#the unnatural beauty ig
pcktknife · 4 months
also elves should have unicorn tails okay goodnight
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bbyquokka · 9 months
12:04 am (hhj)
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | hwang hyunjin x gender neutral reader
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | timestamp, smut – 18+ is strongly advised!
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | vampire hyunjin, human reader, established relationship, consumption of blood (hyunjin feeds), vampire bites, cock warming. ( if i missed any, lmk! )
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒 | 1k ~ ( 1,041 )
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 | i've been playing a lot of baldur's gate 3 (can you guess who i'm obsessed with trying to romance 👀) and ig it inspired this lil thing? idk, i wanted to write vampire stuff soooooo
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
his unusually soft hands holding your hips. his sharp nails digging into the skin, threatening to break the skin and make you bleed. his pale white skin looking ethereal in the shimmering moonlight. his white, shoulder length hair that's half up, half down flowing with the gentle and cool breeze.
to a passing stranger, it simply looks like two normal humans making love under the moonlight after a date but oh no–this is much different.
his eyes shut tightly, plump lips parted as he moans your name in between the short, laboured breaths. his teeth all seem normal, human almost, aside from the two sharp fangs that threaten to pierce the skin of your neck at any moment. 
he loves you and you love him but neither of you should succumb to such feelings. humans and unnatural creatures intertwining with one is almost like a curse. but you taste so sweet and sound so sinful to him. your skin heats his cold, pale skin. your blood is so sweet, it's like drinking honey straight from a beehive. 
he rescued you. he found you in the woods one night whilst on a hunt. he smelt your blood from a mile off and rushed to the scene, hoping to feast. he didn't expect to stumble across your passed out body, bruises and cuts decorating your skin. 
you were running from something; but what exactly? a bear? a hungry wolf perhaps, either way hyunjin saved the questions for later–he had more pressing matters to worry about.
he smelt your blood but so did the other vampires in the vicinity. he doesn't know why but he scooped you up and carried you to his lair. he cared for you, nursed you back to health. when you awoke, understandably you were terrified to be face to face with a vampire.
but hyunjin felt different. he showed compassion which most vampires don't. majority of them look at humans and think ‘food!’ but hyunjin. he held no matter how tough it got for him. he let you stay with him until you had enough strength to fend for yourself but you both grew very close to one another and the thoughts hyunjin was having of feasting on you, shackled him with guilt.
he feasted on deer's, wolves and bears but his insatiable hunger burnt. it clawed its way at him, desperate to be fed what he wants the most and that's you. he's smelt your blood, he cared for you and knows what it looks like and, to him, it looks so delicious.
one day, you offered him your wrist. he's been feasting on nothing but animals for weeks, he's not getting what he needs. the hunger, the thirst; it burns. you found him on his knees in his bedroom in a cold sweat, panting. you didn't recognise him and it scared you.
his fangs on full display. hair sticking to his skin and his red eyes blown out, captivating you and shackling your feet to the floor with fear. he came crashing onto you as soon as you gave him the ok to feast on your wrist. the first time hurt and you were left weak and dizzy for days but the more you allowed him to feast on you, the more you got used to it.
“look at me.” you whisper as you cup his cheeks. his eyes slowly flutter open revealing those blood red pupils you love. “so beautiful.”
“says you. you look gorgeous underneath the moonlight. your skin is so pretty. i'm two thousand years old and i've never felt more alive.”
“s-sh.” you mumble before moaning as he thrusts into you from below. he sits up and wraps his arms around your back, holding you close to his pale chest. his body is decorated in deep scars and old battle wounds. two distinct circle scars on his own neck indicating that he once was human.
“yn, i'm hungry.” he whispers as he eyes the flesh of your neck. he can feel and hear the blood pumping through your veins. he wants it. he wants a taste.
“do you want my wrist, hyun?” 
“no. i want more.” you swallow and look at him. puppy dog eyes, those eyes you can't resist. he sticks his bottom lip out in a pout and whines softly. “please?”
“you know i can't say no when you look at me like that.” you mumble. hyunjin grins, his fangs showing. he stills his hips, allowing your warmth to pleasure him. 
you tilt your head to the side, extending your neck as hyunjin holds onto the other with his hand. his cold yet oddly hot palm setting your own skin on fire. he brushes his lips against your flesh as he inhales your sickly sweet scent that he's been addicted to since day one.
he grazes his teeth along the skin. you hold your breath as his fangs scratch the surface. he gives your neck a soft and gentle kiss before his fangs penetrate the skin.
you whimper in pain. the stinging sensation tingling up your spine and to your fingertips. the air being knocked out off your lungs as you gasp. you grip onto hyunjin as you squeeze your eyes shut. hyunjin's penis twitches inside of you as he drinks your sweet nectar. every pool of blood coats his tongue in a sweet and savoury taste making him want more.
he's addicted and it's dangerous. he could easily drink you dry. with each passing second, you feel your blood leaving your veins. your head dizzy and lightheaded, eyes fluttering shut slowly as all your strength depletes from you.
hyunjin drinks and he drinks some more. his penis twitching and orgasm threatening to hit him. he groans, his grip on you tightening. more is all he thinks about. more more more more!!!
“h-hyun jin…” you choke out. he snaps out of it, pulling from your neck quickly. he cups your cheeks gently, blood coating his lips and the tips of his fangs.
“yn?! oh fuck! yn, are you ok?!”
“fine. i'm fine.” you say with a weak chuckle. hyunjin chews his lips, watching as you reach up and wipe away the blood from his lips.
“vampires are so messy.”
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 (𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍) | @bintificreads ; @oshimee ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @lilquokka04
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
To add onto the idea that Danny sheds his human body and becomes some kind of eldritch shadow monster with which MM has to play Pictionary with, I also feel like it would be really funny if at some point Danny has this lighting bulb moment (which he describes to MM as several electric lightbulbs and exclamation points) and just...fucking overshadows some super that's there. Dealers choice who, could be superman (thinking of some of your kryptonite/ectoplasm prompts), could be some member of the bat family (since there's a Lazarus pit under Gotham right? lots of exposure makes them compatible), one of the flashes ig if you do something with the speed force.
Either way, Danny's eldritch shadow form suddenly disappears, causing the JL to erupt into panic and interrogating MM like where did he go what happened he disappeared did he say something is he pissed is he going to attack earth what level of world ending threat should we be prepping for, none of which Martian Manhunter can answer since he's just as confused.
Only for someone to straighten up and give the rest of the JL the biggest sheepish smile ever and go "Whew! Sorry about that, don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. I guess I never wondered if it was a possibility but this body seems sturdier than most. Anyway--this is so much easier now--hi! My name is Danny, I'm fourteen years old from Illinois and it's so cool to meet you!" punctuated with an awkward wave that looks so out of place on the hero they all know.
There's just so much potential for chaos if the only way Danny can actually communicate with words is to overshadow someone. Especially if they're just...the complete opposite of him. Like Batman or something.
Prompt anon is referencing.
Oh maN this is beautiful. The Justice league realizing “holy shit. This is just a kid. What happened to a kid that made them look like that.”
Ok Batman getting overshadowed is funny but I also give you:
- Plastic Man. Danny still shifting and twisting in very unnatural ways as he’s possessing Plastic Man because this body is far too bendy and he’s forgotten the range and motions of how normal human bodies move.
- Dr Fate. Mostly for the fear of “oh fuck this kid possessed dr fate, a host who’s technically sort of possessed by another guy already.”
- Wonder Woman. Danny Lasso of Truth’s himself to prove that he’s not a threat and it shocks everyone.
- Martian Manhunter. When he possesses the Martian, his form shifts to look like Danny just before he shed his human form.
- Robin. Oh god you can see even clearer that this is a child since he’s already in a younger persons body.
There’s so much to work with here. This is truly a beautiful idea dude thanks for sending this in.
