#then he joins the black rabbit to eat the rest of the big leaves
aashiyancha · 5 months
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Rabbits are basically horny roomates who won't stop stealing your salad
(Side note: I brought them their salad as well)
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182 Centimeters | Tall!F!Reader x Surprise
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A great boon has been bestowed upon Aoi Todo. First, he got to meet Takada in person. Second, he gained a brother. Third, he was able to fight a special grade all in one month.
Is there anything else that could make this trip perfect?
Todo didn't think so until he lays eyes on you, standing in the middle of the hallway with luggage tucked under one arm and the other holding onto a rolling suitcase. He remembers now about Mai mentioning a late edition transfer student who was going to be joining in the school games a little late. He only wishes Mai had warned him about the other thing about you. The fact that you are an amazon in the flesh.
"She has to be 187," Todo thinks upon first seeing you and sizing you up from a respectable distance. "No, she's definitely closer to 185. Definitely, 185," he corrects as he tries to measure you by judging how far your head was away from the top door frame. When he glances down at your feet, he realizes his stupid mistake and smacks himself on the forehead. "I'm such an idiot. I forgot about her shoes." Taking your soles into account, he finally narrows down your height range. You have to be 182cm. An even 6 feet. That makes you taller than even Takada!
Todo's eyes widen upon the realization.
You had half his attraction factor right there; and with his help in training, you would definitely have the second half. He knows plenty of exercises that would make your ass look great and have the rest of your body strong enough to toss any curse. You guys could make training into dates, and dates would lead to the two of you making kissy faces. Aoi can already picture it. Naturally, you'd be admiring him, shirtless and glistening with sweat, unable to take your eyes off him. Then, you'd grow embarrassed when he would call you out on it and try to look away like you were never staring in the first place. Luckily for you, he wouldn't mind if you wanted to look at his chiseled chest a little while longer. Or better yet, touch it. 
Todo isn't sure what he's done to deserve such luck. Perhaps the world is rewarding him for finally breaking his record of 1000 sit-ups in an hour or maybe it's the limited-edition lucky Takada-chan charm that arrived in a mail a week earlier working its magic?
Either way, this might be the best year of his life, Todo decides.
That is until he hears a familiar voice. 
"Hey there! How are you doing?" Yuuji asks loudly as he walks up to your person. Todo should've known. Of course, his brother would sense best girl material walking into the building.
"My name is Yuuji. What's yours?"
"I'm (Name). I'm a new student here. I'm a little lost actually. Could you help me out?"
Even your voice sounds so cute! You were so perfect.
That means Yuuji had no chance with the way he was doing things now. Despite Todo wanting you for himself, he could never leave his brother to make such an embarrassment of himself. If the two of them are to battle for your love, it has to be a fair battle.
"Yeah, the dorms are thi—" Yuuji yelps as he's suddenly tugged away from you and dragged around the nearest corner, leaving you in a confused state where you stood.
"What’s the big idea?" Yuuji asks, breaking free from the grasp that held him.
"I'm trying to save you, brother! What do you think you're doing walking up to a woman like that so casually?" Todo asks.
It takes Yuuji a few seconds to realize that Todo meant you were the woman that couldn't be so casually spoken to since he's fairly sure you're a first-year like him. "I'm pretty sure she's the same age as us, dude."
This is worse than he thought. He's definitely going to have to give Yuuji the rundown on how to properly ask a girl out. "That doesn't matter. She's still a lady that requires finesse if you're going to try to ask her out," Todo says. 
Sadly, they are too busy in their discussion to notice you getting impatient for Yuuji to return or to notice another one of your classmates passing them and heading in your direction. You are just thankful to finally have someone help walk you to your dorm and not ditch you instead.
For the rest of the day, Yuuji is stuck with Todo lecturing in his ear. The first time being at the baseball game against the Kyoto school.
"First, you need to set the mood. And by mood, I mean you need to get her attention on you. Do something to impress her without her knowing you're trying to impress her," Todo instructs as you round home base on long legs, which Todo claims is made for a goddess. You were able to get a score for the team thanks to Fushiguro's sacrifice bunt, and the two of you take a seat in the dugout.
"Shouldn't you be helping your team?" Yuuji asks Todo after seeing him compliment your score. Todo sighs. Obviously, Yuuji needs more lessons. 
Eventually, Yuuji steps up to the plate for his turn. Naturally, he hits a home run. As he rounds home, he sees you applauding loudly. Your eyes perfectly on him. It definitely feels good to have a cute girl's attention, and Yuuji realizes that he did really want to ask you out. He wonders if Todo thinks that's a good way to set the mood.
The next time Todo decides to instruct Yuuji is after they all take their showers and decide to rest up before dinner. "Next, you need to leave a letter under her door. Something to pique her interest and make her want to meet up with you."
Luckily, Yuuji has seen this before in anime. "Right, right. I heard of that actually." He easily drafted a letter and slid it under your dorm door. It sounds like you're talking to someone else on the other side so Yuuji hopes you'll see it in time so the two of you can meet up in fifteen minutes.
"Finally, make sure the place you meet up is scenic," Todo says, nodding his head and closing his eyes to repeat the steps in his head as he follows his brother to the school's courtyard. Impress? Check. Letter? Check. Scenic meet-up place? Check.
It isn't until he feels Yuuji's hand on his shoulder and a quick thanks that Todo realizes his mistake. Yuuji rushes away from him to the other side of the courtyard where you're waiting with the letter in hand. 
"My name is Yuuji. I don't know if you remember me from class."
"Oh, yes, I know! You hit that homerun. It was really great."
Todo stands in shock. 
...He was so busy trying to teach that he actually forgot to pursue you first!
"Really? Thanks! I was just trying to make sure I actually hit it. I wasn't expecting it to go so far." Yuuji laughed. "So, (Name), I was wondering if you wanna go out together?"
Todo could cry. Actually, he already feels the tears coming down his face, but his brother could at least be happy. And if his brother is happy, that's all he needed!
"I'm sorry," you say sweetly. "I only showed up because I didn't want to stand you up, but the truth is I already like someone, and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out with someone when I have a crush on another person."
Todo's ears ring with your words. You already like someone!
"Oh, well, that's too bad, I guess. Thanks for telling me," Yuuji says with a disappointed yet understanding smile while Todo finds the opportunity to scoot in the middle of your conversation.
"Excuse me but your crush wouldn't happen to be on me by any chance?" he asks, hopeful.
You force a smile onto your face and tilt your head. "Sorry...Have we met?" you ask, nervously.
Todo gasps as he feels his world crashing down. Your date. Your marriage. Your kids. All gone, and it’s all black in his memory after that. The next thing he can recall is sitting in the eating area with Itadori. He remembers this heartache once before. "It's just like with Takada-chan..." he mumbles heartbrokenly.
"I told you already. We never went to the same middle school, and you never confessed to Takada," Yuuji grumbles, but Todo knows that Yuuji is only trying to make him feel better. He is so lucky to have such a good brother.
"Who...Who do you think it is anyway?"
Yuuji pauses.
He actually wonders that as well.
Then, they hear your voice ringing through the dining hall. Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. 
"Fushiguro-kun, I wanted to thank you for helping me get settled into the academy. My mom gave me a buy one, get one free for a sushi place for when I made some friends, so...I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one?"
Then, Yuuji finally gets it. He had been ignoring the small conversations happening around him the entire time thanks to Todo's interruptions.
The Hall.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for the dorms. Gojo-sensei was supposed to show me, but he got sidetracked so I've been sort of left on my own."
"Of course, he did. Geeze, that guy." Megumi sighs. "You can follow me. I'll show you where some empty rooms near the other girls are."
"Thank you so much! I'm (Name) by the way."
"Fushiguro," he states plainly and simply as you struggle behind him with your luggage. "Is that stuff heavy? Want me to help you carry it?"
”Yes. My arms got numb while I was waiting. Thank you so much!”
The Game.
"Out!" Gojo says. Fushiguro rounds first base to head back to the dugout, but you at least made it home to score. You head to the dugout as well.
"That's too bad, Fushiguro. You'll get it next time," you say, sitting next to him.
"As long as Kugisaki made it to second and you made it home then it's fine. I'm not really too hyped up on winning anyway."
”Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing you get one.”
”Too bad. Guess you’ll have to wait,” and by “wait” Megumi had meant probably not ever but you laughed anyway even though you had got what he meant. 
”I don’t mind waiting.”
The Dorms.
"Kugisaki-san said you could summon different shikigami animals."
"That's true."
"Would you mind showing me sometime? I love animals."
"What is your favorite?"
"I really like rabbits. Are you able to summon those?"
"Not at the moment, but I’ll show you when I learn it. How do you feel about dogs instead?"
”That cute dog was yours? That’s amazing.”
And now.
"Yeah, sure. I wasn't really in the mood for anything at school anyway," Fushiguro agrees, and your face lights up with a glow that could rival sunshine. Yuuji thinks if he squints he can see the anime hearts starting to dance over your head but Fushiguro didn't seem to mind.
Itadori could almost laugh. That's a new record in anyone ever befriending Fushiguro. The two of you must have hit it off really well. Yuuji smiles. In that case, he couldn't be upset. That must mean fate has something in store for you guys, and he didn't want to get in the way. "I guess girls really do like that cool, quiet type."
Meanwhile, Todo is crying in defeat. How could a woman like you like Fushiguro? 
"He's so boring though..."
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 11
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You wake up and realise that now, you have 7 hybrids living with you. 4 of them are yours, 1 of them is a rehabilitating patient and 2 of them are just here for the upcoming winter. You try your best to bring them together and make sure they stay happy.
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You wake up to be greeted by Yoongi’s sleeping face. He had requested to crash in your room and sleep with you in his arms, which you were perfectly fine with. He could stay in your room for as long as he needed to. 
“Yoongs, how are you feeling?” You whispered. It took him a few seconds to respond, stirring in his sleep and yawning. 
“I’m okay...” He replied sleepily. 
“You can stay here and rest if you want. I’m going to work.” You told him and he nodded. Chuckling, you went to wash up and change into your work clothes. When you came out of the bathroom, Yoongi stood there, rubbing his eyes like a lost child. 
“I’m hungry.” He said. 
“Then go wash up. I’ll see you downstairs.” You patted his shoulder. Once he entered the bathroom, you grabbed your work bag and headed downstairs. 
“Good morning!” You were bombarded with hugs from a tiger and calico cat. You stepped back to steady yourself. 
“Good morning, Tae and Chim.” You chuckled. Pulling away, you went to the kitchen to see Jungkook and Hoseok awake. For a moment, you had forgotten that two new hybrids came to live with you yesterday. Jungkook’s long ears twitched when you entered the kitchen. The brothers watched as you went to greet Namjoon and Jin with hugs and pets. 
“Are you working a long shift today?” Taehyung asked. You took your phone out to check your schedule.
“Doesn’t seem like it... I only have two surgeries scheduled today. Then it’s consultations all the way... I’ll end around 8pm. If you guys are keen, we can go for a late dinner together.” You smiled. 
“That’s sounds great.” Jin smiled and Jimin nodded in agreement. 
“You two can come too, if you’d like.” You looked at the two brothers. Hoseok nodded his head excitedly while Jungkook shrugged, looking away as he poked at his breakfast. 
“Go where?” Yoongi appeared in the doorway. 
“For dinner tonight. My shift ends at 8.” You relayed and Yoongi nodded. 
“I’ll be practicing from home for a while so I’m free.” He wrapped his arms and tail around you. You had to leave soon so you sat down and ate breakfast with them. Jungkook remained aloof, not really participating in the conversation but Hoseok was chatting non-stop with the others. 
“Where are you going?” Hoseok asked you. 
“I’m a doctor, remember? I work at a hospital.” You smiled as you slipped your shoes on. 
“I forgot I promised to bring you and Jungkook shopping for necessities today. I’m sorry about that. But we can go on my next day off, I promise.” You said apologetically. 
“Don’t worry about it!” Hoseok assured.
“You guys can come and pick me up tonight then we’ll go. Don’t forget your tags.” You reminded and they all came to bid you goodbye. Instead of collars, you got all of them dog tag necklaces, which looked more like accessories. 
Everyone go their unique colour. Namjoon chose blue, Yoongi chose black, Jin chose pink, Taehyung chose green and Jimin chose yellow. 
“Jungkook and Hoseok, I know you’re not officially under my care but just so you wouldn’t get in trouble when we go out, I would like to get tags for you as well. If you’re okay with that.” You told them the two nodded in agreement. Both of them wouldn’t want to be separated or taken away since they were strays with no papers. 
“What are your favourite colours?” You asked. 
“Red!” Hoseok replied. 
“Purple...” Jungkook said. You nodded and gave Taehyung one last hug before getting into the van and driving to the hospital. Indeed, today was less hectic. It was mainly consultations and lots of paper work. 
‘Don’t forget to eat. - Yoongs’
You smiled at the message and went to the staff lounge to heat your food up (leftovers from dinner). The other nurses and doctors there smiled at you as you sat with them to eat. 
“(y/n), you have a lot of hybrids staying with you right?” One of the nurses asked. You nodded your head as you chewed your rice. 
“How do you provide for all of them?” 
“I don’t actually provide everything for them. Most of them have jobs, actually. I don’t treat them as pets or properties. They can do what they want. When they decided what jobs they wanted, I told them to go for it. Two are working at a plant nursery, one is working at a library and you have all met Yoongi, he’s working at a music school.” You explained. 
“Are you going to adopt more?” Dr. Lee, who was sitting beside you, asked. 
“If they come along and fit well with the others, then why not?” You shrugged, thinking of Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok. 
“You’re seriously amazing, (y/n).” The nurse gave you a thumbs up, making you blush. 
“You guys are just as amazing because I’m sure we’re all here for one shared reason, right?” You chuckled. They all nodded and you couldn’t be happier with all the staff that you were working with. 
After lunch, you performed your scheduled surgeries and finished your consultations for the day. You sat in your office as the nurses brought in all the files that you needed to fill in or update the charts. You checked all the x-ray films for your patients. 
“Who is it?” You asked, not looking up from your table. 
“Head buried in paperwork again?” Dr Yu teased as she walked in. You threw your head back in laughter. 
“When I’m this tired, I prefer paperwork than 6 hour long surgeries.” You smiled, looking back down at your reports. Even if you didn’t look up, you knew she was still standing there.
“Can I help you, sunbae?” 
“I brought in visitors for you. Can you at least look at them?” She said and you finally lifted your head. Your eyes widened as you saw all 7 hybrids standing there. Suddenly, your office felt so crowded. Seeing you, Jimin immediately ran over to give you a big hug, nuzzling his cheek against yours. 
“Hey, Chim. What are you guys doing here?” You asked, pulling away slightly and opting to stroke Jimin’s head instead. 
“You said you end at 8. It’s 8:30.” Namjoon raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh no! I’m so sorry, I lost track of time.” You facepalmed when you saw the clock. Indeed, you were half an hour late. Dr Yu came over and held your arms, making you stand up. 
“You made your hybrids wait long enough. Any longer and they might sue you for starving them. Your shift is over. No more work!” She closed your files. 
“Alright, alright. I just need to hand these in to the nurses’ station and we can go.” You smiled and Dr Yu saluted to you. As she walked past your hybrids, they all bowed to her respectfully. You sighed and gathered your things. Files in one hand, the other holding Jimin’s, you headed to the nurses’ station. You knew that everyone was staring at your group. 
“Wow, did the entourage get bigger?” Head nurse Park teased. 
“This is Hoseok and Jungkook. They’re just staying with us for a while. This is Jimin.” You ruffled Jimin’s head. This time, he didn’t shy awake from strangers but his cheeks did turn pink. 
“Hello.” Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon greeted the nurse with familiarity. She smiled at them as you sorted out your files on the counter. 
“I’ll do the rest. Have a good night doctor. See you, boys.” Head nurse Park waved you off. You bowed to her and all of you walked to the van that the boys came in. 
“Hoseok, Jungkook. These are for you.” You gave them their tags. 
“Wow! Cool! Thanks!” Hoseok grinned, slipping his over his head. Jungkook stared at his for a few seconds before wordlessly putting his on. You sat in the passenger seat while Jin drove. 
“Where are we eating?” Yoongi asked. 
“How about some Korean beef?” You suggested. Judging by the loud cheers that erupted from everyone, Jin took that as the consensus and drove towards your family’s favourite Korean beef barbecue place. The restaurant gave your large group 2 grills to cook with. 
“Here, Jungkook. I know you eat meat but prefer vegetables.” You handed Jungkook a bowl of stewed vegetables. 
Jungkook was shocked that you noticed that. He generally went with the flow of just eating meat but being a bunny hybrid, he was still part herbivore and still preferred to eat more vegetables over meat. 
“T-Thanks.” He mumbled. 
“Eat up boys.” You began cooking the beef. You gave them out to the boys, who gobbled it up deliciously. 
“You’re doing all the cooking and not even feeding yourself.” Yoongi held out a lettuce wrap to you. You smiled sheepishly, leaning forward to eat the wrap from his hand. The boys were all chatting happily during dinner. Even Jungkook lightened up and Jimin was able to comfortably participate in some of the conversations that took place. 
“Do you work everyday, (y/n)?” Hoseok asked. 
“Hmm... Not everyday... I mean my schedule is never the same. I do have my days off but sometimes, I can be called for 36 hours shifts or 20 hour shifts.” You explained. 
“Isn’t it tiring?” 
“It is but when you think of the cause, it doesn’t seem so tiring anymore. If I can use my skills to save as many hybrids as I can, I will. Even if I don’t get to sleep or eat.” You shrugged with a smile. 
“Actually, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin were my patients before they joined the family. But they only listened to me when I was their doctor.” You chuckled, nudging Yoongi, who was beside you. He  rolled his eyes while Namjoon laughed and Jimin blushed. 
“Why should I listen to a doctor that can’t even take care of her own health?” Yoongi raised an eyebrow and you scrunched your nose at him. 
“Yah. Min Yoongi.” You threatened to put his tail on the grill. 
“(y/n) allows Yoongi to speak to her like that?” Jungkook asked Taehyung, who nodded his head. 
“(y/n)’s chill with these things. She hates formality and wanted everyone to be comfortable around each other. But that being said, her and Yoongi hyung... they’re the closest since he’s her first hybrid.” Taehyung explained. 
“You all didn’t come together?” 
“Nope. Yoongi hyung first. Then Jin hyung, followed by me. Once Namjoon hyung woke up from his coma, he joined. Lastly, we have Jimin then you two. But I guess since we met Hoseok hyung first... Hoseok hyung comes before you.” Taehyung grinned. Jungkook looked at the tiger. 
“Well, we don’t count because we’re only here for the winter.” Jungkook snorted. 
“I’m sure if after this winter, you want to stay longer, (y/n) will be more than happy to accept you and Hoseok hyung.” Taehyung said before turning to join Namjoon and Yoongi’s conversation. 
“I have the morning off tomorrow. Shall we go to the fields?” You asked. 
“The fields?” 
“Kitten, no of them knows what and where the fields are except for Jin hyung and I. It’s been that long since we’ve been. Have you forgotten?” Yoongi ruffled your hair. You blushed, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment, remembering just how long ago it has been. 
“The fields is this big open place for hybrids to go and run. They can mingle and meet other hybrids too. Basically, a hybrid park.” Jin explained and everyone nodded. 
“Why haven’t you been in such a long time?” Namjoon asked. 
“Because Jinnie wasn’t around and there’s no point bringing Yoongi. His lazy ass just sits there and sleeps or he sits next to me and sleeps. I guess with Taehyung and Namjoon coming, it’s just been hectic that it slipped my mind to bring you guys there. But I’m sure you’ll like it.” You smiled. 
“Can I go, (y/n)?” 
“Of course, you can, Chim. Whatever you feel comfortable with.” You patted his head. After dinner, you brought the boys for ice cream. 
The boys all chose their flavours and of course, they each got two scoops. Jimin just blinked at all the different flavours through the glass, not even sure what this was. 
“Haven’t you had ice cream before?” Hoseok tilted his head. Jimin shrunk back and shook his head in embarrassment. 
“It’s okay! There’s a first time for everything. What do you want to try?” You held Jimin’s hand. He tried the flavours that appealed the most to him. In the end, he chose strawberry only. You took the cup from the shopkeeper and handed it to him with a ruffle of his head. 
“What’s your favourite flavour?” Jimin asked you. 
“Honey comb and cookies and cream.” You said. Your colleagues even teased you about adopting Yoongi and Jin as your hybrids because they remind you of cookies and cream ice cream. 
“Here. Have some.” You held out your spoon to him. He leaned in for a cautious sniff before eating the ice cream off your spoon. 
“It’s good.” Jimin’s eyes sparkled, making you laugh. Taehyung grinned as he took his ice cream cone, licking the cold treat and letting out purrs of happiness. 
“Namjoon? Aren’t you going to have some ice cream?” You asked him. He shook his head and just continued looking out the window. 
When you all arrived home, everyone split to their rooms. You couldn’t help but feel bothered by Namjoon’s sudden change in attitude. He was fine during dinner but at the ice cream parlour and during the drive home, he was oddly quiet and distanced. Slipping out of bed, you went out to see Namjoon’s door open. He wasn’t inside. 
“Namjoon?” You whispered out. Namjoon stood in the backyard, his arms wrapped around himself. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice your presence. 
“Namjoon?” You called. He jumped slightly and turned around. 
“What are you doing awake? And why are you out here? It’s so cold and you’re only wearing a cardigan.” Namjoon stressed. 
“Relax, Namjoon. I’m okay.” You placed a hand on his arm with a small smile. You sat down on the bench and patted the space beside you. Namjoon slowly plopped down. 
“What’s wrong, Namjoon?” 
“It’s nothing.” He sighed, looking away. 
“It’s not nothing. You know you can tell me anything. I won’t judge. I want to be able to help you in any way that I can. If you don’t tell me, there’s no way I can help you, hmm?” You giggled. Just hearing your precious giggles made Namjoon seize up. 
“(y/n), I think you’re my mate.” He said quickly, closing his eyes in a wince. He was afraid of your reaction. 
“I see.” Was all you could say. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. Seeing Namjoon all shy made you feel like laughing but you didn’t want to embarrass him further. Holding his cheeks your hands, you made him face you. You leaned in a gave him a peck. 
“Huh?” Namjoon’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“I can do that, right? Aren’t I your mate?” You teased. 
“O-Of course! I just didn’t think you would accept me...” Namjoon coughed, his cheeks turning a darker red. 
“Well, if you’re okay with Yoongi and Jin already claiming me as their mate too.” You laughed. That was the reason why Namjoon was afraid. Mates were a huge deal, especially to wolves like him. He knew that Yoongi and Jin have both claimed you as their mates and he assumed you wouldn’t want to have another hybrid mate. 
“I’m fine with that if you are and they are.” Namjoon nuzzled your cheek. 
“We did discuss the possibility of it.” You nodded.
“But you do know what happens what we become mates...” He trailed off. You nodded your head. Once you accept him as a mate, his heat will start to kick in. 
“Namjoon, did you forget that I’m a doctor? I know my role as a mate. Yes,  I do help Yoongi and Jin with their heat but some times when it gets too much for me, they try to take care of it on their own or learn to share.” Of course you would openly talk about that without any reservations. 
“It’s only a natural thing. Nothing to be embarrassed about.” It was like you read Namjoon’s mind. 
“You’re seriously such an amusing human.” He chuckled. 
“If that’s your way of calling me weird. I’m going to start rethinking accepting you as my mate.” You poked his side.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get you in first. I don’t want you getting sick.” Namjoon wrapped his arm around you and you nodded. He led you back into the house.
“(y/n)... Can you stay beside me tonight?” He squeezed your hands. You nodded again. As you laid down beside him, you yawned, making Namjoon chuckle. He pushed your hair away from your face.
“My mate, can I scent you?” Namjoon murmured. You hummed in reply, blushing slightly. Namjoon’s arms went to your waist, pulling you closer to him as he leaned into your neck. He let out soft growls and you giggled as you felt his hair tickle your jaw. You could hear his tail softly thump against the mattress. Your arms wound around him and you stroked the back of his head.
“Thank you for saving me.” 
“Namjoon, don’t thank me. You fought with your own will to live. That was all you.” You whispered. 
“Yoongi told me everything. How you took over my surgery from that other doctor, how affected you were when you came home and how you kept checking up on me.” Namjoon confessed. 
“Well, you deserved a fighting chance to live.” You giggled. Namjoon pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Rest, my mate.” He said softly. Slowly, your eyes fluttered close and you fell asleep in his embrace. Finally, Namjoon felt like he could get a good night’s sleep as well. 
“Hyung? Jin hyung?” Taehyung pawed at the oldest’s door in panic. Jin got up, poking his head out from behind the door, one eye opened. Taehyung thought of going to Yoongi but everyone knew that only you and Jin could wake Yoongi without getting mauled by the grumpy panther. 
“What’s up Tae?” Jin yawned. 
“(y/n) not in her room.” Taehyung whimpered. Hearing that woke Jin up. He followed the tiger to your room. Indeed, the door was open and it was empty. 
“She’s not working until later today though.” Jin scratched his head. Your scent was still there, signalling that you were still in the house. Jin went to Yoongi’s room. Of course, Yoongi woke up immediately. 
“What’s going on?” Namjoon came out. 
“Do you, by any chance, know where (y/n) is? She’s not in her room, the kitchen, the backyard or the living room.” Yoongi asked. 
“Namjoon hyung smells like (y/n)!” Taehyung pointed an accusing finger at him. As Namjoon saw them approaching his door, he quickly jumped in front. Instinctively, he growled at them and they stepped back. Jin and Yoongi have seen this before. They were like this too when they first claimed you as their mate. The two smirked, looking at each other. 
“Come on, Tae. It’s early and we should all sleep for a few more hours.” Yoongi pulled the tiger along with him. 
“But (y/n)...” Taehyung pouted. 
“He’s not gonna let you see her. For now, at least.” Jin smirked. 
“Why?! He can’t hog (y/n)! She’s ours to share.” Taehyung whined. The two laughed but also knew that no amount of whining would make Namjoon let them through. 
“Let’s go downstairs. I’ll explain it to you. (y/n) is okay, let Namjoon take care of her.” Jin pulled the younger downstairs. 
You woke up a few hours later. After brushing your teeth in your room and changing, you headed downstairs to see the 7 hybrids gathered around the kitchen island. Yoongi was serving up the breakfast that he cooked. They all turned to you when you entered. 
“Good morning.” You greeted. 
“Morning.” Everyone replied. You missed the teasing smiles Yoongi and Jin were sending you as you grabbed your coffee. 
“So, (y/n), when can I make you my mate?” Taehyung asked. Well, that led to you choking on your coffee and becoming a coughing mess, needing Jin to come and help you. 
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todoscript · 4 years
Love Capsule
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anonymous requested: Can I request a Bakugou scenario where the reader and the Bakusquad drag him out on a shopping trip and they see a whole section of vending machines and decide to check them out to see what cute, tasty or weird things they can find and the reader and Bakugou either get lost/ditched or squeezed together in a tight row but they have a good time and maybe the reader got a rare all might mysery figure and Bakugou wants it, so they they he can have it in exchange for a date?
genre: fluff pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader word count: 4.8k+ warnings: bakusquad shenanigans. bakugou cursing. pining.
author’s note: My Bakugou angst fic isn’t done yet but I wrote this request on the side. I wanted to have something to publish after not posting any written work for awhile so I did my best to get this out asap. sorry if it seems rushed! (also reposting this because the post stopped showing up in the tags).
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There are only a fair bit of things Bakugou loathes more than wasting his valuable time. And that includes wasting that time by getting dragged into public places he has no desire to be, alongside the four most senseless nitwits the boy has ever had the displeasure of befriending.
It feels less like a friend group to him and more of a gathering of idiots as he watches four out of the six huddle around the aisle of vending machines across the mall. Where’s the other one, you might ask? You’re standing right next to him, sipping a bottle of sweet lemon tea dispensed to you from those vending machines.
“Ooh, look at this one!” The other girl in his squad, styling unruly pink hair, pokes a finger toward a blue machine in particular. What she finds interesting about it is that it’s absent of all buttons except a single one above the coin slot.
“Says here that you only have to pay a hundred yen for a mystery item,” Sero reads the instructions printed boldly across the surface, his grin showing his pearly whites. “Can range from food to even toys and cheap plastic jewelry.”
Popping up behind his taller friend, Kaminari squints incredulously at the sign before his eyes brighten like he’s concocted a conspiracy. “No, dude, I’ve heard of these kinds of vending machines before! They want you to think it’s some ordinary convenience vending machine, but these things actually have some super-secret big prize hidden inside!”
“Uh, no, that’s how you get your money robbed from you, Kaminari,” Kirishima tells the blonde, and yet his warnings end up floating from one ear and flying out the other. Kaminari fishes out a small stash of coins taut in between the lint balls of his pockets.
“Yeah yeah, just wait until you eat those words when I come home with a Playstation 5!”
“Why would there be a Playstation 5 of all things in there?” Ashido asks skeptically. She notes the small slot near the bottom, appearing sizable to dispense a large water bottle at most.
“Okay, maybe not an actual PS5, but probably the voucher you take to the game store to retrieve one, of course!” He waves the doubt away as he kneels and begins his succession of slotting coins in the machine until agitation eventually ebbs his features. About five hundred yen down the drain and all he’s amounted with in exchange are two Gudetama keychains, two packets of off-brand oreo cookies, and one can of that cheap instant black coffee he dislikes. Though if it’s one thing, he and the drink have in common it’s that they’re both positively bitter.
Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido all snicker wryly behind him while he deadpans at the snotty series of prizes with the skin between his eyebrows crinkled in defeat. Ashido takes this as the time to move along the row, dragging her sullen blond friend by the elbow. “Moving on! I want to get to the one with the Yakult drinks already!” She points onward and leads her compadres down the treasure trove of intriguing automated food vendors. Two of the boys press forward enthusiastically. Kaminari has to be lugged out of his brooding in order to play along.
“God, please just take me out already,” Bakugou mutters while leering his signature miffed face behind them. According to the giggle he registers chiming to his left, it seems you heard his complaints.
“Hm, not having a good time, I’m guessing?” you ask. The metallic edge of your lemon tea creases into the cushion that is your plush bottom lip. Bakugou finds himself staring there longer than he should and immediately tears his eyes away before he’s caught.
Your playful tone throws him off a beat later than he should’ve taken to reply. “Of course. I didn’t even want to be here to begin with,” he sneers with a brisk click of his tongue, crossing his arms. In a sense, he’s only telling half of the truth.
