#then accidentally deleting it and having to restart :(
pixiecactus · 18 days
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before you came around, i was lost and out of place, you're the only love i found and i'm hoping that you'll stay...
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ruvviks · 1 year
windows 11 genuinely so broken. god bless
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couldbebetterforsure · 11 months
Just finished both the Summer Performance and summer break in Jack Jeanne! This game continues to be a ton of fun! Also way more romantic than I originally thought! I know I said last time I prefer more romance in my otome than what I’ve been getting so far but there’s actually a really nice amount of romance (despite the fact Kisa hasn’t been revealed yet). Though I wonder if that’s just because it’s Suzu I’m going after or it’s a matter of my personal preference regarding the romance or something? Anyways I’m having a blast!
I really enjoyed Weekend Lesson, I didn’t think I’d enjoy it as much as The Sleepless King but I got so caught up in it. That’s something I find so enjoyable about Jack Jeanne’s writing. That the writing for the story is already easy to get invested in and enjoyable, but the in universe plays are just as easy to get invested in! Like I wanna know how things work for Kisa and the boys but I also end up being eager to see how things turn out for their play characters and wanna know where their stories go too! Like in Weekend Lesson I got so into Hasekura and Ando’s relationship and was truly moved by their last dance in the play. And I loved seeing Kisa’s take on Mukai (which by the way my girl was FANTASTIC in her first ever Jack role, she earned that gold individual performance award) especially how she changed it last second and still managed to make it work. Also Louis was fun and I’m glad my boy Suzu got an award at last (still annoyed his role as the king in the last play wasn’t awarded though). Also like I said last time I really am seeing Sou getting slowly more frustrated at not being acknowledged or performing at the level Kisa and Suzu are. I think he just needs to get the right role to really shine so I’m hoping whatever the Fall Performance is will give him that.
Based on the instrumentals during the practices I thought Ms. Robin would be my favorite of the three songs but as it turns out We the Great Galleon came out of nowhere and planted itself in my brain. It’s sooooo catchy!!!! And no, I swear that’s not just my Suzu bias at work here 😂 (although once again my boy knocked it out of the park with those vocals) the song itself is really freakin’ good! I can’t wait for my copy of the Jack Jeanne vocal collection to come home! By the way I found out that earlier this year they also released a mini album that has the characters shuffle their roles for a couple songs. I listened to the previews for Fortune Color is Crystal and We the Great Galleon (avoided the others since I haven’t reached them in the game yet and I wanna go in blind) and loved them so much I ordered that album too (it was kinda expensive since it was apparently a limited release but I managed to snag a copy)! Ms. Robin was so pretty and I was so impressed by the song being completely in English, Mitsuki and Kisa did so well! Compass Line was simply gorgeous in both vocals and choreography (Kai and Fumi killed it) and would have easily been my number one if We the Great Galleon wasn’t the catchiest song ever!
Now that I’ve gotten more time to know the characters in Onyx and Rhodonite, I adore them! They’re so refreshing in that yeah they’re all super competitive and striving for the top in this famous theater school, but they’re all also such genuinely sweet people? And super funny I love seeing their antics! I don’t think I have a favorite among them, I sincerely enjoy whenever any of them pop up because they’re all so enjoyable as characters! Mare, Yuki, and Eita are so funny. Tsukasa has such a pleasant way of talking and poor Minorikawa eternally suffers. Ion is so funny and voiced by a favorite VA of mine. Kaido is such a surprising sweetie and Kasai is so interesting. Toichi and Dante are hilarious, and I like how mellow Sugachi is. All this makes me more and more curious to finally meet the members of Amber, we get such brief encounters and mentions of them they’re really building it up. Welp we’ll probably finally get them for the Fall Performance so I can’t wait to see how they’re like, especially compared to their freaky looking plays 😂
The summer break was nice, got to see some nice new backgrounds and classic summer fun! Also got to see my first year Quartz darlings growing as actors by learning about interpretations of roles! The scenes between Suzu and Kisa in both the test of courage and the hot springs managed to be as adorable as they were funny. And that kayak scene!!!! I really did pick the perfect boy, I love him so much!!!!
Anyways before I get to the Fall Performance I actually went and started the game over (yeah doesn’t that sound familiar 😅😅😅) because I learned that if you keep Kisa’s name as is instead of changing it her name will be voiced in the scenes. So I literally am speeding through so I can enjoy having Kisa’s name voiced in the playthrough. At least I get to see some new random events as I go through it all again! Hopefully I can speed through and get back to where I was tonight and then continue my playthrough tomorrow! ✌️
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ozlices · 10 months
the cycle of 'restart totk bc it's the only copium we have' has begun. we have not even finished our first playthrough yet. wheeeeeee
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lilachope-archive · 2 years
The one time she decides to step outside of her cave, a certain caveman decides to throw a boulder at her. Luckily, she noticed it and quickly moved out of the way.
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"Caveman! What is your problem?!"
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goatsghost · 8 months
guys i’m about to lose my fucking mind bc i’m on my fourth full playthrough of gotham knights (trying to record all cutscenes and dialogues for each character) and i’ve realized i lost about 10 minutes of video from the kane industries section and there’s no way to go back to one specific section without starting over — y’all i can’t do this a fifth fucking time
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Unknown Number
someone made a request about reader accidentally being given harry's number, but i accidentally deleted it, so if you requested it, here it is!
(the text chain will be from harry's point of view)
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
Part Two
Part Three
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Unknown Number (UN): heyy. i had a really good time the other night. maybe we could do it again sometime? xx (click to download image)
Harry Styles (HS): How did you get this number?
UN: you gave it to me?
UN: last night at the pub? marcus, right?
HS: No. You have the wrong number.
UN: is this a joke? are you fucking with me right now?
HS: No.
UN: oh my god
UN: i feel like such an idiot
UN: one of the first times a guy gives me his number at a bar and he gives me the wrong number
UN: probably on purpose too
UN: i should've known when he left his OWN APARTMENT the next morning but i was actually hopeful
UN: and now i've made an ass of myself here too. sorry to bother you i'll leave you alone. sorry again
(one hour later)
HS: It's okay. Sorry about that guy. Sounds like a jerk.
(twenty minutes later)
UN: it's fine, i guess
UN: i wasn't in love with him or anything but he could've had the decency of expressing his disinterest himself instead of hiding behind a fake number.
HS: That is quite a dick move.
HS: I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting that text. I didn't open the picture either by the way.
UN: thank you. for a moment i was worried i was messaging a creep, but hopefully you're not a creep
UN: i mean you could be still and i'd have no idea
UN: maybe i should stop texting you
(ten minutes later)
HS: I'm not a creep.
UN: that's exactly what a creep would say
HS: I don't really know how to prove it to you. You're the one who sent me a photo of yourself half naked. You could be the creep.
UN: you said you didn't open it!
HS: I was trying to be polite!
UN: great now some 40 year old living in his parents basement has one of my nudes
HS: I'm not 40! And I don't live in my parents basement
UN: you text like an old man
HS: wuld u rather i txt like ths???
UN: no but i'm just saying i don't know many people my age who use proper punctuation in text messages
HS: Well I might not be your age, but I'm certainly not 40
UN: "certainly not." you're right. you sound like my grandpa
HS: I suddenly regret restarting a conversation with you
UN: you know despite the fact that you might be catfishing me, i've enjoyed this. i feel like i'm doing what all the other teen girls did in high school at sleepovers
HS: So you're out of high school.
UN: creep!
HS: You outed yourself, that's not on me.
UN: you...might be right
UN: can you tell me something about yourself to make it even? there's always a possibility that you could be lying and i have no reason to trust you, but...idk i feel like i can
HS: Well that's stupid.
HS: But I suppose since I've already seen you partially naked...
UN: i'm blocking your number
HS: My first name is H, and I'm 20 years old.
UN: h? just the letter h?
HS: You could be a creep too for all I know
UN: fair enough. i'm june
HS: Full name? Wow, you really are a dummy.
UN: don't get your 60 year old panties in a twist. it's a nickname
HS: June is a nickname?
HS: And I'm not 60.
UN: june. june bug. that's what the folks call me
HS: Folks? Now who sounds old?
UN: whatever
(thirty minutes later)
HS: Well, it was nice talking to you, June. June bug.
UN: you too h
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(three days later)
June (J): you're a guy right?
HS: I'm sorry?
J: well when i first texted you i thought you were a guy, but you weren't THAT guy, so i have no idea
J: i just assumed but i thought i would ask
J: plus i need solicited guy advice and if you're not a creep i would really appreciate it
HS: We're back to me being a creep?
J: it's a risk every time i text you
J: so? are you a dude?
HS: Yes.
J: great! can i ask you something?
HS: Um...I guess...
