spinopel · 1 month
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Digital temperature and humidity controller STC-3028.
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theradicalace · 11 months
it's really a shame that i overheat as easily as i do because wearing layers is incredible. pressure stim + soft snuggly?? immaculate. now what do i do about the Sweaty
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spearxwind · 9 months
Honestly it really riles me up that people are mean to ocean animals because they are less understood than land animals (yes even dolphins as publically liked as they are) I think everyone should put a little more effort into understanding the ocean and the animals in it and the processes they help. You dont have to like the ocean you just need to understand it and understand that its 3/4ths of our planet's surface and that it's indispensable for life because the second that people stop caring about whats in it and what it does the door opens up for people to not care about what happens to it and how big companies destroy it and continue their needless pollution due to lack of care from the general public
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traaansfem · 2 months
Periods are so stupid. Lie down and cry about being too warm and miserable and cramps, then stand up and shiver because it is suddenly way too cold and there are still cramps, mope around and only stir to motion to eat comfort food (salmon), and drink water. And you have to deal with the bloodthirst.
If biotechnologically engineered catgirls get estrus worse than this I'm joining the prison break/laboratory experiment revolution on the side of the revolution.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
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fit check: dying of sepsis in siberia during the paleolithic era 
Fushi/nameless boy from To Your Eternity is done! this project was incredibly fun and satisfying, I loved working on it and am absolutely delighted with how it turned out.
I have a hard time getting into new anime but last year my incredibly good friend Chris pitched to your eternity to me as “ok so theres this orb-” to which i replied with “you son of a bitch, I’m in”. Although i was sold on  O r b  right from the get-go, I liked it way more than i anticipated, and thought Fushi/nameless boy would be fun as hell to make. 
The costume itself is almost entirely suede, pleather, and faux fur, with the exception being the modified olive green jeans. Fushi used a lot of techniques in fur working, weathering and shoe making that ended up making this project so engaging to work on. 
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 8 months
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⬇ What I've Been Reading Recently! [In No Particular Order]⬇
Rivers and Roads (Rivers Till I Reach You) Series by peterparkersbff @pbpsbff
[Series Description and Notes] Zombie Apocalypse, No Powers AU centered on Peter, Tony, and Rhodey (But if we're being honest, it's pretty Peter-centric)
Updates will likely be posted out of order, but will be reordered so they are in preferred reading order. I'd recommend reading in series order.
Peter Benjamin Stark Series by MoonBoo
[Part 1, Stars Align Summary] Pepper is concerned about Stark Industry's image and organizes a tour for a group of orphans. It's during this tour that Tony meets a five-year-old Peter Parker, who is mute due to the trauma of witnessing Ben and May dying in a robbery, and realizes they're soulmates.
Time Brings All Things to Pass by MsWinifredQuale
Tony feels like he's in a good place right now. He's got a great fiancee, a makeshift but settled little family, and he's even in a fairly ok place with the former Rogues.
So naturally the universe decides to throw him some curve balls, when he gets a call one morning from the police claiming they've just picked up Howard and Maria Stark from the side of the road.
And that's not the only time-related event about to unfold.
Tony really hates time travel.
[Also includes de-aged Peter Parker]
Please obey the signs by Bergen
“This young man claims to have been invited by you personally.” Tony has learned to read Happy’s expressions. That one is disapproval, and it’s highly familiar. “Peter is helping me out in the workshop today.” “Why?” “Uh.” Tony has enough presence of mind not to carelessly throw Peter’s alternative identity around. “He won a competition.” Happy’s expression flickers, grows tense. “I did not approve any competition that included a trip to Avengers Tower.” “Okay. Well. If we had theoretically organized a competition, he would definitely have won it.” - Tony’s life lately has been a perfect storm of incompetence. But perhaps he can get some solid spiritual advice from a mischievous teenager with a secret identity he meets by the side of the road one evening, like a lucky little leprechaun. If only Happy would stop being so paranoid about Tony inviting a random kid into Avengers Tower, sheesh.
The Chill Factor by Tashie
5 Times Peter's thermoregulation caused issues +1 Time Others tried to do something about it.
Broken Thoughts (I Remember Everything) by blackwatchandromeda (avenris)
"Peter, who am I?"
He hesitates. "I'm sorry. I... I don't know."
Peter Parker has been missing for thirty-six days. When Tony Stark finally finds him, he's wandering around New York with no memories, unaware of where and who he is. The missing month is a mystery, and nobody knows what happened to him - least of all the kid himself.
