#there is wonder here captain. this place is beautiful to me. is god there? in the beauty of a deadly landscape? can only goodsir see it?
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
Someone should rewarch The Terror and pull out every quote making reference to God.
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marcsburnerphone · 8 months
And they were roommates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: that captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: some awkward moments but nothing crazy.
part 1 - Part two!!! - part 3 - part 4
You indeed did not see John price the next morning but what you did see was a handwritten note stuck to the fridge beneath a magnet.
“Good morning, as I mentioned my job is demanding. I’m not sure how long I'll be gone for but I can estimate at least a month. If you need me, my phone number is below along with my check for this month's rent and the next. - John price”
You reach for the envelope that is attached behind the note and pull it open and what the fuck. You knew he had to have money but in what world would someone pay this much rent for a house with a roommate? You immediately grab your own checkbook and write him for the amount that’s overpaid, making a mental note to make sure you give it to him.
Weeks pass slowly and life goes on as it did before. The only difference is you're no longer struggling to make ends meet. So to celebrate your success you order that 6 foot canvas you’d been wanting for ages and a new oil paint.
When you got the notification that it had arrived, thank god for two day shipping, you squealed and ran to grab it before the mailman even walked away. He offered to help you as he watched you give it a bear hug and waddle it through your door yelling out a meek ‘no Thankyou’. You dragged it down the hallway and into the sunroom resting it up against the wall. Ripping the clear plastic film off of new canvases comes in third place to the best things in life.
Sitting in the sun that evening you stroke deep blue oil paints that try their best to replicate ocean waters, and white specks that wish they could induce the same feelings stars do.
You’ve been at this same painting for 3 weeks, coming home and straight to it. Now that it’s finally done it sits sunbathing till it dries. You still visit it and admire its larger than life beauty.
John’s been gone for 1 month and 3 weeks now and in that time some problems have arisen, 1. The faucet in the kitchen leaks and below it the pipe also leaks and the only plumber that’s willing to drive out to your house and inspect it says he won’t be available for another week which means the water bill will sky rocketing till then. And 2. you have no idea where the huge painting will go.
You walk around wondering where to place it. You thought maybe the living room, or even in your room but after testing both those places it still didn’t look right. You can only think of one other place which is the hallway to John’s room. Of course that spot is perfect, maybe he wouldn’t notice since he only spent one night here. You grabbed the drill and got to work mounting it immediately. Once all was said and done you gave it a once over, smiled, snapped a picture of it to send to your sister and walked away.
John arrived back exactly at the two month mark early in the AM. He opened the house door as quietly as possible and removed his boots by the door to avoid the creaking wood of the floor and continued sluggishly hauling his bag to his room. Being the man he is, he notices everything, those watchful eyes of his never miss a detail so he does indeed notice and take a second to admire the newly found painting hung in front of his bedroom door before unlocking it to set his stuff down.
After a much needed and appreciated shower he reads the clock at 7AM thinking he can sleep for a little, that is of course until he hears a knock at the door. Making his way down the hall he peeps through the window and sees a handyman?
“Good morning sir, how can I help you?” He says opening the door.
“Good morning, your wife called for a leaking pipe, told her I’d come by sometime today.” He looks down the hall towards your room and confirms the fact that you're definitely still very well asleep.
“My wife? Oh yes my wife, that lady I could’ve sworn I told her to cancel this appointment we actually got it all sorted out.” He lies like it's second nature.
“I actually charge a late cancellation fee that must be paid upfront.” He inquires slightly annoyed.
“How much?” John replies feeling sorry for this man that drove out here and is now being sent away.
“100$ flat.” John shuts the door and quickly fetches his wallet from the pocket of his cargo pants and returns with two bills one for the inconvenience and sends the man on his way.
Sleep can wait.
You wake up to the sound of clanking in the kitchen and as a woman that technically lives alone in the middle of the forest you're terrified.
Grabbing the bat beside your bed still fully dressed in the least threatening attire, you tiptoe to the source of the noise and breathe out the strongest sigh of relief ever known to man.
“Jesus Christ John you scared me, what’re you doing?” You loudly admit startling him in return.
“Fixing this pipe that you called an overpriced handyman for.” You stare at him subconsciously admiring the way he looks, slightly disheveled, face screwed in concentration and strong hands twisting the wrench in his hand and let’s not mention the rise of his shirt.
“You okay?” He says removing himself from under the sink leaning back on his knees to stare up at you.
“Yeah, yes I’m so sorry, um so where did the handy man go?” He stands with a grunt and leans his back against the counter.
“On his merry way.” He replies, turning around to turn the faucet on checking if it leaks, then off to see if it still drips and as he expects, it does neither.
“How much do I owe you for the late cancellation fee?” That man has handled your plumbing issues before and you’ve definitely canceled late more than once.
“Technically you didn’t cancel on him, I did so don’t worry.” He says picking his tools up off the ground placing them messily into the tool box.
“Well Thank You.” You say awkwardly.
“Of course.” He smiles making the dimples beneath his beard awfully noticeable.
“Oh and by the way your rent is only two thousand five hundred a month.” You say walking to the kitchen drawer beside him and pulling out a check that’s already filled out and handing it to him.
“Utilities included?” He asks, grabbing the check written out for three thousand and also taking in notice that same scent that clung to those sheets you made his bed with weeks ago as you sweep by.
“Yeah I don’t mind paying more cause I mean look around, this place has my style written all over it which makes it feel more like mine than yours.” He looks baffled at your reasoning.
“I actually like the decorations, not sure I’d change a thing about it.” You laugh at what has to be a lie.
“I doubt it.” You chuckle and slightly blush at his kindness.
“No I'm serious, I especially love that painting in the hallway, where’d you get it?” You seem surprised at the mention of it and even more flattered at the compliment.
“I actually painted it.” He gives you a surprised look.
“See you’re even hand painting the art, please I can afford much more than twenty five hundred.” You act like you're considering it for a moment.
“As much as I’d appreciate it, I'm already grateful for what you pay.” You say truthfully.
“Also, welcome home.” You quip before turning around walking back towards your room to get ready for the day
John’s been home for nearly two weeks now and he’s slightly growing on you and you on him. You co-exist in harmony most times. That doesn’t mean the two of you still don’t clash from time to time.
“Good morning.” He says scrambling eggs in a pan as you walk into the kitchen reaching in the cabinet for a coffee mug.
“Morning to you too.” You say groggily, setting your feet flat on the ground and placing the cup on the counter, reaching for the pot to pour some coffee.
“If I can just- oh I’m so sorry.” He says accidentally bumping into you making the coffee spill on the counter.
“Oh no don’t worry about it, I can just clean it.” You say turning around quickly to go grab paper towels and end up accidentally running into his chest.
He grabs your shoulders to hold you in place and let your brain catch up with the speed of events.
“We will learn to both be in the kitchen together someday.” You affirm with a laugh that makes you feel alive.
“Hey the first week this happened almost everyday. If anything this is a huge improvement.” He jokingly abides.
“True.” You say as he turns around handing you the kitchen towel to clean it up. He watches you with amused eyes and a smile that still hasn’t left either of your faces and for a second something alights in John something that scares him so bad he doesn’t hear a thing you’re saying.
“John, I said did you sleep well?” You speak a bit louder, snapping him out of it.
“Yeah darling sorry I’m just going to take this to my office. I've got some work to cover.” He says hurriedly plating his food and scurrying off.
“Okay well I’ll be heading to work soon.” He doesn’t even let you finish before closing the door leaving you to stand there a little stumped.
“So I’ll assume he didn’t sleep well.” You say to yourself before pouring another cup and heading to your room to get changed.
Comments and reposts are appreciated <3
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We are Infinity
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Hi guys!
I had several asks for a new Luna one, I feel like I’m writing a lot for them those days but I think we all need some fluffy stuff after Mariona’s departure 😔 I’m still mourning.
TW : pure fluff honestly
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It was hard for Lucy to let Ona go to the Spanish camp, where she knows that the staff and the head coach won’t really take care of her girlfriend. She got hurt on her face and near her eyes and to get better soon it would have been better for her to rest at home.
But it wasn’t on the Spanish’ plans, so Ona had to take her plane with Alexia, Mariona and the other player from the Barca to go to camp. Lucy specifically asked Alexia to have a close look at Ona, the younger girl being a little too reckless at her taste sometimes. Lucy’s request activated Alexia’s protectiveness and Ona couldn’t make a meter without having her captain near her, slapping her hand away from her face, asking her to hydrate herself or checking several times a day her wound.
It was pretty cute to be honest and Alexia doesn’t stop, even if Ona walked on her feet almost three times before she gets called by the medical team to have a closer look of her injury. Alexia was there too, listening to the discussion and even giving her opinion.
Ona wasn’t really happy to go back home, to be honest. She loves camp and Leila, who she liked very much and doesn’t see a lot, was called too. She was happy to be able to play with her again, but it would be for another time.
They gave her only two hours to get her things together before leaving and she even run into Jana at the airport, who were coming at her place.  Ona was excited for her friend too; she knows how much Jana would be happy to be here.
While she was waiting for her plane, she finally calls her girlfriend, who is herself in England for the camp. Lucy doesn’t know for now that she was leaving.
“Hola Bonita” Lucy says happily, making Ona smile.
“Hello beautiful” Ona answers back.
She can hear noises in the background, and she wonders what Lucy is doing. She sometimes forgets that there is one hour less in England. It’s not a lot, but it’s sometimes very much too.
“I’m sorry, am I disturbing you?” the Spaniard says.
“We are at diner but it’s alright. Is everything’s fine?”
To be honest, Ona thought about making a little joke to Lucy about here face going suddenly not good as a revenge for asking Alexia to look after her. She then changed her mind, but she haven’t thought that Lucy would be the one asking if there is a problem.
“Yeah, I mean… You know, how you asked me to be careful with my wound?”
Lucy’s tone was perfectly neutral, but Ona knows better. She can draw with precision the face of her girlfriend right now. Lips pinched, eyebrows raised and waiting for the end of the sentence while knowing that she will not like what will follow.
“Well, they decided to send me home” she finally say, not wanting to play with her girlfriend nerves.
“Oh, thanks God” Lucy sighs.
Ona hears someone piping in the background and she frowns slightly, trying to hear who it was. Lucy answers to the girl but her voice is almost muted, like if she putted the phone against her chest or something.
“It’s Ona, she’s going home.” She hears from afar before that Lucy’s voice is clear again. “I’m so glad Onita, it’s really a great thing.”
“I don’t know, I’ll be all alone in Barcelona.”
“What do you mean? You will be with your parents, your brother, Mapi and Bruna, the dogs…”
“Well, they are not you.”
“I will be back before you know, I promise.”
Ona can hear Lucy’s smile in her voice and if she’s not able to hear what is said next to Lucy, she easily can catch the teasing tone with which we are talking to her girlfriend.
“Who is talking to you?” Ona asks when she hear Lucy answer a « fuck off ».
“Maya. She’s so annoying.”
There are protestations and Lucy is laughing, making Ona smile. She misses her girlfriend laugh so much and they are separated since only two days.
“Oooh I miss her! Say hello to her for me”
Ona knows Maya very well; she played with her at Manchester United for three seasons before coming back to Barcelona. They were both playing on the last line on the pitch, being a lot next to each other during the games.
“I miss you too Ona!”
The Spaniard chuckle when she hears her friend’s voice, probably stuck against Lucy. She then hears Lucy groan something and asking Ona to wait for several seconds before she’s talking again. Without any noises or voices behind her this time.
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Even with Lucy reassurances, Ona hated her time at Barcelona without her. Sure she went to her brother’s house, she went for a lot of walk with their dogs, she ate lunch almost everyday at her parent’s house and she saw Mapi, Pina and Patri sometimes too. Not Bruna because she went to the camp after she left.
But the time is long without Lucy.
Even longer now that she knows how much her girlfriend is struggling with her knee. It’s not a surprise to be honest, their schedules are insane. Even if she hates being at home when her team is playing important games, she’s happy to have several days to rest correctly. This is something Lucy would have needed too.
And worse, Sarina made Lucy played the two games, every single minute. Saying that Ona is mad is very far from the truth. She’s fuming while looking at her girlfriend playing with her extra bandage on her knee.
Lucy complained about her knee several times on the phone during their calls and Ona knows how much Lucy is in pain to talk about it like that.
“Just ask to go home” Ona said during one of their FaceTime.
“I can’t, Ona. There isn’t anyone to replace me if I left. The team would be into deep shit.”
She knows Lucy is right, but having seen her girlfriend so upset after the first game and their lost crushed Ona’s heart. She almost jumped in a plane to England, but Lucy begs her not to do it. Ona wasn’t really happy about that, wanting to take care of her girlfriend if the England squad doesn’t seem to be able to do it.
Ona is jumping and stressing so much during the last game that her brother put several shots of tequila in her hands to try to relax her. It kind of worked, even if she’s a little bit tipsy when she FaceTime Lucy latter that night.
“Ona are you drunk?” Lucy asks after hearing her girlfriend giggling about everything during several minutes.
“Nooooo, not at all my Love, why?”
“You are” Lucy laughs. “What have you done; you burden?”
“Nothing” Ona giggles again. “It was Joan, he forced me.”
“He sure did” Lucy says, rolling her eyes, before asking with a softened voice “You are at home, right?”
“I am. At home and safe” Ona smiles too “I can’t wait for you to come home though. I really miss you.”
“Tomorrow you’ll have me in all for yourself again. It won’t be long now.”
“I can’t wait”
Ona rolls on her side to get under the cover of their bed. The dogs are sleeping on Lucy’s place in the bed, but Ona didn’t say it to Lucy. Dogs aren’t allowed in their bed usually.
“How is your knee?” Ona asks with a suddenly sleepy voice, the alcohol starting to kick in.
“The ice was very welcome, to be honest.”
She shows her knee wrapped in ice and Ona frowns. She hates seeing her girlfriend in pain and even more if she’s not with her to help her to get better.
“This is so bullshit, honestly.”
“I know” Lucy shrugs.
What can she say more? She knows her girlfriend’s opinion and she know too that if things were reversed, she would have the same. But she doesn’t want to pick a fight now, she would rather look at Ona falling asleep.
“Sleep well Bonita” Lucy whispers when she spots Ona’s heavy eyes.
The younger girl only answers with a vague groan before falling asleep for good. Lucy smiles and for the first time since they started talking, she doesn’t hang up. She cute the sound on her side not to wake her girl up, but she falls asleep a half-hour later looking at dead-asleep Ona.
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Ona is more excited than ever. Lucy was only several minutes from her now, Ona can follow her on the app on her smartphone. Of course, her girlfriend told her when she left Paris and when she was in Barcelona’s airport, but being able to follow her like this help her to be patient. Or to be even more excited, maybe.
“Mommy is coming home Narla!” Ona sings, making the dog waltz in the living room.
Narla barks and Ona really think that the dog understands what she was saying. Laughing softly when she tries to lick her face, Ona put her softly on the ground, to hug a jealous Coco. She kisses her head several times but stops when she hears a car stopping at the bottom of their building. She just has to take a look by the balcony to see her girlfriend collecting her suitcases before going in the building.
Ona is almost running when she goes to the door and Lucy just has the time to open it before being struck by a brunette storm. Lucy laughs when Ona jumps on her arms, securely passing hers around her girlfriend’s waist.
She lets Ona hiding her face in her neck, allowing herself to do the same in her hair, breathing with pleasure the comfort that her smell offers her. She smiles when the younger one start to kiss her cheek and then every part of her face she’s able to reach.
“Hi” Ona says happily when she retracks her head to have a better look at Lucy.
“Hi” Lucy laughs in return.
She puts slowly Ona down, kissing her lovingly on her lips this time. She doesn’t remember who and when they close the door, but it doesn’t really matter. After the kiss, Lucy grabs very softly Ona’s chin between her fingers to tilted it a bit and have a good look at Ona’s injury. Rolling her eyes but still smiling, Ona lets her do, waiting patiently while Lucy is looking at it.
“It’s look better, sì?” Ona asks after several seconds.
“It does” Lucy approves softly.
She then takes Ona in her arms again to hug her, enjoying Ona’s heath against her. The Spaniard sighs of well-being and closes her eyes to enjoy the moment.
“I missed you so much” Lucy mumbles against Ona’s hair.
“I missed you too” Ona smiles, raising her eyes to look at her.
The sweet moment is interrupted by Narla, who seems to think that all of this is very cute but she waited enough for her humans to have their reunion and that it’s now her turn. The small dog nudge Lucy’s knee with her nose, making both girls laugh.
“You know I missed you too!”
Lucy manages to take Narla in one of her hands without letting Ona go. But it was before Coco came too, barking with what could be vexation.
