#the time i was born and i dont ever want to leave you by the time youre gone ..
oatbugs · 1 month
procrastination is starting to have its consequences finally
#on my friends living room floor they love together but one of them has been london for weeks or maybe months#to be with her love. im on a foam mattress from one of their beds next to a glass bottle of water opened by one of them#in a mug given to me by another. the weather felt like my childhood today and it also felt like 2 years ago.#(put space in the heavens Einstein's idea and hes your friend too so nothing to fear) around the table they drank and laughed and i thought#i hope you keep growing so full with the love you receive . i hope your appetite becomes insatiable from how used to it you are#and i know youre all leaving soon but i hope one day you miss this and that youll be happy you miss it#its worth missing i think#i thought he didnt care but he said after exams hes going walk around this area over and over#(this is near where he lived and where we visited almost daily for a year)#(hed come across the bridge on a lake)#we went where she used to live and at the entrance a fox sat calmly. it just yawned and stared.#it felt important somehow. i think maybe their impressions of me will never be close to how i feel inside but i think#i love them enough for that not to matter. i dont think theyll ever know this. i dont think if they did it would change much.#and seeing them smile makes my heart glow anyway. today i tried their malaysian tea the ginger burned my throat#they warmed my heart. hes going to canada soon and hes going to the US soon and shes going everywhere soon ill never understand#how were supposed to live with memories and with seperation and with the past but we do it anyway so i think it doesnt matter much#i wanted to write a poem for the lab rats with the fibre optic wires lit with blue forcing them to turn around and around#something about how im sorry that the two photon arrays burned the inside of your brain. im sorry about the sharp points of multielectrode#arrayes. im sorry about everything we do to you. she asked to see me tomorrow. im trying to have self control but i miss her so awfully#last night my friend talked to me and i updated on everything that happened with love and the lack of it and she just started laughing#and she told me about the same thing from her side. and she told me about how she loved london because she would walk the streets#and she felt like the people were her. and her eyes would go over the people and the bag of bagels and the construction men they probably#have a kid at home maybe shes a daughter. this kid is crying for her mother and the building you just walked past caused#blisters and pain and people died in it and very likely people were born in it. we talked for hours and i felt like#i was holding her hand just like that time she held mine watching a horror film. i love her so much#my friend is a genius and i remember her picking up the charms of my phone and staring at the leaf hanging from them. shes side stepping to#music drinking dangerous cider and cocktails from a movie and chit chatting with billionaires and undergrads#i love her dearly. his head covered in electrodes. she tells me about a syrian guy shes in love with and she says#what you feel and what i feel is like cocaine. ive tried a lot of fucking cocaine.#she says ive reminded her of what living actually feels like and to never put energy into someone who doesnt see me this way.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
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I wonder who shes singing to
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plomegranate · 7 months
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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chrisevansonly · 5 months
Poppy's first Christmas with the family please! Rue I love them so much 🥹😍
𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐲’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
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𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: it’s poppy’s first christmas, and lando couldn’t be more thrilled
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: no warnings just a fluffy blurb
“Here we have the Christmas tree..this is where santa is gonna leave all your gifts petal…all for you”
Lando’s voice was soft as he walked around the living room with 9 day old Poppy Norris resting in his arms, making sure to be quiet as you were sleeping soundly on the couch.
He wasn’t about to wake you up, it had been a rough few days of recovery for you, so the minute you were asleep, Lando made sure you were warm, comfy and as undisturbed as possible.
“Your mummy did such a good job decorating the tree before you were born..”
He pauses to press a few kisses to her forehead. Poppy was wrapped in the fluffiest blanket, sleeping ever so soundly in the arms of her father, Lando would come to figure out it was her favourite place to sleep as time went on.
“She even got you and ornament for your first Christmas, and Mclaren sent you your own little helmet so you can be just like daddy hmm?”
Lando knew Poppy wouldn’t have a clue what he was saying but he couldn’t help but talk to her, she was his entire world, ever since he found out you were pregnant, he promised a lifetime of love and affection for his baby girl. The feeling only intensified when she was born.
“Mummy is sleeping…you’re sleeping…daddy’s all alone until one of you wakes up…what am I gonna do with myself petal? hmm?”
“Come sit…” your sleepy voice called from your spot under the mountain of blankets
“Shit baby, did I wake you up?”
Shaking your head you patted the spot next to you
“I just woke up, heard you talking to our little snowflake”
Lando smiled, the nickname snowflake coming from the day she was born, a flurry of snow falling outside the hospital during your labour.
“Mummy wants some company now, let’s go have a big cuddle”
There was nothing sweeter than hearing Lando talking to Poppy, it was delicate and filled with love, every little secret he shared with her, story he told her. As you all cuddled onto the couch, you noticed snow beginning to fall once again
“Pretty perfect first Christmas….” you smiled, leaning against Lando’s shoulder, smiling down at Poppy’s little sleeping face
“Pretty perfect indeed..”
The living room filled with soft smiles and conversation as your baby girl kept sleeping, there was no where else on the planet you’d rather be than right here, cuddled in while the snow fell around your home, it was a picture perfect Christmas.
Lando could never imagine the holidays any other way, especially without his little girl ever again.
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luna0713hunter · 5 months
Choso was never interested in dating.
Ever since he was young,and with their parents' sudden death,his only goal in life was to take care of his younger brother,Yuji.
Yuji was a handful since the very day he was born,and with how sick their grandpa was,Choso didnt have anyone to trust Yuji with. So he ditched his friends after school, skipped classes as much as possible and declined anybody's help because;who could he trust his only family left (beside his grandpa) with?
But when Yuji started highschool,and wasnt so alone anymore with that Megumi and Nobara girl;he insisted that Choso finally continue with his study on where he had left.
Choso reluctantly,started college again.
It was the same as highschool;he wouldnt hang out with anybody,just going back home straight from lectures or part time jobs. He rathered spend his time taking care of Yuji or cleaning their home when he could instead of meaningless things like going out for drinks,or dating,or simply talking with anyone.
And he really,was ok with all this.
Until,well,you decided to sit beside him on one of the most boring lectures he's ever had in his life.
Choso doesnt acknowledge you at first;simply staring at a photo Yuji had just sent him while hanging out with his friends after school. A small smile tugs at the corner of his lips and he lets out a heavy sigh; Yuji had grown so much so fast. He was proud.
"This is such a fucking boring lecture."
Your annoyed whisper snaps him out of his daze,and he casts a side glance to you. You send a smile his way and shake you head.
"I would literally kill to leave right now."
Choso takes good look at you;from how you've styled your hair to your shimmering eyes shining brightly. You rose-colored lips look soft,and-
Choso clears his throat.
You're pretty.
"Same." An awkward pause,then "do you want to ditch the lecture?"
When you give him a surprised look,he clears his throat again.
"For coffee."
And the smile he receives in return is almost blinding.
So as soon as the professor turns his back to you, you're both making a run for it. The small excitement of ditching class has you giggling and Choso relishes the sound.
"I'm y/n,by the way."
You give him a knowing smile and wink.
"I know." When he gives you a confused look,you laugh and together you start to walk toward the cafe near the campus. "I've known you since you started this class. We were in the same lectures for some time,but you never seemed like you cared about any of them. Always on your phone, rarely smiling,and the few times I've heard you talk,it was always about this 'Yuji' dude." You nudge his side with your elbow,but for some reason,he feels like your smile has deemed slightly.
"You're boyfriend?"
Choso makes a disgusted face and groans.
"He's my younger brother. I've took care of him ever since he was small. Naturally, he's all i talk about since i spend all my time with him."
And at the metion of 'brother',your face breaks out in the brightest smile.
"Oh gosh thats so cute!how old is he?whats he like?!"
And for once,Choso feels relaxed talking about Yuji. He doesnt receive bored looks from;only pure excitement and laughter as he tells you some funny stories about Yuji's childhood while you both sat down at the cafe.
And before you know it,three hours have passed and neither of you show any sign of leaving.
When you finish the small chocolate cake that Choso has bought you,you sigh and rest your head on your arms across the table.
"I dont wanna leave! you're fun to talk to!"
Choso stares;the corner of his mouth twitching upwards.
"We can continue tomorrow. Over lunch."
At the mention of seeing together again,you perk up so fast that has Choso letting out a small chuckle.
"Really?like a date?"
And when Choso returns home that evening with a small grin on his lips,Yuji drops the laundry basket he's holding.
"What's with that face?!why are you smiling?"
Choso hangs his jacket and moves to kitchen to start dinner.
"Yuji,i wont be home for lunch tomorrow. Will you be ok?"
