#then went back to my first guide that did show me how to downgrade but i thought i only needed that for the perma hack firmware
lildoodlecat · 10 months
Clawed my way up the psvita mod learning curve today.. ow.... Anyway I can now play psp games on it ✨ added tales of the world: radiant mythology and !!!!!! Tales of Phantasia :D
Psx version of Phantasia. Which was a whole extra learning step bc it's a .bin file instead of iso... augh
Anyway I never got around to figuring out how to add regular vita games from PC but I grabbed pkg which just offers me like. Every single vita game ever so I don't think I need to figure that out sjxkdk
But yeah! Second handheld successfully hacked and modded!! Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to jailbreak my PS3...
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Old Art
Hi, all! To celebrate my 1-year anniversary of this blog, I decided it’d be fun to show some of my first, never-before-seen drawings of Double Trouble. All of these are traditional, as I hadn’t gone digital yet. Some are also unfinished, and many were sketches at work that weren’t really meant to be “good,” just something to entertain me when I didn’t have any tasks to do.
I’m going to poke fun at some of them, as I’ve improved a lot since drawing them, but I'm not trying to encourage artists to be overly-critical of their past works. Recognizing your mistakes and flaws in your old work only shows how far you’ve come, and I just want to have a good giggle about how silly some of my old sketches look.
Art under the cut because this list goes on for awhile
Here’s the first drawing of DT I remember doing:
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I used a reference for this one, hence why it looks better than some of my later entries in this post. Unfortunately, it suffers from Long Head Syndrome, a mistake I still often make with traditional art because at the angle I’m seeing it while I’m drawing, it looks perfectly fine. But then you hold it at eye-level, and uh...
Also, what the heck kinda hairline did I give them? It’s like it meets at a point, but not in the middle of their head.
Next up, these two:
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Will the Long Head Syndrome ever cease??? As you can tell, I liked the sketch I did at work, so I traced it onto watercolor paper, made a couple changes, and painted it. This one’s not too bad, though it does look like their eyebrows missed the memo as to what angle their head was at.
This next one may be the worst:
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Like...WTF is that? What is that hair poof? Why is one eye so much smaller than the other? What’s going on with that mouth? This is why references are important, kids.
With this next one, I got bored and wanted to color DT in with Sharpies:
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So bright! My eyes! The hair poof is too small, but at least it’s not wiggly like the last one. Also, here’s a magnifying glass to help you see those tiiiny eyebrows.
Here’s another I did with fine line markers that I keep on my wall like a sticker:
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I messed up on the smile, so I made it a frown. Now their eyebrows are too big, and so is that one ear. (Also, my walls aren’t that bright in real life, they just showed up that way on camera.)
Next up is--
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And next we have one of my favorites!
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The little menace themselves, cute-ified. (We don’t talk about hairlines, no, no, no~)
And here we have one I turned into a digital drawing, but you may notice...
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the ears are too fucking small. DT went from rulers on the side of their head to kid-sized ice cream cones. A real downgrade.
This one’s an unfinished (and will never be finished) drawing:
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What even ARE those hands. Ok, yes, they were guides for drawing in fingers later, but...ew.
Here’s the first full-body, colored drawing of DT I ever did.
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I had drawn them meeting a character from the book I’m writing, hence the speech bubble, but cropped that character out because spoilers! Anyway, this drawing was done with several references and looks much better than some of the others on this list. The main issue is that they’re standing at an angle. Why are they slanted??? Why can’t I draw a straight line??? *sees ace pride flag* Oh yeah, that’s why.
And lastly, here’s the first time I used the DT doll base from @sheblah​ :
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Since this was before I had my iPad, I had to trace the doll base to use it, though I decided to draw the face myself. Oh, asymmetrical eyes, how I loathe thee.
Well, that’s all of the old traditional drawings of DT I have! As you can see, I’ve come a long way since then, but it’s always fun to look back and see where you’ve come from. I hope you enjoyed these silly doodles!
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Head Over Feet--Ch. 6
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Chapter 6
           “Now,” Sam said as we walked out of Black Bear Diner. She had her arm tucked through mine and guided us across the parking lot. “How are we going to get you and Ellie together?”
           I rolled my eyes and looked down at her. “It’s adorable how you think that you get to make that choice.”
           She laughed. “It’s adorable how you think that you can stop me.”
           “Sam, it’s not your problem. Or your job.”
           We walked over to her Honda. She hopped up on the trunk, swinging her feet against the bumper. I leaned over on my elbows next to her. “You’re practically my brother, Matt. And you’re definitely my best friend. After Nick. I don’t like you being alone.”
           I sighed and let my head hang down. “I don’t like it either. Trust me. I’m barely able to keep myself together. How I’m supposed to figure out a relationship…”
           My head turned back toward the diner. I knew she was still in there. And I knew that the longer we hovered outside, the more likely it was that we’d run into each other. Part of me had some twisted desire to see her. To dig the knife in a little deeper. As if I hadn’t let her completely dictate the last ten years of my life.
           “Why do you do that, Matt?”
           I jumped and looked back at her. “Huh?”
           Sam frowned. “Downgrade yourself like that. I’ve seen you in the ring. At shows. You’re never anything less than completely confident. But since you met Ellie… you’ve been different. And in there…”
           “What do you want from me, Samantha?” I asked, dropping my head to the trunk. Dust went up my nose.
           She hopped off the trunk and shoved me in the shoulder. I stumbled sideways and swore. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
           “Me? What the hell is wrong with you, Matthew?” She shoved me again, harder this time. I fell against the side of the car. “You’ve never been such a little… bitch before. And I can’t tell if it’s Ellie or her that’s completely fucking with your head.”
           “Why does it matter?”
           Sam reached out and punched me in the center of the chest. For a split second, she knocked the breath out of me. My mouth gaped like a fish as I tried to suck in air. “Because it does! Because the Matt Jackson I know wouldn’t just roll over and take all this bullshit. The Matt Jackson I know would fight.”
           I stared back at her, not quite sure what just happened. “What am I actually supposed be fighting, Sam?”
           She pushed me again. “This whole mopey woe-is-me bullshit. Deal with it, Matt! Do something. Anything! Just stop being an ass to everyone.”
           “Okay! Okay!” I spat back, holding my hands up. Sam cocked her arm back like she was going to punch me again. I took a step back. “Okay! What are we going to do?”
           It took half a second for her to make sense of what I said. Then she gave me a firm nod and grinned. “Now! That’s more like it!”
           By the time I got home from being torn a new one by Sam, I was more exhausted than I could ever remember being after a match. I took three steps in the door and crashed face-first onto the sofa. I could still hear Sam’s voice as she pushed me into my car with orders to call Ellie at the next most convenient moment. And no whimping out, she’d yelled before I shut the door and pulled out of the lot.
           I stayed there for a few minutes, trying to get my head around the fact that my little brother’s girlfriend had just strong-armed me into asking a girl out like we were in middle school. The logical part of my brain was clear that I didn’t really have to do anything. That I was a grown-ass man. But there was a whole other part of me that was completely convinced that Sam would know if I didn’t do exactly as instructed.
           “Man up, Matthew,” I mumbled into the cushion. “Jesus. It’s a freaking phone call.”
           I pushed myself up and dug through my pocket for my phone. My heart was racing hard against my ribs. Like it did when I was waiting backstage before a big match. It felt like it was going to burst through my chest and drop through my stomach at the same time.
           My phone rang, and I jumped practically out of my skin. I practically dropped it in the floor. Ellie’s name showed on the screen. My finger shook as I swiped to answer.
           “Hello,” I said. My voice cracked like I was thirteen. I cleared my throat and started again. “Ellie, hi.”
           “Hey, Matt,” Ellie replied. There was something light in her voice. “Is this a bad time?”
           I cleared my throat again. “Not at all. I was actually about to call you. See if there were any updates about the visit.”
           “That’s actually why I’m calling. I didn’t mean to jump off the phone so fast last time we talked.” It went quiet on the other end of the line for a moment. I heard her take a breath. “I finally got permission from my principal for you to come. Whenever works for you, I can make work for us.”
           “Really?” I said, my voice going higher at the end.
           Ellie laughed and some of the strange tightness in my chest eased. “You’re the globetrotting wrestling star, Matt Jackson. The school isn’t going anywhere and neither are the kids.”
           “I don’t know about wrestling star,” I replied, laughing as I propped my feet up on the table. “But I’ve definitely traveled enough.”
           I thought I could hear her smile. “Tell me when you can make it, and I’ll make sure that we’re available.”
           “Give me just a second,” I said as I stretched up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. Nick and I had long ago developed a system for keeping track of our schedules. We each kept the current month’s page from a desk calendar taped to the door of our fridges with every booking and trip. “Let me see what we’ve got coming up.”
           “If you’re too busy this month, it’s okay,” she replied. “There’s not a rush, Matt.”
           I lifted a Post-It note with my finger. “Nah, it’s not a problem. It looks like I’ve got some time off at the start of next week. So Monday and Tuesday. But we fly to Philly early Wednesday morning.”
           The sound of rustling paper overwhelmed the connection. “Let’s plan on Tuesday? That way I can get the final approval from my principal on Monday. Can you be at the school by two?”
           “Earlier if you need,” I replied so quickly that even I knew it sounded desperate.
           Ellie laughed on the other end. “Honestly, Matt. You don’t have to worry about anything other than showing up at two on Tuesday.”
           I smiled even though she couldn’t see me. “I’ll be there with bells on.”
           It was hot and bright as I stepped off the street and into the gym, looking around for Nick. There were days that I wished I’d picked an apartment complex with one of their own. I swore most of the time that the moment I had enough money to buy my own place, I was going to make sure that there was space for a home gym that would save me thousands every year in membership fees.
           A whistle caught my attention from the other side of the room, and I saw Nick standing in the back waving his hand over his head. I nodded back and went to drop my bag in a locker before meeting him by the free weights. We stepped up to the rack and each grabbed a set of dumbbells, falling into the rhythm of a workout.
           For a while, we were quiet. And then, without warning, he caught my eye in the mirror. “So, how’d it go?”
           I looked sideways at him before rolling my eyes. “Sam.”
           My brother laughed. “Never trust that woman with a secret, Matt. She can’t keep it to save her life.”
           “It isn’t exactly a secret,” I replied between curls. “It’s just a visit to her class.”
           “My girlfriend is highly convinced that it is not that simple.” Nick grinned as he changed out his weights for a heavier set. “She’s already talking double dates.”
           I choked, nearly dropping the weights onto my feet. I re-racked them and sighed. “I’d have to nut up and ask her out first. But as Samantha so brilliantly pointed out when she tore me a new one in Black Bear, I’m apparently a little bitch.”
           “Oh my God, she didn’t actually say that.”
           I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to cry. “She absolutely said that. In multiple ways. And loudly.”
           Nick practically cackled as he re-racked his dumbbells and led the way over to the bench press. He threw his leg over the bench and leaned back while I slid seventy-five pounds of weights on the bar. “I’d apologize for her, but I’m pretty sure that she’s not sorry in the slightest. And if you don’t grow a set fast, Sam might do it for you.”
           “Trust me, I know,” I groaned as I stepped up to spot him.
           “Just do it, man. Ask her out so you can get Sam off your back. And mine because it’s apparently my fault you haven’t been on a date in a decade.” He rolled his eyes so hard that I thought they were going to get stuck. “I’m a bad wingman.”
           “Damn right you are.”
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stxleslyds · 3 years
EVENT LEVIATHAN issues 2 and 3
Oh, Anon, I am sorry it took me so long to answer your ask, to be honest with you, I had completely forgotten this book ever happened and when I went looking for it, I saw who was the writer for it and my brain disconnected completely.
Michael Brian Bendis, what a polarizing writer. I had forgotten why I didn’t like his work much but this book made me remember that his writing gives me headaches. I swear, every time I read his work I am left wondering if I missed an issue or a page, it’s like I always lack information even though he makes sure to write a lot in those “monologue boxes”.
But I am not here to complain about Bendis, let’s talk about why Jason appears in this book and how is he characterized in it.
If you don’t know what Event Leviathan was about, in the first issue we are told that a terrorist has been attacking places simultaneously. This person, known as Leviathan collected some of the people that survived the attacks (like Batgirl), and others he let escape (like Green Arrow). All of the attacks were on organizations (A.R.G.U.S, Spyral, D.O) that were the pillars of the world intelligence community.
Because the case is big and operating on a big scale, several detectives and heroes (Batman, Robin, The Question, Lois Lane, Plastic Man, and Manhunter) have come together to figure out who is behind Leviathan’s mask.
In the second issue, their main suspect is Jason Todd after Damian suggests that Jason’s “special war on crime” can be related to this worldwide level of terrorist activity.
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Well, If you couldn’t tell by the way that I phrased that, I really believe that DC and Bendis had to do some weird changes to the narratives because Jason hadn’t been really at “war with crime” for a very long time, or at the very least, not on that level (against organizations selling/controlling intelligence). So, right of the bat, I am confused as all hell.
Jason at this point in time was working as the Ice Lunge’s owner, so this was after the events of RHatO (2016) #25 and after Roy Harper’s death. But before I get to explaining why Damian and the others thought that Jason was behind Leviathan’s terrorist attacks, let's talk about Jason’s characterization.
How to write about a character based only on “tropes” that the publisher of the book told you. A Guide by Michael Brian Bendis.
We find Red Hood in Seattle, already investigating Leviathan. So, yeah, to me it was kind of obvious that Bendis put Jason there to build up the reason as to why Jason was the main suspect of being Leviathan or working with them.
We are offered some very casual banter with Batman as well as the ever-present subplot of Jason caring for Barbara Gordon. I am not a fan of whatever DC was and is trying to do when it comes to Jason and his crush on a person that he barely knew and has rejected him before. Bendis was probably told to put that there, I really don’t see Jason going out of his way to ask if Barbara is final but oh well.
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In that panel we also see Jason say this to Batman, “can we put away the stuff between us so we can work on the case?” to which Batman answers, “of course”.
What the hell was that? First Batman beats the living shit out of Jason (Jason even says that he never saw Bruce hit the Joker as hard as he was hitting him) and rips the bat-symbol of his suit saying that they no longer work together or whatever, then we have Bruce going to Jason to tell him that Roy is dead, he gives him a hug but then proceeds to tell Jason that he is still banned from Gotham.
DC really reduced all that to “stuff between us”, alright, all I am getting from that is that I was right when I said that DC lets Batman get away with his horrible treatment of his kids as if it just were a subplot. Lovely, I hate being right.
But that’s not really what I want to discuss, I want to discuss the level of detective/investigation skills that Jason has got going on for him in this issue. Suddenly Jason has information about what happens with organizations like Spyral, ARGUS, and DEO? And then Bruce asks Jason if he has been in contact with Talia recently?
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I am not mad about those last things, don’t get me wrong, Jason being good at investigating and him being (possibly) in contact with Talia are great things BUT they don’t fit in his story anymore.
Where is this Jason coming from, it must not be from the narrative that Lobdell had going on, Jason never showed much interest in keeping up with that side of the world or in doing detective work. And his relationship with Talia was downgraded a lot, basically, all Talia had done was keep an eye on Jason since she first met him before he was robin (yeah, that was a thing that happened as told in RHatO (2011) #25) and that how she found out that he died, after he came back from the dead, she put him in a Lazarus Pit and then sent him to the All-Castle so he could become Ducra’s apprentice. That’s literally it.
Or are we working with a Jason that maintains his Lost Days origins? There isn’t time on the timeline for that to have happened so his involvement in this book and the way that they are writing him is very confusing to me.
Jason doesn’t say anything about Talia except that he pulls an Uno reverse card on Bruce and asks him if he has been in contact with Talia. But just like many things with Bendis as a writer we never really hear any of them say anything about Talia and they continue talking about something else.
Alright, back to sharing what they found it is! Jason has apparently investigated this very closely because he cannot stop bringing up the fact that the attacks leave no bodies behind. Either people escape or vanish from the attack site.
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But here is where the so-awaited “Batfamily” mention comes in. After Bruce tells Jason that he is putting a team of Detectives together Jason asks this, “we can’t keep this in the Batfamily?” Gods, was DC on crack when they wrote this? The Batfamily? Honestly? Two of your best detectives are not around to help you and your so-called family left Dick Grayson all alone in Bludhaven!
What Batfamily are you talking about Jason? You, Bruce, and Damian? I can’t with DC pushing and pushing the wildest concept in their universe.
After all that Batman spends a lot of time explaining what has happened or what was supposed to happen, he talks to Jason about how the other detectives were getting closer to retrieve a body that they needed to study. In between what Batman is explaining the scene of Plastic Man talking with Leviathan happens and there Leviathan says that they know each other. So, that’s a clue, whoever is behind the mask is someone that Plastic Man has met before.
We find out that Batman was retelling that story to Jason, so Jason starts putting the pieces together. Batman already has a team, they know that Leviathan has been spearing some heroes’ lives, there is a cause for all the attacks (“a new world order”), and that the attacks leave no bodies. Jason even begins to put together the list of suspects but then Jason asks Batman if they have their number one suspect and Batman says, “Yes”, and it’s Jason!
This is so funny to me, like what? How did they come to that conclusion? Luckily Bendis “explains” the Detectives’ team’s reasoning, I guess? They take turns to ask Jason basic questions that Jason deflects from some reason? It is so dumb.
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From this page the most important thing that I gathered is that Damian (the one who initially accused Jason of being Leviathan) says that he doesn’t “think that you (Jason) know you are doing any of this. I think it manifested itself out of grief”.
What? A terrorist that has some sort of technology that makes explosions that leaves no bodies and spares some people’s lives, is being manifested by Jason because Roy Harper died. Did I understand that correctly? That’s their big idea as to why Jason is their number one suspect?
Team of detectives, yeah, I don’t see it.
