#the weirder they are the prettier they are
pissmamiii · 8 months
pretty weird girls are my weakness tbh
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milflewis · 2 years
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lewis posting about space with his little captions will never not get me
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cafterdark · 11 months
There's something about gradual mind breaking that drives me wild.
Imagine this. Your life is shit, you're stuck ina deadend cubical job. 9-5 bullshit galore. One day, you're assigned to train a new coworker. She's pretty, way above your league. And yet she's kind. She compliments you and your skills honed to perfection working these bullshit shifts. But still, she's way prettier than you so you feel awkward even acknowledging them.
The two of you have lunch together. The two of you were talking, and she was still complimenting you for some reason. About how pretty your hair is or how cute your smile looks. You can't even comprehend looking anything but shit. She pouts and fiddles with her phone a bit. Then she asks you to watch a video. Suddenly you're back at work. When did the break end? No matter.
She tells you how pretty your eyes were. You smile because good girls accept compliments and tell her how gorgeous her lips are because good girls are honest. The rest of the day the two of you compliment each other.
It's beenmonth since then and both of you just keep complimenting each other. Sure, your compliments are getting kind of weird. You don't know when you started calling her Mistress as a joke, but it's hard to stop now. But she tells you that it's normal for good girls to call their Mistress Mistress so you keep doing it anyway. Besides, her compliments are getting weirder too. Mistress has made it a habit to pin you to a wall before telling you them. Then she just tells you how submissive and docile you are. She kisses you a lot now. Good girls deserve to be kissed by their Mistress ofc, so you don't complain.
Work itself is harder now. You just can't keep up like you used to. You're just so horny and Mistress doesn't help. You know that good girls are horny messes, but it's so aggravating. The tight clothes that show off so much don't help, but good girls are required to wear them so what can you do? Mistress has to pick up a lot of your slack, but she doesn't seem to mind. And besides good girls let Mistress do the work for them.
Breaks are great. Mistress shows you another video and you feel so good and good girls deserve to feel good. You feel so good that you don't remember what happens during them. You've started finding bruises and bite marks on your skin after them, though you don't know why. You don't care because good girls need to be marked. For the rest of the shift, she keeps touching you and teasing. By the end you can barely stand.
At the clock terminal, Mistress pins you to the wall and makes out with you before leaving. You're frozen by lust for several minutes before stumbling to your car.
Three months in and things are now really weird. You can't tell why anymore. Your head feels like cotton most of the time. You ask Mistress why everything feels so weird, because good girls always ask Mistress for help. She gives you some pets and kisses you, reminding you that dumb puppies don't think. Your boss threatens to fire you because of poor performance, but it's not your fault you're a dumb puppy. Everyone knows that dumb puppies don't work. Dumb puppies are to be submissive and docile. Mistress does most of the work, she's so good at it that she's up for promotion.
Breaks are so fun. Mistress shows you another video. When you wake up, you feel sooooooo good. Like all the energy built up during the morning was just released. Mistress cleans you up and then she starts working again while you heel. Then when you clock out, Mistress attaches a leash to your collar and gives you a walkies home. The walkies home is the best part.
Six months in and life is perfect. You don't work anymore and that's okay. Dumb puppies don't work anyway. You and Mistress live together at her place. You sleep in your cage and if you're a really good puppy, Mistress lets you sleep at the foot of her bed. The best time is when Mistress works. She works at home now. Your job is to be adorable by sleeping in a dog bed under her desk. Well, that and pleasure her, because a dumb puppy's only role is to be her Mistress's fucktoy.
During lunch Mistress fills your bowl with kibble and it tastes amazing. She doesn't show you videos anymore. She says you're perfect now. You don't understand what she means but it doesn't matter. Dumb puppies don't think after all.
After Mistress finishes working, she takes you on walkies and plays with you. It's so fun and nice and amazing. And if you're a really good girl, the best puppy in the whole world, she'll let you sleep in the bed with her. Your life is amazing.
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httpswritings · 9 months
Alexia missing you: WhatsApp's version. [selfies]
A/N: I wrote this as I imagine Alexia's way of texting. Basically using a lot of emojis.
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already missing you, darling ☺️
can't wait to get back home and cuddle you
i'm so tired i think i'll fall asleep on the couch and won't wake up until tomorrow. 😴
Ale 💗
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missed me? 😜 because i miss you so much 😔😔😔
Ale 💗
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pretty view (not prettier than you ☺️)
i'm having so much fun, i can't wait to tell you everything about today 😃
Ale 💗
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i miss being your passenger princess, my thigh is craving your hand while you drive us anywhere (that sounded so weird 🤣 but you know what i mean😘)
that sounded even WEIRDER 😭 IM SO SORRY 😅
Ale 💗
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nala wanted to say hi😃
Ale 💗
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all smiles for you 😁 one day left until i see you, i can't wait 😄
Ale 💗
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i wanted to show you today's fit ☺️ yep, that's your jacket 🥰
Ale 💗
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i know how much you love my eyes in the sun so here you have 🥰😜
Ale 💗
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good morning, princess 😘😘😘
are you already awake?
let me know when i can call you
i miss your pretty voice
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anghraine · 3 months
Despite my occasional gripes with Tumblr Austen fandom, sometimes I get recommended or linked to something and remember what Austen fandom off Tumblr is like.
