#there should be no reason i have trouble with this guys quills
moncuqe · 1 year
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He said damn
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Lass es Liebe sein (Let it be love)
"Witcher," the Emperor says, and after this - nothing, for a while. He looks almost hesitant. But Emhyr var Emreis is not a hesitant man. So, him obviously pondering his next words is as strange as the fact that Geralt was summoned by the man to begin with. Geralt stands patiently beneath one of the black flags that adorn the palace walls, because patience is one of the essential qualities of a witcher. From this point of view, it doesn't matter to him whether he waits for the beast to come and take his bait after hours of hunting, or whether it’s Emhyr var Emreis. The only question is, what’s the bait. Perhaps it’s himself, which is not a very pleasant thought. The emperor sits behind his desk, legs apart, he looks way too tall to be comfortable in such a narrow space. Maybe that’s the reason he now tosses the quill on the tabletop, or it’s just Emhyr being Emhyr. The man has always been impatient, erratic even. "I want my daughter to get married," he now says.
Geralt, who’s started counting the rays of all the suns on all the flags, jerks his head around so hard, there’s a cracking sound from his neck. He’s getting old. Really, he’s getting too old for this shit. Emhyr, as if sensing impending trouble, continues speaking quickly. "The fact that you brought her back to me was a commendable achievement, despite certain… difficulties. You've always proven to be very skilled in dealing with Cirilla." This is astonishing praise, especially since it means, in a way, that Emhyr admits the difficult relationship with his own daughter. Not that Geralt didn't already know that from Ciri herself.
"You… don't want me to pick out a suitable marriage candidate, do you?" asks Geralt.
"What? Why?"
"Well," Geralt sheepishly remarks, "considering your own ideas about marriage, you might be looking for advice…"
"From you?" Emhyr's eyes seem to bulge out of their sockets.
Geralt shrugs, "Maybe that's none of my business, because it's her decision, right? Who is she to marry?"
"That's not just her decision," Emhyr reprimands him. "And it's about Morvran Voorhis."
"Why?" Geralt tilts his head.
"Why? Well, his family..."
Emhyr launches into a long-winded explanation about Voorhis' military successes and the strategic importance of this marriage, but Geralt interrupts him, "No, why do you think she would agree to marry the guy?" Emhyr leans back in his chair to regard Geralt with a look the witcher can’t interpret. Geralt ponders whether he should get angry. It would probably not be particularly advisable to get angry in the imperial palace right in front of the emperor, and not just because of the inevitable guards standing in front of and behind the only exit. But they're talking about Ciri, her future. Perhaps Geralt doesn't have too much say in the matter, and that's his own fault: after all, he persuaded her to talk to her father. If he hadn't, what would have happened? It's pointless to think about it. A witcher is committed to neutrality. Isn’t he?
"You see," Emhyr continues, "that's the entire point of this conversation. I do not, in fact, believe that she will agree to marry him, and only because out of spite."
"Of spite." Well, this certainly sounds like the mischievous girl he helped raising, Geralt thinks. But he also thinks that she knew, she fucking knew what she was getting into when she agreed to take on her heir. It’s not just saving the world, oh no. It’s being the empress-to-be with all that comes with it. Strangely enough, Geralt can see her marrying whoever for the sake of everybody else. She was ready to sacrifice way more, and any man daring enough to wed her would have a hard time, she’s just too much like her grandmother in that respect. The real question, he thinks, is why she would oppose against Morvran of all people. He’s only met the man briefly, but he likes horses and seems decently friendly enough, even to people that don’t fit society's crazy rules.
"Hold on. You want me to convince her to marry the guy, is that it? Very funny, Emhyr, really."
"Is it?“ Emhyr's voice is calm, his gaze serene, but his fingers pluck at the threads of his immaculate robe.
"Yes," Geralt replies heatedly, and then he says something rash, "yes, because... because she loves someone else."
Emhyr cocks his head, as he always does when information seems particularly interesting, "Who?" he demands to know.
"Well, if she didn't tell you about it, there’ll be a reason for that."
"That means she hasn't told you either, has she, Geralt?"
Geralt is probably in trouble now, because Emhyr has never called him by his name before. So far, he's always called him witcher. His teasing tone almost sounds amused, and he adds, "But I'll find out. You're coming to the ball tomorrow night. No arguments."
Geralt gasps for air like a fish that has just been pulled out of the water, and he feels like he’s just been found to be too small and thrown back in.
But there is no alternative, no escape, and in the end a ball is the lesser evil compared to open rebellion or becoming a kingslayer. If he just keeps telling himself that long enough, Geralt thinks, pulling at his doublet in disgust, it might become truth. He wanders around, carefully avoiding the tables of ladies looking for dance partners, clutching his empty plate, as a voice rings out next to him, "You seem to have a penchant for the shrimp." Geralt turns around and can't suppress a grin, "Think no one recognizes you when you're wearing a wolf mask? Subtle."
Many people are wearing masks tonight, because apparently every ball is a fancy masquerade. The truth is, of course, that every ball is a dating ball, and not everyone is blessed with a beautiful face. Emhyr's disguise with the wolf mask is probably just a mockery. In any case, the doublet cut to fit his muscular body is embroidered with real gold thread, and his sheer size makes him tower over the ordinary nobles. The unmistakable Impera are standing at the door, staring over with little subtlety, and out of the corner of his eye Geralt sees the familiar face of Vattier de Rideaux. Well, Emhyr may think he's diving into the crowd, but none of this is left to chance.
"People see what they want to see, and I hope the same applies to me. You will help me find out which of these vain peacocks my daughter prefers over Morvran Voorhis." His faint nod encompasses both the dancers and the men standing indecisively at the edge of the dance floor. "Cirilla has danced with almost every one of them except for Morvran."
Emhyr sounds disapproving, but strangely proud at the same time. Geralt thinks he can be: the black dress Ciri is wearing makes her green eyes shine, and a clever hairstyle ensures that her scar looks interesting, at best. Not that this detail would repel any suitors, on the contrary. Emhyr knows this, of course, and perhaps his strange behavior is actually motivated by paternal concern.
"What makes you think it's a man she's looking for?" asks Geralt, suddenly uncomfortable with the fact that he can't see Emhyr's reaction.
"Is she... interested in something else?"
It’s a strange wording, Geralt thinks, and even stranger is the fact that Emhyr sounds curious, above all. He replies, "And if so, Your Highness?"
"It’s Majesty, but I suppose you know that very well, Geralt. Well, that would be... unpleasant, I shall think."
Geralt thinks he must have misheard, but you never know. He walks on, his plate still firmly in his hand, because yes, he has a fondness for shrimp, and if Emhyr really cared about this conversation, he would follow him.
He follows him.
"Don't you think?" he asks as if he’s actually interested, watching Geralt fill his plate, and Geralt snorts, "Why exactly would that be unpleasant?"
"Apart from reasons of state," Emhyr begins, but then lowers his voice, because of course they’re not alone. The buffet has ears, so to speak. Lots of them. "Apart from that, you realize that this marriage must serve various purposes. It must satisfy the people, mean a visible gain for Nilfgaard..."
"But doesn't it matter what satisfies Ciri?" Geralt asks quietly, pointing to the dance floor, where she’s just pushing a young man across. She leads, she knows no other way. And Geralt thinks that it should be this way. That every woman should have the right to decide for herself. He knows Ciri will eventually learn and adapt the court’s subtle ways, as has her grandmother. She can’t change the world, and that’s sad. But maybe it should start at some point. It should start with her deciding whom she wants to marry, right? "Look, now she's dancing with Cerys. A connection with Skellige would certainly have some advantages, Emhyr."
In fact, the man should reprimand him now for addressing Geralt by his first name. But his usual sternness is hidden behind the wolf mask. Maybe even more than that.
"Skellige," the emperor replies quietly, "would laugh theirselves silly. Or go to war. I don't think Cirilla would risk it."
"That's your only concern?" asks Geralt in surprise, albeit a bit muffled, this buffet has good shrimp. "Proposed with the idea that your daughter could marry a woman, all you can think about is the political implications?"
"Everything has political implications, whether you like it or not."
"Really? That's your answer? Not oh no, my daughter can never marry a woman?"
"Are you shocked, Geralt? Then I guess there's more Nordling in you than I thought."
With these words, Emhyr leaves him, and the evening passes without a single scandal.
However, Geralt is preoccupied with the question for much longer than he would like to admit to himself. It's one of those moments when he deeply regrets how things turned out after Yennefer summoned the djinn. Because although it had made him painfully aware that he had been clinging to a lie for years, he had also lost his friend in the process. And although there have been many years in which he and Yen were not on speaking terms, it’s unfavorable now. But maybe it's just as well, because there may be another reason why Emhyr's words are bothering him, and it's buried so deep that it's better not to shake it. Telling Emhyr about Cerys was kind of a dry run for something Geralt hasn’t even admitted to himself. And maybe there actually is only one person to talk about this topic, and it’s not Dandelion, mind you. It’s Ciri herself.
She thinks it's hilarious.
"You told Emhyr what?" she repeats for the third time.
Geralt sighs and says, "Thought I was doing you a favor. You don't seem to like this Morvran guy very much."
"Oh yeah?" Ciri's eyes flash cockily. "And you couldn't think of anything better than Cerys an Craite, my childhood playmate. Whereupon he wrinkled his nose and told you that it would be better for the realm if it were at least another Nilfgaardian noblewoman."
"He was wearing a mask, no idea what he wrinkled," Geralt returns sourly, "and... wait, you'd be interested in, uh, noblewomen?"
"Good heavens, Geralt. Don’t you think it’s a little late for that kind of conversation?" Ciri laughs so loudly that the few walkers in the meagre palace garden turn to look at her. "But if you must know, I'm quite open-minded. Be it men or women."
"But…" Geralt feels at loss of words, and if he could blush he might just now. Strangely enough, this feels… liberating, for whatever reason.
"No buts," she says now, much more seriously. "When I decided to take this path, I was aware of the consequences. A strategic marriage is the best thing for Nilfgaard. Still, Geralt, one thing I've learned from you is that love should come first. And I’m convinced that both is possible, even if Emhyr may see it differently."
"Love hasn't really taken me very far," Geralt replies quietly.
"You've got that wrong. It’s actually taken you and me a long way." Ciri pats his back, ready to leave Geralt in quite the confused state although he couldn’t say why, exactly, but she turns one more time to add, "Oh, and it’s not Cerys, by the way."
"About your talk with Emhyr. You basically wanted to get him to admit that he’s fine with me marrying whoever I love, right? I will, don’t you worry. It’s just not Cerys."
If that's even possible, Geralt is only more bewildered after this conversation. It's as if Ciri has triggered something inside him that he had last thought about decades ago, something he’d dismissed as one of those things that stood in the way of a need to appear more human. Humanity, however, has proven that it never believed he could have anything in common with it. So, why should he even bother if he harbored feelings that weren’t exactly in line with society?
Geralt hasn’t much time to think about it. A man has to earn money, so he’s dealing with everyday's monsters, some of which happen to be human, and then there’s also Emhyr. Ever since the ball, Geralt has had the feeling that shadows are following him in the form of Nilfgaardian soldiers, and every few weeks the man finds another opportunity to summon him to the palace. He keeps him busy with trifles that Geralt cannot refuse for Ciri's sake – and because he is the Emperor, damnit. Again and again, he engages him in conversation, alone in his study room. Well, he is never alone, of course. The Impera at the door, however, are chosen on the basis of loyalty and discretion, which may not apply to every member of the court, as Geralt soon learns.
"If it's not Cerys, who is it?"
It is clear that this is not just musing, but a clear question, almost an order to Geralt to finally reveal the answer.
"Do you have eavesdroppers in the palace garden?"
"Does that surprise you?"
"What surprises me," Geralt says thin-lipped, "is that it doesn't seem to bother you."
Emhyr regards him almost startled. "Geralt, you've been here how many times since Ciri moved in?" he returns, "You still haven't learned anything about Nilfgaard in all this time? All those conversations with Henry var Attre and his daughter… don't give me that look, of course I know about your supposed fencing lessons."
Well, the fencing lessons. Geralt could have guessed that there were holes in the cloak of this secrecy. Because he had, in fact, spent some time with Rosa and her father to find out more about Nilfgaard. Some kind of further training to be able to support Ciri later on. That’s what he claimed to them, at least. And perhaps that was partly true. But there was also another part, a hidden part, which had been a strange motivation to be babbled at by two not particularly fascinating people.
"I don't get it," Geralt admits grudgingly, "though I’m well aware of the political dimensions of a marriage with Skellige, but..."
"I have my doubts about that," Emhyr replies with a ... a wink? Perhaps he has a speck of dust in his eye. "But that's not the point. Geralt, some things Nilfgaardians simply see differently from the people of the North. Especially, well, the common folk."
"Sure, the peasants probably wouldn't understand," Geralt muses, unamused. "Wait. Do you mean ... same-sex marriage? In Nilfgaard?"
"Not very often, but not unusual either. Quite common among knights, in fact, in order not to lose the claim to a fief. Occasionally also occurs among kings, for similar reasons. And... well. It’s said my great-great-grandfather..."
Emhyr breaks off and looks away, as if this is really not a topic to discuss with a witcher. Geralt swallows. His palms feel strangely damp. "If that were the case," he replies boldly, "you wouldn't be here today."
"Hm. The concept that Ciri tried to explain to you seems to have passed you by. Would that really be so bad, Geralt? Is love actually one of the feelings that has been completely driven out of witchers?"
"I don't know."
"But you spent many years with the sorceress from Vengerberg."
"Decades," Geralt sighs. "Doesn’t mean I understand love. Or even… know it."
"And because you claim to not know it," Emhyr replies pointedly, „you can’t imagine there’s more to love than what our parents told us?"
"Haven’t really had parents."
"You’re evading my question, Geralt."
Geralt shrugs. Suddenly, he feels so small beneath Emhyr’s gaze. And the question is quite simple. Is it bad to love men and women? Is it bad to love differently, be differently, like the blacksmith he met in Novigrad or the hunter he met in Velen or…
"I simply want Ciri to be happy," he finally says.
Emhyr shrugs. "Happiness is even more complex to a ruler, I’m afraid. Don’t you think I would want that, too? Nobody can undo their past. We only have the future to look forward to. I want Nilfgaard to have a future, and it has my daughter to ensure this. If it is with a woman, so be it. She can still have an heir. So no, I’m not bothered. I would be, though, if it was not somebody that’s valuable for both her and the realm."
He laughs. It’s a quiet, almost restrained laugh, and a sound rarely heard in this palace. It’s also a pleasant sound, Geralt realizes with surprise, because he likes it.
"Does that apply to you, too?" he asks without thinking. Emhyr tilts his head. "To me?"
"Do you have to ... be with someone who gives you an advantage? Someone sufficient for Nilfgaard? That can’t be too hard, there’ve been many noble women eying you at the ball. Yet you haven’t announced your wedding. You also were never seen with any women in the palace besides your own court sorceress, and given your suspicion around magic, she’s probably not it, and…"
"Geralt, you’re babbling," says Emhyr in a strangely soft voice.
Geralt looks at him, and he notices quite a few things. Emhyr has very brown eyes with tiny speckles in them. He can speak softly with those sensual lips. He’s fascinating in his own way. It’s… odd. Confusing. It’s also nice. And it ges even nicer, because now this face and these eyes come closer. Maybe there’s a hint of insecurity in them, for the fraction of a second. But this is the Emperor. He’s not an insecure man, and his lips touch Geralt’s, and for a while, his mind goes blank.
"What do you think," he says after a while, even if Geralt is still processing the kiss, "is one of the advantages for me that Cirilla was willing to accept her inheritance? I can do what I want. Love whoever I want."
"How did you know?" asks Geralt, running a finger over his lips in bewilderment. Did that really happen? "That I wanted that too, I mean."
"Intuition," Emhyr says, tapping his temples in a strangely ridiculous gesture, "and a lot of spies who are a burden on the state treasury, I'm afraid."
Their hands find each other almost automatically, intertwining fingers. Geralt has almost forgotten that the Impera are still at the door, but they're basically like living statues, and he doesn't even care if he becomes the number one topic of conversation in the palace’s rumor mill today. There's a knock at the door, the moment when the Impera become a little livelier again, but it's actually Ciri. A strange coincidence, and yet Emhyr does not pull his hands away, not even when they see Morvran is with her. Ciri just looks briefly at their interlaced fingers and smiles.
"Father," she says, "or shall I say fathers since you’re both here, I have an announcement to make."
Morvran Voorhis' cheeks turn red. Geralt looks at him with fascination, suddenly struck by a premonition.
Ciri takes Morvran's hand, beams at Emhyr and says, "Morvran and I are getting married."
"W... What?" For a moment, Emhyr's facial features slip, but he quickly catches himself and clears his throat. "Well, it's good that you've come to your senses, child."
"Wait, hang on," Geralt interjects, confused, "why Morvran now?"
Ciri laughs out loud. Too loud for the palace, really, but Geralt can see that Voorhis is almost glued to watching her. And now he gets it. This is Ciri, the girl who tricked Vesemir when she didn't want to train, who got Eskel to do Lambert's chores in the kitchen and taught Geralt what a soft heart is. She winks at him.
"Morvran just needed some impetus," she says, and Morvran is really blushing now. "He seemed to think I was a trophy that belonged to him, so I had to take away his illusions. We've been dating for a while, you know? I like him, I really do. But he shouldn't think he can have me so easily. Love, you two. Love is the key. I think he's realized it now."
She grins, and Morvran smiles at her like a lovesick fool. Apparently, he has, thinks Geralt. His heart is light as he looks at Emhyr.
A year later, a double wedding takes place, and it's the most beautiful celebration Nilfgaard has ever seen.
(Why the title, you ask? Because I'm in an absolute brainrot for this song)
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Alright people, just got my early access of the Magnus Protocol Premiere. Been thinking about whether I should do a live blog like I did for Magnus Archives. Still not sure but we're just gonna start it and see where it's going. Tbh I've been so out of the loop with the podcast I didn't even know the premiere episode was coming and I have no idea when further episodes are getting released. I thought it would start next year! Anyway, I'm gonna put all my reactions down below under the read more so I'm not accidentally spoiling anyone.
That intro music is amazing. Love it.
So glad they included a transcript, I would've already been lost with all these voices. That's what I loved about tma, never got confused there because the introduction to the characters was so nice and slow
Oh, here we are then! Jumpscared by Alex already. Did not expect him to turn up so soon. I'm certain there's nothing sinister going on here. Not me already theorizing that it's Martin who got stuck in the system or something after Mag200. But that means Jonny is one of the other voices who occasionally reads out the statements, right? Gotta be. So Chester or Augustus, who do you think he is? Putting my money on Augustus I think. Why? Because why not.
First look at the Fears?? Is it the Stranger? That's got to be the Stranger, right?
The transcript has these little stage directions and I gotta say I'm in love with "Lena's office is pristine, sterile and has nothing that might indicate its occupant would be brash enough to have a personality"
Btw don't know the in universe reason for the recording yet but friends, your microphones are shit. Jon's recordings were never as bad! Your voices do that thing where it gets frizzy. Might I suggest using a tape recorder?
Is that more static in the background I'm hearing when Gwen says "I'm not most people." Oh, I kinda missed overanalysing sound cues.
We have great vegetarian sausages in Germany too, Colin. I already like that poor IT guy
Sam I really don't think this is the job if you're "just trying to get back on your feet" There must be more going on there
Damn, had a 50/50 chance and didn't get it. So you're Chester then, Jonny? Really can't decide if I would love it more if these voices had some connection to tma or if there's just no reason at all.
I actually read a fanfic like that before. Immediatly though about it when I heard Alex's voice. Jon was sorta trapped in the tape recorder. All Martin and co had were his recorded statements on tape and at some point Jon got like powerful enough to be able to communicate through the tape recorder I think. Was a really great read. Would be funny if this turns out to be similar
Oh, Magnus Archives ruins!! What are you gonna find there RedCanary?? This is exciting
Of course you've been having trouble uploading the pictures, RedCanary! And I don't think that's you're normal getting paranoid either. Oh, I love this. It's like my old friend, spooky Magnus Institute is back
An Archive, you say?? And it's empty. Interesting.
Side note, the music during this is fantastic. Like loved it from the beginning but right now? Amazing.
"What the hell is that? Are those eyes?" Never thought I'd actually be happy about eyes getting mentioned. But eyes, people!! This statement has everything: Magnus Institute, some poor bugger who's descending into paranoia and madness, weird symbols, an artefact (?), ominous texts ("Canaries should stay above ground", okay obviously a reference to the user name red canary but also do you think that has anything to do with like mining. Weren't birds used to detect gas?), eyes and were those the last few notes of the tma intro in the background music?
Oh, who is listening then? Can't mean me, Colin
The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution non commercial sharer like 4.0 international license
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juszt-a-liddol-guy · 1 year
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my take on the silly hedgies………
once again i throw a lazy sketch at yall!! oops!
….anyways i guess i should write abt my headcanons here or smth (that would make sense)
in general,
hedgehogs assigned female at birth grow less fur. their tummies/chests are typically bare as well as their arms, but there’s still a thin layer of velvety fur that blends into the thicker fur around the shoulders and the rest of the body. for beauty reasons, some cis afab hedgies will choose to shave the thin fur so it appears neatly styled. afab hedgies also have naturally occurring downwards-pointed quills that are typically shorter than their amab counterparts, ending around the shoulders or upper back. these can be easily styled into upwards-pointed quills should they choose to.
amab hedgehogs grow more fur and have puffy white chests. their arms and tummies are covered in the same type of fur as the rest of their bodies. as for their quills, they are naturally pointed up and are usually long. if styled downwards, their quills can reach the amab hedgie’s lower back or behind.
taking testosterone can make thicker fur grow on the arms and tummy/chest, among many other side effects. similarly, taking estrogen can thin out coarse fur.
moving on!!
for sonic:
-early to mid 20’s
-goes by he/it pronouns, afab, takes testosterone & has had top surgery
-has autism+adhd, and thanks to trauma from years of fighting — probably riddled with depression or ptsd
-he’s a bit of a clown! sonic likes to make its friends smile, and is really good at cheering others up through humor
-honestly, personality wise, i think of him as being the more mature version we see in the IDW comics or in sonic frontiers. super confident in itself, even if it’s almost guaranteed to be defeated. it will just keep pushing through. this trait can come off as reckless and self-endangering however, and he definitely sits through lectures about this behavior from his loved ones. he is a super high-masking person, and once the mask is on for the day, he finds it very hard to take it back off.
-while it is afraid of being in deeper water, it’s fine taking baths or being in showers and even enjoys reading about fictional creatures that originate from the ocean such as mermaids and sea monsters
-chocolate is just too sweet for him most of the time, but he enjoys a nice pastry or cheesecake
-loves jazzy pop music, alternative rock, 80s music, gentle melodies, and super upbeat EDM. wakes up everyday with a song already playing in its head and thinks of its brain like a radio station that can flip between channels
for shadow,
-older than sonic by a year and a half (not counting the 50 year coma lmao)
-goes by he/they pronouns, afab, used to take T (recently stopped, feels like he doesn’t need it anymore) & has had top surgery
-has autism, dyslexia, generalized anxiety & depression.
