#the way that he continually reaches out to data even when he's doing things to actively sabotage him
vulpinesaint · 8 months
lore star trek character of all time btw. he's just like me for real
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musubi-sama · 3 months
Papa Mama, Kiss!
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Nanami Kento, girl dad, and how the small commands an almost-2year-old can etch into his heart.
A/N: Thanks @pseudowho for the gentle nudge to write this one out. And for everyone else, if it's not obvious, based on real events.
WC: 1.4K
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Fatherhood, raising and nurturing children to become their best selves. To give them wings and teach them to fly on their own. This is what Nanami Kento dreamed of for years. But almost two years in, his daughter was testing his last thread of patience.
“Papa, milk!” Kento returns with a glass of milk.
“Papa, tea!” Kento blinks, and returns with a glass of tea, finishing off the milk for himself along the way.
“Milk?” Kento sighs. Just as he starts to lift himself from his chair, you put your arm on his.
“Sweetest, could you take a sip of the tea first?” you offer the glass to your daughter, and she happily starts to drink the water, quickly emptying the cup. Sufficiently satiated, she goes back to eating her lunch.
You shoot your husband a soft smile, you’re met with a weary, but loving gaze in return. Features worn by time, bolstered by love, and cut by the effort of child rearing.
You both had done your research, coming to similar conclusions with differing approaches on how to tackle the approaching “Terrible Twos.”
Kento couldn’t understand the parenting blogs, as they made any solutions to challenges seem so…. simple to solve.
“Guaranteed to solve purple crying with one simple trick!” “Sleep training made easy! You’ll have quiet nights in less than a week!” “10 steps to handling a temper tantrum in public. Number 6 will surprise you”
But every solution seemed to be milquetoast, at best, and unhelpful at worst. But almost two years in, he started to get the hang of things. The secret is that his daughter was her own person and required him to think on his feet. And despite the new levels of exhaustion he had reached, especially in the early days, Nanami Kento was euphoric to see his daughter every morning. He missed her in the depths of his heart every second she was at daycare, or even just with you running errands.
Kento was a modern dad, bucking the trend by taking the full year of paternity leave along with you. Reassuring you that there would still be an open spot in daycare once it was time to return to work. And he was right. He helped fill out the pages and pages of paperwork. And choosing the 13 facilities to rank in hopes you were offered a spot at your number 1? Of course, your salaryman husband excelled at sorting the data and organizing the thick booklets of information.
When it came time to drop off your daughter on her first day, and it was only for two hours, you both arrived with big, nervous, first-time parent jitters. And were the only full family there in the morning drop off. The other parents sharing knowing glances at you and Kento fumbling clothes, trying to find the bins you needed, almost dropping the thermometer, and giving maybe one, two, three, too many kisses to your daughter as you handed her off.
The walk to the local coffee shop was filled with dreams of what fun your daughter would have with her class. Kento was hiding his nerves well, but you could see right through him. You saw the tremor in his hand, the nearly imperceptible gravel in his voice. He didn’t hold back for the other parents’ sake; he’d never do that. But he didn’t want your daughter to catch his nervous and scared energy. He knew if she felt his anxiety, it would make handing her off so much harder. He couldn’t bear to hear your cries of separation.
So, when you both returned two hours later, Kento lit up with the biggest smile and the most eager arms as the workers handed your daughter off to him.
“Oh, my love, I’ve missed you! What did you play with? Who did you meet? Please tell me all about your day, spare no details,” your doting husband cooed at your one-year-old. He continued an entire conversation with her, even if words didn’t form from the baby babble.
You spoke with the workers to understand how she fared for the short visit. They told you how she didn’t cry not even once. And how tomorrow your daughter can stay even longer, through the morning snack. It made you so happy to get such fantastic feedback.
After a few weeks, you all settled into a lovely routine. Both of you working from home left flexibility for drop off and pick up. And as your daughter became more capable of bigger play times, Kento would take her out to the local park so that you could make dinner most days. You loved the peace and quiet, he loved the bonding time.
As your daughter’s language built up over the months leading up to her second birthday, she was beginning to string together commands. Able to ask for help, food, drink, toys. She even started to command who could sit next to her and then tell them to “moot (move)” away and a new person would be not-so-gently asked to sit next to her.
“Papa,” she would point to a spot on the ground next to her, in the middle of the playground. And Kento is not the type to ignore the requests of a child. He took a polite squat next to your daughter, waiting with bated breath for the next command she would give.
“Mmm. Ah…up,” she reached her hands up in the air.
“Do you want up?” Kento reached over to lift his little one up in the air with a light, controlled, toss.
You sat on a nearby bench watching, camera clicking over and over, catching the precious moments to share with your friends and family across the world.
That night ran like every other, a well-oiled machine. You took a bath with your daughter, Kento took her for a fresh diaper, clean pajamas, and to help him make, and for her to drink, the nightly milk bottle.
And the final step, you welcomed a sleepy toddler into your weary arms. Tonight, she was laden down with her stuffies of choice, a small Sylveon and Doraemon.
“Okay, let’s cuddle up here, please,” you coax a sleepy toddler into your lap and to lay against your chest. It seems like every day it gets harder as she grows bigger. What happened to your teeny tiny bub?
“Good night, I love you,” Kento leans down to give a kiss to the tiny (well, not so tiny anymore) forehead. “And I love you,” he leans over to your waiting lips as you tilt your head up. Every night you get a soft, but gently urgent kiss from Kento.
“Papa iss?” you both break from the kiss to hear a tired request. Your daughter had sat up from your chest and looked expectantly at Kento.
“Of course,” he leans down for another kiss, this time her cheek. A satisfied smile spreads across her face.
“Mama iss?”
“Yes, love.”
“Mama papa iss?” and you looked up at Kento to make sure you heard her correctly.
“Did she…?”
“You heard her now,” and Kento leans down for another kiss, this time he lingers a heartbeat longer. As he pulls away, in the dim haze of the nightlight he catches your waterline beginning to fill.
“Oh, baby, you’re so sweet,” you coo at your daughter, pulling her into a tender hug.
“Good night, you two,” Kento is standing by the door, soft smile from lips to eyes. He slips out and gently shuts the door.
After you spend a few minutes cuddling with your daughter, you gently lay her in the crib and quietly slip out of the bedroom, leaving her to take the last step to dreamworld.
You sit down on the couch next to Kento. Still feeling the buzz from twenty minutes ago, he reaches over to cup your face.
“How are you feeling?”
“I am going to ride that high for weeks. I can’t believe it,” your eyes can’t hold back the tears of love and happiness. You feel every bit of the dichotomy between the hard moments and the soaring highs of happiness.
Kento could feel his heart grow and swell. The small command would replay in his mind until his dying breath. It would be a story he shared as the father of the bride. An endearing tale he treasured, a memory he could rely on to get him through overtime.
Coaxing you into his lap, Kento presses his lips to yours much more urgently than the last kiss.
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ozzgin · 8 months
Yandere! Android x Reader (I)
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It is the future and you have been tasked to solve a mysterious murder that could jeopardize political ties. Your assigned partner is the newest android model meant to assimilate human customs. You must keep his identity a secret and teach him the ways of earthlings, although his curiosity seems to be reaching inappropriate extents.
Yes, this is based on Asimov’s “Caves of Steel” because Daneel Olivaw was my first ever robot crush. I also wanted a protagonist that embraces technology. :)
Content: female reader, AI yandere, 50's futurism
[Part 2] | [More original works]
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You follow after the little assistant robot, a rudimentary machine invested with basic dialogue and spatial navigation. It had caused quite the ruckus when first introduced. One intern - well liked despite being somewhat clumsy at his job - was sadly let go as a result. Not even the Police is safe from the threat of AI, is what they chanted outside the premises.
"The Commissioner has summoned you, (Y/N)." 
That's how it greeted you earlier, clacking its appendage against the open door in an attempt to simulate a knock. 
"Do you know why my presence is needed?" You inquire and wait for the miniature AI to scan the audio message. 
"I am not allowed to mention anything right now." It finally responds after agonizing seconds.
 It's an alright performance. You might've been more impressed by it, had you not witnessed first hand the Spacer technology that could put any modern invention here on Earth to shame. Sadly the people down here are very much against artificial intelligence. There have been multiple protests recently, like the one in front of your building, condemning the latest government suggestion regarding automation. People fear for their jobs and safety and you don't necessarily blame them for having self preservation. On the other hand, you've always been a supporter of progress. As a child you devoured any science fiction book you could get your hands on, and now, as a high ranked police detective you still manage to sneak away and scan over articles and news involving the race for a most efficient computer.
You close the door behind you and the Commissioner puts his fat cigarette out, twisting the remains into the ashtray with monotonous movements as if searching for the right words.
 "There's been a murder." Is all he settles on saying, throwing a heavy folder in your direction. A hologram or tablet might've been easier to catch, but the man, like many of his coworkers, shares a deep nostalgia for the old days. 
 You flip through the pages and eventually furrow your eyebrows. 
"This would be a disaster if it made it to the news." You mumble and look up at the older man. "Shouldn't this go to someone more experienced?" 
He twiddles with his grey mustache and glances out the fake window. 
"It's a sensitive case. The Spacers are sending their own agent to collaborate with us. What stands out to you?" 
You narrow your eyes and focus on the personnel sheet. What's there to cause such controversy? Right before giving up, departing from the page, you finally notice it: next to the Spacer officer's name, printed clearly in black ink, is a little "R." which is a commonly used abbreviation to indicate something is a robot. The chief must've noticed your startled reaction and continues, satisfied: 
"You understand, yes? They're sending an android. Supposedly it replicates a human perfectly in terms of appearance, but it does not possess enough observational data. Their request is that whoever partners up with him will also house him and let him follow along for the entirety of the mission. You're the only one here openly supporting those tin boxes. I can't possibly ask one of your higher ups, men with wives and children, to...you know...bring that thing in their house."
You're still not sure whether to be offended by the fact that your comfort seems to be of less priority compared to other officers. Regardless of the semantics, you're presently standing at the border between Earth and the Spacer colony, awaiting your case partner. A man emerges from behind a security gate. He's tall, with handsome features and an elegant walk. He approaches you and you reach for a handshake. 
"Is the android with you?" You ask, a little confused. 
"Is this your first time seeing a Spacer model?" He responds, relaxed. "I am the agent in your care. There is no one else." 
You take a moment to process the information, similar to the primitive machine back at your office. Could it be? You've always known that Spacer technology is years ahead, but this surpasses your wildest dreams. There is not a single detail hinting at his mechanical fundament. The movement is fluid, the speech is natural, the design is impenetrable. He lifts the warm hand he'd used for the handshake and gently presses a finger against your chin in an upwards motion. You find yourself involuntarily blushing. 
"Your mouth was open. I assumed you'd want it discreetly corrected." He states, factually, with a faint smile on his lips. Is he amused? Is such a feeling even possible? You try your best to regain some composure, adjusting the collar of your shirt and clearing your throat. 
"Thank you and please excuse my rudeness. I was not expecting such a flawless replica. Our assistants are...easily recognizable as AI."
"So I've been told." His smile widens and he checks his watch. You follow his gesture, still mesmerized, trying to find a single indicator that the man standing before you is indeed a machine, a synthetic product.
"Shall we?" He eyes the exit path and you quickly lead him outside and towards public transport. 
He patiently waits for your fingerprint scan to be complete. You almost turn around and apologize for the old, lagging device. As a senior detective, you have the privilege of living in the more spacious, secured quarters of the city. And, since you don't have a family, the apartment intended for multiple people looks more like a luxury adobe. Still, compared to the advanced way of the Spacers, this must feel like poverty to the android.
At last, the scanner beeps and the door unlocks. 
"Heh...It's a finicky model." You mumble and invite him in.
"Yes, I'm familiar with these systems." He agrees with you and steps inside, unbuttoning his coat.
"Oh, you've seen this before?"
"In history books."
You scratch your cheek and laugh awkwardly, wondering how much of his knowledge about the current life on Earth is presented as a museum exhibit when compared to Spacer society. 
"I'm going to need a coffee. I guess you don't...?" Your words trail as you await confirmation. 
"I would enjoy one as well, if it is not too much to ask. I've been told it's a social custom to 'get coffee' as a way to have small talk." The synthetic straightens his shirt and looks at you expectantly. 
"Of course. I somehow assumed you can't drink, but if you're meant to blend in with humans...it does make sense you'd have all the obvious requirements built in."
He drags a chair out and sits at the small table, legs crossed.
"Indeed. I have been constructed to have all the functions of a human, down to every detail." 
You chuckle lightly. Well, not like you can verify it firsthand. The engineers back at the Spacer colony most likely didn't prepare him for matters considered unnecessary. 
"I do mean every detail." He adds, as if reading your mind. "You are free to see for yourself."
You nearly drop the cup in your flustered state. You hurry to wipe the coffee that spilled onto the counter and glance back at the android, noticing a smirk on his face. What the hell? Are they playing a prank on you and this is actually a regular guy? Some sort of social experiment? 
"I can see they included a sense of humor." You manage to blurt out, glaring at him suspiciously. 
"I apologize if I offended you in any way. I'm still adjusting to different contexts." The android concludes, a hint of mischief remaining on his face. "Aren't rowdy jokes common in your field of work?"
"Uh huh. Spot on." You hesitantly place the hot drink before him.
Robots on Earth have always been built for the purpose of efficiency. Whether or not a computer passes the Turing Test is irrelevant as long as it performs its task in the most optimal, rational way. There have been attempts, naturally, to create something indistinguishable from a human, but utility has always taken precedence. It seems that Spacers think differently. Or perhaps they have reached their desired level of performance a long time ago, and all that was left was fiddling with aesthetics. Whatever the case is, you're struggling not to gawk in amazement at the man sitting in your kitchen, stirring his coffee with a bored expression.
"I always thought - if you don't mind my honesty - that human emotions would be something to avoid when building AI. Hard to implement, even harder to control and it doesn't bring much use."
"I can understand your concerns. However, let me reassure you, I have a strict code of ethics installed in my neural networks and thus my emotions will never lead to any destructive behavior. All safety concerns have been taken into consideration.
As for why...How familiar are you with our colony?" The android takes a sip of his coffee and nods, expressing his satisfaction. "Perhaps you might be aware, Spacers have a declining population. Automated assistants have been part of our society for a long time now. What's lacking is humans. If the issue isn't fixed, artificial humans will have to do."
You scoff.
"What, us Earth men aren't good enough to fix the birth rates? They need robots?"
You suddenly remember the recipient of your complaint and mutter an apology. 
"Well, I'm sure you'd make a fine contender. Sadly I can't speak for everyone else on Earth." The man smiles in amusement upon seeing the pale red that's now dusting your cheeks, then continues: "But the issue lies somewhere else. Spacers have left Earth a long time ago and lived in isolation until now. Once an organism has lost its immune responses to otherwise common pathogens, it cannot be reintegrated."