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addcests · 3 months
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a family is you, and you, and :: ch5 - ao3 mirror
pairing the addcest is there if you believe
words 5475
rating [T]
summary "Hey, Dominator, where's Psyker?" It's an innocent question, at first. And then it rings, rings, rings through Dominator's mind constantly, like an incessant nagging that he doesn't want to quite acknowledge presently. Not yet. So he doesn't. "He's out." It's not a complete lie, anyway. --- If you'd ask each Add what family meant, they'd have similarly different answers. A contradiction in and of itself—a testament to the very conception of their existence. Yet, there lies one thing wholly similar; a conviction all three share: they'd fight for their family. And now they must.
note woo boy that sure was a ride when i said things wouldn't happen ig i kind of lied sorry! LMAO but! at least i made up for this chapter with this whoping 5.4k words! anyway, the first scene was really fun to write... ! <3 i love giving dom hope also can't wait to snatch it from him! <333 and trouble in paradise... if it's not one thing with these adds it's another smh :/ but! all will be well! eventually, maybe, hopefully! thanks for reading <3
There were two truths when it came to the Diabolic Esper.
One: he does not sleep.
When the power of time control dangles along your fingertips, one sort of abates the need for sleep.
“Slipped my mind,” he'll too cheerfully, too dismissively answer Psyker or Mastermind as he slithers past their disapproving and worried looks.
It is pretty commonplace, after all, around the Add household to forego sleep in pursuit of one’s goals.
And yet, like the very laws of time he defies, Esper, who does not sleep, slept. Very deeply, at that.
—the other, second truth: Esper did not dream, because while others were blessed with lulling dreams, he was cursed to have nightmares in return. Perhaps it is the nature of his psyche, twisted and tormented as it was, or it is a side effect of something as unnatural as time traveling all these years, or maybe it is the few pockets of sleep he manages to nestle in once every blue moon. Maybe it is all of it or maybe it is none of those reasons at all.
And yet, regardless of the reasons, if any, Esper, who does not dream, dreams. 
Reasons aside, all Esper knows is that once he opens his eyes he can see that he is currently standing in a vast field, surrounded by an explosion of breathtaking anemones. 
Mother's flower.
It was such a gorgeous landscape. No matter which direction he chooses, there is nothing but a stretch of anemones, pure and white.
A beautiful innocence flooded with white and as gorgeous as far as the eye could see.
Esper bends at the knee, reaching to pluck a handful into his grasp. He holds them tenderly, with loving care and is immediately overwhelmed by its scent: a deep earth-like woodsy smell, tinged with a hint of something citrus-like. Inhaling and closing his eyes, even in this dream, he could never forget the times he would enter Mother's study and catch a hint of these flowers lingering on her clothes, or on her hair, or on her hands. From holding the flowers alone, the scent became stronger, almost overpowering all his other senses.
For Esper, it is a comfort and core memory, he feels as if he could just close his eyes…
Indeed, his eyes grow heavy, and soon, he drops to both knees, barely keeping upright. And yet, despite this sudden sap of strength, the flowers were a calming lull…
A shard reflecting Grace drifts into view.
He begins to sag further still, placing a palm on the ground to keep himself upright, trembling and again struggling to breathe… 
He didn't have time to waste here… ! He couldn't afford to sleep. He had to go. He had to go now. He had to get to mother now, right now! Nownownow—
More white shards appeared, all with Grace.
His heartbeat accelerates as his thoughts begin to race and race as he continues to struggle, and continues to panic, the shards of Grace swirling erratically around him now. No longer could he focus on the flowers that seemed like an anchor at first, keeping him afloat. What he once thought was his anchor grounding him, it was now dragging him down and he was sinking, sinking…
—and then it all happened so fast.
Everything that occurs next is within mere seconds, yet for one who bends time, all of it at once felt so ironically slow. Amidst the storm of his racing thoughts, a sharp cut of white noise sliced a line through his whirlwind of dread. There was nothing left but an eerie, silent emptiness in his mind for but a nano second, leaving him with no choice but to suddenly hyperfocus on his other senses and surroundings and arrive at the conclusion that he was not alone. 
He was being watched all this time. 
Though he demands his wretched body to move, he falls limp in place instead; and then, he could hear everything. He was quite keenly aware of the familiar sound of cracking, as if something was bending and breaking.
One final, ear shattering crack—then, from a near distance there was an explosive color of pulsing purple and pink hues, followed by the very space he was occupying fissuring until it cracked, cracked and shattered into fragments, exploding once more. The impact and blasts were so forceful, knocking him back so hard that his ears began to ring, rendering him all but dizzy.
When the ringing finally stops, Esper groans and tries to sit up and finds that he can't; a weight is crushing his chest, preventing him from doing so. Disoriented, he can do little other than fight to force his eyes open, realizing that he's also paralyzed beyond just being held down.
Due to this realization—the comforting aura into terrifying dread—he also confirms he was attacked with—
“—Paranoia,” drawls a mellow, flat voice, “and so, you're still alive…”
As someone well traveled, he's not surprised at all when he finally gathers his bearings and he is met with a face that’s his. But what does surprise him is that it's not a face of his that he recognizes. In that sense, he knows Psyker and Mastermind's face. There are also Psych and Arc's faces, when they were younger. But something already eliminated the fact that it could be either of them: the one, lone black sclera. And this face was much younger, nestled in a distinct cat hoodie, deep and dark purples and not the lightly tinged-purple white he was familiar with during his times as Time Tracer.  But something even beyond his attire was quite… different; off, even. “You're not Time, and yet… what an interesting form.”
“And you're here,” he replies back, uninterested.
Esper hacks and coughs, cursing the lingering effects of Paranoia that leave him immobilized still and the foot pressing firm on his chest, pinning him in place.  Unable to do much of anything else, a certain gleam catches his eye, from a shard orbiting near this person with his face. The shard is a pearlescent color, pure and white, much like the anemones he's currently crushing. It turns and catches the light, reflecting Grace's face once again.
So, this was this… Add's doing, he'd lulled and trapped him here, but how? 
Finally, the offender lifts his foot from Esper’s chest and turns his back carelessly on him, arms outstretched, “This form, this is what you—what we always wanted, wasn't it, Esper?” He tilts his head back, glancing over his shoulder, “For Mother?” 
A bright purple begins to shine underneath the other male.
These are their last words as Esper opens up and extends the space directly underneath them, binding him in place as he teleports a safe distance away immediately at the end of Void Field's cast, clenching at and massaging his chest. He takes the moment to steady and stabilize his breath once more.
This Add does little more than flinch under the restraints of the energy of space and then he laughs.
And laughs again, a horrid and annoyingly subdued little thing that only pisses him off.
“So meaningless…”
Esper stands defensive, watching as this shorter Add approaches him, step by unenthused step, long coat tails fluttering behind him in the void. His hand aches, closes and opens, then closes into a fist again as he feels his dynamo nearby. “Speak your purpose or else.”
“I am, yet you won't listen.”
Before Esper could probe himself anymore, he reacts with just enough speed to catch one of those ever-floating shards that his other self just flung at full force towards his face. The shard reflects Mother's serene expression, hand tucking back a strand of hair, frozen in time. Recognizing this, his hold on the shard turns tight-fisted, to the point that he is able to feel the glass dig past the protective barrier of his gloves. Esper is sure if he holds it any tighter, he’d draw blood. He probably does. His grip still tight, he throws a glare to his other self, silently demanding an explanation.
“That's what you wanted, right? Mother?” Again, he prods with the same question, voice indistinct, bearing no emotion that Esper could pick at. “But, ah, that's right, you can't have her.” Making himself comfortable, he kicks back on one of his Dynamo (one that Esper does not recognize), sitting with one leg dangling in the air. Leisurely, he gestures to one of his other fragmented shards as if they had all the time in the world. Droopy eyes regard him for a moment, like he's studying him, trying to figure which piece in the puzzle he'll unlock next, and then he resumes. “Then, maybe this one instead. You'll surely want this more?”
