#them and never had fun and spent all her time raising someone else’s kids
aphrodisiac-siren · 7 months
Home~ Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
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Summary: Leaving behind everything he knew was hard for Neteyam and then adapting to the ways of the new clan was even harder. He'd push himself, overwork and exhaust himself even, to live upto his family's expectations; never really giving his own wants a second thought. That's why Y/N was the prefect companion for him, someone who kept things in his life balanced, who made sure to let him know that what he wanted was just as important, perhaps even more so, than what everyone else wanted of him.
//slow burn, cute Neytiri and Y/N bonding moment plus Lo'ak being a menace and HEAVY ANGST//
masterlist, Part 3
Part 2
The previous couple of days seemed to be the most fun Y/N had had in a while. She and her siblings spent almost all their time with the Sully kids, teaching them all that they needed to know to survive out here with the reef people. It was refreshing to have a break from her own lessons of healing and hunting and granted that the forest Na'vi were taking their time with adapting to the new place, it was still enjoyable nevertheless to be around them.
Aonung was still hostile, refusing to give the kids a break for even a slight mistake, with the exception of Tuk. He seemed fond of her, on some occasions treating her just like how he treated his own sisters but he was too proud to admit that he'd grown a soft spot for the little one.
Out of the whole lot, Y/N had to concede that Kiri was the fastest learner. It was impressive really how much of a natural she was. Though Y/N also made a note that Neteyam was the more ardent learner. She'd catch him practicing their sign language by himself when the others played on the beach or he'd work on his diving whilst his sisters picked sea shells. She once even saw him trying to teach his Ikran sign language whilst everyone was enjoying dinner.
"Thank-you" he said aloud as he slowly signed, so that the animal could register the gesture "this means thank-you"
As promised, in between lessons, Neteyam would treat her to some random pieces of information he'd learned from his dad about the sky people. He taught her a few words and phrases, being as patient with her as she was with him. There were times when even Lo'ak butted in, trying to have his two seconds of fame as well.
"Not to brag or anything, but I used to visit the sky-people’s camp like all the time" he flexed, grinning like an idiot who'd just won a prize "Oh teach her how to say 'suck my dick' bro"
"S-suck my-"
"NO!" Neteyam practically jumped. The last thing he wanted was to get in trouble for teaching the chief's daughter vulgar profanities "Lo'ak you skxawng! Go away"
In conclusion, the Sullys were an absolute joy to have around.
"You spend too much time with them" Aonung spoke coldly, pulling his sister out of her train of thought. He merely tolerated those kids out of obligation and because of his status as the chief's son. Beyond that, he didn’t give two fucks about them "even Tsireya isn’t tailing after them outside of lessons"
"Tailing after?" Y/N raised a brow, not to happy with the tone her brother was using "I'm sorry, why is me hanging out with them a problem again?"
"They don’t belong here" he said slowly, as if by doing so she'd grasp what he was saying and agree "ever since their arrival, we've been forced to baby them and teach them things we did effortlessly at the age of ten. You and I both haven’t had a day to ourselves to do our training much less relax"
"Those kids are doing their best" Y/N sighed, unsure why it was always her who had to deal with her brother's whining "you can tell they’re trying their hardest' they really want to learn-"
"Well their best isn’t good enough" He snapped, Y/N rolling her eyes at his outburst "I want them to go back"
"Shut up Aonung, don’t be such an asshole" she huffed, using an english insult that Lo'ak taught her and Neteyam begged never to say.
"What?" Aonung looked at her like she said something in gibberish, which to him was what the entirety of the english language would probably sound like.
"Whatever, look at this" the boy struck a pose to flex his biceps, looking at his arms proudly. Y/N rolled her eyes at his antics. It was a bit funny how the conversation was abruptly halted just because Aonung wanted to flex his muscles. Brothers.
Not wanting to stick around for him to go back to his previous argument once he'd finished admiring himself, she left him to fond over himself and went to go take a walk somewhere away from the beach at which they were.
"Where you going?" he called out to her, smile dropping
"Away from you" she said over her shoulder, brushing the sand off her thighs.
"Why? I wasn’t done talking"
"Exactly why I'm going"
Not having much to do until later in the day, when she'd teach some weaving with her father, she decided to go help feed the Ikran.
They usually stayed near the far end of the village, occasionally vanishing for a few hours just to fly around. The clan's people brought them baskets of fish and sometimes fruit to keep them well fed and less cranky.
Y/N hummed to herself whilst carrying the basket that held their food. It was kept in a little shack at a distance from the Ikran. She was curious as to why there wasn’t anyone there at the time, this was usually when someone went to go feed them anyway. Not really caring much, she happily skipped toward them, slightly content that she could admire the creatures alone.
Her enthusiasm died down however, when she rounded the corner and saw Neytiri already there with a similar basket of fish beside her.
Y/N’s chirpy humming had the woman turning around, silently eyeing the girl from up to down.
"Hi" she meekly greeted, awkwardly hugging the basked like it was the only source of comfort she had at the moment "I came to feed them"
"Seze doesn’t like being fed" Neytiri flatly said, quickly glancing at the Ikran to her right who was busy digging into the basket. The other bird-like creatures were curled up for a nap, probably already done with their meal.
"Is that yours?" Y/N put down the basket in defeat, a bit disappointed she couldn’t stick around with the foreign animals.
Neytiri paused to study her some more. Y/N was a sweet girl by nature, her daughter Tuk never failed to mention that to her. She was patient and very smart, very proficient too. Despite her timid voice, she presented herself quite well, shoulders rarely ever hunched and chin up. She was curious little thing, that much was very conspicuous about her; always eager to learn or delve into anything new.
"Come" she beckoned for the younger girl who approached without a word, still holding on to the basket "put that down, Seze will only eat if it’s not directly being fed, she hates being babied"
"Sounds like my brother" Y/N mumbled as she did what Neytiri told, earning a brief grin from the woman. She took a step back and watched as the Ikran dived hungrily into the second basket of fish, despite not finishing the first one "eats like him too... don’t tell anyone I said that"
Neytiri's phlegmatic exterior melted away, laughter replacing her somber expression. Y/N was just humorous as she was diligent, an adorable little thing the older woman found her.
"Did you catch the fish yourself?" she asked, tone much more gentle and motherly now, which visibly seemed to put the younger Na'vi at ease.
"N-no" Y/N responded but quickly opened her mouth to futher justify her answer, as if she felt the need to provide an explanation so as to not be underestimated by Neytiri "but I am good at spearfishing, I've caught plenty of fish you know"
"Ah. But I must confess, catching fish with my arrows is much more easier than these spears you use" She told her and watched the girl's face contour into a look of confusion which she quickly masked with a polite smile, just nodding in agreement "you haven’t trained with a bow and arrow?"
Y/N only nodded a 'no'
"Hm," Neytiri hummed "I will see you little while before eclipse near the southern side of the reef, I hope you don’t mind using Lo'ak's bow while you learn"
Y/N's face lit up to a point where Neytiri was expecting for her whole head to just start glowing like the sun any moment.
"You'll teach me?" she excitedly asked, voice a pitch higher than usual "really?"
Neytiri only chuckled adoringly at her ardor to learn and responded by just ruffling her hair.
Y/N felt like she had conquered all of Pandora by securing a lesson with Neytiri.
She happily skipped to the beach to find her sister Tsireya and tell her about her day so far. She knew her sister was usually whiling away her time picking shells around this time of day, to use them later to braid into her hair.
What she didn’t expect was to run into her idiot brother and his friends caught up in a rowdy fight with Lo'ak and Neteyam. The boys were like hooligans, kicking, punching and pulling tails. Kiri stood in the distance, heavily judging the fools.
“Guys! Hey!” She made a run for it, wanting to stop this fight before any of the skxawngs managed to seriously hurt someone “Aonung!”
Her brother was too caught up trying to free himself from Lo’ak who was pulling his ear all while being dragged across the sand by his tail.
“That’s enough-“
A loud grunt interrupted her and she looked to the side to see Neteyam gracefully knee one of the other boys right in the balls.
“Stop it NOW!” She bellowed, jumping right into the mess of angry teen boys. Not wanting to accidentally hurt the chief’s daughter, Aonung’s friend’s begrudgingly seized their punching and scooted a few steps back.
“Is this how you want the forest people to know us?” She scolded, ignoring the wincing from her brother “that the Metkayina people are hostile bullies? Really Aonung?”
“That bastard threw the first punch!” One of them hissed at Lo’ak, who reacted by hissing back “maybe you should consider vouching for your people and not favour their asses for a change”
“Watch your mouth” despite being in pain, Aonung limped to toward Y/N, putting himself between her and his friend with the snarky tone “do not speak to my sister that way”
The boy only scoffed in response.
“Aonung” Y/N coldly spoke, though there was an undertone of concern lacing her words. Her brother was really beat up, face bruised, lip bleeding and skin scraped here and there “get outta here, go get patched up”
“He’s right you know” he lowly told her, eyes menacingly glancing toward the Sullys “he did start-“
“Then you should’ve put a stop to it” was all she said, staring up at him until her brother caved in and turned away, muttering a string of profanities under his breath that his mother would indefinitely ground him for.
“And you” Y/N turned to the Sully kids as Aonung and his friends made their exit “I know their teasing can get a lot sometimes but did you really have to hit him?”
“You can’t be serious” Lo’ak looked almost offended, as if he wasn’t expecting her at all to scold him “if it wasn’t for that bitc-“
“Mind what you say Lo’ak, he is my brother. A lot to deal with sometimes but he is still my family- the son of Tonowari” she then turned her attention to Kiri “and you just stood there watching and giggling, I always thought you were the mature one”
“Hey don’t drag her into this” Neteyam stepped forward, shielding his siblings both physically and in spirit “they poked fun at her, maybe save the scolding for the person who actually needs it hm?”
“Do not tell me who I ought to scold at and at who I shouldn’t. You were all at fault here to some extent” she hissed, her sharp fangs briefly making an appearance “is resorting to physical violence something you’re used to over choosing to resolve it with civil conversation?”
“Do not speak to me that way” Neteyam hissed, slowly losing his calm composure. He was well known and well respected in his clan, always treated and spoke to like he was royalty. Not a single person had ever spoken rudely much less snapped at him in such a manner. He was a warrior in training to be a strong leader “I’m to be the next Olo'eyktan-“
“No you were going to be Olo'eyktan, before your father left the forest” Y/N was letting her anger get the best of her, not bothering to think even for a second about the words that were leaving her mouth “now you live here in our clan, as a normal person with no high station. So you make your peace-”
“My father is Toruk Makto, he’s fought and won a war against the sky people” Neteyam’s voice was hauntingly low, a growl escaping in between a few words. The way he spoke, the way his tail arose, he almost looked like an animal waiting to pounce on his prey. He was well aware that he was no longer in line to be the next chief but hearing it from someone else in such circumstances made his blood boil “Your father says the reef people haven’t been at war during his time. Take his title of chief away and what does make you then? A nobody; because while I may never be chief, I will always be the son of the great warrior Toruk Makto and you are a girl that was simply born to someone who was already heir to the Metkayina clan”
There was silence.
Deafening silence.
Lo’ak was the short-tempered one in the family, always quick to say things in the heat of the moment; notorious for showing fits of rage and making impulsive choices but even he had to agree: Neteyam had gone too far.
“Bro” he softly called out to Neteyam, sharing nervous glances with Kiri who was just as stunned by their older brother’s outburst. It was unlike him to lose him temper and just say things without thinking.
As if his little brother’s voice was a force that pulled him back to reality, Neteyam’s eyes went wide with realisation after he’d only just processed what he’d said, knowing well that it was too late already.
“No, Y/N” he poorly began, tail drooping down again in shame “I did not mean to-“
“I’m so glad the Omatikaya do not have to face the shame of having to call you their Olo'eyktan” Y/N’s voice was oddly calm but that’s what seemed to scare them even more. She spun on her heels, keeping her cool “there will be no lessons today. And none from me henceforth”
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seramilla · 18 days
So when in human au as Carmilla gets to know Emily and Sera she realizes all the issues Sera has to work through mostly do to her difficult life the biggest being that deep down she feels she can only rely on herself and that she can't rely on anyone else do to having a less than great home life when her parents where around and having to step up and care for Emily alone when they died. The thing that shocks her is that Emily doesn't have many of these issues especially the last one Emily feels she can rely on others mostly Sera because she never had the experience of being on her own like her sister. Carmilla is amazed at how with everything going against her Sera was able to raise and care for Emily so well
Carmilla notices early on in her and Sera's living arrangement that there's something special about Emily. It's not just her seemingly endless well of joy and zest for life. Or the way she shrugs off things that might have started a fight, were it between Odette and Clara. She doesn't overanalyze her piece of cake to make sure it's exactly the same size as everyone else's. She doesn't complain when asked to put away her phone or give up the video game controller for someone else to have a turn.
She does her own laundry, and folds it, all without being asked. She puts herself to bed at a reasonable hour, and likewise, makes sure all her alarms are set to get up and not be late for school the next day. Making her girls go to bed is like pulling teeth, Carmilla thinks. She has to yell at them at least twice (usually three times) to get their butts out of bed in the morning, or she's leaving for the academy without them.
Emily's sense of responsibility and good manners doesn't really come as a surprise to Carmilla, though. Her older sister and guardian is Sera, after all -- probably the most by-the-book and dedicated individual Carmilla has ever met. Her little sister is her world. Of course, she'd do absolutely everything to bring her up right.