-very closed-off individual who finds it very difficult to make new friends. he appears as being very intimidating to people who aren’t familiar with him, especially on days when the flat affect is strong. they’re a pretty serious and literal guy most of the time, but they have their silly goofy moments when around people they really trust and when they’re in the mood for it. they don’t remember much from their past besides the big important parts, and he overthinks about the future a lot, to the point that he can start to cry (in private).
-shadow’s friend group is extremely tight— only sonic, rouge, and omega have been allowed to see underneath the barriers. even despite this, he has trouble opening up to them because he’s afraid of pushing them away or thinks the content he enjoys is too embarrassing to share (even though sonic would go ballistic and enjoy it too, and he knows this, but shadow’s first reaction is still to hide it).
-absolutely adores coffee and sweet things. they have a lot of sensory issues when it comes to vegetables, and normally stick with a diet of primarily pasta, chicken, beef, or rice.
-loves hard rock music, metal, alternative rap, EDM, j- & k-pop / rock, & music that emo teens back in the 2000’s really enjoyed (lol)
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Holiday Cheer
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Summary: the best way to get over your cheating ex is to get under someone else.
Pairings: Frat boy!Steve Rogers x black!reader x frat boy!Thor Odinson
Warnings: minors dni, smut, threesome (mmf), cheating, unprotected sex
(A/N: I made it 😣 the smut was cut a little short but I finished and that’s all that matters lol Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone! Not edited at all lol. Like follow comment with a reblog 💜 ✌🏾)
It wasn’t like you’d expected this to happen.
All Natasha knew was that you’d caught your boyfriend cheating and needed a night out. You’d been hoping he’d gotten the hint after the millionth missed call that you were done but you didn’t even feel like talking to Peter so instead you’d been avoiding the shit out of him.
Of course tonight of all nights when you’re out looking like one of Santa’s hoe, hoe, hoes. He obviously couldn’t resist saying anything but hell it wasn’t any of his business now.
Then it was like all these months you’d spent questioning him only for him to reply that nothing was going on. All these fights calling you paranoid she was the ‘girl you weren’t supposed to worry about.’
And even after you caught them you got that whole, ‘Baby, it wasn’t what it looked like.’ As if you literally didn’t just see it. Did they think you were dumb.
When they first started spending all this time together on some project, you really tried to not think too much of it. He’d never given you a reason to not trust him. Then it was like they got the rest of their team and it wasn’t even like they were alone so you really tried to not think about it.
Then you walked in on them in the lab. Gamora riding him for her goddamn life and in a way that told you that this definitely hadn’t been the first time.
And what pissed you off even more was that he tried to say it’s because you wouldn’t let him fuck you in the ass and she did. You should have thrown a glass at his head he’d pissed you off so bad.
So that happens and you’re moping. Afraid to even come out your dorm because knowing him, he was definitely going to try and get you to talk to him. Which was not happening.
But it also wasn’t leaving you in the best spirits. Which was kind of a damper for the holidays and break was right about to start, exams were done, and there was a party tonight that Nat was dragging you to whether you liked it or not.
She was the first unofficial female member of a frat. The second being Wanda. “I’m there so much I think they’ll let me in on hazing next year.” She laughed.
And while you get why she’d want to hook up with some of the guys there, she hadn’t. While you thought she was crazy for not taking advantage of it, she had just become really good friends with the guys and that was it.
Probably why Peter hated that you hung out with her. He hated the guys there. Had this weird beef with one of them which reeked of jealousy any of the times they crossed paths.
Funny because earlier that day you kind of used it to your advantage. See Natasha wouldn’t have invited you if it wasn’t for you ducking behind Thor of all people after bolting out of the campus coffeeshop. Figured that Peter wasn’t exactly in the mood to not only be on the lookout for you while also getting into it with him.
“Can I ask why you’re using me for shelter?” Thor wondered, tilting his head back so he could get a glance at you.
“Ex boyfriend,” you answered.
“Well, glad I could be of assistance. He chuckled before turning to face you. Then his eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, aren’t you Quail’s girl?”
This time it was your turn to let out a small laugh. “Um, it’s Quill,” you corrected him.
“That’s what I said,” he replied with a shrug and a half smile. Oh right. Frenemies.
“Trouble in paradise?”
“More like a disaster.”
“Hey, Thor,” Steve greeted. “Y/N.”
Ah shit. This was awkward. Quill also wasn’t too fond of Steve. Mostly because neither of you were sure if Steve was flirting you or not. You said he wasn’t. You weren’t his type. Then Quill would say, “So what. No one thought you’d be my type and now look at us.”
Then you’d go, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” He’d say. “I’m just saying people just didn’t expect us to get together and now look.” Then like the smart boy he is he couldn’t let that be that, so he added, “I’m sure I had plenty of girls that would have killed to be where you are but I chose you.”
It pissed you off back then. Then it was like now when you thought about it, it made your skin crawl. Found out he had a rich dad that got him into this place and now he was just soooo much better than his. With all the fucking audacity.
Then the two of you would argue. Then someone you’d become the asshole. It was like now that you were done you could finally stop lying to yourself.
And yet with Steve so close to you, you were anticipating the arguement. Oh Rogers said hi so now it’s time for Peter to cry about it.
At least with Thor you knew there was a history. As petty as it seemed to be. While you’d talked here and there because you hung out with mutual friends you weren’t about to actually hang out with a guy your boyfriend hated. Even if he didn’t seem that bad.
Now you didn’t care. Why would you. The two of them had never been anything but nice to you. You’d let yourself get so wrapped up in all his stupid enemies and helping him fight his battles and it was like what the hell was even the point.
“Hi, Steve,” you’d said.
“Steve, Y/N was just telling me that her and Quail broke up.”
Then you giggled. “It’s Quill.”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it,” he replied with a shrug and a smirk.
“Oh shit, what happened?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
You shrugged. “Oh ya know how it is. Sometimes you just… grow apart.”
You don’t know what it is but something felt so embarrassing about the fact that he cheated on you. That out of all the jealousy and accusations of cheating and flirting and this and that and it ended up being him!
And yet you were embarrassed. So you lied.
“I mean it happens. I get it. Me and my girlfriend just broke up too,” Thor said. “Our schedules just don’t mix.”
“Are you doing okay?” Steve asked.
“Trying to,” you replied. “Just feeling bummed. He was supposed to come home with me for Christmas and instead I have to tell everyone that I can barely even look at him.” You chuckled.
“You know what. It sounds like you need some fun. I’m sure Natasha’s told you by now,” Steve said, “but the frat house is having our Christmas party and I think you should come.”
“You should it’ll be fun,” Thor chimed in. “It’s our hoe hoe hoe house party.”
You laughed. “Wow. Love that name.”
“Tony picked it,” Steve clarified.
“Well it sounds fun at least,” you said.
“So you’ll come?” Thor asked.
It was okay. You weren’t with Peter anymore. You could hang out with whoever you wanted to. “Sure. Sounds great.”
And that’s how you ended up walking in with your stomach in knots. Maybe you were feeling a little triumphant since you’d successfully ducked and dodged Peter earlier. And Natasha helping you pick out a last minute hoe, hoe, hoe costume. A tight velvety red dress with fluffy white trim on the neckline and hem. The kind of outfit that said the best way to get over your ex is to get under someone else.
“Hey, Y/N,” Steve greeted you pulling you into a hug. “You made it.”
His hands ran up and down your back making you giggle. “Stop that tickles!”
“Does it?” He asked pulling away to look at you. A smirk covering his face. “You look nice,” he said.
“Yeah and where’s your hoe, hoe, hoe outfit?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
Eyeing him up and down in that blue button up that really, really brought out his eyes. It wasn’t like you never noticed how hot he was before. It was just when Peter was there and jealous as fuck, the last thing you wanted to think about was how good Steve Rogers looked. Now though you didn’t have to give a shit.
“It got lost in the mail,” he replied with a laugh. “You look great though.”
“Y/N!” Thor said coming up to the both of you. That’s when Steve finally let go of you so Thor could take over in giving you a hug. At least he was wearing a red dinner jacket. His long blond hair in a ponytail. Stands falling into his face still. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah me, too.”
“Can I get you a drink?” Thor asked.
“Sure,” you replied.
So far you were having a lot of fun. You weren’t really the partying type usually but you just wanted to have fun. And Steve and Thor clearly wanted you to have fun.
By now Natasha had gotten busy talking to some girl from one of her classes. Had stopped checking up on you when she saw Steve and Thor were taking care of you. If there was anyone she trusted to make sure her best friend was taken care of it was them.
You stuck your tongue out on Snapchat as Steve hugged up on you from behind. Thor kissing your cheek. You captioned it as hoe hoe hoe merry Christmas.
You get it your ex hated one of them and was obscenely jealous of both men but you weren’t trying to start anything. If anything you were just happy to have both of them there to take care of you.
And hanging out with them was a lot of fun. It wasn’t even that you guys were getting drunk or anything because Steve being the responsible guy he is was making you drink enough water to go with it. Thor being the one to make sure you ended up with a nice buzz.
And you had a good time dancing with them. To be honest grinding against them more than you’d expected to. But it was kind of hard not to enjoy the attention.
Also maybe Peter was right about Steve. Sure he was horribly horribly wrong about you and that chemistry professor, but Steve was at least acting like he was into you.
Whispering in your ear. Making sure you really felt him. All while telling you everything a girl like you would wanna hear after everything that had been going on lately. Especially from a guy like Steve Rogers.
Telling you how good you looked. How dumb could Quill have been to lose a girl like you. Maybe he was just being nice, who knows but it still felt good to hear.
Then there was Thor who was definitely trying to flirt. Also wondering why Quail as he called him would fuck things up with you. It was safe to say you were having the best time.
It was seriously just what you needed. But of course that high couldn’t last for long.
Thor was getting another beer as Steve talked into your ear as you sat on the counter in the kitchen. Hand getting really dangerously close to your thigh.
When Thor came back he handed Steve a drink and you a totally different one. “What! I wanna try that one!” You protested making grabby hands at his cup.
“Ah, ah, ah this is special. Can only get it back home,” he said. “I just don’t think you’re ready for something so strong.”
“Oh yeah what’s so special about it?” You asked narrowing your eyes.
“I just don’t think you can handle it, Sweetheart.”
Then you pouted. “I’ll be the judge of that. Can I try yours, Steve?”
Steve chuckled. “Thor’s right, Babe.”
Then your jaw dropped. “What. That’s so sexist! I wanna try.”
“If it makes you feel better. It isn’t just you. I won’t even let Tony try it.” Thor laughed.
“Cuz Tony’s a pussy,” you pouted. “Come on.”
“I’m gonna tell him you said that,” Steve laughed.
“Fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Thor teased.
Steve handed you his cup watching as you brought it to your lips. As soon as the first drop hit your tongue you pulled away to go, “ugh! How do you guys drink that!”
The both of them laughed. “We told you, Love,” Thor said wrapping his arms around you. “Here.” He handed you the cup of water Steve was making you drink for before.
And between all the water and shit you seriously had to use the restroom. You kissed Steve’s cheek as you excused yourself. Going to join the line outside of the bathroom door. Which of course was taking forever with how long it was. Ugh.
“Y/N!” You could hear a voice calling over the music so you turned around seeing your ex making his way over to you. “We’re leaving,” he said snatching your arm.
“What the fuck, Peter, let go of me!”
“What the hell are you doing with Steve and Thor!” He spat out the latter name like there was actual disgust on his tongue.
“That’s none of your business anymore.”
“I get it you’re avoiding me but hanging out with them. That’s not cool, Y/N. You know how I feel about them!”
“How do you even know I’m with them?” You asked. “I came with Natasha.”
“Because I saw it on your Snapchat!”
“You don’t even have a snap,” you said with a raised eyebrow.
That’s when he groaned and rolled his eyes. “I mean… look-,”
“What did you make one just to spy on me?” You asked rolling your eyes.
“Maybe,” was all he replied with. “Irregardless-,”
“That’s not a word.” You rolled your eyes.
“Irregardless, you know how I feel about you hanging around with them!”
“And I’m not your girlfriend anymore so I don’t care! You lost the right to tell me what to do after I caught you with Gamora on top of you!”
“I told you it wasn’t what it looked like!”
“And what she just fall into your fucking lap, naked and you just so happened to also be naked? How dumb do you think I am, Peter!”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Steve said coming up to the two of you. “Peter, man, you should go.”
Peter rolled his eyes at him. “And here comes the golden boy ready to save a damsel in distress. Don’t you have an old lady to help across the street?”
“Isn’t there some eighties soundtrack you can go center your personality around,” Thor said with a laugh getting beside you, too.
“Thor, you have all people need to stay out of this,” Peter said. “And stay away from her.”
“On whose order?” Thor challenged with a raised eyebrow.
“Mine. She’s my girl.”
“I’m not your anything,” you said.
“Quail, you need to leave,” Thor said. “Don’t worry we’re taking great care of her.”
“Yeah they’re taking great care of me,” you said with a shrug.
Peter rolled his eyes. “Bullshit. They’re just doing this to get back at me.”
Steve laughed. “Peter, I do not think of you. This isn’t some fucking plot to take you down. I like Y/N. It’s not our fault you screwed up. Either you leave or we will remove you.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Try me.”
“Fuck this I’m going to the bathroom,” you said.
“Here, you can use the one in my room,” Steve said.
“Over my dead body,” Peter said.
“That can be arranged,” Thor challenged him with a shrug.
“Peter, just go,” you said. “We’re done. You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
Steve showed you to his room and the bathroom there. You hurried to use the restroom and tried to fix yourself up a little. Dealing with him had left you a little flustered and you were trying to have fun. You didn’t wanna feel like shit.
You stumbled out to see Steve laying back on his bed. Phone in his hand. He peeked over at you to smile softly. “Hey. You good?“ He asked.
“Uh huh,” you replied.
“You sure? I know dealing with him can’t be easy for you.”
“I mean… yeah…” you said with a heavy sigh.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked.
You shrugged. “What’s there to talk about?”
“Like why didn’t you tell us he cheated on you?” He asked.
“Because I dunno.” You sighed and hated that you felt yourself tearing up. “Um, yeah… I guess it felt like… I dunno like pathetic.” You chuckled. “God that’s… so stupid.”
Steve shook his head. “Not at all,” he said patting the spot at his side. “Come on. You can talk to me about it.”
“Where’s Thor?” You asked as you went to do as he said for you to.
“Taking care of Peter, getting us drinks, probably getting stopped by people,” he said. “But enough about that. I wanna hear all about you okay.”
“No you don’t,” you said with a chuckle.
“Oh but I do.” He leaned up so he was closer to you. “You know my last girlfriend cheated on me. Broke my fucking heart.”
Honestly the idea of Steve Rogers getting cheated on sounded so wrong. Like who the hell would even dare. “That’s crazy,” you said.
“Yeah she was from England and-,”
“Is this one of those my girlfriend from England you wouldn’t know her stories?” You asked him.
He laughed and shook his head. “No. Let me finish. So I met her when I was in the military-,”
“You were in the military!” Your eyebrows shot up.
“Uh huh and so was she and we met on a deployment. Things were good for a long time and honestly… I really thought she was my soulmate.”
You stuck out your bottom lip and frowned. “What happened?”
“We were apart for a few months at different bases and I noticed how weird she was acting. Then I went to visit to surprise her.” This time he let out the deep sigh. “Oh god. You’re right this isn’t easy…”
“No it’s okay,” you said. “I’m all ears.”
“Well, I kind of tried to brush things off ya know. Then I found messages between her and this guy.” He let out a sarcastic chuckle. “I was fucking crushed.”
“Shit I’m sorry, Steve,” you said leaning over to hug him. 
“It’s okay. I finally moved on. Besides I kinda had sex with her cousin after so I got my revenge.”
Your jaw dropped as you smacked his stomach. “Steve Rogers! I was not expecting that from you.”
He laughed. “I know, I know, but it’s not like I meant for it to happen. It just kinda did and… I dunno.” Steve sighed and nudged you. “So if you can top that level of shitty than its okay to tell me. I’m not judging.”
You sighed. “Okay fine… so I started noticing how weird he was acting and he never wanted to have sex anymore so I… snooped through his phone.”
“Shit,” he said.
“Yeah.” You sighed and sniffled. “Um… I found all these texts between him and Gamora. Said cuz I wouldn’t do anal with him.”
“What the fuck…” he said with a frown. Pulling you into his arms as soon as he saw the tears starting to sprinkle from your eyes.
“I’m okay,” you replied not being able to stop yourself from hugging him. You needed that. The comfort. Leaning into him.
Steve started rubbing your back before kissing your cheek. “I’m here okay. Always.”
You sniffled and nodded. “Thanks.” Then you pulled away so he could wipe the tears that had fallen.
“Besides any man that cheated on you is an idiot.”
You chuckled. “You think so?”
“Of course,” he replied. “Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
By now you were sitting so close. Arms around each other. Could feel his breath on your face.
Chest feeling like it might thump out of your chest. “Think so?”
He glanced down at your lips and then back up to your eyes. Finally starting to move in and just waiting for that first kiss.
“Crisis averted!” Thor announced as he came through the door. “Quail is officially gone and i found a bottle of tequila!”
As quickly as the moment started, it was over. Steve clearing his throat and laying back down. All while Thor chatted their ears off and started pouring shots.
This was going to be a long ass night
At some point you’d ended up squished between the two men. Giggling as they told you stories of whatever. From what you gathered, Thor had really been there for Steve during his breakup and now they wanted to be there for you. It was kind of nice having them on your side.
You posted another selfie with them giggling and shit. Honestly you could see yourself really hanging out with them like this. You understood why Natasha hung around them so much.
Still you couldn’t believe you almost kissed Steve and just didn’t. Or that you’d told Peter he had nothing to worry about in regards to him. In your defense though at least you waited until things were over before getting to this point.
“Alright how about we play a drinking game,” Thor suggested.
“What do you have in mind?” You asked.
“Never have I ever?” He said with a shrug.
“I’m down,” you replied looking over at Steve who shrugged.
“Great okay. I’ll go first,” Thor said. “Never have I ever had sex with a Quail!”
Your jaw dropped as Steve started laughing. “His name is Quill!”
“That’s what I said!” He replied. “Better drink up, Love,” he baby talked at you leaning forward to pinch your cheek.
You rolled your eyes before taking the shot. Crinkling your nose from the burn and coughing. “Ugh!”
“Aw you’re so cute when you’re choking,” Thor said baby talking at you again. “Alright. Your turn.”
You shook your head at him before trying to think of something to say. “Never have I ever done anal,” you said with a shrug.
“What? Quail didn’t ever… try?” Thor asked.
“I mean he tried but I didn’t wanna.”
“Why not?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Because I dunno I just… didn’t want to,” you replied. “Maybe one day but I’m glad it didn’t happen with him.”
“Exactly he didn’t deserve your sweet ass,” Thor said leaning into kiss your cheek.
“Well I’ve definitely tried anal,” Steve said after finally taking his shot.
“Giving and receiving,” Thor said with a smirk. “I mean we’ve all been th- well maybe not Y/N, but it’s never to late.”
You laughed before tilting your head back. “I’ll just take your word for it.”
“Or maybe Steve and I can introduce you to the wonderful world of anal sex,” he teased.
Once again you crinkled your nose. “Steve, would never.”
“Steve would never what?” Steve asked.
“Do anal on me.”
“Oh, well then Steve pleads the fifth,” he replied with a smirk.
Suddenly your cheeks felt hot. Biting your lip and sighing. What the hell were you supposed to even say to this. Or any of this.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’d never make you do anything you didn’t wanna do,” Steve said. “I hate that he got into your head.”
“What?” Thor raised his eyebrow, tilting his head to the side like a puppy. “Explain.”
“I lied about why Quail- dammit Thor!”
He let out a snort before busting out into laughter. “What! That’s his name!”
Steve couldn’t help himself as he laughed along. Which in turn meant you started. Ugh. They were so annoying. But they were really cheering you up. “Besides, fuck him. He didn’t deserve you.”
“Well what happened?”
You sighed and groaned. “So… I know I said Peter and I broke up because we broke apart but it was really because he cheated on me,” you admitted.
Thor looked honestly taken aback. “Oh… what the-,” then he scoffed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I dunno. It felt embarrassing I guess.”
Thor sighed. “You should have told me.”
“No it’s okay. I’m fine.”
He tsk’d. “Doesn’t matter. I would have fucked him up right there.” He snarled. “How the hell could he- do you know with who?”
“Gamora,” you replied.
Thor frowned and sighed. “Ah shit…” he clenched his jaw. “He’s so fucking lucky I didn’t find out until after. He better leave you the fuck alone.”
“I hope so.”
This sighed before grabbing you to pull you on his lap. “I’m sorry Quail hurt you, Love.”
“I’ll be fine,” you said leaning into his chest. Feeling Steve eye’s on you as his friend held you. “Anyway, Steve, it’s your turn.”
His face turned into a cringe. “Ohh I actually can’t think of anything I haven’t done. I mean maybe if we’d played this a year ago but right now I feel like there’s not much I haven’t done.”
“Me either,” Thor said with a shrug.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course. You’re both so adventurous.”
Steve laughed. “I mean you could say that.”
“So unfair.” You gasped. “Okay, fine. Steve, truth or dare.”
Thor laughed. “Good idea.”
“I dare you to do push ups with me on your back.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “That’s easy. Come on give me something good.”
“Okay ummmm I dare you to… keep your shirt off for the rest of the game,” you said.
“Wasn’t expecting you to be the one telling anyone to get naked so soon,” Thor teased.
Your face heated up as Steve got to unbuttoning his shirt. “I couldn’t think of acting else!”
“Sure, sure. Or you just want to see me naked,” Steve said with a wink as his naked chest came into view.
“Oh whatever,” you said with a laugh.
Not that he was wrong.
Playing truth or dare was fun. Thor was quickly rid of his shirt too. And you had to describe your first time. Of course when Thor realized it was with Quill he was over it. Saying what a shame it is that you’d never been truly satisfied.
“I mean it’s not like the sex was bad-,”
“Because you have nothing to compare it to.” He shrugged. “That’s okay. There’s still time.”
“Have you even kissed anyone else?” Steve asked.
“I mean… yeah but it’s been forever.”
He frowned. “You poor thing.”
“Maybe one of us can help you out?” Thor suggested.
“Um, what do you have in mind?”
“Nothing big just… haven’t you ever wondered how it might feel to kiss another man?” He asked.
“I mean… I dunno… maybe.” You bit your lip as you wondered where he was taking this.
“I mean I’m available,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm I dunno why would she choose you when I’m right here,” Steve tease before leaning over to tickle your side.
“You wish,” Thor replied. “How about it, Love. Which one of us would you kiss?”
Your face felt hot at their question. “Um, I mean I wouldn’t wanna… choose.”
“Fine. Truth or dare?“ Steve quickly said.
You laughed and narrowed your eyes. “Dare?”
“I dare you to kiss me,” he said.
“What!” Thor groaned. “Oh whatever.”
Steve laughed. “Come on. A dares a dare.”
Meanwhile you giggled but still didn’t move. That’s when Steve pulled you in. Could feel his breath on your lips.
At first it was pretty chaste. Just an innocent little thing. And yet it felt so good to have his lips on yours. Hands on your lower back.
“Oh you call that a kiss,” Thor scoffed when the two of you pulled away.