"Why?you got a date or something?"
Choso smiles and starts cooking.
"Yeah. Something like that."
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limpfisted · 8 months
Something I think taken for granted for "good and heroic" characters like wyll is
How hard it is to be a hero in settings like this in gen. especially a solo hero.
And then u look at will especially at 17, especially after just losing half of your vision, and now being obligated to hunt devils for mizora, and not being able to tell people who you are or why you have magical powers
Wylls life has been extremely difficult.
Hes not "some rich boy." In fact, he tells you himself, he never really was. His father became grand Duke when he was 17. His father was a Duke before that, but his father was born to a poor blacksmith father and he was the youngest of six, so he worked his way up the ranks. Even as son of a Duke and grandduke---ulder was champion of the poorer "mythical middle class" lower city. All nobles and patriars are from the upper city. There's no way wyll wasn't looked down on by the upper city and then held to a certain untouchable standard as the flaming fist brat by the lower city/outer city people
And yet even at being some "rich boy" he excelled thru hard work and dedication, making things into a competition if nothing else, in which despite his Father's unsurpance to power, he still had PROOF he was the most charming, after all, he held the record for most sarabandes danced in a single evening, much to the exhaustion to the good lords and ladies of the courts.
But even so, with this "cushy life" (where he would get into trouble, mind you! Where his father would encourage him to get into fights, who would train him with a rapier, where he would drink in taverns in the lower city at 14 despite being "a noble rich boy" and hand deliver letters from his father to sharess's caress before he ever knew what went on with the pretty men and handsome ladies behind closed doors.)
Have you ever been camping, like experienced the holy shit, Outside of it all? I dont even like leaving the house without my phone. Wyll, 17, traveled all over the sword coast, with one eye, who knows how many supplies.
While wyll laughs off the trauma of it, losing an eye is a real ass disability that affects your motor skills. It can be difficult to do things like cut food at first, and it can take like 6 months WITH THERAPY for everything to feel "normal" again. Now imagine fending off goblins, and minotaurs, with no therapy, no physical therapy, no doctor. Having to navigate the cold of winter, cursed lands, mountains, all by yourself.
Having to learn to use you sword again, this time without your father. Remembering him every time you pick it up. Remembering the way he looked at you every time you face down a "devil." Spitting the words he would later say to you at them. They stink of avernus, they have brought ruin
Wyll dedicated his life to laboring for the people of the Sword Coast. It's not easy. He makes it look fun, because he's so proud of himself and happy to be helping people
But its actually hard and lonely. And it doesn't come easy, even to Wyll, I think. He had to train himself, it probably took him a long time to figure out what he was doing
I dont think wyll is really as inexperienced and naive as people think. Hes been to avernus, he's fought dragons and minotaurs. He's seen terrible things, he's STOPPED terrible things, and he's going to continue doing so, and choosing to do so, with the full knowledge of what that decision means, and the hard work and sacrifice it requires.
he's fully aware of who he is and what he's capable of, and he's extremely brave and strong and competent
Its good to be good for the sake of being good! And wyll does believe in fairy tales. But his dedication to the blade doesn't come because he's misinformed. Is he as experienced and powerful as he thinks he is? No, he's 24 LOL. But he's still done a lot! Has YOUR muse hunted devils thru avernus? Has ur muse even BEEN to avernus?
Wyll ravengard genuinely is improvising half the time---but more important than simply "being" good and wanting to do good----Wyll has the experience, practice and competence in serving a community to actually BETTER and protect communities.
In fandom spaces we often talk about how certain characters are "just so good" but we like. We forget about the effort it takes to actually commit to acts of doing good, the practice and perservance it takes to competently serve the community.
You can give the people the shirt off ur back but u run out of shirts eventually. Wyll has made himself an important resource on the Sword Coast for its safety. And I think we take that for granted bc its a genre staple, but like. He worked really hard. He dedicated himself to this.
He sold his soul, and he kept living and doing good anyway
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elisiafarias · 8 days
Can you Write How would they react if their baby got sick? Please UwU
Im really happy you like it 🥰🥰
Now im really inspired
Pdt: I dont know nothing about babys but im doing my best
Bi han ❄️
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It's only been two days since you gave birth, you were happier than ever, your baby was calm. Also you felt like Bi han softened when he was with you two.
Although he was a present man for you and your baby, he had to attend to Lin kuei matters.
After all he was still the Lin kuei Grandmaster. However, in this short time that has passed he has tried to help as he can, in his absence he left a woman in charge to attend to your demands.
When he arrived he would ask you how you were and then he would go to appreciate his son. When he looked at him, it was as if another feeling was born from him, he loved his son, he felt that he was an extension of him, his blood, It was unconditional love. You also felt that his love for you also grew.
It was early today, Bi Han left on a mission without telling you, it didn't bother you because you are used to it, after all you knew what you would have to face being the wife of the Grandmaster of the Linkuei.
You want to have breakfast, however your baby started crying, you assumed he was hungry, you asked the woman accompanying you to bring him to you. However, your baby did not accept your milk, you tried to calm him down in other ways and see what he had but nothing worked. As you carried him around the room with him you asked the woman.
-I don't understand, he doesn't accept my milk and he doesn't stop crying, what am I doing wrong? -You asked a little desperately.
-My lady, how about I bring you the wet nurse? - The woman suggested to you. At first you hesitated, you didn't want your baby to drink other woman milk, it gave you a strange feeling. But you had to do it for his own good.
-Yes please, but let it be in front of me.- You said to the woman. She nodded and went to look for the wet nurse, however he didn't accept her milk either, then your baby started crying harder.
His crying worried you, it was like he was suffering, something was wrong, your maternal instinct told you.
-Let's take him to the doctor, help me get dressed.- You said quickly.
- My lady, you should stay in bed. - The lady told you worriedly, after all you were still in pain from childbirth.
- Don't worry, I'll be fine, he should be with me. - You responded determinedly, your bond with your son was unbreakable.
They helped you dress, the truth is that you could barely move because of the pain, however you wanted to calm your son's pain.
Fortunately, the doctors were in the Lin Kuei establishments by order of the Grandmaster, to attend to his wife's demands, a wise decision on his part.
When you arrived with them, they asked you questions, examined your baby, and then made you leave the room.
-My lady, due to the hours that have passed without him eating, and given that he was born 2 months earlier than expected, we have the theory that some of his organs are not well developed. Therefore, we are going to feed him through feeding tubes. - The doctor explained to you.
For you it was like a bucket of cold water, it hurt you to think how uncomfortable your baby is going to be, if it would hurt, he is so small and so fragile.
-but there is no other way? he'll be fine? - you asked anxiously
-This is the best option, many hours have passed without feeding, believe me.- The doctor say try yo calm you.
In the end you had to give in, but you demanded to see him as much as possible.
They didn't deny you. Despite everything, you are the wife of the Grandmaster, he would threaten everyone if he was with you, and the doctors were aware of it.
In the end you thanked them, and waited for them to prepare your baby, while you waited you ate forcedly, you weren't even hungry, you did it just so that your condition wouldn't get worse.
Then you went to wait for them to call you so you could see him.
When they finally called you to come in, you went quickly. When you walked in your heart broke, even though you knew your son was going to be full of tubes, seeing him there was more shocking, he was so small, he looked so uncomfortable.
-Oh my life, my sweet baby.- You said to your baby, trying to caress his face.
You could barely touch it because there were so many tubes and cables that you could ruin a connection.
Your heart was shaken, he did not understand anything, you sent someone to notify Bi Han about the condition of his son as soon as he arrived, because you would not be separated from your baby. You felt like something would happen to him if you weren't with him.
So then you were with him, sitting watching him, without realizing it the day was already ending, for you the hours seemed like minutes, it was already 5 in the morning.
Just as you were about to close your eyes you felt a hand on your back.
-Wife....- Bi Han said, when you turned to see the cryomancer he was in shock seeing his son in that state.
He looked exhausted for having just arrived from a mission.
-Sorry, it's my fault, I couldn't breastfeed, he was suffering, so I brought him here.- You couldn't even finish your sentence because you finally broke.
You hid your face from him, you feel weak and vulnerable before him, but surprisingly for you he began to caress your head.
-It's not your fault.- your husband said compassionately.
-You should go to sleep now.- The cryomancer demanded.
-I can't...if I do he will be alone.- You responded weakly. Your husband frowned.
-Y/N, you are recovering, if you continue like this your condition will worsen.- The cryomancer told you somewhat harshly. He didn't like disobedience.
-I can't.- You responded without stopping to look at your baby.