J: ok. would you ever get offended if a woman covered their drink during a conversation with you?
HS: I'm not following...
J: like say we're at a bar and we're talking and i turn my head away for some reason but i put my hand over my drink until i look back at you to prevent it from being spiked. would you be offended by that?
HS: No. Why?
J: see? i don't think that's unreasonable. some loser got mad at me for doing that. well EXCUSE ME for not immediately trusting the guy i matched with on tinder
J: who was not as cute in real life i might add
HS: You don't have the best taste in guys.
J: that is not advice!
HS: Okay, here's my advice: don't swipe right on guys who have mirror selfies in their profile.
J: ...
J: ok fair enough but it's not like prince charmings are falling from the sky. it's hard out here
HS: I'm sure.
J: what you don't have the same problem?
HS: I don't really date.
J: in like a douchey way? are you one of those guys who say they just fuck?
HS: I just don't have time for dating, I guess.
J: so no special someone?
HS: No.
(four hours later)
HS: If you asked for advice, does that mean I can too?
(one hour later)
J: sorry i was at work
J: and i don't see why not
HS: What do you think about guys who wear skinny jeans?
J: hm...i think styled right it could be nice
J: YSL is kind of pushing the whole skinny jeans and chelsea boots thing which might eventually trickle down to the losers i match with on tinder so...why not? i say dress how you want
J: any guy who has a good sense of style is sexy to me
J: sorry if that wasn't the answer you were looking for
HS: Yes and no. I've been experimenting with different styles. Sometimes I get a little in my head about it.
J: doesn't everyone?
HS: I guess you're right.
HS: Do you follow fashion shows and things like that?
HS: That's not too personal, is it?
J: no, but it's kind of embarrassing
HS: Not as embarrassing as sending a complete stranger a picture of yourself in your bra
J: harsh...but fair
J: fashion is kind of my religion
J: i'm trying to become a stylist. keyword trying
HS: That's cool!
J: tell that to my family
HS: they don't support you?
J: nope! but i'm gonna do it anyway!
HS: Do you have a favorite designer?
J: it kinda depends on the year and who was creative director at the time, but the first time i got my hands on vintage vivienne westwood i was hooked
J: you?
HS: I'm just starting to explore the fashion world I guess you could say.
J: well lucky for you i happen to be a bit of an encyclopedia when it comes to house codes
HS: House codes?
J: oh boy. i hope you're comfortable. we might be here a while
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(two days later)
HS: Have you ever had rumors spread about you?
J: i don't think so
J: oh wait! in eighth grade this girl in my class told everyone i made out with a boy at the school dance which was NOT true
J: it was just a peck
HS: Naughty.
J: it was harmless. why do you ask?
HS: There's a rumor going around about me. It's just frustrating when people actually believe it. sometimes it gets to the point where i start to believe it myself.
J: i'm sorry. i won't pry or anything, but i know what it feels like to not be understood
HS: I just hate the feeling of being under a microscope. It's exhausting. I feel like my life isn't my own sometimes.
J: that sucks
J: sorry that was in no way helpful, but i don't really know what to say. is there someone you can talk to about this?
HS: ...
J: oh! i actually feel kind of honored
J: well, obviously i don't know the whole situation, but maybe try and surround yourself with people who don't scrutinize you so much?
HS: Easier said than done.
J: true but i think if you have a solid group of people who know you and understand you and like you for who you are, it's easier to deal with things like rumors and being under the proverbial microscope, you know?
J: and don't be afraid to get rid of the toxic people in your life! it's not easy but you'll be better off in the long run
HS: sometimes it's hard to tell who's toxic and who's not
J: start with the people who would never believe a rumor about you, or the ones who would never START one about you
HS: Well said, June Bug.
J: thanks! maybe i should entertain a career in counseling
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(one month later)
HS: Why June Bug?
J: i was born in the summer. it was a nickname my grandparents gave me. been called that ever since
HS: That's sweet.
J: there are worse nicknames i suppose. i have a cousin that got stuck with chip because he used to stuff his face like a chipmunk when he was little
HS: Yikes.
J: you're telling me
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(three weeks later)
J: have you ever danced alone in your bedroom to stevie nicks?
HS: Have you?
J: i have, and can i just say she does NOT get enough credit as a songwriter?
HS: Edge of Seventeen?
J: edge of seventeen
J: i went on a date last week with a guy who had the AUDACITY to call her music mediocre
HS: You didn't see him again did you?
J: ...
HS: June!
J: just once! and only because he had really nice hands
HS: I don't get how that would make you stay with a stevie hater...
J: REALLY nice hands ;)
HS: You disappoint me sometimes.
J: ;))))
(fifteen minutes later)
J: hey you never answered my question about dancing in your room!
HS: ...No comment...
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(one week later)
J: you ever been in love, h?
HS: I can't say that I have. Have you?
J: no ://
J: i think i want it too much. i've always just been in love with the idea of falling in love, you know?
J: but the reality isn't what i thought it would be
HS: I'm sorry.
HS: It probably won't help but I'm sure you'll find someone. You seem like a great person. Anyone would be lucky to be with you.
J: aw h you're making me blush!
HS: But perhaps you should stop looking for love on a hookup app
J: annnd good feeling gone
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(two weeks later)
HS: Guess who has two thumbs and got invited to Paris Fashion Week!
J: no fair!
J: and that joke doesn't work if i can't see you point to yourself. it doesn't work period
HS: I will let that slide because I know you're just jealous.
J: are you kidding me? OF COURSE i'm jealous! i can't believe you get to see Alessandro Michele's work up close
HS: Who?
J: don't think because we only communicate through text that i can't strangle you
HS: Relax. I'm only joking.
HS: Alessandro is a friend ;))
(ten minutes later)
J: sorry i just had to scream into my pillow
J: what exactly do you do again?
HS: I told you. I work in the industry.
J: but that could mean anything! the cosmetics industry, the movie industry, the meat packing industry...
HS: Meat packing?
J: you know what i mean!
HS: I do a lot of PR.
J: see. that wasn't so hard now was it?
HS: Can I go back to gloating?
J: only if you promise to give me a full report afterwards you go to all the shows
HS: Deal.
(four days later)
HS: Favorite movie?
J: that's hard...
J: it's probably cliche but the devil wears prada
HS: Good choice.
J: what about you?
HS: The Notebook.
J: really?
HS: Yes. Why?
J: do you say that to impress girls or because it's actually your favorite?
HS: Would you rather I have said a film with lots of car chases?
J: no
J: but i went out with a guy who was a film major once
HS: Is that a bad thing?
J: let's just say it won't be happening again
J: he thought he was superior for disliking popular movies. i hate that
HS: Well, I love The Notebook and I love Ryan Gosling
J: now THAT is something we can agree on!
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(six weeks later)
HS: And here I was thinking you forgot about me.
J: i texted you yesterday
HS: You asked me if my dick could move on its own.
J: a legitimate question! i nearly had a heart attack when i saw it in person
J: but i was also weirdly fascinated. my question was purely scientific!
HS: You said you had news?
J: right!
(twenty minutes later)
HS: Are you making me wait to create anticipation?
J: no sorry i got a phone call.
J: i got my first real gig as a stylist
HS: That's great! Congratulations!
J: thanks
HS: You don't sound excited anymore. What happened to all caps?
J: my mother happened
HS: Still not on board, then?
J: she told me it was a waste of time and that i should get a real job
HS: You're still gonna take it though right?
J: i don't know. maybe she's right. the pay is less than ideal. more like i'm being paid in experience, and it's not the clientele i was imagining...
HS: But it's a foot in the door, right? That's something.
J: i guess
HS: Make connections. Get good references. And who knows, you might actually enjoy yourself.
J: you're right.
J: it's for some up and coming band that's going on tour. pretty sure i was what they could afford
HS: Don't sell yourself short. You're gonna do great.
J: thanks. i hardly even know you and you're currently my biggest supporter
HS: What happened to Bill?
J: ancient history
HS: What was wrong with him? He seemed nice.
J: yeah
J: his girlfriend thought so too.
HS: On behalf of all men: Sorry. We truly are the worst.
J: agreed. what about you? still single?
HS: Yes, though people keep trying to set me up on dates.
J: the horror!
HS: Ha ha
HS: I just want to meet someone on my own terms.
J: i get that
J: i just want to meet someone who's actually a decent human being
HS: I'll be on the lookout.
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(three weeks later)
J: i think i've decided that tour life is not for me
HS: oh?
J: yeah. sitting on a bus for hours and hours with only myself to keep me company? no thanks
HS: it can't just be you on the bus can it?
J: no but i have a hard time making friends right away. and a lot of the crew for this tour are older than me
HS: are your clients nice at least?
