#the size difference between him and the interviewer help
Really damn good interview with Paul that just came out in case anyone missed it! :-)
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uhohdad · 2 months
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You & Konig have been chosen to participate in a twenty-four tribute fight to the death.
18+, NSFW, 144k WORD COUNT, AO3,Virgin!Konig, Outcast!Konig, 18yo!Konig, GentleGiant!Konig, Mentor!JohnPrice, Fem!Reader, Blood & Injury, Graphic Violence, Death, PTSD, Alcohol Use, Slow Burn, Konig Pines Hard, Sexual Content, Porn with Too Much Plot, First Time, Dirty Talk, Size Kink, Smut, Fluff, Angst
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At the mention of District Eight, your mouth turns to cotton. Your wide eyes dart around the floor of the glittery stage, heels turning inward.
You don’t want to do this.
You give up and pinch your eyes shut, a slight shake of your head, trying to take yourself somewhere you’re not, even going so far as to redirect your focus to remembering the lyrics to an old tune you sing in your thoughts.
Konig senses something’s up and gently guides you into the crook of his arm and his chest, giving your shoulder a squeeze. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you respond by raising your hand to rest in the space between his firm stomach and chest.
You can’t block out their words, the commentary from the people of District Eight. Your heart doesn’t want to hear it but your ears can’t help but listen and your eyes have to peek open.
The recap of the interview clearly cut out a majority of their words, and starts with the conflict between the boy from eight and Willow. The interviewee tries to begin, but she abandons her first few attempts to recount the story.
“Uh-” The interviewee’s eyes dart to the side, “Yeah, they uh- there was-“
She clears her throat, “Willow, uh-“
She trails off, staring off into the distance with a pause before she continues.
“He had this girlfriend, right? And they were - I mean, they were the perfect pair. You could tell, uh, you could tell he really loved her, you know? And the same goes for her.”
The interviewee pauses, and she has to look away.
“I was actually- I remember being jealous of them, wishing I had what they had. Love like that.”
You can hear her scraping gravel under her shoe.
“And I guess, I guess his girl wasn’t crazy about the uhm, The Capitol, and she uh- well, I think she broke a few laws, or something. Real rebellious type.”
She looks to her shoes, nodding slowly.
“And uh,” She clears her throat again before meeting eyes with the person behind the camera, “Willow blabbed about it. And his girlfriend got taken away.”
The interviewee nods slow, her sad, squint eyes staring off at the cameraman.
“They cut out his girl’s tongue, and now she- she serves The Capitol.”
She shakes her head, “He snapped. Just, a different person entirely.”
There’s a pause, and your eyes pinch shut, squeezing Konig as hard as your arms will allow. His hand slides down your back, tracing soothing circles with his fingertips between your shoulder blades.
“Please, no! It was an accident!”
The desperation in her voice is unmistakable. You find the screen, and there she is.
As pretty as her name - rich bronze skin and golden brown eyes. Full, curly hair that seems to have a mind of its own and reminds you of the elegant draped tresses of the tree for which she was named.
The boy from eight has her on the ground, towering over her with his blade raised. Her upper half is propped up by her elbows, her feet kicking away from him.
“You knew what you were doing!” He yells, in that same booming, terrifying voice he used on you.
His blade lowers as his fists tense at his sides, “She served us! You hear me? She served us in our suite!”
A hand comes up to his head, and he grabs a fistful of his own hair with white knuckles. There’s tears springing in his eyes, and that daunting shout cracks.
“I couldn’t even talk to her!”
Your brows are pinched as you watch, shallow breaths through parted lips.
The tears crest Eight’s eyeline, and his hands drop limply to his sides.
His voice lowers to a broken whisper, a whiny strain in his words. It makes your brows pinch - you’ve never heard him speak in a way that wasn’t harsh and booming, never seen his eyes swelled with any emotion other than anger.
“I couldn’t even talk to her.”
Willow shakes her head, her words choppy through her stuttered breaths and hiccups.
“I know- I know! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please, I didn’t- I never wanted this to happen, I didn’t mean for it to happen! Please-“
His voice shoots back up when he interrupts her, his shouted words ripping his throat to shreds.
“She’s gone, Willow! I lost her!”
He pinches his eyes for a moment, sending more tears down his cheeks, his chin lowering with a tilt of his head.
A snarl creases his face, brows tight when he finds Willow again. He jams his blade at her, his voice just a growl in her direction.
“And there is nothing you can say to change that.”
Willow just stares up at him with wide eyes, her entire body trembling. Her mouth is gaped to speak, but she knows she doesn’t have a defense.
“I am nothing without her.”
He steps closer to her, his boots planted on either side of her ribs. Just as he did with you, he grabs her by the front of her jacket and pulls her from the dirt, inches from his face.
“I am suffering! She is suffering! Everyday!”
He gives her that look, the same gut-churning look he had on reaping day when he threw himself on stage to volunteer.
“Now it’s your turn to suffer.”
The shot lingers on their faces for a few more moments, Willow’s golden brown eyes darting around his gut-churning rage, her breath caught in her throat.
They don’t show it.
You are so thankful they don’t show it.
They cut to you, walking through the forest. You have to close your eyes again, burying your face in Konig’s chest.
Your stomach boils and your heart constricts beyond comfort at each of her moaned wails. You’re clawing at Konig’s suit, a handful of the fabric shaking between your tensed fist.
Konig’s free hand comes up to swallow yours, a gentle reassurance from hardened hands.
Each of her maimed breaths violate you. The stage lights are searing your skin, sweat building up on your scalp and under your dress. The layer forming under your thick makeup is suffocating, aching for the touch of fresh air instead of the roasted stage air you breathe now.
Your eyes are screwed shut, but you can still see her, her exposed, bloody muscle rising and falling with her chest. The whitish yellow pockets of fat, the bones of her fingers, her blood-pooled eye sockets.
There’s a nauseating heat simmering just under your skin, and your breaths turn almost as guttural as hers.
Against every instinct, you have to rip away from Konig, not at all gracefully stumbling in your heels offstage.
“Oh, uh- technical difficulties, folks. Bear with us,” Caesar says cheekily, the audience’s collective chuckle laugh following.
You weren’t aiming for him, but Price catches you once offstage, sturdy arms pulling you into an embrace.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, kid,” He whispers softly, “It’s alright.”
Your palms find his chest with a firm shove, freeing yourself from his hold. You swivel on your feet simultaneously, doubling over to vomit all over the floor, your bile splattering over Price’s shoes.
He doesn’t seem to mind, standing at your side and pulling your hair back from the line of fire as you heave in rhythmic convulses, struggling to work up what little is in your stomach.
“It’s alright,” Price soothes, holding your hair with one hand and rubbing your trembling back with the other, “It’s alright. Get it all out.”
You feel a second hand on your back, and you already know it’s Konig, standing tall on your other side.
A stage hand rolls over an industrial size trash can, and you grip the rim with white knuckles as you gag into it.
When you’re done spitting out the bitter, offensive taste, Konig has a cloth waiting for you to wipe your face. Exhausted breaths leave you, droplets of sweat trailing down your back and tears streaming over your cheeks.
Your arm stretches over the rim of the trash can as you lean over it, pinching your eyes shut to try to quell the nausea. Konig offers you a bottle of water, and shaking hands reach to take it gratefully.
They wait for you to collect yourself, someone gets you a toothbrush to clean out your mouth - apparently this kind of thing happens enough to warrant keeping toothbrushes on hand, - your prep team touches up your makeup, and Konig holds you wordlessly in his strong arms while you breathe him in, his silken tie brushing against your cheek.
When you’re ready, your fingers wrap around Konig’s bicep, his arm bent at the elbow to keep you steady as he escorts you back on stage, putting himself between you and the crowd to block you from the audience.
The crowd explodes at your return, a standing ovation that echoes with whistles and claps.
“Welcome back, welcome back!” Caesar chimes, dipping each syllable with flare.
The crowd keeps the applause going long after you’re sat, and once settled, Caesar segues back into the show.
You don’t watch, hiding your face in Konig’s chest as he holds you tight, gently stroking your back.
The feed resumes, and you hear your squeak through the speakers, your stumble and trip into the dirt. Your dash through the woods, your dry heaves towards the dirt.
Your desperate plea.
Luring Eight into the fall forest, almost killing him but bailing at the last second. Weakly running for Willow as you cry out to her in the tune of a desperate sorry, spoken exactly like her pleas to the boy who knew no bounds to his spite. Piercing a dart through her exposed muscle, her final three breaths, your sobbing as her cannon fires.
Konig’s grip on you loosens as he watches your mercy kill, his soothing rubs ceasing. He starts back up again when the footage pauses, but you can’t bring yourself to leave Konig’s chest.
The crowd erupts in a truly enthusiastic applause, shouting adorations in your direction as Konig squeezes you tight.
“Wow,” Caesar shouts over the crowd, “That was something!”
The audience ignores his attempt to settle them, showering you with praise for what must be a full minute while Konig rubs your back.
“That was really something,” Caesar says, “Wow, I have to say, that was really admirable.”
You say nothing, trying to block out Caesar and his stupid commentary.
“I must ask, have your feelings about your actions changed after learning of their history?”
Your brows pinch as your head lifts from Konig’s chest to find Caesar, your arms snug around Konig’s core.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Knowing what you know now, would you have still lended her a hand?”
The end of Caesar’s question perks up so innocently, as if he didn’t just ask the most insane question in the world.
Your face twists, “Of course I would have - what kind of question is that?”
You glare at him, voice taught and sharp.
“You think that I think that there’s anything in the world that justifies that?”
You shake your head.
“No, you’re out of your mind. I wouldn’t even wish that fate on someone sick enough to ask a question like that in the first place.”
Konig gives you a squeeze and a little shake to show you he’s on your side, sitting tall with his chest puffed out. The audience is on your side too, apparently, clapping along in approval.
Caesar breaks character for a moment as he flits his gaze between you and Konig, the latter surely dawning a just as loathsome stare. You hold Caesar’s eyes in challenge until he looks away.
You understand the boy from eight’s anger. If someone got Konig taken away to serve the Capitol, surely you’d be just as furious and hellbent on vengeance.
But Eight’s anger was misdirected.
While Willow blabbed, his anger was provoked by the Capitol, not by Willow.
The Capitol is the one who took his girlfriend away, cut out her tongue, and forced her to dote on her boyfriend, unable to speak with him - surely a calculated move to instigate more tension between the District Eight tributes. Willow was just the one who let it slip, intentional or not.
As fucked up as it sounds, though, you get it.
You get where Eight is coming from. There was no way for him to seek vengeance against a government that has the entire country under its strict thumb, so he took out his anger on the next best thing.
Nowhere near to the same extreme - but you’ve been in a similar position countless times before.
That day in District Nine was one of those days. A bad day riling you up, looking for a victim to boil over on. You’re not even sure if you stood up for Konig because it was the right thing to do, or because you were just looking for an outlet for anger you couldn’t direct elsewhere without severe consequence.
Deep down you know the answer, but you’re too cowardly to share it with anyone, especially Konig. He has you on a pedestal. He thinks of you as a true, selfless angel that protected him for no other reason than to do the right thing.
You really don’t want to ruin his perception of you.
But you know who you are.
“Well, more exciting things to come,” Caesar weakly chimes, looking to the floor as he clears his throat.
An arm comes up to gesture to the large screen.
“You bravely risked your life to end this girl’s suffering, my dear, and we have the footage to prove it.”
The replay resumes - cutting to a shot of the three remaining careers gliding over the snow as they make way towards the cornucopia.
“In and out,” Sapphire says to the group, “I don’t want to leave the woods for too long.”
“Not like she can leave,” Titan mumbles.
“If she got her hands on some supplies, she could.”
“Where would Funny Girl find supplies? We got ‘em all.”
“Gotten them off someone else.”
Titan scoffs, “You think Funny Girl’s killing?”
“She’s made it this far. Who knows.”
Titan laughs, “Funny Girl can’t fight. She’s just playing shy.”
“Lover Boy’s got his backpack,” Sapphire says, “If he found her, those two could go anywhere.”
“Well if he found her, it doesn’t really matter, does it?”
Sapphire just sighs, rolling her eyes. She doesn’t look good. Her face is puffy, bags under her eyes. You know a girl who’s too exhausted to argue when you see it. Clearly Titan’s attempt to get her to rest was unsuccessful.
“I’m sorry!”
The careers immediately perk up at your distant cry.
Titan’s mouth curls into a sickening grin, flashing his razor sharp canines, a giddy laugh threatening to spill from his lips.
Even in Sapphire’s exhaustion, her lips stretch in a smile, those brilliant blue eyes flickering with a spark of gut-churning determination.
“I’m sorry!”
Even from the distance, the desperation in your voice is unmistakable.
The career pack is in a full sprint to the direction of your broken, cried apology, hollering in celebration that their arduous hunt is coming to a conclusion.
As they burst through the trees, the shot cuts to you, running on weak ankles to the spring quadrant.
“There she is!”
Konig shoots forward in his chair, taking your arms with him and forcing you to leave his chest. His brows tighten as he plants his elbow on his knee, the pads of his fingers reaching up to gnaw on his nails.
Eight breaks into the clearing, making a beeline for the careers.
“What did you do?!” Eight shouts at them, barreling right for them with his blade raised. It’s clear now he thinks the careers killed Willow, not you.
The three prime their weapons and when Eight catches up, he’s already swinging.
“Titan - get the brat!” Sapphire shouts, her tone leaving no room for argument as she blocks one of Eight’s swings.
It’s as if Titan was a dog growling on the end of Sapphire’s taut leash, itching to be released so he can maul his target - and Sapphire just unclasped his collar. There is no transition between his stand to a full sprint, both his pace and his strides at least three times as quick as yours.
Konig’s fingers are digging into his knees hard enough to turn his knuckles white, on the edge of his seat and glued to the screen, not so much as blinking.
Titan catches up, powerful hold wrapping around your waist and slamming you into the sand hard enough to steal your breath.
Konig flinches in his seat, his lips parting and pulling to the side to reveal grit teeth. As he watches Titan toy with you, pinning you to the ground and reveling in the power he holds, Konig’s fists are clenched so tight they’re shaking. Resting a gentle hand on his forearm does nothing to placate him - he’s locked on the screen.
“Why don’t you yell for him?”
“Fuck you!”
Really not your best comeback, but to be fair to you, you were running on steam and also thought you were about to die.
When Titan’s hand shoots out to choke you, Konig springs up from his seat and rips away from your hold on him.
He can’t watch anymore, turning to face the couch, his face pinched and a hand threading his hair with a tight grip.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” You whisper, reaching out to grab the rigid hand at his side.
“No,” He grits through strained breath.
He can’t look at you, the sounds of your desperate chokes for air blaring from the speakers and suffocating him second hand.
“It is, it’s okay,” You say with sloped brows, “I’m fine. I’m okay, it’s okay. He’s dead.”
It’s almost funny, Konig is so concerned with your fight with Titan - when it pales in comparison to the rest of your arena experiences.
Even the cold of the freezing nights in the forest were worse than this.
A gory bloodbath, the snap of a neck, a first hand lesson on the anatomy of the human muscular system, blinding and skewering Sapphire, Konig beating Titan to death with his own two hands - these are the moments that truly haunt you.
You give Konig’s trembling hand a squeeze. He doesn’t speak, he just shakes his head.
“Call for him!”
On screen you’re gasping for air, Titan forcing his demands through his clenched teeth.
The feed pauses, the crowd silent as Caesar starts.
“Konig, it’s clear this is upsetting for you to watch, mind sharing your thoughts?”
Konig’s eyes crease when he closes them, his free fist tight at his side. He doesn’t turn around, his shoulders raised.
“Hey, Caesar,” he grits.
Konig takes a breath.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You jump to your feet as the crowd erupts, both your arms shooting up in the air and taking one of Konig’s hands with you.
“Yes! Yes!”
You practically order the crowd to shower him in praise, waving your hands to beckon them to keep it up. You let go of Konig’s hand to grab his tensed arm and give him an excited, proud shake. He rolls his eyes, a half grin blooming on his face as he turns pliant to your jostling.
“Right,” Caesar says, clearing his throat and looking down.
They resume the feed, and you give Konig’s suit a tug, beckoning him to sit with you.
“Watch this part,” You whisper.
He finally looks to you, giving a swallow as he follows your wish.
“Call for him or I’ll make you!”
On screen - your spit-stained face pinches, and you send two fistfuls of sand directly into Titan’s face.
The audience explodes at your escape maneuver, and Konig hums at Titan’s cries of pain, giving that soft inaudible laugh that raises his shoulders. He looks to you, eyes crinkled with a pressed grin. He grabs a shoulder and rests his other hand on the crook of your neck, leaning down to press a long, messy kiss on your lips.
You hum into him, the crowd still cheering when he pulls you into him with an arm slung over your shoulder, squeezing your bicep.
“Wow, wow, wow!” Caesar says after the audience has settled, “Escaping the hands of such a powerful career - I think you managed to surprise every citizen of Panem!”
The audience gives a hearty applause in approval. Caesar leans in, voice suddenly serious.
“And I think we were all very, very touched to see you risk your life to keep Konig out of danger.”
Your brows crease as you turn to the audience, clapping in approval.
It takes you a moment to realize that Panem thinks you refrained from calling Konig’s name for his benefit, to keep him safe from Titan, which isn’t true at all.
You just didn’t want to submit to Titan’s demands, didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of fulfilling his plan, didn’t want to give him whatever scrap of dignity you had left. It was a move of spite against Titan, not of care for Konig.
You have to look down at your lap as you try to swallow it - because saving Konig from Titan was not a thought that even crossed your mind.
You couldn’t even think of Konig when you knew Titan wanted to kill him. Konig, the boy who killed Titan with his two hands for even daring to lay a hand on you.
Konig squeezes you tight and plants a kiss on your forehead, the audience cooing at his adoration for you.
When your unearned praise dies down, Caesar continues.
“It’s truly beautiful what you two have.”
You don’t care, Caesar.
You don’t care what anyone in the Capitol thinks of you and Konig. You wish your relationship wasn’t able to be perceived at all, actually - not out of shame, but because you hate how everyone in Panem has their grubby little hands all over your romance, something so personal and intimate and fresh to you.
The people of Panem have had more time to process your new relationship than you have.
The feed shows you collapsing into the grass, cutting to the part where District Eight sent you the bread, eventually showing you picking up the ribbon, tying it around your wrist.
“I have to ask, my dear,” Caesar says, “You’ve mentioned that the ribbon means a lot to you, can you share with us the significance of this ribbon?”
To be honest, you really don’t have a reason for why you kept the ribbon, or why it means so much to you. You just know it does.
You know it’s symbolic, but for what?
Is it a reminder of Willow, the girl you feel an immense connection to, even though you just assigned her name to her less than an hour ago and never shared a word with?
Is it the unification of two districts forced to be pit against each other?
Is it because it is a token of the district who went against all the standards to thank a girl who treated their tribute with human decency - the opposite of what the games are about?
Why does this ribbon mean so much to you?
You really don’t know. But you do know you can’t be snarky here - this moment is important, and you need to get this right.
Your mouth has gone dry again, and you look to your lap.
“I- uh-“
You clear your throat, and Konig gives you a squeeze.
“It just does,” You say, not harshly, but genuinely.
You turn your head to find a camera and speak into it. You’re talking to District Eight now, not the audience, not to Caesar.
“I don’t know why it means so much to me, but I know that I am grateful for the gifts. I am grateful that you helped me put an end to her suffering.”
Your voice cracks.
“And I am sorry for your loss.”
The audience gives a soft applause, and you have to look down at your lap again.
“Wow,” Caesar says, his voice gentle, “Beautifully spoken.”
He’s so full of shit, it actually makes you scoff.
You know your words aren’t striking the proper emotion, because you haven’t even had the opportunity to digest them yourself. To assign words to the attachment you have to your ribbon, to your feelings about Willow, Eight, his girlfriend, about his unwavering dedication and her brutal end and a district who thanked you for making a life-threatening sacrifice.
“Enough about you, my dear, let’s take a look at what Konig was up to in the meantime.”
Eight’s cannon woke him up with a start, a cloud of sand wafting up with him as he shoots to a sit. A hand comes up to his hood, and he lets out a long sigh.
Just by looking at his eyes through his hood, you can tell it’s all catching up with him. The restless nights, his aching body, the instinctual fear.
The jump the sun makes when the feed cuts suggests he laid unmoving in the sand for hours. Price caves once again, sending him food and water.
When he finally gets to his feet, he makes slow, unsteady steps through the desert. To see him so weakened makes your heart throb in your chest, because it reminds you of the last time you saw him stumble, the last time you saw him drained of life.
You swallow, looking down to your fidgeting fingers, smoothing along the pleats of your dress.
It’s your turn to wish you could have been there for him. You get it now, how hard it is knowing the one you love struggled and you were useless to help.
Konig’s eyes are drowsy, his steps sluggish, even with One’s shoe attachments.
Next to you on the couch, all of Panem watching him in this state, Konig’s head is hung, looking to his shoes in shame, the pads of fingers swirling together.
You nuzzle your head into his shoulder and give him a squeeze.
I’m here now.
The effects of the spiky plants in the desert, cacti as Caesar calls them, were severely downplayed by Konig.
Konig trips over his own boot and falls forward, weak hands shooting out to brace himself, his palm catching a handful of needles. He winces, a strangled grunt leaving him as he rips his hand back to his chest.
He rolls over in the sand, propping himself up on his backpack to inspect his palm. Tiny beads of blood smear between his skin and the perforated temperature suit.
He lets out a grunt of defeat and throws his arm to the sand. His breaths are heaved, his chest struggling to work in breaths, eyes pinching shut behind his hood.
When he brings his hand to his face again, it’s swollen and as black as the ooze that dripped from the ginkgo petals and swallowed you whole during your hallucinations. The color soaks into his veins and up his forearm in inky streaks.
He lets out a strained whine, his other hand trembling as he goes in to touch the source of the wound. The gentlest touch has him wailing out in pain, his cries tighten your chest and wring your heart out.
He lies on the desert sand, his infection getting worse by the second. It spreads up his bicep, swallowing his entire arm until he can’t even move it. He’s crying, but the tears that spill from his eyes are not normal tears. Whatever is dripping from his eyes is bleaching his hood, streaks of color pulling up on the black fabric.
The infection creeps up his shoulders, his collarbones, sucking what little strength he has left from him.
He’s given up.
You can see it, in his eyes. He knows he’s about to die.
“Just tell her I love her,” He whispers to the arid desert air, his voice hoarse and barely loud enough to carry, “Just make sure she knows I love her.”
A shaky finger comes up to swipe away the tears threatening to spill from your eyeline, but you are powerless against the squeak that leaves the back of your throat.
You can practically hear Price’s eye roll from the mentor’s suite, and before the infection can spread to his other arm, a parachute comes down from the sky and lands inches from him.
He’s so weak he can hardly get the canister open. Grunting and hitting it against the sand in frustration. His shaking fingers pop it open to reveal a small syringe filled with a clear liquid, a tiny needle at the end.
Konig lets out another grunt as he jams the needle into his dead bicep, and shortly after succumbs to either exhaustion or the pain, maybe both, and passes out propped up on his backpack.
“That looked pretty painful,” Caesar says, “How do you feel after overcoming such adversity?”
Konig shrugs his shoulders at him, a slight shake in his head and lips bunched in annoyance.
Caesar directs the question to you, and you can’t bite your tongue.
“How do I feel after watching Konig nearly die from a cacti?”
You pause, narrowing your eyes at Caesar and offering an obnoxious suck of your teeth.
“Cact-you,” You say.
You and Caesar stay locked on each other for a moment before you shrug.
“Feels great, Caesar.”
The audience seems to find your annoyance and sarcasm amusing.
“Well, the fun doesn’t stop there,” Caesar says, “Looks like you woke up to some trouble too.”
Konig’s eyes roll, and the feed resumes.
You had not encountered any mutts in the arena, but Konig was not as lucky.
He wakes long after the sun has gone down to find himself surrounded.
Genetically modified scorpions, ten to twenty of them, the size of large dogs and equipped with bulbous tails that taper into razor sharp hooks. Exoskeletons designed to be nearly impenetrable, serrated claws itching to tear apart flesh.
Konig’s mumbling curses under his breath, springing to weak legs, stumbling through the sand. The scorpions hiss at him, curling their wicked tails, as if beckoning him to come closer.
Konig’s head is ducked, body low as he swivels on his feet, the handle of Eleven’s scythe in a tight grip at his side.
His mind has drawn a blank - he’s panicking.
They close in on him, their spider-like legs dancing over the sand as they hiss at him, snapping their claws and curling their tails.
His darting eyes stop on the cactus, and he’s got it.
There’s no hesitation, his arm winds back entirely, using all of his strength to cut clean through the base. Ten feet of poisonous spikes comes crashing down, a flood of pulpy water pouring at Konig’s feet. It lands on one of the scorpions, giving him a break in the circle of mutts to make his escape.
When one of the scorpions cries out, both you and Konig freeze, shoulders tensed on the couch.
It’s your voice.
Your haunting wails recorded during your nightmares, crying out Konig’s name.
On screen, Konig whips his head around, stumbling on the sand as he looks in the direction of your cry. He trips, his hands springing up to brace himself before he hits the ground.
The nearest scorpion closes in on him, and shortly after Konig’s back on his feet and working up to a sprint, the mutt’s serrated claws snap at and tear through the flesh of his calf. Your brows slope at Konig’s cry of pain, your hand coming up to your racing heart.
He’s limping through the desert now, blood gushing down the back of his leg and splattering on the grains of sand.
The scorpions are following him, not struggling to keep up now that he’s injured.
All of them, crying out in your voice, crying out his name, scared and pleading, desperate and helpless. Both on screen and now, Konig’s hands shoot up to his ears to block out the overlapping wails.
He’s curled up next to you on the couch as you rub your palm over his button down and tie.
“Hey, hey it’s okay. It’s okay, I’m fine, it was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare.”
“No,” He objects through a grit, his eyes pinching shut.
“Don’t listen to it, just listen to me. I’m fine, it was just a nightmare. I’m okay, I’m right here.”
He throws himself into your arms, wrapping around you and squeezing hard enough to steal your breath, his stubble scraping against you as he buries his face into your neck.
You rub his back, looking over his head to watch the screen over his shoulder.
He straggles through the desert, his leg threatening to give out under the pain of each stride, but he doesn’t stop. He’s scrambling to get away from your cries.
This is when he finds the oasis. The scorpions stop at what appears to be an invisible circle of safety looping the ring of trees. Konig doesn’t look back until he’s in the middle of the pool of water, until the waterfall drowns out the scorpion’s cries. He’s heaving and struggling to stay afloat with his injury and the weight of his soaked backpack. He rips off his hood, pulling in deep breaths of air as he flails.
Once the scorpions lose interest, he swims to where his toes can touch, taking a moment to catch his breath.
He lets out a cry, loud and unrestrained - not from pain, no, this is a cry of pure frustration, the cry of a boy pushed to his limit. He shakes his head, his hair sending water droplets flinging in all directions, fists splashing in the water as he tries to work out the emotions suffocating him.
Konig is still in your arms and avoiding the screen, sunk in on himself, a hand coming up to cover his red face.
You’re not judging him. You get it. In fact, you just threw a nationwide temper tantrum in front of all of Panem. Basically challenged the whole country with a one-girl rebellion because you thought he was dead.
Oh, shit.
He thought you were dead.
Neither of you watched the faces of the fallen, you because you didn’t want to see Willow’s face and him because he’d passed out after the cactus. Surely he thought those screams were recorded not during a nightmare, but during your brutal end. A brutal end where you screamed and cried and pleaded for Konig’s help, and he failed to save you.
When enough time has passed and he deems it safe, Konig drags himself to shore and lies defeated in the wet sand, deep, brilliant red oozing generously from his calf. Tears stream down his puffy, pale face, his breaths choppy and his chest stuttering.
The sight is enough to bring tears in your eyes, your lower lip pulling between your teeth.
You squeeze Konig tight, the hand you rest on his back raising to scratch his scalp and simultaneously shield him from the world.
On screen, Konig digs into One’s soaked backpack, and retrieves the canister of medicine to tend to his wound.
The feed pauses, and you give Caesar a look that would have made a king’s knees buckle.
‘Try it, Caesar. If you even dare utter a word in his direction, I will grab you by your ponytail and beat your ass in front of all of Panem.’
He receives the message loud and clear, and speaks into the audience while you scratch Konig’s hair, cooing reassurance into his ear in between soft kisses on his head.
Caesar rambles on about Konig’s escape maneuver, praising the design of the scorpions, going on about how your screams were just such a heart wrenching thing for Konig to endure.
When the feed resumes, Konig’s wound is tended to, his face no longer pained, but hollow. He just lies face up in the sand, bags under his eyes and gaze fixed to the night sky. Numb, motionless.
Tears stream down his temples, and he has no motivation to wipe them away. He gets no rest the night before the finale.
Just lies in the sand, unmoving.
Price caves and sends him more food, hoping that he’ll eat without the arduous task of fishing or scavenging, but he doesn’t eat.
The feed cuts, skipping to when he finally finds the will to move.
You know it well.
The rage, he’s using his anger to push through, to survive. It shows in every movement he makes, too forceful and aggressive. Yanking and slamming and grunting through grit teeth at everything he comes in contact with. It’s a stark contrast to his usually reserved demeanor.
Weirdly, it’s working for you.
Which does make you feel bad, since he’s clearly in distress, both on screen and now, but you can’t help it. Those seething hormones that don’t know their place.
The feed pauses, and Caesar makes his stupid little commentary.
“Now, this next part here, we really get to see some action from Konig.”
The feed resumes, having cut to morning. Konig has left the oasis, heading back to the heart of the arena with forceful steps.
“Please don’t watch,” Konig mutters into your neck, his words just a low vibration against your skin.
Your brows pinch and your lips part, pausing your soothing rubs.
“Okay,” You whisper. You rest your cheek on his head and close your eyes, starting up the back rubs again. He squeezes you a little tighter, nestling into you, his shaky breaths tickling the skin of your neck.
You have to watch.
Your eyes instinctually open at the sound of Konig in conflict, and once they’re on screen you can’t bring yourself to rip them away.
The boy from Four, one of the particularly bigger volunteer tributes, holds out his arms, inviting Konig to a confrontation. He eggs him on with some taunts, and Konig doesn’t so much break his pace.
You already know the ending, not just because Konig is sitting right next to you, a victor, but because the boy from four is decked head to toe in the gear Konig wore at the finale.
It does not deter Konig. He doesn’t evade. In fact, he seems almost eager to fight, picking up into a run.
Konig rams his shoulder square into his front, entirely ignoring the knife that slashes into his bicep. Four is knocked back into the sand, the impact stealing the breath from him.
With each hit Konig lands to Four’s face, Titan’s caved-in head pulses in front of your eyes.
Konig pulls away from your embrace to look up at you, his brows sloped, a glint of betrayal in those worried eyes. Your lips part to give him an apology for watching, but you can get the words out. Between flashes of Titan steadily turned to pulp, choking the breath from you beyond the grave, it takes you right back to the last time Konig looked at you in betrayal, pale and almost entirely drained of life.
The nausea is bubbling up again, and you have to pinch your eyes shut. You blindly nudge into him, burying your face in his shoulder while you try to block everything out.
You don’t watch, but you know Four didn’t die. His cannon doesn’t go off, only knocked unconscious and injured at Konig’s hand.
When you find the screen again, Konig’s wearing Four’s gear back at the oasis, his bicep fully healed. He’s propped up against a tree, his knees pulled to his chest, head in his hands, staring blankly at the sand.
The feed pauses, and Caesar starts up.
“I have to know, Konig, what were you feeling in this moment?”
Konig loosens the embrace and finds Caesar. He shrugs, and says nothing.
“Well then. Let’s take a break from the intense stuff, and let’s see what our lovely lady was doing in the meantime.”
You roll your eyes, and the audience gushes over your crown of petals, your tiny snow-family.
Konig seems to find it endearing, too. He relaxes a bit in your hold, a soft hum vibrating your skin as you scratch his hair.
“Now,” Caesar says, “Before we get into a truly spectacular finale, I’d like to bring someone on stage for a chat.”
As you and Konig sit straight, the crowd whispers to themselves as they try and guess who it is.
“The man who pulled off the impossible, the mastermind behind it all, Mentor - John - Price!”
The crowd explodes into applause, and you turn your head to watch Price walk out on stage, waving a hand loosely at the crowd.
You’re incredibly relieved to see him, actually. It’s clear that you and Konig are entirely lost on this couch, and Price’s experience and his ever-sturdy nature will surely be a crutch for you both. You’re hoping he’ll take the spotlight off of you and Konig for a while.
Before Price sits, he leans down and simultaneously ruffles both you and Konig’s hair with a chuckle.
“How’s my poker face?” He asks with a laugh.
You and Konig sputter, rolling your eyes at him, but you can’t help the half-grin that peeks through.
Price takes a seat on the sofa next to you, giving you a hearty pat on the back before he slings his arms over either side of the back of the couch.
“Wow, wow, wow!” Caesar exclaims, “What an honor it is to have you with us today. You truly pulled off the strategy of the century!”
Price gives a single nod, a raise of his brows that hardens the lines on his forehead.
“Tell us, how did you come up with such a plan?”
Price scratches his temple and gives a light grunt before he gestures to Konig.
“Boy liked the girl. Practically did the work for me.”
The audience laughs as Konig’s hand comes up to rub the back of his neck.
Caesar crosses his legs and leans in, “And at what point did you realize Konig was in love with her?”
Price snorts, a small sly smile on his face.
“Took me about an hour.”
The audience laughs as Konig turns pink at your side. Your cheeks flush with heat as well, once again embarrassed it took you so long to notice the obvious.
You were under a lot of pressure, okay?
“For those of us who don’t know, I’d like to take the opportunity to revisit your victory.”
Price just grunts, and you and Konig look to each other with furrowed brows.
The thought hadn’t even crossed your mind - what Price’s games looked like. How he pulled off a feat that no one from District Nine but you and Konig have been able to recreate since.
Judging by the look on Konig’s face, this is the first time he’s considered it too.
Instantly you’re aching to know.
They start with the reaping of the girl tribute from District Nine, a girl named Summer. She’s average in stature, a headful of wavy, miskept hair frames her face.
For a moment, she is stunned, jaw tight and a slight sway in her feet. Round, deep brown eyes are fully blown, staring straight ahead.
She blinks twice, and her face relaxes, a scoff from lips that pull into a devilish smile. Her eyes roll as she elbows her way through the crowd, striding up to stage before the peacekeepers can even get their hands on her.
