#there’s also kinda just…. the feeling of being desirable being completely foreign
vixnprince · 10 months
// I’ll be honest, I kinda wish I’d projected my apprehension around sex onto this oc. There’s something liberating about writing Sion as a bit of a hoe sometimes, but I’ve struggled to process my own feelings around being thirty and still too terrified and unable to connect with anyone enough to take the plunge that is having sex. Bc that’s something I’ve noticed about myself lately. I don’t think I ever will have sex, and that’s fine, but part of me is also kinda sad that I feel too self conscious and uncertain and insecure to trust anyone enough to share that kind of intimacy. I’ve been single for my entire adult life, and I think that’s had an effect on me, and I wanna explore that
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hwnglx · 2 months
Can i request a reading of enhypen’s ni-ki off cam personality? And his views when it comes to relationships (platonic and romantic)?
i will be doing the second question in another post, maybe even in a collective one for the full group 🤭 enjoy the read
niki's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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3ow&su, 9osw&5op, 10op, pagosw, 7op&to bod: 4osw + off cam, niki is someone pretty open-minded. i'm getting this huge desire to expand his views and beliefs, big interest in experiencing things that are very foreign and new to him. he definitely loves a challenge and feels his best when he can just go somewhere else, whether that's physically or mentally. does he enjoy travelling in his free time? if he doesn't do it, he definitely wants to. he likes getting his mind off life sometimes, and just exploring different cultures, or even hearing stories about people's lives completely different to him. he finds it very interesting and intriguing.
one thing that's a constant for niki, is this boy lives to work. it's interesting, because despite this being a reading on him off cam, even behind the scenes i can see work occupying most of his mind. he's been exposed to the industry since he was so young, it's pretty much all he's known till now, so it's almost like the easiest thing in the world for him to remain career-focused. it's when he feels he's at his best, and most comfortable. in contrast, when not working is when he can quickly get into a more tense headspace and start overthinking. he's the type who needs to stay busy, in order to distract himself from his own thoughts, since he can be a huge overthinker, especially in regards to himself. i can just see him obsessing over doing everything perfectly, and himself being his own biggest critic. (is this boy an earth rising? he kinda looks like one too) but he has extremely professional and surprisingly mature energy in regards to his career. honestly blew my mind to remember he just turned 18 and could teach some older idols a few things concerning their attitude at work.
niki is also a person who is much more observant than we realize. he's someone with a quick wit and clever mind, a person who basically lives in his head. very very smart boy, much more intelligent and insightful than some people think. there is this self-aware and self-reflective quality to him, where he can quickly pick up on his mistakes, and is always open to changing. literally, he doesn't mind completely tearing down some habits, if that means he'll improve. he's always looking to reach his best potential, and is firm in his mentality.
to give you an example, he definitely had and sometimes still has the habit of being very sharp-tongued. sometimes he just says things that can easily hurt people, and this is something he's very aware of. he doesn't just brush it off like "whatever, guess that's what i'm like" no, he will definitely reflect on his behavior once he gets some time to think and put in effort to improve. especially because he himself is much more easily hurt than others think, even he himself doesn't always seem to acknowledge his more sensitive side. so there is this subconscious thought of "i can't be like this."
in general though, niki is just very chill and laidback. he truly doesn't like drama, doesn't enjoy conflicts, just wants to stay low-key and do what he has to do. i can see his hyungs fighting like cats and dogs while he's sitting there on his phone completely unfazed by what's going on. he doesn't enjoy being consumed by negative energy, since this can get his emotions to bubble up and truly mess him up sometimes, so he keeps himself out of situations as much as he can. could definitely seem kinda self-absorbed to some people, but he's just very protective of his own energy.
whe&3oc, sta, pagow, 7oc, pagoc, 4osw&acop, bod: 9op
- he just lives in his own little world and bubble, to an excessive extent. pretty selective about who he calls his friends, and truly doesn't seem to be very invested or even interested in putting effort into maintaining friendships. is he the member who just never answers on katalk and doesn't really react in the enha groupchat lol, like a ghost? that's the vibe he's giving. unbothered about others, puts more thought into matters about himself and his own life. if it doesn't concern him, he doesn't truly care. i see this pattern a lot for people who are incredibly absorbent to others' feelings and energy, often for significant pisces placements (esp ☾) they're so easily consumed by that, it's a self-protective mechanism in order to shield themselves from any sort of hurt.
niki still struggles to truly acknowledge and appreciate his more softer and emotional side. that's when he feels more awkward and insecure, it's a part of himself he's not comfortable with. he doesn't enjoy getting emotional, since he fears the loss of control over himself, he gets worried about just saying or doing things out of pure emotion and messing things up not only for himself, but others too. i keep getting this feeling of him really hating to hurt people, he feels guilt pretty quickly. and in his eyes it often happens whenever his emotions take over him, like he just isn't himself. so, he prefers to not even put himself into situations where this is a possibility, and just runs away from his feelings, as well as people who can bring that emotional side out in him. i can see he can probably get more emotionally attached than he'd want to, and that can scare him off. he doesn't like people thinking he's dependant on them.
there definitely is an arrogant quality to the way he carries himself off cam. he gives off this vibe of knowing how good he is, and people can quickly perceive that as being conceited and full of himself, especially if they feel threatened by that confidence. however, much of that is just fierce self awareness. he holds himself up to insanely high standards, and can feel overwhelmingly insecure if he doesn't meet them.
if you aren't of any use to him, it's unlikely niki will entertain your attendance for very long. as previously said, he carefully selects who he gives his time and energy to, and much of this is based on what that certain connection can do for him. he's just very self-centered, which can easily make people feel like he doesn't give a damn about anyone, and sometimes even hurt or disappointment them. he seems to have this mentality of "we all live and die alone anyway" so he'd prefer to nurture and take care of his own self rather than putting much effort into others. he goes through life thinking we all have to be more selfish in order to succeed. "no one is going to live life for me, so i might as well do it for myself." is what i hear.
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tea-earl-grey · 13 days
Square One "live"blog
as always, spoilers under the cut
gonna be real with y'all, i think the reason i took a few days off between Weapon of Choice and this is that Square One is... not my favorite episode. sorry i know that used to be an unpopular opinion (idk how it's regarded now) but frankly the misogyny & treatment of sex workers in this episode just kinda gives me the ick. i know that it's purposefully done but i don't think it's done well and i'm also just. deeply not interested in those sorts of stories in Doctor Who. so this will probably be a shorter post than most.
"since the catastrophic events on Archetryx, the temporal axis powers have been wary of attending a further summit" – yay continuity! and also no shit, an entire fucking galaxy was destroyed and at least one of the temporal powers was temporarily conquered by the Daleks.
the fact that Narvin actually bought the fact that Romana would send him to represent Gallifrey at an important conference is a little funny. Narvin simply cannot stop getting duped at every turn in early Gallifrey. (also the fact that presumably Romana only sent him because she considered him entirely expendable if something were to go wrong as she suspected).
but also the fact that Narvin was willing to go to this conference and negotiate on Romana's behalf says volumes about his character that even right now when he's completely ideologically opposed to everything she stands for, he will still do his duty because Romana is Gallifrey whether he likes it or not. which. yummy foreshadowing for the rest of the series.
Leela constantly pointing out Romana's own feelings is so important to me. yes! point out that she's tired! point out that she's not taking care of herself!
i will say i do love political conferences as a setting for media because you can get some interesting political worldbuilding done and also it gives me strong nostalgia from my time in the Model UN trenches
Hossak is an interesting character to me because she's pretty much the only Time Lord character we meet who a) voluntarily spent considerable time off of Gallifrey and b) is more politically liberal than Romana (at least when it comes to foreign policy). like... who is she? what are her goals?? what role would a Gallifreyan diplomat have before Gallifrey actually had official diplomatic ties??
"you will blend in beautifully just as you are" weird thing to say before you send your bodyguard to pose as a sex worker but okay Romana
"suppose we do find something wrong, what do we do then?" you would have thought that... i don't know... that might have been part of the briefing Romana gave Leela?? it seems like kind of an important part. i am fully willing to believe that Romana simply didn't think that far ahead though. she loves schemes and hates actually tying them together
the concept of the Monan Host being an ouroboros of temporal intervention is a fascinating idea for a society and as always, i wish we got more depth into the Temporal Powers.
ugh all the scenes with Flinkstab make me so uncomfortable.
goddddd Hossak is compelling as a character who might be politically liberal and might desire peace and for Time Lords to mix & mingle with aliens in diplomatic capacities but it's such a good reveal that she's exactly as vile & xenophobic as every other Time Lord when it comes to real aliens, not just diplomats. she's okay with Leela existing on the sidelines as a symbol for "the new Gallifrey" but as soon as she interacts with her as a real person, she's immediately dismissed and treated horribly. just as all of the alien dancers/sex workers are treated horribly by Hossak because they're not "the right kind" of alien for her limited liberalness. again, i don't think this episode handles the topics it introduces well but the concepts are very good and it isn't the usual xenophobia angle that's explored later in the show.
i remember the first time i listened to this so well because as soon as the first time shift happened, i just assumed it was some error in ripping the tracks off of the CD. (the fact that it was only a few years ago where the only way to (legally) listen to s1-3 was through CD is wild btw. i can tell times have changed because i remember being so annoyed that i had to pay extra for CDs & shipping for some of the audios instead of direct downloads and now i regret not getting the CD releases for the rest of the series when i had the chance. maybe i'll start with WR2 when it comes out next year)
omg! our first Narvin stuttering moment of the series!
Romana complaining about her TARDIS being boring and by the book moments before it starts to explode is a great representation of the season honestly
i love how quickly both Romana & Leela fall into mystery solving mode
the "how many times?!" "three!" scene is definitely a play on the infamous Horns of Nimon scene right?
mm and Hossak being so focused on the concept & appearance of peace and diplomacy in order for her to be some white knight champion of idealism rather than actually wanting to help or having compassion for others is such a familiar brand of liberal in our world.
also i know the reason there's some swearing in this episode and not the rest of the series is just because BF hadn't quite hit the right vibes they were aiming for (plus swearing and nsfw stuff in the older audios was more common in general) but from an in-universe perspective it really just makes Hossak the one Time Lord who will call people sluts and bitches. (this is also why this episode feels so odd to me in comparison to the rest of the show.)
every conversation that Romana & Leela have at the end of each episode means soooo much to me.
"you can't trick people into peace." "you do." "well that's different." "because you are the President?" CALL HER THE FUCK OUT LEELA.
the way Romana is just so fucking disrespectful to Leela and her point of view in season 1 is so tasty to me.
andddddd we're done. i feel like i actually enjoyed that more than most other re-listens i've done. still one of my least favorite episodes of the series but i do love the spotlight it gives Leela and some of the background political developments are quite nice.
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imustbenuts · 2 months
Is it possible that dragon degradation is a form of corruption by kegare? From a cultural perspective. Do you think that's basically what's happening? It feels like a lot of the ones who end up degenerating are... Almost stagnant? Basically the spiritual equivalent of letting the dishes pile up until the mold overtakes the proverbial sink.
From a culture + religion informed perspective I think... Yes, at least for the earlier FE games. There's a clear line here somewhere I'll try to explain in a bit.
It helps to think of kegare as decay, rot, a force of nature. In normal amounts it functions normally, but in excess it wreaks havoc on creatures and the environment. Kinda like excess pollution of methane or carbon dioxide etc. You are completely right in thinking of it as stagnation, which is a milder form of decay in taoism's yin yang thing.
I think in the earlier FEs, the dragons came into an environment that had higher than normal kegare baseline and refused to pass on, thereby causing an excess accumulation of kegare. Add on some wars and antags doing antag stuff and it just got worse. So yes, a form of degradation.
You can also find a small buddhist aspect here where the refusal to let go causes more suffering.
But, somewhere along the way, I think with possibly radiant dawn, this changed.
See, the shitty implications about kegare and a chunk of Shinto is that it's actually rooted in old japanese fascist ideology. Revere the emperor, expel the barbarians. 尊王攘夷. Like with many, many fascist ideologies, it used Shinto to propel the idea whilst splitting and suppressing Buddhism (bc its extremely difficult to be used in that way for their case). And so unwanted, undesirable, ugly things are kegare'd, and only clean, desirable aspects can be allowed to remain in a society. If a person is born wrong, they are kegare'd and should be avoided like the plague. Oh, undertakers, they deal with the dead so avoid. Foreigners, kegare'd.
When applied to FE though, we can end up on a slippery slope writing of, all who have degraded are unwanted and should immediately be eliminated. A step further with possible sickness imagery of degraded dragons, gods, religion, people, even nations aaaand uh.... Yeah. We don't want that. You really don't want this in Fire Emblem. Nonono NO.
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Anyway, at some point the kegare subtext became more of something that's a tool, a magic force which isn't inherently bad, per se. It moved on from being a corruptible force to. Just a force. The writing slowly stops treating war as a generator of kegare, but more as a shitty thing that happens because of idiots being idiots and causes more pain. (I will note that Blazing Blade treats war as a kegare generator for what it's worth still btw.)
Radiant series seems to say fuck this and went full geopolitics first. Even the big bad here isn't a degraded dragon but a broken logic'd god. This is why I think this entry is the biggest turning point. Though I'll admit I'm really not super into FE so the games I fully understand are awakening onwards, again sorry for this incomplete sounding analysis.
In Awakening, I remember some joke zombies/risen written to be actually friendly in a side dlc content. In Fates, they kinda went back to the kegare thing but are really leaning in on the Buddhism aspect as a crutch (see Anankos and his attachment to Cadros.).
Engage even just said "nuts to that, old series", and confirmed Fell Dragons aren't so much corrupted degraded dragons as just, more depressed creatures who needs a helping hand. Buddhism here is on full blast with the interdependence theming now.
This is why there isn't dragon depredation in the same way the old FEs were handling it. It's more live too long and without rest or letting go and it's bad for the mental health now.
So uh yeah hope that answers more than what u asked lmao
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foxstens · 2 years
once again having an existential crisis about sexual/romantic attraction
there’s a lot to talk about but rn im kind of questioning the crushes ive had. i’ve explained them before, one was in kindergarten and i rmr nothing about it, one was sometime in high school and lasted like 2 seconds, there really wasn’t much to it, and one has been going on since 5th grade. but now im suddenly wondering if they were even actually what we understand as crushes
google says a crush is ‘a brief but intense infatuation for someone‘ which kinda fits sorta maybe, but people on reddit explain it in a very... romantic way i guess, according to them you want to be around that person, you want to be liked by them, you have an active desire to date them or to just take things further. and im. well. that does not fit. i mean it might have with 2/3 crushes since i don’t remember the actual feeling itself
but with the third crush i do remember the feeling because it never fucking disappeared. like i’ve known this guy since i was 10, the last time i saw him face to face was like 4 years ago, but i still have him on facebook, we still wish each other happy birthday every year, and he still regularly appears in my dreams. and i always get the same feeling in those dreams - the feeling of being curious about this person, of wanting to talk to him and spend time with him and his family because when i met them in the past they always had interesting things to say and they were always nice and warm and friendly and as an only child maybe i was a bit jealous of his close relationship with his sisters.
and. that’s it. that’s all it’s ever been. maybe that feeling was friendship or at least a desire for friendship because i’ve never actually had irl friends and what i just described does not fucking look like what we think of when we use the word ‘crush’. 
why am i so hung up on this, you ask? because i identify with the word aromantic so strongly, it feels more right than my actual fucking name but. i can’t be aromantic if i’ve had three whole crushes, right. lol. im probably just being stupid, but thinking about all of this is interesting. 
and i still don’t understand the concept of romantic or sexual attraction. i guess i can sort of fathom the idea of romantic attraction, like you look at someone and you get the feeling that you want to be more than their friend, though it still feels foreign to me, definitely not something i’ve experienced, let alone with a stranger
but the idea of sexual attraction feels positively alien. maybe people just suck at explaining it or something, but having an actual physical response to just seeing someone, and having sexual thoughts and desires when looking at a person??? i’m sorry but what. does this genuinely actually happen to real people in real life
when i see an attractive person my brain just kind of stops and i just stare and mumble if i have to speak, then i might think about their face for a bit afterwards, trying to recall what i liked about it, and that’s it. very rarely, i might find someone’s aura and confidence attractive, and that’s when i’ll really stare but even then my thoughts are just: i wonder what their life is like, i wonder what it’s like to be them, i wonder what it’s like to be around them regularly when they have this aura. you know??? i guess this might be what google describes as aesthetic attraction, maybe.
so yea i guess this proves that i’m definitely somewhere on the aroace spectrum. i mean i knew this, i have known this for years. but i feel more confident about it, now that i’ve thought more deeply about the ‘crushes’ i’ve had and how they fit.
also hopefully one day i’m not gonna be so surprised when i get reminded that some people see and experience the world completely differently. d a n g.