Peter, meanwhile, is trying to piece together who he was. What doesn't help is the big secret he's sure Tony is keeping from him, or the way the man is avoiding him.
Nobody notices how the missing month is catching up to them until everything goes wrong.
(Not Infinity War compliant, but takes place after Civil War.)
When spiders tour their houses, chaos ensues by pirateninja9
"I am very pleased to announce that we’ve been invited for an overnight tour at Stark Industries.”
Join Peter and his Academic decathlon team on a chaotic field trip to the Stark Industries. Featuring a bullying teacher and student, a confused tour guide and many Avengers shenanigans. With luck like his, Peter should have known this would be as far from a normal tour as possible.
Mugs Are A Problem (I Do What I Want) by JAWorley
It’s not usually a problem. Tony doesn’t usually have to work so hard to hide it because Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey know. He can be himself around them. Right after the compound had been built, Tony had been worried about moving in with the Avengers full time… worried they’d notice his tics and figure out his secret. Then Germany had happened and the team had split up before they could fully move into the compound. Tony had had two years where he hadn’t needed to worry about it. Now that the Rogues are back and are living in the tower full time, it’s on his mind again and stressing him out. The problem? Coffee mugs. Well… coffee mugs, and other things and the fact that when he’s stressed out, the tics get worse. But mainly coffee mugs. Coffee mugs are the bane of his existence. OR Tony has Tourette Syndrome and he doesn’t want the Avengers (or Peter) to find out about it. The newly returned Avengers think Tony is just being a jerk when he knocks things off of tables and counters, because they think he’s doing it on purpose. Despite the angsty summary, this is all about the team coming back together and Tony learning that the people in his life can’t accept him as he is until given the chance to know him as he is.
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oodlesodoodles · 6 days
i know kims jacket is nylon but ive never been able to picture it as anything other than quilt-lined (OR reversible) brushed duck canvas. Like a carhartt work jacket.
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
>Am cold
>put on sweatshirt
>Get too hot
>Take of sweatshirt
>Am cold again
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yondamoegi · 2 months
Did stretches twice today
And with profound sadness I must report, they do help making your body easier to move
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magnoliasandarson · 5 months
Peter Parker was used to feeling cold.
In the days after the spider bite, once the sickness left him, he researched anything and everything about arachnids. There was an article about spiders not being able to thermoregulate that made him genuinely afraid that he was going to spend his winters hibernating, but once he got over that fear, he realized that there was a chill that hadn't left his bones the entire time.
It took a while, but he got used to the feeling. He bought fingerless gloves at Goodwill (explaining his new fashion sense to Aunt May took a while) and wore layers even during the peak of heatwaves.
But that was only the normal cold. His spider-sense felt like being dunked in ice water.
He never got used to it.
It was helpful on patrol. He could be swinging to Brooklyn, and his internal ice-bucket challenge would redirect him back to Queens. At school, it stopped him from losing his lunch or notebooks to Flash. When he was walking down the street, it saved him from being punched in the face by some random dude for no reason.
On nights when he didn't patrol.... it was unbearable.
He would wake up feeling like he'd been submerged in liquid nitrogen, sensing danger all around him. Sometimes, he'd throw the suit on in a blind panic and patrol until the sun rose, searching fruitlessly for the threat. Other times, he sat in the shower with the water blistering hot- only getting out when the steam set off the fire alarm.
A small mountain of blankets began to form on his twin bed. At night, he burrowed under the pile and relished in the total absence of light and the dulling of the ever-present noise that never let him be.
It didn't stop him from waking up just an hour later, teeth chattering and skin crawling.
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silkysong · 3 months
i feel like the heat is gonna fucking kill me
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redrobin-detective · 3 months
baby girl, I can get cold in situations you cannot even dream of
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
An 0309 drabble for an anon ask I got a bit ago :) Thank you for being patient, I really enjoyed writing this!! It's actually a little moment I've wanted to write since I started Milgram fic, but never got around to it. (I mention his injured eye, but don't actually describe anything)
“Stop moving around so much.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“I mean it. You’ll make things worse.”
Mikoto watched as the intensity in Fuuta’s gaze flickered between fire and fear.
He had a doctor’s kit laid out on his lap. Recently, Shidou had his hands full with Mahiru’s treatments and having intense conversations with Haruka, so Mikoto wanted to give him a break. With none of the injuries actually healing as they should, the prisoners were caught in an endless loop of changing bandages and checking for complications.