Even before they officially called themselves a couple, Sera had confided in Carmilla about her childhood. Now, lying here in Carmilla's bed, which they've been sharing more often than not recently, Carmilla isn't annoyed when Sera's mind wanders. It had been a song that Carmilla was humming, while shuffling around her bedroom getting ready to turn in for the night. A tune that used to comfort Emily when she was a baby...Carmilla isn't sure why she'd started humming it. But it gets Sera thinking, and a story that Carmilla's heard multiple times starts coming forth from her mouth, but with more detail than Carmilla has ever heard before.
Sera's parents spent most of their waking hours wasted or drunk, or both. They never really wanted kids, to be honest, but when Sera's mother's high school sweetheart got her pregnant right after graduation, both of them had to work to make end's meet. Sera had practically raised herself, and her mother reminded her every day just how little Sera was actually wanted. But at least her mother's abuse was only verbal; unlike her father, who would frequently come after her with a belt, when she so much as dared to forget to turn off a light.
Sera couldn't wait to get out of that apartment. She started working at 16, saved up every paycheck for 2 years to build up a nest egg, and then the day she turned 18, walked out the door with as much as she could carry in a backpack. She never said goodbye, and after that day, never spoke to her parents again. She wondered if either of them even noticed that their only daughter was gone.
College was wonderful. It was everything that Sera had ever wanted it to be. There was freedom, and parties, and schoolwork, and making friends, and fun times necking with her latest love interest behind the bleachers of the football stadium. For the first time in her life, Sera had thrived. She absorbed knowledge in her classes like a sponge, and was on track to graduate Cum Laude, if she kept up the good work. The sky was the limit, and life felt good.
But at the end of her third semester in university, everything literally changed for Sera overnight. She'd been at a party when the call came in. She didn't get back to her apartment until hours later, with some hottie she'd decided to bring home for the evening practically hanging off her shoulder. The girl had stumbled past the threshold, searching frantically for a bathroom to upchuck whatever booze she'd had that evening. Sera pointed her in the right direction, and while she waited for her companion to finish expelling the contents of her stomach into a porcelain bowl, Sera walked into the kitchen, and noticed she had a missed message on her phone. The one and only message shocked her to the core as it started playing. Sera had to catch herself on the edge of the kitchen counter before she passed out onto the floor.
"This message is for Sera Espinosa, from the Child Protective Services division. We are attempting to reach out to you about your younger sister, Emily Espinosa. She is in our custody at this time, as her parents have recently been found deceased. We are contacting Emily's next of kin to let her know of the situation, before she is placed with a foster family by week's end. If you would like to discuss this matter, or dispute your sister's case, please reach out to our office at 555--"
Sera hadn't heard the rest of the message. The remainder was a mental blur. By this time, her ears were ringing, and she was visibly shaking on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor. When her companion for the evening finished puking and found her there, shivering and quaking with her hand over her mouth like she was in shock, she tried to console Sera as best she could, patting her back. But Sera could not be consoled. She started sobbing; really loud and mournful sobbing, like her entire famly had just died, because they basically had. Her companion chose that time to awkwardly and silently see herself out, unable to provide the emotional support that Sera desperately needed at that moment. Neither of them spoke to each other again.
Sera spent the rest of the night crying on the floor, alone, and then finally, dragged herself to bed when it was almost 3am. It was too late to call back CPS, so she had to do that in the morning. As soon as their offices opened the next day, she had to re-listen to the message to get the correct phone number, and desperately dialed it, hands still shaking.
She spoke to the officer who had left her the message. It was through his callous, uncaring voice that she learned of her parents' untimely demise. They had been drinking the night before (of course, no surprises there) and ran their car into a ravine -- right into a tree, killing the two of them on impact. The only survivor had been Sera's little sister Emily. Still just a baby, and thankfully strapped into the car seat in the back. The only reason Emily was still alive was thanks to that blessed hunk of plastic, protecting her from the brunt of the wreck.
That was the day that Sera not only learned her parents were dead, but that she had a baby sister, to boot. Because of course she still hadn't spoken to them in the last 3 years, and of course they hadn't even bothered to let her know her mother had given birth. Sera's mother had absolutely no business having one child to abuse, let alone two; but she had gotten pregnant again, and she and Sera's father had gotten themselves killed, leaving their baby alone in the world, with no one else to care for her.
No one...except Sera. The young woman asked if she could see Emily, and was promptly told she'd have to cut through a lot of legal red tape in order to have that privilege. Sera was dedicated, though. She vowed to do whatever it took to see Emily, and get her sister, who was still a complete and total stranger, out of the predicament she was currently in.
What ensued was a months-long battle with the court system trying to prove that Emily belonged with her sister, the baby's only surviving relative. CPS wanted to place Emily with a nice young couple who had a big house, who had always wanted a child; they assured her that Emily would ultimately be better off. After all, Sera was still in school. She had her entire life ahead of her, and she couldn't even pretend like she could afford raising a child with her part-time campus job. That barely covered her tuition, let alone living expenses.
No, CPS said, Sera should just forget it, and move on with her life. No matter that Sera may never see Emily again, or be able to have any sort of relationship with her only flesh and blood. They kept telling her over and over again all the things that a 21-year-old college student should want. But Sera wasn't just any college student. She was an adult, with a good head on her shoulders, and a smart brain in her skull. She was resourceful, and determined, and full of all the love her parents never gave her, ready to be shared with someone else.
She had vowed to do whatever it took to protect Emily. Even at the cost of her so-called perfect life. Even if she had to quit school, and get a job. Get two jobs. Whatever it took, she would not let Emily grow up in a world wondering what became of her family. She'd never let that little girl go through life not knowing where she came from, and that she was loved, and wanted. All the things Sera had never had as a child...she would give it all to Emily, and more.
So Sera made the most difficult choice of her life. Starting college had been easy. Ending it was the hardest thing she'd ever done. Getting a job as a clerk was the second-hardest thing. But the moment that courtroom gavel dropped, echoing loudly throughout the courtroom and into her ears, and the judge declared her Emily's sole caretaker and guardian, Sera knew immediately she'd made the correct choice.
The only choice. There simply was no other path to take.
Emily looked like their mom. That was the first thing Sera noticed. All round-faced with pudgy cheeks; the little girl just never stopped smiling. Sera had the lankiness and strong profile of their father. But Emily was the personification of everything soft, and malleable, and innocent in the world. From the moment Sera finally held her in her arms, her little sister rarely cried ever again. She was the happiest baby anyone would ever meet, and Sera became the most devoted guardian on the planet.
She taught Emily how to survive. How to be independent and do many things for herself at a young age. She never wanted Emily to feel alone and worthless like she had. She wanted Emily to be able to take care of herself, even if Sera couldn't be with her. Their parents' death was like a wake-up call for Sera. A harsh reminder that everything can change, and be gone in a moment, before a person even has time to process it. Like a car smashing into a tree.
It had been difficult. Sera had given up everything. But even knowing now how things would turn out, Sera wouldn't change any of that for the world. She would do it all over again, if given the chance. In that sense, Sera had lost nothing at all. She'd gained a little sister. A daughter. A family. A sense of fulfillment she'd never had before.
Nothing else mattered. Not now. Now that she had Emily.
Sera is so lost in thought, she doesn't realize Carmilla has moved to lie next to her on the bed. Her eyes widen, and she shakes her head a little bit, as if to slough off all the trauma and bad memories of her first 18 years of life. Carmilla is lying on her side, propping her head up with her elbow on her pillow. After Sera comes back down to Earth, metaphorically speaking, Carmilla leans in closely, pulling Sera into a slow and drawn-out kiss.
"I know I've said it before, but you're amazing." Carmilla says this mere millimeters from Sera's lips, so that the slight feeling of Carmilla's breath against her face makes Sera blush profusely.
"Stop it," Sera says, playfully trying to push Carmilla away.
Carmilla doesn't let her, leaning down and grinning, moving in to kiss her again. Sera smushes her hand into Carmilla's cheek, trying to shove the other woman off her, and soon, a battle starts playing out beneath the luxurious covers of Carmilla's bed. Sera squeals as Carmilla turns her over, forcing the taller woman onto her back, and then she's beaming down mischievously at her.
"Give up?" Carmilla teases.
Sera struggles a few more times, but when it's obvious she isn't getting out from under Carmilla's weight, she sighs.
"Yes! Fine! You win!"
Carmilla chortles, and rolls off to the side to look down at Sera. Sera sticks her tongue out at her, and Carmilla returns the gesture in kind. The other woman tries so hard to be a brat, but fails miserably every time. Sera is simply too much of a people pleaser.
Carmilla starts playing with Sera's hair, twirling a few of the long, curly locks around one finger before continuing.
"You've done an impossible thing, all on your own, with no one else's help," Carmilla states. "I've been a mother just as long as you have. I knew my family, had everything handed to me, with all the best babysitters and nannies that money can buy. And yet, you are still my better when it comes to raising children. Don't get me wrong...Odette and Clara are perfect and I would not change them for the world. But Emily...you just...she has never had to know the pain and suffering you dealt with. You shielded her from that. You did that by yourself, and I will never fail to remind you how commendible that is."
"You're just trying to butter me up," Sera responds. Carmilla knows there is nothing Sera hates more than being praised for something she feels obligated to do. Carmilla isn't doing this to upset Sera, but she feels this overwhelming urge to truly make the other woman believe the veracity of her words. Even if it isn't tonight, she'll keep saying it, until it finally clicks.
"So what if I am?" Carmilla quips, kissing Sera again before pulling the covers over their heads. She covers them both in a sanctuary of lush blankets, shutting out the rest of the world. "That doesn't make it not true. Now come here, you."
Carmilla kisses her again, and doesn't bring up the subject anymore that evening. She chooses instead to cuddle and do other fun things with her partner. She feels satisfied that she's planted a seed, and one day, Sera will actually understand how remarkable of person she is. She will hear Carmilla when she reminds her of that fact, and she will believe it, and know the truth of it.
Even if it takes hundreds of times, or thousands, Carmilla is nothing if not stubborn. She'll keep reminding Sera of her indomitable will and magnificent spirit, for as long as it takes. Until her adorable, humble, and oh-so-hot-with-that-ass-and-those-legs girlfriend finally gets it.
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star-going-supernova · 6 months
Okay, here’s a prompt I’m a bit surprised I haven’t seen yet. Only three words, but with near infinite potential.
Gregory. April Fools.
Have fun.
I’m picturing the kids as being thirteen or fourteen in this one. 
Expectations (And the Breaking of Them)
Cassie couldn’t help but snicker to herself at how tense her classmates and teacher were that morning. Some kept eyeing the doorway, perhaps praying that Gregory wouldn’t walk through it on today of all days. 
April Fools Day.
Gregory’s pranks the previous year were a thing of legend, and she truly regretted having been out that week with the flu. Rumor had it that multiple teachers had been clamoring to give him detention (or even have him suspended) for some of his stunts, but the true brilliance of his school-wide torment wasn’t how elaborate or funny or distracting the pranks were. It was that there was no proof that Gregory was the culprit. 
Oh, everyone knew, of course. But they had no way to truly pin any of it on him, and it was even less of a secret that his moms would gladly rip into the administration if their son was punished for something without proof of guilt. 
The only thing the teachers had on him was being one of the five instigators of a massive food fight during lunch. 
Needless to say, Gregory had a lot to live up to this year, and all his potential victims were already flinching. 
At last, Gregory sauntered into the classroom with a satisfied grin. Over a dozen pairs of wary eyes zeroed in on him. 
“Hey, Cassie,” he greeted her as slid into her desk behind her. 
“Good morning,” she replied dryly. 
He chuckled. “It certainly is.” 
Attendance was taken soon after, and hour by hour, the day passed by agonizingly slowly. Every time Gregory made a sound or shifted in his seat or raised his hand, someone would flinch or duck or give him a suspicious look. Their teacher looked like she dearly wanted to refuse when Gregory asked to go to the bathroom, and she watched the clock like a hawk until he came back an ordinary amount of time later. 
But nothing happened. 
Lunch arrived, and many students cautiously checked their lunches for tampering. Even those who’d bought their lunch were hesitant to eat. Cassie sat beside him as usual, and they chatted about their after school plans while everyone else watched Gregory over their shoulders for any signs of mischief. 
But nothing happened. 
Gregory was a model student for the remainder of the day as well, even as the spark in his eyes never dimmed. The silence during their final free period was thick; the unlucky few to be seated in Gregory’s immediate vicinity unsubtly scooted their desks away until only Cassie remained in a five foot radius around him. 
But the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, and nothing happened. 
• • •
Once they were safely far away from any potential eavesdroppers, Cassie finally let out all the laughter she’d been swallowing back. Gregory joined in, snickering gleefully as they walked down the sidewalk to Cassie’s house. 
“They were all so afraid!” she giggled. “Everyone was acting like you were about to explode or something!” 
“I could practically taste their fear,” Gregory said proudly. 
“Best April Fools ever.” 
“Not yet, it’s not.” Gregory pulled out a phone that wasn’t his and tapped around for a minute before holding the screen out to her. “Care to do the honors, my dear partner in crime?” 
“Gladly.” And Cassie tapped a single button, launching the prank to end all pranks that she had spent most of the day setting up. Because while everyone else had been so focused on Gregory, no one had paid any attention to her—not as she’d fiddled on that very phone, not as she took an extra long bathroom trip, and not even as she slipped into the main office under the guise of making copies for her teacher. 
It’d been Gregory’s idea, just as much as it’d been his idea that he would effortlessly keep the spotlight on himself while she put everything into place. 
A moment later, their phones received an official email from the official administration email address sent to all students and parents announcing there would be no school the next day on account of “a prank that has caused some property damage.” No doubt, everyone would assume it was the prank they’d all been expecting from Gregory. 
The teachers, though, would be getting no such email. In the morning, they would be faced quite bewilderingly with a completely and utterly empty school.