-Obey your husband.- Bi han said harshly, his patience had already run out, the truth is that he was also dealing with many things that he never expresses, adding this situation.
Deep down you understood it, but it made you angry that he didn't understand that you didn't want to be separated from your son, at least being close to him gave you some peace of mind, as if nothing was going to happen to him.
-Okay, I'll do it, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep- you finally told him.
He sat down to look at his son, and he sighed as if he had regretted raising his voice to you.
-I'll stay with him.- the cryomancer said without stopping to look at his son.
That answer surprised you, you knew that deep down your husband was also suffering, but he remained stoic.
-Forgive me, when I finish resting I will come here, and then you will go to rest too.- You told your husband while you kissed his forehead.
He just nodded, and then you said goodbye to your baby and went to sleep (worried).
When Bi Han was left alone with his son, he got up and put his hand caressing the cheek of his baby.
"Everything will end soon, you are strong because you are my son." He spoke sweetly to his baby.
His son looked at him with those little eyes while making noises.
-Shhh..shhh.- The Grandmaster began to make sounds to his son to calm him down.
And it worked, Bi han shuddered. He didn't like seeing his son like that and he wasn't going to accept that his son wouldn't get better.
He was also tired, however he didn't give it importance, he was trained to endure days without sleep.
After a few hours he was closing his eyes and then his head was situated in a comfortable place.
He realized when he felt hands caress his hair that it was you. His head was placed on your chest, after many hours he had found peace, your perfume seemed pleasant to him.
-My love, you must go rest now.- You asked the cryomancer, he raised his head and directed it towards his son.
-I'm fine, I don't need to rest.- The Grandmaster said coldly, you put a hand on his cheek and made him turn to look at you delicately.
- Eat and rest, you haven't rested since you arrived from your mission, and the nurses are also going to change him and bathe him l.-You told him sweetly as you caressed his cheek. He took your hand and caressed it for a moment and finally accepted.
And so you stayed with your baby, hours passed and your husband returned, and that's how you stayed for the next few days, taking turns, or being together. Bi Han still had to attend to some Lin Kuei matters, you wondered how he could be so strong.
Now you were together looking at your son still in the incubator full of tubes. The baby had gained weight.
-How long are we supposed to wait?-The Cryomancer said, already angry, his patience had run out.
-Patience, husband, remember that he will be like this until his organs develop well-you told him calmly.
-These doctors are incompetent.- He responded harshly.
-My love, please don't be rude, they are doing the best they can, without them maybe our son wouldn't be alive- you told him, trying to calm him down, you were sure he was about to threaten the doctors.
He just growled, after a few minutes you dared to say.
-I swear that if he dies- You started to say but your husband interrupted you abruptly.
-Don't you dare even think about it, he will be fine.- The cryomancer responded harshly.
-I would die with him.- You finished saying with a very low voice.
Your husband just shook his head down. He heaved a sigh and took your hand.
-He is a Lin kuei, he is strong, he will get out of this.- The Grandmaster said stoically.
You just nodded anxiously, you want to believe that what Bi Han says is true, so you decide to decree positively.
All these days that have passed you have asked the universe that your son gets better soon, and if it was some kind of karma for the enemies that your husband has killed, may that karma be for you.
Until the day finally came when they disconnected your baby's tubes, to see if he could eat on his own. The Grandmaster commented "it's about time", you just looked at him insistently so he wouldn't be rude.
So there you were anxious and nervous, you wanted your son to accept your milk to end this hell.
When the nurse brought him to you you were so happy to see him disconnected, he looked more comfortable, although your baby gained weight he was still so small.
It was time, you got into position to breastfeed him, your husband put his hand on your baby's head to help position it.
-Come on my life, eat.- You said sweetly to your baby.
And as if it were a miracle, your baby started drinking, you could feel that connection with your baby, it was something unique and beautiful.
Bi han let out a small smile.
-Look at him my love, he's healthy now.- You said excitedly.
-Very well, we will leave with him immediately.- Said the cryomancer proud.
-Wait, Grandmaster, we must prepare him and do some final evaluations.- The nurse said scared.
Bi Han grunted. You just laughed.
-It's okay my love, the important thing is that our son is healthy, and he will be with us, thank you very much nurse and the doctors too.- You said happily.
Your husband looked at you and kissed your head.
-You did very well, wife.- The cryomancer said with a small smile, it was the first time you saw him so sweet to you.
After this event you couldn't be happier, for your son to be healthy was the best thing that could happen to you, and Bi has also shown that he loved them both.
Author note:
Hello hello I hope you liked it, don't look for inconsistency with the baby's plot, I don't know much about them XD but I did my best.
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okay so I saw an ask that's similar to a situation I'm going through, and now I feel like I have to ask...AITA? NSFW content
(🐊🩷💀 for me to find)
this will be long, I'll try to shorten it
I've been married to my (25f) partner (27 mtf) for almost 6 years. I'm going to use he/him pronouns for him because he hasn't begun his transition and still wants these pronouns, but 3 years ago he came out to me as trans. we live in a not great state (US) for that, and so he hasn't begun his transition bc he personally doesn't want to start until he can also start medically, but, he was born a male and wants to transition to female
This was nbd to me at the time because I'm bisexual, so I was like "alright cool let's figure out how to get out of this state then and let you live your best life." we haven't been able to move financially, but we are hoping for next year.
When I believed he was still a male (if this is not the proper wording PLEASE correct me, I just don't know how else to say it??) we had this understanding that if I wanted to sleep with women, I could, bc I never have actually slept w a woman before. This never actually happened bc I'm terrible at flirting/weird w sex in general, so it never applied. However, around the time he came out to me, I began maturing (?) sexually myself. I got a SUPER high libido out of nowhere, started thinking about things I've never really wanted to do before (threesomes, etc) and thought about the possibility of sleeping w other men bc, idk, I just wanted to? I honestly considered (am still considering) if I'm sexually monogamous or not
I LOVE my partner, I do not want to leave him, but I literally cannot control my sex drive. When we have sex, it's great, but I also wanna sleep around a little. It has nothing to do w him and I don't wanna leave him, and honestly I don't even like the men I've considered as people, I just think they're hot. I'd never date them in a million years bc they're personalities are...not compatible to me. I honestly think they're assholes, it's just physical.
Anyways, when he came out, a few weeks later I proposed this question to him. I said "hey, you always said I could sleep with a woman bc it'd be a different experience than I could get with you, when you medically transition, can I sleep with men? I really like sex with a penis and you know straps kinda scare me a little. of course it'd just be sex." He kinda flipped, we got in a big argument and almost broke up over it bc he thinks I want to cheat on him. It doesnt help that around the same time, a male friend was showing big big interest in me, and when my husband asked who I'd even want to sleep with, I said this friend, and then he was convinced I had feelings for him and I lost some of his trust. Nothing ever happened w this friend, and nothing EVER would without my partner knowing and being okay with it, but he definitely lost trust in me.
His side of the story is, well honestly I don't understand it. I've been too afraid to bring it up again bc of how big the fight was, and everytime I broach the subject, he thinks I want to leave him/cheat on him. He says he's uncomfortable w me having sex w a man even after he transitions. He's tried explaining how it's different to him, but I don't understand. I think a lot of it is he just doesn't trust men and honestly probably hates them. I'm definitely attracted to women, but I like penetrative sex. Penetrative toys scare me, I've had panic attacks using them before. I just can't do it, I don't see them as an option. I love my partner and I dont want to leave him, but I also don't want to forego a sexual experience I enjoy.
TLDR; I've gotten a crazy high libido the last few years, my trans partner is uncomfortable with me sleeping with men once he transitions, even though I've been "allowed" to sleep with women this entire time that he still presents as male
Am I the asshole? Would I be if I brought it up again?
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vixensbrainrotts · 4 months
Committed to you - Manjiro >Mikey< Sano
(part two)
Idea/ prompt: Mikey from the last timeline who wants to propose to us but has no idea how to ask so he ask advices from draken and emma
Vixen's two cents: Hi. I know ive been gone for like 2 weeks, I dont know why but it's been hard writing lately. anyway, thanks a million to @anahryal for giving me this idea whilst I was in the pits of my writers block!!! thanks girl, I can't tell you how much this helped. anyway, REQUESTS ARE OPEN and I advise you to use them! now please enjoy my revival piece!
Mikey has thought every possible thought he could have. He had run through every possible situation, every possible outcome, every possible setting, but damnit why was this so hard? He couldn’t do it. Not for the life of him.
