#the rest will not b getting tags unless i do something with them outside of these two
seafoam-taide · 2 years
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they have friends now :))
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
an army of bees
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'magic au' rated m wc: 912 cw: off-screen violence, implied sexual content tags: medieval magic, warlock eddie, apprentice steve, established relationship, secret relationship
"It shouldn't be bubbling like that," Eddie commented, watching as Steve tried to get the protection potion right for the fourth time in as many days.
"I know it shouldn't!" His frustration was getting the better of him, something he desperately needed to learn to control.
Their magic was touchy, and strong emotions could turn a love potion into the potion of death when brewed under the wrong conditions.
"I know you know, but-"
Eddie was cut off by yelling in the hall outside their apothecary and potion room.
Steve looked up at him, eyes wide as they both overheard the words 'siege' and 'charging.'
As members of the staff of the castle, they'd been trained in emergency procedures for the castle being attacked. But as members of the lowest level staff, they did not get trained in defense or weaponry, and if caught, would most likely not be able to protect themselves beyond what they've learned on their own.
Which for Eddie was next to nothing, and for Steve, was maybe enough to escape one person, but certainly not a group.
Eddie's arms were around him immediately, tugging him against his chest as if that could protect them both from the chaos building outside.
More voices yelling.
Footsteps running up the stone steps.
Eddie reached over to put out the small fire under the cauldron, plunging the room in almost complete darkness save for one candle burning by the door.
He pulled Steve to the couch in the corner, letting him rest against his side as he listened for any sign of people coming back down the stairs.
They weren't quite in the dungeons, but they were under most of the castle, and rarely visited by anyone without a purpose.
Many people didn't even know this room existed unless they needed Eddie's services.
They especially didn't know about the attached bedroom where he and Steve pushed their bedrolls together in front of the fireplace every night.
They could hide there if they heard any voices make their way back down to them.
Eddie felt Steve shaking against him, his breathing quiet but coming in fast pants.
"My love, I promise we'll be safe. I will always keep you safe," Eddie whispered against his temple.
"I know," Steve whispered back.
"Why don't you get our beds together so we can stay hidden?" Eddie suggested.
Steve hesitated, but agreed, slowly making his way to the trap door under the rug by the back wall.
At the last minute, he turned back to Eddie.
"You'll be right in?"
"Of course, dearest. Just need to put out the candle and ensure the door is locked."
Steve nodded once and walked down the steps leading to their room.
Eddie quickly locked the door, muttering the incantations he knew would protect them both most under his breath. He blew out the candle, leaving total darkness in the room.
It already felt colder, uninhabited.
He continued to mutter under his breath as he made his way through the trap door, covering it behind him with a swish of his hand.
Steve was already curled up on Eddie's straw mattress, a blanket covering most of his body and face.
"We'll be safe. No one will find us and I've charmed the doors so people won't see us if they do find the room," Eddie said.
It was some of his more complex spells, something that drained him physically, but was worth it to see the way Steve relaxed against the bedroll.
"How will we know it's safe again?"
"I'll check in a few hours' time. For now, let's not think about it."
"And how do you suppose we ignore what's happening?" Steve asked, knowing smirk evident in his tone.
"I can think of a few things," Eddie settled behind him on the mattress, curling around his back and pressing his lips to his shoulder. "Why don't you tell me the process for the protection potion?"
"Now? Eddie, I wish to be distracted, not frustrated."
Eddie's teeth nipped the skin of his shoulder blade.
"I wish to be the one distracting you, but no one said I couldn't find better ways to teach you," Eddie said against his skin.
Steve took the hint, starting to recite the process as Eddie's lips left bite marks and his tongue left love behind.
When they left the safety of their room, and slowly walked up the stone steps, they expected to find chaos.
What was left was a destruction, bodies littering the ground.
But when they looked up, they saw the head guard, James, collecting weapons.
"Where have you two been?" He asked when he noticed them.
"We've been keeping ourselves safe. I don't recognize these men," Eddie said as he looked from face to bloody face.
"They attempted to kill the Queen. Only a few of our men were lost and the Queen is being kept safe in her home by the sea for now. I assume you had something to do with the sudden wave of bees attacking?" He raised a questioning brow at Eddie.
Eddie shook his head.
Steve let out a gasp.
Eddie turned to see him covering his face.
"I didn't think it would work!"
"It was the distraction our men needed to take the upper hand. We are grateful for your contribution," James bowed his head.
Eddie beamed at him proudly.
Who needed a protection potion when one could summon an army of bees?
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cottoncandyafterdark · 2 months
Kunikida SFW Alphabet
Character(s): Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Tags: SFW, fluff, alphabet meme, headcanons
Warnings: None
Notes: Originally posted on ao3 here; uses an a different SFW alphabet template than I usually use as this was the first one I ever did
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
We all know Kunikida has a lot of criteria for the ideal partner, and you might not necessarily fit all of them, but he will love you for any of those traits you do have.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
He'd probably say your eyes or something nice and romantic like that but in his heart of hearts, Kunikida is a leg man through and through
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
He's pretty low-key about cuddling; usually he prefers to just sit with you with his arm around your shoulders, holding you close. He also likes to hold you while falling asleep, and prefers to be the big spoon.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Something traditional and romantic. Dinner at a nice restaurant, followed by a walk through a park. He'd rather it not be too crowded, if that's at all possible to achieve, so he can just focus on you and on making the night as enjoyable for both of you as possible.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
He has a tendency to not show strong emotions unless they're negative. He'll definitely let you know if he's angry, one way or another, but it takes a bit more work to coax a smile or laugh out of him. It comes a little easier than normal around you, though.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Kunikida has multiple pages dedicated to the topic in his ideals notebook.
He'd like to have exactly two children- he doesn't mind whether they're adopted or biologically related to him-, preferably by his mid-to-late 20s. He knows he doesn't have any control over the gender of his children, but having one girl and one boy would be ideal. He has a shortlist of acceptable baby names, and will not deviate from it. He will let you pick what name from the list to give your child(ren), though.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?
Kunikida isn't a spontaneous gift-giver- he'll get you gifts at Christmas, on your birthday, Valentine's, etc. but not really outside of those occasions. He might give you flowers if you're going on a date, but that's about it. He just prefers other ways of showing his love for you.
He does try to make sure those gifts he does give you are good, though. He pays attention to things you want but can't or don't get for whatever reason throughout the year and you can bet you'll be getting some of those things for Christmas or your birthday.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Hand-holding is one of the few acts of affection Kunikida is willing to do in public. He likes holding your hand a lot, because it feels nice, and it has practical benefits as well. It's a simple way of showing affection and displaying that the two of you are together, plus it's harder for the two of you to get separated. The way he sees it, there's no real reason not to hold hands.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He'd be very concerned, of course. If it was a life-threatening injury he would take you to Yosano, but he'd rather not subject you to that, so if it's serious but not immediately life-threatening, though he would take you to the hospital and, once you were home, would make sure you were resting and recovering properly. Expect a lot of scolding along the lines of "don't do that, you'll tear your stitches". It might be annoying but it's just because he cares (and he's probably right, anyways).
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous?)
He doesn't get jealous, exactly, because he trusts that you'll just turn down anyone who's flirting with you, but he does get irritated and intervene if they persist. Not because he's worried they'll take you away from him or something but because they have the nerve to keep bothering you after you've rejected them and he does not stand for people being so rude to you.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
I hope you like sweet, gentle kisses because Kunikida sure does. That'll likely be how he greets you every day when he gets home from work. You can also expect a quick peck on the lips whenever he leaves. Or whenever the mood strikes him, really. He's also a fan of neck kisses when things get a little steamier- but that's a discussion for a different time.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
Kunikida is surprisingly big on physical affection- only when you're alone in private and have been together for a respectable amount of time, of course, but still. You'll get plenty of gentle kisses and quiet moments sitting together with his arm around your shoulders.
He'll also tell you he loves you plenty- again, once you've been together long enough that he feels it's appropriate. After he says it the first time, though, and you return the sentiment, he gets much more comfortable saying it often.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Any time that you comforted him. His job can really take a toll on him, and when you try to make him feel better it really lets him know that you care about him. Remembering all those little moments makes him feel very loved.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
There's two potential scenarios that he worries about: the first is that he'll get killed on a job and leave you alone without even getting to say goodbye. The second is that you'll be attacked and hurt or even killed by the Port Mafia or one of Agency's other enemies. He's well aware that both are very real possibilities, too, and will do everything in his power to ensure neither one comes true.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
Well, it's Kunikida. You're going to have to get used to his scheduling and notebooks pretty quick. He doesn't do spontaneous- all your dates and stuff are going to have to be planned in advance pretty much down to the minute.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Your name, mostly. Pet names just aren't his thing, really. If he's in a particularly romantic mood, he might let a few slip, like "my love", "darling", "dear", stuff like that.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
He likes to cook with you. Even if you're not a very good cook, hell, even if he isn't, you will learn together and it'll be so worth it when you two finally get it right.
Outside of that, he's happy just to sit and talk with you. You can tell each other about how your day went, any books you've read or TV you've watched, anything, really, so long as you can hold a conversation.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
Kunikida seems like a fan of what I like to call Dad Music- American rock from the 70s and 80s. He doesn't understand the lyrics, since they're in English, but he doesn't mind that- if anything it just makes it easier to listen to it while he works or focuses on something else. So you'll probably end up associating that type of music with him. (Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top stands out in particular though, for hopefully obvious reasons.)
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Kunikida doesn't want to keep secrets from you, he really doesn't. But it's kind of inevitable in his line of work, especially if you aren't with the ADA yourself. He can't always let you know exactly what he's been doing, either because it's classified or, more personally, because it's dangerous and he doesn't want you to worry about him. Outside of those work-related matters, though, he tries to be as open as possible. Communication is the key to a good relationship, after all.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It took A While, mostly because it took a pretty long time for Kunikida to figure out that not only did he have feelings for you, but you returned those feelings. Once he figured that out, though (possibly with some "help"- read, relentless teasing- from Dazai), he didn't waste a lot of time in asking you out.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Kunikida isn't the most comforting person by nature. He'll try to get you away from whatever's making you upset first and then stay with you as you calm down. He might not say anything, but if you need him to hold you or something like that he will.
If you're upset at him, though, it's a slightly different story. Arguments with him are pretty rare, but they can easily get very heated when they do happen, and he'll probably need to leave you alone for a few minutes to calm down. Once he's calm, though, he'll come back and try to talk it out.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He doesn't exactly show you off, he feels like that would be immature, but make no mistake, he is proud of you and your relationship. If you make any kind of major advancement in your life, like getting a promotion, he will be so proud of you.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
This probably depends on your circumstances a little- if you're with the ADA or have otherwise shown him you're capable of fighting, he'd presumably know you're more than capable of holding your own and do what he could to back you up in a fight.
If you aren't a good fighter, though, he would do whatever he had to in order to keep you out of a fight. He doesn't want you getting hurt and you can bet he'd fuss at you a lot if you Leeroy Jenkins'd into a fight anyways.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Kunikida is not great at reading people, though it might come easier with someone he's very close to like you. Still, you'll have to be upfront with him about how you're feeling. He'll be able to tell if you're really upset about something but might not be sure what you're upset about; just tell him and he'll try to help. (He isn't super comforting by nature, either, but he'll try.)
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
After you had been dating for a few years, he would take you on a date- most likely what was described in the 'D' section, dinner at a nice restaurant followed by a walk through a park. This wouldn't be the first time you've gone on such a date, but you would be able to tell right away from how he's acting that something is different about this time.
He would propose at the park. He'd wait until no one is around- he doesn't want you to feel pressured by a public proposal- before dropping to one knee and popping the question. He'd be nervous as all hell, but of course that would disappear as soon as you said yes.
He'd start planning the wedding pretty much immediately, if he hadn't started already. He'd want your input on everything, of course, but unless you decided to really take charge he'd definitely be the most in charge of planning.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Getting to go home and sit or lie down next to you. If he's had a particularly frustrating day he'll vent to you about it too but you don't even have to say anything, just your presence is enough.
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heartfullofleeches · 11 months
Maunder Labyrinth Character Intros/General Information
A concept blurb for my haunted attraction yan series in which the Reader applies for a position at the location to make some extra cash for the upcoming season. This post lists the main cast plus a few of the rules they have to follow. Feel free to ask any questions
SawBones (she/they)
Doctor; grouchy 24/7
A woman of science looked down upon by peers and loved ones for her unorthodox methods. Tricked into visited the Labyrinth by "friends" and betrayed by that same group right before the exit. Seeing the talent in her twisted mind she was given a second chance. Was gifted the bodies of all four members as a welcome present to her new home which she then stitched into a new pet who carries out patrols for her. Turns every guest she gets her hands on into a new guard or another trophy on her shelf.
Sawbones lost an eye to a guest before being fully twinned to the Labyrinth. Hates Hound for stopping her from chasing after them once they had safely escaped her section. Her sole comfort is a cassette player she had in her pocket before venturing to the attraction with a mixtape of the songs it once loved. It serves a deeper purpose as her real name is on the tape.
Martyr (He/Him)
"You can trust me!" You can't trust him.
A once shy and awkward body with a tame love for horror now a homicidal fanatic. Lost his mind to the horrors and wonders of the Labyrinth, and slaughtered his friends as offerings for a hope to appease. Bangs himself up and dupes his way into large groups to slowly bump them off one before breaking into a frenzy and killing the rest in his lust.
Welds a chainsaw he decorates with stickers and prints guests might have on them. If something they own is cute enough he will let a guest go - if a ten minute headstart means anything.
Not much is know about Jumpscare. They reappear and disappear mostly as they please. There one second and gone the next. Devoid of expression and is alot jumpier than they look. Half of their scares are from being startled upon finding living guests while disassociating, and screaming their head off because of the realization.
Jumpscare is one of two actors who will not actively kill guests (unless they have a heart condition). They are interested in the outside world and offer places to hide in exchange for knowledge. Pulls back from this habit once Reader joins the crew and dumps their questions on them instead.
"I see dead people...." "B, that's a mirror." "I know...."
Plagued by wails and visions of the damned. Has trouble telling guests from living or dead and will fly into panic when they attempt to interact- adding another voice to the choir that haunts them. Reader's name tag helps Bedevil differ them from others, but they cling to their side to assure their companion is still among the living. Has thought of asking Reader to quite, but is too afraid of being alone again.
