#there has been ups and down in every season
phantomrose96 · 3 days
Season 3 Elias is so goddamn fucking funny to me I forgot what a rollercoaster he was during my first listen.
Like the s2 finale has Jurgen Leitner giving Jon the whole "monsters are real speech" and Jon's like "I need a cigarette. NO ONE get brutal pipe murdered while I'm gone" and Jurgen fails step 1 because Elias walks in and grabs Jon's point-and-click-adventure pipe he'd been carrying around and Brutal Pipe Murders. Which, of course, Jon walks back in on and is prime suspect #1 due to literally every single feature trait and word he's said in the entirety of s2.
So naturally s3 starts with Jon on the lam and Officer Tonner like "I'm gonna arrest him for brutal pipe murder" and I'M like "Shit. I hate this. Elias is going to SO easily pin it on Jon and get away with it."
EXCEPT Elias walks in and is like "hello Ms. Officer no Jon Archivist did not kill that man, also I won't tell you anything else, also this is what you sound like" while reciting all her childhood trauma and all her illegal activity that will get HER sent to jail for brutal murder of the non-pipe variety and now I'm like "....huh." He's also like "Jon didn't do it but you can kill him if you want maybe :)" Elias your alibi????
And then we come BACK with Jon storming Elias's office with his two lesbian bodyguards as back up and he's like "I'm gonna use my powers to make you confess to pipe murder!" At which point Elias is like "It doesn't work on me. But I'm having fun so Martin go get everyone I need to tell you all how I committed pipe murder." and Martin does and Elias is like "Yes I pipe murdered. I also killed Gertrude. I love murder. You will not be compensated extra for this time. Get back to work." And they... DO... just go back to work. Because work is haunted. One of the lesbian police officers works here now, too. This just happened. "Also living dolls from Russia are about to Apocalypse the world, Jon go stop it," Elias says, while also saying "no I'm not gonna tell you how to stop it."
Okay???? Mr. Elias man??? And you're like "maybe he's a ruthless tactician? Maybe he's brutal but it's all in the interest of stopping the doll apocalypse??? He wants to save the earth???" Except THAT'S not even true it's actually more like he's trying to get the Russian dolls kicked out of line at Disney World so HE gets to meet Mickey Mouse first by which I mean, start his OWN Apocalypse, because if the dolls do it first well then what's the point of apocalypsing a planet that's become someone else's sloppy seconds.
Anyway Elias's master strategy here is to bring the human equivalent of a drowned cat to the gun fight and just sit back and watch Jon fall down every set of stairs he finds while Elias goes "This is good. This will work." His name isn't even fucking Elias.
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thigholstercas · 3 days
So I wanted to have all these parts of scripts that I love with destiel moments that were erased, changed, or added context in one place. Bare in mind that there are some that are Production Drafts and others Writer's Drafts, and so on.
4x02 - Are you there, God? It's me, Dean Winchester
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Oh honey, he's gonna be your husband
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Honestly, I'm just putting this here because I love this scene.
5x04 - The End
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Cas received the order to follow Dean's commands once, and he sticked to it up 'til the end of everything.
7x17 - Born again identity
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Just remember, this was after everything that happened in season 6 and widow!dean arc 1.0
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Forward to Cas' speech in 15x18, yes the parallels.
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Swear this is a whole Dean thesis. If we go back to what started this whole thing in tmwwbk. Dean tells Cas, we can fix this. And he never stopped wanting to fix it.
8x17 - Goodby Stranger
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Like, I know they established that it didn't make sense for Dean to say I love you here, which fair, and we ended up which I need you (somehow worse).
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But if we look at this as a whole, what Dean might understand is that saying I love you makes people leave him. Fastforward to the part when Dean takes the sigils so Cas can find him and Naomi visits and tells him that Cas doesn't return his feelings. Fastforward again to the You didn't trust me because even if we get to know that it was hard for Cas to leave with the tablet, away from Dean, Dean doesn't. For Dean, he left him, without even acknowledging that he loves/needs him, ignored him, and didn't trust him. Imagine you say I love you and you are left feeling abandoned, betrayed, and angry.
8x19 - Taxi Driver
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This in the middle of I love you, and You didn't trust me is something
8x22 - Clip show
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The one guy that's always had your back.
9x22 - Stairway to Heaven
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Don't know what they smoked to write this, but I want some
10x23 - Brother's Keeper
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You'll see the word shattered used a lot. This very much both destiel and drowley imo.
Season 12 is weirdly filled with these, so here are special mentions (because the max of pictures is 30 and there are too many moments). Most likely, it has to do with the market research by the end of 2016, which is why from 12-15, these scenes are more emotionally charged.
Mary saying Good friend when Dean and Cas hug in 12x01
Cas told Mary I promised (Dean) when they were talking outside the barn before going in to help Dean save Sam in 12x02
Dean telling Mary Get him outta here! when Cas was wounded in 12x12. And of course, when Cas says the things they have shared changed him (but that's on screen)
Cas texts? from 12x16
Dean is a worried husband on 12x18.
Dean explaining that no matter how much Cas messed up, did the wrong thing, or every dumb move he got it in 12x20. Cas was always Cas.
12x10 - Lily Sunder has some regrets
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Dean telling Cas he has changed, and it has all been for the good. Again, forward to 15x18.
12x19 - The Future
This whole episode is charged with scenes from Dean and Cas. Like you have the angry Welcome home from Dean when Cas returns from Heaven. Dean calls Cas a super strong dude in a trenchcoat. The mixtape scene with the That was a gift. To keep. And Dean softening a bit even if he's angry because he's more worried.
But I think the biggest one is this one. The destiel sex scene (jk)
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And after this, even though it is said in the show. There is more insistence from Dean to not let go of Cas -> We're not gonna let you just walk away. Not again. Not happening.
12x23 - All Along the Watchtower
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The word shattered is mentioned a lot in the scripts. This is every part that describes Dean's reactions after losing Cas. Forward to 15x18.
13x06 - Tombstone
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This is one of the best things that never happened in the show. You have Dean choking down his emotions saying he's much better now and Cas who fought with the empty with everything he had in 13x04 to return to Dean, coming to a meadow near a windmill because Dean thought he'd like it.
13x14 - Good Intentions
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Forget about the in love part. They are best friends, and we didn´t get this.
13x20 - Unfinished Business
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He lost Cas and it damn near broke him. Not we lost Cas, I.
14x12 - Prophet and Loss
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Losing Dean was unacceptable. Cas said that losing Dean was unacceptable. And Dean got emotional. And then forward to 15x18, Cas just goes no, Dean can't die because that'd be unacceptable to me, so i'll sacrifice. And then, Dean gets emotional. Again. But for Dean, the unacceptable happened.
15x09 - The Trap
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Forward to 15x20. In this future that Chuck showed Sam that he lost Dean the second Cas was gone.
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Have I said how much they used the word shattered. Anyway, Dean wanted Cas to stay. That's his best friend.
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He's amazing.
15x18 - Despair
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This is not that different from what it was filmed, it is just that seeing it described makes it different. Especially when you get things as Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester, Dean is emotional, stunned, shocked. And have I said how much they used the word shattered. Also, you can see how it starts as a confession because Cas is confessing that he made a deal, but then it ends as a declaration, a declaration of love. Which makes testament such a good word for it.
15x19 - Inherit the Earth
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The fact that Dean couldn't say Cas was gone
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He's not the ultimate killer. He's not daddy's blunt instrument. He's someone who raised his little brother for love, who fought for the world for love and the most caring man on Earth
15x20 - Carry On
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We don't talk about this episode because the script has way too many [omitted] but this is exactly what happened in 15x09 when Chuck showed their future to Sam if they followed the road they were taking.
Okay, that was it. Probably missed some, but for me, these are the parts that stand out.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 2 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Summary_ He pushed you away some time ago. You forgave him, but Miguel realizes intentions don’t mean much and he wants you back.
Warnings_ age gap! (I’m 20, Miguel is around 28-31, bear with me), angst, fluff.
A/N_ this is The Craving from Twenty One Pilots, I loved the new album. and imgonnagetyouback from Taygod Swift, BOTH IN MY MIGUEL PLAYLIST🩷
♪ ♫ My Miguel O’Hara playlist ✰ Index (+ fics here)
Waves of silence crash all over the Spider Society. Miguel O’Hara had just told Miles Morales that he had to let his father die to protect canon. Your guts twist in an odd feeling, you feel a bad omen. The chase had been tough, your insecurity playing with your head as you knew Miles had the right to choose his destiny.
Canon had been fair with you, offering you light problems compared to others. So you wished every spider had the same destiny as yourself.
Now seeing that Miles was gone thanks to the “Go Home Machine”, you couldn’t let Gwen to follow the same path.
“Miguel… you can’t send Gwen home. She’s vital for this.” You say quickly stepping up against the man who was intimidating the sixteen-year-old girl.
“I don’t need more problems than we already have. I restate… she’s a liability” Gwen pleads you with scared eyes. You gasp, running out of options to calm the angered man.
“You gave me a second chance too, I was once a novice like her” Miguel huffs, looking at you with much impatience.
“Yes, and you learned from that, never committing an error again.” Gwen is picked and caged inside the machine, she starts panicking and you too. In an act of desperation, you grab Miguel from his forearm, making him turn to look down at you. His crimson-red eyes stare at you with such hostility that you know you have to be careful to choose the right words.
“This is not right. You are not thinking clearly. Miles and Gwen deserve better” Your gaze moves between him and Gwen, hoping Miguel would agree and let the girl stay.
“Miguel, please…”
“THIS IS ABSURD, Y/N!… CANON HAS GIFTED YOU WITH MUCH LUCK, YOU CAN’T EXPECT EVERY PERSON HERE TO RUN WITH THE SAME FATE. BE REALISTIC, RESPONSIBLE, AND INTELLIGENT FOR ONCE!” As he attacks, Gwen is gone. Another round of silence invades the place, but this is worse. Your eyes open in shock after hearing Miguel.
He can’t be fixed. He won’t change. It’s time to go and follow what you think it’s correct.
You eye Jess and Peter, they seem like they have some things to say but remain quiet.
Miguel finally looks delicately at you and notices your eyes are watering. The awkwardness is very loud, your blush letting everyone know you are embarrassed.
You won’t say anything about it. You just look back at Miguel for a second, before opening a portal in your gizmo, doing the same as Hobie Brown did; quitting.
“I really thought you would get it…” Your gizmo fell to the ground as you disappeared, the screen of it cracking and leaving Miguel a little stunned by your decision. He sighed, knowing he had screwed it, but confident that his intentions were correct.
That night, after a quick patrol, when you returned home, you took a quick shower to wash away all the pain and bitter taste of the day you had. But when you came back, there was a little present wrapped in newspaper that wasn’t from your earth. You unwrapped it, revealing a homemade gizmo. You grabbed the little note attached.
We need you
You would do things right. And you didn't care if you had to fight with old friends or colleagues. Especially Miguel.