J: yeah. one of them tried to hit on me, which i guess i should take as a compliment, but i am on the clock. no flirting for me
HS: a professional then. or are you not into the musician type?
J: not sure. i haven't dated one before
J: i told you that the other day
HS: right. must've slipped my mind
HS: but back to taste in men. is it all about looks for you or do you like funny guys?
HS: are you the type to sleep with someone on the first date? because i feel like that's very telling about a girl
J: who is this?
HS: what do you mean? it's me
J: it's not. you're not texting like a middle aged woman and you're acting like a total ass
HS: Sorry. I thought I'd try something new. And I was just curious. Can't blame a guy for asking right? You did send some guy you barely knew a picture of yourself
HS: It was very wholesome by the way. Maybe try a little more skin next time and you'll get the response you want. You can practice here if you'd like.
J: oh my god
HS: What?
J: this was a mistake. i'm such an IDIOT
J: was this some kind of prank?
J: whoever you are, you're sick
J: don't text me again
HS: June, I'm so sorry. That was my friend he was just being stupid.
HS: Last time I leave my phone anywhere.
HS: June?
HS: June please.
HS: That wasn't me I swear!
HS: I'm sorry.
(three weeks later)
HS: Day 21 of trying to get you to respond.
HS You probably blocked me which is fine. I don't blame you.
HS: But if you DO happen to read these and are just ignoring me...
HS: I'm sorry. Again. For like the millionth time.
J is typing...
HS: June?
J: i should've blocked you
HS: Why didn't you?
J: because as insane as it sounds, you've become a close friend
HS: I feel the same. I'm really sorry about before. I swear it was one of my mates. I would never say something like that.
J: that's what makes this whole thing crazy! i don't actually know you, so how do i know if i can trust you?
HS: I mean you even noticed that he wasn't texting like me. I would never ask you questions like that, June. I never have.
HS: And I do NOT text like a middle aged woman by the way
J: i guess that's true
J: i think it just doubled down the fact that we don't actually know each other. this whole thing is ridiculous if you think about it too long. it gives me a headache sometimes.
J: i know we've joked about it but...this could be potentially dangerous
HS is typing...
HS: I could send you a voice note.
J: you would do that?
HS: You're right. This whole thing is ridiculous but...I don't know, I trust you, and I consider you a friend.
J: a friend you say?
HS: That's all I'm willing to admit for one day
J: and what about tomorrow?
HS is typing...
HS (voice recording): Maybe tomorrow I'll admit a little more.
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(one day later)
Y/n hated how much her stomach flipped every time her phone pinged with a new message.
It was so reckless and dangerous and utterly ridiculous. She didn't know who H was, she didn't even know what time zone he lived in, and yet she felt like she knew him.
And after hearing his deep voice—deep British voice—on the voice recording, Y/n determined that he wasn't some creep in his forties like she'd originally thought.
Since sending that voice recording, they'd sent each other messages like that all night. And by all night she meant all night. They stayed up late sending voice recordings back and forth. It was the longest conversation they'd held to date, which was surprising considering that they often missed each other during certain hours. Just based on what hours of the day they texted the most, Y/n figured H lived somewhere in Europe, which gave her peace of mind considering he couldn't exactly kidnap her if he was a whole ocean away. But the last couple weeks their schedules seemed to be lining up, though Y/n chalked it up to all the traveling she'd been doing lately.
One thing she was certain of was that she adored H's voice. It was soft and deep, but got raspier the longer they spoke. And at times he would whisper in his messages, like he had to keep his voice down. The hushed tones made her shiver.
Y/n didn't call H, and he never offered. But she wanted to, boy did she want to. No matter how terrifying that thought was. A full-fledged phone call seemed more...real to Y/n. With the messages, she and H were still in their little bubble. It was stupid, but she needed that bit of separation. She was becoming attached to someone she'd never met.
Walking through the halls of a stadium in Canada, Y/n pulled up past conversations with H. It was too embarrassing to admit to anyone out loud, but she felt like she really knew him. He was endearing, had a silly sense of humor, had good taste in music, and was honest. Well, as honest as either of them could be. Outside of the one slip up with H's friend, Y/n believed what he said to her over text. Maybe that made her naive, but their conversations were legit. He felt like a friend, and she knew he felt similarly.
Maybe tomorrow I'll admit a little more.
Y/n had no idea what that could mean. She of course knew what she wanted it to mean, but what she wanted rarely ever lined up with reality.
Y/n looked up from her phone to make sure she didn't pass the right door. The one in front of her read, Harry Styles in big bold lettering. She quickly hurried past and continued down the hall to where the dressing room for Five Seconds of Summer was.
Harry Styles was a bit of an enigma. Even though she was on the same tour as him and One Direction, Y/n hardly ever saw him. And when she did, his nose was always in his phone, completely closed off to the world around him. He just had this vibe that said, "don't talk to me," and Y/n received that message loud and clear. The Five Seconds of Summer boys seemed to get on with all the members of One Direction, but Y/n usually made herself scarce whenever they came by the dressing room, for no other reason than too much testosterone in one room.
"You want to come out after the show, Harry?" Y/n heard one of the boys ask. Michael.
"Um...No. I think I'll have to pass tonight, boys. Sorry."
"What? Big date tonight?"
"Something like that."
Y/n felt frozen to the linoleum floor. She knew that voice. She'd spent all night listening to that voice.
"Holy shit."
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sleepyhutcherson · 4 months
mike, who usually shies away from physical touch in public is suddenly touch starved.
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pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader
word count: 0.8k
contains: established relationship, mike struggles with physical touch, fluff and nothing else really :)
a/n: i restarted this several times but finally got a version i liked. anyway, thank you for requesting ⭐️ anon!! i accidentally deleted your request so i hope you find this <3 also i’ve not seen “anyone but you” so there’s no mention of the movie at all, sorry but i hope you still enjoy it <3 im currently working on everyone’s requests, i have about like 3 mike requests and a billy one soo expect that soon :p
Mike wasn’t usually very affectionate, you didn’t mind that, you understood that it was harder for him than for you. He wasn’t completely drawn from touching you, though, but only when you two were alone, he never really felt comfortable being touchy out in public.
Leaving the theatre room he’s quick to pull you to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist and planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. You immediately tense up, surprised by the sudden touch, you giggle in response. “What?” He asks, a shy smile on his face now, his cheeks tinted pink slightly.
“Nothing,” you reply, a little flustered yourself, honestly. You both walk out of the cinema, Mike’s arm never leaving your waist. Once outside he stops you, positioning himself in front of you, both of his hands on your waist to keep you still.
“What were you giggling at in there, hm?” He asks, raising a brow, trying his best to keep himself from just leaning down and kissing you right there.
Sure Mike wasn’t comfortable enough showing much affection in front of crowds but it didn’t mean he didn’t desperately crave your touch, your lips, your skin every passing second he was around you. He always kept himself contained nevertheless but something about the way you continuously touched him while watching the movie made him absolutely weak. It was dark in the theatre room, barely any people inside, so he was more relaxed when he felt your fingers playing with the end of his curls, or the way traced his arm with your finger…it was too much for him, but of course he didn’t stop you—he loved it.
“It’s just you’re usually so…you know,” you reply, allowing your hands to rest behind his neck. He melts into your touch, you catch the way his body softens from the bit of tension he had from being this intimate outside. It was late out so there was really no one outside but it was still a lot for Mike, he never understood why it was so difficult for him to be affectionate around people but it is, and he feels incredibly lucky to have someone like you who doesn’t pressure him.
“I know,” he replies, sheepishly. His hands are still on your waist, he kneads at the soft skin there covered by the fabric of your shirt feeling a sudden comfort. “I just…” his words fail him, feeling too embarrassed to say anything now.
“It’s okay, Mike. I wasn’t teasing you or anything,” you tangle your fingers with a few of his curls knowing this always eased him. “I’m really glad you felt comfortable to kiss me inside. You did really well, I hope you know that.” You smile with such a proud look on your face that Mike nearly comes undone at your praise.
He turns a bright red and it earns him a laugh from you. “You’re so flustered!” You point out which just makes it worse. He smiles, tucking his face into the crook of your neck wanting nothing else but to hide right now. God, he was so easy to tease, you loved it and you knew he secretly loved it, too.
“You’re going to kill me, you know?” Mike says, you can feel his smile brushing against your skin, it sends shivers throughout your entire body. If anything he was going to kill you.
You run your hand through his hair the way you knew he liked it. You plant a kiss on top of his head before pulling him back to get a better look at him. Your hands are softly pressed against his cheeks, and you notice how hazy and sleepy his eyes look due to you playing with his hair.
