#these boys do not have healthy ways of coping screams
hangeslefteye · 1 year
What does your favorite Aot boy tells me about you/your romantic preference????
 100% shitpost,I'm no therapist feel free to disagree.Before scrolling down try to pick 1-2 of your fave(I know it's hard D:) +I ranked them from my fave to least.
REİNER:You just want to be held,comforted and appreciated.You seriously don't want any drama and rather share some sincere,deep emotions.You really appreciate when a man shows their vulnerable side and open with you.Just as you would appreciate a man's tears you'd also appreciate their strong masculine presence.Which you definitely seek some HEALTHY masculinity in a s/o as this makes you feel safe and loved.Also you want big boy hugs that will comfort you.
PORCO:You are most likely to have a mean flirting style but you are still chill and don't want any real fights in a relationship as you get heartbroken easily .You love it when someone keeps you on your toes without being a real asshole.This gives you healthy sexual tension.Overall you want fun, love and passion at the same time.You are KİNDLY playful yet emotionally intense.You hide your feelings with sarcasm A LOT.
JEAN:You are also a very emotionally intelligent person but you might be a little bit of a hopeless romantic.You love the thrill of being in love and anything that comes with it.You still appreciate cliche/cheesy romantic gestures.At love you might be slightly masochistical and platonic yet very adoring.You have big simp tendacies and you are dreamy.When you love,you love beautifully.Literally aesthetically.You live your love like an old romance movie which might come off fake or shallow to others but actually you internalize it A LOT.
ZEKE:You are mentally fcked up.You should seriously go see a real therapist rather than trying to cope up with dark humour.You might get attracted to slightly older and dominant men.You are pursuing a toxic love life that's dangerous.You have an apetite for toxic masculinity and controlling behaviour.You do this 100% on purpose because enjoy it and not by mistake but this can be risky.You LOVE mind games and get bored from anything soft hearted.After all what is love to you without a pinch of manipulation?
CONNİE:You are the most relaxed and down to earth person ever.It's important for you to be friends with your romantical interest because relationships just feels easier and more fun like that.You really want to be able to talk about EVERYTHİNG going on in your life unfiltered.Obvious flirting might make you feel uncomfortable as you prefer to keep it playful and soft hearted.Also you want your love interest 7/24 around you but not in a clingy way.That's why a somewhat childish friendly love charms you.
EREN:You like sterotypical toxic romance.The type where couples punches walls,screams and throws things.You think this is passionate and you love your men a little problematic.You are slightly masochistical and want some drama.You also feel things deeply and somewhat hot headed.You might have an interesting urge to cling onto emotionally unavailable men.Angry sex is possibly your way of emotional bounding.
ARMİN:If you like Armin because he's so calm and kind and sympatic etc. Sorry to say,you are a little bad at reading people.Because in reality he is quite capable of heavy manipulation and hide it behind his angel face.On this matter maybe he's even more dangerous than Zeke.If you realised this but he's still your favorite then you too love mindgames and passive agressive drama in a relationship.You think intelligence and sophistication is the sexiest thing about a love interest.You love subtle manipulation fights in a relationship.
For girls edition
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 4 months
Hellloooo, BEN Drowned, and Eyeless Jack with Y/N who is like Mikan Tsumiki from Dangranronpa! OwO
Danganronpa is such a good piece of media guh <333
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Ben Drowned
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With you being so nervous and anxious all the time, he understands that sometimes it's hard for you to voice your boundaries
And with him, giving no fucks, is really awesome
You will always have this 5'0" piss goblin following you around telling people to fuck off
"They really weren't bothering me that much you know..." You mutter shyly
"FUCK OFF KYS ALSO YOURE GAY" Ben screams, being a shit monster to whoever dared to make you uncomfortable
He will always be holding onto you in some way
With how often you will just do what people tell you to, if he isn't paying attention you may just willingly be kidnapped
Which he can't have, obviously, because then he'd have to go find you, kill your captors, do the paperwork stating it was justified so he doesn't get fired, blah blah blah
And he really doesn't feel like doing that
So expect to gave him always either holding your hand or have an arm slung around your waist
He also tends to be very over protective of you because of how willing you are to literally do anything just to make sure you are liked
He won't actively involve himself in your friends, because he doesn't want to be overbearing or controlling
However, if he notices that one of your friends is really bad for you, then "magically" said person's electronics will be fucked with and they could potentially be doxxed
You know, hot boy shit
Eyeless Jack
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He finds your extended medical knowledge to be amazing
It's so wonderful to finally have someone who can help him out with pretty much anything in the medical wing
But he thinks that all that skill is overshadowed by your extremely nervous nature
He knows that to some extent, this is because of severe repeated trauma, but he still can't help but wonder why what other's think of you matters so much
He doesn't pry, though
If you don't want him to know, then that's your business
With you both being so quiet natured, a lot of your communication tends to be non-verbal
Certain looks, hand movements and touches convey different things
For example, he knows that if you squeeze his hand twice quickly, you are very uncomfortable in the situation you're in
And he of course, takes all the necessary action he needs to make you feel comfortable
He's gonna work with you on your trauma SO HARD
By the time he's done with you, you will have healthy coping skills, a good mindset, and boundaries
Someone get this boy a jigsaw puzzle or something he's gonna solve everyone's trauma....
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mana-jjk · 10 days
i know we’re talking about THAT chapter right now, but i need another day to cope y’all <3 anon i promise i’ll answer but angst actually kills me lol
so instead !!
i’m here to present my case that toge would absolutely be the first choice of a pseudo-god parent. not for any religious reasons, if there was a better name i’d use it, but i think jjk definitely has a need for that system.
with how common mortality is, the high demand in sorcerers, the uncertainties of their lifestyle… i mean just look at megumi. not exactly the same, but in any case, they need to know that their kids will be okay if anything ever happens.
i personally headcanon that nobamaki would have twin boys because it’s actually adorable to me. they expected at least one girl at first, they even had their names picked out. mai and saori, after two of the most important people in their lives. but around the time it got closer, maki started second guessing naming the name mai, wondering if she’d ever be able to associate it with anything but her sister.
then two healthy baby boys came into the world, masaki and takai, elegant and beginning, new world. not exactly a copy of maki and mai, whose names corresponded with hope and each other, but a homage. an act of service to what they never got to see together.
anyway, toge was absolutely their first choice for a godparent.
individually, their relationship with him is one of their strongest dynamics for both characters.
yes, nobara loves yuuji and megumi in her own way. yuuji might have been the second pick if he wasn’t so head empty, eating cursed fingers. i truly do not think megumi would have been entrusted with any of her children lol, that boy is emo and emotionally stunted (in a nice way).
maki and yuuta friendship is so good, but he’s still kind of pathetic. his favorite food is sesame oil and cabbage y’all, there’s no way. panda would’ve been the second pick if he wasn’t such an instigator.
on the other hand, nobara understand toge so well that it freaks out even the second years. after being kidnapped, she was first hand witness to his dependable side and kindness. he’s like a big brother to her, and i know without a doubt that their dynamic only got stronger after that. they are the besties, shopping buddies, gossip squad, unserious duo. he takes care of her, he notices when her self-esteem is lower and immediately addresses it. he was the one to catch her during training, encourage her, and tease her. i cannot stress enough how bestie coded they are.
i might love maki and yuuta friendship, but maki and toge are my absolute favorite to think about. i know the general consensus in their dynamic seems to be toge being a gremlin and maki screaming at him, but i really think they interact in a different way. i’m still waiting for a couple translations from phantom parade, but i truly believe maki genuinely respects and loves toge, vice versa. when we first met yuuta, maki’s first reaction was to bully him lol, but it wasn’t until toge spoke up that she stopped. in the light novel, it’s said repeatedly by nobara that maki respects him. maki herself goes on to openly admit that he’s the most considerate out of all of them, and says that his only flaw is that he can be pretty mischievous. nobara also notes how close the second years are to each other enough that they share a braincell. when you look at the art of them together, there’s only one where maki looks irritated, and it’s only because toge is laughing at her tourist glasses. it’s kind of crazy to me that the dynamic in fanon between toge and maki is actually the canon interactions between panda and maki. i could talk all day about this, but i genuinely see a more placid maki when she interacts with toge and need more of that dynamic. they love each other !!
so yes, they have a really strong relationship with toge, i would venture to say one of the strongest for both characters. emotionally speaking, toge is also shown to be extremely mature.
he doesn’t show much in his body language, but he can read others very well. despite not being able to speak outside of safe words, he’s also good at settling the people around him. most importantly, he’s one of the few characters we’ve never seen lash out. despite being villainized by yuuta lol, smacked by nobara, on the end of gawking by kamo, pushed to near death, permanently disabled, and more, he’s confronted each situation with emotional maturity. the fact that he told yuuta that his arm being torn off wasn’t yuuji’s fault, speaks volumes about the character. yuuta too, when he was afraid, toge tried to comfort him but also backed away when he saw him being scared. silencing himself in itself speaks to his maturity.
as a babysitter, he’s also very well off ! with being the best cook of the second years, he also made sure panda was eating too by feeding him. when left alone with children, he was seamlessly connecting with them to the point where they understood him fluently. his first reactions are always to emotionally and physically protect the first years and yuuta. with his abilities, he also knows more than most the importance and correct way to control abilities. is this not your dream babysitter?
more than that, i truly believe that if anything ever happened to nobamaki, he’d love and raise them as his own with zero hesitation. he’d raise them the way they’d want to and never let them believe that any set of parents loved them even a little less.
with that being said, yuuta gets the default second spot as a godparent purely because toge was the automatic first choice. eventually, when nobamaki have a little girl named saori, they are her godparents too.
i know he holds those babies like he’d tear himself apart for them. it’s a learning curve with one arm at first. he’s scared his prosthetic will get in the way or hurt them. but for some reason the babies seem to adore his prosthetic arm too. tiny fingers wrapped around robotic joints, toge could swear he feels the warmth even through false flesh and phantom pain.
some of their first words end up being onigiri ingredients, it’s only because “mama” came first that nobamaki can see the humor in it. they have to consciously teach their kid that they are capable of saying yes instead of shake. what they don’t realize is that sometimes they talk in onigiri too.
yuuta sulks a bit that his spot is only be default, but he proves himself as a very good godfather and babysitter. he does not feed them cabbage, thank you very much. but they usually ask toge to cook instead, much to Yuuta’s’ devastation.
it’s probably through babysitting that the baby fever reared its head in both of them. watching yuuta hesitantly toss takai in the air after his insistence that mommy does it all the time, and freak out over his health frantically. toge letting masaki cling to his leg in public, always one tiny hand clutching the robotic fingers. yuuta showing masaki how to use a wooden sword in cool moves just likes mommy. toge acting like the damsel in distress for takai to play his games. watching yuuta get swatted by the wooden swords, allies enemies in an instance, toge watching with a tiny smile he doesn’t bother to hide.
they’re good with kids.
at night, it almost hurts to say goodbye. but their own little girl isn’t too far away.
i need more domestic fluff right now y’all, this in physically paining me you don’t understand. toge is so parent coded i will actually scream cry sob throw myself on the floor. inuokko would be such good guardians no matter what and i love them.
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
I will give you some incorrect quotes because my brain trying to write the future! yandere leo with MC rotted when i just wrote some lyrics so this is what they have for now
MC talking with April
MC: yeah, I don't know where my favorite sweatshirt is, and I need it, it has a lot of sentimental value to me, and it helps me when I'm sad.
April, suspecting that one of the boys stole the sweatshirt: oh, and when was the last time you saw it?
MC: I think it was on Sunday, a few days after the boys' visit to my apartment, oh, and some other things I had in storage disappeared too, I don't know how.
April: and you haven't asked any of the-?
Mikey runs past with MC's sweatshirt on, while Leo chases after him claiming it's his turn with the sweatshirt.
MC: Is that my-?
April: Yes, apparently it is.
Mikey, using his Dr. Delicate Touch side: So, MC, have you thought about taking therapy to heal your trauma?
MC, looking at him seriously: my traumas make people laugh, Mikey.
Mikey: Yes but-
MC: my traumas, my ways of coping.
Mikey, already sighing wearily: We have a long way to go.
MC: correction, YOU have a long way to go.
MC in the kitchen of the den, looking for a glass to pour theyself(? some water while he has his headphones on loud listening to music, oblivious to Donatello's presence:
Donnie, who quietly approached from behind, suddenly placing a hand on MC's shoulder: you know, I don't think it's healthy for your ears to have music on high volume
MC, who wasn't expecting Donnie's sudden presence at all: AHH-, WHAT THE HELL!?, WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?
Don, already used to they sudden screams and scares: well, about two songs ago, you should listen to your music at a lower volume if you don't want to go deaf.
MC: Okay, I'll take that into account from now on.
Donnie: you said that the previous 5 times-
April, talking on the phone with Raphael: yeah yeah, I'll ask him.... No, don't worry about it... Okay bye.
MC: Who was that? what did they say?
April: It was Raphael, he asked for his sweatshirt, the red one, he lost it apparently.
MC: Oh, the one with some holes in it?
April: MC, Raphael is the only one of his brothers who wears red.
MC: yeah but is that the one with holes in it or not?
April, sighing heavily: yes MC, it's the one with holes.
MC: ah, then tell him it was Mikey who lost it, Because am I wearing it as pajamas.
April: Sorry, what?
MC, making a gesture to play it down: Yeah, I saw it on the couch and I asked Casey if he knew who it belonged to, and he said it didn't belong to anyone, so I took it, and since it's cold and it's made of soft fabric, I'm wearing it as pajamas.
April: MC seriously, if Rapha finds out about that, he will kill you.
MC: Let him do it, after all I don't even like living.
Donatello, who is listening to the conversation from April's (hacked) phone: bro, wtf?
MC: You know, if the government had to silence us for any reason, I'm 99% sure they would silence Donatello first.
Leonardo: And why him first?
MC: first of all, WHY would you even DOUBT it?, secondly, this guy doesn't rule the world because he doesn't have the materials and the will to do it, and thirdly, your brother is a potential psychopath.
Leonardo: good point.
MC about to vomit and suffer a coma for eating Mikey's invention (with a good persuasion + puppy dog eyes), which mixed pizza with some other food of dubious origin:
Mikey: and how is it?