The phone, borrowed from the pizzaplex’s lost and found, would be returned to the box of junk that evening, wiped clean of any incriminating evidence. No one would ever know how, or even truly who, had pulled off a prank that got everyone a free day—
—but it was generally accepted to be the best prank ever committed at their school, and Gregory was the favorite suspect. Naturally. And while no one would ever seriously suspect kind, quiet Cassie as an accomplice, there were some who noticed that that April Fools Day, her eyes had been just as bright with mischief as her best friend’s. 
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Lost Boys Part 6
Summary: The final part of this series! Leaving it open as a bit of a sandbox so I can come back and do drabbles when I feel like it :)
Words: 1.8k
CW: General dubcon nonsense
She swore Graves and his Shadows knew exactly what she had done on her break. They watched her pass their stalls with amused and part way hungry eyes. A hand ran through her hair that caused a shiver right down her spine.
“Vargas darlin’? No accounting for taste. Next time you come to me or mine and we'll treat you right hm?” 
Jesus. Graves was something else with that molasses drawl of his and those baby blues seemingly always sparkling with some sort of mirth. She held her head high, flipping her hair over her shoulder and winking at him.
“You'd fleece me out of every cent I own.”
“Aww come on now, that's not a very nice thing to say.”
“And that's not a denial.”
“It's in my nature to want to make advantageous deals, not my fault when fine folk agree to them.”
“Good thing I'm not fine folk then so won't be tempted.”
He laughed in delight. Philip Graves loved someone with some wits about them. It was all too easy most of the time to kiss someone's soul away at the crossroads when they foolishly offered it up. Humans were so greedy for wealth, fame, power, love. This one was fun, messing with creatures that should terrify her. As far as he could see she was reaping the benefits while suffering none of the consequences. Oh she would make a wonderful demon, an even more wonderful victim. He could imagine how satisfying it would be to slide his tongue past her teeth to seal an oath where she gave her soul to him. Delicious, it had been too long since him and his Shadows had eaten something so decadent.
“You'll find I can be very temptin’ darlin’.”
“Well there appears to be a line, so better up your game.”
Preacher laughed as she walked past, absolutely aware that he would take that as a challenge. Let him honestly, the people on this boardwalk were ridiculous and she could play along. Especially if it got her head that good on breaks. 
The rest of the shift was fine, no more sneaky handsome distractions. Alex sent someone else to take over for the evening shift, not making an appearance himself. Maybe he was embarrassed after shoving his tongue down her throat. Or maybe he had went home with Alejandro. Again, none of her business.
By the time she was heading home the sun was dipping beneath the horizon, darkness coming quickly. She had never really minded the night time, it was more like an old friend than a threat. She preferred to work during the evening and she knew she'd have to get over her apprehension at seeing Simon or Johnny again, but one day of avoiding them wouldn't hurt.
“Hey wait up!”
Oh Christ, it was the 3rd one of that little trio jogging up to her as she walked home. She didn't slow, just raised an eyebrow and continued on her way. He jogged ahead and then turned, walking backwards so he could talk to her as she moved. Cute.
“We didn't officially meet did we Preacher? Kyle Garrick” he said, thrusting a hand out.
She didn't love that Alex had already told this man her nickname but she was nothing if not polite, so she took his hand to shake and only rolled her eyes and stopped walking when he instead took her knuckles up to press a kiss to them.
“Look buddy, I'm not going to fuck you.”
Kyle choked out a laugh. Johnny had not been kidding when he said she was a feisty little fucker. 
“Even after all the work I put in stocking your house?”
“So it was you that broke in. Not as romantic a gesture as you seem to think.”
“Hardly breaking in, you invited me. Already too fucked out by then for us to have some fun, but you're looking thoroughly unfucked right now. Heard Ale got his tongue in you well enough, but I think you need something more substantial.”
Preacher spent at least 2 whole seconds trying to maintain some sense of decorum before giving up.
“If I need something more substantial, I'll ask Konig.”
That definitely got him annoyed, stepping forward and jamming a hand between her legs to cup her cunt over her jeans.
“You won't, not when you know how well we fuck. You think Ghost and Soap gave it to you? Doll I'd destroy this little pussy, you'd never want anyone else again.”
Preacher partly believed him if she was honest, his two friends had been hands down the best fuck of her life so it would follow logic that he'd be incredible as well. Didn't mean her pride would allow it when there were frankly, a lot of other options. She leaned forward to purr into his ear.
“Would hate for you to do that to Alex, thought you were friends. Not very friendly to ruin his chances given that he kissed me today.”
With that she pushed away from him, his hand falling away as she started walking again. Her blood was certainly up, she'd be needing to take care of herself when she got in since her pussy throbbed from his aggressive proposition. 
Every fibre of Kyle's being wanted to eat her. The only thing keeping him glued to the spot was Price's oppressive aura nearby, warning him to leave it alone. Fuck. The delicate skin of her throat would shred like tissue paper under his teeth. He had licked her blood off of Johnny when he had it smeared across him so he knew she tasted fucking divine and that had only been cold blood, not warm and pumping the way it was inside of her.  
He watched her for far too long before finally being able to move, heading back to the den.
As Gaz paced their den Price only laughed at his frustration, commanding Johnny to calm him down. Not even MacTavish's sloppy mouth could make him stop thinking about her. They decided between the 4 of them that she was going to be theirs and she was going to do it willingly. Especially now that the others had an eye on her, it was a matter of pride to win her fair and square. Well, win her of her own volition at least even if their methods could technically be thought of as cheating.
After all, they were vampires. How hard could it be to seduce one little human?
“Y'all understand?”
There was a chorus of eager agreements. The Shadows would get this new girl off of amusements and into the games. She had been a temptation already, but seeing that everyone else wanted her? That really sealed her fate as soon to be theirs.
Demons were basically built to seduce humans after all. It'd be easy. 
Horangi couldn't move for the heavy weight crushing him, not that he'd be able to move if Konig got off. The fuck had been cathartic for both of them, thoroughly exhausting, leaving him boneless.
“I want her.”
“I know Ko, when have I ever not gotten you something you've wanted?”
Shifters were feral things, but it meant they courted far better than any other creature could hope to. It was in their instincts to seduce a mate. Shouldn't take much effort at all.
Rudy groaned and then immediately started huffing. The taste of her he could get from Ale's mouth just was not enough. The night only got worse when an unwelcome visitor swam in.
“What are you doing here?”
“Alejandro I'm wounded, you don't think I may just want to visit an old flame?”
“Try again.”
“Your little Preacher, I want her. We both know there is a lot of competition for such a sweet thing. So why not work together?”
It made sense. If Ale and Rudy had to share her, better it be with another siren. It was agreed they'd do it without their song to prove that they had won her with her enthusiastic and uncharmed consent. If they did it any other way no doubt it would make them look weak, like they couldn't claim a human without the use of their powers. 
Sirens weren't just charming because of their song, they could seduce humans just fine without it. And this human? They were confident about their chances.
“Farah please” Alex pleaded, a blade against his throat. 
His own fault really for just wandering in when he knew how she currently felt about him. He had saved her, but he had refused to go with her and Kate, had chosen to stay with the creatures that had wanted to eat her in the first place. 
“Where is this change of heart coming from?”
“...there's a girl. They've kept her alive for now, but they're not the only ones after her.”
“And she belongs with her own kind.”
Alex nodded and Farah took the blade away. Finally he got it. She'd like to meet this girl who had finally pushed him to come back to his senses, come back to her. 
They had hunted monsters of all types, hunting a human should be easy. It would be wildly satisfying to rob all of these creatures of someone they wanted to claim for themselves, shove it in their face that they could never compare to the affection humans held for one another. 
Preacher sighed in contentment, all cosy and ready for bed. She was just making a cup of tea when the door went. It was pretty late for visitors, but then it wasn't like anyone here was normal.
Really she shouldn't have been so happy to see him, idiot that he was. But it had been a while since Keegan’s smug little grin had been on her behalf. 
Keegan knew she'd survive, but he was feeling feral over the mixture of scents clinging to her. These fucking animals had all been pawing at her by the smell of it. 
No matter, he had been laying groundwork for years. And now here she was, in his home, ready to fall head over heels in love with him. He'd make sure of it. After all he knew the monsters that made their home in Santa Carla, and none of them had ever come up against someone quite like his Preacher before.
They stood no chance.
Little non-canon bonus round because I think it would be neat if Preacher was, in fact, secretly just a dragon hoarding fuckable monsters
It was nice having Keegan close. He was the first of her hoard after all. And now she had so many more to add! Preacher thought she was going to like Santa Carla just fine.
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cu1er · 5 months
Oblivion — Neymar Jr.
(see pt. 2 here)
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Summary: After winning the UWCL with Barcelona, you end up face-to-face with Neymar on the field amidst celebrations as he has an epiphany.
Warnings: Pining, angst-ish, Neymar and reader are in their early 20s (to fit the timeline), happy ending, not proofread because Tumblr wanted to delete my proofread version and make me rewrite it x
A/N: First story on here (& first time writing for a man), I hope the 2 remaining Neymar fans on this app enjoy 😕.
You had been a player for FC Barcelona since you were 15 years old. You spent many years at your grassroots club before working your way up through the academy once the offer arose, and that eventually led to you becoming a player for the senior women’s team. The most important thing to you out of your whole career was your best friend, Neymar.
One thing about Neymar was that he loved fun, whether it was doing skill after skill on the pitch or dancing on a table as he sprayed champagne in the locker rooms. This playful nature of his made it natural for him to be a big partygoer.
He'd take any opportunity as an excuse to throw a party. On the weekends, after a big match, even before a big match, you name it; Neymar Junior was a party animal.
That made loving him even harder than it already was.
You'd walk into a room and see him buried underneath girls upon girls. Not even long after, he'd be up on his feet and dancing, his arm on another woman's waist as he smiled and enjoyed himself, allowing her to grind up on him. You pretended you didn't care, but it was easier said than done.
Some nights, you saw him take someone by their hand and lead them up the stairs as he smiled at them. It didn't take a genius to figure out what happened behind that locked door; the grunts and heavy breathing spoke for itself.
You liked him, and it hurt. Every party was agony for you as much as it was fun for him, but you stayed. You could never justify why.
It was good motivation on the pitch. The need to be the best elsewhere if you couldn't be the best for him was the only thing guiding you on the pitch as you put up numbers and slowly started to perform better than you ever had.
His parties didn't stop. The hookups never stopped. Over time, you became less aware of them, because you stopped showing up. It was all part of you accepting that he didn't like you the way you liked him and you'd never be one of the lucky women he takes up to his room for the night, no matter how hard you wished. Just best friends.
Since you had reinforced the idea of him being a best friend to you, passing him between training and at club events became easier. The recounts of his latest girl became less of a blow.
"Meu Deus, I am starving," he grumbled, suddenly appearing behind you as you loaded your plate with breakfast. He didn't hold back on piling his plate either. You two found a table and sat down beside each other.
"Did you not eat dinner or something?" You asked with an eyebrow raised as he ravaged his plate of food. He shook his head and looked at you with a smirk, "I had a different kind of dinner."
"Ets tan repugnant," you muttered, shaking your head. He laughed and nudged you. With what little knowledge of the Catalan language he had, he replied. "I'm kidding! I didn't have anyone over, it was just me. I'm done with all that."
You looked at him with disbelief until his eyes softened. "I'm serious. I want to settle." The genuine expression on his face made it hard to suspect him of lying, so you nodded.
"I've got training on the field. I'll see you later," you spoke, finishing off your breakfast and doing your dishes before leaving the cafeteria.
He watched you go; the reason for his decision. The scraps of his breakfast were left on his plate as he stood up and left the cafeteria in a hurry, hoping that he'd get to the gym or the pitch or even the locker rooms and see someone else.
That didn't happen. He was left with his own thoughts in the hollow and cold locker room. Every fling wasn't worth the 20 minutes of pleasure. It wasn't even his own pleasure. He didn't know why he kept chasing that feeling when, 5 fucks in, he never received it. He felt absent from his own body every time the door locked behind him and a body hit the mattress. Now it was obvious why that was happening.
When he finally left the locker room, he paused in front of the field. The women of the Barcelona women's team crowded the field, but his eyes restlessly searched for you. When he couldn't find you, he became hyper-aware of the time he had spent just standing there, and he practically sprinted off.
This didn't go unnoticed by you, and from behind Alexia's figure you could clearly see him disappearing into the facilities.
The Women's Champions League was the most talked about event within the club as it inched closer. That was one of the big things you loved about the club; no matter the gender, football was football. Both teams received the same support, as long as you played in the blaugrana. It was also being held in Bilbao, so basically next door, which meant more people from the club would be able to catch a flight and see the match.
The weeks following the final consisted of lots of nerves and what-ifs, but once you got on the team bus, it all disappeared somehow. You loved the bus rides with your team; even though it was such a simple activity, it was better than any real team bonding activity. You settled quickly beside Patri and behind Claudia and Ingrid.
As you listened to Patri's quiet snores beside you, you thought to yourself for a moment. You knew that the men didn't have any more matches scheduled for the rest of the month, and some of them would definitely be travelling to Bilbao to watch the final. Part of you hoped he would be part of the select few flying to Bilbao, going out of his way to come watch you and your team play.
You would've thought harder about it all, but your exhaustion caught up to you and you spent 3 and a half hours out of the long 6 hour drive sleeping. When you woke up, you spent a bit more time thinking, and the rest of the ride was spent engaging in conversations with your teammates before you drifted into a light sleep once again. When you woke up again, you had arrived in Bilbao.
Somehow, Fridolina's hoodie had been your pillow the whole time and one of your slides underneath the seat while the other was barely on your foot and you were sharing a fluffy blanket with Patri that was definitely not there earlier... it was a state for sure. Groggily, you all piled off the bus, your sweatpants rolled up to your knees in pantaloons as you walked off the bus.
