#the siblings who slay together stay together
ac1nums-moved · 7 months
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@greedaeye, dean heyward-di laurentis required an incorrect quote featuring summer heyward-di laurentis.
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Some moooore little incorrect quotes from Descendants! This is gonna be a long one, sorry not sorry.
(with ships)
Audrey: *kisses Uma*
Uma: !
Audrey: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
Uma: Did- did I what?
Audrey: My chapstick, Uma. Did you steal it?
Ben: Audrey, for the love of God, not this again.
Uma: I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Audrey: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
Uma: Chocolate and popcorn?
Ben: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Ben: Do you think I'm plastic?
Audrey: No.
Ben: Phew. Oka-
Audrey: Plastic, at least, has some use in life. You're not plastic.
(Damn. What did he do to yo-..oh.. right.. yeah. I've also decided to make him Orange because it's close to yellow)
Ben: War is heck!
Chad, to Ben: If my dad doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check.
Charming, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
(Absolutely. Canon)
Audrey: God, if only someone loved me…
Uma: *standing behind them with roses*
Ben: *holding box of chocolates*
Chad: *has balloons and a card*
Mal: *facepalms* This is sad.
(Me: *holding a big Teddy Bear* lol I had a crush on her only in the Third movie. Loved her Queen of Mean Era)
Chloe: So, what is Red to you?
Maddox: The reason I wake up every morning.
Chloe: ...That’s adorable.
Red earlier that morning, barging into Maddox's room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
(They've got this sibling bond)
Chloe: Are pigeons drones?
Chad: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Chloe: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Chad: *Crying* Please let me sleep...
(Sibling sleepover. Also Chloe, your Mary Anne is showing)
Red: I intend to stay pissed at you forever.
Red: Even if I seem helpful.
Maddox: Then you're in luck.
Maddox: Because you don't.
Uma: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Carlos: Actually, Jane is my favourite.
Uma: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
(Yup and I love you. Carlos and Jane✨🫠)
Evie: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
(Sweet and dangerous. Perfect.)
Uma: Evie said its my turn with the brain cell.
Mal: Square up.
(lol. Canon.)
Uma: What starts with F and ends with Uck?
Chad: No it doesn't.
Jane: Firetruck!
Mal: FUCK!
(Mal speaks my mind. Jane is smart and Chad got the spirit. He's not wrong tho.)
Jay: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Carlos: ...Please, go back to bed.
(Jay loves to annoy everyone. Mostly Mal.)
Carlos: I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Jane's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
(..why didn't you just ask? But also impressive)
Chad: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Chloe: IT.
Dizzy: Annabelle.
Maddox: Paranormal Activity.
Red: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
(Honestly just did this because Kylie was in the HSMTMTS. Honestly. They do that in Auradon too. So watch out)
Red: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
Chloe: ...
Red: Oh, right. The lying.
(Has she ever lied to Chloe? I don't think so. But I find the quote funny)
Evie: A mouse!
Mal, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Jay, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Carlos, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Gil, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Harry: His name is Remi, dummy.
Evie: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(um.. yeah.. you know what-)
Chloe: A mouse!
Dizzy, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Celia, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Maddox, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Chad, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Red: His name is Remi, dummy.
Chloe: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(just some family time)
Chad: Sometimes I like to call people by the wrong name to show them I don’t care about them.
Red: That’s brilliant.
Chad: Thank you, Maddox.
Jay: Everyone has a toxic trait. Except Carlos, they’re perfect.
Carlos: Wrong! My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon.
(Facts. He is perfect)
Red: Hold the fuck up.
Chloe: Excuse me?
Red: I said hold the fuck up.
Red: I’m the fuck up, hold me.
(Aww...canon.. I mean she's not a fuck up. Maybe in her mother's eyes. But aww)
Jay: You know, there’s something weird going on with your face?
Mal: What?
Jay: You’re smiling! I didn’t know you could do that?
(Because she and Evie finally got together. UwU)
Evie: How do you tell someone their breath stinks?
Jay: Hey, I'm bored, let's drink mouthwash.
(He definitely did that with his teammates)
Jay: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Evie: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
(Oof. Do I want to know?)
(Little surprise from the past)
Charming: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Ella, manning a bake sale and tired of their shit: Sure! You know one?
Charming: Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?
(he's trying)
Brigdet: I have a question.
Ella: Shoot.
Bridget: Is the S or C in scent silent?
Hook: Fuck you, I’m going to be thinking about this all day.
Ella: Okay well, cent is pronounced the same way as scent so I’m gonna say the S is silent.
Bridget: Okay, but sent is also spelled the same way.
Hook: Google says that the C was added in the late seventeenth century, so I guess the S is silent.
Morgie: Plot twist, both the S and the C are silent and the E actually makes the sss sound.
Hook: Morgie is not allowed to talk anymore.
(Just them having a double date)
Bridget: Made you all playlists!
Bridget: Hades and Maleficent, yours have only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Bridget: Ella and Uliana, yours have sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Bridget: Charming, Morgie and Hook have the ABBA Gold album.
(she knows them well)
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Ella: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Bridget: ...I did. I broke it.
Ella: No. No you didn't. Uliana?
Uliana: Don't look at me. Look at Morgie.
Morgie: What?! I didn't break it.
Uliana: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Morgie: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Uliana: Suspicious.
Morgie: No, it's not!
Hook: If it matters, probably not, but Maleficent was the last one to use it.
Maleficent: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Hook: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Maleficent: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, James!
Bridget: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Ella.
Ella: No! Who broke it!?
Hook: Ella... Hades has been awfully quiet.
Hades: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Ella, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Ella: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Ella: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
(Damn Ella)
Bridget: It’s just that lollipop sticks last longer than the head, even if they’re less flavorful. I’m thinking of paper sticks, because you can peel off the layers with your teeth or leave it there until they fall off naturally, but plastic sticks can be chewed on too or left sticking out like a cigarette. Paper straws can be eaten layer by layer over time though, so they have the edge.
Morgie, bored: Can’t we just leave while they’re distracted?
Ella, genuinely interested: But what about wooden sticks?
Morgie: I hate you.
(No. It doesn't taste good and it's flaky? I don't like the paper ones. I like the plastic ones. Love to chew on them, tastes neutral ig idk. Wooden sticks tho. Taste great. And you can chew on them. But they break easily and you could get a splinter I think? But still Wooden wins for me. Plastic second and then paper)
Hope you liked it!
This was a bit longer.
Sorry not sorry.
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Truth of fallen god
Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Reader
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Description: Howard Philips Lovecraft is driving people mad. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is destroying economy. Chuuya Nakahara is talking with a dying god.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Mentions of cannibalism. Some swearing. Chuuya destroyed Chasm off screen. Chuuya cuddles in the end.
"Teyvat are on a verge of crisis... Crisis of faith. Shouldn't you... Be more concerned? Bend rules for a bit?" Echo of Creator's powers stepped from one leg to another. The bleak copy of First One took few steps towards the edge of a platform, looking down at Teyvat. At The First One's Land. Echo turned their head towards Sustainer.
"I... I can pose as Legitimate Reincarnation. Remind people of Teyvat, who's laws they should follow. What they allowed to do and what lines not allowed to cross."
Echo were now standing before Sustainer. And from the darkness, dozens of Celestials observed. Sustainer's siblings and comrades. Most of them fight together with The First One, witnessing the birth of Teyvat. Echo looked Sustainer in the eyes.
"Pose as my familiars. Let me take The Ivory Throne."
The Silence of Celestial, home and cradle of The First One was shattered.
"Sustainer, let us throw that worm from the edge!"
Sustainer raised her hand, silencing her siblings. She looked directly in Echo's eyes. They didn't flinch. They already act, like Legitimate Reincarnation.
There was something strange with that Echo. Sustainer could feel a sickly sweet scent, coming from Echo. Their movements were careful and calculated.
Were Echo sick? Were they trying to live, what remains of their lifespan the best, they can? Is that what mortals do?
The First One was the best among them in understanding mortals. But, Sustainer, while not the best, was still good at reading people.
Sustainer's voice flows. And Echo knew, that they have no right to interrupt her. If Echo dared to break The First One's protocol, they won't live for another moment.
"Why you came here only now, Echo? Why not came here earlier? Why you didn't stop Fontaine's Prophecy? Why you didn't release Dendro Archon? Why you didn't stop Electro Archon? Why didn't protect people of Liyue from Osial and Beisht? Why didn't calm Dvalin's pain?"
Sustainer's nose was almost pressed against Echo's.
"Why didn't you stop Cryo Archon?"
Echo's voice was firm.
"I only got here. And immediately came to you."
Sustainer raise her head, looking at Echo from above.
"Or, perhaps, you were too scared to do something dangerous. You did nothing to earn the right to be on the Ivory Throne."
Echo yelled.
"I am also a reincarnation of Creator! And I won't be the first Echo on the throne!"
Immediately, air was knocked down from them. Echo was laying on the marble floor of Celestia. Guardian, Sustainer's brother, was holding Echo down. Sustainer towered above Echo behind his back.
"They helped people during dark times, before asking for a throne! You just want praises, that came with The Ivory Throne. Leave Teyvat, mortal. Leave, and never return."
Echo's gaze darkened.
"So, that's what you choose..."
Guardian yelled.
And he fell.
A dagger with white handle was sticking from the middle of his chest.
Dirty, blasphemous power raised from Echo... From the Demon.
"It was a good thing, I didn't eat all the bones of Previous Ones I could find. Aren't the knife from their bones great for slaying gods?"
Demon raised from the ground. Black, sticky tendrils came from the tips of their fingers, curling around Celestia.
A bone dagger flew through crowd. Attacking, killing, destroying.
"I can fool them. Their prayers will come to me. But, I can't let your prayers came to The Second Reincarnation."
Demon showed their teeth.
"Can't wait for their arrival. I will finally get fresh meat."
Celestia shook.
The Cradle of The First One was sullen.
It crumbled.
And gods fell down, while demon stayed above.
Chuuya Nakahara was quiet. The broken god sat before him.
He supposed to simply look around Sumeru, to explore some parts of the region, they weren't familiar with.
Instead, he found a dying god. Or, more likely, dying god has fond him.
She called him the new familiar of The First One. And told him a story. Story, that happened year ago.
Sustainer focused her eyes on Chuuya.
"I saw it. I can feel it. Last pure remains of The First One's power. They... True Reincarnation are safe, right? You are their new familiar, right?"
Sustainer coughed, a bloody drop appeared in the corner of her mouth. She swallowed the blood.
"Or a guardian?"
Chuuya finally found his voice.
"Their friend... [Y/N]'s friend."
Sustainer's dull eyes shined.
"[Y/N]... Their name? How perfect. It's perfect. Truly divine..."
Sustainer forgot about Chuuya and start repeating your name over and over again.
A child-like smile appeared on her face. Sustainer of Heavenly Principles was happy, because she likes the name of Real Reincarnation.
Chuuya interrupted her.
"What happened to you? After the Fall of Celestia?"
Sustainer coughed again.
"Demon got me. When I was falling. Was dying ever since."
She looked at Chuuya.
"Death of divine can take centuries. We will exist as long as memories and knowledge about us lives. And will slowly die as long as memories and knowledge about us lives."
Sustainer's body trembled.
"But I can go now. They are safe. New familiars are near them. Take it. Use all of it. Protect them. Protect them, because I can't."
Sustainer grabbed the golden ornament on her chest. Tendrils of her power flow into it.
Sustainer disappeared in a golden dust.
And a golden ornament with her power remains.
Chuuya never used his ability to make something, so, it takes multiple attempts, before he can make a somewhat of an urn from a boulder.
Sustainer deserved to have a grave.
The golden ornament was safely tucked in his pocket.
And his rage was boiling in his soul.
Chuuya thought, that the Truth was next.
Crazy knock-off bitch wanted to kill you.
The real truth was much worse.
Crazy knock-off bitch wanted to eat you!
Earth crumbled beneath Chuuya's feet.
If only he could walk straight to that thing and made it a bloody splat on the Dragonspine...
But he needs to stay calm.
They can't drop too much attention to them.
Can't let people knew about the plan. About their unity.
Lovecraft can pass as another monster from ancient history, Jouno, after Mondstadt, was keeping low, Fitzgerald's attacks were only aimed at Ningguang and Pantalone, Mark's and John's bank robbery can be passed as treasure horders' doings, same with Blue Mackerel's and Ango's scum. And it's not like Anemiac Freak and Sigma force people to go to their casino.
But the assassination attempt on Creator will be impossible to pin on someone else.
In Teyvat's people's eyes, only an Imposter can wish to harm Creator.
His rage was still boiling.
But, for now, Chuuya Nakahara will hold his desire to kill that thing under control.
But he wanted to do something. Anything.
Piano Man's voice echoed in his mind.
"Start with the mines..."
Chuuya stopped. He and Flags hold a little discussion few days ago. About Archon's and their powers. Topic of Mora and fallen Celestia came up. Mora supposed to came from Celestial powers. But, with Celestia out...
"...metal for counterfeit money has to come from somewhere... No one would question, that new Mora looked different. It still be money, that came from Creator..."
Chuuya might take a little detour and visit The Chasm.
Chuuya ignored Fitzgerald's gaze, getting on the boat, sitting near the blonde man.
