#there are videos i can link but they spoil a lot of shit like endings for the first two games
staryarn · 2 years
Alright I've had enough What is Lor? You've posted enough, I'm intrigued
LOR stands for library of ruina, project moons second game. It'd also my catchall tag for project moon because changing all the posts to that is a lot of effort and I'm a mobile user.
Project moon has three games out: Lobotomy corporation, Library of Ruina, and the newly released Limbus Company (each with a lot of world building)
Lobotomy corporation is an scp manager (monster management etc), Library of Ruina is a deck building game (/ card game), and Limbus Company is a dungeon crawler rpg (I think?? Also a gacha but is f2p / free to play friendly)
Both lobotomy corporation and Library of Ruina share most of the same cast while Limbus company has a completely new cast (though the whole game isn't out yet so I have no idea if anyone from past games show up but I hope they do).
In both Lobcorp and LOR you have Angela and the 9 Sephirah (Maluth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth, Gebura , Chesed, Binah, and Hokma) as well as Roland in LOR. (I'm not about to name 9ff all of the reverberation ensemble but theyre the general antagonists of that game)
In Limbus company you have Dante, Vergilius, Charon , and the twelve sinners (Gregor, Rodion, Sinclair, Yi Sang, Ishmael, Heathcliff, Don Quixote, Hong Lu, Ryōshū, Meursault, Outis, and Faust).
All of these games take place in a place called The City. The city has 26 districts (A-Z but Z isn't on the map). The city has a place called a wing (megacorp who runs a district) which have nests (towns) , feathere (people inside the nests), and backstreets (the place the nest doesn't encompass. Also where syndicates control. Each being the Five fingers ( The Thumb, The index (hands out prescripts), The middle, The ring, and The pinky). Each syndicate has subsidiaries but I'm not getting into that). ) There are also Fixers (hired mercenaries). Theyre graded from 9 (lowest) to 1 (highest) and then given a color (color Fixers are higher than 1). Theyre given these ranks by the Hana association (big association that hands out fixer titles etc).
Notable Color Fixers are The red mist, the blue reverberation (guy in my icon), the purple tear, and the black silence. (The vermillion crost exists but I'm not mentioning that bc spoilers. Also the Red Gaze but that's for limbus company)
In Lobcorp you're tasked with managing your abnormalities (scp) to make power (and I won't spoil how that goes)
In LOR you're tasked with fighting people (in receptions) and turning them into books so Angela (head librarian) can learn more about the city
In Limbus company you're tasked with finding and retrieving Golden Boughs (leftovers from the seed of light)
This is the like, easiest way I can explain them without slapping spoilers all over the place and trying to explain them in full.
(Library of ruina cast shitpost meme)
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(+ the startup text / information that limbus company gives you when you download the game)
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Beware of spoilers but here are videos that probably can explain it better than I did (roughly two hours in length if you watch them all but you can scale it down by watching the last two)
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gerudospiriit · 1 year
[catch me liveblogging the final battle and shit under the cut tho aljdf]
[I wish I were livestreaming this fight rn but this is the best I got alsjkdfkjaf:
oh boo i have to fight dehydrated Gan--nevermind. how you doing, Gan? 😏 have a nice rest? you probably really should have rehydrated sooner to get used to having you know...a not corpse body by lets gooooooooooo.
plan of attack: wail on him and try to figure out his moveset. so far, it's kind of working 🤣
oh fuck he can do the witch time thing too fuck. but it's good you can dodge out of it.
it's really cool that he's a master of all three types of weapons like link. that's neat and terrifying.
you can't flip out of the flurry rush liek me that means im better than you lol
now it's demise's turn i see
now you brought in reinforcements. BUT MINE ARE BACK TOO ASSHOLE HAAAAAA
glad you're enjoying this as much as me man. this fight is pretty legit fun.
wow those were my pals how dare you. and don't taunt/beckon me like that unless you plan on a different kind of battle somewhere more comfortable ok
wow man was not just glooming my hearts but also stealing my hearts wow. that was pretty tough
oh is he gonna eat it. is this what got spoiled. oh shiiiit
oh is he just gonna look like calamity ganon ish? laaaame
oh i got eated. shit.
is zelda dragon gonna come save me?
ah nabs is hurting again good. great. her feels.
oh there we go. now we got dragon ganondorf
yeah theres zelda dragon gonna boop his nose. or catch me. preesh
imagine if they all just ate their stones. what a battle man
zelda. zelda plz. catch meeeeee. :'D in all seriousness tho this is a neato fight too like daaaaamn. jumping off dragons and shit? fuck yeh.
so does this mean zelda didn't lose herself? called that one. She's always special girl haha
okay but i really feel like ganondorf is just making the same mistake as jafar here, like esp in kingdom hearts since video game comparison. so far, this fight is so much easier, and part of that is because he can't really touch me.
skyward sword prepared me for these midair fights and sky diving.
oh that blood moon is a nice touch wow
where am i going? his head? jump straight in his mouth, got it. (jk i see the glowing weak point lmao)
rip ganondorf again
another head stab nice
catche meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. thnks
this is how you do a final battle fuck. botw was so lackluster in comparison. THIS is memorable holy shit
is link gonna go the way of goku at the end of gt? fly away on zelda's back?
rauru???? wait my clothes? where tf
oh we returning zelda back? oh rauru and sonia? wow
idk im gonna miss dragon zelda man. but she's baaaack. i knew it would happen but yaaaay
ey links arm is normal. and aw that's sweet. rauru and sonia leave together
gotta catch zelda now oh shiiit
im glad you understand cuz i don't. so did rauru and sonia like...keep her from losing herself? the warm loving embrace thing? or was that just want brought her back. the three of them together? their love and all that?
aklsjdf athat was honestly so good. liek im so glad they did amillion times better with totk than botw. *chef's kiss* im still confused af on a lot of things and might makes some more comprehensive posts about shit later, but this was a solid game outside of causing confusion lore 😭😭
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thesecrethunt · 10 months
Cut another ex-friend off last weekend. Very glad I did. He was an emotional vampire. If he’s not ranting about constant drama in his life, or talking mad shit about someone, or victimizing himself, he would go out of his way to find threads that make him mad on Twitter and link it in the group chat so he could rant about it.
Last weekend he did it again: Something about Billie Eilish saying something about body shaming. I don’t remember what was said, I only remember it being really stupid.
He went on this entire rant about how she was a stupid bitch and a spoiled brat and other lowkey misogynistic stuff.
I told him he was being unreasonably angry and that he should stop interacting with Twitter outrage porn.
He started cussing me out and giving me all of this shit about how I was “invalidating him and gaslighting” him and “clearly been holding this in for a while”. 🙄 I was so done and exhausted by him at that point. While he was sending me 5 paragraph long rants full of cussing and self pity to my two sentence responses, I didn’t even read all of it. It was just nothing but spite and nastiness and uncalled for insults. I just sat back and was thinking to myself like “Do I even like being around this asshole anymore? When was the last time he added to my peace instead of take away from it? I have been nothing but kind to him, but he seems perfectly comfortable throwing all this shit at my feet.”
I just let him cry and shit himself in the chat until he was done. Then, I just told him “You know what? You’re right. I completely invalidated your feelings, and I’m sorry. But the last time someone tried to mischaracterize me as some manipulative, hateful harpy, it ended up pretty terribly for me. So, it’s been nice, but I need to protect my peace.”
Then I cut him off and blocked him.
It was clear by the way he was so comfortable spitting all that vitriol my way that he didn’t think I would cut him off like nothing. People are always shocked when I leave them where they disrespected me the first time. You show me single a red flag and I will show you the door.
He was one of those “everybody always leaves me” people too. Draining to be around.
I have felt nothing but relief after leaving him behind.
The funny thing was, this happened literally a couple days after I began a weekend-long spell ritual for spiritual growth and healing.
Guess he wasn’t conductive to my growth 🤷🏽‍♀️
I got a video on my fyp the next day that said
“When you choose peace, it comes with a lot of goodbyes.”
He was one of the last from that friend group I left because of [redacted]. And I lowkey knew I would eventually have to let him go. He was seeing therapy so I was hoping he would start being better about it, but the second he turned that nastiness and anger toward me, I was done lmao. Because staying after that just teaches them that they can disrespect and say anything they want to you, and fear no consequence.
I genuinely hope all the vitriol he spewed over a Twitter thread was worth my friendship. Because that was what it cost him. And given he’s been losing friends left and right over shit like this, I hope he will learn from it.
But it’s more likely he won’t. He will just play victim like he always does.
0 notes
maxwell-grant · 2 years
Ask Round-Up: June
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Hi there! Got some time to spare so I figured I’d kick this one off first thing in the month,. A couple of points, as usual
-Happy Pride Month!
-I posted a video on Twitter recently dubbing a comic Dan Schkade did, and I’m linking it here to announce that I do intend to use my Twitter for stuff soon (mostly when I do start “The Grim Screen” proper, which is the name of that big mystery project I keep alluding to, and where the characters in my profile pictures come from). I’m still figuring out how I wanna use social media to share and promote my work in a way that isn’t more grating than it’s worth, I need to start trying new things, this being one of them. 
-It’s COLD-AS-SHIT here in Brazil, we’ve been getting hit with some of the absolute coldest days in the country’s history, honestly reminded me of when I spent some weeks in London during a winter. Getting raised in a tropical country absolutely does not prepare you for that kind of shit, especially when coats (and clothes in general) your size tend to be stupidly expensive. And COVID’s spiking again to the point most people can no longer pretend this pandemic ever ended. 
-I picked a stray cat off the garbage over a month ago and, after trying every available option to see if someone could take care of her, running a ton of tests and taking her to vets and looking after her in our studio, we ended up giving up on pretending we weren’t gonna adopt her. Currently in the process of moving her to our home and getting our house cat to adjust to the new presence and it’s, a work in progress. 
-Still massively busy due to musical theater, currently trying to get enough time to finish my resume and start looking for work elsewhere. 
-Currently caught between several juggling acts that have only gotten exponentially worse and more stressful since the first draft of this post but nevermind let’s go:
@jcogginsa asked:  So we just got a new Street Fighter VI Gameplay Trailer, with what seems to be a fairly massive change to the series' gameplay
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If anything, the gameplay seems to be the least changed aspect of it, or maybe it’s just the one I’m noticing the least because, frankly I don’t care about gameplay that much, but, wow, color me genuinely impressed with what they’ve shown so far. Just, Christ, this is what a major step forward finally feels like, not some faux-Alpha soft reboot or all-stars compilathon, no, they really are serious about taking Street Fighter to the future. Ryu, I already remarked at being pleased with them allowing Ryu to mature and change his outfit and role, but I’m far more impressed that they’re clearly letting Chun-Li follow suit as well, getting a slight visual overhaul (sort of a lightly-colored combination of her two key designs, SF2 and Alpha, with a characterization that seems to be building off her Third Strike era and a handful of new details like the change in bracelets and more exposed forehead to cement her maturity) and getting to show off a little as a teacher in the trailer. It feels nice to have good things to say about the direction they’re taking Chun-Li as a character (and oh thank god she’s got a new voice actor, I never liked Laura Bailey’s voice for her, this game really is spoiling me). 
They even got me onboard with having Luke stick around as the MC! Yeah, color me fucking shocked, but when he doesn’t look as much like Logan Paul a grotesque eyesore with a superfluous personality and he looks like a character that actually belongs in this world, and he gets a very neat-looking rival character to play off, yeah, I’m onboard with him. Really liked Jaime, too, I think he really sets a new standard for SF character design quite nicely, I like that just from a glance he pays homage to a lot of SF archetypes while very clearly being his own character (to a better extent than Luke, who seems to have been designed with the same idea in mind), love that he’s Street Fighter’s first take on the “drunken master” archetype except he’s not just a hokey old cliche but instead a fresh new spin on the archetype. This is what Street Fighter made it’s name on, this is what it should always be doing. 
Also saw that most of the starting roster was leaked a while ago, a couple of comments on that: I love that none of the OG World Warriors are coming back without some form of redesign, in particular I love Blanka’s new clothes and E.Honda looks cooler than ever. Not a fan of them finally being cowards enough to give Zangief pants but, fine, they are clearly scaling down the cartooniness of the prior installments, I get why the speedo had to go. Glad they kept Dhalsim’s beard while reverting back his bald head and, changing his necklace? Interesting. Very interested in what the hell’s going on with Ken, fucker looks more divorced with every new installment, kinda surprised that it’s Ken who looks like he’s got his shit together a lot less than Ryu this time around / and uh, I wrote this post before it was apparently leaked that Ken actually is divorced? The fuck? Curious to see how that goes.
LOVE LOVE LOVE GOUKI’S NEW LOOK, holy shit this is what he should have looked like in SFV to begin with, fuck, finally they made a redesign for him that doesn’t suck. Love that they seem to have incorporated one of the concept ideas they had for him for SFV, which was to have him wear the fur of a bear he killed, into his main design, because that is 100% a Gouki thing to do and it works masterfully with the lion / wildman imagery he’s already got going on.
Funny, I was JUST thinking the other day if they were ever gonna bring Dee Jay back and if they did, they were definitely gonna have to redesign him and tone down everything that made him look like a grotesque racist caricature or, at least, change it so that he doesn’t stick out as much compared to the other characters, which it seems like they did, I’m actually kinda shocked over how much I like how he looks now, he’s like 100 times better. I always did like Dee Jay’s concept as a fun-loving musician who, unlike the other characters, really was just in it to have fun, and I like that he actually looks the part now. LOVE that they brought Rashid back and redesigned him to look sexier, actually, I like that they seem to be a lot more willing to let the dudes look explicitly hot this time around at a similar and show more skin while the female characters look like they were made with looking cool as a priority over looking like someone’s fetish (might retract this statement depending on how Laura or Mika look like if they make it to the game).
Juri was obviously gonna come back, but I definitely prefer this look over the SFV bodysuit, not surprised Ed’s back but am mildly interested with where they’re taking him lore-wise. The new characters look a little samey and, to an extent they kinda look a little more like Tekken characters (but then again the whole aesthetic of this game reminds me a lot of Tekken), but I definitely like their look, and I definitely think they are gonna make a vastly better batch of newcomers than what IV and V had. I’m particularly interested in Marisa, JP, Kimberly and Aki. So, yeah, I’m definitely on board with where this game is heading. 
Anonymous asked:  Do you have any interest in seeing other parts of South America?
Sure. Already traveled through quite a bit of it, but I always wanna travel more, traveling’s one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately it’s also terribly expensive even besides the whole, cough, pandemic. But, yeah, I definitely miss traveling. 
Anonymous asked:  Excluding pastiche of the character like Swam, what is your favourite version of the phantom of the opera ?
Come to think of it I, don’t think I actually have one? My favorite Phantoms are the ones I make myself out of extensively curating and Frankensteining together the dozens and dozens of existing Phantoms, sort of like The Shadow but to a much greater extent since there’s hundreds of Phantom of the Opera stories out there and the character’s public domain. I guess for me it’s not so much particular “versions” of the character, so much as it’s particular ideas. 
I love Leroux’s Erik, I think the resolution to his story is still pretty unsurpassed (except by the one depicted in the short story “Beauty and the Opéra, or The Phantom Beast” by Suzy McKee Charnas, that one has by far the best take I’ve read yet on the Phantom x Christine relationship), I find myself lately appreciating a lot how remarkably childish and darkly humorous he’s written to be, way more than you’d ever expect the original take on The Phantom to be. I like Lon Chaney’s Phantom likewise for the humor and classic villainy he has fun with, particularly in his final scene. I like Ken Hill’s Phantom for similar reasons and he’s probably my favorite of the on-stage Phantoms I’ve seen or heard (I have some more, mixed, feelings for the ALW version, I wrote like a massive report on it recently so I don’t feel like talking about it for now). 
I love how BATSHIT HORRIFYING the Phantom of Althea Liu’s Christine is, I really like some of the ideas at play in the Charles Dance version (not a wholly satisfying take but, there’s some ideas in there I like, and honestly being played by Charles Dance does go a long way in at least getting my attention). I love how he’s drawn in the MAZM game (hadn’t had a chance to check it in full yet) and I have some other favorite artistic renditions of him by artists like Greg Hildebrandt, Kyu Ha and Anne Bachelier, to quote a few among many. I have a LOT of space in my files devoted to cataloguing Phantom media and anything adjacent to it as a reference point, I go through them every now and then whenever I start thinking about the kinds of Phantoms I want to create.
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Honorable mention right now goes also to the Cosmos Takarazuka Phantom played by Yoka Wao. I’ve never been remotely able to witness this play, there’s no records of it I can find online outside of this terrific review penned by @ancientphantom​, but reading that immediately shot this up into becoming one of my absolute favorite takes on the character to read about or imagine (reading that, during Christine’s debut, this version of The Phantom broke the 4th wall by actually going offstage to the orchestra pit in order to personally conduct the orchestra went a long way in making this my favorite show that I’ll never get to watch, seriously, what a brilliant usage of the character). 
@thedeathalchemist asked:  Since you are doing musical theater, do you have any favorite musicals (can be both stage and film)?
Actually not that many, especially when it comes to stage since music theater shows tend to be terribly expensive. This might seem weird coming off the previous ask, and the fact that I did this big writing assignment on it, but I don’t actually consider the ALW Phantom among them (it’s, weird, the history I have with that play, but I don’t dislike it though). Among the ones that come to mind would be The Lion King (I was a little young to “get” the worship people have for Lion King when I watched the movie, but the play definitely instilled that impression on me), and Morte e Vida Severina gets a very strong recommendation from me.
For film, definitely my number one pick would be Phantom of the Paradise, followed by Little Shop of Horrors and The Prince of Egypt, and now Descendants 2. I watched the whole Descendants trilogy recently and I definitely have a lot of thoughts on it, but Descendants 2 in particular is shockingly good, trust me, it’s worth putting up with the first movie (not bad but, not terribly interesting) to get to it. Speaking of Descendants, I also gotta put it’s older sibling High School Musical here, mainly for 2 and 3 (my favorites being, every number done by Sharpay or Ryan across all three films, the “Troy has a mental breakdown” songs, and “The Boys are Back”, which almost kinda redeems Chad for a second). I also really liked The Happiness of the Katakuris which is, kind of a musical, it’s kind of a whole bunch of things but I don’t remember enough of it to talk more of it. Otherwise I’m not terribly familiar with musicals enough to have a proper list. Get back to me after I’m done with musical theater and that might change.