I was checking a message from my mother on another platform and immediately was recommended a group discussing what were essentially headcanons about Lady Catherine. The OP was fine; her question was interesting and she kept gently pointing out that a lot of widely-held fandom opinions are neither stated nor implied in the book. But a good 80-90% of the fairly numerous comments were the same old "Lady Catherine is lying about her relationship with her sister" "she was jealous of Lady Anne for being sweet and beautiful" "she probably wanted to marry Lady Anne's husband herself" blahblahblah.
It wasn't complete consensus, but so near to total agreement that it was kind of astounding. Especially given that, for instance, the fanon of young Lady Catherine being jealous of Lady Anne is wholly fanon with zero evidence in the book or even the major adaptations. The insistence that Anne de Bourgh was not actually in her cradle at the same time as Darcy and should be significantly younger than him, that he wasn't really intended for her from the moment of his birth, that Lady Catherine saying so is further proof that she's exaggerating and/or lying, and that Lady Anne must have been completely different in personality, so much sweeter and prettier than Lady Catherine and Lady Catherine was super jealous and mean towards her—it's all entirely manufactured by fandom.
And while Lady Catherine is a flawed, petty, snobbish, deeply obnoxious, and rather silly person, I've always found something strange and unpleasant about this propensity for inventing so many more, and worse, reasons to hate her and frame her as an antagonistic polar opposite to her sister (a sister we know very little about). And I'm especially weirded out by the kind of desperate straining to dispute the Lady Catherine-Lady Anne marital scheming backstory that is a fairly minor element of the plot that no character in the book has any difficulty believing.
Here's Elizabeth's response to Lady Catherine trying to leverage the planned engagement against her, for instance:
"But what is that to me? If there is no other objection to my marrying your nephew, I shall certainly not be kept from it by knowing that his mother and aunt wished him to marry Miss de Bourgh. You both did as much as you could in planning the marriage. Its completion depended on others."
So it's like ... it's not just that I think there's no canonical basis for disputing this bit of backstory. The thing I've always found much weirder is why so many people want to dispute it. Where is all this discomfort arising from? A pair of aristocratic women married to wealthy, powerful landowners in 1770s/1780s England informally arranging the marriage of their only children is not particularly strange. Yet there is a ton of fannish discomfort around it and around the possibility that Lady Catherine and Lady Anne got on well enough to make such an arrangement.
The discomfort is even more conspicuous because we know so little about the sisters' relationship. It's like:
1) Lady Catherine's daughter and only child shares her sister's name, Anne.
2) Lady Catherine claims that she and Lady Anne planned their children's marriages when both were infants; Wickham also mentions the planned engagement in passing, apparently to reinforce his claims to special knowledge of the Darcys' concerns.
3) Lady Catherine is the only person in the novel who specifically mentions Lady Anne on more than one occasion.
4) more tenuously, Lady Catherine believes daughters, in general, are never all that important to their fathers, an opinion presumably encompassing herself and her sister wrt their father the earl.
The only other quality about Lady Anne suggested by anyone in the novel is Darcy's very carefully-phrased suggestion that his father (rather than Lady Anne) was extremely amiable and benevolent, more than his mother, though both were good people. So the idea of Lady Anne as this sweet and pure ideal mother figure who couldn't possibly have been on genuinely good terms with her awful sister or been party to dynastic scheming while Darcy's father was more reserved and standoffish like him is pretty much entirely manufactured by fandom as well.
I guess my feeling on seeing this still going at full throttle in 2024 is that the "Lady Catherine must have been mean to and jealous of her perfectly sweet sister who of course never agreed to any of this nonsense or was just trying to get her to shut up" thing is such a weird takeaway from pretty much every single thing we hear about Lady Anne and Lady Catherine. It seems completely non-intuitive as a take on what little we do know of this backstory and how the other characters react, and the version suggested in the novel is neither shocking nor central to the story, yet there's this palpable fannish discomfort about it and about Lady Anne potentially being fine with Lady Catherine and less of an idealized icon than her husband.
I know I've talked about this many times over the years, but running across it still going at full force in July 2024 was pretty surreal.