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filliteapot · 2 years
hi! I really like your personal posts, I sometimes can relate to them so I don't feel so alone. I hope is it not out of the line for me to ask this, but do you also feel like so lonely even tho having people you'd call friends? i blame that when growing up since i never voiced my emotions and feelings and thoughts and showed people who i am i created this barrier between people even if we are friends so something like offering emotional support is like so foreign to me cause i never asked for it
"I never had that many friends growing up so I learned to be okay with just me", Priscilla Ahn sings, and I'm like "wow this is me". I had a childhood friend (we went different ways after school and our connection dissipated with time, which is completely okay), and I spent much time with family, mostly with my grandmother and cousins who lived with us then (they also left my side and we don't talk much anymore). So, basically I was always pretty much lonely, but thanks to family I never really felt like an outcast while being one at school, and I'm forever grateful to them. Maybe it did some disservice to my social skills later, but I don't wanna erase that feeling of comfort and acceptance I felt with them, even if they probably didn't feel the same way.
I understand what you are saying about not voicing your emotions and creating a barrier, but it seems to me a logical and natural reaction to the world that seems hostile while you don't have much courage and certitude you'll be accepted if you come as you are. I kinda did that too. But I was always like, rebelling against the idea I have to change to fit in. So I guess in the end I became a weird mix of someone who doesn't want conflicts and thus isn't honest with people about my actual (negative) feelings and emotions, and at the same time someone who just can't and doesn't want to fit in. It's difficult, haha. I have no idea how to live this life and make things work out being this mix of the opposites but I'm trying.
I can't say I have any friends by my side tbh. I cherish my online connections with people who live far away from me, but last year made some corrections about the way I feel about them too. I tried to open up a bit, for the first time in my life for real, and was brutally shut up by those I sought help from, but then I realized I expected too much from people and kinda put them on a pedestal, as if they were all mighty and way better than me at communication and able to give me the support I needed, while they suffered as much as me and it was obviously a mistake to wish someone in such state to save you from loneliness. I realized that we are all not so much different in this regard, and that I belittled myself for nothing. In short, I got hurt, closed up agan and kinda gave up. I used the only tools I knew to get better - work, fiction and art, and they helped me to remember what it was like, to be myself who was okay to be alone without feeling incomplete.
To be sincere, I do want friends and people I can be myself with. I want to spend time with someone irl. And I know for sure it's not gonna be easy for someone like me, who is so closed up and not really believing it's possible for me. Making that possible requires opening up, making mistakes, losing faith, getting hurt again and again, and I don't wanna go through this all now, so I decided to give myself as much time with just me as I need, to recover a bit, to know myself better. I actually think that making peace with yourself is crucial for communication with others, so I'm not gonna rush things. I'm just trying to make myself my own friend while waiting for some new turn of life that will bring someone from the outside to me. Nothing good ever came out of my desire to get my inner problems solved by someone else, and I don't want to put that responsibility on others, to hate them for not being able to do it. So I'm trying to sort it all out by myself, without changing the most important things about my personality and what I love and what I believe tho.
Sending you good waves for these inner struggles! Hope things will work out for you. I'm glad my ramblings are somehow useful.
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vicious-vixxxen · 3 years
SugarDaddy!Enji X SugarBaby!Male Reader <3
Not entirely sure where this came from, but couldn’t help myself once it started :3 nothing crazy, and kinda short, so apologies for that, but I hope you guys enjoy it! Prompt fills should be out later this month: In the midst of a move, so slow going getting fills, out, but hopefully soon <3 thanks for the patience, and the continued support. Much love to you guys! Enjoy :3  Sugar Daddy!Enji x Sugar Baby!Male Reader
 (Sort of, kind of, it is but also not entirely the focus)
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“What would you do without me, dad,” Fuyumi sighed, though her smile was palpable, even if Enji couldn’t see it- as she’d stepped behind him to lint roll his dinner jacket. Enji adjusting his watch, and catching the time, puffing his chest up a bit as he shooed his daughter back, and glanced at himself in the full length mirror once more, briefly. Enji would lie down and accept the sweet, bitter kiss from the grim reaper, before he ever told his daughter just where he’d found his date from. But, and as hard as it was to so much as admit it, Enji did know when to wave the white flag of defeat, and after three hours of trying to pick his own outfit, he’d shuffled off to her room and mumbled the bare minimum about having a date from an app tonight. Fuyumi had freaked out for all of ten minutes, before growing startlingly serious, and rifling through his closet for articles of clothing Enji had no idea were even there. And now...well, he looked more presentable than he had in ages. Granted, his wardrobe consisted of his hero suit ninety nine percent of the time, but still. Bidding Fuyumi goodbye was a whole other ordeal, but soon enough, Enji found himself- or rather, his driver, pulling up along the curb of the restaurant he’d asked you to. Not even a moment to gather himself, or suck in a few lungful's of crisp evening air, before his eyes landed on you. Your dazzling smile so bright, Enji had to keep himself from squinting, as you hurried over, and without so much as a hello first, threw your arms over the hero’s broad shoulders, and brought him down into a tight, warm hug. Enji squeezed back awkwardly, though your cologne was mouthwatering, and the feel of someone wanting to be in his arms almost made the older man dizzy, as he pulled back, and smoothed out the front of his jacket. Just to busy his hands, as you eyed him up, and your smile grew softer. More intimate. “It’s so nice to meet, finally. In person.” You laughed, gesturing for Enji to follow you to the front door, as there was already a man waiting to escort you back to your table. Well, Enji thought. Here goes nothing. 
“You’re nervous,” you pointed out quietly- gently, reaching across the table to lay one of your hands over Enji’s much larger one: meeting the older man's gaze as he stopped jiggling his leg, and focused his full attention on you. “Observant,” Enji huffed, though not unkindly, as he took a deep breath, and reached up with his free hand to tug at the neck of his sweater. Cheeks flush, both from the heat within himself, and his nerves. You were much more...handsome? Pretty? Drop dead gorgeous?- than your profile pictures had given you credit for, and even then you were one of the most beautiful specimens he’d ever laid his eyes on, so that was really saying something. “I try to be,” you laughed, bringing your other hand around to sip at your champagne, before laying your glass-chilled hand over the other covering Enji’s, to clasp them on either side- just holding his hand, and smiling. Awkwardness creeping back up Enji’s neck as his throat worked around the words he couldn’t quite find. “I could talk, if you’d like? And you can interject whenever you’d like. No pressure to, if you’re not ready. I could probably talk enough for the both of us.” You we’re trying to cut the man some slack, bless his big confused heart. Your online chats hadn’t divulged much, though you did get the gist from Enji. Bad relationship with his children. Not too close to anyone of his own age. He was lonely. And so were you. You were also broke as fuck, but all thoughts of monetary value flew out the window the second you hugged the man when you’d arrived. Seen the restaurant he’d asked you to; and the private balcony dinner he’d arranged. Enji was trying so hard, and it made your heart beat a little too fast. Your smile almost too bright.  “That...would be preferable, thank you,” Enji replied gruffly- though he cleared his throat after like he’d done it by accident. It only made you smile wider “Of course. A very considerate daddy you are,” you teased, referencing the website you met on jokingly- or at least, half jokingly- though the way Enji’s blush deepened had you stuttering around your first few sentences- glancing down suddenly as Enji turned his hand palm upward- holding your hands in return, as you laughed, suddenly, and began speaking smoothly. Squeezing the man’s hands in silent thanks, as he listened intently to you rambling on about your life. Where you went to school, what instrument you played, your favorite movies, and books. He really /listened/, grunting every so often to show you he was- and even interjecting with questions every so often; Enji really wanted to know about you. He wanted to listen. You’d never quite had anyone like that before. Not even close friends who cared enough to really listen to you. Your chest felt tight suddenly as you began touching on your most recent life happenings. Pausing slowly, voice getting quiet as you held Enji’s gaze, you lifted the older man’s hand to press a kiss to his palm. Snickering into it as Enji’s flames burst across his face at the contact. “Ah-Ahem. What uh...what’s that for?” He questioned, voice husky as he turned away slightly. Embarrassed at his flames for the first time since he was a pre-teen. “Just thanks, for listening,” you admitted with a shrug, kissing his palm again, even softer this time. Enji turned then, pure honesty in his gaze as he gathered his courage to speak clearly, “I could listen to you speak...for hours, if I’m being honest. You have..a lovely voice.” “Ah,” You nodded, your cheeks just as flushed as the hero’s as you swirled your champagne in its glass gently. Missing completely the way Enji’s face fell, and he withdrew his hands from atop the table, and back into his lap. The rest of the night went pretty much the same, though you noticed Enji seemed slightly more reserved, and gruff than before. Still just as attentive, still nearly mute, just more...withdrawn. Less open then he’d become as you spoke. It wasn’t until the date had come to an end, and he was escorting you out of the restaurant, and to the car he’d called to take you home, did you realize why. “Here you go.” Enji spoke quietly, yet clearly, crowding you in slightly so the valet couldn’t see the wad of cash he was holding out to you. Crisp bills neatly folded into a money clip, engraved with Enji’s initials. “Oh.” You’d almost forgotten by this point that this was sort of part of it. Or...well, it was the whole point, really. Or had been. “That’s….quite a lot of money,” You thought aloud, frowning at the way Enji’s brows drew down tightly, and he thumped the money into your chest gently. “I apologize for the evening. Please, just take it. It’s triple the amount we originally spoke of. Compensation for the poor company I’ve been.” You froze, staring between Enji’s eyes, that wouldn’t meet your own, and the cash being held out to you, Enji’s grip so tight on it his knuckles were white. /Oh/. So that’s what he thought. Earlier in the evening, your reaction to his sincerity, he’d read into it wrong. ….Sweet old man. “Silly daddy,” You sighed, smiling despite the situation- reaching up to tug out one solitary bill from the stack, before pressing Enji’s fist back into his own chest with one hand- the other snaking up and around the man’s neck, to ease him down to your level gently. “I can’t say I’ve ever had a more wonderful time with anyone before in my whole life. You listened, and saw me. And only me. For hours. I don’t think I can properly describe how absolutely wonderful that was. Truly. Silly,” You laughed again, watching the way Enji’s shoulders hunched, and tensed, a myriad of emotions flitting across his face, before he settled on bewilderment it seemed. The tiniest flames danced across his cheeks as you leaned up on your toes, brushing noses briefly, before capturing Enji’s lips in a soft, chaste kiss. Hand carding up and into the soft hair at the nape of Enji’s neck, scraping your nails through his scalp gently as your lips began to move against one another. Unsure, and hesitant, before that quickly melted away, leaving only the deepest desire, and want. A soft, needy noise leaving your mouth, that Enji swallowed up happily. Panting into your face as he pulled away, breath a wash of champagne, and the chocolate cake you’d both had for dessert. “Tip...for your driver,” You breathed, slightly dazed as you fell back into the car, feet firmly on the ground now- tapping your pocket where you’d slid the bill from the stack he’d held out to you at first. “I...should get going. But if I don’t have a text from you with the details of our next date when I get home, i’ll be one very disappointed boy,” You admitted quietly, cupping Enji’s cheek briefly- thumb sliding across his plump bottom lip, before you opened the back door of the car, and slid in. Wishing Enji a goodnight, before the door was shut, and you were being driven off towards home. Enji checked the time briefly as you pulled away, and once more when he finally was able to get his legs working again- nearly an hour had passed, in which he’d tried and failed multiple times to collect himself. Had that really just happened? The feel of his lips twisting up into a smile felt strange, and foreign for the pro hero. And as he walked home, to allow himself a chance to breathe finally, he began to laugh. Cupping his own face, and touching his lips, an incredulous laugh bubbled from deep within him as he threw his head back and allowed it to overtake him. Smiling in a way he hadn’t in...so, so long. Pulling his phone out, he immediately began texting you, checking your schedule for the next night, before suggesting going to a play. A quiet, private balcony just for the two of you. Close seats. Beautiful music. He could watch your reactions under the bright stage lights. It sounded fantastic. A text from Fuyumi chimed into his phone as he was nearly home, and still smiling like a love struck teenager. So? How was it!?-FT Enji sighed heavily, catching himself in a nearby shop window- looking too happy to be real, and recalling your words from earlier. Wonderful.-ET It was wonderful, Fuyumi.-ET
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oliviamillss · 4 years
reading dreams chart
im only going to use up to orb 3, for stronger accuracy lmao
**if you can’t be bothered to read it all, theres a summary paragraph at the bottom**
sun in 7th: strong emphasis on relationships. tends to copy others lingo/habits. extroverted. probably ‘needs’ others. only really shows his true self around his close friends/family/partners. 
sun at 19 degrees: a libra degree. (emphasis on this bc libra rules 7h), makes him a very charming, likeable, particularly popular guy.
sun opposite ascendant: inner conflict, probably doesn’t feel like people see him for his true self, may struggle showing true self. may feel misunderstood. may need approval/validation a lot.
sun square mars: hints to daddy issues. may struggle with a lot of built up anger and frustration, but it seems like he takes it out very positively, as you can see he is competitive, so i think he lets it out through gaming. probably very energetic, motivated.
sun square saturn: high expectations for himself. probably the type of person to think ‘i’m only good enough if i do this’. probably very hard on himself. also probably very insecure of himself, but doesn’t show it. another sun square masculine planet, more hinting to daddy issues.
moon in 7th: probably relies on close friends/family/partners a lot. loves to help people, esp people he’s close with (kinda mr beast vibes). probably very like ‘oh shit, he’s sad, i need to do everything within my power to cheer him up’ if that makes sense lmao
moon in virgo: looking after people!!! esp with the sun square saturn,, high expectations. probably a very much perfectionist, which also explains why he is competitive. may ‘always need to be right’. but virgo moons are actually so lovely omfg
moon at 9 degrees: sagittarius degree, likes to help people by optimism, and giving things to the person that they would want (im aware that sounds obvious lmao). probably feels a sense of achievement when cheers them up.
moon square pluto: probably hard time dealing with and growing from negative things that have happened, possibly struggles with letting things go. possibly self destructive (why did that one heatwaves part come to mind), possible trust issues + anxiety, probably very particular about who he lets close into his life, maybe quite protective. 
mercury in 6th: likes to help people, probably not disappointed if he spends his time working with someone, may struggle with anxiety/depression. a quick learner, probably overthink every word because it wast the ‘perfect’ thing to say. 
