chiliger · 9 months
i would love to hear about "do you remember us?" for the wip game O.O
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(Haha Multiverse AU rotting my mind constantly.)
When your past haunts you and the ghosts of your brothers weigh down on your shoulders but you have to turn your back to them otherwise you’ll fall to your knees and beg for forgiveness. But you are as stubborn and prideful as your father, so you won’t, you can’t.
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anghraine · 1 year
thesunlikehoney replied to this post:
i would love to see some of your favorites!! i adore star wars vids, though i usually watch the more comedy oriented ones. but if you have some recs... O.O
Thanks! I went through my old faves, and while most of these are quite old and some a little dated, here are a few recs:
Tribute to the OT by Third Age Films: https://youtu.be/qWhIxqwpMGM—a bit light on Leia Content, but otherwise quite good IMO.
Tribute to the PT by Third Age Films ditto: https://youtu.be/-lPPcn5EV6k—similarly light on Padmé, and not quite so visually "clean" as the OT one, but I still really like it.
Shadow Proves the Sunshine (Luke and Leia) by 3yesac3: https://youtu.be/cgSUyd_8Buw. It heavily features Anakin and Padmé as well and highlights a lot of cool visual parallels IMO.
Broken (Obi-Wan and Luke) by 3yesac3: https://youtu.be/XcUkHBsax3s. The creator's description is a little odd to me, but functionally it's about Obi-Wan's relationships with Anakin and Luke and how those are interconnected, which I really liked.
A New Hope - Modern Trailer by Tom F: https://youtu.be/nywPf1p-BBY. Exactly what it says on the tin.
The Empire Strikes Back - Modern Trailer by Tom F: https://youtu.be/mfBEcFNtLQ4: Same but for ESB.
Luke Skywalker | Flares by DreamingOfDestiny: https://youtu.be/XbnKCzyvx9g. I just really like this. Luke <3
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thornhands · 11 months
i would love to hear about jedi soul bond O.O
[meme link here]
This fic is where I’m trying to explore the soul bond/soul marks trope.
This is a female Jedi OC/Command Clone OC/female Mandalorian OC fic dealing with soul mates, potential genocide, memories of a future that hasn’t happened (yet) and what it means to know your soulmates would do terrible things to you and your family if things are left unchanged.
So far it’s a collection of small scenes building up the connection between the three OCs as well as why the Order hides the marks on its members (though that may be a subplot that gets thrown out)
Basically it’s a power fantasy that I really, really enjoy thinking about.
Background: It’s vaguely based on a Jango/Obi-Wan fic in which Jango agreed to the cloning project but with the goal to use the clones as shock troops to restore the Mandalorian Empire – and also to eradicate the Jedi Order. So the clones are raised as (secret) mandalorians.
When Obi-Wan arrives on Kamino Jango realises that his soul mark means he and Obi-Wan are bonded. There’s a problem though: Obi-Wan doesn’t have a soul mark. In this universe the Order hides their members soul marks when they appear – and because soul marks appear during infancy/toddler hood the affected persons are unaware that they have them. The galaxy at large believes that Jedi/Force Sensitives don’t have soul marks.
So Jango delays his original plans and orders everyone to play along with Sidious little game – with the exception that trainers are free to join battalions in the name of “quality control”. Jango, of course, joins the 212th.
I couldn't find the fic last time I looked or I would link it.