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lunaticst4r · 9 months
nobody but you
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in which, you and neteyam have been best friends since forever, and he always saw you as one of the guys rather than a girl, until it finally makes you snap
you and neteyam have been friends ever since childhood, where you were sitting on the tree swing at grace’s school, and one of the boys, Za’ko had pushed you off
when neteyam stepped in and fought with him, just to defend you, as soon as he was done with him, he had helped you up and put you on the swing again, telling you that if you stop crying he’ll take you to see the pretty stars
ever since then, you two were inseparable. you had basically grown up with him, he was your very best friend. sooner or later, you two had reached that age…and you started liking him
more than a friend.
but neteyam had grown up with you, probably seeing you as nothing more than just a mere childhood friend, he saw you as more of a brother than a sister even.
it made a bit of sense since you didn’t really do what most girls did, dress up in pretty tops do your hair and such, not because you hated them or thought it was weird, you just never really had interest in them
but it was so much that you never clicked with the girls, leaving you nobody but neteyam and his guy friends, who saw you in a way you hated.
you finally snapped when you saw him talking to a girl by the forest, you stormed off, ignoring him for the whole day, not even daring to come out of your home, he didn’t know why, maybe just not feeling well?
but he was wrong, because the very next day, he stood with his friends, and heard a whistle from one of them, as he looked to see you there walking to them, his eyes widened
you looked so different?
your hair was down…it was never down, and it’s been braided so nicely, you had a brand new top, one that accentuated your figure so well…a little too well actually, you were walking so slowly, as if trying to look more soft and delicate
and then it just got worse
“hi guys…” you said in such a soft feminine tone, you have never sounded like that. ever.
hi guys? what the hell is hi guys? why are you so quiet? why are you trying to look prettier than you already were? why were you acting so weird?
neteyam hadn’t said a single word, but his friends sure did
“we’re just on our way to school, come on let me walk you” one of them said as he walked with you, away from everyone else, his hand hand on your waist while the others who were still standing there were smirking and talking about you good you looked
as the days passed on, you just got weirder, everyday the guys would take turns walking you to school, some even arguing over it, when you say with neteyam, you’d be so quiet and do things like giggle at anything he says
did you really just giggle…
he hated every minute of it, he hated how all the boys were noticing you, talking to you, what in eywa was going on!
he had to deal with it for a while, until one day he finally lost it, as he was on his way to your home, and saw none other than za’ko walking out.
what was he doing in your home?
neteyam walked in, clearly angry as he stared at you, you smiled at him softly, and he quickly grabbed you, taking you away, into the forest, as he finally let go of you, he just paced around you, furious
“is…something wrong?” you asked in that weird soft voice and neteyam stopped and looked at you
“is something wrong? is something wrong?! really! everything is wrong!” he yells, shaking his head and pacing around for a bit before speaking up again, “come on what are you doing! seriously! what is all this?!”
“what is all what—“
“do not play dumb with me. you know what i’m talking about. what’s with this whole thing! you’re so girly now—and dressing up in…really—weird ways! and every guy is always talking to you! and you act so freaky! your whole life you talked like a person suddenly you talk like you’re some sort of toy or something! and you giggle—oh my eywa the giggles! you never giggle! i didn’t even know what giggle even meant until you started doing it! what is going on!” he yells, pacing around, he was so confused
your soft act quickly drops at his words, “are you—kidding me!” you yell as you glare at him
“what! what! what is it!”
“all these years—all these stupid years! all you see me is as one of the guys! oh here she comes she’s gonna want to hunt and do things guys do with us for sure! oh here she comes she’s like a brother to me! and now—the moment a guy starts giving me the smallest amount of attention you say i act freaky?”
“yes!” he yells and walks towards you, his face inches away from yours, “i do not like it. not in the slightest. i do not like when others talk to what’s mine.” he says in a low low voice, your eyes widen
“wh-what?” you say and he tilts his head
“i think you heard me just right. so i suggest you drop the act, cause i really don’t have the time to fight every man in this village, but i will if i have to.” he says and looks at you, “for you.”
“neteyam…” you say and shake your head, pushing him away as your eyes tear up, “no! no—you cannot act like this with me! you cannot—flirt with other girls then say you like me!”
“i do not flirt with anyone! i have never flirted with anyone because i have you! all those times you see me with girls—it was never me who got to them! and i always brush them off!” he says and sighs
“why can’t you see? why can’t you see that i see you! i always have! there was nobody but you, it’s always been you…without this whole…act.” he says and you look at him, your eyes lighting up
“this whole act has been for you nete…”
“yeah well you can drop it now” he says and caresses the side of your cheek, soon, you two inch closer as your lips finally meet, melting in each others arms, once you finally let go, he looks at you for a second, “now if i see you talking to any of those boys again…it won’t be pretty”
you laugh as you shake your head, “don’t worry i won’t”
a/n: hi guys this is my first write!! i’m sorry it lowkey sucks but i rlly hope you like it!! requests are open!
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tunatoge · 1 year
don't stop - s. gojo x reader
contents: NSFW MDNI, fem!reader, pet names (baby, pretty), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), satoru is jealous of the sims version of himself, title is based off of 'don't stop' by bad nerves, NOT PROOFREAD
a/n: this is my first time writing nsfw i hope yall like it
satoru doesn’t know why you like the sims so much. he doesn’t understand why you feel the need to replicate the two of you in a video game and have the two characters fuck and have kids. you can do that in real life; honestly, he’d be more than happy to do that.
satoru thinks it’s a little weird when you giggle to yourself when your sims fuck. he thinks it’s even weirder when he realizes he can see them having sex. admittedly, though, he does like it when you grin into your palms and you giggle to yourself. he thinks it’s cute that you’re this shy about two simulated characters fucking. 