The seasons had changed so fast. By the time summer ended, the leaves were already drying and many people had left, by winter and the snow falling over, others came back. But you stayed the same.
You had the same suit, with upgrades and chrome instead of golden details, but it was the same. Your earth was well controlled, with no sign of the villains that used to terrorize your city. All the smiles you offered were the same. All the laughing with Peter B. Parker, Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, and Miles was the same. Yet, something had changed between you and Miguel O’Hara.
The man knew the perspective people had of him would change after the events of last summer when he put the lives of Miles and many others at risk. He let his fears win and while he tried to protect everything, he was only pushing it towards the edge, dooming the fate of the multiverse. You were on his side at the beginning, claiming that canon was sacred and couldn’t be changed. But the image of Miles, his face full of fear and anxiety, unsure and terrified of his future. He was a kid, he had no idea of anything. He made you question if canon events could change. Either way, the kid was more than enough to draw you worried. Destiny could be wrong, so you decided to help Miles. Your decisions had consequences? Yes. The moment you left the building of the Spider Society, you started to miss everything. In your mind, you were almost assured Miguel didn’t care about you, but deep down, your heart said the opposite. Ending with a drift that seemed invisible at the beginning. But now, a year later, it was more than clear.
The change was something you could get used to. Your work remained the same, with Jess and Peter. B Parker. Your missions only turned more fun with the addition of Miles and Gwen permanently returning like you. Gatherings at Peter’s each Saturday remained the same. But all the awkwardness of the spiderverse invaded you when Miguel O’Hara came into the picture.
After all, you two had gone on a date the day before you met Gwen at her earth while capturing the Renaissance vulture. He asked you out, and you said yes. It was a lovely afternoon and he even visited your home. What started as a mentorship from him, blossomed into a friendship and then as a “almost something”. Which hurt worse.
It all started with you walking away. Briefings were cautiously heard by you, even staying after for further questions. Jess asked you to hand the mission details to everyone when Hobbie and Miles came to talk about a concert you were going to with Gwen and Margo when Miguel came and started asking about a new gizmo coming soon. Everyone noticed you grew quiet and soon after you were gone.
Then, you stopped asking to go on missions with him, Ben, and his usual party. When you were recruited, Miguel was annoyed but pleased to have you along. It happened that one day, you blew things off accidentally, making him extremely angry. Your web shooter failed and you almost missed it to save a baby. Nonetheless, you quickly were ranked higher thanks to your abilities.
All of your friends could see how your small friendship with your boss had suddenly evaporated. And Miguel couldn’t blame you. After all, he was the one yelling in your face when you argued in favor of Gwen when she was sent home. Miguel could remember he almost made you cry, leaving you completely embarrassed in front of everyone. He felt terrible seconds after you left, but he soon went to the earth of Miles with Ben and Jess. Eventually, when the man learned you were silently helping the kid and the ones who had left his side, he didn’t say anything. In the final moments, Miguel knew he had to side with the teenager and help to get rid of The Spot. And when the chaos was over, he wished he had the right to celebrate it with you.
The aftermath changed him, over the months, he even thanked you for trying to make him see the reality from the beginning, and he apologized. But that night, he understood that you had forgiven him, but remained hurt.
Either way, Miguel had to deal with the consequences of his acts and sort the way things would work for the sake of everyone’s canon. Yet, in the middle of the night, he constantly remembered you.
Out of nowhere, Miguel O’Hara was accepting that he missed you. And acknowledging that fact, only made him accept he had some feelings towards you. Which scared him for sure. But after losing his daughter, almost losing all he had built for spiders like him, after feeling so isolated, Miguel lounged to have a partner. He craved the love of someone. And had found it. He just wished he had done things differently.
Jessica knew Miguel so much that she easily solved the mystery. On a random Monday, she bombarded him with questions that soon made Miguel spit out he was attracted to you. She suggested the man slowly try to talk to you. Nothing was lost, there was hope. The woman had her theories about you never getting over that crush on Miguel. She often had caught you staring at him, staring too much for later to avoid him. Jess knew you were protecting your own heart.
“Miguel?” She asks.
So there he was, Miguel was sitting in the cafeteria, taking a big bite of his empanada de picadillo. He could taste the shredded beef, potato, carrot, jalapeños, and mushrooms freshly mixed with spices.
“Yes?…” The insides of the empanada are burning his tongue and he doesn’t mind.
“I asked if you assigned today’s missions?” He nods. With a quick glance at his surroundings, he huffs at the sight of the hamburger with the face of his mask still being served. The cafeteria is full and he hates all of the voices speaking at the same time. He has to wear sunglasses because the place is full of light, and it hurts his eyes. Why is everyone still eating a hamburger with his mask on the bun?
“Are we lunching here because perhaps you want to see when a certain female spider appears?” Miguel rolls his eyes. Some days, he loves Jess and knows about his feelings for you because she grants him free therapy. But other days, he hated it because Jess knew how to mess with him. Like now…
“Oh…Hi y/n!” Miguel looks at Jess panicked, but soon feels relived that his sunglasses are dark enough to cover his blown wide eyes. You appeared there. Upside down, of course, Miguel notices how your hair hangs freely, and he isn’t sure if it’s longer, or it’s just the gravity.
“Hey, Jess. I just came to drop this file with Miguel. Lyla said he wasn’t in his office” You say calm. He notices you have your mask on, but you’re definitely not looking at him. He takes the folder from your hand and stays there looking at you. You seem awkward but remain relaxed.
“That’s from my morning patrol, you asked for a report. I’m leaving with Hobbie and Pav now…” you add. And you can see how Jess keeps glancing back and forth between you and Miguel. Was she hiding something from you?.
“Okay… guess I’m leaving now…” you only sigh when no one answers.
“Get back safe, please,” Jess says as you are already far away from them.
“Thanks” you answer without looking back. Soon you open a portal at the entrance of the cafeteria and you’re gone. That’s when Jess comes back to her friend, side-eyeing him.
“Really? You couldn’t even say ‘thank you” or “good luck”?” Miguel sighs, dropping his empanada and relaxing his shoulders. He knew he had to say things to you to get back to normal.
“I know… I just… I don’t know how to start this” Jess smiled. In the end, even when Miguel was a 6’9 tall man with the title of founder of the Spider Society and creator of the Gizmo, he was a silent and certified emotion avoider.
“She forgave you for last summer and all. But this is now, she’s also awkward about you. She’s also unsure if you want to talk to her…” Miguel leaned closer, interested and equally anxious.
“She said that?” Jess shrugged while taking a bite of her French fries.
“It came out very vaguely. But for sure she’s also a mess for you”
“What? Did she also say that?” Jess giggles at him, only sipping from her soda.
“Maybe you could start sending flowers or letters, Romeo” Miguel huffs, wondering if his friend actually knew something or not.
Jess wanted to lock you two in a room and hopefully, when she opened the door, Spiderman 2099 would have a prospective lover.
With another college semester ended and a driving anxiety, summer was a relaxing time for you to spend in your room. Painting your toenails, you were singing at your CD player playing one of your favorite songs. Your family was gone, so you could be letting your feet dry walking upside down in your ceiling. Suddenly, your gizmo beeped and it was a deleted message from Miguel. You frowned and almost screamed. Probably he sent something to you by accident and then he deleted it. But you had an omen. So you called Jess, she answered with a long and mean “what?”, she must’ve been watching some movie with her husband.
“Miguel sent me a message and proceeded to delete it before I could read it?” You didn't mean to sound so fast and desperate, but you did.
“Slow down, girl. But… he deleted it?” Actually, she had been sleeping, her toddler being a little bolt that demanded a lot of her time even with her husband there.
“Exactly… Odd, Right?”
“Coming from Miguel? Sure it is. But… I think it’s time you try to talk to him too, y/n. Maybe he’s awkward about what happened last summer and doesn’t know how to approach you” Jess wants to scream that Miguel likes you too, but she can’t ruin it.
“ I feel like Miguel doesn’t even care I distanced myself from him. But when I see him, my heart starts beating so fast, and my hands sweat.” She laughs and lets out a long “eww”.
“You hide it very well. But you’re very cold, it doesn’t help. I have to admit you also might need to try….”
“Jess, I’d end up bursting out that I’m in lo-“You immediately stop, Jess lets out a surprised groan.
“Goodnight, Jessica” You go straight to bed, ignoring the deleted message and everything regarding Miguel.
But Jess and her questions keep popping up in your head.
Could it be possible that you were actually in love with Miguel?
“So my teacher said my essay was lacking everything, it was marked with red all over,” Miles says walking beside you, both of you are done for the day with the missions. You were almost infected by some poisonous lizard that was haunting earth-2407.
“Did you actually make the corrections?”
“I did-“ you side-eye him.
“Well, not all of them but-“ you two are just walking around with no destination secured. So when you two pass by the training center, Miles literally pushes you towards the stairs that lead to the balcony of said center. He gestures to you to keep hushed before turning to see the couple speaking; Miguel and Jess.
“We shouldn’t be hearing them” you remind him, not wanting to get caught, especially by Miguel.
“Jess banned me from the 10th floor because I was disturbing everyone. Gwen was with me and she received no punishment, bro” the teenager whispered. At sixteen, Miles had grown impossibly taller, almost like Peter B. Parker and Noir. Even Gwen was taller, everyone was taller. But at least you weren’t the same height as Penny or Peter Porker.
“Maybe because Jess is training her yet?”
“So? That’s nepotism” You want to laugh but he shushes you again. So you turn to see Miguel and Jess training.
The man was extremely sweating and Jess too. You never reached the same level of training simulations as them, thinking it was unnecessarily violent and fast-paced.
“Keep Gwen and Miles out of my lair. I’m tired of catching them trying to make new suits from themselves”
“They don’t even know how to work the machine, relax” the woman bites back.
“So? It’s annoying”
“It’s also annoying that I have Lego Spiderman and y/n printing random pictures at my office” The mention of your name makes you blush, remembering the print of Peter B. Parker with a big red font saying “Have you seen this man in your dreams?” It was very funny among the coworkers and every time Peter saw it, he would start complaining from all the bullying he had to endure.
“Don’t get y/n on this. I can’t even stand her now” You swear you can feel your heart shattering. Miles turns to look at you, encountering your sad expression.
“Y/n…” the boy tries to soothe you, but you just shake your head.
“I think I’m going home, Miles” you whisper to him, leaving soon after.
Your eyes water as you walk away from the training center, many fellows stare confused at your sadness. But you ignore them as you open a portal towards home.
And when you are in the safety of your earth, you are not ready to go to your pillow to cry. So you start swinging between skyscrapers and buildings just to clear off your mind.
You knew it was a mistake from the beginning to start developing feelings for Miguel O’Hara. Then he invited you to that damn date. Such a fun day till he had to yell in your face that you were privileged and shouldn’t be stupid ignorant. Now he seemed to have left the issue behind, after his apology. And you forgave him, even letting your feelings for him float around. But if he didn’t want you back at the society? Why did he call? Why did he offer the gizmo again?