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HELLOOOOOOO!!!! if it's not too late--
: D
Not too late! Thank you for the ask lovely <3
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Uhh hmm I think it's got to be a star wars one since it's you asking so might as well make it for Fives/Jon Antilles because at this point I'm overly invested in them despite how ridiculously niche they are. (Also known as: I'm making headcanons for my own AU and you can't tell me I can't.) It's not a very interesting headcanon but I reckon that the two of them develop this entirely unique way of fighting together that it's very hard for anyone else to slot into. They can adapt to others much more easily than anyone can adapt to them. The best of the other troopers at picking up what Jon's laying down are Echo and Rex, just because they know how Fives would think better than most, but nobody ever manages to rival the way they just work together. Somehow when Jon uses Fold space to teleport Fives always knows where he's going to show up.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
I have no wisdom I'm kind of making it all up here. Maybe just. Like. If a writing advice post or article or whatever doesn't vibe with you then it's not for you. If that makes sense? I spent so long getting anxious about using the word said because of all those "50 words to use instead of said" posts until I decided it's just not that deep. Half the time, you'll find as many pieces arguing the opposite to whatever you've internalised anyway. If you like the advice and think it'll have a positive impact on your writing then sure, follow it, but otherwise it's just Some Guy on the internet.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Maybe... this one of Tup, which I know for a fact I reblogged from you lol. I'm so so in love with the pose and I think about him daily. The alternative is probably a DC one because there are so many amazing pieces of the Robins. There's this one of Arkhamverse Jason where he's just so so pretty and I wish I could link OP not my reblog from years ago but they deactivated.
Send asks from this writers truth or dare!
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tanoraqui · 9 months
19 for the fic asks!!
19. Share your favorite opening line.
[ask meme]
I think I have to go with In Heart. Teeechnically the first line(s) is the last lines of the Doom of Mandos, but the first line I wrote is,
The words of Mandos echoed through the air and settled into the hearts of the Noldor, where they stood on the cold, dark edge of all that most of them had ever known.
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baladric · 1 year
2 and 10 for the ask meme!
yesssSS thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
i read everything all the way through at least once before posting for the sake of editing & continuity, and i tend to flip into a state of constant excitable rereading when comments start to come in a;lfdk but after about three days post-posting, my own fics start to warp in my eyes to become like Not Good, so i put them down after that! sometimes i'll reread bits and pieces way later, but i never fully reread after the initial rush.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
hmm not in any sort of dramatic way, but i will say that the response to sweet hope was (and still is) absolutely mindblowing to me! i've been lurking in fandom for idk 15 years? and i wrote a fic or two here and there over the years, but mostly i'd never contributed to fandoms in such a way that got any kind of attention. but people in the tge community like devoured sweet hope, and the comments were (and are) so fucking encouraging and made me So emotional. honestly the wildest part was when i joined the tge discord server and while i was pawing through the channels the first time, i saw someone in there had recced my fic like a solid week before i joined, and i honestly had to go for a walk!! bc i've always, always just wanted to touch people with the things i make, and here i'd done it, and with a fic that holds so much of me in it, and is so achingly earnest, and it was just ;aldfkw idk!!! nothing will compare to that experience!!!!!!
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coline7373 · 5 months
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For the @codywanfirstkissbingo, I had "butterfly kiss" on my card.
I wanted to do a close up of lashes brushing against cheek but it was a nightmare and it ate all my remaining time until the deadline.
I turned it on its head later on by... putting in butterflies 😆
A great deal of thanks, again, to the mods of the bingo: @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @dontbelasagnax and @notthestarwar.
And @thesunlikehoney who asked after that particular WIP. (So many left... T_T)
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ivvmell · 1 year
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two ways of handle the spilled star by davi and cody
its also the way how i wanna to show my affection to @thesunlikehoney. ur creation is beautiful, thank u for all works
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gbirrd · 1 year
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I recently read this fic by @thesunlikehoney, and I drew this comic based on it. I really enjoyed the way they write Alfred, and the whole series in general is just really comforting. And I'll never pass up an opportunity to draw me some Jason Angst™️ !
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notthestarwar · 9 months
Cody and Boba spn au? 👀👀
Oh my god so I started writing this in November and then totally forgot about it till earlier this week when I saw a spn post 😂 I've just had to hunt down my notes which are spread between docs, the back of a cardboard box, a discord conversation, my friends memory (because I told her about it on a voice call apparently) and a notepad before I could figure out where the hell I was going with this one 😂😂
@thesunlikehoney i know you asked about this one too
OK so it all started with this
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Which just felt so Jango to me???
