#these shots are so gorgeous if you have a twitter please go appreciate it over there!
shomouno · 2 months
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Young You World Figure Skating Championships 2024 : 📸
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mamirhodessxox · 4 months
Hi! I would love a one shot of our king, Cody Rhodes. Prompt is “reader is pregnant with their first child and feeling self-conscious about how she looks so Cody sets to work reminding her how sexy he thinks she is”. Thank youuuuu ♥️
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Absolutely not having it
Cody Rhodes x Pregnant(fem)!Reader
Desc: You & Your husband Cody are attending a wwe awards show event and it would be the first time you walk down the red carpet in awhile & taking pictures on your own, Word got out that you two were expecting a baby but the only downside is the feeling of insecurity washing over you.
Contents: Fluff, Supportive cody!!!, Body shaming, Insecurities, Self doubt, Etc etc
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) Votes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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It was early July, You & Your husband Cody had arrived in L.A for the week so you both could attend the WWE award show being held tonight & everything was going perfect until this afternoon, You were in the hotel you two were staying at putting on your dress that was custom made to your liking, Your stylist helped you get inside but the moment you struggled to get in at least a little bit it was almost as if everything crashed down.
Once you slipped in the dress your stylist zipped you up but all you could do was stare at the mirror in pure disgust, Cody walked in adjusting his tie and smiled at you “Well aren’t you just the most beautiful woman in the whole universe.” You looked over at him with a disgusted look which confused him so he had the stylist wait outside the room. “Sweetheart what’s the matter? Your water didn’t break did it?”
You sighed shaking your head and took a seat on the bed holding your belly “No not yet but I wish it dod, gettin’ sick of this body, I look like a goddamn pig Cody .” You sigh out but he wasn’t having any of it “Uh-uh, no, get the hell up.” He grabbed your hands and dragged you ti the mirror and stood behind you and put his hands on top of your tummy “You don’t say that ever again am I understood? Your our babies home right now and i’ll be damned if you say something like that ever again, you’re the most beautiful sexiest woman I know & our babygirl is gonna come out just as beautiful as you.” He scolds while you frown and lean your back into his chest
“I don’t know Cody, It took me 5 whole minutes to get in this dress! I’m getting fat!” You huff out but he shook his head “Your not getting fat sweetheart, You realize it’s not even your stomach that’s the issue? The dress was made to get your belly in with ease, Your ass & Thighs need to get in there & not only that but so are your tits sweetheart.” You grimace at his foul use of words but that was just Cody. He didn’t necessarily have a censor around you.
“What about all the comments you’re getting on Instagram, Twitter? Everywhere? I’m not beautiful like I used to be! Everyone thinks i’m getting ugly Cody! It’s a horrible look for your reputation.” He scoff and kisses the temple of your head “Half of the people who say that are either miserable failures or jealous women that couldn’t get to marry me like you. You realize how many people think you’re gorgeous right now? Hell I’m a man and I would kill to have that pregnancy glow you have.”
You laughed and nodded your head a little bit while turning around and running your hands up his chest and fixing his tie “I guess you’re right..I don’t know what I would do without your support.” He shrugged and gave you a kiss “Probably going nuts?”
You chuckle and nod your head while wrapping around Cody “Thank you for the boost baby, I feel much better now.” He rubbed your back for a few seconds before sitting you down on the bed & helped putting on your high heels while placing little kisses on the side of your ankles.
After a good 30 minutes of double checking your outfits You both arrived at the Arena where the award show was being hosted & Cody had to separate from you for a little bit to take a few interviews, You got your pictures taken with a few familiar faces when you were a women’s wrestler at WWE before going on maternity leave, By the time Cody & You reunited you were both seated somewhere.
This night was one of the most successful nights ever for Cody & You, He got an award for top best wrestler of the year & he thanked everybody especially you. You felt more than lucky to have him as your husband & even more luckier to be carrying his child.
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🏷️ list: @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @puppy-princ3ss @valkyrurr @mini-rhodes
XtripleiiiX’s Masterlist
A/N: Hii doll! I hope you enjoyed this little imagine & it was as good as you wished it to be :) if you have anymore ideas & requests feel free to send them in :)
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iamwestiec · 3 years
June 17: Chengxian 💜🖤💕
childhood friends to lovers/QPPs, ace Jiang Cheng, bi & aro Wei Wuxian, modern AU
(A/N: If you're wondering about a certain other someone, he will have a wonderful, full life of his own in Suzhou in this AU but is not in this story. 💙 There are some brief mentions of offscreen ace-antagonism, not by anyone we know.)
Read on ao3
Jiang Cheng had been Wei Ying's best friend in the whole world for his entire life.
Okay. Well, not quite his entire life, but certainly since Wei Ying’s parents moved to California when he was little little, which was about as far back as Wei Ying could remember anyway. Wei Ying’s baba and Jiang Cheng’s baba had grown up in Wuhan together and been best friends when they were kids, so naturally, when Wei Ying’s family moved into the same neighborhood as the Jiangs, it made perfect sense for Wei Ying and Jiang Cheng to become best friends too.
It was Jiang Cheng who had taught Wei Ying that he didn't have to be afraid of dogs, by introducing him to Princess, Jasmine, and Lil' Love. Lil' Love lived up to her name, coming and quietly sitting in all her fluffy glory on Wei Ying’s lap every time he went over to play.
It was also Jiang Cheng who Wei Ying got drunk with for the first time. They snuck booze from the cabinet where Wei Ying’s parents kept it and laughed at the faces each other made with every shot until they stopped tasting the harsh burn, and then laughing more just because.
(Wei Ying’s mom had not laughed, not at the time, when the two teens had been sick as anything the next morning, but instead made them a gloriously greasy late breakfast and gave them lots of advice about proper hydration.
Then she told Jiang Cheng’s mom and let her scold them.)
It was Jiang Cheng who came out first, their first semester in college, when he told Wei Ying he didn't think he wanted to have sex with anyone, ever, and asked if Wei Ying thought that meant no one would ever want to date him. Wei Ying hugged him tight and told him he didn't know about everyone out there, but he knew Jiang Cheng was the best guy in the world and would be an awesome boyfriend, and he'd fight anyone who said differently.
Jiang Cheng found a group on campus for third culture LBGT kids, and Wei Ying went with him, as a supportive ally.
Which was how Wei Ying figured out that he was not just a supportive ally.
In listening to the others talk about orientation and identity and attraction and cultural expectations, Wei Ying realized that what he'd always assumed was normal—finding all kinds of people physically attractive, regardless of their gender—was actually his bisexuality. So that was kind of cool.
"So yeah, now we can be queer together!" Wei Ying said, when he excitedly shared his newfound realization with Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng snorted. "Yeah, 'all' and 'nothing,'" he joked.
It was Jiang Cheng who'd helped him practice what to say to his parents when he wanted to change his major at the end of sophomore year, and Jiang Cheng who reminded him to eat and sleep and "take a fucking break, Wei Ying," those next couple semesters when he took way too many hours so he wouldn't have to rack up a whole extra year's worth of student loans to finish his new degree plan.
It was Jiang Cheng who graduated first, on a gorgeous blue-skyed sunny day in May, and Jiang Cheng who suggested Wei Ying keep living with him at his new apartment, so he wouldn't have to try to find a one-semester lease until he finished in December.
(They renewed the lease together every time.)
Jiang Cheng ribbed him playfully each time Wei Ying met someone new, but he was always there each times things fizzled out after a few months for reasons that never quite made sense to Wei Ying.
Jiang Cheng occasionally dated too, and Wei Ying was glad he never did have to fight anybody—though he did drive Jiang Cheng to the emergency room the time he came home with split knuckles from punching a guy who, "seemed to think I didn't know my own mind about certain things."
But dating sucked for everybody, right? It wasn't like Wei Ying or Jiang Cheng were in any hurry to settle down and do the whole spouse and kids thing or whatever. Wei Ying tried to imagine it and just... couldn't, though the image of Jiang Cheng with a baby was admittedly pretty cute.
It was not Jiang Cheng, but Jiang Yanli, a few months after she proposed to her girlfriend and they started planning their wedding, who Wei Ying finally asked, "Yanli-jie, how does a person decide someone else is their person?"
Jiang Yanli looked across the room to where Jiang Cheng was showing her soon-to-be-wife how to put side spin on a billiards ball and smiled. "I think you just know," she said. "You meet someone and you get to know them, spend time together, then one day you realize you love them and want to build the rest of your life with them."
Wei Ying wrinkled his nose. "I dunno if it works that way for me. Just some random person? I've never met anyone I can imagine wanting to live with all the time. Well, besides—huh..." he cut off suddenly and darted a look over at Jiang Yanli, who just calmly sipped her drink.
"Have you ever told him that?" she asked, after a moment where Wei Ying reassessed his entire life and dating history. "I think he might appreciate hearing it."
"I... huh. Yanli-jie, you're kinda blowing my mind here," he complained.
"I gathered," she said wryly, before fixing him with a smile that made all the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Of course, I trust," she told him, "that I do not need to explain to you of all people how very dearly I hold my didi's happiness and well-being."
He swallowed and raised three fingers in the salute he'd used ever since the summer that—hah—he and Jiang Cheng had decided as kids that they would make their own oath of brotherhood like the heroes of their favorite show. "I, Wei Ying, swear to you that I would kick my own ass before I did anything to hurt him."
Jiang Yanli leaned over to knock her shoulder against his and nodded. "That's what I thought."
Turned out, dating Jiang Cheng didn't suck at all.
It felt easy in a way Wei Ying’s past dates never had, less like trying to keep up with a game whose rules everybody knew except him, more like... well, like spending time with his best friend in the whole world, but on purpose. There was also a tension in the back of Wei Ying’s mind that seemed to have lifted, though he couldn't quite pinpoint what it was that had gone.
It was Jiang Cheng who helped him figure it out.
"I think it's that now I'm able to count on this. On us," he said, when Wei Ying brought it up. "Before, whenever you went out with someone new, I wondered if this would be the time you'd find someone to fall in love with and leave me behind."
"Aww, Chengcheng! I would never!"
Jiang Cheng huffed and rolled his eyes, but his cheeks were pink. "Well, I know that now," he said, a pleased little smile breaking through his attempts at a scowl.
"As long as you're sure—" Wei Ying began, still getting used to thinking about himself with the word "aromantic." Still a so very sure that Jiang Cheng deserved to be fallen in love with.
"Hey!" Jiang Cheng cut him off. "None of that. I know you. And I know you don't see it this way, but I personally think it's pretty damn romantic that you choose to love me, on purpose."
"I simply have exquisite taste in life partners," Wei Ying sniffed, embarassed the way he always got when Jiang Cheng declared something he'd done "romantic."
"You do," Jiang Cheng agreed. "Someone told me a long time ago I was the best guy in the world and would make an awesome boyfriend, and that he would fight anyone who said differently."
Wei Ying laughed. "That's you and your sister I've promised to kick my own ass if I ever break your heart, then. Guess I'll just have to keep you forever."
"Damn right, you will," Jiang Cheng agreed, grinning smug and happy and breathtakingly beautiful. Wei Ying leaned across the couch to give him a sweet, closed-mouth kiss—the kind Jiang Cheng had shyly admitted he actually did like, a lot—and smiled too, at how lucky he'd gotten to be with his best friend in the whole world for his entire life.
Today's (extremely long!) thread was inspired by this WONDERFUL art of ace Jiang Cheng and bi & aro Wei Ying! Go give Midori some love on Twitter!
I spent a nonzero amount of time googling to double check when various terms and flags came into vogue, so if you're wondering, WWX & JC were in college in the early 2000s, before the ace and aro flags were designed. By the time they get themselves figured out, they can get their cute wristbands.
...which, yes, means these dingdongs spent about a solid decade living together before realizing that was what they wanted to do forever. 😉
This also means Jiang Yanli and her unnamed wife here are getting married between when California started recognizing same-sex marriages in 2008 and the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling in 2015! THIS SHIT'S RECENT!!!
Happy Pride, thank you for reading, check out more LGBTQIA+ sweetness on my #PrideMonthSnippets Masterpost!
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adoresobs · 4 years
- the other pov! ( 𝐓.𝐂 )
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the reader’s a singer and after listening to her good friend, harry’s song ‘falling’, she decides to make the other person’s pov which she relates to because of her recent breakup with timmy.
THIS FIC CONTAINS just angst mostly
can’t tell if i love or hate this but i decided to give something new a try and this is how it turned out-
part one | part two | part three 
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you set up your phone, pressing the ‘go live’ button, watching as the comments began to fill up with countless compliments already.
“hey guys!” you tried your best to be the usual bubbly person your fans saw even with the breakup still being fresh in your mind. you grew closer to the phone to read the comments.
userone quarantine got everyone looking rough
“damn, do i look that bad?” you laughed, pushing some of your hair behind your ear. you could what they meant, your hair was tied in a ‘ponytail’ or just a mop on top of your head, no makeup was on your face, and you had on sweats. you could say you didn’t dress up at all.
usertwo u still look gorgeous queen it’s fiNe
userthree did u and timmy actually break up or is teen vogue playing with my feelings
userfour k but what’s with these articles ‘y/n l/n and timothée chalamet call it quits?!’
that was only a fraction of the comments you were receiving about him. you let out a nervous laugh, biting down on your lip. “okay, so, the reason i started this up was to show you all something i’ve been working on. if you know harry’s beyond amazing self and you listen to his music then you know falling which is also amazing. wellll, i made a slight remake of it? but it’s like from the other person’s point of view.” you explained.
userfive did u and timmy actually break up ):
usersix we writing sad songs now-
“yes, we are writing sad songs now,” you said with a small laugh. “no but all credits and shit go to harry and if you don’t listen to him, you should. he’s a really good friend of mine and you’re missing out if you don’t.”
userseven baby ur such a good person
usereight i want a y/n, she’s so supportive
usernine still dodging questions about timothée huh
“thank you for wanting a..me?” you giggled before turning to your piano. “okay, so i can play it but i’m not the best at piano so spare me, please.”
userten shes so precious
usereleven timothée lost all this
usertwelve how does she still look gorgeous without trying
your smile faltered at the comment about your ex. “alright, i’m gonna start.” you told the thousands of people watching, looking down at the keys and beginning to play.
