#then the answer is no and i can walk to the library or something. please and thank you
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James Potter x best friend!fem!reader
Summary: James panics when he sees what his boggart is.
Genre: hurt and comfort
Warnings: mentions/descriptions of reader's death, crying, panic attacks, swearing
~ anon, this idea was amazing! thank you ☺️ ~
James's arrogance is his Achilles's Heel.
He truly can't help it sometimes—especially now when that arrogance is accompanied by his friends' laughter as he teases everyone about their stupid boggarts. Emma Johnstons' was a spider, which scared Peter, but had Sirius and James in tears at the back of the classroom.
"Wait until it's your turn, Potter," an annoyed Emma hisses as she walks by them, still pale from fright and embarrassment. She sends James a murderous look and continues, "Then we'll see who's laughing in the end."
James's grin only widens and he sees her words as a challenge. His hand shoots up in the air and he bounces on his heels. "Oi! Professor?! Can I be next?!" 
Professor Windward looks at him behind his small glasses, already exhausted by James's antics but he allows him to walk up to the front of the classroom anyway. James sends his best friends an obnoxiously confident wink and struts up to the front of the line.
James isn't in any way prepared for his boggart. 
He's expected something mundane—like an animal, or even death eater—or maybe some scary creature he'd read about in library books. What he didn't expect was to see you, dressed in your uniform and robe, your shiny hair sprawled across the wooden floor-board as blood slowly dripped from your mouth.
Your eyes are round but they're lifeless and your clothes are soaked in crimson liquid. You aren't moving and it looks too real that, for a moment, James is completely frozen. 
He hears the whispers of his classmates—whispers of your name and reminders of your relationship with James. Friends, the word rings around the classroom just as James's mind breaks and he completely panics at your body on the ground in front of him. 
He drops his wand, breaking into an awkward run to where you lay, entirely prepared to skid across the floor and hold you in his arms, but Professor Windward is quicker. He grabs James by his collar and pulls him back, his arms encasing around James's shoulders as he makes the boggart disappear with another spell. 
It seemed too cruel to turn the image of your dead body into something ridiculous. 
No one in the room is laughing, not even Emma Johnston, as James makes a pained sound and attempts to shove past Professor Windward and hold you like he'd planned. His mind is racing and he's panicked as the sounds around him make him feel like he's trapped underwater.
"Son, it's a boggart. It cannot hurt you. It's not real," Professor Windward explains, his grip on James firm, but James doesn't seem to understand him. Sirius, Remus, and Peter are beside James in an instant, holding him up and comforting him. 
Without much convincing, Professor Windward lets them lead him outside into the corridor and down the stairs. James is a mess and he keeps looking around for danger or you. His mind screams at him that he's being unreasonable, that it wasn't real and he knows this, but his heart is in a complete panic. 
"Prongs, hey, it's okay," Remus tries to explain as James's hand tightens in Sirius's. "She's probably in her dorm—she's okay."
"Should we take him to her?" Peter squeaks, looking between his friends with concern. 
"Yes–" James interrupts Remus's answer and he turns to Sirius, his eyes round and desperate. "I wanna see her. Please. I wanna see her now. I need to know she's okay!" Remus doesn't think it's smart to bring James to see you when he's like this but Sirius can never deny James what he wants so all the boys pile into the door to the Common Room and then quite obnoxiously, James and Sirius start to scream your name as Peter rushes up to their dorm to find the map. 
A moment later, when you still haven't answered, Peter scampers back down from their dorm and holds up the map. "She's in the library," he says breathlessly. Sirius jumps up, snatching the map from Peter's hands.
"Onwards," he shouts in an attempt to lighten the mood but that only earns him a sniffle from James and a glare from Remus. 
* * * 
You're peacefully unaware of the chaos that's about to ensue as you're curled up in an armchair, a book in your lap. You absentmindedly chew on your lower lip as you concentrate. 
"Y/n!" a familiar boy screams your name and you look up, sitting normally in the armchair as your four very anxious looking friends stumble in front of you. "Look, she's okay," Peter points, sounding relieved as well as he moves aside to reveal a very distressed looking James Potter. 
You stand up, dusting your uniform and your eyebrows crease. "What's happened?" you ask seriously and then you feel James's arms wrap around your shoulders as he pulls you into him. His lips find the exposed skin of your collarbone as he inhales your scent and almost crushes you closer to him. 
James's always been an affectionate person. Since you can remember, he's never not taken an opportunity to kiss your cheek, wrap his arms around you, or even hold your hand, but this is extreme even for him. You glance at the other boys, confusion evident on your expression, and they send you sympathetic looks. 
"Jamie," you whisper and hug him back, your hand hesitating but ultimately finding his hair. 
You hear a choked cry and you realize he's almost in tears. Concern overwhelms your senses and you pull away only to have James's hand find yours. His eyes are shiny with tears and, as if he's reminding himself, he mutters, "You're alive." His thumb caresses your palm. 
"You two should talk," Remus interrupts bluntly and sends Sirius, who seems entertained by the scene in front of him, a sharp glare, "Alone." Remus pulls Sirius away, ignoring the latter's hump of protest as Peter trails behind them.  
James doesn't seem to care as he stares at you, he looks much calmer now. 
"What do you mean? Of course I'm alive." you ask gently, pressing your palm to his cheek. 
He leans into your touch. "I saw you dead. In Defense Against The Dark Arts. Professor Windward was showing us boggarts and it was funny until it was my turn and that dreadful thing turned into your lifeless body, right there in front of me, and—and I didn't know what to do because I realized if you died, I would just have to die too," James explains, sounding like he's made up his mind if the scenario ever comes up. 
Boggarts? James's biggest fear was your death? You can hear the sincerity in his voice and you can't help the way your heart jumps for his. 
"Does that make you the Romeo to my Juliet?"
James frowns and asks, "Who?" which reminds you that James hadn't heard of some muggle writer like Shakspeare and that even if he had taken Muggle Studies last year, like he was supposed to, he wouldn't have listened that intently anyway.  
"Star-crossed lovers," you shrug, ignoring how warm your cheeks have become. 
James's shoulders relax and he chuckles. "So, you're saying we're star-crossed lovers now?"
You like that your little quip has lightened the mood successfully so you shrug again, deciding to tease him. "Never said that. Why? D'you want to be star-crossed lovers?"
"No. Because I don't want our relationship to be doomed," James deadpans and he runs a hand in his curly hair nervously. He looks behind you through the stained glass window of the library and hears the soft patterns of afternoon rain. "It's raining," he says and he moves closer, his hand finding yours again as he fiddles with your fingers.
"It appears so," you answer in a whisper. You look at him, trying to read him. You squeeze his hand. "I'm right here, James. 'M not going anywhere."
A moment of comfortable silence passes and James looks so serious as he stares into your eyes, his breathing becoming harsh again. He leans in and he's wearing the same look on his face every man does before he kisses someone—only James Potter wears it well. Your breath hitches and your eyes flutter shut, nerves bubbling in your stomach.  
When his lips touch yours they're accompanied by his hands around your jaw. He's gentle with you, kissing you like he's savoring your touch. He pulls away only to press his forehead on yours.
"Merlin's beard, I've wanted to do that for so long. You're intoxicating, Y/n," he whispers as if he's just made a revelation and he takes your chin in between his thumb and index, smiling like the love-sick fool he's always been. 
"I really like you."
Your eyes widen. "You do?"
James's smile turns into a smirk. "Yeah, 'course I do. Was that kiss not enough confirmation?" He raises an eyebrow and leans in again, this time peppering open mouth kisses across my entire face, "Here. I really really really like you," he mumbles and enjoys the sound of your giggles as you shy away from his kisses. 
"I really like you too," you say, finally escaping his kisses as James pulls away. He looks over the moon happy.
"The boys are never gonna believe this," James mutters, completely unaware that unlike him, it hadn't taken Sirius, Peter, and Remus this incident for them to realize James is madly in love with you. They'd known from the first time James had uttered your name. 
"Shit, you're already the best girlfriend I've ever had—not that I've had many," James says, almost to himself as he tucks some hair behind your ear. 
You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Woah, slow down there. Take me on a date first, then we'll talk about labels," you joke, knowing damn well that by the end of the date James would be proclaiming his love for you to everyone who would listen and you don't mind one bit. 
James's eyes shimmer at the opportunity to spoil you. "You have a deal, m'lady."
You laugh. "Merlin, you're so cringe, James." You take his arm and pull him towards the window where a bunch of pillows are laid out on the edge and you plop down, momentarily looking out the window at the rain.
James follows your lead and when he leans against the wall, you lay your head on his chest and rest in between his legs. 
"Stay with me for a bit?" you ask.
His heart feels like it's fluttering at your closeness and he's completely calm—the memory of your dead body completely distant now. It's now a memory he'll only remember in the dead of night, when he'll have you to hold him and kiss all his worries away. 
James nods and then he leans his head on the wall and looks outside, his hand playing with your hair as you hum and continue to read your book. The soft sound of rain is like a piano melody as he watches the droplets fall down the glass. They're racing in his mind like they would when he was a child and he smiles. 
He kisses the top of your head, earning him a giggle as he mouths, "I love you," into your hair. 
One day soon he'll say the words out loud, just not now.
Today, he's happy just being near you and knowing that he finally has you in some significant way—in a way he'd denied himself for way too long. 
You nuzzle in him and turn your page, your gaze so focused, and his heart swells. 
I love you, he thinks again. I love you so damn much. 
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makelemonade · 2 months
Things they do when they're in love but haven't realized it yet
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Characters; Aether, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Childe, Cyno, Diluc, Dottore, Itto, Neuvillete, Thoma, Pantalone.
Warnings; GN!Reader, mentions of pretty/handsome, cologne/perfume, the notebook (that movie killed me It's a warning I can't), mentions of crying, mentions of past injuries, annoying kids, lowk stalking in childe's part LOOL
under the cut!
Aether- Notices every physical and mental detail about you more than the average person.
He notices the way there’s a slight limp in your walk due to a past injury, and he can notice when you also try to hide it.
He notices how each day you always try a new hairstyle because you thrive for praise and compliments. Of course because you’re so loved, everyone compliments you, and he notices the way that when he does too, you’re more flustered than usual.
He knows you start to tap your finger down on any platform whenever you’re feeling nervous or even zoning out. He also notices that when you get annoyed, you bite your lip to hold back anything.
He knows that whenever you’re lectured at or given a talking-down to, you try to hide your tears, but the side of your lip trembles. He knows that once your alone within your own privacy, you let the tears fall. He’s literally seen you catch them with your mouth once.
He notices that whenever he gives you some sort of gift, you’re at a loss for words and you don’t know whether you want to make the first move after months of pining.
He notices, so now maybe he can act on it.
Alhaitham- Starts to read books or watch movies/shows he’s heard you talk about.
He spends most of his time in libraries, looking around for anything that piques his interest. He notices the title of a book, something you’ve mentioned before.
You both have complete opposite tastes, but maybe romance books could do him some good.
Since then, he’s been looking around libraries for every book he’s heard you mention. He even starts to write down a list.
Shows and movies as well. On a rainy day that he stays in his home and his roommate isn’t being annoying, he likes to lounge on his couch and watch something.
He notices once again another title you’ve mentioned; The Notebook.
No hesitation, he decides to watch it, and by the end, he’s nearly crying.
“Are you crying?” His roommate asks. 
“Shut up!”
At some point he brings up that he’s watched almost all the movies and read all the books you’ve mentioned and you don’t know if he was genuinely bored and did so or because he really was interested in you.
Your thoughts are answered when he asks if you want to go see a romance movie coming out.
Albedo- Starts to become mesmerized when he watches you study or work
He loves the way you look so focused- the way your nose scrunches up when you get confused at a question or really anything, or how when you feel lost, your hand moves up to your cheek as you just stare down at the question.
You’re so focused to the point that sometimes you forget he’s even there but in fully honesty- he doesn’t care. As long as he can stare at you without you noticing, he’s fine with it.
Sometimes, he forgets about his own work. You just look so pretty when you’re focused- he wishes it was on him.
At some point, the staring becomes too obvious and you look up ti find him just staring at you, and his face comes of one of surprise when he sees he’s been caught.
“W-would you like some help?” He asked, nothing your nose had scrunched up just seconds ago.
You smiled. “Yes, please.”
Ayato- Seeing you with kids makes him feel something.
He sees how you treat kids with such kindness and adoration- as if you’ve met your favourite hero. Whenever you take strolls, you love to stop by the park and push some kids on the swings; It’s to the point all the parents know you and the kids love you.
Whenever you hear a child cry, you get sad. Whenever you hear a child laugh, it makes you smile- It makes him smile too, being honest.
He loves how you’re so attentive to them, that one day when one of the kids falls and scrapes his knee and starts to cry, you’re immediately there comforting them, putting a bandaid on their knee and telling them it’ll be all better.
You pretend to play “shop” with the kids to the point even he is dragged in by one of them.
“Are you two married?” One of the children ask one day, which then causes a bombard of questions from the rest while they all say things like
“Is he nice?”
“Does he treat you well?”
“You two are sooo perfect!”
“Can he play with us more?”
Ayato only smiles at you and you smile back.
Childe- He always looks for you in a public setting
Whenever he goes out, whether it to be to run errands, go somewhere with his brother or just something for work, he always wondering if you’ll be there.
Most of the time you aren’t- it’s a small chance you’d be at a random toy shop that his brother was non-stop talking about, but he’s always on the lookout.
Parties that friends invite him too, he always asks if you’ll be there or he’ll just look for you the moment he arrives, praying and hoping to God that you’ll be there.
Maybeeee it’s stalking, but he starts to go to places he’s heard you mention in hope of seeing you. Even if it’s a place he has no reason to be at, he’ll still go.
For the first time one day, instead of him noticing you and going up to you, you’re the first to notice him and go up to him, starting a conversation.
Cyno- He always wants to make you laugh
He sucks at making jokes- he knows this, everyone knows this, but it always makes him feel warm inside whenever you let out a giggle or a loud cackle at his jokes- even If they were horrible or made sense, something about it always lightened you up.
So, even though everyone else hates it, he continues to go with them, just in hopes of hearing you giggle- it’s so cute!
He’ll even start to think of new jokes, new types of humour just for you, and he’ll always go with the ones that make you laugh the most.
He may update his whole humour for you, but who cares!
Then, he notices that you started using his own jokes, which makes him cackle just as loud as you.
Diluc- Nicknames
If anyone were to ever call Diluc something other than his name, he’d lost his shit. EVERYONE knew this, and not even Kaeya would test him- the closest he’s ever used a nickname was “Luc” and Diluc was ready to fight him.
But you, well, he just doesn’t seem to care. Whether it be Luc, Didi, Lulu, and even pookie, he’s completely fine with it.
Everyone knows he has to has something for you, but he doesn’t even realize it himself. It just brings a warm feeling to his face when he hears a nickname come out of your mouth.
Then one day, he randomly starts to call you nicknames, and you feel the same warmth he does.
Dottore- Drops anything for you
Dottore is a hard-working man. He hardly takes breaks, and he’s always up to something. So, it’s hard to speak to him on most days, that it even makes you upset as his friend.
His coworker mentions something about you being upset and he immediately puts down any work he’s holding and asks where you are. He would never do that for anyone, but you? He didn’t know why, but he just felt the need to be at your side.
He tells you to text him whenever you need something, and he’ll answer. He just won’t answer the other 100 texts from other people and continue to leave them on delivered.
You’re bored? Come work with him. You’re hungry? Go get some food together. It’s to the point that work is no longer his main priority.
You ask him one day if he’d like to go to dinner, and before you could finish your sentence about knowing he was a hard working man and was never free, he immediately says yes.
Itto- Anything that smells like you reminds him of you
Itto has a good nose- it’s a blessing and a curse.
When it comes to smelling something similar to you, whether it be your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, cologne, perfume or mist, he considers it to be a blessing.
He could be anywhere really; In a random shop, and if someone walks by and has the SLIGHTEST smell smilier to yours, he’ll almost think its you and now all he can think about is you.
It’s to the point it becomes his favourite smell, and he finds himself buying items similar.
You notice his efforts, and give him a gift one day. It was full of everything you used to smell the way you do.
He’ll use it everyday.
Neuvillete- The way you act doesn’t bother him
The Iudex was not a patient man. Anyone who acted immaturely, whether it be like a child or an insolent teenager, he’ll became so annoyed.
But you? Act however you want, he does not care. Instead, he’ll just laugh, enjoying your antics.
You’re acting like a child? Okay, not his problem, he’s fine with it. But if Furina came in here acting like a child he’d kick her out in and instant. Even if a literal child came in he’d kick them out in an instant.
He finds himself finding comfort in the way you act sometimes. He doesn’t know how to explain it, but he thinks it’s the fact he knows you’re comfortable enough near him to act the way you do.
Then one day, you decide to be calm for a day, and sit and talk with him normally, and even if it’s a change, he’s still happy nonetheless.
Thoma- Everything reminds him of you.
The flowers? They’re as pretty/handsome as you.
The window? Sometimes he imagines you’re outside.
The floor? He’ll remember both of you hiding out at parties and sitting on floors.
Money? He’ll remember the time you bought him lunch because he forgot his wallet and you refused to let him pay you back.
The sky? It brings him comfort to know you both see the same sky.
The stars? As bright as you.
He gets a gift from you one day, telling him that It reminded you of him, and he could only give a heartfelt laugh.
Pantalone- Whatever you look at, you’ll find it within your belongings in the next week.
He’s a perceptive, rich man. You may only be friends but he loves to spoil you.
He sees you staring at a necklace for over 2 seconds? Bought immediately, and of course he’ll place it around your neck.
Trinkets you think look cool? The next time you both hang out at your hose, you’ll mysteriously find it within your home.
If you have an event coming up and he hears you describe what you’d like to wear, he’ll be looking through every store and buying whatever is similar to the description.
He stares at flowers, wondering if he should give them to you or if it was weird. He’s heard you talk about wanting flowers once, but maybe not now
Yet he is met with you holding out the same flowers to him 2 days later, stating you saw him staring at them for quite a while.
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bettymylove · 7 months
Can you please do a Theo not fix where the reader is his best friend who he has been in love with his entire life and they are always snuggling and she is always on his lap but then she sees him with some other girl talking being flirty and gets jealous and avoids him and agrees to go on a date with someone else in front of him and he loses it and tells her he is in love with her and it ends in smut?
can I just say I love this ideaaa AAAHH!!
pairing: theo nott x reader
content: read the askk<33 18+ smut
a/n: loved writing thiss
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to other people the friendship of you and theo was not what usually friends were, you had no walls up against each other, being completely transparent to each other.
it was kind of a known fact you both harbored some feelings for each other, even though it had never been said however most people keep their distance from both of you.
you were both overly touchy with each other, him always touching you in some way, whether it be a hand on your thigh in class or making you sit on his lap in the common room just so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck, all of this was completely normal to you.
it was after lunch on a friday, all the students were completely free from classes and you decided to utilize this time to finish you assignments so you could enjoy the hogsmeade trip tomorrow.
however reaching the library, you heard theo's laugh, the sound you could recognize anywhere and as soon as you started to walk towards it, you stopped in your won footsteps, since his laugh wasn't the only one, there was one more accompanying him.
he was laughing with another girl.
he was touching her knee and she had her hand on his arm, they were practically lying on each other. The urge you had to finish your schoolwork died, and soon tears began to roll down your cheeks, how could he betray you like this.
theo heard your familiar footsteps and started to follow you, calling your name but you gave no response which was very weird, since you were always cheery to have him around.
this behaviour continued well into the next day, he was ready to go to hogsmeade with you but it seemed like you had other plans, since at breakfast when a boy from ravenclaw had asked you out on a date you had said yes, that too in front of him.
he was confused to say the least, and was looking for an answer, his hand found your forearm when you once again tried to escape.
