#there'll be another one asap
ameliathornromance · 7 months
“You’re okay,” you reassured. “We’ll be okay, I promise.”
Leaning over the edge of the boat, your Orc Boyfriend said in a gruff voice, “Orcs were not made for water travel.”
All you could do was rub his back. “We haven’t even set off yet…” you mumbled just low enough that your partner couldn’t hear.
The two of you had decided to go and explore the wider world. It was a tough and scary decision for you both to make. You both had never ventured beyond your homeland, and your Orc had never faced the prospect of being separated from his caravan.
When he had first announced his intent to travel with you, the whole Caravan had erupted with disapproval. He had silenced them all with barks of reassurance... Although you weren’t exactly sure how he did it, given the yelling and shouting.
Eventually, the Caravan warmed up to the idea. They even offered to escort you both to the docs, but you both declined.
A whole encampment of Orcs suddenly appearing at the docs? People would assume they were trying to plunder a ship and then everything would go to Hell.
If it were only you and your Orc, people would stare yes, but there wouldn’t be as nearly as much panic. And you would let them stare.
What business was it of other people what you and your Orc did together? You were not being forced to go along with him.
The boat eventually unanchored... And you both were off.
Your Orc Boyfriend effortlessly bounced back from his sickness, insisting it was because of his diet, but you saw through his deception. The two of you watched as the land got further and further away from the boat.
As the land turned into a mere strip of green from the horizon, your Orc wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. He placed his head on top of your own.
A heavy sigh escaped him, causing you to look up. Placing your hands on top of his muscular forearms. “And there it goes,” he said, a note of finality rang through his tone.
You give his arm a squeeze. “And there it goes.” You echoed.
The both of you were due to begin a whole new adventure in the wider world... Who knew what excitement was waiting for you out there?
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months
our day will come.
a.n. someone needs to take away my amy winehouse records asap. or don't, if you like these angsty little fics.
summary: you tell him over and over again, your day will come. you swear it will. the sun will shine on you if he gives it time. your day will come. one way or another. pairing: bucky barnes x reader cw: character death and major angst Bucky Barnes Masterlist | AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
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4 years ago...
you rest your forehead against his forehead, tucking strands of his long hair away from his face, "don't fall in love with me yet, soldier."
"why?" he grunts, his fingers tightly gripping your waist.
"because it's not our time. not yet." you rest your hand on his chest, keeping him at arm's distance. "because our day will come, and what a glorious day it will be."
3 years ago...
"you're upset."
he faces away from you, his shoulders rising and falling with angry heavers. you reach for his shoulder, steadying them. "am i not supposed to be?"
"no." he turns to face you, his jaw tight, his face weary and worn. you cup his cheek, doing your best to soothe the worry he wears on his face. "our paths will cross again. our day will come."
"and until then? what am i supposed to do knowing you're out there fighting and i'm stuck here in cryo?"
"you have faith, my love."
he rests his hand against yours, the one caressing his cheek with a gentleness he had long forgotten. "i thought you said we weren't supposed to fall in love yet."
"our day will come." you swear it will. "one day, the sun will shine on us. just be patient."
2 years ago...
"bucky," you sigh. your eyes flash to your packed gear. "my love, it's simply not our time yet."
"you keep saying that!" he shouts in frustration, sitting at the edge of his bed in his wakandan hut. "when will it be our time? when will it be our day?"
"i don't know," you admit.
he cups the back of your neck. "we're waiting for a time that may never come. what if this is all we get? right here and now? what if this is our time?"
"we'll know when it's our time. it will come," you insist. "i'm sure of it."
his pleading eyes bore into yours. "how do you know that?"
"i see it. in my dreams. in my heart. it's right over the horizon. one day, we'll feel the sun shine on us."
"dreams aren't always our reality," he reminds you. "there's always going to be another fight around the corner."
"perhaps." you softly exhale, a sad smile pulling at the corner of your mouth. he takes your hand, urging you back to his bed. "but it won't be our fight anymore. our battles dwindle day by day. and right now, our battles force us into a goodbye. it won't be forever. one day, our fates will align."
you lie beside him. you can tell he doesn't quite believe you. he strokes the hair from your face, stroking your cheek with his calloused fingertips. "what will it look like? our day?"
you can see it in your mind. even if he can't.
a day without war looming over the horizon. a day where he could lie beside you without worrying about your next goodbye. a day when you could look over at his sleeping face without cuts and bruises, from battles you were fighting both alone and together, privately and publicly, marring his peace.
a glorious day, indeed.
"it'll be beautiful," you explain, resting your head on his chest. you listen to the steady beat of his heart, he strokes up and down your spine in perfect synchrony. "there'll be no more tears, no more pain or heartache. and we'll always stay like this. we'll have everything. we'll know the joy of falling in love over and over again. we'll know it every single day."
"what if i've already fallen in love?"
"one day falling in love won't hurt so much. one day we won't need to say goodbye." you lie with him, holding onto him for as long as you can. your next goodbye is so close, his arms around you only wards them off for so long, but it wouldn't always be like this. you were sure of it. "our day will come, my love."
1 year ago...
you don't realize it until it's too late, until the damage is irreparable. he sucks in a breath, clutching his bloody abdomen. he sinks to his knees, falling in a heap.
"bucky?" you scream, scrambling to his side. you lean over him, descending into a full panic. your heart crumbles along with the future you planned with him, all before your very eyes. "no, no, no! please, please, please."
your hands search for the wound through the gushing blood. he's losing too much too fast. even for a super soldier.
his jarringly cold hand, a terrifying deviation from his normal warmth, reaches out to stop you. he grips your trembling hand, holding it tightly. he strokes calming patterns into the back of your hand. he's accepted what you never would. his time has come.
tears burn, slipping down your cheeks. "no. no. it's not your time. please."
he looks up at you, smiling. all the years of worry, of agony, of torment have melted off his face. he looks at peace as he lies in a pool of his own blood. his flesh hand rests against your face as he mutters his last words, "our day will come, my love."
a choked whimper leaves your mouth. you look down, watching blood slowly soak through your shirt. a single shot. right between your ribs.
the agent responsible takes off, leaving you all alone. you went off on your own. no one was coming to save you. not this time.
you slump to the ground, your head lying against the hard pavement. your eyes squeeze shut, feeling as the life drains from you.
the warm whisper of a summer breeze tells you to not spend your last moments on this earth shrouded in darkness like you'd done for the last year, it tells you to open your eyes, so you do.
brightness bursts forth as you smile up at the blue sky, the sun finally shining down on you. it reminds you of him, of the blue eyes you held so dear. it reminds you of your promise to him. a day that would shine brightly on you, a day for only the two of you.
you’re on the brink of fulfilling your promise.
you lie on the ground, staring up at the sky. tears fall from the corner of your eyes, down to your ear. you look over at the vast, unending horizon, just like you pictured all those years ago.
you smile as warmth consumes you. it's as beautiful and glorious as you promised him it would be. “our day has come, my love.”
Anon's 1K Celebration Bucky Barnes Masterlist AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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poetrysmackdown · 1 year
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Big congratulations to "The Two-Headed Calf" for a solid win over "How to Be a Dog" (and to our Third Place competitor, "Wild Geese")!
Thank you to all who participated. I had a lot of fun with this and I hope you guys did as well! I've said it before but I had no idea this would get as big as it did, and it's been truly heartening to see this many people engaging with poetry and getting excited about it. I'm personally grateful to all the folks I got the chance to discuss poems with, and everyone who challenged me to see these poems in a new light. Whether you were introduced to new poems or reunited with old ones, whether you voted with the majority or against it, I hope you got something out of this as well.
As promised, here is the grand stats spreadsheet. The smackdown with the highest turnout was the semifinal matchup "The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver with 17,449 votes! In second place, Round 1: "Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry with 16,690 votes.
Unfortunately my real-life responsibilities have hit me like a truck and I don't have time to do a whole post dedicated to reviewing more of it, but I hope y'all might share any insights you have below! I also included the word count stats on the "summary" page, as suggested in this ask by @puddinginthemix. Nevertheless, they don't seem to demonstrate a concrete trend in one direction or the other—the mean word count difference technically gives a slight edge to longer poems in competition, but with such an insane standard deviation as to render the whole thing silly.
On the topic of a sequel.
After some deliberation, I've decided I would love to do another one of these focusing on poems that are lesser-known on Tumblr! In a perfect world I would just jump right in again, but it's quickly becoming clear to me that I will not have time to sort through/pair submissions and then run the thing while balancing work and school in the upcoming semester. With that in mind, my plan is to run it over the winter holidays so I'm able to give it more of my attention. That said, I've already made the submission form, and I'm tempted to release that ASAP so that I can use any downtime in the fall to read, review, and structure things thoughtfully. I also just figure it'll get a higher volume of submissions if I release it now. I know it's probably not ideal, but would people be cool with me opening submissions earlier, even if it means there'll be a significant time gap between submission and competition? If so, I'll get that out no later than Tuesday, and likely keep it open for a few weeks (unless it gets, like, seriously swamped lol).
Lastly, I've still got some asks I need to get through.....they're still on my mind. I'll do my best to respond to everyone within the next week!
Thank you again to everyone who participated, it's been such a joy!
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Another fic idea that I'll never write:
Connor accidentally transfers from his body and temporarily exists as non-physical entity in Hank's devices
Starts with situation where there's something that requires Connor to be connected to computer via cable (like for example to manually delete some CyberLife junk that slows down the system and lost its purpose) and needs Hank's help to be there and do what it takes, because Connor needs to be in stand by for this to work, so he's just sitting/lying next to him completely limp with caple connected to the back of his neck.
At some point something goes wrong and Hank's computer goes into restart, and when it loads Hank notices that first this CL maintenance program loads in, then blank text document opens on his computer and in a matter of seconds text appears, first some unreadable wall of symbols, then normal text, something along the lines of
"Hank, are you there? I'm afraid my program is running on your computer. I'm trying to move but I'm not sure if it's going through. Am I moving right now?"