“i’m in my bed, instead of yours, cried to sleep, turned off all of the lights and locked all of the doors.”
you remembered the day after everything went down. you barely got out of bed unless it was to use the bathroom. the most you did was cry and sleep when you couldn’t cry anymore.
“i replay what you said, don’t know if it’s true, left with two broken hearts and there’s nothing that we can undo.”
“i don’t want to be with you another.” timothée said, breaking the silence. you’d spent hours arguing about pointless things, it escalated the longer the fight went on. you just looked up at him, trying to scan his face, see if he truly wanted this. his head was facing the ground so you couldn’t read his expression. “this isn’t gonna work out for much longer and we both know that so i’ll just save us the trouble of going through this later on.”
“what am i now? what am i now? don’t wanna cry ‘cause i can’t stand the sound,”
you cringed at the screaming baby in the supermarket, catching timothée’s eye quickly. “little loud for you?” he asked, a smile on his face.
“i can’t stand the sound of crying so yes, it is.” you shot back, reaching over to hit his arm. timothée rubbed his arm, flipping you off.
“wouldn’t have guessed since you cry almost everyday.” he joked which made you gasp.
“i would appreciate it if i wasn’t being attacked by my boyfriend right now.”
“i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling.”
userthirteen she’s really making me cry like this
userfourteen truly think she did this because of the breakup with timmy ):
userfifteen about to go fuck up his perfect face if he hurt my baby
“what if i’m down? what if i’m out? what if you’re someone i can’t live without?”
“are you gonna admit that you love me or are we gonna have to keep doing this hate thing?” timothée asked after you’d stated you hated him for the third time that day. “mm, i think i’m gonna stick with the hate thing.” you answered, letting out a laugh.
“okay, y/n, i’m gonna need you to repeat after me.”
“mhm.” you decided to play whatever game he was playing.
“i, y/n l/n”
“i, y/n l/n,” you repeated.
“love mr. timothée chalamet and cannot live without him.”
“hate mr. timothée chalamet and definitely can live without him because he sucks.”
“i don’t recall that being what i said?”
“oh, really? tough luck.” you teased.
“i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling.”
usersixteen u sound so gOOD BABY
userseventeen i wasn’t even in the relationship and i’m about to cry
usereighteen can u- make a song with harry though-
“you said you cared, but i never knew, before i heard your lyrics, i didn’t even have a clue.”
“hey, y/n?” timothée muttered. he wasn’t sure if you were alseep or not since you were sprawled out on his chest and clinging to him. he couldn’t see if your eyes were open until you lifted you head up so it was face to face with his. “hm?” you asked.
“you know i care about you, right?”
“pfft, of course not.” even in your sleepy state, you still made jokes with him.
timothée almost groaned at your words, “i’m serious, okay?”
“i know, i know. i care about you too.” you laid your head back on chest and fell asleep comfortably in his arms. you slept great especially knowing that you were cared for.
“now everytime somebody says your name, i remember the day where i ran out of reasons to stay.”
“you don’t think this is working out?” you asked, your voice was low. you didn’t want this conversation to be happening. why couldn’t you just go back to before? where everything was good. you were happy.
timothée shook his head, not even bothering to look you in the eyes.
“so, that’s it?” you asked with a bitter laugh. “it’s over that quick. you’re not even fighting for us! shows how much this really meant to you.”
“oh, cmon on, y/n. we both knew that this was gonna fall apart when it started. we don’t work and that’s all.”
“we both knew? or just you?”
“what am i now? what am i now? don’t wanna cry ‘cause i can’t stand the sound, i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling.”
zendaya shut up you sound SO GOOD
arianagrande so proud of u xx
usernineteen completely forgot she was friends with them-
“what if i’m down? what if i’m out? what if you’re someone i can’t live without? i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling.”
usertwenty everyone appreciate this talented queen
usertwentyone this is where my favorite part comes up, everyone shut uP
usertwentytwo can i be u pls
“can i do this alone without ever needing you again?”
“admit you need me and i’ll help you.” timothée said, teasing you which he had been doing for the last ten minutes.
“this would be fine if i had subtitles but you won’t give me the damn remote.” you huffed. the movie was fully in french which you couldn’t understand. timothée didn’t want to turn on the subtitles since you refused to let him teach you french.
“admit it and the remote is all yours.”
“i need you because without you, i would have a very fun life without having to worry about knowing french.” you fired which only made timothée roll his eyes.
“no remote for y/n.” he said, turning back to the movie leaving you to whine about it.
“what am i now? what am i now? what will i do now that you’re not around? i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling”
you had never been so unproductive and bored in your life. that was something he was amazing at - encouraging and motivating you to do your best and take on the day no matter how juch you didn’t want to. now that he wasn’t here, there hardly felt like you had anohter reason to do said things. you were alone twenty four seven.
“what if i’m down? what if i’m out? maybe you’re someone i won’t talk about, i’m falling again, i’m falling again, i’m falling.”
your thoughts wandered back to all of the comments you neglected to answer. you didn’t want to talk about him and you were he didn’t want to talk about you. you finished, ending the song before turning back to your phone. you scrolled through the comments, seeing all the ones you missed while playing. “thank you z! and i love you, ari.” you said with a laugh.
usertwentythree when i see him, it’s on sight
usertwentyfour anyways u sounded so gOOD AND IM SO PROUD OF U!!
your heart warmed at the sweet comment, your face immediately heating up. “look, now i’m blushing. thank you lovely!”
harrystyles you sounded better than me
harrystyles think it’s your song now
usertwentyfive her and harry’s friendship >>
“miss you, harold!” you exclaimed. “but, i think i’m gonna end this. thank you all for liking it.” you said and ended the live.
the next morning your phone was blowing up. screenrecordings and videos of you singing were everywhere. there were even articles considering it your way of saying that you and timothée broke up. people on twitter were tweeting at you, mainly nice things which is what you only cared about.
your friends were blowing up your texts messages, screaming how proud they were of you. you were almost to the point of tears until you saw one message in particular.
my angel boy: hey
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sabitosthirst · 3 years
Gojo x Reader - NSFW
This won’t be a quickie, going all out bby✨ so I’ll be making a part 2 of this because I want it all.
Minors DNI
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*artist @eijo_q on Twitter*
The set up
- You’ve caught the attention of Gojō after you both reached out to grab the same trinket from a little shop.
- He’s smooth with his words and frankly, so are you.
- Your charismatic and kind nature draws Gojō to you. Since he’s used to indifferent and aggressive female sorceress, you’re a breath of fresh air ✨
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- Since then he searches for you at the market and eventually you two have unspoken mutual meet ups at the shops.
- You both laugh, joke, eat many of the same dishes, and you complement him enough to make those cheeks of his blush.
- He starts to throw double innuendoes in the conversations and you throw then right back. So, it’s no secret you want him too.
Not that he’s ever questioned it or had doubts
The night life of Tokyo shines on the skin of (Y/n) and Gojō. Hands intertwine between the two, giving light squeezes with the sense of their departure approaching.
As they step on the last stone of their walk, Gojō reaches to caress the cheek bone of (y/n) with the back of his hand.
“I’d hate to leave already, time sure flys with you,” his voice as cool as ever.
“Do you have to? I’d hate to end things already too, wish you could last all night” (y/n) said this knowing exactly what she set him up for.
Gojo knew all too well. His smile turns up devilishly. “Oh, I can last all night. It’s you I’m concerned about”
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Hearing that made the woman’s cheeks turn bright pink. Though she tried to play it off with a sly smile, Gojō saw he had her right in his hand.
“You shouldn’t worry about me Gojō, I might just surprise you.”
Those words lit a spark within him, turning his motives into motion.
He leans in closer to her face, pulling her hand to his chest. (Y/n) heart started to race- fueled by excitement. Gojō lifts his free finger and tugs the blindfold at the corner of his eye.
The woman’s eyes sparkled in the reflection of his slightly exposed orbs. She’s breathless, not realizing she’s tightening her hold in his hand.
“Is that an invitation? Don’t get my hopes up miss (y/n). I don’t appreciate teasing, unless it’s done by me of course” his dazzling smile only added to her stunned composure.
She quickly regained her confidence, giving a smile, nod, and hand squeeze that signaled him the green light.
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*aratist @mielelatte on Twitter*
He wanted laugh, thinking how cute she looks flustered under his gaze.
“I hope you like magic tricks,” was the only warning she got before he snapped his fingers. Swirling lights and amazing colors flash pass her. When she blinks, she found herself in a dimly lit room that had the familiar scent that rubbed off Gojo.
“How did we get here?” She questioned. Turning to examine the nicely set up room.
“Oh, don’t like them after all?” He gave a cute fake pout that had her back to giggling.
“No! I love them,” she turns herself to face her entire body towards him. The kind woman gives him a sweet smile.
He takes a step forward, placing a foot in between her stance. “Great!-” continuing to move closer, he brings his lips to her ear, lowering his voice to a husk, “-Then you’re going to love me”
Quick hands support her back and thighs, placing her on the low and cushioned bed.
She sinks into the comforters, feeling his fresh scent surround her.
Gojō wanted her comfortable, since he had plans on having fun with the woman he’s been so hooked on. But first, he wanted to admire her.
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*aratist @mielelatte on Twitter*
He takes off the barrier and reveals eyes that made (y/n) gasp. She’s never seen any like his before- so beautiful.
Those same eyes looked her over. Seeing her laid out for him on his bed made him think she looked perfect there. As he leans down to be above her, he grasp the hair at her scalp ever so gently.
He wanted to be soft, but he couldn’t help but get a grip on her to show who’s in control.
The movement of her hair lifted a scent that drew him to her neck. His nose gently rubs the soft skin he so desperately wanted to taste. He inhales deeply, wanting to take in all of her.
His breath on her neck sent chills that tickled her skin. A tongue glides on her neck, coaxing the goosebumps. She reacts by throwing her arms around him, thus securing their close proximity.
Feeling her so eager for him made him bream. His desire for her raised and he attacked her neck. His kisses turned sensual, running from behind her ear to the lining of her jaw. He did all this while his hand kept her head positioned just right, giving a little tug to guide her.
He wanted to go lower. His mouth move to her throat, releasing a shameless moan from her lips.
The sound of it pleased him, encouraging him to unbutton her cardigan quickly. His hand moved fast. Once it was undone, she arches her back to help herself get out of it.
The cardigan wasn’t enough. He releases his mouth from her and aids her to sit up. She’s now lightheaded. Feeling frazzled and impatient. Before she could question him, hands reach the hem of her shirt- lifting and exposing her in a bra that flattered her soft curves.
His patience was running thin the more he stared at her. So the bra was the next to go. There he was finally able to see her pink buds.
“Cute. small, perky- a mouth full, perfect.” Where the thoughts that came to his mind.
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*aratist @mielelatte on Twitter*
With him straddled in between her legs, he brings her back down-continuing to devour her. Swallowing her breast, his skillful tongue going to work.
(Y/n) excitement spiked. The feeling of him on her breast and being taken over made her hips hungry for friction. The other hand he had on her waist moved down. Passing the waistband of her skirt and going underneath.
His rough fingers were met with wet fabric. A smirk cracks on his face. The thin cloth that blocked his way to her core needed to be removed. With a pop, he releases her breast from his mouth.
He wanted to see the reveal of her wet slit for him. Two hands are now underneath her skirt, pulling down on the sides of her panties. Once he tossed them to the side, he took in an admiring view of her.
“Beautiful” was all he said.
The sight of this gorgeous man above her saying such words turned her cheeks red. She moved her hands to cover her chest in exposed embarrassment. He stopped her- pinning her hands above her.
“Don’t hide yourself, I meant it when I said you’re beautiful”
His looming figure turned her breaths to shallow gasp. Piercing bright blue eyes tantalized her very being.
Gojo then pulled off from her. Standing at the end of bed and stripping in front of her. That blushing face of hers as her eyes lusted over him only fueled him more.
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The view of his hard length drew her to him. She didn’t know what to expect, but it was bigger and thicker than she hoped for. A raised eyebrow, smile, and head tilt was Gojo response as he saw (y/n) positioning herself on her knees for him. His view pleased him, watching her grab his member with licking lips. She starts to slowly slide her hand to his base. As she does this, she sees the shine of his precum slip out.
Everything about him was tempting, and she had enough of waiting. Her mouth gives a light suck to his tip, making a sharp hiss come from him. Her lips then created a tight seal as she presses it against his tip again. Only slowly parting to allow a tense entrance in her mouth. His moan as she went further down on him was making herself wet all over again. The hand that was then placed on her shoulder for support tightened its grip.
All of this encouraged (y/n) to go faster. Her hand worked with her lips, following its guide as it moved quicker on him. Her lips were now darkened and swollen. The thought of him unraveling in her mouth pushed herself to deepen him to her throat.
She was enjoying all of it. The taste and feeling of her mouth being full of him had her tingling. His hand reached down and fondled her nipples, releasing a moan in her throat that made Gojo shiver.
His hands move to her hair, making eye contact. Seeing her hallowed cheeks and sloppy lips brought him to his edge. (Y/n) took initiative and reached for his balls with her other free hand, giving a light squeeze and tug.
In that moment, warm ropes shot down her throat. She coaxed them by lightening her sucks, inviting them to feed her.