True. Very few Earth citizens are allowed to enter the colony, and only do so after thorough disinfection stages, proving they are disease free as to not endanger the fragile health of the Spacers living in a sterile environment. You can only imagine the disastrous outcome if the two species were to abruptly mingle. In that case, equally sterile machinery might be their only hope.
Your mind wanders to the idea. Dating a robot...How's that? You sheepishly gaze at the android and study his features. His neatly combed copper hair, the washed out blue eyes, the pale skin. Probably meant to resemble the Spacers. You shake your head.
"A-anyways, I'll go and gather all the case files I have. Then we can discuss our first steps. Do feel at home."
You rush out and head for your office. Focus, you tell yourself mildly annoyed.
While you search for the required paperwork - what a funny thing to say in this day and age - he will certainly take up on your generous offer to make himself comfortable. The redhaired man enters the living room, scanning everything with curious eyes. He stops in front of a digital frame and slides through the photos. Ah, this must be your Police Academy graduation. The year matches with the data he's received on you. Data files he might've read one too many times in his unexplained enthusiasm. This should be you and the Commissioner; Doesn't match the description of your father, and he seems too old to be a spouse or boyfriend. Additionally, the android distinctly recalls the empty 'Relationship' field.
"Old photos are always a tad embarrassing. I suppose you skipped that stage."
He jolts almost imperceptibly and faces you. You have returned with a thin stack of papers and a hologram projector.
"I've digitalized most files I received, so you don't have to shuffle a bunch of paper around." You explain.
"That is very useful, thank you." He gently retrieves the small device from your hand, but takes a moment before removing his fingers from yours. "I predict this will be a successful partnership."
You flash him a friendly smile and gesture towards the seating area.
"Let's get to work, then. Unless you want to go through more boring albums." You joke as you lower yourself onto the plush sofa. 
The synthetic human joins you at an unexpectedly close proximity. You wonder if proper distance differs among Spacers or if he has received slightly erroneous information about what makes a comfortable rapport. 
"Nothing boring about it. In fact, I'd say you and I are very similar from this point of view." He tells you, placing the projector on the table.
"Your interest in technology and artificial intelligence is rather easy to infer." The man continues, pointing vaguely towards the opposing library. "Aside from the briefing I've already received about you, that is."
"And that is similar to...the interest in humans you've been programmed to have?" You interject, unsure where this conversation is meant to lead. 
His head turns fully towards you and you stare back into his eyes. From this distance you can finally discern the first hints of his nature: the thin disks shading the iris - possibly CCD sensors - are moving in a jagged, mechanical manner. Actively analyzing and processing the environment. 
"I wouldn't go as far as to generalize it to all humans. 
Just you."
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lulunothulu · 29 days
“So you think I’m hot?” Pt. 4 (finale?)
Tyler Owens x Reader
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Summary: A week after you’ve completely healed, you’re on your way to go chase a tornado with Kate and Javi when Tyler stops you. Seems like you’re owed something.
A/N: Imagine this is the face he makes after you guys finally kiss and Boone is hyping him up 😭 brb gonna daydream about kissing him.
It had been a week since Tyler almost kissed you in your hotel room. And every day since then, he had been coming to your room and bringing you food, changing your bandage, and just spending time with you.
The more time you spend with him, made you realize that you really liked him. You could feel yourself fall for him and you didn’t mind it.
He was sweet, funny, and thoughtful.
You told him you were craving a cookie? The next day he’d have a dozen cookies for you. You wanted to go for a walk? He’d help you walk around on your crutches—then with a cane—until you got tired and he’d carry you back to your room. He even went with you to get the stitches removed, holding your hand when you were in pain and scared.
Hell, he even helped room service change your bedsheets to keep things fresh.
Never once did he try to kiss you. And by God, did you desperately want him to.
But no, he was a perfect gentleman, waiting until the week was up—and you were back to normal.
Now, you were getting the truck ready to get some last minute data on a tornado a few miles away. You’re back to everyone, Kate and Javi talking in front of the truck.
“I told you, we should go east,” Kate tells Javi.
“Yeah but what if you’re wrong?” Javi argues.
You pop your head out of the truck and yell, “Javi, she’s never wrong! Get your head out of your ass!”
“See, this is why I missed her,” Kate smiles.
“Of course you would,” Javi starts, rolling his eyes. “You always gotta team up on me.”
“You love us!” You say.
Javi looks past you before smiling. “Not as much as the cowboy.”
You turn to see what Javi was looking at to see Tyler jogging toward you, Boone and Lilly behind him.
You close the door to the truck and cross your arms over your chest, smiling faintly.
“Well, looks like you’re all better,” Tyler smiles when he reaches you. “I wonder who was your nurse, I’d love to thank them.”
You shake your head before placing your hands on your hips. “That would be you, dumbass.”
His smile widens at the teasing name. “Oh shit, you’re right.”
“So are you guys gonna chase that tornado a few miles east?” You ask.
“We were planning on it,” he tells you.
“Tyler has to do something first!” Boone says from behind.
You raise a brow before stepping closer to Tyler, a smile forming on your lips.
“Oh? And what’s that?”
Tyler hesitates, something you’d never seen him do. He scratches the back of his neck before taking a step closer to you.
“It’s been a week,” he starts.
“Yeah?” You smile, stepping even closer.
“And you’re all healed,” he continues, also taking another step closer, making you two touch chests.
“And?” You tease, wrapping your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes.
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you as close and as tight as he can without hurting you.
“And I think we had a deal?” He says it as a question, almost daring you to say yes.
You glance over Tyler’s shoulder to find Boone and Lilly giving you the thumbs up with animated smiles. You chuckle at them before facing Tyler again. His eyes are expectant, waiting for your response.
“We did, didn’t we?” You softly agree.
Tyler nods, not wanting to say anything and holding his breath.
You pull him closer, practically a centimeter away. His breathing tickles the top of your lip, making you smile.
“So then what’re you waiting for?” You whisper, lips softly brushing his.
Tyler doesn’t answer. Instead, he presses his lips to yours, his arms wrapping around you so tightly you almost loose your breath.
His lips are soft and warm against yours. They move, searching and exploring yours and you make sure to match them. Your body is warm, it was already fairly hot out, but now? It was burning in the best way possible.
One of Tyler’s hand moves from your waist to the back of your head and you can’t help but smile into the kiss.
His tongue pushes past yours, wrestling to taste every inch of your mouth before finally settling back and enjoying the taste.
“Okay, that’s enough,” you hear Javi gag.
You and Tyler pull away, noses red and smiles plastered on your faces. You can’t stop smiling and you don’t want to either. You would kiss him for the rest of the day if you could.
“I’ll see you later?” Tyler asks breathlessly.
“Definitely,” you respond. “You know my room number.”
“I meant at the tornado sighting, but that definitely works too,” he smiles.
“Alright lover boy,” Javi says, pulling your arm before hoisting you onto his shoulders. “We gotta go get that tornado, Y/N.”
As Javi turns and walks you to the truck, you see Boone slapping and high fiving Tyler. “You finally did it my man!”
“I can’t believe you finally kissed her,” Lilly adds.
But all Tyler can do is beam at you.
He was definitely hot.
A/N: I felt like this was so short 😭 but I think I closed this out as much as I could. I have more Tyler x Reader fics coming (maybe I’ll keep the same couple? Let me know!!) Anyway, thank you for reading!! Check out my Masterlist for more! Also please feel free to leave me requests, my brain is slowly losing ideas 😂
Previous parts: PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
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Not even ours (3/3) - Lewis Hamilton
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Sequence: It comes with the territory / Hardest truth / Not even ours
This one can be read as a one-shot, but some context might be lost.
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: angst, pure angst
wordcount: +2k
a/n: Right person wrong time. It's gonna hurt, sorry.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
She hadn’t spoken to her friend in weeks, maybe months.
It wasn’t on purpose, not at first, but as time passed, she had found it easier to shut everyone out. It wasn’t personal—at least, that’s what she told herself—but somewhere along the way, she’d pushed her away, too.
Y/n sat across from her friend in the café, her fingers nervously tracing the rim of her cup, the weight of her decision hanging in the air like a storm cloud she couldn’t escape.
Her throat felt tight. Their eyes holding onto each other’s with a tenderness she hadn’t seen in so long, and it made something inside her ache.
Her friend tilted her head, watching Y/n with a careful, concerned expression. "You seem... lost," she said gently, her voice cutting through the dull hum of the café.
Y/n opened her mouth to respond but found herself swallowing the words that sat on the edge of her tongue.
Lost. Yes, that was exactly how she felt.
But how could she explain to someone else what she hadn’t even fully admitted to herself?
"Do you remember when we used to come here every week, no matter how busy we were?" her friend continued, a small smile playing on her lips. "We’d talk about everything, laugh about the dumbest things. It feels like you’ve... disappeared. Where’s my Y/n gone?"
That question.
Y/n had asked herself the same thing, in front of the mirror, in the middle of the night, and every time she forced herself to smile when she felt like falling apart.
Where had she gone?
Y/n sighed, rubbing her temples as the weight of it all pressed down on her. “I’m fine. Really.”
But her friend wasn’t buying it. “Are you? Because the Y/n I know wouldn’t let herself disappear like this.”
That hit harder than she expected.
She could feel her chest tighten, her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. And she wanted to be angry, to lash out, to defend herself—but there was no point.
Her friend wasn’t wrong.
“I’m just… going through some stuff,” she admitted, her voice sounding small even to herself.can
She reached across the table, her fingers grazing Y/n’s. “You don’t have to go through it alone. But you have to take a step back and figure out if this is really making you happy.”
Happy? She almost laughed at the word, but it caught in her throat.
When was the last time she’d even thought about that? About whether she was happy in this whirlwind she’d been caught up in?
“I…I don’t know” she whispered, the truth spilling out before she could stop it and it tasted bitter, like an admission of failure.
She looked up at her, her heart heavy. She wasn’t angry, not really, but the realization hit her like a punch to the gut.
She had been losing herself—slowly, without even noticing. And now… She wasn’t sure there was anything left to hold onto.
The other woman’s grip tightened on Y/n’s hand. “Then it’s time to figure that out.”
When she got home everything was too quiet.
Too calm, almost.
The walls felt like they were closing in on her, and she couldn’t stop the pressure building in her chest.
She needed to let it out.
Lewis was in the living room, casually flipping through sheets of data, completely unaware of the storm brewing a few steps from him.
Y/n stood in the doorway for a moment, watching him. The sight—so familiar, so calm— made something inside her snap.
“You just… you just sit there,” She blurted out, her voice shaking with the suddenness of her own words. “Like everything’s fine. Like we’re fine. How can you do that?”
He looked up, confused, the papers still in his hand. “Y/n, what—what are you talking about?”
She paced the room, her hands shaking as she tried to find the words.
But they wouldn’t come.
All she had was the overwhelming need to scream, to lash out, to do something, anything, that would make the suffocating feeling go away.
“I don’t know!” she shouted, her voice cracking. “I don’t know what I’m talking about. I don’t even know what I’m feeling anymore, Lewis. I just—”
Her throat closed up, and the rest of the words stuck, tangled in a mess of emotions she couldn’t unravel.
He stood up, his face etched with concern as he approached her slowly. “Hey, hey… come here.” He reached for Y/n, his hands gentle, trying to calm her, but it only made the frustration worse.
“No!” she jerked away, tears stinging her eyes as she pushed his arms back. “Don’t do that. Don’t try to fix this! I’m not some problem you can just solve.”
He blinked, hurt flickering across his face. “Y/n, I’m not trying to—”
“I don’t even know what you’re trying to do!” she cut him off, the words spilling out faster than she could stop them. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I feel like I’m drowning, and you—you don’t even notice.”
His brows furrowed, and he stepped closer again, this time slower, more deliberate. “I notice,” he whispered, his voice pained. “I notice every single day.”
The raw honesty in his voice broke something in her.
Her shoulders slumped, and she felt her resolve start to crumble.
He reached again, his arms wrapping around her this time, and she let him. Sagging into his chest, but it wasn’t comfort she was seeking.
Everything felt like too much. The air in the room was too thick, her skin too tight, her thoughts too loud.
She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think.
All she knew was that the ache in her chest was unbearable, and if she didn’t do something—anything—she was going to fall apart right here in front of him.
Without thinking, without pausing to consider what she was doing, Y/n surged forward, her lips crashing against his.
It wasn’t a kiss born of passion or love—it was frantic, desperate, a plea for something solid in a world that felt like it was falling apart.
She poured everything she had left into the kiss, as though if she could just hold him close enough, she could escape the storm raging inside her.
Her fingers dug into his shirt, clinging to him like he was her lifeline, the only thing keeping her from sinking.
But instead of comfort, all she felt was the growing panic that even this wasn’t enough. Not anymore.
His hands came up to cup her face, but instead of pulling her closer, he held her in place.
His lips stilled, unmoving, and when he pulled back, his eyes searched hers, a with a mix of sorrow and pity.
“Y/n, stop” he whispered, his voice firm, and the words hit her like a blow.
He was looking at her like he understood, like he knew what she was trying to do, but it only made it worse.
He knew, and still, he wouldn’t let her try and run from this.
His eyes were filled with so much hurt, so much confusion, but he held her gaze. “This isn’t what you need right now. This isn’t what we need.”
His voice wasn’t harsh, but the rejection still cut deep.
Tears filled her eyes as she stepped back, wrapping her arms around herself like she was trying to hold herself together.
But it was no use. Everything was spinning, and now she didn’t even have him to anchor her.
“You don’t know what I need.” she spat, her voice sharp and bitter, but even as the words left her mouth, she knew they weren’t true.
He knew her better than anyone, and that was the problem. He knew she was falling apart, and he wouldn’t let her use him to keep pretending everything was okay.
She wiped her mouth, feeling foolish, like she had just tried to put a Band-Aid on a wound that was too deep to heal with a kiss.
It wasn’t enough. She wasn’t enough. Not for him. Not for herself.
She couldn’t tell how long she locked herself in the bedroom for, curled up on the corner, her mind racing and heart aching.
It felt like hours when there was the knock on the door.
“Y/n?” her friend’s voice was gentle, cautious. “Let me come in.”
Y/n didn’t respond, but after a moment, she creaked the door open, and the woman stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room before landing on her trembling figure.
She couldn’t even look at her. She didn’t want her friend to see her like this—so lost, so broken. But she didn’t push. She sat down next to Y/n on the floor, the silence between them heavy.
“I didn’t know what else to do.” Y/n mumbled; her voice hoarse.
Her friend nodded, her hand finding Y/n’s and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
“I don’t know who I am anymore” Y/n choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how I got here.”
She couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears started to fall, and before she knew it, she was sobbing, the weight of everything finally crashing down on her.
The pain and confusion spilling out in waves.
Her friend rubbed her back, her touch gentle. “It’s okay to feel lost, Y/n. But you don’t have to stay lost.”
