing you how they liked to be stroked and you were overwhelmed by the information overload trying to keep up with the differing paces they preferred. “Wait, Is this... alright? I mean, Simeon, you’re... an angel and all.” Simeon chuckled softly, kissing your cheek and nipping your ear. “Oh Little Lamb, how cute you are. Do you think a little sex is a crime punishable with a Fall? Humans are so gullible.” He rolled his hips into your hand encouraging you to keep going. “Why would the Heavenly Father find something natural a sin? There are crimes more serious than pleasure.” “Something like a rebellion?” Lucifer joked, squeezing your breast and he was rewarded with a gasp of pleasure when he pinched your pert nipple through your top. “Hmm Something like that, yes.” Simeon agreed and he let out a breathy moan when your fingers squeezed the tip of his cock harder than he had anticipated. “So, you shouldn’t worry about me, Little Lamb. You should be more concerned about how you’ll make us cum at the same time.” At the same time. You weren’t sure how you were going to manage the different tempos they demanded, and your arms were starting to get tired of the repetitive motions; but you were definitely interested in seeing them both come undone by your hands. Just touching them through their pants wasn’t enough. Almost as if they shared one mind, they had divested themselves of their pants and both of them were kneeling beside you, their cocks tantalizingly bobbing in front of your face as you went back to pleasing them with your hands. Without the barrier of clothes, it was much easier to pull a reaction out of them and they no longer needed to guide your hands into doing what they wanted. Simeon preferred a lighter touch and long, careful caresses while Lucifer loved it when you gripped him tightly to go hard and fast on his cock. Though their rhythms differed, they worked in tandem somehow with your hands and came at the same time after you fondled their balls and traced the heads of their sensitive, dripping cocks. Their seed, covered your face and your hands in thick, hot ropes as their dicks pulsed and they groaned in unison. “Your turn.” Lucifer declared, licking the mess on your face while Simeon cleaned off your hands. Once all trace of their loads were gone, they turned their hungry gazes to your own aching crotch and they parted your thighs as they settled between your legs. “I’m hungry.” Lucifer announced before delving into your soaked core. “Snacks weren’t enough.” Simeon agreed before letting his tongue join Lucifer’s and you writhed as they greedily lapped at your essence through your panties. When they couldn’t get enough of you, the soiled scrap of cloth was wrenched to the side unceremoniously and their tongues licked up your juices, probed at your entrance and circled your clit. The combined heat of their breaths and the lewd, wet sounds coming from between your legs brought you to climax much faster than you had anticipated. “So soon?”Simeon asked, his bright eyes held a fair bit of glee. He pulled away and you could see your essence glistening on his chin. “The credits haven’t even finished rolling.” Without any further preamble, he dove back in with Lucifer to continue their post movie snack until the credits and the extra post movie scenes were over. “So, same time same place next week?” Lucifer asked once silence fell over the room and you were reeling from your third orgasm that night. “Y-yeah... that sounds like a plan.” ~~ To say that you were eager for your ‘movie nights’ going forward was an understatement. It was the driving force that got you through the weeks. The thought of being between Simeon and Lucifer again occupied your mind and often you were caught daydreaming about what you could get up to in the upcoming meetups. You came to know their desires very quickly. Simeon was a tease. He loved watching you squirm and writhe under the lightest of touches. He was a romantic, full of kisses and cuddles once you were doing being used. The angel had a mischievous side to him, preferring to take slow, deep strokes inside of you, forcing you to feel the bulbous tip of his cock drag itself across your walls and memorize just how good his cock could make you feel. He loved you on your back, sprawled on the couch and disheveled, moaning for him as he took his sweet time fucking you. All the while Lucifer would occupy your mouth, muffling those pretty moans with his member. He adored seeing your throat bulge with the outline of his cock as he fucked your face. The way you would always gasp for air after he came down your throat was so erotic to him and never failed to get him going for another round, switching places with Simeon who would kiss your bruised lips so tenderly before encouraging your tired jaw to open up and accept his own length into it. Lucifer was a rougher lover. He pounded into you without abandon anytime he got the chance to sheath himself in your pussy. You always needed to nurse bruises during the week after he was done with you; not that you really minded. Shameful as it felt, you loved the feeling of his nails digging into your flesh, marking you and reminding you of the times you shared with the two of them. Different as they were, they were passionate lovers and never ceased to have you reeling in pleasure every week. While the movie played in the background, they found new ways to please and tease you until the very end of the film. With how long they had been alive for, they knew just how to play you like an instrument, drawing out your pleasure for as long as they wanted. Some nights, they would fuck you without abandon from the beginning to the end, other nights, they would pass you back and forth until you were ready to pass out and your pussy was filled with their seed. Yet other nights, the three of you would be stuffed full of your favorite toys, riding and grinding down on them, passing the remotes to the vibrators to one another and teasing each other until you all were over stimulated messes on that couch. Pretending to pay attention to the movie on the TV was difficult when you had two exceptionally attractive men moaning beside you and stroking their cocks in time with the hand held fucking machine thrusting in and out of your pussy until the three of you came at the same time and indulged in copious amounts of cuddles and kisses before deciding to do it all over again. Their methods of pleasure was as varied as the movies they chose and every week it was a surprise until you swore you had experienced it all with them. You had a good grasp on what they liked and pleasuring them came easily to you now. As soon as the door closed and the movie started, the three of you would spend at least the first ten minutes kissing each other deeply, fondling each other through clothing before everything inevitably came off by the time the first act was over. From there, you could almost predict what would happen depending on how the week had gone. Some weeks, Lucifer would have you and Simeon bound and kneeling before him, demanding that he be pleased first before he even thought about allowing either of you to think about pleasure. Other weeks, Simeon would have you tied down and spread on the couch so he and Lucifer could spend the whole film kissing every inch of your skin and counting how many times you could cum before the movie ended. You were more than happy to adapt to their whims, listening to them without question and following their lead. You thought knew them like your favorite movie. That comfort and routine had you falling into complacent lull which was how you ended up making the mistake of thinking nothing they did could surprise you anymore. ~~ You should have known better that there was something off when Lucifer lead you to a more private quarter that week than the room they used for your regular movie nights. You should have noticed how well padded those walls were, how the dim light illuminated everything. It should have been an indication of how that they had plotted this for some time now when Lucifer cast an extra strong spell of privacy over the room. It wasn’t until you heard the rustle of clothes and feathers that you realized what you were in for. Both of them were glorious and their massive wings seemed to encircle you in a cage once they both approached you sandwiching you between them. “A proposition.” Simeon started, tilting your chin up so you were forced to look into his eyes. “How about we make our own movie this week?” He glanced to the side and your gaze followed his. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the recording device set up on the dresser. You swallowed hard, unable to deny how much that thought turned you on, but also how much it intimated you. Being on camera, being recorded with such beautiful men felt wrong. “Oh, I know that look, Little lamb.” Simeon cooed, kissing your forehead softly. “Don’t worry, you’ll do fine. Just follow our lead.” Behind you, you heard the rustle of clothing as Lucifer disrobed. He took your hand and brought you to the massive bed. You didn’t remember Simeon’s room being this spacious, nor the bed so large, but you didn’t have time to think about your whereabouts as your hands were tied above you to the headboard. Your legs were spread and tied to the posts at the foot of the bed. Once Lucifer was sure you weren’t going anywhere, he sat down next to you, his fingers brushed through your hair and his wings gently caressed your arms as he directed your attention to the angel in front of you. “Watch.” he commanded, and you could only obey. What followed was the most sinful strip tease. Simeon dropped the cloak he normally wore around his arms and let you drink in his angelic form. The white wings framed his body, keeping your eyes on him and only him as he traced all of his dips and curves through his skin tight clothes, peeling them off slowly, enticing you with every new inch of skin he revealed. You were practically drooling when his pants finally came off. You gasped when you saw his girthy cock and you shuddered, wondering if you could take something like that in you. Which suddenly brought the thought of Lucifer’s dick to the forefront of your mind. Glancing to the side, you took stock of his member and gulped at the monster between his legs. The demon chuckled, his fingers still stroking your hair gently and he leaned in for a soft kiss. “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure you’ll be properly ready for us by the end of the night. For now, relax.” You nodded, but you were unable to take your thoughts away from the tapered tip of Simeon’s cock which gave way to a massive swell. You unconsciously clenched just imagining how wide he would stretch you out before you could get to the base. The swirling ridges and thick veins of his member were unlike anything you had seen before, at the base, you could make out a substantial ring of taught muscle you could only imagine being used to lock him into place once he was inside of you, similar to the hefty knot that sat at the base of Lucifer’s cock. “You’re thinking too much.” Simeon chided coming over to grace your lips with a soft kiss. “I promise you’re in good hands.” He reassured. Your body was still tense with intimidation, his words did little to alleviate the fear and he could see it in your eyes. Beside you, you heard Lucifer sigh and pad across the room looking for something. “I suppose we’ll have to find other ways to relax you.” He came back a moment later with a silken blindfold. Carefully draping it over your eyes, he made sure it was securely on before dipping down and kissing you deeply until you moaned into his mouth and were breathless. “Better.” There was a moment of silence between the three of you while the angel and the demon contemplated just how to relax you. Lucifer had been so excited to get you tied up, he had forgotten to take your clothes off and so the first step was working together to undress you, undoing the ties only when it was necessary to slip your clothes off. You visibly shivered when you were left bare in front of them, in front of that camera. “Better.” Simeon finally agreed now that all three of you were in a similar state of undress. You heard a soft popping sound followed by a sharp gasp from Simeon. You heard it again but this time followed by a quiet grunt from Lucifer. Confused, shook your head back and forth, trying to figure out what had happened. Your confusion stopped when you felt the softest tickle of a feather caress your skin. There was the sound of wings flapping as they adjusted to fit you in a feathered cage. “Did you know....” Lucifer drawled, dragging his feather across your skin and watched as you twitched under the light touches.  “You’re absolutely adorable when you’re at our mercy?” “You are.” Simeon agreed, teasing your spread pussy with the tip of his feather. “You’re so cute when you’re an incoherent mess for us. I can’t help but look forward to seeing what kind of faces you can make tonight when our cocks make you scream.” You shivered, struggling against your bindings but to no avail. The knots held tight and you were helpless. You could only focus on the tingling sensation that followed in the wake of their teasing. The feathers felt different from each other. The one Lucifer dragged across your body to tease your nipples left a trail of warmth, like a soothing touch on heated skin after being spanked. The tip of the feather prodded your nipples until they were aching and sore, the heat intensifying until it was almost unbearable. As soon as it got too much, he would move to your other breast, repeating the process in a cycle that had your mind reeling. Simeon’s lips were practically attached to your neck, kissing and nipping the sensitive skin there while his feather toyed your pussy. The cool, tingling sensation spread across your nether lips and down your thighs as he drew errant patterns across your skin, watching in awe as goosebumps appeared in the wake of his feather. Your clit was toyed with until it was almost numb, your essence coating the feather, soaking it as he continued to toy with your body. Then, they switched. The heat moved to your core and the chill traveled up your abdomen to tease your nipples. The drastic change in temperatures had you wailing and thrashing as the heat from Lucifer’s feather felt like a brand against your sensitive core. The cold on your nipples made them pucker and stand painfully erect. “Adorable.” Simeon cooed, admiring how you heaved and writhed under him. He reached to the bedside drawer and picked up one of the candles that had been illuminating the room. carefully hovering it over your chest, he watched with glee as the hot wax dripped from the candle and splattered against your skin, welting the skin and making you cry. You were too hot and too cold at the same time. The assault of sensations made your mind go blank and all you could focus on was feeling good, sounding good and letting them play with your body to draw out every sensation they could from you. They weren’t done yet, far from it. While Simeon focused on wax dribbling down your chest and carefully let hot droplets tease your oversensitive nipples, Lucifer had reached to the ice bucket which housed a bottle of wine. Finding a suitably small piece of ice, he dragged it across your thighs after his feather, making you shiver and moan. Pausing at the apex of your thighs for a moment, he let you catch your breath before sliding the melting ice into your waiting hole. His finger pulled back the fleshy hood of your clit and he pressed the feather directly against the bundle of nerves, rubbing it roughly, coating it with your essence and overwhelming you with heat and cold at the same time. “You can cum when the ice is melted.” He stated, assaulting your clit with the feather. His teeth found your collarbone and he bit down, hard, kissing your skin after he left his mark. Watching you come undone from their combined efforts was nothing short of a treat. The chill of ice within you faded as your own body heat melted the cold object. It felt like it took eons to do as Lucifer asked, but as soon as you no longer felt the ice in you, your whole body shuddered in completion, your inner walls collapsed clenching around nothing and your clit throbbed almost painfully as you rode out the waves of pleasure from your intense climax. Both the angel and the demon descended on your lips when you came, kissing you deeply thrusting their tongues into your mouth, moaning as they drank in the sounds of your orgasm. The blindfold was ripped off your face and you blinked to adjust your eyes to the light once more. They kissed you until you were breathless, tired and dizzy, but the night had only begun. You knew matter how tired you were, the two of them would push you past whatever limits you had until they too were satisfied. “There, nice and relaxed.” Simeon purred, carefully peeling off the dried wax from your skin and admiring the patterns it had left across your chest. He dipped between your breasts, pressing soft kisses on the tender skin while you were still