"If you're there please write something, I can't hear you."
Hank will stare at the screen, then at motionless Connor next to him, when he look back at the screen there'll be another couple of messages asking him to write something and from the way they're written and the speed at which new text appears it'll look like an escalating panic – from just asking Hank to write something it'll turn into begging to at least interact somehow with the computer, at some point within merely a second they'll start to appear too quickly to read. Hank'll grab keyboard and as fast as he can write something, maybe first just gibberish to write something asap, then delete it and write
New wave of about a ten new lines of text will appear, most of which just repetition of the general message of "yes, I'm here"
"Can you hear me?" Hank will ask at loud, then type it after not getting any response
Another wave of lines of text with general message being "No, I can't hear you. I can't see you. I can't move." and "please don't leave me", desparation slipping through the lines
Hank will ask if he can do something to fix it
"I don't know" will appear on one line after another in some slight variations, then
"Can you connect some mic and headphones? I can't find any available."
Hank will look around the room, then type "wait, I'll go grab some" to which another wave of desperate "Please don't leave" appear in response, then "when will you get back?"
Unsure if he should go search for headphones at all Hank will type
"3 min"
Then search for headphones
"Connor?" He'll call again, hearing some noise his headphones "Hey, hey, can you hear me now?"
"Yes. I can hear you, but I can't move. I don't- I don't feel like I have any body at all"
"So you're in my computer... How did that-"
"Am I still connected?"
Hank moves to check that Connor has cable securely connected to the port on the back of his neck, and on the other side it's just as properly inserted into according port on the computer. He carefully moves Connor to confirm that one more time.
"Did you feel that?" Hank asks
"Feel what?"
After initial panic when both of them get slightly calmer they'll come to realisation that in order to allow the kind of changes they were about to make android's mind is basically temporarily transferred into another device, in their cases Hank's computer, but due to some mistake in process, computer went into a restart, so no transfer back occured + some component burned down making transfer back temporarily impossible (unless it's replaced). Or idk how it works, it's actually against my headcanons, but fuck it. The point is that this will take time to replace it, because it has to be ordered as something custom that can't be found as it is available the same day.
Without the need to move actual physical body (that occupies most of the resources) actual "mind" is not so big so it can even run on a phone, which is exactly what happens next. (Don't attack me, it's a silly little story idea, so let me have fun)
So for a couple of days or up to a week Connor exists within this non-physical predicament, learning ways to interact with other devices (like connecting to cameras that are within same network just to see something, although it's hard to understand the depth (regular cameras are sure different than the ones used for android's eyes)), surfing the web, etc. Basically like in the movie "Her"(2013) but as a temporary measure.
During this time Hank adopts a habit of wearing a headphones (or just one) at practically all times just to keep Connor a company while he's like that, because (at least at first) he's freaking out and is really opposed to the thought of being left alone even for a short time, because without a body and barely any inputs from the real world (compared to usual amount and quality) the experience is way too similar to non-existence and shit is understandably freaky. It seems like constantly having such a company, basically enduring someone else's presense at almost all times can rapidly become annoying and unbearable, but somehow it quickly becomes a second nature instead. In a way it's even nice. Consequently they talk more than ever, often ending up discussing something minor or ridiculous, something they'd never talked about otherwise, just because they're basically getting used to thinking out loud with a company.
Story ends with Hank finally replacing the component that got broken with a new one, allowing Connor to finally transfer back. The image of his body moving for the first time after being completely still for a relatively long period of time seems to me weirdly adorable. Being able to finally move and feel again must be similar to the feeling of wearing the right type of glasses for the first time after living with way too weak ones without realising how fucking blind you actually are. But yeah, it must be about 10 times better than that.
The first thing after finally being able to feel physically present like an actually existing person? A hug. Of course.
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wednesdayche · 11 months
how to gain Minthara's approval and trigger her romance scene while being neutral:
Thanks 顾冼_ for all her Minthara videos and those kind souls in the comments.
I will update when I have time ❤️
Q1: Can I romance Minthara while keeping Wyll and Karlach in my party?
A: Yes! We're doing a neutral playthrough. As long as you don't kill tieflings or tell Minthara the location, they won't leave your party. And they're fine with your thirst for Minthara. You can ignore Minthara back in goblin camp and kill the rest. Just stay away from where she stands.
Q2: I can start her romance without the goblin party?
A: Yes, you can. Being neutral means there'll be NO party night. You'll miss this opportunity to start her romance, but you can still romance her in ACT2 and even in ACT3 as long as you get her approval high.
Another thing that you might wanna know is whether you sleep with her or not her approval point is the same, ZERO, after she joins you. So what's all the killing for? And she'll even question you why you killed those tieflings...
Q3: Can I romance other companions?
A: Yes and no. The party night is an important event where you can trigger your companions' romance scenes. So it's harder to start a romance when you are playing neutral. But yes you can romance others before Minthara joins your squad. Have an exhausting night with Lae'zel or offer yourself to the vampire, it's ok. The journey is long and tav needs company at night. Just try to avoid triggering the second romance scene. If you trigger that, turn them down. Since you're trying to woo our drow princess, show loyalty!
Seriously, it may cause bugs so you can't romance Minthara later. And she really doesn't like being cheated on. Like if you sleep with the devil mommy, she'll break up with you and threaten you.
Q4: Why does Minthara accusing me of cheating on her out of no reason?
A: Bug perhaps. Go to Sharess' Caress and talk with the drow twins. If she threatens you, then you are safe.
Q5:Minthara joins my party at the end of ACT2, how can I get her points?
A: Rearrange your schedule and save her ASAP, and take her wherever you go.
You can go the moonrise tower without lantern. There is a place at the bottom of the map where you can jump to the other side where the tower is. Use spells like enhance leap, dimension door or misty step, your squad can reach the light within one turn. You'd better find the portal in shadowed battlefield before this.
Here's a list of how to make her approval high in ACT2 to start her romance.
Before she joins your party, your choice will not affect her approval points. So don't worry that she will disapprove if you try to save her out in a peaceful, or in other words, coward way.
Last Light Inn:
refuse to drink Jaheira's wine (+1)
agree to help Marcus to kidnap Isobel (+1)
then tell Isobel that Marcus wanna kidnap her (+5)
before telling Isobel you can also use tadpole to reach deeper in Marcus's mind (+5)
The Waning Moon:
pass all the checks (+5)
you can also just choose to attack. She'll approve but I forgot how many points you can get.
House of Healing:
kill the doctor with silver tongue (+1)
kill Gerringothe Thorm with silver tongue (+1)
Moonrise Tower:
The narrator will remind you that you are taking a prisoner with you before you enter the tower with Minthara. Keep her close.
free Barnabus the gnoll from the abusolute (+1)
meet z'rell and talk about what you've done with the goblins (+1)
Shar Temple:
steal Balthazar's mother's urn and refuse to give it back (+1)
you'll be in combat but worth a try XD
talk with the displacer beast, call her slave, "in love with an  orthon?", then "love is a disease" (+1)
kill Dame Aylin (+1) ...well it's an option
Necrotic Laboratory:
consume the waking mind (+1)
fresh mind-"you'll never wake again, little one" (+1)
purge the pods (+1)
After the final battle:
you can gain 16 points after talking with her on the throne. pick the options about power and revenge.
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+ My Clumsy Bitch +
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G: 🍓-fluff (I guess)
Warnings: Sae being mean, grammar errors, might possibly add a few more details, Cuss words.
God you were so nervous to have this meeting, You were already 15 minutes late which was not a good thing for wanting a position.
There was already a long line of girls outside waiting patiently, You were quite shy so cutting in front of them was a bit of a hassle.
'Making my way to the front desk was like walking on stage with over a trillion eyes set on me'. Some whisper and shake their heads in annoyance'.
You finally made it to the desk .
"Um excuse me?". You ask politely. "I'm here for the assistance position".
The man behind the desk didn't even glance at you.
"There's a line sweetheart". He gruffs.
"Exactly" .Some girl from the back said.
This caused you to flinch.
"Uh, but um , I-I was scheduled for 2:40 today though". You said this nervously , already being in a slightly awkward position. The older and obviously annoyed man let's out a sigh before going to his computer.
"The first name is (F/n)". You told him before he types it in.
"Your last name". He commands the obvious as he impatiently taps his foot waiting for his answer.
"Oh yeah obviously". You tried to joke the situation but the man doesn't even smile.
"(L/n)". He types it in. "Ah". He stated, "The one who's late". He says this loud for everyone to hear.
Causing you to grow even more uncomfortable as more sets of eyes are on you now.
"Alrighty, it's gonna be the third door on your left, knock first I think another meeting going on".
You shook your head before you took the directions he gave you.
You were getting closer and closer to the door, with ever step you took you had to tell yourself to relax. Just as you were only feet away the door opens showing a girl running out of the room, with her hand covering her face as tears stream down her face along with her mascara.
"Good luck with this one" She whimpered to you not looking at you while say it .
The scene only made you panic,why was she crying? Is he really that mean? Or was she just crying for the lost position?. This series of questions ran through your mind as you try to answer them as a way to possibly get your heart to stop racing. But your thoughts were ruined when a voice spoke from the other side .
You swallowed nervous before entering the room.
There were two men , one sitting cross legged , he had reddish-brown hair and turquoise eyes. Sae Itoshi.
The other stood slightly hunch over, he had glasses and straight black hair and a tired expression.
Itoshi spoke first , "You must be (random name)".
"O-oh no I'm (L/n) (Y/n,)". You corrected. "Uh I was scheduled for 2:40".
"Oh the one who wasted my time". Itoshi spoke with no filter.
"I'm very sorry!".You bowed your head slow. For to long apparently.
"Well hurry up and sit down I don't have all day". Sae says impatiently.