@krinsbez asked:  So, apparently, Dan Schkade has posted a list of "Batman Hot Takes" which includes Alfred being a retired Shadow. Thoughts?
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Not something I would write personally in my takes on either character, but I like it primarily because Dan’s reasoning of “He goes from The Master to a servant, shaping the next generation” is a rock-solid foundation for where The Shadow should go as a character if he were to actually “retire” for real. I’d seen this idea of his a while back and actually, this was kind of a crucial puzzle piece that went into my thought process for my “The Shadow meets Cassandra Cain” post, I was wracking my head thinking of ways for these hardline incompatible characters could co-exist or work together and then I found this on his tweets and stuff just kinda clicked together. It made perfect sense. 
I also like it because Alfred already kind of embodies a “prior generation” of crimefighter in how usually he’s written to reference James Bond, and because Alfred’s generally a character who already carries some kind of mystery and intrigue in his backstory, part of what makes him work as an all-timer anciliary character comes from us not knowing much about his life other than the myriad of skillsets he once had as the most awesome man on the planet and how that life culminated in him eventually becoming the right-hand man to the current most awesome man on the planet. The Batman crossovers even kinda played around with the idea of The Shadow effortlessly being able to become Alfred even without Bruce noticing.
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You could make a very good point based on how well this gap in Alfred’s past fits with the existing gap in The Shadow’s post-1949 future, how seamlessly you could make it so one ends where the other begins, and besides, Alfred’s main vocation besides butler is often established to be that of an actor, which is almost 90% of the time in fiction code for “this character isn’t what they say they are / don’t trust everything they say”. Is it really that unbelievable that Alfred was just, one in a million other names in a lifetime of fighting against evil by adopting different monikers and identities?
Again, not something I’d go for or establish “canonically”, largely because I don’t want The Shadow to be tied down to Batman more than he’s already perceived to be publicly, but the logic and thematic worth here is quite sound.
Anonymous asked:  Related to that last question, which fighting game franchise has your favorite lore, and/or the lore that you would most want someone to expand on in another type of work?
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Besides the two big ones I already talk about on the regular (Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat), definitely Capoeira Fighter, created by Scott Stoddard (who you can see above in the line-up, as he jokingly inserted himself into the game as a character called “Maionese”, portuguese word for mayo, I was frankly surprised to learn he was North-American). I’ve known about it for a long while but it was only recently that I started doing some looking into it and it’s character designs, and I’m only just now discovering that the creator of this was also the creator of Mad Shark and Robot Unicorn Attack, and the only social media he seems to have is his Youtube channel. Looking up Capoeira Fighter and it’s creator company, Spiritonin, nets you basically just dead pages and zombie pages still up that don’t work anymore because the game was made for Flash, so, yeah, it’s hard to even call Capoeira Fighter a franchise when it largely consists of mostly tech demos and one game that is pretty much gone unless you look for it in BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint.  Capoeira Fighter 3 does look a lot more polished and boasts a lot more than could ever be feasibly expected from a flash fighting game, including an interactive Arcade Mode where you can make choices that affect your character’s storyline. 
I regret that I didn’t get to play Capoeira Fighter 3 before the death of Flash, because looking it up makes me frustrated. There’s quite a lot to like here. This is absolutely a series that I would love to see get a proper shot under the sun with a budget and some more polish (gameplay definitely could use some work still), there’s a lot of incredible stuff here.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fighting game, or even a game really, where I look at the characters and recognize not just the pop culture archetypes they draw from, but I also recognize people in them, real people I’ve met. Both of it’s main masters, Mestre Loka and Mestre Rochedo, are opposites and yet they both look unmistakably like real fighting masters and people I’ve trained under (Loka in particular). You see the Muay Thai girl in the image above, named Chompoo? Not only is she the 2nd woman in fighting games who uses Muay Thai, but she’s the only one who actually looks like it (King is by leaps and bounds my favorite of the SNK girls but she’s evidently not dressed for combat), but she actually kinda reminds me of my teacher’s wife (the absolute scariest person I’ve ever seen fight Muay Thai, not even joking, he loves talking about her and showing me videos of his tiny and lovely and terrifying wife tearing down opponents twice her size in the ring), I bring this up because this game's authenticity absolutely deserves praise as well as it's character design. Look at the other two characters above, Ramba and Buldogue, and I’m gonna post this excerpt from BigMex’s article on it that better summarizes the two and part of what is so great about this game:
The diversity of the characters could not be understated. There were 15 unique capoeiristas, in addition there were 13 other "World Warrior" type characters that represented other fighting styles like Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do and boxing. It was not the sheer number that made the game unique but instead the showcase of figures. 
 In other fighting games, the playable characters were always roughly the same size and body type. They never had an ounce of fat on them, and were never too short or tall. Capoeira Fighter 3 had every skin color and body type that a person could imagine. The various tones and shades of skin suggested that several characters were of mixed marriages, mulatto or even native. 
There was a character that reflected just about every type of gamer there was, including the young and old. None of them seemed feeble when competing against fighters in their prime. 
Very few games, before or after, had put as many minority characters in the roster. Very few games had ever put minorities in prominent roles for the accompanying story. The lineup featured tall, skinny, fat, short, muscular and average build body types. Even the heroic Mestres could not have been more opposite
Ramba had actually been away from competition because she was busy at the university. She was asked by Mestre Loka to look after his students. She reluctantly agreed as it would be a good excuse to get away from law school for a moment. 
Along the way, Ramba met Buldogue and offered her a better life. Ramba knew that Buldogue was a strong fighter, but had never been given an opportunity outside of the roda (fighting circle). Buldogue had been used as hired muscle by other characters in the game and Ramba wanted to get her out of that life. She knew that the bruiser was actually respected by the community, especially the poor that lived in the favela or ghetto. 
If she were able to get an education and become known for something other than fighting, then Buldogue could become an inspiration for other women trapped by their situation. Players were given a choice whether to team up Ramba and Buldogue or to play solo. The purpose of Ramba in the game was not to beat the main villain, but instead to help guide those in need. 
If players completed the game solo, then Ramba learned what she was really fighting for. She earned her degree, but decided to open her own firm to help the less fortunate. If she teamed up with Buldogue, she became a mentor and enrolled her in school, while still working double-duty as a lawyer.
Strong, positive, dynamic, interesting minority female characters that didn't need to flash skin to get noticed? There had been few and far between for over 25 years. Designers in Japan and the US had lost focus on how they could introduce new faces without relying on pandering or stereotype. 
Characters could color the perception of gamers after all. When done in a positive light they could stop perpetuating stereotypes. Capoeira Fighter 3 had set a standard that would be hard for many developers to follow.
And, man, do I wish Capoeira Fighter 3 actually did set a standard to be followed by the bigger fighting game studios, especially in how they approach black or Brazilian characters. It’s hard going back to those now, seeing a different standard as to what they could be like. So many franchises these days are getting unexpected revivals or glow-ups, I would absolutely be onboard to see Capoeira Fighter get this kind of treatment or to even write and conceive stuff for it myself.
Maybe 2D fighting games have gone with the wind again (platform fighters seem to be growing more as the new rage) but, man, it would break my heart to see this be forgotten, and it very easily could have been. I absolutely do not want this to go the way so many other flash games did, I think Capoeira Fighter's truly remarkable and I would love to see it be revived in some form (or maybe I should just finally take a crack at game design already and make my own fighting games, who knows).
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radnewspaperroom · 2 years
Latest Lesson Feelings
If you aren't caught up and don't want spoiled, don't look, scroll away!
Did anyone else feel cheated during the whole Satan runs away chapter?
I know we already had a chapter dealing with Satan and his insecurities and whatnot but I felt so wronged when they had MC just randomly summon Lucifer to rhe human world, like its nothing. And had them work it out themselves. I get that it's not healthy to always rely on MC for therapy, I just felt like there was another way to set it up and end it than that.
Demon summoning was hyped up for many lessons to be this hard af spell to do. Solomon has preached about how he has no doubt MC can do it, but there's a LOT of fundamentals to learn first. That was just a season ago. This season starts off with MC just learning teleportation magic?
Mc hasn't even mastered teleportation across worlds with multiple people,(can manage 2 near the target, but 3 across worlds takes them a few times and wears wears them down).
Yet just the next day they can summon Lucifer as if they've been doing it all along?
Like Beel before him, I think Satan running off to the human world should have had a link back to his feelings for MC and the insecurities he was dealing about about being so busy.
The fight with Lucifer should have only been a straw the broke the camels back kinda thing. Lucifer doesn't seem to be having any issues with MC not having as much time for him. Probably because he's so annoyingly perfect. Why was it bothering him so much? Then when Lucifer compared the twos work ethic, tap into his insecurities as a person.
It never should have been fully about Satan and Lucifer's relationship. We've seen them hash it out time and time again. Satan needs to a grow a little in that category and develop problems aside from cats and Lucifer.
He came to the human world partly to get away from Lucifer, but partly because he wanted to feel closer to MC and since they're human--why not go to the human world? They'd come back to it eventually right? They won't be so busy with Diavolo, his brothers or RAD work then.
Then they'd have no choice but to be with him, cause they couldn't summon any of the others to bring him home or butt in on their time together. He could prove to be better than Lucifer.
I think talking with MC should have helped Satan work through his own hangups about their relationship, their relationship with Lucifer and realize that MC will always love him, not as reflection or piece of lucifer, but Satan himself.
Weve seen Lucifer and Satan work their shit out before. With the body swap we saw it in the video game where Lucifer protected him and made a point of referring to him as his younger brother. At the end, we see Lucifer admit that when it comes to work at RAD, he never has to worry about Satan's work. That it's on par with his own, and he reliable. Also, we had a scene where Lucifer points out all the ways they were different, "you like to read, I prefer music. Your favorite animals are cats while I like dogs." Etc.
The reasoning behind it was weaksauce compared to Beelzebub's moment on the kitchen when he's hovering and pestering about the food. Seeing MC make food food Mammon at his request made him upset and realize they hadn't been spending much time together and was touched when he found out MC went out of their way to buy him food to make for dinner. It was sweet, it was a tender moment and well thought out for his character.
I feel like, and it coulda been handled better for Satan and I hope they do better for the other boys. Even if they kept the shenanigans with the potion, it could have been a fear of his that MC will leave him unless he changes himself, rather than....whatever the excuse was to make him absolutely bland af and somehow be more like Lucifer??
Also, anyone else had hoped MC woulda splashed something on Raphel at the end of the lesson? Like...holy fuck my dude....
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
1K notes · View notes
shreddedleopard · 4 years
Twelve-million more reasons Historia and Levi are part of the Endgame. With Pictures.
You can read the first post I made on this here:
10 reasons it would make narrative sense for Levi and Historia’s character arcs to end together.
(This is the mega-evolved version.)
Okay, I’m going to put this out there now, and before you judge me, please just read the posts. You don’t have to agree. This is just an idea. But it makes a stupid amount of sense, at least to me. So here's your fair warning (and now I'm being bold): If you don’t want to potentially be spoiled, Do Not Read On.
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Here’s the Theory:
Historia Reiss will give birth to a half-Ackerman child, and together with Levi, from the ashes and ruins of the world Eren destroyed, they will welcome the dawn of a new age for humanity, where Ymir’s curse and the power of the Titans is extinct.
I know. I sound like some crazy, Rivahisu nut. Granted, I am, but I’m not mad enough to make a claim like this without a shit-ton of evidence, because it’s such a damn twist it feels like it can’t be true. But just humour me.
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Here’s the theory, then we’ll look at why it makes sense and how it might have been foreshadowed. Please note: I have less clue how this will tie in to Eremika endgame, so I haven’t mentioned this as much, but obviously that will be the other very important side of this coin.
10 months ago (In Japan, full term pregnancy is counted as 10 months), at the banquet celebrating completion of the new railroad, Levi and Historia, having had 3 and a bit years to bond over their shared experiences and become close, may have gotten carried away together and shared one night of being a bit more than friends. She’s well into her 18th year at this point, just to clear that up. This resulted in Historia getting pregnant. Okay just stay with me; I know. I know. I sound crazy. But hear me out. So this pregnancy, contrary to the belief of the MPs and rest of the damn world, was the complete opposite of planned. Historia tells Levi, and Levi immediately panics. Because, to steal Kenny’s famous line, Levi thinks to himself ‘I can’t be some kid’s dad.’
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 Levi does what he always does best, and shuts down into business mode, telling Historia she will need to cover it up somehow. Historia does as he asks, probably reluctantly, because she really has developed very deep feelings for him during the timeskip, and finds some farm hand to take the blame, likely saying she made a silly mistake with some random and the father doesn’t want anything to do with the child, and so she needs a father for the child not to be illegitimate. Which is her worst nightmare, because of course, that’s what she was. Levi watches the exchange hidden in that famous hood, feeling very conflicted, because although he cares about her, he thinks it best if no one knows that it was him that got the Queen pregnant, and of course, he’s duty bound, with a vow to fulfil, so he has no time to be worrying about a family. (Silly Levi!) 
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How ironic this conversation would be if this theory were true. Remember, Historia was completely willing to eat Zeke if needed. Instead, she got pregnant, unplanned, nothing to do with any plot or selfish wishes, just the result of a spontaneous act of love by two people who’ve grown to care for one another a lot. ANYWAY.
Because we know Levi actually has a good heart, he feels immensely guilty for all of this; he's just a product of his upbringing and thinks he doesn’t know the first thing about families, so it's better for all involved if he not be. See where this is going? The old cursed history repeating? Making the same mistakes as our parents? Plus, Levi is bound by his duty. He is incredibly important to the military still, and he cannot just abandon this for any of his own selfish wishes. He’s supposed to be the one to vanquish the beast titan. 
Cue ten months of Historia looking hella depressed and hopeless, and Levi being even more of an asshole than usual to everyone, and not really wanting to say too much at all, as well as making some terrible workplace decisions (lol) poor boy be distracted.
Look at his face 😭
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Yes Levi. A month. Which means Historia is now due and you’re still stuck with beardy, without a solution and pretty soon no reason for the MPs not to turn the mother of your child into a Titan.
That’s what that face is. I thought he looked a bit weird first time I read these panels 🤔 He didn’t know about the wine. We see that later. Anyway, I keep getting distracted, stop. I’ll come back to this.
But fear not; Levi will have a choice to make. 
So this is where it gets a bit more iffy for me, because I'm not sure how it would work, so this could be a way off, BUT. I believe it will come to light that the combination of Royal and Ackerman genes will somehow cancel out a person’s ability to turn into a titan and connection through paths, thus making them truly ‘free.’
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The founding titan has the ability to change Eldian physiology, according to what Zeke learned from professor Xavier. 
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EDIT: Okay so here’s where I’ve had to tweak this a bit in light of there latest chapter. So we just had Zeke in PATHS. With none other than our second resident genius, and as proclaimed by Eren, the saviour of humanity: Armin. What do our boys have a conversation about? Reproduction and the importance of the small moments in life - it’s these little moments which matter, regardless of the desire or need to recreate. Interesting how both the leaf and baseball link back to what their ideas of ‘family’ became. If Historia and Levi were to be in the same scenario in PATHS, what would their items be? What truly means family to them both? 
Perhaps Armin and Zeke realise what is needed to lift the curse of the titans - maybe a blueprint for genes which can cancel out the connection to PATHS and the founder? If only they had a child with a new type of Royal-Ackerman DNA which might fit the bill ... 
Here’s Levi’s moment. He, with Historia, has created such a child - completely by accident, because of one of those ‘moments’ that both Armin and Zeke mention - moments that are simply just about enjoying what you have with no sense of how it might relate to anything bigger - a real rarity for both of them, considering their roles and constantly being asked to think about the good of humanity as a whole. What a beautiful irony, that in the moment they chose to be selfish and, to use freckled Ymir’s own words, really live for themselves, they set a chain reaction in motion that would ultimately save humanity. 
Where does this leave Eren and Mikasa? Good question. I believe Eren will die once the curse is removed, because tragically he is the character that has been forced to choose humanity over his own personal relationships. As Isayama has said before, Eren is a victim of the story. Mikasa will be the last thing he sees, hence the original dream at the start of the manga, where he wakes up crying. Something like this. But probably a lot better. Yeah.
Out of the ashes of the old world, a new one will be built, but through Historia’s kindness and love, and Levi’s guilt and understanding of what was sacrificed in the past, society will not repeat the same mistakes. The final panel could be Jean holding his child, perhaps with Mikasa, if she ever manages to get over losing Eren. That would be vague enough so that Isayama was able to show it to us already without spoiling much. Or maybe Jean’s dead and it’s not him at all. I don’t know. 😭
Right. Okay. So now you’re going, sweet story, but uh, there’s no way Levi could be the father. He’s so much older. Isayama wouldn't write a moment of romance like that. Not with him and Historia. YOU’RE JUST CRAZY.
Well this is where it get’s interesting. LET ME SHOW YOU. It’s foreshadowed literally everywhere. Right under our noses.
There is so much symbolism.
Dedicate your heart to what? has been Levi’s question recently. What are they all fighting for? What is he fighting for? How will he give meaning to his dead comrades sacrifices? Is killing Zeke really the extent of it? Is vengeance the true meaning of their sacrifices? Or is it something a lot more hopeful?
The answer is shown to us in the opening credits. And the ending credits. Several times. 
Levi says so himself - he keeps messing fulfilling the vow up - why? Why is he so worried about killing Zeke? 
Eren has the same questions to consider. Which PATH is the right one to take - revenge and violence with the rumbling, or love ... with Mikasa. We are literally shown what their choices will be in two virtually identically designed panels, which I’ll show you. Tragically, Eren’s choice is taken from him. He is a victim to the story - he must chose the path that saves humanity. Levi and Eren have been bound together through the theme of choices, and taking the ones which leave you with the least regrets, throughout this entire manga.
The upcoming anime episodes literally plot out the timeline of Levi and Historia’s changing attitude to one another, and then Historia’s pregnancy, it’s just so cleverly subtle. Isayama even tells us when/ during what event her child was probably conceived by just dropping dates in from other, seemingly unrelated plot lines.
Zeke gives pointed comments to Levi constantly - every other line of his is either a different jab at Levi about Historia’s pregnancy, a veiled question, or a reminder that he’s under the pressure of a 10 month time limit to do something about him, or Historia will have to eat him once she’s given birth. We start to see Levi unravel because of this, and make mistakes over and over.