MC already 100% shivering and unable to focus they gaze: It's.... It's fine
Mikey: OH REALLY?, GREAT, I made it especially for you!
MC, with one foot already in the coffin: that's *insert subtle gag* good to know.
Mikey: Great, because I made it with a secret ingredient, sedatives from Donatello's lab love.
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sanslovesblog · 4 months
Unraveling Madness: San's Dark Secrets Pt. 4
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Summary: You're a brilliant psychiatrist, but you were no stranger to internal conflicts. You had accepted the task of treating Choi San, the psychiatric ward's most dangerous patient due to his violent episodes. Despite skepticism from other staff members, you believed that beneath his destructive exterior lay a vulnerable human being, yearning for understanding and acceptance.
Trigger warning: death
Teaser | Master list | Pt 5
Throughout his tale, Choi San's voice grew steadier, his eyes beginning to lose their haunted expression. There was a sense of catharsis in finally sharing these long-buried memories, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. You listened intently, offering occasional words of understanding and empathy, allowing him to take the lead in the conversation.
As the session drew to a close, Choi San felt a newfound sense of hope beginning to stir within him. He told you about how, as a young boy, he had been forced to watch his parents being brutally murdered by a group of thugs. They had been after something valuable that his father had hidden in their home. In a desperate attempt the father tried protecting the valuable that was hidden while Choi San's mother protected him, she had sent him out to play with a neighbor's child, not realizing it would be the last time he ever saw her. The memory still haunted him to this day, the sound of their screams echoing in his ears like a macabre lullaby.
You listened intently, your expression one of both empathy and horror. You nodded along as he spoke, understanding all too well the depths of trauma he had experienced. As he finished recounting the harrowing tale, you reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Choi San," you began, your voice gentle but firm, "I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you must have gone through. It's incredible that you've managed to survive this far, let alone find the strength to share your story with me today." Your words brought a small, yet genuine, smile to his lips. "You are incredibly strong, and I am so proud of you."
You paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want you to know that I am here for you, Choi San. Whatever you need, I will do everything in my power to help you heal from this. We will face your demons together, and we will overcome them." Her words filled him with a newfound sense of hope, and for the first time in a long while, he felt truly heard and understood. The weight of his past began to lift from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of lightness and relief. He felt lighter, more at peace with himself. He knew that the road ahead would still be long and difficult, but he no longer felt alone. The darkness that had once consumed him was beginning to recede, making way for a brighter future.
As the session came to a close, Choi San thanked you for your patience, understanding, and support. He left your office with a newfound determination to confront his demons head-on and begin the process of healing. Over the next few weeks, he continued to make progress in therapy, learning healthy coping mechanisms and developing a stronger sense of self. The nightmares became less frequent, and the voices in his head grew quieter.
One day, as they were discussing his progress, Choi San felt compelled to share something else with you. He told you about the guilt he carried, the belief that if he had been a better son, a stronger boy, his mother might still be alive. You listened intently, offering words of reassurance and perspective. You reminded him that he was only a child at the time, and that his mothers' love for him could never have been diminished by the actions of others.
Over time, Choi San began to see things differently. He started to understand that his mother would never have wanted him to live a life defined by the pain of her loss. He realized that he had spent so much of his life trying to be the perfect son, the perfect survivor, that he had forgotten who he truly was beneath all the trauma. With your support, he started to embrace his own identity, to find joy in the small moments of life that had once eluded him.
@skzline | @janetsarttrove | @vampzity | @xoxkii | @idfkeddieishot | @evidive
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lovelyney · 1 year
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DESC. habromania: a form of delusional insanity in which the imaginings assume a cheerful or joyous character.
WARNINGS. suicide attempt, mentions of family abuse (physical and mental), mentions of self harm, intrusive thoughts.
SONG. Again ― Crusher-P
©2023 loveloxcked ― please don’t translate, upload or copy.❞
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IT was around midnight when (NAME) finally reached the top of the peek overviewing Qingce Village. her arms and legs felt numb from the exertion, yet she never paused to recover — hell, she didn’t even think about it. 
normally, she would not have dared take such a risk, never mind in the middle of the night — especially when she despised heights. regardless, she couldn’t stand to live another day suffocated by her own parents and intrusive thoughts, if you could even call it ‘living,’ she felt she more ‘existed’ than anything.
her lungs burned as she sucked in a breath and propelled herself up, legs threatening to buckle as she overlooked the stars enveloping her hometown. “how pretty...” she uttered in a hushed tone, balling her hands into a fist as she reflected on all the painful memories that she once strived to forget. she hiccupped, “i—i hope i’ll at least become one of these stars when i pass — to have people wish on me and look at me with fondness instead of hatred...” 
her hands, scarred and bruised from all the bottles thrown, cupped her arms tightly. it was a miracle that (NAME) turned out so saintly, considering her guardians were the contrary — abusive and burdensome. whenever things didn’t go according to their plans, they used her as an emotional punching bag, yelling and hitting her. they locked her inside Qingce Village, threatening to hit harder if she ever thought of leaving; they feared she would tell someone and ruin their perfect ‘reputation.’
(NAME)'s fingernails dug into her soft skin, opening old scars and creating new ones — scars intentionally carved by her own hands. she didn’t have a healthy way to cope, having no friends in the village because her parents simply didn’t allow it. as a result, she started lashing out at herself; scars, bruises, burns, scrapes, her body was covered in them all — anything that distracted her from the dull pain she felt in her chest. she blamed herself for everything, despite nothing being her fault. she wondered if any of it mattered now that she was going to take her own life. would her parents be relieved or angry? she didn’t care anymore; she just wanted it to be over. 
(NAME) squeezed her eyes shut as her feet touched the end of the edge. while everything was screaming for her to back away, her thoughts, as always, empowered her. “stars, here i come.” she thought as she stepped off and descended down the cliffside — the wind harshly hitting her face being the last thing she felt. 
Xiao let out a low growl as he finished off the hilachurls near Qingce Village. “that should be the last of them...” he grumbled and removed his mask. he lifted his head up, honey eyes dilating when he saw a figure falling from one of the tallest cliffs in Liyue.
quickly teleporting to there, he caught them before they could hit the ground. “what in gods name were they doing so high up...” questioned the adeptus as he landed on the grass, although he had an inkling of what the answer was. his eyes landed on her arms — bloodied from the deep scratches she had etched into them. “i—i need to get her patched up who knows how long she’s been bleeding.” he said and left for the entrance of Wangshu Inn. 
when he walked inside, a warm pair of amber eyes peeked up from a pamphlet — saddening when they regarded the injured girl in Xiao’s arms. “archons, what happened?” he asked as he rushed up to him.
Xiao’s eyes narrowed at the boy, holding (NAME)'s head closer against his chest protectively. he wasn’t certain why he felt so defensive over a mortal he had just saved, but something in him yelled to protect her.
“why does it concern you? do you know her?” he barked, his grip on her getting slightly tighter.
“ah — apologies, no, i don’t. i just noticed that her cheeks are wet, her arms are bleeding, and her hair’s all over the place... it looks like she’s gone through quite a lot.” he informed and carefully brushed a few pieces of hair out of the girl’s face. “would you mind if i assisted you with treating her injuries? i mean no ill intent when i say this, but you look like you could use some help.”
Xiao huffed stubbornly, slightly humiliated that he made such an observation. it’s not like he was wrong; Xiao’s medical knowledge was limited, and Verr Goldet was asleep.
“fine. do as you wish, but i won’t hesitate to rid you if you even dare try anything,” he threatened and ambled towards the inn’s spare room, kicking open the door with his foot.
Kazuha stayed silent, paying little to no attention to his threat as he followed him inside the bedroom. he cautiously lifted (NAME)'s sleeves — bandaged thumbs gently caressing the various scars that littered her arms. “these—these scratches are relatively deep and are in a particular pattern. . . did—did she do this to herself?” murmured the blonde.
Xiao suppressed a sigh and sat on the floor next to (NAME). “that is what i’m led to believe. for what reason, i’m—i’m not sure. you mortals are so fragile; why go through such great lengths to harm yourselves?” he answered as he cleaned off the blood on her arm. 
the latter’s eyes flooded with sorrow while he bandaged her arm in gauze. he whispered, “is it correct to assume she tried to take her own life?”  
he fell silent for a short moment, a sad feeling stirring in his chest at the question. “yes, given the fact she was falling from the peak near Qingce Village,” he lamented — his hands dropping to his sides.
Kazuha nodded, a soft sigh falling from his lips. “Xiao, i—i don’t think it’s safe to leave her by herself. if she truly feels this is the only way to escape, she may very well try again.” he acknowledged. “perhaps we should look after her for a few days? she must feel so alone...”
Xiao winced, the thought of spending actual time with someone plaguing his mind. “and why must i be included?” he inquired.
“you’re an adeptus, correct? you could probably teach her a lot. and forgive me if i’m wrong, but isn’t letting her go while she’s a danger to herself against your policy?”
Xiao blinked as he stared down at (NAME), watching as her chest rose steadily up and down. something in him — a dull pain — stabbed him in his chest as he recounted the times he wished to disappear. with a solemn sigh, he looked up at Kazuha with crossed arms. 
“alright, fine. i’ll watch over her with you, but you’re going to have to keep an eye on her when i’m out conquering demons.”
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CUSTOMERS. @eimuros ― @miaoxi ― @oceanbluesixeyes
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techn0tony · 9 months
Some Separated AU angst (and yes, Donnie made those scratches and dents on the walls. He is the strongest of the two brothers, and so he can do this kind of damage pretty easily.) <- I actually have lore reasons for this that I will explain sometime in another post
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TW for child abuse and self harm mentioned in the context for this art. This gets really dark:
When Donnie has meltdowns or fights Draxum about something, Draxum locks him up in a room as punishment until he calms down. And he doesn't let Mikey comfort Donnie. Eventually, Donnie gives up and quiets down. The awful treatment leaves him numb and depressed for a good while afterward.
Obviously this is horrible and is really bad for both of the brothers. It just causes Donnie to panic about being alone in a dark room for hours, with the overwhelming frustration that his so-called "father" doesn't care about him, and Mikey gets sick worrying and feeling frustrated and helpless about being forbidden to comfort Donnie. Mikey has to listen to his brother's screaming and sobbing and pleading, and there is nothing he can do to help him.
The boys have been emotionally neglected their entire lives. Draxum believes this is what's best for them, but it has been horrible for them. Donnie often bottles up his issues, and he also has a lot of angry outbursts that usually lead to him hurting himself or destroying things because neither he or Mikey have been taught how to manage their emotions in a healthy way or learn good coping skills.
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ladylooch · 6 months
I am the anon with a question ☺️
I feel like such a normalized part of hockey culture (unfortunately) is the violence and the unhealthy coping mechanisms that come along with losing seasons.
I know you write most of your AU men as mostly perfect hubbies (as we’d like all men to be. I mean that’s the point of fiction, right?) but are there ever times when the teams are having a rough time during the season and the boys aren’t handling it well. Maybe taking their anger out at home (not physically). Do the girls ever get scared?
The way this is SUCH a thoughtful and eloquent question! I love it Nonnie! I did LOL @ all my men being perfect. I’m a comfort writer 😁 But they all have their moments. I think a huge chunk of being a professional athlete now is the mental gymnastics they need to work through, especially in these moments of frustration. 
In the AUs specifically:
Nico & Lexi: We see that Nico gets sad and spins his wheels overanalyzing everything. But his focus is always on “I need to be better” and “I’m not good enough.” So, taking it out at home on his girls would not be his style. Not to say this version of him is fun to be around though. It is a chore to get Nico to participate in anything other than hockey. He spends most of the time on the couch snuggling with their babies, watching movies. Lexi allows it, but eventually confronts Nico about finding healthier ways to cope, so they can mirror for their daughters how to navigate challenges in a healthy way.
Timo & Emma: Emma Meier would never allow that behavior in their household. First, she grew up in a strong, calm and resilient household. Second, she would mama bear maul Timo if he thought about expressing his anger by throwing things or yelling angrily at her or their children. Now, Timo has gotten heated and yelled about the overall situation in the car ride home when it is just him and Emma. He feels safe expressing himself to her completely. But as with Nico, his competitiveness focuses that energy internally on himself. It takes a lot for Timo to be in a rage over his play, but when it happens, Emma is there holding his hand, assuring him he isn’t a giant pile of stinky garbage.  
Miles & Kailey: As wild as Miles Wood is on the ice, off of it he is very soft spoken and shy. He uses hockey to channel all that internal chaotic energy into a focus. Now, when he is being scratched playoff game after playoff game in New Jersey? That is a level of frustration Kailey has never seen from him. But as always with Miles, Kailey is more worried about what is under the surface that he isn’t saying out loud. What is he tunneling down deep into his chest that is leaving marks on his beautiful soul? Miles kicks off his shoes and throws his bag and plops his big heavy body down on the couch net to Kailey. “Scratched again?” She murmurs, carding her fingers through the side of his hair. “I think I’m done here, babe.” Miles whispers from where his head is leaned back against the couch, eyes closed. Kailey doesn’t respond, but she agrees. Life in Jersey is coming to a close.
Kevin & Sam: Kevin Fiala wears his heart on his sleeve. Sam knew that before they were married. But what she is witnessing right now is unacceptable behavior. Kevin is screaming, carrying on, chucking things in and around the main area of their house. Thankfully, Luca and Lacey are out of the house with Kevin’s parents. “You are so unsupportive!” Kevin howls. Sam rolls her eyes. “You wanna be a teenager, Kevin? I’ll treat you like one.” She hisses back. This enrages him further. He begins to speak rapidly at her in Swiss German, using her lack of understanding as a weapon against her. Dick. He comes closer to Sam. Her shoulders tighten and she stands to her full height, speaking loudly over him. “I am not going to be treated like this in my own home. If you can’t get it together, then you need to leave.” Kevin squints. “This is my house.” “Not when you behave this way.” 
Connor & Lucie: Connor learned his lesson when he lost Lucie. After his hit on Lio during a game, his hot temper followed him out of the locker room, in the car, and back to their apartment where she packed a suitcase and walked out saying she wouldn’t be raising a baby with someone who could say the things he was sating to her tonight. He never, EVER wants to feel like that again. If he is hot, he stays behind at the rink and calls his dad from the weight room. Miles has a way of putting the world back into perspective for his son.