“Fine, let’s see you do better.”
Before you could react he was giving you one too. Except this one was a lot more sensual and hungry. Adding tongue the more you got into it.
Then Steve took another turn. This time showing you how he really kissed. Not holding back.
“Alright. Whose better?” He asked putting his forehead against yours.
Luckily before you could think to answer as if you could even choose your phone went off. Vibrating underneath you. Making you jump. “Shit.”
“Who calls someone on Snapchat?” Steve asked irritated about the interruption.
As you answered Peter’s face came into view. “Are you kidding me! You’re still with them?”
Well at least you knew which account was him now.
“Peter, it’s none of your business!”
“Why? So you can run around looking like a slut!”
Before you could respond, Thor snatched your phone away. “You will not speak to her that way,” he said. “You’re fucking lucky she didn’t tell me about what the hell you did until after I threw you out.”
Steve pulled you to him. Rubbing your back. “I hate the way he fucking talks to you.”
“Thanks, Guys,” you said after Thor hung up on him.
“What a fucking asshole,” Thor said grabbing onto you. Feeling like you were almost being babied by them. “He’s lucky he’s not here or else I’d fuck him up.”
“Hell he’s lucky we’re more worried about you.”
“You okay?” Thor asked rubbing your back.
“Yeah I’m good. I just… want him to leave me alone.”
“And he’s still texting you,” he said picking up your phone again.
You rolled your eyes. “Should give him a show.”
Steve chuckled. “Maybe we should.”
Thor laughed as he picked up the phone holding it up to the three of you. Then you laughed as he kissed your cheek while taking a picture.
His laughter only grew when he sent it. Seeing Peter sending all these angry messages back. Then Steve sent one with him kissing your lips. Thor gasping and saying wait it’s his turn before doing the same thing.
Then it became the two of them going back and forth. Sending pics at first and then videos of them kissing you. Making each one worse and worse and worse for Peter. Thor joking that he’d kiss your other lips as Steve took care of the ones on your face.
“Oh my ugh,” you gasped as he did just that. Pushing up your dress so that you were exposed before kissing on your thighs. “Fuck, Thor.”
“What a tasty little pussy,” he said as he licked at. Your panties were still on but he finally pulled them to the side so he’d have access.
It was all happening so fast you were having trouble wrapping your mind around it. How he’d grabbed your phone to show Peter just how a real man should treat a lady. That they were about to take good care of you.
Switching places so Steve could have his turn. Then Thor removing your dress. Maybe it was because you honestly couldn’t even believe any of this was happening.
“Fuck,” you cried as Steve pushed a finger into you.
“You know how long I’ve been waiting to touch your pussy,” he groaned. “Just as pretty as I thought it would be.”
“Look at how wet your girl is for us, Quail,” Thor said showing exactly what Steve was doing to you. Then panning the camera up to show how you were moaning for him. “Can’t believe you’d fuck this up. She tastes so good.”
“Gonna let us fuck you, Baby?” Steve asked.
“Uh huh,” you whimpered. How else were you supposed to respond when he was finger fucking you.
“Show him how we make you feel good,” Thor added on.
Thor pushed into you first. Stretching you over his length. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head as his hips snapped into you.
“Fuck,” you whimpered. “Fuck me. Yes.”
Honestly sex with Peter didn’t feel like this. Not like it wasn’t good but it wasn’t as rough. He didn’t get as deep inside of you. Didn’t make you feel like he’d push you passed your limits.
“She’s so fucking tight, Steve,” he grunted. “Goddamn.”
“Tell Peter how good it feels,” Steve said.
“It feels… ugh! Yes!”
“Am I better than him?” Thor asked.
“Yes,” you cried. “So much better.”
You wondered what you looked like right now. Could only imagine just how depraved you looked as he fucked you. It just felt so damn good.
“Look at your girlfriend being a fucking slut for us,” Thor groaned as you screamed out with the way he hit your spot.
Oh this was about to be a long night.
Between the two of them you could not remember how many times you came. Steve not wasting any time taking his turn with you.
“Been wanting to do this since I met you,” he said into your ear. “You gonna be our slut after this, huh?”
“Uh huh,” you whimpered.
Thor kissed your lips. “Gonna let us use your pussy anytime we want?”
If they kept doing you like this. Fuck yeah.
At some point your phone had been set on the nightstand. None of you thinking about Peter anymore. It was over between the two of you. He’d fucked it all up and you’d put the final nail in the coffin.
Natasha had been so right. The best way to get over a man is to get under another one. And lucky for you, you had two.
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witchywrter · 3 years
“Home” (Part 5/?)
Paul Lahote x reader
Part 4
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Summary: y/n returns from college in California to her hometown in Forks to find things are not as she left them. She soon discovers that a lot more things have changed then she initially thought.
Warnings: mentions of death, car accident, verbal fighting, cussing, i think that covers it
A/N: i am literally so sorry for not updating sooner guys lmao i’m trying to update all my fics now, especially this one bc i love it. i’ll get the next one out next week. love you all!_______________________________________________
You felt so much pain as you began to regain consciousness and could make out someone calling your name.
You turned your head to the source of the sound to see a Doctor at your side, his hand on your arm. He was very handsome. Not exactly your type, but still. He looked to be around your age, far too young to be a Doctor already.
“Hello Y/n, my name is Dr.Cullen. You’ve been in an accident”
Your head was throbbing and you felt pain radiating from your stomach and leg. You looked around to find that you were indeed in the hospital.
You looked down at his hand on your arm. It was ice cold, absolutely freezing. He must have noticed you looking because he removed his hand.
“How long have I been here?” you asked, looking back to the Doctor.
“About a day and a half. Do you remember anything?” he asked kindly.
“There was a man in the road, he came out of nowhere. I swerved to try to avoid him” you said trying to remember.
“Your car flipped four times and caught fire. A piece of glass punctured your abdomen and another your left thigh, narrowly missing your femoral artery. We were able to stop the bleeding and stabilize your condition. You’re lucky to be alive, if your friend hadn’t been there to pull you out when he did, you could have died” he finished, shaking his head.
“My friend?” you asked.
“He’s from the reservation, one of Jacob Black’s friends I believe” he said.
Well that didn’t exactly narrow it done much. Your car was totaled most likely. You’re dad’s car, the one thing you had left of him.
“You’ll be okay, but you need your rest. You can be discharged tomorrow morning and the stitches will dissolve on their own in two weeks” he said has he picked up your chart and began walking away.
“Oh, one more thing. Sherif Swan called me, if you still want that internship, send over your resume and you can start after your two weeks” he said with a slight smile on his lips.
“Thank you Dr.Cullen” you called out as he left to check on other patients.
You looked over to your side to see an array of gifts on the beside table and chair. There seemed to be something from everyone. Flowers with cards from Leah, Sam, Emily and even Charlie and his daughter Bella and a big card from Quill, Embry, Collin, and Brady with all their own little messages and signatures.
The huge, brown bear sat on the chair with a red ribbon around its neck didn’t seem to have a card accompanying it.
You grabbed your phone from the side table and unlocked it. There were a few messages from friends and one from your mom. You opened up your mom’s message and read:
“Why did I have to find out from the Sherif that my daughters been in a car accident. You know what it was like for me when your father passed and the fact that you’d put me through that again is appalling”
This was followed by multiple messages about how horrible of a daughter you were and how you have no excuse for ignoring her text messages.
She had no right to bring up your dad like that. As if you got into an accident to hurt her, as if you were unconscious and not responding on purpose.
Your dad was driving home one night after a long night at the hospital when he was hit by a drunk driver. He was pronounced dead at the scene. You never got to say goodbye. Never got to tell him you loved him one last time.
You turned your phone off and set it on the side table and laid back down. Although you were out for a day and a half, you felt utterly exhausted, mentally and physically. You pulled your blankets back up and closed your eyes, hoping for a full nights rest.
You woke up to the curtains flying back, sunlight flooding the room. Your eyes stung as you were blinded.
“Wake up loser, it’s time for a jail break” Leah said in a very cheerful voice.
“No Leah, I’m not dead and feel amazing” you say in a sarcastic voice.
“That’s exactly what i wanted to hear. Seriously though, are you okay? You scared the shit out of everyone” she said, her voice taking on a concerned tone.
“Yeah, just beat up. Should be at healed up in two weeks” you say, sitting up.
“Here, I brought these from Emily’s house” she said, tossing a long sleeve, pants, socks, undergarments and shoes onto the bed.
After you changed and signed the discharge papers, you and Leah headed back to Emily’s place.
“What a bitch,” Leah said with disgust as she climbed the steps.
“I know, I still can’t believe I’m related to her” you say shaking your head.
Leah opened the front door and you hear “Surprise!” as you walk through. Everyone but Collin, Brady, Quill and Paul were there for your second homecoming.
Jake ran up to hug you, but Leah stepped in front of him.
“You wanna rip her stitches dumbass?” she said like a mother correcting her child.
“Oh shut it Leah” Jacob said, but gave you a much gentler hug than he originally intended.
“How are you?” Jake asked.
“Well I think I might fall over and die if one more person asks how I am” you say laughing. You stop as a stabbing pain shoots from your abdomen.
Sam, Emily and Seth hug you as well before you finally make it to the couch to sit down.
“What happened?” Embry asked taking a seat next to you with Leah on the other side.
“I was driving back here and I looked down at my phone for barely a second and when I looked back up there was a man in the road” you said.
“Well you know what they say about texting and driving” Seth said but the joke fell flat as no one laughed.
“What did the man look like?” Jake asked in a serious tone.
“Pale I guess, black hair, I’m not really sure. Why?” you asked, confused.
“No reason, just wondering” he said looking over to Sam who was sitting on a stool by the counter talking to Emily.
“Do you know who pulled me out?” you asked Jacob.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Dr.Cullen said one of our friends pulled me out of the car before it caught fire”
“Oh, uh, Paul did” he said.
Paul. Of all of your friends you had thought it might have been, that was the absolute last person you’d think would save you. If anything he’d probably be the one to toss you right into the flames.
“Oh” was all you said.
The front door opened and in walked Quill and Paul.
“Well I’ve gotta get back to..work” Jacob said standing up.
“Me too” said Seth as he followed Jacob to the door.
“Heal up Y/n!” Jacob yelled over his should and he and Seth left.
Quill came over and sat where Seth had just been and gave you a hug and Paul went straight to Sam without even acknowledging you.
Not like it mattered anyway.
“How are y-“ Quill started.
“Fine” you cut him off.
Through the rest of the day, people started to leave one by one as they had work, school or other things to get to. Eventually Paul said his goodbyes to Sam and Emily and began walking out the door, again without saying a word to you.
You got up as quickly as you could without hurting yourself and momentarily excused yourself from your board game that you were beating Embry in. You walked out the door just as Paul was off the steps.
“Hey!” you called to him.
Paul stopped and slowly turned back to you.
“What?” he asked rudely, not fully meeting your gaze.
Instead of responding with the same attitude, you walked down some of the steps.
“I just wanted to say thank you. Jacob told me what you did” you said gently.
“It wasn’t exactly like there was a choice in the matter” he spat.
“Could you just not be a complete asshole for once in your life? I’m trying to thank you for saving my life” you said, anger getting the best of you.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” he said.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” you ask, raising your voice.
“Nothing. I-I can’t do this right now, I won’t do this right now” he said, voice equal to yours now.
“No, come on Paul, let it out. Say what you need to say!”
Paul started shaking with anger and as much as you knew you should stop, your anger wouldn’t let you.
“Say. It.” you seethed.
“Paul!” you heard as the front door swung open.
You turned around to see Quill come running down and barreling into Paul, pushing him away from you. Sam came running out too.
“Get him out of here!” Sam yelled.
Quill grabbed Paul and pulled him out into the woods.
“What the hell?” you asked
“Get inside Y/n!” Sam yelled.
“You don’t tell me what to do” you said angrily
“Get. Inside. Now.” he said sternly.
You scoffed but turned on your heal and went inside and upstairs, waking right passed Emily and ignoring her as she called out to you.
Who did they think they were, telling you to get inside. Paul always had anger problems, this wasn’t anything new.
You hate him.
“Well it would have saved me a world of trouble had I not” replayed again and again in your head. You hated him for making you feel less than, for making you feel worthless.
Him saving you meant nothing. He was a dick to you your entire life and you didn’t care that Sam asked you to lighten up on him. No one bit.
As you laid down to sleep, not even bothering to take off your clothes or change, you wiped the single tear that escaped. You hated him and always would.
You were walking through the woods to get to your favorite spot again. It was the middle of the night, but Jacob asked to meet you there. The moonlight shown through the thick trees, illuminating your path.
Everything was so green and beautiful, you missed being home.
You walked a little farther when your foot hit something, stopping you in your tracks. You looked down to see a rock jutting up from the ground. It was the same one you fell on the other day. It still had blood on it, fresh and bright and not at all dried. That wasn’t right. You fell days ago, it should be dried or the rain should have washed it off.
You spun around. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, that same feeling of being watched returning. You shouldn’t be out here. Emily warned you.
You scanned your surroundings, but it was too dark. What happened to the moonlight? You squinted your eyes and saw him-it.
The man from the road, eyes blood red, skin pale as snow, hair dark as the night around him. He cocked his head to the side, watching you.
Where did he come from? Had he been watching you the whole time? Was he in the woods that first day?
You could try to outrun him, you didn’t know how far into the woods you were, you didn’t even remember how you got here. You went to take a step back but he was in front of you instantly and attacked, grabbing your arm.
You jolted upright, breathing heavily. You looked around. You were in your room, at Sam and Emily’s. You were safe. You ran your fingers through your hair as you looked out the window. It was the middle of the night.
There were things that weren’t adding up. Everyone has been acting weird, telling you to avoid the woods, saying that whatever has been attacking people isn’t animal or human, the man in the road, even Paul’s behavior has been worse than normal…something wasn’t right, you could feel it in your gut.
You knew what they told you, the warnings, but with everything that happened with Paul and your mom, you didn’t care anymore. You were gonna find out what was going on, no matter what.
A/N: hey guys! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! lots of stuff happened and i swear we’re gonna get more paulxreader interactions from now on. love you all❤️❤️
@that-animebitch @fangirlanotherjust @justdidabadthing @scuzmunkie @ccosmic-illusion
@xthefuckerysquaredx @destroyed-and-damned @classyunknownlover @hglyu @blackloveangel13
@champagnesugamama @bshelley322
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swfteverlqrk · 3 years
He looks good with kids.
Bucky x female!reader
Warnings: Kids. Jk, none, pure fluff.
Summary: Yn heart can't love more Bucky, but it can when she sees him with kids.
A/N: I gave a warning that i wanted to just write about domestic/Dad bucky. Is just the first of a thousand of bucky's fic's :)
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You arrived with your hand holding Bucky's.
"Aunt yn!" a little girl ran to you. 
“Hey mor!” you let go of Bucky´s hand and hold the little girl. “how is my princess doing?” 
“I dont want to be a princess anymore!” she said with a frown, you put her down. 
“Why?” you tried to not laugh. 
“Because if i want to be a queen, im gonna have to get married... with a...” she made a long pause, trying to say the next words. “boy! ew!” she said with a repulsive expression. 
that was something you loved about the kids, their honesty, saying everything uncensored, you saw Bucky trying not to laugh next to you. “Morgan, say hi to Bucky, dont be rude.”
“Hi, Mr Barnes.” she was shy, and added a little wave, without leaving your side. 
“Call me Bucky.” he winked at her, which made the girl blush, who could blame her?. 
she nodded and then her mother appeared “Morg, go play.” the little girl obey and got inside the house. “Im so glad you could make it” she greeted huging you and gave your boyfriend a warm and friendly handshake. “But please come in”.
you took Bucky´s hand again, and got inside the house, it was such a warm and really normal and familiar house, you wouldnt guess it was Tony Stark place, it wasnt a big mansion as he used to, it didnt have any  technology gadget, and they had a yard, more like a yard it was a private forest, where all the avengers were. 
“Im going to say hi to Natasha” you said, seeing her in the distance. 
“Ok, i´ll go with Steve and Sam.” you nodded, Bucky kissed your cheek and headed to Natasha. 
“Hey you!” your friend hugged you with one arm, cause she was holding a two month baby on her free arm, her daughter “Hey Thea, im your aunt, yn.” 
the baby girl smiled at hearing your voice. “Can i hold her?” 
“Of course!” she handed you the baby, when you took her in your arms, Nat sat down, glad that her arms could rest for a while. “Where´s Bucky?” 
“Over there with your husband and Sam” 
“It´s dangerous when they get together” you chuckled, giving her the reason, the baby start to cry. “Oh, let me” 
“No,Nat, i can, dont cry Thea.” you rocked her and started singing to her. “ Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When we were younger
Down in the park”
“Doesnt she looks gorgeous with kids?” Bucky asked his two friends, they rolled their eyes. 
“Uncle Bucky!” a boy approached. 
“Hey kids!” they high five, smiling, it were AJ and Cass wilson, Sam nephews. 
“Did you brought us what we asked for?” the soldier nodded, they went to his car, where he let out some water guns. 
“Cool, thank you!” the younger one hugged his uncle and ran after his brother. 
Nat noticed bucky´s scared face while Sarah continued shouting at him. “Yn, your boyfriend is in trouble.”
“What?” you turned to see Bucky in the entrance. “I´ll be back.” you gave her Thea, and walked. “What´s going on?” 
“James gave my kids water guns!” 
your eyes opened surprised. “Why?, Bucky what...?”
“They asked me to, they texted me!” he said innocent. 
“If something happens, they are your kids” Sarah said at Bucky and left, she was a good mom, she wanted what was best for her kids. 
you went to sit with Bucky, saying hi to Thor and Jane, until three little girls, Morgan Stark, Cassie Lang and the younger who was Alice Quill walked there. “Auntie yn, can you come play with us?” Morgan said with a small pout. 
“I´ll love it, but im going to help Sam, Sarah and Vision, to get the food ready. 
“I can play with you.” Bucky said letting go of your hand. “If you want to.”
the three girls looked at you, where you just nodded. “Go, he is funny!” your boyfriend got up and walked. Morgan took the initiative and took Bucky´s hand. 
“So, prince, which is your first decrete?” Cassie Lang said laughing, it been thirty minutes and the girls were comfortable now with the ex soldier, hugging him, holding his hands. 
“That i get a bigger crown.” he took his princess crown off, which was hurting him, making the three girls laugh. 
“Hands up! We are taking him”  The older Wilson said, pointing with his water gun.
“He is our prince, you cant take him.” The little Quill said, trying hard to hold to Bucky. 
“We can!” Billy Maximoff said, he took A.J gun and got Bucky back wet. 
‘i see why Sarah hated me for the water guns’ bucky thought to himself. 
The boys were shooting water to the girls, and them throwing grass and toys, your boyfriend got up and tried to run. 
“He is leaving!” Billy said, and all ran after him, you wouldnt guess that the weight of 7 kids could make a super soldier fall to the ground. 
“Is little yn in love?” a girl voice said, Carol Danvers. 
“Hey, Danvers” you turned and hugged her. “How are you?” 
you started catching up, she telling you stories about the space, once in a while you turned to see Bucky in the ‘jail’, that was a playpen, where all the kids put him.
“You know his wife, will come to rescue him, right?” Morgan said to A.J while having a tea party.
“What wife?” 
“Yn, duh.” she said as it was the only option. 
“They arent married” the boy said. 
“yes they are.” A.J just shooked his head. 
“Kids, the food is ready!” Sam shouted and the kids ran, Bucky got up from the playpen  that they took from Thea, he approached you. 
“I was expecting you to come to my rescue"he said resting his chin on your neck.
"Oh no, did you saw them? They had guns" you teased him, turning around to see him.
"Yn! You can stop time!" He said like a little kid, maybe an hour with 7 seven kids was more than enough.
"Here, you hamburger" You just said handing him the plate, with the bun and meat.
"Thank you, where we'll sit?"
You looked around searching for an empty table. "There" you pointed. "I was thinking of telling Sarah and Sam to sit with us".
Your boyfriend nodded, and taking your hand, you walked to the table, you were going to start eating when three girls approached the table.
"Aunt...yn... Can we, sit here?" Morgan Stark said shy, with Cassie and Alice by her side.
"Uh..." You looked at your boyfriend who with his look, he told you it was fine. "Sure, come."
"Guys, they said yes!" Morgan shouted and four more kids appeared.
"i thought it was only you three" Bucky said, trying not to laugh.
They sat, Morgan between you and Bucky, the food was delicious, and the kids were a good company. Bucky went for Soda, and coming back to his place he kissed your cheek, making you blush.
"I told you they are married!" Morgan said to A.J, biting her food.
"W-what?" You almost choke with the soda.
"Morgan thinks you two are married, but I've been telling her, you are just boyfriend and girlfriend" A.J said tired of the same argument.
"We are not married, sweetie" you cleared to the little Stark, who frown her eyebrows, confused.
"Then, why you kiss?, My mom and dad told me only married people do that." She looked at you, waiting for an answer, she was really confused, Bucky just smiled a bit.
"Because...umm..." You made a pause thinking what to answer, all the kids look where on you in that moment.
"We are going to get married, we're engaged." Bucky finally said, the most serious he could, not making notice it was a lie.
"When?" Cassie asked excited.
"Soon, in a few years, right yn?" You nodded, you let out a relief sigh, until two boys voices started arguing.
"Hey, Billy, Tommy, what is going on?"
"He took my chips without asking!" Tommy answered, looking at his brother wanting to kill him.
"But Tommy doesn't wants to share!" They started arguing again.
"Don't fight. Billy, we asked for things, and Tommy we have to share" they rolled their eyes, knowing their were being scolded. "Now Tommy, apologize"
"Tommy!" You looked at him, really serious. He took air and apologize, same with Billy. "Now both of you, go for more chips." They got up and murmuring they said something like 'she acted just like mom'
The food time was over, you and Bucky played hide and seek with the kids, when it was the soldiers turn to found you, Alice was the only one who hided with you, but when you had to find them, you knew wherever was Bucky you'll find at least a fifty percent of the kids. The time passed quickly hiding, and laughing.
"Who wants dessert?" Pepper said to the kids, whose eyes opened wide.
"Come on, Uncle Bucky!" Morgan took one hand of his and Cassie another, and walked together, but Alice started to cry.
"Um, Buck, you left something here." You said while Alice was on your arms.
"Sorry, baby, come on" he pointed his back with his head, and you put the little girl there. "Hold on tight" She did, putting her little arms around Bucky neck, while walking to the food area.
Once they got their dessert, including Bucky, all went to sit and start playing charades, you only heard kids real laughs, making you smile.
"Kids, why don't you go for yn?, she loves to play this, but it's to shy" Billy and Cassie nodded and went to grab you while you were with Tony and Steve.
"Come play with us, aunt yn!" Both making a pout. "Uncle Bucky said you like to play!"
"He did?" You gave a killing look to the blue eyed man, who just lift his shoulders innocent. "Fine, let's go"
You left Tony and Steve, and went play, you sat next to Bucky, his arm around your shoulders, that pose didn't last, because when you got up to play, Morgan took your place next to Bucky. 'Oh, so Bucky is the new favorite' you thought seeing him surrounded by all of them.