"R-right". You were quick to sit down on the chair across from him.
It was only a 25 minute meeting, you barley got anything about yourself out and he only glanced at your file.
"You're hired". Was all he simply said.
"Huh, B-but im not even ha-".
"Do you want the position or not?".
"Yes I do but-". You stop yourself mid sentence, realizing how lucky you are.
Sae turn to the man who was standing next to him
"Giroland,you can dismissed yourself, you've been replaced, you're no longer needed here as my assistant".
Your mouth dropped as you watch the man just got fired right in front of you.
That's how you got hired as the young famous football player's assistant
Approaching this man with something is like walking on egg shells...
He's not exactly suuuuuuper mean it's just that when he tell you to do something or whatever he aspects it to get done ASAP. Other then that there'll be almost no problems at all.
When you don't get work done ASAP:
"(Y/n) did you read the manual sheet I told you to read and sign".
"Uh I forgot them on my desk at home but I swear I'll have them tomorrow first thing in the morning".
His eyes narrow a bit . " You said that yesterday and the day before that ".
''Yes I know but-”
"Yea yea I know you're sorry, that's all you've been ever since I hired you, it's only been two weeks and you're already a fuck up".
His words stung you for sure as you avoided eye contact with him.
He sighed before dismissing himself. "And the mail I told you to pick up is on my desk I assume".
You nervously looked up at him before getting up from your seat . "I-i'll get them right away".
He rolls his eyes before exiting your room .
When you fuck up big time :
"Not again not again not again" . You repeated to yourself as you ran into the airport.
Which was crowded meaning you had to push people out of the way.
You felt bad but you were already late, you see you would usually sleep at a hotel room that's right across Sae's but you decided to go home instead since you had forgot something but it would be a hassle to go all the way back to the hotel.
Which was a bad idea since now you're late, you slept through your alarm and missed 7 miss calls and texts from Sae.
As you were approaching your flight area you could already see your manager impatiently waiting while checking his watch.
But when you finally got to him you immediately apologized and tried to explain why you were late but he ignores you by walking away to the lady waiting at the desk. Leaving you to try and catch up .
"Sae Itoshi and (Y/n) (L/n), Um hey I'm not seeing your names on the list for this flight, I mean I can check again but it's not popping up".
Sae's eyes twitched as he looks over to you.
"You did remember to book our flights did you?". He asked. And your mouth fell open.
''Um i-I swear I did". You stutter as you fish out your planning book from you bag and began to skim through pages that had list of previous request he had asked you to do that were already crossed out meaning you accomplished some them .
All accept one, the very last thing he asked you to do.
IMPORTANT :'Schedule flights '.
"I-". You started as you look up at him. But he wasn't having it .
"How the hell do you have a planning book but you can't remember jackshit". He cussed.
"We do have two seats available and they're first class too and they're right next to each other ". The lady at the front desk seems nervous as she said this.
"We'll take those then". The already on the verge of exploding male grumbles.
The flight was silent as you wrote in your book you usually don't write in public but after the recent events you needed to jot down your feelings.
Till you felt a small amount of pressure hit your shoulder you looked to see that none other then Sae Itoshi had fallen asleep on your shoulder. The grip you had on your pen tightened. Should you wake him up?. You decided not to as you began to relax on the outside yes, but on the inside you were fangirling like crazy.
He was so at ease, his face was to relaxed. You pressed index finger and ring finger against your lips before pressing them against his forehead.
When you're late, again:
"What's your excuse this time?". Sae commands as he hears you stumble in .
"I slept past my alarms, again" .
He shook his head , not even looking up at you .
"I'm sorry".
'' I know, don't just stand there you have shit to do don't you and you're already behind on the things I asked you for from the days before no to mention the shit that's I need for today ".
"Yes I know".
"Maybe if you got here on time you wouldn't have so much work piled up onto yourself and me on the verge of firing you".
You flinch." That won't be necessary I promise I'll do better!". The girl said as she bows her head in an shame .
When he confronts you about your screw ups
"You were late 7 times later week 3 times this week , you somehow cancelled one of my appointments, you forgot to schedule an appointment, you left all your important files back at America, you lost my phone and yours". He listed all your screw ups.
"You know I should fire you right?,A long time ago at that ".
"Yes I'm aware and I'm really sorry, I'll try and do better. If you'll keep me that is".
"But um, why haven't you fired me yet?"
He sighs before he gets up from his seat and approached you till he was right up against you .
His tense eyes met yours before you felt something soft press up against your forehead.
After he does his deed he walks past you, leaving you confused.
You gently rub the spot that was recently touched.
"That one was for the plan and you're lucky I like you a lot or else I would have been fired your ass".
Reblogs are highly appreciated 👍
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phantomdoofer · 18 days
Tower Town, Chaper 22 - The Final Slice
Part 1
Peppino sighed and leaned back, rubbing his temples. Fake paced the room, having a five-way argument under their breath. Giuseppe sat across the table from him, in more or less the same position as Peppino. Anita was beside him, on her phone with yet another of her underworld contacts.
“Please-a tell me one of-a you has something we can use,” Peppino groaned.
Giuseppe rubbed his closed eyes. “Nothing. Not a peep, ever since the Tower nuked that military base."
Anita muttered into her phone and hung up. Her lip curled in disgust. “No joy here, either. Even with eyes and ears around the world, it's impossible.” She put her phone down. “The governments are cooperating with each other for once, at least. They even released satellite footage of the poles, just in case the Tower was hiding in the polar regions. Gravitic maps of the planet’s surface. Seismic readings. Hell, they've even been trolling the conspiracy nets. Nothing.”
Peppino sighed again. “Well, remember… if the Tower doesn't-a want to be found…”
“It can't be found,” all four chorused in unison.
“But I thought Aldo said the Pizzamancer wanted us to find him,” Giuseppe muttered. He smoothed his mustache down, which had puffed up in irritation.
“He's probably waiting until he's ready to deal with us,” Anita said. “He has been dead for 2,500 years.”
Fake slouched over and crouched. “Orr perhaps he just enjoysss watching us squirrm.”
Peppino growled. “Probably a bit of-a both.” He cracked his knuckles. “The whole point is to catch this-a guy off guard. How can-a we do that if we can't find him?”
About that time, Giuseppe’s phone rang. Without leaning forward, he held the phone up to his ear. “Hey, Noisette.” He paused, then leaned quickly forward, his eyes wide. “He WHAT?” He paused again
“We'll be there ASAP!” He hung up, and looked at the others. “She says Pizzahead-I mean, Paolo- knows how to get into the Tower!”
Anita, and Peppino, both stood abruptly. “Seppe, call Vigi! Anita, call Pepperman!” He turned to Fake. “Do you want to-a bring Brando in on this?”
Fake looked solemn, but nodded. “He has inherited Gordo's power. While we do not wish to put him in harm's way, we must bring all possible options to bear.” They paused. “And he deserves to be able to make his own decision.”
Peppino nodded. “I'll-a call him.”
Giuseppe was nodding. “Sì. Sì. Ciao.” As he hung up, he looked at the others. “Paolo said to meet him… and John… at the Tower Pit.”
Peppino blinked. “John? Pillar John?”
Giuseppe nodded. “He said John is the one who has a way to get us into the Tower.”
Peppino stared into space. “Will wonders never-a cease.”
Anita hung up her own phone call. “OK, Pepperman's on his way.” She frowned. “I hope you know I'm going with you all.”
Giuseppe, Peppino, and Fake all turned. “Anita, no one's doubting your abilities, but… are you sure? We may not be coming back.”
She snorted. “I'm sure. Every hand on deck, right? Besides, you really think there'll be a world worth living in for much longer if we don't pull this off?”
Giuseppe nodded. “Yeah. Yeah. Of course.”
Peppino stood. “Va bene. Let's-a do this.”
Pepperman and Paolo were already waiting beside John and Noisette when Peppino and Giuseppe ran up, Anita, Fake, Gustavo, and Brick driving up behind them.
“You-a really have a way to get us into the Tower, John?” Peppino said without preamble.
The immense stone man smiled sadly. “Yup. I'll explain when everyone gets here.”
Noise's car pulled up not long after, and the others were surprised to see Vigi and Brando step out. Noise grinned. “Figured I better grab Cheeseboy, an’ I found the kid about to burn that scooter of his out.”
Peppino looked around. Two former Spec Ops agents, two former soldiers, a cowboy-obsessed marksman cheeseslime, a giant bell pepper with super strength, a vengeful, still-injured Ninda, a giant rat, a trainee chef with super-toughness, a shape-shifting pile of pizza dough with a man and four frogs for a brain, a TV star with a bomb fetish, and a walking cartoon rabbit-woman.
What a motley group to save the world.
John crouched down, smiling. “Good t’ see ya all again. Yeah, even you guys,” he said, eyeing the Tower Bosses. “Got no hard feelins, really. Cept maybe you,” he said to Noise, who at least had the grace to look embarrassed, “but ya know better now, right?”
Noise gulped, but nodded. “I'm tryin’ to be better, big man.” Noisette walked over and gripped his shoulder, smiling. He smiled back.
“That's good, that's good.” He looked at Paolo. “I already know about you. You still ready to kill this guy?”
Paolo nodded, gritting his teeth. “He's gonna pay for what he did to me.”
John nodded, then stood. “Now then. Gerome's in the Tower right now. He's down near the bottom, in an old storeroom.” The Litha paused, seeing to listen to a faraway voice. “He don't know where they are, but it don't matter. Long as I know where he is, I c’n send ya there.” He frowned. “Once I send the lot of ya, I'm bringin’ Gerome back. I ain't riskin’ him no more.” John looked down at Peppino. “Ya may have killed me, but ya brought me back, too. We owe ya.”
Peppino stammered. “Oh, uh, it was-a mostly un incidente…” He scratched absent-mindedly at the back of his head.
