#these games mean a ton to me and are very very special to me happy 10th
gemapples · 8 months
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baby's 10th birthday...... double digits........ a decade old.............. all grown up
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punksocks · 1 year
My Opinions on the Moon Signs
(Btw I’m going to reply soon, sorry life and work has been very busy this June ;0)
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Aries moon- The definition of passionate. They can be outgoing and a lot of fun. Definitely super charismatic people. Determinators (more than Aries sun sometimes imo), they’re going to get what they want done. They also really hate not being listened to or treated as the leaders in the room. When they’re mad they get passive aggressive asf and so pissy. Every Aries moon I’ve known has basically refused to be personable while they’re upset. No matter if they were older or younger than me (my grandfather was an Aries moon). They’re loud when they’re happy and loud then distressingly quiet when they’re upset. They stay mad until they decide not to be mad anymore. Then they’ll never talk about it again and be so jovial you could never guess they were upset 2 minutes ago. Good time friends and great at entertaining a crowd though.
Taurus moon- I’m biased bc my partner has this and I love them :0. Softies. They’re grounded and caring, like no one will help soothe you more than a Taurus moon. They’re really giving but it depends what they feel resource rich in. Like if they have a lot of control over their time they’ll spend days on you. But if they grew up during constant instability and financial stress they have a hard time being flexible with giving money or moving house or things like that. They’ll come around if you can show them that they can keep their physical safety. In fact, I think it’s easiest to change a Taurus moon’s mind out of all the fixed moons (in my experience).Also, They really like it when you call them on their shit and shoot straight with them. Also food, they love good food. Any tactile good time really. They’ll make you feel special if you give them affection.
Gemini moon- I don’t have a ton of experience here. Chatty but keep more to themselves than Gemini suns. Only shows you certain parts of themselves, they always have a lot on their minds. The poster child overthinkers of the zodiac (and virgo moons too ofc). Funny tho, always a sense of humor and philosophy about just about every situation.
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Cancer moon- Sweethearts. Exalted placement for a reason. Really good at sensing problems/insecurities and putting words to them. They can catch crushes easily. They need to get as much validation as they give. Like a lot. That’s one of their emotional love languages. Can be comforting or very manipulative it depends on how developed they are. One of the most creative people I ever met was a cancer moon, they were super talented and recieved a lot of praise for their great work. A sweetheart that had a lot of creative hobbies and was close to their family. Daydreamed quite a bit, but no more than any other water sign placement.
Leo moon- They don’t need to be the center of attention as often as people think, but they do need to be listened to. It means a lot to them. Can be really aggressive as kids for a period of time then they grow into themselves and can be pretty chill. Maybe a bit too chill about things they aren’t passionate about. They light up when they’re excited though. Also, they can be super competitive, like they can get in their feelings about losing at something they’re trying to show off in. (Like a video game or team sport or what have you)
Virgo moon- Very thoughtful and insightful people. They’re able to pick through and see little imperfections in people that others can not. Whether they use those powers for good or evil is truly up to them. (I have had many friends use this power for good and a relative or two use this power for evil). Everyone I’ve met with this placement has been so seriously beautiful and so aesthetically put together, idk how they do it. Doesn’t love to be called on their shit lol, you must be gentle with criticism unless you know them very very well. But they have a lot that’s on their mind and a bit they’re insecure about so you may accidentally start beef by saying something. But super perceptive people, a delight to gossip with (mercurial moons love to bond over gossip) and they have great ideas. If you have a problem to solve or analyze they’ll often have a set of solutions.
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Libra moon- don’t know a ton of them. Not super well anyway. They can be very intelligent and understand a lot about the things they like. And they bluff/charm their way through everything else. Most likely to act differently around different people to try to be the person they think whoever they’re talking to will like.
Scorpio moon- usually very goth/dark style, or they’re drawn to it. Usually just radiate intensity. But also more detached from more situations than I expect every time? They have had a lot of emotional hardships growing up and so they kind of expect to get hurt again by those they’re close to. It’s like a callous for them. If they let you in you’re very special. The developed ones are such sweethearts. Knew a manipulative one that was underdeveloped and crazy tho ngl. Like that person seemed violent and like they wanted to burn the world to feel warm. So either very sweet and stand-offish or just destructive asl.
Sagittarius moon- not my cleanest set of experiences ngl. If you’re like having a good time with one then they’re funny and can be the life of the party. Can also not know how to be emotionally supportive, but will attempt it. But my mom was my bad experience and there was a lot of explosive anger at little things mixed with being immature about others emotions. Throwing a book across the room because she didn’t understand what her (post grad) homework was or coming home angry and yelling after a bad day of work without so much as saying hi. And a lot of being mad at me and other kids for not being instantly emotionally soothed yknow? Like if I needed to sit in silence and process that would tick her off and set off a chain reaction. Explosive anger. Also forcing themselves to laugh loudly after an argument to feel better (Aries moon grandfather did this too I don’t get it). This is mainly underdeveloped energy though. I had a friend with this moon placement and they had a hard time processing their emotions and would usually breakdown for a moment then get back up again. Also people with this placement tend to get most romantically interested in unavailable people imo.
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Capricorn moon- me! And a lot of people I connected with briefly and deeply. Having terrible mothers and bonding over it lol. High standards for others even higher standards for themselves. Seems emotionally distant but will break down and cry when they feel safe and are probably alone. And they have a playlist for feeling sad I bet. You either are someone that they tell when they cry or you never know. Has to work out of seeing emotions they were shamed for as a sign of weakness. Gifts are their love language and if they can’t find the words to tell you how they feel about you they will often buy you something you mentioned you always wanted or something you needed off hand. Sentimental types, trouble right expressing it. Will talk to you about everything if they like you and nothing if they don’t. Capricorn placement most likely to go into isolation mode to really consider their relationships and place in life. Might grow suddenly distant if they feel neglected or betrayed. Underdeveloped ones are removed from their emotions in a dangerous way and in denial about all the healing they need to do.
Aquarius moon- also another set of messy personal experiences. Can come up with really out of the box solutions. Seem to either be revolutionary or very very conservative. Like most of the Aquarius moons I’ve known have been men so grain of salt but they would be the ones to most constantly say “a good woman does x” or “if you have that attitude you won’t get married” or throw shade on “girly” hobbies. You can’t change their mind. Even if you present evidence or a sound argument, hardest to get through to of all the fixed signs imo. Sometimes they’ll come back having changed their own mind. Maybe they googled whatever you said and started to believe you. But they’re not going to say you changed their mind. It’s something that they have to believe they made themselves come around on. They often have an independent sense of right and wrong. Sometimes very intelligent, sometimes just bluffing their way through it. Always will respond to opinions though. Can be really funny people, sometimes on accident. Allergic to routine and desk jobs. Usually… detached. Like if they care about you, they’re going to express it in an abstract or private way. Can be hard to tell if they care at all in my personal experiences ngl. My dad is an underdeveloped Aquarius moon and he’d often tell me to swallow my emotions and repress them and go with the way things were. (I don’t talk to my parents anymore lol, they’re narcissistic people)
Pisces moon- I’ve only known a few personally. Sometimes really surprisingly basic. Sometimes they’re just made of magic and they see the world in a whole different way. Emotionally in-tuned with people around them. If their environment is misanthropic then they’re more likely to be. If their environment is upbeat then they’re more likely to be. Most likely to grow up to be like their family/peers but assume they’re not imo. Sentimental with the folks they’re close to.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
How Seventeen Act Around Their Crush (Gender Neutral)
& my first work for Seventeen too 💎 hope you enjoy this Carats 🥰
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♡ You may not figure out that he likes you immediately, but let me just start by saying Mr. Choi Seungcheol would be THE SWEETEST suitor to you!!!
♡ He looks at you with the fondest smile whenever you guys talk, nodding attentively & making tons of mental notes of what you tell him.
♡ Will absolutely use that in conversations later, like you mention your pet so he asks if they would like this thing he saw or he was at that café near where they live & hey, didn't you say that was your favorite spot?
♡ Anyone who makes you sad WILL FEEL HIS WRATH. Even if you don’t see it, he’ll give them a look that signifies their impending doom 🥰
♡ You’re the only person that can make him laugh as hard as you do- cherish his happiness as he does yours 🥺
♡ Also, you’ll pretty much be able to get away with murder. Behavior that the other members could never get away with slides by from you like it’s nothing. Teasing him & addressing him more casually/softly is a special privilege that is yours & yours alone.
♡ If you do anything potentially risky/dangerous, expect to have Seungcheol hovering around you at the ready to swoop in & help you!
♡ He’s more energetic around you, wanting to show you his bright side & how well he plays with the members, not just the tough leader side people may think of. He wants you to know there’s a softer side to him. Also, expect lots of heart eyes if you take care of him & the other members too, like it’ll just make his day if you show your doting side so pls indulge him lots you might get to see smiley affectionate Seungcheol if you do ☺️
♡ Once you get close he’ll greet you with the warmest hug everrrr 🥺
♡ Your support means the world to him, so he’s always expressing how grateful he is when you’re in his company.
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♡ You're going to have moments where you question it, where he leaves your head positively spinning because he's Yoon Jeonghan, but yeah, you'll be able to figure it out.
♡ The way he looks at you alternates between a soft, joyous smile & a mischievous smirk, it all depends on the interaction you're having.
♡ Subconsciously plays with his hair a lot around you because he wants to look good but it also has the side effect of looking soooo flirty not that he would complain if he really thought about it
♡ Playfully nudges you a lot & teases you, little things like asking 'say/do that again' whenever you say something funny or do something that you're a little flustered/shy over.
♡ Elaborate hoops jumped through to learn things about you, like he'll casually bring up a show he knows you'll have seen so he can talk about the popular ships within so he can ask what you think about romance or what relationship dynamics you enjoy.
♡ Incredibly caring though, like if you mention using something a lot he'll buy some & throw it in his bag to whip out for you or offer you his jacket when it's cold!!!
♡ Claps for anything you do, especially if it's out of your comfort zone past teasing, like an actual effort for you. His smile is so genuine in that moment, you really feel his empathy.
♡ Alwaysss generous & sharing with you, totally the type to surprise you with something that made him think of you & anything on his plate is yours to swipe & only yours.
♡ Tries to convince you to join his side in every game because he needs you to win even though he totally doesn't, he just wants you to rule at his side 😏
♡ Jeonghan is the guy who purposely steals someone else’s seat when they get up so he can sit next to you & gradually scoots closer during the whole movie 🩵
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♡ Joshua may accidentally have you gaslighting yourself because does he like you or is it just a very unfortunate or fortunate ;) coincidence that he acts like a total romance lead every time you see him? (Spoiler alert: it is not.)
♡ He introduces himself so politely, saying how he hasn't met you before but is really happy to meet you, & wowza does this man know how to make eye contact. That & his sweet smile are already swoon-worthy & he hasn't even started trying yet GDVSCS
♡ Any time there's a split decision, Joshua asks the others 'hey, why not let (y/n) decide?', taking advantage of any bickering or confusion to subtly give you some power. He hopes you see that way that he values your decision & wants to learn about you.
♡ Joshua is always making sure you’re comfortable, telling you no pressure whenever he asks something of you or if you seem anxious. The first one to remind you that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to especially if it’s just for a silly game or something!
♡ That’s probably how he breaks the touch barrier, reaching over & drawing a soothing circle on your back with his hand while comforting you or giving you a hug 🥲
♡ Also, moves you when you’re walking, pulling you a bit closer to him, as a bike goes by & tells you to be more careful so you don’t get hit ok?