He had browsed millions of travel blogs, pondering about every possible spot on earth to take you for the occasion. He had woken in and out of more jewelry stores in the past month than he had ever in his entire life. He had specifically stood in corner stores, reading the wedding catalogues in the magazine section trying to figure out what the hell he was supposed to do.
None of it helped.
Manjiro wanted it so bad. So so very bad. Every white dress he walked by, he envisioned you in it. Every bakery shop he passed, his eyes flitted up and down the fancy display cakes, pondering whether or not it would be good enough. Any time he woke up next to you, every time he joined you in the shower, every time he watched you cook, the urge to sink to one knee overtook him.
He knew he couldn’t make it that simple though. It was too domestic for him, so little of a gesture. He wanted you to know that he loved you, that he would bring you the moon if you wanted it. He needed you to see just how much he appreciates you for sticking with him through everything, and for that he needs a grand gesture.
However it seemed that nothing he could think of was quite big enough, quite meaningful enough, quite heartfelt enough. He was at the end of his wits. For one and a half months- seven weeks he had been fighting this battle alone.
He had made some progress in that time, having picked the ring because when he picked it up he just felt that this was the one. It was a niche store, and he was initially appalled by the average price of the rings, but decided, ah what the fuck? and entered the store for mostly shits and giggles. He was greeted by an expensive looking elderly gentleman who donned a monocle and silk gloves, clearly the clerk, and clearly an expert. He had the longest, most engaging talk with the man, explaining his situation and his frustrations, to which the man nodded understandingly and told of his own story and experience with marigge.
Seven long weeks he had kept it a secret from everyone, and now he couldn’t take it anymore.
He was just about to throw the towel on this whole thing and say fuck it and give up on this whole marriage thing and just accept that he would never make it, when he remembered that he didnt have to be alone in this. Not at all matter of fact. His best friend married his sister after all. If Ken could do it with the pressure of Shinichiro, Izana AND Mikey breathing down his neck, then surely he could do it too, right?
You were out on a girls night with Hinata, Senju and Yuzuha. Emma would have tagged along normally too, but with the addition of a new-born baby, she decided that it would be best to sit out this time. Either way you were out of the house for the night, and Mikey was left to his own devices. You had left him with a kiss and a home-cooked meal (which he felt bad about leaving behind so he completely stuffed himself before coming here) before he gave Ken a quick heads up over the phone that he was coming over with a VERY important problem.
Thats how he found himself here. Standing in the Kitchen of Emma and Ken‘s flat, hands perched on the counter, looking down at the surface, face in a deep frown. „What’s goin on? What’s the problem?“ Ken asks roughly, leaned on the refrigerator as he eyed his friend. Mikey didnt really respond though.
„What problem?“ Emma‘s voice was hushed as she entered through the kitchen door, pulling the door shut behind her, probably for the sake of the baby. „I dont know.“ Ken responded, rubbing his eyebrows „Ask your brother.“ he sighed as he gestured to Mikey who was still staring down the counter.
“Mikey?!” Emma sounded confused and a little concerned as she turned to look at him, eyes flitting between her brother and her husband. “Did you know he was coming over?”
Ken nodded wordlessly. “Said he needs our help about something.” Emma’s head tilted in question but accepted the fact. “What’s up Mikey?” She asked, approaching him and joining Draken at the other side of the counter.
Mikey didn’t say anything though, instead reaching into his pocket and producing a small, black, silk-encased box. He dropped it onto the table and looked up at the couple in desperation. “How do I do it?”
Ken gasped and felt his lips tug into a smile, happy that finally, finally Mikey was wiping you up (he had told him to do so since they were teens).
Emma slapped her hands over her mouth to muffle a silent scream, beginning to voice up and down on excitement as she realized- her brother was marrying you! She thanked the gods that Mikey fell in love with you because there was no better in-law than her Soulsister.
“Ahhhhh! Oh my goodness Mikey! I’m so happy for you! Can I see? Wow! Oh my god Ken are you seeing this!? He’s proposing! Ah I’m so glad!” Mikey nodded in response and let Emma pick up the box and crack it open, revealing the beautiful white-gold wedding band, encrusted with more diamonds than she could count. Notably, one large diamond sat in the middle of the ring, flanked by two smaller diamonds on each side.
“Oh.” Emma breathed. “Ken why didn’t you ask Manjiro for help when picking my ring?” Emma sounded slightly offended as she spoke, glaring down at the ring.
“Nah nah, don’t get it twisted girl. You told me what ring you wanted, I didn’t have much picking liberty other than the price.” Ken waved his hands in dismissal, brushing off her accusations with a grin still wide on his face. He made his way over to Mikey and clapped a hand on his shoulder, congratulating him for the occasion.
“Good on you man! Finally givin it the push, hah?” Ken was smiling as he searched for Mikey’s eyes, but he didn’t look up. “What’s up with the long face? You’re about to propose dude, you should be over the moon!”
Mikey sighed and shook his head. “I’ve been trying to propose to her for months. Months Ken. I can’t do it. It’s never right.”
The couple halted their celebrations and turned to look at Mikey again, Emma putting down the dainty box as her looks turns to one of concern. “What do you mean?” She fingered at the box as she leaned across the counter.
“It’s… i don’t know. Ken made it look so easy when he proposed to you, and Pah-chin was even more mindless about it! I really want to. I really do, but every time I get close, I chicken out because I get scared or because something isn’t right, and I’m starting to think that it’s better if I just… don’t.” Mikey sighed and cradled his head in his hands, his elbows resting on the counter.
Emma and Ken shared a look, a wordless exchange of worry and empathy. "What kind of proposal were you thinking of? Big? Small? Public? Private?" Emma started, hand rubbing soothingly across her brother's back.
"Big." Mikey mumbled into his hands, remaining hunched over the counter. "Big and public. I wanna make sure that everyone knows, everyone sees, I want them all to know. want them to know how much I love her."
Emma's eyes softened and she suppressed a smile, because all in all, it was cute. She had always known her brother to be big and strong, undefeatable, and most of all unwaverable. Mikey always put up the strong front when really, he was hurt. Vulnerability wasn't something that she was used to seeing from him, which made this moment all the more special.
"Do you want to go somewhere with her?" Ken steps in and asks, an idea arising. Mikey only grunts, a noise of agreement sounding through the room. "Do you know what kind of places she likes?" Ken continues.
Mikey's head slowly raises from the position on the table and he stares forward at the refrigerator. "Europe."
Emma and Ken looked at one another again, sensing that they were getting somewhere. "Then take her on Vacation. You both have that long shared break coming up, don't you? Travel through Europe and when it feels right, ask!" Ken said.
"How do I know when it feels right, though? What if it's not the moment?" Mikey asks, still not entirely convinced. "You'll know. I promise you, you'll know. I knew too and I didn't think I had the stuff to ever get married." Ken reassures again, and this time the two share eye contact, and it takes Draken a lot not to tear up.
Draken took a moment in his mind to look at Mikey. He had stuck by his side since they were kids, through thick and thin it's always been the two if them against the world. And now as he looked at Manjiro he no longer saw the unmatchable delinquent he saw ten years ago, but rather a distinguished person with complex thoughts and emotions. He saw a man that felt, a man that cared and a man that loved in front of him, and he couldn't be prouder.
Ken nodded at Mikey, and Mikey nodded back at him. "Yeah. She'll love it! Thanks, I'll do that! Gosh I don't know what id do without you two.."
"Oh, please propose to her in front of the Eifel Tower! Or the Coliseum! Or on some romantic Bridge in Venice!" Emma swooned and held her hands over her chest, hearts in her eyes.
Mikey smiled at her and nodded again. "I'll try and film it if I can."
The rest of the evening was spent with the three of them checking about a thousand booking sites, mapping travel routes and destinations, and the occasional cacophony of laughter which led to a grumpy Ryuguji-baby. Manjiro couldn't wait to go with you, he thought as he sat on one of the armchairs, gently running a thumb over the silk box that sat pretty in his hand.
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plutonianeris · 1 year
a message from 13 year old you ‧₊˚✩彡 [letter] 💓🍬
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this is a general reading. take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. ⛓️ *・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦ if you feel guided to: tip jar💘 ✧.*
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Pile one ‧₊˚✩彡
"what did I tell you? I always knew it would work out in the end. I was always knew the pain wasn't going to last forever. It hurt to be treated that way by the people closest to me, especially the women in my life. there was always so much confusion growing up. people would say pretty things but there body language would show something else. I felt caged in my connections. But I always had some faith. I always had a feeling that the universe was watching out for me... for us. that it was sending us signs. that eventually I would be able to enjoy life to the fullest without feeling guilty for it. without feeling like I had to compare myself to the versions of me that they wanted me to be. I hope you know now that those versions don't exist. that we weren't born to be dolls for other people to dress up and control and shove words and opinions in their mouth and to gargle and spit back up. I doubted my intellgience so much.. underestimated my creativity. but looking at you now.. looking at us... I feel so proud. dont forget about me please! I always believed in you. even on those days where you couldnt stand to look in the mirror. I was on your side this whole time, its just that sometimes you werent listening. But now looking at you, you are everything I ever wanted to be. Im so glad I didnt give up. You deserve it all. the world. your dreams. im rooting for you. heres to more blessings and abundance."
