#the way I related to him since I was a young teen. yeah
wynandcore · 28 days
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He’s pondering
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Hey have a fun AU I came up with the other day after reading a bunch of fics with related tropes
It's a raised Sith AU. Anakin was found by Sidious well before he was found by Qui-Gon. He was raised by the Sith, is a classically horrible monster stalking about TCW to be Vader (mask and all, just as an intimidation factor instead of life support) while Ventress and Grievous and Dooku do their own things in a different section of the war. He's got a Really Fucking Weird dynamic with Obi-Wan, mostly attempting to kill him etc.
At some point, Palpatine allows Anakin and Padme to meet. The romance that blooms is one that Sheev decides is useful to him, so he lets it happen.*
Padme gets pregnant. Sidious arranges for her death. Anakin loses his entire shit and tries to kill Sidious. Obi-Wan is off trying to save Padme, unaware of Anakin getting his remaining limbs cut off by his this-universe Master. (This is important, because Anakin does remember Obi-Wan trying to save Padme.)
So we have Anakin, who was raised Sith, and just lost the only things that have mattered to him since his mom died when he was a kid, and Palpatine has pushed him further into the Dark than he ever has. Anakin… knows more about the Sith Secrets in this universe.
Anakin finds a Sithly Time Machine. Maybe on Malachor. There's an owl? Whatever.
Anakin, someone who's been Vader for the vast majority of his life, wakes up at age nine. Maybe even younger, like six. His mother is already dead at Sidious's hands. He's already roommates with Maul. He's already being trained as a baby Sith.
Anakin, being a 20 year old war veteran, is much better at escaping than Sidious has planned for. He reprograms a medical droid to take out his slave chip, steals a ship, etc. All the stuff that Maul wasn't very good at, and Anakin was too young for, so Sidious didn't have the preventative measures in place for yet.
Anakin heads for the one place and person he thinks he can trust: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
(Obi-Wan is still a padawan. But this Baby Sith just declared him Adoptive Teen Dad, so.)
@lizasweetling (all indented bits from here will be hers):
Because Sith. Bad for mental health of the user and generally bad for their environs But also baby. And if hes dragging Maul around no doubt the dude is constantly himself confused why he is here Like yeah, Sidious sucked, and this 6-9yo is way powerful and knowledgeable on the dark side (?????) But why are we going to the Jedi? And not even trying to kill them apparently?????
Anakin is very much being affected by Baby Brain and Baby Endocrine System. He cries a lot more than he should.
Jedi Council trying to decide if this is more "Adult Sith got shrunk" or "child got evil man's memories." Vader wants to know why it even MATTERS. (He didn't actually plan on telling them, but he has very little self control right now.)
The first Good Act he does is tell them where to find Ventress and Ky. (In the original timeline, he viewed Ventress as like. Cool older cousin.)
Vader's right, that distinction does not matter Aaaw, she deserves that, that's nice Maybe she will be like 20% less homocidally traumatized
Anakin is furious when Maul and Obi-Wan pick him up under one arm like a package. He is a GROWN MAN he is an ADULT he was a SITH LORD and about to be a FATHER, he is TOO OLD FOR THIS.
They point out that he is Baby.
😂 sorry lord of evil, you're too baby, have a nap and maybe your feel better. Assuming the crisis on Naboo is still happening, and as such the vote of no confidence is right now, it might be a great time to report Sidious as a Sith lord. Post-escape from Sidious, both he and Maul definitely will need a nap. It's that kinda place.
Oh, it's probably at least a year before. Anakin keeps trying to sneak off to kill the man himself, but the Jedi are more ready for his Sneaking than Mustafar was, so he keeps getting caught before he can reach the Senate.
At one point he tries to just CHARGE the place and you get Mace and Obi-Wan sprinting after him. The News captures videos of this very small child getting chased by an older Padawan and a Master and they are mostly yelling for him to PUT DOWN THE SABER.
(Sidious might see him but what's he going to do? Might cause too many problems for Sidious to be aware of Anakin's presence with the Jedi, though. Best not.)
It's probably more expensive on average to hire an assassin on a child, just in general But on a jedi youngling??? If he can even find someone to do that, it will be so very, ridiculously expensive And likely 70%+ upfront payments
Ahsoka definitely seeks him out. Toddler baby child. She adores him for reasons unclear to anyone and everyone.
!!! Baby has baby!! Vader's probably a little thrown by this. Been a while subjectively since someone just loved him. And not even for like, a reason. Baby Vader coerced into sitting obediently for nap by tired kiddo: [The council liked that]
The number of times that vader could only be convinced to nap by Obi-Wan grabbing him, caging him in his own lap, and forced to Sit Quietly until he just fell asleep like that...
He has things to do, he's not tired 😡😡😡💢 (He's 9. Distances are between 150 and 195% longer when measured with steps, he's hungry (subjectively) all the time, and has only middling coordination He so is too tired)
Anakin doesn't know Qui-Gon at all but he keeps getting stuffed into the man's top because he's just. Small enough to fit.
Like the bomb boobs gif, but it's a small child.
the indignity
You just. You can't let him get too self-important.
Vader is Disgusted every time the pediatric healers try to talk down to him like they do to other 6yos.
The difference between this and other "Vader goes back in time to the Jedi" AUs (like Force of Many Sights) is that this Vader has never been a Jedi, and doesn't know anything about them except how they fight when he's trying to kill their friends.
Also Maul's there.
Because even he has a hard time taking himself seriously when hes so easy to manhandle Rest of the time; I am fear, I am death personified As luggage child: I am so small. The tiniest. I crave violence He's probably very annoyed they keep taking away his saber And hey! Obi gets practice not losing his! Woooo!
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Something something Anakin clinging to Maul's back (piggy back ride) and chewing on his head or something stupid like that. Perfect height for head biting.
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You know, the classic anime head bite
Maul probably has been nominally talked into this because this 9yo is a powerful darksider But he is also the world's most annoying tiny kid Maul would've thought his phenotype would make him immune to this ridiculousness He was wrong At least the teeth are a bit less pointy than his other little brothers'? Appreciating the little things
tfw your unwanted little brother drags you to what you think is a cult but actually they're way less culty than your last two places so you just stick around to keep an eye on the little shit
Anyway. ObiMaul for this one.
They're peers They're tired They just want to sit down and not have to chase this weird little murder child They have a lot in common 😊
They are all just a little bit stupid, I love them.
Qui-Gon is a Cool Mom (throws condoms at them and books it).
Yeah, that's about as much involvement as would be appreciated They probably did a lot of sparring before the tension broke Which did not relieve said tension, generally made it worse (Competence, athleticism, sweat-) Vader is confused, but probably doesn't mind He's probably glad they're distracting each other from stopping assassinating a certain someone (Which- that is 9yo hubris. He would need help to do that)
I still can't decide where on 6yo-9yo he falls but somewhere in there
Babies means easier hiding in shirt, teenie Ahsoka, and longer for him to convince the Jedi council to do a Sith hunt before the Naboo situation
Also longer for Maul and Obi-Wan to faff about being all Tension
* Vaguely inspired by the backstory of Rulebreaker/Wildheart, which is great but significantly more of a romance fic than this.
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comradekatara · 4 months
sometimes i feel like the teen in charge of saving the world trope is too overused but i feel like it works so perfectly in atla. the way they utilize it for character/story purposes as well as to teach lessons to their young viewers is so great
yeah like it’s obviously a pretty necessary convention of the genre, that a children’s fantasy adventure narrative requires child protagonists that the primary audience can relate to and identity with. and usually they’re orphans and ontologically special in some way, so as to justify their role in these magical shenanigans, since it’s fundamentally unrealistic for a bunch of tweens to be saving the world. and there’s pretty much always an in-universe explanation as to why it has to be children specifically for all of these various works, either because children stumbled upon a magical teleportation device by chance and now they are tasked to complete The Prophecy (eg, narnia, amphibia, etc), or because they are in some way The Chosen One (eg, harry potter, atla), or because the stakes are so high that they need to risk their safety to go on this quest (eg, a wrinkle in time, also atla).
i think revolutionary girl utena and neon genesis evangelion both do an excellent job of deconstructing this trope from within their respective genres (the works themselves functioning as deconstructions of their assumed narrative functions). like, the reason these kids are the ones tasked with shouldering these unique burdens is actually because they are being exploited by the adults in power. the fact that they are orphans (especially in the case of the eva pilots, but also in utena’s case) makes them especially viable to these modes of exploitation (spoilers: they need to have a dead mom so that they can be piloted, utena needs to be an orphan so that she can idealize the illusory promise of family and something eternal).
so in the case of atla, it’s not as overtly deconstructing these tropes, but the stakes do feel sufficiently heavy and tragic (if you choose to read into the underlying implications). aang should be an old man, if not dead by now, but due to his temporal displacement, he is now forced to carry a weight that is unfathomable to anyone, let alone a child. as he says, “i’m just one kid.” katara is similarly forced to carry a burden due to being the sole remnant of the systematic extermination of her people. sokka, like aang and katara, is also alone in his own way, and must grow up too fast to compensate for the devastation his people have suffered. zuko was disfigured and banished by his abusive father at the age of 13 specifically to emphasize the extent and depth of his cruelty. azula was raised as a weapon by the same man, and her friends taught themselves to be weapons from a young age for similar reasons. suki is a kid who sees other kids her age travel the world and attempt to save it, and is inspired by their courage to leave home and help out in any way she can, only to end up in a maximum security prison. toph isn’t directly affected by the war, but she nonetheless chooses to join the avatar because of her status as a child being denied autonomy by her family. yue is barely sixteen, and thus deemed old enough to marry, and is essentially sold off against her will. jet and his freedom fighters are so young, and yet have no choice but to fight because their families and homes have been destroyed.
the point atla is making is that in war, children are forced to grow up too quickly and become the kinds of people who must make ruthless, impossible decisions. we see katara and toph fight like sisters over meaningless, trivial bullshit, and then episodes later risk their lives to fight the fire nation. we see sokka awkwardly try to woo the girls he has crushes on, only for him to lose them in horrific ways. aang and sokka fight over whether killing is necessarily wrong, sokka already too jaded to understand aang’s point of view. killing is second nature to him by now. he’s barely sixteen. aang is twelve. as a kid, seeing kids your age or older fight evil is awesome. as an adult, seeing children forced to sacrifice everything to resist against the imperialist forces that have destroyed their lives is devastating.
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remotepixel · 5 months
headcanons for platonic peter parker who wants to be your brother sooo bad
AAAA ok i want to say thank you so much for requesting !!!!!! i was literally so excited when i saw it lol.