The day was over, after saying bye to Gamora, Quill and Alice, you helped Pepper to clean a bit.
"You know something, yn?" She said serious.
"Mhm?" You were picking up the plates and cups.
"All this afternoon, i saw a girl with Bucky, you should be more careful."
A girl? Which girl? All of the avengers girls were taken, you thought for a few seconds, but no one came to your mind, until Pepper told you to turn, where it was your boyfriend and the girl who wanted to steal him, Morgan, watching the Sunset, she was in his arms, one arm on his neck, while he was talking to her, not being to able hear, but seeing him with kids, to see his sweet and soft side made your heart melt.
"So, you see, the sun loves the moon so much, he goes to let her shine for hours." The girl's eye opened wide at the story.
"Morgan, they have to go." Her mother said walking to her.
"Stay to sleep, please?" Morgan said with a pout, without letting go of Bucky.
"We are going to stay at the Roger's, baby girl." You told her, which made her sad. "But, if you behave, we can make a sleepover next week at my place!"
Her eyes shined, and a smile appeared. "Really?"
"Of course, beautiful, but you have to be nice, ok?" Your boyfriend told the little girl putting her down.
"Mom, he calls me beautiful! He doesn't calls yn that" she tried to whisper but failed, Pepper just nodded, taking her hand, getting inside of the house"Bye guys." Morgan shouted before entering the house.
"what?" Your boyfriend noticed you looking at him.
"nothing..." You chuckled softly, and got into the Rogers car.
A few days later.
You were making breakfast, when your phone rang, the contact name was Tony Stark, it was a FaceTime. What if something had happened to him? Was he okay? You answered nervous, but when the camera opened, you saw Morgan, making you feel relieved.
"Hey Morgan!" You greeted her.
"Hi, aunt yn!" You could tell her she was trying to see the house, looking for something. "Are you alone?"
"Yes?"you said confused" But one friend is coming over."
"Oh, is not uncle Bucky there?" You chuckled, of course she wanted to see her 'uncle'.
"No sweetie" you shook your head, making Morgan eyes sad. "He went to help uncle Sam with something, he'll be back at night."
"Oh okay, I'll call him then! Bye." You were going to talk but she hang up.
The night came and your boyfriend went to your place to say hi and having dinner.
While eating dinner, you said to him about the morning call.
"I received a weird call today"
"What?, From who?" He asked looking up from his dumplings.
"A girl you know." You said serious, like you were mad.
"come on yn, it was Wanda? Or Carol, or Natasha?" You shook your head.
"Morgan Stark" He laughed.
"Wait, why?"
"She wanted to talk to you, you should call her" your look went back to your noodles.
"Are you jealous that she prefers me?" He teased you, making you laugh.
"Yes, you are." He pointed his fork at you, making you let out a good laugh.
"Just call Morgan!" You said playing you were angry, after dinner he did, you heard how Morgan told him all about school, and her toys, and dolls, all that she could ever think about, and he was paying attention, gasping every minute about something she said or showed.
Your heart melted again. 'He looks so good with kids'.
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spxllcxstxr · 4 years
Bridge Over Troubled Water • R.L
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(Gif not mine)
Requests: can you do a blurb with Remus where the reader is nervous and anxious, maybe has a tough week and he gives her a massage and helps her relax? — anon and Hi! can you write an imagine where the reader is dating Remus and is disappointed in her school grades / results and is overall doubting herself and is disappointed with herself? — @emmaev
Summary: Things are getting really tough. Remus is here for you.
Warnings: mention of food, not eating/skipping a meal, hunger, depression, anxiety, a bit of a panic attack, homework, school, self deprecating thoughts, kinda take how we’re feeling in this pandemic and that’s kinda what this fic is, Snape being an ass for like two sentences, crying
Word Count: 1.7k
A.N: I hope it’s alright that I combined your two requests. But, I decided to make it longer with a lot more comfort. I really hope it’s ok with you guys ❤️ Kinda a vent fic? So that’s why it’s lowkey all over the place and the ending is sorta..abrupt? I hope you like it, though. I wanna say that I’m always here for you guys. This whole thing has been kicking my ass and school has been extremely tough for me, so know that you’re not alone. Know that you’ve got this. I believe wholeheartedly in you. Love you all. ❤️
Title: Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
You trudge up the stone steps to the boys dorms, your bag dragging heavily behind you. With your robes slipping from your shoulders and your tie dangling loosely around your neck, you almost consider letting your bag go. Watching the heavy sack of books tumble recklessly down the spiral staircase seems like a great idea to you. However, you make it to the sixth year dorms before you’re able to loosen your grip.
The oak door was closed but not locked. What use was a lock when the door was charmed to singe off the eyebrows of any unwelcome visitor? Thankfully, the boys granted you complete access to their room in third year, so the door couldn’t harm you.
Turning the brass doorknob and stepping through the threshold, you’re greeted by somewhat organized chaos.
Sirius and Peter’s side of the room was a complete disaster while James and Remus’ side was at least nicer to look at. Sure a few books were scattered on the floor and James’ red and yellow underwear was hanging from his bedpost visible to anyone who walked in, but that’s nothing compared to whatever the other two have going on. You don’t even want to look at it, knowing full well that just one tiny glance would make your already terrible day worse.
The room is empty and completely quiet, the boys, just like every other person in the castle, were down in the Great Hall for dinner. At the thought of dinner just downstairs, your stomach grumbles before quickly churning in agony.
Quickly, you dump your bag next to the door and go through Remus’ drawers, searching for that one specific jumper.
It’s the deep blue cable knit one that always smells like him. The jumper is soft and warm and the perfect piece of clothing to cuddle into when you needed a good cry. And Godric, you needed a good, long, ugly cry.
After finding it and throwing it on, you barely lift up your feet walking to your boyfriend’s bed to get swallowed up by his blankets.
The weight of the day hits you full force the moment your head collides with his pillow, and your lips wobbles, the day replaying in your mind.
Your morning started with a Transfiguration exam that definitely was not on what you studied all night for.
Then, your potion bubbled out of your cauldron and started disintegrating the stone flooring, making Slughorn shoot you very disappointed look that made you want to disappear into the Forbidden Forest forever.
Defense Against the Dark Arts turned into a complete disaster as well when Professor Bluebell handed back your essays on inferi, and yours ended up with a spikey red D scrawled angrily on the top. D, which stands for Dreadful, as Snape snidely reminded you from over your shoulder. He flashed you smug little smirk along with the delicate O that adorned his own essay.
And to top it all off, you had to meet up with Flitwick right after classes to go over the vinegar to wine charm that for some reason wouldn’t work for you no matter how hard you tried. And you still weren’t successful.
This was becoming a common occurrence.
You always knew that your N.E.W.T. year was going to be tough, but Merlin, you never expected it to be this awful.
Classes were longer and harder and your professors were relentless and unforgiving with the amount of homework and exams they started handing out.
Sure you had more free periods, but those were filled with research and essays and studying, you had no free time at all—it was all a lie.
You couldn’t escape it. Sleep was just more time to be plagued by anxiety to the point you barely even slept at all. Most of the time you stared blankly up at the ceiling thinking about all the assignments you could be doing instead.
It’s this torturous and vicious cycle that you just can’t get out of.
And your motivation was quickly disappearing.
It was getting tougher and tougher each time to even do your homework. Lifting up your quill and taking out a stack of parchment was just difficult. It took too much energy out of you.
Smothering your face in Remus’ pillow, you groan out your frustration, balling your fists around the frayed sleeves of the jumper.
You’re so wrapped up in your despair and panic that you don’t hear the door creak open and four sets of footfalls and laughter bounce around the room.
“Damn, what’s up with you?” Sirius chuckles. You hear him flop onto his own bed.
You bury your nose in the fabric of the jumper, inhaling the sweet and comforting scent of chocolate and old parchment that always accompanies Remus Lupin.
“Don’t be a git, Pads.” Remus scoffs, making his way towards you.
He crouches down by your head, placing a delicate thumb on your cheekbone.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” His tone turns soft, drenched with concern.
You squeeze your eyes shut tight, tears trickling down the bridge of your nose and dripping down to the white sheets.
“Alright, darling, hold on.” Remus whispers, placing a dainty kiss on your forehead.
He straightens up, knees creaking the way no sixteen year old’s should.
“Alright, lads, clear out.” Remus declares to his friends.
“You can’t kick me out of my room, Moony. No way.” You hear James whine.
“Yes, I can, Prongs, c’mon. Go play chess with Peter or something.”
“But he always beats me.”
“C’mon, Prongsie, we can scam the first years by making them place bets on you winning.” Sirius suggests. His boots click against the floorboards, trailing towards the door.
Peter’s light footsteps follow after them.
“Fine.” James huffs dramatically. “But I’m not sleeping on the couch again, so no funny business.”
The door slams shut and once again you’re met with silence, though you do hear Remus changing out of his uniform and into more comfortable attire.
The bed dips underneath Remus’ weight and his hand gently starts to stroke through your hair.
“Tell me what’s wrong, my love.” Remus mumbles just loud enough for you to hear.
You try to swallow down the lump in the back of your throat.
“Just a very shitty day, Rem.” You manage to croak out, the words choppy and wavering.
Tears begin to flow freely, warm salty streaks making their way down your face in rapid succession.
“Oh darling.” Remus coos, practically pulling you into his arms and between his legs. You bury your face into his neck, tears dampening his scarred flesh. “It’s alright, let it out.” He continues to run your hair between his fingers. “Let it all out...”
“I-I’m just so stupid!” You sob, choking on spit. “Everything’s just getting too much and I can’t fucking take it anymore!”
He squeezes you closer to his chest, opting to stay silent so you can vent everything off of your chest. His cheek is pressed to the top of your head and you’re vaguely aware that you’re being rocked gently back and forth.
“It’s so hard!” You continue to wail, lungs constricting rapidly. It’s a struggle to keep breathing and your words barely come out fully, instead broken fragments are the only things spewing out.
“I’m a failure!” You spit out, face wet with tears.
“You’re not a failure, my love. I promise.” Remus tried to soothe, his voice adopting a small but noticeable waver. His hand rubs your back.
“I am! I’m a disappointment!” You sniff, taking in deep gulps of air.
“Shh...” Remus pulls you back a bit so he can see your entire face.
You already know you look disgusting. Eyes blotchy and red, tears streaming down your face. Snotty, spitty, wobbling, and watery features taking up his entire vision.
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours, hm? Let me help.” He consoles you softly.
You gaze into his warm honey brown eyes, glistening with his own tears.
You sniff, rubbing the sleeves of Remus’ stolen jumper across your face in an attempt to dry yourself off.
“Everything’s slipping, Rem. My grades, my mental health, everything. And I’m so lost I don’t know what to do anymore.” You confess. “What am I supposed to do?” You bring your hands up to you hair, tugging at your scalp enough for you to feel sparks of pain.
Quickly, his own trembling hands take yours. He stops you from tugging, instead bringing them to rest on his jumper clad chest.
You swallow harshly.
“I’m going to help you, (Y/n)—“
“You can’t help me, Remus! I’m beyond help—“
“No, you’re not.” He retorts lightly. “I’ll help you with homework and help you ask for a few extensions...we can get you back on track.”
“Remus...” Your voice trembles at his kindness.
“I’m sorry.” He rasps out, a tear or two slipping from his waterline. “I’m so so sorry that I didn’t see you suffering like this. Merlin, (Y/n).”
Shaking his head at himself, he brings his forehead down to your own.
“I’ll be better. I’ll be better, I swear.” Remus keeps repeating in a pained mutter.
“It’s not your fault, Rem. I got good at acting like everything was fine.” Your voice cracks.
“Still! I should’ve realized!” He mutters angrily.
“I love you, Remus. I love you so much, please don’t beat yourself up over this.” You plead.
He bites his lip, deciding to drop it, instead focusing on you.
“Why don’t we try to relax, hm? Just take a nice night off?” Remus suggests, pulling away to brush strands of hair away from your sticky face.
“But what about homework—?”
“Tomorrow, love. I think we deserve a break, don’t you?”
You shlyly nod, and he presses his lips to your forehead.
“You’re beautiful, darling.” Remus whispers.
“I just bawled my eyes out, Rem, I’m sure I look like a swamp hag.” You snort.
He brings his hands to your shoulders, rubbing deep circles into your back muscles. The knots start to dissipate.
“Never seen a swamp hag as angelic as you.” Remus flirts. But his voice is so sincere and honest, you have no choice but to somewhat believe him.
“Thank you, Remus.” You smile. “It means so much to me.”
“Anything for the love of my life.” He confesses, trailing his pink lips down your neck. “Now let me hold you close.”
He lays down, resting his head on his pillow, your head resting on his chest.
Things are going to get better.
Probably not tomorrow.
Probably not this week.
But things will.
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20
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little-mad · 3 years
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 12
~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
Gavin felt completely emotionally drained. Between being insulted by Ashryn and threatened by Rael, all he really wanted to do was crawl into a hole and hide from the world for a little while. There was no part of him that was ready to face the alteon Emperor--to be judged and sentenced. Gavin wasn’t even sure he had the energy to plead his case at this point.
As much as he just wanted to run away, there was no escape for the human. He was trapped on top of a gigantic desk. The massive items nearby almost seemed to taunt him, reminding him of how small and insignificant he was in this dimension. “You’re pathetic,” the quill sitting in its inkwell a few feet away seemed to say. “You’re all alone,” Gavin imagined a massive roll of parchment sneer.
“Great, I’ve sunk so low I’m starting to imagine inanimate objects talking to me,” Gavin thought bitterly to himself.
Meanwhile, the alteon Emperor loomed over the human like some kind of divine monument. The man almost looked ethereal, as if he walked straight out of a storybook. His skin, which appeared nearly flawless, was of a cool brown color. He shared Rael’s long black hair, but rather than tying it back, the Emperor wore his down, with a few strands done into intricate braids. As seemed to be the case with all alteons, the Emperor’s eyes were of a striking, vibrant color. Those yellow irises were focused in on Gavin, holding him in their intense stare.
In terms of dress, the Emperor certainly looked the part. He wore a jeweled band around his head that appeared to be made of silver--which matched the metal that made up the leaf shaped earring that hung from one of his pointed ears.
With the Emperor sitting at his desk, it was impossible for Gavin to see a majority of the man’s apparel, but what he could see looked incredibly lavish. The tunic was of a deep blue color and was decorated with silver embellishments along the hemlines. No doubt the garment was made of silk or some other similar luxurious fabric.
“We have much to discuss,” the Emperor began as he looked down at Gavin. “But first, I believe introductions are in order.” There was no hostility in the man’s voice. Unlike with Ashryn, Gavin didn’t detect anything disdainful or accustatory in his tone. Instead, the Emperor seemed perfectly calm and polite; he even wanted to engage in civil greetings. “My name is Ailred. I am the son of Lyris, and the Emperor of Iaela,” he announced smoothly, the words clearly ones he had said many times.
Considering both Rael and the Emperor had introduced themselves without surnames, Gavin had to assume alteon’s didn’t utilize them in the same way many human cultures did. The Emperor had presented himself as the son of “Lyris” though, something Rael had not done. Were he in a better mental state, Gavin may have pondered why that might be, but given the circumstances he would just accept it and move on.
It took a long moment of Gavin just standing there frozen, shifting uncomfortably under the Emperor’s silent stare, before he figured out he was expected to say something. “He wants me to introduce myself,” he realized.
How the hell was he supposed to get himself to speak? This was maybe the very first time Gavin had zero desire to say anything. He didn’t trust himself anymore. The last time he’d opened his big mouth, he’d ended up with a giant hand slammed down beside him. Now imagine the consequences that could await him if he said the wrong thing to a damn Emperor.
At the same time, remaining silent was hardly an option either. Refusing to comply with the Emperor’s wishes could just as easily have frightening repercussions. Gavin really and truly was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
After a few seconds of internal panicking and frenzied thinking, Gavin spoke up. “My name is Gavin--uh Gavin Stone,” he managed to spit out. He tried to force himself to maintain eye contact with the Emperor, but every fiber of his being was begging him to look away from that intimidating gaze.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Gavin Stone,” the Emperor replied, giving Gavin a nod of greeting before turning his attention beyond him. “Rael, I trust you encountered no issues in retrieving Mr. Stone?” he inquired, reminding Gavin of the fact that his former captor remained in the room, just a few yards away.
“There was no trouble from the humans, your majesty; however I did run into some brigands in the woods who attempted to abduct the prisoner,” Gavin heard Rael explain from behind him. “The offenders did manage to escape, and for that I offer my sincerest apologies.” God, Rael almost sounded like a different person when he spoke to the Emperor. Not that Gavin had any real grasp on what kind of person Rael was. He’d learned that the hard way.
A frown developed on the Emperor’s face. “You did your duty in protecting the human,” he began. “What I’m more concerned with is the fact that these criminals were bold enough to attempt to interfere with Imperial business.”
“Greed can drive you to do some pretty stupid shit,” Gavin thought to himself bitterly.
After a moment of silent contemplation, the Emperor sighed. “I suppose we’ll need to increase the number of patrols in the surrounding woods,” he concluded. “I’ll also have you meet with Captain Saida later to coordinate a search for these would-be abductors.”
If Kaydin and his female associate were smart, they would already be getting as far away from the palace as possible. Gavin could tell the Emperor was serious about this, so if the two thugs didn’t get some major distance from the scene of the crime, there was probably a high likelihood they’d wind up getting caught.
“Now,” Gavin instantly felt the intensity of the Emperor’s gaze return to him, “you are here because you were caught stealing from an alteon diplomat while they were visiting the human realm, correct?”
Suddenly Gavin felt like he was back in elementary school, being forced to answer questions the principal already knew the answer to. The Emperor already knew what the human in front of him had done, and yet he wanted to see Gavin admit to it himself.
Biting back an exasperated sigh, Gavin gave a nod of confirmation.
“And you understand that because your crime was against an alteon, you were brought here to face judgement?” the Emperor inquired, continuing to watch Gavin with those hypnotizing yellow eyes.
Gavin nodded again. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get away with giving non-verbal responses forever, but he wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. Not only because he didn’t trust himself not to say the wrong thing, but also because he wasn’t sure how he was meant to refer to the Emperor. Rael had called him “your majesty” earlier, but the idea of saying something like that sounded so strange to Gavin.
“I realize as a human you are unfamiliar with alteon customs, so allow me to explain the situation,” the Emperor started. “Typically, when I am called to judge a criminal, it is done as an official trial in which nobles and all involved parties are present.”
Gavin supposed that wasn’t altogether different from the trials back home. Of course, rather than having a jury of his peers, Gavin would be judged by the Emperor and the Emperor alone.
“However,” the giant monarch continued, “because you are human, the circumstances are different. I believe a large-scale event would do more harm than good in the long run,” he explained, folding his hands atop the desk. Gavin tried not to focus on them for long, because he and giant hands really weren’t on good terms.
While he was glad to hear he wouldn’t be subjected to some grandiose trial in which he’d be trapped in a room full of a bunch of alteons staring at him, Gavin wasn’t entirely sure alternatives would bode any better. If the Emperor had no one around to criticize his decision, he could be as cruel as he wanted.
“In the meeting which preceded this one, I discussed with my advisors various potential sentences,” the Emperor went on. “I also requested input from Ashryn, as he has some experience interacting with humans,” he added, looking at Rael when he said it.
Gavin suppressed a scowl. He was sure any input from Ashryn had been exceedingly negative. For whatever reason, the guy had it out for him--or maybe he just had it out for all humans in general for some reason.
“Ashryn’s position on the matter was that you need to be made an example of,” the Emperor stated, quickly erasing any doubt that that asshole had a vendetta against humankind. “His suggestion was that you be made a spectacle of, perhaps by placing you in a cage and displaying you in the front hall for visiting nobles and the like to view.”
An instant feeling of nausea came over Gavin. He felt absolutely sick to his stomach. Ashryn was beyond just a dick, he had to be some sort of sadistic demon. The suggestion that a living, breathing, intelligent creature be caged and put on show like some kind of zoo animal was abhorrent. Gavin could hardly even believe what he was hearing.
“Your majesty, forgive me, but doesn’t that seem a bit excessive?” Gavin heard Rael ask incredulously. What was with that guy? Not ten minutes ago he was yelling at Gavin and standing up for his alteon soldier buddy. Now all of a sudden he supposedly cared about what happened to Gavin? It just didn’t make any sense.
The Emperor gave a small shrug. “I don’t know, some of my advisors seemed to like that idea. They believe that if Gavin Stone isn’t properly made an example of, then more and more humans will think they can get away with crossing alteons.”
What was Gavin supposed to do? Should he try to stand up for himself, to excuse what he’d done? Would it even matter? He had committed the crime, that much was fact. So would any excuses even make a difference? He tried to read the Emperor’s face, to look for some kind of sign that he would be understanding, but the man had an expression that was virtually unreadable. “What the hell am I supposed to do?”
Of course, of course Ashryn would advocate for some cruel, antiquated punishment for Gavin. It was obvious the guy had some inexplicable resentment towards humans, certainly more than Rael had ever had. He’d been of the opinion that they were inferior, fairly irritating creatures, but never would have gone out of his way to ensure they suffer. Ashryn, on the other hand, seemed eager to see Gavin endure the worst.
And what was worse? The Emperor hadn’t immediately dismissed Ashryn’s suggestion. How could he even consider it? Surely he would never subject even the worst alteon criminal to the humiliation and indignity that would come from being locked in a cage and put on display. Yes Gavin was human, but he was still an intelligent, sentient being. He didn’t deserve to be treated like an attraction.
But what could Rael do? He was in no position to question the Emperor; doing so would be suicide for the reputation he’d worked so hard to achieve. He had to wonder whether the information that Gavin had in fact been hired to steal from the diplomat would impact the Emperor’s decision.
Gavin himself seemed pretty convinced that that bit of information wouldn’t change anything, so it was doubtful that he’d speak up about it. Rael wasn’t convinced. Surely if the Emperor knew Gavin had just been used by somebody else, he would be less harsh with the punishment he issued.
Rael couldn’t speak up about it. He had already taken a great risk with his previous comment. Continuing to speak out of turn in favor of a human criminal could end up reflecting horribly on him. The Emperor may begin to question his loyalty. Rael couldn’t put that all on the line for the sake of a human of all people...right?
The memory of Gavin’s fear-stricken face flashed through Rael’s mind. He cringed internally at the mental image. Gavin had clearly had some level of trust in him, the look of betrayal he’d worn made that much evident. When Rael had used his far greater size and strength to scare the human into submission, he’d shattered any trust that may have developed between them. He had taken the side of Ashryn, someone he hated, rather than risk his status by standing up for Gavin.
Yes, what Rael had done had been the right thing to ensure his reputation remained in good standing. But if it had been the right thing to do, then why did Rael feel so miserable about it?
“If you have something to say on the matter, you have my permission to speak up,” the Emperor told Rael, clearly sensing his hesitation.
“I can’t say anything, I’ve worked too hard to get where I am to risk it for some human!” one part of Rael’s mind insisted, but he was finding that voice was quickly becoming quieter and quieter.
While it was difficult for him to believe he could make such a profound difference, Rael couldn’t help but worry that what he said next could seal Gavin’s fate one way or the other. The Emperor was watching, waiting for a response. Rael had to make up his mind. “Yes, your majesty. I have information concerning Lady Elyth’s stolen ring.”