“Oy and you too of course! I’ll never forget my boy. Sorry, Bonita” Lucy grins at Ona when she needs to let her go.
Too happy to have her girl back to even imitate a pout, Ona let Lucy with their dogs, taking her suitcases directly to the bathroom to start the laundry. She smiles hearing Lucy’s talking to the dogs, even if she can’t really understand all she was saying. They both are barking happily, and Ona doesn’t hear when Lucy asks “Alright, where’s Mama now?”.
She’s soon spotted though, Lucy’s hugging her from behind only ten seconds after that.
“Fuck the laundry, Babe. I need to catch all the hugs and kisses I missed” Lucy mumbles against Ona’s neck.
“Mh I don’t know if you deserved it, you choose the dogs after me just two minutes ago” Ona jokes before turning in her arms.
“You know very well that I’ll make it up to you”
Lucy has a smirk and a playful face, who make Ona smile wider. She knows that they will be separated again during the Olympics – if Ona is selected of course – but those separations aren’t easy anyway. Ona feels like it got even harder every time. She just too used to have Lucy next to her in her daily life.
Lucy drags her on the couch, and they put something on TV that none of them is really watching, too busy to hug, talk, look and kiss each other. Maybe not in that order.
“I’m hungry and I probably should go take a shower” Lucy yawns when the sky is almost dark.
“Go shower and I take care of the food” Ona decides before getting up from the couch.
She was already turning her mind upside down to know what to cook to Lucy, when the girl takes her by the arm and make her sit on her lap. She stoles a rather hard kiss to the younger one before letting her go.
“Now we can go” she smirks, getting up to even left the room before Ona.
Ona stays still in the kitchen for several minutes after deciding that it was better to command something for tonight. They are both tired and the fridge is empty, they really need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. When she’s alone, she’s usually feeding herself with fruits, avocado toast and Iberic ham, much to Lucy desperation.
Lucy finds Ona sitting on the table in the kitchen when she’s showered, smiling at her with her phone in her hand.
“What?” Lucy asks.
“Nothing. You’re here, walking with your two knees. I’m just happy.”
How can someone be so cute, adorable and dramatically hot at the same time? Lucy asks herself for the hundred times since she met Ona.
“Happiness looks good on you.”
With two steps, Lucy is in front of Ona, passing her arms around the smallest girl. She just can’t help herself, with time she even sometimes forgot that they are supposed to be private about their relationship in public. So, in private, she just can’t keep her hands away from Ona. The Spaniard being touchy, she never complained about it.
“You can congrats yourself, you are the reason of my happiness.”
“Look at you, who is the sweet talker now?”
Ona laughs, it was one joke during the first days of their relationship. Lucy liked to hit on Ona with the most random sentences ever. It wasn’t in attempt to flirt really, she just wanted to hear Ona’s laugh every single second. She had other things to flirt with Ona and make her fall for her. She never had to try hard to be honest.
“But I see no food cooking. Were you planning to give yourself to me for diner?”
“You wish” Ona laughs when Lucy wiggles her eyebrows. “I ordered to the Thai restaurant across the street. It will be here in like ten minutes.”
She made Ona squeak when she takes her suddenly in her arms to go to the couch again and dropping her on it before wrapping herself around Ona.
“We have time for more hugs until they come” she decides.
“We have” Ona confirms, smiling softly.
Looking at the ceiling, she starts to stroke Lucy’s back under her shirt. She can feel her muscles contract under her soft skin, and she just have to take a look at Lucy’s face to realize that she’s half-asleep. Lucy must feel her girlfriend’s gaze on her though, because she mumbles
“’m not asleep”
“Sure, Beautiful” Ona laughs slightly.
She smiles again when Coco jumps on the couch to install himself next to them and raise her head a little bit when she hears noises that she can’t really identify.
“Oh. Looks like Narla wants to show you her new rocks” Ona informs Lucy when she sees the dog starting to align to rocks in front of the couch.
If Coco groans before heading back to sleep, Lucy groans and sit down, rubbing her eyes. But she can’t be mad at her dog who have a strange thing for rocks when she looks at her with so much happiness, wiggle her tail with excitation. And she just has to look at Ona’s smile to feel her heart melt. She’s the happier girl in the world. She would never complain about anything.
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bejeweledblondie · 11 months
Post-Baby Bath
Captain John Price x F! Reader
Summary: John decides to help his beloved wife out by pampering her while their newborn is settled down for nap time
A/N: incase you can’t tell my baby fever is at a all time high this week
Warnings: mentions of childbirth, surgery, sexual innuendos
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Delivering a baby is no easy feat, hell pregnancy alone is no easy feat. You had just delivered your baby boy not even a week ago. While he wasn’t a very fussy baby, taking care of a infant while healing wasn’t easy especially while healing. You had deliver your son your own while John was on FaceTime. The delivery nurse had to console you so you didn’t raise your blood pressure. It was your worst nightmare. So here you sat at home, alone holding your infant son as he nursed on your chest. He was all John, he had his eyes, nose, & thick head of brown hair. You ran a finger across his pink chubby cheeks as his big eyes stared at you.
The sound of the door lightly opening & closing along with the shuffling of combat boots.
“Darling?” John’s thick accent filled the air. He was home, a sigh of relief washed over you. You were no longer alone in taking care of your newborn.
“I’m in here love,” You replied rocking your son. John walked in to the bedroom & removed his combat boots. A small smile started to appear on your face. With your free hand you reached out for him & cupped his right cheek. He sat down on the edge of the bed & looked down at your newborn son.
“Oh darling,” John said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. He took a long look at you, the guilt of not being there weighed on his conscious as he took in your appearance. Small bags were under your eyes from exhaustion, your hair was all tangled, & your skin was pale. Then he looked down again at the bundled in your arms. “He’s beautiful. I’m so proud of you.”
“You wanna hold him he’s just about done.” You said as the newborn started to become fussy. He unlatched from your breast & you handed him over to John’s open arms. John’s large frame made the already small baby boy look microscopic. You put your breast away & just admired the scene in front of her. Your son was looking up as his father with amazement. His face wiggled around with different expressions & his chubby little hands reached out for his beard. Tears welled in John’s eyes at the site of his newborn son.
“I am sorry for missing the birth, baby.” John said he as he looked at you, guilt in his eyes. “You must be so tired.”
“I’m not gonna lie I am.” You sighed. “I haven’t showered in two days. I feel so gross.” Your son had fallen asleep in John’s arms by now. “Oh thank God he’ll be asleep for hours.”
“Why don’t I put him down in his bassinet then draw you a nice warm bath.” John suggested. You smiled at him.
“Baby that sounds absolutely wonderful.” You sighed at the thought. John played your baby in the bassinet & then walked into the bathroom. You could hear the water starting to fill up the tub from your place on the bed. John came out of the bathroom & picked you up out of bed. The past few days you moved with the pace of a snail. You were still healing down there & any sudden movement was painful. Your head rested against his chest as he gently carried you into the bathroom. He put you down gently on the bath mat next to the tub. You went to go & remove your shirt you hissed in pain. Breastfeeding is no joke, your whole chest was achy.
John kneeled in front of you & helped remove your shirt. Then he went to remove your sweat pants. Out of embarrassment you didn’t want John to see you with the giant pad in your hospital underwear. Or the fact your stomach wasn’t all the way down.
“Love.” John said softly. “Don’t hide from me.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You just had a baby, & regardless I love you.” He was always so tender with you. “You’re also in pain love, let me help you.”
“Okay.” You softly said. He helped remove your sweatpants. “Let me take these off.” You said as he turned around to give you privacy. You removed the hospital underwear & tapped John to let him know you were ready to be put in the tub. He turned out & smiled at you just taking you all in. He felt so honored that you trusted him with seeing you in such a vulnerable state.
“God, you are so beautiful.” He said & lifted you up. Slowly he put you in the warm water. The shock of the water hitting your aching body made a sigh escape your lips. You hadn’t realize how badly you needed this, & how much your body ached. John smiled at you in the tub. He stripped off his uniform & climbed in with you. Your back was rested up again his chest. Lord knew he needed a bath himself from the latest mission.
He wrapped his big burly arms around you pulling you closer to him.
“You want me wash your hair lovely?” He asked. You nodded, & he immediately grabbed your shampoo. As soon as his fingers touched your scalp you could’ve fallen asleep right there. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head & you sighed. You could feel the stress from the day melting away the more he massaged the vanilla scent into your hair. He rinsed the shampoo out & put in your conditioner. John always knew your hair routine & he knew your sweet spots. After he rinsed the conditioner out you rested your head on his shoulder.
The two of you just basked in your own glow. John thought you were the most beautiful thing he had ever lied eyes on. Your post baby body to him was the most beautiful thing. It represented your strength & ability to give him one of the most beautiful things he had ever lied eyes on. Besides you of course. He had never known how deep his love could go until he laid eyes on you holding your son. Once the two of you finished your bath, you both jumped into your pajamas & checked in your son. While cuddling watching a movie you heard your son fussing in the bassinet.
You picked him up, & John immediately held out his arms to hold your son.
“Let me take care of it love.” He said. “I need to get to know our son, & you need to catch up on sleep.” You passed the infant off of to John & watched his little body lay on his father’s chest. John started to rub small circles on his newborn son’s back & a small smile appeared on the baby’s face. A little bit of drool started to pool on his t-shirt. Your eyelids started to become heavy as you watched John with your son. A peaceful much slumber consumed you, as you basked in the love of your husband & now newborn baby.
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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THE TERROR (2018) S01E10 "We Are Gone"
Is God here, Captain? Any god? It doesn't matter. This place is beautiful to me, even now. To see it with eyes as a child's, there is wonder here, Captain.
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partycatty · 8 months
we back with another request⁉️
can be old or young (mk11 or mk1) johnny your pick, but what if fem!reader and johnny are sparring (likely in private, but if they wanna be risky go ahead) and reader is losing.
sooo, she flashes him her titties as a distraction and ends up getting him pinned. you can turn it into smut or end it there, your pick
love your writing 💙💙
johnny cage > eyes on the prize
warnings: Oh, these? My boobies? My massive fucking titties? My super stuffed milkies? My honker bonker doinky boinkies? My fucking fabric stretching wind flapping gravity welling sex mounds? You mean these super duper ultra hyper god damn motherfucking tits?
[ part 2 ] [ masterlist ]
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after the time merger, your boss seems uneasy seeing his younger self parade around the compound like he owns the place. you're unfortunately put up to the task as babysitting him.
"private," the older counterpart summons you to the center of the room. "keep an eye on him for me, yeah? he's... well, he's me, and i don't trust him one bit." you both glance over to younger johnny, who is kicking his feet up and browsing IMDB - his own page, to be specific - with no regard for authority. you nod and walk off, approaching the younger star who doesn't notice you at first.
"mr. cage," you try to get his attention, leaning down to his level as he sits. johnny tears his eyes away from the screen to catch a good look at you in your uniform, pulling his sunglasses down his hooked nose. "captain cage requested i accompany you around the compound for safety as the time merge is figured out."
"oh, i'll follow you anywhere, beautiful," he replies smoothly, clicking and winking up at you. your face heats up, this is your... almost-boss. this version wasn't with sonya, doesn't have a kid. a part of you wonders if your present johnny also finds you attractive if this is how his younger version behaves. you'd always found him hot, but that was something you kept to yourself for the sake of his family and your career.
johnny snaps in your face with a twisted expression. "hey, since you're here, the future sucks! i've been here for an hour and i haven't seen one jetpack. not one!" he holds a finger in your face, and you can't help but stare down at him in bewilderment. how did this man become the captain of the special forces??
his complaints sprout an idea, as you try to divert his annoyance. "the special forces compound contains plenty of advanced technology. would you care for a tour?" you suggest politely, gesturing out of the room.
johnny seems intrigued by your offer, willing to follow you around like a dog if it meant getting a good view of your ass the whole way. it's your figure that intrigues him the most.
"older me was a dumbass for not tappin' this," johnny very loudly exclaims as you two walk down a hallway, making you pinch the bridge of your nose. "i might have to alter my destiny... there's no way you fight with a pretty body like that."
"the members of S.F. are put through extensive physical training and discipline. i can fight, mr. cage," you reply curtly, not all too impressed by his catcalling, though his boldness amuses you.
"yeah?" he asks playfully, jogging in front of you to walk backwards as he glares at you through his shades. "care to prove it? you lose, you give me your number."
"and if you lose?" you question, crossing your arms.
"then i give you my number." jesus, he was dumb. hot, but dumb. it was impossibly hard to remain professional in front of him. you entertain his bait and open a side door that led to the garage. it was spacious and full of various tools, vehicles and weapons. the crew often met there for mass debriefs and announcements, but served as a perfect sparring location.
"you're on, dollface," johnny sneers, readying himself with an overdramatic flourished war cry. "but first, no handicaps. take all that off." he waves at your vest and various equipment strapped to you. you shake your head and sigh, readying your own pose after shrugging the extremities off and kicking them to the side. it was johnny in his coat giving you a delicious view of his chest, and you in your skin-tight underclothes. you figured regardless you'd have an advantage against johnny considering you were familiar with his fighting style, but his strength outmatched you easily. he was twice your size in muscle, after all. didn't really matter just how much studying you put into his mannerisms in combat.
his powers proved to be a significant advantage as well, doubling his strikes when most humans could only land one in the time it took. each punch you threw was parried embarrassingly easily, and each kick was matched with an even swifter swing.
despite being military trained, you couldn't help but find the fight fun. johnny would grab hold of you and spin you around, as if you were dancing, or flash one of his signature smiles at you when he felt more in charge. he'd cackle when you made a fool of yourself, swinging at nothing.
one of his backflip kicks infused with his powers knocked you straight on your ass, and johnny towers over you with a devilish grin. his legs are spread, with you on the floor between them as you catch your breath.
"do you yield, sweet thing?" he asks, bending forward to hover his face over yours. you cringe, holding your side as you try to get up, but johnny just places his boot on your chest. "you were all bark and no bite, sweetheart."
as you regain your composure, thoroughly displeased with the outcome of the battle, you get an absolutely evil idea.
"how about you get a bite of these?" you ask, smirking. your fingers find the hem of your shirt and pull upward, revealing your bra and your breasts spilling from the fabric as you lay on your back. the chill of the room defines the shape of your nipples through the bra, and johnny's eyes fixate - hard. his sunglasses comically slide down his nose and clatter to the floor, his puppy eyes wide and wanting at the sight of your barely clothed chest.
when you know for a fact he's transfixed, you swat his foot off of your chest and curl your body before placing a hard upward kick into his balls, making him yell out and stumble backward.
you stand up and brush yourself off, beaming at the actor for besting him at his own shallow game.
"you - ngh -" johnny whines and clutches his crotch, pointing a finger at you accusingly. "i yield."
you shrug innocently, reaching a hand out to him considering your positions were now fully swapped. "gotta keep your eyes on the prize, cage."
you hoist him up with a grunt, patting his shoulder.
"oh, believe me," he breathlessly chuckles. "i was." he smiles crookedly.
...did you just flash your soon-to-be-boss? is this gonna alter the timeline...?
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: another slow burn chapter. I did warn y’all. Don’t think Y/N /Laika can quite grasp that she isn’t a monster. She might realise eventually!! Progress with Soap and Gaz - think they might have a soft spot for her already!!
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Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I eventually recover from Soap's - well - whatever the hell that was.
"Thirty minutes till we load the car and go to the Heli. Let's not keep Kate waiting" the Captain rumbles from the kitchen. I must have put him in a bad mood..
"I have nothing to pack.. should I just" - "you can help me pack, the room is a mess. Need to leave it clean and ready to be used in emergencies again" Gaz interrupts. I nod and follow him back upstairs. I seem to be doing this a lot. Just following Gaz around like a stray mutt. God, they must find me so annoying.
Gaz strides into the large room to the right hand side of the upper landing. I stop at the door. The strong scent of Alpha phermones almost knocks me back a step. I'm not usually overly bothered by scents however I put it down to the fact I've been in the facility for so long, the guards were probably taking blockers anyway. That's what I settle on to explain my new found ability.. if you can even call it that. It's because I've not been exposed to any scents.
"Just come in, we don't do the traditional 'permission to enter the nest' bullshit. We ain't exactly a traditional pack as it is" Gaz says, motioning me further into the Alpha's nest. I try not to look at the worn clothes scattered around the room. It looks so.. lived in. There are reading glasses on the bedside table. I wonder who wears reading glasses..? Two books stacked, one bookmarked, the other dog eared. I bet the dogeared one is Soap's. There is a journal on the floor with a pen resting in the central valley between pages. There is a beautiful drawing on one page, the next page is filled with messy disorganised writing which is, in a strange backwards sense, very pretty. Intruder! Intruder! Get out of their space! You don't belong here! My brain starts to shout at me.