It’s true Bakugou did not desire to be here on his own accord. The squad dared to call him at the dead of midnight, when he was already tucked into bed by nine o’clock sharp and indulging in a needed rest, only to be ruefully awoken by his phone blaring across the expanse of his dorm room. The four should’ve suffered an earful from him as they tried to arrange a shopping trip of all things at that hour. However, his disinterest in the subject withered at the bait of your name casted into the conversation. Which to them was hook, line, and sinker. The cunning group of friends reeled him in at the idea that his crush would tag along. So, in the end, they got the rowdy blond to yield to the stupid shopping trip.
Though could it count as a shopping trip when four out of the six in their group were so transfixed by the weird vending machines in the place? The same four that organized said gathering to begin with? They’ve yet to cross into a single store here for crying out loud.
“If all you morons are gonna do is waste your damn money on these things, then this is a complete waste of time.” Bakugou doesn’t sugarcoat his irritation in the slightest. You still try to quell the bitterness in his tone with the saccharine that saturates your own.
“Aw c’mon, Bakugou, lighten up,” you tease playfully, pinching a small bit of the fabric on his arm to lightly urge him forward.
“You should at least try and join in on the fun with everyone—” At the turn of your head, your sentence cuts off, astonished to come across an empty space where your quartet of friends should be.
“And they’re already gone…” you say in disbelief. Your finger initially pointed in that direction falls limp. With their speedy curiosity plowing down the line of machines, the four have effectively ditched you two, leaving no trace of where they could’ve taken off for next.
The sigh from your lips lingers in amusement. “Well, guess it’s just you and me, Bakugou.”
When your eyes meet him again, you witness the scowl he glares at the abandoned space in front of the vending machine. The leer is menacing enough that if the contraption were an actual person, they might have rattled in fear, dropping down the snacks and drinks contained inside to sate his anger.
“Um, Bakugou?” you attempt to call out to him, but he’s too fixated by the peeved thoughts strewn in his head to hear you properly.
What the fuck are those dunces thinking? They planned this, didn’t they? God, I’m going to fucking kill them all! He babbles a seething torrent in his mind. Each one is more unrelenting and harsher than the last while a vein blisters prominently on his forehead.
What were the odds that going on a little shopping trip would end up with him left behind with his crush? Well, Bakugou thinks it’s absolutely none, and that this shit had to be preordained. If not, then it was just his bad fucking luck he supposes.
“—llo, earth to Bakugou Katsuki? Please send back a reply when you receive this message.”
At last, your voice surfaces, no longer drowned in Bakugou’s turbulent sea of thoughts as the hand you wave in front of him swims its way to his attention. “Huh?” He shakes his head twice to grip himself back to the matter at hand, observing in time the playful smile that curls mischievously on your lips.
“All back together I see. Good.” You start pulling on his arm and lead him in tandem with your steps. “Now let’s get going!”
Though he quirks up an eyebrow, Bakugou, weirdly enough, does not reject the way you drag him along without waiting for his response. In fact, with the other four gone, he finds it compelling that you’re taking the reins and asks mildly, “What? Are we gonna be doing some actual shopping now?”
His joke earns him your laughter resonating in melodic lilts to his ears before you leave his side to toss your empty bottle into the recycling bin. “Nope, we’re gonna be doing something even more fun, of course!” Then you resume dragging Bakugou down the walkways of the mall.
It’s not long until he questions the consecutive twists and turns he’s forced to take, having only been answered by your pursed grin multiple times.
“Hey, no more questions! Just trust me!” you quip at his refusal to be quiet and just obediently follow. The blonde can’t help it, of course, given the circumstances he’s wound himself in. Not many boys his age can control themselves if the person they like is pulling them along with as much enthusiasm as you are right now. But Bakugou is different from those other simpletons, crafting a mask to cover the elation hidden beneath with usual displeasure. Nothing but his uncharacteristic lack of annoyance and the ample glances in your direction could truly give himself away to his affections for you.
So with that, he places a generous amount of hope that you guide him somewhere more entertaining than that borefest he witnessed from the squad earlier.
But the moment you two reach your destination, he wonders if he may have accidentally misplaced that same hope down a rabbit hole instead.
“What the…” Bakugou’s words drift in the air at the quizzical sight before him. Mouth hanging open, he’s unable to conjure any sensible thoughts in time before you step in front of him.
“Tada! The Capsule Toy Gacha Room!” You spread your hands outward to present him an unhindered view of the room. It’s teeming with small capsule toy machines that line the walls, stacked on top of each other not to waste a single space inside. His red eyes squint at the assortment of bright colors painted on each machine that assaults his vision.
“Why the hell are there so many of these things?” Bakugou asks, jabbing a finger at the machines. You reply as you walk inside, “It’s the Gacha Room, Bakugou. Of course this place is gonna be filled with them.” You impart him an answer he is not at all satisfied with.
“I used to come here all the time when I was a kid! Glad it hasn’t really changed,” you say, noting the only real difference between then and now were the new toys and characters updated with the current trends. He begrudgingly trails behind you into the narrow corridors sandwiched with the machines on each side. The modest little tune you hum between your lips is a stark contrast to his disgruntled huffs accompanying his dragging feet.
Bakugou thinks being here is not any different from what the other four are frolicking about outside. This might be the worse alternative, considering you give money to a machine that grants you an item at complete random. You have no way of knowing what or who you’re going to get until the colorful sphere pops out at the bottom. And then, in an instance, your anticipation fades away when you open it and receive the character no one particularly cares about—the little charm inevitably gathering dust, forgotten in the drawers of your desk. Overall, these toy capsule machines were just gluttons devouring the money of parents whose kids always whine about never getting what they wanted.
Still, because it’s you, he stays and watches you indulge in your little nostalgia trip.
As your eyes glide down the row of toy dispensers, trying your best to decipher the items contained behind the blurry glass, you chime in, “Say, Bakugou, don’t you have any memories of gacha machines?”
Bakugou’s brows furrow in contemplation. He racks through the nooks and crannies between the crevices of his mind and recalls some standout memories. “I guess. Few of ’em were stuck in front of the arcade place near my neighborhood,” he answers, but those memories immediately begin to sour the more he looks into the details.
You don’t see how his face slowly contorts with annoyance while he plays back a scene in his head.
At the time, Bakugou had only sprouted to the young age of five years old. He’s huddled around his posse in front of the arcade he mentioned, slotting a coin inside the capsule machine that was stocked full of charms of Pro Heroes, which housed a very special limited edition prize of All Might to honor their collaboration with the famous Number One of Japan.
The boy was positively giddy at what was to come out, remaining hopeful thanks to the giant poster of All Might gazing down upon him with his triumphant grin. Yet even when his squeaky little voice hollered out a “Plus Ultra!” to reinforce his luck, he was given dirt in response.
But you know who did get that mystery All Might prize?
Deku. Fucking Deku.
Right after he had his spin of the machine, the green-haired boy stepped up, gave it a go, and got All Might on his first fucking try. To say five-year-old Bakugou was bitter would only be putting it mildly. The unbridled emotions bundled in his tiny body were just waiting to burst in an explosion.
But in the end, did he fight Midoriya for it? No, he did not. For if he did, his mother would have scolded the hell out of him, and his young self reflected in the moment that avoiding parental wrath outweighed the limited edition Mystery All Might figure charm, as sad as that sounded. So since then, he’s tried to repress that memory in the far corners of his mind.
But it seems God just desires to spite him.
“Hey, look!” You pull lightly on his shirt to capture his attention, eyes trained forward at whatever piqued your interest. Bakugou peeks over your head, and what he’s met with does not please him.
“They have a gacha machine featuring Pro Heroes here!” you shout cheerfully, walking toward it with the hem of Bakugou’s shirt in hand, who begrudgingly follows along despite a groan nearly leaving his mouth.
“Isn’t this cool?” you ask. You squat down to peer into the peculiar machine located at the very bottom of the stack. Bakugou clicks his tongue as part of his reply, hands buried in the pockets of his trousers.
“Hey, one day they’ll be making toys and charms of you as well, Mister ‘I’m Gonna Be The Number One Hero,’” you say with a giggle, and your comment sparks a bit of pink to dust his cheeks while he looks down at you from his standing position.
He attempts to join you and your fixation on the Pro Hero capsule machine. However, when he starts bending his knees, he finds this to be a bit difficult. The more he squats down, the more Bakugou realizes they truly made this place for children and not bulky teenagers like him training in hero school. His knees and bottoms almost brush up against the plastic sheen of the machines on each opposing side.
Though he has to fidget into a particular position to get somewhat comfortable, he eventually gets there and kneels next to you.
“Why don’t we give a go at this thing?” you suggest, and he tilts his head, eyes narrowed.
“No way, these are a fucking waste of money,” he rejects.
“Hey it only costs two hundred yen!” you counter, “And plus, you might get a certain hero you want, like say... All Might?” You attempt to lure him in using his idol’s very name, but Bakugou doesn’t take the bait so easily and remains rigid in his stance.
Even if he did want to try for All Might, he’s sure his capsule is long gone by now anyway.
“Aw c’mon, Bakugou, pleaseee?” you draw out your pleas in a cute little tone that takes the blond by complete surprise. Unaware of how much power you have over him, the doe eyes and pout that paint your features make it difficult for him to maintain his hardened facade. Feeling his walls begin to melt away at the endearing sight, he ultimately grits his teeth, eyes shut as his hands rummage down into his pockets.
“Fine,” he mutters in defeat, and that smile appears on your lips once again as you lift your arms in triumph.
Pulling out two separate hundred yen coins, he promptly slides them both into the coin silt. When he hears them clank against the other change inside, he goes for the handle and gives it a quick turn. One of the capsule balls begins its journey down the machine and quickly arrives at the hatch that Bakugou lifts to retrieve his prize.
Snapping the capsule open, he’s met with Endeavor’s ugly mug, seeming even more unsightly from the low-quality production of the charm. The paint job is beyond sloppy, with the colors on the costume not depicted accurately and the figure’s pupils drawn to make him appear cross-eyed.
“Hm, you got the number one hero,” you tease, lightheartedly nudging your elbow at his sides because you know full well it isn’t the number one hero he wanted. Bakugou ignores your taunts and shoves the flame hero’s plastic face down the depths of his pockets, making sure to give it to Todoroki later just to annoy him.
“Yeah yeah, your turn, princess.” He scooches a bit to his right to let you have your go. You gladly follow, taking out the two hundred yen from your money pouch.
Bakugou remains disinterested throughout the entire process but is still attentive enough to observe how you hum those casual tunes of yours despite doing something so mundane. He also starts absorbing the cute shape of your nose and the outline of your lips from this angle. It isn’t long until he realizes how close you are in this position, to the point where he could practically smell your fragrant scent, and soon that pink hue diffuses on his face again.
Fuck, I need to stop that, he urges.
By the time he turns away, the capsule machine has begun its machinations once again.
The sizable sphere descending the hatch this time has striped patterns of red, yellow, and blue, colors that remind him all too much of a certain Pro Hero— Wait. What the fuck—
“This one looks a bit bigger than the others, don’t you think? Wonder what... Oh, hey, it’s All Might!” You go through the emotions—curiosity, anticipation, and then finally, glee.
Bakugou feels like he’s reliving those horrible memories once again as he beholds the shiny, miniature figure nestling in your palms before you lift it to grant a better view of its glory. It twists around from how you pinch it by the attached string while it’s hovering in the air. When the Pro Hero’s face turns in the blond’s direction, it’s like the inanimate object is somehow taunting him.
Compared to Endeavor’s shitty charm, All Might’s is a proper representation of who he is. The better quality plastic molded accurately into the man’s figure, the crevices between his muscles delved into displaying his well-defined physique. The colors on his costume are all correctly painted in his signature red, white, yellow, and blue. They even got the broad grin and shadowy features on his face to the tee.
Whichever company created this toy indeed did All Might justice because it looks exactly like the one Midoriya unsealed right in front of his envious five-year-old eyes.
Bakugou’s body shakes with suppressed anger. His hands clench and then unclench themselves while in conflict with his thoughts. Then, he suddenly moves toward you, darting for the charm that you narrowly pull out from his grapples in time.
“L-Lemme see!” he demands, shifting his hand around to grab hold of it for some reason. The act has you befuddled while you continue to move the toy away to evade capture.
“Huh? Why?”
“I need... to fucking make sure— OOF—”
His sputters are the last things that escape his lips before he staggers off balance due to all those hasty movements. It sends his body toppling over yours onto the floor, where your head would’ve thumped against the hard ground had the boy’s well-trained instincts not maneuvered a hand beneath it in time to cushion your fall.
Your descent to the floor is not at all graceful, wincing slightly at the impact. It’s when the pain ebbs away that you and Bakugou finally realize the very awkward position you’re suddenly both in.
Bakugou is hovering over you, body between your legs as one of his hands is cradling your head. The other is situated next to your face against the ground to keep himself upright, letting his eyes stare down at your stricken expression.
Unknowingly, you had settled your hand on Bakugou’s shoulder out of impulse during fall. The other one is still grasping the All Might figure, which is unharmed despite the abrupt movements.
Bakugou can feel your even breaths caress his lips from how close in proximity both of your faces are in this position. If any of you so much as move the wrong way, your lips would undoubtedly collide into each other. Though Bakugou doesn’t mind the notion, he isn’t going to instigate it if you aren’t willing. But the way your eyes line toward his lips, giving him a similar enamored look to the one he has right now, it seems both of you are on the same page.
Taking your mutual fixations as the sign to continue, Bakugou draws himself forward to close the distance while you rise to meet him in the middle.
And finally, he gets to kiss those lips of yours. The lips that adorn your cute face he always snuck glances at. The lips so unhinged in their playful teasing toward him. The lips he’s been so mesmerized and bewitched by throughout this chaotic excuse of a shopping trip.
And when they meet, they’re as full and soft as he imagined them to be, melding perfectly against his.
The hand he’s nestled under your head allows him to press you further into the liplock. You’re nearly enveloped in his wistful machinations, wanting to drown in the sea of his affections as your arms find their way around him.
You would’ve allowed yourself to do so, if not for the unfortunate security camera you catch in the corner of your eye from where you laid.
Your eyes widen, staggering out of their half-liddedness. You pat your hand in rapid succession against his shoulder, getting the blond to stir and separate from the kiss—an act he detests as he doesn’t want the embrace to end.
“What?” he gruffs. You point up at the ceiling, and he turns in that direction. When he detects the security camera about to automatically shift toward this particular side of the Capsule Toy Gacha Room, his face grows full of panic. He lifts himself off your body immediately.
With the two of you remembering where you are, you rose from the ground and cleaned yourselves up. You try to appear pristine as possible, without letting any suspicion about what has happened get tossed in your direction. Still, the red faces plastering both of your features are already a dead giveaway.
“I… Uh…” Bakugou’s still lost in the haze of the heated moment, unsure of what words he should utter. Much to his relief, his burden lifts when two notifications from your phones ring in sync together, diverting your attention.
When you open your phone and slide across the notice, a text message from the Bakusquad ascends onto the screen.
Mina: heyyyy just finished going through all these vending machines! you wont believe how much money we spent!!
The message follows a selfie of the four holding a myriad of drinks and snacks together in the picture. You can’t suppress your giggle at the endearing sight. Another chime sounds when a new text pops up at the bottom.
Eijirou: let’s all meet up again at that blue mystery vending machine!
“Well, you heard them,” you say while clicking off your phone, “we better get a move on.”
Bakugou relays your words back in a slow nod, following through with a rough “yeah” that cleaves his throat. The two of you walk alongside each other once again while you leave the Capsule Toy Gacha Room. Only your steps padding against the mall’s confounds accompany the quiet atmosphere established between you two—awkward and a bit unnerving.
It’s when you’ve both made it to the meet-up spot in front of the blue vending machine that you alleviate yourselves of the strained tension.
“Soooo… was there any reason you wanted to get your hand on this thing so badly?” you question, drawing out the All Might charm that led those heated events to transpire. It dangles between your fingertips and glances at Bakugou along every rotation. The blonde bounces his eyes between you, All Might, and the ground, unsure if he should admit that he was acting out of childish jealousy and bitterness.
“I… Urgh… Fuck…”
You raise an eyebrow when he fumbles with his words. He mutters blatant obscenities between every possible resolve that crosses his mind.
“Look, forget it. It’s not important,” Bakugou concludes, but you think differently, not satisfied with his answer.
“No. Tell me.”
With that weight in your tone, Bakugou realizes he can’t avoid the subject any longer. He releases a long sigh as he leads you through the infamous tale, observing how your expression grows from concerned to downright amused.
“Really? You’ve held a grudge for that long?” The laughter you initially attempt to suppress ends up bubbling from your throat. Hearing it spurs Bakugou to clutch his hands together into shaky fists.
“Look. If you know me, then you should remember I never want to lose to fucking Deku. The fact he got the All Might charm right after I got garbage fucking pissed me off!” he exclaims loud enough for his harsh words to reach a couple walking by. They spare worried glances at the blonde when they stroll past him.
“Hmm…” you muse in thought. Bakugou can tell by the glint rising in your eyes and your tone that you’re up to something again. “I can give you mine if you want. But only for a very small price.”
He quirks an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “And what would that fucking price be?”
The smirk prominent on your pretty lips widens while you teeter your weight to your tippy-toes in front of him.
“A date. Just a single date will suffice,” you tell him, and Bakugou’s caught off guard by how simple the offer is. His delayed response has you leaning forward, appraising him for an answer.
“Well..?” You wave the charm before his eyes by the thin string as if to hypnotize him. But in all honesty, Bakugou knows that sweet smile of yours and luster in your eyes is all you need to have him wrapped around your finger.
His playful smirk surfaces his lips. He provides his answer by snatching the figure right from your dainty fingertips.
“You got yourself a deal, princess.”
You happily clap your hands together. “It’s settled then! We’ll have a date here at the mall next week!”
“Hah?! Why the fucking mall again?!”
“Because we didn’t do much here anyway, so I say we should give it another shot together next week!”
“What? And go shopping? I don’t wanna be your bellboy the entire time—”
“Mom! Mom! Look at that boy’s All Might toy!”
You and Bakugou are both surprised by the new, high-pitched voice that enters in the middle of your riffraff. Your eyes trail along to sound and come face-to-face with a young boy staring at the toy in Bakugou’s hand.
“I want one too!”
Unable to control his gloating, Bakugou dangles the charm next to his face.
“Yeah well, too bad, kid. It’s mine so f—”
“Bakugou,” you warn. You halt the obscene words from entering the boy’s ears and avoid giving his mom a hard time.
“Argh… I mean... scram!”
You almost smack yourself. You can’t believe Bakugou has the guile to argue with a child at this age.
Though he forgoes the curses, that doesn’t make Bakugou’s words sound any less harsh. As a result, the kid pouts. He pouts hard. His eyes start to become glassy, lining the edge of his lashes with droplets. Recognizing her child on the verge of breaking out into tears, the mom acts quickly. She’s by his side, patting his back.
“Sweetie, why don’t you go to that blue vending machine over there and see if you can get a toy too,” she cheers him up instantly, dropping a hundred yen coin down her son’s small palm.
“Okay, mom!” he responds, gleeful again.
He dawdles over to the machine with purpose in his steps, inserting the coin, and pressing the lone button on the mystery vending machine.
You and Bakugou don’t perceive any noise emitting from the machine, and yet the little boy is putting his hands into the slot to pull something out.
“Mom, why did the machine give me a paper that says PS5?”
Both of you go rigid. Kaminari is not going to be happy hearing about this.
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remscorner · 3 years
False Manipulations (Sebastian x F!Reader)
(A bit of info: this is a fantasy AU where the characters all live in a large town named 'Honocrotalus', name for pelican. Though the layout of the town is not the same from the game, it's much larger.
(There are a few OC's in here but only background characters for the plot)
Narrators POV // 12:00 pm
Y/n strolled through town swiftly, her footsteps barely emitting noise.
She'd come across many 'wanted' banners of her masked face throughout her journey and it was getting tiring.
Ever since she was a child, she'd always been on the wrong side of the family.
At least she thought so?
After years of mental, emotional and physical abuse, Y/n had ran away from a family in which kidnapped her many years ago.
This was the result of having to steal and rob from others in order to keep alive.
It all went downhill from there, she even had the blood of the innocent resting in her hands, using her own blade.
Fortunately the public hadn't known what she'd looked like, nor did they figure out her real name.
The only description being the nickname 'Rabbit' and 'a slim figure wearing an oversized black cloak covering her clothing beneath and a white rabbit mask'.
Y/n never thought the word 'slim' would be a fit description over herself...
At least in her eyes.
But of course, being on the run across the entire country had her starving a bit.
Her stomach growled and she cringed at the soft ache in her belly before sighing and staring at an abandoned sales cart and smirking.
She swiftly stole three buns off the top and stuffed them inside her cloak that had held her mask.
Since nobody knew what she looked like, Y/n was free to roam around town without a care in the world.
"Guards! Draw your swords!" A large voice echoed down the streets, many had crowded around the commotion.
Y/n pushed through in order to find three of her old bandit friends she hadn't seen in years.
One being just a child at age 13.
Her eyes widened at they fought their way through the kingdoms guards, two of the three secretly getting away while one had stayed to hold off the men.
Y/n's teeth gritted softly and she pulled up her hood, quickly putting on her mask before jumping over the crowd to help fight off the imperial guards.
Her sword drew from her scabbard and had stroked at ones shoulder before throwing it back to another right beneath his ripcage.
"N/n!?" (Nickname) The bandit yelled in surprise, obvious struggle hid between her teeth.
"Hey November! You better get to Molly and Ellie now! I'll hold them off don't worry! Elles gotten so big!" She grinned, reminiscing back to when the dirty blonde was only five.
"You sure you got this!?" November yelled in between pants and Y/n nodded with a giggle.
She smiled gratefully before leaving the masked killer to fend for herself.
She was strong enough from fighting off many in the past to get through a couple more guards before one had struck her shoulder from behind.
Y/n yelped and many were shocked to hear how feminine the murderer had sounded.
They'd been looking for her for years and they'd only now, found out she was most definitely a girl.
Just as Y/n had tried to compose her stance, another guard had broken skin right above her knee and she'd looked down in surprise before her hands were pulled behind her back.
Currently at the Wright's castle, lunch was being held awkwardly in the large dining area of the palace.
And yet, with shock sat Sebastian next to his half sister which he'd held a different last name to, just like the rest of his family.
Sebastian McCarthy, the poor isolated boy was different and despite his family's disapprovals, wanted to catch the wanted Rabbit himself.
"What do you mean Rabbits been caught!?" He stood up from his seat, the chair scraping the floor with a trip.
One of Sebastians two knights, Sam, had barged into the dining room with the news just before.
"The other guards are bringing them to the castle now! Your majesty!?" Sam yelled in a panic, staring over to Demetrius.
He'd been king for years now and even had the family's name changed to Wright after marrying the queen, Robin.
Of course Sebastian had kept his previosus surname...
Demetrius nodded with a frown before the family had told up to meet Rabbit at the enterance hall.
"Sebastian I know you've wanted to meet him for a while now but please just go to your room" Robin said in a pleading tone.
"I'm staying here"
"Why don't you just listen to your mother-"
Just as Demetrius was about to scold his stepson for his disruptive behaviour, the castle doors opened and three guards were escorting a young woman with h/l, h/c hair and e/c eyes.
She wore an oversized cloak in which the hood was pulled down to reveal a pretty face.
They'd torn off the cloak to the ground, showing the rest of her features.
She wore a white oversized blouse where the top three buttons had been undone, black pants and a belt where the rabbit mask and an empty scabbard was held.
"Who's this?" Demetrius scoffed, belittling the knights intentions.
Sebastian slowly walked closer to the girl with a curious expression.
She stared back at him, apathetically.
"This is the Rabbit, sir.." a knight to the left of
Y/n said anxiously.
Y/n shot him an irritated glare, eyes catching Robin who eyed her carefully.
"A girl..?" The ginger uttered softly, Sebastian began to grow angry.
"I've been looking for a girl this entire time!?" He exclaimed and Robin let out a snort before turning away from the odd stares shot her way.
It had to sound pretty weird coming from Sebastian who hardly had the interest in girls.
Neither did he have an interest for boys, he had never cared for such silly distractions like love.
"This is ridiculous!" Demetrius scoffed, it was the first time Sebastian could agree with his stepfather.
"Aw shut up old man, I don't wanna hear from you either.. let the prince talk.." Y/n grinned flirtatiously, throwing eyes to Sebastian who'd eyed the sharper canines she'd had compared to his own.
If he'd known any better, he would've thought she was a vampire...
"Wh-" He stepped back and Demetrius yelled out.
"You'll be exiled faster if you wish!"
"Hey Princey, what's it like living in this place? I'm pretty sure you know but I've stolen and sold a couple things from here!"
Y/n ignoring Demetrius, instead spoke to Sebastian with love eyes casually staring into his, she was always good at manipulating others with her deceiving looks.
"You know I've always wanted to see you up close like this, what's it like seeing me so up close?"
"Watch it" Sebastian glared daggers into her head, she snickered softly.
It was amusing seeing such anger fuel up in a bit like him.
"So aggressive..." Y/n said with a smirk, she pouted softly, her stance lightly swaying.
He sneered at her, he felt as if she was mocking him, teasing him for his issues with his anger, his issues with her.
Is she crazy? Does she know who she's talking to?
"Take her to the cells" Demetrius ordered, Y/n sighed with an irritated look before she was led down into the deeper parts of the castle, ones only high ranked criminals would get to experience.
Robin had locked eyes with her as she passed by and Y/n politely nodded to her with a blank expression.
Y/n had left her pondering to herself, intrigued with the killer.
"Strange girl..."
"She's in there... be careful Seb, she's got a couple screws loose in there" Sam warned as his prince friend neared the cells, twirling his index finger around with the target of his head.
Sebastian only nodded back before leaving Sam behind him.
It was dark down in the cells, the room was lightly dimmed from torches which gave off the impression the room was brightened with a yellow hue.
Sebastian took a stop in front of the girls cell, the only cell which had been occupied really.
She sat in the corner on a thin, cold bed, her eyes closed.
He could hear her humming to a song he couldn't recognize.
She sat leg straight out, one bending up as she rested her arm on her knee.
Y/n knew he was there, she knew he was there a long time ago.
"Rabbit" Sebastian said, he held his ground.
Chin up, back straight..
"Hello, Prince" she grinned lazily.
Y/n opened her eyes, watching as his broad silhouette shifted in the light behind his figure.
She could see his brows furrow at the nickname.
Sebastian kept his guard, she was dangerous, he knew.
But something about her made him so intrigued with her mindset.
Why had she chosen to kill so many, why kill the innocent.
Though he couldn't care less for the village, seeing his mother so distraught with her people being mercilessly murdered, he had to admit, felt terrible.
He became obsessed with catching the culprit, the bastard who hurt his mother so deeply.
Sebastian wanted to do everything to torture and question the murderer as much as they did with the towns people.
Unfortunately, he didn't know what to do with the girl now.
Seb didn't expect a woman to come striding in, not that he was expecting much of a man either.
He was really expecting more of a monster than the pretty sight in front of him.
"Wanna join me?" Y/n asked, pulling a plate of mashed potatoes and bread towards herself, given to her by Sam as an order.
Though she was cruel and unstable, she wanted to keep her healthy.
The 'she' in question being Robin.
"I already ate" Sebastian frowned, he didn't expect her to be so calm in a situation like being locked up.
"Stay with me then? It's lonely down here" she pouted softly.
Y/n didn't miss the look of disgust on his face, it nearly made her laugh how shocked he was.
Maybe if she was still a kid, she would be hurt by the expression the prince wore.. but now it was more amusement than it ever was with anybody else.
Yoba was it satisfying watching innocent humans like Sebastian grow angry with her.
It was a sign that showed she'd successfully gotten under his skin.
"You'll eat, then I'll join you.. but I won't be here for company" Sebastian growled, Y/n nearly laughed at the mans attempt at being threatening.
It was hard to be threatened when you've killed many...
"I'll make sure to enjoy whatever you'll do to me then"
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
To Call Forth Love (Modern!Ivar x OC) Chapter 1
So I recently joined the Vikings fandom (better late than never, right?) and could not get this one-shot out of my head. This is my first time writing for Vikings and writing Ivar. Let me know what you think. 
Also a huge shout-out to @saritanotserena​ for helping me with the moodboard. You are the best, babe! 
Words: 4300
Warnings: mild swearing, mild sexual content, mild angst?
Series Masterlist
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 "I'm going to get something to drink!" Kari yelled into the ear of her friend, Alana, hoping she could hear it over the deafening music blasting from the nearby speakers. 
 Alana nodded, ignoring the brunette in lieu of the man who had his hands on her hips and cock grinding against her ass. 
 Without waiting further, Kari squeezed her way through the crowd on the club's dance floor and towards where their table was. For the umpteenth time, she tried to tug down the short, skin-tight black dress over her thighs, unsuccessful in covering the vast amount of skin showing. Even if Alana told her it looked fine and to stop worrying, it still made her personally self-conscious. Right now, she would much rather be at her shared townhouse eating popcorn and binge watching a show or reading one of her new books, comfortable in yoga pants and a soft sweatshirt with preferably no bra. Definitely no bra if she had a choice. But no, she had used up all the valid excuses she could conjure and now had to pay the devil his dues. Or in this case, go out clubbing with her friends. 
 Quickly, she made her way to the table and plopped down in a chair, reaching for the bottled water she was smart enough to bring this time. She ignored the couple sticking their tongues down each other's throat on the other side of the table as she took a sip of the water. Yes, she had told Alana she needed a drink but mostly she just wanted a break. She never wore heels unless for special occasions and with all the dancing she had been forced to endure amongst the mass of sweaty bodies, her feet and ankles were killing her. 
 She peeked at her phone, seeing the late hour and wondering if she could use it as an excuse to leave. She knew her friends planned to stay longer, or leave soon with company for the night. Perhaps no one would notice if she snuck away, feigning exhaustion or some illness. 
 As if sensing her thoughts, a voice called out to her from the other side of the table. "Don't even think about it."
 Kari looked up, meeting the narrowed, brown eyes of her friend across the table from her. "Rach…."
 "No, don't you, 'Rach' me." She pointed a perfectly manicured finger at Kari. "I see you, and you are trying to figure out how to leave. It's not happening. You know the deal."
 "Please? It's getting late and there is no one here…"
 "Bullshit. Quite trying to make excuses. You agreed to the deal and you can't leave until you fulfill your side of the bargain and you bet your ass I'm watching." She leaned back against her boyfriend, brushing a few strands of blonde hair behind her ear. 