So there are no monsters and Jango had raised his 4 kids to be bounty hunters. Alpha leaves when he's old enough, Rex dies, and eventually Cody gets out too leaving Boba and Jango (imagine boba as Dean here). Fast forward a few years and Cody is living a normal life, living with Alpha, and is very dedicated to his normal person job, all until Boba turns up in the middle of the night, dean style.
He explains that Jango has gone missing on a hunt and it turns out that he and Boba had started hunting force users since Cody left and Cody is like. you what??? thats a big no no. very dangerous. Cody agrees to go with him but only for the weekend, he has to be back on monday for his job interview. they investigate the case and find jango's journal but no jango. cody is like. right. i'm going home now.
but he arrives home to find the place burning with alpha (dead) inside and a calling card from ventress, the force user jango had been tracking. boba tells cody that now ventress is on his tail, he cant stay, or she'll burn down his work and everything else, so cody goes with him to stop ventress so he can return to his normal life.
things pretty much go as per spn s1, with jango leading them on and them following after him thinking they are going to find him anytime. theres lots of arguing between the two of them over jango and rex and their upbringing ect.
obi wan makes an apperance as boba and jango's ex jedi hunting consultant and helps them in the hunt for ventress. obi wan is also cody's ex, and they broke up because of jango who refused to tolerate him (but clearly changed his mind at some point after cody leaving) and then cody doesnt contact him after he leaves jango and boba because he wants to get out of the hunting life.
the whole thing is largely about jango being a shit dad but its also about the knockon effect that had on all of them. cycles of trauma. in some ways ending up like the parent that wronged you and having to confront that. rex is pretty much haunting the narrative as nobody has really dealt with his death and theres a lot of anger and grief and not wanting to speak about him. its also about running from your life after something bad happens that you dont want to face (cody with jango and boba, obi wan with the jedi) and how that act of running stops you from letting go of anything, and how there was an alternative, of cody staying in boba's life, of obi wan staying in contact with his family (the jedi), so in some ways its also about balance
tbh its very fun and i'm minorly obsessed with it again now i've revisited
Here's a very unedited snippet from the start:
[...]He’s more than able to defend himself without resorting to weapons.
It’s as he’s thinking this, that something heavy and solid barrels in to him from the direction of the kitchen.
Caught unaware, maybe he is getting rusty, he tumbles to the floor.
The intruder is armoured, beskar if Cody isn’t mistaken. Cody is naked but for boxers. It shouldn’t be a fair fight: Cody hasn’t always been a fair man.
He targets the joins in the mans armour, rolls them over, and its then, that a cloud shifts. A beam of moonlight falls on them and Cody realises, with a drop in his stomach, that he knows this armour.
“Boba?” he asks.
There is a snort from the vocoder. “So you do recognise me?”
“Of course I do! Boba. What the hell?”
“I could ask the same of you. Did you have to tackle me like that.”
Cody is taken aback for a second. “Did I have to…You attacked me! In my home! What is wrong with you?”
Boba sighs, the vocoder clicking off, his brothers true voice filtering though. “I was disarming you.” He says, like it’s obvious. “Didn’t want you to shoot first ask questions after.”
“I wouldn’t…” Cody shakes his head. “I’m not like that anymore.”
He’s still hovering over Boba, holding him to the floor. He comes back to himself, climbing to his feet and holding out a hand to pull Boba up.
“Boba. What the hell are you doing here?”
Boba shrugs, releasing his helmet with a hiss and hooking it to his belt.  He raises an eyebrow. “I could ask the same of you.” He looks around unimpressed.
“No. You could not.” Cody tells him blankly. “This is my home. I live here Boba. Not with you, I got out, remember?” He scoffs. “Haven’t seen you in ten years. So what the hell are you doing here now?”