mercury in leo: funny asf, and out there, also thinks his ideas/things to respond and say are the best, with the 6h and 7h placements, he is open to listen to others, but in the end he only really wants his one lmfao, good with conversation.
mercury at 1 degree: aries degree, another fire placement which emphasises the loud, out there kinda vibes.
mercury trine mc: career and reputation are strongly linked with what he says. (this is obv bc hes famous lmao). he’s smart, particularly with technology and its linked to his career. *im aware this sounds like im just describing him, this is exact so thats why its overly accurate*
mercury opposite neptune: daydreamer, probably has a lot of thoughts and ideas in his head, but they just dont come across right. probably zones out, may struggle with focusing. but very creative, has big and creative ideas. i havent mentioned it before but its come up too many times now, but he has a lot of placements, when manifested badly, creates a good manipulator
mercury square jupiter: optimistic, possibly thinks his ideas are the best (we’ve covered that before), can be really overly talkative or just nothing at all. (i rlly dont know much about this placement)
venus in 7th: he will have a beautiful relationship with his future partner. charming asfff, probably a good flirt. tends to love love. needs to be liked, sort of a pleaser. 
venus in virgo: the type of person to remember everything about the people he cares about. loves to help the people he cares about. probably sees the people he truly loves as ‘perfect’, which may end up being really bad if they’re toxic. 
venus in retrograde: struggles feeling loved, possibly feels like he doesn’t deserve love. probably the type to be like ‘how could you ever love me?’
venus square mc: attract people who take care of him. either has self-esteem issues, or is quite a dependant person. creative. may struggle finding people who support his career, or may have to change a few things about himself to be liked by others. 
venus trine jupiter: very likeable, and he’s veryyy lucky. he’s funny, and a generous person, probably very giving to his close friends and family. charismatic asfff, likely he will marry someone foreign. 
mars in 9th: more things hinting to attract(ing/ed to) foreigners. loves experiencing things with people he cares about. likes to learn more and more, possibly stubborn, makes sure his opinions are known.
mars in scorpio: that boy needs privacy in his life, doesn’t like being predictable. probably an overthinker. we’ve already known this but he’s definitely a top. probably could get anyone he wants, seductive asfff. also pretty spiteful.
mars at 17 degrees: leo degree, fame bitchesss
mars square ascendant: hates to lose, competitive. people may be intimidated by him at first, can’t really hide anger, pretty stubborn.
mars opposite saturn: really hard on himself. wants to be the best of the best, leader. stands up for himself. another placement hinting to daddy issues. harsh about his work, and himself in general, perfectionist. 
mars square uranus: anger may change a lot, a lot of energy, probably struggles to focus, doesn’t like to be the one who is being controlled/has restrictions. probably struggles with authority. outbursts of anger.
jupiter in 3rd house: loves writing, and is actually pretty good at it. knows how to talk to people, how to persuade them, and how to manipulate them. good liar, knows how to sell his wants across, how to get what he wants.
jupiter at 4 degrees: cancer degree, cancer rules his 6h. he uses his luck/money to help others.
jupiter square neptune: big dreams, desire to escape the world as it is.
saturn in 3rd: afraid of/ is often misunderstood. struggles to open up?, maybe he wasn’t listened to much growing up. hard on himself academically, feels like he isn’t smart enough. hard time expressing himself. maybe feels like noone really cares for what he has to say?
saturn at 16 degrees: cancer degree. idk what else to say abt it lmaoo
saturn square ascendant: quite serious, maybe struggle with the way he looks? possibly quite overwhelmed about his life,, feels like he has too much to do at times. fear of rejectionnn
saturn square uranus: maybe he doesn’t like change, tradition v change clashing. authority troubles. probably needs freedom, but feels unstable without what he’s used to. rebelling against norms. 
uranus in 12th: probably very curious about unexplainable things, maybe quite into conspiracy theories. two complete ends of the spectrum: fear change/need it, unpredictable things happen/ everythings the same. 
uranus at 14 degrees: taurus. taurus ruling 2nd, i guess it shows change in dream’s wealth.
uranus opposite north node (and conj south node): with exceptions, doesn’t like conflict. he is fine with joke conflict, but the second there’s an actual argument he tries to be the ‘peacemaker’ guy. technology is major in his life. also quite nervous about his career/future. 
neptune in 12th: awful sleep schedule. overworking himself, never relaxing. vivid dreams. once again, this has come up loads and i just haven’t mentioned it: intuitive asf, george is the same. whether either are aware of it or not, they are super intuitive.
neptune at 2 degrees: taurus degree.
neptune sextile mc: creative, also likes helping others, empathy to the public. has big dreams career wise. 
pluto in 10th: determined person, gets a lot of hate, but also a lot of love. trust issues, persuasion/manipulative abilities. leader leader leader. another hint to daddy issues, maybe privacy invading, maybe overprotective. don’t want to be controlled.
north node:
north node in 6th: overwork himself. but i think we can interpret this as his life goal to be working to help people. literally mr beast. just work hard, and give a lot away. humble.
chiron in 9th: possible restriction from either his or his communities beliefs/religions. maybe he’s afraid of leaving where he is right now (sapnap moving to orlando, whenever its brought up its always george coming to orlando)
lilith in sagittarius: need for truth. dislikes restrictions. hides emotions, uses humour to avoid them/ make people think they’re okay when they’re not. stubborn asf. 
lilith in 10th: tend to be sexualised/ reputations for being sexual. another placement hinting to daddy issues. really wants to be at the top, the most powerful. likes using his dominance/ power to seduce. motivateddd.
lilith conjunct pluto (exact omfg): typical ‘mystery’ guy. probably the mystery/scorpio vibes he pulls off attracts/ seduces people. the most dominant partner ever. sex is probably so intense and overwhelming
moon square lilith: possible mummy issues. his need for sex can change quick asf, from one end of the scale to another. struggles to open up. 
 i ought to mention!!
there’s a theory that the degree of your venus sign is the birthday of someone who is v important in your life. what’s dreams you may ask? 1. and when are george and sapnap’s birthdays? the 1st. they’re soulmates, your honour.
basically, dream has so much care and love for his friends and family, and probably relies on them a lot. he only shows his true self around them, and he (at least thinks) people don’t really understand him in the way his friends and family do. he is a social person, who’s very likeable and charming. he lovesss helping people, doing everything in his power to cheer others up, he remembers details about the people he loves. he is such a perfectionist, needing to succeed and win and everything, and is very competitive. he probably doesn’t think he’s ‘worthy’ if he’s bad at something. he sets very high expectations for himself. he is very hard on himself. if he wants to, he knows how to manipulate people. he has so so many placements for an amazing manipulator. he may struggle to express himself or open up, and may be hard on himself academically. maybe he doesn’t feel ‘listened to’. a lot of emotions like anger and sex drive may change rapidly for him. he over works himself a lot. a major theme in his life is tradition vs change. he is probably afraid of change, or finds it uncomfortable, or he may have some sort of attachment to traditional values/things, no matter how much he wants to change. he is also a peacemaker. he was born to be loved or hated, kinda like marmite but if the balance was more equal. he doesn’t like restrictions. he uses humour to hide his emotions.
im also thinking of doing a synastry reading between george and dream but idk yet lol
hope you guys enjoyed, this took ages lmao<3
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theladyismyshepard · 3 years
37 kill for Daniela the red head, She kills one of the servents because of jealousy but the maiden is into it?? Maybe kinda nsfw
Sorry for the wait, my friend
I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me (NSFW)
TW: Violence
The sun was beating down on your back as you tended to the garden that you grew in the back courtyard. You had appealed to the Dimitrescus the benefits of planting your own vegetables and fruits and possibly the occasional pretty flower here or there. The Lady seemed uninterested in the thought altogether, making it clear that her mind was reserved for more stimulating subjects. Bela seemed halfhearted with her thoughtfulness, quickly zoning out. Cassandra had rolled her eyes and walked away after the word “garden”. Daniela was smiling though, her eyes glittery before she nodded along almost vehemently.
“I agree,” she said unabashed, ignoring her mother’s arched brow and Bela’s scoff. “Think of the ingredients we could grow ourselves instead of sending for delivery every other week.”
“Daniela, dear,” started Alcina, sighing almost exasperatedly, “Do you plan on going out and tending to this “garden”, hmm?”
You wanted to interject, it was the perfect moment to take responsibility for the care of the garden, and possibly even the grounds just to improve your worth around the castle. Yet, it required a lack in manners to interrupt a Lady when she’s speaking, and Alcina had a severe standard when it came to manners. And so you were forced to go with the smart move and bite your tongue as Daniela’s face dropped. That didn’t stop you from attempting to gain eye contact to give her a beseeching look.
“I’m sure we can find someone.” insisted Daniela, her eyes cutting to you before snapping back to her mother. “Someone very dependable,”
“I can do it,” you piped up, taking the opportunity, eyes dropping to the floor once Alcina’s gaze fell onto you.
“The question is will you,” drawled Alcina, eyes narrow as they looked you up and down. “As in, will I allow a human thing as yourself to control anything that is mine?”
You would have fell to your knees beneath the weight of the Lady’s attention had it not been for a certain redhead to stepped closer to you. You wanted to grab her hand, pull her close, wrap yourself around her for comfort, but you don’t. You never act on it, and she never dragged you to her bedroom cackling and giggling wildly as she did with other maids when she needed to get off. Though you were also the only one who didn’t emerge scarred and torn up.
“Of course, my Lady,” you conceded, bowing your head to show a sign of submission.
“Mother,” said Bela quietly, calmly interjecting, and waited until Alcina turned to address her. “I also think that a garden would be beneficial.”
Daniela had clapped happily when she realized her sister was aiding her in swaying their mother. Your eyes couldn’t settle between the three of the Dimitrescus. Alcina cocked her head to the side, adopting a fake look of thoughtfulness to cover how unimpressed she was.
“Oh, you do, darling?”
“Yes,” pressed Bela before her mother could continue on. “Imagine the access to ingredients for remedies to give the livestock. We could even grow foreign plants required for different potions!”
Fuck the fruits and vegetables, I guess.
And that was how the Lady was worn down and forced to give into her daughters desires. The garden didn’t necessarily consist of the produces that you originally planned for, but it got you out of the castle for extended points of time, and you weren’t complaining one bit. Castle Dimitrescu was a rather large estate, so there was plenty of room for the several varieties of roots, plants, and flowers that the Dimitrescus requested you take care of.
The heat of the sun had you pulling at the hem of your shirt to bring it up and wipe the sweat from your brow. The warm breeze hit you squarely on your exposed midsection, and you felt the dripping sweat drying grossly against your flesh. It felt as though eyes were upon you and when you let go of your shirt, ready to turn to check the windows of the castle, a person standing next to you nearly had you jumping out of your skin.
“Oh!” gasped the woman — a maid, “I’m sorry for scaring you.”
“It’s alright,” you assured, breathless and attempting to return your heart rate back to normal. “What’re you doing out here?”
Being outside was a luxury that none of the other maids could afford, so you were confused as to how this maid, Elle, had managed to avoid the lingering eyes that were everywhere. Her eyes averted as a slight blush came to her cheeks, and that’s when you saw the glass of water in her hand and your brain put two and two together. Oh.
“It’s hot today,” said Elle nonchalantly, even shrugging. “I figured you might need this.”
“Thank you,” you replied earnestly, grabbing the glass and taking greedy sips before you handed it back. “I appreciate it.”
“Well, I can’t have you fainting and bringing attention to yourself, now can I?” joked Elle, smiling bashfully.
You could’ve sworn that eyes were upon you, and you even went as far as to turn and check the windows, and while you thought you saw one of the curtains shifting, it also could’ve been a trick on your eyes. You furrowed your brow but turned back to Elle, who was looking at you expectantly, and for what, you weren’t sure. You smiled warmly.
“Thank you again, Elle, but I don’t want to hold you up any longer than I have.” You warned, making a face to emphasize, and she nodded in disappointment but reached forward to squeeze your hand.
“Stay safe,” she said, the maids’ usual words of departure.
“Stay safe,”
Eyes were watching you, but you couldn’t see from where, and that was the most dangerous predator: the one who hides before striking, and there was one predator who always had her watchful eye on you. Daniela. You gulped at the thought of Daniela catching another maid outside just to talk to you... no one, not even you were allowed to bend any of the rules, not even once... not when you were so easily replaced. Hopefully if you just went back to attending to the garden (rather stiffly), you could pretend that nothing would be amiss when you went back inside.
There was tension hanging in the air, thick enough to choke, and it had your spine as straight as a rod as you trudged through the pristine castle with your overall dirtiness, your shoes abandoned at the door. It was oddly quiet, and when the maids spotted you, they turned away quick, eyes wide with fright. Every step you took towards any of them, the maids took about six or seven steps away from you. Castle Dimitrescu might’ve been weird, but that was a new one...
You gave up on making conversation and instead wandered off to find a clean uniform to change out of the more comfortable wear you wore to tend to the ingredients. There was the nagging feeling that something was off in the air... Where were the Lady’s daughters? Their signature cackles failed to echo off the walls, and it left an uneasy silence in its wake. Now that you thought about it, you weren’t running into Elle either as you wandered deeper into the castle and found the maids’ quarters.
You quickly changed and made yourself presentable for your next task, and then you were again walking through the silent halls as you made your way to the kitchen. There was no real warmth to the kitchen, not when the stove had gone untouched for as long as you had been there. It wasn’t your place to question things around there, but you couldn’t help but to ask questions when you stepped inside and there was a silver platter with the cover still hiding what was underneath. What had you puzzled was the note that simply read your name propped right up against the cover.
You craned your neck when you felt eyes upon you yet again, but nobody was there... you knew better though and that’s what had needles prickling your skin and a cold sweat to break out. All that was missing was the giggling, but this really seemed like one of Daniela’s games she enjoyed playing. You turned back to the platter, and reached for the handle of the lid. After a shaky moment of building yourself up, you ripped the cover off like a bandaid, and froze, arm still raised.
Placed neatly upon the silver platter was Elle’s severed head. Her eyes were closed, and for that, you were grateful... you were too ashamed to look her in the eye seeing as this was all your fault. As your breathing hollowed out, that was when you finally heard a deep chuckle, one that had you going rigid... this wasn’t the Daniela that you had gotten used to, but it was one you were aware she could possess. Was she directing it towards you? You dropped the lid with a clatter.
“I didn’t like her very much.” said Daniela simply, and you gulped. “She liked you too much.”
You couldn’t miss the edge in her voice on the word. You finally blinked (your eyes suddenly burned) and looked away from the platter to connect eyes with the redhead. She wasn’t smiling and that was never a good sign. You forced a smile, one that you were scared was too obviously false.
“I didn’t like her either.” You choked out, fully turning your body away.
“You didn’t?” asked Daniela, her voice suddenly small and seeking reassurance, and you were struggling to keep up with her complete 180.
“Daniela...” You couldn’t say what you really wanted to... She was just bringing me water! “Why does it really matter to you so much?”
“Because you are mine!” She snapped, and you frowned.
“Doesn’t every maid here belong to you?” You countered, though you had to admit, you have more leeway than others did.
“They belong to the family, but you, you are mine, darling.” purred Daniela, stalking forward very slowly until she was before you. “No one else can even look at you the way I do.”
“But the other maids that you’ve...” You cringed, unwilling to finish, but Daniela picked up on what you were trying to say.
“I feed from them and that is all... Getting them a little scared makes the blood just a bit sweeter.” chuckled Daniela, and you frowned yet again.
“I thought you-”
“Slept with them?” Daniela drawled, now it was her turn to frown at you. “As tempting as it was, I think there’s one delicacy that I’m saving my pallet for.”