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Pile two ‧₊˚✩彡
"remember the way everyone would make fun of us for the weird things we did? Our odd expressions and the questions we asked and how we laughed out loud and our desire to see the world. how it always labeled as silly. I know it had made us dull our self expression for a little while. How we forced ourselves to shrink down, to fake laugh to the mean comments, or "oh this? not a big deal" or "its not that good.." so many of those... just to blend in better with our friends and family at the time. to make them like us. to see if that would make them stop criticizing so damn much. I hope we no longer are letting comments like that slide. I hope we dress like the way we always wanted to in our head but were to afraid to wear out. I hope we didn't let the world extinguish our playful nature. life felt like heartbreak after another. what do you know about love? youre just a kid. they deformed the way we saw it for a long time. but not anymore. It makes me emotional.. the way you never let go my hand. and how you always carried me along with you in your heart. Of course, now you call me your inner child. Or I guess inner teen. Ha, inner tween. Thank you for always being my friend. I see now that you are always what I was meant to be. Out of all the stars in the sky, we shine the brightest, you and me."
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Pile three ‧₊˚✩彡
"you are so beautiful... wow we really are so different now. But I still see hints of me in you. in your smirk and your mischievous laugh and in your questioning glances and sharp stare when someone gets a little bit too close to our personal space. I admire the way your presence can make someone nervously glance away. I use to feel so powerless.. so many things I did to try to gain some control, even if it meant hurting myself and pushing away the people I love. I love how vulnerable you are. I really did see it as a weakness but looking at you now, it makes me realize how brave you are. of putting yourself out there despite the uncertainty. of taking that chance even if could end up badly. even if you could end up with a broken heart it seems like you no longer find sastification in staying in the darkness. I understand, its.. well, lonely... being alone. Do you think you could take me with you? That part of you... that is still afraid. do you think you could tell me? tell me that I am not broken or incomplete that there is nothing wrong with me. that I am not the worst thing that has ever happened to me or will happen to me. Reassure me? Tell me that some things we have to do even when we are afraid. that its terrifying and nerve wracking and makes our palms sweat. but then once we do it, it's glorious, it's liberating, it's everything we have ever dreamed of and more. I see it now. Take me with you. Do you see me? I see you. The way you look at the world and want to devour it. I see you now, with a crown atop your head. how you wear it so gracefully..."
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Pile four ‧₊˚✩彡
"So many times.... I was so close to giving up. to listening to that little voice in my head that kept telling me over and over again that there was no point. that the feeling and the ache in my chest would last forever. that it was always going to be me versus the world. me versus me. that everything around me would always be dull and gray and that I would always be blue. I doubted my self-worth so much. It was practically non-existent. I still do in some ways now when I pop up and invalidate the way you feel, shrugging my shoulders wondering if maybe we are actually deserving of this happiness... of this success. it feels foreign. like its not really mine.. well, ours. We're not in a really good situation right now and my parents are trying to hide things from me that im just too big now to pretend not to notice. they don't make me feel that protected anymore. and that hurts me a lot. whose gonna take care of me now? Im so glad youre here now. Im so glad we got to grow up and that we survived. and im so glad that now that we survive we can actually live. Thank you for reminding that we can let go now. that theres no room for a pity party anymore. thank you for letting me know that your'e not going to leave me behind. thank you for keeping my memory alive. thank you for looking back at me with kind and loving eyes. but most of all, thank you for fighting for me. I know I can easily lie and say "everything is fine" but thank you for showing me that it eventually it is. thank you proving to me that eventually I will say its fine. its okay. its great even. and that I, that we, actually mean it."
© plutonianeris
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sofie-toffy · 6 months
Mizu Headcanons
AN: Broo ive just finished blue eye samurai and im obsessed w it..so here are some headcanons! SHE WAS SO FINE IN THE LAST SCENE BTW UGHH
(I’ll be separating it based on genre eg. angst or fluff)
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Warnings: Angst, Contains mentions of death & murder, spoilers! The fluff is x reader
(if you know me irl, no you don’t)
- Mizu often thinks about how life would be if she chose to forgave her husband and didn’t kill him
- After Ringo leaving her she feels awful for what she’s done and wishes that she could let go of her revenge path but cannot
- Once Mizu’s “mother” betrayed her and Mizu killed her, she still had the motive of killing her father, but instead of the motive to avenge her mother it was to curse the man that made her live in the first place
- She understood that she never should’ve been born in the first place and was born as monstrous, hence her obsession with revenge. But there is obviously a part of her that wants to live a peaceful life
- She normally has panic attacks but no one has ever witnessed them except Swordfather
- When she was with her husband (the night before the sparring) that was the only time she felt loved for who she was
- She wanted to show who she really was as her husband asked to, and once she did she was called “a monster” and now she’s reluctant to show anyone even half of who she really is
- She overworks herself to the point of exhaustion and most times collapses, forgetting to eat and rest
- Whenever she checks her reflection, she imagines herself with brown/black eyes
- (Canon) she wears the same clothes she wore since she was a child and stitches them whenever they tear
- because of her binder she often has trouble breathing but she’s so used to it she thinks it’s normal
- She once wanted to gouge her eyes out so she won’t witness the looks of disgust when they see her eyes
- She’s entirely convinced that there’s no way she’ll ever be truly loveable. She’s convinced she’s monstrous in every way, from the hues of her blue eyes to the violence she bears
Fluff/Not angst(finally)
- Love language is quality time & acts of service
- Although she’s not aware of it, she has an unconscious fixation with music. Mizu has always been drawn to musical festivals and it both calms and excites her
- If given the time, she normally asks if you want to go to festivals (her unnamingly pleading for you to agree) and her face is relaxed the whole time, her fingers intertwined with yours
- I feel her normal dates with you would be very simple. She’d enjoy just spending time with you, quietly or with small chatter
- She loves stargazing with you. My god. Laying beside each other, feeling each others warmth contrary to the harsh snow as you look at the different constellations
- Actually, you’d be looking at the constellation while she looks at you with a small smile tugging at her lips, while she adores the light in your eyes as you gaze up
- Speaking of holding hands she LOVES to hold your hand, doesn’t matter if your hand is cold or warm, it intertwines with hers perfectly
- Whenever you compliment her eyes she doesn’t believe you until you say it a thousand times
- takes a LONG time to warm up to you, but once she does it is SO worth it
- unconsciously misses your warmth, once sleeping she searches for your hand to hold or for you to hug
- speaking of hugging, i think she can be both spoons but mostly big spoon
- loves resting her head on your chest but loves wrapping her arms around you, ensuring that you are safe
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blackpearlblast · 6 months
hey, if my ask is insensitive or simply too much work/you dont want to give your opinion/energy thats ok, and im sorry for bothering you if it is. ive seen many jewish people say "from the river to the sea" is a dogwhistle/generally antisemitic phrase to use, but you used it in your golem art's text part(incredibly moving text btw.) im asking you bc you mentioned youre jewish and i thought you might have insight or thoughts to give on why you use it/what you think about the first statement about the phrase?
hi, yes, i would be glad to talk about my perspective on this! first of all, i do want to say that i think a lot of palestinian bloggers have already talked about this and their voices will always be what you want to seek out first when educating yourself. however, i do know the crowd of people claiming that "from the river to the sea" is antisemitic/genocidal has been very loud so i understand why you would want to hear a jewish perspective on it too. second, in order to explain why i think "from the river to the sea" is not antisemitic will involve me comparing it to actual antisemitic, nazi slogans and dogwhistles and talking about what they mean. so just a heads up for that before it comes up.
the full phrase is "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free!" i think a lot of times in accusations of antisemitism people leave off the second half of the phrase in order to claim it is calling for something else to happen from river to sea (like the expulsion or execution of all jews.) but that's just like, not, ever, a thing? that is said? you can tell the pieces of the phrase go together because they rhyme and also are said together by palestinians and allies near constantly. it's "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free." and i think all of the fearmongering relies on a good bit of ambiguity beyond that too. "what does a 'free palestine' mean? could it meant they want to throw all the jews into the sea?" - some zionist when i tried to look up the origin of the phrase in case there was anything really important i was missing that i should cover in this. there's like this idea that they can't really be asking for a free palestine, there has to be some kind of catch.