Summer hauls herself up on stage and rips the microphone from the escort’s hands. Her arm extends, swatting away the escort’s attempts to take back the microphone by alternating planting her palm into her face and chest. Their mild altercation broadcasts over the speakers - grunts, hissed demands, and almost comical shrieks of mic feedback.
Eventually the escort gives up with a grunt of annoyance.
Summer’s laugh echoes throughout the speakers, and she takes a few slow, bouncing strides across the stage, her back sloped in an irreverent lean, strolling leisurely in front of the crowd. She throws her free arm into the air and lets out a sharp ‘Wooo!’
“I just want to say, I mean - what an honor it is to be the tribute of District Nine.”
Her sarcasm slips from her tongue like it’s her native language, her body slack and dipping a shoulder towards the crowd.
“Truly!” She laughs again, spinning on light feet, projecting faux verve, “It is such an honor to sacrifice the wonderful life the Capitol has graciously offered me so far.”
The escort approaches and tries to swipe for the microphone again, but Summer’s shin catches across the escort’s ankles mid-stride, causing her to trip and crash to the ground with a ridiculously dramatic cry.
The crowd actually laughs at this, which is jarring, because no one ever laughs at a reaping.
Summer ignores the escort's aggravated chirping as she continues with a wide smile.
“A life of harvesting grain on an empty stomach, I mean, I really am giving up something special, aren’t I folks?”
Summer laughs again, but it’s interrupted by a shout in the crowd.
“I volunteer!”
Summer’s face falls at once, her jaw tightening. Her lighthearted, sarcastic tone sheds the moment she hears the voice.
“No!” She objects, shaking her head and pointing into the crowd, “No he doesn’t!”
The camera finds the source of the disruption, shoving his way through the crowd with familiar sturdy arms.
Price volunteered.
Your brows furrow, your head turning to find Price on the couch next to you.
He doesn’t look at you. He keeps his eyes on the screen, but you know he can feel your stare. His jaw cocks, his lips fold in, and he gives a nearly indistinguishable nod.
“Johnny!” Summer grits, her tone that of a parent pushed to her limit as they scold a misbehaving child, “Get back in the crowd, you fucking moron!”
Price trips over himself as he makes his way to her. He tries to crawl up the middle of the stage, but Summer sticks her foot out, pressing the sole of her shoe to his chest to keep him from pulling himself up.
“Stop it! Get back!” She grunts, but his sturdy arms pull themselves up to stage regardless of her shoves and objections.
Summer drops the microphone, the entire audience jumping at the ear-piercing thud that echoes through the speakers. She puts her hands on his shoulders, and for a moment the two wrestle as she froths at him.
“Take it back! Take it back!”
The peacekeepers intervene and rip the two apart, dragging them back with tight grips on the crook of their elbows.
Price isn’t fighting the peacekeeper’s hold, but Summer’s kicking her feet, thrashing ruthlessly against the restraint. Her words are slathered with fury, loud enough for the back of the crowd to hear even without the microphone.
“You fucking idiot, Johnny! What did you do?! What did you do?! You killed yourself, Johnny! You killed yourself!”
Price is panting, chest heaving as his bright blue eyes soak in her rage.
When the escort finally restores order, she has the two shake hands. Summer doesn’t take her glare off Price the entire time. She practically smacks his hand, squeezing him with a deathly grip, a twist in her lips as she grumbles under her breath. Price just swallows, staring at her with sad eyes as he lets her assault his hand.
You hate to admit it, the thought itself making your stomach turn, but Price was kind of good-looking at your age.
While his blue eyes are still hooded, they’re not narrowed into his constant squint. Distressed in this moment, but overall his eyes are brighter, wider, full of life. His face isn’t harshened with fine lines, and instead of the intense facial hair he wears now, he only has faint stubble along his jaw. Price is strong as you know him, but his younger self seems to be entirely fit, a young man primed with youth and strengthened from a life of fieldwork.
The year Price competed in the games, the arena was truly foreign, you don’t recognize a single plant or tree that makes up the lush jungle. The trees fork in odd places, their leaves awkwardly fanned. A few are reminiscent of the trees you saw at the oasis, puffs of leaves only at the very top of their branches, but even that comparison is a stretch. Some of the flora carry leaves bigger than your entire body. Plants that you’d describe as large ferns swallow the jungle floor, camouflaging only a few feet into the tree line. Massive bones scatter the jungle, bones much larger than any animal you’ve ever seen. In many places the jungle drops off into truly stunning valleys teeming with huge, thick-stemmed flowers. Rivers carve out the land, sidewinding through the valleys.
A Jurassic landscape, they call it.
Price and Summer are locked onto each other the entirety of the countdown. When the gong sounds, they don’t hesitate to dart for each other, each of them working up to a full sprint the moment their boots leave the pedestals. They link hands at the center of the brutal bloodbath, blind to the gory altercations surrounding them. As soon as their hands are locked they make a run for the jungle, quickly disappearing into thick foliage.
They skip a lot of the games, and show the particularly exciting moments Price and Summer went through.
For the circumstances, the tone between them is light, smiling and joking as they dredge through the jungle. They’re playing a game to see who can catch the insides of a jungle nut in their mouth from the highest toss straight up in the air.
Price, leading the way, gets stuck mid-stride, as if his boot had been glued to the jungle floor. He looks down, and immediately his palms shoot out to shove Summer back in the dirt.
Summer’s eyes widen when she sees the pit of thick sand swallowing Price’s boots.
Price panics, jerking his legs to free himself, but it’s only making it worse. The more he thrashes, the quicker the pool of sand climbs up his legs. Summer curses, kicking to her feet and stepping to the edge of the pit.
“Stop!” She yells, her fingers a blur as she shakes her palms at him, “Stop moving, Johnny! Grab my hand!”
He stills as he looks at her, heavy breaths leaving parted lips and wide eyes pooled with fear. His knuckles turn white the moment he latches to her wrists.
Summer grunts through clenched, bared teeth and leans back, every muscle shaking as her entire body weight pulls on his arms. The heels of her boots dig into the jungle floor, but Price doesn’t budge.
“Ow, ow!” He yells, “Gonna break my arms!”
“Oh, is that a worse alternative to dying?!” Summer spits.
“Save now, fight later!” He grunts.
“Just- stay still!” She says, eyes frantically darting around.
She locks onto one of the trees, a nearly matured sapling with a long, skinny, branchless trunk that stretches well above Summer’s head.
“Got it, I fucking got it, Johnny!” She shouts with excited revelation, giving herself a running start before she jumps up to grab the trunk as high as she can. Her legs fold around the tree, climbing hand over hand to shimmy herself up. When the sapling begins to curl, she jerks her body weight in the direction of Price, unwrapping her legs and dangling off the trunk until the tip of her toes touch the ground.
“Grab it!” Summer hisses, a grunt caught in the back of her throat as she holds down the spring-loaded tree.
Price, now submerged to his diaphragm, scrambles for the sapling, his arms getting lost in the sprouts of leaves at the very top of the odd tree.
“Got it!”
“Hang on tight!” She hisses before releasing the tree, falling backwards into the dirt.
The tree springs up a few feet in the absence of her weight and yanks Price from the sand to his mid-thigh. Summer’s already on her feet, scrambling to the edge of the pit to wrap her arms around Price’s core, yanking to help work him free as he climbs up the sapling with shaking arms.
Once the sand spits out the tops of his boots, he pops free, the tree slingshotting back into place and almost taking him with it. He’s dragged into Summer, both of them crashing to the ground with a thud.
Summer’s eyes pinch shut and she lets out a drawn-out, low groan under his weight.
Price heaves a breathless, relieved laugh, planting his palms in the dirt to prop himself up, smiling down at Summer.
“So,” Price says in between heavy breaths, “Want to finish that fight?”
Summer gives an amused hum behind a grin, her eyelids fluttering. She snatches him by the collar of his shirt with two fingers and pulls him in until his face is inches from hers. A sly grin spreads thick on her face, voice low and as smooth as silk.
“Kiss first, fight later.”
When Summer closes the gap and plants a long kiss on his lips, you have to look down at your lap, swallowing around the lump in your throat.
Because you already know how this one ends.
The feed cuts to a shot of Summer and Price at the border of the jungle, a rock ledge next to a fifty-foot cliff overlooking a truly gorgeous valley. They’re both inspecting bushes of fruit, none of which you recognize.
“I don’t know, if I had to place my bets, I’m going with this weird one,” Summer says as she pats a fruit the size of her head, its skin a deep purple and knotted with bumps.
“Really?” Price asks, tucking his walking stick into his armpit, “Betting your life on the weird one?”
“That’s rich, coming from you,” Summer digs with a teasing, but slightly pointed tongue.
Price huffs, lacking defense.
He inspects a curved, green fruit the size of his hand, running his thumb along its grains.
“I like this one,” He says, “Got a good feel to it.”
Summer narrows her eyes at him, that sly grin making a reappearance.
“I’ll test yours if you test mine,” She goads.
Price lets out a huff, “Alright, fine. Loser dies.”
They switch fruits, and dig in.
“Oh, that’s it,” Summer says with a groan, “Good pick, Johnny.”
Price speaks through a mouthful, juice dripping down his chin and staining his chin maroon.
“Can’t say, I’m hungry enough to think dirt tastes good.”
He takes another bite, sucking out the fruit’s insides.
“Johnny,” Summer says carefully.
“No, no, it’s good,” He reassures her, one of his palms blindly gesturing in her direction.
“Johnny,” Summer repeats, her voice low with a slight waver stitched in.
Price licks his fingers, and turns to Summer when he doesn’t get an answer.
“Oh, f-!” Price springs to his feet, stumbling backwards with a flail.
“Sh, sh, sh!” Summer hushes with a soft wince, “Just be calm - Don’t freak out.”
A massive snake with a head the size of a loaf of bread, a body as thick as a tree trunk, has crept from a tree above the fruit bushes. Its scales slide around the back of Summer’s neck, slithering leisurely down her shoulder and her front.
“What do I do?!” Price whispers frantically.
“Relax,” The word rides one of Summer’s exhales as she closes her eyes.
You’re not sure if she’s talking to herself or Price.
“Just let me think,” She says quietly.
The python moves slow, snaking around her core like a sash, wrinkling the fabric of her shirt as it curiously explores her.
Summer’s face pinches - she’s trying to come up with a plan but her focus is split between steadying the rise and fall of her chest and keeping herself from panicking.
“So cold,” Summer whispers under her breath as she suppresses a shiver, “Feels so fucking weird.”
Price takes a few slow steps forward, arms puffed out at his sides and his back hunched over.
“Johnny,” Summer warns.
Price lowers himself to a squat, picking up the purple fruit with careful hands.
“Johnny,” Summer tries again with a draw, but with concern to angering the snake coiling around her, her voice isn’t as forceful as she would have liked it to be.
His brows furrow, and a hand comes up with a wave of annoyance.
“I got it, Trouble.”
Price gets his boots in front of her crossed legs, leaning down and carefully extending the fruit in the direction of the snake’s face.
“What are you doing?” Summer grits.
Price ignores her, cooing to the snake.
“Oh, what’s this?” He says softly, animated and affectionate, the way one would speak to a beloved pet.
The snake’s tongue flicks out, it’s head perking up from Summer’s thigh.
“Yeah, buddy, check this out,” Price coos, “You don’t want her, you want this thing.”
“Run, Johnny,” Summer hisses through clenched teeth.
“Smells good, don’t it?” Price says to the snake, ignoring Summer’s demands.
The snake’s tongue flicks from its mouth furiously, hunting down the fresh, pungent scent of the purple fruit, juice still dripping from the taken bite.
The snake double back on itself, peeling back from Summer’s stomach, and Price gives a drawn out, low, “Yeah-heh-heah.”
Price takes careful steps, shifting to Summer’s side, delicately guiding the snake to unwrap from her core.
Price chuckles, “That’s it.”
When the snake is only draped over her shoulders, Price grits to Summer.
“Run, Trouble, Run!”
With a grunt, Summer shoves the snake from her shoulders to get away from its slimy scales.
The snake did not like this maneuver one bit.
With a deafening hiss, another fifteen feet of tail whips from the jungle, the end coiling around Summer’s ankle in less than a second, pulling her foot out from under her. Summer slams face first into the ground, busting her chin open on the rock ledge.
At the same time, the snake’s jaw unhinges, its lips peeling open well below where the corner of its mouth should be, parting down the sides of its body to reveal an opening large enough to effortlessly swallow a full grown man whole with one bite. Its razor sharp fangs start at a size you’d expect at the front of its mouth, and increase in size down its unfurled body until they’re as big as Price’s forearm.
Price screams as he stares into the snake’s gaped innards displayed in clear threat while Summer desperately claws at plants on the jungle floor. Her shirt bunching up her torso as she’s dragged on her front by the snake’s tail. Price flings himself back when the snake’s uncanny mouth closes with a snap like a whip in his direction. Summer flips over on her front, folding her core to peel the tail from her ankle, but she’s no match for its deadly grip.
As Price moves away, Summer is effortlessly lifted from the ground, flailing her limbs once airborne. The snake fully unfurls its mouth towards the sky, its tail curling to hover Summer over its gaped throat. She screams and kicks suspended in the air, dangling helplessly as she stares into the snake’s mouth.
“Hey!” Price yells from off screen.
The purple fruit smacks the snake’s neck with an almost comedic wet slap.
The snake’s mouth snaps shut beneath Summer, its head whipping to the side, venomous eyes locking onto Price. Summer is slammed against the rock ledge, expelling all of the air from her lungs with a guttural wheeze as the snake slithers with unnatural speed towards Price. A choppy groan leaves Summer, dragged across the rock ledge in the snake’s wake as Price trembles, taking uneasy steps backward as he points his meager walking stick in the direction of the snake.
The snake’s already unfurled its terrifying mouth again, priming to swallow him with a gut-churning hiss, but it does not deter Price from launching himself into the snake’s mouth, jamming the thick branch vertically between the bottom and the roof of its mouth.
The snake lets out a cry as it tries to snap its jaw around Price, but instead pierces the walking stick through the roof of its mouth.
The snake wails, ripping away from Price and releasing Summer as it desperately shakes its head to rid the wedge propping its jaw open. Price boots fumble along the rock as he makes a run for Summer, moaning in pain on the ground.
Price skids to a stop before leaning over and pulling her up with sturdy arms and a grunt. Her wobbly legs come to a stand while Price slings her arms over his shoulders, half-dragging her as they stumble through the jungle.
When the two finally give out, Summer collapses to her knees and Price doubles over, his hands on his thighs and spitting his exhaustion into the dirt.
As they catch their heaving breaths, Price lets out a huff.
“Betting on the weird one worked for ya, did it?”
Summer puts two shaky palms to the jungle floor and lowers herself onto her side with a wince.
“You tell me,” She says after a long breath, resting her cheek on her bicep, smearing her arm with the blood of her split chin.
Price laughs again, lying down next to her.
A tightly pressed smile blooms on Summer’s face. Her eyes close, cheeks bunching with a glow that can be seen even under the blood and dirt. Her voice is soft when she speaks to the jungle floor.
“You’re the biggest idiot I know.”
Price hums.
“Well, I can’t help that.”
He touches the pad of his finger to the tip of her nose, a cheeky, goofy grin on his face.
“You’re the one who picked the biggest idiot you know.”
She scoffs, loosely swatting at him, but her hand lingers on his chest, her fingers toying with the slack fabric on the front of his shirt.
“Tell me about it,” She says with a wistful sigh.
You carefully turn your head to get a discreet glimpse of Price on the couch next to you. His elbows are propped up on his knees, leaning forward in his spot. His eyes are relaxed, lost in the rerun. Wearing the outline of a smile that matches Summer’s and the side of his index finger absentmindedly stroking his beard.
Your heart is heavy in your chest and your throat has gone sore and dry, you have to look away from him.
Because you know how this one ends.
When the footage cuts, they show Price and Summer setting up camp in a dilapidated skull the size of a modest room, a snug but cozy fit for two. Whatever animal it came from must have been massive, and had a powerful, flesh-eating jaw. The entrance to their hideout, the mouth of the once creature, is lined with rows of teeth, each tooth the length of Summer’s palm. The skull has been partially overtaken by time and foliage, dirt filthying the yellowish white bone, moss and vines climbing up the holes along the roof of the skull.
Inside the mouth, Summer’s resting on her back on a hand-gathered bed of moss, her elbows bent to cradle her head in her palms. Price is curled up at her side, a sturdy arm slung over her waist, nestled into her shoulder. He snores lightly into her neck as she keeps watch, staring through a hole in the roof of their skull, watching the stars through the leaves of the nearby trees.
Something shakes the jungle, every last tree and leaf on the foliage disturbed as the world rumbles for just a second.
“What’s’it?” Price slurs as he opens his eyes, a deep inhale of morning as he lifts his head to find Summer’s worried face.
It happens again, something shakes the ground beneath them, the both of them jostled for a brief stint.
“The fuck is that?” Summer whispers to him, her brows pinched.
“Don’ know, jus’ woke up,” He mumbles with a slur, voice low with annoyance and sleep.
They flinch and cling to each other when it happens again, their heads swiveling as they try to piece together what’s happening.
“Earthquake?” Summer asks.
Something gives a deafening, screeching roar, booming in the distant forest, ripping a gasp from both of them. Their fingernails are digging into each other, huddled in a ball of tense limbs as they wait for threat.
The thuds turn rhythmic, the entire jungle vibrating with tremendous force.
A shallow breath leaves Price when a tribute screams in the distance.
Both of their mouths are parted, locked onto each other before they peer out of the skull, unable to see beyond the foliage.
The speed increases, the spaced out jostles quickly becoming one continuous rumble. It’s getting closer, intensifying with each beat.
“What do we do?!” Price shouts.
Summer just shakes her head, face slack with fear. The rumbling stops, and the tribute screams pick up in its absence.
The truly harrowing, bone-chilling roar cuts through the jungle again, both Summer and Price jumping from their skin, arms tensing around each other.
A cannon fires.
For minutes the jungle settles, but the two don’t dare break away from each other, holding each other close.
They both flinch when the thuds start up again, one after another, the entire jungle quaking. It’s getting closer, the two have to lower themselves on their hands and knees to keep from being tossed around.
It is a truly terrifying beast, the ultimate predator.
The beast is well over the size of a building, with flesh like a lizard’s. Two powerful, bird-like legs support a body that must be four stories wide, its feet lined with killer claws. A thick neck supports a head the size of a car and two useless arms hang from its front. Half of its body is just a massive tail balancing out the weight of its huge head, thick near its body and thinning out to a point twenty feet away.
When the beast gives a powerful roar, its screeched breath rustles nearby leaves, displaying its powerful jaws far and wide.
Summer blinks, and her gaze flits to the row of teeth at the entrance of their hideout, and she’s coming to the haunting realization that her and Price would be a snug, but cozy fit inside the mouth of the beast. It cross the jungle what must be only fifty yards from Price and Summer, their entire world becoming a nauseating blur.
The two flinch when the extreme force causes the jaws of their hideout to snap shut, trapping them in the skull.
The two watch through the nostril openings until the beast is long lost to the jungle.
“Okay,” Summer draws out a long sigh, closing her eyes, “Hated that.”
“Not a holiday for me, either.”
“Let’s make a deal,” Summer’s fist jams a thumb in the direction of the beast, “We stay far away from that thing.”
“No?” Price asks with a tilt of his head and a raised brow, “I was thinking we put a collar on ‘em and keep ‘em as a pet.”
Summer snorts.
“Fine, but I’m not going to get stuck taking care of it. You have to clean up after it.”
Price’s eyes crinkle when he smiles at her.
When the feed cuts again, it’s clear a good chunk of time has passed. The hideout is camouflaged, they’ve rigged the skull’s jaw open with a pulley, and the two managed to get their hands on some modest supplies - some rope and knives.
Price and Summer are digging into a nice bounty of fruit and the meat of a jungle creature, cooked over some now extinguished embers. They’re eating in a comfortable silence, resting their backs against the skull with their legs stretched out. It’s clear they’re both exhausted.
Heavy eyelids shoot open when voices in the jungle near.
“I can smell it, it was definitely over here.”
“Well, it’s not anymore. They’re long gone.”
Two careers, slicing their weapons through vines and overgrown plants, hunting for the smoke from Summer and Price’s campfire.
“Lower district rats prol’ly too stupid to clear out.”
Summer’s face twists, a snarl tugging on her lips. Price shakes his head at her, his eyes wide and lips folded in.
“We can look around for a little.”
“Or we can look until we get to spill some rat blood.”
With pointed brows and a growl threatening to leave her, Summer makes a ring with her index finger and her thumb. She goes to place it in her mouth, but Price snatches her wrist and slaps a hand over her mouth, prompting Summer to muffle objections into his palm.
Summer starts swinging at him as she tries to shake away her muzzle, but Price positions himself behind her, pressing her back to his chest and keeping her secure between his legs as she trashes in his hold until the careers move on.
When Price loosens his grip, she shoves him away.
“What is wrong with you?” He hisses, “Are you nuts?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! How can you just sit by after hearing their bullshit all week?”
“Because I’m not trying to get myself killed!”
“Well then you shouldn’t have volunteered, should ya’ve, Johnny?!”
He doesn’t have anything to say to that one.
The pain wells in his eyes for just a moment before he huffs, pinching his brows and looking away.
Summer grumbles under her breath before crawling out of the skull, getting much needed space from him.
The feed cuts, and it appears as if the two have resolved the fight, or at least have repaired things enough to tolerate being next to each other. They walk silently through the jungle, both of their steps sluggish, but are stopped in their tracks as the world gets brighter. It takes only a few seconds for the entire arena to be engulfed in a blinding white light.
The sound of the impact blares over the speakers loud enough you feel the vibration in your ribcage. It makes you jump. A flinch and a sharp draw of breath that drives Konig to tighten his hold on you.
The ground shakes beneath Price and Summer, tenfold more intense than the beast’s footsteps. It knocks them both to the ground instantly, and they have to scramble to narrowly miss getting crushed by weakened trees, uprooted and crashing to the ground.
A cloud of white dust barrels like a wave in their direction, and even though Price wasted no time to grab Summer’s arm and make a run from it, they are swallowed by a thick cloud of smoke, coughing and hacking as they stumble blindly through the jungle.
Half of the arena has been entirely destroyed, now only a burning, fiery wasteland ringing an enormous crater, a meteor wedged deep into the earth at the center. What remains of the arena is so foggy with debris they can’t see a foot in front of their faces.
The impact killed a handful of tributes instantly, including half the career pack, and wiped out all of the beasts that roamed the land.
The feed cuts again, and your stomach twists when Price licks his lips and looks to the floor.
You know what that means.
You follow his gaze for a moment, trying to swallow the lump forming in your throat.
The meteor strike has driven what remains of the tributes together, the pool slimmed. The dust has mostly cleared the arena, now only a slight fog weaving through the foliage.
Where the jungle breaks into the cornucopia, Price and Summer lock eyes with what remains of the career pack.
Summer’s fists clench at her sides and Price’s hand immediately shoots to Summer’s shoulder.
The careers don’t even lunge for them.
They stand in front of the cornucopia, arms crossed over their chests and smug grins on their faces.
Price gives Summer a tug, guiding her to turn and run, but her feet stay planted firmly on the dirt.
“Trouble,” Price hisses, “Let’s go.”
“C’mon rat!” One of the careers calls from across the field, his arms uncrossing and held out at his sides, inviting them to a fight.
Summer’s knuckles have gone white around the handle of her blade, shallow breaths leave her parted lips. She’s caught in a trance as she stares down the careers.
“Summer! Let’s go!” He says sternly, giving a harsh tug on her arm and taking a step to backtrack into the forest.
“You all talk?!” One of the careers calls, “Put your bread where your mouth is, Rat!”
Summer jaw clenches before she rips from Price’s grip, breaking into a sprint towards the careers.
“Summer, no!”
Price runs after her, but stops in his tracks when Summer’s ankle snags against something.
It happens so fast.
A nearly invisible tripwire hidden within the fern-like plants sends an axe into the side of her stomach in an instant. For a moment she is paralyzed, only a slight sway on her feet before she turns to face Price.
It takes a moment for Price to understand what just happened, in stunned disbelief as his hands find his head.
“No!” Price cries when his thoughts catch up, “No, no!”
His boots take off, slamming against the dirt and tearing through the ferns as he runs for her.
“Summer! Summer!”
A heavy wall of tears rims his eyeline, a shake in his hands as he locks on to her wide eyes. Summer collapses face first into the foliage, and when Price catches up he forcefully flips her onto her front.
Summer groans as Price’s panicked eyes dart over the wound, muttering to himself while the blood oozes generously around the blade of the axe.
“You’re going to be okay!” He says, but he convinces absolutely no one, then and now.
“‘S make a deal, okay?” Summer grits, her words chopped with each twitch of her body, “You win this thing-”
Summer coughs, blood splattering on her lips and chin.
“And I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”
He nods, tears slipping down his face.
Price’s voice is just a choked breath.
She closes her eyes and hums.
“Love you, Johnny.”
“Love you, Summertime.”
“Go,” She says hoarsely, “Make sure you didn’t do it for nuthin’.”
Price nods, his brows pinching. He looks up to the careers, both of them making the dash across the clearing to finish Price off.
He looks back to Summer, his face falling and swelled with worry.
Her eyes roll ever so slightly, her words wet and gurgled through her blood.
“Go, idiot.”
Price nods with a swallow and rises to his feet, breaking into a run further into the jungle as soon as he musters up the courage to take his eyes off her. He doesn’t look back, his boots slamming against the jungle floor with each step, the leaves of the flora wavering in his wake.
Tears streak his face, his lips parted to push out sharp breaths, but otherwise his face is expressionless, stone-cold. He only breaks for a moment when the cannon fires, a wince that creases his eyes, but his boots don’t slow.
The careers are closing in on him, and you find your nails are digging into Konig’s thigh, threatening to tear a chunk of fabric from his dress pants.
Price must have run miles without slowing before he sidesteps the familiar pool of quicksand and returns to his previous trajectory. One of the careers gets sucked right into his trap, his body is thrown when his boot gets caught in the pit, planting his palms right into the quicksand.
By time the other career catches up, the sand has swallowed the boy to his wrists and ankles. He’s tugging futilely against its hold on him, only burying himself further into the sand’s clutches. The other career ignores him entirely, doesn’t even look in the direction of the desperate pleas for help.
When Price finds his and Summer’s hideout, he makes a beeline for it.
Both your teeth and fists are clenched, resisting the urge to scold Price for cornering himself by crawling into the skull.
Price turns on his feet, hunched over to fit as he steps to the back of the hideout, his knife primed above his head.
“Let’s go, Rat!” The career calls before lowering himself to follow Price into the hideout.
Price swings his knife, but not at the career, no.
As the career is halfway into the mouth of the skull, Price slices clean through the rope of the pulley. The skull’s powerful jaw clamps shut with tremendous force, massive teeth piercing through the career’s torso with a snap, pinning him in the mouth of the once beast.
The career sputters his breath, eyes blown and blood shooting from his mouth at once. His hands instinctively press the back of the beast’s teeth to pointlessly try to work himself free.
Price carefully nears as the boy struggles, keeping eye contact with him. Price’s face is eerily even as he squats down in the bed of moss soaking up the blood that drains down the massive, bone white teeth.
He raises his knife to his own forearm, and slices clean through his skin without so much as wincing.
Price inspects the wound with furrowed brows for a moment before he slowly extends his forearm to the boy, droplets of Price’s blood streaking from the cut and down his arm.
“You see that?” He says, his voice low and dangerous.
Price huffs.
“Looks like you bleed the same colors as the rats.”
The boy can’t respond, too busy choking on his blood, but what life remains in his eyes sparks with rage, his brows creasing ever so slightly as he glares at Price.
Price’s eyes narrow into a deep squint.
“You tell Summer who sent you.”
Price’s knife pierces through the career’s windpipe without warning.
You flinch in your seat, eyes pinching shut to rid the sight of Sapphire being skewered at your hand, your nails nearly drawing blood from the flesh of your knee as you try to shake the reverb of the staff in your grip and silence the sound of her choking on her own blood.
“Wow,” Caesar starts, “Let’s give John a hand, huh?”
The audience complies, but it’s muffled by the sound of your own shallow breaths in your ears. Behind the cover of your eyelids, your irises dart furiously.
So much new information you’re learning about your fellow victors today, and not at all the proper space to digest it.
Your nausea is making a reappearance and your heels scrape across the stage in a futile attempt to expel the heat bubbling from your pores.
“It must be really special to you, that after all this time, you managed to pull off getting these two star-crossed lovers out together.”
Price gives a curt nod.
“That’s right,” He says evenly.
Your hand crosses over your bicep, and your lower lips catches between your teeth. That sickening guilt is coiling in your intestines again, the heavy weight that’s impossible to ignore.
What makes you worthy of getting out of the arena, when Summer couldn’t?
Why do you and Konig get to have each other at your sides - when Price didn’t get the same?
You don’t feel deserving of it.
Not just in comparison to Price - but even in relation to your games.
Why do you get to sit here on this stage, alive and unharmed, while there are twenty-two other tributes - many of them much more deserving of the victor title - who’ve long since been packed up in wooden boxes and shipped back to their districts?
Because you are alive today, someone else is dead.
And it’s only worse that a selfish little brat like you got gifted something that an honorable man like Price couldn’t have.
“Tell us,” Caesar says to you and Konig, “Have you seen this footage before?”
You swallow hard enough you can feel it tug on your ears. You can’t bring yourself to speak, or even open your eyes, so you just shake your head.
“And how do you feel after seeing John’s win for the first time?”
You shake your head again, and when you speak, your words are choked and barely audible.
“Not good.”
Price gives you a squeeze on the shoulder before rubbing it out. You think he’s trying to tell you it’s okay, that you shouldn’t feel bad, but it does nothing to relieve the sickening guilt swelling in your gut and swallowing you whole.
Caesar receives little cooperation from Konig.
“Well, John, I have to say, your tributes weren’t the only ones stirring excitement in the arena.”
Price scoffs, a smile tugging on his lips.
”We have some never-before seen footage I can’t wait to share with you all! Let’s take a look, shall we?”
The mentor’s suite is just a sterile white, curved room, lined with screens and chairs. One large screen shows the audience’s perspective, and each mentor’s seat has multiple screens to keep an eye on their own tributes at all times.
You’d think Price bet the farm on you and Konig.
Price is consistently the loudest of all the mentors. It’s easy to see from one look that everyone else is annoyed with him.
Ruby isn’t nearly as loud, but she’s just as obnoxious, looking over Price’s shoulder and squealing every word.
Oh, how you have missed that shrill Capitol accent.
They only show the particularly interesting moments.
When you escaped the snare, Price threw his chair across the room, making everyone in the room flinch.
“That’s my fucking girl!”
“Well, she has always been stubborn!” Ruby chimes.
It actually makes you blow an amused huff of air out of your nose, a grin creeping on your lips.
And of course, they show Price pulling Ruby into an excited kiss when you escaped Titan. She turns bright red and grunts when he lets go of her, smoothing out her shirt.
”Well, I never!”
The audience loves it, a hearty applause for Price’s antics.
Caesar asks Price a few more questions, but you do your best to tune them out, taking your opportunity to shut off your brain for a minute as you bury yourself into Konig’s chest.
When Caesar prompts Price off the stage, he practically strongholds you into standing with him, Konig in turn following.
He pulls you in for a hug and digs his nails into your back hard enough you hiss into his ear. He doesn’t let you wriggle away, holding you for a few more sharp seconds before he finally lets you free, ignoring your face pinched in defense.
His jaw clenches, and the message his eyes are drilling into you is clear.
Be. Good.
The look, the first implementation of physical correction - it’s enough to dry out your mouth and clench your muscles. An ominous feeling pools from your center and infects your limbs, ultimately putting a shake in your fingers and a wobble in your knees.
There it is, that feeling again. The unpinnable, chest-wrenching, breath-stealing feeling.
Something is wrong.
How badly did you fuck up? What specifically was he correcting?
Konig doesn’t get the same treatment. Price plasters his crowd-worthy grin on his face and pulls Konig into a short side-hug, giving him two gentle but firm pats on the back before he struts off, waving at the crowd.
With stitched brows you follow him with your gaze as Price walks off stage, carefully taking your seat once he’s out of sight. Your fingers fidget at your side as you try to heed off the urge to throw up all over the glittery stage.
Caesar hypes up the crowd for the finale before digging into the highlights.
You’re not looking forward to this part.
The oasis does not grant Konig refuge from the dust storm, a light breeze turning to a gusting wind that turns to a full on twister of sand.
They cut to the boy from four, still lying on the sand exactly where Konig left him, skin fried from the desert sun.
Konig paralyzed him.
And judging by the way Konig’s eyes widen and his lips part, he had no idea. He looks to his hands, horrified.
The dust storm steadily suffocates Four, his weak cries more muffled with each passing second before his cannon fires.
Konig’s horrified expression lingers the entirety of the arena being destroyed.
You give him a squeeze that he doesn’t return, motionless when you rest your cheek on his shoulder.
They feature the boy from six and the boy from seven, the boys who ran into the snow quadrant at the bloodbath. They took refuge in the center of the snow quadrant, in the large, complex system of caves. They were out hunting for food before the avalanche chased them out of the woods and swallowed them whole.
Even though you only knew of them as ‘The boys who ran into the snow quadrant’ - there’s some level of unpinnable familiarity there that makes your heart sink. Maybe because you witnessed their death happen in person, or maybe because you got too close of a look at them at the bloodbath, or maybe it was that moment where the boy from seven was smiling in his chariot with his district companion. You don’t know. This interview is so exhausting, and has left you with more than enough emotional homework you care to handle, and you’re still not finished yet.
You still have to relive Sapphire’s death, you still have to watch Konig beat Titan into a bloody pulp, and you still have to see Konig die.
What you wouldn’t give for a breather.
For five minutes with Konig in private.
You just want to be done, done with this interview, done with The Capitol, done with the Hunger Games.
But you won’t ever be, will you? Every year they’ll drag you and Konig back with Price, forced to mentor a pair of kids destined to die, and you won’t be able to keep your distance. Every year they will break your heart, and every year they’ll broadcast your romance far and wide, both in recaps and in new footage.
They start with Sapphire.
As soon as her cry blares over the speakers, your eyes are screwed shut.
Konig’s nearly squeezing the life from you, surely watching Sapphire close in as you bleed generously from your hedge-inflicted wounds.
“He killed him! He killed him!”
Konig’s grip on you loosens as soon as he realizes it.
Realizes that you took the brunt of her vengeance against him for killing her district companion. A boy she surely trained with for years, preparing for this moment.
You give his arm a squeeze. Konig doesn’t know it, but that same vengeance is what saved you.
