#the topic is fine but oh god the format
muirneach · 8 months
i keep being like ugh i have so much work to do for my final for my online class i hate it. and then not doing any work
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shallyne · 5 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron
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Just a tiny fic too see if I want to continue it and keep this format!
Words: 800
TW: implications of neglect, manipulation and controlling behaviour
December 21st
Dear Diary (?) 
I never had a diary, I don't know how this stuff works. Mom gave me an old diary she had never used, it's the closest to a birthday gift I have ever gotten from her. I haven't gotten any cake like Elain or a grand party like Nesta but I'm not mad, at least I get the time to draw in my room without any interruptions. I've become pretty good! 
Rumor has it that a new boy will be at our school tomorrow, which is weird because it's two days before the holidays. It probably stays a rumor, it wouldn't make sense. 
Anyways, I think I'm going to sneak into the kitchen after mom went to bed, I'm getting hungry. 
Bye, I guess? 
December 22nd
Dear Diary, 
Today I have been blessed by god. I didn't expect to make another entry so soon but today the new guy looked at me. OH MY GOD, RIGHT? He totally smiled at me too!! (Delusion aside, he probably saw someone behind me. He doesn't know I exist.) 
I hate the stupid lights in the school but I swear the new guy’s eyes looked VIOLET in the light. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I'm totally going to draw himy he's GORGEOUS! Like the men on Nesta's book covers (that she's totally hiding from mom) but a hundred times prettier! 
Well, I have to finish my math homework now. 
January 2nd
Dear Diary, 
Christmas was pretty boring that's why I didn't write anything but today was insane! The new guy has a name, Rhysand (beautiful, right?) and he's in my history class! I actually quite like history and our teacher, Ms Weaver, even though everyone is scared of her but Rhysand made it hard to focus!! It's not like I'm mad about it because he's sitting like right in front of me and he smells like citrus and sea (Not that I sniffed him, I'm not a weirdo) he smells SO GOOD and I could just get lost looking at him all the time! 
Maybe he'll talk to me someday, wouldn't that be neat? 
Shit, mom is coming home and she sounds mad!!! 
January 4th
Dear Diary, 
Today I got Elain’s hand-me-downs! Finally, I've been waiting for this, I needed new pants. Mom refused to buy me new ones because it's my fault I got them paint splattered. It's only one pair that has paint on them, the others are falling apart! But arguing with mum is like arguing with a brick wall, it won't budge.  
I found a pretty blue jumper in Elain’s old clothes which makes my eyes pop! I will wear it tomorrow. Not because I have history class and will see Rhysand, it just looks pretty. 
I also got a job interview at a run down diner at the edge of the town! Mom can't know, she'd never allow me to work or if she would, she wouldn't allow me to keep the money, she always needs to have everything under control, it's so annoying. 
I'm not worried about not getting the job but I hope I can convince them to give me night shifts so mom won't know! Once she's asleep, she's ASLEEP! 
I'd say wish me luck but it's only me and the ink, so I guess I wish myself luck. 
So excited! 
January 13th
Dear Diary, 
I am dying. I really am. I'm barely able to write these words down. 
Fine, maybe I'm not dying really but it feels like it. I got my period and I literally feel like I'm bleeding out. I feel like someone is stabbing my uterus REPEATEDLY. Why would mother nature be so cruel? Why would my own mother be so cruel to still send me to school like this? That was a trick question, it's my mother. Cruel is carved in her bones and blood and brain. Whatever it is, I can't think through this agony. 
Mom says it's normal and I shouldn't be so dramatic and when I tried to talk to Elain she grimaced!! I mean, it's not her fault, I guess. Mom drilled it into Nesta and Elain that these topics are taboo. I think that's stupid because in biology they said periods are natural so why would something natural be taboo? 
It doesn't make sense, right? 
On a slightly brighter side, Rhysand talked to me yesterday and asked if I was okay!! I am aware he asked because I probably looked like death but a win is a win, right? And his smile when I lied and said I was okay, I was melting into a puddle! 
Okay, the water is hot enough for my hot water bottle! I'm gonna chill and listen go Red for the rest of the day until bedtime. 
Taglist: @captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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tieflingtareon · 10 months
There's Nothing Wrong Contemplating Gods (You're in the wind, I'm in the water)
[A 'My Love, Are You the Devil' prequel]
Chapter 1 | Words: 4.1k
Summary: "The past is lost to you. Let me clear up some mysteries, then. We share so much history." The history between Tir'yal, Child of Bhaal, and Enver, the Chosen of Bane explained in a non-linear format.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51625999/chapters/130498312
Tir’yal circled the desk slowly, his dagger dragging across the edge of the wood ever so lightly. Enver was late. Again. He’d been absent for several days now, and it was beginning to grate on his nerves.
He wasn’t sure when he started to expect letters. Coded or otherwise. Usually coded. Enver was well studied in the art of languages, just as he was well studied in most things. Machinery, magic, politics — there wasn’t anything that man couldn’t learn to do with his mind or hands. It was…admirable. Tir’yal rarely met anyone who was on his level when it came to intellect. Enver always provided stimulating conversation, even on topics Tir’yal did not care for.
It had been a tenday since he had a decent conversation with another soul, and it was making him irritated. Irritation made him more prone to slicing throats to shut up dimwitted fools. Enver praised him for his self control, but it was held on a fine leash at all times when it came to any other but him, and Father, of course.
“Oh Vile Master, you’ve been brooding far too long! Shouldn’t you be out there, striking fear into the hearts of mortal men?” Sceleritas appeared at his side with a tut of disapproval. Such a mouthful of a name for a butler. Tir'yal usually just called him 'Fel'. “Your Father thinks you have been wasting too much time in the office of Bane’s worshipper this season. You could be out in the street, wetting your blade, continuing your experiments. Oh, your lovely experiments - your pickling methods are quite divine." He laughed.
“I’m waiting for him to arrive. Experiments can wait. It’s unlike him to be absent from his office for so many days.”
“Perhaps you should take it as a sign, Milord…?” Fel offered and Tir’yal glared down at the butler with murderous intent, making the butler chuckle. “Oh please, Young Master, be reasonable. Your Father only ever asks blood and worship of you. Surely you can spare him a single night? You've been distracted, slacking, but we can get you back on the path of shameless barbarity in no time!"
Tir’yal rumbled a growl low in his chest but considered it.
“Find out where Enver is hiding, and I will spill enough blood tonight to make up for the nights I have been absent to Father’s call. Will that satisfy?"
“You know he does not like when you bargain like that, Milord.” Fel sighed, but Tir’yal already knew he’d relent to his wishes. He was his butler after all, even if Bhaal created him, his purpose was the serve his son. “A nasty habit you’ve gained since meeting that Banite.”
“It is a skill most useful. I’d be a fool to say otherwise.” Tir’yal quirked a brow, waiting for Fel to give in. The butler sighed and popped away, leaving Tir’yal alone to wait on his return. He used his dagger to clean the grime from beneath his claws. He hoped Father was not too disgruntled with him. He did intend to keep his word, but he knew he’d be in no mood for bloodshed if he didn’t have answers. Enver never remained far from reach, and to have his contact limited in such a way without any warning…It bugged him.
After a few minutes, Fel returned, giving a gracious bow.
“Bane’s Lordling resides within his God’s temple, to the east of here.” He informed and Tir’yal frowned.
“And what was he doing?”
“I’m afraid I cannot say. I am not permitted to enter the grounds of another God, Milord. All I know is that his stink lingers there." Fel pulled a face like he'd smelt something disgusting. His butler always did have a sensitive nose, remarking on the foul stench of many.
“I see…Thank you, Fel. Take leave.” Tir’yal slotted his dagger away and made for the window.
“Where are you going, Master?”
“To visit the temple of Bane.” Tir’yal answered, shutting the window sharply behind him as Fel started up with his worrying babble about Father being displeased. It was obvious to him that the only way he’d get in contact with Enver is if he went to the temple himself. Father may not like it, but if he’d learnt anything from his partnership with Enver, it was that connections mattered in the real world. Keeping connections strong was key to successful alliances.
Not that he had many of those. He didn’t have use for many others. Enver was an exception. He provided him with easy kills, and Tir’yal provided him with an extra step on his ladder of dead and ‘missing’ persons to the top. Ever since their first heist together, he knew he could trust Enver as far as he could throw him, which was far enough to be out of range of a thunderwave, so it was good enough for him.
Tir'yal remembered very little past the age of ten, but after the first heist and a few cups of wine to celebrate, Enver had told him they'd once been good friends as children. He figured that alone was good enough reason to ally themselves together. He may be okay with killing those he cared for, but he doubted Enver would betray him given their past. Not without good reason at least. Humans were sentimental like that, and Enver wasn't stupid. Enver knew they had a good alliance going. They were both useful to each other, and they benefited from working together.
Tir’yal had never been to the temple of Bane before. His own home, his own temple, was locked far out of reach of others. Not even Enver knew it’s location. Tir’yal only knew the location of Bane’s because he followed the man once before to the place. Enver himself rarely made an appearance in the building from his knowledge, so to be there now struck him as strange. Had he been there for past tenday, hidden from the world?
He looked at the temple hidden in the side of the mountain and walked up to the steps without hesitation, despite the baneguards outside. One looked ready to draw it's blade before it paused. Tir'yal tilted his head at the skeleton.
"Yes?" He waited to see if the creature would strike, but it didn't, instead stepping aside for him to proceed inside. He wondered if that was by Enver's order. The creatures may have been raised by the clerics of Bane, but they seemed to take orders from Enver, and by extension Bane, these days. Though, he was no adventurer or scavenger, and maybe they knew that. Maybe that made him an exception to the ones they'd usually skewer.