"C'mere" Gaz stops my inner thoughts from running rampage. I obediently move towards Gaz and await instruction. Obedient little mutt, indeed. SHUT UP! I wish I could turn my brain off for a few minutes. Or longer..
"We can start with my stuff. Just check labels for names.. Are you warm enough? You'll probably want a hoodie for the ride home, right?" - "Oh uhm, are you sure you want me rooting through your belongings...?" - "You're not rooting through anything, you're helping, I asked, didn't I?" he reassures "ok, yeah.. ok.. sorry.." - "here, that's my bag" he places his bag on the large bed. The bed they all share. The pack bed.. You shouldn't be in here... QUIET! My damned brain and its self sabotaging tendencies.
I start by collecting the things that Gaz has piled in a seperate stack of all of his things. Fold, place in the bag. Fold, place in the bag, Fold, place in the bag.. it becomes quite relaxing. I enjoy the scent of his clothes wafting past my nose as I fold them. I shouldn't be enjoying it, should I.. Snap out of it.. They are literally taking me to be interrigated later today, why am I acting as if I'm welcome? Stop it, stupid girl!
I make it to the end of the pile and he claps his hands together once as the last piece of clothing gets zipped inside the bag. "Done and dusted! Here, I kept this out for you to wear on the ride back to base." He presents a navy hoodie, a Union flag on the upper sleeve, 'Sgt. K Garrick' embroidered over the chest, below a larger fonted 'SAS - TF141'. I take it from his hold. "Thank you..." I say softly. He smiles brightly at me as I pull it over my head. I must look ridiculous wearing all these clothes that are far too big for me..
*Gaz's POV*
She pulls my hoodie over her head. YES! Mission accomplished.. She will be warm *and* be covered in my scent. I shouldn't care but seeing her in my clothes again wakes something up in me. Like when she wore my jacket.. and how Johnny must have felt when she walked down this morning in his clothes. I knew he'd enjoy the sight.. led her down the stairs trying to wipe the smirk from my fuckin' face. I could see how effected Cap was from the showergel scent too. That fuckin' tobacco smell drives him mad. Could tell it caught him off guard when she turned the corner dressed in his pack Alpha's clothes and scented up to high heavens.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Gaz is looking me up and down, I shrink under his gaze, embarrassed. He definetly thinks I look ridiculous. "C'mon, love, downstairs.. looks like we are ready to. You got your hanky bandana thing?" He asks. I pat my pocket for the shape of it, before nodding, confirming that I haven't lost it. "Good, let's go then. The others will only be five minutes".
I trail after him towards the front door of the house. He holds his hand out, stopping me in my tracks. "You wait here, I'll go and check the perimeter and bring the car round to the door. You'll be alright waiting, won't you?" God he thinks I'm useless, such a burden. The floor is suddenly all too interesting. "I'll be ok" I confirm. He nods and pats my arm before turning and leaving through the door. I get a brief blast of cold air. I'm thankful that I'm no longer in my cell - the snow fell heavily last night. I'm thankful for the hoodie Gaz had let me borrow.
I flinch when two big hands suddenly grab my shoulders from behind. "What's the matter, lass? Planning your escape?" - "No - no Ky-Gaz went to get the car... I was told to stay.." - "Awkt, I'm sure he didnae mean stand and stare at the door. C'mere, come sit with me" - "I..I -"
Soap practically herds me to the sofa and directs me, by my shoulders, to sit. He sits right next to me. "Nice hoodie, you smell like one of us, eh?" he inhales, obnoxiosly loudly and groans. I resist the need to roll my eyes at his light-hearted joking, still not quite ready to leave the sad, anxious corner of the depths of my brain but the fact I was even considering must be progress though, right. It just upsets me, that every single time I feel like I could feel a tiny better, I am reminded that I don't belong here - or anywhere for that matter - and that I am following along with these deadly Alphas, like a stupid mouse right into a trap. It was inevitable.
"Where've you gone.. hey! Laika..?" I feel him tapping on my knee, trying to snap me out of it. Looking at him, with watery eyes, he practically engulfs me. "What's the matter? Tell me.." he pleads, with the softest voice I'd heard from him, right next to my ear. I just sniffle into his chest, still frozen, not reciprocating his embrace , instead, finding warmth and seclusion in his arms. I finally feel like I have some privacy, which is strange, isn't it?
"Whatever it is, it willnae go away if you bottle it up, lass. Tell me, we might be able to help.." - I lean away from him, wiping my face messily with the too-long sleeves of my - I mean Gaz's - hoodie. "I just - I am going to be interrogated.. and I've done so much, so many lives.. so much blood on my hands, all my doing.. I deserve whatever I get, but - but - I'm scared.."
"Lass, this isn't how it's going to happen. We just want to find out more about you. You've been drugged right? You've been forced into submission.. like a puppet on a string. Laswell - she's understanding of circumstances. Hell - L.T's got a few skeletons in his closet - pardon the pun" he laughs. "S'not funny" I whisper, "Look, we dinnae even know what you are going to present as when the drugs leave your system, it's illegal to alter presentations and designations without consent, so you've already got that on your side" he tries to reassure me. "I'm probably Beta.. my parents.. they were Beta's".
"The Cap said you were in there for, what, six years? fuckin' hell. So .. you're twenty six-ish then? That's awful late to be undesignated, lass. Those bastards." he rants on, I just sit quietly and listen. "What other tests and bullshit did you have done to you?" - "lost track, it'll be on my file somewhere. They recorded everything.. They changed it up when I did'nt cooperate to a satisfactory level.." - "what the fuck does that mean?" he scoffs, angrily "well, there was one mission, where I was sent to kill two cartel members.. they were a bonded pair..." my voice breaks and my eyes start to water again. "C'mon lass, you're doing so well telling me all about it.. keep going for me" he rubs my knee reassuringly.
I continue "They were a bonded pair.. I-I had lost my drugs that I was ordered to take three times a day to keep me complient. They must have been fading from my system, because I started to-to question the information I had been given. My own conciousness sort of kept fading in and out at that point. It's sort of blurry.. I- I had the shot lined up on the leader - an Alpha - and just as I was about to pull the trigger.." I stop suddenly and turn away.
"Shhh, lass, shhhh, it's ok.." - C'mon, tell him - "the trigger, a kid pulled my leg.. he needed help, he'd been caught in the fire and was all hurt and scared.. I don't know why.. I shouldn't have done it.. it was stupid of me.. I shouldn't have.." I wipe my tears again, reliving the trauma. My heart hurt. "Shouldn't have what, Lass, what did you do to the wee boy?" he asks, I swear I can hear suspicion or tentative anger in his voice.
"I got him killed. Walked him straight to his execution. Delivered him to his death.." I weep.
"whoa, whoa - what d'ya mean? You've lost me, lass. Slow down, take deep breaths, aye?"
"I - I took him and hid him under my elbow, I lined up the shot again, trying to keep the boy quiet.. but he was scared. He was so scared.. Something got in the way of the shot.. it was - was one of the guards from the facility. They'd come to finish the job, probably thought I was dead because I was late returning or something like that, but when I saw him in my scope I took the shot.."
"Good lass, you were fighting the drugs! You clever girl!" - "no- no not clever.. I tried to run back to the spot they said they'd pick me up from.. I don't know why but my brain wasn't - wasn't completely cleared from the drugs. I don't know why I thought they'd be pleased. Pleased that I'd saved the kid. All they cared about was the success of the mission. The cartel leader. And his mate, a male omega. I think he was killed.. because they were never apart but when I had my shot, it was just the Alpha.. I think - I think he saw me, when I took the shot at the guard, I swear he caught my eye as I ran.."
"Did you make it back to where you were supposed to meet?"
"Yeah, they shot the boy. Right between the eyes. It was like slowmotion. I don't remember what happened, but I woke up attached to machines and my brain went back into the controlled state again.. they developed a new drug that lasted longer, so it didn't risk running out on missions.."
"Bastards.. fucking BASTARDS" Soap rages. I look at my lap, shaking and weeping. "Pieces of shit, I'll fucking kill the lot of them slowly and" - "Johnny, that's enough!" he is interupted by a gruff voive.
I look up from my, lap my eyes widening. I obviously didn't notice the arrival of the rest of the pack. The Captain was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and a reserved anger soured his face and crinkled his brow. Slightly behind him was Gaz. How hadn't I noticed Gaz come back from outside..? Then behind both of them, I see the masked Ghost, sitting on the bottom of the stairs, his elbows resting on his knees, while he cracked his knuckles.
I had just signed my death sentence. They'd heard everything. How I killed the boy.. Fuck.
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kiraxvxbes · 3 months
Unwillingly Yours.
(summary: Levi kidnapps the reader so that they are bound to each other forever)
(Tw: Smut, bondage, non con, if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to scroll!!)
You wake up in darkness, your head throbbing, and your body aching. The last thing you remember is drinking tea with Levi in the afternoon. But now, you were in a dimly room, unfamiliar and cold. Panic sets in as you try to move, realizing you were bound to a wooden chair by a rough rope.
"You're awake," a voice says, calm and steady. You recognized that voice, but you couldn't believe it to be true. After all, you were blindfolded, so you couldn't really see the man behind this crime.
Lately, all the men that have gotten closer to you began to disappear and go missing, and you highly suspected the unknown man in the same room as you.
"Who are you? What do you want?" You ask, your voice shakey and terrified. He gently caresses your face. "You don't need to be afraid," he says softly, almost gently. "I won't hurt you, I just want to keep you safe. To keep you with me." His words make your skin crawl.
"Let me go," You demand, struggling against the restraints. He gently pulls down the blindfold and places his thumb on your bottom lip.
It was Captain Levi. You were so shocked, you froze right on spot in disbelief. You wondered, was he the person behind all those missing men?
He shakes his head, a sadistic smile playing on his lips. "I can't do that. You don't understand yet, but you will. You’re meant to be here, with me. We’re meant to be together."
You froze in disbelief as Levi gently squished your cheeks together and admired your face. He felt himself grow hard and the sight of your beautiful face, he could just cum in his pants. "Oh my god.." He whispered under his breath, his right hand moving south to touch his clothed erection. Your gaze drifted down to his bulge, and your eyes widened.
"What are you doing? Get away!" You screamed, shifting around in the chair you were tied to. The sick man just smiled. He unzipped his pants, freeing his aching member. The tip just barely brushed against your lips, you moved your head back away from his cock. Levi grabs you by your hair and forcefully shoves his dick into your mouth.
Your eyes widen, tiny tears prick at your eyelashes. You let out a muffled scream against his cock, he moans at the vibrations. "Oh, baby.." He smiles, gently scratching the back of your head like one would to a dog. You could feel his dick pulsing in your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat.
You then flinched as he started to forcefully push your head down to his dick, your nose hitting against his trimmed pubes. He chuckled sadistically and looked down at your vulnerable state. You gagged as he rocked your head back and forth for his own pleasure, his loud moans and grunts filling the room. His movement went on for a few minutes before his cock started to twitch inside your mouth, indicating his orgasm. His pace increased, his moans grew louder, and finally, he threw one last harsh thrust, filling your mouth completely with his cum.
Levi withdrew from your mouth, and you quickly spat his semen out. "What's wrong with you!?" You screamed and panted heavily. He just smirked and caressed the side of your cheek. "I love you, you make me feel so good..."
That was only the first day of your captivity. Over time, you started to earn more privileges from Levi. He moved some comfy furniture in your room and he gave you a few things for entertainment, such as a few books, a notebook and even your own cat to keep you company when he wasn't around. He treated you with care and love most of the time. It wasn't that bad. He never dared to engage in sexual activities you weren't comfortable with ever again, he even apologized a few days later after his assault. But.. you still missed your long gone freedom.
(A/n: So sorry if this made anyone uncomfortable, I'm not really sure what I should post now 🙁)
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rntoshi · 1 year
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͏ ͏🔊 gepard landau (n): i caught feelings for a stripper.
/ • geppie makes his mother proud & spends his birthday at a gentleman’s club for the first time. he’s awkwardly charming.
similar: f reader, exotic dancer!reader, nudity, pining, 1.5k.
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This wasn’t Gepard’s scene, anyone could tell simply by taking a look at his body language: tense shoulders, a firm hand on the glass that currently adorned a whiskey on the rocks, and an everlasting flush on his cheeks. Not from the alcohol but from the same he felt being in such a lewd place like this. His saccharine orbs seem so… bright and innocent compared to others. There’s almost a child-like wonder about him, something about him that feels incredibly naive— and yet it carries one of the biggest responsibilities in Belobog as the Silvermane Captain. It’s quite the paradox. The beloved Captain can lead thousands of men into war with monsters who have strength greater than any man, and yet here he is with sweat on the arch of his brow because he cannot look at the half nude women sashaying around him in the eye. Clumsy and awkward he is, like a golden retriever puppy.
But despite the shy protests that left his strawberry dusted, plump lips as his peers practically dragged him into the gentleman’s club— she had caught his eye.
The way he looks at her— it's taboo to say really but it's comparable to how a believer would look at an angel for the first time. Gepard doesn’t know what’s come over him but he cannot stop staring at the graceful beauty that was her body, angelic and dainty features that made up the composition of her face. God, it isn’t polite to stare— his mother and sister taught him well enough to know how to treat and respect women but here he was, ogling at the sweet faced angel on stage. With mouth slightly agape as he does so, he can’t help but to wonder about her. Who she was, where she came from..
It was amazing really; how she lured him in with only a mere glance and even then, who could have known that she had actually held eye contact with him and not someone else. Gepard found himself wanting to believe she looked at him. It would… make him feel special if she did. Ah, how silly was this predicament? Already finding himself getting wound up and thinking silly thoughts over a woman who he didn’t know, especially in a setting like this. Little did he know, his dear friends very well noticed how much of a liking he took to her— quickly finding her once she’d been done with her stage to ask if she’d been willing to grace their Captain with some one on one time. Of course, handing her a generous amount of cash before directing her to where Gepard had been blundering off.
“He’s cute..” She thinks to herself, watching him mindlessly fiddle with a slot machine in one of the more quiet corners of the venue.
Gepard would have never thought in a million years he’d ever find himself in a position such as this. Now looking directly down into her eyes as she looked up at him, painfully aware of her dainty hand reaching for his own.
“I hear you’re the birthday boy tonight.” She smiles as she takes his hand into her own— taking note of how long he stares at their now interlocked hands before he looks back at her. The blush on his cheeks was endearing to say the least.
“Yes,” He says. It’s simple and to the point, he has no clue what to say or do. It’s no real secret that he doesn’t have much experience talking to women with the exception of his family and coworkers— never in a remotely intimate setting. 
“Come on,” (Name) says softly as she gently guides him towards where the private rooms were. “Follow me, sweet face.”
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“Do you.. do this often?” Gepard’s eyes very leave her own despite how she slowly slides off the straps of her bra— her hips moving in a hypnotic pattern to the sensual beat of the music as she does so. She’s beautiful but it's the kind of beauty that strikes someone in awe, a divine feminity that lures men, women and children alike.
“Do what?” There’s a small grin playing on her lips as she challenges him, she’s clearly amused and quite curious about how he’ll word his next choice of words. (Name) is fully aware of what he’s trying to get at, but she’s having too much fun seeing him squirm.
“…” Gepard looks embarrassed, almost like he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing or something offensive. It’s cute, really. She’ll save him the trouble though and stop giving him a little grief.
“Yes, I do.” (Name) answers. “Most nights.”
“I see..” Geprard trails off, averting his eyes from hers for a moment. He just can’t seem to bring himself to say it. “You’re beautiful.” It’s at the tip of his tongue threatening to spill like the most intense case of word vomit— it's simple enough so why can’t he tell her? It feels like some form of stage fright with the way he just freezes. There’s so much going through his mind and nothing at all, all at the same time.
(Name) finds herself sitting in his lap with her back facing him as she skillfully grinds her hips into his while she unclasped her frilly bra from behind. She’s quick to discard the garment with a little toss in front of her, smiling as she noticed how tightly he was grabbing the sides of the velvet couch from her peripherals.
“You can touch me, you know.” A soft smile graces her glossy lips as she gently grabs a hold of his wrists, placing his hands on the skin of her hips. “Are you comfortable with that?” Her voice is akin to a chirp— a short and high pitch cadence that’s sweet to the ears.
“Yes,” His replies are dry and he’s aware of that but more importantly, she doesn’t seem to mind much to his relief. It’s not that he’s trying to be curt— he’s just nervous. He’d be relieved to know that his replies being dry are the last thing of her worries. In fact, she thinks that he’s quite polite which is a rare commodity working in this industry. Not to mention, he’s very attractive— which is another luxury within itself. 