 Kari grumbled under her breath. "Doubt it. You've been trying to eat each other's faces the whole time."
 "What was that?"
 "What is the deal she agreed to?" Seth asked smugly, arms wrapped around Rachel's waist and laying soft kisses over her exposed shoulders and neck. 
 "Before Kari leaves tonight, she has to make-out with someone...and not just a quick peck either. Full. On. Snogging." Rachel answered with a mischievous glint in her eyes and a crooked smile. 
 Kari dropped her face in her hands, groaning. She knew there was a snowball's chance in hell that Rachel would have forgotten about what Kari reluctantly agreed to but still…. she had hoped. 
 Rachel continued speaking to Seth but Kari could feel those brown eyes on her. "She hasn't kissed anyone since her ex; so Alana, Jasmine and I decided that we needed to take matters into our own hands."
 "Her ex... shit, wasn't that like two years ago?"
 "Yep." Rachel popped the 'p' loudly. "Now, Kari, you get back on that dance floor and find someone or I will pick them out for you."
 Almost giving herself whiplash with how quickly she raised her head back up, Kari stared horrified at her friend. 
 "You know I would."
 "Shit…." Kari mumbled, fiddling with one of the diamond studs in her ear. If there was one ultimate truth in the world, it was that Kari did NOT want any of her friends picking out someone for her to make-out with. The thought alone made her shudder. To say they had different tastes was an understatement. Her friends seemed to prefer the big, Viking-looking, blonds that seemed to enjoy going outside and chopping down trees…. for fun. Her preference was for, well not that. She downed the rest of her water and stood up, tugging down her short dress once again. "I'm going to the bathroom."
 The blonde rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you better get back on the floor once you're done. We can be here all night if we need too."
 Kari scurried away without a response. She did not actually have to use the bathroom but used the excuse to check her makeup and hair...and hide…. possibly for the rest of the night. Hoping to kill even more time, she took the long way to the bathroom, pointedly looking at the floor to avoid encouraging anyone to approach her. 
 She stumbled past the short set of stairs leading up to the VIP section, silently cursing her heels. All she wanted to do was kick them off. It was becoming a miracle she had not face-planted yet. Making a mental note to never let Alana choose her attire again, she pressed on, moving down one of the half walls along the raised VIP section. 
 As if fate sensed her thinking about her loathed heels, it decided to do something about it. 
 Someone suddenly shoved into her, pushing past her on their way towards somewhere. All the brunette managed to catch a glimpse of was a long, blonde braid and a backless dress. The force was enough to lose her balance on the stupid heels and slam into the wall next to her, her momentum and gravity then yanked her towards the ground. Just as she thought she would at least fall to her knees or kiss the dirty floor, a strong hand grabbed her bare, upper arm, keeping her upright. 
 She staggered drunkenly for a moment, her hands automatically reaching out to grip the shirt of the person who magically appeared in front of her, and really saving her from utter humiliation. No exaggerations. At all. Utter. Humiliation. 
 Once her mind refocused on no longer falling to her demise, the first thing she noticed was that whoever was holding her was definitely a man. Not just because the person was taller than her, but the sheer size of the pecks underneath her fisted hands in his shirt and the broad shoulders were a dead giveaway. Even one handed, this person was holding her upright with ease. The second thing she noticed was his scent. Yes, she knew that thought was beyond creepy but her body decided to take notice. Not her fault. Obviously. She just got to enjoy the repercussions. Whatever cologne he was wearing, it should be illegal to wear out in public. It conjured images of a fire in a hearth, bourbon, hot sex under furs and debauchery. 
 In the next moment, she lifted her gaze, wanting - no, needing to know who this man was. To thank him for saving her. Of course. That was it. Yep. Not to sear his image into her brain to fantasize about later. Not at all.  
 As her eyes met his, any words of thanks died on her tongue. For whatever working brain cells she had left silenced under his gaze. Staring down at her was the most vivid, gorgeous and terrifying blue pair of eyes that both soothed and scorched under their allure. 
 He never spoke a word, just stared at her. His hand held onto her upper arm as if worried she was suddenly going to drop. 
 Later, she would blame it on the combination of his touch, that intense look in his gaze and his cologne that made her act irrationally. So, before her mind could convince her how stupid she was, how reckless this was, how outside of her normal behavior she was acting…
 ...she rose up slightly on her toes and kissed him. 
 His lips were surprisingly soft against hers but unmoving. Slowly she retracted, hurt by his inaction but honestly not surprised. It was probably for the best. This idea was a failure from the start. She did not even know the guy, he just saved her from falling. She should have said 'thank you' and walked away…. not…. not kissed him! Opening her eyes to meet his now painfully hardened gaze, it only confirmed her stupidity. Before she could apologize and retreat to hide away from the world for at least the next century, he spoke. 
 "Are you drunk?"
 His abrupt, harsh question startled her. Her answer tumbled out of her mouth before her mind could filter the proper response. 
 "What?...no, I've had like two drinks but that's it...wait. Oh gods! Was my kiss that bad? Shit. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll just...sorry." She tried to pull away from him, face flushed from embarrassment. What had she been thinking? This was why she never just made-out with random guys. Whatever self-esteem she had evaporated beneath his piercing gaze. Her ex had called her frigid but this….
 His hand tightened ever so slightly on her arm, not enough to hurt but to certainly impede her desire to run away. His eyes bored into hers as if trying to read all the secrets of her soul. It was now, caught in this trap of his gaze, that she noticed the predatory glint in his eyes. She wondered if this was what a rabbit felt like while staring down a wolf, too frightened to move away. Well in her case, she was probably more of a hamster than rabbit. At least rabbits were fast and could try to hide. A hamster had no ability to outrun or outsmart a wolf. And everything about him screamed predator. 
 "Come." He commanded, releasing her arm and took a step to the side. 
 He cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes narrowing. "Come. I am not through with you."
 A sharp shiver ran down her spine at the severe scrutiny sent her way but for some reason found herself agreeing. "Ohhh….um, ok." Her friends had wanted her to make-out with someone right? 
 She followed him, carefully ogling him from behind. The nice button-down he wore only accentuated the broadness of his chest and shoulders, plus with the sleeves rolled up and those toned forearms on show, he could have easily been just walking out of a photoshoot for some fashion magazine. Even the dark wash jeans and white Adidas sneakers could not deter from his overall striking appearance. His dark hair was long on top and shaved on the sides, something she had never seen before but it gave him a serious look instead of it being comical. 
 Surprise coursed through her when he started up the few steps leading to the VIP section. Somewhere she had never been nor expected to go. Only people with money or connections were allowed to be in there. She wondered which one of the two he was. It was also now as she followed him that she happened to notice the slight limp in his gait which drew her attention to the braces around his legs. Her mind wandered with questions as to why he needed braces. Had he been in an accident recently? Or surgery? Should he even be up walking? 
 Once they ascended the few steps, passing the bouncer at the top of the stairs who only gave her a passing glance before returning his eyes to the rest of the club, she continued to trail him to a short 'L' shaped couch with a low table in front of it. There were short half walls around all of the arrangements giving the illusion of privacy for those seated on a couch. Glancing around quickly, she could hear laughter and see some heads over the partitions but no one seemed to have paid any attention to her and the stranger she followed. 
 The man dropped down unceremoniously onto the black leather couch, stretching his legs out in front of him. Immediately, his intimidating gaze turned on her and she could not help but thickly swallow at the pure wicked look that sent shivers down her spine. Without a word, he held his hand out, beckoning her closer. 
 For the rest of her life, she would always question why she moved closer, why she took his hand, why she let him slowly guide her to straddling his lap. 
 All she knew was in the moment….it felt right. 
 "Good girl." He breathed out; rough, calloused hands held her hips steady over him. His fingers skimmed the hemline of her dress, now indecently high, almost no longer even covering her ass. 
 Her rational side screamed at her, reminding her she never did this, that she did not know this man. That if her family ever found out, gods forbid, they would probably disown her and not care if it left her starving in the streets due to her wanton behavior. Though their opinions no longer truly mattered in her life. 
 But her emotional side softly whispered that for once, to just give in, to let someone else be in control, to revel in the pleasure his touch brought forth. To throw caution and fidelity to the wind and enjoy life for once before she locked away her heart again. 
 Tipping her head forward, she pressed her lips to his once again. Where he had been unresponsive to her prior kiss, this time his lips slammed against hers, dominating and controlling. It sucked the very air from her lungs. Right now though, he could happily own all the oxygen she ever needed if he continued to kiss her like this. His hands slid to grab her ass, coaxing her even closer and drawing a needy moan from her. As her mouth opened, his tongue slipped in to explore as if he owned it. He kissed as if he was making love to her mouth and giving her a hint of what he would be like in bed. 
 Eventually she yanked her mouth from his, chest heaving and desperate for air. His head dropped to her chest and she gasped when she felt his tongue traced the line of cleavage her dress exposed. 
 "Fuck, you taste amazing." He whispered, practically branding the words into her skin as his lips tasted her. Before she could move or question him, his tongue was back on her exposed skin. This time it slid up from the hint of the valley between her breasts up her chest and neck to end with him sucking just below her earlobe. A whine, or was it a purr, was all her brain could handle, so overwhelmed with sensations she had never experienced before. Sure she had been kissed before but it had never felt like this. It all felt so…. tame compared to what this man elicited out of her. As if her prior understanding of fire was only looking at a lit match; while now she could only stare, completely absorbed by the raging bonfire that threatened to touch the sky with its unending flames. 
 Her hands shifted from grasping his shoulders to keep her upright under his onslaught to gripping his face and forcing his lips back to hers. A heat continued to build in her belly, an inferno that she wanted to dive into without fear or care of being burned. Her hips ground against him, feeling his hardened length between her legs only spurred her on. 
 "Fuck, kitten, keep going. Ride my cock." He growled into her mouth. 
 Before she realized it, the waves of pleasure and heat she had been riding exploded. She ripped her mouth away from his, head thrown back in a silent scream. She could feel his mouth move back to her exposed skin, kissing and sucking as he continued to grind under her. Her mind felt shattered into a million pieces but instead of frightening her, she felt pure bliss. Eventually she came back down from her high, her mind whirling with what just happened. 
 "What…." She licked her lips, wondering why her mouth was suddenly so dry. "What, um, was that?"
 "What are you talking about?" He asked smugly as he placed open mouth kisses along her chest and neck, never stopping his ministrations. 
 "Um, that feeling… I just...wow…."
 He stopped to tilt his head slightly and meet her gaze. "Have you never had an orgasm before?"
 Her eyes widened as realization swarmed her. Hastily, she tried to scramble off his lap but one of his hands grabbed the back of her neck, while the other still gripped her hip, forcing her to remain on his lap. His eyes scoured her, pupils blown wide but it was the dark, heated look in them that caused a whimper to slip from her lips. 
 "You never have…" he murmured, in something between surprise and a dangerous, boyish glee. Mumbling something in a foreign language, his wicked gaze never released her from looking away. One of his fingers returned to tracing her cleavage, teasing her occasionally as it dipped between her breasts only to continue its path. She could feel the heat slowly building in her core again, but if it was due to his touch or the devious smirk he wore, she was unsure. Never more had she felt like prey being toyed with by a hungry predator. 
 "Are you a virgin, my pretty kitten? Mmm?" He asked in such a filthy voice, it should never be allowed outside of a bedroom. 
 She whined, "please…" 
 Agonizingly slow, he leaned closer to her once again, his mouth just hovering over hers with a mischievous smirk that proved he knew what he was doing to her. 
 She jerked at the unexpected calling of her name. Turning to look over her shoulder, she could see Rachel and Alana both standing next to the bouncer at the top of the steps into the VIP section. Rachel was staring her down while Alana's blue eyes bounced back and forth between Kari and the man under her. 
 "It's time to go." Rachel yelled at her over the loud music, still easily heard this far away. 
 Kari turned back to...to him. "I need to leave."
 He nuzzled the crook of her neck, brushing her hair out of the way, before whispering into her ear. His hands never relinquished their hold on her. "Answer my question first."
 "I... I need to go. I'm sorry. Please. I just…"
 His hand trailed around her neck so he could grip under her jaw, forcing her face back up to meet his. His vivid blue eyes covetous in their intensity. "Answer. Me." His breath ghosted over her lips. 
 "Yes." The single word came out in a just barely heard whisper. 
 A hesitation, a pause, as if both were frozen in the moment due to her confession. Then his mouth slanted over hers in a greedy kiss, as if claiming her through sheer willpower and his ardent touch. Unable to help herself, she moaned into the kiss. Her hands gripped his shirt as if clinging for her life.  
 "Stay." He whispered against her lips. 
 "I can't…"
 "I'll bring you home. We aren't finished yet." As if to emphasize his point, he rolled his hips under her, his hardened length pressing against her wet core. 
 "Please, I'm sorry. I want to stay, I promise. I've never…. I…. I just need to go. I'm sorry."
 Deliberately slow, his grip on her loosened. First the hand on her neck, his thumb caressed her pulse point before dropping next to him on the couch. The hand on her hip glided up her body leaving a trail of fire in its wake, up to her arm and down it to her hand still clutching his shirt. Gently, almost reverently, he entwined their fingers. His blue eyes stared into hers as he helped guide her off his lap to stand before him. The lust was still evident in his gaze but now she noticed something underneath, something hidden by the ferocity. Yet she could not name it. Though it made her want to pull his head to her chest and just hold him, let whatever the unnamed emotion there bleed from him and comfort him. 
 She jolted at the frantic call of her name, pulled away from gazing into his eyes. 
 "Can I see you again?" He quietly asked, running his thumb along the back of her hand.
 "I hope so." She smiled gently then stepped away, before she did something stupid like give the man her number. That would be too forward for her. Turning her back to the man, she walked towards her friends. 
 Once she reached them, Alana slipped her arm through hers and they started to follow Rachel down to the main floor. At the last second the brunette looked over her shoulder to glimpse him one more time. His elbows were on his knees, body leaned forward and eyes glued to her as if trying to commit everything about her to memory. 
 For the briefest of seconds when their eyes connected, his gorgeous blue meeting her blue-green, she considered returning to him. To see what happened next so she never would have to wonder. To try and label what lay behind the dangerous glint in his eyes that she glimpsed. 
 Then her steps brought her to the main floor and away from his piercing gaze. She was too much of a coward to give in and taste the forbidden fruit he so freely offered. Even if a part of her wanted too. Her family rules seared into her brain since birth would never allow her too. 
 Quickly, the three women headed towards the exit. Just before they reached it, Rachel directed them to a semi-secluded alcove. 
 "What the hell was that?" The angry blonde demanded, turning on Kari with a vengeance.
 "No, don't you fucking 'what' me! We told you to make-out with someone, not plan on getting fucking murdered!"
 Kari almost stumbled back at the venom in Rachel's voice. Her eyes bounced back and forth between her friends, trying to understand what she obviously was missing. "What are you talking about? Murdered? He was nice…. I thought."
 "Nice? Oh, he was nice?" Rachel stared at her for a long moment in shock. With a huff, she pinched the bridge of her nose as she harshly asked her next question. "Do you have any idea who that was?"
 "Um, no... we...he didn't say his name." 
 "Gods, you are so stupid sometimes." 
 Alana cut in, before Rachel could continue to berate. Her doll-like face ranging in expressions from concern to pity and fear. "Kari," she spoke as if explaining a simple matter to a child, her blue eyes pleading and intent on her face, "that was Ivar."
 "Huh?" Kari stated, dumbly, mind not fully processing what that meant. 
 "You know…. Ivar Lothbrok…." Alana gave a pained smile, tugging on one of her large hoop earrings under her blonde, pixie cut,"....one of the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok."
 The sudden knowledge felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over her head, freezing any semblance of warmth she may still have carried from their interaction. "What? I didn't…. are you sure?" 
 "Well the braces on his crippled legs should have been a damn giveaway." Rachel practically snarled. 
 Alana spoke back up, laying her hand on Kari's shoulder. "I know you haven't been here long but the Lothbroks have a…. reputation…. especially Ivar, for being, well, um, brutal. We just want you to be safe." She sighed and peeked over at Rachel. "Let's get out of here. Everyone else is waiting outside."
 "Ok." Was all Kari could say as her mind whirled with this new information. She followed behind them like a lost puppy, too absorbed in her thoughts to pay attention to where they were going. She could faintly hear Rachel harshly muttering something under her breath as they continued. 
 She knew who the Lothbroks were but kept that information to herself. Honestly, she probably knew more about that family than her friends did. She had listened to her uncle curse them enough times she had grown to associate their surname with a one-way ticket to the gates of Hell. If mortal enemies were a thing, her family and the Lothbroks would be that. 
 Her thoughts though stayed focused on a pair of brilliant, piercing blue eyes, soft, dark hair and a voice that called something out in her. There certainly was an aura of danger that hung over him like a shadow of doom plus with the predatory, wicked glint in his eyes, Kari could understand what they meant by dangerous. It was the other look her mind continued to replay over and over. Now away from him, she could pinpoint what it was. Vulnerability. When he asked her to stay- in anyone else she might have mistaken it for begging- that confidence he wore as a mask slid away just for a moment and allowed her to peek underneath. No wonder she wanted to crawl into his lap and hold him close. A part of her yearned to turn around and rush back to him to do that very thing. But her feet kept moving, following her friends. 
 She was not stupid, naïve maybe but not stupid. They wanted her to stay away from him. She could read between the lines well enough. Though if she encountered him again, she was unsure if she would be able to stay away…. or would want too. 
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mamabearcat · 3 years
I know April Fool’s is over but...
It’s morning here in Australia, and it’s already April 2nd - Good Friday in fact. I woke up after an incredibly stressful week in which I moved my family from the little unit we’d lived in for the past sixteen years to another one a suburb away, while still working retail in the evenings. So much money spent. So much stuff. So many emotions. So little sleep. So it’s not surprising that this morning I had a bizarre dream. A dream in which Inuyasha, and another movie and Easter all got mixed up together.
Kagome gave a tired sigh, doing her best to stretch out her back after folding all the clean cloth nappies from the washing line. Thank goodness Juro was nearly out of nappies - they would be needing them by the time their next baby was born. Which judging by the heaviness in her womb, really wouldn’t be too far away. Thank goodness it was just one baby this time.
The gigantic stew pot on the fire bubbled, releasing the scent of savoury vegetable soup. It smelt almost ready, and the steamed rice sitting on the edge of the fire should also be just about done. Time to call her family in for dinner. She waddled over to the doorway and braced her arms against the frame to take a deep breath, before calling out as loudly as she could.
“Juro, Kuro, Hachiro, Shichiro, Rokuro, Goro, Shiro, Saburo, Hajime, Haruko, Keiko, Natsuko, Akiko, Rini, Satsuki, Momo, Moroha and Inuyashaaaa! DINNER TIME!”
Children poured towards the doorway from where they’d been sent off to play in the forest nearby, after she’d released them from doing their afternoon chores. They eagerly ran towards her, the older ones carrying the little ones. Kagome dropped a kiss onto the top of each head as they passed through the doorway, even though her older boys squirmed a bit. Moroha came last, carrying little Juro who was rubbing his eyes sleepily, his tiny pink nose twitching at the smell of the stew.
“Cawwots Mama?” he asked, blinking at her, holding out his arms and leaning towards her.
Kagome lifted him out of Moroha’s arms with a smile. “Yes, there’s carrots in there for you my baby boy”, she grinned, ruffling his white hair, being careful of his soft ears, still a little floppy. It would probably be another six months before they stood up straight. All her children had inherited her husband’s ears, something she’d been very happy about. She bopped her son teasingly on his twitching nose. “But you have to eat the other vegetables too, if you want to grow up as big and strong as your Papa.”
She shifted the toddler over to rest on her hip as she smiled lovingly at her eldest child, Moroha, now almost sixteen summers old. Older than she’d been when she’d first met Inuyasha. It was a frightening thought in some ways - was she really this young when she’d been off fighting youkai and recovering the shards?
“Did you see your father on the way home sweetheart?” Kagome asked, watching as her family helped to spoon rice and soup into the bowls. Moroha nodded as she joined the line for dinner.
“Yeah, he was just talkin’ to Miroku, he’ll be here in a minute.”
A small scuffle broke out between the triplets over who got the largest piece of carrot in their bowl, and Kagome was quick to step in before the fight got out of hand.
“Rokuro, Goro, Shiro, behave yourselves! What would your Papa say!”
A tall shadow fell through the dooway.
“He’d say he’d hope you’re not causin’ trouble for your poor tired Mama boys, or that stew will be goin’ in my stomach instead a yours.”
The boys glared at each other, but settled down. “Sorry Papa, sorry Mama.”
“That’s better.”
Moroha filled the smallest bowl for Juro, and Kagome put him down so he could toddle over to his biggest sister, making himself comfortable in her lap as he did his best to spoon the food into his own mouth, mostly successfully with a few near misses.
Inuyasha touched his soft nose to Kagome’s in greeting, looking her over carefully. She looked exhausted. He’d been out helping Miroku with his vegetable garden today, seeing he could dig much faster than the human could, but looking at Kagome, he knew it was time to stay close to home from now on.
He helped his very pregnant wife to sit on a cushion, rubbing her back to help ease the kinks out, and she melted against him, looking over her large family with a happy sigh.
Momo spooned out rice and soup for her mother and father, and he smiled approvingly at his daughter as she brought it over to them, then sat down to finish her dinner. The room was filled with the sounds of happy eating, their children finishing up the soup and rice quickly, then turning their eyes expectantly towards their parents as they finished up their own dinner.
“No story until your dinner bowls are washed up and put away”, said Inuyasha firmly, and the children sighed, but got to their feet and lined up at the tub.
“Actually”, said Moroha softly, “instead of a story tonight, there’s something I want to say.”
Seventeen pairs of tall fluffy ears and one pair of human ones twisted towards her.
“It’s something I’ve been thinking of for a while now. And I wouldn’t be leaving straight away, not until after the new baby is born and you’re all settled in Mama. But I’ve decided, and Setsuna, Towa and Hisui are gonna come too. I can make the world a better place.”
She took a deep breath, then stood up, tearing off her typical red clothing to reveal a navy blue suikan and shorts underneath. She plopped a blue hat on her head between her long fluffy black ears. “I am going to be a police officer.”
Everyone blinked.
“What’s a police officer?” whispered Inuyasha into Kagome’s ear.
Kagome smiled with pride at her eldest child. “It’s someone who helps others and stands up for those who can’t defend themselves”, said Kagome. Inuyasha gave his eldest daughter a wide buck toothed grin.
“Well, if that’s what you wanna do, knock yourself out kiddo, I’m proud a you.”
“Wait, what? You’re not gonna try and convince me to be a carrot farmer like you?”
Inuyasha snorted. “The only reason I’m a carrot farmer is to feed you lot. Before you kids arrived, your mother and I travelled around fighting evil and helping people. So if you feel a calling to do that, who am I to stand in your way? Just steer clear of stinky wolf youkai and you should be fine.”
“Inuyasha, it’s been fifteen years since we’ve seen Kouga”, Kagome sighed. “Don’t you think you should let that go?”
“Nope. He called you his. And he stank. Grudge forever.”
Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Anyway Moroha, I agree with your Papa. We will miss you of course, but if you think this is what you want to do with your life, we’re proud of you.” She held out her arms to her eldest daughter. “Just stay safe and come home and visit us once in a while so you can tell us about your adventures.”
Moroha dropped down to hug both her parents.
“I’m so happy! So happy you’re my parents and you love me and you never went mysteriously missing without a trace leaving me with a huge debt to pay off or anything!” she sniffed.
“Uh... okay.”
Moments later Moroha was covered in a pile of brothers and sisters, all hugging and laughing and crying, saying how much they would miss their big sister.
“Aww, look at that pile of fluffy bunnies”, Kagome smiled tearfully. “I love my family so much. I just never expected there to be so many of them.”
Inuyasha hugged her tightly. “Well, that’s what you get for marryin’ me”, he whispered into her ear teasingly. “You know what they say about rabbits.”
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boiolay · 4 years
Paper Scribbles | Mark Lee
summary: the one mail that made him wish he did things differently | childhood bestfriends!au + idol!Mark
genre: fluff; angst 
warnings: swearing 
word count: 6K
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"Mark! You've got mail." 
It was already past midnight when they arrived at the dorm. After working the whole day on the choreography for the comeback, the only thing the boys wanted was to go to bed and sleep for as long as they could. Mark especially. He had been drained out of energy for being involved in so many activities, differents unities, choreographies, composing… He felt like his days had less hours than his members’ so everything else than work, at that moment could wait. 
"Just leave it over the table. I'll take a look tomorrow." He mumbled rubbing his eyes as walked to his bedroom.
"I think you should take a look. It's from Canada." 
He stopped as soon as he heard his home country. It wasn't unusual for him to receive mail from his parents, but they would always tell him they were sending something. He frowned trying to remember if his mother had said something and was almost sure she didn't, but he still turned around walking back to Taeyong letting his curiosity take over him.
"Thanks, hyung." 
"Don't take too long, Markie." 
Mark nodded taking the brown envelope from his hands before the older walked away. Plopping down on the couch, he twirled it around searching for the sender's address. He didn't have a clue where that was, it was definitely from Canada, but the place written on the paper didn't ring any bells from who it could be. 
Until he found your name. 
He widened his eyes and held his breath as he read the name printed on the paper a few more times checking if he wasn't just imagining. It had been years since he last heard of you. And seeing your name written by a handwriting that wasn't his was making his heart do things that he didn’t know it could do again. 
During all those years he hasn't heard of you. But you were in every little thing that surrounded him. You were on his reflection in the mirror every time he saw the little scar under his chin from when the two of you were trying to learn how to skate. You were in the black socks that he wore because you always told him the white ones were lame. You were in the stars in the sky that you used to stare as you laid on the grass from his backyard on a weekday when you were supposed to be studying. And especially, you were in the lyrics of every song he wrote. 
Seeing it, he couldn't help but let his mind wonder back to the days when you were his partner in crime. When everyone in the neighborhood knew that when one of you were seen alone you were planning something. When his parents knew that if he wasn't on his bedroom at a friday night, he would be at yours. When he thought you were gonna be forever. 
It was probably a summer morning when you met. It has been so long that neither of you remembered, and it didn't actually matter. The two of you only knew that you meet in a playground, you weren't even three yet, Mark was feeling too shy to join the other kids on the sand box, so you walked up to him and offered your favorite cookie, asking him to be your friend. Your mother once told him you wouldn't share it with anyone but him. Well, he took a bite from it and threw it on the floor. It made you cry, but as soon as he saw tears rolling down your cheeks, he felt bad and hugged you. That was when your friendship started, and little did you know that you would never leave each other's side. At least until you were fifteen. 
You were together in every memory he had from his childhood. When you started preschool, your teachers instantly fell in love with the two of you. On your first day, you came hand in hand. He had a red cap that was almost big enough to cover his eyes and you had your pigtails bouncing as you made your way to the class. You had the biggest grins on your lips, you were the only kids in the whole class that didn’t throw a tantrum to leave their parents, after all, you had each other. There was no way your teachers wouldn't fall in love at the sight of you comforting the other children. They only found out that the duo meant trouble when, a week later, in art class, you would replace your canvas with each other's faces. At the time that idea of having pink all over your face sounded just right. It would match your dress! 
Another episode that warned what was yet to come was when you were caught trying to sneak your pet rabbit into the school trip. Mark helped you to put it on his bag so you could bring it to meet it's cousins at the zoo. Your plan failed when Mark opened his backpack to put his lunch on it on your way to the school and the rabbit jumped out. Your moms had to hold back their laughters as they tried to scold both of you. 
You wouldn’t stay away from each other even when you were grounded. Whenever your parents tried to punish you for misbehavior or something, you always found a way to be with each other. Once he was grounded because he was caught eating candy in the middle of the night, and that made his parents not let him leave the house in the following day. In the next morning, they woke up to Mark laying on his belly on the entrance hall happily kicking his legs with the door wide open. As his dad walked further to investigate what was going on, he saw you on the porch in the same position as the two of you drew and talked. Mr. Lee just shook his head grinning before inviting you to breakfast. Mark didn't disobey his parents, after all he didn't leave his house.
Mark was really found of all those memories, even though some were told by his parents and others he remembered vaguely, he treasured every moment he had with you.  As he grew up, his memories became gradually more defined so as he could remember the details of them, they also became more meaningful to him.
He was able to remember, for example, you giving him a bouquet of red flowers and wearing a dress of the same colour the night he played the flute on his band for the first time, he had felt so happy to have you clapping excitedly at his performance. Or even when you spent the whole night helping him finish his biology project that was due the next morning even though you had an english test the same day. Of course he didn’t know that, otherwise he would have never asked for your help, but when a friend in common told him that, he remembered feeling guilty and selfish. So he bought your favorite ice cream with his lunch money and stood in front of your class waiting for you to leave, ready to comfort and apologize to you. For his surprise, you came out smiling. 
“Didn’t you fail?” You laughed throwing your head back before reaching to take the cup out of his hands and linking your arm with his. 
“You think too low of me, Mark Lee.” He sighed relieved smiling while you made your way back home chatting. Little did he know that you, in fact, failed, but seeing him waiting for you made it feel like nothing. 
One memory that repeated itself every year, but became more clear in his mind as he grew up was when the two of you would run between the sprinklers of your front yard in the summer, laughing and purposely getting wet to cope with the hot weather. These were his favorite memories. It was something that first happened when the two of you were still little and your parents were too distracted with the barbecue party to notice you sneaking out. When they did, you were in the middle of the lawn giggling and running away from the water jets with your chubby feet. Mark recaled the same scene a few years later, the two of you just a little older with the same happy smiles on your lips. This time, you were being chased by your siblings and were big enough to know how to use a water gun. The last time it happened, always brought a grin to Mark’s lips, all the details were clear as day. 
He ran after you with the smile he always had whenever you were around, you also ran, but away from him. You screamed for him to leave you alone, but the laugher that would come out of your mouth every time he came close to catch you told him you didn't actually mean any of that. 
“I’m serious, Mark! I don’t want to get wetter than I am!” You shouted at him as you faced each other from opposite sides of the sprinkles, you laughed at him resting your hands on your knees. You two were panting from all the running, but you couldn’t be happier. 
“Too bad you will, loser.” He smirked at you and jumped through the jets to get to you. A surprised yelp left your lips, but you reached to take the hose that was just behind you and splashed it on his face. He coughed surprised when the water hit his eyes and you turned it off as soon as you heard him, your eyes widened and your mouth agape as you watched him recover from your sudden attack. As Mark rubbed his eyes, you walked closer to him trying to hold back your laughter with the hose still in hands. You touched his back that was turned to you and caressed it softly talking with the sweetest voice, knowing he couldn’t get mad to you when you did that. 