He was an asshole.
Meanwhile, Miles stayed a little longer, hearing more of the conversation.
“Just tell y/n to stop using my printer” Jess pleaded.
“Nah, I won’t tell her,” Miguel says smirking. The woman training with him rolls her eyes annoyed.
“Just because she’s your impossible crush doesn’t mean she can have the privilege to print stupid things at my place” Miles gasped, thinking what Jess said was a joke.
“You can use my printer, so I don’t have to say anything to my girl,” Miguel said and Miles was officially shocked. He had to tell you everything the next day.
Two days later, the overheard talk is somehow forgotten. Miles tries to mention it occasionally but you brush him off. You have your head centered on Mayday, the two-year-old toddler walking beside you across the hallways of the Spider Society. Peter completely trusted you to leave his child with your babysitting.
“Where did you leave your ribbon, Mayday?” The little girl giggles. She has a dress of flowers and sneakers, making her look very adorable with her long disheveled hair.
“Don’t know” she babbles. Peter would be mad since it was the third pair being lost in the week.
Mayday clumsily waddles, giggling as you keep searching around for that ribbon. Even though the floors are mysteriously always clean and shiny, you can’t see the damn ribbon.
When you walk slightly away from the little girl to look down on a bench, you hear a little yelp from her and when you turn back, you see Mayday on the floor and then she starts crying.
“Oh fuck me…” you whisper, running to grab the kid and start calming her. You carry her in your arms as you sit on the bench.
“It’s okay, Mayday. It was only a little slip, but you are okay” She starts hearing your voice and her cries turn to sniffles, feeling protected when you hug her and gently brush her hair.
“Daddy won’t like looking at you crying. He wants to see you laughing and happy. You are fine, see?” The kid nods brushing away the tears.
“Now give me a smile. You were very brave!” mayday smiles brightly and you chuckle.
“That’s the Mayday I know!” The kid laughs at your way of entertaining her. When you turn towards the hallway to see if Peter is back, you almost drop Mayday again.
Miguel was there, looking at the interaction.
“I found the ribbon,” he says walking towards you and the girl. His expression is very neutral, and you can’t see the way Miguel’s hand is shaking slightly.
“Miguel!” Mayday greets the tall man with a smile, asking him to be in his arms. They both had grown closer. After all, Miguel had been around Mayday since she was born. You appeared when Mayday was 10 months old.
“Hey, kid” you let him take the girl, then you accept the ribbon from his free hand. You barely touch him but your lungs are dry and your stomach is a mess like a powerful tsunami. Nonetheless, your face shows the contrary.
“Thanks. Peter was growing annoyed by how many ribbons this little girl had missed.”
“I know. And you handled very well the situation back there…” he admits, recalling the little slip of Mayday. Miguel sees a little blush in your face, it lights up his hopes.
“Thanks…” you awkwardly say, standing up to try to reach the little girl.
Miguel leans slightly to let you tie the ribbon on Mayday’s hair and he’s able to smell your perfume of figs and brown sugar. He also sees the little golden seashell pendant hanging on your necklace. He smiles when he realizes you are avoiding his gaze. And when you’re done, both stare at each other, with many questions, but silence reigns. Both of your hearts racing with a tormented passion.
“Y/n… I feel like we need to talk about-“
Miguel grows quiet when Peter appears running in the middle of the hallway.
You don’t even catch what he said, you turn relieved to see Peter was back.
“Oh boy, we are late for her passport appointment. M.J.’s gonna kill me” You giggle at his drama. Miguel is still there behind you, he rolls his eyes making Mayday laugh.
“She will understand. And thanks for the ribbon, Miguel” The little girl is back in his father’s arms and you quickly start following them, too nervous to stay with Miguel alone.
The man just stays there seeing how you leave, and he sighs, taking a long breath. His intentions are not enough. His little efforts are nothing to reach you, it makes the craving he feels to be corresponded by you even bigger.
As for you, you feel a great heartache. Half of you feel very nervous, because it seems like some days Miguel wants to talk to you, and other days he wants to say he’s tired of you. What a confusing and fucked up situation.
He gives two steps forward, like five steps back. Miguel is standing at the entrance of the terrace in the building of the Spider Society, debating whether to go and talk to you or not. He even prepared a few things to say, hoping to not scare you away, more than you already were. While he knew he couldn’t just scream out he was in love with you, he could try to mend the breach built between you two.
It’s getting late in Earth-928, and a lot of spiders are leaving their home. It’s Saturday and a lot of them have plans with their families, partners, and friends. Miguel is set to have another lonely weekend doing some patrol. But for now, he’s still there, watching you seated on the rooftop of the building, eating some chicken and avocado tacos from the cafeteria. Miguel wants to laugh when he catches a glimpse of some avocado dropping from your taco. You set the plate aside and look down, letting out a little “yikes”, Heaven knows what or who would end up getting a piece of avocado from the sky.
He’s not ready. Miguel curses himself for being a big overthinker. He’s able to fight the most callous and evil villains from different dimensions. But he’s unable to say “Sorry, I was an asshole. Can we try it again?… Oh, and I love you”. Perhaps it was his anxiety or panic, but Miguel swears his gizmo beeped, so he walks away, going down the stairs, feeling his heartbeats returned to normality.
Each step he takes is filled with greetings, comments, warnings, notices, and more from different spiders. He sends spider plushie and Penny to work in a minor anomaly and finally, he closes the door of his office.
There’s a mess of papers around. Miguel suddenly remembers someone… Gabriella. He’s happy that his trauma is slowly fading away. He was officially healing and had accepted his daughter had also forgiven him. Miguel could rest knowing his errors were sealed.
And just as he was about to play some of the recorded memories he had, Lyla appeared.
“The whole gang is coming” she blurted out with her usual cocky smile.
“Tell them I’m busy, Lyla”
“But they’re already here” The AI had a new pair of fucsia heart sunglasses and coat. Which seemed to have made her more stubborn. Miguel sighed, turning off his monitors.
“MIGUEL!” the man heard the annoying voice of Peter B. Parker and sighed. When he turned around, he saw the whole club; Peter without Mayday, Hobie, Pav, Margo, Miles and Gwen.
“What is it now?” he looks down at them from his platform and is already irritated by their presence. Even after a year of changes, they were a group of teenagers and Peter.
“Well… uh-“ Gwen starts, but soon pushes Peter forward, encouraging him to speak up instead of her.
“Uh… Miguel, we know you hate us for wandering about your private life and we respect it. But we feel like you need to talk to y/n about her position here.” As Peter talks, he has Miguel’s whole attention.
“And why is that?” He sounds reluctant, but he grows anxious.
“She said she doesn’t feel the same as it was when she was recruited. That you confuse her with your behavior towards her” Margo answers for Peter, with a better choice of words, of course.
“As the leader of this team, we just want you to remind her that she’s welcome and that you want her here. Because you want her here, right?” Peter adds, Miguel crosses his arms.
He needs you, actually.
“I’m not sure I’m the most adequate person to tell her that,” Miguel replies.
“Oh, you have to be kidding. She heard you and Jess. At the training center…” Gwen speaks again, Miguel is shocked, even terrified of you hearing you were his girl.
“How much?” Miguel asks with that well-known tone of anger and fully intentional intimidation.
“Well…” Peter said.
“HOW MUCH?, POR DIOS!” Miguel yelled exasperated.
“She left when you said you couldn’t stand her,” Miles confirmed to him, making him sigh. Trying to get you back was only getting trickier than expected.
“Yeah… I don’t think chicks want to be neglected twice” Hobie speaks for the first time, mocking Miguel.
“Hobbie, not helping here” Margo scolds him whispering.
“At least I’m trying to pull one out” Miguel fires back making everyone bite their tongue to avoid laughing. Because Hobbie Brown didn’t have the best history search with girls.
“Hey no, stop. The point here is that you need to talk to her. I accidentally heard everything” Miles speaks up, walking forward toward Miguel.
The man only pinches the bridge of his nose, cringed that the teenager had to listen.
“I’m pretty sure she feels something too” Miguel hated that Miles had to be a wise kid, frequently reminding him of his errors and making him realize there were always other options.
“She must hate me.”
“No, y/n just needs to know how you actually feel” Gwen encouraged him, and unconsciously, Miguel was being pulled towards the exit.
“I couldn’t speak to M.J. for a very long time after we divorced. And I had nothing to lose, I just knocked on her door with some flowers. Look at us now… y/n will know too” Miguel thought Peter could be the goofiest man he ever met, but he was his friend. So maybe he could accept his advice.
“Va pues, don’t know why I’m listening to all of you” huffing, Miguel and the group were out, except for Hobbie, who stayed behind stealing things from Migue’s lair.
When you open your door, you gasp shocked. Miguel is there, he’s wearing a sweater that fits him a little too tight but nice, dress pants, and tied shoes. You rarely saw him without his suit. But that isn’t all, he has a pretty bouquet of lilies in his hand.
“I’m sorry.” He says and you are already making a pout.
“Let me finish, please.” He interrupts you, so you nod, stepping out of your place.
“I’ve made some mistakes, but as the son of a mother and… and-“ you start giggling and Miguel is red like a tomato.
“Let me guess… Peter gave you a speech to say to me?” Miguel tilts his head.
“Yes and… I-… mierda. See, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to leave the Spider Society. I need you. And I still feel guilty for last summer. But if you give me another chance… I swear that I will give you more than I take away” You nod, smiling. Miguel sighs relieved. To his surprise, you grabbed him by the sweater and pushed him towards you to give him a big kiss on the lips. He reciprocates immediately, smiling in between.
“I’m in love with you” he admits, his forehead kissing yours.
“I’m in love with you too, Miguel” As both of you kiss again, chants and applauses start. When you step away from Miguel, you see your friends there, passing past you and Miguel to step inside your home.
You are extremely confused.
“We were here the whole time, FYI,” Margo says as Miles, Gwen, Pav, and Noir pat your back and step inside.
“I’m so happy for you both. I can’t wait to have a double date. You two, M.J. and I” Miguel rolls his eyes at Peter.
“What did I miss?” You ask Miguel. Not that you mind that your friends literally invaded your home, but it was just weird.
“They wanted to help me”
“Aww, we have such good friends,” you say smiling.
“They’re not my friends. I just tolerate them” he is lying of course. You grab his hand, your cocky smile making him feel so happy. He’s still processing what just happened, he can’t believe he officially got you back.
“Oh shut up, of course, they are our friends”
“What about you and I?, Are we more than friends?” You blush at his questions. He grabs you by the waist to prevent you from going inside the house.
“Not so fast, bonita”
“I don’t know. But I’m eager to be your lover”
Now Miguel was turn to get blushed.