"so you're really going on a date with him?" he asked in pure shock, not being able to recover from the fact that you had said yes.
"do you have a problem with me going?" you had asked in a snarky voice, still thinking he was behaving irrationally.
"of course, i thought we had something" his tone and face all reflected sadness and pure betrayal, "I had thought that too, until I saw you flirt with that girl in the library yesterday" you had retorted.
"I was trying to get her to do my homework for me, so I could spend more time with you" he said in a gentle voice.
"why do you even care theo that I'm going on a date it's not like we're dating" you longed for an answer, to have some official word for whatever your relationship was.
"because i love you", he said in a slightly raised voice, "it's so obvious i do, everyone knows it and you should too, i love you y/n"
he leaned down, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, like you wished he would, pushing you back on the wall near you which secluded you from everyone.
his kisses started trailing downwards, he was sucking on your neck while his hands were all over your body, he soon went down on his knees, staring up at you, "let me show you how much you mean to me."
please was the only word leaving your mouth, which was soon replaced with moans as soon as his tongue touched you, swirling around, he was practically devouring you, urging you to come undone on his face.
"let it go baby, come on my face" and so you did chanting his name as if it was only thing you knew in this world.
"theo, please for merlin's sake fuck me" and he couldn't deny your pretty face unbuttoning your shirt, but still not letting it fall he started leaving marks all over there as well.
you had unbuckled his belt and soon got his cock out, it was red at the tip leaking some precum and you couldn't help but move your hands up and down on it.
he had soon took both your hands and pinned them above your head, urging you to jump and as soon as you did, he had his dick inside of you.
he was thrusting so hard and so fast that you could see stars already, moaning his name while he was still kissing your neck, it was all you could have imagined.
"theo, I'm gonna come" you had managed to say between gaspy breaths, and he had urged you to do so, since he was on the verge itself.
he had finished inside you filling you up to the brim, and you felt content with him.
"so, I hope you're gonna cancel the date" he said and you only laughed in response.
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emjayewrites · 1 month
The First Monday in May | LH44
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SUMMARY: Lewis Hamilton and his girlfriend have too much fun at the Met Gala.
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Black Fem! Reader
TAGLIST: @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @jasmindaughteroftheworld @motheroffae @hrlzy @xoscar03 @xsweetdellzx
A/N: I had to! Lewis was looking too good! The hold he has on me is crazy!! Please comment and reblog!! The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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The luxurious suite at The Mark Hotel was a whirlwind of activity as you and Lewis prepared for fashion's biggest night - the Met Gala. Seated at the vanity, you watched in the mirror's reflection as your makeup artist meticulously applied the finishing touches to your glamorous look, but despite her artistry, you found your gaze continuously drifting, utterly entranced by the vision that was your boyfriend. He was an absolute vision as he prepared for fashion's biggest night.
Instead of the typical tuxedo, Lewis had chosen an exquisite all-black ensemble from Burberry to pay homage to the Welsh gardener John Ystumllyn. The intricate floral embroidery that adorned the long overcoat was a true work of art, a delicate stitching of daffodil motifs.
Watching as Lewis moved with that athletic grace of his, you felt a familiar heat unfurling low in your belly. Even three deliriously blissful months into this relationship, the man still managed to render you utterly breathless with desire.
"Easy there, gorgeous," your makeup artist chuckled, having caught your hooded gaze locked on Lewis. "We've still got some work to do before you can jump his bones."
You didn't even attempt to hide your shameless ogling as Lewis's own makeup artist leaned in to meticulously groom and sculpt his already perfect brows. The man's cheekbones could slice diamonds, you were certain.
"I can't help it," you murmured, shamelessly drinking in every sinewy line and angle of his body beneath the tailored lines of the all-black ensemble. "He's too much."
As if sensing your rapt regard, Lewis turned to catch your eye in the mirror. His full and bitable lips - a true pout that would make any sane woman melt - curved into a wolfish grin that did absolutely indecent things to your insides. The man was a walking orgasm without even seeming to try.
"See something you like over there, baby?" His tone was pure liquid sex, that deep baritone seeming to caress you from across the room.
Rather than answer verbally, you held his heated stare and slowly, deliberately dragged your gaze over his form in a full-body rake. Only when you'd visually mapped every hard plane and sinuous curve did you meet his darkened eyes once more.
The heavy silence that stretched between you thrummed with smoldering tension and the sort of electric chemistry that you somehow never seemed to run out of these days. You were well and truly still drowning in the depths of that delirious honeymoon phase.
Clearing his throat, Lewis broke the thick moment by unfastening his wristwatch and handing it off to his assistant. As he fastened an assortment of jewelry to his wrists and fingers, you admired how the gleaming metal accents played against his burnished skin like molten sunlight.
Lewis seemed to fill every inch of his look with that potent masculinity of his. Raw, unapologetic virility in its most delicious form. He certainly cut an impressive figure, yet somehow your gown managed to visually complement his rather than compete. An exquisite confection of black and white fabric, delicate floral embroidery across the bodice, and gossamer tulle layers underneath for a more puffy skirt, it was a study in ornate romance. As a playful wink to your boyfriend's look, you'd requested a spray of lush John Ystumllyn roses to be artfully woven into your elaborate upswept braid.
The overall effect was absolute decadent glamour, blending seamlessly with Lewis's darker, more understated Ystumllyn homage. You were in perfect stylistic alignment, two halves of a striking whole.
As you rose to join him for a few final touchup photos before the grand arrival at the Met, Lewis's molten gaze raked over you with naked hunger.
"Good god, you're exquisite," he rasped, reaching out to ghost his fingers over the delicately embroidered skirt. "Perfect in every way."
Leaning in, you pressed a lingering kiss to the curve of his jaw, inhaling the heady scent of his cologne.
"You keep kissing me like that and we'll never make it out of this hotel room," Lewis rumbled, his large hands settling possessively at your ass.
You let out a breathless laugh, feeling deliciously giddy in a way that never seemed to fade these days, not when you were around him. "And that would be such a tragedy?" you countered playfully, rising on your tiptoes to feather a string of teasing kisses along the strong column of his neck. "Think of all the headlines - 'Hamilton a No-Show At Big Fashion Event, Too Busy Wifing Up Boo.'"
The growl that rolled through Lewis's broad chest could only be described as primal. "Cheeky girl."
With some reluctance, you forced yourself to take a step back, smoothing the lapels of his ensemble as you drank in every last detail that would soon have the world's photographers in a frenzy.
"Tonight's the night, babe," you murmured, unable to resist running an admiring palm over the solid plane of his chest. "Ready for your close-up with me by your side?"
Lewis's whiskey-brown gaze burned molten with certainty and desire. "More than ready. It's you and me, baby. We got this."
Offering his arm in that genteel way of his, Lewis ushered you from the hotel suite to begin your grand debut as an official couple. As you rode the elevator to the lobby, butterflies took fluttering flight in your belly, not from nerves but pure, unbridled excitement.
This relationship was still so new, so wholly unexpected and whirlwind and earth-shatteringly right, that tonight felt profoundly momentous. Your first time facing the glaring scrutiny of the world's media and paparazzi as Lewis Hamilton's date - his woman to put it simply.
Yet gazing up at the achingly handsome man by your side, you felt nothing but calm certainty and devotion unfurling within you. This was your reality now, this charmed existence where you were cherished and adored by one of the most famous and talented men in the world.
The roar from the crowds outside was deafening as the hotel doors parted. Lewis held onto your hand tightly as the two of you made a dash to the awaiting black SUV.
When the two of you finally arrived at the Met Gala carpet, the roar from the crowds gathered outside reached fever pitch as your driver opened the door, a solid wall of camera flashes and shouted greetings assaulting you.
As you emerged onto the frenetic Met Gala carpet, the roar of the crowds and paparazzi reached deafening levels. Lewis kept you tucked securely against his side, his large hand a scorching brand at the small of your back as you blinked against the blinding flashes.
"Just keep those gorgeous eyes on me, baby," he murmured, lips brushing your temple. "You've got this."
Your arms instinctively banded around his trim waist as you took his scorching weight, nodding wordlessly. This entire event was Madison Square Garden levels of sensory overload and spectacle. Despite Lewis's easy confidence and the steadying weight of his arm around you, nerves fluttered wildly in your belly. This was your official debut to the world as his girlfriend, after all.
As if sensing your slight trepidation, Lewis leaned in closer, stealing a series of soft, reassuring kisses along your cheekbone. "Be a good girl and stay calm for me," he rumbled in that sinfully delicious baritone, "and I'll make sure you get a very…special reward later tonight."
You shivered at the heated promise in his words, the suggestive waggle of those thick brows that never failed to turn your insides to molten lava. "What kind of reward?" you couldn't resist asking coyly.
Lewis simply flashed you a wicked grin before turning his magnetic presence on the press line.
"Lewis! Lewis, over here!"
Posing effortlessly with that second skin of charisma and charm, he graciously accepted the mic from the smiling Ashley Graham. "Looking like an absolute dream tonight, my friend. And who is this vision on your arm?"
With a possessive sweep of his free hand down the embroidered curve of your waist, Lewis reeled you in closer until you were melded against the scorching line of his body. "This remarkable woman is the love of my life," he proclaimed boldly, his honeyed gaze of pure devotion blazing into yours.
Ashley let out a delighted laugh. "So this is the official hard launch of your relationship then? Out and proud for all the world to see."
Lewis's chuckle was rich with satisfied masculine pride as he nuzzled a kiss to your temple, his nose nuzzling the sweetly fragrant blooms woven through your braid. "I guess you can say that, yeah. No point in hiding the way I feel about this one anymore."
Flushed and giddy with glee, you somehow made it up the iconic Met steps in a blissful daze, secured to Lewis's side and feeling utterly invincible in his steadfast presence. Once inside the grand venue, your vision was awash with dazzling lights, priceless gowns and dapper tuxedos, a truly who's who of Hollywood and fashion royalty.
At your secluded table, Lewis introduced you to his fellow guests - songstress Raye, actors Jodie Turner, Colman Domingo, and Charlie Hunnam. The group instantly folded you in with warm smiles and enthusiastic conversation as Lewis's large hand found its way to your thigh beneath the tablecloth.
A jolt of pure sin shot through you at the blazing path his fingers traced over your bare skin, squeezing and caressing with casual possessiveness. He was permanently branded into your nerve endings at this point, able to ignite you with even the simplest of touches.
Across the table, Colman leaned over with a twinkle in his eye. "Seems our Lewis found himself quite the stunner. You'd better keep that man on a leash."
"Oh trust me," you managed to rasp out around the lump in your throat, "I fully intend to."
A fresh roar rose from the crowd as some of the evening's co-chairs - none other than Zendaya and Bad Bunny - took the stage to kick off the night's festivities and programming. Ariana Grande herself soon serenaded the event as Lewis's fingers continued their torturously delightful ministrations beneath the table, your thighs trembling with the effort of keeping your expression impassive.
Just as the first strains of one of Ariana's biggest hits reached a crescendo, Lewis suddenly stood and grasped your hand. Throwing him a questioning look, you allowed him to tug you up beside him.
"Do you trust me?" The words were a low, heated rasp meant only for your ears.
Your answering nod was instant, unhesitating. At this point, you would likely follow this man into the flames if he asked.
Slipping his palm against the small of your back once more, Lewis guided you from the grand auditorium and out into the dimly lit corridor, somewhere quieter and more private. You let out a startled gasp as he abruptly tugged you into what appeared to be a utility closet, shutting and locking the door behind your bodies.
"Lewis, what are you - mmph!"
His lips crashed over yours with bruising, devouring force, swallowing your words and sending an electric jolt straight to your core. The enclosed space was immediately suffused with the heady scent of his cologne and the unique, musky aroma that was simply him - dangerously virile, achingly male.
Pinning you to the wall, Lewis plundered your mouth with that wicked, talented tongue, his hands shamelessly roaming every curve and dip of your body. When you instinctively arched into his solid frame with a desperate whimper, he let out a guttural groan of approval.
"Wanted you the second I saw you in that fucking dress," he rasped harshly against the swollen seam of your lips. "Christ, I can't get enough of you, baby. Can't ever get close enough."
Spreading his large palms over the flare of your hips, he tugged your lower bodies flush in a deliriously sinful grind. His eyes were fever-bright and blown wide in the dim closet, a maelstrom of possessive hunger.
"All night, I wanted you just like this," he commanded in that rough, wrecked tone that obliterated your higher reasoning. "Writhing on my dick, my name falling from those pretty lips…I can't wait to fuck you senseless later, but first I'm gonna do it with my hands."
The world could have fallen away in that heated moment, and you wouldn't have noticed or cared - not when Lewis was kissing you breathless, reducing you to a devastated puddle of want in the circle of his scorching embrace.
Feverishly tugging at his tuxedo jacket and shirt, you finally managed to spread your palms over that broad, powerful expanse of bare chest. God, the man was sculpted perfection, every striated muscle and sinew begging to be mapped and worshipped with your mouth.
You latched on with your mouth in a filthy, open-mouthed trail of nips and kisses, laving the heated skin with your tongue.
"Christ..." His head fell back with a ragged groan. "That mouth, baby...gonna fuckin' ruin me."
You blazed a messy path of worship over every glorious inch of bared flesh, nipping and swirling your tongue until his strangled curses spurred you onward. His hands continued to roam wildly, locating the zipper at the back of your gown and dragging it down in one long pull until you were exposed from shoulders to waist. The entire upper portion slithered free, puddling at your feet and leaving you bared from the waist up. Lewis's shredded grunt seemed to vibrate through your very nerve endings.
"Fuckin' stunning..." he husked, drinking in every newly revealed inch of your skin with undisguised want. "So gorgeous, baby."
Any sense of inhibition or location abandoned you as Lewis sealed his mouth over yours once more. You arched wantonly into his hardness, fingernails scoring lines down his powerful back as your lower bodies ground together in a maddening spiral of friction.
He broke away with a guttural rumble, latching onto your pulse point and sucking hard enough to leave a mark for all the world to see. A harsh tug followed, that broad palm closing around your thigh beneath the frothy skirt layers to hitch your leg over his powerful hip.
"Gonna make you mine now, girl," he growled against your damp skin. "No more waitin', no more teasin'..."
His free fingers sought the sleek juncture of your thighs, skimming along searing flesh, past your lace thong, and coaxing a litany of shameless moans past your parted lips. "This pretty pussy is mine."
The sheer possession in his lust-roughed baritone sent shockwaves of electric heat arrowing through you. He cupped you, skilled fingertips finding your slick, aching core as you canted your hips with a choked cry.
"Yes, Lewis...God yes!"
Rewarding your eager surrender with a harsh nip to the swell of your breast, he coaxed your other leg up and around his narrow waist. Pinning you to the wall fully, he slid two thick fingers into your dripping channel as his palm ground against your throbbing pearl in delicious torment.
"Fuckin' drenched for me," he commented with clear masculine satisfaction. "This what you want, baby girl? My fingers splitting you wide and fuckin' open..."
If he kept up that whiskey-rough filth while working you apart so skillfully, you were sure to detonate within seconds. Hips circling mindlessly, you chased the rapidly cresting highs, trusting him completely to send you plummeting over that euphoric edge.
"Please..." you sobbed, legs quaking where they were hooked around his lean hips. "Please, Lewis...I need..."
Whatever pleas remained caught in your throat as he claimed your lips again, swallowing your hoarse cries and whimpers. The built-in shelving at your back served as convenient leverage as he fingers pumped in a steady, owning cadence while his palm continued kneading at your sensitive bud with perfect pressure.
You tore your mouth away to gasp against his stubbled jaw, tingles of electricity licking along every nerve ending like wildfire. "I'm gonna...oh God, Lewis, I'm gonna..."
"That's it, baby." His answering rasp was shredded and dark, wreathed in blatant carnal pride at your wanton surrender. "Let it go for me...drench my fuckin' hand with it."
His vulgar praise was the final push you needed. With a drawn-out keening cry, your spine arched into an almost painful bow as you released in spectacular, obliterating waves of screaming pleasure. Lewis held you pinned as shockwave after shockwave washed over you, prolonging and intensifying your euphoric high.
At some point, you found yourself draped over him bonelessly, panting in great heaving gulps while he nuzzled your hairline and trailed hot, worshipful kisses over your face and throat. Though satisfyingly sated for the moment, an ember of longing still throbbed molten and low, awaiting his final searing brand.
"Goddamn, you're exquisite," Lewis breathed against your sweat-dampened skin. "I'll never get enough of you, baby girl. Not in this life or the next..."
As he shifted to mouth along the shuddering column of your exposed throat, those talented fingers still worked your flushed, sensitized flesh in tiny pulses and caresses, sending aftershocks of delicious torment skating through your limbs. Overwhelmed anew, you could only cling to him, this remarkable man whom you'd fallen so hopelessly in love with.
After sharing a lingering kiss that left you both slightly breathless, you reluctantly disentangled yourselves and began straightening rumpled attire. Lewis shot you a roguish wink as he smoothed the lapels of his immaculate tuxedo jacket. You bit your lip to stifle a giddy giggle, feeling deliriously happy despite the slight flush of embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position.
Squaring your shoulders, you emerged from the utility closet trying your best to exude nonchalance. Lewis followed closely behind, his large palm skating across the small of your back in a reassuring caress. Immediately, you nearly walked straight into the grinning form of none other than Bad Bunny himself.
"Ay yi yi...." The Puerto Rican rapper's eyes danced with mischief as he took in your flustered appearances. "If I had known the closets were available, I would have brought someone myself."
Lewis just laughed, slinging an arm around your waist. "What can I say? She's irresistible."
You ducked your head shyly as Bad Bunny chuckled. After exchanging some playful banter, you and Lewis headed back to the Gala's main venue - hands intertwined, beaming unabashedly. Despite the brief embarrassment, your shared smiles spoke of an unbreakable partnership built on deep adoration. In Lewis's eyes, you were his unstoppable equal, his everything. And he was undeniably yours.
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haerni · 1 month
OH MY GOD, “who is he? ”
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summary: feels like you’re fallin’ deeper & maybe you’re going crazy, right? does he want you or not? he’s so confusing!
ft. park sunghoon (based on ‘OMG’ by newjeans!)
content: fem! reader, tooth-rotting fluff, a lil bit of hurt comfort, sunghoon is that confusing guy, mutual pining, reader is a bit embarrassing i think? sunoo your support system! 1.8k words
— very very minimal proofread and editing bc ive only done this in one sitting (help me).
( 🍃 ) notes: this took me so long omfgsbks but here we are with my very first content on this blog, please be nice TT sunghoon might be ooc saur.. theres that! can u tell i love sunoo, i have to sneak him in. maybe the story will jump for awhile so sorry for that also.
