#then it developed into 'well I can't /just/ make a jacket. I gotta make it look good with something else!'
glacialmaples-pkmn · 1 year
also I've been working on my oc's/Maple's design and I'm really enjoying the work and progress!
I haven't gotten any farther than designing the base of the coat and some small ideas written down here and there abt what I want/possible ideas to consider. but I'm really happy with the small amount of progress I have made!!
in the end I'm probably gonna end up with more than one outfit cos there's so many design elements I like vs. which designs look good together. I might post some WIP's soon cos I'm really excited with where I'm going with this.
I'd prefer if they were digital but with my current setup that's not possible rn. and for someone who's years out of drawing practice, I'm really happy with how things are turning out!!
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thelovelylolly · 7 months
can i get number 26 “can you picture it? you and I together?” with eddie munson please?
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Summary: While going through your polaroid pictures, Eddie let's his real feelings slip Warnings: none (just not proofread lol) Word Count: 760 Notes: first eddie fic in a hot second, but thank u for the request !
Your box dedicated to polaroids was overflowing. You decided to clear some out, knowing that some of them were of people who weren't in your life anymore or they didn't develop right. You dumped all of them out on your bed and started to sift through them all.
That's when Eddie dropped by. Well, 'dropped by' meaning he crawled in through your window and almost gave you a heart attack even though you were used to him coming in your window at random times.
"Hey, Eds. What's up?" You asked, smiling as he fixed his jacket.
"Eh, nothing much. Thought I'd come see what you're up to," he answered, his gaze quickly falling to the giant pile of polaroids in front of you. "Woah, what are you up to?"
You giggled as he sat down next to you on your bed, making sure to take his shoes off before bringing his legs up.
"I'm clearing out my polaroids. My box was getting full," you replied.
"But they're all memories! You can't get rid of them!" He said, picking up a random polaroid. It wasn't well developed, but you could make out you and Eddie in cliche ghost-sheet costumes. You two wore those stupid sheets to sneak into a Halloween party neither of you were invited to, and it surprisingly worked.
You took the polaroid and put it back in the box with the rest you were keeping, the box nearly halfway full. "I gotta figure something out then."
You got back to work, ignoring the way Eddie's eyes stayed on you. You could feel his gaze on you, then quickly go away. You weren't bothered that he would look at you when you weren't looking at him, in fact, you wanted it. You liked it and how it left butterflies in your stomach and you face warm.
Eddie looked over the pile, a photo strip standing out to him. He picked it up and held it closer, quickly realizing where and when it was taken. It was late August and the state fair was in town. There was a photo booth with a huge line, but you wanted to get a picture with Eddie regardless of the wait time. You two stood in line with your greasy fried food and cotton candy, and when you finished it, it was your turn.
You and Eddie had to squeeze inside the tight booth, but you two made it work. You slipped the five dollars in and you both laughed as you tried to come up with different poses. The last picture on the strip had you smiling so wide, Eddie was sure your cheeks were hurting afterwards. In the picture, he saw himself looking at you with the most lovesick gaze he'd even seen.
Was he always that obvious?
"Can you picture it?" He asked out of the blue. "You and I together?"
You giggled. "We are together-"
"No, I mean like, together together."
You both set the pictures you had in your hands down and looked at each other. You could see the pink on his cheeks and you could feel your own cheeks heating up. You smiled at him, the same smile you had in that photo booth.
"Well, then I guess I'll have to get another box for polaroids of us," you answered.
Eddie reached out and cupped your cheeks, smashing his lips to yours. You were both giggling and the kiss was messy, but it was good. It was quick, too, the two of you pulling away with huge smiles on your faces.
"Oh, wait!" You quickly said, an idea popping into you head. You pushed yourself from you bed and hurried to your desk. You grabbed your polaroid camera, checking the film inside as you made your way back to Eddie on your bed.
You sat next to him and handed him your camera. "Here, hold it out and aim it at us."
"Whatever you say sweetheart," he replied, a smile still on his face as he did as you said.
You wrapped your arms around him and right before he hit the button to take the picture, you pressed your lips to his cheek. A quick flash happened, then you pulled away. Eddie handed the camera back to you and you both waited for the picture to print and develop.
When it did, it was perfect. Eddie's big, boyish smile and you giving you a smiling kiss on the cheek.
"I think this is my new favorite picture," you said.
"I think it's mine, too, sweetheart."
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eunoias-blog0 · 2 years
Found yourself a friend; Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Bad angst? idk bad fanfic
A/N: Uh this is not my first time writing fanfic but it's the first time Im posting it so pls be nice I am very fragile 
Word count: 1.4k 
Wednesday had never meant for it to get this complicated, but unfortunately you had bigger plans, seeming as she was standing in your room, eyes red rimmed from crying.
You had been the new student at Nevermore along with Wednesday, you and her being the exceptions as both of your mothers had been close with Principle Weems during their time at Nevermore. 
You immediately felt drawn to her, hanging around with her and Enid almost everyday, and sometime after the Poe Cup, you had developed a crush on her.  You had to tell Enid almost right away, after you found her reading your journal (which you swore was not a diary), forcing you to confess your feelings for Wednesday. 
"I can't believe I didn't see it! I mean, you, anxious, bumbling, clumsy-" 
"Sorry! Sorry. But I mean you, clumsy and always causing problems, and Wednesday, perfectly calm and collected? It makes perfect sense! How could I be so blind?"  She had scolded herself before ushering you to tell her all about how you felt. 
"What is it you like about her, though? I know I said it was obvious, but you're so….not-Wednesday-y." Enid looked at you confused.
"I don- I don't know, okay? I just- She's so smart and she always has a solution, and she's so, so beautiful it makes me want to change my name and move countries!" You babbled. In your eyes Wednesday was perfect, and nothing would change that. 
After that, Enid was constantly trying to get you two alone together, which rarely worked. 
"Guys! I just got a text from Yoko, she said it's an emergency, I gotta go!" Enid scrambled, collecting her jacket and shoes. You glared at her, aware of her plan. 
"If Yoko is in trouble, we should all go. Who knows what you'll do if you're alone." Wednesday pointed out coldly. You nodded briskly and began collecting your own things from the floor. Enid pouted and sighed.
Though you had been trying to conceal your crush, you couldn't help but become more physically affectionate with Wednesday, occasionally brushing your hand against hers while walking to class, or leaning in closer to her when talking about her research on The Hyde. 
She had brushed it off with a cold glare, pulling away from you to continue speaking. Though you continued your advances. Until one day, it became too much. 
You were walking with her around the school grounds during lunch, brushing your hand off hers and bumping into her playfully as you talked about your day to her, her head buried in an old book she found in the library, containing information on The Hyde. 
"Enough! I am sick and tired of you throwing yourself at me every chance you get, Y/n. We are not friends. And I do not like you. Now kindly leave me alone and never speak to me ever again or I will rip apart every single thing you own." She threatened, her eyes were hard and cold, full of anger. 
You stood there silently, unable to register the words spoken to you properly as you avoided Wednesdays' piercing gaze. You sniffed, tears welling in your eyes as your body shook.
You looked at Wednesday with tearful eyes and nodded, not seeing the regret on her face through your tears. You turned on your heel and rushed back to your dorm, covering your face as everyone stared at you and Wednesday. 
You found refuge in you and Bianca's dorm, sitting on your bed crying as a group of girls comforted you.
"Honestly, Y/n, she's not worth it!" Yoko tried consulting you as the other girls nodded. 
"I knew that girl was trouble the second she walked in, always stringing people along only to break their hearts." Bianca spat, her hatred for Wednesday growing more by the second. 
Enid kept quiet, not wanting to speak bad about her roommate, though she was furious with her. 
Knock Knock. 
All eyes turned to the door. 
"It better not be her!" One of the girls, Tazmina, cried. 
"I'll get it." You mumbled, rising from the bed and drying your eyes with your sleeve. The girls watched in silence as you made your way to the door, turning the handle and peaking outside. 
And there stood Wednesday, her eyes red from crying, her hair ruffled and untidy, holding a bunch of deep red roses.
After you had run off, Wednesday found herself doing the same, running up to her and Enid's dorm, ignoring the blazing stare of her peers.
She flung open the door and crashed onto her bed, ignoring Things' frazzled tapping. 
In the silence of her room, with only herself to blame for her mistake, Wednesday allowed herself to cry.
Sobs wracked her body as she shook, unable to keep her feelings inside. All the regret and guilt coming out in tears and heaves. She felt utterly and truly sick. 
She sat on her bed as she explained her situation to Thing, who scolded her thoroughly. She took out her journal from its hiding spot, flipping through the pages, all of them containing your name. She stopped at some of the entries. 
Dearest Journal,
Today has been truly awful. I caught sight of Y/n and Bianca hanging out again. Does Y/n like her?  Why did she laugh so much? She never laughs that much around me. I fear I am scaring her off. She looked devastatingly gorgeous today. Her h/c hair looked so shiny and perfect, I felt like a pathetic school girl with a crush on her teacher. 
Dearest Journal, 
Y/n's hand brushed off mine again. I only wish I had the confidence to hold it. I wonder at night what it must feel like, would she like the feeling of my own hand in hers? Her skin looks so soft, she looks so soft, I just want to wrap my arms around her and never, ever let go. 
Dearest Journal, 
I almost confessed to Y/n today. She just looked so horribly beautiful, her face does the cutest thing when she's focused, she looks like a kitten. My feelings disgust me, and yet I cannot get them to leave. 
Wednesday closed the leather journal and made up her mind. 
She told her plan to Thing, who seemed incredibly enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. 
"You've been hanging around with Enid too much these days." She muttered.
Sneaking down into Ms. Thornhills' room, Wednesday picked up the bouquet of red roses that stood idle in a green vase on Ms. Thornhills' desk. 
She inspected the roses for a moment before making her way to the dorm she knew to be yours and Bianca's. 
Knocking on the door, the words left her when she saw it was you who opened the door. 
Your mouth gaped open at the sight of Wednesday, who looked at you just as lost. 
"I…May I speak to you privately?" She asked politely, unable to meet your eyes. 
Though every instinct told you no, you nodded and waved at the girls, telling them you would be back in a moment. Bianca and Yoko glared at Wednesday, though Enid could hardly contain her grin. 
The two of you walked in complete silence, stopping at the Edgar Allen Poe statue that was tucked away in a small passage. 
Wednesday looked away from you and handed you the roses. 
"I want- I-" Wednesday stuttered, taking a deep breath before looking into your eyes. 
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I…should not have said those things. And I did not mean them." You gave her a look, confused but needing to know where she was going with it. 
"To be completely truthful with you, I….seem to have developed feelings for you. Romantic ones. Though I know you could never be with somebody as cold and uncaring as me, these feelings have been chewing my brain for what feels like years even though I have only known you for a series of weeks. I understand if you do not feel the same way-" 
Wednesday was cut off as you pulled her into a kiss, your lips slotting together like a perfect puzzle, as though they were made for eachother.
Her hands rested on your waist as yours were grasping the base of her neck.
"I like you too Wednesday, a lot. And I forgive you." You murmured as you rested your forehead on hers, smiling softly at her sigh of relief. 
"Ahem-" A cough came from behind the two of you. You and Wednesday turned your heads to see Ms. Thornhill standing there, a barely concealed grin on her face. 
"I see you've found a friend after all, Wednesday." Your face turned red and you hid your blushing face in the crook of Wednesdays' neck, groaning in embarrassment. Wednesday smirked slightly. 
"Girlfriend, actually." 
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Do you have any adorable headcanons for Logan and Keegan? If you do I’d love to hear all about them!!!!
I literally think about them everyday so yeh.
Things were always very tense between them since the first meeting they had in the woods. (Tfw you've just been attacked and almost mauled to death by wolves so you look a mess but there is a cute mysterious guy who your dog seems to like so now you just gotta tap that ass.) (Tfw you just watched your teammate body slam an honest-to-god wolf and there is this rugged but cute guy staring at you real hard and also he has a cute dog so now you just gotta tap that ass.)
They actually get along rather quickly. Keegan's a private kinda guy and usually it takes a while for him to open up, but Logan was real quiet so he just had to fill the silence somehow. (He wouldn't mind sitting in silence but Logan also just s t a r e s at people in a way that urges them to speak. He doesn't do it on purpose.)