It’s in official art. It’s in the soundtrack. Its in music videos. There’s interviews from Isayama that, when read in light of these ideas, suddenly take on a whole new meaning.
Isayama even trolls us. He’s laughing in our faces, the madman. Like, gotchu 🤣 suckers. While we’re all on Reddit and Twitter like, ‘Levi’s character has become so stagnated! He’s making such poor choices or not giving anything to the plot at all. All that’s left for him now is to give up and die! Be at peace, your story is over.’ OOF. Or, ‘Historia has just been forgotten! She’s become such a pointless character. Isayama just got bored with her and sidelined her.’
I’m going to try and write stuff up in the rough categories below, but these might change. I’ll link them when I’m done, and then pin this post. I’m a bit of a rambler so heads up - this may take a while 😅
There’s also a ton of people I have to mention who have contributed to this - I didn’t spot it by myself. I’ll tag them in the finished post too.
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 1
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 2
Historia and Levi’s Miscalculation: A manga tale featuring the Jaeger Bros., Pt. 3
Ackerman-Royal Bloodline and Levi’s Choice Pt. 1
Levi’s Choice Pt. 2
Suns, Moons and Songs
Akatsuki No Requiem - Right theory, Wrong guy
The Farmer and The Cattle Farming Goddess, or WHAT’S IN A NAME.
Mistakes of our parents and breaking the cycle
Memories from the future & Levi’s Guilt
Watch this space. And hold on to your pants. If I’m right, I’m getting very drunk.
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A Dragon Is Not A Slave
Chapter 2: Field of Fire
Summary: The teams converge in Canada to attack the hidden Hydra compound. They quickly see how formidable the secret weapon is.
Notes: If you’ve seen Game of Thrones, you’ll recognize a lot of the battle from the end of episode Spoils of War. Mainly how Drogon is used, lol! If you haven’t, I’ll link the YouTube clips below.
Triggers for the video clips: violence, blood, fire, and language. It is Game of Thrones after all.
If you don’t want to watch it, you can use Spotify to find the season 7 soundtrack and listen to Spoils of War part 1 & 2.Hold onto your butts, this is going to be a long chapter, lol!
Spoils of War - 1  Spoils of War - 2
Outside the Avengers’ hanger, SHIELD, the Avengers, and more X-Men gathered in front of their respective planes: SHIELD’s ‘bus’, the Quinjet, and the X-Jet. Fury was talking to the SHIELD agents while Steve and Tony prepped the Avengers. They all felt this would have been easier if Thor was with them, but they were going to have to make due. Tony made sure to emphasize that no harm was to come to the mutant.
“If we eventually want her on our side, we got to show her we’re better than Hydra.”
“Well said, Mr. Stark.” Professor Xavier rolled over to the Avengers with his X-Men in tow. “I felt I should properly introduce my team before we reach the battle site.”
“You’re going with us, Professor?”
“Of course. My mutation will give me the unique ability to freeze the young lady in place if we can manage to get her on the ground.”
“If you can do that, why don’t you just get into her mind and make her surrender?”
“Because of what you just said, Mr. Stark. We have to prove we are better than Hydra. And going into this troubled young lady’s mind and forcing her to do something she doesn’t want would put us on their level.”
“Good point. So who’s joining us today?”
“You already met Logan and Piotr. They will go by Wolverine and Colossus during the standoff. I also have Cable, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Yukio.”
“Unique names, that’s for sure.”
“Don’t forget Wade,” Logan grunted.
Charles sighed. “Yes, of course. Though I do wish he had stayed behind at the mansion.”
“You know we would have come back to that place in a thousand pieces.”
“I’m sorry, who is this now?” Tony looked back and forth between the two men.
“Wade Wilson. He refers to himself as Deadpool. A bit of a wild card for this assignment, but he insisted on tagging along.”
“Knowing his luck, he’ll get toasted like a marshmallow and we’ll have to deal with him growing his limbs back,” Logan smirked.
Tony did a double take. “I’m sorry, did you say 'grow his limbs back’? Like some sort of lizard?”
Logan chuckled. “Lizards aren’t this annoying.”
Tony shook his head and hit the nano casing so his suit would form over his body as the team climbed into the Quinjet. He turned to Bucky. “Is there anything else we should know about, Barnes?”
“Yeah. She has superhuman strength. Like, almost on the level of Thor or the Hulk.”
“No, her mutation. It’s what gives her the ability to use her wings for flight and fighting.” Bucky climbed onto his bike. He was heading straight to the CIA headquarters to help Agent Ross prepare the crew for the asset’s arrival.
Coulson walked past with his SHIELD team to head to their bus, a large plane outfitted specifically for missions such as these. “Can you tell us how far her fire stretches?”
“Nearly thirty feet, so try not to get too close. She’ll also have a collar around her neck.”
“A collar?” Coulson stopped dead in his tracks.
“Multi use. During battle it’s to make sure she stays within fifty miles of her handlers. In the base it ‘turns off’,” Bucky made air quotes, “her mutation so she can’t breathe fire or use her strength.”
“Almost like a DMC collar.” Logan observed.
“A what?” Tony looked back at the mutant.
“DMC collar. It’s used when a mutant’s arrested to keep their powers at bay. Cruel shit.”
“Cruel or not, it’s what will be implemented once we capture this creature.” Secretary Ross strolled up with Agent Ross at his heels. “It’s the only way to ensure the safety of every team member in order to transport her to headquarters.”
Tony rolled his eyes and looked back at the Professor. “Guess we’ll see you guys out there. Hopefully this won’t drag out too long.”
Soon the three teams were airborne as the CIA headed back to DC to await the arrival of the mutant. It didn’t take long to find the Hydra base buried deep in the Canadian wilderness. Tony reached up and switched his comm on and all three teams were instantly linked thanks to a little rewiring done by FRIDAY.
“Ok everyone, heads up. Barnes also said that they won’t lead with the mutant right off the bat so we’ll have to go in with a big stick to poke that wasp’s nest. They also move her around a lot so if we don’t catch her today, it just means overtime in manhunt hours.”
“Hey, I got a big-”
“Wade, shut your ugly mug!” Cable growled over the comms. “No one gives a shit about what you keep in that dumbass suit of yours.”
“Well, I’m going to need lots of liquor once this is over,” Clint shuddered in the pilot’s seat.
“We need to come up with a plan, Stark.” Coulson interrupted. “The plans are showing that the south side of the compound backs a mountain so it’s not feasible to surround it.”
“Not on that side, but we can still make a semi-circle around the rest of it,” Logan offered up.
“Good idea. Rhodey, Vision, Sam, and I will take to the skies and see if an air assault won’t provoke them to release the beast. The rest of the Avengers can cover the west entrance.”
Melinda May, Coulson’s second in command, chimed in. “SHIELD will set down the bus back a hundred miles so it won’t get torched and use the SUV we keep on board to meet you guys at the location. That way if anything happens to your guys’ planes, we still have a way of getting out that won’t involve walking. We’ll cover the east entrance to the building.”
Coulson spoke up. “We’ll also transport the mutant once we’re done as we have a holding cell on board that will work for the relatively short flight.”
“Sounds like we got the north entrance, Professor,” Logan noted. “Why don’t the SHIELD agents keep Hydra busy once they come pouring out? Some members of the X-Men are made to have fire thrown at us and come out unscathed so we should be the ones to take the brunt of the secret weapon.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Coulson conceded.
Once the teams landed, everyone moved into position. The X-Jet and the Quinjet were set back only 40 miles but at the tree line so it wouldn’t be as easily accessible to a Hydra attack. Natasha was the first one to speak up.
“Ok, either they know we’re coming and they don’t care or we actually got the jump on them. Last time we hit a Hydra base, they had posts every fifty yards.”
“My vote is for the former. If this mutant is as dangerous as Bucky says, and moved often, they probably aren’t going to waste the time and effort in setting up scouts.” Steve pulled on his helmet and removed his shield to be ready.
Tony, Rhodey, Sam, and Vision immediately took to the skies and split up to take a separate corner of the compound’s roof. Tony took the lead. “FRIDAY, scan the building to look for any weak points. We need to poke that nest.”
“Right away, boss.”
“Mr. Stark,” a voice poured out of the speakers that were stationed along the outside of the compound. “Do not trouble yourself. If you wish to play with our pet, then your wish is our command.”
“How do you know that’s why we’re here?” Tony continued to use FRIDAY to scan the property.
“We’ve remain hidden for quite a while, but we knew it was only a matter of time. Now tell me, how well can you dance with a dragon?”
Suddenly, what little sunlight was peeking through the clouds became covered. On the ground, a black shadow in the shape of a person with large wings began to circle the groups. The teams looked up to see a woman clad in black leather and boots, occasionally flapping her wings to remain gliding. As if given a silent command, she instantly began to dive straight for the two jets at the tree line.
The speakers uttered one more word, “dracarys.”
Fire poured out of the mutant and set the X-Jet on fire, causing the X-Men to flee from the jet. Colossus picked up the Professor’s wheelchair and dashed into the woods to set him a safe fifty feet away from the action. The mutant banked right as she reached the ground, the tip of her wing barely skimming the dirt. Deadpool tried to tackle her to the ground but was met with a spiked tail to his face when she whirled at the last minute to defend herself.
“Fuck sticks!” He cursed as he slammed back into a tree.
Cable pointed his gun at her hovering back and fired. The blast knocked her forward and she used the momentum to somersault and twist in the air so she was then facing the time traveler. Cable was struck by how beautiful and fierce she looked; it was something he wasn’t prepared for. You hear dragon and you forget the human part that was still remaining. The mutant used this pause to her advantage and pumped both wings at once, causing a gust of wind to blow Cable back fifty yards.
“Fuck, I’m too old for this shit,” Cable grunted as he landed.
Hydra agents began to spring out of the compound and dashed towards the SHIELD agents. Nat and Clint raced off to give them a hand, followed by Wanda and Steve. Negasonic produced an energy blast causing several Hydra agents to fall backwards. The chaos on the field temporarily had everyone forgetting the dragon now circling overhead.
“Hey Tin Man!” Logan shouted. “Can you toss me at her? If I can get a hold of her, the weight of my skeleton should bring her down.”
“Niet, that would not be advisable, Logan.” Colossus answered. “We must wait for Avengers to ground her.”
Logan grumbled and went to find high ground to try to provoke the mutant to attack. The mutant dropped again, this time setting the Quinjet on fire.
“Don’t touch my stuff!” Tony complained as he flew after the dragon. She spun midair and let out a stream of fire in his direction. Stark dodged it just in time. “Ok, fine. I guess I can learn to share.”
With Clint and Natasha handling the Hydra agents, Coulson and May gathered some of the SHIELD team. “Line up and take aim! The guns we provided for this mission are armed with taser bullets. It won’t hurt her but it should bring her down.”
“Yes, sir!”
The group got into formation and took aim at the mutant. She must have sensed them as in mere moments she was changing her direction midair and flying straight down at the group.
“Ready! Aim!”
All agents pointed their guns at the descending mutant.
Just as the guns were fired, the mutant turned to her right, wrapped her wings around her body, and rolled into a sideway somersault over the group. The bullets bounced harmlessly off the wings. Before she hit the ground, she opened her wings back up, pumped them twice to gain height, and immediately set the SHIELD SUV on fire.
“Goddamnit. Stark, it’s all up to you. We’re pretty much sitting ducks down here.”
“Copy that, Phil. Rhodey, we need to team up to get her to land. Sam, you and Vision distract her while Rhodey and I each come up on one side of her.”
“And then what, Tones? Wave at her? Nothing seems to work on her and I don’t feel like being roasted inside my War Machine armor.”
While they argued, Colossus managed to grab the dragon’s tail before she could climb back into the sky. That enraged her and she instantly turned on the all metal mutant, letting out an ear piercing shriek. But Colossus refused to let go.
“Come, little one,” his thick Russian accent was filled with concern, “we are only trying to save you from Hydra. Come with us.”
As an answer, she spun at lightning speed and used her strength to pull Colossus off the ground, over her head, and slam him into the ground. Then she grabbed her own tail with both hands and opened up her mouth to shoot fire at Colossus. He closed his eyes against the blast and tried to keep hold of the tail. But soon his metal skin began to glow from the flames and he was forced to let go.
“Bozhe moi!” Colossus watched as the mutant took to the skies again.
A tiny airplane-like droid then whizzed by the mutant’s head. She whipped her head just in time to see Sam fly by her. “Better catch up, dragon lady.”
Sure enough, she took the bait and began to fly after Sam, shooting out flames at him in annoyance. One stream barely missed one of his wings.
“Uh, Vision? Any day now.”
Vision shot a beam out of the gem in his head, missing the mutant by inches. She spun around and roared in Vision’s direction.
“Guys, you gotta bring her lower. If we attack now the fall might kill her.” Tony ordered.
“I got this,” Clint fired off an arrow and the dragon instantly locked eyes on his location. “Uh, shit.”
“Way to think that through, Barton.” Nat complained. She grabbed Clint by the quiver and pulled him away as a stream of fire headed towards them.
Steve tossed his shield at her, hoping the impact would knock her down a few feet. Instead, she caught it just like Bucky had a few years ago. Without missing a beat, she spun and hurled it back. Cap was barely able to get out of the way before it struck the ground, burying itself three-fourths of the way.
“We’re just gonna have to go for it, Tones, and hope we can catch her before she lands. At this rate, we won’t have a team left.”
“Alright, Rhodes. Hit her with the sonic canon and I’ll blast that collar right off her.”
All four airborne Avengers surrounded the dragon. Sam used Red Wing one more time to distract her and that’s when Tony and Rhodey struck. The collar came off at the exact moment the sonic canon hit her head. She passed out briefly and began to free fall to the ground.
“Give me a little juice, FRIDAY.” Tony began to pick up speed in order to catch the falling mutant.
But it didn’t matter. Shortly before hitting the ground she gained consciousness and flapped her wings to slow her descent. She rolled when she hit the ground, landing with one knee bent up and the other leg beneath her. Right in her field of vision on the ground was her old collar. Slowly reaching up, she felt the rough skin from where the collar once was. Everyone on the ground could read her expression as it went from confusion to realization to joy.
“Get her back! Now! The Avengers can’t have her!”
Slowly and with purpose, the dragon turned as she stood up and faced the Hydra agents that were racing in her direction, her handlers in the front. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a man in a wheelchair trying to quickly approach the scene but she paid him no mind. Opening her mouth, she let a stream of fire out towards Hydra.
Professor Xavier raised his hand and pressed to fingers to his forehead. And in that moment, time froze.
Chapter 3
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Baby I Will Love You Forever || Colson Baker x reader
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Hello my lovelies!! Long time no writing! I apologise for that but I’ve been in a slump due to general depression as well as the coronavirus and my school shutting down in a few weeks.
Please remember that requests are open however they will be slow!!
Requested by: @kellysimagines
‘Hahaha i understand sweety really. Basically its just where the reader and mgk have been together for 7 years and she is also famous and when he is live (the video i sended you) i am in in too and when baby ashton is in it comments roll in like why we havent got a baby yet and almost at the end i let him know i am pregnant with a cute suprise you can decide what it is haha’
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T77nbO53r48&t=883s
“CASIE?! COLSON IM-” the words to Too Young To Fall In Love floated through the house from the backdoor studio, a smile graced your lips as you heard the faint voices of both Colson and Casie as well as a laugh that wasn't from either of the two, some of Colson's friends must have come over while you were out. With a small huff you brought up the plastic bags from your hands and placed them carefully onto the kitchen counter so as to not break anything before starting to unpack what you had bought; normal groceries along with a little surprise for Colson, you smiled as you held it in your hand but put it to the side and kept unpacking. The sound of pounding footsteps and loud laughter made you smile as you quickly grabbed the surprise and shoved it into an almost empty bag so whoever was coming wouldn’t see it before you continued unpacking the other bag.
“CASIE NO!” Colsons voice floated through the hallways as he dashed out into the kitchen and dining area with a laughing Casie behind him holding out what seemed to be a dirty sock, one of which you could smell from your standing point. You let out a laugh at the sight which made the pair realise you were back.
“(Y/N)!” Casie yelled, the small girl abandoned the smelly sock to dash towards you in her own blue and white socks, sliding along the floor before engulfing your bottom half with a large bear hug. Letting out a laugh you hugged the girl back as you saw Colson pick up the discarded sock in a cartoon way and threw it into an already overflowing hamper, you made a mental note to put that clothing in the wash later. Colson turned around and smiled as he walked over to you and Casie before wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug, Casie moving out of his way so he could hug you properly, Colson brought your head into his collarbone as his nose rested on the top of your head.
“Missed you” Colson whispered softly into your hair, you smiled into the rappers chest as your arms tightened around him and balled his shirt in your hands as Colson did the same to you as he smelled your hair, “you used my shampoo didn't you?” the rapper asked.
You laughed.
“Maybe?” you said more as a question as you looked up to Colson from your point in his chest, Colson looked down at you before he snorted softly and unwrapped you from his confindes.
“Of course you did,” Colson said in a joking way.
“Hey! It smells better than mine AND makes my hair softer!” you defended yourself as you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted with the curve of a smile, Casie mirrored you as Colson looked between the two of you before giving an exaggerated sigh, bending his back backwards weirdly with rolled eyes.
“FIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE,” Colson groaned loudly before standing up normally, “just this once”. The rapper pointed a finger at you with slight eyes as you smiled brightly and nodded.
“This once as in this past seven times then yes!” you giggled as did Colson and Casie, you kissed Colsons cheek before going back to unpacking the groceries, a loud gasp coming from Casie behind you.
“WHAT’D YOU GET” the girl asked excitedly, you smiled and shook your head as you gave the girl a bag of cheetos, Casie grabbed it quickly before giving you a side hug and dashing off again to the studio room. Colson laughed as he shook his own head and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you.
“You spoil her too much,” the rapper said as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Mmhm, says the one whos a multimillionaire and owns a mansion” you retorted, Colson blew out air as if he was in pain with crossed eyebrows as he stood up properly.
“Low blow babe, low blow” Colson said, you laughed softly as you kept filtering around the kitchen as Colson hopped onto the kitchen counter.
“You can go back to your friends you know” you said as you put in the 24 carton of eggs into the fridge; one wouldnt think about it but this family and friends ate a lot of eggs.