Luca & Liv: In the category of could absolutely never is Luca Fiala. He has an incredible ability to turn it all off once his skates come off. It could be a terrible, game 7 loss in the playoffs and he would still show up for Liv the same way- with a kiss and a smile and a “you ready to go home, baby?” He is actually perfect. I can barely imagine him otherwise. 
Lio & Sav: Lio spent many years of his career coping in unhealthy ways. By the time him and Savannah are together, for real, he has all of them in a cauldron to pull from after every Devils loss. As the captain, he takes it hard. So he pulls out the drinking and the partying and begging to fuck it out of him with Savannah. None of those things are what Savannah wants to do. She wants to talk to him. She wants him to know she isn’t alone by holding his hand or rubbing his back- soft touches that make them melt into a better world. He spends a lot of that first season they are together running from her and himself. It hurts them both. Eventually, with encouragement from Lucie, he reaches out to Nico, who spends countless hours on the phone with him from that moment on. Nico shares stories and wisdom in ways Timo can’t relate to. Nico understands very well the pressure on Lio’s shoulders and together they work that weight into a manageable container that Lio can take off after the game to be present with Sav. 
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drylan · 15 days
Ryan pushes down his trauma and pretends he’s fine until he can’t anymore. When his stoic demeanor finally cracks, he needs Dylan to help him process his feelings.
tw: references to childhood abuse, panic attacks, anxiety, public meltdown
If only it had happened at home. In their apartment. Away from an audience and anyone else. Ryan deserved that. Deserved so much more. Instead, it happened at a BBQ hosted by Ryan's extended family. His mother's family.
A peace offering, a branch extended. Thankfully his mother herself didn't make an appearance, but there were plenty of cousins and aunts and uncles and who-the-fuckevers in attendance.
Dylan couldn't help but judge them all. Knowing they stood by and let Ryan and Sarah suffer for so long. The only reason that they even had a fighting chance was because of Chris Hackett and Ryan's dad's parents fighting tooth and nail to get them.
"I know what happened at that summer camp was tragic, darling, but really, isn't it great, being surrounded by your real family again?" An aunt who favored Sarah in appearance alone.
"What?" Ryan said, emotionless as he looked over at his aunt who had made the comment. Dylan swallowed hard, his own brain stumbling over just the sheer stupidity of the woman's statement.
"I'm just saying, you know, your mother did tell me about that Christopher Hackett, back when you were little. Not healthy for a boy your age to be idolizing a man like that, especially after your father and everything that came out about that camp-"
''Hey, maybe-" 'Shut the fuck up' was what Dylan was going to say, finding himself really incapable of biting his tongue in front of this woman any further. Despite Dylan's own reservations and trauma with the Hackett family, he knew what Chris meant to Ryan.
"Chris Hackett was a good fucking man." Ryan snapped, throwing the glass bottle he had in his hand onto the asphalt. As it shattered, the world became silent. All eyes were on them.
Dylan wished he could have been fast enough. But he wasn't.
"He was a good fucking man, a-and I fucking killed him!" Ryan screamed at her, screamed at no one at all, his voice higher and louder and something broke in him and Dylan knew it. Saw it shatter in real time as he screamed. "I KILLED HIM! It's all my fault, everything is fucked and you-you made it worse! This never would have happened if it wasn't for this shit family, for her! All of you, fuck you! And fuck me for even coming here!"
Ryan was panting, almost wheezing, almost falling to his knees. Dylan grabbed him quickly, wrapping his arms around Ryan and basically hauling him into the car.
At least, for once in their lives, Ryan's mother's family had the decency to shut the fuck up. He and Ryan left without anyone getting in their way.
The drive back was silent save for Ryan's huffing, puffing, and the tears that fell. Dylan was pretty sure he broke a number of traffic laws to get them home so quickly.
"Ryan-" Dylan started as they stepped inside, but Ryan rushed upstairs, slamming their bedroom door behind him and locking it. He took a deep breath, looking down at a bewildered Schrodinger, who looked just as concerned as Dylan felt.
He gave him his space for a couple hours, as much as he could. But Dylan knew Ryan. He knew he shouldn't be alone for long. And he didn't deserve to suffer, to cope alone.
After steeping a cup of lemon tea with generous honey, he knocked on their bedroom door twice. Then he heard the click of the door unlatching. Ryan opened it. His eyes were red, tears still ready to fall, and he sniffled.
"I'm sorry..." He croaked.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." Dylan offered the cup of tea. "Can I come in?"
"...okay." Ryan took the mug from Dylan, blowing over it before taking a sip. He sat on the corner of the bed, hands shaking as he held the mug. "I-I don't know what...what came over me..."
Dylan sat next to him, laying his hand on his lower back. "I do. Shit, man, it was warranted. The trash she was saying? You getting upset and...that was valid. But you know it wasn't your fault-"
"It was." Ryan swallowed. "I let the party happen. I disobeyed Chris. He left me the keys, he left me in charge and I-"
"And Emma kissed Nick at the party, which lead to the group splitting up. And I suggested the party. And Jacob broke the van. And Kaitlyn told Jacob how to mess with the van. And the Hackett ran the summer camp too close to the full moon."
"What I'm saying is, there's no shortage of blame for what happened." He ran his hand up and down his back. "But you protected so many people. You're so strong and you went through so fucking much to keep everyone safe. Including-"
"Killing Chris." Ryan gripped on tightly to the mug, shaking once more. "I just, I-"
"Listen, if Chris had...if we had lost you, Ryan, I don't think-" Dylan's eyes got damp at the thought of it. "I don't think I would have been able to lived with it. And I know Chris wouldn't have. You were like a son to him. And it was fucking awful, man, and you shouldn't have had to do that, but you did...and you're here and alive and you're wonderful."
Ryan tried to nod along, to agree with Dylan, but he bit into his bottom lip, rubbed at his eye with his free hand, and shook his head instead.
"It's true. You're wonderful. And you're in pain. And you're allowed to be." That seemed to snap, to click something into place in Ryan's head as he looked up at him. "You can have, have meltdowns. Be angry at everything and everyone. But please, please don't think its your fault. Because you were put in an impossible situation. And you survived. And you're a wonderful fucking person, okay?"
"I just wished it all never happened." Ryan cried out, shoving his face into Dylan's chest. Dylan pulled him in tight, rocking him slowly. "Why, why did it have to happen? Why did this...I just wish I could go back, I just wish..."
"I know." Dylan whispered. "Me too." He pet down Ryan's back until he was fully cried out, apparently now dry of tears. He didn't pull away, though, letting Ryan clutch to his shirt desperately.
"Things will never be the same again. They'll never be like before, but..." Ryan swallowed hard. "...I want to have a life, after it all. I want to be happy again. Is that wrong? After everything..."
"No, it isn't. Oh, Ryan." Dylan kissed the top of his head. "You out of everyone deserves to be happy. And you'll get there one day, but for now, just let yourself feel, okay? You've been keeping this all inside, just surviving, and pushing, over and over. But you need to feel now, Ryan. It's okay. It will be okay."
"Just...feel. Feel." He echoed, falling asleep then and there in Dylan's arms, exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally.
There was a long journey of healing ahead, but Dylan would be there for him, every single step of the way.
And one day, he really would understand it wasn't his fault.
And they would be happy, together.
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friendfromdsmp · 9 months
Are there Adrien Salt takes that you disagree with?
I definitely think that Adrien gets unnecessary hate as well as unnecessary praise. One thing that disappoints me is how many people see a lot of Adrien’s actions as malicious due to his arguably abusive behaviours concerning his love for Ladybug
You can partake in abusive behaviours without malicious intent. You can form a pattern of abuse without malicious intent. And while good intentions don’t justify or excuse the abuse, it does help to get to the root of the problem. In Adrien’s case, it seems to be a matter of not having been provided healthy outlets for his emotions, emotional identification and regulation or any positive examples or role models to lead by example
Before the show began, Adrien only had a few people in his life; his father, the cold and distant man who secretly had full control of Adrien’s free will and isolated him and all but forced him to work for his brand and do an ungodly amount of extracurriculars; Nathalie, the assistant who seems to have shown Adrien lightly more care and gentle encouragement but that’s really grown in the past few months more than anything; the bodyguard who’s chill and would keep a secret but isn’t exactly a fountain of advice, at best he’s a great option for venting; a mother who we know nothing about but judging by what we know in-universe there was most likely nothing too much better than Nathalie or Gabriel in her; and Chloé, the best friend that was clearly a horrible influence that Adrien tolerated more than liked but clung to all the same for being his only friend
All of this absolutely screams of an unhealthy social development in his upbringing. And when we see how Chloé and Gabriel both throw tantrums like toddlers whenever they don’t get their way or they need to play a part to manipulate others, it’s no wonder that Adrien has a tendency to lash out when his emotions get volatile. It’s not healthy or acceptable, but it’s understandable
Adrien also seems to have developed a bit of a codependency issue of sorts when it comes to Ladybug; if she’s not there, he doesn’t function, but when she’s present he constantly shows off and tries to win her over. This is another factor of his neglectful upbringing; he’s strongly motivated by praise and has a high reward drive, but when there’s no attention to be gained, positive or negative, he sees no point. And with Ladybug being the first person to actually return that emotional connection with him in a genuine and friendly way, he seems to latch onto her to continue supplying him with that positive emotional input and manage his emotions. Again, none of this is healthy or acceptable behaviour, but it’s understandable why he’d get to this point; it’s a classic case of a neglected child acting out for attention, whether positive or negative, because it’s better than feeling totally invisible
Adrien needs therapy, is the bottom line here. He’s developed horrible coping mechanisms or just straight-up lacks them due to a traumatic and neglectful childhood. I don’t think he’s always morally well-intentioned, but I think a lot of his abusive acts, while definitely not excusable, aren’t done out of any kind of ill-intent. They’re mostly done out of ignorance of how to appropriately express or vent his emotions, which results in him lashing out in harmful ways or completely shutting down on both himself and others. Both are harmful, but not inherently malicious. What Adrien needs to do is learn emotional regulation, something that everyone learns as they grow. Hell, it’s something many adults still struggle with, so I won’t blame a teenage boy for not having it down pat. But that doesn’t absolve him of responsibility to work on himself and to make amends for his past behaviours
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hungryistrying · 2 years
maybe we can try it if you let me
She’ll just show up – blow off the poor loser who Vi surely must’ve threatened into going on a date with a walking human disaster – and then she can go back to her regularly scheduled programming of watching Spanish telenovelas she doesn’t understand, but cheering every time the wife plans an elaborate revenge scheme on her cheating husband. All while ignoring the 30-page thesis paper she has only 2 weeks left to start on because she loves living on the edge.
In which Jinx gets set up on a blind date and is determined to have a horrible time. Until she actually meets him.
rating: teen
word count:  2558
part two | crossposted to ao3
So Jinx can admit she’s not the best at handling a break-up, alright? But that doesn’t mean she needs a rebound. She’s feeling single and not-fucking-ready to mingle. Can a girl just cope in her own ways?
Like yeah, after her now-ex dumped her via text three weeks ago, she may have reacted by getting shit-faced at 2 a.m. and spamming their DMs with various “I am in your walls” memes before she inevitably got blocked and starfished on the bathroom floor while sobbing about it. 
And then she also might have run to their street and scream-sung “I Want it That Way” by Backstreets Boys outside of her ex’s window until they were forced to contact Vi (who had to wake up at crack ass 3 a.m. and drive her drunk sister back to her dorm so she wouldn’t get arrested for public disturbance) but she was totally fine!
Unfortunately, Vi who’s in a sickeningly loving and happy relationship with her own stupid girlfriend, seemed less than convinced and would not stop badgering Jinx about going on a date. Despite her numerous rejections, her older sister is nothing if not annoyingly persistent.
So okay, fine, whatever. Jinx will go on the stupid fucking date if it will get Vi off her back. 
She’ll just show up – blow off the poor loser who Vi surely must’ve threatened into going on a date with a walking human disaster – and then she can go back to her regularly scheduled programming of watching Spanish telenovelas she doesn’t understand, but cheering every time the wife plans an elaborate revenge scheme on her cheating husband. All while ignoring the 30-page thesis paper she has only 2 weeks left to start on because she loves living on the edge.
For now, however, she’s forced to wake up at 7.30 a.m. of all times because Vi shows up at her door to help her get dressed and ready – foiling Jinx’s elaborate scheme to ruin the date by showing up with unwashed hair and sweatpants – because apparently, the date itself is at 9 a.m. Which is the worst thing that has ever happened to her. Like yes, sometimes her lectures start at 8 a.m. but do you think she actually shows up for those?
Regardless, Jinx begrudgingly allows Vi to urge her to take a shower and help her pick an outfit while she’s determined to act like a bitter little chihuahua about it. In the end, her sister even drives her to the actual date, which really shows how little faith she has in Jinx showing up of her own accord.
Which she could admit is not entirely unfounded, but also she has a healthy amount of fear for Vi’s ire – which any person would have if their sister spent her teenage years participating in fight nights at underground clubs behind their parents' back – so at the very least she’d show her face so it wouldn’t get back to her sister that she completely ghosted her date.
“Hey, cheer up. I’m sure you’re going to like this guy.” Vi tries to smile encouragingly after dropping her off. Jinx slams the car door in her face in response and walks to the café like she’s headed for her own funeral. “Have fun!” she hears Vi yell from her car before she finally drives off.
Dreading every single step she takes, Jinx enters the café. The only perks of going on a date at a café would be the fact that she can order some coffee. Which she desperately needs because it’s 9 in the godforsaken morning and she’s on the verge of attempting to physically fight the sun for existing at such a horrible time.
Upon entering, she looks around feeling like a lost toddler because it just occurred to her that she doesn’t have a clue who her date is or what he looks like. The only information Vi has provided her with is that it’s a guy, which tells her very little when the café is located near another college campus, meaning there are plenty of guys her age here.
“Jinx?” she hears a masculine voice call behind her. That must be her date. Well, here goes nothing. She spins around to face him, mind already thinking up the easiest way to blow this guy off and– 
Oh no. He’s hot.
He’s only slightly taller than her, the perfect height for her to easily reach up and kiss– No! Bad brain. Don’t think of kissing random hot guys you were planning to ditch. 