He continued inside with his head held high, surveying the hallway. He doubted any of the worshippers there would halt the infamous son of Bhaal either. He received a strange look from one clergy, and a small glare from another the deeper he went, but as he predicted, nobody stopped him. Perhaps they knew he would not hesitate to cut them down. Well…he might. These were Enver’s fellow cultists after all. Would he take offence if he reacted in self defence? Was it truly self defence if he knew he could kill them with ease?
He turned to a worshipper in a dark robe and held the hilt of his sheathed dagger, tilting his head at them.
“Where does Lord Gortash reside?”
“You are not welcome in the Dark One’s temple, Bhaalspawn.” The woman looked at him from beneath her hood, eyes as dark as coal and her face covered in ink. “You may wonder, but you are not owed answers. The child of a slave is still bound by the same chains.”
Tir’yals stared down at her and smiled even as white hot rage burned inside him.
“If you ever insult my Father like that again, I’ll flay the skin and muscle from your bones.” He did not need to snarl or growl to get his threat across. The ice in his voice and the smile on his lips was enough. “I’ll take your tongue and feed it to you, extract your innards and hang them from the torches in your halls to honour my creator. I’ll only ask once more. Where is your most faithful? Do be quick. I don’t typically give third chances. Though, I’m happy to give you more if you allow me to take a finger and toe every time you fail to provide information.”
The woman was silent a long moment, her face hidden by her hood, her hand wrapped around the hilt of her own sword. Tir’yals patience was growing thin, the Urge stirring with ravenous hunger, clicking his dagger free as he heard footsteps. Familiar ones he had long ago imprinted to his memory.
“Why...what a surprise.” Enver clapped his hands together, genuinely looking a little caught off guard. He hadn’t been expecting him. “Child of Bhaal, standing before me in the Dark One’s temple. Have you finally come to swear your allegiance to the more powerful God?” Enver chuckled and Tir’yal huffed, stowing his blade away and glaring at the cloaked woman.
“My Father’s power rivals Banes own. Do not insult me by asking such a question.” His eyes ran over his figure. His white and silver robes had been replaced with an outfit as pitch black as a moonless night, lacking embellishments. The pleated robe remained untied, the pants likely an expensive leather from what Tir'yal knew of the man, his black shirt draping over his frame and open wide at the collar, the cloth looking like a delicate chiffon a nobleman would wear to bed. He looked both comfortable yet dressed up all at once, his dark hair tied back from his face, the short ponytail curling around one side of his neck, and a single dark silver bead hanging from a thin braid. That annoying long yet short part that couldn't stay with the rest of the ponytail or match with the length of his bangs.
“We can leave that debate for another day.” Enver mused and patted his back. “Come, come, I was just on my way to the prayer hall.” He guided the Bhaalspawn along with a hand on his back, cane clinking against the stone floors. His knee must have been acting up, to use it in front of his fellow cultists. It was colder in the temple than in his office. Enver treated his cane like decoration on the days he had to go into public with it, but more often than not, he left it in his office or chambers and bore the pain of the old injury with a calm smile.
“What in the Nine Hells brought you here, Tir’yal?” Enver asked, voice softer now, more inquisitive. Less boastful when it was just the two of them. He liked hearing the difference between the way Enver spoke with him and with everybody else. “I’d think your Father would rather hang you than let you step a foot into this temple.”
“I made a bargain.”
“Oh?” He sounded intrigued.
“I’ll kill some extra people in his name tonight. To appease him.”
“He is easily appeased, that Father of yours.” Enver drawled as they entered a dimly lit room. The artificer conjured up a small flame on the tip of his finger and lit a few more candles, the orange glow of them illuminating the shiny coat of the black gauntlet.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” Tir’yal stated bluntly and Enver’s eyebrows raised, but did not jump. Like he was expecting his words.
“Now, why ever would you think that?” Enver blew out the flame on his finger and stared at him with dark, murky eyes, waiting for him to respond.
“…You haven’t sent a single letter to me in a tenday. You haven’t been in your office in the evenings, like you usually are.”
“Has your sister really bored you that much in my absence that you had to come here?” Enver smoothed his fingers over the table and rubbed away the faint layer of dust on his skin with a purse of his lips. Somebody was slacking. “Alas, it's my duty to keep a watchful eye over this place. Make sure it’s tidy. Keep it orderly.”
“Orin is Orin. I need not get into that." Tir'yal suppressed an eye roll. "Duty or not, you are never out of reach. I don’t like it when you disappear so suddenly, without a word. Should something happen, we need to remain informed.”
“Dearest, if you missed me, you can just say so.” Enver smirked.
"Have you been here this whole time?" Tir'yal ignored his flirtatious commentary. He'd seen him use the same line on plenty of noble men and women before, and he would not allow it to get beneath his skin.
"Ah, well...not the entire time, but yes. I've been...called here, I suppose. Bane has not yet told me why, but all we can do as the faithful of Gods is have patience. Heed their calls and wait for their commands." Enver pursed his lips. "Though, the space here for my work is tediously small in comparison to my office, or my workshop."
He waved the compliant off, like it didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
“Come. Come close. Fill me in on your eventual tenday without my company while I pray.”
“I shouldn’t be here to begin with. I serve my creator, my Father, not Bane.” To stand in front of another God's altar was blasphemous enough. He was only glad Fel couldn't follow him inside and keep his prying eye on him for Father.
“What difference does it make if you aren’t the one praying? Bane may not be your God, but he is mine, and you are encroaching on time that is reserved for him.” Enver scowled, not taking kindly to Tir'yals flippancy in his Lord's temple. “You’re already here anyway, against your Father’s wishes. Usually I do not mind praying in my office, but I worked hard to build this temple up from the rubble it once was in this city. You can go, or you can stand and wait. Neither are of concern to me.”
Enver huffed and with the help of his cane, he came to kneel before the altar without buckling, placing the cane in front of him and folding his hands over in his lap, eyes falling shut. He bowed his head to the black gauntlet, promptly ignoring the other. Anyone else wouldn't dare turn their back to a Bhaalspawn, but he knew Tir'yal well enough that he could keep his compulsions in check. For the most part, unlike his darling sister, Orin.
Tir'yals lip twitched, the urge to snarl back barely repressed. He supposed Enver was right. He usually was. It was hard for a literal genius to be wrong. He huffed softly and leaned back against the wall by the door, watching the other.
Bane's altar was different to Bhaal's. There was no sacrificial slab, nor blood or gore...the room was fairly pristine actually. No clutter. Even with all the offerings on the table before Enver, it was organised. Something he knew the man instinctively wasn't from what he'd seen in his office and workshop. His eyes wandered along the walls, the grand statue behind the gauntlet of the one who once made a servant of his own Father.
Bhaal knew making allies after his resurrection was necessary, but he didn't have to like it. His Father reminded him often of how much he disliked the Banite he kept as company, even if he was useful to them, and would continue to be. Tir'yal could feel it, the restlessness in his Father as of recent. He wasn't one to question him, but he was curious to what Bhaal was planning. He rarely kept secrets from him, or so he liked to think. Father loved him, much more than any other of his children, and he loved him back with ferocity, even when he forced his hand with the Urge.
Tir'yal did not dislike murder, but there was...he supposed he didn't like purposeless murder, even if he enjoyed the gore. Which was ironic, given who he was. His compulsions. Murder needed a reason, and Enver gladly provided reasons when he gave him his targets, but Tir'yal also liked to feel things when he murdered. Not his Father's bloodlust or the cultists cold detachment, or Gods forbidden the maniacal joy Orin derived from it. There was so much more satisfaction in killing those who invoked rage in him, who made it feel like more than an itch scratched, like the first time.
There had been reason for his first true massacre. Bhaal's love. An expression of devotion to his creator, who could have taken back what he gave in an instant. There had been feelings when he did sunk his blade into flesh, intense, soul crushing feelings that made the deaths mean so much more. The grief he felt, mixed with the desperate worship had felt addictive. Nothing had ever compared to that, as much as he tried to replicate it. Nothing could compare to watching the light leave the eyes of his parents who raised him from infancy, or the blood-choked sobs from his brothers lips upon the altar. The betrayal that he had felt from them and even himself. Bitter and sweet all at once.
Their deaths had been necessary to start over, to become Bhaals. His family had tried to change him, to shame him for his compulsions, for his true nature, even as they repeated how much they loved him, how much they cared. And he had cared too, in his own way...but the only one who would accept the true him was Bhaal. His real Father.
The grief had been worth the unconditional love of his creator.
So he gave in. Sure, there were times he refused to kill, but that was because of his own weaknesses. He lived as a human too long before he accepted his true destiny, and Father said it left a stain on his soul. But that he could cover it with blood and let it be forgotten beneath the viscera of others. So when he weakened, when he failed, those were the times he paid his penance in blood. Often his own. He was happy to give it, to cover the stains of humanity on his soul, to try and cut and bleed it out of himself. All in the efforts to be Bhaal's favoured son.
And he was. He was Father's, made of his blood and divine essence. There was nowhere else he could go, no one else he could be. Bhaal was everything, and he belonged to him. His purpose was to be his, his executioner, his slayer, his blade - his heir.
It was the greatest honour that could be bestowed upon him.
His eyes fell to Enver as the man raised his head and turned his cheek to his shoulder, his eyes not focused on the other, but to the darkness of the room. The glow of the candles caressed his features, and Tir'yal admired the curling and flickering shadows across the humans face.
"He's near. Can you feel it?" Enver tilted his chin up, dark eyes clashing with the glowing eyes of his companion. "He’s getting closer every day, speaking to me more and more clearly, rather than in whispers." Enver's eyes shone in the low light, enraptured by the heavy presence cloaking his shoulders, unseen but known. Bane was with them, with him.
