#they all love each other very much but will not hesitate to do sibling shit
pilfappreciator · 9 months
Brandi and Bruce’s S/o looking after the bakers dozen on their own, what shenanigans occur?
Anon this is?? Literally so cute what the hell??? Also referring to them as the "bakers dozen" is so genuis sfhjjfdadfggh—
Reader & the Bakers Dozen: babysitting solo
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Includes: GN! Reader, mentions of polyamory, mentions of Vacay Lovers, slightly Parental! Reader, the Bakers Dozen
CW: Bruce Jr.
🍪 POV: your partners go off to some fancy convention to promote their business, leaving you to watch after all 13 of their kids. Chaos ensues
🍪 These little shits are already a lot to handle, so when you suddenly find yourself being the only adult in the house responsible for them? Yeah, babes, you've definitely got your hands full
🍪 Luckily, you've spent enught time at the Vacay Lovers household that things are at least a little easier for you lol
🍪 They definitely behave much better for you compared to other babysitters. Partly because you're smoochin their parents (and don't wanna get in trouble), and partly because they genuinely like you :3
🍪 But they're still little shits thru and thru, don't forget that
🍪 If they happen to have school? Chances are Bruce and Brandi already took care of their lunches and stuff before they left, so it'll be up to you to pick them up (WARNING: THE KIDS WILL TRY TO CONVINCE YOU TO GO ORDER AT THE NEAREST FAST FOOD PLACE! Unless you've got money for 13 happy meals, prepare to hit em with a firm refusal). Definitely helps if you blast some music in the van! They've kinda lost interest in Velvet & Veneer after learning the two literally tortured their dad and uncles...
🍪 Play Brozone. They'll go crazy and shout-sing along with Bruce's parts lol
🍪 Later in the day you can expect a few to come up to you for homework help. They might also wanna help with dinner, but fyi there WILL be a mess. Pasta sauce on the floor, flour all over the counters, stains on your clothes— the whole shebang
🍪 Want the least amount of casualties? Just let them set the table (no worries, all the plates and stuff are made of plastic ajdjakkala)
🍪 A few of them have some dietary restrictions tho so keep that in mind!! Luckily, you can always find a list of reminders/examples up on the fridge courtesy of lovely muppet wife Brandi <33
🍪 If the kids don't have school that day, then be prepared. You're gonna have very little time to yourself ://
🍪 Like they've each got their own interests and hobbies to keep them occupied, but sometimes they'll need you to reach somewhere up high, or for you to play tiebreaker/settle an argument, or they honestly just want you to join them for a game of hide and seek which???
🍪 "Aw, you sure you guys don't mind me joining in?"
"Yeah! Just cuz you're old doesn't mean you can't have fun, too!"
"...Gee, thanks :D"
🍪 They're merciless
🍪 They've all got their own set of chores they need to do. Each and everyone will try to worm their way out of them. All of them. Everytime
🍪 Sure, they can be a little hyper sometimes, but they're like 6-8 years old so that's expected. For the most part, they're all pretty chill
🍪 It's Bruce Jr. who you've gotta watch out for
🍪 He is a shit- stirer and I WILL FOREVER STAND BY THAT
🍪 This guy won't hesitate to rally his siblings into whatever plan he's been cookin in that feral little head of his. Prepare yourself because you're MOST DEFINITELY getting pranked. It's like a requirement or something
🍪 One nice thing i have to say about Bruce Jr. is that he's actually pretty resourceful. Like this little dude is using everyday household items like he's staring in his own Home Alone movie AKSJSJAKA—
🍪 Rest assured, tho, none of his pranks are seriously harmful or anything but like... at the end of the day, expect:
1) to be covered in craft supplies
2) your clothes/skin/hair a mess
3) to have one limb stuck in a bucket
4) all of the above
🍪 Honestly I feel like Bruce and Brandi would be surprised if they came back and DIDN'T find you sporting paint-stained clothes or with glitter in your hair. Maybe a few stickers slapped on your forehead??
🍪 The trick to dealing with this little agent of chaos is to either keep him separated from his siblings long enough so he doesn't manage to rope anyone into his schemes, or strike some kinda deal with him. Considering he's got 12 siblings, all of whom you need to be watching over at the same time, chances are the second option is your safest bet
🍪 Chances are he'll ask for something semi-illegal, or at the very least something that DEFINITELY requires adult supervision
🍪 DO NOT LET THIS BOY TALK YOU INTO BUYING ANYTHING RELATED TO FIRE. Seems like an easy task, I know. Unfortunately this little shit enherited his dad's charm so watch out o_o
🍪 He'll settle for a happy meal tho. Hopefully you didn't already cave and take him and his siblings out to eat earlier, otherwise you're spending even more money ajsjakkala
🍪 If any errands need to be run during your time there, you BETTER BELIEVE they're all coming with. You'll need to be incredibly vigilant during this time cuz these kids are even more rowdy in public than they are at home. If you're smart about it, you can turn the whole thing into a game! If everyone manages to grab everything off the grocery list in a certain amount of time or if they're able to find the best quality (but relatively cheap) brand of laundry detergent, then you'll buy each of them candy or something uwu
🍪 You can count on them to be cooperative, but like... bring the family child leash just in case
🍪 Cough cough (Bruce Jr.) cough cough
🍪 MOVIES BEFORE BED! It's a bit of a family tradition in the Vacay Lovers household. Yknow, just some way for the kids to spend time together before the day ends
🍪 You're most definitely gonna be playing tiebreaker when the time comes. All 13 of them have wildly different tastes
🍪 Absolutely no scary movies tho. They'll try to argue that theyre able to handle it, but at the end of the night expect to find yourself under a pile of frightened children who've ctawled into bed with you
🍪 Their collective nightly routine is literally?? So chaotic??? Like all of them are simultaneously trying to squeeze into the same bathroom just to brush their teeth... running in and out of their respective rooms... trying to sneak some extra dessert before bed
🍪 Literally never a quite moment in this household jshskakakam
🍪 You might have to read a few bedtime stories or sing a lullaby—
"Dad does it better"
"Just go to bed, Benji"
—but once they've settled in under the covers? Out like a light. They are unconscious the moment their heads hit their pillows
🍪 You'll probably have a mess (or two... or three) to clean up afterwards, but once they're taken care of? Dishes washed? Counters clean? You're more than welcome to crash on Bruce and Brandi's bed <33
🍪 Said couple returns home the next morning...
🍪 Just to find their kids drawing on your face with marker. Cross your fingers that none of its permanent 💀💀
Hope this was good! I know I call them all little shits BUT I MEAN IT AFFECTIONATELY OKAY AJSJAKA
Ngl I feel like this could have been like... more colorful? Like I was very general about the kids and their behavior as a whole, but now I'm super tempted to make a post describing each of them and all their little quirks! Just something fun to do that'll help me write them better in the future ;3
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you should definitely rant to me about your iteration if you can.. I would absolutely love to learn abt it to possibly draw our iteration turts interacting.. /nf
TMNT: Found Family is a teetle iteration based off of my friends!! I only have the turtles drawn out (and April planned in my head) but!!! I do have some of the basics:
Donnie (He/Her): He's based off of Tomi!! She's 14, the youngest of the four bros. Typically quiet around people (unless she freaks the fuck out) but he yaps A LOT when she's either alone or with her siblings. A lot of people mistake him as a very meek and mild individual, but in reality he's a violent BEAST filled with rage. The #1 hater ever. But overall she's very silly and critter-like...
Leo (He/him): The second youngest, based off of me! I would've made myself Donnie but. Then I'd just be drawing my sona SO... yeah... I decided to go with Leo because the person I relate to the most (after MM Don, ofc) is Rise Leo. For. Various reasons. But yeah. He's a 16 year old shithead who looooves playing pranks and being a smartass. He's academically smart but SUPER dense (a lot of shit goes over his head..), but also somehow extremely cunning and witty. Despite being a ball of unhinged chaos, he still ends up caring for his siblings like a dad because he's also an Anxious Idiot. Oh also he has a severe case of RBF syndrome
Mikey (He/him): I based him off of Val, he's 17 years old and the second oldest. Gay as fuck, I haven't shown his design yet but he's. Literally a walking rainbow (and I mean LITERALLY... wait until you see his scale patterning). Like Leo, he's a little shithead who teams up with the blue boy to prank everyone within a five mile radius. He's also somehow even more insufferable than Leo. It's probably because he's gay (DON HOMOPHOBIC REAL!??11/??!?!??!? /j). Despite being a seemingly fiery ball of energy, he gets pretty quiet with strangers. Actually, ALL of them get quiet with strangers. Autism sibs unite or something idk
Raph (She/They): The oldest of them all, being 18 years old!! She's based off of my beloved nee-chan Phantom. The (appointed) leader of the group, she has a major case of the Eldest Daughter syndrome. She's a very caring figure of them all, but despite seeming mature and calm, she's just as chaotic as the rest of them. She won't hesitate to condone murder (for the right reasons, of course) and doesn't really reprimand any of her brothers for their shenanigans. If anything, she laughs and cheers them on. I mean, as long as no one's getting hurt, it's all good, right??