When the tears finally stopped, she stood up, giving one last reassuring look. “I’m just a call away if you need me.”
Y/n found Lewis outside in the garden, sitting on the edge of the patio, staring out into the darkness. The night air was cool, and she could hear the distant hum of traffic, as though the world beyond their little bubble had no idea it was falling apart.
“Lewis,” she called softly, stepping outside.
He turned at the sound of her voice, but didn’t rise. His face was unreadable, but his eyes—those eyes she had once found so comforting—looked tired, worn out by the weight of what neither of them wanted to say.
She swallowed hard as she walked toward him, her footsteps slow, each one more difficult than the last.
She didn’t sit down right away, just stood beside him, looking at the familiar outline of his form against the night, the way his hands rested limply in his lap, as though even they had given up.
For a moment, the silence between them felt like a chasm—an endless stretch of space that neither of them could cross.
It hung there, heavy and suffocating.
"I don’t think I can keep doing this," she choked out, the tears she had been holding back from him finally breaking free.
Her voice was raw, each word scraping painfully out of her like she was admitting to a failure she didn’t want to face.
His hand stilled and the night went quiet, the silence deafening.
She could feel his breath hitching, the weight of her words sinking in. His face was stricken, heartbreak written in every line of his expression.
He stood slowly, his brows furrowing as he took in her words, as if he hadn’t really heard her. "Y/n—"
“I can’t keep doing this,” she interrupted, her hands shaking. “What happened earlier, that’s not who I am. It’s not who I want to be. And you don’t deserve someone who can’t keep up, who’s falling apart.”
She took a breath, trying to steady herself, but it wasn’t working. The truth was out, and it hurt so much more than she thought it would.
Lewis stepped toward her, his arms reaching out as if to steady her, to hold onto her, but she shook her head. “Don’t,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “Please don’t.”
The look in his eyes almost undid her.
He was breaking, too. She could see it—how much this hurt him, how much he was holding back.
For a moment, neither of them moved. They just stood there, staring at each other, neither wanting to be the first to walk away.
“You deserve better,” she whispered, her voice cracking. "I’ve lost myself, Lewis. I’m not me anymore, and I don’t know how to find my way back. I love you so much, but I can’t keep drowning like this."
He let out a shaky breath, his jaw clenching as he fought to keep his emotions in check.
His hand twitched at his side, like he wanted to reach for her but didn’t trust himself to move. “I noticed” he whispered finally. “I noticed every single day.”
His voice broke, and Y/n could see the raw pain in his eyes—the realization that this wasn’t something he could fix now.
His hand then found her cheek, his thumb brushing away the tears that wouldn’t stop falling.
She leaned into his touch, savoring it, knowing this was the last time she’d feel it.
And she closed her eyes, the memories of their life together flashing before her—the way he used to laugh when she teased him about his messy habits, the late-night conversations that seemed to go on forever.
They had built so much together, but somewhere along the way, she had lost herself and their lives with it.
“This… this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “But no love is worth losing my sanity over. Not even ours.”
His breath hitched, and Y/n could feel the conflict in him—the pain of wanting to hold on but knowing he couldn’t.
"I don’t want to lose you" he whispered; his voice thick. "But I can’t see you like that, Y/n..."
Her heart shattered at his words. She reached for him, her fingers brushing against his skin, warm and familiar, and it took everything in her not to pull him into her arms and never let go.
"I love you too much to keep pretending everything’s okay,” she said softly. “I’m falling apart, and it’s not fair to you.”
He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers, his breath shaky. “I don’t want to let you go” he whispered, his voice so broken it made her chest ache.
Tears spilled freely down her face as she shook her head, her fingers gently caressing his cheek. "I know," she whispered. "I don’t want to go either. But I can’t stay. Not like this."
He swallowed hard, his other hand guiding her chin so she was looking into his eyes.
The way he looked at her—the way his eyes, brimming with unshed tears, locked onto her—was like he was seeing Y/n for the first and the last time all at once.
"I’ll miss you" he breathed as he embraced her, the soft tremor in his voice shaking her.
"I’ll miss you too" she whispered, the words tasting like ashes on her tongue.
She tried to keep herself together, but the cracks in her heart were spreading, deepening, until she could barely breathe.
"I wish..." he breathed into her hair, his voice thick with emotion, but then he stopped, his words dying in the air.
"I know" she whispered, her heart breaking all over again.
There were so many things they wished for, so many things they wanted, but none of them mattered now. And they both knew it.
The quiet that settled between them was full of everything they couldn’t say, everything they were too afraid of.
She wanted to tell him that she wished things were different, that she wished she was stronger. but she couldn’t.
All she could do was hope that this wouldn’t hurt as much in a few weeks. But deep down, she knew it would.
Tears welled up in her eyes for the last time when she stepped away from him for the last time "I need you to know it’s not your fault, Lewis. You’ve been nothing but amazing."
His thumb brushed over the arm he could reach, almost as if he was drawing comfort from the motion. "It doesn’t make it easier, though, does it?"
She shook her head. "No. It doesn’t."
She wanted to stay like this forever, to keep holding on to him, but she knew she shouldn’t. They had already decided this was the end, and dragging it out would only make it hurt more.
"I should go" she whispered, voice cracking.
"I know" he replied, though the words felt like daggers.
She wanted to beg for him to get her to stay, but that wouldn’t be fair.
He shifted slightly, untangling their fingers, and the loss of that connection made her heart stutter.
She watched as he slowly backed away, his eyes still locked on her, like he was trying to memorize every detail of her face before it was too late.
As she turned to leave, her steps felt heavy, each one more painful than the last. She glanced over her shoulder, catching one final glimpse of him—standing there, watching her with that sad, broken smile.
He looked back, his eyes heavy with pain, and for a brief moment, she thought he might say something more, something to make this easier.
But he didn’t.
And then she was gone.
She had never felt so hollow, so empty. She had never known that love could hurt this much.
But now she did.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj @bebesobrielo
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rallentando1011 · 8 months
hey so can I get a scenario with rottmnt Donnie where he keeps stealing his lovers purple stuff, he notices them not having purple stuff around anymore and one day they are like “yea so I don’t buy purple anymore. Too much stuff is disappearing. Hmmm I wonder where it keeps vanishing too? “ and they give him a knowing smirk?
Purple Habits Die Hard (rise Donnie x gn Reader)
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(Hello! Thank you very much for the requests-I am really enjoying them and promise I’m working through them-
I am open to more requests, guidelines are HERE, and I’m not saying that I specifically would like writing some Donatello angst but yes I absolutely would-
Either way, I hope y’all enjoy!)
Word Count: 1082
You didn’t love him anymore. 
That was the only logical conclusion Donnie could reach.
Was he grasping at straws with that hypothesis? Likely. But the fact that there were even straws to grasp in the first place was enough to raise his suspicion.
Data point 1: You hadn’t worn purple in weeks. Not really a commitment, definitely not a symbol of possession, wearing his color was just a symbol that he was in your thoughts. The lack of that implied that he wasn’t plaguing your mind like you did his. At least, that’s what he picked up from it.
Data point 2: You barely invited him to hang out anymore. The last few times you two had seen each other had all been initiated by him, three to be exact, and all of those instances had occurred at the lair. Not your residence, not some fun locale, the lair.
Data point 3: …
Well, to be completely honest, he only had the two. However, how unscientific or illogical his hypothesis was mattered not. 
Something was awry.
And he was going to get to the bottom of it.
A text message drew Donnie out of his downward spiral line of reasoning.It was from you, alleging that you were almost to the lair.
Right. He had been so busy plotting and scheming that he nearly forgot the subject of such endeavors, and that he had invited you over for investigation and/or confrontation.
He needed to get ready.
He tugged off the lavender sweatshirt he’d taken from your place a couple of months ago, the chain of your stolen lilac bracelet jangling as he did so.
Oh yeah. He should probably take that off, too.
He didn’t want to seem like a kleptomaniac.
He barely had time to chuck the articles into the deep recesses of his lab and act like he was busy working on some project before you knocked and entered the room.
“Heya, D.” You plopped down on the desk chair adjacent to his seat and spun around once.
His answer was a disinterested hum.
You summed it up as him being busy and started scrolling on your phone before he spoke up.
“My, what an opulent blue shirt you have on.”
That was an odd comment, and were those hints of disdain in his voice? You continued on anyway. “Uhhh, thanks? It’s just a graphic tee, though..?”
“Oh, don’t undersell it. It’s rather nice.”
“...Okay then.”
You weren’t following. He grew frustrated.
“Yes, it is grand, but would it not look in another, similarly shaded cool color?” He prompted.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
His eye twitched. You grinned.
You tilted your chair in his direction, tone lightly teasing. You two indulged in some lighthearted banter here and there, and that’s what you thought that was. “What, are you saying it’d look better in purple? Your color?”
“I’m not saying that I interpret the colors of your clothing symbolically, but yes, I do. You haven’t been wearing any of your purple articles recently, you barely invite me over anymore. You can just admit you don’t enjoy my company.” When his gaze fled to the ground, you realized that he was serious about this.
“Donatello…” you started, dipping your neck down so you could make eye contact. “That is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever said. The reason I haven’t been wearing purple is because I don’t have any purple to wear. Something or someone keeps taking all of it. And, coincidentally, more goes missing every time you come over. That’s why I’ve been hanging out here instead.”
Donnie’s mouth was agape. The thought that he was the one causing his own problems hadn’t crossed his mind. Genuinely, thinking about it, it made a lot of sense. The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself was really ringing true. But he couldn’t let his scientific validity and his dignity die in the same endeavor, so he took the next logical step. Lie.
The softshell swallowed before uncertainly droning, “I haven’t the slightest clue as to what you are implying.”
“I think you’re definitely smart enough to ascertain my implications. And you’re way past smart enough to know that I still love spending time with you even though I’m not wearing a specific color anymore.”
Donnie blinked. Oh. So, you two were cool, and he was actually just being melodramatic. He was still trying to figure out if that was worse than you being sick of him. It probably was. Probably… 
However, he couldn’t dwell on that long. Something you said piqued his interest. The thing about the color of your clothing not holding any symbolic weight.
Expression growing subtly smug with the quirk of an eyebrow, he called your bluff. “If you are taking into account my intelligence, then should you not also observe that I am smart enough to discern the correlation between the formation of our partnership and you coming into possession of more purple attire?”
You blinked before countering with a smirk. “How would you know that I bought more purple clothes if I haven’t been able to wear them?”
Oh, Schrödinger. The only way that he would know, and the reason he did know, was because he had taken them
Regrettably, he mumbled. “... I plead the fifth.”
“Oh no you don’t. Public interest takes precedence over your individual rights, sir. Get subpoenaed, sucker!” You perked up in your seat and pointed an accusatory index finger at the man. “Where are my things?”
He crossed his arms.“You have no definitive proof that it was me. Your argument is circumstantial, at best. Good luck defending that in a court of law.”
Your excitement deflated. “Fine, fine. I suppose I must continue on without wearing purple, our color, forever.”
You batted your eyelashes sadly. It was a cheap tactic, but you weren’t afraid to stoop if it meant you could get your regular Donnie- you meant, wardrobe back. Yeah, you missed your clothes, but you missed having him over more. Probably.
It only took a couple more seconds for him to crack. “Sigh… Hey, completely unrelated segue, but could I come over tomorrow?”
“Suspicious timing, but I’ll allow it.”
“This meeting is adjourned.”
Somehow, by some otherworldly force/the magic of guilt tripping, your violet sweatshirts, t-shirts, accessories, gradually began showing up as the weeks went on.
By the same mysterious impetus, their return coincidentally synchronized with Donnie coming over.
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666anxiety666 · 13 days
Tickly fishy
LEE: Sebastian LER: Y/N
Warnings: none :)
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Today was surprisingly calm. You had spent most of your time inside Sebastians shop. You've been down here with Sebastian for a good few months now, and honestly, you wouldn't change a thing.
You had helped Sebastian all day with data and snatching more things for his shop. After what felt like forever doing non-stop work, Sebastian lay down with a loud thud.
Sebastian didn't say anything, only dragging you down with him and curling his massive body around you.
Was all Sebastian groaned out. He was clearly drained and tired. You smiled softly at him, patting your lap, inviting him to rest on it. Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"What? No way! What do you take me fo-!"
But you relented. You cupped his face, dragging it down onto your lap comfortably. Sebastian went to protest but instantly found comfort in your lap.
"Jeez, you're warm..."
Sebastian mumbled into your leg as he nuzzled into it, wrapping two of his arms around your waist. You chuckled softly, reaching up to pet his long, silky hair. Sebastian hummed with contentment.
"That actually feels nice..."
Sebastian mumbled as his eyes drooped a little. You smiled, continuing the action. Gently running your fingers through Sebastians hair and playing with it.
Sebastian closed his eyes, nuzzling into your leg more. You smiled, glad to see him relax for once. This was a completely different Sebastian you knew from months ago, that's for sure. Not that you were complaining.
As you continued petting him, you moved your hands down to his ears, gently scratching behind them. As you did so however, Sebastian jumped a little. At first, you pulled your hands away, worried you made him uncomfortable. But instead, you saw his flushed face.
"D-Dont do that..."
Sebastian stammered, clearly trying to hide how it really felt. You smiled, nodding your head. But in your mind, there was no way you were let this go.
As Sebastian got comfortable again, your hands strayed from his hair to his ears once more. You gently started to scratch behind them. You could see Sebastian's face scrunch up as he tried to hold back his laughter.
"I-I said stop that, you idiot..!"
Sebastian stuttered. But the longer you kept up the scratches, the more his resolve broke. Soon, your eyes lit up when you heard his giggles.
"H-Hey! Noho- come ohohon!"
Sebastian squeaked out. His hands latching onto your wrists, but he didn't pull your hands away. His tail started to wag slightly and your eyes lit up more at the sight.
You kept up the scratches, even using your thumbs to rub the fronts of his fish like ears, only for him to yelp and giggle more.
"C-Cohome on, buhuhuddy! T-This ihihisnt funny!"
But you digress. You giggled with him, cooing at how cute his giggles were. You couldn't tell if his face was red because of your teasing or the tickles themselves.
One hand strayed down to his neck, gently scratching at the gills there. Sebastian yelped in surprise. He buried his face in your lap to muffle the barrage of laughter.
"Hey! No! Nohoho! Not theheHEHERE!"
Sebastians laughter rose, now filling the shop. He didn't even move away either, which you thought was endearing. You kept up the gently scratches at his gills, but the fingers that were scratching behind his ears soon trailed down to Sebastian's armpits.
Sebastian squealed. He actually squealed.
You giggled at his reaction, only keeping it up for a few more seconds before pulling away. Sebastian huffed, catching his breath.
"T-That... was horrible..."
Sebastian grumbled, but he was still yet to move his head from your lap. You giggled once more, petting his hair like before. Sebastian eventually calmed down. Nuzzling and even purring in your lap.