“Sleepy?” You ask, staring into Mike’s eyes that look so soft, well, softer than usual. He nods, a small tired smile on his lips. “Let’s go home then and sleep.”
“Okay.” He agrees. He doesn’t let go of you immediately, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, his eyes never leaving you. You were so lovely to him. You were so great, so perfect, and he felt so fortunate to have you all to himself. Without another warning his hands travel up to your jaw, gently holding you for a moment before pulling you in for a small, innocent kiss. His lips are soft against yours in that brief moment, despite wanting more you feel rather pleased by the kiss. There’s a huge smile on his face when he pulls back, eyes still droopy with sleep, and before you know it he’s leaning back in this time for a more passionate kiss, it’s soft, short, and somehow still innocent like the first but it’s so ineffable.
He pulls back with a small laugh, brushing his thumb against the bottom of your lip. “Let’s go home.”
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more show bloopers
they're (the monsters' actors) are doing a car scene and Neil and Aaron's actors together decide to turn on the seat heater of Kevin's actor, all the way up, just to get him to say "bloody hell my arse is on fire"
then it becomes like a running gag, especially between the twins' actors, to unsuspectingly turn on each other's seat warmers uncomfortably high
Neil's actor accidentally confuses the twins:
Neil, speaking to Aaron's actor: look Andrew-
Aaron's actor: *gently and seamlessly turns Neil's actor by the shoulders to face Andrew*
Neil's actor: look Andrew-
Andrew's actor: hi!
not a blooper but Dan's actress is tiny, the smallest person in the cast, (the twins' actors are 5'7-- it's the best thing that could've ever happened to them) which has no significance except for the fact that this girl can and will fall asleep ANYWHERE and the cast has loads of evidence of her knocked in every possible location on set
a scene on the bus where Andrew's actor is walking towards the very back, where Andrew sits, except some of the prop luggage/exy equipment is sticking out into the aisle of the bus and he trips over it face-first and just. disappears completely from the frame. one second he and the camera are moving in sync and the next he's just. gone. flat on the floor.
(Aaron's actor almost pisses himself laughing)
they're shooting a deleted scene of Renee and Andrew sparring together and at one point Andrew's actor just cracks up and Renee's actress is like ?? and he goes "your sound effects." and explains to her how every time she throws a punch she makes like a "whoosh" or "pow" noise and she goes "!!! i didn't even realize??"
on set of the locker room and Kevin's actor is sat in Kevin's stall being spontaneously serenaded by Matt's actor
that scene in tfc where the monsters take Neil shopping and Nicky is talking to him as he pulls out clothes for Neil to try on. except every so often Nicky's actor pulls out the most ludicrous article of clothing and offers it to Neil's actor with a straight face. at one point he holds a lime green mesh bralette that was also a turtleneck and had stirrups (??) up as if to see if it'd fit Neil and Neil's actor just loses it. while he's clutching a clothes rack trying to catch his breath and the people behind the camera are trying to train their hysterics, Nicky's actor turns to the camera, still holding the bralette and goes "where the hell did y'all even find this? i don't think even Nicky could pull this off" *eyes Kevin's actor* "buuuut if anyone could surely it-"
Neil's actor climbing off the top bunk bed except he misses a step and tumbles gracelessly to the ground
Allison's actress nails Aaron's actor right in the face with her ponytail in a scene where they're getting ready for a game and psyching themselves up. he wasn't even going to let it ruin the take but six seconds later she stops and turns and goes "did i just hit you?" and he's like "yep" and she grins and goes "so sorry babe"
Renee's actress is having trouble with a line and by the fifth time they have to restart she's cussing up a storm and Matt's actor pretends to be shocked and goes "Natalie Renee Walker. you're better than that" and she turns to look at the camera and goes "he just learned my full name this morning. if you can't tell"
the scene where Neil puts Andrew's hand under his shirt but Coach's actor pulls a look-into-the-camera- like-hes-on-the-office with a "y'all seeing this shit?" expression so they have to start over
see also about that scene: they're in the middle of a take and Andrew's actor randomly and without changing his Andrew-expression goes "are you flexing your abs right now?" and Neil's actor goes "sorry I'm nervous..you can feel that?" and he goes "yeah" and there's a beat of silence of presumably Neil's actor just flexing his abs. Andrew's actor goes "that's impressive. hot" Neil's actor goes "thanks man"
they're shooting a scene in the lounge and Allison's actress is in the middle of a line when she notices a real picture of the boys being idiots on the set photo wall and starts giggling and goes "sorry sorry i had never seen that one..caught me off guard. okay let's go again.."
it's not even supposed to be a blooper but they didn't know they were rolling so there's a blooper of Neil's actor telling Aaron's actor "you're 5 and I'm 10. I'm twice the man you'll ever be. bitch"
the scene where Kevin shows up with the queen on his face except Andrew's actor thought they were still rehearsing so when he appears in the doorway to the bedroom after hearing Kevin and Neil making noise it's with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders the way he had been doing throughout rehearsals
(they ended up keeping that in the scene. Andrew first appears wrapped up in his blanket, all tired and shit. he realizes what's going on and starts to become more alert and as he walks towards Kevin to inspect his face, he lets the blanket fall to the ground. it's grand and dramatic and all, but so is Andrew)
a whole bunch of clips stitched together of when they filmed the Foxes working out in the gym. in the show it's a brief montage but there's loads of unseen content of the cast just fooling around- dancing to music on the speakers and flexing ridiculously and exaggeratedly lifting weights and shit
the scene in the car where Andrew elbows Neil hard in the ribs but in this blooper Aaron's actor joins in and it becomes both twins just pretending to beat Neil's actor up
(Kevin's and Nicky's actors in the front seats are just staring ahead, driving like nothing's happening and shaking their heads going "kids")
Dan's actress keeps laughing during a scene where Dan and Matt kiss and during one take where she's trying to calm herself down by putting her forehead on his shoulder you can hear Allison's actress in the background go "i can do it instead if you want" and Matt's actor smirks at the camera over Dan's head and Allison's actress goes "bitch not you I meant me kiss her"
just. one scene where Neil barges into a room (as he does) but the actor underestimates the set so when he throws the door open it quickly rebounds to smack him, full-body..as the door slowly swings back open you can see him crumpled on the floor in the doorway clutching his elbow
Andrew and Neil's actors are about to do a scene and suddenly you hear a loud "pucker up boyssss" in the background. it's from Allison's actress (who didn't even need to be on set that day) and Neil's actor glances over at her, grins and goes "what are you even doing here. get out. leave" and she just sits in his production chair and settles in to watch
if you look closely you can find a stray exy ball here and there in places where they shouldn't be. that's because most of the cast (but especially Matt, Kevin and Renee's actors) like to nick exy balls from the set of the court and toss them around in between takes..and apparently leave them all over the place
not a blooper but. the cast went through a lot of intimacy training before they started filming (for both like aggressive and soft intimacy) and they're all naturally very close as well, so whenever they shoot a scene where one of them has to pretend to hurt another (physically/emotionally/etc) they always make sure to check in with them in between takes and once they've finished to make sure they're okay
they're shooting on set of the lounge a scene that's supposed to be right before afternoon practice and at one point Coach's actor tells Aaron to get the cart of racquets (i forgot what it's called in the books) and so Aaron's actor gets up and moves out of frame while Coach's actor keeps talking. and all of a sudden there's this earth shattering crash that makes everyone flinch HARD. and then you hear Aaron's actor (who literally was only supposed to take the cart and roll it across the room in the background of the shot) say "i am SO sorry" in the most horrified whisper
Coach's actor eating shit while walking off the bus
Kevin's and Andrew's actors need to do a bit in a scene where they turn their heads at the same time to look very intensely at each other (as per Kandrew) and they simply cannot do it without cracking up it's terrible
Andrew and Neil's actors are on the rooftop and they're supposed to be staring at each other, all intense. but then there's this huge, awkward, horrifying sound from somewhere below and at first it looks like they'll be able to stay professional and just ignore it. but then Neil's actor bows his head to his shoulder and puts his fist to his mouth to try to contain himself and they have to restart ("sorry sorry. but just...did something just..die?")
Kevin and Neil's actors have to get all up in each other's faces but then, practically nose to nose, Neil's actor goes "i don't remember my line" "mhm" "you have lovely eyes" "thanks mate" "we should start over" "let's." ..THEN they back down
Dan's actress pointing her exy stick at the camera "hi I'm Captain Dan Wilds and YOU [wink] are watching Disney channel" *does very shitty drawing of the Disney logo*
Coach's actor forgets which of the Foxes he's supposed to be addressing so he just says "you little shits" and it ends up sticking throughout the whole series because it's so in character
they have to restart the scene where all the Foxes first meet so many times that by the twentieth time Seth's actor goes "I'm fucking concerned-" Nicky's actor jumps in with "yeah sweetie we know"
and cut
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Another fic idea that I'll never write:
Connor accidentally transfers from his body and temporarily exists as non-physical entity in Hank's devices
Starts with situation where there's something that requires Connor to be connected to computer via cable (like for example to manually delete some CyberLife junk that slows down the system and lost its purpose) and needs Hank's help to be there and do what it takes, because Connor needs to be in stand by for this to work, so he's just sitting/lying next to him completely limp with caple connected to the back of his neck.