♡ After you tell him your favorite song, he learns it in secret & just starts playing it on his guitar at the next gathering so he can see your surprised smile!
♡ Guaranteed he will text you to make sure you got home safe if he wasn’t there dropping you off 😭
♡ So nice if you ever apologize to him, he’ll repeatedly tell you you’re cool & probably say something like ‘you could never make me mad!!!’
♡ He’ll go between reenacting your favorite meme with you to dropping sweet words like ‘that’s why you’re my favorite, you get me 😌’ as if it was NOTHING
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♡ Your first time meeting Jun, you'll just think he's super duper outgoing because he comes right up to you with a big smile on his face & introduces himself so wow, total social butterfly amiright? You may clue in on his interest if you manage to see that all that perking up is a direct result of your presence 👀
♡ Like, he could be sitting totally quiet & checked out, then in you walk & he practically bolts up, deadpan expression melting into a wide smile as he comes up to say hi.
♡ The first person to ask what you want to do whenever you visit the guys. Jun wants you to feel welcome not only with him but with the people he loves most!
♡ To break the ice, he shows you funny pictures of the other members & shares some laughs with you over them :3
♡ When he gets elected to go on the next snack run, he asks if you want to come for a breather from the crowd, then when you tag along he points out a bunch of city sights, helping you see a regular street like it's new again. All Jun can think about is how many other places he'd like to walk with you.
♡ Absolutely the type to pick a random little road flower & hand it to you 🥺
♡ He isn't super-duper-over-the-top-touchy-feely, but will definitely lean/fall on you when you guys are laughing super hard. May also pull the ol grab your hand to look at your nails/ring trick.
♡ If you don’t already speak Chinese, he’ll teach you the funniest sayings & maybe even things to say about the other guys too 👀 only you & Minghao get to know hehe
♡ Every time pictures get taken, Jun ends up next to you because he wants to see what you guys look like together please protect him!
♡ When you impress him, you’ll know because he looks at you with such awe & the cutest little wooow 🥹
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♡ You're going to figure it out eventually whether it's his demeanor shift or the massive heart eyes he's always giving you.
♡ At first he's shy, hanging back a little, smiling & glancing at the ground with cute little nods at what you say that are just enough to encourage you- after all, he's not awkward, just comes across a little introverted.
♡ He quickly becomes comfortable as you chat & play with the guys more, & once you blend into the group he opens up like a wild sunflower, suddenly trying to impress you at any chance.
♡ Insists you be on his side/team for any of said icebreaker games under the pretense of wanting the new person or not wanting xyz other member but it's really just him wanting to sit by you 🥺
♡ Will do literally anything you ask. Go get you a water bottle because you don't want to get up? Done. Dare him to eat something weird before you do? Sure. You want him to teach you that ridiculous move you just saw on screen? Well, he'll sure as heck try!
♡ Honestly, he probably likes doing choreography bits hoping you'll think he looks cool, glancing over at you with a toothy smile as he does them. 100 percent will invite you to dance with him.
♡ From being so shy when you first met, comfortable Soonyoung will tentatively break touch barriers, starting with playful nudges & gradually working up to grabbing your hand to lead you places.
♡ Highkey this man wants to fall in love with his best friend, so you better believe you’re getting pulled into some ANTICS 😤 you’re going to become his ride or die!
♡ Even when he’s tired he seeks you out, telling you that time with you still feels like me time to him ☺️
♡ This man is all smiles when you’re around, trust me, you’re his sunshine ☀️
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♡ He's pretty good at hiding it from you if he wants to, but oh boy do the guys get a laugh because Wonwoo is never like this with anyone but you.
♡ He's an introverted guy, right? Quiet. Not unfriendly by any means, but not exactly outgoing either. Doesn't like the spotlight. So tell the guys why he is approaching you right away trying to get to know you 🤡
♡ What a menace, this guy probably immediately apologizes for the other guys, throwing them under the bus just to get to see you laugh.
♡ Wonwoo pretty much takes you under his wing from there, leading you through the chaos, introducing you to anyone else you don't know, & all the while subtly laying a claim to you bold.
♡ He'll make jokes about you, too, but only things he's seen you laugh at. Like if you tell him your family's had a running joke about you being clumsy for a long time with mirth in your eyes, then ok, he's going to teasingly tell you don't drop that & the like.
♡ Recommends things he thinks you’ll like, whether it’s books, songs, or a movie he saw recently. It helps him figure you out & gives you common ground to bond over later!
♡ All the supposed cool confident behavior kinda goes out the window if you’re a physically affectionate person though, like if you get touchy feely with Wonwoo that’s when he’ll get a bit more shy, just quietly smiling to himself.
♡ He wants to spend more time with you, so he’ll try to include or invite you into more one on one things, even if it’s just a quick errand.
♡ Does the most adorable attentive head tilt when you’re talking to him!!!!
♡ Probably also puts his glasses on you because he thinks it would look so cute bye 🥺
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♡ This is an interesting case, because it seems like you wouldn’t know with him, but there’s actually a pretty good chance you will. He tries to hide it, but he also doesn't know how to act when he has feelings lol
♡ The first time you meet him, he just straight-up looks a bit surprised you exist because holy crap you're really pretty what does he do with that??? Then the more you come around he just is shy 🥺
♡ It's so cute, every time you visit he always asks how you are. It comes out slightly awkward to him, but it makes you feel like he cares, too.
♡ Gets so embarrassed the first time you catch him practicing on his guitar not realizing how !!! that is. He shyly asks if you have any songs you'd like him to play once you acknowledge this new skill you've learned he has.
♡ He'll sing for you, but he just can't look you in the eye while he does it because his heart will explode ok? 🥺
♡ Makes absolutely hilarious comments off to the side, usually at a volume only you can hear so you guys can share a private laugh.
♡ Does goofy stuff, but only for you. The encouragement & grin you give him are worth the embarrassment of the action for sure!
♡ Would love to learn from you, so open up about your skills & Jihoon will have a bunch of questions for you. He's so smart too he'll ask really good ones, really trying to think deeply about your passions.
♡ Smiles so big once you break the touch barrier omg it'll be some of the happiest you see him I promise just do it!!!
♡ Purposely walks next to you on a chilly evening so he can 'spur of the moment' offer you his jacket 'you know, if you needed it since you looked sort of cold & I'm not really...' then once again looks so happy & proud at the sight of you in his jacket, goes from 🥺 to 😏 real quick!
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♡ Yeah, you're going to know.
♡ He literally trips & falls the moment he sees you, prompting a reverse kdrama moment where you catch him, but he's such a good sport about it he just bursts out laughing & you do too so hey it wasn't all bad right???
♡ Pretty much follows you around after that, sticking by you & chatting a whole bunch but you can't complain because he makes you feel really comfortable & is super down-to-earth about it, listening as well as he talks.
♡ Gets so goofy around you, but it's cute so he gets a pass FDGSVCHSD 'Oh (y/n), I think you dropped this! *reaches into pocket, pulling out a finger heart & grinning*'
♡ Any hobby you have, he wants to try it too, preferably with you teaching him. Especially if it's something hands-on where you'll have to guide him 👀 but mostly because the things you love are a piece of you & he wants to experience that!!!
♡ Uses your name a lot because it shows how much he likes you & that your name is special to him!
♡ Seokmin adores doing funny skits with you, please play along & do the little voices with him it’ll make him so happy 😊
♡ Accidentally grabs your hand once while laughing really hard & it lives rent free in his mind because you don’t pull away so the gears are always turning in his head now how he’s going to recreate that 🥲
♡ Has a mental tally going with evidence of if you like him or not, but he second guesses himself & starts to try to find ways to test it like watching if you do the same things to the other guys
♡ He is just forever excited to see you, will always be bouncing on his heels to greet you & invite you to sit by him!!!
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♡ You'll know pretty soon because he wants you to know. Uh, duh, how else is he going to date you???
♡ Glances at you a lot & also tries to catch you looking/staring if you are. If you guys meet eyes by chance, he'll wink & if you burst out laughing or get giggly his heart will melt.
♡ Suddenly goes macho mode, insisting electing to become the one who moves things out into the room & opens things up, probably also stretching the truth a bit by saying oh yeah, the guys always come to him for stuff like this.
♡ Conversations he is in become conversations you are involved in, as Mingyu will find any possible way to bring you into them even in the most mundane cases ever like people could be talking about the weather & he can still find a tie-in.
♡ Puts on an act of some retro bit just so he can take you by the hand & lead you somewhere gingerly but smoothly gliding with you, fingers tightening just so over yours.
♡ Will dramatically run a hand through his hair 'when you're not looking, the whole time internally trying not to be like 👀 straight at you
♡ Total flirt, like the type to say 'is that a challenge?' at any possible opportunity & playfight with you!
♡ Loves making things for you! Absolutely expect Mingyu to try his hand at whipping up a snack you like by hand because it's that much more personal that way 😌
♡ Playfully steals things from you & runs away, but not very fast because he wants you to catch him ❤️
♡ Despite all the flirting, he actually prefers non-appearance compliments because those are more genuine in his mind. Instead of telling you you look pretty, he'll more often compliment how much fun you are to be around or how intelligent you were when you figured something out!
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♡ DGFGDCSCVSGHCSVS you ain't gonna know shit at least not at first. Don't worry, he's super nice, you just won't be able to discern special treatment immediately like you could with some of the other guys!!!
♡ The type to want to get to know you before really considering having legit feelings for you, so he'll watch how you interact with others, making sure you're kind & respectful, then will ask you some questions too.
♡ One thing he'll probably want to know about you is what your goals are & your livelihood. He'll try his best to slip in a compliment to what you do & relate to it if he can find a connection.
♡ Definitely not the 'let you win games' kind of crush, he's gonna make you work for it 💀 but it'll be a laugh even if it's a little at your expense shhh
♡ Conversely if he feels like anyone is teasing you too hard he'll tell them to stop right away & probably check on you afterward too 🥺
♡ You become a muse for him, so he probably asks if he can take your picture if you wear something cool, strike an interesting pose, pick a flower, anything photogenic. That picture becomes an important memento to him, too, though, not just a symbol of the world's beauty.
♡ Wants you to know you can come to him with advice, opening up to you & showing your opinion a lot of respect to encourage that dynamic with you.
♡ Has tea ready for you every time you visit 🥺 learns exactly how you like it so he just pours it & makes it like your personal barista every time!!!
♡ Not afraid to very bluntly ask deep questions like if you believe in an afterlife, what's the most important character trait to you, what legacy would you most like to leave behind in the world, because those are important & any partner of his would be involved in plenty of late discussions like that.
♡ Minghao wants to experience nature with you, so he'll probably invite you outside or to share a beautiful view with him because he loves the way your face lights up & the wonderful sight reflects in your eyes 😌
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♡ It is Seungkwan's mission for you to NOT!!! KNOW!!! He likes you! Because that's embarrassing!!! But also he really really wants you to like him so 🤷🏻‍♀️
♡ Man is so incredibly smiley around you please 😭 he lights up whenever you walk into the room & will gradually head over to you because again, he is not obvious not at all.
♡ Cracks so many jokes around you because hey, funny people are cool, right? & also he's just a natural comedian anyway. Feels his chest grow four sizes when it works & you're laughing lots around him.
♡ You will never want a single thing while Seungkwan is around. He'll fetch you a drink, grab anything you want to try for you, go get a chair for you, totally bring the whole party to your sector if you look like you're feeling isolated.
♡ Very very shyly works on breaking the touch barrier starting with a simple 'oh hey, you have a little something...here, let me get it' & working up to putting a hand on your arm in mock condolence or when addressing you in conversation.