"You know, Y/N..."
Sebastian started. You raised an eyebrow, wondering what his next words would be. Sebastian grinned.
"I'm always one for revenge..~"
Before you could even get a word in, Sebastian had already started squeezing your hip. Causing you to squeal. The shop filling with laughter once more...
A little short one for yall, but I hope you like it! (Also, send me requests if you want, I'm running out of ideas here 😭🙏)
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toastyrobos · 6 months
**Oh what a simple dress can do***
Tech X Female reader
Word count: 4.4 K
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((After seeing you in that stunning dress, Tech admits that he can't deny his feelings anymore nor stay away from you. He wants you and makes his Intentions known))
⚠️Warnings: NSFW, smut, fem receiving, fingering, P in V, sweet talking⚠️
The mission on Canto Bight ended up being a bit more then you originally bargained for. Especially the multiple men that had taken it upon themselves to flirt with you, like it was their right to. Even after you repeatedly told them a firm no. Thankfully a blaster pointed at them fixed the issue pretty quick.
Everything went about as smooth as most missions with clone force 99 usually did. In that it didn't. Fortunately you got what you came for. Meaning you could finally lose the way too reveling dress. Looking at yourself in the mirror one last you couldn't help but admire it. You had forgotten that you even had this one. Not sure where or when you bought or acquired it, but it was beautiful, Stunningly so.
Weirdly enough you had to admit, a deep scarlet red seemed to be your color.
Standing just outside your door, finger hovering over the open and close button, Tech was thinking the exact same thing.
The rich scarlet color was most certainly indeed your color. Your ideal shade in fact. Maker how it brought out the electric blues in your eyes. The way it clung to your figure, hugging every curve of your frame so perfectly.
The very second you stepped into the cockpit his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His throat immediately drying up.
All coherent thoughts from his mind disappearing the moment he saw you. It was as if time stood still. Everything ceased to exist but you. All he could see or think about in that very instant was you. You had robbed him of all meaning, leaving him completely breathless.
Keeping a calm and clear head, especially during a mission was a factor of his programming. He was modified specifically to be an individual of logic and facts. Data being his constant companion. Yet, when it came to you everything he knew seemed to dissipate. As if it no longer existed the very minute he laid eyes upon you.
It was no secret to him that he had been harboring these...types of feelings towards you for quite some time. Being a man of science he tried to rationalize it. Find a more accurate solution to why he was experiencing such powerful, dominating emotions.
The only conclusion he could decipher was that he had true passionate feelings for you, and that he needed to tell you. The desire to so was very overwhelming. So much so that the second he saw you in that dress, Kriff, he wanted to devour you. Not just connect his lips to yours, but much more.
His imagination ran wild. Wilder than it should've gone. He had not realized that it could even reach such a point.
It both unnerved and excited him.
Never had he experienced such impulsive thoughts like that before. Especially not about you. Yes he wanted to feel your lips against his. But this?
He had been researching it for quite some time. About how one went about initiating such an action. But now he wanted to touch you in ways that went beyond simple affection.
He was somewhat familiar with intimate escapades and how such actions were preformed. Not only had his brothers disclosed details of their said 'adventures', but numerous late night research sessions had also yielded successful results.
Now the only quarrel was telling you. He had no desire to force himself upon you. He was not that kind of man at all. And frankly he despised any man or individual who was.
If you rejected him then so be it. He would continue your friendship as if nothing had changed and cage his feelings away for no one to see again.
But if you did feel the same way, he was not confident he'd be able to leave without putting his new found knowledge to the use.
Knocking at your door startled you. Having no idea who would be outside your room at this hour you pressed the bottom to find out.
    "Tech?" Surprised to find him standing outside your room of all places. It wasn't unusual for him to frequent the cockpit at night, but here?
That was a first.
Again you addressed him. "What are doing here?"
Already aware of his eyes on you the minute the sheet of metal was gone between you two. It wasn't the first time his gaze had followed you around. This evening especially.
Somewhere deep inside you, you had hoped there was a certain reason behind it, an explanation for why they would linger. However you wouldn't get your hopes up. Not today. Not again.
    "I do not mean to disturb you, but may I come in?" He requested. "It is most urgent".
Whatever it was seemed important. Taking this dress off would have to wait. "Yes of course".
You ushered him in, moving yourself out of the way to allow him room to enter. Then shut the door behind him. You'd be lying if a small part of you didn't hope that Tech's sudden visit would be to tell you that he cared for you.
Tucked away deep inside, you too had harbored romantic feelings for him. From the first mission you were assigned to clone force 99, you felt pulled to him. Something about his aura and person drew you in. From that point on every opportunity you got to spend alone with him was invigorating.
Right now in this moment, the two of you alone in your room, was no exception. The way he was looking at you, staring at you, the way his gaze glided across your skin. Maker. It was anything but rational.
To be honest you liked it. Anytime a more impulsive Tech made an appearance, even for the briefest of moments, it excited you. Made your insides tingle.
As luck would have it , a more impulsive Tech was here. And he was ready to play. If given the opportunity. But first he needed to lay everything out in the open. Make his true intentions known, and await for your answer.
But yet again that dress stopped him in his tracks. The power it had over him and his...urges. Desires. Even without it you were a stunning individual. Mind, body and soul. But in it...may the force help him. You were a goddess, and he was bewitched entirely.
Taking a deep breath Tech began, "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable (Y/N). That is never my intention".
You nodded, "I know and you never do, Tech".
Air filled his lungs as he felt his own body heating up from just being in the same room as you, in that dress.
His desires were curling and twisting into every crevice of his body. Such unusual emotions for him to even entertain. Nonetheless have. He wanted to kiss you. Touch you. Show to you all that he'd learned. Give you a passionate escape. All of it. He wanted all of it.
But most of all.
He wanted you.
Maker he wanted you so badly. It was like he was being burned alive from the inside out every second that passed without telling you. He had never experienced such a desperate, demanding feeling before. Some how it did not feel foreign, strangely enough.
In fact he found it to be rather enjoyable. The way you made him feel.
It was now or never.
"I must confess to you that I have come here with an ulterior motive. That is I do not wish to alarm you.."
You could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he moved, step by step closer to you. Closing the distance between your bodies inch by inch. You stood your ground. Not afraid of what was happening.
Until your bare back was pressed up against the edge of your desk. His frame hovering over you, you were starting to realize the gravity of the situation.
"There is an undeniably strong romantic attraction that I feel for you (Y/N)".
His voice was barley a whisper. But it held power. And it had you. Goosebumps spread across your skin, lips parted, your breath caught in your throat. You opened your mouth to speak, but found only silence greeted you.
"It has been excruciatingly difficult to keep my distance from you for the sake of our missions for the Galactic Army of the Republic and your responsibilities as a Senator. However after this very evening....". He stared deep into your eyes. "Seeing you in this breathtaking ensemble, I could deny my feelings towards you no longer".
You remind in shock. You had hoped, even if it was fleeting, but you never had thought he actually would care for you. And so strongly.
He took another breath. "Nor can I deny that I want you (Y/N). In ways that I know I should not want you for it is against everything that I was programmed to be and my duties as a solider". He exclaimed. "As well as your duties as a Senator. I do not mean to overstep my boundaries". Seeing as you had not yet responded, he back pedaled slightly.
"I know this must be overwhelming, the amount of data I have unexpectedly sprung on you at this late hour, but I—I do not mean to unease you nor did I intend to upset you. I do not mean to pressure you into accepting my advances, if they are not reciprocated or if in fact they are unwarranted".
The air surrounding you both was becoming alive. Pulsating. Electrically charged by his forward advances.
You swallowed. "My only intention at this very moment is to disclose to you how you make me feel. Anything beyond that—it is your decision if you wish for me to continue. If you do not I will respect your answer and will simply return our relationship to what it was before this...conversation".
Again your repeated silence concerned him. Had he crossed a line that he could never mend? Had his speech patterns and wording been all wrong?
He wondered, maybe he should have kept this sort of inconvenience to himself, if this was your desired reaction.
"It would seem that I have made things uncomfortable for you. Very well, I will leave you". He started to back away from your close proximity. "I am truly sorry to have incon—"
"Don't go". Before he could move any further from you, you reached out to grip his hand. Stopping him in place. "Please". You spoke.
You couldn't deny that his words had caught you off guard, but oh how they affected you. Your body felt like it was prickling with heat, the skin beneath your, suddenly all too revealing, dress in particular.
Nothing physically had happened, and yet you sensed your body being awakened by his advances. A large degree of it caused by his carefully crafted words. It was undeniable now.
He wanted you.
He really wanted you.
To be with you. To kiss you. To hold you. To...touch you in those ways. It didn't scare you. No. In fact, in some strange way you felt braver. Under his gaze you didn't back away. Instead you embraced it.
You cared for Tech deeply, as deeply as you were now sure he cared for you. There was no reason to be afraid. Not with Tech. No reason to shy away from him now.
Tech would never intentionally hurt you. He had made that clear in the ways he would protect you. Not just on missions you accompanied them, but in his words, in the way he spoke to and about you.
Thus you trusted him fully. Beyond a shred of any doubt.
Tech returned to his previous position, his chest plate nearly touching your tantalizingly exposed skin.
"Are you certain?" He questioned you, so sure you'd come to your senses at once and immediately reject him. You however did not. Instead to his surprise you nodded. Yes you were sure, you wanted this, wanted him.
Maybe it was rash to jump straight into this, but maker the sensations pooling in your lower stomach spoke otherwise. You were now eager for him to reach out and touch you. The anticipation for him to do so building with each passing minute.
"Yes, Tech". You confidently stated. "I want this". He took one last step towards you. "I want you". This time your voice was barely above a whisper. To anyone it sounded like you were scared. To Tech, however it was an open and vulnerable invitation.
The peaks of your breast brushed up against his chest. By the maker. He welded his eyes to not glance down.
He scanned your features for any signs that you had changed your mind. That you no longer wished to engage in such fantasies, but he found none. Nothing that would signal to him a change in your choice, now made.
Unequivocally as he was that he wanted you, you in return had expressed that you wanted him, in that way. Meaning that he could ravish you in the ways both you and he wanted.
You saw the flicker of something hungry flash behind his goggles, making you sit up straighter and grip the edge of the desk firmer.
Wasting not a moment more, Tech latched his hands onto each side of your waist with vigor and hauled you up onto the surface of your desk. Even more heated desires began to seep its way into your skin, pooling especially between your legs.
Maker you wanted more of this feeling, this sensation. You met his burning gaze, and he was absolutely going indulge you, both of you. It would be his greatest pleasure to do so.
Opening your mouth to speak, you found yourself being cut off by the warmth of Tech's lips crashing upon yours.
Upon instinct you wrapped your arms around his neck, gripping at the small tuffs of hair that resided just under his goggles strap.
Heavens, he tasted so sweet. Like freshly squeezed nectar. And cinnamon. You could detect hints of it throughout and was it delicious. But there was also a bitterness flavor. Perhaps the remnants from his coffee consumption. Though you paid it no mind. As delicious as you found him, he equally found kissing you intoxicating.
It was so invigorating with the force that he kissed you. How his lips molded with yours. Like they somehow fit together.
And the way you tasted. He alone was captivated by your flavor. How his neurons lite up like the thousands of lights on Coruscant, stimulated beyond comparison.
Tech trailed one hand down side of your leg and under the dress that sent him into a frenzy. Reaching his intended target, he hooked his gloveless finger around the edge of your panties.
Oh stars above.
But that was not where he intended to stop. Oh no. He had other plans in mind at current. Catching on to his true task your eyes widened before your mouth pulled from his, head immediately falling back.
A cry fell from your lips as two of his fingers attacked your clit. Twirling and twisting around at your entrance, teasing your folds with every touch. Every flicker they inflicted upon your very soul, emitted such sounds from you.
You gasped out his name, your body writhing and shaking the instant he dipped his fingers inside of you. Oh by the force. The way he worked you as soon as he made contact with your walls, touching and feeling every surface he could glide them across. Naturally you bucked against them.
"Tech.." you moaned.
He smirked at the response he alone could elicit from you. "You look absolutely enticing right now, my dear". He purred, joining another finger in his pursuit.
You bit down on your lip, shivers running down your back while your entire body was burning, a raging inferno quickly consuming you, caused by his own hands.
True to his words he knew exactly how to delight you. Take you to new highs and make all coherent thoughts vanish, sending vibration after vibration reverberating throughout your being.
You were positively certain he could bring you to your knees with a simple touch. At this very moment you felt it.
"Oh gods..". You tried to bring a hand up to muffle your cries, but Tech reached for it instead, shaking his head.
"I'm afraid not my dear". He whispered in your ear. "I want to hear you cry out my name. And my name alone". His low, but deep toned demand made a wave of pleasure wash over your trembling body.
You continued to ride his fingers as they took you higher and higher to places you had not thought possible. Euphoric sensations building within you, exploding into every nerve with each pass of his fingers.
He watched as his sudden movements shook your legs, your body trembling simply from his slender fingers alone. If this messily action alone could stir such a reaction from you...stars above what would other ones elicit from you?
He wanted to test out that hypothesis. Exponentially so.
For now, he could sense your sweet release was near its end. Your walls swelling and convulsing around his slender digits, the tremors he felt. It was building.
Wanting to help you along, he quickened his motions and maker the noises it pulled from you. He could feel his own member pulsing, clearly being affected by them too.
Pleasure and ecstasy twisted low in your stomach, reaching its boiling point. Tech doing all he could to push you over the edge with each strike. Fingers still deep inside forced a high pitch moan to escape your lungs.
"That's it". He cooed.
Like a tidal wave, your release hit. Pleasure swarming every inch of you. Stars closing in on your vision while he took one last swipe of your insides, hot and sweet liquid coating his fingers.
Not being able to hold yourself up, you collapsed into him. Your head coming to rest in the crock of his neck. Small tremors of pleasure rocketed inside you still. Your legs feeling the full extent of what had just happened. Your mind slowly catching up to what had just occurred between you and the team's technology support member.
And he was not yet finished with you. You became aware of it when he hiked up your dress to around your waist, exposing your throbbing core for his eyes alone to see. A light shade of pink painted your cheeks. As you were witnessed to what he was doing next, however, they deepened to a shade of red. You swallowed the nerves building inside as you stared at him.
"I-I—maker Tech that..". You needed a moment to catch your breath, your body still feeling the effects of being pushed over the edge.
He nodded in agreement. "I-I concur". You breathed. "Your...exquisite". He placed a piece of your hair behind your ear, while admiring how beautifully a mess you looked from his delightful actions.
"Thank you". You replied with a chuckle, bracing against his body. You could feel his hands grip your hips with a purpose. You knew what was coming next. What he wanted to explore in.
"You wish to continue?"