I can't actually see them having enough time to develop a solid romance, but definitely a quickly budding one, before Logan is abducted. (There's like two months between Brave New World and The Ghost Killer. When Logan+Hesh join the Ghosts to when Logan is abducted.) However, once Logan returns I can see a LOT of tension. Neither of them can really decide between killing each other or screwing. (Good lord, if Keegan gets captured and Logan gets to interrogate him it's gonna be like three degrees from a BDSM scene. /J)
Keegan keeps a photo of Logan on him all the time. He hides it, cus he kinda embarrassed about it? (Private man, again.) But he always has it. Keeps it in a waterproof baggie tucked inside his vest/jacket so it stays as safe as possible. If the above mentioned interrogation happens, then Logan is likely to find it, at which point he's gonna have some decisions to make.
Onto the less plot-thick headcanons now lmao.
Logan is a touch shorter than Keegan, so you might think he's the teddy bear, but no. It's Keegan. The man needs to be compressed like he is a panini or he gets fussy. (Cuddle fiend Hc go brrrr.)
On the topic of cuddling, Keegan sleeps really well when they're together. He just thought he was the kind of person to never really sleep well, but no. He just needed a cuddle-buddy. The fastest way Logan's figured out to get him to sleep is by having Keegan lay his head on his chest while he scratches/pets his head and hums. Motherfucker is OUT like three minutes in. Sleeping Beauty over here.
On princesses! Keegan fucking adores pet names. Not him using them on others, but others using them on him. Melts anytime Logan uses one. Honey, Dear, Love, and yes: Princess. Gets him every time. (Logan verbally saying them is an extra treat, due to the selective mutism thing.)
Keegan learned ASL before even meeting Logan because there was a Ghost before him who was also a touch non-verbal, which Logan is incredibly pleased to find out. Another reason they make quick friends and then more.
Date nights are rare because they're usually busy, but when they do get a chance they like to take it slow. Their life is chaotic enough, they don't need an amusement park to spice anything up. They're more prone to chiller activities, like takeout and a movie at home.
Regularly fight over little things, but not like legit fights. It's more like "I think orange juice is better than apple juice." "No it's not." "Well, I like it better." "You shouldn't." just because they find it amusing to mess with each other.
No pranks. Ever. Never. Neither of them can stand surprises.
Logan is a dog person, and Keegan is a cat person. This results in a compromise: They get a dog. (Logan used so many pet names to coax Keegan into it.)
Regularly beat the shit out of each other. (Play fighting. Logan has broken the bed before body-slamming Keegan on it though.)
Logan listens to music at un goldy volumes and Keegan just has to deal with it. (He has noise cancelling headphones, dw. Baby is okay.)
That's all I got for now!
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lmelodie · 2 years
For the ask meme, Sibling for Killians and Secret for the character of your choice
So far, the night of casual fun between the four had brought them onto the subject of dating life. A thirty-year-old Lucy, along with Jack, Killian and Chimera had started going around the circle with strange and entertaining dating stories between drinks. And Jack just had to steer the conversation to himself, yet again.
“And that's how I ended up, making nachos with Kathrine Hepburn,” he punctuated the sentence with another sip of whiskey.
The self-aggrandizing story led to unimpressed groans from the other three. Finishing off her drink, Chimera developed a malicious grin. A great story idea!
“Listen Luce, I can tell you for certain that this guy's dating reputation is not as glamorous as he's saying it was,” she said, “I got a really good one about him and a past girlfriend.”
Killian perked up from beside Jack in realization, “Are you gonna tell the story I think you're gonna tell?”
“Absolutely I am!”
“Yes! I love this one!”
Both Jack and Lucy could do nothing but look bewildered at the two very excited spirits.
“Well now my interest is piqued. Tell me about another one of the snowman's blunders,” Lucy spoke up as she set down her wine glass on the table.
“Alright so, this one involves a little satyr lady named Clare he was seeing at the time. A pair of handcuffs and the key!”
Once Chimera had laid out the groundwork of the story Jack immediately remembered the situation she was talking about. He quickly jumped into action, slamming his glass down on the table and shooting up from his seat.
“NO NO NO NO! No no no no no no! You can't keep telling this to everyone you know, it was supposed to be a secret!”
“Mera please start spilling! I gotta know why he doesn't want me to know so bad,” Lucy exclaimed.
“No! I do-” Jack was promptly cut off by a collection of shadow magic covering his mouth.
Killian reached one arm up to grab Jacks and to pull him back down into his seat again, “Quiet Frost, I love this story. Go on Mera.”
Both Killian and Lucy were on the edge of their seats when Chimera began. Jack sank lower into his and his face turned a bright red as she went on.
“So, I'm minding my own business, right? I got a fresh vat of acid I'm working on, when I got a crystal ball message from someone I don't know. Says her name is Clare, she’s with Jack right now and that I need to come over ASAP. Weird right? So, I go over there and what do I find the herald of the winter season doing?
The man is half naked, with one wrist handcuffed to the headboard. Clare, over top of him also with one wrist handcuffed.”
It's at this part that Killian is barely clinging onto the vestiges of restraint and is leaning against a very unamused Jack in silent laughter. Lucy’s eyes widen as she puts the pieces together in her head.
“No. No! He didn't!” she gasps.
“He totally did!” Chimera told the rest of the tale through fits of giggles.
“Clare told me that they got as far as putting the cuffs on, without realizing that the key to unlock them was in the guy's suit jacket. In the other room! They had to call me to walk across the house to get it for them.”
If not for the alcohol, the two redheads of the group would’ve tried to control their laughter out of respect for Jack. But tonight, that simply wasn't going to happen, as they both erupted into simultaneous laughter. Jack, still very unimpressed, was shooting Chimera all kinds of dirty looks as she tried to continue. He thought about how he might need to make new friends after this.
“How on earth am I just hearing about this now?” Lucy asked.
“That's not even the best part! After a solid minute on the floor, I went to unlock them, right? GUESS what this man says to me,” Chimera said.
Killian and Lucy were on the tail end of their spiral, when Jack tried and failed to physically leave the conversation before the worst part kicked in.
“I tried to unlock them, and he stopped me and said, ‘I never asked you to do that. Just leave it on the nightstand where I can get to it. Other than that, you're done here’.”
Lucy's eyes widened as she slowly turned her head toward Jack in disbelief. He refused to make eye contact with her, which only confirmed everything she needed to know.
After the briefest of pauses, the three of the friends went into another laughing fit. It was at this point that the enchantment on Jack’s mouth disappeared, and he could finally talk again.
“I thought you were my friend! What the actual hell Mera!”
In the midst of his humiliation Jack was left to try and stir up an equally embarrassing story about Chimera, or anyone else really, for a taste of their own medicine.
The disheveled looking spirit of fear made his way into the garden swiftly and silently. Long strides on the overgrown stone pathway made it difficult for Vic to linger anywhere for too long.
He knew that if he kept up the pace, they would be too scared to be left alone anywhere in Mother Nature's garden.  And would be forced to stick close to him.
Stopping just before the large open pavilion, he stepped off the stone path and leaned against a large tree with his back to the structure. With his arms crossed he could hear the idle chatter of the other legates in the distance.
Around him the dappled light of the canopies he could feel the shadows moving around him. And he could feel Vic moving around in them, very close by.
“I know you didn't bail. Come on out,” he said quietly, just above a whisper.
The shadow of the tree he stood under rippled and darkened, with a red glow emanating from an emerging figure. The shadows dissolved off of the tiny stature that was his own legate. A very tiny goblin child, no older than 14. Their face obscured by a delicate porcelain mask.
“They’re not going to bite ya know,” the boogeyman said.
Vic responded in a soft voice, “The rabbit might...”
Killian paused for a moment before continuing, “Ya know what I’ll give you that one. That kid is a wild card. But you still have to go. You even cut your hair for this and everything.”
The man ruffled the mess of shaggy black hair on the kids head before taking a seat on the grass. Vic shuffled over to the edge of the trunk to try and get a peek at the meeting.
At this point he’s known Vic for years, considers them his own sibling in a way. And by now he is very used to the whole song and dance of their social anxiety and various other phobias. Exceptionally gifted in shadow magic, but just very afraid of a lot of things.
“They’re not gonna like me.”
“Oh yeah? And why is that?”
Vic sat down next to Killian, crossing their legs in the same manner as he had his, “Nobody does. Nobody likes the boogeyman.”
“That has some truth in it,” Killian reaches over to put a reassuring hand on Vic’s shoulder.
“The job has always been a little misunderstood. But these people are gonna be the ones to really understand that it is just a job. These people, out of everyone else, know how to separate the work life and the person attached to it. They're not as judgmental or violent as you think.”
Vics posture relaxes ever so slightly, as an exhale tries to escape through the mask. Through the anxiety ridden thoughts, they knew that Killian was ultimately right. Hopefully.
Sensing the lingering doubt in the legate, the shadow spirit decided to add one last bit of incentive. Just to push the kid over the edge.
“Aaaand if you do go, and you don't freak out too much, there might be a time slot later to go to the black market.”
He couldn't see it, but he could practically feel the wondrous smile behind the white porcelain.
Killian smiled back down at them, “Maybe. If you actually talk to someone there."
“I’ll go to the meeting. But that's all I can promise you," Vic said standing back up.
“Well, the meeting is mandatory either way. You might be overestimating your decision-making power here.”
In one swift motion, Killian grabbed Vics ankles and stood back up with the legate hanging upside down. Their laugh was still quiet but much louder than their previous whisper. And their laughter in amusement only continued as he started shaking them midair for good measure. The goblin half-heartedly tried kicking themselves free but to no avail.
After a few more good earthquake imitations, Killian set his legate back down on the ground, and sent them on their way to the meeting.
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cderiva · 1 month
——----------— RIZ NASSER —-—----—-—
status: active, asks welcome, open for platonic and romantic dynamics
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development / inside his brain / visuals / memery
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FULL NAME:    Riz Fahmi AGE: verse dependent - anywhere from teens - 30s DATE OF BIRTH: HAIR/EYE COLOUR:  dark brown / dark green OCCUPATION:   Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer INTRO: Twin. Honestly? An arrogant son of a bitch ( thinks not being so is a waste of time and just allows people to walk all over you ). Loves putting people on the spot - thinks it's funny. Confident to a fault. Speaks five languages ( japanese, arabic, english, greek, italian, armenian ). Was presumed dead at some point and weirdly takes pride in it. Grew up extremely well-off and well-connected but now his family is low-key broke. Has always been an adventurous and independent kid, always very sure of himself, and never minded spending time away from his family. Was considered the twin that didn't take anything seriously, but is now the twin that takes care of everything because his brother had a mental breakdown. Has extremely good memory and is a very fast reader. Surprisingly to many, still good friends with most of his exs.
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Dexterity 6/10 Stamina 9/10 Wits 7/10 Pain tolerance 8/10 Precision 7/10 Creativity 6/10 Initiative 9/10 Strength 8/10 Recovery 8/10 Speed 7/10 Teamwork 510 Perception 7/10
Cursed technique :
wears bright colours, and patterns like he doesn’t give a fuck (and he doesn’t).
big fan of leather jackets
has a huge collection of sunglasses
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GENERALLY:  "you gotta walk into the room like god sent you" vibes, but is also surprisingly easy going and casual given his massive ego. he's genuinely very confident (perhaps overly so), a bit of a smartass, likes to know he's the smartest person in the room.
WHEN SAD:  finds sadness unproductive but sometimes you can't rationalize yourself out of sadness and if he finds that he can't snap out of it, he'll work out a lot a lot more than usual.
WHEN ANGRY: absolutely vicious and vindictive.
MINOR GOALS/AMBITIONS/DESIRES: he's a simple man: travel a lot, eat a lot, fuck a lot, read a lot, make a lot of money, get married, die old and happy.
ACHILLES HEEL: being challenged, he seldom can walk away from them, and feeling like his ego has been bruised.
FEARS / PHOBIAS:  deep waterl // does not vibe with swimming in general // failing to live up to his own ideals //
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Early years
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watched a lot of indiana jones and wanted to be an archeologist when he was a kid
0 notes
Dispatches from GDC 2024 Day 1
Oh boy! Baby's first GDC! A short hike through beautiful San Francisco and I'm there, one of the greatest gatherings of designers, developers, engineers, and business experts in the games industry this side of the Pacific Ocean. I'm among my people, the next chapter of my professional life is about to begin.