The weather was nice and warm and despite the initial tiredness amongst the team, everyone was happy. You had a positive feeling about the final that awaited you, and you shared this thought with Alexia. You thanked the Lord for the absence of the media crew, because judging by your reflection in your phone screen, you looked horrific as you waddled into the hotel lobby.
Neymar had barely escaped your mind despite everything going on around you, but you didn't have time to think about him, not with Ale right beside you, her arm wrapped around you as she squeezed your shoulder. She was like a big sister to you in a sense, and for that you were grateful. It gave you relief, because you finally felt like you could open up to someone about your feelings for Neymar that were feeling like an eternal issue.
As you checked into your hotel room, something in your gut told you that your stay in Bilbao would be very special in ways that went beyond the Champions League. You could only wait for Saturday and see for yourself.
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welldonekhushi · 2 years
Words Unspoken
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Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x Samantha "Scarlet" Wright (OC)
Note: Wishing you all a very happy Valentines Day! And on his occasion, here's a fic I wrote over our fave couple! I hope you like it! <3
Summary: Scarlet tries to gift Soap something precious on the special day of love, with some unspoken feelings. How would it go?
Warnings: A bit of angst? But fluff and comfort in the end!
If I had to add a song that fits this fic, it'll be Words Unspoken by Leroy Sanchez!
"What are you getting for Valentines Day?" Roach asked the petite, woman, sitting beside him, as Scarlet blushed at the thought and rubbed her hair nervously.
"Well, to be honest, Gary.. I don't think it's possible. I mean, Valentines Day is celebrated when you're having a couple, right?"
Roach widened his eyes at Scarlet's response, and then he raised an eyebrow. "Then who's Soap to you?"
"He's my best friend! Please, get your mind together, Gary. Yeah, we do talk often but that doesn't mean we.. we have.. something between us?" Something made Scarlet flinch a little in her sentence and was not letting her speak confidently about it.
"I like how you're defending yourself so bad even if you admit you do have something for him." Roach was deadpanning for a while and then burst out in laughter, making fun of Scarlet. She rolls her eyes and knocks his arm with her elbow.
"But come on Scar, look at him and yourself. Everyone in the compound, who I know or not, they feel you act like you two know each other so well. They literally get so jealous of not having a woman like you with themselves, because of how perfectly you match with the Captain." Roach explained. "Heck, the way your personalities merge together and the two behave the same, it feels like.. you two were meant to be each other. Tell me, don't you think anything about your friend?"
Scarlet carefully listened to the Sergeant, trying to make her believe if she truly had feelings for him or not. For the fact, Roach wasn't wrong, at a point. Ever since her time in the SAS, with Soap's unexpected presence, everything changed. For her, and for him. Evaluating all the moments she spent with John — from the day they met when they were kids, to high school, to getting separated and finally reuniting in the SAS.
She realised she feels comfort when she is near Soap. She feels comfort when he hugs her by wrapping his strong arms around her back. She feels comfort when he laughs. She feels comfort when Soap protects her. She feels comfort.. when Soap really means so much to her. How does that not prove that they two have nothing in between?
"I.. do think about him. I just want him to be okay, I don't even want anything else from him." Scarlet looked at Roach, with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Then what's stopping you from reaching out to him? There must be a reason. Okay, let's assume, you're not actually in love. Fine. But what's the reason that's making you feel it's not possible, according to you? You can talk to me about it, Scarlet. I promise."
If Scarlet had to reveal that one thing that was preventing her from doing the action, it would be — being scared. Scared to believe if everything she thought about wasn't true. What if, it's just the friendship? Friendship means to protect their best friend, make them feel loved, never leave them behind and stay together in the hard times. What if Soap really means something to her? Or it's being one-sided?
What if Soap didn't have any hard feelings for Scarlet? And his heart already belonged to someone el—
A sudden wave of emotions flowed through Scarlet's body, and maybe more in her soul, at the slight thought of that. She didn't like that at all, and she didn't want to face it further. She lets out a sad sigh, as she casts down her head, trying to calm herself down while she responds.
"I just.. don't know if he's just being nice.. or he really means it." She turns to face the Sergeant, while he slowly listens. "We've just seen ourselves as.. friends. Since childhood. No wonder he might have the same fear as me, but we can't trust it. I can't trust it. I'm scared of breaking our friendship or making him change his thoughts on me if I did the wrong step."
"Wrong step? You're crazy or what, Scar?" Roach made a disgusted face. "It's NOT true. You're not destroying anything, at all. Neither your friendship, or making him have a different view on you. You're just expressing your feelings, and I know it. I'm your friend, Scarlet. You're like a sister to me. Heck, a brother knows her sister way better than anyone else." Roach puts a hand over Scarlet's shoulder in an assuring way. "Believe me, it will be okay. Just go, and let everything go according to plan."
After the motivation she receives from Roach, there was no turning back for her now. It was time where she would finally confess her feelings, to the one whom she held for so long. She stands up, takes a deep breath, and nods. "Yes.. I can do it."
Roach smiled, and stood up too. "I know you can. Wait, wait! You can't just go in his room like this, innit?"
Scarlet raised her eyebrow, since she had no idea what Roach wanted to do next. They went to a local flower shop to buy a bunch of roses, with chocolates, cause duh.. how do you celebrate Valentine's Day without these two? Also, Roach thought of an excellent idea for a more touchy look so he suggests Scarlet about it. She did blush at the thought of that, but it felt nice and decided to let it work accordingly.
Walking in the halls, the corridors of the dorms to the offices, Scarlet nervously makes her way to Soap's place, with the gift in her hand. She was revising all the lines during her journey, mustering up all the courage and confidence to speak up her feelings and finally confess them. She approached at the door, as she sighs and almost tries to knock on his door, but the insecurities hit her again. Because everything changes by just a knock on the door, and either she leaves out with hope.. or getting shattered.
Forgetting everything, she forcefully opens the door, and sees Soap already standing on his desk, trying to wrap something but immediately hides it away from her. She raised an eyebrow but gave a salute to him anyway. "Captain."
"Sergeant." Soap responds, plastering a soft smile on his face while looking at his beloved friend. He was more conscious of hiding the thing behind him, since it wasn't ready to be shown yet to her. Scarlet approached Soap, the height difference clashing. She might have looked shorter than him, but it never had been a barrier between their relationship. A lot of things Scarlet wanted to say, and so does Soap, but the nervousness in the two was at its peak.
Fear of being rejected. Fear of being forbidden and broken forever. It was the only chance they could have, to finally confess what they think about each other. Taking a deep breath, Scarlet looked at Soap, her eyebrows furrowed and the grip of the gift in her hand got tighter.
"You know you can call me by my regular name when we're alone, do you lass?" He chuckled.
"I know, Johnny but.. sometimes, we have to maintain a decorum. I believe in discipline somehow." She replied. "You're still my Captain no matter what.
"What if you didn't have to, anymore?" He bent himself slightly to face the Sergeant more clearly, that somehow made her blush a bit. The closeness between the two was also not helping her. Gulping, she tried to maintain her posture and body language, clearing her throat.
"I didn't get you, Captain." In light of confusion, Soap chuckled and pulled away from the Sergeant. "It seems we do need more time to get things right, because I think.. one of us isn't sure who's going to make the first move." He rubbed his head nervously, adjusting a bit to hide the thing behind him.
Scarlet heard a crumple of paper behind Soap's desk, that made her curious to know what it was. "What were you doing?"
Soap looked behind, and then realised what he was doing. "Oh, it's nothing lass. I was just.. uh, packing something. Wait, do you have a gift too?"
He glanced at the gift in your hand, and you hid it behind. "U-uh, no? I mean, it's.. it's uhm?"
"It clearly looks like a gift, Scarly." He rolled his eyes. "Is it for.. me?" He points at himself and grins.
"Uh, well.. it belongs.. to someone who I think about the most." She smiles. "Now.. tell me, what are YOU packing for?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Soap sighed and thought to reveal it.
"Well uhm, it's.. it's a gift too for, someone special. The one who owns my heart." He smiled and slightly shook his head in embarrassment, to hide his blush. "Who do you think it could be for?"
".. oh." Scarlet could only let out one word from her mouth, the grip of her gift slightly loosening. "Well.. I don't know, do you know them? For how long?"
"A long time." He leans on the desk, folding his arms. "Even staying away from her, we never broke contact. She worried about me, cared for me.. she wanted me to come back home soon too, to start a new life." Soap started to think about the woman in her dreams, but at the same time, Scarlet's smile disappeared and her emotions were going on a turmoil when Soap was describing how the love of his life looked like.
"She's so special, like.. she always lights up my life whenever I see her. I miss her. I need her. She misses me too." He sighed sadly. "I can't wait to go back and see her. I'm just about to deliver this gift to her."
Scarlet could feel her grip losing onto her confidence sooner when Soap talked about where his heart belonged, much to Scarlet's dismay. Her fear came true, she dropped her head, with her eyebrows furrowed with the gift in her hands that no longer showed meaning to her or him. Whatever Roach said didn't become real, even if he was hopeful about it. It was proven that these years of friendship had always remained a friendship, not progress to something new. Because Soap had moved on, made a new life with another woman.
That brief separation in their childhood maybe could have been a sign that now it was time to be different from each other, and follow their goals. Even after everything.. the fate was sealed. Scarlet had no problem being now just a colleague for Soap, but the painful spear that stabs her heart in the revelation of Soap's feelings would always haunt her. Always make her undeserving for any love.
She felt.. she was too late for everything now. She got her answer to everything. She might have to spend Valentines Day all by herself now.
"What about you? What is your gift about?" Soap looked at her, smiling. Scarlet looked back at him, hopeless but tried to maintain her positive nature. "Oh, well.. it's.. just a gift. Nothing else. I thought I'd give it to the one who I felt I had feelings for."
Soap raised an eyebrow. "And.. who is it?"
Scarlet's face became a sign of worry, regret and upsetness, trying not to get into more pain if she continued into this. "I.. don't know. But I know it belongs to him." She tried to contain her emotions in front of him, and pursed her lips. Soap noticed something was wrong with her, and it made him concerned. Walking towards her, and lifting her head with her chin, he made her face him.
"Are you alright, lass?"
"I think I will be." She replies, smiling half-heartedly. Soap's eyes furrowed, thinking something was wrong.
"I-I think I have to go, I'm getting late, I need to deliver this gift. Thank you for everything, Captain. See you—!" Before Scarlet could leave, Soap grabbed her hand, and didn't let her go. It left her shocked, as her eyes widened.
"You didn't answer my question, lass." Soap said, softly. Scarlet's emotions spurring out the moment Soap prevents her from leaving. She didn't turn back, but she just shook her head in disappointment.
"Whom does this gift belong to? I want to know who you love." Soap pleaded with her to answer. Scarlet finally broke down, and looked at Soap with her eyes already stinging, ready to release tears. "It's nothing. It belongs to the one who I care for the most."
"You don't care for me then?" He said, making Scarlet shocked.
"What? No!"
"Did you even realise whom I could have been referring to this whole time?" Soap asked, but Scarlet wasn't ready to admit if it was actually the one she thought, or it's not what it looks like. "Don't give up on me, would ya?"
"How would I know about who you truly love, Soap? It isn't even possible.."
"But I thought after years of everything we've gone through.. you'd finally realise it.." He said, sadly. "I thought it would have already created an idea in you that we do have something in between."
".. something between us? What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow.
".. Scarlet, this is where I realised you're the biggest muppet ever that passed selection."
"What, hEY!" She raised her voice and folded her arms. "What was that supposed to mean?!"
"You thought I was talking about someone else?" He raised an eyebrow.
".. of course. I thought, after all this time, you could have been made for someone else, too." She sighed and rubbed her arms, casting her head down.
"And this is why you weren't happy about it?"
Scarlet still kept her head shook, not able to face him. She pursed her lips and tried to control herself, and tried to calm down, sighing. "Look Soap.. I'm.. happy for you. I always have been. I guess, it wasn't fair for me to barge in your personal life because, I know.. we had a lot in common but, I realised.. you have a life too, right? You can't just.. stay bound to me forever, because we're just.. friends. Nothing else. I care for you, I do want you to have the best. Let it be.. a good life, a good relationship with a family. I just want you to be happy."
Soap blinked his eyes and his eyebrows furrowed at what you were saying. He understood everything that you were saying, but what was creating a barrier in between your feelings.. was the misunderstanding. The misunderstanding that the two DID have something for each other, but couldn't express it properly. The fear, the hopelessness, the regret.. of being too late was eating them up and something had to be done.
Soap looked at her, her body already smaller than him, but never felt so vulnerable. His eyes went to the gift, and slowly his hands went to the wrapped paper, and took it from her hand. She looked above to see Soap unwrapping it. It reveals an album that he opens, the moments they had when they were kids. All happy, without worries, fear, just.. pure happiness. Scarlet wanted to devote their long friendship through this book, and confess her whole feelings for him, by this gift wrapped with love.
It made Soap chuckle heartedly, grinning at Scarlet for this sweet gift. Every page was filled with nostalgia, and love. He closed the book, and felt more glad.. he extended his arms and hugged Scarlet lovingly. He rubbed her back, and never wanted to let her go. At all. He was scared to lose her, forget her..
"Thank you. Thank you, and God for letting this be just a misunderstanding.." Soap suddenly started to shed a few tears from his eyes, much to Scarlet's surprise. What was going on?
"Everyday, I hoped that I wasn't the undeserving one. If I was, I couldn't forgive myself. My life would have been truly meaningless, like how it was before." He sniffed, and kept hugging Scarlet. "I didn't want to celebrate Valentines Day alone too, ya know?" He chuckled, and cupped her cheeks.