It makes zero sense! First of all, what “war with crime” was Jason having at the time, and they also say that that war was “a point of controversy for years”. Excuse me? Are they really calling Jason using guns (with rubber bullets) a SPECIAL war with crime? What are they referring to? Are they talking about the events of Under the Red Hood? Because Jason hasn’t been that version of himself in years! We don’t even know if those exact events happened in this continuity!
I am so lost; I actually don’t know why they are relating a terrorist attack to Jason. I don’t know, to me, Jason’s appearance here is unjustified and lacks logic.
Now, we find ourselves in the third issue, where an unnecessary amount of time jumping is done. First, we are in the present after both Batman and Robin let Jason run away. Listen, I know that they tried to paint it as Jason kicking both their asses but I saw those pages, they threw three punches and one of them connect with Jason’s jaw. Batman and Robin just stopped fighting Jason.
I don’t know, why they had to make Damian say that Batman let Jason get away when he was there too and did nothing.
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And then they had Damian say this about Jason, “I have never been a member of his fan club but Jason Todd is one of the great master fighters of all time”. Okay, sure, Jason has had a lot of training and he has been immeasurably overpowered over the years but I still find Damian saying this a bit weird, like why would he say that? The fight that is shown after this look into the present is just like any other fight that any Bat-related hero has had. Dick has had more impressive fights than that one after the New 52 and he was immeasurably nerfed.
I love Jason getting recognition for the things that he does right and that he is good at but I need you to represent those moments better. The fight isn’t that grand and they clearly let him run away!
In the fight there all jumped off of a building, (Jason, Batman, Robin, Manhunter, Arrow, and Plastic Man) Jason shoots at everyone and they have a “fight” midair. Then Batman, Robin, and Jason fall through a glass roof and they continue fighting in a pool, this is where I say that they let Jason ran away, they showed us Damian kicking Jason in the face and Bruce punching Jason in the face. But then Jason electrifies both of them while they are in the pool? Listen, this is very nitpicky but Batman and Robin are wearing proper suits for vigilantism, if their suits aren’t prepared to receive some electric shots then wow, but also, the electricity does nothing to Jason even though he is also in the water? Jason’s Red Hood suit at the time was a pair of pants, a shirt, a vest with a hood, and some bandages on his arms… You are telling me that Jason was wearing a suit that protected him from that? Alright, I will believe it, after all, I am very dumb.
Then Jason fights Manhunter, a simple fight apparently, he doesn’t show much fighting skill because she looked like an easy target and then Jason stops fighting and decides to have a nice chat with Lois Lane.
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“Why did you run?” I think he ran because a bunch of people accused him of being a terrorist and threw themselves at him at the edge of a building, what kind of question is that?
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This page is just, I cannot describe how confusing it is. Lois finally asks that if it isn’t the Red Hood, then why would Leviathan try to set him up? To that Jason answers this, “I was thinking about that on the way down here. Because I am perfect. All this should be me” then he explains “I lose sleep running the numbers in my head, on how measured response to the criminals of the world brings nothing but more chaos. Batman knows this. If this Leviathan is making a big play to change the world, maybe it is the move the “crime-fighters” just don’t, will never have the guts to take. Maybe.”
What. Is. Going. On? Where did this version of Jason come from, this isn’t really in tune with UtRH Jason, RHatO Jason, or RHO Jason. This take on Jason is completely different, Jason doesn’t involve himself with threats on a worldwide scale, he doesn’t care how all heroes around the world operate, and he is not the only one that does things differently from Batman and other heroes that have similar morals.
What is this Jason saying really, is he suggesting that a global terrorist attack can lead to the reconstruction of how heroes work?
Why does Jason think that what Leviathan has going on is similar to things that Jason has done? What did Bendis read that I didn’t? How did Bendis come up with this characterization of Jason?
Because even though RHatO and RHO Jason went beyond Gotham he still fought for things that were directly aligned with his story, Ra’s al Ghul, the Untitled, Essence, all of that wasn’t on a global scale, why is he so suddenly aware of more than that, I just don’t think that his participation in this book is justified.
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In these other panels he also comes off as way too aware of what is going on, and I understand that to a certain level all heroes might keep up with what going on a global scale but it seems like Jason knows way too much for someone that hasn’t been connected to those organizations and or people before.
Jason appears a little more after that but nothing of true importance is said anymore in this issue. After, Lois finishes her talk with Jason she reunites with the rest of the team and is like “It wasn’t Red Hood, let’s move on” and that’s that.
That was all Jason did in those two issues. A mix between nothing, knowing too much and him speculating about what a terrorist would want to do next.
Before I give my last thoughts about Jason and these issues, I want to share with you these panels from issue 5 of Event Leviathan.
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There, Zatanna and the others confirmed it. Even though Lois listed the Red Hood as a suspect the other detectives told her that not only none of their suspects were Leviathan but that none of them were Leviathan adjacent.
Here is what I think, Jason shouldn’t have been in this book, it makes less than zero sense for him to be there. Jason being set up by Leviathan had no logic whatsoever. Jason and Leviathan’s levels of “disruption” are on completely different levels.
I just don’t know why he was there.
Anon, once again I am sorry for taking so long to do this review, I hope you had fun reading this, and I hope that you have an awesome day!
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needletail · 4 years
Nintendogs vs Nintendogs + Cats: a review and comparison.
There’s no doubt that most people want a new Nintendogs game for the Nintendo Switch. But when I see these posts, very few of them are referencing the 3ds variant of the game, but rather the original ds version that everyone continues to know and love.
The addition of cats is Nintendogs + Cats’ most notable feature. It was, while cute and fun for a short period of time, notably worse than its predecessor. But why is that? The formula stayed roughly the same, but the charm didn’t quite hit.
Before we dive into this: these are my opinions on the games, and personal comparisons. Every person experiences things differently, and will likely have different opinions.
We can start with breaking down the original Nintendogs. The graphics have not aged well, but the charm and entertainment factor have. While replaying, I found that the general ambience and the music used endeared me further to the game, and I wanted to play more. The half hour timer on going for walks was frustrating (as was the stamina system), but it otherwise engaged me more to figure out where I wanted to go. The map feels surprisingly big with so much to do, and the side-scrolling walk screen keeps the mystery alive in what you’ll encounter. The competitions were fun and the voice recognition system may have been even better than the 3ds incarnation. The only thing that really suffered were the graphics - but this game is 15 years old and this was advanced for its time, so we can let that slide. The dogs can be a little strange to look at at times, but they’re expressive and distinct, which is what matters in a pet simulator.
The information you can take in is optional, but an exciting part of the game for those who are interested. Your dog’s profile is detailed but easy to understand, going as far as to tell you what it ate last. There’s something so charming about it being displayed as if it were a document you had in front of you - it brings another element of immersion into this sim.
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[Image ID: a photograph of the informational sheet on Nintendogs. It includes the name, gender, breed, trainer, time together, coat, hunger, thirst, and things eaten. The trick list and contest results are also on this screen.] 
From cars passing by to horns in the distance and dog barks from somewhere vaguely nearby, the sound design of Nintendogs is audibly aged, but still strong. The few tracks spread in the game are iconic, and stay in my head a lot longer than I’d like to admit. 
The competitions are another huge highlight of the original nintendogs. The banter between the hosts, Ted and Archie, is something that continues to be remembered. Everyone’s seen the line “you make me feel like a man, Archie”, and the banter they keep up in each competition is less like a mindless tapping chore and just more entertainment. The settings are surprisingly realistic - less so on the obedience, but the ring set up for agility certainly is. The balance between realism and fun is another part of why Nintendogs appealed to all audiences. 
Agility is my personal favourite event, and the same goes for a lot of people I’ve met. There’s a level of interactivity here that isn’t met by the successor (something we’ll touch on later). Guiding your dog over hurdles and through tunnels, and later having to balance speed with accuracy - it’s an event that keeps you, the player, engaged. It becomes a sort of fine art once you hit the Championship level, as your dog, by that point, is likely going to be very fast and have a mind of its own, often trying to predict which obstacles it’s going to go through. 
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[Image ID: an angled photograph of the starter agility training course. The dog is laying on the green, and the hurdles and tunnels are in view.] 
Disc is in both versions, and is fun in its own way. I, personally, don’t tend to use the disc competition - in the original Nintendogs, the projectiles can be a little speedier than you intend them to be, and the dogs are a little too determined to hold onto their toys. But, with a well-trained dog, this event can be as fun as anything else. In the original, you didn’t have to contend with the other dogs - something that I’ve grown to appreciate over the years. But, like with the event that removed Agility, I’ll be looking at how the changes fared later. 
Obedience is held on a stage, and is a fun event for people who take the time to train their dogs. Your dog can typically learn three or four tricks a day (depending on the dog), and between the tricks listed in the Obedience Guide Book and the unlisted tricks that your dog can learn, you can usually blow the competition out of the park. It definitely requires the most time and effort out of all of the events, and it can be frustrating if your dog suddenly stops listening - but the rewards are surprisingly good. It’s always fun to have a well-trained Nintendog, if only because showing them off when I was a child was my favourite thing to do. 
Obviously, competitions are the main money-makers in these games. Tackle a solid few of them, and you’ll find yourself able to afford another dog or two. Though your room is limited to three dogs, there’s also a Hotel to keep some other dogs in. As time progresses and you gain more of a bond with your dog(s), you’ll unlock more breeds. 
Something that went over my head when I was a child was the method to unlock Jack Russells, specifically. You need to find an incredibly rare book - something which I don’t ever recall doing, and still haven’t. I found this information via the wikia, so I’m not too sure how accurate is, but it is an interesting breed to lock behind a time and patience-based method. 
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[Image ID: an angled image of a German Shepherd laying on its side. In the corner is an idea bubble.] 
Overall, Nintendogs is a solid and fun pet simulator, and it’s clear why so many people have such good memories. The dogs are filled with personality (even being expressive enough to show you when they’re angry vs happy), the competitions are engaging, and though the format will become stale after playing daily for a long time, it’s always a fun game to come back to after a period of time. 
Which is why it’s unsurprisingly that it gained a sequel.
I remember being ecstatic when Nintendogs + Cats was shown in advertisements on television. When I got the 3ds, I also got a copy of Nintendogs + Cats. The Golden Retriever version, specifically, but I do own all three. For some reason? As people got bored with it, they usually gifted me them. 
At first blush, it’s almost as charming as the original. The graphics style handles much better than the original, with slightly more realistic movements, and less cardboard-y models. I much prefer the Nintendogs + Cats models to the originals, for obvious reasons - though their movements can be a little repetitive and strange at times, and a lot less expressive than the originals. But that said, I much prefer the Kennel system of petting and exploring the dogs and their behaviours (limited as they are) before you adopt, and I enjoy sorting through colours or getting unique colours/patterns. The rare white variants used to be my obsession, as a child. 
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[Image ID: a german shepherd holding a present in Nintendogs + Cats. The model is significantly better than the original Nintendogs model.] 
Immediately, though, there’s a lot less ambience in Nintendogs + Cats. I play with my volume up all the way, and it’s typically just my dogs and cat making noises. I miss the cars going by and the general background noise that the game can provide. It feels just a little too silent, and the music tracks are repetitive and unmemorable for the most part. Obviously sound design don’t make or break the game, so I won’t harp on this point for too long. 
The gameplay is...fine? I’m not a fan of petting a shadow of my dog, but I understand they did that for 3D purposes (something which most people didn’t use, to the point that the 2DS was made. I play on a 2DS). The camera control is an incredibly nice feature to have, the showering minigame is a little more thorough. They didn’t really add anything to the care features, though. If anything, they took away a lot of experiences - reading the care books and instead guiding you through the tricks one by one instead of as you want, forcing you to learn a specific set of tricks before you can move on to the next ones. The game is far more hand-holdy, which can be frustrating at multiple points. But, hey. There’s cats! Let’s talk about the cats. 
What’s their purpose? Not much. Which is fine, although they take up a slot in your three-pet designation. As cute as the cats are, they definitely got done dirty. There’s three selections to choose from (Standard, Oriental, and Long-hair), with multiple colours, but not much depth beyond that. Obviously, the cats were just a cute addition - I do like having my little cat wandering around the house with my two dogs, and I know from past experiences that once you bond with the cat, it’ll go out and get presents for you if you leave your ds on. Gaining affection with the cats is very slow-going and if you’re someone who likes your pet simulations to be more interactive, it might be wiser to stick with the dogs. I’m not complaining against the addition of cats - it just could’ve been done much smoother, with better mechanics enabled. Be it adding some breeds and a proper grooming minigame to maintain them, or the ability to train them but have them be much harder than the dogs. There were many ways to put cats into the game, and I just don’t think they hit as intended. 
So, how did they do with the competitions? Well. 
The short answer: they’re pretty bland, and a downgrade from the original.  The long answer... 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel chewing on a banana lure.] 
In the competitions, there’s no more Ted/Archie banter. It’s just Ted. Doing his thing. I honestly do not read the text for this game, and instead tap quickly to progress to the events. 
Replacing Agility comes Lure Coursing. I’m not sure about other countries, but that’s an incredibly niche section of dog sporting here, and it’s also notorious for being...very boring. And in the game, it lives up to that. Instead of guiding your dog through obstacles, you wind the cog of a lure and honk it to get the dog to follow it. Sometimes you honk it to get them over hurdles. I have to admit, I usually space out when I’m training my dogs with this - it’s an easy moneymaker once you’ve trained them up to Nintendogs Cup level, but it’s easily the most mind-numbing event. Anything would’ve been better. If they didn’t want to implement Agility, there are other dog sports that could’ve suited well; guiding your dog through the Flyball course and using its name to bring it back until it could do it on command (maybe even utilising a team of three, for reason as to why you can have up to three dogs), or sledding, using your dog to pull a lightweight sled (on wheels) through a course in a race against other dogs (or, again, even using your trio). There could have even been scenting sport in which you teach your dog how to scent and go off to find a mark, or herding. The point is: lure coursing is the most unengaging thing to put in a game. 
The Disc competition barely changes, so I won’t say much. I don’t particularly enjoy having the other dogs in the ring to compete with as it becomes all too easy for them to interfere heavily with your own dog, but I understand why it was implemented and know that a lot of people enjoy it. I prefer the throwing speed and the control you can have over the disc, and will admit that overall, the Disc competition is generally improved. 
But then you come to the Obedience Trial. AR Cards are mandatory. You don’t have a surface to put your AR Cards on, or lost them years ago? Then you can’t do it. I actually ordered AR Cards, having thrown out my old ones due to damages and general...lack of use. As of this post, I have been unable to play the Obedience Trial, so I can’t say much on whether the system has improved. I do know that AR Cards can work on a laptop screen or something similar, but the 3ds camera is pretty horrible and can glitch out, making it unreliable for screen-based AR cards. Unfortunately. 
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[Image ID: a white cocker spaniel standing on an AR Card.]
The walking system is fine. I love being able to go to different routes (as limited as they can be - but the original was no saint to repetitiveness once you knew the whole map), and I like having to go between grass patches, with a chance for a surprise present. I think the addition of the BARC stores are a cute touch, and the Miis walking their own dogs are cute, too. The interactions between your dog and theirs is based on your dog’s personality as well as theirs, which makes sense - but there’s basically three outcomes. More than the original, but meeting with other dogs tends to be to see if you can backtrack when you’re near the end of the walk by having them invite you to the cafe or park, or to get presents from Streetpass miis. I like the cone minigame to test your control over the dog and its leash, and as a rule, I just...like it. It’s relaxing. I don’t prefer it over the original, but I don’t prefer the original over it. They both have their benefits and downfalls. The biggest upside to + Cats’ system is that you can take your dog on as many walks as you want. 
Interactivity isn’t really a thing, with + Cats. Whereas in the original you could legitimately piss off your dog and it would bark and snarl at you for a while before you regained its trust, this game doesn’t punish you for much. I poked and prodded at my dog for a while, and it didn’t really do much for me. This is a game where you sort of just have cute looking models that hold up surprisingly well for their time, and that’s it. There’s not much game to the game, as it were - and that’s from a game where the gameplay was limited as it was. 
Adding multiple accessories to your pets is a very nice addition, albeit expected. Overall, though, the gameplay has been significantly dumbed down and while I understand that kids play it, my generation played Nintendogs as small children and we got by just fine. It’s a very intuitive game, and it’s almost insulting how little Nintendogs + Cats thinks of its audience. 
Another nice addition to Nintendogs + Cats, though, is body type for your pets. There’s a few that your pet can be: underfed, skinny, optimal, plump, and overfed. I usually have optimal dogs, but apparently plump and overfed dogs run slower and as such they do poorer in competitions, which is a pretty neat feature to have in-game. 
In the short of it, Nintendogs + Cats is fine, but Nintendogs (the original) is Good. I have a lot more nostalgia for Nintendogs which may cloud my opinion, but playing it in 2020 is still fun, and I’m especially happy to play the Agility competition.
For an interactive pet simulator with fun competitions and plenty to do, Nintendogs is the way to go.  For a pretty enough game with simplistic gameplay, Nintendogs + Cats is the way to go. 
Both games have their perks, but I certainly have a clear favourite. If a Switch edition of Nintendogs ever happened, I’d much prefer the original style with some of the quality of life changes made in the successor. In the end, it’s all up to what you’re looking for in a game - but as someone who’s looking for a fun time, I’m a sucker for the originals. 
(Note: I have not played the knock-off Nintendogs for Switch, and would appreciate input on if it’s worth buying or not. Reviews are poor at best, as far as I can tell, though.) 