Lovecraft's tentacles hold the boat firmly on his back.
For an octopus-like creature, Lovecraft was extremely fast.
Lovecraft, swimming underwater, keeping a boat with Chuuya and Fitzgerald above, will reach the island with a porta in an hour.
Fitzgerald finally spoke.
"That earthquake..."
Chuuya didn't let him finish.
"Existence of a Chasm got on my nerves. I dealt with it."
He left a stone urn with golden dust in their secret cave. When everything will be over, he will spread it over the remains of Celestia.
The knock on the door made you flinch. You liked your lips and answered.
It was almost time to go to bed. You silently lay under the blanket. You were afraid of going to sleep. You didn't want to see another nightmare.
"Who is it?"
Door slightly open and a familiar redhead looked inside.
"Hey, Dear Symphony, want some company?"
You nodded slowly.
Chuuya walked into your room. And you finally saw his attire. A familiar red-toned pajamas.
He was holding his phone in one hand.
"Hey, [Y/N], do you want to cuddle tonight?"
You froze. You used to love cuddles.
But, after Teyvat...
The last "normal" cuddles you get were with Dazai and Fyodor. Few weeks ago.
You stopped cuddling, because of your nightmares. Because your screams already woke up others.
You didn't want to wake up a person, who will lie next to you.
BSD Cast respect your decision.
Despite your decision, you didn't want to be alone at night.
You didn't realize, that you were crying, until Chuuya brushed your tears from your cheeks. He smiled softly, looking at you.
"You need some 'me time', Dear Symphony. To recharge. Let me cuddle with you, while you're listening to music."
You didn't speak. You nodded, leaning to Chuuya's touch.
Sounds of music filled the room.
Chuuya was laying behind you. With his arm around you, his chest was pressed against your back. Your bodies were pressed tightly against each other. Your head was laying on Chuuya's outstretched left arm. He was holding your hand in his left hand. His nose was right next to your ear. His breath tickled your hair. Chuuya felt the rise and fall of your chest grow steady with sleep.
Good. You seem calm.
Chuuya moved his head to plant a little kiss on your temple. You smiled in your sleep.
Chuuya blinked away happy tears. He put his head back, nuzzling your hair.
Tonight, only you and him exist. Tonight, only your comfort matters.
Tomorrow, he will say to others, what he has learned today. Tomorrow, fury and rage will boil.
And after that will come new plans, new actions.
And even more love and care for you.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
Chuuya in red-toned pajamas
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bomber-grl · 7 months
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Nico Di Angelo x Child of Hades
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x Gn!Reader (platonic/familial)
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It was difficult being a child of Hades
I mean everyone seemed to hate you and for whatever reason you were put into the lotus casino
You spent decades there and unbeknownst to you- your half siblings also stayed there during the same time
Well that was the past- you were currently in the underworld and because of your fathers liking towards your mortal parent you’ve been getting spoiled
Especially since you’re one of few children of his
So while walking around Hades palace you were called upon by your father
I mean sure, you hadn’t done anything bad in particular but the constant bickering from your step mom really got on your nerves
So maybe hades sensed that- who knows
Well what you do know is the reason you were called upon
That reason being your half sibling that you were currently made aware of
His name was Nico and now you were gonna be forced to hang out with each other on part of your father
It is a hassle, but Nico's chauffeur Jules Albert ended up driving you to wherever you were going in the end
You two were practically glued to the opposite sides of the car but once you got to your destination (a mall) you were left to “bond” or whatever
You half expected Nico to immediately leave your side but he surprisingly didn’t and actually walked around with you
You both went by stores (and he was weirdly obsessed with hot topic) but whatever
It wasn’t until you both sat at the food court that you guys finally started talking the same language
You learned of his background (when he was born and that he stayed at the lotus casino) which you ended up revealing was your backstory
You two bonded over it sorta but only really when you both ventured across the underworld
You don’t remember how it happened but you were suddenly attacked and even if you’d hate to admit it- you really didn’t think Nico’d have your back
So when he suddenly attacked and slayed the monster with zero hesitation it took you by surprise
I mean it’d be a lie to say you two haven’t been getting closer and closer but there was still a barrier and obvious distance Nico kept you at
This instance made a thick tension and while you two were setting camp while in the underworld he began to talk
He was pleased to know that you’re from around the same time period and the evening (if you can even call it that, the whole underworld is basically pure night) was spent with you two chatting away with the troubles of having to go back into modern day society
It was nice for Nico- I mean when he was first introduced to you he thought the worst
Which can you even blame him?
Well regardless, knowing he has another sibling is nice
I mean you’re obviously not all that close but lately he’s been relating to you and the two of you had made jokes about your dad and old lives
Which in a way is nice, especially since most people get uncomfortable when he just wants to talk about how he feels
Well eventually the conversation turns to the attack he had launched on that monster that was going at you
You took note of how panicked he seemed to protect you and you voiced that
He seemed stiff and when you reassured him you didn’t need to know more he said it was fine
And explained the whole ordeal with Bianca and the lotus casino and how in a way, you’re really his sibling now
I mean actually
You two have fun but argue and it’s never too much
Not to mention how you just get each other
He voices that and when he’s done he’s grateful you don’t take it as weird or awkward and just listen
After that you two are definitely more close and if you chose to vent too then he’d be there for you too
On a lighter note, you two end up realizing you have a lot of your powers in common
I mean you can raise the dead, shadow travel, etc so you two definitely compare and improve together
On a lesser good note, you’re introduced to camp
Everyone’s shocked to see you since they didn’t expect hades to have another secret child
You get pretty much the same treatment as Nico unless you’re more extroverted and approachable
Which makes things worse because you two start being compare
Which is absolute butt cheek
I’d imagine that if you meet when Nico’s younger then he’d be a bit hesitant to get close to you
Especially since it might feel like a betrayal to Bianca but he soon realized you were your own person and his love for you as his sibling wouldn’t be a crime
Anyway I’d imagine you’d be the first person he’d come out to
He’s definitely buzzing with nervous energy but if you reassure him and if you’re queer and tell him too, well he’s glad to know you trust him enough and that you basically gave him collateral in case you ever betrayed him
Either way he’s glad that you support him and becomes a bit more confident, even if by a little
Eventually Nico gets with Will and you’d probably you are the first person he told about it and introduced you two if he didn’t already
Either way there’s some ups and downs with Nico as a sibling but he’s overall pretty cool as a brother
Just a bit emo
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lovecanyon · 2 years
harry x stevie nicks daughter (y/n)
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan5 and 607,411 others
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harryfan7 pretending to be shocked 😮
harryfan9 i am praying they are friends
harryfan8 everyday i wake up
harryfan10 totally not having a breakdown
harryfan15 harry had a grip on y/n’s waist 🤭
harryfan11 i. am. screaming.
harryfan13 holy shit
harryfan16 the glare y/n was giving to the paparazzi…
harryfan14 yeah he and y/n are probably together
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liked by harrystyles, gigihadid and 4,208,611 others
vogue What does 24 hours look like with Y/N Nicks?
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harryfan17 I LOVE HER
harryfan19 not harry being in the video 😭
harryfan21 when he showed up i screamed
harryfan18 y/n is so pretty oh my god
harryfan22 whatever she wants 🙏
harryfan24 i’m pretty sure this confirmed her and harry’s relationship
harryfan26 i’m sliding down the wall
harryfan23 y/n stays slaying…i mean look at her mother
harryfan25 we are finally getting boyfriendrry
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“Say something Harry.”
A smile crawls onto Harry’s face as Y/N laughs. Every morning he usually picked her up from her apartment and took her to get breakfast. It was one of their routines.
“Hi I’m Harry.” He waves his ringed hand making Y/N let out a cackle. She knew he was not common with being in such public videos but he insisted on being in her Vogue video, and she couldn’t say no to him.
“He’s awkward with cameras.” Y/N says which makes Harry bite his lip, suppressing a smile. Truly Harry despised cameras, yet the girl standing next to him made him want to be in front of it.
Tastes like Strawberries…
“I have a love/hate relationship with this song.” Y/N mumbles to the camera. Next to her stood Harry’s sister, Gemma who giggled at her comment.
Y/N always went to Harry’s shows. It was a staple in her routine. Seeing her rockstar boyfriend perform sounded like a dream to her.
As Y/N and the older Styles sibling continued watching Harry on stage, you could tell they both looked like they were having a good time—sporting big smiles while giggling like teenage girls.
user110 harry and a nicks? makes sense…
231k likes 63k replies
user164 y/n and gemma at harry’s show brings me joy
205k likes 49k replies
user199 this basically confirmed harry and y/n’s relationship
181k likes 26k replies
user143 forever jealous of y/n
166k likes 14k replies
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 906,711 others
harry_lambert Look who I found backstage!
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harryfan28 Y/N OH MY GOD
harryfan30 she is truly the moment
harrystyles My bunny.
harryfan32 HARRY?? 😭
harryfan34 sleeping on the highway tonight
jefezoff coolest girl out there
harryfan36 i just can’t believe harry styles is dating stevie nicks daughter
harris_reed my favorite girl ever
harryfan38 y/n is just so beautiful 🙏
pillowpersonpp the love of my life
harryfan35 all this is happening so fast
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liked by harryfan37, harryfan39 and 903,617 others
nicksdaily Y/N arriving late to Harry Styles show in New York last night.
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harryfan40 LMAO ME
harryfan43 y/n is so pretty omfg 😭
harryfan41 her arriving late is iconic behavior
harryfan45 everything about y/n is just so perfect i can’t
harryfan42 i love her for that
harryfan44 when harry saw her in the crowd last night 🤭
harryfan46 he literally was going feral over her
harryfan48 outdid every harrie attending
harryfan50 she is stevie’s twin
harryfan47 y/n arrives late to every show…i would do the same tbh
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liked by harrystyles, jefezoff and 136 others
yourinstagram mama knows what’s up.
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billieeilish such a flex to have stevie nicks as your mother
felicathegoat AHHH THE NICKS
harrystyles My mother in law.
yourinstagram don’t give her any ideas
pillowpersonpp aweee
annetwist such a beautiful picture
brittany_broski i love this so much 😭
mitchrowland the nicks!
emmalouisecorrin so cute
harry_lambert icons icons icons
florencepugh loving the photo
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
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sakumz · 6 months
a/n : tw reader has family issues, slight gore
[ g. kaldo x fem reader ]
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you slam the telephone down in your office. kaldo slightly jolts from the sudden noise as he placed the daily newspaper he was reading back on the small table next to the couch. taking one quick sip of his honeyed coffee before making his remark.
" what's got you so worked up in the morning? "
" morning? it's already noon! " you scold as you turn to face him, the tears on your eyes barely noticeable.
" they should call you the angry cane, " he jokes as you slump back down on your chair.
" what are you even doing in my office? "
" just chilling, I'm free. there's really nothing for me to do here, I could go home if I wanted to but I'd feel bad for the rest working their asses off. anyways enough about me but let me guess who was on the phone! your sister right? " he had a hand on his chin before snapping his fingers together.
" yeah... "
work was your escape from the family house you grew up in. magic was everything in this world. if your magic was stronger everyone would possibly respect you right? or so you thought. growing up as the big sister and middle child of five siblings. you're bound to be compared to your older brothers. it was unfair if only your parents didn't value one gender over the other. your brothers weren't as great as you. your first brother works in the bureau of magic but you're a divine visionary, also part of the bureau of magic so why? why does your parents still expect more from you? his wife recently gave birth to his second child. your second brother, step brother, is peacefully living his life as a successful bakery owner. both your younger siblings were in high school, both in their first year, one's your biological sister and the other is your half sister or not half but step sister. you're barely 23 and yet everything feels so far apart.
" so incompetent. " you mumbled as kaldo tilts his head.
" why? " you can't help but whisper as tears starts to prick your eyes. kaldo stays silent.
" I'm a divine visionary yet what more can she expect from me? I've done everything I can to be the best... I've even slayed that one dragon beast, earning a title... I've saved countless of people. so why? " you can't help but bawl your eyes out. kaldo gets up from the couch as he approaches you, rubbing slow circles on your back.
" you're more than the best, they don't say it but if they're not proud of you then I am. nothing can change that. I think you're incredible. " he says, calming you down.
you left the house and had been living by yourself ever since high school up till now. you don't have a reason for being in a place that haunts you for not being better than your older brothers. your sister called you earlier, inviting you to the family's dinner party tonight.
" kaldo... come with me to my family's dinner tonight, " you look up at him.
" your step mother will be there? " hearing those words, you can't help but glare at him. your real mother had been dead since your sister was born. that step mother of yours, doesn't even look one bit like you! isn't it obvious she's not your real mother. kaldo did visit your family house once, all the portraits of your real mother were replaced by her face. there's barely any family photos hung on the walls either.
" yeah. " you spat as he smiles.
" am I coming as your co-worker, best friend or potential lover maybe husband even? " you blush at his words.
" c-c-co-worker! "
after work, you and kaldo made your way to the family house. not bothering to change out of your work clothes. nervousness didn't bother to eat you. you felt oddly confident, having kaldo with you. if there's bloodshed today, you're certain it'll be your victory. kaldo feels happy he's going in the house again. he talked to the others about visiting the grand family house and no one was surprised he finally managed to visit it. everyone having gone in once as well but this second visit will make him special! if only he knew the madl family was a close partner to your family's. that means orter and his brother used to come over frequently to play. he didn't know that, of course.
