#there's a latch that's supposed to open but it didn't and i didn't wanna get my hands dirty so i used a knife lmao
autistic-shaiapouf · 6 months
Had to use a butter knife to open the hood of my car 😐
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peachhcs · 11 days
I feel like for Mark and Ethan (and most of the other umich boys) it would be a case of:
We trusted you with our little sister (figure) and this is how you treat her
yes! they're very upset about it too.
"wait, what happened?" ethan raised his eyebrow, head turning around when he heard what samy just said. the girl's gaze glued itself to the floor because she didn't want to see their reactions knowing they were gonna seriously hate will after this.
"he broke up with me i guess because i wasn't worth it to do long distance," the brunette shrugged.
ethan's mouth dropped open as his gaze peered over to mark who mirrored his expression. "you're not serious are you?" the older brunette mumbled.
"i wish i wasn't," samy said sadly.
the anger immediately replaced the shock on ethan's face, "i'm gonna fucking kill him."
"please don't like harass his messages. i have enough mind to know that isn't fair to him," samy quickly cut in before ethan did anything rash.
"what do you mean? you trusted him and he broke your trust by throwing your entire relationship away?" ethan was turning into protective older brother mode.
"i know that. i just know being mean to him isn't gonna fix any of this. i mean we haven't even like done anything on social media because the fans are probably gonna go crazy on us. i don't think either of us want that right now," the girl explained. ethan's expression seemed to cool off a bit.
"why would he break up with you though? he just decided just like that while you were at worlds with him that he was gonna break up with you because california is too far away from michigan?" mark asked.
"i suppose so," samy shrugged again.
"that's so bullshit. you were at worlds with him and he thought that wasn't enough? fuck long distance. if you really love the person, none of that would matter. you'd do anything for them," mark continued.
"yeah, i get it. don't keep reminding me that he wouldn't do anything for me after he said countless times," samy snapped a bit. the older boys shut their mouths, expressions softening out a bit.
"i'm really sorry, bub. he's an asshole," ethan went to rub the girl's arm.
she latched onto the boy's arm while ethan's other arm came around for a hug. mark quickly joined too.
"so what's gonna happen at that family vacaction in july then?" ethan wondered when they all pulled apart.
"i don't know. maybe mom will let me skip or something. i don't think i can even be in the same room as him for an entire week," samy mumbled sadly.
it was literally two weeks ago that her and will were curled up in the same hotel room holding each other in one another's arms.
"i can't believe that kid. you guys were so..in love. we're here if you ever wanna talk, yeah?" mark said and samy nodded.
"i know. thanks, guys," the boys smiled.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Hello hello for the third time!!
Once again, your fics absolutely BLOW my mind away!! And I'm here to request just a silly fic with Angel Dust (platonic) and a feral!child reader, who always gets into trouble with his workplace and the hotel?
(I mostly just wanna read Valentino be shit on lmao)
Yours Truly,
- XIN 💠
Good evening my dear! You requested this at the perfect time because I had to stop the feral child I am related to from running over the elderly with a grocery cart so that's definitely going to play into this not the hitting the elderly with a cart but the general vibe, ALSO THATS SO SWEET OF YOU TO SAY, I'M OPEN TO FRIENDSHIP JUST MESSAGE ME ON HERE BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW IF I MESSAGE YOU FIRST IT'LL BE FROM THIS BLOG OR MY MAIN ONE (I've been on Tumblr for like 5-6 years now and I still don't know how it works) YOU WILL GET ME YAPPIN' ABOUT HAZBIN, SENDING RANDOM SNIPPETS OF MY WRITING WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT AND MILDLY ODD EDITS OF SOUP
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Favorite babysitter
(Or alternatively Valentino gets beat by a child)
Angel dust & child reader, platonic!!!
I got carried away, Valentino loses a wing and both Antennas, nothing graphic surprisingly no unholy jokes mainly because the reader is a child, this is a shorter one, mild OOC
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Angel dust didn't mind children, he preferred not to be around them because well, he wasn't the most child-friendly person to be around
However it was just his luck that the hazbin hotel's resident feral child had decided he was their favorite babysitter.
You had shown up one day at the doorstep of the hotel with a note taped onto you just saying 'Good luck '
It was suspected you were some type of bomb at first but that quickly was pushed aside when it was found you were just feral, you weren't a bad kid you just didn't listen, climbed onto the walls, tabletops, bit into things you weren't supposed too but you could be a very sweet kid, playing with the Egg Bois, helping Charlie by drawing, helping Husk dry the glasses or hunting down roaches with Niffty,
That last activity had been banned since you almost stabbed one of the Egg Bois.
You were a very sneaky and little clingy thing that was evident with you latching onto his legs at random times, sometimes he wouldn't even notice you until it was pointed out or he looked down and bam! There you were wrapped around him like a baby possum sippin' on a juice box.
He made it a point to make sure someone was distracting you as he escaped the hotel to go to work, unfortunately for him Sir Pentious who was meant to be watching you was distracted by his egg minions almost smashing themselves while trying to recreate action movies and you ran after him following him through the city and into the Vee's tower, shockingly due to plot convenience you weren't noticed until Valentino was yelling at Angel dust for who knows what before any work could be done, he pulled out Angel's contract for whatever reason, maybe to make a point? You didn't really know but you didn't like that what looked like a giant dressed up purple grape was yelling at your favorite babysitter so with your little legs you stomped up to Valentino tugging on his wings that acted as a robe, he looked down in fury that quick turned into angry confusion
"Who the fuck brought their child to set?!"
Valentino shouted looking around as his employees looked around shaking their heads, a rush of pure panic rushed through Angel dust, when did you get here? He didn't even notice you? Wasn't Sir Pentious watching you?!
Before he could even get a word out you stomped your leg and pointed at him, eyes full of pure fury.
"Say sorry!"
"¿Qué? What did you just say?"
"Say sorry!"
Valentino leaned uncomfortably in, opening his mouth to say something but Angel had grabbed you in his many arms fully intending to take whatever hit Valentino could throw at you, however you had a different plan, with a large frown on your face you wiggled your way out of Angels arms and pounced onto Valentino, your little clawed hands tearing into his wings, leaving small puncture wounds behind as you climbed up him, the contract that bounded Angel dust's soul to Valentino floated down to the ground.
Valentino yelled out words you couldn't quite understand as his wings flared out, you took the opportunity to steal his hat and bite into it tearing it apart before throwing the remaining fabric onto the ground.
The unholy studio's employees could only watch stunned as you grabbed onto his antennas completely ripping them off, if he couldn't fly because of his damaged one before, he definitely had no hope of it now.
Valentino dropped to the ground screeching, arms reaching up to throw you off only for you to start crawling around his back like a little bug leaving more scratches and wounds
Angel dust once he recovered from the shock of you absolutely tearing apart Valentino tried to grab you fully intending on taking you and booking it to the hotel where you'd be safe,
Unfortunately you were freakishly strong and in angel's attempts of trying to pull you off ended up pulling one of Valentino's wings out.
"Are you going to say sorry now?"
Valentino let out a groan of disoriented pain,
That didn't sound like an 'I'm sorry' to you, so you climbed up his remaining wing and ripped a large chunk of his fluff from it, Niffty would be proud!
"¡Lo siento! ¡Lo siento, solo vete!" the still disoriented Valentino shouted from the ground,
You smiled as you stood up from the overlord and skipped towards Angel dust, your eyes caught the contract that had floated to the ground, now you didn't know what it contained because you couldn't read but you assumed it probably meant something to the purple guy and so you decided that you should rip it.
"[Name] get over here' I gotta get you outta here before-" Angel dust started as you swiped the contact off the floor and ripped it to shreds, the smoke-like chain briefly appeared around Angel dust's neck before breaking apart and whooshing away.
Angel was stunned for a moment before a large grin broke out on his face, before anyone could say anything he picked you up, raised a certain finger up and shouted that he was quitting, after all Valentino didn't have his soul anymore, and frankly the work environment would be awkward now to say the least since a child had just inflicted permeant damage to his now former boss, he could find another job.
Unfortunately someone who didn't have good morals called the security team and now Angel dust was running down the Vee's tower holding you, he would pull out the guns that he kept in I assume his ribcage or something but you were right there and the gunshots would hurt your little eardrums, eventually the two of you outran them and returned into the safety of the hotel.
Angel dust sat you down on the ground as he breathed in, catching his breath while Sir Pentious rushed to you lifting you up while asking where you were before looking at Angel in confusion.
"Aren't you ssssssupposed to be at work?"
"I quit! Lil' chronic juice-o-holic over there ripped up my contract and fucked up Valentino! hAh!" Angel said still trying to catch his breath as you slipped out of Sir Pentious's hold and ran to go bug Husk for a juice box.
The news of you ripping Valentino's antennas and a wing out made hotel news, you were lightly scolded by Charlie about taking the violent route but she gave you ice cream and bought you a toy as a reward, Alastor saw great potential in you, Husk patted your head saying that you did good, Vaggie would eventually decide to teach you how to fight, you got being feral down but it couldn't help to teach you to be more calculated, Niffty was happy when you gave her the big clump of fluff for her collection, she already had some from her earlier interaction with the now antenna-less moth but more couldn't hurt!
And Angel dust, well he owed ya big time although he did scold you for following him into a dangerous place [thank goodness you didn't see anythin' unholy or Vaggie would've had his head!]
He spent a little more time with you the following week before he decided to do some job huntin', he would sneak you some candy or a extra juicebox when he could, and the two of you would watch kid friendly Disney or dreamworks movies on the hotel's TV.
Valentino laid down in his hospital room, full of fury that he got injured by a child of all things, a small child that had some type of connection with Angel dust who's soul he no longer owned, he swore that he would get payback against the child, unfortunately for him the mere presence of that child would strike enough fear into him that he wouldn't be able to make a move, and even if he could he wouldn't be able to do anything to the feral child.
He got off easy this time, he wouldn't be as lucky the next he messed with your favorite babysitter again.
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Good evening folks! Hope you enjoyed! I'm working on getting the older requests in my inbox done and getting them out next week along with the 100 followers fic with Angel dust! So tune on in for that! Goodnight folks!
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ponett · 11 months
Got a spoilery ask about SLARPG regarding Melody's character arc and, to a lesser extent, the ending, so I'll put this below a read more!
Anonymous asked:
Heya! I adore adore adore SLARPG, and have latched pretty hard onto Melody and Harmony's dichotomy for a while... I was wondering whether you saw Harmony more as an obstacle to Melody's growth, or something to be worked on and reconciled with more like Madeline and Badeline from Celeste? Unless it's spoilers of course. It's one of the few threads left open after the game, and as a plural woman myself I was just curious. X3
I'll say up front that I've generally avoided stepping in and telling people what The One Correct Interpretation is for a lot of things in SLARPG. I didn't intend for Melody to be read as plural, since in the story Harmony is a parasitic outside force, but I also understand where that interpretation comes from and won't tell folks they're wrong for relating to her like that. That's just the beauty of art. We can relate to things however we want. I just wanna make sure my personal framing is clear before I talk about the thought behind Melody and Harmony's relationship
Harmony is more of a literary device than a character. While she's not an alternate personality for Melody, she's also not really a full person in her own right. I don't think about Harmony having her own arc. She's a magical force that occasionally externalizes Melody's darker, more self-critical thoughts for the audience, where normally she would keep them to herself. She has her own design and name to make the dialogue boxes easier to follow. I also keep it intentionally vague whether or not other people would be able to see Harmony because I find that understated uncertainty more fun.
On a literal level, Harmony is a magical parasite, and therefore an obstacle to be overcome. She's not supposed to be there, straight up. But because she's just the embodiment of dark thoughts that Melody is already having, there isn't really much point in "defeating" Harmony to me - which is why things play out the way they do.
Even if Melody got rid of Harmony, she would still have to deal with those feelings. It would be a purely symbolic victory. And symbolic victories like that are often satisfying as hell in fiction, but in real life you can't defeat your shadow self to stop those 3am "what if my friends are only pretending to like me" thoughts. So instead, Harmony is something Melody needs to cope with and minimize. It's not about getting rid of bad thoughts forever, but rather learning how to deal with them better. And that's an active, life-long process. And so Harmony remains, but Melody is working on having healthier relationships with both her loved ones and herself.
I'll also say that, while I love Celeste, Madeline and Badeline's arc is mostly irrelevant to the way I write Melody and Harmony. (I don't think this ask is accusing me of plagiarizing Maddy Thorson or anything, to be clear. I'm just on a tangent since the comparison was brought up.) SLARPG began development in 2015, so the Harmony scenes, and Melody's arc as a whole, were already planned before Celeste came out. While I worried about getting compared to a much more popular game, I stuck to my guns, knowing that my story was different enough to stand on its own. If anything, I just avoided specific phrases like "reflection" or "I'm a part of you" to try and keep people from just pointing and going "Celeste reference!"
Unfortunately the "wow this is just like Celeste" comments were unavoidable, as were the newfound generalizations about what all indie games about trans girls with anxiety must be like because there are two (2) whole games that share some common story tropes, and it seems like the ending may have thrown some people off because of expectations created by Celeste. But what are you gonna do? I at least avoided my absolute nightmare scenario of Deltarune Ch.2 doing glitch aesthetics or giving Susie and Noelle a kiss mechanic lmao
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slippinninque · 2 months
✨📱Kiss me Through the Phone 📱✨
Fontaine x black!fem!reader
Warnings/content: fluff, cursing, mentions of smoking/weed, long fic. Black!Fem!Reader, ramblings
He treated his phone like the tool it was. There were few apps for entertainment, and the necessary apps to stay updated on what was going on in his streets.
Fontaine was never one for taking pictures until he met you. Now he has a nice collections of you on his phone.
Particularly, there is a folder of photos in his phone dedicated to your stuffed face. You turned full hamster when you were hungry and he thought it was adorable. This is top secret.