“Oi, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to-” At that moment, he turned around and jumped on top of you making you fall on the ground. You wiggled under him to try to pull him away, but he held your wrist pinning you down so you couldn’t move. He smirked taking the hose from you and splashing all over you, finally getting his revenge. 
“You son of a bitch!” “Yah! Don’t curse my mother!” 
He laughed as stared at you pouting with your red cheeks and your hair all wet spread on the grass. He couldn’t think of a moment when you looked more beautiful. 
“I’m sorry. I forgot it’s not your mother’s fault you are an idiot.” You flashed him a teasing grin that in just a few seconds turned into a genuine smile. You stared at his sparkling eyes and soft smile that always made your heart skip a beat. His hair was all messy and wet and you couldn’t help, but run your fingers through his strands. He closed his eyes enjoying your sweet touch leaning his head closer to you. 
“Yeah, but you still love this idiot.” He whispered and when opened his eyes to stare back at you lovingly, you grinned leaning up to rub your lips against his and whispered before kissing him slowly and tenderly.
“Well, you are not wrong.”
Besides the good memories you shared, you have always been there for each other, in the good and bad moments. Like when he broke his arm and you did all his homework for three weeks, or when your grandmother passed away and he was there to wipe all your tears. But like in every friendship, you did have a lot of fights, mostly petty ones.
Once you tried to cut your own fringe and ended with just a tuft of hair on the top of your forehead, when he saw it he laughed so hard he felt on the floor out of breath. You gave him the cold shoulder for the next two days. That was until, after your soccer practice, you forgot you were supposed to be mad at him and stormed into his bedroom with your cap still on talking happily about the goals you’ve made. He looked at you puzzled as you laid beside him on the bed, you frowned at his confused face, but soon remembered you were not talking to him. And when you were about to stand up to leave, you saw him smirk and point his chin to your head. 
“Nice cap.” You punched him on the arm, but couldn’t hold back a smile. 
“Shut up.”
Another one was when you gave him spoilers of the new Spider-Man movie. He knew it wasn’t your intention, but he so wanted to see for himself that when you told him about the ending scene he ignored you for a whole day. He only accepted your apologies when you said you would go see the movie with him and would pay for the popcorn. In a minute it was all forgotten.
You were fourteen when you confessed. Neither of you knew when the romantic feelings towards the other appeared. They were just there, hidden, until it bloomed like a flower in the spring, always ready to pop up just waiting for the right moment. It didn’t surprised him tho. It had always been you, just the two of you. Maybe it sprang up was when you held him a little tighter than the other times when he came home from a trip with his family. 
It had been over a month since he had gone to the middle of nowhere, you didn’t talk during that time because he had no access to internet. Of course he missed you, you were everyday with him, how wouldn’t he? What he didn’t expected was that when you came running to him, just a few minutes after they parked the car in the garage, his heart would go on loops. He saw you coming his way with the brightest smile on your lips, your yellow flowered summer dress floating around you and your hair fluttering, for some reason he froze on his spot as watched you come. 
Has she always been that beautiful? 
He only came back to his senses when your body hit on his almost knocking him down on the ground. He automatically wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly against him not wanting to let you go and hoping you wouldn’t hear the drums inside his chest. When you pulled away, too soon, he stared at you with shining big eyes and you smiled shyly under his gaze. 
“You grew taller.” It was only then that he noticed he had to look down to talk to you now. He just nodded, lost of words, as you kept looking at the changes on the other. You stayed like that, secretly admiring each other’s features until his brother cleared his throat beside you.
“Are the lovebirds gonna help or we’ll have to wait until the wedding?” He was used to people teasing you like that, but you would always shrug it off or roll your eyes. However, this time it felt different. He saw you blush and mumble saying that you would help his mother before walking inside the house, he felt his ears burn and widened his eyes at his brother making the older laugh. 
Or maybe it was when he said 'i love you' after you gave him a bowl full of watermelon on one of your movie nights. You would always tell each other that, but that time it had a different meaning. It didn't held the same teasing tone as before. He had said it with so much tenderness and had the softest look on his eyes. It was such a usual moment, the two of you just chilling in the living room, you wearing his hoodie even being summer. You have said it was a bit chilly outside, but later he would find out that you liked to be surrounded by his scent. 
It just felt right to say at that moment. And he did it.
You just smiled extending him the bowl, ready to say it back like everytime you did something to him. But when you looked down at him he saw you freeze for a moment as you stared deeply in each other’s eyes. The same words you would always tell the other felt completely different now. And you could tell which that meaning was by his eyes that shined and overflowed with affection, admiration and love. When you smiled shyly with your cheeks tinted bright red and sat beside him, closer than you would before, he knew you were alright. 
"I love you too, Mark."
And it was just like that. You confessed to each other in the most intimate, yet innocent way it could have happened. And you knew. There was no need for other words. You reached over to lay your hand between the two of you and he gently placed his own on top of yours with a smile on his lips and his heart beating wild. He looked at you with the corner of his eyes and saw the most beautiful smile on your face as he laced your fingers together.
Not long after that you shared your first kiss. You guys were too shy and flushed to do it before, but just like the rest of your relationship, it just happened. 
He was walking you home after your first official date, or, after going for some ice cream. It was like before, but now he could hold your hand whenever he felt like. When you got to your front door, he reluctantly let go of your hand and pressed his lips together standing in front of you. He shifted his weight from one side to the other and saw you playing with your feet as looked everywhere but him. You both felt what was about to happen. Mark was nervous and he knew you also were, after all, neither of you had any experience in anything that was happening.
He cleared his throat softly and wiggled his body back and forth moving his gaze to you. 
“So… I’ll come tomorrow. And we can go to the pool or try that muffin recipe you found…?” “Cool. That’s cool for me.” 
“Cool.” When you raised your head to look at him, he chuckled softly noticing you had a little bit of ice cream on your chin. How cliché, he thought. 
“You complain that I’m a messy eater, but look at you.” With a warm smile, he stepped forward and held your jaw with one hand while the other gently rubbed the stain out of your skin. Your faces were closer than they have ever been. Mark saw the blush on your cheeks, but didn’t say anything as he felt the blood flood his. He stared at your wide shining eyes and you both couldn’t held back a smile. All the anxiousness from before completely dissipating as you drowned on each other’s eyes, he suddenly felt at peace. Feeling your breath against his skin, he closed his eyes. The only thing he remembered after that was his lips on yours.
It was... weird, but good weird. It was wet, there was too much tongue, teeth meeting more than it should. It wasn't his fault, neither yours, that’s just how everyone’s first kisses are. But yours felt just right. The way he held you tightly, like he was holding the world on his hands. The way he caressed your face tenderly. The way you held his hair, gently pulling him closer to you. The way you smiled against each other’s lips and giggled. The way your heartbeats synchronized into one. 
After you pulled away, eyes still closed, you just stood there with your arms around each other and beaming smiles on your faces. When Mark opened his eyes, he met yours, you have never seen his eyes shining so bright like that. You exchanged your goodbyes and he hugged you one last time pressing a sweet kiss on your forehead before crossing the street.  He was on cloud nine and so were you. 
Nobody was surprised when they found out you were dating. In fact, almost everyone you knew seemed to have made a bet on when the two of you would get together. Mark realized that when saw his brother giving yours twenty dollars, he had bet that Mark would only grow some balls to ask you out after you started dating someone else and your brother had bet that he would be your first kiss. Said and done. 
Your parents were thrilled when you told the. Although all of them knew you were eventually end up dating, your father was hoping it would take a little more time, but that didn't stop him from inviting Mark over just to ‘hang out’ as he used to say, even when you were busy. He told Mark that he felt like his second son and couldn't’ have wished for someone else to be with his little girl. He really enjoyed spending time with your father too, he felt like he belonged to the family even more. The only one that wasn't very keen of the two of them together was you, he would always laugh when you argued with your dad saying that Mark was your boyfriend, not his. 
Besides that, our relationship was much like any other. You had dates everyday, they wouldn’t always be going to amusement parks or to the cinema, most of them were the two of you sitting down while Mark played his guitar, or doing your homework in silence enjoying each other’s presence. The time you would spend just the two of you immersed in your own world was his favorite type of date.
One that he treasured was when the two of you had just finished your exams in school, he knew how stressed you were so he decided that you had to chill out a bit. He took two of the biggest blankets he could find and as much pillows as he could carry and ran across the street with his hands full. Since he basically lived in your house he didn't bother ringing the bell, he walked to your backyard and settled the things down on the grass and sent you a text that said “ i’m by the pool. bring doritos.” 
He watched as the lights of your bedroom were turned off and smiled to himself as he laid down on top of the pillows. When you came to meet him, you had a side smile on your lips and were already in your pajamas. 
“What is this?” He grinned brightly and reached for your hand, that you gladly held, pulling you down to lay beside him.
“This is me making you stop overthinking your grades.” You rolled your eyes playfully, but followed his lead and snuggled him under the blanket. 
You talked for hours. About the most silly things, your deepest desires and fears, you were each other’s safe place. At one point of the night, he was talking about whatever while staring at the stars, but you had found a much more interesting sight. You were on your side facing Mark and had your head rested on your hand, you couldn't help a smile as you stared at his profile. You couldn’t tell, but Mark saw your eyes roam every feature of his face, his almost defined apple cheeks, his pink pretty lips, his little nose… 
“Are you even listening to me?” He giggled when turned to face you and meet your mesmerized eyes. You shook your head lightly before smirking softly.
“I was not. It’s not my fault you distract me.” He laughed throwing his head back and clapping his hands as he felt a little blush creeping on his cheeks, but he moved to lay on his side to face you. You reached a hand and touch his face caressing every part you had been staring, rubbing his cheek, bopping his nose, what made he giggle more, contouring his lips with your thumb, but when you locked eyes he heard a sight leave your lips.
"I love your eyes, you know..." You blurted out. "I mean, I love all of you, but your eyes... They have a special place in my heart." You chuckled and stopped your hand on his apple cheek caressing it gently. He grinned widely and reached to hold your hand intertwining your fingers. 
"Is that so? Why?" 
"They sparkle. I feel like i can see your soul looking at them. They shine. Just like your soul, Mark. And you have such a beautiful one, baby.”
Those words stuck to him until now and whenever someone complimented his eyes he thought of you.
One thing he was grateful for was how much support you gave him. You were always there for him, supporting him no matter what, hyping him when he was feeling down and doing your best to make him happy. It was even you who he told first about the SM audition that was going to happen. You quickly ran to his house to make sure he had typed his informations correctly in the enrollment paper. He was still uncertain if he should try, he was very insecure of his abilities and just the thought of leaving for the other side of the world made his heart ache, but he just let you think that his hesitations were because of his insecurities. 
“Mark! You are amazing. I've already told you this a thousand times! There's nothing to worry about. You are so talented... They are gonna love you. And if they don’t, first their loss. Second, this is just a try out, it’s just the beginning, love. Your life won’t end because you failed one audition. Okay? Have some faith in yourself!” 
You skipped school to go with him to the audition. His brother offered to drive Mark so you could join since his parents would have asked if yours had allowed you to come, the answer would have been  no. During the whole ride to the city center, Mark had his legs shaking frenectly. You tried to sooth him by holding his hand and caressing the back of it, but he was too nervous, not even your touches could make him calm down. 
Once his brother parked the car he felt his heart stop. Mark was so tense that he didn't remember much of what happened after that. He knew his brother had talked the whole time you were waiting, making jokes to try to make him laugh and you hadn’t let go of his hand even for one second. He was glad you were there to reassure him even if it was just by squeezing his hand. 
At some point he was told by the staff that he had to go alone from there. He sighed deeply and nodded at his brother and you, if he wasn't so terrified the would have laughed, it looked like you were the one auditioning. You let go of his hand and offered him a smile, he turned around to walk inside, but after a few steps he felt your hand on his arm, meeting your gently eyes when he turned back. 
“Hey. Before you get in. I just want to say how proud I am of you. I can't put in words how amazing and talented you are. Just trust in yourself, Mark. You are gonna shine more than the brightest star in the sky. And i'll always stand by your side no matter what happens.” You winked and gave him your brightest smile. “Now go get them.” 
That was all what he needed to regain his confidence. 
The results came a week later. 
When he told you the news you screamed and laughed like never before, hugging him so tight that he had to ask you to loose it a bit. You had told him how happy and proud you were of him and gave him a little lecture about how he should trust himself more, but soon was kissing all over his face again. Before you left to go home, he thought he had seen a different shade on your eyes, but he shrugged it off at that time.
The time he had to say his goodbyes and pack was way too short. He tried to stay as much as he could with you, but he had a ton of things to do before leaving to Korea it made hard for you to have some time alone. He was feeling bad because he felt like he wasn’t giving the attention you deserved, but you reasured him that it was alright, that you understood why that was happening and that you would be with him even if he just had two minutes to talk to you.
On the day before he would go to Korea he took to spend it only with you, he took you to a walk on the park, bought you your favorite ice cream, took you to the little playground where you met and didn't let go of your hand. It didn't even feel like he was leaving, he was so happy to be able to make you laugh and look at your bright eyes that he forgot why he was doing that. 
He only remembered it later that day when he heard you on the sleepover you were having at his house. Neither of you were supposed to sleep, so you could spend more time together, but he closed his eyes and felt asleep. He woke up a few minutes later when heard the bathroom door close followed by your quiet sobbs. He realized how difficult it was for you to let him go. He knew you were happy for him, but he could understand what you were going through. Having your best friend in life that it’s also your boyfriend to move to the other side of the world while you had no choice, but sit back and watch, it breaks anyone's heart. He didn't think he could be so selfless if he was in your shoes. All the times when he thought about becoming an artist he saw you by his side,  but he realized that you always somehow knew that wouldn't be possible, that you couldn’t be part of that. Even so, you were there supporting him, wanting him to pursue his dreams, to be happy, even if that meant that you would have to let him go. 
Just by hearing your shaky breath he could tell you were trying to control your emotions, but every time you would inspire, a loud sobb would come out from your chest. It was too painful hearing you break like that. He barged in the bathroom what made you quickly try to put a smile on your face and hide your sadness, but failed. He just pulled you into his chest and buried his face on your neck letting his own tears flow down his cheeks while you resumed crying, this time on his arms. Once you were calmer, he brought you to the couch where you hugged each other for the whole night while he caressed your hair and whispered on your ear sweet nothings and promises that he didn’t know he could keep. 
You didn't come to the airport with him in the next day. You had told him that you prefered to say your goodbye on your street when you could pretend he was just going on a trip. He had laughed, but felt his heart ache. When the time came, you tried not to look at him, he knew you didn't want him to see you cry again, he knew you wanted to be strong for him, but he held your face to make you stare at him, he wanted to look into your eyes since he didn't know the next time he would be able to do it.
You didn't need to say a lot of words to make him understand everything you wanted to tell. He pulled you to a last tight hug staying like that for a few minutes. Eventually, he had to pull away since his parents were telling him they should go. He held your face between his hands, eyes roaming around your features like he was trying to engrave the sight of you on his brain.He let go of you with a nod once he felt tears start to rush to his eyes. As he was about to enter the car, you held his hand catching his attention. You walked to be in front of him and leaned up to press your lips gently against him. 
“I’m really proud of you. And I love you.” 
And then he left to Korea to chase his dreams, leaving the love of his life behind.
All those memories, those intense moments brought a sad smile to his lips and made tears well up on his eyes. He sighed deeply rubbing his hands on his face and trying to put himself back together after those old feelings that had come intensely over him all at once. Even after so long you had the same effect on Mark as before. 
Yes, of course he dated after you. He fucked around, he was at his peak of popularity, there were girls falling on his feet, he tried to forget you, he tried to find someone with whom he could share his life. But none of them felt right the way you did. He couldn't help comparing them to you and none of them came even close to be as special as you were. Even if his head wanted to let go of you, his heart wouldn't . He couldn't love them the way he loved you. The way he loves you.
Mark stared at the brown envelope on his hands and twirled it one last time before opening with trembling hands. Inside there was another envelope, but this time it was a pretty white paper sealed with a golden wax. He turned around to look at the back and he read his own name written in your elegant handwriting, just like in the notes you would leave around his bedroom or on his notebooks. He smiled fondly and ran his finger over his name feeling warmth spread on his chest. Soon, after letting his thoughts run to you again, he left out a shaking breath before finally breaking the seal and pulling another paper from inside, his heart beating wildly on his chest. 
As soon as his eyes met the first words he froze. His heart sank. Feeling a bitter taste on his mouth he read the golden letters over and over, but couldn't believe. Or didn't want to. He only realized he was crying when some words on the bottom of the paper were becoming blurry. He dropped the papers on his lap and rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of the excess of tears on his eyes. His mind was blank. How could that have happened? How he could have let that happen?
He the papers once again, but this time he noticed something that he didn't have before. 
At the back of the paper, on the top corner written on a red pen that didn’t match the golden letters printed on the paper there was a inscription scrambled on your handwriting. He couldn't help sobbing when he finished reading. It said: 
“My love, i confess, i’m getting married, but the love of my life was and it’s always gonna be you. Yours, ___ .” 
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author’s note: so....??? i loved writting this so much, but i cried so hard at the end. I would really really really love to read what you guys thought of it. And if you came until here, thank you so much!!! <3 
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
a simple life
essar x lorcan + kohana, canon divergence/canon era, domestic fluff/general fluff, word count: 2439
Lorcan wakes up in the morning and rolls over without opening his eyes. He searches across the comfortable mattress, mumbling his mate’s name. “Ess,” he rasps, hating the fact that she’s so far away. 
She isn’t usually this far when they sleep. Usually, Essar lays nestled in his arms, her curves, lush and heavenly so, fitting perfectly against him. When he still doesn’t find her, Lorcan sighs shortly and pushes himself up, cracking his eyes open. Her side of the bed is cool and the sheets are rumpled. 
It’s then that Lorcan realises it’s far brighter than usual. Nearing the midst of winter, most mornings are pitch black. He looks up, to the window, and sees the thick layer of snow that blankets their canvas-covered crops and the forest beyond the field. More flakes fall and Lorcan understands why Essar is not in bed with him. 
Ever since they first met, when they were still younglings, Essar has adored the snow. None of the wonder ever fades from the first snowfall of the season. 
Slowly, Lorcan gets out of bed. He grabs a heavy wool sweater and holds it in one hand as he pushes their door open. Across from their room, the nursery door is closed. Lorcan knows this means that their youngling hasn’t been woken yet. 
He pads quietly into their living room and sees Essar in the kitchen. She sits at the island. They made it by hand, like everything they own, like their cabin, too. A pot of  coffee rests on the wooden slab and Essar wraps her fine-boned hand around her favourite enamel mug. Their dishes are a few of the minimal objects they bought in the nearest town, as well as their weapons. 
She sips from it, her chin resting against her fist. Lorcan is forced to pause and drink in the sight of her, the way her longs legs are crossed and the way she leans her weight into her elbow, oblivious as she reads something he’s sure she’s read a thousand times over. 
He pulls his sweater over his head and leans against the wall, crossing his arms. A soft smile appears on his face. 
Once, this was never an option. Lorcan remembers how quickly he came to losing any chance of this, when he answered to Maeve. 
The queen’s command was once strong on him, stronger, perhaps, than any other blood oath. He could not deny Maeve a thing, the craving for her approval and validation a never ending ache. When he and Essar matured, and the mating bond connected the pair even more than they always were, Maeve didn’t respect it. 
It almost killed him, refusing Essar what she needed, what they both needed. 
One night, one night Essar had enough. Enlisting Dresenda, her sister, she broke him out of Maeve’s palace. They kept his head covered until they left the City of Rivers. Lorcan didn’t know where they were. Every step away from the queen pained him more, but he did it willingly, knowing that he would choose Essar over everything and everyone. 
It was excruciating to let the blood oath break, let it fester and rot away in his heart. When they knew that the only way Lorcan would survive it would be to make another blood oath, Lorcan swore it to Essar. 
“I can tell, you know.” 
Lorcan blinks, “Hmm?” 
Essar laughs that warm, pealing laugh of hers. “I can tell when you’re staring at me.” In their home, they don’t speak the common tongue, nor the Old Language. They use their own language, a seamless blend of their native tongues. 
She slips off of the stool and walks over to meet Lorcan in the middle of the room. He grins sleepily and wraps his arms around her, holding her in a tight hug. Essar sighs gently and melts into him. 
“Have you seen the snow yet,” he murmurs. “I thought by now you’d surely be building a snowman or a fort.” 
“No, not yet,” Essar says. “Our coconut has never seen snow.” 
Lorcan smiles and stands up straight, his hands resting on her hips. “True. How do you think he’ll take to it?” 
She tilts her head to the side and covers one of his hands with hers. Essar walks him to the counter and pushes him to the other stool. “Mmm, well, he’s far more adventurous than you grouchy bastard, so like his mother,” she teases, wearing a cocky grin that makes her canines flash. 
Lorcan snorts and takes his seat, glancing casually at the open book his mate is reading. His eyes widen for a second when he sees the smutty fiction, clear on the page. He picks it up and reads while Essar takes a mug from the cupboard for him. “He cups her heaving breasts and his throbbing length–”
“Lorcan!” Essar snaps, quickly grabbing the book from him and closing her, her cheeks pinking. “Don’t read my things.” 
“Oh, c’mon, I want to see what happens next with his throbbing length,” Lorcan pouts, his wicked smile shining through the feigned disappointment. Essar clicks her tongue and shakes her head, putting the book down on the counter. “Why haven’t you told me that you read that sort of thing? Is my darling mate feeling… otherwise unfulfilled?” 
She shoots him a glare as she pours him his coffee. “No and I didn’t tell you because it’s none of your business, mate.” Essar slides onto her chair and faces him, resting her feet against the spindle of his stool. She cups his face and leans forward, kissing him gently. Lorcan rests his hand on her tattooed thigh, his thumb stroking against her skin. 
Essar’s sharp teeth scraped against his lip before she swipes her tongue over the small hurt and steps onto the floor. She’s able to press herself tighter against him, hardly forced onto her tiptoes, and winds her arms around his neck, her hands toying absentmindedly in the air behind him. They kiss until she makes a soft noise and pulls back, resting her forehead on his. “Hi.” 
Lorcan chuckles and sneaks one last kiss, “Good morning, my love.” 
She sits herself back in her seat and Lorcan picks up his coffee. Just before when the sun would normally rise, they woke up to their hungered wails of the babe. Lorcan sat with her as she fed Kohana. He’ll sleep for a little while longer now, as he isn’t normally waking up anymore in the middle of the night. 
Lorcan makes them eggs and fries bacon, serving crusty buttered bread on the side. They eat quietly and as Essar gets up to clean the dishes, they hear a familiar curious coo. He stands and kisses her cheek, whispering, “I’ll get him.” 
Essar pauses him for a moment. She takes down his low bun and weaves a loose plait, securing the end with a piece of sinew rope. After, Essar returns to the dishes and Lorcan crosses the cabin, slowly opening the door to find their nine-month old standing in his crib, turned towards the window. His hands hold onto the top bar. 
The tips of his pointed ears poked through the soft hair on his head, jet black like that of his parents. Lorcan grins and walks to the side of the crib. Kohana turns his head, his eyes wide and confused. “Da-da.”
Lorcan chuckles and his heart clenches as he picks the little Fae up. “Hello, little one.” He pushes Kohana’s hair back and kisses the babe’s forehead. “Shall get dressed, hmm?” Lorcan walks to the dresser. He lays Kohana down and changes him, noting the way the youngling watches the snow, his hands caught in his mouth. 
Lorcan’s heart pumps stronger when Essar walks in, like their heartbeats are one. She peers over his shoulder and coos at the child, “Oh, hi, my little one.” Essar slips under Lorcan’s arm, pinching Kohana’s socked foot. Kohana squeals, his big bright eyes landing on his mother’s face. She laughs and picks him up. Essar presses her nose against his soft cheek and inhales, her hand cupping the back of his head. Kohana babbles, glancing out of the window again. “Oh, yes, I know. You’ve never seen snow, have you, coconut?” Essar bounces him and props him on her hip as she walks out of the room. 
Lorcan chuckles and shakes his head, tidying the area up. He joins his family and Essar feeds Kohana the mashed yams she made. Like always, Kohana devours it, eating anything his parents present to him. 
After, Essar puts Kohana on the soft blanket by the fireplace. She leaves him with a stuffed toy bear that was once hers and he holds onto it fiercely, chewing on one of its stubby legs. Essar goes into their room to change, emerging in rabbit fur-lined leather pants, tall boots, and a thick jacket over her warmer underclothes. Her Lorcan pours her the last cup of coffee and laughs when she pushes him towards the bedroom, “Gods, go change! We’re wasting time outside.” 
“He won’t even remember this,” Lorcan says, still dutifully following her commands and walking away. 
“I will,” Essar tells him, shooting him a glare. She kneels on the carpet in front of their baby and dresses him in his own fur-lined suit. She coos over him as she covers his head in a woolen hat and ties the strings beneath his round chin. Kohana kicks his feet out and bats the air with his little hands. Essar laughs warmly and lets the small amount of magic she has dance between her fingers. 
Kohana gasps, his mouth in a perfect ‘o’. He watches, giggling when the warm flame taps his nose and tickles his chin. Essar gasps softly when her mate’s familiar power wraps around her hips and joins hers. “Ma-ma,” the baby coos and smiles, his canines poking through his pink gums. 
Essar picks him up and stands, turning to see Lorcan. He shrugs on his hunting jacket and pulls his braid out. Lorcan wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into his chest, his eyes on Kohana. “Hi. Oh, hi, mičíŋkši. Look at you, how cute in your wee suit, hmm?” He passes Essar her thick winter mittens and a kiss to the side of her head, “You forgot these.” 
“Ah, my saviour,” Essar teases, tucking them in the large front pocket of her jacket. “Whatever would I do without you, hmm?” 
He rolls his eyes and says drily, “Don’t patronise me, my darling. We both know how capable you are. Now, the real question is what I would’ve done without you.” They both freeze, images of Lorcan, slave to Maeve, flashing through their minds. 
Essar pulls the collars of the shirts he’s layered down and kisses the claiming mark over his pulse, “Well, we don’t have to think about that, so let’s not.” Lorcan’s thumb presses against the corner of her hip, where a matching mark lies. Kohana makes a soft sound and they look at him, grinning happily. He’s not watching them, staring unfalteringly towards the snowy landscape. “Let’s go, yes?” 
Lorcan nods and they walk to the front door. He sits to put his own boots on and fixes Ko’s winter moccasins. Kohana frowns and kicks his feet, reaching towards the doors. He whines, looking back at Essar, “Mama.”
“I know, tāku iti kahurangi, we’re going, don’t worry,” she tells him. Lorcan takes Kohana so that his mate can put on her cloak and Essar pushes the door open. 
Lorcan stands on the threshold, waiting for a moment. He watches Essar and smiles, loving how happy she is. She crouches, pulling off one of her mittens. Her breath puffs around her face as she touches the fresh, untouched snow. Essar pushes her hood back and looks up, laughing joyfully, “Lorcan! It’s snowing.” She stands up and turns, taking his free hand in both of hers. Essar pulls him out, her eyes on the sky. 
“I see that,” Lorcan comments. He passes the babe to Essar so he can close their front door. 
When he turns back, Essar is crouching once more, helping Kohana stay upright. He reaches out, carefully, and touches the snow. He gasps, quickly pulling his hand back, “Mama.”
“Yes, it’s cold, isn’t it,” Essar agrees, looking up at Lorcan as he crouches beside her. She points upwards, “Look, do you see?” 
Kohana looks up, his round cheeks bright red. His big eyes track a snowflake as it floats down. It lands on the tip of his little nose and he gasps again, trying to walk away from it. He loses his balance and falls, landing on his behind. Lorcan and Essar watch him, waiting for his tears, but they never come. 
He laughs, clapping his hands. They smile and sigh in relief. Kohana pats the snow around him and giggles, kicking his legs out. “Dada,” he says. He chatters, trying to gather a handful of snow. He struggles and frowns, fidgeting in irritation. 
Lorcan calmly forms a snowball and presents it to the child, letting his power wrap around it. Kohana forgets what he’s trying to do and makes a grabbing motion. Essar leans against Lorcan as he gives the ball to Kohana and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
Kohana cups the ball and frowns slightly, lifting it to his mouth. He tentatively bites it and purses his lips, frowning harder. Essar chuckles and thumbs the melted snow from his chin, “I know, wee one, it’s cold, yes?” 
He eats some more and more, trying to fit the entire thing into his mouth. Lorcan huffs a soft laugh. Essar looks at him as he helps their youngling, who turns away and starts to crawl around, biting into the snow as he goes and eating it. There’s that spark of wonder in his eyes – the one that always makes her heart flutter. 
She lifts her hand to his cheek and turns his face to her. Lorcan arches a brow in question. “What is it? Why’re you looking at me like that?” 
Essar presses her lips to his and whispers, “I love you, Salvaterre.” 
He smiles softly and returns her embrace, “And I you, Tangaroa.” 
She turns her head when Kohana shouts and flashes Lorcan a smile before she stands up. Essar makes her way over to the child and Lorcan stands as well, watching for a moment. 
This simple life, their simple cabin – his mate and child safe, where he can protect them, it’s all Lorcan’s ever wanted in life. It’s everything he ever needs.
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i hope u guys liked this cause it was so much fun to write !! 
in all my fics i write essar as maori (her last 'tangaroa' is the maori god of the sea, lakes, rivers, and creatures that live in them) and lorcan as lakota !
Kohana is a Lakota name meaning 'swift'
translations: Mičíŋkši: my son in Lakota Tāku iti kahurangi: my little treasure in Maori
@mythicaitt @werewolffprince @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @ttakeitbacknoww @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse  @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @minaidss @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt  @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @autophobiaxx @silversprings28 @myshadowsingeraz  @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez @ladywitchling @mariamuses @darklesmylove @adelzd-bookblr @firestarsandseneschals @missnienna 
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 8
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black-furred monkey put out a hand towards him
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 8: One By One
It’s been over a few weeks since the whole Bull King invasion and things have been pretty peaceful. The city has slowly begun to rebuild itself and people have steadily begun to go back to their day to day lives.
If there's one thing he can appreciate about society is that they always will keep going even when everything around them has been destroyed.
Macaque's own workload has finally eased up, the hospital didn’t anticipate that many wounded in that short span and wasn’t able to gather the materials. So, he has gotten calls from both Yanyu and some of the higher ups in the field for his assistance.