wrapped in the afterglow of your climax. The ties that held your arms and legs were undone and Lucifer cradled you in his lap, fondling your tender breasts. Your limbs slowly regained feeling and your bleary vision cleared just in time to witness Simeon in front of you, stroking his length, eyeing your drenched pussy, licking his lips and dreaming of the moment when the two of you would become one. “I know you probably don’t feel ready, but I know you want this...” He leaned in to kiss you. Lucifer moved his legs to lock with your own, and spread you open for the angel. “I’ll make sure to go slow so you can feel... everything.” With one last reassuring kiss, he pressed the tips of his cock to your entrance, hissing from the residual cold from the melted ice. Your canal warmed up soon enough as you could immediately feel the swell of his cock push into you. There was no time to adjust, his shaft was nothing but a series of thick bulbous ridges that only got wider until it tapered off just a bit at the base where the muscular ring sat. You were stretched wider and wider with every inch, losing your breath at the sensation of taking Simeon in this form. “There, now. You’re doing so well.” Lucifer praised, pinching your nipples to keep you conscious of the current moment. “Look at that, he’s almost all the way in.” Lucifer guided your gaze down between your legs and your heart skipped a beat when you saw that he was correct. There was maybe an inch or two left before he would be fully seated in you. You took a deep breath and allowed the angel to make the final push to sheath himself within your walls. Simeon let out a low groan, nipping at your shoulder and he held you close to take in the sensation of being surrounded by you. “You’re so hot.” He whined, “So tight, so perfect...” He grunted, rolling his hips into you and your body shuddered at how deep he was able to reach. You let out a breathless whine grasping at the sheets below you, reeling at the sensation. “I’m so proud of you, I knew you could do it.” Lucifer praised, trailing kissed down your neck. He glanced over at Simeon and gave the angel an imperceptible nod, egging the angel to move more. Simeon didn’t need any more encouragement, slowly sliding his length in and out of you as he was wont to do. He never fully pulled out of you, just far enough to the widest point of his cock before sliding back inside of your snug, tight walls. The ebb and flow of being stretched and relaxed had you mesmerized and before you knew it, you could feel your climax approaching. He could feel your walls fluttering in anticipation of the end and that was when he stopped moving all together. You were left hanging just at the precipice and you could see the excitement in Simeon’s eyes as he too was enjoying the moment; but you couldn’t forget about the demon behind you. “I hope you’re ready for me too...” He murmured softly and for a moment you were confused about what his words meant. The meaning became crystal clear when the hard tip of his cock pushed against your already stuffed hole, seeking entrance to a space that was quite full already. You gasped, squirming away from him but there was no winning against his inhuman strength. “N-no... it won’t fit , It’s too much.” You protested Lucifer dragged his length up and down your soaked lips, coating his cock in your essence before pressing against your hole once again to join Simeon. He let out a low, dark chuckle. “Breathe, my sweet, trust us.” He reassured. “Just imagine how good and tight you’ll feel when we’re both all the way in you. That ridge of his and my knot buried inside, stretching you out, claiming you.” You could see the image in your mind, but feeling it was something else entirely. You were already at your limit, or so you thought. But Lucifer was persistent and with some coaxing, the tip of Lucifer’s cock eventually slid inside beside Simeon’s. Whatever limits you had were going to be tested now. Somehow, against the pain and the stretch you felt, you could feel your muscles clench, tightening against the new intrusion, accepting him, drawing him further into you. “That’s my Little Lamb.” Simeon praised, kissing you and distracting you from whatever pain your abused hole was feeling. “That’s it, take us all in.” Your mouth hung open in a soundless scream as Lucifer’s cock drove itself further and further inside of you. The long shaft going deep within, brushing against your cervix when he finally reached the base of his knot. “Amazing.” he breathed, marveling at the tightness of being together with you along with Simeon. “Simply amazing.” And then, they started to move within you. Their motions were perfectly synced making you see stars and the heavens beyond them. You clung onto Simeon, though your arms had long lost feeling. At this point, you only served to be a fuck toy for the two of them, something to be used for their carnal pleasures and you wouldn’t have it any other way. The way their cocks worked in tandem sliding in and out of your hole had you cumming almost immediately. But, they weren’t anywhere near done with you. Not until they claimed you and truly made your theirs. They went faster, deeper, harder until you couldn’t see straight. The sound of skin slapping against skin mingled with grunts and moans filled the room along with the sticky sweet smell of sex. “Oh, oh God!” You screamed when they slammed you down to the base of their cocks at the same time. “God is not here making you moan.” Simeon growled, digging his fingers into the supple flesh of your ass and gripping it hard, spreading your cheeks out to gain more access to your pussy. “There is no God here, just us.” Lucifer bit your neck hard, leaving deep teeth marks in his wake, nearly drawing blood. He seethed at the Heavenly Father’s name and it only fueled his need to claim you. “If you’re going to call out a name, why don’t you make sure it’s mine.” he commanded, forgoing any decorum and roughly thrusting into you, ignoring whatever semblance of rhythm he had with Simeon earlier. You cried out, tears streaming from your eyes, your voice hoarse from screaming and your body sore from the abuse it was taking. They made you feel like a sinner and a saint all at once, the mix of pain and pleasure too much for your mind to bear and eventually all thoughts faded to the background until there was nothing but euphoria. Your head lolled back, resting against Lucifer’s chest and you blearily looked up at the ceiling as you accepted your fate between these two men. They were nearing their own climaxes. Seeing you lose yourself in the throes of passion drove them to the edge they sought and your body reached its final trial. Their thrusting slowed as they pushed you down on the hard knot and thick ridge of their cocks. You couldn’t remember screaming, but you did remember thinking you were being torn in half. You clawed at Simeon’s back, drawing blood from scratching him so deeply. The angel hissed, his long lashes fluttering as he softly encouraged you to accept them, all of them. And then, there was pure bliss when you felt them securely embedded within you. It was a feeling of fullness, of contentment you had never felt before. It felt as if your very soul had ascended at that moment. With one final grunt from Lucifer and a breathy moan from Simeon, they released their loads into you at the same time. The copious amounts of their seed flooding your insides, causing your belly to swell as  you accepted their offering to you. The hot, sticky ropes of cum leaked from your pussy as they seemed to pump into you ceaselessly. You thought this surely must have been what paradise felt like as you yourself came around them one last time. As you felt your consciousness drifting away from you from your final climax. You remembered being gently lowered to the bed while both the angel and the demon were still inside of you. Their cocks were still hard and pulsing cum into you at intervals.  “You did so well, Little Lamb.” Lucifer murmured, using the pet name Simeon often used for you. “You deserve some rest.” “Yes, rest, my Sweet.” Simeon encouraged, pressing kisses on your forehead and your cheeks. “You were perfect.” “So... Does this mean same time, same place next week?” You asked tiredly. “I don’t mind shooting a sequel.” Simeon agreed wholeheartedly. “Why just a sequel? We could make it a proper... trilogy.” Lucifer chimed in, holding you close and wrapping his wings around you. Simeon followed suit and that night, you dreamed of what sort of blockbuster the three of you could come up with.