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aewhore · 4 years
Hi I saw your post about writing for AEW, would you be willing to write for Austin Gunn. The idea is that the reader has a crush on him and while they're both training, because of the sexual tension she suddenly reveals her feelings. ( if you can't its totally cool ☺ ) thanks xx
   You’re lucky I love you, Idiot. ~ Austin Gunn x reader (Request by @heranimebeautyghost )
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You were working out at the gym in Daily’s place. You had been signed to AEW as a wrestler for just under a year now and it was the best decision you had made in your entire career. You had been wrestling professionally for 6 years now but had never gotten a chance to really show off your abilities until AEW was announced and your small but loyal group of fans made noise on twitter about how they needed to sign you and before you knew it you were on a call with Tony Khan. Since you were signed you got to work with your friends you met when you wrestled in japan such as Trent Barreta, Chuck Taylor and your closest friend Hikaru Shida, but you also got to make new friends in Kris Statlander, Orange Cassidy and the Jurassic Express. When you started wrestling you had swore to yourself to never date another wrestler because you knew how hectic the schedules were and you knew you wouldn't be able to devote enough time to a relationship as you would like but being in AEW during a pandemic really tested that when you spent more and more time with a certain loudmouth member of the Gunn club, the one and only Austin Gunn.  
How did you get into this predicament you ask? Well because of the pandemic, if you want to use the gym you have to sign up for a time slot and since they lessen the amount of people that could be in an enclosed space you might only be sharing that time slot with 1 or 2 other people. Most people opted to use their own home gyms or public gyms but you stayed with the Daily’s place gym. You knew because you prefer to work out later at night that a time slot would always be open. It just so happened that Austin worked out in the same time slot as you did, so you end up spending an hour or two alone together every two days. As you hung out with Austin more and more you couldn't help but develop feelings for him. He was an utter sweetheart even if he was the definition of a himbo. He would distract you from your workout by trying to be your hype man and making you laugh so hard you have to stop whatever workout you were in the middle of to jokingly call him an idiot. You started to develop a soft spot for the youngest member of the Gunn club soon after your workout sessions began. 
You were getting ready to go to the gym the night after dynamite, you were running late because you overslept your pre workout nap. You were now the number one contender after you defeated big swole on last night’s show so you were preparing for an intense workout but you couldn't help break out into a smile at the idea of talking to Austin about your title shot. You arrive at the gym. You see the time slot is open, you hear Austin music already blaring as you walk into the gym. You place your bag down as you take off your sweatshirt and go to start warming up. “HEY Y/N!! I thought you weren’t gonna show!” You hear Austin yell from the other end of the gym. “I could never miss one of our workout sessions Gunn” You say back to Austin as he pulls you into a bone crushing hug, you can't help but appreciate these small moments of closeness you get with Austin because you just knew in your heart that he doesn't feel the same way that you feel for him so you have to hide your bright blush by burying your face into his chest. Austin holds onto you for longer than you expected before he releases you to go back to your warm up. “How long have you been here before i got here?” You ask as Austin returns to his weights. “Oh you know only about 20 minutes, i wasn’t waiting for you or anything” He adorably laughs out the end of sentence as you look over at him and he quickly looks away as if you caught him staring. “Sorry to keep you waiting hot stuff” You wink at him as you playfully flirt with him. He gives a hearty laugh at your attempt to seem cool.  
Once your warm up is finished you start you to make your way over to the ring that's set up in the center of the Gym. You begin to stretch using the ropes before you notice Austin had finished up on his weight and was taking a quick break to have a drink of water. Your eyes sweep over Austin as his arm flexes to bring his water bottle to his lips. You snap your eyes away from him before your thoughts get rated R. You start to run the ropes to distract yourself from the hunk of a man behind you. “Hey, do you mind helping me run through some moves?” You stop running to hear Austin ask, you’re lucky you're not facing Austin as you start to blush immediately at the idea of being so close to him. “Um yeah sure, i don't mind.” You say as nonchalantly as you can muster up.  
Austin gets into the ring and starts to walk you through a submission move he wants to do in his next match. He was attempting to modify an arm bar to make it more Gunn-like(?) so he claimed. “So.. where do you want me?” Your face goes bright red as you nervously laugh at the implication of your question. Austin does a double take at your question but you see his face go red as you watch his mouth open and close as he tries to format a reply. “Um how about you lay down on the mat?” You and Austin were now dissolving into a full on laughter fit. You lay down on the mat and Austin gets in position for an arm bar, Your arm rests against his torso as he grips your hand in his. He begins to move his legs to hook under your shoulder as he's adjusting himself, he releases your hand and it sits on his well defined pecs and you barely hold yourself back from running your hand up and down his muscular torso. 
You're broken from your lust filled haze by Austin suddenly getting up and offering you a hand up. “Oh did you get it?” You are still seated. “No it’s not working the way i pictured it but it’ll be fine, I’ll figure something out.” Austin says almost saddened that his move wasn’t executing the way he envisioned. You grab Austin hand to help you up but he underestimates his own power and yanks you off the floor so fast you don't have time to find your footing before you brace yourself for the impact of hitting the floor but it never comes instead you collide with Austin's chest as he catches you in his strong arms. Words fail you as you look up at Austin and see he’s already looking back at you. You break eye contact to look down at Austin's lips and then you look back up to his ocean coloured eyes only to see he's looking at your lips as well. “.....Jesus” Austin sighs, your brows furrow “what?” you ask, mentally preparing yourself for the worst. “You look so beautiful right now, it's insane.” 
You were blown away, did Austin really just say that? To you? right now? The air is knocked out of your lungs by pure shock alone. Words fail you as you try to string together some sort of intelligible speech. “Oh my.. Wait, what? You think I’m- really? Are you sure?” If your face was red already now your entire body was on fire. Austin laughed at your jumbled mess of a response. He pretends to think for a moment before he responds. “Yeah I'm pretty sure you're a stone cold stunner” he gave you that thousand watt smile and had you not been wrapped in his arms, your knees would have buckled from underneath you. To hide your ever-growing blush you lean your forehead against Austin's chest as you giggle at his term of endearment. “Aw come on baby doll, don't hide that gorgeous face from me now” You bury your face deeper into his chest as he tries and succeeds to make you blush by showering you with compliments. You're suddenly hit by a sad thought that Austin is just playfully flirting with you like he always does. It's hard not to feel let down by the ideas you had built up in your head not being possible in real life.  You feel Austin’s hand under your chin as he tilts your head up to lock eyes with him. “...please don’t lead me on” you grumble more to yourself than anything but Austin hears you crystal clear and his brows furrowed in confusion as he sees the sadness in your eyes, you move Austin’s arms to allow space between the two of you so you could attempt to control your pounding heart. “Y/N what do you mean ‘lead you on’?” You sigh in frustration as you prepare to tell Austin about the built up feeling you've been having for the last 2/3 months.  
“Listen Austin I know we're just friends but I want to be more than that but I know you don't feel the same way and that’s ok but please don't-” your frustrated venting is interrupted when your pulled back into Austin’s chest and his lips crash onto yours. Your eyes go wide when you realize what's happening before you allow yourself to completely melt into the kiss. Austin's hand rubs and massages your side and trails down to your ass as your hands tangle in his golden hair. You're the one to break the kiss as you rest your foreheads against one another while slightly gasping for air. “Incase that didn't answer your worrying Y/N, I really like you too and I’d actually like to take you out to dinner some time if you'd like” your head was spinning and you were sure if it was from the kiss or from Austin’s confession but you did know one thing for certain. “Yes Austin I’d love to go to dinner with you sometime.” You went to exit the ring to carry on your long forgotten workout when you feel Austin smack your ass. “AUSTIN!!” you say shocked at his sudden forwardness, You look back at him but he looks away innocently “..what? I didn't do anything.” You playfully glare at him when his poker face begins to crack. “You're lucky I love you, idiot.“
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lonelyheartash · 4 years
In My Defense - a.i.
Part 1
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(gif credit to @ghostofmashton​ / @lfwallscouldtalk​ ) this is my first fic be nice
Summary: the defense doesn’t rest when love is involved
Words: 1.5k
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Female OC
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, cock and pussy
Wanna be added to my tag list?
McKenna knew the frat scene wasn’t for her, but she needed to get out of her apartment. All the studying and all nighters she had pulled in the last two weeks earned her a night of reckless abandon. She walked into the noisy frat house, hoisting her pleated skirt up a little higher. If she was going to party, she was going to do it right. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed herself a red solo cup, filling it with Cherry Coke and vanilla rum. She sipped her drink as she took in her surroundings.
Nearly every frat guy in the house had his hands on some girl. McKenna shook her head and downed the rest of her drink before heading off to find someone she knew. The only person she knew for sure was at this party was her old lab partner, Becky Gordon. She wouldn’t call them friends, but they were always friendly with each other. Becky still sent McKenna memes every now and then, so McKenna figured they were close enough to friends to hang out at a party together. She made her way over to the far wall where Becky was smoking a joint with a tan, dark haired boy.
“Hey, McKenna! I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” Becky smiled softly, her white teeth sparkling despite the dim light.
“I didn’t know I was either. I just needed a break from studying.” McKenna shrugged. “Thought you hated the taste of weed?”
“I do, but when it’s mixed with vodka, it’s a little better.” Becky giggled softly and took a drag, handing it back to the boy. “I’ll catch you later, Calum.” Becky said, walking to the kitchen with McKenna.
“Whatcha drinkin’?” McKenna asked, grabbing two cups.
“Vodka and Sprite.” Becky said and watched McKenna make the drinks. She handed one of the cups to Becky and took a sip of her own. “You know, I think I’m gonna hook up with Calum. I’ll come find you later.” Becky said and McKenna laughed softly.
“Enjoy yourself, Becky.” She smiled, waving her off. She leaned against the doorframe and sipped her drink.
“Hey, pretty lady. You come to these often?” McKenna looked up as a boy she didn’t recognize leaned against the door next to her.
“Uh, no, not really.” McKenna said, finishing her drink.
“I figured. I would’ve recognized your gorgeous body.” He smirked down at her.
“Who have you got here, Brody?” Another boy asked, standing on the other side of McKenna.
“Just a pretty lady, Brady.” Brody chuckled and leaned closer to McKenna.
“You’re both very kind, but I’m not interested.” McKenna said, swallowing hard.
“Mm, I know how to get you interested.” Brady smirked, twirling Mckenna’s hair around his finger. McKenna opened her mouth to protest his advances when she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist.
“Hey, babe, who are these fucks?” McKenna looked up and sighed in relief when she saw Ashton. He was known around campus as the frat angel. He was the president of Sigma Nu and worked hard to create a safe campus for everyone.
“Apparently, their names are Brody and Brady.” McKenna said, relaxing back against Ashton.
“Well, Brody and Brady, kindly fuck off. My girlfriend was just waiting for me to use the bathroom, not waiting to be hit on by two scumbags.” Ashton said, leading McKenna to the kitchen.
“Thank you, Ashton. Really.” McKenna sighed, looking up at him.
“No problem. I could tell you weren’t comfortable with them around.” Ashton shrugged and poured out a few shots of rum. He slid two to McKenna and kept two for himself.
“I really appreciate you stepping in.” McKenna smiled softly and downed both her shots, scrunching her face at the taste.
“Can’t handle your alcohol, huh?” Ashton chuckled.
“I can, it’s just not a pleasant taste. I can shoot tequila without making a face.” McKenna defended.
“Prove it.” Ashton said, sliding her a bottle of tequila. She took the bottle and poured a shot, downing it effortlessly. Ashton watched her, astonishment apparent on his face.
“Proved it.” McKenna giggled, hiccuping quietly. “Ashton?”
“Yes, McKenna?” Ashton smiled down at her.
“I would like to kiss you.” She said, the alcohol definitely hitting her now.
“Oh, you would?” Ashton chuckled. “I think I can allow that.” He smiled, pressing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let her lips mould against his. “Mm, wanna get out of here?”
“Yes, but only for a little.” She giggled, running her fingers through his hair.
“My car’s right outside.” Ashton grinned and pulled McKenna outside with him. He led her to the car and slid into the backseat. McKenna slid in next to him and straddled his hips as she pressed her lips back to his.
“I’ve never done it in a car before.” McKenna hummed, pulling her shirt off.
“I haven’t either.” Ashton mused, pulling his own off. McKenna giggled quietly and shimmied out of her skirt, tossing it in the front seat. Ashton laid her on the seats as he pushed his black jeans and boxers down. He pressed light kisses down McKenna’s neck and to her chest as he slipped her thong down her legs. McKenna gasped softly as Ashton inserted two fingers into her heat, curling them against her walls.
“Fuck, more, please.” McKenna moaned, bucking her hips. Ashton chuckled and pumped his fingers quickly. “Just like that.” McKenna moaned louder. Ashton pressed kisses to her nuck, sucking at the skin gently as he worked his fingers.
“You like that, baby girl?” Ashton smirked, rubbing his thumb against her clit.
“Yes. Oh, god. I’m so close.” Mckenna moaned, arching her back.
“Yeah? You wanna cum?” Ashton chuckled, pulling his fingers from her heat and sucking them clean. McKenna whined softly at the loss of contact.
“Please, make me cum, sir.” McKenna whimpered, looking up at Ashton. His eyes turned dark with lust as he pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her lips in sync with his. Ashton hummed and rubbed the tip of his cock between her folds. He held her hips tightly as he bottomed out, a low groan leaving his lips. “Fuck, give it to me.” McKenna moaned.
“You wanna fuckin’ scream for me?” Ashton grunted and pounded his hips against hers.
“Uh huh.” McKenna moaned louder.
“Words, sweetheart.” Ashton demanded, gripping her hair.
“Yes, sir.” McKenna gasped, looking up at Ashton.
“That’s better.” Ashton moaned and pounded into her. McKenna gripped Ashton’s bicep as his name fell from her lips like a mantra. “God, this pussy was made for me.” Ashton groaned, bringing his thumb back to her clit.
“Fuck! I’m cumming.” McKenna whimpered, her walls clenching around his cock.
“Not until I say you can.” Ashton said, rubbing fast circles against her clit. McKenna let out a ragged scream and dug her manicured nails into Ashton’s bicep.
“Please, sir. Please, let me cum.” McKenna begged.