I set this around Homecoming but didn't specify too much.
TW: yandere themes!
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I imagine Peter always wanted a sibling.
-As a bullied, ‘weird’ kid, he grew up wishing he could have someone to hang out with when no one else wanted to.
-Of course, his parents always said no (since it obviously isn’t as simple as young him thought) and he never pestered May and Ben about it, too busy grieving and learning the struggles of money, but the idea lingered well into his teens.
-And, when he met you, he couldn’t help but think maybe God was granting him his wish.
He would be very clingy (to put it simply).
-If you’re in the same school, he’ll make you sit with him and his friends at lunch, walk you to and from lessons, anything to keep himself glued to your side.
-If not, he’ll be constantly checking his phone, texting you 24/7 (or calling you if he can), to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a couple detentions for it.
-He acts like being away from you is the worst thing to ever happen to him.
-Like if doesn’t get a constant reminder that you’re not ignoring him and you’re just busy he’s gonna drop dead.
Outside of school, he would normally invite you around his house to build lego Star Wars or binge old movies no one else your age knows.
-I think he’d really like having things only between you two - like an inside joke or a project you work on together - both because he has an excuse to talk to you, and because it makes it seem like you’ve know each other your whole lives (something he wishes desperately was true).
I imagine Aunt May seeing you two hanging out one day, squabbling about how to properly ensemble the last piece (he’d probably go with your judgement no matter what though), and tells him something along the lines of ‘stop fighting with your sibling’ as a joke.
-The way Peter’s face would just be 😯 before breaking into a massive smile that permanently stays on his face for the next month.
-Like, even Aunt May agrees that he’s your brother, that's basically the same as her adopting you, yeah? no-
Peter is a bit delusional if you couldn't tell.
-Like, the way he constantly called Happy because he convinced himself that it was gonna go through eventually? Yeah, you’re getting the same treatment.
-He assumes you feel the same even if you so much as look at him (I bet he’ll think it’s some ‘sibling secret code’ and look at you in the same way so it looks like he understood).
That isn’t to say he’s ignorant to your emotions though.
-He copies your feelings in a way - like, if you’re sad, he’ll be as well, if you’re angry at something, he’ll be angry, etc.
-He isn’t one for violence but I don’t think he would care if Spiderman webbed/roughed up a few people who were annoying you (I don’t think he’d do much more unless you were in serious danger or he got too caught up into his feelings like in no way home).
I can’t believe I didn’t mention this before but he would be so jealous if you actually had (a) sibling(s).
-Like, he’s supposed to be your brother, but now he has to compete with people who know you so much better than he does? People who get to live with you and say you’re related without getting funny looks?
-(He lied to MJ once and it immediately backfired- he just wanted someone to actually think you and him were siblings, ok? Is that really a crime?)
-I don’t think he would have it in him to be outright mean to them, but he wouldn’t be overly nice either, just neutral enough to hide any jealously and not get banned from seeing you.
He tries not to come across as pathetic (don’t tell him he lowkey is-) but he’s never had much of a family before. Sure, he has Aunt May but everyone else? Dead, just like that.
Siblings is a whole new world for him and he just wants to be there for you, be your role model like Stark is for him, and prove that he can be the best brother ever.
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I have re-read this but my tenses might be messed up </3
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kayentokk · 23 days
Hey :) How are you doing?
Okay so, i wanted to request a platonic father Aizawa in which he is out patroling and he finds his teen daughter doing something ilegal with her friends or something like that.
Please and thankss :)
A/N; I’m okay thanks for asking! Love this idea, I’ve gotten many requests somewhat related to this lately actually! I’ll be posting those throughout the week. Also sorry it’s taken me a while to get to this! 🥲 I truly believe Aizawa is a girl dad and a softie parent. 
Pairing; Platonic!Father Aizawa x Fem!Daughter Reader
Contains; a little ooc Aizawa, fluff, soft, drug mentions, reader is about 16-17 like mha characters, quirk-less reader, death mentions, bad friends, comfort
wc; 1,763
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You weren’t supposed to get caught. In fact, you didn’t even think you would. It wasn’t a big deal anyways, you only did it because you thought it’d be a way to relax with your friends. Plus, if you guys did get caught your backup plan was your father. It wasn’t like he was going to detain you…right?
You were very wrong to believe that your father wouldn’t take you into custody over a little weed with your friends. You just wanted to have fun! Besides, you didn’t want to be the ‘perfect heroes daughter’ who’s a buzzkill. Why couldn’t he understand that? 
There was just so much pressure that came with being the child to a hero. Your friends already joked about how you were too ‘good’ to do anything remotely illegal. Which is part of the reason you were in this situation in the first place. 
Of course he just happened to be patrolling around the alley you and your friends decided to get a little high in. That was just your luck, he didn’t seem mad though. So you thought he’d just tell you guys not to do it anymore, and move on. Nope. Leave it to Aizawa to want to teach you a ‘lesson’ all of a sudden. He was normally just a “don’t do it again,” kind of parent. Mostly because you had never done anything of this caliber before.
“Did you really have to bring me in?”
“I mean come on, none of the other heroes care. They’re too busy thinking about protecting the city, shouldn’t you be too? Nobody cares about a couple of kids getting a little buzzed, besides everyone does it nowadays-“
“That doesn’t make it okay y/n.”
You’ve rarely seen him like this, so tense. He didn’t look angry, but you couldn’t shake the feeling you got that he was. It was almost….scary. 
So you resigned to a simple, “Okay, I’m sorry.” Were you really sorry though? Not that much, you still didn’t see the big deal. 
He let out a low grunt, “This is serious y/n, I know you think I’m making a big deal out of nothing,” well he said it first, “but you could’ve been seriously hurt.”
“Hurt? From getting a little high?”
“Criminals lace that stuff all the time, whether it’s with poison, more drugs, or whatever else they decide-“
“Yeah sure, but we got it from a trusted source-“
“And who’s that?” He said crossing his arms. 
You decided it’d be best not to respond right now. Especially since the source wasn’t technically trusted, just another kid who got it from someone else. Who probably got it from someone else too.
Sensing your apprehension he decide to drop it, “we’ll revisit that later,” he said waving a dismissive hand. “I’ll drop you off at home, you’re grounded.” 
You internally groaned at that, grounded? That’s a new one, you were starting to really regret your decision. You should have just told your friends no, even if it meant being the ‘buzzkill.’ Then you remembered, your friends-
“What about my friends?”
“We’re working on calling their parents to come pick them up soon.”
“No!-“ you said sharply, “I-I mean, can’t you just let them off? Or something?”
“You know that’s not how this works, they are already getting off with a minor offense. The worst they’re going to get is their parents’ scolding.”
“Dad! You don’t understand-“
“I understand perfectly fine, a bunch of young kids wanted to ‘have fun’ and thought this was the best way to do it.”
Okay maybe he did understand, but not your side. He didn’t get that now you’d officially be the outcast, the top 10 ranked hero’s daughter who gets everyone in trouble. Does he get how embarrassing that is? 
“Come on, let’s get going.”
You stood from the chair leaving the comfort of being shielded, by the small desk separator, from your friends’ piercing gazes. They thought your dad would let you all off too considering the chaos the city’s currently in. 
You nervously waved and mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ to them before rushing out the door trying to follow closely behind Aizawa. 
You guys didn’t speak the whole way home, you opted for silence mostly because it wasn’t that big of a deal and he just didn’t know what to say. You had never done anything like that before, or had he just never caught you? When did that start?
He remembered when you were little and you’d give your vegetables to stray animals so you didn’t have to eat them, or when you tried to sneak out at night and he caught you. But those were all pretty minor things, and he was only always concerned with your safety.
You’d never done anything this bad, and in terms of the worst thing you could do of course this wasn’t horrible but he still didn’t get why. It couldn’t have just been for fun.
He entered the house after unlocking the door and opening it for you. Before you could make it to your room, where you’d probably go to sulk, he decided he’d ask.
“Why did you want to do that y/n?”
You stopped and turned around to face him. He was standing in front of the door, and now that you actually took in his appearance he looked tired. His dark circles more prominent, eyes a light pink most likely from his quirk, and his black pants had small patches of dust that had been hastily patted off on them. 
You replied after a moment, briefly forgetting his question, “For fu-“
“And don’t just say for fun, because I know you and there are plenty of other things you would do for fun.”
You huffed resigning to just come out with it, “it was a bet.”
“A bet?”
“My friends bet me that I wouldn’t get high with them since I’m a hero’s daughter.”
“And you decided to take them up on that?”
“Yes, I know it was stupid okay?”
“I know you know, you’re smarter than that. So why’d you say yes?”
Why’d he have to be so persistent? “Maybe because I thought I’d finally get some friends.”
“What do you mean y/n? You do have friends.”
“No, I don’t. Momo, Tsu, and Uraraka only hang out with me out of pity, since you’re their teacher, if they even have time-“
“Pity? Y/n no they don’t, there’s nothing pitiful about you at all-“
You scoffed, “don’t lie. I get you’re my dad and all but be honest with yourself, truly honest.”
“I am being honest. I’d never lie-“
Guess you’d just have to spell it out for him then. “The only daughter you had killed your wife, was born quirk-less, and there’s nothing special about her!” You were shocked at the admission of your own feelings but kept going, “I don’t have a talent, I’m not exceptionally smart, I’m not breathtakingly pretty, and I can’t even make friends!” You listed raising a finger for each reason, “Now tell me what about that is not pitiful?”
After that question there was silence, and Aizawa was just looking at you. You hadn’t even noticed you were crying until the first tear slid down your nose crease and hit the corner of your lip. Before touching could even wipe your tear or register the sound of footsteps approaching you, you were being hugged. Fully covered by his arms, your head grazing the bottom of his chin where stubble had began to grow, face buried partially into his scarf. 
You heard high pitched wailing, which you hadn’t even registered was you until his hand began to rub up and down your back with quiet ‘shh’s to try calming you.  
“Don’t cry, it’s okay. It’s not your fault, none of it okay?” He began whispering in your ear.
“Your mom and I both knew the challenges she’d have if she gave birth to you. We were well aware, and she wanted to have you. She didn’t care if she’d die in the process, you are our child.”
He continued comforting you, and when you eventually calmed down he let go and gently pulled your face out of his chest so you could look him in his tired, red eyes. “I love you so much, and I’m sorry if I don’t tell you that enough okay? It’s my fault I’m sorry. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and you’re perfect. I mean that, I’d never lie. You don’t need a quirk, to be super smart, or have a special talent. You’re perfect to me, okay? And that’s all that matters. You’re important to me,” he said firmly. 