" welcome home. " the house butler greets you, surprised to see you bringing a plus one, a male too.
" good to see you Mr butler, " he smiles at the nickname you've given him, barely remembering the last he heard you calling him that. he takes your coat and kaldo's as he hung it on the rack, near the entrance doors. before walking you to the dinning table.
everyone was quiet for a moment, taking in your appearance and the man next to you. your father sat at the end of the table, your step mother next to him and your first brother on his other side. everyone has taken their seats and the vacant ones were the one directly facing your father, the seat next to it or the two seats next to your step mother.
kaldo pats your shoulder. you take this as a sign to sit. you took the seat directly infront of your father as kaldo sits next to you, next to him was your sister.
everyone starts to eat, the table was quiet. you were surprised how kaldo didn't say anything. the food was a distraction, how you miss the cooking of the house. truth be told, the only good parts to living here was the workers who serve the family. your father clears his throat as the attention shifted to him.
" when are you, y/n going to get married? " he questions as everyone turns to look at you. you drop your fork on the plate as a surprise to the question.
" isnt it obvious, she's dating the guy next to her? " your step brother jokes as you cast a spell controlling his shadow to slightly tug at his leg, making him hit the table. all the plates, glasses and bowls clanks to the movement.
" orter madl would've been the best one for her to marry, " your first brother chimes in. his wife next to him, nods.
" big brother i want to marry him, don't say that! " your step sister says as she slams her hand on the table.
" ew, I doubt he'll even bat an eye at you. remember when he came over to watch the divine visionary candidate test, he said you were incompetent and far from his type. don't try your luck, " you can't help but laugh at what your sister said. everyone turning back to you.
" sorry, but orter would rather stab himself than be with you. " you wipe the tears from your eyes as kaldo smiles.
" anyways, I can't see myself with orter. we're best friends and I wouldn't want to be in an arranged marriage with someone who didn't get the freedom to pick who they'll marry. especially one just to tie the family together. " you finish the sentence as you look directly at your father.
" well we didn't say you'll be in one, marrying the orter madl gives you some sort of high title. you should take it, " your step mother says.
" I'll be fine. besides kaldo here, will be my life long partner. " hearing you say that, got kaldo grinning from ear to ear.
" that man, doesn't look like kaldo gehenna. " your step brother says matter of fact. " maybe you've casted a spell to make some other guy look like him and then brought the man over. "
" that's a pity, if it's true! Hahaha, " your step sister laughs.
" be quiet, is it true? you, kaldo gehenna will marry y/n? " your father says, turning to look at the man.
his eyes open, smiling at him as he says, " yes, and insulting me won't go unnoticed. you shall receive punishment for that. I could get you expelled from easton academy and I can burn down your precious bakery. "
" don't do that, say something! y/n! " your step mother shouts as she slams her hands on the table, dropping down a glass next to the floor.
" shut up, this is beyond my control and why should I control the actions of my beloved? " you question as this bubbles up her anger. she summon her wand, casting a spell to pick up a broken glass to throw it as you. it cut your cheek, you felt the blood run down. you stand up from your seat.
out of anger, you threw the glass next to you at your father. aiming for the wall behind him, he was unfazed. everyone looked at you. have you gone crazy? that's the man who created you with your late mother. the man who spends money on you, lets you live in his house.
" y/n, sit. " your father ordered as you stand, not moving an inch.
" no, thanks for dinner. I'm sorry dear sister. I can't stay for long and if I could, I would have done so long ago. you know I'm strong. I've defeated countless of monsters, that doesn't change the fact I can take the life of humans too. " your step family, shudders at the thought. a cold blooded bloodbath with them? maybe together with your father and big brother too. you turn your back against them. kaldo stands and places a hand over your back.
" she'll be in good hands, family in law. "
" who said anything about letting you into this family? your father work hard raising you and all you do is act like a brat. you're all bark and no bites! if only you were like your big brother. " your step mother shouts as she stands from her seat.
" bark and no bites? " a shadow came over her neck, holding her up slightly away from the ground.
"h-h-help me dear, " she calls for your father as she tries to grab his shoulder.
" drop it, y/n. " your father says.
" yeah, stop it, " your big brother speaks.
the shadow disappeared, dropping her to the ground. she wraps one hand over the place where the shadow was at, little did she realise there was a burnt imprinted left.
" are you sure, you still want to marry that mad witch? she nearly took her mother's life! " your step brother says, as both the step siblings rushed to their mother's side.
" she's not my mother. " you mumbled out loud.
" I don't care, what she does. even if her hands are bloodied. even if she'll kill me. she's mine and I'll still love her. " kaldo takes your hand to plant a kiss, turning over to look at them all.
" let's go, " you say to kaldo as you both took your leave.
walking around the now empty streets, it was already late into the night. you didn't feel one bit of guilt, the glass cut healed immediately after you left. you held kaldos hand eversince you left the house. he didn't want to let go and wished you didn't pull away. now, standing on a bridge. the soft water noises, wind blowing, prettily lit starry sky. you can't help but be drawn to those.
" sorry, " you apologise as kaldo stands closer to you, shoulder to shoulder touching.
" that was a hell of a dinner huh? " you start, sighing. if your real mother was still around. she'll definitely embrace you like she always did.
" don't be sorry, I'd kill too if I had to keep up with all of that till I'm finally free from those horrors. she hates you because you look so much like your mother, " he places his other hand to your cheek. stroking it slow and tenderly.
" no I mean, sorry for making it seem like we'll marry. unless you really want to, " you placed both hands over your mouth.
" HUH!? so you don't intend to be my lifelong partner? were you going to marry orter and prove them right? " he babbles as you laugh, putting your hands by your side.
" I really love you, kaldo gehenna. " you confessed, his eyes shot open and his eyes met yours, so full of love and adoration.
you lean close, nose brushing against his as you shut your eyes and give him a kiss to his lips. you feel his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
pulling apart, to catch your breath. you don't fail to notice his silghtly red face and the soft smile that doesn't seem to go away.
" I promise to be your sword and shield. I vow to be yours. I love you so much, " he takes your hand to his lips, placing a kiss as he drags you along.
" say, if we're together. can we skip the dating parts and just get married? " he says as you can see your house draw closer.
" yeah let's just get married, we've already known each other quite long too. "
" great, the wedding will be next week then! " he cheers as you unlock the doors of your house. you gave him a soft smile as you gave him one last kiss to the cheek before bidding him goodbye and a get home safely.
kaldo couldn't sleep that night, he was over the moon. the girl of his dreams finally said yes to him and had felt the same way as he. he couldn't help but call ryoh that night, gossiping the night away. ryoh too, was so happy for the man but gods he wished he'd shut up. he was tired from work and was looking forward to cuddling the night away with his wife.
" please free me. I have a wife to attend to, " ryoh mumbles out loud, catching the flame cane off guard.
" my, its so late well see you tomorrow and thank you for lending me a listening ear, goodnight ryoh. " he hangs up momentarily, forcing himself to sleep.
the next day as he walked to your office, he heard yours and orter's voices. he decides to wait by the door as he eavesdrop on the conversation.
" after the dinner, your sister called me. she said it was a disaster and they were expecting you'd marry me but you chose kaldo? " orter was leaning on the door, arms crossed after the other as you sat by your desk.
" you wouldn't want to marry me either. besides I just can't imagine you as the father of my children. I want a guy who knows how to wow his kids! " you laugh at the idea of kaldo being the fun parent.
" i see, you're all grown up now. well if there's anything I can help you with, let me know. I might even babysit them once or twice. " he offers, pushing his glasses up his face, not failing to notice the smile on your face.
" what a great best friend you are! do you want a hug? " you beamed as orter pushes himself off the wall. remembering the last time you gave him a hug, it was bone crushing. you managed to manipulate and manifest his shadow into 3d! making that give him a hug.
" no, " he opens the door as kaldo pretends he's just got there.
" get back to work, don't just flirt with her all day. " orter scolds as kaldo sighs, handling him the coffee he prepared for you. he'll just come back with a better and sweeter batch for you he thinks as he walks away dreadfully. he hears you laugh as he walks away, making a smile crawl up his face.
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kindestofkings · 5 months
nepobaby² [pt.2]
elijah hewson x pop singer! reader
description: people hate to see a hot girl killing it, so much so that tmz starts rumours that spread like wildfire.
authors note: heyy this is a random part two to this ! so go enjoy and tell me what you think :))
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
tmz 🚨 Scandal Alert 🚨 TMZ exclusive: Shocking photos reveal yourusername caught in a steamy affair with a Saltburn's heartthrob Barry Keoghan, despite being in a relationship of over 3 years! 😱💔
Stay tuned as we uncover all the juicy details behind this explosive cheating scandal.
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inhalerfan1 omg what a slut! always knew she was no good for Eli
inhalerfan2 she's so fame hungry going after the most popular irish celeb, watch out paul mescal
ynfan1 nooooo girl nooooo
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates ehhhh guys did you see all this?? yn and eli were spotted together like a week ago what the hell is going on??
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ynfan1 I refuse to believe this is true, she's not like that
inhalerfan2 oh and you know her so well do you? ynfan1 maybe not but I do know tmz have lied in the past! they have no journalistic integrity
ynfan2 she must of really REALLY enjoyed saltburn
inhalerfan1 I will never listen to her again disgusting behaviour
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
deuxmoi just hours after the news broke that his girlfriend of 3 years is cheating on him, elijah hewson is the picture of heartbroken at his show and their interviews :(
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inhalerfan1 omg baby, #ynisoverparty
inhalerfan2 this is crazy, how could she do this to him while they're touring !
ynfan1 we don't even know if the rumours are true!! inhalerfan1 evidence is pretty stacked against your girl
inhalerfan3 can't wait for the single Eli era !!
yourusername just posted on their close friends!
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this is hell there was 6 other people at that dinner and we got in separate cars home
bobbyskeetz yeah didn't think you fucked with barry like that
↳ ...... bobbyskeetz too soon? yeah just a bit man
taylorswift they are ruthless! please call me gorgeous, you're not alone in this xx
trumanblack are you in LA right now?
↳ I am yeah why does that matter rn matthew trumanblack just wanted to make sure I booked the flight to the right place. ↳ matttttt I'm gonna cry (even more)
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates THIS IS NOT THE FACE OF A CHEATER. Also look how in love those two are !!! I dont not believe tmz on bit. ALSO people are being so mean to her. LEAVE HER ALONE!!!
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ynfan1 couldn’t said it better myself
ynfan2 people hate to see a hot girl slay.
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liked by 1975fan1 and others
tmz big brother to the rescue ? looks like the Healy siblings are sticking together through thick and thin. our cameras caught the eldest Healy sibling rushing to the states to support his little sister amidst her massive cheating scandal! 👀
looks like getting cancelled runs in the family huh...
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1975fan1 oh he looks pissed
ynfan1 omg the poor girl she looks in bits 💔
inhalerfan1 consequences of her actions ynfan2 WE DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS TRUE NONE OF THEM HAVE COME OUT AND SAID ANYTHING inhalerfan1 you are clearly unhinged babe xxx
inhalerfan1 great job playing the victim girl, what about eli x
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liked by yourusername and others
elijahhewson stop making shit up to sell you papers. this is the love of my life who was at a group dinner, leave her be.
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bobbyskeetz ready to go to war for my favourite couple
ryanmcmahon_15 me too !
inhalerfan1 holy shit eli's is off private oh my GOD
inhalerfan2 it’s happening! everyone stay calm
trumanblack fair play mate
denisewelch its all so silly, clearly haven't seen how in love you two are !!
taylorswift glad to see her smiling again <3
ynfan1 I KNEW IT my parents could never .
ynfanupdates hope she's okay people were so mean to her..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername please learn to be nicer while I disappear x
comments have been turned off.
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liked by ynfan1 and others
ynfanupdates it’s officially been a year and a half since we’ve heard anything from or even seen yourusername 🥲 I really respect her taking some time after that crazy barry situation but this is HARD
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ynfan1 noo I’m the same, I do be missing her bops
ynfan2 fr feels like we’ve been put in the worlds longest time out
ynfanupdates especially with that last insta post 😔
yourusername posted to their close friends!
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charli_xcx yessss queen the world is not readyyyy
↳ AHHH thank you C <33
rass75 AOTY pending?
↳ heheh idk ! genre change pending tho …
taylorswift cannot wait to hear what you're working on !
↳ and what if you hopped on a track?
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername is there anyone out there?
come spend some time with me within the echoes of solitude, there might be some familiar faces x
// this is me trying  / the lakes / mad woman / my tears ricochet / mirrorball / slut! (feat. Taylor Swift) / let the light in (feat. Elijah Hewson) / both sides now (feat. Joni Mitchell) / coney island (feat. Matty Healy) //
out in TWO weeks !
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jackantonoff lets fuckin GO
trumanblack so moody, almost emo?
yourusername coming for your gig big bro x
gabriette woooo they are not ready !
charlixcx AHHHH so buzzed (for all the sadness)
ynfan2 ah a sad album?? yourusername im sorry to confirm its not very pop 💔 ynfan2 so heartbroken ! but can't wait to hear it all, welcome back <3
elijahhewson so proud of you beautiful
ynfan2 oh no she looks so sad :(( slut! is gonna break me
ynfanupdates okay queen is back to dominate a new genre !