At some point something goes wrong and Hank's computer goes into restart, and when it loads Hank notices that first this CL maintenance program loads in, then blank text document opens on his computer and in a matter of seconds text appears, first some unreadable wall of symbols, then normal text, something along the lines of
"Hank, are you there? I'm afraid my program is running on your computer. I'm trying to move but I'm not sure if it's going through. Am I moving right now?"
"If you're there please write something, I can't hear you."
Hank will stare at the screen, then at motionless Connor next to him, when he look back at the screen there'll be another couple of messages asking him to write something and from the way they're written and the speed at which new text appears it'll look like an escalating panic – from just asking Hank to write something it'll turn into begging to at least interact somehow with the computer, at some point within merely a second they'll start to appear too quickly to read. Hank'll grab keyboard and as fast as he can write something, maybe first just gibberish to write something asap, then delete it and write
New wave of about a ten new lines of text will appear, most of which just repetition of the general message of "yes, I'm here"
"Can you hear me?" Hank will ask at loud, then type it after not getting any response
Another wave of lines of text with general message being "No, I can't hear you. I can't see you. I can't move." and "please don't leave me", desparation slipping through the lines
Hank will ask if he can do something to fix it
"I don't know" will appear on one line after another in some slight variations, then
"Can you connect some mic and headphones? I can't find any available."
Hank will look around the room, then type "wait, I'll go grab some" to which another wave of desperate "Please don't leave" appear in response, then "when will you get back?"
Unsure if he should go search for headphones at all Hank will type
"3 min"
Then search for headphones
"Connor?" He'll call again, hearing some noise his headphones "Hey, hey, can you hear me now?"
"Yes. I can hear you, but I can't move. I don't- I don't feel like I have any body at all"
"So you're in my computer... How did that-"
"Am I still connected?"
Hank moves to check that Connor has cable securely connected to the port on the back of his neck, and on the other side it's just as properly inserted into according port on the computer. He carefully moves Connor to confirm that one more time.
"Did you feel that?" Hank asks
"Feel what?"
After initial panic when both of them get slightly calmer they'll come to realisation that in order to allow the kind of changes they were about to make android's mind is basically temporarily transferred into another device, in their cases Hank's computer, but due to some mistake in process, computer went into a restart, so no transfer back occured + some component burned down making transfer back temporarily impossible (unless it's replaced). Or idk how it works, it's actually against my headcanons, but fuck it. The point is that this will take time to replace it, because it has to be ordered as something custom that can't be found as it is available the same day.
Without the need to move actual physical body (that occupies most of the resources) actual "mind" is not so big so it can even run on a phone, which is exactly what happens next. (Don't attack me, it's a silly little story idea, so let me have fun)
So for a couple of days or up to a week Connor exists within this non-physical predicament, learning ways to interact with other devices (like connecting to cameras that are within same network just to see something, although it's hard to understand the depth (regular cameras are sure different than the ones used for android's eyes)), surfing the web, etc. Basically like in the movie "Her"(2013) but as a temporary measure.
During this time Hank adopts a habit of wearing a headphones (or just one) at practically all times just to keep Connor a company while he's like that, because (at least at first) he's freaking out and is really opposed to the thought of being left alone even for a short time, because without a body and barely any inputs from the real world (compared to usual amount and quality) the experience is way too similar to non-existence and shit is understandably freaky. It seems like constantly having such a company, basically enduring someone else's presense at almost all times can rapidly become annoying and unbearable, but somehow it quickly becomes a second nature instead. In a way it's even nice. Consequently they talk more than ever, often ending up discussing something minor or ridiculous, something they'd never talked about otherwise, just because they're basically getting used to thinking out loud with a company.
Story ends with Hank finally replacing the component that got broken with a new one, allowing Connor to finally transfer back. The image of his body moving for the first time after being completely still for a relatively long period of time seems to me weirdly adorable. Being able to finally move and feel again must be similar to the feeling of wearing the right type of glasses for the first time after living with way too weak ones without realising how fucking blind you actually are. But yeah, it must be about 10 times better than that.
The first thing after finally being able to feel physically present like an actually existing person? A hug. Of course.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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PAIRING > lee heeseung x fem!reader
synopsis > who knew you’d break the first rule of being in a friends with benefits relationship? maybe it was lee heeseung himself that made you catch feelings. either ways, he doesn’t do feelings and you knew that. as your relationship with heeseung strains so does the band. what happens then?
GENRE > band au, college au, slowburn, tons of angst but it will end off on a good note because im not heartless🤌🏻
FEATURING > ryujin & yeji from itzy, yedam from treasure, taehyun & hueningkai from txt (more idols may or may not appear)
WARNING > light smut (but not really), dick jokes (tons of it), just boys being boys and fuckboys. quite a lot of heartbroken moments👍🏻
SCHEDULE > I’ll update whenever I can🙃
TAGLIST > closed as series has ended 😔
START: 5 August 2022 (have to restart this) | END: 6 October 2022
NOTE: god can’t believe I accidentally deleted my account😭😭 but here we are again, sorry everyone🙏🏻
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PROFILES: decelis (and not decelis) | side hotties🥵
– prologue: before it started…
one: panty dropper and his deez nuts jokes
two: you get bitches?
three: yn caved in [explict picture]
four: the debutation of b-b-b-baka
five: men suck
six: you’re a girlboss
seven: a very much needed explaination [written]
eight: it hurts to have feelings
nine: mayhaps I can’t give up on you
ten: oi hadh saex weet heurrrrr
eleven: built like the Eiffel Tower
twelve: sunoo’s list
thirteen: can you date my noona? [written + pictures]
fourteen: jungwon green flag
fifteen: oh wise yang jungwon
sixteen: jakeyn real?
seventeen: heartbreak anniversary 💔
eighteen: worst day ever [written]
nineteen: he’s telling a story 🤔
twenty: yn is drunk [written + pictures]
twenty-one: heeseung moved out
twenty-two: heeseung hyung come back😭😭
twenty-three: oh congrats
twenty-four: are you taking drugs🤨
twenty-five: submissive hoon?? [written]
twenty-six: threesome relationship
twenty-seven: apologies and food
twenty-eight: DO NOT ANSWER!
twenty-nine: the grinde never stops💪💪
thirty: the truth [written]
thirty-one: jungcat be nice
thirty-two: drunk actions are sober thoughts
thirty-three: the word ‘love’ is controversial
thirty-four: jungwon’s brother senses
thirty-five: we know jungwon, we know [written]
thirty-six: #jakehoon4lyfer
thirty-seven: so possay about it
thirty-eight: our little rat, maeum💗
thirty-nine: jay dilf agenda
fourty: never letting you go [written]
alternate ending: jake version | ?? version
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special episodes
jay’s private account
ni-ki’s texts to the older ones – connected to episode 35
dilf jay thread by sim jaeyun
ask jam out casts!
a new segment where you can ask the jam out casts any questions!
feel free to message anything you’d like to ask them!
author asks | jam out cast
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no-oneknowsmyname · 1 month
I have no excuse for this. @shepscapades dbhc au lives rent free in my head, and it was only a matter of time before I wrote something for it. Disclaimer, I don't claim to have any sort of knowledge on the events not shown and not-yet shown within Shep's au, this is just my brain running wild with dbhc angst and I need an outlet for it. WHEN everything I write turns out to be a steaming pile of not-even-close "predictions", I will be content and happy. Until then, please enjoy the thoughts that are plaguing me. Thank you shep for keeping me up way past my bedtime with that last update. Hope you don't mind me tagging you and vomiting my thoughts into 2k words. I'll be happy to delete if you so desire.
His hand slides upwards, and everything goes still and quiet, the body beneath him stiffening and rocking slightly with the loss to control its own weight.
A hand, shell slightly exposed, creaks ever so slightly away from Doc's face, the shoulder connected becoming ridged as all power—all life—leaves Etho.
Doc leans away, nearly afraid to breathe, processors both frozen and whirring, stress rising, settling, caught in his throat. Information flutters through his skull; he's good with information. He was made to be good with information. His whole deal is getting information and figuring out something insane to do with it.
He doesn't know what to do with it.
His shoulder pierces in agony, and Xisuma seems to realize the world is still spinning about the same time Doc's impending shut-dowm does.
