#the sandman review
garagepanic · 2 years
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winterkittenreads · 5 months
Review: Dead Boy Detectives [Season 1]
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Audience: 16+
Stars: 4.7/5
dear radish,
I LOVED this show. I felt so alive at the end of it. Go watch it!!!
Things I loved:
Found family
Tied to the Sandman universe but tells its own story in such a wonderful, engaging way
The way our titular dead boy detectives Edwin and Charles have been through the meat grinder, but still want to help others. The way they keep each other afloat omg. Precious.
A LOVE TRIANGLE THAT I ACTUALLY DON'T HATE OMG. I know who I'm rooting for though ;)
The way it doesn't shy away from depicting violence. Because the world IS brutal, even as there's pieces of light in it.
Crystal finding strength through the past women of her family. Loss of memories as a metaphor for how the slave trade stripped Black Americans of their history and identity (maybe). And the empowerment that comes with reconnecting with one's roots/lineage.
Pacing. Look, I admit it. I'm someone who often watches shows at 2x speed. Well buddy, this show moved so fast that I felt no such compulsion to speed it forward. Possibly because the show's creators needed to fit so much within just 8 episodes. But they pulled it off!
Niko's room is full of manga and anime posters, and I loved that for her.
Night Nurse redemption arc I'm readyyyyyyy
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mlobsters · 9 months
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my favorite things i drew in 2023 - all of my stuff
(i actually just started drawing this year in january* so basically i get to choose from everything 🤪)
*update, lies! apparently I did post one thing in 2022
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filmshady · 9 months
10 things I thought about while watching LOGAN
The retirement plan for mutants involves grumpy facial hair, a penchant for whiskey, and driving a limo. Hugh Jackman's way of saying, "I'm done, but not without some serious side-eye."
Charles Xavier's telepathic powers must be on the fritz. I've never heard so many f-bombs dropped by a man with a British accent. Someone get this guy a mental mute button.
Nothing says quality parenting like raising a mini-Wolverine with an attitude sharper than Logan's claws.
Mutants are going extinct faster than a hipster trend. Logan is like the lone wolf in a world that desperately needs a superhero stylist.
Caliban, the mutant with a cough louder than a metal concert. You'd think someone with enhanced senses would invest in some cough drops.
Logan's healing factor is like a magic eraser for inconvenient wounds. Lost a limb? Give it a minute. It's like Wolverine has Wolverine insurance.
In Logan's world, the X-Men are reduced to comic book characters. It's like Marvel-ception. "Hey, isn't that the guy playing Wolverine?" - Logan, probably.
The Weapon X program went from a high-tech military operation to a shady doctor in a dusty lab. Mutant experimentation on a budget – the struggle is real.
Logan's paternal instincts are as rusty as his claws. Watching him try to be a father figure is like seeing a bull in a china shop – destructive but oddly compelling.
Logan: Because nothing says superhero swan song like a road trip with a kid who's a literal killing machine. It's like Thelma and Louise, but with more adamantium.
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afabstract · 5 months
Parliament of Rooks Issue #5 Review
Darius Ravenscar travels to literal hell to rescue his lover Seraphina, the moon maiden in the final issue of "Parliament of Rooks". Read our review.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) The dark gothic artwork in the final issue of “Parliament of Rooks” by Abigail Jill Harding is absolutely fantastic and makes the comic-book series completely worth following. Titled “A Season in Hell,” the finale, true to its chapter title, unfolds largely in the bloodied annals of hell. Protagonist Darius Ravenscar embarks on a…
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dconscreen · 3 months
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Time to review the excellent Netflix series "Dead Boy Detectives"! We talk all about this addition to the "Sandman" universe, hope whole-heartedly for a season 2, and we also manage to talk about bad some bad video games and our general hatred of flying in airplanes. It's a real hum-dinger!