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue our next edition unveils an exclusive interview with our beloved pop sensation! emerging from a year of solitude, she opens up about her toughest career moment yet and her newfound carefree spirit, crediting the unwavering support of friends, family, and the love of her life! don't miss out on the latest scoop - grab your copy and dive into her inspiring journey!
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yourusername ahhhhh thanks for having me !!!
ynfan1 oh she slayss
ynfan2 bless her, the part where she talks about how nervous she is about not releasing a new pop album broke my heart
ynfan1 fr she doesn't get how much we love her ! yourusername AWH you guys !!!!
inhalerfan1 the love of her life .... her and eli are the cutest
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername HI again ! soooo I felt a tinnie bit bad that I'm abandoning my roots, espically so close to summer sooo....
espresso a certified bop* is out now xxxx
*certification is from my boyfriend so possible bias there ..
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ynfan1 holy shit I LOVE YOU
ynfan2 eli is so in love im OBSESSED
charlixcx so hot omfg
bobbyskeetz man is whipped
yourusername isnt it that sweet?! bobbyskeetz i guess so 🙄 elijahhewson espresso
hehehe this is so dramatic and for WHAt?! but I love and had so much fun making it. ENJOY <33
ALSO requests are open aswell so it me up xx
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
a/n; just a cute platonic fic before i wonder for another hour if i decide to write something else or not. im reading through the u20 v bllk arc (i think im like halfway through) im like, i could write some good shit with this rq. someone probably wrote something like already potentially but it's rotting my brain rn so. this is totally ooc for rin probably im so sorry
also small bachira mom cameo slay
[platonic] [younger sibling! reader]
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your brothers.. are cool.
rin and sae, your big older brothers who loved playing soccer. you watched them play everyday and they always looked like superheroes in your young eyes.
you grow up alongside them, just a year or two younger as you try to find what you want to do. do you want to win with them? do you want to live a peaceful life?
what do you want to do?
you don't know. you're lost without the guidance you wanted. you've been watching your brothers all this time that you lost track of yourself.
you come to realize that what rin talks about.. rings true for you as well.
that sae is just so far away from you both. but you feel far from rin too.
when did that happen?
you can only watch as your brothers fight in a colosseum called soccer where everyone in the audience is thirsty for a fight. where the new recruits meet the pro gladiators and then the pros crush them under their experienced swords and chains.
but this was different. you could feel it in the intense air. you were not even close in terms of seating to see your brothers. even with the seat you were offered from a really nice lady, you could barely see them. but you know that chilling air anywhere.
it felt like you were back in that school field with your brothers again. when he came back home from spain.
everything cracked.
"get lost rin. you're not necessary in my life anymore."
you watched as your brothers broke everything you believed in. how you three would stay together, how you would be there to cheer them on every match you could, how you would happy with them by your side.
your parents weren't even here to see the destruction they caused. the absolute pain they unintentionally inflicted on the three itoshi siblings. you came here on a whim, you wish you could say.
if you were really being honest, you really missed them. sae was always busy, and rin was in blue lock the whole time. so that left you alone.
"are you here with your family, dear? where are they?" that nice woman from before sits beside you, worried that you're all alone in this stadium.
"n-no. i'm alone." you're flustered by the sudden attention from her. "i'm here to.." you paused for a moment, "..to support my brothers."
"oh! that's so sweet! i'm supporting my own son! your brothers must be really good as well."
when was the last time you felt warm like this?
from just a simple talk with a lovely mother has you boiling with pain and longing.
why couldn't you feel this warmth with your family?
"yeah." you nodded curtly.
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when the timer ticks down, you watch with dull eyes as rin and sae fight on the field again. you almost thought they would get cards for how aggressive this was. and before you know it.
blue lock wins.
and you don't know how to feel.
you saw the monster that rin was, tearing every person apart against their strongest assets. and you saw the monster that sae was, constantly calculating his way to win optimally.
today was the day that rin finally beat him.
and today was the day soccer changed japan.
the two week rest was now given to the blue lock members, and you haven't seen much of rin. that still hurt.
but you did catch him one day.
"rin.." you encounter him on a late night, hearing a set of heavy footsteps before you went to bed. "rin." you don't address him as your brother anymore. you wonder when you started making that habit.
"you did well." you don't know what to say when you finally manage to have a chance at a proper talk with at least one of your brothers. he scoffs at your weak voice but you continue, "i saw everything. i attended the match."
"then you should know that i didn't do enough."
"i don't think like you and sae, i don't know as much as you two do-"
"i'm still far away from him now." you stay silent as he trembles with frustration and anger. "i'm gonna beat him and that stupid isagi.. "
your mouth is dry with confusion. you can't find it in you to talk to him like you once did as a kid. but you manage, "does this mean i'm gonna be alone again?"
it's his turn to go silent. his back faces you while he stares at his bedroom door.
"how long am i gonna be alone again?" you ask.
"until i beat our good for nothing shitty brother and that idiot isagi."
".. okay." you reach to open your bedroom door, "when you see sae again, tell him i said hi. i miss seeing you and sae." you confess.
"i don't understand how you miss him."
"the same way i miss you." you open your door, looking out at your bland bedroom. not a single trophy seen, not a single sign of any sports prowess, nothing that defined you. "you're both too far away from me. and i can't catch up." you sigh. "i'm just the talentless third kid after all."
"with that attitude, you deserve it." he opens his bedroom door and it's the complete opposite of yours. littered with awards and trophies and a single photo frame of the last time you've seen rin and sae happy.
"i know."
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ouatnextgen · 3 months
If Descendants characters were apart of the next gen, what do you think their relationships with the other next gen would be (assuming they were the younger siblings of the next gen).
This is finna be a looong one.
Obviously all the siblings love each other, and all the older siblings are protective of the little ones, so I tried not to be too repetitive with the details.
The Mills:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Bobby is slightly more of a handful than he's used to, so he (and Lucy) keep him on his toes
Henry always asks Regina if he was like that as a kid, and her answer is always a smug "Yes"
Bobby likes spending time with Henry's other families (ie, his own and the Swan-Joneses)
Evie's a lot quieter, so he appreciates that
He's very protective of Evie specifically
She could ask him for the moon and the stars, and you know that Henry would find someway to bring them down for her.
He knows damn well that Bobby looks up to him a lot, so he tries to put on his best act when he's around
Unfortunately, he is more susceptible to The Eyes than Henry is, so Bobby ends up getting away with waaaaay more stuff with Big Bro Roland
Like Henry, he is also very protective of Evie, and will be the one who teaches her how to kill a man when she's older
Basically, Evie is their little princess, and you don't wanna fuck with her
While Evie doesn't like camping, she will tolerate it when she goes with her father, brothers, and sister.
Robyn's just glad she's not the baby anymore lol
She's the least busy of her siblings, by default of being younger, so she's the one who gets to babysit Bobby and Evie when the adults are busy
She and Bobby like to practice archery and eat dirt together or whatever it is kids do
She's never been very girly, so she and Evie have trouble bonding at times
The Nolans:
Leo likes hanging out with little kids, so he never minds babysitting Chad
He's very bossy, however, and seems to be allergic to fun, so Chad doesn't like it when he babysits
Leo can also be kind of preachy about the rules, so Chad will end up getting more lectures from Leo than their parents sometimes
Despite the minor animosity, Leo always wants to be a role model and someone to look up to for Chad
He likes to teach him sword fighting and archery, even when Chad has zero interest or skill for those things
Beck (I can't pick a name for this kid, for now it's Beck):
He and Chad go together like two peas in a pod
Beck's sarcastic outlook paired with Chad's optimism make a fully rounded duo
Beck encourages Chad to commit Crimes, and Chad is the Voice Of Reason
The Hermans/Boyds:
Alex is pretty chill with Chloe
Alex feels like a disappointment to their parents, so she is kind of worried that Chloe might be their "replacement"
Chloe basically hero-worships Alex, and dyes her hair blue like how Alex dyes theirs pink
In the future, Chloe ends up being a jock instead of a girly girl, and she and Alex bond over their mother not knowing what to do with either of them
He and Chloe argue (a lot)
Charlie hates sports, and Chloe hates boring nerd junk, so they don't get along
They are the epitome of "only I'M allowed to make fun of my sibling!" If anyone else makes fun of either of them, they get the wrath of the other one
The Briarwoods (Aurora's Family):
PJ gets along fine with both Ariana and Audrey
He and Ariana specifically love to banter back and forth, which is hilarious to witness since Ariana wins 99% of the time
He will have tea parties with Audrey and dress up like a princess, and he will slay whichever princess dress she forces on him
The girls aren't actually triplets (Ariana isn't even their sister), but they're so close in age and act so similar, that they're always called triplets
They all love princess stuff, and adore being actual princesses; they all want to move to the Enchanted Forest and have balls
When they get older, they sing a different tune, but stay close
The Swan-Joneses:
He has so many siblings now, oh god
Harriett has given Henry a lot of gray hairs; more than Bobby, almost as much as CJ
He likes playing pirate with all of the kids
He always calls Harry 'Killian Jr.'
He's the one who bought CJ her red leather coat, to be more like Emma
He spoils them so much (The Mills kids too, but Regina already spoils them a lot) and always brings them gifts when he visits
She loves having such a big family and so many little siblings
She shares her love of books with Harriett, stargazing with Harry, and painting with CJ
She's the sibling that gets sacked with babysitting duty, but she never minds
Hope is the "cool" sibling, aka, she lets them get away with more shit than Henry and Alice do
She's part of the reason CJ is Like That
For whatever reason, she's Harry's favorite sibling, which sucks for her, since she's not a fan of little kids
The Golds:
Ben is very quiet, so he'll tag along with Gideon everywhere and no one will even notice
Gideon and Ben have a book club between the two of them
He feels kind of weird that Ben still has that "my dad is the best" attitude, but doesn't have the heart to tell him the whole truth
They tell each other everything, and despite the age difference, are very close
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What was Izuna's character?
Izuna is most likely one of the most mysterious character in the Narutoverse. He's truly a ghost. Barely seen but so important to Madara's storyline and his eyes the most powerful sight of the entire series. Regardless, all we know about his personality in the canon can be resumed in few sentences : He admired his brother as a child, he was also a fierce warrior from early age, he warned his brother against the Senju, and before his death willingly offered his eyes to Madara in order to protect the Uchihas. It's quite thin for a character development...
In the fandom, fanart, and the many fanfictions included, the general consensus is to represent Izuna as a soft and gentle character always devoted to his brother. Sometimes he's the victim of a hungry-power Madara (but that's really old stories back when no one knew that Obito was cosplaying Madara), often sassy and effeminate. A bit like Haku who was entirely in service of Zabuza. I suppose this idea comes from the adjectives that describes Izuna in the databook :
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Considering the lack of information in canon, that headcanon starts to become the more popular. My ambitious is to try to discover what was Kishimoto's intentions for Izuna if he had more time to articulate that character. It's just an hypothesis that I present you, it's in no way a definite answer.
I) Intuition
That's nothing I can prove but it always seems to me strange that Izuna was the quiet one in this sibling's dynamic. If you put yourself in his shoes opened-toes sandals, he is Madara Uchiha's little brother. From birth, his brother was seen with special attention. Madara was the oldest, the heir and on top of that the genius one. Butsuma said that as a child he was able to kill adults. Being the second is virtually being invisible in front of other adults, it would have naturally created jealousy and a need to exist outside of the big brother's shadow. We've seen this same dynamic before between Sasuke and Itachi. The little one feels always left out. The difference there, is that Itachi was mostly absent in Sasuke's life, he was always busy with school and missions. And after the Uchiha's downfall, when Sasuke was just 7 years old, the distance between them wider dreadfully. For the majority of Sasuke's life, Itachi was a distant childhood memory. In contrary, Izuna seems to have stayed close to his brother until his death at 24 years old. They enjoy a childhood together and were so close than even adults they were able to take over the Uchiha clan. Because they spend more than 20 years together, sharing happiness and losses, there is for me an implicit idea that Izuna was balancing Madara and vice versa. In the same way, Hashirama's visionnary ideas are counter-balanced by a down-to-earth Tobirama. The Senju carves his unique personality by constantly creating new jutsus that surprised his opponents while Hashirama was known for being that rare and powerful Mokuton user. Madara being this taciturn person in public, Izuna must have been a bit more outgoing. So if Madara was in private described as kind by Hashirama, maybe Izuna was more rational when dealing with people.
II) Canon + extra materials
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in extra materials I mean : databook, official card, official illustrations, video games ect...
Even if I'm team canon-only, sometimes other fillers or goodies can give us a hint of what would have been Izuna. And two things catch my attention :
first, he's always represented as someone very confident, holding a sword ready to slay someone, focused. Actually...he NEVER SMILES. He smirks once in a filler when he thought he was about to overpower Tobirama. It shows more his merciless attitude towards his enemy than any trace of softness. We are very far from the flower boy from fanarts.
secondly his voice...Have you heard his adult voice? It's surprisingly deep comparing to his slender appearance. Again it doesn't sound like a fragile baby doll but more like a commander in chief.