April (She/Her): April is also 14, standing next to Donnie age-wise. She's based off of Cin.. I haven't developed her as much since I don't have her design down yet, but as far as I've thought, she's a very mischievous creature.. think of Anya's smug little "heh" face. That's basically her entire personality /hj. Despite being a little bitch (/lhaff) she's very sweet and won't hesitate to comfort her friends and family. Best little sister ever <- not biased at all
As for the storyline.... uh... haha um I. Haven't really thought that far?? Ik for a fact Splinter (who I haven't developed in the slightest) finds all four of the turtles individually as time goes on, with Raph being the first, then Donnie, then Mikey, and then finally Leo. That's why my iteration is titled "found family", because they all literally found each other (unintentionally, but still).
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iamfuckingsorry · 5 months
So I know the fandom loves seeing young Kim as a punk, with leather jackets and combat boots and a million pins and patches and in general fairly anti-establishment and also somewhat openly gay at least within the community
And I'm not gonna lie I love it too
But there's also this idea that I can't get out of my mind, and it's Kim in what is called "epa-kultur" over here. 15 year old kids too young to have a driver's license or a car, but one of the friends in the group has six older siblings and managed to get one of those cars that are only supposed to go up to 40 kmph that you can drive with a moped license, but that can definitely go up to like 150 if you flip the right switches. It's 30 years old and absolutely shit but you all love it anyway. You drive around, a shitty speaker in the back playing terrible electronic music too loud to really hold a proper conversation while inside, nine kids packed like sardines sitting on each other's laps (one of the backseats is taken up by a speaker), ending up in an unused parking lot to get drunk on 3% beer. The car's broken half of the time but that just means you play bad music and get drunk on cheap beer while trying to fix it with random parts you got from a friend of a friend of a friend, always fucking up in some way no matter how hard you try so the car will inevitably break down again within a week. Until you eventually really do get fairly good at fixing it, and then you just end up checking all the bolts and connections all the time instead. And like it's definitely a small town/rural thing over here. It definitely would not be a thing in Revachol, and especially not in the part of Revachol Kim grew up in, where you're happy to have a roof over your head and food to eat and you're probably reasonably rich compared to your neighbours if your family has a car. And while it's very different nowadays especially with younger kids you could still get a lot of the ideas common in more conservative areas, about gender roles and queer people and whatnot.
And I just love the idea of 15-year-old Kim with a group of other kids like this, feeling a tiny little bit like he finally belongs somewhere for the first time, trying to figure out a way to get some money for a car part for his friend's car, drinking even though he doesn't really want to because that's what you're supposed to, casually making sexist jokes that make him strangely uncomfortable even though he doesn't really understand why, fully convinced the only reason he tries to find any excuse to spend time with this one guy that is so impressive and knows so much about cars is because it's the first time he's found a good friend, because why else would you feel this way about a guy
and then after a couple of years maybe he does bring up possibly feeling a certain way about men when he's a bit drunk and he immediately gets made fun of, and when he doesn't react fast enough and say that obviously he was kidding, eww that would be so gross, he gets called a hundred different slurs without hesitation, not just homophobic ones but racial ones too, and he realizes once again that there really isn't a single place in this world where someone like him could truly belong, no matter how it might feel in the moment.
(and then maybe he does get a leather jacket and some patches a few years after that lol)
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Fun ask to offset the annoying ask: Why is Jancy so amazing (in your opinion)?
Oh Bless!
Reasons I love Jancy, a non-exhaustive list:
Chemistry (off the charts insane, no one is doing it like them I said what I said)
When the communication is good, it's good like they know exactly what the other is thinking (I mean even when it's bad they know but I digress)
Everything isn't magically better because they're together they both still have individual problems that can sometimes bleed into their relationship (also external problems like the end of the world)
Above point being made, despite their problems they're still very much in love with each other (see running into each others arms at the end of s4)
Sleeping in each other's beds and sneaking out the window
I love how much they care about each other's sibling like in s3 Nancy calls about Will and in s4 Jonathan is protects Mike during the shoot out / for the rest of the funky little road trip
Their reasons for loving each other aren't shallow like they each list core elements of the other's character: ambition, compassion, etc. There aren't any lofty expectations or "I love them because they do X for me" it's just all the things they're noticed and admire about each other. (unlike some people 👀)
Anyways, they have similar life goals you know like they know what they don't want their lives to look like (the full "screw that" scene in s1 is a beautiful piece of modern cinema)
She has his poster (and mixtapes) in her room and he has her pictures all over his room (gonna throw up I love them so much)
Flirty so fucking flirty their flirting cannot be contained
They aren't afraid to call each other on their shit
They will absolutely go along with each others hijinks (like s3 Jonathan might have hesitated but he drove them to Mrs. Driscolls' and I FULLY believe if he had been in Hawkins he would've been getaway driver an Pennhurst)
"Free my man he did all of it but I don't care" gf & "free my girl she did all of that + I helped her" bf
Golden retriever boyfriend & black cat girlfriend (fight me on this but canonically she yells at him about the pep talks)
"Most gorgeous big brown eyes you've ever seen + staring into your soul"
She wants to be a journalist and he wants to be a photographer???? hello???? compatible careers?????
Jonathan would rather be miserable than watch Nancy throw her dreams away (like go off King but also get some therapy)
Have I mentioned that they're hot? Like have y'all scene them in the cemetery scene they're serving???
... What if she just doesn't let him go? *muffled sobbing*
I think they have broken the most laws out of anyone one in the show which isn't amazing per se but it is very:
peace by taylor swift coded
they got married in 3x08 fight me
I feel like they can be themselves around each other you know? like it gets back into the expectations thing they're very natural around each other. Jonathan isn't awkwardly stumbling his way through conversation. Nancy isn't buying tops she thinks he might like. They love each other for their authentic selves (I'm gonna go cry again)
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amewinterswriting · 4 months
Ame Reads: Charmed Life by Diana Wyn Jones
I'll be honest - this one was a reread for me. I read most of the Crestomanci books as a child and could still remember the broad brush strokes of the plot.
What I couldn't remember was just how skillfully written it was and still is. While the book is marketed at children as young as 10, and the plot moves quickly because of this, it never feels rushed or oversimplified. In fact, I've read adult and young adult fiction with less complex plots, character motivations and language.
(Spoilers after the cut and discussions of themes which does include familial abuse and mentions of death)
I remembered that Gwendolyn was not a nice person (to put it mildly). I didn't remember exactly how much of an evil little shit she is. In any other children's story, it would have been easy to paint her as selfish but simply that, in the way many children can be. She sees that her brother has something she doesn't (magical power) and takes it from him simply because she wants it for herself. But the story makes it explicit that she planned the sacrifice of her own brother and she even casually mentions that they will need to kill him multiple times due to his extra lives, showing that she has thought about this for months in detail and clearly has not had any hesitation or stirrings of guilt whatsoever.
In a more subtle way, the story does make it clear that Cat has been abused by his sister for his whole life - Janet, Julia and Robert all comment on it in various ways, even if the word 'abuse' never comes up. Crestomanci and the other adults are also aware but unsure of what exactly to do, especially as they aren't entirely certain that Cat isn't a willing participant in Gwendolyn's plans. For a book written in 1977, aimed at children, it's really quite radical that Diana Wynn Jones even hinted at abuse within a family unit, let alone an older sibling as an abuser.
Reading as an adult, the way in which Cat and Janet are profoundly let down by the adults is also radical and quite tragic because it's very understandable how it happened. Crestomanci is aware of virtually everything the whole time (or very early on) and yet the whole plot is Cat and Janet trying valiantly to fix the mess Gwendolyn's left them in without any adult help because they don't know the adults can be trusted and the adults think that not revealing what they are aware of is the best for everyone involved. Everyone is doing what they believe is best given the information they have, but everything could have been resolved with a few short conversations and more trust shown from both sides. And I'm really glad Janet gets to point out that Crestomanci should have talked to them sooner and he doesn't brush her off.
Other surprisingly dark things in hindsight - Gwendolyn summoning the 'drowned life' of Cat as a petty power play not once but twice, and Cat not realising why exactly it gives him the heebie-jeebies but having a very strong reaction to seeing his own drowned corpse (understandable) each time. Except that the second time, it's accompanied by the other times he's died, including at birth. A giant foetal corpse is not exactly something you expect to see in a children's book!
Anyway, I'd love to see the Chrestomanci series adapted into a television serial that really takes it seriously. Like the recent (ish) adaptation of Pullman's His Dark Materials that the BBC still hasn't finished. Hour-long episodes, I reckon, something like Charmed Life as a two-episode special to introduce the world and concepts (and Janet waking up in Gwendolyn's bed would be the perfect place for a cliffhanger at the end of episode 1, let's be honest) and then take an episode for each book in the series so while the episodes could be watched in any order, watching them all will give you more information about who reoccurring characters are and what they're doing.