The exhaustion from mourning her companion made Sapphire’s spear toss sloppy, her hatred for Konig left her defenses wide open, and her spite drove her own spear square into her abdomen.
How many times does a boy have to save a girl’s life before she gets the fucking picture?
Konig is so skilled at protecting you - he managed to pull it off without even being by your side - all while you fought with everything you had to die.
It feels as if these games have revolved around you and Konig since the beginning. Tethered together by a rope that stretched across the arena, ensnaring any tributes that neared in its indestructible, suffocating web.
You can’t help but wonder - if you had never been, if you were never a soul on this earth, what would the outcome have been?
Who would have had a fair chance if you and Konig had not been unintentional allies, if it weren’t for you two being an unstoppable force that pulled tributes under without even trying?
How many deaths fall back on you, simply for breathing, for existing?
Konig’s grip has turned crushing since Sapphire whipped her spear in your direction, and it almost grounds you as you’re suffocated by the replay of her froths.
The squelch of Sapphire’s eye and her haunting wail makes you gag, bile sloshing up the back of your throat and bringing tears to your eyes.
Konig’s clutch on you is so tight he’s shaking. As you and Sapphire attack simultaneously, he sucks in a sharp breath, flinching in his seat. He almost takes your hand with him to find his head, but corrects himself and rests your intertwined hands where your thighs meld together.
Your eyes are closed, but you can see her - on her knees, ripping out her own eye, the tear of her shredded optic nerve. You can feel it - the spear jamming into your stomach, the weight of Sapphire’s body scraping the spear against your flayed hands, the ground jostling you about as her limp body bounces lifelessly on the ground.
“What a moment, what a moment!” Caesar chimes once the footage pauses, a chorus of claps echoing throughout the theatre.
“Wow, I have to say, it’s not every games we get to see a tribute drive another to end their own life,” Caesar’s lips pull to the side, and he speaks in a lowered, cheeky tone, “And I hate to spoil it for you folks, but that won’t be the last time it happens.”
As the audience laughs, your face pinches, crushing Konig’s hand in yours. Your lips part to run your mouth - but you stop yourself, forcing out a deep breath.
Be. Good.
So instead your lips press into a tightly pursed smile, your neck jerking to the side.
Konig finds you, those icy blue eyes just as annoyed as yours.
He lifts your locked hands with a gentle shake and a squeeze.
“And here I thought I was being original,” He mutters with a slight roll of his eyes.
For a moment your brows tighten, and then you scoff, finding yourself actually smiling during this grueling, painful interview.
“Eh,” You shrug, “She may have gotten there first, but you perfected it.”
His chest puffs out with an amused huff, his fingers raising to rub out his temple. He shakes his head and looks at you, and you share a weak, but genuine smile.
It doesn’t last long.
Konig’s next.
Really, you should have connected the dots considering you saw the two dead tributes at the other end of the maze, but it hadn’t crossed your mind to think of the fights that were taking place as you fought Sapphire.
His assigned opponent is the girl from two, Sage as Sapphire called her.
Sage wastes no time once the ground settles, in a run straight for him. Konig’s not fazed by her speed. He roughly tosses his pack to the side, and stands tall with Four’s blade primed.
There’s little to see of his expression under his hood, but his eyes are fearless, slightly narrowed as he waits for her approach.
Sage wields a sword of her own, and once Konig is in motion, it’s impossible to look away. The footage isn’t altered, but it feels as if time has slowed for them. You catch every movement, the way Konig’s leg dips and his arm straightens behind him, winding up to deflect her hit with the perfect clinks of metal on metal. They way her feet shuffle in perfect positioning, alternating between offensive and defensive maneuvers.
It’s violent, aggressive, - but also graceful.
Their fight is a mesmerizing dance. They meet in the middle like it has been rehearsed, perfect timing of the commanding clashes to form a grated song of their swords embracing.
Sage’s face is pinched in determination and focus, grunts behind her grit teeth with each swing.
They exchange no words.
It’s a transaction, professional. The two are there to complete their task and nothing more.
Their swords clash between their chests and hold there, hands trembling as they push against the other. Their eyes are locked and crinkled in focus.
Konig closes in and gives a forceful shove, sending her tumbling back onto the grass.
When she’s on her elbows, her legs bending in a scramble, the very end of Konig’s blade finds her neck, resting an inch under her chin. He looms over her in all his glory, blocking out the sun and casting his shadow over her.
Sage stills at once, her lips twitching as she looks up at him. It’s not quite anger in her eyes, more frustration at herself. Bested even with her training.
She doesn’t beg. She holds his taut stare, and waits. Accepting her defeat in good sportsmanship.
Konig’s sword lingers for a few moments before it slowly retreats, pulling away from her neck.
Sage breaks the stare to follow Konig’s sword until it’s back at his side.
“Up, Girl.”
Her chest heaves with her shallow breaths, irises shifting back and forth as she flits between both of his unreadable eyes.
There’s a pause, lingering their stares on each other before she comes to a slow stand.
Konig takes a few steps back, his sword relaxed at his side. For a moment she eyes him in unease, but he waits patiently. She fixes her shirt, tugging down the hem that bunched up when she fell, and tilts her head to the side to pop a joint in her neck. A long exhale leaves her, she rolls her shoulders, and repositions her feet.
Her face pinches in determination, and they begin round two.
They’re not holding back. Sage is back in the game, catching every swing. She almost gets him, twisting her wrist with a jerk of her arm to leave his core undefended, but he saves it with a quick deflect by putting the sword vertically just in front of his middle. She would have cut him when she forced her sword further into his, but the supplies in his vest spares him from being nicked with his own sword.
Sage retreats her blade and risks opening herself up while Konig’s busy winding regaining his grip on his swords. She returns with all her might, a grunt that borders on a shout leaving her. Konig blocks her from the inside and pushes outwards, and for a moment she loses balance, stumbling at Konig’s side. His upper half quickly leans back as he swivels to keep face to face with her, a few steps back to keep his distance.
He flinches when she cries out. Sage learns the hard way about the hedge’s blades, slicing deep gashes on the undersides of her forearms and through the meat of her palms.
Konig’s eyes widen as he tries to figure out what just happened, taking a few uneasy steps back as she collects herself.
Sage shakes out her arm, flicking blood in all directions. She winces, but it does little to stop her from wrapping her palms around the handle of her sword and finishing their fight.
They sidestep each other for a moment, swords at the ready.
Sage advances quickly and with little warning, frustration laced into her flurry of offensive strikes. Her blade is just a blur, each collision announced with the clash of steel and a splatter of her blood. Konig follows her lead, blocking each strike, both of them slipping right back into their perfected routine. She’s clearly got the upper hand when it comes to skill, her sword techniques much more advanced. But Konig’s holding his ground even with his base level understanding.
Sapphire’s cannon fires, and the girl from two loses her rhythm when she flinches and whips her head to the side.
That’s all Konig needs. He gives a forceful shove to the blades, knocking her off balance. He has no problem dismounting her sword. She’s back on the ground again, unarmed and dwarfed under Konig’s full stature.
She doesn’t scramble for her sword or to a stand, calmly propping up on her elbows and watching as Konig leisurely returns the sword to her neck.
They lock eyes again, her chest rising and falling with her heavy breaths as they stare at each other.
Sage licks her lips and nods.
“Do me a favor,” She says through shallow breath.
She looks to the blade, and then back to him.
“Make sure that loon doesn’t win.”
Konig pauses, his eyes relaxing.
“Okay,” He says.
She gives him a faint nod, and Konig takes a long, deep breath, closing his eyes on the exhale. With one motion he pierces the sword into her neck until it imbeds through the ground beneath her.
As the audience claps for Konig, your eyes are pinched shut, trying to free your hands of Sapphire’s spear.
When you do look to him, your brows pinched and gnawing on your lower lip, he doesn’t meet your stare. His eyes point low and to the side, a solemn look weighing down his pale features.
“Wow,” Caesar starts as the audience settles, “Konig, I have to say, that was a truly thrilling fight.”
You have to agree with Caesar on that one. Your heart is beating so fast you can feel it in your ribcage, and you wouldn’t be surprised if your lips have turned blue from holding your breath.
“I have to ask, what were your motivations in granting Sage a second chance?”
You’d like to know the answer to that one, too.
Konig is silent and still, sunken eyes taking their time to find Caesar. He swallows hard enough you can see it, and he gives an unsteady, slow shrug. This one’s different, it’s not disrespectful. Defeated and sluggish, you can tell he genuinely cannot find the words.
They’re used to careers sitting on this couch, wearing proud with each replay of their kills, cheering along with the crowd.
If The Capitol wanted meaningful commentary from you both, they should have given you more time to think on everything, because right now it is so painful. You feel like you’ve been sliced from chest to core, your guts spilling all over the glittery stage, and Caesar might as well be squishing your intestines under his dress shoes with every question he asks.
Caesar sees he’s not going to get the answers the country is desperate for, and moves on.
Titan’s turn.
His fight is much less fair.
He’s up against a male tribute who’s clearly out of his depth, unarmed and no match for Titan.
If you had to guess, his strategy for the games was the same as yours. To evade until he had no choice, and he’s realizing that this is his reckoning.
A prey trapped with its predator, the instinctual fear of an animal taking control as he tries to put as much space between him and Titan as possible.
Titan’s maniacal cackle as he watches the boy tremble and flee sends a shiver down your spine. He stands so casually, laughing at him as if the boy wasn’t rightfully treating Titan like the killer he is.
It’s a jarring contrast, they’re not even playing the same game.
For Titan, it’s like a game of tag. Toying with the boy as he chases him around their pen, teasing calls in a sing-song tune, smiling and laughing all the while. He purposely slows up a few times to drag the fun out a little longer.
It’s so unnerving, an unsettling twist in your lower core that begs for attention.
If you never see those teeth again, if you never hear that laugh again - it’ll be too soon.
It’s clear that both you and Konig have checked out. Shut down on yourselves, staring blankly at the stage and trying your hardest not to retain any of it. Your limp body leans into him, lulling your head on his bicep.
He gives you a weak squeeze on your locked, sweaty hands, but is otherwise motionless at your side.
The Capitol forcing you to falsely grieve his death has worn yourself down emotionally before you even stepped onto this stage, and every highlight chips away at what little of you remains.
You find your mind wandering to that night before the games. Longing for a soft bed and Konig’s chest as a pillow, leeching his cozy warmth, his heartbeat a lullaby to ease you into a much needed break from consciousness.
Your eyes are still closed when Titan finishes the excruciatingly drawn-out hunt, but you can hear it.
Titan chose to break his neck.
Every muscle in you and Konig’s bodies have clenched with such speed and intensity it’s painful. You lurch forward involuntarily, folding your core in preparation to keep from throwing up over yourself.
Titan’s cackle is the accompanying song to the vivid image of Eleven’s limp bounce off the platform, his lifeless eyes a searing, white hot flash behind your eyelids.
You shake your head to try and rid the visual, taking deep breaths in a futile effort to settle your boiling stomach.
You can’t take much more of this. The only thing keeping you on this couch is Price’s fingernails sinking into your back.
It was a warning.
A warning without explanation of consequence or instruction on how to proceed. A blaring alarm, not sure if you’re dealing with a tornado or a wildfire, unsure if you’re meant to hunker down or evacuate.
All you have to work with is - Be. Good.
You barely manage to stay on the couch, squirming and shaking into Konig’s side.
Once Caesar is done analyzing the footage of Titan and his victim, the rest of the hedge walls descend, and it’s on to the three-way standoff.
You have to open your eyes to watch, because other than Konig’s hand nearly crushing the bones in your hand to dust - the glittery stage, Caesar Flickerman, and this godforsaken audience is the only thing reminding you that you’re not in the arena.
The wide aerial shot they use makes the six of you look like insects as Titan and Konig close in.
They pause on you, coated and dripping in blood, brows pinched and eyes pointed, Sapphire’s colorful spear trained at Konig’s chest.
The image makes your face warp, knotting your insides with shame and guilt. You look like a heartless killer, aiming your spear at the boy who loves you so much he sacrificed himself for you.
“Konig, I have to say, it must have been tough watching a friend, your crush, displaying such apparent distrust.”
Caesar’s words are like a knife to the chest. Slicing deep and exposing your heart to the entire country.
And you would know.
Konig swallows, his eyes flitting to his fidgeting dress shoes. He gives a grave nod that twists the knife sticking out of your chest.
“My dear,” Caesar says, “What was going on in your head at this moment?”
It takes you a few moments to coax the words from your dry, raw throat.
You take a deep breath, smoothing out your dress skirt. You sound like a child when you speak.
“Nothing. Nothing was going through my head. I was just scared.”
Caesar nods.
“Scared of a friend?”
He might as well have taken the knife from your heart and plunged it right back in.
You swallow, your words consisting of only breath.
“And why’s that?”
For fucks sake, Caesar.
Be. Good.
“Because it was the end,” You croak, the audience hanging onto every word.
“I think we understand dear,” Caesar says, “Afterall, you’re not a mind reader.”
You give a shaky nod, and Caesar finally gives it a rest.
Titan’s taunts blaring over the speakers are unable to be ignored.
That sardonic laugh, that mocking voice, those killer teeth.
It’s somehow worse the second time.
Your skewered heart is racing, your entire body pulsing in rhythm and blurring your vision with each beat.
At your side, Konig’s jaw is clicking as he grinds his teeth, his hand shaking in your hold.
Sapphire’s ribs snapping under Titan’s boot fold your body in a cringe, Eleven’s lifeless eyes stealing your breath.
When Titan’s gotten his hands on you, Konig lets go of your hand and slings his arms around your waist instead, possessively tugging you flush against him, quick and just forceful enough to pull a gasp from you. As Konig gives your hand a break to squeeze your side instead, your stare follows your touch as you rub out the ache in your palm.
You can feel the vibration of Titan’s chest against your back, his breath in your ear, his massive arm snaked around your neck.
Next to you, Konig’s leg is bouncing furiously, a hand lost in his hair in a useless attempt to placate his rage.
You give his leg a gentle squeeze, trying to get him to look at you, to remind him that you’re right here, that it’s okay. He doesn’t meet your gaze, staring daggers at Titan through the screen as he coos and purrs and growls and yells and taunts.
Every insufferable moment of this standoff is a grating ringing in your ears. Listening to yourself yell at Konig in a demand to kill you is making you feel dumb, Titan’s voice rips a shudder from you with every sentence, and Konig’s rage is a burning heat on your skin.
The worst is yet to come, of course. The encore of Konig beating Titan to a bloody pulp.
Konig’s arm turns to lead over your shoulders, working against each flinch you make. He’s entirely still at your side as you shake in his hold, pinching your eyes shut but not at all able to rid the visual of Titan's smashed face and the waterfall of blood behind him, his lifeless body collapsing to the grass and razor sharp blades shredding his flesh.
As you beg and plead with Konig for your life, you’re both deathly still on the couch, only the rise and fall of your chest to heave breaths towards your lap.
You can’t bring yourself to sit up or to open your eyes. The sound of your own voice, pleading for your life with the boy who killed himself for you, it’s making you sink in on yourself.
To your relief, they skip your breakdown. You find it strange they also skip Konig tending to your wounds and his detail of that day in District Nine.
They do show a few bits of conversation from your picnic, but most of it is cut. They leave out the trip to the oasis entirely.
At first, it’s a relief. The more they skip the quicker this interview is over with, and to be honest, you weren’t crazy about the idea of all of Panem watching you and Konig having careless fun in your underwear. You’re especially thankful that Konig won’t be finding out about the lingering stares anytime soon.
There’s something about it that’s not sitting right with you, though. Yours and Konig’s romance was the star of this year’s games, and it seems odd they’re cutting out the particularly lighthearted, but intimate moments.
The audience does get a chance to gush over Konig carrying you through the desert, and laugh over you asking Konig about having a crush back home, but again, they skip most of yours and Konig’s conversations.
And there it is again. The dread that sloshes around your core, lapping up your insides, a dark cloud drifting into your thoughts but entirely unidentifiable.
Something is wrong.
Konig rests his cheek on the crowd of your head, his finger tracing gentle swirls into your sides instead of squeezing. You find yourself melting into him, your finger absentmindedly stroking his silken tie as you let your eyes flutter shut.
“You’ve really never had a boyfriend?”
You’ve seen this one already.
Might as well try and sneak in a break, here in his chest.
Konig’s hand finds your hair, running his fingers through your Capitol-Standard silken locks, sending electric tingles up your scalp. He manages to draw a soft, content hum from you.
It’s like the eye of the storm, a moment of calm before you’re thrown right back into the hurricane.
Caesar leaves you both alone. He doesn’t need to ask you how you feel, or what was going through your mind, because the versions of you and Konig on screen are doing the work for you.
Caesar does occasionally stop the footage to make commentary that would normally make your teeth drive straight through the flesh of your tongue, but you truly can't find it in you to care. The only thing you care about in this moment is the billow of Konig’s ribcage with each breath, the feeling of his chest from beneath his suit, the soothing fingers sliding through your hair.
“I have to say, it’s the first time we’ve ever seen two tributes fight to the death quite like this!”
And yeah, you’d prefer if all of Panem wasn’t watching you be so raw and vulnerable, but you can’t bring yourself to even be embarrassed about your fits and fight.
Aside from the obscenities and insults thrown at Konig, you stand by everything you said, everything you did, and you’d do it again if you have to.
The kissing doesn’t even faze you.
You’d do it again and again and again.
They obviously skip your intimacy.
You expected at the very least some teasing from Caesar, innocuous jokes and cheeky, knowing stares until you and Konig’s cheeks turn warm, but they don’t even mention it.
And unusually, they skip your preparations for death. You do remember making the faintest slight against the Capitol, but they skip all of it. Your plea to die, the exchange of the ribbon, the final hug.
Come on. That’s the height of television to these people. The drama and the tragedy.
You and Konig put on a show. In more ways than one, and it’s hard to stomach why The Capitol didn’t include any of it in the highlights.
And while you’re relieved you don’t have to relive such a painful, bittersweet moment - you know that there is a reason it was not included.
A reason The Capitol did not like.
And it’s starting to sink in that maybe you don’t have the upper hand anymore.
Because with Konig at your side - they finally have the leverage they need. It is no longer you as the sacrificial lamb. If The Capitol is upset with you, they will not use your tongue against you.
They will use his.
Konig’s chest does little to quell this thought.
The sound of a blade slicing flesh, screams and desperate pleas, weak reassurances also does little to help.
And of course, the audience cheers for your double suicide. It doesn’t even surprise you.
What does surprise you, though, is the footage of you in your hospital room.
Immediately your head rips from Konig’s chest, your face falling, scrambling to comb over everything you said in your fits to figure out what could possibly be exposed to all of Panem in moments you thought were private.
They show you attacking Price in the hospital room, which the crowd finds funny, but you scratch behind your ear, not sure how to feel about it. It is kind of funny, considering Konig was alive the entire time, but you find being forced to believe he was dead, the grief that otherwise was not necessary, not so funny.
And they show Konig. Restrained to his hospital bed, staring up at the ceiling, his temples red and raw from the never-ending stream of tears trailing down the side of his face to contribute to the growing stain on his pillow.
He refused to do anything.
Wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t listen to the nurses, wouldn’t even speak to Price.
Just stares at the ceiling, unmoving.
When you try to meet his stare, he refuses, his eyes fixated on his lap, sitting low on the couch.
You rest your head back on his chest, your arms creeping around his waist and squeezing tight.
I’m here now.
After a pause, the arm around your waist gives a gentle squeeze back.
You tune out Caesar’s closing commentary, trying to focus on breathing Konig in, the feeling of his firm chest billowing against your ear. His hand creeps behind you, fingertips tracing over the back of your dress in soothing, abstract patterns.
The crowd gives another roaring round of applause before the anthem plays, and out steps The President.
The sight of him, stepping onto the stage with his stark black suit and precise smile, floods you with a wave of dread from head to toe. You don’t even have the sense to hide the intimidation pulling at your features as you and Konig rise from the couch, your sweaty hands interlocking once again.
Behind him stands a Capitol attendant, carrying your crowns onto stage.
Konig actually has to bend at the knee to keep The President from standing on his tiptoes.
The President gives a soft, calculated laugh.
“Thank you, boy.”
With delicate hands he places a thick and ornate golden crown onto Konig’s head before he steps to you.
Inches from you, he wears a perfect smile as he places your crown on your head. His eyes are cruel and piercing, he doesn’t so much as blink. His icy stare lingers long after he’s dawned you with the dainty golden crown.
You swallow once when he finally turns away, looking to your heels, crushing Konig’s hand with your own.
The standing ovation, bowing, and waving goes on for far too long. You’re starting to think Caesar is dragging it out on purpose just to torture you when you finally get the cue to leave the stage.
You don’t even get a moment to take a breath before the prep teams and stylists swallow you both whole, showering you with praise and squeals overlapping each other, you can’t make out a single thing any one of them are saying.
Their group moves in a pack, forcing you and Konig to shuffle forward, locked at the hands to keep the other from getting lost.
Mauve manages to push her way through, grabbing your free hand.
“Just wait until you see the dress for the party!”
“What do you mean?” You ask, looking down at your dress, “I can’t just wear this?”
“Of course not, babe! It’s a ball.”
No much-needed elaboration is received.
Mauve and the woman you saw whispering frantically with her before the interview try to seperate you both to get you ready.
As you object, Konig tugs you closer to his side, the hardened hand engulfing yours doubling its grip.
The group goes silent, all of them looking to you.
Mauve and the woman share an uneasy stare and nod.
“Yeah, babe,” Mauve says with a waver in her unusually high-pitched voice, her hand raising to twirl the charm in her necklace between her fingers, “We can- yeah, we can get you both ready together.”
You give a shaky nod, your other arm reaching across your front to grab his tense bicep.
They take you to your fitting room, and you both are once again transformed.
So sparkly.
Tonight’s color is champagne. A weird mixture of a golden beige and rose. Shimmering rays of gold reflect from the glittery dress with the slightest movements. It almost hurts your eyes.
Another sweetheart bust that comes in at your waist, and you already know the way the hem of your dress drags against the ground is going to be annoying. Two straps only as thick as twine reach over each of your shoulder blades to criss-cross in the middle of your back.
And you find your inner biceps will once again be tortured by the rough texture of the glitter.
Konig’s suit is a matching color, but no glitter. The elegant paisley patterns and the lapels of his suit are the slightest bit reflective, the designs appearing to change color depending on how the light hits him.
“You look beautiful,” Konig says.
His voice is soft, his eyebrows the slightest bit pinched.
“You too,” You whisper.
Unsure eyes linger on each other, a sad smile on both of your faces as the prep team gushes over your compliments.
You don’t want to talk about what happened, but it feels wrong to talk about anything else. Every word feels like it is overheard by twenty-two dead tributes, like every sentence must justify a double suicide.
The air between you is more than heavy, awkward even.
Because how do you look at each other and not immediately think of the nightmare you both just woke up from?
The click of her heels announces her presence before that unmistakable voice does.
“Oh! There’s my tributes!”
Ruby pulls you both into a hug at the same time, smushing yours and Konig’s arms together.
“Oh, you did it! You did it!” She squeals, actually jumping up and down in your group hug, her brilliant white smile flashing far and wide, “I am just so proud of you!”
She doesn’t even let either of you get a word in, which usually is annoying, but at the moment a huge relief. Not just because you’re incredibly relieved to see her, but you’re really not up for talking right now. You feel like a lifeless husk, your insides shriveled up and flaked away to dust.
She reaches out to scoop up yours and Konig’s free hands, the three of you now linked in a triangle of hand holding.
“Not one, but two of my tributes! My stars! Oh, I’m sorry dears, I’m sorry I didn’t come see you before. I just wouldn’t have been able to keep the secret! They wouldn’t let us tell you, I’d have had my tongue cut out!”
Ruby rambles on, gushing and singing praises at you and Konig, both of you hardly having the energy to listen to the words being thrown at you.
“Oh,” You say quietly, interrupting her mid-sentence what must be twenty minutes into a monologue, “I forgot.”
You fish into the bust of your dress and retrieve her token, staring at the small trinket in your palm before extending it to her.
“Thanks for letting me borrow it,” You whisper.
Ruby’s lips fold in, a soft hand resting on her collarbones.
Tears brim in her eyeline as she gently closes your fingers over the token and clasps her hands around yours.
“It’s yours, dear. It’s yours.”
Her words prick the back of your throat, mouth suddenly dry as you try to choke back tears. You go to thank her, but you can’t find your voice. Instead you give her a deep nod, finishing out on an involuntary, choked sob.
“Oh, dear,” She pulls you into her arms, and while you don’t return the embrace, you do bury your cheek into her shoulder, squeezing Konig’s token at your side.
“Thank you,” You whisper, the tears escaping down your cheeks, “Thank you.”
“Of course,” she says, stroking your upper back, “Of course.”
She gives you a gentle swat on your forearm.
“And don’t you cry young lady! Your makeup hasn’t even had time to dry!’
You let out a nasally laugh, giving a sniff.
”You got it, Ruby,” You mumble.
You give a long sigh as your smile fades, closing your eyes on the exhale. You’re exhausted, mentally and physically. It’s weighing you down, eyelids heavy and each movement slowed.
How badly you want to take a break, to turn off your brain and fall asleep on Konig’s chest in the privacy of your own room, to have even a moment to process the nightmare you just went through.
But now is not the time for respite, privacy, or reflection
Now is the time for a party.
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Dividers @saradika-graphics
Konig Photo Credit
389 notes · View notes
leclsrc · 1 year
decent incentives ✴︎ cl16, mv1
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genre: this is. Smut, porn W plot, threesome, driver reader
word count: 6.9k
Max can’t even feel his feet on the hardwood floors because you’re on your bed, spread out, wearing one of Charles’ sweaters, two fingers at the apex of your thighs. Or: You’ve been a brat, and only two people know how to mellow you out. title from this
auds here… hi hi hi! scanned my reqs last week, found a max/charles threesome one, and wrote this out in half a day after a friend showed me the challengers trailer (i love tennis and it drove me to write abt a sport that was not, in fact, tennis) also i truly cannot explain the phenomenon behind me finding smut/these kinds of works easier to suss out these days (long form fic i talked abt in the last drabble is not this one fyi) but it’s just ???? like i don’t… i’ve no clue. i hope u enjoy this anyway!!!! love auds :)
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+ because... penetrative sex, double penetration, sexual tension, masturbation (f), teasing, praise central, reader is a MASSIVE brat, size kink, dirty talk, i don’t want to say brat taming but kinda kinda
Your first time in Max Verstappen’s hotel room happened after a tiring night of media and press, where you spent hours together smoking to calm yourselves down. You’d almost been caught by a manager, stepping on your sticks as soon as the back door swung open and your names were called out to do another interview. This was with ESPN, if you remember right. There’d been a muddled chaos of journalism in the venue, all the jumbled mess of the same questions. As young as you both are, do you feel intimidated by success?
It didn’t—and still doesn’t—help, you suppose, that both you and Max had stared, tight-lipped and deflated brows, and stated, with finality: no.
The afternoon stretched into an entire night, and by the time the clock ticked nine and everything had formally wrapped up, Max mustered up the courage and a half it took to invite you to his hotel room for a cig and half a Cuervo divided into three shots each. The conversation had progressed as he drove, the continuation of an otherwise unorthodox friendship between a Red Bull and Mercedes driver—a fact you’d both acknowledged but opted to ignore.
Drivers are friends all the time, you figure—you’re close with few drivers—but none of them are Max. You had made the lousy small talk, commented on how different the pre- and post-race processes have become since your entrance in 2018, which, back then, had seemed like forever ago. “It would seem like forever to a world champion,” he’d said, and his voice is all teasing and raspy and scruffed up. You had laughed, a scoffy little noise, and told him to shut up.
He obeyed, for two seconds, then added, “Do you mind if we meet someone there?”
The hotel room was what you might expect a high-level athlete to be bestowed with, wide and huge but not as wide and not as huge as yours a few streets over. There’d been a thing of cologne left uncapped on the table by the door, Adidas shoes on the floor next to Nikes, and then a low table housing a still smoking joint that left the entire living room smelling like grass.
Somehow, Max had managed to turn a neutral, sterile hotel room into a boy’s room. The scent of weed mixed with Tom Ford cologne. The rap music blending into the open balcony’s traffic noise. The socks on the floor, two pairs, both white. It’s a strenuous effort, you’d thought—and you were beginning to think this wasn’t the work of Max alone. “We have a guest,” he’d hollered when he managed to fiddle with the key card properly enough to leave the door alone.
No one had answered, or surfaced from the hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom, so you followed Max into the bar area. Bottles of booze in varying states of empty, lemon slices and salt now cold—“Do you not call housekeeping?” You’d asked, amusement concealing curiosity as you accepted a poured-out shot. He said they do—they—and sometimes hotel staff are just a bunch of pricks. He asked more questions. How it felt to win at twenty-one, how it felt to be driving, to be the youngest winner, the first female driver. 
Ask me something I don’t hear fucking journalists say all the time, you’d replied back, half-jokingly. The August air nipped at your cheeks, chilling your warm face. He’d laughed, and explained that he re-asked the questions in case you have a more honest answer to give him. The most honesty you could offer is that you’d grown to hate your reputation because it precedes your skill. It’d been silent for a bit then, just the scent of the unclaimed weed. Then Max went, We have a new friend.
You turned to see who he was talking to. Charles was at the doorway, eyes on you already, raising a hand to say a silent hello. “H…” He trailed off. “Hey.”
He was shirtless, Calvins tight on his legs, his free hand scratching absently at his abs. Behind you, you had faintly picked up on Max introducing you and Charles rolled his eyes before replying, clipped, I know who she is, wiseass. He’d taken the weed and almost left, but you spoke next.
“Want to come sit?”
He paused, turned, and blinked. “I’m alright,” he rejected. “We have a meeting tomorrow, don’t forget.”
Then he was back in the bedroom area, leaving behind him a trail of grassy smoke. He was clearly rugged and fresh from sleep, the delicious sleep athletes have all grown familiar with: post-race, overcome with a terrible exhaustion. You’d only ever exchanged a few words with either of these two, and the fact that you were alone with them sent a warm, drawling thrill up your spine.
You were two and a half shots in when Charles reappeared, sans weed. “Any left for me?”
If you grouped the grid into years, you would be with Max and Charles—on the younger end, still at the ripe years of your careers. You entered first, though, then Max, thenCharles, which meant you were connected to, and friends with, relatively different people on the paddock. But the 2020 season and your many close calls with Max began the media and manager tirade of constantly lumping you and Max into the same interviews, press conferences, and media days, to maybe somehow elicit a bit of drama out (a tireless and unrelenting effort).
That’s how the rumors started. The rumor that permeates you most is one that asks about you, Max, and Charles. Some say you dated one then the other (a homie hopper, they’d branded you in 2021), others say they dated each other and you butted in. All of them were woefully untrue, in the same way all had some ring of truth to them.
And you suppose that’s what hotwired the beginning of your nights spent at Max’s hotel room, where Charles would nearly always be camped out, then eventually vice versa (Charles’ room, Max camping out; your room, solo, housing them for one night), drinking and/or smoking and/or playing some form of cards. And you suppose again that it was all this that radiated into everything else, all your wins and successes and bad days and near crashes, that just caused the entire universe to topple over, into itself, and creep up onto the three of you in Bahrain that year.
But that year is three years ago, and if you try to detail every last divot of it, you’re going to wind up rubbing a migraine out of your head. And you’re not interested in developing a headache—not when you’re celebrating the fifth race of the 2023 season.
It’s your fourth win this season. It’s all anybody ever talks about, how you had gone and secured a third championship for yourself last year, and how you’re gunning for four, the greatest the sport has seen in years. It’s all anyone can repeat and echo—you’re a fucking legend!—and you know from experience that praise does more than the most dangerous cocktail of drugs to get you high.
The afterparty is full and obnoxiously loud, dark and smoky and low-visibility. You’re wearing a flimsy dress and running a hand through your hair while you nurse a drink, feeling drunk on compliments and confused with certain absences. You can feel the bass through the tiled floor, heels clicking on it as you search, search, and come up short. Neither Max nor Charles have sent you a text, a play they always perform to break a routine you’ve become familiar with. You frown. Hey, somebody says next to you, you’re better than anyone else on the grid right now! You thank them, thinking to yourself—where the fuck is anyone else on the grid anyway? The relevant people, at least?
Half an hour later, you’ve ditched the party and are pounding with your fists at Max’s hotel room door in an effort to get them to open it quicker, after your knuckles didn’t seem to do the work well enough. You half—no, mostly—expect Charles to be the one who pulls it open. He’s more prudent. He gives in easier. He’s nicer and he can spare a thought for the other people on this floor (but the price of this room means there barely are). 
“What.” His voice is gritty.
“You told me you would come tonight.” Your voice is steady—you’d chosen not to drink much, and what little you consumed wore off on the ride here. Even with your heels on and even in sleepiness, you notice his presence towers over yours. “You both said.”
“We were tired.”
You scoff and gently push past him into the room, where evidence of their existence rags the furniture. “Every hotel room you ever stay in is turned into a fucking frat house.” Beer bottles, cigs, gifts from fans stored with precarious care but peeking out from suitcases. 
“We were sleeping. I am sleepy,” he says behind you, unamused by your sudden appearance. He shuts the door and stands still, looking as disappointed as he can. It’s unlike him. You’re buying time to find out what the problem is.
“Okay, I’ll go,” you say, relenting, running a few fingers over the mess of clothes strewn atop the armrest of the couch. “My driver’s downstairs, anyway. I wanted you there tonight, though.” You look up, meet his eyes. Tired and green and fed up. “Both of you. We could’ve celebrated.”
He pulls his lips tight and stands straighter. “I know, I know.” He softens a little. “I’m sorry, okay? Desolé. Just… tired.” You know he’s tired because his team is shit, and you know it has nothing to do with you, but you’re so wrapped up with everything that your irritance fails to quell.
“Where’s Max?” You ask roughly instead, thumbing at the strap of your minidress. He gestures to the bedroom. You’re quiet but stormy when you walk in, finding him, messy hair and tired eyes notwithstanding, fully awake, unlike what his roomie has been telling you since you arrived; you scoff out loud again. Des-fucking-picable. You sit yourself on the couch, crossing your legs petulantly.
They both stare. They’re mad, it occurs to you, which is weird because they had you in between them on that same bed less than forty-eight hours ago. You’d come thrice and begged for more, but they laughed and said you all needed sleep to get up for race prep. Race prep. Race prep.
“Okay, then.” You throw two hands up in a semi-shrug. “Let’s have it. What’s the matter? No use lying.”
They both look irritated. “Nothing,” Max says.