Her eyes roamed over your body with no holds barred, and you weren’t sure how you felt about the shiver that tingled down your spine. The fact that there was a severed head behind you was kinda throwing you for a loop. Daniela had her index finger and her middle finger tiptoeing up your arm until she was gingerly holding the side of your neck with obvious care. You gazed into her eyes and you were thoroughly entranced by the red headed beauty that would kill for you.
“Do you love me?” You whispered, almost afraid that what you were asking was a stupid question. Daniela’s face softened.
“I absolutely adore you, my love,” cooed Daniela, pulling you into a searing kiss that had your heart stuttering in your chest, and when the need for air had you pulling back, she already had her eyes open and watching you. “No one can take you away from me.”
Any sane person would hear the threat for what it really was, but there was nothing sane about the feelings she evoked from you just by being near you, even with Elle’s head served up right beside you. There was something about her possessiveness that could make you either feel very secured, or somewhat aroused, and you could hardly think of anything else but the fingers scratching at the hair at the base of your neck.
“I doubt anyone would be capable of taking me away from you.” You mused, and it was true. Bless the soul who tried to free you from the clutches of Daniela.
“Hm,” she hummed, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as her eyes cut over every inch of your face. “Perhaps I should leave my mark for all to see?”
What surprised you the most was it seemed as though she was genuinely asking you. Her hand was still scratching the back of your neck, and her free hand reached up to rub soothing circles along your jugular with the pad of her thumb. Daniela’s compulsive attitude can lead her to doing whatever the hell she wanted without fear, but here she was, asking for your permission to drink from you. This redhead never failed to be full of surprises, and you found that you kinda liked that Daniela was so crazy for you.
“I belong to you,” You said quietly, unwilling to break the atmosphere that was enveloping the two of you, and you knew you said the right thing when her eyes shone with nothing but adoration and if you looked closer, love.
Daniela continued to cup the back of your neck with one hand, and used the other to hold you carefully by your shoulder, and she gently guided you to expose your throat just a bit more before she slowly bit into your throat. You gasped at the initial sting of your flesh giving way beneath the power of her teeth, but you allowed her to continue what she needed to do and permitted the subtle pull at your bloodstream. You felt the vibration of her own moan against your skin and it had you lightheaded.
“Daniela,” you groaned, feeling her teeth still inside of your skin with every syllable, and it also felt good when the hand on your shoulder rubbed down your arm and up your back.
“Does that feel good, darling?” pressed Daniela, unlatching just long enough to pull back and bat her eyelashes at you. “Do you love this as much as I do?”
Her tongue flattened against your bite mark, cleaning you of any trickling blood before she moved to the opposite side. She placed an open mouthed kiss there before she latched on once more, prompting your whole body to flinch within her grasp, but trust Daniela to hold on tight. It felt as though there would be a couple bruises by the time the next morning rolled around, but something told you that was a good thing to have within Castle Dimitrescu. It was like your own charm to ward off the evil that could lurk around the many hidden corridors.
You felt her pushing you back up against the table, and your foot brushed against the lid, causing it to scratch against the floor with an unflattering sound. The small of your back connected with the table, leaving you no more room to go backwards. Your hands flew to the edge as you used the table as support as Daniela basically leaned her full weight into you as she fed and marked you.
Your eyes flew open when she abruptly pulled away, her chin smeared with your blood and her eyes crazed with desire, but also soft with emotion and it was directed right at you. She never broke eye contact as she slowly dropped to her knees before you, and your breathing became irregular as she reached forward to push the end of your uniform up higher and higher until you had to shiver at how exposed you felt.
“Do you love me?” asked Daniela suddenly, bringing your wandering mind to a complete halt, and you looked down into her wide, almost innocent eyes as she stared earnestly up at you. “I never heard you say it to me.”
“I love you more than life itself,” You responded and you were surprised at just how honest it felt... You could die tomorrow and you’d have felt content enough to just allow it.
Daniela’s megawatt grin was so wide that you knew there was no way of it coming off anytime soon, not with the pure happiness radiating from it, and certainly not with the way it reached itself to her eyes. She giggled madly and soon it was the only indication of her because she disappeared beneath the skirt of your uniform and you jumped at the warm tongue that was persistent in searching your body. Your knuckles turned white as your grip on the table tightened and you lost yourself to the wetness of Daniela’s tongue on you, and you found that it was true...
No one could ever steal you away from the perfection that was Daniela. Not when she was the only one that could turn you on with a familiar severed head just inches away..
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Party Play
Chip Taylor x Female Reader
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Summary: After Reader gets Chip to voice one of his deepest desires Reader takes him to a play party Reader’s friend hosts.
A/N: This low key feels like the filthiest thing I’ve ever written 😂 This Chip fic is my ninth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April event! This was the original request- I kinda ran with it lol- i was also unable to get this fic beta’d so forgive me for any mistakes I missed 🙈I’ve been curious as to what has been y’all’s favorite so far- feel free to drop it in my ask box here. Hope y’all enjoy this one 😏 I know I did lol 😂 Thanks for reading ��️
Warnings 18+, Smut, This all happens at a play party, Sub Chip, Chip in a skirt and panties, Chip in a Collar and Leash, Thigh riding, Hand job, Oral sex (F and M receiving), References to suspension play (they don’t participate and move on), Unprotected sex, Hinted at sex with multiple partners
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.7k
Chip had never had much luck when it came to girls. Sure he had girls flocking around him wherever he went, but any type of relationship with them had always turned into a disaster.
After the whole business with Liza Chip had sworn off girls, and any other type of long term romantic relationships for a good long while. People of all ages would still hit on him of course, that time an older woman had pinched his ass while behind him in line to check out at the grocery store still made him blush.
It had been around 3 years when someone had contested and eventually got him to break his promise to swear off any type of romantic connection. You had come in like a storm, turning his whole life upside down. Unlike with Liza he didn't mind when you came through to turn it upside down because instead of ruining it you had begun to put the prices back in place.
Your relationship hadn’t been a whirlwind romance, you turned everything upside down slowly and carefully. Each piece that was put back into place was given all the time that it needed to settle back in its place. Chip still got whiplash from the whole experience, any pure affection given without motive was an entirely foreign concept to him.
Sex had been one of the biggest obstacles in your relationship. He had wanted to wait until he felt like he could implicitly trust you with anything. Even after you had both gotten to that point Chip had wanted to wait a little longer as he still had trouble with flashbacks of his bad experiences with sex, most of them involving Liza. Not that you minded at all, you were there for the long haul. You wanted Chip to be completely comfortable with the idea of having sex before you took that step forward. Even when the two of you had an intense make out session with you straddling him you checked in on him at every new turn. It would be a nightmare to you if you ever even made him feel an ounce of uncomfortableness.
When you had eventually gotten to your first time you had made sure it was sweet and slow, giving him an experience he had never had before. Each time you had sex since then even though it had developed into something a little less than vanilla (that was an understatement), you made sure Chip was cared for, always.
Today you had both agreed on doing something that Chip had never gotten to experience before. He had felt too afraid to tell Liza and had been too shy to tell you until you pried it out of him with some light teasing, with a bit of love of course.
While he had been moaning underneath you had been goading him while rolling your hips, “Come on- tell me what you’ve been thinking about, baby boy.”
In a breathy whine he then broke down and admitted, “W-want to go- to one of those parties your friend hosts!”
A smirk had been evident on your face then, you knew exactly what he had been referring to. One of your closest friends often hosted play parties every month. Chip had found out about them when your friend had come over one day and had casually mentioned it. The thought of going to one with you must have been stuck in his mind ever since that day. You sped up the slow pace you had started with and had promised him, “Alright- I’ll take you to one. You’ll have to be on your best behavior, baby boy.”
Now that the day had come Chip was antsy, you could tell. He hadn’t had a job to go and work on today, instead opting to cling to you as you did your own work on your computer. You let him sit on your lap while you worked even though it was slightly awkward with his lanky limbs.
His clinginess had made you nervous, wondering if he didn’t want to go anymore. You carded your hands through his hair, fingers catching on a few knots as you soothed him. Making sure you were done with the last bit of your work for the day you closed the laptop. then you broke the silence that had been between you both while you had been working, “Do you not want to go? No matter what your answer is I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“No no no no-I do I promise!” He squeaked out and sat up rigidly, “Just a little nervous- the good type of nervous.”
“Alright- I’ll take your word for it pretty boy.” You leaned forward to whisper. There was no one around you both right now, no need to whisper, but Chip always shivered a little when you spoke to him like this, “Speaking of you being pretty, I think it’s about time to get you dressed up pretty as well.”
You wanted to look pretty for this event of course, you also wanted to dress Chip up as well. For yourself you had chosen a simple black dress that was hiding a set underneath in matching black as well. For Chip you had picked out a much more revealing outfit. He’d be hiding this all under a coat at first, but once you both entered the house you’d make him reveal what was underneath.
You got him dressed in a black skirt, with matching black panties underneath. That would be all he’d be wearing to cover himself besides his coat and combat boots, which he’d be shedding at the door. For an accessory you had brought out his collar and leash, also black in color (what can you say? You like black).
Once he was all dressed up and pretty you stood back to admire your work while he sat on the bed obediently. He withered a bit in shyness underneath your gaze, but when you cocked your eyebrows up in question he went right back to his original position.
“You stay right there looking pretty while I get ready.” Leaving no room for defiance you then left to get the outfit you had picked out for yourself. After you came back you slipped out of your clothes, standing naked in front of him before then getting your lingerie on as slow as you could, just to tease him. When you covered up your lingerie with the black dress on top and slipped on some platform heels he whimpered. Your response to the whimper was quick and biting, “Don’t complain, you’ll get to see it later if you’re good. Now help me zip up my dress.”
That made him quiet quickly, obediently helping you zip up the dress, hiding anything underneath out of sight until he was good. He continued his obedience when you had gotten your things ready and got into the car, already getting into his submissive state. He only made any noise on the car ride there when you asked him a question.
You had gone before to one of your friend’s parties with a previous partner, the one before Chip. Their house was huge, with multiple guest bedrooms plus some other rooms converted so people could play in them. Each room that was occupied had a sheet pinned up on the wall beside it listing all the things that would entail if you walked in through the door, plus hard limits set by the person running the room. If you wanted to join in, you’d write your names down and whether or not you were there to watch or join in. If you wanted to leave for any reason, you could with no questions asked and if the person running the room asked you to leave, you had to with no fight. There was something for everybody.
Some of the guest rooms had an occupancy limit, some had a small limit of how many people could join and some could allow a large group of people. Even before you could go up to the rooms you had to go through a coat check where you also confirmed who you were. Every person in the house had to bring ID and be on the list approved by your friend.
“Are you nervous?” You asked Chip quietly after you had handed the person at coat check your ID’s.
His cheeks flushed red at your question, shifting from side to side on his feet. You could tell that he was feeling exposed in his outfit, like you had intended. But, you had wanted to check in one more time before fully entering, wanting him to be flustered, not uncomfortable. You breathed a little sigh of relief when he answered in a small voice, “In a good way.”
It was silent between you two for a minute until the person came back with your IDs. When you were let loose and told to enjoy the party you wrapped one of your hands around the end of his leash to beckon him to follow you.
After the coat check and down a small hallway there was the living room connected with the kitchen in an open floor plan. People were mingling about, having light conversation with some people perhaps deciding if they wanted to pull them up into a room with them.
When you spotted your friend, who was hosting this at their home, you walked up to them while pulling Chip along.
“Hey! How are you?” Your friend greeted you once they were done with their previous conversation with another guest. Chip waited patiently and quietly while you both caught up with each other. You had set some rules before you had gone to the party, he wasn’t allowed to speak unless you asked him something directly or allowed him to speak to someone else. He slowly flushed a deeper shade of red as you both kept having a conversation, not acknowledging him standing there in practically nothing. Your friend then eyed Chip up and down after you had concluded telling them about your last work trip, “Well, I won’t keep you both any longer, enjoy the rooms.”
You gave your friend a thanks, pulling Chip along behind you towards the stairs that led to the guest bedrooms. The hallway of guest rooms was to your right after you made it to the top of the stairs. Loud moans from all the rooms were easily heard despite all the doors being shut tight.
You looked at the first sheet next to the first room, seeing if you both might be interested in this room. Other people around you were doing the same, some couples and some single people looking at each sheet down the hall. Once you had read over the hard limits of the room you decided that Chip might like this one. The rooms closer to the stairs were often the tamer ones, building up slowly to the last room, which was the largest and usually held the most people.
“I think you might like this one.” You said simply, then opening the door to let him have a look before you wrote both of your names down. Most of the people in here were watching the couple in the center, a woman being fucked from behind while her partner pulled her hair to arch her back.
His eyes were glistening and wide as he looked through the door to see if he’d be interested in this first room.
“I-I’d like to go in this one please.” His request was meek, you let it slide this time as you knew he was still nervous. After you had written down your names you entered, greeting the person running the room before sitting down at the closest armchair to the door. You wanted to sit closest to the door so you could bring Chip out in case he got uncomfortable.
You had Chip sit perched on your lap while he watched with wide eyes at the couple in the center. He also occasionally looked over to the people on the side touching themselves while watching. You let him get comfortable for a while before enacting your plan.
While he watched, his eyes still trained on the sight in front of him, you started to trail your hand upwards to go underneath the skirt he was wearing. The pair of panties you had him wear were already straining because of how hard his cock was. Cupping him through his panties you began to stroke him through them, not yet taking him out of them, that was for later.
“No, you don’t get to make a noise, not yet.” You commanded quietly when he opened his mouth out to moan after you had been stroking him for a while. He looked down at you with glistening eyes begging you to let him do something. You tugged his leash with your free hand to bring his face down to yours, “You can grind your hips on your thigh if you want to, but nothing else. You’ve got to earn more than that baby boy.”
He looked like he wanted to protest, but decided instead to take what he was given. Notching one of your thighs right between his you then began to stroke him again. He then began to grind down onto your thigh, taking what little you had given and running with it.
He kept quiet as he rode your thigh, not willing to break your rules today, he wanted a reward. He was careful to not put too much pressure as he swiveled his hips, just enough to push him closer to the edge along with your hand stroking him. His eyes were still trained in front of him at the couple who had now switched positions to have the woman riding her partner. When he got close to the edge, his hips bucking harder against yours desperately you stopped moving your hand. You also grabbed his hips so he would stop grinding against you. When he dared to begin to protest you yanked his leash again, your lips so close they were practically touching.
“No you don’t get to cum yet, we’ve got so many more rooms to look at.” When you revealed your plan Chip whined indignantly, which got him a slap on his inner thigh, “Don’t complain or I won’t let you finish at all tonight. Be a good boy for me?”
He nodded while biting his lip, his hair mussed up from you running your hands through it and tugging just the way he liked it. You didn’t let him linger any longer in the room, getting up to leave the room and pulling Chip along with you. He had already looked intrigued every time you had both walked into a new room, wide eyed and curious to find another that he would enjoy.
In the next room Chip had chosen a man who was being edged by his dom, just like you were doing to him while he watched.
You took him into your mouth this time to edge him, pulling his panties down to free him, though you had him keep the skirt on. Then you took him as far back into your mouth as you could while he watched. You could tell he wanted to make noise while you brought him closer and closer again with your mouth. The man who was also being edged at the center of the room was getting the same treatment, except he was allowed to moan, which only made Chip’s job harder.
Just as you could feel him come closer to the edge once again you pulled off of him with a pop, “I think it’s time you paid some attention to me, baby boy.”
He squirmed underneath you, an unconscious movement from when you removed any stimulation. Though, you also suspected there was a hint of defiance as well because of how hard he squirmed. That made you put off when you would let him finish just a bit longer.