Esper, however, is too distracted to even begin to break down that hard calculating gaze. Again, another shard is sent his way, though it's nudged less aggressively towards Esper this time. When he catches this one, his eyes widen at the reflection as the name tumbles from his lips without his permission, “D-Dominator… ?” As if guilty, for some inexplicable reason, Esper's shocked gaze turns towards this other Add.
In this entire encounter thus far, not a single emotion ran across his other self's face. Until now. It was barely there, but Esper parses the flicker of this Add's lips tugged ever so slightly down as contempt.
“What do you want with Dominator—”
“I'm asking the questions here.” Barely there electricity sparked in agitation from his left eye as he stands once more, striding leisurely towards Esper. He paces until he's directly in front of Esper, about a foot apart and then looks down at Esper’s hands, holding both shards. “Your hands are full.”
Holding both Mother's and Dominator's shards indeed, he looks down to them too and then to him once more. “And?”
Again, this other him laughs. “‘And!’ he says…..” Though lacking its usual manic energy, that was definitely his laugh. This time, he laughs so hard, he throws his head back, hand covering his face, shoulders trembling and shaking his small form. “Of course, I was always so greedy.” Using both hands, he gestures for one shard nearby. This one is bigger. Slowly, it floats into both his hands and he spins it around to face Esper, not quite handing it over to him just yet.
This shard, unlike the other still image ones, is animated: it shows Mastermind brushing Esper's hair tenderly as he sleeps and Psyker, right by his side, hand on Mastermind's shoulder as he watches him sleep also. 
As if subconsciously, he immediately moves towards it, expecting to take hold of it like he did the others. But he hardly even makes the complete gesture to reach out for it until it's snatched abruptly and precisely from his space. 
“I said your hands are full.”
Eyes wide now, Esper still makes to grab for them both when this other Add floats back and away just as easily on his dynamo. No longer willing to entertain whatever his double wants, he then demands, “Give them to me.”
Panic pricks at his skin, desperate to have them both back. He yells, “They're mine—!”
Ah, and that was clearly the wrong thing to say—this Add—this person wearing his face, chuckles low and short, clipped. And then he charges faster than he could blink. Panic sets in again for another reason: imminent danger. Esper realizes he has so little time to react. He makes to move, to dodge, to teleport back, but within the supposed safety of the time-rip of his portal, this Add is easily here as well. For the split second Esper has time to think, this answers all of his questions about this encounter. This other Add then quite literally rips him from his own portal, sending him flying, anemones disturbed from their roots, kicking up in the air around him. The two shards, Mother and Dominator, fall from his hands in this scuffle too. When he blinks open his eyes again, he finds himself straining them close and struggling to keep lidded eyes open as he feels a familiar pair of hands wrapped at his throat, pressing hard.
“If they're yours,” an equally familiar voice rasps, much unlike the voice from the smaller one; this one is full of energy, life, determination—crazed and obsessed, snarls back at him, “then give me back what's mine.”
This Add stops pressing long enough for Esper to gasp in a greedy breath of air and out of surprise at the sight before him, “You—from that dream… ! You’re not that child anymore. Who—”
Long, almost tendril like flowing hair (that he had mistaken for Mastermind at that time in the dream), two pair of matching dark depths staring down at him, a form that seems to struggle to manifest yet stubbornly decides to anyway—paradoxical in nature—a shape that towers over him (obviously no longer that child form), especially at this height advantage, and those shards that float by his side have turned from their sincere soft, innocent white but to his usual, signature demented, dark deep pinks.
“You may address me as Paradox,” he grins down at Esper, deranged, flashing him a smile full of threatening teeth. “And you, Esper,”  he coos, and then taunts harshly, barking his words at him, “what did you expect?!” A deranged little laugh, colored with disbelief and admonishment escapes past his lips. “Did you expect me to coddle you? After all this time, you still can't pick right and yet,” he narrows his eyes as his grip around Esper’s throat tightens with each following enunciation, “you. Demand. So. Much!” A pair of black sclera narrows dangerously now, all prior amusement fleeing from his face as he glares deep and heavy and full of scorn. He’s so close, his breath tickles his younger self. It’s but a breath’s whisper, yet it is so loud with its dangerous undertone made plain, “I don't coddle failures. So, choose.” 
Esper, without much choice, chooses to choke and gasp around the fingers pressing insistently to his throat. 
“You want Mother, yet here you are in the future, fiddling where you don't belong. And what of your present? What of them? Are they not precious to you? Will you leave them behind?”
It was one thing to be lectured by someone wearing his face, it was another to have to die pathetically at his hands like this. With that in mind and his remaining energy, he finally manages to summon a couple of Dynamo to fly to his side and rush at Paradox, who was too absorbed in his ministrations and thus easily disengaged and knocked away. His other Dynamo flies to his side protectively; Esper, on one knee, wisely uses this time to regain air into his greedy lungs once more.
With Paradox thrown aside somewhere, and Esper no longer feeling on the verge of passing out from a lack of air, the shard with Mastermind and Psyker that Paradox dropped catches his gaze once more. He can barely make out their conversation, but it was faint. It sounds like they were talking about dinner. Well, Psyker was. But Mastermind was bargaining with him about dessert instead. That sounded so like them. In spite of being literally attacked by, whom he now has enough data and obvious logic to assume is, his future self and almost choked to death, Esper finds comfort in these two's consistent yet easy presence.
The shard that held their mother was inanimate till this point. That is, until he hears a voice coming from it.
”Edward, the present is precious for being the present.”
Still, he turns his gaze towards her, brows knitted with the pain of knowing that she was all alone in the end. He just wanted to save her—even if he knew better… ! He just wanted his mother…
The grief stabs at his heart and he clutches at his chest, as if to ease the pain of it all.
Likewise, the same from Dominator's shard. He, too, hears his voice.
”You know, you shouldn't even be here.”
He holds his hand out for Dominator, deep down wishing Dominator hadn't said that to him back then so many visits ago. He didn't want to leave Dominator alone either! He was in pain and lonely, and Esper was drawn to him… how could he leave him alone?
The grief of his actions and inactions pile on, as well as his failures, and he falls to his knees of his own volition, hands to his ears as if that would make everything just. 
”Do ya think… Esper would mind a chocolate and vanilla cake this time ‘round?”
”He'll love anything if it's made by you, Psyk.”
Paradox, retaining his true form, stands towering over Esper’s slouched stance, glaring as Esper grips at his hair in a crazed frustration. “This should not be hard. No matter what you want, there's only one answer. Anything else is meaningless! That is the most basic of basics. That is the goal.” He then says with as much disgust as he can muster, “That was our goal. Now, choose or I will make you choose.”
Time ticks slowly in this unnatural black backdrop, filled with the most beautiful flowers.
It goes unnoticed by Esper, burdened with his choices.
Paradox, seeing this, knows his next decision before Esper can even think.
As promised and much like before, Esper is not left with a choice really, as he finds the shard containing Mastermind and Psyker at his throat by Paradox's hands. Later, he will remember how he felt the shard dig at his throat, no mark left but a ghost of pain irritating the scar at his neck. 
A whirl of anemone encircles them in a violent gust, accompanied by the same woodsy scent drowning out all and overwhelming all his senses as his eyelids, heavy, fall shut for the last time.
He hears one last warning:
“You should have never left them.”
And then—nothing.
===== → loading … loading … loading … :\\ destination … standby … … … =====
“... wha, Esper!? Quick, Mastermind… he’s awake!”
“... it’s been three days! How is he—is he… ?” 
===== → loading … loading … loading … :// destination … unknown … … … =====
“I wonder,” Dominator murmurs to himself, toying with Esper's miniature dynamo replica as it sits safely on its designated desk, “how he fares…”
If Dominator is being honest with himself (and these days that is not often), he finds that his mind drifts to Esper lately. After all, it's been a month, maybe two? Who was he to keep track of time? Though he always knew he was prone to night terrors and the such, that expression Esper left with that day struck Dominator hard and would remain seared in his memories for days if not weeks. 