Hound (they/them)
Do not remove their muzzle. Do not interact.
Hound is the other member who will not kill guests - they are also the most monstrous in appearance. Hound is reluctant in their cannibalistic urges, but feels they deserve to live same as everyone else. Eats the corpses of guests littered around and offers sanctuary for survivors in their bunker. It is the only safe zone in the main building.
Twins - Leader (he/him) & Follower (whatever you want)
Follower and Leader swap between manning the front and being guides for the tour. Follower is very assertive, dominant, and boastful. Leader is reserved, submissive and self hating. Follower will lead a tour safely through the maze unless a guest acts against them. Leader will do just about any order giving to them, but has a walkie-talkie at all times to receive them from their bother. If a guests asks for a discount - they will give it. If they ask to be let go - Leader will let them go.
Spector [It]
Enforcer of law, order, and punishment. Has free range of all corners of the Labyrinth and the ability to phase through walls. A tell tale sign of their arrival is the temperature dropping. The cameras around the attraction are their eyes.
Your Boss.
Do not attack guests until signaled.
Do not fight amongst each other.
Once inside Hound's bunker no actor is permitted to attack guests until they exit.
Do not leave your assigned area.
Do not cover the cameras.
Do not take the hired helps name tag. Failure to comply to this rule will be met immediate termination.
Failure to comply otherwise will result in the mask given to you sewn into place. A second strike will give the jailer free range of punishment.
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quicktosimp · 8 months
Doomed From the Start
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Kinktober Day 31 Tsu'tey
Warnings: Age Gap (20-25 years), Dub-Con, Forced Mating, Non-Concentual Drugging, Bondage, Dark, Rut, Heat, Loss of Virginity, A/B/O, Biting, Cervix Penetration, Squirting
A/N: Read the tags, please, this is dark, but wicked fun to write.
Thank you @pandoraslxna, for this opportunity it has been so much fun!
The war had ended differently than we thought it would. We won the battle, and the RDA members were set off back to earth. The humans who were loyal to the na’vi were allowed to stay, but we had to agree to specific terms. 
The first is that humans are no longer allowed access to any modern weapons; if we take the time and learn to use the weapons made by the na’vi, that is fine, but no more metal. Second, no human was to be unaccompanied outside of Hell's Gate; any human outside unaccompanied by a na’vi outside was subjected to be shot. Finally, any unmated human was to be mated to a na’vi upon our reach of maturity. 
At the age of 18, we present, growing into our secondary gender; we would then have two years to adjust before we were to be matted off. We are not allowed to touch down there, any sign of touching down there, and we would be placed in locks until our mateship. At the beginning of Spring, all the 20-year-olds would line up, separated by our class: alpha, beta, and omega. From there, a na’vi will choose which one they wish to mate. This is both Spider and I’s year. Even though we wanted to mate with each other, it was forbidden.
The alpha humans went first, leaving behind the rest to get ready. Several mated na’vi omegas would help us prepare, dressing us in traditional clothing and paints. 
“You look stunning. A good alpha will choose you quickly,” The woman on my right exclaimed.
I have to physically stop myself from rolling my eyes. Instead, I stand there looking forward as they continue to paint my exposed body.
“There are many prime alphas who are your age and are eager to mate.” The woman decorating me in beaded jewelry explains to me.
I ignore them both, silently fuming.
“Come now, you knew this day was coming you’re whole life. Why are you so upset? Every omega dreams of being mated to a strong alpha, and you will not find a stronger mate than a na’vi.” The first one chimes in.
I look at her blankly, “Unless you’re about to be sold off against their will, then shut up,” I drawl, looking away again.
The other looked at me sharply, “You are just a tawtute. You serve no use besides being mated to us. The tawtute blood doesn’t infect our children. Birthing a strong clan, that is all you are good for,” She hissed.
“So you agree that humans are sold off,” I pointed out.
She ignores me, standing up, “She is finished,” Storming out.
The first woman looks at me, eyes filled with pity, “I know that some tawtute do not wish to be mated, but it will happen anyways. It is for the best,” She tries to soothe.
 I look at her, my eyes filled with pain, “Tell that to the four that killed themselves his year to avoid being mated.”
She looks taken aback, as her face mirrors mine, “I pray every day that they are with Eywa, but that doesn’t change today. You will be chosen and mated by Eclipse.” She runs a hand through my hair, “I cannot stop it, and neither can you. All you can do is make the best of it,” She explains, bringing me into a hug.
I feel tears prick at my eyes from all the emotions from today. Slowly, she pulls back, “Now, come, it is time for you to line up.”
I follow her into the room with the rest of the human omegas, only four of us. As no human babies are being born, the numbers will soon dwindle to nothing. The na’vi omegas lined us up and around the group, something they started when humans kept trying to run off. We marched our way down, our faces grim, none of us eager to be mated. Some of us had our eyes on a human to mate. 
As the Tree of Voices was destroyed, this ceremony is done at the Tree of Souls. Every na’vi present looked on with interest and glee, the unmated alphas closest, with their families watching on further behind.
The four of us line up next to each other. We all stare forward, waiting for the Tsahìk to start the ceremony. Mo’at calmly walks forward, leaving a distance in front of us.
“Welcome! It is time for our unmated to choose an omega! Together, they will mate by Eywa and bring strength to the clan!” Mo’at shouts joyfully.
The clan cheers at her words, excited the clan as they wait for the newest members to join them.
Mo’at raises her hand, silencing the crowd, “The number of tawtute is decreasing. Thus, we will do things differently this year.” She pauses, letting them understand her words, “As we have learned, tawtute blood does not mix with na’vi blood, leaving a clean child. We must guarantee that the strongest blood will carry on! Thus, this year, the Olo’eyktan will choose his mate!”
The clan erupted with cheers, excited to hear that their leader would finally have a mate and continue the bloodline.
“Tsu’tey, step forward and choose your omega,” Mo’at calls.
I fight to keep the sneer off my face as I look at the man, who is older than my father, comes into view. Tsu’tey is decorated in the traditional garb that the Olo’eyktan wears. He slowly looks over the four of us, and I lose the battle, sneering at him. He seems startled by my reaction before walking towards me, and the crowd quiets at the scene.
I lean my head back, keeping his gaze, but he seems confused, “Tell me, why do you look at your Olo’eyktan like this?” He demands, his voice quiet so only those near could hear us.
The hatred I felt boiled in my gut, “You are the one that sentenced every human to be mated against their will. Many of us have died because we believed that death was better than this. Four humans took their lives this year. As far as I am concerned, their blood is on your hands.” I growled at him.
The girl next to me gasped, grabbing my hand, fearful of the trouble my tongue would bring.
The Olo’eyktan seemed surprised before schooling his face. He backs off, walking to speak with Mo’at. No one could hear what they said, but their ears and tails showed aggravation.
“This is not over!” Olo’eyktan hissed.
Mo’at ignores his proclamation and simply asks, “Who do you choose?”
 His eyes roam over us before landing on me. Dread filled my core like ice piercing my insides.
“Her,” He muttered. 
Mo’ay grabbed his song cord and walked over to me. She grasped my wrists in her hand and used the song core to make an intricate knot, “The Olo’eyktan chose you. You will birth the next leader of the clan.” Mo’at brings a vial to my lips, forcing me to drink it, the sweet liquid flowing down my throat, “Now follow,” She uses the leftover amount of the song cord to pull me by my bound wrists. She leads me to stand before the Olo’eyktan, “This is the omega you have chosen; your mate will always be the most precious thing to you; now go forth and mate by Eywa’s grace.” Mo’at hands the trail of song cord to the Olo’eyktan before moving to the next omega.
“Come,” He demands, walking off. 
I struggle to keep up with his long legs as he leads me deeper into the forest. The longer we walked, the warmer my body got, like fire burning in my veins, and the smell was better, too. I could smell the Olo’eyktan. A deep musk filled my nose, and the fire burned into an inferno.
I whine as a flash of heat hits my core, causing my knees to buckle. My arms raised over my head as my bound wrist was still in his grasp. I spread my legs as another wave of heat flows through me, slick and dripping down my thighs. 
The Olo’eyktan stops, turning to look at me, “Did the Tsahìk give you something to drink?” He asked concernly.
The words he spoke didn’t register in my mind, only knowing that Alpha was speaking to me. I whine again once I notice his attention moved away from me, wanting Alpha’s gaze back on me. Another wave of heat hits my core painfully, causing me to double over as a flood of slick leaves my throbbing cunt.
“Yawntutsyìp, I know that thinking is hard right now, but I need you to answer me,” His voice came out rushed, “Did it taste bitter or sweet?”
I rack my brain, trying to follow Alpha’s orders, but it feels like my brain is full of molasses. I stare at him, breathing in his scent, until I remember what he was saying, “Sweet,” I answer him. Pleasure filled my core as I obeyed Alpha.
Several curses leave his mouth as he begins to panic, “I am so sorry, Yawntutsyìp, this is not how I wanted it to be,” His eyes were filled with regret.
I cock my head to the side, not understanding his words, only knowing that Alpha is upset. I whine as I lean back, showing off my clothed cunt, my slick leaving it a darker color.
Tsu’tey breaths in deep, and his pupils dilate at the smell, “Oh fuck, you smell good,” He moves as if his body isn’t his own. 
With his large hand, he pushes me down, barring his face between my legs, sniffing again. Using his other hand, he reaches and rips my tewng off of me before delving into my folds. 
I shriek at the pleasure as he licks my cunt from hole to clit, licking up any slick I had produced. Moving his tongue back down, he found where it was coming from. He forced his tongue inside, wiggling it around, trying to get more of my juices.
I open my legs wider, wanting more of Alpha. Once he realizes I’m eager for more, he lets go of my waist; instead, he brings his hand to my cunt, forcing a finger in alongside his tongue. 
I screamed as pleasure crashed through me. I had never felt anything like that before, my legs shaking as they closed around Alpha’s head. The flames didn’t stop. They only seemed to get worse, crawling around and licking at every part of my body, filling me with an awful heat. 
I moan in distress as the flames burn more. Alpha’s scent flows through me, calming me instantly. My legs fall to the side as he continues opening my cunt. He removes his tongue and pushes in a second finger, his tongue lapping at my navel before moving up, stopping at my covered chest. He growled impatiently, tearing off my chest covering, latching onto my tit. I thrust my chest into his face, wanting more of his lips, as he adds a third finger.
I squeal at the burn, wanting more of his fingers, and he pumps them in and out, wiggling them along the way. He goes on doing this, his mouth traveling around my body, placing kisses and bites, leaving marks in his wake.
The coil tightens again, and I know that feeling from before is going to happen again. I thrust my hips, meeting his fingers harshly, as the same pleasure courses through me again. My mouth is open in a silent scream as my vision whites out.
When I come to, I’m on my knees, chest pressed to the moss-covered ground, as Alpha leans over me. His large hand pushed on my back, keeping me down. I raise my hips higher, not knowing why, just that Alpha needed it. 
A deep purr comes from Alpha, happy at my actions. I purr in return, eased by his actions. Slowly, Alpha leans over my back, caging me in his arms, leaning me warm in his embrace. Something hot poked at my cunt, and I flinched at the feeling, nothing that big had ever been near that place.
A low growl came from Alpha, not liking me moving away. He used his body to pin me to the ground more. The hand that was on my back before is now holding my hip. Keeping me in place. 
I whine, leaning my head to the side, exposing my neck to Alpha, apologizing. He purrs again as he nuzzles my throat, right at my scent, glad, inhaling deeply. The Alpha is at my scent gland, and I whine, wanting him to skin his teeth in, making me his; instead, the hot thing from before pokes at my entrance. I stopped myself from moving this time, wanting to please Alpha. 
Slowly, it pushes in, and it burns. I can’t keep myself still as it continues in; bumps push past my entrance, bringing a mix of pain and pleasure. His other hand now wraps around my thigh, forcing me back, and slowly, inch by inch, the pain fades away, and only the pleasure remains. My eyes roll into the back of my head as moans leave my lips, yet more is still forced into me. The stretch is more than his fingers could bring, and it does so deep. 
Alpha hits something deep inside me, not allowing more to go in. Alpha growls at that, trying to force it in deeper. It hits it over and over again, bringing a bruised feeling of pain, but the pleasure overshadows it as something starts to give. Slowly, it gives in, and more in forced in.
I squirm, trying to rock my hips, wanting more of the deep feeling. The bumps from before keep moving, becoming harder, getting stuck inside me, bringing more pleasure. Alpha’s lips move over my scent gland before taking it between his teeth and biting hard, breaking the skin. I scream in pleasure as My Alpha mates with me. Something hits deeper inside me, filling me up, as that feeling washed over for a third time. I can no longer keep my body up; instead, I collapse onto the ground as wetness pours out of me in a stream. My body shakes as the feelings become too much. My vision darkens, but I don’t worry, knowing that my alpha will take care of me permanently.
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So the ending, according to the interview, will be something that the realists may take issue with. So let me play the role of the realist for a bit and ruminate how ep 12 could go down (and let's me see just how much i'll end up surprised by the end of episode 12).
How likely is a full-on takedown of the organization? I don't know how large the Suwa organization is but given the sheer size of the Suwa estate shown in episode 8, the presumably large number of people they employ, and the large sums of money regularly circulating in the underworld, I think it's safe to assume that the scale of their resources, power and operations probably rival some real-world mega corporations. What I'm getting at is it seems unlikely to me, as a realist (:D), that 3 dudes will be able to fully take down this enormous, highly-organized machinery by themselves. Organizations like that do not fall apart just because its head or its arms have been lobbed off. It would be a setback, true, but groups of this complexity adapt like malevolent slime molds, and even if Shigeki is gone, it will just grow a new head.
Now, one could argue that all they really need to do anyway is just John Wick their way in, eliminate Shigeki and it's done as far as our protagonists are concerned--he is the only one, apart from Ogino, that is truly relevant to the predicament our family is in and stands in the way of them being free. But who is to say, that once they killed Shigeki off (if that ever happens) that the organization and what's left of it won't turn on them in retaliation. Again, they have the resources and manpower to make that happen if they so choose to post-assassination. And that is not something Kazuki and Rei should have to deal with if their objective is to be a family that has no entanglements with their former lives of crime.