You have a folder of photos in your phone dedicated to catching him sleeping during movies. From cozy shots of him latched on to you like a giant octopus to the bent neck, open mouthed snooze. What started off as a cache of evidence became an absolute delight. This was also top secret.
Fontaine didn't save many numbers. Due to his business, the less information he made available the better. You swore his memory was his super power.
The first picture you ever sent Fontaine he'd swore he would get framed. It was purposely unflattering with an expression he didn't think your pretty face could make. It was sent to him by mistake but made him nearly choke on his '40 and he knew then he needed more of you.
A little bit of sun was all the Glen needed for it's parks to come alive with get-togethers and hang-outs. That was the whole reason you and your girls were out in the first place, looking to get some warmth before the heat vanished again,
You were sitting close to each other sharing whispers and smoke. It was a lovely day though the breeze was relentless. Fontaine was already unzipping his jacket when you shivered for the umpteenth time.
The sight of him was poetic. Leaning up a bit just to whip his jacket over your shoulder, the sun taking it's place immediately with delicacy. Fontaine's face was soft at least enough for his golds to glimmer between full lips.
He was gilded in the setting sun as he stepped a bit closer to zip you properly into the jacket. You felt like you were staring, but you couldn't look away.
"There we go," he grinned at you as he passed the blunt to you and resetting your brain, "Wear it better than me."
"Better stop before this hoodie come up missing." You took a puff and laughed a bit,
"Y'know how clothes just be adventuring off on their own..."
"Is that so? You wanna takin' down my number so you can let a nigga know if his thermals come knocking at your door?"
"Your-your weed is good, so I suppose I'll be neighborly."
He laughed and you couldn't even feel the full thrush of embarrassment at your fumbling. You could only shake your head at yourself as you handed over your phone.
Fontaine typed in his number and you traded the blunt for your phone. He didn't save it at first and you added him to your contacts with the quickness.
Just as you always did, first thing that came to mind--
Quickly after that you keep you eyes to your keyboard as you sent Fontaine a wave with a smiley face.
You jerked awake, hearing hard knocking and loud voices seeping in through your cracked window.
Heart pounding as you stared up at the ceiling, you scrambled for your phone to see it was well past midnight. The TV was still going from when you fell asleep on the couch, but it wasn't enough to drown out the slurring call of your name.
Clutching your throw blanket, you swallowed as much of your panic as possible. It was your neighbor, drunk again and "confused" despite it being the third time this month.
As much as you tried to be understanding, it made you more than uncomfortable. The man was all grins and half-apologetic in the daytime, insisting that their front doors were nearly twins despite there being 3 houses between them. His roommates thought it was funny and made a few comments about how you even resembled his ex.
He even asked what the issue was with letting him linger until he sobers up enough to go home.
The next knocks were thunderous and got you out of bed. You weren't keen on opening the door or even speaking to him, it would only make it worse...
Tearing up as you heard the stumbling and nonsense filter through your door, you chewed your lip as you slowly typed out a text.
[Are you up?]
You winced. It sounded so dirty to you at the moment but you were scared and tired--
The sound of your ringer startled you enough to answer.
"Um, hi, sorry." You crept to your room in the dark, afraid to turn on the lights, "Did-Did I wake you?"
Fontaine made a soft noise, "Ain't doin' shit but runnin' to the store. What's got you up so late?"
You struggled for words for a moment but hissed when the banging came again. This time it sounded like he was hitting the front room's window.
"What the fuck is that?"
Fontaine's tone broke you, a sob stuttering out as you told him everything. You curled up and tried to make sense but a headache was beginning to grow.
"I'm comin', sweet heart, I'm on my way." Fontaine's voice was soothing in his promise, "Stay on the phone with me."
"Okay, 'm so sorry."
"Don't be. Just keep listening to me, you hear me? 'M on my way."
Fontaine's voice flowing through that little speaker was your life raft. You did as you were told, listening to the sound of him getting into his car and driving.
Your neighbor went quiet and it knowing where he was was worse. Imagining him stalking around the perimeter of your home, looking for things to "accidentally" break, ways into your home, would he do something to your car? In the dark feeling small, you quietly hoped that there were no red lights to keep Fontaine long.
The call ended and before your panic to dwell to hysteria, there was commotion from outside your house.
There was hollering and another terrible clattering noise. Running back into the living room, you peeked through the blinds with shaky hands.
Fontaine had your neighbor on the ground, bent up and yelping next to your overturned trash can. You could only see the back of him as he wrangled your neighbor.
You felt rooted to the spot, watching from somewhere else as you watched the terror that's been stealing your peace get the ragdoll treatment. Fontaine tossed him here and there, his voice furious and low.
Fontaine hauled your neighbor up enough to walk him down the street and out of sight. Still shaking, you took a seat on the couch and tried to pull yourself together.
You aren't sure how long you say there with anxiety eating away at your stomach. When your phone rang again, you hurried to answer.
"Hello, hi..."
"C'mon to the door, it's okay now."
You peeled yourself off the couch and went to the door, flinging it open but still unable to look him in the face. He was wearing only sweats and a grey long sleeved shirt. Quietly letting him in, you couldn't stop the tears when they returned.
Fontaine told you that he made absolutely sure that your neighbor knew what his porch looked like. You could only imagine what he meant by that.
"Don't cry anymore, you're okay now," Fontaine came near you, hand hovering your shoulders in a mimic of touch. You leaned forward until you could feel the softness of his shirt.
"You did good, I'm glad you let me know. Promise he ain't gonna bother you anymore, trust thayt."
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you asked if he would mind staying until morning. Fontaine cupped your face and ran his thumbs along your stinging cheeks.
"Of course."
He went toward the couch but you pulled lightly, leading him to your bedroom. Fontaine was quiet and you still sniffled as you crawled into bed. You only had to look at him and Fontaine hurried to follow.
Cuddled close and worn out, your nerves cooled enough for exhaustion to wander in.
"You can always call me. Just know that, yeah? If you're scared....call me. Don't matter what it is, I'm gonna be there."
Grateful, you could only nod again. Fontaine's hand splayed along your back and to the sound of his steady heartbeat, sleep finally came back for you.
"It's probably somewhere in the car," you said to Fontaine as you searched your bag, "I think I left my lip chap anyway."
Fontaine paused in searching himself and pockets to give you a grateful nod.
" 'Preciate you."
You tossed a wink over your shoulder, turning to jog the short distance between the porch and Fontaine's car. He stayed behind, sorting the grocery bags more comfortably to key into the house.
The car was still unlocked and you whipped out your cell, dialing Fontaine's phone to hone in on its hiding spot.
I'll be your groupie, baby (oh whoa)
'Cause you are my superstar (ha, superstar, yeah)
No way. You nearly knocked your head trying to look beneath the driver's seat. Legs nearly hanging out the car as you laid as flat as you could. You were cheek to seat as you scrabbled beneath the seat, the song playing on.
I'm your number one fan, give me your autograph
Sign it right here on my heart (I'll be)
Pushing aside some loose change and grabbing Fontaine's phone, you went to decline your call when your eyes caught on the screen.
My Baby
The big softie, giving you butterflies and he isn't even near you. Wriggling and utterly smitten, you couldn't believe how much you liked this man.
Fontaine gave you such shit for having a crush, but then he goes and lets his homies hear your favorite song every time you call.
Grabbing carmex from the cupholder you could finally wriggle out of the car. Closing the door, you turned and saw Fontaine had been holding the door waiting for you the entire time.
Fontaine texted and you sighed, wishing that you could see him in person. Sometimes the phone just wasn't enough.
Your phone vibrated again, the notification sound pinging through the earbud in your ear. Music definitely made the time spent pouring over technical details a bit more managable.
Fontaine's texts were little nuggets of gold you hoarded through the shift. An aimless sort of conversation that didn't make you feel pressured to answer so soon.
He sent you a picture of a stay cat you looked out for, hunched over what looked to be a half of sub sandwich. You sent him a picture of a goose sitting in one of the managerial parking spots at with all the attitude of a Cadillac.
Only you and a few other ladies jumped at the chance for a short shift the following day, but of course it mean sudden overtime. You glowered at the dwindling piles straight tab files and binders.
There were still records to edit and submit. Then a well deserved long-weekend after to look forward to.
Your phone vibrated in your lap, the only safe place for it since your desk turned into a disaster of binders, white-out, and sticky notes.
Sunglow: [come out side]
[I'm not at home remember?]
Sunglow: [never said you were]
You frowned at your phone. What the hell was he talking about?
You jumped when you heard the blare of a horn. It echoed in the empied parking lot and you were sure you aren't the only one who was leaving their desk to check.
Your cubicle had one of the best views of the parking lot and a few streets over, you put your face to the glass at the same time another horn sounded.
In all his glory, Fontaine leaned up against this car with his phone visibly in hand and the other tucked inside to rest on the steering wheel.
Surprised and fumbling back to your cubicle, you managed to dial Fontaine before he tried summoning you again.
"Romeo, Romeo, stop bein' so disruptive!" You hissed into your phone,"Stop honkin' that horn, you're going to wake up the guard!"
"I know you better bring yo' tail down that tower and give me what I came here fo', Juliet."
With only a sheepish grin to offer "mhmmm" and "okay, then, girl" looks you got, you hurried down the stairs while Fontaine grumbled about the integrity of your building's security through your ear.
Smoothing out your cardigan as you exited the building, you were wishing that you wore something a bit more flattering when Fontaine was already meeting you at the double doors.
You went when your hand was pulled and you were hugged by Fontaine as he rested up against the brick wall of your office. It was a little hiding spot that was mainly used by the night shift.
It was the perfect spot to hide away from supervisors and sudden rains.
"You got somethin' for making yo' man wait for so long?" Fontaine asked, keeping a hand at your waist while the other one steadied you by the chin. You chuckled before looking up at him and pursing your lips.
"Mhmm, don't mind if I do..." Fontaine purred and pressed his silky lips against yours.
Sweet and slow. Fontaine took hold of your hands, left them to massage your shoulders, used on hand to settle at the dip of your waist.
"I can't stay down here for too long," you breathed after parting, "Very tempting to hop into that passenger seat, though."
"Give the word, I'll peel out this bitch."
"Oh, I know you will," you laughed and kissed his cheek before pressing yours to his, " 'M happy you came to surprise me. I think I can make it to the end now."
"I aim to please."
The wind blew a bit tougher and you burrowed into him as best you could. He rested his chin on the top of your head, hands locking at the small of your back.
It felt like being set out in the sun to dry. A nice, long stretch after an afternoon nap. Just...good.
"How much longer do you have?" He asked voice quiet. You probably had another five or so minutes.
Shifting around so your phone could be brought up between you, "About this long."
Hitting play, you both listened to Ms. Hill remind you how nothing mattered more than where you wanted to be most.
ending notes: this felt kinda long lol! thank you soo much for reading! I appreciate every pair of eyes that lands on my writing, it means so much to me! 🥹
taglist✨: @megamindsecretlair @thadelightfulone @mag1calenchantr3ss @cocoeffects @wide-nose-and-wonderful @8ttached @thadelightfulone @hobiesmain @thickeeparker @longpause-awkwardsmile @ms-angiealsina @educatorsareslutstoo @mysterychick93@mcondance@sageispunk@kindofaintrovert@hunnishive@notapradagurl7@blowmymbackout@educatorsareslutstoo@blackerthings@miyuhpapayuh@westside-rot
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Helloooooo I hope you're doing super fine and that you're reading for 2023 ! 🌺🌟
It's 3 am and I just had to send you send this request if you're okay with it of course 🥰
Do you know the old trend with the corset one tiktok ( y"You bring the corsets we'll bring the cinchers" this is the song ) if not go to 1:33 here she is the one who started the trend I think
Well Y/n is doing it too but for her own entertainment lmao and - Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki, Dabi, Shigaraki, Shinzo and Tamaki - walk up on her doing it 😂 - spice it up if you want 😚
Again not pressure and take care of youself 💚💙
Baby I'm so sorry for taking almost two months to get to it 😭 but I hope you enjoy every part of this ❤️
A lovely view
Characters : Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ Shinsou/ Amajiki/ Dabi/ Shigaraki/ Fem reader
Genre : Fluff/ Suggestive themes
Notes : The main focus here is the characters' reactions rather than a description of the challenge itself. The challenge will be vaguely referred to and only in some of the parts.
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
Shinsou :
_ "Oh! what do we have here?"
You jumped up hearing your boyfriend's amused voice, and immediately turned the music off on your phone.
Apparently, you were too immersed in the cute little performance you've made for yourself, that you failed to notice him walking in on you.
_ "Hitoshi! You're home!" you were too stunned to do anything other than running around the room in a disparate attempt to find something to cover yourself up with, since the corset hugging your upper body had caught his attention immediately.
He stood there in place, arms crossed and gleaming eyes following your every move, while an amused smirk adorned his features.
He did not expect coming home to such a cute surprise, and your reaction was the cherry on top.
_ "Stop staring at me! This is embarrassing!" you felt self conscious under his piercing stare, and what made things even more insufferable was his lack of response, so you started again in hopes of filling the awkward silence surrounding you, "I was just having fun on my own, no one was supposed to see this, least of all you.." you whispered that last part as if hoping he wouldn't catsh it, but to your surprise, that was what brought him to his senses.
_ "What? Why not? Were you honestly not gonna show me?" he was only a few inches away from you at that point, eyes fixated on the curves of your body, and arms reaching out to pull you closer.
Your only response was a shaky breath when your boyfriend decided to latch onto your collarbone, licking and nibbling like a hungry dog, "I'm hurt y/n, to think that you wanted to keep this from me, tsk.." he inched towards the bed with you still in his arms, pushing you down gently onto the soft bedsheets before hovering over you, "wanna make it up to me beautiful?" and the flare in his eyes intensified as he whispered suggestively.
Bakugo :
_ "Babe I'm home." he called out from the entrance, kicking his shoes and dragging his feet as he proceeded to look for you around the house.
He figured you would be at home already, but the quiet empty atmosphere suggested otherwise.
However, it didn't take long for the music to reach his ears from behind the closed bedroom door.