“Maybe. But ya still did it.” John looked up. “I hope ya still got that fire I saw in ya in the Tower, Peppino. An’ I hope the rest of ya do, too.” He looked the group over. “My people are almost dead ‘cause o’ this bastard. An’ Gerome says he's got somethin’ planned. Somethin’ big.”
Paolo nodded. “I'm starting to get fragments of what I did as Pizzahead. I can't remember what, but… he got something very nasty planned, all right.” He walked up. “I'm sorry, John. For what he did. For what I did.” The pain in the Ninda's voice was wrenching.
John crouched again. “Yer as much a victim as anyone here, kid. Moreso, ‘n some ways.” He stood again. “Whatever he's doin’, it's soon, Gerome says. Says he's cacklin’ and prancin’ around. Hope yer all ready.”
Peppino looked around. “Everyone ready?”
“And eager!” Pepperman said.
Brando punched his fist into his other hand. “Confident and prepared, Signore.”
Noise smiled his fanged grin, and Noisette hefted her hammer. “Say the word, Italian.”
Fake stood to their full height, looking unusually stable. “We must stop him.”
Gustavo patted Brick's side, who squeaked confidently and took a heroic stance. “Ready when you are, Pep.”
Giuseppe cracked his knuckles, and Anita stood with her hand on her hip. “Say the word, boss.”
Paolo walked up to Peppino. “You trust me to help you?”
Peppino looked up at the Ninda who'd threatened to destroy his last hope. Who'd turned out to be another tormented soul. “I-a trust that you hate this guy enough to do what's-a right.” He looked at Noisette. “And I trust-a her judgment.”
Paolo nodded. “Fair enough.”
Peppino turned to John. “All right, ragazzone. We're ready.”
John nodded, and held out his hands. “No one move. This might feel a bit weird…”
Suddenly the world blurred, seeming to smear, and Peppino felt like he stopped existing for a second…
And then the world snapped back into place, and they were in a dark room. In front of him, Gerome stood, in his familiar overalls and hat.
“Good luck,” he said. Then he vanished.
“Always was a man of few words,” Vigi said.
“All right, let's see what we're dealing with,” Peppino said. “Anita, Vigi, mind taking-a point?”
“With pleasure,” Anita said, drawing a pistol and easing out the door, Vigi behind her. After a few moments, Vigi poked his head around the corner, waving them out.
The group crept out…
Gerome popped into place in front of John, and walked up to his gigantic little brother. “Hope they can stop him,” Gerome said.
John turned and stared into the distance. “They're the last chance th’ world's got,” John muttered. “If they fail, won't take long for the bastard t’ take his revenge.”
The group tried not to gape. The inside of the Tower was completely different.
“Guess dear old Grandpa didn't like my decorating style,” Paolo muttered.
Pepperman looked around. “This was my floor, but I don't recognize anything. What do we do?”
Peppino shrugged. “The same-day thing we did before. We explore.”
Giuseppe crouched. “We should split up, look around, then we'll meet back up and exchange intel.”
Peppino shook his head. “We have-a no way to communicate with-a each other.”
“So we set up a meeting time,” Anita said. “say, thirty minutes. Here,” she said, pointing back at the storeroom.
“Hopefully the building don't change shape on us,” Noisette said, sounding more serious than they'd ever heard her.
Peppino sighed. “All right, let's-a group up. Let's-a put people together who've worked together if we can.” He pointed. “Seppe, Anita, Paolo, you're together. Noise, Noisette, Fake, Vigi, Pepperman, you're-a group 2. Gus, you, Brick and Brando are with me.”
“Why you got us together?” Noise growled.
“I'm-a grouping skills and experience,” Peppino said. “Seppe, Anita and Paolo are the most technical. I'm-a hoping they find a way into the Tower system.” He pointed at himself. “Gus, Brick, Brando and I work together daily. We might not even-a have to speak. We'll be general recon.” He pointed at the gremlin. “And you five worked together in the Tower. You probably know the place best. You-a see what-a secrets you can-a ferret out.”
Everyone looked at each other.
Peppino put his hands on his hips. “Well? Come on, then! Every-a second we wait is another this-a nut could destroy the world! Go on! Partire! Meet-a back here in thirty!”
Giuseppe, Anita, and Paolo nodded. “Be back in thirty, on it.” They walked away, down a tunnel.
Pepperman and Vigi shrugged, and started towards another tunnel. Fake and Noisette followed. Noise stopped and stared. “Hey! Hey, wait fer me, ya mooks!” And took off at a trot.
When they were out of sight, Peppino seemed to slump, sighing loudly. Gus, Brando, and Brick stood around him. “Pep?” Gustavo said.
“I'm… I'm-a not a leader, Gus,” Peppino whispered. “I don't know what I'm doing. A lot of times, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm-a out of my element here.”
“Just do the best you can, Signore,” Brando said. “That's all we can do.”
Peppino looked at the young man, and finally nodded. “Hai ragione, ragazzo.” He stood straighter, throwing his shoulders back. “Let's go.”
The four set off down a third tunnel…
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daisybianca · 2 years
hey, could you do a friends to lovers w/ charles!
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pairing: charles leclerc x femalereader
summary: charles had been your friend since you could remember yourself. after a few years of not being able to meet, he promised you that a package would be at your door in a matter of hours. little did you know that the mysterious package was the man himself and that things would get a little bit complicated between the two of you.
warnings: slight swearing, tiny mentions of sex
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NOT CONSTRUCTING AN incredibly powerful bond when in the early ages of your lives, wasn't an available option when it came to you and Charles Leclerc, the admired and favored F1 driver.
Your mothers had formed an appreciable friendship since high school and that seemed to be just enough for their children to inherit that habit as well.
Due to his strenuous and consuming profession, his job required nonstop traveling to different mainlands and constant practicing. Because of this, there had been numerous months you two hadn't succeed to meet.
You had considered the lacking variety of options to spend time with your childhood friend, but none of them really appeared to be the precise solution. The idea of attending an f1 race slipped by your thoughts for a second, but you rejected it almost immediately. The events took place far away from your home country and the responsibility for your job and your limited time were the main reasons holding you back.
However, you two had figured out a way to communicate with each other by texting almost every night to talk about your day and in the morning, before heading to work. Face-timing was also an extremely pleasant remedy to cure your friend's sadness and rage after a rough or even a poor performance at a Grand Prix. Video chatting also seemed to be useful when you lost track of time at work and returned home late at night. Even if you were in your car, Charles insisted that he was willing to keep an eye on you, despite the fact that time zones were undoubtedly a challenging thing.
So generally, you always somehow found your way to each other. One way or another, you both created methods to achieve that.
Charles texted you this morning. Just at 10am. He was fully aware of the reality that you never were an early riser and knew better than to ruin that.
The fact is, though, that you wouldn't really mind as long as it was him interrupting your soothing time in bed.
It was bizarre that he texted you a good morning text. He never surely did, preferring the Face-Time choice to view your sleepy and drowsy reactions.
Your concern about his unusual message faded out by the time a second one showed up, brightening up the screen in the unilluminated room.
Harry Pottah from Walmart: Good Morning, Sunshine.
You read the very first message, which was accompanied by a bright sun emoji.
You let yourself shape a tiny smile. There had been a few days since you last heard him form those words. You adored him calling you that, but it would be so much better hearing it face to face.
You transferred your eyes to glance the second text.
Harry Pottah from Walmart: There'll be a package on your door at 7pm ASAP. Open the door and receive it. I hope you don't need a tutorial for that too, otherwise don't you dare ask me, there's something called freaking internet to help you out. I'm not a Wikipedia machine.
Your smile vanished and for a couple of seconds you felt remorseful for allowing him to know how obsessed you once used to be with Youtube tutorials.
A third, smaller text appeared on the screen, catching you off guard.
Harry Pottah from Walmart: P.S. be kind to the delivery man or I'm calling your mom.
Taking a loud, extended breath, you typed the response to his messages with almost-wobbly hands.
Me: Mrs. Pascale wouldn't be proud of his son talking to a lady like that.
You sent the sentence, mentioning his own mother to tease him a little, while including an emoji that was supposed to portray a sad face at the end of it.
You chortled at his amusing answer and placed your phone on the nightstand to charge it.
Getting up from your bed to endure your monotonous day, all your mind could revolve around was the package Charles referred to previously.
You had a great instinct for that and your heart was fierce and deafening in your chest, only at the thought of him gifting something to you after a very long time. You didn't permit yourself to build sizeable expectations because the outcome could be also disappointing, though.
But you couldn't care less if the content of the package was pretty or cheap or pricey as long as it was from him.
You exhaled and sniffled the odor of the coffee you made and felt the warmth of it enfolding your hands.
Just a couple of hours to figure out.
You could wait with the sensation of anticipation filling every inch of your body.
It wasn't like he could possibly show up at your door. He couldn't do that, he had a race in Russia in a couple of days.
It was just a package.
Nothing more and nothing less.
Yet, your mind denied doggedly to remain at a distance from it.
The hours passed surprisingly briefly and the clock above the kitchen table of your duplex apartment read 6:58 pm.
As you glanced over at the door, the flashings of the booming bolts of lightning outside the window made you observe the violent rainfall which turned the night sky quite gloomy.
Who would have thought that something so colorless as water could make clouds that dark and shadowy?
Approaching one of the wide windows, you tried to scrub condensed water droplets so that you could obtain a clearer view of the busy street ahead. There were plenty of people holding umbrellas and walking down the moist pavement, but no one actually headed to the entry of your home.
You were pressing your lips together in worry when the bell suddenly rang, gaining your attention solely.
You walked to the door with brave and patient small steps, opening it without minding asking who was behind it. If you got kidnapped or robbed, it'd be Charles' fault for instructing you to open the door at 7pm sharp.
The person that came into sight caused a considerably powerful freezing to your entire body, soul, brain, and most importantly, to the red organ vibrating inside of you.