“Fuck nothing.” You trail a hand over the hem of your dress. “You’re pissed with me, but I didn’t do shit.” You try to rerack the race, but you hadn’t so much as collided with them in the slightest, apart from overtaking them a few times, but they weren’t man children to whine over that. You’d shared the podium with Charles, for Chrissake.
“You’re right. You just went and…” Charles blows a raspberry and makes an explosion gesture, opening his clenched fist. “Shat on us in your post-race interview.”
And there it is.
You huff out a laugh, momentarily losing control over speech, and it’s caught in between itself and a sigh, a breathy noise that makes waves in the quiet room. Okay, you think. I get it. Your eyes flit in-between the two men across you, your shoulders straight and eyebrows raised, posing a challenge. “What, are you jealous?”
They’re silent. And you know silence always means—
Your eyes relax, smug and a little teasing as you elaborate. “Because you know I’m better than both of you?”
Their silence is redeeming and rewarding and permissive and it speaks volumes louder than if they’d actually admitted to it. You stare back at them, eyes narrowed, amused, coy. You’d been joking around in your Sky Sports interview. Sure, you’re a bit of a tease, especially on the high of a win. But they should know that by now.
You know it annoys them more to leave the door wide open as you leave, than to slam it closed.
“Will you draw me a tattoo?!”
“I’d love to, but you are going to regret it,” Charles laughs, signing his name off with a heart on the frenzied fan’s outstretched cap. The busy, busy practice day had now worn into night, though nothing seems to be taking his mind off the fact that you’ve been giving him and Max the cold shoulder since last week. And he knows it’s stupid, he knows he and Max were being irrational and pissy—him especially—but now he just finds himself needing to apologize before anything becomes worse.
But his priority is getting to your hotel, which now seems like the journey of his lifetime. His bodyguard is a bulldozer and grips his elbow to traverse them through the sea of people who cheer him on, go Charles have faith in Ferrari and yeah, that’s been getting more and more difficult as the races pass without much good progress. There are flashes all around, noise and laughing and whoops and gifts he tries to receive, but he just—he needs to get to your hotel. Preoccupied, he remembers where he’d seen Max last, just seconds before leaving the paddock for the evening.
You spend a lot of time with a certain pair Ferrari and Mercedes drivers, says the interviewer in Dutch. Charles squints at the subtitles and waits for Max’s reaction.
He’s in the passenger seat, being driven around for a change, and maybe he’s a pessimist and he misses you and Max, or maybe the city he’s in is just. Dreary, so he opts to stare at his phone like every other person. The clip’s been posted by a fan on Twitter, and the caption is something jokey—something about a dream threesome. He can’t help but laugh as he watches. We are close, us three, Max says, nodding. In fact I will be meeting them later.
The media’s always speculated, rumors born out of a few close calls outside clubs where you’re tipsy and giggly and getting into one car. The fans, funny as ever, also make some fun of it—posting pictures of you three captioned with something like polyamory is real or her and the guys she told you not to worry about, but God if any of them knew the real picture, the whole three years of it, all the sex and hickeys and rumors.
He scrolls a bit more. There are a few photos of you leaving the paddock, hand poised atop your face to shield it from the paps. You get loads more of them wherever you are, loads morecompared to anybody else on the grid. You always attract the media, the press. He finds a picture with your face in it, smiling at your result during FP2. Fuck. You’re pretty, hair damp with sweat, lips stretched into a proud grin, suited hand raising a thumbs up.
“Where to?” The driver beside him asks suddenly.
“Fairmont,” Max says to his assistant as he pulls out of parking. “I’m hanging up, doei.” He presses the red button and sighs, shutting his eyes and driving the steady, increasingly familiar routes of the city. He’d called you this morning but you didn’t pick up. Last night he’d slept restlessly, which was no different from the nights before, anyway.
He gets to the valet parking of your hotel when purple is just settling into blackness in the sky, the beginnings of a civil discussion at the tip of his tongue as he exits the elevator and finds your room, opening it and finding it unlocked already. Charles must have done the brunt of it, or maybe you’d gotten an assistant of an assistant to pass an extra keycard to him. You always plan around them, thinking ahead. Both on and off track.
Like the hotel rooms he and Charles share or camp out at, your existence is terribly visible. Unlike them, though, it manifests differently.
It smells like your perfume, the pink bottle he’d found you spritzing on once, and everything is neat and tidy and gorgeous. A vase of white peonies on the low table, lipstick on the table by the mirror, even the pack of cigarettes you barely smoke is pretty and unassuming on the sofa. The only thing amiss—a pair of men’s shoes, those ones with stars on them that you bought Charles on a spur-of-the-moment shopping trip. He toes off his own beside them, eyes the alignment, and fixes it lest you scold them for it later.
Anyway. It smells like you. That’s the only thing he cares about right now. It hits him like a tidal wave, after being ignored the whole week and then some. Your perfume, your favorite linen spray—that black and white glass bottle you carry around like a rosary—your favorite lip balm, even. He swears he smells the vanilla, can recall the taste of it from kissing you ditzy.
It’s beginning to rain—it had been drizzling already, en route here—and the noise pelts the windows, an accompaniment to his footsteps down the hall. He’s familiar with the layout of a penthouse suite, but still he tries out the WC door, and then the closet with the ironing board, before finally he figures the bedroom should be at the end of the hall.
He’s reciting it. I’m sorry. Would you stop being a brat? No. No, just say you’re sorry and then he’s standing at the ajar door of your bedroom, pushing it open, and he can’t feel anything. The words have evaporated. So have his warm little sentimental feelings, and so the annoyance he’d come busting in with.
Max can’t even feel his feet on the hardwood floors because you’re on your bed, spread out, wearing one of Charles’ sweaters, two fingers at the apex of your thighs.
He opens his mouth but nothing leaves. His eyes find Charles, standing by the door, propped against the desk, arms crossed and fingers digging into his biceps. Max looks at you again. You have a pretty flush high on your cheeks, a slight sheen of sweat on your exposed collar. He blinks and realizes you’ve been talking.
“I said, you can sit the fuck down.” There’s a couch to his left.
He pulls himself together and stays beside Charles. “I’m good here, thanks.”
You eye the two of them. They look like stupid twins in the same way they look like Republican husbands. You roll your eyes and allow it; anyway, you’re not in the mood to order either of them around too much.
Charles has been watching you for a while now, watched you fake moans and exaggerate whines, feigning pleasure over two of your fingers. It’s almost laughable—he’d allowed a smile, in fact, because he knows better. Once, he’d pulled your hair so hard you teared up, nodding, hand at his wrist, whimpering more, harder, do it. Another time, he and Max had gotten you all riled up and edged for half an hour, so riled that all you could mutter out were please and their names when they finally stuffed you full. You’re evidently playing your games again. You love to play around with them. It’s almost—you could almost call it a hobby.
“I’m not going to stop just ‘cause you’re both here.” Your hand moves, two fingers fucking into yourself, pink lace pushed aside. Your cunt is so pretty, they’re both thinking. “Did you think I would?” When silence greets you, you decide to address them directly. “Max. Did you?”
His voice is thin and tight when he responds, “Yeah, actually—so we could suss this out, at least.”
Your laugh is patronizing. “I prefer it this way. And you know what?”
Max stares. Charles has already been told this, several minutes ago when he found you in the exact same position. It’s not any easier for him to hear it again, chaste and sweet out of your lips. You can’t touch me.
See, they would’ve been content without touching you, if they sit and think about it. Max didn’t walk in here thinking he’d even be kissing you, and he knows Charles thinks the same thing. Maybe touch you—innocently, that kind of way. Sure, they’d been pent up, heady with arousal, but that came second to talking things out. But now you’ve told them they can’t touch, and that’s worsened them to their limit. Charles imagines touching you, the same touch he gives when it’s post-race and he gets you alone, to himself, nobody else’s, quick fucks in a dim closet, whispering some dirty shit in your ear and getting you like putty in his hands.
Max thinks of nearly the same thing. Imagines running his hand over your hair, gentle but firm, the same way he does when he knocks at your hotel room after hours and gets you from high-strung and bratty to begging for more. You notice their eyes, darkened; you realize their minds have wandered. So, they watch hopelessly as the smirk spreads prettily across your flushed face, and they remember the events of a week prior, when childishly, they’d acted out, and think, for a second, that maybe they deserve this.
You all know what it’s like to keep them from touching you.
It was both easier and worse then, in 2020 when everything started—when everything was brand new and thrilling and exciting. Easier, because they were satisfied as soon as they got you to come, maybe kiss them both, and they were content with slow exploration. Worse, because you were all insatiable. It felt like none of you could go minutes without some form of touch, during, in-between, after practice, quali, fuck—it was worse, much worse.
As you all grew older and got accustomed to the drivel of racing, you all got better. It didn’t get much easier.
Charles recalls how insatiable he was—and thinks, with amusement almost, that if he was insatiable then, he’s worse now. Now he knows where, how, for how long to touch you to get you wide-eyed and warm in the face even in the most serious of moments. Max, too. He knows how you taste, bend, tease. They love touching you. Just skin to skin. And you’ve gone and put a great big X mark over that.
“So,” Max says, voice flat, the way it is when he’s unamused with a reporter, “we’re in a time out.”
“You can call it that,” you giggle, and it segues into a huffy whimper when you angle your hand just right. “You were acting childish, anyway.”
Charles sighs, long and deep. “We—fuck.” His eyes can’t unglue themselves from your fingers. He knows he could make you feel so much better, fuck real moans out of you until you’re crying. “We were being childish, oui, and it was—we were just tense. I was unhappy with strategy. I could’ve been P2 but they pitted me at the worst time, putain. I took it out on you, and I’m… I was… I was worn out, and you called us childish in your interview.” 
Ever the minx, you only smile. You’d been joking, you clarified that a day later; it was crass, spurred on by team radios of the two of them complaining in the latter half of the race. “It was a joke, Charles.”
“I know, baby, I know.” His lip curls and he breathes steadily, controlling himself. “It was unprompted though. You weren’t even asked about us. And yeah, a joke—but it felt shitty, love. I don’t mind it—we don’t mind it, but—” He needs to think about the phrasing, think about his intentions.
Your eyes are on fire, clearly still angry, but steadily softening.
“But in moderation,” comes Max’s raspy voice. “You’re running your mouth a lot in the media.”
“You’re one to—ah—talk,” you huff back, a futile argument.
“You need to understand that—that when you’re giddy, or angry, you can’t keep turning to interviews to express all that out. You need to sit with it. Just because we’re not…” your boyfriends, Max almost says, “…yours, doesn’t mean you can shit on us then expect us to be okay with it a few hours later. It’s a thing you do. A game you play. And it’s nice, it was nice then, but it’s annoying now, and it’s almost, like, do you even want this to keep going? To work—?”
You recoil. “You seriously think I don’t want th—”
Charles cuts in. “Well, when you play at us like this, yeah. Put in the work. If you’re high off a win, or mad for some other reason, just let it happen. Don’t fucking.” He exhales. “Call us names, then show up at our hotel acting like an angel.”
They’ve always looked out for you like this, known when to scold you or put you in your place for doing too much or not doing enough. They’ve never let personal things cross too much with business, which is a blessing of an ability when you’re three people having regular sex while balancing a ludicrous athletic career. It’s all sussed down to stupid ‘I care for you’ stuff that, frankly, they’re both too horny and angry to get into the grit of right now.
They don’t realize how quiet the room has grown until you eke out a noise, a thoughtful sound of agreement. You’ve pulled your fingers out, both hands playing with a loose thread on the hem of the sweater, rolling it into a ball. Your hair falls in waves. There’s a crease in it from the ponytail you wear when driving.
Your expression is still murderous, but much softer now; you cough, “I—I get what you’re saying. And I know I play… I have these games, or—but, honestly, I could say the same to you both.” You stutter through your totally shit explanation.
“How do you… mean,” deadpans Max. 
“I mean, when I’m acting out, you two just take it.” Having them at your mercy like that is satisfying in its own right, but pragmatically, it’s unhealthy. “You don’t ever tell me off. Even now. I need you to tell me… to fucking,” you’re warm and spluttery now. “Fuck's sake, okay? I know I can be annoying. I know I say stupid shit when I don’t finish and I’m way less diplomatic than Mr. Il Predestinato,” you breathe. “But you two just let me be annoying!”
“Then don’t be annoying,” Charles says, diplomatic as ever—his voice rises, though, nearly matching yours.
“Not like that!” You huff, folding your legs and sitting straighter, and they catch a glimpse of your pink panties again. “When I’m out of line, you”—you point to them—“need to correct me.” They’re nearly blindsided by your request to… be told what to do, which is so different from how sex usually works. From how this whole dynamic usually works.
But Max remembers your manager, and Toto, and your teammate Lewis even, and your engineers, who have all, at one point or another, had to talk you down and tell you to calm down and correct your behavior. So he says, “People do that all the time, but it only works for a second.”
“Because th—” You suck in a lungful of air. “They’re not you two, you daft fuckers!” You’re at the centre of the bed now, sweater drooped over your folded thighs, eyes matching the rain outside. “Every time, I need to be talked down, and you never. Do it. So do it. Fucking—do it. I have to tell you everything.”
“You don’t—-”
“Oh, I do.” You say, folding your arms over your chest. 
“This is despicable,” Max says. “We need to sort this out properly.”
“So what? This isn’t”—you raise violent air quotes—“putting in the work?”
They glance at each other for a minute. They feel you thinking you’re winning, thinking they’ll grovel and say okay we’ll do that next time, can we fuck you? Like all the other semi-resolved fights before. You’re sitting straight, eyebrows raised, defiant. But for them to do that—you just said it wasn’t what you needed. 
And they’d have to be caught dead before not giving you what you need. If you want to be bossed around a bit, then they’ll do it.
“Sit down,” Charles goes. Unmoving. 
“What.” You’re deadpanning, eyes narrowed.
“Sit the fuck down,” he repeats. You open your mouth, but he’s quicker. “Don’t make me say it again.”
You pout, leaning against the headboard and unfolding your legs. He rounds the room, sits at the foot of the bed. It’s a big bed, so even if he’s on it, he still needs to reach over a bit to be able to touch you. The distance is good, though, keeps them in control. Max sits opposite him, both of them on either side of you, and they’re so close, so scrutinizing, so handsome. 
“Put your fingers in your mouth,” he says. You take a second, spreading your knees and obeying. You find a way, though, to make their little challenge all your own—you make a show of it, peeking your tongue out and licking your bottom lip all shiny before hollowing your cheeks. You stare at them the whole time and you don’t blink. It’s hotter than it has any right to be. “Suck on them.” You continue doing it, lips slightly curled.
“You’re a brat.” You try to conceal the whimper that leaves you but it fails pathetically. Charles presses on. “A spoiled brat.”
He’s the nicer of the two. Your whole threesome situation had began three years ago, and in almost every tryst since then, he’s been nice. In fact, if any of them were to ever ‘tell you off’ like you so desperately wanted, apparently, it would have definitely been Max. He’s firm, yeah, but he’s sweet. And he’d hate to boss you around too much, even if it’s something he wants. So he thinks, and he pretends he’s back to quali day of last week. It was a slow morning because of weather problems, so everyone was in a mood, and you were absolutely no exception. You come off as quiet to the public and to some of the grid, but to your friends, you’re anything but.
In an effort to lift the mood, you’d been mouthing off the entire day to your close circle of driver friends, in particular retelling the story of how you had teased Charles post-DNF in Saudi, and even gotten Lando to laugh about it at the time. What a season starter, you said when you were recounting it. You left out a detail: that night in Saudi, he’d fucked you and refused to let you cum, soaking your pillow with tears and goading a sobbed apology out of you.
Watching you joke about it again, even if it was a fucking joke and even if it was because you were mad at him and Max—got him all red hot, pissed off. Seething.
“Do you remember last race weekend when you joked about my DNF in Saudi?”
Cheeks hollowed, you nod.
“Fucking brat. That whole day. Ignoring me, ignoring Max. Didn’t listen to our apologies. Just noise all day.”
Your brows knit defiantly.
“I’m serious. You weren’t being funny. Just a brat. And if you were bored or pissed, you could’ve said so instead of making me look stupid.” You nod.
He glimpses at Max; the latter speaks next. “Open yourself up.”
You spread your legs out farther and sneak your spit-slick fingers down, pushing the flimsy material aside to rub at your cunt, two fingers sliding right back in. You breathe out shakily and wait for them to talk again. You’re still fussy, high-strung, not totally calm and mellowed down yet.
“When Charles and I aren’t here to fuck you into behaving, who’s going to make sure you’re acting proper?”
“Carlos,” you grit out in between thrusts.
They seethe. “Again,” Charles says, unamused.
“Nat,” you name your manager. “Lewis, or something. Fuck. Lando? I don’t—”
You asked to be told what to do, but you never said, they suppose, that it would be an easy job. “Guess again.”
“Toto.” You look delighted at that last one, knowing the implication. They’ve always been a bit jealous there. You thrive off disobedience, getting your two favorite boys all angry and flushed red with it. You open your mouth to try smartassing your way out of their orders, but Max beats you to it. “If you guess wrong, you’re not cumming. We’ll fuck you tonight, but no cumming.”
You whimper out loud, sinking your fingers farther in, adding a third.
“Don’t add another. Answer Max,” Charles says.
“Fuck,” you seethe, slipping the third out on your next thrust. “Me. I’m supposed to keep myself in check. When I’m mad. When I’m giddy and fuck—yeah. Me. It’s me.”
“Good girl,” he rasps out. “Good girl. You have to practice. How does it feel?”
I know, you mouth, eyes fluttering. You scissor the two fingers you’re thrusting in and out, wet with slick. “Feels good.”
“Not your fingers, love,” Max says. “How’s it feel hearing what we just told you?”
“Good, better,” you say in-between breaths. “I’ll practice. I like it. You’re not… letting me push you around. You’re—you can punish—fuck. Me.”
“Yeah? How, then?” 
“Fuck me,” you repeat breathlessly. “Both of you.”
“Add another,” Charles orders, and you nod, quick and pliant, fucking yourself open. They’re both so hard, cocks heavy and uncomfortable in their jeans. You can see the thick shapes of them through the denim, and you thrust harder, a futile attempt to replicate how it feels when they’re fucking you.
“You remember how it feels, having both of us in you?” Max sounds amused.
“Yes,” you moan. Your pathetic imitation of moans and gasps earlier pales in comparison to this, voice dry and thick with pleasure and raw desperation. “Yes, pl—fuck, yes.”
“Why aren’t you feeling it now?” They need to hear you verbalize the reason why, admit it one last time before they give you what you want. You whine, rutting your hips up against your hand, catching your clit on the heel of your palm. 
“Because I was being a brat, and I—you were being childish, but I didn’t want to talk things through either—and I’m always taking out my emotions on you guys, and I’m sorry, okay, would you just fuck me already?”
They’re on you immediately, all words and whispers, fingers at your chin turning you both ways to slot kisses on your mouth. Your free hand palms over Max’s bulge; he’s the one to your right. It’s hard and thick and heavy and you need it, need them. Charles’ hand takes over yours, thrusting deep and you’re whimpering into his sweet mouth.
“Feel my cock?” Max asks, “Could make you feel real nice, baby.”
“I know,” you sigh, breathless. “I want it.”
“When's the last time you took us both?” Charles asks, smile wicked. “Little thing like you.”
You grit out a moan, fuzzy and floating, letting them lift you up to straddle—one of them—you open your eyes and see Charles staring up at you, wonder and green eyes. “Got this, love?” You nod, yeah, I’ve got it, you say, little sighs. Both of you. Now.
This space you’re in, where it’s pleasure and fuzz and nothing else, is comparable to the high of winning. And you know you prefer that to sex, at least now, because racing is your life. It’s the slow satisfaction of being the best on the entire grid, despite everything. It’s the cheers, the raised fists when you climb atop your car and bring the crowd to a crescendo. The even louder screams when you pull your helmet and balaclava off and smile, trophy and all, champagne shiny and glowy on your face. All that shit—it’s addictive, and it feels just like this. So similar, in fact, because when you win, you finish on top of Charles and Max, and—
—Max is behind you, jeans tugged just enough for his cock to be pulled free, slick with lube and prodding at your ass—
—it feels just fucking like this.
“Like Max’s cock filling you up?” His cockhead is breaching your tight entrance and you moan out loud.
“I missed it,” you say, muffled by Charles’ free thumb at your lips, swirling it on your tongue. You flip him off for cutting you off and he laughs. “Give it t’me,” you goad, turning slightly. You want it so bad, missed being fed with their cocks. A week is too long. “I need more of it, all of it. In me, fill me up,” you beg, whimpering, desperate.
Max stares at your ass, grabs at the flesh there, at the string of your thong. You suck him in so hungrily, like you’re challenging him to not thrust in fully; you’re canting your hips backward too, and Max has to hike the too-big sweater up to watch the muscles of your back flex to meet his dick.
“So pretty, princess,” Charles says, because with them you really are a princess. Max begins to thrust into you from behind and you’re getting little moans fucked out of you, watching Charles unbuckle his jeans to tug his cock out, thick and pretty and you want—if you could, you would suck on it, let him fuck your throat, but you’re in the business of being filled to the point of blank thoughts right now.
You feel Charles at your cunt then, your slick making the slide easier, and Charles bucks his hips up and you—this is what you needed, to mellow you down, get you all loose and ready for more. “Take it, baby,” Max says, “all of it, all of us.”
“Ah,” you gasp out. “Ah.”
“Come on,” he grits, voice hardening. “You’re ruined. Pretty little girl. Come on.”
“Maxie,” you call out weakly, your fond little nickname for him. You remember Charles whining about how he doesn’t have one, so you save baby for him, had sussed that out on a night where they took turns fucking you. Your hips torn between the two dicks stuffing you, face sweaty and the sweater doesn’t help, gets you hotter; Charles gets the hint, and with effort, pulls it off you. Your skin is shiny underneath, matching bra sticking to your sweaty, sheened out skin.
“Love it,” you say, voice strained. “Split—fuck—me open.” Your holes clench around them and Jesus, they could have you all flushed and pretty and spread out like them, like this, forever. Charles grabs at the flesh of your ass, slaps you once and you’re tightening around them, breath impossibly still, thighs shaking. Max’s hands hold your hips tight, hungrily traveling up, groping at the wire of your bra to press at your tits. You’re pressed against both of them at a delicious angle that gets you dizzy.
“I’m gonna cum, I,” you breathe out, moaning, “I haven’t touched myself since…”
They both moan at that, delirious. Fuck. The thought of you holding it—for them—fuck. 
“You’re so perfect, so—fuck—slutty,” Charles says, and you can’t hide the moan fast enough. “Feels good, having us in you, yeah? Getting you all noisy and… fucking—shit. I know how much you needed this, love. I know how much you love it. Us.”
From behind, Max snakes a hand up your abdomen, the column of your throat, and wraps there. You see white from the sensation of it alone.
“Tell me—I can’t—please, I—Charles—Maxie—” You’re increasingly incoherent, slick running down your thighs, twitching vigorously. You try to comprehend everything but you’re losing coherence and they get it, they get it, wiping your tears and sweat and coercing you to cum, yeah, pretty little pussy so fucking wet for us, cum hard, come on, you’ve been so good, baby, the best girl for us.
There’s no way either of them are lasting after that, after watching you fall apart and finish on top of them, stuffed full, stuffed pliant, stuffed fucking docile.
It’s your turn, then, to praise, your favorite boys, always so good for me, thank you for letting me cum, come on, let me taste it—and you’re stained with their release after a few minutes, Max biting on your shoulder, Charles’ thumb indenting your hip.
What. A. Podium, ladies and gentlemen! Max Verstappen of Red Bull, from P6 in the last race to a stunning P3 drive—Charles Leclerc, braving the team’s dismal strategy to get P2! What a knockout. Of course the Mercedes legend, gunning for four championships now, had crossed the flag first to claim her fifth P1 of the season.
What a legendary race, absolutely proper podium. They showed us what driving is, real driving.
The season is heating up. 
Makes you wonder what happened over the weekend for them to get such good results.
This is F1. I’m sure they keep each other motivated.
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angelinajoulie · 2 years
At his mercy.
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Rating: 18+ MDNI. You read at your own risk.
Pairing: dom!Austin Butler x shy!girlfriend!reader
Summary: Austin fucks you in his ‘The late late show’ suit.
Warnings: NSFW. SMUT. this is PURE FILTH; age gap; austin is definitely a DOM in this (you can't tell me otherwise); swearing; pet names; fingers sucking; oral (m receiving); size kink; praise kink; austin referring to himself as daddy (just twice); unprotected sex (please wrap it before you tap it); creampie; cockwarming (sorta??).
a/n: English is not my first language, this is the first time I’ve written from Italian to English and after two months of writing and translating this work I really don't know what came out, so please forgive any mistake✨ leave a comment down here and let me know what you think✨
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It's late at night, the lights outside are already out, and the street lamps are the only ones left to light the wet road while everything around is sleeping and waiting for a new day to come. Not a sound, not a noise is bothering the atmosphere outside except for the sweet rustles of trees on the street as a black Range Rover nears the driveway.
Shortly after, the sudden noise of a door opening makes you skip a beat, taking you off-guard and waking you from your sleep. He is back.
Your eyelids open slowly and you instinctively look at the alarm on the nightstand. 1:30 am.
"As usual," you think.
It takes you a little to realize that you fell asleep too early and didn't wait awake for him— as you always do, but you had a very stressful day at college and you couldn't help yourself to give in to the comfy bed beneath you.
So you decide to wait for him to make his way into the bedroom before you can close your eyes again.
You hear him from upstairs while he tosses the keys on the side table at the entrance, then a series of muffled noises follow.
And then, again, silence.
You feel your eyes getting heavy and you know that you'll fall asleep soon. But not without him.
And noticing he's still not gone upstairs yet you decide to get down to him.
You rise from the bed and a breath of wind wraps around your shoulders as soon as the blanket leaves your body, leading you to wear your white satin robe before going downstairs.
Your bare feet meet every cold step unnoticeably, the high temperature difference between the two floors causing you to shrug.
You're searching for him, your eyes are looking at every corner of the living room while waiting to catch his figure until your feet finally touch the ground.
You see him.
Standing in front of the cupboard against the wall, bottle in his hand as he pours himself a large glass of whiskey.
He is wearing a navy blue pinstripe suit from Prada that perfectly matches his blue eyes, the jacket left open to reveal a black mesh shirt, half undone and barely covering his toned, tanned chest.
It suits him heavenly.
His eyes look up to meet yours as soon as he feels your presence.
“Hey” he murmurs in a low and raspy voice.
“Hi” you respond and get closer to him, trying to greet him properly.
Seeing you lean in he puts the bottle back in its place and in no time you feel his arm around your waist. Austin lowers his head for his lips to meet yours in a chaste and tender kiss, the first one after an entire day away from each other.
Your hand travels up his spine, reaching the nape of his neck and starting caressing it, your fingers sneaking between his hair gently as you hold yourself closer to his chest. His body is so warm against yours, his warmth filling your heart completely and making you feel safe in the tight grip of his strong arms.
You’ve missed him so much.
The last period has been very exhausting for him, every day passes between interviews, photoshoots and premieres and he's terribly busy, and considering that you too have your things to do with college and all, you're both forced to be apart from each other. But despite all of this, you always try to do your best to support him, following him at the events when possible or watching him on TV, waiting for him until he gets home— like you should've done today too.
Soon your lips move away with a tiny 'pop' and your eyes meet, a shy smile appearing on both of your faces.
“How was your day?” you ask, breaking the silence.
“Great, just a lil tiring” he sighs, caressing your hip gently “have you seen the show?”
You nod without hesitation.
“Of course I did,” a sense of pride overwhelms you seeing him smile slightly at your obviousness “just for you.”
“Really?” he grins, pretending to be surprised as his eyes look down at yours and you nod again.
“Good girl” he places two of his fingers under your chin, lifting it up for your lips to meet his again in a quick kiss before he pulls away from you and takes the full glass of whiskey in his hand.
You shudder thinking about the pet name.
Good girl...
“And what about you? How was college today?”
Your gaze never leaves him, following each one of his movements while he reaches the couch and takes a seat between the black leather cushions. A shiver runs down your spine, stopping right on your lower stomach. Your mind gets fuzzy, distracting you from his question.
Legs wide apart, broad shoulders resting on the back of the sofa, his right hand on his knee and thigh as the left one brings the edge of the glass towards his mouth, needing a sip. The bitter and yellowish liquid runs down his throat, and his eyes shut just for a second until he swallows it, licking his plump lips after.
You feel yourself throb around nothing at the sight of him manspreading, and your thighs instantly rub together at the thought of every single time you've seen him doing that same thing: eyes closed, lips and tongue wet— not from whiskey.
You don't know why, you don't even know how to explain it to yourself, but seeing him like this sparked something inside you since you saw him on ‘The Late Late Show’ tonight. Something able to keep your mouth shut and your eyes glued to him.
He looks so confident. So dominant. So powerful. Right now, he could move mountains at his pleasure just by lifting a finger if he only wanted to.
And that damn suit... God, you want to sit on his lap so bad.
You'd do it immediately if only you weren't so shy to stand still at your place, merely biting at your lower lip while fantasizing about the mighty man in front of you, a gesture so simple but not enough to go unnoticed— not to him. Not to Austin.
His icy eyes linger on you again and this is the exact moment where you come back to reality and blush.
“What's up?” your awkwardness leads you to open your mouth and talk before you can remember a very important detail.
You still haven't answered his question.
“I asked you” he emphasizes, his tone sharp and deep as he takes in another sip and his tongue runs over his lips to wipe them more slowly and languidly than before, never taking his eyes off of yours “how was college today, angel?”
A mischievous grin appears on his face, the name that always knew how to make your stomach twirl makes you understand everything.
You got caught.
“G-good...” you stutter, coughing slightly as your cheeks are on fire for both arousal and embarrassment in front of that one clear consciousness.
You have a lot on your mind at the moment, a thousand thoughts are running through your head and Austin can read every single one of them.
And you know that he can, you know that he knows what you're thinking about.
Austin knows everything about you.
Because he knows you too well.
He can see from a mile away that something inside you snapped. Your body language is enough to let him know what you want and what you need.
He's tired, the only thing he needs at the moment is to finish his drink, take his clothes off and go to sleep with you, but seeing you wearing nothing but that white silk robe that barely covers your thighs as you bashfully bite your lip, thinking about all the shameless things you want him to do to you, is enough to drive him crazy too.
Because he'll never get enough of you.
He lifts his right hand and two of his fingers gesture you to get close.
“C'mere” his order is like liquid gold for you. You walk towards him without blinking, reaching the couch, stepping in front of him as if you've been waiting to all day.
Austin quickly swallows the last drop of whiskey, leaving the now empty glass on the table before grabbing your wrist and putting you between his spread legs.
His fingers manage to undo the tight bow of your robe, taking it off of you to reveal a lovely black satin nightie under it, one of the many he bought you to make up for the many others he ripped off of your body: soft to the touch, lightweight, with thin stripes and lace hems, short enough to leave your ass exposed.
No doubt that it's his favorite one. You're a goddess in it.
His forefinger traces a line up your thigh and reaches the hem of your nightie, your cheeks reddening as soon as he lifts it up, giving you goosebumps.
Austin feels his cock throb in his pants at the sight.
You aren't wearing panties. As he wished.
“No panties, mh?” you shook your head no, feeling the heat starting to pool right on your bare center and your heart pounding in your chest.
You feel so exposed under his touch, so weak, so small, so vulnerable at the feeling of your skin burning under his lingering hot gaze. Your body is completely at his mercy, poorly covered by that tiny piece of fabric while Austin still has his suit on, fully clothed from head to toe, looking at you like an uncompromising master who's thinking about the right treat for his good submissive. And in the darkest and deepest part of yourself, you're loving it.
You love that he always wants to be in control. You love being controlled by him.
At the moment you just want to follow his rules, please him, worship him, be punished if needed, because you want to be a good girl for him and him only.
“Get on your knees, angel.” and when his order comes, you can do nothing more than obey.
Your knees fall to the floor with a soft thud, hands anchored on his thick thighs as you're face to face with his crotch.
Austin's fingers are under your chin again, a gentle reminder for you to pull your gaze up to his face, forcing you to look straight into his eyes.
His baby blues are darkened, filled with craving and lust as they meet your shy and innocent ones waiting for mercy, for him to choose their fate and what is better for them.
Like an angel at God's feet.
“You're such a good little girl for me, you know this?” his voice gets deeper enough to make you feel soaked as he tucks your hair behind your ear.
“So submissive” he praises you in a whisper, his calloused digits moving to caress your cheek, allowing you to surrender to his touch by resting your head on his thigh.
“So responsive” the intense feeling of the cold gold of his rings hits your warm skin and your spine tingles.
His voice is so soft, yet so firm while he praises you that a weak moan leaves your parted lips, Austin taking advantage of it to shove two of his long fingers in your mouth. You know what to do so you embrace them with no hesitation and start sucking, wrapping your lips and tongue around his knuckles as the metallic taste grows strong in your mouth.
“So greedy...”
You are a vision to him, you look so tempting that his hand falls on his crotch to palm himself, his growing erection begging to be freed from his slacks and swallowed up by your throat.
“Bet your pretty little head's just thinking about one thing since I came home, doesn't it?” you nod frantically, his wet digits still in your mouth before he retracts them.
“Use your words.” authority drips from his tone and you sigh.
“Y-yes...” not enough.
“Yes what, angel?” your head lowers again in front of his request but he holds you still in place, grabbing your jaw “Look at me”
“I...” words get stuck in your throat, too shy to let them slip out easily.
“C'mon, don't be shy. Wanna hear you say it” he spurs “what's on your mind?”
Your heart keeps pounding as never before, and at this point, you don't even know how but you say it.
“I want your cock.”
“And where do you want it, angel?” he smirks as he adjusts himself between the cushions, your thighs clenching together to hide the wetness between them.
You love everything about him and the thing you love most is that he's able to read your mind without talking, but right now it seems like he has forgotten about this ability of his own. And you're hating him for this.
Because you know he's doing it on purpose.
He wants to hear your voice.
He wants to hear you beg.
He wants to hear your innocent mouth tell him the dirty things you want from him, the things he knows that make you feel all small and weak.
For this reason you swallow thickly, and gasping with your heart on your sleeve, you answer.
“In m-my mouth.”
“Then take it.” his words are the only green light you needed to put your shyness aside and leave room for the actions you're going to do in silence.
You reach the fly of his trousers with both hands, unzipping it and slipping between the black fabric of his briefs, freeing his cock.
You take it in your hand, he's already hard as it springs free against his stomach, the contact of your fingers against his weak flesh making him gasp.
You feel him. Long, warm and veiny, the tip already reddened and leaking with precum.
Your mouth waters at the sight. You need to make him feel good so bad.