In the meantime, I definitely think I'm going to dig out the rest of my old books and go through the rest of the series myself. Diana Wynn Jones' writing is complex enough that it really demands a second look. If your only exposure to her work has been through (the magnificent) Studio Ghibli adaptation of Howl's Moving Castle, consider this your sign to delve into her works, too. Charmed Life is an excellent starting point for the whole Chrestomanci series but you really can read them in any order, as the plots of each book are self-contained, with some characters making regular appearances throughout.
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twinkle-art · 1 year
would you ever be in the mood to elaborate on what your emet/WOL dynamic is like? the bits you've posted have me curious
(gripping my thighs so hard i draw blood) yeah i don’t see why not
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so as i’ve previously outlined, my particular brand of emetwol (platonic) hinges on the fact that he reminds andromeda of her mother. like. a lot. 
i’ve gotten so deep in here that i’ve grown wholly desensitized to this premise and it’s not weird to me anymore so we will be moving right along
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(fig a- silly joke i made early into shb before i knew how dark this was going to get)
the crux of their relationship, to me, is that they are two people who flatly, abjectly refuse to truly see each other past their respective projections for nearly their entire time together, and this renders the very intense emotions they evoke in each other all the more corrosive to them. the exact emotions they even have towards each other are also… nebulous and hard to define, but they’re definitely bad. well. mostly bad. it’s complicated. 
This… might seem like a strange angle to take for someone who is pretty transparently sympathetic to emet-selch outside of all the atrocities but it’s definitely worth noting that andromeda’s difficulties holding him in her mind as a purely evil person despite her best efforts do not come from a belief that he is, in fact, secretly a good guy or anything. It’s first and foremost because she has a psyche that was shaped by an abusive upbringing, uncomfortable as that is. 
Without dwelling… too much on the details because this is quite heavy and I prefer keeping it tastefully vague (after this aspect of her character emerged shockingly organically as a frankly very obvious explanation for a LOT of her personality) her home life as a bastard child in garlemald was Bad. her step-family was bad. her mother had good intentions but was simply not there when she needed her. and all of this left her as an adult who is, frankly, pretty easy to manipulate if you prey on her bottomless, ravenous hunger for love and recognition… or the fact that she is just straight-up conditioned to respond to a particular flavor of authoritative influence. it is nothing short of a miracle that the scions found her first. 
i’m saying she’s dog-coded. is what i’m saying. you get it. 
(there IS also the whole.. uh. garlean fascism aspect. I don’t think i need to spell out why that’s relevant to her relationship with the guy behind the god-emperor she grew up being expected to revere)
NOW. as the arbiter of this reality, it’s not my read of emet-selch’s character that he enjoys doing any of this shit- him inevitably taking advantage of this glaringly obvious weak point is a wholly pragmatic move that ultimately contributes to the fact that she’s unwittingly making him nearly as miserable as he’s making her. Like, once he realizes what’s going on I fully believe he’d feel kind of dirty about it (never mind that this is a shard of azem he’s psychologically tormenting more than is strictly necessary. the man is sentimental) (also he thinks the mom stuff is fucking weird)
this doesn’t stop him tho. lol
a quick aside on azem and emet’s relationship since that’s never not relevant to these; they were very close, I hesitate to say overtly sibling-like since i think that’s a kind of an easy oversimplification, but the type of love they felt for each other was definitely more of a familial one than anything else. she trusted him more than anyone else, and he loved her fiercely and unconditionally, even if their day-to-day dynamic involved taking the piss out of each other constantly, and the fact that the last time he ever saw her involved a blow-out screaming match between them has not sat well with him these 12,000 years. 
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And so, they each project these warped reflections of people they love and resent in equal measure onto each other- andromeda with the mother she never expects to see again, emet with the friend he can’t let himself admit he’ll never see again- and it makes their presence both painful and comforting. their unwillingness to detangle themselves because of that extremely twisted feeling of nostalgic comfort borders on emotional self harm honestly. 
and that’s before factoring in that they’re championing opposite sides of a world-defining conflict
with her canon-divergent stint in amaurot that i swear i’m going to fully flesh out in art someday, no seriously, i mean it this time, the bubbling Weird Vibes that accrued any time they were left alone during shb come crashing down all at once and it is brutal. as she slowly loses her grip on reality (to the point where even she’s not certain what really happened that week and what was a hallucination, in retrospect) his mask also begins to slip, as the tiny part of him that so badly wants to believe he can get through to her gets louder and he decides that she’s not even lucid enough to warrant keeping up the act. despite his best efforts i do think this forces him to confront andromeda as Andromeda, not just as Thee Warrior Of Light or as 8/14th of his dead bestie
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anyways it probably gets to the point where he’s fully trauma dumping on her while she’s half-consciously lying in his lap wondering why her mom’s calling her perseus before the scions bust in to collect her. you know, really normal stuff
ultimately andromeda takes his death at her hands hard for… a number of reasons (and as i’ve previously touched on, feels bad and weird about the fact that she’s taking it hard at all) the largest of which being that she simply had not parsed how she felt about him beforehand, and was left to sift through a LOT of intense shit tied up in some really fuckin sensitive parts of her psyche for the first time in her adult life all while knowing meaningful closure was out of reach. it sucked. 
their surprise reunion in elpis was… both helpful and not to this end, on account of being extremely one-sided. much like emet did to her in the days leading up to his death, she only comes to finally understand him by observing him in this unguarded, regressed state- even if she is now a total stranger to him. 
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(hades found her.. unnerving, to say the least. she didn’t do a very good job leaving their Whole Thing out of her recounting of his future and he can’t deny that how obviously deeply affected andromeda still is by that gnaws at him even while he tries to reject it as total bullshit. it gets a bit lost in all the noise but he finds the thought that he’d do that to her a little stomach-churning)
i don’t know if i’d really call it cathartic but at least she can see him as a full person without it physically paining her now. that counts as progress
thank you for coming to my talk. here’s their playlist and here’s a drawing i did of them as dgs kitty mascots. i turned it into a cutesy phone background for myself. no i’m not sure what’s wrong with me either 
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justtimings · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen - "The JJK Trio As Your Sibling"
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contents: tooth-rotting fluff, crack, them as your siblings
features: idatori yuuji, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi
a/n: this is my very first time doing something like this, so i hope i did well characterizing them.. also, can you tell i was struggling a little w/ megumi? i feel i'm similar to him (i'm also a younger sibling & my sister said i act exactly like him) but it was still challenging. nonetheless, i hope you enjoy!!
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Idatori Yuuji ➤
Sweetest older brother on the planet!! Loves to spend quality time with you: he's a family guy
He'a a genuine idiot to the core. Always saying stupid shit that has you cackling on the ground until your stomach burns
Definitely a dog person: convinced y'alls parents to get one, which eventually turned to two, then three
The type of person to make stupid songs out of anything, and you eventually started to join in without hesitation
He loves watching movies, especially horror, and has a tradition of watching them on his birthday
Though he is a great brother, he was a certified menace when you were a little kid: convincing you that you're from the jungle, or that you're an alien
You've designated him as your personal chef; he could pursue culinary if he really wanted to
If being annoying as hell was a job, he'd be a fucking billionaire. He always finds a way to tick you off, intentional or not
Likes to keep notebooks from school (whether it be algebra, biology, etc.) to pass down to you once you take that class
He's the older brother that everyone knows and loves ^_^
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Kugisaki Nobara ➤
Also surprisingly gives me older sibling vibes! I don't know what it is about her, but she just radiates cool older sister
Her favorite hobby's shopping, and she forces you to go with her on all her sprees
Loves spoiling you, getting you at least two things on every trip she takes you to
She adores searching for getaways, and she's always finding the perfect places for a family vacation
As much as she loves going out, she's not a fan of nature, and will definitely scream and cuss you out if you jokingly bring a bug near her
Very big on pictures!! She will capture it all, the mundane and the memorable
Super overprotective of you. She does not let anyone play with her little sibling, and she will go to hell and back to prove it
Uses the fact that she's older than you to send you to ask your parents for something she wants
Definitely obsessed with astrology. She knows all of her friends' charts, and full on rambles about what each of the placements mean everytime you forget
She's the iconic older sister that practically raised you, if we're being honest
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Fushiguro Megumi ➤
He's a younger sibling, for sure (yes ik he also canonically is, but it's also so obvious when he's with Yuuji & Nobara)
He'll sometimes randomly blurt something out just to see confusion wash over your face; thinks your expressions are the funniest thing in the world
Speaking of which, he also opens your door just to stare at you before closing it, stifling laughter as he walks away
He's secretly competitive. You always catch him huffing and giving you death stares after losing in a round of Uno
Gets second-hand embarrassment from anything you do in public. It would be over the most ordinary thing too, like accidentally dropping a fruit in the grocery store
His curt character paired with his insults can either have you wheezing until you physically can't, or it can be the biggest stab at your ego
Loves going on walks: he enjoys the scenery, and it helps to clear his mind of stress. He'll most likely be out for 30 minutes just aimlessly strolling through the neighborhood
Has a hobby of analyzing music & films and loves to explain it to you. He's very attentive when it comes to literature/symbolism
He's a typical younger sibling, but you wouldn't have it any other way
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please give me any feedback on my work! i'm extremely new to writing, so if you have any tips to help with that, i'd deeply appreciate it!