“I know, but I haven't paid enough attention to you today so I'm staying,” Colson replied, the rapper kicking his feet like a child with a giddy grin as you looked at him before smiling, shaking your head again and continuing your work. Colson watched you happily as you emptied the bag and then went to the half unpacked bag; the one with the surprise in it, you paused as you looked into the bag, “you alright sweetheart?” Colson asked, he saw your pause and got concerned as he slid off the counter and came up behind you. You wrapped the bag in on itself without squishing the contents inside and turned around to face the tall rapper with the bag wrapped in your hands behind your back.
“Nothing!” you said quickly with a fake smile, “okay well yeah it is something, but it's something you don't need to look at!” you said quickly, “pads, tampons, all that glorious feminine shit” you shrugged as Colson backed away with his hands up in surrender.
“Alright alright, i won't ask then, i know when you're lying and you know when i know you're lying” Colson smiled as he stepped forward and kissed the top of your head, “but it's fine because i trust you” the rapper said before walking away.
“Alright you got me!” you said jokingly as you turned around to face the bag, Colson immediately got interested and dashed back to stand in front of the counter in front of you as you pulled out a pack of condoms with a shy smile, “its condoms” a blush covered your cheeks as Colson took the box and kissed your hand, the rapper laughed as he winked at you before walking up the stairs to your shared room, coming back down a few seconds later, blowing you a kiss and walking back to the backroom studio. You let out a breath thanking the lord that Colson took the bait before continuing with the other things in the bag to put away before stuffing the bags under the sink to be used again and taking your little surprise into the bathroom to be used.
Sitting on the toilet lid you bounce your leg impatiently and anxiously, it all comes down to these two lines, or one, or none! Maybe you had to go and buy another one because this one turned out to be faulty, maybe it just wasn't the right time, maybe you missed the window? What if you have to go back? Going back for a pregnancy test twice is a bad sign right? All these thoughts floated through your mind as the shrill of the timer brought you back to reality. You took a deep breath, grabbed the little stick from the proper end and brought it to your face.
Two lines.
A blue word.
A smile spread over your lips as your eyes watered, now the new questions started coming in, should you go to the doctors and have them do a test too to make sure? Should you tell Colson now or wait a little? You bit your lip anxiously as your leg started bouncing again, you sighed, shook your head and grabbed the second test. The exact same test but it was the second box, you bought two just in case, opening the test, taking off the cap and willing yourself to pee before placing the test on the sink next to you, starting the timer again and waiting.
You could hear music coming from the back studio as you walked closer to the room, tests in a small bag and a large smile on your face you entered the room to see Colson and Casie jumping around, dancing and singing to the song that was playing over the speakers as Colson held his phone up in a weird angle but you dismissed it quickly as you sat down on the couch next to Rook who was laughing at Ashton, the small boy prancing about with a large smile.
“A present for me? How lovely” Rook joked as he saw the bag you were carrying, the drummer made a move to grab the bag in a playful way, you laughed as you snatched the bag away and held up a finger making a ‘no no’ gesture as well as shaking your head.
“Not for you this time drummer boy, this one is for blondie” you said with a laugh, Rook laughed softly and held his hands up in a surrender before turning back to watch Colson, Casie and Ashton who had joined the others in dancing, the small child had grabbed a pair of drumsticks while you and Rook had your two second joking and was making beats to the song playing, at this point Colson finally looked up and realised you were here.
“Y/N!” the rapper shouted, his face beamed with excitement as he turned his phone to you to reveal why he had been holding it at such a weird angle; he was on an instagram live.
“Oh god Colson, please dont i look so bad i've been shopping all day without your help-” you brought a hand up to try and cover your face before Colson cut you off.
“Babe stop it! You’re beautiful! You always look amazing!” Colson said happily, you sighed as you rolled your eyes and shook your head but still smiling. Colson turned the phone back to him as Ashton started hitting the floor with the drumsticks as I Think I’m Okay came on and comments rolled in causing Colson to read some out as he stared down at the phone, “uhh, (Y/n), everyones asking when we’re gonna have a baby” Colson said softly as he squinted.
“Really? What’re they saying?” you asked, you shifted forward a little in your seat but not enough to see the screen, you hid the bag behind your back inconspicuously.
“Uhhh, ‘oh my god baby fever’, ‘whats (Y/n) hiding?’, ‘omg please have a Colson and (Y/n) baby he or she will be so cute!!’, and way way more. Jesus fucking christ we are not having sex on an instagram live to see the baby making ‘Amber underscore seventeen twenty’” Colson recited comments as well as calling out a girl from her comment, it made you laugh as you knew exactly what you had planned.
“Uh babe? I've got a thing for you, give me the camera, i wanna get your reaction on live” you said as you held out your hand for the phone, Colson cocked an eyebrow curiously before handing the phone over to you.
“Wait wait!” Casie intervened, “let me hold it and get the reaction of both of you together!” the girl stood up excitedly, grabbed her father's phone and prompted you to move next to the rapper, you smiled and thanked the girl as you took a seat next to Colson, facing the other members of the band and friends that were in the room as Casie pointed the camera to the pair of you.
“Please start screen recording people who are watching! I’ll give you a few seconds to do that before i give Colson his little present~” you had a tune to your words that Colson couldn't place.
“They’re all saying they’re screen recording!” Casie exclaimed as she watched the comments pile up, you nodded as you brought out the small bag from behind your back and handing it to Colson, Ashton heard the little noise the bag made as it was handed to Colson and walked over, you smiled at the child before grabbing him under his arms and plopping him into your lap comfortably as you looked at Colson who was waiting for you to watch him open his little present.
“Okay, you ready babe?” Colson asked as he looked to you, you smiled and gave a firm nod as Colon opened the bag and stared down at the pink and blue tissue paper, his eyebrow cocked as a small gasp came from Baze who somehow knew exactly what was happening, you gave the bassist a side eye as to say ‘don't you dare’ to which the man held up his hands and kept quiet. You looked back to Colson and gave the man a nod as he started taking out the tissue paper, scattering the discarded pieces beside himself as he looked down into the bag.
“Babe...is…” the rapper paused as a smile started to crease at your lips, “is that a pregnancy test?” Colson asked his question quietly as he looked to you with a shocked expression, eyes wide and almost pale as the rest of his band and friends gasped softly, including Casie who started to smile and bounce with excitement.
“Go on, take them out” you said as you motioned to the bag.
“THEM?!” Colson was quick to grab the sticks out (you had capped the bad parts of the tests so neither of you touched them) of the bag and held them in front of his face to read what was on them. Both included:
Two lines.
A blue word.
Colson almost stopped breathing as the room fell silent, the rapper's eyes started to water and his hands started shaking.
“Y-You’re actually pregnant?” Colson asked softly as he turned to you, you sniffled softly and nodded as you pat your stomach.
“They’re in here sweetheart” you said softly in a watery tone.
“OH MY GOD” Colson yelled, the rapper dropped everything and wrapped you in a large bear hug, resulting in toppeling you both a short distance to the ground (Ashton quickly got out of your grasp before he could get hurt), “OH MY GOD WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!” it took Colson a second to realise but quickly grabbed the tests and swiped his phone from Casie (who was now bouncing) as Colson held the tests in front of the phone screen to show the live, “WE’RE PREGNANT GUYS!!! NEW MEMBER TO THE EST FAM!!!” Colson screamed as Rook, Baze, Slim and his other friends swarmed around him, hugging him close and screaming. You laughed loudly as you quickly grabbed Colsons phone and held it out in front of you.
“I STILL HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTORS GUYS JUST A REMINDER!” you yelled aloud for all to hear, the group quietened down a bit as you moved so the group was behind you and the instagram live could see everyone, “i have to go to the doctors because i want to make sure i am pregnant as well as the baby being healthy, i want to have my hopes up but there is always that slight chance of a miscarrige and complications during the pregnancy or the birth but i promise myself and Colson will try our hardest to bring our little Kelly into the world” you said into the camera with a large smile, comments started rolling through the screen all saying how happy each person was for you, talking about baby names and where the babies would sleep and be and play as well as saying how loving Colson is looking at you. You noticed those comments and looked at Colson through the phone, the rapper had all the love and admiration one person could in their eyes, you smiled softly as you handed the phone to Rook who was closest to you, grabbed Colson by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips together, Colsons friends hollered and whooped as you gripped onto Colson as if he was about to vanish into thin air, this had definitely been the most passionate, love and emotion filled kiss you and Colson had ever shared together, tears leaked from Colsons eyes and dropped to your cheeks as you giggled softly, you brought Colson to your neck but the rapper had other ideas and dropped to his knees to come face to face with your stomach as he started talking to the growing child in you.
“H-Hey little fella, or chick” Colson chuckled and sniffled as he wiped his nose, “whatever you are, whoever you become, i will always be by your side, have your back and always love you, no matter what” Colson kissed your stomach and pressed his forehead against it before coming back up and kissing you again, the kiss telling you everything was going to be okay, that Colson would look after you and love you for eternity.
I hope you enjoyed reading! Please leave a comment or something idk!
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviews: The Shut-In
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More Halloween Havoc, whoop woop! The Plantars return just in time for Halloween! It’s Shut-In in Wartwood, their version of halloween, but less of a focus on getting candy and more on getting suplies to protect yourselve and barricade yourself in so the moon dosen’t turn you into a monster. I remain not suprised. To pass the time our heroes tell some true spooky stories and Polly tries to find one they weren’t around for.  Phone-Mo: Anne and humanized versions of Polly, Maddie, and Toady watch a cursed video and soon disappear by one. Nothing ominous about that! Dead End: A young Hop Pop serves as Chauffer for a mysterious man played by george takei and death seems to follow them at every stop. Oh myyyyyyyy.  Skin Deep: Sprig and Ivy go to fetch a lost ball and end up running into the skin stealing seamstress. Arson naturally insues..  It’s Terror Time again, with full recap and spoilers, under the cut. 
Whelp, no dancing around it this airing order is weird. And look airing shit in a weird way has been disney’s past time since the 90′s, Darkwing Duck’s airing order is a waking nightmare, and this very show had all of season 1 air within the span of a month and a week in order to get it on disney plus by launch, star vs had it’s last season burned off in three months, and Ducktales pre-covid flip flopped from airing week to week to just one for some reason and then no others for months. Consitency is not their strong suit is what i’m saying and it’s not new.  And yes I get these holiday special episodes are mecurial: their built specifically to slot in wherever without really upsetting continuity: The Casagrandes recently aired their first season 2 episode before even finishing season 1, so this isn’t just a disney thing, while speaking of disney things ducktales had it’s first proper halloweeen episode air the week before a spring break set episode, with a christmas episode set to air next month. What i’m saying is I get these things sometimes don’t air in production order, but it’s less excuable on Disney’s part here when it’d take airing exactly one episode for this not to be a tad jarring. Not enough that it spoils the episode nor does the episode effect the ongoing story or continuity in any way, so it’s not TERRIBLE but it smacks of lazy incompetence on Disney’s part and I wish they’d do better already. 
Okay that rant out of the way we can dive right in! It’s the annual Shut-In in Wartwood! Basically their verison of halloween but instead of a fun spooky holiday, it’s the annual tradition of getting various things from the neighbors to help stay indoors during the blue moon, which in wartwood turns whoever views into a monster. Because of course their halloween is a fight for suvival. Also theirs pumpkins everywhere with their versions of jack o lanterns being fear gourds which.. okay. Point is instead of candy the kids trick or treating has turned up rusty nails, a hatchet, a first aid kit and anne, winning the night, a flamethrower! On one hand it’s neat these exist in wartwood via fire breathing slugs. On the other I do worry about Anne accidently burning everyone and everything down so please take that from her. 
The Plantars then lock themselves in. To stave off bordeom, Shut-In tradition is to go around the fire and tell each other creepy true stories that happened to them. Polly tries going first but just has the Inn story from last season which they were all there for.. thought hat dosen’t make complete sense as they werent’ awake for all of it and shoudl’ve just let her tell her side of things. But eh it sets up polly’s plot so fair enough. Luckily anne has one. So we get our first tale of terror Terror Tales of the Park/Treehouse of Horror III Styles...
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Anne’s story is very clearly made up, though no one really calls her on it and it DOES add elemnts from the domino II story from last season so fair enough.  Rather than use her real friends, which is fair enough since she just sadly had to say goodbye to Marcy and probably isn’t handeling the guilt well and Sasha you know.. tried to stab her a few months back then tried sacrifcing herself for Anne’s own well being. Point is thnking about them is a loaaded issue right now so instead she dreams up human versions of Sprig, Polly, with a bucket on her foot for a shot which is a nice visual gag, as is how we meet them, along with Maddie and for some weird reason Toady. I mean I do get Ivy is in our third story, so fair enough, but they could’ve used.. anyone else. Wally would’ve made more sense honestly and he’s also an adult but he’s also you know Anne’s friend and not some town asshole she vaugley knows. It’s just weird. That said I do love the human designs for everyone and they clearly put a lot of work in knowing the fans would like them, with little touches like Polly having pink hair, sprig having his normal haircut he does under the hat but not covered up and toady’s phone having a little keychain of his amphibia version. Also while they all have diffrent names including Anne I won’t be using them on the grounds that I don’t wanna. 
Anne and the plantars are watching a funny internet video when Toady and Maddie offer to show them one that’s apparently cursed and makes whoever watched it disappear. Sprig talks Anne out of it and keeps her from watching anyway but Polly’s naturally all in. ON the way to class, once sprig is gone, anne ends up watching it and liking it anyway because she has no self control and freely admits it.  Naturally given this is a halloween episode, the others start disapearing, with Maddie coming to anne with support after Toady vanishes which again is just.. weird. It’s just weird to hear anyone car about wether toady lives or dies. It keeps throwing me off. Anne reasssures her but sure enough the second anne’s gone Maddie’s phone eats her alive. Still nice to see her again. Regular Maddie should get a hoodie. Also anne apparently eats the corners of her sandwitch so she dosen’t have to share. Clever girl.  Back at home where Anne continues to mock whoever it is told her she can’t write stories as she makes a gila monster and a flamingo make out, where are they I must hurt them, when Sprig calls panicked that polly is missing and admits i’ts a good thing they ddin’t watch the video.. yeah about that. Sprig is of course freaked, and soon the video pops on anne’s phone and soon the weird cat thing inside comes to life and then turns deadly.. also it turns out it eats the host then forces them to be int he background of the video, which was hinted at earlier with one guy having been in there for 35 years.. despite having a smartphone. Well this is anne’s story I don’t think she knows those didn’t exist once. 
Luckily Anne figures out how to beat it.. in the most hilarious way possible. by disliking it, since liking and commeting linked it to her, she weakens it before finishing it with a rude comment. It’s.. i’ts purespun comedy gold. This frees everyone else and they leave along with sprig.. but eggs are left behind. Dun dun dun.  Final Thoughts on Phone Mo:
First off .. I have no idea what FOMO means so the title left me as lost at first at the plantars... oh okay it’s fear of missing out.. should’ve remebered that from brooklyn nine nine and amy’s legendadrily bad case of it. Aw well a decent story, if the weakest of the three. It does have an incredibly funny conclusion, neat human designs, and an intresting setting given while school stories are common, usually we don’t get that here so it’s a nice break from the norm. But compared to the genuinely chilling with a funny and odd climax next two, it’s just okay. Not bad, but not quite as good.  Back in the present, Polly once again tries this time with children of the spore, once again being shot down though that being said hop pop’s line of “I was responsible for that one” was given a great delvery by charlie addler. Also Anne missed Wally’s birthday and he’s sad. oh Wally. Though i’m sure she’ll make it up to him.. at least he’s back home. So anyways speaking of HOp Pop, it’s his turn for a story...
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Dead End:  And it’s a story from Hop Pop’s Youth! Given we’ve never SEEN hop pop beyond his present day and only heard the ocasional scrap, it’s REALLY nice to hear. It dosen’t tell us a ton more granted, but we at least see what he looked like, get to hear charlie adler use a slightly less aged voice for him and get to see him with a luxrious golden mane of johnny bravo hair, which is as hilaroius and glorious as it sounds. 
Back in those days Hop Pop was a coachman. He still had the farm, but given how tight things are now it’s not a stretch to assume he could always use some extra coppers to keep his family we never get to know about besides the grandkids fed. He also prides himself on honest work, not taking payment till the rides finished and the customer is satisfied which is INCREIDBLY risky, but I do kinda get it both for Hopidah’s sense of honor and because it seems clear he mostly does it in town by the fact all his stops this ep are within wartwood or close enough, so clearly it’s mostly people he knows personally.  This time though the rider is the well dressed, crimson red Mr. Littlepot, played by George Takei. Best known for Star Trek, being out and proud and since coming out after years and years in the closet, using his celebrity to help promote gay rights and other good stuff. He’s also known for saying ohhhh myyy and this clip from futurama. 
I got a lot of respect for the guy, He was even in archie comics once after Kevin Keller was introduced. So it’s nice to see him doing some voice work and he kills it here.. pun intended but more on that in a sec. Littlepot has some simple rule: keep driving no matter what hapepned where he was.. and given both places he ends up have someone dying, once by a horrifying looking snake, it’s clear somethings up. IT also nicely builds the tension as hop pop tries to steady himself, but is clearly cracking as he realizes his client might be murdering people he knows.. and he could be next. As Hopidiah KNOWS each person Littlepot visits and it nicely ratches up the tension. But turns out he’s not a killer.. he’s simplyd eath himself come to collect those already about to die. 
It’s a nice twist: The genuine trappings of the guy make you think h’es some form of the devil, the crimson skin, yellow eyes and cultured demanor.. it’s only as he goes you start to realize what the man actually is and even then he easily could still be frog satan. But no he’s just the frog reaper and defends himself to Hop Pop when confronted: He’s just doing his job, just like Hopidiah, getting people where they need to be. Unforutnately for Hop Pop his final stop is the farm.. though thankfully for him he hasnt come for Hopidiah.. just his hair. Yeah it’s a nice comedic twist on an otherwise chiling and well done story that what the devil came to take is his hair.. which he starts wearing hilariously. So Hop Pop lives but sobs, and Anne points out it was pretty fucked up. 
Final Thoughts for Dead End:  Not much to say. This one was dripping with atmosphere, Takei was utterly awesome and need to do more voice work, and the comedic ending twist was really damn funny. Top notch. 