Wait, no. This is still Yerba Buena Gardens and market center. I go out to the sky bridge and look out to my right, I can see the banners on the posts and people moving but where's ...?
That's Moscone* Center, in the opposite direction I was looking. It's a huge building, and that's just the South Hall. After collecting my badge (thank you to Valencia, who was working the booth) I am compelled to wander. I arrived too late in the morning to attend the 9:30AM sessions, I'm stuck in conference limbo until I can figure out where I want to be and when I want to be there. This must be why people plan their schedules out ahead of time.
Fast forward to 2:40PM and I'm finally attending my first session of my first GDC, "The Strange Within The Familiar How Once Human Designed Its Supernatural Open World" w/ presenter Peng "Victoria" Sun, here on behalf of Netease Games and Starry Studio. Once Human is an open world shooter, they're planning for a Q3 2024 release. Seems kind of strange to have a presentation on a game that doesn't have a release date yet, but hey: what do I know? Peng Sun's thesis is combining a mundane object with a supernatural quality is a good formula for producing content. Once Human originally had zombies as an entry level critter for players to take shots at, which Peng concedes is underwhelming. But give that zombie a theater spotlight for a head and suddenly we have the watcher. The monsters are really lovely, there's an undead plane that flaps its wings like a bird, there's a haunted bus that walks on big, ghoulish arms. I can't help but feel like this was an extended advertisement for the game, but who can blame them. Everybody's gotta make a buck.
Okay next talk, "Digital Thriving in a Post-Pandemic World: A Pro-Social Blueprint"; moderator Matt Lee, panelists Charly Harbord, PhD; Elizabeth Kilmer, PhD; Tim Nixon, not a PhD but I don't hold that against you Tim; Attila Szantner, who I'm pretty sure has a doctorate; and Kimberly Voll, who is also a Dr.. I wonder if they offer college credit for attending this session. Digital thriving is an important idea, facilitating virtual spaces where people can be their full, authentic selves. Dr. Kilmer points out this perspective on games as virtual habitats is great because instead of a bare minimum (well no one got death threats on our server this week so I call that a win!) it's a most positive outcome approach** to developing social games. What if we designed worlds that could help people be there best selves?
It's a great panel of very smart people, but eventually time is up. After an hour of talking about ways to make your game space a welcoming environment for everyone it's time for the post-talk off site. And what better social space than Tequila Mockingbird, a local bar.
I walk out of South Hall for the last time that day, torn between whether to go get drunk with GDC or head back to the hotel. The sun is going down, it's getting chilly, and I didn't pack a jacket. I do a web search for "flip a coin" and let google tell whether I should "Heads" back to the hotel or listen to more "Tails" at a tequila bar. The website tells me it's heads, so I start making the trek homeward. I don't really want to be out after dark.
Footnotes (feetnotes? anyway)
1 The "e" at the end is phonetic, you say it aloud
2 "Most positive outcome approach" is my phrasing, not Dr. Kilmer's. I think she put it much more eloquently.
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eorzean-capitalist · 6 months
Ugh, character voices. I remember I struggled a bit with Vinnie and Jimmy's voices in the first book. But, eventually they got under my skin and developed into what they are now.
Now I'm struggling with KC. Who the hell is he? What's his voice?
Also a bit with Jere, though he's not a POV character in this novel. He's Jimmy's spiritual guide character to realizing his flaw and ultimately overcoming it.
Vinnie is a street tough brawler with a mouth that'd make a sailor blush. Jimmy is a sweet, shy guy who's used to being abused by others.
Jere is the only one with a semi stable home life, his father abandoning the family when he was 11, but his mother was a powerhouse single mother, working 3 jobs to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.
KC... rich kid from, North Centre. While he's got his issues, he never had to struggle for basic needs like his bandmates have. He didn't grow up poor. His father is CFO of a major corporation with its HQ in downtown Chicago. His mother? Absent. She left when he was 9, deciding her life was boring and she wanted to go have her life with jet setting, wealthy friends in Europe. He rarely sees or hears from her. Sometimes she remembers his birthday and calls.
His father's version of love is to just give KC things to placate him. The only person in KC's life with any sort of emotional attachment is the housekeeper, Gladys. And even she's a sort of "cool" character. She's not a nurturer really. She just makes sure KC wears a jacket when it's cold out, and has his lunch packed for school.
KC acts up to get his father's attention. Setting the rectory on fire and getting kicked out of Catholic school. Minor infractions, skirting the law. Getting held back a grade cause he'd rather be out partying with friends than worrying about homework or school projects. Underaged drinking. Mild drug use. Occasional vandalism.
He's a bit of a brat, which lasts well into adulthood. Rich kid, daddy's money always buys him out of trouble. So he never stops to think about his bandmates, how getting them into trouble with him can hurt them. And tends to gloss over their issues because he's never been in their shoes, doesn't understand what it's like to grow up in poverty.
But he's also absolutely charming in his own right. He knows how to fast talk someone, how to work his way in, how to network with other people. He has a confidence that gets him in doors to clubs he shouldn't be allowed to set foot in. Reels in women. Gets the band gigs and shows.
He does things because he gets bored. But now he's addicted to a drug called Elektra, and getting sober is gd hard.
Of course, the whole reason he's where he is, is his gd daddy issues. The need for attention and stimulation and something to ease his boredom. So he can't just get sober... he has to deal with the root problem.
And then there's Keith, the spiritual guide and I gotta develop him next.
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writer problems.
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infoglitch · 1 year
Nexus: ogre slayer [2/1]
(should have been a long time since I uploaded the next season of my creation. Hope you all don't mind but season 2 is kind of short)
[Season 2] "New day, new foes"
5 months have passed since the attack on inari festival. Some new developments have occurred.
We see Johnson exit HQ and see rilla. He smiled and went up to her. "You ready for date 2?" Johnson asked as rilla noded and they got on to Johnsons hover bike and drove off.
We then see lucius wearing a gray jacket zipped and having on black jeans. We then see Xander wearing a white trench coat unbuttoned with its own hood. He had dark blue jeans which had mint green highlights running through.
Lucius was carrying food to bring in for blossom while Xander was training. Everything was calm. As it should be.
But then our vision changes that of a bus entering the city. As three girls got off the bus we see one of them having dark green hair another having vibrant red hair that faded to a pink and another having brown hair with faded blue highlights running throughout it.
"C'mon frosty we're on a tight schedule I got to check in on my baby bro" the red haired one said as tapped her foot Impatiently. "Isn't he older than you Cherry?" The green haired one said.
Cherry looked at her friend. "Technically yes but I still consider him my baby bro. And besides aren't you here to meet someone as well who was it again your online boyfriend you met on tinder?" Cherry said smugly. The green haired one sighed in frustration then finally the brunette of the three finally got off the bus carrying a buttload of packages.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to bring all our stuff." The brunette said. "You ready to go frost?" The green haired one said to frost. Frost noded and they walked of to their destination.
Back with rilla and Johnson they were simply eating at T'jo's. Johnson had his cheeseburger and rilla simply drinking a milkshake.
"Those burgers can't be good for you" rilla said. "You're the one to talk you're always slurping down those milkshakes" Johnson said put me out her strawberry milkshake.
They kept talking making jokes just enjoying the moment.
Then a giant claw came through the buildings window smashing the table the two sat at thankfully not hurting either of them.
Johnson directed his eyes to wear the claw came from and saw a massive ogre Komodo. But something wasn't right with it it had this, red mist and white and red lightning coming from its mouth.
Regardless the thing seemed pissed. Johnson grabbed rilla and ran out of TJ's with her but you hopped on to his bike and drove off. "W-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Rilla shouted in terror "it was an ogre beast but it wasn't normal, something must have gotten to it! Look I gotta get you home." Johnson answered as he looked back to see the Beast getting further and further away from them.
Johnson turned around to keep his eyes on the road. As they drove off they could still hear their hearts beating rapidly. Then a giant black mass landed in the road in front of them causing them to halt.
Then the Black Mass revealed itself to be a figure by standing up with its mask covering its face but it's blonde hair still being observable.
"Red...." The being said. Johnson felt himself shake in utter terror.
Who the hell is this?!
Johnson stood up and got into a boxing position since he didn't have gante on him right now but his physical capacity should be enough to deal with this guy.
"rilla I need you to drive. RIGHT NOW" Johnson said as he looked at rilla who noded at him and drove off.
The figure in front of Johnson faced him as he stepped out of the crater his very footstep shaking the Earth beneath him.
"Alright crater face. You want these hands? fine, let's throw them" Johnson said as the figures Mass became more defined as the smoke surrounding him dissipated revealing that his mask resembles that of a combination of an ogre bore plus a demonic face.
"Tell me child what is your name" the man spoke in a deep demanding tone. "My name... Is Johnson red" Johnson spoke.
The Man's masks eye sockets glowed red as a black flame engulfed itself around the man's fist. "Good I made it just in time. So are you ready to die child?" The man said.
Johnson could feel his soul quake. Normally whenever someone said they're going to kill somebody it was usually a bluff but this, this was no bluff.
Johnson nodded. The man then hunched over as another black flame engulfed his other hand. Then in a split second the man bolted towards Johnson slugging him in the gut.
Johnson was sent back flying into a building while a trail of black flames followed. After he hit the wall and broke through it he was on the floor groaning in pain clutching his stomach. It was like a tiny comet hit him in the gut at full force to that of an asteroid.
He should be dead. But for some reason a force of will compelled him to live. Johnson slowly stood up as the man that attacked him made his way to him Johnson could feel himself about to shit his pants.
After a while Johnson noticed that the man in front of hims mask mouth was actually opened revealing his actual mouth and just by looking at it and his eyes. It was very much similar to Johnson's but for some reason the face was much more Fuller.
Then as Johnson prepared to punch the man, the masked figure slugged him in the face sending him into the ground. He could feel his nose break.
Johnson felt his will to fight slowly leave his body but the Man simply stood there as he raised Johnson by his face and started slamming him into the ground Johnson's face hitting it over and over and over and over and over again.
Then johnson heard lucius's voice shout "GOD SPEED". As we see purple electricity come out of nowhere with it transforming into lucius who then kicked the masked man but the kick barely sent the man backwards as he then regained his footing and looked at Lucius who was helping Johnson up as Xander then arrived.
"Who the hell is that?!" Xander said as lucius helped Johnson to his feet, he then handed him gante. "No idea. He just showed up" Johnson said as he coughed up blood. Johnson Lucius and Xander all pulled out their weapons and got into fighting stances. If they even had the chance of landing a single hit on him then maybe, maybe they could survive this.
The man then brought his hands together and cracked his knuckles making a distinct sound. CRRACKK. As black flames surrounded his hands again he then bolted towards Xander slugging him in the face sending him into the wall thankfully it appeared that the man was holding back the power of it. He then sluged lucius in the stomach.
Lucius quickly fell to his knees as all that was left was now the man and Johnson. Blood leaked from Johnson's nose and his face had multiple bumps and bruises. He readied gante.
The man stared at Johnson then the black flames disappeared. "You're just as pathetic as I was. Killing you now would be a waste of potential so mark my words children the next time we meet you won't die but you better be prepared." The man said as his entire being was engulfed in Black flames as he then disappeared.
Johnson then sat down his eyes wide as he just processed everything he had just experienced in that exact moment. He could take down Lucius, he could take could take down Xander. He was going to kill all of them.
Johnson Lucius and Xander all just lay there as ambulances could be heard. Eventually they all arrived in the infirmary Xander and Lucius suffering non-lethal damage. But Johnson had a broken nose. He had internal bleeding and everything else that received less of a beat down had bruises covering them.
And one word was burned into Johnson's mind. "Nemesis".
We see Johnson sitting in his apartment. Five days had passed after that beat down.
He lifted his hand to his face then a flash of the fist that man threw at him.
He would be dead if that man went through with his threat. He then heard knocking. He got up and opened the door to reveal Xander and lucius. Johnson looked at them,"what is it" he said. "You ready for getting back to action" Xander asked. Johnson looked at him then slowly noded. Even if he got a ass whooping he needed to get stronger.
We fast forward to Johnson blocking a attack from lucius training bow staff with his own. He tried pushing back against lucius unending force but then he heard footsteps he looked back and saw Xander heading towards them with his staff. Johnsons mind then sparked with a idea.