A ding draws him from his fleeting fanciful thoughts and he blinks slowly. “Ah, Dynamo? Apocalypse?” He lifts his chin from his palm and turns his gaze upon the floating windows nearby, “Are we stable this time?”
A month or two, give or take, led to much success on his end, a lot of progress, and then frustration. His main goal was to see how far he could influence the reach of some of his Installs, particularly with the help of Force Field. There were promising results and so far, he's been able to maintain a much larger radius but at the cost of efficiency. As of the last experiment, the radius envelops the entire Add household, which has been his biggest success yet.
He walks over to the biggest display, some sort of feed showing the fluctuations of the Force Field. Casting such a wide reach strained Dominator but at least so far, from what Apocalypse was relaying, the potential was there to move into the next phase—
A sudden system warning blares through the lab, the shrill sound of it causing Dominator to flinch at the unsightly sound, a hand covering his ear. It then hits him what that warning was for exactly. Immediately, he whirls around to his Dynamo, then back to the screens as he asks, “Wait, the field!? It's being attacked?” 
No sooner than the words left his mouth, Dominator feels a far off rumble in the far left wing of the household. There was some seconds before there was nothing, and then an even louder bang. “Dynamo, what is that!?” Growling to himself, his fingers flies quickly along his keyboard to navigate through the various cameras they had set up, but even soon that was rendered useless—this thing, whatever it was, blew out all of them. Was it physical? Or some sort of arcane magic? “Apocalypse, quickly, I—”
The loudest, earth shattering boom Dominator had heard yet, rattled the entire household, strong enough to knock him to his feet, as well as other items in his lab. Signature purple waves of energy and electricity, seemingly from his projects, or his own Dynamo gone haywire, slither and explode in the room. Hissing rather from the shock of it all than any pain, Dominator, finally losing his composure, frantically yells out, “Can I please get confirmation on what is happening? It has been far too long without an answer for this to be acceptable!” He steadies himself to his feet, gripping the edge of a countertop for support. Again, he tries to summon Apocalypse, who he had lost in the frenzy of this commotion. And he finally appears but not as he expects, “Holographic form? Tsk, any injuries? Scan and report—” Are you alright? goes unsaid. “Where is your location?” Already, on pop-up windows, he can see Apocalypse’s vitals. Health was fine. Alongside that, Apocalypse had used some energy in preparation to retaliate the attack but there was no visible damage or signs of a scuffle. 
Apocalypse does not get to report anything more to Dominator, the connection drops, and instead the warning from earlier is flashing red now insistently on multiple windows, demanding his attention, overriding other screens. Was this a systematic or network attack? But, no… it was very much physical. Scans already showed signs this was not some random earthquake or natural occurring event, but a direct and deliberate attempt on the house—or perhaps, it was the Force Field?
Finally, he expands the warning screens and reads. The warnings were not just for the attack itself. In disbelief he mutters, “Impossible, it's completely… destroyed?”
Finally, some beats later, his cube partner flies into sight, fretting with meows over his creator. 
Dominator pays him little heed. He is fine after all! Dusting himself off, he hops right back into the fray of chaos and begins scrolling between windows, though soon he could no longer avoid his meows any longer when it becomes insistent and even louder. “Oh, for the love of Elrios, what is it now, Apocalypse? If you need to be looked at, I shall put you in queue and—” He stops, whatever words he had dies on his lips as he looks over his shoulder to see Apocalypse circling frantically over both Psyker and Esper's mini dynamo displays on the orderly countertop some paces away. Despite nearly everything else toppling over, the replicas remained unharmed. In fact, they looked even better than before from a mere cursory glance. “Is that…” He stops, frozen, as if afraid to approach when he is hit again with the realization that, “—P-Psyker…?” He falls unceremoniously to his knees, eyes wide in disbelief as he watches Psyker's replica whirl to life, static energy and electricity rippling in small waves along its device, no longer dim. 
Psyker's replica was online once more. 
“B-But… how can that be?” His voice, rough from commandeering and shout-outs, now soft, barely a whisper, tinged with fear, sadness, longing… but most of all, something he was afraid to feel: hope. 
Apocalypse requests the aid of two of Dominator's Dynamo to bring both replicas to the fallen Dominator.
Gently, he accepts them, staring at them as if a bare touch alone would shatter whatever miracle was happening here. He didn't need to do anything beyond observing them to tell they were online, but with both in each hand, he could feel the familiar signature of their energies, pulsing and radiating, and full of life… ! Looking at Esper's replica mini, his was much more vibrant than ever before too. Even more so than when Dominator scanned Esper and fed the replica his energy from the repairs a couple months ago. Could Esper finally be back… with Psyker?
As if sensing the possibilities whirling through his mind, Dynamo already ran calculations: “No portals via the Diabolic Esper have been recorded within the last… … …fifty three days, twelve hours, three minutes, and fourteen seconds and counting.” But what of the obvious energy blasts? The very ones that rattled the house to its core and dispersed here in the lab? Surely those were theirs… ! “Percentage of Diabolic Esper's energies: 64.21%. Percentage of Lunatic Psyker's energies: 75.89%.” 
“How can that be? Not even 90%? It is either Esper and Psyker or it is not!”
“... recalculating. … … Pending results … complete: entities are not Diabolic Esper and Lunatic Psyker.”
Frustrated, he fists a handful of hair, growling to himself. This made zero sense at all. Did his lousy automations and network receive interference of some kind from those psionic blasts? His eyes screw shut, heart racing as he forces himself to calm down, to focus, to relax. To prioritize. 
Exhale, start again. 
Focused, he opens his eyes, a light that was not there in ages, now brightening his gaze. “One thing at a time, Dynamo.” Magenta hues fall to the warning screens popping up as the system continues to crash, unable to read or feed data about his Force Field that is seemingly in disarray. “Let's… repair this, no, we shall fix it. Sturdy and stabilize it, we will need to increase energy and output now if we are having random attacks. No more risks from this. Then, we shall take stock of everything else, check for faulty devices and other miscellaneous damages, and then…” 
He opens his eyes again, a wary stare falling towards the replicas in his hand, whirling with energy and vibrancy unlike anything he's ever seen before.
“I suppose my mysterious benefactors that powered their replicas can wait, for now.”
===== → loading … loading … loading … :\\ destination … standby … … … =====
“Amazing, maybe you two should pair up more often on our excursions and dungeon dives after all. Who knows what you two could accomplish if you'd work together more.”
The two being one, Lunatic Psyker, vying for the chance of sport, having been restless for ages now because of two, Diabolic Esper finally rising from his coma like slumber, recovered as if nothing had happened.
Together the pair were testing out some custom made simulation-obstacle course that Mastermind blue printed and Psyker built. (Esper was working on some schematic of interactive rotations, or some such mechanism, but well… sleeping and traveling from home does put a quick halt to that progress.) Given that Mastermind refused to let Esper out of sight—i.e, house arrest, and that they all agreed to testing and observing Esper for the coming days—this was the next best choice for everyone.
“Hah, just admit you rather see the results than make the results yourself.”
“I've two perfect consenting subjects to do so for me, it is simply more efficient this way,” Mastermind shoots Psyker’s obvious bait down, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. He does have the nerve to smirk at him though, tacking on an afterthought, “Besides, admit you're enjoying yourself.”
“Well,” Psyker says in between sips of water, “Won't deny that. ‘s pretty exhilarating to have Esper’s portals boost my super sonic speed like that.”
“Of course,” Mastermind hums easily, attention split as he tinkers with a couple of nasod chips.
Psyker ungracefully plops himself beside the scientist, jostling him and his makeshift workstation. “And what's all this?”