Polly tries again, gets shut down again and is now really understandably frustrated at not having a story. Naturally given the other plantars have gone though, Sprig does. And he dosen’t have at itle at first until one cuts him off ....
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Skin Deep:
Ivy’s Back! 
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Yeah I was genuinely worried the return ep would break up either her and sprig or hop pop and silvia.. and while the second one remains a horrifying sword of damocles over my head, Sprig and Ivy are fine and Ivy gets a nice spotlight episode here. It was a pleasant surprise to get some fresh info since i’tll be months till we find out anything else.  So the young couple are playing bugball down at the old courts, when a couple of guys they were up to no good, started making trouble in the neghborhood. Sprig got in one little fight and Hop Pop got scared he said “your moving with your auntie and uncle to bell air”. He begged and pleaded day after day but Hop Pop packed his suit case and sent him on his way. He gave him a kiss and then he gave him a ticket Sprig put his walkman on and thought he might as well kick it. First class yo this ain’t bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass. Is this what the people of bel air live like, yo, this might be alirght!   He whistled for a cab and when it came near the liscene plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror, if anything he could say that this cab was rare but he thought man forget it yo holmes to bell air. He pulled up to the cab about 7 or 8 and yelled to the cabbie yo holmes smell ya later. He looked at his kingdom and he was finally there to sit on his throne as the fresh prince of bell air. 
So then Will walked into the mansion and wait.. wrong show.. so the young couple are playing bugball when they loose their ball, and it goes off into the creepy part of the woods. Ivy also looses her hat and is self concious about her hair. Looks fine to sprig but she’d rather not. Aww she’s insecure. But the two head off with Sprig getting more and more nervous, as Ivy details a legend about the area of the seamstress, a mysterious recluse who steals your skin! Naturally Sprig is nettled while Ivy says it’s fine and does what anyone would do upon finding out the ball went into a creepy abandoned shack in a world where it’s clear murderers are pretty common: kick down the door! It’s the perfect crime. 
Naturally Sprig gets more unernved, finding a set of needles and thread, which gets a great gag as Ivy points out that’s nto that uncommon.. but the giant pile of skin they find sure is!
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Oh.. it gets worse me. Sprig finds the ball. and the Seamstress who has a horrifying patchwork of skins on her and wants to add theirs.. the kids are naturally spooked and prepare to flee but she wants their skin and grabs ivy! Thankfully she breaks free and Sprig busts some off.. OH GOD.. and it turns out she’s a glass frog! .. turns out theres a kind of frog that has translucent skin.
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But yeah obvoiusly the show takes it a step further, and her skin is entirely see through. Poor girl. Ivy sympathizes shows off her hair.. then puts her hat over the Seamstress’ eyes and tells sprig now, and sprig starts a fire, and the two start to escape when he grabs Ivy’s leg!
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Thankfully Ivy breaks free and the two leave her to die. Sprig compliments ivy’s hair, ivy gets him a smooch it’s all adorable and they defintely murdered someone who defintely murdered a lot of people. Horay!
Naturally the rest of the family is freaked out by this with Anne wanting to know if ivy being bitten means sh’es infected and Hop Pop wanting to know if one of her skins was his friend fred he hasn’t seen in a while. Sprig then spooks them by having ivy show up, complete with a burlap frog skin.. maybe. She could’ve been lying. We dunno. Ivy heads home to risk her life for a good gag, depsite the fact her boyfriend’s house is right there and her mom and grandmom clearly had to sign off on this shenanigan given the night. But this life risking prank naturally risks some life as Polly has ran off to look at the moon to get her own story. The rest of hte family runs after her only tfind it did.. ntohing. She’s apparently fine just fine and they assure her the fear they felt thinking she might become some kind of monster was scarier than any story and the rest of them head home with polly following.. after transofrming. Turns out the moon DOES make you into monsters but she’s fine with it. She’s got her legs now! Everyone screams understandably, Anne finally realizes this isn’t quite a holiday the end. 
Final Thoughts on Skin Game and the special as a whole: Easily my faviorite, partly for shipping reasons as I do like Ivy and Sprig together, and partly because it really let Ivy have a roll OTHER than sprig’s love intrest. Sure she still smooched his cheek and their clearly still together, but she got to be proactive, badass and hilariously impulsive and trollish. It was a nice change of pace and the story itslef was the best of the bunch to me becuase of that, though Dead End was really close.  Overall this was a nice treat, a good anthology with lots of fright and humor and a nice wraparound story arc with polly, as well as some nice call backs to previous episodes. An utterly excellent halloween special i’ll probably be revisiting every year and another slam dunk from disney this year. The airing snaufu really dosen’t hurt it any and in the future this one will likely be after Return to Wartwood on D+ anyway so no harm done. Great all around. If you liked this review follow me for more amphibia whenever it comes back, ducktales reviews every monday, and loud house reviews every saturday or sunday depending. And until next time stay safe, stay spooky and happy halloween!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? Hmm, I can’t remember ever doing that.
Why did you ignore the last person you ignored? My new manager, Kata, messaged me a bunch of links to EXO’s videos to get me into them – I looooove that she’s friendly and we vibe super well so I have a feeling will be close soon enough, but I’m still a bit shy so I ignored her for a bit while I was thinking of a reply haha. I’ve since gotten back to her, though.
What's your favorite pizza place? Yellow Cab’s pizzas have never failed me. Mama Lou’s is good too, but they don’t deliver to my area so I haven’t had their pizzas and any of their food in over a year now.
What was the last stupid thing someone talked you into believing? That we can stay friends. I believed it for a while and it was so mentally and emotionally deteriorating for me, so I did the right thing and let go instead.
What's at the top of your to do list in life? Save. I’m superrrrr frugal with my money and hate spoiling myself. I’d rather enjoy everything in the future once I feel like it’s right to settle down.
What's a song that would describe your life at the moment? What Type of X by Jessi. Maybe not my life, but the song certainly matches my mood these days.
Do you ever scream at inanimate objects? Occasionally, if they’re not working or if I accidentally hurt myself with them.
What was the last thing that you shared? I just had lunch delivered to Angela’s place as a surprise, if that counts. I got her chicken wings and these chocolate chip cookies she’s always wanted to try. It feels really nice surprising people with gifts; I might start making it a habit :) I have to credit my director Bea for it - she’s been having food delivered to mine and Kata’s places recently and I just want to pay it forward.
What smell/s can you absolutely not stand? Fruits. We constantly have a stock of oranges because my parents and sister like having them after dinner, and the smell is nauseating. Spoiled food is also high up on my list, and the general smell in Manila is also very foul. Go to other places in the Philippines if you’ll ever visit!!!
Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? Yessssssssssssssss. Idk why but I find it really good? like even if I eat it straight out of the fridge.
Where are you the most ticklish? The sides of my stomach and around my neck.
Would you put your life in danger to rescue someone? Someone absolutely important to me, yes.
When you're wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? I usually don’t really like the snacks we have in our pantry so unless I already had food delivered earlier in the evening I just let the hunger fade because I don’t like having food delivered that late anyway.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Buster from Toy Story. Or Maximus from Tangled but in dog form, because I don’t know how to care for a horse.
What color best represents you? Something peaceful like off-white, or a pastel shade.
Do you like marshmallows? I hate them.
What is your favorite flavor of candy cane? I also don’t like candy canes, or candy in general. Too sweet and I can always feel how unhealthy they are whenever I have to have them.
Do you have any shoeboxes full of old photos/letters/other memorable stuff? My mom has several plastic bags filled with photographs over the last few decades. As for me, I don’t own any memory boxes; but recently, I’ve been sticking up notes from my friends and co-workers up on my corkboard.
Are you in any way double jointed? Nope.
Have you ever considered a career in music/acting? Never. I never liked singing in public and I’ve never considered acting.
When was the last time you felt seriously embarrassed? A few days ago when I accidentally turned my camera on during a work Zoom meeting while I looked completely unpresentable. Luckily I knew I clicked the button and immediately un-clicked it, but my video still showed up for like 0.001 seconds lol.
Have you ever liked a song, looked up the lyrics to it, then hated it? I don’t think I’ve gone so far as to hate it. I have felt slightly disturbed upon hearing the lyrics of some songs I’ve taken a liking to though; and Cherry Wine by Hozier certainly ticks off this box.
Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold? Hot, which is why living where I do doesn’t work with me well for the most part.
What would be the icing on the cake for you this Christmas? Get nicer gifts for my loved ones. I was able to get everyone presents last Christmas, but given that I had just received my first-ever salary then, I wasn’t able to go all out as much as I would’ve liked. I’d love to spoil my loved ones even more for next Christmas.
If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? Probably, as long as I was guaranteed to live comfortably. I’d love to see how else technology can continue to improve.
Have you made someone happy today? I hope so, when I got Angela food earlier.
Do you generally watch a lot of television? I do watch my favorite shows a lot, but not on television. Most of my content I already consume online.
If your bedroom walls could talk, what would they most likely say? They’d probably go over all the shit I had to go through and the ensuing breakdowns they’ve had to watch from me over the years.
What's your favorite Christmas song? It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas, because it makes me feel festive.
Did you ever really believe in Santa Claus? Only for a brief moment when I was introduced to the concept, but kid-me never bought it because he never showed up.
Do you like the band Relient K? I’ve heard of the band name but I’m largely unfamiliar with them.
Have you ever seen a movie that was better than the book it was based on? Maybe, but for the most part I usually find the books to be better.
Do you like quesadillas? Yes, omg and with jalapeños and cheese *chef’s kiss*
Did you like the show Invader Zim? Nope.
Do you think tomorrow will be a good day? I feel like I’ll be sullen because it will be Sunday again, but I still plan on making the most out of it.
Do you ever talk to yourself? A lot.
Whose butt did you last slap? Idk, probably my ex.
Do you think that chivalry is dead? I don’t think so, but I also think it’s a bit outdated.
What's the greatest/most influential song you've ever heard? That’s a lot of pressure on a song... as much as I don’t really like The Beatles, I’d say Hey Jude has been pretty influential.
What's the weirdest thing you've seen in a grocery store? Not sure. If I had thought something I’ve seen was the weirdest thing ever, I would’ve taken a photo.
What is true love to you? Sacrifices.
Do you like chocolate milk? YES, lactose intolerance be damned.
Have you ever bought yourself a present on Christmas? Not yet. I hope to be able to this year!
Have you ever been on a mechanical bull? Nope, but I’d definitely get on one if I find one here.
Do you prefer to pull off band-aids slowly or quickly? Slowly. Actually, I prefer running water over it until it just slides off.
Have you made a mistake in the past week? I am constantly making tiny mistakes at work.
What was the last weird thing you said to someone? Idk, I feel like all the conversations I’ve had recently didn’t involve any inside jokes or general weirdness.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before? I got to work with one - Redd is the drummer for a local band but he’s since resigned to work with another company.
Have you ever sat on a copy machine and made copies of your butt? No. I’ve never even used a copy machine.
Are you a camera whore? Not at all, I hate posing for the camera.
Have you ever purposely dropped someone's toothbrush in a toilet? Never even considered it.
What kind of mood are you in right now? A little sad because it’s the weekend and I can’t even do my weekend coffee shop trips anymore because Covid cases are experiencing another surge (9000 cases a day!!!), protocols are everywhere again, and my parents already told me I can’t go out...those moments were my rare time alone where I can take walks and reflect and whatnot (and not to mention experieince air conditioning for a few hours), so it sucks to have to be stuck at home again. There’s not much to do at home to begin with, so now I’m just stuck in a cycle of taking surveys and finding videos to watch on YouTube.
What was the last thing someone told you that had you at a loss for words? I was ranting to Andi about how I started despising Diane from BoJack Horseman the moment she flipped out over Mr. Peanutbutter gifting her an entire library. I get where she’s coming from, of course, “understand people’s love language” and all that; but I felt like the very hostile reaction was super uncalled for and it reminded me a lot of my relationship with Gabie – I liked giving and giving, but it was either 1) never enough or 2) apparently the wrong way to show her love, and I was always the one punished for it in the end. I told Andi that because of my experience with her, I don’t even feel like giving a library (metaphorically speaking) to any future significant others anymore because of how hard I had it with her. 
Anyway, they gave me some advice about it and in the end they told me, “One day, someone will tell you, “Thank you for your library.’” It was very beautifully put and I struggled to find the words to reply.
What's something that always makes you smile, regardless of what’s going on? I’m not sure there is such a no-fail thing.
What was that last thing that you bought online? Food for Angela.
Do you enjoy riding around town looking at Christmas lights? Yeah, but the general mood for last year obviously wasn’t super festive and there weren’t as much lights, so it’s been a while since I’ve seen my village all decked out.
Is there someone that you're mean to for no good reason? No, that’s terrible.
What was the last thing you got out of the freezer? The coffee ice cream that I bought from Leigh yesterday! It’s crazy fucking good and I already feel a repeat order coming through.
Are you currently reading anything? No.
What's a good book you'd recommend? I don’t read anymore. I know child/teen-me would be very disappointed.
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itsybitsyspiderling · 5 years
the last living part of you
Summary: A few years after Tony's death, Peter realizes that no one is ever truly gone. And Tony personally made sure of that himself.
Word Count: 4.8k
also on ao3! 
On the eve of Peter’s eighteenth birthday, he wandered up to a roof and sat there for hours. He counted every plane, every car, and every dog that passed by. A cool breeze carried wisps of hair away from his forehead while he rubbed his eyes dry. He didn’t want tomorrow to come. He didn’t want to blink his childhood away, not when he had already spent the past four years of his life wishing to be someone else. Peter wanted to feel like a kid for one more day.
He tugged on his mask and sighed into the material. Hot breath brushed his cheeks as his heads-up display came to life around him.
“Good evening, Peter,” Karen spoke sweetly. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“Nothing,” he said. His tone fell low, almost atmospheric while the city lights stole his attention. “No danger for tonight. I don’t really wanna die right before my birthday. That’d suck.”
“Of course,” she replied. “We wouldn’t want that. Happy early birthday, Peter. Would you like me to sing you a song?”
Peter let out a breathy laugh. “No, please, no. Just––thank you, Karen. I appreciate it. Thank you for always being here for me.” He kept his hands clasped together in his lap. They were comfortable that way, and he was afraid that if he let go, he would want to climb up walls and swing down empty avenues. He wanted to sit as still as possible. And for as long as possible.
“I will always be here for you, Peter,” Karen said. “Is everything all right? Your heart rate is low.”
He took a breath. He could talk to her; he knew that he could, but there was something holding him back. Once he said his thoughts aloud, then that meant they were true. “I’m not ready for tomorrow,” he answered. “It’s––it’s not like any other birthday, you know? I’ll be eighteen. It’s just––” Peter shut his eyes. “I don’t wanna move on yet. I don’t wanna start another life. I-I just wish he was here.”
When Peter opened his eyes again, his vision had glazed over. He couldn’t wipe his tears, so tilted his chin toward the sky.
“Two years,” he whispered, inhaling sharply until his lungs ached. Exhale slowly. Count to ten. And again. “It’s been two years. And it still doesn’t feel real. I really thought I’d get to this point with him, you know? I think that’s why I’m not ready for tomorrow. We kept talkin’ about where I’d go to school. We talked about things like that. He joked about me never being allowed to drink on his watch, even when I turn twenty-one. But then he’d talk about being there with me to celebrate it. He acted like he had our entire life planned out as if––as if we were father and son. I’m just not ready to face tomorrow, Karen. I don’t know what to do.”
“Tomorrow is a big day.”
Peter looked down at his hands. “Yeah,” he said. “It is.”
“Your friends and family are excited to spend it with you,” Karen continued. “Pepper Potts has asked me to extend an invitation to you and your aunt for lunch tomorrow. She says she figured you might have dinner plans but that she’d love to see you.”
“Really?” Peter sat up a little straighter. “She did?”
“She also wanted me to tell you that Morgan misses you.”
He smiled to himself. “I miss her, too. Could you tell Miss Potts that I’ll be there?”
“Of course, Peter.”
He slid the mask off after that. The sounds of the city seemed to grow louder at night, but he enjoyed the ambiance. He didn’t want to go off to school, not yet. Through the years, Peter had lost sight of home. He struggled to understand what it meant, whether it was concrete or abstract, especially when it came to his life. And he was afraid to leave the one place––the one piece of home––he had left.
He didn’t have much family beyond May. But he had Tony’s family. Peter still had tomorrow.
And when tomorrow rolled around, Peter had forgotten about his night spent on the rooftop. He was engrossed in the deep green foliage on the drive upstate. He was captivated by May’s off-key singing and the comfort of the new sweater she bought for him. Lastly, he felt loved. He felt like he belonged somewhere. It was natural.
Pepper prepared a lemongrass chicken for lunch, and Morgan gifted him one of the finest bracelets out of her handmade collection. He swore he was never going to lose it or take it off. After that, they played with superhero action figures until Pepper called them for lunch––Peter got to be Iron Man because Morgan insisted on being Spider-Man, and he would never say no to her. He was going to spoil her at any moment he could.
He still couldn’t believe he had his own action figure. It was too good to be true.
Everything felt good too—he had forgotten it was even his birthday. Everything was perfect and peaceful, and then Pepper suggested that Peter spend some time in Tony’s old workshop.
Peter had only been there twice before, but never for long. He found it too difficult to use the same tools his old mentor once had—instruments were left untouched as they collected dust, only for Peter to disrupt them with his sticky fingers.
So, when he stepped into the workshop for a third time, he promised himself that he wouldn’t leave. He breathed in the stale air, watched the lights flicker over every shiny object that screamed Tony’s name, and strolled around slowly. Life had once been in that room. A life that lived for five years after Peter was believed to be gone. It was a man who carried on, who, for once, set his suffering aside to abide by his own terms. Tony restarted his life in this room.
Peter felt wrong there. Like every step he took was trespassing on sacred territory. Tony’s workshop was a sanctuary. And Peter didn’t belong there, not anymore.
He memorized every inch of the place. He imagined Tony leaned over a workbench, soldering iron in hand while his wrists cramped from constant use. He imagined the stack of empty coffee cups by the sink and the unread emails piling up while he promised himself that he would read them (he never would). Peter imagined the two of them together, silent communication with spared glances as they worked on their suits for hours on end. It was sad to imagine that it would never happen again.