"My peers think him a distant god, but I know better. He and I have a connection like no other.” He turned back towards the gauntlet and bowed his head, using his cane to help him stand back up, back straight and head held high. Tir'yals tail gave a small flick as he approached slowly. Cautious. The air in the room had changed, now that it was brought to his attention.
“A decade of worship...and not once has he truly left me." Enver smiled. "I knew one day he'd reward my efforts in his name." The candlelight warped, flicking wildly as Tir'yal came to stand beside the other, eyeing the statue wearily. Enver did not seem concerned in the slightest even as the shadows of the room seemed to bleed further towards them, towards the tinkerer. Tir'yal gripped the hilt of his blade tighter on instinct.
"Don’t you feel it too?" Enver's smile only grew wider, his grin crinkling the bags beneath his eyes. A bitingly cold breeze past over Tir'yal and he sucked in a sharp breath, Enver's robe rustling as the man exhaled out a cloud of mist. "The presence of our Gods are getting stronger each day. They feed off our work in their name. And we only help them grow stronger.”
The flames of the candles extinguished with a gust, leaving them in pitch black. Enver laughed, warm and full bodied.
"Tonight. Tonight, I think we reap the benefits of our labours." Enver whispered an incantation, the blue dancing lights coming from his palm enveloped in shadows, turning it a dark grey colour. Enver's eyes shone, and Tir'yal was certain he would be the only one who would ever see pure elation on the artificers face. There was fascination in his eyes, something he only held for his precious machines.
Enver's hand flexed and with a crackle, the twirling lights becoming laced with golden accents.
"Tonight, we become more than servants to our Gods." Enver looked up at him and Tir'yal couldn't help but stare. Enver looked otherworldly, caressed by the golden flickers of his spell. "I have no doubts your Father awaits. You should go to him."
Enver extinguished the light with a flick of his wrist and took Tir'yals arm, acting as the lead between them towards the door, but Tir'yal knew he was the only one who could actually see in the darkness, guiding the man out of the main prayer room.
Beneath torch light, Enver looked even more windswept, hair messy and robe near slipping from one shoulder. He could see in his eyes that he was much too preoccupied mentally to even notice. Tir'yal pinched the seam and righted the robe before stepping away from him, Enver's attention coming back to him.
"Go. I will see you tomorrow, in my office. I imagine we'll have much to discuss. I have a good feeling."
"If you say so..." Tir'yal hesitated before turning his back to the Banite, his claws rapping against the hilt of his dagger. He found his way back to the front entrance of the temple and made his way down the steps, Fel appearing before him.
"Oh Master, you stink!" The butler complained. "Like smoke and burning metal. I knew telling you where Bane's faithful was was an awful idea." He tutted. "You didn't even come out with any blood on you!"
"I think I'm ready to spill some though. Thank you, Fel." Tir'yal smiled and looked back at the temple. Something about tonight was special. Enver was certain about it.
Tir'yal would be a fool to believe the man wrong.
He smiled, mind stuck replaying the look of elation on the Banite's face, the warm fingers curled around his bicep, the near see-through material of his bed shirt, soft against his skin. It felt only right to kill the first dark haired man he saw, relishing in the warm blood as it poured over his hand, his blade, twisting it in a sharp turn of his wrist before pulling out half way, thrusting it back in deeper.
The choked cry from the man made his skin burn, but it wasn't quite the right note he'd been hoping for. He'd have to find someone else to finish the melody in his mind, to satisfy the tune he was creating as he spilt blood and hummed all the while, waiting for just that perfect pitch that would scratch the itch.
He didn't find it that night before he retired to his chambers, still painted in crimson. He thought maybe he'd find it in his dreams. Yet, all he found was a haze of red, his Father's presence wrapping around him, clinging to his skin.
"My Son," He whispered, calling him closer to sink into the pool of red, to let it envelop him. Growing louder as Tir'yal walked into his bloody embrace. "My Chosen."
When he opened his eyes the next morning, the first words on his lips were a reverent whisper of his Father's name.
But his first thought was of Enver Gortash, Bane's Chosen.
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dfortrafalgar · 6 months
Your story with Law and the miscarriage feels very real to me. I didn't struggle to get pregnant but as I was on my second pregnancy I also got the 'there should be a heartbeat, let's just wait one or two more weeks, we could be wrong about the time...' when I was around 6 weeks, but the next consultation showed no heartbeat and no growth and I had a dead fetus in my belly for around 3 weeks before my miscarriage. It hurt like hell. And the actual sound of the blood clot hitting the toilet was truly real to me because the same happened to me. The physical pain was beyond anything I've felt, compared maybe to labour pains, and the psychological pain was quite hard as well. I regretted having told my parents and brother about the pregnancy because then it hurt like hell having to tell them about the miscarriage.
I didn't try again yet, since I already have one child but I have made peace with it. I'm fine now and I do hope this story has a happier ending.
Just wanted you to know that this feels very real and you are doing an excellent job. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️
oh my goodness anon, this message has seriously touched me, thank you so much for sharing your story and i'm so beyond happy that my little fanfiction has brought some comfort. from the other side of the fertility coin, i can absolutely sympathize and i am so sorry for the experience you went through. the fact that you shared that is a testament to your strength and i sincerely hope you and your family are doing well!!! i'm sending you all of my best wishes, whether you try again or not, you are truly loved and supported. thank you thank you THANK YOU so much for sharing this with me, god i wish i could hug you ;w;
i'm also kind of... relieved? in a strange way. i know that sounds seriously bizarre to say, but ive definitely mentioned at least once that this fic is coming from a really personal place, so recently i've started to question whether i'm making it too raw or too deep. but reading your ask gave me the reminder that i needed that topics like these are just that- raw and emotional, and that these stories deserve to be told, regardless of the format!
i can't remember if i said it in any of the chapters yet or not, but if anyone else who has read my fic struggles with any sort of reproductive health-related issues (really, anything! fertility, pcos, endo, pregnancy support, etc etc), i seriously encourage seeking out positive support groups either online or in person! throughout the research i've done on this fic, i've found a large amount of online forums dedicated to supporting women and afab people through their pregnancy journeys, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. one in particular that has been a constant read for me has been What To Expect . their community page has given me hope for humanity. r/endo on reddit has also been an amazing resource for support and experiences!
((and yes, i've started to promise it a lot more for the worried readers, but this fic will have a VERY happy ending for reader and law!!! its quite a bumpy road, and their hurdles aren't over yet, but i already have the ending written and it makes up for all of their struggles <3))
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littlelambdrgnfly · 7 months
Oh my gosh i would die for an animated beatles series. i think that would be so cool. I'm so passionate about art of the beatles in general, more than i can express, and i think that would fit a lot better/ be more interesting. I think it'd also be better if so many people are so expectant for the casting to look like them. No problems on casting if you can just animate them :)
I will honestly be relieved if it doesnt happen. music biopics arent my thing either. many will disagree with me but i hated the freddie mercury biopic :( </3 loved rocketman though. But im always suspicious of movies being made about very complicated topics, especially if theyre making it just to make money. i think if they do end up making 4 movies about them, it will inevitably be bad since all 4 of their lives are so hard to represent in the format of a movie (thats at least what i feel)
And i didnt even think about their lives being almost similar during their times as beatles since they spent maybe like 60% or more of their time together up until maybe 1967. Great point. Even if it was about when they were more separated from 1967-1970, i still dont think their lives were varied enough to make 4 individual films about them
sorry im going on but you are still a beloved blog i go back to now and then (lol) and a cool person i think, so im glad i could get your opinion and also just love talking about this (since i havent been able to talk about it with another beatles fan so far) - person who sent the question about the biopic
Honestly, ever since I mentioned it, I’ve been obsessed with thinking about an animated Beatles series! Like, my god, it has the potential to be so good! I keep planning it out in my head, like each episode would be at a specific time, early years, Hamburg, Beatlemania, etc… A talented animator can express so much with so little in a way that live action usually can’t touch, and that would be so important in a rich story like the Beatles’. You could even do each chapter in a different style, or with different artists, just to highlight the changes they’re going through! God, someone get me in a room with a Netflix producer, PLEASE.
I didn’t even see Bohemian Rhapsody and I adore Queen and Freddie Mercury. As soon as I heard that the band was involved with the making, I knew that it wasn’t gonna be good. 😅 I really don’t watch any musician/actor biopics. Celebrities, and families of celebrities, are always going to make themselves look as good as possible, even if it means making a worse movie. But the whole genre is just so predictable— you’ve got a young person who loves entertainment but they’ve got some kind of barrier holding them back, they break through, they experience fame, they hit a low point usually with substance abuse, and then they either get better or die. You can’t really help it, it’s just the nature of a celebrity’s life, there’s always going to be the same elements. I mean, there’s a connection as to why Amadeus is so heavily fictionalized, not even told from Mozart’s perspective, and why it’s the best music biopic ever lol. There’s a real fine line between keeping enough of the true story and making an engaging film, and I don’t think that many filmmakers are up to the challenge.
Thanks for sending these asks! I love talking about film and television and the awful awful decisions Hollywood seems intent on making lmao! 💖
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
It's been a while since I've done a Chortle headlines roundup. I used to do them more regularly, then I did a couple in a row where it was heavy on the post-documentary Russell Brand headlines, and that was so depressing that I cut them out for a while. Let's do a new one. I'll make this one shorter.
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Oh for the love of God, Chortle. Please do not make me look at weeks of Ricky Gervais headlines in the leadup to/aftermath of the video release of Armageddon. He could not possibly need the publicity less, for so many reasons. Obviously you shouldn't be a cunt. Everyone who's going to think that already thinks it, everyone else isn't going to change, don't make us fucking read about it.