Boba gives him a long look. “Looking for you.”
thank you for asking!
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solipseismic · 3 months
out of context line tag
ty @coarsely for the tag :D here's a bit (out of context paragraph, really) from malice in wonderland
“Early Lory,” Kej said. As Malice watched, he cracked eggs one-handed into a pan sizzling with bacon drippings—one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Who even ate that many eggs?
tag games taglist (ask to be + / -): @47crayons , @sleepy-night-child , @bladeverbena , @drippingmoon , @vellichor-virgo , @writing-is-a-martial-art , @wiz-is-sorta-a-writer , @thelaughingstag , @mj-is-writing , @hellowkatey , @asbestostrain , @gayskywalkcrs​ , @lorspolairepeluche , @thesunlikehoney , and anyone else who wants to do this !!
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unhelpfulfemme · 1 year
Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better.
Tagged by: @highladyluck
I keep being tagged in these chain-type things and I keep putting them off for later and then forgetting! But this time the accumulated guilt was strong enough that I remembered!
Last song: Until it Doesn't Hurt - Mother Mother
Currently watching: Nothing. The last thing I watched is a movie that I kind of half-watched on the TV this winter while doing other things and not concentrating on it, and I recently remembered it and wanted to give it the attention it deserves. The movie is True History of the Kelly Gang. And I loved it - it's very punk, it's very gender, it's very feral, and I'm amazed by the complexity of characterization it manages to cram into two hours of screentime. I see it as an exploration of how oppression and colonialism can twist people up psychologically until they've been abused enough that they see everyone around them as an enemy. I'm really not sure how well it holds up to Australians, since I'm a stupid European who knows nothing about Ned Kelly besides the basics, but it's very clearly not meant to be a realistic depiction so I hope that I'm not gushing over a thing that ruins your national hero here.
Currently reading: Currently rereading the 2017 Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn, so that I can then read the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy which I've somehow managed to not read despite being a huge Zahn fan. All this in preparation for Ahsoka, which I imagine will fuck with Zahn's careful layered characterization and contrive a reason for Thrawn to be an antagonist even if he perhaps logically wouldn't be at this particular point in time. All of my Vorkosigan and Queen's Thief mutuals are gonna be mad at me for this but I've realized that Thrawn is my favourite risk-happy strategic genius just because he combines the madlad energy with the illusion of being a gentle and dignified man. I'll be honest, I've also been stopping every couple of chapters to read some Thrawn/Eli fic because the UST between them is off the charts and I can't deal.
Current obsession: I don't think I have one - I'm all about novelty seeking in this phase of my life, to the point that I am hardly able to finish doing or consuming one thing before needing something completely different. I guess I am kind of professionally obsessed with some things, but I don't think any of my mutuals want to suffer through my ranting about social science research techniques? I can barely bear to hear myself think lol.
Tagging!: @goofygooberton @thesunlikehoney @metalmaul @peppers-ghost-posts @annmcn @starfishlikestoread @viridianriver @cookie-nom-nom @fantasticait
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13 and 25 for star wars! (pretty sure we follow each other for sw dfgh)
hi yes we do!!!
13. worst blorbofication ok so this could be a bit predictable given my tag rant on your post the other day but. Fives. yep. its my boy. its worst blorbofication for me because everyone adores him and he is blorbo from their show but its NOT HIM. they have made him 2 dimensional. they have flattened my boy. he is a blorbo and nothing else.
for a bit more of an unexpected response i think maybe Tup? sort of? like. he often gets portrayed as peoples soft boy because hes one of the younger clones that gets any sort of focus but hes actually another one who becomes super competent really quite fast. he gets the blorbo treatment because hes a contrast to Dogma and they get introduced at the same time.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing ok so. everyone always complains about Echo not being more emotional in tbb when Rex mentions Fives. but its not like this is immediately after either. i feel like if it had been a topic that came up in the bad batch arc of tcw then id be on board with the complaints, but a decent amount of time has passed, so of course Echo isnt going to be on the verge of tears when he hears Fives being brought up or anything. it may not be the smoothest dialogue out there but the problem isnt Echo not being upset enough.
tysm for the ask!
send a question choosing violence!