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perzawa · 4 years
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shouta aizawa x fem! reader
aizawa is the ceo of a company for quirks and you happen to be an employee of his. it’s no secret that you’re flirtatious with him. after seeing you get jealous for the first time, he decides that he’s had enough. it was time to make use of you. 
warnings/tags! degradation, aged up reader, unprotected sex, public sex
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“will that be all?” shouta questioned the employee in front of him as he began to sort through the thick stack of colored paper. the man looked up, eyes slanted. he was tired, but it honestly wasn’t anything new when you owned your own company. 
“i think so,” the man tapped his foot while he tried to recall anything else he needed to report. “am i free to leave, mr. aizawa?” shouta nodded at the direction of the door, the buff man quickly leaving out. you were waiting by the tall, glass door, rocking back and forth on your heels. you eyed the man as he left, a small smirk evident on your cheeks. knocking lightly on the door, you bit at your bottom lip, anticipating a response. 
“come in,” shouta called out loudly, attention on whoever walked through his office door. the man sighed. 
“y/n, what do you need now?” scrunching your face, you pouted playfully. your boss watched you walk over to the seat in front of him, scowl on his face. even though you noticed it, you forced yourself to ignore the pained feeling eating away at your stomach. you crossed your legs instead, biting the corner of your lip. 
“hm, that’s no way to speak to a lady.” 
“you’re no lady. you’re worse.” he muttered under his breath, large hands sorting through the paperwork. at that point, his attention was fixated on everything but you. he was… ignoring you. you liked that, liked when he was mean to you. part of you was truly playing coy, never actually thinking about whether or not your boss had a genuine distaste for your constant advances, or if he secretly enjoyed them. you liked to think that he liked them. in reality - or at least from your perspective, he was an overworked, stressed out male. there's no way he could possibly ignore the dying love of a beautiful woman, such as you. 
“aw, that’s mean,” you forced a smile before shaking your head. “jus’ wanted to see if you were still coming out to have drinks with us, is all. if you didn’t want me here, you could’ve said so,” you bowed your head in defeat, staring at your lap. shouta, seemingly feeling bad for what he said, sighed softly. his hands stilled, paperwork falling down on the desk. “i’m going. now leave, i’m busy.” you jumped to your heels, giggling in triumph. 
“okay! see you there, shouta!”
“it’s mr. aizawa to you.” he lastly mumbled, watching your figure disappear from his view. shouta tilted his head, brain freezing with unholy thoughts. some that he tried his hardest to repress around you, but the more you teased him, the more difficult it became to keep things between you both professional. 
which was his goal, after all. 
in all actuality, shouta did slightly enjoy your repetitive advances. sure, when he’d first hired you, he could barely stand it, constantly finding different methods to avoid you. then one day, maybe ‘bout a month ago, his brain started to enjoy it. no matter how many times he’d try to bury those impure thoughts as deep as he could, hoping his carnal instincts and desires were simply temporary - he failed. 
it isn’t like firing you never crossed his mind, because trust me - it has. however, you just so happened to be one of the most powerful heroes working under him, which brought more coverage to his company. shouta hated attention, sure, but with you working there, he was constantly praised in the public, which brought in more powerful heroes. plus, how would this man look firing the third pro-hero? he’d seem absolutely foolish. but no one in the public would know why, either. they’d assume shouta felt threatened by your presence or he was just a cranky, old man. that theory wasn’t very far off. 
he’d never expose you like that, though. your reputation was important to you. to the blind public, you were merely an innocent woman who simply pursued heroism to avenge the death of her childhood best friend. which, again, was not far off. there were multiple layers to you, and shouta was just the unlucky one for understanding your true self. 
part of him couldn’t help but love it. 
hours had gone by, and soon, you found yourself in a cab with your best friend, yaoyorozu, on your way to a local pub. your eyes were glued to the scenery you passed by, subconsciously trying to keep your mind off of your underlying doubt that your boss would not show up. he was no liar, and you knew that, but he also preferred to sleep all day rather than go out. you learned that the hard way. he looked pretty genuine. you recalled the way his tone and eyes softened when he announced that he would show up. maybe he was speaking out of pity. 
you didn’t wanna this much. disregarding your disgustingly large crush for the male, he was just your boss. anyway, he probably had something better to do. 
“y/n? y/n!” yaoyorozu called out, shaking your arm. you flinched, blinking dumbly at the sudden interruption. you looked around, stomach dropping in sight embarrassment. “sorry. was caught up in my thoughts,” you admitted, pulling the money out from between your boobs. you handed them to the overworked driver, who honestly could not look happier to receive boob money from a pro-hero. you winked, leaving out with your company. the air was chilly, you could admit that. the only reason you didn’t bother to wear a jacket was for shouta. maybe it was silly trying to impress him, but you wanted to so, so bad. just wanted him to look at you like a grown woman and not just an accomplice. you rubbed at your arms that had been flooded with goosebumps. you truly were stupid. 
“c’mon, let’s get inside. ‘m sure everyone is here already,” yaoyorozu rushed, pushing you into the quaint building. the temperature had changed now, the once painfully freezing air now morphing into a slight breeze. You sighed in content, eyes darting around to find your coworkers. the girl with the long, raven hair pointed to a large booth, occupied by five people. a small grin crossed over your cheeks once your eyes scanned everyone, your orbs picking up on a man with long, black hair and a scarf ‘round his neck. you couldn’t get there any faster. 
“y/n! momo!” ochako exclaimed, standing to her feet to hug you both. your eyes scanned her attire. she was… pretty. i mean, you were never truly close with uraraka, only speaking to her at work - therefore, you’d never seen her wear anything but her casual wear and her hero costume. her pink, silk dress complimented her curves and caused her deep brown eyes to sparkle. the thought to compliment her crossed your mind, but then you snarled. why did she look so pretty? what if shouta thought she looked pretty as well? what if shouta liked her more than you? what if…
“i like your dress, ochako.” your eyes flung from their sockets, ears perking up from the deep voice that spoke. what did he say? you gulped, a rod stuck in the back of your throat. “why don’t you guys sit down?” ochako suggested, a huge smile plastered on her features. you sure hoped no one picked up on your change in demeanor. your eyes were focused on the sturdy, marbled floor. this was the most quiet you’d ever been around your friends. “hey, you guys up for some drinks?” your coworkers all cheered, most of them rushing from their seats. 
ochako turned in your direction, fluffy eyebrows furrowed. “you guys aren't coming?” she looked between both you and shouta. you didn’t respond for a moment, simply staring at your hands placed in your lap. you could feel both shouta’s eyes and ochako’s eyes burning into your already hot flesh. 