_ "Hi babe I've been looking for.."
He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes widening and mouth dropping open as soon as you came into view.
You were standing in front of your mirror, wearing nothing but a delicate panties that hugged your bum perfectly, and a corset that he could swear has never seen you wearing before.
_ "Katsuki! When did you.. wait let me explain!" you tried to sound calm as you raised your hands up and took a few steps back, but the animalistic look taking over his features, sent shivers down your spine.
_ "Yeah okay go ahead, I'm listening." but he wasn't, because the next thing you knew, he was all over you, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing down your neck.
_ "It's.. it's really no big deal, just.. something I wanted to do for fun." you struggled between soft moans as his lips carried on mapping your delicate skin, almost losing your balance when he licked a slow stripe down your cleavage.
_ "I see I see, so am I allowed to join in the fun?" and he didn't even wait to hear your response, sneaking his fingers past the lace trim of your panties and groping those luscious butt cheeks he so much adored.
You couldn't take anymore of his teasing, breathing out a lustful "yes" before claiming his lips in a longing liplock.
Dabi :
_ "Are we done already? Can I take it off now?" you were fuming as you stood there in front of him, upper body clad in a floral corset that you casually put on earlier for a little private show you had planned for yourself, not taking into account your boyfriend's sudden appearance.
_ "Hmm.." was he even listening to you? You guessed 'not' based on the flaming look in his eyes and the lower lip caught between his pearly whites.
He demanded to see what you were up to behind his back, and even after giving him a mouthwatering show -despite your crippling bashfulness- he still wanted to see more.
You were fidgety as you regretted the whole thing, and your furiousness grew by the second.
_ "Alright, give me a little twirl, will you? But do it slowly." he leaned back against the back cushion of the sofa, crossing his legs and gesturing you to carry on.
Did he have a death wish? You were ready to punch that irritating smirk off his face, but for some odd reason you also enjoyed his torment.
You took a deep breath and did as he asked, keeping your eyes on him at all times.
_ "Good, now come here." he demanded through a husky voice, patting his thigh with one hand and extending the other for you to take while guiding you to his lap.
_ "So what now?" you ran your fingers through his soft messy hair after settling on his waist.
_ "Now is time for the fun part doll."
And you didn't need to ask any further questions as you felt his fingers loosening the laces of your corset.
Amajiki :
_ "Oh! I'm.. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.. I'll be outside." his face immediately turned red as he stammered his words.
You couldn't understand his reaction though, he has seen you wearing a lot less before, so what was it then?
Was it because the garment squeezing your torso defined your breasts perfectly? Perhaps, but you needed to have a clear answer.
_ "Wait ! Tamaki don't go," you grabbed his arm as he turned around to leave, and stepped in front of him, but his gaze refused to meet yours.
In fact, he kept his eyes peeled on the ceiling and that was enough to answer your question.
You took another step closer, pressing your boobs to his heaving chest, and watched amusingly as he swallowed thickly, "Tamaki, look at me sweetheart, tell me what you think of this."
_ "I think it's.. it's.." and it was as if he had forgotten how to speak properly, but you pushed a bit more nonetheless, pecking his reddening neck and giggling as you did so.
_ "I was just a bit bored and wanted to have some fun, care to join me?" your fingers played with the fabric of his shirt, and your eyes watched as he struggled to keep his own away.
He looked incredibly adorable, all blushing and tense, but you wanted to feel his touch.
_ "You're really stubborn." you pouted cutely, taking his hands in yours before placing them on your corset-clad breasts, and biting down on your lip when he unconsciously squeezed on the perky globes.
And that was when he finally lowered his gaze to meet your own, shy expression still present upon his features, but also was a dark mysterious glint that rarely ever appeared in his eyes.
You couldn't control the shivers running through your whole body, because that look only meant one thing: he was going to make you pay for teasing him.
Shouto :
He was not supposed to see you wearing it, especially if he was going to observe you with that blank expression of his, but there he was..
_ "Shouto, say something already." you were only trying to chase away the boredom as you slipped into your corset and started your private performance, unaware of the piercing stare coming from behind you until it was too late.
_ "What was that?" he finally spoke, closing the door behind him as he walked in, and tilting his head to the side as pure confusion laced his uttered words.
_ "Nothing really, this is nothing." you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, still oblivious of what was going through his mind.
_ "Can you do it again?"
You failed to respond for a moment, racking your brain to no avail until he approached you slowly, placing both hands on either side of your torso and stroking the thick fabric of your corset like a curious little puppy who's facing the world's biggest mystery.
And all of a sudden, his fingers stopped moving and his eyes popped out, "can you even breathe properly in this?! Okay I changed my mind, just take it off it seems painful."
Seeing the look of concern in his mismatched irises, as he struggled to figure out a way to free you from your confinement, was truly endearing.
_ "I love you Shouto." you giggled softly, cradling his cheeks and gazing into his blinking confused eyes.
_ "I love you too, but I'm serious you should really take it off because.."
You had to silence him with a kiss, you truly couldn't help yourself.
He is simply the sweetest.
Izuku :
_ "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk in on you!" his sudden outburst startled you, almost bringing a shriek out of your throat if you didn't turn around to face him at once.
His hands flew to cover his bright red face as he stood there awkwardly.
Your reaction was no better than his though, as you sank through the floor and squeezed your eyes shut.
You could have easily heard a pin drop as embarrassment consumed you both and a stifling silence filled up the air. It was only a few moments, but felt like eternity.
Izuku lowered his hands cautiously, not because he wanted to take a better look at your outfit, but rather to check in on you since you hadn't said a word the whole time.
_ "Y/n, are you okay? Do you want me to leave?" he sounded as nervous as you felt, and you knew for a fact that your voice would crack should you attempt to respond, therefore you settled for a feeble shake of your head as you slowly opened your eyes.
_ "Alright then, can I come closer?" he was still being cautious, but your eager nod comforted him.
He was finally able to get a clearer look at you, and again, the blood rushed to his cheeks as you were utterly captivating.
_ "I was just a little bored so.." you had finally found your voice, small as it was, but your eyes remained trained on your clenched fists.
_ "Oh! Yeah I see.. well," he stopped for a second to take a deep breath and place a warm hand on your trembling ones before carrying on, "you look beautiful."
And that was the moment you finally dared looking in his face, with a bright smile and twinkling eyes that warmed up his heart.
_ "You are the most beautiful y/n."
Shigaraki :
_ "What.. the hell.." he froze in the middle of your room, eyes squinting and head tilted in pure curiosity as he attempted to understand what was happening.
_ "Come closer, I'll.. I'll show you." you were torn between your desire to explain what you've been up to, and the overwhelming bashfulness that took over your being. He was never meant to see you like that after all.
_ "Alright." he moved closer to where you stood, a serious look on his face as if you were about to share a big secret with him.
You hesitantly restarted the song on your phone and proceeded to perform in front of him, giving it your all as you wished to impress him.
_ "So, what do you think?" you turned off the music and whispered your query, eyes fixed on the floor and feet shuffling nervously in anticipation.
_ "So this is what you've been doing here for hours?!" the laughter rumbling across the room confused you, and the eyes studying your outfit seemed mocking all of a sudden.
Your shyness was quickly replaced with pure irritation, how could this be all he had to say? And after you graciously allowed him to watch!
_ "Just forget it and leave! I need to get changed." you turned away from him, crossing your arms and waiting for the door to click shut behind him, but the sound never reached you and instead, you felt his arms sneak around your waist and pull you closer against him.
_ "I'm sorry y/n, please don't be mad."
You refused to face him, and remained quiet until his lips trailed soft kisses along your nape.
_ "Stop it jerk." you protested feebly as you stifled a threatening giggle.
_ "You look so sexy in this I'm not gonna lie," a few more kisses on your shoulder, "I'm sorry for being insensitive."
He sounded sincere, so maybe you should forgive him?
_ "Fine." you placed your hands on top of his, craning your neck so you could kiss him properly on the lips.
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nocturnesmoon · 6 months
And if you die, I wanna die with you
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader Word count: 4.8k Tags: Angst, Hurt/No comfort, Heavy injuries, Flashbacks, Established relationship, Medical inaccuracies in terms of wounds and severity CW: Major character death, no happy ending, Canon Typical Violence A/N: ✨And if you go, i wanna go with you, and if you die, i wanna die with you, take your hand and walk away✨ (Read on Ao3) - "Would you still love me if i was a worm?" "Would you still love me if i was a Ghost?" -
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The world is muted.
Completely muffled to your damaged ears, the aftershocks of the explosion were still fresh on your body. The sharp pain in your arm indicated most likely a broken bone, you couldn't even pinpoint where the rest of the screaming pain was coming from. Every little movement you tried to make send white hot pain through your skull.
"G- h…ost" you gasped for air, the sound of his callsign was supposed to be a yell, but it fell only on a whisper. You tried to look around, to locate the person you needed to see, but everything in your line of sight was rubble and debris, a distant fire and smoke. Each agonizing second that passed taunting you with the fact he wasn't responding.
You slowly raised yourself upwards, moving every limb that wasn't broken and supporting yourself against the ruined wall you had been pushed against. The air in your lungs stung, every breath you took reminding you of your state. You reach for your radio, trying to locate the box that should be strapped to your torso, but it was gone.
A groan bubbled up in your throat, it was hard to think when your own head felt like it was cracked wide open. You were rolling completely on barebones instincts, your only thought being to find him, to make sure he's okay.
You can still hear the occasional gunshots from somewhere else, everything is dampened, as if cotton has been stuffed in your ears. The probability of hearing damage becomes a much scarier reality the more you get back in tune with your senses.
You push it into the back of your mind, it's not important right now, it's a probability you can process later. The wall behind you is half crumbled down, too much pressure makes it threaten to spill right over you. You push against it, slowly raising yourself up to standing once again, your knees barely wanted to obey your internal commands. Everything in your body was delayed, your body wasn't listening to you.
Even as you commanded your arms to shield your fall, they weren't fast enough when your knees buckled under you and you faceplanted right into the dirt once again. "F- uck" you groaned, you didn't want to let the fear take hold, but you could feel its cold hands clawing at your ankles. Your eyes honed in on the rubble of debris in the corner, the place he'd pushed you away from in the last second.
One arm in front of the other your clawed at the ground, wincing at the feeling of your broken nails. In slow motions you began to move, crawling across the room that now felt so much larger. You still couldn't fathom that he had pushed you out of the way, you should've taken the fall, but he took your place.
It wasn't supposed to go like this whatsoever, he wasn't supposed to take your place, he was never supposed to take your place in danger. Air eludes you, making you gasp and sputter as you reach the mountain of broken ceiling and furniture.
"Simon…" you rasp hoping that he somehow could hear your strained voice from wherever he was. There was no response, only the muffled sound of the blearing wind, the distant fight and the screaming in your own mind. You caught sight of your bloodied hand, latched onto a chunk of the debris as you did your best to pull, you couldn't help the shaking, the innate fear that he might never respond.
Some of the stone and dirt trickle off, the piece pulls aside, and you notice the small critters crushed underneath. Some bugs you can't name, a roach that almost made it out. A worm, half its body mashed to liquid and other half still wiggling in desperate search of escape.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Simon looks up from his phone, a little caught off guard by the sudden intrusion of the silence. "Seriously?" he asks unimpressed, not having expected you to throw him that question of all things. He rolled his shoulders back, working out the tensing that had formed from laying at such an awkward angle in the bed.
"C'mon answer the question!" you swatted his arm, inching closer to him as you waited for his answer, "Would you love me if I was a worm?". You rolled onto your stomach and leaned closer to him, propping yourself up on your elbows and placing your chin in the palm of your hand.
You let out an exaggerated gasp of offence, "Why not?" you moved yourself even closer so you could place your head on his stomach, angling your body sideways in his bed. He sighed and put his phone away, his eyes flickering to you and giving you his undivided attention.
"Cause you'd be a worm, I'd probably crush you by accident" he gently ran a hand through your hair, rubbing his calloused fingers over your scalp. Your eyes fluttered from the sensation, the feeling of goosebumps going down your back.
Still, you manage to let out scoff in mock offence, "Mean." You pout and turn your body to lay on your back again, ignoring the way Simon fakes the sound of being crushed under your weight. You've seen him carry another soldier the size of himself, he would be fine.
He keeps his hand resting on your head, gently nudging you a little further up so you weren't laying it directly on his stomach. "Would you still love me if i was a Ghost?" he asks, countering your own silly question with one of his own. You raised a brow at that, curious that he was now indulging you in your sappy feelings.
"An actual ghost?"
You turned your head to watch the curling smile on his lips, how you'd love to kiss the teasing grin right off. You blow out air through your nose, your shoulders jolting just a little in amusement. The question didn't sound like it needed a serious answer, it was obviously just a ploy on his own callsign. Yet you were out to annoy him right back, so you gave it some serious thought.
"Yeah, I think I would," you say with a grin on your face, "I mean I know you'd always watch over me." His smirk widens at your answer, looking at you as if he didn't quite believe your sentiment. "Even if I couldn't see you, I'd love the fuck out of your ghost," you roll your body again, letting out a satisfied huff when you settle atop of him, and he starts complaining again.
You always knew it wasn't serious, his complaining amounting to nothing because instead of pushing you right off he pulls you closer. Cuddling you tight as he mumbles his complaints in your ear, while you can still hear the teasing smirk on his lips.
Your mouth feels like it's full of sand, the dry heat stirs your discomfort to a new level. The sting in your eyes is no longer from the impact, and you bite back on your tongue to muffle a cry. A cry for him to hear, the one only he could soothe, the ache only he knew how to quell.
A newfound strength burrowed itself in your bones from your agony, the drive to pull chunk after chunk. Every little piece brought you closer and closer to your goal, to something that was terrifyingly far away. Every piece hurt; every stone made your hands bleed even more. Every new area uncovered that didn't show sign of him festered in your heart, every moment you didn't find him stabbed a knife into your wretched heart.