“Are.. are you okay with this?” He asks, his brows raising slightly. Despite her initiative, he didn’t want her to feel like she was obligated to do anything she didn’t want to do or felt like she had to do. Gepard had a heart of gold and it showed itself through not only his actions but his way of thinking.
“Of course.” God, she’s sweet— he felt his heart jumping out of his chest. Is this what the guys called “whipped?” No, no, that’s far more outdated. He believes they’re saying “simping” now. How odd.
“I apologize… my palms are quite sweaty.” Gepard says.
“Nervous?” (Name) looks over her shoulder at him for a moment.
“Mm.” He nods his head a single time to confirm before she speaks again,
“We can always have a conversation, if that’ll help ease your mind.” She suggests, now turning around to straddle his waist, pressing her bare chest against him. They meet eyes and there’s a small moment of silence as they look at each other— he seems as though he’s trying to figure out what to say all while in some sort of dream gaze while she has that little smile on her lips. Her head is tilted slightly as her hands rest on the broadness of his shoulders.
“What’s your name?” He asks. The question is sudden enough to elicit an interesting reaction from her— his brows furrowed in a confused little furrow as he hears her delightful giggle. She seems surprised at his question but he’s not sure why or what’s so funny about the question. It’s definitely forward, she’d give him that.
“It’s (Stage Name).” She answers— it’s not a lie but it's almost like she’s certain that it’s not the answer he wanted to hear. 
“No..” He says, a soft discontentment behind his tone. “Your real name..” Gepard’s eyes look as if they’re pleading, eager to know the name of the woman responsible for the heart pounding against his ribcage.
Poor thing, he’s not quite aware that stage name’s are in place for a reason but she holds no ill reaction when he presses. Maybe she feels intrigued herself, not fully opposed to the handsome stranger knowing her real name. There’s something about him that she’s attracted to— perhaps it's his awkwardness. It’s oddly charming.
Gepard always found himself predicting that he’d marry a nice girl from Overworld when the time permitted— maybe he’d meet her at the flower shop or a cafe and they would hit it off. One date leads to two and two leads to three— a beautiful relationship blossoming like tulips during the first sign of Spring. Interesting how things seem to play out, especially now as he’s developing a very real crush on a stripper from the Underworld. Jesus, what would mother think?
“Looks like our time’s up, blondie.” (Name) whispers against the lobe of his ear. “Visit me often, okay?”
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© rntoshi 2023. do not modify or repost.
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
I was looking through Pinterest because i have an addiction which is called 'making a moodboard for the slightest prompt' and no spoilers but completely unrelated i found some wonderful art of a known prompt which is Ghost!Cat.
And... Here's what's eating my neurons:
In a world where some have a soul link to a kind of animal, making them able to share some particularities with said animal, Simon Ghost Riley doesn't show any. Everybody knows he has a soul link.
He hides them. No one has ever seen it. There's rumors, bear, wolf, tiger, lion, viper, crocodile... God who knew what kind of terrifying animal he could be?
You were just as curious. But you left it at that. No more. He was your lieutenant and you wouldn't even dare ask him. As others flaunted and displayed their particularities, tails, scales, feathers, fur, the only thing visible once in a while was his slighted pupils on the field.
It was inked in your head, the way his pupils dilated and shrunk right under your gaze. It was beautiful.
You hurried as night had fallen, running up the strains to his office. Captain Price had instructed you to give the lieutenant a file for the report before you could go to your barracks.
You hadn't intended to barge in. To be blessed with this view. But the door was slightly open. And your knocking only opened it more. The fluffy black tail and perked up ears grabbing all your attention.
He had stared at you wide eyed, the same look on your face. You were both frozen in place.
"Sergeant?!" He scolded a slight hiss behind his voice.
You stumbled. He was going to kill you. On the spot. You scurried to his desk dropping the file before running for the door. Unfortunately for you, he was fast ... nimble. He had hopped over his desk, shutting the door in font of you before you could even reach it, pressing you against it. You were panting. He was going to kill you! This was the end.
"Breathe..." He whispered against your ear.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. He spun you around, now your back against the wall as you tried not to look up at his fluffy ears. His hand grabbed your jaw making you look up at him.
Oh... This mask has holes for his ears... Funny...
You blushed at the thought.
"You didn't see anything." He stated.
You shook your head.
You bit your lip as he let go, looking down at you.
"Are you...?" You tried, making him tilt his head to the side, the heat rising in your cheeks even more at his cuteness. "Are you .. a panther?" You asked.
He winced. No. Not a panther.
"Cat..." He mumbled.
You eyes lit up, expression excited as you slightly jumped on your feet, his eyes filling with confusion.
"No way!! That's so cool!!" You chimmed happily.
He blinked a few times, wondering if he heard you right.
"It's cu-"
"Don't you dare. I'll make your existence a living hell." He warned.
You smirked, taking him by surprise.
"I was going to say... It's curious that you hide it."
"It's not... What they expect of me..."
You felt a slight ping in your heart. Expectations. It must feel heavy on him, having to be the best, and follow a reputation. On the field, it was easy for him, it was his safe space ironically. But here, being a lieutenant, he had a reputation to hold. And the rumors didn't help.
"Who cares what they expect?" You surprised your own self. "Cats are amazing! Amazing hunters and nimble, their vision in the dark is impressive, and their sense of smell is 40 times superior than a normal human being! They also have an amazing sense of distance and topography without even talking about their sense of observation that makes them-"
Your mouth hung open. Oh... You spilled. Shit. You looked down.
"Sorry Lieutenant."
He cleared his throat. "It's alright. I'd like to keep it... A secret." He clarified.
"I won't tell a soul sir. I give you my word." You answered solemnly.
He nodded before giving you permission to leave. You didn't ask for anything more as you turned to leave. However, from the corner of his eye, he could see you take a last looks at his tail, a soft happy smile on your lips.
Fuckin hell... This was far from over.
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marcsburnerphone · 7 months
And they were roomates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: the captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: angsty (very minimal), smut, jealousy, possesiveness?
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6- part 7 - part 8!!!!!
When you get to the restaurant he has a large hand resting on your lower back. This spot is in the most crowded part of the city, meaning the ride was a bit over half an hour. He opens the door for you, stepping aside to let you in first. You sigh at the heat that radiates from inside as you step onto the hardwood floor of the very extravagant restaurant.
“John, I don't think I’m dressed for this kind of place.” You should’ve asked where you were going, god why didn’t you ask.
“What do you mean?” he asks confused, he looks down at you noticing the way you slightly sink into his side.
“I mean I’m underdressed for this place.” You whisper up to him, he looks around then back to you not seeing the problem at all. 
“I actually think you're overdressed.” He says winking at you, making you look away bashfully.
“John, I'm serious.” His eyes remain on you admiring the way your hair falls just above your collarbone, how you have your gorgeous legs on display for everyone to see. He simply doesn’t know what you’re on about. 
“You look beautiful, cut it out.” He says softly kneading at the meat on your hip, you pass up the long line of walk in groups and wait for the hostess to return which she quickly does.
“Reservation for John.” He says in his usual deep tone. Every so often you swear he lightens it for you.
“Okay follow me.” She gives you both a wide smile and collects two menus. 
John follows her and leads you through saying his ‘excuse me’s to the servers you pass by, keeping you tucked firmly to his side. Although it’s an intimate spot it’s also bustling with business inside. You realize this place is probably hard to get a reservation at as the walk in line piles up.
Once you’re sat and given menus she lets you both know your server will be with you shortly before leaving. 
“Have you been here before?” You ask as he glances over the drink menu.
“I have actually, Laswell and her wife got engaged here.” He smiles and remembers the very eventful night. Him and some old friends had hidden in a booth so they could watch it all take place and ended up getting caught in the end. 
“How long has she been married for?” 
“Nearly a decade.” You sigh with a smile. You want that. You want that terribly.
“Hi, can I get drinks started for you guys?” The server asks, John orders himself a scotch as you decide on what you want.
“I’ll just get an iced tea.” You say before looking up. But when you do you’re surprised to see an old friend.
“Adam?” You say with an awfully wide smile. 
“I knew that was you.” He says leaning in for a hug that you gladly reciprocate. 
“I’m so happy to see you.” You exclaim, last you heard of him he was in America. You wonder when he got back to the UK and how long he’s been back for.
“Me too, it’s lovely to see you. Anyways I’ll be back with your drinks.” He leaves as quickly as he came, stopping by other tables to check in.
“How do you know him?” John asks, you notice his gruff voice has an interesting pitch to it.
“Childhood friends.” You reply.
“Ah has it been awhile?” He asks curiously.
“A long while, he moved to the states and now he’s back I guess.” You shrug not really knowing what else to say.
“interesting.” You notice the way his eyes slightly trail your old friend as he walks around. 
“Okay, do you know what you're going to get?” You ask him to regain his attention. 
“I think so, you?” You nod your head also looking over the menu once more before making your final decision. 
“Here you guys go.” Adam says setting the drinks down at your table. 
“Are you ready to order?”He asks, keeping his eyes firmly on you. You don’t notice it but your very watchful date does. 
“No actually, could we have a couple more minutes?” John says, catching your attention as you give him a puzzled look. 
“Yeah, take all the time you need, by the way I heard from your sister not too long ago she told me you and Brian broke up. I was shocked, truly we all thought you guys would get married .” He says turning back to you. 
“Well they didn’t.” John says lowly beneath his breath. You and your old friend look at him for a second before you reply.
“Yeah, it just didn’t work out.” You reply a little awkwardly in remembrance of the breakup. Brian had also been a childhood friend and a highschool sweetheart.
“You were always too good for him.” you can't think of an appropriate way to answer that so there's a second of silence before he takes the hint. “ Okay then I’ll be back in a bit.” 
“He’s flirting with you” John says once he walks away.
“You think?”
“You don’t.” He feels like he just watched the man’s pupils turn into hearts at the sight of you.
“Are you jealous?” you ask, trying to read his expression.
“Of the childhood friend, or possibly family friend that's flirting with you, no.” He feels like it’s childish but in the end he’s just a man.
“Please doll, don’t.” You can't believe your eyes as you watch his jaw tick.
“Okay.” you try to suppress the smile that makes its way onto your lips. John has absolutely nothing to worry about but nonetheless is pent up.
He changes the topic and asks you about your next painting project, what you think it’ll be and where you think you’ll put it. You ask him about his own work, where did he meet his task force or rather how until Adam is back for your order.
You guys go back and forth on whether princess diana's death was an assassination or simply a horrible accident you say it was an assassination while he calls you crazy till your food is brought out to you.
There’s still light conversation between bites and sips. He’s not jealous, he tells himself, just bothered, bothered that you’ve known that man longer, how he knows your sister and had recently spoken to her, how he looks at you like you're more than friends. 
When dinner finishes up you offer to pay out of kindness and he just laughs shaking his head. When the check comes and he reads it he notices how your items have been paid for and prays dearly to remain collected.
“Did they double charge you or something?” You are confused at the subtle scowl on his face. 
“More like undercharged, do you see your friend anywhere?” He says looking around and you do also.
“It looks like all your items are paid for.” He’s clearly upset and although you sort of understand why, you can’t completely understand.
“It’s probably just a nice gesture John.” Why did he have to do that? 
“Doll I’m a man, I know what this means.” He sighs, jaw clenching. 
“Okay but we’re old friends.” You say trying to calm him down but failing miserably. 
“Oh you don’t say.” He says pressing his lips together. 
“Let's just forget about it, come on.” You softly plead.
“I’m not leaving without paying for your meal.” And he means it. When your unfortunate friend comes back around to collect the check, John's talking before he can get a word in.
“I’m sorry but I’d like to pay for these items.” John says to him with a husky deeper, irritated tone.
“I thought I’d treat an old friend.” Adam says looking to you while John’s holding onto every inch of his patience. 
“I’d like to treat my girl if you don’t mind.” Adam looks back to you for whatever reason but your eyes are stuck on John like you're in a trance. 
“Okay sir I’ll um I’ll rerun this.” He says walking away. It’s awkward silence and he’s still breathing in an unnatural pattern. But my girl, my girl, my girl. Is all you could think about.
“Here you are sir.” He says handing back the check. John gives it a quick glance before placing his card inside and handing it back. 
When he comes back around to give John his card back and a receipt for a signature you guys both get up to leave. 
“It was nice seeing you, maybe we can hang out soon?” Adam says facing you. 
“It was nice seeing you too.” John patiently waits for you to join him at his side.
“Maybe I can get your number?” The tone is one you’d only identify as flirtatious. You shut your eyes for a second realizing John was right but regardless of that he has nothing to be jealous about. 
“I'm sorry if you hadn’t noticed but I'm actually here on a date and I think that would be a little inappropriate.” You say politely while walking away. Once you're next to John his hand is around your waist as he is now the one trying to suppress a smirk. You walk out into the cold air huffing as you tighten your hands around yourself. 
When you get to the car John opens your door as he always does, waiting for you to sit before closing it. He gets in quietly turning the key in the ignition as the car hums to life, you look towards the window and out into the city, in another life you're definitely a city girl who sits at bars with friends and smokes cigarettes on fire escapes. As he’s driving he can’t help but notice the pout on your face. He fears he upset you in some way as your eyes stay on the road.
You can’t help but feel like he’s upset with you for not shutting it down sooner. His silence only leaves room for your mind to take over. This is the common dance between you two. He feels bad for how his jealous tendencies may have affected your first date and you feel guilty for letting this man openly make a pass on you infront of John.
“Hmm.” You reply not looking towards him. You’ve entered the long highway that leads home. The city is now in the rearview mirror getting smaller and smaller. With his right hand he caresses your chin turning you to face him. 
“What’s with this look?” He asks softly as his eyes bounce from you to the road. The hand that’s on your face makes its way to rest upon your upper thigh.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m genuinely asking.” He says a little confused.
“I truly didn’t think it meant anything.” He sighs realizing you're overthinking, that’s why you're quiet. 
“Don’t let that bother you, it’s okay.” He reassures you.
“I just don’t know what kind of man sees a woman who’s clearly on a date and is still so bold. Although when it comes to you I fear I’d be the same way.” John says and you scoff with a small smile looking away.
“I would, you're gorgeous, a gem. But my gem.” You can’t help the rise of warmth to your cheeks. You realize John is always complimenting you, always making sure you know how valuable you are. Does he not realize how you feel about him? 
“And how do you think I feel about you?” You say in a tone close to a whisper. His eyes search yours wondering where this is going.
“Getting jealous over a man who doesn’t compete with you and never could is beyond me.” You continue when he doesn’t respond.
“John, you're the most attractive man I’ve ever met, and I’m gladly all yours. My mind is too full of john price to think about anyone else” He groans quietly at the admission, not quite enough for your sensitive ears to pass up on though. 
“Yeah?” He says shifting in his seat as your words go straight to his cock.
“Yeah.” You gaze at him with the widest eyes, his hand clenches and unclenches around the steering wheel as he tries to remain gentlemanly.
You unbuckle your seatbelt causing him to turn his head at the sound. You’re still about five minutes away from home so he's slightly confused. Though all that dissipates when you lean up against the center council placing a hand on his thigh grazing over the growing erection he knows you know is there to plant a kiss on his cheek then one on his lips before sliding back into your seat.
“Thankyou for dinner.” It’s laced with seduction. 
you approach home at a faster speed than usual. He’s out of the car the second it's set in park rushing to your side to help you out. You can’t read his current expression as he practically drags you inside.
“Are you alright?” You ask, he scoffs at your audacity, fumbling with the keys to get the door unlocked. He’s ushering you inside quickly so the heat doesn’t escape from inside the home. You remove your boots by the door as John locks up. When you look up he's closer than you expected and his eyes are staring at you hungrily.
“Have I ever told you that you have a staring probl-“ his mouth is on yours before you can finish. There’s no easing into the kiss this time. He’s forcing his tongue in your mouth taking you by a welcomed surprise. He lifts you up like it’s nothing, hoisting you firmly around his waist. 
His lips drag messily down your neck as he pulls your sweater down further, any and all access to your skin available to him he wants to taste. You’re pressed up against a wall one second and then being walked towards his room another. He’s impatient and it's unlike him, yet he’s never felt more like himself. 
Your hands are in his hair pulling up his mouth to meet yours. His pants are so strained in the crotch area that he’s bucking his hips unintentionally searching for any kind of attention. You've grown embarrassingly wet in a matter of minutes,  being turned on doesn’t describe how you feel. Your skirt has become scrunched above your bum from all John’s touching and kneading. 
“Please.” You whine. He meets your lustful stare, smiling at how submissive you’ve become from just a little touching. 