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marauders-venting · 3 years
Gay Secrets and Fabulous Hair
pairing: jily (james x lily), wolfstar (remus x sirius)
warnings: minor panic attack
words: 4508
“What’s up, Evans?” Sirius said, coming into the common room and sitting on the couch beside Lily.
“What? Oh, nothing,” she said.
“Come on, spill,” Sirius said. “What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing, nothing. Just Potter—”
“Ah, got James on your mind now, have you?” Sirius said, smirking.
“Shut up, Sirius,” she said, but she blushed and looked at her hands, giving her away entirely. “He’s just getting on my nerves is all.”
“Hmm, what did he do this time?” Sirius asks.
“Ok, this is going to sound dumb. But he won’t shut up about his hair and it’s giving me a headache. He’s just so self-absorbed. It was fine when I hated him because I didn’t have to listen to him rambling on about it all the time but now that we’re actually friends… it’s quite irritating.”
“Yeah, he hasn’t shut up about his hair for about seven years. Although I suppose I’m being a hypocrite right now cause, let’s be honest, neither have I.”
“True, true,” Lily said. “It just annoying, you know?” But she had a small smile on her face. She tried to hide it but Sirius saw it. He knew Lily fancied James. It was beyond obvious. But while she refused to admit it he could still have some fun, couldn’t he? Besides, it wouldn’t be long before Lily and James got together. He should take advantage of this opportunity before it’s too late. And he just had the perfect idea.
“You know,” he started, grinning mischievously at Lily, “we might be able to fix that.” Lily turned to him, eyebrows raised.
“I’m listening.”
When James wakes up the next morning, Sirius is still asleep. Predictable. He changes and goes downstairs to breakfast but before he leaves the common room, a new notice on the noticeboard catches his eye.
Society for Witches and Wizards with Hair More Fabulous Than Life Itself
Exclusive invitations will be given to those with outstanding hair by tonight
If you wish to join and were not given an invitation, you may come to the auditions that will be held over the next two days and we, Lily Evans and Sirius Black shall decide if your hair is spectacular enough to join our club.
Again, it was predictable that Sirius would start a society for people with fabulous hair. But Lily? She was always going on about how James was too self-absorbed. This seemed pretty hypocritical. Although, in all fairness, Lily did have fabulous hair. James Potter, of all people, would know that.
All day, James waited for Sirius or Lily to invite him to join their society but neither one of them mentioned anything. Lily invited Marlene at lunch and she accepted, giving Lily a bewildered look until Lily whispers something in her ear and they both giggle and keep whispering together. James edges closer to where their sitting and tries to be as quiet as possible. Lily’s laugh was the most angelic sound James had ever heard and every time he heard it, it filled him with a sense of warmth and bubbly happiness and excitement. He knows that Lily doesn’t like him like that but he can’t help treasure these moments where he can appreciate all the little things about her that somehow nobody else seems to notice. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes.
James didn’t want to be in love with Lily. Loving someone who could hardly stand you was painful enough, but to become friends with her and realize that she’s more incredible than you could’ve ever imagined… that was a type of hurt James never thought he would experience. No, James did not want to be in love with Lily Evans. But it baffled him that there were people — living, breathing people who existed in this world — who had not fallen in love with her. James thought it was unavoidable.
He didn’t tell Lily any of this, of course. James had asked Lily out but she had turned him down. And that was it. He respected her decision. But that didn’t mean he could fall out of love. Because he was sure that it was love that he felt for Lily. True love or soulmates or whatever you want to call it. But this was it. This was the real deal. The only trouble was that it was only real for James.
It was nearly eleven at night when James finally asked Sirius about his invitation. He had given up waiting for either him or Lily to approach him and decided to just ask Sirius.
“I mean, I know we share a room but don’t you think you’ve waited a little too long?” James said. “Marlene got her invitation at lunch.”
“Um, Jamie, I don’t know how to break this to you but…” Sirius started, “you weren’t invited.”
“What?” James said. “But I have spectacular hair!”
“Just… come to the auditions tomorrow if it means so much to you, ok mate?” James merely shrugs.
The next day James still hasn’t decided if he wants to audition. On one hand, he knows he’ll pass the audition because, well, have you seen his hair? But on the other hand, he doesn’t want to give Sirius the satisfaction of knowing that James actually cares about his hair. Because he was sure that Sirius didn’t invite him on purpose. What other reason could there be? It certainly wasn’t because of James’ hair. That he was certain of.
It’s during lunch that James makes up his mind, after discovering that both Mary and Dorcas auditioned.
“They score you out of ten,” Mary explained to him. “I got a 7 but they said that isn’t a high enough score.”
“Don’t worry about it, Mary, you have beautiful hair,” James reassured her. Mary smiles at him like he’s a little kid.
“Thank you, James. I don’t really care, to be honest; I was just curious to see what they’re doing,” she says shrugging. “What did you get, Dorcas?”
“I got a nine,” Dorcas said.
“Good on you,” James says, clapping her on the back.
“Thanks, James,” Dorcas said laughing. “Are you going to audition?”
“Probably,” James said, shrugging. He tries to look nonchalant but he’s determined to go now.
When James finds the classroom that the audition is being held in, he knocks on the door.
“Come in,” says Lily’s voice. She and Sirus sitting behind a desk with quills and parchment. James enters and stands in front of their desk.
“Ok so how does this work?” he asks. “Do you just score me now or…?”
“Potter, you get a two out of ten,” Lily says, writing something down on a piece of paper. “Not nearly close enough to join. You’re dismissed.”
“What?! How? I have the best hair out of all of you!”
“Because Potter, your hair is messy and sticks up in odd places and it looks like you’ve never bothered to run a comb through it in your life,” Lily says.
“Sorry mate, she’s right,” Sirius said. He’s got a hand over his mouth but it’s clear he’s laughing.
“Wha— I… fine,” James grumbles. He points a certain finger in their direction and stalks out of the room, outraged.
“Remus!” Remus turns around at the sound of his name and sees James walking towards him.
“Oh, hey James,” Remus says.
“Hi, Moony, my new best friend,” James says, swinging an arm around him. Remus looks at him suspiciously.
“What did Sirius do?” he asks.
“What makes you think Sirius did anything? Can’t a guy decide that no longer want a… a… annoying person as their best friend?”
“Really? Annoying person? That’s the best you can do?” Remus says, rolling his eyes.
“Give me a break, I’m not used to actually insulting Sirius,” James muttered.
“So what did he do?” Remus asks again.
“Did you hear about his and Lily’s Society for fabulous hair?”
“Oh yeah,” Remus said, laughing. “Oh. Did you not pass the audition?”
“It’s so unfair!” James bursts out. “I mean you and I have perfectly good hair.”
“Um, James…. I was, um, I was actually invited,” Remus mumbled.
“They invited YOU?!?!?!” James exclaims. Remus holds back laughter and nods. Benefits of fucking one of the founders of the society, I guess, Remus thinks. He nearly says it out loud but stops himself. James goes on to ramble about his hair but Remus isn’t really listening anymore. He’s thinking about Sirius (no surprises there).
If Remus is being honest with himself, he’s tired of sneaking around. He loves Sirius. He loves Sirius more than anyone. And he wants people to know it. He’s not saying they should go around broadcasting their relationship but being able to hold hands in public or make jokes (such as these) around their friends would be nice.
His whole life Remus had done nothing but hide his identity. When his friends found out he was a werewolf it was an enormous weight lifted off his chest. When he told his friends he was gay, not only were they all incredibly supportive, but it had given Sirius the courage to come out to Remus as well. That was how they got together in the first place.
Neither he nor Sirius had been ready to share their relationship with the rest of their friends back then. But Remus was ready now. But he didn’t want to push Sirius into anything. Sirius wasn’t out to their friends and if his family ever found out the consequences could be dire, even though Sirius no longer lived in Grimmauld Place. And Remus wouldn’t risk Sirius’ safety for anything. When Sirius was ready he would tell him. And Remus would wait. He’ll wait as long as it takes. He’d wait forever. Because nothing can compare, nothing can even come close, to the all-consuming happiness that Remus feels when he’s with Sirius. And he wouldn’t give that feeling up for the world.
But Sirius was becoming tired of being closeted too. He used to be so afraid of leaving the closet. He felt the fear in his bones; it would make him shiver. It had been a safe place for him. Safer to hide his feelings, to bury them, than to risk his family finding out. Or worse, his friends finding out and hating him. But now the closet felt small and suffocating. Sirius was tired of hiding who he was. He was tired of it. When he was with his family he wore a mask of confidence and rebelliousness to protect himself. But when he was with his friends he had always been himself. Unapologetically himself. Keeping a secret this big from his friends, especially from James, felt weird and unnatural. But the threat of his family hung over his head like a vulture, waiting for the perfect excuse to strike, not only at him but at the Potters now too. And Sirius was afraid that this would be just the excuse they were waiting for.
Lily and Sirius kept up the society for a couple of days before deciding that they had dragged it on long enough. They told the few people who had joined that they had been playing a prank on someone and thanked them for playing a vital part in it but it was over now.
Later that night, Lily was in the library working on her Charms essay with her friends, although they were doing more talking than working.
“Ugh, Lily, I can’t do this,” Marlene complained. “Please help me.”
“I can’t, Marls, I’m sorry,” Lily said, checking her watch. “I have prefect rounds soon.”
“You mean Head Girl rounds,” Alice corrected.
“Eh, it’s the same thing,” Lily said. “They’re equally boring.”
“Really? Even when you get to spend all that quality time with James Potter,” Dorcas said, winking at her.
“Shut up,” Lily said, blushing.
“Speaking of spending quality time with your crush—” Mary started.
“He is not my crush!” Lily insisted.
“You don’t really think we believe you, do you Lils?” Alice asked. Lily sighed in defeat.
“Fine,” she said. “I like him and I would also like to not make a big deal of it. You were saying, Mary?”
“I was just going to ask where Remus is,” she said. “He could help us with this essay if he wasn’t… preoccupied.”
“Yeah, he and Sirius disappeared after dinner,” Marlene said, smirking.
“Yeah, they’re not fooling anyone any more than you are Lily,” Dorcas said.
“Hey, I’m not that bad!” Lily insisted. “Am I?”
“Not quite,” Dorcas said, laughing.
“But that’s not saying much, Lils,” Marlene said.
“Ugh, now I really have to go,” Lily said. “But I can check your essay later if you want me to Marlene.”
“Lily, you’re an angel. I love you. Seriously, thank you so so much,” Marlene said, hugging Lily.
“Of course,” Lily said, laughing. “See you guys later.”
She hurried back to the Gryffindor common room to put her books away and find James. The first sign that something was wrong was that James wasn’t waiting to greet her at the entrance. Every day without fail, James would wait for Lily to be ready for their rounds, unable to hide his excitement. But today she finds him sitting alone in the common room, biting his nail and doodling on a piece of parchment while staring into the fire, seemingly absent-mindedly but Lily can that something is bothering him.
“Ah Potter, don’t be so upset about the hair thing, ok?” she says, coming up from behind him and ruffling his hair flirtatiously before she sits on the couch beside him. “It’s nothing personal. Well, actually no, it’s very personal but it’s all just a joke, right? It’s over now anyway. We called it off.”
“What?” he asks, looking at her. “Oh, yeah. I mean, no that's not why… you know what never mind.”
“What is it?” she asks.
“It doesn't matter,” James replies.
“Potter, something is obviously bothering you. If it didn’t matter you wouldn’t be thinking about it. What's the matter?”
“Fine,” James says. “It’s… I’m worried about Sirius.”
“Sirius?” Lily asks. She was confused. Sirius seemed fine to her. Happier, in fact, than he had been all of last year. Happier than he had been in a long time. She had thought that this was because he had left his family and moved in with James over the summer. But perhaps James had seen something that she hadn’t. “What about him? He seems fine, doesn’t he?”
“He seems fine,” James says. “But he keeps sneaking around at night and disappearing during the day—”
“Isn’t that custom for you two?” she asks, smirking.
“Yeah for us. But now he’s going alone. And every time I ask him about it he has the worst cover-up stories. I mean, there’s only so many times you can go to the bathroom in one day. I’m worried that he’s… I don’t know. He’s never done this before. I don’t want him to do something stupid and get himself hurt.”
“When you say sneaking around and disappearing… do you mean when he goes with Remus?” Lily asks, slowly.
“What?” James asks. “I mean, I never really thought about that. I just always figured Remus was going to the library to study or going somewhere with you or Mary or Alice. Like he does all the time. I didn’t think what they were doing was connected. Do you?”
“Um, Potter,” Lily says, starting to laugh, “you are really the most oblivious shit on the planet, aren’t you?”
“I am not!” James insists. Then after a moment, “what do you mean?” Lily rolls her eyes.
“I can’t believe I actually have to tell you this,” she says, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Remus and Sirius are dating.”
“What?” James says. Then after comprehending the words that Lily just said, he jumps up to his feet. “WHAT?” Lily starts laughing.
“How the fuck did you not realise that?”
“No way,” James said. “No fucking way. Sirius isn’t even gay, Evans.” Lily just laughs harder.
“Oh god, you really are stupid,” she says. “Fine, if you don’t believe me, go upstairs to your dorm right now, quietly, and see what Remus and Sirius are doing. If they aren’t making out, I will give you five sickles. If they are, you have to give me five sickles. Deal?”
“Deal. You’re delusional, Evans.” So they shake on it and James goes upstairs.
The door is locked. James casts Alohomora non-verbally and creaks the door open. And there they are. Locked in a kiss, Sirius pressed up against the wall, his shirt hanging open, Remus’ jumper on the floor. James stands there, his mouth hanging open at the sight of his two best friends making out. Suddenly they break apart.
“James,” Sirius says, suddenly and Remus whips around to face James as well.
“Holy shit,” James says. “Holy shit. Um.”
“Oh god. James, we’re so, so sorry,” Remus said. “We didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”
“No, don’t be,” James said. “I’m sorry I— Sirius, are you ok?” Sirius’ whole body was shaking and his face was as white as a sheet.
“Sirius?” Remus said, turning towards him. Sirius just shook his head and bit his lip, hands trembling uncontrollably. “Come here, love,” Remus whispered. “Sit down. It’s going to be fine. I promise everything is going to be fine. Just breathe, Sirius.” James hurried towards Sirius and hugged him tightly.
“Sirius,” he said, pulling back and looking him dead in the eye, “it’s ok. I promise you, I don’t care. I don’t care if you like guys or girls or both or neither. I don’t care. You’re still my best friend. You’re still my brother. You’re still you.” Sirius nodded and he seemed to calm down a little. He closed his eyes for a moment.
“Try to breathe,” Remus said, softly. He was holding Sirius’ hand, tracing slow comforting circles in his palm. James smiled at their joined hands.
“So,” he said, as Sirius started to calm down. “You two are dating?” Sirius nodded and Remus said a quiet, “yeah.”
“So that means you’re gay too?” James added to Sirius. “Or bi? Or something else?”
“I… um,” Sirius started hyperventilating again.
“It’s ok,” James said quickly. “You don’t have to tell me anything.”
“No, no, it’s fine, I just…” Sirius closed his and took a deep breath. “I’m pansexual.” James was silent.
“I–I don’t really know—”
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t know,” Sirius said, nodding. “It’s ok, though, I don’t mind explaining. Basically, it means I like people of all genders. Like… I like them for who they are regardless of gender. If that makes sense.”
“Yeah,” James said. “Thanks for telling me, Pads. And I’m really sorry that I… y’know, walked in on you and freaked you out.”
“It’s fine,” Sirius said. “We meant to tell you anyway, we just…” He glanced at Remus. James nodded.
“You–you really don’t mind this?” Remus asked, biting his lip.
“Of course not,” James said. “I love you guys. You’re my best friends and I want you to be happy. And if being together makes you happy then I’m happy for you— wait, fuck!”
“What?” they asked at the same time, looking alarmed.
“No, no, it’s no big deal. Just now I owe Evans five sickles.”
“What?” said Remus. “You were betting on… what?”
“I told her that I was worried about you guys because you kept sneaking around and disappearing and she said that you’re together but I didn’t believe her. So yeah, she bet me five sickles that you two are dating.”
“Damn, I thought we were good at sneaking around,” Sirius said, shaking his head and laughing.
“You were,” James said, “but Evans is… she knows everything.” A dreamy look came across his face and Remus and Sirius exchanged a smirk.
“Proud of you, mate,” James said, snapping out of his daze and clapping Sirius on the shoulder. “You too, Rem.”
“Thank you, James,” Sirius says, hugging him, “for… you know. Being so supportive. It really means the world to me.”
“No, you shouldn’t be thanking me,” James says, hugging him back. “I should be thanking you for sharing it with me. See, that’s the problem with our world. Well, one of the many problems but those are to fix another time. Moony, come here, it’s group hug time.” Remus rolled his eyes but smiled as he joined the hug.
“Okay, um, I’ll… let you get back to… you know,” James said, gesturing towards the bed. Remus goes redder than James has ever seen but Sirius grins. James leaves the dorm and goes back to the common room, sitting down next to Lily, who is holding out her hand expectantly. James high-fives her and she rolls her eyes and smiles slightly. He fishes five sickles out of his pocket and hands them to her. She cackles.
“I told you so,” she says.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re always right and I’m oblivious and dumb.”
“Come on, Potter,” she says. “Time to patrol the corridors.”
“Ugh, do we have to?” he asks, pouting.
“Yes, Potter we have to. Stop complaining, I’ve been doing this since fifth year. And my partner got replaced with an annoying little shit so—”
“Rude!” James said.
“But true,” Lily said laughing.
“Ever heard of a white lie, Evans?” James says, smiling and standing up.
They cover half the castle while making jokes and laughing, not really paying attention to whether or not students were out of bed or not until Lily decides she has to bring it up.
“Potter, what’s up?” she says.
“What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t matter,” he said, shaking his head.
“Come on,” Lily said, poking him in the side. “I helped you with the last thing, didn’t I? You can tell me.”
“Ok. It’s just… when I walked into the dorm they were kissing. And then Sirius saw me and he completely freaked out. Like he really thought that I wouldn’t be ok with it. He really thought I would hate him or something. And… I don’t know. I mean, after everything he still doesn’t trust me?”
“It’s stupid, I know. This isn’t even about me. And I’m not trying to make it about me, I swear. I just… I don’t want Sirius to feel like he can’t tell me stuff. He’s my best friend. I tell him everything and I want him to feel like he can do the same with me. I don’t want him to keep secrets from me because he’s afraid that I’ll hate him because of it.”
“Ok, first of all, it’s not stupid at all. I get what you’re saying. But you have to understand where Sirius is coming from, too. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you. He would trust you with his life, James. He does. But usually, it’s the people we love and trust the most that it’s hardest to come out to. Because we think they’ll accept us but there’s always the chance that they won’t, you know? And if they don’t, how do you keep going from there? It’s taking a big risk. Sirius just wasn’t ready to risk his friendship with you. It means too much to him. Trust me, James, it was the same for me when I came out as bi. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you. It’s that he loves you too much to be ready to risk it.” James’ eyes were watering. He turned away so Lily wouldn’t see as he blinked them away.
“You really think so?” he asks quietly.
“Yeah,” she said. “But you can ask him if you want. Ask him if you can talk about it.” James nodded.
“Thanks, Evans.”
“Any time, Potter.”
“You called me James before.”
“So what if I did?”
“You never call me James.”
“I know,” she says. “Don’t get used to it.” Then after a moment, she adds, “I still can’t believe you didn’t know they were dating. I mean you literally spend all of your time together, you share a fucking room with them for Christ’s sake.”
“How did you know?” James asks. “Did they tell you?”
“God no,” Lily says, shaking her head. “You really think they would tell me and not you?
“I suppose not,” he replies. “How did you know then?”
“Well Potter, see I have these things in my head called eyes that I use to see. And then the things that I see go to my brain, where I string two and two together. Although, I suppose you wouldn’t know about that seeing as you don’t have a brain.”
“Oh, very funny,” James says, rolling his eyes. “Really witty. Your jokes are worse than Sirius’ puns.”
“Now that’s just mean.” And they both laugh. Lily has to bite her lip to keep from sighing. Ugh, his laugh is just too cute! she thinks. God, this is so stupid! Lily knows that James likes her. She knows that. And she likes him too. So what’s holding her back? She thinks for a moment and then the answer comes to her. Nothing. In this moment in time, right now, nothing is holding Lily back. She stops walking.
“Evans?” James asks, stopping as well. “Why’d you stop? Is everything ok? ” She leans forward slowly, not breaking eye contact with James. Lily waits until she sees the realisation grow in his eyes as he realises what’s about to happen and then she kisses him. Her hands find the back of his neck and she pulls him closer as she feels his hands in her hair. And then his hands are on her cheeks but only for a moment before she feels him pull away; he’s looking her dead in the eyes.
“Is this another joke?” he asks. “Because if it is it’s not funny.” Lily shakes her head quickly.
“No, it’s not a joke,” she says. “I swear, it’s not a joke.”
“Really?” he asks, his hazel eyes lighting up.
“Really,” she replies, smiling warmly. “I just really wanted to kiss you because… I like you, Potter.”
“Is this a dream? I mean, it’s gotta be a dream, right? Because there’s no way you just—” Lily laughs.
“No, Potter, it’s not a dream,” she said. “I really do like you and we really just kissed.”
“I— I… wow,” James said. “I mean, you know I like you, Evans, I’ve liked you forever. I just never thought I’d be lucky enough for you to like me. I mean…” James sighs and cups Lily’s face with his hands. “I love you, Lily. I mean, you probably already knew that but… I wanted to say it anyway.” Lily smiles warmth spreading from her cheeks to the tips of her fingers.
“I love you too, James,” she said, moving her body into his.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
“Yes,” Lily nods. And he does. Lily’s heart raced in her chest as James’ lips connect with hers and she tangles her fingers in his fabulous hair.
a/n: the part where James says that he should be thanking Sirius for coming out to him and not the other way around is based on my friend’s reaction when i told her that i’m bi. so yeah she deserves credit for that cause she’s the best
also regarding the part where sirius explains pansexuality to james,, please know that i am not pan and the explanation is something that i found on the internet. obviously, every pan person has a different experience but i hope i portrayed this fairly. if something doesn’t sound quite right to you please let me know because i dont want to spread a wrong image of pansexuality! thanks
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sonic-quonit · 3 years
Shadow was created to be the ultimate lifeform.
He was not simply made as a genetic experiment, he was created to be the most indestructible unbreakable material life. Every part of his body was created intentionally to be unbreakable.
He survived one fall from space- contained. In a metal capsule designed to be able to withstand the pressures of entering Earth's atmosphere and being unable to break when it landed. Shadow was safe, only having taken very mild damage that healed while he was in stasis.
The chamber did most of the work in keeping him safe. Unaided, it was unpredictable what sort of damage he'd take.
When discovered, it was found that the body had taken considerable amounts of damage. Quills were ripped, large sections of skin and sometimes larger pieces were missing. But even that fall through space hadn't even exposed any bones or vital organs.
The body had gone into a sort of shut-down state. He was unresponsive, but the body had not decayed. He was not build with the internal structure of normal organisms, instead of being created through evolution's flawed 'whatever works' system he was meticulously crafted. So the rules on being able to tell if he was still alive or not were different.