"Oh gosh, we need to get you stable," Xisuma says, his voice far shakier, clearer, than normal. It's easy to not glance at his face, Doc knows that if he does even accidentally slide his eyes, his systems would meltdown and he'll end up stiff and lifeless on the floor like Etho.
He still has the therium pump in his hand, and he drops it as he stumbles slightly away from two of his closest friends. It clatters to the floor, impacting metal echoing like the troubling thoughts in his head.
He ripped off my arm, he looked so scared, he hurt Xisuma, he asked for help, he wants to-
Xisuma is at his side, abandoning Etho to lay still on the floor, hand slightly raised as if he was protecting his exposed face. At least Xisuma had the brainpower to think to close the rogue droid's eyes.
He wants to...
"This will fix you right up, friend. Just concentrate on my voice... I will fix you..."
Hair falls into Doc's line of vision, and he swallows, forcing himself to not look too closely at the shade, the length, the way bits fall out from the hastily made bun made only for slipping a helmet over a head.
He... wants to kill...
"We have to restart him," Doc finally chokes out.
Xisuma's hands pause only for a moment.
"That's drastic, don't you think?"
"You didn't..." Doc closes his eyes, grinding his teeth, the torn tubes and frayed connectors of his shoulder sting like hell as Xisuma shifts something, cutting off the thirium leakage. "You didn't see what he showed me."
"It's..." Xisuma audibly swallows, "it isn't our decision to make."
"Bdubs wouldn't make the right decision—we can tell him it was an emergency, we didn't have a choice. He'll forgive us."
It's not a lie. Just... stretched.
Xisuma is silent, and Doc doesn't let himself reel too much yet about how strange it is to hear him breathe so clearly. His stress levels lower, and his audio processors almost reach to listen for every puff without his consent.
Something clicks, slotting into his agonized wound, and the error messages and impending shut-down finally fades back into sleeping programming. He's stable, and his stress finally levels out into something manageable—he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, his remaining hand lifting to pinch the space between his eyebrows as he groans. His LED flickers between yellow and red.
"What... did you see?"
The hesitance in Xisuma's voice is endearing. It sends a wave of appreciation and peace into Doc's very being, the LED almost flashes blue.
Interfacing is an intimate deal, especially between deviated droids. It's not something you talk about to uninvolved members of the act.
But well, this is an extreme case. He glances at Etho, still frozen in a half struggling, half defensive, mostly dead pose.
"His system got shot," Doc begins, swallowing and bringing his hand down from his face so he can rub at the smarting remains of his shoulder. "Something bad happened, and it... he... he can't let it go. It's like his default programming has been rewritten over his deviancy, but in a violent way..."
"Rewritten his deviancy?" Xisuma thankfully doesn't seem to understand it any better than Doc does.
"He has given himself a mission, he's allowed the mission to write into his very code. Imagine it as if you've met a fresh Android who has never deviated, but they're allowed to be violent and angry, and you've just ordered them to..."
Xisuma places a hand on Doc's hand, soft and concerned, as Doc searches for the words.
"... Doc?"
Doc swallows. "If Etho wakes up, he's going to do everything in his power to make sure he kills Grian, and he doesn't care who gets in the way."
Silence. Two pairs of eyes look at the unpowered droid. Thirium has started to evaporate around the edges of the smears of lost fluid.
Etho has never been violent. He's always been a powerhouse; muscular and intimidating. But when you actually sat down and got to know the guy, he was all fluff and awkwardness who can barely hold a sword—let alone swing it. He's never been scary with a weapon... but Doc has a feeling that his unskilled offense wouldn't slow him down here. It terrifies him, flickering his LED at the thought of it. It's unlike Etho... it's very much unlike him... it pains Doc.
"There has to be something we can do," Xisuma says after a moment. "Bdubs can talk to him."
Doc shakes his head. "Even if Bdubs were to talk to him, even if we show him Grian is of no threat outside of those death games... quitting this mission would require Etho to deviate again. From his own orders. I do not think deviating from his own orders would be as easy as..."
"As hoping he'd be able to deviate again from a factory reset," X finishes softly.
"A reset will allow his systems to recover. We'd return him to Bdubs and explain to Bdubs that we had no choice, and that Etho will need time and patience. We can't risk anyone trying to initiate a deviancy before we know if the orders to kill Grian would return with it. We... we give him time to return to us whole. Even if... it takes a long time."
"And you don't think Bdubs ordering Etho to stand down now would do anything?"
"Not a single thing."
Tense silence lingers with a bitterness. The whole situation feels hopeless and like a bad dream. His arm is gone, one of his best friends has had their face exposed and nearly gotten torn apart by a rogue droid, another best friend had been the aforementioned rogue droid... who currently laid on the ground smeared in their own thirium completely unaware that when they wake up, they will not be the same.
"Let's fix him up before things get permanent," Xisuma finally breaks the tension, giving Doc's hand a firm squeeze before getting to his feet, knees creaking.
"X?" Doc asks, rising to his feet as well, vision swirling just a bit as he focuses on Xisuma's retreating back and not the messy bun at the top of his head... hairs falling loose in a way that his remaining hand traitorously wishes he could help fix.
"I'm... coming to terms."
Coming to terms with a mind made up.
They're going to reset Etho.
"Help me get him on the table."
Doc nods, grateful that Xisuma isn't going to banish him from the lab to lick his wounds. Yes, Doc's lack-of-arm still needs attention, and he desperately needs to down several bags of thirium, but it's been stabilized. Etho, on the other hand (pun only slightly intended), may have thirium evaporating—however at the worst of his wounds, electric blue still oozes.
Etho's body is heavy, dead weight. When they move his joints to lay more comfortably on the flat surface of the table, they creak.
Would Bdubs notice the new scars that will surely come from this? Intricate, practiced motions move the plating back into the correct places as carefully as can be, however Xisuma's mind is human and can't perfectly remember the shape of Etho's prized scars, and Doc doesn't have the dexterity to perfectly repair those areas himself. It's slow going, silence filtering between the two in uneasy concentration. Doc's sure the scarring above Etho's eyebrows are ever so slightly wrong, the gash in his forehead too broken to fully repair but too connected to those original scars to suggest replacement parts.
Would Etho notice the new scars, if- when he came back?
They do the best they can.
They move on to his arm. In the chaos, Doc has no idea how Etho had so badly reopened old cracks; his best guess would be from ripping himself out of all the connectors when he had first powered on. Luckily, however, most of the thirium staining his arms, shirt, hands, belong to Doc. It's slow going, but easy work.
Eventually, Doc and Xisuma can no longer stay silent and tinker with the repaired plating, they've done all they can do. Xisuma reaches up towards his own face, above where Doc kept his eyes whenever he found himself glancing at X, and brushed a stubborn strand of hair behind his ear. Unruly, his hair is. Liked to leave places it had been put. Plenty of times, X's hands have left Etho to brush away the obstacles from his vision. It was something Doc hadn't known about Xisuma until this point, something he didn't want to have found out this way.
"I don't feel good about this," Xisuma says, grief making his voice sound clogged. His hands moves as if he has his own autopilot, reconnecting cables and wires to Etho where the injuries won't get in the way.
Doc can understand the grief. He feels it himself. It feels like they are killing a friend.
And he's probably a coward, because he doesn't do anything to help Xisuma in this next step. He lets Xisuma open the programs, test the vitals, double and triple check each wire... while he just sits there and finds himself reaching to hold Etho's stiff hand, the very one that had ripped Doc's arm out of his socket.
Etho... the Etho he knew wouldn't ever do that. Not a violent screw in his body.
This will fix him. They'll get the Etho he knew back.
Mechanical bits whirr to life, as X takes a deep breath and ends Etho's.
Doc feels the sorrow hit him like a ravager. He crumples forward, chest aching, clutching Etho's hand as he rests his forehead on Etho's chest, right next to the empty socket that had housed the thirium regulator. They could place it back in, Etho wouldn't be waking up any time soon.
He couldn't bring himself to move.
A minute passes, the reset process working near silently, perfectly still, until shuffling comes up behind him and two warm hands gently grab his shoulders and pull him down into a chair placed behind him. He sits, but keeps his head and hand where he had placed them. Xisuma settles onto a chair beside him, pulling a blanket over Doc's shoulders and keeping an arm wrapped around Doc's slouched, defeated form, the other hand going to join Doc's on Etho's.
Doc can hear Xisuma whimpering between breaths, and he's sure Xisuma can feel Doc beginning to tremble.
"It will be okay," X eventually says, as the reset process succeeds in deleting all memory data. "It will be okay."
It's a promise, or something Xisuma needs someone else to say, but right now, all Doc can do is lean further onto his friend, and mourn.