“What do you want?” His voice has dropped octaves and his accent sounds extra thick as he says it in the short space between you. When you refuse to answer he presses more into you sparking friction so intense and so needed that your eyes shut softly. 
“What is it, hmm?” 
“You John, I want you.” You admit, you’re truly trying your best given what you want sounds too raunchy to speak aloud.
“Well I’m right here, gonna need more of an explanation.” He’s trying his hardest to not just give you it all. 
“Your fingers.” You can’t look at him as you say it. But the smile that forms on his face is so large and proud. 
“Don’t be an ass.” You say watching as your words definitely go to his ego. He knew you had a thing for his hands as he often caught you glancing at them when you got the chance. 
“You’re making my greatest wishes come true, why can’t I just be happy about it.” You smile now as his lips return to yours. He walks more down the hall this time you believe he’s heading into his room until your backs pressed up somewhere else. You open your eyes confused looking around before you notice you’re up against the candlelight painting, before you can question him he reads your mind.
“Don’t think I ever told you how much I love this one.” He says as he begins to remove your top. You raise your hands for him as he throws it to the floor beside you. You feel his hips stutter a bit when he sees the black Lace bra that adorns your chest.
“You’ll be the death of me.” 
His hands waste no time in finding the space between your thighs as he rubs an experimental finger over the damp spot that’s soaked through your tights. He nearly drops to his knees for a taste when he realizes just how wet you are. 
“Is this all for me?” he asks, pressing more firmly into the area.
“Yes.” it lacks that poised tone you always have. He grips the thin fabric and rips it in the crotch area and just like all tights, once one thread becomes undone the rest basically tears itself. He peers down looking at your matching panties clicking his tongue. His eyes go immensely dark at the sight of your arousal smeared on your plump thighs. He pushes your panties to the side shamelessly dipping a finger into your glistening cunt. Your back arches off the painting at the new sensation, mouth dropping a bit In anticipation. You hear how wet you are as he slides a finger up and down through your folds simply getting familiar with you, committing this to memory. 
“Please john.” you whine. His eyes find yours as his index finger begins to prod at your sopping entrance. He watches your face intently as he slides it inside, groaning at the way you clench around the single digit. His fingers are thick and coarse and your newest obsession. He can't get enough of the look of pleasure on your face as he begins to pump it in and out of you. You've sucked your bottom lip between your teeth to keep your moans mostly muffled trying your best to make little noise but that just doesn’t work for him. He leans in sucking it into his own mouth before kissing you deeply as you try your hardest to reciprocate. He begins to introduce his middle finger slowly easing it inside next to his other, your mouth falls open as a sound of pure pleasure escapes at the stretch. 
“D’s that feel good?” he asks breathlessly as the nearly painful erection in his pants twitches. You can't bring yourself to answer as your eyes fall to the hand that’s delivering you this feeling of ecstasy. He too watches in awe as your arousal leaks into his palm. 
“S’good all yours john.” you cry out as he presses his thumb to your clit. He can feel you getting close by the way his fingers are fighting to keep pumping inside your tight hole. He keeps the pace as he places sloppy kisses on your breasts sucking a little roughly on the soft tissue and watching the little bruises that immediately arise. 
He watches you in admiration, this is a paramount moment in his life. He curls his fingers towards that spot that makes you mumble incoherently, creasing your eyebrows in diversion.
“John, I'm close.” you're not close you’re practically there and he can't wait to see how pretty you look coming on his hand.
“Come on doll.” he wishes his eyes were cameras, he wants to keep the look on your face as you moan out his name forever. How your hands are holding onto his shoulders for dear life as if he’d drop you. And the way your long eyelashes flutter close. You're a dream, an absolute spectacle. His fingers continue to fuck you through the intense feeling, making sure you’re more than sated. 
He waits for your breathing to slow as he pulls his fingers from you. You whimper at the empty feeling. Your eyes that are struggling to fully open don't miss the moment he sucks them into his mouth gathering every ounce of spilled arousal. He moans loudly around them and you feel that switch come back on as quickly as it did the first time. He takes you to his room kicking the door open and setting you softly onto his bed. He removes your panties discreetly tucking them in his pocket as you still struggle to fully regain awareness. 
“May I?” He asks kindly, leaning down as he begins to hook your thigh around his shoulder.
“Oh John I never you don’t-“ 
“You never what?” He questions in absolute disbelief.
“You know this.” You gesture down to him with your hands, slightly embarrassed.
“I won’t if you don’t want me too.” He wants a taste desperately, truly doesn’t know what he’ll do if you deny him. 
“It’s not that I don’t want you too, it's just don’t feel obligated.” He laughs and you feel the air of his breath fan against you. 
“You're the one doing me the honor here, if you don’t like it just nudge me with your hand.” You nod nervously at him as he gains some focus onto the matter at hand. 
He’s eye to eye with the most mouth watering sight on the planet. You’re perfect in a way that would seem unachievable if you weren’t a living testimony that it is. 
He opens his mouth laying his tongue flat against your folds, your hips buck unintentionally and he moves to grip your hips and hold them firm. 
One taste and he’s sure you will truly be the death of him. He immerses himself in you, lapping at everything you're willing to give. You moan softly as your hands find their way into his hair. It’s good, better than anything you could’ve expected. His beard burns the inner part of your thighs and that mixed with the way John has his eyes on you while his tongue finds ways to make your back arch off the bed is mesmerizing. You try your best to not grind down onto his face every time his nose makes contact with your clit. You wonder if he can breathe, deciding he probably can’t by the way his face is snug against you, the ungodly sounds of slurping and grunting is making you woozy all around. 
“tastes so good, all f’me.” He says as he eats you out. It’s muffled into your folds, like if it wasn’t meant for you to hear. You feel that familiar build up of something hot and liquidy poor into your lower belly. A hand of yours kneads at your breast adding to the overwhelming senses of pleasure, with your other hand you pull on the locks of John’s hair, when he looks up he can’t contain it, the way his cock senselessly grinds into the mattress begging to be touched, he removes a hand from your hip carefully sliding it down the bed to release and stroke his aching red cock. He watches you lose yourself in pleasure as he fucks you on is tongue, your needy cries are melodic too him, they make him hungrier than ever before as he fucks his fist in fervor imagining the day he can split you open with it. Before he can think correctly he’s spurting loads more than he thought was possible onto his hand and dress shirt. The groan that he pours into you sends an intense feeling through your body, like thrashing waters that pull you under and keep you there before letting you back up. You don’t mean to, didn’t even expect it so soon but once the vibration hits you your clamping down onto his face. He doesn’t seem to mind, just continues to lick and prod at you letting your hips move slowly on his face. 
“John I’m-” you try catching your breath.
“You better not say sorry my love.” He can’t comprehend that this is real life. He tries to drink up all of what’s left of you before you push him away from over sensitivity.
You lay there breathless and heavy as he climbs above you planting a kiss onto your lips. You moan softly as you taste yourself from his mouth. When he pulls away you look at him with his wet beard and glistening stache. 
“What about you?” You say looking down towards his now unbuttoned pants.
“Finished about five minutes ago.” He says smugly. 
“What can I say doll, you're divine.” He’s not even phased by it and you’re in complete shock. He presses his weight down into you once more for a kiss then gets up and heads into the bathroom, you’re not sure what he’s doing till he comes back with a warm cloth and cleans the mess you made up. You’re unfamiliar with your partner doing aftercare but it’s nice. 
“D’ya want a pair of boxers or sweats, and a shirt or sweater.” He says while going to his dresser. 
“Boxers and sweater.” You answer quietly, you’re spent, as sleepy as can be. When he approaches you with both those things he helps you dress and opens the comforters for you to get inside. He himself is dressed in pajamas as he scoots in next to you pulling you firmly to his chest. You scoot impossibly close and intertwine your legs with his, your face is in the crook of his neck inhaling him as you fall asleep. He doesn’t want to lose this moment so quickly though so he tries his best to keep himself awake for as long as possible just to savor having you in his bed entangled with him physically and mentally. Although it doesn’t last as long as he’d like it’s enough to get him through the hard nights, his eyes drift closed as he too falls asleep.
I too am ashamed of myself🫶
Comments and re-blogs are greatly appreciated (if you do know spiritually I’m giving you a forehead kiss) ❕
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smutracha · 1 year
Vellichor I
Mafia!SKZ Yandere!SKZ afab!reader POLY!SKZ 
tw: violence, blood, guns, knives, nicotine, drug abuse, alcohol, ptsd
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9 Vol 10 Vol 11 Vol 12 Vol 13
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Third person POV:
Y/n loved the smell of this little bookstore she visited every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the smell of coffee wafting past her as she sat under the magnificent cherry blossom tree with her new book of the week. This same tree that had sheltered her in rain and covered her in petals while she was just a student and new to the country and even now as an adult.
And when she abandons her beloved tree, he knows it is not for long. She will be back with a fresh tea and a pastry, and for him a brand new poem. So, he watches her go.
“She is heading back into the bookstore, boss. I really got to tell you I do not think there is any reason to be watching her.” “It will dawn on you all the longer you watch her.” “I’ve been watching her for 6 months, she’s beautiful but what’s with the obsession.” “Just wait.”
“Y/n you know most kids your age go out drinking and drink coffee more than anything else, and why you insist on looking after that rickety old tree I don’t understand.” “Aunty, you know I grew up reading books back home, every second I had away from school would be spent reading. I love it. It’s an escape that I need. And so, when I moved to Korea and found this place and that beautiful tree, and when I saw that you sold the rooibos we sell back home, well I fell in love. This became my escape. And that tree became my friend. The hominess of this place makes me feel almost at home, like my soul is home.”
And after she returns to the tree with a poem and tea, she sits quietly, pondering a thing or two…
“Hey, I like rooibos tea too” “You know Innie, you suck at stealth” “Where’d you two come from?” “Oh, nowhere really” “You are so dumb” “I HEARD THAT YOU DOG”
“Are you guys ok?” “We’re fine.” “Just here to enjoy the scenery.” Oh, then sure sit with me. You want my tea?” “Yes please.” “Seung, you can’t just take her tea.”
And in silence the girl read poetry to the tree while the two mysterious boys watched. And when she stopped she announced her resignation.
“We should walk you home.” “Yes, a woman should never be alone at night.”
“Say what is your command captain?” “Okay, you’re sweet. Follow me boys.”
They walked for a while, deciding outside of a convenience store that late night snacks and soju would be an amazing idea.
A little further up the road they got to a tiny but cosy loft apartment, briming with greenery and books. Simple and earthy. That is what y/n is. That is why all this fuss about her existed, they got it now. They knew now, tonight they would see the way they needed her.
She went to put her TV on. Some show about a mother and daughter who drank loads of coffee came on, she insisted that Gilmore Girls was the basics of comfort shows. They decided that she was right, because this was her and she would be right in anything she declared to them. 2 bottles of soju later and she was gone, of course Innie and Seung only had like 2 shots each. So, while Seung was getting her settled in and comfortable Innie called the boss.
“Oh yes tell that pretty boy Jisung m with her right now. She is so beautiful when she is asleep, wonder what her lips feel like… who knows? Oh well, we will be staying over here to look after her and clean up. Y’all can meet her tomorrow. But God hyung, you were right about her.”
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bibiwrld · 1 year
Modern Anakin Skywalker!— Halloween Party!
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Pairing: Possessive/Jealous best friend Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Author’s note: Sydnee from Nerdy loser Anakin!will be used for this fic. A totally different Anakin, not nerdy loser Anakin. Saw @queenie-official’s post about this idea.
Content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI. Jealousy, possessiveness, confessions, smut.
“He’s never on time.” Sydnee mumbled to herself as she looked into the bathroom mirror, applying lipgloss to her plump, two toned lips.
Anakin was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. He was the one who wanted to go to this party and literally begged Sydnee to come along. She would rather stay in her dorm and watch horror movies with him that night. But no, he wanted to go to a Halloween costume party that had a couples costume contest, and Anakin was so damn competitive, he not only wanted to just party, but also win this contest. He brainstormed costume ideas for him and Sydnee for days until they decided on Hugh Hefner and a Playboy bunny.
There was a knock at her door, she knew it was Anakin.
“Come in, Ani!” She wiped the corners of her mouth from any extra gloss.
“Are you ready?!” He walked into her dorm with a fake pipe in his mouth and his hands stuffed into the pockets of his red and black velvet robe. “I already put our names down for this contest, we have to go.”
She rolled her eyes and fluffed her hair, turning around to walk out the bathroom, her heels clicking with every step.
“You’re the one who’s late and you’re rushing me?” She stood behind Anakin, whose back was turned to her.
He turned around and his eyes went wide. “It’s just 15 minu— wow.”
“Do I look weird?” She put her hands behind her back shyly.
He blinked, shaking his head. “N-no, you look amazing, Syd, very beautiful.”
His jaw clenched as he thought about all the guys who were gonna see her like this. It was so unfair, he should be the only one to see her like this.
She smiled brightly at his compliment. “Thanks Ani, you look cute.” She laughed, looking at his costume.
His captain hat slightly tilted on his head, a fake pipe in his hand, a red and black velvet robe with nothing underneath, his bare chest peaking out, black pants and shiny, black dress shoes to finish.
“Thank you, I feel very pimpish.” He smirked.
She chuckled at him. Anakin has always been goofy since they were kids, she doesn’t know how she’d get through elementary school, middle school, high school and now college without him putting a smile on her face.
“Are you ready, my lady?” He put his arm out for her.
She giggled, linking arms with him. “Ready I am, kind sir.”
The place was packed. Sydnee wondered which spoiled rich kid is using their Daddy’s mansion to throw this party.
Everyone wore costumes—dancing, smoking, playing weird frat party games, doing some hard drugs, and others doing God knows what.
The music wasn’t too loud, making it easier for everyone to hear each other.
“Woah, Syd, you look fucking h—” One of Anakin’s buddies, dressed as Elvis, walked to the pair who were linked to each other ther by their arms.
Anakin stepped in front of Sydnee, unlinking their arms. “Move around.” His glare was enough for his friend to get the message and quickly shuffle away.
“Anakin.” She angrily pouted, being hidden behind his broad frame. “Stop scaring people, it’s a party.”
He turned around to her. “Yeah, well everyone is looking at you.” He placed a hand on her lower back, guiding her to a wall where some girls were dancing.
“Everyone’s looking at everyone, it’s a costume party.” She put a hand on her hip as she looked up at him.
She looked too cute, he couldn’t take her seriously when she was angry.
“No, everyone’s looking at you because they want to fu—” He bit his tongue, stopping himself from speaking any further. “I’m gonna get us some drinks, don’t move.”
“Yeah, Dad.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
He shook his head and smiled, walking into the swarm of people, the music getting louder with each step he took.
It wasn’t really a surprise that there was an actual bartender at this party, the guy who’s throwing the party is fucking loaded.
Making eye contact with the bartender, Anakin told him his order. “Two green apple vodkas.”
As Anakin waited for the drinks, where Sydnee was, the music was loud and she couldn’t help but to dance.
“Walk in that bih with that Louis V, she said she wish there two of me.” Blared loudly through speakers as Sydnee’s hips rocked side to side.
There must’ve been a professional DJ at the party, because they were playing hit after hit.
The girls that Sydnee stood by, hyped her up as she danced erotically, feeling all on herself, whipping her hair all over.
“H-Hey!” A guy dressed as Wybie from Coraline said over the music.
Sydnee stopped dancing, turning around to the guy. She smiled. “Uh hi, nice costume.” She backed up, looking at this costume. “Wybie?”
He smirked. “Yeah, Playboy bunny?”
Nodding with a smile she answered. “Yeah.”
“It looks really nice on you.” He took a sip from his cup, eyeing her down.
Anakin finally got 2 cans of green apple vodka. It felt like he spent forever at the bar.
“Anakin, my guy!” Another one of his friends, dressed up as Western Ken.
Anakin groaned, facing his friend. He wanted to hurry up and get back to Sydnee, he didn’t like leaving her alone for too long. “Hey, Tristan.”
“Sick costume, Sydnee’s the bunny right?”
“Yeah.” He replied dryly.
‘Dammit, has everyone seen her?!’
“Oh, I figured that was her, I just saw her talking to some guy dres—”
All Anakin heard was ‘talking to some guy’ and he was gone.
He spotted the pair by the wall where he left her, conversing. The guy was way too close and Sydnee was grinning from ear to ear at whatever he was saying to her.
“Oh, I’m Liam by the—”
Anakin grabbed Sydnee’s arm, switching places with her. “She doesn’t care.” He handed her the canned vodkas.
“Anakin.” She quietly warned him, looking at the cans, then back up at him.
“Oh..hi?” Liam greeted awkwardly. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“I don’t.” Sydnee answered. “He’s my best friend.”