III) Izuna vs Obito
It took me a long time to realise how much Izuna is in the canon constantly in parallel with Obito. It goes back to my old post on "why Madara chose Obito". Months later, I think the answer is more obvious that what I thought back then.
Izuna simply might have had a very similar personality than Obito. Or should I say, Madara saw in Obito, not only his potential strength but also a clear resemblance in character to his dear brother. At the Kannabi's bridge, He observed and found Obito dying after he saved Kakashi, Rin and gave his right eye to Kakashi. There is a strong parallel to Izuna's life who also gave his eyes willingly to Madara when he was dying. In both case, there is a deep devotion for the well being of their friends/clansmen.
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Even if Madara consciously chose to cut bonds with the world, unconsciously he still yearned for companionship. It's obvious by the fact he couldn't stop talking about his friend Hashirama, and in the similar way he looked for his "right hand" in Obito. Yes, in a deranged and manipulative way but even during the war, he never doubted Obito's intentions until it was obvious that he betrayed him.
So not only Obito was a replacement for Izuna as a brother in arm, but the databook gives them the same birthday the 10th of february, obviously the same zodiac sign Aquarius and most importantly the same blood type.
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IV) Blood type
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Izuna and Obito are said to be the same blood type O. Madara also is type O. As a westerner I've never paid attention to this information (I don't even know my own blood type to be honest!😅) until I've learned recently that Japaneses have got a whole culture associating blood type with certain personality traits. They take this more seriously that astrology to the point there is even campaigns to prevent discrimination towards rare types. Since I don't know much about this theory, let me quote some other sources.
So what is type O?
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source : https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-blood-type/
This source goes deeper into type O in Naruto.
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source : https://aminoapps.com/c/naruto/page/blog/blood-types-personality-theory-in-naruto/lrqm_VpiQuDpPEDjoMXgoMVnn0E3eeXmpw
I don't really know how to interpret the type O because the adjectives seems very larges and vagues to me. but it seems that leadership trait, hard working, outgoing, protective, direct, confident are the trait that comes the most from the various sources I've read. In Naruto, the others type O are : Kakashi, Asuma, Sakura, Temari, Raikage, Neji.
An other interesting aspect, is relationship between each types. Look closely at OxO relationship.
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Let's go back now to compare now Izuna and Obito's databook pages with this new information in mind.
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Notice again how Izuna is systematically showed in action, fighting someone or ready to attack. That's not really a moment where he looks relaxed with an easy-going attitude.
Izuna's favourite hobby was training with his brother Madara. Because of their closeness as brothers they developed an healthy competition. A good OxO relationship.
In the opposite, considering the circumstance of their meeting, Obito never truly trusted Madara and even when he agreed on the Tsukuyomi plan, he decided early on that he'll do it his own way and almost overtook Madara's role as the "saviour". It shows a negative OxO relationship.
In this perceptive, it seems to me that Izuna and Obito share in common of being extremely strong-willed and competitive. They have an inflexible determination that never sways. After being deadly wounded, Izuna still found the strength to warn Madara about the Senjus and again in his deadbed he made Madara promise to watch over the Uchiha clan. His vision (even in the literal way) was strong enough to motivate Madara long after his death. This devoted, balanced personality must be read as a confident desire to protect his people, the Uchiha clan, to the point of self-sacrifice.
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Obito demonstrated two times an incredible will. Once as a child when he defended Kakashi's father and swore to destroy an unfair shinobi system, and a second time when he battled against the juubi. He knew he wasn't physically strong enough neither to hold the rinnegan nor contain juubi inside him but by cheer willpower he forced his destiny.
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To conclude my guess is that Kishimoto intended Izuna as a warlord, a man of action, just like Madara, with a strong sense of duty and sacrifice for his clan. And the Senju represented to him the epitome of threat for the Uchiha's peace. Izuna pictured peace and harmony related to his clan not the whole world like his brother did (and maybe that's why he had to make him promise to protect the Uchihas first!?). He was probably more extravert, agreeable and also more distant emotionally than Madara. His interaction with his big brother must have been a funniest version to what we've seen with Obito. Just imagining those two uchiha big egos together, they were probably insufferable for their opponents 😂. If you read the manga again it's as if Madara is expecting a back-and-forth banter with Obito...just like Izuna would have done with him in the middle of a battles.😢
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That's all I wanted to share on my hypothesis, maybe in future Kishimoto will give us something about Izuna's past and this post will age badly but let me know what you think of this theory?
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themadlu · 6 months
A Star's Purpose
Part of the Spelljammer challenge by @spacebarbarianweird!
Astarion is happy, truly happy, in the safety of his lover's affection. The troubles of the Underdark have no sway on his mood as he relishes simply existing with his Zélie.
Until a call for help takes them to the depths of the Astral Sea on a Spelljammer vessel, and he'll be damned if he lets his maddening hero face the dangers of interplanar space on her own.
TW: None, I think. Maybe a smidge of self-worth issues? And end-of-game spoilers.
Not beta read and minimal editing, sorry for any mistakes!
This is mostly non-canon to Zélie and Astarion's story (I think).
@amywritesthings, in case you wanna check it out!
A year and a half has passed since the Netherbrain’s defeat. Zélie stayed in Faerun with Astarion, who’s now confined in the shadows due to his vampiric nature. They have settled in the Underdark, after concluding it was their duty to guide the 7,000 spawns towards a semi-functional society and a second chance at life. The lovers live in the magic tower near the sussur tree and have made it their own haven. A home, Zélie would say, but she is home to Astarion, and where they are matters not. 
He just wants to keep falling into reverie with her warm body tangled in his, keeping his demons at bay, and welcome the day with her wild, owlbear-esque hair all over his face. To live in the comfort of each other’s embrace, as nauseatingly cliche as it sounds. Not that she would allow it on most days, his precious, maddening woman. They have responsibilities, she says. Obligations. To the hells with them, he thinks, as he walks with her towards whatever bothersome issue they need to attend to next.  
So what happens when a message comes from a dear friend asking for their assistance in the cold void of the Outer Planes? Astarion knows. His steadfast hero will do what heroes are expected to do: run to the rescue, even if she’d rather not risk their lives again so soon after…well, everything. “You don’t have to come, Astarion, really. Actually, I think it more appropriate for you to stay here, now that we are making progress with your siblings.” As if. Aurelia and Leon can make themselves useful for once and hold the fort on their own. The pale elf is no hero and never will be, but his heart beats in her chest and her soul is his own, so he’d be damned if he doesn’t follow her into this new, gigantic mess. She (“We, Astarion”) already slayed a Netherbrain; what’s a lich queen in comparison. 
Well, that’s impressive.
Astarion examines the raiding ship that Lae’zel somehow managed to secure. The very thing that is going to sail them into the cold, deep astral sea. The technology is clearly Illithid—since he woke up inside that fleshy pod, he’s become familiar enough with their tentacled technology to recognise it when he sees it. But the Githianki’s influence is evident: the large, fan-shaped sails stand proud against the moonlit sky like a dragon’s wings, ready to take their riders towards their next conquest. The front of the ship has what he can only describe as teeth; fanged protrusions, not unlike his own, ready to swallow whole whatever unfortunate creatures they’ll meet. A silent but unavoidable promise of war echoes off the vessel. It makes Astarion antsy. 
He has no issue with violence–he still revels in it at times, the need to own, to consume and not be consumed, so typical of his kind, exasperated by the horrors he suffered. But his bouts of spite and aggression have been fading since her. 
He turns to look at Zélie only to find her staring at the ship with eyes so wide they mirror the moon perfectly. Her mouth is the slightest bit agape in wonder, the closer her stern face can get to a surprised expression. Perfect thing. Gods, over a year together (A year, five tendays and eight days.), barely leaving each other’s side even in dreams, and his little hero still leaves him speechless with the smallest quirk.
(The way she smiles at him when she thinks he isn’t looking makes him want to scream, weep, beg her for forgiveness—for all he has to his name is a used body—and ravage her for days. At the same time.)
You’re a gift, my love. Let me keep you. 
Astarion isn’t worthy of her devotion and mercy, no angry huffs and puffs from her will convince him fully, but gods below he wants to be. He’ll do anything, become anything to keep her safe, happy, looking at him as if he were some miracle of the heavens. 
(Do it. I dare you, he thinks to the silent gods, Try to take her from me. See what happens next.)
“Seen something you like, darling?” He jests in an airy tone, both because he likes to prattle and because her attention scalds him kindly, completely, like the sun never could. Insufferable woman, making him feel so alive. 
Zélie flips her head towards him, frizzy curls bouncing wildly. “Oh Astarion, this ship! I know we’ve been on a mindflayer vessel before, but this is incredible!” She takes his hand in hers and he burns in the best way possible. 
Precious thing, so enamoured by technology, human or otherwise. He pulls her into his arms so he can feel whole one last time before he has to share her with their friends. Astarion kisses her softly, a grin on his lips at her inexorable embarrassment. She is not one for public displays of affection—most of the time.
(Part of the reason he prefers it when it’s just the two of them, so he can worship her properly in the temple of their home.) 
He is getting hard just thinking about it. He needs to distract himself or else he’ll end up with a wet patch on his trousers that Lae’zel will ridicule until the end of days. 
Jealous prick. Green suits her.
The pale elf grips Zélie tighter, his familiar hardness pressing into her stomach, and her already wide eyes become impossibly larger, paler. (He so wishes he had a reflection in times like these.) 
“I stand by my point, my sweet. Size does matter, it seems.” Astarion winks at her and the woman’s flustered expression turns unamused. Oh, he so adores riling her up, his fierce hero. 
It seems he has underestimated the effect he’s had on her since they met—he can’t believe it’s almost as deep as the one she had on him—because suddenly she presses into him, burying a hand into one of her coat’s pockets so she can grab his length without being seen. Astarion hisses under his breath with poorly concealed pleasure. It’s his eyes that widen and darken now.
“You, cheeky, little pup,” he murmurs, rattles, heat spreading through him so that he would surely combust if he weren’t a cold corpse. 
“Mhm. I guess you do have a point, my dear,” Zélie says, face still unamused as she looks at him and gives him a gentle squeeze to emphasise her statement. 
(It takes all of his self-control not to buck his hips into her hand.)
“Although size doesn’t mean quality. Both are necessary. What good would such a huge ship do to us if it couldn’t sail properly, don’t you think?” She whispers the last few words in his sensitive ear and Astarion almost whines, the desire pooling in his underwear threatening to stain the fabric.
 If it were anyone else touching him like she does, Astarion would rip their throat and limbs out or die in the attempt. But it’s his Zélie and, gods and hells, he wants her, this, all of it, desperately. Her hands are so gentle to him, always, as if he would break should she press a little harder. He thought it was her relative inexperience at first, or worse, pity. The idea that she could be so tender with someone like him purely because she wanted to was unfathomable; now, he has no interest in living without it.
Only she can come to him unannounced. She can do anything she wants with him. 
(He trusts her more than he trusts himself.)
“T’chaki, you two never cease to be revolting,” a cutting voice calls out from behind them. Ah, right. Lae’zel is here. And a few dozen other Gith warriors loyal to Orpheus, all looking equally disgusted. 
Astarion scowls at them while his love-addled brain quickly sobers up at their most untimely appearance (Thank you very much, Lae’zel.) 
Only then, he notices the strangeness of his predicament: it’s his usually stony Zélie who’s all but moulding their bodies into one, it’s her smaller frame in his arms and her fingers caressing his still-hard length. 
Oh? You’re more worried about this journey than you let on, aren’t you, darling?
He recognises the signs from their last life-threatening adventure, her need to have him close to her so she could keep him safe. Impossible thing, always shielding him so fiercely, he is starting to consider his centuries of captivity as a due price for having her to himself. 
(A mortal human protecting a vampire should be laughable, but she saved him in every possible way already.)
Astarion snarls in warning at the burdensome company that ruined what could be the last moment of private intimacy with his person in a long while. “With all due respect, Lae’zel dear, go fuck off for a bit, would you?” 
Lae’zel’s warriors look just about ready to use him as a practice target (They can try.) when the woman in his embrace clears her throat, “It’s all right, Lae’zel. We’re revising last-minute arrangements for the journey. We’ll board in a moment, thank you.” 
The Gith does not look happy, but she and Zélie share a close friendship (And a stick up both their backsides, Astarion used to think.), so she listens to her and heads to the ship with her crew, cursing some pretty mild threats. Small mercies. 
“Oh,” Finally alone, Zélie realises she is still gripping Astarion’s length, colour draining from her face in mortification. “I’m so sorry Astarion, I got carried away,” she tries to move her hand away but he grabs her wrist, keeping her in place. 
“You don’t have to apologise, love. I know I’m simply irresistible!” His attempt to lighten her mood is met with a sceptic glance. Silly, precious thing, always caring for his well-being. Let me help you. “Truthfully, my sweet,” his next words are the truest ones he’s ever uttered, “you know I’m yours.” 
Zélie raises an eyebrow, “you are your own person, Astarion. We went through this, multiple times in fact.” 
He laughs, “To you, with you, darling, it doesn’t matter. As you can clearly see,” he squeezes her hand around his dripping cock.