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sstrongstyle · 4 years
𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Adam Cole x OC, mentions of Seth Rollins x OC 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: After nearly a decade of being the golden girl of WWE, Adaline Marin wants out. Their ring was no longer home, haunted by her first love and upon reaching her thirties, the face behind "Aspen Glory" wonders if the passion she once had was still ablaze. Instead, she gets sent down to NXT to join the Undisputed Era. The next three hundred and sixty-five days, all captured by cameras for the history books, become a year of revival, reinvention, and realization with her legacy at stake and a new flame from the past emerging. 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: All characters are referred to by their real life names (for the most part)
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June 7th, 2019
There was always something about Florida that Adaline hated. It reminded her of her days stuck down in developmental, rotting away in that ugly FCW warehouse with a princess gimmick that got her nowhere. Realizing that this was her new home, as one of the currently most decorated talent in WWE's women's division, was like a punch to the gut. It wasn't supposed to be a downgrade, considering the heights that NXT had reached in recent times, but it sure as hell felt like that. Passing by new, unknown faces in the Performance Centre, who gawked at her veteran presence, made it feel like that. Young female talent coming up to her and telling her how much of an inspiration she was to them starting their careers felt like that.
"Yeah, it hurts a bit, but you have to look at the bigger picture." Mattias was the first one to welcome Adaline to NXT with open arms. "It's a fresh start and in all honesty, I trust the suits down here more than the suits up on top." Earlier in the day, he decided to play tour guide and show her around the main backstage area of the Full Sail taping location.
Adaline rolled her eyes. "They all suck." She tried her best to hide her disdain from day one, but being around Matt allowed her to let her guard down. He, of course, went through the same thing when Tyler Breeze was sent packing back to Winter Park after years on the main roster. However, she didn't expect such a twinkling look in his eyes, a hint of happiness in them, considering he was fresh off Takeover XXV on a title match.
Every NXT alumni spoke so fondly of their time down in the black and gold brand. Maybe a part of her always wondered what it would have been like to stay in Florida a little longer in 2012, instead of taking a cannonball into the formation of The Shield. It seemed like Adaline no longer had to wonder on what could've been.
Nothing felt right. She was wearing a stuffy formal outfit, or as close to formal as Adaline Marin could get. Wide legged dress pants and a strappy crop top, if Adaline wasn't going to pay her respects to Vincent Kennedy McMahon himself, there was no way she was going to force herself into anything "professional." In a way, it was almost her method of showing Hunter just how pissed off she was.
She was three months removed from main eventing Wrestlemania and out of nowhere, she's down at the PC with kids who don't know how to perform a suplex.
"Listen, you may be a little pissed off—" was the first thing that left his mouth and Adaline couldn't help but snort.
The last stop on Matt's tour was Hunter's office, where Adaline was schedule for an early morning meeting with him. It was about nine o'clock and she had barely escaped running into any of the other talent. Her debut was supposed to be kept under wraps and while it didn't hurt for a few people on the roster to learn about it, Adaline herself didn't want it to be spread around so soon.
Hunter gave her a pointed look. "We have big plans for you here."
"I sure hope so, because so did a certain other company." The shit eating grin on Adaline's face was more than a little disrespectful, but he wasn't even fazed. Her statement was nothing less than the truth. It was inevitable that other promotions came knocking on her door and had been planning to do so, as the expiry date of her time with WWE had been on the mind of many for months leading up to it.
"You won't regret re-signing, Adaline," he said, choosing to ignore her statement.
Adaline wanted to believe that she wasn't making a mistake, but after months off television and headaches surrounding her contract negotiations, a part of her thinks that she simply re-signed out of annoyance. They saw how well she did when she left for two years and they were afraid that Adaline was going to go and do the same with the three letter A named company looming over their nightmares. WWE was persistent and they promised her everything she wanted and more—only, she wasn't told that it was going to be at Full Sail University.
She forced herself to smile a bit. "Why so?" Adaline was hoping that she would find out what the meeting was for, sooner rather than later. After all, she'd yet to receive word of anything from the creative team and it felt like she was completely in the dark.
A soft whine indicated that Hunter's door was being creaked open. His eyes brightened at the new presence and the corner of his lips twitched upwards. Hunter then turned back to Adaline.
"This is why."
Slowly rotating her body, she raised an eyebrow at the sight. The four members of The Undisputed Era. Austin, Kyle, Bobby, and Christopher. None of them seemed to expect her either, as they stared back in confusion. It took Adaline a moment to put two and two together and when she did, the wind was knocked right out of her.
Nobody could argue with the facts: The Undisputed Era was one of the best things to come out of NXT in recent times. That was definitely saying something, considering the immense talent rumbling at the core of the brand and the stars that have shone after walking away from the shadows of Full Sail. But, that was the thing. Adaline wanted nothing to do with it or NXT. Her own words echoed in her head, what she had relayed to Trinity following her contract negotiations and hearing of the plans they had for her.
"I'm not some young upstart. My career isn't hanging on by a thread, scraping by for a second chance. I didn't just claw out of the indies, looking to prove myself under the bright lights. I've been here, Trin, and I don't need NXT. They surely don't need me."
This was also what she had sent Hunter over email, which he promptly ignored and instead sent her schedule for the week. He intentionally left out anything from the creative team and the upcoming plans for the taping. Looking at the mischievous glint in the King of King's eyes, Adaline realized why.
The first person to greet her was Kyle, whose lips immediately stretched out into a wide grin. "Addie!" He stepped forward and scooped her up from her seat into a bear hug.
For a moment, all of the irritation in Adaline's body washed away and she even let the giggle bubbling at the base of her throat escape. It'd been so long since she'd seen Kyle's goofy smile and his ginger hair. An old friend that she hadn't seen in a long time, even if they both technically worked under the same company. He was like unexpected sunshine after a week of clouds and her heart was wide open for it.
A second body joined Kyle's embrace and she didn't have to look up to know that it was Christopher.
Christopher had been in Adaline's life from very beginning. He was the one that yelled at her the loudest when she was a rookie at the ROH Dojo. When Colby couldn't join her on the west coast, Chris was her road buddy to every PWG show. He hosted her goodbye party when she signed with FCW in 2011 and kept in touch with her up until he finally joined WWE years later.
"No. Way." Christopher started, eyes wide.
She pulled away from the hug and proceeded to walk over to the other two members of Undisputed. Adaline politely greeted Bobby, pulling him into a quick hug. The two weren't as well acquainted, as their paths only briefly crossed in between Adaline leaving WWE and Bobby entering it. He was always nice to her, though, and she only ever heard good things about him through their many mutual friends. The world of wrestling was small and the same social circle ran throughout, no matter the promotion or country.
Then, there was Austin.
She always thought that his smile lit up an entire room, the way his eyes turned up to project nothing but pure angelic energy. He was dressed casually, in basketball shorts and a zip up—as the rest of the group was, it seemed like they had just arrived to the Full Sail arena—but, he made it look too good. Long hair pulled into a bun, so that his clear blue eyes were on full display. Austin was another man that Adaline shared many mutual friends with and their careers had surely intertwined countless of times on different wrestling promotion cards.
That was all Austin was supposed to be, until Japan happened. Very few words were exchanged between the two ever since, even after Austin's explosive Brooklyn debut in 2017 and Adaline's return six months later at the Rumble. They didn't talk unless they needed to, like when they awkwardly exchanged pleasantries at the last company Christmas party.
She nearly forgot about Hunter, who was pleased with what he was seeing. He leaned back into his leather chair, hands clasped together.
He said, "I'm guessing that we're all acquainted with Adaline?"
"Who isn't?" Kyle answered, with a small smirk playing on his face and a side eye towards Austin. The statement held more weight than what was at the surface and Adaline caught on to it, sending him a glare. Someone knew about their history.
Austin cleared his throat. "Hey," he finally greeted her, though his eyes shifted elsewhere, as if he wanted to be anywhere in the world except for that office.
She felt the exact same, but she managed to force a soft small. Keep it professional, realize where they were and why they were there. Her focus shifted to that and her anger towards NXT settled, even just for the slightest amount.
Interrupting them, Hunter grinned. "Good. Because she will be your fifth member of the Undisputed Era."
Adaline had obviously seen that one coming, but hearing it out loud, letting the actual words hit her, felt like she was being drowned. The boys, however, didn't seem to have a clue as to why they were being called in to the big boss man's office. Excitement flashed upon their faces, with the exception of Austin's shocked expression. Eyebrows raised, he contrasted greatly with Kyle's whooping and fist pumping in the air.
"No way," Bobby said, laughing in disbelief.
"Starting this week, Aspen Glory is a member of the NXT roster," Hunter began to explain. "We have very big plans for you five, a definite future in the title picture. We want the WWE Universe to take UE seriously and that starts with gold hanging off of all of your shoulders. What's a bigger statement than all of you dominating each of the title scenes?"
For the first time since the ink dried on her brand new contract, Adaline wanted to feel excited. However, she could feel Austin's looming presence behind her and it equipped her with an uneasy anchor in her stomach, along with the restlessness already settled down there. "You're putting titles on all of us?" Adaline managed to distract herself, sputtering out what she thought she had heard from Hunter.
"That's the plan—" The way all of the four men before Adaline crumbled into complete happiness made her heart wrench. "—for now. Nothing is certain here, but everyone has high hopes."
"Nothing is certain, huh?" Adaline mumbled under her breath, but no one heard her.
Hunter looked at her. "Hey, Marin?" he said. "We didn't fight for you for no reason. You weren't on the main event at Mania for no reason. That also means that you're not here for no reason."
Eventually, the five were excused from Hunter's office, leaving them to face each other outside in the hallway. Kyle was basically bouncing off the walls, Chris grinning from ear to ear, a fired up energy radiating off of Bobby, and Austin. . .well, he didn't look as upset as Adaline would have expected from him. She on the other hand, didn't know how to feel. She was with some of her closest friends in the world and she was just essentially promised a title run. But, being apart of a stable again? Being with Austin?
"Lunch on me, tomorrow. There's no other way to welcome Addie to Undisputed," Christopher announced.
Austin cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, we have to go film some stuff for the Network now." He checked the time on his phone.
If this was how the next months, year, whatever it was going to be, were going to go with Austin, Adaline was sure she was going to end up smashing a steel chair against her head.
"Right. I have another meeting to get to, so. . ." she bit her lip, looking at her shoes.
Bobby grinned. "You're getting added to the official Undisputed group chat."
"She's gonna get sick of your dad memes, man," Kyle remarked, causing the entire group to chuckle.
They began walking together, out into another corridor. The atmosphere wasn't awkward and the tension was slightly alleviated.
"You settled down in the city, yet? I can't believe you didn't say anything," Christopher said, arms crossed.
"Not really, I was planning to do the rest of my packing today," she replied. "I was told to stay quiet about it. And, honestly, it hasn't really sunk in yet." This was said, as she passed by an enormous NXT banner hanging from the top of a doorframe and her eyes remained fixated on it.
Bobby said, "Then, tomorrow's a good day to catch up, since today's so busy. We'll probably get the scripts for the taping by then, too, so we can work stuff out and bounce around some ideas."
They all stopped at the end of the hallway, with Adaline and the men about to go their separate ways.
Adaline opened her mouth, unsure of what to say for a moment, before she pressed her lips together in a smile. "I know a lot of stuff has been going around about me and what I want." There was no way she was going to let the boys think that she didn't want to be with them, but it was inevitable with how high-profiled her negotiations had been and the heat she'd gotten backstage for complaining about being taken off TV. "But, in all honesty, I'm excited for this. I didn't expect it, but I know that it's only going to go uphill from here." She let it slowly spill out, unsure of how to word her thoughts. Her qualms with NXT were still present, but she didn't want it to bring down her new group.
"Hey, I'd be pissed if I were you, too, Ms. Main Event," Austin piped up and she was taken aback by it, not expecting him to talk any more than he had to. "But, you'll like this place. Trust me."
"We'll make sure of it," Christopher nudged her.
The five exchanged their goodbyes for the day, promising to stay in contact and that lunch details would be forwarded to Adaline. She felt a little bad, wondering if her addition to the group threw off any creative plans they had in mind, but they seemed open enough to having her join. She watched them begin to walk away and she, too, turned around.
The day had only begun and it already felt like a whirlwind. There were still dozens of boxes waiting for her to be unpacked in her new Orlando home and she groaned at the thought. Adaline just had to get through one more meeting and she could escape Full Sail, where there were already roster members beginning to arrive to film content for tomorrow's tapings. She wanted to flop onto her bed, the only thing she had set up, because tomorrow was a full day with a trip to the back to the PC and getting settled with the guys. She wished she had someone to help her, but even Trinity in Pensacola was hours away.
That's when it begun to sink in. Adaline was completely alone. Sure, she had friends living in the area, but they were constantly scattered all over the country for RAW and Smackdown loops. The only familiar faces were Matt and Curtis, along with some other friends that she had yet to see, but they weren't family in the sense that some of her other friends were. That's who they became when Adaline exhausted herself, immersed in road life for the past decade.
"Uh, Adaline?"
She spun around, surprised once again by Austin, as he jogged towards her. The rest of the group was gone and he returned on his own. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Listen, I know we didn't really leave on the best foot in Japan and it's messed things up ever since I got here." Austin scratched the back of his neck. "But, since you're kind of stuck with me for who knows how long, it's probably best that we bury everything. For everything that happened, I'm sorry. Are we good?"
Adaline's eyes were wide. "Really?" She couldn't believe that stubborn Austin, the guy who never really was mature enough to own his mistakes out loud, went out of his way to clear the air. He would be the type of guy to beat around the bush or make up for things through his actions, but to apologize out loud?
"Really." He smiled, eyes turning up in the way that Adaline once fell for. That thought got stuck in her throat and she almost wanted to cry, but she blinked the emotions away hard enough. "You got us, Marin. It's been tough for you the past while, but the boys and I got your back."
Then, she began to realize that, maybe, she wasn't all alone. She didn't have to be unless she let herself. Adaline froze for a moment, before sticking out her hand. Austin, with a pleased expression on his face, took it and shook it gently, warmth radiating off of him.
"We're good."
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crocifixio · 4 years
You know that cliché shot – badass, multimillion-dollar contract action film star slowly making an appearance by walking out of that rise on the road, blurred by the hot fumes of the pavement. His leather pistol dangling by his side, wide-brimmed hat tipping down low. It is a cliché as old as cinema, a cousin of The Explosion Walk, and it works all the time. Only for that day, it was a stocky young man in a waway hat who had figured in my vision.
Three months had passed since our Tirad Peak hike and the misadventures surrounding it were almost wiped out now from our memory. In the next 48 hours we would be overwriting whatever clean slate we had with something much worse. I had my reservations about dwelling on the subject again but this is an honest journal and thankfully we would have none of the same misfortune involving local guides on our subsequent hikes.
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I was again with my two regular hiking buddies Dirty Harry and Liquidator in this dilapidated sorry excuse of a bus out from Dangwa on a hot Good Friday morning. Whatever calories I might have stocked up on hours ago from Good Taste had been consumed by intermittent bursts of adrenaline as I imagine hurtling myself out of the windshield while I rode shotgun with the daredevil Kankana-ey driver. Dirty Harry and Liquidator were far in the back buried in boxes of live poultry. I was lightheaded when we got off the bus at the Kibungan municipal gate.
And then this kid in the waway hat. We had to figure out for ourselves that he was the assigned guide for us as he approached in his filmic entrance. We had asked him, but he just gave a grin and we took that for a yes. For the entirety of the hike he would be giving that menacing grin with his tobacco spit-stained crooked teeth, not making eye contact as half of his face would be shadowed by the brim of his hat (I later saw his eyes were misaligned). He would just launch on a low, continuous muttering every time we would ask him things. At times, I would ask him random questions just to get him into that state and annoy my two companions. Liquidator thought he acted like Gollum and was convinced he would kill us in our sleep. Dirty Harry on the other hand thought Quasimodo was more apt as he was wearing green, had little of a neck and had pants cut off just after the knee. But he also thought we would be killed in our sleep. I am all for benefit of the doubt, even if a number of villagers we would pass by had to shout ‘Ingat kayo dyan sa isang yan!’. After all, it was a joke common among Filipinos who would see friends in the company of unfamiliar guests.   
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But Kibungan Circuit was such a beautiful hike that there was no effort freeing ourselves from all of our doubts about him. Never mind that he insisted we settle for Version 1 – we told him we were physically ready for Version 2 and that we were willing and able to add hours or days just to tab more miles and notch Mt Oten and Mt Tagpew, but his incessant mumbling told us he was not fit for it. So on we proceeded to what we would downgrade as just a relaxed hike, or ‘chill climb’ in local hiking parlance.  
We set off in a steady pace, and my two companions were all awe every step of the way. We passed by the cemetery, and the local who was tending the graves had to give out another ominous remark – apparently another warning to watch out for our guide. I was glad that my companions were too absorbed at the scenery to mull over the same worries again. The cemetery, which was sitting on a plateau, pans in a cinematographic way as you walk along the road while the nearby peaks at the background hung like painted cloth in this huge theater stage. I swear I could hear the The Ecstasy of Gold! Rest in peace, Ennio..
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Packs down for early lunch in the first village we stopped by. You would think that we would get a lovely scenic spot for lunch but the guide pointed at a small corner of a cemented wall with about six inches of shade from the overhang of the roof, and then just left. Dirty Harry was furious after fully grasping the idea that the guide had meant for us to take our lunch on that spot. We moved to a more comfortable location, which was a charming Cordillera hut and shared our meal and coffee with the owner who was in his twilight years but still spoke fluent English from the Commonwealth era. The guide came back two hours later, still dazed from his siesta.  He had that troubled look that meant we were becoming too much of a burden already and he would show it once more come morning when he came back for us, two hours late again, at the Buga Campsite. I was glad we did not have to share tent space with him for the evening as he crashed in a nearby hut that was also the last water source. I had my whole A-type tent for myself, with a belly full of chicharon and Hainanese rice. Liquidator was up all night in the other tent, beside himself and his iPad all the time from the abundance of cellular signal all throughout the trail.