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This looks like a headline that would appear on some sort of parody show. You know, if the BBC hadn't cancelled all its news/topical parody shows in the name of the exact balance mandate that I assume is the subject of that article, though I don't actually know, I'm not clicking on that.
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You are doing New Year's Treat wrong, guys. It's supposed to be on New Year's and it's also supposed to have people who are famous (sorry, I'm sure it'll be fun and the people they've cast will be fine, I'm just still mildly annoyed that this year was their one chance to cast John Oliver while he was striking, the stars aligned with him having recently worked with Alex on the Horne Section show, it's gone forever now).
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If anyone has the opportunity to see Pierre Novellie's Why Are You Laughing when he tours it next year, I cannot recommend it highly enough. I'm now wishing I had recommended other things less highly in the past, so I could lend more weight to this one. It's amazingly funny, and amazingly well written. It should... I mean, I was thinking it should be a strong contender for the best show (of Edinburgh 2023) award until I heard Ahir Shah's show, and I do now think they made the right choice in giving it to Ahir Shah. But it was the second best Edinburgh 2023 show, of the 40-ish I've heard. It should at least have been nominated.
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Can I say something mildly sacrilegious? I'm not sure about this. I am obviously a devotee of Sam Campbell, and my view of Lucy Beaumont has wavered slightly as I've come to realize just how much she's maybe not kidding most of the time, but I do find her very funny. I just think... the proverbial straight man in a comedy group exists for a reason, you know? I don't know how well it'll work to put those two together without someone else to balance it out, they won't have anything to play off. It feels a bit too heavy on Avalan throwing together two fan favoruites from a popular TV show, more than thinking about what pairings would actually work well together. Especially since there doesn't seem to be a planned format or anything. I also don't really think they're as similar as people have suggested.
Having said that, obviously I'm going to listen to this, and I can absolutely picture a scenario in which I finish the first episode and write a glowing post about how I've been proven wildly wrong and concede that I should never have doubted their brilliance. I hope it happens that way.
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I know I'm mildly annoyed at him right now, but this show is very good and people should see it if they can. One of my favourite things out of all he's ever done. He did a little preview of bits he's added to it on the latest Bugle episode, and I enjoyed that a lot.
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Oh fuck off. No, come on, fuck off. You are not going to force me to engage with whatever the fuck VR is by having Mae Martin do it. It won't work.
...Having said that, is there a way to take a VR set and turn it into nice normal 2D video so I can watch the Mae Martin set? I have no idea if that's possible and I refuse to Google it, no one needs to encourage Mark Zuckerburg. But obviously I want to see what Mae Martin's doing.
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I quite enjoyed this little clip. I've never been to Scotland, but this is exactly how I imagine the Edinburgh Festival, I'm currently planning a probably-actually-for-real-this-time trip for Edinburgh 2024, and I will be wildly disappointed if the festival isn't exactly like this.
Weirdly, there was nothing on the Chortle front page about Benjamin Zephaniah dying. He wasn't a comedian or anything, but he had connections to British comedy. I can't lie and say I was incredibly familiar with his work, but I really liked the poems of his that I'd heard and read (I did seek a few out and read them after seeing him on TV, as I quite liked him), and thought he came across very well every time I saw or heard him. And, obviously, 65 is too young and that would be a tragedy even if he weren't a very talented poet.
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max--phillips · 1 year
different anon, but that person didn’t say authors put effort into making the text small. it’s very clear that they were saying fic authors put effort into their work and then format it the way they want. if we want to draw awareness to legitimate issues, we have to actually engage in debate no matter how tiring it is and not do the whole bad faith argument thing. and if you’re not willing to do that, totally fine! but when we make posts like yours we have to expect that type of reaction. sucks, but that’s sadly what it entails. especially on this godforsaken site…
Oooooooh my god. Oh my god. Holy fucking shit oh my god. Could you be more of a condescending tool
1) are you familiar with these things called “exaggeration” and “being frustrated” and “not taking someone being a jackass on anon in your inbox seriously?” Obviously they’re not saying that making text tiny takes effort. My counterpoint to that is that it’s literally one click, and it would not be any more effort to not make your text tiny and hard to read.
2) this isn’t a fucking debate. They were not interested in debating with me. There isn’t a debate in the first place! To suggest that there’s a “debate” to be had about accessibility and whether or not people should make their stuff more accessible, no matter the context, is showing your ableism. I made a post, perhaps in a slightly hostile tone due to the fact I was frustrated, that was asking authors to make their shit accessible to people with visual impairments. That anon came into my inbox telling me they were “disappointed” to see me asking authors to make their works more accessible. They just wanted to be mad I made a post pointing out that tiny text sucks to read.
3) the ask was not drawing awareness to legitimate issues. My post was. If someone wants to have a conversation about how to make their stuff more accessible or has actual genuine questions (or like, any questions at all, bc that ask contained none) on how to do that, I’m happy to engage, but I’m not entertaining someone trying to tell me I’m somehow wrong or rude or whatever for requesting more accessibility.
4) “but when we make posts like yours we have to expect that type of reaction.” Jesus CHRIST you channelled all of the condescension of every WASP mom having a conversation with a service employee in the world in that sentence. Idk who “we” is in this context but I absolutely do NOT have to expect nor tolerate people being assholes to me regardless of what I post! What you’re doing here is tone policing bud!! Quit it!
5) “if you’re not willing to do that, totally fine!” Eat my ass. Don’t presume what I am and am not willing to do.
6) Not that I need to give you my fucking résumé, but I’ve been on this website for 11 years. I know how it operates. I also have the added benefit of having been a queer person on the internet damn near my whole life who has made plenty of posts on various platforms in attempts to draw attention to legitimate issues with all sorts of reactions, and thanks to that experience I’m pretty good at picking up on when someone is wanting to actually engage on the topic (whether it be in good faith or bad), and when someone is just being an asshole. That ask fell squarely in the second category. I can tell because they didn’t ask any questions or suggest they wanted to actually engage in a dialogue. They just wanted to tell me they were disappointed to see me telling people to make their shit more accessible.
In conclusion: go be fucking weird and rude and condescending somewhere else. I’m not a fucking child holy shit I simply cannot get over the sheer amount of condescension in this ask
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maskspurpose · 10 months
for superhero fic: 2, 8 (besides wtei), 9 for fine reunion: 7 for tori, 20, 22 and 13, 21 in general
Oh my god hiiii who are you <3 Putting these under a cut bc of how much I wrote LMAO
Superhero AU
2: How did you get the idea to write this?
WataEi week on twitter had a list of prompts and one of them included hero/villain au which made me think about how those are like... complicated and interesting roles for wataru and eichi respectively since theyve both played the protagonist and antagonist and how this could be an AU where you can explore that and another theme (masks) in a really fun way. It kinda like. appeared in my head fully formed especially bc superhero comics are a past special interest i've come back to a couple of times now.
8: Which character is gonna have the biggest storyline?
I meant to follow the broad strokes of ES1 main story and just retell it in this new framing device or rather like... see where it goes from there, so it would probably end up being Tori or Hokuto depending on where the dice of my focus falls. In a version of the story I was thinking about doing a type of monster of the week format similar to how many magical girl shows do it where the monster in question is like... the manifestation of the Mental Issues someone is having so I think in that version a lot of them have the potential to get a day in the spotlight.
Thinking about it some more though I really enjoy the worldbuilding I did for Yuzuru so. Honestly he's also a big candidate. It just feeds really well into a lot of the stuff that's happening.
9: Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
I got extremely stuck on the worldbuilding and overarching plot and how to make it work without it being boring (bc of how much of it is retelling the main story) and also just... making the kinda complex morality stuff I wanna highlight work in a kinda cartoony setting?
The other thing is smaller but Wataru alternates pronouns depending on their identity in this story (at least in Eichi's POV) and keeping that straight is a headache and a half for me tbh.
fine reunion
7: What are your plans for Tori?
Okay so the setup of this fic is, essentially, what if EP:Link bad end where fine ends up disbanding, which means... you kind of have to imagine Tori's development re: the rest of fine as being stuck in that specific point in time? The last selfish thing he asked for didn't come true, so what does that mean... in this case it means he's suspicious of Wataru and passively pissed despite being aware that it's not fully justified.
I think at the same time he's grown more independent. He's grown up in a lot of ways that we can also see in ES2 and I think has become a lot more savvy and aware of unsavory business practices both by his own family and others. I think out of fine he's the one who seems like he's changed the most simply by virtue of being the one who had the most growing up to do. I think he's both become a bit more like Eichi in the roles he fills and a lot less like Eichi in how he does it? And where it all goes... we shall see!
20: Give a vague description of something that will happen without revealing too much
fine reunion album tour. four people with pent up emotional issues. in one bus and/or hotel room.
22: Will this fic include more angst or more fluff?
The reason I'm like willing to write it is because ultimately I want to lean towards fluff? I think there's ways to do this that get angsty really quickly and my original concept for it was leaning into that but ultimately I wanna focus on like... the fact that yes if fine split up these characters would stay the same in some ways but just how much personal growth is up to you as a person and imo one of the now most important things abt fine which is that they are together as a unit because they like each other and want to be.
There's still gonna be some angst and some topics are unavoidable just bc it will touch on like. idk a large part of the premise is that Eichi is doing the whole reunion bc he's doing an early retirement as an idol because of his health (no acute reasons and more of a precaution but it's still. yknow) and that Wataru left after EP:Link to become an actor. So there's issues.
General Questions:
13: Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
No promises but I still want to write something about Wataru and Keito working together on a script for Dramatica and what that would entail. I also wanna do a 5+1-ish (4+1?) thing/series about Wataru kissing the other eccentrics or something.