Your own lungs couldn't contain you, the need to scream his name bubbled up and was just barely suppressed when you saw that familiar glove. The one you had studied in your own hand time and time again, the hand it usually encompassed wasn't there. His skeleton gloves having been pulled off during the tumble. Your own shaking hands grab it and hold it close to your chest, it was full of dirt and blood, the bone markings ripped, and some parts were even peeling off.
You quickly pocketed the gloves, intent on giving them back to him as soon as you both got out of here. They meant a lot to him, even if it was for silly reasons, he always wore them, they were his. The mountain of rocks felt like an impossible task, but he had to be here, you had to get to him quick.
There was no way to know what kind of state he was in, but guessing from your own injuries his would be even worse. The cold dread started to form in the pits of your stomach, you wanted to throw up. This was never supposed to happen to either of you, you were supposed to be invincible, you were supposed to be able to protect each other from harm.
That was the problem, he had protected you from harm, in the one moment where you wished he didn't. You removed another piece of debris and felt your heart spike in your throat. His hand was covered in a layer of grey dust, his blood coating a thin streak right over his palm. You felt your panic take hold, the creeping fear now sinking its cold teeth into your back.
Piece after piece after piece is removed in a haste, and you let out a cry of frustration when some of it tumbles in the wrong direction. You uncover his arm; the fabric of his shirt is torn but you no longer pay attention to the extent of the damage. The rest of the rubble covering him is easily removed, and you settle next to him, frantically searching his body for wounds before checking his lucidity.
His mask is torn in half, his balaclava ruined and giving a view of the bruises underneath. You choke back on a sob, seeing the mangled state he was in sent spikes straight into your heart. "No no no," you move your shaking hands to his face, gently sliding his mask fully off so you could cradle his face.
Tears filled your eyes making it hard to see, what was right in front of you. You tried to gently shake him, while trying to hold back what would become hysterical sobbing. He wasn't moving, you couldn't see if he was breathing, he wasn't responding. "No no no! You can't leave me, i can't do this without you!" you cried out for him, "Simon!"
"I can't do this without you" you sobbed, your pouring tears mixing with the downfall of rain. It was all too climactic, too cheesy and movie like, you hated it more than anything, because the pain in your heart didn't feel like when you watched those movies. This was real, and it held unfathomable power over you, a single person’s answer being able to either make the rain stop or tear your world in half.
He stood in front of you motionless, he looked something akin to a statue in the darkness. You desperately wished he would be more expressive, at least for you, at least in this moment. His clothes were soaked through, his balaclava sticking uncomfortably to his face no doubt. You had no idea how long he had been out here waiting for you.
"I don't want to do this without you Simon," you pleaded with him, "I know you said it wouldn't end well, and that my feelings would pass but i know they won't." You spoke pathetically through your tears, you wanted to scream at him, blame him for getting you into this but you knew it wasn't just his fault. You were just as much to blame, for the developing of your feelings.
It had started off as a simple arrangement, something to get both of your frustrations out after missions. However, it quickly developed into so much more, you had promised each other to keep it on a tight leash, to not let it become more than that. You both knew after that first night that it wouldn't be possible to keep it from running loose.
"I love you."
Your eyes were desperately searching him, looking for anything that could be deciphered as an answer. He drove you crazy, every single part of his existence drove you to that line of madness. A love, an obsession, a devotion so strong it was breaking you to know he didn't want to feel the same.
"I don't want to just forget about you, i want you, all of you," you continued, consciously glancing away as you couldn't take his piercing stare anymore. "I want us to be together, to grow together, to die together," you feel the cracks in your voice get worse, "I know you said we shouldn't fall in love, but i want to love you SimMmh-"
You feel his rough lips crash unto yours, forcing you to step backwards in shock but he would only follow. In all your years knowing him, you never understood how he moved so much muscle so effortlessly, and so quietly, nonetheless. You hadn't even noticed how he had bolted forward in the middle of your grand speech, how he had ripped off his balaclava and exposed his hair to the rain.
You only felt how his lips moved feverishly against your own, how his hands grabbed your face and waist and pulled you closer. His grip was strong, there was no escape even though you didn't even want one. You move in sync with him, feeling his caressing tongue, his digging fingers, and his soft groan. He kissed you like you were the only person in the world.
"You're a bloody fool" he whispered against your lips, resting his forehead against yours as you pulled in air. "To not see how much I love you too, how fuckin' enamored I am with you," his dark brown eyes stare straight into your own, "Don't you understand just how much I would do for you? It scares me to love you, because I know I would do anything you'd ever ask of me, I’d give you my heart, my soul, I’d tear my own flesh if you wished it of me."
You stared back in shock, taking in his words like were they priced possessions you would never get again, "I just want to be with you, I don't want to be alone anymore". You couldn't tell what was rain and what was tears on your wet cheeks anymore, but the way he held you, so carefully wiping tear and rain away, like you might break if he moved the wrong way did things to your heart.
"Then that's what we'll do, no more hiding from each other" he whispered close to you, the overpowering sound of pattering rain deafening the world around you. Creating a bubble of safety that consisted just of two, "You'll never have to be alone again".
The sound of his rasp cough made you jerk your hands away from him. In one quick motion your wiped away the tears that blurred your vision so you could focus on him. He looked so pale, his eyes half lidded as he slowly moved his head.
"Oh god, oh my god Simon, why did you do that!" you can't help your outburst and the tears that come along with it, you shake him not thinking of his injuries, "You can't just do that!" A weak hand gently grazed your arm to make you stop.
"E- Easy" he struggled to get his words out, he was no doubt still adjusting to the disorienting feeling. The hollow look in his eyes terrified you, and you quickly grabbed his hand squeezing it tight in your own.
"Simon, you're…" your teeth sink into your own lip, you hadn't checked the extent of his injuries, you hadn't checked where he was bleeding or if it was all blunt. Your eyes scan him but it's hard to see in the darkness, his black gear and attire blending in with the grey shadows engulfing you both.
You feel him trying to squeeze you back, but the force is so feint, if you didn't know any better you'd think there's no intent behind it. "M…okay…" his voice is so quiet in your ears, even more muffled than the rest of the world around you.
"No no you’re not!" you have no idea whether you’re shouting or screaming or crying, it's probably a mix of all three. Your free hand starts moving around his torn clothes, pushing it aside to get a look at the scratches and cuts on his body. Your eyes fall to his stomach, the place where his shirt is clamping to something wet.
Your heart catches in your throat and you choke out a pathetic noise. You didn't want to raise his shirt, you already knew what you would find, but you didn't want to know what it would mean for you right now. "Hey…" his voice sounded so solemn, as if he already knew, as if he already had it figured out how it would end.
"S'ok…" he mumbled quietly, trying to squeeze against your hand. He sounded almost floaty, the pain going through him must be immense, enough to mess with his head if the fall didn't do it.  "B- Breathe darling…need you to stay strong, okay?" you hadn't even noticed the way you were starting to panic again.
You never understood how he did it, how he managed to stay so calm during such crucial situations. You were good at keeping a level head in most types of life-threatening situations, but this was different, too different. "Why did you do that? Why did you push me away," you bite down on your tongue intentionally, now desperately wishing you had a better control over your emotions.
"M'always gonna push you away from the danger," he says quietly, a smile that was barely visible resting on his lips. "It's what we agreed wasn't it?" his hand gently comes up to graze your cheek, the weak nature of his shaking hand only made you cry harder.
"Not like this, it wasn't supposed to be like this," You cup his hand that's resting against your cheek. His thumb gently vibes away the falling tears, and you feel the way it runs over a bruise. It hurts but it's nothing like the ache in your heart.
"And you?" he asked quietly, the soft glow of the cigarette bud illuminating him in the night, "Would you give your life f'mine?" The conversation had come up during your nightly ramblings, going over everything and nothing, however the mood strikes.
"Without hesitation," you say determinedly, reaching out to grab the cigarette from him so you could take a puff. "I'd trade my life for yours any day" you tell him again after your drag. He looks at you with an amused glint in his eyes.
"No hesitation, huh?" he leans back against the wall behind him, watching your expression as he contemplates it. "I think, if it came down to it, I’d be okay with dying if it was with you" he says after a moment of thought, he takes the cigarette back and flicks off the gathering ash.
"Hmm" your noise of disagreement wasn't lost on him; you move in front of him walking into his space and staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Yeah, but you're not dying" you say and press a finger against his chest, almost accusatorily.
He lets out a scratchy chuckle, clearing his throat before returning your stare in an amused way. "Not planning on it anytime soon sweetheart" he takes your hand in his own before bringing it to his lips, "How could I ever let you be alone like that."
"I know…I know," he hates the sound of your cries, it feels worse than the blearing pain his stomach. "Love…are you injured?" every word he speaks becomes harder and harder to force out. His body isn't working with him, and he despite how much he doesn't want to accept it, he knows it's no use. His only chance now is making you realize you need to get out of here.
"No….yes…..I…fuck.." it's hard to think when it feels like everything you ever cared about is on the line. "I'm okay…I’ll live…" he nods slowly in response, his eyes clenching shut as he bites back on a groan of pain. He knows what he's about to ask of you is gonna cause undesired feelings to stir within you, he doesn't even know if he can convince you, but he has to.
"Listen to me darling," your eyes snap to his droopy ones, he envied your awareness, "You need to survive….you need to go." Your eyebrows furrow, a frown falling onto your lips as you realize what he's asking you to do.
When you just think the situations, severity couldn't dawn on your harder, it does. Your stomach churns with nausea, a million different scenarios going through your head to think it through, but it all boils down to it, there's no way you can get him out of here.
"No no wait just let me think I can…" you rub your hands frantically over your face, trying to force some sort of epiphany to happen in your brain. The one thing that could save you both, anything that would not have you leave him here to die. "Shit, your radio, do you still have it? Mine broke doing my fall but if yours…" you move his shredded gear around to look for a sign of his radio.
You had no idea whether the radio would even work out here, it was a likely scenario that there is some kind of jammer up by now. But if there's even a sliver of hope, a small chance you could call for evac, or backup, or anyone, you'd take it. There was no way you were carrying him out here on your own.
All you had to do was find his radio, and pray it wasn't crushed under the debris.
"Darling…darling no….stop" he tries to catch your frantic hands, but his movements are too slow to do it before you move them to a new place. It's as if he can feel his own heart start to slow, every single second that passes he knows it's just a few more until he'll close his eyes. "Stop," his authoritative tone is so different on your ears, but it still makes you listen like a spellbound command.
The radio is nowhere to be found, in bits and pieces alongside most of his other gear. Crushing the hope, you had along with it, taking your final chance at saving him right out of your grip. It makes you freeze faster than any of his commands ever has done before.
He presses you to his chest, successfully maneuvering you into an awkward position that's halfway into his lap. The fall he took when the debris crushed him from above, left him in a weird almost sitting position.
You latch onto him, angling your hands to put pressure on the wound hiding beneath his shirt. You desperately wish it would help, as if by some comedic divine intervention would heal his wound and you could go on home. That if you just believed hard it enough then maybe this wouldn't be happening to you or to him.
"S'ok, s'gonna be okay love."
The cough that escapes his lips betrays his words of assurance; you look up from your place against his chest. Red blood smears down his chin, indicating of how little time you could have left. You don't want him to go, there's still so much you want to do with him, this isn't how it was supposed to end.
"M'gonna marry you someday," he mumbled sleepily into the crook of your neck. He was heavy on top of you, all of his weight relaxed unto your body and giving you the grounding, you needed. A long time ago he would be worried he would crush you, now he relishes in the feeling of relief he can give you, and the soft scalp scratches he gets for it.
"What?" you ask dumbfounded, it had been total silence between the two of you. You had been sure he had been asleep in all honesty, and then his voice rumbles out. Not just catching you off guard by him being half-awake, but the nature of the statement aswell.
"M'gonna get you a wedding ring, n' m'gonna marry you," he continues his mumbled rambling. You wonder if he even knows he's telling you this, if he's in that state between awake and sleep, his walls of defenses completely gone as you hold him.
If it was possible to have hearts for pupils, that's probably what'd you look like in this moment. So drunk off of his love, and he wasn't even awake to witness it. "You want to marry me?" you had already gotten your answer, but you wanted to hear it again, and again and again. Right up until that fated moment at the altar when you would finally hear the words.
"I do"
"M'sorry I couldn't marry you," his shaking hand cradles your face as you cry into his chest, using all the strength he has left to comfort you and assure you. Despite the way he's starting to dip in and out of consciousness.
The engagement ring, hanging in the chain you wear under all your gear, normally safely nestled against your chest, now burned like a thousand suns against your flesh. The promise that was supposed to be fulfilled a year from now, the promise of something better, a future in each other’s arms no matter what the world would throw at you.
"I can still see it, the little cabin we would retire to, the animals you'd insist on keeping, our nights spent on a porch watching a sunset"
His smile is crooked, the blood coating his dried and dusted lips hurts to look at. It's not supposed to be there, it's not supposed to be his. Everything you had promised him would fade into dust, every little whisper of something better would mean nothing. Your relationship falling into the dark corners of your memory.
"It's gonna be okay….we'll…see each other again….I'll always watch over you…remember…" he tries to cheer you up, to lessen the impact he knows his inevitable demise will have on you. He can see it in your face, the betrayal and hurt, the uncertainty and pure devastation. "C'mon, lemme see that beautiful smile," he urges you.
When you don't comply he tries to do a dramatic pout, mimicking your own behavior in an argument with him. You can't decide if you appreciate his less serious side in this moment, you don't know how to feel yourself.
"C'mon," he says again, "Why don't blind folk skydive? Cause it'd scare the shit out of their dogs." The joke is old, used, but it's so him you can't help the small smile that tugs on your lips. "There it is, that gorgeous smile," he mirrors it, smiling brighter through the pain in hopes of you doing the same.
"Simon," there's a longing in your voice, the look in your eye so full of sadness it doesn't even escape your smile. He knows what you’re thinking, all the inevitabilities that'll happen after this moment. How desperately he wishes he could be there for you, that he could do something, anything to alleviate the situation.