Finally, Peter allowed himself to find a sense of comfort. He spent an hour or two repairing old armor that had been left in rags, and he even considered trying it on for a change. But he couldn’t bring himself to get that far.
When his hands grew tired, Peter sat at Tony’s desk. Once again, it was a place he didn’t belong, but Peter didn’t want to move. Tony always knew how to pick out the best––and the comfiest—chairs.
“FRIDAY,” Peter spoke suddenly. “You there?”
“Hello, Mister Parker,” she greeted. “It’s been quite a long time. What can I do for you?”
Peter huffed. “Man, that’s a loaded question.” He thought for a moment and tapped his fingers along the desk. The glass monitors in front of him had collected a thick coat of dust, so he wiped them off with his sleeve. “Is there––ew gross––is there any way I’m able to get into these babies?”
“You have access to everything in Tony Stark’s public and private databases.”
Peter’s jaw went slack. “You’re serious?”
“Very serious.”
“Holy shit,” he muttered, watching the screens light up in a familiar blue glow. It really did feel like his birthday after all. “I don’t even know where to begin. Could I see all of the Iron Man files?”
“Would you like me to open all 3,406 Iron Man files?”
“Oh, crap, no,” said Peter. He hardly knew where to keep his eyes; the utter awe and excitement he felt had grown more than he wanted to admit. “That’s a lot of files. Just show me my options and then we’ll go from there.”
“Sure thing.”
As it turned out, three thousand files hardly compared to the extensive list of unfinished projects Tony kept stored. Peter had stumbled upon at least a hundred prototype designs of his first Spider-Man suit––along with a hefty load of new additions he’d never see with his own eyes. Among Tony’s files were outdated weapons tech that had never met the light of day once Iron Man was born. Peter felt undeserving of all of this information.
The folders with funky titles caught his eye the most. They always ended up being something with little substance, like an embedded link or a two-second video of a gauntlet combusting. Both folders were titled “Fuck this shit”.
And then Peter came across a folder called “My brain (Literally). Do not open”. So, obviously, he opened it.
FRIDAY's voice spoke loud and clear: “Now transferring file #616-3 to Peter Parker.”
Peter raised an eyebrow. None of the other files had done that. “What’s that mean, FRIDAY?”
But she didn’t answer. Instead, the only sound echoing through the room was a tiny beep coming from a distant workbench. He followed the sound, eventually finding that the source was some new design for a web-shooter. Peter held it close, examined the blinking red dot underneath, and pressed it.
A low buzzing filled the room as a holographic stream fluttered in front of him. Slowly, the lasers began to define the shape of a figure, and Peter assumed that he had blacked out after that.
He blinked once, then twice, and many more times after. He simply couldn’t believe his eyes. Staring right back at him was Tony Stark––but he was a goddamn force ghost.
“Whoa, whoa, okay––” Peter set the web-shooter onto the workbench behind him, yet the hologram didn’t budge. “FRIDAY, what is this?”
“The file says ‘do not open’, kid,” spoke the holographic Tony, and Peter thought he was about to throw up. It even sounded like Tony. It moved like him, too.
And then the realization hit. This was an AI.
Tony shrugged. “But, I guess, what did I expect?” he continued. His voice sounded metallic, almost static-like, but it was still him. “Maybe I wanted you to open it. Well, I guess I should explain. Once upon a time, I was bored and found a way to reconstruct my entire physical form as a holographic entity. Like a piece of cake. And not only that, I was able to transcribe every little darn thing about me into computer code to preserve my memories, knowledge, and, dare I say it, my boisterous personality which everyone loves so dearly. So, all-in-all, hi, I’m Tony Stark. Well, his essence.”
“I’m gonna shit my pants,” Peter whispered.
“Please don’t do that. That’s disgusting.”
He wanted to fall to his knees. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real––but it was. It wasn’t a person, it wasn’t alive. It was a bright blue hologram that spoke and behaved exactly like Tony Stark, and Peter felt sick to his stomach.
The panic began in his jaw. Trembling and aching while his eyes refused to believe what they saw. His throat tightened after that, and once the pressure crawled down into his lungs, Peter couldn’t hold back the threatening sobs. He did end up falling to his knees, but only because he couldn’t breathe.
He pressed his shaking hands down onto the cold floor while his vision darkened. Everything had become numb, and he wasn’t sure he could hear his own wheezing anymore.
“S-shit, I-I can’t––” Peter tried to sit himself up, knees pulled to his chest while he struggled to even his breathing. A snake had wrapped itself around his lungs. “I can’t breathe––I can’t breathe.”
The blueish glow of the AI reflected off of the floor tiles as it neared Peter. When he looked back up, Tony had knelt down in front of him. Even his suit seemed to wrinkle. But it wasn’t real.
“Whoa, there, Pete,” Tony said, “it’s okay.”
Peter could hear his heartbeat thudding in his ears. He glanced down at his lap.
“Hey, look at me.”
Peter looked back up at the AI.
Tony smiled. “You’re okay. Deep breaths now. Ready?”
Peter nodded, swallowing thickly.
As best as he could, he took a long, deep, shaking breath in.
“Exhale slowly. Count to ten.”
He let out the breath. One… two… three…
“And again.”
They sat there for a few minutes while Peter calmed down. The numbness faded, and while his lungs ached, they no longer felt restricted. He could feel his muscles slowly begin to relax. And he soon realized that Tony had placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
But he still couldn’t feel a thing. The touch wasn’t there.
Peter stretched his legs out in front of him as Tony finally sat down. “He––he––Tony made you for me?”
“Yeah, well.” The AI shrugged. “I wasn’t really made for intended use. Technically, you’re supposed to be dead.”
Peter sighed and dug his fingernails into the denim of his jeans. “I was,” he said. “But that was years ago.” Further thoughts nagged at his brain, but he couldn’t find the right words. He let them sit at the tip of his tongue.
But, despite not being a physical existence, Tony seemed to know exactly what Peter wanted to say.
“Kid,” Tony said softly, eyes sad and warm.
“You’re dead, Mister Stark,” Peter stated abruptly. “You’re––you’re the one who’s dead.”
“I know.”
“You know?” Peter asked. He didn’t like that he could see right through Tony.
Tony nodded. “That’s what I’m here for,” he said. “I was made for this. I wouldn’t be here if I was alive.”
Peter didn’t like the sound of that. He had accepted Tony’s death long ago; he hadn’t expected to see him, let alone talk to him again. Peter was sad, but he was angry. Angry that Tony had decided that his presence was too precious to let die. Angry that he couldn’t let Peter move on.
He swallowed down the rising anger and asked, “when did he make you?”
“Uh, 2018,” Tony answered. “Oh, hey, it’s your birthday, innit? Happy birthday, kid. Consider me a birthday gift from me.”
Peter rolled his eyes and cracked a smile. He didn’t have the energy to be mad. Tony wasn’t alive anymore; he didn’t deserve it.
“Whatever you need, Pete,” the AI spoke, “you always got me. I was made for you.”
Peter’s smile grew a little bigger. “Thank you, Mister Stark.”
The sounds of shoes coming down the stairs stole their focus away from the moment. Peter glanced over at Tony with wide eyes.
“Peter?” It was May.
Peter scrambled to his feet and ran toward the workbench behind him. His fingers shook as he searched for the button to turn off Tony's ghostcomp. Just as the hologram flickered away, May entered the workshop.
“Are you okay if we––whoa, this place is––” May gazed around at the handsome technology surrounding her. “––intense. Like Disneyland for you. Is that one of your web-shooters?”
Peter set the device back onto the table and nodded. “Y-yeah. It’s not finished, though. Prototype.”
“Well, take it with you, and then you can work on it at home,” said May.
But, Peter shook his head. “No,” he said, walking towards her. He looked back over at the spot where Tony once stood. “I think I’m gonna leave it here.”
“Finally. It’s about time. Ten thousand years can give you such a crick in the neck.”
“You know Aladdin?”
“Do you know exactly how many movie premieres I’ve been to, Pete?”
Peter chuckled. He had come home from college for winter break. What had been Tony’s old home sat like a relic, one Peter could hardly stand to touch, yet it was well-lived and full of his life, his legacy. Pepper and Morgan treated him as though he had always been a part of their family. It was time for him to make use of the family he had.
And, he couldn’t deny that all he wanted to do was lock himself away in Tony’s workshop and just talk.
To a being that didn’t even exist.
“I don’t mean to be rude, Mister Stark,” Peter began that afternoon, “but you should have made yourself into another Vision. And then you could at least help me out.”
“Yeah, but I really like doing nothing and just watching you,” said the AI, hands stuffing deep into his hypothetical pockets. “You’re doing that wrong.”
Peter looked down at the Spider-Man suit that he’d peeled open to access the inner subsystems. Truth be told, he had no idea what he was doing. Ever. He spent the past two years in constant trial and error over his suits, all because Tony wasn't there to help him. And now Tony was there, and he wasn’t helping him.
“You’re a terrible AI,” Peter mumbled.
“Now that just hurts my feelings.”
“You could at least tell me what to do.”
“I could.”
Peter rolled his eyes, but he kept it as hidden as possible. “Why am I not shocked that Tony created you just to be as much of an asshole as he was?”
The Tony AI pretended to gasp. “Cuts deep. But don’t forget the Class-A narcissism.”
“How could I ever forget that?”
“You’re surely on a sarcasm frenzy today,” he said. “Anything on your mind?” Tony folded his arms and leaned against a table. It looked almost realistic–– minus the blue, ghostly tint.
Peter shook his head. It was still odd to see Tony that way, and it was also comforting all the while. It was like he had him back but not quite. While it was Tony, it also wasn’t. He didn’t exist anymore.
“I’m not convinced,” the AI muttered. He had every vocal inflection and physical mannerism that Tony did, which bothered Peter the most.
“No, nothing’s wrong.”
“I didn’t ask if anything was wrong,” said Tony. “I asked if anything was on your mind.”
Peter shrugged. He didn’t look up as he carried on maneuvering the wires in his suit. “Nothing is on my mind. And nothing is wrong. I’m fine. Maybe I just wanna be sarcastic today.” He glanced back over at the AI and sighed. “Could you just help me. Please?”
A disheartened expression washed over Tony, one Peter hadn’t seen before. He nodded. “Yeah, sorry. Sure thing, kiddo.”
“And, I’m not a kid anymore,” Peter mumbled. “I’m an adult.”
“Nope, sorry,” Tony said, “you’ll always be my kid.” He cracked a grin and reached out his hand. Peter believed it was to ruffle his hair like his mentor used to do, but the realization quickly hit, and Tony pulled away. And he looked sad about it.
While the afternoon dragged on like normal, there was an unspoken feeling hanging in the air. Tony knew that Peter wished he was real, and Tony wished he was real, too.
Peter had planned on stopping by the workshop on his nineteenth birthday, but he never got the chance. The night before, he spent eleven hours stuck in his suit because he didn’t want to go home––the summer dragged, and not even Spider-Man could save it. On his birthday, he let May take him into the city for a peaceful day out, but his senses never allowed him to relax. Peter didn’t think about the AI he kept hidden away upstate.
He never took Tony with him, but he’d thought about it over a dozen times. Somehow, it felt wrong. It felt wrong to remove him from a place that Tony belonged. Even though he had been created for Peter––even though the system had been crafted into his own web-shooter––it still didn’t feel like it. Maybe it never would.
“Believe it or not,” said Tony, “I do miss you when you’re not around.”
Peter wanted to laugh and roll his eyes at the hint of sarcasm, but he couldn’t. He lacked energy. He wished he was home.
“What do you do when I’m not here?” Peter asked, gaze lingering on the blueprints of his brand new suit. Well, it wasn’t necessarily brand new, but after falling from a building only for a tree to catch his fall, there were too many snags and tears to sew up. So, he figured he would take the time to add a few improvements.
“I’m just ones and zeros, Pete. I don’t do anything.”
Peter frowned. “Yeah, sorry.” He minimized the blueprints and sat down at the desk with a long sigh. “Why’d Mister Stark even bother making you, then?” Peter mumbled aloud, rubbing two fingers along the bridge of his nose. “You just stand there and talk. What’s the point in having you if you can’t even help?”
“No!” Peter suddenly exclaimed. A fit of newfound anger had boiled over. “I’m––I’m so annoyed that he thought he was being so clever with you when all he did was make a shitty version of himself. I’m tired of you just standing there. I’m tired of you just telling me what to do. You can’t help. You’re not him, so there’s no purpose. Like you said, you’re just ones and zeros. You’re just a stupid code.”
The AI barely moved; for a moment, Peter assumed that he had shut him down with his words.
“You’re right,” he uttered with a shrug. “I’m useless. Just a code.” Tony walked over and sat on the desk, his movements disrupting the hologram while his legs disappeared briefly. He used to be alive. He used to have a real body. “But honestly, Tony didn’t make me to be another Tony.”
Peter titled his chin up, but his frown didn’t budge. “What do you mean?” he asked lowly.
“I’m a ghostcomp,” Tony said. “A ghost-on-a-chip. I was made in case Tony died, but I’m not a replacement. He figured that his death would be too sudden. He figured he’d had to leave just as fast as you left him. He wanted to make sure you had something at least a little concrete.”
“He made you because he knew that I’d miss him?” Peter sat up, eyebrows furrowing. “That’s bullshit.”
“I don’t think he was ready to say goodbye either, kiddo.”
Peter shook his head. “Stop. Please.”
“The real reason––” Tony began as stood. He walked over to where his hologram was being projected from. The web-shooter. “––is that I was designed to be a helping hand when you’re in the suit. Technically, you’re not using me the way Tony wanted you to.”
“I don’t care,” Peter said. “I don’t want you in the suit.”
Tony looked at him. His expression was unreadable. It was like the words had hurt his feelings, but he didn’t have the right programming to emote them. He nodded. “That’s fair. It’s your choice.”
And Peter nodded, too. Slowly, he rose to his feet and walked over to where the holographic Tony stood. Peter tugged his hands into his sleeves. “I’m gonna go see if Morgan wants to hang out,” he mumbled. “See you later, Mister Stark.”
Tony’s lips tightened into a weak smile. “See you later, Mister Parker.”
Peter was ready to go back to school. A few days after his twentieth birthday, he kept his mind busy and his muscles burning as he swung up to White Plains. He hitched rides from there on out, and Pepper always greeted him on the porch with a pitcher of ice water.
“Morgan’s at a friend’s,” she sometimes said.
And Peter would breathily reply, “May is at work. Is it okay if I––?”
Pepper always interrupted with, “of course” and a smile.
There were many things in the workshop that had been rearranged over the years, but Peter kept most of it the way he found it. He didn’t want it to become his workshop, which, in his mind, it almost had. He wished he could pack it up and take it to school with him, but it was a nice home away from home to visit on special occasions.
On this particular day, the bad thoughts in Peter’s brain had won the fight. He climbed out of the suit, made his way down to the workshop, and curled himself onto Tony’s chair.
It was Tony’s chair. The chair that had belonged to Peter’s mentor, the person he had looked up to ever since he was nearly eight years old––and now he was sitting in his chair, crying over the fact that he spent more time grieving Tony than personally knowing him. But then again, Peter realized, Tony had done the same thing, too.
It hurt more today, Peter couldn’t deny that. It hurt to be in the same room Tony had once been in––he had once lived in. The past four years were hard, but some days were harder.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to speak to the Tony AI today. But, nevertheless, Peter picked himself up. He held the web-shooter in his palm, internally fighting with his thoughts before brushing his thumb over the button. He pushed it without hesitation, and Tony came to life.
“Hey? You look so glum, kiddo. What’s up?” Tony stuffed his hands into his pockets.
Peter set the web-shooter back down and shrugged. “Bad day,” he said, strolling over to the desk so he could flop himself back into the chair. “That’s all.”
Tony hummed. “Damn,” he said. “Sorry to hear that. Well, we’ve got quite a few things in here that could get your mind off of it. What do you say to a little holographic basketball with some trashed files, yeah? And before you ask, yes, we can do best two-out-of-three.”
“No.” Peter shook his head as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. “No, I don’t really wanna do that.”
Tony’s eyebrows knotted together. “What do you wanna do, then?”
Peter shrugged again. “I-I wish––I wish I could hug you,” he whispered.
The AI’s expression relaxed.
“I wish you were here.”
“I am here,” said Tony.
Peter let out a huff. “But you’re not. You’re not here. You’re not you. I want Tony back. I want my Tony back. Not a hologram I can put my hand through. I-I can’t hug you. I can’t help you build your suits, and you can’t help me build mine. You can’t go out into the world and live. You can’t––you can’t take me out to lunch. You can’t be with your wife and your daughter. You can’t drive me upstate or make me coffee I’ll never drink. We can’t do superhero shit together because you’re dead. You’re not alive. And you haven’t been for four years, and for some reason, it still feels like yesterday. I’ve done so much. I’ve changed so much. B-but I come back to you, and I’m just reminded of how much I loved being around you. How much I loved you. You just––you can’t be there like Tony was there. You’re not him.”
Tony stayed quiet. It seemed as though he hadn’t been programmed for such an emotional range. But then he said, “I’m sorry” so softly, and Peter felt the impact of his words. He had truly meant them, and he knew there was nothing else he could do.
“Whatcha packin’ up there, Pete?”
“Just a few things Pepper said I could take with me.”
“Where are you going?”
Peter’s college career had come and gone. His life had never been so different, and it was time to let change run its course. New York was still home, but sometimes home wasn’t necessarily a place. And Peter understood that. He needed to do a bit more living, and that required moving on.
“I got a job,” he said, stacking a few of Tony’s old belongings into a large box, “in New England.”
Tony grinned. The light from his hologram had dulled through the years, and Peter never found the time to fix it.
“Look at you, Mister Parker,” said Tony. “All grown up. I swear you were just fourteen and getting your ass beat by Cap.”
Peter chuckled. “I would go back in a heartbeat. Not to high school, though. High school sucked.”
“I literally don’t even remember high school.”
“It’s a blur,” he said. He lifted the box onto Tony’s desk and leaned against it. The moment felt sad and surreal. Peter couldn’t find the right words, so he fiddled with the edge of the cardboard instead.
“You okay?”
Peter glanced over at Tony. He hadn’t aged a day. “Sorta,” Peter said. “I’m––I’m not taking you with me, you know. And I’m gonna be gone for a while. Are you gonna be okay without me?”