His stubborn woman studies him carefully, searching for any of his masks and finding none. “Very well,” she concedes. She turns to her left as noises filter from the ship. “Last chance, Astarion. If you want to remain in the Underdark, you must tell me now. Lord knows how long this expedition will last, and I reckon your siblings would benefit greatly from you being there to—”
That’s what it is, then. She worries for him still; and it still unravels him. 
Let me care for you, idiot.  
“Hush, you,” Astarion places a finger on her lips to shush her, “I am where I belong.” 
(Something inside him tears at the thought of being separated from Zélie. Of her alone in the face of danger.)   
His hero’s stance softens, finally relaxed. Her relief makes her look so much younger. “Oh, well, in that case,” she leans into him and kisses him. Truly, fearlessly, savouring all of him. Astarion barely suppresses a noise of surprise before responding in kind, fangs grazing her lips, never hurting her (Never.), devouring her. 
Zélie quietly moans into him. Astounding, how she is still pleasured by such a simple act when they have been entangled into way more complex scenarios during the last year. (As if he were not close to coming already.) If the Gith are watching, he’ll gauge their eyes out.
A tremble of the earth signals that the ship is ready for departure. Zélie detaches from him and this time he does whine at her loss. She gives one last gentle squeeze to his length, making him narrow his eyes at her. The cool night air flows between them.
“The moment we are alone, I will bury myself into your perfect little body so deeply they will have to pry me from you, love.” 
(There’s no holier sight than her tender ecstasy as she shatters around him.)
He expects her embarrassment but not her smirk, “Careful. Promises must be kept, Astarion.” 
She pecks him on the lips again, fully extricating herself from him to climb the steps to the main deck. 
Cheeky, maddening pup.
Yes, Astarion decides, he will make her shout his name so loud Vlaakith herself will hear. 
The Astral Sea is not what Astarion expected. Not that he expected much of anything since he didn’t really want to come here in the first place.
Zélie is leaning against the taffrail in front of him, a multitude of celestial bodies surrounding them. She is so eager to examine every part of the vessel that she stepped onto the outer deck the moment the ship slowed down to pick up some more crew members (As if they weren’t cramped enough already.)
“Don’t you find it uncanny, Astarion? This works very much like a regular ship, and yet it doesn’t. The Astral Sea functions like any material sea, until it doesn’t. And those strange helms—” 
“A pinnacle of technology, taken from the Ghaik and immensely improved by the Githianki so that our empire may conquer and prosper,” comments Lae’zel. Her queen’s betrayal hasn’t quelled the admiration for her own people; if anything, she seems more determined than ever to see a worthy leader at the helm of Gith society. “With a spelljamming brig such as this, you can travel anywhere, anytime. Time passes differently in the Astral Plane. Open a gate into one of many material planes to plunder and pillage to your heart’s content!” 
Gods, intense as always I see. Good. 
A formidable trait in war; fearsome in a foe, welcome in an ally. 
(So Lae’zel can protect Zélie on the battlefield while he keeps her safe from the shadows.)
Zélie’s attention shifts to the mechanism supporting the sails as she speaks, “The travelling part sounds delightful, Lae’zel. The plundering and pillaging less so, for my tastes.” 
The Gith begins a rant about the istik’s inherent weak nature. She even dares to say his Zélie should have chosen her as a partner, back when she proposed, so her martial skills would not have been dulled by the puny vampire. 
Excuse me?!
“I’ll let you know, Lae’zel, that I can keep our dear leader on her toes just fine,” the elf interjects. Astarion is about to add a snarky remark (He was chosen after all.), but Zélie speaks first, “Oh Lae’zel, I would have just been an impediment and you know it. I would have slowed down all the conquering and deadly fighting you enjoy so much. Besides,” she turns to Astarion, a playful glint in her eyes. If he weren’t so attuned to her, he’d miss it.
 (He wonders how many silent gestures he has missed at the start of their travels.)
“I am where I am meant to be,” she concluded. The tips of his ears definitely do not blush at those words. 
(She’ll be the end of him and he wouldn’t have it any other way.) 
Astarion shoots his darling a winning smile, which morphs into a cocky grin as he looks at Lae’zel. 
There. Don’t be sour, you heard what she said. 
Lae’zel is unimpressed. “T’chk. Suit yourself, Zel. Your loss.” 
She marches off towards the helm of the brig when Zélie interrupts her, “Wait. You mentioned that time here passes differently, but how so?”
The Gith sighs, “Ignorants. It’s not the time itself, but its effects. They come to an almost complete halt; no hunger, no ageing—you’ll see when you won’t recall the last time you ate.” 
“Oh”. Oh. 
No ageing is almost as good as—
Astarion has heard about the Astral plane before, but it seemed so out of his reach he never bothered to learn more. He pickpocketed a book or two about it from some of his liaisons, but they were confiscated immediately and he was handed to Godey for his insolence. It’s not as if Cazador ever had any interest in entertaining his spawn’s curiosity. 
Time is of no consequence to him, but to know that Zélie’s limited lifespan (Because of course the impossible woman had to be human, of all things.) could also be endlessly extended— 
Astarion faces her, her eyes already on him, lit up with the same realisation. He doesn’t dare to hope it’s going to be that simple, but gods, if anyone deserves eternal life is her. And he deserves some happiness without such a dreadfully finite time limit, he fucking does. 
He sees how Lae’zel looks at him, then Zélie, and sighs loudly. She stomps off, shouting, “Boarding is about to be complete. I suggest you two get inside soon enough, if you don’t want to end your dull lives swept away by the astral winds.” 
Astarion nods as she passes by him—her people-reading’s skills have improved enormously since they met. The moment she is out of earshot, he speaks, “Darling, did you—”
“I don’t know—” Zélie says, at the same time. 
The elf lets out a shrill, small laugh, “You first, my sweet.” 
She smiles, a “I don’t know what to think, Astarion. Being immune to the effects of time, it all seems so impossible, so…” He knows what she is thinking, that it’s unnatural, that it’s not how things, people, are supposed to be. When he thought ascending was the right choice for them, when he failed to convince her to embrace becoming his eternal bride, she recoiled, attached to her mortality. 
She doesn’t understand. 
He would outlive her even if he were not a vampire because he is an elf and she, holy as she is, is human. There is no facet of reality where she won’t leave him behind and go where he can’t follow—
“I think we should try,” Zélie stands taller, back straight, like a general making an important call, “After we help your siblings and all the others settle down. Who knows, maybe we can even get our own astral skiff. Do you think dogs will be fine here? I wouldn’t want to leave Scratch behind.”  
She talks faster, excited, and Astarion’s breath catches, head spinning even though he doesn’t need air. He darts forward to cage her between himself and the taffrail, causing her to let out the most adorable little breath. 
Zélie composes herself again, “And if we can travel between material planes, there may be a chance to find mine…to find my family. Even if just to tell them I’m well and to introduce you to them.”
Astarion feels like he’s falling, so he catches himself with centuries-old sarcasm. “To—what? Love, you can’t be serious. Introducing a vampire spawn to your oh-so-proper family is a moronic thing to do, even for an impossible woman such as yourself.” 
They would scorn you my sweet. 
She speaks of her family, her planet, sometimes. The image of stern faces, so similar to hers, twisted in fear—or worse, disgust—at the monster their precious Zélie is in love with leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He isn’t fond of children, but even he wouldn’t want his daughter to have anything to do with something like him. 
Zélie exhales in offence, “Of course I want you to meet them, ridiculous elf. I have nothing to hide. I am proud of you, all of you, infinitely, and I know they would be too. You complete me, and for that they would welcome you with open arms.” She stares him down in challenge. 
Astarion studies her expression as he presses his forehead to hers. He seeks for unwillingness, for embellishments of the truth—because lying is a sin to her— and finds none. 
You mean this. Gods.
“Yes, love. We can bring the pest. We can even ask Halsin for the owlbear if you’d like. We will travel through every single material plane if we need to. Anything,” he kisses her parted lips, “Anything,” pecks her cheeks, “Anything,” her forehead, “Anything,” her nose, “Anything you want.” His grip on her tightens. 
She smiles at his onslaught, “All right, all right. We’ll find out how to make it work. For a while!” Zélie points her index finger at him in mock sternness, “I don’t think an unchanging eternity wandering the Astral Sea is something we should limit ourselves to, even if I want to. What purpose would it serve?”
“Purpose?” Astarion snarls the word as if it personally offended him, “We are purpose enough, stubborn woman.” He lifts her up and she clings to him on instinct. He strides inside the ship, ignoring the disapproving looks of the Giths. 
“Astarion! What are you doing?!” 
He whispers, fangs grazing her ear, “I’m finding a private space on this overcrowded thing, darling, so I can fully demonstrate how purposeful I can be.”
Zélie pales and flushes at the same time, and Astarion can feel himself basically purring at the thought of what he’s going to do to her—
“I’m glad you learnt to keep your promises, Astarion,” she murmurs, the outline of a smile into his neck.
Oh love, you have no idea.
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock thoughts!
Wow Wrath of Khan left us on a total cliffhanger so I’m glad I can just watch the next movie instead of waiting (checks google) …2 years. Goddamn. Anyway!
Warning for strong language and spoilers
Let’s get schmoving:
- They’re throwing us RIGHT BACK IN with the saddest scene ever
- GET YOUR FUCKING DOG BITCH (edit: I love the Klingon monster dog <3)
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- is that Janice Rand?
- Who’s in Spock’s room??
- “Jim, help me.” WHAT WHAT WHAT
- Jim lost one husband and the other is possessed by spirits and having visions
- McCoy can do a pretty good Spock impression
- McCoy is now two husbands in one. Two for the price of one kinda deal
- Stabbing me would elicit less emotion.
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- Kirk has lost both his husbands and is now losing his ship. When will the pain and suffering cease?
- they slay
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- Saavik commenting on how David is human like Kirk. Saavik saying fascinating like Spock. David and Saavik working together like the awesome siblings they are. I’m getting everything from this movie
- Did they have to make Sulu slay that hard? Yes.
- HII BITCH! It’s ambassador Sarek!
- “Sarek, your son meant more to me than you could know. I would give my life if it could save his.” That’s- nevermind. They’re husbands. Yada yada you get it
- okay. So Sarek was helpful. That’s a… rare occurrence
- “Then it’s my responsibility.” “Yours?” Yes! Of course it’s Kirk’s! They’re his husbands!
- “You’ll destroy yourself. Do you understand me, Jim?” The only people Jim would understand in these circumstances are mayybe Spock and McCoy but they’re not here. So he’s gonna do something stupid.
- Sulu’s outfit is going so hard
- McCoy’s at the club? He should be at the club!
- I LOBE HIS SPOCK COMING OUT OMG “to order poison at a bar is not logical.” God he’s got tho (edit: got what?)
- McCoy mixed with Spock is so funny cause it’s all of McCoy’s anger tampered down with a couple of added in logic’s
- babygirl sleeping position
- “Revenge for all the arguments I won.” I like how McCoy knows Spock would be that petty
- Kirk not afraid to punch a bitch
- Sulu flips a guy IN HEELS and then proceeds to destroy a console… icon shit. He’s my hero “don’t call me tiny.”
- “Up your shaft.” Scotty ain’t taking shit
- This kid is about to get ratioed by Uhura so hard. I love her. SHE PULLED A GUN ON HIS ASS
- They’re so hot in this movie holy crap
- “Are you just gonna walk through them?!” “Calm yourself, Doctor.”
- McCoy’s standing there on the bridge after they escape the loading dock like ‘..did they just hijack and deactivate an entire starship for me?’
- Saavik’s hair is so cool
- ‘Marcus believes that Genesis has regrown Mr. Spock’ the captain is so shook like ‘uhhhhhh.. that’s amazing?…!’
- Tiny Spock is so cute omg
- welp.. Klingons
- A dick monster just attacked the Klingons
- Saavik must be relieved to hear her dad’s husband Kirk’s come to rescue them
- OHHH GOD. They’re gonna kill David. Oh no. Davids gonna die. He’s dead oh god. Kirk’s defeated little “David?” Oh my… god
- THEY KEPT THE “zero zero zero destruct zero” CODE??? That’s so funny
- Super cool moment. Love them
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- He was having his period (edit: who? Probably Kirk? Not sure) (edit edit: it’s about young Spock grabbing his stomach in pain from pon farr but to be fair Kirk is the usual suspect for grabbing his stomach when in pain)
- So… they’re in hell. The planet is becoming a fire pit
- “Sorry about your crew, but as we say on earth c’est la vie.” God. this bitch.
- Kirk not afraid to kick a bitch… into lava
- “Help us or die.” “I do not deserve to live.” “Fine, I’ll kill you later.” Kirk is sooo done. He’s done.
- “Wait. You said you would kill me.” “I lied.”
- McCoy asking Spock for help D:
- I’m not ready for this moment- and neither is my computer cause it’s low power
- “I’m gonna tell you something that I never thought I’d hear myself say. But it seems I’ve missed you, and I don’t know if I could stand to lose you again.” mccoy- what what. What. What what. What
- I like the little hug between Kirk and Uhura
- Scotty looking between Saavik and the ceremony like ‘what the f- heck is going on?’
- So, Bones is alive. yippee!
- Saavik looking down and away from Spock when he gives her no emotion is so telling. She feels bad.