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Just thinking today about how Ed's entire life has convinced him he's not allowed any tenderness, how love has always been made into something dangerous for him. A defining memory of his childhood is his mother, trying to protect him by telling him he's not meant for fine things, trying to give him one tiny piece of finery so he doesn't get hurt looking for more - and the lesson he learns is he is incapable of deserving nice things. He kills his father in an act of love, protecting his mother, and what he takes away from it is he's a monster. As a pirate captain with more riches than you can shake a fuckin' stick at, he denies himself every comfort and luxury so he's surprised and excited by marmalade and cashmere and a library, even though he surely could've had those things for himself.
When he's holding his piece of silk and Stede walks up to him, Ed hides it like he's guilty. Like he's sure Stede will mock him for it or even hurt him for owning something that's above his station.
When he cries alone in the spot Stede's bed used to be at the end of the first season, he's stripped the bed so he's basically just sitting on hard wood. The night he cries with the cake toppers, he's put down furs, but he's still laying on the floor. He takes every single chance to deny himself comfort, like he deserves to be punished for wanting something else.
That's why him wearing that soft comfy robe and reclining in bed with his boyfriend the morning after their first time feels so healing, I think. I hope Ed's eventually able to realize he deserves to be comfortable, that he can spend every single morning in comfort and safety, bringing his boyfriend breakfast in bed and feeling so safe and loved.
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miss-may-i · 2 days
Miss May I: Season 5 Part 15
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Isabella: I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow. I'm going to miss you so much.
Richie: I'm gonna miss you too, but I need to go so I can take care of you once I'm back.
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Damian: Good luck at uni, man. If anyone can do it, it's you.
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Damian: Don't let the big city change you too much.
Richie: Don't count on it. Someone has to keep an eye on you hicks.
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Isabella: I can't believe he's really leaving. What am I supposed to do without him?
Julian: Bell, there's more to life than just being a housewife.
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Isabella: You're one to talk, Mommy. Just look how cute Jasper is. Every time I see him I can't wait to have my own.
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Julian: What if I'm pregnant?
Isabella: What do you mean what if you're pregnant? Then we jump up and down and cheer. This is what you want, right? You're not 16 anymore. You're married now. You actually want this one. I mean, not that you didn't want Jasper, but you know what I mean. This one was on purpose. Right?
Julian: Noah's been using.
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Isabella: Using? What, like drugs?
Julian: Yeah.
Isabella: How do you know?
Julian: My mom was an addict. I know all the signs. Money is disappearing without a trace. He's moody or tired all the time. He screams at me in front of Jasper. He's gone all the time but lied about being fired from his job.
Isabella: None of those things are good. What are you going to do?
Julian: I'm gonna ask Vivi if Jasper and I can stay with him for a while. I can't bring him back to that house with Noah how he is.
Isabella: That's a good idea. But what if you're pregnant?
Julian: I'm not sure. I still have to take a test. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.
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Family Tree
*Guys' poses by @bmit04*
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le-panda-chocovore · 3 days
I think the reason for all that discourse in the JJK fandom is that we had some expectations about what this story would be about, and we were wrong. I'd say it was our fault for having them, because Gege had his own story in mind and it isn't our role to tell him what to write/draw. But I'd also say that we were misled into having those expectations and then being deceived, because shock value is fun.
(I'm not in the AOT fandom so maybe I'm 100% wrong, in which case don't pay attention to me. I'm just rambling I'm not trying to make a point)
See there's not such a thing in Attack On Titans. I mean I know people are arguing whether a decision was good or bad or a character development was positive or negative, but no one is rioting the way JJK readers are even when someone dies, kills, or does worse (they do start a genocide lol). Because in AOT you know since the beginning what this story is about : surviving, war, and liberty. With time you learn that it's also about racism, destiny and injustice. But the story starts with death and blood and it never calms down, characters keep dying or getting hurt and no one's safe all along the story. So you just know it'd end the same way, you know what to expect, that power of friendship won't save anyone here.
But Jujutsu Kaisen is different, because it has all the codes of a basic Shonen. Everyone was comparing it to Naruto during the 1st season so you would believe it'd follow the same path. Of course there's fights and fails and suffering and death, because it's necessary for the growth of the protagonist. He'd learn he's not strong enough and he'd try harder and mature more and be better. Jujutsu Kaisen makes you think it's your One Piece-type manga where 1 person dies every 4 arcs and the main team survives everything, even when it looks impossible.
And then Shibuya happens and you're shocked because it's way to early to kill so many valuable characters in a row. Usually that kind of massacre happens during Big War arcs like in MHA. At first you think it's an interesting writing choice because it changes from other mangas, and you wonder how the main character will evolve from that. But then the training arc never happens, because shit keeps falling on them and there's a pile of deads and you start to wonder when it'd stop. Spoilers : it doesn't.
So at some point you realize it. This isn't a classical shonen. This isn't an happy-ending after a hard fight kind of story. There's no power of friendship to save them, there's no important moral path to keep following no matter what (like "I won't do to you what you did to me because it'd mean that I'm the same" no it doesn't work here), and there's not even a chance to run away from that cursed role no one wants to bear. There's no one protecting the kids anymore. The MC isn't strong enough and the mentors are dead and close friends are off-fight and the one person able to end this has to make the horrendous choice to give up his humanity.
In AOT, you were shocked, but it felt logical in the sense of where the story was leading you from the beginning. In JJK, you feel betrayed and manipulated because everything made you think about those other mangas where people ended up fine, but it was just a cover.
Honestly you COULD have guessed it'd end that way. Many people did. You just ignored it.
You thought Junpei's death was an exception, the Major Point for Yuuji's development, the Shock Value Kill to put some depth nuance in the story. But in reality it was a warning, a taste of the future. There WERE signs after all, and Gege never pretended to write another Naruto. You were so used to the classical shonen that you read the signs and fell for the trick.
JJK has never been a nice story from the beginning, Sukuna was at the center of every event since the beginning. You can dislike what is happening but you cannot say it's bad, as in a scenaristic choice. Gege is a writing genius and unfortunately he's also pure evil.
You shouldn't have trusted a one-eyed cat after all.
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spacejellyfish3 · 16 hours
something something every episode of the season has had a recurring theme of children, childhood trauma, and narrative convention being upended; the computer system in Space Babies playing out a literal fairy tale of babies in a tower and bogey monsters just below; The Devil's Chord on the importance of music as the soul of creative expression, Maestro the chaotic child of the Toymaker, ending with a musical spin on one of the most enduring tropes of fiction; Boom is an anti-capital diatribe of how faith is manipulated against us by systemic forces, that has an orphaned girl whose father's sheer love for her collapses the lies behind that nebulous war; maybe 73 Yards especially, an episode where Ruby's subconscious terror of abandonment manifests outwardly in the mysterious woman just yards away from her, warding everyone from her, so she tries concocting narrative solutions to explain its presence when in the end it's just her own narrative projected back at her, something she can only see at the end of her life, refreshed, rewriting the past; for Dot and Bubble it's more an audience one conditioning us to view the scenerio as a typical Doctor-lite adventure set in a colony of rich bitch children, even down to it employing Ricky September in an incredibly Doctor type role, before pulling the pastel rug out from under anyone who hadn't already clocked it; and now the Chulder of Rogue cosplaying their fave tv show like a bunch of children playing a maniacal game of dress up. The Legend of Ruby Sunday's title, I mean come on, and Empire of Death's title seems straight out of an ogWho serial; the story is breaking apart, the dominoes are falling down all around us, and something something is coming.
it's a story, it's always been a story, and I just wonder what the twist at the end will turn out to be.
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toasttt11 · 3 days
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September 17, 2020
Spencer looked out of the car window as Quinn was driving them, Spencer played with Quinn’s hand that was set in his lap.
They had just landed in Michigan coming back from Vancouver and were heading to see Quinn’s family and spend their offseason together.
Quinn pulled up in the driveway of the house and looked over seeing Spencer looking excited, Quinn smiled softly enjoying how much Spencer loves his family.
Quinn and Spencer got out of the car leaving their bags in the car for now and walked up to the front door, Quinn used his key and opened the door with Spencer walking in behind him.
“Mom?” Quinn called out and he heard her footsteps hurrying to him.
“Quinny!” Ellen beamed and rushed over pulling her oldest son into a hug, she pulled back and smiled even wider noticing Spencer, “Spencer!” Ellen beamed not knowing Spencer was joining Quinn.
Ellen quickly pulled Spencer into a tight hug having not seen him since before the quarantine and out of all of her boys friends Spencer has always been the one she was the closet to and considered him her son as well.
“Hi El.” Spencer softly spoke melting into the hug, over the years he’s known Ellen she has had acted a better mother than his own.
“Quinny didn’t say you were coming.” Ellen smiled softly as she pulled back from the hug and looked between her boys wanting to see any changes she might’ve of missed.
“Wanted to surprise you.” Quinn simply said knowing his mom would be happy with the surpise.
“Spency!” Luke beamed as he walked in from the backyard and saw Spencer and Quinn standing there, Luke rushed over and tackled Spencer into a tight hug.
Spencer and Luke have always had a special relationship both being the youngest out of their brothers and both being defenseman. Luke has always looked up to Spencer a lot and Spencer always is including Luke in everything which means the world to Luke.
“Hey Lukey.” Spencer smiled softly hugging him tightly and ruffling his curls, Spencer has always had a soft spot for the youngest Hughes.
“Gonna hug your brother too Moose?” Quinn sassed with a smile watching them hug each other.
Luke pulled away and dramatically rolled his eyes but walked over pulling Quinn into a hug as well.
“Jack! Quinn’s here!” Ellen called out just as Jim walked in and smiled at the two boys.
Jim walked over and pulled Spencer into a hug and clapped him on the back before walking over and hugging Quinn as well.
“Quinny!” Jack cheered as he ran down the stairs, he didn’t see Spencer standing behind Jim.
Quinn and Jack hugged before Quinn pulled away with mischievous smirk and turned Jack towards Spencer.
“S!” Jack choked out an emotional laugh and lunged forward meeting Spencer in the middle as they hugged each other incredibly tight.
Over the past year Jack and Spencer have barely seen each other at all and haven’t seen each other for months, the longest they haven’t seen each other ever.
“Hi J.” Spencer beamed as he finally got to be reunited with his best friend, something he had been waiting for.
Jack sniffed as he held onto Spencer so tightly, “We are never going that long again.” Jack mumbled, they first moved across the country from each other and went from spending all day every day together to seeing each other three times in a season and then quarantine happened and they didn’t see each other at all.
Spencer nodded quickly in agreement, he hated not seeing his best friend as often anymore and going so long not seeing him at all.
After a few minutes they two reluctantly pulled away but Jack stayed close to Spencer pressed against his side.
“I thought you weren’t coming for a few weeks?” Jack asked and frowned as he realized Spencer has grown more and now he has to look up more to look at Spencer’s face.
“Quinn convinced me to come early.” Spencer shrugged and sent a nervous glance at Quinn as they agreed to tell his family once they got in Michigan.