♡ Hypes you THE HECK UP!!! You're so good at what you do, you did so good at that song/dance, you're really nice he's having a great time talking to you fyi. If you take the spotlight, he'll be like your personal Vanna White.
♡ If you start hyping him up or getting touchy-feely though, Seungkwan will become a blushy, flustered mess so fast & mess up his next three attempts at a sentence 🥺
♡ LOVES to have little running jokes with you, anything that feels like it's special to you two just makes Seungkwan's heart go 💗 & makes him feel connected to you so he'll never let those jokes die.
♡ Will try to compliment your appearance, but will have to recover from his jaw dropping & will be super shy about it!!!
♡ No matter what, he'll take time to talk to you & you alone, paying full attention to what you're saying so hopefully you feel special, worth his time, & like you're truly connecting.
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♡ Discreet king. You won't be able to figure out his feelings until you want him to, but that's also because he's lowkey hard as shit to read lol
♡ Vernon is a little awkward with you, but in the endearing way where he's just really kind in a guy-next-door way so that's how you assume he is, like his swag attempts just fall flat which he realizes is a good thing anyway because pretense is gross.
♡ Once that hits he realizes he just got in his own head, calming down & just asking you some good old-fashioned questions like what you do for a living & what you enjoy doing because that's a better way of seeing if you guys actually connect & Vernon personally needs more of a foundation than 'hey look someone pretty'.
♡ One of his first questions is probably what kind of music you listen to because A. it's good icebreaker stuff, not weird B. everyone likes to talk about their favorite music C. it'll give Vernon a lot of insight into you & give you a great diving board for common ground.
♡ He's so easygoing with compliments, he doesn't realize how smooth he is sometimes. It's just so casual, like 'hey, I like that shirt. looks good on you :)'.
♡ Subtly tries to flex how well he knows you by answering questions in your stead, like asking for your favorite drink in front of you when another member starts offering drinks.
♡ Wants to know your thoughts on anyyyyyything before it gets done. Practically lets you make decisions for him because he doesn't really care...except suddenly he cares what you think 🤔
♡ One hundred percent the type to send you memes he found. You basically become his meme reviewer & he acts like you're the only one who gets them please feel special it's an honor ok?
♡ Not a toucher, but will lend you his headphones & put them on your head himself & make it feel strangely intimate & heart-fluttering as he slides them gently in place.
♡ Vernon is the only one allowed to sit next to you on movie nights, he doesn't make the rules except oh wait, he does oopsie 😘
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♡ Dino would be such an interesting mix of forward & not obvious when it comes to showing his feelings 🤔
♡ Mr. Passion over here makes it HIS LIFE MISSION to talk to you & seem really cool & make you laugh & make you his.
♡ Walks so confidently up to you & introduces himself, completely nailing the first impression. Turns around so happy from your first successful conversation he walks into a table.
♡ Makes a point to bring up in conversation how he's been really working on vocal training in hopes you'll ask him to sing you something 👀
♡ Very encouraging, tries to get you to share in his spotlight half as a way to make you feel confident too & half to connect you & him in everyone's minds. Like if they ask him to perform something, you become his assistant/partner/congrats, you're getting dragged up to do it too.
♡ Probably takes up juggling or some shit so he has another cool party trick to bust out in front of you lmao
♡ The type to come up to you at a gathering if you look bored or lonely & pull you onto the dance floor because that will not do at all!
♡ As energetic as he can be, he holds your hands SO. GENTLY!!! The first time you guys dance, it's like you're made of the most precious substance known to man & he wouldn't dare cause a single bit of harm to it.
♡ Laughs at all of your jokes, even if he doesn't think they were that funny 🤫 & tries to learn your humor style so he can joke with you accordingly!
♡ When you walk together, offers to link arms like a gentleman, though in truth his heart is beating out of his chest when he does 💗 it's worth it when you agree & he gets to pull you close, looking at you like you're the most special thing he's seen & his resolve to complete his mission solidifies that much more.
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nycbaby21 · 9 months
Nico Hischier Imagine
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prompt: meeting Nico at a bar and the next night meeting him again after a Devil's game
word count: 4,091
��I just want to thank you guys for coming on this trip and being a part of my special day,” Marlee says passing out a shot for each of us. She is the first of our little group to get married and we couldn’t be more happy for her. She and Colby met not too long into freshmen year and have been together since. We all cheered to the beautiful bride and threw back the shots. “Okay now let’s dance,” Hannah, the maid of honor, said pulling the four of us out onto the dance floor.
After an hour of dancing and a few drinks, we left that bar and headed to the next one. Marlee wanted to do this bar crawl in New Jersey for her bachelorette party. Colby was from Jersey and she wanted to see all the places he used to love to go with his friends. I don’t know how many guys made a list of bars to go to for their fiance, but Marlee and Colby were different. They really were like two best friends with more benefits. I look at them and hope that I can get that in the future.
As the five of us walk into the next bar, my attention is drawn to the table in the corner of the bar. It was filled with several very attractive guys, like ridiculously attractive guys. We find a table not too far away from them and get settled in. “Okay, time is set for one hour. We have this one and one more and we are done,” Aria says showing the timer on her phone. She is very time-oriented and literally dragged Isla out of the first bar, even though she was talking to some guy. 
After coming back from the bar, we all sat and drank our drinks enjoying the time we had together. This wasn’t only like a send-off for Marlee, it was for a lot of us. Marls was moving to Jersey with Colby this fall after the wedding, Isla got a job offer in Vancouver, Aria just got a huge promotion and was moving to her company’s London office, and Hannah and I were staying in our hometown. She was starting to really take off the online boutique she started during the pandemic for fun. I was an author so I could technically work whenever I chose to, but for the time being I was staying where I was. 
“Okay c’mon guys no sad faces. We are all gonna keep in touch and we will get together when we can,” I say smiling at the group. “Y/n is right. We are gonna drink, dance, laugh, and flirt with tons of guys, well not you Marls,” Hannah laughs winking at her. We all laugh and head out to go dance. I wipe sweat off of my forehead and lean over to Aria,” I gonna go get another drink.” She gives me a thumbs up and I weave my way through the crowd to find a spot at the very crowded bar. Of all of the places Colby recommended, this was the busiest bar we had been to tonight.
I eventually find a small opening next to a tall guy with darker hair. I slid in behind him, his back was to me as he talked to a shorter guy. I couldn’t hear the conversation because of the group of drunk girls on the other side of me. I give my drink order to the bartender and she turns around to make it while taking more orders. “Oh, I love your top. It’s so cute. Where did you get it,” the blonde from the girls next to me says. I smile at her,” Thank you so much. It’s actually my friend’s clothing line. She owns an online boutique,” I lean closer towards her and tell her. She hands me her phone and I search it up for her. She may not remember why she had it pulled up in the morning, but hopefully sober her likes the clothes just as much as drunk her.
I feel someone bump into my side and I turn around to see the guys from earlier. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to bump into you.” I don’t know what caught me off guard more, his face or his accent. “It’s okay really. It was barely a push,” I smile back and go to continue the conversation when my drink slides in front of me. I reach for my wallet when his hand gently rests on my upper arm. “Let me. It’s the least I can do bothering you tonight,” he says telling her to add it to his tab. I look up and finally see his gorgeous brown eyes and small dimples on his face when he smiles. “Thank you, but really you are no bother I promise,” I assure him trying to fight off the little butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
“I’m Jack and this is Nico, the other guy says leaning over his friend to shake my hand. “Y/n. It’s nice to meet you, Nico and Jack,” my brain tries to come up with anything to say to keep them in a conversation with me. “Well Neeks, I am gonna go give the guys their drinks. You take your time,” Jack says to his older friend and gives me a wink as he turns around to head to the table I was staring at when we first walked in. “Sorry about him. I think he has taken one too many hits to the head,” Nico says leaning down so I can hear him better. Blush quickly creeps its way onto my cheeks. I raise my arm and pinch my other one, wondering if this was some dream because this man looked amazing, sounded amazing, and even smelled amazing.
“He has been hit in the head,” I ask trying to regain my composure. I give him a very confused face wondering what the hell he was talking about. He lets out a small laugh, dimples on display again. “Yeah more than a couple of times now. We play hockey together. I could see the confusion on your face when I said that,” he answers standing closer to me as the bar crowds again. “Wanna go find somewhere to sit,” I say standing on my tiptoes to be a closer height to his. He gives me a quick nod, puts his hand on the small of my back, and leads us to an empty table a couple down from his friends. From where are sitting I can see my friends dancing like idiots. I let out a laugh and he follows my eyes to the group
“Your friends look like they are having a good time,” he smiles taking a sip of his drink. “How do you know they were my friends,” I ask raising an eyebrow at him. He laughs and leans forward placing his elbows on the table. “Because you walked in with them and you were out there dancing with them too, he gives me a small smirk. My eyes get bigger and I choke on my drink a little. “I saw you when you walked in with them,” he smiles with a small blush starting to settle on his face. My smile gets a lot bigger and I look around trying to not meet his eyes. I felt like a middle school girl giggling and blushing over her crush.
“So you said you play hockey,” I ask trying to shift the conversation. He laughed knowing what I was doing, but he chose not to mention it. “Yeah my buddies over at the table where I was, we all play together,” he shrugs leaning back into his chair. “So are you any good,” I ask with a small smile while stirring my drink with the tiny yellow umbrella. “I don’t know. I guess I am pretty decent. If I wasn’t they might have kicked me off the team by now,” his words and smile make me feel like I am missing something, but his eyes distract me from asking what it was.
“Well I don’t know anything about hockey, so you already have one up on me,” I joke. “You’ve never played before,” he asks raising one of his thick eyebrows at me. “I have never even watched a game before let alone played. I tried skating once but that didn’t end too well,” I laugh at the memory of young me absolutely wiping out on the ice and refusing to try again. “Wait, so you have never seen a game before,” he looks at me like I have three heads or something.”Nope. My family is more of a basketball family,” I laugh at his face. “I bet you would like hockey. If you tried,” he says leaning back on the table and resting his face against his hand which was propped up on the table by his elbow. “I would watch a game way before I tried to play.” It was like my words lit a fire in him.
“Ya know,” he started,” I have been told I am an excellent teacher. I’m sure I can even help you.” I open my mouth in fake shock,” what does that mean? You could even help me.” He throws his head back laughing this time and it is a sight I miss I could engrave in my mind. “I mean exactly what you think I mean,” he says still laughing at me. I roll my eyes smiling and throw my tiny umbrella at him. I go to open my mouth to ask him more about himself when Isla rushes up to our table. “Y/n! I have been texting you for the past five minutes. We are already three behind schedule and that vein in Aria’s forehead is starting to pop out,” she rambles on and grabs my arm pulling me up.
“Okay just let me say bye and I will meet you at the door,” I say looking back to Nico who is smiling about the whole thing. “Oh no, ma’am. My conversation with my bar beauty was cut short so yours is going to be too,” she says leaning around me to look at Nico. “Sorry. Her full name is Y/n Y/ln. She is from y/town’s name, look her up.” I turn around and mouth a quick sorry as my arm is almost being pulled out of its socket. We finally meet up with the rest of the group and that’s when she lets go of my arm.