You sit better on your own thighs, adjusting yourself to avoid the feeling of your knees pressing against the carpet before running your hand along his shaft.
Your strokes are slow and gentle, your fingers applying a small amount of pressure, making him breathe heavily.
“Angel...” he's so eager to feel you, the way his hips are bucking up to meet your strokes is silently proving it. So you decide to indulge him.
You lean forward and your lips start kissing his length from the base to the tip. You tease his slit with your thumb before starting to leave kitten licks on his head, feeling his salty taste exploding on your taste buds.
“Mmm, little one...” a deep groan falls from his lips and goes straight to your soaked center, making you shudder in your place “I love feeling your mouth on my cock...”
He seems so much weaker than before, and a strong sense of power washes over you.
“Fuck...” he swears, adjusting the blonde locks falling on his forehead.
The sensation of your warm mouth around his girth already sending him into a state of pure bliss “I'm not going to last long”.
You take a deep breath through your nose and start sucking, slowly moving your head up and down his cock as far as you can, trying your best to please him. His hand ends behind your head, his fingers holding you close to him as he'd never let you go.
“Yes, baby” he grunts “you feel so good”
Arousal is growing more and more inside of you, your pussy getting wetter as juices start flowing out of you because of hearing him moan.
You feel so bold right now, a sense of euphoria takes over you all of a sudden and makes you grind uncontrollably, searching for friction to ease the ache between your thighs while your head bobs faster around him.
“Yes, just like that, keep going baby...” you do as you're told. You keep sucking, and Austin's grip between your hair tightens.
The cool metal of his rings presses against the nape of your neck, his knuckles turning white and his protruding veins popping out as he applies more pressure to guide your hips at his own pace, making you feel trapped under his grip— under his control.
Right now you're the one giving him pleasure but it doesn't matter. He'll always know how to control you and be in charge.
Your throat is becoming sore and dry, some locks are covering your sweaty forehead and falling on his pubic bone as little tears are forming at the corners of your eyes.
You're a complete mess.
“My pretty little angel- shit, I'm going to fuck your pussy so good” his promise hits you right at your core and a choked moan escapes from your lips, the vibration is so intense against the head of his cock that he jerks frantically.
“Oh god!” his eyebrows furrow, his tight grip around your neck forces you to swallow more of him until he's hitting the back of your throat.
You can't take it anymore. You pull away from him, your fingers never stopping to rub his cock. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you breathe feverishly, searching for air to fill your lungs but Austin is quicker than any move you can make and leans toward your lips.
“Wanna cum inside you.” he tugs you into his mouth hungrily and you moan in both surprise and excitement. You are both panting at the same pace, his tongue slides into your wide-open mouth starting a steamy make-out session where your lips crash between grunts and bite each other without mercy.
Austin moves both his hands on your covered back and you sit up to climb on top of him. Your legs surround his thick thighs and your hands run everywhere on his sweaty chest and around his neck.
“I love you” he breathes on your lips, between heated kisses “so much”
“I love you too, Aus- ah!” his throbbing cock pushes against your soaked folds, making you gasp and jolt. The thrill is too much, you're so desperate that you start grinding against him, searching for friction to stop the hundreds of shocks running down your spine and hitting your womanhood repeatedly.
Your skin burns under his touch. You want him. You need him. You crave him.
And he knows it.
His hand stops on your asscheek, underneath the fabric of your nightie as his teeth keep biting your bottom lip voraciously, his fingers squeezing your flesh before grasping the hem of your nightie.
Austin takes it off of you and tosses it to the side.
Now you're fully naked on his lap, your breasts are pressed against his half-covered chest and your stomach shakes at the sensation of being so exposed while he's overdressed.
He leans forward a bit enough to bring his hands behind his back and take off his jacket.
“No!” your voice leaves your throat in a worried shriek, bringing out a primal emotion hidden in the deepest part of you.
Austin halts and looks you in the eyes, urging you to give him reasons. You blush.
You can't run away.
“L-leave it on...” you swallow thickly, hair falling on your face, hiding your awkwardness from him. Right now you're ashamed to death for this implied confession and his silence is not helping to ease your feeling.
He simply keeps staring at you, with those damned eyes that know how to make you melt, and without saying a word he kisses you again.
His tongue hungrily pushes itself into your mouth, giving you goosebumps as his fingers slide down straight between your folds, coating in your juices.
Now he can feel it.
“Fuck, you're dripping” his touch is so slight and lasts only for a moment, making you moan against his lips "all this wet just for sucking daddy's cock and seeing him in this suit, mh?"
“Please, Aus...”
“Who knew a stupid suit would make my little girl so eager?”
You don't answer and your shyness seems to no longer exist.
You just keep grinding against him, more desperate than ever while his tip rubs against your throbbing clit; he grasps his cock with his hand, adjusting himself on the couch and lining up with your slit, teasing it as your heart aches in eagerness and you can do nothing more than keep begging him shamelessly.
Hearing you beg is making him crazy, he swears he could stand still for hours only to hear you beg with your tear-filled eyes, but right now he just wants you too much to do it.
“Please, I need you”
You don't need to say anything else. His tip pushes inside your cunt and right after he grips your waist forcefully. His entire length slides inside you slowly, your mouth curving in a perfect 'o' from which nothing comes out as you pull away from his lips. Your breath hitches as he makes you sink onto him until you feel his pubic bone hitting against your swollen clit.
You're stuck, unable to breathe. You squeeze your eyes shout and cry out.
“Oh!” you feel so full. Full of him.
He gives you a few seconds to get used to his presence inside you and a heavy breath releases from his chest.
“Shit, you're so tight” he curses under his breath, bottom lip between his sparkling teeth and eyes closed for pleasure.
And then he starts guiding you onto him and you let yourself get carried by his hands, feeble like jelly as you meet his thrusts, moving slowly, moaning weakly.
“Aus” you whimper, each one of your moves against him only stretching you open more.
“Shh angel, you can handle it” he coos softly in your ear, leaving sweet kisses behind your lobe, helping you to ease the pain.
Your thighs are trembling as they wrap around his and your fingers slide between his blonde locks, trying to hold him closer than ever.
From this position, you can feel him completely. Every inch, curve, vein, and single part of him is inside you to the brim and is filling you perfectly with a combination of pain and pleasure that only Austin can give you.
You open your eyes and look at him. He's already staring at you and now your gazes lock together, making you both feel more connected with your soul than just your bodies and skin.
Your breaths mingle, your lips only a few inches distant from each other and ready to touch again with each thrust.
“You're taking me so well” he murmurs.
His forehead is sweaty, his lips are plump and red like yours, his jaw clenching as he watches you fall apart on his cock and babble something in response before moaning, struggling to take him.
You feel that familiar coil growing in you, your walls clench around his girth and you feel the base of your stomach burn every time his tip caresses your cervix.
It's too much for you. You stop, ready to surrender to his touch, but Austin holds you in place.
“Ah-ah. Stay still, pretty girl.” his fingers force you to sit straight, impaling you more and more on his cock.
“I-i can't...”
“C'mon little one, don't be a brat” he warns you as he starts guiding your hips again, with slow but intense strokes, the stimulation leading a whine to escape your lips before you stop again.
“Hmmph... t-too much...” you babble, it's the only thing you're barely able to say. You can't even talk.
It's so good, you just wish you had the strength to ride him faster but his cock's hitting you so deep you swear you could die in his arms.
Suddenly something draws his attention and forces him to look down.
You feel his hand press on your belly and you gasp in surprise. So you lower your head as well and see the outline of his cock poking out of your stomach.
The vision makes his cock twitch and your walls squeeze around him. He's in your guts.
“God, you look so hot like this” his gaze is burning on your skin, and you can say he definitely loves the sight in front of him. His pupils are dilated, and his breath is getting heavier. He's addicted “Small, desperate, and full of my cock”
You moan hard, turned on by his words and seeing how much he's going deep inside you with every stroke.
“‘s so deep inside you, uh?” he mocks you, his thumb rubbing your tummy as your eyes meet each other again.
“Y-yes! S-so deep” hearing your voice cracked and desperate leads him to one conclusion.
“Think you need daddy's help” suddenly his grip on your flesh tightens and with no warning he pushes you down onto him brutally, slamming his cock into you, bucking his hips upwards to start thrusting deeper, harder.
In a matter of seconds, your nails dig into the back of his hands and you scream, tilting your head back in pleasure.
“Aus- oh, god!” you moan louder, your mouth wide open as ecstasy takes over you, leading you to shake uncontrollably against his hips, making him grunt and moan.
“Keep moving, angel, don't stop...” he whispers as you try to follow his orders as far as your body permits you.
His cock is buried in you, he is fucking you so good you're barely able to move properly.
“Yes, just like that, baby, you're so good” his words keep hitting at your core, only spurring you to push yourself to your own limits as he starts leaving wet kisses on your throat “My good girl...”
"Please, please, please!" the fire inside you is ready to burst, your peak is getting closer and you want more.
“You wanna cum, angel?”
“Yes, yes please, n-need to cum!” hot tears start streaming down your cheeks and you moan again, again and again, scratching his hands and leaving bruises on his knuckles.
Everything seems to be so intense. Sweat is soaking your bodies, immersing you both in a hot-as-hell shower. The wet sound of bones and skins slapping floods your ears, your juices flowing down your thighs ruining the fine fabric of his expensive trousers.
You're so close and so is he. You feel in heaven.
“Then cum baby, cum around my cock” his voice shakes you inside, his tip hits that sweet spot in you and your vision goes blurry.
“Austin!” you cry out, your throat rips apart for the strength of your climax. Your orgasm washes over you and you convulse, the shocks running through your body are too strong and leave you powerless as you collapse on his chest.
“Fucking god” soon a growl of satisfaction slips from his throat, and his abdomen tightens underneath you. His grip loosens, thick ropes of his white cum spill inside you and paint your walls, making you shiver.
The room is now filled with silence, interrupted every now and then by the racing breaths escaping from both of your lungs.
You're exhausted.
“You did so good, angel, so good” he starts caressing your head gently, his praises warming your heart as you try to recover from the passionate fuck you two just had, but before you can say anything he picks you up and gets off the couch.
You whimper in surprise, finding the strenght to tie your legs and arms around the soft fabric of his suit as Austin's cock is still hard inside you.
“Let's go t' bed, baby” he announces, a wicked grin crossing his face “Wanna see how deep I can fill this pussy if I let you ride me on the mattress”
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a/n: okay sooo… what do you think? would you like to read anything else? i got five or six ideas to write in my drafts already 👀
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3K notes · View notes
housewilson · 3 months
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As someone who basically sees Tim Laughlin as my own version of Jesus Christ (I kind of wish I was lying but I have a 'beyond measure' tattoo branding my skin so perhaps I'm entirely serious), I simply needed to know what was on those shelves of his. And this was a hard task to achieve, believe me... but I got much farther than I initially thought I would.
(I've got so much to say about all of these books and how they might string together to create a deeper understanding of Tim as a character but I won't go into it here... maybe in a future post or video essay, who knows).
If you wish to help a girl out and attempt to figure out any of the other books I simply can not crack no matter how I look at the screenshots and mess with the adjustments... here's a folder full of 2k sized screenshots of those shelves.
Before I list the books one by one, I want to make a couple observations:
1) Almost all of the books I was able to pinpoint are non-fiction. The ones that aren't are children's books.
2) Topically, we see an interdisciplinary interest in:
History: from a book on a king in 4BC, to a survey of landholding in England in the 11th century.
Somewhat current historical events: books on World War I and II.
Western Philosophers: specially from the 16th to the 18th century.
Aesthetics: there's at least 2 books on the subject matter, but I couldn't find the second one, sadly.
Spirituality: not only christian/catholic; some of these books touch on Eastern practices such as Buddhism and Hinduism.
Fairy tales / children's books.
Psychology: specially in regards to mysticism and sexuality.
Science and scientific discovery/research.
3) A lot of the history, current events, and spirituality books are autobiographies/memoirs.
4) A lot of books (specially those on sciences and philosophy) tend to be more so anthologies or overviews on a subject matter rather than a book written by one specific author on one very concrete topic.
Overall, this all reflects very well an idea Jonathan Bailey himself expressed in a brilliant interview you can watch here if you haven't yet:
"Tim has buddhist flags in his 1980s flat in San Francisco, he has crystals, he is someone who is always seeking other ways to understand human experience. Which is probably tiring for him. Throughout the decades, he sort of appears as completely different people. At the crux of it there's this extreme grinding, contrasting, aggressive duality between feeling lovable and not feeling lovable. There's such shame in Tim. But it's the push and the pull which keeps him alive.”
This desire to understand human psychology, spirituality, and the ways of the universe through as many diverse lenses as possible, as well as a predilection for non-fiction, expresses very much to me that insatiable thirst for truth that defines his character so strongly.
OKAY, THAT BEING SAID. Here's the list in chronological order of publication.
PS. if you decided to click on any of the following titles it'd definitely not take you to a google drive link of the pdf file where you could download and read these books for yourself. Because that would be illegal and wrong.
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Journeys through Bookland by Charles H. Sylvester (1901?) (1922 Edition)
I don't know which specific volume he owns, sorry, I tried my best but the number is not discernible (hell, the title barely is). If anyone wants the download link to these hmu because I'm not about to individually download all 10 right now.
10 volumes of poems, myths, Bible stories, fairy tales, and excerpts from children's novels, as well as a guide to the series. It has been lauded as ‘a new and original plan for reading, applied to the world’s best literature for children.’
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Pilgrimage by Graham Seton Hutchison (1936)
This book provides a view of the battlefields of WW I through the eyes of the average fighting man. 
One curious thing about this book is that it's author, a British First World War army officer and military theorist, went on to become a fascist activist later in his life. Straight from Wikipedia:
"Seton Hutchison became a celebrated figure in military circles for his tactical innovations during the First World War but would later become associated with a series of fringe fascist movements which failed to capture much support even by the standards of the far right in Britain in the interbellum period." He made a contribution to First World War fiction with his espionage novel, The W Plan."
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The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton (1948) 
The Seven Storey Mountain tells of the growing restlessness of a brilliant and passionate young man, who at the age of twenty-six, takes vows in one of the most demanding Catholic orders—the Trappist monks. At the Abbey of Gethsemani, "the four walls of my new freedom," Thomas Merton struggles to withdraw from the world, but only after he has fully immersed himself in it. At the abbey, he wrote this extraordinary testament, a unique spiritual autobiography that has been recognized as one of the most influential religious works of our time. Translated into more than twenty languages, it has touched millions of lives.
This book requires no introduction. It's the one he keeps the Fire Island's postcard in and the one we see him re-reading in episode 8 after Hawk brings it to the hospital with him at the end of episode 7.
Just a little detail I noticed:
Apparently he liked the book so much he visited Gethsemani, which was the home of its author all the way up till 1968.
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For all we know, he might have even met its author!
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Sexual Behavior in the Human Male by Alfred Charles Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy (1948)
When published in 1948 this volume encountered a storm of condemnation and acclaim. It is, however, a milestone on the path toward a scientific approach to the understanding of human sexual behavior. Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey and his fellow researchers sought to accumulate an objective body of facts regarding sex. They employed first hand interviews to gather this data. This volume is based upon histories of approximately 5,300 males which were collected during a fifteen year period. This text describes the methodology, sampling, coding, interviewing, statistical analyses, and then examines factors and sources of sexual outlet.
Yes, Charles Kinsey is indeed behind the Kinsey scale that has done so much for the LGBTQ+ community.
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Their Finest Hour (1949), The Grand Alliance (1950), and Closing the Ring (1951) by Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill's six-volume history of the cataclysm that swept the world remains the definitive history of the Second World War. Lucid, dramatic, remarkable both for its breadth and sweep and for its sense of personal involvement, it is universally acknowledged as a magnificent reconstruction and is an enduring, compelling work that led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953. 
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The European Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche by Monroe C. Beardsley (1960)
In so far as we reflect upon ourselves and our world, and what we are doing in it, says the editor of this anthology, we are all philosophers. And therefore we are very much concerned with what the twelve men represented in this book--the major philosophers on the Continent of Europe--have to say to us, to help us build our own philosophy, to think things out in our own way. For the issues that we face today are partly determined by the work of thinkers of earlier generations, and no other time is more important to the development of Western thought than is the 250-year period covered by this anthology. Monroe. C. Beardsley, Professor of Philosophy at Swarthmore College, has chosen major works, or large selections from them, by each man, with supplementary passages to amplify or clarify important points. These include: Descartes - Discourse on Method (Descartes), Thoughts (Pascal), The Nature of Evil (Spinoza), The Relation Between Soul and Body (Leibniz), The Social Construct (Rousseau), Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), The Vocation of Man (Fichte), Introducciton to the Philosophy of History (Hegel), The World as Will and Idea (Schopenhauer), A General View of Positivism (Comte), The Analysis of Sensations and the Relation of the Physical to the Psychical (Mach), Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche).
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The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science by Isaac Asimov (1965)
Asimov tells the stories behind the science: the men and women who made the important discoveries and how they did it. Ranging from Galilei, Achimedes, Newton and Einstein, he takes the most complex concepts and explains it in such a way that a first-time reader on the subject feels confident on his/her understanding. Assists today's readers in keeping abreast of all recent discoveries and advances in physics, the biological sciences, astronomy, computer technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other sciences.
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The Heavenly City of the 18th Philosophers by Carl L. Becker (1932) (1962 reprint)
Here a distinguished American historian challenges the belief that the eighteenth century was essentially modern in its temper. In crystalline prose Carl Becker demonstrates that the period commonly described as the Age of Reason was, in fact, very far from that; that Voltaire, Hume, Diderot, and Locke were living in a medieval world, and that these philosophers “demolished the Heavenly City of St. Augustine only to rebuild it with more up-to-date materials.” In a new foreword, Johnson Kent Wright looks at the book’s continuing relevance within the context of current discussion about the Enlightenment.
I find the particular choice of adding this book very curious and on brand, since it explores the idea that philosophers of the Enlightenment very much resembled religious dogma/faith in their structure and purpose. Just... A+ of the props department to not just add any kind of book on philosophy anthology.
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Herod The Great by Michael Grant (1971)
The Herod of popular tradition is the tyrannical King of Judaea who ordered the Massacre of the Innocents and died a terrible death in 4 BC as the judgment of God. But this biography paints a much more complex picture of this contemporary of Mark Antony, Cleopatra, and the Emperor Augustus. Herod devoted his life to the task of keeping the Jews prosperous and racially intact. To judge by the two disastrous Jewish rebellions that occurred within a hundred and fifty years of his death -- those the Jews called the First and Second Roman Wars -- he was not, in the long run, completely successful. For forty years Herod walked the most precarious of political tightropes. For he had to be enough of a Jew to retain control of his Jewish subjects, and enough of a pro-Roman to preserve the confidence of Rome, within whose territory his kingdom fell. For more than a quarter of a century he was one of the chief bulwarks of Augustus' empire in the east. He made Judaea a large and prosperous country. He founded cities and built public works on a scale never seen before: of these, recently excavated Masada is a spectacular example. And he did all this in spite of a continuous undercurrent of protest and underground resistance. The numerous illustrations presents portraits and coins, buildings and articles of everyday use, landscapes and fortresses, and subsequent generations' interpretations of the more famous events, actual and mythical, of Herod's career.
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Readings in the Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics compiled by Milton Charles Nahm (1975)
A college level comprehensive anthology of essays written on the arts and the field of aesthetic philosophy.
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The Mustard Seed: Discourses on the Sayings of Jesus Taken from the Gospel According to Thomas by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1975)
This timely book explores the wisdom of the Gnostic Jesus, who challenges our preconceptions about the world and ourselves. Based on the Gospel of Thomas, the book recounts the missing years in Jesus’ life and his time in Egypt and India, learning from Egyptian secret societies, then Buddhist schools, then Hindu Vedanta. Each of Jesus' original sayings is the "seed" for a chapter of the book; each examines one aspect of life — birth, death, love, fear, anger, and more — counterpointed by Osho’s penetrating comments and responses to questions from his audience.
(You don't know how fulfilling it was to find some of these books and just sit there like "oh my god, yessss, he'd SO read that".)
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A Third Testament by Malcolm Muggeridge (1976)
A modern pilgrim explores the spiritual wanderings of Augustine, Pascal, Blake, Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Bonhoeffer. A Third Testament brings to life seven men whose names are familiar enough, but whose iconoclastic spiritual wanderings make for unforgettable reading. Muggeridge's concise biographies are an accessible and manageable introduction to these spiritual giants who carried on the testament to the reality of God begun in the Old and New Testaments. - St. Augustine, a headstrong young hedonist and speechwriter who turned his back on money and prestige in order to serve Christ - Blaise Pascal, a brilliant mathematician who pursued scientific knowledge but warned people against thinking they could live without God - William Blake, a magnificent artist-poet who pled passionately for the life of the spirit and warned of the blight that materialism would usher in - Soren Kierkegaard, a renegade philosopher who spent most of his life at odds with the church, and insisted that every person must find his own way to God - Fyodor Dostoevsky, a debt-ridden writer and sometime prisoner who found, in the midst of squalor and political turmoil, the still small voice of God - Leo Tolstoy, a grand old novelist who swung between idealism and depression, loneliness and fame and a duel awareness of his sinfulness and God s grace - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor whose writings and agonized involvement in a plot to kill Hitler cost him his life, but continue to inspire millions
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Portraits: The photography of Carl Van Vechten (1978)
Can't find a file but you can borrow it from archive.com in the link provided.
During his career as a photographer, Carl Van Vechten’s subjects, many of whom were his friends and social acquaintances, included dancers, actors, writers, artists, activists, singers, costumiers, photographers, social critics, educators, journalists, and aesthetes. [...] As a promoter of literary talent and a critic of dance, theater, and opera, Carl Van Vechten was as interested in the cultural margin as he was in the day’s most acclaimed and successful people. His diverse subjects give a sense of both Carl Van Vechten’s interests and his considerable role in defining the cultural landscape of the twentieth century; among his many sitters one finds the leading lights of the Harlem Renaissance, the premier actors and writers of the American stage, the world’s greatest opera stars and ballerinas, the most important and influential writers of the day, among many others.
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Report of the Shroud of Turin by John H Heller (1983)
Heller, while a man of science, was nevertheless a devout man (Southern Baptist). He viewed his task concerning The Shroud with great scepticism; there have been far too many hoaxes in the world of religion. The book describes in great detail the events leading up to the team's conviction that the Shroud was genuine; last - not least - being Heller and Adler's verification of "heme" (blood) and the inexplicable "burned image" of the crucified man. Although carbon dating indicates that the image is not 2000 years old and that the cloth is from the Middle Ages, there is not enough evidence to disprove Heller's assertion that the Shroud is indeed genuine.
Context for those who may not know (though I doubt it's necessary): The shroud of Turin "is a length of linen cloth that bears a faint image of the front and back of a man. It has been venerated for centuries, especially by members of the Catholic Church, as the actual burial shroud used to wrap the body of Jesus of Nazareth after his crucifixion, and upon which Jesus's bodily image is miraculously imprinted."
It is a very controversial subject matter and I definitely don't know that from going to an Opus Dei school since the day I was born till the day I graduated high school.
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Mysticism, Psychology and Oedipus by Israel Regardie (1985)
I've tried my hardest but despite many Israel Regardie books being on the world wide web, I can't find a copy of this specific one.
Mysticism, Psychology and Oedipus, from the Small Gems series is one of these mysterious alchemys which Regardie and Spiegelman crafted for the serious student of mysticism. Mysticism, Psychology and Oedipus by Dr. Israel Regardie and his friend, world renowned Jungian Psychologist, J. Marvin Spiegelman, Ph.D. was created to reach the serious student at the intersecting paths of magic, mysticism and psychology. While each area of study overlaps they also maintain their own individual paths of truth. One of Regardie’s greatest gifts was his rare ability to combine these difficult and diverse subjects and make them understandable.
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Domesday Book Through Nine Centuries by Elizabeth M. Hallam (1986)
In 1086 a great survey of landholding in England was carried out on the orders of William the Conqueror, and its results were recorded in the two volumes, which, within less than a century, were to acquire the name of Domesday, or the Book of Judgment 'because its decisions, like those of the last Judgment, are unalterable'. This detailed survey of the kingdom, unprecedented at that time in its scope, gives us an extraordinarily vivid impression of the life of the eleventh century.
The following two are a fuck up on the props department part because they were published after 1987 but we'll forgive them because they were not expecting for me to do all this to figure out the titles of these books, I'm sure:
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The One Who Set Out to Study Fear by Peter Redgrove (1989)
This book barely exists physically, rest assured it does not exist online... LOL.
The author of The Wise Wound presents here a re-telling of Grimm's famous fairy tales, written in a manner and spirit more suited to the present day. Each story is rooted in the original, but cast in an energetic style that is both disrespectful and humorous. 
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Essential Papers on Masochism by Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick Hanly (1995)
The contested psychoanalytic concept of masochism has served to open up pathways into less-explored regions of the human mind and behavior. Here, rituals of pain and sexual abusiveness prevail, and sometimes gruesome details of unconscious fantasies are constructed out of psychological pain, desperate need, and sexually excited, self- destructive violence. In this significant addition to the "Essential Papers in Psychoanalysis" series, Margaret Ann Fitzpatrick Hanly presents an anthology of the most outstanding writings in the psychoanalytic study of masochism. In bringing these essays together, Dr. Fitzpatrick Hanly expertly combines classic and contemporary theories by the most respected scholars in the field to create a varied and integrated volume. This collection features papers by S. Nacht, R. Loewenstein, Victor Smirnoff, Sigmund Freud, Jacques Laplanche, Robert Bak, Leonard Shengold, K. Novick, J. Novick, S. Coen, Margaret Brenman, Esther Menaker, S. Lorand, M. Balint, Bernhard Berliner, Charles Brenner, Helene Deutsch, Annie Reich, Marie Bonaparte, Jessica Benjamin, S.L. Olinick, Arnold Modell, Betty Joseph, and Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel.
Let's not forget another book we know has been present in his shelves at some point:
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Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe (1929)
It is Wolfe's first novel, and is considered a highly autobiographical American coming-of-age story. The character of Eugene Gant is generally believed to be a depiction of Wolfe himself. The novel briefly recounts Eugene's father's early life, but primarily covers the span of time from Eugene's birth in 1900 to his definitive departure from home at the age of 19. The setting is a fictionalization of his home town of Asheville, North Carolina, called Altamont in the novel.
And Ron Nyswaner mentioned in a podcast (might be this one? I'm not sure) that he scrapped from the script a line where Tim recommends this poem at some point:
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He specially emphasized the line "If equal affection cannot be, Let the more loving one be me".
And lastly, if anyone wanted to know:
His copy of the bible is the Revised Standard Version by Thomas Nelson from either 1952 or 1953.
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Because why the hell not figure out what specific translation of the holy bible a fictional character was basing his beliefs on — as if the set designers cared nearly as much as I do.
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deakyjoe · 4 months
Love To Hate
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x Reader (fem, afab, she/her)
Category: enemies to lovers, smut, coworkers to lovers
Summary: You hate Dieter Bravo more than anything. So why are you asking him to sleep with you?
Warnings: 18+, smut (!!), protected p in v sex, f receiving oral, brief vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, thigh riding/grinding, groping, kissing, body worship (he loves tits and ass), dirty talk, praise, size kink (??), Dieter has a horse cock, crying, Dieter’s a teasing dick, enemies to lovers, coworkers to lovers, insecurities, sex/masturbation problems (for reader), mentions of unsatisfactory sex, mentions of drug use, reader is shorter than Dieter, let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 8.8k (woah!)
A/N: I have a series in mind for this so the story between these two could continue. But for now it works as a standalone. Enjoy!
Consider buying me a coffee :)
There was no one in the world you disliked more than Dieter Bravo. It was a shame that he knew you better than anyone else ever had.
The two of you had had the unfortunate experience of always ending up in the same place. It had started during a chemistry read for a movie a few years back. Neither of you had ended up getting the job but it was undeniable that there was chemistry between you. Just not the kind of chemistry needed to play lovers on screen. Let's just say that you'd gotten off on the wrong foot and had never really recovered from it.
Next you'd both attended a charity event together, the both of you somehow being the star beneficiaries of the evening. The night included a lot of strained smiles, forced conversation and fake laughter.
Then there'd been the year long shoot you'd both winded up on for some up and coming director who'd begged for the both of you to appear in his movie, the promises of awards from every inch of the world for the both of you afterwards. And when award season came around, it turned out he was right. Awards did come flooding in. But for Dieter. Not you. It didn't help that you had to see the smug actor give the same speech at every ceremony as he graciously accepted the accolades.
And with that came the press junkets and the rounds of interviews, panels, and question and answer sessions. You pretty much saw Dieter Bravo every single day for almost two years. And the distaste for him never really went away. Sadly, this meant that he came to know the ins and outs of your life. Dieter could recite your schedule, list every single detail of your close friends and family's lives and could read your emotions like an open book. He knew you well. Too well. And he used this to his advantage.
And here you were again. On another movie with him. Somehow. You didn't know how it'd come to be as you'd made your agent swear never to put you in a project with him again. But shit happens.
After weeks of endless negotiations about budget, you'd finally arrived on set for rehearsals and table reads and the director had already warned that you were behind schedule. Shooting hadn't even started yet and you were already regretting it.
It didn't help when you'd been told that the hotel room that had been provided for you by the production company was right next to Dieter's. When you'd gotten there, you'd just stared at your shared wall for ten minutes and wondered how sound proof it was. You knew his reputation, had witnessed it even, and didn't fancy the sleepless nights if he was bringing someone new back to his room every night for the foreseeable future.
When you arrived for day one of table reads, you rushed around introducing yourself to everyone. You weren't the most sociable person ever, funny considering your career choice, and avoided one particular person whose gaze followed you around the room the whole time.
It was impossible not to feel his eyes on you. When Dieter's dark brown eyes latched onto a target, he wouldn't let go until he had his claws sunk in. In your case, it was different. He didn't view you as someone to sleep with but someone to torment with his presence instead.
You managed to successfully ignore him until your over enthusiastic director, Rodney, felt the need to introduce the two of you despite him knowing that the two of you already knew each other.
You looked up at Dieter, preparing yourself for the worst. His eyes looked clearer than usual, not as glazed over. You figured he'd been to rehab recently and was temporarily sober. That happened often. But never lasted long.
"Hi." You nodded up at him, brushing off the director's superficial nonsense that he'd spouted in attempt to make the two of you sudden best friends.
Dieter didn't return the greeting. "How're your parents?"
Small talk was meaningless between the two of you. Dieter knew everything about you. Everything. He'd met your parents on more than one occasion at different after parties, wrap parties, even on set once or twice. You hated to say that your mother loved him and your father liked him more than anyone else you'd ever introduced him to in this industry.
"Fine. Grandparents now." You replied, watching Rodney ease himself out of the conversation and wander off.
"Sister and her husband finally managed to conceive, huh?" He asked and you nodded in response despite the weird way he'd worded it. "You're an aunt. Cute."
"Yeah. How're you?" You sighed and looked over his shoulder, wondering how long it would take before the snappy responses started between the two of you.
He smirked. "Good."
"Good." You cleared your throat. "I hear that we're neighbours."
"Hm, lucky me."
Your eyes snapped back to his, not quite getting the tone in his voice. "Try to keep the noise down."
The smirk on his face was punchable. "I'll try my best."
You scoffed. "Yeah, okay."
Suddenly, you were swept away by other cast and crew members who were just dying to meet you. That was strange. You were used to people wanting to meet Dieter. But, as you found out from someone on the makeup team, you were the hot commodity on this set. A sense of pride filled your bones at the sound of that.
The days flew by. Table reads were completed, along with a few spontaneous rehearsals. You avoided Dieter at all costs, trying not to interact with him if you weren't reciting words from a script. And it was going pretty well. Except for the nights.
The walls were apparently extremely thin in the hotel you were staying in, just as you’d feared. You knew this how exactly? By the very clear sex sounds that would practically shake the wall you shared with Dieter. Moans, groans, a squeaking bed, a rattling headboard, the occasional scream even. It was torture. And you could do nothing apart from bury your head under a pillow. Unless you developed the confidence to go knocking on his door to tell him to cut it out. Which you didn't.
It didn't escape your notice that he was clearly accompanied by a new person every night, the tones of their noises changing each time. It also didn't escape you that Dieter was clearly very good in bed. If the sounds of his partners were any indication at least. They all seemed very enthusiastic to be in his company.
You grew used to it after a few days. Mainly because you had to. There was no point losing sleep over something you already knew about Dieter. He liked sex. A lot. And he had a reputation for a reason. It just pissed you off that you had to hear it. And that it seemed to come so easily to him...
It was devastating news to you when the director told you that the first day of shooting was going to be one of the sex scenes of the movie. You'd initially attempted to persuade him to move it later into the production but he had insisted that there was no need for that. The years of you and Dieter knowing, and hating, each other had been enough to build the chemistry needed for the movie. All the sexual tension was apparently already there. You’d disagreed with that last point.
When the day finally came, you were tense. More tense than usual anyway. The only thing reassuring you was the meeting you'd had with the intimacy coordinator who had told you that every detail you'd told her, everything that you didn't want to happen, would be implimented to make you as comfortable as possible.
You'd been placed in a bed, naked from the waist up and you had been there alone for longer than you should've been. After so many years you shouldn't be surprised that Dieter was late. It was sort of his specialty. The fact that this was the first day of shooting was mildly annoying however.
When he finally appeared in nothing but his underwear and a robe, the latter of which he shed as soon as he saw you waiting for him in the bed, he sent half hearted apologies to everyone in the room. When he got to you the apology was a lot more sarcastic. "And I am eternally sorry for keeping you waiting, sweetheart."
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes and let your head fall back against the pillow, teeth clenching at the sound of the pet name he’d gifted you all those years ago when you’d first met.
Dieter grinned at the reaction and crawled on top of you after both the director and the intimacy coordinator had instructed him of the positioning they wanted. His legs were between yours, an elbow on either side of your head to keep him slightly elevated so he wasn't leaning all of his body weight on you.
You avoided his eyes, having him hovering over you like this with your tits out was embarrassing. Especially when his own bare chest was so close to rubbing against yours.
Dieter lowered his head so his lips brushed against the shell of your ear. "Don't look so tense. It's okay. You're gorgeous and I won't look if you don't want me to."
That surprised you. What surprised you even more is that he looked genuine when he pulled back to meet your eyes again.
You shook your head. "It's fine."
The director suddenly cursed loudly. "Dieter, relax! We're having some issues with the mics so just do whatever for a minute."
"Sure thing, boss!" Dieter called back, sitting up and pulling the blankets up to cover you in the process. "So you don't get cold."