“so,” he starts one day, finding you in your shared bed laying on your back with your laptop on your stomach. you’re dressed in a pair of shorts and his hoodie. “how many kids do we have?” 
your attention is wholly on your laptop as you respond, “two.” 
“yeah?” he eggs on, watching as you nod and begin to giggle to yourself happily. he launches himself onto the bed and peers at your laptop, watching as his sim fucks into yours. “what’s so good about sim me, baby?” he asks, looking up at your face. 
you shrug as you close your laptop and look at satoru, “he’s kinda sexy.” 
satoru blanches. how can a replica—a poorly vectored replica, at that—be sexier than him? 
“is his dick bigger?” he asks, rolling in between your legs and nuzzling his cheek into your stomach. he notices your stomach is overly warm from having your laptop on it for so long. 
you laugh and run your fingers through satoru’s hair, enjoying the blatant jealousy directed at the 3d version of himself. 
“maybe,” you tease, giggling happily when satoru gapes at you and pulls his head away from you. you watch as a pretty pout settles on his lips and you reach forward to kiss him; he stops you and pulls away before you can. you giggle, “i’m teasing, ‘toru. your dick is bigger and prettier, and makes me feel so good.” you watch as satoru’s face brightens and a cocky smirk replaces his pout. 
“of course it is,” he gloats. “only i can make my baby feel so good anyways, not even some uglier version of me.” he runs his hands along your thighs and up along your sides. 
you laugh wholeheartedly as satoru pulls himself up and places kisses all over your face. “mm,” you hum, “sims me seems to think sims you fucks her real good, ‘toru.” 
“yeah? well, sims you has never had real-life me, now has she?” satoru brings his hands under your hoodie, stopping until you give him a little whispered ‘yes’. he runs his fingers along your nipples, smirking at how quickly they harden under his touch. “and i know for a fact sims me will never get to see you like this,” he breathes. 
satoru preens at the breathy whine you let out, quickly working his hoodie off of your body and onto the floor. his cock strains against his pants at the sight in front of him, nearly drooling at the way you shyly cover your face. 
“‘toru!” you whine, wailing as he leans down and takes a nipple into his mouth. he palms at your other breast, soaking in the way you moan and press your hips  against his. 
he gently rolls the bud between his teeth and you gasp, your hand coming down to grip his hair tightly as you press your chest further into him. 
“so pretty,” he hums as he grinds his hips into yours. he groans deeply at the way you gasp. 
satoru pulls off of your chest with a wet pop and begins placing kisses along your chest and neck, stopping to suck deep bruises in some areas as you whine. he doesn’t feel your hand between your bodies until you’re palming his cock over his sweats, his body shaking slightly when you press your fingers lightly into the wet spot on the front of his pants. he stops you before you can take his dick out, gently pulling your wrist up to his mouth and kissing along the knuckles. 
“need to take care of you first, pretty,” he says softly, letting go of your wrist and moving to strip you of your shorts. 
your body shudders at the way satoru eyes you hungrily as he leans back to pull off his shirt. 
you need him so bad it hurts.
as you’re about to say something, satoru presses his fingertips into the wet patch on your panties, moving his thumb to press into your clothed clit. your eyes screw shut as you gasp loudly. satoru grins as he slides your panties down, letting out a satisfied hum at how wet you are. he traces his fingers along your seeping cunt and begins pressing a finger into you, grinning widely at the broken gasp you let out. satoru fucks his finger into your warm walls, angling it upwards and brushing it along that spongy spot inside of you. you moan loudly as you feel the coil in your stomach about to snap. 
“god,” satoru breathes, fucking another finger into you and rubbing fast circles over your clit. “you’re so pretty, baby… can you cum for me?” he looks up at you, his blue eyes a shade darker and his pupils blown wide. 
you nod frantically as satoru begins to finger you faster, letting out a warbled series of his name. satoru knows you’re about to cum when you clench down on his fingers, walls fluttering quickly, and before he can react you come undone on his pretty fingers with a cry of his name. 
he nearly shoots his load in his pants at the way you pant and heave in front of him, your face warm with the afterglow of your orgasm. he pulls his fingers out of you and presses them onto his tongue, eyes bulging at the way you taste and the way you look at him. 
satoru reaches down and grips your hips, moving to grind his clothed cock against you. you squeal at the sensation, shifting to get his bulge to press into your still swollen clit. satoru grins as he pulls away, listening to the way you whine with want and overstimulation. 
“be patient, pretty,” he coos, pulling his cock out of his sweats and rubbing his pre along the tip. 
he’s taking too long and he knows it; he can tell you’re impatient with the way you start to bring your hand to your clit and begin to rub circles, biting your lip as you loll your head back further into the pillow. satoru smiles to himself at the sight before he takes your hand in his and presses it above your head, locking his fingers with yours. any complaint melts from your tongue when he pushes himself into you, savoring the way he stretches you out so deliciously. 
satoru fucks into you without hesitance, dick angled perfectly into you. 