“Pfft.” Tony rolled his eyes. “I lasted five years without you. I’ll never be okay.”
Peter smiled sadly. He still wished he could hug him. “I’ll miss you, Tony.”
“I’ll miss you too, kiddo.”
56 notes · View notes
tar-oh · 4 years
Pick-a-Pile: What will the end of 2020 look like for you?
A lovely anon requested me to do a pick-a-pile on your life at the end of 2020, and so here we are! And, honestly you guys are getting spoiled because I used my Lovely Omens deck which was really intended to be only used for my own readings on myself, but I made the exception today because I connect with it really well and thought it would be fun to see what it would say.
For the piles I pulled out some of my collection of Argento movies for the piles. Choose whichever movie speaks to you! If you’re into Argento and you’ve seen them, then cool! Let’s be friends. Outside of that, that’s fine! Let’s still be friends! Anyway, choose whichever pile calls to you. Remember, take what resonates. This is not the end-all-be-all, and this may not be what really happens because it’s what the current energy is leading to. Your energy can change tomorrow and so can your future, so, don’t take it to heart. This is more of a fun, what-if. And if you get to December 31st and you’re finding that this is did happen for you, let me know! So, anyway. Take what resonates, not what doesn’t! Also, you’re welcome to pick more than one pile, so if you want to, you can! OKAY! Here are the piles:
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Pile 1:
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Cards:  letter, book, fish, queen of pentacles, temperance, the moon, 10 of wands reversed, 3 of cups, judgement, uruz, othala, wunjo, kenaz
Pile 1, I think by the end of the year, things are going to be going better for you. I'm not sure where you are currently (like if these things have happened already, or will be soon), but I see that you'll be feeling more secure overall. There are a few specific things that I think may only apply to a few people, so I'll get those out of the way. Also, if you were going between pile 1 and 2, maybe read pile 2 as well. There's a lot about finding creativity in this pile, and you chose the movie Suspiria, which is technically a horror movie, but the base of the plot is that a girl is attending a foreign dance school. I think some of you may be dancers, or are discovering your passion for dance. I also kind of get this from the 3 of cups, since they look like they're having fun. They don't look like they're celebrating as much as other versions of that card, and they don't look like their moving very fast, so maybe you're into interpretive dance, or something? Maybe singing, so maybe you sing, but I’m getting more dance. Like, maybe you like to move slow, but deliberately. There is actually a remake of Suspirira that has interpretive dance rather than ballet like in the original. Either way, I see that you could be a dancer. And if not a dancer, I think you could just be really creative, but specifically something with music or dance. And again, especially because you chose this movie. One of the things that stands out with this movie is the score by Gobiln. They're kind of known for doing weird out-there scores (I’ll link a video of a song from this movie so you can see what I mean lol), but it's very specific to this movie, so I definitely am leaning more towards music and dance. Maybe you don't do it publicly, it's just something you do in your own time that really makes you feel good about yourself. A few of the cards can talk about creativity, so maybe you're just finding the perfect balance of how to express yourself. I think you're focusing more on this creativity at the end of the year.
For others, another specific thing I'm getting is that maybe you're graduating from or even starting business school. For others, you could be training for something specific for work. Or just training for something in general. Learning something. And others maybe its law school, or economics major. For everyone, though I see you learning something. Whether it be educational or just something random. For some, you may be learning about a secret through a letter or a book, and this could be about money or work. The Moon card really adds to this, so I think you'll be ending the year a little more enlightened about something. The movie also kind of goes with this! It's kind of a mystery and the main character Susie is trying to figure out what's going on in her school, and so maybe you'll solve a mystery! lol Maybe nothing so exciting, but I suppose that's also depends on the context. I do definitely take the moon to mean that this is something you're not supposed to know. At least NOT YET. Like, the moon always comes up for me like that in tarot when it’s something I’m not really supposed to know yet, so I think it's just something you're not supposed to worry about and be more present and when the time comes around, enjoy the whole mystery of it all. I definitely think you've gone through some sort of rebirth this year. I don't know if this is happening at the end of the year, or if you've gone through it already, but by the end of the year you're going to be different in some way. It could just be how you express yourself (going back to that creativity), or even who you're around. I feel like you're finding out who is good for you and who isn't, so its possible your friend group will be different by end of the year. And that's not a bad thing! As people, we all grow and sometimes we grow out of people. I think there could also be new people coming around too (maybe even meeting people online, which what the letter kind of hints to me and the song I was listening to mentioned a letter so I definitely am going with that lol). I think you're going through a lot of healing this year, and maybe more so near the end. And this goes with that rebirth. I don't know what's happened in the past to need this healing (but I suppose we all have our wounds), but I think you're learning more about who you are and what you like. I think you're doing amazing job-wise. You got a few runes that suggest prosperity, and I also see Queen of Pentacles and Temperance attributing to this too. The Queen of Pentacles is someone who is prosperous and abundant, but is also motherly (and I just am getting at this as a quality rather than you being an actual mother, so even if you’re not a mom, I just mean like having that kind of vibe to you). So it's like this good balance between knowing how to get shit done, but also doing it in a compassionate way. The Ten of Wands reversed can talk about letting go of burdens and simplification. So I think by the end of the year, you've weeded out what doesn't work for you. I think, especially after the year the whole world has had, you are learning what matters to you and you're living your life to it's full potential by the time we're leaving this shitty year behind. I think you're doing better in terms of finances, I'm not seeing that you're like super rich, but again, you got a lot of stuff that suggests prosperity. And this might not even mean just materially. This could just be that you're just feeling so much better about life and yourself. Maybe you're abundant with love, finding new love, expanding on existing love, whatever that means for you. I always take Judgement to mean karma, but I see this as good karma for you. And, while I was writing your pile out, Marina's Karma came on, so I definitely think the way you're ending your year is how it's supposed to go. Maybe the way to get there has changed drastically with the way things have gone, but either way, there were multiple paths there, so I think either way you were going to get there. So, your end of the year is looking good! I don't really see anything that concerns me, honestly. I think you're on the right path and you're going to be feeling good about yourself. I'm really proud of you! 
Songs: (a lot of the songs were super specific, so I’m only posting a few of the ones that seem to stand out more)
The theme from Suspiria in case you’re interested (there’s a version with just the bells I listen to because this ones kind of creepy but it also makes me laugh)
these days - nico  (this definitely goes with figuring out what you want to do, I think) watergun - lostboycrow (gonna be honest there’s like 5 artists and one of them lists himself like twice lmao so idk who the actual artist is. i feel that way about anything olivver the kid is involved with)
karma - marina
Pile 2:
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Cards:  10 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, the hermit, king of cups reversed, knight of wands reversed, 5 of wands, the fool reversed, jera, isa, raidho, the lady, the rider, scythe I'm seeing three possible scenarios, 2 are similar, but one is permanent as opposed to the other which is only temporary. So, first, I want to talk about the movie you chose. Inferno is part of a series by Dario Argento, but honestly the only two of the series at that matter are Inferno and Suspiria (the one from pile 1, so if you were going between the two, I think this means you should read that one too). I can't really give you too much about the plots of either because they're both really hard to explain without giving the whole thing away. However, I can say this: It's about an apartment building where people start to disappear from and the only thing that connects them is that they're starting to figure some things out about the history of the place. I can't get more into it, especially because Inferno is kind of an infuriating movie in that it has no main character and you spend most of it going "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" which kind of leads me to your pile. I really think prior to what happens later this year or currently/ what already happened, you were in this weird state where you weren't sure where things were going. I think there was a lot of stagnation in your life, and it could also be in multiple areas (love, work, anything really). I think this lead to frustration and apathy on your part. I think there will be/ was something cut off. For some, it’s permanent. For others, it was only temporary. And, this makes sense because if this already happened for you, it could have had to do with quarantine. Maybe you lost your job or you did temporarily. I think prior to this, you were frustrated and feeling like this was it and you were kind of upset that it was all there was, but maybe this loss/end led to you realizing there was more to see/do in life. I think this is true for someone, because a cover that the Lummineers did of This Must be The Place by Talking Heads came on, and it's kind of like realizing that where you are is where you're supposed to be. I know, you're probably like "But that's the opposite of what you just said"! HANG ON! I'm getting that you're realizing it's not your "home" and "home is where I want to be..." and whatever this situation is, it's not feeling like home to you. Or, at least wasn't prior to the end/separation. For some, this was a person that was cut off. Either you were the one doing the cutting or someone else did (or maybe it was someone at a job or at school that you lost contact with because of closures). Either way, you realized just how frustrating this situation was and kind of went into Hermit mode for a bit (or will) to reflect on what transpired. Gonna be honest, because you chose Inferno, I'm thinking there's a lot of anger too. Like, there aren’t necessarily any super angry characters in this movie, but the name itself makes me think of rage. I always think of rage as being this really red hot thing, a kind of inferno. So, I see anger being involved. Or, for some of you at least. I think there was a lot of clashing/competition. Maybe arguments that ended in tears on someone’s end. Whatever it was, it was/will be cut off somehow and you'll be feeling more at peace. I think you're also going to be finding that you're definitely more stable and making more progress in areas of your life you hadn't seen progress in previously. In one of the decks I'm using, the Lovely Omens deck, the Hermit card makes the hermit look like she came to some kind of a conclusion, like an “a-ha!” moment with how she has her finger pointing up. And the hermit is someone who’s looking for answers. In the Rider-Waite deck it’s this guy who’s got a lantern, looking like he’s searching for something, but in this deck it’s like we’re seeing the moment she figured whatever it was out. I didn't intentionally lay it out the way it is in the picture, but it happened to be that she's above the Fool reversed, and I guess I see this as her maybe seeing that she can make that leap, whereas before she was hesitant and frustrated that things were at such a standstill. Maybe it was that this person or situation wasn't giving her any time to really do anything else outside of it, so maybe this time alone is making her feel like she can do anything. Now, you did get the 5 of pentacles, so I do think there was/is a period where you're feeling a little worried or anxious about finances, or just about anything really. But, I definitely see the 10 of Pentacles and the Hermit more than the five of pentacles card, and I'm seeing it as you figuring out that you can make a way to be stable on your own, not really needing anyone or that situation you'd been in. You could also read this as the 5 of Pentacles being someone else feeling a little left out, but I think it's for the best for the time being during this period of your life. I see that for some, this is a permanent cut. So maybe you just don't return to this specific job, and for other's again, it's only temporary. I do see that for some, this could be a relationship (Platonic or romantic), where you feel a little left out. Like you're not getting what you give, and this is causing you to be frustrated and moody. There may be harsh words being thrown around. But, again, this is getting cut off (by you, someone else, or just by the universe), and things are going to go better. Like, the ten of pentacles is a really good card to get, so I don’t see you being so bad off. Maybe this will be painful depending on who/what it is being cut off, but know that it’s going to lead to better things. So, things may have been rocky this year, or they will get rocky, but I see you ending it on a better note than where you were before the end of the year. Songs:
For pile one, I listed the song These Days by Nico and even though it played for that pile, I really think some of you could resonate with it, so I think you should look at the lyrics or listen to it. Also, a lot of the songs had to do with communication, so Idk. Maybe think about how you’re communicating with people, or how you’re allowing people to communicate with you (if at all, or if they’re just doing it in a shitty way. Have boundaries and speak up if you don’t think people are being honest with you, but also remember to treat people how you want to be treated) also, ngl i wasn’t going to link the theme to inferno but like honestly its so weird I have to. It’s not scored by Goblin like the other two movies but I get this song stuck in my head more lol So HERE it is idk maybe someone will like it too lmao
oceans - the wombats (there’s a line about selling an ocean to the sea and I really feel like this is kind of you and this situation you cut off, like maybe it was a situation you’ve been in time and time again and you’re finally cutting it off after seeing that it’s the same thing you’ve dealt with and the only way to stop it is to cut it off this time. like idk it’s hard for me to explain but i feel like this specific part of the song is something you should check out) movement - the higher  this is me trying - taylor swift lambs wool - foster the people love me to death - GARDEN
this must be the place (naive melody) - Talking Heads cover by The Lumineers (they also talk about that same line I mention in the beginning of this and I think thats kind of funny that it stands out to them too lol) Pile 3:
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Cards:  Seven of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Page of Cups, 8 of Cups, Knight of Wands, five of wands reversed, Ship, moon, sun, hagalaz, perthro, eihwaz
PILE 3 I THINK SOME OF YOU ARE GOING TO GET ASKED OUT. I have a bunch of reasons for this! First of, I pulled the Page of Cups and the Knight of Wands. Along with the moon and sun cards in my fortune cards (which don't necessarily mean love, but I'll get to it!).  Also, the first two songs that played, were First Date by Blink-182 and The Pull of You by the National. Granted, The Pull of You is little sad (kind of about two people drifting apart, but still being connected) and First Date being about...well a First Date, but to me those definitely are screaming romantic feelings lol. But, we'll get to that later! You guys just kept getting all the love songs that mean something to me so!!! That's something!!! Like, I mostly just felt super mushy while doing this pile and I kind of take this to mean something. Firstly, I've been talking a little bit about the movies that each pile was represented by. Deep Red is actually one of my favorite movies (did I choose this pile before I pulled the cards? MAYBE. Do I think it's gonna happen for me specifically!? I don't know! But it might for you! Take what resonates!). It's a murder mystery and scored by Goblin (who I got to see play the score live during a showing of the movie last year for my birthday so!!!!). Basically, it's about an American pianist living in Italy who witnesses the murder of a neighbor and so he teams up with a journalist to solve the murder. They make a good team, and I think this is kind of playing into what I want to get at later, but first the big part of this: I think someone has noticed you. I think they're really attracted to you. Yes, I think it's physical, but I also think they're intrigued by you, especially because I think maybe you have some walls up and they can't really get to know you (I see the moon card in my fortune deck as kind of saying this, but it also can mean attention and praise, so I see this too!). I think they're seeing you as someone who has strength and has endured the trials of life. So, with this recognition, I think they're going to rush in and tell you how they're feeling and maybe ask you out. I think it's going to be really random and I also think it's going to end up being a compromise lol. I think you're going to be playing hard to get (but maybe it's not intentional, I know I'm kind of hard to really get to know, so I see how this could happen with someone). So, I see them working hard to get you to budge, but I think eventually you're kind of like "Okay, fine, but I choose what we do and when." Whatever it is, I see that it's going to go well I think you'll both be pretty happy. There may be a period after where you withdraw a bit (or they do) and think about it, but I think you feel a pull to them (which I think is why the Pull of You came on). The 8 of cups can talk about withdrawing, but it can also talk about loosing interest, however I don't see either of you loosing interest, at least not with everything else I pulled. This 8 of cups in this deck is really specific to me. In the Rider-Waite, he's walking away from the cups, but in this one he's just sitting and looking at the moon. And maybe this isn't you, maybe this is this person studying you before they ask you out? I mean, I think it's interesting I pulled one moon card and this one and the moon is so prominent to me in this card. Honestly, I think it's both! I think this person is REALLY into you. I mean, the majority of the songs that played were like really...They were about people liking people from afar, and also Panic Switch came on by Silversun PIckups and like I don't think it NECESSARILY applies to this, but I see maybe this being kind of a weird situation for you because maybe you're not used to the attention, so they like give you this attention and praise and admit that they like you and you kind of freeze up and your walls go up. So, like you panic? But, honestly, I think maybe you like them too. Like, Despite the seven and 5 of wands showing up, I'm  seeing good in this. (I like it by the Maria's came on, so I really think you like them back lol) The runes add to it too, because Perthro means hidden secrets (and I take the moon to mean that too!), but I see the Knight of Wands holding up his wand, so it's like they're offering this truth to you. It can also mean change, and I see that this will change things. And Eihwaz can mean stability, so maybe this is something that at first is scary and uncertain when it first presents itself, but then it even outs (like with those negotiations where you compromise) and it stabilizes and you're just feeling glad with how it worked out. HONESTLY, I'm just feeling super good about this? So I think this is going to make you feel good too! And for those of you that didn't want a love reading, it could just be a new friend maybe, like someone that admires you and maybe you two have a good dynamic (like one where you could solve mysteries lol). I also think that both of you are creative, but in different ways. Like one could write and the other could be more into making music or playing instruments. I mean, it could be anything and maybe you're into the same things, but I'm getting that just from the dynamic between the two main characters in Deep Red, and I definitely get a creative vibe from this. And like, maybe it's a business offer. Like, you're asked to work on a project with someone. I think this could end up well. Any of these situations I think is going to go good, so I'm really happy for you!
Deep Red Theme (since I posted the other themes. I listen to this one a lot actually, the bass is SO GOOD) first date - blink-182 (i promise i listen to other blink songs but this one just always seems to come up for these?!) the pull of you - the national  howling at the moon - phantogram  panic switch - silversun pickups (okay are you guys fans of good bass or something? bc i’m seeing a theme outside of my own preference)
groceries - mallrat i like it - the marías (you guys let me let this sit for weeks without me putting the link to this song? lol guyyss tell me things!) invisible string - taylor swift (i think its crazy this one played in the same pile the pull of you played bc I relate them together for many reasons? so like !!!! that’s tarot for you!!!!)
purest form - prince of eden
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
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Let me introduce you to my poison dart froggy :D Officially he is a Phantasmal Poison Dart Frog.
I drew this guy as my first exploration into Derwent Inktense pencils back in February 2012. He was just a practise sketch I had no intention of selling and I kept him. He currently sits in my loungeroom. As I am and always will be an avid blogger of my art and writing, here is the blog entry for this piece of artwork.
I’ve been watching the recent art theft in this fandom with sadness ::hugs to all of you who have been affected:: Many thanks to those of you who have stuck up for us all and gone into battle for us. I hate conflict, I’m crap at it, and to be honest at this point I’m rather jaded.
This guy has been with me for quite some time and he is a good example to work with because frogs are popular and I know exactly where the original currently sits. All of the images of this artwork come directly from whatever I put online. Froggy has been posted to social media, in particular Pinterest and he has been around for eight years.
Every now and then, I check on this guy in Google, to see who has appropriated him now. Because yes, he gets stolen all the time. He’s pretty, he’s vibrant and no one really gives a shit who owns him, they just steal him.
So prompted by our group’s recent issues, I thought I’d have another look.
I really shouldn’t have.