- “Why would you do this?” “Because the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many.” JUST SAY YOU LOVE HIM smh
- They’re just staring at each other for a solid couple of seconds which I- personally - think should have been utilized by Spock going to kiss Kirk
- Leonard is so happy to have Spock back
- Group hug ! :3
That was pretty good. I enjoyed a lot of the McCoy scenes and the David and Saavik stuff. I like in the end credits they finally include Leonard Nimoy’s name because in the opening it would have been spoilers to have all the ‘as Spock’ actors names. Welp onto the next.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Nothing Like Sister Love
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, danivalentine, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, djdrama, neelamthadhani, and 1,009,530 others
y/ninsta: my big sister is better than yours 🥺
danivalentine: love you my baby girl. always and forever. 💖 y/ninsta: thank you for simply being you. don't know where I would be without having you in my life jackharlow: see? this is how siblings are supposed to support each other but I got stuck with claybornharlow 🙄😒 claybornharlow: jackharlow I mean you're a good big brother.... sometimes..... jackharlow: WHAT YOU MEAN SOMETIMES? ALL THE TIME IS MORE LIKE IT
druski2funny: is she single? because you not returning my calls
jackharlow: druski2funny returning your calls for what?!
druski2funny: jackharlow your ass stays lurking somewhere
jackharlow: druski2funny you damn right when it comes to my wife and dani is not single so move along
lilnasx: danivalentine can't wait for the beauty line to drop!
danivalentine: lilnasx you can thank Lil Bit for that one, she pushed me to do it! y/ninsta: danivalentine you and Julissa are always slaying my make up so it was only right! you know when I win, everyone does too and you've been wanting to do this forever
claybornharlow: two beauties in one photo 😍😍😍😍
jackharlow: claybornharlow and you better not be looking at the one who has the same last name as we do
y/ninsta: claybornharlow LITTLE BABY
jackharlow: I NEVER get this reaction out of you when I see you
y/ninsta: jackharlow please shut up because yes you do. you know I love you pookie 😘
jackharlow: y/ninsta I feel like something is coming after that
y/ninsta: jackharlow but I love my little baby too!
jackharlow: y/ninsta and there it fucking is smh
saweetie: still can't believe yall are 15 years apart
danivalentine: saweetie she was definitely a surprise lol only child life was no more
yungskylark: been tryna get at ms. dani for some time now 👀
y/ninsta: ace, she's taken. keep looking.
yungskylark: y/ninsta taken by who?!?! AND I TOLD YOU TO PUT IN A WORD FOR ME YEARS AGO
djdrama: yungskylark by me
normani: WELL GOT DAMN
theestallion: someone better start talking because WHAT
danivalentine: 2 years officially in april 🥰 y/ninsta: and yall can thank me for the love connection between danivalentine and djdrama 😊 jackharlow: y/ninsta that was definitely me, but whatever y/ninsta: jackharlow it was both of us let's call a truce jackharlow: y/ninsta if you say so smh
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Liked by jackharlow, y/ninsta, djdrama, claybornharlow, urbanwyatt, shloob_, quiiso, and 534,032 others
danivalentine: my day one. still remember the first time I got to hold you. you were so tiny and I was going to make it my mission to be the best big sister to you that I possibly could. every single day I am amazed at the woman that you have grown into and I am so incredibly proud of you. never think for a second that I'm not. I love how you are able to come to me with your hopes, fears, and your dreams because no matter what happens, we'll get through it together because I'm never leaving your side. Just know that I will do anything to see you happy no matter how big or small it is. And I do mean ANYTHING. I thank God every day for jackharlow and how he takes care of my baby girl. I called it from the minute we moved to Louisville. you two are truly made for each other. 💖
jackharlow: you know I got her forever, you never have to worry about that. that's my baby. 😭
danivalentine: jackharlow I know you do. always in your corner.
y/ninsta: bitch, you know for a damn fact that I'm sensitive and I always cry
danivalentine: y/ninsta you got that from your mother lol
y/ninsta: I FUCKING LOVE YOU and I thank you for always being there for me. you are my voice of reason and you help me to focus on what's important and what matters the most. proud to call myself your little sister. djdrama if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you 😊 (for legal reasons this is not a threat IT'S A PROMISE)
jackharlow: djdrama take it with a grain of salt, she low key soft as hell and a big baby
djdrama: jackharlow I know she talks a big game lol y/ninsta you know you have nothing to worry about y/ninsta: djdrama I know where you live and I have sharp objects in my house just in case you decide to step a toe outta line
jackharlow: y/ninsta I am backing you up, baby!
quiiso: JACK, FIX IT!
yungskylark: I'm about to kick your ass, Jack. you fucking know better.
shloob_: y/ninsta I'LL HELP YOU COOK. COME ON, I'M HUNGRY
jackharlow: not yall coming for me smh
urbanwyatt: jackharlow I live here too so fucking fix it. you not about to have my ass starving smh
jackharlow: y/ninsta cutie pie
y/ninsta: jackharlow no.
jackharlow: y/ninsta come on baby girl.
y/ninsta: jackharlow your things will be outside when you get back
jackharlow: y/ninsta BABY!
y/ninsta: druski2funny take your life partner back. our relationship is done
druski2funny: y/ninsta say less. jackharlow what time you want me to pick you up?
jackharlow: y/ninsta I'll eat it from the back for 2 hours straight druski2funny she'll fold when she sees that
y/ninsta: jackharlow JUST KIDDING! you can come back. PG be at the house no later than 8:30. because once it's gone, it's gone and I'm not making anymore
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta can I request churros and ice cream?!
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt yes urby, just go to the store and get what I need. take 2forwoyne with you because he is not allowed to be in the house when I cook
2forwoyne: y/ninsta now what did I do?!?!
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne you are always doing something so stop playing smh
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Liked by jackharlow, danivaleninte, djdrama, urbanwyatt, saweetie, estgee, and 2,801,227 others
y/ninsta: damn our parents made some pretty girls 😍😍
danivalentine: most definitely did 🥰
jackharlow: I love that the two of you have your hair the same. you never see one sister without the other. like danivalentine is a really good big sister to not only y/ninsta, but me too
danivalentine: jackharlow now you know your wife is sensitive and so am I from time to time, don't make me cry. just like I'll do anything for her, I'll do anything for you too.
jackharlow: let me tell yall how good of a sister she is. when me and y/n decided to move to atlanta, dani came to me and basically said I know that I'm not going to change her mind, but you have to promise me to look after her. so, any time after we moved and baby girl would get sad about missing dani (her separation anxiety is terrible) I would call her and tell her and that night she would be on our doorstep y/ninsta: not husband calling me out for my separation anxiety 😭 urbanwyatt: y/ninsta like he's one to talk. idk whose worse you or him. you tend to cry when you miss him and jack just gets mean as hell and irritated jackharlow: urbanwyatt AHT AHT! 2forwoyne: no lies were told tho neelamthadhani: still remember when I had to call her when we were in Germany to come get her husband because he was on EVERYBODY'S NERVES jackharlow: 🙄🙄🙄🙄
dualipa: there is no love like sister love. you two are so gorgeous.
y/ninsta: dualipa thank you boooo
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta BEST FRIEND
jackharlow: urbanwyatt you called?
urbanwyatt: jackharlow not you. my other one. your wife.
jackharlow: urbanwyatt well damn I see how it is smh
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt urby babyyyy
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta I have another food request for taco night
y/ninsta: go on
urbanwyatt: tres leches
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt lemme call Jessica and Blanca and issa go 🥰
saweetie: damn them titties is sitting right in that dress 😍😍
jackharlow: saweetie I know right, best pillows ever
quiiso: jackharlow surprised your big ass head didn't suffocate her that one time you were laying on her when she came back from the studio after you terrorized us all day because you missed her
jackharlow: quiiso why do yall stay coming for me? let me lay on my wife's boobs in peace
2forwoyne: jackharlow we call it like we see it
y/ninsta: saweetie them shits is huge and I'm scared to see how big they get when I get pregnant 😐
jackharlow: y/ninsta cannot wait for that 😏😏😏
y/ninsta: jackharlow just like a man smh 🙄
jackharlow: y/ninsta I did nothing wrong! let me put my face in them y/ninsta: BYE JACKMAN but... come here 👀 jackharlow: 👀
Liked by danivalentine, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, 2forwoyne, djdrama, lilnasx, druski2funny, and 2,901,376 others
y/ninsta: jackharlow just wait until I see you later. IT'S ON SIGHT 😤
jackharlow: y/ninsta PAUSE. I DIDN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING.
jackharlow: danivalentine come get her because she's short and that little evil demon side of her is about to make an appearance. I can sense it.
danivalentine: jackharlow I can only stall her for so long, then you're on your own lol
jackharlow: saweetie have you truly truly truly ever seen her get mad? no, more like pissed off? talk to me when you do because you would agree with me. it's never been directed at me, but got damn 😭
urbanwyatt: jackharlow I told you to go back to the hotel to get your phone. you ain't wanna listen to me.
jackharlow: not now Urb!
y/ninsta: JACKMAN!
jackharlow: y/ninsta yes baby?
y/ninsta: jackharlow I MISS YOU 😢
2forwoyne: here they asses go smh
neelamthadhani: danivalentine definitely called me and told me y/ninsta was pouting all day because she missed jackharlow's big head
jackharlow: neelamthadhani the one up top or down below?
y/ninsta: jackharlow BOTH
neelamthadhani: you two get on my LAST nerve smh
danivalentine: y/ninsta jackharlow does it ever end with the two of you? smh
urbanwyatt: NO
yungskylark: NO
nemoachida: NO
quiiso: NO
2forwoyne: NO
shloob_: NO
jackharlow: yall some haters smh
y/ninsta: jackharlow they can hate all they want, when I see you I want all the kisses
jackharlow: y/ninsta you know you never have to ask
claybornharlow: little baby has arrived
jackharlow: and little baby needs to make an exit
claybornharlow: y/ninsta I would never ignore your calls, just saying.
normani: jackharlow FLOP
jackharlow: I forgot it at the hotel, don't do that 😭
y/ninsta: claybornharlow I know you wouldn't, you could teach your brother a thing or two
jackharlow: y/ninsta and imma kick him in the throat
y/ninsta: jackharlow BABY!
jackharlow: y/ninsta why do I always get in trouble but he never does? he's the youngest
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm the youngest, what are you tryna say?
jackharlow: y/ninsta exactly my point and your ass gets away with EVERYTHING
y/ninsta: neelamthadhani is my key at the front desk? I'm about to come upstairs and kick my husband's ass
jackharlow: WAIT, I TAKE IT BACK
neelamthadhani: y/ninsta have at it lmao
shloob_: jackharlow I can hide you in two minutes
jackharlow: shloob_ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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meekmedea · 27 days
re: ask game
commentary for What's In a Name?
I'm kind of weirdly emotional about Felix in that fic (well... I mean maybe that's me in general) and I remember you kind of rotating his fate in your head in the chat, but also you can talk about anything from that fic really! Whatever you want <3
oooh haha I remember that time - when I kept flipping between the one important question: should Felix live or die? 🤭
(sorry Felix 😔)
Felix's alternate fate
In a world where he lived, only Clemmie drinks the poison, but the trio still find out about her poison immunity anyways. (Her poison immunity is a whole other spiel for a different day)
(Unfortunately?) this doesn't change Coriolanus' fate, and Felix still plays a part in his death. But this time around, it's a bit more hands on.
Coriolanus' death follows nearly the same set of events as What's In A Name, except this time, it takes place at Clemmie's apartment and Felix is the one that pulls the trigger.
Sometimes I imagine Felix as the ride or die friend. Except he'll take it to the extreme. (I guess he still is in the fic too...) But Felix knows of the snake incident and this poisoning attempt gone wrong is his last straw.
He's a bit older now, and who knows maybe Cleopatra had some influence here on him... but friends that slay together, stay together.
Coriolanus is the trio's second victim. Tantalus Moss was their first. Iphigenia's half-siblings are next on the list...
Some random points that I still have hanging around:
Felix admits to pulling the trigger. Both to the press and to Max.
Max is going through it. He suspects the story, but Felix refuses to budge on it.
The press sort of eat up the whole story that's been fed to them. Damsel in distress, 'Clemmie'; the dashing hero 'Felix', the distressed friend/lover 'Nia' who is simultaneously dragging Coriolanus' name through the mud while making it nearly impossible to blame Felix for his actions.
Nobody is calling for Felix to be punished.
Kind of like Coriolanus' earlier thoughts, you can't really tell if Felix and Clemmie are super close platonically or romantically. Neither can the media. But Clemmie is still with Iphigenia, and now it's sort of hard to tell if the trio are a trio romantically or not.
The story started getting a bit more convoluted than I liked, so in the end, this storyline was scrapped...