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you've probably liked PARK SUNGHOON for almost half of your life.
ever since he sat with you at the swing from the park you used to go to when you were kids and offering his own comfort when you were crying on that day, to this day forward when he offers his shoulder for you to cry on.
he never questions the reasons behind your cries, he never pushes and all he does is sit there and offer you whispers of solace that you take to heart.
because your best friend wouldn't want the worst for you.
because all he does is care for you.
and maybe—just maybe—you hate him a little for it, for doing things that make your heart flutter, for simply just touching your hair and pulling you closer hoping that it will quell the sadness that consumes you. or when he would walk with you home after his practice despite being tired and run down to the bones, he would never miss a day. or when he would call you such sweet things like you are together when you aren't.
or when one time he heard through jay how someone was making passes on you and disgusting comments about you, he comes home with a bruised lip and wounded knuckles. he refused to let you see him, not until you forced your way to his room with the first aid kit his mother let you borrow, because he also wouldn't let her treat him.
or when you can't even pretend to be okay in the sea of bodies in a party and he notices right away. he drags you by your hand and drags you out of the party without a care for anyone. he only tells you that he hates the party and would rather eat out in a convenience store nearby.
he holds your hand tightly, you knew that night you loved park sunghoon more than you could ever imagine.
a decade into your friendship, you fell in love with your best friend, park sunghoon.
you did your best to hide it, to keep these emotions at bay and lock away into the very bottom of your heart. you swallow the bubbling feeling in your throat whenever he's close. you did your very best to preserve the relationship the both of you built together. even if all you wanted was just ruin it and become something more.
loving park sunghoon was easy, it was easy as the breeze that touched your hair, it was easy as falling into a routine of living and looking forward to days when he's with you. the prospect of loving sunghoon comes naturally and you don't know how to stop it. it just grows more everyday and suddenly you find yourself in garden of flowers blossoming in your heart, so much that's its starting to flow out little by little and you're slipping, you're heart is becoming unguarded, the walls you've spent all your life building is chipping away slowly.
it's becoming suffocating, it's hard to breathe around him.
the passing touches, the stolen glances and brief silence has been occurring more and more.
it's only a matter of time, before someone catches on. unfortunately, that time is right now.
"what's with you and sunghoon, lately?" your friend, sunoo asks, "did you guys have a fight?"
a second passes before you answer him, "we did not. why do you ask?"
sunoo sits closer to you and puts his face on his palm, "you have been avoiding him."
you stopped, "no, i'm not."
"it's lunch and you're sitting here with me in the library, working on an assignment that's not due until next week, when you usually never miss eating when he comes by our room to eat with you." he pointed out.
too specific. were you that predictable? and when you don't answer sunoo realizes something. when his eyes widen too much for your comfort that's when you interject from whatever train of thought he had.
"or maybe—"
"i don't know what you are talking about, sunoo."
"you're avoiding him.."
"i already told you, i'm not—!"
"sure, keep telling yourself that." sunoo snorts at that, "i know you like him and not how a best friend should."
you can't breathe again, you were absolutely done for. because sunoo was right, he got the answer right and you couldn't find it in yourself to quip back at him. you can't find it in yourself to deny and brush it off, because it's simply not real, it's not what your heart is telling you. maybe, that was your last straw.
maybe that was all it needed for you to let out your heart just for once and face the reality.
you don't want sunghoon as a best friend.
the realization hits harder when someone utters it out, because you have lived all your life hiding and suddenly, it pours out like rain after a long unending drought.
now here you are. in the porch of your house under the moonlight with you encased in sunghoon's arms, because you were stupid enough to go out and try to forget about him, to go see other people and hope that you can lose all these feelings you have for him. it didn't, maybe it never will. a boy, somehow he's the same height and stature as sunghoon it was enough for you to agree for a dinner out.
it was stupid to begin with. you didn't even know this guy's name (you can't even bother to remember). because while you sat there and tried to engage with him, your mind drifted far on how he does not have the same moles as sunghoon, he does not make you laugh like sunghoon does, maybe he would've took you out to that ramen place you always go to after a long day instead of this fancy restaurant that you don't even know. quite sure enough that guy only talked about himself, you didn't listen.
"so are we going?" he gives you an all-knowing smile and as you try to turn him down a voice comes in.
"she's not going with you." you look behind, and there he stands one hand in his pocket wearing a white button-up shirt that you haven't seen before, a cold gaze accompanying it and his hair done all too perfectly—like he was on a date.
"hey! who do you think you are?" sunghoon ignores him as he offers his hand to you. tilting his head in question. you did not hesitate to grab it. it's almost a curse for him to know when you need him the most.
you can feel the heat rising up in your body as he intertwines both of your hands and gives it a squeeze.
he brings you home, like how he promised your dad when you were sixteen.
you bite your lips in hopes of suppressing all the emotions running down on you. but you can't really do that in front of sunghoon, can you?
you broke down.
and sunghoon was there—it was enough. it was enough for everything to pour out.
"i'm tired, hoon." his arms tighten around you, burying his face to your hair, almost as if he's kissing it in comfort.
you're tired? is it because of that guy? should he beat him up? you wouldn't like it anyway, so he erase the thought. park sunghoon has never hated anyone more than that jerk right now. he curses that stupid guy who made you like this.
"i hate you park sunghoon."
"you don't mean that."
you don't.
"i really really hate you." you were probably the worst to utter such words to him. to your best friend, to sunghoon out of all people. but you can't stop. "you're so stupid, stupid."
it takes him back, he didn't expect for you to be mad at him. he's silent for a moment as he continues to hold you like you're going to disappear.
"how am i stupid, baby?" there he goes again with those stupid nicknames.
you refuse to look at him, burying your face to his nape. and when you don't answer he talks for you.
"do you hate me that much for you not to look at me?" you really hate park sunghoon.
he sighs at the lack of your response. he shakes his head before he turns his face closer to your ear, "what am i gonna do, baby? you hate me, but i like you so much."
what? what the fuck?
that makes you widen your eyes processing what he just said as you sit up straight and facing him. and it makes him laugh a little, he probably shouldn't, but he couldn't help it. not when you're this adorably looking at him like you can't believe it.
"don't joke about things like that park sunghoon!"
wow, using his government name? "you don't believe me?" you don't answer. "why do you think i came to that awful restaurant wearing this shirt?" you knew it was new, you've never seen him wear it.
"because you want to fit it?" you answer.
"that too," he laughs, "and because you didn't eat lunch with me, you didn't walk home with me. i heard from sunoo, that you were out with someone and you didn't dress up because of me. you were on a date and it wasn't me. you were avoiding me, baby."
he looks at you and it hurts because both of you are a fucking idiot. all this time, sunghoon liked you.
park sunghoon likes you.
"how long?" and you can't help it, you have to know.
he thinks for a second, "hm.. since when you were on that swing? i thought you were pretty." he smiles so easily.
oh my god.
you buried your face once more, not really knowing what to do, because for the longest time you thought you were the only one feeling this way.
but sunghoon understands, he continues to talk, "jay thinks i'm obsessed with you. he's not wrong, you know? you don't have to say anything right now, i know you're having a har—"
you kissed him. park sunghoon is really an idiot. how can you not like him? how can anyone not even like him? he's so stupid. sunghoon's eyes widen a bit, but melts into your touch as quickly.
god, was this really happening? please don't ever wake him up if this is a dream.
you pulled away for a breather and he reached for another one causing you to block his lips with your hand.
feeling the blood in your cheeks, flustered as sunghoon kisses your palm instead. his hand coming up to yours to remove it.
"can i kiss you again?" you were going to die, "please?" you're sure of it.
sunghoon laughs at that. you can't feel it, but his cheeks are really hurting now from smiling. maybe one day you'll let him kiss you more, but for now this is enough.
he has loved you almost all of his life.
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𖹭 likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! i hope he is not too out of character :')
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
the law of attraction II Ingrid Engen x Mapi Leon x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1880
a/n: hi, it's based off this lovely request here. On a different note, how adorable are Ingrid and Mapi in that gif ?! ❤️
“Here comes our little genius, girls.”, Mapi told her teammates proudly while you walked towards the injured defender. Their curious glances made your face turn hot.
“Maria, we’re the same height, so stop calling me little!”, you playfully rolled her eyes at her.
“Sure.”, she shook her head in amusement.
“Girls.”, Ingrid intervened smiling.
“Ingrid, hi.”, you greeted her, happy to see the Norwegian again.
“Hi. Nice to see you.”, the dark-haired woman responded, wrapping her arms around you for a hug.
“Great to see you too. Also watching you two at training is something different than Uni.”, you mumbled thankfully into her embrace.
The weight of the library books in your rucksack reminded you of what you’ve been doing the whole day. Spending too much time in front of your laptop without successfully coming closer to solving the mathematical issue you’ve been working on.
“She’s getting some distraction from a math problem.”, Mapi explained to the fellow footballers with a smug grin on her lips.
“Yes, maybe the distraction helps me to solve it later.”, you replied in a hopeful tone.  
“Worth a try.”, Ingrid nodded.
“Such a smart ass.”, the tattooed Spaniard teased you.
“Maria.”, the Scandinavian scolded the older woman before she continued beaming at you, maybe we can all grab some food together after training?”
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea.”, you answered happily, you could really need a distraction and being in your friend’s apartment with Bagheera who loved to cuddle with you sounded delightful in your ears.
“Math nerd, it’s time for the beauties to get to work.”, Alexia reminded the three of you winking.
“I’m not keeping them from it.”, you pointed out laughing.
To her captain the defender said slightly annoyed:” Yeah, yeah, we’re coming.”
On their way to the training pitch, Marta remarked:” I mean you two have a personal supporter here so you should be motivated.”
“She's probably calculating some stuff in her head instead of watching.”, Mapi commented with a smirk.
Ingrid agreed: “As usual but she looks adorable while doing so.”
“Yeah, she does.”
Both of them watched on as you stared into space, too occupied with the equations in front of your inner eye.
Alexia shot her two teammates a suspicious look and teased: “One could almost think you two are in love with her.”
Mapi laughed nonchalantly: “Oh, please.”
“We're not.”, Ingrid protested, a pinkish hue appeared on her cheeks as she jogged off to warm up.
Alexia followed closely: “Just focus on training.”
“I am focused.”, Ingrid said.
The team captain looked over her shoulder at Mapi with a raised eyebrow: “I mean both of you.”
She shrugged Mapis complaint away: “I just want to train.
Right after training, you found yourself at Mapis and Ingrids apartment. The takeaway you picked up on your way back filled the kitchen with a delicious smell of freshly cooked Thai food. You gathered around the kitchen table as Mapi started to set the table.
“You girls did so well.”, you remarked as you opened the styrofoam boxes, eyeing the food.
Mapi chuckled: “It was just a training session… or did you mean picking the food?”
“The food actually.”, you grinned, cheekily stealing a fork full.
“Of course, we're great at that.”, Mapi replied.
You started to spoon some food onto your plate and smiled: “Trainingwise, you both seemed a bit distracted.”
“Distracted?”, Ingrid echoed, almost dropping her fork in surprise.
Her girlfriend swiftly changed the topic: “Tell us instead if there's someone distracting you from doing too much uni stuff.”
“No, no time for that. Besides you two do that already.”, you answered truthfully.
The norwegian blinked at you innocently: “We're not doing anything.”
“Right, we only invite you over for dinner or games.”, Mapi nodded.
“See?”, you only asked, the couple clearly already made the point for you.
Mapi gave you an unimpressed look and said around a mouthful of food: “You could just say no.”
“Yes, but I like going.”, you had to admit.
“And you can't work on your uni stuff all day round.”, Ingrid joined in.
You sighed. It was charming that they worried about you but in the end, you had chosen this career path and you loved what you did.
“It's kind of my job…”
“Yes, and we're so proud of you.”, Ingrid said, carefully reaching across the table to take your hand in hers.
You took a deep breath before confessing:” Thanks. It just gets lonely at times. Sometimes I want to have a relationship but then I again, I don’t think I would have time for that.”
“You know we’re always here for you, right?”, Mapi asked you in a cautiously tone.
You shot her a grateful glance: “I do, and I appreciate that.”
“You know, I think there might be a solution for this.”, the Spanish defender begun.
“You do?”, you lifted an eyebrow curiously at her.
Turning her head to face the Norwegian, Mapi continued:” I think Ingrid is thinking the same.”
“I am.”, her girlfriend nodded earnestly.
Confused you looked between the football players:” What are you talking about?”
“Tell her, Mapi.”, Ingrid urged the Spanish woman to keep talking.
“We could provide the relationship stuff for you while you focus on your studies.”, the defender suggested.
“Wait.. are you saying..? You must be joking.”, you responded, the surprise clearly written all over your face.
“No, we’re serios, y/n.”, Mapi reassured you.
“We both want to be with you.”, Ingrid emphasized the previous words of her girlfriend.
“I thought I was the only one with the crush.”, you replied still shocked by the offer of your friends.
“Oh dear, you might be very book smart, but..”, the defender smirked.
“But not when it comes to girls.”, the Norwegian ended the sentence of the older woman equally amused.
“The laws of attraction.”, Mapi hummed.
“That’s something they don’t teach in University.”, you answered, running one hand nervously through your open hair.
“No worries, we can teach you that like you taught me math at school all those years ago.”, the defender promised in a soothingly voice.
“I think I would like that.”, you declared smiling.
“So would be.”, Ingrid grinned satisfied.
“I can’t believe that.”, you giggled in disbelief.
“You better start believing.”, Mapi said.
“She’s a mathematician, she probably needs proof, Mapi.”, the dark-haired woman reminded the older player.
The Spanish defender mumbled:” Good point.” She was the first to kiss you, Ingrid followed swiftly. Both kisses tasted like the start of something new and exciting.
“What do you think? Enough proof?”, the Scandinavian midfielder gave you a challenging look.
“Yes, I think that was enough to make me believe that you were serious about this.”, you responded with a shy smile on your lips.
“That’s what we wanted to hear.”, Mapi commented beaming.
It took you some time to get used to a new relationship but a few weeks in, you could confirm that you felt happy and safe with your two girlfriends. So, of course you were a tiny bit sad when they left for the Champions League semifinal in London while you had to stay in Barcelona and work on your thesis… Or at least that was you told them.
Ingrid stood on the perfect green grass at Stamford Bridge right before warm-up. She watched the stadium slowly fill through a curtain of rain.
With a soft sigh, she said: “It's sad that y/n couldn't come with us to London, Mapi…”
“Maybe she can join us for the final if she isn't too busy.”, the injured defender shrugged.
“I mean it's in Spain which might make it easier for her.”
“That would be great.”, Mapi agreed.
A sudden grin appeared on Ingrids face as she pointed over towards the away fans. A red and blue flag had caught her attention. “Oh look, someone in the stands has the same flag as you, Mapi.”
As Mapi followed her gaze, Ingrids jaw dropped in shock: “Wait, is that y/n?”
From your place in the stands, you had no idea what your girlfriends said but the way their faces went from shock to lighting up with excitement told you everything you needed to know.
“There's no way!”, Mapi exclaimed.
“That little bi-…”, Ingrid started but was quickly interrupted by Marta who nodded in Vickys and Salmas direction. “Ingrid, not in front of the children!”
“Sorry.”, the Norwegian laughed before pulling Mapi with her towards the stands.
Laughing, you waved your Barcelona flag as they came to a stop in front of you: “Hi Ingrid, Mapi.”
“What are you doing here?!“, Mapi asked, leaning over to plant a kiss on your cheek.
You shrugged: “Surprising you girls.”
“You said you were too busy!”, Ingrid pouted.
“And I was busy but one of my fellow students reminded me that you only live once, so…” You gestured around the stadium with an innocent smile.
Mapi shook her head: “Why do you listen to them but not to us?”
“It's a scientific fact that we only have one life…”
She did not let you finish and instead rolled her eyes: “I can't with you nerd.”
“Me neither but I'm really glad you’re here.”, Ingrid smiled at you.
You grinned: “You're welcome.”
“You'll be our lucky charm.”, the defender winked and you could feel the blood rushing into your cheeks.
“Hope it works.”
Ingrid gave you a quick kiss: “See you after the match.”
“Have fun but win this.”, you called after her as she hurried away to warm up with the rest of the team.
Over her shoulder, she replied: “With Mapi and you we should be able to.”
“Ready, Mapi?”, you asked the Spanish defender smirking.
She took your hand in hers, replying confidently: ”Ready.”
“I can’t wait.”, you exclaimed as they started playing the hymn of the women’s champions league.
Despite the rain the team of your girlfriends were eager to win this and Mapi and you tried your best to support them from the stands. After the match ended in a 2:0 for Barcelona, your friend cheered:”Y/n, we won!”
“Ingrid was amazing, right?”, you wanted to know from her, your eyes lit up with excitement.
“Yes, she was.”, Mapi grinned at you. Both of you were too caught up in your bliss, so you didn’t saw the Norwegian coming.
“Hey!”, she greeted you, mirroring your bright smiles.
“You were so great, Ingrid.”, you told her proudly.
“Thanks.”, Ingrid responded.
“We’re so proud of you.”, Mapi mumbled while wrapping her arms around the taller woman who lifted her up easily in their hug.
“You were amazing support.”, the younger player declared.
The Spanish defender who was pulling you into the group huddle announced with a cheeky grin:” That means you’ve to come to the final too.”
“I do?”, you questioned amused.
“Yes, absolutely, you can’t say no.”, Ingrid tuned in.
“I’ll see if I can make it happen.”
“We’ll count that as a yes.”, Mapi winked at you before kissing first the Norwegians cheek than yours.
And indeed, you were able to come to the Champions League final much to the happiness of your girlfriends. The law of attraction didn’t allow anything else. Love has won before any of the teams graced the pitch.
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All Thanks to You - T.Nott
Summary - At first, Theo found her gifts sweet and kind but the longer they went on the more they annoyed him. He had the false assumption that she was chasing after his money and status but he was very wrong. He didn't realize how wrong he was until he overhears her sticking up for him in library.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Use of Y/N, female reader, profanity, stress
Author's Note - I'm getting through all of my requests slowly but surely, this will probably be my first and last post of the day. I'll try my best to keep banging these out but unfortunately today was my last day of spring break and my vacation from work. Thank you for being patient!
Based off the request by an anon
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
It was almost disgustingly obvious how much she liked Theo, except to the boy himself. It had taken him ages to figure it all out. He thought it was weird at first, he was always getting baked treats, a seat saved, books that he ended up loving and notes sent to him. Then, it started to annoy him, he thought that she was just trying to get to him because of his status and money. That of course wasn’t her intention but he didn’t figure that one out until he overheard a conversation, one revolving around him and all of his flaws and untrue rumors.
He was about to jump in himself until the sweet voice of the girl sending him all of these good things chimed in. 
“That’s not true at all. Theo is so kind and sweet. He cares so much about his friends and only acts cold to people like you because you believe and spread all of these bullshit lies. He’s not rude, he’s not unnerving, he especially isn’t ugly or gross to girls. He’s sweet and kind and loving and a great person and if you can’t see that, then don’t consider me your friend anymore,” She ranted before packing up her books and walking away, not expecting to bump into the boy himself. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, I’ll get out of your way.”
“Wait,” He pleaded, having every expectation of her walking away but she stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, “Thank you for sticking up for me. I know I said your gifts were annoying but I don’t really think that. I honestly thought you were after me for money or to boost your status or something, I shouldn’t have assumed that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. You’re a good person Theo. I’d love to talk more but I really have to go study for the potions exam,” She told him.
“Study with me, I have an O in the class, I can help you.” The smile on her face brightened the room, making his heart skip a beat, a smile finding its way onto his own lips.
“Okay! I know the best spot in the library,” She chirped, grabbing his hand and leading him to the top floor into a quiet corner. The two of them studied together for nearly an hour before she spoke again, “How in the fuck do you make a draught of the living dead again? I can’t remember anything right now, my brain is fried,” She groaned, resting her forehead on crossed arms.
“You need a break, love. Let’s go to the kitchen and get some food from the house elves,” Theo offered.
“Won’t we get in trouble?”