Part of me wants to one day do a collaboration on something with my boyfriend but we'd have to figure out the mechanics and I haven't brought it up to him yet, soooo 🤫🤫🤫
21: Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
Originally I was going to do a proper sequel to the Watareichi fic I wrote that's been shrinking in scope for a variety of reasons (less interest in writing wtrei as anything but exes, dissatisfaction with the fic it'd be a sequel to). There's a longer version of the Wataru & HiMERU drabble I wrote that'll never be done because uuuuuuh I really don't care for HiMERU anymore.
I have this whole AU i plotted out at some point where Wataru and Mama have a unit together bc I thought it'd be funny for a unit swap prompt but ultimately that's probably never going to happen.
IDK I have WIPs from fandoms I'm no longer in does that count?
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caphayzardous · 1 year
things r fine just debriefing a short convo into a huge poste
caved and asked one of my damage-informed (and also reasonable-inquiry) questions through text. you can't imagine how much I don't like to take serious topics into text format, hate Getting Weird Over Text, but a) this qn always feels so unimportant in-person, yet haunts me semi-regularly when I'm alone. had told myself several times I'd just get it out of the way IRL only to be like 'psh, nah'. and b) due to recent propensity for crying - and also non-recent perpetuity of crying at ANY serious moment - I felt that just this once text was safer than IRL for keeping things sensible.
it went fine (I say that now, we'll see if my lover is actually waiting to follow it up with an honourable in-person "Call It Off Because You Were Weird", but I don't THINK that's it). I somehow got an answer very very close to the Fear Outcome but in a way that I feel okay about?
Basically confirmed what I already know. this is all re: some near-arbitrary semantics of the relationship, basically that we are dating (sike did you all think I officially worked that out before valentines, like I said I would? I did not. but I did become more confident in that truth, before this recent upset. it is a relief to have this confirmed actually tho) BUT we are not 'partners'/in a serious relationship.
if that sounds weird to you. well yeah. this is what I mean by arbitrary semantics and nebulous areas. "we are lovers and we are friends and we've been going on dates for 6 months but it's not...?" anyway, however bizarre that sounds, it feels good to me and is about what I expected and wanted.
even though: its close to what I feared, too, separated only by the nature and details of the conversation. honestly I think it just makes a difference to me to hear "lover" "friend" "date" rather than cut-and-dry "friends with benefits" though try explaining the actual difference there?? it Feels different. to me at least lmfao, there may be less distinction to her, but by god she has the tact not to say so. I think it just affirms that my soft little feelings, are okay as they are. are not entirely misplaced, even though they wont go any further. I did not have illusions about her feelings but mine are still being looked after, yeah.
think also this whole thing just feels different to... you know... the past situation that recently re-haunts me (do you know that came to a crux about this time of year as well...? and with the impending end of things, I became so scared that it would all twist up the same way). probably the fact that things are being communicated at all makes a world of difference dont you think adchsbsj!!! like it may be late in the game to re-affirm these details, but it's happening at a decent and safer moment. in that past exp, the relationship exploded in a bad way and SIMULTANEOUSLY I found out that we were not even dating... according to them. so you can see why I might be hung up what counts as dating or not.
Im not asking for love, I just wanted to know Im not being made a complete fool of (again).
talking about this always feels like Im going to get y'all saying 'oh, bri...' because I Know how it reads still (yes I am a fool all round).
I will keep an eye on myself. In that same past exp I made the mistake of convincing myself I was ok with certain things like this, only to subsequently have really volatile and opposite feelings about it. sometimes I can tamp down distress with the cool detachment of logic but ofc that bitch comes back UP, you know? so I will keep an eye on myself here to see if I'm ACTUALLY still good with this situation as it stands, or if I'm just Trying to be good with it.
a lot of blog post to say: things are alright. my chest has been aching the last few days since it got into my head that there are parallels with the past. but it finally stopped hurting, and my heartrate finally settled, after speaking with them about it - I feel soft and safe again. so I think it's safe to say it's a good outcome. I feel I can separate it from the past again.
hope we can still stick the landing and get the 'good ending' when she leaves aus and we stay friends after hehe. I believe!! I believe!! I dont want this damage to take that ending from me!
might delete this'n its a mess but wanted to get it out thx if u read lmfao
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thatawkwardwitch · 7 months
I've been seeing stuff about this conversation and I want in so here's my contribution! (questions from @ ella.harrison's Instagram)
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Hi! I'm thatawkwardwitch or kit whatever you wanna call me is fine! I've been participating in the online community for about as long as I've been practicing. I sought out an online community pretty early on because I started practicing during lockdown and I desperately wanted to find people I could connect with about witchcraft. I usually reblog informational posts for beginners. When I make my own content, it's usually just little snippets of my practice. I'm still trying to find my groove here and figure out exactly what kind of space I want my blog to be.
I like sharing my practice online because I don't have a strong in-person witchcraft community. A few of my irl friends practice, but it's not something we talk about for whatever reason
I hope to learn more about other people's practices and experiences as well as to connect with other people
I really only know the online community and don't have an in-person community to compare it to, so I feel like I can't fully answer this question
I'm not primarily on Instagram, I'm mostly there just for art stuff so I'm going to skip that one. Uh oh god tik tok. I feel like TikTok is good if you want aesthetics and that's about it. As far as sharing information, the format of the app doesn't really allow for any in-depth discussion. I've seen and heard a lot of misinformation being spread and people just running with it. I like YouTube a lot though! There are good educational videos, and because the format allows for longer videos, it's great for discussing and sharing information on more complex topics. However, I feel like most people don't go to YouTube? I feel like everyone's first go-to is TikTok even though WitchTok doesn't really exist anymore. I feel as though TikTok has sort of accustomed people to being spoonfed information, so beginners are less likely to go to other sources where they actually have to work for information.
yes and no. I think it's really easy to get into a rut in your practice and just stick to consuming content instead of working through the rut. But it's not just social media. "Armchair occultists" have been around forever, as long as there have been books about it. So yes, I guess it can be a substitute, but no, in the sense that, it's not everyone. Most people I know online still practice outside of social media so I'm not sure how much of a problem it actually is
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I don't share a lot about my own personal practice on social media, or irl for that matter. I've posted a few spells and those weren't fully staged but they also weren't fully reality either. Like, I actually did the spell, but I kept some parts of it offline so it couldn't be undone since it was a protection spell. As far as all the experiences I've shared, I share them as I've experienced them. I do experience psychosis so I can't say that all of them were 100% reality looking back on some earlier experiences (but I'm not sure if I've even shared those ones), but I report things as I perceived them happening to me.
I don't know shit about social media etiquette so that's definitely not a part of whether or not I share stuff. Most of the time it's personal preference not to share. I try to be very careful about asking my spiritual team what I can and cannot share. Lately, I've been trying to practice more of what chaoticwitchaunt called "moving in silence" mostly as a way to protect myself from the evil eye, but also because I've definitely gotten in trouble with my spiritual team because I've shared stuff I wasn't supposed to. In general, there definitely is censorship. Most platforms won't show or let creators talk about blood, bones, fire, etc. and then there's cancel culture. which I'm not going to go too far in depth about but people love to censor each other.
Yes. I've thankfully never encountered any, but there's gonna be grifters in any community that can be capitalized on. Because I don't have any experience with grifters, I'm not sure what all the warning signs are but definitely double-check and cross-reference people before doing business with them.
I think the best way to stop the spread of misinformation is to develop and hone your media literacy skills. Critical thinking is so important, especially in this space. Do your own research on a topic; don't just take one person's word as fact
I feel like a lot of people will look at someone with a large following and immediately assume that they're an expert, but in reality it just means that they know how to work an algorithm, a completely different skill than witchcraft.
While I don't quite consider myself a witchy content creator, I am still a content creator for fandoms/bandoms. The main thing I do to keep authenticity is to take breaks from content creation. I can't work well when I'm struggling with schoolwork or mental health. When I take a break from social media, I usually state why so my followers know what's going on, but I never try to promise content I'm not sure I can or will make
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I like seeing content from other creators. I find it particularly inspiring, especially if I've gotten stuck in my own practice or if I've fallen out of a daily routine. It's motivation to keep practicing.
I don't think I've ever let FOMO get me to the point where I've been taken advantage of. I guess I got lucky where all my beginning resources stressed the importance of not needing tools, so it really stuck in my head. I don't think I've ever purchased anything because of FOMO.
Unfortunately, yes. The main way that FOMO gets me is when I see people who have been brought up practicing or people who have easy access to their ancestral practices. As someone who's trying to reconnect, when I see other people who have reconnected or are further along in the process, I do feel a bit bad and frustrated with where I'm at, but it is something I am working on. I don't want it to prevent me from practicing
I haven't really experienced imposter syndrome in this area of my life yet. And I think that's just because I don't have a huge online witchy presence. But because I've experienced imposter syndrome in other areas of my life, one of the things I use to fight it, is to remind myself of all the work I've done to get to where I am
Oh god. I think I'd be Wiccan and I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing but most of my early books on witchcraft were written by Wiccan authors. If I didn't have online media, those Wiccan sources would be all I had because that's what my dad reads. I'm sure eventually, I would have found my way to Christian Witchcraft, but I think I would have never worked with the Norse gods and I would have missed all their lessons. Because my dad is into Gnosticism and Wicca, without online resources, I don't think I would have ever explored other routes
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I think having an in person community is far more fruitful than an online one. Not that online spaces can't be important, but there's only so much connection you can get from behind a screen
Like I said above, I don't think I would have gone down the path I did if I didn't have an online community. It's how I learned about ancestor veneration, and folk magic, and it gave me a reading list outside of the stuff my dad reads.