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"Arcadia" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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just-french-me-up · 1 year
hey hi i'm buzzing with the need for dreamling fic recs if you would be so kind as to point me in your favorite direction pls pls pls
Oh friend, you asked and I shall ✨ deliver ✨
of my misery make thy use by @qqueenofhades (Explicit - WIP - 129k so far - In Universe, but with some tweaks, Rescue fic) Dream is Roderick Burgess' prisoner, in all his silent, sullen, naked glory, and has given up on the thought of anyone ever helping him out of there. Even Hob Gadling. Especially Hob Gadling. In fact, he's quite sure the man never wants to speak to him ever again, regardless of his current predicament. A bummer, really, because he also happens to be married to him. (Listen that fic has slain me EVERY WHICH WAY, it has EVERYTHING, it will take you PLACES (literally), it's rewarding as fuck, has OCs to die for, just... just read it, ignore the WIP status, what's there is absolutely chef's kiss)
the unknown and static strange by @qqueenofhades (yes, again, listen, if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more bla bla bla) (Mature - WIP - 69K so far (nice) - Dubious AU status, Memento mets Academia, Modern day with a twist) Professor Robert Gadling, under cut rocking, weird dreams having, and trauma suffering, discovers a strange piece of undocumented art that seems to follow him everywhere he goes. The Regis Somnorum won't leave him alone, and as he tries to follow that thread, a whole mysterious tapestry unfolds, putting everything he knows, or thought he knew, into question. (This fic is a fucking delight, it's just KEEPS feeding you "oh shit" moments and suspense and revelations and the pacing just keeps you on the edge of your SEAT. Again, IGNORE the WIP status I BEG OF YOU, read it, devour it)
This Rough Magic by @avelera (Mature - WIP - 36k so far - Rescue fic with a twist) Hob Gadling never fancied himself a mage or a warlock, but dabbled enough in the occult to pick up a few tricks over the years, all in the hope to communicate with his Stranger. A stranger, he later discovers, who is trapped under Roderick The Fucking Magus Burgess's manor. Now, he may not be the best magic wielder there is.... but Burgess doesn't know that, does he? (There are some VERY clever things in this fic, everyone is written to a T, I love a fic where my loathing of Burgess can burn from the brightest flame and at the same time have him not like a cartoon villain but a full human being! Can't wait to see where that goes!)
if you just let me (have you, love you) by Lost_Elf (Explicit - 25k - Human AU - Adult Film Actors AU (I see you tumblr, restricting words these days, I see you) Both very prominent in their own niches of the Internet, Dom-BDSM-oriented Dream and Vanilla-centered Hob cross paths and plan what could be (or so their managers hope) the collab of the century. And they might learn a thing or two along the way. (Listen, I read this on a whim, I wasn't too into Human AUs at the time, I was up for some smut that day, and this fic is a LOT more wholesome than the subject lets on and really gripped me! Lots of very nice details in there! And also, you know.... smut)
by the minute by @issylra (Explicit - 11K - Human AU, Sex Phone Operator Dream) Dream has a bet with Desire : he has to manage a phone sex line for some time. He's not thrilled by it. Callers are... unimaginative and unoriginal, to say the least. Except one. He has a very nice voice. He's funny. And he sounds just about as lost as he is, in life. (The tags make it sound super raunchy but it's more about developping attraction through someone's voice and getting to know someone through the phone and falling in love and.... it's just lovely, it's very sweet, it's like a little blanket with a warm cup of tea, really)
Now I KNOW this is not what you EXPLICITELY asked for but.... dare I suggest..... something with an OC thrown in the mix? Cause that's just adding a fun player to the game, with added stakes, really!
as heart for heart, for loving me by @kittttycakes (hello darling) (Explicit - WIP but soon to be finished - 151k so far - Canon compliant - OT3 if there ever was one - How to polyamory, a guide for Dream of the Endless, a primordial being who needs to use his goddamn words) When Dream finds Hob at the New Inn, he's ready to open up a little. Be a friend. Be a little more than that, though he can't quite articulate it. The only issue with that is that Hob has a girlfriend. A live-in girlfriend. A very much serious girlfriend. Dream tries his darnest to hate her, and finds he can't quite bring himself to. (It's soft, it's lovely, it has angst, it has smut, it has fluff for days, it has developping relationships GALORE (plural) and it's just a nice read to switch up your rotation, cause the potential for situations is tripled now!)
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the---hermit · 11 months
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The Sandman vol.11 - Endless Nights by Neil Gaiman
The eleventh volume of the Sandman series is a collection of short graphic stories dedicated to each of the Endless. The idea was great on its own, and in my opinion the execution was stunning. I loved every single story, my favourite one is definitely Dream's, I have been thinking about it everyday since I read it, it filled me with emotions I didn't think I could feel. It left me wanting more of these character, and I cannot wait to get the final volumes set in this world. I am so so happy, and I know for a fact I will reread some of these stories multiple times in the future, it was really an amazing journey that I glad I decided to take.
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werewolfteacher · 4 months
What I Read: Sandman Universe Presents John Constantine Hellblazer: Dead in America
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pnuk-r0ck · 9 months
Going 2 my guitar lesson woohoo
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siriuslygrimm · 11 months
Brood Backstories
#BOOKREVIEW - Brood Backstories - #TheSandmanEndlessNights #blog
The seven siblings of the Endless have many stories that could be told about them that would educate and entertain; collected within The Sandman: Endless Nights, written and introduced by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Glenn Fabry, Milo Manara, Miguelaznxo Prado, Frank Quitely, P. Craig Russell, Bill Sienkiewicz, and Barron Storey, are seven short stories that explore one illuminating tale for…
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yassifiedautism · 2 years
looked through every single review of The Sandman on Rotten Tomatoes and these are just a fraction of my faves
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ungoliantschilde · 2 months
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Metallica, 1991. (self titled). Commonly referred to as “the Black Album”
Gah. It’s the Metallica album that makes ME feel old. My oldest son is 11. He enjoys telling me that my beard has WHITE in it. Not gray. WHITE. This came out in 1991. I was 8 years old. I WAS 8, YOU FUCKS!! EIGHT!