So considering the aforementioned very realistic take (?), if they cannot fully destroy the Suwa hold, they could either ( A ) go beyond its reach and/or slip through the cracks by going incognito or ( B ) change the organization such that it is rendered incapacitated in some manner or is at least no longer a threat to them. Now for some scenarios:
they could all just fake their deaths in some elaborate scheme that Kazuki and Kyu cook up. Yes, this has been suggested by some posts in the tag. The issue i have with this is just how relentless Shigeki, Ogino and the rest of the organization is. Will they just give up when they don't recover any bodies/corpses?? We've seen how dark and twisted these characters are. It's ideal for our 3 adults because fighting would be minimal, but...it feels too easy (???) I can definitely see them though coming up with such a plan, trying to make it work, but then it fails because, uh, shenanigans, and they end up having to fight and John Wick their way out anyways.
Escape to another country. Again, another suggestion that pops up a number of times. Realistically, we don't really know how vast the organization is. Does it have branches elsewhere outside Japan? It's not outside of the realm of possibility that they do have local outposts/branches or affiliated groups overseas given that the work they do has them putting hits on people who presumably travel the world a lot (ep 1 human trafficker and ep 2 drug king pin come to mind). So even if our family does end up doing this...i feel like they won't be too safe either unless they incapacitate the organization's ability to seek them out in some way.
The aforementioned fall under ( A ). As for (B):
A trojan horse. inspired by episode 1 where Kazuki delivered a cake to infiltrate the Christmas party. Here, the cake/bait could be Rei. Or maybe Rei returns home to deliver a "dead" Kazuki to his boss as a sign of his seriousness in continuing the Suwa legacy...Or something, something, whatever to catch the old man off-guard. But this just gets us inside the organization. We still have the problem of actually dealing with it. Of course, they can just kill everyone and everything that comes after them, but will it ensure their safety post-Shigeki?
the police/law enforcement (lol. i mean this is the most crimeless possibility out there). i mean they could get them involved, but seriously, won't Kazuki, Rei and Kyu just end up incriminating themselves? The organization has a lot of info on a lot of people (see all those files that Kyu gives to Kazuki for their missions as well as all the data from recons, etc.). and I'm sure they have files stowed away on all 3 of them. Plus, the police in Japan, in my limited knowledge of the world, don't necessarily even want to have to take head on some crime syndicates like the yakuza for example irl.
From here on, the possibilities are even more...improbable but i include for their inherent wildness. So, no.3: a mutiny. which will be an unforeseen event (i know, totally out of the blue. but then we don't really know much about the power dynamics/struggles within the group itself, so this is some wild conjecture. Anyway, the VA's did say the ending was unexpected). it could create enough chaos and distraction, totally disrupting the group's entire operations to let our family slip through.
leadership change. (may or may not happen as a consequence of no.3) Maybe after Shigeki is disposed of in some fashion, someone (maybe it's Rei, maybe it's some unknown deus-ex-machina relative/minion) who is at least sympathetic to or tolerant (or even ignorant) of the family takes over. in any case, our trio is off the hook.
some equally powerful external entity who has an axe to grind with the organization attacks. I'm suggesting this based off things Kazuki and Kyu have said about the chance that they are on some hit list because of a grudge or some vendetta. I mean the Suwa must have enemies, right? Realistically speaking. Some of their assassinations (like the human trafficker and the drug kingpin) must have made some powerful people somewhere really mad. idk. Anyway, we are yet to see the underworld consequences of these hit jobs.
These ones fall under (B). I would like to add that the last 4 of these conjectural events can hypothetically explain the presence of mystery guy in the anime op (who is yet to be shown).
Honestly, it can be any variation and/or combination of these. or absolutely none of these, since i went with the realistic route and the ending is supposed to be something realists will end up questioning. For all we know, they could go the simplest route: kill Shigeki, get out and then that's it--to hell with the consequences of the organization still standing. We could also just end up with a time skip, skirting around the topic of what went down. Heck, maybe the anime will even dodge fully resolving it at all (and we'd all have to pray for a season 2).
There is one final possibility though, that seems just bonkers to me:
Shigeki actually lets them go following a one-on-one fight/duel, or a deal, or something else entirely.
Seriously, not gonna happen.
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ffsg0jo · 2 years
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- h q   b o y s   a s   y o u r   c l a s s m a t e s -
hq x gn reader [kuroo,, atsumu,, kageyama,, tsukishima,, akaashi]
WARNINGS: none :) – masterlist
a/n: it’s nearly midnight and im writing this and it’s so shite but ill look over it tomorrow, good night everyone!! i’ve reposted this so hopefully it shows up in the tags now
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KUROO : kuroo’s the annoying chatty classmate that constantly makes subject related jokes and talks to his friends in class, but also manages to get his work done. like how?? it literally doesn’t make any sense. buttt that being said being partnered with kuroo makes lessons so much more fun and you end up retaining a lot of information because of the way he jokes about it. you immediately associate his jokes with facts you need to remember and it works out for you in the long run. all in all he’s a bit annoying but he’s amazing, an 8.45/10.
ATSUMU : sit next to this bitch and you won’t be getting any work done. the both of you paired together is chaos. atsumu is quite social and you and him just feed off of each other’s energy and it’s a constant back and forth between the two of yous. you just mesh really well together and classes with him go by so fast. its like you’ve just sat down and class has ended. he also would talk to you outside of classes and its really cute as well, he’d smile and wave whenever he sees you walking past and even stop to talk. 6/10 because you don’t actually learn much with him but he’s vibes.
KAGEYAMA : its lowkey a little bit awkward, im sorry. thats just the way it is. its not that he ignores you, he doesn’t, but he also makes no effort to talk to you unless it’s because the teacher’s told you to discuss something or if it’s asking questions about the work like ‘oh what’re we doing now?’ there are times where he is visibly confused and has no idea what’s going on and that’s when you swoop in and help him out a bit and nudge him in the right direction. he’s nice to sit next to though, a really sweet, chill and calm guy, 6/10.
AKAASHI : he’s that one classmate you can always rely on for literally everything. you’ll walk into class and he’ll see that you’ve forgotten your pencil case and he’ll slide you a spare pen before you’ve even realised yourself. you miss a lesson and he’s already written a spare set of notes, one with extra details and diagrams to give to you when he sees you next. also you most probably will end up developing a crush on him, he’s just so lovely. he’s such a dependable person honestly, 10/10 classmates, an absolute honour and joy to be paired up with him.
TSUKISHIMA : good luck bestie. unlike kageyama this guy will actively try to ignore you and get his work done by himself as fast as he can, and just sit back and listen to music for the rest of the lesson. whenever you’re paired up to do a group project together he’d immediately say, ‘ill do the first half, you do the second. if you dont want to do it then i’ll do it all by myself’. he’s one of them ones unfortunately. makes no attempts to speak to you outside of the classroom environment, the most he’ll do is give you a nod of acknowledgement. 4.87/10. [pains me because i love tsukki , he’s one of my favourites ;-;]
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© ffsg0jo 2022 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
taglist :: @dukina​ @cupidines​ @kaminarili​ @thegojosimpehe​ @sinumaki​ 
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
Hii :)
Could I request a Marauders x Reader where the Marauders spent a lot of time without her and she feels like they don’t love her anymore or like they are just using her for sex.
But with a happy ending :)
Have a great day !!!
always love you || r.l x j.p x s.b ✧˖*°࿐
summary: the boys have been ignoring you for the past few days, making you wonder what you did wrong.
a/n: my first marauders imagine, IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE TURN IT UP
warnings: poly!relationship, fem!reader, pet names, little angst, mentions of sex BUT NO ACTUAL SEX, crying, lots of fluff, feeling sad??? man idk
word count: idk a lot of words. LMAO SORRY it’s 1,468
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you sat at the gryffindor table with wondering eyes, trying to find where your boyfriends could be as you nibbled on a piece of toast.
they’d usually meet you at breakfast, remus being the first one up, followed by james and then some time later sirius.
but when they never came, your stomach dropped and your mood soured. this was the third time they’ve skipped out on breakfast, and you couldn’t help but think that maybe this was your fault.
the boys loved to eat, no matter how busy or stressed they were, they would always join you for a quick snack.
but not recently.
recently you’ve felt like they’ve been avoiding you.
it was a crazy and paranoid thought, but these past few days have just been proving your suspicion.
“james!” you called out, the speckled boy snapping his head towards you with wide eyes, he looked just like a dear in the headlights.
you made your way through the sea of students, pushing lightly past students to get to the boy.
“hi jamesie” you smiled once you finally got to him, your arms wrapping around his torso out of instinct.
“h-hi” he stutter out, your eyebrows knitting together at his voice change. james never stuttered, unless he was hiding something.
“what’s wrong?”
“i just, havetogo” he rushed out, your arms dropping from his waist as he spun on his heel and walked off.
now you really felt like shit. why was he so jumpy? why was he so nervous? especially around you.
you couldn’t help but think back to the last time you hung out with the boys, the three of them fucking you in a broom closet after classes.
your stomach seemed to sink, not flutter when you thought about your last interaction with them. usually you’d be flustered, a little giggly maybe, but you just felt disgusted.
did you do something wrong during that intimate moment? maybe you did something they didn’t like, or said something that turned them off.
oh my god, did you turn them off? were they no longer attracted to you? is that why james tensed up when you hugged him?
you hadn’t realized you were crying until you felt your face get wet, your hands quickly and aggressively wiping under your eyes.
you didn’t want to jump to conclusions, and decide right there and then that the boys didn’t love you anymore. but it was hard, hard to see anything other than that.
throughout the day you kept yourself busy, going to your dorm to eat and hiding in the library to do your work—not like anyone was looking for you anyways.
“i saw her go in just minutes ago!” sirius whisper shouted, the boys standing outside your door debating on what to do.
they saw you brush past them in the common room without saying a word, no kisses or hugs, no anything.
which was extremely unusual of you. you were always affectionate with them, asking them how their days were while cuddling them in bed, something the boys loved and always looked forward too.
“are you sure?” james asked, sirius thumping him up side the head with a scowl, “of course i am!”
“sirius! knock it off” remus scolded, your boys bickering back and forth with each other—only waking you from your nap.
“i’m going to go in, stay here and don’t kill each other.”
you quickly turned on your side and closed your eyes, pretending you were asleep to avoid any type of interaction.
the door creaked open slowly, making you cringe to yourself as footsteps entered the room.
“y/n? love, are you awake?” remus’s soft voice spoke, the door closing behind him as he made his way over to the bed.
“pup, i know when you’re sleeping” he said, the mattress dipping as a hand cupped the side of your face.
“i’m sleeping” you mumbled, sarcasm laced in your words as you turned to stuff your face in the pillow.
remus’s face twisted in confusion, surprised by your sudden attitude towards him. you never acted like that towards him. james? somethings if he got on your nerves but it was rare. sirius? all the time.
but you never dared to with remus. he was the more gentle and soft one of the three boys, always giving you the opportunity to explain yourself and tell him what’s going on.
“what’s the problem, pup? why the attitude?” he asked, not wanting his temper to get the best of him.
something was obviously bothering you, he needed to comfort you, not snap at you for the way you were talking to him.
“do you love me anymore?”
your voice was muffled by the pillow but remus could hear you clearly, his heart dropping as soon as those words had left your mouth.
“do i love you anymore?! of course i do, i’ve never stopped. what made you think i didn’t?”
his hand dropped to your arm, urging you to look at him. but when you did, his stomach dropped when he saw the tears clouding your glossy eyes.
“oh baby” he cooed, not wasting anytime in bringing you into a much needed hug, his warming embrace comforting you immediately, “don’t cry, darling. just tell me what’s been on that pretty little mind of yours, tell me how i can help.”
“you’ll think i’m stupid...” you mumbled, hiding your face in his chest as wet tears stained his school shirt.
“you aren’t stupid, puppy. and neither are your feelings” he assured, his large hand resting on the small of your back while the other stroked your hair, something that always calmed you.
“i just...i-i thought you fell out of love with me because you’ve been avoiding me. not intentionally i guess, but james was definitely odd with me, l-like he didn’t want to be around m-me” your voice cracked, the thought of your boys not loving you back clouding your thoughts.
remus sighed lowly after your mini rant, your heart clenching as you couldn’t help but look up at him.
“w-what?” you asked, really not wanting to know what he had to say, as you only feared for the worst.
“james wants to be around you, everyone does. but i told him to stay away” he said, your eyebrows knitting together as your mouth opened slightly, but remus had cut you off, “you know jamesie can’t keep a secret for the life of him.”
“mhm” you nodded, “b-but what secret?”
“our anniversary is coming up—me, padfoot and prongs wanted to surprise you with a nice, relaxing dinner in the astronomy tower. i just didn’t want james accidentally ruining the surprise—but, i guess i just did that, didn’t i?” remus laughed to himself, his explanation making your heart swell but break at the same time.
they were planning a dinner for you? you felt like shit, instead of letting them do their thing without question, you assumed the worst. you assumed they didn’t love you anymore and were only using you for one thing, sex.
“i’m sorry, remus” you whispered, his eyes widening as he quickly comforted you. “no, pup. you have no reason to be sorry.”
“b-but i-”
“did nothing wrong. you had every right to get upset, i should’ve taped prongs mouth shut instead of keep him away” he said, half joking as you giggled stiffly.
“so...you aren’t mad?” you asked, your boyfriend tucking a piece of lose hair behind your ear before kissing the tip of your nose.
“i could never be mad at you, pup. i love you so much.”
“i love you too, remus” you smiled, cuddling into his chest as he hugged you tightly.
“can we come in now?”
“almost forgot about those knuckle heads” remus mumbled, another giggle leaving your lips as your two boys entered the room.
“everything okay in here, pup?” james asked, a pout on his face when he noticed the tears stained into your cheeks.
“now it is” you smiled assuringly, ushering for him to join you along with sirius.
“although i think you look hot covered in tears, i don’t like you feeling unloved” sirius said, speaking up as he sat next to you, his hand column to on your back.
“i never said unloved...just-”
“hey, it was only a few days” remus cut off, the pad of his thumb running under your eye softly, “but i promise you we’ll do everything for you to feel included. even if that involves planning a date for our girl.”
“which, just by the way, i didn’t spoil this time!” james pointed out, a smile on your face as remus shoved him playfully.
“you all owe me kisses from the last three days” you said, turning around in remus’s lap so you could toss your legs over sirius’s thighs, a warm smile on his face.