You sniffled, reaching a hand to wipe your nose, “okay.”
“Hey,” he said turning your face back to his, “I really mean it, I’d be no where without you. And how could you say you’re not beautiful? I know I’m not the best looking hero, but haven’t you seen the pictures of your mom? You take after her, gorgeous. Nothing I’d ever change about you, I don’t regret anything.”
“Okay,” you said slightly unused to him saying these things, “I’ve never heard you say something so corny dad,” you said chuckling trying to lighten the mood. 
At that, he gave a small grin which faded when he remembered your earlier point, “And Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu do like being your friend. Not just because I’m their teacher, trust me I’m more of a supervisor if anything. I let them figure most stuff out on their own. They wanted to meet and hang out with you. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, you make friends just fine.” 
“I know, I know, it was just heat of the moment stuff dad.”
He let out a sigh of relief, hugged you once more, and pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead.
“I still have about another hour of night patrol, but I’ll stay here if you want me to?”
“No dad, it’s fine go.”
He looked at you once more as if saying, ‘are you sure?’ 
“Yes I’m sure I’m fine, it’s only an hour anyways.”
“Okay, call me if you need anything, I’ll be back soon,” he said headed towards the door.
“Okay,” you said starting to walk to your room. 
But just before he shut the door you dashed for it and started, “Hey! does this mean-“
“No you’re still grounded,” he said. 
And with that the door shut.
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@/cafekitsune for the divider!
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littlegreekhero · 3 months
Tim Drake is so short it’s unrealistic: an explanation
In every single comic page featuring more than one adult, Tim is drawn exceptionally short (well Damian too but he’s still a pubescent boy) for mainly composition reasons, I think. You can’t really create a great standing composition with five heads at the same level so they exaggerate the difference. What does this leaves us with? A Tim in his late teens, at a whopping 5 foot and 6 inches of height (source: fandom wiki). This means he must be a certified short guy. Except, he kinda isn’t?
When he is shown with his peers he’s closer to the average height, like in YJ. So why do I think his stats are like this in fandom wiki or he’s drawn like that? I think editors and artists have never seen a teenage boy in their life and they think the younger the age the shorter the person is, linearly. My point is also supported by the fact that he doesn’t have adult proportions of a short person but an average person’s proportions, just shrunk down.
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We are the same height for reference. The beginning of high school is the time for men to have their growth sprout and they all end up as their forever height by junior/senior. I’d argue that I’m not simply short-phobic and that artists seem to just ignore this phenomenon. Oh and his weight seems unrealistic considering his height-weight ratio and muscle mass so the second picture is possible to happen. You don’t need to be Kon-el to effortlessly pick that boy up.
So how tall do I think he realistically be? Closer to 6 foot. Because I think we’re ignoring the second greatest factor.
Wealth! He was raised rich, he was well fed during his developmental ages. Even if he had short height genes, his entire lifestyle would make him proportionally taller. There is VISIBLE difference in average heights in wealthy versus poor neighborhoods. Students notice that private school kids tend to be taller. Students (in my country) get weirded out once they realize historical figures that lived in hard times were way shorter than them. Unless he was an extreme case of picky eating, I’d say let’s add at least a few inches. His recreational activities also consisted of rich people stuff. The training he got, the amount of time he spent inside (probably playing games on powerful PC’s, not doing manual labor, not having a neighborhood friend group to run around with and stuff) not burning calories all played a role in the body he ended up with at adulthood. Yeah, he kind of did vigilante stuff since the age of 9, but at the end of the night it was Wayne Manor that he returned to.
BONUS: I think all batkids would have a different height when accounted for environmental factors, I just drew the four Robins to demonstrate
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Jason: the wealth point that I defended earlier would work the opposite way for him, so why did i draw him the tallest? ✨growth juices✨ in the Lazarus Pit. I’m also not completely erasing their canon heights and body builds, and dude’s a hunk.
Dick: gymnastics makes you shorter. I thought this was a coincidence but apparently it’s real, especially in women’s gymnastics it’s very noticeable. He was trained since a very young age and did not stop practicing after he left the circus for apparent reasons.
Damian, at 14-15: He would hit his growth sprout a few months maybe a year later than his peers. Why? He’s Arab and even though I did no research on this, I think my experience as a Middle Eastern would account for a decent observation. But when he hits it, he would get noticeably taller EACH WEEK. I only attributed him a numbered height so I could show that he was close in height to his brothers. (Not related to height, but at his age he would have a massive nose with a sharp nose bridge, as it grows first, I remember many of my classmates were very self conscious about their noses in middle school)
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onebizarrekai · 5 months
I just read DS Ink's backstory and I am curious about how DS acted(and looked) before being snatched up by the military? If he had not been snatched up by the military at a very young age and turned into a human weapon. Would he still be a douchebag or just nicer?
about that. I'm not entirely sure. back when I was working on the story, I never thought much about it. (also the funny thing about ink being called a douchebag back in the day is that it seems super weird to call ink that, haha. he's just very blunt and always says what he's thinking even if it's not kind or thought-through. plus some other odd thought processes of his regarding his work. don't worry about it.)
I think there are some parts of ink's personality that are consistent, like the no-filter thing, since his/her personality is very similar in fatal flaws and there's no military backstory there. in any case, in ds, he was taken when he was little, so his personality wasn't particularly strong at the time. he was probably just a misbehaved kind of kid and would've grown into a misfit teen. one of those kids who gets told "you're talented so why don't you try harder :(" all the time and keeps getting his parents called into the office.
this is a tangent, but to be honest, ink's whole military backstory isn't very fleshed out. it was one of the last things to be added to ds before I stopped working on it and a lot of the ideas relating to it, and the details never really grew on me. a lot of stuff regarding his difficulty with feelings were not very articulate or thoughtful. I think now the whole thing about him being brainwashed by the military, the thing about the electroshocks and the codewords, was pretty contrived (did I ever even explain those?). it was basically just 'look, he's like an edgy winter soldier version of ink sans, he has a big band thing' and now I'm just like. wow, that sure doesn't work. even if I tried to make it a dark comedy thing, it doesn't really fit that well to me.
I think I prefer the idea that he got taken in by his country's military, barely remembers his family who willingly gave him up, and that's about it. and because he was raised that way, he thought there wasn't anything else to his life. and so, he's used to being ordered around, and that's why he went on to work for jr so quickly. there's just no point in his entire will being compromised by a military when all they have to do is tell him from a young age that he's being a hero, even if he stops believing it when he's older.
so, anyway, sorry about turning this into a rant, I've just been thinking about it recently. ink was just a normal kid. who like, apparently had weird inexplicable superpowers. ds's lore sure is a thing. and yeah, the problem is, if you take away his brainwashing, there aren't any other explanations for his amnesia unless he has trauma-induced memory gaps, but uh. I sort of forgot he had amnesia until right now. that's what happens when you make a character out of order.
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lxdyred · 1 year
New people in town
Joel Miller x Ex-lover!Reader (She/her), OC!May Miller x Mom!Reader, Tommy Miller x Reader (Platonic af)
Chapter II
Summary: In which a girl discovers how the new man in town — who was accompanied by another teenage girl — and her mother were closely and intimately related once, and how almost two decades after they last saw each other, their reunion could possibly turn their worlds upside down.
New people in town playlist! ✨
Warning: swear words, mentions of death, violence and sex, possible smut in the future, ANGST, etc. Possible spoilers!
A/N: English is not my maternal language, Spanish is, so I will take advantage of that in the future lmao. Also if you see any grammatical error, please let me know!
Tag list: Open! If you wanna be tag let me know, also if by any chance you wanna get removed, also let me know! Ty :)
Feedback is really appreciated! ❤️
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She wasn't the least bit used to sleeping next to someone, sharing a bed and such a small space. Even before the outbreak, she was not. Yes, she had occasionally shared a bed with one of her girl or guy friends, but it came always from the most platonic place possible. Whenever she had had sex, it had always been sporadic, with no possibility of sleeping in the same bed with such people.
This time it was different, he was different. And that was a problem. She didn't know if allowing herself to let her guard down in that way was going to benefit her in any way, or the opposite.
For every time you let someone into your life in a cruel world like the one she lived in, it only meant one more loss at some point.
The man she had lying next to her, naked, was not her boyfriend — in fact, he wasn't even her friend — they were partners, strictly. And roommates, occasionally. Still, she let her guard down for once, and so she ended up clinging to the warm, broad back of her partner, who was sleeping on his right side. She rested her forehead against the back of his neck, and as she closed her eyes, she listened to the rain falling outside.
It wasn't until her breathing matched his and she was about to fall asleep that he shifted his position and turned onto his left side, coming face to face with her, who still had her eyes closed, even though she was still pretty much awake.
"Shit." He mumbled in the darkness of the room, seeing her body so close to his. Naked and vulnerable, just like him. He did no more, admiring her briefly and pondering the situation he found himself in, despite the heaviness of his eyelids, he shook and dropped his head back onto the pillow, hiding his face in her hair, after that, he hugged her waist over the old blanket that covered them both.
When their breaths came in rhythm again, she opened her eyes and looked up, noticed his relaxed expression and ventured to stealthily bring her hand to the scar on the right side of his forehead, stroked it gently, lovingly, then moved on to caress the curls at the back of his head.
The rain was now falling harder outside, which caused her to look up to the window of the room, still not moving her head in the slightest. The water was falling heavily and was accompanied by the occasional silver streak of a lightning.
It was as if, in some way, the storm that was raging outside was a reflection of the internal struggle she was having.
Was letting her guard down with him a wise choice? Would it hurt in any way? Was he an exception, perhaps, even though they were still strangers?
Before she could even have an answer to all those questions in her head, she fell into the arms of Morpheus. And for the first time since it all began, she slept with an unfamiliar, warm sense of security, which allowed her to feel some sort peace.
"Be very, very careful, okay, my love?" Said the progenitor whom still continued to see the teen as her baby. "Listen always to-"
"-Your aunt Maria. All the time, yeah, okay? I'll be fine. We won't go far." Said the young woman, named May, as she pulled on her gloves before heading to the horse she was about to ride.
"I will have my eyes on her, all the time. Nothing will happen to her, also I will make sure she learns a thing or two." Maria said as she approached the duo, she was accompanied by her husband, Tommy, and the horse she was gonna rode in. "She is a very sharp and clever girl, I assure you she will be a great addition to the expedition and patrol group."
"Maybe one day I can take charge of leading them, you'll see." Half-joked the curly-haired young woman, giving a glance at all the members of her little family.
"It's only a matter of time, sweetheart." Her uncle said, giving his niece a smile as he patted her shoulder playfully. "While you're gone I'll take care of your dearest mother here."