“Cum for me.” Ashton groaned, pounding his hips against hers. McKenna moaned loudly as her high washed over her, her toes curling inside her converse. “Such a good girl, Micky.” Ashton groaned as his load coated her walls. McKenna gasped softly and relaxed back against the seat, both from the euphoria and the unexpected nickname.
“So fucking good..” McKenna hummed, letting her eyes close. Ashton chuckled and pulled up his boxers and jeans.
“Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll drive you home?” Ashton smiled, rubbing her cheek gently.
“Yeah, okay..” McKenna hummed and pulled her shirt and skirt on slowly, laying down in the backseat. Ashton smiled to himself and climbed into the driver seat. He drove to McKenna’s apartment as she fell asleep in his backseat. He parked in front of the building and carefully lifted McKenna from the backseat. He fished her keys from her bra and unlocked the door, carrying her up the stairs. He laid her in her bed and tucked her in.
“See you Monday, Micky.” Ashton whispered as he plugged her phone in and placed it on her nightstand.
~~~ On Monday, McKenna trudged to class, still tired from the weekend. She sat in her seat and pulled out her phone, scrolling through Twitter. She looked up when Ashton sat in the seat next to her. “Oh, hey.” She smiled a little.
“Hi.” Ashton said, a grin tugging at his lips.
“I didn’t know you were in this class.” McKenna said, setting her phone aside.
“I am. I’m also in your accounting class, theory of management, and macro economics.” Ashton nodded, leaning back in his seat.
“Wow, how did I not notice?” McKenna asked.
“I don’t usually come to class. I can teach myself better than any of these old coots can.” Ashton shrugged. “Anyways, I was thinking we could become, ya know, study buddies.”
“Study buddies?” McKenna asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Study buddies who also have sex sometimes.” He said, smirking softly.
“Well, in that case..” McKenna giggled softly. She wrote her phone number on a piece of notebook paper and slid it to Ashton. “Let me know when you’re free for either one.”
“Oh, I sure will.” Ashton grinned.
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Date Night
Finally, it has happened. This is not an AU! It’s set in OP land. I hadn’t planned to put this story put in a specific spot in the timeline, but my story had other plans. Set sometime after Wano. Minor spoilers if you’re not caught up.
I started writing this when I needed a break from Black Cat and was inspired after seeing the wonderful drawing by the artist ebibi_0629 over on twitter. You should definitely check it out, it’s fantastic, and their other artwork is beautiful too.
Summary: Having Monkey D. Luffy as a captain was never going to be easy when you're dating. SaNami. One-shot. Rating: M Warning: Minor spoilers if you’re not caught up with Wano.
Can also be found on AO3 and FFN.  
“Cat Thief Nami and Vinsmoke Sanji, put your hands in the air and don’t resist.”
Marines starting to fill the restaurant through the front and the back, blocking off their escape routes.
“What did you just call me?” Sanji hotly replied, teeth grinding his cigarette and glaring at the marine who just spoke.
Nami sighed at Sanji’s reaction, it certainly wasn’t the time to start pulling on that thread. Especially when they had guns and swords pointed at them. She looked around the restaurant, eyeing civilians and looking for a weak spot for an escape route. Sanji was pretty proficient in dodging her lightening attacks, but normal people weren’t. Even if Sanji didn’t, he sprang back quickly enough.
A marine must have clocked her twitching hand and skittish gaze, as he raised his gun, “We have the place surrounded. There’s no point in trying to escape.”
Not a moment later, there was a sound of a clattering chair and a marine was crying out as the gun was kicked to the floor. “Just who do you think you’re pointing that at?” Sanji said heatedly. He didn’t love guns being pointed at him, who does? But to point them at his beloved Nami-san was a different matter entirely.
The atmosphere thickened in the restaurant. Civilians were slowly being filtered out and they both knew that wasn’t a good thing. Both Sanji and Nami were now standing, looking ready to fight and the marines tensed.
It’d been a beautiful day before they were rudely interrupted by the marines. They’d stopped at an island the day before and the crew had spent the day restocking what they needed. Whilst Sanji was getting ingredients, he’d heard about a new restaurant that had just opened by a chef with, apparently, a remarkable reputation. He didn’t need to hear anything else; he’d turned on his heal and begun hunting it down in an attempt to secure a reservation.
The joy on Nami’s face when he’d got back and told her was exactly what he’d been hoping for. Her face was dazzling as it lit up, and he enjoyed being the one to cause it. It’d been a while since they’d last been on land and had free time. Sure they spent time on board together, but it wasn’t nearly as romantic as a quiet, upscale restaurant. A much different vibe to their usual dinnertimes of shouting and food being stolen. Nami had excitedly told him she had just the dress but refrained from giving detail. She loved an excuse to dress up.
And dress up she did. She exited from her room the next evening in a black dress. A black dress that had a swopping back, exposing her creamy skin and a plunging V-shaped neckline that tied around her neck. Her hair was pulled back into a sophisticated bun, highlighting her graceful neck. It was a very dizzying experience for Sanji as she walked towards him. A few members of the crew had wolf whistled whilst others oohed and awed.
When Sanji had finally regained his composure, he’d walked up to her and placed a kiss on her hand, lowly saying how gorgeous she looked.
Nami had smiled at him coyly, but she’d taken an appreciative look at him too. He dressed in suits normally, but she’d never grow tired of the way they highlighted his trim form. She picked up on the orange handkerchief neatly folded in his breast pocket. And if memory served her correctly, this suit was new too. She was pleased, he’d put in just as much effort as she had.
They made their way into town after that, hand in hand. But not before Nami had a word with Robin about keeping an eye on them. Nami wasn’t particularly worried, they’d been there a day already and no threats had been noted, but it never hurt to be safe.
That’s why Nami couldn’t understand what had led to their current predicament. Only a day here and the marines had sniffed them out?
The last civilian being escorted out caused everyone to erupt into action. Just as one of the marines lifted their gun, Sanji flicked the table up with his foot and kicked the top, sending it soaring in front of him. He launched himself towards another group of marines before they could gather their wits. Close combat meant they couldn’t get a good shot, Sanji thought to himself, aware of the small room they were trapped in.
He could still kick himself. He’d been much too preoccupied with his beautiful Nami-san and had failed to notice the large group moving towards them. This is exactly what his observation haki was for. Now they were stuck in this situation because of his blunder.
Meanwhile, Nami had already pulled her clima-tact out from her dress and was spinning it, black clouds rising to the ceiling. She’d only need a few more seconds. Anyone who attempted to advance, was hit as she extended her clima-tact. With the darkening sky, Sanji understood what was about to happen. He started to clear a path towards the door, they leapt out just in time as thunder came crashing down, electrocuting those left in the restaurant.
They weren’t out of the woods yet. Turning around, they were met with a group of non-crispy marines.
“How did this happen?” They were both running side by side through the town centre, a hoard of marines shouting behind them. A stark contrast to the way they’d entered town.
“I don’t know, I didn’t see any marines yesterday when I was out food shopping.”
She peeked behind her shoulder, marines still on their tail. “Me neither. Who had the den den mushi before we left? I need to call them to let them know. They might need to move the ship.”
“Franky. But we also need to find anyone who’s in town.”
Nami groaned. Her feet were starting to hurt and honestly, she was tired. This was not the evening she was expecting.
“Do you want me to carry you?” As much as he loved her in heels, even Sanji knew with all the running they couldn’t be comfortable. She normally wore heels, but he hadn’t seen those before, and they were definitely taller than her others.
Bless him. Bless him for realising without her even having to say anything. “No, it’s fine. But we do need a plan. Running around town isn’t going to do anything.”
She was right, of course. Looking around, Sanji couldn’t see an opening. Maybe they should start using back alleys, a risky move but he could always use skywalk if they got trapped. Daring a look behind him, he was surprised to see the marines were no longer on their tails.  
They were further away.
Much further away.
He stopped.
“Why are you… oh.” Nami just a few feet behind him, observed as the marines pulled away to run in a different direction.
Suddenly she was pulled into a small alleyway next to them. Sanji curled his arm around her waist to draw her into him as he leant against the alleyway wall and put a finger to his lips. A second later a group of marines were running past them from the opposite direction where they had just been standing.
“What the hell is going on?” Nami whispered. Why would they pull back when they were on top of them?
Peering out of the alleyway, Sanji couldn’t see a single marine anymore. “I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense. But maybe we should call Sunny whilst we have the chance?”
Nami’s hand disappeared down the front of her dress and Sanji’s eyes bulged, his arm tightening around her. She smiled naughtily at him and produced a small den den mushi.
Sanji glared at the snail, lucky bastard.
“Stop that.” Nami smacked his arm.
Just as she was dialling, Sanji’s hand covered hers to stop her. His smooth voice interrupted anything she was about to say. “Don’t bother calling.” He sighed in defeat.
She followed his pointed finger to the main street just in time to see Luffy running past them, laughing and holding his hat on his head. Marines following him. So that’s why they’d pulled away just now, they needed back up.
Bigger fish to try.
“That idiot,” they both said simultaneously. A night ruined because of their captain. Nami couldn’t stop herself from clenching Sanji’s top. His hand came to rest on hers, trying to soothe whatever patience she had left.
When he turned the corner and was out of sight, any previous worry drained from the both of them. They were no longer worried about any unexpected threats; it was just another of Luffy’s reckless actions.
Nami leaned her forehead against Sanji’s chest, humourlessly chuckling. “Well, this has been romantic.”
Sanji turned his attention towards the woman in his arms. Admiring her. “You really do look gorgeous in that dress. It’s such a shame it’s all been ruined by our idiot captain.”
“Hmmm, maybe the first part, but the evening’s not over yet and Robin’s got first watch.” Nami purred into Sanji’s ear, pressing her body against his and trapping him against the wall. Not that Sanji had any issues with that.
Her lips ghosted against the shell of his ear and she felt a shiver run down his body. It was too fun sometimes to rile him up.
His hands moved from around her back to her waist and she pulled back to look at his face, there was still evidence of his blush, but he was leaning down. She leaned up, slowly, and she felt their breaths mingle, their lips only a breath away from the others. She’d kissed him so many times, but she still felt her stomach knot in anticipation.
“Heeeey! You guys! There you are!”
Their eyes snapped open and any sexual tension that had been building quickly deflated as they pulled apart. Simultaneously, their heads turned in defeat to see their captain charging towards them, a hoard of marines on his heels.
Luffy was leading them towards the pair.
Anger welled in Nami. “You idiot! What do you think you’re doing?” Shaking her fist at their steadily approaching captain.
Sanji grabbed her hand, nudging her to start moving. They got a head start but Luffy easily caught up.
“I dunno what happened, they just started chasing me.” Luffy carelessly shrugged, sprinting next to them.
Both of them doubted that explanation.
“And you have a moustache on because…?” Nami asked.
“Robin said if I wanted to go out, it had to be in disguise. I had some left from Dressroba.”
Nami could only imagine the badgering the woman had received before relenting and letting him leave. Robin had failed, but she’d done a better job than anyone else could have.
“Is anyone else in town?” Sanji asked.
Luffy shook his head.
“Okay, well we can’t exactly lead them back to the ship. What do you suggest, oh wise captain?”
Luffy’s eyes gleamed and he came to a stop. “We fight them.”
Sanji and Nami stopped, both flanking either of Luffy’s sides. The marines didn’t stand a chance.
All three came back looking much more dishevelled than when they left. Nami and Sanji’s mood had definitely worsened as they kept glaring at Luffy.
No one needed to ask any questions. They’d all been on the crew long enough.
Nami didn’t say anything about why they returned in that state and with Luffy either, instead she started barking orders for them to start leaving. The supplies were bought, and the log pose had set earlier in the day, there was no reason for them to hang about any longer- especially now the marines knew they were here.
Once they were out on the open sea, the crew was starting to wind down. The darkening sky showing how late it was becoming and they dropped anchor.
Nami stopped by the galley before going to her room. She stood in the doorway, watching Sanji fuss around as he counted the new supplies. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed about how their evening had turned out. The food at the restaurant had been fantastic and the wine exquisite. Having Sanji just look at her, having his full attention, and not having to fight off Luffy or serve anyone else, was a nice change of pace. Her words from the alleyway crept back into her mind.
Drawing on her skills as a thief, she crept up behind him and he actually jumped when her arms ran up from his hips to wrap around his waist. Instantly he relaxed when he realised who it was.
“It’s such a relief that it’s you. I was worried for a second it might be Luffy coming to beg for some food.” Sanji smirked over his shoulder at her.
“All he’d need to do is grow some breasts and he might stand a chance of it working.”
Sanji snorted, “Not unless he managed to turn into you.”
He said it with no hesitation, such a charmer.
But she needed to remember why she came into the galley originally.
“Come meet me in my room,” She breathed into his ear and pulled away, dodging the arms that attempted to draw her back in. She made sure to emphasise the swing of her hips as she left the kitchen. She gave him five minutes, maximum.
When she’d gotten to her room, she’d decided to undo the bun in her hair. There was no point keeping it when it was already a mess and after what she had planned, it wouldn’t be getting neater.
There was a hurried knock at the door and Nami smiled to herself, not even five minutes had passed. She walked over to open the door and Sanji was softly smiling at her, he’d taken off his suit jacket, leaving him in just his waist coat.
Wasting no time, she tugged on his tie to pull him into the room, and into a hurried kiss. She made sure to flick the lock on her door. His hands quickly found her waist and he squeezed as he returned the kiss. She hummed into the kiss when his hands started to run along her bare back and their lips slowed, savouring the quiet moment to enjoy each other.
Slowly, he walked her the bed until her legs met with the wooden side. Her hands started to undo the buttons of his vest as his toyed with the tied fabric at her neck. As soon as his vest hit the floor and the fabric around her neck was untied, they were both falling onto the bed.
They pulled apart and Sanji used that moment to peel the top half of her dress down. He stopped breathing; sheer white lace looked back at him. Oh god, it was his favourite bra. He could see her hardening nipples straining underneath.