His hair, dreads with a smooth fade, is a warm shade of white in beautiful contrast to his dark skin. He looks well-built, wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt that shows off a pair of muscular arms, and she hasn’t even gotten to his face. His eyes are a deep, warm shade of brown. In contrast, his jawline is sharp and smooth, with cheekbones Jinx is fairly certain should be illegal for a person to even have?
Simply put: he’s hot, gorgeous, beautiful, dazzling– whatever other words exist in the dictionary to explain someone as insanely good-looking as this guy. In fact, she’d bet the spare change in her wallet that you’ll see his picture as the description if you look it up.
Given that her mind was preoccupied with ways of ruining this date (and also if Veronica is going to forgive Roberto in the next episode since he got hit by a car while begging her not to divorce him) she hadn’t considered the damning possibility that she might be attracted to her date.
His eyes curiously dart off to the side before he looks at her again. “Uh, you are Jinx, right?”
Oh fuck, right, she actually has to respond.
“Oh yeah, that’s me,” she quickly responds. “I’m Jinx. You must be…” Seeing her awkwardly trail off, he decides to have mercy for her plight.
“Ekko.” He grins, his teeth white and his eyes crinkling in a way that Jinx can only describe as cute. “It’s nice to meet you.” 
He extends a hand in greeting and upon shaking it she realizes his hands are big, bigger than her own at least, and she can feel herself going mildly hysterical at the thought. God, she’s royally screwed.
“Why don’t you find us a seat? I could get us some drinks in the meantime if you tell me what you’d like,” he suggests.
Still recovering from the tragic fact that her date is actually fine as hell, she dumbly nods. She doesn’t even remember what order she gave him as she walks off to find an empty table.
Okay, shake it off, Jinx. Don’t be so shallow. She can totally still blow this guy off, pretty privilege won’t have its power over her today! His being attractive doesn’t mean anything, it’s the inside that matters or something, right? What if he actually murders puppies in his spare time? The chances are slim, but never zero.
He comes back with a frappuccino and an iced americano, handing her the frappuccino and sitting down opposite of her. “You didn’t tell me which flavor you wanted. I hope caramel’s alright?”
“Yeah…” She faintly nods. Caramel is literally her favorite flavor. God, please have mercy on her. Jinx eagerly takes a sip from her drink to cool her head. She’ll need it if she intends to reject this guy.
So,” he starts, making her look back up at him, “I’m guessing you don’t remember me?”
That completely took her off-guard. Did she know this guy? Please don’t tell her he’s the person that filmed her and her friends stumbling across campus at 3 a.m. singing YMCA while wearing frog suits as a joke. Would it make it easier for him to not want to date her? Yes, probably. Would she still rather take the fact that she’s the person in that video to the grave? Also yes.
“I’ll take that as a no.” He raises a curious eyebrow at the blank, panicked look on Jinx’s face.
“If this is what I think it’s about, then I just want to clarify I was very drunk.” She holds up her hands in defense. 
“Okay, we’re definitely not talking about the same thing,” he reassures with a chuckle. “We were neighbors for a short while. You guys moved away pretty quickly, though. We used to always imitate Vi and playfight, remember?”
She frowns, her mind rapidly working to figure out what he’s talking about. And it comes back to her. A kid a little older and a little shorter than her. He was always tripping over himself when mimicking Vi’s moves and was also her best friend for that one summer.
“Oh my god, right. Ekko. I’m so sorry,” she gasps, the memories coming back to her. Along with the embarrassing memory of crying to her parents that she didn’t want to leave and that she’d stay behind and marry Ekko, who tearfully nodded along with her. 
Somehow this is more humiliating than the video thing would’ve been. She definitely can’t date him now. Jinx was 11 when they were neighbors, which was a deeply embarrassing time in her life even if she hadn’t woefully proclaimed they would elope. She was – as the kids would call it – cringe. 
“It’s cool, I’m probably the weird one here for still remembering.” He shrugs, taking a sip from his own drink. 
“No, trust me. I have the memory of a half-broken DRAM chip that got tossed into a ditch,” she reassures, her terrible joke somehow making him laugh. And his laugh is warm and nice, and it makes her feel– Okay, she’s stopping that thought.
“So how did you get in touch with Vi?” she asks as a way to hopefully distract from the butterflies she feels in her stomach.
“Apparently we go to the same gym. We didn’t recognize each other at first either, but after a while we connected the dots. Small world, right?”
She awkwardly laughs. “Wow, yeah. Who would’ve thought…” Is this why Vi set them up? She truly has the worst sister.
He shoots her an apologetic smile and she faintly thinks it should be illegal for this man to smile. What a cruel world it is. “Yeah, she told me that you go to a nearby school and that you’d be happy to see me. So I assumed you also wanted to meet me. We can just part ways here if this is awkward for you, though.”
And there it is. Her ticket to freedom. Ekko, bless his heart, is an absolute angel who is handing it to her on a silver platter. 
Yet, for some mystical reason – that can only be explained as Jinx being an absolute idiot – she instead replies, “Not at all! Vi is the bane of my existence and didn’t tell me who you were, but it’s nice to see you again too. Really.”
And maybe it’s not so bad that she’s agreeing to stay if the way his face lights up is anything to go off. Still, is Jinx (certified walking disaster idiot who is somehow currently on a date with sunshine personified) ready to enter a new relationship? 
To be completely honest, she wasn’t that emotionally invested in her ex – which might explain why they dumped her through text, but she’ll contemplate that another time – but the break-up combined with the weird dynamics she’s seen in telenovelas are kind of convincing her romance is just a scam by the government to sell more products for Valentine’s Day because they live in a capitalistic hellscape of a society.
“But,” she awkwardly starts, fiddling with her straw, “this is a date, right?” He nods in confirmation. “Well, you’re great and everything, don’t get me wrong, but I also just went through a break-up so…” She trails off, eventually just shrugging in conclusion to her explanation.
“So, you’re not ready to see someone else?” he finishes for her, making her sigh in relief.
“Yeah, that! Exactly.” She nods, quickly taking another sip of her frappuccino before her bad tendency of oversharing takes over and she gives him the T.M.I. of her disastrous break-up.
“We’re not eloping, then?” She shoots him an unimpressed look, making him laugh. He holds his hands up in defense. “Kidding, kidding. I respect that. If it’s cool with you, I’d like to see if we can at least be friends, though?”
“Of course!” she agrees, ignoring the disappointed feeling in her gut at the thought of just being friends with Ekko. She should absolutely block Vi after this out of revenge. 
“Great!” he responds, leaning his arms on the table and distracting Jinx with the way the movement causes his muscles to flex. “So, tell me about yourself?”
So they talk, from recollecting childhood memories through a lens of nostalgia to learning what happened in between (Jinx very gracefully skipping over all the trauma because they’re not close enough for all of that just yet) and to who they are now. She isn’t surprised to find out they both major in Mechanical Engineering, albeit at different universities. It’s one of the things they bonded over as kids, after all.
And as the conversation goes on she discovers that aside from being devastatingly attractive, he’s also incredibly funny and smart and just fun to talk with. Sure, they got along as kids, but people change so she figured they might not have much in common anymore, but she finds she really enjoys talking with Ekko. 
Self-fulfilling prophecies were clearly a fucking scam because Jinx went into this determined to have a horrible time and now she’s actually enjoying herself? This was so mortifying, if only because she now has to tell Vi that she was right and Jinx really does like him.
Ekko looks down at his phone. “Damn, time goes fast. It was great to see you, but I got to get to club activities soon.”
“You’re in a club?” Jinx enquires.
“Yeah, Community Service Club. Didn’t exactly come from the best neighborhood myself, so it’s nice to get to do something for my community, you know?” God, could he get any more attractive? Blissfully unaware of Jinx’s agony, he smiles at her again. “So friends?”
And somehow that simple sentence is the final straw. Vi is the evilest sibling to exist, Jinx is an absolute idiot, and Ekko is officially going to be the death of her.
“Fuck me,” she curses under her breath while Ekko looks at her curiously. 
She grabs him by the collar and pulls him closer over the table, awkwardly pressing their mouths together. When she breaks the kiss, she finds Ekko looking at her shell-shocked and feels her face heat up in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” she chokes out, promptly releasing his now crumpled collar and leaning back in her seat, “can we please pretend that never happened, or do I have to move countries and change my identity now?” 
Ekko laughs in response before he leans forward and kisses her much more gently than she did him. His lips are soft as they move against hers and she sighs into the kiss. 
He breaks the kiss and grins. “I think you’re good. Could we exchange numbers?”
She smiles in relief. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
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powerseeking · 2 years
looks at vergil: once you get the power you want what the hell are you going to do?
this man really did not think futher then ‘aquiring power’ once he gets force edge, and when you challenge him on that hes so stubborn about it. because, once he gains power he can do anything ; but what will that ‘anything’ be? destroy hell, destroy the human world? just be the most powerful demon in exsistence? just be able to protect yourself (so you don’t need to depend on others)? because once he gets that, sacrificing everything, he’ll just have nothing. only power, while not truly being human or a demon. 
he speaks of might being everything, that without strength you can’t protect anyone OR yourself. so whats the point if in the end of gaining that strength its just empty? you gain it to have truly no purpose for it, to just keep protecting yourself against demons and providing yourself that your not weak or human, but it wouldn’t stop demons coming after you at all though (they’ll just want to seek that power from you) ; he wants it for so many reasons, but in the end those reasonings can just fall apart easily when someone questions or looks past his words (so its no wonder arkham was able to just /manipulate/ him, because hes still such a child; how much trauma and insecurity he truly has. power is the only thing giving him leverage while pushing down and ignoring so many of his emotions.in the end hes just stunting himself, he truly is his own downfall. a selfish man. who is just still running away from his own problems, trying to cover it up with just a lousy bandaid.)
nevermind the fact, as bry says, vergil is just LEECHING off of everyone else power, that if he gets their power he will be stronger, have the power that he wants ; when in reality its not his power to begin with.. (his fathers, the tree, even dantes. until he comes to find and finally discover his own power post dmc5)  but looks at dmc3 vergil: you have a long way to go my lad.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Sorry for your loss - Final Chapter
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Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction pining, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, domestic Wanda, hurtful behaviors. 
Chapter Warnings: Mention of Smut, Brief Smut.
Tag list: @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @imapotatao // @aimezvousbrahms / @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia // @myperfectlovepoem
Author’s note: I don't know what to say exactly, just good reading, and sorry for any spelling/translation errors. I hope you enjoy the ending, and who knows, maybe a second season?
Read on AO3 || Serie Masterlist here
Chapter Five - I will love again
You were up early on the weekend.
Since you were going to travel to New Jersey for Wanda's father's wedding anniversary, you didn't want to keep her waiting.
When you arrived at Wanda's house, she was already on her feet, running back and forth through the house, trying to find Tommy's lost toy, who kept crying that he wouldn't travel without it.
"Make yourself at home, I just need to find that bear." She said to you as she opened the door. You placed your only luggage on the floor as you looked around. Billy was watching television, and Tommy was sitting on the kitchen counter, crying.
You walked over to him.
"Hey, Tommy, why are you crying?" You asked stopping beside him, keeping your voice calm so as not to make him more nervous.
"I want my teddy bear!" He cried out between tears.
"Mommy will find it for you." You reply. "What is the name of your teddy bear?"
"Star Lord." Sniffles the boy. Your distraction is working, because he stops crying to talk.
"Wow, that's an incredible name!" You say. "How did you get the Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles again, wiping his tears with his forearm.
"I got it for my birthday." He counters. "Billy got a skateboard, but Star Lord is cooler."
"Is that so?" You retort with interest in your voice, realizing that Tommy was barefoot and his socks were on the countertop, you show him that you are interested in hearing him talk as you help him finish getting dressed for the trip.
"Yes, it came in a huge, red box." Tommy counted with a smile as he gestured at the size of the object. "And he sleeps with me every night, so I need him to go to Grandpa's house."
"Oh, yes, of course you do." You agree with a smile as you tie the boy's shoelaces. "Do you remember the last place you played with Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles thoughtfully.
"I don't know." He replies tearfully, you rush to ask about his favorite memory with the bear to avoid him to cry again, and it works.
When you finish tying the child's shoes, you pick him up on your lap as he tells you about the day he took Star Lord swimming, and then you sit him down in the living room next to his brother, and he is distracted enough by the cartoon on the TV to forget about the teddy bear.
Wanda joins you in the living room a minute later, looking nervous and with her hands empty.
"Hey, I think I have an idea." You tell her as you mentally review the things Tommy said. "Finish getting them to the car, I'll go find the bear."
You found it.
Ten minutes after you left the room, inside the pool.
Wanda couldn't hold back her laughter when you arrived in front of the car with your wet clothes up to pool height.
"Your idea was to get into the pool instead of using the cleaner to reach the bear?" She teased as soon as you handed her the toy. You laughed awkwardly, watching her give the bear to Tommy and seeing the boy celebrate excitedly. "You're not getting in my car wet like that."
You laugh, and then you have an idea. Approaching Wanda with open arms, you see her raise her finger in warning, but you are already hugging her with wet clothes, making her laugh.
The joke only ends because Pietro is parking the car in front of the house next, looking at you both curiously.
"Should I let dad know we're going to be late?" He teases putting his sunglasses up. You let go of Wanda as both of your giggles slowly stop, the two of you looking like children who have been caught up to mischief. "Come on girls, we have a road ahead of us."
"Shut up Pietro." Wanda grumbled humorously, starting to push you into the house by the shoulders. "Watch the boys while we get changed."
"Yes, ma'am." He retorted wryly as he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. You let Wanda push you inside.
Upstairs, you had smiles on your faces as she searched for clothes that would fit you.
"Are you sure it isn't better if I grab something I brought in my suitcase?" You ask distractedly as Wanda rummages through the closets.
"I don't want you to be one change of clothes short, I don't know what we'll end up doing over there." Wanda retorted. "And don't worry about it."
Wanda eventually handed you a set of very soft sweatshirts and underwear. You smiled in appreciation, looking away from the clothes in your hand to the woman in front of you.
As you turned toward the bathroom, Wanda spoke.
"You can stay."
Swallowing dryly, and ignoring the unregulated beating of your heart you turned to her again, one eyebrow raised not sure you had understood correctly.