I think the biggest danger to the capitalization of witchcraft is the appropriation of closed cultures and practices
I have not, and I don't know anyone who's been personally affected (to my knowledge)
Yes. If people are providing you services that they worked hard on, they should be compensated for their work. While I think knowledge should be readily accessible in general, it is still important to protect that knowledge as well as people's time and efforts. Especially in the world we live in where everything costs money. If people are providing a service, it's almost a necessity that they be duly compensated
Again, cross-reference and double-check everything
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I wish people would talk more about how to do research. We're always telling people to do the research, but as I'm finding out just from group projects in college, most people don't know how to do research. And I think I'll make a quick and dirty guide to research at some point because this is something that's been bugging me for a while
I feel like I just need to interact more. I do a lot of lurking so I feel like my needs will be met once I start interacting
Honestly, I don't know. I think assuming the best out of people, not to the point of naivety but assuming good intentions.
Again assuming good intentions.
chaoticwitchaunt on YouTube is the main person I go to. Seeking Witchcraft (podcast) was a vital source for me as a beginner. I also like The Red Text (podcast) as well
I'd just encourage my mutuals and followers to comment and share their own experiences. I really want to be more engaged in this community so this is an attempt at doing so <3
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emerald-x-green · 9 months
Hello this is more of a question than a request but what advice would you give to a person trying to become a writer that does requests and reader scenarios?
Oh my god, this is a milestone moment! I am so honored you want my advice. ❤️
Honestly, most of my writing isn’t requests/reader scenarios. I usually write one shots or fan fictions with multiple chapters. Transferring that to the typical bullet point format of headcanons was really tough at first.
(more under the cut)
What I learned was that you really have to go more with the flow than anything else. If a thought pops into your head, put it in a bullet point. You don’t really have to outline a post as long as you have a general idea or vibe for each character or situation.
Of course, sometimes you have a mini storyline you want to write. In that case, write it like you’re telling your friend a story. It can be a bit jagged, and it doesn’t have the flowery and long descriptions that traditional writing does, but it does still tell a story. Overall, writing requests and reader scenarios is a lot more informal than other styles of writing.
When it comes to specifically taking requests, it’s definitely a lot tougher than using your own ideas. Sometimes I can’t picture what other people are picturing. Absolutely try your hardest to write any request you get, but sometimes you just can’t. And that’s totally fine! You’re doing this for free, so you have no obligation to keep going or fulfill every single request you get.
Another piece of advice I’ve got is to set boundaries for what people can request. A popular thing for people to request is hurt/comfort related to their mental state at the moment (such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.). I’ve sent similar requests to other people. It’s totally normal, but some people either feel uninformed to write on those topics or deal with it themselves and it would be detrimental to their own mental health to take those requests. Other people have different things they won’t write as well. So I’d suggest making a pinned post about what you will and won’t write (as well as how many characters one request can ask for because writing for 5+ people every post can get exhausting) as well as what to include in a request. (And a link to your master list when you feel you have too many posts to scroll through.)
And a piece of advice that I love to give wherever and whenever I can: write it stupid and fix it later. Have a certain word in your head but it just isn’t coming to you? Write a silly description of that word, keep writing, and come back to it later. Plotting a story and you know points A and C but not B? Put some bullshit down after point A and fix it later! Trying to write a perfect first draft not only takes infinitely longer but is so much more exhausting. Find a way to mark the ‘stupid’ and just keep those fingers moving!
Also as a little tidbit- even if you have 500+ requests in your inbox, always try to write some posts for yourself. It keeps your motivation high and is also a nice reward bevause writing- unless someone is paying you good money- should first and foremost be about you.
Good luck! (I’m trying to act cool but I was literally squealing when I saw this ask because oh my god you like my stuff that much???)
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trixiwritesfanfic · 10 months
We'll Do It Right This Time
Chapter 1: Tensions Build In Castle Town
‘Oh my. Agatha. Agatha!’ A bespectacled girl with white hair clutched at her friend, who was currently examining the various oddities collected by a man wearing a beetle backpack.
‘Look, Lea, he has pinned Smotherwings…’
‘Oh, Agatha! This is much more interesting – look!’ A hand with meticulously painted fingernails pointed, rather rudely it must be said, at an entourage of tall, buff people. ‘There’s a Voe in among the Gerudo!’
‘A what?’
‘Voe! It’s the Gerudo word for a man, keep up, can’t you?’ A hand clasped around Agatha’s wrist and suddenly she was being dragged from her window shopping in search of a higher vantage point. ‘There’s an old wives’ tale that says they’re almost always evil and try to take over the world!’
‘You do talk the most wonderful nonsense, Lea.’
‘It’s true! My Grammy Josha told me so.’
‘Your Grammy Josha’s going batty. Can you slow down? I’m sweating and you know how my hair sticks to me when I sweat.’
‘Oh, you’ll be fine you baby,’ grumbled Lea, casting a quick look at the brunette’s highly coiffed hair. ‘A little bit of exercise is good for you.’
‘Not in heels it’s not.’
The bickering petered out as they raced through Castle Town, although for different reasons. Lea’s expression was focused and excited, while her Hylian friend’s was flushed with the combination of exertion and frustration. Finally, near the high wall that separated the castle from the town, they stopped, Agatha bent over and panting.
‘Why… can every Sheikah… run a marathon… at the drop… of a hat? What’s wrong… with you all?’
‘Wow, rude. We train, you know that. Shush, look, here they come!’
The approaching retinue consisted almost entirely of women; they stood head and shoulders above most of the townsfolk. There seemed very little height discrepancy between them, most of them at least 7’0” by Lea’s estimation – perhaps a specific requirement for bodyguards? There wasn’t even one among them who wasn’t sculpted as finely as marbled gods, and they travelled in a disciplined, marching formation.
In the middle, about a head taller than the women, a man who was similarly sculpted, though broader and liberally swathed in tribal markings. Similar traditions seemed to persist regardless of cultural identity – just as the Eye of Truth marked the strongest bloodline amongst the Sheikah, the tribal designs designated Gerudo royalty. It was a fascinating topic, really.
‘Why do you think he’s here?’ Agatha finally seemed to have caught her breath and curiosity had taken hold at long last.
‘Reaffirming alliances, maybe? I think this is the first Gerudo Voe born since the Great Upheaval; I wouldn’t blame our Queen for wanting to know he’s, you know. Not going to go the way of the last one.’
One of the Gerudo Vai had clearly heard her, for suddenly there were sharp green eyes boring into Lea’s very soul, a warning expression etched into the powerful features. The Sheikah girl’s entire face flushed, her Eye of Truth tattoo slowly blending into the pink. The moment passed relatively quickly, for the long, muscular legs of the group were swift and without hesitation.
‘…That was scary. I shouldn’t have said that so loud.’
‘Bet that’ll be awkward when you see them tonight at the technology presentation,’ teased Agatha, nudging at her friend’s ribs with a rather pointed elbow.
‘Oh, crud, I forgot all about that! I gotta go swot up or Cadoc will kill me! Talk later!’
‘We’re going to have a tough time assuring the people of Hyrule that Ganz has not received the soul of the demon king, Payu.’ The sharp-eyed soldier had turned to her partner in arms following the interaction, a disgruntled look on her face.
‘Yes, but you knew that before we came here. Why are you mentioning it now?’
‘Because it’s just become real, I suppose.’
‘Don’t worry, Nalani. You know how he is with people. I would not be surprised if their Queen is eating out of our Ganz’s hands in no time.’
‘Ladies!’ The man in question had taken a handful of bouncing steps, easily sweeping to the front of the formation. ‘You gossiping? Can I get in on that action? Or are we swapping hair tips?’ Ganz wore a broad, open smile; his eyes crinkled at the corners and twinkled excitedly.
‘If you have time for gossip then perhaps Kalana did not give you enough homework to do. And have you picked out an appropriate robe for your meeting with the Royal Family?’
‘Nope! But hear me out – we want my genuine self, right? No tricks, no games, just me. So why in the world would I shove myself into a stuffy formal robe which probably looks a lot like what the old tyrants wore when they came for their meetings, when I could just wear my traditional Voe outfit?’ A muscular arm had been draped around Nalani’s shoulder as he spoke, for she was the more likely of the two to argue against him.
‘That… is certainly an unconventional approach to a diplomatic meeting. What if you offend the queen?’
‘You realise she probably doesn’t like wearing those big fancy dresses either, right? I bet she wishes she could just chuck them all out and wear those tight little breeches the commonfolk have. What about you, Payu? What do you think?’
‘I’m not paid to have an opinion, your Majesty.’
‘Aw, bollocks to that, tell me how you really feel, go on!’ The other arm looped around Payu’s shoulders now, and Ganz pulled both women almost into his armpits. ‘C’mon, I can take it, I’m a big lad. Pluck my own eyebrows and everything.’
‘Okay. I think you’re right. The less thought you’re putting into your behaviour and appearance, the more I think you’ll dispel the various presumptions of the people.’
‘Course I’m right, I’m The Vai!’
‘Remember, Ganz, they’re more patriarchal here, you might not want to shout that.’
‘Our culture is important Payu; I’m not about to sacrifice that for anyone. I’m definitely The Vai.’
‘Okay, okay, you’re The Vai,’ she smirked, patting the wide forearm that protruded into her line of sight. ‘Now please, release me. We’re coming up on the guard outpost and I wish to be taken seriously.’
‘You seem tense, Queen Zelda.’
‘You have no idea, Robert. This meeting really ought to have occurred when both the Gerudo King and I were children. I know that my father was focused on restoring trade between Hyrule and Labrynna, but I really feel he did not future-proof as effectively as he should have. He knew there was a Voe born to the Gerudo and that there are fears of another calamity…’ The queen sighed, rubbing gingerly at the tips of her ears to soothe her nerves.