"Thanks, Uncle Tommy." May said before hugging her uncle tightly.
"You're getting stronger and stronger." The man commented with a tone of surprise as he felt the strong grip the young girl had exercised in that brief embrace.
"That's what happens when you lift more weights than your uncle." The brown-eyed girl scoffed, before glancing at her mother, who was looking at the pair in amusement.
"See you in the afternoon, mama." Said the young girl before hugging her mother. Unlike the hug she had with her uncle, this one lasted a little longer and was gentler.
Before they broke the embrace, Red took her daughter's face and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Enjoy the experience, and you better let me know how it went later." She said, squeezing her daughter's hands affectionately, before letting her go.
"Shall I walk you to the clinic?" Tommy asked, after watching his wife and niece ride off on their respective horses.
"Yeah, let's go, Texas."
Tommy ran a hand through his mustache and looked at his friend, who was walking silently beside him. She wore a small smile on her face, one that reflected melancholy, even regret in a way. The younger Miller put his hand on her shoulder, which caused her to stop and give him a curious look.
"What's on your mind, my friend?"
"It's nothing."
"Red?" the man asked, folding his arms. "Spill it, come on."
"Tommy." She said resting her hands on her hips.
"Reddie." He mimicked her, trying to goad her into talking. "I'm your best friend, you know you can tell me anything. You'll never be judged."
"I'm late for work."
The dark curly-haired man looked at his watch, then at his friend. "It's still 20 minutes before you start your shift at the clinic."
"She looks more like him every day." She said at last. "She’ll be 18 in a few weeks and in a way... I can't stop thinking about him lately. And everything he's missed out on with her, because of me."
"Oh, honey." Tommy sighed before pulling her into his body, and resting one of his hands on her head.
"Because of my fucking selfishness and fear of telling him the truth, May has grown up without her father and Joel doesn't even know he has a daughter."
"Listen to me, okay?" his best friend demanded as he grabbed her face with both hands, causing her to fix her gaze on his. "You made the right decision by leaving Boston and not looking back. Don't get me wrong, I love my big brother dearly, but back then, Joel was a fucking mess and didn't care if he blew up everything in his path after Sarah's death. Joel was only a shell of what he once was."
"Don't you think at least I should-"
"Don't torment yourself with the 'what ifs'. They won't help you at all." Tommy wiped the tears away from his friend's face and gave her a small smile. "Besides, you should be proud of the tremendous good job you've done raising your daughter on your own, on your fucking own, and in this fucking post-apocalyptic world.
"Thanks, Miller." Said the woman, smiling at her daughter's uncle. "You know what I love about May? She smiles when she sleeps, whenever I think about it, I feel so much better. Thinking about making sure she keeps smiling… motivates me to keep going."
"Sarah used to do that too."
"Yeah?" the Nurse asked, her eyes lighting up at the thought of the two sisters sharing one more small gesture. "I wish they'd met."
"Sarah would have adored May. Believe me when I tell you she wouldn't have left your daughter's side no matter what."
"Are you all right?" asked the comforting voice from behind her, soon after she felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.
She brought her hand to his and closed her eyes briefly, trying to hold back the tears. She knew Joel wasn't a man who showed his feelings, he wasn't usually physically close to her, except for when they slept together.
She didn't know much about him, or his life before the apocalypse. She for sure knew very basic and trivial things, which you might find out about someone on a first date. But at the same time, even when she didn't know anything about his past, she felt an intimate connection and familiarity with him. She felt safe, secure. He was the only person who conveyed that to her.
"Yes, don't worry." She said, nodding slightly, as she brushed her tears away with her free hand.
He knelt down in front of her and cupped her face with both hands. From where she sat on his couch, she could only stand silently watching him intently. He was covered in grime and dust, probably from all the hard work he had done throughout the day. "Something happened at work."
"That sounds like a statement you're making."
"I know it is." He said with his characteristic tone, rough, but soft somehow. "Has anyone given you trouble?" the man questioned with a frown. She didn't answer. "Should I break someone’s jaw to-"
"Do... you want to talk about it?"
She sniffled and looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears that again threatened to spill from her eyes. She shook her head vigorously, and gently rested her forehead against his. "Joel... I- You'll see..."
"What's wrong?"
"I know it's just sex between us, and other than that, we're partners and occasionally roommates, but... can I ask you a favour?" the young adult woman asked, showing her weakness.
"I guess, yes."
"Can we — just for tonight, just for once — sleep together, just sleep?" With trepidation she asked. "I know that because of everything you've been through, you keep your distance from people, but I'm asking you… please. Just for one night, can we be friends? You're the closest thing I have to one here."
Joel seemed to think about it, but a few seconds later he nodded slightly, and without a word, rose from the floor and offered a hand to her, who took it. He pulled her to his body, and she collapsed into tears on his chest.
"Shh... easy. I've got you." He planted a kiss on her hairline and with one hand stroked her back. Her breath hitched briefly, but for a few moments she allowed herself to enjoy and savour this unusual little moment with him.
She was so fucked. She was toasted, no doubt about it.
Despite the fact that they were practically, as many would say, perfect strangers, she had fallen in love with him, and she knew that wasn't the fucked up part of the whole situation. The doubly fucked up part was making a decision as to how she was going to let him go.
It shouldn't be that hard, she used to think from time to time. He doesn't feel anything for me, she used to think too.
It should be relatively easy, shouldn't it? To let go of a person who you know doesn't love you back. Who you know doesn't see you as anything more than a partner, who would help him from time to time with some smuggling business or help him to patch up the wounds he got, either from a fight or from the work he did to earn ration cards. Well, that and a person with whom she occasionally fucked — lately much more frequently than before — to relieve his stress, anger, or whatever.
She didn't mind, when she felt the same way she would go to him for exactly the same thing. Only unlike him, at some point along the way, she ended up catching feelings for the guy from Texas.
Holy fuck.
"Hey, mama!" The young woman with curly brown hair said coming through the door. She was almost 18 years old, tall and with slightly tanned skin. She had a beautiful, radiant smile, which made her nose, identical to her mother's, scrunch slightly. But undoubtedly her most distinctive features were her huge chocolate eyes and the freckles that adorned her cheeks and nose — a trait her own mother did not know from whom she had inherited them.
"Honey, what's wrong?" Her mother, no more than 43 years old, replied as she looked at her daughter curiously. "How did your first expedition out of Jackson go? Did you do what we agreed, May?" she asked, arching an eyebrow and crossing her arms, waiting for an answer.
"Always do what Aunt Maria says. Yes, maaaama." The young woman said as she leaned against the kitchen counter, and watched intently as her mother prepared the evening's dinner. "It was quite unexpected what happened today. You see, a man and his daughter, came in asking for Uncle Tommy."
"Maybe an old friend of his. You know, from when he was with the Fireflies." The mother said to her daughter as she opened the oven door, then picked up the big tray she was going to put in the oven.
"No, not exactly, madre. That man was looking for his brother, Uncle Tommy."
Once the tray made contact with the floor, silence reigned in the kitchen for a few seconds. The young girl approached her mother, concern and nervousness flooding her face.
"Mama, are you okay?" the chocolate-eyed girl asked. "Mom, do you know that man? Do you know who he is?" May asked in a whisper, as she stroked her mother's back.
She could only nod awkwardly and slowly, as she was unable to look her daughter in the eyes. She swallowed and went to one of the kitchen stools, where she sat down and hid her face in her hands.
She sighed regretfully, before opening her eyes and pushing her hair behind her ears. "Yes, I know him — knew him. That was a lifetime ago, my love. But that was before you were even born."
"Did he know... my father? Or perhaps he knows what has become of him?"
The woman looked at her daughter, and brought a hand to the stool beside her, inviting her beloved daughter, the thing she loved most in this broken world, to take her place beside her. "May. You should sit down, I think it's time I told you about him. It's time I told you about your real father — Joel Miller."
"Joel Miller? As if Miller like- Uncle Tommy?"
"Yes." Red admitted with a sense of defeat.
"I don't get it, Mom." With confusion reflected on her face the little girl said. "I'm supposed to have adopted my last name from Tommy because I needed one for school?"
"May. You see-"
"You're telling me that Uncle Tommy is, in fact, my uncle not only because of your good relationship, but also because of what he is biologically?" May gripped the kitchen counter tightly, while frowning and still confused, she tried to process the information she was receiving. "When were you going to tell me all this? Or didn't you plan to?"
"I don't know, sweetheart." She answered honestly as she stood up and tried to take her daughter's hand, to try to comfort her.
The teenager pulled her hand away before she could even touch it. She felt betrayed by her own mother. "Please- Don't!" She exclaimed raising her hands in the air in frustration. "Is that the reason he's here looking for Tommy!? Because he knows his brother has practically raised his daughter?"
Red was silent for a few seconds. "No... no that's- No. Besides, that's not possible."
"Ah, so Joel Miller has no interest in meeting own daughter?" the young woman asked sharply, as tears formed in her eyes.
"No, May, that's not it, alright?" sighed the mother as she looked away from her daughter and tried to find a way to tell her the truth.
"Then why?"
"Because he doesn't know he has a daughter."
"I mean, he- He's come all this way and he doesn't even know about me?" May asked, trying to stifle a sob. "Why didn't you tell me all this before?"
"Because I wanted to protect you!"
"From what? Holy shit, mom!" May exploded. She could no longer contain herself.
"From the fucking truth!" Her mother exclaimed in the same way. "That I was a fucking coward. And that because of my fucking decisions Joel hasn't even had a chance to... know about you."
"One thing we agree on then, mother. You're a fucking coward!"
A lump formed in Red's throat. Her breath hitched, her heart skipped a beat and her body began to tremble. Tears blurred her vision and she was unable to watch as her daughter angrily left the scene, which she let her know due to the tremendous slamming of the front door of the house, giving her to understand that she had left the house and left her alone, by herself with her regrets.
Honestly, I don't know why I'm writing you this letter. I don't know if you care enough about me to at least write you an explanation, I guess I'm doing it rather for me. By the time you read this I will be gone. I'll probably be far away, maybe I'll never come back, or maybe I will.
I don't know what will become of me and that terrifies me, but at the same time it motivates me to keep going, to keep fighting. Just like you. Even though I haven't known you for very long, you've made a big impact on me. I know that we are very different, I know that many times we have disagreed on many things and that we have clashed, but even so, when I was not up to the task and I have probably been a hindrance to you, you have protected me and taken care of me — always from a distance, except when we both sought comfort in each other's arms —.