The calm acceptance is already rolling through his brain, his quiet thoughts preparing him for the darkness his mind is slowly pulling him towards. You come impossibly closer to him, soaking up to him and taking every moment as the last. Your forehead gently rests against his, and he takes initiative himself to taste your lips one final time.
It's a slow agonizing kiss, every thought, every emotion, every promise is poured into it. His lips connected with yours, allowing you peek at his mind, his darkest fears becoming a frightening reality that you're going to be left with.
"I love you"
He holds you close for a long time, and you stay even longer. Even when his arms slowly go lax around you, even as his eyes close, even as his movements seizes. You don't find it in yourself to let him go, even as his body goes cold and his last breath is exhaled. You stay in his cold embrace, his name falling from your lips in silent prayer. A prayer directed to anyone that could hear you, that they might give back your lost love.
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fandomregression · 1 year
umum. regressor jon is so good. headcanons um maybe?
regressor jon is the best boy yes
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Regressor Jon Sims Headcanons!
okay, jon? mr orphan? mr raised by grandma who didn't wanna raise another kid? mr spider book trauma sufferer? yeah he regresses very often, and he is terrible at hiding it
he discovered agere in uni, and he kind of realized like "oh that explains so much..." and then deep-dived into the whole concept and maybeeeee ended up sitting in his room that night very small and watching cartoons oopsie
georgie found out pretty soon after that. she went to wake jon up after realizing he was going to be late for possibly the first time since she'd ever known him to class. she opens up his door and looks inside and jon's still in bed with his thumb in his mouth and a stuffed animal georgie had never seen in his arms
jon tries his best to hide it from her, but he does eventually just give in like "okay fINE YES I AGE REGRESS" and georgie takes care of him 🥰 shes never really like a full-time "come to me any time" caregiver, but if she's there she plays with him and fills his sippy and gives him plenty of cuddles
flashforward a few years to jon being a researcher at the magnus institute. he's the quiet one who barely looks up from his desk from the moment he gets there in the morning to the moment he leaves in the evening. there are some who say that he never even takes a lunch break. the only time he looks up is when he has to leave to go do field work.
that is, of course, until he meets tim stoker. tim is just supposed to shadow jon, just to learn the ropes, but he quickly weasels his way into jon's life and *gasp* actually gets him talking!! soon the two are joined at the hip and where one is, you'll quickly find the other. then sasha comes along when she transfers to research, and tim and jon are quite happy to add her to the mix
theyre just supposed to be out in the field getting some notes for a case one day when it happens. jon's gone ahead first because. its jon. he goes into the creepy abandoned house that is supposedly haunted, and while he doesnt find ghosts or demons, he...gets a spider web to the face...and he has a panic attack
tim and sasha rush in when they hear jon in distress, and he's hyperventilating, shaking, he can't really move at this point...so they calm him down, they get him back down to earth, and jon just clings so hard to tim. he just latches on for a hug, and he's crying, and tim feels so bad for him so he just ends up carrying jon
its probably about two weeks of tim and sasha asking before jon explains anything. but, he tells them he regresses and that he's sorry and it'll never happen at work again (liar) and that they don't need to worry about him. they of course ignore that last part and make it their purpose to fuss over and worry over him profusely
jon does cave, because yeah okay he does like it and he does feel safe with them and yeah okay maybe he IS a cute baby like sasha says
jon doesn't have a specific age he regresses to, but he has differing needs. sometimes he can't speak and he can't remember how to even hold a spoon or if he needs to go potty. sometimes he's talking a mile a minute and he runs around and wants tim to chase him and he's just having a great time lol
hes the Most Spoiled baby ever. he has a big toy box that is stuffed full of plushies, dolls, blocks, action figures, whatever cool toy he saw at the store and begged for
hes not super messy or anything, unless he thinks it'll get him attention. he doesnt make a huge mess with his food, cleans up after himself when hes playing, those sorts of things, but you can bet that if he sees a giant mud puddle he is jumping in before sasha can say no. and now he's covered head to toe in mud, and he's got a big grin, and tim jumps in with him. sasha holds out a little longer, but FINE she'll jump in too
that trait of his when it comes to reading comes right back when hes regressed, too. sasha loves to take him to the library to pick out whatever he wants, and she reads with him. this is one of jon's favorite things to do is just cuddle beside sasha and let her read to him. sometimes tim joins in to do funny voices
jon calls the two of them mama and dada, and yes they cried the first time he said those titles
by the time they transfer to the archives, jon has moved in with them and the three of them are completely comfortable with each other. so when the martin curveball happens...jon is not a happy camper. and he has a fit when they get home, a full-blown tantrum because this was NOT supposed to happen
it takes a few months before martin finds out, and once he does...jon suddenly realizes that martin has a very good caregiver voice and he's very gentle and kind. oh no
now he has THREEEEEE cgs and he is more spoiled than ever
martin is just perfect for cuddles, and jon sometimes just decides It Is Cuddle Time whether martin knows it or not. he suddenly has a lap full of Baby and yeah he's not mad about that
jon ends up calling martin papa, and sasha and tim are the ones crying while martin is trying not to explode from cuteness
jon has no idea how cute he is, all he knows is he's getting tons of hugs and lil kisses on his forehead and thats a good thing ☺
can you tell i love jon? i also have a second fic for agere jon up on my ao3 that i desperately need to update
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drabbleitout · 5 months
Find the Word Tag
Tagged by: @artdecosupernova-writing over here! Like, 30 years ago (Thank you!) My words: Find, Leave, Settle, March, Begin, Tough Tagging: @winterandwords, @sleepy-night-child, @abalonetea, @ashen-crest, @kaiusvnoir, and anyone else who would like to join in! Your Words: Equal, Twitch, Fever, Period, and Vision
[Garnet] grabbed one of the TLN bottles from the console, studying the cone-shaped spout that had a small line of plastic tubing. Fitting the sealed end of the straw between his teeth, he tore it open. The purple liquid inside began to glow, much like what was soaked into their clothes, as if once it made contact with oxygen, turned into a glowstick. Again, he fumbled with what to do next. “Okay, how does this work? It’s got a straw… do you drink it?” Beau tilted his head to the side, weakly reaching up to scrabble at a panel on the side of his neck. Getting the hint, Garnet leaned over, helping to open it to find a valve stem. He wrapped an arm behind Beau’s head to help angle him correctly to fit the tube into the valve. With a hesitant glance, he finally tipped the bottle on its end. "Like that?" he asked quietly. "Yeah." Beau rest his head against Garnet’s arm
"Jago's here," Ryker more croaked than whispered, stepping against the wall with another calming breath. From where he was standing, Ives couldn't see anyone through the window, but placed a supportive hand on Ryker's shoulder. "He's, uh, a social worker" –Congruity Error– "part of my case after I left the military." "You don't like him," Ives observed. "I mean," He meant yes, "I just didn't expect him here, for this." Ryker leaned against the wall, closing his eyes while going through several breaths. "Should I ask him to leave?" Ives frowned at the door. "No, no. He's just doing his job. It'll be fine."
"Look," Ryker interrupted, eyes clamped shut. "I'm fine, alright? I got this stupid headband-thing. It's supposed to work, right? So I should be fine. I don't wanna take up yer time." Ives' HUD alerted him of the odd accent. "You aren't taking up my time," Ives whispered smoothly, ignoring it. "I wanted to be here, to help you get settled. That's why I went to the hospital to meet you." "I shouldn't need help," he fumbled to try and scoot down the couch, face carefully turned away. Ives remained where he was, frowning. "Have I done something?" He asked once Ryker had made it to a comfortable distance. "Why are you suddenly acting so distant?" "I'm not," Ryker blurted. "I'm just sayin', I'm fine."
(Surprisingly didn't have this one)
Even as short of a walk as it was, they were soaked by the time they reached Valetta. She glanced up to Lora, enough explained through one look to know Beau wasn't well. "Hey Beauregard," she gently smiled, taking him from Lora to bring into the foyer. "Nasty weather, isn't it? Come on, let's get you into something warm and dry. Here," she ushered him over to the bench that held their shoes, sitting him down to begin taking off his shoes. "I can," Beau whimpered, making a half hearted attempt to do so himself. "It's okay, I gotcha," Valetta shook her head, finishing them off. She stacked them neatly standing to offer out her hands, "come on, I've got just the thing and Lora has some Puerquitos you should try. We'll get some of that and watch a movie, how about that?" He took her hands, nodding as he was pulled to his feet.
Beau nodded, unbuckling himself and reaching for the door latch. "Wait a second," Ryker whispered, stopping him. "This looks like a tough one. Why don't you hold it down here for this one?" His expression became somewhat strained, pinching upwards on the inner corners of his brow, a slight, uncomfortable skew of his mouth. "You believe my presence will make them more upset." "No," Ryker scowled, over-animated and far too fast. He was lying.
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cryingatships · 1 year
Parents in BMF
Sooo, Be My Favorite has been hitting too close to my heart since ep 1. But this ep topped it off ahaha I did not sign up for this where's the cutesy show I can watch without feeling anything
There's already been a lot of (frankly wonderful) discussions about it, but this stuff hits close to home so I had to write a bit, too. Prior warnings for (mostly) personal thoughts, disorderly ramblings, and discussions of homophobia.
About Kawi
We start off the series with saving Kawi's family as one of the goals. But what is 'family' to Kawi? Kawi gives us a lot of info about his background - He is poor (one of his main insecurities that plays into his sense of self), his mother has remarried and moved away, and his father is mortally ill.
From Kawi's words, it's clear that he is not at all close to his mother. So, he probably did not have a mother figure growing up. Did he even have a feminine figure he was close to throughout his childhood and adolescence? A playmate, a neighbour, an aunt? (Not really, I think)
Is that why he values his 'crush' so much?
A woman showed him kindness and interest for perhaps a very, very long time, in a foreign setting where he feels vulnerable, and he latched to it. Can't blame him for that. But that brings up an interesting possibility—The feelings Kawi has for Pear, are they of an inherently romantic nature? Or are they of some other kind, but which Kawi chooses to label as romantic, because he has little to no experience with female affection whatsoever?
Anyway, I was supposed to talk about Kawi's dad and got derailed.
So, Kawi's father.
Someone who loves Kawi a lot, as evident from his unwillingness to touch the fixed deposit he has because it is saved for Kawi's future. He refuses to get expensive treatment that is crucial for him to live him because he does not want to land Kawi in debt. (He also refused to talk about his disease in the initial eps, perhaps because he does not want his son to worry about him and affect his studies.)
So, Kawi at least had a positive father figure in his life. (who evetually becomes the reason why Kawi starts chasing his dreams!! Woot to healthy fathers in bls and in reality!)
But, it also makes me wonder, would Kawi's father accept the fact of him being a part of the queer community? Since BMF is a bl show, the answer is perhaps yes. (Though BMF is giving so many surprises each week I feel that this may just be hmmm... not true... hm... deep in delulu) But if this was in the real world, would he, an aged asian person with perhaps negligible knowledge about the queer community, learns that his so-far-straight son has suddenly 'turned gay' (using this term cause this is what I've heard ppl use irl when talking about their kids coming out...), be ok with it? Would he accept Kawi?
(I REALLY really wanna see Kawi coming out to his dad. LIke. Give it to meeee gmmtv.)
About Pisaeng
Contrasting Kawi's openness about his family (despite his insecurities about it), we have Pisaeng, who gives us no info about his family.
In all the prev eps, we got little mention of Pisaeng's family. And when we did, it was from Pear, saying that Pisaeng had a lonely childhood with no friends other than her and Not. (Which struck me as weird, cause Pisaeng, with his friendliness, ought to have many. making assumption about extroverts...i'm sorry. Ofc, we later learn the reason for this.)
Anyway, Pisaeng *does not* bring his family up, ever. He refuses to talk of the past. What could have happened back then?
In ep 6, finally, we get an idea.
It's Max, dearest Tired Queer who never fails us, who brings it up (the irony!)
But, even faced with the direct question, Pisaeng clams up and refuses to talk. (At this point I didn't realize what was happening it, just thought we were hating on politicians like we always ought to. And that Pisaeng's last name is very common in Thailand.)
And this wannabe politician lady is liberal enough on the media to have an out and proud queer person like Max follow her because he likes "what she says."
I need a breather cause this is so close to reality that it's nauseating
We later know that liberal politician lady is Pisaeng's mum. And all her liberal thoughts are just for the show. She employs people who are from the queer community but then uses them to spy on her son. (another breather needed asap)
Now, I wouldn't have realized this part if @bengiyo hadn't pointed this out in their post about how Pisaeng has been forced into the closet by his *liberal queer-supportive* mother, who also insists on controlling his life, his sexuality, and even his friends. Look at @jjsanguine's post on Pisaeng's mother and her view of frivolous friendships! It's soo... TwT. There *are* parents who insist their children don't make friends cause according to them the wrong sort of friends will get them into trouble in their future life (aka employment/career. Frick society and its- everything, actually.)
As much as I hate her for her horrible parenting, for her blatant lies about acceptability, and for using queers to hunt down their own community, and for being a politician (there's smt inherently wrong with ppl in politics, smt or the other, you can't convince me otherwise), I can't help but marvel how real her character is. Cause yeah, this stuff happens every day. I've seen others experience it, and I've experienced it myself.
That said, I can also see *where* Pisaeng's mum is coming from. (His name is so long I wanna call him Saeng but we got soo many Saeng's in bls recently ueue). As in the thought that drives their behaviour.
I think Pisaeng's mother operates on this—It's ok as long as it's not one of ours aka queerness in fine, as long as it's other people, as long as it does not affect our children.
I dunno about Thailand, but in my part of Asia, this is the often the *most* acceptability queers get. This, or outright homophobia. (breaths.)