“n-no, i’ll leave in a sec.” ochako nodded, turning to follow your friends. 
“don’t take too long, kay?” you nodded. 
you would say the silence was almost unbearable, but being in a pub meant silence was nonexistent. you knew shouta was staring at you. could feel it in your veins. the feeling of his eyes on you caused a reaction within you, one that had you squirming in your seat. soft music played through the building as you watched people dance and buy drinks. you wanted to scoff. 
“you’re awfully quiet right now, y/n.” he observed, head tilted. he almost decided against speaking up, but seeing you this way sparked a confused feeling within him. he wasn’t sure if he didn’t like you being quiet for once or if he enjoyed it. 
“q-quiet? oh, i’m just tired,” you fabricated, rubbing the back of your neck with a forced smile. really, you were upset. it was stupid, but paying attention now, you could tell that all of your female counterparts were attractive. you always thought of momo as pretty; she was your best friend for god’s sake. but you never saw the woman as competition. looking at everyone now, you felt your heart swell in your chest, sweat bubbling on your skin. they were absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. and aizawa probably thought so as well. were you not the only pretty woman working for him? of course he had thousands of women interned with him, but surely you were prettier than they were, right? right? 
shouta left it alone for the rest of the night, but his eyes never left you. when everyone came back slightly tipsy, wondering why you and shouta never came, you simply told them you would go later. maybe you should just go home. 
“well,” ochako started, her eyes twinkling with joy. “why don’t we all have a cheers to mr. aizawa for putin’ up with all of us? how about that?” you clenched your jaw and cut your eyes at the woman. now, you were debating on whether you should leave or drag her across the floor. shouta, still glaring in your direction followed the direction of your eyes. that’s weird. 
the more he stared at you, the harder realization smacked him in the face. you were jealous, weren’t you? 
“yeah! let’s cheer for mr. aizawa!” tsuyu screeched. everyone chanted your boss’ name, the small gathering of people lifting their drinks into the air in honor of your sensei. you could feel your stomach burn in envy, hot breaths escaping in puffs from your parted lips. you needed to wash your face before you passed out. aizawa noticed the sweat plopping on your black dress from your forehead and honestly - he began to feel a bit worried. 
“hey - i have to use the restroom, guys. i’ll be back.” everyone nodded, chatting amongst themselves, while you stumbled to the nearest restroom you could find, stomach twisted in knots so painful, they made you wanna sob. as soon as you entered the dimly lit restroom, you fell to the floor, bringing your knees to your chest under the sink. you looked like a damn idiot. you sighed, hoping no one would care if you were gone for a couple minutes. or maybe an hour. your head jerked in the direction of the door, your chest dropping when your eyes caught a glimpse of who had followed you there. 
“mr. aizawa! i-i was coming back! my head just started to hurt,” you quickly tried to cover for yourself, fidgeting with your hands as you scurried from under the sink. you almost never addressed him professionally. 
“y/n.” he simply said, voice extremely monotone. “come here.” your eyes went wide again, body stilled and hesitant to move. you were first on your knees before you found yourself on your feet again, walking over to the man. you’d almost forgotten he was even in the women's restroom. you gulped, avoiding his eyes while he glared at you. waiting for him to speak felt so painfully embarrassing, you were close to just darting from the window. but enough of that, you were so close to him. you never felt shy around your boss. actually, you were usually confident in talking and flirting with him on a daily basis. but now that you were surrounded with beautiful women, you couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest. 
just then, he leaned in, mouth right against your ear. you flinched. 
“you’re jealous, aren’t you?” 
you stumbled back, watching your teacher’s face morph into a smirk. “i can see it. you’re jealous.” 
“am not!” you yelled at the sensei, hiding your bashful face. you could feel heat rush throughout your body, thighs rubbing against each other. 
“hm. you look like an idiot.” 
you could feel a surge of moisture rush downward into your panties, causing a small gasp to erupt from your mouth. noticing this, shouta brushed his hands through his long hair, smirking. “how could i forget? you love this, don’t you? you love when i’m mean to you, right?” 
you covered your burning cheeks, face as hot as lava now. you were close to leaving, close to walking out the door and running home. at least you were, until your arm was snatched and your back collided with the wall. you winced, having no time to even register the pain before you realized what was taking place. 
“where’s your energy now, y/n? where’s the girl that comes into my office everyday?” he whispered into your ear. shouta genuinely had no idea where this was even coming from. he’d never planned on acting out on his desires, but seeing you in such a primal state had an effect on him. one he prayed would not happen tonight. you blinked, the painful knots in your stomach slightly disappearing now. oh? was that a challenge? 
you turned to him, blinking. 
“shouta,” you started, “are you telling me you really do like me?” you feigned a sweet voice, ejecting a groan from the male. he pressed his body deeper onto yours and you gasped, grinding your own body against his as well. you could feel the tent in his pants harden from the exchange in body heat, the feeling of his clothed cock rubbing against your needy skin forcing a moan from your body. 
“you tease me,” he grunted, eyes shut tight, “every single day. god, you don’t know how hard it was to keep myself from pouncing on you. you’re so fucking slutty.” you could feel your core grow wet, eliciting another wanton moan from your mouth. 
“look at you. everyone thinks you’re an innocent little hero,” he trailed off, lips connecting with your exposed neck. he sucked the hot spot until it was purple, gently nipping at the skin, listening to your loud cries for more. “i wonder how they’d react when they see you now,” he pulled away from your skin, impressed with his work. your pupils were blown out, butterflies swarming your stomach. after so long, you were finally getting what you wanted. no, what you needed. 
“kiss me. please, shouta,” you whispered, licking your bottom lip. you pleaded with your eyes, staring at his pink lips. wasting no time, shouta smashed his lips onto yours, tongue swiping across your bottom lip. you opened your mouth wider, teeth and tongue clashing while he held your waist. you moaned into the kiss grunting as his tongue explored your mouth. after fighting for this for so long, you felt so good. felt so good finally tasting him. shouta’s mouth tasted like mint, assuming he brushed his teeth before he came. you could feel your panties dampen in response, eager to be fucked. he pulled away, sucking in the string of saliva that trailed from your lips when he disconnected. 
you instantly pulled your underwear down, sliding it to the other side of the room. “please, i can’t wait any longer.” you explained, slick dripping down the side of your thigh. shouta was quick to unbuckle his pants, freeing his hard cock from the confines of his underwear. you could care less about the situation being rushed when all you wanted was to feel him against you, body buzzing in anticipation. 