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tending-the-hearth · 1 month
I lost u again 😭 I'm sorry
I'm here to talk about ur 🐢angst au if it's ok🥺
1) I was genuinely happy to see u including the bay bois into ur fic. Not a lot of ppl like them which is a shame cuz I think theyre great(I'm biased lmao I love all iterations)And I honestly can't wait to see the bay fam interact with everyone else.(Honestly the 2012 bois desperately need elder siblings or like a stable adult figure in their lives cuz YIKES they keep losing everyone 😭)
2)U mentioned B4 in a hypothetical scenario that the other alternates would freak when they realized the 2012 bois were constantly fighting kraang daily. Do u think it would happen again when they realize the extent of like what they had to go thru? Like aside from the comics, 2003 and 2012 r like basically getting beaten up in every way possible 😭 (the creators literally were like hmm 🤔 how should we torture them today? And got paid for it😭 like have u SEEN the stuff they go thru? My bois :(( )
The 2012 bois stepped out of isolation and practically turned into soldiers as soon as they went topside. Splinter taught them how to fight so they could defend themselves but then they had to do more than just defend. So much more :((
How do u think the other would react if they ever find out about this info?-🫘
the bay boys are actually one of my absolute favorite iterations of the turtles. i think their characterization is done so well, i love the relationships they have with each other + splinter + april, and their fight scenes are some of the most engaging!!
I think the 2012 boys would, at first, be a little unsure about totally having to rely on older versions of themselves, because the only older sibling figures they have are Xever and Chris, so having a new group that is totally prepared to take them under their wings and take care of them so they don't have to take care of themselves? It would be very, very odd for them. And yeah, they'd also be hesitant to trust them just due to the amount of abandonment issues they've all got, but I do think that once they get past all that, they're absolutely inseparable from them, especially Raph and Leo and their bayverse counterparts!
OHHHHH i have so many thoughts about the absolute horror the other groups feel once they realize just how much fighting the 2012 boys have had to do.
you're so right, they've been fighting for years nonstop. With the Bayverse boys, they fought Shredder twice, never encountered the Kraang, and really only had run-ins with the Foot. The MM Boys are new to everything, and they've only ever fought Super Fly and a few others. The Rise boys are kind of the only ones who come close to how much the 2012 boys have fought, but even they've only fought the Kraang once, and Shredder isn't as much of a threat to them as he is to the 2012 turtles.
I have an idea in my mind of Donnie showing the others a video of all the brothers from a few years prior, like just something they made maybe a little bit after they started going topside, and Mikey starts laughing and says "I forgot how different you used to sound, Leo!"
and the other 2012 boys also start laughing, so ofc Blue asks "what, did you go through puberty or something?"
and Leo just shakes his head and says "We fought the Shredder, and I basically went into a coma for a month before waking up, and my voice changed since there was a shit ton of damage to my throat"
there is just the LOUDEST silence after he says that, and the others immediately start to talk over each other, attempting to make it sound less awful, but just doing a terrible job.
Raph: "It's no big deal, I got my brain switched with a Kraang, and I've honestly lost count of how many times I've been poisoned during fights"
Mikey: "I got trapped on the Kraang's home planet for a few months! That really messed with my sense of time, though"
Donnie: "I got disintegrated."
but it does not help at all, and the 2012 boys suddenly find themselves in the middle of a giant group hug, with the Splinters all holding their boys close, and the bayvers boys secretly making plans to make sure their little bros don't ever get hurt again, meanwhile the MM and Rise boys are wondering if it's possible to send anyone who has ever hurt their big bros into a black void.
(also the Raphs comparing fights and injuries and Red talking about how his shell was cracked during the fight with the Kraang when he was protecting Blue, and they all ask Raph how his shell was cracked, and he tells them it happened when he was a toddler and a Kraang robot attacked his sensei and his brothers and he fell out of the carrier and had the cart land on his back and the others just have to try SO hard not to start crying and bundling Raph in as many blankets as possible)
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kraefishh · 10 months
figured i'd post mine and my friends wols on main for the time being while im still stockpiling stuff for when i eventually make that side blog for em
basic stuff is - 1) there's more than one wol 2) by more than one i mean there are seven of them 3) each one/two of them are designated for a specific expansion 4) i have so much stuff planned for them all and have not even finished stormblood (please help me)
also im putting them under a cut so the post isnt naturally extremely fucking long
Alidae Mendica -- ARR WoL. only one without a "traditional" name convention. SMN/MCH/GNB. bloody banquet happened and she got to ishgard and went "NOPE. I'M DONE." and goes and spends most of her time at the skysteel manufactory with garlond ironworks.
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i love her very much she was the first i made. i nearly played an elezen but then really wanted to be small. so after finishing the opening cutscene i restarted and well!! shes here!! shes ready to kick some ass!!!
T'lyr Kho -- 1/2 Heavensward WoLs. is half miqo half garlean, possesses the third eye as well (hence the shaggy hair+forehead coverings). PLD/DRG/DRK/SGE. is never doing well at any given moment. he is (not) coping.
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he's the one who made me spiral and make 3 more characters. i love him so so dearly.
Touya Kawa (@twisted-solace's wol) -- the other Heavensward WoL. WAR/DRG/RPR. the most shy and well spoken but will not hesitate to cleave you. works himself to death (quite nearly literally!).
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i wish i had more to say about him other than he is very silly. him and t'lyr picked up lancer as a bonding experience and then got roped into dragoon lore (whoopsie!!)
Koren Cadoret -- 1/2 Stormblood WoLs. has 1v1'd Zenos too many times to count. very very protective of his sister and friends. MNK/SAM (plus blue mage and soon to be viper!!).
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I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!! punch first ask questions later. wants to be everyone's friend. separation anxiety got his ass in shadowbringers cause he was the last wol to be summoned to the first.
Raana Cadoret -- the other Stormblood WoL. took her brother and left her village the moment she was declared to be the next matriarch. DNC/AST/RDM. likes to give koren shit about his poor decisions.
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she makes me go :) !!!!! we really cant decide if she picks up astrologian on the first or if she does it beforehand.
Sthallona Dhemskyltwyn -- 1.0 WoL and also Shadowbringers at the same time?? shes going through it. WHM/BLM. grew up the daughter of a famous pirate. Thancred's childhood best friend.
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feigned death after the calamity until she gets pulled to the first and is like "AH SHIT. HERE WE GO AGAIN." she gives me perhaps the most brainworms.
Sarangerel Malqir (@trying_to_cosplay on insta's wol) -- Endwalker WoL while also being a whole can of worms by herself. was her universe's only WoL before shit collided in shadowbringers and she met everyone else
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the love of my life-- ahem. currently only Warrior canonically because my friend is not even halfway through ARR. very much younger sibling energy to the rest of the scions/wols.
last notes - 1) t'lyr and touya are gay (lovingly referred to as 'the boyfs' by me and @twisted-solace) touya nearly fucking dies for t'lyr and t'lyr proceeds to go oh wait fuck i dont want to lose you. normal shit for their line of work. 2) koren canonically says "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" to zenos. and zenos proceeds to get very confused. zenos isnt even who he ends up with koren just likes fucking with him. 3) raana went through 4 different wol/npc ship ideas before we finally landed on hien. that was hell. 4) alidae and cid are best friends!! stamp of approval right here!!! alidae also hates nero's guts. 5) if biggs and wedge (who i lovingly refer to as the 'lab boys') are around, alidae is not far behind. 6) alidae was named before i realized there was a character named alisaie. this is canonically a struggle for everyone. 7) sthallona swam her ass to sharlayan upon realizing that thancred had been taken under louisoix's wing. insert LET ME IN. LET ME IIIIIIN gif here. she wrote a thesis on how to combine conjuring and thaumaturge magic before ever knowing what a red mage was. (she is very stupid but also unnaturally smart). 8) t'lyr can't use magic. point blank. his third eye fucks that up for him. only reason he can be a Sage is because the magitek does it for him. on the bright side he's really good at parkour!!!
anyway if you got down this far thank you for looking at my blorbos. i am working (not very) hard to get that sideblog set up for these weirdos. i appreciate them very much they consume my every waking thought.
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your-own-scifi-nerd · 2 years
Rose Tyler And Classic Who
The First Doctor- a fight and flirt relationship. they would fight so much so often, yet strangely Rose would flirt with him and leave him completely flustered
Susan- they would be besties. Rose would introduce her to modern day fashion, and they would end the patriarchy together. all in one day. (because Susan deserved better and we all know she and Rose are both feral wolf raised children)
Ian- they would talk shit about the Doctor together. and he would hold her back from fistfighting a sexist/racist/homophobic dude then punch him in the face immediately so she doesn’t get in trouble. they would totally have a sibling relationship.
Barbara- they would have a love hate relationship. Rose would constantly fight with her, but they would both make up and be girl bosses over everyone else. she would also help Ian and Barbara get together.
Vikki- two words. feral. children. they would physically get into fights with anyone who dared treat other people lesser.