Mariano Rivera is the best closing pitcher in Baseball History. In the game of stats and numbers, Mo is head and shoulders above everyone else. His entrance music, when he walked to the mound, was Enter Sandman. As in, “go to bed you’re done”.
Hardcore fans lamented that Metallica “went mainstream” and “sold out”.
Lars had the BEST response ever “yeah we sold out… every fucking stadium!”.
After “…And Justice for All”, Metallica tried to streamline their sound. They worked with a different record producer (Bob Rock!) James got singing lessons, and the songs got more radio friendly.
The result is the most commercially successful album in Metal history. Your granddad took his teeth out and set them in a mason jar while watching his team lose to the Yankees because he knew every beat of “Enter Sandman”. Your Grampa. In his Laz-y-Boy. He KNEW Enter Sandman. Even if he didn’t know what it was called, he knew that song. Those caramel hard candies. The Velcro shoes. The short sleeve button down. He knew that fucking song.
I HATE Enter Sandman. So does the band. The whole album is overplayed. They toured for almost 4 years, including that Russia performance. Where they played that fucking song to 1.6 Million Russians.
God fucking dammit, I have to search this shit.
What’re the standout songs?
It’s “Enter Sandman”. Shut up, yes it is.
And the second pick is the actual best choice. Elton John personally praised this song.
Growth. Depth of influence. Musicianship. In the business of making music, nothing else matters more than growing and being better. Onward and upward. Get better. Push it further. Make more music. Make more fans. Push it further. And “Nothing Else Matters”.
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theaddictedwatcher · 3 months
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Hello everyone!
Today I am delighted to present you the first of the series you were able to choose thanks to the survey done on my Instagram (@theaddictedwatcherreviews): Sandman! Series composed of 11 episodes released in August 2022, adapted for Netflix from Neil Gaiman’s eponymous comics, the series was a great success and I’m going to tell you why.
A short synopsis to introduce you to the series: Morpheus, the King of Dreams, is one of the seven Endless. While he finds himself captured by a British occultist for nearly 106 years, the Awakened world - that of Men - sinks into an epidemic of « sleep disease ». Indeed, since the Sand Merchant is no longer there to rule the world of Dreams, Men on Earth are sinking. However, he manages to escape and undertakes a journey through the two worlds to find what was stolen from him in order to rebuild his Kingdom, which finds itself in ruins following his long absence.
And a small technical presentation:
- Created by : Allan Heinberg
Based on Neil Gaiman’s graphic novels, Sandman, published between 1989 and 1996 by DC Comics
- Music by : David Buckley
- Main casting : Tom Sturridge, Vanesu Samunyai, Eddie Karanja, Boyd Holbrook, Vivienne Acheampong, Patton Oswalt, Mason Alexander Park, Razane Jammal, Sandra James-Young, David Thewlis.
When announcing the serial adaptation of the Sandman comics, Neil Gaiman said that he would be more involved than he was in the television adaptation of his novel American Gods (released in 2001 and adapted by the Starz channel in 2017), but less than in the adaptation of Good Omens (co-written with Terry Pratchett, published in 1990 and adapted by Prime Video and the BBC in 2019 to meet a posthumous request from Terry Pratchett). He was therefore part of the creative team, the executive production of the series and made important narrative changes with the team of authors compared to comics.
Indeed, the story begins in 2021 instead of 1989 in comics, and Morpheus/Dream -played by Tom Sturridge- was imprisoned for 106 years instead of 75. Other characters have also been adapted to correspond to current questions such as Doctor Destiny, who is embodied in the form of his alter ego John Dee -played by David Thewlis- or John Constantine who has been reinvented as a female character, Johanna Constantine - played by Jenna Coleman. The role of Matthew the Raven -played by Patton Oswalt- has also been expanded in the series so that Morpheus has someone to communicate his thoughts with, which was represented by bubbles in comics but is impractical to do in live-action. Allan Heinberg, the creator of the series, explains that for him « Sandman comics were ahead of everyone in the late 1980s in terms of the representation of women, race, sexuality and gender ». Neil Gaiman explained that he chose to remove various references to the DC universe - such as the presence of Martian Manhunter and Mister Miracle - because the Sandman series was moving away from the initial links with the DC universe. This will also avoid the potential implications that the series could have with other adaptations of DC Comics in the future.