He fell back dodging Xanders attack which sent lucius staggering backwards. Xander then looked down and Johnson kicked him in the chest knocking him over. Xander fell flat on his back and Johnson got up and managed to dodge one of lucius attacks.
He then got behind lucius and pushed his staff into lucius back knocking him forwards on top of Xander. Johnson twirled his staff and pointed it at the two. "Victory for me-e-e" Johnson sang confident.
Good to see his confidence returned. Then an alert rang out the training hall. "Red alert ogre dragon sited. Head to central district!" A mechanical voice said through the intercoms.
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
This is gonna be the start of my YamaShira riot <3
- No clue how these mfs got together but they did
- Yamamoto's charms are just too good 😩
- That's what he likes to say anyway
- They kept their relationship a secret for quiet a long time 👀
- Nekoma's pretty chill but Yamamoto would be drowned in the slight teasing from the third years
- Shiratorizawa would declare a whole war
- No one's good enough for their setter 😤‼️
- So they decided that maybe they should keep quiet
- Not including Fukunaga and Taichi because they're just them, they have to know
- Taichi's highly amused. Fukunaga's just really damn surprised.
- Insert a random practice match with Nekoma and Shiratorizawa 👏👏👏👏👏
- Yamamoto and Shirabu eye each other down the whole match
- Tendō gets suspicious 🤨
- "You got beef with Nekoma's ace, Kenjirō?" "Wth? No? Why would I have anything to do with him?"
- Newsflash, he has a lot to do with Nekoma's ace actually
- Goshiki's a little fired up rn ngl. Is this weird man messing with his setter? 🤨 Cuz only he and his team can do that
- "I bet I'm a better ace than him Shirabu 😤 I'll show him." "You'll just make him look even better 😮‍💨."
- Goshiki tried 🥲
- The intense staring continues 👁👁
- Taichi wants to laugh
- After the match Yamamoto decides that he needs to take the chance to talk to his gorgeous boyfriend even if no one knows he's his gorgeous boyfriend because seeing each other is hard :(
- "Hi Kenjirō! :D" "Taketora."
- Shiratorizawa and Nekoma are very much looking like 🤨🤨🤨
- Taichi and Fukunaga: 🤭
- They go on to engage in a conversation after just casually being on first name basis, meanwhile their teams full on just thought they developed a distaste for each other in the matter of a few hours.
- This dude doesn't really seem like the type Shirabu would wanna hang out with willingly
- Ushijima decides to drag Shirabu away for a minute
- "I appreciate that you are trying to get along with the others who will also be taking the role of captain next year, but you don't have to force yourself." "Ushijima, I'm not forcing anything."
- Ushijima himself is confused now 😃
- "I wasn't aware that you spent your time with people like him."
- Shirabu looked slightly annoyed at this and Ushijima has never really had Shirabu annoyed at him. (Well he has but he wasn't aware of it. Shirabu was good at keeping things under wraps.)
- "Well I do. 😐"
- Shirabu goes back to spending the time he has with his secret boyfriend and Ushijima just kinda shrugs and goes on to discuss captain stuff with Kuroo
- Once it's time to go Yamamoto and Shirabu are feelings very :(
- They gotta say bye 😪
- They wanna hug each other, they wanna kiss, but they CAN'T 😤
- Well they can they just don't want the team to be there to witness that
- But I wouldn't be writing this if something juicy didn't happen 🙄💅
- They gotta say bye to each other like they're homies or sum
- So Shirabu, being the actor he is just goes, "Bye, see you later man."
- Yamamoto's not built like him tho 💀
- "Ok, bye Kenjirō. I love you."
- He does what now 😃
- Everyone stops dead in their tracks and Taichi almost falls over. He is DYING. This is embarrassing for him.
- Shirabu immediately covers his face. Yamamoto stands there in defeat. The teams lose their shit.
- Tendō, Yamagata, and Goshiki are harassing Shirabu, Taichi and Fukunaga are dying on the inside, Ushijima, Reon, and Kai are utterly shocked, and Semi, Kuroo, and Yaku are just like "That little fuck has a boyfriend?"
- Kenma doesn't give two shits but then again when does he
- Shirabu just shakes his head and goes over to Yamamoto.
- Yamamoto is scared that his boyfriend is going to be mad at him 😪
- All that fear is quickly squashed when Shirabu kisses him and tells him that he loves him too <3
- Omg, coincidently, it's raining outside 😱 how'd that happen?
- Yamamoto is quick to give Shirabu his Nekoma jacket which the other wears with absolute PRIDE 🙄💅 (like the king he is)
- Yamamoto is quick to cup his face
- "You need to come visit me more. Or I'll come visit you! I just wanna see you more, okay!?"
- Shirabu is quick to nod and agree to see him as soon as he can.
- Shirabu walks away to the bus with a bright red face as Yamamoto is yelling at him from the gymnasium doors
- Dw, Yamamoto already told Taichi to take care of Shirabu for him while he's not there so that one's checked off the list too 💀
- The third years (aside from Reon who's trying to stop them) are glaring at Yamamoto all the way back to the bus because, excuse him, who does he think he is dating their kōhai? 🤨
- Yamamoto gets TEASED and also praised??
- It's a mix of "Yamamoto~~ how'd you manage that one?" And "YEAAAHHH TORA!!"
- Shirabu gets questioned like he's committed a crime
- "Who exactly IS he?" "How long have you known each other?" "How long have you been SEEING each other?" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US??"
- "I thought I was your favorite ace. 😐" "Sorry Ushijima. 💀"
- They text each other on Shirabu's way home
- "Miss you already Kenji :(" "Take, I just left."
- Shirabu misses him too! He wouldn't be hugging his jacket so tight around himself if he didn't! 🤧
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disdaidal · 3 years
"I can't feel my legs" and"it's always been you" pretty please?
💖💖💖 It was one of those crazy house parties again, and Tommy and Steve almost had to drag the drunken Billy outside the house. With both of his arms resting on their shoulders, Billy kept stumbling between his friends and slurring something that none of them could really understand. Laughing at his own jokes like a maniac, but that's what sober Billy Hargrove did too.
Smelling like cigarettes, cheap cologne, and some spilled beer and punch, glistening on his bare chest under his worn-out leather jacket. Steve could swear that Billy was allergic to buttoning up his shirt, or wearing one at all. Tommy on the other hand always made sure to praise Billy's form, that he was absolutely ripped and shredded, and kept pleading with him to give him some training tips.
If Steve didn't know any better, he might've even thought that Tommy had developed a little crush on Billy.
Not that Steve himself really minded the shirtless, sweaty Billy for one bit. Or the scent of his cologne, or the fact that Billy was all hot, solid muscle pressed up against him currently, or...
Steve's mind might've gone a little off tracks there. It had been a while since he'd seen any action, and Billy was quite frankly, unapologetically gorgeous.
He didn't know if it was wrong to think that way of another man, particularly one that had become his close friend over the past few months. If it was normal curiosity or just deep admiration. Steve tried not to overthink it either. Pondering that maybe it was just a phase, one to pass.
Though Billy sure didn't make it easy for him sometimes. Being one sexy motherfucker that he was, and a flirty one at that too. Every now and then, Steve literally couldn't tell if the guy was honestly flirting with him or just fucking with him.
The latter was more likely to be the case though. Billy Hargrove wasn't exactly known to be Mr. Nice Guy by anyone that Steve personally knew, and well, sometimes Steve's head was just too big for his own good. Too many hookups in high school, too many games while playing Mr. Popularity.
Steve was just fuckstrated. And Billy was just too hot and too distracting that he even questioned his heterosexuality now. Yeah, that had to be it.
They had finally stopped by Steve's car and tried to get Billy to go in, but Billy kept protesting, insisting that he needed to get back to his own car. His precious Camaro. Couldn't leave his girl out there in the open and risk someone vandalizing it.
Tommy laughed. "You're fucking drunk, man. You can't drive tonight." Billy argued otherwise and would simply refuse to sit in Steve's car. Stubbornly shoving their hands away and then sat on the ground like a huffy little brat. Leaning his back against one of the doors of Steve's car.
Tommy sighed in defeat and looked at Steve expectantly. Steve shook his head in response and sighed as well. "Just go, man. I'll deal with him."
"You sure? Cause I gotta take Carol and her friends back home. They're tired."
Steve nodded vigorously, rubbing the back of his head. He was tired too, just about ready to collapse into his own bed.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Just go."
So Tommy left and Steve was left all alone with a drunk off his ass Billy sitting on the ground like some grumpy toddler about to have a hissy fit, and refusing to move.
Steve let out another sigh. Holding his hand out for Billy. "Come on, you beefcake. Let's get you up. I'm tired."
Billy still shook his head. Crossing his arms over his chest and hung his head down.
"Why not?"
"I can't. I can't feel my legs."
Steve snorted. It sounded more like an excuse because Billy was walking just fine a moment ago. Steve took a step closer to the blonde, still holding his hand out for him. "I'm serious, Billy. It's getting cold out here. We need to get you home."
Billy shook his head again.
Steve let out yet another deep sigh, this time from growing frustration. He was perfectly aware that he was dealing with a drunk person here and that he should've known better, but it still didn't make him feel any less frustrated. He crouched in front of Billy and placed his hand upon his upper arm. Kept searching for his eyes but Billy wasn't looking at him. "Why don't you wanna go home?" Billy started shivering under his touch, his lips trembling as well. "You're freezing. You're gonna catch a cold."
Billy shook his head vigorously then lightly pushed Steve's hands away. His arms quickly finding their way around his knees, and he began to hug them. "It's not... it's not that." His voice had turned shaky as he rested his head upon his knees, rocking himself slowly.
Steve's eyebrows were knitted in deep worry because it sure as hell sounded like Billy was going to cry. It could be just some random, drunken outburst, one that the other man wasn't going to even remember tomorrow. Probably. But Steve wasn't taking any chances.
He sat down on the cold ground beside Billy, sliding close to the other man so their sides were touching. His hand was carefully placed on the small of Billy's back, feeling him begin to tremble under his touch. Steve wasn't hundred percent sure but he could swear that he heard a sob escape Billy's lips. The shivering then intensified.
He kept rubbing small, soothing circles against his friend's back, feeling clueless and unsure what to do. He had never been good at situations like this. Never finding the right words to say, always fucking it up somehow and getting yelled at and then being left behind. Just like it had happened with Nancy.
After her, Steve had begun to feel even more insecure. Less confident about his people skills, more aware of his own faults and mistakes, and freaking out over the smallest things these days.
Of course, fighting the monsters hadn't helped that at all, nor all that fucked up shit going on with the Upside Down and all, but... Steve had gotten better lately.
He had thought that Billy had gotten better as well.
Getting along with Max, still hanging out with Tommy. If Steve got lucky, like today, they would invite him along too. To their house parties and other, secret escapades.
Knowing the two, it could be anything.
A small moment had passed between them then, although Steve had already lost the track of time, completely lost in his thoughts while attempting to offer comfort to Billy. Rubbing his back gently, glued to his side, hoping to keep him warm and that his closeness would help because Steve had no calming words to offer. Nothing that would really help.
"It's always been you." Steve turned his head, distracted from his thoughts. Staring at Billy with a frown; his hand stopped on Billy's back.
"Me? What do you mean?"
Billy scoffed. Rubbing his face tiredly. His voice was thick with alcohol, possibly with fatigue as well. "Yeah, you. Not the high school girls. Not Vicki, not Karen. You."
Steve looked even more confused now if that was even possible. Vicki and the high school girls he could understand, but Karen? Karen Wheeler, Nancy's mother, correct? What did Karen have to do with this?
On the other hand, knowing Billy, Steve was sure he didn't even want to know. The less he knew, the better.
He tried searching for Billy's eyes again, leaning closer to get a better look at his face. But the other man didn't budge. Didn't look when Steve looked, like he was suddenly avoiding him.
"I don't follow," Steve mumbled, softly, confused, his voice barely audible. A thought, a growing suspicion, maybe even a sliver of hope had then crossed his mind. But most likely, he was again reading too much into it. Maybe Billy was just bitter about something, the fights from their past or something else, and the alcohol was just giving him a perfect reason to say whatever he wanted to say.
Not that Billy had ever really held back his tongue. He always seemed to speak his mind, whether his opinion was asked or not. Usually, it wasn't. But Billy always gave his opinion anyway. He said aloud what most people thought.