Steven- they would sit together and talk about cute men, while they get thrown in jail on every planet they go to.
Dodo- Rose would definitely treat her like a younger sister, and Dodo would hate and love it. they totally give each other fashion advice and do the other’s hair.
Ben and Polly- Ben would treat her like his sister, and Polly would help her take over the world.
The Second Doctor- joking and singing. These two would sing together everywhere, with the Doctor playing the recorder. they would also be joking and flirting everywhere they go, yet wouldn’t acknowledge it at all.
Jamie- you can’t not tell me they would absolutely joke about the Doctor, make fun of him, and beat people up together.
Victoria- automatic mother/older sister role. doesn’t matter which one, she automatically takes her into her care with a mentor figure affection, and Victoria would be hesitant at first but eventually come to see her as one of the two.
Zoe- they fight a lot, more than Rose and Barbara would, but it’s more of two extremely strong women with similar personalities that, once they stop fighting and finally click, makes everyone wish they kept fighting.
The Third Doctor- would call her “my dear Rose” and take her out on car rides very often. she would love to help him in his lab, singing along with him when he sang. they would flirt, but it’s seems old fashioned, and less joking
Alistair- would fight in a fatherly daughter way, but drink tea together every afternoon no matter what.
Mike- talk about cute men together, and spar together, and are almost tied at the hip whenever she’s at UNIT
John- chills with Mike and Rose, and has a very brotherly relationship with her.
Jo- they flirt with everyone, wear mini skirts and kick ass together all the time. they would absolutely be besties.
Sarah Jane- same with Zoe, except when they do click the entire world shakes in it’s boots.
The Fourth Doctor- they have a very jokingly relationship, flirting and teasing each other almost every time they see each other. she also will constantly wear his scarf whenever they’re out.
Harry Sullivan- he would become the older brother she never had, and she would help him with coming to senses with more modern views. he always tries to sacrifice himself for her, of which she always patches him up afterwards.
Leela- Rose would beg her to teach her some of the fighting skills, just like how Rose would teach her a bit of stuff from her time on earth, and they would have a shit load of fun together.
K9- calls her Rose, with her insistence. best dog/girl duo ever.
Romana- in her first body they would fight. a lot. Rose would think of her as too posh and stuck up, and Romana would think of her as below her. her second body, however, they would slowly start to become friends, and by the time they separate would be extremely close.
Adric- he acts like a brat to her, which she quickly puts a stop to and they become a sibling duo, constantly bickering with each other and driving the Doctor mad. but, they have that true sibling relationship where it’s “only I can insult them and we’ll insult you together”
Tegan- fashion and music buddies. they constantly share and talk about their taste in fashion, music, and women(because nobody in Doctor Who is straight) 100% gossip buddies
Nyssa- like Victoria, Rose becomes an older sister sort of figure to Nyssa after her planet dies. but, Rose also loves to learn about things from Nyssa about science, and Rose also loves to teach her about earth during her time.
The Fifth Doctor- puppy love. that’s what it is. they would have an almost childish love, the type that just gives and gives freely. they would argue very little, yet when they do they make up almost immediately.
Turlough- Rose would definitely figure out what he was doing with the Black Guardian, and change him earlier than cannon. they would have a fun little sibling bond, making fun of each other and making jokes a lot.
Peri- gossip and joke buddies. the two make fun of the Doctor, that random dude who was rude, you name it. they share fashion advice, and Rose beats people up while Peri yells at them. it’s a nice little match.
The Sixth Doctor- they would absolutely have the same relationship as Rose does with the Ninth Doctor, that joking around one with the undertones of something completely serious between the two.
Mel- Rose would definitely eat shit food just to spite her off, then feel bad about it and either do one of her workouts or eat something she made. it’s a daily occurrence.
The Seventh Doctor- they would have a mix of Three and Two, a very old fashioned type of love but the mix of flirting everywhere they go. all the time. it pisses of Ace a lot.
Ace- an older sister type of role, Rose constantly blowing up stuff and beating people up with her. they would take down the government using nothing but their brains, their fists, and Ace’s homemade explosives.
The Eighth Doctor- very flirty-touchy-close romance. he constantly tucks her arm in his, or wraps an arm around her, or hugs her randomly. it’s more of Tenrose with a more innocent tone to it.
Grace- they would be friends. not terribly close, but when the Doctor would do something weird or stupid they would exchange a glance of shared amusement and tiredness.
And I know there’s more, but I haven’t heard the audiobooks yet so I don’t want to make any assumptions.
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miheartsedthings · 6 months
I've had this idea running through my head for a long time now. Huge trigger warnings here - explicit and graphic descriptions of psychological/emotional abuse. I would COMPLETELY understand if you don't want to do this. Really. It's really overwhelming and just - just too much. Your well being is what matters the most. Ignore this if this makes you feel uncomfortable.
Billy and Reader are newly best friends, which means they're still shy around each other but are still very close if you know what I mean: shy and hesitant but sincere and strong embraces, kisses on the hand or cheek that make the other person blush like a tomato. To put it simply, their relationship is a slow burn.
So much for the context/background. Now, as for the plot, imagine this: reader has family problems too. Billy knows it because she subtly implied it and perhaps also because he saw the bruises, it's up to you for this part, in my head there isn't necessarily any physical abuse, mainly mental/psychological - like controlling EVERYTHING ("belongings", acquaintances, tone of voice, what emotions are appropriate and what are the ones that aren't, how you should feel, what you see, your reality) manipulating, gaslighting, humiliation, threatening with violence or worse punishment, insulting, name calling, yelling at someone for hours on end while knowing they get sensory overload and cannot process loud noises / overstimulation in general, emotionally abuse enough to trigger panic attacks in front of the parent and obviously they. just. keep. going. and don't stop until their voice is sore and need "to lay down because they got too stressed" because they genuinely (for real) almost got a seizure from all that yelling.
And then the next day them genuinely being the sweetest, nicest, most loving person on the planet. Genuinely worrying about your safety. Almost having a heart attack if you're 7 minutes late. Crying their eyes out if you're away from them for a day. Keeping you locked in at home, not even allowing you to stay on the porch. Not even allowing you to open the window and let air into your room. Controlling everything you do. Saying they want you to be an independent woman who doesn't rely on anyone and is confident in her abilities. Teaching you about the dangers of blindly following authority figures. Degrading, humiliating you in front of everyone for hours on end until you get panic attacks which encourages them further to keep going. if you try to voice your opinion. Used to punish you when you cried as a kid for years. Telling you out of the blue to cry it all out and genuinely offering to hold you. The next day trapping you in a corner and looking at you with absolute and utter disgust, yelling to call you the vilest shit (not gonna repeat what was said here, trust me you don't want that) for shedding a tear after an intense fight. Crying her eyes out if she finds out you feel like a burden. Reassuring you that she loves you and that you're the most adorable, the most amazing person on the planet, that she wishes she had 10 other kids like you. Genuinely forgetting about your siblings because all her eyes are on you. Abusing you and only you because you're the only one that deserves it, as sick as that sounds. Abusing you because you show symptoms of abuse.
You're both their Golden Child and their worst ennemy.
A confusing, highly clinical case of a mentally ill parent.
Even though Billy doesn't see any bruises, he still knows things aren't going well at home. He doesn't know the true extent of the abuse but he sees the self harm scars. The panic attacks. The permanent anxiety. The chronic fatigue. The dissociation. The high identity confusion due to the gaslighting. The crippling fear of feeling certain emotions because "it's forbidden" and the fear and genuine confusion over choosing something for herself - literally the same as El.
And one day it's just all too much. She missed the entirety of the school day. He is looking for her everywhere. But she keeps avoiding him. She's scared of having a relationship like adults do. Scared of having a friend. Scared of talking to someone. Scared of being independent. Remember. It's not allowed.
But Billy doesn't let go. He manages to make her talk. And then he reassures her the best he can and asks her to stay at his place for the night. He doesn't leave her a choice because he knows she wants it but a dissociated part of her screams no. Hell would break loose if anyone finds out about this. So he takes the initiative and takes her home. They spend the night cuddled up and - I don't know about the happy ending. I'll let you choose. 🤍
The abuse descriptions I gave above aren't meant to be written out as scenes. I genuinely don't think I could read that. They're just here so that you know what to make reader say to Billy when he asks her to talk to him about it. ❤️
Hey anon, I'd be happy to explore this topic, it's just gonna take a while. I'm still working through other requests and anytime I start a new piece it takes some time for me to get a sense of how I wanna handle it.
Surprisingly, there's a little bit of this subject matter coming up in my ongoing story.