“we’ll do more than that, pup. don’t you worry.”
marauders tag list 🏷 @fjorelaant @drachoesimp @msmb @pinkandblueblurbs @roonilwazlibswhore @dlmmdl @dagirlintheback @onyourgoddamnleft @moonyinthelight @iamnibbsi @samineisntmyname @amourtentiaa @elizabethrosedarling @authorb @justasmolballofstress @persephonestoad @letmereadpls @escapingrealitybyreading
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phoebeprufrock · 2 years
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Chapter 8: Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark
Pairing: F/M, Midge/Lenny (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) Rating, Chapter(s), WC: Rated M, Chapter 8/22 is 3.7K Tags: #Romance #Medium-speed burn #Mild Hurt/Comfort #Fluff #Humor #Canon-adjacent Warnings: #canon-typical drinking and smoking #mentions of drug use #Palladinos-typical chaos #Susie-typical swearing #self-indulgent descriptions of Europe Chapter summary: Unpleasant traveling occurs, Midge and Lenny have a conversation, and a lot of food is discussed. Previous chapter | Chapter 1
Read on AO3 or see commentary and author notes after the break.
This chapter marks the beginning of the angstier part of the story, Midge and Lenny have a lot of stuff to work through and they haven't really faced any of it yet... But rest assured, it won't veer into particularly more angsty than the show has been so far, and it will still be funny (though that's mostly dependent on my writing, lol). They're off to London next chapter, and it's something a little bit different - but I've had a really great time writing it, so I hope you'll like it too.
Here's a picture of the Nyhavn harbor (where they have gløgg on their first night) in 1958:
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And today, so you can see the colorful houses:
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The first picture - the only one I could find of the time - is taken a bit further down from where the bars are, so the second one is closer to where they actually are. It's a truly beautiful place, and it's the most photographed place in the city for a reason. I had to put them somewhere nice to compensate for the Rostock-Gedser ferry, which is the absolutely worst place I've ever been in and unfortunately also the most convenient way to go from Germany to Denmark without taking a plane.
Onto my food rant!
Danish(es?): Okay, technically, they do have danish pastries in Denmark, but a) it’s not what they’re called; b) they’re fairly different from what you’d get in the US when you ask for a Danish (why you would even put cream cheese on puff pastry is beyond me…); and most importantly c) clueless Midge is my favorite Midge.
Frikadeller: the burger/meatball they’re eating is called frikadeller. It’s not strictly a street food, though most hot dog vendors also have them, and it’s genuinely delicious and the healthy kind of greasy.
Gløgg: listen, gløgg/mulled wine in general is a very polarizing subject, but I am firmly in the camp that the best one is the Danish one (don’t @ me Germans). The spice blend is exceptional, and getting to eat the boozy nuts and raisins at the bottom is an excellent treat.
Smørrebrød: alright, I’ll just say it: smørrebrød is disgusting. it’s not just that danish bread is gross and frankly, shouldn’t count as bread (it’s a moist patty of grains?! It’s brown and has like, four different consistencies?! THAT'S NOT BREAD), but there’s not a single topping that’s acceptable food. There’s like a weird fried fish thing that’s not too evil, but then all the sauces are either sour or generally gross. 0/10, would not recommend unless you've lost your taste buds.
Roast duck: my Danish friend’s mom made it for me once and it was the absolutely most delicious thing I’ve ever had. I’m talking crunchy skin, layers of nice melt-in-your-mouth fat, and tender, savory meat that goes perfectly with that sweet berry sauce. To this day I have no clue what kind of berry Danes put in their sauce - or rather, I have no idea what they're called. All I know is, they're red and I've never seen them outside of Scandinavia. It’s a shame traditional Danish restaurant in Copenhagen are all ridiculously expensive or bad, because their dinner food is really, really, really good.
Bonus, a pic of the famous Malmö windmill:
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I have no idea why it's there, but everyone always goes, "Oh, a windmill!" like it's the most incredible thing they've ever seen. Although it's probably because it's just sitting there in the middle of a city park.
As always, thank you for reading, and I'll see you in London!
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laurie-stark · 3 years
Get up and get out
Summary: Sort of part two to Unwanted. A year after fighting in Germany, y/n has to deal with the insufferable Peter Parker being around the house all the time. 
Pairings: Peter Parker x stark!reader, tony stark x daughter!reader, Natasha Romanoff x daughter!reader. 
Warnings: swearing, angst? i guess? mentions of blood. mentions of panic nightmares 
A/N: Again, I want to make it very clear so there isn’t any confusion: Y/n is Tony’s biological child, however, being raised also by Natasha, Steve and Pepper, she calls them Muma, Pops and Mom. Hopefully that makes sense LOL oh and also i’ve never written like...kiss scenes before so just go with it okay?
He was here again. Third time this week that he has come barging into my home and taken over my training center. Okay, to be fair, it was not my training center but still. Peter Parker will never stop being a pain in my ass. Ever since that stupid trip to Germany, he has been coming over and training for hours, or working with Dad. Three times just this week I’ve had to endure listening to Peter talk with his stupid little voice and walk around my house like he owns the place. Who does he think he is? And every time I have to sit through another dinner of Dad blabbing on and on about what a miraculous boy he is.
               “Really y/n, I think you two would be great friends,” I rolled my eyes as I picked at my dinner. The rest of the family ate in silence around the table. The last thing I wanted to do is spend more time with stupid Spider-boy. On the afternoons when he was here, I tried my best to stay out of his way. I would stay on my floor and he stays on his. Simple. I don’t need a new friend.
“…And he’s coming by again tomorrow, so I was thinking of showing him A.P.R.I.L. if you wanted to join us-” Dad continued.
What the hell? I thought. “No!” I snapped. “No way. A.P.R.I.L. is mine, I don’t want him messing with her.” Dad frowned at me. The rest of the table looked up in my direction. My shoulders tensed up as I faced my father. A.P.R.I.L. is my baby and I was ready to go toe to toe with him if I needed too.
“What do you mean no? I thought you’d be excited to share that with him,” he started.
“Well I’m not, so back off,” I sneered. The shift in his expression made me want to bite my own tongue. “Please.”
“I seriously do not understand what your problem is. You’ve been complaining for years how there’s only adults but the second a kid your age comes by you’re all “oooh no don’t talk to me Peter!””
I scoffed. “Sorry, I guess I just don’t want to bother you and your new best friend.”
“There it is. Why are you so jealous of him? He’s not that cool. He hasn’t made a fully functioning A.I at the age of 15. He just spits sticky stuff out of his fingers. Honestly y/n, you’re making zero sense right now.”
“Whatever, I’m over this,” I said, pushing my chair back from the table. I grabbed my untouched dinner plate and headed towards the kitchen. “I’m not hungry. And don’t show him A.P.R.I.L., I mean it!” I dumped my plate in the sink and marched right down the hall towards the elevators. My dad was right. I wasn’t making any sense. Ever since I made A.P.R.I.L I’ve used every excuse I could find to shove her down people’s throats. Anyone who would listen to me, I would tell them. Tell them all about how I programmed her to have realistic personality. How she’s running through the walls of this place, through my room, even inside the bracelet I never take off. All I knew is that I didn’t want Peter Parker anywhere near her.
I shut the door to my hard, and flopped onto my bed. A.P.R.I.L. reminded me that slamming the doors usually results in a punishment. I acknowledged her with a half-hearted grunt. I started programming A.P.R.I.L. when I was thirteen. Or rather, reprogrammed. A.P.R.I.L. was made from an older prototype version of F.R.I.D.A.Y. The base stuff was already there, I just moved some things here, recoded there until she was perfect. I don’t know why I got so defensive about Peter meeting her. Or why I had to pick another fight with my dad.
It was easier these days. To fight him, I mean. I suppose I never got over the whole “Peter is better, I choose him over you, blah, blah” thing as much as I thought I did. So, I would pick fights. Fighting over Peter was the simplest way to go, considering he was the reason I was so angry in the first place. Sometimes we would fight over him, other times we would fight over silly things. Like how I keep forgetting not to put my coffee grounds in the garbage disposal. Most of the time it was all just bickering that would blow over in thirty minutes, give or take. Sometimes it was explosive, like today.  I took in a shaky breath and sprawled out across my sheets. Sometimes this family is a fucking nightmare.
Dad didn’t come by this time. It threw me off for a second because he always comes by. Even if it’s six hours later and neither of us should be awake, he still comes by with a box of milk duds that we share in silence before one of us apologizes first. That’s how we work. When it finally sunk in that he was not planning on coming, I put A.P.R.I.L. on the job. I figured perhaps he left the compound, maybe took Mom for a nighttime stroll.
“Your father is on floor B, Miss Stark,” A.P.R.I.L. informed me.
“Jesus A.P.R.I.L., how many times have I said to cut the formalities,” I muttered.
“My apologies, y/n.”
Floor B. What the hell is he doing on floor B at…12:00 in the morning? Floor B is strictly for members of household and other Avengers. There are a billion different training rooms down there. Weight rooms, boxing, a huge pool, stuff like that. Not to taint his image, but I can safely say the last time my father willingly worked out for fun was probably before I was even born. Why was he down there? Unless…
“A.P.R.I.L. who else is on floor B right now?” I asked. “Throw it on the hologram, would you dear?
The sounds of the hologram starting filled the room. A.P.R.I.L. pulled up the security map of floor B, like I’d asked. There was my dad, floor B in the boxing room of all places. Pops and Sam looked to be going at it in another one of the combat training rooms. My confusion only rose when another nametag popped up on the screen. My brows furrowed.
Peter Parker
What was he doing here? Why was he boxing? Why was he not in his own home at midnight on a Thursday? My mind was spinning with questions. A knock at my door startled me.
“Come in…”
Natasha popped her head through the doorway. “Hey there…whatcha doing kid?”
I swiftly swiped away the hologram screen and sat up straight. “Nothing. What’s up?”
“Well, we’re getting a little worried about you,” she said. We being everyone else at the table who had to witness my brawl with Dad. She sat down beside me. “You haven’t fought back like that in a long time and I’ve noticed you’re fighting with him a lot recently. You want to tell me what that’s all about?”
I wanted too. God, I wanted too. I hadn’t told anyone what my father said to me that day after the airport, not even my mom. But it didn’t matter. I’d get over it sooner or later, so there was no point troubling anyone else with my problems…right? My eyes started to well up but I blinked away the tears. “No. Everything’s fine,” I put on a smile.
Natasha tucked me in under her arm. “Okay then. Maybe tomorrow.” That was Muma for you. She never pushed me to talk but knew I would come around at some point. In the meantime, she just held me. I cried into her embrace. She let me cry into her shoulder for a long while, until I was empty. After a time, I let go and she got up, giving me a kiss on the head before wishing me a good night.
I rubbed my hands over my face, brushing off any remaining tears. “A.P.R.I.L. bring the hologram back up please.”
“Are you sure y/n?”
Peter was still in the boxing room but my father was not. Upon further digging, I found the nametag reading Tony Stark on my floor. He’d gone to bed. I pondered to myself as to whether or not I should venture downstairs. What is the worst thing that could happen? Peter is secretly a Hydra spy and kills me? No, I shook my head. Don’t be ridiculous. Another minute passed and I’d made up my mind.
“A.P.R.I.L. engage “I am definitely here”,” I commanded.
“”I am definitely here” protocol engaged. Volume minimized to 5% and your tracking tag will be pinned to this room,” A.P.R.I.L. responded. “Good luck on your mission small agent.”
“Oh shut up,” I chided. I closed the door to my room as softly as I could. It was nearly one in the morning, most of the hall would be asleep. Or at least they should be. The hallway was silent, except for the soft noise of my socks padding along the floor. I cursed myself for looking so ridiculous. If anyone caught me, I could easily say that I was just getting a midnight snack. Not sneaking down to spy on Spider-bitch. Boy. Whatever. Sneaking added to the excitement.
I made it downstairs all in one piece. Steve and Sam nearly passed me in one of the halls, but I had ducked into a briefing room. I could totally be a spy. Maybe I’m a Hydra spy. I thought. And they sent me here as a baby to take down the Avengers from the inside. What was I going on about? This was why I should really be in bed, I was clearly delirious. Once again, distracting myself in my thoughts led to me getting startled. I hadn’t even realized I was outside the boxing room. I would have walked right in if not for the handy wall that I smacked into.
Peter was in the ring, practicing his punches. He’d lowered down one of the punching bags from the ceiling and it was close to ripping at the seams. He was really going ham on it. The questions piled on. So, he came over to my house at midnight to…train? Something he had all afternoon today to do? God, he was weird. I suppose I didn’t quite know what I was going to get myself into when I finally walked in to confront him.
“What are you doing?” I asked, arms folded tightly across my chest.
Peter started and looked down at me. Sweat was dripping down his face. He looked exhausted. “Training,” he said bluntly. He returned to treating the punching bag like it had run over his dog.
“At one in the morning? And after you spent like six hours today doing just that?” I was not letting him off that easy. Peter ignored me and continued punching. “Your form is shit.” I mocked.
That made him stop. “Funny coming from the girl who never leaves her room. When have you ever trained? Like ever?”
“I still beat your ass.”
“Yeah like, a year ago when I was barely an avenger.”
I rolled my eyes. “You still aren’t.”
“What do you want?” Peter spat.
I shrugged. “Dunno.” I stared him down with a smug look on my face.
“You are always such a bitch, you know that?”
I faked a pout. “Aw…bite me.”
Peter was chewing the inside of his cheek in anger. “If you’re going to stay here and pester me, you might as well get a few punches in.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Consider it a rematch.”
I studied his physique for a moment. He’d grown a lot since Germany. He’d also trained a lot since then as well. I had done little of either. I knew that entering that ring would probably end up with me losing my dignity and maybe even a tooth. But I was not going to let him stand there with his stupid, sweaty face and get away with it. This is not a good idea, I thought as I took off my socks. I moved the ropes and stepped into the ring, standing a foot in front of the boy.
“I’ll still win.”
“No powers either.”
“Deal.” Not like I’ve touched my powers since…since the incident.
Peter took his stance and I did my best to mirror him. I realized in that moment that I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know the first thing about boxing. Or sparring. I didn’t know how to fight without my powers. Oh, sweet Jesus.
We kept our distance at first, fists up. He threw a few punches and missed. I followed in suit. I finally got the first hit, a nice throw to his chest. He took it like a champ and didn’t flinch. Or rather, I couldn’t hit for shit and it didn’t hurt. He threw a punch to my left, only to miss on purpose and punched me square across my jaw. Ow. I chuckled lowly. The taste of blood filled my mouth from the fresh cut on my lip. I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth. All I could see was white rage.