Another noticeable affect is the one ring that he still had on had turned to a duller grey color in contrast to the gold.
Repairing this will be a project. And replacing that missing ring...
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Julian Ivo Robotnik is a hard working scientist that was nye-obsessed with this late grandfather's research. A large component of his work was biology focused, and he had extensive journals and diaries on his projects, scrapped by the government like all of his other work because of how 'dangerous' it was. These documents were sought after by Julian for the powerful amounts of information they had, and after his trip the the ARK allowing him to study all of Gerald's research up close, he was able to recover these lost and ignored documents and kept safe in his possession.
One of the infamous scientist's projects was named Project Shadow, in which he was trying to create the perfect life. There was heavy documentation on every idea and progression he had for the project and gave large amounts of insights into the failed Biolizard. But what was important now was his documents on what was dubbed the 'real' ultimate lifeform.
Every single component of his design was documented and explained in thorough detail. The genius of the late professors mind was permanently ingrained in these scrawls of text, now being used half a century later for the restoration of the same project.
For Julian, this was an opportunity. An opportunity to be able to examine and practice for himself one of the projects Gerald himself had worked on.
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After the events that transpired on the ARK Rouge goes her separate ways from everyone else. No longer working as an agent, now just hunting down jewels herself with no in-between. The main group of Sonic and his friends don't meet up with her too often, and Knuckles is busy on his faraway island. But, she does still hear about them and their escapades. It's not like their adventures are unable to escape news after all.
Rouge, spying as always, overhears a conversation about Eggman being up to something or other. Assuming there's something in it for her, possibly a chaos emerald if she's lucky... She decides to go on a stealth operation to sneak into the hideout and find out whatever he may be hiding.
She has one rule while hunting, and that is the more obstacles. placed to block entree there are, the better the reward behind them must be. Eggman rarely put many locks on things, sense he moved so frequently and most of the protection his base had was the simple fact that nobody knew where it was. But this was different for some reason. Doors requiring passwords for entree and locks blocking the way down, as well as multiple robots that nearly caused her some major trouble.
But when she finally made her way down there (with only a dirtied outfit), she did not find chaos emeralds or any precious jewels she was after, but instead a familiar looking hedgehog in a machine.
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She reaches forward to press the largest button in front of her, opening the case. The hedgehog opens his eyes slowly, clearly confused.
*DEFENSE PROGRAM INITIATED* Loud mechanical sounds come from the corner of the room. They quickly turn to look at see a giant eggman robot moving its arms up to shoot. The hedgehog quickly pushes Rouge to the ground and jumps off, quickly going after the robot as it starts shooting and breaking things across the room, causing wires to become exposed and lights to spark.
Shadow jumped towards the robot in attack before Rouge flew in front of the robot and the robot, forcing Shadow to stop in his tracks and fall. "Wait! We're against Eggman too!"
The robot stills near instantly, and a few computing noises can be heard from it. It lowers its arms, no longer showing it wants to harm either of those two. They folded in and turned themselves into long hands instead of guns.
Now, Rouge had no IDEA why Eggman would build such a robot- once that actively opposes him and would endanger him to be near. Rouge flies down onto the ground between the two, "You know big guy, I *was* breaking in here just to steal stuff from him, it's not like I'm the biggest fan of him either."
Rouge smiles smugly, noting the asset that she might've just gained by befriending such a powerful machine. Upon further inspection, it was very bulky. Who knew what other secrets and weapons could be hiding in such a machine...
Seeing the robot had calmed down, she turns behind her to the friend she had lost. "Long time no see," She says nonchalantly, offering a hand to the confused hedgehog.
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Love and Medicine ~ 5
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,300ish
Summary: Scott has issues with tampons. You get pulled onto one of Steve’s cases. (I do not own Marvel or Grey’s Anatomy.)
Everyone was piling out of your car in the medical center parking garage. It was the early hours of the morning and it was time for your shifts. This morning though, Val walked in the bathroom while Scott was just taking a shower. She walked in in just a tank top and underwear, grabbed his toothbrush and began brushing her teeth.
“You don’t understand,” Scott continued as you all walked into the building. “Me gonads, you ovaries.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Val said. “We are out of tampons.”
“You’re parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I’m naked in the shower.”
“Can you add it to your list, please?”
“Tampons,” you clarified. “To the list, it’s your turn.”
“I am a man!” Scott yelled. “I don’t buy girl products.”
“Ooo,” Clint grimaced. “I wouldn’t say that if you don’t want to get kicked out. Besides, I bought them last time they needed some. It’s really not a big deal.”
“Still! I don’t want them walking in while I’m in the shower. And I don’t want to see them in their underwear!”
“It doesn’t bother me, okay?” Val said. “Look at me in my underwear, Scott. Take your time. It’s no big deal.”
As you walked into the hospital and headed to the locker room, you spotted Steve down the hall. You bit your check because how could a man still look that attractive this early in the morning? All dirty scrubs and patriotic scrub cap. You got changed into your scrubs before meeting Gamora at a nurses station. Your group of interns was in charge of pre-rounds today.
“You are the first person they see in the morning,” Gamora stated, explaining how you all should act. “You say please. You say thank you. You apologize for waking them up. You make them feel good about you. Why is that important? Cause then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. Why is that important? Because then you can tell you're attending what they need to know during rounds. And why is that important? Because if you make your resident look bad, she'll torture you until you beg for your mother. Now get out there. I want pre-rounds done be 5:30 am.”
You all nodded at turned away, heading to your patients.
“I better get good patients today,” you told Natasha. “Yesterday, I had two guys with colostomies who needed dressing changes every 15 minutes.”
“I’m gonna be in surgery,” Natasha responded. “Today’s my day.”
“On what?”
“Like I’d tell you.”
You squinted your eyes at her. “What do you know?”
“I know that I was here at 4:00 and you didn't get here till 4:30.”
“Tell me.”
“No. I'm not the intern who's screwing an attending.”
“I am not screw—“ 
As you turned the corner, you suddenly rammed into someone. Their hands found your arms, steadying you. When you looked up, you saw Steve smirking down on you.
“I was just looking for you,” he said.
“Oh, really?” You sqeaked, quickly clearing your throat. Natasha simply rolled her eyes before walking away. “Um, why are you here so early?”
“I have a cordotomy at 5:00. I'll be out at 6:00. I thought I might buy your breakfast before your rounds.”
“I’ve already eaten.” You moved out of his grip to head down the hall.
“What’d you have?” He asked, following you.
“None of your business.”
“You a cereal person? Straight out of the box? Or all fruit and fiber-y?” He laughed. “Waffles? Do you like waffles?”
“Fine, leftover grilled cheese. Curiosity satisfied?”
“That’s sad. Pathetic, actually. A good day starts with a good breakfast.”
“Look, I don’t want to be seen with you in this hospital. Okay? It's unprofessional.”
“I’m just an attending getting to know one of his interns.”
“The intern he slept with.”
“I barely knew you.”
“And it should stay that way.”
“You want me to be professional? Fine. I’ll be professional.”
You stopped to face him. “That’s what I want.”
“Then that’s what you’ll get.” He stared at you, glancing at your lips, as he leaned forward towards you.
“You’re gonna to be late for your cordotomy.” Then you hurried away.
“Nice talking to you, Dr. Grey!” His eyes followed you until you disappeared down another hall.
“You’re whipped,” Dr. Stark commented as he passed by. “A complete and utter, lovesick teenager who happens to be—“
After taking care of a few patients, Scott found you walking up the stairs in the stairwell.
“There needs to be some rules,” he said.
“So, what, you and Clint can walk around in your underwear and we can’t?”
“It’s not the same—“
“Or that you can see bras just not panties? Or are we talking Amish rules here? Because if you think you’re gonna get Val to—“
“The amount of flesh exposed is not the point. You have to do something. It’s your house.”
“Clint seems fine with it.”
“Do you like Val? Is that what this is about? Do you have a crush on her?”
“Val? No. I don’t like Val. No. She’s not the one I’m attracted to.”
“Not the one.” You smirked as you opened the door and went to the nurses station you saw Gamora at. “So there’s a one?”
“That—That’s not the point! Look, there just has to be rules. I need to be able to—”
“Lang, L/N!” Gamora called. “Get Barton or Quill and head down to trauma. Rogers needs you.”
“Rogers is in surgery,” you replied, confused.
“He got pulled before he could start.”
“Great,” you breathed out quietly.
On your way to trauma, you found Peter and unfortunately had to tell him to come with you too. Walking into the trauma room, you immediately noticed what was wrong with the man on the stretcher.
“This look like—“ You began.
“Nails,” Steve interrupted. He held up on x-ray that should 7 nails in the man’s head.
“I can’t see my hands,” the patient complained.
“He’s conscious!” Scott exclaimed, completely surprised.
“Breathe, Scottie,” Peter said. “Don’t pass out.”
“Use 4 mg’s of morphine,” Steve ordered. “Titrate up to 10. You know what? I don’t want him to move.”
“I can’t see,” the man repeated.
“It’s okay,” you comforted. “We need you to be very still, Mr…?”
“Castro,” a nurse answered. “George Castro. He tripped and fell down a flight of stairs holding a nail gun.”
“Sick,” Peter commented with a nod.
“Somehow he managed to miss a blood vessel. That’s a minor miracle,” Steve said. “Optic nerve’s been affected. Can you feel this?” Steve poked George’s right side.
“No,” George answered.
“Numbness on his right side. What’s our immediate concern?”
“Infection,” you responded.
“Right. I wanna be pulling these nails out in the next half-hour. I need a CT.”
“CT’s are down,” a nurse stated.
“They exchanged them out last night. Computer's crashed; have them back up by 1:00.”
“So typical. So what are the options?”
“An MRI?” Scott suggested.
“Brilliant, Scottie,” Peter said. “The man's got nails in his head. Let's put him in a giant magnet. You want films from three axis points and a C-arm in surgery.”
“Excellent! You guys dig up research and find out if this has ever happened before. Go!” 
The nurses and Steve began pushing the stretcher away.
“My wife, my wife, my wife,” George cried.
“She’s on the way, Mr. Castro,” you said.
“Stay with him,” Steve told you. “Keep him calm and look for changes.”
“Ooh,” George gasped. “I can’t see.”
You and Steve shared a concerned look. 
“Watch him,” Steve instructed. “Carefully.”
With a nod, you and the nurses took George to a more private room. You’ve been asking him questions to fill out his chart.
“Would you say that your health has been good recently?” You asked.
“Maybe some headaches,” George answered. “Nothing compared to now. Sally, that’s my wife. Sally, she’ll say, ‘why you think they call it a gun, moron?’ She hates the damn thing.”
“With good reason.”
“Baby?” A woman called, entering the room with Steve.
“Sally,” George responded.
Sally rushed to his bedside. “You are in so much trouble.”
Steve leaned in to whisper to you. “Get a history from her before you scrub in.”
You had to hold in the shiver that itched to be released. “…okay…”
“Thank you.” 
You met his gaze. He definitely knew what he was doing to you, and enjoying it way too much. After asking George more questions, you allowed the nurses to prep him for surgery while you talked to Sally outside of the room.
“Will he be able to see again?” Sally wondered.
“We won’t know until the nails come out,” you replied.
“Did he tell you he takes photos? Beautiful photos. It's his hobby. I just got him a new digital camera now he can't stop, you know? He always has it out, always taking pictures of me.”
“George told me that he’s been having headaches. Can you tell me anything about them? Have they been recent?”
“Um, I’m not sure. Maybe the last couple of months.”
“Have you seen him experience any disorientation or dizziness?”
“Yes, yes, I have.”
“Okay.” You noted that in his chart, thinking that there might be an underlying cause to all this.
“Vertiginous or light-headedness?” Steve asked. You were telling him what you had discovered as he scrubbed in.
“Light-headed,” you answered. “Sometimes he’d have to brace himself to get out of bed.”
“Could be a million things. Simple orthostasis.” He noticed your face, still thinking about it. “What?”
“What made him fall down the stairs with a nail gun?”
“He said he tripped. Just because you hear hoof beats, don't assume zebras.”
“Something caused him to lose consciousness and fall down the stairs. It’s possible that he could have a tumor.”
“Look, I have no idea why this guy's still alive, let alone moving and talking. Not a clue. Let's just get him through this before we start digging around for something else.”
Steve entered the OR and you scrubbed in. The OR gallery was already jam packed with other doctors wanting to watch the incredible surgery. You held the tray as Steve pulled the nails out and set them in. The surgery took a few hours, which you were way too happy about.
“Do you see any bleeding, Dr. Wilson?” Steve asked.
“It’s clean,” Dr. Wilson responded. “Way to go, Cap.”
Steve laughed. “No, way to go team. Good job everybody. Thank you. I don’t think we made it worse. The big question is the optic nerve. But we’ll know in the morning.”
“Should I order the MRI?” You asked.
“He needs to stabilize.” Steve walked towards the OR door, tearing off his gown. “We’ll do it tomorrow.”
The next morning, you, Val, Clint, and Scott were all getting ready for your shifts. Scott and Val were in the bathroom. Val was brushing her teeth in her underwear while Scott was showering, again.
“I reminded you before you went!” Val shouted.
“I forgot when I got there,” Scott replied.
“No, no.” She threw open the shower curtain. “You were so passive-aggressive.”
“Naked!” Scoot covered himself. “I am naked in the shower!”
“They’re just tampons, Scott. I really needed tampons.” You and Clint entered the bathroom. “I’m not riding in the same car with him.”
You began looking through the cupboards. “If you're going like that, you're not riding with me… where are the tampons?”
“He didn’t buy them.”
“You didn’t buy them?!” You and Clint repeated.
“Oh, man.” Clint continued, running a hand down his face. “Way to make both our lives hell now.”
“Men don’t buy tampons!” Scott shouted.
“You know what?” Val got into Scott’s face. “You are gonna have to get over this whole man thing, Scott. We are women! We have vaginas! Get used to it!”
“I’ve got you, girls,” Clint said. “I’ll run to the store during lunch or, if that doesn’t work out, after our shift.”
“Thank you, Clint,” you said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You’re a life saver.”
“See, Scott!” Val exclaimed. “Real men buy tampons!”
After getting into scrubs, you made your way to George’s room. He was awake and talking. As you read through his chart, Steve joined you.
“Grilled cheese again?” He asked.
“Cold pizza,” you replied.
“You live a sad life,” Steve chuckled. “Is he awake?”
“Even better.”
“Really? Let’s see what his nurse says.” The two of you entered the room. “Hi, Sally, George. How are you this morning?”
“Tell them what color my dress is, George,” Sally encouraged with a smile.
“I’d know the answer to that even if I couldn’t see,” he responded. “It’s blue.”
“Can you tell me what you had for breakfast on Monday?” Steve asked.
“Cheese omelet. And on Sunday. And on Saturday. And on Friday. Sally gets up every morning and makes me a cheese omelet.”
“It’s the only thing he likes,” Sally said.
“It’s the only thing you know how to cook.”
Steve smiled as he wrote some things down in the chart. “Okay, well, things look good. But I am ordering an MRI for this morning to check for residual bleeding. Dr. L/N will take you down there right now.”
With a nod, you wheeled his bed down to the MRI. You got him set up before going behind the glass to wait with Steve.
“How do you think I’m doing?” Steve asked. You quirked a brow up at him. “With this whole professional thing? Is it working?”
“Not anymore,” you responded, looking at the screen. The scan began pulling up. “Look.” You pointed.
Steve turned to study it. “Damn. Yeah, right there.” Steve pointed to the scans. “That’s a tumor. It’s midline near the hypothalamus.”
With a sigh, Steve explained the options to you before you two headed back to George’s room, to explain to him and Sally.
“Best practice, probably to remove the tumor,” Steve told the couple. “Probably because I can't get it all. 99%, but not all of it. Radiation and chemo, you're looking at maybe five to ten good years.”
“Let’s do it,” George quickly said.
“You haven't heard the downside. See, the tumor is located in a part of your brain where your memory and your personality resides. And because of the fuzzy edges of this type of tumor, I have to cut out a lot. George, you stand a good chance of losing your memories. Of losing who you are.”
“Is there any other way?” Sally asked.
“The alternative is gamma or cyberknife treatment with focus radiation. It's less evasive. There's little chance of memory loss or him losing himself but it would only give Jorge maybe three to five years.”
“Three to five years?”
“This is an incredibly difficult decision. If you have any more questions or you need to talk to me, I'm here, okay?”
They nodded and you and Steve took it as your queue to leave. It was hard decision that they needed to make. You don’t know if you’d let them cut into you at risk of your personality.
After taking care of some other patients, you found your way back to George’s room. Steve was just walking out of it.
“They want the surgery,” he told you.
“They want you to cut it out?” You clarified.
“Mm-hmm. It’s their decision.”
Steve left and you waiting outside George’s room until he was asleep.
“Sally?” You called, motioning her to meet you in the hall.
“Yes?” She replied, meeting you.
“Are you sure you want to go through with this?”
“You need to consider what you'll lose. What good is five years if he doesn't joke about your omelets and he can't remember seeing you in that blue dress?”
“It’s still five more years.”
“You don’t understand. He’ll be there, but we won’t be George. He won’t even recognize you.”
“This is none of your business.”
“You have no idea what this will do to you. Isn't five good years better than ten bad ones?”
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Steve questioned, coming back up to you.
“She needs to understand.”
“But I do understand,” Sally said. “You think that I'm being selfish, that I don't want to give him up.”
“I don’t.”
“This is George’s decision. And it that means ten bad years for me, fine. I'll give him those years because I will give him whatever he wants.”
“Look, I am so sorry, Sally,” Steve apologized. “Just please forgive her. She's an intern.”
“And if he doesn't remember me, if he doesn't remember what we are, he's still my George. And I'll remember for us both.”
“Okay, alright.” 
Steve guided Sally back into George’s room, shooting you a disappointed look. You watched as Steve spoke the couple through everything again, making sure to keep your distance from the room. When he was done, Steve came back out, shaking his head at you in disappointment.
“You crossed a line today,” he warned. “It’s not your place to talk to patients like that.”
“Understood,” you stated, stoically. “I’m sorry, Dr. Rogers. It won’t happen again.” 
As you walked away, Steve sighed, looking back at you. You went to the locker room, it was time for your shift to end any way. After you had changed and packed up your things, you turned to head out and saw Steve leaning in the doorway. He looked nervous, in his street clothes with his hands in his pockets.
“Look,” he started, “I’m sorry about—“
“Don’t apologize,” you interrupted. “I was out of line. Understood.”
Steve gave a nod. “Right. Well… uh… I came… well, I occasionally eat breakfast at this small place on Broadway. I was wondering if you’d join me in the morning?”
“Really, Steve? Don’t you understand that this is wrong?”
“It’s just a breakfast. Two friends meeting up for a meal.”
You sighed. “Where and what time?”
He grinned, straightening up. “The Broadway Cafe, let’s say 7?”
You headed through the door way. “I’ll think about it,” you said as you passed him. “Good night, Dr. Rogers.”
“Think about it?” He rushed after you. 
“Yes, I’ll think about it.” You stepped into the elevator, turning around to face him. Steve didn’t enter. “We’ll see in the morning.” 
Steve gave a small smile as he shook his head and the elevator doors closed.
“Shit,” he realized quietly. “Maybe Stark is right. I’m whipped.”
“Did I just hear you say that Tony’s right?” A strawberry blonde woman came up beside Steve. “Please don’t tell him that, he doesn’t need a bigger ego.”
“I definitely won’t, Pepper. He’ll never let me live it down.”
“No, he won’t.”
“But you should listen to him. Go out with him.”
“Are you serious?”
“Sadly, I am.”
Pepper clenched her jaw, studying Steve for a second. “Alright, I’ll give him a chance. How bad could it be, right?”
“How bad could what be?” Tony asked, coming up to the other two doctors. “Good evening, Rogers, Pepper. What are we talking about?”
“Oh none of your never mind,” Pepper responded. “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
As Pepper left, Steve watched Tony watch Pepper walk away.
“I think we both might be screwed."
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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cedricslover · 3 years
Troubled (final)
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS…
Chapter Summary: Death is inevitable 
Note: there is no specific house:))) I would like to thank everyone that kept waiting and was patient enough, I started this series around March and now it is May. This is my very first series and I hope you all liked it! Again thank you so much❤❤
Warnings: angst, death, little bit of violence
Word Count: 4.2k
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You stopped in front of a headstone. Your hair brushing your cheeks as the wind blew it. "Hey" you started talking, through the years the big lump in your throat slowly fades whenever you visit. "It must be nice there" you smiled and placed the flowers that you were holding down to the ground. 
You breathed in the familiar smell of the field. The smell of the countryside was really different from London. Closing your eyes, memories of the past came flooding in. 
[5 years ago]
"WHAT?" Phoebe, one of your roommates looked at you with shock, "what?" You chuckled as you ate a chocolate frog. 
"What do you mean "what"? So we're just going to act like we didn't see Diggory in front of our dorm earlier" Alice rolls her eyes as she brushes her blond hair, "Oh yeah we got back together" you shrugged and sat on your bed. 
"You really won't tell us what happened that broke the two of you?" Phoebe's voice became wary, she was trying not to say something bad. You shake your head and smile apologetically. "I'm sorry girls" you felt bad. You wanted to tell them of course, but even your best friends since first year don't even know. And surprisingly didn't even nag you about it. 
"It's alright doll, we understand. Besides, Diggory is a great guy, you two are both smart enough to know what is right and wrong" Alice looks at you, there is always comfort in her eyes. Like she always knows what is going on even if you don't talk. She was the perfect example of the person that you can vent to and she will just listen. 
"How about you girls, anything going on with your lives? Why is it always mine?" You laid down and stared at the ceiling. Silence filled the room. For about 10 minutes only the brushing of the tip of the quill to a parchment, breathing, and the noise from the common room are the only sounds you heard.
"Nothing much" you heard a bed squeaked, it was probably Phoebe's. "My life is the most boring one yet" Alice mutters and sighed,  you can see her sitting on her bed. "I don't think so. Each of our lives have different stories. I don't think that's boring" you replied before you pulled your blanket and be completely eaten up by darkness. 
Weeks have passed, it seemed to be doing great. Everything was falling back to pieces. After the school found out that you and Cedric got back together, George and the Beauxbaton girl also publicized their relationship, both of them explained that it really wasn't you in the photograph-which you completely didn't want them to do because you didn't owe anyone any explanation- but they still did. 
Fred and Angelina seemed to be also doing great, well, especially how Fred is under Angelina. 
Of course Barty Jr.-that's disguising as Professor Moody was always giving you 'the look'. Everytime and everywhere, even at class, even your classmates find it strange why Professor Moody always calls you, and then gets mad. They feel bad but you just let it all go, because you knew what his true colors are. 
"Fred" she warns
"Frederick Gideon" with her scary tone
"Frederick Gideon Weasley" that's when you all know Fred was in trouble. 
"Hello darling" you smiled and kissed Cedric's lips before you sat beside him at the library. You both have free time, especially him, tomorrow was the final task, he was trying to study spells that he might use.   
"Hey" he stops reading and wraps his arms around your waist, "Tired" he murmurs while he buries his head on your neck. "You want to eat sumthin'?" You asked while playing with his fluffy hair, running your fingers through his scalp. "No" you can feel his breathing on your neck, it sends shivers down your spine. 