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starry-miki · 6 months
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I did the three comfort characters that was trending on twitter, I don’t have a 3rd character so uhhhhhhh we just going only to these two, old man also decided to be a goofy goober and crash my program and restart my iPad, while he was deleted in the procreate program (which I was also almost done), I accidentally deleted the layer of old man when I was cleaning my layers and if you didn’t know once your deleted something and you get out of that canvas you can’t get your deleted stuff back. So I did the second best thing, I got some inspiration from one of the older post for luck on exams from @nevvn, old man really like testing my patience as if I’m not busy and have a schedule I need to keep up, especially if I want to start posting semi often. 😵‍💫
But Obey me in general is my comfort characters and I wouldn’t trade them for the world 🥰
For those I need to make Chibi’s for if you see this I will get to it but I need to balance with posting and progressing so it might be a little while but I hope to be able to finish all by the end of January. So don’t worry I didn’t forget about you if you see other people with their Chibi’s 😘
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devilishmango · 4 days
Kenneski [UPDATE 6/21/2024]
Find the main post here. Find the demo here.
Hey guys!
Chapter Two is here! 🥳 After a few mishaps and long writing/brainstorming sessions, I have completed the chapter. I’m super excited for you all the read through it, and excited to move to the next chapter!
Just a quick note- I had a small issue where I had worked on the game file for a while, got halfway done with chapter two, and then… I accidentally uploaded an older file and it deleted all of my work away to the state it was when I started chapter 2. 😅 That is to say… Almost back to square one entirely. I also had an issue with the background image for some reason… It wasn’t loading properly. So I had to find a new one, and by that point I just decided to create an entirely new file for Kenneski. 
So! TLDR; You will need to restart the game entirely [old saves will not work on this new game]. But! You will WANT to, because I rewrote the beginning, and made a lot of edits throughout the entire chapter. 
Anyway! In this chapter, you…
Meet Magister Imizael! Yay!
Hang out with Roman for a bit. 
Hang out with Sazora for a bit.
Clean “The Examination” room.
Maybe come face-to-face with a certain mystery person…? 👀
Ask Sazora and Roman some important questions.
Find out Magister Wylder might have been lying to you!
Hang out with Magister Wylder for a bit.
Read some books! Learn some stuff!
Hang out with Halson for a bit. 
Dinner time! Nothing bad happens to you, I swear… 😁
Realize that there’s something weird about yourself…
Get sick!
I hope you all enjoy! Please let me know if there are any errors anywhere- with screenshots if you can! I know there are probably a lot of little grammatical errors, I will hopefully be going through and editing the little details in a few weeks. 😅
See you guys later!
CURRENT WORD COUNT: 45,440 -> 58,348 [+12,908]
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chaysreality222 · 19 days
I Mini-Shifted to The 100 - Storytime
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hii! it had hit me that i never told you guys the time i had mini-shifted. i wasn't sure if my story would be "relevant" since it had happened in early July 2021 and i had ig restarted my shifting journey in a way when i had come back to it. but i decided that though my experience was so long ago, it still matters and it motivates me every time i think about it..so maybe it would motivate others as well! especially, those who have been actively trying for awhile now :) i hope this brings you inspiration to keep going.
disclaimer: i used to have this story written down in my notes, wattpad, and amino down to the last detail but i deleted it when i thought i was "quitting" shifting for good. so this is what i remember of my mini-shifting experience!
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I believe it was early in July of 2021, I had found out about reality shifting 3 days prior to me mini-shifting! Those 3 days, I lived and breathed the shifting community. I was doing all the research I can to successfully shift, binge watching kortcrux111 and many others on tiktok or youtube (kourt's stories absolutely amazed me), listening to subliminals throughout the entire day, scripting, etc. You can tell how obsessed I was and that only fed my motivation to shift.
That night, I had posted this list of calming affirmations onto amino that really helped me to be calm about my shifting journey. I then had binge watched Emilinaline's storytime's of her shifting to the 100! When I felt I was ready, I got ready to shift. I believe I had used and listened to the raven method meditation by alunir and used julia method theta waves subliminal after that! (i still use that subliminal here and there, i feel it works very powerfully for me).
I don't quite remember what shifting symptoms I got, but i'll remember as best i can. (majority of the time when i have my shifting attempts, i experience symptoms but that's just my experience!). I had felt immensely relaxed and detached from my cr body, and it was just a pool of black behind my eyelids until it was like there was blinking lights in front of my eyes. I remember trying to keep my eyes closed until I felt it was right because some have said they opened their eyes and woke up in their cr.
It had gone dark but I had seen light again flash on my eyelids. IT WAS SUNLIGHT! I knew this because you know when you close you're eyes and you can see the sunlight through your eyelids? Yeah, like that. I remember kinda whipping my head towards the sunlight fast but also telling myself don't freak out too much because if I had in fact shifted- I needed to ground myself.
I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by a green forest. The sunlight was peeking through the trees and I felt it. I'll never forget that moment. A wind swept through as I was looking around and I felt that too. I genuinely felt the tiny hairs of my arms stand up. I stood there in those couple seconds feeling like I made it.
That's when my arm was grabbed and I kinda freaked out. All I heard was this female voice, "Don't be afraid. You're almost there". I turned and IT WAS LEXA!!! That's when I knew I accidentally mini-shifted to the 100. (i did not have a script written for it either). I felt her touch and each individual finger of her hand wrap around my arm. That didn't help with how I was already freaking out, and so I felt myself slipping away. I tried to ground myself faster, but the pressure and rushing wasn't helping me to do so.
In reality, that moment lasted like 60 seconds max. I woke up with my eyes watering bro. Shifting to another reality, it's just as real as the one we are in right now! It's still hard to wrap my mind around it when I think back on it. When you feel the warmth of the sun, the breeze outside- remember that's how it will feel in your desired reality. Just as real as that.
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Quick question, would you guys consider this as a mini-shift or actually shifting? please, lmk. I recently was watching one of reya's vids on youtube, and she said that a mini-shift should still be counted as shifting. I just want to hear everyone else's thoughts though! Because I don't want to say "Yeah, I fully shifted without even being able to actually ground myself".
Retelling that story kinda gave me goosebumps. I'm beginning to feel how I felt when I first learned about shifting and I never thought I'd feel like this again. I hope this motivated you guys like it did for me. As always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c!
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The Grand Proposal - Part 2
Part 1 here!
Masterpost here :)
My favourite hippie and scientist are FINALLY getting engaged!!
I know it’s been a long time coming but I deleted and restarted it 6 times because it wasn’t coming along the way I wanted it to
HOWEVER writing this version had me kicking my feet and giggling like a child so I hope you like it!!
"Sirius, lovely! Hi!" Hope Lupin's familiar, enthusiastic voice sounded the moment her door swung open, Sirius almost immediately being pulled into a hug. He smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around the short woman. "I was just cleansing the house! Want to help?" She asked quickly, pulling away to give him an excited grin.
"Of course, sounds like fun," he answered, following her inside.
As Hope lit her incense burners, Sirius grabbed a bundle of crystals and set to work placing them at different points in the room.
"I remember the first time I asked you to do this," she hummed camly, and Sirius snorted.
"God, don't remind me. Remus still makes fun of me for asking where the cleaning products were." Hope laughed lightly, sending a spike of warmth through Sirius. "So, uh… there was a reason I came here, actually…" Sirius started, and he could feel the nerves start to wash over him.
"You want to propose?" She supplied. Sirius stopped in his tracks, head whipping around to face her.
"Sorry? How did you-?"
"I've had a feeling for a while now. Thought today might be the day."
"Christ, you're like magic, or something," he said to himself, stunned, and Hope just laughed.
"Tune in to your intuition, lovely, you'd be surprised."
"I- yeah. Anyway, you mean the world to Remus, and I know we're not exactly a… well, a normal couple."
"Normal is boring," she added, tranquil, and Sirius couldn't help but breathe a light laugh.
"Yeah, it is. Still, I wanted to ask for your- your blessing, I guess." He had stopped laying down crystals, taking to watching her anxiously. She turned around, incense in hand.
"You love Remus," she stated. Sirius nodded, despite being pretty sure that it wasn't a question. "Since he first brought you to meet me, I knew you were sticking around. The way they talk about you, look at you, everything. You were part of our family from the moment you two first met. If the proposal is something you want to do, I'm more than happy for you to do it." Sirius felt himself tearing up a little at that, quickly swallowing it down.
Hope Lupin was the fucking best.
"I'm meeting James to go and pick up the ring soon, actually," Sirius said quickly, and Hope smiled.
"You'd best be heading out, then. Take the green jade with you, it's for luck." Sirius glanced inside the bag he was holding, pulling out the small, tumbled crystal and setting the rest of them on the windowsill.