Speaking of strong cellular data signal in the vicinity, I remember running into the Bakun-Kibungan Traverse Team on our way down from Mt Tagpaya on the second day. I had initially considered joining them but could not yet find it in me to return to Bakun and wanted this hike to be all Kibungan. They were in high spirits, and were on their way to finishing their route opposite of us. About an hour after we had parted ways, we then ran into the tail of their group who did not appear to be as ecstatic and were in no rush to catch up. They told us they were sticking to the original itinerary after being voted off by the majority to cut their hike short by one day, suspecting everybody had spent all their power banks due to the abundant cell signal all throughout and were in a hurry to recharge batteries at the municipal hall. Five years ago, I would not have thought how the dynamics of a hiking team could be altered by this aspect of technology.
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Meanwhile, Quasimodo would always advance ahead of us so he could stop by and smoke a cigarette while waiting for us to catch up. I would chase him and ask if he had another stick (to test him, because his cigarette pack was showing by the back of his pants, as was his buttcrack- insert coin here), not doubting he would say he had none left. We would repeat this process for a total of four times before we reached Tanap, where Quasimodo’s friend of a van driver was already waiting for us ‘for a reasonable fee’. I had my ViewRanger app open and could point to where we could cut the hike back to the municipal hall from the terraces, but Quamisodo insists he had contacted a van already. Reluctantly, I agreed because half of me would also like to see the exit from Lungsad Falls. I forgot how much we paid for it, but I asked the van driver in private when I had the chance if he was on his way back to Baguio as well and struck a deal. I knew Quasimado was up to something again, knowing that we had already missed the last trip to the city.
Back at the población, the washrooms were all occupied by the Bakun-Kibungan Team so I decided to gather everyone instead for a little snack by the adjacent grocery store after paying the guide fee. As we walked to the store, Quasimodo made the offer for us to get the same van back to the city for two thousand pesos. I did not reply. Moments later while having our snack and sodas, he would make the offer again, so I spoke directly to the van driver to clear it up as we already made a deal for six hundred pesos only. Quasimodo went back to the van driver in a mix of Kankana-ey and Iloko, and then back to us practically begging to just pay 1,500 because it was already late. I told him and the driver that if the terms were to change, we were better off spending the night at the municipal hall. The van driver told Quasimodo (from the little Iloko that I could decipher) to just shut the hell up as ‘kwarta na magiging bato pa’. Feeling defeated, Quasimodo let out a wail and threw his arms in the air like some vessel dispossessed of demons. I honestly thought he had given up right there, when, upon seeing Liquidator paying for the snacks, he asked the storekeeper for a fresh pack of Marlboro and sniggered at us, motioning to put it in our tab. Liquidator snatched the pack from Quasimodo and said something along the lines of an expletive and kanina ka pa ha!
 All pics in this post by Dirty Harry, Canon EOS 60D
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Quasimodo, in the green shirt, fortunately with his buttcrack covered at this moment
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Mt Tagpaya
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My Canon G12′s sd card conked out early into the hike and was dead weight since
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A lot of segments were like snippets of Bakun, this one reminded me of Mt Kabunian
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This was to be the last time I would be wearing this brand, in the following months I would be signing up as Ambassador for two other local hiking apparel companies.
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loyalflutist · 5 years
How Lovely Would it be For This Moment to Last Forever (F!Byleth x Edelgard)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Archive Warning: Major Character Death Category: F/F Relationship: F!Byleth x Edelgard Summary:  "How lovely would it be for this moment to last forever?" Edelgard has said this phrase twice in her life. Both times they were to her professor, Byleth. What significance could this saying have on their life?
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A/N: Got too excited about the game and how you could date Edelgard as the female Byleth, so I ended up writing this yesterday. Some things may be inaccurate since I haven’t played the game obviously and it hasn’t dropped yet. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it!
After the last class was over, many students from all three houses scrambled out of the room. The Black Eagles were not immune to its effect either. Their chatters, their laughter, and their stature brightened. They can finally leave! Then again, not only was it a Friday, but today’s lessons felt as if it dragged on forever.
A lengthy lecture on advanced tactical commands and the importance of teamwork were more than enough to drone anyone to sleep despite Byleth’s best effort. It was a dry topic. Extremely dry. Even Byleth herself wouldn’t want to teach it to her students! She had paused several times during the lesson to stifle a yawn! Alas, she and the other professors had built the core curriculum. She could not avoid her responsibilities.
At least the hard part is over. Now all that was left is to tidy up the shared classroom, gather the worksheets that she ordered the students to leave on the teacher’s desk, and trudge back to her office. From there, Byleth would be able to grade some of their assignments and prepare herself for an eventual staff meeting on tomorrow’s practical exercise on the field with the other professors. That doesn’t even include any students hanging behind that might need elaboration on any concept they have or haven’t learned… or any professors and staffs that need assistance. Not to mention Byleth needs to find a gift for Edelgard since it is her birthday today…
A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face as her shoulders slumped. There was so much to do. Last time she checked, being a mercenary was supposed to be harder than a professor! She was so used to being part of a group and following her father’s orders. Now she has a bunch of children and young adults to guide and pass her knowledge. Had it not been a special power that she possessed, Byleth wouldn’t have had her application as a potential instructor rejected. She would outright be banned from nearing the institution!
Byleth snagged one of the two erasers and proceeded to remove the chalky text on the blackboard. If there was anything that she got out of this experience, it was the fact that she was able to meet with new people.
“How lovely would it be for this moment to last forever.”
The eraser pressing against the blackboard paused mid-sentence. Byleth glanced over her shoulders. Edelgard had a textbook and notebook in one hand, and another hand resting on her hip. One of the three well-known nobles in the academy, she naturally exerts a sense of royalty far above Byleth. Though dignified and talented, it was rare for the noble to drop ambiguous remarks. The older female returned her attention to tidying as she questioned,
“Is there something troubling you, Edelgard?”
Edelgard’s eyes lowered, her breath caught in her throat. There was a pregnant pause. Eventually, she faintly smiled and approached the blue-haired.
“Just thinking about the future, professor.” The student rested her supplies on the desk’s surface. Using both palms of her hands, she somewhat sat on the edge of the wooden furniture as she observed her instructor. “We live in a time of peace. Dimitri, Claude, and I are training to become future leaders for our nation, but we are still young and inexperienced.”
“Inexperienced? Don’t downgrade your skills,” Byleth chuckled. “You’re anything but inexperienced, especially in live combat.”
The white-haired couldn’t resist a grin and brushed stray locks of white hair over her shoulder, her body temperature increased.
“I retract my earlier statement then.”
Although Byleth did not push the conversation further, she was curious about the earlier lamentation from Edelgard. Unlike a certain professor who did not know basic common courtesies in socialization with students, she held her tongue and waited for another response. It paid off as Edelgard’s grin faltered. The young lady redirected her gaze at the older female. She opened her mouth, but nothing delivered. She clamped her jaw shut. Her eyes wandered. Then, Edelgard tried again once her eyes found themselves landing on Byleth again.
“Byleth.” Byleth slowed her motion. It was uncommon for any students to call their professor by their first name. Most students who dared to informally call their professors by their names were playful in nature. For Edelgard, she had only done so when all jokes are off the table. “How long do you think this moment will last?”
“That’s hard to say.”
A single moment can’t last forever for sure unless one had the ability to freeze time. It’s a rather morbid question to ask. No matter the circumstances, there is always a sorrowful answer that accompanies such curiosity. Even Byleth finds it disheartening. A faint hum escaped from the ex-mercenary’s throat. That seems to have perked Edelgard’s ears.
“Edelgard,” Byleth lowered the eraser. She turned around to properly face the noble. As her student pushed herself away from the furniture, the instructor walked up to the shorter female and extended a hand outward. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
Special treatments were given to certain students. Dorothea and Ferdinand were ones she invites to private tea parties for casual socialization. She too invited Edelgard multiple times for tea. But for dinner? Could it be fashioned the same way as lunch at the cafeteria? The young noble gave a slight tilt of her head.
“Are you joining us for tonight then?”
Byleth shook her head.
“I would like to invite you to have a private dinner with me at my office.”
Private dinner? Now THAT is something Edelgard hasn’t seen before. Wait, could this be something that she’s always fantasized? Her stomach fluttered at the idea. Is this…
“…a date?”
Oh GOD, she had just blurted it out. The short female’s knees felt weak at the horror. The reaction? Her instructor had blinked. The noble could not help but catch the outreached hand stiffen. Edelgard had forced every fiber of her being to keep her facial muscles from showing signs of disappointment.
Perhaps her teacher had thought differently. Maybe she should have dismissed the reply and deny it anything more than a jest. Though they had spent plenty of time together, it would be a blunt lie to say that the young adult is not starting to develop an innocent crush towards Byleth. She tried to shoo it away and think of it as nothing more than a nuisance. It only serves as a nuisance the more she resisted instead.
Every single time a male student tried to flirt with Byleth, it evoked irritation in the normally stoic female. Every single time she found herself complimented by Byleth, her body would become still, pupils dilated, and cheeks flushed. Every single time Byleth would enter the room, her conversation with her classmates would trail off and she would lose complete interest in their interactions. Every single time Byleth asked a personal question, Edelgard’s voice unintentionally cracked if taken off guard. Every single time she was alone with Byleth, she would ask subtle questions about her mentor.
When did she start to develop this complicated emotional attachment towards her professor? It couldn’t have been the first time they’ve met. Byleth may have saved Edelgard’s life from a bandit slicing her apart with an axe, but Byleth, to gently put it, was extremely inexperienced when it came to teaching methods. Edelgard and many of her comrades were unimpressed with their new teacher’s instructions—or rather, lack of one. The first month was a complete nightmare. Had it not been for Byleth’s position as a professor, Edelgard would have used her noble status to boot Byleth back to her old mercenary life!
But over time, Edelgard saw how hard of a worker Byleth truly is. She was the only professor to work overtime for her students. She was the only professor that lent a hand with students from other houses. She was the only professor to take excruciating time to plan and make sure every single student comes out alive from the battlefield. Byleth was the only one who took time out of her life to get to truly know her students, especially Edelgard.
She could never forget the time when she wrongfully blamed Byleth for the emotional anguish she received from the empire. It was one of the weakest moments she had ever shown to the public. The young lady stormed out during a private examination. She never came back to complete it. Byleth had every right to snap back at Edelgard. She had every right to punish Edelgard for her misdemeanor. She had every right to expel Edelgard. Instead, Byleth spent the entire WEEK alleviating the noble of her pain. The examination was rescheduled. They also went fishing, shopping, and had a tea party together. Sure, Byleth neglected the other students, but the instructor’s eyes were only on Edelgard.
“I’m always here for you, Edelgard.”
Byleth is the definition of perfection. Thus, that led to the current inner calamity of falling for her professor. It didn’t help that same-sex relationships were uncommon these days. Should word travel that Edelgard likes women, her empire would turn their backs against her in less than a second! That’s an even more depressing thought! Right now, this is simply a hopeless, one-sided feeling Edelgard suffers silently from.
In spite of the noble's angst, Byleth isn’t that oblivious to her students. Having spent time with them for months, she knows them all too well. Thankfully, her reaction was genuine, though more from shock than from disgust. The green-haired decided to reach out and grab Edelgard’s somewhat-moist hand rather than wait around. This action startled the Adrestian Empire noble.
A small smirk from the older female. Soon, she leaned down to plant a kiss on the back of Edelgard’s held hand. A fitting scene between a noble and a commoner.
“If you would like to think of this as a date, I don’t mind. I’m sure we have plenty to talk about over dinner. Besides…” Byleth straightened her posture and squeezed Edelgard’s hand. The formal composure the teacher always wore washed away with her contrasting witty attitude. “You’re turning 18 today, am I right?”
“That’s… right…”
If there’s something Edelgard wants to do, it’s to calmly part from her professor for a minute, walk to the nearest cliff, and holler about how stupid she is. How could she have forgotten her birthday?! Her comrades and rivals showered her with small gifts and warm wishes, but they were all over by the early morning. A party had been held at midnight with the Black Eagles to commemorate another year in her life. The students enjoyed fine cake and desserts throughout the night. Once classes were in session the next morning, she automatically had turned off all thoughts about luxury and leisure associated with her personalized holiday. What she had forgotten was whether Byleth had celebrated the special occasion with her or not.
Her face burned up from Byleth remembering the occasion. Though in all honesty, this would buy her some time to plan and give the gift to Edelgard. No shame in delaying the delivery, right? On the other hand, this would also provide additional insight into Edelgard’s feelings towards her. Though Byleth never went out of her way to formulate any romantic feelings towards her colleagues and students, she never really thought too hard about what the students would think of her. Whether Edelgard’s feelings towards her was nothing more than a young adult’s lust or desire to become a significant pair is up for speculations. She had just turned 18, after all. The dinner tonight should clear up any misconceptions they may hold.
“The day is long, Edelgard,” Byleth finally released her hold on the noble. A weary twinkle shone as she circled her index finger in the air. “School may be over, but I still have much to do. Let’s meet at my office tonight, okay?”
Edelgard began to play with her hair as Byleth gathered her belongings, the temperature beneath her cheeks having spiked.
The plan had been set. Now the two can only wait for tonight—and prayers be sent to Byleth as a glance on the nearby wooden clock alarmed her of an upcoming staff meeting. Smoke trailed right behind her heels as she fumbled out of the classroom and into the hallway. Once the ex-mercenary left the area, Edelgard could not help but cover her mouth and whispered, “She’s so cute” under her breath.
A date. She was actually invited on a date with Byleth! It might just be an excuse to celebrate her birthday, but it’s still a date, right? A private one-on-one dinner with her teacher! What should she wear for the occasion? Her school’s uniform outfit? Or maybe something a bit fancier? There is that red dress she’s always hidden in her closet for an exceptional event. What else should she prepare? Wait—it’s her birthday, so is there really anything for her to prepare? Maybe her usual “thank you” speech she gives to those that wished her well for the new year? No… it has to be special. But she doesn’t have to say or do anything, right? Just show up to Byleth’s office and enjoy each other’s company—Though why the heck did Byleth choose her office?
So many questions swimming around in her head and Edelgard feels as though her skull might crack! From the distant, a small number of her classmates all peered from the hallway and into the classroom. The sight of their upcoming lord clutching her head as though she were frustrated is a sight to behold!
“So, she’s definitely got the hots for the teach, huh,” Ferdinand smirked. “Looks like I got a little competition going on with the professor…”
“Ferdinand! Is that all you got in that thick skull of yours?” Dorothea harshly whispered back. “Just because you’re her rival doesn’t mean you should butt into their budding relationship!”
“Lady Edelgard is… in love with another woman… let alone that of our professor…?” Hubert grasped ahold of his own head, his eyes wide and jaw slacked. “I… don’t know what to say…”
“Aren’t you supposed to be her undying loyal servant to her, Hubert?” Petra raised an eyebrow. “Besides, don’t you think you shouldn’t make it so obvious since it’ll hurt her reputation?”
They mumbled amongst themselves, but they made quick haste from the hallway as soon as Edelgard decided to leave the room. Of course, the upcoming lord’s mind is far too occupied with tonight’s reservation. She’s only got one shot at this and anything short of excellence is a failure to her.
“Let’s hope I make it in time tonight—Wait, the professor didn’t mention what time I should be meeting with her!”
Ugh, maybe she should just head over to the office once the sunsets. If there’s anything she would like to change in Byleth, it’s the fact that Byleth can be disorganized.
Spoiler alert: it was actually Byleth who was late to the untimed dinner date. Not only did she earn a scolding from her superior and father earlier that day in the staff meeting, but she also earned herself an earful from the well-kempt and dressed Edelgard.
Ever since they’ve graduated, many things had happened and Byleth had not seen Edelgard since then. Although it was natural for a teacher to miss her student, it was another matter to miss your significant other. From the day they had a private dinner together during the last hours of Edelgard’s birthday, the once-young noble poured out her feelings for the others. It was less elegant and more like torrential rain. Regardless, Byleth had played along in hopes of helping Edelgard sort through her emotions. It might just be youth chewing at their lust and desire for others.
Time told them otherwise, especially for Byleth. Edelgard’s feelings had grown even stronger, and it even sparked something in the instructor. Not that their relationship was that unknown in the first place with the Black Eagles. Hubert did his best to shield the two from the public, but word travels fast in the house. Almost everyone knew about it! The two were in a fleeting, but also scandalous relationship. Pain have accompanied them and that is evident by the countless headbutts they’ve had against one another. It was almost a daily occurrence that they were so different from each other!
That did not mean it wasn’t also filled with passion and good memories sprinkled in between though. They were experts in battle and filled in the gaps for each other. Outside of the academy’s ground, they held hands and treated each other with great respect. Obviously, they were far more discrete on school ground to prevent unnecessary attention. A quick peck on the cheek and flirtatious phrases sweetly whispered into each other’s ears were exchanged. Then, on rare nights, they showered each other in love. Sometimes, they gently embraced each other. Other times, they ravaged like beasts in heat.
Did they regret it? Absolutely not. Byleth had always reminded Edelgard of her bravery in starting their relationship. If the student hadn’t done so, then they wouldn’t be like they are now. They would have never gotten together. Byleth might have been in a relationship, if any, with someone else other than Edelgard. Edelgard would have been left with a bitter feeling of unrequited crush—or unrequited love towards her professor.
But all good things must come to an end. Graduation came and Edelgard had to return to her empire. It was an already pre-determined decision in part with her nation. Their last interaction was at Byleth’s office. They had their last tea together and reminisce the previous years.
“I will return here someday, my teacher,” Edelgard intertwined her fingers with Byleth’s, her eyes longing for more time. “Promise me that you won’t forget me.”
Byleth leaned in to press her lips against Edelgard’s. The ex-mercenary’s eyes twinkled as she murmured, “I promise. I’ll be waiting for you.”
They eventually saw each other. At the age of 25, Edelgard met with her professor once again.
“How lovely would it be for this moment to last forever.”
Those were the same words Edelgard had spoken of back when she was a student. Now, she said them as a true lord.