After a while of complete silence, Cedric's breathing seemed to follow a pattern, that's when you knew he was asleep, in your arms. 
You started humming a song that your mum used to sing you to sleep. You can't see his face, but felt it instead, his nose, his lips, his forehead, it felt peace. It felt like home. 
And later on, you also found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids drooping down. And before you give up on the warmth, your eyes found the book-or more like a magazine that Cedric was reading earlier, you didn't notice it earlier until now. You let out a smile before you closed your eyes.
'Real Estate Magazine, Countryside Edition'
You woke up early, dressed up early, showered early, and went to get breakfast early, and you didn't expect that a lot of students were up early too. Earlier than usual.
"Y/N!" You turned your head while you chewed a toast. It was the trio. "Hey" you greeted them as they sat in front of you. "You alright?" You looked at them while your forehead creased, "yeah" they all answered in unison, that caught them off guard. 
"Harry's going to be fine don't worry" you shake your head and smile as you reach for another toast. "It's just that-" Harry stopped and his hand went to his forehead, where the scar is. 
"His scar's been hurting ever since he woke up" Ron told you, his face was screaming with worry, just the same as Hermione. 
"You should take a rest Harry. You still have til before dusk. I think that would be enough time to prepare and rest" you said, trying to cover the worry in your voice, and of course the fear. 
You four continued to eat, the Great Hall was starting to get more crowded, noise, banners, cheers, they were all anticipating who will win the triwizard tournament. Although you should be joining this crowd, wearing shirts with the one they support, cheering, waving the banners at 8 am. You can't. You were filled with worry, Harry's scar was hurting, and it seemed strange that the Dark Lord wasn't doing anything the whole year. 
And as you walked by Moody's office, it seemed like your suspicions were answered. 
"I already handled it, Dark Lord. Yes, yes, but how about the girl?" You heard Moody, he was rather loud, obviously he used the opportunity as most of the students would be either outside or the Great Hall.
"She wouldn't be a nuisance, we have his brother. She will be extremely useful for the next few years. She has much more potential than her parents. Let her bloom Barty" a faint voice answered him, that was the reason Harry's scar was hurting since this morning. Mere communication can still cause it, you knew he couldn't possibly be physically here. 
"What if Harry wouldn't be the one touching the cup?" Moody's voice was filled with excitement but at the same time, fear. 
"I'll kill them. And you next. Better do your job Barty." The voice disappeared. Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps slowly approaching the door. You ran to the closest hiding spot and peeked. 
"Better handle that girl then" Moody looked around before he drank again from his flask. "Polyjuice Potion" you whispered as you observed him. 
He walked away, to the direction you came from, you waited until you made sure he was gone. 
"Mad-Eye Moody!" You started banging the trunk where Moody was prisoned, your hands shaking as you got the key from one of the drawers. 
"Moody!" You banged again, panting, your sweat started dripping. Your heart was beating fast, you have to do something. You sure don't know anything, but Moody surely does. 
You finally opened the last layer of it and saw that he was there, peering back at you, he was thinner than the last time you saw him. And he lost a lot of hair too. 
He seemed mad, of course, you were the only person inside the castle that knew the Professor Moody that was going around the school the whole year was an imposter, well aside from Cedric who was suspicious.
You started explaining to him, now this was the person that deserved your explanation, not the gossip people. 
It took a while before he finally understood. He must be thirsty and hungry, but you didn't bring any food but only your wand. You looked for any container and luckily you saw a flask, it must have been a spare Polyjuice Potion, you threw the insides away.
"Aguamenti" you chanted and the flask started to be filled with clean water. You cleaned the mess you made and returned it from what it was when you entered before you slowly dropped the flask to Moody who was now drinking it like he hadn't drank any water for a whole week.
"I cannot hear clearly, but I heard Little Hangleton. You know that right?" You nodded at his question. "I don't know what and how, but they would try to bring the Dark Lord back. In power" he looks directly at your eyes, his gaze was piercing, he was expecting you to do something. And you will. 
"I'll be back" the last words you said to him before you slowly closed the trunk, he nods slightly for a response, there was also something in his look, the same look you saw with your parents when they were about to die, the same look you saw with the people of the Order, it was a look of hope and pride. 
"Hey hey" you stopped on your tracks and it snapped you back into reality, you didn't know what to do, "Y/N?" Cedric cupped your face, you looked at his eyes, his questioning eyes. "What's wrong, love?" He tucked strands of hair from your face to behind your ear. Your breathing started to calm down. 
"They're moving Ced, I have to do something" you admitted, there was no point in keeping it a secret to him. His jaw dropped, he was now looking everywhere, trying to be cautious. 
"What can I do to help?" He asks, you felt bad, and it seemed like he noticed it. "Don't feel bad, Y/N. You already carried too much burden, at least let me help you carry it" his mouth curves as he assures you. "It will all be okay" he whispers, still not letting go of your face.
You were still doubting, but he was persistent. "Protect Harry. Help me protect Harry, Ced" your eyes darted to him, both of you knew this was a life and death situation. This wasn't just those silly games you played before, you both only had one chance to save a life, and this was it. 
"I will" he nods, there was more than just the tournament in his mind now. And that is to protect Harry. At all costs.
You observed Harry the whole time before the task, ofcourse, not being so obvious. You would join the three of them at some point, or drag Harry with you and the twins as they show the fireworks that they made and plan to light up when he wins or Cedric. 
It was a win-win, Harry forgets that bloody scar while you keep an eye on him. 
And now, it was Cedric's turn. 
He kissed your forehead and gave you a little smile. "You did well. Let me take over" he said before he turned his back and let go of your hand. Amos waited for him and waved in your direction. The corners of your mouth turned up, trying to be nice to him, despite how you somehow despised because of how he always pressures his son, he always has to do this, reach this, be like this. It was not healthy. 
You knew he was trying to be a good parent, but you wished he had taken lessons from your father before he died. Thankfully Mrs. Diggory was nice enough to appreciate Cedric's achievements, small or big. 
"You alright?" Alice asked you as you sat at the bleachers. "Quite" you smiled at her and returned your gaze to the champions. You were with Alice now, well long story short, the twins were with their girlfriends, even Phoebe, and Alice invited you to join her so here you are now. You know Alice is beautiful, she is also great in academics, even she and Luna Lovegood could really pass as siblings, they have the same interest in things that were believed to be not there, and even their way of clothing were the same. But they both confirmed that they were not related. Still, you were still quite confused as to why she was not out there, having a partner. 
"You know that guy?" She pointed to Gregory Goyle's older brother. "Yeah?" There were lines forming between your eyebrows. "He asked me out" she giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, her shoulders started shaking, you also laughed. "What really?" You asked in disbelief, you tried your best not to laugh out loud.
You hated Goyle, he always bullies the ones that he believed was weaker, even Alice. He always made fun of Alice and how she always tries to get people's attention. Now look how the tables have turned.
"He asked me out with those cheesy pick up lines, doll. I tried my best not to laugh and just rejected him immediately" you were both still laughing. She stated some of the pick up lines that made you laugh so much but you still tried not to be loud so in the end, you choked on your own saliva while she stifled a laugh as she pats your back.
The laughter seemed to be a curse, bad luck, or just joy before a disaster. Because right after that you all saw a yellow light sparked to the sky, it was from someone in the maze. 
You were the only one who was not confused, because as that yellow spark flashed, it was a message for you.
'He is safe. Cedric's with him' 
Red sparks were seen earlier, it must have been a marker for the injured ones, but the Yellow ones, the audience and judges didn't know what it meant, only you.
You started praying to the higher ups, if they were ever there, listening to you. You prayed that they would be fine. Only a few scratches, but still good. After just a few minutes another yellow spark was seen, the people decided to shrug it off, but you, you were beyond happy and relieved. The second spark should mean that they got to the cup. They should be arriving any second now. 
You anxiously waited for them, ten seconds, twenty, thirty, and then a minute and they weren't still here. 
'Little Hangleton' 'Back in power' ‘Dark Lord’ 'Coming Back' 'Do your job' 'Kill' 
Voices started to cloud in your mind, Moody, Barty Jr., Voldemort, memories, you patched up the information you got. 
And without even thinking twice you disapparated, thankful that Dumbledore lifted the anti-disapparition charm because there were a lot of outsiders anticipating the third task.
You grunted as you stumbled, you hated how apparition makes your insides like they were being squeezed. It was convenient of course, but you didn't like it. 
"Kill the spare"  you heard, your vision was still dizzy, but you knew that voice. Your vision was blurry, the world was spinning and it felt like your intestines were spinning too. It was the after effect of apparating. 
You stood up, still feeling nauseous, “NOOO!” you shouted as you ran, there were figures and you knew who they were. “Avada Kedavra!” it was definitely Pettigrew, no, not Cedric, not me, not Harry, don’t kill us, please, the words repeated in your mind. The few steps felt like a hundred, you wanted to stop time, and as you rushed towards the figures your vision was slowly being clear. And by the time you can entirely see clearly, you wished, you hoped, that someone blinded you, you wished that this was a dream, hallucination, but as you collapsed on your knees, as the rough ground kissed your legs, it was all real.
“Alice...” tears started to fall from your face as you looked at her face. Her reddish cheeks was now white, her lively eyes was now soulless, her warmth, 
It’s gone, she’s gone. 
“YOU!” You stood up, picking up your wand, Cedric stood beside you, “Free Harry” You commanded him, your nose was now flaring, glaring at the two figures in front of you, Peter Pettigrew carrying the weak Voldemort. 
“Expulso!” you incant, in a snap, Voldemort was now dropped to the ground while Pettigrew was far away, “I’ve had enough of you. You and your values” you stared at Voldemort who was now crawling away, he was so weak, and this was the only time you could do it. The only time you could take revenge from all the lives he took.
“You’re so weak, and you should stay weak” You stepped on his thin legs, he screeched like a creature tortured, “You deserve, every, single, pain” now you stomped on his hand, you felt the bone touch the sole of your feet despite wearing shoes. 
“Sectumsempra!” you cried at his pleading face, you thanked that potions book you saw in the classroom. You watched as so blood just came out from the child like figure in front of you, for a second you thought you were doing something beyond your morals, but you remembered, the images of people that this person-no- monster killed, the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends, he took away so many lives, he made the world like his playground, killing whoever he felt to kill, and that justified what you did. Regret was not even near. 
“Incarcerous” Cedric’s voice echoed, the tense was back again, Pettigrew was still here, “We’ll take care of him” he told you, giving a second to glance at the lifeless Voldemort that was on the ground, curled, you nodded as an approval. 
And like a vase dropped, or someone threw a big stone to your head, you remember Alice's bleeding body, her opened eyes but why? Why is there a ghost of a smile plastered on that doll-like face?
You slowly walked to her lying body, you never expected that this would happen, that she, she would do something like this. Did she just suddenly hold your arm as you disapparated? Is that why she splinched, her arms, even her legs were bleeding. 
“Dumbass, did you even know where I was going.” you kneeled, reached for her face and removed the strands of hair that were blocking her face. “You’re so dumb. Who’s going to call me doll anymore” you blinked and a tear fell straight to her cheek, you blinked again, another tear fell, you blinked, again and again, and at the same time, tears fell on her pale face, you cried, wailed, even shouted while hugging her body. 
She was there when you needed her, she was there to understand you. She was there when you cried, laughed, even if you were sick, she was there. 
“Doll, come here.” Alice called you while you were packing your things, you were a mess, you just heard that your mother was ill, you have to go home. You sighed and let go of the clothes and walked towards her, she tapped the seat in front of the mirror. 
“You know, you should always look tough in front of the people you have to protect. That’s what my parents told me before. The people that saved them from the Death Eaters, they were tough, I told you about that right?” she started brushing your hair, you examined your reflection, your eyebags were visible, you were also definitely thinner than usual, you felt drained. 
“Before my ma died, she told me information about those who saved them. My ma and pa owe their life to them.” even if you didn’t look at her face, you know she was smiling. “She told me that when they were being saved, the woman was pregnant” you can feel the gentleness from her touch. 
“And?” you asked, she was now tying your hair, “and she told me to protect that child, a token of gratitude for giving my ma and pa another tomorrow” she placed the flower accessories in your hair. 
“Did you protect the child?” you turned to her and saw her eyes twinkled, “I still am doll” she replied to you before she handed your bag. Alice used magic to help you pack, you laughed and hugged her, “Thank you” your mouth curved into a smile. “Aww it’s nothing” she waves her hand and rolls her eyes, acting shy. “Shut up” you chuckle before you turn your back and step outside. 
“You impulsive lady, how about that child you should protect. How can you protect them if you’re dead” You were still crying, thinking about all the memories you had with her, and how you would tell Phoebe, she would be heartbroken. 
Was it really necessary? Are sacrifices really necessary? You just wanted to stop a war, a cycle, you wanted to follow the path your parents took, are deaths really necessary? In exchange for peace, a life should be taken. A meaningful life, someone's daughter, friend, and stranger. 
“Y/N!” a woman’s voice called you, you turned your head and saw a woman, her hair was now just above her shoulder, brown curls jumping as she walked the hill. “Phoebe” you greeted and opened your arms, she sprinted and hugged you. 
“Oop, be careful with the tummy” you grinned and touched your tummy, there was already a big bump, you were pregnant. “Hello there little one” she lowered herself and talked to your bump. 
“It’s her death anniversary isn’t it” she straightened herself and was now staring at the headstone. 
     Alice Constance O’Brien
March 12, 1978 - June 24, 1995
“Hmm” you answered, peace and silence enveloped the both of you. “It was Alice all along.” sadness took over your face as you remembered what Alice has done for you. 
  Loving daughter and friend
                A hero 
“Ced that night when you saw me following the man. Why were you still roaming?” you asked Cedric as he sat at the library.
“I haven’t told you yet? It was the Head Boy, well technically it was Alice actually, she told me that the head boy couldn’t find me so he asked her to tell me. My schedule changed that time” he muttered as he chewed a pumpkin pasty. Your eyebrows shot up and just shrugged. You owe Alice an acid pop at Hogsmeade.
“She was the one who told me about your situation. She must have known about the dark mark but never told us. She wanted to help you, but in the shadows.” Remus admitted as you talked to him about Alice’s death. He was shocked, the whole society members actually. They are now taking care of his subjects that were lurking around. 
“Hello ladies!” George and Fred suddenly appeared, both of them wrapped their arms around each of your shoulders. “Fred. I prefer women, thank you” Phoebe removed Fred’s arm and even tried to dust it off, “Rude” Fred squinted his eyes at her while she just smirked and flipped her hair.
“Where’s your husband and brother?” George asked and also placed flowers at the ground. Now there were a lot of flowers for Alice. “You’re liking that aren’t you?” you talked to the headstone, you were all just silent. Even the loud twins fell in silence, they liked Alice, not romantically, they admired her, how she was unique, always had a voice, and how she stood up for herself. 
“I love it doll” you heard a whisper as the breeze came by, you knew it was her, it had always been her. She was still there, watching. 
“Oh Alice” Phoebe started crying, the twins tried to offer her a hug but she went to you instead, you sniggered as you saw their offended face. 
They all felt her. 
“Hey!” two voices called all of your attention and there it was, Cedric your husband, and your eight year old brother. Theodore hurried to the twins that immediately picked him up, he liked them. “We bought snacks.” Cedric raised a basket and spreaded out a cloth to the grass. 
“Are you crying?” Cedric inspected Phoebe who still has her nose red from crying. “Yes. What about it” she rolled her eyes and got bread from the basket while Cedric was still arranging the cloth. “I’m just asking.” Cedric chuckled and shook his head. 
You observed each and one of them, they all changed, with their own careers and life, of course they will change. Cedric was now working at the ministry, he did once think about being a professional quidditch player, but he felt like a work at the ministry would be better, and he liked it. The twins and their joke shop was still going, stronger as it was before, they’ve built quite the reputation, and Phoebe, she was now a Herbologist, she always had an interest in plants. 
And you, you also built your career, with your dream job. 
Are you seeing this Alice? I made it. We made it. 
You carefully sat at the cloth and they all asked you what you would name the child inside of you. Your eyes gleamed, you always knew that if you had a chance to name your child it would be…
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Young Hearts Divided (1/?)
Pairing: Sirius x reader / James x Female!Reader (this comes later- the tea)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.6k (she short~think of it as an introduction)
Part Summary: Y/N is a fellow Gryffindor Fifth Year with the Marauders. She has always been close with the boys, especially Sirius, but sometimes they can be bad influences... 
A/N: as always, thank you for reading! If you guys have any suggestions or requests you’d like to see, let me know! I’m down for anything rn :) 
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Late! Late! Late! I’m late! I hurry down the steps of the tower into the Common Room. I suppose this is what I get for staying up late listening to muggle music with Marlene. How kind it would’ve been of her to wake me up too when she probably rose like a peaceful princess this morning. I at least would expect Lily to help a friend out! Nope, instead, I’m sprinting through the halls of Hogwarts with one shoe on, my hair disheveled, and my books hardly staying in my hands. I completely missed breakfast and now have to run straight to DADA across the bloody castle! 
Professor Flitwick stops writing on the board and peers over his shoulder when I stumble into the room. My peers whip their heads back and stare at me like a fish in a bowl. Sirius and James are sitting right in front of me with childish grins across their faces. Sirius starts giggling and Remus leans across the aisle to swat him on the arm. 
Professor Flitwick clasps his hands together with a deep exhale. “Miss Y/L/N, it’s on you to join us. Take your seat,” he instructs, gesturing to your empty seat next to Marlene toward the back of the room. 
“Sorry Professor,” I mutter, swiftly sliding into my seat directly in front of Sirius. 
As I pull out a roll of parchment and get settled, Marlene begins to bombard me with her questions. “Where have you been?!” 
“Sleeping!” I snap in a whisper. “No thanks to you!” 
“Dreaming about Bowie?” Marlene giggles, nudging me with her elbow. “Told you he’s stellar! We should listen to him again tonight!” 
“And keep me up all night?” I snicker, looking ahead to scribble down Flitwick’s notes. 
“You still haven’t heard this one group! My cousin sent me-” 
Marlene is cut off as a crumpled piece of paper hits the back of my head. Knowing exactly who it’s from, I ignore the wrinkled ball on the floor by my ankle to catch up on my notes. Marlene picks up the paper, much to my annoyance. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her glance back at Sirius as she unravels the ball. I continue to listen to Flitwick, hoping he doesn’t write me up for being tardy. 
“Want me to read it to you?” Marlene asks, all gushy with enthusiasm. 
“Does what I say matter?” I sass in a grumble, knowing she’ll read it anyway. 
“He wants you to meet him at the tree by the lake after class,” she informs as she scans the sheet. 
“Can’t,” I answer plainly. “I have potions.” 
Marlene sighs in disappointment, glancing back at Sirius with a frown. On my behalf, she writes down my answer and hands back the note. Turning back toward the front, she fiddles with her quill not even attempting to take notes. I, however, am writing like a lunatic struggling to make up for lost time. 
“Oh come on Y/N,” Marlene whines quietly. Her silence lasted about ten seconds. She tugs on the sleeve of my shirt while glancing upfront every so often to make sure Flitwick isn’t looking.  “You haven’t missed a day of class yet this term! Skipping one class won’t kill you!” 
“You’re right,” I mumble, keeping my attention ahead. “But what if McGonagall sees us or literally anyone else? I can’t get written up again! I’ve been to detention twice now this year because of the Marauders. Friends don’t get friends in trouble.” 
She huffs, dismissing my reason as not good enough. “You’re only young once Y/N! It could be fun!” 
“Why don’t you meet him then?” You suggest sarcastically. 
Suddenly, I feel another tap of a ball of parchment this time hitting my back. I take a deep breath to compose myself. If we anywhere else, even the library, I would probably smack the boy. Taking note of my frustration, Marlene cautiously reaches for the ball resting between the back of my chair and my back. She raffles the paper and skims the sheet. 
“Do you want-” 
“Ugh, just read it!” I bark under my breath, but loud enough for Lily and Alice to turn around in front of me. I mutter an apology and they face forward again. It takes every bit of me to ignore the stifling laughter of Sirius and James behind us. 
Marlene clears her throat, making the duo quiet down. Then, she recites Sirius’s note. “We will not be seen. James gave me the cloak.” 
I snicker, shaking my head at the words. “Ha, yeah okay! How does he plan on making Slughorn not mark me inexcusably absent?” 
“He… um…” Marlene stutters. “Good point.” On that note, she scribbles down my answer and leans back to hand the paperback. 
Sirius won’t have a valuable answer, thus will leave the matter alone. He will enjoy his free period doing who knows what with James while I go to potions. Shall I recall the two times I got put into detention because of Sirius Black? Okay, here it goes...
The first time was really for all of the Marauders. I suppose it’s my fault I’m friends with them. They were out late sneaking around with their stupid map to jot down a hidden tunnel Remus had discovered that day. I played watch and distracted Filch long enough for them to run into the Common Room. What that got me was detention from Filch. The boys felt remorseful and thankful that I didn’t throw them to the wolves, especially Remus and Peter. Sirius bought me chocolates and placed a rose on my bed every day for twelve days until I had a full bouquet. 
The second time was after the Gryffindor v. Slytherin quidditch game a few weeks ago. There was a party in the Gryffindor Common Room after the win as per usual. Sirius was drunk and wanted to go for a swim in the lake. I had been rather intoxicated myself, but not enough to jump into a lake filled with all sorts of creatures! Alas, Sirius dragged me from Gryffindor tower and we snuck around the castle to get to the lake. Filch and some of the Prefects were on their rounds, so we had to hide around corners. Sirius would slowly turn the corners first, holding onto my hand to keep me close, just in case. Then, he would glance back at me with a mischievous smirk before booking it down the clear halls. Jump ahead half an hour and we get caught in the Black Lake in nothing other than our underwear by a very disappointed McGonagall, not one of my proudest moments. 
I remember her words exactly. “Mr. Black, why must you pull Miss Y/L/N into your shenanigans? Two weeks’ detention, both of you! You’ll be cleaning classrooms until they’re spotless!” 
The two longest weeks of my Hogwarts career. Well… at some points. Sirius had his moments when he made the hours slip by. There was the time we were cleaning Slughorn’s classroom and had a water fight. We got all of the textbooks wet that Slughorn left out on the desks. Sprout heard us from the hall and walked in on us dripping wet head to toe. Sirius was standing behind me, holding a now-empty bucket over my head. Her face was priceless! 
“Y/N? Y/N!” Marlene pokes my side, snapping me out of my daydreaming. “I’ve been saying your name!” She huffs, holding a new note from Sirius. “What do you want to say?” 
I frown, “what does it say?” 
She rolls her eyes, “I just read it to you... I guess somebody wasn’t paying attention.” 
I mumble an apology and look up at the chalkboard to see that Flitwick has jotted down at least ten more points. I check out for two minutes tops and he does all that?! Forget it, I’ll just copy Lily’s notes later. We all know she’ll have them perfect. James copies her every day during lunch anyway. I sit back in my seat with a sigh of defeat and contentment. I accept my defeat and call it a day. Looking over at Marlene, waiting for her to read me the note again. Impatient, I take the paper for myself and look over it. 