“Psyker, stop moving! And where is Esper? So help me El if you tell me you lost him—”
Right on cue, a portal opens up, and at the same time, one of the nasod chips Mastermind holds lights up as soon as Esper hops from the portal, Mastermind makes to dodge him.
Well, he tries, anyway.
Esper lands perfectly in between the two, squishing his way demandingly into Mastermind's space as well. “Yes, what has you so occupied that you're ignoring vitals and our battle results?”
For a moment, Mastermind flushes brightly, ears red now that a pair of eyes are looking to him eagerly for answers. Nervously, he glances away, laughing mostly to himself to ease his nerves from the sudden attention. “Well, this? It's really nothing—”
“Doesn't look like nothing to us.” Esper tries to reach out for one of the nasod chips in Mastermind's hands.
“Yea, it lit up and everythin’ when Esper came over. Hmm, is it tracking his movements or somethin’?” Psyker inquires, grabbing Esper's mischievous, wandering hand, ignoring his whines and pouts.
Again, Mastermind does all he can to avoid their piercing gazes. Well, he supposes, if they don't find out now, they'll find out some other way, wouldn't they? Instead of explaining, Mastermind reaches across the inquisitive portal hopper, taking Psyker's hand into his hand.
Now it's Psyker's turn to blush. “W-Wha’! Hey!?”
“Oh, be quiet!” Mastermind barks back, fighting his own blush because of Psyker's blush. Calming down, he nods to Psyker's hand, “Make a fist, use some energy. You know, like I see you do sometimes without realizing it.” 
“Did ya hafta grab my hand just for that… !?”
Esper snickers.
Mastermind is so red, but mercifully, the other two say nothing else.
As instructed, Psyker looks down at his hand, makes a fist, opens it, makes a fist, until small crackles of electricity and energy circuit around his nasod glove. 
As soon as it does, the other nasod chip reacts to Psyker.
Before either can say anything, Mastermind digs into his jacket's pocket, and pulls out two perfectly replicated miniatures of Esper and Psyker's dynamo. “Each chip, linked specifically to you both, are suppose to go into this… and, well…” He trails off, because he doesn't want to really admit what this is for. 
Fortunately, they don't know why but unfortunately, they rather prod at its existence.
“Mastermind, this is such an elementary little toy.” Esper flops his weight on Mastermind's shoulder, teasing, “Is this really more important than me?” 
“What—No, o-of course not! It just—”
“Seriously, I feel like you made blueprints for somethin’ like this ages ago, when we were still just tracers,” Psyker adds on, his free hand gesturing at a short height as if indicating when they were that tall back then. “Why the interest in such a thing now?”
Even though he is clearly teasing, Mastermind inwardly flinches at Psyker's insight. He scoffs mentally, annoyed that the brawler was always analyzing him, always seeing right through him. Fortunately, or unfortunately, for him, Esper interrupts his inner thoughts by yanking him up from his seat, his project falling and Mastermind wailing to Psyker to catch it.
Thankfully, he does so.
“Well, if it's not more important than me,” Esper purrs, nuzzling at Mastermind who is desperately trying to avoid this suddenly affectionate time-manipulating cat’s snuggles, “come on, let's take a turn together.” Offhandedly, Esper comments loudly that he now understands why Psyker is always nagging Mastermind about staying in his lab and ignoring everything for his research. “No buts!”
Fondly, Psyker watches the two go off. Or, well, he watches Esper drag a whining Mastermind, pleading for the brawler to save him from Esper. He chuckles as they disappear off towards the start of the obstacle course. 
Then, his attention drops down to Mastermind's little project, blinking at the nasod chip linked to Esper lighting up. They must have started the obstacle course, then. He watches it for a few more seconds, and shakes his head. Idly, he wonders if Esper had did that on purpose, tugging Mastermind away like that. That devious schemer is always up to something. Though as his eyes fall to the nasod chips blinking, he supposes that Mastermind is always up to something nowadays too. 
He laments that Mastermind obviously can't trust him enough to open up.
When did their connection and trust become so terse and fragile?
Psyker, jumping from his thoughts, heaves a big sigh, and then puts on a smile, racing over to the section that they're at. “Oi! You two hurry up already!” He pumps his fist in the air. “Let's do a run with all of us together! It'll be fun! One who hits the least targets is on cleaning duty!”
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nightfrost-fanfic · 1 year
Nightfrost Chapter 1
In which a small choice has unforeseen consequences 
TW violence ig
Nightmare stared at the crystal snow surrounding him. The cold that was usually so easy for him to overlook now seemed to sink its ice jaws into his soul. 
He shouldn't be here 
None of this was supposed to happen, yet here he was trapped in some AU covered in the blanket of a deep winter.
Nightmare had thought this was just some forest surrounding the Snowdin of yet another AU, but he soon disregarded that idea as the midnight sky could be clearly seen above the tall pines surrounding him. The trees were also different than any nightmare had seen before in any of the Snowdins of the multiverse. Though still Definitely Pines the trees seemed to twist and turn in unnatural ways there bark a dark matted black that seemed to swirl in strange patterns with small bits of muted cold colors that could be seen in the cracks the bark formed. The needles of these strange pines were a deep rich green with glittering silver snow that seemed to cling to each branch. The very smell in this forest was strange and spoke of a deep and bitter cold with all the beauty and brutality it entails. 
Nightmare came to a  particularly old Pine that had lost all its needles and now wore only the shimmering cold of icicles and snow on its branches and bark. Nightmare leaned on the wide trunk, his eyelight scanned the forest for a trace of firelight. But there was none. Nightmare has seen no other sign of life other than deer and rabbit tracks he had spotted a few times. 
The wounds from Dreams arrows stung without the proper amount of magic to heal them. All of nightmares magic was currently trying to keep him from freezing solid in the crisp air although even that was becoming difficult as any negativity nightmare might absorb from this AU was being used to keep him moving. Ice was beginning to form on the goop covering Nightmares bones only to crack and break with every movement. Nightmares tentacles have already completely frozen at the tips and two of the four had their tips entirely broken off when he had tried to move them too quickly. Nightmare was usually unbothered by the cold and had enough magic to keep him liquid but the last battle left him drained more than he would have liked to admit.
Nightmare sighed as he remembered Horrors concerns from that morning. Nightmare had been stressed and tired the last few days The Star Sanses had been even more active and it was draining Nightmare and the rest of the gang trying to keep up with them. Residents of the AUs had also started to fight alongside his brother making the missions all the more harder. The added assistance made necessary retreats and injuries all the more common. 
This morning had been one of those times that retreat was necessary. The day started out as any other work day, breakfast then preparation for the scheduled mission later. Horror and dust had noticed that nightmare had been looking more and more exhausted the last few days and horror had told him that it might be a good idea to take a break. Nightmare insisted that the mission was to go on as planned. This was a choice that Nightmare now regretted.
The mission had not gone very well. Dream had gained more stamina and magic with the large levels of Positivity, Ink had been even more energetic and chaotic in his attacks, and Blue was well Blue, strong and energetic. Dream gave his same speech about “How nightmare could break free of the corruption” and “he knew his brother was in there somewhere” Nightmare was understandably tired of the same speech over and over. He was starting to suspect Dream was starting to repeat it out of habit more than anything else. 
As the fight progressed Nightmare knew He and His boys Needed to call an early retreat. Frustration rose in Him as they had only spread a fraction of negativity he had hoped they would have accomplished. But Nightmare knew that staying here would only heighten the risk of serious injury as he could see Horror, Dust, Killer, and Cross where all starting to run out of energy and magic. So Nightmare had created a Portal back to the base and called retreat. This was when things started going very wrong.
Blue had been closer to the portal than Nightmare had realized and he was forced to close it before he could get through which meant now all three of the star sanses plus a few other monsters who had joined the fight were now focused on him as his boys were all able to get through the portal before Nightmare had closed it. It was probably around six to one and Nightmare was already exhausted. 