"Huh..?" She was still in constant shock. Did.. Soap didn't love anyone else but always..
He brought the gift that he was wrapping, and asked Scarlet to open it. It was a box, and when she opened the lid, her eyes widened and the lid in her hand dropped. She slowly dragged the thing in her hand out of the gift, revealing it to be a blanket.. a piece of fabric, that held so much significance. So much that made Scarlet fill with so many memories..
"Whoo, it's pretty darn cold out there!" A young Soap was shivering inside his room, with a young Scarlet also shivering in the same manner.
"Wrap a blanket around you, laddie. You need it." She replied, trying to find a warm blanket around the room.
"Jokes on you, we only have one. And I think one of us would have to sleep in the open." John rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Johnny! What's the point of a sleepover if you don't have blankets? Bollocks, mate."
"Well, it's not my fault you didn't bring your own."
"My own? I was expecting that you'd keep some with you as spare. I'm not wrong either."
"I'm the only child in this house, Miss. One blanket exists with each member of this family. Stop being dramatic."
Scarlet rolled her eyes and just stole the blanket from him. "Hey that's mine, daft!"
"Sorry, now it's mine." She smiles and wraps it around her body, keeping her warm and letting John shiver in the cold. "Well, I won't mind if I give it to you, instead. You can't stay like thi—"
"Don't worry, I'd be good. You shouldn't catch a cold."
She was cosy in her blanket, but at the same time she couldn't see him like this. Seeing the blanket around her, she got up with a plan. "Uhm, Johnny?"
"What?" The young boy spoke in his Scottish accent, his words a little shuddering because of the cold.
"Let's do something new. We should name it as.. glue."
".. what kind of name is that? You mean pasting shit or stuff?"
"No you idiot." She rolled her eyes. "It only needs a blanket, but this time, we'd be in it together. So that we won't feel cold anymore." Scarlet opened the blanket a little to give him access to enter. "Come on, it'll be fun!"
John without hesitating, stepped into the blanket and wrapped himself around with it, sharing warmth with each other. It did feel better, especially in the blanket they were cuddled in, being comfortable and all cosy. John felt good. Warm. Safe, like nobody ever gave. Looking at Scarlet, he was really surprised that an idea could bring them closer like this. The two looked at each other, smiling and then stayed in the same spot, with the blanket "gluing" you two together.
And this is where.. it all connects. The same blanket Scarlet gave to Soap when they cuddled inside of it. Soap never forgot what they used to do when they were all young and free. She never believed he'd keep it with himself this long, much to Scarlet's regret of thinking he might not care for her. She pressed the blanket on her face, breathing in the fabric, the same scent she smelt back then, which made Scarlet cry too, soaking her tears in it. She couldn't believe it at all.
It proved that the two actually cared for each other. They had something in between. And it was time to let it all out.
"How was the surprise, shortie?" He grinned, caressing her hair gently.
Scarlet looks at Soap with teary eyes, and then hugs Soap tightly too. "I'm so damn sorry, John. I thought you were no longer mine. I was so scared.." She sniffed.
"I was scared for a second too, lass." He replied, hugging her back and comforting her. "It's just that we took a while to understand everything."
"We sure did. But now, I'm so glad.. that my feelings weren't just feelings.." She let the tears stream down her cheeks, crying in relief.
Soap gently shed tears too, glad that Scarlet wasn't taken too. "Me too, lass. But now.. this is where it all begins, love."
Soap and Scarlet looked at each other, ever so lovingly, intertwining their fingers with each other and shared a giggle and laugh, something which they couldn't live without. Soap pulled Scarlet's chin towards him to kiss her forehead, as she blushed. He was so beautiful in her eyes, but she was more in his eyes.
After the two calmed down, they were now talking about the gifts they received, while Roach in the meantime saw the two, being ever so happy in their space, makes him more relieved. It made him glad that Scarlet's doubt no longer existed once she opened up her feelings to him.
"I told you, Scarly. It will be okay." Roach said to himself, curling his lips into a soft smile, looking at the two being themselves, and being happier than ever.
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nadinebrooks · 2 years
Here is the link to my masterlist.
Harry Potter x Reader: Some Real Competition
Warnings: Not a thing
Since the day that she was born, (y/n) had always been incredibly competitive. Even when she was playing little league Quidditch, she always needed to win. She wasn’t there to just have fun like most of the other kids.
“You aren’t having fun if you aren't winning (y/n).” Her mum would constantly tell her. That very thought was tattooed in her brain. There was something about being praised that (y/n) loved. She craved the feeling of someone telling her that she was doing exceptionally well. 
Her mother was the witch of the family and she met her father when she spent some time traveling the world after she graduated school.
(y/n)’s mother finished school a year earlier than her other peers and she wanted to go straight into work, but her parents told her to take a year off. She had earned it. So, (y/n)’s mum took some time off and allowed herself to relax for a little while.  
When (y/n) was younger, there was never any competition. No competition when it came to sports and definitely no competition when it came to her school work. Her mum instilled in her that if you weren’t first, then you were last. It didn’t matter if you came in second or ninth. A loser is a loser. 
Going through life with those thoughts isn’t always the best. (y/n) was aware that it wasn’t healthy, but there wasn’t much she could do about it at that point.
Her dad had always been the laid back one who said, “As long as you’re having fun and trying your best, then I can’t ask for much more.” 
(y/n)’s father and mother were complete opposites, but (y/n) wasn’t someone who believed opposites attract. Especially not when it came to marriage. Her parents seemed to make it work, but she didn’t want to have conflicting viewpoints when it came to raising her children. 
Over time, she tried to tone down her competitiveness. But, she just had this urge to be better than everyone else. 
(y/n)’s first started off her schooling at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. She loved it there and she was absolutely crushed when her father informed her that they would have to move for his work. (y/n) loved her friends and she wasn’t sure how she would manage without them.
Her father promised that whenever she got a break from school then they would be able to visit her old friends.
Maybe it was time for a change. She had been at Beauxbatons for the past five years and she had gotten complacent. She was used to always making good grades and nobody ever tried to dethrone her because there was no need in trying. There was nobody that could do what she did. Especially when it came to Potions class.
When (y/n) arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she realized how many more students the school had compared to Beauxbatons. If she wanted to stay at the top of her class, then she was going to have to put in a lot more work. 
The Sorting Hat placed her in Slytherin without much thought and she instantly became friendly with Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy. 
One time Draco made a joke about how (y/n) should have been placed in Ravenclaw with all the studying she did. Pansy laughed and mentioned that Hermione Granger probably should have as well. 
That was the first time she ever heard that name. Maybe it was time that she finally had some competition when it came to school. 
“Amazing work as usual Mr. Potter. Keep it up.” Professor Slughorn gently patted Harry Potter’s back as he walked by and glanced down at his potion. “That’ll be twenty points to Gryffindor.” 
Draco warned her about the goody two shoes Hermione Granger who topped everyone at Hogwarts. Hermione didn’t scare her one bit. She dealt with many Hermiones at her old school. They were the type of girls who were overly confident in their studies and assumed they were smarter than everyone just because a professor or two told them that they were. Hermione would be the cause of her own downfall. 
But what did scare her were people like Harry Potter. He was the type of person who didn’t acknowledge how smart he really was. He knew how smart he was, but it was something he liked to keep on the low.
(y/n) could deal with Granger, but Potter was the one she had to keep an eye on. 
(y/n)’s head snapped toward the sound of Slughorn’s voice before she could even stop herself. She scowled at Harry who offered her a shrug and a sheepish grin before turning back to Ron. 
(y/n)’s scowl spoke volume, but Harry wasn’t sure why she was always scowling at him. He knew that she could smile. She was always smiling when she was talking to Parkinson and Malfoy. And she always looked rather pretty when she did.  
His grades were almost as perfect as hers and what made it worse was how attractive (y/n) found him. Intelligence was something she always found attractive in a guy. As long as he wasn’t smarter than her. 
The rivalry between them hadn’t been addressed. It didn’t need to be. It was obvious enough. 
His glasses were always askew and they seemed to highlight his perfect emerald eyes. She definitely doesn't stare at him from across the room and get distracted by his full pink lips.
“You’re staring again (y/n).” Pansy giggled, giving her friend a slight nudge. 
“I’m not staring at anyone.” (y/n) hissed before quickly turning back around and looking at her own potion. Maybe she had turned a little too quickly because even Draco noticed the sudden motion. He raised an eyebrow as if asking (y/n) if she was alright and she just shrugged him off. 
Her little fantasies about Harry were not something he could know about. Draco was a great friend and all, but that just wasn’t something that he would understand. 
One day during History of Magic, Professor Binns places an assignment back on their desk that they turned in last week. (y/n) did a little celebratory dance when she saw her grade which Harry found absolutely adorable. 
Professor Binns even mentioned that (y/n) had the best assignment in the class and he could tell that she put a lot of thought and effort into it. 
Harry glanced over at her and she sent him a quick wink. His face instantly heated up and he turned back to his assignment to see an O for “Outstanding” at the top of it.
Did that mean (y/n) got something higher than an O?
He glanced over at Hermione’s to see that she had an “E” for Exceeds Expectations at the top of hers. Harry didn’t know when this started happening, but lately he had been doing much better than Hermione in their classes. 
Right then and there Harry knew that him and (y/n) were going to be competing for the rest of the time that they were at Hogwarts. 
One day Harry walked into the library to see (y/n) studying for an exam they have coming up in Charms. Charms had never been one of Harry’s best subjects, so he really needed to put in some work. 
(y/n) was sitting at a table with Malfoy who clearly has absolutely no interest in studying. He was playing with his quills and flipping through his books, sighing loudly. 
He said something which causes (y/n) to place her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing too loud. So, he finds a seat over in the corner where it isn’t clear that he’s watching (y/n), but he can see her without anyone in the way. 
Eventually Draco did leave (y/n) alone and for about an hour or so Harry walked around the library looking for a book that he needed to look up some last minute spells in.
That book that he needed was the one that (y/n) was currently reading. He silently cursed the library for only having one copy. 
He wasn’t worried about talking to (y/n). She came during their fifth year and didn’t really behave like the other Slytherins did. Maybe that’s why he had always felt a pull toward her.
Harry always had a feeling that he was supposed to be in Slytherin, but he wasn’t because he told the hat that he didn’t want to be there. He often wondered what his life would have been like if he didn’t tell that hat that’s where he didn’t want to be. 
Harry packed up his things and made his way over to (y/n) who looked as if she had taken a break from studying and was now reading a book of her own choosing. 
“Hello.” Her eyes flicked up toward him. Her voice was warm and inviting. Which was the exact opposite of how most of the Slytherins sounded when they spoke to him. “Are you looking for something?” 
The two of them had had very minimal conversations over the past two years that she had been at Hogwarts. It always seemed as if Draco was the one who liked to keep it that way on her end. 
“No.” He managed to say. “I was just wondering if I could borrow that book that you’re reading. To study for that Charms exam we have coming up. It’s one of my worst subjects.” 
“I didn’t know you had a bad subject, Harry Potter.” (y/n) tilted her head to the side and smiled a little. “You should never tell your enemy your secrets. You wouldn’t want me using that against you.” 
“Well I don’t consider you an enemy (y/n).”
“Is that so?” Her eyes flashed dangerously and for a second Harry could see exactly why the hat placed her in Slytherin rather than Ravenclaw. She was ambitious, determined, and extremely confident. 
“I don’t have very many enemies.” He admitted. “Anyway, are you done with the book? No worries if you’re not.” 
“How badly do you want it?” (y/n) sat her quill down and placed her head in her hands so that she could look up at Harry. He licked his lips and tried to look anywhere but at her. 
“I don’t know. It has the last concept that I need to study for, but I don’t want to bother you. I just want to do well on this exam. Maybe we can study together?” 
“I don’t usually study with other people Potter. Especially not after you did better than me in Potions last week and that’s my best subject. But I’m sure we can work something out.”  
“What do you want?” He finally asked after a few moments. He was a little intimidated by (y/n), but in a weird way that really turned him on. 
“Take a wild guess.” 
“Me to let my grades drop lower than yours? I know that you were number one last year and I’m not supposed to know that and-”
“Who is number one now? Since you know so much.” (y/n) held up a hand to stop him from talking. 
“Me.” Harry looked down at his dirty Converse afraid of looking her in the eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s absolutely no way I’m losing to you right now. Sure I would understand if it was Hermione Granger, but you?”
“That’s not very nice.” Harry grumbled. 
“Well I’m not a very nice person, now am I?” (y/n) smirked at him. 
“I could let you use my Potions textbook.” He offered. He wouldn’t even let Hermione or Ron use that thing so why was he offering it for (y/n)?
He had no idea, but the crazy feelings in his stomach were making him say all kinds of things. He would probably do just about anything that (y/n) asked him for. 
“And what’s so special about your textbook? Don’t we all have the same one?” 
“Well mine is annotated.”
“Annotated. Did you make your own annotations?” 
“No. It came like that.”
“Okay. And what do these annotations say?” 
“The potions have been fixed. Someone made the procedures better, you know. They scribbled notes in the margins. There’s even some spells that I’ve never heard of.”
“Are all of your books annotated Potter?” (y/n) asked, raising a perfect eyebrow. 
“No.” He shook his head. “Not at all. It’s just that one.” 
“Good.” (y/n) giggled. “I like a little bit of competition and I was going to be very upset if you were cheating your way through class.” 
“I wouldn’t consider it cheating.” Harry let out a small sigh. “Maybe just getting a little extra help. Anyway, I’ll let you borrow it if you let me use that textbook.” 
“Oh. I completely forgot about that. You can use it, I’m done with it.” 