“First off ouch! And second off why,” I whine rubbing my arm. “Y/n I gave you an hour. What you did in that time is all on you,” Aria says crossing the street as we head to the next place. “And Isla’s conversation got cut short too,” Marls says slipping my arm through mine as we walk side by side. “I wouldn’t really call that a conversation. Two minutes in he had his tongue down her throat,” Hannah laughed turning around just in time for Isla to slip her the finger. “He could have been the love of my life,” she argues. “And what was his name,” Aria asks holding open the door to the last bar of the night. When Isla can’t give us a name we all burst out laughing. We finish the night out with more laughing and dancing, but I can’t help but still think about Nico. I tried to look him up but I didn’t have much to go on.
The next day after some serious rest and hangover recovery, we all get a text from Colby. “Okay Marls I love Colby I really do, but what the hell,” Isla says falling back onto the bed. “I have no idea. I got the same message you did.” Hey girls! Hope you had fun last night. Dress warm and meet us at this address. Also thank you for loving my girl just as much as I do -Colby. “I don’t like not knowing where I am going and having to get dressed appropriately. So I know you are freaking Aria,” Hannah sighs digging through her suitcase and looking for anything remotely warm. We all turn and see her face stuffed into a pillow.
After stopping at a few stores, we all finally had something warm to wear. I don’t really think Colby realized you don't pack warm layers for a bachelorette trip. We all pile out of the Uber and look up at the huge arena in front of us. “Welcome to Prudential Arena ladies,” Colby says walking up to us and giving Marlee a small kiss on the head. “What are we doing here? And why are so many people wearing red,” Isla asks looking around at the sea of red. “Last stop on the getting to know Colby tour, a New Jersey Devils game,” his smile is huge and it almost makes up for having to go buy new clothes to wear to this. 
Colby leads us into the arena and to our seats. “Baby how much did this cost,” Marlee asks as we take our seats right next to the glass. A small shiver tickles down my spine, Who knew it would be this cold at a hockey game? “My family has season tickets,” he shrugs sitting down and throwing an arm around her. “Y/n. Switch seats with me,” Hannah hits my arm getting my attention. “What? Why,” I ask looking away from the ice and into her green eyes. “I don’t wanna sit next to them being a lovey and shit,” she grumbles cutting her eyes towards the engaged couple. I lean forward and see the two cuddled up and Colby pointing out different players to Marlee. I roll my eyes and switch seats with her. 
“Hey is it just me or are those guys staring at us,” Isla asks the group pointing over to the bench where the Devils players were sitting. When she points they all look away acting like nothing happened. “Dibs on hot hockey guys,” Hannah screams which gets us some pretty funny stares. “Why do you get a hot hockey first,” Isla asks her eyes shifting around the ice trying to find someone with their helmet off. “You and Y/n already had your fun. It’s mine and Aria’s turn now,” Hannah responds leaning over Isla to give Aria a fist bump. “Can you believe this Y/n,” Isla asks with a small pout on her face. “I’m sorry what about the love of your life from last night,” I ask which results in her throwing a Twizzler at me. I laugh pick it up off my chest and take a bite of it.
“Of course, Y/n isn’t going to be any help. She spent all of last night trying to find her bar beauty and if I’m gonna be honest she is probably still looking now,” Aria says signaling Hannah to grab my phone. She swipes it out of my hand before I know what is happening. “Okay really funny. Give it back,” I say leaning over her to grab it. “Are you gonna stop looking for Nick,” she asks almost sitting in Isla’s lap leaning away from me. “It’s Nico and yes if you give it back I will quit,” I say. “Scout’s honor,” Hannah asks raising an eyebrow at me. I nod and she hands it back to me. “ How are you still so hung up on that guy? You talked for forty-five minutes at best in a dark crowded bar. It’s not anything to write home about,” Isla asks shoveling popcorn in her mouth.
“Real attractive Isla. And so what if it was only forty-five minutes? I had more fun in those forty-five minutes with him than I have with any other guys in weeks,” I sigh looking out onto the ice. The girls all laugh and joke about it so much while I try and zone them out. “You know my nana always said things that are meant to always find a way. Or something like that,” Hannah said smiling at me. “Is this the nana who bakes cookies or the nana who makes moonshine,” I laugh leaning my head on her shoulder. “Moonshine. But you know drunk words are sober thoughts.” We both laugh and the lights start to dim as the game starts.
It was the final period of the game and the Devils were up by three. I don’t know which hurt more, my ears from all of the screaming or my arm from Hannah hitting it every time something happened. I try keeping up with the puck but I end up losing it every time I find it again. Two players skate our way and one pushes the other into the glass right in front of us. This starts a small fight and the crowd all around us goes wild. The Devil's player who was against the glass looks at us and then turns to skate away. He quickly turns back around and points at us. I can’t make out what he looks like all I knew was his last name was Hughes. He tapped the glass and skated back to the bench. 
“Those guys are looking over here again,” Hannah says fluffing up her hair. I roll my eyes and pull out my phone looking up the roster for his team. I scroll down until I see the name J. Hughes number 86. Clicking on his name I am taken to a page full of his highlights and basic information. “No fucking way,” I say looking at his picture closer. “What,” Marlee leans over to look at my phone. “That guy I talked to last night was with number 86. He said they played hockey together, but I just assumed he meant for fun,” I say going back and clicking random names trying to see if I could find Nico. “Colby is there a player on the team named Nico,” Marlee asks her fiance who is very focused on the game and not us. 
I reach over and pinch his arm getting a reaction out of him. “Ow. What was that for,” he asks rubbing his arm. “That didn’t hurt. Marlee can kiss it better later. Is there a player named Nico on the Devils,” I ask because my phone wouldn’t load the roster anymore. “Yeah, Nico Hischier. He’s number 13, the captain,” he says finally looking at me. “You’re actually kidding me. That guy from last night is a hot hockey guy, No fair,” Hannah pouts. “Do you know where he is from? Like would he have an accent,” I ask ignoring my friend. I didn’t want to get my hopes up in finding him too soon. “Uhm Switzerland if I’m not mistaken. Now are one of you gonna tell me why you need to know all of this? Because I have a suspicion that it has nothing to do with the game,” Colby turns his body towards us. “We are like ninety-eight percent sure that he is the guy Y/n was talking to last night before we left the bar,” Marlee explained.
“Left isn’t the word I would use. I was drug out of the bar against my will,” I say settling back into my seat and scanning the ice for number 13. “Okay so let me get this straight. You may or may not have talked and flirted with the New Jersey Devil’s captain last night at a bar. And these yahoos made you leave,” his voice got really loud, and it just so happens the crowd got quiet as he said it. I sink down into my seat and my face matches all of the jerseys in the arena. A group of girls behind us laugh. They also were sure Jack was pointing at them.
Before we could answer his question the buzzer goes off and everyone jumps to their feet. Looking up at the scoreboard we see that the Devils won. Everyone was rushing out of their seats and trying to get outside. “Why is everyone leaving so fast,” Aria asks grabbing my hand so she doesn’t get lost in the crowd. “Oh the players shower after the game and sometimes you can see them drive out of the arena,” Colby says trying to herd all of us into one area waiting for everything to calm down. I never could find 13 again. It was a crazy idea anyway, why would a professional NHL player flirt with me in a bar?
Rapid knocking behind us scares all of us. We all quickly turn around and see Jack at the glass saying something. It was still so loud in there it was hard to hear the person right next to you. He shakes his head and holds up one finger skating away. “What the hell was that,” Isla asks. We waited until a security guard started to usher us out. “No, we can’t leave. Jack Hughes wants to talk to our friend,” Aria tries to persuade the man like three times her height. “Yeah, and I’m the queen of England. Move it along,” his deep voice sent chills down my spine. I glanced back to the ice and still saw no sign of him. We all turned to head up the stairs and once again tapping on the glass stopped us. Jack held up a puck in his hand and made the motion of throwing it. I went to the glass and nodded my head. The black piece of rubber landed in my hands. I looked at it and then at him.
He motioned for me to turn it over. When I did I saw a phone number. My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion wondering why he was giving me his number. He shook his head and mouthed Nico. Blush quickly spread to my face. It was a combination of knowing that I finally found him and the idea that a professional athlete wanted to talk to me last night. He gave us a finger salute and skated back the way he came from. 
We moved making our way back up the stairs but not before Hannah said,” Excuse us, your majesty.” We all laughed at his face and slowly followed the crowd out into the parking lot. “Well what are you waiting for call him,” Colby says as we wait to exit the building. We all laugh at how invested he is now that it was a player from his favorite team that was involved. I typed in the number and listened to the ringing. “He won’t answer right now. He is probably busy,” I say not hearing the call connect. “Never too busy to talk to a pretty girl,” his thick accent flowed into my ears. I smiled and laughed. “Hi NIco,” I say ignoring all of the looks from my friends. “Hi Y/n,” I can hear a lot of background noise on his end. “Is that her? Did it work,” I hear Jack ask him. Nico shushes him and slowly the call gets quieter.
Isla put her hands on my shoulders guiding me as I talked on the phone. “So you play hockey,” I repeated the phrase gaining a loud laugh from him. "When you told me you liked to play hockey, I just thought you liked to play it for fun," I say into the phone finally making it outside. The cool air was a breath of relief. "I do like to play it for fun," he responds casually. "Obviously if you play in the nh freaking l,” I yell into the phone. “Okay I have to go and do some interviews but can I call you later,” he asks almost sounding nervous. “I would really like that. Now go do your thing, superstar,” I laugh into the phone. I hang up the phone and once I make sure it is off I let out the girliest squeal in history. “So now that you have a hot hockey boy, you can set us up with his teammates right,” Hannah laughs throwing an arm over my shoulder. “We’ll see,” I say pinching her side. I went to sleep so much better than night rather than last night. Last night I fell asleep trying to find Nico on my phone and tonight I fell asleep with Nico on the phone. 
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earl-grey-teacake · 5 months
omg hello! your brain is truly so big for this idea… george coaching logan lives rent free in my mind at all times and their minimal interactions bring me life fr 🥺🥺 now.. very important question.. WHO adopted logan first? alex as his current teammate or george as his long-time mentor? i also have this insane image in my mind of george making a powerpoint titled “7 step plan on how to win oscar’s heart / why he’s definitely in love with you don’t be stupid / we need to talk about your (lack) or self esteem” . yea there are three topics but alex has sighed deeply and provided snacks to keep them going. and also the idea of carlando adopting oscar?? it’s a very strange dynamic bc lando is so excitable he’s def not a parent figure and oscar and carlos are still squinting suspiciously at each others for sure. maybe the three of them are using their combined 8 brain cells to come up with a game plan for wooing logan? and they’re just sitting their arguing over flower symbolism and lando and carlos genuinely almost break up over how worked up they both get. i know this ask got out of control but bestie.. your mind is so large and i am obsessedddd w this idea
Hello! Thank you so much! Very happy to hear that the ideas my brain makes up in the middle of the night are appreciated!🥰
To answer your question, Alex adopted Logan first. I see George keeping his distance, close but still professional. Alex, as both an eldest sibling and having gone through 2021, is very sympathetic to Logan. He sees the spiraling, he understands being alone as your parents are dealing with their own issues, and he knows what it feels like to be left behind while the friends you joined F1 with go on ahead. When Logan stops answering his texts and James brings up his worries, Alex is at Logan’s door telling him to pack up and come over to his place. George starts off in a “I’m here to help but mainly because Alex wants to do this and I love Alex” and quickly becomes “i am onboard with helping you, here is a list of therapists I have complied, please pick one.”
George is absolutely making PowerPoints. It starts off with “No one on the grid or your team hates you + with proof from the group chat” to “Your lack of self-esteem is alarming and we are all a bit worried” before becoming “Oscar is in love with you + photographic evidence.” George’s love language is PowerPoints. When he was getting Alex that Williams seat, I imagined him cornering people with a laptop in hand and a PowerPoint titled “Alex Albon’s Achievements: Why he is a perfect fit for Williams”. Alex is ordering take out and providing commentary on the slides, and questioning where certain photos came from.