Forget form, forget rules, forget everything. I lunged at him with everything I had. Lunged at him for all the bullshit he had brought into my life. For all the bitter things I had to hear my father say that weren’t even Peter’s fault. He was clearly not expecting my attack because we both fell to the ground. We fought tirelessly on the mat. He was physically stronger than me, so by default he was winning. He wrestled me until I was pinned under him. One hand was pinning my hand above my head, the other arm pinning down my body. In any other circumstances I would be amused to find myself in such a scandal. I looked in his eyes briefly and I could already tell he thought that he was winning. If there’s one thing I learned from Nat, it’s to always step on their moment. I hooked my leg around his knee and used all my force to flip us over. I had him pinned down now, my hair falling around my face. We were both breathing heavily.
“Told you,” I taunted. I was mentally preparing him to punch back but he didn’t. He snapped his arms out from under me and shoved me off him, hard. I fell back against the mat. He rose to his feet, brushing his hands off on his pants. “What the hell?” I exclaimed. I jumped to my feet while his back was turned to me and gave him a taste of his own medicine. He stumbled a few steps after I pushed him. Slowly, he stretched back up to reach his full height.
“You’re right,” he turned to face me and extended a hand. “Shake on the truce?” I took his hand, accepting his surrender. Only, he was not really surrendering. The moment my hand touched his, he yanked me towards him. I tripped over my feet and fell into him. My chest crashed onto his. The world was a blur as he grabbed me with force and spun us around, so he could push me up against the ropes of the ring.
“Stop, Peter get off me you bitch!” I fought back. I flailed my whole body around, trying to break loose. One hand reached up to grab the back of my head, pulling my hair and forcing my head back. I froze. His face was dangerously close to my exposed neck. His shift let my opposite arm break free. I took a breathe and reeled it back, ready to smack him in the across the face. He caught my wrist in time without taking his eyes off mine.
He lowered his head to whisper in my ear, “I win.” His breathe trickled down my neck. He had won, but he wasn’t moving. One hand was still in my hair, the other was pinning me against the ropes. His chest breathed heavily against my own. His grip on my head loosened slightly and I was able to look him straight on. He had that same smug look pasted across his face. His eyes moved from mine, trailing down my face, my neck, my body, before they settled on my lips. I momentarily lost the ability to breathe.
He kissed me hard. I tensed up slightly before giving into him completely. It tasted like blood and sweat and I felt like I was losing my mind. He pulled me closer, if that was even possible and claimed my mouth with his until my knees gave out. A newfound wave of warm washed through me. The hand in my hair gave a slight tug and my lips parted while that same hand moved to cup my jaw. For all I knew, the entire compound was wide awake and watching but I did not care. I brought my fingers to his hair, tugging at the ends. I smiled cunningly when he groaned into my mouth. He kissed me greedily and fully. Like he hated me. And I hated him.
We broke apart, limbs numb and chests heaving. The moment had passed, and our actions sunk in. What. The. Fuck. He lifted the ropes for me, and I climbed out of the ring. My head was still spinning from that kiss and my lip stung. Consequences I suppose, for kissing someone with a busted lip. I silently pulled my socks back on and Peter handed me a towel. Neither of us said another word. I left the room and didn’t look back. I could hear him behind me, but I was in no rush to have to look him in the eye ever again. What just happened?
 I woke the next morning to A.P.R.I.L. alerting me that “Father Dearest” was outside my door. He came in and sat on the edge of the bed. We both stayed quiet for a while.
I spoke first. “Where were you last night? You didn’t come by after…” I let my words trail off.
“I was going to, I swear. But then something came up with Peter and I had to go take care of that,” Dad answered.
I frowned. “Typical. Peter over your own flesh and blood, right?”
Dad inhaled sharply like he was going to bite back, but changed his mind. “That’s not true and you know it. Peter is…he’s going through something and I knew how to help him. Not everything is about you, you narcissist,” He said, joking at the end.
I had to push down my own smile. “Yeah well where do you think I got it from?” I sat up and leaned into my father. He brushed a hand down my back. “So, what’s wrong with Peter then?”
“I really shouldn’t tell you, it’s personal.” I looked up at him with my doe eyes. He rolled his eyes and sighed, nodding a silent defeat. I felt like I was nine again and he was gossiping with me about the latest secretary. Like every fight had been forgotten in this moment. “He’s been having some nightmares ever since DC. You remember the ones we used to get after Loki?” I nodded. “Now you, you always amazed me at how you handled those. But for me and Peter, we needed a different outlet. So, I let him come over in the middle of the night. I didn’t think anyone would notice.” I hummed in response, not sure what to make of that information. I mean, I kind of felt bad for the guy. He was still a bitch, but those dreams suck. No one should have to deal with them. “He really isn’t as bad as you think, you know.”
“Yeah,” I hummed. “I think you’re right.”
tag list:
@runawayolives @ creation-magician @ eridanuswave @ markhyucksmells @ beep-beep-losersclub
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klaineownsmysoul · 3 years
I just can't believe that there are people who still believe every single word a public figure/celebrity says, most of the time they LIE. Did C lie about some fans harassing his bf? I have no clue, but if someone was indeed harassing him, that is just not correct. There are crazy fans in every fandom. If people still believe every post or tweet is posted personally by the celebrity, they are just naive and gullible. I don't believe in CC, but that's just my opinion. I do believe D is closeted and just because he posts something or says something nice about someone doesn't mean he actually thinks that, it is most likely PR, just like the unnecessary refurbishment of RR's house. People should wake up and not believe everything they see on the internet. Side note: I couldn't even get mad at yesterday's show because everything is just so ridiculous and bad-acted that it's funny.
At this point, if you aren't side-eyeing basically everything that comes out of Hollywood, you are just willfully ignorant. Its all calculated to a specific end and they don't think twice about contradicting their past selves if it serves a current narrative. Case in point: C saying towards the end of glee that he had no idea who D was when he joined the show when there's a whole interview of him talking about seeing D in AVPM way back when. Like season 2 back when. That's just a blatantly obvious, easily disproved and stupid lie. With regards to this podcast mess - I haven't listened to it and I wasn't on tumblr for most of glee's run so I wasn't really privy to a lot of the goings on that happened bts. Can I believe that there were people who crossed the line of fandom and behaved like assholes? Yes, definitely because it still happens. That kind of behavior is not exclusive to the glee fandom. You will find people like that everywhere. Whether or not they did exactly what he said they did - only he knows that for sure. Its a weird thing to bring up now 6 years after the show has ended as it effectively (and unfairly) paints a bullseye on a specific group. I'm not sure what he was hoping to achieve with this. The CC people that I've interacted with here are lovely and would never in a million years even think of things that horrible. Keep your thoughts and opinions to your own little blog and you don't tag the person in your post - its as simple as that. Who are these nobodies who have that much power that they think they can get a complete stranger fired? If they did indeed behave this way, then that is appalling, completely batshit crazy, and unacceptable - they need professional help. Its not funny, its scary. There's no need for that ever. At the end of the day, its his life and what he does with it and who he spends it with is his business. There's a pretty simple solution if you don't like the person anymore or don't like what they are doing: you can simply stop following them. You don't need to engage in some sort of bizarre smear campaign that has real world implications. Remember all those toxic twitter teens who were ready to draw and quarter D a few months back over that nearly 10 year old pic of him or a comment just as old? The awful things they said about him, the nonstop tagging of him and the flooding of every one of his SM posts with their bullshit? The "you're dead to me if you choose to remain a fan of his" ultimatums? I do! That's the kind of stuff that drives celebs away from SM and ruins it for the rest of us that know how to behave. You're creating an issue where there wasn't one and that's sort of what C did here with his comments.
From my point of view, the issue with C and D's SOs isn't so much that they are with other people, but more to the kind of people they seem to be. I don't know much frankly about W. He's not shoved in my face 24 hours a day and a hovering annoying presence at everything C does. You'll find more pics of C solo or with AF than you will with W. That's why he bothers me less and why D takes more criticism on this. But from what I've heard about him, he's said and posted some pretty awful things in the past and if people choose to not like him because of that, that seems valid to me. As fans, we can only judge celebs by what they say and do and our perception of them - its all we have. My dislike of M is not because she's with D and I'm a super jealous old spinster. And its not because I'm a self hating misogynist. Its because of the way she clings to D and his career while doing nothing on her own, the way she uses him for her own selfish purposes, and the hypocritical way she claimed to not to want to be in the public eye but yet shadows D at every event he goes to because it means cameras and photos and recognition as his wife. That tacky awful commercialized wedding was the last straw for me because I haven't been able to hold my tongue since. And if you follow someone long enough, you can get a pretty good idea of when they're being genuine and when they're bullshitting you or in D's case, when its him posting something and when its a member of his team. For example: where he supposedly proposed. By lying about it - either then or now - you've created a mess that didn't previously exist. Its a fairly simple straightforward statement that most people get right the first time: where they asked their SO to marry them. D says Japan, RR says D called him saying he wanted to do it when he was outside a bathroom in Miami. So the answer is either a) D b) RR c) none of the above. I'm going to go with c, thanks. Unless RR is going to come back and say that D decided to ask her in Miami but then waited until they were physically in Japan to do the asking, I'm going to go with neither of you are right and the reason D blew off the question every time he was asked about it by saying he didn't want to bore us is that you hadn't come up with a good enough and believable story yet. Much like the engagement ring that hadn't been locked down until RR could find a designer willing to make a ring with a diamond big enough to soothe her ego and give off the pretense of being legit. He probably put more effort into that than anything in D's career in the last 5 years. Do I think that RR did help D at one point when he was starting out with gigs, jobs, things like that? Sure. No problem. And maybe they were friends and liked to hang out and jam together. But do I also think that D has outgrown him personally and professionally at this point? Hell fucking yes. He needs a grown up to take his career to the next level and RR is not that person. He completely failed to capitalize on all the awards and well deserved hype D got from ACS and for that alone, he should have been fired. He needs someone who wants to do the work because they understand the rare find they have in D and that their job is to promote him, not themselves. The IOU ep was nothing but a self serving hour of D trying to make RR look and sound like he's not a complete waste of space on top of getting a cut of his fee as his manager. If you look at D's page on the very sad H/yphenate website, you will see the 3 biggest roles D's had are not listed. No Blaine. No Hedwig. No ACS. But oddly enough, a mention of his record deal with Columbia, which I thought went kaput ages ago and his hosting of the Teen Choice Awards in 2013. You know - the big times. Why? I'm going to assume its because he got those roles without RR's help so he doesn't want them there and what does that tell you? It should tell you everything. This is why your manager should be your manager and your friends should be your friends. Its like a parent who wants to be their
child's friend instead of the authority figure they need.
Too much of D's SM has the look and feel of pr and useless ads and just flat out nonsense and that falls squarely under RR's domain. He's a 34 year old man with an established career, not a 21 year old newbie just starting out but his SM doesn't reflect that in any way, shape, or form. The sooner D can cut his losses and break free, the better off his career will be, the more adult he will sound, and the happier I will be.
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 14
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 14
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1976
Summary: Once more, a moment at the bar shifts the relationship between Sam and the reader irrevocably. 
Warnings: angst, FLUFF, swearing, s l o w  b u r n, this section has a little gentle smut 
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           It was sweet, actually, taking things slowly enough that Sam didn’t feel an acute sense of betraying Dean. You started kissing in stolen moments like teenagers, accidentally honking the horn of the Impala before taking over from the day shift and walking in shyly with swollen lips and mussed hair, tasting the orange juice off of his lips after breakfast.
           Never more than that save a fumbled glancing grope here or there, Sam sometimes having to break away for a long walk in the brisk winter air before going to sleep with you at night, you taking extended showers to deal with the building tension. He simply wasn’t ready, and the additional closeness was already so much more than you’d had anyway, almost too much stimulation to handle. Not that it really made sense to you, that this was somehow different in his mind, but it didn’t matter.
           Dean came to you in your dreams with increasing regularity. He started teaching you how to go to places you hadn’t been, or hadn’t been with him, slowly reconstructing the bar and the cabin so you could show him around your new life. Sam had been right, of course, and Dean did love the bar as you showed it to him, scuffed floors and ever-present stickiness of the cash register included.
           It felt pretty real. And who’s to say it wasn’t, because it was really Dean and it was really you, the whiskey really poured and made his lips taste peaty like they always had. More than that, it was enough. You were able to relish your time together, drink Dean in while you slept feeling less desperate knowing that you’d see him again soon. The days got easier too, waking up warm inside from Dean and outside from the firm protection of Sam’s body. Neither Winchester ever told you what they did or talked about in their time together, but Sam got looser and looser. You had almost forgotten how goofy he could be, how enthusiastic and fun he was Before Everything, but the longer he spent dreaming with Dean the more he reminded you of that guy—the affectionate, quick-witted boy you’d split cans of Spaghetti-o’s with at Bobby’s a lifetime ago.  
           Going to work felt like a little game sometimes. Periodically one of the customers would comment on the way Sam always seemed to wait until you were right in front of the fruit before going to refill it so he had to press the length of his body against yours. Often you’d have to help him finish his side work before closing up together, having hung off him all night in a way that prevented him from getting everything done until it was just the two of you together in the darkened bar cutting up limes as your shoulders brushed against each other. The regulars thought you were finally comfortable enough to show them a little PDA, that you’d been secretly like this all along, and there was no other explanation you could give them. Like everything else, you rolled with their assumptions and got that same giddy-hot feeling in your chest and throat every time they said it—like you were being teased about some juvenile crush.
           The Wednesday it finally happened you were having a normal day at work, catching those little jabs after Sam snaked a bottle opener out of your back pocket while you rattled a shaker of martinis. He kissed your hair with a smirk when he passed by you, carefully not jostling your arms as you poured the drinks into chilled glassware. When you went to refill Joe’s pint of Spotted Cow, you noticed the tap start to stutter and foam the last dregs of an empty keg and raised your head to tell Sam it was out.
           He was leaning on his elbow, ankles crossed where the long stretch of his body met the floor and talking to Jake, clearly telling some joke from the way Jake cracked up and gave him that snapping handshake men often exchange instead of hugs. The smile on his face was just smug enough to show he knew whatever he’d said was funny, and more than anything he looked relaxed, looked comfortable. Looked like he belonged there, the reflection off green glassed whiskey bottles making his eyes seem lit from within. You decided to change the beer yourself and leave him in peace; the bar was slow enough that he could handle it alone for a few minutes, limited cocktail experience or not.