i think it's also important to look at the circumstances that this slogan was born under. the thing about modern day palestine and occupied palestine, on which israel tries to build itself, is that even though spatially the land stretches from river to sea, the people's experience of it does not. because of the apartheid system of checkpoints, ID-based restriction of movement, and blockades (in the case of gaza), there exist great gulfs in the land that are impossible or near impossible for people to cross. there can be a place a couple miles away, that due to lacking the "proper credentials", is more distant for palestinians living under apartheid than perhaps a destination a cross-country trip away would be for you. so i see the call for a free palestine specifically "from river to sea" to remove those gulfs and allow freedom of movement for everyone. i find very little of this has to do with jews, personally. the only connection is that the people who set up and maintain this system of apartheid happened to be jewish. and i hope that we would all agree that resisting one's oppressors- even if those oppressors are also marginalized and oppressed in other ways- is not a bad thing.
but it is true that many white supremacist/antisemitic slogans may focus more on the creation of a (white) nation than actually the jews themselves, since they have already established among themselves that a white nation has to mean no jews. so let's look at some of the more famous nazi rallying cries and how different they are from "from the river to the sea."
the fourteen words are most primarily known to be "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." wow! i guess we could find some superficial similarities between this and river and the sea, like if we really wanted to stretch it. but personally, there's a ton of alarm bells in my head that this phrase sets off while river to the sea doesn't. the emphasis of "we" and "our" when used in this way really implies an us versus them narrative. and here the ambiguity really is present and malevolent! a "free palestine" is a palestine unrestricted by apartheid and colonialism. a "secure existence" and "future for white children" is uhhh, what does that Mean. like, we Know what that means right. but they aren't saying it. we can very easily find people saying what a free palestine means if we listen to palestinians. please, please listen to palestinians. there are so many people talking about what their idea of a decolonized palestine looks like, but the basics are generally one state, for all people, with equal rights for all, and the ability for those who were expelled from their homes in the nakba and all of the many long years following it, to return.
"blood and soil" is even vaguer. but thankfully(?), nazis were very enthusiastic about explaining what the phrase meant to them. "blood" is the superior aryan bloodlines and eugenic values that they wished to propagate and the "soil" represents the land of germany and the desire to "reject modernity and embrace tradition" by leaving urban life behind and living in the idealized countryside. (see we got a twofer here!) the only possible connection i could make to from the river to the sea here is the emphasis on the land but that on its own doesn't feel significant to me. land and the place where you live is very important to all kinds of humans all over the world. and i think another particular aspect of "blood and soil" is the emphasis of how you are living on the land. it's not just enough to be able to live in your homeland with freedom of movement and the ability not to be killed with impunity by occupying soldiers (lucky you!), you want to live there in a state of racial purity exemplified by eugenic values. in general, in nazi slogans, there is a particular fixation with a society shaped to represent these specific values. the call is not for freedom from repression, from an actual occupying colony, but instead from the considered bad actors and impure values coming from within their society. freedom from having degenerates sullying their perfect aryan nation. there is a plea to be able to get rid of those who do not match their view of a perfect society. the plea for a free palestine is, so much, a plea to be able to keep their family members, their friends, the friendly stranger down the block. that is not a fascist ideology, that is the will to live. and though i am referring to the ideology surrounding "blood and soil" in past tense because i am referencing the coining of the phase, these sentiments and slogans are obviously (and unfortunately) alive and well today. though, there is a particular irony to white american neo-nazis chanting it on stolen land.
"they will not replace us"/"jews will not replace us" refers to the "great replacement" theory, that jews are orchestrating a mass replacement of white people with immigrants (specifically non-white, often muslim immigrants.) i do not think this slogan has even any superficial similarities to from the river to the sea. you could definitely compare this sentiment to israel's attempts to maintain an artificial ethnic majority, since in many ways the potential "solution" to the "great replacement" would also need to involve creating/maintaining an artificial ethnic majority. (this is obviously not saying that israel subscribes to the great replacement theory, but that the tactic of maintaining artificial ethnic majorities is shared between zionism and great replacement theorists, since both ideologies rely on a specific ethnicity being the majority in their country.)
dogwhistles like 88, triple parenthesis, etc. rely on being vague symbols so that only those who know what the symbols stand for know what they mean. (88=HH=heil hitler, the triple parentheses representing the supposed (((echoes))) of jewish influence throughout history.) "from the river to the sea, palestine will be free" is a complete phrase that directly names its cause. people who say "free palestine" want you to know they stand with palestine. i guess if you wanted to be going for the most bad faith reading possible you could say "free palestine from what?", to which every palestinian and everyone who has been remotely paying attention to what palestinians are saying would shout: "from apartheid, colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and currently, very open and deliberate genocide!" like, it is true that if you felt you did not glean every aspect and detail of what the people in the occupied territories are calling for, you would be correct! but they are answering this. they want to talk about it. the reason i do not believe from the river to the sea is genocidal or antisemitic is because i have been reading and listening to what palestinians are saying and none of them have said they want to kill all jews. they do not want genocide, they want to go home! they just want to go home. i don't know most of this was written pretty tongue in cheek because i was talking about nazi slogans and nazis are pathetic and even more pathetic when held up against a movement of people who are legitimately trying to fight against a great wrong that was committed against them, but i just get so sad saying this. they just want to go home. haven't you ever felt that way before?
in the end, words mean things, and even more importantly, the contexts they're said in mean things. and while it's true that antisemites do hide behind dogwhistles and vague statements for plausible deniability, the alternative meaning does have to actually be established somewhere for them to be effective. from the river to the sea lacks an established alternative meaning. fearmongering from people who refuse to listen to what palestinians are actually saying does not make sense to me as legitimate definitions of the phrase.
also!!!! i'm sorry this got so Fucking long, thank you if you actually made it this far! i intentionally used "from the river to the sea" in my artists statement because it frustrates and upsets me so much to see people making such a big fuss about it when actual antisemitism goes unpunished. like a lot of the phrases i talk about here were chanted at the charlottesville neo-nazi march in 2017 and while many people were deeply upset and angry at what happened, the jewish community was not rallied around even Close to as much as it right now. and with joe biden saying "if it weren't for israel, not a single jew in the world would be safe" at a fucking hanukkah celebration i just. i don't know. the push back against "from the river to the sea" has so much to do with backing colonial and imperial interests and so so little to do with our actual safety. the concept of our identities and safety is being weaponized against palestinians, and at the same time makes it harder to identify actual antisemitism. and that hurts.
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sassymax2000 · 2 months
2024!Bill Kaulitz X Daughter!Reader(Headcanon)
A/n this was SOOOOOOOOO fucking fun to make! Btw just in case your new to the daddy x daughter thing,ITS A PLATONIC! HC. okrrrrrr enjoy :) ITS SHORT
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He panicked when he found out you were gonna be born. He had knocked up a girl,who wanted nothing to do with him OR you.
But,When you were born and he held you for the first time-OH LORD he was star struck 🤩 he fell in love with you instantly (again,FAHTERLY LOVE)
He spoils you ROTTEN,you want a new dog? Dogie has teleported into ur room,you want a new…I DONT Know-Gucci shit? CHA CHING💰💵🤑 want a new dad?- no just kidding 😂 who would?
Matching clothes is MANDATORy,he won’t force you,but he will pled and beg for you to go matching😞leaving you no choice…so yea he forces you😂
He tours AALOT so you have a personal Nanny,she’s sweet and kind (he made SURE she was before hiring her.
With your uncles..ngl your dad gets frustrated, because theses ‘Men’(boys) are sending you mixed messages,Tom is giving the vibe ‘don’t tell your dad,just tell me everything about your problems’ Georg….well….Gustav…..it’s just Tom😅 the rest are good influences.