‘Mm. If I may, the Zoran people may have suffered immensely without the established fishing agreements. And the exploration and subsequent clearing of the depths would not have been possible without the various power rings and gloves of their smitheries.’ The scholar’s words rang true – Hyrule would not have been the same without those agreements. All the same, it would have been better, in her view, if they had managed to address the hypothetical reawakening of the demon king alongside reaching back out to their neighbours.
Well, it was too late for regrets now.
‘Do you know if the cleaning crew have finished with the history chambers? I should like to take the Gerudo King down there and illustrate for him what exactly I hope to prevent.’ Where once there had been carvings of King Rauru, Queen Sonia, and the Sages, further rooms had been built, and more friezes sculpted, depicting the events of the Upheaval. Daphnes the fourth, son of the princess of Upheaval, had bidden that the tale be preserved in something more durable than books, learning from the loss of generations past.
‘I believe they are doing one last pass. I shall send one of the kitchen lads to check on the process.’
‘Please do.’
With a quick click of his heels, an alternative to the usual low bowing that commonfolk often performed, her advisor acknowledged the request and then swept from the throne room, leaving Zelda alone.
It was nerve-wracking, just waiting here like this. Normally, she would have ridden out to meet their visitors, but the spirit of the hero had not yet presented himself to her, and she therefore feared to leave the comparative shelter of her fortress and its well-trained guard. It might have been a good thing, the absence of the hero – it spoke to a possibility that this particular Gerudo may not follow the unfortunate trend. Equally, however, it could simply mean he could snatch their world and crush it before anyone could stop him.
Her father’s decision to spare the child in his infancy had been an insurmountable gamble, and she could only trust his gut. No backup. No insurance. One man’s intuition could make or break the fate of her generation.
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lucyglassesstuff · 2 years
Dealing with: Fears and Doubts.
Insecurities I think is a better fitting name for it.
I'm- scared. Ha ha.
Yeah, how surprising. I told you most of the thoughts I have start in a similar way.
Anyway, that's this post's topic.
I published a grand total of two things by the time I'm writing this and I'm already doubting it.
What's the point of doing any of it if no one ever reads it? What if no one ever reads it? What if I'm wasting time and effort on this? What if, what if, what if.
The answer is quite simple: You push through.
I'll be fine either way. I know I will.
It doesn't make much to stop the thoughts from coming, but makes enough to allow me to do it anyway.
I think- After many many little tiny baby steps that lead me here- I'm in the phase where I'm starting to quite literally kick myself off the edge of the cliff.
You go and triumph girl! Fly!
I picture myself falling and screaming knowing damn well I just jumped off that cliff because I know I'll fall into what I want.
And- don't let yourself be fooled. I'm not doing anything that's oh so out there and risky and bla bla.
I started to post.
That's it.
And for me, in my context and with my social anxiety and fear of rejection and all the issues that I can't remember to name, is a HUGE jump.
I'm aware there's people who do it without even blinking. Not even a second thought after publishing the thing.
Whatever the thing might be.
I love to pretend I'm confident.
Some people buy into it.
It's fun.
And I guess in some ways I am.
Because I'm not- Shy, per se. I'm actually quite loud and bold and unapologetic, but I do am insecure.
I doubt- a lot of what I do.
Wich doesn't make me stop doing it just- Gives me anxiety.
Is a constant war between "I'm not going to change because of what someone else may or may not think of me" and "What if everyone hates me and I'm super annoying?"
I want to be real and authentic and happy and free and etc etc but I also want to be liked.
Is that possible?
Yes it is.
And Mejor solo que mal acompañado, right?
Again, is a very contradicting way of thinking. But I suppose that's all of us. In some degree...
See? I just doubted myself there again.
Long story short my life is now basically an ongoing cycle of being scared of something and then convincing myself to do it anyway.
It's fun.
Keeps me on my toes.
What will I force myself to do next?
I'm kidding, I don't force myself, I softly persuade the hell out of myself.
Maybe it has something to do with how my family works...
Oh yeah, might I clarify, this is a- Well- How would you describe it...
Instead of presenting you any final ideas on a certain topic, I'm just rambling about how I deal with stuff.
I keep thinking about how to organize the whole thing. How do I separate this type of post from the other ones and honestly what is the main difference between them.
Should I put a small summary on the top of it so you know more about what I'll be covering?
Should I just format the titles differently? With the font or the titles themselves?
It's a whole thing.
But then again: I want to make a point of proving I can still do it even when I haven't figured it out yet.
In all honesty I'm just scared I'll freeze in planning mode if I don't push myself to just do it.
I want it to be cohesive and easy to go through once I've posted more things.
Oh I have big big plans.
And I'm still trying to figure how to lay them out.
And of course, they make me scared: What if I fail? What if they don't work? What if I change my mind? What if let myself down? What if my expectations are to high? What if the punch of harsh reality blows my inspiration and confidence away and I loose all the progress I made so far? What if-
Oh my God, girl stop.
You sound hysterical.
Inhale exhale, c'mon. One two.
In through the nose, out through the mouth. Once more.
It's gonna be fine.
Don't panic.
And I mean, it's okay to worry sometimes, it's inevitable. Fighting against it is exhausting too, so I opted to just let it happen and then I'll sit with myself to calm me down in the most loving and patient way I can master.
Loving and patient.
For a scared and panicked me.
It works better than it sounds, truly.
One of my most useful new tools.
Is not an easy tatic but is quite simple.
You should try it.
0 notes
creamymilkk · 2 years
I hope ur still active but can you do teenage Kyle finding out his s/o has a thing for red heads??
🦊♡ “I mean.. yeah..I do have a thing for redheads…" ♡🦊
༉‧₊˚ #Teenage!Kyle x GN!Reader 
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
██████████ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
. ˚₊ ꒱ Pairing/Pairings: Teenage Kyle and Reader.
༉‧₊˚ -Format: Headcanons/Blurb
× &﹕Summary: All of your friends try to bring up a fact about you to Kyle but you didn't want that until he found out...
×﹕♺ AUTHOR’S NOTE(S): Hey! Im getting back to writing:D so I will 100% be more active, AND MY GOD THIS IDEA IS SOOO GOOD!! I’m in the writing mood sooo BLURB TIME:3 (Y/F = Your friend’s name, E/N = Ex name.)
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
♡- Let’s begin, you two met at highschool. Sooner and later, you two become a thing. Which you two were honestly such a power couple.
♡-  I mean everyone wanted a relationship like you two, even Wendy wanted Stan to act like his best friend. ANYWAYS, back to the main thing.
♡- Let’s just say when you introduce your new boyfriend to your friends, let’s say they were giggling and whispering to you about your boyfriend…
♡- “Really, y/n? I thought you were done with…” before your friend could finish the sentence. You were already pulling Kyle away from them. 
♡- He was already wondering what ‘you were done with’ her words not his. He kept asking you what they meant but you kept changing the topic.
♡-”Hey sweetheart, what was your friend about to say-”
♡- but before he finished “Look at the time! I have to go to math class, I don’t want to be late like last time!!” Then you were fast walking to your ‘math class’ even though you were just going to the bathroom.
♡- You were just shy about the topic and didn’t know what Kyle would say.
♡- Kyle would usually drop the topic after knowing you didn’t want to talk about it but he couldn’t get this out of his mind. So he did some digging (by digging just asking your friends)
♡- And oh boy..he didn’t think it was that..
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
Kyle didn’t know what you were hiding, I mean it couldn’t be that bad right? The red head boy just sighed as he closed his locker. The school day couldn’t be faster? I mean for him, the day went slower than a snail. Yes. A snail. But luckily he made it through lunch time, where he saw your friends looking at him and was giggling. Then there was his partner, in the middle. Blushing like crazy, soon they made eye contact. Then they quickly stood up and headed to the bathroom, he just knew there was something she was hiding. But he couldn’t quite pin what was the reason, they couldn’t tell him. So he walked where your friends were. They all saw him walking towards him. They all stopped talking and passed ‘shhh.’ ‘He's coming, act normal!!’ 
“Hey you…” one friend said to Kyle, so awkwardly. “Well me, Y/F and Y/F have to go… to the bathroom!” the friend said and got up with the other friends. Leaving the awkward friend with Kyle. Great. “Um ... I really need to go also! See you!” they said trying to leave before this gets anymore awkward. “Hey no wait-” Kyle said while grabbing their arm. “Look. I really need some answers and I think you might know the answer.” He said while trying to make them sit down, he really hoped that they might answer the question. “Okay fine! What is it?” they said their voice was growing louder than before. “What’s Y/n hiding?” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean! The reason why you guys were giggling” He said clearly getting annoyed. He knew they were acting dumb. “Ohhh! That” they giggled. “I thought Y/N already told you” Starting to smirk at him, “Well if they did, I wouldn’t even have asked you!” he said, getting mad. “Okay, so you already know they dated other people right?” “um..yeah?” He said confused. “What’s E/X hair color?” “Red?” “yup! Now what's E/x hair color?” “Red?” ‘What are they getting on?’ he thought. “Now what's your hair color?” “It’s Red.” “your so dumb.” “huh? What do you mean, I don’t get it.” “dude. Y/N has a thing with red heads.”
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
♡- So there he was in front of the bathroom, waiting for you to come out.
♡- He couldn’t help but get flustered. Something about that just made him blush just like his hair color.
♡- He used to hate his hair when he was younger, I mean Cartman made fun of him for it. Nobody even used to like it.
♡- Just you liking his hair color just made him blush like crazy. So you did kinda boost his ego. 
♡- When you finally came out and saw him. All you could do is stare at him, your friends already quickly told you what happened. You were going to kill F/N.