I know the last thing you want is to leave another person in your life. It's understandable, especially in a world like this where that means loss. This is one of the reasons why I'm leaving. To avoid jumping over the walls you have built, so that I can respect your boundaries and prevent you from ending up like me. I don't know at what point it happened, but you managed to jump over all my walls. You've been the only person capable of doing it until now and that terrifies me. I'm terrified of losing you. I'm also terrified of staying in Boston and seeing you letting your guard down with someone else, not being that person. I know it's selfish, but I didn't want to risk living in this broken world with an even more broken heart. It's probably already like that.
It already breaks my heart to leave you behind, without saying goodbye, but I know I will heal. I will find something that gives meaning to my life and I will fight on. I hope, too, that when you're ready, you'll find that reason too.
Try to be happy.
I love you.”
"May! May!" Red exclaimed as she pounded on the door of Tommy and Maria's house. "Anybody home? Maria?" She asked as she took a few steps back and peered into the windows of the house, trying to see if there was movement inside.
She looked around the house and tried to see if there was any sign of the young girl with the curly hair anywhere, but there didn't seem to be any luck. She put her hands to her mouth and tried to warm them. She watched as the snow began to fall again, which caused her to go briefly into a small trance.
She remembered May's first snowfall, in the winter of 2005. She was only a few weeks old and they were both alone on the road, trying to find a safe place to spend the night. May had not stopped crying all day, hungry because she was not producing enough milk, as she had barely found food and water the last few days. The little girl's cries kept her mother alert all the time, waiting for an infected to appear and attack them. She could still remember the terror and paranoia in her bones. It wasn't until the snow began to fall that the newborn girl calmed down, watching the snowflakes fall, so that soon after she fell asleep.
"That May you are looking for is not here.”Said a voice that brought her out of her trance.
She walked back to the front door and there she saw a person she didn't recognise, poking her head out from inside. "You are not Maria.” Said the woman with obviousness.
"No. I'm Ellie." Said the young teenager, looking her up and down.
"You are the kid who was with Joel." Red muttered, looking at her intently. She didn't look like him.
Maybe she looked like her mother?
"Do you know him?" Ellie asked as she opened the door all the way and showed her body.
She nodded. "I used to, a long time ago." She replied rubbing her hands together from the cold. "I imagine you and your father came all the way from Boston. I hope the trip wasn't too hard," Red said sincerely, as she gave the teenager a small smile.
"That old man isn't my dad." Ellie laughed at the witticism of the woman standing a few feet away from her. "But- uhm... thanks?" She replied at what the woman had said to her about the trip there.
Reddie nodded her head and gave Ellie another small smile before setting off to find her daughter.
"Wait!" Ellie said to her from the doorway, causing her to turn and look at her curiously. "Why don't you go inside and wait for Maria? She'll be able to help you."
"Thanks, but I can't." She thanked the girl. "Please, when you see Maria or Tommy, can you tell them that if they see May to tell her that her mother is looking for her and to come home?"
The teen nodded her head. "I will." She whispered, in response.
"Thank you so much, Ellie." May's mother told her before turning back on her heels and heading off to find her daughter. "By the way, welcome to Jackson!" Ellie heard her saying from a little further away.
The young girl smiled to herself and watched as the woman disappeared into the distance, closing the door as she felt a cold breeze, but not before wondering how she knew Joel.
It had been three, almost four hours since May had left home and her mother had not been able to find her. It was as if she had disappeared from town. She had looked everywhere; at her friends' house, at Tommy and Maria's house twice, in the main hall of the village, in the stables... nothing!
She walked silently down the empty main street, not a soul was there. Everyone was gathered around the main hall watching that film of which she couldn't remember the name. Now it was colder than before, the sun had set a while ago and the snow was still falling, although now with less force.
She stopped to look at the Christmas tree and thought of her family, of all those she had lost. She smiled sadly as she wished things were different and that she could be held by her loved ones once more. She wished that the Outbreak had never happened, that nothing was the way it was.
No! Not that!
She shook her head, trying to shake off the thought. Yes, there were things she missed from her life 20 years ago, and there were certainly things she wished she hadn't lived since then. But May? May was a blessing and the best thing that had ever happened to her in her entire earthly existence. She was grateful to have her, and therefore thanked any deity or cosmic force for having put the Miller brothers in her path.
She resumed her walk once again, leaving the Christmas tree behind her. Hopefully her daughter would be there by now and they could talk about everything at length. At the thought, her stomach sank with nerves. But she ignored it.
May deserved to know the truth, she deserved to know everything.
As she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts, she didn't see that silhouette appear from the side and practically jump out at her, causing her to fall to the snowy ground surprised. But when she heard her daughter's laughter, a huge sense of relief washed over her.
She clung in a hug to her daughter's body, which was lying on top of hers, and then, she too burst out laughing. She looked to her side once her daughter lay on the floor beside her. She sighed and watched intently as the young woman, who was undoubtedly the spitting image of her one-time lover, gazed raptly at the night sky and lights around her.
"I'm so sorry, Mama. For how I behaved with you before." Said the young woman, a mist adorned the words that left her lips.
"I'm sorry too, baby girl. For not telling you the truth before." She apologised too, as she sat down on the floor.
Her daughter mimicked her and sat down as well, took her mother's cold hand in hers and rubbed it gently. "I want to know everything. No more half-truths, okay?"
"Okay." Reddie said as she brushed an unruly curl away from her daughter's face, tucking it behind her ear. She stroked her cheek with her free hand and gave her a small smile. "Fancy a hot chocolate in front of the fireplace... while I tell you all?"
"Sounds great!" May said as she stood up from the floor and offered a hand to her to make it easier for her to get up. "Now get up, you're freezing. You'll catch a cold."
The mother flinched at the almost adult woman's comment. "Since when do you behave as if you were my mother?"
"Since I'm the one who has to pick you up off the floor like you are a little girl?" the young Miller laughed.
"Ha! I love you, too, you nightmare child." Red said carelessly, shaking off the snow on her legs. She looked at her daughter who was suddenly silent. "May?" she asked, noticing that the girl was staring at a spot behind her.
"Mama..." the young girl whispered, looking at her with an expression she couldn't quite make out, only to turn her attention back to what she had previously been staring at, causing her mother to turn and look in that direction as well.
And there he was.
The man she had loved for all those years and had to leave behind. This time he was different from the last time she saw him, obviously, time had passed for him too. His gorgeous curly hair had gone grayer, and so did his beard. But without a doubt he still had almost the same physical constitution as he had had almost 20 years ago.
He was still just as undeniably handsome, though.
"Joel..." she let out in a whisper, which she doubted he would ever hear.
The man looked at her with surprise, as if he had seen a ghost, in a way. He certainly hadn't expected that after all those years he would see her again, let alone there.
Not after convincing himself that he would never see her again.
He looked at her carefully, hoping to somehow rule out that what he was seeing, not far from him, wasn't some kind of trick his mind was playing on him. Then his gaze shifted to the young teenager, who, stunned by the scene before her, shifted her gaze from her mother to the man she had discovered a few hours ago to be her father, repeatedly.
Red took May's hand and the young girl squeezed it, looked down at their hands and then back up at Joel, who was still looking at them. The adult woman bit her lower lip and tried to articulate a word, but was unable to.
Then it was when she saw it in his gaze, which changed from surprise to realization, that something had clicked in his head. It was as if he had found the last missing piece in the puzzle he had been unable to solve all that time.
And what to say. No words were needed. It was in the soft sound of the winter night, in the gentle, cold breeze, that the truth came out.
That truth he had been unaware of, until that precious moment.
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meruz · 5 months
hi im putting all my asks in one post again. these are from like the past month and a half approx? some digimon thoughts some tmnt thoughts some art musings u know the usual
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@waywardistics YAYY thank you so much for ordering! I'm glad it got to you & that you are enjoying it!
this is kind of a missive to everyone who ordered but: I am very nervous about pre-orders whenever I do them... nervous that not very many people will order, nervous that there will be supply chain or production dilemmas and I won't be able to get copies out to people in a timely fashion, nervous about having people's money but having an indeterminate amt of time where i have not yet "held up my part of the bargain" etc etc SO. THANK U GUYS...FOR ORDERING and being patient and im so glad it got to y'all
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@seanonthemoon (idk why i cant tag u BUT) interesting... i gotta be honest I don't think abt the crests that much. i agree that they're very much like heres the "girl" crest heres the "nerd boy" crest etc to the point that it becomes almost meaningless. but i think what makes them even more meaningless to me, and is probably the reason they kind of designated girl/boy crests etc is that i think like the digivices they're toys and merchandise more than they are actual narrative tools LOL. I wouldve loved something with cody and mimi! theyre both so deeply empathetic and sensitive.. theres a lot they share but i think because they look so different on the surface it would make it difficult to market that merch...booo capitalism boooo toy marketing its all sexist bullshit at least here in the u.s. idk if japan is that different though.
I'm actually a little frustrated with how often 02 and 02 related media squanders cody in general lol. he feels like a parallel of izzy, joe, and TK(season 1 tk) while also being kind of none of those and suffering through lackluster characterization as a result... and then once ken joins the team it feels a little redundant. there's a couple cody-centric eps of 02 I remember really liking but then i think abt how he's been used since in like post-series content and 02:the beginning where they made him type on the computer even though obviously that's yoleis thing but because he had nothing else to do and aghh... my blood boils. i feel like the youngest but most serious anime achetype even at its bare bones is actually rly interesting idk why they don't play it up. UM. Once again my opinion is that he should be taller LOL and maybe they should play up his kendo martial arts honorable training stuff more idk. tallest + youngest + most serious just seems like a recipe for success for me. well. theres still time. and theres always fanfic.
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THIS IS SO NICE TO SAY and not the first time someone has said it but i appreciate it everytime because i really admire the mm art style so much. It's like part of why I got really into the movie because I really recognized my own artistic sensibilities and aspirations in the way they stylized everything.
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UM And i feel like since watching the movie and looking at all the concept art and making my own art i do feel like its only become more obvious how much my own art is lacking LOL LIKE when you see something that feels so similar I think the differences only become more stark. those artists are definitely on a different level than me. But it's nice to hear people say it doesn't look so different from their pov. thank u ^^
thank u!!!!!!! i love mundanity and naturalism... there's something so beautiful abt it to me lol... I feel like my anatomy needs work actually but ive been feeling better abt it this year so it's good to hear! thank you!
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DLKGDSGDLALSNDF WAS IT TOO FAR..?? firstly, yeah I was thinking late teen/young adult ages for both of them ie 18-19ish, definitely not the age the kids are in the movie lol.