“No, I’m friends with the prefects on duty, let’s go before they change shifts.”
The whole way down to the kitchen, the two were holding hands, neither of them had even noticed until Draco stopped them in the stairwell leading down to their destination. “What do we have here? The infamous Theodore Nott holding hands with his admirer?”
“Oh shove off, we need you to cover the kitchen while we get food,” Theo told his friend, still holding onto her hand even though they were caught.
“What’s in it for me?” Draco asked.
Before Theo could open his mouth, Y/N answered, “Pumpkin pasties, green apples and cauldron cakes. I see you eating those a lot so I assume you like them?”
“You assume correctly, fine, let’s go lovebirds.”
Holding up her end of the promise, she got Draco his favorite sweets, snacking with the two Slytherin boys. The blond boy had taken a liking to her, finding her genuine, funny and observational. The bond between Theo and Y/N had grown and only got stronger by the day. It was no surprise to any of their friends when they started dating not long after studying together. 
They continued to have study dates until the day of the Potions exam. She was extremely nervous and Theo was nervous for her. They didn’t get to see each other until dinner that day. Taking her usual spot next to Theo at the Slytherin table, casually sliding a paper to him. He furrowed his eyebrows before opening the paper, the red ink stared him right in the face.
“You got an O?! Bellissima, that's amazing! I’m so proud of you!” Theo exclaimed as he hugged her tightly, placing kisses on her head.
“All thanks to you, handsome,” She smiled at him.
Theo kissed her deeply on her lips causing groans and gags around them. Neither of them having a care in the world other than her O.
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brodieland · 4 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Two Starfish in a Reef ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x fem!reader Synopsis: Reader and Percy meet at Yancy, after getting close they find out something about Percy. Pre-beginning "The Lightning Thief" A/N: reader is not a half-blood. Word count: 2232
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Best friends, partners in crime, soul sisters if you will. That's what you and Percy were, an inseparable pair.
The two of you met at Yancy Academy, a plush and expensive boarding school that rich and well off families pawn their kids off too so they don't have to pay constant attention to them. Which is why you were first sent there.
You weren't a troubled kid in the slightest, nor were you at all high maintenance. Though still being in the sixth grade, you needed a parental guide that your parents just wouldn't give. Your parents are famous and well-known lawyers in not just New York, but the country, meaning they travel a lot. With a career this successful, they never planned on kids, but that didn't stop you from coming along. They never acted toward you with any sort of hostility, but they were never loving. They'll sign you up for sports, but never come to a game. They'll say an artwork you made was impressive, but never hang it up on the fridge. You can win an award and sure they'll tell you good job, but never go bragging to their friends about it. If you had to define your relationship with your parents, the best way would probably be half-assed.
You thought there was a chance things would get better once you were surrounded by kids your own age, you sadly were wrong. Arriving at Yancy, you were always one to study hard and do well in classes. Having top marks in all classes kids are often mooching off your homework answers, but never offering to sit with you at lunch. You were fine it though, you were always quiet and conserved anyways. That was until one day your sitting in the cafeteria by yourself reading a textbook for class when this blonde boy in your English class comes up to you.
"Hey, um, your Y/N right?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah, your.. um" This is kind of embarrassing.
"Its Percy, I'm in your English class" he chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his neck "Anyways, I'm in your English class and, well to be honest, dyslexia is kicking my butt and I'm failing. So, Mr. Nicoll said I should ask you to tutor me and help get my grade up to avoid summer school. So, please help me?" He held his hands together in a pleading motion, making you cracked a smile, causing him to smile along side you.
"Sure, no problem. Let's meet after school in the library, bring your homework and a list of what you need help in and I'll have you passing in no time." You said flashing a toothy smile, which he happily returned.
"Oh my gods your the best, thanks so much. Alright Y/N, I'll see you later." He said, still smiling as he waved you off as he walked away. For once, you were actually looking forward to studying.
After your last class you pack up your stuff and start your walk to the library. To your surprise, Percy was already standing there grabbing books from his bag with his back to the door.
"Wow, someone's eager to learn aren't they" you joke.
He jumped a little not realizing you were behind him "Oh hey Y/N, didn't see you there" he smiled "but what can I say, I'm ready to be turned into an A plus student."
"Alright then, let's get started"
You guys studied for about three hours, he got distracted kind of easy but you were always able to somewhat get him back on track. Aside from studying, you guys also maintained conversations and got to know each other better and learned you guys liked each others company.
"Alright well, curfews in about an hour so we should probably get going" You didn't really want to get away from him, but you knew it was time. Though his slight frown didn't go unnoticed from you, making you slightly happy at the idea he wanted to keep hanging out with you.
"Dang, your right" he blew out air from his mouth as he said this "We should do this again, you know, studying. Or even just hanging out normally, without the studying." He rambled out a little bit.
Oh my gods, he wanted to hang out again. This was awesome, have you just made your first real friend here at Yancy, and you couldn't be happier about it. "Thanks Percy, I'd love too." You were probably grinning like an idiot.
He had the same look on his face, just as idiotic as you. No one should be this happy in a library, but you guys were. And what you didn't know was he called his mom all happy and giddy to tell her about you.
After that day, the pair continued to hang out regularly, both over the moon of having found a best friend in each other. Even if you didn't end up bringing him up to a scholar, he was okay with a C average, as long as it meant being around you.
As months passed, he began to get more comfortable with you, opening up about things he's been seeing ever since he was a kid. You were skeptical at first, but both of you met this new friend Grover who introduced the pair of you to a card game where all the characters were the creatures Percy had been seeing. This helped feel a little more normal, but you knew he wasn't fully normal and something was different about him, but you didn't care. Everyone has a background, but you didn't care what Percy's background was. He wasn't a crazy kid, you could tell. He was a genuine person who never found the fun in lying to you, and you appreciated it.
Finally, it was time for you class trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where we learned more about Greek mythology and background. You knew Percy and his mother were always very close, and that she taught him a little about Greek mythology as a kid. Being here made him think of his mom, making him zone out. You called his name out twice to snap him back to reality, yelling a little bit on the third time causing him to break the lead on his pencil, jump and yell out
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow as Nancy Bobofit started teasing him behind you. Gods was she insufferable. And of course, Mrs. Dobbs got mad at Percy yet again, she was insufferable, too.
You, Percy and Grover went you eat your sandwiches on the fountains ledge sitting in respective order. You sit there zoning out of the conversation while they switch sandwich ingredients and Percy is talking about shoving Nancy in a dumpster and Grover is saying you never stick up to a bully, blah blah. You weren't thinking much of there little chat, when suddenly stupid Bobofit threw her cheese at Grover's face. The hell? Before I even fully perceived the thought of Grover getting a full slice of cheddar cheese smacked across his face, Percy was already rushing up to Nancy ready to shove her into the fountain. The weird thing was, when he reached out to push her, she was already flying and slamming into the fountain getting absolutely soaked before Percy laid a hand on her.
"What the f-" You were cut off.
"Perseus Jackson," government name, not good, "we're not fools, there was only a matter of time before we found you." Okay what the f-
Cut off from your own train of thought again when you see Mrs. Dodds transform into some giant demon thing with wings knocking Percy to the ground and landing on top of him asking, yelling by the way 'where is it.' That's when the cap of his pen flew off, turning his pen into a sword, going through Mrs. Dodds like butter, turning her to dust. Okay, what the fuck. Hey, you finished it that time!
You quickly turned to Grover frantically asking him if he saw the demon thing too. He seemed to freak out more when you mentioned seeing it.
"Wait, you were able to see it, you know still remember Mrs. Dobb-" Grover clapped his hand over his mouth, realizing he said too much, but you couldn't understand what he said to much of as he ran off to Mr. Brunner, our Latin teacher. You ran up to Percy who was passed out on the ground and sat next to him slowly trying to shake him awake. He slowly opened his eyes when Mr. Brunner and Grover appeared behind you watching Percy wake up and ask for Mrs. Dodds, both of you confused because they kept claiming there was no Mrs. Dodds.
The bus ride home was quiet, nobody said a word, no matter how bad they wanted too. And waiting for Percy and Grover to get out the principles office might've been even worse. Finally, Percy stormed out with Grover walking with his head down behind him.
"Percy" you called out, but he barely stopped to look at you, as much as he wanted to stop, he didn't want to snap so he kept it quick.
"I'm expelled, gotta go pack." Then he kept walking. He was obviously upset so you'd just catch up to him later. So instead you turned to Grover and asked him what happened.
"Y/N, we need to talk."
So you guys spoke. And holy crap, did you guys talk. Greek gods are apparently real and Percy is a demigod? Demigods are kids with a mortal parent and godly parent. And you have clear sight, letting you see through the 'mist?' The mist is what covers the monsters and mythical beings from the mortal world, you can see through it though, cool..
"Grover.. I'm glad I'm getting filled in, but" you ran your fingers through your hair in confusion "why are you telling me all this? I'm sure there's a rule against telling mortals about this right?"
"Well yeah.." he replied sheepishly "but your very close to Percy and very important to him, and since you can see everything we see, you're basically are already in the know despite whether we want you to be. Good chance he'd want to tell you anyway. Plus now I can make sure you guys can stay in touch now that he has to hide out in camp" Grover shut his eyes realizing he said to much again "sorry, don't tell Percy that, let it unfold the way it was meant to. But I'll help make sure you guys stay in contact since phones aren't allowed. I gotta go, but if you wanna say goodbye, he's waiting for his ride so you should hurry up."
And with that okay to leave the conversation, you ran as fast as you could, not caring who you'd bump into. Until finally your outside and out of breathe, sliding into the seat next to him on the bench he was currently sat at.
"Hey" you said clearly out of breathe, shinning a bright smile at him. He laughed at the state you were in, messy hair, struggling to breathe but still smilingly up at him so brightly like there wasn't a care in the world.
"Hey Y/N, I'm glad you came out to see me" he looked back at you with admiration in his eyes. You loved looking into his blue eyes. You'd never say that though, the gods forbid he thought you were weird for that. "I would've swung by but I have to catch my ride you know. I'm gonna miss you most, it's gonna suck not being able to see you everyday anymore, but I'm gonna do my best and make sure we stay in touch. I promise." He held up his pinkie ready to make a pinkie promise, something only losers would break, and after reassurance from Grover, this was a promise you were happy to make.
You held up your pinkie and interlocked it with his and the pair of you leaned in and kissed your thumbs. You guys stared into each others eyes warmly, reveling in each other last moments. That's when you noticed Mr. Brunner, or Chiron as Grover called him, coming out the building, and you knew that was your cue to leave. With that, you lightly grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his cheek and held him tightly for a moment, leaving the poor boys cheeks hot.
After a few moments you leaned out the hug, saying "I can't wait till you come back and visit me, and tell me all about the trouble your gonna get into." You both chuckled, him rolling his eyes as he did.
He slide his hands down your arms and sliding his fingers through yours and hold your hands, swinging them side to side. He felt like the luckiest guy ever right now. "Don't worry, you'll know everything, because I'll make sure I come back to you Y/N."
That's when Chiron finally reached you guys. You guys let go and said your finally goodbyes, waving as you turned around. On your walk back to your dorm, just thinking how much your gonna miss that boy. Was best friend even enough to describe your feelings anymore?
Happy Valentines Day👿
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months
could u please write a lil something for a chubby reader and spencer :)) maybe a small meet-cute at a library or coffee shop? (something really fall inspired hehe) thank u thsnk u love ur work <3
spencer doesn't usually stop at this particularly library, but he'd had to for the case. he and emily had been tasked with finding more information about the books related to the unsub.
he's in fall colours- soft browns and muted oranges, his scarf the only pop of colour visible in a deep purple.
"uh, hi," he says softly, tapping his fingers on the front desk.
his eyes light up when you tip your chin upwards, a warm smile on your face as you look at him. "hi, can i help you find anything?" spencer feels his head cloud and hopes emily doesn't notice.
"yeah, we're looking for this book," she shows you the piece of the paper and your tongue pokes out the corner of your mouth, eyebrows scrunching as you puff up your already chubby cheeks.
"i think we're supposed to have three copies of them, would you mind waiting while i check?" you look up and spencer finds it hard to do anything other than shake his head.
your eyes shine in the amber light of the library and your glasses chain holds flowers and little yellow ducks that clink together as you walk over to the desktop. you're in a pale yellow top and from what spencer can see, brown corduroy jeans. you look cute and the curves of your waist and the little pudge of your belly looks good enough to grab to spencer.
emily coughs softly and his cheeks heat, his eyes lifting back to your face.
"did you know that ducks at rocks? they do it to help them digest hard foods and store them in their gizzards," your eyes seem to light up as spencer speaks so he presses on. "in 1911 in nebraska hunters actuaally found gold nuggets in their gizzards. it supposedly spurred the 'gold rush.'"
emily is proud that he doesn't stutter and is even moree proud of spencer when your eyes widen and you look up from the computer.
"their ducklings communicate while they're still in their eggs and they try to hatch at the same time." you say softly and spencer smiles, letting you work while emily looks between you both shocked.
"you should ask her out." emily whispers to him and his eyes widen.
"we're on a case and i don't know her." spencer whispers back, eyes tracking your every move.
"you were just sharing duck facts, boy genius. leave your number for after." emily says it so easily and with such belief that spencer will get a date or at least a friend out of this case that he considers it seriously.
"they're in aisle three, on the third shelf. there's also some other related books in the shelf across from them."
"thanks," they both say as they walk off. you spend a couple seconds watching after the man in the purple scarf.
they return in a couple minutes, with three books.
"are you checking them all out?" you ask and spencer nods, you stamp and process the books. "could i get a name?" you hold your pen just below your lips as you wait for answer.
the woman says, "i'll be in the car spence." the man blushes and you give him a gentle smile.
"spencer reid." he says softly, voice a whisper as you scribble, slipping the card into the book along with a small piece of paper. "have a good day." he says as he takes the book and you nod, waving him out of the library.
emily watches him open up the first book and leans over into his space as she starts to pull off. "what did she say?"
spencer smiles when he sees the note, your handwriting leaning to th right and slightly looped, "good luck, spencer reid. maybe we can exchange more facts soon, y/n" he reads and smiles even brighter when he notices your number below that.
"told you reid," emily says fondly and spencer can't ease the blush on his face all day.
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maralarsen · 2 months
Does he love me? >⁠.⁠<🎀
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~Theodore Nott x reader~
WARNING: cursing
Fluff/Little angst
° | friends to lovers| °
° |Summary: Theo starts to be too nice and the reader wants to solve it
° | I'm starting to feel that my stories are boring even though I've only written 3 of them and one of them is supposed to have a sequel
"Who ever thought that the important books would be the highest," I jumped to grab the book on the elixir, but of course like the two attempts before and now I missed. "Sh*t!" I sinned, "pretty girls shouldn't swear."
I turned at the sound of a rather familiar voice. "Theo stop kidding and help me," why am I jumping for a book when he just reaches out and has it right away.
"Try to ask," he said with a smirk.
"I can see how much you enjoy watching me struggle with my height, Mr. Supreme!" but he just smiled and sat down on the nearest chair. He probably won't really help me if I don't ask.
Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not one of "his girls" who will ask him for something. I've known Theo long enough to not be naive that he likes me even though I had him. It's too much to say that I she could admit that at all.
But I'm not going to ask him for one stupid book.
God, why didn't I think of that sooner. I walked over to the chair that was next to him, on which he was sitting, and moved it to the bookshelf.
"Why don't you just use a wand?" he asked me. "Because I probably forgot it?!" I reached for the book and took it in my hand, "ha, finally!" I raised my hands in the air as a sign of victory and I jumped from my chair to push her to her place.
"What are you planning for the evening?" I turned to face him, "I definitely don't intend to sleep under the image of God." I answered his question truthfully.
I wasn't the type to go to a party and then go to sleep and wake up in someone else's bed in the morning.
"Too bad, I thought you would come today," I raised an eyebrow at him, "and why?" he smiled at me and got up from his chair and slowly walked towards me.
He brushed a stray strand of my (c/h) hair out of my face and tucked it into place, behind my ear. "I don't even know myself, I had a feeling that you would say yes this time," I looked at him in disbelief, I was shocked by his actions.
There was always a friendly atmosphere between us and none of us ever crossed it. Why he suddenly behaves like that is strange to me.
"But as you can see I said no," I pulled away from him and left the library with the book in my hands.
A week later:
Interactions with Theo became more and more frequent.
Touching hands more often while walking. Hugging more often when saying goodbye. More frequent peeking during class. And more often compliments.
It didn't bother me because one side of me screamed after every touch of his, but the other warned me against this and shouted to be careful.
But as it usually happens with a teenage girl in love, the first page won me over. I longed for his touch, for his caress, for every compliment. He was literally making me a desperate pile of misery. Well, I didn't show anything on the outside. At least I tried, I don't know if it really worked.
I wanted to talk to him about this. Because all he gave me was a sweep. I didn't know what to expect from him. Is he serious or just kidding?
This is how I ended up in Pansy's room. "Pansy please give me some advice," I begged her with desperation in my voice. "I think you should go see him…ouch!" she tried to give me advice while doing her makeup for today's Slytherin party.
Unfortunately, this combination ended with a pencil sticking into her eye. "Are you okay?" "Ow. Hey, I just pricked myself, shit." she put the pencil down and sat on the bed next to me. "Listen, go after him," "but what if he..." I started playing with the laces on my sweatshirt.
"No problem! F*ck you woman, you're only young once, so f*ck him if you love him. And also everything points to the fact that he loves you too!" I looked at her.
"But what if I don't love him, what if it's just an infatuation that we'll regret later?!" I threw up my hands. That's what I was most afraid of, that it was just an infatuation, nothing more than a little romance. And I will hurt him and our friendship.
“Listen, (y/n/n)! If you didn't love him and it was just a romance, just an infatuation, you wouldn't be despairing over it now. You wouldn't care. And something tells me he feels the same way. At this time she's always on the astronomical tower smoking." I smiled at her and hugged her.
"Why did I deserve you Pans, thank you!" she grabbed my hands and said: "You'll thank me later now run," definitely I didn't hesitate any longer and ran to the door.
I literally ran through the corridors to get to the astronomical tower as soon as possible and catch him there. When I finally got there, I stopped in front of the stairs. What if he rejects me...NO! Enough of the doubt it's now or never!
I confidently walked up the stairs. I saw him leaning against a pillar smoking. My self-confidence left me the moment he noticed me and put out his cigarette. "What are you doing here?" he asked me. "Theo, we need to talk!" he raised his eyebrows "Did I do something?" Yes you did! I walked closer to him "Damn you realize what you're doing to me. The unexpected affection. Why Theodore, why now. If you just want me in bed then do it right now stop. Because you won't get me there even though I love you so much that I'm afraid to admit it to myself. God, you can't even imagine how much I was bothered by all those girls clinging to you and..." it was so fast that I didn't even have time to react .
One moment he was leaning against a pillar the next his lips were on mine. It was a kiss worth a million unheard words. A kiss that confirmed mutual affection.
He pulled away first with his right hand on my waist and his left on my face. When did he manage to put them there? "F*ck! You don't even realize how long I wanted to kiss you. Feel your lips on mine. I love you. And I'm finally not afraid to admit it. I've loved you since the day I saw you for the first time, even though as an 11-year-old I didn't even realize it and didn't know what love was. Hence all the affection. That's why now. Because when I saw you in that library. That's when I realized that I don't want anyone but you. Only you and your personality." when he spoke, I couldn't believe his words. I had never seen so many emotions in his eyes in my life.