You finally pulled off the black dress you had been wearing all night revealing the black set you were wearing. The crotch less panties you had picked out were perfect for this. You had him get on his knees with a tug of the leash, in the exact same position you had been in earlier.
Yanking on the leash hard you pulled his face close to your dripping core. You hadn’t been unaffected by all the things you had seen and done so far tonight. He looked up at you, waiting for permission to surge forward to use his mouth on you and you freely gave it, “Go on- if you make me cum I might let you finish in the next room.”
That made him almost feral as he dove into your heat, not starting with small kitten licks and teasing. He parted your folds with his tongue, gathering all the wetness that had accumulated. Then dipping back down he began to circle the hole of your entrance a few times, then pushing it inside you while nudging his nose against your clit.
Instead of holding back your moans like you had made Chip do, you let them fall free along with most of the other people watching the man in the middle. It was hard to focus on the sight in front of you while also looking down at Chip who was fighting for your attention as hard as he could. His hands had even dared to leave his sides even though you hadn’t given him permission. He moved them to grip hard around your hips to pull you closer, if that was even possible.
“Mmm, I’ll let that slide since your mouth feels so-“ You didn’t finish your sentence as it morphed into a high pitched whine, a signal as to how close you were getting from Chip’s stimulating movements. When he started to suck on your clit, your hips tried to fight his hard grip, the stimulation almost too much. Still, you commanded him to do more with a gasp, “Put your fingers inside me!”
He followed your command perfectly, letting one of his hands move away from your hips so he could push two fingers inside you. Once he had worked them inside you, he curled them to hit at the perfect spot. That combined with his lips wrapped around your clit triggered your orgasm swiftly. You praised him as well as you could through your moans, your grip also loosening on the leash a bit as your orgasm flowed through you.
“Good boy.” You praised again, this time more coherently after you had ridden out your devastating orgasm. His cheeks were covered in your arousal, glistening in the darker lighting of the room. Bringing him in for a long passionate kiss was to show your appreciation, but to also taste yourself on his tongue. When you separated from him you gave him something he had been waiting for all night, “In the next room we choose, I’ll let you cum as many times as you want.”
He almost bolted out of the room at that, though he stopped himself, waiting for you to lead him out with his leash.
“The collar isn’t too tight? And- you're still feeling good?” You checked in with him while you walked to the next room.
“Yes!” Any nervousness had vanished by now, plus he was chipper at the prospect of being able to cum. Giving him a kiss on his lips at his response made him blush, even though it was much more chaste than any others you had shared tonight. You always knew how to make him a little bit embarrassed, just enough to make him excited.
The next room we stopped in wasn’t suited to our liking as it had a girl suspended off the floor. Chip had seemed intrigued at first by it, but ultimately decided that it wasn’t his taste.
“What’s in that last room?” He had asked, intrigued by the last room in the hall.
“Why don’t I open the door and show you? It might be a little much for tonight, but if you want, we can go in.”
He nodded eagerly at that, prompting you to open the door to the room. You had been in this room multiple times when coming here previously, it was one of your favorite rooms.
At every party this one was the same, no one was just simply watching in this one. Everyone was touching each other, no couple strictly in the center for everyone to watch while playing with themselves.
It looked like utter chaos to anyone who was new, in your opinion that was one of the best parts. They even had three people in the room to see through the chaos, the only people just watching, to make sure everything was ok.
“I want to go in.” He hadn’t even waited for you to ask before he voiced his opinion. A bright smile made its way onto both of your faces out of excitement. You had him read all of the hard limits and rules of this particular room before you nudged him forward through the door frame, letting him lead for once tonight.
It was hard to focus on what was happening around you, everyone was really touching everyone, only a few groups splitting off to pleasure themselves.
When one of the couples trained eyes on you they beckoned you both to come closer. Chip unconsciously moved forward without your leash tugging him to do so. You side eyed him a little when he did so, he did stop his movements, waiting for you to tell him what to do. You turned so you were standing in front of him, blocking his view of the couple who were now eagerly waiting to see if you two would join them.
Tugging on his leash a little made him stumble forward a bit in surprise. Now that he was closer to you, you leant forward to ask with a whisper in his ear, “Do you want to stay in this room, baby boy?” Grabbing his hair with one hand you then tilted his neck slightly to the side, nipping on it a little before then asking another question, “Do you want to get used in front of everybody baby? And- have other people use you?”
“Yes, Miss.”
With his whimpered confirmation you let your grip on him go giving him one more command before joining in with anyone, “I want you to cum as much as you want baby boy, it’s your reward. And- I’ll let you make as much noise as you want.”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith (I thought it worked and then it didn’t 😡)
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
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binniesthighs · 4 years
shy and inexperienced reader first time with jisung🥺 fluffy smut with han bc he's just so cute and i think he would be so gentle and loving ahh maybe im crying -🐱 (umm i was the one who requested that neighbours to lovers w lee know n i decided to be 🐱 anon from now on also im looking forward to it i cant wait!!! ik ur gnna write the cutest thing ever ur great i love youuu)
hello this is the cutest thing ever??? and hello 🐱anon omg!! welcome welcome eehee ♡ ah! also! I’m so hyped to get Two Tails going!! I hope that ya enjoyed the first part :) 
lets be honest, han jisung would be ready to go not even two weeks into the realtionship
please don’t fault him for it tho!! he just really really wants sexy cuddles and kisses all over his body, he literally daydreams about it all the time and can’t wait!
also he’s got you!! literally every little quirk about you turns him on, he’s sooo weak for you  
he’d never never bring it up though until you’re ready
and you’ve been thinking about it
come on we’re talking about the one and only han jisung here!! his charisma is through the roof!! he’d wink at you and your head would be spinning over how badly you’d love to have him do whatever he wants!!
there’s something about the way that he gives you shoulder massages or plays with your hair that just gets you aching to take it further with him
but, you haven’t done anything before 🥺outside of, of course, a couple make out sessions and that one day’s dry jumping that got you way more excited than you expected
so, jisung is sleeping over at your place (as he often will—“your bed is just so much comfier than mine!!”)
he’ll roll over to swoop ya up and hold you all close to him, nuzzling is head into your shoulder.
theres nothing cozier than your ball of sungie hehe—sidenote
you being the little spoon, you’re often VERY aware of how both of your hips kinda interlock
you barely know how to initiate, so you start grinding into his lap, making extra effort to let your ass brush up against those soft cotton boxers of his
he’d giggle “what are you doing?”
“i just like how it feels” you mutter quietly
“what’s that babe? can you say that again?”
this time you grind down harder, and he feels it
jisung groans out a bit, then pulls you into him, no space between your bodies while you continue. he’s gulping down every little bit sensation he can feel
knowing how he’d never want push your boundaries, he’d even be okay letting you grind an orgasm out of him just like this
but that’s not what you want
jisung would kiss careful lips into your neck where your shirt collar dips a little, letting you hear his needy little gasps in your ear
he’d whisper, “can I please touch you?”
you immediately nod, getting that feeling once again: you want to be completely at his mercy.
you're too embarrassed to ask for anything in specific, but would much rather him do anything he’s been imagining
immediately his hands are all over you skin, touching you in places you’ve never been touched before, you didn’t even know you could feel this way
jisung’s hands fall up and down your body: all over and around your legs, digging into the skin of your thighs and waist, up on your chest too, spreading his fingers out so he doesn’t miss an inch.
he’s got calluses on his finger tips from playing guitar that day, but feeling the rough skin on yours makes you tremble
he nibbles at your ear too while his hands reach your hardened nipples which hurt a little under the fabric of your shirt. he pinches and pulls at them, creating a whole new sensation
the sounds you’re making are so foreign, you had no idea you could do such a thing but you can’t stop at all
“are you ready tonight? is this what you want?”
your voice cracks giving him your affirmation
“baby you’re so perfect. i’ve waited so long for you, I only want to make you feel good. just relax okay?”
Jisung’s hand returns to your waistband where he reaches in from behind you to ghost over your wetted underwear.
“oh my god,” he nearly growls into you ear
by now he’s nearly panting into you while he explores your arousal, reaching under your underwear at last
for good measure, you grind down as hard as you can into his lap while he traces your throbbing sex first, then begins to rub at you as slowly and carefully as he can
pressed against your ass, his twitching hard-on swells by the second
with his free hand, he continues exploring your body, steadily maintaining his pace below your waist
“do you like this? shit, you’re unreal.”
your face is furiously warm, and you even feel like hiding your face even though he can’t really see it from behind you
“mm-so…good.” you whimper, then find yourself now grinding into both his hand and his lap
“are you ready for more?”
his vibrato lowers while he brings his lips back to your neck, this time pulling at the skin and marking you as his
“m-more.” you barley manage to squeak
jisung pulls your sleepshorts and underwear off, then does the same to himself
suddenly under the sheets it feels a lot warmer
from behind you, jisung grabs at his hardened dick to tease your enterance with his tip—something that drives you mad with desire for him to just fucking start already—but you’d never find the words to say so
jisung lets shakey breaths of his fall all over your shoulder as he guides himself in, and sinks down just slightly to get the best angle he can
he pushes himself into you fully, stretching out your neglected hole until it hurts just a little
jisung grunts out a string of explicit words while clawing into your frame and gifting kisses to your back
you moan out a little in response while you get used to the feeling of him being inside you. he smooths down your whole shaking body while he lets himself bottom out within you
“you feel so amazing baby, you’re doing so good, so good. are you okay?”
you nod, but that’s not the answer jisung was looking for
“I’ll only accept a yes, okay?”
your fingers dig deep into your pillowcase. “Yes, yeah I’m okay, can you…keep going?”
“of course my love. tonight I’ll take it slow. I can’t promise the same for other nights though.” He laughs a little to himself
Jisung’s makes his first thrust and your body feels explosive. his length and girth are perfect for you, and this deep inside he gives you another round of pleasure that feels dream-like
he sets a pace, slow are careful while holding your back firmly against his chest.
“oh god” he exclaims once, then repeats the phrase more once he starts to reach deep inside
jisung holds onto you as if his life depends on it and he fucks you deeper, relishing each and every pretty little moan that escapes your lips
“can you do it louder for me baby? say my name when you cum for me hmm?”
you’re even more flustered from his request, but gather up all your will to not let him down.
his breath quickens and he starts to go a little faster, building up an orgasm within you with astonishing speed
“god, I love you.”
his hips snap while his pace becomes frantic, just as you’re both about to cum, he reaches down once more to rub into you needily and lovingly
“-gonna cum—cum with me?”
he pleads into your skin, then with a couple more whips, his cum is seeping inside your hole with an unexpected warmth. you’re already addicted to the way his dick throbs inside you as you’re both in aftershocks
you remain this way for a while, simply soaking up every bit of intimacy you can feeling connected in this new way
“did that all feel good for you?” he sweeps some strands of your hair from your eyes, pulling you back slightly to press kisses now on your lips
“I really liked it” you timidly let up, coupled with a giddy little smile
he gives you another one of those winks that makes your heart race 
“I can’t wait to do more with you angel, this is only just the beginning.”
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atopearth · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve Part 3 - Resolve Episodes 4-5 (2nd game)
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Twisted Karma and His Last Bow (Episode 4)
Wow, Professor Mikotoba and Judge Jigoku look pretty good in suits! Especially Jigoku, and lmao at him bringing out his judge hammer to help Ryunosuke remember who he is😂😂 He's also the Minister of Foreign Affairs?! Wow, Jigoku really is a top guy. Glad to know it was Jigoku's insistence that allowed Ryunosuke to be Kazuma's replacement for the study tour in Great Britain because it was obvious that Lord Stronghart wouldn't go with it just like that back then, but I couldn't think of who would be the one supporting him. I have a dark foreboding of the future... I hope Jigoku and Mikotoba don't die... Omg, Sholmes with red hair is....weird LOL. Nooooo! Anyway, I knew Dr Sithe was crucial to the whole progress of forensic science and Lord Stronghart's desire to push it at the forefront etc, but I guess I completely forgot how much of an impact Ryunosuke finding out Dr Sithe's crimes could cause. Especially since the international forensic symposium is so soon. Lol at Stronghart’s passive aggressiveness towards Ryunosuke. Nice to see that lady juror again! Too bad her husband is missing, and interestingly is probably related to the Professor case since he has been the chief warder there for a long time. Omg! The guy was dismissed ten years ago and his wife never realised?! That's honestly pretty crazy, he must be really good at hiding things lol. 
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Honestly, ever since Gregson's name was mentioned on that morse code thing, I always thought he was a target of some sort, but to hear Gina come and say that he's dead really really broke my heart. I really like Gregson and his love for chips so I'm really sad right now. I feel so bad for Gina. Gregson really doted on her and really believed that she would become a great detective, and she wanted to show him that she could meet his expectations, it's just such a sad situation all around. Omggg Lord van Zieks is..the accused?! I really didn't want to think this, but Lord Stronghart is definitely in on all this. I'm sad that we won't see van Zieks as the prosecutor now😭😭😭 It's funny to see Sholmes’ silly antics with needing to pay rent and doing whatever he can for it, but also seeing the serious side of him that was disappointed in himself that he couldn't protect Gregson and foresee this was quite saddening. I still can't take it.
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I wonder if van Zieks had requested Gregson to investigate things relating to the Professor case and so things ended up like this... Kazuma being the prosecutor for this case will be interesting. On the other hand, I wonder if Lord Stronghart was the one who influenced Kazuma's father into killing those "important people" to pave the way into the society he wanted or perceived as the "correct way" since it seems that there are people who believe that their deaths pushed forward other opportunities I guess. Stronghart was a prosecutor?? And he was going to be the prosecutor for the Professor case until van Zieks convinced Stronghart to let him do it instead?😮 It's nice to know how human and emotional van Zieks is, like it was obvious already, but seeing him he able to voice to Ryunosuke that he knew his hatred for the Japanese (especially Ryunosuke when he encounters him in court) was illogical but he just couldn’t control his hatred for them, understandably, considering how much he respected his brother, and also Genshin (the Professor). Honestly, although Kazuma seems kinda hostile, I'm not sure if what he wants is really revenge for his father against van Zieks 🤔 It feels more like he wants to know "the truth". 
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Oh wow, so it was because Gregson pushed for an autopsy on Klint ten years ago that allowed them to find the crucial clue discovering who the Professor was, and that's why many people consider him a legendary detective. I knew Gregson was cool but he's so much cooler than I thought! Even more sad now😭 It was pretty sweet when van Zieks referred to Ryunosuke by name, it touched a bit of my heart since it feels like he finally wants to take a step forward. I think him saying that he doesn't trust his country's judicial system or anything else except Ryunosuke's eyes of determination towards seeking the truth no matter what is really the highest praise ever haha. I forgot to say, but young van Zieks is so cute, his smile, his youth, his handsomeness like omggggg. Like, Klint is hot too but dang.