Anakin’s glare was enough to make the earth open up beneath them. But she was right, he was her best friend, always has been.
“Oh, nice to meet you, I’m Li—”
“I don’t care.” Anakin gritted harshly.
Liam was rather uncomfortable. “I think I’m gonna go now.”
“Anakin, why did you do that?” Sydnee watched Liam walk away, then turned back to Anakin with a look of disbelief.
“You didn’t have to smile so much in his face.” He spat, towering over her. “It looked like you almost enjoyed talking to him.”
Her brows furrowed. “I kinda did, he seemed nice.”
His jaw clenched, then unclenched as he opened his mouth. “You weren’t planning to hook up with him, right?”
Shocked at his question, she replied quickly. “Oh my God, no, no, no.”
He sighed in relief. She was better than that, he knew that, but jealousy made him such a nasty person.
“I should go apologize to him.”
He grabbed her arm. “No.”
She looked at where his arm held her, then averted her gaze up to his face. “What do you mean ‘no’ ?”
“Sydnee.” He breathed out, clearly frustrated.
“I don’t understand why you’re acting like this, like I really don’t get it!” Her hair bounced as she argued.
His nose flared, getting closer to her. “You wanna know why I’m acting like this?! It’s because I’m fucking in love with you, Sydnee!”
The music suddenly stopped, everyone stopped dancing, trying to figure out what happened to the music.
Her lips parted, looking at Anakin with wide eyes. “What?” Her voice was soft.
He released her arm and his body stiffened and his plump lips formed into a straight line as he realized what he just admitted. “I-I–didn’t—”
A bright, white light shone from the top of staircase, landing on Anakin and Sydnee, blinding them as they put their hands over their faces. Everyone looked at the pair.
“Anakin and Sydnee!” The guy who threw party said over a mic, standing at the top of the stairs. “Come on up!”
They both stayed silent, walking up the stairs side by side.
A few other names were called and they all lined up at the top of the stairs.
Both Anakin and Sydnee’s hearts were racing. What were they both gonna say to each other after this?
“And the winners for the couples costume contest are…ANAKIN AND SYDNEE!”
Everyone cheered, clapping and smiling at the two.
Neither Anakin or Sydnee could crack a smile, as their minds raced.
“Here you go man, 2 thousand.” The guy with the mic put a rolled up paper bag with money in Anakin’s hand and walked off. “The other competitors get nothing, there’s no room for second or third, only winners!”
The crowd made noise, but was soon drowned out by the music that turned back on.
Anakin hurriedly walked down the stairs, still thinking about how he completely embarrassed himself by what he admitted to Sydnee.
Sydnee followed after him, abandoning the canned vodkas on a random table. “Anakin!”
He ignored her calls, walking out the house and to his car.
“Anakin!” She grabbed onto him, making him face her. “Anakin, did you..did you mean it? And don’t lie to me, I know when you’re lying.”
There was a long silence before he could answer. “Yes.”
“When?” She let go of him, wrapping her arms around herself. “When did you start liking me?”
“Sydnee, I don’t want to do this—”
He released a breath. “8th grade.” He leaned back on his car and took off his captain hat and rested the bag of money on top of his car. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, you get that, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah.” Her voice softly replied. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship either.”
“What?” He perked up, lifting his head to look at her.
“I loved you since 9th grade.” Her voice trembled. “I-I was so scared.”
His arms wrapped around her as she sniffled. “Oh, Syd.” His voice softened.
“I just suppressed my feelings, all because I was scared.” She balled up his robe in her fists. “I–”
Anakin leaned down and closed to gap between them. That caught Sydnee off guard, but it didn’t take long for her to kiss back, her hands tangling in his hair.
“An-Anakin.” She pulled away. “Not here.”
He pulled her right back in. “Yes here. I’ve wanted…this..so so long.” He mumbled in between kisses, his hands traveling to her waist, holding it firmly.
“Me too.” She agreed breathlessly.
The car windows were all winded up, coated with a thick fog.
“Don’t stop, sweetheart.” Anakin moaned, smacking Sydnee’s ass as she rode him in the driver’s seat. “Keep bouncing on my dick like the slutty little bunny you are.”
His voice sent shivers down her spine, encouraging her to keep moving those hips against him.
“I’m cumming again, Ani.” She held her breasts, hips stuttering as she neared her orgasm.
“Fuck, yes, cum.” He gave her body a quick scan before wrapping a slanted arm across her back to her shoulder, and his hand squeezing her ass, clawing at the already ripped pantyhose that he destroy earlier in missionary. “You’re so fucking wet, shit!”
“Anakin!” She slowed her movements, her body quivering.
“Uh uh, who told you that you could stop?” He snapped his hips up to hers and slammed her ass down, making her swallow his entire dick.
She cried out, flopping onto his chest, making him take control.
He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling himself being sucked into her throbbing core. “No one else, this pussy is for no one else.”
She nodded with her buried in the crook of his neck. “Yes, Ani. J-just for you!”
“Who knew you would’ve saved your virgin pussy for me, hm?” He teased with a crooked smile.
“Y-you’re a virgin..t-too.” Her voice trembled.
“Well not anymore, baby, saved mine just for you too.” He pecked her cheek and went right back to abusing her hole. “Do you kn-know– how it feels…w-watch—fuck!— watching you t-talk to other guys, hm?” He whispered directly into her ear, quickening his pace. “It pisses me the fuck off.”
Sydnee only made nosies, clenching around his thickness.
“Say sorry, say sorry for talking to other guys.” He drilled into her, getting closer to his own orgasm.
Sydnee only groaned out, not being able to form words.
He chuckled lowly. “How cute, you’re so cock dumb you can’t even answer. What an idiot, just taking my dick and moaning lik–like a whore, so fucking hot.”
He was right there. “I’m gonna cum!” His thrusts got shorter and harsher, holding onto Sydnee for dear life.
With a few more nasty thrusts, he snapped, emptying his throbbing balls inside of her warm hole.
“Oh fuck!” His nails dug into the sides of her hips, drool running down the corner of his mouth.
“A-Ani, so much.” She felt so full of him. She tried getting up, but his arms stayed securely around her.
“D-don’t move, let’s just st-stay like this for a minute.” He strained out with closed eyes.
She smiled gently and rested her head on his shoulder. “Okay, Ani.”
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amazingmsme · 3 months
Restless ‘Til We Reach Home
A Lamb in Wolf’s Clothing (ch. 2)
AN: The long awaited second chapter & thunder saga is heeeere! I was getting ready to post it but stopped in my tracks when the thunder saga trailer dropped & realized how close it was & I knew what I had to do. Gotta say, Odysseus is real mean in this one. But hey, at least Hermes is there to balance it out!
Ch. 1 Ch. 3
Polites felt as though he really needed to clear the air with Odysseus, but where to even start?
The captain was nowhere in sight, so he floated around the deck in search of him. He was still trying to get used to his new way of travel, but he liked to think he was getting the hang of it pretty well.
In the underworld, he couldn't fly. Then again, that was a place made for people like him. It was meant as a bastardized recreation of home, to provide the comfort of solid ground and company.
Polites thought back to Hades, and how despite how horrible he thought he looked, there was always someone around the corner who was worse. He had gotten used to the gruesome sights after a while. And as awful as it was to say, seeing them kept him humble. Because yes, things were bad, but at least he didn't have his entrails dragging behind him. Eurydice was one of the few who looked just as beautiful in death as she did in life.
He wondered how she was holding up. It'd been hours for him since he'd left, but for her, who knows? Had only seconds passed, leaving her on the bank as she wondered what awaited him? Or had it already been a day, the loneliness beginning to set in? Even with the perspective of the real world, Polites found it difficult to gauge the passage of time down there. So wherever she was, however long it had been, he hoped she was doing well.
The sun was getting lower in the sky, inching towards the horizon. It would be dark soon. For now, the light shifted, reflecting off the clouds in vibrant golds and orangey pinks. It was the first sunset of his new life, signaling an end of an era and a new dawn on its way.
Night fell quickly, enveloping them in a blanket of stars and darkness. Polites looked for the moon in the sky, but it was nowhere to be found. Ah, a new moon.
If you were to ask him, he would say that the moonless sky was just as beautiful as a full moon night. He'd started various debates about it with other soldiers, encouraging them to just hear him out. Of course the full moon is beautiful, he never said it wasn't! The new moon may lack her silvery glow, but doesn't her absence make it all the more beautiful when she comes back? The darkness on nights like these provide the most clarity, offering to you all the stars you could ever wish to see.
Most people thought the night sky was only black, but oh how wrong they were. These are the impatient ones: those who never allow their eyes the time to adjust before they give up, going on about their night. But when you lay back and just allow yourself to study the canvas before you, the work of art will reveal itself with bold blues, greens, purples, and yes, even pinks.
Polites floated on his back, hovering mere inches above the deck as he stared up at the sky. By the Gods, how he'd missed it.
He didn't know he'd been crying until he heard heavy steps coming up the stairs, and he frantically wiped them away. He sat up just in time to see who was approaching.
Odysseus let out a startled yelp when he saw his friend's crumpled form lying on the deck, just as he looked before he died.
"Dear Zeus, you scared the shit out of me. What the hell are you still doing here?" he snapped, keeping his distance.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you, Captain," he said earnestly. "I-I was just watching the stars. It's such a beautiful night..." he mused, gaze turning upwards once more.
"I didn't mean why are you out here. I mean why didn't you go back to where you belong?" Odysseus asked in a harsh growl.
The warm, soft smile that had found his face was gone in an instant, "W-What?"
"If you're really Polites, you should be in the underworld. Isn't that right?" he cocked his head to the side, taking a threatening step forward.
Polites stared at him in complete and utter shock. "Odysseus... Why would you say such a thing?"
"Answer the question."
"I WAS IN THE UNDERWORLD! You were in the underworld! But- we made it out, together-"
"No, you stowed away," he clarified harshly. "There's a difference." He had backed Polites against the rail, continuing to advance until he was so close, their noses were almost touching.
"I-I thought you'd be happy to see me again!" he cried defensively. There was a flash of sadness, of forlorn longing across Odysseus's face, but it was gone in an instant. Polites continued, "I know I sure was... until you opened your mouth."
Odysseus scowled, "If you really are Polites... and I seriously fucking doubt it, then you have no idea what we've all been through since you left. So I don't much care for your holier than thou judgment."
Holier than thou-
"Is that what you think of me?" he asked, genuine hurt laced in his voice. "That I thought I was better than you?" His voice began to tremble, but he fought against it, although his words still came out in a wavering rasp through his weakened vocal cords. "Because I would never think that." He couldn't believe he actually had to tell him this...
Odysseus didn't speak for a long moment. Despite their close proximity, Polites had never felt farther away from his friend.
"I don't know what to think anymore."
Polites shook his head, eyes flying wide open. "No! Odysseus, you know me! You know better than to think that!" Said man rolled his head to the side, glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.
"Do I now?"
"You should..."
Another long stretch of silence. The only sound was the gentle breeze catching in the closed sails, swaying them about and flapping the fabric. Small waves lapped at the hull of the ship, creating a soothing sloshing sound.
"Yeah well, like I said. Things have changed." He inhaled deeply, letting out a long, suffering sigh. "I really wish I could believe you," he said, eyes closed as he addressed him. He shook his head, the movement barely noticeable. "But I just can't."
"But you can!" Polites reached out instinctively to hold his hand, but Odysseus jerked his arm away before he could. And then he noticed the way he was staring at him, as if he was some kind of threat- some kind of monster.
The captain quickly schooled his emotions, taking a moment to himself before addressing Polites.
"So... what made you follow us?" he finally asked. A hopeful smile broke out on the spirit's face. Maybe he could convince him to see the truth through the haze of paranoia.
"Honestly, it wasn't my idea, but my friend down there, she told me I needed to go. A-and I thought... just maybe... you were looking for me," he admitted shyly, staring at the ground. He didn't like the way he could see through his own feet to the deck below.
Odysseus let out a shaky breath. "I knew it..." This was it!
"You really aren't the Polites I knew."
And just like that, the world came crashing down on him. His eyes were welling with tears fast.
"H-ho-how can you even say that?" he asked as he slowly sank to the floor.
"Because Polites wouldn't be so stupid as to think I'd risk the lives of my crew to rescue a dead man!" he screamed, spit flying from his lips with the passion of his outburst.
Polites took a step back: through the railing. He held his hands out in front of him, as if to protect him. But there's nothing to be protected from anymore. Nothing except the newfound cruelty of his old friend.
Tears threatened to spill over, but he blinked them away, shaking his head frantically. "Nonono, you don't really mean that. Y-you're just upset! Odysseus, please tell me you didn't mean it like that," he all but pleaded.
Odysseus opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself short. He tried once more, but all he could muster was a simple, "I'm sorry." He hesitated before turning his back on him, marching off to patrol the ship.
Polites was left floating there, completely heartbroken by his reaction. Never in a million years would he have expected the venom shooting from Odysseus's mouth to be aimed at him of all people.
Polites let himself fade from reality, disappearing completely as he drifted up towards the crows nest. It had always been the most peaceful place on the ship, and tonight was no exception.
He floated on until he reached the top, sitting down in the tightest ball he could manage. He buried his face in his knees as sobs completely wracked his body.
Why would he say such horrible things? He knew he couldn't even begin to fathom how their journey's gone up until now, but it was hard to believe it would prompt such a dramatic change.
But the alternative; the idea that he had never truly know Odysseus, was a far worse thought.
He looked up at the dozens and dozens of stars stretching before him from every which way. He felt as if he were flying, falling up, spiraling out of control towards them. Would he be falling for an eternity? Or would the stars catch him in their net, allowing the darkness to swallow him whole and consume his soul?
How wonderful it must be, turning to stardust.
"Oh Eurydice... you were wrong. I never should've left." His voice was weak and strangled as he spoke, just as it had been in his final moments. He gasped through his sobs, swallowing the snot that rolled down his throat, making him shudder. His whole body shook with convulsions as he cried.
"They don't w-want me a-around anymore. I'm nothing b-but a f-freak to them," he spoke barely above a whisper, frantically wiping away tears and blood. He hung his head low in defeat and shame, "I should've just stayed in Hades with you."
"And she's what? Girlfriend, friend, come on fill me in," an unexpected voice rudely interrupted. Polites screeched in surprise, turning visible once more as he whipped around to meet the intruder. How the hell did someone climb up without a sound?
"If you'd like, I'll even give her a little message from you," the strange man smirked wider, twirling his long curly hair around a finger. Polites gasped and looked down to the man's feet just to be sure, and just as he thought: wings.
"Hermes? I-I'm sorry, but uh, what are you doing here, exactly?" he asked, his previous breakdown quickly replaced with confusion. Something he did not appreciate. He wanted, no needed to cry after all that. But even the Gods wanted him to suffer, it would seem.
"Well excuse you! Taking a page from the captain's book, I take?" he taunted before bursting into a fit of giggles. Polites stiffened and glared at the God.
"No. I'm just trying to mind my own business, can't you do the same?" he huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Hermes squinted in the dark and gasped when he recognized the man before him.
"You're his little dead friend, aren't you? The one that used to be cute," he clarified in a teasing manner.
Used to be cute... That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Hermes froze, mostly out of fear, when he first saw tears. "Um, what are you doing? Stop that," Hermes ordered, sitting on the edge of the crows nest. Polites looked at him in utter disbelief.
"I'm crying Hermes, what's it look like?" he snapped, and true enough, tears were once again rolling down his cheeks.
"Well, it's not a good look. Nope, doesn't suit you at all, really," he mused, looking the mortal up and down. Polites chewed the inside of his cheek, trying to be patient as he continued to glare.
"Oh really? And what, pray tell, would suit a face like this?" Polites asked bitterly, pointing at himself as he blinked back more tears.
"A smile, for one!" Hermes cheered, plopping down next to Polites and throwing an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in close. Polites squirmed and shoved him away angrily.
"Leave me alone! I don't want to smile, okay? There's nothing to smile about! And you know what? Yeah, I'll say it! I was happier in the underworld!" Polites screamed, not caring how loud he was. In fact, he hoped a certain captain with his head up his ass heard him. He hoped the guilt ate him alive.
Polites hated the fact that he didn't really feel that way, that he was self aware enough to know it was just his anger talking. Because once it blows over, he'll be the one wracked with guilt.
Hermes reeled back from his words, a hand flying up to cover his mouth as he gasped in shock.
"Oh Polites, you shouldn't say such a thing! I mean, what if the Gods themselves heard you? Ahahaha!" he threw his head back, cackling at his own joke.