Nami squirmed under him. Was it flattering that he appreciated her form so much? Yes. But she did not have the patience for this right now. Grabbing his hand, she moved it up to her breast and he regained his sense. Large hands curled around her breast and she moaned, pulling him back into a kiss. This one was scorching, lips moving frantically, and his tongue swept against her lower lip. She gasped when his hand finally stopped caressing her breast and his thumb rolled her nipple. One hand grasped his shoulder whilst her other found his length through his trousers and gave a rub in appreciation. He broke the kiss and groaned, not expecting it.
Using his surprise to her advantage, she pushed his shoulder to roll them and she settled herself on top of him. She retracted her hand and instead rolled her hips against them, both throwing their heads back. His hands ran from her thighs up to her hips, pushing the dress to reveal matching underwear.
This was definitely planned. And that thought alone turned him on even more.
Loud thumping outside the door made them both jump. It was getting late, what were they still doing running around? Not a second later and the thumping noise was at her door, frantically knocking.
“Oi, you guys in there? You have to see this.” Luffy’s voice cutting through the quiet and the door handle started to frantically shake.
Thank god she’d locked it. That’s the last thing either of them needed right now.
Before either of them could saying anything, a smooth voice was interrupting Luffy’s attempt to knock the door down. “I’m sure they want their privacy right now. Why don’t you show me instead?”
Footsteps started to retreat, but Luffy was still arguing that everyone should see it.
Sanji could sob. Robin-chan deserved a medal.
Nami was thinking the same thing. Her hands pressed against Sanji’s chest and she let out a relieved breath. She smiled back down at Sanji, leaning down to press a tender kiss on his lips to try and recover the mood.
It didn’t take long. Sanji’s tongue sweeping back into her mouth and he rolled his hips up, displaying just how ready he was. Nami’s fingers hurriedly worked the buttons of his top, leaving the tie for the time being. She never minded it staying on. Sanji made quick work of her bra, flinging it onto the floor and his shirt soon joined.
She leaned down to press their now naked chests together and they gasped at the contact. She avoided his lips, choosing to press kisses along his jaw and work her way down his neck to lightly nip at his pulse.
He was almost putty underneath her. His hand caressed down her side, working their way down her body to cup her and run a finger teasingly against her covered lips. She stopped her ministrations to moan lightly, pushing her hips against his hand. His finger continued to stroke her through her underwear, and he groaned, she was so wet. And hot. Her hands were back at his shoulders, clutching them as her hips wiggled to get his hand to move more and breathing heavily into his neck.
Nami had completed forgotten about Sanji’s neck for the time being, instead she could feel tiny jolts running through her stomach as he teased her. He had the most skilful hands and her stomach knotted in anticipation at the thought of them in her.
Once he’d fully soaked her underwear, he pushed them to one side. His fingers were just about to make contact, to feel her wet heat on his fingers and hear the most delicious moans tumble from her mouth when someone in the room coughed.
Someone that wasn’t Sanji or Nami.
There was a mouth on the opposite wall. That was who had coughed. Thank god it was only that and not an ear or eye.
“I apologise for interrupting, but things are getting out of control outside.”
They both looked puzzled for a second, trying to comprehend what was being said through their hazy minds. The ship tipping abruptly to one side cleared the fog. Sanji just manged to gain his bearings and stop them both from rolling off the bed.
An ear blossomed next to the mouth after that to hear the reply.
“What the hell is going on?” Nami exclaimed, sitting up.
“Jinbe lured a peculiar sea monster closer to the ship that Luffy had spotted. Luffy now wants to keep it as a pet. He’s currently trying to pull it on board to put in the fish tank,” Robin’s voice calmly responded; despite the news she’d just delivered.
“Jinbe what?!”
Luffy she could understand, but Jinbe?! He was supposed to be a calm, wise man. How had he got sucked into this? There would be hell to pay. Not only for their idiotic actions, but to ruin their date and their private time alone. She almost wanted to whine, she was still worked up and desperate for his hands. She could feel Sanji still just as ready to go beneath her.
Sanji sighed, his hands groping her hips one last time and silently mourning what was about to happen coming to an abrupt end.
Just one night. That’s all they’d ask for. But apparently that was too much when you had Monkey D. Luffy as a captain.
I take pure delight in cockblocking them. First with spiders and now Luffy.
I haven’t seen a great deal of Jinbe interacting with the crew, so he may be out of character. But, if he’s joining the Straw-hat’s, he’s surely going to muck in with the chaos at some point! Also, I really want to see to see Nami scolding the monster quartet.
I’m supposed to be a multi-shipper, yet I cannot stop thinking about these two. And I’m about to start reading WCI in the manga… that’s not going to help either.
Thanks for reading!  
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rosewoodphil-blog · 4 years
Some help with filming
Summary: Dan asks Phil for help with his new video and Phil ends up sitting in Dan’s lap. When Dan accidentally moves his hips, Phil makes an unexpected sound. word count: 1482 rating: m - mature tags: sexual content, grinding, a hint of fingering, friends to lovers. a/n: This is my first ever Phanfic, be kind pls. Send me feedback, I would really appreciate it! Hope you enjoy :)
“What?”, Phil replied. He was scrolling through his Twitter mentions, procrastinating from doing actual work.
Dan walked in to the living room. “You promised to help me with filming, remember?” he said.
Phil had indeed promised but had completely forgotten. Dan had told him about his new video idea: The story how his grandma had tricked Dan into thinking she had eaten all the cookies she had baked the day before. He’d asked Phil for filming help because it was ten times easier to just have someone hold the camera up instead of dragging heavy tripods around the house.
“Sorry I totally forgot, do you need help right now?” He asked, closing his phone and looking at Dan from where he was sitting on the couch.
“Yeah”, Dan said, “There’s this one bit where I’m lying on my bed and then having a revelation in my sleep. I open my eyes and pretend I just invented something groundbreaking”
“Like sliced bread?”
“Exactly. Now come on, I can’t put a tripod on the bed it’ll never stay up,” Dan said and headed towards his bedroom. Phil followed him, not really thinking much of it. It was just one small bit and he was happy to help Dan with his videos as it was something they were both passionate about.
When Phil arrived to Dan’s bedroom Dan was already standing beside the bed with a camera in his hands.
“Okay so the scene will go like this: I will pretend to be asleep and after about five seconds I’ll ‘wake up’ and pretend I figured out why my nana was stashing those cookies,” he explained and handed the camera to Phil.
“Okay, how do you want me to film it?” Phil asked hesitantly. He wasn’t sure getting in bed with Dan wasn’t the best idea seeing his unrequited and secret attraction to the man.
“Oh you can stand next to the bed, that should do it,” he replied, not really paying attention as he was getting under the covers and adjusting his hair.
“O- Okay,” Phil stammered and moved to stand next to Dan’s bed, holding the camera in a way that showed Dan from the side.
“Oh sorry can you move it so that it’s above me? Like I did in my ‘Daniel and depression’ video, remember that?”
“Oh right,” Phil said and reached to hold the camera above Dan. “I can’t really see if you’re in shot if I hold the camera like this.”
“Then come sit on the bed Phil. You can sit on my lap so you can get the perfect above view. It’ll be so satisfying.”
Phil flushed red but didn’t argue back. He climbed onto the bed and sat on Dan’s thighs, trying to avoid his crotch area at all costs.
Phil checked the camera display, trying really hard to ignore the fact that he was sitting in Dan’s lap. “Yeah, I think I can get it right now.”
“Okay let’s try and film it.” Dan said and closed his eyes. Phil thought he looked gorgeous sleeping, so peaceful. Suddenly Dan opened his eyes and jerked his body like he had figured something out. As he moved his body, Phil almost fell backwards and dropped the camera on Dan’s legs. As Dan realised what had happened, he laughed at Phil.
“This isn’t gonna work. You can’t sit on my legs cause I need them to flail my body. Move a bit upwards.”
Phil’s cheeks turned even redder, if possible. Moving forward would mean that he would be sitting right on top of Dan’s crotch, only four layers of fabric separating them. The thought alone made Phil shiver a little, but he did as Dan told him to and settled on his crotch, trying his hardest not to move.
“Okay let’s try again!” Dan said and closed his eyes again.
All Phil could do was nod as he lifted the camera up. This time when Dan jerked awake Phil didn’t fall from his lap, but something else did happen. Dan jerked his hips which made him accidentally grind against Phil’s dick, which was showing a bit of interest in Phil’s jeans. He barely held in a whimper, but Dan seemed completely unaware of the situation.
“Okay I think that was a good one, you didn’t fall off of me this time! But let’s do one more so I have a bit of a choice.” and before Phil could protest, Dan had already closed his eyes.
Phil’s heart was beating faster than before but he raised the camera up and waited for Dan to wake up. He did, and jerked his hips the same way as last time. Only this time Phil couldn’t hold back his whimper.
Dan stared at him for a moment.
“Did you just moan?” he asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
As embarrassed as Phil was, he saw no reason to lie. “Yeah… I did.”
“Was it because of me?”
“Yes.” Phil could feel his jeans getting tighter. They stared at each other in silence, looking for clues for what was going to happen next. Dan moved his hips upwards slowly, not breaking eye contact, which elicited another small whimper from Phil’s mouth.
“Is this okay?” Dan asked.
Phil nodded and moved his hands on Dan’s broad chest to help him steady himself. He felt his cheeks getting hotter from both arousal and embarrassment equally. Dan moved his hands on Phil’s hips and started grinding up to him with more vigor. Phil could feel Dan’s dick through his pants. He bit his lip and tried to stay quiet, too embarrassed to make any sounds.
Dan stopped his movements and his chest was heaving from arousal. He moved his left hand on Phil’s zipper and looked at him, asking for permission. Phil nodded and helped Dan to slide his pants off. He was now in his boxers, only three layers of fabric between them. Dan looked at his dick that was already leaking precome through his boxers and creating a small dark patch. He reached his hand and squeezed Phil’s dick, which made Phil moan louder than he would’ve wanted.
“Move over so I can get my clothes off.” Dan said, voice low. Phil obeyed and sat next to Dan on the bed, moving his shirt to cover his hard dick. Dan stripped off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans, throwing them somewhere on the floor. He was wearing black boxers underneath. He turned to Phil and helped him remove his t-shirt, which resulted to them sitting in their boxers on Dan’s bed. Phil skimmed his eyes over Dan’s toned body: his biceps and faint six-pack that made Phil even more aroused if possible. Phil felt a little insecure about his slender arms and definitely not muscular stomach.
“You look beautiful Phil.” Dan said and moved his hands against Phil’s sides, making him sigh.
“Can I kiss you?” Phil asked.
“Yeah,” Dan smiled and leaned in, capturing Phil’s lips with his own. He licked into Phil’s mouth and they both moaned at the feeling.
Phil broke the kiss, “Please Dan, I need you” he begged. He was getting desperate.
“What do you need baby?”
Dan lifted Phil into his lap, facing him, and positioned his hips so that he was rubbing right against Phil. Phil whimpered at the contact and threw his arms around Dan’s neck. Dan started grinding up against Phil and Phil grinded back. Dan moved his arms up and down Phil’s back, occasionally grabbing his bum and squeezing it. Phil buried his face into Dan’s neck and moaned. He was getting close.
“I’m close” he whispered between his moans.
Dan moved his hands between Phil’s cheeks and circled his entrance. It was almost too much and Phil increased his pace, almost bouncing on Dan’s lap. He was so close and he knew exactly what he needed to tip over the edge but he didn’t know how to ask for it. Somehow Dan seemed to know as he slid his index finger inside Phil. The sensation was all Phil needed and he came with a shout of Dan’s name, spurting his cum on their chests. Dan moved his hand to grab his own cock and jerked himself to finish, grunting as he came all over his hand.
They breathed heavily for a while, Phil resting his head on Dan’s shoulder. Dan stroked his back soothingly and kissed his neck.
“Was that ok?”
“Yeah I liked it a lot. If you couldn’t tell.” Phil smiled and lifted his head to look at Dan.
Dan smiled back at him and kissed him on the nose. “We should do this again soon. Maybe we could try something different, go a bit further if you know what I mean.”
“Not before you take me on a date tho,” Phil laughed at him and kissed him on the lips.
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cinnamaldeide · 5 years
#Hannigraham Meet-Cute Challenge
There’s just barely enough air to breath lately, summer has finally hit us in full force and all that is left for us... is fun. Fun at the seaside, fun with our psycho friends, fun with our precious, scruffy partners, and @funwithtyler​ fun reading lovely stories. Some of us have to combat this torrid heat to approach one very hot computer to type their very beautiful fanfictions and creations, but luckily for us we get to reap the benefits!
#29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago (now with fanart by @bayobayo) #13: Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide​ #248: The night shift customer by @niceven-silace​ #3: You don’t see enough, you see too much by @fhimechan​ #1: Nigel’s Books by @murderfriesandgayguys {fanart} #186: Hello Gorgeous, Love Your Left Hook by @ishxallxgood #230: the aesthetics of pleasure by @exarite​ #116: Speed Dating by @ishxallxgood​ and @stratumgermanitivum #50: Evening Wedding by @emergencytrap {gifset}
You see our list of contributions is growing steadily and inexorably, but in this update I have the pleasure of including not only an incredible cooperation between our unstoppable @ishxallxgood and @stratumgermanitivum, but also an entirely new form of art, which is @emergencytrap’s nsfw gifset where the film Evening meets After the wedding.
As we had announced months ago, despite the name of our challenge, we’re allowing both Hannibal and HEU character, which means EveningWedding and Spacedogs, like in the case of our gifset and fanart, but also RoyalInstincts, DogsDogs, LucAdam, Kaisergram, whatever crosses your mind.
I’ll seize the opportunity and remind you of the #RareMeat fest, mostly on Twitter by now, which is exactly about these pairings. If you’re eager to write something involving Overgård and Galahad, for example, but you don’t know how or where they meet, only that a lot of snow is involved, consider selecting one of the prompts you see here (ง ื▿ ื)ว
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#231: A is hanging out with a friend but ends up stopping to look at some lingerie in a shop window. A is still chatting away, thinking that their friend has stopped with them also, and turns to where they assume their friend is to jokingly ask: “Wouldn’t I look sexy in that?” But it turns out that the friend had kept walking and it was B, a total stranger, who A had spoken to.