(Funny Story,when you were learning your first word,they all gathered together because they KNEW you were gonna say it……you started reaching out for Tom…while calling him ‘dadda’….they all looked at Tom,going’OOOOOOOOO’ while Tom was looking at you in fear,not wanting to make eye contact with your FUMING Father. Thst was the first fist fight your EVER saw🫢🤭 Oopsies- but damn bill was PISSED,he was so jealous and angry that you didn’t think he was your daddy🫢)
If you got hurt as a kid,and you were crying? HAVE NO FEAR DADDY IS HERE!he would knelt down in Front of you, ‘shhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ing you,to soothe you,holding your head in his chest.After you calmed down he would set you on his lap,as your head would he gently pushed into his chest,he cared for the scrap Very carefully,annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd…..done! You were in pain no more,my good lasie 🧓(sorry I’m stupid)
Comforting you while you cried,is honestly,so fucking hard for him,especially if you wanted to alone. He would just sob in the other room,because he knew that you were hurting so bad,that you don’t even wanna talk to your favorite person💔 Eventuelly you needed his comfort,and he ran to the rescue! He would hold you so tight,and let you cry in his chest,when your done,he would ask you what happened,and if someone hurt you,he has to ‘talk’ to them…oof-🫢
So feel like he would be..AMAZING, he would love you soooooooooooooooooo FUCKING MUCH, cuz that’s what daddy’s do.
A/n this was sooooooooo fun to write…but it is now 3:35 in the morning🥱 so good night 💤 I hope you liked it! (It was short I know)
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luvxoxo · 10 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
billie eilish - ocean eyes
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you don’t understand. you simply just dont. how on earth is it possible to be born with a pair of eyes that were so mesmerizing? you would be unstoppable if you were him.
you can choose to visit the sea at any time of the day, and yet it still remains beautiful. day or night, the time or hour of the day, doesn’t matter. if you had to choose between getting lost in his eyes or the ocean view, we both know which option would easily triumph the other.
they say ‘beautiful things dont ask for attention’ and perhaps that’s the best way to describe his eyes. more specifically, satoru’s eyes.
you stare at him intensely. not at him. but at his eyes. ‘he’s doing absolutely nothing’ you think. he’s just resting on the sofa, watching the reality show with you. smiling and occasionally lightly slapping you on while laughing. it’s not that you only find his eyes marvelous. satoru himself is the definition of a celestial being. he shines even when the sun is hiding away. however, something about his eyes just pull you in, leaving you weak and wanting more. if satoru asked you to commit arson and flashed you his blue gems at you, you’d agree to it without a second thought.
you’re snapped out of your thoughts when you see satoru gently shaking you by holding onto your arms, concern written all over his face.
"you okay? i’ve been calling your name for a while now, but you spaced out"
you nod your head, still feeling dazed "they’re so" you pause gazing deeply into his irises again.
"your eyes are breathtakingly beautiful, satoru," you whisper softly.
satoru visibly flushes. he smiles widely and looks down shyly, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. he’s a confident man. he knows he’s attractive. but when he’s around you, or with you, satoru’s heart flutters. only you would say such things to him and leave him feeling flustered. to say he’s wrapped around your fingers would be a huge understatement.
"dont do that" you voice trails off. you cradled satoru’s face in your hands and brought them up so that he’s forced to face you. thumbs gently grazing his cheekbones. you look into his eyes again, knowing deep down you’re 100% under their spell. and you certainly don’t mind one bit.
"as cheesy as this sounds satoru, your eyes are like crystals. they reflect light and color in a way that seems to hold the world within them" by the time you finish talking, you notice satoru's entire face turning scarlet.
"bet you say that to every guy with blue eyes huh?" satoru teasingly says
you nod your head no "of course not. they can't compare to the oh-so-great satoru, can they now?"
satoru let's out a small laugh and fondly looks at you with the utmost attention
"thank you" he mumbles "i don't think my eyes are particularly special but-"
you immediately shush satoru with your index finger.
"im gonna stop you right there" you smile "not only are your eyes strikingly fascinating, they show how kind you are, how warm and compassionate you can be"
you bring his face closer to yours "so don't ever, even for a second, think that your eyes aren't special. because they are to me. everything about you, is addicting. im completely enamored by you, satoru"
satoru closes his eyes as you softly kiss his eyelids. taking the time to let your lips linger for a few seconds before moving on.
for the first time in his life, satoru feels true peace and genuine love in his heart. satoru knows you're smitten with him, just as much as he is with you. perhaps that's why he always strives to be the best. for you, that is.
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
Heartbreak (3)
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The son who once looked up and idolize his father and who had been proud, to carry his father name and hopes to make his family proud. That all had changed he now longer worked to impress his dad and didn't see him as an idol anymore, after the events of heartbreak from the one he had fallen in love with and family. He was now carrying the name of the only person who stood by his side the whole time and showed him love since the day he was born. Now he knows the true meaning of family and true relationships, those who stand by your stand and right for you will always be true of heart.
mo'at " all my life I have never ever have heard about a boy taking on his mother name" lo'ak had went to go helped out his grandmother today, as she need to have some words with her grandmother about a very important matter. He had already discuss this with you and now had to speak with his grandmother, another import person in his life like his mama.
lo'ak " I know grandmother but after recent events I think it will be best if I go by lo'ak son of y/n l/n .... as it seems like I'm not fit to carr the sulky name"
mo'at " my boy your father had seem to forget he was not all that good, when he was young and will not acknowledge that"
lo'ak " I barely even speak with him and neytiri since that day, as he and everyone thought it will be good to teach me lesson"
mo'at " I have seen lessons like that"
lo'ak " how did that end up like"
mo'at " a child no longer speaking with the ones who hurt them, and there were times where a kid will never speak to them again maybe only when they are leaving this world"
lo'ak " I just wish to make a name for myself and Jake had always said I brought shame, if I no longer have his name I will not bring him shame"
mo'at " my grandson you bring now shame and if you grandfather was here he will be proud of you, as I and your mama are proud of you so are the humans as well"
lo'ak " thank you grandmother"
mo'at " I approve of your chose carry your mother name and make our family even more prouder as well"
lo'ak " yes ma'am what about Jake and neytiri even the elders"
mo'at " I will speak with them they can never go against me"
lo'ak " thank you grandma" lo'ak had stand a bit more to help out his grandmother with anything else, that she need help on at the moment. He soon had parted ways with his grandmother when she was called away at the moment.
???? " hey lo'ak"
lo'ak " ......." lo'ak had taken a deep breath in and out before she turned around and saw it was neteyam, well it was not like he could avoid his family for the rest of the day.
neteyam " hey baby bro I came looking for you but when I went by mama house, no was on there and then I saw you"
lo'ak " well you found me"
neteyam " good now come along dad is going out hunting and he wants his both sully boys there"
lo'ak " oh that sound like fun"
neteyam " don't worry spider will be there with Tsu'tey and we have aonung and rotxo coming as well with tonowari, it going to be father and son thing"
lo'ak " okay I will come"
neteyam " good now let go get your stuff and we can meet them, this is going to be fun it will be like the old time at home with dad" lo'ak wanted to say something to rebuttal his brother words but decide, to let it go for now.
lo'ak " okat first of all if we are going to go away let go of my arm, I'm not someone who need guiding anywhere I will follow you and second I will come with you but anything said against me or mama then I'm gone"
neteyam " okay sure" neteyam soon let go of lo'ak as the two brothers soon started walking again, lo'ak was doing his best to deal with all the looks he was getting. Along with seeing people whisper after looking at him and neteyam.
navi women " are we all sure that boy is toruk makto son he nothing like him or neteyam"
navi man " I dont know those demons lie about anything" lo'ak and neteyam stopped dead in their tracks, looking at the pair but when lo'ak looked ar them he gave them a cold glare making them backup a bit.
lo'ak " it not good to talk about others and mostly near you kids, maybe you should set a better example I know my mama raised me right" the pair look shock at lo'ak words even neteyam as well lo'ak soon scoffed and walked away.
neteyam " that was a bit harsh dad said we should not be causing trouble"
lo'ak " I was not I had been exchanging some words and standing up for our mama that all"
neteyam " what if they go tell dad what happened you can be in trouble with him and tonowari"
lo'ak " they already don't like me there nothing new there now come on we shouldn't keep everyone waiting"
lo'ak " if everyone going to give mama parenting advice on raising me maybe they can take some as well" lo'ak had given his brother a cold glare making neteyam become silent.
lo'ak " now come on we don't want to keep everyone waiting" the brothers had went back to the home you share with lo'ak. lo'ak had grabbed the stuff he will need.
neteyam " wow mama really changed the house hasn't she"
lo'ak " yeah she said it was time for some change around here to switch stuff up"
neteyam " I like it"
lo'ak " cool" the brothers soon left the home and head towards where the rest of the group was waiting for them.
spider " hey bro you came"
lo'ak " yeah it sound like it will be fun"
Jake " hey son welcome it good you are here"
lo'ak " well I'm happy I had been invited on this hunt"
aonung " now this is going to be fun now that lo'ak is here"
rotxo " yes it good to have you here as we were not able, to spend at much time with your yesterday"
tonowari " come on boys you all can talk as we are hunting we have to leave now, if we plan to caught something good" the group had soon had taken off together, leaving the safety of the village and heading deeper into the water and unknown as well.