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daisychains111 · 6 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt.3 Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
Live tweeting as I read...back by popular demand (literally 1 person on Tumblr (@dumpsters-little-matchbook) asked me to do it again and I was already planning to)
stay strong Vi....just bc he's hot doesn't mean he's redeemed himself for his (understandably) traitorous ways
"she's worth a dozen of me" Xanden you shut up right now I'm mad at you
I'm glad Brennen's alive but I do not trust him at all...pretending to be dead for 6 years is fishy as fuck
hashtag: Andarna protection club...if anything ever happens to that dragon I'll burn the world
violet "I know more than you" sorrengail back in action
lol Brennen making fun of her love life
petition for violet and sgaeyl mother-daughter bonding
awww andarna, all growed up
moody teenage angst Andarna is the comedic relief we all didn't know we needed...nothing is as iconic as her growling at Violet for calling her my dearest
idk if Tairn signed up to be the sole father figure to two teenage girls but Violet and Andarna are about to give him a run for his money
he deserves not to trust Dain bc Dain is the scum of the earth
call his lying ass out Violet as you should
slay violets mom with the redeeming qualities...glad she actually cared if Violet was alive and isn't completely a heartless bitch
fuck dain but also FUCK HIS DAD
the fact that it's him who officially outs them makes me smile hehe
I agree Nadine...that was hot
Xaden being an absolute tease flirt bc she's mad at him is iconic
the joke was funny, your friends ate just lame (jk I love them but still)
awwww Liam's sister you better make it across istfg
noooo I wanted to be friends with Sloane
violet in her older sister era
gotta love the "is everyone I care about alive? yes? slay" moment
the fact that even tairn is warry of the orange dragon freaks me out
tairn reporting for fatherly duties will never not be my favorite...violet may be annoying but she's his annoying
I'm all for the Violet and Imogen friendship but they better not be mean to Rhiannan
also if Rhiannan gets annoying and jealous about them I'll be really sad
nooo I liked Nadine...who tf just snaps people's necks like that tf
Xaden warding her room so he's the only person who can come in COMEDY
hehehe he wrote her a letterrr
violet lying to everyone about her feelings about Xaden except Tairn is so funny...like who's the dragon gonna tell
Xaden is winning every award ever rn bc 1. he's hot as hell, but 2. he's like I wanna sleep with you so bad, but I won't bc it's for the wrong reasons....honorable mf
literally FUCK VARRISH
Sloane needs to get her shit together and Violet needs to stop avoiding her friends
I'm like 80% sure they just got drugged but slay ig
called it...they were totally drugged
tairn comforting Violet about missing Xaden even though Tairn is the one with the bonded mate thing isn't being talked about enough
I would really love to know what those letters say...just saying, sharing is caring
I want to trust jesinia...I really do but it gives me a bad feeling
you let my babies see each other istg...violet is actively moving towards miserable without him
Imogen is slowly becoming the biggest violet/Xander fangirl and I love that for her
give it up Imogen...yall are friends
girlie just wants to be back in a library fr
period Rhiannan...don't put up with Xaden's shit....you threaten him like a bestie should
If Rhi and Violet don't stay friends I'll riot
ooooo don't mess with Tairn's kids...he'll bring that dad defensive
I'm so glad Violet is letting Rhiannan in..be besties again pls
"omg your falling for him" No matter how many times I hear that I'm media I will always be a sucker for it
tik tok says she finally just fucking forgives him in chapter 27... we're on 20, kick into gear people
at her core, Violet is really just like me fr.... 21-year-old girlie pop vibes for the win
 damn the disdain for Dian is STRONG
Rhiannan wins the bestie of the year award....being the best even tho Violet is being a fuckass about not telling her things
see, I knew her mom was a bitch
Rhiannan and violets friendship rn makes me so sad
This aaric dude better keep his mouth SHUT
really looking forward to Xaden beating the shit out of Dain for the shit he just pulled
besties having beef in private...which honestly I feel like will be a good thing
"that isn't a secret" I love ridoc....also Violet why tf would you think that's a valid secret
them getting graded for withstanding torture is WILD
I hate dain to but I love him for that...thank you for being a rule-following asshat
two things: tairn constantly being like "duh your fine, I make great choices" is so sweet but absolutely hilarious....and Rhiannan being a slay icon is my favorite thing
I'm so ready to watch the Fab 4 (I've decided that I'm calling ridoc, rhi, sawyer, and Violet this bc they are so slay) kill jack again bc wtf
watch Mira walk in on them right now...that'd be so freaking funny
tairn and Violet's father-daughter bonding is my fave
tairn is a grade-A overprotective father... it's adorable
no literally....tairn is so over her 21 bullshit...I love them
I have no recollection of who Kaori is...but him standing up to varrish makes him my favorite
ridoc having the vibes to give violet a hard time while his world was just flipped on its head is why I love him
also shout out to Imogen and Quinn bc yall are slay too
why did Jack save her life...go back to being an ass, not sucky jack is frightening
"argue with you about books? I only pick fights I can win" Xaden clearly knows his place
literally just sobbing at the Liam cameo
why does Varrish keep responding to Liam...is Violet talking out loud or like did he pull a jack
damn dain is just...redeeming himself...didn't have that on my 2024 bingo card
her mom redeeming herself too? damn we're on a redemption roll
very serious war book until someone says something like "show off" during an important meeting (cough garrick cough) and you remember that these bitches are in their 20s
Brennan, Xaden, and tairn: violet protection squad
flame section is the iron section? One might say they're the iron flame....wink wink
patiently waiting for a sorrengail sibling reunion...pls bring Mira into the loop
Mira beating the shit out of Brennan, Violet yelling at them to grow tf up, and ultimately Mira and Brennen rebonding over the ickiness of xaden/violet pda...the best sibling reunion EVER
"I have control" girl be so for real rn...the only time you use your power is when you're mid-orgasm, you're not controlling shit
Mira and Xaden being "let's overprotect violet" partners in crime...straight vibes
Andarna: The Hungry One (trademark)
oooooooo violets in trooouubbblleeee
jealous Violet storyline is about to be just as stupid as I'm keeping my friends safe by distancing myself Violet storyline
oh God not talking in 3rd person
"I wasn't in love with you then," *jim halpert camera stare* stfu xaden
DAMMMMNNNNN he's def being annoying but saying he's acting like dain is looooooowwwww
yeah cat just stfu...violet is better than you don't be a bitch
YESSS Liam mentions make me so happy...also I'm so ready for Violet and Sloane to bond
dain just bc you saved her doesn't mean you're not on extremely thin ice...stfu
HA, a length joke...I like Maren
HES SAFE....fab 4 lives another day
cat's a bitch...that's all
Cat's a bitch...but you know who isn't? Rhiannan. gave her bestie the best fighting skills
well that's one way to combat jealousy
he really said "You were annoying and emotional last year, this year it's my turn" Live laugh love healthy relationships
fab 4 are my favorite group of fantasy besties ever....icons..every single one of them
I'm very very excited for the Sawyer and Jesinia subplot...also I don't think I'm opposed to a Dain redemption arch, he just needs to learn his place
"I might even be in love with him after that declaration" HA game recognizes game dain, love that for you
Garrick doesn't get enough credit for being just as awesome as Rhi....slay besties
girlie pop bickering with a side of danger mission and dragon obedience school...my favorite
HAH grammar jokes
 "I get the feeling that this '2nd signet' thing is gonna be a BIG issue...like the plot twist that ends the book BIG
tbh I feel like I don't know him either so I get why she's mad at him
BRUUUUHHH he redeems himself with the "less than a minute" comment
tairn is girl dad...yelling at Violet and Andarna for their shit, yelling at Xaden for talking to Violet...girl dad icon
"Mom and Dad are fighting" See tairn and Sgaeyl are Mom and Dad
poor mama sorrengail...that's not the best way to break that news brennen you bitch
I'm really hoping Violet gets iron squad to go help bc them leaving the others to die is bullshit
they mentioned that the venin had runes, but they were confused as to how. cat is the best at them, and I really really really don't like how sus that is
everyone is so over Violet and her friends bc they're the only ones saying true things
YUH IRON SQUAD...my favorite squad of besties
that was the most stressful thing ever read in my life...if Rhiannan dies I will never recover
I thought Sawyer was going to die and I started crying
The fact the andarna hatched just for Violet is so sweet
you better not fucking sacrifice yourself right now violet unknownmiddlename sorrengail
rip mama sorrengail...this was the redemption arch you deserved
violet breaking down to Rhi is EVERYTHING
FAB 4 LIVES TO SEE ANOTHER DAY (along with Imogen, Quinn, Sloane, Jesinia, Aaric, Maren, and Cat because yall bitches grew on me)
yay xaden's safe, was worried for a bit
saying that xaden cant feel sgaeyl better be a fucking joke rn
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shinakazami1 · 2 months
New tales Ep 5 live review! I had this in my drafts for so long, I'll finally post. I lost the draft 3 times while playing so some notes are missing or come from memory but yee jshshs
This run was a bad ending one so, a review of the game will happen once I play the good or neutral one, to see how the game was supposed to be played!
- the sequence with Phoung,,, like, I feel narrative would work better if we saw the choices we made in Ep 1? Like, talking about Anu's wrong doings without exactly suggesting them beforehand feels weird, esp since this is whole 'I don't care enough of others'. There was some foreshadowing for Octavio part but not this :/ like sure, it's sad Phuong had the anniversary and Anu forgot but I really wish we were showed that.
- Tediore soldiers are the most entertaining part of this episode istg. I'd even say they're the best part of the game in general as writers can strive at what they wanted - jokes.
- Fran part: Rita was adorable for trying to change (too bad she died sjhsjs) and LOU13 being a cat was amazing 🙀🙀 Bless you toxic yuri
- Mad that the relationship with killing in this game for each character is not stable. But once again, possibly something I'll need to check in good run
- Anu sequence : dear God Rhys made me so happy YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. LIKE I will replay the game and try to get to that part just to record him. He's so adorable 😭😭😭💕💕💕 even Anu can see that
- same with Keeper (tho Anu feeling bad for it, while works for her character, makes it silly since keeper was the one who wanted to kill her,,, but morality is a funny thing so IG it makes sense)
- I realised we lost that cute psycho tho,,, hope she will show up (foreshadowing)
- earlier I was mad about the sequence, it felt too forced. Seeing them mention the device - yeah I sort of see it but not fully nsjshhshsh
- wait the silly guard,,, omg is it the fella OMG IT IS OK HI HI THE CUTE PSYCHO
- free gym membership,,, would i also become a tediore soldier for that... What benefits does Rhys have...
- the fact after everything everything, first interactions siblings have is being mad Octavio shot his leg is beautiful. Siblings siblings siblings
- Fran focusing on mouth to mouth,,,a lot, even,,,, my hypersexual frem,,
- launch joke,, dear God,,,
- I'm a bit... Disappointed? That any arc happened and for now we didn't see a single thing about it, of her learning something or changing. Like why was the first part of episode for Anu there??? It feels pointless. I hope the good run will solve this...
- I'm really mad
- I am hugging everybody with Fran cus why not djdjdhhd
- ouu tediore fellas letting BROCK do his thing is so cute sjshsh
- "I brought an echodex to a gunfight" HELL YEE GET HIM OCTAVIO
- LOU13 IS SO SILLY with hsi timing to tell people what he thinks (tho he before seemed to respect them?) and telling any slay queen
- Googles,,, ouuuu why did Anu not learn enough with the goggles, dear God is it to show some people can stay ass holes,,,
- TIMM-E!! Pull!!
-I'm so mad that they didn't even go to Anu to talk about Stapleface? And like, yeah sure cute yuri but they didn't have much time spent together and idk why the crystal didn't work that time. It only didn't work for metal
- pour Frogurt,,,, dear God I wish this ;; and the punch with the whole ballet sequence fell so hard KSJDJDHEHE
- The shard changing Anu for different is so... Weird. Like it made her better bht now somehow, worse?
- I love tediore soldiers. Again jsjwhshl
- LOU13 NOOO DONT DIE and why did he have neutral expression instead of them using those we sad in that picture in Ep 1 ouuu
- ouuuuu OK ok that did hurt a bit
- ouuuu,,,, l0u13e,,,, no,,
- Susan,,, what the fuck sjehehshey
- Promethea,,,, news reporter,,,
- Dear God the ending feels so,,, hollow jshwhehshwh like the choice feels nonexistent? Also the friend is age
- and Susan is so dead inside??? And likes taco?
- Goggles PLEASE ouuu
-beating Susan up was mostly for me than for anything
- WHY IS OCTAVIO SO DUM DJHSHHS the dancing thing (funny thing but i died 4 times on it jshshs)
- Anu for soemone who hates violence did a lot of it jsshhehe
- I really wished this would have ended cud ultimate battle felt so flat jsjsje
-,,, whatcha mean I saved Promethea, omg are we gonna get the Rhys ending
- ouuuu and how they end up being bicksrry
- Why 1 year later,,,
- bad ending cus I didn't develop Fran-Anu relation
* tho timm e is so cool
Final conclusions after this for now
- the game has good moments. There is some clever writing here and there and if you realise these characters are supposed to be cringe, it gets better. Tediore soldiers were always a steal and Badass Superfan, Brock, and the couple always made me smile when they showed up.
- I also liked L0U13's design and attitude. Some of his one liners were so strong and cool
- Susan was a villain. Certainly a clever and strong woman but also, often seemed to want to prove to the world she could do anything. Fs for her
- I REALLY hope that the weird inconsistencies I've been talking about with killing is my fault in some dialogues. I'll see if I can figure it out in the new run
- I'll write my review on Rhys' character cus I really feel people kept on saying how he's jack 3.0. There are some parts where the writing resembles more jack but I think it's something we can look at from another angle.
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