"Theo I don't know what to say," I dreamily looked into his stormy blue eyes.
"Don't say anything just love me. Love me like your life depends on it because I already do," he loves me.
Theodore Nott loves me! Me!
Now I wanted only one thing: "Kiss me." Please!" I begged him. "Are you seriously begging? You (y/n) (y/l)?" "Yes please. And now please do it!" He smirked and his lips met mine, but now with more softness than if they were made of glass and he has to take care of them and protect them so they don't break.
I kissed him back and my hands tangled in his hair and they pulled him closer. He pushed me against the wall in return. I finally felt complete as if I had always belonged in his arms.
I pulled away from his hungry mouth "I love you! Theodore Nott," "I love you too (y /n) (y/l). More than you can imagine," I smiled at him and pressed my forehead to his.
• English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for the mistakes
• If you have any requests for a story, write to me ☺️
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pottersmiracle · 5 months
Harry Potter x Fem! Reader
warnings: fluff-harry crushing on reader-use of y/n-added in that every student has their own dorm-first kiss 🙈
summary: harry never seems to focus when he studies, until now.
a/n: kinda long but swet <3
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Harry was sitting in the library as he studied for their upcoming potion's quiz for Professor Snape's class. Harry was growing bored by the minute, every time Harry tried to doze off Hermione would notice and snap her fingers in his face or hit him with her wand. Which hurt quite a bit, and he definitely didn't want that again. But, he also just felt like he couldn't focus. He kept drowning out Ron and Hermione's constant bickering.
"Hermione can he please just take one break?" Ron pleaded noticing how tired he was. “Just watching him doze off is making me tired.”
“No Ronald! Do you really want him to fail another potions quiz and have Snape pressuring him even more? If you think he’s tired now i’d like to see him after that.” Hermione mumbled the last bit.
“She’s right Ron. I just.. need to find something to focus on so i can stay awake.” Harry said making Ron roll his eyes, “she’s always right.” Hermione hit him with her book making him groan and apologize.
Harry ignored them again, letting his eyes wander around the library. Then he saw her, y/n, the girl he’s been crushing on since their first year. They were best friends but he wanted to be more, so much more.
She noticed him almost immediately and smiled at him, he hoped she didnt notice the slight red hue on his cheeks as he smiled back at her. She said something to her friends and started walking over to him, making him instantly sit up straight.
“Hey Harry.” She said walking up with a smile. “Hey, uh, how are you?” He asked swallowing his nerves. “Better now that i’m talking to you.” She said with a smile. Now his blushing had to be noticeable after that.
He laughed and Hermione cut in, “thank goodness you’re here. You’re great at potions aren’t you? I’ve heard you in class you’re brilliant.” Y/n was taken aback at Hermione calling her a genius, Hermione was known as one of the smartest wizards of her age by most of the teachers after all.
“I’m certainly not a genius but i am fairly good at potions yes.” She answered. “Great. Could you try getting Harry to focus? Trying to get him to actually learn something is incredibly difficult.” She complained as Harry looked honestly offended.
“I can surely try.” She said laughing at Hermione’s comment. Hermione scooted over so y/n could sit across from Harry. Harry was certainly focused now and they hadn’t even started studying yet. This should be fun.
It had been almost an hour since y/n had sat down and started studying with Harry and Harry had already learned more from her then he had from Snape in the past 4 years. Hermione and Ron had certainly noticed that Harry was listening the whole time, and getting questions y/n asked him right.
“Students, it is now time to go back to your dormitories, the library is closed.” Professor McGonagall announced walking into the library. Y/n looked at Harry, “wanna continue this in my dorm? We only have one other chapter to go in this lesson if you’d like to finish it up.”
Harry wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t gonna say no to this. Not only was he actually learning something but he was just getting closer and closer to the girl he was in love with. “Yeah absolutely.” Harry responded. Y/n gathered the books as Harry looked at Hermione and Ron, Hermione was rolling her eyes and shaking her head with a smile, Rom subtly elbowed him and smirked at him.
“I’ll see you both tomorrow morning at breakfast yeah?” Harry said. “Yeah we’ll see you both tomorrow. Goodnight y/n!” Hermione said, waving to y/n who was putting away the books they didn’t need. “Night you two!” She responded waving back before handing Neville a book he had been waiting to read after they were finished.
They were in her dorm on her bed sitting across from each other. They had finished the book and was now just talking. About class, quidditch, family, anything they could think of. Harry was loving every second of it, he didn’t know that y/n was too.
As she closed the textbook to put it away, a charged tension lingered in the room. Their eyes met, and he couldn't help but stutter, "You know, this studying thing was... surprisingly enjoyable." She smirked, replying with a teasing tone, "Yeah, who knew potions could be so thrilling?" In the hushed atmosphere, their lips finally met, setting off a bomb of emotions that had been building with every exchanged glance and stolen touch during their study sessions.
After their lips parted, a gentle silence enveloped them. He chuckled nervously, breaking the quiet, "Well, that wasn't exactly studying was it." She blushed, "No, but I'd say it was more interesting." They shared a lighthearted laugh, the awkwardness fading into a newfound comfort.
He gently grabbed her hand, holding it in his as she rested her head on his shoulder, both smiling and laughing with each other.
It was perfect.
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demonicbaby666 · 10 months
Babe. Please teacher/student Emily and fem reader. I beg of you. Smut galore!!!
Professor P
One shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x fem!Reader
Genre: Smut and fluff
Words: 4k+
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, fingering and oral (r!receiving), semi-public sex (lecture hall), teacher/student, a little sprinkle of praise, swearing
Summary: Professor Prentiss has been coming to deliver weekly lectures at your university. You’ve mainly kept to the back and been weary of getting in her bad books. When you turn up late to class one day, things take an interesting turn, and you find the dynamics between the two of you drastically change.
A/n: i cannot find the gif I want, so we are going with a new layout. I scavenged everywhere for footage to make one and found fuckall :(
You're late. It's only five minutes, but that doesn't matter. Emily Prentiss does not appreciate tardiness, which is why your pulse is racing and your feet are rapidly slamming against the varnished floor.
When you reach the daunting lecture hall door, the handle mocks you with its screeching, causing you to grit your teeth. Great. Heads turn to the back of the room and watch as you clamber to find a seat, and no matter how hard you try not to look, you can feel Emily's pointed glare burning a hole straight through you.
The hall is relatively big. Sounds transpire effortlessly. It benefits whoever takes the class, their voice seamlessly carrying to the back. It offers no such advantage for the odd student who comes in late because the same principles apply. No matter how hard you try to keep quiet, the silence in the room does nothing to mask the ruffling of papers and pens.
"Thanks for joining us," Emily calls out once you settle, forcing you to meet her eyes.
You know better than to challenge her, so you grimace and mutter your barely audible apology.
"See me after class." she says, and murmurs scatter across the dotted ocean of students, "Let's continue."
It's torture. With each passing minute, your palms grow clammy, your knee shaky, and your breath heavy. Emily's picking on you more than anyone else, and though you know the answers, getting them right doesn't alleviate your nerves. She does offer a smile when you prove your lateness is by no means an accurate reflection of your intelligence. However, it's not a proud, candid smile that does little to calm you, simply because the browns of her eyes are tinted with something hungry and predatory that sends shivers through your body.
Time passes, and you continue to blossom into a colossal mess. Students dart out whilst you gather your things and nervously await your fate. On your way down the broad steps of the auditorium, fellow peers you've spoken to in passing offer their sorry attempts at comfort by leaving taps on your shoulders. It feels more like you're being sent off to the front lines rather than having a reprimand from your professor.
When you approach her desk, Emily's fingers tap away at her keyboard. Aside from a brief upward glance, she barely acknowledges your presence, and then she's back to typing, leaving you with nothing else to do - other than awkwardly fiddle with your fingers and wait.
What feels like an eternity later, Emily finally stops typing and turns the computer off. Though she may have still sat down, giving you the advantage of being on the higher ground, her piercing stare leads you to believe she most definitely is at no disadvantage and is solemnly aware she garners all your attention.
"What's the excuse?" she asks, looking you up and down.
"Excuse?" you nervously question.
"Yes, excuse," She rolls her eyes, stands up, then walks around the desk. Standing tall and remaining a few steps away, she continues, "Why were you late?"
Ice runs cold through your veins, and your mouth feels drier than the desert. You swallow the dry lump in your throat, "Library," you manage to choke out, "I lost track of time."
The answer doesn't seem to amuse her, and she rolls her eyes as she pulls up the left sleeve of her blouse. A silence bathes you both, though it seems only to take hold of you. Emily is too busy fiddling with her watch to notice or care.
It glints in the light when she steps forward, throwing your body into fight or flight, or the lesser of both, freeze. You stand stark still despite everything in your body telling you to back away.
"Hold out your wrist," she instructs, taking off her watch. You do as told and watch in astonishment as the leather straps clasp around your wrist. Emily's face remains unreadable until her eyes move from your wrist to your face, and you pick up on the slight curve of her lips and something unfamiliar in her eyes that almost resembles amusement, "Don't be late again."
Words aren't coming to you nearly as quickly as they should, and the hint of amusement that dances in Emily's eyes intensifies. Then, she grabs her things like nothing unusual has occurred and steps forward, whispering in your ear, "Next time, I won't be so nice."
A shiver runs down your spine, and before you can turn around, Emily's already out the door.
"What the hell just happened?" you ask the empty room, staring down at the watch on your wrist.
A week passes before you see Emily again, and in that time, there isn't a day that goes by when you don't wear that watch. The habit of looking down and smiling at it creeps up on you. Often, you look around to see if anyone else has noticed, then pull your sleeve over it as though it needs to be kept a secret.
Maybe you want to keep in on the down low because the thought of having anyone else know would tarnish what seems to be, or you hope to be a treasured memory shared between you and Emily, or maybe it is something else entirely. All you know is that you want the exchange to remain between the two people who were present for it. Thankfully, it does.
The leather straps of the watch itself have lightened ever so slightly with time, and a bubbling sense of warmth comes in late nights of your dorm room, looking at it and thinking of who it belonged to and how long it had adorned their wrist. You trace your fingers over the metal frame of the clockface and toy with buttons, all the while relishing in the hints of perfume that appear hellbent on remaining ever-present.
As the week drags on, you find yourself more excited than you've ever been for Emily's class. You're one of the first few to show up.
Though you usually favour the back few rows, the thoughts from the past week have you walking down more steps than you're accustomed to. Being at the front is far too much of a statement, you tell yourself. You settle for the middle.
With a clear view and no heads in your line of sight, you watch Emily stand by the computer and set up the necessary slides whilst she likely waits for the room to fill up. The side exit door is open, letting in a cool summer breeze that ruffles sitting papers on the brunette's desk—the touseling sound of crisp paper dances across the room.
The gusts of wind sweeping in aren't entirely strong, but they're blowing wisps of Emily's hair into her face. So much so she reaches a hand to brush them away and hypnotically tucks the loose strands behind her ear.
One of the first things you'd noticed about Emily, or rather, hadn't, was her fringe. Unlike in pictures you'd seen of her online, she now wears her hair down, parted in the middle with feathered layers subtly framing her face. It suits her. Then again, anything would.
Her attention falters, and she tears herself away from the screen to glimpse over the room. Eyes jadedly pass by you, then dart back and raptly take you in. Emily's gaze falls to your wrist. Her lips curve into a satisfied smirk, and there's no stopping the tension in your stomach that twists and coils in looping knots. Butterflies swim through the remains of cold brew coffee - that should be thanked for you getting to class so early - and the heat from the unforgiving sun feels like it's waited to peek through the window until this very moment to cast warm rays of light on your already flushed face.
Emily meets your eyes briefly. You mirror her smirk despite the nerves setting your body on fire and wait till she resumes scanning the room before shakily pulling out your notebook and pen.
It's not until she's looking back at her computer that you dare to look at her again. Your eyes traipse lower to her blouse. The light grey - if not off-white - colour of it is brought out by the occupying white blazer Emily has now flung over her chair. She's wearing black suit trousers, secured low on her waist by a simple belt, yet, with the buckle placement being off-centre, it becomes the heart of her outfit.
The last couple of students come in, dangerously close to being late, but no one else enters once the short clock hand takes its place next to the number nine. Emily moves to stand before the large white projection screen and begins speaking. Her hands move in time with what she's saying, gesturing to what's being displayed. Clasping together now and then.
You've always paid attention to how she carries herself, though now, you were really noticing it. Her walk, her posture, the way she needn't ask for silence or for anyone to focus because she simply demands it in the way she speaks. It's enticing. She's enticing, pulling you in like a helpless fish to bait. Everything becomes background noise from then on, and all you know is Professor P.
Words bellow through the room, and you try to focus on what's being said. It's not that you don't hear; it's that this lecture doesn't register as being nearly as crucial as Emily's newly popped button - revealing a whole new ocean of skin your eyes aren't quite sure they should be allowed to see. It takes dragging your eyes to the blank lined paper on your desk to find the will to breathe normally again.
Minutes pass. You don't dare pry your eyes away from the utter mess of words littered before you. Not being able to pick on anything being said coherently means going through the slides later, but it can't be helped. Every time you glance at the front of the room, you're entranced and sure that drool may be slipping from the sides of your lips. Somehow, Emily's loose shirt has managed to cling to her in all the right places, and you can't advert your eyes from her chest.
She clears her throat, and you break away from gawking at her breasts to see she's looking directly at you, trying not to smile. Thankfully, she moves on without drawing any unwanted attention from other students your way, but the damage has already been done. Your cheeks burn under the unbearable heat of the blaring sun and pure and utter humiliation.
For the remainder of the lecture, you keep your eyes glued to your desk. Thoughts racing, heart pounding, you think of how best to sneakily pack your things before Emily is finished so that you can flee the scene of the crime as fast as humanly possible.
That decision, unfortunately, is taken away from you when Emily makes her closing statement, "Come and collect your marked papers, and then you're free to go."
After tripping over flights of stairs rushing to be first, you end up fifth in the queue, straining to watch Emily search through a hefty pile to locate the corresponding paper to the student next in line. It moves quickly, and soon enough, you're face-to-face with the professor. Staring into her cedar eyes, you wonder why she's almost to the bottom of the papers and still hasn't found yours.
"Wait to the side, and I'll look in my bag once I've handed out the rest," Emily says, gesturing to the space beside her. So much for getting out as fast as you can.
There's not much for you to do but watch Emily delicately continue handing out papers. At times, she'll bring a finger to her lips and briefly run her tongue along it. Every morsel of your body lights up at the sight, and there is a need to discover what else that tongue could do. How fast can it move? How deep can it go? Would it delve in or torture you with teasing flicks until you're shaking with want?
The last student is given their paper, and you and Emily watch them leave. It's a hopeful thought to think that you're waiting because Emily wants to have you all to herself, and if that is indeed what she wants, you have no qualms.
The brunette leans down to grab her bag, making it incredibly hard not to notice the generous amount of cleavage on offer and the beginning of what looked to be a navy blue bralette, "You seemed less focussed today," she mindlessly says, looking through the contents of her bag.
Still flustered from the view, you shake yourself out of it and search your sluggish mind for a reasonable excuse that doesn't remotely sound anything like, 'Sorry, I was busy checking you out.'
"Sorry, I got a little distracted." It's not a lie. That does little to settle your nerves and level the uneasiness of guilt settling in your stomach.
Pulling out a sheet of paper, Emily places it on her desk and steps forward. The space between her desk and the wall is slim, so when you take the necessary action to keep your body at a distance, you feel the solidity of plaster against your shoulder blades.
In an effort to disguise your growing anxieties, you relax your back against the wall and push your hips out to place your sweaty hands against cooling white paint. Resting the straining muscles in your jaw, you hope to convince the profiler that this interaction does not affect you in the slightest despite it doing precisely that.
Emily studies your pose, and it appears for a few seconds she may have bought the whole, 'I'm waiting against the wall like any other normal student would' until she, once again, places one foot in front of the other and stands a hand's width away.
"What were you paying attention to then?" she asks, her tone unmistakably changing. It's raspy and playful, filled with the prowess of an experienced sweet talker.
She reaches out and lightly skims a finger down the outside of your arm, looking expectantly into your eyes for an answer.
Breathing has suddenly become incredibly hard. Electrical currents are running up and along the length of your arms, and they're ebbing their way across your chest, down your stomach to wake up an aching between your legs. There's no doubt what she's doing is passing the appropriate boundaries, but you can't deny the fact you want to entertain it.
"You." It was meant to come out confident. Instead, the word is whispered and almost cut short by your bottom lip slapping up to meet its counterpart.
The brunette's lips curve into a devilish smile, and she steps forward, resting one hand on the wall next to your head, "Interesting. And what about me were you paying attention to?"
"Emily," you whisper. It's unclear what you're hoping to achieve with her name tumbling out of your mouth in a manner that resembles both a beg and a warning. A faint tremor echoes through your body, and a surge of fear penetrates your mind, screaming that this could all be a wild dream within your psyche's hidden depth.
The professor's left-hand rests on your cheek; she bends her left elbow to draw her face nearer yours, and you see the eye of the storm in view.
Trudging through the muck of thoughts, you stand in the clearing. It greets you with visions that you've long since yearned for. Bodies tangled together, hands clawing along a muscled back, dark hair sprawled over exposed creamy skin dotted with botches the colour of wine.
"Please," you close your eyes and send your plea into the slither of space between you, a slither that feels more like a vast ocean. The need to know if this is real has you asking for one thing, "Kiss me."
The words linger, and weeds of doubt sprout. A pair of soft lips grab them from the root and plunge them from the earth with a kiss and firm hands now moving down to wrap around the small of your waist.
You part your lips and allow your hands to find their new anchor. They loop around Emily's neck and pull her in, and she, in turn, deepens the kiss, reaching out with her tongue to seek passage into your mouth.
Complying almost immediately, your tongues meet in a brief battle of dominance, where you quickly and selfishly decide it's best to surrender. Both of you are happy to let Emily take the lead.
Moans echo over the rows of seats, hands wander frantically under layers of clothing, and soon enough, Emily has you turned around and pressed against her desk. The shirt she's wearing has been fully unbuttoned, revealing a canvas of skin ready to be devoured: milky shoulders, sharp collarbones, full breasts, nipples straining underneath a cage of lace, and the soft outline of muscles running along her stomach down to the beginnings of her trousers.
"Up," Emily growls.
Taking it upon herself to carry through her order, she holds the backs of your thighs and props you atop her desk.
She wedges herself between your spread legs, pushing her taut stomach directly over your clothed cunt. The wetness of your underwear presses against your clit, and the realisation that no one had ever gotten you this wet from merely kissing and touching dawns on you. It makes you want her more if that's even possible.
Reaching out, you take her breasts into your hands, kneading them in your palms, then push the offending material away to give direct attention to her hardened nipples. One, you take between your lips, sucking intently, the other between your thumb and index finger, pinching and twisting it. When you switch sides, Emily lets out a crackled groan and threads her fingers into your hair. Your thumb brushes over her wet nipple, pressing it lightly into her breast. You circle her tit carefully whilst mirroring the same action with your tongue.
"Fuck. That mouth," Emily moans, the cords in her neck straining as she throws her head back in pure bliss.
Once satisfied, the brunette pulls you up into a needy kiss, desperate to show her gratitude. It doesn't last long, and soon, her mouth strays along the sharp edge of your jaw, down to your neck. Her fingers skim down your shoulder, chest and stomach, down to the buttons of your trousers, where she swiftly undoes them and delves her hand in.