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Lmao at everyone (Kazuma, the judge and Susato) making Ryunosuke pay the street seller witnesses to see what they sell😂😂😂 What the witnesses heard are most likely the Venus fireworks, but how did they put Gregson's body at the scene without van Zieks realising?🤔 Lmaoo at Kazuma constantly telling the fireworks girl to tell the truth after every sentence of rubbish she says😂 Omgg I can't believe she really moved stuff and stole stuff from the crime scene like wowwww lady. Lmao, I'm dead at the red-headed brothers, I thought they would be annoying, but when they started crying saying they didn't do anything, I died😂😂 Especially the taller one that seemed mature but he started crying too lmao😂 I guess they really are silly nobles who got bored and decided to trick people for fun😂 Wow they imprisoned the guy they thought was a fake inspector? Loll! I can't believe the Gossip guy was actually Mr Vigil! And I'm so surprised that Gregson has actually been paying Vigil to impersonate him at times to do things, and even giving him his pass to do them! Needless to say, I'm shocked he trusts him that much, but I guess he also knew that Vigil needs the money to allow his wife and sons to continue having a comfortable life. How very saddening that Vigil actually forgot his memories of being dismissed 10 years ago because it was too traumatic for him to bear. I was wondering why he said he resigned when he was supposedly dismissed. It must have been so terrible to know he had made such a grave mistake of allowing the Professor to escape, and that his career was over, enough that he attempted suicide. How heartbreaking for him. I would feel so terrible as his wife, to not even know such a thing happened to my husband. Don't tell me Gregson is actually the Reaper...😶 Omg, Gregson was working with "Jezaille Brett" real name Asa Shinn (assassin? LOL) to kill these criminals who got away? Considering how Genshin saved van Zieks' life ten years ago etc, it's getting harder to believe that he was actually the Professor. I wonder if Stronghart was actually the one who killed them to pave the way to the London he desires tbh.
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Despite how cold and distant Kazuma acts most of the time, there is still a sense of warmth and kindness of the him before, especially when Ryunosuke finally got to talk to him. It was sweet how appreciative and thankful he was that Ryunosuke took care of his sword, which was something Genshin carried with him in the time he was in London, I wonder if it'll become a crucial key to something~ Anyway, it's sad that he really does hate van Zieks because he believes his father was innocent, but yeah definitely Stronghart pulling the strings here! Lmao if I'm wrong🥲 Maria Gorey was much more normal than I thought she would be, and it's kinda sad to see that she thinks she might be going on the same path as her mother Dr Sithe by being forced to listen to Stronghart in omitting the time of death on Gregson's autopsy. Honestly, the amount of rubbish Sholmes can make up after taking a glance at a scene is hilarious😂 I love how he concluded that Iris' silence was because they were trying to hide how his favourite coffee cup is broken lol. I died when he said she was bribed to keep it a secret😂 HAHAHA OMG, I LOLed when Sholmes opened that treasure chest in their living room and a boxing glove punch toy punched him into the air and made him fall in the exact same position as Mikotoba😂😂 It was so funny when Ryunosuke looked at him and said he's dead😂😂 Honestly, when I saw Mikotoba lying on the couch, I thought Iris found out that he was actually her father lol, but okay guess not, but instead we've found out that "Wilson", the partner of Sholmes is actually Mikotoba! How exciting haha, all this time the stories Susato loved to read about the adventures of Herlock Sholmes and here was his partner in them right beside her all this time! Anyway, I didn't realise this case continues into the last part, I honestly thought we would be getting another case after this but all good I guess haha. Oh wait, not good, that means no more van Zieks as the prosecutor! Noooo😢😢
The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo (Episode 5/Final)
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I am shocked that Stronghart believes it imperative for him to sit as the judge for the case now. He's really not hiding how much this case is related to him. Whaaaat, Stronghart was Jigoku's mentor when he was here 16 years ago?😮 Honestly, the moment I saw a piece of chipped metal in Gregson's metal trunk, I was fearful of the idea that Kazuma might have killed Gregson or been related to it, since that chipped metal is most likely from one of his katanas but I don't know... I was worried that Jigoku might be dead but it seems more like he's on orders to run away so that no one can find him, and they can just assume he's dead to finish van Zieks' trial? Lmao at Iris' invention though, I LOLed when they pulled the rabbit's ears and the other rabbit Sholmes has actually pulls his ears😂😂 It's such a cool receiver hahaha! Lmaooo at how after Ryunosuke's stowaway case, the Russians on the ship amended the rules saying that stowaways hiding in wardrobes or suitcases will be severely punished🤣
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Omggg Mikotoba tap dancing is so cool but also cute lmao! Also nice to finally see Sholmes not play around during his deductions! He really isn't silly at all! Which is to be expected honestly considering all his adventures over the years and how ridiculous his deductions have been to the point that he must be messing around hahaha. Anyway, is this why it's called the dance of deduction!🤣 It's so cool hahaha! I love Mikotoba and Sholmes working together, it feels like so much fun with the tap dancing haha! The soundtrack is sooo good btw! Lmao at the "tattoo" on the Russian guy writing "Sholmes" to actually be the number combination for the lock on the trunk. Honestly, when they first went in the room, I thought Jigoku would be in the suitcase but I was like, he's so huge, can be really fit in that! Guess he can lol.
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Lmao that Sholmes used Hosonaga to go to Jigoku's office in Japan to see if he could find records of those 4 names that were sent by telegram back in the first game, and he did it using Ryunosuke's name hahaha. So, Sholmes needed to stop Kazuma from reaching Britain for the study tour and that's why he deceived Ryunosuke and them into thinking that Kazuma was dead, so that he could take the "body" and send it back to Japan, and by that time, he would have already "manipulated" Ryunosuke into taking Kazuma's place for the study tour and thus prevent Kazuma from being able to go back to Britain for at least a few years🤔 Well, as expected the list was supposedly a list of people to kill, and Sholmes stopped Kazuma from coming to Britain to prevent his possible death. But instead, Kazuma was actually sent as an assassin? I.. don't want to believe that Kazuma a year ago was ready to go to Britain as an exchange student to assassinate Gregson. Why did he accept this mission?  I..don't understand and I'm not sure I want to right now tbh. I'm just so sad just thinking about the idea of it. It's sad to think that Sholmes finally convinced Gregson to go overseas for his safety but he died just before he could🥺
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It's so sweet how Ryunosuke feels empowered to get through everything because of the support of his family comprising of Sholmes, Mikotoba, Susato and Iris, it's so cute~ So, Kazuma took on the mission because it was basically a requisite for him to if he wanted to go to Britain, but he never intended to carry out the assassination on Jigoku's orders, he only used it as his way to get to Britain. Anyway, Jigoku being so hostile towards Ryunosuke, and even saying he should have given Ryunosuke a guilty verdict a year ago to save everyone else's time here really breaks my heart. I really liked and respected Jigoku because he seemed so nice and cool. Now I'm just disappointed and hurt. Well, Jigoku killing Gregson because there was no one else to do it so he was compelled to do it himself, but yeah, disappointing indeed. I had a lot of expectations for him and I really thought he was super cool and loved his character design, but sigh. Lmao at his breakdown though, now we know he broke the witness stand back when Genshin was on trial.
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Lmaoo at van Zieks saying Gregson taught him important lessons, and when Ryunosuke asked what did he teach him, van Zieks says he taught him where to buy good fish and chips😂😂 I guess I can understand why Kazuma is so insistent that van Zieks is the mastermind, since he was the prosecutor so he would assume that he "should have known" everything. It was to be expected, but it's saddening that the crucial evidence in the Professor case was actually fabricated by Gregson, Wilson and the mastermind. Like I guess it's nice that Gregson at least did believe that Genshin was the culprit and just didn't have the evidence, but yeah.... I feel sorry for van Zieks. Honestly, seeing Kazuma break down when Stronghart was going to close the case really broke my heart. For his whole life, he's been wanting to prove his father's innocence and now that he has the opportunity to find the truth, he's forced to concede because of authority and power, it's so sad. Glad Sholmes is here for the rescue! I was wondering when they were going to get Mikotoba in the picture considering he was Wilson's assistant and will have witnessed the autopsy of Klint. Lmaooo at Maria Gorey standing next to Mikotoba in court and saying her mother Dr Sithe is better than him and should be the one here to talk about it😂 So the decisive evidence in the Professor case that was found in Klint's stomach was Genshin's ring? Is the "hound" that killed all the previous victims actually the claws on this ring?🤣 Just kidding, but geez if one prick of the claw could make Ryunosuke bleed, that is a very dangerous ring lol. I think it was really sad when Kazuma said van Zieks was deluded all these years because it is quite true, his hatred for his brother's killer really made it more difficult for him to notice little discrepancies. However, Kazuma is the same, his emotions towards his father's death have really made him relentless against van Zieks and anyone involved, it's difficult to watch him be so emotional and irrational when we know how capable he can be.
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So, all along, what Genshin had was actually Klint's will! I don't blame van Zieks for never thinking about that possibility, since he would never believe his brother would die voluntarily. Btw, lmao at them allowing Genshin to keep his sword in jail. I..had an inkling but immediately dismissed the thought, but still, to think that the actual Professor was Klint just breaks my heart because of the impact it had on van Zieks. That's just..too cruel to bear. The jewel studded collar from the case with Soseki....was the dog collar of Klint's hunting dog all along.... And Genshin was the one who found out that Klint was behind everything... I'm surprised Kazuma never thought of the possibility that Genshin would take Stronghart's offer in admitting to be the Professor to protect Kazuma. That was the only reason I could think of lol. Anyway, it was nice to see that Gregson really did try to go against Stronghart for even thinking about fabricating evidence. But I am still shocked and sad that Klint was too pure to handle all the depravity and crime that happened in front of him as he tried his best to face it yet it all became unbearable to him.. I still think Stronghart has a play in this though, but yeah I can understand why Stronghart was so insistent on covering it all up, the repercussions would be huge if this came out. Doesn't change how despicable Stronghart has been though, especially all the Reaper stuff, and I'm sure this all was done to protect and benefit his position of power and to get rid of people in his way imo. 
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I knew Karuma would be important in the end!! I was waiting for it!! Understandable that it holds Klint's will. I feel so bad for Klint. He made one mistake of killing one person or whatever and then got extorted into killing more, and even killing his mentor. I don't think I could live with myself if I did something like that either. I...can't believe Jigoku was one who killed Genshin. They were all such good friends! That's just...terrible. I didn't want to know that. Well, that invention of Sholmes is indeed very cool and convenient haha! To project his image in court but to also have shown the Queen the whole court proceedings too, very cool! Also kinda unbelievable but still it’s what is needed to bring Stronghart down I guess, since he’s way too powerful lol. Since I'm sure there aren't many people who can or would have the power to condemn Stronghart for his wrongdoings. He is a criminal through and through, even though honestly I do see his view, and he definitely did have a grand dream for the justice he believed in, and I could honestly feel it whenever Ryunosuke talked to him, so it is very saddening to see how this has all become. Well, also as expected, Stronghart started killing everyone like Gregson and Wilson because he wanted to be Attorney-General so he didn't want to leave anyone knowing stuff they shouldn't be alive. But really how far was he planning to go? Was he going to kill Jigoku and Dr Sithe and everyone else eventually too? Like was that really the best course of action to do right now?? 
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Anyway, it was nice to see van Zieks properly apologise to Ryunosuke, and also apologise to Kazuma for not being strong enough back then, and I'm also glad to see Kazuma apologise to van Zieks because he definitely deserves the apology for how he was treated by Kazuma lol! Omggg, Iris is Klint's daughter that they wanted to protect in light of the reveal of Klint's mass murders! So Klint entrusted that information to Genshin, and Genshin asked Mikotoba to help the wife and unborn child, and the wife passed away from childbirth, and Mikotoba couldn’t take Iris back to Japan, so he asked Sholmes to take care of her and he took her in without any hesitation🥺 Sholmes is so wonderful. Now I need to see Sholmes taking care of a baby Iris🥺 To be related to van Zieks and have him as her uncle, I am jealous, haha! It was so sweet how Iris decided that finding out who her real father isn't important anymore, and sincerely called Sholmes her father and said he's the greatest in the world! That was so adorable, I'm not surprised Sholmes was super touched, and also appreciative of Mikotoba telling him to take care of Iris back in the day, she's become such a blessing to all around her! It was really sweet how they gave Gina Gregson's pocket watch and how she's decided to become a great detective following in Gregson's footsteps.
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I'm sad that Ryunosuke decided to go back to Japan. I really wanted him to stay for another year or two and then go back, I feel like there's still so many things to learn! But I also think it's a decision very like him in the end. I was just sad he didn't ask Susato to come with him even though he really wants her to. Glad she ended up taking it into her own hands to go back with him! Kazuma entrusting Karuma to Ryunosuke until he's able to destroy the "demons" inside him was very beautiful. I wanted them to address that, because Kazuma obviously let his emotions get the best of him in the trial and towards the people he "hated", so I'm glad he wants to be able step up and become the person he first aimed to be in the beginning of the story before once again wielding the sword his father carried with his strong belief and pursuit of justice. I'm also really happy to see that he's decided to become a prosecutor and is staying under van Zieks' tutelage. I'm really happy for him. 
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Honestly, Ryunosuke and Susato are too sweet, the idea of them setting up a new office in Japan is so exciting. Oh and omg, hearing Sholmes and Iris' Japanese voices was so weird haha! Iris sounded much more childish than I imagined and Sholmes less silly haha. Anyway, I would love a sequel where Sholmes visits Japan! I always felt like the Japan trials got the short end of the stick by being the introductory ones and it was always about Jezaille Brett which I didn't care about so I want new ones please! I don't know why it never clicked to me that van Zieks disappeared for a few years from being a prosecutor (in the beginning of the story) because he didn't want the Reaper killing people. I'm so glad he's free from all that now. Lmao at Vigil befriending the redheads and deciding to strike it rich with them after they get out of jail lmao. Also really happy that Mrs Vigil is so chill about how weird her husband actually is lmao. Btw LMAO at Soseki (with his cats) and Rei representing Hosonaga for his trial in breaking into Jigoku's office hahahaha. Anyway, I would love to see Ryunosuke and Kazuma duke it out in court again with a more matured and calm Kazuma, I think it will be really great. But honestly, I want more van Zieks and his chalice breakages haha, and the leg slams too I guess haha. I will miss it so much😭
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Overall, the last case was realllllyyyyy long LOL. I kept thinking it was ending and I ended up staying until like 5am to finish it all. It’s been a while since I last saw the sun rise because I was too obsessed with playing games to care about sleep lol. Anyway, honestly I still think the 3rd case was overall better, but I did enjoy the last case with reveal after reveal that I honestly didn’t expect. Just thinking about Klint’s pain and Barok’s disbelief over it really made my heart break, and knowing about what Gregson and  them all did behind the scenes was quite shocking to hear. I’m still disappointed in Jigoku to this day lol. I really loved how Stronghart was such a master manipulator, but I honestly think he got the short end of the stick for the portrayal of his character. I really wanted to see “more” of him. The final case kinda just writes him off as the “big bad guy” when I feel like throughout the game when you talk to him, you can totally feel how strong his aspirations for changing London “for the better” was. I mean, he was despicable with the way he did things, but I can’t deny that his choices definitely built up a lot of the things and opportunities for London to really grow and develop. I mean, Stronghart’s character design is too good to be such as shallow villain in the end haha! Oh well. Anyway, rather than a proper trial, the last case was really just an “answer trial” imo where they just revealed the answers to all our questions, and I honestly feel like with how many things needed to be addressed, the episode was much too short haha! Yes, I am still sad that Stronghart could have been so much cooler lol. Anyway, I still genuinely loved it, and I really enjoyed the whole of Resolve too because it was honestly such a great rollercoaster of emotions. Kazuma still makes my heart hurt because I hated seeing him so emotional and full of hatred towards Barok even though it was understandable. I still love him though and I would love to see his growth after all this. 8/10 for sure!~ I feel like replaying the game already tbh lol.
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makoandharu · 3 years
During the time Haru went to Australia with Rin (ES ep 12 I think), I wonder what was going through Haru's head during his stay.
Seeing that GIF with him on the bus looking at Rin sitting seats ahead of him, then looking up into the sky, I'm wondering if he was unconsciously comparing him and Makoto in their behaviours. Not in a malicious way, but just something like "Makoto would sit next to me on the bus.."