Shidou was grateful for the help. Many of the others tolerated Fuuta in the same way they spent only the necessary time around Mikoto. They smiled and placated him, acting like he’d gone mad all of the sudden. Whatever was making the others avoid the two of them, it drew the pair together. Mikoto was finding he enjoyed Fuuta’s company. Something about him was rather… charming. 
“Me? You’re the asshole that will make things worse. You’re no doctor! Fuck you.”
Eh, maybe he had gone mad. 
He took comfort, at least, in the knowledge that Fuuta was growing more comfortable with him. He sure had a special way of showing it, but Mikoto didn’t brag about being a people-person for nothing – he picked up on the way Fuuta sought him out during the day, pretending to be involved in his own activities. The way he struck up a conversation, then acted as if it had been Mikoto’s idea to come over and bother him. 
Therefore it was exciting, though not surprising, when Fuuta allowed Mikoto to help treat his injuries. They had only done it a few times, but today brought a whole new challenge. 
“I’m not performing surgery or anything. Shidou said it just needs some basic disinfecting.” He flashed his usual grin. “I have a steady hand – I’m a photographer, you know.”
Aside from Shidou, Fuuta hadn’t allowed a single person to look under his eyepatch. 
He remained unamused by Mikoto’s smile. For better or worse, he could always tell when it was forced. “It’s not like I have any proof of that. You could be awful at it, for all I know.”
“First chance I get, I’ll request a camera and prove it. Want me to take a picture of you first?”
“If you haven’t already messed up my face…” Fuuta’s focus was glued to the hand carefully reaching towards him. 
Mikoto pouted his lips. “Shidou trusted me enough with this. And you must have, because you agreed earlier. So If it’s not about me… You’re not scared, are you?”
There were some things that Fuuta didn’t stop to see through. He sputtered in surprise. “Hell no!” He lifted his chin, finally taking his attention off Mikoto’s hands. He stared defiantly. “I can take it.”
Mikoto felt a bit guilty for resorting to foul play. But not that guilty. “Good. Now hold still...”
He got right to it. One hand held ginger hair out of the way, while the other pinched the corner of the eyepatch. Fuuta’s good eye darted nervously around the room, avoiding the other's close-leaning face. Mikoto peeled it away swiftly, gently
As a horror movie buff, the injury didn’t faze him in the slightest. As someone who’d grown close to Fuuta recently, he felt a wave of anguish at the sight.
Fuuta squirmed. “It’s nasty, isn’t it…”
Mikoto reached down for some supplies. He considered mustering up a smile and saying there was no need to worry so much, but it would have been pointless. Times like these, it was kind of a relief when someone else could see right through him for a change. 
“It looks like it hurts.”
“Tch, I don’t need any pity from you.”
“I was going to say, you hide it well. You’re tougher than the warden gives you credit for.”
His cheeks flushed red. “I – I don’t need any flattery from you either!”
“Don’t need anything from anybody, huh?”
Before he could come up with a retort, he hissed through his teeth in pain.
“Ah, sorry.” Mikoto immediately retracted his hand from where it had been dabbing alcohol onto the injury.
Steeling his expression, he muttered, “it’s fine.”
Mikoto tried again. He made sure to move with even more steadiness, his face drawn up in concentration. He saw Fuuta’s features flinch when he touched him, but he stayed still. The two were silent, now, as Mikoto worked. Leaning his face so close made the short task feel much longer. The reddening in his cheeks didn't subside.
He expected Fuuta to snatch the fresh eyepatch away the moment he unwrapped it – he was shocked that Fuuta let him adjust it into place without a word.
“Alright. You’re all set.” He started packing up the kit.
“Listen, don’t tell the others. About my eye.”
Mikoto squinted. He gestured to the right side of his face. “I hate to break it to you, but the big patch kinda gives you away.”
“You idiot! I just mean, don’t tell them what it looks like.” He pulled his hood down over his hair. “I don’t need everyone trying to steal a look at it like I’m some sort of freakshow.”
“Hey, of course.” Mikoto gave him a smile, the kind they both knew was genuine. “I’ve got you.”
Fuuta nodded. He turned his face away, his fingers lingering over where Mikoto’s had just been. “... And… thanks.”
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techlove-1999 · 6 months
im so fucking cold rn they should make yes man real so i can hug him and stop being cold (he is warm)
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trainingdummyrabbit · 17 days
they should invent a Mutuals you can Lie On Top Of Like A Large Reptile And Or Other Beastie
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would you say HE has anime hair vents?
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