Quinn smiled softly and walked over to Spencer grabbing his hand, “Wanted him to come see you guys as my boyfriend.” Quinn proudly said looking at all of them.
Jack gasped happily, “Yes! Finally!” Jack loudly screeched as he looked at the two, “Hell yeah i win the bet!” Jack did a silly little dance as he had a bet going on with Matthew for when the two would finally get together.
Quinn and Spencer shared a fond eye roll honestly not that surprised their brothers had bet on them.
“Cool, Spency gets to stay in the family forever now.” Luke beamed softly happy to know his brother is giving him an awesome furtive brother in law.
Spencer chuckled at Luke looking at the younger boy fondly.
“I’m so happy for you boys.” Ellen beamed looking at the two proudly and has always known they were meant for each other, Jim nodded in agreement giving them a proud smile even he knew the two would be good together.
Spencer let out a sigh of relief glad they all took it well, not that he wasn’t surprised because they are so accepting but a part of him was worried he might mess us Quinn’s relationship with them all.
Quinn smiled softly grateful for the support from his family and squeezed Spencer’s hand softly.
“Now come on you have to tell me everything!” Jack demanded impatiently grabbing Spencer’s other hand and pulling him away from everyone else.
Spencer let out a fond snicker use to Jack and his demands, he looked back and smiled softly seeing Quinn watching with a loving smile.
Jack dragged his best friend up the stairs and to his bedroom and to his bed where teheh plopped and down and Jack looked expectantly at Spencer for all the details he has missed.
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HotD Season 2 spoilers:
I have come to terms with Alicole during Blood & Cheese. ( ... I don't know that I trust the writers to handle something like that, but moving on swiftly.)
Now, I want to know how long it's been going on? Because I was rewatching the Driftmark episode to gif, and where were Alicent and Criston Cole while the kids were going full fight club?!
I remember when I first watched the episode I found it odd that every single one of the kids could sneak out unseen. They're royal kids. They should be guarded 24/7! But at the time I just put it down to a writer's oversight, maybe intentionally for the sake of setting up the fight between the kids.
But now, in the light of recent revelations .... The scene where the funeral is ending and Commander Westerling asks Viserys if he should guard Alicent - Viserys gives Alicent and Cole a very long look, they both look guilty, and then Viserys says no and leaves. And Westerling tells Cole he has the night watch and goes with the king, leaving Alicent and Cole to their own devices.
Later when Viserys questions how the kids' fight could have happened and is told Cole had the watch, Westerling and Cole are both evasive about why no one was watching the kids. And Westerling does not look happy with Cole at all.
Were the kids going without supervision because not only does Viserys not care and Rhaenyra and Daemon were having private family bonding time on the beach, but Alicent and Cole were otherwise occupied too?! There would be some dark humour in that ....
(And then Aegon gets made the scapegoat and blamed for everything the younger kids got up to that night while the parents were absent. The curse of the eldest child, man.)
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Yandere prompt for (You need someone to take care of you." Yandere prompt from asirensrage list for yandere romantic Azure lion who’s fallen for a celestial maiden please who’s doesn’t agree with his ideas of being the next jade emperor.
I'll try my best, sure! Hope I understood this.... You're an immortal deity and that's about all that's said in terms of what you are. Prompt has no number so it was left untitled.
Prompt Here
❗️LMK Season 4 Spoilers Ahead❗️
Yandere! Azure Lion with Celestial Maiden! Darling Prompt
"You need someone to take care of you."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Obsession at first sight, Violence, Mentions of "mate", Forced relationship.
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Even the prettiest voice and face couldn't change his mind.
Azure Lion knew you from when he still resided in the Celestial Realm. You had been quite a pleasure in his eyes. The Celestial Realm housed many beauties...
But you, a Celestial Maiden, had caught his eye.
You were yet another immortal deity who resided in the realm. You had your allegiances to the Jade Emperor yet pitied the weak. It's been your duty to listen to the Emperor...
Yet you don't dare look Azure in the eyes when he's Emperor.
Azure couldn't help but think back to when he met you. Before he had decided to go against the Jade Emperor, you looked at him with care. You liked that he protected the weak.
The moment he saw your smile in those golden clouds, Azure found himself captivated. No other maiden could be prettier in his eyes. You are a true gem of the Celestial Realm.
Azure Lion had spent so much time by your side. The warrior had fallen in love in the Celestial Realm. His brothers found the idea amusing and distracting.
But he knew destiny drew you to one another.
In his eyes, even if you were immortal, you were no warrior. Azure saw you as a lover... not a fighter. Such a thought only made Azure want to fight for you more.
While Azure hated the Jade Emperor in his youth, you always tried to soothe such anger. You always told the lion that his goals were understandable. Yet you always called him overly ambitious.
You didn't approve of the Jade Emperor's methods at times, but remarked it wasn't your job to say what was right. You even told Azure that he had no clue what he was getting himself into. He hated that you didn't see things his way...
Yet he couldn't stay mad at you.
To him you were prettier than every flower, every gem, every treasure. To him, you were the most precious deity in the realm. He knew you two could be perfect.
Which is why he felt the need to have the Jade Emperor overthrown.
This decision has caused a rift between you two. A rift so large that it affected the bond you had even now. Azure had thought at the time things could be perfect if he fought for his precious lady.
However, Sun Wukong proved to be too weak in their first battle. Their first attempt hadn't worked, causing Azure to be cast out of the Celestial Realm. The defeat stung...
But there was no greater pain than being torn from you.
Azure never gave up, he kept plotting a way to get back. Was it to try again with the Jade Emperor... or to see you? Azure wasn't quite sure.
Yet he never had time to act before Wukong came back with new friends and sealed him away.
Now, in more modern times, Azure's second attempt had been more fruitful. He had managed to free his brothers and take down the Jade Emperor. This was exactly what he wanted.
At first you had done your best to avoid the dreaded Azure Lion. You had stayed away from the fighting yet you knew what was coming. Eventually you were found... by Azure, unfortunately.
The lion was once again captivated by your beauty when he saw you. You were just as beautiful as when he last saw you. The Celestial Realm's lighting still only managed to make you look more enchanting.
"We meet again, Maiden." Had been his greeting, a friendly term of endearment escaping his mouth only for you glare at him. Of course, Azure had expected you to be mad. You had always seen him as... ambitious.
However, hasn't it always been your duty to serve the Jade Emperor?
With Azure in power, the pain and struggle didn't matter to him. He would keep his promise, after all. He wanted to fix things for the weak... and you.
As the Jade Emperor, Azure could now bask in your beauty and loyalty. You didn't need to worry about the old Emperor. Now he was here to take care of everything.
"You never will listen to me, will you?" Azure perks when he hears your soft voice. His purple gaze turns to you, flinching as power coursed through him. "I told you that your ambitions would be your downfall."
"Controlling this power would be easier with your support, love." Azure admits, grip on his throne tight. "Don't you know I did this for you?"
"You're speaking nonsense, Lion." You say bitterly, grimacing at the nickname Azure gives you. Said lion laughs softly, only to growl when his grip slips on the Jade Emperor's power.
"You need someone to take care of you." Azure groans in pain. "I want to protect you... along with make this realm better. Have faith in me, will you, love?"
"Do not call me such a name." You frown, hating the sound of his endearment. "I am no love of yours."
"You wound me, Maiden." Azure frowns. "I'll have you know I've loved you since we met. You are such a treasure in this realm..."
Azure stands and steps closer to you, his size dwarfing you. You merely stay defiant against the Jade Usurper. Azure laughs softly, kneeling down.
"Now that I rule... you'll be my treasure." Azure purrs, plucking you from the ground and holding you close. "You'll be mine to love and care for... my Maiden."
"Can't you see the damage you caused!?" You try to reason, the lion looking down at you with an unamused gaze. "You can't fix this!"
"My little Maiden..." Azure coos, face close to yours. "I'll prove to you that I am worthy of your love... that I am worthy of changing this realm...!"
Azure grins when he quickly puts you down and forces you to kneel. You gasp when he grips your chin, claws scraping against your bottom lip. His laugh is devilish as he leans in close again.
"You'll see that I am worthy of your servitude... after all, I am your Jade Emperor, aren't I?"
You're forced to watch the realm crumble as Azure kisses you.
His ambition would not only be his own downfall...
But it will be your own if things do not improve.
"You're my most precious treasure... my mate."
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allmyocsarebritish · 3 days
Kiss, Maime, Kill Chapter 7: The Radio Demon
Pairing: Alastor X killer! F Reader
Warnings!!: continuation of angst lol but it's almost over
Wordcount: 0.95k
2 things: number one, this was supposed to be the final chapter but it got long so I split it, number two, sorry for the delay it's still exam season </3
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Pentagram City, Pride Ring
Searching across an entire ring of hell for a singular sinner was easier said than done. It was like painstakingly filtering through a spindly hay bale for a singular needle, tearing apart the masses in desparate hope of finding what you needed.
You had spent the past week since falling at fate's mercy, but at every moment of utter despair memories of Alastor spurred you on. It was at these times of loneliness that you reminisced of his absence whilst broadcasting, the solitude filled by his soothing voice filtering through the radio.
Sighing, you sat up from the mangy sofa in the basement you had managed to swindle for a month or two whilst you searched for Al (and in the process a more permanent residency). Tired and wholeheartedly worn out, you flopped into the wooden chair beside a chipped, stained desk, pressing play on the radio and resting your head in your hands. Hot, burning tears began to stream down your cheeks at the news reporter's cheery voice. It had no hint of the transatlantic accent you adored so much, nor did it carry any of Alastor's way of speaking. Shaking, you began to feel your anger, heartbreak and frustration bubbling like a pan that had spent too long at the stove.
Bubbling over.
A harsh growl of rage escaped your throat as you picked up the clunky, mahogany radio and heaved it at the wall before pounding it with your fists, leaving your knuckles sore and bleeding. The news reporter's voice drowned out until you were left in a silence broken only by sobs.
Sliding to the floor with your back against the wall, you covered your face with your bleeding hands, immobilised by grief. Scattered radio rubble littered the floor around you. The heavy, boxy shape remained mostly intact due to its stature, leaving only the dials scattered across the dusty wooden floor. Sniffling, you wiped your nose, not even bothering to disguise the tears or mascara staining your face as they continued to fall freely. Now you needed to get a new fucking radio. Not to mention the giant, gaping hole in the bloody (channeling Simon Armitage with this double meaning of bloody HA) wall thanks to your frustrated aggression.
"Fuck it, it's tomorrow's problem." You grumbled, stumbling over to the couch and flopping back down with an "uff", arm stretched over your weary eyes. You didn't remember exactly when sleep overtook, but it was neither peaceful nor refreshing.