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Look at this adorably awful piece of graphic design. But do you know what is worse? It is a book for sale on Amazon. ::waves at author:: Hi, I’m your cover artist, thanks for letting me know. Look there is my signature in the bottom right corner, my little stylised Gumnut.
Of course, this is one of the worst and I’m toying with the idea of actually raising a ruckus, but there are always the other sites who love to run off with my stuff.
Blacktown Youth College
Oooh, look, someone threw him onto a Pokemon card
Randomly slapped up on Quora
Oooh, look, he’s now a video star (he appears at 13.11, but he also gets to be on the front cover
Here he is helping to actually sell dart frogs - and this guy steals artwork from everyone.
Now he is helping to teach Hindi
Aaargh, and there are so many more. He is all over the web and none of them link back to my desperately poor little self.
Why am I babbling about this? It sucks. It really, really sucks. I dread to look up my more recent artwork and to be honest, I have much better things to do with my time. With an online culture that just assumes it has the right to anything and everything it finds online, both the artistic and photographic communities take a massive hit. There is no appreciation for the work that has gone into a piece, no recognistion of ownership, much less credit.
Am I going to stop arting because of this?
Why should I ruin my life because of them? Why should my fun be spoiled?
Can I stop them?
People are going to do it anyway. Most of them don’t make any money off it, most of them are just ignorant. The book author, now that I might chase up. She’s making money off my stuff.
It royally sucks. I have no money. I’m not some big mega corporation with lots of lawyers and yes, they are royally shafting me. And most of all, I don’t have time to chase up every single piece of art I have ever created, I have better things to do with my life.
So what can you do to prevent this from happening to your artwork?
Sign your work, in a difficult position for it to be removed. Not like I did with my little gumnut above. But be aware, if anyone is really determined to break the law, they will. Photoshop is a thing. Heh, in some of my artwork I actually included my website address www.gumnut.net
Only upload smaller image files. I used to stick with around 700px. This is still printable, but only at small sizes. I don’t tend to go smaller because I like to have my art looking nice on my website.
Watermarks - I hate them, they ruin the artwork, but they are an option if you really want to use them. An appropriately placed signature may do a better job.
You can search for your images like I do using Google.
Go to your image on your website or blog and right click to get the image address. It might be easier to first open the image in a new tab all by itself, then get its address. The address should end in an image format like jpeg, jpg, png or gif.
Go to http://www.google.com and paste the image address into the search bar.
When the results list comes up you will also see an option at the top of the list ‘Search by image’. Click on it.
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It will give you three search types as a result.Scroll down the page to see all three search types.
The first one at the top will have a thumbnail of your image and will offer image sizes. Click on All Sizes to bring up a list of images across the web.
The second search is visually similar images which can be interesting, but is not as useful for what we are trying to do.
The third search, if you scroll down further lists ‘Pages that include matching images’. This is where you will find interesting stuff and where I found all those links above.
These searches rely on Google finding the images. if your image was posted yesterday, you are unlikely to find anything. But then if you are lucky then you won’t find anything anyway. I just checked a dragon painting of mine and the only images on the web are mine, yay! (And incidentatlly, Small Change Dragon was sold and currently resides in the UK :D)
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But anyway, this rabble, whatever it is, cos I woke up at 3am with this on my brain and it is now 5.45am, please don’t let these people ruin it for you. It’s sad, its wrong and it sucks, but please don’t stop arting because of it. If I did, I wouldn’t have any of the art or writing I have today. Are people still taking advantage of me, yes, can I do much about it, no, but why should a few a-holes ruin it for everyone else? Sure, we can deny the world our talents, and they won’t get our stuff. But then no one else will either.
Do I adore my fellow fans’ fanworks and fanfiction? God, yes! Please don’t stop creating because of a few nasty people. Don’t let them ruin it.
::lots and lots of hugs::
(who loves this fandom like crazy)
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selenityshiroi · 4 years
Okay, I’ve given it a few days since the official launch. I have to give my thoughts on this game. Don’t read if you are still playing through, as I WILL be talking about the ending and some things that diverged from the original game.
First off, this game was so good in so many ways.
I was worried about the gameplay, because I’m not really an Action RPG gamer. But the gameplay was smooth, fun and well planned. I played the game on easy, so I could focus on getting through the story, but I WANT to play the next difficulty because I feel like I will enjoy the challange.
Then there was the graphics. Oh. My. God. This game is SO BEAUTIFUL. The scenery (even though it’s not always supposed to be beautiful, it’s so intricate and detailed and has such a scale and world building to it), the characters, the battle animations, the attacks...even the grotesque monsters look so well done. We KNOW the FF series is always known for it’s stunning visuals, but they really outdid themselves. And, yeah, there are a few texture bugs that’ll probably be patched at some point, but even things like the lighting and the facial expressions and body language...it’s all SO GOOD. If this was a movie they would be fighting for art direction awards.
But the part they totally blew my expectations away on, everyone’s expectations, is the character and story development.
When they said they expanded Midgar they really, really did. But not by senselessly bloating it out. Everything they did led to making you more and more invested in the events. Spending more time with Team Avalanche meant that you cared about Biggs, Wedge and Jessie. Spending time talking to the NPCs in Sector 7 meant that you really, really wanted to stop that plate from coming down. And every time you spent time with one of the main characters, you felt like you knew and understood them better than you ever did.
By the time we got to the plate collapse I actually felt GUILTY for doing side quests and looking for treasure etc. Because it felt like I’d failed the people in the slums (even though, obviously, taking your time doesn’t change the story). And they’d done SUCH A GREAT JOB in making the slums feel real.
Now...before I go into characters and relationships, let me be clear and upfront. I always have and always will ship Cloti. But I don’t hate Aerith. I never actually played her much in the original game (I was spoiled for her death and was very pragmatic in not wanting to waste my EXP). This game is my first real taste of Aerith as a character and not a lost friend, so I’ve loved getting to know her.
Let me get the Cloti talk out of the way, first.
I’m sure there are fans of other pairings who won’t agree, but most people are in agreement. Cloud and Tifa got a LOT of ship fuel in this game.
From the start, Tifa is the one person Cloud isn’t standoffish around. He tries but within a few minutes of them teamed up in Sector 7 they are gently teasing each other in banter, and he is SOFT AS HELL towards her. Since this comes directly after the opening mission (where he and Barret are openly antagonistic to each other and he barely tolerates the rest of the team) it’s very obvious. As the chapter goes on he also listens to her and offers support and encouragement, which is completely different to the rest of his interactions thus far.
As the game goes on this difference continues, even when he starts to open up to others. Despite the fact that he has encouraging and impressed battle dialogue with Tifa and seems to respect her ability to take care of herself, the game has him constantly protective of her. They also touch each other A LOT (both initiated by Tifa and Cloud) and far more so than anyone else. There are some super charged moments between them, too (the train jump scene alone has enough sexual tension to start a baby boom) and there are several gratuituous scenes of them grabbing at each other in danger and showing extreme concern both physically and emotionally (and more of Cloud being SOFT AS HELL when it comes to Tifa). Plus their optional scene is super romantically suggestive (with the hug and his concern for her emotions and the hints at their shared history).
I could spend so much time going over all of their interactions and little moments because WOW. But I wanna go over the other relationships.
Cloud and Barret have such amazing development through the game. They start out as super antagonistic to each other. Barret doesn’t trust him and Cloud doesn’t care. But Barret is a softy at heart and he can’t help but soften up a little. By the time of the second reactor mission they start to tolerate and appreciate each other a little. But by the time they are fighting to save the plate? At that point Cloud is invested in the Team and Barret knows he’s a good fighter and maybe a good guy. The optional scene (I haven’t triggered it but was linked to a video) they have is such a good one where is shows how far they’ve come (Barret unloading his thoughts and emotions onto Cloud and feeling comforted by having spoken with him and Cloud willing to listen patiently and willing to be part of the Team).
Barret and Tifa have a rather familial relationship (Barret is super protective of his team and you can see this really early on) and their mutual respect and care for each other is wonderful. They know each other so well and are so emotionally open to each other.
Cloud and Aerith start out with him being pretty standoffish and barely tolerating her. But when she encourages him to save Tifa from Don Corneo they start to bond and their friendship starts to develop.
The slow build to Cloud finally sharing a high five (a few ‘how do you human’ moments with Avalanche, Tifa and Aerith and then misqueing one with Aerith before finally getting one right) was so damned adorable and is one of my fav moments!
I mean, I don’t ship them (and with the SHEER VOLUME of Cloti moments plus the increased hints towards Aerith’s relationship with Zack I don’t feel like I’m supposed to) but I am 100% behind their friendship. Also...Aerith knows how to flirt with Cloud and then back off when he’s uncomfortable...unlike Jessie who was well out of order several times. She is cool.
But talking about friendships I am 100% behind and very much grateful to Squeenix for giving us?
Hello Aerti!
DAMN these girls got a lot of moments together and plenty of chance to interact and develop a bond and I LOVED IT. Cloud was totally a third wheel to them, most of the time, and so he should be. Thank you for giving us girls being friends and not letting a man get between them. Tifa and Aerith protecting and defending each other felt so good after seeing so much toxicity spread around by the less stable parts of both ship fandoms.
Between letting Tifa and Aerith spend time together and having Barret help Aerith out of Shinra Tower it felt like Squeenix are trying to spend more time on developing Aerith’s relationships with the whole team. And I LOVE that because it’s needed before we get to THAT moment in future games. Nanaki doesn’t get much time with the others but it’s nice to see the starts of the bonds forming.
As much as I love shipping I love one thing just as much. FOUND FAMILY TROPES. And I want the next game to definitely go down this route for the entire Squad.
As for the characters individually...thank god we finally have the (not quite) real Cloud back. The emo fanon contruction is gone and we have our awkward, dorky, snarky boy back. I love him. He tries his best to be cool and all, but he’s a good boy at heart and it leaks out all over the place.
Same with Barret. Soft Team Dad hidden under a gruff guy who tries to come off as all tough and deadly. His moments regarding Marlene were super sweet and, like before, are such a contrast to his ‘big bad activist’ self that it’s great to see him in both stages and the inbetween.
Tifa was ~chef’s kiss~. A little playful but also a little shy. Full of compassion but not a pushover. Tough as nails, when needed, but also emotionally open.
Aerith was super playful and fun. But there is an undercurrent of sadness and insecurity around her and there is a lot of speculation that she may Know Things. Possibly even her future death.
We don’t get much of Nanaki or Reeve but I can’t wait for more from them (in Reeve’s case, through Cait Sith who got a small cameo during the plate collapse) in the next game. It looks like we might get Nanaki being a proper teenage wolf kitty which is gonna be great!
Team Avalanche were all pretty great, except for Jessie’s outrageous flirting going totally over the line...Cloud was very clear with his refusals but she still didn’t back off and was a step over the borderline of harrassment. That being said, other than the flirting, the team had some great moments. Jessie’s concern over how much of Reactor 1 was her fault and her GUILT was amazing. Biggs and Wedge, too, felt real and dimensional. Cloud building a small bond with the three of them (THEY GOT HIS FIRST TRUE AND BRIGHT SMILE) was so good and made the plate fall EVEN WORSE (despite the possibility of survival for them).
But now...the ending.
Oh boy.
There is a lot of talk and speculation about the ending and I’m sure it’ll be a hot topic until the next game comes out.
There are a few things it could mean on a scale of ‘barely anything will change but this means that Squeenix have given themselves some wiggle room with future events’ all the way up to ‘everything is gonna be totally different to the original game from here on out’.
Everyone is mad at the thought of the next game going in the latter direction and it’s the biggest drawback of the game to most. The one thing holding them back from thinking this game a perfect adaptation of the original game.
Personally, I think that the game is not going to change that much. I DON’T think Zack is still alive (the game was very clear to show us that Cloud still had the buster sword...so much so as to equip it on him during the cut scene after Zack’s appearance, even if it wasn’t his equiped weapon...Cloud probably wouldn’t have the sword if Zack was alive). I do think the Sephiroth we saw could be from the future. I do think the game will mostly keep to the same beats and events but that certain things will change in execution in order to keep some element of surprise and suspense. The biggest of things being that I think Aerith will still die, but not in the same set of events.
Overall, this game was utterly fantastic in almost every way. As a fan of the original I was so, so happy with what they did. The production team should be so very proud of the effort and detail they put into this game. The love they have for the original was obvious in the presentation.
10/10 would and will play again!
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moonvoiid · 5 years
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i am writing on two hours of sleep in the past twenty-four hours so please excuse me and all of my mistakes,  both grammatical and overall.    i swear i’m usually in a playful,   cryptid in a sexy way kinda mood...   fhsduifhds SO.    so !    ian moon.   alright,   i’m leaving important links down below !!   the google docs document contains his biography in a slightly    ( re: no big improvement )   better state than what i’m giving you under the read more,   so if you’d like 2 give something    (  SLIGHTLY )   more comprehensive a read i’d recommend it !!!   
( jeon jungkook, cismale ) hey ! have you seen IAN MOON around ? HE works as a SKI INSTRUCTOR (KID) at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for THREE MONTHS. they tend to be +SPONTANEOUS & +CHARISMATIC, but can also be -MANIPULATIVE & -DESTRUCTIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE REVELLER. thanks a lot !    ( charcoal-stained fingertips, cat hair on dark hoodies, frowning lips around an e-cigarette , distressed pokemon cards & the gleam of a new mercedes benz under street lights. )
google doc   +    playlist    +    pinterest board
THE PAST, a brief summary:
ian was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.    as soon as he could make demands,    he got everything he wanted whenever he asked for it and then more.    i wish i could sum up his childhood in those sentences alone,    but the bitter reality of his early youth was that he was a lonely kid.    his mother was a rather young trophy wife who married into his father’s family and became pregnant to tie herself into the family’s empire and his father was a ceo of a real estate company who only cared about making ian a suitable heir to the title.   he was allowed too much freedom from the start–   his dad only involved himself in ian’s life when it came to academics and his mom…   well,   his mom lazed around the house enough for ian to see her every few days or so.
he rebelled around his first years of university in seoul.   he was studying business to follow the path that was set for him when all of the pressure that had been building up finally made him SNAP.   ian ruined what little relationship he had left with his father and decided to leave home altogether after making a massive mess he couldn’t fix.    with a subsequent agreement he made with his mom,    he got to choose where to live,    if to study right away,    and what to do for the time being with a bank account full of funds.    now THAT’S the ian living and working in big bear village you know  !
his job !    ian works as a ski instructor for kids.   back when he was a child himself,    he and his family would often go on vacations and that frequently included leaving korea to go play in mountains of snow.   ian is really good at skiing because it was one of those skills that he worked his naive ass off to be wonderful at so his parents could have something to brag about.   besides choosing it because he’s good at it,   though,   ian also enjoys really active atmospheres in general.   he likes being kept busy and interacting with others and he likes being out in the cold like a mama duck since he ended up getting assigned to teach children how to skii.   he quickly warmed up to the job and he has a ton of fun working with kids which is hard to believe considering how generally insufferable ian is in any other setting.
mimi !    a short one but definitely worth mentioning because if i don’t mention her,   he will.   mimi is ian’s    (   and roman’s   )   beloved cat,   he would literally die for her.   she began living with them in their chaotic apartment after ian rescued her tiny kitten self and took her home.   she is extremely spoiled by him even though she herself is lowkey feral. 
postive habits !    so ian is truly a man of habit.   the pros are that some of his habits are really,    really good...   and the cons,   of course,   is the flipside that his negative habits are rather...    very bad and annoying.   but these are the good ones !!   it seems like he doesn’t really notice it,   but he makes an active effort to treat his friends because he doesn’t really know how to express affection unless it’s within an inappropriate joke or comment.   he’s quite loose with his expensive belongings and will quietly pay for his friend’s drinks throughout the night.  he works out a lot,   he would be a gym rat if he wasn’t busy being a disaster.   he makes up for all of the alcohol he drinks by eating really healthy    (   unless he’s high or,   again,   drunk and needs oily unhealthy food or else he’ll die   )   and keeping up with workout routines !    i don’t recommend having him as a gym buddy because he’ll show up at your doorstep at four am with protein shakes and a really shitty workout playlist.    he is very into art !!   his favorite medium is charcoal and he keeps his drawings / occasional paintings very greyscale.   he can be seen sketching the mountains during his free time like a true buffering romantic,   and his future plans include going to art school !!   he’s real organized with his general space n etc !    a tidy boy.   
negative habits !    alright,    so ian has a lot of these.   perhaps the biggest one is that he doesn’t accept criticism on his character even though he cares about how he’s perceived which is really very annoying for many people who know him.   he’s...   how u say...    irritating.    he never,   ever takes anything seriously and he’s always making a dumb joke,   so he has this persona of being a charming flirty pretty boy who sleeps around like a god taken straight out of greek mythology.   in other words,   he’s 100% a fuckboy.   the reason this is a bad habit is that ian is actually really smart and reliable but he wears 50 coats of shallow asshole that cover that up.    it’s his thing.    he thinks it protects him or whatever.   he can b...    manipulative...   he’s just really good at lying and will never hesitate to do it.   he is BAD at relationships !!    he treats them as things to pass the time or avoids them altogether in lieu of just getting the fun part of people and honestly...    it’s lowkey evil...   he’ll string people along and then blame them for getting attached ?    of course he goes on to feel very empty !!    because he does this stupid impulsive shit !! all the time !!    but anyway ian smokes e-cigarettes and he’s always got a fancy one in his pocket that he WILL use during any free outdoor time that he has.    he likes 2 party a lot and make bad choices while he’s drunk and then do that over and over and over again fhdisufh.   that’s the reveler for u babey !! 
misc headcanons !    ian is a huge weeb and loves video games.   he plays all big three gaming consoles + PC and u BET he hosts super smash bros hangouts w/ snacks and weed and everything u need basically every weekend when there’s not already a party goin’ on.   tbh in general ian rlly likes to start parties up like he’ll b the first to text ‘ aye where the party at ’    all the time and there’s no party invite he’ll say no to.    /    he’ll randomly start sketching u if ur sitting across from him n there’s a pen in his hand.    /    he wears absolutely no colors like this boy rlly only owns dark or pure white clothes.   /    he has only 1 tat:    a palm-sized heart on the side of his right hip.   ton of ear piercings tho !!   /    nnnn....    i’ll leave this lil section at that fr now !! 
to sum it up,   ian is a mix between a charming socialite boy and a messy fuckboy.
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