I see Carlando adopting Oscar not in a parental way, but more in a “I have more life experience so let me tell you why ghosting your friend and crush is a bad idea”. They absolutely brainstorm ways to woo Logan but they keep failing because Logan thinks Oscar is doing this to apologize for not talking to him for a month/forgetting his birthday and Oscar is slowly going insane because nothing works and in every interaction Logan looks sadder and sadder. Carlos and Lando are definitely getting worked up because it was never this hard when they got together .
Your idea with the flower language is genius, can I write that in the fic? I am thinking of a scene like
“No, Lando we cannot put yellow roses in the arrangement. They mean decrease of love, that’s an awful flower to include.”
“How about orange lilies? There aren’t exactly a ton of papaya or orange flowers to choose from.”
“No! Orange lilies mean hatred. We should be starting simple like pink roses and baby breaths.”
“Those options are basic. They don’t have personality to them. It looks like Oscar just went to a supermarket and picked it up. How is anyone supposed to feel special receiving a standard supermarket bouquet?”
“I wouldn’t know Lando. You never got me flowers before so I don’t know how I would feel receiving a supermarket bouquet?”
This ask was super fun to answer! Thank you so much for sending it❤️ I am also obsessed with it and am drafting outlines to write it. Please feel free to send more asks. I really love answering them.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 days
The Man With The Plan (Nerd!Steve Rogers)
requested by @inhumanshadows for nerd!Steve guest starring on CR or Dimension20
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"And, that's right, gang, we have a very special new friend here for this adventure - please welcome Steve Rogers to the Dimension20 table!" Brennan introduces, indicating Steve, who sits directly across from him.
Steve chuckles and waves bashfully to the camera.
Emily smirks and stage whispers to the woman to her right, Marisha. "You and Matt must be SO mad you didn't get Captain America on your show, right?"
Marisha bursts into laughter and looks apologetically at Matt. "I mean, you gotta admit-"
"No, no, I'm absolutely gonna hold it over Brennan that I got to be in his party first."
"Hey, there's plenty of me to go around. I've been obsessed with this game since my boyfriend introduced it to me." Steve chuckles casually.
Aabria grins. "Yeah, watch him wipe the floor with us."
"Absolutely wreck us with his mad skills." Emily snickers.
They're playing a Dungeons and Dragons style campaign, in a classic fantasy setting - a classic campaign in a homebrewed setting infused with Brennan's humor and style.
Most people have been betting on what Steve's character would be when his guest star status was announced - most people assuming he'd take a paladin or fighter.
No one was expecting Steve to play a wizard! A creative caster with a ton of utility spells, whose robes Steve slyly describes as spangled.
"With stars?" Marisha chuckles.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" he teases back.
There are some lighthearted jokes, and Steve playfully admits he's never played a wizard before and is excited to try something new, and he gets to talk a little about playing with you.
The first time Steve derails an encounter, it's with the Jump spell, and everyone freezes when people realize that Steve's second highest ability score is Strength, and his wizard leaps easily out of reach to rain spells from above, and then leaps down to grapple the last archer until the others can reach him.
Steve's enhanced mental capacity lends itself well to studying his spell list and using them creatively.
It's also an instant meme to see Brennan's face upon realizing Steve is a wizard effectively both jumping and grappling.
Steve ends up playing really well with the group - he's naturally good at reading the room and supporting others, and Matt and Aabria are really good at drawing him into story beats.
Steve and Aabria's characters end up forming the romantic core of the season - playing out a heartfelt story where their characters are involved, and his changeling wizard keeps trying to alter his appearance to look better for her and she gets to tell him that she loves him for who he is.
Brennan playfully says now he has two archnemeses at his table - Emily's creativity and Steve's tactics.
It turns out to be a very good short season of Dimension20, and Steve's creative use of spells makes him an incredible support player, and people are clamoring for him to play again.
He probably won't join the cast or anything, but he is happy to be a reoccurring guest, and to show up for some one shots with some of the Critical Role gang.
He's genuinely a joy to play with, if you can handle him dismantling encounters with superior tactics and wild uses of spells.
And now when he goes to conventions and such, he gets more people coming up to him about his tabletop gaming than about being Captain America, and that just makes him smile.
And anything that makes him smile has just got to be a good thing.
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antiqua-lugar · 6 months
I think basically everything that can be said about that interview regarding Gale has been said but I did see some people be like “Well, but Gale is annoying and his stans are just woobifying him” and like. 
Like, okay. Gale is annoying. And Lae’zel is mean, Shadowheart is a bitch, Astarion is a cunt, Karlach is happy all the time all the time and Wyll is boringly well adjusted. That’s…the first impression you get of them in Act 1. That’s not even their full arc in Act 1, that’s literally the first few minutes you get with them! And then all of Act 1 is just undoing all of that.
In Gale’s specific case, being annoying isn’t even his main flaw. Like it gets brought up, I think because the writers wanted to make sure we would know this is a flaw he actually has in case you, like me, did not even notice you were supposed to be annoyed by him. But it’s not a serious issue or something it’s even remotely implied he has to work on. They still all end up liking each other and working together and flirting at each other. He’s a nerd that talks a lot and unless you end up in a jealousy convo no one really cares. His blissfully happy ending is to become a professor. His infodumping is so good the narrative lets him do it forever.
Gale being annoying (or being bothersome for eating your artifacts) is the player’s problem. You don’t have to like him, you don’t have to like anyone, but the narrative is not there to make a big deal out of it. Why should it? Everyone is flawed and then they get better. If you ignore Gale for being annoying or stake Astarion for being a vampire or forget to save Mizora condemning Wyll to the hells it’s a you problem, just like it’s a you problem if you push Shadowheart to embrace Shar and then Shadowheart is cold to you. 
Which is why the writers saying “Well, Gale is annoying so the fact that he sacrifices himself helps him redeem himself” is bonkers (just like rewriting Lae’zel lines to be more palatable is bonkers). Like it’s not just a bad take, it’s a “Gale was annoying so I ignored him the whole game so I don't know what his deal is” take. From the writers. Of the game.
And the rest applies to other weird instances of writing during the game. Like yeah, you can treat Gale horribly, you can treat everyone horribly. You can take advantage of Astarion, you can sell out Shadowheart, you can cheat on Wyll with Mizora and then tell him it’s his own fucking fault for not “pulling out”. But the game doesn’t try to imply that it’s funny that Astarion dissociates during sex. But it somehow is when Gale has to be persuaded into group sex, bolts and then the morning after he is like “Can we just never talk of this again”. And like Gale isn’t special in this regard, there is some stuff with Halsin, Wyll (no seriously what was that short) and even Raphael that is frankly appalling, but it really doesn’t help with the “we just never talked to Gale” vibe. Like if you romance Gale there is a line in the brothel where you can say that if you wanted boring sex you would have just had sex... with Gale. 
Gale “I read tons of erotic books and I have so many ideas. Let's do it in the Weave so we can try as many as possible” Dekarios. 
Also, nevermind all the serious implications, “He wasn’t ready for [his sacrifice] before but now he is” it’s like not even what happens. Like it’s not even what he says. I should not be reading an interview with the writers of a game and be like “did they just skip all of the dialogue”. 
(That interview was also very weird about Karlach but also I just feel like that interview was weird in general, like they just were in a rush and couldn’t really talk in depth about anything so it was vague lines for everyone, it's just that those about Gale particularly sucked).
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skysometric · 6 months
my 2nd favorite game that i played in 2023 is...
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In Stars and Time
i'm not much one for rpgs. i love their deep and complex stories! but i often find when playing them that the fights are either overwhelmingly complex, or too much of a grindy slog. it takes a very special kind of rpg to catch my attention, and In Stars and Time was one of them.
the core concept of the game is that you're stuck in a time loop at the final dungeon of a greater adventure. my first thought was that, surely, having to replay the same few sections of the dungeon, fight the same few enemies, would exacerbate my usual rpg exhaustion. paradoxically, this did not turn out to be the case; the time loop has checkpoints that allow you to rewind further back and then skip forward to where you were, using your number of defeated enemies as a resource. this alone was a godsend and allowed me to skip around as much as i needed to without any of the adventure getting stale.
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the rpg system itself is dead simple. there's no mana or MP to keep track of; special attacks simply need to recharge over X amount of turns. the three elements are rock, paper, and scissors – that's not even an allegory, they are literally rock / paper / scissors. each character specializes in using certain types effectively, and if you can use the same type of attack 5 times in a row as a party, it activates a party super that both heals and deals tons of damage. it's an incredibly fun and deep system for how simple it is to keep track of, especially as your party members grow and learn new moves!
all of these smartly designed systems helped to ease my usual rpg hangups and get into the story… and Oh My God. The Story.
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i will not spoil a goddamn thing. but i will tell you what i most loved: the characters, and the setting.
once in a while i'll see a writing-advice post going around tumblr that says to think of the little details when you're writing a larger story. what religions does your world have? what other countries are there, and how do they get along? how are the people in your world reacting to the major story beats? how does your main cast get along? how do they get on each others' nerves? what's the cringiest trait each one of them has? do they keep secrets? what are their memories of growing up? it's clear that the author took this direction to heart, creating a rich setting full of life and history!
and this is exactly where the timeloop concept SHINES. each loop you get to try something different, explore other options, to see how your party and the world around you react differently. if you check that bookcase you missed before, it has a whole conversation about life in one of the other countries. if you try the mean dialog option (perish the thought), you learn about a character's trauma in more detail. sometimes even the same actions have something new when you do them a second time… a third time… a fourth time. each loop enriches the characters and their history, deepens their humanity.
and then you begin to wonder. what else are you curious about… and how do you find the answers? how can you help your party members with their problems? what do the people outside of your party think of you? why DOES the main character hate croissants? it's a depth first dive into this wonderful world and its inhabitants; each new thread you dig up is rewarding in its own way.
long story short, i took a risk on this game, and i'm SO happy i did. if you play games for the story, In Stars and Time is your sleeper hit for 2023. jump on this!
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mama-qwerty · 2 months
The Knuckles Series - Review
Okay. So.
Finished the series.
I have thoughts.
First of all, it was fun. I view it as kinda filler episode material, that if someone watched just the movies they wouldn’t miss much. I watched it with my family and there were times we were all laughing and cheering and just enjoying the ride. It was silly and fun and Knuckles was adorable in every scene he was in.
That said, was it perfect?
No. No, it was not.
Here’s my take on some problems.
~ Setup felt rushed
We had the barest glimpse into Knux’s difficulty adjusting to a life on Earth, which, honestly, just made it look like he wasn’t being challenged enough. He can’t go from being on the run and fighting for his life at every turn to just sitting around playing VR and goofing off. That’s just not who he is.
Not to mention, his interpersonal skills are practically non-existent. He fought his whole childhood away. Presumably, anyone who came near him either wanted to exploit him, use him, or fight him. So he’s used to just doing things on his own, with no one to answer to, or take into consideration. That’s what I saw at the beginning—and honestly, it may have been easily handled had Maddie sat down with him and actually tried to get to know and understand him a little better.
~ Maddie
I felt for her, I really did. And I get that she was frustrated. Tom’s off who-knows-where, and she’s left at home trying to get the damage to the house fixed, while keeping tabs on three super powered alien kids, one of whom is actively attacking handymen, dragging a ton of dirt and sharpened sticks into the living room to make a warrior fighting pit, and dismantling the car to build himself an Iron Throne in the dining room.