           Every time you went into the basement at work to change a keg you were amazed that Sam even fit in the room where they were stored; it was back at the end of the walk-in cooler with ceilings so low even you felt claustrophobic there. Aluminum kegs in varied states of fullness stacked by their respective lines, marked by stickers and tags of indeterminate ages, were in a sort of half-organization around the walls. Based on how fast Sam changed them when one went empty, you were pretty sure he would know instinctively which ones were which, but as it was you had to climb around the makeshift aluminum jungle gym to trace each looping hose back to its source. You finally found the empty Spotted Cow and the line that would tie it to its respective tap in the corner. To get there you’d had to hop on top of two others, one foot on a fresh Bud Light and the other on some Coors while your spine curved to avoid hitting your head on the ceiling. Unfastening the tap from the empty keg, you yanked back to tug it off and slipped on some extra moisture on top of the metal. It sent you off balance enough that you grabbed at the tubing at the end of the tap you were holding in an effort to stay on your feet.
           The hose pulled out of the line system and sprayed the rest of the beer within all over the room and you, brown ale getting in your mouth and eyes and sending you careening to the ground, tugging the empty keg on top of you with a huge clatter. You rolled it off of you, thanking God it was empty, and tried not to think too hard about the age of the beer remnant mixture leeching off the cement floor into your t shirt as you got up. By the time you got back to your feet, Sam was standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath with a look of concern on his face.
           “Are you okay? What happened?” he asked, surveying the scene.
           You still had the keg tap and hose in your hand, completely detached from the wall. “I was going to change the Spotted Cow but I couldn’t reach the back so I had to climb and then I…slipped.” Sam’s face smoothed in relief when he saw the smile spreading across your face. “And broke it.”
           “But you’re okay?”
           “Probably going to have a pretty kickass bruise tomorrow and I’m covered in beer but yeah, I’m okay. Sorry I pulled it out; do you know how to fix it?”
           Sam smiled, his dimples carving into his cheeks. “I’ll figure it out.”
           You pouted around your embarrassment and sheepishly handed him the tap. “I should probably get back upstairs,” you offered, shaking your wet shirt away from your body.
           “I’m, uh, I’m ready.” Sam murmured, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.
           “Do you need me to go get tools or something?”
           “No—I mean, like, ready.” He raised his eyebrows meaningfully and the emphasis crashed into you hard enough that it almost sent you careening back into the kegs.
           “Ready ready?” you breathed, sounding stupid and not caring, wanting to bound over and leap into Sam’s arms.
           “Ready read—” and Sam was cut off by your lips on his, taking a sharp inhale against your cheek as he kissed you. After a beat of electric shock Sam twined into the hair at the nape of your neck, his fingers hot from washing dishes and soothing in the air of the cooler. You slid down the soft flannel of his shirt and wrapped up fistfuls of it, desperate to have him closer, closer, closer, feel the firm slopes of his body when you weren’t sleeping. He groaned into you and it sent a shudder down your spine as you slipped down the edge of his jaw to kiss along the broad expanse of his neck, tendons squirming under your lips and the thrum of his blood pumping fast and hard.
           Sam moved a hand to your lower back and bent down to scoop under a hamstring, gently but swiftly lifting and spinning so you were pressed up against the doorframe by his body, hitched up in the air to better reach his face. You gasped and felt Sam’s smile against your mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist and greedily roaming the muscles in his chest as they flexed to carry you. The way the wall pinned you to Sam made it so easy to rock into him, feel the metal of his belt buckle through the worn cotton of your jeans and the heat seep through his shirt into the sticky beer drying on yours. “I—oh fuck—” Sam stammered between kisses as you rolled your hips, trying to balance the need to catch his breath with the pent-up magnetism between you. “We have—Jesus Christ, ah—there are customers upstairs,” he finally spit out.
           That zapped you back to reality, finally breaking away to press your forehead against his. “Fuck,” you moaned. A long second passed, sharing air between you and Sam as he held you suspended. “Do we care?” you murmured hopefully against closed eyes, smiling.
           Sam chuckled, breathy and low as he lowered you to the ground softly. “Unless you have another way of paying rent.”
           You gently knocked your head into Sam’s chest. “Man, couldn’t sit on that for a few more hours? How am I supposed to work the rest of the night?”
           He ran his tongue over his molars as he grabbed the tap from where it had fallen to the ground, accepting the gentle teasing. “I just—I don’t know, you were just standing there and it all kind of—it just made sense all of a sudden.”
           “The stale beer did it for you? If I knew that I would’ve broken all of the lines ages ago.” You bit your lip against your smile, suddenly a little bashful and exposed and feeling every drying drop of beer across your chest.
           “I um, might have another t-shirt in the car if you want me to check.”
           “Thanks. I can get it though, can I have the keys?”
           Sam snaked a hand into his pocket and you could see the muscles in his forearm ripple as he grabbed them for you. He handed the keys over, his face open and vulnerable even with the hint of smirk. Tapping the keys against the doorframe you stalled for time, wanting more than anything to have even just an hour without responsibilities. You reached out and stroked his arm. “You’re sure about this? It’s okay if you’re—”
           Sam’s head bobbed quickly. “Yeah. Yes, I’m sure.” He looked solemn, resolute in a way that reassured you. “I’m sorry it took—”
           “Nothing to be sorry about. I just wanted to check.”
           He closed the step between you, tucking a chunk of hair behind your ear and gazing down into your eyes. “I know. And thank you for that.” He kissed you on the forehead, grinning into your hair. “Now go change, you smell like a frat party.”
           You pushed playfully against his chest and made your way upstairs, leaving him smiling at your back as you walked away.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 15
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
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[My greatest hits]
Main is @darling-dolly-darlene
Zosi sideblog is @zosi-the-church-grim
100+ followers DTIYS <3 ⬇️
I adore asks
Feel free to send in asks and art requests! (Check bio for info on art requests before you send)
DO NOT send requests that aren't about The Glass Scientists! Why does this always happen the is literally a tgs sideblog-
All posts are ask to tag, but I only occasionally actually put the tag "ask to tag" on posts (I do this when I think something should be filtered but I'm not sure whatd it be)
I use tone indicators! Primarily /j (joke) and /lh (light hearted), and sometimes /s (sarcastic). I avoid using genuine because then I'd have to stick that on to every sentence I write bbcjsbbdjks, If you're worried or not sure what I meant in a sentence, you can ask me clarify! ^v^
I like to avoid shipping in my aus, unless the au is centered entirely around a ship, there is no shipping. I do this so people can leave the ships up to their own interpretation, and thus anyone can enjoy the au
I rarely also post general j&h too, you can tell because it'll be given all the appropriate tags, though itll still also be tagged "The Glass Scientists" as tgs is still just a version of j&h
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Tags or complimenting my art (whether we know each other or not) are highly encouraged!
If a post is tagged "Rest in w.i.p" and has say, 20-30 notes, I'd appreciate if it wasn't reblogged. It's very. Not fun. To see a wip to get twice as many notes as my finished art. You can however, reply! If you really wish to say you like something about it
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Block me, friend me, bully me into joining your group (that I'll proceed to never active in) whatever <3
My Aus 🐺 (I make them in a week and never look at them again <3)
You'll see some have a link called [Main au post] the linked post will share most of the important information, its simply there if you dont want to browse the whole tag for that au
-The Wolf Apple Werewolf: Werewolf au, Jekyll accidentally turned himself into a maned wolf werewolf while trying to make his soul splitting potion. Jekyll hides the fact the he's a werewolf but Hyde doesn't [main au post here] I've been meaning to rewrite it, but eh
Hyde is a Falkland Island wolf, and considering that A: That wolf became extinct 1876 and B: he's a werewolf. There'd definitely be a bit more danger for him at blackfog
(made in collaboration with @ angstspawn25 )
There is a one off au of this, The Wolf Apple Puppy
-Feather Fin au: Siren au! Jekyll is a shapeshifting siren called a Feather Fin, one day he decides to leave the ocean and get a doctorate, somehow this works [main au post here]
Admittedly, I like branches and other versions of this au more than what's here
-Zombie Jekyll au: After Jekyll has his panic at the party he walks home alone and Moreau's creatures kill him. Very sad and tragic probably but really I made this so Jekyll and Zosi could be zombie buddies [main au post here] [reference sheet here]
(Important note!: If you're here from iiredgm's fic on ao3, "Rotten On The Inside (And Outside)" that fic actually differs from what's canon in the au!)
This au has a very strong branch! The "Jekyll hides he's dead au" [main au post here]
-Tgs Fantasy Au: Fantasy au, with story? Probably? Its what I call a daydream au because I can never choose a version of it to stick with. Jekyll is a spider monster with anxiety [Main au posts here and here]
-Dr. John Caught: Fusion au! Again another daydream au [main au post here]
-Porcelain Jekyll Au: You're at the Party by Lemon Demon [main au post here] [design reference here]
-Daylight trio: Oh I guess this is technically an au huh? It's the ship of Jekyll × The Couple [main post here]
-Jekyll with a mustache au: I edit mustaches onto panels of Jekyll from the comic [Main posts here and here]
-Princess Tutu au: Based on the "Princess Tutu" anime, due to how the different pt and tgs are there is no set story for this, mostly fun designs and screenshot redraws [design reference here]
(Important note!: [tumblr] really sucks so my original tag for this, "Princess Tutu au" would bother the normal princess tutu tag. SO! Any new posts will be tagged "Tutu au" )
However, old posts will not be retagged so check both "Princess Tutu au" and "Tutu au" for all the content
-Immortal (and upset about it) Jekyll au: An unrealized side effect of HJ7 was immortality. 136 years after the events of tgs, Jekyll's hating every second of it. Also he has a motorcycle [main au post here]
-Tgs Theater Au: Dr. Jekyll gets invited to be the star of a new mad scientist play! Which, funnily enough, is pretty much exactly the j&h m*sical from real life [main au post here]
-Vampire!Jekyll au: exactly what it says on the tin. Ah hm, the only posts that really explain this is the unfinished au reblogging, ah. [main au post here]
-Peppermint Rot: a fic im currently writing! Its essentially a ghost au [Chapter 1 here] [Chapter 2 here]
-Skyrim au: Jekyll owns the college of winterhold. That's it. This au doesn't even have a name and no one is helping me with it TwT
-Glassrune au: The Glass Scientists × Deltarune, in progress
(There are also multiple "branches" of these aus and some one off aus! AUs written here are just the "main" aus)
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pennylanefics · 4 years
Soft Alphabet - Four
a/n: reposting bc it disappeared from tags 🙃 tumblr’s being a bitch again ugh
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A - Affection (how do they show affection)
four gives you looks that mean everything. sure, it may not seem like a lot, but when you two first got together and were sneaking around, the looks and glances he gave you to silently tell you that he cares for you meant everything. he’s not really good with his words, and he can’t really go out and buy you stuff that you want, in the beginning. so looks are the only thing he has. he can say so much with his eyes, you can tell when he’s admiring you deeply and thinking about how much he loves you.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
you two spend everyday together, basically, so there is no balance. you spend every waking minute with one another and the group. but you do try to spend time alone or with other group members, away from one another, just to have a break. but, at the end of the day, you are back with one another, enjoying dinner, chatting about what you did that day.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
cuddles come after very stressful missions. when both of you two are exhausted and just need to relax, you’ll head to his trailer and just fall onto his bed, curling up with one another. the lights usually stay off, if it’s at night. if it’s during the day, he makes sure to shut all the blinds so the least amount of light can get through. you two usually stay quiet, just wanting the comfort of one another after a hard day, but sometimes, he’ll ask you stuff here and there.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
he has five and two help him make a nice dinner for you two in his trailer, after months of just sneaking around and seeing one another in your trailers. he could have just ordered food in, but he wanted it to be special. since two cooks the best and five knows how to set things up so you would like it. she helps with decorating the dingy trailer, making the table look presentable and setting out some wine and roses. it’s a really nice night, honestly. four is pretty nervous and it shows, but he lightens up as the alcohol begins to course through him. overall, you two have a great time, and end up in bed together anyways.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
he tries to keep the excitement down, but on the inside, he loves seeing you. especially after long periods of time, like if he goes on a mission with one or any of the group members, and you don’t go. he’ll wait till you’re alone and he picks you up, spinning you around and giving you kisses all over your face. he doesn’t want the others knowing how in love he is with you, just yet.
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
your fights usually consist of you yelling at him for being stupid during a mission. he makes a single near fatal mistake and you’re going off, telling him how he needs to not be so careless on missions and that he should be more aware of his surroundings. he then goes off, saying that he’s been in the group longer so he knows more than you do, and this of course sparks a lot more anger in both of you.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
he is plain and simple, preferring stuff like ‘babe’ and ‘baby’. sometimes, he finds himself using your real name instead of your code name, eight, after you two had a deep conversation about your lives before the group. it’s only when you’re alone, though, with one being so against using real names around each other. but you two trust one another a lot, so when you’re alone, you call him billy, and he calls you by your real name.
H - Hi (first time meeting)
you are recruited to the group well after four’s already been in it. they have already gone through a couple people after seven joined, but none of them worked out. but when you came along, you stuck. but, the idea didn’t take to four. he was expecting you to be like the others, liking the idea for a few months then hating it. so, he was kind of cold to you, expecting you to take his shit and deal with it. but no. you actually stood up to him and declared yourself as part of the group really quickly. he was taken aback, but nonetheless, got to know you better afterwards.
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
eh. i feel like four doesn’t have enough experience to be super romantic. like yeah, he’s had girlfriends in the past, but they’ve never been serious enough to the point where he gets romantic with them. his girlfriends were usually against that sort of thing, but when he met you, he loved getting you things, like flowers, teddy bears, chocolates. he’s also gotten you necklaces and rings, rightfully with his own money, of course.
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
he’s not jealous of one, three, or seven. he knows you wouldn’t leave him for any of them, so he’s fine when he sees you talking with them. the only thing he really gets jealous about is getting to spend time with you. so if you spend the day with any of the other group members, his mood changes a bit, upset at the fact that he missed an entire day without you. but you make up for that lost time by spending the rest of the afternoon and night in his trailer.