“This has been a pain in the ass,” he grumbled as he sat down on the couch with his cup of tea. “I really shouldn’t have let them off so easily for the fuckton of work they put on me.” His was then twitched as he heard a familiar/strange set of feet dashing their way towards him.
“Dad!” He sees his son, who had his jacket tied around his waist and staff nowhere in sight, smiles widely as he leaps to him and gives him a big hug, “it’s been so long!”
“Hey kiddo,” he was taken momentarily off guard by the hug, but smiled down at him as he petted his hair. “How was work?”
“Oh I didn’t go, someone is taking care of that,” he happily stated as he still held on tight.
Macaque blinked for a moment before he gave a small chuckle, “oh, is that so, well I was about to read and relax, you want to join?”
“Can you read out loud?” He cheerfully asked as he got himself comfortable on the couch as he laid down.
“Of course.”
So Macaque began to tell the story of a blind girl and how she stood strong in the face of adversity and ridicule. He was in the middle of the part where the girl denies the deity gift of giving her sight when he heard the door slam open wide.
“Stay away from my Dad!/Don't worry old man, we're here!” MK and Mei respectively shouted out as they both held staff and sword out to fight the battle ahead, only to falter as they took in the scene of Mac sitting quite comfortably on the couch, while another MK laid on his lap with a content smile. “Uhhhh.”
“Took you long enough,” he said with amusement, “I was almost about to send a clone out to you myself.”
“What? You don’t think I can’t tell a clone apart from my son?” He smirked as he patted the clone ahead, the only response was cuddling closer to him.
“You know?!” MK yelled out as he walked forward, still a bit cautious after his encounters with the rest of his clones.
He only raised an eyebrow as he showed off his shadow clone.
“Oooh, yeah that makes sense.”
“How come he didn’t attack you!” Mei threw her hands up in frustration. “I mean, come on! I had to deal with Portay MK and you have Mr. Cuddle Bug?!”
“Attack, Pfft yeah that's what usually happens during the first duplicate trials,” he said as he laid his book down.
“I’m sorry what?” MK has put away the staff at this point as he tried to sit next to his Dad, only to forget that the space was currently occupied by another him. He stared down at the clone laying in his spot then the clone looked up at him and just turned around and faced away from him.
“No,” was all he said as the next moment the clone disappeared and there sat the real MK with a wide grin, “so what was that about the trials?”
The six eared monkey raised an eyebrow at his son's actions as Mei wheezed in the background, “well usually when someone is learning the clone technique most of the time the clones would try to attack the user to prove their authority or their sense of identity.”
“That is actually terrifying,” he deadpanned.
“I thought you already knew this?” He questioned his son, who suddenly blushed.
“Well I may have accidentally learned I can do this,” he scratched the back of his neck as he laid on his Dad's lap.
“And you decided to test it out despite not knowing the consequences,” he sighed as he examined his son hair which was now sporting some very uneven ends and patches, “you even messed up your hair cause of this, I thought I taught you to not mess with magic unless you have me or someone competent in the arts.”
“I know, I know, but I just wanted some sleep and quiet!” He moaned out as he let the furry hands caress the knots and tangles in his hair, “I didn’t think it would lead up to this.”
“That’s how they all start,” he snorted as he felt Mei sit on his other side and lay on his shoulder, “so why don’t you tell me how this all began and tell me a bit more about your training with Wukong. I haven’t heard back on how that’s been going.”
“Training with the Monkey King is amazing!” He lit up as he talked all about his sessions.
Macaque silently listened to his son ramble on about his training sessions with Wukong and boy did that still send him reeling.
He still can’t believe that this is happening, that in all of these strange currents of events, Wukong actually made his son his successor. He still doesn't know how to feel about that cause, on one hand, damn straight his child can lift the staff no one has ever been able to before, he is so proud that he accomplished the impossible that mere words still can’t explain it. But on the other hand, Wukong recklessly decided to choose his son to be his successor despite his many enemies, does that idiot not comprehend the target he just placed on his back.
‘I swear I have half the mind to go up there and knock him silly for his complete ignorance…though how everything goes after that is the only thing that’s stopping me,’ Mac internally thought. ‘Who knows how he would react if I show up unannounced…probably would be just the sequel of our last fight,’ he bitterly thought. He has long accepted that his former friend probably wanted nothing to do with him anymore if they ever saw each other again.
“And then he goes on about how one must never- are you even paying attention?!” MK's voice broke out of his thoughts.
“Yeah I am, you were just talking about how your swings are easily blockable.”
“They are not that bad,” he huffed.
“You swing too wide comet/You hit like it’s a baseball bat,” both demon and teenager said.
“Okay, I may have a small issue.”
“And that’s why you're training,” he said as he took his hands out of his hair when he began to yawn.
“Yeah I know,” he sleepily said as he closed his eyes.
‘At least he is enjoying himself,’ he then focused his attention on Mei, who was also dozing off and began to groom her hair as well.
“Is that the best you got flame brain,” Daiyu cackled out as she flew higher in the air and dodged the fireball, “I met imps who were stronger than that-shit!” She felt a sharp pain explode from her back.
“Don’t you dare think you can outmatch me, little bird!” Red Son cockily stated as he twisted one of her wings and the two began to a downward spiral. “I have fought monsters thrice the size of you and remained victorious!”
“Not today's string bean!” She squawked out as she flips on her back as the two were falling so that the fire demon could break her fall.
It was a tense stand off as neither side gave in even when they were free falling, it was only when they were ten feet away from the ground did he jump off her. He hoped that this would have worked and broken a few of her bones, but alas it didn’t as she caught herself just before and stopped herself.
“Tch,” he clicked his tongue in agitation as he went in for another strike for her wings, only to get batted off.
“Ha, ain’t fooling me again Flicker! Or maybe that candle on your head is finally reaching its end!” She went for his neck only to get buffed by his hand grabbing her beak.
“I’ll show you who's reaching their end once I burn you into a fiery crisp that not even your brethren would want to feast upon!” He tried to keep her in his hold as he lit up, but she managed to kick free of his grasp.
“Ha! I like to see you try! My shithead brothers and sisters would eat everything and I’m not even counting the chicks that just hatched!” She flew up high and prepared for a dive bomb.
“Let’s find out!” His entire body began to lit up in flames as his eyes bore into her.
“They seem to be having fun,” Bohai said as he lazily watched them.
“Two people who like the thrill of the battle going at it, of course, they like this shit,” Minsheng scoffed as they laid down, “at least they're not doing battles to the death anymore, that usually gets bloody way too fast.”
“And leaves me having to deal with their injured asses,” Macaque grumbled as he petted the infant monkey's head.
“Your friends,” the jellyfish pointed out.
“I was forced into this,” he stated.
“And we’re still here,” the rabbit demon grinned.
MK and Mei, on the other hand, still couldn’t believe their eyes as they continued to see the arrogant demon that was trying to kill them happily fighting. Well the fight part not really, but the happy thing was a bit out of left field. They had walked into the sounds of fighting and, while still being very cautious as they remembered Mac and Ahmed's last fight, quietly tried to investigate what was happening. So to see this scene was a little jarring once they realized that the two were simply sparring with each other.
“Huh, I have to say this is the quickest redemption arc I have ever seen,” Mei mused, “not even a month ago he was trying to kill us and now he is all buddy buddy with Dad and his friends.”
“To be fair, I think they mentioned him before,” MK said.
“Yeah,” the said monkey popped in, “I have. I actually have known him longer than the both of you. His family sometimes would stop by for some items from time to time.”
“Huh, well that’s honestly not that big of a shock,” Mei pouted as they watched Red Son finally pin the vulture demon down.
“I told you, you can’t beat me! For I am Red Son, prince to the esteemed Demon Bull King and the mighty Princess Iron Fan!” He maniacally laughed.
“You're a prince!” He was startled out of it when two voices reached over to him.
“Indeed I am! Who dares step forward and-,” he stops himself mid sentence when he sees noodle boy and biker girl familiar faces. His face drops, “oh it’s you two.”
“Like I knew DBK was your dad and all, but it never occurred to me that you would be a prince with, well you know,” Mei hummed out.
“With what?” He growled the last bit out.
“With you being a reckless, two-bit side character that likes to leap before they walk,” she bluntly said.
“I am no mere Side Character!” He bowled out as his hair flame intensified.
“Aren’t you though?”
“I’m not”
“But you can be, like how I can totally be one as well.”
“I am no mere side character,” he spat out, “I am the antagonist that stands against the hero path! I am the flame of destruction that threatens to consume all! I am the prince of the feared and mighty who takes pride in oneself and all that they do!”
“…okay but aren’t some villains side characters?” She couldn’t help it, she was having way too much fun at this point.
“I feel like we have gotten meta somewhere,” MK muttered out and then walked forward before Mei could say anything that would trigger the raging flame demon anymore. “Hi! I know we didn’t really introduce ourselves after…that, but I’m MK and she's Mei.”
“…Red Son,” he eyed the smiling boy in front of him, “and I already knew who you are, your father talks much about the two of you.”
“Awwww, fluffy head does,” Mei cooed as she turned to face Macaque, who was resolutely not looking in their direction.
“Wait, if you knew who we were, why did you attack?” The Monkie Kid couldn’t help but ask.
Surprising the both of them, the prince blushed a bit out of embarrassment as he muttered out, “I didn’t know it was the two of you in the first place.”
“How?!” Mei sputtered out. “Like we were probably screaming each other's names so many times?!”
“No! You peasants were just screaming! Nothing short of a name has ever come up in the middle of it all!”
“Wait-so that’s why you called me Noodle boy?”
“Noodle boy?” She snorted.
“Your biker girl,” he hissed out.
“Biker girl…hmm not that bad actually,” she put her hand under her chin, “though did you seriously just come up with that because of what we were doing?”
“Yes,” the demon unashamedly said.
Both humans looked at one another before they both laughed wildly.
“Hahaha! Holy shit, you are such a dork,” the dragon girl clutched her stomach.
“By the Gods, that is kinda adorable,” the monkey's successor was pounding his fist on the ground.
“I am neither a dork nor adorable!” The Bull prince roared out as he marched over to them in fury. “Take that back!”
“And thus the start of a beautiful friendship,” Macaque couldn’t help but say as the demon began to chase the two around.
“Yeah, I worked my back off for it,” Daiyu grumbled as she finally got off the ground from where Red Son was pinning her down. “That whole time I just wanted to throttle him at them just so I could feel my wings again.”
“Don’t worry, your wings have some use finally,” Minsheng couldn’t help but say.
Daiyu promptly smacked her wings against their head.
“What do you mean disappeared?” Mei asked MK when he rushed inside their super secret base.
“All I know is that they were shopping and now I can’t contact nor find either one of them!” MK freaked out as he gripped his staff. “What if they're in trouble?”
“Take a deep breath MK,” Sandy rubbed the human back, “we don’t know that, their phones could simply be out of batteries or they got lost talking to each other.”
“Even though they’ll never admit it,” he said.
“Exactly, but the shop isn’t open!”
That drew out sharp gasps as now they began to panic.
“He has never not opened his store before!” Sandy shouted as he gripped his hair.
“I think he’s been kidnapped!” MK screamed in agreement.
“I immediately fear the worst!”
Mei rushed over to one of the screens and began to type in a few things and up on the screen appeared both people talking to a lady.
“They haven’t been carted away to treacherous territories,” the giant sighed in relief.
“Oh thank god they're still shopping,” MK sagged in relief as he saw this, “wait Mei what is this?”
“I had cameras placed on all of you and you said this was creepy,” she has already lost her brother once, that was not about to happen again.
“That still is.”
“Oh look now they're following that nice lady, see they're just fine,” Sandy inputted as they watched the two slowly follow the woman shrouded in black when suddenly there was a trap that opened underneath them, “AH! I was wrong! I was wrong! This is bad! This is very bad!”
“Nightmare hole!” The twenty year old screamed out as Mei's eyes widened in shock, “what happened?”
“It looks like?” She began to enhance and zoom into the blurred picture and when it became clear it showed an eight legged spider lady standing above them all.
“A spider demon! Come on! No! Ew! Yuck! I do not want to mess with spiders of any kind! I hate spiders! Hate, hate, hate spiders! With their beady eyes and their creepy wiggly legs and their gross butt!”
“MK, right now that spider demon has our friends so you know what that means,” Sandy pumped them up. “It’s Operation save Pigsy and Tang from the Nightmare Hole!”
“Yeah!” Both teens pumped their fists in the air along with the cat.
“Should we call Macaque for backup,” Sandy asked as he started up the engine.
“Nope!” MK quickly said before Mei could, “we can do this on our own!”
MK slowly began to back away as the Spider demon loomed over him menacingly. She had managed to capture Sandy and Mei as well and only he was the last one standing. “I regret everything I said.”
“Aww, don’t tell me you're scared of spiders!” She said as she stepped into the light then that faint tickling in the back of his head finally eased up at the full reveal.
“Wait? I know you!” His jaw dropped as he saw just exactly who was standing in front of him.
“What?” They all shouted even Spider Queen who was stunned out of sheer confusion.
“No wonder you look familiar! Daiyu talks about you all the time,” MK stated as he lost some of his fear at the relief of finally knowing why she seemed so familiar.
Though as his fear was momentarily suppressed the Spider Queen was not as she blanched at the name, “you know Daiyu!”
“Oh yeah, she has a bone to pick with you after you ripped her off, she said something about wanting to pluck the meat off of your corpse after she gets done beating you to a pulp or something like that.”
“I am now concerned by that statement,” Pigsy said.
“Oh don’t worry, she’s a vulture demon,” Mei happily responded.
“That does not make it better.”
“Does for me sweetheart,” Tang smiled, “it makes sense for a vulture to go for a corpse because they are cartoons. It’s actually quite fascinating-,”
“Tang I love you, but please don’t say that as we’re currently being tied up like a lamb ready for the slaughter,” Pigsy begged.
The pig and human eyes widened at what both said, but luckily they didn’t have to say anything as the Spider Queen roared in rage.
“I may be a slicker, but I ain’t no sham when it comes to my silk! Tell that chicken legged, deep fried coward that I will personally send her down under if she even instigates that I would do that!” She roared in rage as she stood tall in MK, who promptly got scared once more as he realized what he just said.
“MK run!” Pigsy yelled out.
“Don’t need to tell me twice!” MK slid between the Spider Queen legs and he began to book it.
“Get back here little monkey boy!”
“I feel like I should tell Daiyu where Spider Queen has been hiding,” MK mused as they floated along the ocean.
“As long as I’m there, I really want to see her explode in fury before the bloodbath happens,” Mei snorted as she laid across the top.
“You know, I sometimes worry about you,” Pigsy looked at the young lady at that statement.
“Fuzz butt says that too.”
“Shouldn’t you listen to your doctor?”
“Shouldn’t you listen to what you said back at the cave, don’t you think just because we were tied up doesn’t mean I don’t have ears,” she teased as Sandy nodded.
“Wait, what happened?” MK looked at both of them in confusion.
Sandy leaned over and whispered what happened and the boy's eyes widened and sparkled with glee. “Ohohoho!”
“It was the slip of a tongue,” Tang said as he pushed up his glasses in nervousness. “Nothing more.”
“Yeah, what he said, just a slip of the tongue,” Pigsy twisted his hands.
“Some slip, some would say that it almost sounded like,” the twenty year old girl leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eyes, “an old married couple would say to one another.”
“WE ARE NOT A COUPLE!” They both shouted and they shared glances at each other only to catch a view of their red faces and promptly turn to face away from them.
“If you say so,” she backed off with her hands up.
“And we say so,” the pig crossed his arms.
“Very much so,” Tang copied.
Both Sandy and MK were in the background holding back their laughs as they could barely keep it together.
MK woke up to the shake of an earthquake and his whole world feeling off balance.
At first, he wrote this off as the aftermath of the earthquake as he quickly got ready for work as he prayed Pigsy doesn’t fire him. But as he walked down the street with his drink in hand he still couldn't help, but felt his whole world was just off balance, like everything was just missing a beat or so, it was the weirdest feeling.
“Maybe I just banged my head too hard, should probably ask Dad to check in case,” he muttered in his straw as he was about to yell out when he saw Mei standing in the middle of the road. “Mei, I’m glad you’re here!”
“Yes I am right here,” she grinned widely, “and what’s this about calling your Dad?”
“I don’t know if I have a concussion or something else, but something seems really off and I can’t put my finger on what,” he groaned.
“It’s nothing, just relax. Today is all about you.”
“Aren’t you usually the one who usually tells me to call him if things are getting too sticky to handle?” MK questioned as that off balance feeling was coming in full force.
“I am?” He could almost see her face contort for a brief moment before going back to her previous creepy grin, “I mean I am! But he’s probably busy doing stuff sweetie.”
“Sweetie,” he looked at her in pure disgust.
“I mean dear friend,” he never thought someone could grin that wide.
“Even when he’s in the middle of making medicine he always answers,” at this point he has begun to back up from Mei. He did not like just how off this whole thing was and it wasn’t helping that the crowd was just watching them.
“Don’t worry,” she ominously said, “I’m sure…”
“Macaque,” he supplied as he quickly got into position to bolt out of there as soon as he had the chance. This was definitely not Mei!
“Right Macaque will be just-!” Not just Mei, but the entire crowd of people's heads snapped towards MK.
“Did you just say Macaque!” They all yelled out.
“Yeah?!?” He was now more than freaking out as he looked for possible exits, he was not about to stay here a moment longer if he could. But then his whole world began to fade away as he saw the people just shake their heads and arms as they seem to glitch out.
“Nope, nuh uh, F this! Plan is officially done! Do not collect after Go! Finish!” He blinked his eyes as he saw that he was now in a shack and standing in front of him was a blue and orange demon. The blue one was just holding a jar of some kind, while the orange one was speaking.
“Done! Capital D.O.N.E! Done!”
“I think he gets it Jin,” the blue demon said.
“Well excuse me for being freaked out about this! Why aren’t you freaking out about this?!”
“Oh I am, one moment,” he said as he carefully put down the jar, “there we go….We freaking messed up so bad!” The demon began to panic, “like this is going to the top thirty bad.”
“Fucckkk!” Jin said as he gripped his hair.
“What is going on?!” MK yelled out his frustration as he collected the staff and kept a tight grip on it. “Who are you?!”
The two demons paused their freak out as they both dramatically posed.
“I am Jin!” The orange demon jumped up.
“And I am Yin!” The blue demon bowed low.
“And together,” they both said in sync as Jin landed on top of Yin back, “we are the Gold/Silver and Silver/Gold demons!”
There was a silence as both parties looked at each other before both brothers then began to fight over the name.
“It’s Gold and Silver nitwit!”
“No, it's Silver and Gold half bake!”
“Seriously, what is going on and why am I here?” He reiterated his point as that got the two to stop fighting.
“We heard about the great Monkie kid and knew he would be a worthy adversary,” Yin stated as he crossed his arms.
“Yes, so after our cunning plan we called out to you and you foolishly,” they both pointed to him, “answered.”
“…I was delivering noodles of course I was gonna answer,” his eyes twitched at the sheer ridiculousness of this.
“But you still answered and fell right into our plan to use you for our nefarious purposes!” Gin dramatically laughed.
“Until we knew that you were the Six Eared Macaque kid,” Yin added.
“Yeah before that,” he stopped his laughter, “we know we’re certifiably insane, but we ain’t stupid.”
“Yeah, we know better than to try to mess with what’s Macaque, I heard the last demon who tried that was tormented by him for a hundred days,” the blue demon shivered.
“I heard he once pulled the inside out of another demon just because he was having a bad day.”
“Well I heard he took on and defeated an entire army so that he could pass by.”
“I heard that he can suck some demon body and soul into a cursed item and make them fight for him.”
“Oh that one’s true,” MK butted in as at this point he sat down as he realized that they were not even a threat, just very amusing.
Both of them shivered as they looked at him in horror, “wait really!?”
“Check that rumor off as being real,” Jin groaned as Yin held out a rather large book.
“Already on it.”
“What’s that?” MK asked.
“Oh it’s just a book with basically any rumors we happen to come across,” Yin proudly showed off, “most of them are probably not true, but it is amusing to hear. Like this one, it’s rumored that the Demon Bull King lost his horn after he insulted a deity and it broke off from sheer embarrassment after she had slapped him silly for a couple of hours.”
“Snrk!” He let out a sputter at the sheer ridiculousness.
“The Celestial Heavens is actually a conspiracy used to hide the good alcohol, cause if that shit was freely given the whole world would be gone.”
“That we are actually all standing on a hand right now, but we just can’t see it.”
“Hahahaha!” MK let it out as he clutched his stomach. “These sound so stupid!”
“I know right!” Jin grinned, “that’s why we record them, cause they sound just so dumb!”
“They really do,” the Monkie kid said as he got his laughter back in control and sat back up, “so you're not gonna try to capture me again?”
“Like we said before, Monkey King is one thing, but we ain’t messing with Macaque. If you think Monkey King has a grudge, you should see that trickster when he really has time to think and plan on revenge,” the orange demon said.
“Ain’t nobody gonna get in his way,” the blue demon finished.
“Good!” He should probably ask about all his Dad’s revenge stories sometimes, he knows they would be good ones then a thought occurred to him as he scrunched up his nose. “So, why did you have Mei call me sweetie?”
“Ask Jin,” he pointed to his brother.
“Well, I thought since you guys are childhood friends and all you have feelings for one another, you know, like in the books and all that,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“Crush?! On Mei?! Grosss!” He yelled out as he can almost feel himself puke at the thought, “Yuck! No! God no! She is basically my sister!”
“I told ya.”
“You didn’t tell me shit.”
“Don’t fucking cuss around kids,” Yin hissed out.
“Well you should shut your damn trap!” Jin snarled back.
“Least threatening villains ever,” MK muttered to himself, “Wait? Did you seriously try to invoke the childhood friends trope? Like in romance novels?”
“Yeah!” Jin proudly stated.
“You read romance books?”
“You don’t? They are the best kinds of books with all the drama that surrounds them, the clashing of emotions, the tightly packed metaphors that can be placed in one paragraph to describe someone’s eyes. It's simply awesome! Have you read them?”
“Not really,” he admitted.
“I can give you some recommendations! Then we can-”
“Nope,” Yin drew his brother back, “we are not about to have a repeat of last time. Remember how you burned down the bookstore?”
“They deserve it for saying Ballad of the Desert was overrated,” he growled out.
“True, but we were supposed to be on the down low after nicking off with some bastard goods, I did not like having to run around with the gang on our asses, so we are leaving,” he deadpanned.
“Fineee!” He groaned out as the two suddenly stood upright and raised their hands. “We will meet again one day, Monkie Kid!” Then they threw down what was in their hands and a plume of smoke appeared in their spots.
“Bleh,” he waved the air around him as he heard a laugh and turned around to see them in the street.
“Hahaha! We’re the greatest tricksters!” Gin said with his arms crossed once more.
“Ever! Also please don’t tell Macaque about us trying to capture you! Thank you, bye!” Yin finished as the two disappeared in a flash of smoke for the final time.
MK could only stare at the empty space in pure shock as he tried to process just what happened.
“…I’m just gonna go back to the shop,” he gave up as he begrudgingly walked back to his car.
16 notes · View notes
ka-za-ri · 4 years
Descent Pt. 3
Oh hai. I finally managed to get this chapter out and I hate every word of it. I’m so so sorry if it’s not great or what you’re looking for. Feel free to let me know if you liked it or if it’s as garbage as I think it is. Chapter Index and Obey Me! Masterlist: here Ao3 Mirror: Here Part [1] Part [2] Part [3] Part 4: [4] Part [5] Part [6] Part [7] Part [8] Part [9] Part [10]
Pairing: Simeon x Reader Genre: Smut Wordcount: 6,300 ish Tags: Sex toys, smut, awkward conversations about sex Summary: Simeon is running out of ways to ask you over. In a last ditch attempt, he puts his pride on the line to have the conversation he's been dreading.
Simeon was running out of excuses to call you over for help. The first time was a serendipitous discovery. The second happened out of necessity. But now that he had the video recording, he was convinced that you would think he didn’t need your help anymore. At least, that was what he told himself. Still, he kept coming up with reasons why he might need you to help him again. If his book was to be successful, he needed all the inspiration he could get.
He couldn’t sleep, he stopped eating proper meals in his mad search for the right materials to work off of. It was all a distraction from the truth. He was willingly falling into your trap of temptation and was doing nothing about it. No matter how many times he wrote it off what he was doing as research or investigation for the sake of his book; there was no denying the fact that he was slipping down into a darkness that he couldn’t save himself from.
The first time he had a taste of you was all it took for him to spiral down a rabbit hole of finding more ways to get you to moan in his presence. He wanted to feel your heat again, he wanted to see you come undone; but he needed to hide behind some reason. He needed more time with you; and he wracked his brain on the daily to figure out how. Of course, seeing you wasn’t the hard part, the most difficult issue was convincing you to keep ‘helping’ his cause. That step would come soon enough; but first, he had to find reason to see you again.
Luckily for him, he kept track of the most arbitrary reasons to celebrate and called for you once more. Perhaps this time, he could persuade you to make it a regular thing. An author was always in need of a muse; and no one else was more suited to the job than you were.
You laughed when you received the message in the morning. With how busy he kept you with all his drafts and proposals, it was rather shocking just how much time had passed since he was assigned to you. Years had passed and you figured he would have forgotten about the first day you sat down with him to discuss the direction of his work. However, he always made it a big deal about celebrating your tenure with him. It was endearing and you could never pass up the chance to spend some time with him that didn’t involve work.
[SMS: Okay! Let me pack an overnight bag!]
You contemplated what to bring. Part of you eyed the cutest sets of lingerie you owned. Oh come on, like he’d think about you like that. You chided yourself while stuffing some pajamas into your bag. However, the subject matter of his new book came to your mind and you ended up carefully tucking them into the corner of your overnight bag. Just in case… it’ll be good for research.
Even if it was just for a weekend getaway, your overnight bag ended up being crammed full of all sorts of things you thought would be good ‘just in case.’ Why you thought it would be necessary to bring an extra pair of shoes was beyond you. The two of you were most likely going to just spend the whole weekend indoors watching terrible movies and tearing apart the scripts and critiquing the dialog.
A small part of you hoped he would use the weekend for ‘research’ purposes. Just thinking about how intense his eyes were when he ‘helped’ you out the last time you were over had you feeling uncomfortably warm from head to toe. On the off chance that he requested something else from you, you needed to at least be prepared to oblige. Even if his intentions for the weekend were innocent, you needed to be ready for a change of plans. He had been throwing you off guard quite a bit; first with his new book ideas, and now his research methods, he was as unpredictable as the first day you met him all those years ago.
Throwing caution to the wind, you crammed in the tallest pair of platform heels you owned into the bag. At least they were black and would match with anything, especially the lingerie you had chosen. Double checking to make sure you had gotten all the essentials, you threw the bag over your shoulder and made your way over to Simeon’s place.
If there was one thing Simeon couldn’t stand was not being able to convey what he imagined in his head onto a page. With all the literary experience he had; it shouldn’t have been so hard to write something salacious and naughty. He knew the importance of proper research and threw himself head first into finding out all he could. He lost track of the number of times he watched the video of you on his phone. At this point, he practically had it memorized; he knew the exact moment in the recording that you came, calling his name. Every time he thought about it, it sent shivers down his spine. Any other videos he sought didn’t have the same effect as your pretty voice lilting and echoing in his room. No other sources worked in helping him write outside of what you provided him.
If he was going to be truthful to himself, he knew there was no return from the dark path he was going down. But he deluded himself into thinking he was safe. As long as he could upkeep his promise to keep you unsullied, he would come out of this trial unscathed. As it was so far, things progressed easily enough but, he knew he would need your help again. There was an intimacy that was missing in his words. Something just didn’t flow properly and he wouldn’t be able to figure it out what it was until he got to experience things first hand. The only problem was saving himself from falling in the process.
He could only ask for forgiveness if he went too far.
Though the tone of his message had been innocent, he had plans to turn the weekend into a productive one. The only problem was trying to figure out how to tell you what he needed out of you. He felt filthy no matter how many times he showered, his mind marred by the image of your shuddering body. His fingers could still feel your walls clenching around him and the warmth of your body surrounding him. He wanted it. He wanted to experience it all for himself; but to keep both you and him safe, he had to find a way around the most sinful act according to the Celestial doctrines.
The knock at his door brought him out of his reverie and he was faced with reality. For the time being, it was easy to play the host and let you relax. “Rush hour wasn’t too bad?” He asked as you took off your shoes and stepped into the guest slippers at the front door.
“It’s a Friday and everyone is eager to go home after a work week, you tell me how crowded the trains were.” You teased.
He took your bag from you to stow away and he was surprised at how heavy it was. “I said it was just for the weekend, it feels like you packed for a month here.”
You cleared your throat, feeling your cheeks heat up a bit. “Well, I just wanted to make sure I was prepared for anything that might happen.” You shrugged, leaving the interpretation of your words up in the air.
Simeon distracted himself from the lewd thoughts your words brought on while he put your bag to the side. “I already ordered some pizza for dinner. It should be here in a little bit so make yourself comfortable.”
You lost no time in making your way over to his living room, flopping on the spacious couch there and sprawling out. “Comfort achieved.” You announced, which earned you a soft chuckle from Simeon. Even though the basis of your relationship with him was work; it didn’t stop the two of you from becoming friends. He simply had such a soothing aura around him, it was easy to let your guard down and be yourself. Without having to worry about work for the weekend, it was even easier for you to just pretend it was a sleepover with a friend.
He came over and joined you on the couch, a mug of tea in his hand and part of his manuscript in another hand. You perked up when you saw the pages with your notes on them. “Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a weekend to celebrate a work anniversary. I didn’t plan on partying by watching you rewrite the first half of your book for the seventh time.”
He chuckled, putting down the stack of papers on the coffee table in front and leaned back to regard you. “So, what do you suggest we do to celebrate then?”
“Anything but work.” You determined. “I don’t know, board games? Movie? Arts and crafts?”
Simeon laughed; it was a sound you could never get enough of. It was so melodic and soothing, you wanted to keep him entertained for the rest of your life. But you had to remember to remain professional. There was no way he thought of you as anything more than a friend or a close co-worker. You were in charge of caring for him and making sure his work got to the publishing house on time; outside of that, things needed to remain casual.
“Well, dinner comes first.” He said, getting up as the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of food. He disappeared briefly before returning with a small stack of pizza boxes. It was way more than two people could eat in one sitting; but that was par for the course on how Simeon tended to order whenever you were asked to stay over.