She’s frustrated, and doing everything she can to keep herself from snapping. She didn’t sign up for this, but now has to learn on the fly how to deal with three very different, and very special needs kiddos.
But her referring to Knuckles as “our little red barbarian friend” kinda rubbed me the wrong way. He’s not a barbarian. He’s a warrior. He’s a traumatized kid who feels like the honor of his entire tribe rests on his shoulders. He’s struggling with this change and instead of trying to sit down and talk to the kid to explain how things are done on Earth, and see if there was some kind of agreement they could reach to keep them both happy, she just kinda gives up and walks away. Not very understanding, and doesn’t make her come off looking very good.
~ Pachacamac
Okay, this is just weird. Pachacamac, for those who don’t know, in the games is the warmongering echidna tribe chief who led the warriors in an assault to take the Master Emerald’s power for themselves. In the process, they enraged Chaos, the God of Destruction, who all but wiped out the Knuckles clan.
I know, I know, game and movie universes are different. The movie team has taken liberties before with certain aspects of Sonic lore, so this shouldn’t be any different.
Except it is. Canonically, Pachacamac is not a good guy. He’s not even a morally gray character. He is not an honored chief, who trained Knuckles and is now his wise spirit guide. He was the cause of the fall of Knuckles’ entire tribe, thanks to his greed and lust for power.
Making Pachacamac essentially Yoda is like changing Robotnik into a kindly grandfather figure. I mean, what??
The only thing I can think this harkens back to is Longclaw’s little hologram message from the second movie, in which she gives Sonic a quest to find the Master Emerald before Knuckles does. Which, okay, it’s a lost loved one giving a final message to help direct the character on a new path.
Except, Pachacamac isn’t a lost loved one for Knuckles. We did not see any interaction between Knux and Pach. We did see interaction between Knuckles and his father, who would have been a much better choice to send his son on a new path.
(I did, however, see this post that makes SOOOOO much sense in why Pachy appears to Knux, and instructs him to train Wade, specifically.)
~ The Master Emerald
Speaking of, WHERE IS IT? It was referenced numerous times, but never shown once. The absolute least the show could have done was show it well secured, with a Tails’ created security system in place. Show Knux meditating near it, or praying to his ancestors that they can rest easy knowing that the Emerald is safely back in the hands of the echidna once more.
The absolute lack of a presence of it is strange, considering the pursuit of it was what caused the near extinction of both the echidna and the owls. It was Knuckles’ focus for his entire life. Yet he simply leaves it behind without a second thought?
~ Wanda
OMG I hated Wade’s sister. Just, hated her. She was immature, abrasive, abusive, unnecessarily antagonistic with Wade (which seemed to be a life-long thing if the flashbacks are anything to go by) and just struck me as someone who was overcompensating for something. She’s a bully and it’s no wonder Wade is the way he is if he had to grow up with someone like her.
~ No Closure
We didn’t see them arrive back home, where Maddie would hand them their asses for just disappearing like that and not telling her. She was likely worried out of her mind the whole time. And I would have liked to have seen Sonic and Tails try to cover for Knux’s absence, in funny little brotherly shenanigans.
As I said above, I still found it fun. I loved Mother Whipple. I loved Knux’s interactions with her. I loved how Wade grew over their little trip. It was an enjoyable ride, and my whole family really had fun.
How would I have done it differently?
Well, that’s a different post.
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popculturebuffet · 4 days
Donald Duck 90th Birthday Special: A Look At Mr Duck Steps Out
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Happy Birthday Donald! For those I haven't had a chance to tell, i'm a HUGE Donald Duck Fan. Easily my faviorite Disney Character and the best of the sensational six.... which Pluto is a part of for some godforsaken reason but you didn't hear to come me badmouth a cartoon dog, I didn't come here to do that, it's time to celebrate one of the best characters in all of ficiton. And that's not hyperbole: Donald is a versatile character: he's been the best dad ever, an absuive parent, a put upon dad raising three horrifying nephews, a loving boyfriend, a negelctful ass, a put upon worker in the nazi regime, a sailor, a soldier, a cabllero, a singer, a lover, a dreamer, me, an unstoppable force of rage, a heavily abused worker for a billionare, a fire fighter, a musketeer, owen an ostrich, owned a penguin, fought an elder god, been to the moon and back, reawakened a billionare's will to live, been a superhero, been in a collectable card game, had a goose eat everything in his kitchen and many more adventures i'm simply not aware of. Donald has done it all.
Donald is at his best though when he's the every man: he fucks up, get's frustrated and often fails, but keeps going anyway. He reminds us that failure or loosing your temper isn't the end, you can recover from it and even if you don't, that's life.
To Honor Him I was spoiled for choice with tons of Barks stories, a ducktales episode, and a quack pack episode that all fit.. but for 90 years, I wanted something special, something that captured the age of the character, the scope of what he's capable of and the humor all in one.
So I settled on this: I covered this short way back in my donald duck shortsravagangza years ago, but felt it deserved a closer look: This short is without a doubt my faviorite theatrical short. That is a large library and given my love of Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, a tall order, and others certainly come close. I mean I bought a 40 short compliation called best of space jam just to get Hot Cross Bunny, it's a close race.. but it's one this short wins. It's got great timing, gorgeous animation and tons of great laughs and while it's throughly tied to the 40's it was born in, that creates an old fashiond charm to it. It's far and away one of disney's best cartoons ever, so if you please, join me under the cut to find out why.
Mr Duck Steps out came out in 1940 and is notable as the very first apperance of Daisy, and with an opener like this, it's easy to see why she stuck around.
It's also got a power house team behind it: Besides Disney's fantastic as always staff from them, it was directed by Jack King. Jack is someone I just really looked into and shame on me: With how much I love this short, I shoudl've done this way sooner because as it turns out King's career is drenched in Donald Duck Classics. King started his career as an animator, only moving up to director after leaving Disney to work at Warner Bros. His first efforts were the much malinged Buddy Cartoons, along with a few starring attempted star beans the cat.
Thankfully he moved back to Disney which not only bumped him up to director (Albeit uncredited because animation directors went uncredited back then which was awful), where he found his Niche: By then Donald Duck had started his solo career and King proceeded to direct most of his shorts from then on out exclusivley worked witht he duck.. and it was a match made in heaven. King perfectly got the duck's style, how to direct his temper and thus most of his shorts with donald are classics. A few duds from the ones of his I have seen but you can't win em all. He directed faviorites of mine such as Modern Inventions (His first Donald Duck Short), Donald's Ostrich, and the Hockey Champ and i'm defintely going to watch more
The other key to his success was another legend, the guy who made Donald what he is on screen and page Carl Barks. Yes something I often forget and the public at large seems to is Carl Barks was writer and story director on a LOT of Donald Duck Shorts. You can tell too as the more put upon everyman from his comics is present: He may not speak as much, but he's there. Barks really got how to bring out the best in donald and how to make him look good and with an all star team of animators. Combine him with a director who really got the character and you get magic.
Mr Duck Steps out Preemered on June 6th 1940, making this a celebration of it's 84th anniversary as well , if a few days late. It was distributed by RKO and other than that I don't have much. This short is great, I wish I knew more about it, let's begin.
The short has a simple setup: Donald in a banger outfit that's rightfully gotten a funko in Disney's 20th anniversary wave... which so far is donald doing a temper tantrum, in his black sailor suit from the comics, in this banger outfit and for some reason, with heart eyes. One of these things is out of place and it's the heart eyes. It's cute and all but the guy has a massive career and costumes to pull from. Come on.
At any rate Donald has a date tonight and does some really fun dancing to some 40's music. The dancing animation is REALLY fucking smooth and one of the best things this short has, with the moves being smooth as butter.
Unfortunately for him, his Nephew's want to tag along. I love them dancing right behind him and when he opens the door and realizes there there, using his cane like a hook to pull them back in the house.
Huey , Unsettling Yellow Dewey and Louie are prominent here and while I used to hate the classic versions for being identical i've mostly come around. I still PREFER that they have seperate distinct personalities, the Ducktales Reboot versions are still far and away the best, taking elements from different versions and separating them into three distinct people with designs that make it easy to tell them apart.
That said the three in one version CAN work: It worked in the comics as having three gave them more flexiblity and Scrooge more of a crew, yet characterization wise still fill just one slot, making a freudian trio with their uncles. Likewise they work very well when their the absolute worst, little hellions who are like living in a living nightmare and put their uncle through a LOT. There the numbers game means Donald can't beat them easily. It also works in more benign examples of showing him up like the hockey champ.
So for this short it works well that Donald's outnumbered: he rightfully wants a night to himself and while he shoudl've got a sitter, his frustration and antics towards the kids feel entirely understandable when they keep following him, taking his choclates for daisy and nearly getting strangled for it, back when that was a funny punchline and not child abuse.
Enter daisy complete with fan fare. I've always loved it, the fact she has a curtain to announce herself, the fact there's this random fan fare, the fact the fan fare dosen't land as much as this isn't a new character to modern viewers so much as "One of the core cast for 84 years now". I also love Donald's rebound of "Hehehe I brought my nephews, weh". Clarence Nash's delivery is great. His delivery as Daisy and the boys also works and feels mostly distinct, though I do get why June Foray and Tress MacNeile have both dubbed over him in some versions. I still go with the original but I get wanting a voice that actually sounds like daisy and not exactly like her boyfriend.
Donald gives the kids a quarter for ice cream, another delivery I love. While Tony Anselmo is my faviorite Donald, Nash really can't be understated: while the voice itself is impressive, how expressive he can get with it is remarkable, able to make donald angry, horny or happy as can be with ease. Screen Donald gets flack for not having his comics counterparts range, but I think with the right scripts, Nash gave donald a lot of great comedic range and had excellent timing, able to make what could've been just a goofy voice one of the best characters in animation. That little "heh" when he says he brought his nephews, the awkward way he says it as he's making it up on the spot it's so good.
So Donald gets to flirt with Daisy, who flirts with him with her ass
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How they made THIS sexy I don't know. Maybe i've just lost it. It's hard to tell. But it's also funny and Donald sadly dose'nt get a kiss as the little shits return and try to ruin his date because.. their bored? he tried to leave them behind? They have no souls just a styigan void where it would be?
They dance and that's really the bulk of the short as the boys cut in, Donald cuts back in after turning into a tiger, and it's all amazingly animated. Just fluid, gorgeous and hilaroius to look at. Really smooth stuff. I also like how happy and cheerful daisy is here. She still has some of her later pepper in how fast she moves, but I like her being upbeat but assertive over thier later status quo
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I love that short but I prefer them as a stable couple over bickering assholes.. or in the case of three Cabs Daisy an ABUSIVE asshole.
It all ends in the boys deciding to feed donald popcorn kernels, have them explode inside him and ... somehow that'd ruin the date. or kill him their fine with either. So we get a really fun climax as donald dances to the beat of the pop corn, daisy rolls with it and the boys play piano, a manequin like a base guitar and plungers. What makes it work best is not only how fun the animatoin is.. but that Donald comes out on top. The boys are pretty awful and Donald is fine to have one night ot himself. Still should've gotten that sitter but .. 40's. What can you do? He gets covered with kisses and wins the day. It's a sweet ending.
Overall this short is just masterful. I said what i could but it's a feast for the eyes ears and pancreas with some great gags, fast animation and is just.. a joy. It makes me happy every time I watch it and is easy to default to when I want to watch a disney short. It's on D+ if you have it in glorious hd and if not you can still find it on the internet archive, and I recommmend you go seek it out. It's only 9 minutes and every one of those is worth your time. Thanks for reading.