Parents (ie the 'cool' ones) are ok with lgbt+ as long as their kids don't come out one day, or heavens forbid, bring a partner home. I do believe there are some parents who accept lgbt freely, but like, in my 19 yrs of experience, none of the parents (the ones who were ok enough to hold such a talk with in the first place) were. I hope some parents out there are more accepting :')
If you belong to a particularly liberal upper/upper middle class family, and you show your parent an lgbt ad, talk about the latest legislature that decriminalized homosexual relationships, or the ongoing court case about legalizing same sex marriage, they'll be ok with that. They'll nod their head and say 'progress'. (Though a lot more parents would beat you/inflict other kinds of abuse on you. Also honour killing.)
But heaven forbid their child becomes a part of that community. Then, there are talks of soothsayers, 'treatments', "it's just a phase", cutting off the child's friends and their access to phone cause they've been "badly influenced".
At the end, if the person still insists on being a part of queer community, the parents will force them to hide it. Not to tell anyone about it, to go back to the closet. Which is exactly what happened with Pisaeng. Only, Pisaeng's mother makes it worse (should there be a difference in levels of homophobia?) by using this pseudo acceptance for profit.
Their worry? The person's future. Their career, jobs, social standing. Because yes, even with legislatures, being queer can hamper one's access to education, health, and job opportunities, among many many other things. (To say nothing about the recent rise in hate crimes in my country...)
Often, this behaviour comes from parental love (a very twisted love that is), because most parents do not want their children to suffer, which they inevitably would if they lived their queer lives openly in the current social conditions.
But it also comes from prejudice, hate, and as urge to control. In many cases, parents refuse to accept their children have grown up, and are in a place to make their own decisions. Instead, they try to dictate every thought and every behaviour, including the choice of marital partners. (Ik arranged marriage au is often a thing of joke in the bl circle but, it's so real, guys. It happens way too often and tho it's mostly not a coercive thing... it sometimes is).
Also, surveillance. Parents often pry on phones, it's uncomfortably common place. I know a (not lgbt) friend whose parent had hired a private detective to spy on them cause they were afraid said friend would go into bars and get into drugs after entering uni.
So yeah. It's a circus. It'd be a funny one if this wasn't real life. >.>
So anyway anyway, Pisaeng's mother and her words made me think a lot sooo... I thought-dumped!
When I started watching BMF I thought it'd be a funny little show that would help me relax after a hectic week. Who knew it'd make me write so much about so many things. (I also blame Tumblr.)
This got wayy too personal at the end so like, congrats if you read till here. I kudos your patience for reading my disorganized mess of thoughts. Have a cookie/cupcake/chicken fritters(they are so! good!)/other food of your choice and I hope your weekend goes reallyy well!
ALso I hope Pisaeng's mother gets her just desserts. Even if she accepts him in the end, her past behaviour is horrible. And who knows if she won't use her financial and political power to harm the queer society later? People in power always under suspicion tbh
Also I just realized we have got nothing about Pisaeng's father...
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The Key to Your Heart (Part 18 of 18)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader | The Winter Soldier X Reader
Chapter word count: 1.3 K
Summary: Joining the Avengers wasn't on your plans. Not until Steve asked you to help his best friend. Bucky was Bucky, but the Winter Soldier still came from time ti time, bringing with him chaos and destruction. And you was supposed to keep that side of him away... But what happens when both Bucky and the Winter Soldier start to enjoy your company more than anyone else? Should you turn your back on the Soldier, ignore his own fears and traumas? That's exactly what everyone wants. But you were never known for following orders...
<- Previous part (17)
{Marvel Masterlist}
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Chasing Nightmares Away
“Oh my God, he's sucking.” You exclaim with relief.
William finally came into your arms yesterday, after five hours in agony. Banner said it wasn't even that much, but it felt like forever. And it got a while for him to latch. But it finally happened, and it looks like he's fine, finally being fed. “Look! He's sucking.”
Bucky immediately comes to your side, sitting on the bed next to you, looking at the baby. You're already back in your room, comfortable in your bed. You moved into Bucky's room, and William got yours until the new apartment area on the East side of the compound is ready. “Hey, little fella. You're finally filling up your belly.” Bucky says, caressing William's cheek. “He's beautiful.”
“He is.” Smiling, you lie your head on his shoulder. “I can't believe he's here with us.” The baby in your arms is so small, and you hold him like he's as fragile as glass. “So tiny.”
“Very tiny, yes.” He chuckles, holding you close. “This is unbelievable. I'm a father.”
“He's going to say ‘mommy’ first.” Quickly, you add, ignoring the eye roll you get.
“No way, doll.”
“Oh, you'll see.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Definitely.” You agree, shaking his hand. “I–”
“How's the new mommy and daddy?” Natasha comes in suddenly, with Wanda right behind her. They don't knock anymore, they're too excited to remember to.
“The boys want to come in but I see you're in a delicate position over there,” Wanda says, walking closer and looking down at the baby.
“Oh, he latched,” Nat says, opening the door a little. “Boys, he latched.”
Her voice is followed by some yells and ‘congratulations’. Well, it's not like you can have much privacy when you brought the first baby into the Avengers family. But you actually like it. Your baby will have a lot of superheroes to look after him and teach him to be a noble, righteous person.
“Shhh,” Wanda says as Nat closes the door. “How are you feeling?”
“Relieved.” You breathe out, smiling at them. “He's beautiful. Isn't he?”
“Not thanks to the father,” Nat says with a mean smile at Bucky. “Do you think he'll have your powers?”
“I didn't stop to think about it.”
“It's in your genes. He might get it.” Bucky says, placing a kiss on your head.
“Aunt Wanda will love to teach him.”
“He will be a badass,” Nat adds.
“Of course, he will. Did you ever see his father fighting?” Looking at the baby, you bounce him a little, very delicately, to have a better grip. “He will be the strongest Avenger, won't he?”
William moves his hand, eyes closed, and Bucky gives him his finger, which he holds. “He's strong.”
“Super soldier genes.” You tease him, smirking. William slowly stops sucking, falling asleep. “He's down.” Fixing your clothes, you jerk your chin to the door. “Let the boys come in or they might die.”
Wanda nods, and when the door is opened, the room gets crowded. You can't help but smile as they bend over a little to see the baby. Not that they didn't see him before, right after he was born, but everyone is excited about William. The kid will have a lot of uncles and aunts. And, since you don't have any siblings by blood, it makes you very happy.
You let Steve pick William up, rocking him from side to side, and some of the attention drifts to you. “They're going to spoil him so bad.”
“Oh, that they will. I'm sure they–” Bucky is suddenly cut off by your phone's alarm. “Shit.”
“Hey. It was an agreement. And it's fair for everyone involved.” You tell him, turning the alarm off. When you got back home, after a dozen of exams to make sure both you and the baby were alright, you had to sit with Bucky, and then the Soldier, to talk. And after a couple of hours, the three of you came up with an agreement.
Each one of them will stay for exactly a week. Every Sunday at noon, they switch. They weren't 100% happy with it, but this way both get always the same time with you and the baby. And right now, Bucky's time is over.
“I love you.” You say, pulling him close to kiss him. “See you in a week.”
“I love you, doll.”
And then, he closes his eyes, breathes in, and, as simple as that, when he opens his eyes again, it's the Soldier. “Hey, you.”
“Hello, angel.” Another kiss, and a hand caressing your cheek. “Why are there so many people here?”
“William latched. And well, we have a big family. Let them have their turn putting him to sleep.” Keeping your voice soft, you hold his hand. The Soldier is still learning, but as Tony likes to put it, you tamed him. But you don't like that word. What you did, nobody knows how, was make him fall in love with you. And love, far stronger than everything, made him overcome his past. The Soldier is learning to put everything aside, learning to love your family through you.
“Good.” He says, nodding. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired. Spent the whole night up trying to make him latch.” Closing your eyes, you lie your head on his chest.
“Get out, she wants to sleep.” The Soldier says, and you open your eyes again, chuckling.
“Well, someone needs to blurp him. And then put him in his crib and well, guys, I do need to get some sleep.” You say with an apologetic look.
“I'll do it,” Nat says, taking the baby from Sam.
“I can't wait to play with him.” He says, smiling at the baby. “When will he start to walk?”
“And talk?” Thor adds, standing behind Nat and waving at William.
“Oh, God.” Giggling, you cover your mouth when a yawl comes. “It'll take a while, sorry.”
“Let's go, baby? Mommy needs to rest.” Nat says, walking out. “The rest of you too.”
It doesn't take much until you're left alone, eyes closed again as the Soldier moves you into a lying position. “I want more.” He suddenly says, and you furrow your eyebrows. “Maybe two more.”
“Who would've thought?” You smile, sighing. “I made a father out of the Winter Soldier.”
“A father, a husband.” He says, caressing your back. “You made me someone better. Chased away from the nightmares, cured me.”
“I don't know how but... I'm happy I helped you.”
“Me too, angel. Now rest up, you had a lot of work lately. I'll be here when you wake up.”
“Mhmm... I love you.” You mutter, a hand on his chest as you take him his warmth.
“I love you, angel.”
Your dreams are filled with what you expect from the future. Babies running around through the compound, laughing, playing. You do want more kids, a couple more at least. And you can't wait for whatever the future holds, because, with Bucky, the Soldier, your baby, and your huge, crazy family, it'll be good. There won't be any obstacles you won't be able to overcome with them by your side.
You need to thank Steve. If it wasn't for him, you'd never join the Avengers, and you wouldn't be here right now, sleeping in the arms of the love of your life, with your son only a few feet away. He's the best brother you could ever have, and for everything that happened ever since you came here, you'll forever be thankful to him.
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@hi-im-fan-trash @takeabreathdeath @pre-google @thespeeder @heavenly1927 @marvel-fanfic-writer-8675 @insidxangel @winters1917 @plethoravellichor @meggiesposts @hollie911 @saranghaey @lexi-anastasia @lechaircharles @mememe7147 @sofi1sstuff @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @sophiaj650 @michaelmyerswife @wigglywoos59 @almosttoopizza
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gunkreads · 9 months
S2E2 thoughts:
Perrin was having a grand ol' Shienaran adventure, and arguably a pretty fucking good time, until. Y'know. I love how hard they're kicking his whole ass off already. Perrin is a character who's most interesting when he's both miserable and forced into action, and this season is setting that up well so far.
Mat? Chef's kiss. Min bromance is a great way to start off, honestly, and gives her something grittier to do than be Elmindreda. That arc wouldn't work either with her modified show characterization (much more world-weary) nor with the overall tone of the show (much less Looney Tunes). Also, the much-gifsetted "shut, latch, lock, bolt, walk away" thing was stellar. The show is retooling Mat to be more of a legit rogue rogue, rather than just The Most Stressed Man Alive, and it's a pretty neutral choice to me. It's still fun, just different. I like new Mat, just not any more or less than old Mat.
Elayne? Very fun introduction, appropriately cringe. Elayne is a cringe type girl and they did not disappoint. She doesn't know what type of story she's in yet! She thinks she's in, like, Arthuriana (which, technically...) but no! She's about to learn just how hard Sheriam swings. Hopefully she stays silly, because god knows this show could use it. The grittier the show gets, the more ridiculous I expect Elayne to be, because she's truly THE iconic clown.
Nynaeve? Well... once I got over my confusion about the completely new plotline for Liandrin, I thought Nynaeve's presence in this episode was kind of lame. I think I kind of miss the very kinetic way she was kicked around the Tower in the books; the show seems to be taking it a lot slower and more seriously, which is just much less fun for me. It's not.... bad. I just really liked the wacky shenaniganery in the Tower in TGH.
Egwene? More Class President vibes, kinda like it. It's not 100% a direction I'd have chosen, but it seems to capture a type of character trajectory that I feel can cross all the same important themes that I liked of hers from the books. On Egwene's note, actually, I've noticed that they're really trading a lot of the Wonder Girls' red-faced shouting for more... I don't wanna say "whining", but like... griping and moping. It's not bad, it's just much less intense. Again, the show is so much less slapstick than the books, especially around the Wonder Girls, so this is just tone compensation.
Moiraine and Lan? Whatever, I honestly don't give half a shit about what they have going on. Their scenes are entertaining in a vacuum, but I sure as shit was never waiting for the episode to cut back to them. I guess the writers are trying to carry over the whole Stepin nonsense from S1 and use it as a setup for this, but the problem is that Moiraine and Lan's early-S2 arc makes Stepin redundant. They're just doing it again, but twisting it this time. I get that it's supposed to make this one more poignant, but... fuck, I'm not doing my Stepin rant again.
Rand? meeeeeeehhhhhhhhh. The in media res opener didn't really do it for me. I like the mental hospital choice, I like the Selene setup, I like the way they're pacing the madness moments by letting Josha do all the heavy lifting. Seriously, actually, the way they have his madness episodes build up so subtly, as if it's just Rand making conscious decisions, then have it all explode and become clear is really good. On the other hand, I can't actually give too much credit to the Selene setup, since I don't think they've established Rand as a person enough for a new viewer to realize how out-of-character he's acting. I blame the Stepin arc.
Alvaro Morte? Still the MVP.
Two episodes in, S2 is doing a frankly comedically better job pacing its different plotlines than S1 did. It's actually embarrassing to look back at S1 and realize how fucked to death the pacing was.
And yadda yadda, this is one of the best-looking, highest-quality, best-acted shows I've seen in actual decades or maybe ever. In terms of overall production quality, I feel like Elayne if they hadn't taken all her pillows away.
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
Scared Little Monster
Bad Batch Werewolf AU chapter 8
Summary: Hunter and Echo talk to Omega. Crosshair gets beat up by an angry short Mandalorian
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 🚫self hate, self loathing, self harm, blood, all that stuff🚫
A/N: I'm back with more Omega insecurity and angst! Time to traumatize my favorite character, again!
Bad Batch Werewolf AU Masterpost
Omega peeled herself off the sticky floor and eased herself onto her knees. Her whole body hurt.
She tried to shift, just like she had every time she woke up.
She couldn't do it.
She still couldn't go back to being normal.
She hated it.
She hated the monster she was.
She wanted to scream.