She guides her people to victory and easily wage skirmishes without blinking an eye. The confident and proud female shines brighter than ever in the face of conflict. Yet she was not as noble as she originally envisioned. Her nation facing off against her old rivals, Dimitri and Claude, in a bloody war painted their once-pure, pristine goals and accomplishments for a better future into a complex mess. Each one of the three wanted nothing more than to uphold their ideologies. Unlike their young selves who would bicker and eventually fall into a compromise, none dare give up their aggressive persuasions. It’s either do or die. One ideology must dominant others.
Those earlier words were tainted with sorrow and irony towards her professor. Dimitri’s spear tip protruded through Byleth’s chest. Countless arrows from Claude’s precise aim riddled Byleth’s back. A fine axe marked with Edelgard’s crest dug itself into Byleth’s side. Their professor, who had once instructed them in the Officer’s Academy, stood between the three warriors. All three of their expressions twisted in pure horror at the sight of their signature weapons skewering, puncturing, and digging into the very person they’ve respected.
She had dropped her sword. Bloodstains sport her dark academic attire. Broken bones are to be expected from the damages she’s received. Her vision became spotty, blackness threatening to overshadow her consciousness. The pain was unbearable. Yet she stood before her three graduated students. Byleth did not fall. She even reached for the axe and tore it off of her own body! The entire battlefield was blanketed with silence, save it for the low rumbling of the distant thunders from the dark cloud overhead.
A shaky exhale. Crimson red trickled from both corners of her lips as she stumbled forward from her wounds. First, Byleth approached the lord from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Dimitri, with his rugged attire and cruel exterior, reverted to his younger self in the presence of his teacher. His mouth dried as he began to gasp for air. The fearsome mentor that stood against all odds had done so once again. He couldn’t even take a step backward once Byleth closed their distance.
“Dimitri, you must remember to stand by your conviction.”
The now-shorter female out of the three extended her hand. Dimitri nearly slapped it away. It reminded him of the very hand that took his eye away. He managed to resist the temptation as the somewhat warm palm rested on his cheek. Byleth gave a weak smile.
“I always knew… you’ve been a good boy.”
Compliments. Ah—When was the last time he had heard of praises? When he brutally slaughtered his enemies in the name of his ideology? Or was it when he tortured war prisoners who refused to betray their nation? Maybe it was that one time he refused to die when he lost his eye?
Tears began to secrete from his exposed lacrimal gland. Dimitri tried to blink them away. More tears sprouted and were shed. He lowered his head, leaving Byleth’s hand hanging, and felt his chest heave. His knees gave way until his hands pressed against the earthly soil. A loud outcry came from him as he clawed at the grasses.
“Teach--! I—I’m so sorry!”
If she had the energy, Byleth would have bopped him on the head for being such a crybaby. Instead, she whispered, “I forgive you.”
Then, the instructor agonizingly shifted her focus onto the lord of the Leicester Alliance. Unlike Dimitri, Claude had taken a couple of steps backward. He shook his head like a terrified child. His leg muscles had tightened, ready to pounce out of the field. Claude didn’t want to do anything with his old mentor. He didn’t want to face Byleth. That didn’t stop Byleth from coming towards him, of course. She had to pause after the second step, the weight of the pinned weapons affecting her speed and balance. The shadows underneath her eyes darkened as she coughed up blood, its metallic substance dripped down onto the moist patch of grasses.
She raised her head and, surprisingly, cracked a forced grin. She may have not been at close proximity to physically touch Claude, but she left it at that. His constant shaking of the head, his lips pursed from holding back a scream or cry, and white-knuckled grip on his bow… The poor lord looked like he could have a mental breakdown if she got any closer.
“Claude, you must remember to be true to yourself.”
He wasn’t responding much. It was a typical reply from Claude whenever someone hit the mark. Byleth could not help but allow a soft chuckle.
“I’m sure Dimitri… and Edelgard would appreciate your hidden wisdom.”
All he could do was call by her title. Just like Dimitri, Byleth was someone dear to him. Even though she taught for the Black Eagles, she had always been by his side when it matters. She was the only one who saw through him. He squeezed his eyes shut and lowered his head. By this time, droplets of rain began to fall upon the land. The soldiers in the background glanced up at the sky as another thunder rumbled. That didn’t stop Byleth from reaching out to the last of the trio.
This one was the toughest for Byleth. She hardly got a step in before her knees gave in. Edelgard caught her teacher just in the nick of time with a single swoop of her arms. The now-taller female gently flipped her professor upright, laying in her grasp. If Byleth could make her usual witty remark right about now, she would tease about how princely the grown woman became. It was replaced with another cough. The blood continued to leak from her mouth as she struggled to speak.
“You must remember… to allow change to happen.”
A pause. Afterward, she croaked.
“Edel… You’ve grown so much.”
Byleth fought to raise her bruised hand up. The light behind her lens dimmed with a morbid comment.
“Where did you go, Edel?”
Edelgard immediately took ahold of the weak hand and pressed it against her own face. She stifled her cries, the floodgates unable to hold back the tears rolling down her cheeks. The lord nestled on the growing cold part of her professor.
“I’m right here, Byleth.”
Her instructor blinked. She lost the ability to search for her alumni. The darkness shrouded her vision, the gods granting her the ability to partially hear and feel in her final moment. Then, the corner of her lips pulled upward.
“You came back.”
Edelgard bit the bottom of her lip. She knew what her teacher would say next. If anything, the best thing she can do is simply mourn. The young woman buried her face into Byleth’s uninjured shoulder and sobbed. As seconds ticked by, the other two lords knew that her time was expiring. Their tears shared the same reason as their old rival’s. Dimitri tore a chunk of grass from the soil as another strangled outcry came from his direction. Claude smacked his knuckles against his own forehead, concealing one eye as he whimpered. Byleth blinked one last time and exhaled.
“I… have always loved you. Please… don’t fight anymore, Edel.”
Whether her students followed through with her advice is up for debate. However, Byleth knew for sure that she accomplished her job as a teacher. If anything, she’s taught them all she could, especially to the very person she loves, Edelgard. In the background, Sothis watched the entire scene unfold. She shook her head and turned her back towards the four warriors.
“You chose not to reverse time, didn’t you, Byleth? I wonder if that’s for the best…”
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venus-says · 5 years
Healin' Good Precure Episode 03
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Blue is the warmest and prettiest color.
Healin' Good is back for its third week and our beautiful blue cure introduction!
I really like this episode, it wasn't as strong as Nodoka's introduction, but I appreciate a lot of the things that were done here.
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To begin I like to see the continuity and seeing Nodoka start her day going for a run and moving more her body like she said that she'd do in the last episode, it's great to see the girls at school discussing the monsters attacks, and I think one of the best things of this episode was seeing Nodoka trying to avoid Chiyu and her questions about what she saw at the end of the last episode, it was everything so much fun I loved every second of it.
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And speaking of Chiyu she is GREAT, I thought she would be like most of the previous blues, and she's a bit serious like a few of her predecessors but she's also very soft and welcoming and I believe a huge part of that is because her family runs an Inn with thermal springs and since she loves that place she probably absorbed a lot of that energy into her personality which made her a very interesting character. Though I felt like for her introduction episode we got not a lot of her.
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But in the end, it's not too much of a downgrade for this episode because we got a lot of Pegitan and it really worked very well, honestly, I love how this show is giving so much attention to the fairies in this season, it makes for so many amazing moments. Seeing Pegitan trying to deal with his shyness and his anxiety is very emotional and it all paid off in that moment where Chiyu meets him and they share the sweetest moment ever where Chiyu says "I'm taller, I hope I can help you, and if you need more courage you can have some of mine", I almost cried there.
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That leads up to Chiyu's transformation into Cure Fontaine and GOOOOOSH THAT TRANSFORMATION IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! I had my doubts we would get any outstanding transformation scenes in this season considering how short the transformations are bUT THIS ONE WAS SO GORGEOUS, I have no words to describe how beautiful it is and how much I love it. And while still in the visuals, the attack looks SO INCREDIBLE AS WELL. Honestly, Graces' banks look so underwhelming when in comparison with Fontaine's I'm really surprised.
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If there's one complaint to be made about this episode is, again the fighting scene that was very short and very guided like Grace's first fight was, which is understandable. And Shindoine, I know she's very popular with the fandom, and you know if we consider only her design and her summoning sequence I would probably agree, she reminds me a lot of Papple, who's one of my favorites, but gosh darn it her personality is just awful. Did they really have to make the female villain SO IN LOVE with the big bad guy of the season? And did they need to make her sound like a hysterical teenager whenever she's talking about her love for him?? I know they're the villains and we're not supposed to like them, but we gotta feel something about the villains so that we can feel something about the whole conflict going around in the show and so far the Byoungens had given me nothing to look forward to.
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I think this is it for now, I believe I went through all of the points I wanted to cover. Next week it's Sparkle debuts!!!!! AND I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know what did you think of this episode in the comments down below, I'll check up on you guys hopefully sometime soon. Healin' Goodbye~
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tepkunset · 7 years
A list of things I liked and didn’t like about The Last Jedi
I know literally everyone has beaten me to the party by now, but I’m gonna do it anyway, just cause I wanna talk about it.
Things I didn’t like:
Poe Dameron is a completely different character. Like the only thing the same is his charisma, which I'm pretty sure is thanks to the actor. And I'm just gonna say it: It's suspicious that this drastic character change is for the benefit of demonstrating heroism for some rando new white woman who dies anyway.
Also the conflict between him and Holdo was so ridiculously artificially created. What actual reason did she have for not telling people the plan? Besides one-upping Poe? Leia then says Holdo “cared more about being a hero than looking like one” but I would disagree--because the only damn conclusion I can come up with for why she wouldn’t tell people what she was doing is to appear superior.
While there were some fleeting scenes where Luke Skywalker felt right, he mostly just felt so off to me, especially his sudden, vague dislike of the Jedi. And are you seriously telling me Luke motherfucking Skywalker was going to murder his nephew??? Because he sensed the dark side in him? He spent most of the original trilogy convinced that Darth Vader could be saved from the dark side, but not some kid?!?!?
But like that’s just it--So much screentime and character continuity flaws were all for the sake of trying to make us pity Kylo Ren. Only to then end the film with the same message we got loud and clear from the last one: He chose the dark side. We get it. We got it the minute he killed Han Solo. It just makes it all the more frustrating that we had to sit through all that BS without any actual story progression.
Finn was majorly sidelined in comparison to the large role he played in TFA. There were a few good “That’s Finn” moments, though. But Finn also apparently had to learn the lesson “you can’t run away from what’s right” all over again too, despite, you know, that being a major point in his character arc in the first movie as well!
Luke says the Jedi should end, but doesn’t ever really get into it? Besides just saying that Jedi are too prideful? Ignoring that Luke would never give up on the Jedi, Rian my dude there is an actual, legitimate list of things you could pull together to make a real case for why the Jedi Order wasn’t so great. But I guess it was just easier to have him constantly interrupted or act illusive.
I can only assume that it was Snoke’s manipulation that was leading Rey to the dark side all of a sudden, since she was so purely, strongly light in the first movie. Like, that was how she defeated Kylo Ren! She finds her focus in the light, where he was unbalanced!
This is something I’ve seen pointed out a lot already, and I’m sure as hell not gonna avoid it either: It’s really suspicious how poorly the characters of colour are treated in this film, in comparison to the white characters. That comparison is important, because a classic defence I always see in any media where lots of people die and get hurt, is that “well it happens to everyone.” Because somehow some (white) people can’t see the disproportions? Or maybe they just don’t look.
The “humour” about the little creatures on the island constantly having to clean up after Rey’s destruction of ancient structures was really uncomfortable.
I am now 100% sure there are no actual rules about what the Force can and can’t do. (But TBH this one doesn’t really bother me that much; the Force has always had evolving lore.)
The screenshots of Kylo Ren’s shirtless scene cannot do justice to how gratuitous and awfully inserted the actual scene is.
I know a lot of people like the porgs but... TBH I found them annoying.
The scene where Kylo Ren and Rey are both trying to reach for the lightsaber with the force doesn’t add up; in the last movie the same thing happened, and it went to Rey without competition--But now it’s portraying them as equal? Rey was deserving of the lightsaber, Kylo Ren was not.
Despite getting to see Rey kick some major ass... TBH the fact that a lot of her story revolves around male characters’ stories just felt like a downgrade from the last film, where her arc was quite independent. It overlapped with the other characters around her, like any good movie with an ensemble cast does, but it was not driven by them.
Almost the entire film felt like filler. I get that the moral of the story is what Yoda says; failure is an important learning tool. But it would have perhaps hit home better if more failure was even in the characters control? The only sense of growth through failure was with Poe, which was a lesson he didn’t even need to learn in the first place except Rian decided to rewrite him entirely so he did.
Things I did like:
Snoke’s shiny gold bathrobe was hilarious to me. Jeff Goldblum from Thor: Ragnarok wore it better.
I am super fucking relieved that the “romance” between Rey and Kylo Ren was drastically overstated by those who actually somehow ship them together. THANK. FUCK. Rey even symbolically closes the door to the Falcon when he tries to reach out to her. Like I said, it frustrated me how bordering total pointlessness the whole thing was between them, I’d rather it be pointless than take Rey in a total 180 degree direction.
R2-D2 showing Luke the recording of Leia in order to try and convince him to help.
When Luke guides Rey through connecting with the Force around the island, and talking about how the Force doesn’t belong to anyone, but is part of everyone and everything, that was really good.
Pretty much everything about Rose, but especially her passion against the rich and corrupt. I can’t wait for more with her.
When Leia uses the force to guide herself back onto the ship.
BB-8′s imitation of the little mouse droids.
When Kylo Ren ignites the lightsaber through that guy’s eye.
Finn’s face-off with Phasma, and the part where her helmet breaks just showing her eye, and she calls him scum, and he so proudly says “Rebel scum.” Like what a power move OMF. And she falls to a fiery death.
The red under the salt was such an aesthetic for that final battle.
When Luke brushes off his shoulder after his Force projection was hit with a billion lasers LMFAO.
The whole stand-off between Luke and Kylo Ren. It reminded me a lot of Obi-Wan and Vader in A New Hope.
Luke's death was a satisfying one. I definitely figured he'd be dying, so I wasn't surprised when it happened. I was just concerned it wouldn't feel... complete? Like you know that feeling when writers kill off characters just for the sake of getting them out of the way, or for shock value? But this really did feel fitting, and it was a beautiful callback to the famous scene in the first movie, where he looks up at the sunset and the music swells like it does. 
Poe’s reunion with BB-8, and rubbing BB-8 like a pet.
Rey’s reunion with Finn and the Resistance, oh my gosh. It just felt all the more powerful after Kylo Ren told her she’s nothing and no one cares about her except him, and like, there’s Finn who literally runs to hug her, and she and Leia exchange a knowing, connected look, and she just fits in so well with the whole crew, like, this is her new family. People do care about her.
Anyway, overall I don't regret watching it at all, and I will with certainty watch it again. I just, very plain and simply, did not enjoy it as much as the last one. And I hope the third one gets more of that spark, if you will, back.
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solotheloso · 7 years
During the last few years of his life, Augustus Vargas had lived in a two-story townhouse in the part of town that had formerly been swanky, but through years of attrition had been downgraded to merely ‘classy’. His residence was at the end of the row near the back of the complex property, overlooking a grassy hill that sloped gently downwards to a thick copse of trees that had remained untouched purely for the fact that they offered a sense of privacy in an otherwise very public city. It was a fairly coveted position as these things go, probably bumped up his rent by a decent margin. It also gave me the welcome advantage of a measure of stealth as I approached. I stuck to the gravel path at the tree line as I went, using the cover of an umbrella and a casual pace that would hopefully give the impression that I was a resident out on a leisurely stroll. I’m not normally given to overt sneaking, but in my limited experience, people tended to trust that you belonged somewhere if you acted like you did. Nothing to see here, move along.
Once I’d drawn sufficiently close, I hiked up the hill, having to scrabble at the grass with my free hand at one point in order to avoid a humbling faceplant. Vargas’ back porch was sparsely decorated, having only the cursory bench and table that were provided with every unit. A half-empty bag of fertilized soil sat next to the patio door, but by the fading of the plastic it was likely several months old. The planters set in a row on the table were bare of plant-life, holding only dead stems and leaves floating in rainwater. I stood in front of the door and peered through the small windows that had gone cloudy with dust and neglect. The interior of the house was essentially pitch black, even with the dim light of the stormy sky. I knocked on the door. A few moments of waiting and I heard nothing inside. Once more, just to be safe. Still nothing. It seems that, at least as of recently, Vargas had lived alone. I glanced around for a moment to make sure the coast was clear. Seeing nobody, I took off my suit jacket and wadded it against one of the panes of glass nearest the knob, then gave it a hard jab with my elbow. There was a sharp crack and a soft tinkling sound as glass tumbled to the floor inside.
My jacket was back on and I was inside the house a few seconds later. Wouldn’t pay to stick around outside just in case somebody heard that. The smell of must and something sweeter filled the dark room. A few shakes shed most of the water from my umbrella, so I folded it and stuck it in an interior pocket. I wanted my hands free for this. A quick gesture and a murmur of words and the night sight spell was back. I was standing in what I presumed to be a living room, a rather large open area with a fireplace set against the wall where it approximated the center of the house. There was little in the way of furniture, only a long couch standing in the middle of the room. In only a few glances it became clear to me that, whatever his appearance, Augustus Vargas had not been a healthy man in the weeks and months leading up to his death.
Dust had settled thickly on every surface, only broken up by scattered laundry and bits of trash, mostly discarded food wrappers and bottles of beer and soda. The smell alone was evidence enough that at least some of the trash still contained unfinished food. The roaches didn’t do anything to convince me otherwise. Other than the door, every window in sight bore drawn curtains, the heavy-duty blackout deal used by night workers and insomniacs.