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Do you think there was a plan for Josh and Sam to have a romance in Until Dawn? I feel like it was implied that they at least have feelings for each other by Josh's "joke" about helping Sam with the bath/specific mention of her being there and Sam's comment at the end of the game, but if so i wonder why they didn't give more lore or moments between them. I mean the big obvious reason is that Josh was playing his elaborate prank on the others and he was obviously not in a good mental state and just lost his sisters and would be gone the majority of the game. But idk i just wish we could have had more knowledge about them or scenes with them. Josh gives the vibe that he talks more game than he has. I believe when he truly likes someone he is quite smitten and sometimes surprises himself with the things he may blurt out. Honestly, i don't think Sam didn't want to "take advantage" of Josh considering the events going on so she was being very careful and considering her feelings but this traumatic event was bringing them together *cough what Josh said Chris and Ash needed* so it was getting hard to deny those feelings.
Oh I like this question! I’ve mentioned it before, but Josh x Sam is my favorite ship.
I don’t think there’s much evidence they were originally intended to be a couple or that the devs see it that way. Even so, I definitely got the impression that Josh cared for Sam more deeply than anyone but Chris. His stats show that Sam is 3-way tied for second with Ashley and Jess, and Sam’s have most people equal (Mike and Jess are lower), but there’s a lot of lore connecting Josh and Sam.
Josh comes across as kind of girl-crazy to me, because of his comments towards Sam, Jess, and Ashley. But there are several things that jumped out to me about him and Sam:
There’s dialogue where Josh tells Sam that he’s happy everyone could make it to the lodge. Then he emphasizes the fact that he’s happy Sam could make it.
Sam says in her interviews that Josh had told her that he felt a special bond with her. Josh had claimed that Sam understood him more than anyone and that they had a connection.
Josh talks a ton about finding her pretty. Again, he does this to other girls, but there’s quite a lot of it during Sam’s psycho chase.
There are some little gestures and statements the characters make that I find sweet too. If Sam is nervous to explore the sound in the basement by herself, she’ll hold onto Josh’s arm when they look together. When Josh and Sam get chased by Chris in the monk costume, Josh will hold out his arm to prevent “the masked monk” from getting to Sam. Sam, if she finds the psycho lair, can tell Josh she thinks he’s crying for help which is very empathetic and caring, considering what he put her through.
Finally, I did write an analysis for Reddit at some point, just unpacking Josh’s motives, and I did find it interesting to reflect on Josh showing Sam the tape of him dying, particularly because (as you also noted) he admits/hints a few times that his prank has been intended to bring people closer, and the game gives a lot of indicators that it was meant to be psychological manipulation.
Josh is deeply disturbed, obviously, and it’s not always clear what his exact logic is— but I do get the sense/headcanon that he genuinely wanted to see what Sam and Chris would do in situations involving his death. His dialogue towards Chris while he’s “dying” is very much “we’re still friends, right?” and he’s legitimately pissed later if Chris chooses Ashley.
Josh: Bro! Bro, we've been through so much, come on... I don't wanna go out like this...!
Josh: I know... I know we haven't been the best of friends lately... and I've been kinda messed up and everything... but I'm getting better, man... I swear!
Josh: I thought we were FRIENDS man! I thought we were FRIENDS why would you DO THIS!?
I mean, this can be read a few ways, certainly. Josh is definitely trying to terrify and mess with Chris, and the last line could also be fake-directed at the psycho. But some of this dialogue sounds like it has a grain of truth in it. Josh may be safe, and he does want Ashley to ultimately think Chris saved her, but he is genuinely learning whom his best friend loves more and truly does have to make sense of why Chris doesn’t choose him, if that’s the case.
Now, with this context, I feel like he plays a similar game with Sam. He, as the psycho, asks Sam how she feels about seeing Josh die.
Sam turns back around to see Josh getting cut in half.
Sam: Josh!
Psycho: How does it make you feel?
I sense there’s a level of dark curiosity Josh has with Sam and Chris. And my interpretation here tracks with how I view their relationships. I believe he cares about what Sam and Chris think. He wants the whole group, particularly the couples (DOUBLE particularly to Chris and Ashley), to get closer. But when he goes about attempting this bonding for himself— it’s most clear that he might be trying to do so with Sam and Chris.
All this said, I do think there’s less canonically indicating that Sam has quite the same level of feelings for Josh. Sam is very independent while also being something of a “Team Mom.” I think she’s known Josh a long time due to her friendship with Hannah, and it’s evident that she spent a lot of time talking to him after the twins vanished. Josh just has a bit more indicating he loves Sam as more than friends than vice versa.
So uh TL;DR—
I think it makes a lot of sense that Josh has a crush on Sam. It’s unconfirmed, but there are many things that caught my eye and made me interpret that. The reading that feels the most accurate is that it’s a bit one-sided, because it feels stronger on Josh’s end. That said, Josh and Sam as a ship fascinates me and has SO MUCH GOOD about it given their defined history. Also, the conversations they can have feel less superficial than how most of the couples talk. I like it a lot.
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bazzybelle · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @spockandthings for tagging me in this game!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 42 works on AO3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
306,632 words. Which isn't too terrible, I don't think.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics are from the Carry On Universe (Simon Snow Trilogy), but I have been writing a lot of Sandman fics as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
They are all from the Carry On universe.
I Just Want Your Extra Time And Your..... -> 611 kudos
Falling Back To You -> 511 kudos
So Close, We've Always Been -> 431 kudos
Thighs and Prejudice -> 304 kudos
The Best Game You Can Name -> 276 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, but I am terrible at being consistent with it. If I am able to sit down and just get them over with, then yeah I can do it. But if I'm disrupted, then it'll take me another length of forever to get back to them. To whomever's left me a kind comment, I see you, and I love you.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't like writing angsty endings... I'll write a ton of angst within a fic, but I like to make them happy... You know, I think With Open Arms - Don't Stay For Me might be the angstiest one. It was my first fic and it was my attempt to process Wayward Son and all the emotions that came with it. It was also the first fic I wrote after not writing for almost a decade so...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have some sort of happy ending, but I think the one that is my favourite happy ending is Speak My Language of Love, because I liked how both Simon and Baz were able to express to each other how much they love.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ooooo yes... I do. I have written all sorts of smut. Sexting, rimming, frotting, switching top and bottom... But I've mostly written Simon and Baz smut. I haven't written Dreamling smut... yet. What's funny is that I did a search of how many E-rated fics I have, and it's only 10.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet. I DO want to write a Watford-era crossover fic between Dreamling and SnowBaz, where Morpheus and Hob just view the events of the Trilogy, but through an outsider's perspective. Yes... I plan on making it very snarky.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I certainly hope not...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I would love to! I have several authors both in the Carry On and Sandman fandom that I would love to co-author with.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh that's just mean. I'm currently obsessed with Dreamling, but SnowBaz will always have a special place in my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have been slowly chipping away at Youth Without Youth and No One To Save, but my motivation to write SnowBaz explicitly has all but diminished. It's been difficult to get back into the habit of writing because I have been feeling burnt out since last year, and so I am only writing when I feel an urge and I'm only writing things that give me a happy motivation.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told that I write angst and fast-paced action scenes really well. I have also been told that I am really good at world building.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar and syntax. I also repeat sentences and words and phrases. I m also not great at descriptive, flowy prose. I tend to be very choppy with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean you do you. But if you plan on doing it, please provide some sore of translation if you want me to understand what's going on.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ok so... I have been playing in fandom since Prue died on Charmed (so like 2001, I think), but the first fanfic I wrote was in 2004, I think and it was a Charmed fanfic with Piper/Leo. I found it the other day, in one of my OLD emails and OUFFF... I've been writing on and off since then, taking hiatuses especially during school and most recently during a decade of fandom repression and depression. I have written for Charmed, Grey's Anatomy (RPG), Criminal Minds, Carry On, and now The Sandman.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh that's difficult. Ok so for Sandman, I loved how How Beautiful it is That We Exist turned out. For Simon Snow, it's a tie between Thighs and Prejudice, The Best Game You Can Name, and Falling Back To You
Tagging: @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @amywaterwings, @namistrella, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @sleepsonfutons, @mentallyinvernation, @mallory-x, @windsweptinred, @seiya-starsniper, @ninemagicks, @tryan-a-bex, @wellbelesbian, @messofthejess, @artsyunderstudy, @valiantstarlights
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usamingif · 1 year
How do I get into THE IDOLM@STER?
...is a very frequent question we idolmaster fans get!
I recently got a message from someone asking me if I could make a post answering this question, and I said I would try. I'm very bad at explaining things, but idolmaster is my biggest special interest, and I am always really happy to try to get people into it.
Before we start, I want to remind you that Idolmaster has no localization. All translations are fanmade. Please remember to support translators. I'll leave as many resources as possible. If you have any translators or sites you'd like me to mention, please let me know.
If you're willing to try and get into it, please open the readmore. I wont only be including Cinderella Girls, I'll try to include every branch.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Cinderella Girls?
Alright, I know I said I wouldn't only be including CG, but this is still a deresute gif blog. I know what most of you are here for.
Cinderella Girls is a huge branch. There's 190 idols. I see some people backing out when they realize this, but I don't think that should discourage you! With that many idols, you're guaranteed to find someone for you. And please, just because you think the voiced girls are more worth your time, please check out the unvoiced ones as well.
Alright, but how do you get into it?
There's a lot of Youtube channels that translate different commus from it. From card lines, to memorial commus, to entire events. Simply search "deresute translation" if you'd like. HNKM_days on Twitter also translates most of the events as they come out.
CG's music is great! there's tons of uploads on soundcloud. My soundcloud playlist has about 200-ish songs. You can find a bunch by just searching "idolmaster".
To find more information on a song, search it up on project-imas.
Project-imas is *the* best idolmaster resource I can think of. It's entirely in English, it has every single song, CD, card — anything you can think of. I use it everyday of my life, which might sound sad but I assure you it isn't. Probably.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Million Live?
Sankyuu ML subs on YouTube does a great job at translating mirishita related content! Another personal note I wanna add is that million live has an amazing discography, and full versions of pretty much every song are on Spotify. Even tho the cast is way smaller than Cinderella Girls, there's still a lot to love about the branch. I dont play Mirishita as much as I do some of the other games, but I still consume lots of content from it and it's a lovely branch I definitely recommend you get into. As of writing this post, Mirishita is celebrating it's 6th anniversary! It's a good time to download the game. Remember, you will need a Japanese VPN or Japanese Apple ID to play it. This goes for every imas mobile game.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER SideM?
Well, this is where we're gonna have to start getting into the thorny dark side of being an idolmaster fan. SideM is a great branch which I absolutely adore, and all of it's producers are so passionate about it, however.. Bandai Namco has never been kind to it.
This year, it was announced that it's only current running game, THE IDOLM@STER SideM Growing Stars, will be ending it's service. This was extremely sudden, and hard for everyone to handle. This means that there will basically be no way to properly produce the idols. SideM won't fully die, with there being lives and such, but producing the idols is such a big part of this franchise. I don't want to make this post gloomy out of nowhere, I swear. It's just a bit touchy for now.
There's a huuuge translation masterdoc for SideM, if any of the units or characters catch your eye from the project-imas wiki page on SideM, I suggest you search for whatever idols intrigue you most in the doc. As well as the doc, you can search up "#sidemTL" on Twitter for more translations not on the doc. There's so much to love about every unit and idol, I swear it's worth your time! Even tho it's current state might steer you away, I think it's important to still appreciate the branch for what it is. Oh hey, SideM's discography is also on streaming services! Please stream Piece Montee and Secret Ornament.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Shiny Colors?