Lifting your arm, you glanced at your watch. 11am. You'd overslept, not that it mattered anyway. Alastor, ever the early riser, would have gently scolded you for wasting such a promising morning, but he wasn't fucking here. Through bleary eyes you were greeted with the sight of the broken radio, another hefty weight added to the emotional load you were carrying. Burying your dread, you decided to try and focus on the problem at hand. It was a simple enough venture, travel to any decent shop in the city, pick up the cheapest radio to replace the one you broke (as it wasn't actually yours to begin with but instead belonged to those lending you the basement - you would have been glad to be rid of the thing), then wallow in self pity for the rest of eternity. Easy.
So easy in fact that you flopped back down, staring into space for another solid half hour. Then 3/4s of an hour. Then a full hour. Then you got up.
You didn't bother to change, this was hell: nobody gave two shits what you were wearing, nor was it anyone's business. The paved streets were rife with crime and danger, any ordinary person would be terrified. But it didn't bother you, nothing much did anymore. Empty eyes scanned over a few shop windows, nothing of interest present. You could hardly afford to replace the cathedral radio, you had to kill to pay rent, but a few coins jostled in your pocket as you walked. At least this wasn't the greed ring (not that you felt much at home in pride, considering you were so very lacking).
Window-shopping proved to be futile, and was getting you absolutely nowhere. You would have to actually go in to the shops, which you would prefer to avoid doing truthfully. But it wasn't exactly your choice as you really didn't want to be booted out and back onto the streets. Summoning strength with a deep inhale, you pushed open the door of a gadget's store, the little bell chiming as you entered.
You made your way over to the counter, mentally preparing for your first social interaction in days. Fiddling with the coins in your pocket your fingers traced over the imprint of Mammon's face as you began to mentally rehearse "do you sell radios??"
Just as you strung together a frail string of confidence, an earsplitting, piercing scream sounded from seemingly some kind of radio, given the static. How convenient. Or it would have been, at least if the anguished howling wasn't so incredibly loud and disturbing. Prolific serial killer you may be, but that didn't mean you delighted in an unknown sinner's pain. You were starting to live up to your surname. Speaking of Altruists, you missed your partner in crime. But, just as you were about to leave the shop, a certain Mid-Atlantic voice just so happened to filter over the anguished torment.
"Greetings, dear sinners!"
You froze like (get ready for it) a deer in the headlights. (DUDUDUDUDUUU)
The sound of his voice sent chills wracking your body and adrenaline pumping through your veins.
You were going to find him after all.
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milkteabinniechan · 9 hours
Pink Carnations ♡
A Bridgerton Story
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Membership // m.list
pairing: Felix Lee x female reader x Bang Chan
summary: You walked down the aisle and said "I do." Now you live at the Lee Manor and your new husband hasn't said two words to you. But a letter has come from the man you love, with some devastating news.
Read Chapter Two here
Pink Carnations nestled around every corner of Felix’s sprawling mansion. Small bushes and bundles of the delicate flora were particularly placed and decorated the winding path to the massive front door. You let your eyes take in the expansive amount of your favorite flower. You twirled your body in a dizzying motion to try to count all of them. Was this all for you? Your eyes met Felix’s as he stood by the front gate. He outstretched his hand to you and gave a modest bow.
“Welcome home.” he said in a low tone, his face unreadable.
You took his hand and walked with him up the brick-layed path. The smell of the season was all around you, consuming you. You felt a warmth rise in your chest as the clouds parted and the true size of his estate was revealed. Lady Whistledown had spoken about the Lee estate before, but few had ever walked the grounds. The entire town had labeled Felix as an outcast, an outsider looking in. Surely there was no warm welcome waiting for you inside those spacious, empty halls.
Felix pushed the door open wide to reveal large, ornate windows, letting in the most beautiful light. Colors of pink and blue hues speckled and spotted the ground. Their reflection somehow a cruel and deceiving mask of what was now ultimately your new cage. No matter how exquisite this manor was, it was no home. This was a jail cell.
A few of Felix’s footmen carried your bags and belongings and showed you to your room. You stood in the doorway for a moment, puzzled at the size of the bed. The bed itself looked comfortable enough but it was small. Definitely not enough room for two people. You turned quickly towards the hall to see Felix gone, and the footmen off on other duties. Were you to sleep alone? Was this marriage?
Later that evening, a housemaid came to tell you it was time for supper. You lost track of time reading a favorite book of yours and hadn’t even noticed the sun had gone down. You changed into an evening dress that had been laid out for you. The simple chiffon flowed effortlessly down your body. The bodice was adored with small pink and blue jewels reminiscent of the windows that welcomed you earlier. You made your way downstairs and entered the dining hall to find Felix at one end of a long, dark mahogany table. Food had been placed in front of your seat and you felt your stomach move and ache for the first time all day. You grabbed a small dinner roll and some pieces of meat that could have been a type of bird, or perhaps pig. Either way, you ate it quickly and without complaint. Living here may be torture, but at the very least you would not starve. You swiped another roll from the table and took a breath.
“Did you plant those flowers for me, my Lord?” your words muffled from the bread.
Felix glanced up from the papers he was scanning and gave a look that was, again, unreadable. He sighed and ran his hand through his long, golden hair. With only candlelight to light his features, the sharpness that had frightened you earlier seemed to melt away with each flicker of the flame.
“My grounds staff planted those. I had no interest in what flower they chose, I have much more important matters to deal with than decorating the courtyard.” He returned to the pages layed out in front of him.
Three days had passed since first walking into Lee Manor. You found ways to keep yourself busy. You found a library that remained seemingly untouched where you could read and write and escape to far away lands. You wandered the courtyard grounds and listened to birds chirp. However, what you truly did was wait. You waited for some kind of sign from your one true love, from Chan. On the evening of the third night, a sign finally came. A soft knock at your door, barely a whisper. A housemaid walked in to bring you a letter. This letter was addressed to you, with your maiden name printed across the front in large, bold calligraphy. You thanked the maid and waited for her to leave. You held your breath as you slowly opened the envelope. Your eyes hastily scanned the words, the handwriting unmistakable. It was Chan.
My Dearest,
You looked beautiful in that wedding gown. I regret not seeing you face to face that day. I regret not telling you how much I love you. I regret not kissing your lips before he had. I regret so many things, my love. But my greatest regret is not being the man worthy of asking for your hand. To be the man you call husband would be the highest honor. I was born penniless, that is my birthright. And yet, you loved me anyway. You made every day feel like the first day of life, the first day of breathing. You deserve the world. I cannot give you the world, my love. But for a short time, you gave me hope.
Please forgive me.
Your Chan.
A tight band that had been forming in the pit of your stomach snapped and you fell to your knees onto the floor. The letter lay open in your hand, while tears filled your eyes and overflowed down your cheeks. Please forgive me. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t move. Chan was gone. Air had left your lungs and refused to ever return. You had never felt this empty before. Your bones felt as if they would crumble and fade away inside your very skin. Leaving you a pile on the floor, unrecognizable, unloved.
“What is that you’re holding?” A voice split through your sorrow like an axe through an immovable Alder tree.
You could hear someone speaking to you, but you were miles away now. You never wanted to come back. You hoped for a release that would let you float on for eternity.
“I need some help here! NOW!” The same booming voice. Darkness swallowed your eyes until nothing remained but ebony loneliness. Perhaps it was better this way…
taglist: @simply-trash5 @sugawhaaa @trixiekaulitz @chrizzztopherbang @cassidymb121 @roanns-posts @staysinbloom @yaorzu-blog @bubblebisk @cotton-candycloudz @beautyinhypnosis @domicaru @strawberry31 @slxtmeri @newhope8 @tinyelfperson @dandelions-143 @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @msauthor @fun-fanfics @ell0thebell @stephanieeeyang @juskz @kimahreummm @readr1221 @kayleefriedchicken @ovulatingrn @hwnglixho @darthmaddie25
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I need help, my life is now a living hell. (TW suicide attempt mention)
I know this is gonna annoy a lot of you for bitching and whining again but as of late my life has been really hard. I had to sell my soul and my life to a demon against my will. There is a toxic parasite I want to cut ties with but can’t. I am talking about a toxic family member who has no respect for boundaries and loves to judge and be rude to everyone around her.
I just really need some help rn guys because at this rate it really feels like I can either endure and sacrifice my sanity for as long as she lives or I could only ever end it via suicide. I have tried to do it twice while she was down and my mother has to hide away medication so I don’t overdose and sharp things such as knives and scissors when her new favourite person ever, her karen on steroids sister is here.
To paint a picture there is a story about when I was a baby with my cousin and toxic aunt. My toxic aunt would use grandma ( her mother) as a slave whenever she came to visit her grandson. “Now that you’re here I want you to do EVERYTHING for him while I go and bitch and whine about coffee and ask to see managers (I’m not joking. She literally does that. Saw it multiple times when she stays with us.). Whilst my Mom would offer to do fun activities with her and us, like go to the beach, etc. Because of this she enjoyed our company more than my toxic aunt who threw a tantrum over it. “You love my sister’s daughters more than my son!”. She got so pissed that she moved out of our place during a vacation. Mother offered to have my cousin and grandma to play in the pool with me and my sister whilst she helped my toxic aunt pack. She EXPLODED over that! Why? Idk. She then stormed into the house screaming and it woke baby me up and I was sobbing. Dad got mad and told her to get out and we had nothing to do with her until grandma died.
She hasn’t changed at all. Very toxic, always complaining and saying horrible things behind our backs. I had multiple extreme meltdowns when she came. She stayed for four whole months last year. One summer, one spring, one for every season. She has this rule too where only she is allowed to talk, all she does to complain and she gets weirdly excited when someone else is struggling…she loves to happily talk about others misfortunes and then she finds no joy in going to the beach and going out for lunch. Instead she complains constantly and it ruins the whole day. Mother told me she says the most horrible things about me behind my back too…which gets her upset but she puts up with it because she is going through a divorce. We put up with her rude behaviour out of pity. I understand how hard getting divorced is but it shouldn’t excuse…whatever the fuck she is doing to us. Mother and I got into extreme arguments because of her as well and we rarely fight. My toxic aunt turns my parents against me. I’m freaking out because she is going to come down again.
Last time she claimed to be more respectful of our boundaries. “We don’t have to do something every day, I’m ok to hang out by myself every now and then.” Then she guilt trips us by saying “I don’t know why I bother coming down here if I’m going to be alone.” Over me wanting to spend ONE fucking weekend alone with my mom out of an ENTIRE month of her hovering around us and never shutting up. She also loves to interrupt. I would be in the middle of saying something and she cuts in as if I’m worth nothing! Then I can’t even say anything because she never shuts up ever! Then when I am blessed with a moment of talking (usually because mother says Izzy has something to say) I get nervous about saying something she will judge me for!
She belittles every trigger of mine too. Once I used to like this cafe and she has this huge obsession with their muffins. I don’t go there anymore though because some mean teenage girls work there now and they have been openly rude to me two times when I visited. So rude I ended up crying once. I didn’t want to go back (keep in mind I have been bullied a lot as well, I have a huge fear of mean girls) My aunt gave me this huge lecture about it and tried to force me to go in just so she can get her muffins. I felt completely shattered as she gave me a hard time over it. In the end mother figured out her angle and just dropped her off there whilst I waited in the car…for her to do that though about my own experiences and my triggers and not wanting to return to a cafe with rude service…it was just so insensitive.