“w-woah,” you gulped, marveling at his large cock. you couldn’t help but drool. he was freshly cut, his cock thick, but also large in length. to top it all off, his tip was an angry red, beads of precum dripping from his head. he must’ve been just as needy as you were. you propped yourself on the sink, spreading your legs for the man in front of you, shamefully looking away from the scene that was soon to happen. however, he wouldn’t allow that, his hand reaching out and forcing you to look in his direction. “no, you started this. now watch me, kitty.” you shivered from the nickname, eyes trailing down to his waiting cock. he spat on his fingers before stroking his cock with the homemade lubricant. it didn’t take long before he was pressed against your tight hole, the wait feeling absolutely delicious. you couldn’t remember the last time you’d even touched a guy. it truly had been a while. in all actuality, you hadn’t touched a guy since you developed your crush on your boss. felt like you’d be betraying him. 
shouta sank into your sputtering hole, contacting a moan from you once you felt the hot tip of his cock enter your pussy. you instantly clenched around his length, grabbing onto the sink for composure. you felt so dirty. fucking your boss had only been a fantasy for a while now - but now that it had manifested into a reality, you could barely control yourself, reaching down to spread yourself wider, attempting to take more of him. 
“shit, kitten,” he spat out, attempting to shove the rest of his cock into you. you arched your back, tears pricking your eyes from the forced stretch. though, no matter how much it hurt, your clit was still aching to be touched. you reached down, circling your waiting nub while he started to move, your pussy fluttering around his hard cock. you couldn’t help but cry out, rubbing at your clit harder now while he searched for a good pace to fuck you at. 
“look at you taking my cock. always knew i’d have you like this one day,” he admitted, his stuttering while he pounded you quickly, cock scraping against your moist walls while you took as much as you could, silent pants coming from your mouth. you could cum right then and there just from feeling his cock inside of you. 
“s-shouta, god - i’ve wanted your cock so bad. so, s-so bad now.” 
“yeah? fuckin’ slutty kitty, aren’t you? look at this pussy taking my cock so good,” tears fell from your eyes, his cock pounding you harder now. The curve of his cock constantly hit against the spongy spot inside of you, causing bundles of electricity to explode inside of your body, your slick dripping from your hole and onto his fat cock. you could barely take it anymore, eyes shutting tightly while your cunt sputtered around him, close to cumming. 
“this good, kitty? so naughty, i should punish you - fuck, maybe later,” he promised, holding onto your hips. you rotated your hips, earning a long groan from the man fucking you, your pussy squelching loudly. had you not been as horny as you were, you would’ve been embarrassed. you could feel a familiar feeling bubble in your tummy, one that felt like sparks. you cried out for him, nearing your edge. 
“so pathetic,” he grunted, feeling himself nearing his own edge. 
“i-i like when you’re mean to me,” you moaned out, feeling the head of his cock reach your hilt. you could scream, but decided against it, stuffing your mouth with your fingers instead. 
“o-of course you do. you’re my fuckin’ slut,” he cried out, throwing his head back. sweat dripped from his forehead, thrusts becoming lazy. “my slut who can’t cum until her master does,” shouta slowed his pace down, cock throbbing inside of you as he shot his load into your cunt. feeling his hot cum fill you, you neared your end, gulping as you came, a broken sob falling from your lips. shouta fucked you through your orgasm, slowly and sensually, making sure to ride you through the aftershocks. cock still stuffing you, he pulled out for a moment before shoving himself back in. 
“gonna keep it warm, okay?” he slurred and you nodded. i mean, the most you could really do was hope no one came in. 
you clenched around his softened cock, neck and forehead glistening with sweat. it took a moment for your brain to register what had happened, but once it did - you couldn’t stop yourself from smirking. 
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nejibaby · 3 years
Pairing: Kozume Kenma x Reader
Description: Kuroo Tetsurou thinks you like Kozume Kenma, but you just aren’t sure if it’s true… yet.
Supposition - Part 1 | In The Silence - Part 2
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: here it is, my first attempt at writing about hq. i’m not even gonna lie and say this is exactly what i had in mind because the truth is the scenes i planned on writing isn’t here, but i figured i’d just write it some other time since i didn’t want to post or write something too long 😅 anyway, this is me succumbing to the kenma brain rot 😌 please let me know your thoughts 🥺
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There’s a short silence in the air when Kozume Kenma excuses himself from you and Kuroo Tetsurou. It’s almost like a pause in the world, or at least in your and Tetsurou’s atmosphere, when he leaves albeit temporarily.
It’s either that or the silence would feel a lot louder — a lot more known — in Kenma’s absence, even if he usually doesn’t participate in the conversation, opting to listen and/or play games instead.
But then Tetsurou breaks this pause, this silence, by saying, “I think you like him.”
He doesn’t elaborate further and you give him a questioning look, as you’re a little bit startled with his sudden statement, still in a daze from the pause.
“Who?” You ask.
“Kenma,” he says as he tilts his head towards the retreating figure of Kenma.
You take a quick glance at Kenma and say, “Yeah, sure.”
“That’s it? That’s all the reaction you’re going to give? No stuttering, fidgeting, or even looking away in embarrassment?”
Huh? “Why would I do that?”
Tetsurou’s facial expression turns blank. For a moment he just blinks at you. He scans your facial features and then he sighs, “You do know I’m talking about how you like Kenma romantically, right?”
Your eyes widen. “No! I d-don’t… It’s n-not what I… Uhm… That’s not what I was thinking. I thought you’re talking about how I… uh… like Kenma as a person.”
There it is, Tetsurou thought fondly, your stuttering.
He chuckles. “I should’ve known we weren’t on the same page from the way you nonchalantly responded.”
He ruffles your hair and you huff at his antics, trying to act annoyed despite the blood rushing to your face.
“I mean, you both always gravitate towards each other when you’re both at the same location. And you kind of have a different look in your eyes when you’re with him. Sometimes it’s a soft look, other times, it’s just purely excitement,” Tetsurou explains.
“So,” he leans forward and wiggles his brows, “do you? Do you like him in a romantic sense?”
You can practically feel your face heating up as Tetsurou smirks at you, awaiting your response. You open your mouth to respond but no words come out. Even your mind goes blank. Because quite frankly, you haven’t put too much thought on romantic feelings, especially not romantic feelings towards one of your best friends.