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but also they arent DOING anything in that pic it is literally just a confrontation + some innuendo... I think teens should be allowed some less than subtle innuendo.. its like one of the top 3 classically teen pastimes...
this is such a funny ask to get because i feel like i haven't been able to do thin lineart until like. this past year or two maybe LOL. UM having a line-centric art job helped I think. I started on craig of the creek back in 2022 and thats a show where we spend a lot of time inking so I had a job where I was constantly moderating my line weight 40 hours a week every week for over a year. disappointingly, much of improvement is simply horrendous amounts of practice.
Here's a tip though: I think a lot of thin lineart boils down to confidence. I think instinctively we read thick, bold, fast lines as confident but theres actually a lot of obscuring you can do with a thick line. if you're not sure whether the nose on the face or a browline should be a little more left or a little more down you can hide that with a thick line and pretend its a shadow. or hide it with a bunch of quick lines and the eye can kind of approximate where looks best among the mass.. whereas a thin line is rly singular and stark and hides nothing, it needs to be precise. so anytime i know i want thin lineart i spend a LOT of time sketching, making sure i know exactly where i want my lines to go. so im not second guessing by the time im inking...
ok thats kind of a broad tip lol... here's one thats more applicable: IF POSSIBLE, lower your pressure sensitivity on your device. most devices have some way to edit your pressure sensitivity curve. I use a surface pro at home and this is what my pressure curve looks like most of the time.
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When I work on a wacom it looks even more like a reverse L shape LOL. I'm naturally a really heavy-handed artist and I use a "light" or "hard" pressure curve to compensate for how hard I'm always pressing on the pen lol. if you're like me and you struggle with going too hard with the ink too fast... this will probably help a lot!
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SFHASLDFH I LOVE THIS ASK this is like the type of question a person gets asked when chalk drawing on the sidewalk at recess LOL. but i understand because I've been struggling also for like. months. I think I'm finally starting to nail it down though so here's some of my observations.
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[feel free to save this img but **please do not re-post it or share broadly**. my biggest fear in the world is to spend 30 min on some notes and become a widely proliferated art tutorial im not even kidding. i made it low contrast and difficult to read on purpose.]
my other tip is to just look at and study a lot of reference because that's all ive been doing. the tmnt are really cartoony so its difficult to use like actual anatomical reference unless ur going for that look BUT theres been so many adaptions in so many different styles that there's a real treasure trove of stuff to look at for how to simplify, stylize, and dissect these characters while keeping the recognizable essence. so theres lots to pull from.
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If you want to expand further, it's also good to have 5) something sci-fi 6)something fantasy 7)something mundane/slice of life. a bedroom is a really good go-to. And of course some bgs can be two or more of these things at once.
I've definitely answered asks abt bg tips before but here's one specifically for if you want to do bg design for a job:
Your portfolio should probably have at least one of each of the following 1) an interior 2) an exterior 3) a cityscape 4) a nature scene. Just to cover kind of the basics of what you'd be asked to draw on any given project.
I actually feel like I don't have that many cityscrapes in my portfolio... this is something I'm gonna try to work on in the coming year LOL. OH ALSO. This is a very basic tip and people will tell you it all the time but its worth repeating: look up portfolio websites of artists who have the job you want. An easy way to do this is to go onto imdb for any cartoon or movie you like and to find the names listed as "bg/background designer" or whatever then just google that name +"art" or "animation" most artists have some public facing internet presence so it's not hard. spend time studying their work and hold those images in your head! it's a good way to get a good idea of what "industry standard" looks like and comparing ur own art to it... I know people sometimes get bummed comparing their art to others but if you can keep your head up lol.. it'll help you figure out what you need to work on!
ok thats all i have to say sorry for typing so much. happy new year everybody who read this far LMAO!!!!!
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strawbs-screaming · 5 months
ranking the boxers abilities to cook, worst to best (Wii)
yeah dont take this seriously im evil
Aran Ryan - my god this man needs to be kept away from the kitchen, he sets everything on fire so much that he forgets what hes cooking and fucks it up
Soda Popinski - He def adds soda to everything, mind you soda probably wont go well with bread, he can make a mean stew though
Bear Hugger - dude, he just eats the ingredients raw and calls it a day, thats okay to some extent with lettuce, tomato,Apples, stuff like that, but get meat and eggs involved and it gets worse, unless hes out in the wilderness with a pot and a very shitty campfire, hes not making anything edible
Bald Bull - He can make some basic meals + some traditional dishes if hes looking at a recipe, its not really the best but its not inedible either, there are some hes really good at
Mr Sandman - He used to be as bad as aran with it, but he actually learned how to get better, especially at baking, he used to be a better cook during his teen years but he got rusty since he didnt practice enough thanks to boxing getting in his way
Disco Kid - He used to work as a cook so he has some remaining knowledge from those days, hes very good with vegetables and fruit, not much other than that though
King Hippo - Hippo island has a huge culture built around cooking, And hes no exception! He has studied cooking for years and still does, he has a soft spot for sweets and usually makes dessert, hes good at other kinds of cooking too
Great Tiger - He learnt cooking at a young age since he wanted to help out his parents and be a bit more responsible, so he practiced cooking a lot and got pretty decent at it
Don Flamenco - actually learnt how to properly cook when he first met carmen, She didnt like how he couldnt even make a proper salad without setting anything on fire so she taught him how to cook better, to this day, they still cook together and Don still somehow manages to fuck up something, still good at it though.
Piston Hondo - He had a love for cooking for a long time and still loves it very much, he always cooked with his mom and thinks of it as a fun way to pass time or prepare for matches (dont ask how it just helps)
Von Kaiser - give this man a grill and he'll cook up a feast without you even needing to finish your sentence, he learnt how to cook to take better care of his health since he had a bunch of health problems related to blood pressure and his doctor recommended him to eat healthier
Super Macho Man - this might be suprising but hes actually a great cook! He didnt bother hiring a cook for him since he thought it would be lame, he takes cooking classes weekly so hes rapidly improving
Glass joe - hes a slut for bread, specifically homemade bread, i think that tells you enough
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vldsideblog · 9 months
Part 1 of Trials and Tribulations of Raising a Feral Desert Child.
Not sure how I’ll post this on ao3 since I only have a small part done but I thought I’d post it here for now. Also some of this was in italics but got messed up so yeah, you should still be able to tell.
Tw for small mention of Shiro’s illness Incase that might upset anyone.
Keith was an interesting kid to say the least. Shiro had taken him under his wing just weeks ago and he was starting to think he couldn’t handle this by himself.
First off he probably should’ve known he was in over his head when he had to get the kid out of juvie just two hours after meeting. But Shiro had seen the fire in Keith’s eyes. The kid was going to be something great, but only if he got some help. Otherwise he might end up dead in a ditch. Shiro didn’t like that thought so his decision was pretty easy to make. He would make sure Keith stayed out of as much trouble as possible and got the future he wanted. No one else seemed very keen on giving the kid a chance.
Keith had taken him up on the offer of joining the Garrison, and when Shiro first saw him flying the practice simulator he saw the despondent distant kid light up. The kid was born to fly, Shiro could relate.
But Shiro was just one person. A tired, disabled guy with a time limit dangling over his head. Even if he had a few good year’s before he got worse, he needed to make sure Keith was set up for success by that time. Wait, when did I start thinking like a responsible adult.
The moment Shiro realized he actually needed to ask for help, was when the kid unofficially under his care decked another cadet in the middle of school. Definitely not an ideal situation.
Shiro just had a talk with the kid, he believed in him, he really did. But they had to do something about his ‘punch first talk it out later’ behavior, and Shiro thought he had just the right person to ask for help.
Adam was skeptical at first about the kid Shiro had taken under his wing. Based on the haphazard way the two met he assumed nothing good would come of this mess. But Shrio looked like an excited puppy whenever he mentioned how the bored and lonely kid lit up while flying. And Adam wasn’t fond of ruining his boyfriends happiness. Even if that meant getting a delinquent thirteen year old into a prestigious space academy.
So when Takashi asked him if he could help Keith control some of his anger, Adam reluctantly agreed. He had his own issue with a fiery temper and figured he could at least give a few solutions.
Takashi had told them both to meet at an outdoor table in an out of the way courtyard on garrison property. The day was hot, the Texas heat still beating down on the state’s population. The lack of clouds or breeze didn’t help.
As he rounded a corner he found the slightly discolored picnic table already occupied. Takashi was standing and talking to a young teen, with a gentle reassurance.
Adam had only ever seen Keith’s Garrison ID picture, so his casual weekend attire was new. The thirteen year old was sitting cross legged on the table, watching Adam with a hawkish suspicion, dark eyes following his every move.
His bandaged fingers were messing with the hem of his sun faded black cargo shorts, they had obviously been mended many times if the extra stitching and occasional patch meant anything.
He wore a loose gray and black striped t-shirt and his black hair was cut into a choppy mullet. Adam wouldn’t be surprised if the kid had cut his hair himself. His other gloved hand was resting on the sun warmed wooden table.
Takashi stopped talking as he noticed Adam’s appearance. “Hey, babe.” He must’ve already mentioned their relationship. “I should be back in around an hour.”
Takashi turned to say something to Keith that Adam couldn’t quite make out then headed around the corner.
“It’s nice to finally meet you Keith.” Adam gave a small smile. He wasn’t sure where he was supposed to sit, with the kid sitting on top of the table instead of at a bench. But he figured he might as well go with it.
Adam pulled up another nearby picnic table and sat on the edge of the tabletop. As much as he tried to show a put together and careful presence. He also liked sitting criss-cross-applesauce like a normal human being.
Keith seemed to find this amusing as he let a small smile grace his recently bandaged face. Though he did stay firmly silent, not answering Adam’s attempt at conversation.
“So Shiro asked me if I could talk to you?” Keith’s face remained blank. Great, this was going to be sooo easy.
“So you got into a bit of trouble, cause you have a bit of a tem—.” “I punched Griffin in the face.” Keith said his name like a bad word, “He deserved it.” Keith’s left hand was drumming against the worn down wood of the table. He looked bored, like he’d had this same conversation more times than he could remember. Based on what he’d heard from Takashi, he probably had.
“Well, yes. You punched another student in the face on school grounds, during a class. Obviously you can’t keep doing that.” Adam tried to make eye contact with Keith to really drive home the message, but Keith didn’t seem keen on eye contact, so Adam just looked at the kid while Keith looked at his hands. This is going fantastic.
“May I ask, why do you think he deserved it?”
Keith’s posture stiffened and his response was short and mumbled, Adam couldn’t hear a word he was saying.
“Could you repeat that?”