#232: A is in a public place and temporarily leaves their things where they are seated so that they can use the bathroom. When A returns, A notices B, the person sitting at the next table, putting A’s phone back on the table. A demands to know what they were doing with their phone, and B tells them that the phone was ringing non-stop and it was bothering everyone. Also… “Your friend is drunk and I think they want to sleep with you.”
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#240: A stops at the pub near their house to pick up some food on the way home (they make the best fries in the neighbourhood) when A receives a phone call – and some terrible news. A starts crying and B, the bartender, asks A what’s wrong. As A opens up to them, B gives A a drink on the house, and helps talk them through it.
#246: A was fatally wounded in an accident and suddenly finds themself looking down at their own lifeless body in confusion. B is a reaper and offers A guidance… but A doesn’t want to do the whole follow the light bullshit. A wants to flirt with the cute reaper.
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
You may have noticed the lack of line breaks in this post. Well, it’s not the only thing I cannot do anymore on this platform, and it would be a big leap to say I’m more or less leaving Tumblr because I can’t do anymore what I previosly did, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. And I’m not alone, apparently.
This challenge, as well as the Accidental Sex initiative, could go on only thanks to those who so kindly kept the word spread for @fhimechan​ and myself. This time, I really thank @zigzag-wanderer​, @mistikfir​, @diemetzgermeisterin​, @cassraven​, @ishxallxgood​, @tiggymalvern​, @crisisoninfintefandoms​, @dyggyd​, @evakkorotta​, @thatthreetoedsloth​, @hannibalsimago​, @xchrysaliswhispersx, @bonesandscales​, @fragile-teacup​, @psychoheu​ and @cinelitchick​, you’ve all helped us keeping this well into Tumblrgeddon, but I’m sad to say this platform is not helping anymore. We’ll have to close this challenge before we had planned and hope the next one will be more fruitful.
In short, hereby starts your last month to choose one of those fantastic prompts and fill it, in whatever capacity you like: fanfiction, fanart, gifset, smoke signals, Hannigraham or RareMeat, whatever crosses your mind. We’re here to reap and to include in our collection, we appreciate your commitment and hope you won’t be mad at us for letting go of this challenge before due time.
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venus-says · 4 years
Kiratto Prichan Episode 91
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Happy-naru ♪ 
So... this was a weird episode.
It wasn't bad by any mean, I loved watching Naru going around getting herself into funny situations, and hearing about the girls' dreams was very wholesome and heartwarming, I especially like Rinka's dream of being braver to overcome her shyness and challenge new things and serve as an inspiration for other people like her and I also appreciate that Mirai's indecisiveness about her dream was kinda touched again here, though they glossed it over so it wasn't as good as it could've been.
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The thing is, the foundation of this episode was all built upon the concept that the Diamond Coord would realize one of its owner's dreams and like... when did this got established? Because I don't remember any of that being mentioned before, and taking into consideration that the Jewel Auditions began because Nijinosaki was trying to make friends it's hard to believe that the Diamond Coord would have any kind of special power like that.
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And this confusion just reinforces in my mind the idea that this episode was out of place and completely disconnected from the main story. Like, last time we saw Nijinosaki stepping out of her shell and the episode ended with Daia showing an abnormal behavior probably either jealous or scared that now that Nijinosaki has friends she'll abandon her, and by the preview, it seems that in next we'll be picking up on this plotline again so... why did this episode exist? Is this episode here just because the next arcade update is coming in a few weeks and Naru will become a playable character so they had to make her debut and for some reason, they decided that it would be here so they whipped up this disconnected story real quickly just to fill-in? Or is this a retcon and now the Diamond Coord has a special power and this will become relevant again in the final episodes this season? Whichever the answer is I can't deny that it was a weird move to pull out.
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The big event here was Naru's debut, and as much as I like Prichan Naru more than I like Prichan Aira, I wasn't happy with her debut as I was for Aira's last season. Like, it just happened as if it was nothing, you know? Yes, this episode was focused on Naru and it was fun, but her will to perform never came up on the episode until minutes before she got up on stage and like, it didn't feel special. I'm sure that to the people who are long-time fans and have watched Rainbow Live this was a huge moment for them - half of my twitter timeline hasn't stopped talking about it yet - but since I don't have this nostalgia for Naru I was just let down because this is a character I like but her debut came in the most uninteresting way ever.
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Naru's song is terrible, I'm sorry to all Naru fans but I really dislike the song. I know it's her original solo from her season, trust me that's very noticeable seeing how outdated this song feels in comparison to all the other Prichan songs, I still don't like it and, as I explained, the nostalgia factor won't make it for me. However, Naru looks really cute, I love her outfit and her Yattemita that is one of her Prism Jumps from her original show looks pretty good too. Someone on twitter made a comparison of the Prism Jump and the Yattemita and the new CG model made everything pop more beautifully and vibrant on-screen so that's a positive. Overall, I didn't really care for it still.
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At the end of the day, the best thing about this episode was the updated graphics for the ending that are just as gorgeous, if not more, than the previous one. It's such a shame we didn't get the creditless version of this ending yet because there are some very beautiful shots in here. Brand New Girls is definitely the best prichan ending ever, I LOVE IT.
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I believe this sums up everything, nice filler episode but if someone decides to binge-watch this someday whenever they get to this point they'll feel the weird disruption in the narrative. Oh well, very short post but these were all my thoughts on this episode, please let me know yours in the comments. I'll see you folks another time, bye-bye.
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hiraethstill · 5 years
yess mimura and kawashima get a moment to shine
LMAO i love asou
also his hair is super cool
hell YEAH there are some great first years
omg the second and third years look like a mafia/gang
lmao mogami really out here
natsukawa i love you
ah nvm thats why heh
its kinda strange to see taku wearing the white cap
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kuki starting!!!!!!!!!!!
and asada wishing his bf good luck
LMAO kuki why you gotta be all dramatic with your "okumura koushuu"
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skldjg why'd yall have to prolong the shot of yui holding a hand in front of masashi like he's holding him back
ooh kagami another son
asahi... will have to remember that name
IM NOT o K         A            Y
aww asada bby youll gain confidence too!
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what a lovely shot
eijun's hair flying behind him is really pleasing
aww eijun wanting to be a good senpai to asada but also being considerate
harucchi working so hard im so proud of him
but also eat!!!
good job kanemaru taking care of people
(toujou in tow)
always trying to accomplish something... big mood
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look at him... trying to smile...
i want to hug him
kanemaru go hug him for me!
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HE'S SO?????????? PRETTY?????????
why did ochiai look so different
kanemaru talking like he knows takatsu i demand interaction stat
takatsu's voice is partly right behind my nose its strange but i guess not bad?
damn right seidou is crazy but not in the way that you think kuki
asada get over here i will Hug You Fiercely
lmao koushuu lowkey throwing shade but not really
he would make a good captain hMMST
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omg if kuki reminds kariba of sawamura then is this ace foreshadowing
i can still dream about kuki asada double ace right
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aw kuki cares about toujou so much
omg kuki bleps too? 
like mochi like mukai lmaoo
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okay yui your gay is showing hlskjdfs
masashi put yo aura away
good job kawashima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pats kariba gently
my heart is breaking for all these third years
esp nabe...
representing them............. im not o kay.............
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oh god oh god have i also mentioned how GORGEOUS taku's voice is i cANNOT
asada bby i dont think youd have ever been ready for this game 
"maybe he thought of me as a friend" ASADA FUCKING HIROFUMI WE LOVE THE HELL OUT OF YOU
okay sun we getting a lil cap happy here
eijun you doofus come out from behind there
i fucking love love love how taku and koushuu shared that one brain cell right there
LSKDJFLGSHKG "he throws faster than me"
at this point i should just make it an OT4 - koutakuasakuki
hell yeah pretty koushuu shot
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hello have i introduced you to my SON
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literally this looks like he's about to go in for the kiss
i meant the kill but same difference
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hsljkdfghjslkfdj IVE BEEN WAITING
FOR THE "taku, what was that."
im gonna watch this segment again
screams softly in koutaku rights
koushuu's so used to him like that lmaoo
he just gives him a reminder and moves on
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what was that twitter post i saw today? the cliche meme with "oh my god the grumpy one is secretly in love with the sunshine one"
also obligatory pretty koushuu shot
asada is so confused poor bby
couldnt get a screenshot but taku looking at koushuu like that makes me melt
even better koushuu pretending not to notice
audience members who asked you
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this screams found family
eijun cheering asada on....... still behind that pole
what a goober
LMAO "asada's an innocent guy" too true but also gdi eijun
ooh we stan asada being perceptive about koushuu
yessss asada you go kick ass
taku i see you you lil goober hiding all blurry in the corner while koushuu calms asada down
koushuu havent you heard? tapping your glove against people's chests is gay
asada being formal @ koushuu lmaoo
and koushuu telling him not to straight up lmaoooo
good JOB asada pitching from the stretch
no remarkable features??? no asada you are unique and wonderful and i love you
ooh the nice sound - that's koushuu's soft touch catching right
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his cheeky grin and WHAT FOR
mochi's voice sighs happily
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might as well give yall a cute eijun while im at it
oh hello that is an intense face you're making good sir
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hahaha when you put kuki's face then asada's expression like that one after another
also them talking here
who's on fire?
cries softly of course you'll meet expectations asada
minor 3rd yr appreciation!
kuki's mindset STRONK
hug toujou RIGHT NOW
kane, toujou, kuki squad!
my heart breaks for 3rd yrs who cant play
eijun a goober
koutakuasakuki JUST SAYIN
koutaku one smart brain cell
See you next week!!!
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infiniteshawn · 6 years
Utter filth inspired by Shawn’s look last night at the Vanity Fair Oscars Afterparty. Boy had me fucked up. 2.3k of nastiness
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It physically pained you to sit at home and scroll through twitter, only to be met with pictures of your gorgeous boyfriend at the Academy Awards Vanity Fair afterparty. He looked so good, you practically drooled at your phone screen, zooming in on the areas of his body that you knew all too well. 
Thankfully, he was hopping on a red-eye jet home as soon as it was over. 
You were careful not to blow up his phone with messages about how good he looked, or how much you missed him. You knew that this was a great opportunity for him to meet and speak with some important people, and it would be better for you to just leave him be.
You limited yourself to one text message.
You: Hey, baby! I hope you’re having fun—sure looks like it in the pics. It also looks like you’re a tall drink of water that I’d quite like to climb like a tree, so you should probably get some sleep on the plane because you sure as hell aren’t going to sleep when you get home. I fucking love you. See you in the morning, babes
He replied instantly.
Shawn: Oh my god. Be home in 6 painfully long hours. Love you more
You plugged your phone in, crawling into bed for the night. It was three in the morning, midnight for Shawn, so you knew his party would be ending soon. You swiped through all the photos of him on the carpet one more time, and a smile crept up on your face. A man? A man. A man that was all yours.
You woke up to a huge hand wrapping around your middle and the smell of your boyfriend filling your nose. You slipped out of his grasp, sitting up and crawling on top of him. His hands found your waist as his lips found yours, greeting you with a soft kiss that deepened into something more. He was desperate and needy, aching for you, and it was apparent in the way his hands gripped your ass and his lips nipped at yours, pressing against you as hard as possible. After about a minute of suffocating each other, you leaned back on him, sitting up with your palms on his strong chest.
“Missed you,” he spoke through puffy lips, tired eyes crinkling at the corners as the corners of his mouth turned upward. 
“Clearly,” you responded, rolling your hips against the hard-on you could feel between your legs. 
“You liked my outfit?” he asked, his goofy smile quickly evolving into a smirk.
“Uh, yeah, Shawn. Is that even a question? Such a beautiful man,” you teased, trailing off into your own thoughts.
“Your man,” he said, his face becoming serious. You looked down at him, tucking one of your golden waves behind your ear as you bit your lip. “Babe, I slept on the plane,” he said, a smile finding him once again. He knew where this was going.
His hands gripped your hips as he flipped you underneath him. Always in control. His lips attached themselves to yours as his hands roamed your skin, lightly caressing every inch of you. He loved this—teasing you beforehand. You felt his perfect teeth nipping at your swollen bottom lip, soon finding a new home on your neck. His hot tongue burned fiery stripes along your collarbone as he breathed heavily, finding excitement in his dominance. 
Thinking back to the pictures of him from earlier, your soul was set ablaze. “Shawn?” 
“Mmmm?” was all he mumbled, clearly a little too in-his-own-world to properly acknowledge you.
“Shawn, Shawn baby, stop,” you croaked, his head quickly popping up from the confines of your neck. 
“What’s wrong, honey? Are you okay?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. You rarely asked him to stop.
“Shawn, you’re so good to me. But I need you to do as I say, got it?” you asked, a firm urgency in your voice. His face broke into a shocked smile, aroused by your sudden boost of confidence.
“Yes baby,” was all he said. He was playing along. Such a good boy.
“Lay down,” you said, and he obeyed. You crawled back on top of him, settling on his midsection. Your hands stabilized yourself on either side of his head, your long hair tickling his face. “My turn, babe,” you said, dipping your head down to give his neck some attention. You planted hot kisses from his ear to his shoulder, trailing your tongue back up his neck. Making your way up his jaw, you planted soft, squishy kisses on his face. His cheekbones, his nose, his lips, and an extra-soft one on that little scar on his cheek that you loved oh-so much. 
You felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed heavily, absorbing the feeling of you all over. You planted one last soft smooch on his puffy pink pout, pulling back and hovering over him. His eyes were gentle, completely in awe of you. Your touch warmed his soul as he stared into your big eyes, completely at a loss for words. It was always him loving on you. He never allowed for you to take control and worship his body the way he deserved, so on the rare occasion that you did, a new fire was lit inside of him.