“satoru!” you squeal when the tip of his cock brushes your cervix. “‘toru, ‘m cumming!” you lock your legs around satoru’s waist, your free hand pressing deliciously into your clit. 
“yeah? gonna’ cum on my dick?” satoru taunts, thrusts getting messy, “c’mon, pretty, go ahead—cum for me.” 
satoru chokes out a moan when you cum around him, his hips pressed flush against yours as he finishes after you. he leans down and presses his lips to your shoulder as he trembles, his lips slightly open as he lets out a soft and breathy ‘i love you’ against your damp skin. 
you nearly die on the spot from how soft his words are and how tightly he continues to hold your hand. 
no one else in the world could make you cum and feel so loved like satoru could; including himself in the video game world. 
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blazingstar400 · 6 months
Incorrect Scarlet and Violet Quotes Part 3
Guess who still has a bunch of these sitting in a document?
Juliana: Happiness is like rainbows! If you see one, you smile because it’s so colorful! Sometimes, you get two and you get double happy!! :D
Kieran: Sometimes, you always get none even after watching so many rainy days you just stop and you just sit there, disappointed that no matter your effort, happiness doesn’t want you and life just truly hates you.
Penny: *calling a therapist*
Kieran, at the beginning of Teal Mask: *looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll*
Kieran, at the end of Teal Mask: *looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you*
Kieran, at the beginning of Indigo Disk: *looks like he could kill you, could definitely kill you*
Kieran, at the end of Indigo Disk: *looks like he could kill you, is a cinnamon roll*
*if Nemona was a waitress*
Nemona: Okay, guys, who wanted the macaroni and bees?
Everyone, at the table: …
Arven: …You mean cheese, right?
Nemona, struggling to keep the bowl covered: That does make more sense, actually—
Juliana, barging into Penny’s room, pushing in a wheelbarrow with Nemona in it: PENNY! NEMONA’S DEAD!
Penny: *gasps*
Nemona, getting up: That’s right! Dead serious about going to Disneyland!!
Penny: *groans*
Florian, about to leave Naranja/Uva Academy: Don’t spend all day watching anime, okay?
Penny: I forge my own path!
Clavell, tired: I’d like to live through one week in this school that’s not a whole new verse of ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’.
Yukito, meeting Juliana for the first time: Oh, is this the girl your always telling me about, Kieran?
Kieran, nervously chuckling: AHA, Grandma! Stop making things up!
Yukito: She’s even prettier in person—
Kieran, opening a window and jumping out: Okay gotta run, bye!
Arven: Just when I thought Nemona couldn’t get any weirder, I saw her trying to write three different essays at the same time.
Arven: She was taking one essay at a time and writing a few sentences before moving onto the next.
Carmine: I think I’m getting sick, I’m losing my voice.
Juliana: That means you can’t yell at us anymore!
Juliana: Turns out Carmine is a lot scarier when she’s quiet.
Kieran: Do you think we could ever be… more than friends?
Juliana, beaming: I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED! I can totally see us as Pokémon! I even drew a picture, let me go ge—
Carmine: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and look at the picture.
The squad: Aww.
Carmine: And then I tell myself ‘If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything’.
The squad: Oh.
Arven: Did you get the eggs like I asked?
Nemona: Even better!
Arven: What did you do?
Nemona, holding up a chicken: Her name is Fluffy.
Kieran: What are you? Two?
Drayton: Yeah, two heads taller than you!
Kieran: *inhales deeply*
*5 minutes later*
Drayton: I WAS JUST JOKING! Juliana, calling Penny: Can you come pick me up? I think I’m lost…
Penny: I swear, if you got lost playing Pokémon Go—
Juliana: I caught an Eevee. If you pick me up, I’ll name it Penny.
Penny: I’m on my way!!
*when Juliana first meets Kieran again in Blueberry Academy*
Juliana: *going in to hug Kieran*
Kieran: *pushes her away and assumes a fighting stance*
Juliana: Hey, why’d you push me???
Kieran: I thought you were going to attack me.
Juliana: I was going to hug you!
Kieran, narrowing his eyes: Why would you hug me?
And that’s the end of part 3!! I still have so many quotes so there will probably be a part 4 in the future. (I swear I’ll post more than just incorrect quotes but they are just really fun to write lol.)
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High on You - JJ Maybank Imagine
A/N: so I wrote this when I was in this state the other night and I think it turned out cute
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“Do you think raccoons will take over the world one day?” The words left your lips as you laid on the hammock at the chateau, your eyes glazed and staring at the stars. You couldn’t help but hear JJ snort laughing beside you, smoke bellowing out of his lips. He gave you a goofy, lopsided smile as he thought over your question. “I mean, they could. They have opposable thumbs and that seems like a quality you must have to rule the world.” His justification sent you into a fit of giggles, John B and Sarah rolling your eyes at the two of you.