She squeezed her arms tightly and didn't realize what she was doing until the smell of fresh blood hit her. She paused for a moment, she could feel her claws digging into her skin, her already angry skin screamed at her to stop.
So she pulled her fingers away from her skin and started pulling the fur she had left. It stung and she scratched herself a little each time, but she didn't really care.
A monster like her deserved all the pain it could take.
Omega choked back a sob and bit her lip, the salty tang of metal oozed into her mouth.
She didn't know how long she was like that, maybe minutes, maybe hours, but someone knocking on the door pulled her away from the mindless task of ripping herself apart.
"No." She croaked out.
"Omega…? It's Echo… Hunter and I have some medicine for you." Echo said calmly.
"Go away!" She shouted.
"We just want to help you Omega, we're worried." Hunter pleaded.
"We promise we won't get mad, no matter what you've done." Echo swore.
Omega glanced around her, at the sticky blood coating the bathroom floor, the small, bloodstained nest of towels, and the chunks of bloody fur she had ripped off.
"I doubt that." She muttered.
"Omega, I promise, I just want to help you." Echo said.
"Why would you wanna help a monster like me?" She mumbled into her cape.
"Kid you're not a-" Hunter started before Echo shushed him.
"Because that monster is a very sweet little kid who just needs some help, everyone makes mistakes, kid." Echo said softly.
Omega's hands moved without her head, she only caught up when she heard the latch clip open.
She couldn't let them see her like this!
They couldn't see her wolf!
They especially couldn't see her all beat up like this!
She wasn't even supposed to let her claws grow out! Much less use them on herself.
She whimpered and backed into a corner of the fresher, head tucked between her legs, waiting for the shouting to start.
"… kid…"
She let out a muffled scream.
Her heart was going way too fast. It wasn't normal, she wasn't normal! She had a stupid little monster heartbeat!
"Kid, breath." Hunter told her.
Her head shot up.
Why aren't they mad? Everyone was always mad at her for being such a horrible little monster.
She stole a glance at her brother's faces, they didn't look mad… for some reason…
They really should be. I made a huge mess they'll have to clean up.
She shoved her head back down and squeezed her legs closer to her chest. She hated the way her tail wrapped around her body.
She winced when Hunter drew in a sharp breath. She was an absolute mess and she knew it.
Nala Se would be so disappointed in her.
She was so terrible.
A horrible little monster who deserved nothing.
No kindness.
No chances.
Monsters only deserved one thing.
"Omega, can we help you?" Echo's calm voice broke through her thoughts.
"No. Monsters don't deserve help." Omega refused.
She heard Echo scoot a bit closer, his prosthetics scrapped against the bloody floor.
"Everyone deserves help, monsters too." He said.
Omega dared to peek up at him.
He still didn't look mad.
Maybe he isn't…? That stupid, impulsive, wrong part of her brain piped up.
Maybe… maybe, it had a point.
"Even if they bite people who help them?" She asked cautiously.
"Especially if they bite people, those that bite are just really scared and don't know what else to do." Echo said.
Omega quickly looked away from him. He was lying, he might have been saying nice things but he couldn't possibly mean them.
"You'd be mad if I bit you." She huffed.
"You wanna take that bet?" Echo prompted.
There was something on her head. It hurt! Before she could think to react properly, she wiped her head up and snapped at whatever was hurting her.
It was a quick snap, she definitely hit something.
Echo pulled his hand back and examined it carefully, then he smiled at her.
"See, I'm not mad." He said.
"Do I look mad to you Hunter?" He turned to Hunter, who was sitting slightly behind him now.
"Nope. Not at all." Hunter answered.
Omega stared at Echo's hand. There were two tiny pricks of blood welling up, and he didn't care.
"That doesn't make any sense." She said without thinking.
"How so?" Hunter prompted her.
"I bit you! Why aren't you mad?!" She shouted, much louder than she intended to.
"You didn't mean it. You bit me because you were scared. It happens." Echo said.
Omega blinked at him utterly dumbfounded. It made almost no sense.
"This isn't Kamino, kid, you can make mistakes, and you can have accidents. We won't get mad at you." Hunter told her.
"You're safe with us." Echo added.
Omega looked down at her red, angry skin, it burned with every movement she made. It hurt so much and while she knew she deserved it for being so bad, she wanted it gone. She didn't want her body to scream at her anymore.
Hesitantly, she leaned forwards until Hunter and Echo got the message she was too confused to properly convey.
Careful arms wrapped around her with a strong but gentle hug.
She cried quietly as they held her, whispering soft words of reassurance into her ears.
For some reason, her mangled tail started wagging.
She couldn't find it in herself to stop it.
"Let's get you cleaned up, alright kid?" Hunter said.
She could only nod.
Her mind began to slowly pick up speed as she sat there, silently watching her brothers clean her wounds, the older ones were starting to show signs of infection.
Her mind mulled over what she had just been told, and she trusted her brothers, she didn't have any reason not too but… trusting them meant she couldn't trust what Nala Se had told her, and maybe, when she really thought hard about it, Nala Se looked sad whenever she was reprimanded. Nala Se had always been more gentle and lenient with her… maybe… maybe… her brothers were right.
She liked that thought.
It made her feel warm and safe and not as much like a monster… she still was one… but she was just a scared little monster now…
A scared little monster was better than a horrible one.
Her brothers wrapped her arms snuggly in clean bandages.
"Can we wash your ears?" Echo asked quietly.
Omega nodded, said ears twitched as the water was turned on in the tub. Hunter ran a pair of clean cloths under the warm water and her brothers carefully worked the dried clumps of blood out of her hair and fur.
The room was warmer than it had been before, and she hadn't exactly had any good sleep the last two days. Plus her brothers were here to take care of her… yeah she could sleep now.
She could sleep.
She wanted to sleep.
Hunter carried Omega out of the fresher, she was bandaged up and fast asleep.
He set her down in her makeshift room, building a little nest with blankets and pillows and any soft things he could scrounge up. He gave her Lula and quietly left her to her slumber, hoping she'd be better when she woke up.
He came into the cockpit, catching the tail end of Echo explaining to Tech and Wrecker what their next steps were. Crosshair was missing however.
"Any of you seen Cross?" He asked once the conversation was over.
"Oh, he's probably getting the shit beat out of him." Echo chuckled before taking a sip of his caf.
Hunter stared at him for a moment.
"You heard me." Echo said before he left the cockpit.
"I didn't understand you." Hunter growled after his older brother, following him out of the marauder.
He heard Tech and Wrecker curiously following as well.
Echo stood at the bottom of the ramp, staring out into the dimly lit street while absently swirling his mug of caf. His ears were perked, he was waiting for something.
Hunter could hear someone walking around near their ship. A soft growl escaped him, he scanned the darkness for the possible threat.
"Oh, whatcha looking for?"
Hunter did not jump, and he absolutely did not scream at the unfamiliar voice right in his ears.
A Mandalorian, a rather short Mandalorian, was standing off the side of the ramp, with an unconscious Crosshair tossed over their shoulder, and a shit eating grin no doubt underneath that helmet. Echo was looking pretty smug himself.
"How did you-"
"I have my ways of getting around those senses." They said smugly.
"Why'd ya-" Wrecker started.
"He told my niece she didn't deserve to be alive." They answered before he could even finish.
"She's a friend of Naylaz's family." Echo piped up.
"And did you know this was happening?" Hunter asked.
Echo gave him a smug look and took another sip of his caf.
"Course he knew, you gotta ask a pack leader about this sorta stuff, common courtesy really." The Mandalorian said.
"I'm the leader of this squad." Hunter growled.
"But not the pack leader." She said.
"Ain't that the same thing?" Wrecker asked.
"Nope." Echo said.
"Did you actually give someone permission to beat Crosshair up?" Tech inquired.
"Permission isn't the word I'd use. It's more like she gave me a heads up." Echo shrugged.
"Yep! It was gonna happen one way or another, just be glad I didn't poison him." The Mandalorian said in an all too cheerful voice.
She shifted Crosshair's weight off her shoulder and lazily tossed him in Hunter's general direction. Hunter caught his brother before he could hit his head on the ground. A large bruise was forming on his cheek, he growled at the Mandalorian.
"Oh don't get your tail in a twist, I didn't hit him too hard." She scoffed.
"So how's your pup doing?" She asked, turning towards Echo.
"Better, we finally got her out of the fresher and got her cleaned up, she's sleeping right now." Echo said, talking like this was a casual conversation with a friend and not someone who just beat up his brother, even if it was admittedly kinda deserved.
"That's good, Kiwi's been asking about her, she still feels really bad about the whole thing no matter how many times we tell her not to be." The Mandalorian shook her head and sighed good naturedly.
"Kids sure are a handful." Echo chuckled.
"Oh you don't know the half of it yet, yours hasn't even started puberty yet." She punched Echo's shoulder lightly.
"See ya round!" She gave them all a lazy salute, tossed some small flare up into the air and just like that, she was gone as suddenly as she'd appeared.
Echo just chuckled to himself and kept drinking his caf.
"Echo, explain what that was." Hunter ordered.
Echo glanced over his shoulder.
"It's a long story involving a panic attack and a bakery."
Omega woke up in a haze surrounded by warmth and softness instead of the cold, hard, sticky floor. She didn't open her eyes and instead burrowed deeper into the warm blankets. She was content to stay sleeping for the rest of the day, or night, she didn't really know what time it was.
She felt eyes on her, it wasn't the familiar gaze of one of her brothers, but it felt safe all the same.
Sleepily, she lifted her head to see whoever was watching her.
Something was sitting on top of the port wall, staring down at her with glowing eyes.
It was watching her, and she felt a wave of calm wash over them as she made eye contact. The Loth how'd she know what it was? nodded to her.
Somehow, some instinct deep inside of her told her this Loth currently watching over her was someone she could trust.
Sleep. Safe now.
The thought was compelling it didn't come from her mind but she could accept it and with the Loth watching over her like that, she could sleep peacefully, knowing she was extra safe.
Omega smiled up at the Loth guardian and tucked her head back down into the warm blankets of her nest. She found sleep coming to her far more easily, like it was being pushed towards her, a gentle wave lapping at her feet. She heard words that didn't come from anyone she knew bounce around her head.
"Sleep ad'ika, you're safe."
Yeah, I am safe.
Am I too mean to Crosshair?
He's canonically a space Nazi and he's my punching bag for real life people I don't like.
Just gonna say that Omega isn't going to be back to normal after this, she's just gonna be a less self destructive mess, with the delightful possibility of sliding back.
I really love Omega in case you couldn't tell, that's why I'm putting her through hell! She's my favorite.
I'll fix it eventually, maybe, probably.
I hope you all have a good day whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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loveforpreserumsteve · 5 months
Love Blooms (demon!Bucky and pre-serum!Steve omegaverse au)
IN SHOCK, Steve gaped at the nursery. It was nearly identical to the one at Stank Tower. Same sage wainscot. Same bunny wallpaper. The only difference was the furniture. While Steve had chosen a white painted wooden crib with matching changing table and dresser, the ones at Bucky's brownstone were mismatched with a vintage gold metal crib and a dark stained changing table.
Turning to look at his – not his – alpha, Steve's brows were in a deep, heavy furrow. "Why? When?"
"I told you," Bucky entered the nursery so he could get the Peter Rabbit bedding out from one of the drawers. That was also different from the bedding Steve had chosen. Steve had gone more neutral with beige and ivory details. As he began making the crib, he continued, "I was supposed to take her."
Steve held Mia closer, tighter. Making sure to drop a few kisses to the top of her head while he marked down her back. He was certain that no matter how many times Bucky confessed to what Plan A entailed and no matter how much time had passed, it would always break his heart. Steve couldn't imagine the heartache that would've caused him.
"I'm glad you didn't."
Busying himself with the fitted sheet, Bucky shrugged, "It was the right thing."
Nodding, Steve swayed Mia. She had eased since leaving the apartment building, but Steve still felt the need to comfort her. Thankfully, she was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Now Steve would have to convince himself to lay her down in her crib.
"Still," Steve yawned, "I'm glad you didn't."
Facing Steve, Bucky watched as the omega held their daughter. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he agreed, "I'm glad too. I knew you'd make a good papa."
For a moment, they just stood there. Steve swaying Mia and Bucky watching them. Briefly, Steve felt bad about how he had been handling the situation between his daughter and her alpha father. He knew that Bucky deserved a chance with her. Especially with how good he had been to both of them. But Steve couldn't help still being upset with him. The alpha had deceived him on a most personal level, and Steve was hurting deeper than he ever thought he could.
Crossing the room, Steve laid Mia in her crib and affectionately pushed her thin dark hair off her face, being mindful of her horn nubs. Then, he went to the glider in the corner. At least that was the same as the one at the tower.
"Aren't you going to sleep?"
Draping the Peter Rabbit quilt over his lap, Steve yawned, "Of course, I am."
Gesturing towards the rest of the brownstone, Bucky said, "You know there are other bedrooms."
"I wanna stay with her."
I still don't trust you, was what Steve meant.
"I can get you a cot," Bucky offered. "Or bring her bassinet into one of the other rooms."
Steve shook his head, "I'm fine here."
Sighing, Bucky nodded, "Okay. Just call for me and I'll come to you."
Keeping his gaze on the brunet as he left the nursery, Steve tried to stay away. If only for a little bit longer. Even after Bucky turned the light off and shut the door on his way out, Steve kept his gaze on the door. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to trust the alpha the way he had before the truth was revealed.
Now all he had... to... do... w a s   s t a y   a w a
Eyes snapping open, Steve's gaze scanned the room. Natasha was standing just inside of the nursery, looking apologetically. "I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you're okay after everything last night."
"I'm fine," Steve assured, glancing over at the crib where Mia was starting to fuss. Pushing the quilt to the side, Steve climbed off the chair to reach her. Already, he could feel himself starting to leak. Unbuttoning his sleep shirt, he shoved his supporter to the side and brought the newborn up so she could latch onto his sore nipple.