I wonder if he started comparing a lot of things actually: "Makoto would walk beside me, not ahead of me.. Makoto wouldn't leave me in the park by myself..", but the more he thought things like that about Makoto, the more Makoto's "I'm going to Tokyo" words haunt with him, making him feel more and more lonely the more he realised they were real. That there's a chance Makoto will eventually leave him and their friendship behind (Kinda like Rin had in his eyes..).
What do you think? If you think I'm looking too much into Haru's expressions let me know! I tend to overanalyze when it comes to Haru, especially when it comes to things about Makoto.
Nope i don't think you're reading too much into it hahah that's exactly why i made that gifset! I honestly feel like it's not even subtext, i thought that was the whole point of that ep, to show how much Haru relies on and needs Makoto. And how much he misses him.
You're right, i don't think he's upset that Rin isn't sitting with him or leaving him (i mean he's pissed, yeah, but i feel like it's more at the situation than and Rin), rather he's kind of realising the extent to which he not only relied on Makoto, but Makoto was silently looking out for him. I think until then, their relationship was so natural and being there for each other (esp Makoto being there for Haru) was such a given that when Makoto wasn't there, Haru was completely lost. And it's also dawning on him that Makoto is leaving forever, that this isn't a temporary thing that's only happening bc he's in Australia, Makoto won't be there anymore and now that the panic about that has settled he's just fully depressed about it. Like you're right, Rin's behaviour is so different from Makoto's and it's a constant reminder of what he ran away from, and it's not helpful to his mood at all.
He also must feels super shitty bc the Makoto who always put Haru's needs before anything, who always stood by him, literally, through everything, is the same Makoto he pushed away as soon as he expressed his own wishes and desires. Obviously he doesn't want Makoto to leave him, but he also must feel like a tit for being so harsh and angry about something that would make Makoto happy. He doesn't want to hold Makoto back, he wants him to be happy, and these moments when he's realising how much of his own happiness and daily comfort was due to Makoto and his constant presence, he feels even worse.
Also I think even platonically, it's just so clear from these scenes that no-one gets Haru the way Makoto does. And obviously how would they? Makoto is his best friend, they've grown up side by side all their life, of course he's in tune to Haru's every tiny need, like needing to walk side by side instead of having to catch up, not ever having to ask what's going on bc they can just read each other, not ever being left alone in a completely foreign place because Makoto knows Haru doesn't do well with change and things he doesn't understand. How the hell is Rin even supposed to know that? It's not Rin's fault at all that Haru's annoyed at these things imo, he's trying his best, it's not his fault Haru's a baby 😂
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thediamondgirl17 · 3 years
Alpha! Goshiki x Omega! Reader: That Day In The Gym (NSFW) Part 5
I know, I know. I haven’t written another part to this in a long while. But I have another part for you right here! I guess I kept putting it off because its 18+ and I’m not the best at writing this kinda stuff...But we are gonna see how it goes! As always I hope you enjoy, and if you want another part, or you have a request, feel free to ask! 
Warnings: Rated R, 18+
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    Your cheeks were red and you felt like every breath to enter your lungs was weighing you down. That feeling stirring inside your stomach at the moment was not all puppy love and innocence now. You were in the arms of an Alpha who treated you so right and smelled like warm lavender, while also standing in his room filled with his scent, and had just stopped quiet the make out session. No wonder you had been hurled into your heat without warning. Your burning forehead rested against his chest for a moment and your chest heaved up and down. 
    “Wh-what?” The purple haired boy asked. However, he really didn’t need to ask at all. He could smell it, clear as day. He convinced himself that the question was for your own comfort and not his, he was lying. “D-do you...want to leave?” He asked with his grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly. He didn’t want you to leave, especially like this, and all the other Alpha’s on campus. It already made his blood boil with just the thought. But then again, if you stayed here it was fairly obvious of what was about to happen. 
    “Y-yes...,” You whispered. And that had set the spiker’s inner Alpha ablaze. His own pupils dilated and he leaned down getting so close to your face that your noses brushed up against one another’s. 
    “You’re sure?” He questioned with his breath brushing against your lips. Just from the tone of his voice anyone would be able to tell that he was hanging on your next words. Either the ones that would have him push you out of his dorm to control himself, or the ones that would allow him to ravish you and cure the aching that resided between your legs. 
    “...Yes. I-I am..,” You said softly. And with that his lips smashed against yours in a way that they never had before. Before the two of you would share sweet innocent and loving kisses. Ones so sweet that they would rot the teeth of those around you, metaphorically of course. But now, it was completely different. His hands gripped harshly on your waist to the point where you felt the skin under his fingertips start to bruise. You knew he wasn’t trying to be rough with you, if anything he was holding himself back from doing just that. So you had forgiven him mentally for the bruises, hickies, and whatever else he wanted to leave you with that night. 
    Your lips were moving together in a messy but fluid motion. The heat of lust taking over the both of you as you allowed your instincts to go on from this point. His hands on your hips, lips crashing together, tongues dancing in sync with one another. It was as if, even with the close proximity, the two of you weren’t able to get enough of each other. 
    The only time you were really brought back to the reality of this whole situation was when you were shoved down onto the bed under you. Your back bounced a bit off the springy mattress and you found yourself surrounded, and drowning, in the scent of warm lavender. You reached up to the purple haired Alpha as he climbed above you, and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him down for another ferocious kiss. 
    It wasn’t exactly a secret that the both of you were...well...the best way to describe it is ‘hot and horny.’ But the moment you had actually realized what was about to happen, was when you felt right what was in his pants brush against your leg as you kissed. Your cheeks heated up. Two parts of your mind were very active at this time. One part of you was dyeing to get undressed and start this whole process to sooth your aching desires. Yet the other part of you realized that you had never actually done this before and nervousness was setting in. However the other side of you was much more powerful. It made sense though, during your heat your true omega did fully come out. 
    Goshiki’s hands slid up under your shirt and pushed up the fabric with his wrists as he let his hands explore your body. HIs own cheeks were flushed a fiery red, but his pupils were blown out as every single inch of his being was taking in every single inch of your own being. His hands groped at your breasts that hid behind your bra. You whimpered and looked off to the side. Normally your breasts weren’t this sensitive, but then again...you were in heat. You sat up a bit and slipped off your shirt for him and he did the same. This gave your eyes plenty of time to gaze over his well built body. His muscles were there, very evident, yet subtle. 
    As you were looking him over his lips connected with your neck and he started to nip, kiss, lick, and suck wherever he was able to. He nuzzled his face against your scent glands, and that drove you crazy. His soft breath and sweet hungry kisses peppered all around the area, and it made your back arch ever so slightly off of the bed below you. You couldn’t see him, but you knew just from the way he kissed you that he had a grin plastered across his lips. That little fact made you feel a bit more comfortable. 
    His fingers looped under the rim of your school skirt and he tugged them down and off your body, leaving you in only your undergarments. Which by the way did not match. But it wasn’t like at this point the either of you cared. The only thing on your mind was the Alpha climbing between your legs. And the only thing he was thinking about were the soaked panties that blocked his view and touch to your entrance. 
    “...I’m gonna ask one more time.” He said, almost like a growl. His nose brushed against your clothes clit and it made you gasp for air. “Are you okay with this-?” 
    “Yes! Yes!” You yelped and grabbed the bedsheets under you. “Yes! Please Tomu! Please!” You cried. You had silently swore to yourself that if this had lasted any longer then you would go clinically insane from him not touching you in the areas that you needed it. 
    “Alright.” He said softly. And though he sounded confident a million things ran through his overactive mind. Goshiki was the kind of Alpha who wanted everything to be perfect. His spikes, blocks, serves, everything was practiced to perfection. This was the one thing that he had never practiced, and all he knew was that he wanted to master it. And fast. 
    He hooked his hands around the band of your panties and pulled down the half soaked cloth. He tossed it aside and let his eyes gaze over what was in front of him. His staring made you so embarrassed, yet needy. You reached your hand down and whined softly as your fingers ran through his hair. You gulped and watched him lick his lips. 
    Within seconds of that whine, his mouth pressed against your lips in a sloppy way. You gasped and felt your eyes roll back as his tongue found that sweet little nub that he searched for. He hummed onto you and gripped your plush thighs beside his face and pulled you closer to him. He was acting as if you were the best tasting thing in the world, and to him you were. He harshly suckled around the spots that you would squeal and whine and moan or thrash. He made sure to drag out the feeling nice and long. 
    Your body felt white hot and you needed him to let you cum, and you needed it now. You gently bucked your hips against his lips and he happily obliged by licking and sucking harsher on your sensitive little bud. Almost in an instant you felt a ripple of burning hot pleasure originating from your core rip up through your spine. Your back arched off the bed a bit and you let out a pornographic moan as your orgasm tore through you. The purple haired Alpha released his mouth from you and licked his lips as he looked down at your twitching figure, still calming down. 
    “I can’t wait anymore.” He said quietly. You heard the buckle of his belt being undone and your cheeks heated up, even in your post orgasmic state. You gulped as you watched him pull off his pants and shake them off his legs. And next came his boxers. Your eyes widened a bit. For a man of his size, he was blessed pretty well. Just from looking at him you estimated at least 7 inches. You gulped and looked up at him. He himself was just leaning over you and lining himself up. “I would have prepped you better...But I think I’m gonna explode.” He whispered into your ear. 
    “W-wait!” You cried. And he looked down at you. It had taken everything in him to stop what he was doing. He looked worried that he had done something wrong. “C-condom...,” You mumbled and looked off the the side. The purple haired boy blinked and his cheeks heated up. 
    “Y-you’re right. I got ahead of myself little Omega.” He said and moved the to side to grab a condom from his drawer. “Good girl for reminding me.” He slid it onto himself and shuddered at the feeling of himself practically fisting his own cock. You however had cheeks extremely red from the praise and how he said it. 
    Then you were back in the same position as you were before. You grasped onto his shoulder and he leaned down so that his face was right by your ear. And soon you felt his foreign tip gently press against your entrance. You gasped and held him tightly. And he began to whisper sweet nothings to you as he slowly pushed himself in. 
    “Your such a good little Omega...Your doing so well...I’m gonna make you feel so good.” He whispered and nipped at your ear. The new stretch was...interesting to say the least. It was painful because you weren’t used to something so big, and yet it felt so good when his length dragged along the inside of your walls. You grabbed at his shoulders more, gently scratching them and leaving a few marks. You panted and whined at the feeling. And when he finally bottomed out you let your body relax a little bit. “I’m going to start moving...Hold still little one...,” He whispered. 
    The pace he set was unforgiving. Almost immediately he grabbed your hips with an iron clad grip and pounded his hips against yours. The both of you were in fucked out heaven. Groans and grunts leaving his lips, and loud squealing moans leaving your own. It was so amazing how almost after a few thrusts he had found just the right position inside you to make you cry out louder and scratch harsher at his back. 
    “H-harder...F-faster...P-please!” You cried. All your demands were met by the Alpha as he groaned. The pleasure shooting through you with each thrust was almost unimaginable. It was heaven, and your Alpha was your angel. Your nails dug deeper into his shoulders and you cried out softly. Every little grunt and moan bounced off the walls and echoed back into both of your heads. Soon enough you had felt yourself tighten around him, either it was that or he himself had gotten bigger, and you whined and whimpered against him. 
    “G-go ahead little Omega.” He mumbled. “I know you want to.” His voice at this point was raspy and breathy. It rumbled through your core just enough to mix with the feeling shooting up from your core and you felt yourself cumming. The poor Alpha himself couldn’t exactly handle the feeling and hit his climax as well. 
    There was a few moments of silence and heavy breathing between the two of you. The room was warm and smelled like a nice mixture of both of your scents. He collapsed down beside you and pulled you close to him, not like you could really move away from the position you were in. Both your lustful eyes calmed down a bit and you panted. 
    “Th-this won’t exactly be a one and done thing...,” You panted in a voice barely above a whisper. 
    “Don’t worry...I’ll take care of you.” He said with his voice low. He smiled softly and pushed some hair behind your ear. “Because your mine.” He added. 
    That made your heart swell and your cheeks heat up. You pressed your chest against his and leaned up to give him a sweet loving kiss. Almost payment for what he was going to be doing to you for the rest of the week. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Taglist: @donteathecake @ratboy03​  @officialfictionalwreck  @stanwallpapers​ @kyrah-williams   @samwise-though​  @steggy4ever​
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epic-potato-crisp · 3 years
Courtship - Part 3 (AjinWeek21/1)
Notes: So I decided to continue this for Ajin Week 2021! (although I was torn between making this a Sato fic cause you know. Hat.)
Day 1: Favorite character / summer break/ hat
Favourite character: Both Kei and Kou are among my favourite characters, Kei especially is one of my favourite protagonists of all time, and summer break, because this place during the sweltering time that is training camp. (fun! :D)
“Really?” Kei asks with growing annoyance as the vampire movie plays out on the screen in front of them. “Really?!”
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen that!” Kou defends himself, depositing the bowl of chips into Kei’s lap so his hands are free to adjust the volume.
“This is not what I had in mind when I agreed to…well, dating you.” Kei says, lowering his volume at the last three words that seem a little too foreign too pronounce.
“Why not?” Kou replies, “Movie nights are a super normal thing to do, not even for a date-“ He in comparison, has zero trouble adequately naming their current situation – “or with friends!” He smirked, which could never mean anything good: “Which you’d know, if you had any-“ Kou winces as Kei’s elbow rams into his side.
“I did have friends.” Kei grumbles through his teeth, stretching out his feet over the old and battered, but still quite comfortable couch. This is, surprisingly, afar more relaxing activity than he had initially anticipated.
Even if the movie is grating on his nerves.
“Why is everyone trying to befriend her?” he asks, exasperatedly. Bella Swan had made it perfectly clear that she was not interested in socializing from the moment she had arrived in her father’s rainy suburban town. And yet, in the first half an hour, not only had her childhood best friend shown up, she’d also been introduced to numerous classmates and faculty, and on top of that, was subtly encouraged to take a glance at a family of – vampire’s, that was his most likely prediction based on what he’d heard of the plot.
“Well, she’s new and people wanna get to know her. Nothing wrong with that.” Kou said diplomatically.
“Ugh.” Kei groans, and takes a sip of his coke. Eriko had always tried to make him watch these movies, which, if he was correct, were five in number, because apparently it was no enough to have a fourth movie. No, it had two be dragged out across two volumes. So far, he had been able to avoid it. Until training camp.
“Which you’d know, if you’d had-“
“Shut the fuck up.” Kei snaps, and the mood sours for a moment.
“Right, right, I’m sorry.” Kou says, after a beat of silence, and then his hand reaches over to grasp Kei’s.
“Is that really necessary?” Kei mutters, feeling his cheeks heat up. He prays that the darkness of the room, only lit up faintly by the TV, serves as enough cover.
“Well, it’s a date, right?”
“Stop saying that all the time.”
“Date. Date. Daaate.” Kou sing-songs, grinning at Kei knowingly.
The latter glowers: “Are you in elementary school?”
Kou laughs. He still doesn’t let go of Kei’s hand.
Kei feels his heartbeat quicken, ever so slightly, nervousness manifesting in the pit of his stomach. He chalks it up to the unfamiliar situation. After all, he really doesn’t know whether the movie will provide suitable entertainment for the next one and a half hours. There is no way it has anything to do with Kou.
At least, it shouldn’t.
“If you could choose between being a vampire and an Ajin, what would you pick?” Kou asks, out of the blue.
The movie had ended just a little while ago, a pointless two hours and six minutes of a supernatural romance that Kei couldn’t care less for. It was a little past ten, and they were not finished for a long while, apparently, if the cover for the second movie, blinking traitorously in Izumi’s streaming library, was anything to go by.