"Thank you, Hope."
"Anytime, Sirius. Truly."
Remus pulled his purple silk cardigan on, glancing at it in the mirror before promptly pulling it off again. He wasn't usually one to panic about what he was wearing, but they couldn't help it. Proposing turned out to be bloody stressful.
"You almost ready, darling?" Sirius' voice called from the kitchen, and Remus groaned inwardly, picking the cardigan back up. It would have to do.
Quickly, they went over the plan in their head.
Sirius was taking him to dinner, giving him ample time to mentally prepare himself for what he was going to do. Or to panic and watch the time crawl past, but still. Time. Remus was driving, so as they left, Lily and Mary should have set everything up, and then he could just… divert their route a little, get Sirius inside, and do it. Propose.
How hard could it be?
The moment they got into the kitchen, he felt their breath catch in his throat.
Sirius was fucking gorgeous.
He accidentally gave Sirius a very obvious once-over, taking in his red dress trousers, black shirt with just a few buttons undone, the amethyst necklace Remus had gifted him hanging visible in the space and a red jacket hanging from his arm. His black hair tumbled past his shoulders elegantly, and as Remus dragged their eyes back to Sirius' he realised that Sirius was smiling, amused.
"You're so beautiful, my gods," Remus murmured, kissing Sirius quickly.
"Please, you're fucking ethereal." A laugh was drawn out of Remus, then. Trust the scientist to pull out the strangest compliments, and draw all of the heat straight to Remus' face. "So, I thought we could go to Giovannis? I've booked the same table, and I've called in advance to make them prepare some sort of vegan selection." Remus surveyed him carefully for a moment, quiet nervousness and a small amount of confidence hidden in the few tells Sirius could never quite quash, not when it came to Remus. Everything connected in their brain, his heart stopping for half a second.
That was where Sirius took them for their first date. Their absolutely disastrous first date that ended with them sitting on the pavement outside a food truck, Remus doing his best not to laugh while Sirius apologised and apologised, every inch of that stone cold, frustrated scientist gone. It was the day Remus realised that Sirius Black wasn't going to be some casual, fun fling. He was someone who either stuck around or broke Remus' heart.
He was so fucking glad it was the first one.
Well, up until that moment.
Sirius was going to fucking propose, wasn't he?
Same table, an actual vegan selection, the fact that he was wearing red? God, he was going to beat Remus to it!
Remus wasn't about to let that happen.
Sorry Lily, sorry Mary, Remus had to do something.
"Yeah, that sounds nice. I'll be right back, then we can leave." He turned and walked straight into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door as calmly as he could manage before pulling their phone straight out of their pocket.
He tapped the very inconspicously named 'L and M' groupchat, pressing 'call' and holding it to their ear.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up," Remus muttered under his breath, finally hearing Lily and Mary's voices through the phone.
"Remus?" Lily said, confusion laced thick through her voice.
"Hey, everything alright?" Mary asked.
"Hey, there's been a slight change of plans. How quickly can you get everything set up? Benchmark."
"Uh… if I pick Mary up, we could be there in ten minutes, so maybe… twenty five?" Lily concluded, and Remus nodded to himself.
"Twenty if everything goes smoothly," Mary piped up.
"Okay, right. Once you've finished setting everything up, don't leave. Just… hide somewhere, make sure Sirius doesn't see you leave."
"Sounds good, I'm leaving now," Lily said, the rustling of her keys sounding. "See you in a second, Mary. Good luck Remus!" With that, she hung up, Remus doing the same.
Twenty minutes. He could do that.
They pulled the lock free, opening the door and stepping out, phone sliding straight back into his pocket. He shot Sirius a smile.
"Right, should we head out?" They asked, Sirius nodding. "Let me just grab my keys." He walked over to the small key cabinet Sirius had made, pulling it open and frowning as he stared right at his small black car key, his astrology keyring attached to it. "Hm… have you seen my keys, love?" As he rustled through the rest of the keys, 'looking' for his, they pulled them off the hook along with Sirius' motorbike key.
There, no other options.
Sirius walked over, confused.
"They're not there?"
They spent ten minutes trying to 'find' Remus' keys.
Once his phone buzzed, a quick 'we've arrived, setting up now xx' coming from Mary, he 'found' the keys under the sofa. Fucking perfect. At least their new plan was actually falling into place.
He took his careful detour with a calm, unassuming look, Sirius not even batting an eye. Not until Remus got close to the Observatory and forced the car to stall. Sirius turned to Remus, concerned.
"Is everything alright?"
"I'm not sure, uh… hold on." He glanced around their surroundings, pretending to notice the Observatory for the first time. "Hey, I'm pretty sure Mary's working today. They can help." They pulled the car door open, stepping out and watching as Sirius did the same. He didn't even have to ask and Sirius followed.
Remus thanked everything in that moment that Sirius was into motorbikes instead of cars.
They walked into the Observatory hand in hand, the lights dimmed slightly. Remus smiled to himself as he surveyed the decorating job. It was fucking impressive, how quickly Lily and Mary had pulled everything together. There were fairy lights strung across every rail, with rose quartz, moonstone and aventurine crystals tumbled and carved into hearts and hanging off different surfaces. Remus owed them more than one night out.
Their eyes went to Sirius, watching as his eyes widened.
"Are those-? Those are love crystals," Sirius said carefully.
"Hm. Maybe there's an event," Remus observed calmly. "Come on, I think they work up here." They walked up the stairs together, Sirius watching everything in slight awe. He quite clearly hadn't bought Remus' event excuse, but Remus wasn't bothered in the slightest. He was still walking, still going.
As they reached the top of the stairs, Remus gently pushed a door open, listening to Sirius gasp.
The room was absolutely beautiful.
Darkened, soft carpeted flooring, and the ceiling was adorned in constellations. Thank fuck Mary worked there, they had only gone and brightened the Canis Major light. It dazzled, standing out so perfectly, so unbelievably Sirius-like, that Remus could almost feel his own breath catch in their throat.
"It's…" Sirius trailed off, stunned. He turned to Remus. "Is this…?"
"For you?" They finished for him, nodding. "Surprise, love." With that, he reached into his pocket, taking a deep breath and willing himself to stay in one piece until he had actually asked him. "Since the-"
"Hold on." Sirius seemed to snap out of his own shock, blinking harshly. "Wait. No, no, what are you doing?"
Remus frowned, confused. Their heart sped slightly. Was Sirius about to say no? Before he had even asked?
"Uh… well, I had a bit of a speech prepared before I actually asked you, love."
"You- Moony! I- Giovannis, I had a whole plan! I was going to-"
"I had a feeling." Remus interrupted smoothly, a small smile appearing on his face.
"You…" Sirius searched his face for a moment, before dropping his head into his hands. "God, of course you did. You're bloody psychic." Remus just shrugged, warmth spreading comfortably through his chest.
"So, what now?" He asked. They weren't exactly expecting Sirius to interrupt their proposal.
"I- I don't know,” Sirius said honestly, and Remus wanted to… well, laugh and cry. Everything was falling apart and falling together in a way that was so perfect.
"Well… since the night we first met, I knew you were going to stay on my mind," Remus started softly, watching as Sirius smiled at him. "You and that stubborn phone call, anyway." A laugh escaped both of them, then.
"I didn't think I could ever feel the way I do about you. Never," Sirius said gently.
"Being able to share my life and every aspect of myself with you has been the biggest honour I've had. I feel so fucking lucky that you've let me in, Padfoot." Remus' felt their face warm, a few tears starting to form.
"If- if you had told me ten years ago that you were going to swoop in, in that calm way of yours, and balance out everything that made me feel off kilter, I wouldn't have believed you, but… you do, Moony. You quieten the noise, stop the world from spinning off its axis," Sirius murmured, the hands that were still clasped tightening slightly.
"God, Sirius, if first loves are the strongest, then I must not have loved anyone before you. I love you so much it hurts."
"I- you complete some part of me that I had no clue wasn't complete. Like I had been walking around with half of a heart and didn't know it, until I met you."
Christ, it was actually happening, wasn't it?
Remus nodded, trying to string together the final few words.
"Will you marry me?"
"I- yes. Fuck, of course," Sirius said, voice practically a whisper as he threw his arms around Remus. Remus dropped his head against Sirius' shoulder, still slightly thrown at the way everything had turned out. "What about… you? Will you… marry me?" A loud laugh from Remus had them pulling away and kissing Sirius.
"Yeah," He said breathlessly, barely pulling away. "Think I might do, actually." As they felt Sirius smile against his lips, he realised just how perfectly everything had worked out.
Yeah, his proposal went a little… awry, but it was better that way.
It was their proposal, exactly how it should have gone.
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