One of the first remarks I will make would be about the quality of the casting choices to embody absolutely all of the characters -the heroes of the story as well as the antagonists. In the cast, I only knew the characters least present, which does not mean that they are characters of lesser importance. Indeed, you may recognize in the names of Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who), Stephen Fry (V for Vendetta), Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones, Wednesday), Mark Hamill (Star Wars), Charles Dance (Game of Thrones), Arthur Darvill (Doctor Who), Derek Jacobi (Gladiator, Doctor Who, The Borgias), Sandra Oh (Grey’s Anatomy, Killing Eve), James McAvoy (X-MEN, Split), Neil Gaiman himself or David Tennant and Michael Sheen (Good Omens). As for the most central characters in the story, like Morpheus -embodied by Tom Sturridge-, the Corinthian -played by Boyd Holbrook- or Lucienne -played by Vivienne Acheampong, it has been brought to my attention after having seen the series that I had previously seen them in various other productions but they hadn’t made a strong enough impression on me in these respective roles and I had all the pleasure to rediscover their talent fully in this series. Each and every actor and actress -whether they are main characters, secondary or even special guest- have been able to bring their own mark on their role, something that identifies their character with their signature. This is partly what makes this production very qualitative in the sense that not only is it very well interpreted but also unique enough to stand out from the thousands of other fantastic series that are released every year.
In addition, I would like to take a moment to talk about the artistic direction of the series. Sandra Phillips and Luc Whitelock, the two artistic directors of the series, did a phenomenal job. Whether on the special effects themselves or even simply on the light games, the camera angles, the different atmospheres from one episode to the next, contribute to creating a very characteristic atmosphere and aesthetic which reinforce its fantastic-horrific aspect. Because, make no mistake about the atmosphere, although the series is tinged with onism through the various worlds of the Endless, it is also imbued with a dose of horror and macabre in the world of the Awakened. Through this aesthetic dichotomy, the series shows the best and worst of humanity, how humans could -if we were to let ourselves be governed by our animal instincts- sink into self-destruction, chaos, violence and let all our worst flaws dominate us. I will not develop more but if you are sensitive -or curious- to what I am talking about, I am particularly refering to episode 5 of season 1 entitled 24/7…
During the creation of the series, David S. Goyer, Allan Heinberg and Neil Gaiman explained that they often discussed the following question: « Why is it essential to tell Sandman’s story now? » To which Allan Heinberg answered every time « Sandman is an exploration of what it means to be human. To be mortal and therefore vulnerable. Able to be hurt, but also able to love and be loved. Sandman is the story of an honorable and arrogant king who learns slowly, very slowly, to love. » David S. Goyer adds that the series is summarized as « the story of a god who, in the course of history, loses his divinity, becomes mortal and learns what it means to be mortal. This is the story of a really crapy dysfunctional family. The Endless, even if they are divine beings, all have their little quarrels. Some of them hate each other. Some love each other. It’s just that when they fight, it’s whole worlds and universes that suffer from it » and called it a melodrama. Morpheus is sometimes simultaneously a protagonist and a catalyst for the events of the series, he is a character who « cares about humanity in the abstract, but not in the concrete ».
I also would like to acknowledge the work on costumes done by Sarah Arthur who managed to give a strong visual signature to the characters and managed to make them stand out from each other while giving clues about the links between certain characters through small details slipped here and there into the costumes of the main characters.
Finally, as always, I will finish by telling you a little about the soundtrack of the series built by David Buckley. Not only do the different themes of the series make it possible to accentuate the different main characters as well as their intentions, but the music also makes it possible for the viewer to travel between the different worlds explored alongside Morpheus.
If there is one thing I must admit to the series distributed and produced by Netflix, it is that not a single one of the ones I have seen could be qualified to have a bad soundtrack. Although obviously I have not seen their entire catalog, I think I have seen enough to make this remark, which remains a subjective and personal opinion. Obviously you are free to disagree and please let me know if you do, I will discuss it with pleasure! But, at least at the moment I write these lines, none comes to mind.
I think I’ve talked enough to leave you here for this article on the Sandman series! I hope I made you want to at least take a look at this masterpiece!
Don’t forget to keep an eye every Saturday on my Instagram account (@theaddictedwatcherreviews) if you want to be able to choose the subject of the next article!
In the meantime, I wish you good viewings and I’ll see you very soon with new adventures!
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dconscreen · 3 months
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'The Sandman' Season 2 Gets a Bunch of New Cast Member Announcement
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The Arrowverse Wanted to Suit Diggle Up in a Green Lantern-Inspired Costume, But DC Refused
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vesperdae · 1 year
thinkign about the media you were brainrotting about this time last year vs now can be so funny
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