“Thank you.” Harry offered her a small smile before picking up the book. He noticed that (y/n) had turned her attention back to whatever she had been working on earlier. Harry was never one to be upfront, but before he lost all his confidence, there was something he wanted to ask (y/n). So what if she said no, he had nothing to lose. “Would you want to study together? I know that you’re really good at Charms and I need a little help.” 
“I’m good at everything Potter, but sure, I would love to study together.” She offered him a shy smile and pushed all of her things over to the side so that he could put his things down. 
Over the next couple of months, the two of them became exceptionally close. Harry thought that Ron and Hermione were going to be upset with him befriending someone in Slytherin, but they didn’t seem to mind at all. They actually happened to really like (y/n). 
Of course their rivalry continued, but (y/n) stopped being so hard on herself. It was something that Harry had been working with her on. Sometimes it was okay to take a break from studying and go outside just to walk around for a little bit. 
Harry wasn’t really sure when he noticed it, but he started developing feelings for (y/n). He didn’t think about it, but once Hermione asked him if he liked her. He laughed her off and said that it was just a friendly rivalry. There wasn’t anything more. Ron laughed when he said that and said there was no way the two of them were just friends. 
On many different occasions Harry asked her if she wanted to borrow his Potions book, but she said that she wanted to beat him in potions fair and square. Potions had always been her best subject so she wasn’t going to let The Half Blood Prince beat her. And she was right. Even with the help of the book, Harry hadn’t been able to beat her since that day at the beginning of the term. 
He decided to meet her out in a courtyard to change up the scenery. Today in class they had to prepare a potion and whoever did the best got a bottle of Felix Felicis. (y/n) ended up winning which wasn’t a surprise to anyone in the class. Harry thought that she might have been just as good as Snape at making potions. 
She held it up toward the sun looking at the contents of the potion glittering. She giggled and placed it back in her pocket for safe keeping. Harry had come to love that sound. He was always doing whatever he could to make her laugh. 
“Are you okay Harry?” (y/n) reached out and placed a hand on his wrist to catch his attention. 
“Yeah,” he quickly nodded. “Why do you ask?” 
“You just look a little off. You turned red and you looked a little nervous.” 
“Oh. Yeah, I’m fine (y/n).” He forced a smile and (y/n) nodded, but she didn’t seem happy with his response. He was starting to think that Hermione was right about his feelings toward (y/n). It didn’t happen quickly, but over time, he had truly come to like her.  
She was confident, intelligent, and absolutely stunning. It was hard not to have feelings toward her. 
(y/n) turned back to her assignment and began writing once again. And Harry felt himself become mesmerized by her every movement. 
“You’re staring Harry.” (y/n) whispered without even looking up at him. 
“Sorry. You’re just really pretty.” He admitted causing (y/n) to stop writing and place her quill down. 
“You’re not just saying that hoping that I’ll help you with this paper?” (y/n) suspiciously raised an eyebrow at him. She had run into more than enough guys that would say things about her appearance hoping to get something out of it. 
“No.” Harry immediately shook his head. “I’ve thought that ever since you got here. I’ve never really given it much thought until recently, but I like (y/n). I really really like you. I never even asked Ron or Hermione if they wanted to use the book, but I offered it to you without much of a thought.” 
(y/n) allowed herself a small smile as Harry was admitting those things. She didn’t want to give it away that she felt the same way about him. 
“Are you going to say anything?” Harry nervously asked, peeping through his dark eyelashes. 
“And what would you like me to say Potter?” (y/n) amusingly tilted her head to the side. “Do you want me to admit that I feel the same way?”
“I mean yeah, if you do.” Harry shrugged, starting to get nervous. This conversation was not going how he expected it. 
“And if I don’t?” (y/n) shot back.
“Then the both of us will just forget that this conversation ever happened.” Harry whispered, looking anywhere but at (y/n). He was just thinking about how (y/n) was probably waiting to run back to Malfoy and tell him what had just happened. 
“There will be no need for that.” (y/n) gently smiled at him. He finally turned his green eyes toward her. “I feel the same way Harry.”
“Oh great.” Harry grinned and once again he felt himself staring at (y/n) who just giggled and shook her head before returning back to her studies. “So uh, (y/n) would you like to go on a date this weekend? Totally fine if you’re not free, but I just thought that I would ask.” 
“I would love to Harry.” (y/n) leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek causing his entire face to turn bright red. “But don’t think I’m going to go easy on you in class now.” 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
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a-queer-seminarian · 9 months
sigh. i'm so tired of dreams where i'm somehow back at my childhood church and trying to get out of there before i'm recognized and yelled at / attacked. i dream some iteration of this a few times a month.
they are interesting dreams though, because of how they shift and change.
sometimes the church looks like it does now, but more often it looks like it did when i was a kid / up through high school — they redid the entire sanctuary building while i was in undergrad (which is quite fitting narratively lol, that the building itself was demolished and remade while i was undergoing huge changes in myself off at college, so that what i returned to was never quite Familiar, an uncanny valley version of the place i loved most as a child)
the changes the church underwent:
they carefully removed the altar, crucifix, tabernacle, stained glass windows and tore down the old building, then placed all those treasured items in the new, larger sanctuary.
(a fun thing about that altar: it has relics of Felicity and Perpetua inside it, i.e. THE sapphic Saints)
The pews went from two straight rows to having some diagonal rows on the sides.
I want to say the floor is stone now instead of the old burgundy carpet that i remember so well growing up, and that is present in my parents' wedding photos
There are still the small gold fonts of holy water at the side doors, but the main entrance boasts a whole holy water fountain now which is pretty cool
all that statues and images of Jesus and co are, of course, white people. as it was as i grew up, so it is now. i just notice it way more now than i did then
my favorite addition is to one side, a shrine to Our Lady of the Wayside, which i wrote about years ago. I don't know what significance she has to whomever decided to give her space at St. Raphael, but her name alone is so queer — she's there with those who are left behind on the wayside, forgotten or abandoned or unable to keep up.
Sometimes in my dreams the old and the new tangle up, so that i'll exit the new sanctuary and find myself in the old gym, or the old behind-the-scenes space where i'd go to change into my altar serving alb, ready the candles, pray with the priest and other servers before Mass began. (I can't remember what the new behind-space looks like; i only ever went in there a handful of times. So it never shows up in my dreams)
Or in some of my dreams the church looks completely different from reality, expanded into a cathedral — last night the sanctuary looked similar to what it used to on its ground floor, but it had a second level wrapped around the sides for even more pews, with an enormous statue of Raphael in the very back watching over everything.
Most of the time I'm hiding. Fleeing. Trying to escape unseen. Sometimes it's the middle of Mass and i somehow accidentally ended up there? i'm hiding my face trying to hustle to the exit but they're all locked so i have to play it cool, act casual. Or else i'm lost in those back rooms with the albs and such; they've become labyrinthine and i keep passing the doorless spaces where they lead straight onto the raised space with the altar; i can see Father T preaching at the pulpit and my body goes cold fearing he'll turn his head and see me so i hurry on, still hopelessly lost
One time i spent the whole time kneeling before the place to the side of the altar in the old sanctuary building where the tabernacle used to be. Then when i was in high school they moved the tabernacle to be at a more central place right behind the altar, and moved statues of the Holy Family to fill its old space. In my dream the Holy Family and the tabernacle were there, and I knelt in prayer before them. I can't remember what I prayed. Was I desperate for safety or acceptance? Was I defiant? Did I pray for those who persecuted me? I don't remember, but I sure was at it a long time
Every now and then i dream someone does recognize me — and instead of attacking me, they say it's all right. That no one is mad. That i can come back without fear. I hate that version the most because when i wake up it takes me a moment to remember that didn't really happen
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echoxlost · 2 months
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[ jenna ortega | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. DIANA 'ECHO’ GIBSON, an 22 year old HUMAN, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re CYNICAL but the truth is that they’re really SPIRITUAL. Their style can best be described as THE NAIVE AND CURIOUS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( eden, 27, CST, she/her ).
Name: Legally she's Diana Gibson but refuses to go by that name. Nickname: Echo Age: 22 Species: Human Home: Born and raised in New Orleans
-Diana Gibson was always a stubborn child from birth on. She didn't cry when she was born and doctors had their fears but it turned out she was perfectly healthy if not stubborn. She continued to not cry like most babies and it disturbed her concerned first time parents. Her dad, a cook at a local restaurant and her mom a stay at home parent did the best they could with the kid.
-She attended a private school and if you didn't talk to her you wouldn't know she was there. She was quiet and yet held many opinions. She just always opted to not speak them even if she did grumble them under her breath. She got decent enough grades to pass herself and get through but school was never fun for her. Recess she spent looking through books on the occult and ready fantasy novels. She has always been a sucker for the supernatural and a full believer of course. She knows well enough things go bump in the night in Nola.
-Echo's curious nature has led to her hours of research and time spent on her own. After high school she quickly moved herself out after saving up from working at the place her dad worked. Then she ended up getting a barista job part time to pay her bills and live in a little studio apartment. It's her safe haven from the outside but her heart is after something more than a part time job and settling down. After her time spent fantasizing about what it might be like to be one of those creatures in the night she has her sights set on becoming one. A vampire maybe. Get bit by a werewolf? She's not sure actually but she is naive enough to think it's all rainbows and sunshine if she goes poking at the creatures in her books.
-At home she cooks and cooks well thanks to her fathers lessons. She loves to learn recipes and trying them out. She's a avid reader and also has a pretty extensive desktop computer set up with a couple screens and some fancy lighting she managing to sort out. She listens to podcasts on the occult in her downtime and is often going for walks to clear her head. At work she's polite and soft. Doing enough to get through and not get fired even if she would rather be anywhere else but there.
-As for her nickname she chose Echo because of the meaning. A call into the void with no one else's response but your own. She feels like that. Like she's screaming into the beyond hoping someone or something will yell back and save her from the mundane but it hasn't yet.
_She's certainly a quiet thrill seeker. She wants to feel danger if she can so she is good for getting herself into some tight spots. She's shocked by now how she is still living and breathing giving her pention for trouble.
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rawtruth-dare · 8 months
My Past Could Help Your Future
I am starting to blog and shit do I have a lot to say. If my life and mistakes can change one persons life or help one soul then I’m doing what the universe is pushing me towards. I am a great person and have just had terrible things happen and even worse when I really have it my all my whole heart and soul I was hurt more then ever. Our world is a mess and our systems are broken but the only way one can hope for change is to speak up and spend time telling your story because my experiences could change your outcome and yours could change mine. Once I went public with my story after being silent for to long I received so many messages from people thanking me for sharing my story. I want to blog I want to write a book and I want to be on every social media platform that’s possible to not only help others but so my daughters can one day read and know I’m speaking my truth from my heart and I never gave up. As parents we all want better for our kids and want to give them everything and sometimes things get in the way of that but it doesn’t make you less of a parent. I messed up so bad in life because I was so messed up from my childhood trauma and I tried everything to be a good mom and to be there for everything the PTA mom always involved. I was and I loved my kids so much and they knew it I did everything for them. They always had what they needed and they always had fun and I never wanted them to know when I was hurting. I spent so much time trying to be the perfect parent for them i lost sight of where I was going in life. I never wanted to depend on a man and have to feel like everything was there’s and that my girls and I existed in someone else’s world not our own. I wanted to show them independence and to stay smart and to work hard and to be kind. All the best things that they are. Losing a loved one is painful but losing the loves of your life and they are still out there living and you can’t see them or talk to them. It’s not even human nature it’s not the way they are supposed to be raised it’s slowly taking who they were away and making them something that I never imagined. So not dealing with my trauma has now caused them their own. Such a sick twist of fate. I’m not ever going to say that I’m perfect but I did not deserve to have my kids taken and they didn’t deserve to have their mom taken and not see their siblings. The courts, people who dislike you, ex husband, ex wife and even your own family have way to much power taking kids away from their parents. My kids were traumatized after all of this and now live with the person who traumatized me and that was my worst fear. They didn’t spend more then a short weekend away from me and I worked so hard to get them back home after they were taken. This isn’t your usual situation where I’m poor me I lost my kids and did nothing wrong but I DID NOT have any rights in those court rooms and every specialist or teacher or counselor said they could see how to loved my kids and I had my inner most trusted person working against me the whole time and I was just to blind to see it because I thought for once she was proud of me and she loved me and I was finally one of her daughters. I was so wrong. The system in place to help protect kids and I believe in that. I did nothing to have them stripped from me to not see again until they are adopted or 18 years old. I lost the most important thing to me, the loves of my life and the reason I got up and wanted more and better. So now all I can do is just move on and hope that they are ok. I will write my truth and I will never give up. I know this is happening to more so reach out to m. Share your thoughts or stories m making sure my daughters know the truth and that they can be better and have a voice. I believe that our bonds are strong enough to be under the same moon and feel safe knowing that someone is out there loving them and fighting for them. So how ever I try to get my story out I will enjoy the people I can help, the advice I can give, an ear to listen
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runthepockets · 10 months
Getting into Hellsing proper as an adult is really funny. All my friends read it in middle school, and I kinda didn't understand the hype cus the art style gave me "hentai artist turned serious writer" vibes, which very rarely turns out well narratively, and all I knew about it was that Alucard was depressed and horny and all my female friends had a crush on him, which was not something I cared about as a 13 year old boy. I find Alucard a lot more interesting as an adult (and goddamn if his role as the male Trump Card of this ruthless vampire hunting organization and his contrast with his more...submissive and vulnerable side around Integra isn't the coolest shit ever), but I still stand by the belief that he's not even the most interesting character, he's absurdly powerful, charismatic, and fun to watch in random settings cus you always know he's gonna turn someone into a cherry smoothie by the end of the interaction, but not my favorite character by a longshot.