Tech sighed, a bit abrasive. "You are correct. This evening has become a desirable one that I do not wish to leave without fully satisfying you-"
A light laugh left your mouth. "Tech, you have more then satisfied me tonight". You took in another inhale followed by an exhale.
"But I'll be honest, I won't say no to another...theory that you want to test out". You bit down on your bottom lip. Tech watched this and acted.
Once again you found his lips on yours. You smiled against his mouth as his fumbled with his tool belt. You knew what was coming. It was the next inevitable step, after what just transpired between you two, you were certainly ready for it.
Lining himself up, he slid in slowly, inch by inch. From the sheer size of him you parted your lips, gasping into Tech's mouth. The feel of his member inside you, filling you up made your vision grow fuzzy. Your body was already on the brink of exhaustion from his earlier escapades.
Now however, your body was coming alive, even more so then before. The exploration this time around by him was extraordinarily.
"Your perfection (Y/N)" He gasped into your ear as he glided back inside you. It was strange to blush at such a thing, when considering he was deep inside you at this very moment.
You quaked with every thrust he pushed into you, sending ripples of shook waves throughout your body. You didn't know how long you would last with his powerful movements. And this wasn't even him going all the way.
He was restless in his pursuit to take you. To have you crying out his name and his name alone. The allure of your delectable noises made him quake as he pumped deeper and deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot by how wild the sounds you were making.
Your moans of pure bliss and pleasure were beginning to tip him past his own point of release.
To Tech, he loved how vocal you were to his advances. It was a sound that was like music to his ears. And re-enforced that his research had greatly been worthwhile. For both of you.
The friction between your legs from his insatiable hunger lite your body aflame. Heated the blood in your veins. As it did to him. You craved to have your release. Just as he did mere minutes ago.
"I want to claim you as mine". He panted in your ear. "If you will allow me.."
It was a request. One that you always had a choice when it came to Tech. He never forced anything upon you. Even things you secretly wanted.
And this...you wanted, it was no secret, at least not anymore. You could feel yourself slipping more and more, giving into his ferocious control, losing yourself in him, and you liked it.
"Yes". You panted. "Yes Tech. Make me yours".
That was all the confirmation he needed. Your second release of the night nearing and his own bubbling to the surface, he pounded into you, keeping a steady rhythm.
Your walls convulsed against his member, making his own muscles quake with each thrust he pushed into you. The bucking of your hips into him sent the both of you into a frenzy.
In which caused his motions to pick up in pace. Waves of euphoric bliss and ecstasy washed over your being, making you savor each touch of him, every thrust he gifted you with.
"Oh god...". You braced your back, arching it against the wall. "Tech...please". You begged him.
He licked his lips. "Your appearance is truly ravishing at this moment".
"You taste divine". The deep low rumble in which he spoke made your body tremble.
Cracks in the facade were starting to become more frequent and you could feel yourself losing control. Inch by inch, the glass was becoming more and more unstable. And with one last powerful thrust everything shattered.
A second tidal wave of hot molten liquid poured out of you. Your legs shook at how powerful this release had been. Stars scattered across your visions as your body collapsed once again into Tech's.
Within seconds of yours, you felt Tech's coat the inside of your walls. Something about being his entirety gave you butterflies. Beats of sweat trailing down both of your foreheads as you, again, rested your head in the crock of his neck.
Like you, Tech was left panting. His own release overwhelming his senses. Not that he gave it much attention. He had been stimulated to such a desirable evening that would no doubt occupy every facet of his brilliant mind for the next several rotations.
Perhaps even longer, given how much he thought about you when nothing of the physical nature had occurred.
Now that it had, it suddenly dawned on him that he would not be able to go a substantial amount of time without...taking you in similar ways that he had tonight.
You took up residency in his mind before this delightful entanglement, but now he hypothesized that you and your scent would linger on him. Haunt his entire being.
Tech was not an obsessive individual, or so he had previously concluded. Now...now he couldn't draw that same conclusion. Especially with you in his embrace, clinging to him, your body molded to his.
"I've come to the conclusion that I will not be to stay away from you...from this..for a substantial amount of time". Tech informed you, placing a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade.
You shook your head, fully understanding his words. "Then don't". You breathed.
You met his eyes. "I-I told you Tech, I wanted this. Wanted you. And I meant it".
Reaching forward, holding your gaze and tilting your chin up, he smiled. "Then I am to assume I am allowed to seek you out, so long as both of us are not otherwise engaged?"
"Yes". You answered without hesitation, smiling. "Yes you are".
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winniethewife · 5 months
Are you with me? (Commander Wolffe x F!Reader)
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Gif by @starwarscolors
Words: 1135
Warnings: Mild Spoilers for The Bad Batch season 3.
Wolffe paced the room a few times. He couldn’t get the idea out of his head. Rex was alive, he was fighting against the empire, and so were other clones. He hadn’t even considered it. Rex’s voice echoed in his mind. “As your brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing.”
What is the right thing? The right thing…He needed to get out, he needs to leave. He starts to look around, fearful for a second as if someone could read his mind, but there was no one else in sight. Wolffe sighed, he knew he needed to leave, but he knew he couldn’t yet, not without her. He had to find her, convince her to leave with him. If he asked, she would go…Right? He needed to know.
He made his way to her sector of the base. Hoping he would be able to pull her aside. He thought about how they had met, when she was working with the republic as a intelligence officer, she had intercepted separatist transmissions and decoded them, but now that she worked for the empire she was practically s secretary, but working for the empire was the only way they could stay close, so she had continued the work. He thinks about the long nights they used to talk for hours about life after the war, this was not at all what they had imagined. There was no home in a nice town on her home planet, there were no small feet pattering around. How had he lost sight of those things so quickly? As he approached her desk he couldn’t help but feel the reality of their lives crashing down on him. The way she looked, the light in her eyes had faded away. The way she didn’t look out the window day dreaming as he walked up to her, she was focused on the data pad in front of her. He cleared his throat and she looked up, a slight smile on her face.
“Commander, how can I help you?” Her professional tone sounded wrong to him. Wolffe was beginning to realize how wrong it all was.
“Can we talk? Alone.” He said with urgency, her brow furrowed and she stood from her desk to follow him. He walked with her at a brisk pace to an alcove where he hoped they wouldn’t be noticed. He grabs her waist and pulls her into a close embrace. She gasps, this was unexpected, as they had not been very close as of late, since joining the empire, before she could ask what was happening she felt the cold wall on her back and his hot breath on her ear as he whispered to her. “I’m getting us out of here. I am so sorry I didn’t see it sooner, how wrong this is, how unhappy you are here. You deserve better, you deserve the best in the galaxy and you aren’t going to find that here, I realize this now. Cyar’ika, I’m…I’m so sorry.” He feels like these word are barely enough. Her heart flutters, this is exactly what she had dreamed of, but had given up on long ago. She leans in gently to kiss his cheek and whisper back.
“Let’s run, run far and fast away from all this, we’ll run so fast and far they’ll never see it coming.” She looks into his eyes, and he sees just the beginnings of a glimmer of the light that he had loved so much. He smiles at her, laughing softly.
“You know there’s no looking back, after this, are you sure?’ He asked as he reaches to gently caress her face.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything, just you and me. No one to stop us or tell us what to do.” She lets her face rest in his hand, gazing wistfully at him. He knew then for sure, that this was the only way to go. It was the two of them, and no one else. He pressed his lips to hers, feverishly needing that moment of closeness, the taste of her on his lips. It gave him the courage, his path seemed more clear than it had in a very long time. Wolffe knew just who to call. The face that had been haunting him, His brother. It was time to do the right thing. As he pulled away from the kiss he locked eyes with her for a moment before releasing her from his grasp. He took a step away, she straightened herself.
“Wait for my signal, and we’ll run.” He says softly. As he starts to walk away he looks back over his shoulder to see her smiling at him. She shakes her head.
“Don’t look back, Don't ever look back.” She says firmly.
After that day they never did. Rex was more than happy to arrange transport to get the both of them out of there. It was all going to plan, his hand wrapped around hers as they made it through the forest, trying to make it to the rendezvous point before they were noticed. Wolffe felt like his heart wouldn’t settle. Every mission, every success, every failure, it all came down to this. His nerves sky rocketed as he heard as sound far behind them, he didn’t look back, just held her hand tighter as they moved even faster through the trees. The darkness of the night covered their escape, their only hope to get away. She held his hand tightly as they took the unfamiliar path to the cliffside. She felt her heart in her throat as she could see the trees thin out ahead, they were almost there. Almost free. Just as the rocky ridge came into view so did a ship, and a familiar figure, in the darkness they were almost impossible to see, but Wolffe knew.
“Rex, thank the maker.” Wolffe said relived as they walked up to him. Rex threw his arms around the two of them for a brief moment before ushering them onto the shuttle. As they sat down and the ship flew out of view of the imperial base a sense of relief washed over them.
“Its good to see you both, especially given the last time we saw each other.” Rex chuckled. He looked at Wolffe. “I’m glad to see you found the right path.”
“I wouldn’t have without you, something I’m sure we’re both thankful for” He says wrapping his arm around her. She leaned into him as the two brothers continued to talk, for the first time, in a long time, they were together, and they were safe. As she started to drift to sleep she felt Wolffe pull her in closer and kiss the top of her head.
“Just You and Me, from here on out.”
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
Hi!! How have you been? Hopefully things are going smoothly on your end <3
Redeemed! Scourge being jealous 👀✨ the healthy kind of jelly since he's now redeemed <3 idea is it could be ANY characters you want and reader bonding, Scourge might feel a little awkward to interrupt but also slightly tempted?? ( Say he's trying to be better ) So he's just kinda debating what to do, prob leave them alone out of respect but acts slightly grumpy throughout the day, whatever happens next is up to you!
Ty and good luck <3
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Jealous, Jealous Boy
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Note || hello friend, this is such an interesting one. I hope this was okay! ^^
WC || 930
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This feels weird, he knows he isn’t supposed to act like this.
Actually feel the way he does for that matter, but who’s counting? Scourge sure as hell ain’t. He didn’t want to feel so jealous. When he saw you talking with Tails, for whom he shouldn’t even feel jealous of – it put him in a rather complicated spot emotionally. So he deduced the next best thing possible, which was to leave the two of you alone out of respect. Disappearing is an easy act for Scourge, but for so many, shouldn’t even be something to be thought of in the first place.
“Huh?” You looked up from your paper, hearing Tails’ verbal confusion. You raised a brow right as you were about to inquire what he was so confused about. Immediately without question, the fox pointed to the spot where Scourge had once stood, seemingly was there with you in the first place as he had accompanied you to go see Tails.
“I’m surprised I didn’t expect him to disappear out of thin air.” He says, turning to look back at you. You shrug and sigh, knowing how Scourge was–in a way–his effort in trying to be better in social situations and cues was commendable. Rather you thought he was actually improving, but now you have no idea why he had gone away.
One could only assume he possibly had personal business to attend to, yet many thoughts and possibilities had raced through your mind.
“Scourge is still a bit on edge,” You mention, a wince crossing your face as you continued, “All things considered with his history with you and the others.” He nods in understanding as he listens to your words, the young boy was none the wiser to such things; Tails could only hope Scourge will be able to forgive himself soon, as the fox already did.
But for once, he didn’t want to worry about the rebellious hedgehog. If he could even be called such a thing, but it felt correct — Less than so, but it was there in a sense. Scourge is and was kinder in the loosest sense of the word, it's even refreshing compared to his less developed sense of self before. Tails was rather surprised to see how much you managed to change him, just shows how much people and strangers alike can really change you depending on who you surround yourself with.
Tails knew, in a way. The situation with his father, he had only mentioned it in passing. He is unsure—besides you—if any of the others knew.
His paw reaches out to your arm, settling down upon it to prevent you from walking away. “You should take a break, I’ve got all the data I need.” He smiles, nodding at you reassuringly. He didn’t want you to fuss over the work he should’ve gotten done by himself in the first place, but he much rather preferred if you stuck with Scourge.
Tails can tell that you need it.
He needs it.
You frown for a moment, opening your mouth to refute his words. But the look on his face, had changed your mind. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer anyway, you could respect that fact. Tails can be rather fierce when needed to be, these were one of those moments.
Sometime later, you finally caught up with Scourge finding him at one of his usual spots. Uphill on a vastly different location from Tails’ Workshop. You wondered what he was thinking about.
“Hey.” You said with a softer tone, as you didn’t want to startle your hot-tempered… friend? You weren’t sure what to call him officially right now. Scourge scoffs, looking over at you to see you looming aside directly from him. The look in his eyes was one you didn’t expect, especially not in the long-run anyway. He shifted in his spot, shuffling aside to make room for you.
“Hm,” He sighs, deflating in place as you had laid your head against his shoulder. Scourge wasn’t against it, rather unexpected, but he could sense the touch as a safe one.
He could rest.
The location was Station Square, rather calm and bustling for the most part; but it was peaceful, quiet. Aside from all the sobering noise, you could tell the people and the city itself was very reassuring for Scourge.
“You were not there anymore.” You break the silence, finding it quite awkward for a moment as Scourge seemed to be surprised at the momentary notion. “Why?”
Scourge’s lips pursed, then curled into a frown, teeth sharpening and revealing themselves. His emotion was getting the better of him again. Slowly, he breathed in and out. One of the common and basic exercises he learned while he was in therapy. It wasn’t entirely helpful or clear, but it allowed him to focus — settle the nerves.
“Ain’t none of ya business.” He retorts finally, but his bite was there. At least that was a sure-fire thing of the situation you felt was unsettled, not anymore now however. You paused in the silence that followed, it seemed to be happening very often as of late.
“Believe me when I’m here for you, no need to feel sorry for emotions that are normal to feel.” You said, nuzzling your cheek into his own. Scourge flinched, then relaxed into your touch.
It was a while, but it was reassuring to Scourge.
Feelings were a fickle thing.
The jealousy waned and your heart was filled with the calm that had stirred Scourge to a sense of peace and relief.
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marbl3z · 1 year
Dan Heng rambles
i. ok listen, i know - i just did a fic with him, but- ok so. heres a funny story,
i love him a lot,, iM SOrRY
sfw and nsfw. 18+
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Dan heng who seems to be so put together and reserved to everyone else but melts against your hugs. Prefers having his head on your chest, his ear listening to your heart. but he does not mind if the roles were switched, he'll hold you against his chest and kiss the top of your head.
He loves when you hold his hand when no one is looking, squeezing it gently when you notice his anxiety. He loves when you guys are cuddling you play with his hair. Kissing and twirling it around your fingers, the gentle scent of the shampoo he uses filling your senses.
he adores it when you get pouty at him because he stayed up too late entering stuff into the data banks. You'll pull him away from his work, pulling his head against your chest, giving him gentle head scratches and laying down on his futon with him in your arms.