Anyway, yes, I can honor this request, just please be patient with me. 😊💖
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
general thoughts-
this is ep 4 & 5, which means i’m onto ep 6 and beyond and that’s usually where i start falling asleep and go “actually there’s another show i could be watching” so that’s gonna be fun aksjdj
if jory has a million fans, i am one of them. if he has one fan, i am that fan. if he has no fans it means i am DEAD.
i think john bradly is kinda awkward at first but i definitely remember him improving. he comes off a bit insincere in some spots to me but he has good chemistry with kit - when sam is like “so you DIDNT know where to put it” and jon runs over to whack him, that feels very genuine, just two boyfriends besties fucking around.
i do love alliser thorne walking in like “i know what you are” can a man not have a giggle with another man. he’s such a hater.
just the immediate, zero hesitation “you’re too fat for your armor” oh i Know ned desires that man carnally
i have completely forgotten why hugh hammer was important i had to go look him up ajsjdh
ned looking back at littlefinger like “alright we’re friends but let’s not get unserious here” when he puts his hand on sansa’s shoulder
JOFFREY STANDS UP IN ALARM (and interest) WHEN SANDOR JUMPS IN, and joffrey keeps looking at robert to see what robert is going to do, he’s like impressed, slightly concerned, excited, then you see robert kinda look joffrey’s way before he says to stop. jack, mark……………deserved award nominations dammit…….
the little fish pin bran is playing with while he’s thinking of his mom…… “from the moment i placed her in your arms to the moment she dies, she will love you” “sometimes i think you are too smart for your own good” IM GONNA SCREAM ACTUALLY.
not i moved closer to the tv to get a look at the lil fish pendant and then ros’ boobs were just right there 😭😭 i’m not saying i don’t respect sexposition but i am saying we could have gotten nedcat sexposition instead of making ros do all the heavy lifting here.
Conleth Hill is so funny as Varys. He’s got perfect comedic timing, his cadence when he’s going back and forth with someone else is always spot on, you’re always getting the feeling he’s laughing at you.
me and my sibling like to decide out loud if it’s a “good enough” reason to use that word and i’m sorry “they say the eyrie is impregnable” “i’ll impregnate the bitch” Not A Good Enough Reason To Use That Word
Ramin is a genius for this score, the way the music in the scene in the Eyrie is so unsettling but never loud, staying at the same low level until tyrion gets to the sky dungeon and THEN starting to crescendo? i love him i would die for him
this renly & loras scene is the sexiest scene in the whole series. the focus on the hair around renly’s nipple. the bitchy way they snipe at each other in between trading new pieces of hot goss. loras bullying renly into committing treason. “if you want hairless maybe you should find a little boy” “i want you” RICH coming from the man who groomed his squire.
jory’s death & this fight scene always stands out in the series and the show does a great job making it stand out too. that absolutely visceral eye horror where jory’s still aware for a few seconds & the way they REALLY let sean bean & ncw start warming up with the sword skills only to CUT THAT SHIT OFF and jaime is so upset but not enough to do anything different. really fun.
changes i noticed
i feel like they made theon much less weird. where is his inappropriate giggling. why is he not flirting with robb’s mom. i do like this convo between him and tyrion though, don’t get me wrong, i love the dynamics of it, and i love the way it’s in conversation with theon’s story as it goes on - both in that he enters another absolutely stupid ass war bc of pride, and also that he’s going to become physically disabled, but here he invokes an ableist insult towards Tyrion to soothe his own wounds over Tyrion taunting him specifically about his fondness for the Starks being so pathetic considering his status as a hostage. Tyrion says something cruel and Theon is cruel right back; this is traumatic and yet just another Tuesday for both of these men.
i remember so much discourse about this tyrion/theon scene and like which one is more ~problematic~ in this scene and it’s like bro. they’re both being huge assholes here for a very specific reason and they both deserved to get clouted what do u want from a convo between two of the most maladjusted characters in this series aksjdj
Having Petyr creepily whisper Sandor’s backstory which he shouldn’t even fucking know in Sansa’s ear instead of letting Sandor tell that story himself. Beyond that I just Don’t understand the fascination d&d seem to have for aiden’s acting and littlefucker as a character, i just don’t get the point of taking like The Foundational Sandor/Sansa scene, which is also Foundational to Sansa’s changing concept of morality and honor, as well as the overreaching concept of what a True Knight is, and giving it to a character who just Does Not Fuck With Sandor Like That. i hate this. it’s one of my favorite scenes and they just destroyed it for what. for a dude otherwise known for being the Worse, Less Sexy version of brian kinney?? rory mccann would have Killed This Scene!! I FEEL RAGE!!!!!!!
ONCE AGAIN they take the kill catelyn makes to save tyrion’s life and give it to tyrion for…..WHAT. FOR WHY. I WANT THEM DEAD FOR WHAT THEY DID TO CAT OMG.
Okay here we go, weird Theon. I think this Theon/Ros scene starts out good but it could have ended better. Like, the way he can’t even go to a brothel without being mocked for being a hostage. His fixation on Tyrion’s sex life. The way he is too close to Ros’ face when he’s talking to her. I like that last “i don’t want to pay for it” “then get yourself a wife” exchange but i think his comment about his father and her return should have been sharper. It’s missing that Pizzaz that the other added scenes have.
They changed up the Council scene by changing the wording to include the “honorable fool” nonsense, and also cut out barristan so ned doesn’t have someone on the council who he actually gets to come around to his argument, as well as cutting several points of his argument. It’s so stupid. They think Ned is so fucking stupid. ugh.
This next Robert/Cersei scene isn’t imo as good a setup as some of the other ones, because I don’t think Robert OR Cersei are emotionally in a space where she could come up there and argue that much with him and still get him genuinely explaining why he feels a certain way to her. On the other hand, the actual dialogue is VERY in character - Robert breaking down his worries about Dany is good, Cersei being both angry but also deeply curious about how to lead the realm, the way they both start drinking together and cracking up at the idea that their marriage is holding the realm together. Amazing. I love the way the redness seeps out of Robert’s face as the conversation turns serious. It’s almost like he wants to reach out to comfort Cersei, but he does it once again in the most selfish way possible by laying this horrible emotional burden on her shoulders. “does that make you feel better or worse?” “it doesn’t make me feel anything.” it’s so good. i can’t believe neither of them were nominated for this.
i also really like this scene for the later parallel they do with Aemon - the way Robert’s love for Lyanna is so meaningless, an excuse for him to disappear into his vices, she was so nonexistent as a person to him that he can’t even remember anything but the idealized stone statue of her face, and here is Aemon so much further removed from his loved ones, so far removed from even when his memory involved seeing, and he pours over every detail in his mind to remember her face
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nahmoon · 2 years
(Aged up at the end, not proof read, english is not my first language, please give me recommendations in the comments!!! Enjoy reading :D)
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Neteyam is big on physical touch, he likes being in contact with you because it shows his unspoken love for you and he feels like he’s protecting you and vice versa. He’ll pull into big hugs when you greet each other and kiss your hand/forehead when it's time to say goodbye. When you're walking he’ll have his arms rest around your shoulders or hold hands with you/ If you two are just standing there, he’d snake his arm or tail around your waist to pull you closer to him so he can crank his head down to yours and whisper sweet nothings in your ears. Anything to have you closer to him.
Loves praising you and reminding you how good you did or are, he started to notice the effect it has on you after a while to his amusement, when your not busy getting flustered at his comments, you’ll occasionally witness the classic knowing smirk tug on his lips
Always proud of you as well, not a day where he has not thought about you since you two met and he loves showing you off whenever he can verbally or nonverbally
As mature as he tries to be, he does get jealous pretty quickly. You notice when he’s jealous or anxious about somebody else trying to get your attention when he becomes more touchy with you. He tries his hardest to not let you see that side of him but it's pretty damn obvious.
He’s very attentive, he notices all the little quirks and emotions you have about things, not only because he likes listening to you but he is enthralled by you. Your dialect, behaviours, the way you handle situations, he admires very much. You notice when you talk to him, he gives his all to you. Eye contact, open body language, hums in agreement everything. Due to this he understands you and what you want very well, if you need some advice from him, he knows exactly what to say to you
Neteyam is quite the athletic figure, his ikran flying is almost as good as his mothers, and his hunting has been commented on by many. With this all in mind he’s very muscular and robust, and he doesn’t hesitate incorporating that in your relationship. Have any baskets or items you're carrying? He’ll instantly take them off your hands. By the way? He’ll put his hands on your waist and carefully move you to the side. Need help with fighting, hunting or flying? Neteyam is the one to go to
He’s developed a lot of patience and maturity as he's grown up, mainly from him trying to be the best older brother he can be to his siblings and to upholding his fathers almost impossible standards. He hates it when you two argue but the arguments are always short, if you have a problem with him, he will always be the first to listen to you and understand, he’s always mature with the way to go about things and he’s concise and honest. Although if somebody ELSE is arguing with you, the situation can change a little. He’ll do either one of three things. Let you handle it, instead of interfering (which almost never happens), let his protective side kick in and try to handle it maturely like he does with you or just flat out beat the shit out of them. Either way, the other party ends up getting the message.
He’s so cheesy sometimes, but he just wants you to know he’s head over heels for you. He loves cringe pet names like bubs, princess/prince, even though you tell him how much it icks you, so he ends up calling you my love or dear. He’ll tell the occasional dad joke or cringey pick up line just to make you laugh, and he’ll shower you in kisses and PDA if you're upset.