You sat up and clutched the blanket over your chest. "Thanks."
It was freaking you out with how nice he was being. Dieter Bravo was anything but a gentleman. Yet here he was... being almost chivalrous.
And then he winked at you. "Nice rack by the way."
Yeah, okay, you expected him to ruin it.
"Charming, Bravo. Really." You snapped.
"Just stating facts." He shrugged.
You frowned at him and looked away.
"Hey." His voice was soft.
You looked back at him.
"Sorry, it was a joke." His brown eyes were wide and apologetic.
You ran your tongue over your teeth, aggravation rippling through you. "It's fine."
He shook his head, curls bouncing against his forehead. "No, it's not. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Your frown deepened. "Isn't it your life's mission to irritate me?"
He grinned. "Irritate you? Yes. Make you uncomfortable at work? No."
Before you had the chance to reply, the microphones were fixed and the two of you were instructed to get back into places. You both settled back into position, a sigh escaping you. It was difficult to believe that this was the first thing you were filming. Not even the conversation leading up to this particular section of the scene. You questioned the director's choices.
"Right, so we know what we're doing, yeah?" Rodney called to you both.
You nodded but Dieter raised his hand like he had a question.
"I can't remember. Are we touching tits or not?"
The intimacy coordinator looked towards you for a moment for confirmation before nodding. "Yes. Touching breasts is fine, Dieter."
He hummed in acknowledgment before looking back at you as he flexed his fingers and rolled his wrists. "Gotta get the circulation going so my hands aren't too cold. Don't want your nipples freezing off."
You stared back up at him in slight shock. "That would be unfortunate, yes."
He smiled and pressed the backs of his fingers to your cheek. "That temperature okay?"
"Not nipple freezing cold."
Just maybe nipple hardening cold.
You pushed the thought from your head and gave him a nod to assure him that it was fine. "Let's just get this started."
He laughed at your clear disdain of the situation and looked towards the small group of crew members to give them the go ahead.
It went pretty smoothly. All the technology continued to work for the rest of the scene luckily and neither you nor Dieter messed up too much to call for reshoots. You simply just gave each other a lot of open mouthed, but tongueless, kisses with no emotion behind them whatsoever and made noises of satsifaction in all the right places as he groped at you gently but confidently. It was a surprisingly simple day of shooting. The director had decided that this would be all you did for the first day, wanting a few good angles that would take up a lot of time, and didn't want to push you into doing more than necessary.
When lunch rolled around, you grabbed a salad from the catering tent outside and took a seat on a table by yourself. You wanted a few moments of peace to relax before you got back into the swing of shooting. The peace was short lived as your least favourite person took a seat directly opposite you, a sandwich on his plate.
You stared at him with scorn. "I wasn't aware we did lunch together."
Dieter looked back at you amused. "Well, considering that I've felt you up now, I thought it was only fitting to grace you with my presence over a lovely meal." His eyes lowered to your salad. "Why the fuck did you get that?"
You poked at the sad plate in front of you with your fork. "It was the only thing that looked remotely fresh."
He looked at his own food. "I do have to say that my sandwich looks a few days old."
"Days?" You gasped. "Try decades!"
Dieter scoffed. "Well, some of us can't afford to eat a salad. Some of us are trying to maintain our physiques."
He was referencing the so-called dad bod he'd developed over the last few years. People loved it. His cheeks were fuller than they used to be, somehow making his dimples more pronounced when he smiled, and his stomach was now softer. It was hot. That was for sure. You held your own quiet appreciation for the way he looked. But that wasn't something you would ever voice to him. Not in a million years.
"Maybe some carbs would make you loosen up." He added on, frowning down at his sandwich now that you'd both acknowledged how it most definitely hadn't been made that day. "Get that stick out your ass."
Something in you snapped at that. You did not have a stick up your ass. You did not need to loosen up. So you did the thing you'd told yourself you wouldn't. You decided to confront him.
You played it cool at first. "How long have we known each other?"
He looked back up at you, eyes squinted in confusion. "A long time. Too long even. Why?"
"Would it be acceptable for me to ask you for a small favour?" You stirred your salad with the fork, not easily done, in an attempt to seem nonchalant.
That caught his attention, giving you his full focus as his head tilted to the side slightly. "That depends on what this small favour is."
"When you have... fun time with your... friends could you play some music? Or better yet, go back to their place? Walls are thin." You hated the words that came out of your mouth. Why didn't you just say sex? Too late now.
His eyebrows quirked at your strange terminology. "When I what?"
"You know." You waved your hand, determined to stick with it now.
"Have sex? Fuck? Bang? Screw?" He asked and you nodded. "Come on, we're both adults. You can say sex to my face. Especially since you've heard it apparently."
Your brows pushed together unhappily. "Fine. When you have sex."
"Only if you promise to play music when you fail to get yourself off when you masturbate." He finally took a bite of his sandwich and immediately grimaced.
Your heart dropped down to your stomach. "What?"
He smirked, knowing he had you. "Walls are thin. You're loud. And frustrated."
"You hear me?" You knew the walls were thin. You didn't know that they were that thin. You always tried to stay as quiet as possible.
Dieter prodded at his sandwich with his finger a final time before pushing it away. "It'd be pretty hard not to. Maybe I should introduce you to one of my friends. To help you, I mean."
"Wouldn't work." You mumbled, not really for him to hear.
His interest was piqued further. "Oh, so a full orgasm mental block then?"
You clenched your teeth together. "I hate you."
"Unfortunate considering I'm the only person capable of reading you like an open book." He grinned at you, fully sarcastic. "Hmm, maybe that's what you need actually."
"Someone capable of reading you like a book. To see what's really working, or not working, for you." He looked you up and down quickly.
You scoffed. "You better not be suggesting what I think you're suggesting."
His voice dipped down in both volume and tone. "You know I'd be better than anyone else you've ever had. You've heard my work. I'm exceptional and come highly recommended."
You looked away from him. "That's not funny, Dieter."
"You're sexually frustrated?"
You huffed. "Yes. Very."
"And I'm good at sex and know you better than anyone. Is it not a reasonable conclusion?" He threw his hands in the air as if to emphasise how obvious the solution should be.
"You're ridiculous." You hissed, pushing up from the table and storming away. You hated him. Despised him.
"The orgasms would make you feel better." He called after you.
You didn't fail to notice the use of the plural - orgasms.
Luckily for you the rest of the day consisted of close ups of just you sprawled on the bed. No Dieter needed. But you didn't fail to notice how he hovered around the set anyway and observed. His brown eyes burned into your skin for the remainder of filming.
When you were done, you retreated to your dressing room and got dressed as quickly as you could. A car was called at your request and you were back in your hotel room ordering room service before anyone even had the opportunity to invite you out for drinks to celebrate the first day of filming.
You needed to be alone. For many reasons, including the fact that you just liked your solitude. But the biggest one, the reason that had been plaguing your mind since it had been suggested to you, was the idea of sleeping with Dieter. Not being able to believe yourself at how utterly ridiculous it was, but you were seriously considering it.
You knew he was good in bed. The sex noises you'd heard through the wall didn't lie. But he was the one person in the world that you disliked more than anyone else you had ever met. So why was the idea of it playing around in your head so much?
When you heard Dieter's own hotel room door close, you were surprised that he seemed to be alone. Abnormal. For him at least. But you ignored it.
And you ignored the ache between your legs that was bothering you as you showered and changed into your pyjamas. You ignored the way your heart hammered in your chest as you crawled under the bedsheets. You ignored the fact that you were still wide awake after two hours of attemtping to fall asleep.
Well... you ignored it for another thirty minutes before you sighed to yourself and got out of bed, grabbed your room key and tiptoed to your co-star's room. You knocked once quietly and received no answer. So you knocked again, louder and more impatient this time. After a few seconds his door swung open with the quietest of creaks but loud enough to still make you wince. You weren't doing anything wrong technically but the idea of anyone finding out about this made your stomach churn.
Dieter stood there, rumpled from bed, and looked down at you confused. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he mumbled a gravelly question. "Why're you here?"
You hesitated which caught his attention, suddenly sobering up from fatigue and looking more concerned.
"You okay?”
Your jaw ticked with nerves. Fuck it, what did you have to lose? "Your offer."
"My offer?" He looked more confused than before, obviously not recalling your previous conversation.
You sighed, frustratedly. "Yes. About sleeping with you."
He blinked rapidly a couple of times. "I was only teasing. I'm sorry if I offended you-"
You interrupted him before he could go any further and ruin what confidence you'd managed to build up. "No, I'm here to take you up on it."
Dieter said nothing which was not a good sign. He loved to talk, especially to annoy you. Silence meant something bad.
"You were right. I'm sexually frustrated and can't get off. By myself or with anyone." You whispered harshly. "I think you're attractive and you're my best hope at finding out whether I'm just broken or something else is going on."
He looked down at you with softened eyes. Pity. You didn't want his pity. "I don't-"
You cut him off again. "Please."
He paused and then nodded, opening the door wider. "Okay."
You pushed past him. "No one ever finds out about this and we never talk about it again. Is that clear?"
"Crystal." He closed and locked the door behind the two of you. "For the record, I was going to say that I don't think you're broken."
"We'll determine that after you, hopefully, manage to make me come." You planted your hands on your hips.
His eyes raked over you. "You're too stressed. You're not used to casual, are you?"
"No, I can do casual with people I don't know and who definitely don't know me. And you know me too well, Dieter. So, yeah, I'm stressed. Because this-" You gestured between the two of you. "-isn't casual."
"Relax. I'm sure I'll be able to figure out what makes you tick." He smirked, sauntering closer. "I already know what you don't like."
You flinched at that statement. "How?"
"Had a very long conversation with the intimacy coordinator about what was off-limits. Apparently you had a list." A real smile broke across his face as he reached up to pull your hands from your hips, plucking your room key from your fingers and tossing it onto the vanity, before tracing his own fingers across your arms.
Heat prickled the surface of your skin. "Oh."
"Don't look so embarrassed." His hands got to your shoulders and rested there, forcing them down to relax. "Although, you could've told me yourself."
"And have you tease me? No thanks." You scoffed, looking away from him.
He hummed lowly in the back of his throat. "I like to tease you, yes. But I never want to make you feel uncomfortable. Not like that anyway and especially not at work. I told you this."
Your gaze darted back to him, to see if he was being genuine. He was.
Your eyebrows pulled up in uncertainty. "You confuse me."
"I know." His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he looked you up and down. "You confuse me too."
His hands slid up to your neck, warm palms engulfing you. "Coming to me begging to have sex despite claiming to loathe me."
You briefly snapped out of the atmosphere he'd created with his touch and pulled back from him. "I'm not begging."
"I was joking, sweetheart. I'm sorry. You don't have to beg me for this anyway." He tugged you closer to him again.
"What do you mean?" You moved more into his hold.
He chuckled, one hand lowering to circle around your waist and dipping his head to trace the lines of your neck with the tip of his nose. "Nothing. I'm just talking to calm you and make you more pliant."
Your eyelids fluttered shut. "Touch my tits with your icicle hands again and I'm sure we'll get there eventually."
He laughed louder at that, one hand cupping your cheek as he pulled back to look at you. "Are they really that cold?"
"They were earlier. Now they're warmer." You pressed your cheek into his palm, eyes closing at the feeling.
"Leaning on them for too long fucks up my blood flow." He explained, swiping his thumb across your skin. "You're so pretty."
Your eyes shot open to meet his at that. You'd never seen him look so sincere. You'd also never felt the desire to kiss him before. Until now. "Please kiss me." You curled your fists into the front of his shirt and pulled him down to meet your eyeline.
His forehead pushed against yours. "You sure you want this?"
He took that and pressed his lips against yours, soft and tender, barely there. And pulled back again to gauge your reaction.
"More." You whispered, hands sliding up to thread into the hair on the back of his head.
He hummed lowly, a flicker of a smile on his face before he kissed you again. This time it was firmer and held more purpose. You'd never noticed before but Dieter smelt nice. It was comforting as he drew you into his chest, arms wrapped tightly around you. The kisses grew more heated, moving from a few pecks to being open mouthed and longer. He was a good kisser, you begrudgingly noted. Good for now but the part of you that hated him disliked that he was also gifted at this. When his tongue slid into your mouth and pressed up against yours, you tensed up. It wasn't unpleasant. Just a bit of a shock to the system.
Dieter pulled back to look down at you. "Relax. I'll look after you, I promise. Believe me?"
"Yes." You whispered and pulled him back towards you. No one had ever kissed you like this. Dieter understood you. He felt the way your muscles would shift when he did something you didn't like and would immediately pull back, quickly assess the situation and find something else you preferred. His hands lingered in places that made you feel good, kissed you enough so you felt wanted but not too much to overwhelm you. You'd never felt so safe with someone before.
And you never could have imagined the feeling that was swirling around inside you at the notion that he was touching you, kissing you. This was Dieter Bravo. The man you'd hated for years. And yet here he was, making you feel things you'd never felt before this moment. Sure, you'd acknowledged the fact that he was an attractive man when you'd first met him. But the idea of being attracted to him had never crossed your mind until recently. Very recently. It just didn't seem possible.
His hands slid down to your ass, palming the flesh there as he groaned into your mouth at the feeling. It was nice to know that he was enjoying this as well. He crowded you against him, seeming to take an impossible step closer to you.
He broke away from you momentarily. "Trust me?"
"Yes." You nodded slowly, dazed by the fact that it was true. You did trust him. With this at least anyway.
He smiled against your lips at that. "Do you want control or do you want me to take care of you?"
You pondered it for a moment. You didn't even know where you'd start with this. With him. It was an overwhelming thought. Which is why your answer was so natural.
"Take care of me please."
His responding smile was easy, soothing, as he directed you backwards towards the bed until your legs hit the frame.
"We're going to take this slow, okay? So try to have some patience." He cupped your face in his large hands, looking at you seriously.
You huffed. "I can be patient. As long as it's worth my time."
He laughed and kissed you quickly. "I'll make this worth your time."
You giggled against his mouth. "You're very confident in your abilities."
"As are you considering you're here asking me to make you come." He moved to place an open mouthed kiss on your jaw, teeth scraping against your skin. "Get on the bed."
It took a lot of self restraint for Dieter to stop himself from just picking you up and throwing you on the bed. But he promised himself he'd be gentle with you, giving you some power over the situation. After all, you'd asked him to take care of you. So that's exactly what he was going to do.
He didn't need to ask you twice by the seems of it anyway since you dropped onto the bed at his request, bouncing a couple of times before pulling your legs up and sliding yourself backwards towards the pillows. Dieter smothered a gleeful grin at how suddenly eager you seemed to be. Your enthusiam should only help your orgasm problem, as long as he got you to ease up a lot more. You were such a tense person. He tasked himself with rectifying that.
Climbing onto the bed and sitting up on his knees, Dieter looked at you breathing heavily, chest heaving as you waited for him to get closer. He couldn't quite tell if you were anxious or just turned on. He fell forward onto his hands and crawled to you, pushing you onto your back as he moved over you.
Gaze moving towards the way your breasts were straining against your sleep shirt with every inhale, he let a question roll around in his head for a couple of seconds before just deciding to ask it. "On a scale of one to ten, how horny would you say you are right now?"
Your mouth dropped open, that was the last thing you expected him to say with the way his pupils had blown wide as he stared at your chest. "A six. Maybe a seven."
He only grunted in response.
"It might be higher. I can't tell. I'm pretty nervous."
Ah, so anxiety was playing a factor in your breathing rate. Good to know, Dieter thought.
"Let's fix that." He rasped before kissing you again, not hesitating this time to let his tongue roam your mouth. He found he liked the way your legs seemed to automatically wrap around him and pull him closer over you so you were chest to chest.
Your arms wound around his neck, one hand carding through his hair. The two of you barely broke away for breath, the only sound in the room being those of your lips colliding and separating. You were surprised to find how long he kissed you without doing anything else. Most guys would be insisting on getting into your pants right about now. But Dieter hadn't done anything more than grope at your ass, and that had been when you were still standing up.
You liked kissing. Liked it a lot. Especially when the person you were kissing was good at it and seemed to enjoy it as much as you did. So this was nice. Just kissing. You hadn't kissed someone for this long since you were a teenager and still a virgin when making out seemed like the most exciting thing in the world.
You let your hands roam Dieter a little more, allowing them to drift down his back and smooth back up across his shoulders. He was so broad, you realised. How had you never realised how big he was before? He was taller than you, sure. But you had never noticed the sheer size of him before. He was broad shouldered and had large hands. It sent a pulse to your core.
He made you squeal in surprise when he managed to wrap his arms around and underneath you and flipped the two of you so you were on your sides, legs tangled together and not an inch of space between you. Despite the lack of room, you still found yourself pushing into him even more. He encouraged this by gliding a hand to the small of your back and pressing you against him. He groaned into your mouth when your pelvis moved against his, rubbing against his hard on.
Instead of pursuing that like you assumed he would, he grabbed your thigh and hooked your leg over his waist so your clothed pussy pushed against the muscle of his thigh. He could feel the heat of you through two layers of clothing, both your sleep shorts and his own pants. Then his hand slipped over to your ass where he squeezed, causing a gasp to rattle out of you into his mouth, and rocked your hips against his thigh. You felt your clit grinding against him and whined at the feeling it made ripple through you.
"Mm, good girl." He whispered against your lips and rocked you against him again.
It felt good. Better than you expected it to. So you picked up the pace yourself, letting his hand guide you as you ground yourself against his thigh desperately. The sensation was slowly building, very slowly, but it was definitely there. You didn't have the brain capacity to think about the potential orgasm sneaking up on you though as Dieter kept kissing you, despite it becoming messier as you couldn't hold back the noises he was drawing out of you. It became a simple clash of lips and tongues, teeth clacking together every few seconds, as you sought out the feeling you craved.
But it became obvious after a little while longer that it was hopeless.
You pulled back from him frustrated and let out a sound of disappointment as you pressed your forehead into his chest. "It's no use- I can't-"
"Hey, hey, hey." He cut you off, placing a finger under your chin to make you look up at him. "Don't give up now. It was close, I know it. We'll just rework and go with a different angle, okay?"
A part of you wanted to run away and forget this whole thing, hoping he wouldn't hold this against you in the future. You couldn't imagine the teasing material Dieter would come up with if he knew the fact that you couldn't come and had run away after failing to get off with him.
But the way he was looking at you, so warm and kind, had you rethinking that. This was so unlike him. So you just nodded at him.
He returned the nod, a smile on his face. "Okay. So, that felt good, didn't it?" He didn't need you to agree. The sounds you were making told him enough. "So we'll slow down and keep going from there."
You didn't exactly know what he meant by that but decided to just carry on following his lead anyway. Delighted when he kissed you again, you whimpered against his mouth as his hand returned to your ass and rocked your hips over his thigh again. But this time more gently. He kept doing that for a while, never letting the speed of it increase. And the sensation from before built steadily. You stayed calm and didn't let it overtake you, allowing Dieter to have control over the situation.
He let the sounds coming from your throat tell him when to move on to the next step. Slowly he rolled the two of you over so you were on your back again, breaking away from your mouth to start kissing down the length of your body.
You raised your head to look at him. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going down on you." He said casually, finger tracing along the buttons of your shirt. "Can I take this off?"
You nodded, watching as he unfastened each button unhurriedly and sat up to help him slide it from your shoulders. "You don't have to do that. I know a lot of guys don't like that."
His head snapped up to meet your eyes, looking as if you'd just shot him. "Who the fuck have you been sleeping with?" He asked with disgust, hands landing on your chest and immediately kneading the flesh of your tits.
Your mouth dropped open at the feeling, head dropping back onto the pillows. "Guys not worth my time apparently."
"You're right about that." Dieter mumbled, flicking his tongue over one of your nipples. "I happen to love eating pussy."
"Noted." You sighed, toes curling as he sucked the nipple into his mouth.
After spending a considerable amount of time worshipping your chest, including lots of babbling about how fucking soft you were, Dieter finally decided to carry on with his journey downwards. He tugged at the string of your sleep shorts, ribbon unravelling and leaving the waistband loose.
He glanced up at you with the silent question of asking permission to take the shorts off which you nodded at. He smirked and slid them down your legs with the aid of you arching yourself up to help him, pleased when he saw you weren’t wearing panties. The smirk grew into a smile that could only compared to that of the Cheshire Cat when he saw how wet you were.
"All this from just rubbing yourself against my thigh. Lucky me."
"Don't make fun of me." You grumbled, glaring at him.
He tutted, pushing your thighs apart to get a better look. "I'm not, sweetheart, I promise. I can't wait to taste you."
You had no time to reply as he rubbed a thumb across you, spreading your arousal across your slit and up to your clit where he circled a couple of times. Flattening himself onto his stomach so his face was level with your pussy, Dieter placed a tentative lick on your clit. When a broken cry escaped you, he took it as a sign to keep going. Licking a long stripe up, gathering your wetness on his tongue, Dieter let out a moan of his own. You tasted better than he anticipated. It was going to take a lot for him to not bury his face against you and suffocate himself.
Instead he chose to lick against your clit a couple more times, liking the way your back arched up off the bed at the feeling. Slowly, he sucked the bundle of nerves into his mouth and revelled at the strangled whimper that left you, a hand flying into his hair to pull him closer. Dieter groaned as you tugged on the brown strands. Focusing on your clit for a while, he chose to test something else. He slid a finger into you, feeling your thighs tense on either side of his head. And not in a good way. So he removed the finger and chose to continue just suckling on your clit instead.
You weren't quite there yet and that was okay. He was fine with using just his mouth and tongue for the moment. You started writhing under him anyway, which was a good sign in his mind, so he flattened a hand over your stomach to keep you still.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You gasped, pulling on his hair even harder. You were close, moving to the brink with every move Dieter made, and you both knew it.
Dieter just wondered what would get you there. He could see out of the corner of his eye that the hand that wasn't in his hair was grasping at the sheets beneath you. So he reached out to take it in his. And so with one of his hands on your stomach to keep you still and one of yours looped through his hair, the free hands that each of you had finding each other and linking, fingers lacing together, that was all it took to have you crashing over the edge.
Your thighs trembled on either side of his head as you practically screamed his name, hand pushing his face into you as your hips moved against him of their own accord. The orgasm pulsed through you, seeming almost never ending, as Dieter crawled back up the length of your body and placed kisses all over your face.
When you finally returned back down to Earth, you opened your eyes and blinked up at him. You couldn’t believe he’d managed it. "You are fucking good at this."
He shook his head and chuckled. "That was the easy part. What's next is the real test."
"Easy- next- what?" You were beyond confused. He'd made you come. His task was complete. What was he talking about?
"The majority of women get off easier with oral. Penetrative sex isn't as likely to make a woman come." He explained, sitting up and reaching off the side of the bed to open a drawer in his nightstand and retrieve a condom. "These are cherry flavoured, is that okay? Or do you have an allergy to flavoured lube? Shit, or a latex allergy?"
You swallowed thickly. "You're going to fuck me? Like actually fuck me?"
"Look at you managing to say fuck. Big turn around from fun time or whatever shit you said to me this afternoon." He shook his head as he chuckled. "But yes, sweetheart. I am going to fuck you. Unless you don't want me to. And in that case I'll have to politely ask you to excuse me so I can go jerk off in the bathroom. But I think it'll be nice. Another orgasm never hurts."
The two of you held eye contact for a moment as he waited for you to respond. The idea of another orgasm had you wanting more.
"No allergies to flavoured lube or latex here." You said, reaching out to grab at his t-shirt to pull him over you again.
"I'm so glad to hear that because this is all I've got." He breathed against your mouth before kissing you.
Your hands slid to the hem of his t-shirt, sliding it up slowly and over his head when he broke away from you momentarily to take it off. Your hands immediately landed on his chest, nails raking down his torso onto his stomach and then your fingers hooked into his waistband. Dieter gave you the go ahead to tug the pants down with a low hum and kicked them off his feet without pulling away from your mouth for a second.
You didn't need to look to know that Dieter was big considering all of him was suddenly pressed up against you. You found it fascinating to know that the rumours of him being hung like a horse were, in fact, very true.
You broke away from the kiss when you felt the full length of him hot and heavy against your stomach. "Fuck me, you're huge."
Dieter looked down between your bodies. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before. "Thanks."
You met his eyes again. "I somehow hate you even more now."
He just burst out into laughter. Now that was new.
"It's not fair that you're good at eating pussy and also have a horse cock. A guy should only have one of those assets. Having both is like having too much power." You groaned, reaching down to take him in your hand.
His laughter abruptly cut off at the feeling of your fingers wrapping around him, head dropping down to meet your shoulder. "Fuck, think it's time to be inside you now."
"That'd be good." You mumbled, watching him as he pushed up onto his knees and ripped the condom open, rolled it down onto his himself with ease and pumped his dick a couple times. The last part was unnecessary considering he was rock hard and not softening anytime soon without coming.
Dieter grabbed the tops of your thighs and used them as leverage to pull you towards him so the two of you aligned. Taking his length in his fist, he slapped the tip against your clit a few times before sliding it up and down your slit, combining the cherry lube with the wetness left behind by your previous orgasm. Notching himself at your entrance, he made eye contact with you for one last bit of confirmation. When he found it, he pushed into you.
He slid in easier than expected, the two of you sighing deeply at the feeling as he leaned over you again. He pulled out slowly after a moment, the clench of your walls making him shudder, and then thrust back in again.
"Does that feel good?" He asked you, needing to check in.
Your legs wrapped around him, forcing him in even deeper somehow. "Fuck yes."
"I'm glad. Because this is heavenly for me." He told you, taking your pleasured expression as an invitation to set up a steady pace. Nothing too fast otherwise he'd be finishing this earlier than he wanted to, but enough to make the both of you feel good.
But you were impatient. "Dieter, faster."
"Sweetheart, if I go any faster then I'm going to blow my load prematurely and I really don't want that. And I’m sure you don’t either."
"I thought you were a veteran at this. Should be able to last longer than two minutes." You quipped back.
He huffed out a laugh. "I was close to jizzing in my pants when we were making out so trust me when I say this is overwhelmingly good for me right now. Besides, gotta make you orgasm again first."
With that statement, he slid a hand between your bodies and rubbed tight circles onto your clit, completely out of pace with the way he was moving in and out of you. The discrepancy between the two sensations had your brain going haywire and you clutched at his face to get him to kiss you again. He groaned into your mouth when you clenched around him again, finally moving a little faster.
As much as Dieter wanted to go slow with you, he could feel how much you craved more. So he picked up the pace and went a little harder, pausing momentarily when the headboard hit the wall and you let out a delighted noise at the sound.
"Oh, you like that?" He asked, mouth dropping open when you nodded rapidly. "Yeah?"
"Yes, Dieter. Oh, my god, yes." You gasped, nails clawing at his shoulders with the need to hold onto something.
"Dirty fucking girl, liking the headboard slamming against the wall." He realised something. "You could hear it when I was in here with other people, couldn't you?"
You could do nothing but confess. "Yes, oh my- fuck!" You were cut off by your own expletive as he rammed back into you, hitting a spot that no one else had even come close to reaching before.
"Wanted to get it as good, huh?" He asked, digging his fingers into the flesh of your thighs as the pace of his thumb increased on your clit. "Promised I'd make it good for you, didn't I?"
You nodded, words escaping you as tears streamed from your eyes.
"Come on, sweetheart. I can feel it. You're going to come for me again, aren't you?" He watched as you attempted to answer him, only managing a few babbled words of agreement. "What do you need? What's going to make you come all over my cock?"
You still couldn't form a coherent sentence as his harsh thrusts had you moving up and down the bed, your tits bouncing in rhythm. So you placed a hand on either of his cheeks and pulled him into a messy kiss, your tongue curling against his. That was what it took to make you orgasm again, a wail leaving your throat and tumbling into Dieter's mouth as your thighs trembled and your walls fluttered around him. The feeling of that sent him over the edge too, a couple more pumps before he was spilling himself into the condom.
Neither of you broke away from the kiss for a moment as you calmed down, sweat pooling between you as he slowly pulled out and the kisses turned sweeter and more innocent. Dieter eventually climbed off of the bed and threw the condom in the trash before crawling back to you.
"What are you doing?" You asked as he settled over you again.
"More making out for a minute." He replied simply, placing his lips over yours.
It lasted longer than a minute, that was for sure. But neither of you were complaining. By the time he decided to pull away again, your legs had stopped shaking with the aftershocks of the orgasm and your breathing had slowed to a normal rate.
Dieter looked down at you pleased with what he'd managed to achieve as a question crossed his mind. "I'm curious... when was the last time you orgasmed?"
You shrugged as the two of you sat up in the bed. "I can't remember."
"Okay, when was the last time you made yourself come? Give me an estimate." He waved his hand around in the air.
You thought about it. "A few months maybe."
He frowned, that was too long in his opinion. "And when was the last time a guy made you come?"
You hesitated before shaking your head.
The frown deepened. "What does that mean?"
You took a deep breath before answering. "Never."
His eyes darkened, lids becoming hooded. "Never?"
"I'm the first?" He didn't seem to believe you.
But you were insistent. "Yeah."
"Okay, lie back down." He said, poking at your chest to get you to rest against the pillows.
You let out a confused laugh. "What? Why?"
"Because I'm getting another fucking orgasm out of you."
You shook your head, attempting to stay sitting up. "You don't need to. You've done enough."
"Two. You've been given two orgasms by men. Both of which are from me. I need at least a third before I let you leave this room." He stretched his arms out and started moving down the bed. "Besides, you taste good and I already want to go down on you again."
"Dieter, you don't have to do that for me- oh."
He looked smug as he brushed your clit with his thumb, effectively cutting you off.
"Okay, maybe one more won't hurt." You relented, collapsing onto the pillows.
"Excellent." He chirped in response, literally diving in head first into your cunt again with a long lick up your slit. He groaned lowly, looking up at you as he pulled away. "We're gonna have to do this again sometime."
You froze. "What? Why?"
"Because I said I wanted to taste you again but all I'm getting right now is the cherry lube from the condom." He sounded disappointed.
"Sounds delicious, actually." You hummed, pushing yourself up on your elbows so you could see him better.
"Not as delicious as you, fuck." Despite the obvious discontentment, Dieter still went back to licking at you like there was no tomorrow. And it didn't take long for another orgasm to hit you, his skilled tongue combined with the leftover influence of the previous two.
When he made his way up the bed and landed next to you with his eyes closed, you took it as your cue to leave. So you slid out of the bed and started searching for your pyjamas.
"Where are you going?"
You stilled and stiffly turned to look at Dieter. Wasn't it obvious? "Back to my room."
His brow wrinkled "You don't have to go."
You straightened up, suddenly very aware of your nakedness. "I'm not spending the night."
He rolled his eyes. "I wasn't suggesting that, I figured as much. I do, however, strongly believe in this little thing called aftercare.”
"Oh." You hadn't considered that.
Yes. "Maybe."
He rolled his eyes again, smile still firmly planted on his face, and opened his arms for you. "Get back over here."
You did as he said, easily finding yourself in his embrace as he stroked patterns up and down your back. Some time later he went to get a washcloth from the bathroom to clean away the mess that the cherry lube had made between your thighs, before slipping back into bed next to you.
Despite both of you insisting that you'd go back to your room any minute, you didn't move out of his arms. And eventually the two of you fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.
A/N: I chose to write this rather than one of my final essays of the uni year… you’re welcome.
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poge-life · 2 years
𝟚𝟘 ℚ𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕄𝕋𝕍
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So, this is a little bit different than the other interview fics I’ve done. Drew isn’t in this one, it’s more of how someone playing the character I created would answer the questions asked. But I did have it to where they are dating so he is mentioned quite a bit. This is based off the interview Drew did for MTV, so go on and check that out!
“Hi, guys. I’m (y/n) (l/n) and I’m doing 20 questions for 2023 MTV.”
‘Hardest Outer Banks spoiler you’ve had to keep?’
“Either that Big John is still alive or that Rafe and Avery break up this season.” You spoke
‘If you were to make a fan page for someone, who would it be?’
“Madelyn Cline. I am her biggest fan and love her with all my whole heart,” you laughed, leaning back in the chair, “my username would be ‘maddyclinemarryme’.”
‘Favorite line from the show?’
“Keep running that mouth and see if don’t come knockin’ that J-Crew lookin’ ass out’
You let out a laugh, covering your mouth with your hand before taking a deep breath, “I’m sorry but that whole scene between Rafe and Barry is on repeat in my head all the time. Just the dynamic between them is amazing and cracks me up.”
‘What was your first impression of Drew when you two met?’
You couldn’t help but smile at the mention of your boyfriend. It seemed like a lifetime ago when you two met. You were blown away by him at the table read and how well he could just easily switch over to a character like Rafe.
“It’s cheesy but I fell for him at the table read. I was just so blown away by him and how he could get so into a character like Rafe without being anything like him,” You smiled, “We were both kind of shy around each other but we sucked it up and spent a lot of time together considering we had most of our scenes together.”
“By the end of filming, we felt like we had known each other for years.”
‘Have you ever had a crush on an animated character?’
There was absolutely no hesitation from you as soon as you answered, “Danny Phantom. He was the first character I had seen that set the tone of what kind of guys I would have a thing for.”
‘Drew hesitated with his answer.’
You looked over to one of the producers as you raised your eyebrows, “Who’d he say?”
‘Lola Bunny’
You rolled your eyes as you tapped the microphone against your lips, “Him and any other guy his age. I will say, Lola was like the cultural reset for cartoon women.”
‘Who is an artist you’ve had on repeat?’
“T-Swift. Or Adele. My first ever CD was Taylor’s debut album and I was in love with her. Adele just knows how to write music that knows just where to hit you and gets me all emotional.”
This next one was a voice message they had chosen. They had asked fans to send in any kind of questions they wanted and they would pick the best ones.
‘You recently said in an interview that your guilty pleasure was ‘America’s Next Top Model’, who was your favorite winner?’
“Ugh, I know there’s so much controversy about ANTM but I can't help but love the show. My sisters and I would sit there and watch it all the time. We lived for the drama. My favorite winner would probably be… Whitney from season 10. She was the first ever plus size girl to ever make it to the end. She’s also the only plus size model to ever win the show and that kind of gave me a sense of…security, I guess? That you don’t have to be a stick or have the same body type as everyone to be a model.”
‘What did you think of Rafe’s buzz cut?’
You excitedly sat up in your seat as you held out your hand, “Can I just point out the fact that Rafe hasn’t had the same hair cut in any season?”
“But I was surprised at how well that played out for Drew because he was practically shitting himself because he thought Jonas, our showrunner, was gonna get upset with him but he actually wanted Rafe to have buzzed hair this season. I was actually a major fan of the buzzed look.”