Dan heng swears he never gets sick as he is always cautious. But every now and then, he'll get a common cold, or the flu. And he'll refuse for you to touch him as he doesn't want you to become sick as well, but the moment you have your arms around him, or the moment you're so close to him, spoon feeding him soup you made in the kitchen. His heart flutters and he can't help but ignore the sickness, and ask for one kiss, or one hug. (It's never just one)
hes such a nervous lover, hes scared you'll get hurt by him or his past. he's slow and patient (i may expand on this ehe), he'll treat you as if you were a sacred treasure for him, and him only. his lips are sensitive and when you kiss him it feels 10x warmer and softer.
he gets cold easily, he doesnt complain though. he'll just wrap a blanket over his lap and continue working in the databank, if you're there with him, he'll subtly scoot over to you and continue reading. eventually it'll turn into cuddling, his arms around your waist, his face buried in your neck. soft and gentle touches make his heart swell, brushing your lips on his knuckles, booping his nose with your own, forehead nuzzles, everything, it makes him feel so soft and he loves you more and more.
"starlight", "love", "sweetie", those petnames he'll use when its just the two of you, in a soft setting, holding his hand. cuddling, even before you two go to sleep, he'll call you any of those.
(18+ nsfw, mdni)
"baby", "Honey", and any of the likes, he'll use when you two are sharing a very intimate moment together. he'll be out of breath, whining and moaning against your lips, his large hand wrapped around your waist, hugging you against him. he'll be gentle, he doesnt fuck, he makes love in my opinion.
he'll be so lost in the pleasure he'll babble on about how much you mean to him, how good it feels, he's never felt this way before. its overwhelming for him, he'll leave soft kisses on your face and neck.
he'll whisper in your ears how close he is, his hips would stutter, his rhythm would falter, he begs you to cum with him. calling you his pretty lover, his sweetheart, his sweet baby. he'll kiss your lips, moaning breathlessly in your mouth, poor thing falls apart in your arms.
"love, please- i'm, ah- im so close," he whimpers in your ear, one hand on your hips, bringing you closer to him as he thrusts inside of you. the other caressing your face, listening to every moan and whimper you emit.
you call him your good boy, and he'll just LOSE IT. his eyes flutter close, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his grip on your hips would tighten for a moment. the rocking of his hips would stutter so much, he'll bite his lip to stop a loud moan. a muffled whimper as you give him sweet praises. your hands on his thighs.
"you're doing so well," he'll whimper, as he reaches closer to his climax. "my good boy, loving me so well," you coo in his sensitive ear. "i'm so close- Dan heng.." you moan wrapping your arms around him, hugging his body. "f-fuck, dan heng..!" you tighten around him, he'll press his body against yours, his cock twitching inside of you. his naval pressed so sweetly against your body, his body rubbing against your sensitive genitalia.
"c-cum for me, you're so good- s-so pretty.." he'll smash his lips against yours, rubbing your tip/clit as you near your orgasm.
"I-i love y-you, D-Dan heng," you breath out, your back arches as he hits your sweet spot. you tighten around him so much he can barely move. his eyes widen, watching your body arch, your blunt nails digging into his muscles, your blissful expression and your breathy moan.
his orgasm follows suit after yours, his hips faltering to a stop, a loud high pitched moan escapes his mouth as he buries his head in your chest. he's out of breath, he'll be so wobbly in the knees unsure if he can sit up to pull out of you. you press a gentle kiss on his neck, smiling softly at him catching his breath.
he'll eventually pull out of you, hissing lightly as he moves his hips back. he'll try to resist the urge to just lay down on top of you, he'll groggily put his boxers on and run to grab a warm towel to clean you up, kissing you sweetly and whispering sweet things in you ear as you tiredly help assist him in cleaning you up.
once you're cleaned he'll help you dress in comfortable clothes, his shirt or his pajama pants, or both. laying next to you, watching your expressions relax as you melt in his arms. you reassuring him that he didnt hurt you, and you love him so so much makes his heart swell, he has to hold back tears because he's so happy.
you two fall asleep entangled in each others arms, sweet dreams and gentle heartbeats. the world can wait, the only thing that matters is you and him.
im sorry its so long i love him a lot and i kind of went off during the nsfw part- gaahh!! /pos
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Transformation Letter: Noah
Hello. My name is Noah and I would love transforming into anything or anyone. I'm an single 20 years old bisexual, who is annoyed by long work days as a german nurse. I would most likely describe me as the boring white boy with brown hair, brown eyes and nothing special. Would love to get out of germany.
It is way after ten in the evening after a long day of work. You are sitting in Ilkan's flat and enjoy a beer with your Turkish friend when he suddenly announces that he will have to return to Turkey soon because of family matters and there's a good chance he won't be able to get back for at least a few years.
For the last years, Ilkan has been a close friend to you, and a welcome opportunity to complain about work - the news is devastating. You even have a bit of a crush on the burly Turk, but since he is straight you kept that a secret. Of course, you can hardly say anything against him leaving, so, you just say "Tja."
You continue to sit there, sipping beer when suddenly, Ilkan appears to remember something.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I got this really strange letter today, do you know what's up with that?"
He fetches a letter from a company named "Artificial Transmutations" and shows it to you. It's just a QR code and a single line of text below it: "If you want to accept Noah's request, please install the app above."
Of course, you recognize the company - there had been an online ad and you decided to write a letter to them. Apparently, there was some kind of a raffle for a cruise or something, you didn't have a closer look at the ad back then.
"I think it's some kind of competition or draw or something where you can win a trip." You reply.
Ilkan nods and just as you are about to go on about data privacy, he has already scanned the code and started the download. Ilkan is refreshingly carefree with all of that.
The app installs quickly, and you are both looking at Ilkan's phone. Besides the logo, there is just a single green button labelled "Claim".
"So, does this mean you have won?" Ilkan asks.
"I don't know. Go on and press the button!" You answer, wondering why Ilkan has gotten the reply letter and not you. You are pretty sure you didn't mention your friend in your letter.
As soon as Ilkan taps the button, you feel very strange all of a sudden. Your dick grows stiff and strains against your jeans, flooding your system with arousal. You absolutely cannot think straight as you look at Ilkan, who is sitting next to you on the couch, legs spread slightly as usual.
Without further comment, you reach over and undo Ilkan's fly and greedily pull down his boxer shorts to expose his ample, but soft cock.
Ilkan is way too surprised of your sudden action to react and just starts to say: "Noah, what ahhhh..."
You interrupt him by closing your mouth around his soft cock, breathing in the sweaty groin and tasting the flavor of his unwashed dick, with all the traces of piss, sweat and dirt that have gathered during the day.
Almost immediately, you feel his hand at the back of your head, but to your big surprise, Ilkan doesn't pull you from his groin. Instead, he pushes you further in, with quite some force actually. Your nose is being pressed into his untrimmed bush of pubic hair, intensifying the manly smell even more as his hairs tickle your face. You cannot see anything since your face is in Ilkan’s groin, but you feel two things: First, Ilkan's cock is slowly raising and second, Ilkan stands up while still having his hand on the back of your head and positions himself right in front of you.
Your arms explore his big hairy legs that are spread widely in front of you, and you pull down his jeans and boxers for good. There is a slight movement as Ilkan steps out of them, all the while your tongue is busy teasing his cock.
Ilkan increases the pressure once more, and for a moment, your nose almost hurts since it is pressed into his groin with so much force. That passes quickly however, and you feel your face jumping forward a few centimeters more. It is like your nose has been flattened against his groin, but you didn't feel pain or hear a noise that would indicate it being broken.
Your mouth is full with Ilkan's increasingly erect cock now and he is bucking his hips lightly into your mouth. You hug his hips with your arm in order to press yourself even further to Ilkan, who now uses the hand on your head to face-fuck you, slamming your face into his sweaty privates with more and more force.
You don't even use your tongue even more - Your mouth is more like a pouch now, a place for his dick to be in, as your head becomes thinner and thinner - and more fabric like with every thrust. Your hands have fused behind his back and turned to an elastic rubber band, fixing yourself to his waist.
Suddenly, Ilkan closes his hand and warps your face - or what's left of it, around his erection. He grips his cock through your fabric face and begins to jerk himself off, warping your pouch that seems to be almost all that is left of you in the shape of his ample erection.
Finally, he cums a thick load of cum into you, which you absorb quietly as the jockstrap that you are now.
"Phew. I didn't know that was what you wanted Noah...". He pauses for a moment before continuing. "Although I suppose I shouldn't call you that any longer. You're just a jockstrap after all, and I'm gonna treat you like the thing you are, my possession."
You feel a warm feeling of agreement as your owner acknowledges your inferiority. Soon you're going to leave Germany wrapped around your best friends junk. You don't have to worry about your job anymore and you couldn't be happier.
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Don't forget: If you, too want to send a transformation letter and want to be transformed, consider joining my riot page today!
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dancingdonatello · 1 year
Hello i have a very specific request but it will not leave my mind
Reader is just entirely in love with the stars, and this is no secret. Donnie makes a lil projector thing that projects the real positions of the stars at the time, and dramatically shows it to em?? Please... thank you so frickin much
rise donnie x gn reader
How many times have you complained about light pollution? Around 500 times, according to Donnie’s data table.
That was around an average of 3.5 mentions per week. You usually mentioned it when outside, during the dark, or when Donnie dragged you in for a documentary on space.
How many times had you mentioned stars? Too many to count. Donnie gave up on that spreadsheet months ago. Oh, there you went again. His fingers itched with the need to put it into the spreadsheet. Maybe he could make a new one standing from this month and forward.
But along with stars and pollution, you had started talking about Texas and Ohio. How you could see the stars so easily from some National Parks there.
You had talked about wanting to move there when you got a job and money.
Ohio and Texas were not New York. Donnie also was sure that the sewers didn’t continue on forever through the entire country and he wasn’t sure how their tank would get through tolls on the highway.
He had two options to convince you to change your mind.
One: solve pollution.
This one was a little difficult. For one, that meant convincing a bunch of countries to stop doing what they were doing immediately and changing. Also, he was a turtle mutant that would be shot dead if he tried to contact a president or dictator’s personal phone number that he definitely did not have.
But there was also the second option: Make an alternative star system. One that would satisfy you enough to stay.
This didn’t mean just taking glow in the dark stars and sticking them on the ceiling. No. That was too basic.
He’d caught you watching time lapses of night skies before. As the Earth spun, the stars moved.
So, he’d have to make a star projector that moved. Even better, he could make it accurate to New York. This meant watching a lot of videos and somehow timing everything right.
But he was Donatello Hamato. It couldn’t take that long right?
It did. It took forever. His usual projects lasted at most six months. This took him up to close to a year. So he waited for your anniversary to gift it to you. (Luckily, your complaints on light pollution and instances of randomly staring up at the sky had only increased according to his spreadsheet.)
He already has it set up. All he needs to do is to make sure you don’t go into his room—
“No!” he shouts when he spots you opening his curtain. He runs right at you and apparently terrifies you as you jump out of his way. He trips over a sock and falls on his face, inches away from crushing his gift to you.
“Is that an Xbox?” You pick it up off the floor. “You shouldn’t leave this just lying around.”
“Haha… ha!” He snatches it away from you. “Follow me.”
He leads you all the way back to your own home. You’re obviously confused. He asked you to come to the lair and now he’s just bringing you back to your own house. Honestly, the poor turtle was just too nervous and didn’t think it though.
“Close your eyes…” He said as he placed it on your nightstand in your room.
You sat on your bed, waiting.
“Ahem. Drum roll please.” You blindly reached out for your night stand. Donnie moved the projector out of the way in time before you slammed your hands onto it.
Jeez. This thing was going to be broken before he even showed you what it really did.
“Okay. Open.”
Your eyes opened. You stared at him until he almost nervously pointed up at the ceiling. His nervousness disappeared when you gasped in excitement.
“The stars are proportional to real life, obviously scaled down to fit. They also reflect what the stars would look like over New York right now. So, as the Earth rotates, this should show the new stars that would show.”
Your jaw dropped.
“Also, it can adjust to any room you put it in.” He crossed his arms, almost posing proudly. “Happy anniversary.” He already know what is about to happen by the look in your eyes.
He steadied himself just as you launch yourself into his arms.
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primus-why · 1 year
Okay okay just a real quick: MegOp Bodyguard Affair within an Arranged Marriage AU???
Imagine Orion Pax is very very very distantly related to one of the lineages of the Primes, and though he goes about his life practically a mid-caste, the fact remains that he is technically considered high-caste.
He maintains a job as an Archivist, living out a modest, unassuming life, and generally doesn't care for the pomp and circumstance of high-caste affairs. The flashiness just isn't in his nature, and there is something he can't quite place his digit on when he attended those soirees-- something unsettling and almost invisible.
The key word here being almost. He is not ignorant to the way higher-castes handle their lower-caste staff-- in his youth he'd overheard his fair share of unjust punishments over minuscule offenses or listened to someone brag about withholding payment as a means to pinch a few credits. Though Orion doesn't exist in that sphere any more, he can't shake the sense that things have just gotten worse. His friend Jazz is an upper mid-caste who has a knack for keeping an audial to the ground thanks to his security work, and has told him many times there is a growing unrest all over Cybertron-- that it's only a matter of time before it bursts into something ugly.
Orion already sees ugliness; as the slum areas continue to expand, as mechs and their homes fall into disrepair, the Senate and Council of Primes don't appear to care at all about the wellbeing of Cybertronian citizens. He sees what Jazz is referring to-- there is a looming darkness, and their people are disconnected. But what can Orion, a mere data clerk, possibly do about it?
He does what he's best at: cataloging whatever data he can find to educate himself of the stories he cannot see or fathom.
Through his research he discovered some of the gruesome ways mechs in castes below him have been treated, but even then he knew his findings were only scratching the surface. He wanted to learn more-- to speak with others who had direct experiences. He first began with Ratchet, a dear friend who was also high-caste, who used his vast medical knowledge to attend to anyone who came to him. In fact, Ratchet purposefully divides his time between high-caste hospitals and a clinic he created in Rodion in order to give lower-castes access to his skill. The lack of opportunities for maintenance and even basic medical care horrified Orion, and it only urged him to look deeper.
That was how he had eventually discovered the forums-- large, categorized, virtual assemblies of mechs from all walks of life, interacting anonymously under pseudonyms. He absorbed as much as he could-- even the uglier sides he couldn't stomach on the first read. It felt important that he saw these things, as it confirmed his suspicions that the high-castes who operated the Senate were willfully allowing people to suffer for their own benefit and comfort.
In time, he learned of the works of Megatronus-- a gladiator who fought in the Pits of Kaon, but who was also an impressive orator and author. He would publish transcribed speeches and essays under a pseudonym, though Orion quickly learned the mech's true identity from others who followed his work. His words spoke plainly of the inequalities and injustices present in society, shedding light on the lives of unnamed Disposables, and wove a dream of a world without a caste system, without Functionism. In short, it was revolutionary, and captured Orion so intensely that he became uncharacteristically emboldened one cycle and sent Megatronus a direct message.