"You know you can tell me anything, right? You don't have to be so strong all the time."
"I'm fine, really," Steve repeated, returning to the glider. Natasha leveled A Look at him, so he quietly admitted, "It was a little scary, I guess."
"It was," Natasha confirmed. "We should've kept a closer eye on you two. We just assumed that since we were next door and that we knew everyone, that you'd be safe. We won't take that chance again though."
A little smirk quirked Natasha's full lips, "One thing you need to know about us is that we take care of each other. We're pack, and now you are too."
He regarded the redhead for a moment before asking, "And if I choose we're not?"
"Sorry, Stevie," Natasha half-teased, "You're stuck with us."
Pressing his lips together to keep himself from arguing, Steve redirected his attention to his nursing daughter. She really was perfect. Even with all the inhuman features that she'd inherited from the demon man that sired her.
"You're lucky, y'know?"
Brows furrowing, Steve looked up at Natasha. Disgust mixing with disbelief, he cruelly scoffed, "How am I lucky? Was it when I was betrayed by my husband? Was it when I was preyed upon by a King of Hell? Or was it when one of your cult members tried to hurt me and my baby?" Before Natasha could speak, he decided, "Or was it when everyone decided it'd be fine to steal my baby so they'd be groomed into leading the damned?"
"You're naive," Natasha decided and left.
Staring at the spot where she had been standing, Steve wondered if he had been too harsh on – No! Don't you dare, Steven Grant Rogers! You have every right to be upset!
Done eating, Steve lifted Mia to his shoulder so he could burp her. All of those years of babysitting and having baby fever had really paid off. It was a relief that he didn't have to worry about this. Sure, Mia was tiny and had been premature, but she seemed just as healthy – if not healthier – than any other baby.
He figured that Bucky's supernatural genes had a lot to do with that. Steve couldn't be angry with the alpha about that. And despite himself, Steve hoped that one day he and Bucky could be friends. They might not ever be as close as they had been before the truth was revealed, but maybe they could be better than they were now.
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Echoes of the Past - Day 9
Prompt:  “Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which can sometimes pay the rent.”
CW: None that I know of.
Virgil slowly closed the bedroom door, leaning against it after it was latched. He didn't like lying, but telling stories wasn't a lie, right? Telling Remus stories about friends who were separated for a long time but were able to get back together, encouraging him that goodbye wasn't forever, that was okay, right? He let out a slow shaky breath, running his hand through his hair. It had to be okay, he needed it to be okay, because what else could he do? Remus was missing someone who wasn't coming back, and Virgil wanted to give him hope, even if it was false.
He looked down the hallway at the yellow door, and then at the at his own purple one, the color fading. He had been struggling, taking on the role of protector. He wasn't meant for this, but he had been born in the darkness, and he had been the first. He was the oldest and it was his responsibility to take care of the others, even if he wasn't prepared for that. 
Janus was born second, a shy curious protector, but Virgil couldn't ask him to be the guardian, the parent, he was just a kid. So, Virgil had taken on a role he wasn't meant for. Remus came next, lost and wandering down the hallway. He was looking for Roman, and Virgil knew where Roman was but he wasn't allowed to go there. He wasn't supposed to go see the others. It made him so angry, that the others would just abandon a new side, and Virgil vowed to protect Remus. However, it also made him tired. 
He wasn't sure he could handle it all.
"V?" Janus walked out of his door, making his way towards Virgil.
"Hey snake, why aren't you in bed?"
"I heard you out here," He said quietly, walking over and pulling Virgil down to make him sit. Then he sat himself in Virgil's lap. "Let me tell you a story this time."
"Alright, let me know what you got."
"Once upon a time there were two children wandering through the forest. They were lost and didn't know where they were headed. They walked around until they were found by a wizard. He was rude and grumpy, but he always took care of the children, and though the children grew up in the forest, they were happy, and they hoped to bring the wizard a bit of happiness too."
Virgil pulled Janus in tighter, resting his head on top of Janus'. "Yeah, I think the wizard is happy too. I'm sure if the kids treated him well he is very happy."
"It doesn't matter, it was just a story." 
Virgil smiled, "Well you are very good at telling stories." He responded, doing his best to stand up while still holding Janus. "But I think it's time for you to go to bed."
"Rude," Janus said softly, wrapping his little arms around Virgil's neck. "I don't wanna go to bed."
"I know I know, but little sides need their rest." Virgil was doing the best he could, and if Janus and Remus were still happy then it was at least working in part. 
"Will you still be here when we wake up in the morning." That gave Virgil pause as he looked over at the purple door, slightly faded in color. The longer he stared the brighter it got until he felt safe looking back to Janus.
"Yeah squirt, I'll still be here when you wake up in the morning." He promised, opening up Janus' door and tucking him into bed. "And if you have a nightmare you know where to find me."
Janus nodded, curling up into the covers. "I won't," He said that, but Virgil and Janus both knew it was a lie. Janus was prone to nightmares and would probably find himself curled up in Virgil's bed later in the night. That was fine, because Virgil was there to support them.
He walked back out of the room, looking at his own door, now a stronger purple than it had been just a few minutes ago.
He was here to protect Remus and Janus, he was here to help them, and he wasn't going anywhere. Not while he still had any say in the matter.
@simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @melaniidarling @tsshipmonth2020
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crowley-in-arkham · 2 years
My home.
The ride to my house was quiet and tense. My clothes were stained, unsurprisingly. I'll have to get rid of them. Crane's truck, for its behemoth, felt tight, despite the space between us being nearly a foot in length.
It smelled like coffee and cigarettes; a sweet hint of burlap and straw lingered faintly in the air. The dash was coated in a layer of dust, and the truck itself seemed to hobble down the Gotham streets.
I watched the city lights dance on the water as we crossed the bridge from Arkham Island. In the water emerged the beast, Carrion. I turned to look at Crane instead.
"Do you even know where I live?" I asked softly; Crane nodded, his eyes straight ahead.
"Your address is on file."
I have an sound of acknowledgment then looked back to the water where Carrion had vanished back into the inky black pool.
"Jon," I started, "Can you tell me more about Scarecrow?"
I heard Jonathan snicker, "As my therapist or my friend?"
My fsce fell red at the prospect of "friend".
"As your friend, I suppose," I said in a small voice.
"He's me; like Carrion is you. Though it's a little different. Scarecrow is suggestive; it's more like someone's cooin' in my ear tellin' me to do shit. He'on need control. Most a' it, I chose to do; sometimes 'a keep him quiet, sometimes 'cause I wanna. He takes over, but it ain't always against my will. He'on usually suppress me anymore. Stops bein' one a' us starts bein' both a' us."
"It isn't always like that?"
"Scarecrow's a little rudimentary."
"In what way?"
"Kinda like a child, I s'pose," Jon motioned his hand, "Impulsive, angry. Ion got much control over his tantrums."
"'Fore you go Dr. Crowley on me, I've oughta ask:" Jon stated, "couldja pass me a cigarette?"
I tilted my head at Crane, "uh, where do you put them?"
"Check the glovebox," Jon said, "Usually gotta spare in there."
I ran my hand through the dust on the latch, and popped the glovebox door, which fell open with a thud. There were papers, receipts, a half-finished carton of nonfilter cigarettes, and--
A gorgeous bronze-colored revolver with a beautiful spruce grip engraved with crows.
"Jon you can't have this," I furrowed my brows, "You're a felon."
"It ain't mine."
"Like hell it isn't."
"Ain't she pretty though?"
I plucked a pack of cigarettes from the carton, tapped the bottom to my palm several times, then plucked a single sweet-scented cigarette from the pack.
I placed the butt of the cigarette against Jon's scarred lip, and whispered mockingly, "You want me to light it too, hun?"
Jon laughed a guttural laugh, "Di'n't answer my damn question. An' no, I can take care 'a it."
He flicked a lighter out of his coat pocket, and lit the cigarette. "Wan' one?" He flicked the lighter towards me.
"No, I don't smoke."
"Good girl, always had been."
"It's a nice gun."
"Ain't she? Damned slow to reload though."
"How'd you get it?"
"Was a gift from Oz."
"Wonderful wizard," I joked.
Jon shot me a look, then smirked. "S'pose that makes you Dorothy."
And I snapped back gleefully, "And that makes you brainless!"
He plumed smoke from his lips as he chuckled.
"Your place out by that diner, right?"
"Why, you hungry?"
"Starvin'. Whatcha want?"
"You don't want me to cook?"
"Ya can cook tomorrow."
"Halloween's tomorrow."
Jon looked somewhat surprised, then chuckled, "So it is. Well, yer stayin' home for it. Gonna have some trick-or-treaters?"
"I live on the second floor."
Jon shot me a look, "we're pickin' up fuckin' candy."
"Thought you didn't like kids."
He chuckled, "You think this is for the kids."
I raised a brow and tilted my head, "Then who--"
"C'mon, think about it."
I chuckled, picturing the faces of Gotham's parents falling white when the Scarecrow opens my apartment door with candy for their kids.
I began laughing a bit harder, "Christ, just imagine the look of their face!"
"Probably shit 'emselves."
Jon snickered as I spiraled into a wheeze, "We're picking up candy, you've convinced me."
I caught my breath, and Jon smiled dumbly as he stared ahead.
I swallowed and asked in a recuperating breath: "The hell you smiling about?"
"You," Jon said. I flushed.
"Ain't never seen you laugh like that, whole time knowing you." He turned into a street, "just different, I suppose."
The lights of the city flicked behind him.
"Ya usually got all these pretenses, this veil 'a control," he huffed amusedly, "Seen different sides 'a you today. That there though? Tha's a new one."
The truck hobbled around a corner and crawled into a parking space between two cars half it's size.
My apartment complex is a small building of four apartments. I was lucky to find myself an apartment so close to Arkham Island-- then again, most of the city's residents try to steer away from districts near the bridges that connect Arkham to Gotham as far as they can.
Even the white tattered building showed a fear of Gotham's criminals in the bars that line the downstairs windows.
Jon stepped out of his truck and made his way to my side, opening the door for me.
"Very gentlemanly, Dr. Crane," I teased.
"Shut up," he chuckled, "It's the polite thing to do."
"Truely the apex of your southern hospitality," I stepped- more accurately: hopped down from his truck's passenger seat.
"Lead the way, miss."
I made my way to the front door, Jon's truck's lights left us in the all encompassing dark of Gotham. Jon lingered behind me as I plopped a code in the lock and opened the iron gate, and then the same for the heavy green door beneath it.
"A lil paranoid?"
"It's Gotham, they have reason to be."
"Yet, here I am," snickered Jon, "Waltzin' in under their poor lil' noses."
"I'm sure you're not so cruel as to gas my entire apartment complex."
"I mean," Jon snickered, "Ain't ever stopped me before."
I closed the gate and door behind Jon as he stepped into the dim sage green hallway, dilapidated stairs to his left, a door to each of his sides.
He let out a chuckle, "Of I weren't, well, me, I'd say this place were eerie."
"Well, it's an apartment building in the middle of the night, they're all kind of eerie."
Jon smirked at me, "After you, miss."
I rolled my eyes and made my way upstairs, fumbling with the two keys on my lanyard before plugging the smaller of the two into my apartment door and pushing it open.
"Vic, I'm home!" I said as I flicked on the light to my apartment, I motioned Jon into the rust brown corridor. "Welcome to my humble abode."
He strode in, like a man on stilts, eyeing my autumn decor with a critical eye. I turned to lock the door behind us.
He chuckled, entering the main room. An open layout kitchen and living room, melted into one modestly sized commonroom.
"Looks like a little dollhouse in here," He teased looking down at my furniture.
"Not all of us are trees," I responded, with a look of amusement.
He chuckled, "Gotta dust the top 'a yer shit."
I rolled my eyes, hung up my coat, then took off my shoes, "Relax, stay a while."
Out from my bedroom padded a large grey cat, making his way to me excitedly-- when, suddenly he eyed Jonathan Crane, and promptly darted off to my room.
"That 'Vic'?" Asked Crane, with a raised brow.
"Yeah, Victor," I sighed, "He's just a bit skittish with new people."
"Smart cat," he snickered and took off his coat and shoes, placing his boots beside the bench and hanging up his coat next to mine.
"I'll get you a blanket and a pillow--" I paused, "Sure, you don't want the bed?"
Jon chuckled, "You offerin' ta share?"
I rolled my eyes, "No, you're just-- big."
He let out an amused huff, "Ain't the first time I heard that."
I flushed, "I'm getting you a pillow and blanket." I chuckled, "Dirty old man."
I opened the hallway cupboard and pulled out a knitted blanket and a couple of spare memory foam pillows.
"Whadja you wanna eat?" Jon called down the hallway.
"Just get delivery," I responded, closing the door to the cupboard and stepping out into the livingroom again, "What do you want?"
Jon had flopped himself down on my loveseat and leaned comfortably back as he spoke, "That's what I'm askin' you, walnut."
"Uh-" I pondered for a moment, "There's a Thai place down the road, you like Thai?"
Jon shrugged, "Ion care."
"Thai it is then."
I tossed the blanket and pillow at him and turned to walk away, stopping only to look back at him and say:
"Remotes and stuff are in the drawer on the coffee table, the shelf is classics only, aside from textbooks-- well, you can read. I'm gonna go take a bath and get changed. You need anything just give me a holler."
"'Fore you go--" Jon started, "Wouldja write down the codes to the doors outside for me?"
I tilted my head, then nodded, "I mean, alright. You picking something up?"
"'N case I need 'a go on a liquor run."
I rolled my eyes, "Gotham's dry by midnight, better go soon."
He chuckled, "Probably be back 'fore you get outta the tub."
I shrugged and smirked, "With your hobbling old ass? You might miss your window."
He rolled his eyes, "Keep talkin' and I'll have you hobblin'."
I snickered, "Yeah? From the jokes you've been making today it's a coin flip between whether that's a threat or an offer."
"Go get in the damn tub," he chuckled tossed a pillow at me, which I promptly threw back.
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