While dining upon the finest pizza the city had to offer and sipping on soda, you thought over the years you had spent with Simeon and how much he had grown on you. At first, he was exactly what you expected a high profile author to be like. He was cool, aloof and distant. His work was impeccable, but even the best in the field made mistakes and you made sure he knew about them prior to publication. He always held you at arms length, with respect and appreciation, but made sure to never step past the boundaries of professionalism.
Over time, he warmed up to you more, inviting you over to work on editing while he continued to write his manuscripts. Something about having real-time feedback seemed to help get his creative juices flowing. You also ended up benefiting from it as you were  able to edit and get changes back faster than waiting for replies to your email. With how technologically challenged Simeon could be, you often had to wait days, if not weeks, to get a small update. Still, the barrier of professionalism never changed. The two of you simply worked well together and created a sturdy friendship based on work.
Despite that, you couldn’t help but slowly fall for him. It was easy to do so, he was handsome, gentle, considerate; everything you could have asked for in a partner. Being so intimately involved in his career meant you likely knew a lot more about him than many people did. A few years passed and you struggled to hide the feelings you had for him. Every time he asked something of you, it was easy to jump on the chance to see him smile, hear his laugh and maybe receive a bit of praise outside of something related to writing. You managed pretty well, considering how dense Simeon could be; it didn’t seem like he had any idea of what you were hiding from him and the polite respect you gave each other was maintained.
The distinct civility you two had only changed with his new book. After the first time, you had convinced yourself that it was all a fluke. A one time occurrence, never to be repeated. The second time, you prayed that your heart wouldn’t guide your actions and do something you would regret. You could still vividly remember just how bright his eyes were when he was knuckle deep in you and making you cum with no effort at all.
“Are… you alright?” Simeon’s voice cut through your thoughts and you were quickly wrenched back into reality with a half eaten slice of pizza drooping and getting cold in your hand.
“Oh? Yeah. Just thinking about how long I’ve been working for you.” You explained with a bit of a shrug.
“It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it?” He concurred, regarding you over his mug of tea, sipping it carefully and trying to parse out your odd mannerisms. It wasn’t the first time he had asked you to spend the weekend over to celebrate a mundane weekend which held no meaning to anyone but himself and you. It was the first time he had ever hidden his true intentions from you and he wondered if you could feel his guilt from where you sat. When you went back to eating, commenting about the quality of the toppings on the pizza, he relaxed a bit. “I wouldn’t be where I am without your help. So, I really should thank you for the time you’ve been with you.”
There was unfortunately nowhere to hide your face from the blush you felt creeping up your neck from your neck. “Well, I’m always happy to help, back then, now, and in the future.” You reassured him. “Gotta make sure we keep your reputation intact, right?”
There it was, the opening he was hoping for. He took the sliver of a chance you had given him and ran with it. Mulling over his words before he spoke, Simeon took a sip of his tea and let the silence settle between you. “You’d help me? Even with this… project of mine being as unreasonable as it has been?”
You understood his reservations in regards to being helped. He was so cute fumbling over his words and his requests. If he just wants me to come over every week to watch me fuck myself, he can say so. You smiled and sipped your soda, waiting for him to push the issue at hand again. When he didn’t go any further, you decided to step up and bring up the topic for yourself. “I’m serious about helping you in any way I can. You’re working on something you’ve never done before, it only makes sense that you get as much uhm… research in as you can…” Your words trailed off at the end and you wondered if you had said too much.
“Really?” Simeon tried to hide his excitement. “So you wouldn’t mind if I asked you to… You know...” He couldn’t bring himself to finish what he was saying. It was too embarrassing to admit he needed help as it was; to tell you out loud that he required more source material for his work seemed to be too much for his poor brain to handle.
You decided to voice his desires for him. “You need me to come over and give you some scene ideas?” You asked sweetly, batting your eyelashes as if it was the most innocent thing in the world.
“I… Yes. That.” He sighed in resignation. “I already have the scenes planned, it’s just the details I don’t have a feel for, so I need some more, you know, that stuff to get an idea of how it’s supposed to be written.”
You couldn’t help but let out a coo of endearment. He was just so cute being all fidgety in his seat and twiddling his fingers together, it was impossible for you to deny him. “Well, if we want to keep our jobs, then helping you with some scenes should be the easy part. You’re the one who has to write them out.”
“You’re really sure?” He breathed, his eyes wide in shock that it had been so easy to convince you. “I might need you more than once. Maybe… We can make this weekend thing a thing?” He suggested shyly. 
“Anything you want.” You confirmed.
It was as if a switch had been turned on him, the excitement and the relief that he had gotten permission to research as much as he wanted changed him into a completely different man. You barely had time to move out of the way before he shoved the coffee table  in the middle of the room to the side and pulled out a trunk he had hidden in a corner.
“So, I got a couple of things in the last week that I think might help. You said it would be easier if you used toys, so I looked a few of them up and picked out some things that either seemed interesting or if they’d help you. I don’t know what you like, but hopefully you’ll find something in here that will suit your needs.” He babbled happily, explaining everything he had done since the last time you had been at his home and you were rather taken aback at the sheer amount of things he had acquired in such a short time.
“Oh God,” you breathed, when you looked at  the veritable collection he had amassed so quickly. It was rather mind blowing just how invested he had become in such a short time. Then again, you should have expected him to give whatever he was writing his all. This though, was a bit much, even for the lengths you were used to seeing him go through.
He could almost laugh at the irony of the phrase. He was sure God had long left his home with how dangerously close he was to falling away from grace. After you agreed to his request, he couldn’t care any less about the free fall straight to Hell. He was getting what he wanted.
“I need to know how these work.” He said, reaching over to put on a pair of glasses and picked up a notebook. “If you could be so kind to allow me to ah… experiment.”
“Are you sure this is all for your novel?” You raised an eyebrow, suspicious that it was all truly for scientific purposes and it wasn’t for personal use.
Simeon faltered a bit before he nodded, his lips set in a thin line of determination and his gaze bounce back and forth between you and the pile of toys. “If I’m going to have enough variety in the scenes to span a whole book, I’m going to need to as much information as possible.” He flipped to a blank page of his notebook, titling it with the date and looked at you expectantly. It was frightening just how clinical he was being with the whole situation.
“You know, you have to go through some of it too...” You countered, you weren’t about to go through a series of sexual tests without conducting a few of your own on him. “You were having problems with the partner last time, right? We can’t have those kinds of issues pop up again.”
He blinked several times, processing what you had to say. You could see his will falter a bit before he went right back into the zone he was in just moments ago. He nodded, mumbling to himself and concurring to your points. “This is true… I’ll have to make sure that the scenario balance is equal. I need to manage that somehow. Perhaps if I recorded like I did last time…”
You giggled, surprised at how straightforward he was being and stepped closer to him, pushing his hair away from his face; an action that broke his concentration and he had to look at you face-to-face. “Relax. I’ll take care of you.” You purred. “You just have to remember what happens.” Taking the notebook and pen from him, you pushed him back onto the couch and straddled him, keeping him in place. “You can keep the glasses though, they’re a nice touch.”
Despite your confidence, your heart was hammering in your chest. Your ears rang and you could barely believe this was happening. You had only ever fantasized about being this sort of intimate with Simeon. When he had pushed you away the last time, you were sure he didn’t see you as desirable. And it was about to happen again. He kept you at arms length, pushing you back when you moved to kiss him. “I… No. I can’t like this with you. Anything but you know...”
You sighed, peeling yourself off his thighs and sat next to him. “Okay, I don’t know. And you’re sending me mixed signals; so let’s get these things out of the way so we don’t get things mixed up in the future.” You declared, putting your foot down. You weren’t about to have him bait and switch on you again. “I’m assuming sticking your dick in me isn’t something you’re really into doing.”
You watched Simeon fidget while he pointedly avoided your gaze. He nodded, unable to speak. It would be the closest thing you would get out of him as confirmation. Still, it did leave a few things up in the air which you needed to clarify. “So, you know I’ve got three perfectly serviceable holes. Is it all three or just one?”
He was in the middle of sipping his tea and nearly choked when you asked him. Fumbling to regain his composure he cleared his throat before answering you. You could tell he never expected to have a conversation like this; but it was necessary to know just how far he would go. “Just… I cannot defile you...”
You laughed at how innocent his words were. Even if you knew what he meant, his words still had multiple meanings and without clarity, you weren’t about to continue.  Reaching out and patting his hair softly, you tried a different method. “Okay, how about this. Am I allowed to blow you?”
A pause, he still refused to speak up, but at least he gave you a nod to let you know that was alright. Good, we’re getting somewhere. “Okay, are you okay with putting your dick in my ass?”
You could tell how differently he felt when it came to discussing his own sex life outside of the one he was writing. He covered the lower part of his face with his hand, rubbing his chin as he seemed to have an internal war with himself. The silence between the two of you dragged on before he finally gave you his nod of approval. “Got it… So, I know what your answer is probably going to be, but I still need to ask. Are you willing to put your dick in my pussy?”
Something broke in him at the question. He vehemently shook his head, shutting his eyes and refusing to look at you, or anything else for that matter. “No. No. No. Anything but that. I can’t. I can’t do that.”
You put your hand on his shoulder, rubbing him gently to bring him back to reality. “Okay, okay, we won’t go that far. At least I know now.” You murmured, keeping your voice low to not startle him into a further panic. “I promise we won’t do that.”
At your reassurance, he heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had been saved from something terrifying. You kept your hand on his shoulder, rubbing comforting circles there until he came back to reality. “I’ll tell you if we go too far… we can have a code word.” He suggested. “I read about it, people call it a safe word.”
You nodded, agreeing with what he said. At least he knows the basics. It’s just a matter of figuring out the rest for him. “So, what do you want to use?”
“Christopher Peugeot.” He deadpanned.
You laughed, using his pen name wasn’t something you expected, but you knew how he detested you calling him that; so it would definitely work in the event things went too far. You hoped you didn’t ever have to use it, but it was a necessary step. “Okay, now that we have all that settled, what did you want to try out on me today?” You gestured over to the trunk full of toys. “I’m sure you’ve got a few things you’re dying to try out.”
The boyish enthusiasm he had before when explaining his collection came back and he got up, rustling around, pulling out a full assortment of toys. You gulped, blinking at some of them and wondered just where he had gotten them. “So… care to tell me how this is all going to fit into a story about a spy?” You asked.
“Well, the main character has to pretend to be married; but she also has feelings for someone else that she works for… and she might also have escapades with her boss… And so she’s with several people and each one of them is different so you know, I have to make sure I get their personalities correct.”
You nodded, trying to put your mind into the main character he wrote. Pretending to work a high risk job while having a wild sex life definitely was quite the departure from the high fantasy setting he was so used to. It really was no wonder he was floundering so hard. It truly was a good thing he was such a talented author; you weren’t sure anyone else could have pulled off the switch like he had.
While he prepared everything he wanted to use for the evening, you eyed what he had chosen and was rather intrigued by the array of toys in his possession. It was only natural that you got rather excited with his experiment, even if it was a rather clinical approach. You would need to change that later.
Simeon laid everything out neatly, taking notes and mumbling to himself. There was something that was so innately sexy about his focus that made made you more wet than the prospect of how many toys he was going to try on you. You waited patiently while he took all the notes he needed. Even if it was going to be a wild night, it was truly supposed to be ‘research’ in the end. “Okay. I think I’m ready.” He announced after arranging and rearranging the order of the toys he set aside.
“Good, I thought I was going to fall asleep with how long you were taking. Where would you like me? I’m all yours.” You gave him a wink and a sly grin, making him stutter a bit. He gestured to the floor space he had cleared up. Hastily, he grabbed a nearby throw to make it a bit more comfortable than the decorative rug he had there.
“Here is fine.” He mumbled and waited for you to get comfortable. You grabbed a few of the pillows from the couches to join the pile of soft things and awaited his next commands.
He stumbled like a newborn fawn, trying to calculate and recalculate the scene he had in his mind to figure out where it was going. Eventually, you got tired of his anxious mumbling and pulled him by the collar to join you on the floor. As soon as he was close enough, you took control of the situation and kissed him. Simeon let out a surprised squeak, at first struggling against the sudden break away from his plans; however, you could almost hear the gears of his mind whirring and clicking as he melted into your arms and started kissing you back.
“So, if we’re going to do this, can you at least pretend to like me a little?” You asked after breaking the kiss. “Helps with the whole getting into the role thing.”
Truthfully, you wanted to have an excuse to kiss him. Simeon at least didn’t seem to have any objections to your demands. He swooped in for another kiss, his hands lacing behind your head and into your hair. His lips were just as soft as you had always imagined them to be. His body heat so close to yours was just as comforting as you had dreamed of. The way he kissed you took your breath away and left you confused as to whether or not he was as innocent as he made himself out to be. Not like you really had time to parse those thoughts out when his lips and hands were all over you, making you dizzy with need.
He smelled like fresh laundry and lemon dish soap. He was everything soft and good in the world wrapped into one sinful package that you had the privilege to unwrap one layer at a time. You could have spent hours kissing him if you could. Eventually, he found himself on top of you, helping you out of your clothes and marveling at how much of a different experience it was when he was properly involved. The irises of his bright blue eyes were blown wide open as he took in every detail of your body. He was awestruck, removing layer after layer of clothing until you were in nothing but your lacy underthings.
It was entirely unfair. One moment you were fully clothed, the next, you were in your unspeakables and Simeon still hadn’t shed a single piece of clothing yet. He was so focused on you and how you reacted, he had completely forgotten about himself. He paused to look at you all sprawled out underneath him on his floor in his home. It was quite a sight and it was the perfect opportunity for you to slip your hand under the over-sized sweater he wore and peel it off of him with one swift motion.
Finally, you were blessed with the image of him shirtless. It was everything you had hoped it would be. His lean body was surprisingly toned for someone who spent his life writing books for a living. There wasn’t a single blemish on his skin and you lost no time in running your hands across his smooth skin. “Beautiful...” you breathed, smiling softly at him.
Simeon quickly found out that the fastest way to get you to stop making him so flustered was to kiss you senseless. His hands did work in taking off the last pieces of clothing you had on. By the time he finally broke away from another heated make out session, you were completely nude and ready for whatever he wanted to test out on you. He kept his lips on you, peppering your jaw and your neck with kisses and soft nibbles when he reached to the side and grabbed the first toy in the line of many.
His hand slipped between the two of you and you felt the cool tip of the toy slide up and down your wet slit. In those moments, he was so focused on your reactions, you got lost in the intensity of his stare. A thin sheen of sweat coated his skin. Even if it wasn’t too warm in the room, the heat between the two of you was absolutely sweltering. You were light headed from the kisses and the chance to finally be with Simeon in such a way. Even if it was all a farce, you were going to take whatever he gave you. At least you would have plenty of material to keep you company on the nights you didn’t get to spend with him.
It was so much better to have Simeon involved. There seemed to be so much more than you doing a favor for the man you worked with. There was a tension, a charge as he held something back from you. You couldn’t place your finger on what it was; but it didn’t matter. All you had to do was accept the toy he was pushing into you. You expected something bigger than his fingers the last time, but you weren’t prepared to be stretched open so suddenly by a larger than average toy. You gasped, arching your back to adjust around it a bit better.
“Are you okay, little lamb?” He asked softly, concern in his eyes as he searched your face for any signs of discomfort. With his glasses slipping down his nose, it was the most endearing sight you had ever seen before.
Little lamb. He had never used pet names with you before. Just that little bit of affection was all you needed to get over the uncomfortable feeling of having the intrusion of the toy being pushed into you with little warning. “I’m fine… You can keep going.” You reassured, rolling your hips towards him.
Looking down, you could see strained his pants had become and you felt rather guilty for being the only one on the receiving end of the whole exchange. However, the moment he started to move the toy in and out of you, your mind went blank and you could only focus on yourself. You knew he could see just how stretched out you were around the phallic device. He could see just how wet you were from making out with him and just how undone you could become when you were around him.
The wet sounds of the toy entering you over and over filled the room and your breathy sighs turned into moans. You clutched at the throw beneath you as you let him use your body for his gain. You’d deal with making sure he got his own just desserts later; for now, all you cared about was pretending the toy inside of you was actually Simeon’s cock.
He was relentless, having calculated just what he needed to do days before you had come over. He knew what he wanted out of your body and he was going to coax it all out of you. The sound of your moans mingling with the lewd wet noises that came from your pussy was an absolutely intoxicating combination and he had a growing problem in his pants that he would need to take care of soon. But, that could wait; the most important part of his research was right in front of him and that needed his utmost attention.
He tucked way the image of your writhing body for later. The scent of your arousal was filed away for later and the feel of your soft skin brushing against his hands as he worked the toy in and out of you was etched into his memory. He didn’t need to record anything this time around, not when the image was so vivid and he was participating so directly with it. It was all he ever dreamed about. There was nothing better than feeling and seeing the scene for himself.
Even if his cock ached for release and his body screamed for him to do something about his own growing arousal, he was only ever focused on how close you were to cumming. The pitch of your moans changed and the way your body squirmed changed when you were getting close to that moment when the dams of pleasure broke. “Eyes on me, Little Lamb. I want to see your face when you cum...” He commanded.
You were powerless to deny him. Your eyes had been screwed shut since he started to vigorously thrust the toy into you cracked open only to see his free hand holding yet another toy. You heard it hum to life and as you started to comprehend what he was about to do, your whole body was set aflame in an onslaught of sensations as he pressed the vibrator against your sensitive clit.
You screamed, your whole body convulsing as he simultaneously shoved the toy as far as it would go into you, filling your hole. You wanted to look away, ashamed at how wantonly your body was reacting  under his ministrations. But his command remained firm in your mind and you forced yourself to look at him as you came undone, screaming his name and shuddering at the force of your orgasm.
There was a hunger in his eyes you never saw before. A primal energy that made you terrified of what he was capable of. Yet, the part that craved him and the company he gave overpowered that and you were thrown into a high of pleasure you hadn’t ever experienced. You couldn’t catch your breath as he was relentless in his trials. As soon as the brunt of your orgasm was over, he tossed the vibrator to the side, pulled the toy out of you and bent down to kiss your deeply.
“You did so well, Little Lamb...” he purred, once again assuming the image of a sex god you saw briefly before. “But I’m far from satisfied with just one trial.”
You mind went blank as you realized the night had only begun. You saw the array of ‘tests’ he had lined up and you knew you weren’t going to get much sleep at all. “Well, don’t let me get in the way of your experiments.”
The way the light caught his glasses when he pulled away made him look a hint maniacal. There was the barest trace of a smirk that played at the corner of his lips when he wrote a few quick notes in his little notebook. Once he was done, he picked up another pair of toys and assessed your still trembling body.
“I hope you’re ready, Little lamb… I’ve only just begun.”
Somehow, you had unknowingly unleashed a demon from within him.
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dearest-bucky · 4 years
Like real people do (One Shot)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky catches Y/n reading fanfiction about him.
Words: 2.7K
Warnings: None, language?
A/n: I don’t really like this one but since I’m reposting everything 🤷‍♀️ Here ya go, I hope you like it. 
Originally posted: July 14, 2020
"What you got there Y/n?"
She knew she was lucky. Having him so near, being able to see every little freckle and scar that littered his skin, being able to feel the heat radiating from his body, it wasn't an everyday occurrence, despite the fact they lived under the same roof.
One of her hands was resting on her lap, fingers itching to move towards him and touch his smooth skin, while the other pressed lightly the gauze on the slash near his collarbone. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she inspected the cut, deciding the number of stitches it needed and her cold breath hit his skin repeatedly, causing goosebumps to erupt on his chest.
"I'm sorry.." her voice was small as she apologized for hurting him after a small wince escaped his parted lips, but he only shook his head, silently encouraging her to continue.
She picked her head up, chancing a look on his face and only then she realized how small the distance between them was and how close they really were to each other. Her lips tilted slightly upwards in a somewhat small smile and a blush crept up her cheeks, another wave of heat emanating from him hitting her and she averted her eyes again, focusing once more on his stab wound.
Another moment passed before she felt his left hand on her cheek, cupping it softly and a chilled shiver ran down her spine from the cool touch, despite the otherwise hot temperature around them. Her breath hitched in her throat as he titled her head up with his hand, their eyes meeting for a short second, before he leaned down ever so slowly, giving her the chance to back away if she wanted.
"Doll..." His voice was but a breath against her trembling lips and her eyes closed with a light flutter, letting herself get lost in his touch. His lips brushed against hers ever so slightly, as if teasing and she couldn't wait until he decided to put an end to their misery and lock their lips in an actual kiss.
The anticipation was scorching her skin and her nerves, and he seemed to read her mind and decide to put her out of her misery because the next second -
With a startle she dropped the spoon she had been previously holding in the cereal bowl, causing the milk to splatter on the counter. She quickly locked her phone and placed in on the counter face down and moved to clean the mess she made with her breakfast.
"Bucky you scared me!" She chastised him, trying to hide the waver in her voice but failing miserably. Not daring to look at him she moved around the kitchen, cleaning the counter and disposing the rest of her breakfast in the sink, her appetite already lost.
Her cheeks darkened with a blush and a wave of heat hit her forcefully, this time from the embarrassment.
She didn't see his face but she could've sworn he was smirking behind her back, enjoying her flustered state too much, just like he always did. She could feel him move around the kitchen too, apparently to fix his own breakfast before one of the bar stools scraped the floor lightly, letting her know he was sitting in her previous spot.
She heard him pour the milk on his own bowl of cereal and she decided now was her best opportunity to leave the kitchen, however Bucky seemed to have other plans for her because just as she made her way towards the door, he called behind her back.
"You never told me what were you reading in your phone." She stopped right in her tracks at the sound of his voice, and she blushed harder than before, if it was even possible at this point. Her back was facing him, so it was easier to avoid his look, also easier to lie to him as she spoke in a rush, right before leaving the kitchen.
"Nothing that concerns you, Barnes."
With rushed steps she walked to her bedroom, seeking a little comfort and privacy away from a certain prying pair of blue eyes. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she leaned against it and let out a long breath, finally able to do so, away from Bucky.
She could practically hear the teasing tone in his voice as he asked her that question and there was no doubt in her mind that he already knew what she had been reading.
She was fucked! Royally so!
If only she'd been a little more careful, but instead she had let herself get lost in the words on her screen and got caught by the man she was reading about.
It had started innocently enough. She had been reading fanfiction about her favorite Star Wars characters a few months ago when she stumbled across a few writings about the Avengers and since then it had been down the rabbit hole for her.
She enjoyed reading about her team mates, usually platonic pairings, she liked the way many talented people wrote and described her friends in a way she never thought possible, they were mostly accurate too.
However her real downfall had been when she found fanfiction about her favorite teammate, Bucky. She had tens of stories saved on her bookmarks, ready to indulge herself in fantasies of him every night before bed.
She would be lying if she said she didn't have feelings for the broody super soldier, but after some light flirting with him and not getting the reaction she had hoped, she'd given up, turning to the imaginary world of fanfiction.
Now their real life relationship remained strictly platonic, despite Y/n's ever present feelings.
She was eating her breakfast alone when a notification popped up on her phone, informing her one of her favorite writers had posted a new story, and being so eager to read, she didn't think about what would happen if anyone found out about her guilty pleasure.
The fact that Bucky was the one to 'catch her in the act' was the worst that could happen and now as she tried to ease her nerves in the privacy of her room, the only thing she could think of was how great it'd be if she could just vanish.
A few days later and Y/n had been avoiding Bucky like the plague, too embarrassed to even face him again. This of course hadn't gone unnoticed neither by the man himself, nor by the rest of the team, that kept sending questioning glances in her direction every time she walked to the common areas.
Once again, she found herself in the confines of her room, this time gathering the courage to walk down to the common areas for the movie night with the team. If it was for her, she'd be glad to stay in for the night, but Tony had insisted it was mandatory for everyone to be there tonight, claiming the team needed a bonding night together after being sent in too many missions the last month.
With another exhaling breath, she walked to the TV room, seeing everyone was already there. Steve, Tony and Natasha were sitting on the big couch, Vision and Wanda on one of the love seats, cuddling under the same blanket, Sam was on the chair alone and Bucky...
Her breath hitched when she saw Bucky sitting alone on the other love seat, the space next to him the only one empty.
"Finally Y/n, we were waiting for you to join us so we can start the movie." Sam was the first to speak up, seemingly a little impatient to start the movie.
"I'm here, I'm here. Now get up from my spot." She replied, trying to maintain a light tone in her voice, but Sam only scrunched his face in annoyance, shaking his head 'no' in response.
"There's no way in hell I'm sitting next to Tin Man, he takes too much space." Then with a nonchalant shrug directed her next to Bucky. "You're perfect for that spot though."
She let out a small, silent sigh, not happy at all with Sam, but she didn't say anything anymore, moving to seat on the love seat next to Bucky. Not wanting to raise any more suspicions (as if there weren't enough already) she sat next to him wordlessly, trying to avoid looking directly at him as much as possible.
The movie started and everyone remained silent, except for Sam who'd comment on the characters' actions every now and then.
She'd been sitting stiffly next to Bucky for about twenty minutes, a slight chill caused from the AC running down her spine. Bucky, ever the attentive one, stretched the blanket that was over his lap to her too, helping her get under the warmth of the soft material.
She just gave him a brief look, a small smile forming on her lips as a sign of gratitude and turned her head towards the large screen again.
On the coffee table there were lots of snacks and drinks, but she paid them no mind as she sat next to Bucky, still unable to relax fully despite the softness and warmth of the blanket that was covering her.
As the movie progressed she started to relax a little more with each passing minute. Her phone laid on her lap, above the blanket, the black screen staring up at her. It was the peak of the plot, where the main character finally learned the truth about her family, when she heard the ping of her phone and felt its short vibration on her thigh.
She picked it up in her hand, paying no mind to what it might be, and unlocked it, swiping to see the notification in the notification bar.
Her eyes locked on the screen as she read "writingavengers posted Love Actually, a Bucky Barnes x reader story". Her breath hitched at the words as she tried to play it cool, locking her phone again, but the next thing she did was a bigger mistake. She glanced towards Bucky, only to find him already looking at her intently, an undecipherable look in his face.
She swallowed, her throat feeling suddenly dry and averted her eyes to her lap, where her phone was laying, the screen once again black. Without so much as a word she got up, determined to leave the room, unable to stand being in his presence anymore.
This time she was really screwed.
"Where are you going? The movie isn't over yet."
"Umm... I'm feeling sleepy and I've already watched this movie so I know how it ends." She replied to Natasha and didn't even stop to say 'good night' before practically running out of there.
Back to her room, she cursed herself for unlocking her phone in front of Bucky, then for even taking her phone with her while she was watching the movie. She kept mumbling curses, thinking how would she be able to look at Bucky ever again. He probably thought she was some sick woman who was obsessed with him.
While huffing and puffing on her bed, she heard the hesitant knock on her door and her head snapped towards it, wondering for a moment if she had imagined it, but she was soon proved wrong when another knock was heard, a little more loud.
Y/n let out a sigh, not wanting to see anyone, considering to just not answer at all, whoever it was could wait until tomorrow, but apparently the person behind her door was determined to see her now, as a few more knocks sounded on the wooden surface of her door. With a huff she threw the comforter away and got up from the bed, walking to the door and opening it slowly, her breath catching behind her throat as she saw who was standing on the other side.
"Bucky..." Was the only word she was able to spill out as he entered her room without a word, his face set in an unreadable expression.
He turned to face her when he was inside her room, staring at her, parting his lips as if to say something, but apparently deciding against it as he closed them again.
Not standing the silence and his intense stare on her, she finally gathered some courage to speak first. "Bucky what are you doing here?"
Her tone was calm despite the growing nerves and she finally looked up to his eyes as she waited for a response.
After what felt like an eternity, but only being a couple of minutes of staring at each other, Bucky decided to speak up. "I know what you read on your phone." He said and despite it not being an accusation or nothing of the sort, he winced when he heard how his voice got out, and Y/n's fallen face was proof enough that he was being too harsh, dare he say tactless.
Despite knowing that he already knew, the way he said those words made Y/n's blood leave her face in a rush and she didn't know what to say. What could she even say? 'okay, you caught me!' It was stupid!
Another moment passed before he spoke again, this time in a softer tone. "I searched on the internet and I know all about it. I read a couple of those stories myself." He confessed and she could finally dare to meet his eye again.
A dejected sigh slipped past her lips as she responded. "I'm really sorry Bucky. I swear I'm not some crazy, obsessed girl, I just..." She shut up before she could say something she would regret.
"You just?"
His question was inviting, almost luring her to respond with nothing short of honesty. She let out another sigh as she moved to sit on the edge of her bed, fearing what she had to say would ruin whatever relationship - no matter how platonic - she had with Bucky. At least she could be sitting for when that moment came.
Her hands fell on her lap, fingers curling nervously around each other.
Okay this is it, she thought to herself, the moment of truth. She knew Bucky would probably never talk to her again after this, but she figured it was better to come clean to him once and for all. She looked up at him again, finding him already looking at her, waiting patiently for her to speak.
"The thing is, I really like you Bucky." Here it is! It is out!  Now there is no turning back. "I think I actually more than like you..." She blushed as she said those words but she was determined to tell him everything, so she continued. "I have feelings for you, I've had them for sometime but I couldn't tell you that so when I found out about those fictive stories, I found myself surrounded by them, because at least there, there was a chance you liked me back and I lost myself in those fantasies of you and I and what we could be together." As she finished speaking, her head had hung low too, terrified of meeting his eye after this. Bucky had been silent in front of her, too silent, and if it wasn't for her looking directly at his legs, she would have thought maybe he left her room altogether. But he was there, staring her down, listening, thinking.
She couldn't bare to stand the silence anymore, already embarrassed enough, so she got up from her bed and moved to stand in front of him. "I understand if you hate me now and I am really sorry. I never meant to make things so uncomfortable and awkward between us and I promise I'll stop reading those stories -
She didn't get to finish her word as Bucky placed his lips on hers, effectively shutting her up. Her eyes widened for a second, before they fluttered close, surrendering to his kiss.
"I really like you too doll." He whispered against her lips, still not ready to totally part yet. "I'm sorry I'm not the easiest person to talk to and I'm really dense when it comes to love and relationships, but I have liked you since the first day I laid my eyes on you."
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Bucky Barnes liked her! Bucky liked her too! She liked Bucky. They liked each other! She wanted to squeal in delight, but she decided against it, opting to go for another kiss instead, happy she was finally able to do that for real.
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Kitsune! Kaminari x Reader: Stealing Your Heart.
This isn’t attached to the yokai universe that I made right here ... but if you enjoy this maybe check that au out where there are lots of monster boys to enjoy?