“Then again, I’m a little biased because he’s my boyfriend but he always looks good.” You shrugged, leaning back in the chair as the producers laughed at your words, “He’s sex on legs.”
‘What’s your favorite line from season 3?’
“ ‘What do you need from me to bring down Rafe?’ I think that says enough.”
‘What would be your ‘most likely’
“Most likely to be napping. It doesn’t matter where I am or what we’re doing. I will find somewhere to take a nap.”
They had pulled up some clips from the premiere of season 3 from some of the questions they asked and it was Madison, “ (Y/N), who has the best music taste out of our friend group and why is it me?”
You let out a laugh as you looked back over at the camera, agreeing with her, “Madison does have the best. Only because she and I have the same music taste so I’m always vibin’ when I’m with her.”
‘What is your go-to karaoke song?’
“Drew always makes me sing ‘Tequila’ with him. He says it’s because it’s only one word throughout the whole thing,” You explained, “Drew likes to commit to things but finds the easiest way to do it.”
‘What is your irrational fear?’
You shuddered as you spoke, “Spiders. I am terrified of them. Drew kills all the spiders in our house. It’s ironic because I have a spider-web tattooed on my shoulder. But do not ask me to do anything with a spider or else I will cry.”
‘If Avery had a theme song, what would it be?’
You thought about it for a second, tilting your head in thought, “Happier than ever by Billie Eilish. Especially for this season. This season really shows that Avery is struggling to hold onto her relationship with Rafe and starts to realize he isn’t the same guy he was when they first got together.”
‘If you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?’
You let out a puff of air as you leaned back in the chair, “Jesus, I don’t even know what I’m getting when I set up my appointment. I’d probably get something that has to do with my dog. He’s been my best friend since I’ve had him.”
‘What’s your favorite book?’
“ ‘The Way I used to be.’ It’s the first book I ever finished in one sitting. It was a lot darker than what I was used to reading but it easily became one of my favorites. I highly recommend it but it does cover very sensitive topics, so please look into them before you read it.”
‘What is your dream theater role?’
“Oo, Satine from ‘Moulin Rouge'.’ I fell in love with her and the show the first time I watched it. Or Christine Daae from ‘Phantom’ but I cannot sing for the life of me.”
‘What would the internet be surprised to learn about you?’
“I’m a homebody. I prefer staying in over going out. Probably watching ‘Degrassi’ or ‘Lord of the rings.”
‘Favorite TV show you’ve recently watched?’
“The walking dead,” you answered, “I stopped watching it after Rick left because I was tired of getting my feelings hurt by that show every 5 minutes. But I got back into it after the last season came out.”
“I have the game on my iPad and I’m constantly playing it.”
‘What do you think of everyone shipping Rafe and Barry?’
You let out a laugh, throwing your head back before looking back at the camera, “Oh, lord. I find it hilarious. Drew and Nick are a dynamic duo and everyone loves them. They’re constantly sending each other fan edits people make. They love it.”
“Rafe and Barry have more chemistry than Rafe and Avery do, I think.”
“And there you have it. That was 20 questions with MTV and you guys got to know me a little bit better. Be sure to check out season 3 on Netflix and go watch some other interviews we’ve done.”
Are there any specific interviews you guys want me to do? I honestly love doing them!
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minnophee-writes · 2 months
No One Escapes Death... Unless?
A/N: Hello again! I'm alive and well, just been really busy with job searching recently and had a job interview earlier this week so I had that take up most of my time. It's looking very promising so if I suddenly become very spaced out with posts then it'll be either because I got the job or I'm still searching ;w; Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Ghostface fic I did! Drew artwork that kinda inspired this fanfic as well <3
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Pairings: Danny "the Ghostface" Johnson x Penelope (OC)
Fic Warnings: Character death, blood, violence, knives, death, dub-consensual touching, dub-con, smaller female / taller man, size difference, dark smut, injuries, doggystyle, nonconsensual pictures and video taken, spitting, claiming, breeding, brief squirting, creampie, slight cumplay (if ya squint) (🔞MDNI this fic is for ADULTS! Begone minors🔞)
Summary: Screams echoed all around Penelope as she tried to work on repairing generators and helping her fellow teammates from being strung up on hooks like some sort of sick trophy. One by one her friends are slaughtered viciously; multiple, deep knife wound bleeding from the tops of their backs, and a river of fluids leaking from their mouths. When Penelope becomes the last survivor standing its a scramble to find the hatch before getting caught by the killer, but he's got better plans in store for her~
Word Count: 2,505 words
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Her hands shook slightly as her fingers tried to pair the correct wires to each other, slowly making progress on one of the many generators around the MacMillan Estate, her heartbeat was pulsing fast and loud that it blocked out the harsh sound of her panting. It wasn't long ago that Penelope had helped Dwight off the hook after the killer, Ghostface, had stalked and ambushed him inside the main structure. Penelope had quickly assisted in patching up his injuries before Dwight then guided her to a nearby generator, promising to aid her in repairing it.
Dwight was sweating bullets and constantly kept glancing over his shoulder, his nerves were like a live wire and brain on high alert. Penelope stayed focused on her task when a piercing scream rang across the air, freezing the two in their place. She held her breath as she looked at Dwight from the corner of her eyes, a silent question dancing in her stare.
"I-I'll go get her, you stay here and keep working on the gen. It's got two pistons pumping so you just need to get the last one and you're done!" He slowly stood up and awkwardly started to shuffle away while staring back at her, "Don't worry, you got so much progress on it already."
Those were his parting words before he vanished within the dark fog that was floating around the atmosphere. Penelope nervously nodded her head, mainly to herself, before turning back to the generator - hoping not to accidentally connect the wrong wires together and risk blowing it up, and injuring her hands. While she worked on the generator and all her focus was on her task she didn't hear the footsteps approaching her - not until a light touch to her should spooked Penelope out of her head and ripped a yelp from her. The generator sparked and sputtered, from the harsh yank her hands would have done when she got scared, and her eyes darted hysterically between the gen and the person who had invaded her space.
The person who had startled her was none other than Meg, the redhead having a look of mortification and fear on her face from the generator short-circuiting. Tears streamed down her face as her hands covered her mouth and her breaths came out as fast, stuttering breathing.
"He killed her..." Meg muttered.
"What?" Penelope's brows pinched in the middle, a pensive expression marking her features.
"Ghostface!" the woman sobbed, a little louder this time, "H-he just kept stabbing her - over and over and over again... The sicko even took a picture of her after she was already dead."
Penelope went to console Meg when they both heard Dwight's scream ring out from the distance, sending a chilling feeling through her body. She managed to talk Meg into working on the generator with her so that they could get out of their current hellscape, they only needed to complete that last generator then they were scott-free! Penelope could only hope that Dwight was running the killer through many loops and pallets, buying them time to gain progress on repairing the generator. Meg's hands suddenly stopped moving, her head staring at the side of the gen and her breathing was a wet gasping.
Penelope froze, listening to Meg's breathing and slowly connecting the dots that is doesn't sound right, before shakily turning her head to the redhead to peak at what could be wrong with her. What caught her attention was the trail of blood leisurely flowing out of her parted lips before a dark figure looming behind Meg drew her eyes next. Her green eyes made contact with two, black holes glaring back at her.
Ghostface grouched behind Meg's body, his head tilted as he stared at her, his hand slowly creeping up to grasp the hilt of the large knife that was embedded into the other woman's back, and giving it a hard yank. A whimper escaped Penelope's mouth, her body dropped to the ground, and her arms struggled to drag her backwards - away from the killer who had just murdered her friend right beside her. He stood up menacingly, keeping eye contact the whole time, as his feet gradually carried him toward her retreating figure.
"What do we have here?" His gravelly voice sent shivers down Penelope's spine, her eyes widening as her back hit a solid wall behind her.
"Please... I-I'll do anything, please!" Penelope begged, "I don't want to be in pain..."
Ghostface seemed to pause, tilting his head further as if contemplating his options. Her words echoed in his head, sprouting a few sinister ideas on how she could convince him her spare her - a dark chuckle errupting from him as he then rapidly approached her and harshly grabbed a hold of her arms.
"Anything, you say? Well... I can think of a few things you could do to show me how much you really wanna live, sweetheart."
Ghostface then quickly lifted Penelope onto her feet and pressed his body against hers, making sure to specifically press his growing erection against Penelope's stomach. Penelope let out a yelp and clung to the front of his robe, hoping to push into his chest to create some distance but that was dashed away when he grabbed each of her arms and bent them behind her own back, binding her wrists with one of his large hands while the other started to grope her hip and thigh.
"So, Sweetheart, can I ask what your name is so I know what name to say when I'm cumming in you-" Ghostface leaned close to her face, his breath fanning over her through the mask, "- or would you rather I call you Sweetheart and Baby Mama? Since that's what you're gonna be once I fill that pussy up with my cum."
Penelope let out a shout in protest, kicking and thrashing about in his hold hoping to losen his grip but he held strong, not even budging slightly - patiently waiting for her little 'tantrum' to simmer down so he could get on with his plans. Her strength diminished in his hold and she eventually went still, her head bowed - she didn't dare stare into his eyeless gaze for fear he'd take her soul as well as her dignity. His hand roughly grabbed at her belt, struggling to unbuckle it for a moment before popping the buckle, loosening it before unzipping her jeans and rucking them down her plush thighs. He then shoved his pants down his muscular thighs, his throbbing cock springing up and slapping against his lower stomach from how hard it was. Beads of pre-cum leaked from the head, his shaft was medium length but was slightly thick which caused a pang of fear to shoot through Penelope.
"L-look, I'm sure there's other ways I can show how much I want to live besides this!" She stammered, her thighs squeezing together in small retaliation.
"No way, Sugar. This is happening my way or you're getting the same treatment I gave your little buddies, and trust me, you don't want me to play with you that way - do you?" Ghostface threatened.
Penelope's lips quivered and tears started to build in her eyes as she slowly accepted her fate, her own self preservation and fear of suffering a painful death ultimately winning over her own self respect.
"My name's Penelope..." Penelope's voice was barely above a whisper, yet his keen ears was able to hear her but he wanted to humiliate her a little.
"What was that, Honey? Couldn't hear ya', gonna have to speak up!"
"My name-" She swallowed, a bead of sweat falling down her temple, "- is Penelope..."
"Awe, such a cute name for such a cutie~" He teased, "You know me as Ghostface but tonight you can call me Danny. That's the name I wanna hear you moanin'."
Before she could even process what his next course of actions would be he was already 2 steps ahead, manuvering her to the ground with her hips in the air - her arms still held behind her back. He squeezed her wrists in warning before letting her go, his touch vanishing and, so too, did his presence looming over her arched body. As Penelope debated taking a peek over her shoulder, she suddenly felt a cool breath fan over her exposed pussy lips right before the moist sensation of a tongue licked a stripe over her clit and folds.
A shocked moan left her lips as he did it again, the repeated action shooting bolts of unwanted pleasure through her body, her thighs quaked with each tongue stroke Danny delivered. A few licks later Penelope felt something small, yet thick, start to probe her opening, her hole fluttered at the contact as it circled her twitching hole before it slowly started to insert itself into her - Penelope then realizing it was his finger while his thumb rubbed against her sensitive clit. Penelope gasped which ended in a prolonged moan, her pussy clenched around his finger and drenched it in her arousal, a smirk plastered across Danny's face at hearing her sounds of pleasure.
"That's it, Penny, just think about how much better it'll feel once my cock's in it." He purred into her ear as he introduced a second finger into her, "Poor thing's practically beggin' for it."
Danny managed to fit his middle and ring fingers snuggly inside Penelope's pussy as it fluttered around them, his wrist and arm moving fast to bully the spongy walls of her g-spot while her juices coated his entire hand. Danny rolled his tongue around in his mouth to gather more saliva before spitting a big glob of it onto her pussy and finger-fucking it into her, making her more slick and slippery. Penelope's eyes started to blur and her brain felt hazy, she felt completely boneless from the pleasure Danny was giving her and a tight knot was forming deep inside her stomach, threatening to snap the longer Danny continued his fast, brutal pace.
"D-Danny... Gonna c-cum..." She barely managed to mumble out and he was quick to withdraw his glistening fingers from her pulsing cunt.
"Think you're ready for this? Heh heh..."
He grasped her hips tightly, arching her back and lifting her hips higher, alining his hard cock with her pussy and gently pushing into her - a stuttering gasp escaping Danny while Penelope groaned at the stretch, not use to a cock as thick as his. Each inch Danny would slowly fuck it into her before trying to introduce another inch inside her, almost cumming at the sight of her beneath him and clawing at the dirt in a very weak attempted to crawl away from him. He chucked at her and leaned against her back, smothering her with his body and pressing her further into the ground to ensure she couldn't get away.
"There's no escape. You're mine now, Penny, and there's no point in fighting it." He whispered into her cheek, lightly pressing a kiss there while shoving the last inch into her pussy.
He took a moment to get adjusted to her throbbing walls, waiting for her to settle before tilting his hips back and delivering a deep, hard thrust back into her, a wet smack following whenever their thighs made contact. Each thrust caused his balls to slap against her clit and pulled a sweet moan from Penelope, fueling Danny's ego and triggering his primal brain - his hips working hard to fuck into her with the goal of breeding her encouraging him. Danny's hands became restless and wandered up her soft stomach, gliding under her black shirt and pulling down her bra, his fingers manuvering their way toward her stiff nipples, pinching and tweaking them while Penelope squirmed from overstimulation.
"Danny, please!" Penelope begged but she didn't know what she was begging for - freedom or more pleasure?
"Don't worry, Honey, I'll make sure to fuck you so full everyday until it takes. I can promise you that." He panted while his thrusts got more aggressive, one hand going toward her wet cunt and rubbed sharp circles on her abused clit.
Penelope let out a scream, her pussy clenched Danny so hard it pulled a grunt from the man as he drilled into her faster, he panted into her ear as he worked to get Penelope to an orgasm so he could pump her full of his seed. Her toes curled and her fingers gripped the blades of grass as the knot in her stomach suddenly snapped - her shriek ripped itself from her throat, fluids shooting from her pulsing cunt while his cock continued to bully her g-spot. Danny's fingers proceeded to play with her bundle of nerves, pushing Penelope onto the line of pleasure and painful overstimulation but he didn't seem to care.
"C'mon, Penny... Gimme one more..." Was his delirious demand.
Penelope wasn't sure if she could give him another one, her pussy clamping down hard each time his cock slid into her gummy walls, his leaking tip kissing her cervix anytime he buried himself to the hilt. Danny leaned back onto his heels to glance at where they were joined together and witnessed a foamy white ring of her cum around the base of his cock, each thrust only smearing it across his dick. He groaned, quickly taking out his small camera and took 3 photos of the messy view before setting the camera to 'record', and placing it on the ground somewhere to the side. Pleased with what the camera would be capturing Danny then hugged himself around Penelope's body, his hips then manically bucked into hers, his own orgasm crawling up on him steadily.
Penelope's second orgasm came out of nowhere, her cunt squeezed around Danny's cock and pulsed in euphoric waves which triggered Danny to slam himself as deep into her as he could and shot rope after rope of potent cum into Penelope's warm pussy. Deep groans and little whines left the killer's mouth as he pumped his seed into her before he rested his sweaty forehead against the back of Penelope's neck, taking heavy breaths while his hands roamed over her fucked-out body - groping her ass and thighs before slowly pulling out of her puffy cunt. A few droplets of cum began to leak out but Danny just 'tsk'd, grabbing his camera once again, and used his pointer and middle fingers to push it back in - making sure to get it all on film.
Danny placed his mask back onto his head, shoving his flaccid cock back into his pants before rucking Penelope's panties and jeans over her hips, making sure that the panties would keep the cum inside her pussy and any drops would be saved onto the gusset. He took it upon himself to pick up the cock-drunk woman and carry her to the hatch, gently placing her onto the ground and nudging her into the open hatch, watching her disappear from sight but knowing that from now on she'll be his forever.
hope y'all liked it! Please be sure to like and reblog <3 <3 <3
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Get To Know Luna's Relationship With The Members
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Namjoon x Luna = Lujoon/Lunam
Third Most popular ship in BTS.
Him being completely whipped for her.
Her teaching him (along with Jin) dancing.
Texting each other late-night thoughts.
Going on Library date every week.
The shortest and the tallest duo.
Poking each other's dimples...or, him poking her only dimple.
Squishing each other's cheeks (mostly her).
Her stealing his sweatshirts and him finding it adorable how big it is on her.
Helping each other with English vocabulary and translations during interviews.
Him being her therapist.
Her being his muse.
Writing lyrics together.
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Jin x Luna = Jina/2Moon
Least popular (underrated) ship in BTS.
Both cooking and trying new recipes together.
Him protecting her and trying his best to keep her innocent (he has been successful in it thus far).
Her (and Jimin) are the only ones who actually find his dad jokes funny.
Him ruffling her hair or patting her head.
Her teaching him (along with Namjoon) dancing.
Him feeding her, whether it be asking her to taste the food while cooking or sharing his food.
Her being the one who called him World Wide Handsome first.
Him being her parent figure.
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Yoongi x Luna = Yoona
Sixth most popular ship in BTS.
Him being wrapped around her little finger.
Her being fascinated by his passion for music.
Her being the reason he smiles the most.
Her being the only member who knows the password to his Genius Lab.
Him not changing the password cause he secretly likes her presence in his studio.
Her checking up on him if he is getting enough amount of food and sleep.
Her gushing over his cute gummy smile.
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Jhope x Luna = Lunhope
Fifth most popular ship in BTS.
The sun and the moon.
Cheering the other up when one is feeling down.
Love making new choreographies together.
They brighten up a room whenever they enter one.
Him helping her with hip hop.
Matching outfits
She literally adores him.
Hurt Hoseok and you'll have to deal with an angry Luna who doesn't look scary but can scare you enough to traumatize you.
Her sniffing his hair cause she loves the scent.
J-Hope once mentioned in a VLive that he loves when Luna runs her hands through his hair. It helps him relax.
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Jimin x Luna = Lumin
Second most popular ship in BTS.
The cutest duo.
Jimin finally takes a sigh of relief when she joins the group thinking he'll get a rest from all the teasing because of his height. (But not for long, the members get back at teasing him saying Luna's short because she's a girl.)
Mesmerizing everyone when they do a contemporary duo. (Also making a few members jealous but let's leave that topic for another time.)
Giggling together for no reason.
Him being a dirty-minded person and her being the most innocent does not work very well. But the fans love it when they see Jimin smirking at Luna's very innocent words.
Him constantly flirting with her and her being oblivious to it.
Jimin mentioned in an interview that Luna is his favourite member when it comes to taking about his feelings.
Both have eye smiles.
Him always comparing their hand sizes just to feel better seeing her hands much smaller than his.
Both gushing over each other's cuteness.
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V x Luna = Luv
Fourth most popular ship in BTS.
Only one word to describe their visuals together: Ethereal.
Aliens of the group, you'll never understand what they are talking about.
Him playing with her hair or braiding them.
Her always complimenting his outfits.
The difference between their hand sizes is adorable.
Their duality together is hazardous.
Matching hair colors.
Him being her stylist.
Both gifting each other expensive items.
Loves goofing around together.
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Jungkook x Luna = Lukook
The most popular ship in BTS and KPop.
Both are each other's first kiss.
Him being possessive over her.
Both can't live a minute without each other.
Have their own house together.
He once said in a VLive that it's almost impossible for him to fall asleep without Luna by her side.
Mostly in a pair or the same team during Run BTS.
Him always giving her piggyback rides.
Him glaring at every male idol who stares a little too long at her (Sometimes female idols too).
He's the most affectionate with her.
Him calling her his soulmate.
Loves harmonizing together, their voices sound enchanting together.
Him always watching her with heart in his eyes.
Fans find their height and size difference absolutely adorable.
Him back hugging her and resting his chin on her head.
He's completely in love with her and everyone can see it.
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fandom-go-round · 10 months
Sea Salt Like Glitter: Part Five (Final)
Summary: You’re a forest ranger. Trees and mammals are your specialty. Mermaids in the ocean? Way outside your area of expertise. Good News: They like you. Bad News: They like you a lot
Mer! Sun x Plus Sized! Reader x Mer! Moon
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five (Here!)
The final part! I hope people have enjoyed this; my goal was to make something fun and I know I enjoyed it. There is smut below, just after the heart icon so skip if not your cup of tea!
Warnings: Murder, Faking Death, Emotional Trauma, Feelings of Betrayal, Grief, Sex, Sexual Situations, Mermaid x Human, Tentacles, Tentacles Used During Sex, Cross Species Sex, Oral Sex, Penetrative Sex, Cross Species Genitalia, Exophillia, Mild Blood, Scratching, Biting
            It’s sadly easy to fake a death. Mark is dead, there’s nothing fake about that, but making the death look like an accidently is scarily simple. It helps that Sun had practically ripped him apart and the sharks got ahold of what Sun didn’t. Mark’s boat is tied to a pier away from your beach and it’s easy to find it when you eventually go on patrol. The water patrol finds the body a few days later, the name tag on half a leg confirming everyone’s fears.
            The police think it’s a horrible accident and you’re too upset to be a suspect. They don’t know you’re grieving your friend for a completely different reason but they don’t press too hard. The other rangers are all shaken up and you’ve had to do multiple interviews with management. It’s more time by people than you’ve had in a while but it does, strangely, help.
            Corporate will have to find a new ranger leader and your content to let it play out. You politely but firmly turn the job down when they ask you; you don’t know how long you’re going to be staying here. For now, you take the mandatory leave and stay at your little ranger station.
            You’ve seen a lot less of Sun and Moon, mostly due to the police roaming the area and investigating. It makes you paranoid but people chalk your nervousness up to the horrible death. You don’t correct them. The investigation wraps up after about a month and you’re happy for things to go back to normal. Or as normal as they can be.
            You’ve thought a lot about what happened; you have the time and you need to know what you want. Being with Sun and Moon has been wonderful but they killed a man. Your friend. To save your life.
            Mark’s death is more upsetting because of the betrayal, you realize after thinking it through. The mandatory therapy calls have also helped you get perspective. You hadn’t been 100% truthful but saying that Mark and you had gotten into a fight before he died gave the therapist enough to help you work through it. You’ll have to grieve him but it’s not on you to explain his actions; Mark made his own decisions and had to deal with the consequences.
            It makes it easier to smile, knowing that there isn’t a timeline. Sun and Moon have helped too, supporting you and letting you talk through it. Neither are upset Mark is dead but they let you walk through it at your own pace.
            Things have gotten easier between the three of you. They’ve shown their dedication to you and they know that you won���t be leaving any time soon. They trust you to keep their secret and you love them too much to expose them. Maybe it’s the rush of affection that gets to all of you on this overcast evening. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve finally started to let them touch you again. Maybe you’re just tired of letting things sit unsaid. Whatever the reason, you know that tonight you’re ready to take the plunge and your boys are more than ready.
            “S-Sun.” Your voice is more broken than you initially thought, half sitting up to see the mer between your legs. Sun looks up with just his eyes, not pulling his mouth away from you. The edges of his eyes crinkle into a smile, giving a hard suck. You groan, head going back to hit Moon’s chest. The other mer gives a dark laugh, tentacles roaming over you skin.
            When you had proposed taking things a step farther, both mers were eager to get you between them. You wanted to take things slow, asking questions and trying to see what they liked. Sun was willing to ease you into the prosses but Moon needed things to be much more hands on. You were fine, in the end, letting them set the pace. They were never too fast and for all their teasing, their focus was on you and your pleasure.
            Sun pulled his tongue out of your hole and you groaned, shivering as he gave your inner thigh a quick nip. Moon rumbled behind you, tentacles pulling harder at your nipples. You leaned back and pressed your mouth against his, the mer freezing in surprise. It only takes you a moment to realize that you’ve never kissed them before and as you go to pull away, he pulls you closer, tongue pushing into your mouth.
            Moon lifts you easily and you shiver; you’ve never been a small person and being moved like its nothing still surprises you. Sun slides under you and nibbles at your chest, tail settling right between your legs. You groan into Moon’s mouth as Sun rubs between your legs, something pushing its way into you.
            Their cocks are longer and not as thick compared to human proportions but that doesn’t mean a lot when they’re so much larger than you. Anything they give you will be a stretch and you’re more than willing to try. Sun helps you settle onto your knees above him, snarling as you finally sink all the way down. Moon gives a hiss of appreciation, tentacles around your hips and helping you to bounce.
            Moon is more than content to kiss you, Sun chittering something below him. You pull back and lean down, giving Sun his deserved kisses as well. He’s not as demanding as his mate but rocks into you harder, not able to control himself. Moon gives a warning growl but you both ignore him; you’re wet enough to take Sun easily.
            He’s almost hot inside of you and he presses deeper than anyone or anything you’ve ever had. Sun is babbling something onto your skin that you only half catch. When you finally pull back to breathe, Moon is watching both of you, hand wrapped around his own cock. His tentacles are all over both of you and he pushes one into Sun’s open mouth. The golden mer moans and begins to fuck into you harder, tail pushing closer.
            You moan, eyes half open and Moon grins, giving his own moan back. You don’t hesitate to lean over and lick at his cock, the darker mer letting out a shout. His cock wiggles against your tongue, going slack when you suck. Moon’s moans join Sun’s, both of them finding it hard to focus. You reach between your legs to play with yourself, Moon watching you for a moment before taking over.
            Moon’s cock is cool against your tongue, just enough that with Sun inside you feel dual sensations. You’re the first one to come apart, mind floating in pure pleasure. You cum with a loud groan, clenching around Sun as the two of them watch you. Sun whimpers letting out a string of ‘so tight so good-‘before he pulls you close and cums inside. His claws dig slightly into your skin, thin lines of blood trailing down your hip but it just prolongs your orgasm.
            Moon watches you both come apart and only then lets himself cum, sliding out of your mouth. He’s polite enough to cum on your chest, the liquid cooler and slightly pearlescent. You laugh a little to yourself, taking a drop on your finger and popping it into your mouth. It’s salty, like you expected but not horrible. Moon snarls, kissing you hard as Sun slides out of you. Sun continues your clean up job, sucking bruises into your skin.
            “Horrible.” Moon rumbles, voice torn between affection and scolding. You snicker as Sun trills happily, tugging you to lay against his chest.
            “Wonderful.” Sun chimes back, Moon moving to push against your back. You hum in agreement, closing your eyes and relaxing. Your legs are still tingling in pleasure but that doesn’t stop you from opening them when Moon moves you closer to him. Sun watches as his mate pushes into you and brings you into a deep kiss. They press as close as they can and all you know is pleasure.
            None of you are going to be sated soon and that’s alright; you have all the time in the world.
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 8 months
I have a question to ask our majesty, King Magnífico. Before the interview with Asha. Could you tell us more about the previous interviews? How did they go? What were your observations for rejecting those people?
The only thing I heard was a man crying after his last interview with you. I would like to know more details about that 👀
"Oh dear ...." *sighs deeply* "Unpleasant memories ... but since you asked, I'll answer. Please, have a seat." *gestures to a couch with lots of pillows in different sizes* "I didn't think looking for an apprentice or assistant would go ... hmm ... well- end up in a catastrophe to put it nicely."
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“An apprentice?” Amaya’s head falls into a surprised tilt.
“Why, yes! With my kingdom constantly growing, my responsibilities and my work grows as well. This is the perfect timing! And I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while now.”
“It’s just … you’re so very specific about your work.”
“Exactly!” Magnifico says with a snap of his fingers. “If I could find someone who shares my ambitions and goals, is eager to learn from me and help me … just imagine!”
Amaya follows the king's energetic pacing. He would always start to pace when he’d become passionate about something. And this went both ways. He could be very convincing if he wanted to.
“I’m sure there are many willing to work for you, mi rey.”
“Yes, but I’ll have to make sure they’re right for this job.” He stops in his tracks, “I’ll give interviews!” And swiftly turns back around to face the queen. “Give the news. One applicant at a time. Starting today!”
“The sooner the better, don’t you think?” Magnifico chimes as he moves away toward the large set of stairs.
“Where do you want me to take the applicants then?” Amaya asks with a gesture of her hand.
“To my study.”
Her face falls slightly, “all the way up your tower?”
“All the way up my tower.” An amused smirk spreads on the king’s lips as he rests his arms behind his back. “See it as the first test. My assistant would have to walk those stairs every day.”
Amaya gives a little agreeing shrug. “Fine. I will bring the news.”
“Splendid!” Magnifico starts to head upstairs and adds, “Oh, and please tell Dahlia to send me my tea, like always.”
“Yes, mi rey.”
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Yes, getting an assistant was a good idea. He’d been longing for someone he could share his passions with for years now. It was almost strange to him, why he hadn’t gotten that idea sooner.
Magnifico enters his study, crosses over to a reflective wall and waves his hand. The glass slides to each side and opens. Light of the early morning sun floods the room and makes the colorful liquids in their glass cases throw dancing rainbows on the stone tiled floor.
His gaze immediately lifts to a little sea of blue balls, hovering at the ceiling, and he smiles.
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Warmth spreads in his chest as he watches them. His heart swelling with gladness and contentment.
His people.
His subjects.
He’s successfully kept them safe for over a decade now, and he would make sure it would keep staying this way.
Keep them safe. At all costs. Never let the past repeat.
Suddenly his sensitive hearing picks up a quiet chatter and rips him out of his trance. He almost chuckles to himself about how quickly Amaya found an applicant. Straightening his shoulders, he turns swiftly, ready to meet whoever was now in his study.
Magnifico waits until he hears Amaya close the doors and then enters.
Near the doors stands a young man something between eighteen and twenty-three. A gangly and shy looking thing, but that shouldn’t be a criteria.
The boy’s head turns. For a moment he freezes but then his mouth opens and Magnifico flinches at the squeal erupting like a sudden trumpet call.
“It’s you! It’s really you!” The boy cries, flailing his arms.
“Yes, it’s me.” Magnifico strides down towards the boy.
“I can’t believe it! I’m really here! I’m seeing this! Oh my goodness, I’m such a big fan and-”
“Thank you!” The king chuckles, “I appreciate your excitement. Now, you’re here today bec-”
“Because I’m going to be your assistant!”
“Because I’m looking for an assistant!” Magnifico corrects the boy.
“I know! This is incredible! You’re so awesome! I can’t believe that I’m here and that I’m talking to you and-”
Magnifico watches the boy rambling himself into a frenzy, almost hyperventilating. “That is … really nice! But let’s calm down a little, hm?” He rests his hand on the boy’s shoulder with a warm smile but instead of calming down, a high pitched squeal escapes the boy’s throat.
His eyes widen and his face goes pale. “He touched me!” He squeaks before his eyes roll back in their sockets and he slumps to the ground faster than Magnifico can grab him.
“Oh dear! That was unexpected.” The king dives down to shakes the boy’s shoulders gently. “Hey, can you hear me?”
Fluttering, the eyes of the boy open again. He mumbles something, seemingly disorientated.
“Are you alright?”
The boy meets the king’s concerned face and starts losing it entirely. Magnifico withdraws in bewilderment. He’d witnessed many swoon and faint at his mere appearance but he hadn’t anticipated his first applicant to fall into that category.
For a moment, Magnifico can do nothing but stare. To his relief the doors to his study fly open and Amaya bursts in. Rowan, the chief guard, at her heels.
“Alright Kiddo, let’s go!” The broad man effortlessly plucks the squirming boy off the ground and escorts him out as Magnifico adjusts his bangs and exhales through his lips.
“Oh my …” Amaya saunters over to the king. “Are you ok?”
“Yes … that was … What was that, Amaya?”
“I don’t know!” She shakes her head and joins his stare at the doors, as if the boy would burst back in any moment. “He was so calm when he stepped up!”
Magnifico clears his throat. “Anyway … that was enough for today! Maybe I was too quick with this ... I’ll receive the next applicant no sooner than next week. See to it that you won’t let another lunatic into my study!”
“Yes, mi rey!” Amaya dips down into a slight bow.
He nods, turns and moves back towards the glass wall. Back in the laboratory, he stops in front of one of the tall windows.
“Your tea must be ready.” Amaya adds quietly.
“Thank you.” He doesn’t turn around but keeps his gaze fixated on the horizon - over the teal rooftops to the glittering ocean in the distance.
This was only the first applicant. He tells himself. The next will go better.
☆ ~ ☆ ~ ☆
“You’re here today because you want to become my assistant.”
The man, somewhere in his thirties, nods.
“Tell me, why do you think you’re right for the job?”
“Uuuh … I don’t know?”
Magnifico’s smile drops slightly and his brows lift, “You don’t know?”
“My family and friends told me I was just right for the job! And now I’m here.”
“Uh huh.” The king’s brows lift higher, “well then, why does your family and your friends think you’re right for the job?”
The man shrugs his shoulders and Magnifico feels his patience run thin. “Ok, another question!” He pushes himself away from his counter, “what are your strengths? What are you good at?”
“I’m a good listener.”
“Good, what else?”
“I’m nice to people?”
Magnifico inhales, wipes over his face and massages his left temple for a few seconds. “That’s good that you’re nice to others, but there is much more to being my assistant than just being nice and good at listening!”
“Well, I can play flute!”
“You don’t say.” Magnifico’s expression falls into boredom.
“Would you like a demonstration?”
“No, I think we’re done here!”
“Oh, great!” The man chimes, “then I’m back home just ready for lunch! My wife makes wonderful baked potatoes with-”
“Yes, wonderful-” Magnifico quickly guides the man back to the hallway where Amaya waits.
“And her apple pie is outstanding too!”
Amaya’s brows furrow as the man passes her down the stairs without any complaint, happily proceeding to ramble to himself about the meals his wife can cook and if the laundry is already dry. “Uh …” Confused, she lifts her gaze back to the frowning king.
“I asked for an assistant, not a clueless court jester!”
“But he was nice, wasn’t he?”
“How are baked potatoes, apple pies and being able to play flute about to help me with my work?” Magnifico gestures and Amaya snickers.
"You like good meals."
Grumbling, he strides back into his study. “Very funny.”
◇ ~ ◇ ~ ◇
“Oh! Your majesty, it’s such an honor to meet you!”
Magnifico watches the woman in her twenties bow. “Thank you. I assume you know why you’re here?”
“Yes! Of course! Can I see the wishes now?”
“Excuse me?” Magnifico's face falls.
“You do get to see the wishes when you’re brought inside, right?”
“Who told you- One second!” He lifts his hand, “Don’t tell me you only came here in hopes to see the wishes!”
The woman fondles her fingers, “Well, and maybe get one granted too!”
Part of Magnifico aches for the fact this woman only cared for the wishes in the first place, the other is angered. Without another word, he passes the woman and opens the doors to his study, gesturing into the hallway. “You may leave!”
“Do I have the job?” The woman chirps and he has to fight his composure.