Wanda sighed heavily, as if she was gathering the courage to say it again. But her gaze said it all. She was inviting you to change in front of her.
You felt your face heat up, but you gulped dryly, forcing yourself to reason correctly.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" Wanda retorted in defiance, and you let out a breathless laugh. She seemed to misunderstand your reaction, because her expression immediately fell. "Oh, you don't want to. Damn it, I..."
"What?" you interrupted quickly. "No, Wanda. I want to." You confess half breathlessly. "I really do."
You shift your weight between your feet, feeling your stomach turn with the way Wanda looks at you. 
"But not like this." You say, swallowing dryly to confess correctly. You approach Wanda slowly as you speak. "Not in a hurry." Wanda breathes heavily, leaning back against the cabinet. You stop walking just inches from her body. "I want to be with you, with enough time to kiss every inch of your skin.” You confess again her lips. “Touch every spot that will make you lose control and scream my name."
"Fuck." Wanda gasped against your mouth, almost near enough to touch while closing her eyes. 
Ignoring the tightening sensation at the tip of your stomach, you fought your baser instincts and pulled away, sighing.
"Let's hurry before your brother comes to get us."
You smiled at Wanda, ignoring the urge to kiss her. She just nodded, trying to normalize her breathing. You took advantage of her lack of reaction to turn around and walk towards the bathroom. You had better get out of there soon, because you feel that you couldn't resist that woman again.
Tommy and Billy were singing in the back seat as you drove to New Jersey. You laughed at the scene, thinking they were adorable.
Your gaze was watchful on the road, following Pietro's car to his father's house.
When Wanda began to murmur the song, you looked at her for a moment. Absolutely stunning, with her red hair flying in the wind, the smile in the corner on her lips. The sunlight making her eyes sparkle.
Turning your attention forward because Wanda caught you looking, you bit back a smile, feeling your heart race a little. But neither of you commented, and you didn't care that Wanda was looking at you now.
When you arrived, you whistled impressed at Erik's residence. It was practically a mansion, but really it was just a very well built summer house. The neighborhood was very nice too. Wanda smiled playfully at you when she noticed your reaction.
The boys ran out of the car, excited to hug their grandfather who was already waiting for them at the door. They also hugged Charles, who was a short, balding man, very friendly.
"Grandpa, can we go ride the horses?" Tommy asked excitedly, and the man laughed lightly. 
"Go wash your hands and get something to eat first okay, boy?" Erik said to the boy, ruffling his hair.
The child agreed, entering the house along with his brother and his cousin, who had gotten out of the cars shortly after.
You were unpacking the bags from the car after parking and felt your breath catch when Wanda picked up one of the bags and caressed your hand with her fingers as you handed it to her. She smiled innocently, passing you to walk toward the door, and you cleared your throat before closing the trunk and following her.
"You must be Y/N." Erik greeted you as soon as you came to the door. "It's very nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Erik." You replied with a smile. "And you too, Charles."
The man smiled, giving you room to pass him and enter the house. Wanda was standing in the living room next to Pietro and Monica, who had their suitcases on the floor.
"Papa, which rooms are empty?" She asked the man who had entered behind you.
"You can occupy any one upstairs." Erik warned closing the door as he and Charles entered.
You accompanied the group upstairs. Wanda placed the boys' backpacks in one of the bunk rooms, since the children always slept together. 
"You can have the room down the hall." She said, showing you the direction. "Next to mine."
She whispered the last part like a secret. You wanted to ignore how your stomach churned at the suggestion. Pietro and Monica passed you both, the man gave you a playful look, but made no comment. They would be in the room across from yours and next to the children's.
You guessed that the other door at the other end of the hall belonged to Erik and Charles
After putting your suitcase on the bed, you left the room. Pietro opened the door at the same moment.
"Come on, Y/N, I'm going to give you a full tour of the Maximoff residence." He announced excitedly and you giggled, following him around the house.
The Maximoff residence was much larger than you thought it was. There were even stables and a large wooded area that was part of the place, but Pietro didn't take you there, he just pointed you in the direction. You eventually discovered that the place used to be a simple farm, inherited from Pietro and Wanda's paternal grandparents, and when Erik married Charles, they renovated the place with money from the Xavier family, who were British and had a fortune built up in the vineyard area.
Pietro led you back to the kitchen when he finished showing you the property, patting you on the shoulder as he sat down on the kitchen counter, grabbing the jar of candy on the counter.
"The guests will be here soon, Pietro, get down from there." Warned Erik noticing his son's position. He was in the kitchen too, finishing sorting out some of the appetizers. During the tour, you noticed the decorations set up in the gardens, some tables and chairs and party decorations.
"Yes, papa." Grumbled Pietro as he obeyed. He reached over to accept the tray of food his father handed him.
"Take that outside please." Erik asked and you moved to get out of the way of Pietro, who gave you a wry smile as he passed, making you laugh slightly.
"Can I help too?" You asked noticing that there were still things to be carried.
"Thank you, dear, you are very kind." Erik said as he handed you one of the trays. You nodded and then turned around.
The garden was really nicely decorated, you noticed now that you were up close, placing your tray on one of the tables. There was also a small stage, which you imagined was meant for Erik and Charles to repeat their wedding vows. You smiled, remembering how your marriage to Natasha had gone. It was just nostalgic to think of her now, and it didn't make you unhappy anymore.
"I think you're all set now." Erik said behind you, arriving with a tray and placing it on the table next to yours. Pietro who had left earlier, was stealing one of the candies and received a disapproving look from his father. "Really, boy?"
Pietro laughed, raising his hands in surrender.
"I'm hungry, papa." He playfully retorted and you laughed at the interaction.
"Go help the ladies with the kids." Erik commands with a grimace, and Pietro laughs as he walks away. When he leaves, you feel slightly anxious about being alone with Wanda's father, but his posture is friendly. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you properly, Y/N. Would you like to take a walk with me before the party?"
You ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach when you agree. And Erik takes one last look at the decorations before leading the way.
A few minutes of walking later, where Erik asked you several questions about your life, your job, your age, who you lived with, that sort of thing, you reached a plantation area. You imagined it to be the vineyards of the property.
You could see the manor house in the distance, and the backyards, and a lake many meters away. The landscape was breathtaking.
"It's beautiful here." You comment beside him.
"Yes." Erik agrees with a smile, also looking at the scenery as you do. "I enjoyed your conversation, you are as lovely as Wanda usually tells us."
The comment makes your cheeks warm, the image of Wanda talking about you makes your heart soar. Erik seems to appreciate the way you react to it, smiling gently as he adds, "It's nice to know she's found someone nice to love."
You swallow dryly, glancing quickly at the man next to you, but he has his gaze on the landscape. You feel a warmth in your chest, mixed with embarrassment and happiness.
"Thank you, Erik." You say clumsily. 
"For what?"
"For accepting me here I guess." You retort with a smile. "For having me into your home. And well, for saying those things about me and Wanda." You say and he makes an understanding noise through his mouth. You are silent for a moment, until he speaks again.
"You know, when Magda, their mother, passed away, I thought I would never love anyone again.." Erik tells nostalgically. He keeps looking at the field in front of you, but you stare at him, attentive to his words. "But then I met Charles. And well, it did. It's different from what it was before. And I wouldn't change it for anything."
You nodded in understanding, letting the words echo in your head. You also think about how Agatha said you could move on. There was no problem in loving again, as intensely as before.
"I figured I'd be uncomfortable talking about someone marrying my daughter, but here we are." Erik comments humorously a moment later, making you chuckle awkwardly. "I guess it must be the way you look at her. You look like a lovesick puppy. "
You scratch your neck awkwardly, looking at the scenery, making Erik laugh at your blurriness.
"Don't get upset, I'm just teasing you." He comments with a smile, patting you on the back. You laugh clumsily.
"Do you guys have a garden around here?" You ask trying to change the subject, just as you notice the glass structures in the distance, capped by the vineyard. You figured if you turned around you would find your way to them.
"Oh, yes." Erik confirms. "Charles loves gardening. We have two greenhouses over that way. Would you like to see them?"
"Yes." You confirm with a smile. "But it can be after the party."
"Oh yes, I should get back and welcome the guests." Erik agrees as he checks his watch. You start walking back to the area of the house next.
You meet a lot of people at the party. It's a little overwhelming, because you really didn't expect Erik to invite so many people, and although you're glad that they had so many friends, your anxiety has increased a little. You were smiling politely at two ladies who said they were Charles' college friends while trying to pay attention to the story they were telling when Pietro rescued you.
"I need to steal my sister-in-law for a second ladies." He said and you widened your eyes. He only realized the mistake of his words when he noticed the looks on the women's faces in front of him. " Shit, I don’t mean like she got married to Wanda... I..."
You snuck out from behind Pietro when the ladies started attacking him with questions about the wedding, and when the ceremony had taken place and why the family wasn't called. You took the opportunity to escape when Pietro was convincing the ladies that you were not Wanda's wife, and that there was no secret wedding.
Walking over to one of the far tables, you frown in disbelief as you watch Luna run under the food table, clearly looking for a place to hide from her cousin, who is looking around a few feet away.
You crouch down, pulling the towel up to speak to the child.
"Luna, honey, maybe that's not the best place to play." You tell her with a smile. She looks around.
"Sorry, Aunt Y/N." She asks. "I'm hiding from Billy."
"Oh, is that so?" You ask extending your hand to her. She accepts, and you help her stand, taking care that she doesn't hit her head on the table. "Do you remember the path we took when we first got here? Try to hide behind that tall statue, I'm sure Billy won't find you."
"Wow, that's right, Auntie. Thank you." She mumbles, leaving with her head down next, watching for any sign of her cousin. You smiled, knowing that everyone at the party would get a glimpse of the children playing if she stood where you spoke.
You noticed that the two women who were talking to Pietro looked at you, and not wanting to be dragged back into that conversation, you made your way back to the house.
Bumping into Wanda on the way, you giggled.
"There you are." You remark.
"Where were you?" Wanda retorts with a mixture of curiosity and humor, noticing your "escape mode" posture.
"Well, apparently all of your father's friends like to meet everyone, so I've spent the last thirty minutes being introduced to everyone at the party."
Wanda gave a pout of pity.
"Sorry, dear." She says and you smile awkwardly, feeling your cheeks flush. "I'm looking for the boys, they need to change for the suits." 
"I saw Billy in the gardens." You tell her as you gesture briefly in the direction. "I'll go find Tommy for you."
Wanda smiles, biting her lips. You nod but when you make mention of moving away, she holds your forearm and moves forward, depositing a kiss on your cheek. 
"Thank you, sweetheart." She whispered, smiling mischievously at you before she turned away and left the kitchen. You bit your lip, feeling your heart racing. You didn't understand why Wanda was teasing you, but you weren't complaining.
Non Readers Pov
Wanda laughed affectionately when Billy launched himself onto her lap as soon as she found him in the backyard.
"Luna, dear, your mother is calling you too." Warned the red-haired woman to her niece who nodded turning toward the direction her aunt pointed. 
"Mommy can I play after I change my clothes?" Asked the boy as the woman carried him back to the house.
"Of course honey, but you have to be careful, okay? You can't get your suit dirty."
Just before she reached the entrance, someone called her name, causing Wanda to turn her head curiously.
"Sweetie, I need to ask you something." It was Ruth Eisenhardt, a nasty distant cousin of Wanda's known for gossiping, and lots of it, about all her relatives. "I just heard from Aunt Susan that you are dating that pretty girl you brought over." 
Wanda felt her face heat up, but kept her expression impassive. Before she could add anything else, the woman was speaking again.
"Of course we are all happy for you, but when I went to share the good news with Uncle Jeff, he said that Pietro had already denied this affair. Now I'm left not knowing if you're really going out with that beefcake."
Wanda let out an awkward giggle, frowning slightly at the way her cousin spoke.
"We're not exactly together, cousin." The redhead replied. "But that's not really your business."
Ruth grimaced in surprise, but then her expression changed to one of malice.
"You know, I'm just confirming it. Because after all, we don't have pretty things like that lying around in New Jersey."
Wanda clenched her jaw. Ruth was exactly the kind of girl who had a mania for taking what didn't belong to her.
"Cousin, don't flirt with her." Wanda said. "I'll only warn you this once."
Ruth giggled, surprised at the reaction. But Wanda didn't continue the subject, turning and continuing toward the entrance of the house.
"Mom what's flirt?" Billy asked next, drawing Wanda's attention away from her own not-so-pleasant thoughts about someone taking what was hers.
"It's a way adults talk, honey." Wanda explained, biting her lips thoughtfully briefly. "When they want to be more than friends."
"Like best friends?"
Wanda laughs briefly, denying it.
"No, Billy. Like lovers."
Billy makes a noise of agreement. "Why can't Aunt Ruth flirt with Aunt Y/N?"
Wanda sighs lightly, forcing a friendly expression so as not to confuse her son.
"She can."
"But you told her..."
"I know." Wanda interrupts with red cheeks. She takes a deep breath, smiling at her son. "Can I ask you something sweetie?" Billy nods in agreement. "If mommy started dating someone, would you be upset?"
Billy frowns, denying it.
"Mommy, you want to date Aunt Y/N don't you?"
Wanda's eyes widen in surprise.
"Where did that one come from?" she asked.
"You didn't like it when Aunt Ruth flirted with Daddy either, I remember Aunt Monica's birthday." He tells, and Wanda sighs slightly, remembering when she caught Ruth complimenting her husband as she ran her hands through her hair, and Wanda might have gotten a little carried away by accidentally flipping a wine glass in her cousin's lap. On the way home, when the twins asked, she said that she was upset with the way Ruth spoke to their father, and now Billy was able to understand everything. "And now you don't want Aunt Ruth to talk to Aunt Y/N like that." He concluded as if it was obvious. Wanda smiled as she went upstairs, careful not to trip on the steps with Billy on her lap. "Mommy, if you date Aunt Y/N will she move in with us?"
"I don't know dear." Wanda replied with a shy smile. 
"If she lives with us, will you let her sleep in my room?"
Wanda laughed, looking at Billy curiously.
"And why is that?"
"Because she knows how to play dragon. And also tell fairy tales." He says counting on his fingers. "And she also helps Tommy with his headache, so she can sleep on our rug and when he wakes up at night, she helps him."