He can be a little shit sometimes when it comes to teasing, it’s really bittersweet. He can either be coming off as super nice or just condescending, and it’s mainly because he knows the effect it has on you but will pretend to be ignorant about it. So you just have to take it most of the time. The thing is you do the same to him and he’ll fold, instantly.
In terms of dates, when he goes ikran flying he looks for beautiful areas, so he can take you there another time, or you go on dates on high mountains/trees because he finds the view so breathtaking. If he takes you on a date, he always brings you his own handmade personal gift, whether it be a bracelet, or a letter, or a rare gemstone etc.
His tail has a mind of its own, whenever he sees you, his tail raises up, wagging around a bit as you approach him. He's really excited to see you. He just can’t hold it in and it embarrasses him so much sometimes but you love it. Sometimes when you two walk in public or standing in public his tail will stroke against you or be wrapped around your waist, showing his possessiveness without saying anything
Neteyam has a dominant nature, and this doesn’t just show in a sexual way, but with everything he does, you find comfort in how stable he acts. He enjoys when you let him take care of you as it shows the amount of trust and love you two for eachother
He’s so well groomed, he always smells amazing like warm vanilla or peach and is always clean
When you go to sleep, he always want you close to him, your heartbeat calms him down and lulls him to sleep. He likes being the big spoon because he feels as if he’s protecting you from harm's way, but he also loves when your sleep facing him, bodies entwined together, he just finds something so loving and intimate about that, if your struggling to go to bed, he’ll hum the lullabies his mother use to sing to him and stroke your hair
Always trying to prove himself to you, always showing of his talents, or doing tiny little gestures that mean a lot because he just wants to be the best he can be for you
Comes off as so innocent in public, pretending he didn’t understand what you meant, or didn’t hear you just so you can repeat yourself which is so funny to you because you know his true nature
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18+ (AGED UP)
He’s so passionate and loving and you can feel it when you to have sex, he’ll remind you verbally and physically
Soft dom, loves to praise you but sometimes it can come off a bit degrading
“Good girl, taking me so well” “Mmm so good for me” “That’s right my love, i’m all yours”
Bit of a slut ngl, as much as we want to deny it he’s a big tease and a sucker when you do it back often there's no need for foreplay because all of it already happened during the day
Notices you staring at his muscles one time which amuses him, he grabs your hand to guide it down
Heavy makeout sessions always, his hands always trail up and around your body whilst yours are on his neck bringing him closer
Loves giving and receiving oral
Loves kissing your neck and leaving marks on your neck, because he knows it's so sensitive for you, which you enjoy a lot but it’s embarrassing for you when people ask you about it and you get the occasionally funny looks from his parents
Remember how attentive he is? Whenever he does something to you, he’ll memorise your reaction to it and what he did later.
He’s not shy to try anything new, if you ask him he’ll try it
Chuckles a lot during sex, mostly laughing at how desperate you sound
Deep groans and moans while hes fucking you but when he comes he starts to whimper because it feels so good
After you two mate, your heat cycles take a sexual form as well. When Neteyam goes through his heat (rut), he is ruthless dom, animalistic almost, quick, deep thrusts, degradation and overstimulation are not unknown during this time
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pixelchills · 1 year
Regardless of what you decide to for MDD I do look forward to seeing it. I’m a bit hesitant about the Sun and Solar thing specifically because they currently have a sibling thing going on Solar’s half(Sun doesn’t I don’t think but still a bit iffy) but if it goes in that direction as long as it doesn’t jump directly from sibling to love interest I’m fine with it.
I am however VERY interested in seeing Solar and Moon have any dynamic with each other at all since if I recall correctly they’ve only met briefly in ANSSW and haven’t met at all in MDD. I do think that Moon probably has more understanding of what Solar is going through from the get-go given that he also has similar trauma but won’t necessarily be inclined to want his company, if that makes sense. If they do form a close friendship I think it would be nice to see them comfort each other
Either way I hope Solar gets his place in the snuggle pile too, wether that be platonic or otherwise…Though he’ll probably have to improve his smell before they let him
I'm completely on the same road with you, and tbh, exploring Solar's personality a bit more and deeper, it would actually make more sense to have him keep the sibling-type relationship with Sun.
I've never explained this too much, but part of Solar's character has also always been the fact he refuses to be less than humans (at least in the ANSSW universe). This would mean he wouldn't be easily settled with another mutant into a romantic relationship.
But again, because he is so distant in ANSSW, I haven't fully developed his character either. Sometimes things change along the way.
In any case, Solar and Sun's bond is going to start off more of a forced cared and caregiver type of thing.
Solar has long gone lost his trust to humans, and tries to keep his distance from them, even the children he looks after. But being a caretaker is so heavily in his veins he just needs to get that out somehow. And Sunrise happens to be there to fill that role for him.
Whatever way I end up chasing after, I'm not gonna change from sibling to romantic, because that's not what I accept to write. Either they go down the sibling road and stay on it, or they stay simply platonic co-dependant friends until things start moving forward.
Tbh I am also very keen to write Moon and Solar's relationship and dynamic, because it clearly points towards a good old rivals to friends/lovers type of thing and I've already figured the "turning point" where Moon realises despite Solar's teasing and snarky nature, he genuinely cares about Sun (and Moon, because he knows how important Moon is to Sun).
I'm trying to come up to a conclusion within the next couple of chapters on Solar and Sun, before the time skip happens.
I feel like the sibling dynamic would give me more ways to write humour (because hey, your siblings are so annoying and can do stupid shit but you still love them), while the romantic route would give me a chance to write a bit more feelings and drama and confusion and romantic fluff, but tbh, I have many other chances to do that too :D And since ANSSW is already quite dramatic, maybe a more humorous approach wouldn't be so bad...
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baura-bear · 1 year
I need stray and specs relative hcs
I love them both sm :') they made uksies such an amazing experience
I think Specs is the older sibling but they're quite close in age (like 1-2 year age difference). They've both always been pretty laid back because they quickly realized that as long as they had each other everything would be fine.
I don't have any specific hcs about their home life or where they lived before becoming newsies, but I think they ran away because it wasn't a great situation to be living in. They were pretty young and Specs was very very protective of her initially because of his status as older brother and the "men have to be strong and protect women" societal norm. They were both very self sufficient and didn't need to rely on each other but Specs was still very protective. He would braid her hair to keep it from getting snagged or grabbed while they were living on the street. He always was very calm even when he was scared because he never wanted to worry her. Pretty quickly they found joined the Manhattan newsies where Specs' older brother role extended to the rest of the newsies. He sees a lot of the younger boys as younger brothers and treats them as so, always happy to help with anything!
Stray sold with Manhattan for a little bit until her and Specs met Spot on a trip to Brooklyn. They were probably there visiting Coney Island or a visiting circus, something fun to do after a long day of selling. Specs was being an Annoying Older Sibling and Spot ended up seeing it. Initially she didn't realize they were siblings so she comes over ready to beat this shit out of Specs so Stray has to be like "Please don't kill my brother" From there on out Spot and Stray become friends and slowly Stray is spending more and more time in Brooklyn until she's an official Brooklyn girlsie! Specs was actually very hesitant about "letting" her switch over to Brooklyn because he still felt like he needed to protect her and she just had to be like "I'm old enough to take care of myself and make my own decisions. You've done so much for me but this is what I want and ultimately you don't have a say" and Specs is like "Ok slay, have fun bestie" (Plus Manhattan is a bit of a boys club and Stray could not stand the STENCH that wafted from boys during the summer) She stops braiding her hair when she moves to Brooklyn it's sort of a symbol of the safety and freedom she finds with the Brooklyn newsies.
Of course they both still visit each other! It was less often before the strike but afterwards after the union is formed the boroughs all start communicating more with each other and it gives Specs and Stray more chances to see each other. Specs will braid her hair while they catch up or Stray will bring an new animal over to Manhattan that she "adopted" that week (one week she finds a teeny puppy and the boys all go absolutely wild)
(I have no clue if Imogen or Sam have spoken on either of their backstories so if anything doesn't align with what they've said please forgive me)
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serenity-songbird · 2 years
It's been quite a while.
I'm sorry for the sudden disappearance with no communication.
Truth is...I've been through a lot...For so long I have been trying to bury my past...to the point it become too much to Handle.
So...I have decided that I will tell you the story of Serenity Songbird.
It's not just for the sake of my mental health. It is also for the hope that you may read this and learn that sometimes...you have to face your fears if you want the pain to stop.
By the trigger warnings, you will most likely know the issues already.
FYI. You don't have to read. This is mainly for me to get out all my frustrations, fears, and sorrows.
Below contain triggering topics like: Rape, Attempted Suicide, Self Harm, Child Abuse & Neglect, Bullying PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression.
If any of these topics bother you. Stop reading.
This is mainly an Autobiography to lift the load of my chest and aid in my recovery.
Beware. This is going to be long...
My name is Serenity Song.
I have been described by people who me know as:
Weird (But in a good way)
And definitely a doormat..
I grew up in the suburbs. Nice neighborhood. Great neighbors and long time friends. I have 2 parents who love me and 2 brothers who, definitely could be annoying at times, but of course we loved each other in our own sibling way.