Billy then slowly raised his head from his knees and sniffled, wiping his nose at the back of his sleeve. In another situation, Steve might've grimaced at it. The blonde could be really disgusting sometimes.
Billy then turned his head and looked back at him; his bright blue eyes puffy from crying. Steve was sure that he had never seen Billy so hurt like this. So fragile, so vulnerable. And they used to fight all the time. He was almost tempted to reach out again, touch Billy's face just so he could wipe those tears away.
Like he used to do with Nancy. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
But of course, Billy wasn't a girl. Not some short, slender chick like Nancy was. No, he was all solid muscle, built strong, and almost as tall as Steve. Confident in himself, full of fire. Not a force to be reckoned with if you once crossed the line with him.
Steve couldn't help it though. He bit on his lip and chewed on it nervously, holding himself back so that he wouldn't touch Billy like he used to touch Nancy. So that Billy wouldn't get any second ideas and get furious with him.
But he wasn't prepared for Billy's hand suddenly cupping his jawline and closing the distance between them. Kissing him.
Steve's eyes widened and he completely froze in place. All he could simply focus on at that moment were those cold yet incredibly soft lips pressed upon his own. The light, coarse whiskers tickling against his upper lip. Or the mixture of alcohol, Billy's cologne, and cigarettes filling his nostrils, making him heady. That hand on his jaw holding him in place, almost gently. Those lips unmoving against his, yet still very tempting and intoxicating.
Steve had dreamed of this exact moment. Even more so lately. Just simple daydreams and fantasies. Something to hold onto, something to dream about. Something to... well, fantasize about. In his bed, early in the morning, with one hand down in his underwear.
But just as quick as the kiss had begun, it was over just as soon.
Steve had barely had the time to register what was going on or even blink when Billy was already back on his feet, running away from him. Across the field of grass, towards the dark woods of Hawkins.
Clearly, Billy could feel his legs now. Although he wasn't running anywhere near a straight line.
Steve panicked. "Billy, wait!" Quickly back on his feet too, his ass practically freezing from having sat on the cold ground for far too long, he rushed after the quickly retreating Billy.
The guy could still run, even when he was pissed as a newt. Steve cursed himself, knowing that he needed to start jogging again. Work out more, as he'd noticed himself growing breathless almost too soon lately.
He caught Billy just in time, by the edge of the forest, not wanting to lose him there. Getting hurt or worse, because the monsters could still be out there.
Steve shuddered at the thought as he managed to drag Billy further away from the forest, not wanting to think of demogorgons or demodogs when he had a very drunk and very problematic Billy Hargrove in his arms.
Who would not stop struggling even when Steve had instinctively, protectively wrapped his arms around him, his chest pressed against Billy's back, trying to hush him with a voice that was as gentle as possible. "It's okay, Billy. It's okay."
"It's not okay!" Billy had instantly snapped, his voice choked into hysterical sobs. He was about to have another panic attack and he didn't want it. Not when Steve was here. Not when he was holding Billy and talking to him so gently. "Nothing is okay. I-I shouldn't have... I don't know what came over me... I didn't mean to do that, I swear." Desperately trying to struggle out of Steve's grip, but the brunet was relentless and would not let go. "Let me go, you asshole! My dad's gonna kill me."
But Steve refused to listen to him. Kept hushing Billy and holding him still. Both knowing that Billy was physically stronger and could break free anytime, and physically break Steve too if he wanted to.
Billy didn't want to break him, however. He was hurt and he didn't want Steve to see him like this. Like his father saw him all the time - weak, a pussy, a fag.
But he couldn't bring himself to push Steve away either. Not when Steve kept holding onto him like his life depended on it and nuzzling his cheek against his. Hushing him, like he was a baby, and rocking him gently.
Cradling him into his embrace, like he mattered. Like Billy Hargrove really mattered to him.
Eventually, Billy did calm down. His fight slowly dissipated, his body growing weary and weak, with the tears drying on his cheeks. The sobs still falling from his lips, but slowly quieting down.
There was no more fight left in him, not tonight. He couldn't, not even if he wanted.
If Steve hated him after this, if Steve never wanted to be his friend anymore, then so be it. If Billy had ruined their friendship, then he just had to take it like a man. Just like Neil would always say.
Steve carefully began to loosen his hold around him, as if testing the waters. Wanting to test out if Billy would still run. Only when convinced that the blonde would not repeat it again, Steve finally relaxed and began running his hands over the blonde's arms. Rubbing some warmth back into them because Billy was shivering like a leaf now, and this time, not just from tears.
It was getting colder outside, and the other man was still only wearing a leather jacket over his bare torso.
Steve's gentle motions made Billy instinctively lean back against him, and slowly relax. Only slightly but still enough for Steve to notice. And it made the brunet smile, with satisfaction that he had finally gained Billy's trust and that the other man wasn't going to escape anymore. Not running away again because he was afraid.
Steve slightly squeezed Billy in his arms and nuzzled his nose against the other man's cheek. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, inhaling his wonderful, familiar scent that he'd grown to love so much lately.
"I'm not mad at you, Billy." He confessed after a while, murmuring against his skin, his breath lingering warm across Billy's cheek. He could feel the blonde shiver in his arms again, instinctively rubbing his cold arms again "I'm not mad at you for kissing me, either."
Steve could definitely feel Billy tense now, though not completely frozen, and hear him take one deep, shuddery breath.
Billy slowly turned his head and looked back into Steve's eyes.
His eyes were still so bright and blue, even in dim light, and his dark, perfectly sculpted eyebrows were hiked up high. Their breaths steaming hot in the air - hot, lingering, and wanting, over each other's lips.
Billy watched Steve smile, then carefully followed the movement of his pink tongue, poking out and tracing along with the shape of his lips. Wetting them. Only for Steve to place his hand upon Billy's neck, cupping his jaw gently and brought him in for another kiss.
The feeling of those wet lips against his own, that hand holding him in place and tilting his head slightly for a better angle, Billy's eyelids began to flutter and his stomach swooped.
Almost like it wasn't real at all. Like it wasn't really happening to him.
Like he wasn't just imagining the kiss. And even if he was, Steve wouldn't be there anymore once he'd open his eyes.
He would run away, just like Billy had a moment ago.
But when Billy finally opened his eyes and pulled back from the kiss, Steve was still there. Confused because he'd stopped but then soon smiled at him again. His thumb softly rubbing small patterns against Billy's cheek; his warm breath still hovering over his lips, so tempting and inviting.
"I just wished you had kissed me when you were sober, Billy Hargrove."
Billy felt cold no more. He wanted to kiss more and keep kissing until his lips were swollen - and then kiss some more. He'd wanted to kiss Steve for so long, flirting with him relentlessly. Thinking that Steve would never give up.
Never give into it. Never see him the way that Billy had always seen him.
Maybe he still didn't. Maybe it was all just a game to him - the old King Steve charm, nothing more. It would break Billy's heart for sure. Shatter his heart into millions of pieces.
But he was willing to take that risk. Anything but the pain and loneliness and the lack of affection. Gentle touches, warm lips on him. Smiles that weren't fake; words that weren't empty and meaningless.
Something that really mattered to him and made him feel good.
And with that thought in mind, Billy leaned forward again, kissing Steve back a little bit harder this time. Releasing a small moan deep in his throat when Steve had tilted his head again and added some tongue into the kiss.
Billy definitely wasn't feeling cold anymore. Maybe still a little bit drunk, but there was a different kind of drunkenness growing within him now. Thirst, want, need.
He wanted this and nothing more.
Steve broke off their kiss and let out a soft chuckle. Rubbing his thumb gently against Billy's cheek once again, then his hands down along Billy's arms. Letting out a content, appreciative hum as he felt Billy's muscles ripple under his touch.
"Come on. Let's get you home. You're freezing out here."
All that making out sure had warmed Billy up, more than he'd ever had expected. If Steve was good at something, that was kissing. Really got Billy weak in his knees and wanting for more.
But aside from that, Billy was still feeling chilly too. And beginning to feel the effects of the downturn, something he had always considered worse than being too drunk. Which only seemed to further advance his shivering, as if he was slowly coming from a withdrawal. Or something like that.
"I'm not going back home though. Not just yet. Wasn't lying to you when I said my dad's gonna kill me."
Billy began chewing down the inside of his cheek, his mood gone down almost instantly. He simply wasn't ready to go back to Cherry Lane tonight and face his father's wrath. Taking heavy punches and kicks. Not after he'd just been kissed to heaven and back.
Steve took his hand in his own though, making Billy arch his eyebrow as he glanced at the other man curiously. Steve gave him a soft, reassuring smile as he softly tugged from his wrist.
"Wasn't talking about your home, dummy. I meant mine. Was planning to draw you a nice, warm bath, then make you some hot cocoa. Then tuck you in bed like the good boy you are."
Billy's eyebrow hiked up even higher. Thought Steve was joking or that he had finally lost his mind. But he grabbed took hold of his hand anyway and allowed himself to be led towards the brunet's fancy BMW.
"I hate to be crude but I hope you aren't planning on just "tucking" me into that bed, pretty boy."
Steve chuckled and shook his head in amusement. Playfully squeezing Billy's hand in his own. "Let's just, get you safely there first."
"My hero."
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 15)
"The Coolest!!"
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Colson picks up Casi from her grandmothers. "Where'd you go?" She immediately asks him in the car.
He laughs, appreciating his daughter's bluntness. "I went and had lunch with Mommy. I have a friend named Luna and it was important for them to meet each other." He tells her.
"Friend, Dad?" She asks rolling her eyes. "I heard you and Mommy in the kitchen." She starts snaking her head, singing "You gotta a girrrrrlfriend and you're in loooooove." Teasing her dad.
Colson turns red and starts laughing harder. "Yo. She is too fucking grown!!" He thinks to himself.
"You caught me!!" Still laughing "So, what do you think? You wanna meet her?" He asks her.
"Duh!!" She exclaims cocking her upper lip and looking at him like he's crazy.
Still laughing, he asks "You wanna head to LA today and we'll hang out with her tomorrow?".
"Yup!!" She says bouncing in her seat.
"Aight. Think about what you wanna do tomorrow, ya nut!!!" He tells her, laughing as they pull into the driveway.
Luna's back at Ashley's. It's late, has been a long few days and she's exhausted. She had FaceTimed with Colson after she landed. Him and Casi were on their way back to LA also. They should be landing in another hour. She lays on the bed smoking a bowl and watching Big Mouths, before taking a shower, trying to kill the time. By the time she gets out, Colson has texted that they've landed safely.
"Perfect." She thinks to herself. It's what she'd been waiting for.
Texting back, they make plans for him to pick her up and meet Casi tomorrow. Exchanging good night's and I love yous as Luna climbs into bed.
"Fuck......" Luna thinks to herself. "Should I have gotten her something???" She starts to panic. "What are you gonna give her flowers, you fucking nerd. Chill out, Loons." She tells herself. She misses Colson in bed with her. Too exhausted to worry anymore, she drops into sleep.
"Why are we at Ashley's? I thought her name was Luna." Casi says, side eyeing her dad as they pull up to the house.
"It is. But Luna lives in NY. She's friends with Ashley, so she's staying here while she's in LA.
"Ooooh." She accepts his answer.
Once at the door, Luna greets them with a huge smile. "Hi! You must be Casie. I'm Luna, it's really nice to meet you." She says bending down slightly and extending her hand. Luna's dressed simply in jeans and a white tee. Her blonde hair pulled up loosly.
Casi reaches out to shake Luna's hand. She smiles when she hears Luna's jewelry jingle like music. "Hi. I like your bracelets."
"Thank you." Luna smiles down at the little girl. She looks at Colson still smiling. "Hi." One look. "How are you?" She asks him.
His dick twitches at her look. "I'm great!" He says beaming. "You ready to go? Cas wants to go bowling."
"Really?" Asks Luna turning her gaze to Casi. "Do you like glow bowling?"
Casi looks at her inquisitivly. "What's that?"
"It is when they shut off all the regular lights, and THEN they turn on really cool different colored ones, like red, blue, green. They even have a magic light that makes anything white GLOW." Luna explains. "It's really neat. They play music and everything."
"Lights like at my dad's shows?" Casi asks.
"Exactly!!!" Luna exclaims. "It's like a bowling concert".
"COOOOOOL!!! CAN WE DO THAT???" Casi asks excitedly looking at her dad.