Wanda smiles fondly, shaking her head slightly.
"Those are very good reasons indeed." She says. "But I think Y/N would like to sleep in a bed, no? The floor is uncomfortable."
Billy looks thoughtful and Wanda laughs briefly as she sets him down on the floor, already inside his room. She helps him out of his clothes to put on his party suit that is already on the bed.
"I can sleep in your bed mommy, and then Aunt Y/N sleeps in mine next to Tommy so he won't be alone."
Wanda laughs again, denying with her head. She bends down to button her son's shirt.
"Tell you what. Y/N sleeps in my bed, and if Tommy feels bad, she goes up to his room, how's that sound?"
Reader pov
"I think it sounds amazing." You spoke as you entered the room, a mischievous smile on your lips. Wanda startled slightly, surprised that you arrived at that moment, but she smiled shyly as she looked at you before turning her attention back to her son. 
"Yay, mommy!" Billy spoke excitedly. Wanda sat him down on the bed again, helping him put on his shoes. You guided Tommy gently by the shoulders to the bed, and as soon as he had a look at the suit he began to undress.
"I didn't know you were going to live with us, Aunt Y/N." Tommy comments as he removes his sneakers.
"I didn't know either." You retort, biting back a smile at the sight of Wanda's reddening cheeks. "I guess your mother forgot to invite me."
Wanda mumbles at you to shut up, making you smile.
"Mommy, you have to let Aunt Y/N know that she is going to live with us now." Billy said making you cross your arms, and turn to Wanda, joining in on the joke.
"Yes, Wanda! You need to let me know about these things." You say with false seriousness, and Wanda rolls her eyes in amusement, finishing putting on Billy's shoes and getting up to face you.
"Y/n, honey, you're going to move in with me when we get back home, okay?" Wanda asks in the same tone. You bite back a smile, ignoring how your heartbeat has quickened. You can't help but look at Wanda adoringly however, and her expression goes from playful to shy in microseconds.
"Okay, Wands. I'll love living with you." You say to her next, sounding slightly affected. The twins let out an exclamation of excitement, and break the bubble you are in. You clear your throat slightly as you turn your attention back to them, looking away from Wanda.
"Wow, you guys look great." You comment as you see the boys properly dressed next. The suits are very nice indeed.
"You can go back to the party, but be careful not to get your suits dirty. No playing in the dirt!" Wanda warns the boys, who are already running excitedly outside. 
"Okay, I'll go get ready too." You say next, thinking to check your cell phone as well, since you haven't turned it on since you left New York. "See you at the party?"
Wanda nods in agreement and you turn to leave.
At the door she stops you, pulling you by the forearm lightly and raising her hand to your neck, then bringing your lips together.
You both sigh and you feel your whole body tense up and heat up all at once. Wanda pulls away in the next moment, breathing as out of rhythm as you do.
You want to ask her why she did this now, but you think the question can wait until later, because she brings your lips together again, in a kiss far less innocent than before. Wanda closes the door with one hand, and with the other she pushes you against the wood. 
You gasp, letting your tongue run across her lip, and she gives you passage.
Her taste intoxicates your senses quickly, your hands moving up to her waist as hers move to your hair, deepening the kiss. You both gasp for air against each other's mouths, unable to separate. 
Panting, you feel your head spin as Wanda moves her tongue against yours, slow and sensual, and you can't help but squeeze her waist tightly, enjoying the feeling of her sighing against your lips.
You switch positions next moment, pressing Wanda against the wood of the door, your knee coming up between her legs. 
"Oh." Wanda moans breathlessly breaking the kiss. You move your kisses down her jaw to her neck, sucking on the skin and releasing just before marking. Your fingers play with the hem of her blouse, and Wanda brings your head up, kissing you again.
You press your body against her, wanting her to be touching you everywhere. The sensation makes you breathless, and hot in all the right places, causing you to moan.
You think you could kiss Wanda forever if she'd let you. The feeling of having her in your mouth is the best you have ever felt.
There are noises of footsteps coming from the stairs, and you both sigh when you hear them. It's Monica coming up with Luna, who is chatting animatedly. It's just what you need to snap back to reality, and slow down the kiss. 
You keep your foreheads together, and your hands around Wanda until the sound becomes distant, signaling that Monica has entered their bedroom with Luna.
You let out a giggle, and Wanda follows you. You look just like two teenage girls making out in secret. When you stop laughing, you kiss her again. Calmer this time. Before you let go, she bites your lip, tugging lightly, and making you gasp before letting go.
"Come on, go change." She commands, pushing you lightly. You smile because she keeps her grip against your blouse as she tells you to leave.
"It is you who are keeping me here, Maximoff." You tease with a smile. Wanda smiles too, and steals a kiss from you before letting go. You stumble backwards out of the room, grinning like an idiot, but you don't care, because Wanda looks at you just the same.
Wanda looked stunning in her party dress. You wanted to kiss her again, but you knew that if you did you would smear her lipstick, and she would have a lot of inconvenient questions ahead of her. So you just smiled, and breathlessly confessed how beautiful she looked, enjoying her flushed cheeks.
By the time you joined the party, the guests were arranging themselves at the correct places, and you joined a conversation circle with Wanda at your side, greeting a few more people. 
As the sun set, Erik and Charles signaled that the ceremony was about to begin.
It was all very beautiful. 
Maybe you cried between one confession and another, but everyone was emotional, so no one really cared.
Your cell phone had lots of pictures on it when you came back to the house, after saying goodbye to the guests who left when the party was over. You were holding Tommy by the hand, while Billy went with his mother, and the boys looked very tired.
"Let's go to bed, okay?" Wanda warned the kids as they followed her upstairs.
Erik wanted to open a bottle of wine, so after the kids were in bed, all the adults were outside on the balcony. Wanda sat very close to you, and you resisted the urge to put your arm around her.
"I guess I'll never get used to parties." Erik then comments, smiling nostalgically, making the group smile.
"I hope you're looking forward to the twenty-year anniversary one, papa." Pietro humorously retorts, and Erik laughs, looking at his husband tenderly.
"I look forward to it."
You smiled at the passionate way the couple looked at each other. You wondered what it must be like to stay married for so long. 
"I know we are all tired, but I had something to tell you." Erik then says, exchanging a look with Charles before continuing. "It's about the farm."
"What about the farm?" Pietro asked curiously.
"It 's yours."
Pietro frowns in confusion, looking at Wanda, who has the same look on her face.
"Papa, what?" Wanda asks, and Erik lets out a short laugh.
"You know I've always wanted to remodel this place, ever since you were kids." He recounts. "And Charles and I finally did it. But now we're old. And you two have your whole lives ahead of you, and well, you are our family. So Charles and I agreed that the house should belong to you both."
Wanda and Pietro exchange incredulous laughter.
"Papa, what? Are you sure?" Wanda asks looking from her brother to her father and stepfather. The older men just smile and the next moment they are hugging their children. You and Monica exchange looks of amusement. 
"So, does this mean we're moving?" Monica comments once everyone is seated, and elicits a giggle from the group.
"Let's save all this serious talk for tomorrow, shall we?" Erik asks with a smile. "Today, let's just enjoy the stars."
"Someone is feeling romantic." Charles jokes making the group laugh. 
"Papa, tell us some of your stories." Pietro asked with a smile, and Erik sighed, taking on a thoughtful expression.
"Um, let's see." He begins. "Have I ever told you about what happened in Budapest...?"
It was quite late when you and Wanda were finally alone, after Charles and Erik came in, you stayed talking to Pietro and Monica for a few more minutes, until they walked in as well.
You smiled at Wanda as she leaned back in her armchair to face you cross-legged, and you mimicked her position.
"Hey." She called out to you with a smile. 
"Did you enjoy the party?"
"Yes." You assured her tenderly. "It was pretty good actually."
Wanda nodded slightly, her gaze falling momentarily to your lips.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything you want, Wanda." You retort, making her smile.
The redhead looks intently at you.
"Did you mean it?" She asks and you blink in confusion. "About moving in with me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you smile.
"You're not even going to ask me out first, eh?"
Wanda laughed, looking away with flushed cheeks. You swallowed dryly, lifting your hand to turn her face toward you again, stroking her cheek lightly. God, Wanda was beautiful. Her bright green eyes looking back at you, the way her hair fell around her face, every part of her. 
"Don't you think we're happening too fast?" Wanda asks insecurely, you don't put your hand down, enjoying the feeling of her skin. 
"It depends." You answer letting your gaze wander to her, your free hand searching for hers in your lap, twining your fingers together.
"On what?"
"If you care about me..." You whisper as you bring your faces closer together, stopping when your lips are almost touching, and you and Wanda both close your eyes in anticipation. " As much as I care about you."
You kiss Wanda before she responds. Sweetly and softly. The sensation makes you smile against her lips, and you ignore the urge to deepen the kiss to pull away.
"Is that your way of saying you're in love with me?" Wanda teases half breathlessly a minute later, her tone playful and confident, but her rosy cheeks give away how affected she is. You think she's irresistible.
You laugh lightly, brushing a strand of hair from her face before looking into her eyes.
"I'm in love with you." You confess simply, watching her blink in surprise and amazement. "So, you still think it's too fast?"
Wanda smiles, denying it, and then approaches you.
"I'm in love with you too" She confesses as a secret against your lips. You feel your stomach rumble with nervousness and excitement, but you don't say anything else, because Wanda kisses you again. She asks for passage with her tongue a second later, making you sigh.
You hold your mouths together in a passionate kiss for long minutes, panting against each other' lips as Wanda moves to sit on your lap with her hands on your neck while your hands move up to her waist. You feel hot and bothered, squeezing her skin as if you want to merge with it. It is only when your kisses begin to move down to her collarbone that Wanda gasps saying that you two should go upstairs.
She moves off your lap, breaking the kiss, and you bite your lips, chasing her mouth again. Standing up, Wanda slides her tongue against yours one last time, making your head spin, before she pulls away, smiling at you as she pulls you by the hand into the house.
She signals with her finger for you to be quiet as you enter, and you swallow dryly as you observe the way her eyes are dark.
Getting to your room seems to take forever, especially since you can barely breathe, but finally you arrive.
Wanda locks the door after you enter. And then the atmosphere changes, because you both know what is about to happen.
She smiles shyly at you and you hold out your hand to her, leading her to sit on the bed beside you.
You exchange a glance before you sigh softly, slowly moving closer to her face. When you kiss her, much more tenderly and gently than any other time, Wanda melts.
She raises her hands to your neck, deepening the kiss as she falls onto the bed and takes you with her. You kiss her firmly, swirling your tongue around hers slowly, making her shiver. 
There is no rush in what you are about to do, and you certainly want to enjoy every second of it.
You rest your weight against Wanda, enjoying the feeling of having her beneath you, and the sound that escapes her throat. Your mouth separates from hers only for you to move your kisses down her collarbone, causing Wanda to close her eyes and sigh.
Your hands reach behind her back to pull down the zipper of her dress. When your fingers make contact with her exposed skin, Wanda bites her lips, entwining her legs together in search of more friction.
Your kisses move down as you pull the dress off her body, Wanda shifting on the bed to help you undress her. You move away from her neck to remove the piece completely, your gaze falling to her exposed skin the next moment. The redhead blushes at your stare, but all you can do is admire. The sight of her bare breasts makes your core throb, and you feel the urge to touch and kiss every inch.
You kiss her again in the next second, but part your mouths again quickly to move your lips down her body.
At the first touch on her breasts, Wanda gasps loudly. You smile, controlling the urge to tell her not to be so loud, but you are distracted by the growing heat in your core when you suck on her nipple and she whimpers, bringing her hand to your hair to keep you there.
Dividing your attention between the nipples, you kiss, bite, and suck the sensitive skin, keeping enough of it in your mouth for the skin to be marked red, which elicits a hearty moan from Wanda.
As your kisses begin to descend again, Wanda's body tenses. You kiss at the height of her navel before looking up, and already find her looking up at you with darkened eyes, biting her lip.
"Everything okay?" You ask in a sigh, trying to reason properly out of the bubble of lust. 
Wanda's hesitation causes you to raise your face back toward her again, keeping your hands by her side so as not to fall against her body.
"What's wrong?" You ask gently, trying to find any sign of discomfort. 
"Nothing." She says with a shy smile. "It's just... it's the first time I... since..."
"Yeah, I know." You interrupt half breathlessly, knowing exactly what she is referring to. "Mine too." You confess, but at this point, you knew she should have guessed it too. You have been grieving partners for quite some time, after all. "Do you want to stop?"
"No." Wanda quickly denies, biting back a smile. "I feel good."
You smile, nodding in agreement.
"Me too." 
You kiss Wanda gently again, but before the kiss gets more heated, you pull away to whisper against her lips. "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time."
Wanda nods, bringing your lips together next.
When you awake, it is probably the best sleep you have had in months. Wanda is curled up on you, her clothes spread across the room lit by the sunbeams from the window.
You mumble that you have to get up because the children will be up soon, but Wanda says that her father will take care of them, and kisses you until you completely forget where you are.
When you finally get up, and go downstairs for coffee, neither adult comments at all on the way Wanda's hand remains in yours throughout the meal.
While Wanda is talking to Pietro and Erik about how they are going to organize the inheritance of the farm, and the children are playing in the backyard in front of the veranda, you decide to call your mother.
You end up learning that she got a buyer for your apartment, but you tell her that you would deal with these matters when you get back. After checking email and that sort of thing, you turn off your cell phone again.
Taking one last look at the children, you walked back into the house, catching a small piece of the conversation of the others in the living room about what would be done about Wanda's flower shop, but you didn't intrude. 
"We know a lot of people around here, Wanda." Charles was counting. "I'm sure we'll be able to find a new location for the flower shop."
Wanda looked slightly apprehensive, probably considering all the consequences of the relocation, but she relaxed her posture completely when you entwined your hand with hers.
When the conversation was over, it was decided that the families would move to the farm. Selling the properties in New York would take some time, but they would still move to the city during the vacations. It was going to be a rush, but Erik and Charles were willing to help too.
Since you guys were leaving that afternoon, you went back to your room to pack. And Wanda joined you a moment later, kissing you on the cheek before sitting down on your bed.