Nightmare had kept his own warding off attacks and dodging most of Dreams arrows until he had an opportunity to open a portal. Nightmare might have ended up being captured if not for one of the monsters, a fire elemental monster with gold and emerald flames had accidentally hit another one of the monsters helping The star sanses with one of their attacks. The confusion and concern disrupted the others long enough for Nightmare to flee and make a portal. But it was already too late. Nightmare had already used almost all of his magic and without enough magic to transport him back to the castle the destabilized portal had spit Nightmare back out in this frigid forest.  
Without enough magic to form a new portal Nightmare started to walk through the snow attempting to find somewhere he could rest so he could regain enough magic to get home. The level of Nightmare’s magic had already been low enough to make him feel a little queasy and it was soon apparent that it was also not enough to keep his goop from freezing. Nightmare could feel the ice forming in his very bones, a feeling of cold numbness spreading throughout his body. 
Nightmare knew better than to rest by one of the trees as there was a large chance he would freeze completely solid. So he walked, and walked, and walked. Hour after hour dragged by as Nightmare trekked further and further into the woods. Which brought him to the Ancient pine he was at now. 
Nightmare slid slowly down the rough bark into a sitting position despite the warnings his mind was sending him to keep moving. But Nightmare didn't listen, he was too tired to care. 
Nightmare gazed up though the branches of the tree above him. 
The stars were so bright here.
The moon was a soft silver glow giving the snow a crystalline white appearance.
The quiet still night is so peaceful
Nightmare glances down at his hands. They had an icey sheen to them, Stiff cold and unmoving.
“Was this what being turned to stone felt like?”  Sudden amusement at the thought made Nightmare let out a small weak laugh as he studied the limbs though a hazy half lidded socket. 
Small specks of white snow turned nightmares attention back to the stars above.  
“It really is. . . beautiful”
Nightmare stared at the small points of light making out faint color differences between them.
“Yes. . . so very. . . nice” 
Blackness started to consume the stars at the edges of nightmare’s vision. But he did not care 
As one by one
Each star 
B l a c k.
1268 words
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my fic. If anyone has any writing tips i would be happy to hear them in trying to get better at writing.
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fromrosepetalcottage · 8 months
Wabi sabi life
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Photo by Sakagura London.
I've been thinking about the Japanese practice of kintsugi as seen in ceramics, as well as the sashiko mending technique in clothing. Kintsugi encompasses the concept of wabi sabi. Wabi-sabi is the view or thought of finding beauty in every aspect of imperfection in nature. It is about the aesthetic of things in existence, that are “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete."
Is this not something that we can apply to humans in all our imperfections, psychic wounds new or old, bodies easing into "vintage" years? I read something on a Japanese website that translated the concept in an accessible way that really made me think of how wabi sabi could apply to us, especially as older women. To quote:
Wabi sabi is a beautiful way to describe what is natural and pure and to acknowledge the beauty of any substance or being in its most natural and raw form. It eliminates the rather Westernized concept of artificial beauty and idolizing a state of perfection that is seemingly unachievable and unnatural. The western world has made the concept of beauty into something that is becoming more and more refined as well as more and more unachievable with each passing day and it distorts the idea of natural beauty and accepting the flaws of existence, however, on the contrary, the Japanese belief and concept of wabi-sabi embraces just that and allows the people to be more accepting and open to embracing the beauty of flaws and rawness. Source: https://www.kyoto-ryokan-sakura.com/archives/191
I can't be the only person who scrolls social media and is dismayed by the ubiquity of certain types of selfies. There is a depressing sameness of makeup, hair, expressions, poses. A famous actress once said that adolescence was the time of life when young people had to prove their individuality by looking exactly like everyone else. And that's what social media has become. Extended adolescence on a worldwide scale. Even influencers targeting a mature crowd seem to have fallen into the look alike/dress alike mold. Style blogs that are supported by retail outlets spotlight similar fashions, and while some might link to different size ranges, few share resources that help women understand their shapes or unique natural coloring, leading to a different type of clone wars.
As the Japanese point out, in the West our idea of beauty is something that is so airbrushed and Photoshopped into perfection that it's often unrealistic. A friend and I recently had lunch then stopped in a local IG hotspot to shop and get a couple of snapshots. A nice bystander took a few photos of us, but I was dismayed to see the unfiltered evidence of my current age. I look old, was all that I could sputter. As my friend pointed out, I'm pretty good with editing software and apps, so after a little tweaking, I uploaded the best shot later. But that reflex has nagged at me a little. I don't like looking older, but it's my reality. I am 64, although I could pass for late 40s on a good day.
In the Western Hemisphere, as well as the U.K., the idea that youth is best reigns. When I was in my 20s, I learned that once you hit 30 you were considered over the hill in Brazil. Maybe this idea came from ancient Greece. During the Classical period, idealized sculptures had perfect proportions, but also illustrated the Greek's belief that people peaked at about the age of 18 or so. Even a sculpture of Zeus, king of the gods, might have depicted him as an older man with flowing hair and beard, but Zeus still rocked a body that would make Arnold envious. Over millennia canonical artists have continued to use youthful models. However, the two years of art school that included life drawing classes with nude models ranging from fit and young to older and soft taught me to look differently at bodies.
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Model mama, art school, 2002.
For whatever reason, I had an easier time drawing bodies that had a surplus of "fluff" on them. Students weren't supposed to have contact with our models, but our class threw a shower for one. She had taken a maternity leave and on her return, still obviously hadn't lost any of the baby weight, but it didn't matter. Her Rubenesque curves were a delight to try and capture on my drawing board. Unlike some of the young guys in my classes, for me there was nothing sexual about drawing an unclothed body. I saw light, shadow, lines, curves, textures. It takes a certain kind of bravery, and maybe some healthy vanity, to model nude for a studio full of strangers four days a week at universities and art schools around the county to earn enough to live on. This woman gave no fucks that she was considered large in that pre-body-positivity era. Her body had functioned beautifully as it was meant to. She brought a healthy baby into the world. The abundant curves of her abdomen and hips were certainly evidence of their recent use, and she was still breast feeding - again her body was functioning as nature meant. What society might consider imperfect served not only her child, but also students looking to refine their technique in depicting the human form.
We all have some type of imperfection whether visible or invisible. Childhood wounds to the psyche aren't always apparent, although the effect of physical wounds remain visible or physiological in limps or twinges. Our culture pushes near perfection via magazines, films, television programs, and online influencers who seem to want to sell us something that will bring us closer to that elusive goal.
I have another friend who is fond of saying that we already have all we need inside us. While meditating this morning, that thought drifted into my consciousness. I was focusing on wholeness and trust - self trust to be exact. I've made so many mistakes at this point that they could be used as examples on how NOT to live. But I'm ok, and I do have all that I need externally. I have a job and good friends. My home isn't the fanciest, but I have a comfortable place to lay my head at night, there is food in the pantry, and there's good reading and music at hand. Experience has been a tough teacher, but instead of being broken my body has mended the external damage, and the practice of meditating and journaling has helped to salve the emotional wounds.
As those thoughts came to me after I finished meditating, the concept of wabi sabi surfaced. Beautiful imperfection. The kintsugi technique is the repair of shattered pottery and then using gold leaf to highlight the lines where the vessel had come back together. The jagged lines aren't seen as flaws, but as something to be cherished and the gold makes a treasure of the piece. Sashiko mending involves using decorative stitches to patch or darn a spot on a garment that is fraying or has developed holes. The technique has come into fashion in the West with people becoming more conscious of sustainable clothing. Rather than disposing of a worn garment, repair it and add a personal touch that is a thing of beauty in and of itself. I tried sashiko on the elbow of a much loved topper that I was wearing at work every day. The technique salvaged the piece and kept it out of the recycle bin.