You grip her shoulders, leaving moon-crescent indentations into her perfect skin, and let out a spluttered gasp. Emily runs her fingers through your glistening sex, leaving you breathless, "I love how wet you are," she says into the curve of your neck.
Using the arousal gathered on her fingers, she lathers your clit, circling it with a teasing barely-there pressure. Meanwhile, her hand sneaks under your shirt to toy with your nipple.
"More," you whimper, rucking your eyebrows and jostling your hips, striving for pleasure that will break through the surface of small shocks and leave you elated.
In unison, she bites down over your thrumming pulse point and pushes her fingers knuckle deep into you. A guttural moan roars and bounces off the tall confines of the amphitheatre. As the pleasurable cry ricochets back to the small desk, Emily shows no signs of stopping, too stubborn to care or too proud to acknowledge the severity of what the sound could lead to.
The walls of your pussy clench around Emily's fingers, heightening the stretch and feel of them slipping in and out of you. The abundance of wetness allows for no friction, and the fluidity aids the brunette to pick up a faster pace.
"You're taking my finger so well," she praises, thrusting deeper and faster.
Your nails must feel like talons to her at this point, clawing and etching at her back. She makes no complaint, only latches her lips to yours and groans whilst she fucks you fervently.
"I'm going to come." You breathlessly announce.
She pulls out abruptly, and the built-up pressure dissipates into thin air, leaving you simultaneously star-struck and confused.
A protest forms but has no time to leave you because Emily pulls you into a fiery kiss. It's fast and uncontrollable, tongue darting around your mouth, teeth gnawing at your lips, until she finally breaks away to catch her breath.
"I want you to come in my mouth," she says with a ravenous grin that instantly has you nodding your approval.
"God, yes." You moan.
Emily's quick to loop her fingers through the waistband of your underwear and trousers, leaving you half naked on the desk as she places your legs over her shoulders and runs her tongue up your right thigh, leaving a shimming saliva trail.
With one clean swipe of her tongue, the professor licks the entire length of your slit and moans as the first taste of you hits her taste buds. Hungry for more, she stiffens the muscle and plunges it inside you, lapping your juices straight from the source.
If the possibility of screaming wouldn't get you caught, you would do so. For now, you settle on nestling your hands into silky brown hair whilst quietly chanting Emily's name, encouraging 'yes's' and anything else that would keep her from letting up.
The muscles in your abdomen tense almost painfully from holding your body upright. You lay back on the desk, not wanting the sensations flowing through your body to be dulled in any way. Relief floods through you, and your actions are rewarded with waves of pleasure, crashing over every fragment of your being.
The room fades away as you close your eyes and feel the professor's tongue curve inside you, running along the rough edges of your g-spot. Too afraid you'll draw blood with the continuous raking of nails through her scalp, you settle your hands above your head, wrapping your fingers over the edge of the wooden desk.
Faint voices of students walking past the doors muffle in your ears, mingling with the rushed thudding of your heartbeat. Thud, voices, thud, clambered footsteps, thud, the sound of your moan, thud, then Emily's thumbing your clit, and every sound fades to nothingness, and you stop breathing.
Tremors render you useless. Your hips are grinding erratically, Emily's tongue is pressed inside you, and your clit is twitching. Sparks linger in your vision as your eyes fly open and find lust-darkened orbs - pinning you down with their fervour and watching you fall over the edge of your orgasm.
Somehow, through the haze of your orgasm-muddled brain, you tear your hand from the desk and slap it over your mouth to silence a shrilling sob. Your chest burns. Your legs shake. And finally, you arch your back, going joint-breakingly rigid.
The older woman slows down and runs soothing circles over the sides of your thighs. Two small pecks are placed on your hip bones before Emily stands up, and you all but fling yourself upright to devour her lips in a desperate kiss. Your aroma and sharp tang linger on the tongue, sliding into your mouth and causing you to stifle a moan at the taste.
"That was amazing," you murmur over her lips.
"Mmmm," Emily hums agreeingly, breaking away and resting her head on your shoulder to catch her breath.
"I still get to keep the watch, right?" You playfully ask, though there is some room for reassurance, "I've grown quite attached."
Emily chuckles into your neck, and it's single-handedly the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. Her laugh penetrates your skin and worms its way directly into your heart.
"Yes, it's yours," she replies.
"And?" She pulls back, looking confused.
"I don't need to worry about you handing out other watches to students, right?"
The brunette tentatively meets your lips again in a sweet kiss, stopping only for a second to whisper, "Not a chance."
Tags: @ssa-sapphic @aws-l @babygirlscout @red1culous @7thavenger @sapphicprentiss @five-bi-five-mind @jenna-ortega-is-pretty17177 @supercorpstan97 @kenyakimble34 @12fluffybunny12 @asensitivecookie @summoned-lust-demon @maxinehufflepuffprincess @whosprentiss @asolitaryrose3 @imlike-so-gaydude | click here to be added to my taglist
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bbrissonn · 2 months
can you please write something for ryan leonard? could literally be about anything i just feel like that boy deserves more attention <3
i love ryry, he deserves more love. cute little freckle man
in which ryan's teammates cant leave the two of you alone in the library
under the cut !
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"for fucks sake." ryan mumbled under his breath as he looked up from his book, only to be met with his friends sitting at the table of in front of yours.
"what's wrong, love?"
"they're here again. they're not even trying to be secretive anymore!" he scoffed as your eyes stayed glued to your work. you had a very important coming up, and you needed a good grade.
"just ignore them, babes. they're kids, let them be." you answered, leaning your head down on his shoulder as his eyes met with will's, who had wide smirk on his face.
"oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" gabe asked as they all got up and walked over to sit at your table. ryan let out a loud groan considering you were in a library as his friends made themselves comfortable.
"get out of here!" he spat at his teammates, making you chuckle a bit, but staying focused on your work.
"are we not allowed to study?" will asked, his smirk still present as ryan sent him a death glare.
"where're your books?"
"in my bag."
"take them out and study then. at another table." he said harshly, making all his friends laugh a bit.
"what if we want to sit at this table?" jacob asked, ryan rolling his eyes. your boyfriend looked over at you, begging you to tell the guys to leave, but you were too focused on your book to realize the look he was sending you.
"it's a library, be quiet." ryan warned the guys before looking back down at his work. your head was still leaning on his shoulder, making gabe snap a pic of the two of you. of course, the boy hadn't realized his flash was still on, making it blankly obvious what he was up to.
"get out!"
"what, why?"
"you're not here to study, you're here to bother us. so leave!"
"it was an accident!"
"can you guys go bicker somewhere else? i'm trying to study." you whispered harshly, making all the boys go quiet as they stared at you. you had finally looked up from your book, now sending ryan's friends a death glare that matched your boyfriend's. "all of you." you added, turning your head to look at ryan.
"me?" he gasped, his jaw dropping slightly.
"yes, you. you're the reason these ding dongs keep bothering me, so get out." you sassed, making ryan roll his eyes slightly before he started packing his bag.
"you guys are such assholes." your boyfriend mumbled as he got up from his seat, pressing a kiss to your forehead before making his way out. his friends followed closely, rambling about something that clearly wasn't making ryan happy.
lovey 🤍
give your side pieces some attention
i'll see you tonight loves <3
ryry 💗
i hate them, they're so mean
i miss you
come cuddle me
lovey 🤍
i'll be there in an hour max
love you
ryry 💗
love youuuu
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sugawarassoulmate · 7 months
not nut november - nov 04/nov 05
after the first few days, they were feeling great. then the weekend came.
tutor!akaashi & shitty bf!daishou
word count: 423 & 290
cw: fem!reader, bimbo!reader, unprotected sex, cheating/infidelity, choking, minors dni
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who even does studying on a saturday night? akaashi does, which means you have to too
you're in one of the study rooms at the campus library, which feels a little redundant since it's practically abandoned on a saturday night
"what act and scene is this line from?" akaashi asks, cooly. he's been quizzing you on king lear for the past three hours, making sure you knew could identify the passages for your midterm
"act three, scene two?" you guess but akaashi's eyes already tell you that you're wrong. "ugh, can we take a break, keiji? my brain is turning to mush!"
akaashi would argue that your brain was mush to begin with but there's no use continuing when you've already given up
there was one way he could motivate you to keep studying — it was for your own good really, you weren't smart enough to pass this exam just by winging it
but he remembers the bet he made with his friends earlier this week something about not having sex during the whole month. it was stupid but he knew he'd never hear the end of it from bokuto if he lost
akaashi supposes he could just eat you out while you study but nothing does the trick more than making you sit on his cock, making you read out his notes while you bounce in his lap...
it's not long before akaashi has you bent over the desk, skirt flipped up and panties pushed to the side. "come on, don't just think with your pussy, recite the line for me," he says, pulling you by the hair
"ahhh, 'when thou dost ask me blessing, i'll'—fuck, keiji!" you cry when he pulls out only to slam back into you.
a slap to your ass is what brings you back to reality. "'i'll...i'll kneel down and ask of thee forgiveness' uhhh, act five, scene three?" you answered, crying when akaashi's fingers circle your clit.
"look at that, she's finally using her little brain," akaashi coos, snapping his hips harder into you. "read the next one." he says, knowing this is the only way you'll pass
he can say it's for your benefit as much as he wants to but akaashi is just as guilty of thinking with his crotch, maybe even more so
akaashi only lets you cum when you've gone through all of the study guide and he rewards you by spilling his seed deep inside your womb and walking you to your dorm with his cum running down your leg
shitty bf!daishou
saturdays are meant for your girlfriend. taking her on dates and watching shows with her
but it's not saturday and you're not daishou's girlfriend, which is why he's technically not breaking any no nut november rules right now
his friends explicitly said that fucking your girl was off limits for the entire month
which is why he turned to you the first chance he got
"sugu!" the two of you barely made it past your door, with daishou pouncing on you the second he shut it behind him
now he's got you spread out on your floor, a hand wrapped around your throat
"shhh, i know, babe," he whispers, pace never letting up as he abuses your cunt. "you're gonna take all my cum this month, yeah? be my fuckin' cum dump?"
it's so sick and your heart breaks for mika, completely unaware that her boyfriend is balls deep in someone else—someone she calls a friend
but you nod anyway because for an entire month daishou's body will belong to you
mika will have to wonder about the faint smell of your perfume on his clothes, wondering why it smells so familiar
it's pathetic and cruel and so unlike you but it's what you want more than anything
"yes, yes, sugu! i want your cum," you gasp, nails running down his back "i'll take all of it, just give it to me, please!"
and daishou just loves the desperation, grunting a quick "that's my girl," before fucking you harder than ever
and as your eyes roll into the back of your head, and you feel the warmth of daishou's cum flooding your cunt, all that goes through your head is his voice saying "that's my girl," over and over
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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bandgie · 8 months
During the Party
virgin!hueningkai x fem!reader
a/n: second part to this post
synopsis: Seeing you get hit on by Yeonjun during a frat party makes Kai do things he knows he'll regret. You take this opportunity to test to see how far Kai is willing to go to please you, at the expense of his dignity.
warnings: MDNI 18+, semi-public oral (f receiving),, Yeonjun is more involved, cum eating (sorry it's my speciality), jerkin off, forced!voyeurism, alcohol/weed mentions, reader is mean mean mean!, kai is just a wee lad, hair pulling, kai is referred to as a dog, idk that's it
3.9k words
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Sucking Kai's cock became a way to pass time. In the library, the back of the abandoned buildings, the nearby park deep into the night. It really didn't matter where, your throat just craved to be stuffed with him. Kai was still hesitant, but after a few more times of cumming in your mouth, he let up his protests.
You couldn't do that forever though, and you were getting rather bored of your activities with him. It's how you ended up at the party Yeonjun's fraternity was hosting. The music was loud, the living room was packed with sweaty bodies, and your head was spinning from the smoke clogging the air. 
Your eyes were scanning the sea of bodies for your next fuck. There were a few potential candidates, but you couldn't find the energy to talk to them. It would be much better if they were like Kai. Easy, but not in the sense that they've been around. More like they couldn't say no, that they couldn't manage to stand up for themselves.
Pathetic. You've gotten used to Kai's pathetic self that putting energy into sleeping with anyone else turned you off.
A sudden pair of slender fingers grabbed your waist, and you opened your mouth to tell them to fuck off before you saw the familiar face. Yeonjun had sunglasses on, his hair slicked back, and a simple black tank top that screamed I'm here to get fucked tonight. You've messed with Yeonjun more than once, and his easy going personality made it easier for you to sit back and let him do all the talking.
He’d do for now.
"Funny seeing you here," a lazy smile sits on his face. You turn to face him fully, matching his smirk. "Funny? Why’s that?" You fold your arms across your chest as you regard him. He lifts his shades to rest them on his forehead, "You've been gone a lot. Ignoring my calls, ghosting me. I think this is the first party you've turned up to in weeks. That's not like you."
As tempting as it is to roll your eyes, he's right. You have been absent from your usual tendencies. His observations irk you, "Why do you care? Not getting enough pussy?" Yeonjun is quick to notice your clipped tone, but he ignores it. "Me? Not getting enough pussy? I don't think that's possible. You should see the chicks that throw themselves at me. Not that I can blame them, I'd fuck me too."
Now you're done with the conversation. His cockiness is something you thought you've grown accustomed to, but 'hanging out' with Kai so much made you favor the opposite. You turn on your heel to escape Yeonjun, but he follows suit behind you. "Come ooonn I was joking! Well...kinda. Honestly my dick has been lonely. I heard some horndogs going at it in a bathroom a while ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind."
You stop walking abruptly and whirl to him. "In the bathroom? The one in the library?"
Yeonjun's eyes light up, "Yeah! You heard it too?" You smile and laugh, "Well yeah I heard it. I was the one in the stall." Yeonjun's eyebrows go up in surprise, and he chuckles in disbelief. "Bullshit. Who was the lucky guy?" Rather than answering, you lift your hands to trail your fingers over his broad shoulders. He tenses for a second, then relaxes as your hands travel down to his navel. 
"How about I show you what I did huh? Wouldn't that be more fun?" Yeonjun smiles widely at your request and reciprocates your touches. He grabs two handfuls of your ass, pushing your body to be chest to chest with him. You can feel the heat that radiates off his body, the lust in eyes. This is what you need. Not some wimpy boy who eats his own cum on command. But a man who-
Another pair of hands yank you away from Yeonjun rather harshly. This person is bigger, thicker, but the way he's shaking is what catches your attention the most. Yeonjun reaches for you immediately, looking both confused and concerned. 
"Holy shit Kai? Is that you?" 
You freeze at Yeonjun's words. Then the body behind you begins to feel familiar, too familiar. You whip your head to see Kai's nervous expression. He doesn't even regard Yeonjun, instead locking eyes with you. There's no doubt in your mind that Kai is beyond terrified. Back in middle school, you and Yeonjun used to torment him. It wasn't until halfway through highschool that Yeonjun moved past bullying. 
"God damn it is. You look good man! I didn't even know you were going here, haha." For the first time in your life, you're thankful for Yeonjun's obliviousness. Kai's eyes shift to his for a brief second, "You too." There's no maliciousness in his voice, not even fear like you thought. He sounds worried, nervous, upset.
The grip on your waist, the eye contact Kai maintains, his pained expression. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out why he's here embarrassing himself. Kai's jealous. He's jealous that you're here to fuck another man, that you've started ignoring him a few days ago. Though his hands are shaking, he's content with not letting you go. He’s so desperate you can't help but find it cute. 
It would be better to tell him to buzz off. You came here with the intention of putting no effort into your pleasure, but Kai's presence makes you ache for him. Like you miss him. It's a thought you shove far, far away into the depths of your mind. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to keep Kai for the night; he looks like he'd do anything to stay with you.
"Aw shit. Sorry Yeonjun. Me and Hyuka had something to do and I totally forgot. Bye." You don't stay to hear his complaints, instead grasping Kai's wrist and taking him to the other side of the house. Kai is silent as you both weave through the bodies of people. He doesn't say a peep when you open the door to the basement, closing it behind you two. 
Yeonjun and his frat brothers had a man-cave that was off limits to everybody. But being Yeonjun's 'special' friend gave you some perks. You made your way down the stairs to plop yourself on the couch. Kai stood awkwardly beside you, unsure of where to place himself.
When he does decide to sit next to you, you shake your head. "Nope. Here." You snap your fingers and point to the floor between your legs. Kai hesitantly approaches, getting on his knees in front of you. He looks perfect, like he belongs down there. 
You spread your legs open, hiking your dress above your waist to show yourself. Kai's eyes widen and he gulps, "I-this wasn't what I-" 
"You embarrassed me tonight Hyuka. Do you know that?" His expression turns guilty, a frown on his face as he nods. "You got in the way of me having fun. Acting like you're some boyfriend to me. Don't you think you owe me for ruining my night?" 
Kai glances at your clothed cunt then to your eyes. "I'm sorry," he speaks softly. His smooth voice makes you shiver with arousal. "Well," you look at him unimpressed. "Go ahead and show me how sorry you are." Kai's mouth opens to protest but you cut him off. "And don't give me that shit that you've never eaten pussy before. There has to be something you've learned from all that porn you watch."
He snaps his mouth shut and blushes. That's exactly what he was going to say, but it wasn't because he didn't want to. You've given Kai head countless times, and he's never had the opportunity to reciprocate. It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that he thinks about it, even dreams about it when he's away from you. There's nothing Kai wishes more than to taste your sweetness, he's just worried about his lack of experience. 
Still, you're laying yourself on a platter so nicely for him. He can see the outline of your clit through your thin underwear. Carefully, he uses his finger to trail your crevices. Kai's digit lightly drags up and down your pussy. You can’t help but twitch, your hips slightly jumping from the ghostly sensation. 
It's not necessarily confidence, but curiosity that makes him eager. Kai wants to know what makes you wet, what pulls the pretty moans from your throat, how your cream would taste on his tongue. He can feel the plushness of your lower lips. The wetness of your pussy sounds like music to his ears. 
His teasing touches get you restless. There's a part of you that tells you to wait, that Kai might get overwhelmed from his first time seeing a cunt. But the need in your gut and the way your hips keep thrusting upwards to hump his hand wins out in the end. 
You use one hand to pull your underwear to the side, shivering at the cold air. Kai's breath gets caught in his throat and his tongue pokes out to lick his lips. Your other hand reaches for your folds to spread them open. You softly hum at the intensity of Kai's stare, pulling at your pussy a little harsher. 
"You like it Hyuka? You ever seen a pussy this close before?" You sound a little breathless, but Kai finds that insanely attractive. "Never...it's beautiful." The warmth of his breath on your cunt makes you whimper. 
The compliment doesn't fail to give you little butterflies in your stomach. "Oh yeah? I think it tastes better than it looks." To prove your point, you use the hand that was stretching you open to collect your juices. Kai's eyes never leave your hand even as you place your fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue around them. 
His Adam's apple bobs and his eyes twinkle like a kid seeing their favorite ice cream. You exaggeratedly moan as you taste yourself, "Your turn." Without waiting for Kai's response, you grip the back of his head and force him into your cunt.
There's no protesting or hesitation once his lips are on your aroused ones. He buries his face between your legs and his arms wrap around the underside on your thighs. Kai's a little too enthusiastic with his aggressive licks, but his little grunts make up for his lack of experience. 
He's never tasted anything so good. Kai was thinking that it might taste like his own cum but he could not be more wrong. Your flavor is a natural musk that has him straining in his pants already. If this is how you tasted all the time, Kai thinks there couldn't be a day where he wouldn't eat you out. 