“Not this again.” Kei sighs, “Do you spend all day on these unlikely scenarios?”
“It’s that not unlikely.” Kou argues, “Come on, a few years back, you didn’t even know Ajin existed! And now you’re one!”
“Of course I knew they existed. It’s part of the school curriculum.” Kei deadpans, this particular lesson still rather unsettlingly fresh in his memory.
“Which you’d know if you’d gone to school.” He adds, acidly.
“Wow, harsh.” Kou pouts, “I did go. I just…dropped out. There’s a difference. Everyone knows that.” He mumbles.
“Keep telling yourself that” is on the tip of Kei’s tongue, but he swallows it down, if only to retain the peace. And perhaps because he would feel the tiniest bit guilty further prodding at that sore spot.
But school is something he does not want to think about for a good while again. The memory brings only pain. Betrayal from his classmates, from teachers, a jealousy- one that Kou would never be able to comprehend - on missing out on education that is a given for his former classmates.. A High School degree that he will never receive, if the government has any say in it, after all the years and effort, the hours of studying and revising he has put into it. A bleak future with all paths to prestigious medical universities blocked irreversibly. His only crime had been crossing that road that day. If only I could be reborn, Kei thinks miserably, then I could get a new chance. chance. He is in dire need of a new identity. Perhaps he can later guilt Tosaki into creating one for him.
“So circling back to the topic at hand, vampires.” he says, reluctantly.
“Heck yeah.” Kou agrees, excitedly, “So?”
“There are pros and cons on both sides.” Kei shrugs, “If you were a vampire, you wouldn’t be able to age and have a career, build a reputation. You’d have to get a new identity every few years. That sounds like a hassle. And don’t get me started on the…blood lust.”
The vampires and even humans in the movie had looked hungry in a completely different way whenever that topic came up. As though sucking your body’s circulatory system dry was desirable under any circumstance. Kei shuddered at the thought.
“You mean, you wouldn’t be able to build a family, live out your life with your friends, that kinda stuff?” Kou asks.
“I was referring to the important things, but I suppose.” Kei says loftily.
“Yeah, well, you’re wrong about that. Even vampires enjoy having relationships.” Kou argued.
“Bella seems pretty happy with the Edward guy.” his teammate emphasizes, “No matter if he’s a vampire or not.”
“But it is going to be a problem in the future.” Kei argues, “Honestly, she should have just stayed with Jacob and been done with it. It’s a suitable match, why put in any extra effort? She’s just going to grow old while he stays young forever.”
“Figures you’d go with the childhood best friend.” Kou mutters, flicking crumbs of his trousers.
But Kou – strangely, for once in his life- doesn’t seem to haven an emergent need to elaborate further on the matter.
Kei probably should have said something a long time ago.
Perhaps he should have stopped Kou from starting the blasted second movie, but “Kei, it’s not that late! And how else will you know how it ends?” (Apparently, never was not a viable option.)
So here they are, sitting through another two hours of what Kou calls an “iconic classic” and Kei under his breath refers to as trash, but not the recyclable kind.
The cinematography is stunning, he has to admit begrudgingly, and the plot, albeit ridiculous, still manages to draw him in enough for him to forego his plans of turning the movie off several times, which is quite bothersome.
Well, fine then, Kei thinks to himself, at least now if Eriko badgers him about those movies again, he can give her a detailed review of every single logical error he has discovered so far.
He is considering starting a list, just so as to have some backup proof. His little sister’s education doesn’t have to suffer any more than it already had.
“Is she really going to sit around for months and wait for him to come back?” Kei complains, grabbing a fist full of popcorn from the bowl Hirasawa had made for them, “That’s a complete waste of time.”
“I don’t know, don’t you think some people are worth waiting for?” Kou threw in, giving Kei a knowing -sort-of-look that he couldn’t place.
It was the first sentence he had spoken in a while. Apart from his rambling monologue to get Izumi to join them a while prior when she came in to check if the streaming service was working.
“Did you see these movies already, Izumi-san?” Kou had asked and Kei surely hadn’t imagined the blush pinkening her cheeks.
“Oh, those? Just…once.” she’d replied, her voice sounding a little too high-pitched for that to be true, “It all seems fine, so I should get going-“
“Ah, already? Take a seat, take a seat!” Kou says generously, gesturing to the couch, “You need a break too, right?”
And Izumi did, albeit only tentatively on the edge. “I’ll be gone in a few minutes.” she promises.
She lied. Fifteen minutes later, she is still there and Kei doesn’t have the heart to kick her out, despite this being a a date, as he not so subtly communicated to Kou via verbal cues – all of which the other successfully ignored -but then, he bitterly thought, what chance did their pseudo-trial stand against Kou’s immortal woman of his dreams?
His thoughts screech to a halt. What does he even care what Kou thinks about either of them? It was all beyond ridiculous.
“It depends on how long you’re waiting for them.” Kei says, in response to Kou’s earlier question, “What about you, Izumi-san?”
“I think some relationships are worth preserving.” Izumi replies meaningfully, but right before she can say anything else, her phone goes off, the Caller-ID flashing with a familiar name.
“It seems Tosaki-san needs my assistance.” she says, barely concealing a wistful sigh, “Have fun you two.”
“He really needs to stop working you to the bone.” Kou complains.
Kei has the decency to feel guilty about the relief that settles in him when she leaves.
The motorcycle ride looks engaging. An activity Kei himself wouldn’t mind doing, seeing as there was zero risk involved to his safety with his newfound Ajin status.
As he verbalizes all of this, Kou gives him yet another of these knowing looks.
“Well, you were always one for motorcycles, weren’t you?” he says, tone bordering on smug.
Kei frowns. “Where did you get that idea from? I’ve only ridden one so far, but that was with Kaito.”
“I know.” Kou says, and then downs the rest of his coke.
“Refill?” he asks, holding out his hand for Kei’s glass.
“Sure.” Kei says, passing it over. He eyes Nakano skeptically, for any hint as to why his demeanor kept fluctuating.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Kei cautiously takes the glass from him. Their fingers brush, lingering just a second too long to be casual. Kei notices how the tips of Kou’s ears redden and uses his momentary distraction to his advantage.
“You really hate that Jacob guy, don’t you?”
Judging by the look on his teammate’s face, he hit the nail on the head.
“I, uh, well hate is a kinda strong word.” Kou hesitates, stumbling over words, “He’s just not my favourite.”
“Really?” Kei asks, raising an eyebrow. In all honesty, he isn’t very interested in either of the characters, but psychoanalyzing Kou is what gives the evening its spice.
“Why is that so surprising?” Kou pouts.
“Because he’s just the same sort of muscle-brained idiot that you are.” Kei responds, gracing Kou with an exasperated look, before turning back to the movie.
His words seemed to have had a profound effect on his teammate. Whatever sort of enlightenment had reached Kou, it had visibly brightened his mood.
“He is, isn’t he.” Kou says, with a small laugh.
“I don’t know why that is so surprising.”
“Guess I never thought of it that way.”
Which was exactly why it fit so well, Kei thinks to himself. Kou looks positively thrilled with the new discovery. As much as it pains to admit him, a lot remains about his teammate that he still doesn’t understand.
“I think he might be becoming my new favourite character.” Kou says, conspiratorially, sliding closer to Kei and slinging arm around him.
As the movie goes on, Kei starts to feel more and more tired. The comfortable atmosphere and the constant stream of voices from the TV serve to lull him a sleepy state. “Wake me up when they reach Italy.” he mumbles, the exhaustion of another day spent training finally catching up with him.
Kou mumbles an affirmative, and that’s where Kei’s memory cuts off.
The next thing he knows, someone is prodding at him from the side, instructing him to wake up.
“Fine, five more minutes.” Kei says, swatting the offending hand away.
He blinks as he comes too, shielding his eyes against the sudden brightness of the room.
The movie has ended, but even if hadn’t, Kei wouldn’t have been able to see much of the screen.
Not with Tosaki blocking their view.
“It’s almost 1 am.” he informs them through clenched teeth, “Get upstairs before I sever the internet connection.”
It’s a substantial threat. Substantial enough to briefly distract Kei from the fact that he had fallen asleep right on top of Kou.
“Fuck.” Kei swears under his breath, sitting up straight.
His teammate seems less perturbed.
“You missed the ending.” is all Kou has to say for himself, with a shit-eating grin.
(“It really is pointless.” Kei whispers, later that night, as they are both lying in Kou’s bed, a hair-brained decision that Kei blames his tiredness for.
“The whole being with a vampire. She can’t be, unless someone turns her into one, but that would be the epitome of a ridiculous clishé".
“Oh God, please tell me I’m wrong.”)
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Idk if anyone still remembers this but I actually forgot I finished chapter 3 about a week ago and didn't even posted it 🙂 still kinda confusing I think? But I promise, It'll come together soon 😤💖
[ R a p t u r e d ]
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Chapter Three
The walls encasing your freedom began to simmer your frustration, and when a spiral staircase immerged from the wooden floorboards right across the room, your hands reflexively balled into fists.
Though when an unfamiliar face greeted you, they uncurled and from where you sat on the chaise beside your only window, your figure hunched over to pull your knees closer to your body. You'd been reacting so defensively lately, it almost felt natural now.
"Did they send you up to finally get rid of me?" Your words were harsh, a deep grating rage lacing each enunciation you spat out and yet the girl seemed unfazed as her lips curled into a small smile.
"I don't think they're that merciful, but Prince Leona has stated multiple times he'd rather you be dead."
"Who are you then?"
"An ally" She answered then rather hastily added, "If you'd allow it."
You scoffed,bitter and dry you almost sounded gruff and nasally.
"Like I allowed to be imprisoned and kept like an animal?"
The girl's expression softened and she gave what seemed to be an understanding nod before she placed both hands behind her back and stood poised before you.
"Boe" She said, "My name is Boe. As in the kind you'd use to hunt with but with an 'E' at the end because my nan felt it was creative." She sounded pleasant, to be honest,she looked decent as well, like a very familiar face you'd seen somewhere and yet nowhere at the same time. She wore her hair in two loose twin braids,her simple beige coloured tunic and short khakis gave her overall soft, feminine looks a rather boyish touch. And when she smiled it was genuinely given.
Despite yourself, Boe's appearance had you feeling a little less hostile and perhaps even a bit more hopeful.
"I made them an offer" You told her and again she nodded her head.
"To kill your brother in exchange for your freedom. Why?"
"Isn't that what they wanted? That bastard killed their beast and the only reason I'm here is because he's traded me off for his glory."
Boe seemed surprised at how you caught onto the situation at hand but you could see how calculative her eyes were. She may have looked pleasant but you weren't foolish enough to trust her, and if she knew your captives then chances are she wasn't just some typical servant running errands. They sent her up to you to talk, which meant they trusted her. And they didn't look like the trusting type.
"He and I aren't related by blood" You told her, scornfully. "It doesn't take much to piece up my being here, and I'll tell you now that he's not coming to save me. Not when he has every village folk singing his glory and the King welcoming him in his halls."
You sounded so dejected, Boe practically felt the heat of rage circulating through the room, but she also sensed sorrow. A sort of grief from the way you hunched yourself over. You've been through a lot, she could see that much.
"Tell me, did you ever believe the story your land has? It's history with the Faefolk and magic?"
You knew little. Simply enough to have your mind wander, but every child was like that, and when it was time to face the world and grow up, the stories you used to cling to before sleeping became just that; Stories.
So, you told Boe you didn't. You told her you knew the land has always been lavish, that it had always been easy to farm and make produce because it's forests were endless and green. It was because it was placed right in the centre of a growing land, wasn't it? Magic felt too foreign to have been a part of it all.
But then she told you of the story of a man planting a seed given to him by a generous Fae, and that the seed grew into a tree and another and another, until it formed a forest so lush and rich with life, people came to the land as a place of salvation. She told you that the Fae was the Mother Goddess Gaia and that she had made a pact with the humans who stayed in her grounds. They were allowed to grow and live as they wanted as long as her generosity was remembered. Thus the human built shrine after shrine in her name, and the land never once withered. Until weeks after your brother slayed the beast.
You sat there facing her,baffled and refused to believe in such a tale so easily, told yourself that no such thing could be possible...
Yet, the tower that kept you had nothing but a single window and a door that only seemed to appear when called. You remember how you tried climbing down through the window and how your makeshift rope snapped and you thought you'd fall to your death but instead you stayed in the air. Frozen.
As your hardened gaze looked to Boe and the faint light of the sun peeked through the window and into the room, you noticed the slight point of her ears and how in that specific lighting her features looked ethereal,as if she was carved out from a completely different mold.
You've seen those features before. A long,long time ago. The brief memory tucked behind the grains of your mind.
You must've laughed because Boe's expression shifted into confusion, and you ran your hands through your hair as a slight colour flickered to life in your eyes.
"You must think I've gone crazy. Wanting to kill my own brother but I've never seen him as family, and I'm sure he feels the same. It's the only thing we have in common."
"You'd really kill him for your freedom?" Boe asked, almost quietly.
You lifted your gaze,heavy and dark but driven with determination.
"Wouldn't you? It sounds selfish and maybe it is but hasn't he done the same to me? Ever since mother died, I was left under his care which meant he'd been shackled to me against his will and now I'm here and he's drinking in the castle." Your voice shifted, breathless and worn. You wanted to stand, to show to her that you weren't as weak as your captives had force you to be. That you meant what you said.
"I don't care about being kind and understanding anymore. I want to be released. I want to take back what I've lost and if that means killing Cyril and appeasing your Princes, so be it."
"You could be their Champion" Boe said as she stared you up and down,her gaze flickering with something you couldn't quite put a finger on. But she smiled when her eyes landed on your face, and a slight shade of pink dusted your cheeks. Though you felt it was because she had been nothing but open in her discussion and all you ever did was scowl and kept your distance.
And perhaps,you couldn't really be blamed for any of it given your own situation, but maybe it wasn't too harmful to act a bit more cooperative...
"A champion?" You repeated the words with your brows furrowed and lips down-curled.
Boe nodded her head.
"Faes often keep champions in order to settle certain affairs,like a representative or a tribute on their part without having to physically attend said affairs themselves, and unlike most dealings, this one has the exceptional perk of not being entirely enslaved by the Fae you serve under"
"...You mean if I agreed to being their... Champion? I wouldn't owe them anything?"
You know the tales of giving your thanks to the Gentry, and how such unfortunate humans fell to the mercy of the cunning creatures. A slight shiver ran up the length of your arm, but you fought the urge to look disgruntled, and simply crossed your arms.
Boe's smile widened a fraction.
"Yes, and I can't tell you why such a thing is possible in the first place, not because I don't want to but because I also do not know the reason behind it. It's said that this pact Faes have created with humans is a rare thing and a ritual they hold with great respect. If you so desire to kill your brother and gain your freedom, being the Princes' Champion is perhaps the best and only way."
"But how can I trust them to hold onto their end of the bargain? I might not have full belief in all your fae nonsense, but I know that whatever you are, your kind are known to be cunning and slippery!"
You felt like jabbing an accusing finger to her chest then,but you bit back the venom on your tongue and swallowed your carousing temper from erupting. Anger did no good in discussions after all. You learned that from years living with your step brother.
Despite it all however,Boe didn't seem to mind your frustration or hostility. In fact, she remained informative and calm, you began understanding why she had been sent up in the first place.
Unlike the Princes themselves, Boe didn't have any intimidation oozing from her demeanor. She came as a neutral party, neither to nurse nor make you submit.
Perhaps her words were the most trustworthy you'd have here.
Perhaps being a Champion was your only way out.
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