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Sashiko source: https://perennialstl.org/event/boro-sashiko-mending/
After a pretty traumatic road accident the same elbow on my body had to be stitched back together, along with some other spots. The stitches didn't quite heal right, and 12 years later, the scars are still there on my arm. Maybe they're my personal kintsugi, although it's not possible to apply gold leaf. The scars are evidence that I am still here, still functioning - got motion back - and I'm still useful. I'm broken but unbowed.
I believe that anyone who has made it this far is going to have some internal or external damage; it's natural. Life is not perfection; life is messy and if we just accept that we can't control everything, it's a bit easier to accept the occasional mess and imperfections. While I certainly have things I'm still working on, things that are in my sphere of control, the rest is what it is. Like the kintsugi vessel, my scars are golden. If you've read this far, yours are as well...
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I was dragged to a baseball game and forcefully subjected to ridiculous amounts of patriotism a few days ago and these words have been bouncing around in my head and I want them out. It's not gonna be poetic or anything I'm tired but yeah personal writing ig
I think fireworks are cruel. Even aside from the weird nonlogic of often using something that sounds like gunshots to celebrate people who were traumatized by gunshots.
I can look up and see a blank, dusty sky that's had its darkness taken away from it and its stars covered up by our lights, and we shoot fake stars into the sky, loud stars of unnatural colors and patterns and they fade away so quickly and they leave huge spiderwebs of smoke behind. I hate it and it makes me sad because I just want to see the real stars and I want to marvel at how beautiful the earth and the sky and everything is but I just can't do that because apparently humans can just get rid of nature because we say so.
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littlemissidontcare · 2 years
it’s not even that she’s plain - it’s more like her face cannot move at all. like i dunno if she’s had too much work done or if that’s just what she looks like. but that side eye photo - her face looks so unnatural. i mean if ppl want to have stuff done whatever. but her fans (as usual) always talk about how she’s a natural beauty. and her ig comments are always ppl saying how gorgeous she is and i’m just like what are ppl seeing? lol
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divinemackerel · 2 years
🏳️ +🥒+🌵 :D
[ask game]
🏳️ - Favorite way you have described something in your works
🥒 - What is a writing style/AU/trope you would like to try out?
🌵 - freebie!
🥒: Ok i have both a writing style and AU i want to try out some day, but au first so- FAE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. OR QUEER SLICE OF LIFE.
I want to write about dubious morality but in a way that’s not creepy, talking more about the id versus the superego almost. Also I love the magic that typically exist in these type of aus and I love the idea of a overprotective fae creature and it’s human, trying to strike a balance. I dunno, I love the idea of fae. I want to write them in a way that’s cool.
I also want to write queer slice of life at some point because tbh- idk. I feel while action stories can be fun, it’s also important to read stories about people like you living lives and shit being ok.
Also also space probe au <- one day!!!!!
As for writing style. I really want to write out a play. Like something as if it were a play. Or just generally write a story in an unusual format.
There’s this one zombie au fic that comes to mind but I can’t remember the name of it argh.
🏳: i love the way i describe a lot of things. Almost everything I write I end up loving.
More recently though ig :
The myth of sirens must have come from the ocean at night, from when the wind ran over the water like a mouth exploring soft skin, from when it sang of familiar salty spray and gentle, soothing rocking. There, when the moonlight kissed the shimmering and impossible vast waters, a sailor must’ve stared and dreamt up a woman who would lure them to their death.
She would’ve been beautiful to whoever beheld her, with a body like a seal and eyes like liquid mercury, poison and untouchable but enticing as they danced with mirth. Her skin would’ve been dressed in grey and her hair like seaweed growing from her scalp as if it were a seabed. Her hands, calloused and unnaturally smooth for someone who swam all day, would’ve cupped and lured any unprepared and wanting heart down into the depths of her mother never to surface.
Into the depths of the mother of them all.
Ishmael wasn’t superstitious like some of his crews had been, or prone to lying through the teeth he had left, but sometimes even he swore he saw this shedevil. How could he not? Any sailor who loved the sea had.
It was always nights he was particularly tired and the moon was particularly bright and liquor burned in the back of his throat. He always only caught glimpses too, but he knew it was her. She liked to tease at the edges of where the moonlight tickled the water, swimming back and forth with the waves. There, she would brush her scales against the surface, or sometimes wiggle her finger tips, trying to entice him like she had so many others.
And sorry idk what to do for the freebie.
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vrjust · 2 years
Hasten down the wind cover
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“I believe that today’s a great day, two years too early,” Wakai said. But there wasn’t the political will in the legislature to extend the life of the coal plant and doing so would have resulted in pushback from environmentalists committed to action on climate change. The legislature’s coal shutdown mandate should have been contingent on having enough renewable electricity to fill the gap, Hawai’i Senator Glenn Wakai told Canary Media after the ceremony. We do know, over the next 12 to 24 months as those projects come online here on Oahu, that our residents will begin to see more stable energy prices and ultimately a reduction in their energy bills.” ​“I don’t think anyone anticipated Russia invading Ukraine and all of the turmoil and price increases that have been driven by that activity. “This has to be the most tumultuous time in terms of the energy space,” Governor Ige noted. The new Inflation Reduction Act cures that defect in federal policy and should encourage an explosion of new clean energy projects in Hawai’i and throughout America. Hawai’i Governor David Ige told Canary Media at a ceremony marking the end of service at the Barbers Point facility, “It’s about having a North Star and being clear about what the long term objectives are so that we can make generational decisions that will provide long term stability and support for our communities.” In other words, government should act on facts, not opinions expressed on Fakebook, Twitter, or Faux News.ĪES, which owns the Barbers Point facility, has been deeply involved in the transition to renewable energy in Hawai’i, starting with the solar power plant and battery storage facility that has been powering the northernmost island of Kauai since 2019.Īny blame for the fact that fewer solar projects have been completed in Hawai’i than could have been built under ideal circumstances can be laid at the feet of Congress, which for many years has failed to establish clear renewable energy policies with a long enough timeline to allow developers to plan, permit, and complete them in time to qualify for favorable tax treatment.
In the meantime, taking Barbers Point offline will add about $15 a month to the average residential electric bill. As more renewable energy comes online, rates will drop and future price hikes will be avoided. The closure of the Barbers Point coal generating station will unfortunately inflict further pain on Hawaii’s long suffering utility customers. One of the long term advantages of renewable energy, of course, is that it is produced locally, so its price is not impacted when tyrants like Pooty Poot have a hissy fit that drives up the cost of coal, oil, or unnatural gas. But Hawai’i does not yet have enough renewable energy to meet all its needs. Renewables are cheaper in the long run because once they are built, the cost of fuel is zero. Once access to Russian oil was cut off, utility companies were forced to seek other suppliers and pay significantly more for oil. It costs a lot of money to ship coal and oil to the islands, which is the primary reason utility rates are so high. Much of its electricity is made by burning oil - one third of it from Russia. Hawai’i has always had some of the highest electricity rates in the nation. A subsequent law enacted in 2020 moved the timeline for the transition to renewables forward, which forced the closure of the Barbers Point coal-fired facility. Hawai’i began transitioning to renewable energy as the result of legislation passed in 2015. Hawai’i, like all islands, is at extreme risk from rising sea levels, largely due to higher average global temperatures related to greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide. Annually, it spews about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is a tragedy for one of the most beautiful spots on Earth. The AES facility at Barbers Point on Oahu serves about 300,000 customers and has been in operation for 30 years. Environmental groups are celebrating this week because the last coal-fired generating facility in Hawai’i will be shut down by September 1.
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kittyowotings · 2 years
honest truths about you
▶Ever been ashamed of your age?
yesss, oh my god
▶Your least favorite season & why?
honestly? fall bc its just. There ig
▶How many selfies do you take in a week?