“So beautiful,” he whispered under his breath, earning a blush from you. Thankful to finally have him home, your hands wandered his body in ways that it normally wasn’t able to. Your palms found his broad shoulders, moving down his arms and giving his biceps a squeeze. His flesh was burning hot under your touch. You traveled down his arms, taking purchase on his calloused fingers. They gripped onto yours, giving your small hands a little squeeze. 
Your hands found his midsection as you shimmied down his body, kissing down his abs on all fours. Your fingers teased at his waistband as he sucked in a breath, anticipating what was to come. You looked up at him through thick lashes, taking in his soft smile and warm eyes. Your fingers hooked each side of his boxer briefs, hiking them down his thick thighs, stopping at his ankles. His hard cock slapped his stomach and your mouth watered at the sight. Nothing got you more excited than pleasing him. Something about the way he squirmed as your mouth fucked him, or whimpered when you flicked your tongue on his head, or wrapped his massive hands in your hair when you were bobbing up and down his shaft instantly soaked your panties. 
His breath hitched as you lowered your lips to his abdomen, planting soft kisses everywhere but his swollen cock. 
You kissed along the tops of his thighs, traced his v-line with your tongue, and even cradled his balls with your dainty fingers. He was aching for you, and you were aching to please him.
You looked up at him once more, noticing the beads of sweat forming along his hairline. He was literally aching for you. You took his shaft in your right hand as you flattened your tongue, licking along the underside of his cock. He gasped at the contact and you closed your mouth on his tip, wetting it with your tongue. Licking him once again to wet his dick, you started taking more of him into your mouth, looking up at him. His head was tilted back into the pillows, eyes crinkled up as his mouth hung open, breathing deeply. It had been so long. 
His right hand took purchase in your hair, creating a makeshift ponytail so he could watch you.
“Fuck babe, look at you taking all of me in that pretty little mouth,” he said as you fought back a smile. “That’s it, babe, yes,” he moaned, lifting his hips to thrust into your mouth. You released him instantly and his eyes shot back open at the sudden loss.
“I need you to keep still. It’s still my turn,” you pressed, insisting on maintaining control.
“Yes, baby. I’m sorry,” he said, once again smirking at your attempt at dominance. You mouth found his dick again as your hand took care of what didn’t quite fit into your mouth, pumping him as low groans and grunts escaped his lips. Your name rolled off his tongue like one of his songs as your mouth fucked him into oblivion, his hand moving from your hair to your own, giving your fingers a squeeze.
You slowed down, deciding it was time to give him what he really wanted. He whimpered at the loss but clued in when you slipped out of your panties and threw your t-shirt over your head, crawling up his body. 
You could tell he was fighting the urge to touch your breasts, keeping in mind that you weren’t letting go of the whole control thing. 
“Such a good boy,” you said, running a hand through his thick curls. His eyes closed and he sharply inhaled at your touch, writhing at the thought of being beneath you.
“I love you,” he whispered lovingly, staring into your eyes. His cock pressed against your core as you rested against him, leaning down to kiss his soft lips. He kissed you back, with more passion than before. He needed this, needed you. Without breaking the kiss, you lifted your hips and wrapped your hand around his length, guiding him to your entrance and sliding down his shaft.
He moaned into your mouth, placing his hands on your hips gently. Lips still on his, you began moving up and down his length, in ecstasy at the feeling of him filling you up. It was magical, having him inside of you. There was so much love between you that it was something bigger than sex. He felt warm inside you, lighting a flame deep within your body. No man you’d ever been with compared to Shawn, and it was moments like this that you were able to let him know. 
Your lips roamed his neck as you sped up, sitting up and resting your palms on his chest so you could get a rhythm going. You allowed him to touch you now, craving his hands on your boobs. His rough fingers rolled and pinched softly at your nipples as you took his length, whimpering at the feeling of his cock buried inside of you.
His head was pushed into the pillows again, mouth agape, eyes on you. He was taking this in, appreciating the view, a faint smile creeping up on his lips. 
“Shawn, fuck, more,” was about all you could get out, granting him permission to thrust up into you. His hips lifted from the mattress, meeting your movements and hitting you just right, resulting in a string of curse words escaping your lips. His name was rolling off your tongue as his fingers moved from your breasts to your clit, giving you attention where you craved it.
You leaned forward, changing the angle, receiving a low, needy moan from Shawn’s lips. Your hands squeezed his strong arms as you kept your balance, bouncing on his cock harder than before. The sound of slapping skin and each other’s names filled the air as you hung your head a little lower to meet his lips.
“Shawn, I can’t, I can’t last much longer,” you said between breaths, his lips smiling against yours.
“Baby, just a little longer, please?” he said, blissfully enjoying being under you.
He continued to meet your movements with thrusts and rub small circles on your clit, and you knew you were a goner.
“Shawn, Shawn, I can’t-“ His hips stopped moving.
“Choke me,” he said. Your eyes widened, meeting his gaze with a puzzled expression.
“What?” you asked, confused by his request. He was bigger and stronger, and almost always choked you. This was strange.
“You heard me. Choke me,” he said, peeling your hand from his arm and placing it on his neck.
“Okay,” you whispered, barely audible. 
Moving again, he continued to work you with his fingers and fuck you from underneath as you applied more pressure to his windpipe.
You weren’t sure how much was too much, but he was a moaning mess. His thrusts got harder and prompter, indicating to you to apply more pressure. His words came out as noises and beads of sweat rolled down his face as his hands stroked you just right, causing you to unexpectedly unravel on top of him. 
You clenched around him and released, holding yourself up with one hand on the mattress and the other still wrapped around his neck. His eyes were tightly shut and he was getting louder, moaning uncontrollably. You had never seen him like this. 
It was a yelling-volumed string of encouragement along with your name that escaped his mouth as his cock twitched inside of you, his body releasing with a shudder. You loosened your grip on his throat as a smile crept up on his face. You readjusted yourself, crawling off of him and laying down beside him. He pulled you closer, peppering kisses all over your face, leaving no skin untouched. 
“That, was, amazing,” he said in between pecks, thanking you for everything. The sun peeked through the curtains as Shawn’s smile was wider than ever, holding you close. 
It was such sweet moment, until you felt his massive, tattooed hand grip your ass roughly. “Looks like I need to dress up more often,” he said, lips hot on your skin.
“You absolutely do,” you responded, looking up into his eyes. “Round two?” you asked as you sat up, a look of shock quickly creeping up on his face, in disbelief that you’re even still awake.
“Give me ten minutes,” he said, shaking his head at your eagerness.
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squeemcsquee · 6 years
Anime Midwest 2018, Day 2
Ah, Day 2. Aka, the day I forgot to really mark things in my program guide, so I’m having to read the schedule now, 9 days later, to figure out what I did.
Can I repeat my wish for AnimeCon.Org to create or pay to utilize an app that will let you highlight panels/take notes/etc? Please?
Day two’s morning started with another visit to the manga library. I didn’t stay long, but even just popping in briefly was a nice way to get my day going. From there, I wandered over to the “Two Guys Walk Into the Internet” panel so I could see Linkara and The Last Angry Geek again.
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This was the panel to attend if you wanted to get not just info on YouTube experience and their preferred reviewing styles, but also the recent Channel Awesome debacle from April of this year. Some of it was what I knew from the Twitter thread and the Not So Awesome Google doc, but some of it was not stuff I’d known. And it’s sad to know that The Geek took a big hit to his viewing and subscriber base when he cut ties with the site. From what I saw of him during Midwest, he seems a cool guy, and I’ll be looking into his channel more.
From there, nothing really caught my eye for the next hour, so I decided to check out the game room, and man, I wish I had spent more time there. Honestly, I haven’t dabbled in the gaming rooms as much as I’ve been tempted, because of the “funk” that usually pervades them. But Midwest’s game room smelled just fine, and looking at the games on display, I was like a kid in a candy store. From giant-sized games meant to be laid out on the floor to classic board and card games, from games aimed at younger players, to games for adults, to all ages...seriously, the people they’d partnered with had it all. And the game room staff knew their stuff! I spotted a copy of Betrayal at the House on the Hill and was talking to @shbumi about it, and a staffer overheard and joined in. I love that game - it does not love me back. 
If I do another Anime Midwest, I am going to have to spend more time in this area, that’s for sure!
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After that, it was time for the Bad Music Videos panel with V is for Villains. Only one band member was on hand, but he made the panel a blast. Instead of my usual pic from the panel (even though I stole @lechevaliermalfet ‘s phone to take one), I’m going to include one of the videos shown. This one is a classic, so you may have seen it before:
I’m glad that this is a staple V is for Villains panel because I found it entertaining and wouldn’t mind sitting it again sometime. 
Also, I need to thank @shbumi - while I was at this panel, she was out trying to catch a shiny Articuno for me. The raids in the area didn’t pan out, but I appreciate her making the effort!
I wandered for a bit, then I checked into the tail end of the “Sexy Multimedia Q & A with D.C. Douglas” panel, since I knew he’s funny to listen to.
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I went back through the dealer’s hall and artist alley after the panel. I stopped to say hi to a friend of a friend in the AA, and snagged a copy of her comic.
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I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet (I’m bad about that - I snag indie comics at cons, then they sit on my shelf for quite a while) but I’m looking forward to it!
This was my other score for the artist alley during that time:
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@falsedelusion does absolutely gorgeous work and I was happy to find art for Violet Evergarden, since Violet could be considered my latest anime waifu. 
After dropping my comic and print in the room and grabbing some food, I went back to the con for some people-watching before going to the “Great Graphic Novels You Should Be Reading” panel. 
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This is another one I’ll probably have to attend again. See, the manga librarian apparently updates it every 2 weeks. And she’s got waaaayyyy more titles to choose from than you might think. Everything she recommended during the panel, she had on hand in the manga library. She also gave out personal recommendations for attendees, if asked.
I did end up taking photos of each slide, though I didn’t take notes of what was said. Still, I can do a photo post of what was recommended that weekend, at least.
From there, it was time for the “Women in Anime, TV, Film, and Beyond” panel.
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I tried to like this one - I really did. It was nothing against the women who were answering questions and talking about the industry. It had everything to do with the setup. See, to even get a clear view of who was talking, you needed to either be up front or super tall. I don’t know how the A/V setup would work, but this particular panel is one that would have benefited from using the projector to show the image of who was talking and when. Since I couldn’t see from where I sat (my photo was taken by holding up my phone way about my head), it was hard to follow who was talking. In the end, I had to leave - I just couldn’t focus.
The evening was moving on so I snagged some free ramen, then headed off to the “LGBT Equality in Anime and Games” panel, which was 18+. The staffer checking my ID recognized my cosplay as the Impala from Supernatural, which was awesome.
(Side note: my favorite moments from Saturday were the one I just mentioned and running into Sam, Dean, and Cas cosplayers and taking a photo with them.)
I don’t know that I’m as familiar with Oscar Seung’s work, but I can say this: Hearing him sing and play the violin was awesome! And it was funny to hear how he’ll stop, mid-conversation, if he learns he has a voice role for Funimation - he takes his prep that seriously. Which is great, but I would hate to be the one talking to him at the time!
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After that was “So You Think You Can Broadway.” This was easily the panel I was most conflicted about, after attending it. See, here’s the panel description, from the program:
 “Are you suddenly bursting in song? Being “Pulled” in a new direction? Can’t seem to “Wait for It” or “My Shot”? Do you think being on stage has always “Meant To Be Yours”? Then you might have caught the Broadway Bug. Let us “Whip Into Shape” and see if you have the guts to survive the stage.”
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It was a Jeopardy-style panel. Okay, fine! I like Jeopardy! But a lot of the rules seemed to be sorted out as we went: how to divide into teams, how teams would give answers, how many turns before allowing the other team a chance at the board, etc. People were having fun - including me - but there were grumbles at times about how the uncertain rules were causing possible unfairness in the judging process. 
The panel ended with the option to sing in front of the judges and be told if they thought you were Broadway-material or not.
After that, it was time to wait in line for the conclusion of my evening: The Forbidden Fandom Dames Broadway Burlesque Adventure!
It was only in line waiting for this event that I learned that Anime Midwest had wristbands for 18+ events, just like the parent company had done for Anime Zap!.I’ve since looked over the program booklet to see if this was mentioned anywhere, but it wasn’t.
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The room was packed, and it was an amazing experience. All involved were incredibly talented and entertaining. I admire their confidence in being able to perform and show some skin in front of a room of strangers.
It was a great way to end the day.
All of my Anime Midwest 2018 Coverage:
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bahamutgames · 3 years
Afterthoughts S: Definitive Edition
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Game: DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition (September 27, 2019)
Console: Xbox One (Via Xbox Game Pass)
Hey, it’s me again! It feels like it’s been forever since I last beat a big game with a lot of stuff to talk about. But the last time was actually only a month ago with New Super Lucky’s Tale. In the mean time I’ve been playing a couple of smaller games, tiny indie titles, a few fighting games. But nothing that I couldn’t summarize in a small twitter thread (which you can follow my twitter here if you want to see my art or just support me shilling my other accounts.)
Anyway! Just got done with another major RPG! After Nier Automata, I knew this was a game I really wanted to play before my Game Pass subscription expired. And after toiling away at it for the past month, I’m finally ready to give you all my thoughts on Dragon Quest 11!  As always, this isn’t meant to be review. But just a general throw up of my thoughts and feelings after beating the game, because I love talking so much. As such, this shouldn’t be taken as a serious critique of the game, and shouldn’t be expected to be well written or thought out. Please do check out the game if it interests you at all!
Prior to this, the only Dragon Quest game I had played was DQ 8: Journey of the Cursed King on Nintendo 3DS. I liked it, and thought it was pretty good. But wasn’t perfect and felt a little unnecessarily tedious to get through. But when 11 came out, I saw a ton of people saying it was an amazing RPG. People I followed who weren’t really into RPGs (as far as I knew) were raving about it. So I was really interested to give it a shot myself, but didn’t have the chance until I got game pass.