Of course, while Orion had already been chatting with a few mechs here and there to learn of their accounts, something about reaching out to Megatronus felt... different. A much bigger step. Perhaps it was because he was something of a celebrity, being a public figure in the blood sport he championed as well as being a talented writer. Orion was nervous and excited all at once-- though he reminded himself he really ought not to be, seeing as Megatronus would be understandably far too busy to even read his message... surely he gets hundreds of those a cycle...
But then something miraculous happened-- Megatronus actually responded!!!
And thus began their fervent exchange of ideas. Megatronus was as captivating as Orion had suspected-- an enlightening philosopher wrapped within the charms of his quick wit and forward nature. Eventually-- though they had never even seen each other-- a deep mutual friendship bloomed, and Orion longed to visit Megatronus in Kaon... to meet and hear him speak in person...
(He longed for other things as well, but dare not voice them aloud for he knew how outlandish it was to want them. Orion knew he could not monopolize Megatronus' time in the selfish way he would like-- not when he was so important to the revolutionary movement he had started...)
However, everything changed when Orion's cousin Sentinel was named a Prime.
There hadn't been a new Prime in ages. Zeta and Vector had been serving for many vorns, while Alpha Trion came well before them and was by far the oldest; Sentinel would likely be replacing him on their Council of Primes. This, Orion knew, would be devastating news to Megatronus-- he knew the gladiator had hoped to one day ascend to the title of Prime as demonstration of overcoming the oppression of the caste system. Now, it seemed they would have to wait even longer for the next rare chance of a new Prime being named.
Secondary to all that, Orion was facing his own personal troubles. He, who was content to live an unassuming life, had been thrust into the spotlight for having an even closer lineage to the Primes. Now he had strangers sending him gifts, even showing up at his place of work, vying for his good graces so he might put in a word to Sentinel on their behalf. Or worse, they attempted to seduce him in a blatant attempt to ascend the social ladder through a conjux bond. It all made Orion deeply uncomfortable, and he thanked Alpha Trion profusely for letting him use a private workstation at the Archives, otherwise he would have lost his mind (or his temper.)
For folks desperate to recieve acknowledgment from the new Prime to boost their social standing, they were shockingly naive about Orion's relationship to Sentinel. They had been estranged for over half his function by now, in part because they existed in different circles, but also because Orion could hardly stand the mech. Sentinel had been pompous and cocky as a sparkling, and unfortunately it was a not a phase he grew out of. He was, quite frankly, a classic example of the type of leader people were growing to despise-- an arrogant and over-polished politician who made decisions to only benefit himself and crush the rest beneath his pedes.
That train of thought led him back to Megatronus; Orion hadn't heard from him in a while. At first he had been terrified that his dear friend had finally been overtaken in the Pit, killed by his fellow mech or by some massive beast stolen from a foreign planet. But after scanning the Kaon news for joors, he found no recounting of such an event-- surely the champion's defeat would have made a headline? Orion concluded he must be held up by something, and so after not receiving a response for quite some time, he ventured to ask another gladiator who worked closely with Megatronus-- Soundwave. He knew the silent mech didn't like to be bothered, but he had hoped to convey his concerns well enough that he could be forgiven just this once.
Orion: Hello, Soundwave. I am sorry to disturb you with the same question I'm sure countless others have been wondering, but do you know where Megatronus is?
Soundwave: ... Affirmative. Many have wondered. However, Orion Pax first to ask.
Orion: Oh! I would have assumed your inbox would be flooded by inquiries to his whereabouts...
Soundwave: Others afraid to ask.
Orion: ... Afraid to ask you or afraid to ask what has become of him? Did something bad happen?? Is he alright???
Soundwave: ... Inconclusive. Not good, not bad. Confirmed: Megatronus is unharmed.
Orion: That is such a relief to hear!! In that case, may I inquire further as to what situation prevents him from communicating? That is to say, I noticed he hasn't been posting to the forums as of late...
Soundwave: ... Megatronus: loaned to high-caste buyer. Unable to establish contact until further notice. Contract duration: one stellar cycle. Megatronus: will post as soon as able.
Orion: Oh... is that a common situation you find yourselves in?
Soundwave: Uncommon, but not rare.
Orion: I see... thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Soundwave. It was most illuminating. In the meantime, I will endeavor to be patient a while longer for Megatronus' return to the forums. Farewell for now, and please stay safe.
Soundwave abruptly exited their chat without a departing remark, not that Orion expected him to do anything else.
It had been hard as of late to see his friends in Iacon with all the new attention he had been attracting. Now, without even his dear online companion to talk to, Orion felt a bit isolated... lonely, even. But he knew the buzz around Sentinel's Primacy ceremony would die down eventually, so all he had to do was persevere.
Still, as much as he enjoyed the company of mechs like Ratchet and Jazz over a com channel, there was something about those text-based messages between himself and Megatronus that he craved. The gladiator provided intellectual stimulation that he found in no one else, and it was intoxicating...
Unfortunately the universe decided it would not let Orion Pax stew in isolation for long. No, it had other plans... which involved Sentinel suddenly deciding to send for him, so that they might meet at his grand estate and "become reacquainted".
Upon arriving, Orion was not impressed by the splendor as he now saw it as a terrible waste. He politely listened to all the history the estate manager waxed on about as they pointed to various highlights during their tour, even asking thoughtful questions along the way (which they seemed to appreciate.) Still, all he could think of is what these resources might've been able to do for literally anyone else on the planet aside from boosting his cousin's vanity.
Finally he is led to meet Sentinel in one of the drawing rooms. He greets Orion uncharacteristically warmly at first, throwing Orion off for a moment. But in a klik, Sentinel's facade slips away and he is back to his petty, backhanded remarks-- now there's the Sentinel Orion remembered.
As it turns out, Sentinel has pawned him off to be bonded to a Senator who was tantamount in securing the Prime seat for him. Orion is outraged!! How dare he make such a promise without consulting him!?!
"I refuse." Orion said, his voice cold, "The Senator may certainly try to court me, and I will honestly take their attempt into consideration-- as a courtesy to your arrangement-- but I will make no promise to be bonded by the end of it." Orion hoped the concession to at least let the mech have a fair go at courting would be enough.
But Sentinel just laughed-- laughed.
"Oh! You think you have a choice! Ha ha ha!" He wiped away some stray coolant from his optic before resetting his vocalizer, "As you may recall, tomorrow I will be named Prime. And as the highest living member of our lineage, I will oversee all of our clan's affairs. I suggest you learn your place this cycle, Orion... I may not be so forgiving henceforth."
"I don't care what you have to say on the matter, today or otherwise." Orion said, turning to leave, "I refuse to be a pawn in this game. Pick another estranged family member to entertain you, I'm going home."
"Oh, poor Orion. Didn't I mention? You are home."
"I... what?"
"I took the liberty of gathering all your things and relocated them here," Sentinel said with a dismissive wave, as though upending his entire life was as easy as ordering fuel, "and I've asked Alpha Trion place you on sabbatical from the Archives, starting immediately."
"Wh-- why?! When?!?"
"Shortly after my chauffeur picked you up." Sentinel regarded him smugly from over a shoulder pauldron, "I couldn't allow your betrothed to be seen visiting that hovel you called a home, so I graciously offered to house you until the conjux ritus was complete."
'This can't be happening.' Orion was too stunned to speak, panic creeping up as the reality of his situation sunk in. 'My job, my friends, my home... this is archaic!'
"The courting and subsequent ritus is expected to take approximately a stellar cycle," Sentinel continued, glancing at his digits and looking rather bored, "hence your sabbatical. And after that you will move into your bonded's estate. From there, I don't care what you do."
A knock on the door interrupted Sentinel's servo grooming and Orion's mental spiral. The estate manager had returned with a large silver mech following close behind, saying something about fuel being ready for them in another parlour.
"Ah! Excellent timing." Sentinel clapped his servos and turned to Orion. "Care to join me for a snack?"
Orion said nothing, still trying to calm his racing processor.
"No?" Sentinel began to approach him. "We could toast to a new chapter in our functions!"
Finally no longer on the verge of a glitch, Orion turned his helm away, deliberately not looking at Sentinel.
"No, thank you," he said sullenly, "My tanks are satisfactory."
Suddenly Sentinel cupped his chin with one servo and yanked so that their optics met.
"Are you sure? I am a very busy mech, and I might otherwise forget to feed you later." He leaned in even closer, "It would be unwise to make a habit of spurning my generosity, as I alone have the power to make your stay here more... comfortable."
"I will survive." Said Orion-- gaze firm and unwavering, a cold fire in his optics.
'I will survive this... I will survive you.'
Sentinel released him with a sneer and marched over to the door. "Come!" he barked at the silver mech, causing the estate manager to jolt. However the larger mech hardly stirred, save to plod towards the spot Sentinel had gestured to. Orion noticed his helm was bowed, red optics casts towards the floor... which meant he was almost certainly a low-caste and had to show deference to the higher-castes around him. The sight made Orion's spark twist.
Despite the submissive posture, the silver mech was large and imposing; he even had to duck and turn slightly to fit his helm and broad, spiked shoulders through the doorframe. When he was able to stand at his full height, Orion could see he wore a carefully blank expression. 'Reticence is a common self-preservation tactic for mechs in his position... I can plainly see why.'
"Meet your new bodyguard, Orion Pax!" Sentinel clapped the silver mech on the shoulder with vicious glee as red optics widened minutely before returning to their previous setting. "He'll be here to keep an optic on you at all times while you're being courted."
'Not so much for my safety as he is to deter me from running away, no doubt.' Orion speculated. Nothing he holds against the big mech personally, he knows it's just his job. Still, his presence will complicate any of Orion's future plans...
Sentinel started to walk away then, but seemed to think of something else. "Ah-- despite his frame size, he should blend into your periphery. You'll hardly notice he's there. But do let me or my estate manager know if he gets to be too chatty."
And with that, Sentinel and the estate manager finally left him alone with his new keeper. Orion let out a long, shaky sigh. He knew Sentinel could have a cruel and ruthless streak, but this was beyond the pale. 'Primus below, I shudder to imagine how will he act once he actually is a Prime...'
Shaking those disturbing thoughts for now he turned towards the other mech in the room, only to be met with red optics flicking up to look right at him. The silver mech's helm was still downcast, so it was difficult to see his expression, but Orion surmised he must be feeling wary of his new charge.
'Well, that won't do.' Orion gathered himself and strode over to make introductions.
"Hello. My designation is Orion Pax." As he spoke the silver mech's helm began to slowly rise, red optics still glued him. "Despite what Sentinel implied, I'd much prefer you speak as often as you'd like... at least in my company. It seems we will be spending a lot of time together, and it would be a shame to spend its entirety in silence."
He held out his servo as an offered greeting. Eventually, after a brief hesitation, the looming silver mech reached out with his own (clawed?!) servo and shook it, being even more gentle than Orion thought possible.
"... Orion Pax." The mech ventured, looking him up and down. "Would you happen to be from Iacon?"
'Oh my,' thought Orion, feeling his faceplates heat up a bit, 'I could certainly get used to hearing his voice...'
"Ah, yes! I am!" Orion said a bit too bright, which only increased his blush, "I work as an Archivist, doing anything clerical, really. My focus is generally on the origins and development of Cybertronian cultures and societies. Recently I've been reading more about philosophy, and how it's shaped-- Oh!" Orion's train of thought came to screeching halt. He was being rude!
"Please forgive me, but I have not even asked you for your designation! And Sentinel made no mention of it before... who might you be, my keeper? Are you part of the estate's sentry?"
The silver mech gave a low chuckle, visibly more relaxed than he had been earlier. The sound sent a tingle down Orion's struts.
"Only temporarily. I am a gladiator-- plucked fresh from the Pits to be your humble guardsmech." The mech grinned and did a mock bow. Orion was utterly charmed... but wait!
"... Do you by chance know the Champion of Kaon?" 'Could it be...?'
Another rumbling chuckle, and Orion found himself hanging on every word.
"I am the Champion, little Archivist. My designation is Megatronus."
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I’m so glad you decided to participate love!
“may my heart
be the softest place you fall,
may this love
be the wildest place you run”
Kix x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Kix comes home to find you hiding in a pillow fort.
Pairing: Kix x Fem!Reader
Characters: Kix
Tags & Warnings: domestic fluff, menstruation
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s Note: I have finallyyyyyy written the fic for this prompt! It took me a minute to come up with a good idea, but I really like it. boyfriend!kix is back with pure fluffy goodness! This is also the shortest one-shot I have ever written. As always, please enjoy! 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: "Leave me alone."
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Kix leans back in his chair and sighs as he finishes up the last of his paperwork for the evening. It’s been a long week at the GAR medical center and he’s finally ready to go home and enjoy his weekend. As the chief medical officer, he has the perk of spending his nights and weekends with you mostly undisturbed. He’s still on call for emergencies, but it’s a pretty rare occurrence, and most of the medics he’s trained can handle a plethora of situations without him.
Before packing up the rest of his things, he briefs the night-medics on the updated patient charts and gives Corric the master data-pad. They’re a good group of medics and he never has to worry with Corric in charge, which makes leaving his wounded men a little easier. After packing up his duffle, he checks his comm again. He had sent you a message asking if you wanted him to pick up dinner on the way home, but you never responded.
Kix shrugs and tosses his duffle over his shoulder. Perhaps you fell asleep after work and didn’t see his comm. Come to think of it, you didn’t answer his comm from earlier that day either. He lets a brief amount of concern flash across his features, but ultimately dismisses the thought. If you needed him, you would have commed him. Regardless, he decides to pick up dinner on the way home anyway. He can always put it in the conservator for tomorrow if need be.
After picking up the food, Kix strolls down the neon-lit street towards your home. The evening is uncharacteristically beautiful today, not too hot, with a slight breeze that gently flapping the plastic bag of food he’s carrying. He takes a deep breath and rolls his shoulders as he lets the stress of the week melt off of him. He knows it won’t take much convincing to have dinner out on the balcony tonight. The weather is just too gorgeous to ignore.
Kix reaches the entrance to your apartment and swipes his key card to open the door. “I’m home,” he announces, kicking his boots off onto the rug by the door.
He waits for you to answer in the same sing-song voice you always do, but he’s only greeted by silence. He knits his eyebrows together in confusion, but continues his journey into the apartment.
“I picked up dinner,” he says as he places the bag of food on the counter. Still no answer. Maybe you really did fall asleep when you got home.
Kix continues towards the bedroom, but he’s stopped in his tracks when he reaches the living room. Every single couch cushion, pillow, and blanket has been fashioned together into a rather robust looking fort in the middle of the floor. He blinks and cocks his head to the side, before stifling a small snort. He was expecting you to be asleep in bed, not bunkered down in a non-regulation pillow fortress.