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Tag nine (9) people you'd like to know better.
Tagged by @togrutahhh AND @thesunlikehoney, aa this is the first time I've been tagged by two people for the same game, ty both <333 ^-^
Last Song: GOSSIP by Måneskin (which, for the record, is Such a Byerly song)
Currently Watching: Rewatching Good Omens season 2 :') and I am very not alright about it (in a good way! highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet)
Currently Reading: Myths and Legends of the Middle Ages by H.A. Guerber, specifically this edition with the awesome front cover (photo taken from the Internet Archive):
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I am not very far into it but so far it is very cool, there's just something about old books that I adore,,
Current Obsession: okay the real and slightly obvious answer is the Vorkosigan Saga, but I've also recently been getting really into genealogy and researching my family history,, it's hit my ADHD brain perfectly in that I am very happy to skim through 500 pages of an old book/church records/passenger lists in one go, like it is weirdly engrossing even when I don't find anything, and when I DO find things it feels super rewarding (and not finding things also just makes it more interesting like, I KNOW this branch of the family was in X City in X Decade, why the fuck can I not find them (I'm beginning to think there may have been a bit of the "I used an advanced technique called LYING" involved)). I am vaguely planning to make a post of the funniest/most batshit insane gems I've found along the way at some point (latest one is a medicinal book from 1790 where the doctor complains that treating Smart People is so hard because they never admit something is wrong with them, and when they do, tend to make up their own theories/solutions instead of listening to him, the doctor, asdfghjkl),, seriously this whole hyperfixation is making my history nerd heart very happy <3
Tagging: @maykendehoutman @mouseinamushroomhouse @merfilly @parrhesiac @notthatkindofgrass @southern-continent-skies @captainlordauditor @leesbian42 and @rascalcurious <3
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ashen-crest · 1 year
find the phrase tag
Thanks for tagging me, @talesfromaurea! The phrase (or snippet with the same vibe) I have to find is: I want to help.
This is from A Rival Most Vial:
“I…um…” Ambrose fumbled with the clipboard, refusing to look at what earrings Eli had paired with today’s tight leather. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this. I did try to tell them it would be fine—”
“Hey, I volunteered.” Eli smiled. “I’m happy to help.”
Ambrose hurried down the ladder before Eli could see his blush.
Tagging in turn, with zero pressure: @bookmarks-reviews, @thesunlikehoney, @reneesbooks, and @forthesanityofsome! Your phrase or vibe to find is: how cute. (can be genuine or sarcastic!)
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coline7373 · 9 months
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"Everytime that you say you love me, I come alive."
This is it! Midnight (for me) December 31th! It's over! @codywanfirstkissbingo no more!
*big sigh of elation and disappointement*
It was great!!!! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did. Thank you to everyone who participated and those who followed! 💕
When I started, I wanted to do a blackout. Errr.. Maybe it was a bit ambitious 😅😆
I did get a bingo 😃
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Thanks to this one, the missing keldabe kiss!
Ok, so we all know the keldabe kiss is inspired from real life hongi, a traditional Māori greeting.
It originates from the god Tāne who breathed life into humans. When ones perform the hongi, they litteraly share life, by breathing it into each other.
Life giving insufflation, Aime Simon... I couldn't resist. (Side note: Considering the lyrics, Obi-Wan does fear to be without Cody and his love. But he overcome his fear. 'Cause he's a jedi! whoooshwhooosh *lightsaber noises*)
Many thanks to the mods!!!!!! @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @dontbelasagnax @notthestarwar 💕💖💕💖💕💕💖
And to @forloveofcodywan and @thesunlikehoney !!!!!! My best cheerleaders!!!
I wish everyone a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
All the best for 2024!!!
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