Here's ones that's been gaining traction! Luckily, it's actually a pretty accessible branch to get into, if you're willing to download the English patch. The gameplay might seem complicated and scary at first, but even that has tons of guides. I think a lot of this post is motivated by my emotions on the franchise, and I'm sorry about that, but I really mean it when I say the writing is incredible.
You can play Shinymas on your web browser here. If you search up "Shiny colors English patch" on google, you can download it using the instructions. If you're still hesitant on playing for whatever reason, you can read episodes recorded in the English patch on YouTube. I'm not exaggerating when I say the writing is amazing.
p.s if you dont care about that then I should let you know there's unlimited free ten pulls when you start the game
How do I get into the original idolmaster games? (765AS + Dearly Stars)
If you specifically want to get into the console games, there's English roms and translations of routes on Youtube, as well. Dearly Stars is currently in a very weird state, tho. You see, the 765AS girls are all in Million Live, and there's a lot of consolemas games they appear in. But for Dearly Stars, there's only one game. Which is, well, Dearly Stars. And 2/3 of the Dearly Stars just.. havent gotten content since?
I think that it's still a game you should check out, tho! There's not a single bad song in it, and even tho 3 idols might seem like an underwhelming number, they're all brilliant and very lovable. As with a good chunk of consolemas games, there's Dearly Stars translations up on YouTube! A really dedicated RyoP posted them all and I am eternally grateful to them for it.
Alright, phew. I wrote half of this at 11 am and procrastinated for a few hours then wrote more at midnight. Remember that project-imas is an insanely good resource and I encourage you to tell me if I should add more things onto this post. 100% of this post was made off the top of my head and based off of my own experience with the games. I want to mention that there's also a channel called "アイマスSUBS" that covers all the branches in terms of translations, and they've got a bunch of those. Have fun, producers!
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moon-alight · 1 year
can you please make maki as a boyfriend? And i really like your blog and i'm so happy that you write for &team
I could, yes. I'm glad you like my content and I'm also happy I write for &Team. Great group with a lot of potential. :)
Also this is my 30th post! I'm going so fast it's funny!
&Team Maki as your boyfriend
Warnings: none
Word Count: 569
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-He would've known you for a while. You had been friends for at least a couple of months before he started realizing his romantic feelings.
-Would be in a fight with himself because on one hand, you're a very close friend of his and therefor he would never want to lose you but he definitely wasn't happy just being friends.
-He decided to let it go for a while, maybe his feelings would leave soon enough.
-Unfortunately (fortunately) for him, his feelings became even stronger instead of disappearing.
-He would be awake for hours just thinking about you and what to do.
-Eventually decides to just take the risk because maybe it will work out.
-And work out it did. You were stunned when he appeared in front of your house at midnight and confessed. But you also liked it a lot.
-Let me tell you, this boy is ecstatic now that he finally has you.
-Would hold your hand constantly, play with your fingers etc.
-I believe he would have German nicknames for you like Schatz (Treasure), Liebling (Darling) or Schnecke (Snail)...
-The last one only to tease you of course. (It's a good thing I'm half German myself)
-If you're international, he would try to learn as much about your culture, language and home-country as possible.
-Would surprise you with talking some words in your language and his pronunciation would be good af.
-Loves physical contact from you. Can't wait until you cuddle into him while watching a movie.
-Probably the reason why he liked horror movies so much. To see you get scared and have you curl up into him.
-Plays video games with you, even if you suck, he would still enjoy your company.
-Always watching you (Not in a creepy way) but an admiring way.
-Sometimes has to pinch himself to realize this is all real.
-Walking Pandy together.
-Calls you Pandy's mom.
-Has a journal in which he writes everything about you. Your dates, what you smell like and how cute your smile is.
-Also writes about little things you do like habits or things you like so he never forgets.
-Loves sentimental gifts more than buyable gifts.
-Like, he would totally melt if you gave him a self-made scrapbook with all your memories or a keychain with a picture of you, him and Pandy.
-Keeps these little gifts in a box under his bed.
-One day Harua finds it and hell breaks lose but that's a different story.
-Shy with PDA but will of course hold your hand.
-Not protective at all.
-I mean, if someone says something or looks at you the wrong way, he will say something about it.
-But overall trusts you enough to not worry about whether or not you have male friends or something.
-Makes tons of selfies with you.
-Scratch that... Full on photoshoots together.
-He keeps each and every picture in a special album on his phone.
-Sulks when you don't pick his photocard after you got an &Team album.
-But will spoil you with more until you have him.
-Likes to take you out for food-dates.
-Foods you both never tastes before, or something you just really love to eat.
-I'm a solemn believer he likes chubby girls so there you go. Do with that information whatever you want.
-Just wants to be with you 24/7. I'm soft now...
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btw, as the anon who talked about nonverbal assistive devices regarding kaie (saying this because i saw someone else sharing my words :') thank you very much), i will say that i believe that nagi also falls under the category of person who cannot be ignored even by non-autistic people. i have not met a single fan who did not find something "off" about nagi. whether they celebrated it or found it a reason to consider her a weirdo or even annoying, and whether or not they recognised it as "autistic", it seems pretty much everyone who plays the game DETECTS NAGI'S NEURODIVERGENCE in a similar fashion to kaie's. nagi is another AMAZING example of neurodivergence in fiction: autistic characters are typically MALE rather than FEMALE, and female autistic characters are almost ALWAYS shown as either "hyper-competent beyond typical means" (the genius hacker stereotype, for instance) or as "bumbling ineffectual losers" (most 'fangirl' type characters). in almost all cases their autistic traits are used to moeify them, make them "larger than life" (again re: geniuses) in ways that most irl autistic people cannot do, and/or render the helpelss and dependent on a (typically male) player through traits such as anxiety or not understanding social cues.
nagi is an amazing example of an autistic version who GETS TO KEEP HER SPECIAL INTEREST and even has her dedication to her special interest being something that HELPS HER BECAUSE SHE HAS A SPECIAL INTEREST, NOT IN SPITE OF IT, with her special interest helping OTHERS as well. instead of not understanding social cues, she is the MOST EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT IN THE GROUP (as autistic people often are, especially girls and women, when they have had to cope their whole lives) yet still is unable to avoid "appearing autistic" to others, as seen in her dialogue and even in her battle lines, where she gets half the cast (rindo, beat, and sho) to comment on her screeching. she often has on the "wrong expression" during cutscenes, appearing troubled at happy times or sneering at sad times. and all of these are treated as aspects of herself rather than something that she needs to fix or improve.
her autistic traits are shown to both harm her (her hyperempathy makes her nearly drown in the "ocean of despair" of feelings during W3, or her difficulty in dealing with unannounced change made her melt down during her introduction, or how the social network talks about other EleStra fans who being her aura overwhelming and intimidating) and also help her (her dedication to EleStra repeatedly allowed her to compartmentalise her feelings in ways that i have done MANY times to deal with later at a time when it would be personally safer to melt down, and even fret is amazed at her ability to help others through saying the right thing -- good and bad to hyperempathy!).
furthermore, nagi is a main character present throughout the game. she isn't a mega genius. she doesn't do anything that a "typical person" cannot do. her autistic traits contribute to her powers (i.e. Dive is EASILY an extension of her hyperempathy) but 'autism is not her superpower', rather her autistic traits are simply part of her, informing her abilities in the way that all the other characters' traits inform their abilities instead of that being the "point" of her character. she just gets to exist and be autistic and that's really cool.
i can't tell you how incredible it is to have a "wacky" character with tons of autistic traits who is also the most emotionally mature in part because of these "wacky" traits.
i love both kaie and nagi to death. but i had to pick nagi for this one.
anon, i love you so much. the person who shared your words on the poll was me on my main, and even though i ended up voting kaie, this is exactly why i've wanted her to win since the start and why she's my #1 seed, even of the top 4. i've been trying to keep my personal opinions off this blog but it's the final round and there's genuinely no losing here. both options are incredible and important and represent and under-represented group of autistic people. genuinely the best final matchup we could have gotten, i think.
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Watched The Last Voyage of the Demeter last night and I... Just can't understand how even Stephen King and Del Torro are fans? I'm happy so many people enjoyed it but I found it baffling in its disregard for the plot, the characters and any and all lore, and just good cinema? It's such a pity because I was so hyped. And even more of a pity because the movie is SO beautiful in regards to set, filmography and score. Gah!
Spoilers below
The rules set up in the book? Toss them: not a single rule aside from Dracula only coming out at night (which is not even a fixed rule in the book) is followed. Dracula isn't bothered by crucifixes and does not use his morphing power to become other creatures. Which means the iconic final scenes of the captain being bound to the ship an dog-ula jumping off the ship did not happen.
creature design: by the time dracula leaves his castle he's looking like a nice old man with an eccentric mustache and can speak perfect English. He planned his departure for decades at least. This Dracula looks like a half-decayed corpse monster, which I could have understood as a creative decision (i.e. dracula not bothering to look nice since he'll kill them all anyways) but dracula is also weakened and seems to be barely able to understand English. I'm supposed to think this creature managed to plot to have his coffin brought to the ship and multiple residences having been set up in the UK for him when he's this weak and monsterly? And the design after looking at it for a while doesn't look monsterly, just very ugly and dumb. And the burning scenes for the sired crew looked bad. very bad. The gruesomeness was cool though.
Book-dracula is dumb, he's dumber: so book dracula is dumb because he ate his way through the crew before arriving safely, right? and his hubris gets him killed in the end as well. But this thing? Even more dumb. Book dracula planned his trip for decades at least. He's got tons of wooden crates with dirt because he knows he might need to be able to hide in them when another coffin is found out. But it also has the added benefit of making it harder to find him, because there's many identical boxes, and if the crew were to start searching, the odds of finding him before he managed to escape were lower. This dumbo has x amount of random crates, and then one MEGACRATE with his crest which is so obvious it's stupid. Also: what's his game? Hiding or not hiding? He hides his first body but not the blood on the ship? But then some other killings he's not even ashamed of being seen? Why?
bad movie making: why add additional people? Is there a point to Clemens' backstory? He didn't use his doctor skills a lot and his backstory has no pay off in the end. Anna is just an infodump. The boy is a great actor and lovely, but he was just inserted to draw on our heartstrings. On top of that the movie doesn't set up its reveals properly. Sure, dracula sired/half transformed some of the crew and Anna, but with the first man he is first just a transforming mess, then becomes possessed at night when dracula practices control over him, and at dawn he's suddenly sensible somewhat? He's immediately dying to sunlight. Then Toby. No transformation, just straight up dead? And then turns monsterly during the day??? That's another way of it happening, no logical repeat. Then Anna is suddenly revealed to have been slowly dying? But it wasn't set up by any kind of sun-sensitivity or her temporarily losing control over her actions? A shame.
Dumb actions; they hammer the ship shut so dracula "only has one way out". But dude? he's literally gotten into every room of the ship without explanation or broke his way through. Why wouldn't he be able to now? Are the characters amnesiacs?
This was so frustrating because I LOVE the books, and I love almost all dracula movies, and there's a lot of bad ones and B-movies and even C-movies. Bad special effects, gore and unfaithful adaptations don't phase me. But I need the characters to be consistent and not dumb, for there to be some rules about vampires, for the movie to be consistent and for the plot to make sense, for characterization to be a chekhov's gun instead of random trivia.
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