She used to say rude things to me because of me displaying typical autistic traits like my weird eating habits and my special obsessions. Mother made her stop saying things to my face but she told me she just says judgemental things behind my back now and she gives me this god awful judgemental stare when we go out to eat…She also shows no respect for mental illnesses such as anxiety, saying it’s not real. She also once made fun of someone who committed suicide…which shows how she isn’t really a good person. She picks at Mom and gives her a hard time and openly judges her and says rude things to her and mother always bottles it and takes it out on me in the end because the one who HAD been rude to her is going through a divorce.
I never want to have to endure her abusive behaviour again but I’m completely powerless. I feel so hopeless. Idk what to do..
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lazerv4 · 2 days
Thoughts on Game Changer (Seasons 1 to 5)
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
A.K.A. a small love letter to dropout.
One day you are a simple person scrolling through shorts/reels/tiktoks, just mindlessly looking for something entertaining to watch for like a minute at a time, suddenly you stumble upon a weird game show with ridiculous stipulations and incredibly funny rants in the middle of it, you think to yourself wow I really wanna watch the full show but then you find out it’s exclusive to a streaming network called Dropout and you don’t really want to spend money on it, but you keep stumbling upon the shorts and suddenly you start getting other shows like Um, Actually, Dirty Laundry and Dimension20, your curiosity gets the better of you and you subscribe on either the main page or become a member on their youtube channel and boom, your world has been turned completely upside down by a new hyperfixation that might be some of the best and highest quality streaming every made, a community of people that truly care for each other and feel like they are creating things they really love, this is about one of those, the darling of CEO and host Sam Reich, the always entertaining Game Changer the only game show where the game changes every show, my favorite show on Dropout and just one of my favorite shows of all time. But as we know the only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning and the only way to begin is by beginning.
Season 1 is short but a swat and beautiful little beginning, it starts with the iconic Lie Detector episode where a lot of the popular clips come from, a brilliant idea by Sam to bamboozle his players with the twist that the robot indicating if they are lying is really their partners in the next room just pressing a button, a very ingenious and funny concept that would be fully perfected in season 6 but for now it starts the show with the right leg with both concept and contestants as this is also the debut of all time favorite Brenan Lee Mulligan, one of the most fun to watch comedians in general be it improv or not. The episode is followed by a 3 time game samer that would eventually turn into its own show making some noise which I will probably explain further if I cover the full show. Being two for two is fantastic but the show still hit us with some other great episodes such as a Game of Prizes which sees the contestants guessing what prizes are real and which are just made up words put together to sound appealing, Whodunnit which is a who would have thought a whodunnit and finally Nom Nom Nom a flavor guessing game with a big disembodied mouth approving or disapproving their choices. The selection of Season 1 was small but a strong start for the show and setting what we would come to know as the game changer formula plus it gave us a lot of the shorts that we still see promoting it to this day even 4 years and 6 seasons later.
Season 2 begins with a game samer that being the previously mentioned second part of the segment that would turn into Make Some Noise which is a little strange of a start but the waters where still being tested and Dropout was still CollegeHumor which was owned and operated by IAC, a company that expected ridiculous profits from the young streamer that even with its high quality programming was nearly impossible. Episode 2 in a way is revenge against IAC as Sam very clearly is just giving away money for making the contestants do ridiculous challenges testing the good old phrase, how much money would you do that for to it’s full extend, this is follow by Sleeper Agents, one of my favorite underrated episodes where the contestants must go outside and talk to random people trying to trigger a response from a set of questions to see if they are hired actors playing the titular sleeper agents or just normal people walking down the street. Another banger and progenitor of some of the other popular clips is A Sponsored Episode were in a fun twist the contestants must become infomercial hosts and sell Sam on some ridiculous and stupid products like the iconic only p keyboard or flavored toilet paper for eating ass it’s just hit after hit and even with all that it’s not the best episode this season. Next we get another underrated episode with The Everything Factory where contestant most essentially become workers with an assembly line and construct different contraptions all to the glee of Sam and his wicked imagination but as fun as it is being sandwiched between the sponsor and the finale is a tough spot as the grand ending to season 2 brings us possibly the most iconic Brendan moment and by extension the greatest rant in the history of game changer with the episode Yes or No which I implore you to watch before I spoil the twist. The episode is simple, Sam will keep asking continuously yes or no and awarding points with seemingly no rhyme or reason with the objective of figuring out the rules of the game and why he awards points, at first it seems completely random until something weird starts to come to our attention, Brenan isn’t scoring points, which in game about 50/50 you would think would be impossible and you would be right as it is slowly figured out by everyone and finally by Brenan himself that the rule is simply that he cannot win anything which trigger the mother of all monologues as he compares himself to Icarus flying too close to the sun as a competitor and a statistical wonder before delivering the punchline at the end and wrapping this season with one of the greatest moments in the show’s history as the ending theme kicks in and Sam says goodbye until season 3 arrives.
Season 3 was heavily affected by the covid19 pandemic as episodes had to be filmed remotely via zoom or an equivalent, a lot of is a little forgettable as the struggle to make the show work was front and center but still a few gems came out of it like the premier Tell Us About Yourself in which they have to figure out the identity of a secret masked individual (who turns out to be Tony Hawk), the game samer Sell Outs which is a repeat of the sponsored episode, the always fun Secret Samta duology in which well they do a secret santa spin on a competitive game to a really hilarious extend, a personal favorite in Make It Fashion which is about well making outfits out of nothing, Tome of Terror follows as a horror story maker and the finale Next Slide Please which weaponizes random ted talk slides to create funny presentations in a very Jackbox way that is still very entertaining regardless. Overall Season 3 struggled but it did the best it could with the hand that it was dealt and Sam should be commended for his handling of the situation and the way he still made the show work and be fun while people needed it most, it hits a little different now that it’s all over but it is by no means a skip and has the same classic laughs even if they are from different points in the map.
Season 4, one of my favorite preview graphics of all time that I really really want as poster Sam please I need this. S4 gives us many many iconic episodes, possibly the highest number of them to date and some really special episodes so this section might be a little long as I want to talk extensively about this season. First off it starts with Sam Says that while pretty tame this time around grows into possibly the single best series of game samers in the entire show with the ways it twists such a simple game as simon says into pure chaos and fun which is then followed up by another progenitor for a game samer with Like My Coffee which birthed some incredibly iconic clips like the green virginal one from Grant and was just incredibly funny the first time around and also when it came back again, now we just need a third one to wrap up the samer. Noise Boys follows which at this point I’ve explained enough and you should know what it is and then another game samer (are you getting tired of reading game samer yet) with the last and possibly greatest Secret Samta which just ups the ante by making it happen in the actual studio this time and works wonders on giving this samer a proper closure. Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience is one of the most interesting and experimental episodes yet with essentially a clap and boo track slowly leading the contestants into a sort of sketch action by action and thrive on their bewilderment at the situation they are in. Then comes one of my favorite episodes with The Official Cast Recording and this one is special, the sheer amount of talent being shown by improvising an entire musical even with it’s wonky story is fantastical, the numbers are all so incredibly good and the ongoing jokes make me laugh every time, it is truly a wonder that it was even possible to create this entire game which also spun off into it’s own series with Play It By Ear. The episode is just a marvel to behold and while not a recommendation to introduce people to Game Changer it is an incredible showcase on what makes this show unique and interesting so enjoy your temporary stay on Mounport. We then reach one of the most beautiful displays of love you can ever see with Don’t Cry, the episode starts of as a seemingly normal challenge about not crying with some games but as it goes on it starts to get really emotional and lovely till it reveals itself to be a tribute to Jess Ross their friend who had a really rough pandemic that canceled her wedding. This episode is so special, it never fails to make me cry and just makes me feel like so incredibly happy. I won’t spoil much more because it really is an experience you should have but I do wanna say that if there is anything I can ever ask for in life it is to be loved by the people around me at least a little like how everyone at dropout loves Jessica Ross.
Resuming the normalcy in this random collection of words I’ve been rambling on for a while now we have Race to the Bottom which also turned into a game samer, can you tell this season is good? it’s basically a reverse bidding war with the twist that the contestants have to unionize to win the game, which is kind of a really cool and interesting message  that was somehow given through a game show. It’s a great episode and will hopefully turn into a great trilogy when the third one drops. Then we have the final two parter, another progenitor of game samer and of technically it’s own mini season during season 5 Survivor which puts the contestants in a game of well Survivor, a simple but really fun idea since Survivor the actual show is an incredibly entertaining reality but with the unhinged cast of dropout anything can go so further beyond, particularly because Brenan is in this episode and it turns out he really loves Survivor so he will do anything to win and the twists and turns this creates are so mesmerizing and shocking you won’t know what to expect until the season ends and you are watching the extra episode on the things this season Cut For Time which is a new addition that has Sam talking you through everything that happened during the episodes and what they couldn’t show, think of it as extra features on a DVD/Bluray. It is quite short but it wraps an incredible season just reminding you of how great of a run it was as you see small parts of all previous episodes and at this point you can just smile as Game Changer has been fully realized and shown that it is one of the greatest pieces of TV to ever exist.
Now it’s a little awkward to go into Season 5 after how I ended the last segment but rest assured the momentum didn’t stop and it will never stop as we kick off the new season with Sam Says 2 a game samer from last season that is as funny as it was previously with new running jokes and some incredibly smart and weird prompts from Sam to keep the contestants on their toes even in a game as simple as simon says. If you are watching this in a playlist you’ll immediately see this season’s new feature in the BTS videos which are short 6 to 10 minute episodes about well the making of the episode with Sam explaining the origin of the game and the why of the selected contestants which in general is just very interesting ad a cool extra feature that we got along the Cut For Time at the end so it’s a general gain plus it’s pretty good. A game samer into a game changer it’s Karaoke Night a kind of spiritual successor to my beloved The Official Cast Recording but with pop music instead of musicals and there is no structure it’s more about impersonating styles of several musician correctly and well this is another incredible display of raw talent and a very fun episode that while it starts a little slow it wraps up magnificently into a crescendo of it’s own making which drops us off into the next episode, another game samer with Like My Coffee 2 a funnier and stupider evolution to a very simple concept that somehow keeps finding ways to entertain and just bring me joy whenever I click on the video on dropout. So far we’ve had two samers and one changer which means that we need a changer and what a game changer we got with an absolute top 5 Name A Number which comes with an all time cast rivaled by few in Becca Scott, Izzy Roland and Erika Ishii bringing in pure chaos to a game that at first seemed simple with just prompts that they had to name how many times they could perform until midway through the game the prompts become unknown until the number has been named, the absolute diabolical connivingless of Sam has been fully realized and deliver some of the absolute funniest of laughs and some incredibly hard to watch cringe. I hope Becca got her money for the feet stuff. A Game Most Changed seems to be a somewhat divisive episode that people either really like or don’t seem to care for at all, it’s an improvised shakespearian play with random prompts throw in about the topic and things that need to be mentioned which just in the raw concept you should know if that appeals to you or not so moving on to the next episode which is another instantly iconic one As A Cucumber which in case you can’t tell it’s an episode about remaining calm but with Katie, Brennan and Carolyn onboard you know shit is about to go down. The way this episode works is by attaching heart rate monitors to the players and by maintaining their resting heart rate below 20 above they can score points and hence win the game. The approach taken by each one of them was varied with Katie’s not so good attempt at just remaining cheerful and normal, Brenan’s competitive enlightenment and Carolyn’s laid bad chill switch we see all kinds of reactions and ways people can be driven to madness, particularly in what might be the peak of all Game Changer clips is the name that bird segment in which Brennan completely loses his temporarily acquired enlightenment in a sort of calm rage as he gets more and more upset as the segment continues before it’s revealed to be roose to upset Brennan and break his streak. This episode is just great, I hope it become as samer with season 7 later this year and so we move to the next episode which happens to be a double parter, the first non finale one which is The Bi Bachelor a show that does well The Bachelor with Grant O’Brien being the contestant and having to choose from a pool of candidates to go on a trip to Cabo San Lucas.