By the end of my watch, my favorite characters were hands down, Anderson, Integra, Maxwell, and Walter. Their backstories and positions in the drawn out war were the most interesting to me, and I especially thought the Iscariot branch of the church was the most fascinating organization in the show. Anderson sacrificing his humanity for one more chance at taking down a vampire, just cus his faith in god and purpose were that intense, watching the guy get really solemn and emotional after basically having to put down his own son for rising to fascism (imagine raising a little boy who's clearly very ambitious and power hungry from the jump and just having to sit there stony faced while he gets eaten alive by ghouls yelling out "ANDERSON PLEASE HELP ME I DON'T DESERVE THIS", like holy fucking shit. It's like watching the parent of a school shooter sit there while their kid has to pay for his crimes against humanity) gently carrassing his head in his lap and shutting his eyes and murmuring about how stupid he was to try to carry out a fuckin. 1500s esque Catholic crusade in 1999, dropping an "I wish I'd been born a force of nature so I never had to feel anything like this." Like fuck. The whole time you think the guy is just your standard raving Catholic old guy with cool weapons and cool hair and a badass coat, then you realize he's kinda spent the last 30 years raising these people he's fighting alongside as if they were his own children, and then sending them off to war. I'd be fucking crazy and bloodthirsty too, after all that.
Then you have Integra, whose position as the only female with a knight title in an organization full of old white dudes is pretty much the entire core of her character. But she carries herself with such confidence and toughness that you wouldn't guess it bothered her at all. She kicks a lot of ass and barks orders with no hesitation and takes very good care of her men while else holding them to realistic standards and not tolerating any slack or backtalk, and deals with most problems that would make even the biggest strongest dudes shit their pants with total apathy and control. It's so cool and incredibly attractive inspiring. I guess there's little else to be expected from a lady who lost her dad and almost got killed by her uncle within a 24 hour span when she was like, 9 or 10, an experience like that will definitely put hair on your chest. And the twist at the end with Walter brought me from "oh, cool old guy" to "INSANELY cool old guy". The whole time the guy was just as crazy-- if not more crazy by virtue of betraying queen and country and holding all of that fury in for as long as he did-- as anyone else who worked for that organization, he was just way better at hiding it. And it's not like his motives were unjustified; I mean, everyone is scared of being old and useless and forgotten a little bit, everyone always feels like they have something to prove, he just actually had the balls to act on it. Hellsing takes a lot of questions and aspects of humanity's biggest flaws and the human condition and kinda just. Leaves you to your own devices to decipher what it all means. It's so dope.
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 2 years
I Never Saw You Coming: Chapter 2
Papa Emeritus IV needs a Prime Mover. Larysa needs a way to keep her cult from dying. They might just be the answer to the other's problem. And they just might fall in love along the way.
(Also readable on AO3)t
  It had been a few days since Copia had met Larysa, and he found himself thinking about her a lot.
Which was no surprise—she was attractive, charming, and she smelled nice. Just those things alone could endear a person to Copia.
There was also just...a certain je ne sais quoi about her. He'd noticed it when she had sat beside him during their "interview", and when he had walked her to the abbey doors following Imperator's interruption.
She had smiled at him just before she left, and it just...did something to him. He couldn't explain it. But it left him feeling good...so good, in fact, the he hadn't been too snippy at the former Papa Nihil when he'd gone into his office (hence Imperator's interruption).
Nihil's words (or meandering personal complaints, really) had been instantly forgotten as soon as he'd left the spectral Papa's office, and he feel asleep that night with Larysa still on his mind.
He was already very attracted to her, and he wanted to see her again.
Maybe this could lead somewhere.
    * * * *
Larysa poured her second cup of coffee of the morning and stretched.
Just a few short days ago, she'd been "interviewed" by a Satanic anti-Pope in his quest to find someone to bear his child.
Despite being of succubus heritage, a lifelong member of a sex cult and its current leader, and every other decidedly not normal thing about her life...she had never imagined that she'd venture down a path like this one.
But hey—she was entering a new phase of her life; her daughter was in university and she had more time to dedicate to herself and to consider what to do with herself. And what else she wanted out of life.
What Larysa wanted, in all honesty, was to truly settle down at some point. She'd spent years sowing her wild oats (even while raising a childm pursuing post-secondary education, and running a cult, neither of which were easy things to do on their own and especially not together), having relationships here and there...it was fun, to be sure, but a new phase of life means new wants and needs.
And what she wanted was a solid partner, someone she could trust and rely on. Someone dedicated and steadfast. And she wanted more kids.
You wouldn't think a slut like her would even want another child, or even the one she'd already had, but she did. She loved Allie beyond all words, and being a mother was very fulfilling for her; raising someone from birth to adulthood was a beautiful (if taxing) experience, and she wanted to do it again.
Plus, she hadn't been looking forward to having an empty nest. Sure, she had a cult to run, but that wasn't the same. It got lonely at home, with no kids running around. Lonely and too damn quiet.
She wouldn't mind hearing the pitter-patter of little feet again. Just the thought of it made her smile.
Another thought that made her smile was Papa Emeritus the Fourth. He was cute, in a nervous-and-dorky kind of way, and he was polite and even kind of charming. He was also of high standing in the Satanic world.
That was another reason why Larysa had answered the ad.
  The Transnational Order of the Succubi had members across the globe...but membership was still down. For whatever reason—the general state of things causing apathy in otherwise potential members, or the rise of conservativism again—people just weren't joining like they used to.
Back in the day, when she was young, the cult had been teeming with members, and had no trouble attracting new ones. Women (and those of other genders) were embracing countercultural movements, which often led them to seek out sex and the occult. Which would often lead them to this cult in particular.
Brothels, sex shops, book stores, music festivals, mailing lists, websites, even good old fashioned word-of-mouth had guaranteed new members.
But not anymore. Now, people were disinterested, broke, apathetic, disconnected, or in lockdown or quarantine. They had no time, desire, patience, or opportunity to seek out sex cults like they used to.
The Transnational Order of the Succubi was shrinking, and set to be defunct earlier that they would've hoped.
People were still being born into the cult, of course. Larysa herself had contributed to that, as had her own mother. But that wasn't happening at a rate that would replenish their ranks anytime soon.
Perhaps associating with the greater Satanic Church could fix that—or at least temporarily slow the shrinking. Or, if it came down to it, she might even suggest merging with it. Not everyone would be happy with that idea, but it was an option that she was keeping on the table.
Better to merge than to disband entirely.
  Setting her coffee cup in the sink, Larysa yawned, stretched again, and made her way into the bathroom.
She had to get ready and make herself look somewhat presentable. She had a Zoom meeting in a few minutes.
    * * * *
Copia drummed his fingers on his desk idly. It was a rare slow day at the abbey, and he found himself having more time to think about Larysa.
She'd been friendly, and polite, and beautiful, and charming, and perhaps even vaguely interested in him.
They'd flirted a bit, and she seemed like Copia's type: confident, sel-assured, charming, and drop-dead gorgeous.
He wanted to see her again. He wanted to talk more with her, to get to know her, to see if they were indeed compatible. And to see if she had anything else in her wardrobe like that dress she'd worn a few days ago. Mrrow.
"You should call her."
Copia looked up at Aether, who was leaning against the doorway, a small smile on his face.
"You liked her, she seemed to like you, so why not?"
Copia waved a hand at him. "It's her move, not mine. I presented the idea to her, and now she decides if she wants to follow up." He hoped she did.
The quintessence ghoul straightened up and turned to leave. "She probably will," he said, over his shoulder.
Not five seconds after Aether left, did Copia's phone ring. And whose voice did he hear on the other end, once he answered?
Larysa's, of course.
Briefly, Copia wondered if clairvoyance was among quintessence ghouls' skillsets, before focusing his attention on the pretty little succubus who did indeed want to see him again.
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duncebento · 3 years
the thing is also that rich people cannot understand how many of those small moments of appreciation for life poor people have to miss out on. the difference between a poor person and a rich person who work the exact same hours is that the rich person has free time. even with the same hours!
i spent a lot of time at my best friend’s place during my senior year of high school. his mom is an exec at a company literally all of you have heard of. she worked hard! and for long hours, longer than many of her coworkers and some of her subordinates (she was overworked, technically, because the company had made her absorb the job of a second person.)
still, on the off occasion that we got to talking in the realm of workers’ rights, there was still some barely-perceptible catch in her view of work that i felt ultimately disallowed her from viewing working lifestyles as something influenced by the systematic and not merely the personal. and when i think about it, this might be why:
when my best friend’s mom came home from work, in the late evening or at night, she would take off her heels at the door before padding across the persian rug and collapsing onto what is probably my favorite couch, a huge sectional with seats as wide as mattresses. the walls intersecting behind it were glass, so as she caught her breath she could see a number of things: always the shimmering lights of manhattan; if it were still evening, and fall, the autumn leaves of the entire length of central park; if it were summer, a whole dome of sunset and, on rare occasions, fireworks that burst right in front of the balcony, at eye-level from a spot on the 25th floor.
on days when she came home late, she never had to cook. my friend’s father, a househusband, may have cooked something already, or we might have ordered sushi, or gone to one of the hundreds of restaurants within walking distance. if she didnt want much there was always cheese in the fridge, or wine in the cupboard, or espresso, or something novel: maybe i had brought them cake, maybe someone else had.
there was a lot of difficulty in raising her kids, but none of it came from their educational environments, which is more than most can say. both of her sons were in top public schools. the one i went to with her older son let us dual-enroll at columbia. if i had known her sons earlier, they would both have been enrolled at new york’s lycee francais. her younger son was disabled, that’s difficult no matter who you are. his speech now is slow, but clear. i imagine speech therapy costs money. i imagine it’s more stressful to have a child who can’t speak when you know you can’t afford to raise them into a teenager who can. but now, when she sits on the couch and asks her sons about their days, they complain about the too-fast pace of columbia calculus or the annoyance of not being able to pronounce a particular diphthong in french. real complaints. complaints that could be worse.
there are other things too, like how the apartment (save for the boys’ room) was always clean even when i visited impromptu . (once, i came completely unannounced to surprise the younger one with a slice of birthday cake, but there was only a cleaning lady— i’m guessing the apartment complex sent cleaners every two weeks or so.) celebration was easy, fun was easy—when she heard i’d received my first college acceptance, she immediately took us all out for dinner, and then back in for a nightcap. i had chartreuse for the first time. when something good happens there is champagne, there is caviar. they do not have to worry about safety, on the 25th floor of a complex with a front desk who calls to announce visitors and packages. beyond these there are surely a hundred other privileges that i cannot imagine because i’ve grown up with the same ones.
and all of this happens outside of work, which is why i reiterate: respite makes all the difference. and if you are rich i believe it is difficult to see that even while you work the same (or longer!) hours or “as hard as” the working poor, the passive respite that comes from your wealth— the persian rug and the fluffy couch and the city lights and the sunset and the well-learned children and clean kitchen and leftover camembert— is giving you so much more life than the surroundings of any poorer person when they get home. the plain relaxation of the worker only seems egregious when you do not realize that their time at home is not ever relaxation, and yours is.
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ziltoidcoffee · 2 years
Omega Auction
(A Silverusso drabble I might turn into a fic, inspired by Terry bidding on Daniel’s bonsai in Season 5)
“Congratulations on your new omega, Mr. Epperly,” announces the auctioneer woman as the crowd claps in acknowledgment of the winning bid.
An alpha man stands from among them and walks toward her with a grin while a pair of guards usher a trembling omega down the stairs to meet him. The announcer smiles at them briefly then gestures to the side, calling forward another omega onto center stage. He’s frowning, similar to the last, but there’s no shaking or crying, which is a first all night. They’re not being forced to auction themselves off. The omegas being bid on are guaranteed not only the money spent to win them but a two-year marriage contract with any of the wealthy alphas in attendance.
Terry fits this description, but he isn’t participating. He’s only here because Tom said there would be potential investors present. Ever since that embarrassing loss and the ban of Cobra Kai a few months ago, his life has been moving in a downward spiral. While Dynatox is under investigation for dumping hazardous waste, all his clients have backed out, and if he can't find new ones by next quarter, they’re likely to go out of business.
But in the last hour, four omegas have been auctioned off, and no business has been discussed. Tom keeps telling him all the deals happen at the after-party, but each alpha who's bought an omega has left to claim their new mate somewhere else. Irritated, he sips from his glass of free wine and watches the next omega be auctioned off with disinterest.
“One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand. Do I hear one-hundred-fifty?” he hears the announcer call out, but Terry’s attention is drawn to his friend—or ex-friend after tonight—raising his bid number in the air.
“On hundred-fifty!” she cheers.
Tom sets his number down and turns to meet Terry’s eyes, a smile at his lips. 
“Come on, Terry. Have a little fun,” he whispers. But then someone bids past him, and he frowns then deflates into his chair.
Terry chuckles and takes another drink. “I don’t need to pay for an omega,” he brags.
“Neither do I. But I wanna get promoted,” Tom admits with a shrug. “And they said it’d look better if I was mated, with a kid on the way preferably.” Terry snorts, knowing his friend’s past behavior. “As if I’d let that stop me from ‘working late nights’ if you know what I mean.”
He rolls his eyes and returns his attention to the stage where the auctioneer is declaring a winner for the unfazed omega. Everyone begins to clap in congratulations, but Terry doesn’t bother. His gaze is transfixed on a pair of guards pushing another omega onto the stage. When they bring him out to the center, he can’t believe what he’s seeing.