Stuff I liked
Where to begin? This is a 60 hour game so there’s a lot to talk about. I think first and foremost I just wanna gush about how pretty this game is! The graphics are amazing, I love how the environments are realistic but super brightly colored and saturated, making for ton of gorgeous areas that I couldn’t stop myself from taking pictures of. And Akira Toriyama’s just being placed in these beautiful worlds look so good and amazing. Without a doubt, especially considering its more on the realistic side, this is one of the nicest looking RPGs I’ve played.
Speaking of which, I really loved the character designs. Toriyama does fantastic work that I really like with pretty much everything, but his work on RPGs always tend to be my favorites. The designs for all the main teammates looked super good and all the monsters were really cool looking too. He really knows how to design cool looking dragons, this guy just gets it. On the same not of characters, the characters are fantastic. I really love everyone on the main team (my favorite was probably Serena.) They’re all super fun and I love the way they interact and really seem like a group of good friends. It was great to see how they all interact and work together. A scene that particularly sticks out is when they all forge a new sword of light together, which was fantastic.
I also thought the story and world was cool. Similar to my thoughts on DQ8, the story is pretty simple and easy to follow, but that doesn’t take away from it. It kind of feels like a fairy tale told on a grand scale. I love the idea of the Luminary, and Serenica being reborn into twins is awesome, Erdwin’s Lantern was a cool idea. And of course, Yggdrasil being a huge ass tree flying in the sky is absolutely the best thing ever, that’s so cool. ALSO, I have to give special shoutouts to Mordegon’s Sword of Darkness, coolest thing on the entire planet, I love swords with freaky giant eyes frantically looking around on them.
Lastly, I really liked the gameplay and combat of this game. I thought the way battles are set up as still being traditional turnbased combat but with the ability to freely walk around the field and look at the arenas was awesome. And getting to walk up to teammates to see their thoughts mid battle is super cool. Of course I loved all the different spells you can learn, and all the abilities you get through level ups. A new feature in this one (at least it’s new to me) is the Pep Up state, which is also cool. Particularly because it allows for Crossover Attacks between teammates, which is always the best thing an RPG can include, but most RPGs just choose not to. But DQ11 has it in spades and it ROCKS, there’s so much cool and genuinely useful crossover moves I didn’t even get to see all of them. And a final cool piece of the battle system was the ability to actually change equipment and teammates mid battle. I’m unsure if I’ve ever played a game that allowed for this (though I know they exist) but I thought it really made it feel like you could make use of your whole team and all your equipment. Being able to change teammates and what weapons they use for appropriate strategies was super fun.
Stuff I didn’t like
And, I did really like DQ11. I think I might even like it more than 8. There’s a ton of improvements. I feel like it’s less stingy with EXP, I feel like it was all around just easier to navigate and handle. But I still had a fair amount of issues with the game. Particularly in the- say it with me if you know what’s coming- post Yggdrasil content!! Prior to Yggdrasil, the game was buttery smooth. I flew through the whole thing and loved every second of it with minimal roadblocks (as opposed to DQ8 which roadblocked me at every boss.) And by the time I reached Yggdrasil, I realized I had been playing for 30 hours and didn’t even realize it! That’s awesome and pretty impressive considering I’ve played shorter games that felt like double that.
So, the game starts to crawl a little bit before Yggdrasil in my opinion. Once you have to start looking for the orbs, the game just kinda teeters for a bit there randomly. Like, the orbs are meant to be kind of a big deal, and yet the purple and whichever one you find in the bird dungeon thing (lol) basically get no fanfare. It felt like they were forgotten about and just had to be thrown in at the last second. Now, you could argue that the whole mural thing and the bird boss were those orbs’ fanfare. But it still felt so odd to me. Then, Yggdrasil falls.
I liked the post Yggdrasil stuff, I really did. I thought it was all pretty great from a story and character point of view. And getting to see the world that was so beautiful be corrupted and filled with powerful monsters was neat. I loved Sylvando’s whole parade thing, and every one else’s was cool too. But that’s kinda it. The whole section just drags along as you play with most of your team just gone and it goes so slow. And a lot of it really felt like it could have been condensed down a bit, I mean they don’t even show you what happened to Serena. Which I guess was because of what happened to Veronica but, still?
Again, it’s good story content and I don’t necessarily want any of it removed. But damn man, it really grinds to halt. And I also felt like it got really brutal during this part for no reason, kind of out of nowhere. The skeleton spectral sentinel, Gloomivore, and Booga were MASSIVE hurdles for me to get over randomly. And it got so bad I genuinely considered dropping the game because I just didn’t have the patience. It felt like an NES game again out of nowhere. Now, I do want to blame this on maybe not use the character builder right, or something. But still it was just so annoying out of nowhere. Thankfully I found the perfect strategy of Oomphle on Hendrick, Sap on the enemy, then have Hendrick spam Unbridled Blade, which was foolproof and beat every boss after that.
Thankfully once Serena joins your team again, and everyone is there (minus one aha) the game really picks up steam again. Everything after that was a breeze and went by without any issues. I think I hit one roadblock afterwards and it was pretty easy to just grind past. So I don’t know what happened there. The only other part I have a problem with is I do feel like the game ends rather abruptly. Like, not majorly. But I wouldn’t have minded seeing more about what happens between Eleven and Gemma or something. But that’s what the post game content is for I guess!
Some other nitpicks are that, I didn’t care about the music again. I think I liked more music in this one than DQ8, but still I’d be hard pressed to actually remember any songs from this game. I’m listening to the OST as we speak and other than the battle theme, I feel like I don’t remember what they sound like at all. And that’s probably cause I hate the composer but hey what can you do? I also wish it was easier to find Metal Slimes. I know they’re meant to be rare but I would’ve appreciated some appearing in the overworld just anywhere outside of the dragon chase scene? Weird to me you have randomly encounter them on the side of other enemeis.
Outside of that, uh. I think the Tockles were SUPER tick-tocked onto the game? It seemed like they were going to be massively important, but they just weren’t? I felt like you could’ve removed them and it would have made no change. I also thought there was gonna be WAY more time travel stuff. The scenes where you see the past are some of the best imo. Meeting Chalky from the past, playing as Rab in his kingdom, helping Eleven’s dad pass on. But these don’t feel enough to name the game “Echoes of an Illusive Age” if that makes sense? It just felt like there was supposed to be way more stuff with the Tockles and Time Travel stuff that just didn’t happen. 
Now that I’m remembering it, it felt like there was TONS of stuff built up that just didn’t really go anywhere. Another big one is the whole deal with Erdwin’s lanter? Who was the guy who cut it in half? What was the deal with the lantern? Why did it fall? What was up with the dark Tockle? Wanna give any information on that? No? Okay. But if I had to guess, these all are explored heavily in the post game content, which is cool but sadly I did not have the time to play it. Maybe one day I’ll pick up a copy of the game and play through it fully.
Final Thoughts
Yeah it was good.
I am a huge fan of RPGs, but Dragon Quest just hadn’t fully clicked with me. I played 8 and liked it, but wasn’t blown away. I wouldn’t say I was blown away by this one either, but I am certainly very impressed and am eagerly anticipating whatever Dragon Quest 12 ends up being. This series is super founded in tradition (even if that tradition is detrimental to the gameplay imo?) but this game felt like a true evolution of that tradition while still holding onto it in the right ways. Are there ways to improve the game? Oh yeah, tons! But this is already a good step in the right direction. I will certainly be visiting the series more eventually (particularly 3, 4, and 5 are ones I’m curious about.) But I will probably emulate them to cheat when I run into roadblocks again.
After playing this, I also went back to play as Hero in Smash. They are still one of the best, if not my favorite character in the game. I think they are so fun and I love the randomness element that comes with them. Their stage is great too!
Also, seeing this gorgeous RPG with Akira Toriyama art in it made me REALLY want a new Blue Dragon. Like, REALLY bad. Please Microsoft if you’re listening PLEASE give us a new Blue Dragon. I don’t care what genre of RPG it is just give us a new one please I’m begging. Make it look like DQ11 and it will be the best game of all time.
Okay but enough of that. Thanks for skimming through or just letting me talk for a bit. For some reason the longer I held this one off, the less and less I felt like talking about it? Which is strange cause it’s a big game and I felt like I had tons to say during it. The only reason I even finished this and decided to post it was cause I already started it. Basically what I’m saying is that don’t be surprised if I just start making REALLY teeny tiny posts here instead of big rambles like this one.
But until then, I have work to do. I played through the Ty 2 HD remake on Switch recently and loved it all over again. I will maybe talk about that later. At the moment I’m playing Tales of Vesperia. Thanks again for putting up with me ramble about games, see you next time! Play something you love that puts you in an adventurous mood!
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djdigitalhi · 6 years
Top 50 K-Pop Songs Chart - April 2018 Week 2 Fan Chart
Here are the Top K-Pop Songs for April 2018 Week 2 (Week Ending April 14, 2018 as voted by the fans.  Each week you the viewers get a say in what ranks on this K-Pop Songs Chart.  
New year means new rules for the chart...  First, the chart has been expanded to a top 50 ranking instead of top 40.  Also, this year songs that have over 12 weeks are now retired from the chart.
▶ Please subscribe today so you don't miss any videos featuring the latest and best in K-pop: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DJDigitalHI
▶ Voting Rules (New for 2018): 1. Your picks don't need to be in any of my videos; it's purely what you like this week 2. You can list oldies, album tracks, whatever...as long as it's K-Pop 3. List them in order of how you like them (either from 1 to 10, or 10 to 1, else I'll assume it's 1 to 10); You can list up to a Top 50 if you want. 4. List the artist and title (i.e. 1. Twice - Heart Shaker) 5. You only can list the song once per listing you submit. 6. List your top picks for this week in the comments 7. Submit your vote on my website at http://www.djdigital.info/vote_kpop 8. Email your list to [email protected] 9. I reserve the right to exclude listings considered spam. 10. Songs with more than 12 weeks are retired from the chart.
▶ Song Index: 10:45 (10시 45분) - Cherry On Top BoA (보아) - NEGA DOLA (내가 돌아) BoA (보아) - One Shot, Two Shot BSS [SEVENTEEN] (부석순) - Just Do It (거침없이) BUBBLE X (버블엑스) - FOLLOW (팔로우) CLC (씨엘씨) - Black Dress Cosmic Girls [WJSN] (우주소녀) - Dreams Come True (꿈꾸는 마음으로) DAVICHI (다비치) - Days Without You (너 없는 시간들) Eric Nam Feat. Woodie Gochild (에릭남) - Potion EXID (이엑스아이디) - Lady (내일해) EXO-CBX (첸백시) - Blooming Day (花요일) GOT7 (갓세븐) - Look gugudan (구구단) - The Boots Heize Feat. Gaeko (헤이즈) - Jenga Heize (헤이즈) - Sorry (미안해) iKON - Love Scenario (사랑을 했다) J-Hope - Daydream (백일몽) Jonghyun (종현) - Shinin' (빛이 나) Kate Kim (케이트 킴) - So Long Baby Kim Sung Kyu (김성규) - True Love Kisum Feat. Heize (키썸, 헤이즈) - It's Okay (남겨둘게) LOOΠΔ/Olivia Hye Feat. JinSoul  (이달의 소녀/올리비아 혜) - Egoist MAMAMOO (마마무) - Everyday (매일 봐요) MAMAMOO (마마무) - Starry Night (별이 빛나는 밤) MONSTA X (몬스타엑스) - Jealousy MXM (BRANDNEWBOYS) – Gone Cold (식어버린 온도) NCT 127 (엔시티 127) - Touch NCT U (엔시티 유) - Boss NCT U (엔시티 유) - Baby Don't Stop PENTAGON (펜타곤) - Shine (빛나리) Red Velvet (레드벨벳) - Bad Boy Samuel Feat. Jung Ilhoon (사무엘, 정일훈) - One SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) - Thanks (고맙다) SF9 (에스에프나인) - Mamma Mia Stray Kids (스트레이 키즈) - District 9 Suho X Jang Jane (수호 X 장재인) - Dinner SUPER JUNIOR Feat. Leslie Grace (슈퍼주니어) - Lo Siento SUZY (수지) - SObeRTARGET (타겟) - Awake TE.O - Paradise The Boyz (더보이즈) - Giddy Up TVXQ (동방신기) - Love Line (평행선) TVXQ (동방신기) - The Chance Of Love (운명) TWICE (트와이스) - What Is Love VAV (브이에이브이) - Gorgeous (예쁘다고) VAV (브이에이브이) - Spotlight (光) VROMANCE (브로맨스) - Star (별) Wanna One (워너원) - Boomerang (부메랑) Wanna One (워너원) - I.P.U (약속해요) WINNER - Everyday Yang Yoseob (양요섭) - Where I Am Gone (네가 없는 곳)
▶ Goodbye Stage: Golden Child (골든차일드) - Lady GOT7 Feat. Hyolyn (갓세븐, 효린) - One and Only You (너 하나만) NCT DREAM (엔시티 드림) - Go Stray Kids (스트레이 키즈) - Young Wings (어린 날개) SUNMI (선미) - Heroine (주인공) The8 [SEVENTEEN] - Night and Rain (夜伴雨 (밤과 비))
▶ Bubbling Under: BADKIZ (배드키즈) - Just One Day (딱 하루) UNB - Feeling (감각)
▶ Follow Me! Website: http://www.djdigital.info YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/DJDigitalHI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DJDigitalKPopCharts Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DJDigitalHI Twitter: https://twitter.com/djdigitalhi Tumblr: https://djdigitalhi.tumblr.com VK: http://vk.com/djdigitalkpop Internet Radio: https://goo.gl/2Vt3mE
▶ Outro Song: Song: Elektronomia - Limitless [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Video: https://youtu.be/cNcy3J4x62M
All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their stuff at your favorite music shop/online store!
Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up, comment and subscribe if you like these! I appreciate all feedback!
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