Before you could even relay that to Tetsurou, however, you both notice Kenma coming back. As usual, Kenma is on his phone, playing some game as he walks back to your group’s table. And while he’s distracted, you mouth, “Let’s talk about this another time” to Tetsurou while giving him the stink eye.
He doesn’t drop his smirk nor does he nod but you assume he understood what you just said. It is quite straightforward after all.
“What’s up with you two?” Kenma squints at you and Tetsurou. You internally curse at how awfully perceptive he is. “Did something happen while I was away?”
You void your face from any emotion despite Kenma looking away and directing his focus on his game once again. But just as you say “Nothing,” Tetsurou says “Yes.”
From the years and years of your friendship with these two males, you should have known Tetsurou was going to respond like that. When it comes to trivial matters like this, he has a habit of throwing you under the bus — only because the situations are just that, just trivial. Otherwise, he’s a great friend.
“You see, Kenma, our kitten here has a crush,” Tetsurou informs Kenma.
As the words slip out of Tetsurou’s mouth, Kenma instantly furrows his brows and his fingers stop moving — only for a moment though — his reaction was gone as soon as it came, although he does find himself unable to focus on his game anymore.
His reaction goes unnoticed by you as you throw a glare at your black haired friend, but it doesn’t escape Tetsurou’s eyes.
“First of all,” you start saying, “you said you think I like someone. It’s technically just your assumption. Secondly, I neither confirmed nor denied your statement, which leads to my last point, you can’t just go around proclaiming that as the truth.”
Tetsurou leans back and laughs at how defensive you’re being.
“Who is it?” Kenma asks, tilting his head in curiosity but without looking away from his phone.
You wag your finger at him, chastising him. “No, no, no, Kenma,” you playfully say, “Don’t listen to him. Don’t let his words get to you!”
Kenma rolls his eyes at you and then he surprises you and Tetsurou when he smiles at your antics.
You fight back the gasp that’s bubbling on your throat. While there’s no denying the fact that you’ve seen him smile before, it’s also no secret that he very rarely does it.
And seeing it appear because of you makes you swell with pride.
You’re unaware of the smile that crept into your face, as well as the knowing look that Tetsurou has as he watches the interaction between his two best friends.
“So there’s no one?” Kenma asks again.
There’s something in the tone that he used that tricks your mind into short circuiting. You’re quite taken aback by his… interest in your love affairs. And because of this, you feel something erupt inside of you, you just aren’t sure what it is. Regardless of whatever it is, it makes you feel warm all over.
Damn, feelings are complicated.
Wait… Feelings?
Was Tetsurou right in his assumption?
With one look at Tetsurou, who’s sporting an amused look on his face, your reverie breaks and this allows you to function normally once again.
“Do fictional characters count?” You ask cheekily, attempting to dodge the question.
Kenma sighs, and then the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch break, and by extension, your conversation as well.
The three of you stand up from your table.
“Are you coming to watch us play later?” Tetsurou asks you.
Kenma eyes you from his peripheral, quietly awaiting your answer. He finds you groaning and frowning.
“I wish! But I can’t. I have a lot of things to do tonight. I might even have to pull an all-nighter...” Ah, just the thought of it makes you tired already.
Tetsurou gives you a sympathetic look and pats your back. “Good luck! Come watch us some other time, yeah?”
You hum.
Just as you’re about to part ways with Tetsurou and Kenma, Tetsurou leans to you and whispers, “And for the record, I think he likes you too.”
Before you could even gather your wits to process what he just said, Tetsurou pulls Kenma and dashes away, not giving you the opportunity for a dispute.
His words ring inside your head repetitively all throughout the day. Even as you get home and bury yourself with your tasks, it somehow finds its way back to your thoughts.
“I think you like him.”
“And for the record, I think he likes you too.”
And because of these, a ton of questions flood your mind.
Do you really seek Kenma that often for Tetsurou to take notice? Do you really look at him in a different way than others? Does Kenma talk about you with Tetsurou? Does he go looking for you too? Does he act differently when it comes to you?
Trust Tetsurou to plant a seed in your mind, almost as if he’s expecting you to water it and let it blossom —which you really end up doing.
So here you are now, thinking that perhaps you do have a teeny tiny crush on Kenma. Because, yes, you like spending time with him more than any of your other friends. Yes, you stare at him a little bit too long sometimes because of his gorgeous facial features, especially his pretty golden eyes, complemented by his golden locks. And yes, you could admit that there were a couple of times that he made your heart skip a beat, although you’ve never really attributed it to attraction before.
But you still aren’t sure. And if there’s something that you absolutely dislike the most, it’s the uncertainty.
From the amount of thinking that you’re doing, you miss the message notification on your phone despite the silence. But then a knock on your door comes soon after, which effectively gets your attention.
You hastily make your way to open the door, not even having half the mind to ask who would come visit you in the dead of the night.
Once you open the door, a drink is shoved up to your face and you grab it hesitantly. You let out a gasp when you realize it’s the very man that’s been plaguing your mind who’s by the door. “Kenma? What are you doing here?” You look inside your flat to check the time. “It’s almost midnight!”
“Yeah, our game ran too late,” he mumbles. His gaze is on the floor, his back is slouched, and his lips are slightly downturned. It’s evident he’s tired. “Well, anyway, I recalled you saying that you’re pulling an all-nighter… so I thought you might need coffee and figured I’d drop it by before I go home.”
And there it is again, the warmth erupting inside you. “Thank you.”
Kenma gives you a curt nod and bids you goodbye, and just like that he’s gone.
You stand by the door until you can no longer see his figure. It almost feels like a dream, but the coffee that you hold in your right hand and the rapid beating of your heart that you’re feeling as you press your left palm to your chest is proof enough that what has transpired is indeed real.
You suppose Tetsurou’s right, you do like Kenma.
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you sunshine, you temptress || h. styles
warnings: mentions of sex & alcohol, fwb, swearing
word count: 1.6k
summary: a night in jamaica and a morning in london change your life entirely...
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They say it takes 66 days to form a habit. But you’d already lost count of how long you’d been sleeping with Harry. It already felt like an addiction.
His skin on yours. His lips on your neck. Your hands in his hair. His cold rings against your warm thighs. These were things you craved. And, at first, you’d felt guilty sneaking around with Harry. But that grew into pure lust and excitement at the very prospect.
No strings attached. It had always been no strings attached. Sex, drinks, maybe some more sex, and then do it all again a few days later. Sure, maybe it would get repetitive. Maybe it would bore you occasionally. It began to almost feel like a routine and that wasn’t what either of you wanted. You wanted spontaneous sex and moments of overwhelming lust. But it kept the two of you happy. What more could you ask for?
It started in Jamaica. On a holiday with your mutual friends. Maybe this wasn’t where Harry deemed the origin of your arrangement to be, but it was certainly where you did.