I passed through an adjacent dining room, where stacks of furniture were pushed against one wall. The things from the living room, going by the presence of a TV and various bookshelves. Beyond that was the kitchen. The sinks were stacked high with dishes and the smell was awful, but likely less than it had been a few weeks ago, since the food caked on plates and bowls seemed more mummified than rotting. How long had Vargas been tending to that shrine? I didn’t have a plausible pretense to ask his employee, Eveline, but all signs up to now pointed to at least a few months.
The rest of the ground floor was more of the same. Nothing seemed especially sinister so far, so I moved up the stairs carefully, hand gripping the dust-caked railing. Wouldn’t do to take a tumble and break my neck with so little to show for it. Higher up, the generalized stench of the townhouse thickened into a miasma. I lifted the collar of my shirt over my nose and mouth, preferring the smell of sweat and this morning’s shower to the odor of Vargas’ den.
The second floor landing looked down over the living room, with a door at either end. The one on the right, nearest to me, opened up into what seemed to be an office. A large computer monitor stood on a desk at the far end, right between two shelves loaded with all manner of books and knick-knacks. I pushed aside the rolling chair that sat in front of the desk and leaned down to power on the device, but found no buttons to press. The tower was missing, cords dangling bare. Had he sold it? There were no signs of a break-in downstairs, prior to my own. I grumbled and glanced through the shelves, searching for any texts that might be occult in nature. Nothing. Mostly business and accounting manuals, interrupted by the occasional non-fiction or self-help guide. “Very boring, Augustus”, I murmured to myself. “What happened to you?”
I stepped out of the office and approached the other door, then froze in place just before my hand touched the knob. There it was again. That aggressive, cloying mana that I had experienced at the warehouse. Experiencing it for the second time, my mind pulled up the sensation of rough silk on raw skin and the color and smell of deep forest soil. It was an odd sort of synesthesia and I couldn’t tell whether it was a side-effect of the mana clashing against my own or just a product of my imagination. It lurked at the edge of my senses like a spider, not the full-blown wash of the warehouse or shrine. I poked lightly at the knob, ready to retract immediately if I sensed the sudden mustering of dark energy or something. Luckily nothing happened and all that was hurt was my pride. I stepped back slightly and pushed the door open, keeping the doorway at a slight angle. My mana danced at my fingertips, ready to burst out from my skin at my call, and I caught myself reflexively forming a personal shield spell before I could think about it. Something about this place was giving me a very bad feeling.
No bullets or magic rushed out at me, so I padded softly through the doorway, clearing the corners before looking anywhere else. There was an open door set into the wall to my left, through which I saw a toilet and most of a bathtub. In the center of this room was a mound of blankets and loose clothing forming a makeshift bed. A haphazard circle of unlit candles lay around it, probably the third or fourth set going by the amount of hardened wax pooled into the carpet. I couldn’t sense any power infusing them. Had Vargas slept here every night behind a barrier of lit candles? There was hardly any detritus in this room. I had to guess that this had been his sanctuary, his one clean and quiet place. I frowned and started to pace the perimeter, scouring for clues.
I nearly stepped on the book before I found it. It was a small paper-covered volume, a notebook of the kind usually used by college students or office workers. There was a marker scrawl on the front that labeled it “NOTES” in thick capital letters. I flipped through the pages at random first. I breathed in sharply when I saw the telltale signs of magical study and metaphysical theorems. Towards the beginning the paper was filled with carefully arranged figures and blocks of neat text. The information in question was mostly the basics of magical theory and foundational rituals. The handwriting was meticulous but relaxed, the work of an engaged and studious writer. As I proceeded through the book, however, the writing became less organized and more haphazard; bits scribbled out and rewritten multiple times, diagrams that overlapped text, sentences packed from edge to edge and spilling out into the margins. By the final page, somewhere in the final quarter of the book, the writing was barely legible anymore. I stood there for a moment with my eyes closed, then thumbed back to the first page. On the inside of the cover in small writing there was a name and short message in different handwriting from the rest of the book.
Be careful. Call me if you need guidance.
- Eveline
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melodylandmouse · 7 years
Last week I think? Pom brought up that they had read something about lawyers jogging to help with anxiety and that they could see Benny doing that which I heckin’ LOVED the idea of, so I went out and read a thing about lawyers also meditating to help with stress, so all of that combined with the already existent headcanon of mine that Benny is made of pipe cleaners and duct tape (read: flimsy as all heck) resulted in me writing this little ditty.
Just a shortish one-shot that I’ve been calling “Benny Jogs to Taco Bell” even though a more accurate title would be something along the lines of:
“Benny Tries to Run from his Problems but is Harshly Reminded that he is his Own Problem Most of the Time (also Oliver is there)”
Contains fluff, doctors doing doctor things, and lots of robots being robotic. Rated PG-13 tops probably, fic below the cut, rip mobile users. 1800 words. Not the best thing I’ve ever written, but I still like it, so enjoy. I don’t think there’s any applicable trigger warnings since they’re all robots?
Of all the unusual sights in Toontown, a backstabber booking it around the courtyard of Lawbot Headquarters before a trial was not one of them.
“There he goes,” buzzed a Spin Doctor to a Big Wig, both Lawbots’ glares following the lesser cog as he jogged by the entryway. He very nearly tripped over an invading toon on his way by, but he was too busy and she too stunned for them to engage.
The Big Wig scoffed and shook his head. “This case will not even be a challenge. I almost pity that shopkeeper.”
“Agreed. The rabbit would have been better off being represented by a pile of scrap he picked up off the street,” the Doctor added, turning his nose up. As they continued on their way to the courtroom, their sneers nearly turned to cruel smiles.
Benedict heard none of this. His focus was inward even as he nearly ran over that cat by the entryway. He didn't think about his ill-fated defense, didn't think about that openly-mocking prosecutor, and certainly didn't think about what was going to happen to his defendant when he inevitably lost this case… He had already taken the time to hope that some toons would be in the jury, and now he had ten minutes of nothing but last minute preparations before he needed to be in court, unless he wanted to be late to being thirty minutes early for the trial.
He had tried taking these ten minutes to update his will and say some hopeless prayers in the past, and therefore knew firsthand that this was a better way to spend his limited time. He kept his eyes forward, watching the floor ahead of him to make sure he didn't trip or run over anything, holding his pace at a brisk jog. Any faster and he'd be putting unnecessary stress on his systems. Any slower, and he wouldn't need to concentrate on keeping said systems in check. This way, he could just feel his pistons pumping at a constant rate, just focus on getting his oil flowing to every limb, just listen over the mostly deadened noise of his engine to the dull whir of his fans and bellows working to keep his components cool and clear, and of course just plunk, CRASH!
Benny didn't even have time to register that something had happened before he was on the ground in a dazed heap. That hadn't felt very good...
He groaned and sat up easily enough… He hadn't detected anything wrong before he had gone down, so perhaps it had just been some imperfection on the completely smooth and level flooring that had made him slip up…? He started to get up slowly, and discovered the problem almost immediately when his left knee buckled under pressure. He was sure he could hear something grinding in there, and, even worse, something rattling around further down his leg whenever he moved it. He winced. ‘Scrap...’
Rather than trying that again, he deployed his propeller, the blades whirling above his head just quick enough to get him off the ground and upright. He cautiously lowered himself; he could still control that leg despite the knee being what he could only describe as dislocated, so maybe... Yes, it could still support his weight so long as he didn't put too much on it. The moment he tried to bend it to walk, however, he nearly ended up on the ground again.
After several minutes of cautious experimentation that left him gritting his teeth, Benny was finally heading towards the courtroom with a stiff limp. So long as he kept that leg locked straight, it would support him long enough to take quick steps. Sure that rattling sound was attracting some stares, but it wasn’t like that was particularly unusual. He was used to ignoring them, and so just kept his eyes ahead and flew over the stairs rather than climbing them. He’d just have to make sure he stood in one spot during the trial, and hope his rhetoric was strong enough to keep everyone’s attention on his defense...
He was about to duck hurriedly into the courtroom when someone seized him by the elbow on his injured side and started dragging him in the opposite direction. Benny yelped as his leg was knocked out of its locked position by the sudden movement, but the grip on his arm made sure he stayed upright. “What do you think you’re—” His indignant remark was abruptly cut off when he looked up and saw a familiar Spin Doctor glancing down at him.
“Silence. You have the time,” Oliver said firmly, guiding Benny around the corner to one of the marble benches lining the hallway. It was quieter over here without the noise of all those other Lawbots shuffling into the courtroom. The Spin Doctor set to work the moment the Backstabber was sitting, bending the malfunctioning leg experimentally.
The grinding and rattling still made Benny grimace. “How come you weren’t in the courtroom already?”
“I was coming to look for you. You were late,” Oliver explained. He already had Benny’s leg open, the small bolts that had been holding the exterior plates together each falling victim to a simple twirl of Oliver’s fingers.
Benny watched Oliver work with almost morbid fascination; his favorite Spin Doctor hadn’t wanted to be a mechanic at first, but that hadn’t stopped him from becoming so well practiced at his job that Benny couldn’t even feel him plucking bolts and poking around his internal structures. “Only relatively,” he said defensively, but it had little bite to it. “And now I suppose you know why.”
Oliver frowned, reaching down into his leg. “I’ve already called Jennifer.” He pulled out a particularly large screw from the bottom of Benny’s leg and showed it to him.
Benny groaned. “Oh no, that really wasn’t necessary!”
“This is a support screw, Benedict, an important one. If the other falls out, this joint is worthless,” Oliver growled, nudging Benny’s nearly useless leg for emphasis. Benny flinched, glancing stubbornly off to the side. “You insist on jogging even though you know your structure cannot safely handle the strain. I am finished waiting around for you to break down every time you take a case, so Jennifer is going to get you some better parts and you are going to sit still long enough for us to install them.”
“So that’s why you keep sitting in on all my clients’ trials.”
Oliver carefully replaced the fallen screw, spinning it back into place with a flick of his precise fingers. “It is one of the many reasons.”
Benny couldn’t help but smile. He glanced back over and saw Oliver looking up at him expectantly. He slowly bent his leg. Oliver studied the working parts carefully, then stood up straight and offered Benny his hand. Benny used it for leverage, and stretched his legs. Satisfied that he wouldn’t fall apart mid-trial, Oliver closed the plates over his leg again.
“Thank you.”
“Just take things slow until I can get a better look.”
“I’ll do my best,” Benny promised with a small chuckle.
The pair headed back towards the trial, Benny’s hand on Oliver’s shoulder.
“Are you sure this is an ‘improvement’?”
It was the most skeptical expression both Oliver and the Micromanager standing next to him had ever seen on a Backstabber who happened to be doing lunges in circles around them.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, Ben,” replied Jennifer, the Micromanager. “Sellbot parts are the easiest to get even without considering that any other make would have to be imported.”
“They will do,” Oliver added firmly.
Benny stood up straight and looked distastefully down at his legs. They looked exactly the same on the outside, but inside they were all but entirely different. Oliver, with Jennifer’s assistance, had spent several hours working on fitting the barely compatible legs of a Two-Face chassis into Benny’s frame without damaging any parts. It was fortunate that Oliver had been up to the challenge, or else the upgrade may not have worked; although they were the correct size, fitting all of Benny’s modified parts in and around them in a way that wouldn’t cause any problems in the foreseeable future had caused some anticipated difficulty. Oliver was rather proud of his work, and knew that Benny really did appreciate the effort, so he didn’t mind quite as much when the Backstabber had scowled at the concept of having Sellbot insignias engraved into almost every part of his lower chassis.
“I believe you,” Benny said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure that going from high quality Lawbot engineering to this is more of a downgrade in general.”
Oliver and Jennifer exchanged a look, but neither was about to remind him that he hadn’t been built with quite the same integrity as other Lawbots.
“I’ll admit it, I do not disagree with you there,” Jennifer said instead, pulling a pair of sunglasses from a pocket inside her suit. “But considering that you can jog to your heart’s content now, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the gags on this one. Take care, Ben, Oliver.”
“Take care,” Oliver replied as she took her leave. Benny just hummed, lost in thought. Oliver gave him a look. “What is it?”
Benny looked over at him, thinking about the new parts. And more specifically, how Jennifer had probably gotten her hands on them... None of them was overly troubled when it came to finances, but brand new Sellbot replacement parts, especially chassis components, were not cheap. She certainly had not resorted to petty theft to get them for him, at least not in the traditional sense, but that wasn’t reassuring. He had seen the alternatives land many cogs and toons alike in much deeper trouble than simple crime would have. “Nothing you need to worry about,” Benny said with a reassuring smile.
Oliver knew that look all too well. That affectionate sort of smile that he had seen older toons give their younger counterparts... He found it endearing and patronizing in equal measure. He frowned and shook his head. “As if I wasn’t the one just looking after you.”
Benny actually laughed aloud at that. “You can’t blame me for that! You obviously worry enough as it is. Like I’m going to intentionally bother you with any of my problems.”
“Do you have any more problems for me to be bothered by?” Oliver asked immediately, seeming to think that if he squinted hard enough at Benedict’s face that he’d be able to read his mind.
“Oh, let me get out my list,” Benny snickered, clapping him on the shoulder.
Oliver might’ve scoffed at that, but it came out as more of a snort. “Point taken.”
“Good. Now off you get, I’ve got things to do.”
Oliver raised an eyebrow. “Since when?”
Benny just smiled and jogged off into the distance. Oliver rolled his eyes and nearly groaned aloud. Of course he was going to break in his new joints.
And if that ended up being literal again, so help him...
Thanks for reading! <3
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knightofbalance-13 · 8 years
RE:RWBY Chapter 3 Review
Students gathered in Beacon Academy’s large auditorium for an opening assembly. Ruby and Jaune managed to join to the crowd once they saw first-yeats flood towards the innards of the school.
Yeah, again this is a constant problem throughout the story as the author doesn’t understand that you need to add a bit more than what is necessary to keep an audience excited. Detail is the name of the game as it helps the reader visualize and see what is going on. Even in the original scene, I could tell the audience was excited due to the chatter and slight movement which made me excited as well. Here it sounds like everyone is like a robot. awaiting their orders.
“O-oh, okay! Bye…!” He sighed. “She thinks she has it bad, I can’t hold anyone’s attention for more than ten minutes. I gotta listen to Dad more…”
Another problem: Jaune’s original line “No where m I going to find another nice, quirky girl” was both cute, understandable and human. This feels...awkward and artificial due to the change in Jaune’s speech pattern.
“Yang Xaio-Long!” She announced as she walked up to her. “Oh hey, how’s your first day going, sis?” She waved happily, completely unaware of the trouble she experienced in such a short amount of time.
Um, again, detail. Maybe add in: “ up to her, ready to let out her frustrations and woes onto her elder sister.” Would have been more interesting.
“You’re lucky we weren’t blown off the side of the cliff!” Weiss warned. “Oh my god, you really exploded…” Yang did her best to contain laughter.
Yeah, in the original, Yang’s voice expressed surprise at Ruby being literal as well as Ruby’s compliants were being said just as we were seeing Weiss’ angry face thus it was one joke after another. Just as well, the way the Yang line is structured is just bad considering it should go like this: “Yang said, trying her best to contain her laughter.”
“It was an accident! An accident!” Weiss held up a pamphlet in front of Ruby’s face entitled “Dust for Dummies” and shoved it towards her hands. “The Schnee Dust Company” she began, “is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to follow guide to Dust applications and practices in the field. Well-readiness in the field of Dust applications can lead to none or fewer legal issues with the Schnee Dust Company and its providers.”
Describe Ruby’s lines as crying out and then it becomes funny. Weiss shoving the pamphlet into Ruby’s hands may not seem like a bad thing but it was the punchline of Weiss’ “read this and never talk to me again” line. Now, the line will be said without a punchline or a joke.
And Weiss’ talk is nowhere near as funny with it being speed up or seeing Ruby being overwhelmed. In fact, it’s not even funny just....there.
“I noticed your Dust cartridges,” Weiss said in reference to Ruby’s ammo belt. “Even if you do use an inferior and cheaper brand, that’s no reason you can’t familiarize yourself with proper safety protocol. For the sake of me and everyone at this school.” “U-um, it’s not really all that ch-cheap-” Ruby spluttered. Weiss ignored this. “You really wanna start make things up to me, dolt? “Absolutely?” “Read this, and don't ever speak to me again.”
yeah, the interjection of the two extra lines are completely superfluous and adds nothing. You could edit them out and it wouldn’t lower the quality at all. In fact, the joke of Ruby being awkward is now overstaying it’s welcome and becoming pretty damn boring.
“Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?” She offered. Clearly this girl had no intention to let things go with her little sister.
One word can make all the difference, like adding “hopelessly” after “offered.” Without that word, the lines here are kind of confusing as I don’t know why Yang is doing something she knows she’ll fail at while “hopelessly” implies she’s taking a chance.
“Yeah!” Weiss exclaimed with sudden and obviously-not-forced enthusiasm. “And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, blond, and scraggly over there!”
Narration is suppose to be factual and informal, not sarcastic. That defeats the purpose of narration. Everyone knows that.
“Wow, really?!” Ruby asked, far too optimistic for Weiss’s sense of humor.
Weiss offered no response but dead silence and a very disgruntled glare.
Okay, what narration style is this? This all over the place third person narration is something that beginners have hammered out of them by the second chapter. I know this because I had this problem in my very first work and didn’t repeat it.
Also, waiting for the punchline. You know, the frank “No” Weiss says that is the payoff to the build up of her sarcasim, Ruby’s hopefulness and her glare? ... Not happening? Then your joke falls flat. Also, Jaune’s “I’m a natural blonde” was set up by Weiss mentioning him but that’s also edited out so that’s another build up wasted.
A man walked on stage and the room began to quiet down. Ruby squinted and saw none other than Professor Ozpin make his way to a microphone stand with Professor Goodwitch in tow. Ozpin seemed to stand with regal straightness despite reliance on a cane. For that matter, Ruby felt like his eyes lingered on her for just a moment despite his sweeping, aloof gaze. A very unsettling, ghostly presence. He quietly adjusted the microphone to his height, and gave a slight cough to draw the crowd.