" All good?" You asked as you folded your socks.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a smile. "I'm just trying to believe that all this is really happening."
"It's not every day we get a farm, is it?" You joke making her laugh. Wanda bites her lips next, looking at you fondly, and you look away to your bag, feeling your face heat up.
"I forgot to ask you something yesterday." She begins somewhat shyly. You frown slightly, muttering for her to ask. "Are we dating?"
You laugh in surprise, throwing your folded party clothes into your suitcase, before approaching Wanda, raising your hand to her chin.
"What do you think, love?" You ask against her lips, dragging your mouth down her jaw to the height of her ear. "After what you did with your tongue yesterday, you're not going anywhere."
Wanda gasps, clenching her hands in the bed. You smile because you know the memories have hit her all over again. But you turn away next, smiling innocently at the woman in front of you before turning your attention back to the suitcase.
"I don't get a ring?" She teased next, making you laugh briefly. You looked back at the door before advancing against her, kissing her firmly, completely overturning her confident posture. When Wanda sighed against your mouth, you pulled away, and she grumbled, her hand reaching up to grab your belt and pull you back to her, but noises of footsteps made her give up.
Soon the boys came running into the room, talking excitedly about living on the farm and riding every day, and you wanted to laugh at the way Wanda had to disguise how affected she felt by your small make out session to answer her sons' questions.
After saying goodbye to your hosts with hugs, you sat in the back seat with the boys, because Tommy insisted that he wanted to show you a video game. Wanda drove you to your apartment, and after getting your suitcase from the trunk, you waved goodbye to the boys, and approached the driver's window.
"I'll call you, okay?" You tell her with a smile, Wanda nods, and you kiss her. Tommy and Billy make disgusted noises in the back of the car, and you and Wanda laugh as you part.
Waving to everyone in farewell one last time, you wait for Wanda to leave with the car before you go into the house.
"Kissing girls on the doorstep, heh? Looks like high school all over again." Your mother teases from the kitchen just as you enter. You laugh as you close the door.
"Spying through the kitchen window, Mom? And I thought I was a grown-up." You retort in the same tone as you walk to the kitchen to greet her with a kiss on the forehead, tossing your suitcase on the counter afterwards.
"Are you really dating then?" Your mother asks and you murmur in agreement. She smiles. "I'm so happy, honey. I can't wait to prepare for the wedding."
You roll your eyes humorously, picking up an apple from the countertop.
"We need to talk about your apartment, by the way." She starts again, looking through her briefcase for something. "I've found buyers, and well, I'm already looking at some houses for you, too." She says as you take a seat next to her at the table. "Of course I love having you here, but we both know you can't wait to have a place of your own again."
You sigh lightly.
"Yeah, Mom." You confirm. "About that..."
"You're late." Agatha remarked as soon as you stumbled into her office. You gave her a lopsided smile, closing the door as you entered.
"Sorry, I had a date and lost track of time."
Agatha raises her eyebrows at you.
"A date, hm? Let's talk about it then."
You had just deposited Melina's share of the apartment in the bank when your cell phone vibrated.
A message from Bucky, asking if you were coming to therapy with him today, as he was already at the station. You reply with an emoji, and a text saying coming.
"I am immensely happy for your progress, even though I am upset that you will not be continuing with us." Stephen says to you and Wanda, in your last group session.
"Well, New Jersey has its support groups. But this one is always going to be special." You tell him as you lightly tap his arm. Stephen smiles as he hands you the progress brooches. Wanda has her hand intertwined in yours, and the man in front of you looks at that before commenting.
"You know, I always find it curious the way pairs develop in the group." He comments. "We never ask that the activities be romantic, but still, many of them end up falling in love."
You and Wanda exchange a mixed look of embarrassment and happiness.
"I guess we have you to thank for that." Wanda says next, but Stephen smiles, denying it.
"Not at all. I'm happy for both of you. After all, I always thought you would get along together." He hints last, making you and Wanda laugh softly.
"I just need to lock up and grab a few last things in the office, and then we can go." Wanda told you when you arrived at the flower shop. The establishment was now empty, as the moving crew had already passed by.
You waited for her in the reception area.
With the key to the flower shop in hand and the last files that were there, Wanda hesitated. You looked at her, standing in the center of the place, eyes watering, and smiled as you approached.
"Everything okay?" You asked as you touched her arms, stroking her to calm her down.
"Yeah." She sighs, looking around one last time before looking back at you. "It just feels like I'm ending something. Like a chapter in my life."
You swallow dryly briefly, nodding.
"Are you scared?"
Wanda smiles.
"Terrified." She confesses. "But I have you, so I know I'll be all right."
You smile, lifting your hands to your neck to kiss her. It's brief and sweet, and it's exactly what you both need to be sure you're doing the right thing.
 "You're a flirt, aren't you Maximoff?" You tease with a smile, and Wanda giggles lightly against your lips.
"And you are breathtaking, love."
You felt your face heat up, kissing Wanda again.
"Are you sure about what we're doing, Wanda?" You let the words escape your anxious brain next. Wanda raised her free hand to your face, caressing your cheek.
" Absolute." She assures. "You are my future."
You swallow dryly, affected by the intensity of the confession. A shy smile escapes your lips in the next moment.
"And you are mine."
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mcufox123 · 3 years
Summary: Wanda copes with a life that may not have you in it.
Warnings: Devestation
A/N: This story literally is heartbreaking but in a good way I think. Let me know what you guys think!
You wake up suddenly to your hand being kicked. It was wrapped around your wife’s very pregnant belly as you both tried to sleep through the night. You smiled dreamily in your sleepy state as you were reminded of the twins who would be born any day now.
You and your wife were a part of the famous superhero group who saved the world numerous times. Shortly after she joined and got acclimated with the team the two of you started dating. It has now been 7 years of being together, 3 of them being married. You had moved out of the compound and were now living in your dream house in the countryside, the perfect place for your growing family.
While Wanda was able to take leave months ago as none of the team wanted your children hurt, you still went to work every day. The team promised that once they were born you would be given 3 months to spend with your family but until then “there were still bad guys out there” in Tony's words of course.
You checked the time to see you still had a half an hour to spare before you had to be at the compound. You made Wanda breakfast and set it up next to her then you got ready for your day. You showered, got changed and before you left you wrote two sticky notes to leave on your wife’s mirror. One saying, “I love you more than chocolate chip cookies.” The second said, “You are looking like such a hot mama today.” You left a kiss on Wanda’s forehead and whispered an ‘I love you’ then you went to work.
Wanda woke later that morning with a smile on her face. She saw the breakfast you set up and immediately started eating because she was starving. After her breakfast in bed, she showered before seeing the notes you left. She actually laughed out loud. Even when you weren’t home you always made her day. She sent you a quick text.
Hi my love! Thank you so much for breakfast! I love you more than tv shows!
After that Wanda went about her day normally before she got bored and decided to go to the compound. When she arrived she saw Bucky and Sam watching tv.
“Hey boys,” Wanda said as she set her bag on the counter before walking over and sitting in between the two.
“Hey Wand, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?” Bucky suddenly jumped into protective older brother mode.
“Sit.” Wanda ordered him, glaring at him. She appreciated the gesture, but she was pregnant and not handicapped.
“Yes Ma’am.” Bucky sat not wanting to make Wanda upset.
“Damn man, if she needs something she’ll tell us right?” Sam asked, turning to Wanda.
“Exactly thank you Sam.” They continued watching TV comfortably every once in a while bantering about something.
“Hey guys, where was y/n’s mission today? I usually hear from her by now if she’s going to be later than 6.” Wanda said realizing the time was now past 6 and she still hasn’t heard anything.
“I think they were in Florida today,” Bucky said, scratching his head trying to remember what Steve told them this morning. “Some mission with aliens that Carol warned them about. They’ll be fine. You’re welcome to stay here in your old room though.” He finished. Wanda thanked him before getting up to move to the kitchen, both men hot on her tail.
“Who is hungry?” Wanda asked as she started to get ingredients out for a caprese chicken dish and some pasta.
“Me, for sure. I missed your cooking so much Wanda.” Sam said, taking a seat at the counter pulling out his phone to que up some songs to listen to while you cooked. Dinner was good and shortly after Wanda went to bed in the now foreign space and begged for sleep to consume her. It was hard because she grew used to your arms wrapped around her with your face pressed into her hair. That night she didn’t get much sleep. She sent you a text letting you know she was sleeping at the compound before she rolled over and tried to shut her eyes.
The following morning Wanda woke up to a still empty bed. Now she started getting nervous, she searched for her phone to see no new messages. She took her time getting out of bed but quickly threw on the clothes she was wearing yesterday before heading to the kitchen.
As she was almost there she could hear Steve talking.
“So Wanda’s here?” Steve asked the person he was talking to.
“Yeah she came yesterday and we just told her to stay. So wait, you're telling me that these things just hit a button then poofed with Tony and y/n? Are they alive?” Wanda could now tell the other person was Bucky. She felt like she couldn’t breath, feeling the wind knocked out of her at the words she just heard. She couldn’t hide any longer and barged into the kitchen.
Her hands instantly went into a fighting position holding Steve in a tight grasp so he couldn’t escape.
“Where is she Steve? What happened? You promised me no life or death missions. You promised me she would always come back to me. She said she would never go away.” Wanda said while breaking towards the end and crumpling to the ground. Bucky went over and wrapped her in a hug.
After a few minutes Bucky put Wanda on the couch as now the rest of the team came in and Pepper with her two small children. Steve went over what happened on the mission and how they have no trace of either of their teammates. He made everyone aware that Thor, Carol, and the Guardians of the Galaxy were all in search of their friends.
Wanda felt so lost. Your twins were expected any day and you were gone. How was she going to do it if you weren’t back? How was she going to be strong for your two little ones if you weren’t there? The questions swarmed her head as she tuned out the rest of the team. After hours of talking the team now turned to their tuned out friend to offer some support.
“When was the last time you ate?” Clint asked Wanda, putting his hand on her shoulder to ground her.
“I don't know.” Wanda shook her head still thinking a million miles a minute not making eye contact with anyone.
“Wanda you need to eat. You have two other people to worry about. Y/N will be ok, she will come back.” Steve said, sitting next to her. She collapsed in tears and that was how the rest of the night went, crying and the team forcing Wanda to eat.
The following days Wanda barely left the bed. On the 4th day of you being missing Wanda felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Her eyes started to tear up from both pain and the realization of what was happening. She was going into labor without you. She screamed out in pain and heartbreak.
Steve rushed into the room as soon as he heard Wanda scream, “It’s ok Wanda we’re here, let's get you to the infirmary.” he held Wanda’s hand all the way down to the infirmary. Steve sent a text out to the rest of the team to let them know what was happening and soon familiar faces appeared in Wanda’s room.
They took shifts as they waited for the time to push. Natasha talked about the makeshift nursery they set up for Wanda, Bucky talked about how he got clothes for Wanda and the babies from Wanda’s home, Steve talked about schedules and shifts he made up to help Wanda, Sam bought stuffed animals, and Peter offered to take the babies to the playground. Wanda just sat and listened, grateful for her friends and the help they were giving her. All she could think about was how you should be there.
You should be freaking out everytime Wanda had a contraction, asking if she should get the doctor. She knew you would try to find her favorite shows on the TV and rub her back whispering soothing words. She needed that more than anything, she needed you. She needed you to be there for your twins first breath, for bringing them home, for the countless sleepless nights.
Soon the doctor entered the room, “Wanda it looks like you are ready to push,” nurses entered behind them with all of the equipment needed for the babies’ delivery. Wanda nodded trying to prepare herself for the experience that was moments away. “Would you like anyone in the room with you?” and Wanda did, she wanted you but you weren’t there. So she asked her best friend Nat to stay with her to which Nat agreed.
They got into position and Wanda endured the hardest fight of her life, childbirth. She could’ve sworn she broke Natasha’s hand from how hard she was squeezing. Soon a melodic sound broke through the pain as her first child was born. “It’s a boy!” she heard and she started to cry of joy. She had a son. The joy didn’t last as she felt another urge to push. “And we have another boy!”
Wanda was so relieved that both boys were here and healthy. You kept telling her that you could feel it was two boys, two football players, you would say. They brought the babies to wanda and laid them on her chest. Nat was quick to snap a quick photo before exiting the room to let the rest of the team know, giving Wanda a moment with her children.
Nat walked out of the room to see no one in the waiting room. She asked the nurse where everyone was who informed her that they were outside. She walked quickly outside hoping you were back. Instead she saw someone else. Tony on his hands and knees crying while the rest of the team was surrounding him.
“What? Where’s Y/N?” Bucky was the first to speak. Everyone was too scared to hear what happened, why Tony was back but not Y/n.
“I don’t know. One minute we were in a room being questioned the next thing I  know y/n lunged at the guy questioning us. She was fighting with him for the poof thing. Then after she successfully got it we realized only one of us could go back while the other had to hit the button. She didn’t even give me a second. And now, now here I am and she is there. Where’s Wanda I  have to tell her something?” Tony suddenly looked frantic.
“No, you’re going with Bruce to do everything you can to get Y/N back.” Clint said, poking Tony in the chest. “You are not doing anything else until she’s back. And you definitely are not seeing Wanda. That girl just had to give birth to twins without y/n, she’s destroyed.” Clint walked back into the infirmary while everyone was still in shock.
“I ‘m sorry. I ‘m going to bring her back.” Tony promised before walking towards the lab to get in contact with the people who were already searching for y/n.
Meanwhile Wanda was still in awe of the two boys in her arms, memorizing all of their features. She knew their names, you and her had picked out the names for all twin scenarios and for two boys it’d be Tommy and Billy. She started to hum a tune she remembered as a child. She started to get upset as she remembered the last time she hummed the song.
You had just walked in from a long day helping in the lab and training. You saw Wanda in the kitchen cooking dinner before turning to see you. She gave you the biggest smile as she came over to wrap her arms around you. Her pregnant stomach left some room between you two as she reached up to plant a kiss on your lips.
“How was your day my love?” she asked walking back to the stove to turn it off and putting the food on the table.
“I'm so tired. Tony was going on about this new feature he wants to make for the quinjet and then Nat beat my ass at training. I don't want to do anything.” Wanda sensing your mood guided you to the couch she sat then pulled you down so your head was on her lap. She played with your hair to calm you down.