IDK none i barely take selfies i hat emyself
▶Your most active social media site/app?
u... i only use discord, i use twt primarily to post art and toyhouse to store my ocs <3 theyre still precious to me after all these yrs
▶What's your favorite thing to do in Summer?
swimming... or have grills LOL IM SO BASIC
▶How about Winter?
honestly... sit in side warm w blankies :3
▶Do you prefer day time or night time?
um... NIGHT TIME i am nocturnal
▶Are you more of a follower or leader?
follower tbh, i do not like being leader..
▶If you could go on a date with anyone/anywhete, who would it be with and where?
hmm.. well my bf and i have been wanting to go swimming ;w;
▶Your personal opinions on marriage?
its a wonderful thing <3 although, if you dont wanna then you dont have to!
▶What card games do you like?
UHH.. idk... i like crazy eights
▶If you could have one super power what would it be?
the ability to have 3 more powers >:))
▶Are you against smoking?
no.... just dont rub it in my face 🙄
▶If you were given $1000 and had to spend it right now, what would you buy?
UH FUCK IDK... probably pay back the ppl i owe 💀💀
▶Would you rather live in an apartment or house?
apt i guess bc its moar safe... ;;
▶What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
i hhate ice cream but if i had to Consume it id go w vanilla
▶If you had to color your hair an unnatural color, what color would it be?
if i was forced to... uhh i guess a pastel pink >< idk unnatural colours wouldnt suit me-
▶Describe your daily hairstyle.
AHH I have a messy mullet but like my bangs cover my eyes
▶What is your favorite emoji?
IDK the skull emoji is sso funny to me
▶When's the last time you went to the doctors?
idk... I forget
▶What do you drink in the morning?
A... water or juice
▶Have you ever questioned your sexuality?
yessS omg
▶Who was your first celeb crush?
I kind of forget its been so long? ha
▶What is a good birthday gift for you?
IDK... i love cute clothes or cute things like perfumes and stuff hehe also idloveitifmybfboughtmelingerie
▶Would you rather clean the dishes or take out the trash?
UHH... take out the trash honestly its not that hard
▶If you had to get a new tattoo right now, what would it be of?
AHGHHSDFKJJ I hate tattoos but id probably get permanent makeup or smth
▶When is your daily bed time?
IDK... i have been sleeping rlly late at 5 or 7 in the morning
▶What's your favorite thing about your job or school?
I. like that the final exams are just open book assesments instead its a lot. easier for my smooth brain
▶Name a place you do NOT want to go.
I DONT KNOW... in the ocean or deep in the forest
▶Is pregnancy and child birth beautiful to you or not really?
I dont KNOW!!! i guess its beuatiful but not the prcoess 💀 its so horrible
▶Are you comfortable to dance or sing in public?
No omg id have to be drunk off 8 cans of alc
▶Would you rather eat at home or go out to eat?
um.. eat at home bc i hate having strangers watching me eat
▶What do you personally think is the worst job to have on the planet?
I cant imagine being a plumber 💔💔
▶Do you trust dogs or cats more?
cats... they are Small.
▶Describe your favorite style of clothing, what stereotype do you fall into the best?
UHH... tiktok egirl smh
▶If you had to get cosmetic plastic surgery, what would you get done?
IDK... lipsuction
▶Does the description of your zodiac characteristics fit you well or not at all?
YES OH MY GODDD i am just me!
▶What is something you would never actually buy?
💀 idk
▶Lastly, share a quote you like.
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sunny-deejee · 2 years
I want to go back to short hair, i forgot how much i dislike long hair 
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farehamflorist · 4 years
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Three weeks ago I got some of these in just to see if they were anything like the photo I was seeing on the wholesalers page - you know me and my thoughts on dyed flowers, however, in a weird way I really kind of like the whole bubblegum effect. I took some home to see if being dyed would make a difference to how well they would last.⁣ ⁣ Left photo is the day they arrived in the shop - right hand photo is them this morning. ⁣ ⁣ #longlasting #bubblegum #pink #blue #flowers #realnotreal #dyed #coloured #flowerpower #flowerselfie #loveflowers #fareham #farehamflowers #farehamflorist #beautiful #unnatural #ig #ff #fridayfun #fridaydyeday #instagood #picoftheday #summer (at Flowers by Moonstones - Fareham Florist) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlFmidjuTa/?igshid=w6wzati47b2k
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larkspur-feminist · 4 years
Ok I’m just rambling here but does anyone feel little to no attraction to “famous” women or celebrities? Like when I see them dolled up with makeup caked onto their face. Or in a tight dress where they definitely are wearing spanx underneath. Especially contour and their breasts pushed up to their neck in those weird ass candid glamour shots on IG.
Literally so difficult to relate to other “lesbians” on this site when they tag a pic of Scarlett johanssen in a skin tight suit with 🥰🥵🥴 and “omg I’m so gay for her”. All I can think about is how her styling was literally made for men to jack off to.
I know this isn’t correct but I really do see makeup esp the baddie IG look to be like, a huge indicator of heterosexuality in women. And yes I know there is femme and lipstick and all those other terms but I cannot ever recall being sexually attracted to a woman in makeup.
ie Megan Thee Stallion panders SO MUCH to the male gaze it would be hard for me to ever be attracted to her. Like yes she is objectively beautiful and has a nice body but like every time she talks about bouncing on d*ck I just die inside. It puts me off so much lmao idk why
Maybe this isn’t a huge deal and I just prefer butches. But like, that isn’t 100% true and it feels SO alienating to see every lesbian making heart eyes over a woman and all I can think about how heavy and unnatural her contour looks. It feels like half the “wlw” on this site haven’t experienced genuine attraction to women so they have to imitate what men like in women - hyper femininity and hyper sexuality.
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iluvnhlrs · 3 years
Sometimes I think paying attention to WAGs fucked up my self perception. I think I got more self critical after I started following bunny blogs because of how nit picky some anons are with the wags. Like people were posting pictures of women who are clearly super pretty and finding any excuse to call these girls ugly and I guess seeing that made me think well if these girls are ugly then I must be hideous. The one anon who was upset with her work photos made me think of it because I was on a family vacation last week and my mom sent me a bunch of candid photos and I was like oh my god I’m so ugly and I had to step back and figure out when I started thinking like that. Another thing is people who don’t photograph well aren’t necessarily ugly there’s a lot of editing and posing that the beautiful women on ig do and on top of that we’re constantly in motion irl and photos are completely still and that an unnatural way to look at yourself which can make people seem uglier than they are
Yesss so much yesss!!! Social media is constantly showing us what pretty people look like and oh, that’s the beauty standard etc, but it isn’t!! Those pictures are professionally done half the time with a crap load of edits, it’s not the real candid pics most of us take. It’s not realistic AT ALL!!
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awoken-lights · 3 years
Dawn places his forehead against Ehries' gently in a headbonk, "You're more beautiful than the stars themselves, and you shine brighter than them too. You certainly brought more light to my life than even the blazing Solar within me."
[ig he decided to trade flirting for just sappy compliments and he really just wants her to know he lov her apparently. this man is so confusing sometimes]
When Dawn approached, Ehries offered him a smile that was less her serene, otherworldly smile, and more of a soft warm one. She lowered her hood as well, that way he could see her fac***-41e. Ehries liked having more people she could talk to now. Before...it was mainly children who spoke to her like she could be a normal person, as the adults were well aware of her unnaturalness. But now...she counted herself lucky how things were changing. Even as she watched the skies with worry, she found herself happy. How things were changing indeed.
At the gentle headbonk, she huffed out a quiet laugh. Not making fun of him, certainly not, but more simply letting herself enjoy the affection from the Exo. Gently, she held onto his wrists as he cupped her face. Her eyes, already like solid starlight gems, glimmered with a light from within as she gazed up at him softly. “Dawn,” she said his name softly, but there was plenty of warmth in her voice as she closed her eyes to simply bask in the moment, “You’re as warm and welcoming as your namesake. But...I am glad I can bring light into your life, for you bring so much warmth into mine.”
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