Normally this would be praiseable given that it’s fine detail...but it shows the author is too lazy to do it for everything else which is what really needs it. Youw atsed detail on Ozpin when this detail should have gine to the Weiss and Ruby part or to Ozpin’s introduction.
“Kind of a creepy guy, huh?” Yang asked, hardly respectful without the experience Ruby had. “Hey, he’s just a little strange. I promise he’s got it together more in person.” “Didn’t sound all there to me.” “Maybe he’s getting on in years,” interrupted Jaune Arc, who appeared between them. “You know, my grandpa hasn’t been able to tell me or my sisters apart since I was six.”
Creepy? I never got a creepy vibe from Ozpin. Your language from ebfore fits that but doesn't fit his character: Those description are better suited for Salem NOT Ozpin who is a mentor character and thus this unsettling vibe would conflict with that. And removing that and replacing it with creepy is both a downgrade and makes him superfluous.
Also, Jaune line here is...just dull and sad for people with Alzheimer disease. The blond line was much funnier.
Pyrrha Nikos commanded attention wherever she went. The young girl wished to keep things quiet on her first day at Beacon, but students who had heard of her fighting prowess and seen her face from magazine to cereal box refused to give her that peace. Weiss Schnee, the queen of entitlement, hardly attracted a crowd herself but made sure to make herself the forefront of Pyrrha’s followers. “Oh, Pyrrha, your gown looks simply divine!” Weiss kicked off a torrent of compliments, even though her night garb advertised nothing but modesty. Ironically the white-haired girl dressed richly and without shame of her wealth. Hundred-yard stares of awe and envy showered her every move. Everyone in the ballroom must have gawked to some extent; all except that scraggly blond boy who cluelessly wondered what made all the ruckus.
Okay, again, this clusterfuck of a narration style is giving me a headache as this gets hammered out of you mere days within writing. It’s too specific for normal 3 person and two wide spread to eb character specific.
This praising Pyrrha thing only worked because Jaune was there to provide a direct foil and counterpart to Weiss at the moment, bring misery for Weiss who at the time was the perfect joke magnet due to her bitchy side being the only side we see so far. Now there's no misery except Pyrrha who is too kind and composed for it to be funny. Also Jaune not noticing Weiss is very OOC.
Speaking of: You showed you can do detail now mind explaining what Weiss is wearing? no? The why is it so attractive?
“I know I do!” She purred seductively through her teeth. Several shirtless guys had taken the opportunity to flaunt themselves before they turned in. “Oh come on, after your sixteenth birthday, I don’t think he’d want you having sleepovers anymore.” “Ah yes, Lilac,” she reminisced. “Really made it a ‘sweet’ sixteen.” “Gross,” Ruby shuddered. “Is it really that much more gross than the time I walked in on you polishing Crescent Rose ?” “It’s very different!”
because the joke about Ruby being sexual attracted to weapons didn’t die out after Volume 1 ended...there years ago!
Also, ruby’s grossed out by Yang mentioning sex but had a sexual depiction of Blake?...Not only is this inconsistent with this version of Ruby, it’s OOC as Ruby would probably have a joke like that swing over her head! God, you know a joke is unsalvageable when Taiyang is mentioned and I’m not smiling like a goofball.
PS: Jaune was suppose to wlak in here and make Yang roll her eyes which is funny because Jaune was in a onesie which has lead to many a funny fanart. Here we have...a sex joke and a joke that went stale two years ago. See why jaune is important?
“Whatcha writing?” Yang asked, head tilted towards the scroll. “Just a letter to the gang back home. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.”
Okay, the incosnistancies in the author’s writing style is pissing me off. it’s too robotic to be casual and too casual to be informal! It’s really ruining my experience.
Next: Ruby was writing a letter in the original script which kind of reinforced her being simpler than the others, hence “a simple soul.” Typing doesn’t work the same.
“The girl looked over her book to see Ruby unsuccessfully struggle against Yang as she leads her sister over to spot below a vast ballroom window. “Hel-looooo! “ Yang sang, “I believe you two may know each other?”Ruby, right.” She put her book in her lap and leaned back. “You exploded earlier and got that Schnee pissed off.”
Yet another example of animation failing to translate to written form. In the original we had Ruby visibly AND audibly fighting against Yang while Yang’s line was delivered in a cheerful and funny way. This lacks that charm and makes it just dull.
“Ruby, right.” She put her book in her lap and leaned back. “You exploded earlier and got that Schnee pissed off.” “Uh, um…yes?” “Made for a pretty good first day,” she said with a smirk. “See? She likes you,” Yang whispered as she nudged Ruby. “Keep it up!” “I don’t know what to say!” She hissed back, glad that she had the girl’s approval but completely lost on what conversation to make.
See here, this just feels artificial because Blake was so factual and netural about the incident in the last chapter that we would think Blake wouldn’t say something like that whereas the original just had Blake mention she exploded and Ruby tried to shake her hand she sniffed Ruby, reinforcing her awkward personality naturally instead of this unnatural crap.
“Blake,” she sighed. She had just began to pick up her book when Yang asked. “Well, Blake, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister! I like your bow! “Thanks,” Blake said, a little irritated now. “It goes great with your, ya’know, pajamas!” “Mm..?” Blake tilted her head, impatient for them to either get on with the conversation or leave her be. Yang thought she even saw the bow twitch with annoyance. Ruby laughed uncomfortably as Yang continued to throw out topics.
Okay, this is where the narration style crashes and burns as I cannot tell what is going with it. Is Yang making the observations, is Blake , is the author? It’s mixing in all these things that do not work together!
Also, Blake was perfectly fine before with Ruby whereas in the original she was being factual and showed annoyance earlier on, displaying she didn’t want to talk naturally. Now it feels like Blake is annoyed because “plot!”
“Well, that's why we're here. To make it better.” “Oh, I am so proud of my baby sister!” Yang coddled. She smothered Ruby with a tight hug, which she valiantly fought and lost against. “Cut it out!” Ruby kicked at Yang’s legs to knock her down and they ended up in a pile on the floor. Somehow Yang’s hug turned into a headlock and soon enough sleeping bags were tossed tangled beneath them and pillows flew across the room. Blake sunk into her place against the wall further as eyes turned on the arguing sisters.
If they were being that rambunctious in the original, Glynda would storm in and scold them or at the least someone besides Weiss would come up and tell them to stop.
“What in the world is going on over here?!” No one but Weiss Schnee stormed in on the scene. “Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep-” Yang and Weiss locked eyes, fed up with each others presence. “Oh, not you again!” They both shouted in exasperation. “Shh! Guys, she's right! People are trying to sleep!” “Oh, now you're on my side!” “I was always on your side!” “Yeah, what's your problem with my sister? She's only trying to be nice!” “She's a hazard to my health!”
Do I even need to point out how the original surpasses this due to voice acting and Blake’s expression?
Blake sighed and closed her book for good. She had been ripped from her peaceful night but couldn’t say the bickering didn’t entertain her some, especially with Weiss angry at an innocent Ruby. Something about the way that girl got worked up gave her a deep satisfaction, but that she would keep to herself.
Why would Blake not know why making Weiss upset satisfy her? She’s a Schnee and from her view Weiss is a spoiled privileged brat that caused her kind Fanaus and her comrades the White Fang trouble for years?
... Blake’s not a member of the White Fang in this is she?... It’d say how dumb that is and how by removing that Blake should be a completely different person but I’ve got house work to do.
Final thoughts: The writing is boring and uniteresting, lacking detail and comedic timing to be engaging or funny. The changes just make the story worse and the narration pisses me off.
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gogohedgehoglegs · 6 years
Newport Half Marathon
Newport Half Marathon, April 14, 2018
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its funny, I joked about today was one of the first times ive made an adult decision....last year I had to downgrade from full to half because of a sinus infection, this year I had actually signed up for the half ahead of time, so that it would be a buildup to Rhinebeck. Normally if I'm making the drive to Rhode Island, I opt for the full, since I'm driving the 1:40 to get there.
So all is well leading up to the race, training is going well(eating more donuts than I should though, lol), and the drive to head over there is no exception.  While CT is normally pretty stinky for traffic, at 5am, its not so bad.  I usually plan to get there pretty early- we actually shuttle to the start area, so I build in even more time than my Type A personality normally dictates.  Hop on the bus, and I'm over to the start area by 645a.  Turns out it was a good thing I was early this year- they changed the bib pickup process, and it significantly increased the time it all should have taken.
Last year, they had separate lines for the 3 races, and HM people were grumbling they had to wait when there wasnt a line at the Full. So this year was just one long line.  Great in theory, except the races have 3 different start times(to ease congestion on course), and then the volunteers were tripping over each other finding bibs(because you weren't walking up to a line that was designated by race and letter of last name), and then they were having to pull the marathoners waiting in line to the front so they could get them their bibs so they could start on time. Then after getting my bib, then there was another line to wait to drop your bag in the gear check.  Then there were long lines for the portalets.  Honestly, its a good thing it wasn't my first time there, cause if i thought that was usual, i probably wouldn't run the race again. So between waiting in the bib line, the bag check line, and then the portalet line, i was stepping out of the portalet at 744. Literally. Ran around the barriers(which were protecting the sand dunes, which is actually the catalyst for why this race is even run in the spring and not the fall anymore...), wiggled my way up in the starting area(yay for being short and able to duck under everyones arms...), and got myself up far enough that I wouldn't have to do as much dodging, and then off we went!
But honestly? All is forgiven.  This course is among the best, I can't forsee missing it.  And this company is awesome about listening to feedback, I have no doubt that what happened yesterday won't happen again, they will make sure its fixed. When I reached out they acknowledged that a lot of issues were how many people are showing up at the very last minute- and when you have 500 arrive in the half hour before start, there's just no way that's going to go well.  They can't control other people not recognizing the need to show up with time to do what needs to be done.
Thankfully, the hardest hill on the whole course is in the first mile.  Terribly, the hardest hill on the whole course is in the first mile.  This course is by no means flat, but this is actually my favorite type, I find rolling hills much easier than ones that are flat flat flat.  So we leave Easton's Beach in our dust, head past whats the start of the Cliff Walk, head out along Narragansett Ave, and by mile 2, we get our first glimpse of the bay as we run along Wellington Ave.  its been downhill and flat since cresting the first hill, and there's a light wind that's keeping things cool, which is nice, because the sun is seriously about being sunny today.  While 52ish degrees seems like nothing, when breaking 30 has been a warm day of late, this is a bit of a shock.  Its actually the first day ive run outside in anything less than short sleeves since sometime back in October, soooooooooooo.....
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We take a short detour away from the ocean, but past some pretty houses, and up some rolling hills through here, as we make our way first through Fort Adams State Park, which is a little lollipop that I always think of as the “yacht club,” as there is one located in here, so its just how I always remember it.  Its here that I start passing some of the marathoners, who started about 15 minutes ahead of us.  I pass a woman wearing a Skirt with the Mantra print- I didn't get a good look at it, but it looked as though the whole skirt was covered in that print, which I couldn't remember there being, so I couldn't resist telling her how much I liked it.
After this loop, we head a little more inland for the next couple miles- past some big houses, a couple farms, and lots of quiet roads.  While the roads aren't closed to traffic, its never a problem, and I'm never nervous about the situation.  Right after Mile 5 I pass the 5hr pacer for the marathon, looking nice and strong.  Just another few tenths, and you can start to smell the ocean- a precursor to the my favorite part of the course, the run along Ocean Drive, which we turn onto soon enough.  The sun has continued to stay strong promising that spring is coming(LIAR!!!), and I realize I never put suntan lotion on...silly me!  I'm not used to actually seeing the sun anymore, not after the winter we have had.  The breeze along here is just glorious, its light, its sideways, and not having an impact. The firs aide station to have Nuun is here, although the poor volunteers are still saying its Gatorade, but if you read the athletes guide, you know differently. I'm always excited when Nuun is on course, I've loved the brand for years, and actually became a Nuunbassador this year.
Along Ocean Drive, we meander through Brenton Point State Park, and I note how much the surf is up this year.  I kinda wish I had my camera, but I'm not usually a fan of stopping to take pics while I'm running, mostly cause I usually forget to restart my watch, and that makes me nuts, lol.  Around 6.5, we pass what I always think of as Rhode Island Stonehenge.  I'm sure it has some sort of significance, but having never had the opportunity to come to this spot, ive never figured out what it really is.  Around mile 8 we hit what is considered the Historic District, and the tops of some of the famous mansions become visible from here.  So we've got mansions on one side, and beaches on the other(clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right?), and just a little before Mile 10, we take the turn onto Bellevue Ave.  From this direction, first is Marble House(a home owned by the Vanderbilts), followed by Rosecliff, then we make the right onto Ruggles Ave, which cuts us over to Ocher Point Ave, where the famous Breakers(another Vanderbilt mansion) is located.  Since we are on the roadside, you are peeking over the big walls at it, but its still really cool to be able to run past.  
We run from the mansions past Salve Regina university, and all I can think is how cool it must be to go to college so close to all this history.  After this, we do a zig and a zag to take us back along Memorial Blvd, and down that big hill we traversed 12 miles ago. I've slowed down over the last couple miles, and its funny to think the heat got me at 52, but I did.  I could feel worse, this type of slowing is just the natural preservation your body does, whether you like it or not.  The hardest part of this hill is how far you can see- you actually can see the finish line from here, but its oh so far away.  It makes the last mile seem a little long, but its all good!  Make the final turn into Easton's Beach, and then along the ocean side of the buildings we run to the finish!
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My goal for today was to just run this race and feel strong- im focusing on improving my ability to run by feel, and get some of my speed back- and then build upon that for Hartford in the fall, so that i can get a BQ i can use for Boston in 2020.
And as a side note- I did reach out to the race organizers about some of the issues that happened, and they were fast to respond, and open to feedback about what I had seen work better at other races.  And THAT is why I will continue to support them, because they want to make this an awesome experience, every time that you step foot on one of their courses.
Final stats
1:45:23 (fastest HM since March of 2016!!!!!)
146/1121 overall   46/740 women   11/191 F 30-39(5th if it had been a 5 year AG)
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worldopenbook · 7 years
No Latecomer in Repentance
Have you been trapped in a traffic jam in the city? Four years ago when I was travelling back to Paranaque from UST, it was a rainy day and I had the chance to ride a bus from the terminal. When it departed, the rains poured all the more causing some of the major roads to be flooded. As heavy as the rain was also the traffic. The passengers were at first relaxed but when the bus did not move anymore, they became impatient. I just listened to the complaints and reactions of my fellow passengers. Impatience took its toll that some even went out of the bus and walked the flooded roads. It took us around 4 hours and 30 minutes to ply the highway to Paranaque. Many times we have been impatient, especially of waiting, for we always want instant solutions and actions to discomfort and problems. Today’s liturgy invites us to be more patient in waiting as we deal with different kinds of people and allow God and nature to work their way.
In our First Reading, the writer of the Book of Wisdom presents to us that God is a patient God and shows it by tempering his justice with kindness/compassion/mercy. God is showing His power by being temperate in giving judgment. Yet God is hard on those who are timid and skeptic but considerate to those to whom he finds hope, to those who will repent. Have we experienced the patience of God in our lives? Are we also patient with ourselves especially in our struggle to follow the will of God?
Parables are unique to Jesus and his teaching style. What is a parable? A parable is a metaphor that is drawn from nature or common life that shocks the listener and leaves the mind in doubt as to its precise meaning. It ends abruptly, challenging its listeners to arrive at their own conclusions about its meaning. They may get it right or they may not. In the Gospel reading, God shows His patience by allowing even the evil people to grow side by side with the good as seen in the parable of the wheat and the weeds. This shows that God is patient with sinners (weeds) and does not punish them right away. He waits for their conversion. But of course, the Lord will not wait forever. There is an end to waiting. Each of us have both wheat and weeds in us, yet as hearers of the Word of God, we must become good seeds and grow like the wheat. Am I living more like a wheat or a weed? How do I develop more the good in me and put aside the evil?
Many times we hear persons say, “Sapagkat ako’y tao lamang.” This statement seems to downgrade the person’s ability to decide for himself/herself and change for the better. Brothers and sisters, as children of God, and as Christians we should not be afraid or discouraged in working out towards conversion and a change of heart. We hear in our Second Reading that the Lord accompanies us through His Spirit that prays with us and in us. We express to God our desire to become better each day through the Holy Spirit which we have received in our Baptism and Confirmation. It is the Spirit that expresses what is in our hearts and when we pray, it means that the Spirit is at work in us. The question is: Do we pray? Do we ask the Lord to accompany us and guide us in our efforts to change our lives and become better followers of Him?
The life story of Saint Augustine of Hippo is an example of a person struggling and searching for the Lord and who did not stop until he has found that which he was looking for. Augustine was an intelligent person (philosopher, rhetoric master, etc.). His mother, Monica was a devout Catholic Christian who continues to pray for him and encourage him to be baptized. Yet Augustine was so stubborn and as he was searching for that which can satisfy his inner life, he looked to the wrong places: pleasures, pursuit for greatness, and power. Finally, his search was enlightened when he listened to the sermons of a saintly bishop, Ambrose of Milan. Slowly his life changed and later on, he decided to be baptized and became a devout Catholic when he was 33 years of age. Later on he became a priest and was elevated to become a bishop. In his writings, recounting his conversion story he wrote, “Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient yet so new.” This expresses his prayer to the Lord whom he has found after long years of searching. The Lord was patient in his coming back and welcomed him as his own. The ‘weeds’ in his life slowly died while the ‘wheat’ grew more. Indeed the Lord is just but also compassionate, merciful, and patient with us sinners. There is no latecomer in repentance as we have seen in the life of Saint Augustine.