Charles' eyes lit up and changed from narrow to wide when his gaze fell upon you. ''Sorry, the delivery man turned into a wet cat. Jesus, I'm soaked.'' Your head dropped back. Your laugh was a weapon of mass seduction and he had always remained its biggest target.
So he just stood there staring and beaming as he allowed the sound of your chucklesome laugh to imprint on his mind.
He hadn't heard that while facing each other in forever and a day. Only through a lifeless and wireless device, which only produced image and sound but failed to extract the small details of your face while forming the act. Of your petite nose wrinkling when you laughed. Of your dainty features that brightened up the whole room when you were in it and blessed the observer with a unique smile.
You almost rushed to him, falling into his moist embrace. He seemed to be quite hesitant about hugging you back because of his sopping clothes but finally, he gave in and wrapped his hands gently around you. Charles caressed your back and you could sense the watered fabric stick to your flesh, yet you didn't even mind. Not for a single moment.
His sweet glare reminded you of a golden retreiver.
''How long have you been in the country?'' You gestured for him to enter the house and he did, after removing his waterlogged shoes.
''Since this morning. I texted you the moment I got off the plane.'' His gaze found you and there was a glimpse in those colorful eyes of his that made butterflies take flight in your stomach.
That made sense. That was the reason why he selected chatting instead of video chatting.
He was here. With you. You couldn't believe it.
You needed to shoot a question but his penetrating gaze incapacitated you. ''Don't you have a race in like three days from now?'' Curiosity finally won as you blurted the words out.
''You mean the Russian Grand Prix? It was canceled so I have a few days to rest.'' Charles blinked twice. How the hell didn't you read somewhere about the race being called off? ''Oh, um--I bought you this.'' The man handed you a plastic bag with a heavy, brown box with a red, decorative strip in a heart shape on top of it. It looked like a product from a pastry shop.
You grinned and accepted the bag, placing it on the table that was located a few feet ahead. ''What's that?''
''I played the role of the delivery man, so I suppose that's for the package I promised.'' Charles explained and approached you from behind, eventually his posture hardening a few inches away from you.
You nearly gasped at the sight of the content of the box.
It was a remarkably enormous cake. A chocolate one, to be accurate, which made your mouth water momentarily. With dissimilar-hued sprinkles patterning small hearts and covering the surface of the dessert. Additionally, a smiley face was laying in the heart of the cake, two white cookies forming the eyes, while the mouth was nicely done with matching truffles.
''Charles, did you forget the date of my birthday?'' You giggled.
''Of course I remember when your birthday is, (y/n)!'' Your childhood friend's orotund voice sounded rather... offended?!
''Why would you buy me a cake then, Charles?'' You tittered, turning around to face the man standing with his arms crossed firmly and his eyes traveling around.
He kind of seemed taller. But he obviously wasn't because you had last seen him a few months ago, not in puberty.
''I just--I recalled how much you love cakes.'' Charles' tone emerged as gruff and hoarse. ''I never forgot, to be honest.''
A sense of pride hit you, considering he never failed to commit to memory small, inconsequential details about you.
''I have a few clothes kept in the closet for you. You should probably get changed before devouring the smiley face with me, Mrs. Leclerc.'' His eyes dropped down to you and then, he shook his head unapprovingly and smiled.
You placed your palms softly on his drenched and strong chest, expecting the warmth of him to have kind of hidden behind the frostiness of the fabric.
But there it was. Covering every inch of his flawless-crafted upper body.
''Nah,'' He pronounced the word confidently and loudly. Charles' lips curved into a seductive smile that made your knees feely unsteady for a little while. Reaching out, he grabbed your hands from his chest and delicately applied carefully small kisses to them. ''I'm not sharing that cake with you. It's all yours, Sunshine.''
Your stomach did a betraying little flip that somewhat terrified you.
''If you don't eat, I don't eat either.''
Charles released a shuddery breath, uncapturing your hands from his grip as you immediately missed the feeling of his flesh touching yours.
You looked up to find his gaze already fixed on you.
''Fine.'' Smacking slightly the back of your neck, he started running upstairs in a hurry. ''But you're not playing fair!'' He yelled as you sprinted behind him.
Entering the commodious guest room, you spotted Charles almost buried in the broad closet.
''I don't know which one might look better on me.'' He extended his hands, swirling two different-shaded hoodies in the air. ''What do you think?''
You blinked at the two pieces of clothing. The one to your left was deep green while the other was a Spongebob hoodie your mother had gifted Charles for his 22nd birthday.
''Since when do you care about being fashionable?'' You joked, raising an eyebrow. ''Last time I checked fashion was a completely foreign word to you.'' Moving nearer to him, you examined the two options in his hands.
''I feel rather offended.'' Charles laughed, turning into ice as your forehead was a few inches away from his mouth. The desire to nudge forward and collide his lips with your forehead ignited like a scorching blaze inside him.
''I think I prefer this one.'' Your eyes connected with his as you patted the greenish hoodie. ''Don't tell my mom I didn't choose the one she bought you, but the green one matches your eyes better.''
Charles swayed his head. ''Your secret is safe with me.''
Dropping the Spongebob hoodie on the bed behind you, he pulled his phone, a wallet, and his keys out of the pockets of his jeans. Your friend handed them to you instead of dropping them on the bed with the yellow fabric.
Charles forced his wet hoodie off his head, unveiling the abs, arms and chest beneath it.
You suddenly sensed a slight flushing on your face. Charles noticed that.
''Are you blushing?'' His question caused a tickle to your heart.
You turned around, not allowing yourself to view the almost naked Charles anymore.
''No, I am not.'' You denied the painful truth, biting your bottom lip to prevent any unethical words from escaping. ''Next time racing don't choke on water. Try utilizing it to clean your eyesight, because you're clearly fairly blind.''
Charles fleed a husky growling that was supposed to sound like a laugh.
Gosh, you were so fucked.
''I don't remember you having such an attitude, sweatheart.'' His tone was smoky and flat.
You ignored his statement and could identify the sound of his jeans being unzipped.
You froze and tried desperately to locate something to distract you from what was occurring just behind you.
Abandoning his wallet and the keys on the closer furniture, which happened to be a forgotten desktop, you turned his phone on in rapid movements and headed to the camera app, while posing to take a few funny photos of yourself.
At the sight of the photo that covered his phone screen, your thoughts emptied.
''Am I your lockscreen?'' You blurted out as you re-viewed the woman on Charles' screen to double-check it was certifiably you.
''Shit, you weren't supposed to see that!'' The man grabbed the device and you spun to find him changed in his favorite cozy, grey sweatpants and the hoodie you had selected just moments ago.
The image that seemed to be his lockscreen was a moment he had captured two Christmases ago. In the photo, you hugged tightly a snowman that leaned like the tower of Pisa as you two laughed uncontrollably at it falling apart in your embrace.
It was the last Christmas you two had managed to spend together and it was nearly painful recalling those unforgettably beautiful moments that had stamped your mind.
''You're the one blushing now, Sir.'' Charles frowned at the last word you added to your ironic statement.
''Don't fucking call me that.'' He passed by you furiously and you giggled.
He was mad for some reason now. But everything would be just fine in a few minutes. That's how your friendship worked since you could remember yourselves being each other's dearest company.
As your hands scratched the wet surface of the dishes, Charles' ethereal voice echoed, approaching from behind. ''You sure you don't need any help with those?'' He asked for the second time, referring to the dirty dishes on the sink with dregs of chocolate on them.
''No, I'm almost done.''
Looking at you, he bit his upper lip, tasting the flavor of the chocolate from moments earlier.
He had one slice while you almost ate half of the cake.
Indeed you adored chocolate cakes. You had almost forgotten how much you loved them.
But Charles hadn't.
Charles breathed and let his gaze wander on you. He couldn't fathom how this earth and the sun and the moon and the sky could exist and be perceived as enteral sources of happiness, yet... yet the woman standing right in front of him could bring so much warmth and comfort to him with just a single glance or a small smile.
He moved closer to you. You could sense the heat of his body right next to you. However, you didn't permit yourself to move or talk or even breathe...
Charles' arm found its way around your neck and froze there. At first, you thought it was one of his platonic gestures where he would jokingly wrap his hand around you, preventing you from moving, and would tickle the shit out of you until you burst into mixed tears and laughs.
But when his lips collided with your forehead softly, you realized it wasn't one of those moments.
Charles planted a smooch on your skin, depositing his wet mark there.
''I've been waiting to do that for quite a while. And more.'' Your eyes extended as Charles pulled you into a warm embrace. It felt so good and you realized your friend enjoyed it as well when a small groan escaped from him. You wished you could stay like that forever. ''I kind of missed you, Sunshine.''
''Kind of?''
Charles smiled before correcting. ''A lot.'' You smiled too as he amended his words. ''Oh, and I-um, I have an announcement to make.'' He whispered, pulling back to view your reaction as he spoke the words loud and clear. ''I'm sleeping in your bed tonight. With you. Like those old days when we could fit into a single bed, remember?''
You tried to hide your excitement. You would have tried to suggest this to him, but you were a little scared of any possible rejection of your plan. ''My bed is king-sized, so I'll guess that would be pretty cool.''
If the sound of the rain didn't completely fill the room, you could have possibly heard the roaring of his heart in his chest when you accepted his idea. Besides, your head was just a few inches away from his torso. It wouldn't be too difficult for the organ to be noticed.
The rest of the afteroon progressed rapidly, forming into a rainy night. You two watched an SCI-FI movie, which Charles insisted he had seen before, although it was eventually proven that he hadn't, because of the fact that he had predicted an extremely different ending.
You laughed at Charles' hilarious stories of the F1 races, rolling in the aisles, and he took advantage of that, capturing the moment with his phone camera.
You danced and pursued Charles to join you. The frown drawn on his face at that moment was something truly worth-laughing at.