"I don't care anymore! Clearly I don't belong here! I-I should've just stayed..."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was such a touché subject," Hermes apologized, seemingly meaning it. Polites remained skeptical. "But I'm truly shocked by your little outburst. You were always the happy one, were you not? So what's changed?"
"Everything!" Polites cried. "Are you blind? How can you not see that everything's gone to shit?"
"Careful now, don't forget who you're talking to," he warned through pursed lips, trying to hide his growing amusement.
Polites sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry Hermes, sir, but I don't really care right now."
Hermes shook his head, a small frown etching its way onto his face. "Oh my, this really is worse than I thought," he muttered to himself, resting a hand on his cheek. Polites couldn't help but roll his eyes and turn away.
"Tell me something I don't know..."
Hermes sighed, staring at the back of his head with pity. "Odysseus can be... stubborn at the best of times. He'll come back around. You just have to show him that same, chipper, adorable Polites he knows and loves," he tried to encourage him.
"But that didn't work..." he said, voice shy and meek.
"Oh! Um, well then... keep at it!" he chirped, slapping a hand on his back.
Polites was more than ready to tell him to get lost, but the touch on his back stole away all of his attention. He turned to meet Hermes face to face, eyes wide in a mix of shock and excitement.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
Polites gestured at him wildly. "You just touched me! I mean like, actually touched me! I thought that was impossible!" Hermes opened his mouth to speak, but he rambled on, "Is that a God thing? Or can-"
"Shh, if you'll let me answer, I'll tell you!" he said before breaking off into giggles. Polites quickly shut up, hanging on his every word.
"It all comes down to intent. And, it works both ways. Here, shake my hand," he explained, offering holding it out for him to take. Polites looked at him skeptically before reaching out.
He tried to grasp his hand in his own, but phased completely through. "This is hopeless!" he whined in defeat. Hermes whistled and smacked him upside the head.
"Ow!" Polites yelped and flinched away, rubbing his head, more for show than anything. Hermes rolled his eyes at the dramatics.
"Oh please, I know that didn't hurt. Quit whining and try again." Polites grumbled under his breath, growing frustrated when he phased through once more.
"Try harder."
"I am!" he growled before taking a grounding breath. He tried again, and this time his hand firmly clasped around Hermes's wrist. A bright smile lit up his face as he met his gaze, "I-I did it!"
"Yeees, congratulations... You can let go now..." he prompted with a smirk.
"Sorry!" he immediately let go, yanking his arm back as if he'd been burned. Hermes chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"You're lucky it's me," he teased, breaking off into even more laughter. Polites couldn't help but giggle along with the infectious sound.
"I guess I am... So uh, t-thanks, for all that. I needed it."
"Desperately so," Hermes agreed. "But I single handedly saved the day, so you're welcome."
Polites snorted, "I wouldn't go that far, but you did make me feel a little better." Hermes cocked his head with an exaggerated pout.
"Aww, just a little? Are you sure about that?" he asked, and before he could answer, Hermes reached up to flutter a few fingers under his chin. Polites scrunched his neck with a barely choked back giggle, and the look he gave the messenger God was priceless. Hermes burst into hysterical giggles, flashing a sly grin his way, "Like I said Polites, it all comes down to intent."
He fished around in his bag, pulling out a gold drachma. "Catch," he said, tossing the coin his way. Polites reached out, snatching it in the air. Hermes gave an impressed grin, nodding in approval. "I expect you to practice. 'Til we meet again, ta-ta!" he waved farewell, hopping up on the edge of the crows nest and stepped off backwards. He swooped up in a backflip, definitely showing off as he flew away.
Polites stared at the coin in his hand, smiling softly. Maybe things would turn out okay.
Things always seemed better in the morning, Polites told himself. In the light of day, he would have a fresh start, a unique perspective. He just needed everyone else to come to terms with their new normal. So he went about the day like any other, floating down to the deck when the crew was called for breakfast.
He saw the few men spread out across two long mess tables, and he quickly spotted Eurylochus. He smirked and turned invisible, making his way over to him. He waited until he reached for his glass, and Polites placed his hand atop the cup, preventing it from being lifted.
Eurylochus stared at the cup with furrowed brows, giving it another tug. It barely budged under his hold. He looked around the table at the men around him, wondering if they had something to do with this. A few began to take notice and were just as confused as he was.
"Having a bit of trouble this morning?" Elpenor teased from across the table.
"Haha very funny," he said sarcastically, tugging on his glass one more time. Polites didn't fight back, and water splashed right in his friend's face. Anyone seated around Eurylochus had ended up in the splash zone as well.
The men who got drenched cried out angrily while everyone else erupted in wild laughter, and Polites joined them. But his laugh was loud and distinct, and a sound Eurylochus knew all too well.
He froze looked around the room, glaring at thin air. "Polites? Was that you?" he dared to ask. The unruly crowd suddenly grew silent, unsure if they wanted an answer. Then, a fork launched off of a plate, spinning in the air before it clattered to the table. Excited screams and cries broke out as some gathered around the fork, while the rest scattered as far away as possible.
"You think it really is him?"
"He answered us, didn't he?"
"Yeah, but what if it's a trick?"
"You're all playing with fire!
Not everyone was swayed, but it certainly planted the idea in their minds.
Polites liked pulling off these small, ghostly pranks. Mostly because, to him, it felt like magic. Just focus, and you can turn invisible. Focus even harder, and you can make things move. He had his favorite tricks of course: a self rowing oar, a lone mop swabbing the deck, but the funniest thing was when he'd hold something behind someone, only to hide it as soon as they turned around. And his audience seemed more than amused by all of this.
Up until the moment he decides to show his face again. Then it's all hushed whispers and adverted gazes, even from his best friends.
Elpenor frantically looked around his room for his other sandal. It had just been there a second ago, but now only one remained.
"O-okay, very funny. Now give it back," he demanded. He gasped and went stiff when he felt the mattress sink next to him, as if someone sat next to him. The temperature shifted.
"Looking for this?"
Elpenor chanced a glance in his direction. His missing sandal dangled from a mostly transparent hand. He gulped.
He reached for his shoe, but it was yanked out of reach at the last second, and again when he made another grab for it.
"Give it!"
"Then look at me!"
The request took Elpenor off guard. Polites sounded... desperate and sad. He had to look, no matter what the captain said. He wasn't here anyways.
He hesitated, but ultimately caved and looked at Polites. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this.
Polites was smirking at him, a warm look in his glazed eyes. Yeah, he didn't look the same, but he still looked like himself. A sob caught in Elpenor's throat.
He snatched his sandal without warning, quickly lacing them up before rushing out of the room.
"I don't get it Eurylochus. Are they really that afraid of me?" Polites asked after five days of strategic avoidance from everyone on board. He took a deep breath, thinking about how he'd answer the question.
"Maybe so." Polites scoffed and looked him up and down.
"Are you afraid of me?" he asked, deciding to put him on the spot. He stiffened, keeping his gaze trained on the floor, and he didn't speak. Polites deflated, "I knew it."
"Polites, trust me, it isn't like that," he tried in vein to reassure him.
"Oh please. None of you can even look at me," he hissed through clenched teeth.
"Have you even seen yourself?" Eurylochus barked back, going on the defensive immediately. Polites floated a little lower to the ground, bottom lip trembling.
"Polites, wait-"
"No, no, I get it. I wouldn't want me around either."
Eurylochus had to force himself not to roll his eyes at the theatrics on display. This was typical for Odysseus, but Polites?
"I didn't mean it like that."
He looked up at him, and for the first time outside of battle, Eurylochus saw him look truly upset.
"There's not many other ways to take it, Eurylochus..."
Neither dared to speak for a long time. Polites took a shaky breath and finally broke the silence. "I guess I'll be seeing you around. But... you don't have to worry about seeing me," his voice sounded weak and strangled.
"Wait I'm-" Eurylochus spun around to stop his friend, but he was left alone on the deck. "Sorry..." he finished lamely, dropping his arm by his side.
He flinched when a hand squeezed his shoulder, but immediately relaxed after the initial surprise.
"It's okay, really. I-I think it's for the best if no one sees me for a while," he said, and despite being invisible, Eurylochus could hear the emotion in his voice.
"Are you sure?"
"M-mhm. I think if I stay, it'll just make things worse."
Eurylochus stared at the empty space the voice was coming from. "If you say so..." he reluctantly caved.
Barely anyone had seen Polites since. Sure, he made his presence known in other ways, and most of the crew seemed better off for it. But that's what hurt the most: he'd been right. Eurylochus was wracked with guilt, knowing it was their own reactions that drove him away. Even worse still, their captain didn't seem to care at all. In fact, it only seemed to upset him more with every interaction Polites attempted.
He stood behind Odysseus as he steered the ship. The men were gathered below deck for meal time, leaving the two of them alone for a rare moment.
"I know you're there."
"You should go down there. You need to eat too, y'know."
Odysseus couldn't help but roll his eyes. "What, and let you take the wheel?" Polites furrowed his brows.
"Would that really be so bad? I handled her plenty of times!"
"No, the real Polites did!" he snapped. For once, Polites snapped back, refusing to back down.
"I AM THE REAL POLITES!" he screamed, on the verge of tears. Odysseus merely gave him a cold, empty stare.
"Maybe if you were the first one we ran into down there, I could believe you," he admitted in defeat. There was something a softness behind his eyes that hadn't been there before, his shoulders heavy with grief.
"What will it take?"
"Tell me what it'll take to prove myself," he pleaded.
They stared at each other for a long moment, seconds passing by in silence. "I don't think you can."
Polites refused to let it end like this.
"Your favorite color is red," he blurted out the first thing that came to mind. Odysseus froze and turned to face him, a puzzled expression in place. He locked eyes with him and continued, "And your favorite food is Penelope's stew with fresh baked bread."
By now, Odysseus knew what he was trying to do, so he quickly closed his eyes in hopes of drowning him out. "Don't."
"You have a mole on your shoulder that looks like a comet, a-and you like sunsets more than sunrises, and you used to go pick flowers for Penelo-"
"Please, for the love of the Gods, just shut up!" he cut him off harshly. Polites snapped his mouth shut, obeying the command. Odysseus slowly opened his eyes and stared at his friend. "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked as tears finally spilled down his cheeks.
"I just want you to believe me," Polites insisted. Odysseus shook his head.
"I told you, I can't-"
"WHAT WILL IT TAKE?" he repeated, voice straining against crushed vocal chords. He was crying, and he didn't care if he was shouting. "You say you can't believe me, but you don't give me a fucking reason! And you won't tell me how I can win your trust back, and I just- I don't know what you want from me."
Odysseus thought long and hard about his answer. "I wish I could tell you."
"Then why don't you?" he pleaded.
Odysseus avoided looking directly at him, choosing instead to stare at a crack in the wall just over his shoulder. It was insulting how he thought Polites wouldn't notice.
"I don't know." Then, as if to add insult to injury, he marched straight ahead, walking right through Polites. It was just another way for Odysseus to assert the fact that he wasn't really "there." To prove to himself that he was right. And that hurt more than it had any right to.
But he was nothing if not persistent. When it became clear that Odysseus wasn't looking for a conversation, he thought maybe a few light hearted pranks were just what he needed to jog his memory, to open his fucking eyes and see that he was right there.
Polites could've sworn he saw him smile when he noticed the way he was making his cape billow behind him. The old Odysseus was still in there somewhere, no matter how hard he may be hiding.
But he was still more than skeptical.
Odysseus was making his way down to his quarters when he felt someone step on the back of his sandal. He turned around in annoyance, ready to chew out the culprit, but he was alone. He thought nothing of it and continued on his way. Then it happened again.
Odysseus sighed heavily, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back. "That you?" he asked in a disgruntled tone.
"What, can't even say my name?" he sassed in order to hide his true nerves when confronting his friend. He appeared behind him, arms crossed.
"Not sure it's really yours to say," he countered easily, the retort sliding off his tongue with ease. The smile he flashed him was cocky and vindictive; nothing like the way he used to grin at him.
Polites decided to go out on a limb and risk it, "Why are you so adamant it's not me?"
"Because if something's too good to be true, it is. But you know all about that, don't you?" he spat, words laced with poison. No, no, there was no way he was talking about that.
"Captain? What do you mean?"
"Oh I think you know," he said darkly. Polites didn't dare to answer. He only shook his head.
"The sheep, Polites. I'm talking about the sheep."
Polites couldn't believe his ears. He sucked in a sharp, shuttering breath in shock. "A-are you trying to say it's my fault that I was killed?" he asked in complete and utter disbelief.
"... If that's how you wanna take it."
He had no hope of fighting off the tears welling in his eyes.
"H-how can you be so- so cruel? It was a mistake!" he pleaded.
"Yeah? Well that mistake cost you your life! And not just your life! You think you can greet world with open arms, but you just can't. Only the strongest survive. And that's why I'm still here, and you're not."
The tears rolled fat and heavy down his cheeks, drawing clean streaks through the blood and grime smeared on his face.
"I-if that's how you r-really f-feel, then fine! B-be that way!" Polites was a blubbering mess as he tried to speak, and he couldn't stand it. He balled his hands into fists by his sides, squeezing his eyes shut as tight as possible. "Y-you'll never have to see me again, if that's what you really want!" he screamed back, allowing his own hurt and anger to boil out of him.
"Good!" Odysseus snapped, completely exasperated.
Polites was frozen in shock. "I don't even know you anymore..." he whispered, mostly to himself. Odysseus glared harder before he turned his back on him, marching down the hall to his cabin and slammed the door behind him. Polites was left alone in the room, feeling hollow and hurt.
Polites took a shaky breath. Why bother to fight a losing battle?
If barely anyone had seen Polites in the days prior, then he must have made himself truly scarce after his last confrontation with the captain. The playful, if unexplained, shenanigans were no more, and the crew fell back into their monotonous routine.
But remaining invisible for so long takes its toll, and he needs his moments of peace and quiet. And so, the crew took notice of the man sitting alone in the crows nest, his presence never faltering. At least this way, he can still be of some use to the crew while completely isolating himself.
By now, Polites hadn't moved from the crows nest in over a week. Even his practice with the coin was getting weaker. He sat with his knees pressed to his chest, desperately trying to shove the drachma across the planks. His finger phased through, making no impact on the piece of gold.
"How have you possibly gotten more pathetic than the last time we met?"
Fucking great.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
"I love you too much“ - Shinsuke Kita x Reader
A/N: Based on the song „I love you too much“ from the movie „The Book Of Life“. Give this song a listen to, it’s beautiful. Enjoy ❤️
Warnings: none
„I love you too much
To live without you loving me back“
Shinsuke Kita is just a Fueneku Middle School student when he first met you. He saw you in his classroom for the first time, he swears everything around him moved in slow motion, eyes entirely focused on your beauty.
As the years went by, now a High School student of Inarizaki, Kita saw you grow into an even more beautiful person, personality and appearance speaking. The way you show kindness to other people, the exciting way your eyes gleam up when you see either dogs or cats on the streets. There’s only problem. Your heart belongs to someone else’s that is not Kita‘s.
It’s Aran‘s.
„I live for your touch
I whisper your name night after night“
After the loss against Karasuno in the Spring Tournament, Kita lays in his bed awake at night, unable to sleep. Not necessarily because of the loss, but because the way you hugged him to comfort the team after their loss.
It was only for a few seconds but the way your soft body felt against his, was Kita‘s dream come true. He didn’t want to overstep any boundaries by hugging you back right in front of his teammate, who is also your boyfriend.
It’s like your scent still lingers in his memories. The scent of vanilla mixed rose petals.
Kita sighs deeply.
"Why can’t you be mine (Y/N)?“
„Heaven knows your name I've been praying
To have you come here by my side“
It’s a cold winter morning on New Year’s, when Kita walks up to the shrine for New Year prayers. With small steps, he enters the temple and presses his hands together.
'Please give me the chance and courage to show (Y/N) how I feel about her.’
As the Outside Hitter is about to turn around, he sees Aran walking in as well, with an extremely tired look on his face.
Aran greets Kita with a friendly smile and Kita asks his teammate about the dark circles under his eyes.
Heaving a deep sigh, Aran sends his prayer as well, before answering Kita.
“(Y/N) and I have been fighting a lot lately. I think our relationship is breaking apart and I am hoping the Gods will have mercy on me to fix our relationship.”
Hearing those words makes Kita’s stomach twist with jealousy.
Kita can’t help but hope that the Gods overhear his prayer over Aran’s.
„Without you a part of me is missing
Just to make you my own, I will fight“
It’s been years since Kita last saw you, now being the age of 24 and having his own rice farm, there is not a day that Kita doesn’t think about you. When he was on his way to deliver his rice to Onigiri Miya, he wonders if you and Aran stayed together and what you are doing now as an adult. Carrying the rice bags inside to help Osamu, the bell of the front entrance door chimes, making both men stop what they are doing to see who has entered this early.