The game has so many twists and turns that covering it would just be a retelling of the entire thing and you don’t need that, you need to sit down and watch this great parody of trashy tv with an ending you are just not ready for. The finale not finale is Escape The Green Room, why finale not finale well because the true end of Season 5 is an extended semi season that will get it’s own spot after this but now Escape the Green Room, Game Changer’s take on the escape room. The episode begins with the contestants on a room that is not the normal show floor awaiting the order to go proceed downstairs and begin the episode, Sam is there with them until he is called downstairs mid magic trick and then the door locks and the screen turns on, the game begins. Secretly the entire room has been customized and modified around the classic escape room concept that if you’ve ever been to one you know how the episode will go with the exception that Siobhan, Brenna and Lou just really don’t give a shit and will tear through everything to get out in another banger of an episode that had my laughing the whole way through, this one also has one of the most interesting BTS videos as it goes into the making and design of what was basically making a escape room from scratch. I would love for this to be made into an actual place I can visit but at least I got to see it happen and it was wonderful. This sort of ends the season as the next few episodes are kind of it’s own thing but the Cut For Time episode is after them in the playlist but it also has its own playlist so I’ll just handle it like a limited series sort of event that will be talked about as a single episode instead of the 5 episodes it is.
Game Changer Battle Royale a 3 hour plus spectacular semi samer to the original survivor episode that takes all that made that episode great and dials it up to 11, as the show is longer, the totems are harder to find, the challenges are harder and there is more on the line than ever before. Everything about this mini series is gold with it being incredibly funny and sometimes even impressive in what it’s capable of doing and a very funny surprise guest that showed up out of nowhere, the one and only fault I can think of that is not even a fault is that Ana Garcia who was making her debut in Game Changer got injured on episode one and we missed out on her antics since she has proven to be an incredibly funny comedian in every other show she has show up on dropout. Battle Royale was just so much fun and reached the apex of the reality idea for Game Changer which I’m not sure if it can be topped but it can for sure be iterated upon and I do hope we come back to see it again every few years.
Now to wrap up this massive massive post I just wanna say that I love dropout, they are a wonderful set of people that truly do care and deserve all the support they get, a lot of entertainers and comedians have been recently trying to leave youtube and copy the dropout system without getting what made dropout great to begin with, it is the charm, the effort and pure love they put into everything they make that makes it so great, not the production values or how much money they spend on it, it’s about the people it gives a home to and what they are able to accomplish when you give a genius free reign to make whatever they think is best, dropout is a special place and Game Changer is a great signature show to lead the brand, I will always love it and be here to support it, it is as Brennan once said to Sam “You’ve made a home where my favorite people get to show the world how brilliant and amazing they are.”
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Throwing a disclaimer out because I think it's time I say it again just to be sure:
Me having fallen so much out of love with Marinette by now isn't because I hate that her side of the conflicts was given more weight than Adrien's or that I "don't understand that she's the main character"
My problem lies in HYPOCRISY. Marinette's writing ever since season 4 has been going out of its way to be as hypocritical as possible in basically every aspect of the story, but especially the love square, and then it was sold as "justified and totally morally sound feminism" just because it's a girl doing it.
The amount of harmful messages Maribug was retooled into teaching as "empowerment" without any genuine accountability on her part - beside some vagueness sometimes that stops meaning anything the next moment it actually matters - are insane and inherently on child abuse victims expense to the point where I don't actually trust alot of Marinette stans opinions on child abuse and leadership anymore which is the worst thing Marinette's character could have been made to cause.
I hate that sexist HYPOCRISY was declared EMPOWERING as long as the girl benefits from it. I stand under no obligation to support a harmfully hypocritical main character of a female empowerment kids cartoon, and if you think I do, learn what actual feminism is.
I repeat: my problem lies in the deeply interwoven and glorified hypocrisy
NOT in the fact that Marinette's side of the narrative was covered at all.
I was and AM perfectly fine and supportive of that, but what I don't support is the show ever since season 4 hardcore retooling the narrative into ONLY Marinette's side and benefit mattering and in some of the worst and most hypocritical ways possible to the point where Marinette never even made a single effort in finding Hawkmoth to actually DO HER JOB and take a fraction of interest in the man underneath his mask because that wouldn't have been about HERSELF.
Years ago, 2x01 "The collector" promised me a main character who will actually show initiative to end the war in more regards than herself first and foremost becoming the Queen of the world. I signed up for Marinette as main character who will actually SAVE Gabriel's victims with her compassion and drive to help people
I didn't get that beyond the most surface level way possible because Marinette and the narrative were written to prioritizing her being entirely in control of everything, girlbossing her love interest into being her submissive care taker for which she hardly took any accountability for, and looking cool hitting stuff including her love interest and the remains of her Villain's wife who never wanted this, but Marinette threw a fucking LIFT on her body to get a strategic advantage over Gabriel by taking advantage of Gabriel's remaining humanity and love for the very woman at the core of all this.
Emilie, who was fridged and silenced beyond anything resembling to feminism, but it HAD to happen because Emilie's story isn't about Marinette and the narrative had to make sure Marinette will be celebrated "as such a cool girlboss!" for throwing a fucking LIFT on the remains of the villain's loved one while she simultaneously failed Emilie's son - Marinette's own "partner" - so MUCH as partner and leader that he had literally no way to possibly make it out of this partnership because Marinette teached Chat Noir that she's all that matters, he gets no support, help, resources, or a voice when it isn't to her benefit.
When the chips are down, he has to die quietly and give up his ring because Ladybug couldn't be asked to look beyond her personal experience, benefit and comfort in this "partnership" while simultaneously needing to be taken care of, as good as worshipped, and celebrated by him like a mind reader for EVERYTHING because she wasn't "ill-intentioned"
Which she is explicitly written to prioritize people understanding that about her than actually working on herself in ways that truly matter.
I once signed up for Marinette being the main hero and savior of Paris and Gabriel's victims, but all I got is glorified hypocrisy thats sold as "empowerment" and a worshipped girlboss main heroine who postponed doing her job so fucking much that the main villain shaped the entire in-universe world already BEFORE he won and made his wish, as well as several characters being damned and irreversibly negatively affected by his power and influence over and on them by the time Marinette was finally spoon-feed into being able to face Hawkmoth at literally 11:59 pm.
But hey, I suppose all that mattered was Marinette BENEFITTING from that to sweep her own big flaws under the rug, as well as her looking cool hitting stuff in different super hero suits to she can become the Queen of the world.
I would apologize for having thought that Marinette's hero's journey was about more than that, but that's literally nothing I have to apologize for.
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rainybraindays · 13 hours
Saying this as someone who was bullied, and who is fat, but a corner of this fandoms unwillingness to give Cressida any sympathy while stanning Penelope is weird to me.
Cressida and Penelope are incredibly similar. Their mothers are both abusive women who look down on those around them. They both enjoy gossip, they both have a mean streak, and they're both in similar positions this season.
But for some reason Penelope is forgivable but Cressida isn't?
People often talk of Portias cruelty (though they often downplay it but thats a different post) and how its why Penelope does a lot of what she does, but its the same with Cressida.
As early as s1 we see Cressidas mother brushing her off, she says to violet "My Cressida may have the fortune, but Daphne has the face." And if I remember correctly Cressida is beside her as she says this. Her mother casually insults her, in public to a rather influential person, with no care for her daughters feelings. In s3 its even more blatant with how the moment Cressida voices how she's not interested in Debling her mother starts in on how shes 3 seasons in an unmarried, how shes on the road to spinsterdom. She says "you may find me cruel" and then guilts her with how her father is cutting their allowance to justify it. Cressida has no siblings so Araminta has made every other girl in the ton her competition to a far greater degree than other girls, because while they all seem to have friend groups, Cressida doesn't consistently have the same friends. How is she able to keep a friend when the one time one shows up to see her, shes told shes not to be seen with her anymore?
Eloise is the first true friend shes had in years, and its clear through their interactions that while Cressida can be cruel, its not all she is. The cruelty is a shield, much like Whistledown is for Penelope. The main difference is that while Cressidas cruelty is open and known, Penelope is hiding the worst parts of herself. Part of this is because while both Araminta and Portia are open in their cruelty to their daughters, the former is overbearing while the later is neglectful.
While Penelope has been left alone to try and find a husband, given up on before her presentation, Cressida is constantly thrown at everyman who seems to be looking for a wife. Theres no attempt to have her actually form a connection, which I'd argue is part of why her courtships never leave the early stages. She puts on an act for them, likely at her mothers insistence, much like Portia insists Penelope play dumb for Debling.
People also keep asking "why isn't Cressida considered a spinster?" When she very nearly is? She says it herself, her mother says it, this is her last year to really have a chance. The only reason she wouldn't become an actual spinster is because th Cowpers have connections the Featheringtons don't, and are not against marrying her off to the first old friend of her father's who is willing.
Cressida has done everything she can to draw attention to herself, her hair, her clothes, they scream "look at me!" She has put on mask after mask to try and be the woman whichever man she may be speaking to may want, and has failed everytime. She is one of, if not the last, of the girls in her debut year who has yet to get engaged, or even close to an engagement, and she is scared. Anything she does in part 2, I expect because at this point she has three (known) failed courtship attempts, and the threat of a man the age of her father as a husband hanging over her head.
Cressidas been a bully, thats true, but shes also being abused. If you can justify Penelope as Whistledown because shes bullied and shes abused, but can't even find sympathy for Cressida you should maybe think about why ones negatives are okay, but the others aren't.
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