His tongue flicks at your nub on occasion, but he seems to be focusing on your entrance instead. You keep a firm grip on the top of his head and guide him back up to your clitoris. "Here Hyuka. Don't make me tell you again." Kai nods at your order and centers at your sweet spot. 
You don't bother looking away from Kai. It might be a little too intimate to keep eye contact while he laps at your cunt, but you love seeing him so pliant. It's a huge power trip you've accepted when giving him head. It didn't matter who was on their knees, you both knew who was in control.
Kai was a quick learner. He figures out you really like when his nose brushes against your bud while his tongue lapps deeper into you. Your hips start grinding on his face, and his heart swells with pride. It feels good knowing Kai could do this to you. Even if you were mean to him, he still felt like he owed you this pleasure.
There's no way Kai's face is still dry after dragging it up and down your pussy. He doesn’t seem to care about how dirty he gets, only that you chased the high you've been neglecting yourself from. You don't care about how loud you're being either. Not that it matters anyway, the hollering from upstairs is enough to cover up your sounds. 
The first signs of your orgasm course through your body. Your legs tense around him and you throw your head back. "Ah~Hyuka, don't stop. Feels so good." Kai doubles down, knowing there’s no way he could get tired of your taste no matter how many times you came on his tongue.
Your cunt starts contracting around nothing, longing to be stuffed. You close your eyes and imagine how Kai's cock would fill you up so nicely. He might be pretty sloppy with his thrusts, but it would get the job done in making you cream around him. As much as you want him inside you, you know that you both would reach the point of no return if that happens. 
Your obsession would turn into something you don't think you're ready for. 
Instead, you'll have to settle for asking for his finger. He might struggle in the beginning, but he'll get the hang of it.
"Hyuka," you try and steady your voice. "Finger m-" You're cut short by footsteps descending the steps. Kai tries to rip himself from you, but you slam your thighs shut to keep him in place. He struggles for a second, but the feeling of your soft skin surrounding him pacifies him. 
Familiar orange hair peeps from the stairs as Yeonjun makes his way down. He looks at you surprised for a moment, then his eyes travel to the hostage between your legs. Being the dramatic person he is, Yeonjun jumps at the sight. "What's going on here?"
Kai stiffens at Yeonjun's voice, and he looks at you pleadingly. As if saying get him out of here please. You turn your attention back to Yeonjun and shrug, "Nothin'. I'm kinda busy right now." Rather than taking the cue and leaving, he goes down the remaining stairs and slowly walks over to you. He lifts his sunglasses to rest on his head, "Doesn't look like nothing. Who ya suffocating down there?"
Once something grabs Yeonjun's interest, it's practically impossible to get rid of him. There's nothing you can do other than watch Yeonjun plop himself on the couch beside you. He shows no shame in staring at Huening Kai between your legs. Yeonjun lets out a little chuckle, "So is this what you and Kai had to do?"
You nod, pushing the hair from Kai's face. His eyes have welled up with tears and his cheeks a bright pink. From oxygen deprivation or embarrassment, you aren't sure. 
Yeonjun's eyes never leave Kai's face, darting from your pussy and his wet face. "Well don't let me stop you, carry on," it's only amusement in Yeonjun's voice. 
You can feel your heart drumming in your chest, and the little trembles in Kai's hands. You've never tried to explore having sex in front of someone, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't intrigue you. The thought of Yeonjun's eyes and Kai's mouth on you is exhilarating, and you can feel your cunt throb in excitement. 
"You heard the man Hyuka. Go ahead." You spread your legs and allow Kai to take in a deep breath. He takes a few gulps of air before he shakes his head. "I can't." He speaks so softly, as if he would break if he said it any louder. 
One of your eyebrows raise from his refusal. It's been a while since Kai has denied you, and you don't really have the time to play into it right now. You were torn from your orgasm minutes ago, your high was still nestling in your stomach waiting to be released. 
"You can't?" You question. "What do you mean you can't?"
Kai doesn't answer you, insistent on shaking his head as his response. You groan and roll your eyes, I don't have time for this bullshit.
"Yeonjun," you call to the man beside you. "You'll eat my pussy won't you?" Before Yeonjun has the opportunity to respond, Kai immediately begins to protest. "Wait! I can do it. I can, I'm sorry." His eyes lock with yours, pleading. His quick obedience makes you shiver, and you involuntarily open your legs a little wider. 
"You keep saying you're sorry, but I dunno if you mean it," you tsk. "We have a guest Hyuka, it's rude to keep him waiting."
"I am sorry! I didn't mean it." His words are mumbled as Kai places his lips back on your core. You hum at the warmth of his mouth, lifting your hips up to chase the heat. 
Kai isn't as aggressive, most likely nervous from having a one-man audience. But his slower licks make that heat in your belly begin to gently rise once again. His tongue travels into your hole to collect your wetness and bring it back up to your clit. You moan at the flick of his tongue against your nub.
Yeonjun lifts your dress higher and spills your tits from your bra. Your hazy eyes look into his and he licks his lips hungrily. The tension in his jeans gets the better of him, and he unbuckles his belt to relieve himself. 
The jingling sound makes Kai peek over at Yeonjun, and there's a slight panic in his eyes. You notice this quickly, and cradle his face in your palm. Kai's gaze turns to yours, and you can see the ease quickly return back. The obvious effect you have on him makes your chest tighten, and you pray it's just because you're turned on.
Yeonjun grips himself and starts pumping his cock. Curses and groans leave his lips as he pleasures himself. The sight of Kai burying his face deep into you leaves Yeonjun yearning to not only spectate, but somehow get a taste of you too.
With one hand steady on Kai, you use your other to play with your exposed breasts. You tug and twist your nipples, jolting in Kai's mouth. Though it's getting difficult to keep your pussy in his hold, Kai finds his confidence to harshly suck on your cunt.
You cry out and try to escape his hot tongue, but his grip on you is firm. The stimulation is borderline painful, but the way you're flooding in his mouth is anything but. 
"Oh fuck" Yeonjun's voice startles you for a second, forgetting his presence. His cock is completely hard, his tip swollen red. "That's a good little fuck toy you got there. Listens to every word you say. A good boy huh?"
A lazy smile finds your face as you nod. "Yeah, he is a good~oh shit... good boy. The best boy...isn't that right Hyuka?"
Your praise makes Kai's heart swell, and he happily nods and moans at your words. The movement of his head makes his nose brush against your clit, and you flinch. 
Chillsbegin to spread throughout your body. Your moans are getting more frequent, the thrusting in your hips more erratic. Kai's head has begun to hurt from how hard you're gripping his hair, but he's still determined to make you finish. 
"Don't stop. Hyuka I'm gonna cum–," you whine. 
Stopping was the last thing Kai wanted to do, and he started wondering why he even hesitated when Yeonjun walked in. He was nervous at first, feeling like he couldn't compare to someone who has obviously slept around a lot more. But seeing your reaction and Yeonjun’s enjoyment builds up his self-assurance. 
"Shit, I'mma cum too," Yeonjun's slick hands play with his tip. You bite your lower lip and harshly grab the back of Kai's head. 
"Stick your tongue out." Kai obeys you immediately, letting you ride his face like a dildo as you reach the beginnings of your orgasm. Your hips stutter and your moans are choked when you cum. You squeeze your tit as your body tightens. Yeonjun's nearby moans coax your orgasm longer, making your legs tremble. 
Kai's face is completely soiled in your juices, making it easier for your pussy to grind on his face. His head follows your movements easily, not wanting to miss a second of tasting your cum. 
His imagination is nothing compared to what you taste like. 
He keeps licking you even when your hips have collapsed back on the couch. Kai shows no signs of stopping even as your moans turn into gasps. 
Yeonjun doesn't think he can take much longer, and he stands so his cock hovers over your pussy and Kai's head. The change in movement makes you focus your attention on the very close Yeonjun, and you yank Kai's head back. 
A loud smack sound echos in the room when Kai is pulled away from your sensitive cunt. He looks at you as if he's going to complain, but the loud groaning of Yeonjun makes him shut up. 
"Go ahead and come on me Yeonjun. Right here." The hand that was playing with your boobs comes down to spread your lower lips open. You avoid your nub while you rub yourself, still too delicate to be touched.
"On my favorite pussy." It's the last coherent sentence Yeonjun says when he cums. His hot spurts land on your lower stomach, your pussy, and the inner parts of your thighs. His thighs shake and he throws his head back as he continues pumping himself. You smear his arousal over your pelvis, bringing a finger to your tongue for a taste. 
You moaned around your digit, "Mmm, so much for me."
Kai does nothing but watch as another man defiles you. The jealousy is strong in his body, he can feel the heaviness in his chest. Still, you keep your eyes on Kai. He can see the mischievousness and teasing behind them, and for some reason he feels like you enjoy his envy. 
Once Yeonjun comes down from his high, he finally notices the mess on your cunt. "Hold on, lemme get you a towel." 
"That won't be necessary. You know what to do Hyuka." There's no resistance in his eyes when Kai sticks his tongue out to clean you up. You can practically feel Yeonjun's jaw drop, disbelief in his features. 
"No shit."
Kai's hot tongue promptly licks you up, collecting Yeonjun's cum. You can see Kai scrunch his nose up at the taste, making you giggle. His mouth travels to your stomach, your thighs, and your pussy as he wipes any trace of arousal from you.
"I've trained him well huh? Little puppy just for me," you hum when Kai rolls your bud gently over his tongue. 
"This is my favorite part," you say giddily once Kai has collected all the cum in his mouth. 
Kai opens his mouth to reveal the white release he's gathered. His eyes sting from the unfamiliar saltiness, but he keeps his tongue out to show you and Yeonjun his hard work. You purr at the sight, sitting up to grab a hold on Kai's face.
You squeeze his cheeks together and force his head to face Yeonjun who's gaping at the sight. 
Unable to keep his eyes open, Kai swallows thickly. You can hear Yeonjun groan at the sight, his soft dick twitching. 
You give a few gentle slaps to Kai's face and peck his cheek. "That's my good boy~"
a/n: here's the 2nd part to the huening kai series! I hope ya'll like it! no idea what I'd do for the 3rd part, lmao proofreader/editor: @then-make-me (thank you!!)
update: third part here
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totheblood · 8 months
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PAIRING: fwb!ellie williams x reader
SUMMARY: a week after you reunite with your estranged best friend, astrid, for the first time in three years, you are heartbroken to discover her sudden and brutal murder. as you dive deep into the world of sagewood university, you uncover astrid's ties to a shadowy society lurking within the institution's walls. in the midst of all of this, you cross paths with ellie, who you met on the very day you saw astrid again. as ellie helps you figure out what happened to your best friend, you're forced to wonder if everything with ellie is truly as it appears, and if trust can genuinely be given to anyone.
WARNINGS: 18+ SLIGHT SMUT mentions of death, grief, related subjects; cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x
A/N: i've been working on this one for a while... i hope you enjoy! please send asks, reblog, and reply to this post <;3
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You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being watched as you stepped onto Sagewood University’s campus for the first time since Astrid’s death. 
You spent the days following Astrid’s death curled up on your couch, unmoving. Your gaze was fixed on the ceiling as you let time pass by slowly, counting the clicks of the clock on your wall each second.
Your mom would check on you every now and then, before she had to leave for work or when she came back home. She would leave a plate of food on the coffee table near you, urging you to eat something, but you had no appetite. It was safe to say that you weren't taking Astrid's death well.
Suddenly, your phone chimed, a ringtone reserved for one person. 
ellie: You okay?
You picked up your phone, reading the message despite the LED lights burning your eyes. It was obvious to anyone that you weren't okay, so you declined to answer. You put your phone back on the table and stared at the same place on the ceiling. It was starting to look like a face, but you were almost sure you were hallucinating. 
The morning they found Astrid’s dead body sprawled out on a table in the library had started like a normal day for you. The sky was still dark when you woke up to your alarm and dragged yourself out of bed. You pulled on the grey hoodie that had been your staple all semester, paired with a red pair of sweatpants you had worn so much they were nearly falling apart. As you walked towards campus, the streets were silent except for the occasional chirping of birds and the crunch of gravel beneath your sneakers. But when you reached the library all seemed eerily quiet; the wide glass windows had been frosted with police tape and blocked by large, black police cars. Fear started to sink into your stomach as groups huddled together, their hushed voices filled with whimpers and tears.
“Hey, uh,” you tapped one on the shoulder, “what happened?”
“They found some girl dead,” she replied in a low voice, “Can you believe it?” 
“Do they know who it is?” you asked. Deep in your heart you already knew it was her. 
From the very first day you met Astrid, you knew you had found your person. It was like finding the other piece to a two-piece puzzle. Simple, but rare. In elementary school, she was your personal hero, unafraid to get her hands dirty—or bloody, for that matter—when that kid shoved you during recess. 
Middle school was weird for everyone, but less so for you because you had Astrid. You two invented your own secret language, a series of squiggles and lines that looked like chicken scratch to anyone else. Those notes you passed weren't just ink on paper; they were secret jokes, each scribble another knot in the thread that connected you two.
High school rolled around, and the stakes got higher, the emotions deeper. You realized you liked girls, and the moment you told Astrid, the air between you changed—but not in the way you feared. It was as if she picked up the weight of the situation and took it on as her own, lightening your load just by being there, just by listening. She didn't offer grand gestures or theatrical declarations of support; she didn't need to. Instead, she guided you, step-by-step, through the maze of coming out, as if it was the most natural path you could walk together.
And maybe it was. Because when you look back on everything, every scraped knee and every coded note, every whispered secret and every shared challenge, it all led back to a simple, undeniable truth: life was messy and confusing and downright hard sometimes—but less so with Astrid by your side.
College was supposed to be a fresh chapter, a new horizon where you and Astrid could explore the world as adults. But instead, it turned into a ripping of a page you never saw coming. Within the first week, something broke. Conversations turned into awkward exchanges, laughter gave way to silence, and the natural ease you'd always felt around her failed to exist. You guys just stopped clicking and after a big argument, you stopped hanging out altogether. She became someone you used to know, a piece of your past.
Time went by, and you got used to life without Astrid. Then, out of the blue, you got a text from her last week. She said she wanted to meet up.
She asked to meet at the campus coffee shop, Brain Brew, on a Tuesday morning. It was practically empty in there when you arrived, something that it almost never was. You came early, thinking you would need to find a seat, but now looking at all the empty chairs was less of a concern. 
Behind the bar stood a girl, with short auburn hair and freckles littered across her face, on her phone. When you approached, she straightened up, looking surprised to see you. You read the name on her nametag: Ellie. 
“Uh,” she looked you up and down briefly, “what can I get for you?” 
“What's good?” you asked, eyes scanning the expansive menu ranging from lavender latte's to plain black coffee. 
“Anything I make is good,” she shrugged, eyes still waiting for a response. 
“Then, just an iced vanilla latte,” you ordered, tapping your fingers on the counter. She tapped your order into the tablet in front of her and then stopped for a minute, looking you over again. 
“You go to Sagewood?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Yea,” your brows knit together, as you shifted uncomfortably in your place, “Why?”
“I just feel like I’ve seen you before,” she commented, the price of your latte lighting up on the screen in front of you, “6.74.”
Jesus fuck, you thought, this is why I don't come here. 
“It’s a big campus, you’ve probably just seen me around or something,” you tapped your card, looking back up at her, scanning her face to see if you remembered her from anywhere. Then it clicked, “Did you go to Weston Middle School?”
“Shit,” she breathed, shaking her head and laughing, “yea, for a year.”
“I remember you,” you laughed, a smile spread across your face, “you used to eat lunch alone every day and when I tried to sit next to you you told me to ‘Fuck off’.”
You saw her physically wince as she pulled your receipt out of the dispenser, “Fuck,” she shook her head again, closing her eyes painfully, “I’m sorry, that was not a good year for me.”
“I don't think 11 is a good year for anyone,” you joked back, taking your receipt from her, “It’s all good, don't worry about it.” 
She let out a little laugh, her cheeks growing a tinge darker as she scratched the back of her neck, “I’ll get that drink started for you,” she moved towards the espresso machine before stopping and turning back towards you, “Wait, can I get your name?” She paused for a moment, examining the expression on your face, “For the order.”
Smiling, you gave her your name, and stood at the end of the counter, waiting for your drink. Astrid was now five minutes late, and you just realized she may be standing you up. 
“Do you go to Sagewood?” you asked Ellie from across the espresso machine. She looked up at you over the machine, waiting for the espresso to brew. 
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “for psych.”
“Oh, you want to be a therapist?” you leaned your hands on the counter looking around the empty room. 
“Something like that,” she breathed out a laugh, eyes flicking up to you for a moment, “What are you doing?”
“Journalism,” you smiled, watching as she made your drink, “Do you think I could get your number?” It slipped out of your mouth before you could think. You watched as the smile from her face fell, the blood that was in her cheeks being replaced with pale skin.
“Oh, uh” she fumbled over her words almost dropping the cup of milk she was holding, “I don’t really date, it not my-”
“Oh, not like that,” you cut her off, trying to save yourself the embarrassment, “Just like as friends, I don’t really have that many around campus.” 
“Oh,” she breathed out a laugh, relief flooding her features, “Yeah, sure then. I’d love to be friends.”
When she handed you her drink she handed you her phone with the contacts app already open. You took your coffee and the phone, smiling slightly as you put your name and number in. 
“Here,” you giggled, “sorry if that was weird. I wasn’t like coming on to you or anything. I mean not that you aren’t attractive cause you are- But it’s also not like I’m not into girls, cause I am. Jesus fuck,” you whispered under your breath, “It’s just that I also... Don’t date,” you lied. 
You watched the permanent smirk on her face as you rambled off and she took her phone back and let out another breathy laugh. 
“Well, it’s not that you aren’t attractive either,” she rubbed the back of her neck, watching intently as you sipped your drink, “so if you wanted to like, I don’t know, hook up sometime, I would be down for that.” 
You practically choked on your latte when she said that, eyes wide as you tried to cover up your spluttering with a cough, “Um, yeah. That sounds cool, or whatever.” 
“Cool,” she pursed her lips, nodding before turning back to wipe the counter down, “I’ll text you.”
As if it was fate the bell rang behind you, signaling Astrid’s entrance. You turned to look at her and give her a once over. She looked a lot more frazzled since you last saw her, her blond hair was still as long and came past her shoulders, but it was frizzier as if she had just woken up. The circles under her eyes were more prominent, and when you smiled at her, she didn’t smile back. You didn’t want to approach her first, so you just waited until she came up to you and gave you a hint of a smile. 
“Should we sit?” She asked, her voice much raspier now as she looked around to the empty cafe, the tension in her body easing up.
“Sure,” you followed her lead as she led you to the back, away from any windows and farther away from the bar. You looked over to where Ellie was still working, wondering how loud you would need to shout for her to hear you. 
“What did you want to talk about?” you started, noticing her slightly anxious state as she took shallow breaths, “I mean, I missed you.”
“This isn’t about us,” her voice was cold when she spoke, the words hurting you more than you thought it would, “I just think you are the only person I can trust.”
“Okay,” you took a sip of your latte, nursing it in your hands, “do you need to tell me something?”
“No,” she took a deep breath, “Just that if something happens to me, it will have to be you to figure out who does it.” 
“Jesus,” you breathed out, leaning in to whisper back, “What the fuck have you gotten into, A?” 
She winced at the sound of her nickname, looking down at the table before looking around again at the still-empty cafe, “I should be fine,” she sighed, “but if I’m not, you will know what to do.”
“How the fuck would I know what to do?” you spoke a little louder, throwing your hands up dramatically as you leaned back, “I mean this is ridiculous, you completely blow me off freshman year and now you’re telling me I have to worry about someone who doesn’t even want to be my friend anymore?”