“How do you get even weirder when you’re high?” John B’s voice called over to the two of you, looking at you questioningly as Sarah playfully slapped his arm. “John B, you are just jealous the raccoons won’t want you in their army.” JJ’s voice was mixed with a chuckle as the boys threw their middle fingers up at each other, John B mumbling under his breath. Sarah took his hand and led him inside, a final middle finger being thrown your way.
You sat there giggling and zoned out, your hand absentmindedly pulling chips out of the bag beside you and eating them. “You know what sounds good?” Your eyes moved over to JJ as he was grumbling on about John B, his gaze moving to you as he took in your high state. You normally looked gorgeous, but you currently had never looked prettier to him. Your eyes were absolutely glassy, your hair slightly messy, and a drunken smile on your lips. “Mozzarella sticks?” His voice was hopeful as he looked at you, a childlike smile present. “No, I was thinking pizza. But, now I want mozzarella stick pizza.” You we’re lost in thought before you heard JJ brace himself on the hammock, his leg coming down to stead the two of you. “I think we need that right now. I knew there was a reason I loved you.”
You just chuckled and smiled as JJ helped you off the hammock, taking your hand and running towards the door. The two of you were headed off to make John B and Sarah disappointed in you as you explained what you wanted for dinner and schemed how to make it happen. But, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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amethystamanda · 7 months
Stone Gemology Table
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Before there were tables, there were stones. And there were also pretty stones. Sometimes people used stones to make pretty stones prettier.
For your pre-gemology table saves (or post gemology table saves), a Stone To Cut Stones On.
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A total of 74 swatches (shown below). Found in Creative Activities, or by searching Gemology or Jewel. 500 Simoleons (cheaper than the original, but still something to spend your money on). Off the grid, same as the original.
A mesh edit of the stone coffee table from Outdoor Retreat, making it into a gemology table. Does not require Outdoor Retreat, just Crystal Creations.
There are 2 medium slots and 4 small slots for deco or whatever fits in them. I would recommend not using move objects near the front of the table, because that area is used by the sims.
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Five basic natural swatches:
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28 swatches from the Historian palette (@academiapalettes):
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28 swatches in the Scientist palette (@academiapalettes):
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and 13 more fantastical swatches of my own creation:
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Known issues:
Original effects are still present, including modern tools and bright light from the grinder while in use. I removed what lighting I could, but that one spot is an effect, not a light.
The grinder looks a bit out of place, but it would look weirder removed, I think, because the animation and visual effects would remain the same.
Download on patreon (free): https://www.patreon.com/posts/100320495
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
And, final note, I've been waiting to see where this goes but... last words on Mystique. Credit where it's due, they actually do let her wear clothes in this movie for the first time.
They're just. Really weird about it.
She spends a lot of time in this movie in her human guise, but even when she shapeshifts back to her base form, she usually has something on for most of the film.
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But. Then.
It's at the Xavier mansion that we finally get the explanation for, uh, why Mystique is a naked body-paint supermodel in the original trilogy.
It's because Magneto thinks she's hotter if she's nude.
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Magneto inexplicably equates wearing clothes to concealing her true self which is a fucking stretch and a half.
This is it. This is the official canon explanation for Mystique's nudity. Anyone who wears pants is lying about their true selves, and Mystique shouldn't have to hide her big blue tits away under a deception shirt.
This is what you end up with when you start at something that wasn't really defensible to begin with - there is no mystery about why the filmmakers wanted a nude supermodel bouncing around the set every day during filming - and then try to work backwards to find some way to retroactively make it secretly empowering and triumphant all along.
This is what happens when you try to spend a portion of your film getting into discourse arguments with your critics. "It's not fanservice! Wearing pants would be a lie! The true Mystique should be naked because that is the only way she can be true to herself! Magneto said so! Aren't you embarrassed that you ever questioned it now?"
This movie is a lot weirder about women than I remembered.
She does go back to wearing clothes after a brief nude argument with Xavier. It's another really weird scene; I guess she wanted to show him her tits because... Charles being embarrassed and flustered at the sight of his surrogate sister giving him the Full Monty means he secretly hates mutants or something.
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She's just. She's mad at him because he's reacting negatively to her nudity. Magneto thinks she's hot like this. Why doesn't Xavier think she's hot like this?
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Why don't you want to bang her, Xavier? Why haven't you ever told her she should walk around naked all the time? Is it because you hate mutants? Magneto wants her to be naked all the time because he loves mutants. That's definitely the reason.
But once that's over, she stays in her blue form but puts some pants on.
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She remains dressed throughout the final battle. However, once Magneto's taken his like-minded mutants and started building his own coalition, we get one last shot of Mystique to show that it's begun.
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She has officially begun going full-time nude because Magneto thinks she's prettier naked.
I wonder if she ever hassles the other mutants about it? Like. C'mon, Azazel. Mutants are supposed to be nude to showcase their true beauty. Why don't you show us all that demon dick, Azazel? Where's your--
Wait a second, Azazel and Mystique are Nightcrawler's parents. I picked the wrong fucking mutant for this joke. Uhhhhhh Riptide, whip it out!