The two of you and a group of friends had gone back to Jamaica for a couple of weeks. Harry had settled on Jamaica as the destination because he’d had such a euphoric time the first time he went to write his first album. He simply wanted to return without the looming pressure of work.
Sarah had gone to find Mitch, leaving you outside on your own. You didn’t at all mind. It was hot, the sun warm on your bare legs. You had your book in hand, though you’d long forgotten it. Your eyes had fluttered closed, the heat making you tired despite the lovely sleep you’d had the night prior.
It went cold and, as you opened your eyes, you looked up at Harry, who was standing over you. He smiled down at you, tugging the book from your hands. He sat himself down opposite you, where Sarah had once sat. “I love this book,” he grinned, inspecting the cover. “What did you think?”
“I’ll tell you if you let me finish it,” you said, sheltering your eyes from the sun with your hand.
He chuckled, tossing it back to you. You watched him carefully as he lay back against the chair, running his hand through his unkempt hair. The two of you sat in silence for a good four or five minutes. He cleared his throat, “Soaking up the Jamaican sun, are we?”
You shrugged, sitting up to look at him, “Well, I can’t get a tan in England, can I?”
He laughed, “Suppose not.”
And that was that. But that was the first time you felt something different when speaking to Harry. Maybe you were just slightly weary from the sun, or maybe you actually felt nervous when he looked you in the eye. And, from that moment, nothing between you and Harry ever felt the same. Not really.
It was short-lived. When you were sat on the kitchen counter in the early hours of the morning, taking slow sips of a glass of water. You’d been watching the moon dance across ripples in the water of the sea you were staying beside. “Can’t sleep?” a voice came from the doorway.
It was Harry. He walked into the kitchen, leaning against the island opposite you. You shrugged, “Just thirsty. You?”
“I’ve been watching romcoms all night,” he said, chuckling quietly.
You smiled, “Well, you know what they say: people do travel to Jamaica to watch romcoms all night. Something about the atmosphere, I reckon.”
“Of course,” he nodded, grinning. “Had to embrace traditions, didn’t I?”
You watched as he poured himself a glass of orange juice, sitting down at the island. The silence between the two of you was comforting but perhaps the most excruciating thing you’d ever felt. It was undeniable that there was tension between the two of you. “Right,” you said, sliding off the counter, placing your glass in the sink, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Harry was very prepared to smile and nod and watch you leave as you made your way up to the bedroom you’d claimed as your own. However, he spoke before he even had the chance to think, “Y/N… do you… do you want to watch a romcom?”
You turned back to look at him, “Sure.”
So, you sat in his room, watching some cheesy romcom. It had been fine. It had all been fine. You’d told yourself it had been fine. That was until the characters on the television screen made the development in their relationship to which they became something more than friends. “See,” you sighed, your eyes trained on the screen, “it never happens like that.”
“It could,” he replied quietly.
You shrugged, “But has it ever happened to you?”
“Well, not like that. But it could still happen to me,” he said.
“Maybe,” you smiled. “Still hope for you yet, Harold.”
“Go on then,” he grinned. “Why are you such a romcom Grinch?”
“Until I feel the same way Rachel McAdams does when someone kisses me, I will continue to dislike these movies,” you said.
And when he kissed you, asking how you felt, you’d shrugged. Though, your actions contradicted your small smile before you leaned forward and kissed him again. It was risky and you weren’t entirely sure what you were thinking. But perhaps that was the most delicious part: you weren’t thinking at all. Sarah and Mitch were in the next room over and you and Harry were kissing.
From then on, it had been secret quickies in the kitchen and deliberate stares in the garden. It was the best time of your life. The secrecy of it all, the hiding away from the rest of the world. You often wondered if Harry liked it because it was his own. This arrangement he had with you, it wasn’t anybody else’s. Nobody else could have it because it was kept out of the eyes of your friends and most definitely those of the media.
“I need to go,” you whispered, your eyes landing on the clock on the wall. You were meeting your sister for breakfast and, if you didn’t drag yourself out of bed soon, you were going to be late.
“Don’t go,” Harry said quietly, running his fingers up and down your arm. “You could stay for breakfast?”
“I can’t, I’m going to meet my sister soon for breakfast,” you replied.
“Orange juice?” he said, pouting.
You sighed, smiling, “Fine, I’ll stay for orange juice.”
You shrugged, “You don’t have to thank me.”
He watched as you clambered out of his bed, slipping into your clothes from the night before. He reluctantly joined you, the two of you finally venturing through to the kitchen. A moment of almost deja vu as you sat at his counter as he poured out a glass of orange juice. You noticed his smile - he must have felt it too. Thanking him for the drink, you took a large gulp, the citrusy liquid livening you up a bit.
The silence, unlike the night in Jamaica, felt extraordinarily domestic. There was no excruciation to it this time. It was only when Harry opened his mouth that there was a shift in the once perfectly serene atmosphere, “Are we gonna do this forever?”
“What?” you said. “Are we gonna fuck forever?”
He nodded, staring at you, waiting for you to say something. But you weren’t entirely sure what to say. So, you choked out, “If you want to call this thing quits, I’m okay with that.”
“No, no, no,” he shook his head quickly. “I was thinking of more of an… upgrade?”
“An upgrade? I’m not a phone,” you scoffed, grinning.
He chuckled, “Like… like a premium package?”
You snorted, “A premium package?”
“Yeah, you know, the sex with a couple of extra benefits,” he said.
“What are these extra benefits?” you asked, finishing your orange juice.
“Dates… cuddles… and… more sex?” he replied.
You laughed, grabbing your jacket from the counter. He followed you as you walked towards his front door. “Does the friends with benefits premium package come with a special name?” you asked, turning back to look at him.
“I like to call it ‘girlfriend’,” he said.
There it was. There it was. You’d been waiting to hear him say it and there it was. “Are you, Harry Styles, asking me to be your girlfriend?” you asked, grinning.
“Perhaps I am,” he said, shrugging. “Depends what your answer is.”
“Well, ask me and you’ll find out.”
“Do you, Y/N, want the friends with benefits premium package, ‘girlfriend’?”
Though your answer may have been nonchalant, it didn’t match the way you felt inside. Oh, inside you were screaming. You’d been waiting for this since that night in Jamaica, watching a romcom with Harry in his bed. Everything had built up to this. “Yeah, fuck it, go on,” you replied.
He smiled, his eyes exploring your face. As if it had changed in your sudden shift in relationship. He kissed you. You kissed him back. And, if you didn’t have breakfast with your sister, you were sure you’d never leave his side. “Feel like Rachel McAdams yet?” he grinned, pulling away.
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