Keith cracked his knuckles and for a second Adam thought he was going to be beaten up by a middle schooler. Which would be really embarrassing. But thankfully Keith just repeated himself.
“He said I didn’t deserve to be here.”
“Well, that’s obviously not an okay thing to say, and he should be spoken to about it. But I don’t feel as if that’s worth attacking someone over.”
Keith scoffed, “Well then we don’t seem to agree.”
Teenagers really are nightmares. But it didn’t feel like the full story. Keith was holding something back, something probably important.
“Why are you qualified to talk to me about this anyway?” Keith switched the questions onto him.
Adam sighed, was he really going to tell some brat about his middle school years. “Well, I get the anger for one. I used to have quite the temper when I was younger, I still kind of do.” At this admission Keith perked up a bit.
“When I was a kid I got overwhelmed really easily, I never had a lot of friends cause I would yell at people when I was stressed.” Adam picked at some lint on his shirt hem. “But I was able to get some help, I don’t yell at people anymore.”
“Well that seems ridiculous, how’re you supposed to change a stress response?” Keith side eyed him with cynical skepticism.
“It’s not like I don’t get overwhelmed or frustrated anymore, I’ve just learned better ways to deal with it. Instead of being aggressive about it, I try to be more sarcastic about stuff that stresses me out. That way I still have an outlet, but I’m not taking it out on innocent people.”
Keith nodded a bit as if trying to understand.
Adam continued, pulling a small stress ball out of his bag. “I also carry one of these around with me, so when I notice myself getting upset I can squeeze this and try to let some of the tension out.”
Keith cocked his head to the side almost resembling a cat. “So you’re sarcastic and carry a stress ball?” He gestured to himself, “I don’t think that’s going to fix me.” His eyes were harsh and his voice monotone.
“I’m not trying to fix you kid,” Adam tried to phrase it another way. “But if we can find tools to help you control your anger, then wouldn’t that help you too?”
Keith crossed his arms.
“I just thought that maybe if you had a punching bag, or could listen to some heavy metal it might calm you down.”
“I don’t hate that idea actually.” Finally we’re getting somewhere “Can I tape a picture of Griffin's face to the punching bag?”
“You know what, sure. As long as you refrain from hitting the real guy, go ahead.”
Adam spent the rest of the hour with Keith by showing him some of his favorite stress release music, and giving him directions to the Garrison gym, where a few punching bags resided.
By the time Shiro showed up and the kid left, Adam wasn’t sure how he felt.
He seemed a bit standoffish and bored, but was willing to take some instruction if he got to pitch in.
Maybe Shiro was right about this kid. Or maybe he’s an idiot with a heart too big and inability to leave someone behind.
Adam shouldered his bag and headed back to his and Shiro’s little Garrison issued house.
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halfagone · 1 year
These ideas just popped into my head while I was looking at the results of your Danny hair length poll, so I'm taking that as a sign to send them to you;
So I love Jason/Danny, but I also love me some dad!Jason fics, and thus a conundrum.
Except, through my love of Jason and dad!Hood I discovered Roy and Lian, and Roy/Jason, and I will forever be a messy lil multishipper at heart, and a lover of domesticity (esp for those who don't live normal lives) and doing your best by a child.
So I'm genuinely surprised there aren't really any fics with Jay and Roy, either established or getting together, raising Lian and Danny (deaged, or teen). If romantic Jason/Roy isn't your thing, I think they would also make lovely Queer Platonic partners 😊
But the main idea I initially had was Jason/Danny, or Jason/Danny/Roy (and I will remind, cause people forget, that not everyone in a polycule needs to have the same kind of relationship to each other, so playing with that can be fun too). And Danny is in Gotham and to all eyes was a teen dad, because he has Ellie, who maybe hasn't aged at all physically or has been deaged, or happened later, and he's trying to make it work.
If it happened later, maybe he had gotten things together enough to get a scholarship to Gotham U, and then Vlad tried to clone him in a last ditch attempt to sabotage/control him, or because he saw Danny leaving his area of control and got desperate for a replacement. So then maybe Danny could be trying to balance school and a job and taking care of Ellie, however old you would have her be.
Or maybe he's just working and trying to be a parent and struggling along.
And anyway, he meets Jason or Redhood.
OR alternatively, Ellie meets Lian! At preschool or daycare or school or the park, again depends on age, and that's how Danny meets Jason and Roy. Maybe Jay was babysitting, or they were visiting, or maybe they're a couple or co-parenting Lian.
Idk, a lot of this was brought on by the idea of Danny not having time to get his hair cut, and having lil Ellie so doing each other's hair and then a train of all of them doing each other's hair.
Just... domesticity, ya know?
Today has been rough and domesticity is soothing.
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Hahaha! Yeah, that is quite the conundrum, huh? You want the father-son relationship between Jason and a de-aged Danny, who understands him even if he's young and doesn't really understand the world like he used to. But then there's still Jason/Danny, and all the ways they oppose and relate to each other is always just so *chef's kiss* I really love Roy/Jason, I've read some great fics with them acting as a unit, even if they aren't always a couple. A lot of times it's just background, with Jason helping Roy with Lian, but I have such a soft spot for them. There is a bit of an age gap between Jason and Roy, actually, since Roy was with Dick during his Robin days and even then he was older than Dick. And sometimes I have to wonder how much that affects people shipping them or not?
But regardless, Jason and Roy both have such a complex history with their mentors/father figures, and their own relationship with heroism that I think it would be a really fun spin to include Danny on it. He doesn't really have that problem with a mentor that's hurt them in some way, but at the same time he's never had a mentor at all. Unless you're making this an AU where the Ancients kinda step into that position for him.
I do love the idea of Jason adopting a de-aged Danny as well, of course. I absolutely adore Imprint by Hashtag_DriveBy where we see Jason take in a young Danny, and we even see Roy kinda stepping up and helping out. What I really enjoy about the idea is that Jason is making the executive decision to reach out and ask for help from others, which I would say he's always really struggled with. He can be very prideful, and paranoid and distrusting to boot, which can be a very unfortunate combination. But the idea of Jason having a little Danny in his life and trying to do right by him, and learning and healing along the way always makes me soft.
As for a Jason/Danny or a Jason/Danny/Roy idea... I think the best route would be for a 14 year age difference between Danny and Ellie. Obviously, she could be aged-up thanks to Vlad's machinations, but based on an outsider's POV, it would 'explain' a lot of Danny's behavior in high school. Danny could have learned about her when he was turning seventeen or just graduating (depending on what you headcanon Danny's birthday, he could graduate at 17 and then turn eighteen in the same year, doesn't have to be anything complicated). She would be... 2 or 3 years old? Again, depending on what age Danny is, and when people find out about Ellie they get all these ideas about what Danny's been up to, and thinking "oh that's where Danny goes when he's running off randomly" or "that's why Danny's constantly tired and sleeping in school, because he was up all night taking care of a baby". Those sorts of excusing. It gives a good cover for his hero identity!
Another option instead of having Danny attend GothamU is have him get a trade job/apprenticeship, since he could go pretty much anywhere with that sort of training. Plus, he gets paid on the job even as an apprentice. I know a lot of people like the idea of Danny being a barista or a waiter, and while I definitely like those ideas as well... Realistically... In the U.S. it's not a living wage... And if Danny has a kid to take care of... I can't see him taking more than one job if he has to worry about Ellie at home. Especially if she's really young, like- too young to go to school. A degree would help a great deal, of course, but he does still have to work, so I feel like a trade job would be the best compromise. So he could be... a mechanic! That's one way for Danny to meet Jason, if Jason has some vehicles that need to be repaired and he doesn't want to go to Bruce. He could be an aircraft maintenance technician, that's closer to his love for spaceships. Nonetheless, he can later on go to school when Ellie is older and/or in school of her own.
I actually like the idea of Jason meeting Danny in his job, and they slowly get to know each other, and eventually Jason tries to ask Danny out, only for Danny to mention having to pick up or get home to his daughter. And Jason is surprised at first, of course, but then maybe he mentions his friend's daughter, and asking about how old Danny's daughter is- It all culminates in Jason meeting Ellie and then him falling in love as he watches Danny and Ellie interact. He gets Roy to come over, and it bites him in the ass because now Roy and Danny are getting along swimmingly and Jason has been delegated to babysitter. But eventually, the kids go to bed and they get to learn more about each other.
I like the idea of it being a slow burn, where at first they're all just trying to help each other out. Roy would understand Danny's struggles into parenthood, but thankfully Danny also wouldn't have to worry about getting clean and getting past an addiction. He would have to worry about the other (villain) parent possibly getting in the way and making things worse. Cheshire is usually shown to have given Lian up in order to protect her, but that doesn't mean her life style can't bite Roy and Lian in the ass sometimes.
Depending on the ages too, Lian and Ellie could try to play matchmaker and get their dads (plus Jason! You've gotta have Jason, in their opinions. He makes the best food) together. Due to all the movies they watch, they think it has to be something crazy romantic and something out of a fairytale. But things keep on getting messed up, and they're disappointed nothing comes out of it, but they keep trying. But, without them realizing it, those three have been getting closer all along.
Damn, I've got a lot of feelings about this. Sorry for the ramble. :P
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sir-klauz · 1 year
So elated Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru/My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999/山田くんとLv999の恋をする is out, aired to the public in Spring of this year, 2023, through Madhouse studios, one of my favourites for a series.
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I watched a few episodes before I decided to wait till it was mostly/totally released so I could sit and watch it in one stint. Yesterday I gave in hahaha.
I am most pleased. It’s the first anime released about a manga I’ve read since I returned to immersing myself into manga just over a year ago once again. I usually read a lot of not super popular mangas which never see the screens unfortunately despite being beautiful stories in the rough. As I thought, I’m very much enjoying it so far.
If you’re into anime, you’ve probably seen a fair few memes of Yamada already during the one scene he turns away from the computer. The most amusing one to me, was this one, as I’m also a big gamer of Genshin this was a funny joke between me and my partner.
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I still can’t get over the scenario where he just starts totally choking on cup ramen in the manga, and I hope that doesn’t get forgetting. Because yeah, very relatable. Introvert gamer eating and choking on noodles, disaster. How he’s like socially I understand, I like the character, Akane is always very kinda despite some ways she gets treat and I think that’s quite brave but I wish she would stand up for herself more! The time with the fan incident was so sad, and such a real thing to be wary about even though she was set up. I cannot everr forgive that lil’ wet wipe Runa for doing that to her. She totally got my goat when that happened, idc. Her excuse is she’s younger and lonely and immature but.. that doesn’t cut it for me, there’s no excuse to do that but I’m glad she felt guilty and apologised as y’know, I thought she definitely never would when reading the manga.