"Uhhhhhh...." Colson looks at Luna slightly confused and slightly like what the fuck.
Luna nods her head, smiling at Casi "We can." She looks at Colson "There's a spot in The Valley that's 24hrs. It's THE BEST place to bowl in the whole world."
"24hr Glow bowling?" Colson asks Luna. "Why am I just finding out about this now???"
"Guess you just haven't been hanging out with the right people, Bu. Colson." She catches and corrects herself. "Ready?" She looks at Casi excitedly as she throws on her leather and grabs her coffee. She puts on her sunglasses.
Casi's eyes open wide. "They're SO cool." She whispers clasping her hands together.
"My glasses?" Asks Luna.
"Unh hunh." Casi nods her head.
"Do you have any?" Luna asks. Casi shakes her head no. "WELL, my friend, today is your lucky day. I happen to have an outta this world collection of sunglasses. Wanna come up and pick out a pair for yourself?" Luna offers.
Casi's head shoots to Colson. "CAN I DAD!!??" She asks, about to explode. Laughing, Colson nods his head yes. Without a thought, Casi runs up the stairs, Luna following close behind.
"That was cute." Colson thinks to himself watching his girls run up the stairs together. "I don't know what Luna was so worried about, she's fucking great with Cas.... Glow bowling, fuck yeah. What an awesome idea. How did I not know about this place.....?? We're gonna have to take the magic slushies there..."
"WOW!!!" He says "FAAANCCY." As Casi comes back down the stairs in a pair of cat-eye sunglasses with crystals. Luna's behind her.
"Aren't they COOL!! I'm ready to go now!!" Casi says happily heading towards the door.
Colson and Luna erupt into laughter as they follow behind her, out of the house. "WE OUT!!" He shouts as Luna closes the door.
"You're doing great!" He whispers to her, grabbing a plump ass cheek as they walk to his Rover. He loves her ass. She looks at him beaming, heart soaring.
Walking into the bowling alley is like entering a different world for Casi. "WHOOOOAH...." She says taking it all in. She turns to say something to Luna but sees her shirt through her jacket. "YOUR SHIRT IS GLOWING!!!" She shrieks.
Luna and Colson look over at each other laughing. Casi's enthusiasm is contagious. "It's the magic light, remember? We'll have to see if we can get one of the special balls for you." Luna tells her. She can't stop smiling.
"Yeeeeeah!!!" Says Casi as Luna leads them to the counter.
"Luna!??!!" The guy behind it says in amazement.
She tilts her head for a second, then she recognizes him. "Holy Cow!! Roger?" She embraces the young man warmly as he comes around the counter to hug her. "This is Colson and Casi." She says introducing them. Colson shakes his hand, Casi waves. "Roger's dad owns the place, we used to hang out when we were younger." She explains. Turning she asks "How is he? And your mom?"
"She fucking knows EVERYBODY." Colson muses to himself watching her.
"They're great!!" He says walking back around the counter. "Retired, sailing wherever they want."
"That's really good to hear. I always liked them." She says leaning over the counter, reminiscing. "Man. We had SO much fun here when we were kids." She smiles. "Do you know Roger, that this is indeed Casi's first time glow blowing?" She turns around to lean her back on the counter and smile at Casi.
"You don't say, Loons?" Roger continues "You know what that means....."
"Mmmmhmmm..." Says Luna with a knowing smile. Casi's is bursting at the seams. Colson smiles watching his girls interact.
"Here we go. The specialty...." Says Roger rolling out a rack filled with brightly glowing white bowling balls. Casie squeals. The adults laugh at her reaction. She picks her ball as Luna and Colson thank Roger and pay for their shoes and lane. Walking behind a giddy Casi towards their lane, Colson grabs one of Luna's ass cheeks firmly and kisses her on the top of the head making her body flush with heat.
"Damn, I love him." She thinks happily.
They bowl 2 games, then grab a pizza. Luna and Casie are sitting next to each other on the floor eating with their legs stretched out. "Everything looks so cool!! Casie says still looking all around. "Even our shoes!!"
"Want me to take a picture of 'em?" Luna asks her.
"Will you?" Casi asks munching on her pizza.
"Sure, I'm gonna take 2 though." She says as she pulls out her phone and camera.
"Why?" Asks Casi as Luna shoots.
"So I can send the digital copy from my phone to your dad's, so you can have it. And one with my camera that I'll develop later, to keep forever."
"Develop?" Asks Casi.
Trying to think how to explain it, Luna says "Yooouu know how you would print a picture off of a computer?" Casie nods. "It's the way people used to print pictures before computers."
"Oh. Why don't you want yours printed off of a computer?" She asks after understanding the concept.
"That's a very good question." Luna tells her, impressed. "Printing a picture is really quick and easy. Developing a picture takes time and care."
"So, developing is better?"
"I think so."
"Will you teach me?" The little girl looks up at Luna as she asks.
"Absolutely." Luna tells her with a smile.
Colson is sitting next to Casi in a chair, eating too. His heart melts listening to his girls talk. "Luna's so fucking sweet with her.... Case really seems to like her. I knew she would. God, I fucking love them." He thinks while finishing his pizza.
They bowl another 2 games before leaving, stop for ice cream then drop Luna off.
Pulling away, Casi erupts. "DAD!!! SHE IS THE COOOOOLEST!!! She has the coolest name. The coolest stuff. DADDY! SHE GAVE ME THE COOLEST GLASSES EVER!!! SHE'S SO COOL!!!"
Colson is beaming, looking at her through the rear view mirror. "So, you like her, Peanut?" He asks laughing.
"I LOVE HER!! Casi shouts. Then her tone softens "You did a really good job, Dad." She tells Colson.
"With what, Kiddo?" Glancing in the rear view again.
"Waiting for a good girlfriend. Did you know that she...." Casie's words go straight to Colson's happy heart as she continues to talk about Luna as he drives them home.
"That was so fun!!" Luna thinks heading inside "I didn't know kids were fucking cool.... I really hope she wants me to teach her how to develop. THAT'D fucking cool." She smiles to her self while closing the door.
🎶A Machine//His Scene Queen//Tattoo skins//Covered in leather//When I dream//It's of us two//🎶
Luna's smoking a joint, working on lyrics when Colson FaceTimes her. "Hey Kitten, Case is asleep, so me and the guys are gonna go out for a bite and a drink. You hungry? He asks.
"I could eat. Where we going?"
"The Palm."
"Gimme a few to change?"
"Sure. Text me when you want me to head over."
"Ok. I won't be long. Love you."
"Love you too." He kisses the screen loudly making Luna laugh as they hang up.
To be continued..... Because after the kid's finally tucked away, it's time for the Assholes to come out and play. 😈👊😈
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Stone Cold - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
My first request!
Anon: "Hi! :') I loved "friend don't treat me like you do" so much and was wondering if I can request an angsty fic based on the song stone cold by demi lovato, but with maybe a happy ending? Thank you so much!!"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 3,482
Warnings: -
A/N: You didn't explicitly said who you want it with, but I assumed Sebastian. Hope you like it! xx
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Your Friendship with Sebastian has been the best thing that happened to you. You got to know each other through your job since you were one of the people responsible for the props in some movies, Marvel ones as well. The both of you instantly had a connection, and you knew you weren't the only one who felt it when Sebastian visited you to talk to you during filming breaks, as you normally sat alone in one of corner of the set, just like he did that day.
"If Anthony makes me laugh one more time, I swear I'll punch him. He's responsible for me looking unprofessional." He chuckled, sipping on his coffee. You nodded, smiling. You've caught Anthony making faces at Sebastian a couple times already. "But you gotta admit, you did the same to him." - "Sure but that's different." - "How is it different?" - "Because it's him then!"
You rolled your eyes and grinned at his childish behavior. "I want to see one day on set where you don't try to manipulate each other." He just shook his head no at your remark. "Can't do. He started it." You laughed at that. Now he really sounded like a straight up child. "By the way, do you wanna go somewhere to eat this evening?" You looked at him, a little startled. He never invited you to go out before, and your friendship had been going on for about 4 month already. "Uhm, I guess." You answered, not 100% sure about his intentions. "As friends or are you asking me out?" He chuckled at your question, finishing his coffee. "As friends, obviously." You nodded. Of course. "So you in?" He asked again, his hopeful gaze lingering on your face. "Yeah." A smile crept it's way onto his way as he nodded. "Is 8 okay?" You nodded, just before a crew guy came around. "Stan, we need you on Set." Sebastian nodded, smiling at you before leaving. You watched as he made his way to his position.
You hated to admit it, but you were developing just the tiniest crush on the romanian actor. Since the first day you've met he has always been a gentleman towards you. He was the only one on set who actually wanted to spend time with you. Of course you had a couple of other friends along your co workers, but when they talked you often felt left out. It wasn't like that with Sebastian. He was sweet, always asking how you're holding up and trying to light up your mood when you felt down. Since you both stayed in the same hotel, you met there a couple times as well to hang out at the hotel bar with the other workers. You cared about each other, and the way he showed that to you had you wrapped around his finger. And you mentally cursed yourself for it. He was a well payed, famous actor while you were some backround person who carries fake weapons around the set. He wouldn't be interested in you. And he just confirmed that.
As the evening arrived you stood infront of your bed in your underwear, different pieces of clothing scattered over the sheets. You had no idea where Sebastian wanted to go since he didn't spend his last break with you (which was fine, he obviously had other friends on set who wanted to talk to him). So you didn't know how to dress. You didn't want to look too fancy nor too casual. You decided on a lacy tank top with a black skirt with some matchig black heels and a jeans jacket. You put on some basic make up and took in your appearance, satisfied with how you looked.
The knock on your door came just in time. You grabbed your back and opened it to find Sebastian smiling down at you. He was wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket and some black jeans. 'Casual.' You thought to yourself. "Hello there." He smiled, pulling you in for a hug. "You look great." He added, his eyes shamelessly flying over your figure, making you blush. "Thanks! You don't look too bad yourself." You chuckled, making him grin.
You two left the hotel to get into a cab outside. Sebastian told the driver the address and he started driving. "Wanna tell me where you're taking me?" You asked, turning to Sebastian. "It's a small Diner Chris and I found the other day." He answered, smiling. You soon arrived at your destination and you followed him into a small booth in a corner. He had good taste, you thought. The diner was nice indeed, it had a nice atmosphere, the soft background music calming you. You ordered food and drinks and started chatting, telling each other about stuff you didn't know yet.
"There's actually a reason I brought you here today." Sebastian suddenly said, making your heart stop for a second. "And what would that be?" You asked as you put another fry in your mouth. He took a breath. "So, you're a woman." You raised your eyebrows at his comment, making him chuckle. "You have amazing observation skills." You joked, smiling as he laughed. "I know, I know. I just...I need your advice." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Advice with what?" - "There's this girl, she's one of the make up artists and I really don't know how to approach her." You pressed your lips in a tight line as your throat went dry. You took a sip of your Milkshake, trying to calm your nerves. You had no right to be jealous, you were friends, he said it himself.
"Don't tell me you've never approached a woman before." You joked, hiding how uncomfortable you were with the whole situation. He rolled your eyes at your remark, smiling. "Of course not. But I don't know, it's something about her that makes me all nervous, it's weird." He admitted, hitting your arm playfully as you shot him an amused look. "And how am I supposed to help?" - "Tell me how you'd like a guy to ask you out." You turned your gaze away from him, pretending to think. "He should be a real gentleman, show me that he's interested in me rather than saying it. After a while I'd just want him to ask me on a date. That's it." You hated how it sounded almost like your friendship with Seb. Apart from the him liking you part. Sebastian nodded at your description. "It's kinda basic, isn't it?" He asked, making you narrow your eyes. "Oh, you think I'm basic?" - "No not you, but your expectations for men." He grinned. You just shrugged. "No high hopes means less possible disappointment."
The rest of the evening went well. Sebastian seemed to accept your advice since he didn't pick up the topic again. You secretly thanked him for that. About two hours later you decided to leave. You payed and made your way back to hotel, hugging Sebastian goodbye as you arrived at your floor. You didn't know it yet, but working eith him would become a lot harder than it was.