Brothers and sisters, in the spirit of today’s liturgy we are asked to respond to God by our personal conversion. We can have a better life with God if we respond to His invitation now. We can begin by living according to the values of the Kingdom of God now. We can manifest changes in our lives by our external behaviors: from laziness to diligence; from having too much time for entertainment to more productive activities for the betterment of society and the Church; from being sinful to being holy. As we continue on in this Eucharistic celebration we ask the grace from our Lord to be strengthened in our faith in Him, our just and merciful God and allow the good seeds to grow more in us. Lord, you are good, forgiving, and patient, may we also be towards ourselves and others as we work towards holiness of life. Amen.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
10 The scream begins in my lower back and works its way up through my body only to jam in my throat. I am Avox mute, choking on my grief. Even if I could release the muscles in my neck, let the sound tear into space, would anyone notice it? The room's in an uproar. Questions and demands ring out as they try to decipher Peeta's words. "And you...in Thirteen...dead by morning!" Yet no one is asking about the messenger whose blood has been replaced by static. A voice calls the others to attention. "Shut up!" Every pair of eyes falls on Haymitch. "It's not some big mystery! The boy's telling us we're about to be attacked. Here. In Thirteen." "How would he have that information?" "Why should we trust him?" "How do you know?" Haymitch gives a growl of frustration. "They're beating him bloody while we speak. What more do you need? Katniss, help me out here!" I have to give myself a shake to free my words. "Haymitch's right. I don't know where Peeta got the information. Or if it's true. But he believes it is. And they're - "  I can't say aloud what Snow's doing to him. "You don't know him," Haymitch says to Coin. "We do. Get your people ready." The president doesn't seem alarmed, only somewhat perplexed, by this turn in events. She mulls over the words, tapping one finger lightly on the rim of the control board in front of her. When she speaks, she addresses Haymitch in an even voice. "Of course, we have prepared for such a scenario. Although we have decades of support for the assumption that further direct attacks on Thirteen would be counterproductive to the Capitol's cause. Nuclear missiles would release radiation into the atmosphere, with incalculable environmental results. Even routine bombing could badly damage our military compound, which we know they hope to regain. And, of course, they invite a counterstrike. It is conceivable that, given our current alliance with the rebels, those would be viewed as acceptable risks." "You think so?" says Haymitch. It's a shade too sincere, but the subtleties of irony are often wasted in13. "I do. At any rate, we're overdue for a Level Five security drill," says Coin. "Let's proceed with the lockdown." She begins to type rapidly on her keyboard, authorizing her decision. The moment she raises her head, it begins. There have been two low-level drills since I arrived in 13. I don't remember much about the first. I was in intensive care in the hospital and I think the patients were exempted, as the complications of removing us for a practice drill outweighed the benefits. I was vaguely aware of a mechanical voice instructing people to congregate in yellow zones. During the second, a Level Two drill meant for minor crises - such as a temporary quarantine while citizens were tested for contagion during a flu outbreak - we were supposed to return to our living quarters. I stayed behind a pipe in the laundry room, ignored the pulsating beeps coming over the audio system, and watched a spider construct a web. Neither experience has prepared me for the wordless, eardrum-piercing, fear-inducing sirens that now permeate 13. There would be no disregarding this sound, which seems designed to throw the whole population into a frenzy. But this is 13 and that doesn't happen. Boggs guides Finnick and me out of Command, along the hall to a doorway, and onto a wide stairway. Streams of people are converging to form a river that flows only downward. No one shrieks or tries to push ahead. Even the children don't resist. We descend, flight after flight, speechless, because no word could be heard above this sound. I look for my mother and Prim, but it's impossible to see anyone but those immediately around me. They're both working in the hospital tonight, though, so there's no way they can miss the drill. My ears pop and my eyes feel heavy. We are coal-mine deep. The only plus is that the farther we retreat into the earth, the less shrill the sirens become. It's as if they were meant to physically drive us away from the surface, which I suppose they are. Groups of people begin to peel off into marked doorways and still Boggs directs me downward, until finally the stairs end at the edge of an enormous cavern. I start to walk straight in and Boggs stops me, shows me that I must wave my schedule in front of a scanner so that I'm accounted for. No doubt the information's going to some computer somewhere to make sure no one's gone astray. The place seems unable to decide if it's natural or man-made. Certain areas of the walls are stone, while steel beams and concrete heavily reinforce others. Sleeping bunks are hewn right into the rock walls. There's a kitchen, bathrooms, a first-aid station. This place was designed for an extended stay. White signs with letters or numbers are placed at intervals around the cavern. As Boggs tells Finnick and me to report to the area that matches our assigned quarters - in my case E for Compartment E - Plutarch strolls up. "Ah, here you are," he says. Recent events have had little effect on Plutarch's mood. He still has a happy glow from Beetee's success on the Airtime Assault. Eyes on the forest, not on the trees. Not on Peeta's punishment or 13's imminent blasting. "Katniss, obviously this is a bad moment for you, what with Peeta's setback, but you need to be aware that others will be watching you." "What?" I say. I can't believe he actually just downgraded Peeta's dire circumstances to a setback. "The other people in the bunker, they'll be taking their cue on how to react from you. If you're calm and brave, others will try to be as well. If you panic, it could spread like wildfire," explains Plutarch. I just stare at him. "Fire is catching, so to speak," he continues, as if I'm being slow on the uptake. "Why don't I just pretend I'm on camera, Plutarch?" I say. "Yes! Perfect. One is always much braver with an audience," he says. "Look at the courage Peeta just displayed!" It's all I can do not to slap him. "I've got to get back to Coin before lockdown. You keep up the good work!" he says, and then heads off. I cross to the big letter E posted on the wall. Our space consists of a twelve-by-twelve-foot square of stone floor delineated by painted lines. Carved into the wall are two bunks - one of us will be sleeping on the floor - and a ground-level cube space for storage. A piece of white paper, coated in clear plastic, reads BUNKERPROTOCOL . I stare fixedly at the little black specks on the sheet. For a while, they're obscured by the residual blood droplets that I can't seem to wipe from my vision. Slowly, the words come into focus. The first section is entitled "On Arrival." 1. Make sure all members of your Compartment are accounted for. My mother and Prim haven't arrived, but I was one of the first people to reach the bunker. Both of them are probably helping to relocate hospital patients. 2. Go to the Supply Station and secure one pack for each member of your Compartment. Ready your Living Area. Return pack(s). I scan the cavern until I locate the Supply Station, a deep room set off by a counter. People wait behind it, but there's not a lot of activity there yet. I walk over, give our compartment letter, and request three packs. A man checks a sheet, pulls the specified packs from shelving, and swings them up onto the counter. After sliding one on my back and getting a grip on the other two with my hands, I turn to find a group rapidly forming behind me. "Excuse me," I say as I carry my supplies through the others. Is it a matter of timing? Or is Plutarch right? Are these people modeling their behavior on mine? Back at our space, I open one of the packs to find a thin mattress, bedding, two sets of gray clothing, a toothbrush, a comb, and a flashlight. On examining the contents of the other packs, I find the only discernible difference is that they contain both gray and white outfits. The latter will be for my mother and Prim, in case they have medical duties. After I make up the beds, store the clothes, and return the backpacks, I've got nothing to do but observe the last rule. 3. Await further instructions. I sit cross-legged on the floor to await. A steady flow of people begins to fill the room, claiming spaces, collecting supplies. It won't take long until the place is full up. I wonder if my mother and Prim are going to stay the night at wherever the hospital patients have been taken. But, no, I don't think so. They were on the list here. I'm starting to get anxious, when my mother appears. I look behind her into a sea of strangers. "Where's Prim?" I ask. "Isn't she here?" she replies. "She was supposed to come straight down from the hospital. She left ten minutes before I did. Where is she? Where could she have gone?" I squeeze my lids shut tight for a moment, to track her as I would prey on a hunt. See her react to the sirens, rush to help the patients, nod as they gesture for her to descend to the bunker, and then hesitate with her on the stairs. Torn for a moment. But why? My eyes fly open. "The cat! She went back for him!" "Oh, no," my mother says. We both know I'm right. We're pushing against the incoming tide, trying to get out of the bunker. Up ahead, I can see them preparing to shut the thick metal doors. Slowly rotating the metal wheels on either side inward. Somehow I know that once they have been sealed, nothing in the world will convince the soldiers to open them. Perhaps it will even be beyond their control. I'm indiscriminately shoving people aside as I shout for them to wait. The space between the doors shrinks to a yard, a foot; there are only a few inches left when I jam my hand through the crack. "Open it! Let me out!" I cry. Consternation shows on the soldiers' faces as they reverse the wheels a bit. Not enough to let me pass, but enough to avoid crushing my fingers. I take the opportunity to wedge my shoulder into the opening. "Prim!" I holler up the stairs. My mother pleads with the guards as I try to wriggle my way out. "Prim!" Then I hear it. The faint sound of footsteps on the stairs. "We're coming!" I hear my sister call. "Hold the door!" That was Gale. "They're coming!" I tell the guards, and they slide the doors open about a foot. But I don't dare move - afraid they'll lock us all out - until Prim appears, her cheeks flushed with running, hauling Buttercup. I pull her inside and Gale follows, twisting an armload of baggage sideways to get it into the bunker. The doors are closed with a loud and final clank. "What were you thinking?" I give Prim an angry shake and then hug her, squashing Buttercup between us. Prim's explanation is already on her lips. "I couldn't leave him behind, Katniss. Not twice. You should have seen him pacing the room and howling. He'd come back to protect us." "Okay. Okay." I take a few breaths to calm myself, step back, and lift Buttercup by the scruff of the neck. "I should've drowned you when I had the chance." His ears flatten and he raises a paw. I hiss before he gets a chance, which seems to annoy him a little, since he considers hissing his own personal sound of contempt. In retaliation, he gives a helpless kitten mew that brings my sister immediately to his defense. "Oh, Katniss, don't tease him," she says, folding him back in her arms. "He's already so upset." The idea that I've wounded the brute's tiny cat feelings just invites further taunting. But Prim's genuinely distressed for him. So instead, I visualize Buttercup's fur lining a pair of gloves, an image that has helped me deal with him over the years. "Okay, sorry. We're under the bigE on the wall. Better get him settled in before he loses it." Prim hurries off, and I find myself face-to-face with Gale. He's holding the box of medical supplies from our kitchen in 12. Site of our last conversation, kiss, fallout, whatever. My game bag's slung across his shoulder. "If Peeta's right, these didn't stand a chance," he says. Peeta. Blood like raindrops on the window. Like wet mud on boots. "Thanks for...everything." I take our stuff. "What were you doing up in our rooms?" "Just double-checking," he says. "We're in Forty-Seven if you need me." Practically everyone withdrew to their spaces when the doors shut, so I get to cross to our new home with at least five hundred people watching me. I try to appear extra calm to make up for my frantic crashing through the crowd. Like that's fooling anyone. So much for setting an example. Oh, who cares? They all think I'm nuts anyway. One man, who I think I knocked to the floor, catches my eye and rubs his elbow resentfully. I almost hiss at him, too. Prim has Buttercup installed on the lower bunk, draped in a blanket so that only his face pokes out. This is how he likes to be when there's thunder, the one thing that actually frightens him. My mother puts her box carefully in the cube. I crouch, my back supported by the wall, to check what Gale managed to rescue in my hunting bag. The plant book, the hunting jacket, my parents' wedding photo, and the personal contents of my drawer. My mockingjay pin now lives with Cinna's outfit, but there's the gold locket and the silver parachute with the spile and Peeta's pearl. I knot the pearl into the corner of the parachute, bury it deep in the recesses of the bag, as if it's Peeta's life and no one can take it away as long as I guard it. The faint sound of the sirens cuts off sharply. Coin's voice comes over the district audio system, thanking us all for an exemplary evacuation of the upper levels. She stresses that this is not a drill, as Peeta Mellark, the District 12 victor, has possibly made a televised reference to an attack on 13 tonight. That's when the first bomb hits. There's an initial sense of impact followed by an explosion that resonates in my innermost parts, the lining of my intestines, the marrow of my bones, the roots of my teeth.We're all going to die, I think. My eyes turn upward, expecting to see giant cracks race across the ceiling, massive chunks of stone raining down on us, but the bunker itself gives only a slight shudder. The lights go out and I experience the disorientation of total darkness. Speechless human sounds - spontaneous shrieks, ragged breaths, baby whimpers, one musical bit of insane laughter - dance around in the charged air. Then there's a hum of a generator, and a dim wavering glow replaces the stark lighting that is the norm in 13. It's closer to what we had in our homes in 12, when the candles and fire burned low on a winter's night. I reach for Prim in the twilight, clamp my hand on her leg, and pull myself over to her. Her voice remains steady as she croons to Buttercup. "It's all right, baby, it's all right. We'll be okay down here." My mother wraps her arms around us. I allow myself to feel young for a moment and rest my head on her shoulder. "That was nothing like the bombs in Eight," I say. "Probably a bunker missile," says Prim, keeping her voice soothing for the cat's sake. "We learned about them during the orientation for new citizens. They're designed to penetrate deep in the ground before they go off. Because there's no point in bombing Thirteen on the surface anymore." "Nuclear?" I ask, feeling a chill run through me. "Not necessarily," says Prim. "Some just have a lot of explosives in them. But...it could be either kind, I guess." The gloom makes it hard to see the heavy metal doors at the end of the bunker. Would they be any protection against a nuclear attack? And even if they were one hundred percent effective at sealing out the radiation, which is really unlikely, would we ever be able to leave this place? The thought of spending whatever remains of my life in this stone vault horrifies me. I want to run madly for the door and demand to be released into whatever lies above. It's pointless. They would never let me out, and I might start some kind of stampede. "We're so far down, I'm sure we're safe," says my mother wanly. Is she thinking of my father's being blown to nothingness in the mines? "It was a close call, though. Thank goodness Peeta had the wherewithal to warn us." The wherewithal. A general term that somehow includes everything that was needed for him to sound the alarm. The knowledge, the opportunity, the courage. And something else I can't define. Peeta seemed to have been waging a sort of battle in his mind, fighting to get the message out. Why? The ease with which he manipulates words is his greatest talent. Was his difficulty a result of his torture? Something more? Like madness? Coin's voice, perhaps a shade grimmer, fills the bunker, the volume level flickering with the lights. "Apparently, Peeta Mellark's information was sound and we owe him a great debt of gratitude. Sensors indicate the first missile was not nuclear, but very powerful. We expect more will follow. For the duration of the attack, citizens are to stay in their assigned areas unless otherwise notified." A soldier alerts my mother that she's needed in the first-aid station. She's reluctant to leave us, even though she'll only be thirty yards away. "We'll be fine, really," I tell her. "Do you think anything could get past him?" I point to Buttercup, who gives me such a halfhearted hiss, we all have to laugh a little. Even I feel sorry for him. After my mother goes, I suggest, "Why don't you climb in with him, Prim?" "I know it's silly...but I'm afraid the bunk might collapse on us during the attack," she says. If the bunks collapse, the whole bunker will have given way and buried us, but I decide this kind of logic won't actually be helpful. Instead, I clean out the storage cube and make Buttercup a bed inside. Then I pull a mattress in front of it for my sister and me to share. We're given clearance in small groups to use the bathroom and brush our teeth, although showering has been canceled for the day. I curl up with Prim on the mattress, double layering the blankets because the cavern emits a dank chill. Buttercup, miserable even with Prim's constant attention, huddles in the cube and exhales cat breath in my face. Despite the disagreeable conditions, I'm glad to have time with my sister. My extreme preoccupation since I came here - no, since the first Games, really - has left little attention for her. I haven't been watching over her the way I should, the way I used to. After all, it was Gale who checked our compartment, not me. Something to make up for. I realize I've never even bothered to ask her about how she's handling the shock of coming here. "So, how are you liking Thirteen, Prim?" I offer. "Right now?" she asks. We both laugh. "I miss home badly sometimes. But then I remember there's nothing left to miss anymore. I feel safer here. We don't have to worry about you. Well, not the same way." She pauses, and then a shy smile crosses her lips. "I think they're going to train me to be a doctor." It's the first I've heard of it. "Well, of course, they are. They'd be stupid not to." "They've been watching me when I help out in the hospital. I'm already taking the medic courses. It's just beginner's stuff. I know a lot of it from home. Still, there's plenty to learn," she tells me. "That's great," I say. Prim a doctor. She couldn't even dream of it in 12. Something small and quiet, like a match being struck, lights up the gloom inside me. This is the sort of future a rebellion could bring. "What about you, Katniss? How are you managing?" Her fingertip moves in short, gentle strokes between Buttercup's eyes. "And don't say you're fine." It's true. Whatever the opposite of fine is, that's what I am. So I go ahead and tell her about Peeta, his deterioration on-screen, and how I think they must be killing him at this very moment. Buttercup has to rely on himself for a while, because now Prim turns her attention to me. Pulling me closer, brushing the hair back behind my ears with her fingers. I've stopped talking because there's really nothing left to say and there's this piercing sort of pain where my heart is. Maybe I'm even having a heart attack, but it doesn't seem worth mentioning. "Katniss, I don't think President Snow will kill Peeta," she says. Of course, she says this; it's what she thinks will calm me. But her next words come as a surprise. "If he does, he won't have anyone left you want. He won't have any way to hurt you." Suddenly, I am reminded of another girl, one who had seen all the evil the Capitol had to offer. Johanna Mason, the tribute from District 7, in the last arena. I was trying to prevent her from going into the jungle where the jabberjays mimicked the voices of loved ones being tortured, but she brushed me off, saying, "They can't hurt me. I'm not like the rest of you. There's no one left I love." Then I know Prim is right, that Snow cannot afford to waste Peeta's life, especially now, while the Mockingjay causes so much havoc. He's killed Cinna already. Destroyed my home. My family, Gale, and even Haymitch are out of his reach. Peeta's all he has left. "So, what do you think they'll do to him?" I ask. Prim sounds about a thousand years old when she speaks. "Whatever it takes to break you."
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