Have Lily tell Slughorn you’re not feeling well. I have something I want to show you…” 
Thinking it over for a moment, I consider the pros and cons. Cons: I could get caught and three strikes don’t look great on my transcripts. I want a career at the ministry, I can’t risk ruining that. Pros: it could be fun. Whenever I allow myself to have free time, Sirius and I have the best time. I mean, even in detention we had fun. He’s one of my best friends here. In fact, he was one of the first friends I made, after Marlene. Leaning forward in my chair, I pick up my quill and scribble down my answer. Marlene peaks over my shoulder, eager to see. 
Keeping a close eye on Flitwick to make sure he isn’t looking, I fold up the paper neatly in my lap. When the professor turns toward the board, I reach my arm behind me, handing the note back to Sirius. While I keep my attention, I feel Sirius’s warm hand glide over mine to take the folded parchment. It lingers there for a mere second, his fingertips grazing as far as my wrist unnecessarily. A faint, uncontrollable smile forms across my lips at the feeling of his touch. Marlene is right, we’re young, I should be living more. I think Sirius can help with that. 
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Runs in the Family CH. Two
Book: Chamber
Title: Dirty Blood
Words: 2705
Warnings: Use of a slur (mudblood), broken bones, Reader gets petrified
A/N: Enjoy chapter two!
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RinF Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Your first month at Hogwarts was amazing. You found out that you were an amazing flier and that you had an affinity for potions. Madame Hooch loved you and Snape had begrudgingly accepted you as one of his best students. Most of the students had figured out by then that you were Harry Potter’s cousin and they either hated you or loved you.
 Most of the Slytherin’s hated you and you thought it was just because of your cousin. But it turned out to be because you were a Muggleborn. One day, you were passing by a group of Slytherin students in the hall when Marcus Flint shoved you into the wall.
 “Get out of the way, stupid mudblood,” he said. You had just rolled your eyes, but those words stopped most of the people around you.
 “What did you just call her?” Cedric said.
 “I called her what she is. A mudblood.”
 It looked like Cedric was fighting himself on whether or not to do anything, but it didn’t stop the twins. They hexed him at the same time and Flint went flying against the wall.
 “Guys, stop!” You said, getting in between them.
 “He called you a mudblood,” George seethed.
 “He deserved what he got,” Fred said.
 “I don’t know what that means and I don’t particularly care. It’s not worth getting in trouble for.” You put your hands on their chests and held them back.
 “Weasley!” Everyone turned to see McGonagall rushing down the corridor, Snape close on her heels.
 “What happened here?” She asked.
 “Flint called [y/n] a mudblood, professor,” Cedric said.
 “And why is Mr. Flint currently on the floor?” Snape said.
 “Those Weasley twins hexed me!” Flint groaned, trying to get up from the floor.
 “Detention, both of you. And twenty points from Gryffindor,” McGonagall said. She turned to you and Cedric. “Ten points to Hufflepuff for the two of you not starting anything and ten points from Slytherin for the use of a slur. Mr. Flint, go to the hospital wing. The rest of you get to class.”
 Everyone started walking again and you looked at Cedric.
 “Mudblood is a nasty way of saying Muggleborn. It means dirty blood,” Cedric explained. “It’s mostly used by witches and wizards that believe in blood purity and that anyone other than a pureblood is not deserving of having magic.”
 “That’s awful,” you said, voice hushed. “How can some people think like that?”
 “It’s deeply rooted in our society and it’s disgusting. Don’t let it get to you, [y/n].”
 “I-I’ll try.”
 Cedric gave you a smile and patted your shoulder, walking to his next class. You didn’t have any classes for the rest of the day, so you made your way down to the Great Hall to study. You sat down next to Ginny and she frowned at your upset demeanor.
 “[Y/n]? What’s wrong?”
 “Flint called me a mudblood and the twins got in detention for hexing him.”
 “He called you what?” Ginny was shaking from anger and you put your hand on her arm to calm her down.
 “I’ll be fine. It’s just a word. We don’t need you getting in trouble either. Let’s just study and try to forget about it, okay?”
 “If you say so.”
 The two of you didn’t talk about it for the rest of the night and when it was time for bed, you found a small pile of chocolate and a note from your Housemates. The other two girls in your dorm weren’t there yet and you let out a watery laugh as you read the note.
 [Y/n], don’t let that bigot get to you. You are more than your blood and you’re better than him already. We are lucky to have you be a part of Hufflepuff House and don’t let anyone tell you different.
 It was signed by everyone and you smiled, putting it on your bedside table. You had already changed into your pajamas so you curled into bed with a book you had brought from home and fell asleep while reading.
 Soon, it was Halloween. The castle looked beautiful all decorated and you were excited to spend the holiday at Hogwarts. Since it was a Saturday, there were no classes and you spent the day flying outside. You had gotten permission from Madame Hooch to practice flying in order to get on the Quidditch team next year, and Cedric was helping you. He was Captain of the team and he had seen you start learning how to fly and thought that you would make a great addition to the team.
 The two of you had spoken beforehand to try and determine what position you would play and after reading about the game, you had chosen to be a Chaser. So the two of you practiced throwing the ball back and forth and throwing it through the goalposts. You did that through lunch and only stopped once it was dinner time.
 “I’m not saying that you’re definitely going to get on the team next year, but if you keep up with your practicing over the summer, you should do well in tryouts,” Cedric said.
 “You really think so?” You said, eyes lighting up.
 “I do.” Cedric ruffled your hair and you laughed as you tried to get away.
 The two of you went into the Great Hall for dinner and you said bye to Cedric as you walked over to the Gryffindor table.
 “Hi guys!” You said. You sat down next to the twins and they grinned at you.
 “We saw you practicing earlier,” Fred said around a mouthful of food.
 “You planning on joining the team next year?” George asked.
 “I’m definitely going to try out. I love flying and the sport seems fun,” you said.
 “Well then we’ll meet on the field.”
 “Fred and I are the Gryffindor Beaters.”
 “We won’t go easy on you.”
 “Then I won’t go easy either.” You gave the brothers a wink and Ginny laughed.
 The rest of dinner went by without a hitch and after, when you were going back to your dorm, you ran into Harry, Hermione, and Ron. There was water all over the floor and when you looked at the wall, your eyes widened.
 “Enemies of the heir, beware,” Draco said. “You’ll be next, mudbloods.”
 He glared at you and Hermione and you glared at him. There was a chill settling in your chest and you only heard Dumbledore telling everyone to get back to their dorms. Shivering slightly, you followed your House to your common room.
 Mrs. Norris being petrified and the Chamber were the only things everyone was talking about the next couple days. The only thing that stopped that talk was the fact that Gryffindor and Slytherin would be playing against each other in the first match of the Quidditch season.
 You were cheering for Gryffindor, and standing with the younger two Weasley’s and Hermione. You were in awe at the game and how fast paced it was. It was one hell of a game, your eyes darting everywhere, trying to take everything in. You could feel your throat starting to get scratchy from yelling and shouting, but you didn’t care.
 When Wood’s broom got smashed by a bludger, you flinched. It looked like it would be super painful to be hit by one of those. Then it started chasing Harry.
 “That’s not supposed to happen, is it?” You said.
 “No. That’s a rouge bludger and it’s been tampered with!” Hagrid said. Ron went to stop it, but Hermione told him not to.
 The bludger followed Harry for a minute, crashing into everything until Harry managed to lose it for a little bit. Draco said something to him, but you couldn’t hear what it was. That was when the bludger came back and Harry had noticed the snitch. The bludger was still chasing after Harry and it hit him in the arm. You gasped but he managed to catch the snitch. Lee Jordan announced that Gryffindor won and you ran down to the field with Ron and Hermione.
 The bludger still wasn’t stopping and was still going after Harry. He barely managed to dodge it before Hermione blasted it to pieces.
 “Harry, how’s your arm?” You said, kneeling next to him.
 “I think it’s broken.”
 “Not to worry, Harry,” Lockhart said. “I will fix that arm of yours straight away.”
 “I think we should wait for Madame Pomfrey to fix him up,” you said.
 “Nonsense. I’m here and I can do it. This won’t hurt a bit.” Lockhart rolled up Harry’s sleeve and cast a spell. A blueish light came from Harry’s arm and when it faded, you could tell that something was wrong. When Lockhart held up Harry’s arm, there were very clearly no bones left.
 “Oh god,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut.
 “Yes, well, that can happen sometimes. But it’s very clear that the bones are no longer broken.”
 “Broken? There’s no bones left!” Hagrid said.
 “He’s right.”
 Harry’s arm was flopping around and you shook your head in disgust.
 “Come on, Harry. Let’s get you to the hospital wing,” you said. You helped him up and walked him to Madame Pomfrey.
 “You should have come to me straight away!” She said once you got there. “I can mend bones in a second but to regrow them entirely? That’s going to be a process.”
 “But you can do it, right?” You asked.
 “Yes. But it’s going to be painful. You’re in for a rough night, Potter.” Pomfrey poured something into a glass and handed it to Harry to drink. He drank it and immediately spat it out.
 “What did you expect? Pumpkin juice?” She was exasperated and rolled her eyes before pouring more. You had wanted to stay, but she said that Harry needed his rest. So after saying goodbye to Harry, you walked out with everyone.
 The next day, it was announced at breakfast that a student had been petrified. You were scared for a couple reasons. It was highly plausible that what happened to Collin would happen to you and if it did, or your parents heard of what happened at school, they would never let you come back. You didn’t want either of those things to happen so after you steeled yourself, you went to talk to Professor McGonagall.
 “Professor, can I speak with you?” You asked her.
 “Of course, Miss Dursley. What can I help you with?” She put down her quill and you sat down in front of her desk.
 “You saw how my parents were, right?” You said, twisting your hands.
 “I did.”
 “Can you promise me that if what happened to Collin happens to me, you won’t tell my parents?”
 “I can’t promise that, Miss Dursley.”
 “But if they figure out what has happened here, I’ll never be allowed back. You said yourself that I need to learn how to use my magic or something bad will happen to me,” you said. “I looked it up. What would happen. I don’t want to turn into an Obscurus, Professor.”
 McGonagall sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
 “Alright, Miss Dursley. I won’t tell your parents anything if something happens to you. But only because you’re right.”
 “Thank you, Professor. I really appreciate it.”
 “In return, I expect you to practice your transfiguration more. It needs work,” she said.
 “Of course, Professor. Thank you!” You gave her a smile and walked out of her office. A huge weight was lifted from your chest and you went about your day with a smile on your face.
 A few weeks later, there was an announcement of a dueling club being formed. You were excited to learn some defensive spells but when you found out who was leading it, you frowned.
 “Lockhart? Really?” You said to the twins. “He’s such a sham.”
 “Might be.” Fred shrugged.
 “But he is the DA teacher. He has to know something.” George put his elbow on your shoulder, Fred following suit.
 “I hope so.”
 Soon, Lockhart was knocked back by Snape’s disarming spell and you had to hold back a laugh. When Lockhart said that he let Snape do that on purpose, you accidentally let out a snort.
 When Harry and Draco were called up to duel you were a little nervous to see what would happen. Both of them hated the other so much that something was bound to go wrong. So when Draco cast a spell that wasn’t expelliarmus, you weren’t surprised. It was only when Draco conjured a snake and Harry talked to it did you start to get worried.
 Everyone backed up when the snake landed after Lockhart tried to get rid of it, and that’s when Harry started talking to it. Him doing that brought you back to Dudley’s birthday a couple years ago where he spoke to the snake at the zoo and set it free before trapping Dudley in its enclosure.
 As Harry spoke to the snake, you saw it turn to Justin. It went to strike but then backed off. That’s when Snape got his head about him and got rid of the serpent.
 “What’re you playing at?” Justin said.
 That was when the club ended for the day. Everyone dispersed and you caught up to Justin after telling the twins bye.
 “Are you alright?” You asked him.
 “I think so? I mean, I thought that we were on good terms, but I guess not.”
 “I don’t think that he meant anything by it.”
 “Did you know that he was a Parselmouth?” Justin said. He stopped walking and turned to you.
 “That he can talk to snakes.”
 “I think so? I saw him doing something with a snake from the zoo a couple years ago. I guess he was talking to it. But it can’t be that big of a deal, right?”
 Justin was about to answer when Nearly Headless Nick showed up.
 “Miss Dursley, Mr. Flitch-Fletchley! How are you?” Nick said.
 The both of you looked at Nick and everything went black.
 When you woke up, you sat straight up.
 “Giant snake!” You said.
 “Miss Dursley?” Madame Pomfrey said.
 “There was a giant snake, where is it?”
 “It’s been taken care of, Miss Dursley,” Dumbledore said. “The Basilisk is dead and the situation is over.”
 “That’s the giant snake you saw. Now come on. I’m sure there are some people who would love to see you.”
 You got up on shaky legs and was immediately engulfed in a hug. You knew it was Hermione because of her hair and you let out a laugh.
 “Thank goodness you’re alright! Harry was worried sick,” Hermione said after she let you go.
 “You got petrified too?”
 “I did. I had figured out that it was a Basilisk and saw it through my mirror. Let’s go get some dinner.”
 You walked out of the hospital wing with Hermione and once you got to the Great Hall, you immediately ran over to Harry and gave him a hug.
 Hermione was the next to hug Harry and you waved to the twins before making your way to the Hufflepuff table. You sat next to Cedric and he was happy to see you back. After Dumbledore made the speech saying that finals were cancelled and you were happy about that seeing as you missed half the year.
 The last week of school passed very quickly and soon you found yourself on the train back home. Harry had explained everything to you then and you were glad that everyone was okay in the end. You were also glad that you had asked McGonagall to not say anything to your parents. Even if you had to come up with an excuse for missing Christmas.
 It was a nice train ride home and when it stopped at the platform, you didn’t want to get off. With a sigh, you grabbed your trunk and your things before walking with Harry. You said goodbye to everyone, giving hugs to the twins, and left to where your parents would be waiting to pick you and Harry up.
 You couldn’t wait for summer to be over and to go back to Hogwarts.
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cherryskyies · 4 years
Fred Weasley x Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluff, a little angst
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Swearing
Main Masterlist
Summary: You and Fred are best friends. Recently, you pulled a risky prank together that’s bound to come back and bite you in the ass but you two could care less. In potions, you and Fred are partnered together to make Amortentia and both of you refuse to share what you smelt. 
I suck at summaries LmAo
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“5 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor. I can’t believe you made me take points away from my own house.” Snape said, disgust evident in his tone. “Both of you, detention. 8pm sharp.” 
You should be embarrassed and sad over house points being taken away but you could care less at the moment. You and Fred had just pulled a prank on a few of the teachers by knocking on all the doors and running before you could get caught. Sure, they'd probably figure out it was you two but who cares.
"Do you think they'll figure out it was us?" Fred asked, done laughing while a smile forms on his lips. 
"Probably, but who cares." You said, giggling quietly. "I hope we don't though. I'm not a fan of serving detention for every teacher."
You felt Fred shudder beside you. "Especially Umbridge." 
Your eyes widened. You completely forgot about Umbridge and how horrible her punishments were. "Don't remind me."
"Don't worry, (Y/N). We won't get caught." Fred reassured, but you could tell he wasn't so sure himself. The prank you two pulled was a reckless one. You were bound to get caught.
You replied with a nervous laugh. 'Yeah, we're definitely fucked.' 
"Looks like we're partners, Freddy." You said, pulling the cauldron forward and taking out your potion book. "Do your best not to explode this in our faces like last time." 
"I would never." He responded, adding a smile as if it was any help. "So, first we add peppermint, right?" He asked, looking from the peppermint to you back to the peppermint. 
"And suddenly I've lost all faith that this won't explode on us." You said, gently placing your hand on his and pushing it down and away from the cauldron. "Put the peppermint away, Weasley." You warned, flashing him a smile that made his heart flutter.
"Yes, love." It slipped out. His face flushed and he wanted nothing more than to disappear but you didn't seem to mind, easing him a bit.
"Okay, can you hand me the stir stick thing please?" You asked, not looking up from the potion under you. It would be a lie if you said him calling you 'love' didn't make your stomach burst into a frenzy of butterflies. 'Calm down (Y/N)'
He handed you the stirring stick and watched as you carefully stirred it 3 times clockwise and 4 times counterclockwise. "We did it!" You exclaimed, bringing Fred out of his trance. Your excited eyes met his, "We did it." 
You handed him the potions to smell first. Books, rosemary, and a hint of lavender is what he smelt. It was you. Though, he already knew what to expect from the amortentia. He's been in love with you since 1st year.
He handed it back to you, his face pink. "Your turn."
"Well, what did you smell Fred?" You asked, slightly hoping it was you. But, you knew better than to think he'd ever like you back.
His face turned an even darker shade of pink. "None of your business! Now, you smell it and if you tell me what you smell I might tell you what I did."
You grumbled, sitting back into your chair with a pout and mumbling a quiet "Fine."
Firewood, mint, and candy invaded your senses. 'Fred' you thought. You knew it was going to be him. 
Quickly, you sat the potion down. Refusing to make eye contact with the ginger next to you. "Fair game Weasley. You win because I'm not telling you mine either." You said, bottling the potion so you could turn it into the professor. 
He pouted. He really wanted to know what you smelt. Perhaps it was him? 'Oh god what if it was George? Or Draco!?' He had to stop himself or he'd list a million people. 
"Tell me at least one? I'll tell you one in return!" He begged. Yes, begged. Fred was desperate to know. 
You rolled your eyes, it didn't seem like too bad of an idea. "Fine. One thing I smelt was candy." You said, sighing. "Your turn."
"One thing I smelt was rosemary." He said, trying to act confident. "What's another one you smelt? I'll go first this time!" 
You nodded. What's the worst that could happen? 
"The second thing I smelt was Lavender." He said quietly. His confident act was breaking and he started to wonder why he thought this was a good idea.
"Mine was firewood. That's the last one I'm sharing though." You said. If he were to keep asking he'd definitely find out it was him and you were not ready for him to know.
"Anyway, you want to go to dinner now?" You asked, noticing it was almost time for dinner to start.
He nodded, "Yes ma'am."
You two had to separate ways once you reached the Great Hall. Fred left for the Gryffindor table and you left for the Slytherin one.
Most of the Slytherins didn't mind you, but they also didn't befriend you.
"Hey, (Y/N)." You heard a student from behind you say.
You turned around and saw a Hufflepuff standing confidently. "Hello?" You asked, not trying to sound rude.
"I'm Cedric! A Hufflepuff as you can see." He said, motioning towards his robes. "I came over to ask if you wanted to go on a date later?"
'How do I nicely reject him?' 
Fred, overhearing the conversation between you and the Hufflepuff, snapped his head in your direction eager to hear your answer. 'Please say no, please say no.' He thought, over and over.
"I um, you seem like a really nice guy Cedric, but I'm interested in someone else at the moment. I'm really sorry." You said, feeling extremely bad. Saying yes would only be leading him on and you didn't want to do that.
"It's fine. Thank you for being nice about it and not embarrassing me or anything." He said before walking back to his house table.
Meanwhile, Fred was relieved. He still had a chance with you. 
Dinner was over and everyone was leaving to their room or their friends room. 
"(Y/N)!" You heard a familiar voice yell.
"Fred!" You yelled back. 
"What did that Hufflepuff want earlier?" He asked. He already knew the answer but he didn't want you to know he was listening in on your conversation. 
You shrugged, "He asked me on a date. I said no though, he seems like a nice guy and all but I'm interested in someone else."
"Who's the other guy?" Fred asked, poking your shoulder and raising his eyebrows at you.
"None of your business Weasley. That's who." 
"Sure, we both know I'll find out eventually. " 
"I hope not." You mumbled underneath your breath.
"What was that?" He said, teasing you.
"Nothing!" You exclaimed. You didn't expect him to hear you. 
"Fred Weasley, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Come with me." It was Umbridge who spoke, making your blood run cold.
"Yes ma'am." You and Fred said at the same time, giving each other the 'this is not good' look.
She opened her door, revealing a decent sized office with a pink rug and two chairs in front of a wooden desk.
"I know it was you two who pulled the pranks earlier. "
You froze, when you got in trouble with Umbridge the punishment was by far the worst.
"It was just me who pulled all of the pranks." You said quickly, ignoring the wide eye look Fred gave you.
Umbridge leaned back in her chair looking unimpressed. "Really? Then why was Mr. Weasley here late to class with you?"
'Quick (Y/N), think!' 
"He slept in today and saw me walking back to potions so he joined me. He had no part in the pranks." You replied, looking her dead in the eyes.
"Is this true, Weasley?" 
'Don't mess this up Fred.'
After a moment of silence, he nodded. "Yes, I slept in this morning and when I was on my way to potions I saw her walking there and joined her." 
Umbridge nodded, "Very well. You may leave Weasley. (Y/L/N), stay here." 
Once Fred left she handed you a quill. The same quill you had heard the horror stories about. "Write 'I will not pull pranks'."
She did not specify how many times, instead she ushered me to start and worked on school papers.
The pain was horrible. I wrote it 113 times. The words 'I will not pull pranks' was carved into my skin 113 times. The only reason she dismissed me is because blood was close to falling on her pink rug.
"You may leave now. Do not get any of your dirty blood on my rug either." She said, not looking up from her work.
"Yes ma'am." I barely whispered, clutching my hand to my chest.
I left her room, blood getting on my clothes. I knew I couldn't go to the Slytherin dorm because we had nothing to wrap and clean my hand with. My only option was to find Harmione and hopefully get her to help.
The walk to the Gryffindor rooms felt like walking a marathon. I lost a lot of blood and was starting to get hot and sweaty. 
"Fairy lights. " You whispered the password so no one else would hear you. You spent more time in the Gryffindor house than you did in the Slytherin so of course you had the password.
"Harmione!" You said, catching her attention. She was sitting on the common room couch, studying, per usual. "Do you think you could help me?" You asked, showing her your hand and arm covered in bloody words.
She gasped, "Merlin! What happened to you (Y/N)!?" She yelled, attracting more attention than you wanted. She was examining your arm when you heard another gasp.
This time, it was Fred. "This was Umbridge, wasn't it?" He asked, mad at himself for letting you take the blame and mad at Umbridge for hurting you.
You nodded, ashamed he was seeing you in such a state. 
"I knew I shouldn't have let you take the blame. This is all my fault." He cried, pulling you from Hermione gently. "I can take care of her, Harmione." 
Harmione nodded, understanding what was happening and left to give the two some privacy. 
"I'm so so sorry (Y/N)." He said, continuing to cry with you in his arms.
"Hey, hey It's not your fault, Fred. I knowingly put myself in this position so I could save you." You said, pulling away from him and meeting his eyes. "It doesn't hurt too bad anymore anyway." You said, smiling as you placed your thumb on Fred's cheek.
He looked into your eyes for a moment, searching them. For what? You weren't sure. That is until he kissed you.
He placed his lips on your softly, giving you enough time to pull away if you wanted to. When you didn't, he went ahead and deepened the kiss, placing his hands firmly on your waist as you placed your arms around his neck.
You were the first to pull away. Your lungs were screaming for oxygen and you were sure Fred's were as well.
"It was you I smelt in my Amortentia." Fred mumbled, placing his forehead against your own. 
You laughed. "I smelt you in mine too."
Nothing could be better than this moment.
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