By the time the clock had declared that it was nearly 2am, Charles approached you on the floor and you didn't protest as he wrapped an arm around you, taking the brunt of your weight. He didn't think as he hauled you over his shoulder, bringing your ass to his eye level.
''I think my feet need to be amputated.'' You flinched, completely losing your footing as he carried you upstairs. The dancing was genuinely exhausting but the overall experience was certainly worth it.
''Problem solved, Sunshine.''
''Charles!'' You shouted, facing his back. You could swear that the cake you previously devoured was by far the most satisfying thing you had ever smelled, but the aroma extracting from Charles' body was always so outstanding and incredibly... alluring. ''What are you doing?'' You rammed your small fists into his spine and he grunted.
''Being a gentleman.''
''More like a caveman! Put me down right now! This is so embarassing.''
''No one is here to see you, (y/n).'' Charles mentioned as he slowly walked up the stairs, heading to your room.
Your head lifted. ''What time is it?''
''Almost two.''
You gasped. ''Gosh, I lost track of time.'' Charles blinked. Twice. He tried so hard not to transfer his eyes to your ass. He even moved his rough hands lower on your thighs, so that he wouldn't have any physical touch with that exact lovely part of your body.
''No worries, we'll make it to your room before you turn into a pumpkin, princess.''
''That's not even how the story goes, Charles!'' Your laugh was muffled by his hoodie as he carried you to the door.
''Close enough.''
''God, you can be so annoying sometimes.'' If you two held eye contact right now, you would be receiving a very alarming death stare from him.
But that was not his response presently.
Instead, Charles smacked your ass for that comment.
''Did you j-just spank me?!'' You choked at the sound of his hand colliding with your ass.
He just touched you.
Charles' hand burnt to do it again if only to hear that little gasp you made when his palm slammed your flesh.
Returning the favor, you smack his ass hard.
He almost dropped you from the shock of it all, but he finally recovered with a loud laugh.
''Ugh! You weren't supposed to like that!''
Charles took a breath to collect himself.
''I hate you so mu--.'' Your sentence was cut by Charles dropping you on the soft surface of the bed.
The corners of his mouth lifted at the sight of you like that.
''I do find your wicked statements entertaining.'' Leaving you alone to make yourself comfortable, he went in the opposite direction of the bed and pulled the blankets to make enough room for his body.
When you turned around, you saw him already drowned in the mattress while facing you.
''I still need those deep conversations before sleeping.'' You said and his pupils were swollen.
''What do you want to talk about, Sunshine?'' Charles questioned and his dimples were charmingly placed on his reddened cheeks. You extended your hand to reach for the light switch and turned it off.
Sharing beds as kids never grew to something more than a platonic activity both of you really enjoyed. It had to be kept that way. You two couldn't ruin your unique friendship. He knew that too, even though the look in his eyes declared something... something entirely different.
''You look beautiful even in the dark, (y/n).'' His voice was husky, he blood immediately frozing in you.
''Charles, are you flirting with me?'' His eyes moved to your lips for a brief moment and he hoped, he really hoped, you didn't notice it, but you did. And things initiated to complicate in your mind.
''You finally noticed?'' He murmured as if he didn't want anybody else to hear his thoughts. ''You're pretty much the only reason I turn on my phone in the morning, hoping for a message or a call, (y/n).''
''Charles, I can't, we are--I--''
''Shh--'' He silenced you by bringing his hand gently to cover a part of your lips. ''(y/n), I think I have fallen in love with you.''
Your mind stopped working. ''Then k-kiss me.'' Your response was somehow hesitant.
''The problem is,'' He said as he leaned in. ''If I kiss you, I don't think I'll be able to stop.''
''Who says I'd want you to stop?'' His gaze was penetrating, as if he tried to read your soul, your thoughts, the feelings you kept well-hidden...
He leaned in more, so carefully, hearts beating between you two. He was so close, so close and you weren't able to feel your wobbly legs anymore. You couldn't feel your fingers or the cold or the rain outside because all you could feel was him.
Charles connected his lips with yours. His hands found their way around your cheeks and moved closer just to sense you press against his chest.
He tasted like sugary chocolate and the sweetness made your heart explode.
Your hands were instantly in his hair, pulling him even closer, filling the gap to expore his mouth with your tongue as the raindrops echoed on the windows. Charles groaned between your lips.
He pulled away to whisper. ''I've been waiting so many years to do this, (y/n).'' Charles' eyes glistened and he thought about all those times he let himself picture you two like this to ease his mood. ''Come with me to Monaco. Please, (y/n), you're all I need.'' Charles pleaded and you could understand how much he meant his words. He craved you there. With him. In every race. He was not willing to make memories without you by his side anymore.
You smiled. ''As long as you let me re-decorate your house there. Damn, it looked terrible from the photos.''
His voice was so low. He was going to be the death of you. ''Our house, baby.'' Charles corrected you and placed a kiss on your forehead. ''Our house.''
Leaning forward, he touched his lips to yours. He kissed you and forgot to breathe. It didn't seem significant to him at the time.
You were all he ever needed. All he would ever want. And you were his now. Solely, exclusively his.
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rolloollor · 1 year
So, about the ending for my sequel fic. I have musings about what might happen in Malleus and Rollo's lives after the fic ends
Spoilers and stuff. Also things might get weird. This isn't like ~canon~ to the fic necessarily but they are the vibes I get
First, the goat, since I've thought about this a lot.
Rollo will take Mallenette to some kind of farm with the intention of picking out a goat. Mallenette will see a hunchbacked one that is not conventionally cute and insist on it, wailing and crying when Rollo initially refuses. Begrudgingly, he adopts the goat for her. Mallenette and the goat become great friends, but the goat seems to like Rollo over all others and even follows him around the castle. Rollo is unsettled by the goat's appearance and initially tries to avoid Sunday. There'll be a scene where Sunday's following him and Rollo hurries to lose him, but he'll bleat pathetically because he can't keep up. Guilty, Rollo will wait for it. Sunday'll catch up and then bleat a thank you. Anyway, it'll be really cute, I swear.
If anyone asked, he would be like, "I hate Sunday," while totally petting him. Very "no we can't get a cat" dad energy
In the novel, Frollo and Quasimodo are initially close because Frollo raises him as best he can, teaches him sign language because he's deaf, etc, and Quasimodo is kinda devoted to him. So, he will come to love Sunday.
Next, and the weirdest, is that Malleus will eventually think to himself, "Rollo will die. but I can magically store his seed and keep having his children even after he's gone... then it will be like having a new piece of him, over and over" and he'll just do that without consulting anyone, let alone Rollo. Not sure how many children is 'normal' for fae, but Malleus will have more than that for sure
if this happens, let's say he tops out at 25 kids because by then he'll have a realization like "maybe this isn't a good idea" but it'll be too late. If you have that many heirs that are raised kind of independently of each other, what might happen? Succession fights~ At least for the ones that decide they want to stay in Briar Valley, I imagine some would be like "Eh, fuck this, I'll go live with humans." What if a bunch kill each other to try and gain the throne? Considering their double villain heritage and Rollo's schemin' genes, things would probably get bad unless they were directed into something else or they were taken out of the running for the throne. Maybe only children born while Rollo was alive count? Kinda fucked up but it would limit the amount in line to about 4ish. Also, who's raising these kids? That's a lot of nannies...
Either way, Mallenette, being the eldest and probably the one Malleus favors because she is his heir, will survive and claim the throne. I think her reign would be a struggle because the fae around her would see her as lesser. She would be pressured to produce heirs asap since she won't live as long as a normal fae. She'll end up marrying a fae, but one of low rank, so they can't make any attempts to supplant her as queen
Okay, getting away from that...
Third, they'll have like four kids. Mallenette, another girl, a boy, and I dunno another girl maybe. Once they have a little boy, Rollo is going to unconsciously favor him. He may even spoil him, resulting in a brat child (kind of like Jehan in the novel), but hopefully he doesn't go all in. I figure with maturity he might be able to stop himself. He'll also want to name him Jehan, but Malleus will veto that for good reason. Rollo'll have to settle for Jehan as a middle name
Rollo's efforts to spread the fae method of detecting magical ability before birth has some success. In the Shaftlands it might become standard practice, but other places could see it as an unnecessary expense. Still, his efforts will help some children and that is progress
When Rollo dies, Malleus will have him buried in the City of Flowers. he'll make a whole royal visit to the city, deal with ambassadors and local government etc, so he can attend the funeral. The gargoyles will also attend, but Malleus will be so distraught that he won't be able to talk to them
Malleus'll be in mourning for the rest of his life. I imagine knowing their king is so devoted to one human that might ease some of the anti-human sentiment in Briar Valley. Some maybe would have assumed he had a human fetish or something before
Also, Sebek will brag about Mallenette and the other kids as if they were his children. Speaking of him, I imagine Malleus and Rollo's kids will go through a "I hate being half-human" phase, too. Their father can transform into a sick dragon, but they can't, they can't teleport, etc. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if one of them felt closer to human culture and instead lamented being a horned weirdo that people are afraid of.
That's all I can think of for now. If anyone has questions or something, I'd be happy to answer, too
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
KIT KIT KIT !! NEW IN TOWN !! perfection ! thank you! i feel like i’m the world of joel angst (which i’m a sucker for) this was a slice of heaven! Thank you and where can i get a man like that asap!
I need to see their first days living together, their marriage bliss, honeymoon, i need it all!
Also interested to see if more kids come into the picture? in the fic joel says that he’s not into having more kids at one point near the start so i’d be curious to see if he’ll change his mind or if him and Beautiful will just live a happily ever after together travelling and fooling around? I honestly don’t mind which way but it would be cute seeing a more mature joel with a baby and a partner to share responsibilities with! ahhhh
OMG Hi Bestie!!