It already started the next day. You haven't seen Sebastian at all, even though he had two breaks already. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't important, that he probably spend his breaks with his co-workers. But when he finally came to you, a bright smile on his face, you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter. "Y/N, I have great news!" Oh no. "I did it! I talked to Amanda!" So that's her name. "She's really nice, i spend my breaks with her and we're really getting along." Your jaw clenched on it's own accord. The last time you've seen him this happy was when you suprised him with donuts. You forced a smile. "That's great news! I'm happy for you." He grinned, thanking you. He opened his mouth again to continue speaking as his phone vibrated. He took it out, smiling as his screen lit up. "That's her, I gotta go. But still thanks for your help!" He smiled at you before leaving, giving you no time to answer. You sighed, turning back to your coffee. So this was how it'll be.
The next days Sebastian never joined you during his breaks. You got a quick hug when you briefly met each other, and a smile here and there when you brought a prop on set. You forced yourself to hang out with your co-workers to not sit alone during breaks. But you regretted that decision as the topic changed to what's going on between Sebastian and the Make up lady. You rolled your eyes as you tried to keep your full attention to your phone in your hands. God you hated this. You really missed Sebastian.
When work day was over and you made your way off set, you heard someone calling your name. You stopped and turned around, nearly tumbling over as someone basically ran into you to hug you. "Y/N she said yes!" Sebastian almost screamed in your ear before pulling away, a bright smile on his face. "I asked her out and she said yes!" You could practically feel your heart breaking at his words, but smiled anyway. "That's great!" He nodded excitedly. "Thank you, really. Without you I probably wouldn't have spoken to her." You mentally slapped yourself. "No problem, bud." You smiled, padding his shoulder. "Good luck with her!" He thanked you once more before leaving. You let out a deep sigh, turning around to catch a cab to go to your hotel.
You spend the rest of your day in your hotel bed, watching TV with some chinese take-out. Suddenly your phone vibrated, Sebastian name appearing on it. You furrowed your brows, he barely texted you. You picked up your phone to read his message.
'Just wanted to inform you that the date was great! She's so sweet and even has good taste in food!'
You let the phone fell back on the bed as you stared at the ceiling. You hated to admit it but god did you want to be that girl. But it was his choice. And his choice was her.
You tried to avoid Sebastian the following days. You didn't want to hear about him and Amanda, so it was actually a good thing that he didn't visit you during his breaks anymore.
"Hey Y/N, you coming to that party everyone got invited to this Friday?" One of your co-workers, Marc, asked. You shrugged. "Maybe, i don't know. I'm not really a party person." - "Oh come on, you have to come." Jessica pouted. From all your co-workers, you were closest with her. You sighed, you could never turn her down. So you agreed, causing her to smile. You turned your attention back to your phone, checking your mails. A new email made yur jaw slack a little, an offering to work at another movie. You let your gaze drift across the set, debating whether to accept it or not. It would help to get away from Sebastian, and the payment would be better. You sighed, locking your phone again.
As Friday arrived, you forced yourself into a simple, but fancy black dress and some heels. You still haven't accepted the offer from the other movie, but the thought of it still lingered in your mind. Sebastian texted you yesterday that he and Amanda officially started dating, and you felt numb ever since. You've definitely fallen for him, and you hated to see him with someone who wasn't you. So accepting the job wouldn't be so bad.
You walked out of the hotel, taking a cab to the restaurant the managers booked for the whole crew. You sat at the table with some of the prop people, your eyes immediately scanning the room for Sebastian. You spotted him on the dance floor, Amanda in his arms as they talked to each other while swaying to the soft music. You frowned at the scene, taking your phone out. You opened the email about the job offering, taking a breath before typing an answer, accepting it.
As the evening went on, you tried to concentrate on the conversation between the people around you. When you got hungry you slowly made your way to the buffet, grabbing a plate to get yourself some shrimp. "There she is." An all to familiar voice suddenly called, making you jump in suprise. "God Sebastian, warn a girl." You mumbled, putting shrimps onto your plate. "I haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?" He smiled, a little confused why you didn't react as happy as you normally would. You took a breath, turning to him. "I've been great, you?" - "Amazing! Amanda is a pure angel, I'm so glad to be with her." His eyes shined in pure Happiness and you had a hard time not getting lost in them. "Sounds nice, I'm happy for you." 'Happy to see you so cheerful, not that she's the reason' you mentally corrected yourself. Then you remembered your new job.
"Oh, by the way, I have some news." You added, a forced smile on your face. "I've got a job at a different movie. Their payment is better than here. So, I won't be on set anymore." His face fell at your words. "You're leaving?" You bit your lip nervously, nodding. He just sighed. "So this is goodbye i guess?" You nodded again, showing a sad smile as he hugged you once more. He wished you luck before going back to his girlfriend. You watched as he left, waiting for your eyes to get teary but there was nothing. You body felt numb, your heart stone cold. You took a breath before turning back to your shrimps, secretly wishing this evening would end soon.
When it did finally end you informed everyone that you were leaving and officially quitting your job. You packed your things and left the hotel the same night, taking a cab to the subway to your new job.
*About 2 month later*
The new job was great. The people around you were nice, you never had to spend a break alone. But everything couldn't keep Sebastian off your mind. You did miss him. You barely spoke to each other, a text here and there but nothing more. You wanted to talk to him so badly, but you assumed he was busy with Amanda. When the set of the movie you currently helped on was close to where Sebastian was currently, you actually considered to visit him, but your doubts made that impossible.
It was a late Saturday evening when he texted you again. You were in your current hotel room, watching some lame drama on TV.
Sebastian: 'Where are you right now?'
You got confused by this. He'd never asked that before.
You: 'In a hotel. Why?'
Sebastian: 'Can I come?'
You swore your heartbeat stopped for a second. Why did he want to visit you?
You: 'Of course, is there a specific reason?'
Sebastian: 'We'll talk then, just tell me'
He sounded kind of harsh, which left you even more suspicious. You told him where you were, which he didn't reply to. You turned the TV off, your fingers drumming nervously against the leather couch as you waited for him to arrive, your mind flooding with questions.
A knock at your door forced you out of trance. You walked up to it, noticing how your hands were shaking slightly as you unlocked it before opening it. You were met with a tired looking Sebastian, his hair a mess and beard full grown. Before you could say anything his arms where around you, pulling you into a tight hug. You were startled for a second before you hugged him back, taking in the scent of his cologne. Yes, you really had missed him. "Hi." He finally murmured, pulling back slowly. "Hey." You replied, stepping aside to let him enter your hotel room. He sat down at the couch, you joining him after closing the door.
You sat there in silence for a couple moments, waiting for him to start as he was the one who wanted to come. "I have news." He suddenly said, making you turn your gaze to him while he kept his on his hands. "Amanda and I broke up." Your face fell at his statement while your heart jumped a little. It hasn't gotten over the crush you had on him, even after month of not seeing him. "Sorry to hear that." You said sincere and he nodded. "What happened, if I may ask?" He took a deep breath before answering. "It was a mutual break up, so everythings fine. We kind of rushed into the relationship, it was a bad idea since both of us wanted someone else but kind of settled for each other. It was a dumb, I know that now." You bit your lip nervously as his words hit you. He wanted someone else.
"Weird situation." You remarked. "Who would that someone else be?" Sebastian chuckled lightly at that, making you smile. God you had missed him so much. "Well, in her case it was a camera guy. I've never talked to him so I don't know about him." You nodded, waiting for him to continue. "In my case...she's a close friend of mine. We talked a lot in the past but she never dropped any clues that she felt just as I did, so I looked for other possibilities and found Amanda." You felt your heart racing at his words, his eyes finally meeting yours. He couldn't be talking about you, could he? "But all the time i've spend with Amanda, I couldn't stop thinking of her. And Amanda couldn't stop thinking about that other guy, so both of us forced the other one to confess." He took another deep breath, his gaze still boring into yours. "That's why I'm here." You stopped breathing for a second. No way.
"You want me to help you again cause you don't know how to tell her?" You asked, half joking half serious. He chuckled at that, shaking his head. "No, that's not the reason." He got serious again, taking your hand in his. "I hope I'm not going to regret this, but I like you. You're amazing and beautiful and you understand me more than anyone ever could. And I'm so sorry that we didn't have much contact the last months, I really tried to forget you and be happy with Amanda but I couldn't. You're stuck in my head and it seems like there's no way to get you out." You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief.
"You like me?" Sebastian furrowed his brows, but smiled. "That's all you heard?" - "God no, no i just-I didn't expect you to like me." His face suddenly fell at your words. "Does that mean you don't feel the same?" He asked carefully. Your eyes widened. "God, no, i mean, yes, I-ugh." You took a breath, slightly amused by Sebastian confused face. "I like you too. Always have." He let out a relieved sigh at that, smiling widely. "Thank god. I was actually scared I was gonna regret coming here." You chuckled before mirroring his smile. You watched as he slowly scooted closer, bringing the hand that wasn't still intertwined with yours to your face, setting it on your cheek. "I've been dreaming to do this." He smiled before he carefully covered your lips with his. The kiss started slow as you got addicted to his taste, a mixture of mint and just him. Your heart nearly busted out your chest, your mind going dizzy at the feeling of his lips against yours. The kiss got more passionate pretty quick as his hand moved to the back of neck while you ran yours through his short strands.
A couple minutes went by before Sebastian pulled away, panting lightly with the bright smile back on his lips. "Definitely should have done that earlier." He noted, making you grin. "Definitely." Your eyes find his as you just smile at each other, happy to finally be together. "I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He suddenly said, smiling sadly. You just shook your head. "No, don't worry. I could've said something myself, instead i left the job at Marvel to avoid you and Amanda." - "You left because of that?" he asked, amused by your confession. "Were you jealous?" - "Of course I was. I wanted to be in her spot." You pouted, making him chuckle. "Don't worry, you are now." He pecked your lips, making you giggle. "I'm gladly accepting." You captured his mouth into another kiss, feeling him smile against your lips. You were finally in your happy place, with the person you loved the most.
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post-itpenny · 6 years
Your gonna get the numbers cause x3 I can't remember all the words on mobile. I apologise But 7
Another long one, I’m not used to writing for Honey or Brie but I hope you like it. 
Fern Cakes
Honey and Brie sat on a park bench. They had gotten ice cream but that had been eaten, Brie tearing the wrapper that had been around her ice cream cone to pieces. Honey staring ahead at nothing in particular. Brie knew her sister had been trying not to cry, but under the angry scowl on her face there was sadness. Brie wanted to do something but wasn’t sure what. They watched a little group of ducks walk across the path towards the pond, a guy and his dog playing fetch with a frisbee, it was still quite cold but the early signs of spring were already beginning to appear. Bri suddenly sat up, she had an idea.
“Practice?” She asked with a hopeful smile. Honey had improved her hunting skills but was still developing a technique, and Brie was always happy to help her little sister practice.
Honey shrugged and hopped off the bench as the two wandered off to find a more quiet area of the park.
Under a tall group of trees Brie sat in the grass suggesting different animals for Honey to try and shift into, some scary, some cute, some rather silly. But Honey didn’t seem to have the heart for practice at the moment. Brie suggested a polka-dot cat and all Honey could seem to manage was a set of whiskers and a few blue spots on her arms.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to be, but I don’t think that’s it.”
The girls jumped and turned around in surprise. A tall woman with a red jacket tied around her waist stood before them. Behind her a much shorter woman with white hair came walking up with a small dog in her arms.
Honey growled and tried to make herself look as threatening as possible, but the first woman only laughed. “Is that it? Princess you have whiskers and blue dots all over you, what kind monster are you supposed to be?”
“A polka-dot kitty,” Brie helpfully answered.
The woman frowned, “polka-dots aren’t hard. Don’t think too much about it.” In a blink the woman was gone and in her place was a rather proud looking white cat who was covered in blue and red spots. Another blink and there was a clown with bug antenna and white fluff around her neck. The shorter woman smiled as red markings appeared on her own face and a big red bow in her hair. The girls recognizing her as the magician they had seen perform before.
“It’s the magic lady!” Brie gasped in delight, Honey seemed to perk up a little but was still on the defensive. “Why are you two here?”
The bug clown shrugged, “I’m checking in on my aunt.”
The other clown waved with a smile, “hi I’m the aunt and I’m walking my dog. Say hello Trouble.” The aunt instructed her puppy as she placed him on the ground. The little dog immediately bounded over to the girls, running circles around them trying to get their attention. Honey fought back a smile, the puppy was cute but she new better. Yes she had met these two before but she couldn’t just trust them, she had to look out for her sister. Brie on the other hand was allowing the small dog to licker her fingers which made her giggle.