“No.” He says monotonously before shutting the doors again.
“The audacity!” Magnifico vents while striding up and down, waving his hands. “Can I see the wishes! Is this all they see in me? A source for favors?”
“They trust you, that’s why they ask you.” Amaya says.
“That’s not the point!” He turns, “You don’t understand how it feels! You’re not in my position! I want my assistant to see eye to eye with me! This is important to me!”
“Mi rey, this has only been the third applicant. More will come. A little more patience.”
“Patience! If every single applicant will end up like that then I won’t get an applicant at all!” Magnifico snaps with a flick of his cape. Then he calms and exhales through his gritted teeth. “I’m in my room. I'll see you at dinner!”
Amaya lets him leave and sighs.
The doors to the kings private chambers fall shut with a loud bang that for sure echoes through half the palace. Groaning Magnifico stomps into the middle and keps pacing. Back and forth and in a few tiny circles.
Why didn't anyone seem to really listen to him? Why did no one ever seem to really understand him? Finding an assistant and apprentice wasn't a decission he'd make lightly.
I must protect my people at all costs! Never again ... never again ... I must not let it happen again!
His shaking hands run through his hair and he paces again.
I need to calm down. Everything is fine. Nothing's happened. I'll find a good assistant. It's in my hands.
His eyes lift outside to the glowing horizon. Sighing tiredly, Magnifico drops onto his bed. Was it really that hard to find someone who'd see things like he did and feel the way he did?
“I’m a quick learner! I’m very ambitious and highly interested in alchemy!”
“Good! Very good!” Magnifico smiles. So far everything has gone well. “Go on!”
The girl nods. “If I don’t know something, I can learn it. I’m also ready to do smaller tasks!”
“Promising. But if you want to become my assistant, I need to be sure that I’m seeing eye to eye with you. And I need to be able to fully trust you!”
“You can, your majesty. That’s the point in having an assistant, no?”
Magnifico considers, then he nods as well. “Come, I want to show you something.”
Excited, the girl follows him into his laboratory and to the wishes. Her eyes widen as she spots the alchemy items around her. “Woah!”
“Normally I don’t bring anyone in here, but I need you to understand why I’m doing what I’m doing so I can-” He stops, “Don’t touch anything!”
The girl, who stands close to one of the glasses filled by some green liquid, quickly pulls her hand back with a sheepish grin and Magnifico shifts his gaze back up to the hovering balls. “The reason I keep the wishes in here is-” He hears glass clink and turns his head over his shoulder once more with a slightly stern pout, “Don’t touch!”
The girl reaches for another glass.
Another glass.
“Don’t touch that! That either! Listen, if I tell you not to touch anything, I mean it! Do not touch anything, that’s an order!”
The girl nods energetically. “Yes sir! King Magnifico, sir!”
Magnifico sighs and rolls his eyes. Patience. He reminds himself. Give her a chance, she’s just curious, curiosity is good. “I was saying … Keeping the people of Rosas safe and sound is my highest priority! Everything I do is to make sure that-”
Amaya, who had been on her way to inform the king of a letter from a neighboring kingdom, almost trips at the last step as a loud explosion erupts behind the closed doors of the king's study. Eyes widened, she dives for the handles. Out of the slit between the doors a bluish smoke leaks into the hallway. As she opens the doors, she’s immediately wrapped in a cloud and stumbles back coughing and waving her hands.
Back inside the laboratory, Magnifico stands still as a pillar. His lips are pressed together firmly and one of his eyes twitches. Upon a twirl of his hand, the smoke flees through the open windows. For a few seconds, he closes his eyes and clenches his fists, biting down the anger that slowly bubbled up in his chest like lava in a volcano. After a deep breath, he turns to look at the girl, who still holds two - now empty - glasses. Her hair all poofed up like the tail of an angry cat, her face and clothes dyed blue.
“I’m sorry,” She chirps, “I couldn’t help myself! This liquid sparkled and I really wanted to know what would happen if I mixed it with this purple one …”
Magnifico doesn’t reply. He examines the wish bubbles to make sure they’re fine and then strides towards the girl, taking the glasses from her and placing them back on the counter.
“Am I in trouble now?”
“I told you not to touch anything!” He snaps, “you disregarded my order, endangered not only the wishes but me and yourself as well!”
“I’m really sorry, your majesty!” The girl bows.
Suddenly his posture relaxes and his gaze softens. “It’s ok.”
“Really?” She looks up at him in surprise.
“When I was young, I caused more than one explosion. Mistakes are there to be learned from, I hope you’ll learn from this one.”
“Oh!” The girl relaxes as well, “So I’m not in trouble?”
“No.” Magnifico sighs, “but I assume you already know that I will not take you as my assistant.”
“Yes, of course.” Again the girl bows, “and I’m truly sorry!”
“Apology accepted. Come, I’ll bring you to the doors.”
“Mi rey?” Amaya carefully slips into the study, “What happ- Oh!” clasping her hand in front of her mouth, she tries not to laugh. Magnifico is just as sprinkled in blue as the young girl next to him. One part of his hair hangs loosely down his forehead, the other resembles a lion struck by lightning.
“Don’t say anything!” He grumbles as he shoves the girl towards her, “bring her back down. No more applicants for today!”
Amaya nods. She almost reaches out for the girl's shoulders but pulls back so as not to get her hands blue as well.
After the last incident, Magnifico didn’t bring anyone into his laboratory and wishroom anymore. The safety of the wishes was too important.
The king leans against his desk, tiredly rubbing over his face. The last few minutes had cost him not only a few of his nerves. The recent applicant, which he’d sent to get some tea, had flooded him with questions about nearly every item in his study. And how was Magnifico to explain magic items he’s kept for over a decade to a boy who knew nothing about it? Or some of his thickest books he’d spent months studying?
The doors to the study open and the young man comes back with a little tray and the highly anticipated tea. A relieved smile spreads on Magnifico’s lips. Oh, how he needed this strong herbal tea now. Nice and hot.
The boy puts the tray down and hands the cup to the king, who eagerly takes it.
“Thank you!” Magnifico replies before taking a sip. Instead of a pleased sigh however, his eyes widen and he spits the liquid back into the cup just as quickly as it had entered his mouth. “This is cold!”
The boy fumbles his fingers nervously, “Really? B-but it was hot when I took it from the kitchen!”
“Are you saying Dahlia gave me cold tea? She’s never once, in the past six years, served me cold tea!”
“Uh … who’s Dahlia?” The boy frowns.
“What?” Magnifico's brows draw together in confusion, “I told you to go and get me tea. And that tea comes from the kitchen and Dahlia Lee is my royal baker! She’s responsible for making my tea, so if she didn’t give you the tea, who did?”
“I did?” The boy scratches his neck, “I thought I was supposed to make the tea myself.”
Now the whole situation makes sense to Magnifico and he sighs, putting the cup back onto the tray. No wonder this tea was ice cold. But, he could throw this little mistake over his shoulder. After all, he knew he was specific with his tea, and it had taken a little bit of trial and error for Dahlia as well to get behind how the king loved his drinks and food.
“I’m sorry the tea wasn’t to your liking, your majesty.” The boy says and Magnifico snickers.
“Oh, don’t worry. Just bring me a new one. And please,” He hands the boy the tray, “go and ask Dahlia to make it. Herbal blend number three. She’ll know.”
The boy nods and hurries to the doors.
“And if you’re at it, let her give you some lemon tarts. The ones with whipped cream!”
“Yes, sir!” The boy disappears.
Inhaling deeply, Magnifico makes one of the books from his shelf float to him. He opens it and starts reading mindlessly. Once in a while, he twirls his index finger and the feather pen starts writing some notes simultaneously.
After a while, the doors open again and Magnifico turns his attention from the book to the applicant, who carries the tray with cake and tea across the room.
“Finally!” With a graceful movement of his hand, the book floats back into the shelf.
The boy gasps in wonder and surprise. One second of his attention moved from watching his steps was enough to make him stumble over his own feet and trip. The tray flies out of his hands and tea and cake land right on the king's chest, rather than on the desk next to him.
Magnifico flinches, and the boy's face falls in horror.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to- I’m really ... I didn’t-”
“Yes … obviously!” Magnifico does his best to swipe off some of the cake from his clothes.
Too clumsy. He couldn’t allow someone like that to become his assistant. The job was too important and if someone became careless the moment he saw magic, he had the potential to be a danger.
“May I help you …” The young man takes a few steps closer but Magnifico lifts his hand.
“No. You may leave!”
“I do have another applicant waiting.” Magnifico walks to the doors and opens them.
Amaya, who already stands ready at the railing cringes at the soaked, cake smeared chest of the king.
“Bring Asha to my study and tell her to wait a little. I’m ready in a few minutes.”
“Yes, mi rey.” Amaya sighs and beckons the young man to follow her. “Alright, come on. All is well! Don’t worry about it! It happens to the best of us”
Amaya gives one last look over her shoulder as she nears the kitchen and finds the young man has stumbled.
“Ay … are you alright?”
The boy whimpers but rises to his feet again.
Shaking her head, she straightens her shoulders and enters the kitchen, where she is greeted by a cloud of flour. Amused, she watches how the group of teenagers that had, by now, gathered in Dahlia's space, hurry in a line to bow.
“Asha, the king is ready for you.”
“Now? Am I late?”
“You’re fine!” Amaya says calmingly. “The last interview-”
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“It was a disaster!” The last applicant wails as he hurries past the kitchen. Apparently he’d managed to get down the stairs without falling another time.
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“Finished early ...”
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"You see now? And Noah O'Nail has always been melodramatic." *takes a sip of tea* "What? Yes, of course I know all the names!" ....
"Honestly, the saddest thing about his failed interview was that Dahlia's wonderful tea and cake was wasted ... she puts so much effort in everything she makes and it's truly a shame that I didn't get to eat the lemon tarts." ....
"You never had them before? Oh, that should change! You're not allergic to lemons, are you? Or milk? Anyway .... I hope this answered you questions." *leans back*
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Wifey's Lullaby
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Jackman is the best husband. Confirmed.
Synopsis: Jack knows how difficult it is for you to sleep without him so he takes it upon himself to record his voice to send to you while he's away
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
It was around 2 in the morning and you were steadily tossing and turning in your king sized bed in Atlanta, Georgia.
The bed was big seeing as your husband was 6′3, but happened to be a lot bigger when your husband wasn't laying next to you despite how very much you wanted him to be.
He had been gone now for a week and the last night he was here was when you actually had gotten adequate sleep.
He would be back tomorrow, but that still didn’t make you feel any better.
Despite the time difference you picked up your phone to send him a quick text knowing that it was a possibility that he would still be awake seeing as he was on the west coast and you were on the east.
You- Baby 🥺
You- Jack Jack
You- Jackman
You- Husbandddd
Smush- Hey beautiful. What’s wrong? Why are you awake? You need to be sleeping
You- I've been laying here for hours 😩
Smush- Did you drink the tea I got you?
You- Yes
Jack had gotten you this chamomile tea that is supposed to help you fall asleep easier. Only problem is that is only seemed to work when he was here with you. 
Smush- Do you have one of our children with you to keep you company?
You- Yes, Sophia and I have my teddy bear you got me for Valentines Day the first year we started dating
Smush- Hmm. Give me a few minutes.
You- Okay 😭
Fifteen minutes had passed before you got a voice message from Jack.
You eagerly clicked play and instantly felt at ease with hearing his voice with your heart fluttering.
I promised you I would do this for you since Brandi told me one day that you would literally listen to my music or interviews that I've done so you could fall asleep. Gotta admit that shit is cute so I did this for you.
Y/N, I love you so much and I'm so thankful and grateful that I have you in my life. You always show me how much you support me and you never let a day go by without telling me how proud you are. Every time your name pops up on my phone, I still get butterflies and shit. Just like when we first met. I have no problem telling people how much of a simp I am for my wife and I know you're the exact same way. Whatever life may throw at us, I know we'll be able to handle it baby because I got you by my side. I know I tell you this all the time but, you literally complete me and make me a better person. In these past ten years, I have fallen more in love with you every single day. We may have small disagreements and argue from time to time but, this shit is forever and our babies will have the best mother that they could ever ask for. I see how hard you go for me, so I already know you're gonna go ten times harder for them. Every single promise I made you, I plan on making them happen and you already know you want for nothing as long as you’ve been with me. 
With all that being said, I literally cannot put into words how much I love you and this is literally just the tip of the iceberg. You know I can talk about you for hours and PG constantly get annoyed with me when I do. But anyway, I love you and I’ll be back before you know it.
Get some sleep baby girl.
Tears were cascading down your cheeks as you finished listening to it and immediately sent him a text.
You- 🥺🥺🥺
Smush- Oh shit you're crying aren't you?
You were then getting an incoming Facetime call from him and you quickly answered.
"BABY! That was meant for you to go to sleep, not to cry!"
"I know! But you know how I am!" You responded between sniffles.
"It's now less than 24 hours and I'll be back. I don't like being away from you but this is the career I chose and you wouldn't even let me stay home with you anyway."
"You damn right. You have worked too hard for this shit and there is no way you're letting up now."
Just then Urban came into view and was eyeing you seeing the tears.
"Jack, if you made by best friend cry I will beat the shit outta you."
"I didn't even do anything!"
"It's happy tears Urby! No need to fight him."
"Mm hmm, it better be. I'm watching you." Urban said to Jack as he walked away from behind him and Jack immediately rolled his eyes.
You couldn’t do anything but laugh at what Urban was saying as you saw your husband roll his eyes.
“It looks like it wasn’t just me who was missing you.”
“I always miss you when you aren’t near me. You know this.”
“Even after I just leave to get something for two minutes, you’re screaming at the top of your lungs for me to come back.”
“Do you blame me?”
“No, because I’m the same way.” You replied while shrugging and moving your bear closer to you.
“I love you now go to sleep.”
“I love you too and I promise that I am. What time will you be here?”
“Babe! I need a time to come and get you!”
“You don’t need to worry about that. All you need to worry about is getting sleep so you have enough energy for me.”
“You know I stay ready for you.” You replied while getting settled underneath the comforter and laying on top of Jack’s pillow.
“Is that my pillow?”
“Yes, it smells like you so I need to have it near me to help me sleep.”
“Aww babe.”
“Is this the same person who almost had a mental breakdown when he thought we were getting divorced?” You ask your husband and he immediately started laughing.
“Exactly! He so fake for that shit. Talking about gross but your ass signed us up for therapy and everything.”
“I don’t like the Urban slander that is happening so imma head out. Yall still nasty though.”
“And we’ll be that. Shit, my wife fine as hell.”
“Stop smush!”
“I call it like I see it and forreal this time, turn off the light and go to sleep.”
“I promise I will.”
“I can’t wait to see you mamas.”
“Me either.”
You woke up and noticed that you were now laying on something hard and you immediately knew it was your husband and that he was back.
You glance at the clock on the nightstand and saw that it was around 11 in the morning indicating that you had slept for close to nine hours. 
The most that you had gotten in days. 
Jack had the television on a low volume in the hopes of not disturbing you since he wanted to make sure that you got enough sleep as possible since he already knew that this past week had been a struggle for you.
Sophia was on his lap and promptly hopped down off the bed deciding that her dad wasn’t interesting anymore despite him being away for an entire week and went to find something else to entertain herself with. 
Jack then look down to see you peeking up at him and smiled down at you before kissing your forehead.
“I’m so happy you’re back.” You said while snuggling into him more.
“Me too and I’m happy you actually slept.”
“I listened to it one more time and then I instantly fell asleep.”
“I take it if our kids are anything like you I’ll probably have to do the same thing for them.”
“More than likely you will. So what are we getting into today?” You asked while looking up at him.
“You already know what we’re getting into.” Jack answered while promptly reaching under your his shirt to begin to massage your left breast and you immediately smirked.
“Fine, but you need to feed me first.”
“I will, after I have my breakfast. Been waiting an entire week for this.”
“Wait, what? So you’re about to get food and not feed your wife?”
“I’m about to feed you this dick once I get done with my meal between your legs.” Jack replied while sliding out from under you and positioning himself between you legs and you couldn’t help but to laugh.
“You laughing now, but about to be begging me for mercy in less than five minutes. Spread em.”
He didn’t tell have to tell you twice.
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sonicasura · 2 months
I am back with some more hcs regarding the Pacific rim x Kaiju no.8 crossover:
Instead of fighting General Isao Shinomiya to prove his humanity, the Jaeger division suggested a mind meld with Kafka to access his memories and headspace to show that this is still very much the same human Kafka they know and figure out how and when exactly this transformation into Kaiju thing happened. Mind melds with Kaiju are also very dangerous, so if both parties in the mind meld finish unharmed then that would add a point to Kafka's humanity. In all honesty, what really is humanity? What makes an organism be classified as worthy of humanity? The Jaeger pilots always feel their humanity slipping bit by bit and become more mechanical as they operate their Jaeger's more and more often.
Hoshina was initially encouraged to join the Jaeger division instead of the defense troops because of his specialization in close range combat. Mina picked him up into her division one way or another.
When a coreless Kaiju is slain it's like a whale fall. While whale corpses are normal in nature and will eventually decompose (after an already long period of time), Kaiju corpses take much longer to decompose naturally unless a cored Kaiju is around to eat it so there are still Monster Sweepers for coreless Kaiju that specialize in working in the ocean. It's not a good idea to let a Kaiju corpse just float in the ocean for anyone to sea, it could end up beached.
Reno met Kafka as he was cleaning up a coreless Kaiju corpse. Kafka was helping out with the clean up. Saved Reno from a cored Kaiju instance that was trying to get a bite of the corpse that wasn't pleased with humans trying to take its free meal away. Canon with a twist ensues.
Reno is unofficially adopted by the Jaeger division, he might be part of the kn8 DF, but they got him first.
The rivalry between PR troops and kn8 troops is so strong that even first and third divisions would set aside their differences to get one over these guys. Only for Kafka to arrive with a big dumb grin on his face and call Captain Ashiro by her first name.
The rest of the Jaeger pilots took the distraction as their chance to kidnap Reno. They have been infected with Kafka's parental instincts. Reno being thrown back and forth like a hot potato. He shall never get his peace.
Kafka's size can vary, not sure if he should be a cored or a coreless Kaiju. But, if we're going for the size of coreless Kaiju being his max then he'd be more suitably coreless.
Kafka has a pseudo Core as the mosquito kaiju(who I call Tiny) heavily altered all of his body for this more different No.8. In the small canon appearance, he's a Core Kaiju but shifting into the much larger form he becomes Coreless. Due to this Kafka is the first Type Shift class.
Tiny and Ai(the consciousness for Kafka's kaiju form) definitely made the test mind meld a bit awkward. Poor pilot wasn't expecting an impromptu interview with an actual kaiju nor for the latter one to be so similar in personality to their resident himbo. While Tiny didn't disclose his origins, both do convince the Defense Corps that their only enemies are Kaiju.
Poor Reno definitely isn't ready for the hot potato game to come. Good thing he's a good mediator especially after Kafka casually addresses the Captain of the 3rd Division. (Mina didn't know what to think about learning her childhood friend being a Jaeger pilot.)
I would say being 'lost in the drift' does have mental side effects for Jaeger Pilots than becoming immersed in your partner's memory. The Defense Corps make sure to have a psychiatrist alongside a session of mental evaluations and exercises for them. Can't exactly have your fighters walk around like they are Mr. Roboto.
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holmesxwatson · 1 year
The Television Sherlock Holmes by Peter Haining
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[The Television Sherlock Holmes by Peter Haining, hardcover 1986.] (x)
I found a used, hardcover copy of this beautiful book with special thanks to one of the previous owners who lovingly wrapped it in a dustjacket, it's in really great shape! It's coffee-table size with lots of info on the history of Sherlock Holmes adaptations on stage, screen and tv, with tons of behind the scenes stuff on the Granada production. There's a foreward by Jeremy Brett and two afterwords by David Burke and Edward Hardwicke. It also includes a 15-page interview with Jeremy Brett that took place during the filming of an episode. Here's a pdf of the table of contents, in case you have your eye on a copy, but want to know what you're getting first. It looks like there were a few subsequent editions with different covers to coincide with later seasons as well.
Excerpt from the interview with Jeremy Brett included in The Television Sherlock Holmes:
"‘But the most important thing of all I discovered was the relationship with Watson. He wasn't the doddering plodder following behind as is so often shown. He had the compassion to stay with Holmes, picking him up. It is one of the great friendships of literature.’
Jeremy's understanding of this relationship undoubtedly started when he played Watson in 1981 in The Crucifer of Blood. ‘If you look at it from Watson's side, Holmes emerges as about the loneliest man in literature,’ he said.
‘Really, Watson is much more my kind of part than Holmes – Holmes is a big stretch. I don't like working alone. I'm not a one-man band, so when I took on Holmes I came to rely on Watson as much as I could without bending the willow.’
'Holmes is a very private man, a tragic genius. But Watson has his friends and his surgery. He's not a dull man, he's an ordinary, good man of great compassion, warmth and consideration. He's a gentleman. Everybody would like a friend like Watson.’
‘The relationship between them is terribly British. Holmes has a great deal of trouble saying such simple things as "Help!", “Thank you” and "I'd be lost without you". Watson sees beyond that. He's fascinated by Holmes and his intuitive leaps. And he realizes that if he stays away from Holmes for too long the man will overdose.’
'Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that it is Holmes who needs Watson and not the other way round. I didn't see any of that in the earlier films, nor did I see anything of the vulnerability of Holmes. So that's why I set out right from the beginning to show the insecurity and to explore the amazing friendship between those two men.'
Jeremy's evident understanding of both sides of this partnership helped me fit another piece into the jig-saw of how he has achieved his outstanding performance as Holmes. This also seemed like a suitable moment to discuss the two men who had partnered him as Watson, David Burke and Edward Hardwicke.
Jeremy's face broke into a smile at the mention of David Burke's name. 'We made a very good odd couple,' he chuckled throatily. 'Of course it was a terrific gamble that we would be able to work together, that we would see our parts in a compatible way. But in fact there was no cause to worry because we soon found we got on so well.’
‘David is debonair with an attractiveness about him that proved to be unusual and appealing in a Watson. That was a real bonus and helped to break the traditional mould,' Jeremy added.
Just as Jeremy's Holmes had thrown a whole new perspective on the detective, so David Burke's Watson had shattered the old image of the bumbling and rather comic doctor. How did he feel, though, when David decided against making The Return of Sherlock Holmes.
‘I was very sorry, naturally.' Jeremy stretched his lean frame further out from the chair and contemplated the fireplace. ‘But being an actor I quite understood. And if it had to happen, that was the right time between Holmes’ disappearance in The Final Problem and his reappearance three years later in The Empty House. Looking back, I think the change has been very useful.'
Jeremy closes his eyes for a moment as if selecting his next words carefully. ‘The thing is,’ he says after a pause, ‘if you work together with the same person it becomes almost like a marriage. However fresh you try to be on a day-to-day basis it becomes a known way. So for me the change of Watsons was like a breath of fresh air, a shot of adrenalin in the arm.’
Whether Jeremy had intended the pun or not, his face remains unchanged as he continues. ‘What happened was a chemical change – and it is a chemical change – of a new person adding a new element to the friendship. Remember that three years have passed since the two men last met, so things have happened to them both which enabled us to restart the friendship at a different angle.’
‘It was revitalizing for me, though not easy for Edward. But he is an immensely sensitive person and a brilliant actor so it really did not take us long to find our way into a new relationship.’
‘I have this feeling that The Return of Sherlock Holmes is better even than the first 13 stories. I can't quite tell you why that is – It is to do with some shift of emphasis, some confidence, some chemistry between Edward and me. But there is definitely something.'
Jeremy has clearly been re-charged not only by this change, but others that have taken place during the series. ‘You can so easily fall into a kind of complacency if things don't change,’ he went on. ‘It's something to do with the human animal. So I have enjoyed new directors, new actors in guest roles, even a new lighting cameraman or technician joining the team. On a long series you become terribly aware of new faces, but if you are trying to continue being creative then you need them, for each new face brings in new ideas. All the time the format is changing ever so slightly and that is terribly important, I think.’
I found Jeremy's examination of his art a fascinating insight into the man himself, and it seemed appropriate at that moment that he should be called to play another scene. He invited me to come and watch."
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thewatercolours · 6 months
Priorities (King's Quest Ficlet, Part 2 of 2)
(Part One here)
“Up this way, now. Step lively, Grimm. I liked the twinkle in your eye during your interview. Let’s see a little of it in your feet. My castle is full of staircases. We’d never get anything done if we took all day climbing them. Say what?  You thought the kitchen was downstairs? Oh, it is. Why do you ask? Bless you, you think you’re going to work in the kitchen? Poppycock. And waste a likely young fellow like you, peeling rutabagas? 
The fact is, I could use a good man on duty in my family’s apartments, just on call for all the random tasks of the day. Always something unexpected to be run for, lifted down, all that. Do you know my wife once called me out of an important council session to get the lid off a jar for her? But perhaps most of all, I can rest easier knowing that if anything got past my guards, you’d be there to get between it and my little ones. 
What’s that? Oho, you think I know nothing about you. Look at that stance, that walk. I can tell when a man’s had a bit of training knocked into him. I felt those callouses when I first shook your hand. Sword, of course, but archery too, I should think? Yes? Well, you’d know how to handle yourself if we ever had trouble, I’d say. What? Don’t know your character? Oh, I’m not the least bit worried about that. Let’s get you into the livery, and I’ll tell you why. Just step through here. I’m sure there’s something on the rack that’ll fit. I'll send for someone to fetch wine in the meantime.
Ah, don’t you look smart, now. Red’s not a bad colour on you. Here are a few shoes to try - you can sit down there on the chest. And while you’re doing that, let’s see. Here we are.
Now, this is your ring. If you’re ever running an errand for me in another part of the house, you just show them my crest. And this shield at the bottom? That shows you’re a family servant. Any finger will do - adjustable sizing. Oh,it’s actually not that sort of ring. It doesn’t slide on. It has a hinge here, see? We just snap it shut round your finger, like so. What, you’re a fidgeter? Don’t worry, my friend, so I am I. But thankfully this ring isn’t one you can just absent-mindedly take off.Let me find the key. Oh blast, where are you? Honestly, I need to invest in a new key ring or two - different colours, perhaps. Then I wouldn’t have to search through so many every time. Ah, here we are! Let’s lock you in. There. Perfect. 
Now, this isn’t just a crest ring. It’s a Prioritizer. They cost a pretty penny, but worth it. While you wear one of these, you’ll always put the needs of my wife and children first - and myself, of course. It will help you see distractions for what they are, and keep your duty topmost in your thoughts. Your loyalty and obedience will grow in leaps and bounds, and you might even find yourself getting more creative! Some of my staff have astonished me the way their minds go overboard coming up with new ways to be helpful. And it just - gives me confidence that my family are completely safe, because of course no one wearing one of these can harm anyone of my blood. You can imagine what that means to me as a father. So you see why I trust you to - oh hang on. What’s the matter? That doesn’t concern you, does it? I shouldn’t like to think that you… No? Just a little overwhelmed? Well, I’m given to understand that’s normal the first time you put one of these on. Like getting your sealegs, they say. Might take a little time to feel quite normal. But I’ll warrant you already feel a bit more focused, eh? A bit more motivated? You’ll adjust in no time at all.
And we have other focus aids and morale raisers. You can always come back here to storage and ask for one if you think it’d be helpful. There’s one that helps you stay cheerful as you work, that sort of thing. Another one’s good for homesickness, things like that. It’s really incredible that they’re coming up with these days! Anyhow, if there are any you’d like to borrow, just bring it to me after hours and I can lock it on for you.
What? No, I’m sorry. I’d give you your own key if I could, but the magic is concentrated in the one key. We’ve tried making copies, and they don’t work. So you’ll understand, won’t you, why I have to keep it handy and can’t just lend it out. Anyhow, I like to keep my hand in with all my staff. I can’t imagine being one of those employers who doesn’t make an effort to get to touch base often, get to know everyone. Oh speaking of getting to know you… have we possibly met before? I know you’re not from around here, but I do a fair amount of travelling. We wouldn’t move in the same circles of course, but… No? I’ll figure it out sooner or later. These things always come back to me.
My good man, you’ve gone pale as a sheet. I’d say sit down, but you’re already sitting down. I had asked them to send a man up with wine, but - oh, here he is at last! Where have you been, fellow? Walter, right? Good heavens, that’s a mouthful. I can’t remember all those names. We’ll just call you Walter, I think. No. We can’t call you that either. What kind of a servant has a name like that? Oh, stop wasting time. Get over here. Can’t you see Grimm here needs a little something to revive him? Great stars, Walter, now you’re zoning out too. Get over here. Stop staring and give me that. Honestly, even with all these wonderful new magical aids, it’s impossible to get good help these days, I do declare.”
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brazenautomaton · 3 months
here is the segment for which I needed a period-accurate article to pattern off of
I mostly eyeballed it
is it a good balance of setting information and then character information? is it delivered well? does it get across what it's trying to get across?
WIRED Magazine Staff - Business & Tech - Oct 07, 2010
Justin Kan never intended to be a political figure.
“We’d just sold off our calendar app for a quarter million dollars,” Kan said in an interview with WIRED. “And Y Combinator was like ‘okay, show us what else you got.’ And I had the idea kicking around in my head of live-casting my life for years -- a way for people to feel like they were just hanging out with someone. They thought it sounded like it had potential. So they said, ‘go ahead,’ and they gave us the capital to get started. The hardest problem was the technology. We didn’t have cameras or Internet connections that could handle it. We spent most of 2006 creating what turned out to be a backpack-sized computer I’d wear that converted the analog camera feed into a digital stream.”
He laughed and ran his hands through his hair. “We were so focused on the project we kind of ignored everything else happening in the world.” 
What was happening in the world, of course, was the Kira killings. By December 5, 2006, master detective L had confirmed that criminals all over the world had been dying by unknown means, all of whom had their faces and names publicly released. Whoever was doing it lived in the Kanto region of Japan, and was dubbed ‘Kira,’ the English word ‘Killer’ with a Japanese accent. Suddenly, the issue of public visibility was politically fraught, a battleground between pro- and anti-Kira activists.
Kan’s project, Justin.TV, was scheduled to launch in the middle of March, 2007.
“At first I was amazed. I had over a hundred and fifty thousand concurrent views just to see me live my normal life.” He laughed once more. “Then I had two different SWAT teams called on me at the Smoothie King.”
Viewers couldn’t determine if Kan’s activity was a statement of support for Kira, declaring he was unafraid to let his face be known because he wasn’t a criminal -- or if it was a statement in defiance of Kira, that he refused to let fear of Kira prevent him from appearing in public. “I wasn’t making a big statement,” he said, “I just wanted people to feel like they were hanging out with me. So now I’d just spent all my venture capital and a year and a half of my life developing the technology for someone to stream their real life to the world, and the world decided that wasn’t gonna fly. So I thought, ‘Well, I’m doomed.’”
But salvation came from an unlikely place: animation.
“I still had people interested in justin.tv, like ‘Could I do something like this?’ A lot of people who were just like me, who didn’t care about the Kira politics, who just wanted to be able to feel like they were hanging out with someone. So we were looking into software that could recognize faces and blur them out of the feed, so nobody’s get hurt. But that’s impossible to do in real time without already marking the facial features. And I hear from some friends that they’re trying to do performance capture tech for the movie studios that need to quickly be able to convert a live-action performance into animation. And it hits me -- lifecasting, without the life. Real-time streaming, animated face.” 
Thus, the virtual lifecaster, or “Vcaster,” was born. By applying facial makeup to help the computer identify and track their facial features, Vcasters can assume the identity of 2D animated avatars that look around, blink, breathe, and talk in sync with their real movements. Justin.tv is now the home of over 50 Vcasters with their own dedicated followings. The first few were normal people who held what’s known as “just chatting” streams, where they attempt to hold a conversation with another Vcaster or with the channel’s live chat. Quickly, the Vcasters realized what the audience was interested in: larger than life characters with fantastical anime premises, playing video games.
In a phone interview, the actress behind popular Vcaster “Gushi Geisyuku,” explained. “I think even playing a single-player game is a group activity. You know, like when you’re a kid, and everyone crowds around the arcade cabinet to watch one guy play the game really well. It’s a communal experience. Everyone is sort of partway playing the game themselves, so, it at least adds up to like ten, fifteen games being played. I think.”
Her channel, Voice_ofthe_Vampiress, is one of the top 10 Vcaster channels on justin.tv. Within the fictional framing narrative she’s created, her character is the servant of a vampire, “Countess Rikimaru,” portrayed by another actress who often plays cooperative games with her.
We were going to have this gimmick where my partner was a vampiress and I was her thrall, and she’d order me to do things,” the actress behind Geisukyu said. The terms of service of justin.tv prohibit divulging real identities, though the ‘past lives’ of many Vcasters are an open secret. “Because you need a hook, right? And a lot of people, you know, they’d like to be bossed around by a sexy anime vampire lady. And if you don’t, then, you can idolize her spunky assistant who always does her best. So there’s a lot of crossover appeal. Blood on your face messes up the face capture software, but you can just add it to the character model, so it’s just as good. But anyway, we had this whole thing where she was the powerful Countess and I was her enthralled servant. But the first few streams we had -- unfortunately this was before we figured out how to save the archive videos so you can’t look them up now -- her audio was just broken. We tried fixing it in the settings, we tried three new microphones, nothing worked. So I played up this story about how I was the ‘Voice of the Vampiress’ and her proclamations were too powerful and pure for mortal ears to hear. You know, like the guy who follows the Emperor around and he like whispers something in the guy’s ear and the guy repeats it to everyone because nobody else is cool enough to be allowed to hear what the Emperor’s saying. By the time we figured out how to fix it, I’d spun so much improv about it it was a defining part of our gimmick. So we leaned into it. I do all the talking, and my partner just emotes with me. It works really well.”
Geisukyu’s actress is optimistic about the future of Vcasting. “It’s great. It’s like a bunch of people all in a room together, hanging out. But hanging out with someone who keeps them safe from any Kiras. People are more afraid to go out and hang out these days, and I can’t blame them, so I think it’s good we can deliver some of that feeling to people in their homes. And then me and my partner, when we’re just hanging out playing a game like we were going to anyway, now we’re letting people watch us and we’re doing something good and we’re performing for people, which is important. People should feel like they’re safe and with friends, and if we can’t provide the real thing, then I mean giving like 50, 75% of the experience is still pretty good. It’s like, you know, you should have a whole home cooked meal but sometimes you just wanna get fast food and it’s not all the way as good but MAN are you glad it’s an option. So that’s what we’re doing. I think we’re really doing something positive for people. Yeah, I bet Vcasters are going to get way bigger in the future, and I hope I get lots of fans!”
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