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electricpurrs · 5 months
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i am actually so suspicious of this god damn moth post but i cant find any concrete evidence to prove theres something wrong with it other than my gut feeling and i feel insane
like of course first of all this post is from 2013 and im not really willing to believe any given post from 2013 is true specially when the post is this amazing coincidence of this person coincidentally finding those two coincidentally aesthetically pleasing moths and managing to get them coincidentally snuggling together for a picture. yknow. it does feel too weirdly good to be true
BUT SECONDLY im so weirded out by these two moths specifically.
ok bear with me. the little one is very obviously a rosy maple moth. (which is also coincidentally one of the most famous moths specifically for being pretty)
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but im willing to believe any given english speaking tumblrgirl at the time could find one considering they live seemingly accross the united states and canada. fair enough
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BUT my problem is the big one. of course everybody even in the notes seems to be classifying it as a luna moth (ALSO a famous moth species for being pretty) you can also feasibly find them in north america, ok.
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theres also the point of their lifespans
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luna moths as adults live only for about 7-10 days, and i had a harder time finding info for adult rosy maple moths but it seems its about the same
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the source of this is an old article from someone actively breeding maple moths x but i believe its the same with moths in general, since they literally dont have mouths and cant eat so they just mate and die.
SO youre gonna have a small time span to find one. both moths are also mainly nocturnal, which makes even weirder that op found both of them during the day.
theres also the point of WHEN are they adults. aka maply moths seem to show from from may through the summer
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luna moths though, seem to vary in when they show up depending on place. some do include late may or early june on northern regions, ans a generation in july in central states.
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which means you could, feasibly, have a span of about a week or so in may, june or july where both maple moths and luna moths are adults and alive at the same time.
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thats NOT when adult rosy maple moths show up, much less both of them.
though maybe im just being too pedandic with specific dates and theres margin for variation, but its, again, some real big coincidences
BUT FINALLY theres the fact im suspicious about this luna moth IN THE FIRST PLACE.
i might just be going actually crazy here, but for this we've been assuming the luna moth is the species that exists in north america (otherwise these two wouldnt be in the same place at all)
and like this is what the luna moth looks like
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(pictures from wikipedia)
and you see how theyre kinda weird compared to the one in the pic.
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the luna moths are mostly green, with much less of this pretty pastel pink of the one on the tumblr post. you could argue they have pink markings but in most pictures i see they seem more like a dark red/brown with a remarkable very thick marking on the wings
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you see how the moth in the pic just looks kinda weird. but that can also be from filters or editing to make the photo prettier making the colors different.
(i also think the tail looks weirdly long, but there seems to be variation in the tail length in various luna moth pics ive seen, so i cant speak for sure about that)
(i also cant tell you whether the sizes in comparison to each other are right cause i suck at visualizing size comparisons and its not like theres any other pic on earth of the two together so.)
CONCLUSION: i dont fucking know. i spent an hour looking moths up online and didnt get any reasonable answer to my doubts. i guess in the end THERE is, even if small, a chance of you finding both these boths alive at the same time in the same place so i can fully discredit the op. i give up im going to have breakfast
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umprompted · 1 year
august’23 prompts
Insatiable | “There’s been weirder ways to fix a relationship.”
Siren song | “You smell that? Smells like trouble.”
Steering wheel | “I don’t believe in any gods.”
Pool | “You don’t know what you’re seeing.”
Summer | “You seem to think that you’re in control here.”
Holiday | “Isn’t life better like this?”
Glass | “Sorry if I’m sudden, but you’re, like, really pretty.”
Addiction | “Why aren’t you saying anything? Hello?”
Query | “There’s rumours that the family house is haunted.”
Reserve | “Kill me. I’d prefer this.”
Omnipotent | “I wish I could have you to myself.”
Imagination | “Stop. You’re too much.”
Sick Day | “You feel like shit? I feel like I’m being digested.”
Charred Wings | “Put that down.”
Devout | “You love me, don’t you?”
Uncertainty | “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”
Praise | “Save them! Please! I’d do anything!”
Wedlock | “I wish we never met!”
Late night | “I guess you’re right about one thing after all.”
Bath | “Shh, just relax, you deserve it.”
Accordion | “Why don’t we play a game?”
Business | “Honey, don’t do this to me.”
Impossible | “You think I hate you?”
Lovely | “I think I’m gonna be sick.”
White lotus | “All you ever know to do is play pretend.”
Time | “Winter days are prettier.”
Snake | “Mm, yeah, just go harder on that spot.”
Impromptu | “How long have you been there?”
Kite | “HAH! Take that!”
Coke | “Do you ever wonder how we could’ve met?”
Sheet music | “I didn’t know you knew how to play this.”
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sugarywishes · 1 year
Tell me your headcanons about Elizabeth or FNaF1 Freddy, if you want to!