“The babies were very active today kicking the heck out of me” she giggled to which you turned your face to her stomach. You placed your hands on her stomach.
“Hey you two, stop kicking mama. I  know you want to play football but you're gonna have to wait till you come out of there.”
“How do you know they’ll want to play football?” She questioned you.
“I  can just feel it in my bones.” You said as your eyes fluttered close. Dinner was long forgotten as Wanda continued to play with your hair humming the tune and you drifted off to sleep.
The following week after the twins’ birth was very hard for Wanda. She went through all the firsts by herself. Instead of going through the first night with you she went through it alone. Instead of bringing them home together with big smiles she took them to her room in the compound. Instead of introducing the twins to the team with you they were all by Wanda’s side before she could introduce them.
She spent the nights in bed. Someone on the team  was always sleeping on a cot to help her during the nights. It had been 11 days since you went missing and you had already missed the biggest week of your little family’s life.
On the 11th day Wanda left the sleeping twins with a sleeping Uncle Bucky and roamed around the compound seeing you everywhere she went. In the kitchen where you both cooked dinner for the team all the time. On the couch where you spent countless nights watching tv shows and movies. In the training room where you pinned Wanda more times then she likes to admit. Then she headed towards the lab.
She stood shocked.
Right in front of her was a man that betrayed her. A man that you had put your life in the hands of who disappointed you. She stormed at him in a fit of rage. “You son of a bitch! Where is she? What did you do to her? I'm going to kill you!” Wanda screamed at him while hitting his chest. Tony let her, knowing that this was what she needed. Wanda continued to curse him out before Tony finally grabbed her hands.
“Stop. I  get it. I'm the bad guy, and I deserve to be. I  messed up the biggest moment of both of your lives. You can keep hitting me, knock me out, whatever you have to do. There is something I have to show you first though.” Tony let go of Wanda’s hands before walking to the screen to pull up a video for Wanda.
When it came through it was you. You were sitting in a bare room and Tony was asleep on the floor behind you. Your hair was a mess and you looked exhausted.
“Friday is it recording? Yes? Ok here we go. If anyone is watching this I  probably did something stupid and I ‘m so sorry. If it’s Wanda hi babe. Man, I think it’s been 3 days and I miss you like crazy. I ‘m trying to figure out a way to get back to you and the babies I promise.” Wanda can feel the tears rolling down her face. “Well I think I have a plan. You aren’t going to like it but I promise you that it will all work out and I will come back to you. Babe I  don't have much time they are coming back. I  love you and our twins so much. I  am going to do everything to come back to you.” Then the screen went black.
“Play it again, Tony.” Wanda asked Tony and he did. She watched it about 10 more times. Just hearing your voice made Wanda feel better.
“Thank you for showing me that. Can you send it to me?” Wanda asked, keeping her eyes locked on yours on the screen. Tony nodded and Wanda walked out of the room back to the twins.
After that day Wanda had hope. She knew you would come back to her. She watched that video every night on repeat to fall asleep too. She played it for the twins and other videos of you so they could hear your voice. The team noticed the change in Wanda as well. They were very skeptical but didn’t question her mood change.
After a month of you being missing Wanda had almost given up hope. Tommy was fussy and Billy had an explosion in his diaper and it was the first time the team had all gone on a mission so no one was with her. She was crying while changing Billy’s diaper while using her powers to rock Tommy’s baby seat.
“Ah boys, it’s ok mamas here. We’ll be ok sh sh sh.” She was so frustrated she couldn’t even get the diaper on Billy. There were a few more minutes of Tommy crying and Billy and now Wanda before she heard Tommy stop. She didn’t even turn around; she figured he just fell asleep.
When she turned with Billy in her arms she was shocked to see the person standing in front of her. It was the love of her life with her son. A sight Wanda never thought she would see. You looked skinnier, tons of bruises and cuts littered your skin. Your clothes were tattered and your hair was a mess in your face. Wanda thought you still looked just as beautiful. She had Billy in her arms as she slowly walked towards you not believing her eyes. She reached up and touched your face to make sure you were there. And you were.
With Tommy in one hand you reached up with your other to place on top of Wanda’s. “Hey there stranger.” You said with a chuckle. She wrapped her arm around you and started sobbing. You put Tommy in the bassinet still holding onto Wanda then reached for Billy placing him next to his brother. Then you did the thing you had been wanting to do forever.
You held onto Wanda as she sobbed in your arms. You stroked her hair while whispering “I’m here,” over and over in her ear.
Your arms were around Wanda but your eyes were on your twins. You soon began to cry, realizing how much time you missed. Wanda pulled away when she felt something drip on her shoulder.
“It’s ok my love you’re here now. You won’t miss anything else. You’re here.” Wanda promised with her hands on either side of your face to make you look at her. You leaned down and gave your love a long awaited kiss. Both of you being grateful to have the other there to comfort each other.
You soon pulled away from Wanda to look at your twins.
“I told you two football players.” You chuckled as you picked up the other baby who you have not held yet. “Who is who?”
“That’s Billy and this is Tommy.” She said while picking up the other baby. You both made your way to the bed with the twins and got comfortable next to each other. You stared at them trying to take in the two people who were now your own.
“I’m so sorry I  missed all of it. I  tried to get back as fast as I  could. I  really did. I  thought when I sent Tony back it was going to be hours and I would be back. But I see metal man's mind isn’t what it used to be.” You rambled on. You wanted Wanda to know just how sorry you were.
“It’s ok. You’re here now and I’m not letting them take you anywhere. You’re staying with us for as long as I want.” Wanda assured you. You sat with your family for hours just basking in their presence and soaking it all in. You changed every diaper and did anything Wanda needed until she ordered you to go shower. While watching your 7th episode of grey's anatomy you dozed off with the babies between you and Wanda.
You only woke when you heard the rest of your rag tag group of friends enter the compound from their latest mission not even trying to be quiet. You turned to see Wanda still awake nursing Billy.
“Should we scare them?” You asked Wanda with a grin on your face. “You can if you want.” She didn’t feel one way or the other. Knowing how much the team helped her while you were missing.
You stood up and hid behind the closed door. It opened halfway.
“Hey Wanda how’d everything go?” Steve asked, you could feel multiple people enter the room however.
“Boo!” you jumped out to scare the team. Bucky not knowing it was you punched you in the stomach.
“Ah shit sorry y/n.” he said before recognition came to his eyes and the others. “Wait y/n?” he stared in disbelief. Nat was the first to tackle you in a hug before the others were soon to follow.
“How, how, how did you get back?” Tony asked with tears in his eyes.
“Well I  thought you would figure it out quickly once I  sent you back but that didn’t happen. I  kept waiting and finally decided to just do it myself. I  befriended another prisoner who promised to poof me back. And then when they did I  was in the training room. I  got Wanda’s text and just assumed she was still here and made my way up to her room.” They all said how happy they were that you were back. You ate dinner as a family and spent the night in your room with your beautiful wife and boys.
“Let’s go home tomorrow.” you suggested to your half asleep wife in your arms.
“You are my home.” she said and you felt warmth well up in your chest.
“I  love you so much darling.” you nuzzled closer to her.
“I  love you more.” and you both fell into a deep sleep which neither of you had had for a long time.
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hopeandvolleyball · 3 years
insecure boys pt.2
genre: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
w/ sakusa, iwaizumi pt.1
a.n. the askbox is open! please feel free to submit requests for this series or others :)
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sakusa kiyoomi
you knew your relationship with kiyoomi could get rocky. you were very aware of his borderline neglectful attitude. he was busy, you knew this. he was consistently overwhelmed by the over the top personalities on his teams, and he was exhausted. he liked the quiet, the serene and he rarely got a lot of that. his anger bled to the home life, kiyoomi knew he shouldn’t and you were working on it and on helping him. it was a long process but all you had to be was patient with him. 
with how short kiyoomi’s texts were to you you instantly knew he was going to come home in a bad mood. lucky for you you had the day off, so you decided to clean the house and prepare some warm dinner for sakusa when he got home. it would ease his mind, for sure. a lightbulb went off in your head to run him a nice bath with a lavender bathbomb that you knew would relax him. you got up to start the bath when the door opened. the nerves radiating off him sent shivers down your spine. 
“hey omi,” your voice cracked but you didn’t mean to. “dinners ready but i figured i’d get a bath ready for you.” to your surprise sakusa shook his head and opened his arms for a hug. “omi you’re sweaty. take a bath you’ll feel better.”
“come here please,” kiyoomi requested, a break in his voice that shattered your heart. nodding you ran into his arms, nestling your head into his chest, breathing softly. you could feel his breathing becoming ragged, tears wetting the top of your head. this caused you to look up and see his face twisted with hurt as he gripped your waist tighter. his started to hiccup as his tears became more erratic and uncontrollable. “im sorry for how ive been treating you lately. i’ll be good i’ll be better i’ll be perfect i promise my love.”
you had to stop him from going any further. “i appreciate the sentiment darling but where is this coming from?” you tried to pull away but kiyoomi whimpered and pulled you closer, burying his head into your hair.
“i was gonna stay later for extra practice, b-but atsumu told me that if i kept not spending time with you you would leave me,” kiyoomi explained through tears and stutters. “and i kept picturing you walking o-out of this apartment and o-out of my life and i couldn’t take it. i couldn’t breathe, i felt like throwing up-”
“breathe with me, omi,” you demanded and he followed your overdramatic breathing until he was breathing normally again. “i’m not going to leave you, i don’t know why atsumu pulled that shit on you but it’s not gonna happen, love. i love you more than words can stay. yes it hurts when you’re distant but i know it’s whats best for you. we’ll work this out. it’ll be okay. we’ll be okay.” your words visibly calmed him, he stopped shaking and stopped crying. dark eyes cleared of clouds and he nodded.
“is the bath still an option?” he asked to which you nodded. “please join me. i’ve had quite a rough day today.” how could you say no?
iwaizumi hajime
hajime is very upfront with you, and you have always appreciated that aspect of his personality. so you didn’t ever have to play any guessing games when he sat you down and decided to talk to you. you sat beside him on the couch as he clutched and unclutched the fabric of his jeans. you tilted your head at his ministrations until he took a deep breath and began to speak. 
“am i too aggressive for you?” before you could even respond to his outlandish question he spoke again. “i let my anger get the best of me most times and i know it probably scares you when i come home screaming because i’m frustrated so if you wanna walk out now-”
“hajime.” you stopped him. “are you really concerned about your anger issues?” you asked calmly.
“yeah.” he answered quickly, hands still fidgeting. 
“then lets work on some healthy coping mechanisms together, okay?” you suggested with a soft smile sent his way. he blinked his olive eyes at you and his frown deepened, which you didn’t expect. “what?”
“you don’t want to break up with me?” he asked.
“what? no. where did you even get that?”
“a... i’ve lost a lot of relationships due to my temper. it’s a lot to handle and i get it. i’ve always had a hard time controlling it and i really try not to take it out on you and i know it happens sometimes,” hajime breathed in. “so i just figured. i’ve seen you get more distant because of it. i figured this was the end.”
“i’d rather work through something like this with you than leave it to yourself to deal with,” you commented kissing his temple. “okay? now how about we watch more unsolved true crime and we can argue about who really did it, okay?”
“you always know exactly what to do to cheer me up.”
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wonderinglullaby · 2 years
Hey Maple! I’m a little bit nervous asking this, but can i maybe have some Hanako caregiver hcs? He’s a big comfort character of mine :)
🧸 : awhh of course! No need to be nervous. Hanako is a huge comfort character of mine too!! These were fun to write and I hope you enjoy them! :]
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• Hanako is a very outgoing caregiver, a fun babysitter kinda vibe! His caring ways are sometimes subtle since he’s always ready to get down and play. He likes keeping it fun and chaotic, which is why his little (especially younger ages) don’t notice the small ways he’s taking care of them, they’re too caught up in the fun! This boy can easily get a little to eat vegetables, just because he’s so energetic about it. Little minds might be too caught up in the game to notice they’re eating veggies
• These subtle ways are usually how he does things. He finds it easier for him, and he thinks it might help littles enjoy their regression time a bit more - since they’re not thinking about why they need to take meds or eat healthy, they can just enjoy themselves
• To sum it up: he will not hesitate to scream with his little if they suddenly decide to scream just for fun. But you’re never gonna leave his sights and get hurt, you’ll always be protected. Sometimes you just might not notice it, but he’s here for you.
• He had always liked the idea of age regression, but never was able to do it himself due to complications. Instead, he found he likes being able to help regressers cope/relax! He wants to give them some good experiences, unlike what he had in his childhood. His little one having a happy time is one of his main priorities.
• Your safety is the second one. He is very protective! He will make sure to have you regress in safe place, with sharp edges and stuff covered up just in case. He watches you very closely! Just to make sure you don’t get hurt.
• He has to find a good balance sometimes between this “fun babysitter” and being the primary carer when you need it. He doesn’t want your fun to end, but he understands everyone has bad days. You are more important then anything else to him.
• He finds it best to wrap you up in blanket and tell you comforting things, it’s the best way he knows how to comfort others. He’ll also tell you alll the ways he’ll protect you from yucky emotions with his cool powers!
• Stickers are his favorite reward! He gives them out like candy too. You’re being cute? You’re gonna get a sticker! Ate all your food? Sticker! He’ll either stick them on your shirt or your face, or just give you a paper to stick them on. He has a whole bin full to give out to you.
• If you would let him feed you, he’d be pretty happy! Although he completely understands if you’re not comfortable with that. He likes to give out little finger foods to you though - or holding your sippy cup as you drink, or doing the airplane to feed you!
• A very affectionate caregiver! Expect reminds everyday that he loves you! And a lot of hand holding, hugs, forehead kisses and headpats. It’s just the main way he shows his love. Although, again, he gets boundaries. If you don’t like being hugged, he’s gonna hug one of your plushies instead, he’ll explain: “this is how much I love you! Just like you hug your stuffies!”
• Despite his outgoing nature, he loves taking take of sleepy regressors / when his little one is tired. Theres nothing better then being able to mess with their hair and tell them fun adventures from his own (after) life till they fall asleep. A lot of times he’ll help make a big fort of blankets and plushies for his little one to take a nap in.
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