The next omega up for auction is Daniel LaRusso, his one-time student and Terry’s only infatuation. But this can’t be right. When Terry trained him, the boy was a beta. He knew for certain, as Terry hoped Daniel would become an omega after their close interaction. But after almost a month of training, his status remained. He either did not see Terry as a potential mate or had no interest in mating with an alpha. Frustrated and embarrassed, he let Daniel go and continued with John’s plan.
Still, the beta never left his mind. Terry wondered for days after the tournament if he should’ve just taken Daniel as his mate anyway. Though his beta status would make their relationship complicated, not because he didn’t think Daniel would submit. He seemed like a natural follower under Terry’s charge. But betas had more rights and control, and Daniel wouldn’t respond to his alpha commands. Terry could lose his company too if they ever got divorced.
Yet he took the coward’s way out. Terry didn’t reach out to Daniel and instead acted spiteful, using his connections to spread bad word about his Little Trees business. The company he paid implied Mr. Miyagi was a Japanese imperialist who supported the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and maybe that was too much. But Terry was already the villain in Daniel's eyes anyway. When he heard the business was suffering from the rumors, he told himself that would be the last he ever thought of the beta.
But now that he sees Daniel standing on the stage in an ugly, ill-fitting baby blue suit, Terry’s hand tightens around the glass and begins shaking as their eyes meet. Instantly, the beta—apparently, now omega—stiffens under his gaze, but he doesn’t turn away, staring at Terry even as the auctioneer continues to bid him off. The price starts at $25,000, rising every few seconds, and the omega begins to sweat, a tear running down the side of his face.
Terry grins, swiping the bid card from a shocked Tom, and he raises the number in the air.
“Two-hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” he declares, and the crowd gasps in shock, turning to stare at him.
Daniel’s eyes widen, the same expression he saw many times during their training, and Terry waits while no one else dares to bid against him.
A few more seconds pass, their eyes still locked on each other.
Then the gavel bangs, and the auctioneer shouts, “Sold! To the generous Mr. Silver.”As everyone begins to clap, Terry gets to his feet. Beside him, Tom is no doubt gaping at him in confusion, but he doesn’t draw his eyes from Daniel on stage.
He was a fool to do so the first time.
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lollytea · 2 years
we are so here for Park family head canons, they're one of those things i'm constantly spinning around in my brain but i can't generate a coherent thought and you are a god send, please share
Harvey didn't have a last name when he was younger. He didn't have a family either. He was born and raised in Latissa and since he was a little kid, he was basically passed around from household to household, or business to business. Pretty much to anybody who needed a healthy hardworking boy to assist them. By the time he was twelve he had already had several jobs and now worked for the lady who ran the Inn. This was probably the best arrangement for him, as a perk was his own room and board at a discount. However the lady was strictly his employer, not his guardian, so keeping himself alive was his concern, not hers. His Glandus tuition came out of his own wages.
Due to the instability in his lack of a real home, Harvey never felt like he really belonged anywhere. He developed an unstoppable ambition towards his studies as a coping mechanism. He desperately clung to this belief that if he could just become somebody, he'd finally find his own place on the Isles. That's all he wanted. To find his place.
To be perfectly honest, though he worked constantly to earn the money to attend and he spent years selflessly dedicated to the place, Harvey hated Glandus. It was the cheapest school and the closest to where he was situated but Titan, he hated it. He hated that he had to work twice as hard just to be taken seriously because he wasn't born magically gifted, nor did he have any family members as a basis for what his teachers should expect of him.
He also hated the culture among the students. At Glandus the weak is pushed around by the strong. Now, Harvey was not all that openly sweet or affectionate, mostly because he had never experienced that sort of thing himself. But he was still a naturally gentle boy. He didn't want to hurt anybody if he could help it. However peace simply wasn't an option at Glandus. It's either you beat someone up or you get beaten up. Harvey chose the former. He got wrangled into fights every day of the week and he usually won. But it wasn't as fun for him as his classmates found it.
Fighting, working, studying and preparing for the future. That was Harvey's life.
Gilbert Park came from money. He was the youngest of three, though there was a significant age gap between him and his older brothers. He was never really that close to them, as they left home when he was still really little. Not that they bother to stay in touch with him anyway. Gilbert's brothers resent him for the "privilege" he receives as the youngest of the household.
After already raising two perfect sons to represent the family, his mother and father now find the whole "parenting" thing a bit tedious. As a result, their approach to raising their youngest is not as hands-on as it was with the other two. Gilbert didn't receive the exhausting boot-camp level of magical tutoring or the constant lectures or harsh punishments that his brothers did. For the most part, Gilbert is left alone. So alone that his parents are practically strangers to him.
Gilbert doesn't understand why his brothers don't like him but he wishes they still lived at home so he'd at least have somebody to talk to. While his parents have devoted themselves to business and social endeavours, Gilbert is raised by the house staff. "Raised" is a loose term, as their basic instructions are "Keep Gilbert alive". They follow these specific orders and nothing else. They feed him and they don't allow him to leave the house in case he gets himself hurt or lost or kidnapped.
He doesn't worry too much about the future because all it takes is one request for him to have one. When Gilbert graduates school, his parents will hand him an excellent paying job. If Gilbert wants to get married, the assigned husband will be at his doorstep the next morning. Gilbert doesn't worry about his future, but he has no real enthusiasm for it either.
Although his parents don't breathe down his neck like they did with his brothers, the expectations that come with being a son of the Park family still exist. Only, in this case, nobody is around to show Gilbert how to reach those expectations. He has to figure out everything on his own and the uncertainty and lack of direction results in terrible confidence issues.
Gilbert is a naturally powerful witch. However, his upbringing has formed a very meek and nervous boy who is very afraid of the overwhelming amount of power inside of him. It tends to explode with destructive results whenever he has a panic attack, so he's usually very afraid to test just what he's capable of.
The entirety of St. Epiderm is convinced he's talented, on the basis of him being a Park. This makes him feel like every eye in the world is watching his every move. Gilbert writes excellent essays, he always knows the correct answer if you call on him, and the level of his power is documented. He's considered a prodigy on paper. However when it comes to magic itself, he has crippling performance anxiety. His spells never go right if people are watching or if he thinks about it too hard. His self esteem is a huge barrier in embracing his magic.
Nobody has any expectations of Harvey because he's a nobody. This causes him to push himself into proving he can be a powerful witch.
Meanwhile everybody has expectations of Gilbert because he's a somebody. This causes him to be paralysed by hesitation and unable to prove just how powerful he can be.
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wreckmetoji · 3 years
An ongoing fic in which you don't realize you have both Fushiguros at your feet.
↳ Toji Fushiguro/Reader ↳ Minor elements of Megumi Fushiguro/Reader Part 1/?
Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
content warning. mentions of alcohol, profanity, minor angst, unrequited love, age gap, eventual smut This is part one of a several part story revolving around smut. **Minors DNI**
Length 1.5k words
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A fun night resulting in a drunken mistake. That's all this was, right? The shock and humiliation upon waking up completely naked in a bed that wasn't your own is what immediately clouded your mind. Sitting up, you held your head in a desperate attempt to subdue the vicious pounding, face scrunched in pain. You had gone out for drinks with Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi, but you must have been blackout for half the evening. That's the only reasonable assumption, considering you didn't know where you were or how you got here. Really, what and how much did I drink last night? With one last squeeze of your head to get your bearings, you slowly opened her eyes, looking around the room in hopes of gathering your clothes as quickly as possible and getting the fuck out. Whoever owned this room probably didn't want their one night stand to overstay their welcome either. Wait.... You knew this room. You knew it like the back of her hand. No, no way. "Oh, you're awake." There's no fucking way. The resounding 'click' of the door closing behind the familiar figure made your stomach drop. You went pale, much to his dismay. He didn't show it. "Look, we don't... we don't have to-" "Megumi, what the fuck happened?" Deep blue eyes bore into your own, what was that look he was giving you? What was he to expect? The two of you had been attached at the hip since the end of high school, you were close, but not like this. Your panicked eyes followed his movements, watching him step towards you and sit on the edge of the bed. You instinctually pulled the dark duvet higher, making sure you were covering anything that may have been exposed. "It seems things got a little out of hand last night, I don't know how else to say this." "Did we actually, like... sleep with each other?" When he didn't say anything, didn't even react, seconds seemed to turn into minutes. 'No, I cleaned you up because you threw up everywhere. That's really why you're naked'. That must have been- "Yes." "Like, we had sex?" ".... Yes." Your head pounded in protest of the answer you didn't want to hear. He was like a brother to you, how did this happen? Megumi extended his hand, placing the pills he had brought on the bed beside you, catching the subtle shift of you pulling the blanket up higher out of the corner of his eye. "I'll give you some space. I folded your clothes, they're on top of my dresser. After you're done maybe we can... talk about this. Take your time," He exhaled the last of his sentence, standing up and leaving the room again. You hadn't ever gotten dressed that fast in your life. You didn't even bother with your bra and underwear, simply carrying them in the crook of your arm. Rushed footsteps came to a screeching halt when met with a tall broad form blocking the hallway. Toji seemed to be just as confused as you, viridescent eyes darting between your very disheveled appearance, your smeared makeup, and the undergarments you held in your hands. You couldn't tell by his expression, or lack thereof, but you made the safe assumption he came to the conclusion of what had transpired the second he saw you. "I'm sorry Mister Fushiguro, pardon me," You politely excused yourself, squeezing by him and running down the stairs. In one swift motion you had picked up your shoes, swung the front door open, and firmly closed it behind you, leaving nothing but an uncomfortable silence in the Fushiguro household. It took you a while to get home, not stopping for a second to even put your shoes on just in case someone were to run after you. You had no doubts Megumi would. The jingling of your keys, the click of the lock, and the loud slam of the door behind you is what finally set you off. The rest of your day was spent in self loathing, crying, tylenol, and regular trips in and out of the bathroom to empty the nothingness in your stomach. Only as the sun was setting, orange and dark blue painting the sky, did you decide you needed to text Megumi about what happened. That was, if you had your phone. "Are you KIDDING me?!" You grumbled to yourself, flipping over cushions, digging through the clothes you had worn last night, scouring every surface. You must have left it at his house. His room. Newfound humiliation washed over you, knowing that you would have to see him face to face. Knock knock. Jumping at the sudden sound, you looked over to the door with wide inquisitive eyes. Did Misses Kageyama lose her cat again? You tiptoed over to the door, having to stand on your toes to look through the peephole. Today is so shit, you thought to yourself, unlocking and opening your door, but not removing the deadbolt. You peered at the tall man on the other side, warily looking up at him through your lashes. "Yeah, that's the reaction I was expecting," Toji sneered, holding out a familiar cellular device. "Kid said you might want this back." You slipped your much smaller hand through the door, grabbing onto it and tugging. Once you realized he wasn't going to let go, you let out an exasperated sigh, closing your eyes and leaning your forehead on the back of the door. "How did you get past the door-man? You didn't buzz up." "I didn't give him a choice." Toji mused, the side of his lips twitching up. "So are you gonna stand here with my phone hostage all night? Or can I close my door." You were visibly agitated. He was obviously sent here for a reason, but with how amused he seemed at your grumpy exterior you couldn't imagine he was here on behalf of defending Megumi. His lack of response was all you needed, knowing how stubborn he was. One dejected sigh and adjustment of the deadbolt later, Toji was pushing himself through and headed for the kitchen. Make yourself at home, you rolled your eyes at his intrusive behavior. "He wanted to come by and give it to you, but I told him it'd probably be better if I did it," Toji explained upon reaching the kitchen island, leaning against it and patting a bar stool. Begrudgingly, you shuffle over and sit down. Toji always had a rocky relationship with his son, and you knew this. Megumi once told you to think of Toji is more of an older friend than a parental figure, since he's really not good at that. With that mindset, being around him became significantly less tense, giving you room to express yourself freely. "You looked like shit leaving the house this morning." "You can leave now." Toji put the phone down, sliding it towards you on the granite countertop. "Look, I'm not here to judge what you kids are or aren't doing, all I'm saying," He paused, eyes never leaving yours, "Is that you didn't seem very happy with your decision." "Actually, it seems like you regret it a lot." He was right. You knew he was right, if you could go back in time right now and even prevent yourself from going out with everyone, you would do it in a heartbeat. You felt disgusted in yourself, this was akin to having sex with a sibling for you. Even though you didn't say anything, the expression you held and the way you chewed the inside of your cheek spoke volumes. Toji didn't seem to miss that. "In my experience," He broke the silence, "The best way to get over regrettable sex is to have unregrettable sex." Your eyes locked with his, throat suddenly becoming dry. "Where was that keen parenting when you were raising Megumi?" You meant to sound bitter, but it came out as a whisper. He chuckled at your meek attempt to halt the conversation. He decided to ignore it. "I'm giving you a line, it's up to you if you wanna grab it or not." He leaned back over the counter as he spoke, hand coming down to your knee and inching, painstakingly slowly, up your leg. "If I know anything-" "Do you?" He gripped your thigh, it must have been hard enough to bruise, but the look in his eye was more dangerous than his hands. Instinctively, you pressed your thighs together, heart racing and God you hoped he couldn't hear it. "I'm an expert at fucking," Toji's tone dropped, viridescent eyes drinking in your flustered appearance, but stopping at where his hand was on your upper thigh. His grip loosened, gently caressing the skin there. "After I'm done with you, Megumi'll be the last thing on your mind. You want to feel good?" Everything that had happened today, all of your regrets, all your frustration, your humiliation, came crashing down on you, it fogged your mind. Toji was undeniably attractive, you've known that since the moment you met him. If you do this, there's no turning back. "What do you think?" He pressed, his hand moving up to the seam of your shorts. Fuck it. "What... did you have in mind?" The predatory grin that split his face made you surge with fear and delight, watching his scar pull taught in the most deliciously tantalizing way. "Why don't I show you?"
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