“You’re being melodramatic,” she blinked a few times, before sitting up straight, “I didn’t come here to fight you.” 
“No, you just came to make sure I’d be there whenever you got yourself into trouble,” your voice was harsh as you stood up from your seat abruptly, ready to leave. 
“Please, sit down,” she urged, looking up at you with her big round eyes.
“No, thanks,” you replied sarcastically, giving her a fake smile, “Go fuck yourself.”
Go fuck yourself. 
That was the last thing you ever told Astrid before she was murdered. 
The guilt followed you all the way back home that night in stunned silence. You were too shocked to even tell your professor you weren’t coming to class that day, missing a midterm. You knew you would make it up eventually, but now, all you could do was sit and stare and hope to wake up from whatever nightmare you were living. 
To make matters worse, as you sat on your bed, still dressed in your clothes from earlier a note was slipped under your door. A thick cream cardstock, with embossed trimmings covered in gold, and written delicately on the front in script, “Keep your mouth shut, or you’re next.”
At the time, you immediately threw it out, not thinking much of it. Your brain was stuffed with things you didn’t want to think about, flashes of your childhood coming back in brief intervals. The vision of the two of you at the carnival, faces stuffed with cotton candy, giggling as you boarded the Ferris Wheel for the first time on your own came back first. You remember going around with her three times until the sun went down and the houses began to look like stars in the sky. Lit up and far away.
Another memory flashed, her crying in your lap in the 8th grade. Jason Charnley rejected her when she asked him if they could go to the dance together. Innocently, you offered to go with her as you stroked her hair, the cries dying out as you cracked joke after joke. By the time she was supposed to go home, she had forgotten what she was even upset about. 
Then a memory of senior year when she showed up on your front step, a giant envelope addressed to her with a giant “Sagewood” on the front. She knew she was accepted from the moment she applied, but the confirmation was validation enough. What really surprised her was your admission, meaning you’d follow after her to college as you usually did.
Then a memory flashed from a week ago, an unknown number lit up your screen the night you met Astrid in the cafe. 
ellie: Hey, this is Ellie.
ellie: From Brain Brew.
you: wrong number
you: but what are you wearing, ellie?
ellie: Nvm.
you: stooooop come back
you: i was being annoying, i apologize
you: what are you doing rn?
ellie: Come find out. 
That’s how you found yourself pressed up against Ellie’s door, her knee wedged in between your legs, a small whimper falling from your lips that were wrapped up in Ellie’s. Ellie's lips were soft and full, her touch gentle, calloused hands gripping your clothed waist. You could feel her heart pounding in time with your own, her chest rising and falling with each breath.
Your hands, no longer under your own control, moved around her waist to pull her closer still, while her hands roamed over your back, exploring, caressing. Your breathing grew heavier as you felt her hands roam up your body
The kiss deepened as you explored each other’s mouths with your tongues. Her lips were insistent, demanding as if she couldn't get enough of you. You were overwhelmed by the taste of her, a mix of mint and coffee. She slipped her hands under your shirt, her hands traveling up your back, causing goosebumps to rise exclusively where she touched. Her hands found the clasp of your bra, undoing it, her mouth never leaving yours as you moaned into her mouth. Ellie’s hands, still under your shirt, moved to cup your tits in her hand, pushing you back against the door as she did so. 
She broke the kiss, her lips trailing down your jaw, leaving a trail of hot, open-mouthed and sloppy kisses on your skin. Her teeth nipped at the skin on your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. Her hands began teasing your nipples with gentle squeezes and flicks. She was relishing in every sound you made, every way you squirmed underneath her touch. She could feel herself getting wet from the small sounds alone. Then you moaned out loud as Ellie's lips found their way to your neck, sucking and biting, marking you as hers, and she was gone completely.
Her hands moved lower, sliding down your sides, over the curve of your hips, until they reached the waistband of your pants. Before you knew it, her fingers slipped beneath the fabric, two fingers circling your clit as she worked you.
“Shit,” she whispered under her breath, “this is for me?” The sound of her fingers and your cunt made an obscene noise, her fingers now completely coated in you. Your hands fumbled with the buttons of Ellie's shirt, desperate to feel her skin against yours. You popped them off one by one, fingers faltering as she touched you, revealing her toned stomach, and you couldn't help but run your hands at the place right above her worn-out jeans, feeling the muscles twitch beneath your touch.
Ellie pulled back slightly, her eyes searching her face for any regret, any idea that you wanted to back out now. "You want this?" she whispered, her voice low and rough. You nodded, unable to form words as your body leaned into her.
That’s all you remembered that night, slipping out sometime before Ellie woke up. You assumed that since this was “strictly a hookup” she wouldn’t want to see you there in the morning. She did vaguely reference you sleeping over, but you didn’t want to overstay your welcome. 
So before the sun came up, you slipped from Ellie’s grip, slipping on the clothes you came in and doing the infamous walk of shame back to your dorm. This wasn’t a relationship, and the proactive version of yourself had to be reminded of that many times that week.
You began to think that if you maybe hadn’t gotten so wrapped up in Ellie the week after meeting with Astrid, you would have noticed something. Maybe even have been able to prevent her death. A part of you wanted to resent Ellie for that, but you knew at the end of the day you were trying to put the blame on anyone but yourself.
She reached out for help, but you denied her. 
The best friend you swore to protect, who swore to protect you was now dead, and you could have prevented it. Wallowing in it wasn’t helping much, but provided some emotion to feel other than numb. So back in your childhood home, your fingers lingered over Ellie’s contact, wondering if you should text her back. You didn’t have a plan to return back to school yet and you didn’t want to give her false hope.
Maybe she could fuck the grief out of you, or wrap her to-
you: as good as i can be
ellie: This sucks.
you: truer words have never been spoken
ellie: But hey, I need to talk to you. Do you know when you’ll be back on campus?
ellie: I’m not trying to like fuck you or anything cause that would be fucked up.
ellie: Ignore that last message. I’m just realizing now how weird that was. I'm sorry.
ellie: Anyways, I just need to talk to you about something, it’s serious. Don’t wanna text it to you.
you: i should be back soon, i don't know yet. 
ellie: Well, when you do come back, let me know.  
You stared at your phone, your fingers ghosting over Ellie’s message before deciding to reply with a thumbs up. Pathetic, but it was all you could muster as you finally sat up and ate the food your mom left for you. It was about time to return to your life, falling behind not being an option anymore.
You worked too hard to get into Sagewood in the first place to stop now, a year before you were set to graduate. Sagewood was on par with the Ivy League schools, bearing an acceptance rate of 9% and accepting students internationally. There were about a thousand on-campus clubs, sororities, and study groups. There were even rumored secret societies, but you were never one to believe in that sort of thing. People who graduated with a degree from Sagewood were set for life. There was no room to screw up three years of good grades okay grades. 
So that’s how you found yourself back on campus, tightly gripping the straps of your bag. As if snapped back into reality, the memories of that night flooded back. You just began to remember the note you threw away that threatened your life, as you made your way to your morning class, an unsettling feeling setting in your stomach. It almost felt as if you were being watched. 
As you sat in class, you shuffled in your seat as the kid a few rows in front of you turned to look at you. When he noticed you staring back he turned around quickly. The whole class you had your eyes trained on the back of his head, watching as he would occasionally look at you, notice you looking, and turn back around. You knew you were being paranoid when you first walked onto campus, but now you felt validated.
As the teacher dismissed the class, the kid who kept staring at you collected his things and attempted to leave the room quickly, but you wouldn’t let that happen. You rushed to meet him at the door and stood in front of him, a bitter look on your face. 
“You’ve got a staring problem,” you commented accusingly, hands folding across your chest.
“You’re just really,” he coughed, looking around as other people pushed past you to the exit, the professor included, “pretty. You’re pretty, that’s why I was staring.”
“I know I am,” you turned to shut the door behind the last person exiting the room, “but do you really think I’m that stupid? What gives?”
“I’m late for my clas-” he began to stumble out before you took another menacing step towards him. 
“You won’t make it there if you don’t tell me why the fuck you were staring at me,” you pointed a finger right in the center of his chest, making him gulp loudly. 
“It’s just,” he takes another step back, “you were friends with the dead girl.”
“The dead girl?” you spat back at him, your tone laced with venom, “Her name was Astrid, you dick.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He breathed out, “I’m just a true crime junkie, I’m intrigued about her case.”
“Her case?” you questioned him, taking a step back to make him feel more comfortable. To make him open up to you. 
“Just that they have no leads yet,” he scoffed, “which is weird if you ask me. No suspects yet she’s killed in a very public place?”
“That happens all the time,” you retorted, hands still crossed protectively across your chest.
“It’s not as common as you think,” he shrugged, “they haven’t questioned you yet?”
Now that he brought it up, the whole situation was weird. If they were trying hard to find out what happened to her, why weren’t you called in for questioning? It wasn’t like you had done it, but you did have a motive, and you had just come into contact with her again, shortly before her murder. If there was any person to question, it would be you, but yet here you were, untouched.
“No, they haven’t,” you mumbled back, your mind moving a million miles per minute. 
“See,” he smirked, “weird.”
“Wipe that stupid ass smile off your face,” you spat back, “she’s still dead, and just because you ‘like true crime’ doesn’t give you a right to talk about her. It’s not like you’re going to solve her murder.”
“I just might,” he stated simply.
“Yeah, right,” you scoffed, turning towards the door to leave now.
“Did you know she was part of a secret society?” he questioned, making you still for a moment.
You turned back around to face him, eyes squinted again, arms crossed firmly over your chest, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
He let out a laugh, shaking his head, something sinister in the way he hung his head, “I do my research and I do it well.”
“You sound like a nutcase,” you spat again, trying to stop the anger from bubbling inside of you. It felt weird to talk about Astrid as if she was a mystery. In all the people in the world, you knew her the best. You knew each and every corner of her life, even when you weren’t speaking. But now, as you stood here, you weren’t sure you ever knew her at all. 
“They are called Oculus Noctis,” he shrugged again, standing up taller as if he had just won this fight, or whatever this was, “look them up, then come find me,” he walked closer to you now, making you want to cower away, but you didn’t. You planted your feet down, straightening your posture. Although he looked more confident now, you could tell he was still intimidated by you, “my name’s Corbin Nott. I run a podcast, look me up too.”
Smiling, he brushed past you leaving you standing alone in the room. You let out what felt like a deep breath you were holding for a while, your breath coming out shallow and shaky.  Your heart felt like it would beat out of your chest, and come out of your ears and nose as you bled out on the floor, but you just stayed unmoving taking deep breaths as you placed a hand over your chest to steady yourself. 
Your hands began to shake a little, trembling as you moved to sit down at one of the desks, a failed attempt at calming yourself. The breaths came quicker as it started to feel like you couldn’t breathe, like your heart was pumping blood into your lungs and you were drowning. Your vision blurred as you stared at the desk, which was now full of wet droplets. Were you crying? You lifted a shaky hand to wipe at your cheeks, and as you expected you felt your damp skin covered in tears. 
You were trying hard to collect yourself now, knowing that students from the next class would probably start flooding in and you wouldn’t be able to move. You would just sit at a front desk crying as whatever poor professor tried to teach. C’mon get it together, get it fucking together, you thought. What was it they said to do? 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, and the other three got lost on you. 
You looked around, and through teary eyes you could see a clock on the wall, ticking slower than usual. You could see the whiteboard in front of you, smugged with black dry-erase markers, and you could see the dark hardwood floors, clean and polished. You watched your hands and your tears on the desk and suddenly your breathing started to feel normal.
Thank god you did because by the time you were wiping your last tear from your eyes, the door to the classroom was swinging open and a student was walking in. You kept your head down, so they wouldn’t see your teary eyes and red nose, but that also stopped you from seeing them. So when the person called your name out, you had to look up, only to see…
“Ellie,” you mumbled, watching the smile on her face drop as her eyes scanned your face. Gripping her backpack straps she walked closer to you slowly, crouching down in front of the desk you were sitting at. Her green eyes darted from your eyes to your nose, to your lips, and to the desk, clearly wet.
“Hey,” she whispered, “are you okay?” She reluctantly reached a hand out to wipe at your face, unsure if you were okay with being touched or if you even liked to be comforted. She wiped a tear away from your cheek, her calloused thumb rubbing your cheek gently, “What happened?”
“I-I’m fine,” you stuttered out, closing your eyes at the skin-to-skin contact, “Still upset I guess,” you let out a shaky laugh, hoping to see a small smile on Ellie’s face as you opened your eye, but she just looked worried. Her brow wrinkled a bit, and it looked as if she was still searching for something in your eyes, but was coming up empty. She cleared her throat before looking away, retracting her hand from her face. 
“You’re not fine.” She grumbled back, standing up now, causing you to look up at her, “You shouldn’t be back here so soon.”
“What?” you joked, “Not excited to see me?”
She rolled her eyes playfully, a small blush tinted on her face as she nudged your shoulder lightly, “Not excited at all,” she commented sarcastically, making you crack a bigger smile, “c’mon let’s get out of here,” she motioned her head to the door, making you stand up shakily and stand in front of her. 
“Don’t you have class?” you asked, your own expression laced with worry. You watched as her face softened slightly at this, pursing her lips and looking you up and down. 
“I can skip it,” she shrugged, “plus, I wanted to talk to you.” 
You let out a small laugh, “God, you sound obsessed with me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she dismissed you, walking towards the door, pulling it open, and holding it for you, “C’mon, let’s go.”
Giving her a small smile you walked out with her, your hands placed firmly in your pockets. You stepped out onto the main grass of Sagewood, where people were sitting, laughing, as their lives moved on. The smell of the grass was strong, as you walked down the cobbled path, Ellie looking at you quickly before taking a deep breath. 
“So, I went by your room the day after your friend-” she started, 
“Astrid,” you practically whispered back.
‘Astrid,” she paused, “After she died,” she cleared her throat, “I’m so sorry by the way.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to say that.”
“Sorry,” she cleared her throat, “Anyways, I went there the day after and you weren’t there, but there was this book on your desk.”
“What?” you stopped in your tracks looking at her, “There was no book on my desk when I got back.” 
“I know,” she sighed, looking around, “I took it,” she watched as your eyes widened and you took a step back.
“Why the fuck would you take something off my desk?” you questioned, anger written all over your face. Ellie shifted uncomfortably, chewing on her bottom lip as you questioned her.
“Because it was Astrid’s, and I thought,” her voice died out, and your wide eyes just pressed her on, your arms once again folding over your chest.  
“You thought what?” 
“I thought that it was evidence,” she breathed out, “I thought that if they found that in your room it would be pinned on you.”
“You think I killed her?” your voice was loud now, making people around you stop and stare. Ellie looked around uncomfortably, closing her eyes as she took another deep breath. 
“Of course not!” she whisper yelled back, “You were at mine the night she was murdered, but if they found that in your room, it would have been on you.”
“So, you stole it,’ you deadpanned, eyebrows raised and accusing, “Why do you even care if I go down for it? You barely know me.”
“Because believe it or not, you are one of my only friends,” she looked away, her arms crossing over her chest as if to protect herself, “Like ever. So forgive me if I didn’t want you to be framed for murder.”
Your expression softened, arms falling to your sides as you looked up at her and then back at the ground, “I appreciate that.” 
“You can have it back, obviously,” she mumbled, eyes trained on her own shoes as her arms uncrossed and her fingers began to play with each other, “I just… didn’t want you to get in trouble. It’s all gibberish anyways, just a bunch of words that don't make sense.”
That made your heart stop, as you blinked up at her. “What did you just say?” She looked up at you, shrugging as she rolled her eyes.
“The journal, it’s like just a bunch of random words, I tried to find out what language it was but I came up short,” she was still playing with her fingers, obviously nervous as she picked at her nails, “But, I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. It was a weird thing to do.”
“I still want to be your friend, Ellie,” you sighed, “I just need to see this journal, like now,” you watched as a small smile flashed across her face and he shoulders seemed to lose all their tension.
“Yeah, we could head over to my dorm right now,” she began walking, turning her head back to make sure you were following her, “I’m sorry agai-”
“Ellie, if you apologize again I’ll jump you,” you teased, smiling up at her as you walked side by side.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a threat,” she teased back, voice low as she let out a small laugh.
As you walked into Ellie’s dorm, you instantly became nervous again, your guilt creeping up the back of your neck. The night Astrid was killed, you were in bed with Ellie, laughing as she traced circles into your inner thigh. She talked about how much she hated her professors, working and Brain Brew, and how weird everyone on campus was. Well, everyone except for you. 
That night you stayed up and watched 30 Rock on Hulu until Ellie fell asleep, Ellie’s laughter gradually fading into soft snores. Her head found a resting spot on your shoulder, her rhythmic breaths warming your neck. You slipped out quietly, walking back to your dorm with a shit-eating grin on your face, and fell asleep unassuming. 
Your fingers traced the outline of Ellie’s desk, as you eyed Astrid’s journal that was sat in the center of it. It was covered in green felt, her name embossed on the front of it in gold letters. You pulled out the chair in front of the desk, sitting at it to begin reading the book. You paused for a moment, wondering if you even wanted to open it. Flipping open the front page, there was the language you created in middle school on every page. Pages and pages, the book was filled. When Astrid said it would be up to you to solve her murder, she meant it literally. 
On the front page was printed “Fepi Quslo Vurte Dabru” which translates to “My Oculus Noctis Journey.”
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath, finger brushing over the letters on the page, feeling the imprint the pen made on the paper. 
“What?” Ellie stepped forward, looking over your shoulder at the book, “You know what this says?”
You sighed deeply, eyes trained on the words, “Yeah,” you turned to look up at her, “I do.”
“How?” her tone was more curious than shocked, sitting on her bed as she watched you. 
“It’s a language we created in middle school,” you closed the book, stuffing it in your bag as you turned to stare at Ellie. You watched as she looked at you in amazement, eyes wide and mouth hung open. 
“You created a fucking language?” she asked, laughing a little, “Jesus, you Sagewood students are crazy.”
“Ellie, you also go here,” you laughed, leaning your elbow on the desk, “Plus, Astrid mostly created it. She was smart like that.”
Ellie looked at you again, a small smile playing on her face, “You’re smart too, you know.”
“Not as smart as she was,” your smile turned to a sad one as you looked at your knees, not wanting to cry again.
“Hey,” Ellie said, voice low as she tried to get your attention. When you looked up, she smiled at you, eyes soft, “You're really fucking smart, just remember that.”
You gave her a forced smile, looking back down at your feet, “Thank you,” your voice came out cracked, “I needed that.”
“What did the first page say?” 
“My Oculus Noctis Journey,” you replied, shrugging. 
“Oh shit,” she laughed, “she was involved with those freaks?”
You sat up straight at this, scanning her face, “You know about them?” 
“Sadly,” she replied nonchalantly, “I don't know much about them except that they exist. They tried to recruit me, but I don't think they know that I know that it was them.”
“What? What do you mean?” you asked eagerly, words coming out quickly. 
“They recruit people on campus but they make it seem like they are just regular clubs,” she recounted, “Like they had a ‘coding club’ and at the club fair they had this code that they asked people to encrypt, it was extremely hard too. I did it and they sent me this weird email, asking me to do more shit. I just kind of didn't respond but traced the email to their own web service.”
“I thought that the secret society stuff was just like rumors.”
“Nope,” she popped her lips on the ‘p’, “Real shit. I just don't know what they exist for or anything.”
“I think I may have to figure that out.”
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