“Look we’re not gonna hurt you Princess so just chill out.” The bug clown insisted. “We were seriously just taking the dog for a walk. But what in the heck are you trying to do that you can't even change into a cat?”
The other clown frowned and lightly smacked her arm. “Don’t be rude Juno. I seemed to recall a little bug crying because she could not turn into a hound.”
The clown known a Juno blushed slightly before flipping her hair off her shoulder with a huff. “You’re thinking of Vesp. I’m a natural at everything.”
The other clown rolled her eyes, “no I strictly recall a little butterfly crying ‘but auntie what if I never get better?!”
“You can’t even change your shape at all!”
“Oh I can, I just don’t need to.”
“Then how do you hunt?”
Both Juno and her aunt turned towards Honey at the sound of her question, the aunt smiled. “My shows of course. Sometimes after a performance I keep someone, they don’t even know they’ve died at that point I prefer it's a painless experience. Unless I’m in the mood for that flavor.”
Juno shrugged, “I shepherd around a target to a quiet place where I can eat. Make them see things they wish to chase after or run from. It’s like a game of chess. What do you do kid?”
At this Honey frowned, “my technique is way too difficult to expla-”
“You’re still learning then?” Juno cut her off with a smirk.
Honey growled and crossed her arms with a huff. Juno chuckled, “It’s no big deal, you just gotta find your flow. If it’s changing your shape however…. You’re lousy.”
Again Honey growled, before shifting into an elephant, a shape she had masted and was rather proud of, perfect to show off with.
Until Juno turned into a much larger woolly mammoth.
Soon it became a contest between the two, then strangely it turned into a lesson and as it turned out, Juno was a very patient teacher. Brie and the aunt clown, who introduced herself as Magpie, sat in the grass watching them. The puppy having curled up in Brie’s lap for a nap.
Eventually though the sun became rather low in the sky, “I suppose it’s time to call it a day.” Magpie observed, “Juno dear are you staying for tea?”
At the word “tea” both of the younger clowns perked up at which Magpie smiled. “You’re welcome to join us as well girls. Are you not with that mime though? Would he be worried if you stayed out too late?”
At this both girls seemed to deflate, a scowl coming back onto Honey’s face and a look of sadness on Brie’s. Magpie frowned, she didn’t need to ask to be able to guess what was bothering them. “Though if you wish,” Magpie began to add, “you’re quite welcome to stay over. I have a spare room you two can share.”
Honey glared at her, distrusting. “We’re fine thanks.”
Magpie smirked with a shrug, “I’m sure you are dear, suit yourselves then. Come on Juno I made fern cakes this morning to have with the tea.”
At this Honey looked up at Magpie in confusion, “whats a fern cake?”
A fern cake, as Honey and Brie learned, was a kind of tart. They looked like tiny pies filled with jam and icing on top. Little fern shapes drawn on with chocolate. Honey took pictures of the little pastries while Brie tried to sneak one to a begging Trouble who sat at her feet, luckily Magpie noticed and stopped her.
Eventually a surprised Maggie came home and learned the girls would be staying “just for tonight,” Honey firmly declared. Much latter on the girls went off to Magpie’s guestroom, Trouble firmly at Brie’s heels. Juno settled down at the kitchen table to flip through a magazine on “babysitting duty” as she put it while the others quietly left.
An hour later and Juno had finished her magazine and was now flipping through t.v. channels in a bored manor when Maggie and Magpie came home.
“I’m not going to forgive you for leaving me to watch a bunch of kids while you get to go kick some mime’s butt.” Juno declared as she flipped the television off.
Maggie frowned and flopped down on the sofa, “he wasn’t there. Place has been abandoned and completely trashed.”
Juno raised her eyebrows in surprise and turned to her aunt, the older clown had her arms crossed as she looked at the floor with a frown. “Something went through there after him, something big.”
“Big as in big in size or big in power?”
“Power,” Magpie answered before looking up. “Perhaps Pierre did actually care enough about the girls to make them leave before whatever it is came through. Perhaps he knew something was coming.”
Maggie hummed as she pondered in thought, “you know I’m not that great with scent but I swear whatever that thing was seemed…… I don’t know, familiar? Kind of? Maybe?”
Juno stood up with a streched and reached over to bop Maggie upside the head, “you’re just crazy is what it is. So Aunt Pie whatcha gonna do? Keep the kids?”
Magpie shook her head with a knowing smile, “they would be just fine on their own I’m sure. The girls just needed to know they have a place to come to where they are welcome. Whether they stay or not is for them to decide. Besides I don’t mind having a full house, you know how much I can’t stand things being quiet.”
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hui-ing · 3 years
Hello, I'm doing well, thank you for asking~ How about you?
ahaha true! It's hard and people don't pick up hints just like that and I know this because I'm *interestingly* absent-minded. Gotta do what you gotta do~~ // Hopefully you get to go camping once again! I've never camped, gotta try that too, at least once. Only problem is that I get tired really easily, smh, that's a problem to conquer huh? I love snuggling in a coat, socks and anything to keep me warm when I take walks during the winter evenings here like the cold goes hard but it's just nice you know? Like a mind-blowing distraction from the day // Canada sounds like a nice place to go ^^ ooo, what other places would you like to visit? Travelling to is somewhat of a passion for me! I remember when I was a little kid I wanted to visit Norway~ I don't now because I like the heat more, less articles of clothing appeal to me better than layers hehe. *shyly* true~~ I've been to: Paris, France; Vienna, Austria; Czech Republic although I can't remember where in; Goa, India; Portugal and Scotland.
Ahhh a spreadsheet, a good way to minimise the confusion, truly. That's a lot, good luck with it! If I may, could I ask what it is about, like the summary? Same! I have to make a spreadsheet too, just to make sure I know what I'm doing lol // Just streaming services but one day I so want to own an album ⭐ What about you? Do you own any albums??
-Fantasy friend
Hi! I'm doing alright ☺️
Camping is super fun, you should definitely try it! I recommend going together with someone more experienced the first couple of times because a lot of the time there are things that go in ways you don't expect them to and it's easier to have someone who kinda knows what they're doing along when that happens XD also tents are really annoying to set up and you want all the help you can get lol
I much prefer heat to cold as well - I get cold super easily, like if it gets below 65°F (about 18°C) I need a jacket... Going out in the cold can be fun but I'm a bit of a wimp 😅
Ooh, you've been to a lot of places! Which ones did you enjoy most?
Some of the countries I'd really like to visit are Ireland, Scotland, Greece, Brazil, Italy, Japan, and Korea - honestly I wish I could go everywhere, there are so many beautiful places around the world and I'd love to see as many as I can!
Hm a summary... it's basically a story about young adulthood and finding your place in the world (and also found family). Some of the characters are in college, some are graduates or dropouts, and a couple are seniors in high school, and they all have various struggles with family, school, work, friends, etc, and help each other get through them. There isn't really a single overarching plot, it's more like a bunch of stories that all intertwine and overlap with each other, but I have very clear ideas of how each character is going to grow and develop over the course of it and what issues they have to overcome... it's going to be a lot of very emotional stuff haha
I'm slowly building an album collection - right now I've got every Pentagon album, plus two ONEUS albums, two DAY6 albums, one SF9 album, one Stray Kids album, one BTS album, and one VIXX album. I do use streaming services, but I don't trust the internet (thinking about that thing that happened where KakaoM had all that music taken off Spotify awhile ago) so I want to have physical copies of the music I really like... hopefully CD players don't stop existing anytime soon 😂
Btw, do you play any instruments, or wish you did? What instrument do you think has the nicest sound?
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Can we talk about Director Sanvers for a minute cause like, I have this OT3 prompt in my head and it's like, nightly ritual of Person A playing the piano and their partners sitting on the couch listening? And like Person B's head is in Person C's lap and C is playing with B's hair?? Which of our babies do you think would be in each role?? (also no pressure but I love this as a fic idea and can't write it myself so feel free to take it)
Friend, we can always talk about Director Sanvers for a minute. And now these ideas are swirling around my head so I’m giving you some thoughts/headcanons not quite in fic form from the subway (while giving myself carpel tunnel typing on my phone probably), so here goes:
I think Lucy Lane is our piano player/person A. Alex can sing, though unlike Kara “I put the kara in karaoke” Danvers, she’ll kill you if you mention it in public, but I see her skipping piano lessons in favor of staying out and surfing a little longer. And I think Maggie appreciates both of her more musical girlfriends and will rock out on an air guitar and sing along loudly with the radio but is not at all musically gifted. (Is that a self-aware self-insert? The world may never know…) But I can see Lucy having learned piano while taking dance classes growing up just to desperately try to be as good as big sister Lois who was always getting recognized by teachers and dance instructors for her achievements (then secondhand through the “Oh, you’re Lois’ baby sister!” comments she got at the start of every year) and, dammit, Lucy wanted to show that she could do it too and just as well, if not better, even if she was several years younger.
Now partners B and C could go either way. As much as the existing Director Sanvers (and Sanvers) stuff would seem to make Alex person B, thanks to a lovely prompt from @sarcasticallyinspired that I haven’t gotten to yet about the headcanon that Alex and Lucy enjoy playing with Maggie’s long hair because she has so much more of it than they do, I’m making her person C. 
I think Maggie would make them all tea. Alex used to drink coffee to stay up far later than was advisable catching up on medical journals and trying to stay abreast of new developments and trends in the field, but Maggie has insisted “there’s really only one good reason to lose that much sleep at night,” so she makes them herbal tea instead; Alex loves it, but she won’t admit it. Whenever Lucy travels for work, she brings them back a new tea to try.
While Lucy plays, Alex will hum along if she knows the song. Maggie adores it, but she’s careful not to make too big of a deal out of acknowledging it because the first few times she did, Alex got embarrassed and stopped, which was the very last thing Maggie wanted. Now they’re all more comfortable around each other, but Maggie still pretends like she can’t hear the melodious humming, and Alex pretends like the small smile pulling up the corner of Maggie’s mouth is caused by literally anything else.
After days of working the night shift or having to pull doubles or be on call for long stretches of time, Maggie often falls asleep–something Lucy and Alex both tease her about even though they find it beyond adorable. Whenever this happens, Lucy plays longer than she normally would to make sure that Maggie is sleeping soundly enough for Alex to carry her to bed without waking her. This is why they only start their nightly ritual already in pajamas now (because pulling off those impossibly tight skinny jeans was next to impossible, and every time they tried, Maggie would wake up, still half-delirious from sleep, and wiggle her eyebrows and ask if they were trying to start something and to make sure they were going to finish it, thank you very much).
The first time it happened, it wasn’t meant to become a ritual. They’d been out with the full gang of Superfriends when Kara said something about most of the group being really musically talented, then looked over expectantly at Lena and Maggie to see if they had anything to offer in the way of musical talents (or if they’ll be the silent additions to @performativezippers‘ Anonymous Zippers band). Lena shrugs; even though her days in boarding schools left her with basic proficiency in a few instruments, she’d never call herself particularly talented at it. Meanwhile Maggie’s like, “Uh, yeah, of course I can” because she’s a cocky shit, and her girlfriends love the bravado. Only this time they call her on it–they want some proof. So she insists she’ll show them at home (she’s got some joke all lined up about being able to play their bodies perfectly and make them sing, which totally basically counts as being musically gifted). But Kara wants everyone to see, so somehow they end up with an impromptu talent show of sorts in their living room, and Kara and Winn do a duet before Winn tries to rap with James laying down a beat in the background that gets them booed off their impromptu stage. Next up is Lucy who just shrugs and sits down at the piano (shh, I know one doesn’t exist in the current apartment, but the new place they’ve rented to fit all of them and Lucy’s extensive wardrobe, plus all of Alex and Maggie’s leather jackets has one…let’s go with it), and Maggie finds herself shook at just how good she is. Then Alex joins in singing, and Maggie bows out of their musical competition as gracefully as she can before even trying. She only gets her way out of some of the teasing (they can’t let her live it down completely) by promising to be the best fan they’ve ever had. So now every night she gets their tea and sits excitedly on the couch, cheering and clapping and acting as Lucy’s own personal hype-woman before they settle down to listen. 
Anywayyyy hope you enjoy! I’m at my stop now, so I’ve gotta go before the tourists catch me. 
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