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
four’s kisses are mostly quick and short. he’s not one for showing much emotion since it’s not something he’s used to, so he settles for little kisses, which aren’t satisfactory for you. but you get it. when missions start getting more serious, though, his kisses become much more meaningful. the first time you have a near-death experience, he grabs your face and kisses you so deeply and passionately. he apologizes for not being very loving with you and promises to make kisses more meaningful and more frequent.
L - Love (when was the first time they said i love you or realized it?)
he realizes it after he almost dies during a mission. you were crying loudly as he dangled from a building, held by the enemy. the only thing running through his mind was you. he wanted to live the rest of his life with you, he wanted to have kids with you, that’s the only thing he could think of. thankfully, he was able to pull himself to safety and push the other guy over the ledge. when he returned to the group, you jumped right into his arms, crying into his chest. he whispers that he loves you over and over again and just holds you close. the group allows you have your time together before you really have to go. but when you get back to your trailers, four doesn’t leave your side for days. and he continues to repeat that he loves you as much as he can.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
you technically already live together, so there’s not really a typical “official” story. you spend every waking moment of every day together anyway, but you still like having separate trailers. most of the time, anyways, you’re with him in his trailer, almost as if it’s yours as well. and it’s the same with yours. you two kind of acted like both trailers are yours, and you just spend time in whichever one you want, whenever you want.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
the thought of being a dad worries him. he doesn’t want his son or daughter to turn out like he did, so being in a vigilante group isn’t a good start. you two decide to leave and go back to your regular lives, as the people you were before entering the group. it’s a really hard decision, but four is so much happier with the idea; neither of you were in danger and you didn’t have to worry about you getting hurt on missions and possibly losing the baby. the rest of the group was upset they wouldn’t be able to see the baby, but they were very understanding, even one.
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
in the beginning, he’s not very open with you. and it’s for good reasons. none of you in the group are open with one another. but when you and four start getting to know each other more and become more than friends, he feels obligated to tell you more about his life before. so, after three months of knowing each other, you have a long and deep conversation where you two spill everything. your real names, the reasons you joined the group, anything related to your lives outside of being a vigilante.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
you don’t really have modern cameras, per one’s request, but he does have a shit load of old polaroid cameras. so four takes advantage of this and takes many photos of you. his favorite thing to picture you doing is having fun in the desert. you two will just walk around, the wind blowing your hair as he takes candids of you. he loves how carefree you look and how beautiful the sunlight makes you.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
four has a problem with being careless. he doesn’t care about safety most of the time, which upsets you and makes you mad sometimes. he has that idea that you all are dead so why does it matter? but he rarely remembers that you aren’t actually dead. not really a quirk, but something he does that pisses you off too much.
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
four always lets you help him with his injuries. he knows you hate when he’s injured, just as much as he hates when you are. five usually does it, since she is the doctor, but four will only let you help him, unless it’s a serious injury and he actually needs four to save his life. but if it’s a few cuts and scrapes, he gives into you. and he does the same thing. when you get hurt, he’s right by your side, getting anything you need, being very overprotective.
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
the group usually has to get you two back together after a fight. you take a break from one another, and it’s awkward for the group. so two takes you and three takes four and they lock you two in two’s trailer until you both can talk things out and get the fight over with. after hours of saying nothing, two and three yell at you both and get you to talk. finally, you start making progress, and in the end, things work out. you two then head back to either yours or four’s trailer to make things up.
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
usually after very tough missions, four wants nothing more than to cuddle in his trailer and hold you. this happens after every mission, really, but especially during the more dangerous and risky ones, where he comes to terms with the fact that you could have been killed so easily. you don’t even need to touch him, really, the feel of you in his arms is enough. but, you play with his hair when this happens, sometimes stroking his cheek or playing with his hand, tracing the tattoo on the back of it. he needs the reassurance that you’re still alive and very much with him.
U - Up ( waking up with them)
waking up with four is the best. he has his arms around you every single time, even if he enjoys his space when he falls asleep, he somehow manages to pull you into his arms in his sleep. if you’re still asleep, he just presses kisses to your forehead, trying to wake up a bit more before getting up and starting the day. if you’re up before him, you absolutely love playing with his messy hair and stroking his soft skin. he looks so much more angelic when he’s out, and you love it because he usually has this hard exterior, so him sleeping is the rare chance you get to see him be so calm.
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
your vacations are your missions. you’ve gone to italy, dubai, france, switzerland, all over the world. since you live a life with no schedules, you go wherever missions take you. and you’re more than okay with it. this life has given you a chance to travel to so many places you would have never been able to go to. if there’s time, you two try to explore the city as much as you can, of course staying low key and all that. even then, it’s much more exciting and fun to be in a place you’re not really supposed to be.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
four proposes nonchalantly, really. you two would be relaxing on the beach in italy, and you’ve been dating for a while at that point. he just asks what you would think about getting married, and at first, you have no clue that he’s trying to say that he wants to marry you. but once things fall into place, you are covering his face in kisses and saying yes over and over again. but of course, you don’t have a huge wedding, you kind of just elope and put the title on it without a marriage license, because that’s against the group ‘policy’.
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
your strong-willed behavior. he liked the fact that you were strong enough to leave your entire life behind to fight crimes. sure, it’s the same thing he did, but you seemed like you had a perfect life, and you were okay with leaving it behind. he had nothing going for him, so this life was the best for him. when you told him your story, he was in awe of how strong you are and he loves that you are so selfless to help others.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
four kind of shuts out when he’s tired. he doesn’t want to talk to anyone, he doesn’t want to do anything, he just wants to relax and enjoy some quiet time. including away from you. you know that if you mess with him when he’s tired, he gets mad and angry. he’s much more agitated and sometimes, that ends badly.
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
he likes his space. which is hard to do on a small bed in a trailer. this is why you don’t really fall asleep with one another until well into your relationship. but the first time you fall asleep beside four, it’s the only thing he wants. he begs you to sleep in his trailer whenever you can, and from that point, he doesn’t care about space. he wants to be as close to you as possible, breathing in your scent and feeling your warmth.
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
Drunk ~ Bughead
Requests are CLOSED
Read on AO3 here.
Notes - Okay I know I said I’d have my Jughead x reader fic out before this but I was so inspired to do this first! Please let me know what you think I really liked this one!
Warnings - Alcohol consumption, medication.
Word count - 3.6k.
Riverdale tag list - @bucky-j-barnes @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @kpopgirlbtssvt @booksmusicteaandanimals @happy-puff @teenloves
To join my tag list fill out this form
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After a while of Betty staying at the trailer on and off, it was always odd whenever she didn’t stay the night. Those were usually the nights that Jughead spent writing, when he wasn’t encased in the secure arms of the blonde goddess he was dating. It gave him the time alone to get fully immersed in his writing and the words that formed on the screen in front of him at every tap of his fingers against the keyboard. Usually he sped through his writing alone; unless he was with Betty or his friends he enjoyed silence so it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to it, though this night he couldn’t seem to write anything. His blank document stared back at him as he pressed his lips against white clenched knuckles, unable to focus. He had been getting an odd feeling all night - one where you just knew something was wrong, and he hadn’t been able to shake it.
Before he could procrastinate any longer his phone buzzed on the coffee table beside his laptop as his ringtone swallowed the silence of the room, and he smiled slightly upon seeing it was his love calling. Before another loop of the obnoxious ringtone could fill the room he pressed answer and held the device against his ear.
“Juggie!” Betty pretty much yelled on the other end, earning a wince from Jughead at the volume, who held it a little away from his ear. “I miss you so much!” She giggled, her speech a little slurred together.
Jughead frowned. She had only meant to be staying at Veronica’s for the night, and it wasn't like the girls would drink together alone at the Pembrooke. “Are you drunk?” He asked anyways.
Betty simply giggled again, and it was then he could hear the generic pop song coming from the receiver as well as Betty’s voice, as well as a mix of conversation from other people. Many other people. “Kinda.” She responded coyly. “I haven’t had much to drink, Juggie, only a little.”
Jughead sighed and rubbed his free hand over his eyes as he leaned back in his seat. “You sound like you’ve had a lot. Are you at Veronica’s still? Can you put her on the phone?”
“Uh, no we’re at-” Betty cut herself off with a hiccup before she continued. “-Reggie’s house but Ronnie’s here!”
A few faint voices could be heard on the line before an almost rustling noise followed, Veronica’s voice soon filing his ear instead. “Jughead listen-”
“Is Betty okay?” He interrupted her as he frowned a little more. Betty had never even drank before, to his knowledge, and now she was drunk at a house party? Reggie Mantle’s house party? Of course he wouldn’t want to get in his girlfriend’s way of having fun, but she sounded pretty out of it when he had spoken to her, and he didn’t want her getting hurt or worse.
“She’s a bit tipsy. And by that I mean B’s absolutely wasted, she sucks at beer pong by the way.” Veronica tutted. “She’s been asking for you for like an hour, she only just found her phone with her coat.”
Jughead inhaled deeply through his nose and tipped his head back against the back of the sofa, trying not to get too annoyed or worried. Betty had wanted him for an hour whilst she was drunk and Veronica hadn’t called to tell him?
“Give me Reggie’s address. I’m coming to get her.”
The thumping of the bass from the generic pop song drummed through the house as Jughead walked into the house, tucking the key’s of his dad’s truck into his jacket pocket. He didn’t even want to risk letting a drunk Betty onto his bike. Too many accidents would be just waiting to happen.
As he pushed through the crowd of dancing and laughing high school students, most of which he recognised from Riverdale High, Jughead couldn’t help but think back to his own sixteenth birthday party that Betty had thrown in his sophomore year. He just hoped that this night didn’t end as horribly.
Surprisingly it didn’t take too long to find Betty in the house full of intoxicated teenagers. After walking through the front of the house he ended up in the kitchen, where Betty and Veronica were alone, spare a couple of other students who were taking shots on the other side of the room. Betty was sat on the counter with a red solo cup in her hands; Veronica stood beside her with her own cup as she laughed away at something. He took in the state of his girlfriend as he crossed the room to meet her, noticing more details as he got closer, the first thing he noticed was the silver and blue dress she was wearing. It was most definitely an item that she didn’t have in her wardrobe - something that Alice Cooper would highly disapprove of if she would have seen her daughter wearing it - so he had to guess the thigh length body-con came from Veronica. The next thing he noticed was her hair; blonde strands let loose over her shoulders and free from the usual ponytail, though it was slightly frizzy and more unkempt than he had seen it before, spare a few life-threatening situations that they had been in.
“Ladies.” Jughead sighed as he got to them, preparing himself for whatever drunken mess he was about to deal with, but he couldn’t help but smile slightly when he watched his girlfriend’s eyes light up when she saw him.
“Juggie! You came!” Betty cheered excitedly, wobbling as she climbed off of the counter before she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.
“Mhm.” He nodded, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head as he moved an arm around her. “We’re going back to mine, okay? You can sleep over.”
As he was speaking to Betty, he noticed over her shoulder as Veronica grabbed her coat and handed it to him, the raven-haired boy mouthing a thank you as he took it from her.
“What?” Betty whined and leaned back to look up at him, causing her to wobble though Jughead tightened his arm around her waist to make sure she didn’t lose her balance and fall backwards. “We can’t go! You just got here!”
“I know, love, but we have to. It’s late and you’ll feel horrible in the morning as it is.” He sighed. “I’ll go out with you next weekend if you really want. Okay?”
Betty looked like she was thinking about it for a moment as she tugged her glossed bottom lip between her teeth, before she just nodded and smiled. “Okay.” She giggled.
Jughead felt her hands slide underneath his unzipped jacket to rest against his sides as she leaned up a little to kiss him. He could smell the alcohol on her breath and could taste it on her lips as he kissed her, though refrained from deepening it any further and leaned his head back when Betty had tried to. She was very drunk and he wasn’t going to take advantage when she was in such a state.
“Come on, love. Let’s get you to bed.” Jughead pressed another kiss to her temple before he pulled away and handed Betty her coat, thanking Veronica as she slipped it on before he splayed his palm against the small of her back and led her out of the house.
“Did you have a good time?” He asked once they were in the quiet of the outside, slipping his arm around her waist when she kept wobbling to the point of worrying him that she would fall.
“Yeah.” Betty giggled and nodded. “Ronnie heard about the party and said we should go and it was-” She hiccuped again. “-really fun! I’m great at the ball game.”
“The ball game?” He tipped his head to the side to look at her as he got the truck keys out of his pocket to unlock the vehicle.
“Yeah! Y’know, the one with all the red cups and you’ve gotta drink the drinks. Cup basketball?”
“You mean beer pong?” Jughead asked with an amused smile.
“Yeah! Cup basketball!” She giggled.
Jughead chuckled and shook his head as he opened the passenger side door for Betty, gently gripping her forearm to help her into the seat and clipped her seatbelt, before he shut the door and joined her on the driver’s side.
“What does this do?” He heard her ask and looked over at her to see her messing with the lever beside her seat that adjusted it.
“It tips your seat back.” Jughead told her, and had to keep from laughing when she yanked the lever and tipped her seat all the way back so she was laying down.
Jughead started the car once he’d looked away from her and buckled his seatbelt, driving away from Reggie’s house soon after. He was surprised to find that the majority of the journey back to the South Side was in silence, with how talkative Betty had been inside, but every time he risked a glance her way she was just staring out of the window and watched the cars pass by their own. At some point she had reached her hand up and made a grabby motion towards his, and he smiled softly as he gently laced his fingers with hers and kept his other on the steering wheel.
“Juggie?” He heard from beside him just as he started driving into the South Side, humming in acknowledgement as he gave her hand a light squeeze. “Did you know that if you close your eyes… if you close your eyes you can’t see.” She giggled, and upon turning to look at her he could see that Betty had her eyes squeezed shut tightly.
“Really?” He asked simply just to amuse her, fondly rolling his eyes as he looked back at the road. “Fascinating.”
“I just blew your mind, didn’t I?” Betty asked and Jughead had to suppress a chuckle as he nodded.
“You sure did, sweetheart. You always do.”
By this point Jughead had pulled into the trailer park and parked the truck beside where his motorbike was, shutting off the engine before he unbuckled his seatbelt. “Let’s get you to bed, okay?” Betty simply hummed in response so Jughead got out of the car and walked around to her side and opened her door for her. She was still just laying down when he had gotten there so he leaned across her to unbuckle her seatbelt before he gently took her hands to help her sit up again.