Warning: nsfw content, incredibly wholesome and fun magical content ahead as well to enjoy during stressful times.
“You know, your father has asked you to join him this morning.” You sat in front of the mirror while the maid brushed your hair and prepped you for the day. “Oh? Has he returned already?” She tightened the ribbon on your dress a little tighter and your back straightened. “You didn’t think he would miss your birthday, did you?”
Truthfully you’re not sure if he would even remember. He hadn’t talked to you much lately, he has traveled so often that it feels like he hasn’t been home in ages.
“I suppose I should head toward his study.” You plastered a smile on your face and bowed politely to your hand maid. You slid the door open and stepped to the hall. “I think he might actually be in the garden having tea. I’d look there first.”
Servants bowed as you smiled and floated through the halls of your fathers beautiful estate. Expensive artwork hung on the walls with flowers and vases. People were busy, sprucing everything up. It was strange to see so many servants working so early. Who were all these people?
Everyone stopped their work abruptly to catch a glimpse of you. The flower of the valley, the angel of the west river village.
You hated those nicknames. They followed you everywhere you went, some meant it as a compliment.
The further you walked, the more people hurried around. You passed by the kitchen, a full crew of cooks and cleaners were rushing, preparing a feast.
“Father?” A servant opened the door to the garden for you and the beautiful morning light hit your face.
“Ah, good morning Y/N. I think it would appropriate to wish you a happy birthday.” Your father sat among the flowers, a beautiful persimmon tree blossomed above his head. He took a sip of tea and motioned for you to sit beside him.
“Thank you father.”
The air felt heavy. You used to run and play with your father and mother through this garden, but it hardly feels like you can hold a conversation with him now.
After another long sip of tea your father spoke again. “You might have noticed it’s rather busy around here. A lot of preparation is going into your birthday dinner. I’ve invited a lot of interesting and important people to join us.”
“How kind father, thank you.” You hadn’t touched the tea, or the food in front of you. A knot twisted in your stomach, something was wrong.
“In fact...” He cleared his throat and set his tea cup down kind of harshly, his hands were shaking. Not may things could phase your father, this must be serious.
“You’re getting older now, and I think it’s in your best interest if you enter a marriage.”
You knew better than to react with dramatics. You hardly drew in a breath.
“And you have someone in mind?” Your eyes stung. You wanted to cry, but you have known your role in life for a long time. You were pulled from school at a young age, told that it wasn’t necessary for you to keep studying.
Soon after the restriction to stay on the property was put in place.
You haven’t left the estate in years.
“Of course, I have someone arranged. I’m confident you’ll find a good life with him.” Your father didn’t look you in the eye, a bead of sweat was forming at his hair line. “I know that he will keep you safe.”
It wasn’t often you spoke out of turn, but your father as powerful as he is, was never cruel to you. You were able to speak your mind when other people weren’t around to see it as disrespect. “Father I feel like something else might be wrong...” You put your hand over his callused knuckles and pleaded with your eyes. He was a tall, stoic and often vicious man, but he was easily melted by his only child's big eyes. He took a deep breath and let his shoulders relax.
“I’m worried for you my angel.” He placed his other hand over top of yours. “A lot of people want you steal you away from me.”
You weren’t expecting him to say anything like that. You furrowed your brows. “What do you mean? Nobody could ever take me from you father, we’ll always be family.”
His face turned dark, gripping your hand a bit tighter. “It’s a bit more complicated than that. Please, just trust me. I need you to go back to your room until tomorrow evening. You’ll meet your new husband at the party, and you’ll leave with him.”
You pulled your hand away from him. “You want me to stay inside of my room? What do you mean I’m leaving with him?” Your voice cracked a bit, losing your composure. Your father stood from the table and turned his back to you, walking to the house. “Father stop! This is happening too quickly I-” You rushed to him and grabbed his shoulder.
He brushed you off, knocking you back. It wasn’t enough to hurt you, but it stung. He glared over his shoulder at you. “You’ll do as your told. I will not stress that enough.”
You weren’t one to usually pout, but your heart felt like it was breaking. Why is he being so cold to you? The tears spilled onto your cheeks and your lip quivered.
You pushed past your father and rushed to your room.
Men that are usually found close to your father stood leaning against the wall to your room. They carried swords and wore a mask over their mouths. One opened the door and you stepped inside with grace, not willing to make yourself look anymore foolish than you already felt. The minute the door slid shut behind you, you rushed right to your window and opened it, throwing your legs over the edge and climbing down with ease.
You know the property like the back of your hand, you head straight for the line of trees.
The forest air felt so different than the rest of the grounds, the thick tree’s were unmanicured and wild, filled with beautiful song birds. Rabbits ran through the bushes and you felt that familiar feeling in your chest.
The feeling of finally feeling like yourself, like you’re whole.
You didn’t think you had been walking for very long, but you gasped when you noticed the collapsing stone wall.
The property line.
Your heart rate picked up and you made a quick, and possibly irresponsible decision and approached the wall. It had been so long sense you had left the estate, would it really hurt anything if you took a quick look at the village one last time.
The village wasn’t much further away, you walked along a stone road and felt your stomach growl. The sky looked like it was late afternoon by now, you really had been out for awhile. A slight ping of anxiety tightened in your chest, had they already noticed you were gone and sent people after you?
Your frustration was more powerful than your concern for your father. You pushed on, walking a bit faster.
The village smelled amazing. Bakers wafted the smell of their goods into the street, tempting people in the market to stop by for a bite. Piles of exotic goods lined the markets in stalls, everything was colorful and exciting.
A tavern was filled with people, some spilling out into the street with red faces from drinking too much. You walked by, slowing down a bit to take a peak inside. A beautiful trio of women sang and some people were dancing. You felt the drive to join them and pushed your way inside. You were twirling with strangers in a matter of seconds. You giggled, your feet carrying you around in circles to the music.
Like a shot of lightning struck you, your feet stopped. You were suddenly in someones arms. The hair on your neck stood straight up. The man took your hand and spun you around, but pulled you back close again. He put his mouth to your ear and whispered. “People are following you. Don’t make a scene and follow me.”
His hands were soft but strong. You looked at his face and the air caught in your throat. His eyes were the melted color of gold, his face was boyish and cute. He winked at you and spoke loudly. “A bite to eat? Of course it is about dinner time isn’t it.” He pulled you to his side, holding his arm around your waist. You instinctively leaned into him, feeling oddly comforted by having him close. A door in the back of the tavern was slightly open, he pushed it open with his toe and started to step outside. “Hey you!” A barmaid yelled. “You haven’t paid your tab!” She was pointing at you. Your face burned bright red as everyone in the bar stopped, even the musicians to look at you. “I- I haven’t ordered anything.” You tried to explain. The man smiled and stepped in front of you. “No worries, how much does the little maiden owe you?” He pulled a leather pouch out of his pocket and dropped it on the counter. The barmaid opened it and scowled. “Is this a joke? These are gold pieces!”
“Does that cover the bill?” The barmaid anxiously looked over her shoulder at a group of men who were standing ominously in the corner. They walked out of the front door and the barmaid smiled. “Yeah! This will cover all of this months rent!”
The man rushed you out of the back door, he quickly pulled you into an alleyway. The reality of what just happened started to sink into your stomach as you looked around and noticed the two of you were alone.
“We need to keep moving.” He said quietly. He grabbed your hand and you pulled away from him. “W-wait!” You tried to steady your feet and look tough. You smoothed a wrinkle from your skirt and crossed your arms. “That’s far enough I think.” You said with only the slightest hint of fear in your voice. “Who are you?” You asked firmly. “One of my fathers goons trying to drag me back home?”
“I think the better question is, who are you princess? Kind of strange to find a nice girl looking girl like you with a bunch yokai hanging off of her.” He looked over your shoulder. You quickly turned around and saw a few black feathers falling to the ground. “We seriously need to go, right now.” The golden haired boy held out his hand. “I’m not working for your father. You have to trust me.”
Shadows crept into the alleyway, the black figure moved unnaturally along the walls.
You grabbed his hand and a rush of wind surrounded you two. His appearance changed. Two perky black ears grew out of his lengthy yellow hair. His face was just a bit more angular, like his cheek were sitting a bit higher on his face. He smiled a grin and pulled you into his arms. His teeth were sharp and you realized that the man who had come to your rescue was hardly a man at all.
He was a kitsune, a fox demon.
With a jump the two of you were in the sky, you held in a scream as the village disappeared below you. You hid your face in his shoulder, realizing you might have a fear of heights. “Hold on, things might get a little sticky!” He shouted over the wind. You looked up and saw three huge birds following you two.
They were approaching fast. The giant, gorgeous raven wings surrounded not the body of a bird, but a human. You’d heard of such a creature before. They were tengu.
Before you could even blink the two of you were surrounded. “Kaminari! Who would imagine you’d somehow nose your way into this. Who would have ever thought the biggest dunce I know would get the drop on me?” The man had blonde hair that was brushed down flat over his forehead. He grinned and folded his arms while his wings beat behind him. “Hand over the girl. You’re not worthy to touch such a valuable asset.”
“She’s not an asset, she’s a person Monoma. I’m taking her home!”
The blonde started laughing so hard he gripped his stomach. He wiped away an exaggerated tear from underneath a silver eye and pointed at us. “Oh so you want to look like a hero, huh? We both know that you’re here for the same reason as I am. Now hand over my bride, her father is looking for her.”
A white hot rage boiled over inside of you. “I am not your bride! What do you people want from me?”
The kitsune called Kaminari stiffened a bit under your touch. “You really don’t know?”
“What don’t I know! Someone tell me what’s going on!”
“What’s ‘going on’ is that your father promised you to me. This rat is trying to kidnap you, and you’re playing right into it.” The two other tengu suddenly charged, trying to rip you from Kaminari’s arms. You screamed and flailed, trying to keep everyone’s hands from gripping onto you. Kaminari lost his grip and the other two tengu didn’t manage to get a good hold on you.
You couldn’t do anything but scream as you plummeted back down to Earth.
A heavy black cloud clapped with thunder over head, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky.
No, it didn’t come from the cloud. A blast of electricity burst from Kaminari.
The three tengus started to fall from the sky before turning into slightly larger than normal black birds, and taking off. You watched them fly away as you fell. You closed your eyes, bracing for impact.
The wind stopped hitting your back harshly, you shot your eyes open and saw that you were a few feet from the ground, falling so much slower than before.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around you, plucking you from the air.
You and Kaminari are on the ground, he’s holding you just above the dirt, keeping you steady.
“Are you alright?” He touched your face, his eyes were filled with sincere concern.
You threw your arms around his neck. “You saved my life!” You squeezed him hard and he sort of groaned as the air was pushed out of him. “Oof- hehe.” He smiled and put a hand on the back of your head. “Of course I did. Nobody deserves to be harassed by that pack of assholes.” He chuckled a bit.
“Who are you?” You asked staring up at his handsome face, your arms still wrapped around his neck. “I’m Kaminari Denki. You probably guessed I’m not a human.” He set you down properly on the ground. “Those tengus are probably going to get reinforcements.” He looked up at the sky. “There’s no use in trying to hide you, they’ll smell you from miles away.” He took your hand and headed straight for the forest line. “That man said he knew my father. And he just let me fall...” You said with disgust.
“Well, my electricity didn’t give them much of a choice. I wouldn’t have let you hit the ground, even if they had my hands tied behind my back.” He said with a cute grin. The two of you walked off of the pathway in the woods, using the tree line as cover just to make yourselves feel a bit better. Kaminari was a light hearted person. He walked relaxed like he wasn’t intimidated by the situation at all.
You worried that he could get hurt, and it would be your fault.
“Kaminari?” You stopped walking. He turned to you with a puzzled expression. “You can call me Denki. Are you feeling okay?” He put a hand on your shoulder.
“Yes I’m feeling just fine but... I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I think I should probably walk back to my fathers alone.”
“Those bird brains can’t do anything to me. You don’t have to worry about that.” His smile was like looking at sunshine. He didn’t seem the most refined, or even really incredibly mature. But you liked him for it. He seemed more genuine than the elite your family surrounds themselves with. “But why are you protecting me?”
“Well, I guess it’s kind of complicated.” He scratched his left ear and thought for a moment. “I’m a bit older than you, well. A lot older than you really.” He took your hand and lead you to keep walking. The evening glow was beautiful, the sun was setting a fiery red over the valley. “I made a promise to a good friend of mine that I would keep an eye on you. I want you to be happy.”
“Well you don’t have to worry, my father would never force me to marry a demon! Especially not one like that.”
Kaminari looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Y/N...”
“Why are you looking at me so funny? I didn’t mean any offense! I just think my father would prefer to set me up with someone of my own species.” You teased him by pinching his arm.
“Aren’t you Lord Aizawa’s daughter?” He asked with all seriousness.
“My father isn’t a Lord. He’s a business man.” You weren’t smiling anymore. “But yes his name is Aizawa. Shouta Aizawa.” You crossed your arms, not sure about where this is going. “Well what kind of business does your father conduct?” Kaminari asked, no longer looking phased. You thought for a moment. “Uhm, I think that he owns some businesses in the village.” You said with little confidence. Truth be told you’re not entirely sure what your father does. You were told not to ask too many questions. That it wasn’t your place. “Ah. Well in my life I’ve learned that you don’t make money like that collecting rent from a few market shops.”
“The Lord that owns this part of the country lives over the mountains in the capital. My father is not royalty.”
“Your father isn’t a lot of things. However, he is royalty.” The kitsune danced around you, not able to keep still for long. He moved on his feet, the forest brush hardly effecting him as he floated over anything that might cause him to trip.
“Why would my father not tell me that we’re royalty. I feel like I would know.”
“Why wouldn’t your father tell you that he isn’t human?”
You stopped walking. “Well what do you suppose he is then?”
“Why don’t we go ask him?” You looked over his shoulder, not too far away was the stone wall that separated your fathers property from the rest of the woods. “See a normal person would see that wall, take a step over it and still be in the same forest.” He jogged ahead and launched himself over the wall.
The kitsune disappeared. You rushed to the wall and reached your hand out feeling the air for him.
He was gone. The wall is short, you stepped over the stone pretty easily and found yourself looking right at your new friend. “How did you do that?”
“That’s the barrier between our world, and the human world. I feel sort of guilty being the one showing you all of this. It’s not really like your father not to be brutally honest about things.”
The two of you walked the rest of the way back to the estate. It was crawling with people shouting. The moment the two of you stepped from the tree line you were swarmed.
“What do you think you were doing leaving the property the moment I told you to stay put?” Your father was kneeling in front of the fire place. You were changed out of your dirty dress and into your silk night robe. “I’m hurt to think you would try and run away.”
“Father I-”
“Silence.” He didn’t bother to yell, he rarely had too. “Everything I do is to give you the perfect life, and you would rather run to a village of thugs and thieves?”
“I would never run away from you father.” You said quietly. He looked at you with his stone cold face, but his eyes softened. “I just wanted to get fresh air. See the village one last time before you sent me away.”
You began to cry. You haven’t cried in front of your father in a long time.
He wiped at your cheek. “I’m sending you away because you’re very special. A lot of people want you for themselves, I can’t see you hurt by someone not worthy of you.”
“So you’re marrying me off to a tengu that let me fall from the sky?” You tipped your chin away from his hand. He was surprised by your sudden shift in mood.
Aizawa leaned back and took a deep breath.
“Father tell me the truth.”
Your father gazed at the painting of your mother hanging above the fire place. “I fell in love with the shrine maiden who took care of this place, a long time ago. With her love and affection, we built this temple into a loving home.” He wanted to reach out and touch your face, maybe even hold you like he did when you were a little girl. “We tried to give you a normal life, your mother even enrolled you in that school. She wanted you to have a taste of what it would be like to be a human. But even then people knew you were different.”
“But why am I different?” You didn’t feel different. You felt like any other girl.
“You are half human, and you are half god. My daughter, fitting of the name angel of the valley.”
“So does that mean...?” You stared at your father. He didn’t seem like a god.
He widened his eyes and they glowed red, his hair floating around him.
“I am the God of Intellect and Strategy. A commonly forgotten God, but remembered by those who deserve my blessing.”
“After you were born, in a moment of joy I promised to all in the land that whoever married my daughter, their clan would find great prosperity and wealth. My word as a god was taken as prophecy, binding you to a very tricky fate.” He sighed. “You will marry the tengu. His clan has many in numbers, and you’ll be safe.”
You couldn’t sleep that night. You tossed in your bed, your feet are exhausted, your whole body is, but your mind is running a mile a minute.
You sat up abruptly when you heard a tap at the window.
The Kitsune was leaning against your window sill in the moonlight. “Hey princess, it’s cold out here. Can I come in?” He said a bit too loud.
“What? No! My fathers security will kill you if they find you in here!” You whispered with a silly smile on your face.
“Aw come on I have a trick for that!” He pulled a white piece of paper from his pocket. It had a jaggedly drawn circle in the middle, with a few crude and terribly drawn stars. “That is a childs drawing.” You giggled. “My art skills aren’t the best, but my magic is top notch princess. Once I place this on the door, anyone with the intention of checking in on you will get the idea that they don’t want to disturb you, and walk away!” He smiled and held the paper between two fingers near your face, giving it a bit of a wag. “Now scooch over! I’m freezing!” He floated into your room, his feet hitting the ground with a very light tap. He glanced from the floor to the ceiling. “It’s sort of plain in here, I would have imagined it to be a lot more fancy. Seeing you’re the child of a god and all.” He waltzed right past you and climbed into your bed, covering himself with your blanket. “That’s my bed you can’t sleep there.” You stood looking down at the plush mat on the floor. He flicked the paper towards the door, the magic slip flew and stuck to the slide. The cracks in the door glowed with a golden light for a moment, sealing shut. “What you don’t trust me to sleep beside you and behave?” He asked, feigning like he was offended. “I’ll have you know that I’m a very trust worthy fox demon. I’m an upstanding gentleman and I would only ever ravage a lady, for the entirety of a night who was completely begging me for it.” He rolled his eyes up to meet yours and winked. “And they always do.”
You blushed from the tip of your head to your chest. “I would never do such a thing. How indecent.” You sat down on the mattress with a huff. Why did a ping of jealousy strike your stomach when he mentioned ravaging other ladies? You scolded yourself for being silly. “I wouldn’t expect you too. I have a feeling you’re probably a bit of a prude.” He said with his hands behind his head. He relaxed into the pillow with his eyes closed. “What does that mean?” You asked, feeling even more embarrassed. He popped one eye open to look at your pouting face. He smirked. “It means that you’re the type of person who is shocked by anything that has to do with sex.”
You stuttered. “I- that’s not true!” You laid your head down on your pillow in frustration and turned yourself away from him. “Oh it isn’t?” He placed his hand gently on the back of your shoulder, touching a bit of exposed skin. His face lingered over your cheek, his lips almost touching you. You turned just a bit to look at him, your throat tightened and butterflies erupted in your stomach. He leaned forward like he might kiss you. “See I knew it! You look like you just saw a ghost.” He rolled off of you back onto his pillow with a laugh.
You sat up quickly and grabbed his face. You gently put your lips on his, giving him your first kiss. The kitsune didn’t move, his eyes wide with shock.
You laid nicely back down on your side of the bed with a wicked smile. Happy with yourself, you closed your eyes and settled in.
“Thought you did something cute there? Well now it’s my turn.” He hovered over you, his smile filled with those sharp teeth, his eyes blazing. You melted into your pillow with his kiss. He parted your lips and pressed down firmly, pinning you down to the bed with his hips. He ran his fingers along your side, feeling every detail hiding under the silk. You gripped onto his hair, waves of heat pulsing through every inch of you. The kiss turned even more passionate, the two of you breaking free for quick gasps of air. You spoke between kisses, not wanting to stop but trying to use your head. “Denki- I- I’m getting married tomorrow!” He buried his head in your neck. “I don’t care.” He growled against your skin and bit down. Your whimper turned into a moan as he started to suck on the sore spot. He pulled away and looked at the already darkening circle he left on you. “Aw well, you’ll have a new beauty mark for your big day.” He chuckled and pulled at the ribbon holding your robe closed, exposing your body to him in the dark. “I wonder where else I can leave a few surprises for the tengu king?” He traced down your skin and kissed your chest.
“I’ll never give myself to him. He disgusts me!” Chills ran up and down your body as he kissed down your chest. “Your body is so beautiful. I could kiss you every night for a thousand years and never get tired of you.” He licked your naval, running his tongue back up your body making you shudder. He laughed. “But I did say that I would behave, didn’t I?” He had his thumb hooked to your delicate panties. He desperately wanted to rip them off of you, the animal inside of him screaming to devour you. You flashed a look at him, remembering his words of hearing women beg. “Ah, what a shame. I guess we should get some sleep.” Your voice was laced with lust.
The kitsune laughed, liking that he had to work a little harder. “Haven’t you ever heard that it isn’t wise to trust the word of a fox demon?” He put his fingers around your neck and applied a little pressure. “I want you Y/N, I want you to run away with me.” His hips spread your legs, he pressed himself firmly against you and started to grind. “We can travel the world. Just the two of us, live free and happy.” Your eyes felt heavy, you closed them and listened to his passionate words. “Maybe settle down one day to start our own clan, a family. Not because your father told us too.” He kissed your jaw gently. “But because you want too.”
You wrapped your arms around him and the two of you kissed in the moonlight, your heart feeling full. “We should leave before daylight.” You said dreamily.
“I’ll leave your father a letter and I’ll take you before anybody knows that we’re gone.” The two of you sealed the deal with another kiss. “There’s one thing before we go my darling.” Kaminari said directly into your ear. “It’s your smell, I need to make you smell less like a demi god and more like a kitsune.” He kissed your ear lobe. You looked at him puzzled. “Well how do you do that?”
You mewled softly while holding onto your lovers shoulders. His length pulled in and out of you with an even, slow pace to keep you from feeling too sore. He held you tightly, kissing every inch of your face with every stroke. “Does it feel alright still love?” He said with heavy breath. You nodded your head, feeling overwhelmed in all your senses. “Your sounds are so sweet-” He was panting, his climax building. “I can barely take it-” You hardly heard him, feeling the venom of passion coursing through you and making you feel hypnotized. With a last thrust his knot tightened, swelling inside of you and shooting hot ropes into your body. He held that position, kissing you and nibbling at your neck. 
You took a small bag of belongings with you, the most notable thing being a bracelet of your mothers. You dressed in dark clothing, placing a hood over your head. You felt so tired, wanting to relax with Kaminari for just awhile longer.
“I know you’re sleepy, love. There’s an inn a few towns from here. I’ll get us there quickly, and have you in a warm bed by a fire soon enough.” He kissed your forehead and took you in his arms, bridal style. He stood on the edge of your window, looking up at the night sky.
He promised your mother all those years ago that he would never let anything bad happen to you. And well, the best thing for you in Kaminari’s mind...
Was him.
I had an anon request for some Kitsune Denki and I felt inspired :) Thank you to that request even if it wasn’t super specifically this!!
If you would like to show appreciation for my work, feel free to leave me a kind message, or donate to my Ko-Fi account if you feel so inclined.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
It was just another day in Vacou. Hot temperatures, clear skies, and Carmine getting into trouble. Ruby paced around her home on the phone with the girl’s teacher. The fifteen year old wasn’t where she was supposed to be. “What do you mean she hasn’t showed up for class again? Is she in the school at all?” Ruby tapped her foot like a rabbit. She loved her daughter but the amount of anxiety caused whenever Carmine went off somewhere alone was a thing Ruby would never shake. She didn’t need another Dustin. Nobody needed another Dustin. Though at this point, Carmine wouldn’t have the luxury that child was given. She would no doubt be dead. The thought made Ruby hang up the phone and dial Sun’s number.
“Yellow?” The cheeky man answered. “Carmine wouldn’t be with you by any chance? She’s not at school. I’m about to start looking around town.” She heard a bit of rummaging over the phone. The man was climbing a tree to get a vantage point of his surroundings. “Haven’t seen her, but you know Carmine. She’s probably sticking her nose into some crime to stop it. The police authorizing her to do citizens arrest and intervene with organized crime was probably the most chaotic decision.”
Ruby walked up stairs to peek in on Jaune putting Garnet down for a nap. “I’m heading out.” Jaune gave a thumbs up. “Godspeed.” Ruby gave him a kiss then dashed out the house. “Do you mind helping me out Sun? Vacou has too many nooks and crannies.”
“I think I have a better idea. Aero could speed things along.” Ruby’s face went through varying emotions. “Why isn’t he in school?” She asked. “He kept complaining about it. This gives me an excuse to put him to work though. The two of you together can cover Vacou in now time.” That was true. Vacou didn’t feel so big with help like his. “Can you put him on the phone?”
Sun looked around for his son. It was no surprise to see him on the roof. He was fortunately dressed already. The typical black combat boots with khaki cargo pants that had purplish sash around the waist that matched his shirt. His short brown hair was slicked back and he put on his black windbreaker. He turned his head to see Sun trying to get his attention.
“Yo! Ruby wants to talk to you, bird brain” Sun blinked and Aero was already hovering over him. His massive black and white condor wings spread out. Aero took the phone. “Let me guess,Carmine?” This wasn’t the first time he had to find the girl. Ruby sighed, “you guessed right. Do you know why she isn’t at school?” He had to think about it for a moment, then he had a pretty good idea why. “I could be wrong but there’s been talk about this back alley gang that’s been harassing students. Money, catcalling, forcing people to join, making those people get more people; the typical shtick. Carmine would definitely know about it.”
Great, Carmine was definitely doing something about that. Ruby picked up the pace. Gangs aren’t the worst thing to be dealing with. Vacou spawns Them constantly, but there are a few that are way too big and will take more than her. Carmine was good, but not untouchable. “Aero can you help me look for her and let me know what you find? I know you two are pretty fickle with each other but…”
“I’ll keep you posted. Not like I could refuse anyways.” He grunted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thank you. I’ll be sure to make you all the pasta you can eat.” Ruby said as she hung up. Aero gave Sun back his phone. “I’m going to borrow your arm bracers. Back alley brawl, you know those go.” Sun gave him a nod and gave him the ones he already had on.They weren’t what he used to but these bracers were the best quality. “Your mother is going to kill you if you lose.” Aero chuckled nervously. Truer words had never been spoken. He gave his wings a good flap and shot off towards the rest of town. The wind from his take off nearly knocked Sun over. “I hope he finds her in high spirits.”
“FOR THE LOVE OF GODS! SHE’S ONE GIRL!” Shouted a man with a greasy mullet, aviators, and a cobras tattoo on his arm. He had just watched another one of his men get their face punched into a brick wall by Carmine. “WHY IS SHE STILL STANDING!?”
A man grabbed Carmine from behind to restrain her while another ran at her from the front with a knife. Carmine kicked out with both legs to hit his chin, then flung her weight forward to flip her captor forward; landing on top of him. “Fight me yourself if you think I’m easy to beat, you rock band reject.” She looked around at the dozen upon dozens of brutes that laid on the ground, writhing in pain. “Clearly your men need help. More came rushing in from back alley doors and fire escapes. The quality of the people weren’t too bad. It was the quantity that was a pain in the ass. Carmine had to admit she came here unprepared and unexpectedly; on uniform day no less. Her clothes were soiled with dirt and blood. Some of it being her own.
A slow stream of it ran down her face and over her left eye while her left forearm was an unhealthy mix of red and purple from blocking pipes. Even her face was a bit bruised and bloodied by scratches. Carmine was confident she looked like a complete badass right now. It was the only pro in this situation that kept the pain in check. That and adrenaline. A schoolmate cowarded behind a city dumpster where Carmine ordered the boy to stay. He had been targeted by the gang and came to school scared out of his mind. He also was a little beat up. “You okay back there?”
“No!” He shouted. He poked out from his hiding spot. “Why’d I let you talk me into taking you here!? We’re gonna die!” Carmine could understand that mentality, but why her classmate had it after all the bodies she’s knocked to the ground was beyond her. Her appearance had to be the reason why. Carmine kept up the assault, roundhouse kicking two more guys and uppercutting some chick with green hair. Another girl came running at her with a knife aimed for her face. Carmine back stepped then grabbed the wrist of the opponent, flinging her into three more people. Carmine ran at the leader but was hit in the back with a bat and stumbled into another brute that gave her a meaty left hook she couldn’t see coming. Her body hit a brick wall. Having her weapons would be nice right now was all she could think about.
The one with the bat went in for another swing to the head. Carmine grit her teeth and blocked it with her already broken arm. “This will do.” She yanked him forward and head butted the weapon out of his hand. The bat was lighter than what she used to. Carmine kicked off the wall and swung it across the other brutes face, knocking him out cold. More came rushing in to dog pile her but Carmine was too quick. She weaved in between the bodies and had their ribs become acquainted with her new weapon. “I have to be honest with y’all, getting really close to just beating you within an inch of your life.” The threat was all too real and they could tell.
Some of them started approaching slower and with far more caution. They’d be damn if some kid was about to win. Their boss wouldn’t allow running away anyways. Carmine growled, getting annoyed by the herd mentality of weaklings. “If you know what’s best then stop hanging around schools and dealing to children if you know what’s good for you.” She vanished from their line of sight before appearing several feet closer with six more gang members face down on the ground. “Or we can keep roughing it? Either way works for me.” Carmine was really hoping to catch her breath. Her limbs felt heavy.
They kept advancing, step by step. The hard way it is. She felt bad for them really. From the moment Carmine entered the alleyway, they forfeited their right to leave quietly. She only gave them an out so they couldn’t say she didn’t. A twinge of excitement and anger crept onto her face in the form of a smile. Her red eyes shimmered eagerly. “Bring it on, fools.”
“Well look at that, a face of a predator in her element. You’re a real freak show, you know that?” Called Aero from above. Everyone looked up to the man with his phone out. He zoomed in on Carmine and took a picture for Ruby. “Your mom is searching for you. She’ll flip seeing you like this.” He already got a message from Ruby saying she was five minutes away. “Who the hell are you!” Cried the leader.
Carmine grimaced. “Aero…” she looked to her right to see the boy next to her while the others took a minute to notice he wasn’t in the sky anymore, gasping when they finally did. “I don’t need you here. I got this covered.” Aero looked Carmine up and down. “You look like shit. That’s not new though, but I’m here as a favor l. You may not need my help but that kid over there is the reason this is happening right? He looks like he’ll take all the help he can get.”