Thank you so so much!!! I know, the men written by women just hit different lol I feel like we should send some fan fic excerpts to real life men and be like "just copy + paste this and you'll find women."
I totally hear that you need more! There's actually going to be a one shot featuring these two coming soon. Very very soon. Like... real soon!
There might be a short sequel series about them in a few months, one that features the wedding and whatnot. I think it would be fun to explore, especially because of Beautiful's family history and how weddings can really bring a lot of feelings around that to the fore.
Full disclosure, when developing this pairing, I never intended for them to have children. I think Joel is happy with having Sarah as his only child and Beautiful likes the freedom that being childless provides. She's very focused on her career and living her best life - and as she rises through the ranks at her agency, she'll make even better money so they'll be able to afford to travel and have a lot of really cool experiences together. But when Sarah has kids, I imagine they'll both be VERY hands on (though there'll be a lot of confusion about wtf the kid will call beautiful lmfao Auntie? Grandma? Auntie Grandma????)
THAT BEING SAID I already have another request about seeing them pregnant so I will probably do a non-canon/AU kind of thing where they do have a baby because 1) I think it'll be fun and 2) I know it'll make some folks super happy :) But canon, they're going to be a childfree couple and get in all the baby snuggles with Tommy and Maria's kiddo and Sarah's eventually kiddos.
Thank you so so much for reading!! Love you!!
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Whyyyyyy is it so hard to find good Tony and Clint fics istg im going to blame you for raising the bar so high but also you being one of the few to share my very specific characterisations means its just us in my bubble and no one else comes close 😂
We have shape each other in a way that we will never be able to undo because I am exactly the same lmao.
I swear there is more Clint coming soon, after the last two ficlets, there'll be a oneshot, and then I will have another chapter of To Ashes up asap :)
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doyelikehaggis · 5 months
49. Spilled Coffee & Scars [Lucifer] because I'm in love with the title
Thank you!! I think I might just keep that title, there's something really nice about it, isn't there?
It was one of those days. The ones when Lucifer wished he had simply stayed home instead of going into the station. The kind when everyone felt the need to run around like headless chickens, and cause idiotic accidents like bumping into him and spilling his fresh, expensive cup of coffee all over his clean white shirt.
He threw his hands up in exasperated frustration and was about to say some rather choice things to the idiot that caused it, but Chloe grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"Lucifer, it's just a cup of coffee."
"It's just - have you seen my shirt, Detective? Look at it! It's ruined."
She rolled her eyes in her signature way. "Fine. Look, I need to head out anyway, so I'll drop by your penthouse and bring you another shirt." She raised her eyebrows at him. "Or you can borrow something from the confiscation unit. I'm sure there'll be something your size. A nice, fluffy pink bra, maybe?"
He closed his mouth and got the message. "No, that's quite alright. I'll wait for you to return. Thank you, Detective."
She smirked, pleased with herself, and left with Dan at her heels, ironically muttering to her about her having him "trained like a dog."
He spent a good twenty minutes sitting at her desk, waiting, until he realized he was merely proving Dan right. He glanced down at his stained shirt again. Thanks to Chloe's prescence, the scalding coffee had, in fact, been scalding and even though he couldn't actually feel it anymore, it still irritated him. Nobody was paying him the slightest bit of attention, all too preoccupied with their duties, but still, it itched at him that one could glance over in his general direction, spot the stained shirt, and assume he hadn't noticed or, worse, that he simply didn't care about his appearance.
No, that would not do.
He ducked into the forensics lab. Ella glanced up at him and flashed her usual bright smile - until he proceeded to strip himself of his jacket and shirt.
"Whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed, holding out her hands as thought to shield her eyes from something utterly disturbing. She peeked through her fingers. "What are you doing?!"
He paused and looked down at himself. "Oh, no. No, don't worry, Miss Lopez, the trousers are staying on, I can assure you of that. Some neanderthal ran right into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt, and since I am a professional, I can't exactly walk around the station looking like an unkept criminal that's spent all night in a cell, now can I?"
She lowered her hands to stare at him. "Yeah, because walking around shirtless is much more professional."
"Well, obviously I'm not going to do that. No, the Detective is away to fetch me a clean shirt, but for now, I will remain in here. That is, if you don't mind, of course."
She looked very much like she wanted to say she did mind and force him to return to the rest of the detectives and officers without even the dignity of the coffee-soiled shirt. But she rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head at him in fond exasperation.
"Course not. But don't distract me! I need to get this evidence finished and bagged for Chloe and Dan ASAP, so just" - she waved her hand at him- "sit over there and - close the blinds, at least!"
He proceeded to oblige. "Yes, of course. You're right. And, don't fret, I will be as quiet as a mouse. You won't even know I'm here."
When no response came, he looked over his shoulder to find Ella gazing, wide-eyed at him. More specifically, at his back. For a moment, he had no idea what was so fascinating.
"Sorry," she said, realizing she'd been caught, and looked away sharply, shaking her head as though angry with herself. "Sorry, I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to..."
"No, that's quite alright, Miss Lopez," he says, his lips quirking upwards as he turned fully to face her. "I'm not one to shy away from admiration."
She just kept shaking her head. Finally, he understood when she stopped and quietly said, "Can I... can I ask what happened? You don't have to answer if you don't want to. It's just... those scars. They look really painful."
His smile dropped. How could he have forgotten?
Send me the title/number of a wip and make me write it!
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yhwhrulz777 · 1 year
Worthy Brief - June 21, 2023
Understand the obligation of love!
Isaiah 61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.
Here's another interesting Hebrew word parallel. The Hebrew word for "love" or "affection", "chiba", is formed by the same root letters as the word, "chova", "obligation", "debt", or "duty". In Hebrew, the only difference between these two words is a few vowel points. But you say, "Isn't love the very opposite of obligation !?" Well, yes and no. The Hebrew language has a wonderful way of relating concepts which seem incompatible.
The common romantic view of love in films and novels draws heavily on strong feelings of affection or passion. Even our love for God can flow from those kinds of feelings. (The apostle Peter was filled with them shortly before he denied the Lord three times.) But love based on obligation is another matter, and it's significant that the Jewish marriage contract, the "Ketubah", contains a list of "obligations" that a husband is required to fulfill for his wife. He might be passionately "in love" with her when he signs this contract, yet the wisdom of experience says this passion may wither with time, so the marriage ceremony formally "obligates" him to his spouse. By accepting these "obligations", he agrees that love is nurtured by commitment.
One Rabbi commented: "Love which flows from obligation endures, but when obligation follows love, both are doomed."
Our bridal relationship to Yeshua (Jesus) also reflects this reality. His "obligation" to us flowed from an irrevocable decision of His will and commitment to love us…which cost Him His human life. We might speculate on the Lord's feelings for us, but we don't have to wonder at all about His obligation, or the absolute security we have in His love for us. Our love for Him can be the same. Feelings of love are wonderful. But they also come and go. And there'll be times when we wonder, "Where's that lovin' feeling? Is God really there?" And that's when the sure foundation of commitment will arise in the heart of every true lover.
God's great love for us is expressed in His commitment; to cover our debt of sin; guide us through this earthly life, and be our eternal Heavenly Husband. Cleansed by His blood and filled with His Spirit we can love Him and one another with the same commitment. The feelings will follow.
Your family in the Lord with much agape love,
George, Baht Rivka, Obadiah and Elianna (Dallas, TX) (Baltimore, MD)
Editor's Note: We are planning our Summer and Fall Tour so if you would like us to minister at your congregation, home fellowship, or Israel focused event, be sure to let us know ASAP. You can send an email to george [ @ ] worthyministries.com for more information.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Hey Zu~ how was you’re weekend?! thx a million again for the commission of my boi blue. I can’t wait to get started on his arc soon. I haven't shared it on AO3 yet as I'm waiting till I publish a chapter pertaining to the character. I just finished another intermission chapter, depicting my Ink and Error’s proposal’s on Valentine’s Day. Lol I may have to commission someone to draw that In the near future idk who yet.
You got any more commissions left to do? What other art projects you got planned after?