Osamu smiles slightly when he spots you.
"Ya here early today, we don‘ open 'til 11, ya know that.“
You chuckle a bit in reply.
"I know, I know. But you said yesterday that the new rice delivery comes in the next day, which is today obviously and I wanted to help you but I can see you already have someone doing that for you.” You smile brightly at Kita.
That smile of yours is going to be the death of him.
"I am gonna go change, be right back.” You say while disappearing around the corner.
Osamu sees the blush on his former captain’s face, teasing him.
"She’s a beauty eh?”
"She’s always been beautiful.” Kita states in a quiet voice but Osamu still hears him.
"They broke up yannow? Aran and (Y/N). Too focused on volleyball and she didn’t wanna do that back-and-forth anymore.” Osamu places a heavy bag of rice into the cabinet before rubbing the sweat off with his forearm.
Kita’s wide eyes find Osamu’s gray eyes and the ravenette says one more sentence before Kita gets back into his truck to drive back.
"If ya come over more, 'm sure she would give ya a chance. Heard 'er say that she’s looking for somethin’ serious again to her friend on the phone the other night.” Osamu gives a wink into Kita’s direction and Kita makes it his goal to win your heart and show you his love that hasn’t faltered since Middle School.
„There's love above love and it's yours cause I love you
There's love above love and it's ours if you love me
As much“
Many years later, Kita sits on a wooden bench on his patio in front of his home. The gentle breeze of the wind flows through his black-whiteish hair, the sunset painting the sky with the most beautiful orange, red and pink colors that reflect on some of the clouds.
His fields blooming high, soon to be ready for harvesting.
All of sudden, he feels a pair of arms sneaking around his neck, a chin gently propped on top of his head.
He raises a hand and entangles his ring-adorned finger with yours.
"Whatcha doin?”
"I am thanking the Gods every day to have you by my side. I truly have been blessed with your kindness and your heart that you gave me to protect, care and cherish for.”
Giggling softly at your fiancé’s romantic words, you squish your cheek against the top of his head, tightening your grip around him a little bit more.
Kita moves his head so he can stare into your eyes with a lovesick smile.
"I love you so much (Y/N).”
Pressing a gentle kiss against his lips, you whisper against them.
"I love you too Shinsuke, more than life itself.”
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert @lyditheoverthinker
194 notes · View notes
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“Chapter 2”
“Here with Me”
Chapter 1 Sneak Peak Chapter 2
Master List
Mentions- Explicit Content.
Please do leave comments. I hope this chapter is good. Had a bit of writer’s block.
Feed back is appreciated
Taglist- @glitterypirateduck
a/n credit to the artist for the gif. Name is label beneath the gif. The picture for this one. The artist @namedlunagoddess
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She looks up and to be met with Königs soft and loving gaze.
He can’t stop looking at her. He’s absolutely enamored by her beauty and her smile but most of all her eyes.
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“Bloody Hell, this just got interesting”
Ghost continued to stare holes into her soul as she stood there smiling awkwardly to everyone
“You bet your arse, Simon”
“Well love, Welcome to the Task Force name Captain John Price.”
Price greets her with a kiss on her hand as a gentleman.
König watched everyone interact with her but she caught his eyes lingering on her she smiled and looked at Price.
Captain Price walked out but spoke to (y/n) before leaving. “If you need anything love my office is down the hall to the right. Briefing are done here and after every mission we meet here. If you have any questions love, you can ask the men.”
He smiled to her leaving her. Soap and Gaz both wanted to volunteer to show her around base but Ghost ordered them back to training. As both guys walked out together they bickering about training. Ghost stood there watching (y/n) he sighed heavily and looked to König.
“König show (y/n) around base and show her to her quarters.”
König nodded and walked to the door he opened it for her gesturing her to walk out first.
She walked out holding her helmet, balaclava with her goggles in the helmet.
As she walked beside him she stole a few glances here and there. She smiled and her eyes glowed green.
König glanced down at her as they walked together.
They walked around base he showed her the training grounds, the track field and the weight lifting room where Gaz and Soap were sparring.
They both waved to her. She waved back to the guys.
As they walked she spoke first breaking the silence.
“Call me Sparrow, Gentle Giant?”
She smiled to him waiting for a response from him. He stood there frozen at her comment.
“König is my name, Sparrow”
“This way to your room.”
König kept his conversation with her short. Due to his anxiety he kept a calm collected demeanor towards her. She wondered about him as they walked to her room.
“This is your room. Ghost room is right across and I’m two doors down.”
“Thank you Gentle Giant”
She smiled to him. Her eyes turned orange. Her smile made his heart melt.
König excused himself. Trying to keep himself from fainting he walked back to his room.
Opening his room door walking in and locking it behind him he paced his room. With his hands on his hips he walked back and forth.
“God, she’s so adorable”
“Those eyes”
“Mein Liebe, you’re gonna be the death of me”
The Next Morning
König walked into the mess hall running his tired eyes he got his breakfast and sat down alone at his usual spot and watched everyone sitting and eating, while socializing.
This atmosphere was filled with chattering and laughs. But the moment (y/n) the hall became quiet. She walked in and looked up noticing everyone staring at her.
Some of the recruits whispered amongst themselves. She walked in and grabbed her food. She held her tray of food to the nearby table but Soaps loud thick Scottish accent cut the thick silence.
“Bonnie Lass join us”
He stood up waking over to her carrying her tray for her his hand on her back guiding her to their table.
“Thank you Sergeant McTavish”
“No need for formalities Bonnie, just call me Soap.”
“Soap it is then”
“So Sparrow what do you think of the base.”
Gaz smiled to her awhile eating and waiting for response. Soap flashed a smile at her.
She fumble her fingers and looked at her food nervously and a bit shy. She looked up and her eyes turned blue.
“Umm it’s a lot different from the last place I was at with Laswell.”
“Mostly because I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere by myself and I had to have someone babysit me all the time. But here it’s nice. I get to roam where ever I want and not have to feel like a science project walking around”
“I know it’s a bit difficult to adjust to have a super soldier in your task force. Especially being a woman.”
She sighed and played with her food. Looking a bit disappointed with the amount of looks she’s getting from her fellow soldiers.
“Bonnie, we don’t have a problem. Don’t we lads”
Gaz gave her a reassuring smile. Ghost simply nodded but he still had his doubts about having a mutant on his task force. He kept his thoughts and opinions to himself. He continued to observe her.
“Sparrow don’t feel bad about being stronger and faster then us lads. It’s hell of an attractive trait for a wee Bonnie lass like yourself”
She laughed at his response and she shook her head. She continued to shake her head she looked down hiding her eyes. Gaz noticed her eyes change again.
“Love, what’s with your eyes? Do they change when your in a different mood?”
Gaz smiled to her and waited for her to look at him but she kept looking down blushing.
“I’m sorry give me a moment”
She closed her eyes trying to center herself. She laughed softly and hide her face and finally looked up with her eyes slightly green and blue.
“Yes, my eyes change colors when my mood changes and I know you probably all have a million questions. But you all only get 3 each no more then that”
König watched her from his table. He adored the way she laugh and how she was blushing. Everything about her was so sweet.
Soap, Gaz all ponder there thoughts about the questions they wanted to asked her. Soap had to ask her the one and only question.
“So when you’re excited and in the mood-?”
“Nope,just no we’re not going there McTavish that’s one question already used”
“Oh come on Bonnie, it’s a serious question.”
“No, that’s a personal question McTavish”
Soap pouted to her ask she overlooked him to Gaz hoping his questions weren’t anything personal or intimate in anyway.
“Gaz your question.”
“Right Love, so when you get mad and frustrated what color are they?”
“Red or sometimes black at most. That’s when you want to steer clear of my path.”
“It’s alright it only happened once. It was during training and it was a accidental that Laswell had to file away and someone did get hurt that day. But I can assure you those days are behind me.”
She laughed at his reaction. Gaz smile immediately disappeared from his face. He sat up straight he fixed his shirt and nodded to her thinking carefully about his next question.
“Okay Soap what’s your question?”
“When did you notice your eyes change and we’re you made this way Bonnie?”
“No I was born this way. I have a brother.”
König eavesdrop on the conversation and this peaked his interest. She has a brother. But the question about her eyes when shes aroused. *Oh God, that question made him quiver with pure arousal.* He wanted to be the one to make her eyes changed as he would be the one to touch her soft skin.
*holding her hips tightly his fingers digging into her soft supple thighs. Where he’s gripping would surely leave his mark. Letting her slowly adjust to his size as she sinks down on his cock*
*moving her at his pace. The sweet sounds she would make on him. Making her a babbling, teary mess as he rearranges her guts for her*
Where he sat at he has to adjust his pants due to the growing tent in his cargo pants. Just looking at her smile and laugh at the questions the guys were asking her made his heartache. He wanted to be the only to make her smile and to be the only one to change those beautiful emeralds change to orange sunsets. Her beauty was nothing like he ever seen.
He sighed softly.
Just watching her he didn’t notice Ghost approach him.
Ghost stern Manchester Accent pulled König out of his thoughts. König shook his head and immediately cleared his throat avoiding his gaze.
“Captain Price would like to see you in his office.”
König stood up from his table readjusting his pants as he stood tall towering over Ghost. He made his way to Price office before leaving he looking back at his little sparrow.
“Bis später, mein kleiner Vogel”
*König whispered in German as he left the mess hall and headed for Price office*
König finished up his meeting with Captain Price he pondered thoughts about his little sparrow. Turning the corner he walked outside to get some cool air and hopefully help sort this thoughts about the little sparrow that flew around his mind.
The sounds of her giggles pulled his attention back to his elicit thoughts about her. Watching her smile and laugh sitting on the steps. The way the warm evening sunset warmed her skin and highlighted her facial features and her curves.
“Bonnie I have a feeling you’re gonna like these?”
Soap walked over to her with a smile, blushing at her. He held his surprise behind him.
“We did secret Santa a few years back and I was given these as a gag gift but you’ll love these”
He held out some black and white skates. The way she jumped with joy she squealed with excitement. She took them and kicked her boots off and pulled the skates on. Her eyes glowed orange like the sunset.
“Thank you Soap”
She hugged him tightly. She sighed as she pulled away from him. With a step forward he took off skating. The sounds of music played loud where some of the new recruits were sparring outside.
(Y/n) started to dance slowly as she skated circles around Soap. She started to sway her hips. Going along with the rhythm of the music she was lost in the song. They way she smiled and skated around she never felt more free in that moment. Dancing and swaying her hips along with the song.
König was in complete awe of her. The way she danced and skated around Soap. He wanted and tried to work up the courage to say Hi to her and spark up a conversation with her. But god she was making it difficult. The way she swayed her hips to the song. Made it harder to keep himself together. He was already splitting at the seams.
The jump she did the sounds of the skates clicking the ground he heard but all he saw was the way her breast jiggled as she landed. He was so thankful for his hood. He never felt so hot under his hood until now.
The more blood that rushed away from his head to his throbbing cock made it difficult to think straight.
There she stood laughing with Soap. Her laugh was so contagious even for the Austrian Soldier. He watched her at a distance. The way she danced, the way she laughed and twirl around. The sounds of the skates she wore rolling on the concrete.
Earlier in the evening Soap surprised her with a pair of roller skates. She was so excited and giddy to put them on.
König wanted to so badly walk over to be closer to her. But the way she smiled and laughed made his heart beat faster.
She continued to skate around she twirled around a little too quick she ran right into her Lieutenant. 
The dirty thoughts that arose in his head became more and more elicit. The way she gasped when she stopped abruptly when she bumped into Ghost as he walking by.
“Ooof, I’m sorry I didn’t mean too?”
Her eyes changed to a slight shade of pink as her cheeks warmed up.
“It’s alright lovie”
Ghost nodded to her and continued on his way. Just being around (y/n) made him question his feelings for her. She made him feel things that he couldn’t control or handle. It was a odd feeling he felt in his stomach. He pushed any intimate thoughts about her away. Deep down he wanted to talk with her but he didn’t know how to talk to her.
König white knuckles showed more as he gripped the railings. Watching her made his breathing hitch in his throat. The ever growing erection in his cargo pants was so painful. He needed release but he couldn’t take his eyes away from his little sparrow.
König wanted to pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and take her away to his room. To worship her every way possible.
To kiss between her thighs, while slowly making his way to her soaked sopping pussy.Feeling her soaked pussy with his thick calloused fingers. Ever so slowly swiping her folds while watching her reaction. Teasingly pushing his index and middle finger in her while she squirms under his grasp. Listening to her pleas and moans.
“K König please?” “I c can’t with the t teasing”
While knuckle deep in her, he starts to curl his fingers watching her gasp and bite her bottom lip. The sounds of wet soft squelching noise made his cock quiver with anticipation.
He wanted to place her on his cock to bounce her up and down to his own pace. But he had to get her wet enough.
“I’m not done yet Schatzchen”
Lifting his hood pulling her thighs apart.
Looking like a starving man he takes one look to her before diving into her soaked sopping pussy. Twirling his tongue around on her clit, sucking and slipping his tongue into her. Tasting her is like pure euphoria. The way she tastes is like ambrosia sucking her clit and swallowing is pure nectar.
Cupping her soft supple breast pinching her nipples. Listening to her gasp and moan as he massages her breast.
Pulling away from her pussy with a *pop* from sucking her overstimulated clit. Lifting his hood he sucks on her breast leaving a trail love bites as he gently bites her harden nipple.
Hearing her soft sighs and gasps. The sweet sounds that fell her swollen pink lips were deliciously devoured by him. 
Licking her nipple slowing making his way down to the valley of her breast. He pauses taking in the taste of her in. Relishing in the moment. Closing his eyes memorizing her taste the way she felt on his tongue.
Saliva dripping from his mouth he licks it all back up, making his way up to her neck. The way she smells is so intoxicating. Her perfume, her sweat mixed together is so intoxicating.
“Oh schatz you have no idea the things you do to me.”
Unbuckling his cargo pants he pulls them down quickly feeling her small soft hands on his throbbing aching cock. She pulls it free from the restraints of his boxers.
“Oh my?, is it gonna fit Kö”
“My Schatz, I’ll be gentle and we can make it fit I know you can take it all.”
“Bitte, my sparrow I can’t hold back anymore”
Watching her lay back on the bed. Spreading her thighs apart stroking his cock with his free hand he swipes a stripe in her soaked slick folds. Lifting his hood tasting her again. Sucking his fingers.
“Ohhh Meine Liebe you taste so fucking good”
“I’m gonna ruin you with my cock. That no man will ever make you feel as good as I make you squirm under my touch. Your pussy will mold to my throbbing cock. You’ll never forget every vein and every pulse you will feel when I’m deep inside you my hase.”
“My hase I’m gonna fill you up so much that when you get up it will stream down your inner thighs. That’s if you can walk my little sparrow. I will make you scream my name so much that you won’t be able to speak anymore.”
“König, you there big guy?”
She snapped her fingers in front of him as he had his eyes closed. She looked around and but her lower lip and gave him a slightly hard push. Getting his attention.
“Hey Big Guy You Here With Me?”
König immediately was pulled from his thoughts looking down at her sweet smiling face. Her eyes closed as she smiled.
As she opened her eyes she smiled looking at him. Her eyes were orange.
He didn’t know what happened or why she was standing beside him.
“I haven’t had time to talk with you. I’m Sparrow”
“I know, mein kleiner Vogel”
“Oh gosh, that’s a bit embarrassing”
She laughed softly looking down. She looked up slowly to be met with his soft loving gaze from when they first met.
“Meine Schatz your eyes”
Her face dusted pink and her eyes changed to a color he never seen. Yellow and a bit of pink mixed.
“What does yellow and pink mean?”
“Oh my gentle giant it means-?”
The sounds of the Scots loud laughter echoed the base as he approached them. Patting her back a bit harshly he grabs hold of her shoulder.
“(Y/N), König we have a briefing. Looks like we’re getting sent out sooner then we thought. Meetings in 20 mins.”
“Price wants a word with you Bonnie. Laswell there as well.”
She sighs soft looking down biting her lip she walked away. The moment ruined by Soaps laughter and a upcoming mission.
König sighed deeply walking away from Soap he walked back to his room. His heart beating out of his chest. Walking back to his room he needed his release immediately. Walking into his bathroom he stripped. Turning on the hot water to jerk off at the thoughts of (y/n) soft yelps and the sight of her breast jiggling from earlier. But the way she smiled to him and her yellow and pink eyes.
“Meine Gott”
Thick ropes of his cum squirted onto his shower walls and his hands. The release was so strong he could hold back his moans, and he felt a cold shivered run up his spine.
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