“Hey!” Betty gasped oncs she’d sat up, a sudden burst of energy filling her. “You live here!” She leaned forwards to point at the trailer though leaned too far forwards and almost fell out of her seat, if it wasn’t for Jughead who had quickly moved his hands to her hips to steady her.
“Easy, love.” He chuckled and helped her out of the truck carefully before he returned his arm around her waist to keep her steady as he locked the vehicle behind him.
Betty stumbled beside him as he helped her up the stairs of the trailer and inside once had the door open, letting it close behind him. His laptop and notes were still strewn messily across the coffee table from earlier in the evening though he gave it no notice as he led his girlfriend through the small space to his bedroom, where she had slept a countless amount of times before.
“Juggie?” Betty giggled in what almost sounded like a sultry tone once they had reached the bedroom, and it caused Jughead to raise his eyebrows at her as he turned his head to look down at her with a hum of acknowledgement.
Betty didn’t return with an audible response, and instead slipped her hands underneath his jacket again as she leaned up to kiss him just like she had done at the party. Though unlike the party she moved her hands to grip the lapels of his jacket and pulled him closer against herself, deepening the kiss before he could pull away. Jughead groaned lowly into her mouth as her teeth nipped at her bottom lip and as much as he didn’t want to, he moved his hands to rest on either side of his face as he pulled away with a sigh.
“Betty, you’re drunk.” He stated with a newly found seriousness that he hadn’t had in the car.
“So?” Betty whined and leaned up on her tiptoes again, only to be met with his hands on her hips to keep her at a slight distance.
“So I’m not going to take advantage of you whilst you’re drunk.” Jughead explained, and watched as she frowned though nodded her head.
He sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he looked down at her as he took his hands away from her as he slipped his jacket off of his shoulders.
“We’ll get you changed and into bed, okay? Then you can sleep, you must be tired.” He said softly, tilting his head a little as he looked at her.
“I’m not tired.” Betty defended with a giggle and shook her head, though Jughead simply raised his eyebrows at her, his expression screaming I don’t believe you.
“Whatever you say, love, let’s just get you changed anyways okay? That dress can’t be too comfortable.” He lightly brushed his hand across one of the straps before he pulled away from her and walked across the room to grab one of his shirts for her to sleep in.
“It’s Veronica’s.” Betty told him simply as he walked back over to her with the shirt.
“I know, love, it’s not your usual style.” Jughead chuckled and nodded, before he placed the shirt on the edge of his bed and lightly touched her arm. “Need help getting this off?”
“Mhm? There’s a zipper.” Betty nodded. “Just don’t break it because Veronica won’t be too happy.” Betty giggled, and wobbled a little though for the most part she stayed completely still as Jughead moved behind her to unzip the dress and slipped the straps off of her shoulders, letting the material pool at her feet.
“Want this off too?” Jughead asked as he lightly touched the side of her bra, knowing it would just be uncomfortable for her to sleep in though he still wanted to check. He waited for Betty to nod in confirmation before he carefully unclasped the clips and let it drop to the floor with the dress, an action he’d done countless times before, just in a different situation. “Okay, arms up beautiful.” He tapped her upper arm as he grabbed his shirt before he stood back in front of her again, helping her arms through the sleeves once she had held them up before her head through it too, pulling it down so it’d be on her properly.
“Hey this is yours.” She giggled and gestured to the shirt once she had it on, causing him to fondly roll his eyes again as he nodded.
“Yeah it’s mine.” He chuckled, as if he hadn’t been holding the shirt before.
Jughead helped her step out of the dress before he sat her on the edge of her bed, handing her an unopened water bottle that was on his side. “Here, love.” He opened the cap for her before he moved across the room to gather her clothes neatly for her to get the day after.
By the time he’d come back to Betty she’d gulped half of the water and was trying to put the lid back on, which he helped her with when he saw her struggling to do just that. Looking at her expression he couldn’t tell if she was sobering up or not, but she was definitely tired, noted by the dropping of her eyelids every so often before she forced them open again.
Jughead placed the bottle of water on the bedside table before he pulled back the covers and helped Betty get into the bed, her eyelids drooping again as her head hit the pillow. “I’ll be back in a moment, Juliet.” He pressed a kiss against her forehead and watched as she nodded before he pulled the covers up and stepped out of the room for a moment.
After years of dealing with his dad’s drinking, he knew how bad the hangover would be for Betty. And he knew it would probably be worse considering it was her first time drinking. Jughead stepped into the extremely small bathroom of the trailer and turned on the light, ignoring as it flickered as he opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a pill bottle of Tylenol that hadn’t been used since he needed them after facing the gauntlet. He checked the dosage on the back of the pot just to be sure before he tipped out two into his hand and put the pot back into the cabinet and closed it, shutting off the light as he made his way back into his bedroom.
A soft smile painted across his lips when he saw Betty peacefully asleep, thankful he wasn’t going to have to convince her of that too. He carefully dropped the pills on the bedside table beside the bottle of water before he got changed into his own pyjamas and got into the bed beside her after he shut off the light, not taking too long to fall asleep himself once he’d pulled Betty closer and held her until he drifted off.
He was woken the next morning by a quiet groan in his ear, and blinked a little as he came to his senses. Betty gripped onto his white tank top as she pressed her face against his neck, another quiet groan leaving her lips as she used her free hand to rub the side of her head. Jughead frowned at the state of her, realising she had a headache.
“Hey,” he whispered, and although she didn’t look at him he knew she’d heard him, her head tilting slightly at the sound of his voice. “You okay?”
“No,” Betty whimpered, sounding close to tears, which made him frown a bit more. “It feels like I got hit in the head really hard.”
“I’m sorry love.” Jughead sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he pulled away from her just enough to reach up and grab the bottle and Tylenol. “Take these.”
Betty turned her head and sat up to take them, her eyebrows knitted together as she sat up properly. “Thank you.” She mumbled as she put the pills in her mouth, having some water to swallow them before she placed the water back down as she sighed and rubbed her temples with her palms.
Jughead laid back into the bed and held his arm out for her to settle into, smiling softly once she was pressed against his side and in his arms. His arm curled around her waist to bring her closer as his free hand lifted up to brush some loose blonde strands out of her eyes, the action causing her eyes to flutter shut. “Do you remember any of last night?”
“Some of it.” Betty whispered in response, opening her eyes back up to look at him as she moved one of her arms around his waist to stay even closer to him. “It’s all a bit fuzzy. I don’t remember getting into bed.” She sighed and shook her head before she winced. “I didn’t say anything stupid, did I?”
“No,” Jughead shook his head as he started smirking a little. “But hey, did you know that if you close your eyes you can’t see?” He asked teasingly and chuckled.
Betty groaned as she hid her head against his neck again, causing him to laugh a little more. “I’m sorry.” She whined.
“It’s fine, love, it was pretty funny.” He chuckled.
“No, I’m sorry about all of it.” Betty clarified, and this time Jughead’s expression softened a little.
“It’s nothing, love. I wasn’t just going to leave you at Reggie’s place alone and drunk.”
“Yeah but…” Betty trailed off and sighed, something that kept Jughead’s attention as he waited for her to form the words. “I know what you went through with your dad drinking and I’m sorry I was like that, I shouldn’t have called you in the first place it was stupid of me, I-“
“Hey hey hey,” Jughead cut off her rambling with a gentle hand on the side of her face, guiding her eyes up to meet his. “You don’t need to apologise, sweetheart. You and my dad are completely different things, okay? It didn’t bother me.” He explained, and watched as she visibly relaxed at his answer.
“Okay.” She sighed and smiled in relief.
“I love you, I’ll always be there to take care of you.” Jughead smiled and leaned down to lightly kiss her for a long moment, feeling warm at the soft expression on her face once he’d pulled away.
“I love you too.” Betty whispered and nodded. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
“It’s no problem, love.” Jughead shook his head, pressing his lips against her forehead. “Any time.”
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youarejesting · 3 years
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[MASTER LIST] [Mania Master list]
Rating: Mature 18+ Pairing: BTS OT7 Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Comedy, Omegaverse Words: 1.1k Blood types: Namjoon, Jhope, Jungkook, Yoongi (A) Taehyung (AB) Jin, Jimin and Yoongi (O) (Jimin in real life is an A blood type)
Summary: At eighteen everyone takes a blood test to find out their blood types. A, B, or O. Each blood type represents the person’s secondary gender Alpha, Beta or Omega and can be Dominant (+) or Recessive (-).
When small thin Yoongi receives his letter he doesn’t expect A+. There was no way he was an Alpha especially not a dominant. But as time passes he shows no Alpha nor Omega tendencies and frankly he doesn’t care. Working in his father’s electrical business helps pay the bills but Yoongi’s real passion is music.
One very hot day in the roof space of a luxury apartment that Yoongi is rewiring an intoxicatingly pleasant smell churns his insides and he finds himself in need of something to quench his thirst.
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Yoongi felt the bed shift and groaned in response he wasn’t ready to wake. There was one thing he loved more than anything in the world and it was the confines of his bed. He had to admit this bed was a lot more comfortable than his own and it smelt a lot better as well. 
It wasn’t like he had forgotten the activities he had engaged in the previous night, it was that he wasn’t ready to think about them. He was too tired and honestly, he never saw himself as someone who needed to justify everything that he or other people do. He never cared about labels or relationships in general.
Perhaps it was because he had never stayed in a relationship long enough to want someone in that way. He had been in a few but they never lasted, some of his partners left as he wasn’t the alpha they were looking for, and now that his body matured into its natural omega state he understood why.
He wasn’t what some people wanted or needed and that was okay, Yoongi knew that the right person would want him and he didn’t need to act differently or try any harder. Most of the time it was this mindset that was the last straw for his previous partners. He would spend most of his time sleeping, eating, working and all other free time he spent in his room working on his mixtape.
Yoongi knew he wouldn’t be anyone famous but he just couldn’t stop the inspiration, he couldn’t sleep unless he got the thoughts and feelings out. He couldn’t clear his mind until the track sounded perfect and when it did the words escaped him lifting the weight of the world off his shoulders.
It would be impossible for him to stop his one and only coping mechanism for someone, he didn’t think there was anyone in the world, who he would willingly give up everything for. He couldn’t change who he was and if he had to was that really the person for him. Could he say they truly loved him for who he was if he had to stop doing the things he loved?
“Eh, Yoongi” A voice called fingers trailing over his shoulder blade, it was one of the nicer ways he had ever been woken up before. Was it the gentle touch that made his body melt further into the mattress or the deep voice laced with the alpha’s calming effect?
Perhaps the mix between Hoseok’s scent and his own, the way it made him happy and a little bit proud, their scents mixed well together and he wanted Hoseok to always smell like him, to ward off any other omega’s.
“Hey, Hoseok are you awake?” A voice called sweetly, too sweetly. Yoongi frowned, turning his head to the intruder, Jimin in one of Jungkook’s big shirts waddled in, his sock-clad feet slipping slightly on the linoleum flooring as he crawled onto the bed. Hoseok’s bed where he had been sleeping peacefully.
Jimin snuggled under the blanket and buried his face in Yoongi’s neck, making the older male soften slightly. “You can stay forever if you want, Hoseok really likes you and I like you too Hyung.”
“Jimin you can’t ask that of him, it has to be something he decides not something we ask of him,” Hoseok said, “we made pancakes, they aren’t as good as the ones Seokjin makes but we tried our best”
“Tell anyone other than Joonie to bring them in here,” Seokjin yawned rubbing his hips and lower back, “we are going to have some omega time, we are worn out from last night’s activities”
Yoongi was pulled into Jimin’s embrace until his back was resting on the younger male's chest and it was strange how much he liked it. Strange that he felt such a strong connection with another Omega. 
“Relax,” Seokjin said, “It is normal for Omegas to take care of one another when the Alpha’s are away.”
“Ok,” Jungkook smiled, holding a large platter filled with pancakes, fresh fruit, bacon, and more breakfast goods. “We have sustenance for the omega babies”
Jungkook’s teasing was met with three flat glares and he giggled, dodging a few pillows, “Hey stop before he spills the food,” Namjoon used his alpha voice and the food was placed on the bed.
“We hope you like it, we aren’t really good at cooking?” Taehyung said softly
“Eh? ‘Scuse me, Taetae I got coffee,” Hoseok weaved between the alpha’s and smiled, handing over Iced americano in beautiful tumblers each with a shiny metal straw. “I didn’t ask how you have your coffee and now that I think about it, I didn’t even ask if you like coffee”
“Hobi is cute when he is nervous,” Jimin whispered into Yoongi’s ear as he tried the caffeinated beverage, nodding happily.
“It’s good,” Yoongi gave the younger man an affirmative nod, his view of Hoseok was obstructed by a fork with some fresh melon. He wondered why Seokjin was obediently feeding him. He had hands and could feed himself but watching the interaction between the two omega’s he almost laughed.
Yoongi knew Jimin was a bit of a brat, the kind of kid who used a pouty lip and puppy dog eyes to get what he wanted and that was exactly what happened. Yoongi leaned over, eating anything the eldest offered Jimin. Seokjin thought this was hilarious and couldn’t help his squeaky laugh from filling the room so early in the morning.
“Don’t be mean, I am hungry too,” Jimin pouted and Yoongi stabbed a strawberry and pushed it past the younger boy's pouty lips and left it there.
“You have hands,” Jimin reluctantly ate, grumbling under his breath, “you are so mean, I am not going to bathe with you.”
It was a strange threat. When did they decide to bathe together? He wondered if this was normal. Were all omega’s so close? Seokjin tapped his shoulder and winked slyly.
“Alright, Yoongi and I will bathe together and you can be all by yourself,” Seokjin mocked being stern.
“No!” he whined and jumped on the two, a few stray grapes rolling off the platter onto the bed. “I will be good.”
“Jimin being good,” A voice said outside the door, “Why I never thought I would live to see the day.”
Namjoon’s head popped in, he was smiling softly at the soft sight that was the boys entangled together on the bed. He always felt proud of their little group, proud he could protect the omega’s and lead the Alphas. It was not an easy feat especially with the wild card Taehyung who was an AB blood type which meant he was an Alpha but would never find a mate. It was so perfect that he fit into the mated relationships so well as an equal counterpart.
“The boys prepared the bath for you, I am on dishes so if you are done I can take them from you.” Namjoon gave a dimpled smile. “You are all very cute this morning.”
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Tags: @staerryminimini​
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