Hii Tart! <3 The weekend's been pretty busy yet really good, thank you (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) What about yours? *^* Hopefully the weekdays started good for you too! ☆
It was my pleasure to work on such an interesting character and design (*´꒳`*) Good luck with it!! ˚✧₊⁎
Awww that sounds so sweet~ (〃ω〃) I'll be looking forward to the next ones! <3
Yep, I'm currently working privately but I can't wait to get started on my projects asap ♪( ´▽`) If I don't give in to new ideas, there'll be two of them at the same time, one of which is Post Dark Cream ☆
Tumblr media
No problem! <3 Hopefully you still had fun >:3
Thank you! (〃ω〃)
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Hey Nancy: how's all the prep going? Rio: Oh my God Rio: it feels good to talk to someone over the age of 12, put it that way Rio: its getting there but I might not 🤪🥴😵 Nancy: same cos Buster's acting like a 5 year old rn Nancy: I wish I was there helping Rio: Travelling brings out the worst in 'em Rio: if I have to see an airport with mine this year, too soon 😬❌ Rio: we could use your 👀 Rio: I'm sure there will still be shit to do when you all get here Nancy: Did your dad convince your mum about a honeymoon though? Nancy: Asking cos I wanna steal you away for a while Nancy: When I get there I'm gonna have so many 📷 to set up and take but I'll definitely make time for any finishing touches there are Rio: 😘😘😘 Rio: s'more convincing nan and granddad that your parents and the rest will help out controlling the masses whilst they're off 🎔☽ Rio: a reason we can NEVER find a babysitter 🙄 Nancy: Oh come on! If my mum gets involved they'll be perfect 😇s Rio: 😂 Rio: I'd be happy to test the theory Rio: going to be so good to see you again! Nancy: Me too if it'd get her off my back 🙄 Nancy: I've missed you so much! Rio: Uh-oh, what's the latest crusade with her? Rio: Girl, same! So much catching up Nancy: Who can keep track? This week it's something about how I spend too much time in my room Nancy: Like doesn't she realise I don't sleep in a cell? I have everything I need Rio: Right? Rio: At least we're past grounding, was such a laughable punishment when its not the 50s or something, please Nancy: malted milkshakes and jukeboxes yes, the rest of the 50s, no Rio: But you'd look so fetching in a circle skirt 😉 Rio: what are you wearing though Rio: I've been so busy making sure the kids are actually clothed that I'm not remotely ready, ugh Nancy: Also less likely to be hatecrimed when it's just gals being pals 😉 Nancy: [a pic of her outfit cos we don't have one yet gang] Nancy: oh my god if you're not joking dad better start speeding! You really need my help ASAP Rio: Don't rub it in, or I'll be at the back of the bus heckling you Rio: me and all MY #sistas Rio: 😍 you look so good, I'll ignore your white feminism if you tell him to step on it Nancy: 😳 x 10000 like Nancy: But I'll demand it Rio: 🧡 Rio: Its a mood, catch me stealthing down the aisle at the back, please, steal the show, kids Nancy: 💚 Nancy: Honestly I feel nervous & I don't have to do the walk/nobody's gonna be looking at me Rio: Awh, don't be Rio: Honestly, everything is so extra, no one will know where to look Rio: you know them Nancy: I was safe to assume that Junie isn't answering me cos he's 😳 x 10000000 then, yeah? Rio: No doubt Rio: I can't even find him to tell him to reply Rio: if I spot him Nancy: It's fine I'll see him soon anyway Rio: God bless him Nancy: I need out of this car now & away from all of them Rio: I can feel the tension from here, babe Nancy: If he spends another sec on speaker talking to his friends about last night's party I will have to throw his phone out of the window Rio: Eww Rio: your brother is 1000% gonna be THAT businessman on the train that wants everyone to hear his convo Nancy: I know Rio: then pops a few blood vessels when someone tells him otherwise Rio: you poor thing, forreal Nancy: He got into a fight at the party over some girl 🙄 But of course the other lad was the only one hurt Nancy: How am I related to this idiot? Rio: How have your parents not turned the car around or at least threatened to Nancy: He doesn't wanna come which means he is, no matter what Nancy: Even if he was 🤕 Rio: Also do you live in Chelsea or a bad American teen drama Rio: the dramatics 😂 Nancy: Right? But it's me getting lectured by my mother regularly Nancy: your favouritism is showing again Rio: We all like you better, don't worry babe Nancy: thanks Nancy: if your parents wanna adopt me, now is good Rio: What's one more is pratically the family motto so why not Rio: you'll have to miss all the WILD parties and the even wilder bants Rio: reckon you'll survive? Nancy: just about Rio: Be honest Rio: if I go to town right now, what are the odds of the kids staying semi-presentable? Nancy: It'd be single figures Nancy: like 5% maybe Rio: Yeah Rio: but even less chance of me getting something wearable if I ask my boy to bring something with him, right? Nancy: Unless he's very fashion forward Nancy: You could tell him to go to ours and raid my wardrobe? Rio: Such a humblebrag, Nancy McKenna 😏 Nancy: If you don't want my advice or designer labels, don't ask, like Rio: 😂 Rio: how is it possible I have nothing suitable in my whole ass wardrobe Nancy: This family has had a surprisingly few weddings in our lifetime Nancy: & there's no chance of you re-purposing what you wore to my parents' big day all those years ago so Nancy: I'll make a detour and pick something up for you Nancy: if you trust me Rio: The amount of sin is truly unholy Rio: my grandma be 😠 at all these heathens Rio: and that feels like forever ago Rio: dread to think what I was rocking but at least I was cute Nancy: So 😢 I couldn't bring a date to meet your grandma she sounds lovely Nancy: [finds a pic of the baze wedding like] Nancy: you were the cutest! Look! Rio: Love the sinner, hate the sin, sweetie 😘 Rio: Oh lord Nancy: Says you but what happened to ME? Nancy: I'm like a different person rn and it's not a glow up Rio: Shh, you look beautiful, are you kidding Nancy: I look like my parents are into medieval torture & put me on a rack Nancy: not cute Rio: Oh 'cos being tall is so unappealing Rio: all those leggy supermodels, YUCK Nancy: 😂 Rio: Anyone saying different is obviously jealous Nancy: How very teen drama Nancy: the girl who hates me really loves me 💋 Rio: better start loudly talking about that Rio: your 'rents will be so proud Nancy: They aren't likely to hear me over Buster's dramatic playlist 🎶 Rio: Now you're just making shit up 😂 Nancy: [records him as proof hey boy hey looking like a moody fuckboy snack over there no doubt] Rio: He really did just look at the window like a music video, huh Rio: also praying you make it here unmurdered now, girl 🙏🤞 Nancy: He wouldn't dare start a fight with us in our finery 👗👠 mum & dad would kill him Nancy: or I could with the 👠 Rio: Gotta stay favourite, yeah Nancy: definitely Rio: catch me being no ones 'cos I'm not coming Rio: see you tomorrow, like 👋 Nancy: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nancy: you have to Nancy: don't leave me with my evil twin Rio: 😩 but Rio: so over this before its begun Nancy: please Ri Nancy: I'll make it fun somehow Rio: There's no escape anyhow Rio: so many people here already just 👀 @ me Rio: I'm not putting on a fucking poofy dress I'm sorry Nancy: you don't have to Nancy: bridesmaid but keep it fashion Rio: I tried on some actual bridesmaid dresses but I felt so stupid Rio: why is it all floor-length and fucking Rio: the excess material Rio: I don't wanna drown in tulle, I'm not 5 Nancy: gross Nancy: I promise to never get married first of all Nancy: second of all I'm gonna make sure you look 🔥 today so Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Rio: I've got to start on the drinks now though, sorry Nancy: show me what's in your wardrobe & I'll try & remember what's in mine Rio: I love you but you remember what I said about floor-length? Nancy: okay okay just yours then Nancy: come on, I can do this Rio: [does] Rio: but honestly, fuck it Nancy: there's so much I could make work Nancy: & no reason for us both to hate our outfits Rio: I won't hate it, I'll just be hated Rio: mainly by my grandma 💁 Nancy: as soon as Buster arrives his attitude will pull focus Nancy: plenty to keep your grandma busy in this car Rio: He'd never be that nice to me Rio: even unintentionally Nancy: I will then Nancy: thinking of a scene to cause as we speak Rio: 😏 Rio: such a shame there'll be no hot girls there you aren't related to 💔 Nancy: if only hitchhikers were still a thing Rio: So predatory for a 13 year old Rio: flip that script honey Nancy: it's the lesbian way Nancy: ask every girl at my school Rio: Ugh, turning their backs in the changing room is it? Rio: like half of 'em have got anything to hide, people are ridiculous Nancy: Yeah Rio: Its more than that then Nancy: It's not a story for today Rio: Later Rio: when you've caught up Nancy: when I've taken my make up off maybe Nancy: it took a really long time Rio: it looks 🔥 Nancy: it's not too much, right? You'd tell me Rio: Of course Rio: but it so isn't, its great Nancy: thanks Nancy: a benefit of doing it in February, our faces won't melt off & I'm not sunburnt Rio: They've thought of you at least Rio: love that Nancy: I'll try & remember to thank them too, like Rio: Thank whichever God made you gay too Rio: boys are such dicks Nancy: I got stuck with a brother so I'd still suffer Nancy: probably won't 🙏 Rio: Well you can ignore him Rio: sure you both prefer it that way Nancy: You can ignore any boys you want Nancy: or don't want Rio: Nah Rio: not when I'm this hard to ignore yeah Nancy: all the more reason Nancy: when you look like you look you can take your pick Rio: I already have, that's what I'm saying Nancy: & they're still dicks? Rio: He is Nancy: So dump him Nancy: there must be some boys in existence who aren't Rio: Eh Rio: None as cute Nancy: Gross Rio: Shut up 🙄 Nancy: if you wanna talk about boys you've come to the wrong place Rio: excuse me Rio: you've literally talked about your hitchhiker fantasy so you can deal with it Nancy: I don't have a fantasy I was trying to think of a diversion to horrify your grandma Rio: Sure Nancy: It's a shame Buster would never swap outfits with me Nancy: a move like that really would pull focus from what you're wearing Rio: I hate to break it to you but not really Rio: already got so many chicks in suits Rio: you know this is MY parents wedding, not yours Nancy: but how many boys in dresses do you have? Rio: I'll check Rio: my parents have weird friends, babe Rio: and have you met my siblings like Rio: your the normie branch of the fam, no amount of lesbian angst is changing that for you, I'm so sorry Nancy: at least they have friends, mine have co-dependence Nancy: and yeah, I'm trying to get adopted in, remember? Rio: 😍 romantic Rio: we'll swap Rio: I need the break Nancy: you and Buster would kill each other in seconds Nancy: but if you can survive long enough to end him I support it Rio: Duh Nancy: I've heard 'you should see the other guy' enough to be sure it's bullshit Nancy: you can take him Rio: I know Rio: trust me Nancy: he hasn't lost a 🥊 for ages it's way past due Rio: Weddings always end in a scrap Rio: may as well take it for the team honestly Nancy: fights & drunken displays happen whenever this family gets together Nancy: again, take your pick Rio: I'm not drunk but tah for the faith, babe Nancy: it's early still Rio: 😒 Nancy: they are all driving me to drink & I don't even Rio: Slainte Nancy: exactly Rio: Fuck it, I'm going town Nancy: do you have time? Rio: Sure Nancy: Then yeah go Rio: ✌ see you when you get here Nancy: I'll find you as soon as we show up Rio: Do Rio: I'll be the bombshell Nancy: I'll be the awkward ginger Nancy: 💚💋 Rio: 🧡💋
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yhwhrulz · 4 years
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