“I would!” He shouted. Carmine rolled her eyes and approached the group of gang members, her bat twirling in her hand. “Handle the small fry while I teach their leader a thing or two. If you think you can handle it.” A grunt ran at Carmine but was met with a wing slap across the face that sent them to the ground. Aero smiled and dashed towards another grunt, striking their face hard enough to break their nose and push a few more back. The leader got a good look at the young man. His heart sank when he realized both of these troublesome kids had a colored sash. The girl’s scarf and the fabric on the boy’s waist. To make it worse, the gray eyes and majestic wings. Started looking familiar. “You...live on the outskirts, to the north, right?”
Aero cracked his knuckles. “Oh, so you know who I am? Then you know today is the day your gang gets run into the ground. Don’t feel too bad though. Losing to a rival group is the natural order of things. Carmine, we have four minutes before your mom steals the show.” Carmine did nothing but rush past him with her bat at the ready. Words waste time after all. It was time for a beat down.
Ruby darted around the tight corners of shabby buildings that hid all kinds of secrets. That photo really sent her into a panic. Being battered and bruised was nothing new to see. That was the sad part. Why couldn’t she go school for a full day for once! Ruby didn’t even care that Carmine was a C student. Yes her grade in math needed to go up next quarter and literature class may need work. But Ruby wasn’t going to hassle her about it! She just wanted her safe. “Carmine! Where are you!?” The area was dead quiet to the point it was unnerving. Ruby turned one more corner. “CARMINE?!”
“Hmm?” The girl heard her mother and turned around. There she stood, teary eyed and out of breath. All while Carmine sat on a pile knocked out goons. Her scarf pressed against her head to stop the bleeding. She bit her lip, feeling a little guilty now that she sees the worried look on her mom. “It’s not as bad as it looks. Just don’t hug me tight. My ribs took a beating, also my arm. Good chance I’m also concussed-” Ruby gently wrapped her arms around her.
“I’ll yell at you later. Just do me a favor and tell me the crazy shit you’ll do?” Carmine turned flushed and hugged her mother back. “You’re lucky everyone is knocked out. It would be embarrassing for common thugs to see this. Would you believe me if I said I had full intention on going to school. Then that guy over by the dump walked by all frazzled, hassling people out of fear. Protecting peers is part of being a good student, right?”
Ruby looked at the boy. Aero was helping him up. She didn’t know how many people he had to fight. There wasn’t a scratch on him but the bracers were riddled with fresh blood. He didn’t even look tired. Typical Aero, he’s a wild one. Forget silver eyes. That silver tongue and calm attitude was all the weapons he needed. It was still sweet of him to lend a helping hand. Ruby didn’t even have to pay him this time! Perhaps his parents got on him about such a thing. “I’m going to drop this guy off at school. I’d stick around but you know, fuck that noise. You can deal with paperwork work and authorities. I want that pasta with meat sauce by the way. Later Mrs Rose, Little Flower” He said to Carmine. He spread his wings and took off.
Carmine scowled at that nickname. “I can’t believe you sent him after me. Of all the people.” Ruby chuckled lightly, he’s the only one in all of Remnant who might completely enjoy your chaos.” Ruby had a point. For all the years they’ve known each other, Aero seemed to invite controversy. It was incredibly irritating. Why couldn’t he thrive off a peace like a normal person? “Wait, you promised him pasta?”
“Yep, your punishment is helping me cook for him.” Carmine looked at her arm. “Uh...one handed? Even with dad’s help I am going to need a cast.” Ruby shook her head. “Extreme choices require extreme punishments! Do your best!” The enthusiasm didn’t match just how cruel that statement was. Carmine held her head down and sighed, “Fine…he better like it, or I’ll stab him.” Ruby frowned. “This is why your friend bubble is as tiny as a soap sud.” Carmine’s jaw dropped. “Hey!”
Carmine sat on the couch covered in bandages while Jaune wrapped her broken arm for the second time. Aero sat at their table comfortably eating pasta and tried to stop himself from choking out of laughter. “Amazing on the battlefield, stumbles in the kitchen. Oh the pitfalls of Carmine Arc-Rose never stop being entertaining.
“I will beat you with my ca-aaah!” Carmine winced. Jaune wasn’t pleased. “You’re pulling your stitches!” The three of them kept going back and forth while Ruby fed Garnet along with Sun and Ilia. “Why are they like this?” They all said silently as they ate. At least they had a reason to eat together. All in all, a pretty good day.
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
jaliceweek20 day 1: human/vampire
Title: Against A Wall (Part 1)
Prompt 1: Human/Vampire
Word Count: 3,851
Note: I’m going into hospital tomorrow, and I’ve run out of time to get this finished (so, so close but I need sleep). So I cut it in half in the most logical place. 
As long as the JaliceWeek Mods don’t have an issue, I’ll finish off Part 2 and upload the whole fic to the AO3 collection around Tuesday when I’m feeling human and have a decent Wifi connection.
He crouches behind Dewey’s Bar, spitting blood onto the pavement, and trying to pretend that whatever is seeping into his jeans is just water, and not runoff from the reeking dumpster beside him.
It’s Tuesday night, and Tuesdays are always the worst. Tuesdays are his mom’s night shifts at the VA hospital. Tuesdays are pay-day. Tuesdays are the only day his father doesn’t pull his punches.
His left cheek and eye are swollen and split, like overripe fruit. He can’t see real well, and the taste of aluminium foil in the back of his mouth makes him suspect another fracture around his eye.  
But was it really a Tuesday night if cerebral fluid wasn’t leaking into his mouth?
He feels bad that his mother is going to walk in at five the next morning, exhausted, to find… well, to find Hettie and Flo asleep in Ava’s bed, as Ava studies and worries. To find Jasper’s bed empty, and Lydia’s too. To find the study door locked, no matter how long she knocks.
In fact, the only thing that Louise Whitlock won’t find when she gets home from work is the god-damned strength of will to leave her fucking husband.
Last time he said that to her face, she started to cry, and that made things worse.
It’s still early, which sucks. There are hours to go until it is safe to move, to drag himself to school, to shower in the locker rooms and get some food out of the vending machine and savour the fact that another Tuesday is behind him. Sheldon isn’t big enough for the other students and the teachers not to notice the bruises on his face, but it is small enough that everyone knows Jeremiah Whitlock, and no one is going to say anything to get him in trouble.  
He could go find Lydia, hide in the tree-house, tell someone who wasn’t family or a local. But he always ends up behind Dewey’s. When he was a kid, it hadn’t just been a bar; it had been been Dewey’s Bar and Grill, and his grandfather used to take him there for fried chicken and ice cream. Dewey had been his Grandpa Jed’s best friend, but even in those halcyon days it hadn’t exactly been family-friendly.
It had become a dive bar sometime around the time Jasper finished middle-school, but it didn’t matter - by then, Dewey and Grandpa were dead, and he was too busy trying to protect himself and his sisters to eat ice cream.
He spits blood again, and rests back against the brickwork. Nothing for it; Tuesdays were always hell.
He tries to sleep, amongst the noise of passersby, and remain unnoticed - Jasper’s learnt the hard way that his uncles still frequent Dewey’s, and they will march him straight back home for round two, no matter what he says. Even when he came up with the strength to tell them, about Lydia and Jerry and Tuesday nights, his uncles just tell him to shut up, man up, and maybe Jerry wouldn’t have to whoop his ass.
He thinks of Lydia and hopes she’s somewhere warm and clean tonight. Lydia’s smart enough to stay away on Tuesday nights. Home is never Lydia’s first port of call any night of the week, but never, ever on Tuesdays.
He remembers the last Tuesday night she was home, two summers ago, when Lydia stormed upstairs, a twelve-year-old hurricane with fire in her eyes, and called their father a coward for beating the shit out of Jasper.
Jeremiah Whitlock hadn’t liked being called a coward. Not at all.
Now she is transient, a ghost sister who vanishes at day break; one who bunks down on couches and in treehouses before coming back to her own bed. Their mom and Ava worry about where Lydia gets her money, cigar-sized rolls of dollar bills that she keeps in a tampon box, but he knows.
He knows that his sharp and pointy little sister never let anything stop her, least of all hard work, and that a lot of people in town know that Jerry Whitlock has a lot of anger and a lot of disappointment that he tries to drown in cheap beer and cheaper whiskey. It just makes him angrier. If the only thing they can do is give Lydia Whitlock some work, well, that kid’ll cut the grass, paint the garage, and walk the dog for a few bucks and a drink from a spigot.
It’s easy to say that Lydia is the best of them, making it clear that she doesn’t need their shitty father or their tired mother, but they are all strong in different ways. Ava, who smiles and simpers at their father, waiting for that day when she can buckle Hettie and Flo into her car and take them with her to college in Houston with a middle finger raised in the air. Flo stays quiet, stays alert, darting and hiding when the moment comes, but whose slight of hand belongs to a survivalist magician. And sweet little Hettie, who never lived on the ranch and knew their parents when they were happy, is sunshine and laughter and innocence. The one that reminds them why they stick together.
He’s the boy, so his role is obvious and unquestioned: he takes the punches and slaps and kicks that were meant for their mom, for Lydia, for Flo. He mutters things under his breath so that Jerry doesn’t hear what his sisters are saying, forgets that Hettie is sniffling or that Lydia hasn’t been home in ten days or that their mother has burnt dinner.
He knows his place.
If you asked anyone with the surname ‘Whitlock’, they’d tell you that the family was cursed.
Had been since the Civil War; the youngest son had run off and joined up. Tried to desert two months in, crying for his momma, and ran afoul of someone - or something. He was dead a month later, but no one was exactly sure if he’d been executed for desertion, or if he’d just got in the way of a Yankee bullet. Either way, his last letter was rambling and terrified of something he never named, and his cowardice was rewarded with his bloodline’s constant suffering.
Within the Whitlock family lore, the curse was held accountable for numerous failings - from great-great grandmother Edith running off with one of the Wilkerson boys, to little Brian dropping dead as a doornail one summer day after seven years of perfect health. It was the Whitlock Curse to blame the day the bank took the ranch away from Jasper’s own father.      
It was the curse that had four and a half strapping brothers (Uncle Wyatt only counted as half since he went to the war in the Middle East and got himself blown up before he was even old enough to drink, and left behind a high school sweetheart with a bouncing baby girl they all called ‘Puddin’) father fifteen girls, and only one lousy boy.
Make no mistake about it, Jasper was a lousy heir to the Whitlock name. All three of his uncles reminded him of this every holiday season. Whitlock men were supposed to live and breathe the ranch, were supposed to be football players and champions. They were meant to knock up the head cheerleader and serve eight years in the army, like their brothers, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers before them.
Not snivelling little momma’s boys, who cried themselves to sleep when Sirius Black died, and could charm the birds from the trees. Not boys who helped their sisters catch rabbits, and keep them as secret pets, or name the house cat Socrates. Not boys who sat up all night when their horse had colic, and sit in the stable with her, begging and praying for her to be okay.
He tried, goddamnit. So hard. He was the best shot in the family (something that Uncle Bo had nearly hit him over, that one Thanksgiving. But everyone knew that Bo had the worst temper in the family.) Before things went to shit, he’d been a good student. He’d been able to convince the animals on the ranch to do anything. He was popular, without having any particular friends or putting much effort into it. He took care of his sisters.
But none of it was ever good enough.
Nothing ever was.
It’s Roy Lester that chases him off, before six the next morning. Roy runs the grocer next to Dewey’s, and went to school with his father and uncles - still had beers with them ever so often. The way he threatened Jasper and chased him off home whenever he caught him in the alley made Jasper think that they talked about him, and none of it flattering.
So he has to slink home because he stinks and he’s starving. The security at school won’t let anyone in before seven; he’s tried before; it’s not like he has much choice.
In a town like Sheldon, everyone knew everyone. You started kindergarten with maybe twenty other five year olds - most you probably already knew - and spent the next thirteen years with those same kids. You watched Maude Montgomery transform from the aesthetic-equivalent of Danny Devito to Jennifer Lawrence in a single summer, thanks to a late brush with puberty; you were right there when Casey Atkinson was put in a wheelchair and spent seventh grade learning to walk again. You knew that Ariel Turner was diabetic, Marley Harris was asthmatic, and you’d seen thirteen years of peanut-free lunches and birthday parties because Joey Thompson was highly allergic.
The joy of small towns.
Everyone knew that Jerry Whitlock hit his kids and his wife, but no one talked about it - not to their faces, at least. The adults tended to march Jasper home, to face his father’s wrath. The kids tended to get uncomfortable, and look through him. The few people who tried to reach out were from out of town, and were usually passing through - the odd teacher, a new neighbour, a concerned face on the bus.
Better to go home until school opened up.
Louise is in the kitchen, her face pinched and pale, clutching a cup of coffee. She looks hopeful when he walks in, but seems to crumple in on herself when she sees his bloody, swollen face. She looks old as she puts down her mug, and moves to pull him into a hug. He pretends not to notice her shuddering, as she cries onto his shoulder, before pulling away.
“I’ll make breakfast,” she manages, sniffling. “Okay? You must be hungry.”
He grunts and nods, as he heads upstairs. As if scrambled eggs and burnt toast can fix another Tuesday night.
But Wednesdays are good - the longest possible time until another Tuesday night.
He just has to keep telling himself that.
Another Tuesday behind Dewey’s, but this time he’s puking up the few mouthfuls of food he managed before his father hauled him out the back - only because it was his mom’s week off and they were having a big family dinner. Louise resented those mid-week dinners; after a long day at work, having to make dinner for twenty-three people, and somehow find enough plates and chairs was the last thing she wanted to do. It was the only time Lydia would cross their father’s sight line, skinny and defiant.
If it had been a normal dinner, Jerry wouldn’t have dragged him out of the house. He would have beat him in the kitchen, yelling over Hettie’s sobs and Flo’s screams, and Louise’s pleading. He’s had a serving platter smashed over his head before, as well as a beer bottle, and a ceramic pitcher - one that had been made by Grandma Lillian, and Louise had sobbed over those broken shards.
His head is spinning, and he can’t remember exactly what he said to incite his father’s rage, though he remembers Uncle Bo’s jeers when he tried to stand up. The previous week’s wounds have reopened, and are bleeding onto his last decent t shirt. There’s vomit and alley-juice all over his jeans, and he wonders if he should drag himself to the hospital because his world is still spinning.
He wonders what will happen if he dies tonight; if Roy Lester finds him here in the morning, cold and dead. Most of the cops in town are from old families, and they’ve taken Lydia and Jasper back home enough times to know what goes on. It’s easier to picture the cover-up, that they’ll blame him and a make-believe schoolyard fight. Just a tragic accident.
Maybe then someone will help Lydia, help all of his sisters. Maybe it’ll be the thing that makes his mom leave.
He falls asleep facedown in the alley, and wants to cry when he wakes up the next morning to the bellow of school kids heading to the bus stop.
He was so goddamned close to it all being over.
So close.
“Do you need some help?”
It’s another Tuesday night, one that has come with busted ribs and possibly a dislocated shoulder. He missed lunch because of an English project, and his father had been drinking early, so he hasn’t eaten since breakfast. It’s making him feel sick, and wondering if anyone will notice if he sneaks in the back door of Dewey’s and grab some food.
And then someone is there and talking to him.
Her voice is high and sweet, and he expects a high school girl, maybe a sorority sister.
She is neither.
She’s only as tall as Flo, with uneven black hair curling around her cheeks. She’s one of the prettiest girls he has ever seen, with huge amber-coloured eyes that remind him of Hettie’s dolls and Lydia’s manga. She’s wearing a ragged button-up over a ruffled mini-skirt and leggings, with boots that look a size too big, a heavy man’s watch that hangs from her tiny wrist, and an ancient looking cadet’s cap - the entire effect makes him think of Oliver Twist as a female circus performer.
She walks over to him, and crouches in front of him, her head cocked to the side like a bird’s. He can only stare; other than the dark smudges under her eyes that speak of many sleepless nights, she is beautiful.
“Are you okay?” she asks, looking worried.
“Yeah,” he croaks, and winches as he jars his ribs. He doubles over, and cries out. She reaches out towards him but backs off just as suddenly.
“You’re hurt,” she says, looking bewildered and frightened. “Where?”
“I-It’s okay,” he manages, trying to reclaim his dignity in front of the prettiest girl. “I’ll be fine.”
The girl huffs. “Ugh, boys,” she mutters. “Hold on a second.” She gets up and slips out of the alley before he can beg her not to get help. In reality, going to the hospital is the last thing he should do - they can’t afford the bill, and  they’ll call home and… no. Just no.
His head is spinning, so he finds it hard to tell how much time has passed, but eventually she returns. She’s clutching two bags, and marches right up to him and crouches back down.
“This will help,” she says, holding out painkillers and a bottle of water. He fumbles with the lids of both, but eventually swallows the pillows down. She watches him carefully. “Don’t drink too fast,” she advises. “Now, I can put your shoulder back in now, or we can wait. It’s up to you.”
He blinks at her slowly. “Now,” he decides.
“Okay,” she looks nervous, but moves forward. It’s all blurry in his mind, but there is something cold, then hot, angry pain, and then he’s blinking up at her again. “Sorry. But trust me, the worst is over now. At least I didn’t break it worse. Hungry?”
He blinks as she reaches for the other bag - a bag of Skittles, a packaged sandwich, two oranges, and a bag of potato chips. He’s not sure if he has a concussion or it’s an odd selection, but he’s also hungry enough that he doesn’t care.
“I nearly had to call Bella, to ask what to get - Edward never let me buy her food after the chicken incident - which was entirely Emmett’s fault - but I think I figured it out okay,” the girl jabbers, taking a seat beside him, and smiles at him. “Better no one knows where I am, anyway.”
“I… thanks,” he croaked, as he reached for the sandwich. She beams at him again, and then frowns.
“Eat, then we’ll finish patching you up. I’ve come too far to watch you die in this disgusting place,” she stretches her legs out in front of her.
The sandwich is dry, but he wolfs it down - an orange too, before he takes a breath - that hurts - and takes another look at the tiny girl beside him.
“Who are you?” he finally asks, and she looks up from her watch.
“Oh! I’m Alice,” she says. “Sorry, I forgot you didn’t know. Do you want your ribs taped now, or are you going to open those?” She points to the Skittles.
“Um, I…” he looks at the bag of candy. “Do you want some?” This feels like a fever dream; maybe he’s passed out and this is just what his banged-up brain has provided him with.
“No,” she shakes her head, and the cadet’s cap tilts a little on her head. “I can’t. They just looked nice. Happy.”
“Happy,” he echoes, looking at the red package.
“I hear that sometimes little things can help,” Alice says. “Come on, cowboy, take that shirt off and let me see those ribs.”
His side is mottled black and blue and purple, and moving in basically any direction is a new adventure in pain. Alice gasps at the sight, and then coos at him in a way that is oddly comforting as her fingers trace his ribs - the coldness of her fingers is actually wonderful against the pain. Then comes the painful stage - as she, not entirely gently enough, begins layering tape over the pain, his head is spinning.
“All done,” Alice says, and her voice is soft, and when he slumps against her shoulder, she doesn’t move away. She smells like old fashioned things, like roses and linen. It reminds him of the old family homestead. He finds his eyes closing, and his side aches in time with his heart, and then Alice’s gentle fingers are running through his hair.
“Sleep, Jasper,” she murmurs, “I’ll keep watch.”
He’s asleep before he realises he never told her his name.
She’s gone when he wakes up, and the Skittles are in his pocket - along with the painkillers. Happy.
It’s Wednesday morning, and it’s not exactly ‘happy’ he’s feeling, but he’s got candy in his pocket and time to go home for a shower and more food, so Alice was right - the little things do help.
She never turns up two Tuesdays in a row, but he does see her again. She’s always more prepared than the first time, with a bag that always seems to contain exactly what they need - in his less lucid states, he is reminded of Mary Poppins’ magic carpet bag as she produces snacks and first aid kits, and even clothing.
Her attempts at first aid are, at best, rough and she accidentally breaks two of his fingers and nearly ends up in tears when he yells in pain, and hugs him so tight, weeping into his neck, that he ends up trying to comfort her.
Sometimes he sleeps. She’s so thin and tiny that her shoulder isn’t a good pillow, and he feels like a shit man, letting such a tiny girl keep watch behind a bar. It wouldn’t take much to break her, and he can’t defend anyone in this state.
But some Tuesdays, he falls asleep anyway, breathing in that scent of fresh roses and linen, and listening to her chatter away about people he doesn’t know, about places he’s never visited, about books he’s never read.
Alice sounds like she’s living a really nice life. One week, she quizzes him on his Spanish before his examine the next day, and her accent is flawless. When her phone buzzes and buzzes and buzzes, and she ignores it, she usually swears - he doesn’t know in what language, one of the Eastern Asian ones he thinks - but it’s definitely a swear.
He wishes he could see her, talk to her, out in the real world and prove to her that he’s not just a beat-up kid. But she’s always gone on Wednesday mornings, and he doesn’t even know how to contact her anyway.
All in all, he met Alice in the reeking alley behind Dewey’s with a concussion, broken ribs, and a dislocated shoulder, and now she’s the best friend he’s ever had in the world.
He’s getting closer to that ‘happy’ concept that she mentioned the first time they met.
The last time he sees her, he’s bleeding and he’s pretty sure his eye socket is fractured. He’s pissed with himself because he wasn’t fast enough, smart enough, to stop his father from going after Flo. So he’d thrown a punch at his old man  for the first time because Flo is his baby sister and all haunted eyes and he’ll never forget the sounds of her wailing after the belt struck her, but hitting the bastard back just fuelled him and … fuck.
Then Alice is there, in jeans with stars on the knees and a billowy purple top that is just opaque enough to obscure the skin underneath. She looks angry and frustrated, and doesn’t just sit next to him and open her bag like she usually does.
“It’s a stupid fucking decision you’re about to make,” she stamps her foot, “and I am so mad at you right now, but Carlisle and Edward have made me promise not to interfere. Carlisle says that everything I’m doing now is enough. And I’m already in enough trouble, honestly.”
He can taste foil again - definitely a fractured eye socket.
“What?” he manages, snappish and tired. He doesn’t need this. He wants sweet Alice, who helps him patch himself back together, and gets him food, and talks him to sleep. The one who makes him laugh, even when it hurts, and seems to be light-years ahead of him but that’s okay because she’s always so happy about whatever she’s telling him.
“I’m going to say this once,” she enunciates carefully, still glaring. “I will be here every Tuesday. Don’t make a dumb decision. There is always another choice.”
“You’re making less sense than normal,” he retorts. “Either help me, or go away - I’m not in the mood.”
“Happy freakin’ birthday,” she snaps, unbuckling her giant watch, and throws it at him before she storms back the way she came, leaving him behind.
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goreslibrary · 4 years
The Cold Grasp of Reality and Warm Embrace of Hell
- Hello darlings! Just something to start  off my little Tumblr page, its nothing amazing but I hope y’all like it -
 They begged and beckoned, tears rampant down their face. Layering over top of nearly each day, each moment of life, of agony. Their throat ached, never had Villain ever imagined to have laid hunched over top a chair. The Villains chin up against the seat of it, their hands grasped around the legs of the chair. Their knuckles had gone white, their nails dug into their flesh as they overlapped themselves. Their back arched, toes curled, the crack of a whip filled the room. It formed a welt on Villains bare back, joining a collage of others upon it. Hero could only feel a grin form on their face, a chuckle escaping their chapped lips. "Look at you, little ol Villain. The big bad wolf-" they paused to pull their arm back and connect the whip to Villain yet again. "AHhhH!", Villain cried out in agony. As they put her head against the chair, they clenched their jaw feeling the burning sensation continue. " Reduced to a mere-" they cracked the whip against Villain again. "Little-", and again. " Pup." A final crack came onto Villain. With the ending of Hero's sentence, Villains limbs trembled. Villain laid there, listening as Hero slowly walked up behind them, flinching as they heard Hero stop. Villain felt goosebumps rise on his arms as Heroes shadow casted over them from the harsh lighting, solely from the opened door behind them.
 Hero bent down and leaning over Villains back, their left hand pulling their head back softly, as their right traces Villains back. Villain shuddered feeling the touch of Hero against them. Hero placed their head in the crook of Villains neck, their breath causing a soft whimper to leave from Villain. Hero slowly added pressure onto Villains' neck, they wanted to hear Villains gasp of air and plea's. Hero was very pleasantly happy to watched as Villain began to struggle, at first they had left their lungs burn. The feeling of full concrete in there lungs, it was illusion but heavy. Villain wanted to just fade away, why couldn't it be that easy? They just wanted it to be easy. Villain let go of the chair, placing their hands onto Hero's arm. Villain beginning to gasp for air, thrashing around. They felt pin profiles of dots fill their vision, going from a black, to yellow to red as they slowly begin to cloud Villains vision. Villain continued to struggle, placing their body into it as their mind began to scream, over and over again. The pulse of their heart echoed in their ears, shaking his head as he slowly went back to a close, unconsciousness. Villains limbs fell loose right as Hero dropped them. A loud gasp filled the room, Followed by more coughing and gasps. Villains body curled up into a ball as their hands came upon their throat. Their vision slowly returned to them and as the struggled on the floor, a sadistic Hero stood over them, peering at the Villain. How cute~
 As Villain slowly calmed down, having felt better. Or as "better" as one could be. Villain took in soft breaths though he began to hear Hero come close again. This game wasn't fun, it wasn't even creative and Villain felt it day after day. They couldn't handle it anymore, it was beginning to hurt their mind. Villains mental state consisted of a hollow nothingness. This was so tiring, Villain couldn't remember how long they had been here and hated they still reacted to it, it had only been worse when Hero hadn't heard their soft cries in agony.
 Villain couldn't tell, how long had it been? Weeks? Perhaps even months, who even knew. Villain looked up as Hero opened the door to Villains room. The room had slowly gained items and perks, Villain had been submissive to Hero and in return got to, well live slightly better. Villain had been laying in bed, on their side as they sat up slowly. The villain looked off at Hero, Hero approached and though in what Villain could've only assumed was the first few days, they felt empowered to know Hero's civilian identity. The more time Villain got to think of it, it felt like dread, Hero wasn't letting them leave any time soon, not if they were letting Villain see them, they wouldn't let that information go out. Hero held a plate in hand, Villain could now see that and they moved their legs to the edge of the bed. As Hero made it next to them, s i t t i n g, next to them. Hero held the plate out to Villain as Villain took the plate. It looked delicious, but Villain didn't have an appetite. It was strange, why was the food so nice? They couldn't wrap their mind around Hero. Villain sat, eyes pondering at Hero unsure whether Hero had just come to taught them with food, it wouldn't be past Hero to do such a thing. 
Hero looked at Villain a mighty stare upon their face, “Will you take the plate or are you going to sit there all day?”, Hero beckoned nudging Villain with the plate which almost made Villain jump. Villain merely held back a whimper, their body sore bruised and bloody. Villain mumbled a soft, “Sorry.”  Villain took the plate with shaking hands, softly putting the plate onto their lap, it was warm and felt nice, it wasn't painfully searing like how Hero like to press against Villains skin with thick cigarettes or the end of a fire place poker. It was cozy or it would’ve been if Villain didn't feel their body trembling at the sense of having Hero in the room, their presence enough to make Villain on edge now-a-days. Once a mighty villain who loved to drive fear into other hearts whether it was through their own means of torture, horrific means of murder and general crimes against humanity. 
 Villains had softly grasped at the fork that rested on the side of the pate. They looked at the plate and once they went down and took a hesitant bite, their eyes widened. It tasted wondrous, Villain appreciated that hero was a good cook. This made the days upon weeks of no food then small sparse of it worth it. though as they chewed their delightful bite they almost seized up, close to choking themselves with how tense they became. Hero had startled them by talking, their head turned back to hero as they tried to finish eating. Villain hadn't realized how much food they had shoved into their mouth. “You know Villain, I can see why you enjoy doing, t h i s, to others”,Hero started. “The feeling of power over another and knowing that you have their life in their hands. It mesmerizing really.” Hero spoke in almost a sadistically disgusting manner that sent chills down Villains spine. Villain swallowed their food awkwardly as they listened to Hero. Eating the food, slowly mad them feel less then stellar from hearing Hero’s words. “I can only assume you fell into a rabbit hole, didn't you?” Hero would continue, not stopping for Villain to actually answer and even so, Villain didn't want to. “ Perhaps I cant blame you to much but-” Hero’s hand went to Villains ripped and ragged shirt and pulled them closer. Villain quivered under Hero’s grasp, trying their best not drop their plate of food. “ -I’m no scum like you, even now. You put your filthy hands onto anyone who came into your path while I, have only given you the karma you deserve,” Hero spoke with such malice and threat in the depths of their voice. “Yet even so, I’d say I’m far more merciful then you could have even dreamt to be”, Hero spoke. Villain some what fell when Hero let go of them. Villain returned to their sitting position. Thinking about those words. It was true to an extent. Villain had always been far far worse to their victims, even bringing in family or friends into such torture. Villain was a sadist, a very gruesome and terrible one at that. Though Villain usually let go or ended their victims misery fairly quickly once they got what they needed. Hero didn't have that, Villain didn't have any useful information, not anymore. Villain wasn't dead either and it didn't seem like Hero wanted to change Villain for the better. They were waiting for the Villain to die, or at least they were in Villains mind.
 Villain turned their head further away from Hero, until they began to well, notice they already felt full. Their stomach had shrunk and with some level of disbelief, they didn't have much of an appetite,not with so much on their mind now. Hero seemed to notice, “Done?” Hero questioned. Hand reaching out to grab the plate, Villain flinched and muttered a simple, “y-yes.” Hero took the plate and began to walk away, Villain sat there, staring at the ground. “You should get some rest, I’m sure you’ll appreciate it”, Hero spoke to Villain with such nice delicate softness, that Villain had grown to miss from Hero in their battles. Back in what Villain could describe as their prime. They nodded their head, feeling a sense of drowsiness they didn't remember having for a very long time. Villain sighed softly, barely feeling the gaze of Hero as they closed the door behind them. Villain moved their body to lay down on the bed. It wasn't... wasn't a nice bed. All the springs that dug into Villains side could tell them that much, but they weren't complaining, it was great that they even had a bed of course. Though more and more as Villains eyes closed and their body scrunch up to keep a little more warm. Yet when they slipped into the warm embrace of sleep, their body stiffened and their breathing slowed and then, they were gone. 
 Hero had stood at the edge of the door, listening to the soft snores of Villain and as they stopped. Sighing Hero walked off.
 They would never make their peace with Villain, no amount of torturing them had helped them see that and it wasn't until they had sat at the gravestone of Sidekick and really thought about it to realize that. Of course they would never get that pit of regret out of their heart, they had noticed far to late that Villain wouldn't make that feeling ease. 
 Hero could only hope the warms searing pain of Hell would welcome Villain with open arms.
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