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YES OF COURSE!! Elizabeth is one of my favorite FNAF characters so I have more than enough hcs about her (but as usual I can't put every single one into one post)
Elizabeth Afton Headcanons!
- Elizabeth had the most nicknames in her Family (her dad just calls her Elizabeth, Mike calls her Lizzie, Evan calls her Liz or Lizzie, and her mother calls her Beth or Lizbeth) (I know Lizbeth is technically another name but it is a variation of Elizabeth so it counts)
- Lizzie resembles her mother the most (obviously based off on my design lmao) she kind of resents this fact because in her mind, it's another reason why her father doesn't favor her over Evan (bc she doesn't remind him of himself like he does with her brother)
- As I said in the Charlie post, Lizzie and Evan are twins! Evan was born 2nd so he is the baby so she's stuck as the middle child :(
- Do you guys know that one tumblr (or twitter?) Post abt the person who, when they were a child, would host executions for their ugly dolls and make the prettier dolls watch it to see what will happen to them if they're ugly? And then they'd throw the ugly dolls in the closet?? Yeah that's literally my version of Elizabeth lmao
- But her way of punishing her toys would just be breaking them all to hell. If they're porcelain she'll smash them against the wall, if they're a rag doll or anything of the sorts she'll use scissors and disfigure them. If they're plastic dolls like Barbie, she'll turn them into Weird Barbie. But weirder 😬😬
- Of course sometimes she just destroys them because of her temper issues (she got them from her parents lol!!)
- She hosts tea parties with her toys, and I am a firm believer than Lizzie would be such a big fan of 'proper etiquette', she thinks it makes her fancier (and better than her brothers)
- But of course she is still a girl with brothers. So she's kind of boyish for girls her age (SHE KILLS BUGS WITH HER BARE HANDS ❗❗) (It very much grosses out her brothers)
- She has the 3rd strongest Bri'ish accent in the family, 1st being Will and 2nd is Mike 😭😭 (I personally hc that despite being her brother, Evan doesn't have a strong accent and it's more American like his mom)
- She only really started to hate Evan once she genuinely realized that the birthday party was made with him in mind. William nor Clara asked what Lizzie wanted. It was like she didn't exist. And so when she finally opened her eyes to the fact that Evan, her weak, misfit crybaby of a brother was her dad's favorite, the man she thought was more incredible marvelous than any God in existence, and not her who was desperate to get any sort of attention or validation from him...she turnt against her brother (If the prank didn't happen, she would've started bullying Evan like Michael does :(( this is all William's fault)
Thanks for asking! If you want more just ask!!
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kitkatt0430 · 9 months
So the thing about gifs from the Flash is, even if I can't place the episode I can usually get the season - particularly true for Barry, Cisco, Eowells/The Harrisons
It's the hair. Cisco's hair gets prettier with every season. I love how they lean into how vain Cisco is about his hair, it's so cute he just wants to be pretty.
Meanwhile, Barry's hair is a lot messier looking in the earlier seasons and it looked pretty that way. But in later seasons it's a slow march to the unnaturally perfect/never ruffled/honestly uncanny valley and kinda creepy look of the final two seasons. It looks awful and makes him look older than he actually is. We've already got grown ass adults calling him and Iris 'mom and dad' (and not in an ironic or kinky way either, so it's just weirder than it needs to be as a result) but like... he's my age, let him actually embrace his late twenties, early thirties without skipping straight to his mid-life crisis. Please???
(I'm sorry, but if the cowl comes off and his hair is pristine, that is not a person that's a live action cartoon. I accept it for Bo Katan whenever her helmet comes off in The Mandalorian but she started life as a cartoon. She's the same person as the cartoon, she is a live action cartoon. This version of Barry? Is not.)
Anyway, Eobard also has some pretty distinct looks - I might accidentally mix up S2 Harry from his flashbacks to Eowells, but on the whole every Harrison Wells character is very distinct from one another and from EoWells. However, while Eowells in Flashback in S2 looks just like he did during S1... Eowells in S5 in the episode where Barry and Nora travel to the past is another story. Because his hair is too pristine. It's too perfectly quaffed looking. It's baffling because even S4's flashbacks to Eowells have the hair close enough to feel right, but S5 it just looks off. Like they're compensating for how much of a mess he is in the future prison that they forgot past Eobard's aesthetic was still artfully mussed when it came to his hair.
(I'm actually pretty decent at determining based off Iris' hair too. Though I go more off her outfits since her style evolves throughout the show.)
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chiefbeifongcanrailme · 3 months
For the weirder asks, 7, 29 and 32
Damn Maya, not you asking me my bubbly bathy questions.
7) hair-ties or scrunchies? I prefer hair-ties cuz they're neater but the weight of my hair can really be held up well by scrunchies (plus they're prettier hehe).
29) How do you like your shower water? Luke warm👩🏼‍🍳💋
32) Do you have a favorite towel? YES! The one I'm currently using- it's soft and a watermelon-coral pink color! Best for after bath/shower-nakey-hugs!
Weirder than weird asks
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