Eita is so camp I love him, and when he goes angry face at Runa, we know shiz gonna go down as he’s usually like ^-^^^.
Let’s just say, Takezou, is, just, adorable. I’m very glad there’s representation for the older gaming community which very much exists, not only for the fact many avid gamers from when games started releasing still very much have been around this whole time since those days and have a lot of experience! Even if you can’t do big tournaments as easy the older you get, a lot of older gamers get ignored or forgetting and it’s associated with only being a young people thing.
After her boyfriend breaks up with her for another girl, college student Akane Kinoshita wrestles with a broken heart and the memories he left behind. Loading up Forest of Savior, the MMO they used to play together, she forms a plan to get back at her ex-boyfriend through an in-person event for the game. In the process, she runs into someone unexpected: Akito Yamada, a gaming legend who just happens to be her guildmate.
Desperate for support, Akane ropes the asocial Yamada into helping with her scheme and lending her a shoulder to cry on. The differences between Akane and Yamada soon become apparent as they spend time together, yet they cannot help but notice each other's inner qualities. As the two gain more experience with one another in and out of the game, their tentative acquaintance may level up in a way neither expects.
Producers: Aniplex, Movic, Tokyo MX, BS11, Egg Firm, Kadokawa, COMICSMART
Genre: Romance
Theme: Video Game
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
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✨Dinotrux headcannons✨
Dozer and George are all related in some way; they are uncles and nephews. The thing is, George was excommunicated from Dozer's heard when Dozer was very young, so he doesn't have a lot of memory of George, but he does remember him as being very kind to Dozer and teaching him how to create mounds and jackhammers.
Ty is actually older than D-structs, but not older than D-stroy. I have a small head can in that they are 4 to 9 years apart, so in my AU they are 4 years apart, and Ty would be 21 or 22 or 23.
D-structs was once kicked out of a crater by his brother, and when he found a new one, there was already a T-Trux. They nearly scrapped D-structs, but thankfully he was able to escape, so that's why he was so resistant to Ty.
Ton-Ton has nightmares often, and he often goes to Ty to comfort him. This is semi-canon because of the one episode in the earlier seasons of Ty saying, "I don't care how bad your nightmare was; I'm not talking you back in."
After the Tortools came into Dozer's life, he started to act more like a parent to everyone. Yeah, this was pure torture to the others since whenever they would put themselves in dangerous situations, they wouldn't only have the tools lecturing them but also a very angry Dozer, especially Ton-Ton.
Dozer In my human, Au runs out of coffee since he is a daycare attendant, and he often has to come in early to prepare meals and stay late cleaning up paint.
Going on with my human, Au Dozer has had a crush on everyone at least once throughout his life. He has known Tonton since he was really young, so during his teen years, he had a crush on Tonton, and he had met Skya when he was in his late teens, and he had developed a crush on her. He had denied all of his crushes, though he refused to accept them, so yeah, drama.
Dozer has never been in a relationship.
Also I am open to roleplay with this au
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penguin--rat · 8 months
Please tell us about the thoughts on patho! Sanya and patho! Yura. Please
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of course, thank you for the ask!! i will preface this by saying that these roles might (and are likely to) change, like the bachelors role did - and that thats ok!! this is all just for fun <3 and i also want to say that im gonna alter the world of patho a bit, which, i think is also fine, since its an au !! fun times:) thoughts under cut
so, i'll talk about yura and arthur, then sanya (and sergei, sorta), and then them as a trio/duo.
patho!yura takes on the role of andrey stamatin. its a bit odd, but it fits. i changed yuras pants because i dont like andreys pants. its as simple as that. yura, like bachelor!dmitry and patho!arthur is from the capital. he studied with arthur and all that. young geniuses, you could say. though they haven't worked on as many architectual structures as the canon stamatins have, the few that they Have worked on are well known! whether or not they're liked is a whole different story. i wasn't sure who to put as the stamatin brothers, really, as the only brothers in pafl are nikita and kolya, i think? or tsar and arthur, sorta, iirc ferrys said a time or two that they think of each other as brothers or something like that. but! nikita and kolya will have.. different roles.. and tsar doesnt strike me as an an andrey nor a peter... so !! yura beletsky and arthur sokolov (his surname was in that one character sheet) are. the. umm. i dont know what their name would be but i think they're 'partners' - or at least, yura calls them that. (because of their colleague status, of course, since they work together so much. they can be gay too i guess. sigh. long live yaoi) yuras personality is pretty much the same as in canon, but hes a bit. hm. well, id say he acts like he's better than you, but hes just overcompensating. still very sad and depressed and all that.
arthur in this.. he's more depressed than angry in this one. i dont know. i havent thought of him all that much, truly and also !! youve only asked me for my thoughts on sanya and yura !! not arthur !! i dont have to tell you anything.... i WILL one day. believe me. but only when i have better thoughts
sanya! as you may have noticed, she's still albino in this au.. and, heres where my lack of knowledge on town on gorkhon comes into play !! so ! imagine that the steppe is like, zone-esque, or something. again, this au is just for fun, and though i Do think about it a lot, i dont think about it enough for me to have coherent thoughts. so! sanya. the townsfolk, i think, claimed she must be related to the worms in some way since shes an Albino and Strange and Defiant and a Rebel. so i think that at some point they started making that worm connection as an 'explanation' for her behaviour. so. i think, at a young age, rather young age, her father (and sergei sorta, i guess? but hed have been .. in his teens at the time, at least.. and since sanyas mom dies in childbirth no matter if shes a mutant or not, shes dead in this, too) sorta sent her to the cemetery. sanya is grace <3 she hangs around and maintains the cemetery a lot. its better than dealing with judgement and such. at first, at least. when shes a kid. soon she starts getting lonely, wishes to engage in society, to make friends, but, well. town on gorkhon is a small town. im sure she has some friends, though. 'friends'. maybe the little kids in the town and the like, yeah? maybe the kid gang? but i doubt shes close with them in any way. this is the first iteration of patho!sanya that i like in any way. its possible, likely, that ill change this, some of it at least, but! this is how it is for now.
during patho's main events, the stamatin brothers have already been in town for a few years. in this au, the architect bros are in town for 2 years before the plague breaks out. during those 2 years, sanya comes to 'admire' yura. envies his way of life. maybe they hang out a bit... since sergei is away studying to become a surgeon, he wouldn't be there to spoil their friendship - but, he also wouldnt be there to introduce them in the first place. .. but also, just bc sanya spends most of her time maintaining the cemetery and such doesnt mean she never goes out to town, for shopping and such, maybe. so. i think they start hanging out. not a lot. yura thinks shes a bit lame maybe. cringe. but, they start hanging out!! i thinkkk . ivan could be bad grief if i dont find anyone else. so, i think, sanya would get to meet him, too, and therefore also yana. shes not all that close with them, but, she does think theyre cool... and the gang thinks shes fine. shes there!! yana still thinks of her as "baby", arthur still thinks of her as "why are you even here", yura still thinks of her as "heheheheehhehe wont stop teasing you".. idk where tsar comes in but hes also "you are alright!!!"... only diference is. she doesnt fight all that much with ivan:( so sad
a lot of this is just incorehent thoughts ! but thats all i can muster up at the moment.. hope its enough !! and if its not !! my askbox is always open:D ask whatever whenever 👍
looks left looks right. ferry if you see this im sorry for doing cocomelon shit to your ocs..
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moonypears-blog · 2 months
Hi so I had ✨️thoughts✨️ on a concept for a stf episode/scenario/etc that I remembered tangentially related to your Papa story (so good btw) (also this may end up being long I'm so sorry)
It'd most likely be something geared towards an older audience (like not kindergartners lol, something for the spinoff whenever that happens maybe? Idk what the target audience for it will be considering we dont know anything about it) and framed as either a Father's Day or Halloween episode (I don't think we got any Father's day eps other than the one episode I hate with a burning passion)
Basically, Sofia is going through her things and finds something of Birk's, whether it be some sort of sailing gear or clothing or a gift or an image of them together (idk it could be anything, we know borderline nothing about this man) and she's hit with what I'm going to call the Rose Quartz effect. Missing a parent who you barely/don't know, having unanswered questions that won't/can't be answered, having all these conflicting feelings about this one person and feeling all of them yet none of them at the same time. Losing a parent at such a young age is rough and was just the tip on the iceberg of Sofia growing up far faster than she needed to.
Where am I going with this? Well, because of all of these unanswered questions and difficult emotions, Sofia wants to talk to her deceased father. Ghosts exist canonically in the series, who's to say they can't be summoned? Maybe she gets help from Cedric, or she finds a book on her own, or maybe she even gets help from Lucinda and the witches or that one ghost from the Ghostly Gala episode who's name I can't remember but I definitely had a crush on as a kid.
The main conflict of the episode would probably be all of these internal conflicting desires for Sofia, possibly also Miranda's own feelings about her belated husband (is this how you use belated? Idk lol).
Regardless of how it happens, the episode ends/has its final act with Sofia summoning her father, Birk. He sees how much his little girl has grown up, how brave and kind and smart she is. She gets to see and say goodbye to her father a final time and get proper closure. Maybe throw in a line or two there from Birk on just how grown up Sofia is, almost (definitely) too grown up for a pre-teen/adolescent girl.
The message of the episode would probably be something about grief and the process of it all, how it's okay to be angry that someone you love is gone, how talking about it opens old wounds but helps to heal them. It's bittersweet.
But yeah definitely not something suited for what the original demographic for stf was. Of course important to talk about, but with what I'm talking about it'd probably go over such young heads.
Sorry that this is so long! I had to get all my thoughts out and it got pretty rambley lmao
This is such a good idea for an episode!
I agree that Birk would be disheartened at how grown up Sofia is, obviously he'd know she's grown since she was five, but she's too far ahead, and not in the natural way that some children just emotionally mature quicker than their peers.
I think even though it's been a long time and Sofia doesn't really have anything to miss as she hardly knows life with him, she still really misses Birk, like I said in chapter two of "Papa..." some days she just wants to be by herself and lay in bed grieving him. I wish the show brought it up, especially for the potential children watching who lost one of their parents like Sofia. This would be a really good episode for that reason alone, honestly.
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if this spin off went a more mature route, considering how a good deal of the fans are teens and adults, and there's going to be people watching who grew up on the show and are now older just out of curiosity. If I remember rightly something similar happened with miraculous ladybug, they started making the episodes more mature after the creators realised the main audience was teens and adults, not their original target audience. I've seen Craig interact with lots of older fans so he definitely knows they're a big audience!
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