Jake " it good to have you on these hunts again lo'ak just like old times"
lo'ak " yes dad just like old times" lo'ak didn't know what his father and brother were thinking, as when it came to hunts it will always be them most of the time it was rare he could come. He was deciding on keeping his mount shut as he didn't wish to cause a headache of trouble right now.
Jake " how has y/n been doing lately"
lo'ak " she been doing good helping grandmother and the humans, when she not busy with helping the village"
Jake " that good she has always been like that since we were young and even humans"
lo'ak " oh yes uncle norm and max had said that as well"
Jake " well it good that her personality has rubbed off on you"
tonowari " yes y/n is a good role model and mother"
lo'ak " so what are we hunting for anyways if you don't mind me asking"
tonowari " some fish that can feed the clan for months on end they are further away from the clan, as they live in open waters away from out settlements"
tsu'tey " well we have all the supplies we will need for hunting them"
rotxo " this is going to be good and we get to working on hunting skills as well"
spider " hey I'm just happy to be out on open water and explore a bit more as well"
neteyam " sometime to good to get out and about" soon the conversation had come to an end when some calls had been heard, the group had looked up to see they were being joined by some guest.
tonowari " well it seems like we are not the only ones out hunting today"
olo'eytahn" yes it seems like that Tonowari we have brought our sons as well along with some others, we came here to collect some fish"
aonung " wow this hunting trip has gotten more interesting"
neteyam " these bigger numbers will now be more beneficial, as now we have the chances of collecting more fish"
olo'eythan " Jake sully it seems like your son is smart like his father thinking straight to the solution"
Jake " yes but my son is right it will be good if we hunt in groups as there could be danger anywhere"
tsu'tey " well then it agree on we should hunt as a group and later on divided up the hunt" well it had been official the group had becoming bigger, everyone was now in the area trying to see what they can caught. Lo'ak was on his own as all the fathers were together and the other boys as well.
lo'ak " this is not from that far where I was left by aonung and his old friends"
neteyam " hey lo'ak what the matter"
lo'ak " I don't think this is good area to hunt the alkua could be anywhere"
aonung " oh come on we will be okay and they are far away from here"
tonowari " boys come over here we are ready for the hunt" the other boys had soon went towards the father as everyone grabbed, some nets ready to start hunting the fish.
Jake " lo'ak are you coming"
lo'ak " father I don't think we should be hunting here we should try elsewhere"
olo'eythan 2 " we know more then you boy we have master years of hunting and the ocean, then you child"
lo'ak " I mean no disrespect but I don't think this a smart and safe idea, since the return of the tulkuns that have been more aklua as well"
tonowari " Jake sully"
Jake " listen lo'ak they more then you and you need to respect their decision you are just a young boy, please just behave for me and your mama"
lo'ak " but sir ...."
Jake " no buts young man now you can either join us on this hunt or head back home stay there" lo'ak didn't say anything else the the group soon got ready to hunt, he had been given a look by neteyam as he older brother felt bad for him. He was once again being ignored for his warning before anything could happen massive waves had come with dangers following them. the hole group had soon been taken out by pack of akulas. Everyone had been taken under water losing their their IIus or strimwings, as they had been chases off by another akul. The only one who had his weapon was lo'ak as the pack of creatures were coming.
tonowari " swim away now" soon the group had started swimming away avowing the jaws of the creatures coming towards them, there was someone who stepped up to fight. That was lo'ak he was able to swim fast swigging his spear at the creature's making some of them back off or swim away in fear. This had been seen by everyone else as the akulas were now gone.
neteyam " this It over are they gone"
tonowari " stay on guard there could be one more coming" that was not a lie was one big one had come swimming towards them, lo'ak had gave one big swig hiting the creatures hard, but it get scare it off.
lo'ak " ........" The creatures was coming towards lo'ak seeing the boy was the biggest threat, and seem very mad as well but before the creates could strike something or someone strikes it. Ramming the creatures into some rocks and not stopping, until the fight was over. The creatures soon swam towards the group and took them to the surface.
everyone " ......." once everyone reach the surface they all soon started coughing and breathing heavily after being water for so long.
lo'ak " get onto payakan now all of you"
Jake " lo'ak"
lo'ak " I said now move it" lo'ak sound mad and serious as everyone soon got onto payakan lo'ak was the last one.
neteyam " lo'ak are you okay"
lo'ak " I'm fine hurt a bit like the rest of you but I'm good" lo'ak had moved away from the group.
lo'ak " hey payakan can you take us home we are going to need, some medical help" payakan had understood lo'ak words and soon started heading towards the village, it didn't take them that long to reach the village. Their arrival had gain the attention of of everyone who came racing to see what happened.
neytiri " ma Jake what happened"
Jake " a hunting trip had gone wrong"
kiri " brother you are both hurt spider as well"
y/n " boys"
neteyam " hey mama"
lo'ak " hi mama"
spider " hey aunt y/n"
y/n " thank you that you are all well now come on lets get these inquires treated" there was not fight there was the group had been attend.
ronal " what have you done boy I know you are behind this like always"
y/n " leave my son alone he hurt as well"
ronal " because he cause this pain now look what he has done"
tonowari " ronal stop it the boy fraught and save our lives"
ronal " what"
mo'at " ronal leave the boy alone my grandson has done well he has brought honor to the family name"
navi man 2 " he has made toruk makto proud"
navi women 2 " this is something new maybe the boy will be honorable warrior like his father and brother"
mo'at " lo'ak the son of y/n will be bring to his mother name and her family line as well" the crowd had been shocked to her lo'ak taking on your name verse Jake.
y/n " my son you have made me proud"
lo'ak " thank you mama"
y/n " now once done attending to you and the other youth we can go home" lo'ak had nodded his head as you had attend to his injuries and soon did the rest to the other kids, once everyone was okay they started heading towards their homes or where they will be spending for the night.
Jake " lo'ak may we have some words"
y/n " Jake this talk can be saved for tomorrow the kids need time to rest and heal, you can have a conversation with him later on once everyone better off"
Jake " y/n"
y/n " goodnight Jake and all of you ... neteyam and spider I will check up on your tomorrow morning"
neteyam " yes mama"
spider " yes auntie" you and lo'ak soon left and headed home together you had brought lo'ak closer to you and kissed his forehead, giving him a warm look of happiness.
y/n " you done well my boy very well"
lo'ak " thank you mama and look what I got as well" lo'ak soon showed you some sharp teeth of the creatures he fought today, making you at him and smile. As the two of you kept on walking home you had stayed up that night, to make sure lo'ak was okay as you are worried after the events that had happened today. There was more coming for lo'ak that will help him forge his own path in life.
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ceasarslegion · 11 months
Whenever PETA or other ARAs come up i always think of the 40 year old bear from the zoo in the city i grew up in
This guy looked a bit worse for wear. He had his own enclosure too, because the other bears played too rough for him. He once got on infection on his rump that the vet had to shave all the fur away from to do a physical inspection on it, so for a while it looked like he wasn't wearing pants and there was a hunk of scar tissue where the infection once was. If you looked at him with no knowledge of bears, you might think he was being horribly abused. And we got our fair share of ARAs freaking the fuck out and claiming he was while calling for the whole zoo to be shut down.
Thing is though, he wasn't abused at all. He was thriving. His age just meant that he had different needs now regarding things like enrichment and his enclosure and the medical treatment he got. He was 40 years old, and that bear species usually only lives to 25. He liked to lie around and bask in the sunlight not because he was in pain or starving, but because his age made him lazy and sleepy, and in captivity he never had to worry about other animals threatening him. His toys were softer and easier to chew on than the ones in the other, younger bears' enclosure. They also installed a little grate on the outer wall for him to paw at when he wanted a snack. The others had set feeding times, he just ate when he was hungry because turns out that bears are not immune to age-related tummy hurties. The keepers once told me that he also got special medicine crushed up in his food so he wouldnt feel any joint pain and could move about freely to do bear things.
And I saw that bear a lot before he ultimately passed away. He was always very relaxed, never seemed tense or anxious, and I think he was born in captivity too because he was very used to people and would often sit and watch us like he was the one at the zoo. They eventually had to euthanize him because his meds werent working anymore and they didnt want his quality of life to suffer, and he'd lived 2 bear lifetimes already. I dont think that bear was ever abused, i think he lived a very spoiled and happy life. Probably lasted that long because he was like "this is a sweet deal im not leaving yet. Ill die when i feel like it."
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