Kix walks around the fort to inspect it. He nods his approval at the overall construction, but he’s not really sure what is keeping it upright considering some of the intricate details you somehow managed to add. As he walks around to the other side, he notices a flimsy sign taped onto the blanket that’s draped over what he believes to be the entrance to the fort. The sign reads no boys allowed in red crayon. He bends over and tries desperately not to laugh.
“Mesh’la?” he calls from outside the fort.
“Yeah?” you answer with a muffled voice from within the fort.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
“Did you read the sign?” you reply.
“Yes, I did,” he answers.
“Are you a boy?” you ask.
Kix chuckles. “Last time I checked.”
“Then you can’t come in!” you snap.
“Okay,” he concedes to your demands. “Do you mind if I sit out here with you?”
You think for a moment before answering. “I guess it’s okay.”
Kix smiles and sits down on the floor, leaning his back against the adjacent wall to the entrance of the fort. He sits in silence for a couple of minutes, wondering what exactly prompted you to build the fort and also keep him out of it. He considers the pillow-fort factors of safety, comfort, and isolation, and what those three things have in common. He decides on a few hunches and formulates a plan to get you to tell him.
“How was work?” he asks first.
“Meh,” you answer.
Kix raises an eyebrow at his first clue. You only answer a question with ‘meh’ when you’re annoyed, but that’s not enough to go off of, so he continues his quest for more clues. “Do you want some food?” he asks. “I brought home dinner.”
“I’m not hungry,” you answer.
Kix nods his head at the second clue. Lack of appetite is a rather rare occurrence for you, so he knows something is definitely not right. He rolls a few other options in his head before asking another probing question. “Are you tired?” he asks. “We could go to bed.”
“No!” you yell. “Just leave me alone!”
Aha. The lightbulb turns on Kix’s head and he sighs knowingly at your sudden agitation. “Did you start your period?” he asks softly.
You groan at his expert detective skills. “No…” you mumble out, but you’re a bad liar.
“Mesh’la,” he presses, wanting you to be honest with him.
“I… I’m fine,” you say, not wanting to give in, but you’re not really fine.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“That’s a dumb question,” you retort back.
Kix chuckles. “Yeah, I guess it was.”
“Are you nauseous too?” he asks.
“Another dumb question,” you answer. “This is why boys aren’t allowed in my fort, you're all dumb.”
“Mm,” he nods his head. “Understandable. But did you know that boys are good for other things?”
“Like what?” you ask sarcastically.
“Oh, you know,” he starts. “Like cuddles, and kisses, and stuff.”
You ponder his words. “I guess those things aren’t so bad.”
“Do you want some?” he asks carefully.
“No,” you answer quickly, but your voice falters at the end.
Kix smiles as you try your hardest to push him away. “Are you sure?”
You pause and think about his offer. On one hand you don’t want to be touched, but on the other hand, you do want to be touched. Periods always make these decisions difficult and it stresses you out. You sigh and finally decide to let him into your little fort. Kix watches from the outside in silence as your hand sneaks out from behind the blanket, rips down the no boys allowed sign, and tosses it. The flimsy doesn’t go very far and gently floats down onto the carpet.
Kix stifles another laugh at how adorable you’re acting. He gets on his hands and knees and crawls up to the blanket entrance of the fort. “I’m coming in,” he announces. Once he pulls back the blanket and sees you, his heart drops a little and his features soften. You’re on your side, curled up into a little ball and wrapped up in a fluffy blanket. He imagines there’s a hot water bottle somewhere under all of that fluff.
Kix is a bit big for the fort, but he maneuvers himself carefully as he enters and crawls towards you. He gingerly lays himself down on his side next to you, giving you some space, as his feet hang out of the entrance. You slowly scoot yourself backwards so that your back is pressed against his chest. Then you reach your hand back and pat him while you try to find his arm. He sees you struggle, so he gives it to you and you pull it across your stomach.
“Comfy?” he asks.
“Mhm,” you answer as you snuggle further into him. You appreciate that he’s letting you make all of the moves and decide what you want, rather than him grabbing at you. It’s one of your favorite things about having Kix as a boyfriend. He really pays attention to what you want, even if he doesn’t get what he wants.
You both lay like that in silence. The moment is blissful, well, as blissful as it can be with the cramps wracking your lower body every couple of minutes, but it’s still nice. After about thirty minutes, you feel Kix shift his legs. He shifts them a second time, and then a third time. You feel him tense around your body and he lets go of you, shooting himself straight up to readjust his confined body.
“Cramp,” he grimaces as he kicks his leg out.
Unfortunately, he kicks the side of the fort and all the pillows and cushions come crashing down onto you both. You let out a small yelp and instinctively cross your arms over your head to protect it. When you open your eyes Kix is hovering over you on all fours, protecting you from the falling cushions. His breathing turns a little heavy and his eyes are locked on you, as if his combat training kicked in and the soft cushions were actually rocks that could crush you.
You start giggling at his selfless act, then snort when you think about how your brave soldier heroically saved you from an avalanche of couch cushions. Once Kix realizes you’re okay, he starts laughing with you. All of a sudden, you’re both laughing hysterically over your fallen fort with tears falling from your eyes. Your night started out miserably, but now it’s ending on the best note possible. This is a memory you won’t soon forget.
You both finally stop laughing and look into each other’s eyes lovingly. Kix lowers his head down and gives you a small kiss on your forehead, causing a big smile to form on your lips. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s go to bed.”
You nod your head. “Carry me?” you ask with pleading eyes.
Kix untangles himself from you, slips his hands under your legs and back, and pulls you up into his arms. “Anything for you,” he smiles.
You lean your head on his shoulder as he walks towards the bedroom. “I love you.”
Kix gives you a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you too.”
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mrs-johansson · 7 months
Chapter 6 - Dark Phoenix II - Emergence of conflagration
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Part 2:
We slowly moved inside, taking down guards one by one. Natasha secured the security room and Sam got the armory room.
Us 5 had successfully reached the entrance and the only thing we needed to enter was Nat’s signal of a clear path. “How are you guys doing?” I asked in the comms. “There are about 50 guards left inside. Klaue is at the top of the building,” Natasha informed us. “How’s our way inside looking?” I asked. “Just a second…” She said, clearly focused on what she was doing. “You’re clear, go get him.” “I’m planning on it.”
We made our way through each level quietly. Collected all the files we found, searching for Vibranium and Klaue.
In no time we were nearing the top floor. We were left with 7 men and Klaue. “You get the guards, I have Klaue,” I looked at the agents, and once they all nodded we broke in the door, not leaving a second for them to escape.
Our agents were on Klaue’s men quickly and I spotted Klaue at the other side of the room. “Sam get over here and collect the Vibranium, Nat get all their data from the main hardware, and send your team over here. I’ll get Klaue,” I said and ran to Klaue. As he saw me coming he held up a different-looking gun and he aimed at me. Kicked up a metal table and threw it at him, making him fall back into a door and roll down some stairs. I followed him to the stairway and before I got to him, he started running down the stairs. Sent a fireball in front of him, trying to stop him, but it didn’t bother him, and jumped over the burning area and continued running.
Trying to stop him I tried to fire at him but somehow he managed to run out of the building. I followed him closely and finally hit him with a fireball, making him fall to the ground. “Who are you working for? Who needs this much Vibranium?” I asked as I stood over the man. “A lot of people,” he said with a devilish smile. “Who are you providing this for?”
He looked behind me and the next second someone jumped at me, sending me about 100 feet away from Klaue. I rolled in the dirt making me cough. I looked up and saw a man in a black catsuit, helmet covering his head. “What the hell, man?” I got up and when I looked to Klaue’s way he was gone. “I lost Klaue,” I said in the comms. The cat man didn’t waste time and started punching me. I tried to block his moves, and when I grabbed his arm I burned him but it seemed he didn’t even notice. “Why are you stealing Vibranium?” He asked and I frowned. “Stealing? I’m trying to get it away from Klaue!” I explained while we kept fighting. “How do you know him?” He asked not even bothering to stop. “I’ve been after him for months, he’s supplying someone with Vibranium, I’m trying to find out who! Stop fucking punching me,” I said angrily and with a big kick I sent him back.
He got up and took his helmet off and my eyebrows shot up. “Aren’t you the Prince of Wakanda?” I asked and he frowned. “Yes, I am. And who are you?” He walked closer. “I’m Y/N Stark. I’m part of the Avengers.” His face dropped and looked where Klaue had been laying a couple of minutes ago. “I blew that up, didn’t I?” He asked and I spread my arms. “Yeah, kinda. This was the first time in 6 months that we had eyes on him, so thanks for that. Why did you even stop me?” I asked frustratingly. He seemed like he didn’t know the answer either. “I’m sorry, I thought you were with him.” “Y/N I think we found the person he’s supplying, you’re not gonna like this,” heard Sam over the comms. “Yeah, and I bumped into the Wankandan Prince. I’ll be there in a second,” I said then turned to the Prince. “If you’re after him, come with me,” I said and he nodded.
“So what is this cat thing? Are like a… Cat-Man?” I asked, not really sure what he was supposed to symbolize. “I’m the Black Panther. It’s been the protector of Wakanda for centuries, once I become king I’ll be the official Black Panther.” He explained. “Right and what’s your name?” “I’m T’Challa.”
Once we got up to where the team was I explained what happened and Natasha wasn’t happy at all to lose Klaue. “I can help you find Klaue if you hand over all the Vibranium you found so far. It belongs to Wakanda,” T’Challa said and Nat looked at me questioning if he was trustworthy. “That’ll work. Sam, what did you find?” I asked and he handed me some files. “Hadria Folks. She has an army of super soldiers with Vibranium armor. Klaue has been supplying her for the last 3 months,” he explained as I looked through the pictures of the armor and the amount of Vibranium she got her hands on. I looked at T’Challa and handed him the papers. “You’ve got a bigger problem than just stolen Vibranium.” He looked at the information splattered on the files and he glanced at me with a weird look. “Send your team home, you three come with me back to Wakanda, we’ll get to Klaue that way.”
We made our way to the Quinjet and I tapped Sam’s shoulder. “Take the files back to the Compound and look her up. We need every information we have on her. And look up this Black Panther guy too just to be sure,” I said and he sighed. “Why can’t I go with you? Wakanda must be so cool,” he whined and I chuckled. “You’ll get there, Wilson.”
Natasha and I followed T’Challa to his plane which looked very cool. “How did you lose Klaue?” Asked Natasha. “This guy jumped on me and when I got back up he was gone. I really hope he can get us to Klaue because if not I’m gonna be very angry.”
We got the plane and the technology was very advanced. It looked amazing. I stepped one step closer to a sand table and suddenly a blade was by my neck then I heard a gun being held up by someone. “I wouldn’t do that,” Natasha spoke and I carefully looked to my side to see the woman who was holding a long spear. I guess Natasha was holding a gun at her. “Okoye, they’re Avengers, lower your weapon,” T’Challa spoke and she took a look between Nat and I then pulled back the spear. I looked at Natasha and glanced at her gun, signaling that she should withdraw too. “Okoye, this is Y/n Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Ladies, this is Okoye, the commander of the Dora Milaje,” introduced us, the Prince. “Dora Milaje?” I asked. “Special forces of Wakanda,” said the woman with a straight and intense look.
Once we got off Natasha and I sat down, she still looked very unimpressed with the situation. “It’s gonna be fine, trust me,” I said to her and she just sighed, and I saw the look she gave me and it seemed she was trying to make an effort. “I trust you, not them,” said Natasha, and I put my hand on her thigh in a second, slightly squeezing. “Natalia, we know about Wakanda and they are trustworthy,” I explained and she looked at me with a tense expression. “She held a spear to your neck, Y/n.” “She didn’t know who we were.” Natasha sighed and leaned back in her seat. “I really hope you’re right.”
As soon as the jet landed T’Challa went ahead and then us two, Okoye followed behind. When we all reached the ground, I saw the King and Queen of Wakanda with two other women, one younger than all of us. “Baba,” he bowed slightly, then looked at us. “This is Y/n Stark and Natasha Romanoff, Avengers,” he said and we bowed too. “King T’Chaka, a pleasure to meet you,” I said and he nodded. “Likewise, welcome to Wakanda.” “Thank you, didn’t think this would be the reason for our first visit,” I said and he nodded. “Yes, it’s very unfortunate. In the meantime, this is my wife Ramonda, and my daughter, Shuri. And Nakia, member of the War Dogs, also the girlfriend of my son,” said the King, and T’Challa was quick to get flustered. “Now, I think we should get to work,” T’Challa said, trying to avoid the topic.
We made contact with Sam at the Compound and as he was on video call with us, we saw all the information on Klaue from what T’Challa and the others had so far. “We unintentionally found one of Klaue’s hiding places around six months ago. He had a full cabinet of Vibranium but we didn’t know who he was at the time. Then we went after him and retrieved over 100 million dollars worth of Vibranium in the last six months. And today was our first time locating such a big amount that led us to Klaue. Then we found out why he needs this much. Sam, what did you find?” I looked at him on the screen and the next second he sent over everything on the bigger screen in the room. “Hadria Folks, ex-KGB. She has approximately 15 super soldiers with Vibranium armor and weapons. There were multiple attacks in Europe, but nobody got them in time. Police can’t handle them obviously and Folks haven’t been seen in 2 months. Her station is said to be in Siberia, a familiar place, don’t you think?” Sam said and I looked at him immediately. “He’s not there,” I said, crossing my arms. “Who’s not there?” Asked Nakia and I just kept staring at the screen. “Another super soldier, he was a Hydra weapon until we got him and now he is hiding, keeping himself off the radar. Maybe he could help us,” I said and Sam interfered quickly. “We couldn’t locate him for a while now, how are we planning to do this?” He asked. “You haven’t been able to locate him. He sent me a letter about two weeks ago, saying he was in Romania. He’ll know where to find her. Nat and I will go to Romania, get Barnes and you find Klaue. I’ll get you all the Vibranium we retrieved. Are you familiar with super soldiers?” I turned to the Wakandans. Shuri typed it into her computer then multiple images came up on the screen. One particular picture is of James. “Captain America is one of them, right?” Asked Nakia. “Yes.” “Why not get him involved with this?” T’Challa suggested. “He’s got other stuff to deal with. And besides, I think we’ll be just fine doing this.”
After some discussion, they flew us back to the Compound and I was ready to go home. I really thought that this could be a promising opportunity for us to get more allies and maybe get James out of hiding.
“When will you pick up Rina?” Walked into my office Natasha but stopped at the door. “Dad picked her up already. I asked him and Pepper to watch her for a while. I don’t know how long this thing will last,” I explained and packed up all my stuff, ready to leave. “So, you’ll be alone?” She asked with a gentle but clearly seductive tone. My eyes lifted in her and the smirk on her face was undeniable. I began to walk past her and before I stepped out of the room, I looked her up and down. “Care to join?” Natasha didn’t answer, she just grabbed onto my hand and kissed me on the lips. “Great choice.”
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