For the first 12 years..I was happy. Sure it had it's ups and downs with my parents having arguments every other day. Being punished and beat for the stupid things we all do as children.
It wasn't so bad...Except for the fact that I was constantly bullied and told how much of an ugly freak I was. So I definitely didn't have self esteem back then.
But I managed to endure it...After all...
Kids are cruel and if you are being bullied, it's your fault. So. Just. Be. Normal. "It's not a big deal."
*Well...there's trauma number 1.*
Because bullying is never okay. It shouldn't be normalized. And yes. It. Is. Traumatic. And it is NOT. Your. Fault.
Then, I turned 13 close to the end of my 8th year in middle school. The bullying stopped. I was so happy. Not only that but was I going to be a high schooler schooler soon! And I was to go into it with a boyfriend!
**Introducing trauma number 2.**
I was excited......But I couldn't enjoy it for long because my life went down into flames.
My very first boyfriend left me for my best friend. He broke up with me over text...on Christmas Eve...the day. Before. My. Birthday.
I found out after winter break. My friends, who were hesitant to tell me, said they were dating.
I felt so insecure and hurt that I confessed not to one but 2 of my closest friends. Not out of love, but desperation. But I didn't know that at the time.
That hurt. He not only got over me so easily, but I found out she confessed to him after we started dating and got together immediately after breaking up. Yet, because of the fact that I had very few friends to begin with, I didn't say anything. I just smiled and congratulated them. Because we are Best Friends...
Yeah right.
The first one, lasted two weeks. I just realized I didn't have feeling for him. We stayed friends, but I felt like a piece of shit.
The second one, lasted two and a half years. It was the biggest mistake I ever made.
Long story short...At 13 years old, I was raped by the boy I thought I loved. And despite the pain and fear, he manipulated me into thinking I wanted it. I didn't. But his snake-like whisper echoed in my mind...
"You are my girlfriend. That means you HAVE TO have sex with me. That's what girlfriends do. Now get dressed. My mom will be here soon."
***Trauma number 3.***
And he left without another word. And it happened again and again...to the point where I felt numb.
He didn't just abuse me sexually, but emotionally. He would constantly belittle me, ridicule me, and he separated me from my friends.
My friends tried to tell me something wasn't right with him...I didn't listen because I thought that I was in love...
How wrong I was...
And if that wasn't enough...at the exact same time, my Mami cheated on my Papi with 5 men. And he moved out to live with my Titi (aunt) until he could get his life back together.
I didn't know at the time what she did, I only found out months later. All I knew was that they got into a fight and got divorced.
******And so trauma number 4, 5, & 6 begin.******
He gave the house...and us....to my mother. Because he loved her and he didn't want to suddenly uproot the lives of his children and take them away from friends...
I wish he took us with him. I'd rather move to a whole other city than to endure the things my mother did to us...And what my boyfriend did to me.
Now...Don't get me wrong. Unlike some divorces, my Papi didn't completely abandon us. He'd visit. We'd sleep over at his temporary home every 2 weeks. We spent holidays and birthdays together still. And he didn't show any negative emotion towards my mother for our sake.
But I knew he was hurting. No matter how hard he tried to hide it.
The problem with my Mami was...she was in a deep depression. She had tried to kill herself. She would lay on her bed crying for hours while my 10 year old brother and I could hear from downstairs.
Then she started leaving us alone.
Everyday she went out to party and got drunk with friends. She would bring strange men home and we could hear them having sex. Which was gross. 🤢🤢🤢
Who the hell were these men?
It got so bad, I told my brother to lock the door everytime he was in there. Unfortunately, my lock didn't work, so I hid a knife under my bed for protection.
Then she would leave for days on end. Never came home. Which means she never went grocery shopping.
My brother and I scavenged for food...But we ran low.
I was now the caretaker of my brother. I bought his food with my birthday money. I did our laundry. I would take him outside with me to play games when my mother was...doing her business. Covered his ears. Said it was okay.
There was this one day that has haunted me for years...it still does.
One day, I went to check up on her. I didn't know what to say or do to make her feel better. How could I? I was just a kid.
"It's YOUR FAULT I am feeling like this. You're my daughter so you have to make me feel better. You're so WORTHLESS. You father is gone because you didn't stop him from leaving."
Worthless? MY fault?
Ever since then...I feel like every problem I encounter IS my fault. Even when it clearly isn't.
At the time I was afraid to tell my Papi..If I said anything Mami would go to jail. They'll take me and my younger brother away. I wished that my older brother didn't go to the army so he could help. He always know what to do. But we didn't have him at the time.
I wish I told my Papi...If I did...I wouldn't be so...messed up.
Then Mami invited a stranger into the house, but this time...he didn't leave. After 6 months of weeping and the finalized divorce papers, my Mami got engaged and married to one of the men she cheated on my Papi with...
I hated them.
I resented them.
Even know...I still can't get over this resentment for all the things that women put us through.
But when she married my Step-dad, things got better...
Mami was happy again. And Papi got an apartment and was in a happy relationship. (Though they didn't get married right away like my Mami did. And it took a lot more time for him to move on).
He cooked. He cleaned. He...took care of us and never layed a hand on us. He made us laugh.
At the time, I was quite the poet and singer. He'd listen to all my songs and poems. He was kind and involved himself in our lives and after school activities.
Eventually, I grew to love my Step-dad and now I have 2 Papi's and 2 Mami's. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
And then...my boyfriend's mother found out about what me and him were doing behind closed doors and told my parents.
We got in trouble. Grounded for the entire summer and not allowed to see each other. I got yelled at...I blamed myself. It was MY FAULT. I DESERVE THIS.
I told them it was consented. I defended him. Because I loved him.
My step dad marched into his house to yell at him...
That was embarrassing...Especially when he yelled, "HOW DARE YOU F*** MY DAUGHTER IN THE ***!"
I was mortified. He shouldn't have said that.
(I didn't tell them about the abuse until I was 21. I could see the regret, anger, and concern in their eyes...My mom had to hold my step-dad from hurting him...)
I was severely depressed over the summer. My mom gave me her antidepressants to help...I nearly overdosed because she didn't know that while the dosage was perfect for her, it was too much for me. My step-dad was pissed when he found out. She didn't give them to me anymore.
After the summer break, we saw each other again...And we were still together... But he was different...Crueler...Meaner.
Yet...I stayed. Because I loved him.
I was now constantly anxious that I did something wrong. I started to cut my arms. I tried to kill myself with a scarf only to fail.
"I've changed."
His abuse got worse and worse until I couldn't take it anymore. We broke up.
Then got back together a week later after he manipulated me.
He didn't.
I didn't last long. I officially broke up with my abusive boyfriend forever.
I was finally free.
I should be happy...
"Why am I not happy?"
In order to be happy. I had to forget. I'm not suffering anymore.
Just. Forget. About. It.
So I dug down to the deepest, darkest place in my head.
I covered it.
I chained it.
I locked it up and threw away the key.
As the years went by I suffered more bad luck.
From one toxic relationship to the other.
*I lost count of the trauma I endured.*
I was desperate for love. I wanted to feel like my body was mine and nobody else's. So I had to prove it by doing, what I convinced myself, I wanted.
More painful memories were added to the pile...
But soon...there was no more room.
And the past started to leak out.
I woke up, sweating and choking on air. Trying to control my breathing, but my chest felt like it was constricted.
Memories I tried to forget flashed into my mind.
I started to see things...hear things. But nothing was there.
There were moments where I was no longer in my house, but back in my childhood home relieving my worst nightmares.
Than one day...I snapped.
Just 2 months ago, I nearly drove my car off a bridge.
That's when I knew I needed help...Not just for my sake, but my husband's.
I didn't even realize what I was doing until my car hit the curb making the car jump. I snapped out of it and swerved.
I rushed home and I cover the entire top half of my arms with razor scratches and watched the blood drip down into the sink.
I just can't live like this anymore...
Then my husband saw my arms and he cried for me and held me close.
Truthfully, if it wasn't for him...I would have done it. I would not be here now if it wasn't for his support and love for the past 3 and a half years we've been together.
I was admitted into the hospital with constant supervision.
I was diagnosed with PTSD...
Not only that but my body suffers from illness as well. From my brain, to my heart, lungs, liver, immune system, and GI system. All due to weight gain and unhealthy lifestyle from my eating disorder.
It sucks...It really really sucks. I am so fortunate to be blessed with a loving and supportive family as well as an understanding boss and coworkers. Not a lot of people can say that.
I'm still recovering, but I've started seeing Doctors for all my issues. I see my therapist and psychiatrist regularly. The meds help a lot as well.
I'm recovering slowly. But I know it's going to take a long time before I can say that I'm healed. Could be years for all I know. But I'm so tired of feeling like this. I'm trying to help myself.
Thank you all for the messages to check up on me and your kind words of encouragement. I am thankful to have understanding and caring followers. I love each and everyone of you.
If y'all ever need an ear to listen to listen and a shoulder to cry on. You can always shoot me a message.
I'm here for you.
And thank you for reading.
~Here's your daily dose of love~
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