♡- “Hey Y/n, I finally found out what was brothering you!”
♡- he said while smirking just a little.
♡- “So your into read heads?” He said clearly knowing how much that made you blush like crazy. Just. Like. His. Hair color. He thought.
♡- “NO!” you almost yelled.
♡-  “So all of your friends are lying to me?” He said while lightly laughing.
♡-  You sighed, you couldn’t hide it anymore. “I mean.. yeah..I do have a thing for redheads…”
♡-  He couldn’t help but blush. Those words just made him melt.
♡-  You looked up and there was your boyfriend, blushing, eyes wide open, and lost for words. All of that ego was now gone.
♡-  Of course, you couldn’t help but giggle.
♡-  So you kissed him.
♡- “God..I love your red hair.”
♡-  Kyle was just standing still, with such a love struck smile.
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spockandawe · 2 years
😍 I’ve been scrolling through your blog all evening, your work is BEAUTIFUL! I had no idea you could make books look so gorgeous. I’ve been interested in book binding for quite a while, but have been intimidated to take the first step. How did you get into it? Did you take classes, or follow something online? Or, do you already have a post where you talk about that? Seeing your work makes it seem so worth it, even if it seems intimidating to tackle 💖💖
Oh my goodness, than you so much!!! Sometimes I feel like I have a long ways to go, but then sometimes I take a step back and say, hey, this IS fairly rad, isn't it!
But I completely know what you mean about the craft seeming intimidating. I am here to tell you that the way it feels too overwhelming to get started is one of the main speed bumps about this craft, including for leveling up while inside it. I've got a number of projects I'm wrestling in terms of intimidation right now, even though I know I've dealt with this before, and what I do is probably going to be just FINE. Books are such, like.... iconic objects, it's hard to look at a fancy one and decide that you can totally do that too. But this is honestly a craft where I have an easier time encouraging beginners than many of my others, and I've got resources for you.
Where I got started!! It was honestly super trivial stuff, my dad doesn't love reading documents on his computer for work, and he showed me how he was printing off booklets and folding them in half and doing a line of stitches down the middle, and I was like '...........SO IF I WANTED TO PRESERVE A WEBNOVEL--' and things WENT from there. I started with what I could scrounge up on google, but there are better options, and a LOT of them, and a thriving ficbinding community which is pretty good (on tumblr at least) about sharing resources with each other.
So, what I'm about to go into here is largely focused on ficbinding and webnovels and other books with CONTENT, I know some people have a great time making blank notebooks, but my mind has always slid off those. If you're intimidated by the steps involved in formatting text for printing, that may be something you enjoy!!
I think I've got a few asks about this in my spock-replies or my bookbinding tag that go over similar information in different form, but this was the first one I tripped across, with my personal rundown of what I would use to get started with a casebound book (which is most of what I've done. If you're intimidated by a full hardcover with a covered spine, then a coptic bound book will provide similar function, with different construction and an open spine, but I still haven't gotten off my ass to do one of those yet, so I don't have resources on hand. I found my footing using Sealemon's videos, not just the one linked but some of the others as well. I tend to make beefy books that aren't suited to decorative binding styles, but I want to try that, someday. But I also have like ten projects in progress and things are kind of oh-god-let-me-off-mr-toad's-wild-ride, so... not yet.
After I got comfortable with Sealemon, I dug into the DAS bookbinding channel, which is a DELIGHT. The guy who runs the channel is incredibly chill and soothing to listen to, and he knows so much and has SUCH an archive of different techniques and styles. I still haven't gotten super adventurous, and honestly this is still a channel where I get intimidated about trying something new, but there's material that's not an intricate four-part series, there's things like doing a pamphlet binding. Other youtube channels with bookbinders tend to be very helpful as well, and some like annesi binding tackle cool topics that can be hard to find elsewhere. Part of the trouble with bookbinding is that a ton of cultures developed similar ideas independently and riffed on them for CENTURIES, so there is unimaginable variety in the creative space. Video works better for me to understand how it goes than written accounts do, but it's a huge space to find a comfortable nest in.
And!! In the middle of all this, i was pointed at @renegadepublishing, which is a community largely focused on ficbinding (but also open to other endeavors as well), and just a lovely place that's been so helpful to me. There are resource documents that I believe are in the sidebar, and I think there's a dreamwidth community as well where I think they've been crossposted. I know some people involved in that community also post on r/bookbinding, though if you're more interested in binding fanfic, there's also an r/ficbinding community that may be more tailored to your passions. I'm delighted that you liked my books, but renegadepublishing regularly reblogs things from other binders that leave me absolutely starry-eyed, and it's fantastic for inspiration as well as education!
Okay, I think that's what I've got for now. That was basically the slippery slide I fell down, where I just desperately wanted to preserve mxtx's books in english, before there was any hint of an official license. That directed me down a path of learning how to make Big Books, and my own attention span drove me to figure out how to do it fast. There was a long youtube spiral while also using the renegade resources to give me a second bonus perspective that helped me understand WHY i was doing certain things. Part of what helped me out is that I have a stubborn thing where 'what do you mean i can't buy X? fine, then i'm going to MAKE X.' and that served me well here. But also, I can't undersell the excitement of holding a book you made from a piece of beloved fanfiction for the first time (no matter how crooked it is!) and opening it, and seeing the words on the page, physically, and shaped like a real book, and that thrill has carried me forward through a year and a half of this nonsense.
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islandofsages · 2 years
this is what love feels like.
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summary: in which you tell them about queerplatonic relationships (because you want one with them ♡)
characters: thoma, xinyan, zhongli (separate)
tags: gn!reader, fluff, hc/scenario format kinda
warnings: none
author's notes: i picked my top 3 faves for this hehe (though i self-ship queerplatonically with zhongli only actually ...)
has vaguely heard of the term but doesn’t actually know what it entails
when you briefly tell him what it is, he nods understandingly and rubs his chin with his hand, processing what you’ve told him. the wrinkles that appear on his face as he scrunches his face and shut his eyes worry you; what a serious expression, you thought. but before you could ask what’s wrong, he’s back to being all smiles
“oh, so that’s what it is. then…i wanna be with you in that way, (y/n).”
his confession caught you slightly off guard but you’re glad that he feels the same plus he was all shy when he confessed and you internally gushed over that fact
sometimes he’d get intimate with you unintentionally so he apologizes every time he does it - he can’t help it, you’re just so endearing!
he’s like an excited little puppy; giddy at the fact that you’re his partner. you. how amazing is that? surely it was a blessing from the gods. he goes to pray at the grand narukami shrine even more often now even though guuji yae gives him the, quote-unquote, “heebie-jeebies”
loves hugging you so, so much! though if you don’t like hugs then he’d make sure to ask first or at least limit how much he hugs you. maybe he’ll even save it for more special occasions
he’d tell ayaka and ayato about you two’s relationship at least and regret it because the siblings keep teasing him about it, though if word got out he wouldn’t outright deny it
if you two decide to live together, he’s already planning on becoming your full-time househusband (or housepartner if you dislike that term) you debate on whether you should tell him that he’s a malewife
it’s impossible to be unhappy when you’re with him. maybe if you ever have the time, you’ll go visit the shrine with him and thank the archons for granting you such a loving partner.
has heard of the term before from her friends and fans in general - her fanbase is made up of so many different types of people after all
“you mean besties who kiss each other, right?”
you lightly smack her as she insists it’s a joke
she tells you she’s open to the idea of one and doesn’t mind trying it out so you respond by confessing to her
she seems shocked but she doesn’t hesitate to agree to become your partner. she then tells you that she thinks she feels the same…she’s not too sure but she bets it’s different from the crushes people have been talking about
she doesn’t seem to treat you much differently from before but if you want, she’d initiate more intimate gestures! plus, even if you don’t want that, she’s still gonna warm up to you sooner or later
very vocal about your relationship because she doesn’t like people to assume things about the two of you; the public and press always have a way of painting a bad picture and spreading false information everywhere. and also because she loves you so much and wants the whole world to know that she has the best partner in the world!
she would write so many songs inspired, about and for you. she just cherishes you so much and thinks you’re the best thing that has ever happened to her
“hey people! this here’s a new song and it’s dedicated to my one and only, (y/n)!”
you’re absolutely helpless when she does that; all you can do is blush and grin to yourself. as far as you’re concerned, she’s also your one and only.
does not know what a qpr is at first but he’s willing to learn; he always is, especially for you
when you educate him further on the topic, his eyes widen and you ask him if he’s okay. he chuckles and shakes his head, a cute little smile on his face
“i’m fine, (y/n). on the contrary, i feel as if a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders.”
he tells you that a lot of things make sense now - he always had his eye on you but to call it a romantic crush would be inaccurate. and so he always questioned what he was feeling towards you. he has you to thank for enlightening him
…realizes that he technically confessed
he turns pink at the realization and you can’t help but laugh. you then proceed to tell him not to worry because the feeling’s mutual. he sighs a breath of relief he’s still pink though and you indulge in his adorableness
oh, he is so, so careful with you in your relationship. he doesn’t mean to be so cautious but he’s afraid of accidentally overstepping any boundaries, especially because each qpr is different. so you tell him that he can just ask if you’d be comfortable with any certain gesture or not and he took it to heart - he’s always asking if he can hold your hand or cuddle you or even kiss you
and if you’re not the affectionate type, he’s fine with that too. as long as he can call you his partner, he’s content with anything. but even then, he still wants some physical affection so he ends up asking to cuddle from time to time
he’d buy you so many gifts, oh boy, and you have to scold him every now and then just so he won’t go broke
he’s not the type to mind what people say about you two but if you’re uncomfortable with people calling you a couple, he’d politely correct others on what you two truly are: more than just lovers.
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